1870 Magazine: March

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1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com


Dear reader, I have a couple of theories as to how the world will end as we know it. One is that Pilot Pete will slowly take over all of the internet and cable TV until middle schoolers are pledging allegiance to the Bachelor Nation of America. Another is that the e-boys of TikTok will steal everyone's attention away from non-censored social media platforms, until the entire nation is accidentally censored out of yet another holocaust (which is basically already happening). The last theory is something I’m sure most of you are fearing anyways: hectic and destructive climate change. Maybe you’re the kind of person who likes to turn a blind eye to political and global issues, but if that's true, then you’re pretty much out of touch with your generation. College campuses are some of the most intense places to be in presidential election years, and for the first time, all of Ohio State’s undergraduate population is officially in the category of Generation Z (born after 1995). While Millennials are used to being the butt of the joke for several years, Gen Z is being met with a listening ear and open arms more than their slightly older counterparts. Your voices are only getting louder, so this is an issue celebrating all the things that Gen Z is bringing to the table in 2020. The truth is that power is always in today’s youth. In college, you may find yourself second-guessing, underselling, or outright deprecating yourself for the skills you haven’t come to know yet. Know that society is already shifting to be built around you and your interests, since in a few short years, you’ll be the ones controlling economic markets and voting for revolutionary campaigns. Believe in yourself and the ideas you come up with, because the world is listening and loves them. Plus, you’ve all got a great sense of humor. Don’t lose that. All the love from one Gen Z to another,

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1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com

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1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com



Crushed It

The monthly @OSUCrush advice column BY 1 8 70 LOV E D O C TO R

Ah, OSU Crush. A twitterscape filled with longing, lurking, and good ol’ fashioned loving on one another. Sometimes when students feel like they have no one else to turn to for advice, a platform of 21.5K Twitter followers seems like the perfect place to get hardhitting honesty on some of life’s toughest problems. So what do we do? Grant their wishes! Without further ado, (and without any certification to counsel the youth of today) I present to you, the 1870 Love Doctor.



“Where are the boys who are looking for more than just a hookup?”

“How’s a broke guy supposed to pick up a chick nowadays?”

1 RT | 65 Likes

2 RTs | 35 Likes

Oof. You’re hand sanitizer-level sure he already knows? He’s a boy, not Ebola (e-BOY-la lmao). I say risk it. Shoot your shot. If he rejects you, just moonwalk out of there. Some say, “It’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.” Well I say it’s better to shoot your shot and moonwalk away than to never shoot at all.

It’s easy! Steal from the rich to feed the poor, bamboozle the IRS, become a master archer, and chill in the woods with your merriest homies. This strategy has literally never failed.



“I like this guy a lot but I have 0 idea how he feels towards me :/”

“How do i properly ask a girl if i can suck her toes?”



I could give you a long-winded explanation of precise body language that dudes will use when they are into someone, but these symptoms all mimic those of cocaine usage, so I feel like you can Google it yourself. Be honest and direct! Ask him if he likes you, ask him to do coke – it’s so simple.

Treat her to a pedicure, offer her a dozen roses, and hit her with this poem: “Roses are red, cells do mitosis, pretty please m’lady, may I suck your toeses?”

1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com




“I’m going on 20 years of life now and have never had a boyfriend. What am I doing wrong? I literally either get friend-zoned or ghosted. Please help me.”

“I’m a nervous guy and there’s this girl in one of my classes that’s way out of my league but should I go for it or how do I go about approaching her”

1 RT | 53 Likes


I’m sorry, but if you keep getting ghosted, you need to stop killing your almostboyfriends, and then they will not come back and haunt you as a ghost. I feel like that’s a pretty simple solution?

Tape an apple and a bag of quarters under her chair, then when she sits down, shake it really hard and offer her the goods from under the chair. She can finally pay off her debt to Tom Nook! She is so grateful and you fall in love. You’re welcome.

6 “Can anybody find me somebody to love?” 4 RT | 37 Likes Each morning, do you get up and die a little? Can barely stand on your feet? Take a look at yourself in the mirror and idk...cry? We’ve all been there! Your Queen is out there, just be patient.

“Why is it so hard to shoot your shot ??” 1 RT | 21 Likes I… I can’t decide between a gun control joke or a basketball joke here.

10 “So, if a girl only texts me after I text her first it’s because she’s not interested...no matter how enthusiastic she seems when we talk or text, correct?” 16 Likes

8 “What’s the best and easiest way to meet my wife? Be specific guys please. Talk to me like I’m 5 years old.” 1 RT | 46 Likes To meet wife, you must leave house.

Try to remember that you’re not entitled to this busy lady’s time! A better indication of interest is how engaged someone seems when you talk face-to-face. If you’re initiating all the conversation, then I recommend backing off and seeing if the other person makes an effort to communicate. Or holding eye contact with her for very long and seeing if she blinks when you do hangout. If you’re dating someone who blinks too quickly, I mean do you really want someone who can’t challenge you?

1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com



It’s that time of year, folks! FAKE SPRING! Yes, that’s right. It’s time for a little rain, a little snow, and a lot of midterm stress. Whether you’re stressing about exams, graduation, or where you’re going to hold your St. Patty’s Day party, we can always count on the planets to...well, orbit? If anything goes wrong, you can probably blame Mercury for STILL BEING IN RETROGRADE.







Affectionate, empathetic

Dynamic, competitive

Dependable, sensual

The planets foresee a happy month, Pisces. Emphasize self care and you’ll see a nice spike of personal growth. While you are definitely the star this month, don’t forget to keep those family bonds strong. Venus is on your side, so now is the time to make some romantic moves. If you’re single, you may find yourself falling hard and fast. You’re likely to find love in one of your current social circles. Your drink this month is: Chocolate Leprachaun.

Get ready to assert yourself, Aries, because now is the time to get things done! The planets are in your favor, so a little hard work will get you to where you want to be. I will warn you, though. It’s gonna go fast, so be prepared for things to take off and take off quickly. Mars and Venus aren’t connected well right now, so your romantic endeavors might need to be put on hold. If you’re thinking of making a move, do it during the first week of March. Your drink this month is: Irish Hammer Shooter.

It’s a bit of a mixed bag for yah, Taurus. Professional and academic issues are popping up all over the place, and right now, all you can do is focus on keeping up. Love is in the air for you this month. You’re feeling extra close with that special someone. If you aren’t currently in a relationship, you’re likely to find some romance while you travel. Your drink this month is: Boozy Lucky Charms Cereal Milkshake.

How to: This is made with equal parts Jack Daniels, Irish Cream, and Irish Mist Whiskey. If you don’t have Irish Mist Whiskey, you can use what whiskey you DO have.

How to: Start by blending up marshmallows (1 ½ cups). Pour the marshmallows and some milk (2 cups) into a bowl and let sit for 30 minutes. Blend this mixture with 1 tsp. vanilla extract, .75 cup marshmallow vodka, and 4 cups of vanilla ice cream. Top with whipped cream and cereal!







Compassionate, protective

Dramatic, confi dent

Loyal, analytical

Emotions have to be set aside quite often this month. Your professional goals are front and center for you, so keep a calm composure for a while. Big spending should be put on pause this month, because you’re going to need that extra cash on hand in April. Whether you want to or not, you’re going to have to accept help some this month. You don’t ALWAYS have to be on. Your drink this month is: Irish Coffee.

This month is gonna be EVENTFUL, but in a good way. So much is going on! Collaboration is the name of the game, but if that means you get more social time, who cares?! You get to sit back a bit this month. The whirlwind is exciting, but you don’t actually have to do much. Good fortune is coming your way, baby, and love is blooming. Enjoy it. Your drink this month is: Irish Buck.

Balance is important right now, Virgo, especially with your profession and domestic issues. Get that work-life balance in check! It’s also time to put others first. You’re gonna need ‘em. You’re probably feeling a bit overwhelmed with anxiety right now, but just remember that some things are out of control. Love is gonna be steady and sweet this month. Your drink this month is: Misty Mint Cocktail.

How to: Pour 1 ½ oz. of whiskey and a teaspoon or two of brown sugar into a mug. Fill the mug up with coffee. Top with whipped cream.

How to: Fill a glass with 1 ½ oz. of whiskey, 2 oz. of ginger ale, and ¼ oz. of lime juice. Garnish with lime.

How to: Suuuuper simple. Mix 1 oz. green crème de menthe and 1 oz. of white rum.







Passionate, stubborn, resourceful

Optimistic, generous, adventurous

Independent, disciplined

You’re gonna be pretty introspective this month, Scorpio. Where’s your mind at? Unlike some of the other signs, professional goals aren’t your main focus right now. Other people are completely necessary to find your inner peace this month. You’re going too fast and your emotions are ready to burn out. Keep that anger in check. On the other hand, your love life is calm and harmonious. Take a breather with the one you love. Your drink this month is: Honeydew Martini

You’re indecisive! You can’t decide. You keep on looking...from left to right. Anyways! Trust others right now to help you with your choices. Your stubborn nature could hold you back. Be careful. You may find love in weird places this month. It will be passionate no matter where it comes from, though. You’re a bit in your head right now, so try not to do anything hasty. Your drink this month is: Irish Flag Shot

Right off the bat, you’ve got some conflict in your life (specifically with friends and family). This is gonna take up most of your attention this month. Your career options are a bit limited right now, but they should pick back up soon. Take a trip with your significant other! Get away and spend time showing your love. Love is the thing to celebrate right now! Your drink this month is: Irish Margarita

How to: This calls for equal parts green crème de menthe, Bailey’s, and Grand Marnier. The real trick is to layer the alcohol perfectly to look like the flag, but if you’re just drinking to drink...

How to: Fill the margarita glasses with ice. Add tequila (4 oz.), curacao (2 oz.), Aperol (1 oz.), peach schnapps (2 oz.), whiskey (1 oz.), lime juice (1 oz.), and pineapple juice (12 oz.) to a shaker. Shake. Pour half into one glass and half into the other.

How to: Depending on how boozy you want this, mix Irish cream with 7 oz. of milk. Then, add a good helping of chocolate syrup. If you do it right, it should taste like good ol’ chocolate milk...but alcoholic.

How To: 3 oz. of vodka, ½ oz. of Midori, and ½ oz. of triple sec make a pretty, green, fully-loaded cocktail.


Gemini MAY 21JUNE 21 Versatile, curious Career is on your mind, Gemini. It’ll take some extra diligence and creativity this month to achieve your goals. Forging ahead is all fine and good, but make sure you remember your manners, bud. Love is a double-edged sword this month. The first week looks sweet, but the rest of March you’re going to have to fight to keep the love alive. Communication is important in every aspect of your life right now. Your drink this month is: Irish Car Bomb. How to: You’ll start with a Guiness in a glass. Once the foam settles, pour in a shot (½ Bailey’s and ½ whiskey). Drink quickly.

Libra SEPTEMBER 24OCTOBER 23 Social, fair-minded It’s been a slow year so far, Libra, but March is gonna drastically speed things up. You’ve got some good things and achievements coming out the wazoo! You will have to make sure that your emotions stay strong and don’t go crazy. Love is coming, but make sure that you present your best self if you wanna keep ‘em. Any love coming your way is gonna be sensual and passionate. Your drink this month is: Shamrock Juice. How to: Mix a ½ oz. of gin, white tequila, light rum, and vodka. Then, add 1 oz. of Blue Curacao and ice. Pour 4 ounces of orange juice over top and garnish with a cherry.

Aquarius JANUARY 21 FEBRUARY 19 Original, uncompromising I-N-D-E-PENDENCE for you, baby. It’s your time, your choice. You shouldn’t ignore your responsibilities, but it’s definitely a month to treat yourself. Mars and Venus might bring some tension to your love life, both good and bad. It is definitely more romantic than passionate this month, though. If you’re single, you might find yourself falling in love VERY suddenly. Your drink this month is: Fuzzy Leprechaun. How to: Combine peach schnapps (1 oz.), blue curacao (1 oz.), vodka (1 oz.), orange juice (½ oz.), and pineapple juice (½ oz.) into a shaker. Shake. Strain into glass and garnish with orange and cherry. 1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com



FIGHTS FOR WOMEN Unchained OSU’s Trafficking Awareness Fashion Show Blooms Again This Spring BY L I Z Z Y A M A R AC H I P H OTO S P R OV I D E D

Far from the fashion shows you’ve seen elsewhere, Unchained OSU brings back its annual visual arts performance for the fourth year in a row. Mark your calendars for March 28, when the student organization will present its anti-trafficking fashion show in Curl Marketplace’s Viewpoint. Unchained OSU is the collegiate version of the trafficking awareness nonprofit organization, Unchained, that was founded here in Columbus. The show accepts donations but is free for anyone to attend. 100% of donations and raffle ticket sales will go toward the scholarship fund, “Strategies for Success.” I sat down with Co-Presidents of the student organization, Serena Kaul and Rebecca Kuhr, to learn more about their mission. “That scholarship assists survivors in pursuing higher education to help them escape the cycle of being trafficked,” said Kaul. “This helps them move forward and progress with their lives after they get out, so then they can get jobs.” This scholarship is now housed under the local anti-trafficking nonprofit, She Has A Name. Previous scholarship recipients have gone on to pursue degrees at schools like Columbus State and Ohio State. Through the fashion show, Unchained OSU aims to raise money for the scholarship fund, educate people about human trafficking and shine a light on the lives and experiences of survivors. By including these experiences, the issue becomes more “real.” At Ohio State, most of us live in our own bubbles of security and are blind to a reality that isn’t ours. Unchained OSU seamlessly puts human trafficking into a perspective that’s easier to understand. “There’s a script that’s read, like a poetic narration,” Kuhr explained. “That story’s based on an actual person’s story, but it’s kind of like the general journey of someone who’s been through trafficking, and we have speakers to tell their specific story so there’s a face to it.” She added that, “People who are being trafficked don’t always know it.” As a result, educating the audience on what trafficking is

and what the signs of it look like are important goals of the show. The audience also gains an understanding of the three stages of a trafficking survivor’s story: innocence, violation, and restoration. “The dresses, the hair, and the makeup looks reflect each of those stages,” Kaul explained. “So for example, the ‘Innocence’ dresses are usually more feminine and younglooking. ‘Violation’ dresses are darker and ripped, and then ‘Restoration’ is usually bright and colorful.” Along with the fundraising aspect, the show also serves as an opportunity to showcase local Ohio fashion designers and artists. Two student designers, Dani Kaiser and Hannah Ferguson, are in the University of Cincinnati design program. Columbus-based fashion designers, Ferret Campos and DaiRita Luckett, will also contribute designs. 614 Beauty and Le Rêve Makeup & Hair will be in charge of hair and makeup. But as Kaul explained, “It’s a bigger event than just a fashion show.” Each year, the event has musical performances, guest speakers, informational booths and raffle prizes. A new addition to the show this year is free food for attendees. Along with big names like Cameron Mitchell Restaurants, Sushi Avenue, and Ohio State Dining Services, the social enterprise, Freedom a la Cart, will also provide refreshments. Their mission closely aligns with Unchained OSU because they’re a catering business that hires people who were previously trafficked. As in years past, the local musical duo Of Dust and Light will perform songs from their album that highlights an introspective look on the life of a trafficking survivor. This year’s emcee is recent Ohio State graduate and former Miss Franklin County, Mara Mason because of her passion for women’s issues and advocacy. Guest speakers for this year will include local anti-trafficking advocate Jessica Graham, Hollie Daniels from the addiction, homelessness, and sex trafficking victims’ nonprofit “Reaching for the Shining Starz,”

and Ohio Senator Teresa Fedor, who fights for issues such as human trafficking and education. Before and after the event, booths will be set up by local, Columbus-based antitrafficking organizations with information on how attendees can get involved, whether it be by going to training, mentoring or doing street outreach through their programs. This year’s organizations include She Has A Name, Reaching for the Shining Starz, Gracehaven and Eleventh Candle Company, while Wild Tiger Tees will sponsor the whole event. If you’ve got a fire within you about women's issues and are looking for ways to make a difference outside of attending the show, Kaul has recommendations. “Supporting these social enterprises and connecting people to these organizations... and even just donating to the scholarship. That’s an easy way to help.” By having these booths and sponsors at the fashion show, both co-presidents hope

that attendees will learn about organizations in their communities and get involved with them, or with Unchained OSU. Students can become general body members, attend meetings or help at the annual show. “Be models, be in our club, help backstage! Photography, videography, helping with decorations, help design dresses, anything like that,” Kaul shared. “There’s a place for everyone. And you don’t have to be into fashion to be in the club.” General body members have a diverse range of majors, backgrounds, and interests. Kuhr is a Fashion & Retails Studies major, while Kaul majors in Neuroscience. As long as you’re passionate about making a change, they’re confident you will make a change. Along with having guest speakers and repurposing crafts for sustainable fashion, Unchained OSU also involves fundraisers and documentaries throughout the year about labor trafficking and how fashion affects the environment.

Ohio had between 400 and 500 reported cases of sex or labor trafficking in 2018, according to Kaul and Kuhr’s recommended human trafficking data-center, the Polaris Project. Not only are they using data to fight trafficking, but they also run the National Human Trafficking Hotline (1-888-373-7888 or 233733 to text). “Prevalence, how to identify trafficking, and what to do when you see signs of trafficking,” Kuhr stated. “They’re all important for people to know.” •

Unchained OSU Fashion Show 2020 is on March 28 at 7 p.m. in the Curl Viewpoint. RSVP for a free ticket to the show and learn more about donatable products by searching for “Unchained OSU Fashion Show 2020” at eventbrite.com. You can learn more about Unchained OSU by following them on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, @unchainedosu.

1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com


TikTok on the block Catching up with a local influencer BY MEERA MATHUR PH OTO BY FIKUNMI I D OW U

he newest social media craze on campus is a fun app called TikTok (you might have heard of it). It involves making creative 15 to 60-second videos that creators can share with their followers. It quickly garnered the hype that used to surround Vine (RIP, gone but never forgotten), and now is one of the most popular apps for college students to entertain themselves and procrastinate studying. Believe it or not, Ohio State itself has some famous TikTokers among us. We caught up with Frances, also known as @sonicfanclub99 on TikTok, who has gained quite a following on the app throughout the past year.


1870: So you’ve amassed 45.9K followers on TikTok! How long ago did you start your account? @sonicfanclub99: Surprisingly, I’ve convinced nearly 46,000 people to follow me. I began making videos in summer 2019 out of boredom. I found out about TikTok through Twitter and thought, “Oh, this looks pretty fun.” I’ve always been pretty creative, and I was a theater kid in high school, so it made sense for me to start embarrassing myself on the Internet. At first, I would just post random videos of me, like, lip syncing or doing whatever the popular trend was at the time, and I always got comments that said I looked like Rowan Blanchard or other people, so I started making content that kinda capitalized off of that. The videos that get the most views are usually just ones where I poke fun at myself for looking like (insert celebrity here – I’ve gotten a lot of comparisons).


Did you gain your following all at once or gradually over time? I’d say that my “following” has increased gradually over time, give or take a few viral videos where people are more or less convinced that I’m actually the Disney child star that I am not. In your opinion, what is the best TikTok you’ve made? There’s one I made while I was depressionskipping class and it was literally about me skipping class because I was too depressed to go. It went viral and received hundreds of comments that expressed the same sentiments from strangers around the world, which is

1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com

saddening but also weirdly comforting. I like that one probably the best because it became a way to relate to others, which is pretty cool. How do you think of ideas for your TikToks? My mind is literally just a monkey crashing cymbals. I don’t think I have a formal process of thinking about ideas, rather it’s more just me sitting in bed scrolling through my “for you” page and hearing a funny audio or seeing a cute dance and thinking, “Oh, I wanna recreate that” or “I have the best self-deprecating thought that would pair perfectly with this audio!” Other than that, it’s a lot of just scrolling through to see what’s currently trending and maybe riffing off of those.

Do you get recognized on campus? I have a few times, only after a video gains momentum, though. Most of the time it’s just people telling me they saw me on their FYP and I’m just like, “Yeah, that was probably me.” And then I remember that I’m 20-years-old and making TikToks. What do you feel is the best part about having such a huge following? There aren’t that many perks other than random validation from strangers. It’s also cool when people ask me how to do the dances, [like the] Renegade, considering I am the world’s worst dancer – I’ll take any compliments I can get. Now I’m gonna ask you about some of your favorite parts of TikTok! What/who is your favorite… TikTok account? I love a lot of creators! @original. don and @boopyshmurda are really funny. TikTok dance? Renegade. . .duh. TikTok filter to use? Green screen. Iconic. Lastly, do you have any advice for people who are looking to create TikToks but are unsure how to start? Just do what makes you happy! Focus on what brings you joy and start from there. It all really starts with just picking up the camera. It’s also helpful to find inspiration through your FYP! 1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com


Hopkins Hall Artists Two students behind the doors of campus’ favorite ceramic sale BY ANDREW WA LLAC E PH OTOS BY GRANT JON ES

“Everybody’s a critic.” Squidward Tentacles.


everyone an artist? In Hopkins Hall, you’ll find students studying a number of artistic mediums, but what makes these students artists? What do they gain from studying here at The Ohio State University that they couldn’t get from YouTube tutorials? Is it the criticism? The experience? Well, I interviewed two students studying in Hopkins Hall and found that what they learn in art school is far more valuable than constructive feedback or even time spent on the task at hand. They are challenged to create outside of their comfort zones and to gain a better mastery of the fundamentals so that they can apply it to their own work in their own styles.

Sean Cole (@Seanmcole) Sean Cole draws comics. He originally went to college to be a graphic artist before switching to social work. Today, Cole doesn’t consider himself an artist, telling me, “That’s something someone else has to call you.” Cole is mostly self taught, but adds that some formal foundation is required. Practicing foundational skills in classes helped him appreciate the fundamentals first, and that initial understanding has made him better at art. Cole shared, “Historically, apprentices learned to paint in a master’s style. They would have to recreate a master’s entire portfolio in that master’s style, and then apply the skills they developed to their own work.” Sean’s work is often so sad that it’s funny. From party robots, to God taking prayers like on-air radio broadcasters take calls, no topic is off limits to Sean. His comics provoke thought; like one on his Instagram featuring a man with a bird flying out of his head next to a series of


written-out statements describing his thought process. Sean’s work often displays elements of humanity that are the least humane. While personal research can teach someone the basics, Cole is in favor of his chosen route in studying the arts formally. He added, “Personally, I don’t feel I could have gotten that practice from Youtube.” Cole emphasised that practice is everything, and that even with limitless time to practice, understanding the limits of what you can do is necessary before pushing past those limits. In thinking about how his creative process normally gets started, Cole said it’s a constant that’s always in his head. “I’m thinking of what I want to do during my daily time,” he said. “Lately I’ve been using sticky notes to draft the first design of a comic idea.” Next, Cole draws the comic all the way out by hand, and finally, he scans his second draft into Photoshop where he feels that the

1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com

design possibilities are endless. Cole’s last piece of advice for young artists? “Practice isn’t a scary time to fail. You need a warm up.”

Yana Artemov (@Yana.a) “Oh shit, I did NOT mean to waste all that paint!” Yana Artemov is a talented sketch artist and painter. Recently she was awarded a competitive scholarship for her self portrait work. I interviewed Artemov as she worked on a painting in a studio of Hopkins Hall. Despite being surrounded by canvas and color for two semesters, Artemov also does not consider herself an artist. “I study art, but that doesn’t make me an

artist,” she said. “I decided that I was ready to spend my money and time doing something that I was really interested in.” Artemov took drawing classes from a young age, and says she’s always loved it. The reason she didn’t think to pursue it right away was because of money. She loves studying art precisely because it feels like the best possible use of her time and money. “Why wouldn’t I study something that I love?” Artemov wants to remind readers that, “There is no strict path to or definition of success.” She adds, “I don’t even know what success is to me, yet.” Yana’s work is done with care and precision. Her attention to detail cannot be understated. Watching her work is a demonstration of masterful grace and patience. She often stops to look over what she’s painted, before proceeding to add value with each touch of the brush. Even her early work is amazing. If she had to define success, she’d say, “Looking back and never wishing I had done something I didn’t.”

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Keep up with Sean Cole’s art by following him on Instagram, @Seanmcole. Follow Yana Artemov on Instagram, @Yana.a to see her finished products. 1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com


OXYMAJORS A Horse Girl Studying English



reanna Lucci is a junior at OSU studying English and kicking ass on the Western Equestrian Team in her spare time. Lucci and I met last year in a creative writing class at OSU, after she had just joined the Equestrian team on a whim. One year later, she owns a horse. Even though she’s changed her major about five times, Lucci doesn’t commit to anything half-assed. She’s an absolutely chaotic inspiration. Lucci got involved with equestrianism last year when she saw their booth at the Involvement Fair. “I walked past the booth once, and I was like, ‘Nah, I can’t do that.’ And then I walked past them again and I was like, ‘...Imma do it.’” The team embraces beginners. They love new people and they’re very flexible. The Western Equestrian Team is about onethird of the size of the English (or Hunt Seat) Equestrian Team. Breaking it down to basics, the Western Team involves cowboy hats with horses, and the English Team involves slightly bigger horses and posh helmets. I asked her if the Western Team ever competes in assless-chaps, and she said, “Yes. ALL CHAPS ARE ASSLESS! Assless chaps is a redundant phrase.” I learn so much from her. On a chilly February morning, Lucci and I went to the barn together. In between freezing my toes off and petting barn cats, Lucci got some pictures taken with her horse, Gracie. I spent a lot of time talking to horses. Lucci and I discussed what it takes to be a full-time student with a part time job, plus a full-time passion that involves a living, breathing horse to take care of. Lucci’s typical day consists of class, homework, time at the barn, more homework, and repeating that the next day. She gets out to the stable four to five times per week (because she’s a dedicated horse mom) and rides for OSU three to four hours per week. Lucci has had Gracie for almost a year, and they are inseparable. “Gracie picked me and I picked her.”

Her parents have been incredibly supportive, and Lucci puts in a lot of time and love to Gracie’s care. “Gracie is an extension of myself,” she said. “It’s a partnership, but you have to be in charge. She’ll walk all over me if I let her.” I can’t interview Gracie formally, but I can tell you that she loves whole bananas, rolling in the dirt, and being with Lucci. “She’s short, but she’s mighty. She has a lot of attitude.” For Lucci, riding and being at the barn is therapeutic, saying her days are worse when she can’t make it out.

She manages to balance school, work, and a social life so well because she has this extracurricular that excites her and demands killer time-management skills. In the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (ISHA), there are four regular season shows and a postseason where you can ride individually or for a team. If you rank in regionals, you move onto semi-finals, and nationals from there. OSU has won their region for close to 30 years, and they have been national champions 10 times: the most of any OSU sports club. Leading up to nationals last year, Lucci was riding about 20 hours per week, and she was absolutely ripped. “It’s a great butt builder,” she said, highly recommending horse riding as a form of exercise. Her hard work (and Gracie’s) paid off when she won her class at semi-finals and later at nationals. The OSU team ranked third in the nation last year. Lucci’s advice to students who are interested in trying the Western Equestrian Team? “Just join it! I’m a beginner, we love beginners, we embrace them! The team is really supportive of all the beginners, just try it because you might love it.” I make a lot of horse girl jokes with and about Lucci, but I’m taking this opportunity to put it in print that I really admire the level of dedication she has for the sport that makes her happy. I highly recommend finding a best friend with a horse. It’s brought a lot of serotonin to my life. In the coming months, Lucci is launching a blog to help provide information and resources for beginner riders, follow her for updates! •

Lucci is launching a blog in the coming months to provide information and resources for beginner riders. For updates, follow her and Gracie on Instagram: @breannagucci and @what_a_vested_story. Interested in joining the team? Email westernequestrianclub@osu.edu. 1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com



Must-reads for all young women this Women’s History Month BY C A L E I G H H A R R I S P H OTO S BY F I K U N M I I D OW U

March is Women’s History Month, and while it’s never not an appropriate time to celebrate the magnificent women in your life, it’s a good reminder to pay homage to the people who shape your world. As a young woman in her early 20s, I find looking toward much wiser and (let’s be honest) smarter people to give me advice on how to navigate this turbulent time has been incredibly helpful for me. Below are just a few must-reads that I believe are important for all young women who are looking for some guidance.

Becoming by Michelle Obama

You by Caroline Kepnes

Promoting self-confidence, excellence, and the merits of intelligence and hard work.

The importance of vigilance and constant awareness for young women.

A memoir by former first-lady Michelle Obama, Becoming tells her narrative beginning in her childhood home in Chicago, stretching all the way to the years following Obama’s stint in the White House. Michelle provides a relatable framework in which many young girls can find themselves. She also gives a voice to young black women and women of color, which is an experience that cannot be overstated. Becoming allows us to find a piece of ourselves in such a venerable and successful woman, while simultaneously giving an inside view into the challenges that led to her success.

Sigh. By now, I’m fairly positive you’ve probably watched both seasons on Netflix. Yes, You is a wonderful show that captures the audience. And to be honest, the plot line from the book is very, very similar to that of the first season. However, I think there are merits to be found in actually reading the constant, internal dialogue of a stalker and murderer. The book, more so than the show, reminds us that we always have to be wary of who we meet. Normal-looking people are not always normal (hello, Ted Bundy) and their brains are not wired like ours. Not to scare anyone, but every young girl should read You as a quick reminder to be very particular with who you date.

Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay The complexities of feminism and how to apply them to everyday life. An English professor in her late 30s at the time of writing, I consider Roxane Gay to be sort of an older-sister voice of reason – she’s close enough to her twenties to know what it was like, yet far enough away to give reasonable advice. Her collections of essays are raw, funny, emotional, and entertaining. She is not concerned with shaming you for being a subpar feminist, but rather opening up the discussion to include all different kinds of people. She uses analogies from The Hunger Games and Amy Winehouse metaphors to explain to us what life has been like for her, and how she hopes she can apply it to us.


1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini A window into the cultural customs and norms of women who live differently than yourself. While Hosseini is the only male author on this list, both of his books serve as good reminders to constantly broaden your cultural horizons. A Thousand Splendid Suns is the sequel to The Kite Runner, and explores two female characters and their lives in Afghan society. It allows us to understand the themes that are constant throughout human interaction, and the circumstances that may divide people.


spring break Hookup BY K E L LY K R A J E W S K I | P H OTO BY L E X I U J C ZO

With spring break comes the end of cuffing season and the beginning of the less well-known, but equally important, un-cuffing season. Recently single college students from all over the country descend onto the beaches of Fort Lauderdale, the Outer banks, and Cancun looking for a tan and some no-strings-attached fun. With a whole new pool of hotties to choose from and a week of partying ahead of you, spring break is prime casual hook-up time. A spring break fling before heading back to campus to finish out the final part of the semester may seem like the perfect idea, but use the following tips to make sure you’re coming back to campus regret-free.


1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com


Make sure your friends always know where you are. The people you’re hooking up with might be perfect strangers, and you’re probably not all too familiar with the area either. It’s important that people know where you are and what your plan is.


There’s probably going to be alcohol or maybe even drug use in a lot of spring break party situations, so make sure you and your partner are both able to consent as well as down to clown before getting it on.


There’s plenty of fish in the sea and even more frat boys on the shore. This is your chance to be picky – don’t settle for the group of dudes posing under a "Saturdays are For the Boys" flag. Do you really want to have to explain to your finsta followers that you spent your break hooking up with a dude who can’t let go of a three-year old trend and hits his Juul during sex?


The only thing worse than a public indecency charge is having sand all up in your junk.


You deserve to finish, too. Life is far too short to fake a big O for a boy whose middle name you don’t even know. Tell your partner what you like and get what you deserve. I mean come on – you didn’t get that Brazilian wax for nothing.


Use a condom and make sure that sucker didn’t rip. The person you hooked up with might be the person of your second semester dreams, but are they cool and hot enough to co-parent with? And ladies, even if you’re on birth control, an STD will last longer than the butterflies you had while pokin’ poolside. Use. A. Condom.



1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com


Top of the Service Hour A list of campus’s favorite places to volunteer to warm your heart and fill your service hours BY A S A H E R R O N

Is spring semester sadness getting you down? You’re not alone! Ohio’s dreadful winters are notorious for making you want to just curl up in a ball in bed all day. Is that really how you want to spend your limited time in college? Instead, I suggest finding more than your classes to motivate you, and I have found that volunteering is a great way to add some meaning to my week. Helping out with a cause that you’re passionate about can be fulfilling, social, and inspiring. Additionally, it can be a great way to develop professional skills and bolster your resume. (Plus, it’s probably gotten to that point in the semester where you’re desperate to fulfill that service hour requirement.) Fear not! We’ve got a list of options ready for you.

4 Paws for Ability | 4pawsforability.org 4 Paws for Ability is the organization that sends students around campus with cute doggos all year. Club members’ main duty is to socialize the dogs with students around campus so they’re best prepared for their next step in training on their way to being a certified service dog. Basically, you get to bring a dog to class with you. All you have to do is pay their membership fees for $11 a semester or $20 for the whole year, and attend an orientation. Volunteers are assigned on an as-needed basis, and there are only so many dogs that need training. So get on the list sooner rather than later!

US Together Refugee Resettlement Agency ustogether.us Help newly arrived refugees adjust to their new Columbus community. This is a super fulfilling and eye-opening experience that will expand your worldview. Volunteers work with refugees from around the world by volunteering in English Second Language (ESL) and citizenship classes, or just helping their clients complete everyday tasks such as grocery shopping, scheduling doctor appointments, and navigating public transit. I have worked with wonderful people from Liberia, El Salvador, and Nepal to name a few. While helping the refugees, volunteers learn far more about the world than you can in any classroom.

Huckleberry House | huckhouse.org/volunteer Since 1970, Huckleberry House has been a safe haven for runaway youth and families in need from the Columbus community. The folks seeking help at the Huckleberry House are dealing with some serious issues, such as abuse or violence, homelessness, and addiction. Volunteering at Huckleberry House provides an opportunity to make a direct, positive impact on the city. You can serve meals in their Crisis Shelter Program or hang out with kids going through tough times who could really use a friend in their Youth Outreach Program.

College Mentors 4 Kids | collegementors.org

South Side Roots | southsideroots.org & midohiofoodbank.org

College Mentors 4 Kids pairs college students with a first through fifth-grader from a Columbus city school and brings them to campus once per week in order to teach them more about higher education, careers, service, culture, and diversity. These kiddos benefit greatly from having a role model who inspires them to reach for new heights. It’s an awesome way to break up your hectic week and focus on someone else. Applications for next fall are due April 6, and it only takes a few minutes to fill it out. Obvious but necessary warning: if you can’t pass a background check cleanly, this is not the program for you.

Are you ready to put all those food service skills you honed working at Wendy’s in high school to use in an altruistic way? South Side Roots Cafe, Market, and Kitchen is the place for you! Owned and operated by the Mid-Ohio Food bank, South Side Roots provides low-income or homeless Columbus citizens with a pay-what-you-can cafe and free weekly meals. As a volunteer, you work in one of these programs to prep meals, serve food, restock the market’s shelves, or clean up depending on what time of the day you are available.

Clean Up Columbus cleanupcolumbus@gmail.com An easy way to earn some money for your student organization and bring some beauty to the off-campus community is through Clean Up Columbus’ monthly litter pick-up event. Undergraduate Student Government sponsors the event and gives you the option of receiving $75 for your student organization or volunteer hours. This is an awesome way to volunteer as a group and bond on an early Saturday morning!

Pets Without Parents petswithoutparents.net I don’t know about you, but I miss my dog back home more than anything. The healing powers animals possess is the closest thing to magic we will ever know. Volunteering for Pets Without Parents presents the opportunity to hang out with cute, homeless animals in a great environment. The shelter has been in operation as a no-kill rescue home since 2001 and offers various ways to get involved in their daily activities as well as adoption events. They require a 30-minute orientation (held every Sunday), and then you can jump in with helping some animals! They particularly need help with dog-walking, cat cuddling, feeding/ watering, and cage care.

Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML) | columbuslibrary.org CML has an after school program that provides homework help and reading buddies for Columbus students (mostly non-high school) at every library location. It does require a background check, but they say it takes two weeks max. This is a great way to develop a relationship with a student who needs a little help, and a really chill way to get those hours figured out. Truthfully, I bet they will teach you more than you teach them.

Columbus Parks and Recreation | columbus.gov/ recreationandparks Register as a general volunteer with Columbus Parks and Rec to do TONS of different things with this organization. If group volunteering is your forté, sign up to work with them on Earth Day – April 18 this year – as they perform maintenance on Columbus’ oldest and arguably most famous park, Goodale Park. This is an awesome way to spend some time outside, relax with friends, and connect with nature. • 1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com



ST. PADDY’S (NEXT ) DAY HANGOVER CURES Feeling green after St. Paddy’s Day? Get your ass back to class on Wednesday with these tips! BY M A R Y M C C A R T H Y I L L U S T R AT I O N BY J U S T I N R E M OTA P

St. Patrick’s Day encourages heavy day drinking, which leads to a hefty hangover the next day. Every student could use some tips on how to beat the hangover blues. If you plan on heavily drinking to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, try one or all of these carefully curated hangover cures, straight from personal Irish experience.

1. Potato under the pillow

2. Hair of the dog

Much like the famed spoon under the ol’ pillow for a snow day trick, a potato under the pillow before St. Paddy’s day is sure to keep the hangover goblin in his cave and out of your head.

This expression involves drinking more booze to put off the hangover, and if that isn’t Irish then I don’t know what is.

3. A big plate of greasy fries with Sauerkraut

4. Extra strength Tylenol paired with a Red Bull

Fries are an obvious fix, but sauerkraut (like much of the food in Ireland) is an easily ignored edition if you prefer not to be punched in the face with sodium cabbage. If you like pickles with La Croix, you’ll probably enjoy fries and kraut.

This cocktail isn’t specifically Irish, but it is sure to get your heart racing faster than a snake fleeing Éire (the Irish spelling for “Ireland,” you ignorant thóin).

5. Traditional Irish soda bread

6. Wear green socks and stuff an ice pack in the left one (for luck)

I’m no historian, but I’m 32% sure this bread was invented to soak up beer. A thick slice with some butter or jam will have you ready for another bender in no time. If you are a student without access to soda bread, my grandma will personally deliver you a loaf.

7. Steal some communion wafers from your local church

8. Fill a hoodie pocket with gold coins to weigh down your miserable potato sack of a body

Nothing soaks up booze drank (drunk?) in the name of an Irish Saint like stolen Church goods. Note: if you snag the wine as well, you can easily turn this tip into hair of the dog.

Screw weighted blankets. This is my fool-proof advice and I won’t be elaborating further.

9. Use green food dye as a handy substitute for eye drops

10. Ask a good friend to slap you hard across the face

The real cure here is that they will rehydrate you professionally at the hospital.

I cannot stress to you through words how well this works.

11. A traditional fry up breakfast

12. McDonald’s pot of green gold

On this side of the Atlantic, we tend to not eat baked beans first thing in the morning, but I say give it a shot. A big greasy breakfast is an undisputed remedy for a bad hangover, and you can eat around the beans.

What I mean by this is one of their class act Shamrock Shakes that I personally drove to four different drive-thrus to find last March when they were selling like crazy.

13. Perform 13-second breathing exercises You know when you’re sitting on the bathroom floor clearly about to puke and that little Leprechaun’s voice in the back of your head is saying, “Don’t fucking do it?” Use the luck of the Irish here by slow breathing, in and out, for 13 seconds at a time. Don’t stop in between just, ya know, close your eyes and make it more meaningful or something.


Are you familiar with the placebo effect?

1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com

Okay, campus bars: why should students come to YOU on St. Patty’s Day? BY N AT H A N O D D I


friends, enemies, lovers, contingencies, it’s that time of the year again. No, not quite time to get out your polo shirts, chinos, Sperrys, deep-v-necks, or flipflops from the jumbled mess of clothes on your closet floor. No, not quite time to take any long road trips for the sake of getting away from Ohio for a while (just imagine I said Ohio with snobby disgust and contempt). And no, we’re not quite at the end of the semester, though can’t you just smell it? I digress. We have a ways to go before calmer days and that indescribable summer feeling, but until then, we take advantage of occasional comforts. Like St. Patrick’s Day. Yes, the holiday that’s been sweeping the nation since the first potato-eater set foot on this glorious land is nigh upon us, and we know just how eager you are to celebrate the cherished culture and history of the Irish in a quiet and reverent way. Like checking out a book about Irish history. Or spending some time with your nan learning how to make Irish delicacies like potato pancakes. Or listening to “I’m Shipping Up To Boston” by Dropkick Murphys. No? Fair enough. We assumed you’d say that, so we’ve gone ahead and asked a number of dives around campus to let you know what they’re doing to celebrate the Irish’s only holiday. (Is that right?

Probably not.) Each of these bars were kind enough to put into their own words why their bar is the bar you need to visit on St. Patty’s Day, so in the interest of fairness, we’re spreading the 1870 love around! There’s no way we’d all fit into only one bar, anyways.

Out R Inn Party Lots of Fun Surprises Possible Leprechaun Sighting Maybe a Pot of Gold Definite GREEN BEADS T-Shirts & Sunglasses 4Sure Loud Music & Dancing Guaranteed Extend Hours GET HERE EARLY Booze Day Tu esday Day Drink Enjoy Sunny Spring Weather on our TWO LARGE PATIOS Front Porch Patio & Back Bar Patio ALL THREE BARS OPEN FIND /USE Back Patio Bar Pizza Building Bar OPEN Extra RestRooms OPEN March Madnesses NCAA PlayIn-Games Tournament GREEN BEER GREEN Tea Shots GREEN Rumpleminze GREEN Fir eball GREEN BUCKEYE SHOTS Angry Orch ard GREEN APPLE Guinness Irish Car Bom b Jameson Irish Breakfast Shot Great Lakes Conways Irish Ale KISS ME I’M IRISH BuckeyeNation BuckeyeLove HowFirmThyFriendship HAPPY ST PATRICK’S DAY OhioState GoBucks SpringSemester Senior Crawl

Ugly Tuna 2 The O' Tuna Saloona will be the spot to be! $1 wells all night long and $2 everything else in the bar. You will be able to still earn double points for our Tuna VIP program. All three bars will be open as well as VIP. Irish Music will be played as well as mixing in some DJ's throughout the night. Go UGLY and GO UGLY EARLY!!

Leo’s on the Alley Obviously, you should #getchitty for St. Patty’s! Leo’s will be doing double duty, with specials on Saturday and actual St. Patrick’s Day. Get your green beer on or in true Chittenden fashion, get a green Chitt Show! Whether you’re Irish or faking it, Leo’s can be your pot of gold!

Bier Stube March 17 is the Stube’s 54th birthday party! Of course we celebrate big P’s day, too, but we know you’re looking for something different to go to, so why not Bier Stube’s B-Day? (Which it is.) March 17, 1966 – one of the last old campus bars! We’ll be selling green beer all night, with $7 pitchers going until 9 pm.

The Little Bar The Little Bar is the best place to hang out on campus with daily drink specials, entertainment, and food straight from Chop Shop! We will be doing specials on all things Irish, including green beer and giveaways like green beads and whatever we get our hands on. (We will have March Madness specials as well since the games start on the 17th.) Catch your favorite sporting event, get together with friends, and have a fun night out! We boast 16 flat screen TVs, so you’ll always have a great view. 21 and up are always welcome!

THR3ES While everybody is on here posting about their great specials, we know you’re going to come inside us regardless of it being a holiday or not. It’s a Toosday for Christ’s sake. Campus is filled with fantastic bars and plenty have awesome specials. However, we don’t feel like we need to pander to get you in. You are a smart, beautiful, and wonderful person and we know that you understand who we are and what we have to offer. See ya St. Patrick’s Day! Love, Thr3es. • 1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com


Know Your Bartender: Kylie from Bakersfield BY CALEIGH HARRIS PH OTO BY ASH GERL AC H

Bartenders come in all shapes and sizes, and from all walks of life. Who’s to say who is best equipped to give you what you need when you sit down across the bar? Bartenders. Professional babysitters, parttime psychologists, and a drunk’s best friend. When you need to know the best spots to get your drink on around campus and who to chat up while you’re there, we’ve got you.

How did you get into bartending and how long have you been doing it? I have worked in a restaurant since I was 15-years-old and started bartending on my 21st birthday. I took a class before my 21st, but the instructor never showed up, so the day of my birthday I told the restaurant I had completed the class and began bartending that day. The person who was supposed to close that night called off, too, so I ended up closing the bar that night. It’s been eight years now. What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen while bartending? When a guy passed out on our manager on game day. He just basically fell on top of her. What’s the worst way for someone to get your attention at the counter? Yelling, “Hey blondie!” is the worst thing you can do. I will not pay attention to you. What’s the best? Sit there and be nice or raise your glass if I’m not noticing you need a refill, but don’t yell at me. Especially don’t call me anything that’s not my real name. What’s your goto drink lately? Paloma or vodka soda.


What drink do you always recommend to customers? Up In Smoke or a spicy margarita. When you’re not bartending, what are you doing? I’m currently taking classes to get my real estate license. I’m also a mom, so I spend time hanging out with my 5-year-old son when I’m not working. I also am selling beach body products online. When you’re not here, what bars do you like to go to? Darkly lit, interesting bars; like chill and relaxed places.

1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com

If you could grab a drink with anyone– dead or alive–who would it be and what would you drink? It would be kind of cool to have a drink with my dad, because he passed away when I was little. He was a scotch drinker so we’d probably drink that. I would like to ask him a bunch of questions I never got the chance to. Finish this sentence: Bakersfield is the best bar in the Short North because… I love the people that I work with, so I always feel welcome and comfortable coming in to work. •

Fourth’s New Facelift An inside look at the new Fourth Street BY DE LANEY AP P EL PH OTOS BY K IERA F R A N KS



ne of the internet’s favorite trends these days is the ever-classic “glow-up”, showing how you have morphed yourself from humble beginnings to a true showstopper over the years. Fourth Street Bar and Grill is no exception to this, as they tackled remodels to both their space and menu this new year to become the new-andimproved, Fourth Street Taproom and Kitchen. The decision to take on the remodel was anchored in the bar’s history, according to management. “It has been 10 years since the grand opening, and we wanted to re-energize the space while sticking to our roots. We want our loyal customers to come in with the same mindset that Fourth Street is still a welcoming neighborhood bar. . .however, we will continue to add new and exciting elements that will keep our regulars and new customers coming back and wanting more.” As far as what is changing, fear not! Everyone’s beloved karaoke night and Tower Hour aren’t going anywhere. The main differences include sprucing up the interior with a new paint job, updates to furniture and decor, and new additions to the menu. Expect your palette to be expanded through four new appetizers, eight new entrees, and a list of 12 new craft cocktails.

1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com

“Our favorite is the Coconut Conniption,” said Fourth Street staff. “[It] has fresh coconut juice along with a mix of tropical elements. . . as for food, if we had to choose, our favorite entree is the Braised Ribs. . .for appetizers, we love the new Bugsy Siegel. Priced at only $7, you get a stack of potato balls filled with cheese, bacon, and green onion. They’re delicious.” Overall, it is still the same Fourth Street that you know and love, just with a few updates and some TLC. Not much to complain about there. All of these updates doesn’t mean that Fourth Street has gotten too boujee either, you can still expect the same great prices as always. “We anticipate our customer base seeing an elevated experience overall. Fourth Street will continue to be a fun and youthful environment within a price range that is appealing to our customers' eyes.” So if you’re looking for some upscale fun on a budget this weekend, or you're tired of your feet sticking to the floor at other unnamed campus bars, be sure to check out Fourth Street’s new digs!

Fourth Street Taproom and Kitchen is located at 1810 N. Fourth St. and is open 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. weekdays and 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. weekends.

1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com



1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com

Our favorite brews: Rhinegeist Hugh, Columbus Brewery El Hefe, Barley’s Blood Thirst Wheat

Hefeweizens are very German sehr gut. They’re wheat beers, meaning they have a yeasty flavor. (I will not make a joke about this ‘cause I’m an adult.) They’re refreshing, but have a bold taste, so they may not be for everyone.


Our favorite brews: Columbus Brewing Co. Petite Blonde, Lineage Oscura Obscura, Land-Grant Brewing Ra

If you want to kick your tastebuds up a notch, blonde ales are a safe bet. They’re my go-to summer beers. Like lagers, they’re clear and crisp. However, they’re also dry and have a slight bitterness to them.


Our favorite brews: Rhinegeist Brewery Cheetah Lager, Bellwoods Brewery Paper Tiger, Land-Grant Brewery Urban Sombrero

These kinds of beers are at the lighter end of the beer spectrum. They are crisp, carbonated, and the most popular beers in America. They’re usually the beers you’ll find at tailgates, frat parties or your dorm’s mini fridge.



With the Columbus Brew Festival coming up on March 28th, I thought it would be a good idea to share a wee bit of my beer knowledge with you folks. Listen, I got nothing against PBR. The thing is that Columbus has way too many high-quality brews for you to be getting lit on Wisconsin beer. I understand we all don’t have the money to be trying out different beers every day, and that’s where I come in. Too worried about making a bad brewski decision? Don’t worry, be hoppy! I will show you the ways of the haze, starting at beers that are easy to tap, all the way to beers that will tap you out.


Everything you need to know about beer

The Essential Guide for Newbie Brewbies

1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com



Our favorite brews: Brewdog Jet Black, Seventh Son Brewing Fox in the Stout, Hoofhearted Mom Jeans Double Milk Stout

The best example I can give you for one of these is a classic Guinness. Porters and stouts are dark and have a rich flavor with notes of coffee and chocolate. Although they’re more sipping beers than anything else, they will get you lit quick.


Our favorite brews: Buckeye Lake Brewery Dublin Style Irish Red, Thirsty Dog Brewing Co. Irish Setter Red, Columbus Brewing Company Uncle Rusty

Irish Red Ales are very interesting in their flavor profile. They’re not bitter, but they’re very malty. They also have caramel undertones. They’re honestly not my favorite, but if you like a beer with character, while low on the bitterness, red ales are for you.


Our favorite brews: Land-Grant Brewing Club-Trillion, Great Lakes Brewing Co. Independence Ale, Columbus Brewing Co. Citra Noel

Amber ales are relatively bitter and malty. They’re very much a sipping beer, as are basically all beers from here on out. Amber ales have a lot of character. They have a strong taste, and they kick your ass, but in the best way.


Our favorite brews: Brewdog Elvis Juice, Columbus Brewing Co. Go-Kart Ghost, Sixth Sense Brewing Murk Juice

We’re entering sipping territory here. IPAs get a bad rep for being the drink of choice of douchey craft beer bros. Granted, they’re not for everyone. They’re usually on the bitter side. They’re very hoppy, and they can have fruity undertones. The world of IPAs is one I could spend a whole article on, but I won’t bore you. I highly recommend you give them a chance and keep an open mind.


Our favorite brews: Brewdog Cannon Blast, Land-Grant Brewing Co. All-American Pale Ale, Seventh Son Humulus Nimbus

Pale ales are very popular. If you’re getting started experimenting with new beers, I would start here. They have the malty flavors of darker beers, but they’re still light and relatively chuggable.



beer Columbus Brewing Co.’s Go-Kart Ghost BY N ICOLE P I ZA R R O


’all this is going to be TMI but my mental health is on the fritz. It’s that point of the semester where everything just feels weird. It’s the calm before the storm and I. DON’T. TRUST. IT. In just a few short weeks, everything will be chaos. And so, with that in mind, I turn to two trusty drinks that help me relax.


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My god. This beer is everything. If my general angst towards humanity had a cure, this would be it. I’m telling you, this super pale ale gives me hope. If you’re anti-IPA and promised yourself you’d always stick to pale ales, this has to be your next beerventure. With perfectly citrus undertones, it is quite literally the best drink to slip down your throat when it’s late at night and you’re on your computer, by the fireplace, building a house in the Sims 4. (Don’t shame me and my kinks.) It is a mood, my friends. And the 6.1% ABV doesn’t hurt either. This is the beer you’ll switch out a Natty Light for if you want to sip on something way better that will help you drink slowly, without giving up the anti-hoppiness of lighter beers.

COCKTAIL CBD Gin Fizz You read that right, my friend. I’m celebrating 4/20 early and in style. What I like about this drink is the interesting twist it adds to a Gin Fizz cocktail. All-in-all, this is a super easy drink to make and it really takes the edge off ifyouknowwhatImean. What makes “fizz” cocktails so fizzy is either the addition of powdered sugar or egg whites, depending on your preference of foam. You will need 2 oz. of gin, 0.5 oz. of fresh lemon juice, your preference of bitters, 4 oz. of club soda, 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar, simple syrup, or an egg white, and 15 drops of a flavored CBD – I recommend lemon tincture. Put it together in a shaker and pour it over ice. For extra foam, shake it without ice first, then add ice and shake again. Pour into a glass and garnish with a lemon peel or a leaf of thyme. You’re welcome, my friend.

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1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com

nostalgic fashion


How the Past Became Our Fashion Future BY L IZZY AMARACHI | P HOTOS BY G R A N T J O N E S


lthough we’ve finally reached a new decade and a new era in our lives, it seems like nothing beats the past. If you look at fashion designers from the ‘60s, like André Courrèges, they created “space age” fashions that they anticipated would be the style of future generations. They were scifi-inspired, a little wacky, and meant for a more… “Jetsons” reality. But who would’ve known that 60 years later, the teens of today would gravitate towards the past style rather than designing something new? I talked to Sydney Coleman, a senior at Ohio State, who reminisced on a few clothing trends that have made a comeback since her childhood. “I remember being eight and my older sister had Air Force 1s, and I hated them.” Now? She sees them in every classroom she walks into. She once disliked Doc Martens, but now the counterculture staple has become mainstream again and has grown on her this time around. She listed chunky “dad” shoes, high-waisted baggier jeans, cat-eye sunglasses, and crop tops as some of her favorite trends from previous decades, as well as groovy fonts like the “Life of Pablo” one that Kanye West made popular. Whatever trends exist on Pinterest, she adopts into her personal style. Coleman created and runs OSU Apparel on Instagram (@osuapparel), where she revamps and sells thrifted Ohio State gear for girls who want a more unique look for Block, or to rep the Buckeyes fashionably on any day. The items that sell the quickest

are typically the cropped tops, tiedye tops, and hand-painted denim pieces; all odes to decades of the past. Coleman believes that it’s the mix of simplicity and uniqueness of ‘90s fashion that makes the trends perfect for her generation. When it comes to the fashion industry as a whole, Coleman is grateful that people are trying to bring sustainability into fashion. Individual designers and higher retail companies are taking notice, too. Part of this has been due to the increased acceptance of thrifting, especially among Gen Z kids. Lucky for OSU students, there’s an abundance of thrift shops near the campus area, like Rag-O-Rama in Old North. Jorge Maymo, the Vice President of Rag-O-Rama, is glad that Gen Z brings thrifting into their lives. “At Rag-O-Rama, our motto is ‘Recycle Your Wardrobe.’ We love seeing our customers clean out their closets to use their trade on our selection of clothing and accessories, or get cash on the spot.” Rag-O-Rama, like many other shops in the area, offers one-of-a-kind pieces to shoppers and only accept quality pieces that stand out. Along with clothing and shoes, they’ve got a killer collection of accessories that are total throwbacks. When thinking about what decade he predicts being 2020’s biggest trend, Maymo referenced over-the-top ‘70s looks. “We hope disco! Who doesn’t love bell-bottoms, a good pair of platform shoes, bold prints, and a disco collar?” Coleman, on the other hand, can’t

pin-point a specific decade that will resurge, but she’s sure that celebrities will always have the most influence on bringing old trends to the new frontier. “Fashion kind of always recycles itself, and it’s unpredictable what will come back. . .Social influence has a huge impact on fashion, though,” she said, and credits the Kardashians with bringing back some of the ‘90s trends we’ve been seeing in the past few years. “Through celebrities and influencers,” Coleman says, out-of-style pieces become “normalized.” Josh Ogbonna and Fernando Lopez, two Ohio State sophomores, agreed and shouted out celebrities generally found in their lane of focus. “Kanye, Travis, Young Thug, Drake, Christiano Ronaldo, Lebron. . . Movie stars in general.” Beyond these celebrities and their high-end designer clothes, the boys also focus on the uniqueness of pieces. Like Coleman, they are drawn in by vibrant colors and a modern fit. Hoodies, flannels, and any basic essential can be elevated with a cool print or eye-catching color, something the ‘90s were known for. In Ogbonna’s eyes, fashion trends in the ‘90s were the perfect mix of the whole 1900s. While for Maymo, the most recent decade borrowed from almost all past decades and blended them all into one. “From vintage to the 00’s, it really feels like the current time is an eclectic decade for fashion!” There’s definitely a certain “dress up” aspect to the nostalgia we’re seeing today – a certain thrill behind feeling apart of something that you admire, •

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like a specific decade. My best friend, Kevon Snodgrass, and I love to thrift and find pieces that make us feel like we’re in another era, but light years ahead at the same time. Being ‘90s babies, I love embodying the individuality and moodiness that some of the ‘90s brought, while she loves statement pieces with dramatic colors, like the late ‘70s and early ‘80s glam aesthetics. “Creatives are able to express themselves more these days,” Snodgrass said. She attributes that to the increase of online fashion communities that embrace gender fluidity and body positivity. Coleman likes to look toward European luxe street style for future trend inspiration, because she believes their designers and social influencers are a year or two ahead of us in trends. Although fashion trends cycle in and out of style, some industry trends are steadily becoming a permanent necessity. Through my History of 20th Century Fashion course (which I recommend to all non-fashion majors who love fashion, CSFRST 2374), we learned so much about how war, politics, popular culture, counterculture, and more, affect what types of materials are available and what processes trend as a result in the industry. Looking to the future, it’s becoming more and more important to keep ethical fashion and consumption in mind to slow down mass production. • To fight the battle against mass produced fashion, shop at RagO-Rama on High St. at 3301 N. High St., follow Sydney Coleman @ OSUApparel, and consider registering for History of 20th Century Fashion, CSFRST 2374, next semester.


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1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com


New-To-You Spring Style

Where to thrift your spring closet this year BY A M Y B AU M G A RTE N P HOTOS BY G R A N T JO N E S

Goodwill - 2550 N. High St. $

Ah, Goodwill. Everyone’s favorite nonprofit organization that provides job training, employment placement services, and other community-based programs for people who have barriers preventing them from otherwise obtaining a job. Stop here for your thrifting basics: plain t-shirts, soft flannels, and oversized sweaters. If you’re in search of items to cut, bleach, tie, or embroider, there’s no shortage of that here.

Out of the Closet -


you’re an Ohio State student and you haven’t been thrift shopping in Columbus, you’re missing out. With tons of shops to choose from in a wide range of prices, it’s easier than ever to perk up your closet. With spring just around the corner, we had our thriftin’ expert (my damn self) give us the lowdown on the myriad of places to thrift in the area.

Ohio Thrift Store - 1881 W. Henderson Rd. $

Another option for those of you who have access to a car or who are not threatened by public transportation! Just outside of walking distance from campus, the Ohio Thrift is HUGE. You could spend hours here looking for trinkets. With aisles and aisles of random – there’s no better word to use than STUFF – you’ll be shocked at what you can find here. If you’re in search of glassware, suitcases, mugs, or even cleaning supplies or makeup, take a peek inside.

1230 N. High St. $

Located at the start of the Short North, Out of the Closet donates 96¢ of every $1 to fight the HIV/AIDS crisis. If that isn’t good enough of a reason to get you out of your house and into The Closet, how about the fact that they offer FREE HIV testing? Tests are given by certified counselors and test results are ready in 20 minutes or less. Spend time browsing the $1 clothes racks or wall of second-hand shoes.

Rag-O-Rama - 3301 N. High St. $$

Volunteers of America 3620 Indianola Ave. $

Located just far enough off campus that you either need a car or the nerve to brave the COTA, make a stop here for an arsenal of clothing options that will leave you dripping in sweat with your arms overflowing with hangers. As the clothes aren’t organized by size, this VOA is for the thrifting pros, not the newbie hoes.


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Full of curated items, Rag-O-Rama is the perfect stop if Goodwill’s plain t-shirts just don’t cut it for you. This is where you’ll find that tie-dye Rolling Stones tee you’ve been looking for, or the perfect plaid skirt for Fried Apple Pi’s High School Stereotypes TG. (“Themed gathering,” for the sorority-ly illiterate.) As a broke college student, I take full advantage of Rag-O-Rama and their interest in my old clothing. Before heading in, gather up some funky pieces you don’t wear anymore, and prepare for either cash or in-store credit for some of your oldie-but-goodies.

Royal Factory 1209 N. High St. $$

This artistic Short North boutique is quite the wild card in this list of thrift stores. Not only do they have secondhand merchandise, but they have in-store designers who reconstruct and upcycle the pieces they find. At Royal Factory, shopping for clothes should not be a checkmark off your to-do list – it should be an experience that feels like shopping for art. Who said finding a one-of-its-kind piece had to be so expensive to do?

Flower Child 233 E. 5th Ave. $$$

Some people thrift to save a buck. Others thrift because they strive to embody the youth of your friendly neighbor silver fox. Flower Child is a store for those people. Find yourself immersed amidst racks of full-on fur coats, mid-1900s varsity-style jackets for your favorite national teams, or hangers of sturdy, high-waisted denim that will leave you twirling in front of a bar bathroom mirror, happily wine-drunk and majorly feeling yourself. (Just me?) Expect to spend a bit of your budget here, but know you’ll leave with a piece that’ll last.

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Very Politically Involved And Socially Conscious The majority of Gen Z’ers are concerned about the planet and humanity’s impact on it. We don’t differ too much from millenials on political views in general, and we lean more liberal than older generations, which tends to happen with any new generation. We especially differ with our support of the LGBTQ+ community and our likelihood to escape gender roles and see it as a fluid concept. Gen Z’s want to make a difference in the world, specifically when it comes to topics like poverty, human trafficking, refugees, and racism. We spent our childhood watching Millennials elect the first black American president, for god’s sake. In our eyes, the world is pretty far behind where it should be.

Using Social Media For News Updates, Communication, And Entertainment



in Generation Z are known as the technology-obsessed, social justice-fighting generation, but let’s get a little more specific. Born between 1995-2010, Gen Z includes kids and college students today, and it’s showing up all over Ohio State. Student organizations don’t just startup because of shared interests anymore. More often than not, they’ll have service events throughout the semester or aspects of their annual goals that give the organization a cause to fight for outside of just sheer interest. Altogether, there are about 2.5 billion Gen Z’s. Our generation is reshaping entertainment industries, politics, and the economy by using technology to make our voices heard. How do older generations know how to spot us? There are a couple dead giveaways. (Remember – these are statistical generalizations and will not apply to every Gen Z.)

Frugal AF Many Gen Z’ers saw the financial hits that their parents took during the 2008 recession and learned to be concerned about financial stability. Most of us believe that we will have to work harder than previous generations to achieve the same financial gains. Overall, we’d like to retire earlier than 70 years old, but most of us believe that it’s unlikely. This generation is also composed of deal hunters. We shop mostly online, and we tend to check in with our parents before making large purchases. We use reward systems often and value special offers via email. We also put more research into our purchases than previous generations, changing the way that even marketing looks today than in the past. The next time your marketing professor says that Facebook Ads are a good investment, remember that your spending habits embody the future market, so your instincts on advertising are more likely to be innovative than they are incorrect.

The Gen Z multitasking skills are crazy! The most common example being our tendency to catch up on Twitter trends, Snapchat streaks, and the latest Tik Tok dances while binge-watching Parks and Rec for the fifth time. Gen Z’ers have an attention span of about eight seconds, so brands are having an even harder time reaching this generation. Most Gen Z’s prefer that brands reach them through social media, which is pretty easy to do since Generation Z spends about 11 hours a day on social media on average. We also tend to have somewhere between ten and 40 apps on our phones. However, we’re not scrolling for days because we want to stay social and relevant – we tend to use our social media more than older generations for things like academic research. More than half of Gen Z’ers say that we believe our technological abilities will help us with our career goals.

Making Sex Less Taboo Gen Z’ers watch porn, and we’re not ashamed of it. Most of us watched porn for the first time before we turned 18. We’re also sexting more than previous generations since technology provides more opportunities for sexy communication. (If you want to know more about Ohio State’s sex habits specifically, check out our Sex Survey that came out last month!)

Entrepreneurial AF Beyond just being independent, open-minded, and ready to change the world, Gen Z’ers are ready to start our own businesses. We want to be catered to, so if a workplace doesn’t suit us, we’ll probably end up creating our own. We expect to fail before we succeed, and we’re ready to start again afterwards. Gen Z’ers are definitely ready for professional challenges, though many wish that our hobbies could just turn into a full-time occupation. (Let this be a reminder to support your local businesses, artists, and others of the kind so that you can be a part of the fun, too, one day!) Sourced by Business Insider (2018) and danschawbel.com/blog (2014).

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The days of boomers confusing us in Generation Z as Millennials seem to be far from over. To help the 50+ seniors in your life who are too lazy to research a topic fully, feel free to tear out this page and mail it to them with a handwritten note that says, “See? I do know how to use the U.S. Postal Service.” You might want to Google how to do that first, though. Turns out Millennials and Generation Z’s do have a lot in common, but there are some key distinctions that separate the two. The next time you’re confused for a millennial, backtrack through the conversation, your appearance, and your values to find out just what clued them in.


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Has a Juul to wean off of their cigarette addiction they still give into when reconnecting at high school reunions. Will assume you are poor if your jacket or bag is not brand-name. Probably had to ask their f*cking mommies to go on the family computer. Definitely thought a college degree would cure their poor.

Literally hate kids and will go as long as possible to live without them.

Literally appear as walking camp counselors because the only name-brand items they value are Supreme stickers and Hydro Flask water bottles.

Politically desperate for more diversity and inclusion.

Never had to share the internet with their family.

Would go to war, hand-inhand, to kill off cable TV networks.

Do not believe their college degree will help them at all, or choose to forgo the process entirely.


Understand the health benefits of avocado and happily laugh at older generations’ poor diet choices.

Willingly gave themselves a nicotine addiction without ever touching a cigarette. But aren’t Juuls so modern?

1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com



being an e-boy/e-girl IT’S ALL ABOUT THE CLOUT



a sad and aging senior, even I have to admit that at this point, it’s Gen Z’s campus and we’re just living in it. An important part of assimilating to Gen Z culture is being up-to-date on all the newest social media trends. This means brushing up on your Tik Tok dance skills, Twitter memes, and Instagram hashtags. If you’re a boomer or just live under a rock, you may be thinking to yourself, “What the f*ck is an e-boy/e-girl?” Never fret, reader. We consulted Urban Dictionary to give us some background knowledge before we get to the nitty gritty. An e-boy is “a boy who generally lives on TikTok/Twitter and only gets likes for his beautiful face.” A choice result for “e-girl” informed that “an e-girl is a species of emo usually found on TikTok, but commonly spends time on Tumblr,” while another says that there are different subspecies of egirl, such as the “gamer e-girl”, the “artsy e-girl” or even the “TikTok/VSCO egirl.” Intrigued by this new culture, 1870 did a deep dive into our eresearch to compose a list of five things that you need to do to be an e-boy or e-girl.




This means Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and even Facebook, guys. We don’t care if you only know 10 people in real life. We don’t care if you made your account back in 2010 and haven’t been active in years. We don’t even care if you have to go on the dark web to purchase fake followers with Bitcoins. Clout isn’t free, ladies and gentlemen. Put in effort.

If you’re looking to transform into an e-girl, go to your nearest Target and purchase some cute hair clips, pink eyeshadow, blush, and some chains. Surf the web for a new pair of chunky Filas. Get a cute Thrasher hoodie from Hot Topic even though you don’t know what a Thrasher is. No one will question it.

If you hear the words “renegade” or “obsessed” and don’t immediately think of the iconic TikTok dances that they describe, start watching those tutorials and work on your moves because you’re already behind. Have your Twitter alerts and notifications on at all times (yes, even during class) so you won’t miss the latest celebrity scandals or new memes. On time is late when it comes to the Internet, honey.



If you’re trying to gain e-boy status, boys will need to head to their local tattoo parlor that provides piercings as well. (May I suggest Evolved?) Get a dangly earring for that fresh and grungy look. Your next stop will be to search for a couple hundred different beanies, some fresh new Vans, and a skateboard. No worries if you can’t skate, you won’t actually ever have to ride it.




Still in college and hoping to receive your degree? Tough shit. TikTok star Charlie D’Amelio is only 15-years-old and is already a part of the “Hype House,” a content creative collective located in Los Angeles. In order to truly capitalize on your internet fame, you’re going to have to abandon your current life and chase that high all the way to the Big Apple or City of Angels. Otherwise, it looks like your e-status will be as short-lived as a Twitter meme format.


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As mentioned on Urban Dictionary, there are many different subcategories of e-girl and e-boy. Find out which one fits your style the most. Are you into art or music? Maybe try some new makeup trends, create an innovative TikTok dance, or curate some beats to add to your Soundcloud. Or maybe video games are more your forte. Make a Twitch or Discord account and stream yourself playing some of your favorite games to your growing audience. Interested in writing or comedy? Try coming up with some funny tweets or TikToks that’ll be sure to have the whole squad laughing. There’s no shortage of possibilities when it comes to the Internet.

1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com


Here are the most interesting Gen Z’s coming to save the planet ahead of us BY L I Z Z Y A M A R AC H I

OF W O R L D W A R Z Climate Change & Environmental Efforts

It’s undeniable at this point. There have been many celebrities and musicians throughout the years that have used their influence to get the masses to care, and now young organizers have their own platforms to speak to each other and even to lawmakers, to make a difference in the world around them. Not just for themselves, but for their communities and generations to come. Here are some of my favorite green thumbs. Greta Thunberg, 17 (@GretaThunberg) The 17-year-old from Sweden has been at the forefront of environmental activism, urging politicians and world leaders to fix our dire environmental crisis. Well-known for organizing protests with students around the world to raise awareness for climate change. Vanessa Nakate, 23 (@vanessa_vash) The Ugandan activist made headlines in January after being cropped out of an APpublished photo with other young activists at the World Economic Forum. Despite this, she continues to fight for Africans to be represented and included in the global climate conversation. Licypriya Kangujam, 8 (@LicypriyaK) Fighting the label ‘Greta of India,’ the eightyear-old from New Delhi has made a name for herself after founding the “Child Movement” and urging world leaders to take immediate climate action.


Jamie Margolin, 18 (@Jamie_Margolin) The Seattle-based student founded the “Zero Hour” youth movement and has written a guide to making political change as a young adult called, “YOUTH TO POWER: Your Voice and How To Use It”, coming this June. Mari Copeny, 13 (@LittleMissFlint) It has been six years and Flint, MI still largely does not have clean water. Copeny has since been raising awareness about the water crises of her city and across the country. Music Declares Emergency (@musicdeclares) MDE uses music and merch to raise music fans’ awareness of our global climate and ecological emergency. Simply put by them, “There’s no music on a dead planet.”

Mental Health & Representation

Although there’s still a stigma and certain inherent feelings toward the talk of mental health, young people are paving the way for better resources. Social media (with its upsides and downsides) has made it easier to connect with people and share experiences so that we feel less alone with the things we’re dealing with. A lot of high schools and colleges *cough cough* aren’t doing enough to give their students the resources and support they need, though they might be trying. Thankfully, more and more young advocates are using Twitter to drop resources and nuggets of wisdom to promote personal growth. Without further ado, here are some of Gen Z’s biggest hearts.

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A prophet by the name of Kanye West once said, “Listen to the kids.” And today? That brief message couldn’t be stronger. Anytime you read or hear statistics comparing generations, you’ll learn that Gen Z tends to care a lot more about social issues and inclusivity than Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers. And although we’d like to change the minds of the older generations, I think it’s great to just recognize the talent, passion, and commitment this young generation has. Because there’s no age limit to making a difference in all of our futures. If you want to broaden your outlook on some current social issues, check out these young activists that have been making a change the past few years and give them a follow on Twitter. Join their movements.

Kenidra Woods, 19 (@KenidraRWoods_) The Missouri teen posts “mental health check-ins” and fights for better resources for today’s youth, especially for Black lives. Gabby Frost, 21 (@gabby_ frost) Along with founding the suicide prevention nonprofit “Buddy Project”, Frost also gives speeches across the country and frequently uses her platform to destigmatize mental illness. Javaughn Young-White, 22 (@JavaughnSYW) Throwing jokes, personal thoughts and a little astrology onto my timeline, Young-White’s Twitter can feel like reading his diary. His more introspective tweets often flow out in a stream of consciousness type of way that I relate to and make me self-reflect. Marley Dias, 15 (@iammarleydias) At 11 years old, Dias realized that there wasn’t much diversity of characters in the books she read for school. So she founded “1000 Black Girl Books,” a campaign to collect and donate books with Black female main characters. Chella Man, 21 (@chellamanart) As well as advocating for inclusivity of people with deafness and other disabilities, this genderqueer artist and model also fights for more rights and representation in the trans community. NoStigmas Mental Health (@NoStigmas) This international advocacy community shares research-based articles, videos and motivational quotes daily.

Gun Control & Politics

Living in America, we’ve seen violence in our neighborhoods, in our schools, and in the world around us. According to the Pew Research Center, the number of gun-related deaths has increased in the past five years. These young activists and organizations are fighting for their voices to be heard, so that legislation surrounding gun laws and other issues can finally be changed for the better. Emma González, 20 (@Emma4Change) After surviving the 2018 Parkland shooting, González and her classmates became the faces of the “March For Our Lives” movement, condemning politicians and the NRA on their reluctance to enforce higher gun restrictions. Naomi Wadler, 13 (@NaomiWadler) The Washington D.C. native has given speeches and organized a walkout at her elementary school in protest of gun violence. Through Twitter, she also advocates for young Black girls like herself to push forward change. Lane Murdock, 17 (@lanemurdock2002) Murdock founded the U.S. “National School Walkout” movement and stays super vocal about holding politicians accountable on their policies and issues. Ziad Ahmed, 20 (@ziadtheactivist) Ahmed founded “Redefy,” an organization destined to get young people more involved in all the different social issues that affect them. He’s also the CEO of his own Gen Z marketing agency! Everytown for Gun Safety (@Everytown) The nationwide organization works on local levels to educate the masses, end gun violence, and build safer communities. Ohio Students for Gun Legislation (@OHStudentsforGL) On a more local level, this political advocacy organization of Ohio students advocates for ending gun violence across the state and shares similar efforts from other organizations and political figures across the country. 1870 MAGAZINE • MARCH 2020 • 1870mag.com



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Ohio State and the wide city of Columbus are never short of events, but searching through them all is a chore. We’ve compiled a list of the most worthwhile places you need to be coming up this month, hand-picked by the editor. Some of these favorites are on campus, so if you know, you know, but sometimes you just need a break from college life, and you just gotta go off-campus. We hear both needs, Buckeyes.

If You Know, You Know 18 DigiEYE

IYKYK // Wexner Center for the Arts The Wexner Center for the Arts always has something going on, and this time it’s a showcase featuring some talented students with very cool majors. Curated by Janet Parrott, this event is a showcase of live action and animated student projects from within the college of Arts and Sciences, starting at 7 p.m.

Off The Lake Productions’

20 9 to 5: The Musical

IYKYK // Lawrence Tower Ballroom If you love live theater but you have no disposable income, this is the show for you! Admission is only $1 or a canned food item, and you’re supporting an incredibly talented student organization. The canned goods go to Mid-Ohio Food bank and proceeds go to Transit Arts.

International Women’s

8 Day Showcase

G2G // Natalie’s Grandview Some of the most talented ladies in Columbus are coming together to perform! In celebration of International Women’s Day, this showcase is going to raise money for She Has a Name, a local nonprofit that fights against human trafficking. Great music for a great cause. Be there!

18-22 Jazz Festival

IYKYK // Hughes Hall Auditorium Ya like jazz? This festival is a five day showcase celebrating jazz and featuring some insanely talented musicians. Everyone is welcome for free, and the lineup can be found on the College of Arts and Sciences event page online.

IYKYK // Hughes Hall The Central Ohio Flute Association is hosting a festival on campus! It’s going to include lots of flute performances, some lessons, competition, and general merriment. If you didn’t know Columbus has a Flute Association, now you know. You abso-flute-ly have to be there.

Gotta Go Spring Undergraduate

31 Research Festivals

Wine and Girl

5-6 Scout cookie tasting

IYKYK // Ohio Union If you don’t know by now, OSU is a research school. All undergrad students have the opportunity to present their research and do some networking at this event! (I’m sure you’ve seen some proud research board "parents" on Instagram before.) If you’re just now finding out about it, then you definitely missed the deadline to include your research in this showcase, but you can still check out what everyone else is up to and support your fellow students!

G2G // Serendipity Labs The good people of Columbus, 10 for $10 Wine Tastings, have partnered with Serendipity Labs in the Short North to bring you an evening of fine wine and Girl Scout Cookie pairings. According to my Dad, “Life is too short to drink cheap wine.” So if you’re looking to sample two of the finest joys on this green earth, I highly recommend this event. According to Facebook, a troop of Girl Scouts will be available to satisfy all your cookie needs.

13 Irish Family Reunion

17 The Bachelor Live On Stage

G2G // Columbus Convention Center Hosted by the Shamrock Club, this annual event is the place to be if you’re Irish in Columbus. Tickets are $15. The event includes Irish food, live music, and lots of people who pre-gamed really hard. The family reunion is usually hosted on St. Patty’s Day after the parade downtown, but due to scheduling conflicts, it will be on the 13th. The parade is still on St. Patrick’s Day though, so you can keep the party going for a whole week!

28 Wish You Were Here - 25 Years Of Celebrating Pink Floyd

G2G // Newport Music Hall WYWH is celebrating 25 years as one of the most celebrated Pink Floyd tribute acts in the world. The evening includes a 10-piece band, authentic covers of all your favorite Pink Floyd hits, and vintage footage. Combine that with the sticky Newport floors and a drink? I’d say you’ve got quite the experience on your hands.


4.4 37th Annual Flute Festival

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G2G // Palace Theatre Even though this magazine is being published before the end of the season, I can confidently say I’m ready to move onto the next Bachelor(ette). Pilot Pete sucks. To move on even quicker, CAPA is putting on a one-night only, local Bachelor competition! Bachelor Nation favorites, Becca Kufrin and Ben Higgins, will be hosting the night, as one hometown bachelor from Columbus is introduced to ladies IN THE AUDIENCE THAT NIGHT. Whether you go to find love or just to be a part of the drama, this will definitely be the closest you’ll get to actually being on the show. Tickets are only $29 through D-Tix!

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.