FRESH Featuring new work by Jamie Brunson and Willy Bo Richardson Reception: Friday, March 20, 2015 5-7pm Turner Carroll Gallery
Jamie Brunson, “Gawa”, mixed media, 36 x 36”, 2015: $4500
Jamie Brunson, “Oasis”, mixed media, 44.5 x 72”, 2015: $9500
Jamie Brunson, “Petal Yantra”, mixed media, 17.5 x 17.5”, 2009: $2200
Jamie Brunson, “Reflection”, mixed media, 36 x 36”, 2009: $4500
Willy Bo Richardson, “Seven Sisters 1”, oil on canvas, 53 x 57”, 2015: $8000
Willy Bo Richardson, “Music to Drive to 1”, oil on canvas, 53 x 57”, 2010: $8000
Willy Bo Richardson, “Music to Drive to 2”, oil on canvas, 53 x 57”, 2010: $8000
Willy Bo Richardson, “Music to Drive to 23”, oil on canvas, 29 x 31”, 2013: $3000
Willy Bo Richardson, “Music to Drive to ”, oil on canvas, 51.5 x 55”, 2013: $8000
Willy Bo Richardson, “Confluence 4 and 5 ”, oil on paper, 19.25 x 30”, 2013: $2700 each
Willy Bo Richardson, “Music to Drive to 15 and Bathers 24 ”, 20.5 x 22”, 2012: $2200 each
Fausto Fernandez, “Studies of Symbolic Play ”, mixed media, 60 x 60”, 2015: $6000
Fausto Fernandez, “Maintenance of Social Distance ”, mixed media, 60 x 60”, 2015: $6000
Kate Petley, “Wingtip ”, mixed media, 40 x 44”, 2014: $8000
Kate Petley, “Toast and Jam // Booster Pull ”, ink on acrylic, 23 x 27”, 2014: $3900 each