Chia-Yu,Yeh_Design Portfolio_2018

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Content 01

Curriculum Vitae






Product Design




Internet of Things


Interactive Design


Application of Kinetic Geometry Structure


Future Concept



Product Sketch



Commercial Design




01 Curriculum Viate



Chia-Yu, Yeh

Taipei, Taiwan 1993/04/07, 25 years old



2017-2018 Delft University of Technology -Design for Interaction ( Master ) 2015-2017, 2018-2019 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology -Department of Industrial and Commercial Design ( Master ) 2011-2015 National Taipei University of Technology -Department of Industrial Design ( Bachelor ) 2008-2011 National Changhua Girl Senior High School -General Education




Graduate School of Industrial and Commercial Design Student Association Vice President of Student Association (2016/08-Present)


2015 YODEX of College of Design, Taipei Tech General Coordinator of 2015 YODEX of College of Design, Taipei Tech


Taiwan Ministry of foreign Affairs – Taiwan Youth Ambassadors Youth Ambassadors – Belize Team


Creative Design of Undergraduate Program Student Association President of Student Association


Shadow Magic Club in National Changhua Girl Senior High School President of Shadow Magic Club

Intern Experience


Commercial Design Project ( NTUT ) (2013/09-present, 4 and a half years)


Student Cooperation Design ( IKRC ) (1 year, 2014/04-2015/06)


Design x Technology = Dechnology Project ( ITRI & CIDS ) Accessories 3D Model Project ( HWAT'S - VOSHAS ) Industrial Design Intern (NDD Design Taipei) Future Store / Future Travel Project (ITRI) Industrial Design Intern (Yali Ceramics Company Ltd.)


Design Award


Liton Award – Finalist


Red Dot Award : Concept Design – Best of the best Red Dot Award : Concept Design – Winner GIGABITY GREAT DESIGN – Gold Award Y.S. Award – Rematch Jabil Green Point Creative Design Award – Silver Award Taiwan International Student Design Competition – Finalist Taiwan Ministry of Education – Outstanding Technical and Vocational Education Award


Uneec Applied Award – Copper Award ZIJIN Award Culture Creative Design Competition – Silver Award Young Golden Pin Design Award, Product Design – Finalist Young Golden Pin Sponsor Award, Product Design – Finalist GIGABITY GREAT DESIGN – Silver Award GIGABITY GREAT DESIGN – Best Marketing Award


Electrolux Design Lab – Top75+ International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability – ORAL Paper ITRI Dechnology Project – Finalist ITRI Dechnology Project – Finalist SIGMU Creative and Smart Design Award – Best Interface Design Award


Creative Design Competition - Excellent Works


Exhibitions /Workshops


ADA Design Workshop (South Korea) Study in TU Delft (Netherlands) Flight Case (Brazil) DfI Trip (Milan, Italy) Cases on Tour (Netherlands)


Paper Modelling XL Workshop


MOE Scholarship Program Workshop OPEN HCI Workshop - Design Teaching Assistant


Young Designer Training Plan Workshop Soogshan Culture and Creative Park Joint Exhibition Participate YODEX Exhibition Participate


Chinese Native English Advanced IELTS Overall 6.5 TOEIC 810 Taiwanese Native


2D softwares Photoshop / Illustrator / Indesign / Lightroom / CorelDraw / Sketchbook 3D softwares Rhinoceros / Keyshot / Pro Engineer Others Premiere / After Effects



02 Biographic


Hi, I am Chia-Yu, Yeh. I am Chia-Yu,Yeh from Taiwan. Both of my bachelor and master degree focus on industrial design.

I am enthusiastic about gaining new trends, getting inspiring ideas ever y day and joining several kinds of activities, such as attending design workshops, design exhibition, and design competitions. Besides, being the president of the student associations and being youth ambassador in Belize also broaden my horizon a lot.

In my student life, I am a challenge lover and like to step out my comfor t zone to learn more. During my international studying experience in the Netherlands, I learned lots of skill of collaborating with people from different backgrounds, so I plan to work in the international working environment and wish myself create new ideas for whole the world.


My enthusiasm for product design To me, designing is not just to design product with the most fashionable appearance, it is to explore users’ real needs and finally create people-oriented products. In order to design the most useful products, we have to appropriately integrate the latest trend of technology, such as Internet of Things, into design in order to catch up with the currently smart society. I n a d d i t i o n , I ’m a l s o e n t h u s i a s t i c a b o u t application of k inetic geometr y structures and bionic structures on innovative products. Af ter numerous tests of draf t models and experiments, I was able to produce new and practical transformation structure, and create new and interesting design to improve interac tion bet ween the produc t and the user.


My Design Specialization

User Research

Data Analysis



Prototype Making

3D Model

Moreover, I am so confident with my general design skill. I am good at digital visualization, sketching, mak ing prototypes and build detailed 3D models for production as well. I enjoy making prototypes to test the usability to explore more possibilities to product design. B esides, user research is also my favor ite design p ro cess and I enjoy analy z ing t he results from design research to apply valuable insights into design.


My design award experience I participated in many international

injection and testing process and reduce pain

competitions. In 2016, my design works

for patients. It also allows them to live a more

created with my par tners and I won the

pleasant life.

award. One of the design work, Circle Life, has won Red Dot Award Concept Design - Best of

Circle Life inspires my interest in design of

the Best Award. It was not a class project. We

h e a l t h c a r e p r o d u c t s. D u r i n g t h e d e s i g n

took the initiative in the classroom and spent

p ro ce s s, we s p e n t a l o t o f t i m e s t u d y i n g

much more time designing the concept of

diabetes, inter viewing the patients and

medical products.

nurses, and deeply research into the latest a p p l i c a t i o n s o f m e d i c a l t e c h n o l o g y. We

Circle Life is a smar t wearable device for

integrated Internet of Things into our

diabetes patients that combines the latest

concept and came up with Circle Life which is

technologies, including insulin patches with

the most suitable smart wearable device for

micro-needles and a non-invasive low current

patients suffering from diabetes.

blood glucose sensor. It helps simplify the


the Netherlands South Korea Italy

Taiwan Belize


Inspiration from my international experience During these years, I have done several

In addition to the hard-working attitude in

shor t-term design projec ts with clients in

designing projects, I also like to participate

the Netherlands, I taly, and Brazil. Several

in various extracurricular activities such

weeks ago, I went to South Korea to attend

as attending clubs and associations. I wish

a stduent design workshop and collaborate

to have more oppor tunities to learn more

with Japanese students and Korean student

about social issues through these activities.

to finish a design proposal of industrial

Rich extracurricular experiences broaden my

design for Daegu, South Korea. I extremely

horizons, and train my mature obser vation

love doing the practical design cases with

on people. Leadership experience enables

different topics and enjoy working with

m e to b e m o re i ndep endent and go o d at

people from different culture backgrounds.


17 H e n c e , i n 2 0 1 3 , I b e c a m e t h e Yo u t h

Last but not the least, I also attended several

A m b a s s a d o r s t o g o t o B e l i z e fo r c u l t u r a l

student associations in Taiwan and hold lots

exchange. During the period, I understood

of design events and exhibitions for students.

t h e i m p o r t a n ce o f c u l t u re s, s o I c a m e u p

With my rich experience like this, I am able

w i t h i d e a s to p ro m o te Ta i wa n e s e c u l t u re

to manage design projects and lead design

through design. Experience in extracurricular

teams easilier than before.

ac tivities not only helps me to become a better leader, but also expand by vision of

M y nex t p lan fo r m e is to go to G er m any

the world.

to f u l f i l l 3 - m o nt h i nte r n a n d d e ve l o p my te a mwo r k s k i l l a n d e n h a n ce my p ra c t i c a l deisgn ability.

2018 International Student Design Workshop in South Korea 2017-2018 Study in TU Delft n the Netherlands 2018 TU Delft Flight Case in Brazil 2018 TU Delft DfI Design Trip in Milan, Italy 2018 Cases on Tour in the Netherlands 2013 Taiwan Youth Ambassadors - Belize Team 2015 General Coordinator in 2015 Young designer exhibition of Department of Design, Taipei Tech 2016-2017 Vice President of Student Association in Department of Design Student Association, Taiwan Tech 2012-2013 President of Student Association in Creative Design of Undergraduate Program Student Association, Taipei Tech


Experience 2017-2018 Study in TU Delft I got the scholarship from SPOSAD programe to study Design for Interaction in TU Delft, the Netherlands. During this whole year, I learned lots of sk ills about design research and design thinking and also got much experience of the international teamwork.



Experience 2018 ADA Design Workshop (South Korea) ADA Design Workshop is host by the industrial design a s s o c i at i o n s o f Ta i wa n , J a p a n a n d S o u t h K o re a . O u r assignment of this year is to contribute design proposals for Daegu, South Korea. During the experience, I gain more skills on communication and collaboration with students from different culture backgrounds.



Experience 2018 TU Delft Flight Case in Brazil

Flight Case is an international design ac tivit y which offer students the possibility to experience Brazil, on a business as well as on a cultural level, in order to stimulate future internships, graduation projects and careers with companies. At Flight Case of this year, we worked with five Brazilan companies such as Tigre, itau, Mondelez, Klabin, OLX.



Experience 2018 TU Delft DfI Design Trip in Milan, Italy

DfI Design Trip is an international design activity host by TU Delft student association. During the 7-day design trip in Milan, we collaborated with two design studios (IxD and Creanova ) to come up with several concepts to finish two projects. I addition, we also visited Milan Design Week, Frog design in Milan and Politecnico Di Milano.



Experience 2018 Cases on Tour in the Netherlands

Cases on Tour is a design activity in the Netherlands with 27 design master students. The design projects cover service design, product design, UI design and business model. We collaborate with Rabobank which is the third biggest bank in NL and Rotterdam the Hauge Airpor t, Slimste weg van Nederland and OCS+ Steelcase.



Experience 2015 YODEX of College of Design, Taipei Tech General Coordinator of 2015 YODEX of College of Design, Taipei Tech Being the coordinator of the design exhibition of my college and leading a team to prepare the exhibition are meaningful for me. During the whole year preparation, my team and I set up the schedule and had numerous meeting in order to make the exhibition successful.



Experience 2013 Taiwan Youth Ambassadors Youth Ambassadors – Belize Team Being a Taiwan youth ambassador is the valuable period of my student life. I not only learn how to share Taiwan culture with foreigners and also understand how special my own country culture is.



Experience 2016-2017 Vice President of Student Association in Department of Design Student Association, Taiwan Tech I was the vice president of the student association of my graduate school. I'm enthusiastic to be a leader and I believe that I am able to learn valuable skills that how do I cooperate with people and how do I lead an organization with confidence.



Experience 2012-2013 President of Student Association in Creative Design of Undergraduate Program Student Association, Taipei Tech As the president of the student association of my department, my team and I organize several design events and activities for students. At the same time, we hold a special design week in the college to promote our design department.




03 Product Design





Excelscope is a smart malaria diagnosis device for lower and middle-income countries. It could capture magnified images of a blood smear to analyze Malaria and provide a remote or automated diagnosis immediately. Moreover, the redesign of user-inter face provides the better experience of diagnosis for patients.


Type Designer

Team work Chia-Yu Yeh Salvatore L. Cucinella Yvonne Licher Laura Schrauwen Etse Tseli

Personal Contribution Date

Issue research, Problem definition, User Interview, Technology research, User Test, Sketch, Model, Prototyping, Video 2018


Research Phase


P. ovale





Malaria Malaria is a serious and sometimes life -threatening tropical disease that spreads through parasites. The disease is caused by protozoan parasites that infect a certain type of mosquito which feeds on humans. People can get malaria by being bitten by the female anopheles mosquito, which infects the body with plasmodium.

- Fever Symptoms of

Central - Headache

- Dry cough Spleen - Enlargement Stomach - Nausea Muscular




Nigeria In Nigeria, over 90% of the population is at risk of malaria infection, of which 60% is visiting the polyclinics in Nigerian healthcare facilities. Nigerian people’s attitude towards healthcare are shortterm focussed and they prefer to tr y self-medication first due to expensive medical care and the lack of trust in test results.


Target Group Pharmacist in Nigeria ​T h e E x c e l s c o p e i s u s e d f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f r e a c h i n g a l o t o f p e o p l e w h o n e e d a te s t. We fo u n d t h at m o s t p e o p l e do not have easy access to doctors, laborator y scientists, and nurses. When people get ill, they have more easily a c c e s s t o a P M V, a p h a r m a c i s t o r a m e d i c a l v o l u n t e e r. Eventually, it was decided to choose the community pharmacists as the main user of the Excelscope, as they are easily reachable, are focused on health (instead of money only) and have some medical knowledge.




Excelscope is a smart malaria diagnosis device, which can be used in lower and middle-income countries. The use of a smartphone makes the device not only cheaper than its competitors.




Problem Definition These problems can be split up in two categories: 1. Problems with the embodiment 2. Problems with the user interface O n e o f t h e m o s t i m p o r t a nt p ro b l e m s wa s t h at t h e vocabulary was difficult to understand. Also, information about the type and quantity of medication was missing. Next to this, there is no indication of steps that still have to be taken, which makes it hard to indicate what time it will take to finish the diagnosis.



Design Goal "

"Our design goal is to make pharmacists in Nigeria use the Excelscope for diagnosing malaria effectively with a feeling of confidence, and thus increasing the patient's trust in the procedure."



Redesign Phase Funscope


The Funscope is a playful approach to the

The Humanscope is a mo


the Excelscope.

The embodiment is a Game Boy look-a-like with

The embodiment include

several buttons on it. The user interface mainly

pharmacist and one for t

uses icons and bright colors to communicate

designed to keep the pa

with the user; almost all information was visually

The user interface uses i


to communicate with the


ore serious and medical approach for


Sciencescope The Sciencescope is the most serious and scientific redesign of the Excelscope.

es two screens: One for the

The embodiment is bulky and includes one rotational

the patient. The second screen was

button. Moreover, it contains a system that can print a

atient involved.


icons as well as medical terminology

The user interface mainly uses words and medical

e pharmacist and patient

terminology to communicate with the pharmacist.



User Test 1 To examine which features of each redesign concept were most promising, elaborate user tests were conducted. In these tests, users compared the three redesign concepts in terms of embodiment, user interface, and experience.


Conclusion from user test 1 ​T he participants felt most confident and trustworthy with the Sciencescope and the Humanscope, a relation between medical appearance and trustworthiness/ confidence can be derived. Aspects that turned out to increase the ease of use and efficiency of the Excelscope were the implementation of a timeline, stating an indication of the processing time, and clearly visualization. Finally, it was observed that patient involvement is important for both the pharmacist and patient participants.



Redesign Proposal the UI concept of the first redesign proposal is extended by recommendations of the company and additional research by the team. Then, the redesign concept is discussed on the three main elements: the embodiment, user interface, and brochure. Furthermore, the final prototype for the second user test will be explained and limitations will be discussed. The section ends with a short explanation of the second usage inspection.


The Embodiment The final proposal consists of three new components and the redesign of some existing parts. The new components are a control button, an on/off button, and speaker hole.



01. The Shape Embodiment C showed a high degree of manageability and easy grip. The soft, round shape gave the device a friendly appearance. The final embodiment is a combination of shape C and the flat surfaces on the bottom of A and B, because shape C was a bit wobbly when it was placed on the table.

02. The Button The final design of the control button is 30 mm wide and 15 mm high. It had a rounded edge on top, and it includes grooves to improve grip.



03. The On/Off Button

04. The Adapter

The on/off button is placed on the right side

The new adapter will be smaller and less

of the device and matches the position of the

evident; the shape of the handle gives the user

on/off button of the phone.

easy access to the adapter when they have to push and drag it out of the device.


The User Interface The final proposal consists of three new components and the redesign of some existing parts. The new components are a control button, an on/off button, and speaker hole.

01. The Apperance The proposal for the inter face presents a more medical and technical appearance. The following colors were used as the basis for the user interface:



02. The Summarized Characteristics of The User Interface Three essential functions (‘back’, ‘home’, and ‘help’) navigate through the user interface easily. -Furthermore, a progress bar indicating the current stage of the process is implemented. -Moreover, icons to support certain actions were included. -A result screen shows detailed information about the disease: malaria positive/negative, the type of malaria, the amount of parasites, and the severity are indicated. -The severity is communicated by means of the ‘plus system’, a well-know method in the medical world to indicate the parasites per single thick film field (HPF)


The Brochure It is appreciated by patients to receive something informative after their malaria diagnosis. To them, it serves as a reminder on how to take their medicines. I t was decided to go for a physical as well as a d i gi t a l b ro c h u re, a s t h e re s u l t s h a r i n g m e t h o d depends on the preferences of the patient.




Prototype it is appreciated by patients to receive something informative after their malaria diagnosis. To them, it serves as a reminder on how to take their medicines. It was decided to go for a physical as well as a digital brochure, as the result sharing method depends on the preferences of the patient.




User Test 2 To evaluate the final redesign of the Excelscope, three different types of user tests were conducted: user tests performed in the Netherlands, user tests conducted through the internet, and user tests conducted in Nigeria.

TEST IN THE NETHERLANDS The user tests in the Netherlands were conducted by the team in person. These results were leading in the analysis of the Excelscope.

QUESTIONNAIRE IN NIGERIA To be able to collect more (contextual) insights from Nigerian people about the redesigned Excelscope and the brochure, a questionnaire was made in Google Forms and send to four Nigerian people.

TEST IN NIGERIA Besides the tests conducted in the Netherlands and through a questionnaire, the team got the oppor tunit y to test the protot ype with re a l p h a r m a c i s t s i n N i g e r i a . Th e te s t s we re conducted by G Young Van, a junior researcher at the TU Delft, who is working on the Excelscope project together with professor J.C. Diehl. The study in Nigeria aimed to investigate confidence in the device, usabilit y, and the value of the brochure.



COMBINED CONCLUSION Regarding the confidence of the pharmacist, generally the pharmacists felt confident in using the device. Although, capturing the image made several participant feel insecure. A similar result came from the patient test, as this phase was trusted less. Having an additional physical brochure to communicate the result was highly valued by all participants in the different user tests. However, some elements still involved some difficulties for the user and should therefore be taken into account while making a new redesign. In conclusion, the redesign of the Excelscope worked well in terms of usability, confidence, trust, and communication with the patient.


Circle Life is a smart wearable device for diabetes patients that integrates the latest technologies, including insulin patches with micro-needles and a non-invasive blood glucose sensor. This wristband device simplifies the measuring process and reduces pain while injection. With this device, patients can easily record and manage their health through the app. Circle Life gives them a pleasant life.

Circle Life


Team work


Chia-Yu, Yeh Yi-Xiang, Lin


Issue research, Problem definition, User Interview,

Contribution Award


Technology research, Sketch, Model, Presentation, Video 2016 Red Dot Award:Best of the Best 2015 ZIJIN Award Culture Creative Design Competition – Silver Award 2015 Young Golden Pin Design Award, Product Design – Finalist 2015 Young Golden Pin Sponsor Award, Product Design – Finalist 2015 GIGABITY GREAT DESIGN – Silver Award 2015 GIGABITY GREAT DESIGN – Best Marketing Award 2015 Y.S. Award - Rematch




Diabetes Background There are 350 million people with diabetes in the world, and the number is estimated to reach 590 million in the next 20 years. To control blood sugar level, these patients need to use various medical tools and bear the pain while injection.

Circle Life


...... Problem My team and I found out that patients with diabetes have to use many different devices to keep track of their illness such as: blood glucose meters, glucose test strips, blood lancets, insulin shots, Insulin needles, etc. In addition, to maintain their blood sugar at normal level, they have to bear the pain of taking blood samples and receive injections from time to time. Blood





Skecth Process We tried a variety of design to make the prototypes and test the feasibility.

Circle Life



Design Features

Detection Non - invasive bloodglucose sensor

Injection Microneedle insulin injections without pain

Management Health management with mobile devices

Circle Life

How to use

06:0 0 Insuli n

Pressing You r Health Life !


Use alarms as reminders


Touch the sensor to


Take an insulin patch


Push the patch to inject

detect blood glucose

the insulin



Internet of Things Circle Life connects the smart device with the Internet to help users detect their blood glucose level instantaneously, hence enable users to keep track and manage their health easily. Sign in



Set Alarm

Circle Life

Interaction System The data gathered by the device is automatically uploaded to the cloud, where it can be accessed by the patient, their doctors and their family. Take care

Family User


Telemedicine / Medical database

Benefits The device simplifies the processes of detecting blood glucose level and receiving insulin injections.





Product Details

Insulin Box

Insulin Patch

Status Light Normal Warning

Glucose Detection Sensor

Bluetooth & Motion Sensor

Circle Life

Wireless Charging Stand Circle Life charges wirelessly. The charging stand also serves as a box for user to store insulin patches.

World Daibets Logo

Circle Life We combined the universal symbol for diabetes, a blue circle, with the oriental notion of the circle being associated with prosperity and luck. The symbol perfectly represents our intention with this project: help patients enjoy more pleasant lives by using Circle life.





Circle Life

Non - invasive blood-glucose sensor with low currents Using low current to detect more correct blood - glucose. While using, low currents will convert NaCl of hypoderm into glucose.




low currents


Electrical Panel






Put your finger on the metal sensor.


And then, low currents will convert NaCl of hypoderm into glucose.

Circle Life


Circle Life

Microneedle It transfers the traditional needle into 361 microneedles and the diameter of a microneedle is about 0.001mm. Push inslin patch ,and then the inslin is then released inside of skin. The depth of injection is safe and never hurt skin and nerves. When getting a shot, you don’t feel painful and never bleed.


Put insulin patch on skin.


Push insulin patch, then insulin is released in to skin.



Prototype Process We c o n d u c t e d m a ny t r i a l a n d e r r o r t o t e s t t h e usability of my design. Eventually, we designed the 1:1 silicon wristband.

Circle Life



Asthma Caregiver The Best Care For You A s t h m a C a re g i ve r p ro v i d e s c a re fo r u s e r s s u f fe r i n g f ro m a s t h m a . B y integrating with Internet of Things, this product can provide instant care. The smar t asthma inhaler contains medicine. The device has a built-in emergency system. when triggered, the device will contact the nearest hospital to ask for help. When coming back home, users can refill the asthma inhaler with medicine by placing the inhaler into the Asthma Caregiver. Asthma Caregiver is set next to the users’ bed. If asthma attack occurs at night, users can push the emergency button to call for help. On the other hand, it can control indoor air quality. It not only purifies the air, but also connects with the air conditioner to create a safer environment for users.


Team work


Chia-Yu, Yeh Yi-Xiang, Lin Chiao-Chun, Ni Hung,Lin Chieh-Fu, Chan


Issue reasearch, Probelm definition, User obervation, Concept,

Contribution Award Date

Sketch, Model test, Video 2016 SIGMU Design Competiotion - Golden Award 2016

Asthma Caregiver



Background According to the World Health Organization, there are about 300 million people suffering from asthma, and the number is expected to increase threefold in the next 10 years. In Taiwan, there are about 2 million people suffering from asthma, which means one out of 12 people has the illness.

300 Millions people suffering from asthma


Asthma Caregiver


Problems The death rate of having a severe asthma attack is up to 30 percent. Without immediate treatment, patients may lose consciousness which may led to death. Asthma might be triggered by outdoor allergens or air pollution. At night, cold air might cause irritation to bronchus and result in asthma attack.


H o w e v e r, a ny p r o d u c t o n t h e m a r k e t couldn’t meet their daily needs.



Asthma Caregiver




Design Requirements We hope those who suffers from asthma can obtain instantaneous help, hence, we came up with Asthma Caregiver. This product has three main features.


First is the air purifier which cleans air and provide


Second, Asthma Caregiver is connected with the intelligent


Last but not least, Asthma Caregiver is linked with the internet

information on outdoor air quality.

asthma inhaler.

of things which records and stores data online.

Asthma Caregiver

Design Feature

Air Purifier

Intelligent Asthma Inhaler

Internet of Things



Skecth Process After researching the problems encountered by asthma patients, we star ted sketching various design.

Asthma Caregiver



Prototype Process After reaching a final decision of the design, we tried to make 1:1 prototypes to test the usability.

Asthma Caregiver



How to work

Air Purifier As t h m a Ca re gi ve r f i l te r s a i r to e n s u re h e a l t hy environment for users. The bottom of the product is the filter, while the top part of the device is the filter screen and the outlet for clean air.

Emergency Rescue Home System The red button of Asthma Caregiver triggers the emergency rescue system. In addition, most of the asthma attacks happen at night, so Asthma Caregiver is hung on the wall near users’ bed for convenience.

Asthma Caregiver

Asthma Inhaler Users can carry the portable intelligent asthma inhaler and use it immediately during asthma attacks.

Emergency Rescues System When the sensor in the inhaler detects that the status of the user is still worsening, it will trigger the emergency system and automatically send the notice and present location of the patients to the nearest hospital.



User Interface Asthma Caregiver not only purifies air but also provides information on outdoor air quality. The product also records the number of asthma attacks and hospital visit. Furthermore, it provides telemedicine service as well.

Outdoors Air quality

Asthma Attacks & Appointments Records


Asthma Caregiver

APP The Inhaler of Asthma Caregiver is connected with the APP via Bluetooth which enable users to keep track of their health management anytime and anywhere.

Outdoors Air quality

Asthma Attacks & Appointments Records



Product Details


Air Purify System

Information Outdoors Air quality

Asthma Attacks & Appointments Records


Enough amount

Emergency Button

Charing Stand

Low amount

Status of the asthma inhaler

Power Button

it charges the power of asthma Inhaler.

Inhaler Asthma Inhaler

A Medicine of Supplement Stand It supply the medicine of an asthma Inhaler.

Asthma Caregiver

Interaction System Asthma Caregiver provides thorough health care system for users and enables them to fight asthma more easily.

User Mobile Healthcare

Home Care

Indoo r

Outdoo r

Asthma Inhaler

Astham Caregiver

Night Emergency Rescue System

Air Purify System Emergency Rescue System Data Uploaded to Medical Cloud

Emergency Rescue


Telemedicine / Night Rescue





Internet of Things


A Wonderful Journey Without Jeg Lag E-Sleeping, the neck pillow with built-in technology, reduces passengers’ fatigue from jet lag after a long flight. This product helps users to sleep better on the plane by releasing 1-3 Hz sound waves. Moreover, it will measure the sleeping conditions with a built-in sensor, analyze the data, and then provide users with sleeping suggestions when arriving at their destination. Users can have an energetic journey by following the analysis.


Team work


Chia-Yu, Yeh Yi-Xiang, Lin Yun-Chi, Wu


Issue reasearch, Probelm definition, Concept, Users interview,

Contribution Award

Sketch, Model test 2016 Red Dot Award:Winner 2016 Taiwan International Student Design Competition – Finalist 2015 Uneec Applied Award – Copper Award






Jet Lag Background Long- distance flight crosses many time zones. Therefore, travelers often have problems with jet leg. Most travelers cannot rest well because of the crowded cabin. As a result, they have bad sleeping qualit y which worsen the jet lag problem.


A long-distance flight cross many time zones

Problems During flight, passengers don’t know how to rest correctly to adjust jet lag.

During flight, seats are not comfortable for passengers to rest.

After arriving, passengers had hard time adjusting their biological clock.



Uses' Needs Through the observation and interview from travellers, we found that the users' three main needs during the flight.

Rest according to the destination’s time zone during flight.

Better sleeping quality on the airplane.

Sleeping suggestions after arrival.


Insight Most of the travelers always bring these kinds of stuff to help sleep better on a plane, such as neck pillows, eye masks or ear plugs. These inspire us to come up with some new ideas about the neck pillow helping users efficiently sleep and reduce jet lag.



Skecth Process With the data I collec ted and inter viewed from the users, we started developing different forms of design.




Prototype Process We came up with many types of smart neck pillows with a good usability and feasibility, then we chose the best type to build the 1:1 model.




Rest at the right time.

After arriving, follow advices to rest.

Design Goal A Wonderful Journey without Jet Lag !


Design Feature

Rental service

Physiological sensor


Travelers can rent E-Sleeping

Measure user's

Provide the sleeping

on the plane.

physiological condition




How to use E-Sleeping


On the airplane TPE 8/19 12:55 Depart Enter the flight information after connecting it by blue tooth.

TPE 8/19 14:00 LAX 8/18 23:00 APP calculates the best sleep time on the plane.

During the sleeping time Measure the user’s physiological conditions.


TPE 8/19 23:00 LAX 8/19 07:00 Wake users up in the best status.


Destination LAX 8/19 13:30 Arrive Enjoy the wonderful journey without jet lag!




How to use the app

Set the departure and destination’ time APP will calculate the time difference automaticly.

Calculate the best sleeping time on the plane Prevent the user from jet lag by adjusting the destination’s time and suggest when to rest.


Calculate the best sleeping time on the plane According to the sleeping conditions analysis by measuring physiological sensor.


Sleep Cycle

Applicantion system is based on the REM calculation. A night's sleep consists of 4-6 complete sleep cycles. Each sleep cycle is made up of several different stages of non-REM and REM sleep. Waking up during periods of light sleep makes us feeling refreshed and alert.

Awake (dream sleep) REM

NREM1 (light sleep) NREM2 (deep sleep) NREM3













NPNS sensor Nanosecond Pulse Near-field Sensing, a lowpower radar, detects the user’s heart rate by non-contact sensor.


Pulse signals


When people fall asleep, the pulse signal from heartbeat will slow down so that the send and return pulse signal time span will follow the changes. Therefore, it can detect the heartbeat and analysis the sleep status further.

1-3 Hz sound waves The researchers used electroencephalogram (EEG) to show that people sleep with 1-3 Hz sounds wave which frequenc y is same as the brain wave can effectively improve the sleep quality and have the better sleep.


Design Details It's built-in the automatic inflatable balloon which make it easier to carry and storage in the case.

Opening Status

Storage Status

Sensor Part

Inside construction Power button

Charging hole

Automatic inflatable button Hook



Mosquito Warning

Keep Disease Away Mosquito Warning is a public warning device to prevent dengue fever from spreading. This device is placed in areas where mosquitoes rampant. The product calculates the number of mosquitoes and record them with pictures. Based on the number of mosquitoes it calculated, the device will automatically change color to warn residents. The data are also sent to the public health bureau, and inform the government agency in charge of mosquito control to clean the areas at risk of dengue fever.




Team work / Class assignment


Chia-Yu, Yeh Yi-Xiang, Lin Yun-Chi, Wu


Issue reasearch, Probelm definition, Users interview, Sketch,

Contribution Award Date

3D model, Model test, Presentation 2016 Jabil Green Point Creative Design Award – Silver Award 2015



Background Mosquito is a role as disease vectors


Mosquitoes act as disease vectors and are known to transmit pathogens and viruses, such as dengue fever, Zika virus, Malaria and Japanese encephalitis, etc. Currently dengue fever is a public health problem around the world.

Dengue fever



Japanese encephalitis

Mosquito Warning

390 million people

128 countries

died of Dengue fever per year

are at high risk


Dengue fevet has grown more serious in recent decades. One recent estimate indicates that there are around 390 million dengue infections per year. Another study on the prevalence of dengue estimates that 3.9 billion people in 128 countries are at risk of infection with dengue viruses.



? ?

Due to the lack of information, the government can only clean the environment after dengue fever break out.

Resident could not attain enough information on the disease.

Solution Prevention is better than cure.

Repel mosquitoes before the outbreak of dengue fever.

Prevent people from staying in area where disease is epidemic.

Create a stable system to prevent dengue fever.

Mosquito Warning


Mosquito Light

Internet of Things



Skecth Process After designing various forms and shapes of the product, eventually we decided our favorite concept.

Mosquito Warning



Prototype Process We not only designed many form and shapes in the making of the model, we also built all the internal circuits in every model.

Mosquito Warning



How Mosquito Warning works


Attract Mosquitoes Mosquito Warning adopts photocatalyst and a CCFL UV lamp to attrac t mosquitoes. By mimicking a m a m m a l ’s s c e n t a n d o u t p u t s , t h e d e v i c e p r o d u c e s CO 2 a n d h e a t t o draw mosquitoes. CO2 Odor


Body temperature

UV Light

Trap Mosquitoes The super fan sucks mosquitoes down into the container.

Suck in


Monitor the Mosquito Populations and Send the information to Public Health Bureau It will calculate the number by infrared

Public Health Bureau

rays and take pictures of mosquitoes. And then, information will be sent to public health bureau. They will recognize which kinds are mosquitoes in pictures.

Mosquito Warning



Warning Sign Once captures strip mosquitoes which could transmit the viruse of dengue fever, the device will change the color of light and warn people to be careful.

Public Health Bureau


Excute Clean While devices change the color of lights to warn people to not stay here, government also excute a clean plan at the region.

Public Health Bureau


CO2 Odor

Body temperature

UV Light

Appeal to

Technology Photocatalyst Photocatalyst coating (TiO2) generates -O2 and -OH ions after exposure to light. Then reacts with organic matter in the air and conduct redox reaction to produce CO2 to attract mosquitoes.

CCFL UV Light CCFL UV lamp mimics the temperature of human body to attract mosquitoes while lighting. While lighting, the inner elements of the lamp collide with each other to produce ultraviolet light and heat to attract mosquitoes.




organic matter in the air

H 2O CO 2 2


Body Temperature

UV Light

Mosquito Warning

Details Warning Sign

Photocatalyst CCFL UV lamp


Suck mosquito in

Sensors Calculate the number of mosquitoes and Send images to the governnment center

Camera Image recognition system


Modular Design The modular design makes the device easy to be repaired.



Interaction System

The government can inform resident and offer advice on the prevention for dengue fever,

Send the information

Dispatch personnel to clean the

Public Health Bureau

dangerous area immediately.

Monitors the government’s

Inform environmental info Citizens

progress on mosquito control through the APP.

Mosquito Warning

Internet of Things Prevention Infomation System The device creates an up-to-date prevention Information and allows users to keep track of the epidemic areas and schedules of repelling works. Also, the device provide users information on dengue fever in their surroundings.



Desk type

Wall-mounted type

Outdoor type

Commercial Schedule Mosquito Warning is not only a public mosquito killer. We design three types of products to satisfy different users’ needs: outdoor, wall-mounted, and desk top. The provide three types of product to encourage more buyers. The more users use the device, the more stable the disease control system will be.

Mosquito Warning

Strategy We believe that Mosquito Warning can reach it best performance when used by the government , the stores, and the residents. The device creates third benefits. Mosquito Warning helps the local government to prevent epidemic caused by mosquitoes. Second, stores can monitor the commercial space by this device. Third, people can monitor their surrounding by purchasing this device.

Local Governmnet






Public Health Bureau





Mosquito Warning adopts Internet of Things to create strong disease prevention system.



Hot Spring Care


Hot Spring Care Hot Spring Care is an armband with safety reminder system. It detects user ’s condition with Hear tbeat Sensor and Water Level Sensor, and calculate the suitable length of time for users to enjoy hot spring. To prevent accident occuring during bathing, the armband will beep and flash to remind users to rest. All users’ condition will be uploaded to the cloud, so the hot spring staff can monitor the situation and give immediate first-aid if emergency occurs.

Type Designer Personal Contribution Date

Team work Chia-Yu, Yeh Yun-Chi, Wu Wei-Ting, Tsai Guo-Jing, Ning Si-Cong, Xu Wei-Chen, Wang Yu-Tung, Hsiao Issue reasearch, Probelm definition, Concept, Users interview, Sketch, Model test, Prsentatio 2015


Background Hot Spring Visiting hot spring is a relaxing activity, and benefits our health by stimulating blood circulation.

Problem definition It is not easy for hot spring owners to make sure that every visitor follows the correc t regulation while going to a hot spring. The important thing while going to a hot spring is not to bath for over 15 minutes and the water level should not exceed heart. If visitors violate the rules, symptoms such as hyperventilation and dizzy may occur.

Hot Spring Care

User observation Unaware of the regulations most visitors are unaware of the regulations when going to a hot spring. Therefore, they only take a break when they feel uncomfortable. In addition, hot spring is a popular activity among the elders, and the risk of death will increase if rules are not properly followed.

Hot Spring Industry I t is impor tant for hot spring owners to regularly inspect the public hot spring area to make sure users’ safety. However, st af fs o f ten had hard t im e monitoring everyone’s condition.



Existing Solutions The current solution to prevent accident is to set the emergency button beside each hot spring pool. However, this approach is not useful if accidents suddenly happen. People who need help might not be able to push the button to notify the staff.


Pulse sensor

water sensor


The armband detects users’

S t a f f a s s i s t u n co m fo r t a b l e

heartbeat and the water level of

customers in time.

the hot spring and record their physical conditions.

Key Insights of the Proposed Solution We h o p e to d e s i gn a s m a r t a r m b a n d w i t h s a fe t y re m i n d e r system. This device detects users’ heartbeat and the water level of the hot spring and record their physical conditions. We plan to upload all information of users to cloud so staff can manage visitors’ condition through apps easily and assist uncomfortable customers in time.

Hot Spring Care


Sketch Process We designed different shapes and brainstormed functions for the smar t armband worn by users going to hot springs.


Prototype Process After testing different kinds of sensors and chips, we chose high-frequenc y induc tion hardening as the final model.

Hot Spring Care



How to use

1 Detect Hot Spring Care detects users’ heartbeat and the water level . In the meantime, data are transmitted via Bluetooth and collected to the backstage system for further analysis and management. Pulse sensor

Funduino water sensor

2 Alarm Sound Flash

When users stay in a hot spr ing for over 15 minutes or the device detects unusual heartbeat, it would beep and flash to remind and warn users. >15 minutes

3 Help If the user still has not recover from the dangerous condition, Hot Spring Care armband will send a notice to staff to rescue the user in time.


Hot Spring Care


Back Side

Product Details

Warning light

Velcro Pulse sensor

Funduino watersensor Bluetooth chip (TI CC2541 keyfob)


Pulse sensor

Funduino water sensor

The pulse sensor detects pulse fluctuations

When the finduino water sensor is soak

and record users’ heart rate. Finally, the data

in water, it will immediately detect the

will be transmitted to the Bluetooth chip (TI

signal, and transmit the data to the

CC2541 BLE Keyfob).

Bluetooth chip (TI CC2541 BLE Keyfob).

Artery Blood getting pumped in by the heart

Water sensor

Finger Detector

Pulse sensor

Bright LED

Light Detector



Internet of Things Hot Spring Care is an intelligent wearable device that ensure users safety while going to hot springs. All data collected by the armband would be uploaded to cloud. Staff could manage users’ condition through the website server and the app.

Website Server All data collected by armbands would be transmitted to the website server. Staff can keep track of the physical condition of each user through the website server.

APP I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e w e b s i t e s e r v e r, we design the app to assist staff in managing users' physical condition.

Hot Spring Care

Pulse sensor

Funduino water sensor







Interaction System Hot Spring Care provides the thorough secure system for users and enables them to enjoy hot spr ing without wor r ies. On the other hand, it helps staff keep track of users' condition easily.



i-Walking Stick Give a safe walking life i-Walking Stick is an intelligent walking stick for the elderly to walk safer. While crossing roads, image recognition technology built in the walking stick will detect the zebra crossing and flash to remind drivers. In addition, i-Walking Stick integrates E-wallet, emergency button and night lighting which greatly enhance the safety of the elderly.

i-Walking Stick

Type Designer Personal Contribution Award Date

Team work Chia-Yu, Yeh Yi-Xiang, Lin Bo-Rong, Chen Issue reasearch, Probelm definition, Concept, Users interview, Sketch, Model test, Prsentatio SIGMU Creative and Smart Design Award – Best Interface Design Award 2014



The elder

Background Population Ageing With the progress in medicine and health-care, the global elderly population has shown a sharp upward trend. In recent years, Taiwan is on course to go from being an “aging society” to an “aged society.”. As the dependency ratio rise, the pressure on young people has significantly increased. Po p u l a t i o n a g i n g h a s b e c o m e a n i m p o r t a n t i s s u e i n current society and we must consider how to provide safer lives for the elderly.

Smart Life With the development of mobile devices, we become more dependent on technology than ever. To keep up with the new trend of design, we integrate product design and the intelligent technology to create a more secure and convenient life.

i-Walking Stick


User Research

Samrtphone is not suitable for the elderly. According to reports, there are only 1 % of elders beyond the age of 65 using smar tphones in Taiwan. The inter face of smartphone is not friendly for

35~39: 30~34:

the elderly, so they have to spend much more




45~49 25~29: 19.5%

time on learning how to use smartphone. Besides, s m a r t p h o n e p ro v i d e s t o o m a ny u n n e c e s s a r y functions for the elders.


20: 20~24: 5.4% 14.6%

Only 1 % elders beyond the age of 65



Bad Experience

use smartphones.

A walking stick is necessary for the elderly. For the elderly, the frequency of using walking sticks is considerately higher than using s m a r t p h o n e s. As p e o p l e g e t o l d, t h e i r b o d i e s degenerate, thus must own a walking stick to walk safer.

Accidents usually happen while walking. From our obser vation, we found that accidents and inconvenience arise from the slow motion of the elderly.


Design Target Our design integrates the technology into walking sticks which provide better and smart life for the elderly.

i-Walking Stick


Sketch Process We visualized different ideas through sketches to make sure the smart walking stick is suitable for the elder.


Prototype Process After sketching, we used 3D-printer to test different concepts and chose the best form of an intelligent walking stick for the elder.

i-Walking Stick



Product Details

Emergency Button

Night Lighting

Ambient Light Sensor Camera

Warning Light

Mircochip Camera memory

i-Walking Stick


How to work

Warning system Video Image Detection would detect the sur rounding ground. When the device detects that the user is walking on the zebra crossing, it reminds the divers to notice the elderly on the zebra crossing by flashing red light.


Detect Procedure Takes a picture every second.

Camera Camera

Transfer images to the microchip to detect zebra crossing. Chip

Upon detecting the zebra crossing, i-Walking Stick would flash the Warning Light

warning light to remind divers.


How to work

E-Wallet i-Walking Stick also functions as an e-wallet and provide convenient purchasing experience.

Night Lighting Ambient light sensor detec ts the light intensity of the surrounding at all time. When user is in the dark environment, the device will turn o n t h e l i g h t a u t o m a t i c a l l y. T h i s feature assures the elders safet y while walking to the bathroom at night.

Emergency Button For the safety of the elders, i-Walking Stick adopts GPS system to keep track of their location. When accident occurs, the elderly could push the emergency button to notice families by sending his or her location.

i-Walking Stick

Interaction System i-Walking Stick creates a complete secure system for the elder while walking. This product also enables children to take care of their elderly parents even though they are not around.


Warning Light

Warning System E-Wallet

Night Lighting

Take care

Notification of APP

Emergency Button



Energy Storage Device

Electric Generator

Green Cycle


Green Cycle is a green power public transpor tation system, including freemium power-generated bike and a green charging station for electric motorc ycle. R iding the bike produces k inetic energy, which can be conver ted into green power and reser ved to the batter y. The amount of power will then send to the batter y charging station for elec tric motorcycle to charge through mobile payment.


Team work


Chia-Yu, Yeh Cheng-Chun, Tang Chia-Wei, Chen Ya-Zhu, Yang


Issue reasearch, Probelm definition, Concept, Users interview,

Contribution Date

Sketch, Render, Presentation Poster, Video 2017


Trend Issue 1 Green Power Market Green Power has become a major utilization for from every aspects of our lives. Self-power generator has become the next trend.

Bicycle generating electricity The bicycles which allow you to generate electricity as you ride can power a headlight for night cycling.

Green Cycle

Trend Issue 2 Sharing Economy A sharing economy is an economic model in which individuals are able to borrow or rent assets owned by someone else.

Bike-sharing Economy Bicycle-sharing System share public bikes through alittle rents. It represents the well development of the city.

Ideas Let's generate elec tritcit y by riding and share power from each other!

+ Bicycle generating electricity

Bike-sharing Economy



Design Ideas Create a power system in future city. Design public bicycles which could generate power by riding. Make electric riders could use green power generated by bikes to charge their electrical scooters.

+ Bicycle generating electricity

Bike-sharing Economy

Green Cycle

Design Goal Green Cycle system offers an environmentallyfriendly, zero-carbon dioxide bike rental solution. Our ultimate goal is to create the future of energy-saving city through Green Cycle network.



Skecth Process

Green Cycle



How to use


Unlock In-app bike rental for free.



Generate power through bike-riding.

Green Cycle


Return Return the bike to reserve the power to green power station and get bonuses.


Unlock Battery energy station offer green power for electric vehicles. Electrics


riders just use mobile payment to use the charging service.



Design Details Green Power contains three parts of design. One is a Green Bike generating the power through riding, another is a Bike Stand which could stores a bike and delivers power to the power stand and the other is a power stand offering people to charge their electric scooters.

Green Bike

Energy Storage Device Light

Magnetic Lock

Slot Electric Power Transmission

Electric Generator

Green Cycle

Green Stand


Sensing Area

Magnetic Lock

Green Power Stand


Charging Plug Sensing Area



The power generated by

Pick the volume

Charging finish, using NFC

bike send to green charger

of power to charge

to pay through phone

Electric motorcyclist pay the fee through phone After choosing the charging options and use NFC to pay through phone, the riders can charge their electric motorcycles

Green Cycle


Reserve power Anode-free Lithium Metal Battery

SolidEnergy Systems Corp. company has developed an “anode-free� lithium metal battery with several material advances that make it twice as energy-dense, yet just as safe and long-lasting as the lithium ion batteries used in consumer electronics

Old Lithium Metal Ultra-Thin Lithium Metal Seperator

Safe Electrolyte


Old Lithium Metal

Safe Electrolyte Cathode

Ultra-Thin Lithium Metal

Generate power Electromagnetic induction

Electromagnetic induction is the production of voltage or electromotive force due to a change in the magnetic field.



System Future City Benefit with an environmentally-friendly, zerocarbon dioxide bike rental solution, which create the future of energy-saving city through Green Cycle network.


Free Bike


Service Payment

Green Cycle


Bike Rider Each ride is free of charge plus bonuses to boost bike-riding

Free Bike

Electric Rider They can share the benefit of charging green





Interactive Design


High-five each other, enjoy music togehter. High Five MUSIC is an interactive system of a music player. Users can play music by their high-five or even other body

High Five


interaction in order to close the distance between strangers. It will make them feel surprised, happy, less pressure and no more bored. Besides, they will experience a delightful waiting time at the train station.

High Five MUSIC


individual work


Chia-Yu, Yeh 


Context research, User research, Prototypes Test

Contribution Award Date

Sketch, Model, Presentation, Test, Video 2018 Best Presentation AwardďźšFirst Grade 2018



Backgorund Nowadays, most people always focus on their mobile screen or even put on the earphone to listen to their own music at the public space. Unfortunately, nobody interacts with each other and the atmosphere of the society becomes more alone. Th e s a m e s i tuat i o n is also o b ser ved at t he D elf t t rai n station. People build the wall and create the bubbles to decrease any possibility of interaction with people.

High Five MUSIC

Current Interaction Pe o p l e i n d i v i d u a l l y f o c u s o n t h e i r mobile screens or listen to their own music by earphone while waiting for trains at Delft Station # Passive  # Alone  # Boring



Problem The are three factors to lead to the current situation that people care less about surrounding matters and even do not interact with each other anymore.

Focusing on mobiles makes people lose chances to get closer.

Listening to music by earphones is their common activity but prevents people interact more.

There is nothing at the platform which co u l d e a s i l y h e l p p e o p l e to co n n e c t with each other.

High Five MUSIC

Inspiration It's often to see that a piano is displayed at the public space. Music played by pianos is not only easy to attract people's attention, but also create their connec tion. However, Not everyone is able to play the piano.

Hence, it triggers me to come up with a new idea of a interactive music device which could play music by people's simple interaction (i.e. high five, shake hands, fist bump) Eventually, everyone can easily join playing music.




My design goal is to ...

Create connection between people for fun and active ambiance.


High Five MUSIC

Design Goal Th e d e s i g n g o a l I w a n t t o a c h i e ve is to create a new interactive music device to make people easily have fun togehter and interact with each other.

Desired Interaction Making people enjoy the waiting moment for fun. # Active # A Sense of Paticipation # Surprising # Humor



High Five MUSIC




High Fiv e

MUSIC Music player

Easy & interesting interaction

Interactive music player



Skectch Based on the concept(High Five Music) and insights got from tests, I change the shape and structure, sketch more details on the shape of design and consider the color, material, and finish of design.

High Five MUSIC



Decide the cone shape

Check the touching surface

Sand the surface of models

Make foam models

Put on the filler

High Five MUSIC


Prototypes & Model According to the sketches, I make prototypes to make sure the curve surface and shape of design on the real size. In the end, I adopt vacuum forming to make my final model and use polish spray paints to make the model get the better quality.

Use vacuum foaming to make the outside and inside shelves

Use spray paint to color it.

Make wood stands



MakeyMakey Board

Metal Touch anel

High Five MUSIC

Interior Mechanism In the two devices of High Five MUSIC, it contains t wo metal touching panels of hand-shaped , two bluetooth speakers and a makey makey board. When people touch the metal panels and m e a n w h i l e h i g h f i v e w i t h e a c h o t h e r, it will form a circuit loop to play music meanwhile.

MakeyMakey Board Speaker

Touch Panel

Touch Panel



use? How to

er, ch oth ive ea er! Hig h-f tog eth mu sic En joy

How to


Hig h-f ive eac h oth er, Enj oy mu sic tog eth er!








People notice the devices of

People read the instruction on

High Five Music.

High Five Music.

High Five MUSIC




High Five!

People have an eye contact each

People high-five each other and

other and want to try it together.

feel interested and surprised by the effect of music by high five.


Enjoy Music Together M ore people gather here to enjoy music togehter and also take pictures or videos to share and remember this interesting moments.



Tests at Delft train station I set up ""High Five MUSIC" at the space o f t h e p l a t fo r m i n t h e D e l f t S t a t i o n where passengers firstly arrive in. Besides that I change to a bigger and clear instruction information and the name of my devices to let passengers quickly know what it is and how to use it. Furthermore, I follow their behavior to change the setting of music. Now, it will play music by keeping touching and stop music when they don't touch each other.

High Five MUSIC

Result During this test almost every passenger notice "High Five Music" and roughly half people tried to play "High Five MUSIC". At first, "High Five MUSIC" attracted groups of friends, couples and family. And then, they started to mix each other to high-five to enjoy music together. In addition, more people took videos and photos when other people play it. One of the most interesting moments is that former users teach the next group of people how to play it. Another interesting moment is that groups of strangers hold each other to become a big circle to play music togehter. It's a successful testing. :)

High Five




At first, it attract groups of friends, couples and family. Friends, couples and family always have big, strong interests to try it.

More passengers notice the devices.

W h e n p e o p l e p l a y " H i g h Fv i e M U S I C ", music played by them catched more attention and make other passengers want to play it. People would like to take pic tures and photos to remember the interesting moments.

Users teach each other how to play it. The most common situations are that former users teach the next groups of users how to use it and even hold hands to enjoy music together.

High Five MUSIC



A big group of passengers play music together!

Passengers hold hands each other to become a big circle to play music and also invite more people join together. It's a really touching and warm view.

High Five MUSIC


Value of High Five MUSIC High Five MUSIC creates the opportunity to make people easily interact with other people through playing music triggered by high five. Besides, no matter who you are, ever yone has a chance to play music for people and have fun together. It reduces the distance between people and makes people more enjoy the waiting time.



Application of Kinetic Geometry Structure



Lightwist Dynamic Transforming Floor Lamp Design Lightwist is a oor lamp with a geometric transforming structure. It contains three types of shapes. When a user rotates one of the tetrahedron objects, it will gradually change the entire shape. With a simple action, it provides the surprising experience to users. I spent almost three months to invent this transforming structure and practically apply it to lamp design. My belief is to create new structures to bring more possibilities to design.

Type Designer Personal Contribution Date

Personal work Chia-Yu, Yeh Issue reasearch, Concept, Sketch, Material testing, Prototyping, Model test, Prsentation, Video 2018








Research Phase I found the interesting kinetic structure - Kaleidocycle and did the research about the theory of Kaleidocycle and current application.


Kaleidocycle A kaleidocycle is a paper-folded model connecting 6 tetrahedra on opposite edges into cycle.Â

Variations of Kaleidocycle Beyond 6 sides, higher even number of tetrahedra, 8, 10, 12, etc, can be chained together. These models will leave a central gap, depending on the proportions of the triangle faces.



Prototypes Phase During the prototype phase, I made numerous paper models and try to figure out the rule of Kaleiodycle. First of all, I found the three type of linear structures made of Tetrahedra and explored more opportunities for new type dynamic structures. In the end of prototyping, I created Lightwist which is a kinetic geometry structure. When it works, the shape of Lightwist would twist a little bit and the feeling is just like looking a real creature breathing itself.



Units of Tetrahedra Linear



Twisted type Mix




6 units Combinations of Kaleidocycle

8 units Combinations of Kaleidocycle


10 units Combinations of Kaleidocycle

11 units Combinations of Kaleidocycle



Kaleidocycle of 8 units of Tetrahedra

1st Creation Public Art Project

2nd Creation Lightwist




Final Model

Lightwsit Lightwist is a combination of Kaleidocycle which is a kinetic geometry structure. Lightwist is made up of 88 Tetrahedrons and the characteristics of it is that it could change the shape of itself due to the Kaleidocycle structure.




Mechanism Testing In order to make Lightwist become a dynamic floor lamp, I collaborated with people from mechanism background and came up with an inspiring kinetic mechanism for it.Â





Application of Kinetic Geometru Structure


Type Designer Personal Contribution Date

Personal work Chia-Yu, Yeh Issue reasearch, Concept, Sketch, Material testing, Prototyping, Model test, Prsentation, Video 2018






Research Phase I found the interesting kinetic structure - Kaleidocycle and did the research about the theory of Kaleidocycle and current application.

Kaleidocycle A kaleidocycle is a paper-folded model connecting 6 tetrahedra on opposite edges into cycle.Â


Prototype Phase During prototyping, I changed the surface of Kaleidocycle and used different materials to make it. Each shape of the Kaleidocycle is made up of one line. Besides, they also could twist it itself ultimately.



Final Model CURVE I use metal tubes as the materials and apply "tube bending" to make the final model of CURVE.​




Mechanism Phase After finishing the main model of CURVE, I applied a stepper motor and an Arduino board to innovate a dynamic mechanism to make CURVE become a kinetic art device. Then, I added a LED light to project the shadow of CURVE on the ground and would like to create an impressive ambiance for people.




X-UP Application of Kinetic Geometru Structure


Type Designer Personal Contribution Date

Personal work Chia-Yu, Yeh Issue reasearch, Concept, Sketch, Material testing, Prototyping, Model test, Prsentation, Video 2018







Research Phase I did the research about the theory of Deployable Structure and explored current products which applied the deployable structure.

Deploayble Strucutre A deployable structure could change shape and even significantly expand or shrink its size. Examples of deployable structures are umbrellas, some tensegrity structures, bistable structures, some Origami shapes, and scissor-like structures. Based on regulation of the book of 《Deployable Structure》, there are several types of deploayble structures.




Prototype Phase First of all, I made a list of Deployable Structures and then made paper prototypes to test how it works. In the end, I created and applied a new deployable structure.


Deploayble Strucutre There are four types of frames and eight X-Type frames. I made lots of paper prototypes to test how it change its sizes and shapes of the structures.






How they work Deploayble Strucutre












Mix Type of Deployable Structure




Materials Testing

Fabric Cover Testing




Final Model

X-UP X-UPÂ is a deployable screen which is made up of X-type frames and could change its size quickly and easily.





Future Concept


Lightsaber Knife Do your chopping in a flash Good craftsmanship depends on use of the right tools. Lightsaber Knife is not just a k itchenware, it ensures the safety of children in the kitchen. Lightsaber Knife is of great quality that provide enjoyable cooking time. With the smart and safe fingerprint scan system, it ensures only adult can use it and prevents children from getting hurt in the kitchen. Let’s enjoy cooking!

Lightsaber Knife


TOP 70+

Type Designer Personal Contribution Award Date

Personal work / Class Assignment Chia-Yu, Yeh Issue reasearch, Probelm definition, Concept, Users interview, Sketch, 3D model, Model test, Prsentation 2014 Electrolux Design Lab - Top70+ 2014


Lightsaber Knife

TOP 70+



Kitchenware Background Cooking is relaxing and enjoyable, but the dangers arise from preparing meal could turn the activity into tragedy. What are the problems that may occurs during cooking? All sor t of knives make the kitchen a dangerous place for both adult and children.

Lightsaber Knife



There are too many kinds of knives for the different meals.

Too many tools of cooking easily make the table messy and it’s also bad for our health.

The kitchen is a dangerous place to children.


Lightsaber Knife

STAR WARS Lightsaber

The TERMINATOR T3000 ( Liquidmetal )

Ideas & Inspirations Let's use the most interesting and wonderful ideas to solve the problems. In the future kitchen, we will never worry about cooking! Our team applied the liquidmetal technology to Lightsaber Knife, which was inspired from the movie TERMINATOR. The idea of Lightsaber Knife is from the movie STAR WARS.



Skecth Process I star ted sketching var ious shapes of a knife and continuously refined my design.

Lightsaber Knife



Prototype Process I made various forms of knife to test usability and picked one to develop as the final prototype.

Lightsaber Knife



How to use Lightsaber Knife



Turn on Lightsaber Knife. Choose the kind of knives you want to use and lock the screen.

According to user’s selection and setting, Lightsaber

2 Produce

Knife projects knife-shaped blue-light. Liquidmetal is then form to the kinds of knives user had chosen.

Lightsaber Knife

3 Clean & Charge

Turn off and wash Lightsaber Knife to keep clean. Af ter cook ing, users can charge the knife on the wireless charging stand.


Lock Button

Product Details

Touch Screen

Smart Fingerprint Scan


Wireless Charge Stand

Magnetic Design



One Knife To Upgrade Your Entire Kitchen

Benefits The Intelligent and safe liquidmetal knife In the future kitchen, we only need Lightsaber Knife. It adopts liquidmetal to transform to different types of blade and meet all needs. Besides, it has a security fingerprint scan system to make sure children are safe. Lightsaber K nife provide a safer and more convenient cooking experience.

Lightsaber Knife



Lightsaber Knife

DESIGN LAB Stage 2 Top70+



Lightsaber Knife

Lightsaber: A Sci-Fi Take on the Common Kitchen Knife





04 Sketch















05 Commercial Design


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Branding Design - 2017 Taipei Tech goes to NMUN


Chia-Yu, Yeh




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