Oct 15, 2010 #17
Final 2010 Edition
Winged Sprints
Presented by HI-TACH and NAPA Auto Parts
Don’t Blink, You’ll Miss Em I
t may be hard to imagine, but it’s true. A Winged Sprint Car circling Five Flags Speedway at over 125 MPH. That’s an average speed my friend; not just on the straight away. You’ll see it tonight when the “Ground Pounding Fire Breathers” of the Tampa Bay Area Racing Association (TBARA) Sprints return to one of the fastest ½ mile tracks in the nation. This will make up for the rain out on August 27th. Look for a few things to happen that should make for a great night of racing. You can count on a good field of Sprints and some breath taking speeds. and two champions will be crowned for 2010. he TBARA drivers are grateful we rescheduled their race because they love the track, but most of all they brag about you the fans. They are not used to racing in front of such a large and cheerful fan base and they all agree that our fans really make them feel welcome. A special “THANK YOU” to NAPA, HI TACH, and GO-15 for their sponsorship for the Sprints.
Brian Gingras set a track record on 3/10 with 13.885 secs, 129.6 mph
Monster Motor Winged Pioneer Visits 5 Flags
Ellis Palasini, who drove this powerful V-8 winged Super Mod here in the 60’s, and Bobby Ward, The Arkansas Traveler are our special guest tonite. Several vintage cars along with legendary drivers, owners and builders have been invited and will sign autographs.
he Sportsman & Bomber divisions are on hand tonight racing for their championships. You can pretty much put the crowns on Steve Buttrick and Mike Goraum, but racing for a runner up spot will get exciting. ongrats to D.J. Vanderley Randy Thompson and Ryan Redmon on their 2010 championships along with Chase Elliott. This will put a wrap on the regular 2010 season as we get ready for “BIG DADDY” the 43rd Annual Snowball Derby December 2nd thru 5th. want to close this article out with a very special “THANK YOU VERY MUCH” to good friend Dave Pavlock for all his help with these newsletters. I can guarantee you without his efforts it would not happen.
Steve Stokes from the pits