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Hometown/Current City: Fairbanks

Education: Life happens. I ended my high school education early and immediately got my GED. While getting my GED, I attended UAF and entered the workforce. I’m a firm believer in the school of life and learning by doing.

Community Work: 4-H Project Leader; Tanana Valley State Fair Superintendent; 4-H Youth in Governance Leader

Family: Husband, John; dog, Aurora; parents, Stephen and Priscilla; sisters, Lillianna and Kaitlynne

What is your favorite place in Alaska and why?: Shrine of St. Therese in Juneau: It is so beautiful and serene, and there is always wildlife. Name the person you respect and why: I have been privileged to have many role models in various fields throughout my life. I am thankful for all my leaders, supervisors and mentors who have led by example and he become the leader I am today.

What is your favorite pastime or hobby away from work?: Bowling and curating my wine collection.

What was your first job?: Shop assistant at an equipment rental store.

What has been your most rewarding community service?: The Tanana Valley State Fair has a 4-H Memorial Flower Bed, which had fallen victim to time and was in sad shape. In 2013, I made it my 4-H senior year project to rehabilitate the bed to better honor those who had made such an impact and who are no longer with us. I recruited volunteers and acquired donations of soil, lumber, flowers and new plaques. Since then, as a 4-H leader, I work with other volunteers and youth to plant and maintain the memorial bed every summer.

In your professional life, what has been a project or achieveme to be the most fulfilling?: Anytime I can work towards making Alaska a better place. Whether it’s working on legislation or helping a candidate on their campaign trail succeed, doing my part to move Alaska in a positive direction is what I love to do.

Based on your own experiences, what advice would you give on maintaining a good work-life balance?: While it’s great to give 110%, no job is worth the expense of your physical or mental health. Be honest with yourself and know when too much is too much. You’re not at your most productive if you’re not at your 100%.

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