The Wadlow Brezel is a giant, Bavarian-style soft pretzel from Hilliard’s recently-open Hillgarten. This new spot—which arrived just in time for football season—is focused on providing a community hub for Hilliard, and is inspired by the long list of traditional European beers and eats it emulates for customers


1. After going up by multiple scores in the first half of the 2019 Big Ten Championship game, the Buckeyes destroyed UW’s serious postseason dreams by coming back to win by 13 points.
2. Two short years before this, also in the Big Ten Championship, the 4th-ranked Badgers lost a nailbiter to the 8th-ranked Buckeyes. This eliminated Wisconsin from playoff contention.
(614) MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 614NOW.COM12 Opening Volley
JACK MCLAUGHLIN Editor-In-Chief Big Ten, Big Confessions
In fact, since moving to Columbus, my perspective on the Scarlet and Gray has shifted significantly. Before I became an Ohio resident, I actively rooted against them, the same way anyone does with a team that’s always winning. It’s human nature. But in the last five years, my stance has softened. A lot. After being immersed in the culture, the gameday routines, after witnessing how much the team means to my in-laws, and after seeing my daughter–who was born at OSU–in a Buckeyes onesie on what was quite literally the first day of her life, I am not ashamed to say it: I’m a Buckeyes fan. While I’ll still cheer for the Badgers when the two teams go head to head, I want to see the Scarlet and Gray beat everyone else. And you can make damn sure I’ll be rooting on Brutus against the Wolverines.
Columbus, I have a serious confession to make. I am a fan of the Wisconsin Badgers. But before you break out your pitchforks and run me out of town, just hear me out.Iwant to quickly recount for you the number of occasions I have watched the Buckeyes defeat the Badgers since I became a UW fan in 2007, my freshman year of college in Madison. There are many more losses outside of this list too, these are just the most memorable ones.
And in the spirit of my fledgling Buckeyes fandom, we’ve put together a cover section dedicated to the OSU fans a bit more intense than I. This includes profiles on a man who named his son after Braxton Miller, a 97 year-old who has been cheering them on since the Second World War, and arguably the most well-known Buckeyes fan of all time, Jon “Big Nut” Peters. So enjoy the issue, Columbus, and enjoy football season, which is finally here. And the next time you say “O-H,” I’ll make sure to say “I-O.”
Here is the only time the Badgers have defeated the Buckeyes in the 15 years I’ve been a UW fan.
3. Another memorable Big Ten Championship Game in 2014 when the Buckeyes won 59-0.
1. A pretty meaningless regular season game in 2010. The Badgers won by a single touchdown. What I’m trying to say is this: I’m not a threat to you, Buckeyes fans. I’m from a state up north, but I’m not from THE state up north.
(614) Magazine 458 E Main St., Columbus, OH 43215 Office: (614) 488-4400 | Fax: (614) 488-4402 Email submissions to: www.614now.comeditor@614now.comCreatedby 21 Questions about advertising? Scan here! PUBLISHER Wayne T. Lewis CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Lindsay Press EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Jack McLaughlin COPY EDITOR Sarah Sole CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Aaron Massey, Sarah Pfeifer, James DeCamp, Jordan Middlebrooks, James Godwin CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jack McLaughlin, Melinda Green, Sarah Sole, Jim Fischer Laura Hennigan, Ellyn Briggs, Mallory Arnold CREATIVE DESIGNER Bryce VictoriaPattersonSmith FREELANCE DESIGNER Paul Barton VIDEO PRODUCER / EDITOR Austin Black DIRECTOR OF MARKETING Justynne Pride MARKETING COORDINATOR Julia Attanasio ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Meggin Weimerskirch SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Mindy Wilhite ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Paul VanHorn BRAND MANAGER, 614 LAGER Lizzy Saunders

→ After nearly 30 years, the former Clintonville Tee Jaye’s location is gone
→ Central Ohio boasts two finalists in national Kids Mullet Championship Central Ohio is quickly making a name for itself in many different arenas, like craft beer, technology, and food. It’s also apparently a hotspot for something none of us saw coming: mullets.
� STAFF PICKS Our staff picks It’s finally football season, so we’re leaning into some Buckeyes love. This month, we’ve asked our staff about their favorite OSU football memories. Here’s what they had to say.
We knew it was coming, but the reality may still be jarring for many to see. The building that housed Tee Jaye’s Country Place in Clintonville for nearly three decades has been demolished, leaving only a pile of rubble behind.
O-H — Julia Attanasio, Marketing Coordinator
That final 3-game Championship run in 2014. Crushing Wisconsin 59-0, beating ’Bama in the Sugar Bowl, and lastly dominating Oregon for the National Title–all with 3rd string QB Cardale Jones — Paul VanHorn, Account Executive I-O — Bryce Patterson, Creative Designer
Eating Sicilia’s fine Italian food next to Out R Inn after OSU game days. It just hits different after a W — Lizzy Saunders, Brand Manager, (614) Beer I went to UK. Go Wildcats!
— Victoria Smith, Creative Designer
I am terrified to tell Columbus I’m actually a Badgers fan — Jack McLaughlin, Editor The 2003 Fiesta Bowl. Take that, Miami —Lindsay Press, CEO Standing in the pouring rain drinking “Spiked” claws — Justynne Pride, Marketing Director
→ Popular New York-based beer company opening first Columbus-area location this weekend New York-based Fattey Beer Co. will officially open its first-ever Ohio storefront, located at 79 S. State St. in Westerville, this weekend. The Uptown spot will be Fattey’s first location outside of New York. Do you check your news and entertainment updates on 614now.com? You should. Every day we’re posting Columbus’s top news, entertainment, and sports stories from throughout Central Ohio. Check out all the Columbus news online, including the new ones below at 614now.com and suscribe to our daily email! ON the WEB

614NOW.COM SEPTEMBER 2022 (614) MAGAZINE 15 #AsSeenInColumbus @eatlocalohio @eastontownctr @cookieladycolumbus @atlastavern PRES S PLAY 614 VIDEO Did you know that (614) launched a YouTube channel with some very shareable video content? It’s true. Keep an eye out for more on our (614) Columbus account and on social media. In the meantime, check out the newest videos on our channel: • Tasting Columbus—NEW episode! Have you checked out our TV show “Tasting Columbus?” Join food scientist Matt Teegarden as he eats his way through Columbus’ food scene. Make sure to tune in at tastingcolumbus.com or scan the QR code above. now playing...

By Mallory Arnold / Photos by James DeCamp ↑ Mark Passerrello trims a bonsai tree
About 30 years ago, Mark Passerrello walked into his first meeting of the Columbus Bonsai Society. As the club was made up of mostly older men, Passerrello wasn’t sure they would accept his youth, pierced ears, and longLuckyhair. for him, bonsai is for everyone. Now president of the society, Passerrello wants to not only educate others in the art of bonsai, but also open the practice up to a broader audience in Columbus. →
Columbus Bonsai Society celebrates 50 years Story Design by Victoria Smith

Passerrello has always been a plant person, but he also has a real interest in Japanese culture and arts.
Bonsai is an art form derived from ancient Chinese horticulture and developed further in Japan. By definition, bonsai is a potted plant pruned and manipulated into a creative and desired shape. The practice takes skill, technique, and lots of patience. Contrary to popular belief, a bonsai tree or plant isn’t one species. Passerrello said many people use bonsai-ing as a verb as well as a noun, meaning you can bonsai most any plant into a small container and foster it into a matured appearance.
“Bonsai is a collection of techniques and mindset,” Passerrello said. “You can make most living plants into a bonsai. You can take something like boxwoods and junipers or a ficus, and you can turn that into a bonsai pretty Passerrelloeasily.”became fascinated with bonsai when he and his college girlfriend lived in a studio apartment in Miami. →
While it’s the same club he first joined some 30 years ago, Passarrello said it’s even better now.
“Community is an important word to me,” he said. “The idea is to make the society more welcoming. When I go to bonsai events, a lot of the time I see dudes just like me—thick around the middle with gray beards—but we also have a few women on the board and more young people getting involved everyday.”

614NOW.COM SEPTEMBER 2022 (614) MAGAZINE 19 La Plaza Tapatia's house salsas ←Mark Passerrello tends to his bonsai garden ↓ Young bonsai tree

↑ Detail shot of Passarello tending to bonsai plant ↓

Local plant sales and conservatories are great assets to get you started. It’s important to start with a shallow pot, wide enough to contain not only the plant but also any additional decor in the miniature landscape. No matter what type of plant you have, when you remove it from its nursery container to transplant into a new pot, cut off the bottom two-thirds of the root ball. Then rake through the surface soil to expose some roots. Moisten everything using a sprayMaintainingbottle. a bonsai tree requires different techniques and levels of attention. You’ll need to remove dead branches and temporarily wrap wire around parts you want to manipulate. Water only when the soil dries, and fertilize throughout early spring to mid-fall.
“We fantasized [about] what we would do if we had more space once we got out of school and got settled,” he said. “That’s when I discovered bonsai and began reading library books about it.”
Thirty years and a half a dozen board positions later, Passerrello is the president of the society.“Our mission is to be an educational organization and to promote the art and craft of bonsai,” he said. “We host guest artists, talk about a range of topics, talk about techniques, and showcase presentations.”
The club generally meets the third Sunday of each month at the Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. But the group has a presence at tons of other events such as native plant sales, workshops, the annual Cherry Blossom Festival, and more. Every spring, the society partakes in Arbor Day events around the tristate area. On Sept. 24, the group will celebrate its 50th anniversary at the Dawes Arboretum.Bonsai is fairly popular nowadays and can be found at most big box gardening stores. Passerrello advised those who want to start their own bonsai to be particular about the plants and supplies they choose.
“One way to just start is to buy something inexpensive and keep it alive, which is already a challenge,” he said. “You then can shape it and use techniques to grow it into a bonsai.”
A year later, after moving to Columbus, Passerrello ordered a few plants and all the supplies needed to start a bonsai garden. He then saw an article in the newspaper for the Columbus Bonsai Society and called them up to see exactly how he could get involved.
“Bonsai is a way of looking at things,” Passerrello said. “It’s a way of growing and a way of seeing.” To learn more, visit columbusbonsai.org

(614) MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 614NOW.COM22 Corset on display ↑

By Sarah Sole / Photos by Jordan Middlebrooks Derived from the Ukrainian word for warrior, Larissa Boiwka’s last name is usually translated as "firing squad."
Growing up in a Ukrainian community in Lorain, Larissa Boiwka’s childhood was infused with the culture of the country that her grandparents were forced to flee post-WWII.
Now the designer of couture corsetry, Boiwka has woven her heritage into her work. With violence yet again forcing more of her family to flee Ukraine, Boiwka has begun working on a corsetry collection inspired by her Ukrainian heritage that she hopes will be ready to show within a year or so. When finished, the work will serve as not only a showcase of her skill, but an illustration of the talents and traditions native to the people of Ukraine. → ↓ Larissa Boiwka
defends her country’s culture with art Story Design by Victoria Smith
While the 43-year-old Columbus resident doesn’t wield a weapon in the traditional sense, Boiwka is using needle and thread to passionately represent the traditions and culture of a country again at war. “I’m not a soldier,” Boiwka said. “I can’t go there, and I can’t fight, but I can do my part to bring attention to all the beautiful things about our culture and make sure people understand what is really happening here.”

(614) MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 614NOW.COM24 ↓ Boiwka holding a pysanka

“If we don’t support the people of Ukraine, all of these skills and arts will be lost,” Boiwka said. Ukrainian traditions were something that Boiwka was exposed to from an early age. Growing up in a Ukrainian community in Lorain County, She and her brother, Michael, participated in Ukrainian folk dance groups from a young age and would perform at international festivals. The two would often sit at their grandparents’ knees, listening to stories of WWII.Boiwka’s grandfather, Mykhailo, and her grandmother, Ksenia, were in a displaced persons camp in western Germany in the 1940s after the war. As Ukrainians were being sent back to their homeland, Ksenia had a terrible feeling about returning there. She convinced her husband to escape the camp, and the two came to the U.S. Their fellow Ukrainians who made the journey home were murdered by Stalinist Russians upon their return.For Boiwka, a distinct relationship exists between the manner in which Ukrainian Americans left their homeland and the tenacity with which they hold on to the traditions they had there.“None of these people wanted to leave Ukraine. They were forced to leave,” she said. “They keep these things because they consider this identity very dear and important.”
In Boiwka’s family, that identity was represented through art. Boiwka’s grandmother often embroidered altar cloths for her Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Skilled at sewing, she made her entire wardrobe and constructed Ukrainian folk costumes for Boiwka and her brother as soon as they were toddlers. An affinity for creativity was strong in the family. Boiwka’s mother Beverly, of German and English American heritage, makes the traditional Ukrainian eggs known as Pysanky. From a young age, Beverly encouraged her daughter to explore a variety of different art forms, including sewing, embroidery, and beading—all crafts that Boiwka would later employ in her corsetry construction. →

From an early age, Boiwka was interested in sewing and costuming. In the early 2000s, she made her first corset for a costume she was working on. A very ambitious project, the corset was constructed out of leather.
“Now is the time,” she said.
Boiwka accepts commissions for her work via her website, wildehunt.com. She can also be found on TikTok at WildeHuntCorsetry. Scan here to see our feature of her on 614tv. →
Though Boiwka now feels confident in her skill, she’s also motivated by the war that the Ukrainian people are now facing. She realized she needed to show the public her culture and how rich and important it is.
Though she’s never shown her work publicly in a gallery or runway show, she’s considering doing both for a Ukrainian heritage collection she’s started to work on.
“It was really quite good for the first attempt,” Boiwka said.In 2007, Boiwka officially formed her business, Wilde Hunt Corsetry. Working with clients worldwide, she constructs couture corsets made to order for formal wear, weddings, evening events, couture costuming, and period pieces. Her corsets, often adorned with embroidery and beading, are made from scratch from patterns Boiwka creates based on her clients’ measurements. While the basics of a corset can be constructed in a day, fittings and embellishments make the process more complicated. Boiwka typically juggles multiple projects at once and takes about six months on a corset from start to finish. A couture corset with lots of detailing could easily take over a year to complete. Boiwka is known for her leatherwork, though she works with a variety of fabrics, including silk and even fine wool.
“I just didn’t feel ready for it,” she said. “It’s a huge responsibility to present the art in the correct way.”
One highlight of the collection will be the elaborately beaded collars of the Lemko culture native to Komancha, Ukraine, where her grandfather was from. Boiwka also plans to employ other artists and makers of Ukrainian descent who are skilled at sewing or embroidery.
↑ Boiwka posing with fashion pieces
The project was something Boiwka had been considering for about five years.


FootballAfterLife Bryant Browning, former OSU NFL player
By Bella Czjakowski / Photos by Jordan Middlebrooks
Former Ohio State football players and friends bring ‘everyday cookout’ feel to Columbus

“We all wear our faith on our sleeves, and we all are always ready and willing to speak about the many blessings that God has done for us and our families,” Browning said.
After football, Bryant Browning strived for a way to stay involved in his community and serve as a role model for younger generations.
Browning founded the Pit BBQ Grille with friends Chimdi Chekwa, D’Andre Martin, and Mike Johnson in the summer of 2016. Since then, the group has focused on creating an “everyday cookout” atmosphere in which people can enjoy great food with their company.
“The Pit BBQ Grille is a story of four friends kind of coming together, putting our minds together to come up with a restaurant that we felt was needed in the Columbus market,” Browning said. Three of the friends grew up in Cleveland, where Browning said mom and pop BBQ shops are commonplace. However, Columbus lacked these types of establishments.Browningsaid they have strategically placed the restaurants in areas with the goal of having a positive impact on communities, whether through hiring or simply serving as role models for younger generations—to motivate them to strive both to succeed on the field and in any business ventures they may want to pursue.
Like Browning, Chekwa played for The Ohio State University before moving on to the NFL. Browning has known Johnson since sixth grade and became friends with Martin in his college years.
Browning said the four founding families are strong in their faith, making it a throughline in the business as well.


(614) MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 614NOW.COM32 “If someone asks us why the food is so good, we always say it’s because it was made with love,” ↓ The Pit BBQ Grille’s signature offerings ↑

“Enjoy the taste. Enjoy the company that you’re having your meal with,” Browning said. “That’s the kind of feel that we want to go for in our restaurants.”
“It’s all about the community, doing it for your brothers; we are in this together,” Browning said. “Use that energy. If you don’t have it today, pull that energy from your brother and kind of use that to lead yourself on forward to success.”
Browning said most of the recipes the restaurant uses come from family members such as grandmas, aunties, and cousins.
“If someone asks us why the food is so good, we always say it’s because it was made with love,” he said. The Pit BBQ Grille offers catering and a food truck as well as locations in Clintonville and Dublin at the North Market. The team will soon open an additional restaurant at East Market.
In addition to his faith, Browning says the sense of community and brotherhood he felt playing for Ohio State has carried into his business practices. The group has a teamwork mentality—using each other’s strengths and skills to succeed.
Browning emphasized the restaurant’s signature items, handmade and consisting of Polish sausage, pork, chicken, and fries, among other menu options. The team wanted to offer food that felt conducive to just hanging out with family and friends.

This new German-inspired beer garden is focused on community, and built on the garage property of one Hilliard family In late 2018, Martin and Sandra Nowak bought a run-down house in Old Hilliard with visions of rehabbing it into a vibrant retail space.The Powell couple had grown extremely fond of the community through Sandra’s longtime involvement with Patches of Light, a Hilliardbased nonprofit. Both the project and the place, the couple thought, presented an exciting opportunity to embrace their “mutual interest” in entrepreneurship. →
Story Design by Bryce Patterson
↓ German inspired sausages
By Ellyn Briggs / Photos by Aaron Massey

The name HillGarten is a combination of both ‘Hilliard’ and ‘biergarten.’
“We both grew up in families that really valued the experience of sitting around a table, enjoying food, laughs, and one another’s company,” said Martin. “That type of environment is our happy place.”
In July 2022, their idea finally took physical form with the grand opening of HillGarten—an outdoor biergarten that serves 16 Ohio craft beers, four on-tap wines, and elevated, “Germanleaning” fare, including gourmet sausages and giant Bavarian pretzels.
And so, the European biergarten—which is rooted in a similar tradition of sharing good meals and good cheer—offered a natural inspiration for the Nowaks’ new venture.
But just as commercial renovation was about to begin, the discovery of a faulty foundation forced the Nowaks to level the home entirely. More heartbreak quickly followed when the COVID-19 lockdown was put into effect and halted their plans to develop a new building on the site.However, the pandemic eventually proved inspiring for the Nowaks.
↓ Hillgarten bar offerings
“We wanted to create something new and exciting, while also making sure to pay homage to the existing community,” said Martin. “We both grew up in families that really valued the experience of sitting around a table, enjoying FOOD, LAUGHS, and one another’s COMPANY”
It was during isolation that they hatched an idea to create an all-outdoor food and entertainment venue, using the property’s leftover garage as a walk-up kitchen space.

614NOW.COM SEPTEMBER 2022 (614) MAGAZINE 37 ↓ Hillgarten exterior ↑ Beer and gourmet sausages

To ensure the proper, jovial spirit was captured, the Nowak family took matters into their own hands—literally. Martin and Sandra, along with a few friends and neighbors, spent nights and weekends building HillGarten from the ground up.
From intricate decor, to a nearly 100% Ohio-sourced menu, to hand-curated playlists, everything about HillGarten is intentional. Outdoor seating at Hillgarten German inspired beers on tap Patrons enjoying the beer garden
The whole process took nearly two and a half years, and subsequently, there is “not a single inch” of the venue that the dedicated group didn’t touch.

To see more visit: hillgarten.com
“Our goal was to make every detail of this place different from what you might expect from a corporate-owned chain,” Martin explained. “The approach was very grassroots and locally focused.” Their hard work has certainly paid off. In the weeks since HillGarten’s July 22 opening, the reception has been “so incredible” that Martin and Sandra are now exploring options to keep the business open through the winter. They had initially intended to operate the business seasonally.However, the most significant moment in the Nowak’s young restaurant-owning journey came a few Saturdays ago when a group stopped in and proceeded to stay until “Whenclose. we saw that family make our space their own, eating and laughing the day away—that’s when we knew our vision had been realized,” Martin said. Should 614 readers feel compelled to spend an entire day at HillGarten, doors open at 11 a.m. Thursday through Sunday and at 3 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The space is closed on Mondays.Beyond its fun and relaxed backyardesque ambiance, HillGarten is dog-friendly, frequently features live entertainment, and has staff that “serve with heart.” Some early fan-favorite dishes include the Bavarian Pretzel, The Jimmy Dog, and The Ellis Island. And to anyone else in the central Ohio area looking to pursue a passion or personal interest alongside a busy schedule, Martin offered up a bit of yourself that all you have to do is one small thing a day. It’s amazing how quickly time accumulates, and if you spend even just a little bit of it investing in yourself, it can turn into something beautiful.”

This North by Victoria Smith By Jack McLaughlin by Aaron Massey
/ Photos
members-only club is bringing major metropolitan opulence to Columbus Story Design
↓ Privé Lounge, interior
new Short

(614) MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 614NOW.COM42 ↓ Privé Lounge, interior ↓ Privé Lounge, interior ↓ Shawn Shahnazi, owner of Privé Lounge

Privé Lounge, which takes its name from the French word for “private,” is located inside the 2,000-squarefoot space connected to the eatery that served as the Whiskey Lounge, a more casual bar space, under previous ownership.Renovations on the new iteration of Chophouse began early this summer, as the Short North restaurant’s new ownership group swapped out high-top tables for formal seating and flatbreads for more upscale menu items, in a flurry corresponding moves that sought to redefine what was formerly Urban’s Chophouse into the sleeker, more elegant Chophouse 614. But according to Shanazi, the name of the game is balancing elegance with approachability. While Privé will, as its name suggests, serve as a private club— with approximately 300 total members at any given time—it hopes to sidestep the haughtiness and exclusionary atmosphere that he believes some similar clubs can carry. →
You would have a difficult time confusing the City of Columbus with New York or Los Angeles. And while Shawn Shahnazi and the new ownership group behind Chophouse 614—formerly Urban’s Chophouse—aren’t trying to change that, they are trying to bring just a touch more metropolitan flair to the ArchForCity.Shahnazi and business partner Justin McMaster, this starts and ends with Privé Members Lounge, a newly created members-only club attached to the Short North steakhouse.
“Over the last four or five years, concepts like this,—the private clubs that were popular in the 80s and 90s—have made a huge comeback in New York, L.A., Miami,” Shahnazi said. “We want to bring that to Ohio.”

But that’s not to say there won’t be opulence on hand for Privé attendees, either. Operating with three different membership levels (all of which allow multiple guests entrance as well), the club will offer everything from bottle service, to personal lockers for spirits and cigars, to car service in one of the club’s Rolls Royce or Mercedes S-Class vehicles. Luxury living quarters on the upper levels of the Short North spot can also be rented out by members.According to Shahnazi, dues will cost $150 per month for Emerald members, the club’s entry level; $500 per month for Diamond members; and $1,000 per month for Corporate membership, which is intended for upscale businesses. If you don’t have $500 or more to shell out every month, don’t worry, you won’t be alone.“Weanticipate 90 to 95 percent of our memberships being Emerald,” Shahnazi said.And of course, every membership level comes complete with standing reservations at Chophouse 614 within 48 hours. “What I love about this venue is you can have an intimate dining room setting, walk over 50 feet and you can enjoy music and company,” Shahnazi said. “It is a social club, so there’s always going to be a high-energy component. But you have that energy mixed with luxury; it’s like a country club 2.0.”
(614) MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 614NOW.COM44 ↓ Privé Lounge, exterior
To learn more, visit privememberslounge.com
“We won’t have a password system; we’ll have a staff member available at all times to greet our members at the door,” Shahnazi said. “It’s about acknowledging our members, but staying welcoming.”

↓ Jon "Big Nut" Peters

Dive into the lives of three of the most intresting, and diehard, Buckeye
The man with a Buckeyes-themed Jeep. A 97 year—old fan who slept in a snowy car for three days after watching the Buckeyes in the infamous Snow Bowl. And last but not least, arguably the biggest Buckeyes fan of all: Jon “Big Nut” Peters. Learn the stories of these unique OSU diehards, in addition to some of our favorite Gameday spots to catch the Scarlet and Gray in this month’s coverSosection.don’tget flagged for delay of game—get in the pile and enjoy Fan by Bryce Patterson
Frenzy!→ Cover Section Design

(614) MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 614NOW.COM50 ↓ Jon "Big Nut" Peters leads a parade

Jon “Big Nut” Peters has his top three priorities straight: God, family, and the Buckeyes. Although, he admits, “family and the Buckeyes are more like 2a and 2b."
By Melinda Green / Photos by Sarah Pfeifer ↑ Buckeye necklace
Peters, a native of the Fremont area near Toledo, lived on his grandparents’ dairy farm until age 10. He’s still in Fremont, a 40-year employee of the Whirlpool plant in nearby Clyde, and a Buckeye fan whose impact reaches far beyond the stadium. Peters’ first trip to the Horseshoe was as a teenager in 1976, with his grandfather.
“Unfortunately, we lost 22-0. It was a rival game, That Team Up North,” he recalled.
“However, I embraced the atmosphere, the electricity, just the fact of being with my grandfather—it’s a day I’ll never forget.” About three years later, he began attending games fairly regularly, up until what he calls “the moment when it happened.” In 1995, Peters entered a Beat Michigan tailgate’s Best Dressed contest that changed the course of history.

“It just so happened that the grand prize was a basket of cookies from a local cookie lady—phenomenal cookies,” he said.Peters wanted that prize. “Everybody knows the big guy likes to eat; it’s kind of a trademark of mine,” he noted.He didn’t paint his face, but he wore his “crazy Buckeye clothes,” and yes, he won. The next year, Peters knew he had to up his game against the “older ladies with their fancy embroidered stuff” to win the grand prize of a Buckeye snowman sculpture.“Iwanted it for my man cave,” he recalled.Sohe added face paint, and yes, he won again, and again the following year. Now he has two snowmen in his man cave, and some of those older ladies continue to jokingly remind him that they should have won.In 2002, Peters and his wife Terese (“First Lady Nut”) attended the National Championship game. Terese painted Jon’s face for a pep rally, and the response was overwhelming.“Talkabout being humbled, that somebody would want a picture with a fat guy in face paint,” Peters said. “I had no idea.”Terese painted him up again the next day for the game. The national championship DVD had a memorable shot of Peters during overtime play. And, Peters said, “that’s kinda how the Big Nut started.” Peters eased into his new identity. “I’m always concerned what people think. I don’t wanna offend nobody, or rub someone the wrong way. I had to be careful because, you know, [I’m a] visiting fan. I wasn’t worried about Buckeye Nation so much. I was more concerned about the opposing fans.
↑ Peters signs memorabilia ↓ Peters & First Lady Nut
“Talk about being humbled, that somebody would want a picture with a fat guy in face paint,” Peters said. “I had no idea.”


“A true disciple of Buckeye Nation is what Woody Hayes always talked about, paying forward,” he explained. As it happens, Peters’ family has plentiful buckeye trees on their properties, and he takes his grandchildren to collect nuts for necklaces (because “we’re all big nuts”). It started with 10 necklaces, then 20, and now he gives away 75 to 100 necklaces per game. Peters’ reward is smiles and kind words. Eventually, Big Nut was asked to do appearances. Peters was reluctant to accept compensation, so checks went into a separate bank account and lingered Peters poses with a Scout troop ↑ Peters with a young fan
“But for the most part, they’ve been pretty good about it. I get a few comments from Wolverine fans, but it’s all in good fun.”For a while, Big Nut was still sort of Peters’ secret. Little by little, though, people began to take notice, asking him “Hey, are you that guy on TV?” And Peters realized he had an opportunity.

614NOW.COM SEPTEMBER 2022 (614) MAGAZINE 55 until a friend suggested a scholarship fund. A year later it was official, and in 2012, the fund distributed its first two $500 scholarships.Now,the fund awards scholarships at all seven high schools in Sandusky County, plus one in Ottawa County and one in Wyandot, for a total of up to 11 scholarships annually. But there’s more. Peters started an endowment at The Ohio State University, which awards scholarships to underclassmen, and a fund at the Sandusky County Community Foundation. Added up, Big Nut and First Lady have raised and distributed over $200,000.
“A lot of people, they call me ‘superfan,’” Peters said. “I’d rather be known as ‘superhumanitarian.’”
“A lot of people don’t realize I’m not a Buckeye graduate,” Peters noted. “I’m not smart enough to get a college degree. I’ll never get a diploma from The Ohio State University. But as much as that diploma would mean to me, I know that the degree would benefit one person—myself— whereas the endowment benefits many.”
Big Nut and First Lady attend all regular season games, home and away. He has two rules: never turn a fan away, and always be in his seat when the marching band enters the field. “I can go home with the ‘W,’ and it would be a hollow victory; it wouldn’t be a truly blessed day, if I didn’t see Brutus and the drum major come down that entrance ramp,” he said. “I’m getting goosebumps right now thinking about it. I call them ‘BuckeyeBuckeyeBumps.’”Nation has embraced Big Nut wholeheartedly. Still, Peters admits, “there’s a little animosity, people like ‘well, you’re always on TV.’ That’s not what this is about. I’m beyond that. Everything comes in time, and everything passes in time.” He’s toyed with the idea of retiring Big Nut, but people’s love for the persona convinces him to stay. “What an honor and a blessing it is,” he said. "I always say I’m just a fat guy in face paint. I’m nobody. I’m Jon Peters.“Andsomeday, Big Nut might not be seen in the stands—but the spirit of Big Nut will always be there. ”
To learn more, search the Big Nut Scholarship Fund

Jonathan Bajas is all in on the Buckeyes
From his car to his tattoos
By Sarah Sole His left leg, specifically, is where the Toledo resident showcases his devotion to Ohio State Buckeye football, in a themed tattoo that goes all the way up to his hamstring. The whole piece took between six and eight sessions to complete. “I can’t go anywhere in public without somebody complimenting me on the work,” Bajas said. A die-hard OSU football fan, Bajas broadcasts his love for all things Buckeye not only on his skin, but also via his vehicle: a Jeep Gladiator decked out with Brutus and other buckeye badges. Whether he’s behind the wheel or on his feet, Bajas makes it impossible for anyone to mistake his loyalty for scarlet and gray. Though Bajas had planned since high school to get an OSU-themed tattoo, his love for the Buckeyes dates back to childhood. Bajas was seven years old when the Buckeyes won the 2002 Nationals in Tempe, Arizona, beating defending national champion the Miami Hurricanes. Bajas & son Brax → Detail shot of Buckeye tattoos ↓

“The thing has serious sentimental value,” he said.
Bajas' Buckeyes themed Jeep ↑
Bajas’ dad was a huge Ohio State football fan, and father and son were in a neighbor’s living room. The game had gone into triple overtime. As Ohio State’s victory became apparent, the house shook as a number of elated men jumped up and down. It was an image that would live in Bajas’ head forever. As an adult, Bajas has made championship games a priority, representing Buckeye Nation at the last five Bowl games, starting with the Cotton Bowl in 2017. Even in the middle of the pandemic, Bajas and his friend were two of 3,000 dedicated fans attending the Sugar Bowl. Last year, he had the opportunity to attend the Rose Bowl and watch the Buckeyes eke out a win against the Utah Utes, 48 to 45.
“That was just an incredible experience out there in Pasadena,” he said. Last year was also the year that Bajas had the opportunity to take his six-year-old son, Brax (named for former OSU Buckeye quarterback and wide receiver Braxton Miller) to his first away OSU football game in Bloomington, Indiana. The plan is to attend a different Big Ten stadium every year.Of course, even when Bajas isn’t at a game, he’s repping the Buckeyes wherever he goes. In February of 2021 he ordered his Jeep Gladiator from a manufacturing plant he used to work at for six years. Bajas ordered the base model, then visited the plant to oversee the vehicle as it was being assembled—he even got to visit the assembly line to build a portion of the Jeep himself. The vehicle has a two-inch lift and 35-inch tires, and it’s covered in Brutus decals and Buck Nut badges. Bajas said people regularly compliment him on his work when he’s sitting in traffic at red lights.

“When we left, we had to walk back to the Tri-Delt house where we’d parked the car. It took us seven hours to get to Springfield, there was no [Interstate] 70 at the time, so we were on [U.S.] 40. We made it as far as Springfield when the police told us we couldn’t go any further until they could clear the roads.
“We didn’t know anyone in Springfield, so we slept in our car – for three days, because theyplowed us in. The police would come knock on the windows to ask us if we were OK. (We’d say) ‘Oh yes, we’re fine.’ So we got snowbound for the Buckeyes.”Theexperience didn’t chill Bayman’s love for her team – she and her husband maintained season tickets for years. These days, Bayman makes it from Dayton to one game a season. In 2022, it’s Rutgers.
“Big deal,” she said, with more than a hint of Baymansarcasm.is glad for good weather these days – it makes the climb to C deck a little easier for her. Bayman with family at Ohio Stadium ↓
You think you’re a big Ohio State football fan? Would you sleep in your car for three days for the Buckeyes? Mary Bayman, who turned 97 this past Aug. 10, went to her first OSU football game in 1942, the year before she began attending Ohio State, where she was a horticulture major and member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. She couldn’t say for sure how many games she’s been to since, but she could say with certainty she was in attendance on Nov. 25, 1950.
Now 97 years-old, Mary Bayman has been cheering on her Buckeyes since the Second World War
“The weather was so bad, but it kept getting worse during the game,” Bayman, who had made the drive to campus with her husband from their home in Dayton, said.
By Jim Fischer
The game, versus Michigan, would become known in college football lore as the Snow Bowl.

“When we see someone wear Ohio State clothing, we always do ‘O-H!’” she said of her immediate family (both of her kids attended Ohio State). “We’re idiots.” Bayman’s history with Ohio State football predates her own birth, too. When her father was a student at OSU, he turned the numbers at old Ohio Field.“He told me this when he was 90!” Bayman recalled with mock indignation. “I said, ‘Daddy how is it you never mentioned this before?’”
“We walked through the parking lot with Woody. He was very gracious. We told him it was sad he was no longer the coach, but he told us it was time,” BaymanBaymanrecalled.also noted her one away OSU football game, too – a late 1940s trip to what she would only call “up north.” She remembered traveling with her future sister-in-law and stopping in Bowling Green to buy streamers for their car because “everybody else’s car had streamers.”
Bayman has more than a handful of memories from her years of attending games, starting with that very first game in 1942 against Northwestern. “I hate Northwestern to this day,” she said. “(World War II) was going on, and a lot of our players had been called to service. Northwestern was very dirty that day, gouging eyes, lots of rough play. Terrible.”More recently, she recalled walking across campus with her daughter on their way to a game and visiting with former coach Woody Hayes.
Bayman's daughter, Lynn Bender, said being a fan of Ohio State football was always a given for her as well."She always talked about that Snow Bowl experience. I remember hearing about it growing up," Bender said. "I always knew I was going to go to Ohio State. I went to every (home) game when I was in school and that continued. We’re still going to games."
“It’s always good when we beat Michigan,” Bayman said.
“I don’t always sit in C deck, but I do like the view of the game from up there,” she said. “A few years ago I went to a game with my grandson and the line at the elevator was long so I told him we should just walk up to C deck. When we got up there, the seats were in the next to last row from the top. I told my grandson I didn’t think we’d be going down for snacks or the bathroom until the game was Theover.”size of the crowd is larger these days, Bayman said, compared to the 40s, but her passion for the Buckeyes remains the same. From Skull Session to staying on top of who’s doing what in the rest of the Big 10, Bayman’s support of her team remains as strong as ever.

DRINK RESPONSIBLY Tennessee Whiskey, 40% Alc. by Vol. (80 proof) Whiskey Specialty, 35% Alc. by Vol. (70 proof). Jack Daniel Distillery, Lynchburg, Tennessee. Jack Daniel’s, Old No. 7, Tennessee Honey and Tennessee Fire are registered trademarks. ©2020 Jack Daniel’s. All rights reserved. Code #380-3589 Date: 3-3-2020 10:48 AMJob Number: 11292779 Client/Brand: Brown-Forman/JDFOB APPROVALS QC: Steve Jablonski S:17.75” S:23.75” T:18” T:24” B:18.25” B:24.25”

Photo courtesy of The Little Bar ↓
Because you can’t attend every OSU football game, here are some of our favorite spots to grab a bite and catch the Bucks By Mallory Arnold Watching the Buckeyes at home in your living room is always nice, but there’s something about celebrating game day with a group just as passionate about the scarlet and gray as you. Cold beer brought right to you, good food, and better people—what more could you ask of an OSU game, except for a win? We’ve put together a list of our favorite restaurants and bars to watch Buckeye football games:

(614) MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 614NOW.COM62 Rain or shine, Short North Pint House is packed on game day. With more than 75 beers on tap, an open patio, and TVs mounted high, it’s a meeting spot for people who like to watch the Buckeyes with a large group. It may get a little crowded, but for those who want to drink beer, eat tasty food, and feel the team spirit, this is the spot for you. It’s easy to see why Urban’s made our list – not only is it bursting with Buckeyes charm, but the Dublin location boasts of food from Forno Kitchen + Bar. The fried risotto balls are a crowd favorite, as well as the pint house’s 7-0 Ale. Along with massive TVs everywhere, this pint house has everything it needs to be the official game day bar. SHORT NORTH PINT HOUSE URBAN MEYER’S PINT HOUSE Photos by Sarah Pfeifer ↓ 780 N. High St. 6632 Longshore St., Dublin

COACHESCHUMLEY’SBAR & GRILL Photo courtesy of Chumleys' ↓ Photo courtesy of Chumleys' ↓ Photo courtesy of Coaches Bar and Grill ↓ Photo courtesy of Coaches Bar and Grill ↓ 1516
High St. 1480 Bethel Rd.
Touted as “not your average campus bar,” Chumley’s is a reliable destination for Buckeye games. The place has plenty of seating and TVs, and appetizers are half off until 6:30 p.m. While the menu is expansive, you can take in all the football wall décor while you and your friends decide what to order. This unsuspecting restaurant tucked off Bethel Road has 52 TVs—yep, you read that right—and plenty of space to watch them. Columbus memorabilia is abundant, and the burgers are thick and juicy and served by an attentive staff. N.

(614) MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 614NOW.COM64 Rooster’s never fails. With locations across Columbus, it’s one of the most popular places to watch OSU football games. The food is consistently delicious (like the new Nashville Hot Dry Rub for your wings) and the atmosphere is upbeat. Get to your nearby location early,though, because seating fills up fast. The Little Bar, unlike its name, celebrates OSU home games in a big way. The bar sets up a giant outdoor screen, offers game day drink specials, and even has a DJ playing music during commercials. It gets a little rowdy, and customers are advised to grab food from nearby Dominos and Jimmy Johns, but if you’re looking for an amped-up sort of game day, this is the place for you. ROOSTERS THE LITTLE BAR Multiple locations 2195 N. High St. Photo courtesy of The Little Bar ↓ Photo courtesy of The Little Bar ↓ Photo courtesy of Roosters ↓


Our favorite spots for outdoor exercise in Columbus We’ll go to the gym when the weather dictates that we do so, but outdoor exercise is so much more enjoyable. And whether you’re looking for an inviting trail for a walk or jog or getting out on the water with a kayak or canoe, the Columbus area has much to offer. We’ve rounded up five spots to get moving in whatever way inspires you. Now go make the most of that fresh air and blue sky. → By Sarah Sole Story Design by Victoria Smith Photo by Spencer Lookabaugh

State Park ↓ Glacier Ridge Metro Park ↑ Alum Creek State Park
While this park boasts sand volleyball courts as well as places to kayak and fish along the Scioto River, the real star of the show is the park’s 35-foot rock climbing wall. Featuring three towers and two arches, the wall opens at 6:30 a.m. and closes an hour before the park closes (7 p.m. from Oct. 1 through March 31 and 9 p.m. from April 1 through Sept. 30). Visitors can choose from bouldering, top rope, and lead climbing. Auto belays are on the wall between late March and late October, though that timeframe is weather dependent. Those using the auto belays have to bring their own climbing harnesses. If you’re weary of the elliptical and looking for something to challenge your strength, endurance, and agility, consider checking out Glacier Ridge’s expansive obstacle course. At three acres, the course features 12 stations surrounded by a half-mile paved trail. Obstacles include tunnels, climbing poles, ropes, logs, and more. Creek
↓ Alum

While the Columbus area has multiple waterways to choose from, Alum Creek Reservoir features a no-wake zone that’s just perfect for canoeing and kayaking. The peaceful space features tree-lined shores, shale cliffs, and sheltered inlets. Hand-launch beach access is on the far end of the beach for canoes, kayaks, and paddle boards.
↓ Photo by Aaron Massey
ALUM CREEKstate park

↑ Olentangy Trail ← Olentangy Trail
The perfect spot for walking, jogging, biking, and rollerblading, the nearly 9-mile trail extends from Worthington all the way to downtown Columbus. Take a scenic stop at Whetstone Park of Roses, or head south through The Ohio State University campus to the river’s confluence with the Scioto River.

614NOW.COM SEPTEMBER 2022 (614) MAGAZINE 71 If you haven’t been to this new metro park located on the site of the Marble Cliff Quarry, now is the time. And in addition to checking out the scenic 25-foot waterfall, you can also try out the single-track mountain bike trail. ↑ Photo by Spencer Lookabaugh

seem to quit Columbus
Meet Simon Fraser, the British-born and Yaleeducated comedian who just can’t
Portrait of Simon Fraser →
By Ellyn Briggs / Photos by James Godwin Story Design by Paul Barton MatterLaughing

Brassica and just so happened to run into “three other Yale guys'' passing by on High Street as they were leaving. The growing group of Ivy Leaguers then decided to go out for a drink. Feeling emboldened by serendipity, Fraser left his number for the “super cute” waitress that served them. She texted back shortly“Allthereafter.thattook place within a few hours, and I had no choice but to feel really positively about Columbus,” Fraser said. “I thought, ‘I’ve got friends. I’ve got good food. I’ve got a girl. What more do I need?’”Seeing this satisfaction unfold, Fraser’s former classmates offered him a place to stay for as long as he liked. That was the beginning of 2021; the end of 2022 is nearing, and he still hasn’t left. (Though he now lives in his own place instead of on their couch.)
Simon Fraser is London-born and Yale-educated. So, why is he now a comedian living in Columbus?Theanswer is, of course, funny. “I graduated in 2020 with a history degree, which means I had zero job prospects,” Fraser said with a chuckle. “I’d also lost my passport and couldn’t return home to England for the COVID-19 quarantine, so I thought it would be fun to go to every place named ‘London’ in America and document it.” London—25 miles southwest of Columbus—fell in the middle of his 14stop journey. A loose acquaintance from college who had recently moved to the nearby capital city heard about Simon’s travels and invited him to stop over for an evening.Heagreed.Theygot

Earlier this year, Fraser brought “Don’t Tell Comedy”—a national franchise that produces pop-up comedy shows in cities across the country—to the 614.
“Comedians are always passing through Ohio on their way to Chicago or New York,” he said. “If we can get a few big names to stop over in Columbus for one night here or there, then we can start putting on more shows and keep everyone
“Columbus audiences are very smart but also level-headed, which makes it a great spot to test out new material,” he said.
Fraser during a standup set ↑
The first “Don’t Tell Columbus” show was hosted at The Lox Bagel Shop in March. It sold out, and every show that the group has put on since has done the same. As of now, performances are happening a few times a month, but Simon hopes this frequency will increase in the near future.
“The idea is to collaborate with lots of local businesses, highlight Columbusbased comedians, and give people something new and exciting to do,” Fraser said.
Fraser said. “It also makes far more sense to have my home base here, where the cost of living is still fairly normal, than an uberexpensive city like New York or L.A.”
Fraser got into comedy as a college freshman after being rejected by “27 out of 28” extracurriculars on campus. The stand-up troop, however, found his failures particularly funny. So, they invited him to join, and he’s been honing his craft ever since.Here in Columbus, Fraser started out by throwing shows at his apartment and doing open mics at long-standing comedy hotspots such as Fours on High and Granero Lounge. But his ambitions have grown significantly in recent months.
“I was connected with the CEO of ‘Don’t Tell’ through a producer I met while on the road,” he explained. “I mentioned that I was already throwing some small shows in Columbus, and we got to work to set up a formal arm here in town.”
laughing.”Speaking of traveling, Simon does a lot of it Hishimself.biggest comedy success thus far has been hitting the road as an opener on the national tour of another popular Columbus-based comedian, Jason Banks. He also travels around Ohio to compete in—and often win—various comedy contests.“That’s one of the main reasons I love Columbus—it’s so easy to get in and out,”
Another thing that the Brit loves about Central Ohio? Our audiences.
"Take a risk, love a city, and it will love you back"
“Don’t Tell” shows are held at different spots around the city and feature a diverse mix of comics, but exact locations and lineups aren’t revealed until a few hours before each event.

Exuberant praise aside, Fraser noted that Columbus still has a bit of work to do if the city is to raise its profile to true entertainment-hub level.
If a joke works here, it will likely work almost anywhere in the country.
“We have a bunch of funny comedians, but we don’t have a lot of infrastructure,” he explained.
For more information or to purchase tickets to upcoming shows, visit: donttellcomedy.com/cities/columbus Fraser performing ↑
A lack of independent comedy clubs can make it hard for small, local comics to get stage time. As part of his quest to make Columbus the “comedy capital” of the country, Fraser hopes to open up such a place one day. But for now, his top priority is to make the “Don’t Tell” shows as good—and as frequent—as“Ultimately,possible.Iwant to show people that you don’t need to move to the coast,” the 24-year-old said. “You can be successful at your craft in Columbus or somewhere similar. Take a risk, love a city, and it will love you back.”

(614) MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 614NOW.COM76 GuideArtsFall From Broadway to Beethoven, here’s your guide to fall arts events in Columbus There's artsexploreofshortagenowaystothethisfall. Columbus continues to embrace and share its love of the arts in every medium. Whether you’re in the mood to explore an introspective exhibition or listen to the thundering voices of a chorale, the autumn leaves are sweeping in all the sounds and sights of the season. We’ve rounded up the top arts options for you to enjoy, so mark your calendar for a variety of imagery and spectacles taking place across our fair city.→ Carl Orff’s iconic “Carmina Burana” will come alive in full splendor and opulence with the orchestra accompanied by the voices of the Columbus Symphony Chorus and the Columbus Children’s Choir.. ProMusica will usher in its 44th season with Music Director David Danzmayr conducting cello virtuoso Kian Soltani and the rest of the company as they perform Beethoven’s WithSymphonyNo.5.renowned composer Jesse Montgomery at the helm, Israeli-born pianist Shai Wosner takes on Brahms’ monumental second piano concerto and Dvořák’s inspired Symphony No. 6 Experience the majesty with ProMusica, LancasterChorale, and four world-class soloists as they celebrate one of the best-loved musical works of all time. Columbus Symphony ProMusica Carmina Burana Beethoven’s Fifth SymphonyBrahms& Dvořák Handel’s Messiah Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Sept. 4-5 12-13 30-1 8-9 MUSIC

614NOW.COM SEPTEMBER 2022 (614) MAGAZINE 77 You won’t want to miss this celebration of the great Satchmo, America’s most beloved trumpet extraordinaire, with Grammy nominee Carmen Bradford on vocals and Byron Stripling on trumpet. Break out a tiara, find your glass slippers, and set the date for Rossini’s largerthan-life operatic fairytale that’ll have you floating on air and home by midnight. Celebrate the most wonderful time of the year with a holiday collaboration between the Jazz Arts Group and Columbus’ own Shadowbox superstar, Stacie Boord. JazzGroupArts Opera Columbus Louis Armstrong and Friends La Cenerentola(Cinderella) Home for the Holidays Oct. Oct. Dec.Nov. 13-16 28-30 30-4

Let’s do the Time Warp again! Brad and Janet are headed to Dr. Frank-N-Furter’s eerie mansion, with its zany cast of characters, non-stop music, and elaborate dance routines. Stage
Ballet ShadowboxMet
RockyRent Horror Picture Show13-306-6
The Deadly Dance of Bonnie & Clyde Wicked Games Nov. Opening Sept. Running thru Nov. Oct.
Catch a revival of the Tony award-winning 90s hit about a group of impoverished young artists struggling to survive in New York City’s East Village under the shadow of HIV/AIDS, with themes that are still relevant today.
Short North
When Nina enters her first air guitar competition, she discovers that there is more to it than just pretending; it's about finding yourself in your favorite song and performing it with raw joy. Inspired by a true story, this production tackles the repercussions of a well-intentioned doctor who convinces the parents of a male infant to raise their son as a girl after a terrible accident. This upbeat new musical centers on the story of Angel, a gold digger, who sets his sights on a newly out and proud billionaire while also dragging his best friend along for the ride.
I’ll Take Romance
Thisinto.new interpretive production boldly reimagines the life and times of the star-crossed criminals that became American legends. The piece is set to a score that blends modern pop, rock, and jazz Shadowboxhits.Live's fall sketch comedy and music experience takes audiences on a hilarious, hellraising ride!
Opera CompanyEvolutionColumbusTheaterAirnessBoy
Inspired by Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel, this extraordinary gothic revival features a ballet performance of passion and horror that you can sink your teeth
Oct.Sept.Sept. Oct. 13-2211-2422-9

(614) MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 614NOW.COM80 Created by Pulitzer Prizewinning playwright Paula Vogel, “Indecent” is inspired by the controversy surrounding the play “God of Vengeance” by Sholem Asch, which was produced on Broadway in 1923. CompanyAmericanContemporaryTheater Indecent Nov. 3-20 Head back to the room where it happened with the revolutionary story of American founding father Alexander Hamilton set to a background score that blends hip-hop, jazz, R&B, and TV’sdreamsteenthehithomeLevittColumbusBroadway.iconAndrew(akaNinaWest)returnstoheadlineBroadway’smusicalcomedy“Hairspray,”storyof1960’sBaltimoreTracyTurnblad,whohasbigofdancingherwayontomostpopularshow. BroadwayCAPA-inColumbus HairsprayHamiltonNov.Oct. 4-238-13

614NOW.COM SEPTEMBER 2022 (614) MAGAZINE 81 FINE ART Two milestone projects of design from the 1970s, Voyager Golden Record and Powers of Ten, act as pivot points for a collection of works by contemporary artists that take on the challenge of recording our world through the use of distinct technical approaches. CCAD 1,000 Miles Per Hour Sept. Dec. 15-28 This exhibition will feature more than 50 vintage and contemporary prints by Kali, a recently discovered photographer from the 1960s. T Composed of more than 150 sketches, storyboards, and paintings, this collection highlights original artwork from Sendak’s most famous books, including “Where the Wild Things Are,” “In the Night Kitchen,” and “Outside OverInThere.”herfirst museum exhibition, photographer Carol Newhouse chronicles the joys and hardships of the Women’s Land movement, which documents the creation of WomanShare—a queer, feminist, land-based community in rural Oregon.MuseumColumbusofArtWexnerCenterfortheArts LA Woman: PhotographsTheof Kali Wild Things Are Happening: The Art of Maurice Sendak Sharing Circles: Carol Newhouse and the CollectiveWomanShare Opening Sept. Opening Oct.Dec.Sept. 16-301021

(614) MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 614NOW.COM82 FILM & LIT This collection of paintings provides a window into the mind of the traumatized individual. Nightmarish scenes unfold in electric hues, and ghostly figures inhabit eerie environments to represent the complexity of the internal experience. 934 Gallery Anatomy of a Ghost Running thru Sept. 17Featuring 16 nationally and internationally recognized contemporary artists, this exhibition explores the dimensions of national and regional food systems, the advocacy for social change, and community well-being. OhioMuseumCraft Food ExhibitionJusticeRunning thru Sept. 24 Delve into a wide range of topics, from writing a short story to successfully selling freelance articles, with this hybrid workshop series offered both in-persononline.and Relive Spielberg’s magic on the big screen with Indy’s original adventure as the Symphony performs John Williams’ epic score. Grab your proton packs and settle in to watch the symphony play the 1984 classic film. It will be a night of family fun with special guests, surprises, and photo ops. Thurber House Columbus Symphony Adult RaidersWorkshopsWritingoftheLost GhostbustersArk Running thru Dec. Oct.Sept. 312328This unique retrospective is filled with a collection of films that have made a huge mark on the industry, including culture-bending stories, first-time directors turned Academy Award winners, and early acting roles that led to incredible Densionprominence.scholar and writer Michael Croley will moderate an evening with acclaimed author Silas House as they discuss his novel, Lark Ascending, a riveting story of survival and hope. Presented by the King Arts Complex and the Ohio Poetry Association, New York Times bestselling author Ross Gay will share his new intimate and electrifying collection of essays, Inciting Joy, in conversation with nationally acclaimed poet, essayist, and cultural critic Hanif Abdurraqib. GramercyGatewayTheaterBooks A24 retrospective, Uncut Gems: A Twenty-Four Day Collection Silas House with Michael Croley Ross Gay with Hanif Abdurraqib Running thru Sept. Nov.Oct. 291911