An Executive in North America A Child in a Developing World Four People in the Middle of the Atlantic
A Large Journey -- Unpredictable Challenges -- Drive
2011 Atlantic Rowing Race
Sponsor Information Packet
OAR N��������: A ����� H������ “It was obvious during the final weeks of OAR Northwest’s journey across the North Atlan�c that they had captured the imagina�on of my readers. Even though I regularly published updates, I was peppered with e-mails and phone calls daily from readers looking for more informa�on on their status. The day they reached land the story of their victory was one of the most popular on our website.” -Craig Hill, Tacoma News Tribune
OAR Northwest was founded in 2005 by four University of Puget Sound Rowing alumni & teammates as a non-profit organiza�on whose goal was to par�cipate in the first rowing race across the North Atlan�c Ocean. Throughout the 18 month project �meline, OAR Northwest promoted corporate sponsors in Sea�le media and gained interna�onal exposure on na�onal news networks CNN & ABC, and programs like ABC’s Good Morning America and 20/20. Through our efforts, we donated over $50,000 to American Lung Associa�on of Washington. The team exceeded all expecta�ons, enduring 72-days crossing 3,100 nau�cal miles of the North Atlan�c to win the first interna�onal ocean rowing race from New York to England. By making landfall, we became the first boat to ever row from mainland USA to mainland UK without assistance – recognized by the Guinness World Record organiza�on. A�er gaining two new members in 2009, OAR Northwest is now an interna�onal organiza�on with offices in Washington and Bri�sh Columbia, with board members from across North America. TOP: Brad & Dylan battling rough waters approaching landfall - Cornwall, UK BOTTOM: Greg, Brad, Jordan & Dylan relish victory; pensive to the remaining 70 miles
T�� 2011/12 S���������� E���� December 2011: OAR Northwest departs from West Africa in our 29-foot ocean rowboat for Costa Rica and the Panama Canal, and down South America’s Pacific Coast to Peru. The Goal: Connect two Right to Play communi�es. Our crew of four – which includes two Guinness World Record holders & a 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist – will row in two-hour shi�s, twenty-four hours a day un�l we reach our des�na�on.
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The route will leave West Africa and finish over 4,500 miles later on the coast of Central America. Then it’s across the Panama Canal, to Peru.
Our journey is to use human power, expressed through the sport of rowing, to connect Right to Play communi�es in West Africa with South America. To date, no four-man ocean rowboat has had a crew with such diverse accolades • Olympic gold medal • Guinness World Record
Create las�ng change in the lives of children Join our challenge, share the adventure Inspire effec�ve, las�ng change in your culture Receive a tax deduc�on Get no�ced
T�� C��� A��� K����
Adam is a champion who teaches success & wellbeing. Adam won a gold medal at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Ov er 13 years of rowing, he’s won over 60 medals - 40+ were gold. Recently, Adam was named Athlete Leader of the year at the 2010 Canadian Sports Awards. A self-described “posi�ve realist,” Adam has spoken to over 100,000 people across North America and Western Europe on topics of achievement, leadership and teambuilding. Adam is a member of the Global Associa�on of Professional Speakers, and is wri�ng a book. Adam serves on the Canadian Olympic Commi�ee, and is a long-�me Athlete Ambassador for Right to Play. Adam is eager for this ocean challenge to sa�sfy his love of rowing and help raise awareness and funds for Right to Play. Adam holds a degree in Geotechnical Engineering and Hydrology from Stanford University. All said, Adam’s greatest accomplishment has been the rearing of his new son, born July 2010.
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Greg is a healer who makes good things happen. He knows how the human body works. He knows how to fix muscles, tendons and ligaments when they seize. A physical therapist specializing in ves�bular and orthopedic rehab, Greg will be a vital resource as he and his teammates stretch their physical limits on the Atlan�c Ocean. Since his 2006 record-breaking row across the North Atlan�c Ocean, Greg has kept adventure pumping in his veins. In 2008 he & Jordan circumnavigated Washington State’s rugged Olympic Peninsula by rowboat for the first �me in recorded history. A�er overcoming the extreme weight loss and painful obstacles of the 2006 row, Greg swore off all future ocean rows and focused on his academic pursuits. However, this newly compiled team filled with professionalism, fun, and incomparable athle�c talent has brought Greg earnestly back into the mix.
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Jordan is a writer who loves adventure. A�er winning the first rowing race across the North Atlan�c Ocean he was mentally strengthened by, “The hardest thing I could have ever imagined”. His resul�ng confidence and incredible stories have inspired Jordan to document his adventures in an entertaining way. A published author, he’s wri�en stories on a bicycle trip across Australia, and his circumnaviga�on of Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula. He is finishing his amusing and exci�ng book about the North Atlan�c trip, scheduled to hit bookstores in spring 2012. A deep love of explora�on and travel has fueled Jordan’s desire to dream up some unbelievable journeys: Hiking in Tasmania, riding bamboo ra�s in northern Thailand, and cycling the French Alps were just the beginning. Most recently, he canoed (and portaged) over 200 miles of New Mexico’s Rio Grande. In between living and recording these adventures, he struggles with the con�nuous project of renova�ng his 96 year-old house. Jordan is proud to be part of such a strong and diverse team and suppor�ng Right to Play.
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Richard is a man who seeks challenge. A life long resident of the Pacific Northwest, he was encouraged by his parents to become not just a par�cipant, but a student of life; to embrace challenges and master them. Richard grew up playing the classical violin at an early age, performing with the Na�onal Youth Symphony and accepted to the University of Washington on a violin scholarship. With no experience he joined the pres�gious Husky men’s heavyweight crew team and rowed four years as a lightweight, giving up his violin scholarship to row. A�er college he learned to scull and compete at an interna�onal level. Earning a B.Sc. in Aeronau�cal and Astronau�cal Engineering, he became an Aerodynamic Flight Test Engineer at Boeing in Sea�le. Currently he helps flight test the new 747-8 and 787-8 Dreamliner. Richard is excited about the upcoming Mid-Atlan�c 2011 race and the chance to work with Right to Play.
R������: A Leader in its Class
T�� S������ �� P���������� N��������:
Small but mighty, our 29 � boat grabs a�en�on like no other • One-of-a-kind in North America; less than 10 in the world • Built with aircra�-grade carbon fiber • Built to self-right when flipped in heavy seas • Same communica�on and survival equipment as a 60-foot ocean yacht
I���������: What Wins, What sets us Apart
Our innova�ons are the new standard in ocean rowing. We will use this row to once again innovate and raise the level of this sport. Our philosophy is to marry the discipline and efficiency of flat water rowing with the rugged and unpredictable requirements of the ocean.
• Ash core, carbon-wrapped oars. Many �mes stronger than hollow-carbon used by other ocean rowers • High-aspect ra�o blade balances efficiency and maneuverability, excelling in flat water or 25 � waves • Hand-loomed wooden handles with mul�ple alterna�ve grips provide comfort and ergonomics that speak for themselves: 3200 nau�cal miles with 7 blisters between 4 rowers. • Built to row in more types of water with greater efficiency • Width from center of boat increases rowers leverage • Adjustable height allows boat to be rowed efficiently in rough & calm water
• Built for the ocean and roll smooth, true and silent a�er thousands of miles without a�en�on • Design keeps seat secured in rough seas • Highest quality bearings • Seat height allows rowing in all types of water • 70% of ocean rowers have copied this design since we used it in 2006
We are what we eat & what we lose
Running full speed while running on empty
Live and learn – Sixteen days into our 2006 row, we discovered we grossly miscalculated our calorie requirements and were forced to heavily ra�on our food. This resulted in a combined weight loss of 135 pounds (roughly 34 lbs per person). Instead of giving up on our goal of crossing the ocean self-supported, we evaluated supplies and inventory. We shi�ed our plan and methods in order to achieve our goal of rowing the North Atlan�c.
We are working with Harvard Medical School’s Division of Sleep Medicine to develop strategies to promote performance and maintain health while on the challenging environment of a 29-foot rowboat. By taking tests before our row we will be able to create a sleep pa�ern that will maximize our strengths as well as providing an exci�ng pla�orm for Dr. Laura Barger and Dr. Steve Lockley to collect data in this unique environment.
It hurt - a lot.
Although we could have accepted food from many of the boats we passed, we declined in order to accomplish our Guinness World Record crossing from land to land, unassisted.
Since our race in 2006, ocean rowing crews con�nue to copy and adopt our designs in both races and individual adventures. We will con�nue to innovate and, once again, push the envelope of ocean rowing.
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The best prepared crew. Period. This crew has the highest level of fitness of any four-man crew to row an ocean. In addi�on to landbased physical condi�oning, our training also includes the development of mental and emo�onal fitness, primarily through on-water training rows. Our team has - and con�nues to develop - the prac�cal experience to meet and exceed the varied challenges of an ocean row.
When rowing non-stop for 4500mi, special a�en�on needs to be paid to the quality and volume of food we consume. Using experience gained from the last race, along with focused planning and consulta�on with organiza�ons like the United States and Canadian na�onal rowing and cycling teams, the Pacific Ins�tute of Sports Excellence, nutri�onists, physical therapists and psychotherapists, we will develop a plan that has no rivals in the sport of ocean rowing.
There are 4 scheduled training cruises where we learn volumes about our bodies and our crew: 1) Inland Puget Sound... circumnavigate Vashon Island & familiarize new recruits... 12 hours 2) Pacific Coast... big seas, seasickness, 72 hours 3) Crossing the Strait of Juan de Fuca... big ships, gale-force winds, 30 hours 4) Victoria to San Francisco... the final dress rehearsal... all the condi�ons expected on the Atlan�c, and possibly worse... 2 straight weeks Finding out how our team deals with frustra�on and fa�gue in a crowded environment is essen�al to crea�ng cohesive group coping mechanisms essen�al to success. Pu�ng ourselves in uncomfortable situa�ons before the race builds the necessary skills and trust that are required for a safe ocean crossing.
OAR N�������� G���� B��� We’re rowing in support of Right to Play, Interna�onal (RTP), a non-governmental organiza�on founded on the principle that play is an inherent right and cri�cal tool in crea�ng posi�ve, proac�ve ci�zens and future leaders in underprivileged countries. Upon fulfilment of our budget, half of all public dona�ons received will directly benefit RTP programs. It’s a non-tradi�onal charity; their philosophy is to impart skills of responsibility and self-reliance that leave a las�ng impact. OAR Northwest believes in RTP because we have seen our own lives changed through the power of sport. Right To Play is commi�ed to every child’s right to play, giving children a chance to become construc�ve par�cipants in society, regardless of gender, disability, ethnicity, social background or religion. Through games and sports, RTP helps create social change in communi�es affected by war, poverty and disease. Top athletes inspire children and raise awareness about RTP interna�onally. The aim is to engage key decision-makers from the development, sport, business, media and government sectors and further ensure that every child benefits from the posi�ve power of sport and play. Adam Kreek has been a prominent athlete ambassador for Right to Play for several years, and ac�vely promotes RTP around the globe. Before and a�er the expedi�on, Adam, joined with Greg, Jordan and Richard will visit RTP communi�es in West Africa & South America. RTP’s slogan and most important lesson is “Look a�er yourself, look a�er one another.” This embodies the quali�es we will need for this voyage. Through our story of adventure, passion, perseverance, and commitment to each other, we provide a drama�c metaphor for each village the most important lesson RTP teaches.
ABOVE: A yound participant with RTP’s signature red ball - Thailand FACING: Adam Kreek, imparting life lessons through play - Peru
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Adam recollects the impact and lessons of his 2009 trip to Peru, on behalf of Right to Play:
carred in my mind is that of a lone man, mid-thir�es, si�ng on the curb on a side street in Lima, Peru. On his lap sat a box of goods he sold to people stuck in traffic. He cried deeply and discreetly, figh�ng tears that ran down his face and into the box... When I was in Peru with RTP we did not merely play games. Every game had a lesson that we discussed a�erwards. We taught children strategies to prevent diseases like HIV, malaria and diarrhea, and strategies to raise self-esteem and resolve conflict. We use the power of sport and play to li� children from the grips of poverty, war and disease. We give tools for a future full of hope and purpose. The teachers and coaches, as I found out, benefited from Right to Play programming as much - if not more - than the kids. Two teachers told me that Right to Play had introduced them to their Mayor and educa�on minister. “Never before have we ever met someone in power,” they said. Now they speak regularly to the governing officials to improve their community. At the end of my visit, in a humble
but well-kept rural school far away from Lima, I entered a classroom full of that year’s gradua�ng class that had received their first year of Right to Play programming. “Buenos Dias,” cried 20 teenagers! The classroom leader stood up to speak. “We graduate this year,” he spoke. “It is a long journey home, and our first summer of work. Do you have money to help us?” His bold ask on behalf of his classmates sank my stomach. I had no money. Even if I did, I am not sure it would have made any las�ng impact. I believe that the skills this young man learned through Right to Play is a step to crea�ng las�ng change that will empower these children with the tools to fight the hopelessness I saw in the man weeping by the roadside. OAR Northwest’s journey across the Atlan�c Ocean supports Right to Play because we believe in construc�ve human compassion. We’ve made a commitment to donate $500,000 to Right to Play, Interna�onal - and we’re determined to achieve that number.
S������ O������ M��� Few sports sponsorship opportunites hold more powerful or elegant metaphors than rowing. We know that when people pull together, extraordinary success is possible – and we’ve proven it ourselves with a Guinness World Record row in 2006. What we do is extreme – four men in a 29-foot ocean rowboat, crossing 2,500 miles of wild Atlan�c waters – and
through sheer human power and determina�on, connect two con�nents. The difference is teamwork: moving forward stroke by stroke, can get a team through the long haul and meet any goal. That’s what we want to share with you. Join our crew.
S���������� L����� • Title Sponsor – $125,000+ →Name it. Brand it. Strengthen your team. Live video conferencing. Exclusive corporate blog. Pre/post-row presenta�on with teambuliding lessons. • Presen�ng Sponsor – $55,000+ (2 opportuni�es) →Brand it. Limited live video conferencing or post-row presenta�on. Exclusive corporate blog. • Suppor�ng Partner – $15,000+ (4 opportuni�es) →Brand it. Exclusive corporate blog. • Other Opportuni�es – < $15,000 → Services → Installa�ons → Equipment → Clothing & Apparel → Travel & Logis�cs → Web presenta�on & maintainence → Professional exper�se (i.e. - weather/route guidance, financial management, etc)
“In 2006 they captured the imagina�on of the Northwest and the na�on. In 2011 the world will hold its collec�ve breath as these fearless oarsmen plow through waves faster than anyone who’s gone before.” -Michael King, Evening Magazine, KING TV, Sea�le.
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•G�� �� �� ��� PR - because coverage of our latest adventure has already begun. •D������ ���� ����� - because your logo is wedded to ours on our rowboat, clothing, website and more – just how much depends on your contribu�on. •S������ ���� - and effect change in lives all over the world when your dollars contribute to Right to Play (see p.## for more about Right to Play). •R������ � ��� ��������� - because we’re a 501(c)3 organiza�on. •S���� �� ��� ��������� - with exclusive, real �me video and blogs at •R������ ���������� ������������� - that are engaging, authen�c and inspiring team-building seminars designed especially for your company’s crew, moving the culture forward in a posi�ve direc�on that your team will truly buy into. twi� OAR Northwest PO Box 31402 Sea�le, Washington 98103 p: (253) 678-5863 e: Website for sponsors:
A���� OAR N��������
Founded in 2005, OAR Northwest connects with partners to reach its expedi�on fundraising goals, while propelling businesses to their own extraordinary achievement. The crew for our next Atlan�c crossing: Guinness World Record Holders and North Atlan�c Ocean Rowing Race veterans Jordan Hanssen and Greg Spooner, Beijing Olympic gold medallist Adam Kreek and na�onal level lightweight rower Richard Tarbill. Jordan and Greg rowed 3200 nau�cal miles across the North Atlan�c in 72 days from the USA to the UK without assistance. A Sea�le, Washington based 501(c)3 organiza�on , we are currently raising awareness and funds for our 2011 Mid-Atlan�c rowing race, benefi�ng Right to Play Interna�onal. The crew proves that by pulling together, the extraordinary is possible.
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We pull together powerful teams to conquer extreme challenges. We use what we earn to support our organiza�on, our partners, and those in need – worldwide.