5 Flags Speedway Newsletter # 13 for Aug 27, 2010

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Aug 27, 2010 #13

Winged Sprints

Presented by HI-TACH and NAPA Auto Parts

Don’t Blink, You’ll Miss Em l

’ll bet you $100 that we can go through the entire night of racing, including a 100 lap Blizzard race without a single caution (except for the planned Competition Yellow at lap 50) and do it on Friday the 13th. Had I asked you this back on the 12th, you would have taken the bet, right? I’m glad I didn’t ask because that is exactly what happened. Would you ever believe it? Way to go drivers in all classes! et me tell you something else that’s hard to imagine. How about a Winged Sprint car circling Five Flags Speedway at over 125 mph. Well get ready. You’ll see it tonite with the Tampa Bay Area Racing Association (TBARA) Winged Sprints. Back in March we had three of them qualify under 14 seconds. Imagine the G’s on their bodies through the turns. They all say it is their favorite track to race on, and what they like most are the fans here. They also tell us that our track always has such a great turn out of people and you, the fans, make them feel so special and welcome.


Brian Gingras set a track record on 3/10 with 13.885 secs, 129.6 mph

Monster Motor Winged Pioneer Visits 5 Flags

Ellis Palasini, who drove this powerful V-8 winged Super Modified here in the 60’s, is our special guest tonite. He is joined by The Arkansas Traveler Bobby Ward, with a car that set a world speed record. Tony Martin Photo


special “THANK YOU” to NAPA, HiTach and GO-15 for their sponsorship. GO-15 is a lubricate that provides one of the industry’s most advanced petro-chemical lubrications for engines, gearboxes, and steering units. Go to www.ENGINEOUS.US/GO15/ for applications. NAPA Auto Parts does not need any explanations. We all know they are the industry’s leader in quality auto parts. Welcome to the guests of NAPA partying on the Turn 4 Speed Deck. n closing, the staff at Five Flags Speedway sends our condolences to Bo Resmondo and his family for the recent loss of his father, James. Bo drives the #83 Sportsman and James was an avid fan. We also send speedy get well wishes to Jim Koblas, announcer at MIS,


Steve Stokes from the pits

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