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學習平面,但對行銷企劃更有興趣, 體認到設計的過程中,除了設計之 外,還需要懂得設計的人來協助設計 師,完成專案,因此想要成為一個, 能幫助設計師在執行專案上面,更加 流暢的輔助者,與設計師共同激盪出 更多的有趣的企劃!

差一點就贏,差一點就贏, 所有的瘋狂就為那一時間的愚冥。


葛戴爾 < 一步之差 >

關於 我 /

謝 佳伶

Hesieh Chai-Ling

| 1992.12.11 天主教輔仁大學 應用美術學系 +886917944736 sandyhi811211@gmail.com 新北市五股區民義里工商路181號

Fu Jen Catholic University No.181, Gongshang Rd. Wugu Dist., New Taipei City 24856 Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886917944736 sandyhi811211@gmail.com

Experience Degree

History Of



2010 2015

關於 / 簡歷

中正高中 輔仁大學應用美術系


經驗 2014 2015

視覺傳達組 - 組代 畢委會 - 統籌

得獎 2013 2013 2014 2015

金犢獎 - 入圍 藝穗節主視覺設計 - 入圍獎 金犢獎 - 優選 新一代 - 入圍

畢業製作 小 - 吃大器系列書籍 A collection of Taiwanese dishware

FJUTC young designers exhibition publications design

<Girls Life> photography book

z <Journey Under the Midnight Sun>book design

攝 > 影書籍創作

織品服裝學系 新 2015 - 一代專刊設計

女 < 子的日子

書 > 籍設計


23 09

13 05

白 < 夜行

A stationery store wrapping paper design

Persimmon packaging design




Poster of examination

Poster of examination

Poster of examination

Sih-Ying HSIEH `s Artworks

<No Comment>Peripheral commodity



>海 - 報週邊設計


插畫創作 故 - 宮小怪獸

級應用美術學系室內設計組審查海報 104

級應用美術學系視覺傳達組審查海報 104

無 < 可奉告

級應用美術學系金工產品組審查海報 104


謝思盈的對話性創作 作 - 品集製作

35 27



Package design 柿餅包裝設計 Persimmon packaging design 2014 | 150mm x 150mm x 50mm

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為傳統柿餅設計一款以年輕族群為主的包裝。首先讓柿餅插 圖化,運用插圖的元素重複擺放作為圖騰,搭配黑色盒底, 讓整體包裝視覺更加強眼,並且採用捆線的方式作為提把, 取代塑膠袋的不環保,打破大家一般對於柿餅隨意包裝的印 象,讓柿餅也可以是一個逢年過節送禮的選擇之一。


Design a traditional persimmon with younger -based packaging. Illustration of persimmon repeated use of elements placed as a totem with a black box at the end. So that the overall visual package is reinforced eye , and use as a reference to the way the line bundle to replace plastic bags are not environmentally friendly. we usually break for persimmon random packing impression so persimmons can also be one of the options of a Chinese New Year gift.

以黑底為基調的另一款包裝,給人不同的感受 Use black color for the tone of another package

另外一種插畫方式,以線條的方式表現 Another way of illustration



Hand drawn illustrations of persimmon


柿餅包裝實體呈現 Persimmon packaging materialized


Wrapping paper design 虛 擬文具店包裝紙設計 A stationery store wrapping paper design 2014 | 210mm x 297mm

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一般包裝紙圖案大多是花花草草並且隨意亂拆,拆完即丟的方式,不僅不環保而且還失去了包裝禮物的意義, 我虛擬出一家文具店,為這家文具店設計2款包裝紙,一款為鉛筆插畫,源自於將心<筆>心的諧音,希望收到禮 物的人,能感受到送禮者的心意,第二款為<捏我吧!>源於包裝紙經常在拆封時就變得破破皺皺,於是我將皺 皺的圖直接印刷在包裝紙上,讓包裝紙變得更加有趣與實用。 Indiscriminate demolition of wrapping paper are not environmentally friendly. I created a visual stationery store designing 2 wrapping paper. One of a pencil illustration another is < Pinch me! > From the packaging often broken when opened becomes wrinkled. So I would wrinkled FIG directly printed on wrapping paper and hope wrapping paper making more fun and practical.

兩款包裝紙 wrapping paper design


實體照片 photo




Book design <白夜行>書籍設計 <Journey Under the Midnight Sun>book design 2014 | 147mm x 209mm

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以東野圭吾代表小説<白夜行>上下兩冊,重製書衣與包裝。概念 發想源於<白夜行>象徵著兩個相對的概念日與夜,兩個天差地 別卻密不可分的矛盾關係,白代表著故事的開端,生命的開始都 是風光明媚,漸漸的太陽西下黑夜來臨,因此我將上下兩冊以白 (上冊)黑(下冊)作為區隔,背景的黑與白襯托出太陽日夜間的反 差,並且將兩本書包在一起。當人變得冷酷,彷彿如同石膏像般 的冰冷,因此拍攝許多的石膏像,營造出混亂、不確定性。


< Journey Under the Midnight Sun> symbolizes the two opposing concepts of day and night. Two days to do but inseparable contradictions relationship white represents the beginning of the story. The beginning of life is beautiful scenery gradually the sun sets and night falls so I will two volumes white (Volume I) black (Volume II) as black and white to bring out the sun on the night of contrast segmentation, background. The two books package together when people become too cold as if like a plaster -like cold. Take as many of the plaster creating confusion and uncertainty.

上下冊二合一包裝 two-in-one

書衣展開圖 developed view


上冊書衣 - 白 volume one

下冊書衣 - 黑 volume two

書腰 tummy band


實體照片 photo

以整個書衣包住兩本書籍為概念 呈現日與夜兩者相護依存的關係 In the entire book clothes concept wrap two books.


Book design <女子的日子> - 攝影書籍創作 <Girls Life> photography book 2014 | 190mm x 235mm

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「西門町是個充斥華麗、歡樂與神秘的地方,女孩們愛它的好,卻也害怕它的美」 以女性的觀點作為出發點,女子的日子組合起來即是好日子,但是在美好日子背後,卻也存在著許多的 深不見底的黑暗。我運用西門町鮮豔的色彩,搭配文字的編排,呈現華麗背後的矛盾,讓觀賞者在閱讀 的同時,可以感受到鮮豔色彩之下的殘酷。

Ximending is full of gorgeous , joy and mysterious place. Girls love it good but also afraid of its beauty .” Female perspective as a starting point. Woman’s life that is a good day combined. Otherwise in the good days behind is filled with deep darkness. Ximending I use bright colors with text layout. Ambivalence gorgeous behind so that the viewer while reading you can feel brutal bright colors beneath.


Girls ’ s Life






Book design 2015織品服裝學系-新一代專刊設計 FJUTC young designers exhibition publications design 2015 | 210mm x 297mm

創作理念 / 2015輔仁大學織品服裝設計學系新一代設計展專刊設計,由我與另外兩位同學共同設計,主題Zeitgeist時 代精神與中文名稱<織覺·紉針>,封面用色彩豐富且不規則圓形做表現,象徵著織品系包含三組服裝設 計組、織品設計組與行銷企劃組,多樣性的變化,許多顏色交疊互相碰撞,過程中總會出現令人意想不 到的事情,最後呈現出令人驚艷的成果!

2015 Fu Jen Catholic University Department of Textiles and Clothing generation design exhibition design magazine design. Theme Zeitgeist spirit of the times and the Chinese name < woven feel · Renzhen > cover with colorful circular rules do not show. Symbolizing the fabric system contains three groups costume design team , fabric design team and marketing planning group. Changes in diversity many colors overlap collide there will always be unexpected course of things finally showing stunning results!

圖片元素 photo






在製作過程中,嘗試用顏料相互暈染的方式, 再做後製的處理。製造出顏料相互碰撞後,不 可預料的色彩變化,最後決定圖片為 4. ,但 由於顏色太過鮮豔,所以讓局部呈現黑白,增 加層次感。 Paint each other blooming. Let the local rendering black and white added depth . 5. 20

專刊 book

週邊 Peripheral commodity


封面標準字為局部燙金 hot foil stamping presses


Book design 畢業製作 - 小吃大器系列書籍 A collection of Taiwanese dishware 2015 | 175mm x 310mm

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小吃美食從過去到現在,一樣的場景,相同的滋味。 台灣小吃歷經兩百年來,卻沒有一個真正適合的擺放小吃 的器皿,因此我們將替台灣小吃設計專屬食器,給享譽國際 的台灣小吃一個對的家,設計十套餐具,十本經折小吃歷 史故事書,讓台灣小吃有不同的新風貌。

統籌/攝影 | 謝佳伶 書籍編排 | 翁嘉霙 謝佳伶 插畫 | 張惠綺

標準字 logotype


Taiwanese snacks after two years , but no one really suitable containers placed snacks.We’ll take care of Taiwanese snacks exclusive tableware design. Design ten sets of tableware , ten fold snack history through story books, so that Taiwan has a new and different style snacks .

經哲正面為小吃插畫故事,背 面為餐具設計的攝影風格,結 合插畫的情境,讓照片增添更 多趣味。 illustration of story & Photography style 24

內文插畫 illustration


以筷筒為發想,用傳統小吃攤 的筷筒作為十本經折的包裝 With chopsticks barrels for packaging. 26

Book design 謝思盈的對話性創作 - 作品集製作 Sih-Ying HSIEH `s Artworks 2015 | 192mm x 240mm

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<與__穩定交往中>為一本推甄作品集,題目名稱主要表現繪畫與自身的關係。繪畫如同情人一般,親密卻 需要各自的空間,因此在封面的挑選上,我選用作者作品中的一張相片-皮膚上面的毛,人與人之間關係 的改變,時常就在一瞬間的肌膚碰觸,而文字上我也刻意地把字距調得很緊密,營造出交往中的想要與彼 此更靠近的心境。 < In a relationship with ____> as a portfolio. Title name mainly paintings and their relationship. As a lover of painting in general but it requires its own intimate space on the cover of the selection. I chose a photo of author works - hair above the skin changing the relationship between people. In an instant skin touch and the character I have deliberately put kerning is very close. I want to create exchanges and closer to each other ‘s state of mind .

書本標題設計 title design

我在漣漪裡 發現一個奇蹟

家系列 My cat family



封面發展 封面一開始的發想從談戀愛時臉紅,用圓形漸層做象徵,到之後使用 肌膚的圖片,字體與圖片色調上面也做了很大的微調,從原本的手 寫字體 、 暗色系的圖片,到最後採用亮色與字體緊密的表現方式。 Round Gradient as a symbol and the photo of skin. Font and image tone above also done a lot of fine-tuning. From the original handwriting dark lines of the picture in the end the use of bright colors and font tight expression.


1. 29




1. 內頁 inside back cover 2. 作品集封面 Portfolio`s cover 3.4.5. 書本特寫 Portfolio`s photo 5. 30

Book design 戲劇< 無可奉告 > - 海報 / 週邊設計 <No Comment>Peripheral commodity

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台北藝術大學100級劇場設計學系畢業展公演,改編自<無可奉 告>劇本以隱晦的方式描述台灣社會年輕人的矛盾,以人的外 型做發想,在一個看似清晰,卻模糊不清的邊緣中,找尋自己 最不可告人的秘密,象徵著時下年輕人,用華麗的衣裝偽裝自 己,隱藏自己。

舞台設計 stage


Taipei University of the Arts 104 Theatre School of Design graduate exhibition performances adapted from < comment > script contradiction in a metaphorical way of describing young Taiwanese society. Seems clear , but blurred edges , find their most hidden secrets. A symbol of today’s youth with gorgeous clothes to disguise themselves to hide themselves.


由四張圖疊合而成 Composite made four maps


設計師 | 謝佳伶 江可絹


無可奉告 - 酷卡 poster card

無可奉告 - 節目冊 playbill 34

Poster design 104級應用美術學系金工產品組審查 海報 Poster of examination 2015 | 594mm x 841mm

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金工以<金>字作為發想,當一塊金屬融成液體,經過一段時 間的處理,便可塑造成一個個美麗、精緻的飾品,這便是金 屬最奇妙的特性,因此我以金屬融化後的液體為視覺,拍攝 金屬流動的過程,藍色色塊則是金屬融化之際,火光的色 彩,呈現金屬與火之間的互動,同時在海報當中,隱藏了金 字做為趣味。


Metalworking to < gold > word as hair like that when a piece of metal melted into liquid after a period of treatment can be molded into a beautiful exquisite jewelry. This is the most wonderful features of metal so I melted the metal liquid visual shooting metal flow. Blue color is the occasion of the metal melts the color of fire. Showing interaction between the metal and fire as well as in posters which hide the gold as fun.


Poster design 104級應用美術學系視覺傳達組審查海報 Poster of examination 2015 | 594mm x 841mm

創作理念 /

在製作畢製的過程中,熱情往往會隨著時間、與挫折而減 少,而一般室內設計給人的感受,就是較為理性與冰冷, 因此我用石頭堅硬的材質,放入圓潤的圖形之中,重複堆 疊,並且用鮮艷的顏色,讓人看到海報的同時,不會感到 嚴肅、冰冷,而有活潑、互動的感受。


In the process of making the complete system the enthusiasm often over time and reduced frustration. General interior design gives the feeling is more rational and cold. So I hard stone materials into sleek graphics among repeat stacked and with bright colors . When people see the poster not feel serious, cold. There is a lively interactive experience.

以雲層交疊與天空湛藍的顏 色,時而會反射高山的綠作 為發想。 Overlap with clouds and sky. Sometimes will be reflected mountains.


Poster design 104級應用美術學系室內設計組審查海報 Poster of examination 2015 | 594mm x 841mm

創作理念 /

在製作畢製的過程中,熱情往往會隨著時間、與挫折而減 少,而一般室內設計給人的感受,就是較為理性與冰冷,因 此我用石頭堅硬的材質,放入圓潤的圖形之中,重複堆疊, 並且用鮮艷的顏色,讓人看到海報的同時,不會感到嚴肅、 冰冷,而有活潑、互動的感受。 In the process of making the complete system the enthusiasm often over time and reduced frustration. General interior design gives the feeling is more rational and cold. So I hard stone materials into sleek graphics among repeat stacked with bright colors. People see the poster while not feel serious, cold. there is a lively interactive experience.



Illustration 插畫創作 - 故宮小怪獸 Illustretions




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中國故宮著名瓷器造型做發想,霽青描金瓷游魚轉心瓶、青花折枝花卉六方瓶、白陶鬹結合中國畫出現的 山、石、樹與水墨技法,讓原本莊嚴的古物變成一個個小怪獸。作品以線性的方式表現,黑白為基調,用 細膩的筆觸描繪山水畫中,一絲不苟的精神。 China Forbidden City ‘s famous porcelain hair styling do think , Ji Qing porcelain gilt fish turn heart bottle , blue and white flowers of hexagonal bottle broken branches. Combined with Chinese painting as white pottery Gui mountains, stone , tree with ink techniques. So that the original stately Antiquities become a little monster. Work in a linear fashion show black and white tone. brush strokes depict landscapes , the spirit of the letter.



『點』遠看的時候很小,當我們走進一看,它原比我們 想像的來得遼闊、無限。

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