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Who We Are

WE BELIEVE that communities are made better when their people pursue adventure and intentionally live their own best story.



to ignite personal and communal adventure of all kinds through the experience of sharing meaningful stories.

WE ENVISION a national network of educated, engaged and multi-generational communities, inspired by storytelling to take action in their individual and collective lives.

when we change, the whole world changes Our Five Points

5Point Film Festival is renowned for its valuesbased mission, centered around it’s 5 Points: Purpose, Commitment, Respect, Humility and Balance. We believe these same principles also form the foundation for individuals who lead lives of adventure. These shared values connect all of us who feel an elemental passion to explore and expand our boundaries.

RESPECT For each other, for the environment, for the experience, and for the knowledge we inherit from those who inspire and teach us.

COMMITMENT To overcome fear and give ourselves completely to the challenge at hand while leading a vital existence and never allowing ourselves to become complacent.

HUMILITY To summon the discipline to listen to our intuition and not our egos, always mindful of our place in the natural order.

PURPOSE To muster the motivation and conviction necessary to pursue our highest aspirations in the face of adversity.

BALANCE To maintain our focus and energy in life, in nature, and on the journeys we undertake while things we cannot control shift around us

ESTABLISHED IN 2007, 5Point Adventure Film Festival aims to inspire adventure of all kinds, to connect generations through shared experience, to engage passion with a conscience, and to educate through film. 5Point Film continues to deliver a unique film experience by drawing in passionate athletes, artists, filmmakers, and the community around short documentary adventure films. 5Point also facilitates the 5Point Film Fund, a grant program for established and emerging filmmakers, and organizes the Dream Project, a student scholarship program for local high school students.

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