SPACE TIMES UK Cosmic Calendar
Cosmic Calendar November 2020 November 29/30 – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse November this year will end with a penumbral eclipse of the Beaver Moon, this means 82% of the Moon will be shadowed by the earths lighter shadow turning parts of the moon slightly darker November 30th – Beaver Moon This full Moon is known as the Beaver Moon as it is in this time of the year Beavers build their dams.
December 2020 December 13/14th – Geminid Meteor Shower This is arguably one of the best meteor showers of the year. The peak of the Geminids occurs on the night of December 13th and early hours on the 14th 2020. This shower will be visible from December 4th to the 16th and radiate from the Gemini Constellation.
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December 14th – Total Solar Eclipse This will be visible from some parts of Argentina and Chile, unfortunate for UK Star Gazers! December 21st – Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. This is a special occasion in the cosmic calendar. Jupiter and Saturn will meet in the sky. They will be separated by just 0.1 degrees making it the closest conjunction in 397 years! Not one to miss. December 21st – December Solstice. This will take place at 10:02 UTC. This is also known as the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. In the summer solstice it is the longest day of the year and known as the Summer Solstice. December 21/22nd – Ursid Meteor Shower These shooting stars are the last of the meteor showers of 2020. The Ursids peaks the night of December 21/22nd 2020. December 30th – Cold moon This is 2020’s final Full Moon. It is known as the Cold Moon due to the low temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere.