始 e lls in Fa az x LY ag ou Si ON t M l du A
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Spring Break For Any Budget
Washboard Abs No Gym Necessary
Museum of Visual Materials A Museum that encourages to touch?!
Modern Elegance Look Amazing at Formal
, + !&!,
Matt Burns
Life of a New York Artist
March 2009 Vol. 1 Issue 3
presents... 5 0 6
s s e n d a M Music h
c r a M
We are excited to announce that we are going to have March Music Madness all through the month of—you guessed it—March. If you friend us on Myspace, become our fan on Facebook, and/or follow us on Twitter, you are automatically in the draw to be picked to win two tickets to an upcoming Pepper Entertainment show. Each Friday, starting February 27, we are going to choose someone at random from each social network, and that lucky person will win a ticket for them and a friend to attend the next Pepper Entertainment show.
So start adding, and you could be a winner!
Magazine Publisher
The Mighty Bowtones, LLC Editor-in-Chief Alana Bowden Director of Sales and Marketing John Snyder Art Director Adam Lichty Cover Art by Holly Bowden Cover Photo by Ovidiu Stoica Photography Hauschildt’s Photography Candace Ann Photography Rob Specht Ovidiu Stoica Amanda Ryrholm Mail correspondence to: 300 N. Cherapa Pl., Suite 504 Sioux Falls, SD 57103 For Advertising Inquiries Contact: John Snyder (605) 274-1999 sales@605magazine.com Check us out at: www.605magazine.com or www.myspace.com/605magazine.com 605 Magazine is printed monthly by The Mighty Bowtones, LLC in Sioux Falls and is distributed free all over the city. Š2009 605 Magazine. All rights reserved. Content in this magazine may not be copied in any way without written permission from the publisher. 605 Magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Materials will be returned only if accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Content in articles, editorial material and advertisements are not necessarily endorsed by 605 Magazine. The Mighty Bowtones, LLC does not endorse or condone consuming alcohol under the age of 21.
Rachel Palmer - Writer
Rachel grew up near the Black Hills in Rapid City and is a South Dakota native. She is currently attending the University of South Dakota and is in the process of earning a degree in English Education with a minor in music. As cliché as it may sound, Rachel has a passion for reading and writing—creative writing in particular. She enjoys tutoring students at Vermillion Middle School and volunteering at the W.H. Over Museum. For fun, Rachel loves to go on “road trips” and see her favorite bands and musicians live. In the future, Rachel hopes to become a secondary English teacher and keep herself busy as a freelance writer. Rachel features the Museum of Visual Materials this month.
Mary Dodson - Writer Mary is 28 years old and grew up in Spearfish, SD. She graduated from Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD in 2004 with a bachelor’s degree in English and a minor in theatre. At NSU Mary’s significant accomplishments included having poetry and a humorous sketch published in the Shelterbelt literary magazine, performing in ten main stage theatrical performances and winning three acting awards. In December 2008 she received her master’s degree in English literature from the University of South Dakota. This month Mary gives a look at South Dakota Symphony member Kathryn Huffnagle.
Sabina Mustic - Writer Sabina graduated from the University of South Dakota in May 2008 with a B.A. in English and German. She enjoys writing because it gives her satisfaction when she knows she worked hard and created something worth reading. Some of Sabina’s hobbies include reading, spending time with family and friends, traveling, and shopping. Sabina plans to attend graduate school sometime in the near future to get a master’s degree in Library Science. Check out Sabina’s true and false article on Gardasil ®.
Denise DePaolo - Writer Denise is from Sioux Falls and graduated from Washington High School in 2001. Since then, she has lived in Gainesville, Florida and traveled extensively. She and her husband Tony moved back to Sioux Falls in 2008. She is finishing up her English degree at the University of South Dakota and work as a bartender on weekends. Denise hopes to one day write for a living, but making drinks is a pretty cool job for now. She like adventures, jokes, and going to punk rock shows. Denise has two entertaining, yet helpful articles on spring break destinations for your budget and creative ways to ask someone to formal.
Amanda Ryrholm - Photographer Amanda is a 22-year-old senior at the University of Sioux Falls. She is graduating with an art major with an emphasis in photography and graphic design, and a minor in Entrepreneurial Studies. Amanda is the photographer for the school newspaper, and also has a love for music, friends, spaghetti and meatballs, milk, and the color green. Amanda provides helpful action shots to get those washboard abs for the visual learners.
Jamie Bulian - Writer Jamie is a 21-year-old senior at the University of South Dakota from Yankton. She is graduating in May with a major in communication studies and minors in both contemporary media and journalism and Spanish. Jamie is very involved with the university newspaper and the university weekly newscast. After graduation, Jamie plans to pursue a career in either advertising/marketing or public relations. In her spare time she loves to run, read, watch movies, and spend time with family and friends. This month Jamie gives tips on how to budget in The Scoop.
Kiel Mutschelknaus - Graphic Designer Kiel is originally from Brandon, SD and graduated from Augustana College with an art major and math minor in 2007. He is currently a graphic designer at Fresh Produce and has been since January ‘08. Kiel enjoys creating anything and everything. He hopes to continue working in the visual realm, hopes to write and draw an illustrated novel, open a “creative only” subscription shop, become an art professor, and make Sioux Falls the art mecca of the upper Midwest (watch yourself Minneapolis!). Kiel also “curates” a local arts blog called Graphic Content, at: desktopsoil.typepad.com/graphic_content Check out Kiel’s illustration this month with Denise’s article The Art of Asking: Formal Style.
Samantha Beeck - Writer Sam is 19-year-old from Sioux City, IA and is currently pursuing a journalism major at USD. She hopes to work at a fashion magazine when she graduates from college. When she is not being a student, Sam enjoys watching movies and going out to dinner. Her favorite pastime is reading any magazine she can get her hands on. Sam is very close to her family and can’t go more than 2 weeks with out going home. Sam shows you simple and quick ways to do your hair during spring break.
Kiley Barnes - Writer Kiley is native to Beresford, SD, but currently resides in Sioux Falls. She plans to graduate this May with an English writing degree from the University of Sioux Falls, where upon she will be faced with the difficult task of finding a real-life, boring job like a real-life, boring adult. Her dreams include traveling, freelance writing and one day publishing a successful children’s book. In her leisure time, she enjoys good music, good food, and good friends along with some dancing, too. Scared for the beach? Kiley tells you how to get washboard abs in the fitness section.
Holli Rausch - Graphic Designer Originally from Hawarden, IA, Holli graduated from Dakota State University with a major in Graphic Design and minors in Art and Center of Excellence. It was at DSU that she took her first graphic design class, Illustrator, and Holli’s been a vector fan-girl ever since. (Though she dabbles in all things design, Illustrator was her first true-love.) She’s currently working as a temporary Publishing Specialist with the City of Sioux Falls and works on projects in her freetime. Around town, you might find Holli fueling her photography interest, acting in her husband’s film projects, baking goodies for coworkers and friends, or frequently hitting her head on something. You can find all you need to know about her at HolliRausch.com or follow her on Twitter, @holli_joi.
march 2009
Reviews and Recommmendations 6
March Event Calendar
Beyond Borders: Book Reviews
A Taste of Sarcasm
Pepper Entertainment: Init Fest and Lunar Funk Theory
Get Involved: YPN
Life, Love and Laughter 16
COVER: Multi-faceted Artist and Entrepreneur Matt Burns
21 Why Don’t Ya Do Somethin’?: Museum of Visual Materials 23
The Scoop: Budgeting During Tough Economic Times
25 The Real Deal: Kathryn Hufnagle 26
He Said, She Said...
The Art of the Ask: Formal Style
“I WANT TO TAKE WORK THAT EXCITES ME, FRIGHTENS ME, OR INSPIRES ME. “ - Former Sioux Falls native, Brooklyn actor/writer/entreprenuer Matt Burns. Photo by Ovidiu Stoica
Ask the Johns
In the Matter of Nick Kotzea...
Spring Break For the Budget
Quiz: Are You A Bad Listener?
Fashion and Beauty 35 What Chu Need 37 What’s Boss/Get Lost 38
Fashion: Modern Elegance
Fun and Effortless Spring Break Hair
Poll of the Month
What Do You Want to See more of Next Issue?
Fitness and Health 44 How to Get Washboard Abs
20.9% Restaurant Reviews
47 Gardasil®: What You Need to Know 23.88% Young Community Leaders
25.37% Local Music
19.4% Upcoming Events
35 Check our official website for next month’s poll and be part of the next issue!
R ev i e w s
March 3, 5, 27, 28 7 p.m.
UNITY THE BAND w/ Anchondo A Tribute to Bob Marley, presented by Pepper Entertainment
Sioux Falls Arena. Skyforce games.
9 p.m.
Nutty’s North. 18+
March 3
chipped for $20 Includes free registration. For more information, call (605)338-4441 or visit www. sfhumanesociety.com.
March 14 Grooming Training
The Pink Floyd Experience
March 12
12 p.m.
7 p.m.
ONE.BE.LO w/Trey Lane presented by Pepper Entertainment
Sioux Falls Area Humane Society. Must be a SFAHS Volunteer participate. For more information, call (605)338-4441 or visit www.sfhumanesociety.com.
March 13/14
March 20
Sioux Falls Arena. Stampede games.
INIT Fest presented by Pepper Breath and Here Lies the Traitor dual CD release show, Entertainment. presented by Pepper 6 p.m. Nutty’s North. Read music section Entertainment 6 p.m.
March 6
for more information on lineup. All ages.
Washington Pavilion. Ticket prices range $18 to $32. Visit www. thepinkfloydexperience.net or call 9 p.m. (605) 367-7397 for more informa- Nutty’s North. 18+ tion.
March 4, 17, 25 Stampede Games 7:05 p.m.
Derek Post CD release show with Liquid Thin, presented by March 14 New Volunteer Orientation Pepper Entertainment. 9 p.m.
9 a.m.
Nutty’s North. 18+
Sioux Falls Area Humane Society. Must be pre-approved to attend. For more information, call (605)338-4441 or visit www.sfhumanesociety.com.
March 7 Pet Therapy Training 9 a.m.
Sioux Falls Area Humane Society. Must be a SFAHS Volunteer to participate. For more information, call Microchip Day (605)338-4441 or visit www.sfhu- 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sioux Falls Area Humane Socimanesociety.com. ety. Have your dog or cat Micro-
March 14
March 7 6
Nutty’s North. All ages.
March 20 Operation Prom Dress: Ultimate Girl’s Night Out 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 Lincoln Hills Bible Church. Free prom dress and more! You can receive an appointment time at the event for Saturday, March 21st, to pick out your perfect, free prom dress, meet with make-up and hair consultants and register for your FREE Prom Day Package (includes: hair, nails and make-up done the day of your prom). Registration deadline for Operation
Prom Dress is March 13 and can be done by sending your name and number to prom@lhbcsf.org or calling (605)334-8111.
March 27 Lunar Funk Theory CD release show featuring Enchanted Ape, presented by Pepper Entertainment 6 p.m. Nutty’s North. 6 p.m. (All ages) 9 p.m (18+).
March 29 Storm game 3:05 p.m. Sioux Falls Arena
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x Falls ue, Downtown Siou 324 S. Phillips Aven llescoffee.com www.miche
367-110, Fr0i 7 am to 11pm,
7 pm Hours: M-Th 7 am to , closed Sundays pm Sat. 8 am to 11
R ev i e w s
B EM a Yr k OL l N D o y db o r d e r s . . . with
Mark Lloyd gets all the book perks working at Borders. Our perk? We get the skinny about upcoming books ahead of everyone else.
Beat the Reaper By Josh Bazell
He has a crappy shift and has to deal with all manners of idiocy, from patients, to doctors, to a drug rep who supplies him with personal samples of prescription drugs.
Pietro “Bearclaw” Brnwa (pronounced “browna”) was a hit man for the mafia. He was the best. But when his wannabe gangster screw up of a best friend got him into trouble, Pietro gave the state evidence against his bosses and entered the witness protection program.
And when Peter Brown enters the room of a new patient, Eddy Squillante, his world comes crashing down. Eddy is in the mafia and recognizes Peter from when he was Pietro, the best hit man in the mob. But Eddy also has stomach cancer and won’t live if Peter doesn’t save him. Maybe Peter should just kill him now to keep him quiet.
Peter Brown is an intern at one of the worst hospitals in New York.
Beat the Reaper is a fresh voice in a sometimes stale genre. If you
A New Spin on Mafia Genre
$10 OFF pedicure with this ad!
Jocelyn Stout 362-9844 dimensionshair.com 1900 S. Sertoma Ave. (26th & Sertoma Ave.)
peruse the mystery/thriller section at your favorite bookstore, you’ll probably notice that it’s filled with formula writers who pretty much write the same book over and over again with only names and places changed. Josh Bazell brings dry witty dialogue to the table. He brings interesting characters to the table. And he brings a plot that keeps jumping back and forth between Dr. Peter and hit man Pietro. Beat the Reaper is filled with hospital drama and mafia violence. Check it out. This book isn’t going to change the world or anything, but it’s definitely a great read.
Daniel Goleman tries to get to the bottom of how Ecological we affect the environIntelligence ment with the things we By Daniel Goleman make and buy. And he’s not just jumping on the bandwagon here. He’s also calling out the companies who call their horrible products “organic” or “green” just to make some sales. If you don’t like these suggestions, the millionth Star Wars book is coming out in March as well.
What to Watch for in March: Apologize, Apoligize! By Elizabeth Kelly
This is the story of Collie Flanagan, a boy raised on Martha’s Vineyard. His family is ridiculously wealthy, educated and crazy. Think The Royal Tenenbaums meets the Kennedys.
If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, consider your options.
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Either way... we’ll be there for you.
R ev i e w s
SARCASM: The Big Max Challenge
By The Obfuscated Observer
t the intersection of N. Cliff Ave. and I-90 sits a Pilot station. It houses a complex of truck stop amenities like truck washes, showers, TV lounges, truck parts and, of course, Grandma Max’s. Grandma Max’s sports a rather plain interior. Well worn carpets, friendly waitresses, seasoned cooks, a casino in the back, and a trucker in every booth. Grandma Max (who actually existed and looks strikingly like Tom Arnold in a wig) is featured in pictures along the walls. This mid-level restaurant might not stand out from the crowd if it weren’t for its crowning jewel, the Big Max Challenge.
eight inches high and 16 inches across. I was in trouble. I started cutting away with a steak knife and fork. My game plan was to eat as fast as possible, then let myself digest while resting for a final
push before the one hour limit. The first thing I noticed was that the burger was actually good. Five minutes in: Trying an all-out eating sprint, I had already eaten 1/4 of the burger, cutting it in a pizza-like fashion. I was looking good and way ahead of pace! 10 minutes in: I was nearly halfway done and really doing well, but started to feel a weird full. I started to realize I had just eaten two pounds of food in 10 minutes. 15 minutes in: I had slowed down considerably and had only eaten a few more bites. The burger was getting the best of me. 20 minutes in: I had eaten 3/4 of the burger, and I was struggling to even put another bite in my mouth. The burger was still a full pound from being done, and I was absolutely stuffed. 30 minutes in: I tried a few more bites. There was no way that I was going to even come close to finishing. Also the pre-challenge warning that (due to pre-
What is the Big Max
vious failures) I would be
Challenge, you say? It is simple, yet has important rules you must follow. You get one hour to eat four pounds of cheeseburger. Yes, four pounds. Two pounds of meat and two pounds of toppings all squished by a gargantuan bun. You must choose two sides and have to eat every single bite. If you puke, you pick it up (apparently it has happened a lot). Your reward? A free t-shirt and having your picture on the winners wall of the restaurant. I thought it could not be too difficult to eat a cheeseburger the size of an ATV wheel, so I sat down to give it a shot. After ordering and having the rules explained to me, the waitress brought over the Big Max and started the clock. There it was,
Grandma Max’s, located on North Cliff and I-90
responsible for cleaning up any projectile regurgitation, I threw in the towel. Can you conquer the Big Max? For $16.99 you can find out. I sure couldn’t. 5301 N. Cliff Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57104 (605) 334-9321 Type: Diner food with a random Mexican menu Hours: Open 24/7 Smoking: Yes Video Lottery: Yes
March 13 and 14 • Nutty’s North All Ages Show • $8 for one night or $12 for both
Featuring The Blinding Light Tech/metal/hardcore band, The Blinding Light, will not only be headlining the first night of Init Fest 2009, but also releasing their latest album, June Bug LP. This Lawrence, KS/Sioux Falls, SD area band is comprised of ex-members of Nodes Of Ranvier, Threadbare, Smoke And Mirrors, Caligari, and more. The Blinding Light also has two previously released albums: The Ascension Attempt (released in 2004), and Glass Bullet (2002). The band has made waves since they formed, and become a key element in Midwest metal. Current members include Brian Lovro (vocals), Terry Taylor (bass), Tim Munce (guitar), Chad Petit (guitar), and Josh Ferrie (drums).
Also Performing: Høst
“... Høst sways both gracefully and mercilessly through Burzumic soundscapes, elephantine power dirges, and obsidian death marches while plumbing the most infectious trenches of black ‘n’ roll.” - Decibel Magazine
“Having established its identity and calling, Hammerlord starts branching out from its power-thrash formula, taking a blackmetal detour into grim, foresty ambience with “Sick Like Our Crimes” and aptly using darker tonal shades during “Shut Your Eyes,” a song about falling into a colorless abyss. Stevie Cruz uses clean harmonic vocals and a killer Danzig impersonation sparingly yet effectively, when he’s not screaming himself wheezy over spiraling riffs. Hammerlord delivers a few silly lines (Bang the head that doesn’t bang!) and knowing references (We ride the lightning), but purists need not fear: These are dedicated veterans of the metal army, not condescending hipster mercenaries.” - Pitch
“Building, festering, slowly approaching the inevitable crescendo which will cause everything to come crashing down. Those more reserved moments aren’t so much a reprieve as an opportunity to brace yourself for the coming onslaught; pounding drums and riffs so heavy they could bring down a building are never very far behind” -PunkNews.Org
Sleeping In Gethsemane
““Howling screams picked up only by amp and drum mics perfect the balance of destruction and beauty.” - Nowlikephotographs
R ev i ew s
March 13 and 14 • Nutty’s North All Ages Show • $8 for one night or $12 for both Featuring Building Better Bombs “Besides being one of the catchiest hardcore (or screamo, if you approve of such a word) bands I have ever heard, the band is instrumentally on point as well. Building Better Bombs is instrumentally as catchy as their vocals, matching the choruses with an indie flare while still being able to produce caustic and maniacal music during times of chaos.” - scenepointblank.com
Minneapolis natives, Building Better Bombs, is set to headling night two of Init Fest at Nutty’s North in Sioux Falls. Hosting members from several previous Minneapolisknown bands (Doomtree, Mel Gibson & The Pants), Building Better Bombs has turned their attention to a more hardcore genre, while still pulling influences from their previous hiphop roots. Stef Alexander AKA P.O.S. (vocals/guitar), Isaac Gale (vocals/guitar), Ryan Olson (bass) and Ben Ivascu (drums) fill the roster for the band, who released their debut full-length album, Freak Out Squares, in 2007.
Also Performing: Phoenix Bodies
Any vacant scenester can bung together some amusing song titles and make a racket which ends up signifying bugger all. Raise the Bullshit Flag is quite the opposite, shot through with genuine punk spirit and delivered with the subtlety of a nailbomb. Marking their debut UK releases after a multitude of Stateside splits, this 10-song/15-minute blast makes for an attention grabbing introduction, balancing serious comment with the sense of humour evident in titles like the anti-fast-food “You’ve been hamburgled.” In a parallel universe, all politicized grindcore/noise records would be this much fun.” - Kerrang
In The Face Of War
“In the Face of War’s We Make Our Own Luck is a pretty solid example of how ambitious otherwise atonal youth crew hardcore can be. Take raspily yelled but comprehensible vocals, a steady aggression, forward-thinking melodies and an unrelenting urgency and you got yourself a lot to like.” - punknews.org
“. Towers is a sound explosion bursting with feedback & noise. Their sound falls somewhere between Deadguy, Old Man Gloom, and early Isis material.” - interpunk.com
Cougar Den
“On their debut full-length, Keepondrifter, the trio delivers nine tracks of intelligent, well-crafted screamo with strong nods to Hot Cross, making the album yet another hit in the Init Records catalog.” - lambgoat.com
Loungin’ With
Lunar Funk Theory by Hayes Davis
Do you prefer smiling over frowning? Do you enjoy giving and/or receiving hugs? Would you usually rather go barefoot? If you have said “no” in the last 10 seconds, then The Lunar Funk Theory might not be for you. LFT have been lighting up stages and faces for years with their hybrid sound, craftily blending funk, reggae, hip hop, bluegrass, jam, and psychedelic rock. It has been a long, strange trip, and after a few shuffles in the line-up, the young caterpillar has morphed into a butterfly worth beholding. Lee, Angie, Ben, Tom, and Matthew have been joined by Colin and Chewie, known as the Didjeriduo. They recorded their first studio album in just 18 hours at Cathouse Studios with Mike Dresch, and it’s set for release on March 27th at Nutty’s North. With cover art by ultra-talented artist Chuck Hues, this long awaited release is sure to put a grin on many faces. Grab a copy at the release party, memorize the lyrics, and come back for the annual 420 Bash on April 20th to sing along with LFT’s freaky-fun family of fans and friends, the Su Fu Crew. HD: The band line-up has undergone a
few changes over the years. Do you feel like you are where you want to be now? Matthew: I think we are set right now with where we want to be and what we are trying to do. Once you add too many elements, it makes it that much harder. Five people are enough to deal with, with all the political stuff we go through as a band. Lee: And it would be hard to fit us all on stage! Tom: Horns! We need more horns! HD:LFT have a total of five daughters. How do they influence you? Lee: For me, it has really sobered me and made us a little more grounded. It feels good to see life in a different way. Matthew: We even feel life in a different way. Lee actually orchestrated a line on track six of the new album where all our daughters are named in a line of the lyrics. Ben: On the last track, my daughter and I do a song together. She loves to sing! Angie: We are so much more focused as a group now. HD: Festival season is almost here again. What’s on the plate for summer? Lee: Right now, we are booked for Bella Madre in Harmony Park and Hemp
Hoedown in the Black Hills. There are also a couple start-up festivals in Jackson and Maple Grove, MN we have been in contact with. We’ll hopefully be a part of Harvest Fest and Project Earth. It’s great to play for our fans, but it is also fun to grow and play for strangers too. HD: You gain new fans with every show. What role do they play in your success? Matthew: Our fans have put us where we are at. I don’t believe that we would play on some of those levels that we reach sometimes if it weren’t for them. We can really feel the urgency of them wanting to be a part of it. That feeling drives us to do the best that we can, and everybody wins. Lee: In the new CD notes, we thank the Su Fu Crew in huge letters. They have definitely helped us become what we are. Angie: We hope to get some theatrics going with some of our friends on stage sometime soon. That’s the thing with Lunar Funk … we are a band and a family at the same time. LFT will be having two CD release shows at Nutty’s North on Friday, March 27 with openers Enchanted Ape. An all ages show will be at 6 pm and an 18+ show at 10 pm.
Derek Post has shared the stage with top notch artists such as Indigenous, Chris Duarte, Bernard Allison and many, many more. On March 6, he will headline Nutty’s North and celebrate the release of his debut EP, Ebb and the Flow. The CD release show is at Nutty’s North, with special guests Liquid Thin. It’s an 18+ show, with doors at 9 pm. Tickets are $7.
R ev i e w s
G e t I n v o l v e d !:
fanie Liston, it will be a great way for young professionals to network. Lis-
The Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Network
he Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce has brought together members from an array of establishments to enhance the business community since 1907. Young business professionals have been very active in the Chamber, but many have felt intimidated at networking events. Over a century after its beginnings,
the Chamber now has a group designated for them: the Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Network (YPN). Co-Chair of the YPN Steering Committee Tim Schut says, “We are trying to meet a need for young people to gather.” According to Co-Chair Stef-
ton stresses that not only members will be able to network, but the YPN also feels it is important to include member’s families to join at social events several times a year. But networking is only a layer of what the group is all about. YPN members will also benefit by having access to community leaders, information, career opportunities, and access to one another. Schut says it is all about personal and professional development. YPN is already off to an impressive start. The kickoff has not even happened yet and there are already 57 members. “I bet in the next six months we’ll have over 200 members,” Schut says.
The Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Network Steering Committee Pictured from top L to R: Natalie Eisenberg, Nate Welch, Darin Hage, Brian Jans, Nick Bentele, Rachel Nordling, Stacey Jans, Tim Schut, Garrett Wilson, Bobbi Nelson, Tyler Sharp, Chris Schwab, Steffanie Liston, Kristen Townsend, Megan Myers, Tiffany Miller, Jo Theodosopoulos.
The YPN kickoff is April 22 at Cherapa Place downtown. Those who are interested to join are encouraged to go and can sign up at the event.
If You Join: - You must be ages 21 to 39. - Fees are $20 for current Chamber members and $50 for non-members per year. - When you sign up, you can join Action Teams like Civic Involvement, Membership & Marketing, Professional & Personal Development, or Social.
The YPN Steering Committee holds a meeting on Feb. 17, 2009.
ome people have merely jotted down a few ideas for their “bucket list” of what they want to accomplish in their lifetime. Sioux Falls native Matt Burns has already covered a few, to say the least.
Not only has Burns, 24, kidnapped Chuck Bass on an episode of the CW’s Gossip Girl, but he has recently finished his first novel Lonely.Lonely., has his short play The Lion and the Bull being produced this month, and is preparing for the launch of his
use this creative energy to sell salsa and share his other talents while focusing on his main passion: acting. Burns discovered his ambition for the craft when he was a sophomore at Lincoln High School and starred in a diverse assortment play two including the controof plays; versia Twilight of the Golds and versial The C Complete Works of William Shak Shakespeare (Abridged).
and I had to get into the city. I took a couple random jobs like a valet driver and wine bartender that rendered me homeless and stranded. I began couch surfing and staying out all night in clubs and after hour parties. I met some seriously interesting people. I partied at Heath Ledger’s crib and watched him trip balls on mushrooms... saw that decline coming from a mile away. I had some rough nights in Penn Station, but was covered for the most part by the cities spiraling network of connections. All in all it took me six months to save enough to get my own place at the Opera House Lofts.
Explain a little bit about your acting. Everything revolves around my acting. A normal day for that would be getting a call from my agent two hours before a commercial audition and have to remember eight to 15 lines. It’s constant memorizing. For a film I’ll have a few days to prepare, and for that I have to memorize around five to 15 pages.
Kn Knowing there was not a huge act acting scene in South Dakota, Bu Burns departed the Midwest in 20 for Pittsburgh, PA, where 2003 h attended the Carnegie he M Mellon University School of Drama. He also got a taste I want to take work that excites me, frightof the National Institute of ens me or inspires me. f Dramatic Art in Sydney, o d a e A when he studied the h ’s Australia d over W o C o e h What was it like doing Gossip Girl? How h t abroad there his last year of a wraps e set of s h s t n n r n r u o u B ) college. Aft er graduation, B , has that affected you career-wise? isode stwick ked!kull Burns packed what little Ransac s (actor Ed We he Oct. 13 ep S s u o as fam nt Chuck B “Gossip Girl.” I ader of the in o courtesy he had and headed to New It’s definitely a step forward. I feel so le ot w York to pursue his dream. hit sho e treacherous University. Ph stoked that I got that. I’m still so young h le S Since then Burns has t in the industry, so I feel there is much to played s Society at Ya ap appeared in TV shows, ne and Bo films, plays, Burns. of Matt a is the voice and Along with friends o several ad of Rob Bowman and campaign like Trojan® campaigns Jake O’Connor, Burns salsa business with friends Rob Bowman Veri condoms and Verizon Wireless. is launching an alland Jake O’Connor, The Brooklyn Salsa Company. We got a chance to catch Burns organic condiment in the midst of his crazy schedule business, “The BrookBut that is just a taste of what the New to get a glimpse of what life is lyn Salsa Company.” York artist has on his plate on an average like as a “starving artist” in New day. Burns currently lives in an area of York, which now might hold Brooklyn in an old opera house that holds more truth during the recession. around 50 lofts, all of which are occupied by eclectic and energized artists. All of What was it like moving to them gather daily in the courtyard gorged New York? with coffee tables or hang in the ample basement, where Burns says bands can I stayed first in a squat in Sumplay and experiment nonstop. mit, NJ about an hour outside of the city with a friend, but my With inspiration from the late Paul Newaudition schedule was hectic, man, this young entrepreneur hopes to
come for me.
How do you feel when blogs say things like “sexy bad boy alert” about your characters on TV? Is it weird? (Laughs) Sometimes I feel so unaware because I’m so busy. That’s hilarious, though.
What has it been like living there during the economic crisis? Has it taken a toll on your line of work? It’s like the whole city went on hold a month and a half ago. It seems there’s a boiling under everything and everyone is thinking, “What now?”
when I had 10 days off and I didn’t know what to do with myself. I thought I’m going to write a novel. So I pulled out a journal and told a friend about it. They didn’t believe I could do it, so I wrote the complete outline for it in those 10 days. I spent the summer in Baltimore writing it. It’s a simple book, but it’s made to be universal. It’s about a poet and is a fast romance. It’s a modern, coming of age novel. In short, I wrote the book I wanted to read. I’m just starting the publishing part of it, and agents are trying to find a place for it. It’s such a big process and has been such a challenge to figure out these industries.
Now where does salsa come into this? We developed five recipes out of our loft. We just hope to give an American flair to a popular condiment. Our goal is also to keep everything very green because that is really important to us. We use all green methods to manufacture it, like using corn-derived containers and all natural ingredients. It’s going to be a lot of on the road type of stuff to try to get it into stores. We’re currently painting our loft walls our signature green color for
Auditioning has been going slow. Pilot season (the casting of all test TV episodes) isn’t really happening right now when it normally would be. So many people le went for broke. It’ss a really intense feeling, ng, but I think there’s great hope.
Tell us about your ur novel Lonely. Lonely. nely. It has been my main ain focus the last threee months. It all start started ted
the launch. Our launch will be organic. We have a street team working for us already doing gorilla marketing in the city, like graffiti, stickers, banners, events, tastings, and we have a shirt design that’s launching with fashion week on some of the most fly models in the city. it’s all underground, free and radical.
Is it hard taking on so many projects? I live off the energy of doing stuff. Ever
since I’ve been out here, I’ve been running. I’m just trying to have fun and make the rent.
It’s also hard to have a place for sanctuary to be alone and rest here.
Do you enjoy living in New York more than South Dakota?
What’s the most important thing to you?
It’s not that different. You live in a large city, but you mostly stay in your area and run into the same people all the time, and go to the same places. You can find happiness and success wherever you are. I definitely miss the energy and pace of South Dakota. It’s a little more manageable.
I just want to live a free life.
To find out more about The Brooklyn Salsa Company, go to www.bksalsa.com or visit www.imdb.com for any updates on his acting career.
Why Don’t
Ya Do
Museum of Visual Materials by Rachel Palmer photos by Rob Specht
hat should a community do when one of the oldest buildings in town is scheduled for demolition? Dr. Margaret Faithe, retired professor and private practitioner, decided to take matters into her own hands by purchasing downtown Sioux Falls’ old Standard Oil building, and creating the truly unique Museum of Visual Materials. Although the building is nearly 112 years old, the Museum of Visual Materials opened in June of 2007 as one of the “greenest” buildings in South Dakota. It has achieved LEED Gold certification, 21
Life and is currently in the process of applying for Platinum certification. Its photo-voltaic panels provide nearly 10 percent of the building’s energy needs, and geothermal energy is used to heat and cool
the building. The museum is lit by inviting natural light and high-efficiency fixtures that use motion sensors to minimize electrical consumption. The Museum of Visual Materials is also furnished with rapidly renewable materials, such as cork, bamboo and wheat, providing flooring and cabinetry with a modern twist. And for the actual showcase of the mu-
seum? Well, that’s a little harder to describe. Dr. Faithe refused to let her private assortments of antiques, books, music and toys end up at a rummage sale. Inspired by her uncle’s Museum of Visual Materials in Minnesota, she now displays her eclectic collection in Sioux Falls. As museum director Jeremy Brech explains, “The museum is a hands-on learning experience for all ages. It is unlike anything that you would expect.” With this museum, they actually encourage you to touch. The building displays over 4,500 books, and provides a reading room for comfortable seating and complimentary Wi-Fi use. Black Sheep Coffee has even created a specific blend of coffee for the museum, which you can curl up and enjoy while reading. There is also a sound-proof music room with four-track tapes, vinyl records, EvaTone sound sheets, and those love-to-hate eight-track tapes. Seriously, where else are you able to not only observe, but listen to these antique time-capsules? Other potential hands on activities to enjoy at the museum are sewing with the antique machines, participating in cook-
ing class and indulging yourself by playing with the numerous toys. Remember Trolls, anyone? I most enjoyed the antique Charlie Chaplin and Mark Twain dolls. The Museum of Visual Materials, displaying local art and photography, is also an incredible building to rent. For a reasonable price, you can have the displays removed and host a reception in a quartzite stone, original wood floor, modern “green” furnished building. As Jeremy Brech suggests, “If you are looking for a unique banquet, the room’s character will provide you with an unforgettable experience.” This impressively quirky museum is a stylish exhibition of old mixed with new. It encourages individuals to learn new things by seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. The relaxed atmosphere guarantees a one-of-a-kind, memorable outing. And hey—it’s free, too. Museum of Visual Materials 500 N. Main Avenue (5th and Main, Downtown Sioux Falls) www.sfmvm.com Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 – 4:00 Thursday 9:00 – 7:00 Saturday 8:00 – 12:00 Closed Sundays
S C O O P:
few months and have not been successful, so I decided to go back to school to obtain another major,” Kleeman said. “It is crazy that a college degree can’t even land you a job right now.”
Randall Waldron, economics professor at the University of South Dakota, said that people in South Dakota don’t feel the pain in the labor market as early or severely as in other places, but the unemployment rate is still up. Waldron said that while some jobs, such as in education and healthcare are relatively secure, construction, manufacturing and jobs in the financial sector are hurting.
s the recession has deepened and spread across the nation, more places and more sectors of the economy have been affected. Workers are getting laid off, young adults are moving back in with their parents, teens are finding it difficult to afford college, and businesses everywhere are struggling to keep sales up. Because of these current times, people everywhere are realizing they simply can’t
afford to buy the things they used to, or participate in the same activities they once enjoyed. Several recently graduated college students are also finding it difficult to find a job. Recent University of South Dakota graduate Jeff Kleeman said he has been searching for jobs for months, but companies just aren’t hiring. “I have done a lot of job searching in the last
On the positive side, there are ways to budget expenses, save money and spend more wisely during these tough economic times. Waldron said there are a few rules that should be followed in good times and in bad. “First, don’t spend more than you earn, and avoid impulse buying. Occasionally taking on debt for investments in education or housing are worthwhile, but avoid credit card debt at all costs, and don’t spend thousands of dollars on a vehicle that’s going to lose value faster than you can pay it off,” Waldron said. Waldron also encourages people to work out a budget and stick with it. “It can be very satisfying to know that you’ve managed your finances well enough to put a few dollars aside as a safety net each month,” Waldron said. “Buy enough insurance to protect the things you can’t afford to lose and work on saving enough money, so that you can survive some unpleasant surprises, like an emergency car repair or the loss of some income.” Several college students said they have picked up some new habits and ditched some old ones to ensure that there is still money in their wallet at the end of the day. Kleeman said he walks or bikes anywhere within a reasonable distance, covers his windows with plastic tarps to save on heat, buys generic brands at the grocery store, and socializes at places with happy hours and food and drink specials. Student Ashley Sorenson said cutting out her daily trip to the coffee shop has really
Life cut down on her daily expenses. Instead, she makes her own coffee and breakfast before class. Student Jade Somsen said she found that prioritizing her weekly errands, washing
home, paying their credit card bills off right away to avoid paying interest, raising the deductible on their car insurance to lower their monthly payments, cutting and coloring their own hair, and using cash as much as possible.
TIPS FOR SAVING: -Put plastic over windows to save on heat -Turn off all appliances when they are not in use
-Go to restaurants with food and drink specials
Another very simple way to save money is to stay busy. Being involved and active will prevent boredom, which often leads to impulsive and unnecessary spending.
-Bike or walk anywhere you can
Although college students have been affected -Make your own coffee by the recession and -Work out outside instead of buying a gym membership have taken steps to budgeting, they aren’t the only age group hurt by the economy. Donna only full loads of laundry and experiment- Ellis, 54, said it’s the little things that can really save you money in the long run. ing with clothes already in her closet has saved her money in the long run. “We try to eat out as little as possible, turn off the appliances and lights when we Other things that have saved people aren’t using them, set the thermostat at a money are leaving their ATM cards at
lower temperature before bedtime, and always wash our own cars instead of paying to have them cleaned,” Ellis said. Many have also said that instead of buying a gym membership, they run outside, use free weights and at-home work out tapes, and walk in the mall for free. All in all, the true trick to saving money and budgeting wisely is simply planning. Sitting down to review your spending habits and distinguishing the difference between your needs and your desires is critical. Waldron said that with a spreadsheet or calculator, pencil and paper, you can create a budget that’s going to enable you to live within your means. “Your local credit union or bank can help you set up some basic financial accounts to help you manage your money, but if you just use common sense, and think about the long term consequences of your decisions, you will do well,” Waldron said.
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Kathryn Hufnagle
by mary dodson photos by hauschildts’ photography
Hometown: Washington, D.C. Age: 29 Specialty: Cello For Kathryn Hufnagle, music is a family affair. “My parents are both musicians,” says Hufnagle. “For me it wasn’t so much a question of whether or not I would play an instrument, as when.” Also in question was what instrument Hufnagle would play. Her parents, who both play wind instruments, insisted that Hufnagle choose a string instrument because there is more demand for string players in orchestras. Hufnagle chose cello over the violin because the violin was “too screechy.” As Hufnagle continued to study her instrument, she was inspired by her teachers, who encouraged and motivated her. “They knew
how to push me the right way,” says Hufnagle, “not to the point of tears.” Hufnagle received her undergraduate degree from the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston and her master’s degree from the Cleveland Institute of Music, where her instructor was the principle cellist for the Cleveland Orchestra. She also spent two summers in the prestigious fellowship program at Tanglewood, MA, the summer home of the Boston Orchestra, where she was given the opportunity to work with world-famous conductors Renée Fleming and James Levine. While finishing her master’s degree, Hufnagle auditioned with a lot of large orchestras, but she was open to other possibilities. In October of 2007, Hufnagle earned a spot in the South Dakota Symphony. As part of the deal, Hufnagle became a member of the Augustana String Quartet and began teaching cello lessons to Augustana students. Though Hufnagle hadn’t foreseen herself moving to South Dakota, living and working in Sioux Falls has its advantages. Professionally, Hufnagle finds that, since the classical music scene is smaller in South Dakota, there is more opportunity for her. Hufnagle also finds that living in downtown Sioux Falls affords her a taste of the urban living to which she has been accustomed, yet she enjoys the simplicity of living in a smaller city, especially lighter traffic and the warmth and openness of people who live here. When not practicing, teaching or performing, Hufnagle enjoys sampling the cuisine of local restaurants, or going out to establishments like Monk’s for beers with friends. Hufnagle also teaches private cello lessons. Inquiries can be sent by e-mail to oxidashun@aol.com. The South Dakota Symphony season runs from September to April. More information, including the season schedule and ticket prices, can be found at www. sdsymphony.org.
He Said, She Said...
all about the he said, she said bull… you get it. Lady Tove and Sir Mammenga are here to cut the middle man and give straight-up answers for relationships from a male and female perspective.
I have a friend who is constantly confronting my boyfriend about marrying me. We aren’t at that point in our life. How do I make her stop? -Alisha, 26 T: Is your friend married? Sometimes people who always nag about things really want it for themselves. Maybe your friend is already married and wants to see you attach the ball and chain so you have more to talk about and can connect on a deeper level; or maybe she wants to see how your special day goes so she can copy every detail in a really creep, specific manner.
“your girl’s comments might be annoying, at least she is being honest. ” Whatever the case may be, you need to talk to your friend. Sit her down and explain that just because you’re not ready to get married doesn’t mean you’re not happy. Relationships are different for every couple. Some people meet, fall in love and get married all within a week, while others meet, fall in love and get married all within five years. Just because you aren’t on the fast track doesn’t negate anything you have. Tell her all of this. Pound it into her tiny little brain. Maybe then she’ll chill out. Or maybe she won’t and you’ll simply have to stop hanging out with her all together. Either
way, you win. M: Well Alisha, there are two ways to deal with this “Nosey Nancy” of a friend. The idea that comes to mind first is for you to take care of this yourself. Tell her to mind her own business. This is no time for pleasantries either; be firm. This is between you and your boyfriend. You need to put this “friend” in her place. Marriage is a pretty big deal, and, although this may be a shock to your “friend,” not everyone is in a hurry to get married. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Let her in on that little statistic. You are much better off waiting until you know for sure that you and your boyfriend should be married. Secondly, tell your boyfriend to grow a set and deal with this “marriage- happy friend” himself. He’s a grown man. He shouldn’t need you to fight his battles. The marriage proposal is a nerve-racking experience for a guy (if you need to know why, check out my article in the first issue of this publication). In fact, marriage in itself is a big step for a guy, and hearing about it constantly turns most guys off to the idea. So, it would be in your best interest for either you or him to take care of this problem immediately.
The girl I’ve been dating for a year never trusts me. Every time she sees me even talking to another girl in the hallway she always has some stupid comment about me flirting with them. How can I get her to cool it? -Travis, 17 T: Travis, first and foremost, you need to realize something: while not all women are bat-sh*# crazy, most have their moments. For everyone, male and female alike, there are things that just annoy us. And maybe it’s not so much annoyance as it is insecurities: we all have those, too. Insecurities typically stem from events in the past or fear of what could happen. Maybe your girl has been burned before by a guy and totally could have seen it coming, but decided to just ignore the way he talked to every girl he saw and slyly slipped them all his phone number. Whew. There are some people in the world who simply don’t worry about anything ever, but in my opinion, it’s not that they don’t worry, it’s that they are really, really good at hiding their emotions. While your girl’s comments might be annoying, at least she is being honest. Yeah. I love how I totally just turned
that around on you. Sorry, dude, but you have to understand your girl, not the entire female race to solve simple problems. Respect her insecurities and talk about what
Let her know that “this aggression will not stand, man.” Show her that you’re pissed, and I guarantee she will realize she is being ridiculous. Follow this advice, and it should
annoys you. Communication solves nearly everything.
send her creepy clinginess the way of the dodo.
M: That’s a bummer deal, Travis. Sounds like your girlfriend is in the early stages of stalker-like clinginess. I can not stress this enough, TAKE CARE OF THIS PROBLEM IMMEDIATELY! Teenage girls who get to be clingy are a guy’s worst nightmare. You need to talk to her and explain you aren’t flirting. It boggles my mind how teenage girls cannot fathom the idea of a guy talking to a girl as a friend. Tell her she is being ridiculous. I would say that with the frequency this problem occurs, it would be alright for you to even be a little upset.
I know my boyfriend loves me, but he struggles communicating. I lack sympathy and patience. What do you suggest? -Michelle, 20
“It boggles my mind how teenage girls cannot fathom the idea of a guy talking to a girl as a friend. Tell her she is being ridiculous... it would be alright for you to even be a little upset. “
T: It sounds like you need to practice a little sympathy and patience, and he needs to work on communicating. I wish I could elaborate more, but really: if you can’t relate and he can’t talk, and there’s no hope of either of you compromising, then I’m not sure you’re meant to be together. Tough cookies, huh?
M: Can I ask you a question, Michelle? Have you seen the movie “He’s Just Not That Into You” yet? If I were to venture a guess, I would say that you have. If you know your boyfriend loves you and that you love him, what exactly is the problem here? Obviously you have “communicated” enough with each other to express the fact that you love one another. So I’m going to flip this onto you. What exactly do you want him to communicate? Do you long for you and boyfriend to lay in bed and “just talk until the sun comes up”? Do you want him to show his emotion to the point of him crying on your shoulder? Well, I have a news flash for you; life isn’t a Richard Gere movie. I recommend you cease making mountains out of mole hills here. You both love each other and you’ve made it this far. I would suggest you cool out and go with the flow. But, if you can’t do that, calmly explain to you boyfriend that you would like to talk more. You say you lack sympathy and patience; well, knock it off.
Have a question for Tove and Mammenga? Email HeSaidSheSaid@605magazine.com
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of the
By Denise DePaolo Illustration By Kiel Mutschelknaus
long with the return of tolerable weather and woodland creatures, spring means formals. Whether that means Prom, Senior Formal, a military ball, or a Greek formal, it is the end of the school year and your last chance to do things in a big way.
For those who have resolved to attend said events, now is the time to start crossing things off of your mental checklist. The first thing to decide is who you would like to go with. If you are thinking about attending with a group of friends, be sure to get that nailed down, since they may have other plans. If you are feeling a bit more
SCAVENGER HUNT First, make a puzzle out of a small piece of tag board. Write a message (i.e. “Chris, will you go to Spring Formal with me?”) Cut it into at least five pieces. Place the pieces in brightlycolored balloons and inflate. Attach clues on the strings that will lead to the next balloon. Hide them in special places that the two of you share, or easily recognized locations about town. Recruit coconspirators. For example, if you have a favorite coffee place, ask the nice barista to keep a balloon safely behind the
You are too young to fall into a relationship rut, and in this situation, the invite should be the most heartfelt—not the laziest. classic and want to go the date route, then it is time to plan your method of asking. While a semi-private conversation in the hallway between classes or a cute handwritten note will suffice, it is always more special to get imaginative with the invite. So, in the spirit of creativity and adventure, here are a few ideas.
SWEET DELIGHT Write your message on a piece of paper, wrap it in aluminum foil and insert it into cake batter. Make cupcakes and bring some for everyone. Give your intended date one with your message inside.
counter for you. Meet your potential date at the last balloon and await your answer.
LAUNDRY DAY Buy a plain white t-shirt, a pack of washable markers and a colored permanent marker. Write your name on the shirt using the permanent marker. Choose an unassuming spot for extra sneakiness, or right over the heart for extra darlingness. Then write twenty or thirty other names using the washable markers. Attach a note that says something like, “Who wants to take you to the ball? Wash me and find out!”
Even if you are in a steady relationship, and even if you think that your date assumed, it is still nice to be asked. You are too young to fall into a relationship rut, and in this situation, the invite should be the most heartfelt—not the laziest. If you are not already dating the person, there are a few important things to note. First and foremost, remember that confidence is huge. Looking someone in the eye and genuinely smiling at them is like goldpaving the road to success. Do not look at the ground, mumbling, and do not preface the invitation with anything resembling, “You can say no if you want to, but…” Keep the whole thing positive; there should be no negative words in your offer. However, if the person says no, do not take it too hard. It may seem like the worst thing ever, but everyone gets rejected in life. Everyone. It will not be the last time, and if you try early enough, you can always ask someone else.
? Y
Ask The Johns
es, all three of these guys are named John. Yes it was a popular name in the 80’s (I’m sure you feel their pain all you Katies, Michaels and Jessicas). But these three gentlemen, when not slaving away at Worlds of Warcraft, are here to answer every question you throw at them. They’re suave, sort of hip and are here for you. The identity of these three amigos have been altered to protect the innocent.
I’m trying to stay on my diet plan, but every time my sister comes to town from California, she wants to go out to all of our favorite places, like Taco Johns, and we eat bad the entire week she’s here. How can I stay on track without getting sidetracked by temptation? -Susie, 26 John P: Susie. I’m the guy in the white sweatshirt. Do you really want diet advice from me? John W: Well Susie, They make these things called diet pills that are about 6,000 percent caffeine. So, even after eating poorly, those should even you out for the week. Also, you’ll be so juiced up that you won’t sleep all week, so you’ll have an extra eight hours per night to hit the gym. John T: The best way to avoid a temptation is to avoid the places that trigger that
temptation. You won’t have an urge to eat Taco Johns unless you go there. But, if your sister insists on going there, eat a healthy snack before you go so you are not as hungry when you get there. That way you will not order as much, and you will still be able to spend quality time with your sister.
The guys and I are headed to Costa Rica for spring break, and I can’t wait for the week of mayhem ahead of us. There’s one guy coming, though, that always ends up being a “Debbie Downer.” What can I do if he starts being a pain and ruining the trip? -Dave, 18 John P: Dave, tell Deborah to hang out at the hotel all day while you and the other thrilling Theodores frequent beaches, clubs and everything else that SoDak doesn’t have to offer. After one boring day in the hotel, he should be ready to remember he’s on vacation, and if not, at least he’ll be getting his moneys worth for the hotel expense. John W: Dave, put NyQuil in his drink and tuck him in for the night. Then you guys can go out to cause whatever international incident your hearts desire. John T: Spring break is a time to relax, get crazy, and have fun, and the last thing you need is someone dragging you down. I would just let him know that if he is not having fun or does not want to go out with you guys, then he can stay at the hotel. Just try not to make it a big deal if he starts becoming a pain, and enjoy spring break with or without him. The only way he can ruin your trip is if you let him.
I am one semester away from getting my undergrad, but I’m struggling. I moved in with some buddies of mine this year who love to party. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy it myself, but they constantly are throwing down when I need to be studying or getting sleep for a test. What can I do
without being “that roommate” who complains? -Tom, 22 John P: I would study at the library. This way you can possibly use that charm that is oozing out of your brain to meet new people, as well as get > D’s in your classes. As far as sleeping goes, just sleep at your new girlfriend’s house (that you met at the library). John W: Did the Fonz study? Sit on it, Tom! John T: There are not many options here, without becoming “that roommate”. One option would be to switch to another room that is quieter. Or, you could tell your buddies (on nights that you have a test) to not have a party at your place that night because you have a big test tomorrow. The worst thing you could do is get mad and yell at them, because if your friends are like mine when they are drinking, it won’t get you anywhere. I would tell them when they are sober that their partying is getting a little loud and going on too late, then create a compromise with them. Ask them to not invite as many people over or to not turn up the music to its maximum volume. If your friends respect you, they will respect your wishes. Remember that the more respect you give, the more respect you get. Have a question for the Johns? Shoot an email their way at TheJohns@605magazine. com. Disclaimer: Ask the Johns is a sarcastic piece. Their advice is not meant to be taken literally… except maybe John T’s.
S p r i n g B r e...ona akbudget !!! By Denise DePaolo
fter months of toiling under the icy winter sky and shufflerunning to our cars, it begins to feel like there is no end in sight. The mind begins to wander, conjuring up images of far off places and
is experience. Between lowered gas prices and the aid of the internet, there is little excuse to not explore our shrinking world. The following is a list of destina-
not include all taxes. They only include flight and hotel, and are for mid-March.
The Las Vegas Trip Since Allegiant Airlines is constantly sending inexpensive flights from Sioux Falls directly to Sin City, the real question is where to stay. It seems like a waste to get a hotel room in a city with 24-hour entertainment, but believe me, it is essential to have a quiet sanctuary away from the noise and lights and Blue Man Group posters.
The Bargain: $400. Stay for four nights at the Stratosphere. It is newer, it is iconic and it is at the end of The Strip.
The Splurge: $1000. Spend four
nights in the lap of luxury at the Bellagio. It is gorgeous, it is trs impressive and it is right at the heart of things.
drinks served in the hollowed-out bodies of fruit. Stills of tanned, smiling people wrestling in Jell-O flash through our collective consciousness, and Simon Rex is interviewing…Pauly Shore? While the MTV Spring Breaks that we grew up watching may be a thing of the past, the need for escape is as real as ever.
tions that I have compiled for the benefit of the people. That is, the pasty, edgy, stir-crazy people that I encounter every day in Sioux Falls.
In this tricky economy, extravagant, luxurious travel is out of the question for most of us. However, travel itself should not be. Think of it as an investment in yourself. Even if you return with nothing more tangible than a sunburn and a souvenir shot glass, the real benefit
The following is a list of destinations that I have compiled for the benefit of the people. That is, the pasty, edgy, stir-crazy people that I encounter every day in Sioux Falls.
The prices listed are estimates based on internet research, and do not include all taxes. They only include flight and hotel, and are for mid-March.
The prices listed are estimates based on internet research, and do
The Cruise I know that I am not the only one who closes my eyes and pretends that the reflected glare from the snow is the warm sun crisping my skin with ultraviolet rays. For the budget-conscious traveler seeking warmer climates, this is a great option. With meals and non-alcoholic drinks included, cruises are a stellar way to get a lot of bang for your vacation buck. This is a case where flying out of Omaha will save a bundle.
The Bargain: $550 (inside room).
Carnival Cruises has four and five night excursions out of Jacksonville to the Bahamas at bargain prices.
Stops include Key West and Nassau. The Splurge: $1100 (inside room). Norwegian Cruise Lines leaves Miami for nine days in the Southern Caribbean. Ports of call are: Samana, Tortola, Antigua, St. Lucia, and St. Kitts.
The Ski Trip
If you crave crisp, mountain air and 20 dollar martinis, Aspen is the ski destination for you.
Europe Yes, it is the off-season and still cold in many places, but it is still Europe. I was to delighted to see that it is less expensive to fly from Sioux Falls in most instances. These estimates are for a full week, since travel takes longer, and jetlag must be factored.
The Bargain: $800. Stay at a
youth hostel in Dublin’s City Center. Walk to shops, pubs and immerse yourself in Irish culture for less than the price of most domestic travel.
The Splurge: This is for those who are more interested in escaping the city than escaping winter. If you are sick of looking at crusty, discolored snow and would rather see an unblemished blanket of pristine powder, this may be your ideal vacation.
The Bargain: $400. Spend four
nights at Spirit Mountain in Duluth, Minnesota. It is a measly six-hour drive from Sioux Falls, and features plenty of variety for the novice or the expert skier. Some local hotels offer packages that include the price of a lift ticket.
The Splurge: $1600. Aspen. Stay
and ski like all of the celebrities that we love to hate. Surprisingly, flights to Aspen from Sioux Falls run less than flights into Denver. My estimate includes the pricey lift ticket.
$1,400. Copenhagen, Denmark. This is the price to fly and stay at a hostel in the City Center. Check out Amalienborg Palace, Carlsberg Brewery and dozens of nearby attractions in this Scandinavian capital.
Remember, it is often less expensive to book lodgings and flights together through travel sites like Expedia, Pric-
eline, or in some cases, through the airline. No matter what, shop around. A smart traveler never accepts a first offer. Even if you are splurging on a dream vacation, it is far more satisfying to spend that hard-earned money during the trip than for the trip.
b. Ask them questions about what they were just talking about.
c. Tell them a story about how something similar to that happened to you as well.
When you have to focus on a long story, your mind could be described as:
a. Clustered with random thoughts that keep going and going. b. It’s pretty active, but can cease when it needs to for important things. c. Calm and collective. Wait… what did you say? 7-10 Points
When a friend calls you with something they need to talk about, you:
a. You listen for the important details and
watch TV until you have to give sympathetic reactions. b. Think about what you have to do tonight. What was up with the last episode of Lost? c. Listen intently and give your advice when they ask for it.
When you are hanging out with your friends, your cell phone is:
a. Out of sight on vibrate. b. On the table on vibrate. c. In your hands because you are texting
sporadically the whole time you’re hanging out.
You’re out with your friend and they are telling you an excruciatingly boring story about their job. You: a. Make up that you forgot about some-
thing family related and have to get going. b. Daze into their eyes and nod once in a while to look like you are interacting. c. Listen anyways. They would do it for you.
When someone gets done telling you a story, you:
a. Start talking about something hilarious that happened to you earlier.
Right… 4-6 Points
You are a good friend and tend to listen well, but with a little difficulty on focusing. It can really hurt someone’s feelings if they know you’re half-listening. If you try a little harder to listen to every story—boring or not—you will bring more value to your relationships.
I know what you mean… 0-3 Points
You are a true friend who genuinely cares about what your friend says. You understand that relationships are a two-way street and if you do it for them they will always be there for you. People will realize you are a great person who is always there for others.
ANSWERS: 1.) a. 1 b. 2 c. 0, 2.) a. 0 b. 1 c. 2, 3.) a. 2 b. 1 c. 0, 4.) a. 2 b. 0 c. 1, 5.) a. 2 b. 1 c. 0
Are You a
I’m sure if you fit into this category, you realized you might be a little rude when you read descriptions that fit you in the quiz. Though it can be hard to listen all the time, you need a lot of work when it comes to focusing on someone other than yourself. When you start to zone out or want to interrupt, stop yourself and think of how you can help your friend. If you don’t start listening now, people will stop coming to you for help and then who will listen to your stories?
Need. Need.
e have access to all the goods around town and are willing to share the wealth. Check out these featured items from local establishments. P.S. This is only the beginning of what you can find, so if you like what you see, check ‘em out yourself!
Tough as Nails
Wedding season is in full swing, and guys deserve the best when it comes to rings, too. So make sure to get them permanently polished Tungsten Carbide that is indestructible from Raymond’s Jewellers. Prices range from $300 to $400. Raymond’s Jewellers 206 S. Phillips Ave. Sioux Falls (605) 338-7550 www.raymondsjewellers.com
Ready for this? The SmartMirror™ has GPS navigation, a 2GB SD card for storing maps, pictures, and e-books, 4.0 inch touch screen LCD monitor, built in Bluetooth, and that’s only the beginning. Where is John Connor lurking? Soundz, Inc. Soundz, Inc. 4001 N. Cliff Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57104 (605) 941-3499 www.soundzinstall.com
Loud Noises!!!
This maple snare drum will help you release some major aggression and make some beautiful music. The list price for this prize is $599.99, but Sioux Falls Music is here to save the day by selling it for $359.99.
Fair Trade Treats
Ten Thousand Villages will make you whatever basket your heart desires for a price that will not leave your wallet empty. This one includes coffee, chocolate, tea , and a tea set, all for $40. Ten Thousand Villages 218 S. Phillips Ave. Sioux Falls (605) 335-6209 www.tenthousandvillages.com
Sioux Falls Music 1209 W. 41st St. Sioux Falls (605) 334-5361 www.siouxfallsmusic. com
Wild Décor A new you
G.T. Davis began bottling Kombucha in 1995 after his mother had success after drinking it when she had breast cancer. This handmade Chinese tea is cultured for 30 days, and during that active enzymes, viable probiotics, amino acids, antioxidants, and polyphenols form. All of these immediately work with the body to restore balance and vitality. And this is all in a great tasting beverage available at the Co-op Natural Foods Cooperative. Price available at store. The Co-op Natural Foods Cooperative 2504 S Duluth Avenue Sioux Falls SD 57105 (605) 339-9506 www.eastdakotah.com
A Suit for $79?!?!
Who knew you could get a Caravelli suit for only $79? Where could this concept possibly be true? At Halberstadt’s At The Mall. There’s more where that came from! Halberstadt’s At The Mall 4001 W. 41st St. Sioux Falls (605) 362-8080
Cardboard Safari™ at Zandbroz Variety lets you have a deer, moose, rhino, or buffalo (like MicroBilly™ pictured) on your wall in a variety of sizes. Not only that, but it’s a puzzle! Prices range from $16.95 to $52.95. Zandbroz Variety 209 S. Phillips Ave. Sioux Falls (605) 331-5137
Warm, chocolaty goodness
Picture this: you and a good book on a cold winter’s day, sipping on your Caffe Mocha. This delight has espresso with Ghirardelli chocolate, steamed milk, and is topped with fresh whip cream for the so-worth-it price of $3.75. Tempted yet? Michelle’s Coffee 324 S. Phillips Ave. Sioux Falls (605) 367-1100 www.michellescoffee.com
Get Lost...
What’s Boss
Being a music snob. Trust me. You did not “discover” it.
Jamming to the music you love and understanding that everyone has their own taste.
Short skirts/shorts with Ugg boots. It’s over. We’ll miss them, too.
Wearing high boots with skinny jeans or tights.
Staying in the left lane when you’re not passing someone.
Getting in the right lane and driving with ease while not having to worry about the road rage you would have caused if you would have stayed in the left lane.
Noticed Trend of the Month :
Neon Skate Shoes. If you still have your old New Kids On the Block slippers, you are golden. (Pictured OSIRIS skate shoes can be found at Journeys in the Empire Mall, starting at $69) 37
Modern elegance. Whether you want to go short, long, fitting, or poofy, Sioux Falls’ stores have exactly what you’re looking for this formal season. Guys also have a wide array of looks to choose from to look suave for their date while adding a modern twist. Photos by: Candace Ann Photography Models: Diedre Tooley and Jordan Albertson Hair and Make-up by: Kat Christensen of The Beauty Room
(On her) Flirt by MAGGIE SOTTERO™ black and red dress; $328.00. Private Collection by DYEABLES silver pumps; $27.50. All available at Interlude. (On him) Tux; starts at $109.99. Available for rent at Men’s Wearhouse. The Who Converse; $54.99. Available at Journeys at the Empire Mall.
(On her) Kiss Kiss Formal turquoise gown; $258.00. Available at Lasting Impressions.
(On her) Safari gown; $447.75. Available at The French Door. (On him) Tux; $99; Neil Allyn shirt $35; Tie $29. All available at Halberstadt’s at The Mall. Vans; $41.99. Available at Journeys at the Empire Mall.
(On him) Tux rental; starts at $109.99. Available at Men’s Wearhouse.
(On her) Studio 17 black and gold gown; $348.00. Available at Interlude.
Fun and Effortless S P R I N G B R E A K hairBy Samantha Beeck
or those ladies going on spring break this year, it is a way for you to unwind and forget about the real world. With all the plans you made, even if it is lying on a beach for five days, figuring out how to have a good hair day is not something you want to worry about. Jocelyn from Dimensions Hair, Ta n n i n g and Spa has some quick and simple hair tips for spring break girls on the go.
...With Bobby Pin use much product. Stout says once you have the texture you want, simply put it into a ponytail, straight back or to the side, and pin it up into a loose bun. To have a different and popular look, you could add a simple braid off to the side to take care of wild bangs.
Hair essentials that should be in your bag every day are bobby pins, a ponytail holder and hair spray.
One more thing to remember: a good conditioner. All the salt and spray may be harsh on your hair, so make sure to condition well every night.
These styles are all about simAny of these looks shouldn’t take more than 10 minplicity. Someutes, depending on how thick your hair is, and will times you might make your hair one less thing you have to stress not have time to about. go back to where you are staying before going out and you will need to be prepared. Stout says, “You can also take the look a bit Have a wonderful spring break, ladies. further by adding brightly colored hair ties and jeweled bobby pins to your hair kit.”
...With Braid
The hairspray is meant to provide texture to make the look messy and sexy. If you are in the ocean all day, though, the water provides a natural texture, so don’t
How to Get Modified Push-Ups Step One: Sit up straight and pull your feet in so you are sitting cross-legged with the bottoms of your feet together. Then, stretch your arms out over your head so they are straight.
Step Two: Lean back until your head is a few inches from the ground, keeping your hands over your head.
WashboardAbs By Kiley Barnes Photos By Amanda Ryrholm
ith March comes warmer weather, spring break and an increased awareness of your winterized tummy. But don’t be discouraged! Annie Mello, first female coach at CrossFit Sioux Falls, has a few ways to help you gain washboard abs and increased confidence before stepping foot on the beach in your string bikini or board shorts. The best part? You don’t need a gym. 1 V-Ups
Step Three: Push yourself up until you are back to the upright position, still keeping your hands over your head. Continue repeating steps two and three.
Step One: Lie straight out on your back and extend your arms over your head. Then, lift your head from the ground.
Step Two: Lift your legs to about a 45 degree angle from the ground as you push yourself up and reach forward to touch your feet.
Step Three: Lean back and bring your legs down slowly until you are back to your starting position. Continue repeating steps two and three.
Step One: Lie straight on your back, extending your toes. Lift your head from the ground and place your hands behind it.
Step Two: Lift your legs 45 to 90 degrees from the ground.
3 Step Three: Return to the original position. Repeat steps two and three.
*For a modification, slightly bend your legs at the knees
Helpfull Tips
Bridges Lie on your stomach and lift yourself with your elbows and your toes. Squeeze your butt in and level your back. Hold this position for 30 second increments, resting for 60 seconds after each body hold.
GARDASIL : what you NEED to know.
By Sabina Mustic Photo By Hauschildt’s Photography
hen it comes to Gardasil, most of us have heard about it, but still have some confusion and misconceptions about the HPV vaccine. You might be one of the many teens or young adults who are trying to decide if Gardasil is right for you. For those of you who fit that category, Gynecologic Oncologist Dr. Anna Priebe from Sanford Women’s offers some valuable information about the HPV vaccine through some true and false.
HPV is a virus. True. According to Dr. Priebe, HPV is a virus. There are over 100 HPV viruses.
HPV cannot cause cancer. False. HPV has the potential to cause cancer in humans. Dr. Priebe explains, “The HPV types are broken down into low risk HPV groups and high risk HPV groups. Low risk HPV types cause genital warts, and high risk HPV types cause cervical cancer over time. Almost 100 percent of cervical cancer is caused by
“Condoms don’t protect you from HPV completely, because other surfaces of the skin are exposed,” says Dr. Priebe.
You can get HPV from using public restrooms. False. “You can’t get it by sitting on a toilet,” confirms Dr. Priebe.
If you abstain from intercourse or use condoms you Smoking increases your chance of getting cervical cannot get HPV. cancer. False. Almost everyone gets HPV when they become sexually active, and approximately 80 percent of people will clear the infection within two years. But in about 20 percent of the population, it persists. You get HPV by any sexual contact, including intercourse, anal sex, oral sex, and hand to genital contact as well.
True. If you are a smoker, Dr. Priebe advises, it is one more reason to quit. Smoking is known to help HPV give rise to cervical cancer.
Gardasil is a vaccine that protects against HPV and cervical cancer. True. Dr. Priebe said that Gardasil is a vaccine that protects against four types of HPV: 6, 11, 16, and 18. Types 6 and 11 are low risk HPV that cause genital warts, and 16 and 18 are the most common types associated with cervical cancer in the United States. You are immunized against the coating of the virus. Later, when you are actually exposed to the virus, the antibodies you have made attack the virus and eliminate it. By preventing infection with HPV, you eliminate the pre-cancerous conditions that lead to cervical cancer. Dr. Priebe stresses it is important to know that there is no infectious part of the vi-
Health rus in the vaccine.
abnormal Paps or are already infected with HPV, the vaccine will not Gardasil causes many sidehelp you clear up the infection. It’s effects. Gardasil is a single vaccine. best to discuss your particular situaFalse. It is a series of three vaccine tion with your doctor.” False. No major side-effects have shots given within six months. been reported. Local reactions at If you get vaccinated you the injection site, like tenderness, Anyone can get Gardasil. still need to get regular Pap can occur. The benefits of getting the vaccine outweigh the risks. tests. False. The recommendation is that Dr. Priebe says, “It’s about not develgirls between ages 9 and 26 get the True. According to Dr. Priebe, you oping cervical cancer.” HPV vaccine, before the age of first still need to get regular Pap tests beintercourse. It is not currently rec- cause it is still possible to have ab- Gardasil protects against ommended for older women and normal Pap smears. There are other STDs and HIV. for boys. high-risk HPV viruses that are not included in the vaccine. False. Gardasil does not protect Once you are sexually active against STDs or HIV.
you can still get Gardasil.
Gardasil has many benefits.
True. Dr. Priebe points out, “If you have been sexually active and have had normal Pap smears or tested HPV negative, yes, you could still get the vaccine; but if you have had
True. It is highly effective against pre-cancerous lesions of the cervix (cervical dysplasia) and it is 100 percent protective against genital warts in clinical trials.
If you still have questions, concerns or want to find out if you would benefit from Gardasil, talk to your pediatrician, gynecologist or family physician.
Sanford Clinic Downtown Healthcare Previously Sanford Women’s Downtown Health Care Healthcare, education and testing for men and women in their early reproductive years. Services Include: • Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing, Treatment and Education • Birth Control Services • Male Exams • Female Exams • Pregnancy Testing • Free Community Education For more information or to schedule an appointment, call or text (605) 334-5099.
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