bnue math

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Contents Ⅰ. Principles of elementary mathematics teaching and learning … 3 1. Piaget : Mathematical manipulation of the configuration 2. Bruner's concept representation & EIS theory 3. Dienes : Configuration of mathematics through play 4. The theory of Skemp

Ⅱ. The importance of specific object activities in mathematics … 8 1. Mathematical concepts embodied 2. Linguistic representation used 3. Interest and proficiency 4. Reward and motivation

Ⅲ. The operation and reality of training … 10 1. The system and characteristics of elementary mathematics curriculum in the 1st-2nd grade in Ethiopia 2. The selection of topic and the connectivity of curriculum

Ⅳ. Teaching Strategy in lessons… 16 1. Introduction of the lesson plans 2. The main lesson plans ▍Reference

Ⅰ. Principles of elementary mathematics teaching and learning

These training materials are developed for the math activity development and usages of the 1st-2nd grade. We will overview some theories related to math beyond development and usage of material. Of course, there are math theories that are appropriate for older students, but I organized them related to constructionism theory that is suit for lower grades. Constructivists believe that whole knowledge is composed independently and become the public one through social interaction. They also emphasize voluntary, proactive thinking activities, discussion and communication for learners and the role of the teacher as a guide. We will overview Piaget's theory(the womb of constructivism), especially for operational leaning principles, Dienes' theory(claimed math construction by students in the new math era) and Skemp's theory(emphasizes relational understanding). We will look for math learning and teaching plan.

1. Piaget : Mathematical manipulation of the configuration

1) The psychological occurrence and operational characteristics of math Piaget regarded the biological function of adaptation to the environment the same as intelligent adaptation. He identified cognitive development is a cognitive structure changes through adaptive assimilation and control capabilities. Assimilation is a generalized cognitive structure(interpretation of existing cognitive structure) and adjustment means differentiate and coordinate the structure of cognitive structure to assimilate. Piaget reported the rational thought and the nature of the knowledge are considered as an operational behavior, namely 'operation'. And he defined cognitive structure that can make repetitive action, operation and generalization as 'schèmes'. Continuous cognitive balance destruction and new balancing by assimilation and coordination is a cognitive development and learning. Piaget reported that cognitive development undergo steps of sense of movement, intuitive








operational. Also it may be different from socio-cultural environment and individual features. According to Piaget, the logical-algebraic manipulation is pure manipulation schème, geometric operations is manipulation schèma involving representational schème, functional manipulation is a strong operational schème in the relevance of causality. In either cases, the nature of mathematics is a manipulative schème. Mathematical structure, concepts, proving methods, algorithms, proposition and theorem, everything is an operational schème. So That mathematical activities are configure and apply schèmes eventually.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


2) Operant learning principles According to Piaget, learning to be dependent on the development and also learning to be dependent. Learning is the reconstruction process of schèmes and it is facilitated by social interaction and cognitive conflict. Learning can't be done beyond the limits according to the characteristics of the child's developmental stage, the inner configuration of the processes and methods is desirable only by assimilation and coordination. The promotion of learning or excessive early education make self-configuration impossible. In particular, the mathematics is an inner construction process through activities, so methodology is the first and foremost priority. Piaget present a general math teaching principles based on his manipulation of the constructivist epistemology. ① We have to emphasize 'logical-mathematical experience' through dealing with specific objects in the kindergarten and early primary school kids. ② We should be active by teaching mathematics education for elementary school children in the concrete operational stage. ③ We make students to think by considering the principle of the child 'natural' operation schèmes(heuristics, groupwork, appropriate conversation and intuitive pedagogy).

2. Bruner's concept representation & EIS theory EIS developed math learning and teaching method that aim to discover math principles through EIS principles(dealing with structured materials). If we briefly review the EIS theory, in the field of knowledge or any problem, whether represented by the appropriate sequence of actions(behavioral, enactive representation), a concept not fully defined, but it represents one of the approximate image or picture by one of the iconic(visual representation,










transformation of the proposition to the rules and laws that elicited from the symbol system or by logical propositions(symbolic representation, symbolic representation) can be expressed in three ways. We should pay attention to Bruner's discovery learning-specifically material handling. Bruner considers the development of intellect as the increase of representing means and the increase of coordinating ability. In the first level, namely 'enactive representation', students manipulate the materials directly. Next, we move toward the image level, students handle the image of object not manipulate the object directly. Finally, on the symbolic level, students will be able to handle the symbol. The training materials involve many mathematical representation of the actual behavior. Particularly in the 1st-2nd grades, syllabuses are consisted of almost enactive representation and iconic representation. It is that the basic idea of the study can be presented by specific activity, visual representation, or abstract semiotic representation that is depending on the


child's intellectual ability without impairing its essence. Therefore, it is important to paraphrase and reconstruct textbooks according to child's abilities or circumstances rather than learning readiness. In the Bruner's general learning process, child can discover intuitive and responsive regularity in dealing with specific materials. They are not exceed the boundaries. Discovery includes reconstruction of the previously learned ideas and is thought to be better to adjust ideas and rules of the situation.

3. Dienes : Configuration of mathematics through play

Dienes presented math learning-teaching principles and method through play. He also developed various materials based on 'new math' theory in the 1960s. Dienes regards mathematical concepts construction process as a constitutive activity through 'play'. ① Preliminary play step : Enjoying the activities being carried out for the purpose itself without direction and goals. The freedom to experiment in this case is essential. Therefore, the concept of play materials are included in the concept of components, but it should be free. ② Structured play step : It is more goal-oriented, but the lack of a clear recognition, to some extent, structured activities is desirable. Although it may be decisive along the student's mindset, there is a need to provide a lot of experience to the concept of how to expand the concept of the structure. ③ Practice steps : We should provide an appropriate practice to apply and settle the concepts after concepts formation. This step comes in a practice game, practice game, the next game can serve as a preliminary concept of the next concept. It is important that practice games must not be used as a preliminary one using the same level of mathematical concepts. Dienes present 6 steps, free play step(freely use materials inherent math construction to explain processes of concept learning and teaching based on discussion and experiment on math concept learning formation), rule play step, commonality symbolic step, non-formal representation step(express abstract math structure), symbolic step and formalization step(attempt to systematize from the basic properties). Into four principles to be considered here are presented. ① Dynamic principle : The process of authentic experience must be provided for the construction of operation as the mathematical concepts are the operation that is constructed by authentic experience.

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⑥ Constructivity principle : Before the children are able to think logically, constitutive accidents can be. Thus, the organization of learning situations are good to reach at constituitive understanding rather than the analytical thinking. New concepts should be constructed by already-known concepts. And the logical relation can be analyzed after that. ③ Mathematical variability principle : All the non-essential characteristics should be changed to reveal the immutable characteristics that consist of general mathematical concepts. The range of applicability of any notion is proportional to the generality. It is the strategy for the faithful generalization of the mathematical concepts. ④ Perceptual variability principle : The essence of abstraction is to make the common properties in a variety of circumstances. A variety of concrete materials should be presented to induce the students to guess the essence of abstractive concepts. These materials might be different perceptually but equivalent structurally. It is strategy for facilitating the abstraction principle and it is referred to as multi-materialized.

4. The theory of Skemp Skemp that is well known for relational understanding and instrumental understanding said that each understandings between student and teacher is different. Each of these understandings is called 'relational understanding' and 'instrumental understanding'. Skemp believed that elementary school students can construct the systematic mathematical concepts by using only physical activities. And he contributed to make an array of math activities considering the sequence ; the one of the mathematical properties. He said that the mathematical knowledge consists of three levels. The term 'construction' includes two meanings ; building and testing. If we assume that we are forming some walls, behavior like laying bricks corresponds to 'building'. After the building, we usually check the distance or arrangement between the bricks ; the process of 'testing'. The first form in the structure of knowledge is the direct experience. The mental model is formed from this experience, and it is made that you can check through the prediction. It can be helpful for students to construct the structured-mathematical knowledge. And also, it can devise the activities involving the formation of 'Form 1' by using it. According to the study of 'Skemp', students are pleasant when they confirm their prediction by actual events. And when their prediction is not correct, they are ready for correcting their thought or prediction immediately. In small-scale activities, students can experience math by increasing the ability to predict and control the environment. This situation lead to the child's own learning process bring greater control. This level corresponds to the elementary school level, and this is closely related to the development and training materials. Form 2 and 3 rather than lower grades of elementary school students, distance will be described very briefly. The second is a social thing: In other words, the discussion and the sharing of knowledge are major characteristics of the academic life. The third thing gives rise to new knowledge from existing knowledge. For example, it is to apply the pattern you


already know in a new situation. When there is a mixture of these forms, these will exert a more powerful form. This can be summarized as follows:(Skemp, 1989). Schematic configuration building

testing Form 1

In the material world,

Expected to meet

the material world :

from happenings :



Form 2 Other people's

Schematic comparison

someone else's :

with the schematic from :

<Concept of passing>


Form 3 High-level concept of forming

Comparison of the beliefs and

their own existing knowledge or From their knowledge of: Extrapolation, imagination, and intuition: <Creativity>

<internal consistency>

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


â…Ą. The importance of specific object activities in mathematics

Math is very difficult to understand and its pre-learning can be affected by its unique characteristics, namely abstractness and sequences. So students usually consider math as a difficult subject. Training materials were focused on tasting intimacy and pleasure for students by organizing specific activity materials to experience math concepts easily. The concept of mathematical pleasure can be acquired through mathematical understanding rather than memorizing and practicing. We utilize common materials to develop activities. Creating special learning materials that is hard-to-find can be a learning. We can replace learning materials in accordance with the characteristics of the area that can be available in certain areas, but not in other areas. Look how these activities can be helpful to students.

1. Mathematical concepts embodied Specification of mathematical concepts is emphasized in almost all activities. So these materials are focused on specification of mathematical concepts. Specific objects can be used in expressing new mathematical concepts. It is a good activity for students that thinking process itself can be included in activity. If students misunderstand the concepts, they cannot do activity or there might be a contradiction in activity.

2. Linguistic representation used Certain activity requires an oral expression after experiencing certain mathematical action or events. It is very often to express mathematical thoughts in written words. It requires much time and can't cause immediate interaction with other people. Although students know mathematical concepts clearly, it is unnatural to express orally in short of understandings. Of course, the power of the symbol representation is awesome and very important, but there are some people that writing operation can be done in the field of well-known about association between thinking and linguistic symbols after using execution-speaking approach method in lower grades.

3. Interest and proficiency It is insufficient to do well in math just to know mathematical concepts and procedures. It requires using it skillfully and making it a routine habit. Many activities consist of activities to consolidate the mathematical concepts. Math play is very interesting, so students may not get tired of repetitive activity and can develop their ability.


4. Reward and motivation Reward evokes an important motivation for learning as well-known in the classical theory of education. In the training materials' game activities, we often give counters as a compensation for winning or desirable mathematical behavior. The winner usually get counter individually, but group compensation and announcing best group may be helpful. It may be more effective in the mastery of repetitive functions.

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Ⅲ. The operation and reality of training 1.








curriculum in the 1st-2nd grade in Ethiopia

First of all, we did the analysis of math curriculum and textbook with the math expert in Ethiopia to develop the materials of math in the elementary school. Due to the lack of references on the curriculum, we analyzed the textbook used in 'Adama’ to understand the system of the elementary school math and develop the materials. Here are the characteristics of the textbook in the 1st grade. ① The textbook of the 1st grade is comprised of the part 「Number and Operation」. ② The concepts are instructed by arranging the contents of two semesters into only six units. ③ It has the characteristic repeating other contents like spiral curriculum. ④ The math in Ethiopia is focused on the process of learning 'number and operation' through drills and practice. ⑤ The textbook is a type of workbook and its quantity is on the small side. ⑥ The textbook is just one volume(115page). There is no pictures and motivation materials for the explanation of mathematical concepts.

<The analysis of the contents in the 1st grade math>

Chapter 1-1 : Number ■ The concepts of numbers from 1 to 5 : reading, writing, concept, equivalence, size, comparison of number ■ The concepts of numbers from 6 to 9 : reading, writing, concept, equivalence, size, comparison of number

Chapter 1-2 : Addition and Subtraction of a single digit ■ Addition that sum is less than 9 : the concept of addition, horizontal calculation, vertical calculation ■ Subtraction of single figures : the concept of subtraction, introduction of '0', horizontal calculation, vertical calculation - associative law of the addition, subtraction using 3 numbers and introduction of bracket ex. a-(b-c)


Chapter 1-3 : Numbers from 10 to 20 ■ The concept of '10', thinking '10' by gathering as one unit ■ Number sequence, reading, writing, size, position of numbers from 10 to 20

Chapter 1-4 : Addition and Subtraction that is under 20 ■ The addition of 'a few decades+a few decades' that the sum is less than 20 : positional system, addition with '10', gathering into '10' ■ The addition using 3 numbers that the sum is less than 20 ■ The addition of 'a few decades+a single digit', the addition using 2 numbers and 3 numbers in the number line ■ The subtraction of 'a few decades-a single digit' ex. a-b-c ■ The relation between the addition and subtraction, number sequence, pattern of number, comparison of number

Chapter 1-5 : M ultiplication ■ The introduction of 'multiplication' using 'bundle counting' : the multiplication of a single digit that it is less than 20 ■ The division of 'a few decades÷a single digit' that is less than 20 ■ The relation between multiplication and division, the multiplication of '1', commutative law of multiplication ■ the mixed calculation of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division

Chapter 1-6 : Numbers under 100 ■ Understanding a few decades, Addition of 'a few decades+a few decades', Addition of 'a few decades and a single digit' ■ Number table from 1 to 100, Number sequence, comparison, patter, positional system ■ Apply the number concept under 100 to Ethiopia money

<The analysis of the contents in the 2nd grade math>

There are only 4 chapters in the 2nd grade. However each chapters has small clauses. The first chapter has 4 clauses that is about general addition and subtraction of a few decades. And in the 4th clause the part of measurement is treated. The second chapter has 4 clauses and deals with the extension of multiplication and division. The third chapter has 3 clauses and deals with the number concept to 1000 and positional system. The fourth chapter has 6 clauses and deals with various plane figures. Here are the contents of the textbook in the 2nd math.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Chapter 2-1 : Addition and Subtraction of two digit number 1) Addition and Subtraction of two digit number ■ Practice the contents learned in the 1st grade - addition and subtraction that the result is less than 20 and mixed calculation introduction of unknown quantity 'x', math word problems ■ Structure of a few decades under 100, addition and subtraction of two digit numbers 2) two digit number addition that needs to advance more up ■ addition of 'a few decades + a single digit', horizontal calculation, vertical calculation ■ addition of 'a few decades + a few decades' 3) Two digit subtraction needs toput off ■ Subtraction of 'a few decades - a single digit', horizontal calculation, vertical calculation ■ Subtraction of 'a few decades - a few decades' 4) The unit of measurement ■ The introduction of 'm, dm, cm, mm', length conversion ■ Clock : read the time per 5 minutes

Chapter 2-2 : M ultiplication and division numbers under 100 1) Bundle counting and multiple ■ Multiple of 2, Multiple of 5, relation between multiplication and division ■ Commutative law of multiplication, bundle counting and multiplication of many numbers, distributive law 2) Multiplication and Division of number '3,4,5' ■ Multiplication of '3' and Division of '3' ■ Multiplication of '4' and Division of '4' ■ Multiplication of '5' and Division of '5' ■ Multiplication of '1', and Division of '1' 3) Multiplication and Division of number '6,7,8,9' ■ Multiplication of '6' and Division of '6' ■ Multiplication of '7' and Division of '7' ■ Multiplication of '8' and Division of '8' ■ Multiplication of '9' and Division of '9' 4) Mixed Calculations of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division

Chapter 2-3 : Numbers to 1000 1) The structure and addition of 'three-digit number' 2) Positional system of 'three-digit number' 3) Number sequence and pattern of numbers under 1000


Chapter 2-4 : Shapes 1) Kinds of shapes : triangle, square, parallelogram, circle 2) Straight line, cure, and segment / relation between dot and straight line / relation between straight lines 3) Straight line and shapes, the components of triangle, the components of square 4) Half of straight line, segment, the introduction of angle, circle 5) Parallel and perpendicular, straight line that is met 6) Generalization of square, parallelogram, diamond

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


2. The selection of topic and the connectivity of curriculum 1) The selection of topic and the connectivity of curriculum of Ethiopia 1st math training time

Ethiopia 1st Textbook page Chapter
































1. Numbers

Lesson topic ■ ■ ■ ■

Familiarize with numbers Find the number in the picture Make the number using body Know the meaning of numbers(1~5) Talk about the routine using numbers(1~5) ADDEND Calculation

■ ■ ■ ■

Find the numbers that the sum is 5 Find the unknown quantity Right hand 2, How many for left hand? Game

Addition that the sum is less than 9 ■ Authentic activity using specific objects like hands, 2. Single-digit stones addition and ■ Be focused on '5'(5+1, 5+2, 5+3, 5+4) subtraction ■ Talk about the story Subtraction that the calculation is less than 8(introduction of 0) ■ Authentic activity using specific objects like hands, stones ■ Talk about the story Measurement ■ Measure with the arbitrary unit using the part of body - hand, arm, step ■ Ask Place value and decimal number 3. Numbers ■ Use the number model(20set) - under 20 until 20 ■ SKEMP Activity(play) - under 100 Addition of two numbers that need to advance more up ■ SKEMP Activity(143page) ■ Use the number model-exchange Make the addition of two numbers using given number ■ 7=3+4=2+5=2+2+3 4. Addition and example : ■ Make expressions as many as possible subtraction Subtraction that needs to toput off(numbers under 20) under 20 ■ a few decades - a few decades ■ Use the numeral bar Make the subtraction of two numbers using given number ■ Make as many as possible Introduction of multiplication ■ Apply the bundle counting ■ Present the picture using the multiplication ■ Apply the EIS principle of Bruner(Pebbles → Picture → Expression) Familiarize with multiplication ■ Card game 5. ■ Work sheet Multiplicati-on The basic of Division 1

Activity Strategy experience (specific objects, semi-specific object language activity)

handle (specific objects)

handle (specific objects, language activity) experience (specific objects, language activity) experience (body) teaching materials (number model)

※number model

teaching materials (number model)

※number model development (play) teaching materials (numeral bar) ※numeral bar development (play) handling (specific objects, semi-specific object) experience (play)

handling (specific objects, ■ Bind and remove equally ■ Apply the EIS principle of Bruner(Pebbles → Picture semi-specific → Expression) object)

The basic of Division 2 development ■ Prediction(Apply contra-operation of multiplication) → ( semi-specific object) Divide equally(Use specific objects) → Confirm Exchange the value using the money 6. Numbers handling under 100 (specific object) ■ Market play

2) The selection of topic and the connectivity of curriculum of Ethiopia 2nd math training time

Ethiopia 2nd textbook page Chapter

Lesson topic

Activity Strategy

Commutative law(a single-digit) 16




















■ Use cuisenaire bar(connect with the different color bar, find the rule -example : 4(red)+7(yellow)=7(yellow)+4(red) ■ Find the patter(find the common) - 7+4=4+7, 3+6=6+3, 2+5=5+2, … a few decades + a few decades, a few decades - a few decades

Handling ※numeral bar 1. Two-digit ■ use the numeral bar addition and Two-digit addition that needs to advance more up subtraction ■ Making of double-digit + single-digit which needs to advance more up in Handling 1 digits ※Cuisenaire bar ■ Use cuisenaire bar -example : 17+25(Use SKEMP number model(10,1), predict and confirm) Two-digit subtraction with toput off Handling ■ subtraction with toput off in 1 digits ※numeral bar ■ Use cuisenaire bar Length conversion Experience ■ m, dm, cm, mm (specific object) ■ Sense of volume-Make the paper ruler ※tape measure, 1. Two-digit ■ Predict the length of objects(cm, dm, mm) → Measure and confirm 30cm ruler addition and - Tell the length using one unit or more than 2 units subtraction(me teaching Familiarize with the concept of time asurement) materials ■ Know "o'clock" using the clock model ※model clock ■ Read the minute hand 10EA×2 ■ Time game ※clock for ■ Talk about the daily life using the time teacher 1EA×2 Familiarize with division development 2. The concept of '0' in the multiplication(×0) handling Multiplication ■ Put the specific object on the plate (specific object) and division under 100 ■ Predict and infer Mixed calculation(four arithmetical operations) development 3. Numbers until 1000

Comparison of number(three-digit number) ■ number model, money The basic of Shapes 1



■ Make the various shapes and present ■ Work sheet(Geo board) The basic of Shapes 2





■ Make the tangram(cut the paper) ■ Make the shapes with the tangram Define the components of triangle ■ Make the mind map to find the triangle ■ Define the components of triangle like vertex, side Introduction of angle

4. Shapes





Handling ※Cuisenaire bar

■ ■ ■ ■

Make the angle using arms and legs Distinguish angle and not angle Introduce right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle through arms and legs Find examples of a right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle from daily life

Parallel and perpendicular ■ Find example of parallel and perpendicular in the surroundings ■ Worksheet(ladder activity)

handling (specific object) teaching materials (Geo-board) ※geo-board teaching materials (tangram) ※tangram concept

experience (body)


& Reference ▪ R.Skemp(1989). Mathematics in the Primary School. London. Routledge.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Mathematics 1st-1st Grade

‘Numeric Learning’Lesson Plan

1. The motivation for selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson as the 1st lesson in the teacher training program is that it is where first graders learn about numbers from 1 to 5. Students will also learn the concepts of these numbers based on the pages of the elementary school text book for 1st graders which is related to the curriculum of Ethiopia. We decided to include this lesson after meeting with the faculty of Adama, and based on the results of the meeting, we designed the lesson plan. The numbers from 1 to 5 are basic and familiar numbers to students. The goals in studying this lesson: Students have the opportunity to encounter various situations and meanings for the numbers of 1 to 5, and based on the input of the lesson, they can extend their number concepts. Students are able to develop their basic knowledge of numbers which is one more number, one less number and comparing volumes of different numbers.

The procedure of this lesson: Counting numbers from 1 to 5 -> Reading and writing the numbers from 1 to 5 -> Making the numbers from 1 to 5 -> knowing the meaning of the numbers 1 to 5 -> Expressing the numbers from 1 to 5 in their Native language.




1 to 5

Video Clip 1

Learning Objectives

▪ Learn number from 1 to 5.


Painting materials, objects, mathematical notebook




Motivation Learning objectives presentation

Teaching&Learning Activities ※ Motivate students to think what the numbers are and ask students why numbers are needed in daily life and answer about the question.

▪Materials&notes Concept type

Inducing Curiosity

Let's learn numbers from 1 to 5.

<Activity1> Find the number in the painting materials ※ Find the number from painting materials ① Prepare painting materials. Students say the hidden numbers that can be found in the painting materials. ▩ Numbers shown in painting Material

Activity 1

▩ notebook

② Once students have found a number from 1 to 5 , and understand the concepts, let them write down the numbers. Development

<Activity2> Creating the body into a number ※ Express the five mastered numbers with the students physically(Hands → body → pair → group) Activity 2

Creativity → ① ② ③ ④

Make Make Make Make

numbers numbers numbers numbers

→ with with with with

→ fingers body pairs groups

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |




Teaching&Learning Activities

<Activity3> Know the meaning of numbers ※ Know the meaning of numbers, from 1 to 5 ① Put an object which students encounter in everyday life from 1 to 5. Think of the relationship among numbers. Ex) An Apple = 1, two candies = 2, three turtles = 3 four bananas = 4, five friends = 5 Activity 3

▪Materials&notes Concept type

▩ A variety of things (1-5)

=3 ② Once the numbers and build a relationship ends, the students think of the number that corresponds to the number.


<Activity4> Making Stories ※ Creating a number story activity. ① Confirm students' understandings of numbers and develop their concept, let them make number stories from their daily Activity lives. 4 Ex) I have 3 brothers. => 3 I have two puppies in my house. => 2 Yesterday my brother picked up 4 stones. => 4 ② After you create the story, share the story with friends using numbers.

Arrangement Wrap up

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

■ Writing Plan 1. 1 to 5 ※ Let's learn number from 1 to 5. <Painting materials with numbers>


▩ Notebook Divergent thinking

Notebook memo recommended

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can learn numbers from 1 to 5 and use them. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students can learn numbers from 1 to 5 and use them.

Students can learn numbers from 1 to 5 and use them.

Interme Students can write numbers from 1 to 5 and have difficulty diate

understanding them.


Students can't understand numbers from 1 to 5.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 1-1 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 1-1 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1 ▪ Busan education supporting center. ( ▪ Korea Education & Research Information Service, Edunet (

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 1-1> The pictures showing the numbers from 1 to 5 (above) and the numbers from 0 to 5. (below)


<Material for lesson 1-2> The worksheet for checking the numbers of objects in picture and writing the figures down.

Writing Objects

Checking the numbers of objects

the figure

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Mathematics 2nd-1st Grade

‘ADDEND’Teaching and Learning Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson for the 2nd lesson in the teacher training program is that this is the lesson for first graders to learn about numbers from 1 to 5 and the concept of these numbers based on the pages of the elementary school text book for 1st graders, page27 which is a part of the curriculum of Ethiopia. The basic concept of mathematics is the addition and subtraction of numbers. Thus, the first digit addition and subtraction is the most essential to learn when students learn mathematics. In this lesson, students engage in activities in which they have to gather and divide the number 5 by using numbers from 1 to 5 that they learned in the 1st lesson. By doing these activities, students develop the basics of mathematics by starting one digit addition and subtraction. In this lesson, the lesson is designed to encourage students to use a variety of real objects. For example, students gather and divide the number '5', a number directly recognized by their intuition, by using stones. They also practice addition by using their fingers and playing a game of gathering and dividing by using a handkerchief.

The procedure of this lesson: Exercising the numbers from 0 to 5 -> Dividing and gathering the number five by using stones -> Using fingers, adding numbers of a sum of less than five. -> figuring out -> Finding hidden numbers using a handkerchief -> Extending numbers through playing a card game.




Video Clip 2

Learning Objectives

▪ Students can separate into two numbers and gather them.


Gathering board, notebook, fingers, handkerchief, stones, number cards, worksheet




Teaching&Learning Activities

▪Materials&notes Concept type

★ By suggesting real objects, students can remind the numebrs from 1 to 5 which they learned last lesson. : Teacher suggests fruits and school supplies which can be Motivation easily found in real life. Then, Teacher make students write Inducing L e a r n i n g figures the numbers of each and think how students build up Curiosity objectives number 5. presentation

Let's separate into two numbers and gather them.

<Act.1> How to build up number 5. ★ Finding the two numbers that can build up to number 5 ▩ Gathering Board through addition.

Activity 1

1. Finding the cases that can build up number 5 using the numbers from 1 to 4, through talking with the students. 5 2. Checking the cases that were found with the students , notebook using the Gathering board. Then, students will find another way of building up numbers. Problem solving 3. After that, writing down the cases on the notebooks. Example) (1,4), (2,3), (0,5) 4. Using the cases, make number sentences.

Develop-ment <Act.2> Finger Addition

Activity 2

★ Making the simple number sentences using a hand. 1. Verifying how many fingers in a hand. 2. Then, letting the students to put some fingers together as two part to make number sentences. ▩ fingers 3. Letting the students solving the problems. Creativeness



※ After showing how to make finger questions, let the students make their own.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |




Teaching&Learning Activities

▪Materials&notes Concept type

<Act.3> Finding the hidden number.

Activity 3

▩ Handkerchief, ★ Let's find the hidden number in the number sentence that stones the result is 5. 1.Prepare a handkerchief and stones. Problem 2.Put some stones on one hand, and put the handkerchief on Solving the other hand. 3. After then, let the students guess how many stones are in ▩ Checking the the other hand. various way to make 4. Give another questions to the students. number sentences. 5. Let some students make questions in front of their friends. <Act.4> Let's play

Developm ent

★ Let's practice what they learned. Give some directions to the students for a better game. Increse the numbers from 1-5 to 6-9. Students can make number sentences using all those 9 ▩Number cards(1~9), numbers.

Activity 4

Arrange ment


Wrap up

1. Prepare the number cards from 1 to 9 and worksheet to write down the result. 2. Do rock paper scissors with the partners. 3. Winner picks up the number cards. 4. Make the addition number sentences that the result is the number in the number card. 5. The students who made more addition number sentences can get the points. 6. After playing, the students who have the most points are the winner. Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

Worksheet Open thought

Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan ADDEND ※ Let's separate into two numbers and gather them. <Act. 1> How to build up number 5 <Act. 2> Finger Addition <Act. 3> Finding the hidden number <Act. 4> Let's play

■Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation Goal ▶ Students can separate into two numbers and gather them. 2) Standard of the evaluation Achievement Criteria

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students can separate into two numbers and gather them.

Interme diate Low

Students can separate into two numbers and gather them very well. Students can separate into two numbers and gather them. Students cannot separate into two numbers and gather them.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematic text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 1-1 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 1-1 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1 ▪ Busan education supporting center. ( ▪ Korea Education & Research Information Service, Edunet ( ▪ elementary school teachers' community- Indischool ((

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 2-1> Gathering Board

Gathering Board

5 26

<Material for lesson 2-2> Dividing Board

Dividing Board


Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 2-3> Number Cards


Mathematics 3rd-1st Grade

Addition that sum is less than 9’ Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The topic selected for this 3rd lesson is 'Addition where the sum is less than 9' which was suggested in Ethiopia's first grade textbook, page 24. In this lesson, students will learn addition of numbers that have a sum that is less than 9, based on the last lesson which taught numbers 1 to 9. (Following the curriculum, students learn numbers from 1 to 5 and then they learn numbers 6 to 9, extending their knowledge of numbers. After learning numbers from 1 to 9, students learn the concept of 0.) This lesson also follows after the mastery of the basic concepts of subtraction and addition by dividing a number into two numbers and gathering two numbers as one number using the strategy of 'dividing and gathering' which students learned in the 2nd lesson. This lesson is designed to include 4 activities. The first activity is designed to teach students to be able to do addition of numbers that have a sum that is less than 9 by using pebbles which are symbolic but also a real object. The second activity is designed to teach students to be able to do addition where the sum is less than 9 by using the fingers of two hands. This is an extension of learning to use the fingers of one hand which they learned for numbers from 1 to 5 in the 2nd lesson. The third activity is designed to make students to be able to do addition easily with the number 5 which is an intuitive number and one of the numbers from 1 to 5. Based on these activities, the 4th activity is designed to get students to try 'making a story' which students will be able to solve once they can understand perfectly the concept of addition.

The procedure of this lesson: Adding two single digit numbers that have a sum that is less than 9 using pebbles → Practicing addition using 10 fingers → Adding numbers using the number 5 as the center number → Creating equations that represent addition

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



3. Addition & Subtraction

Learning objectives

▪ Can add that sum is less than 9


Pebbles, finger, painting materials




Introduction Learning objectives presentation

Teaching&Learning Activities

▩Materials&notes Concept type

※ Teacher tell a story to students. Students guess what they are going to learn today. 'Finding the treasures hidden in the Forest' There is a castle which is full of treasures in Forest. The ▩ Story telling doors were locked so that nobody could pass by, however, I got some hints from there. If you want to open the doors, you should say the addition whose sum is less than I n d u c i n g 9 for each doors. There are 8 doors you should open to Curiosity get treasures, can you find the treasures?

Let's add that sum is less than 9. <Activity1> Add using pebbles ※ Prepare 18 pebbles available from around the life to add. ① Count from 1 to 9 using pebbles.

Activity 1


Activity 2


② Present an addition problem that can be solved with 18 pebbles. Ex) There was a hen in the ranch. 8 hens moved to the ranch. How many hens in the ranch? : 1+8 = 9 ③ If students release the problem with pebbles, let them solve it by themselves. ( Problem creating → Self-solving → Present a problem to partner → Share problems with friends)

▩ Pebbles Problem solving

▩ fingers <Activity2> Add using fingers ※ Add using student's body ① Present various problems can be solved by 9 fingers. Ex) 2+7, 1+8, 3+6, 4+5 3+4, 2+5, 4+3.... Problem solving ② Confirm the answers. ③ Play group addition speed game ▩ Confirm various Ex) Play solving a problem game that the answer is less ways of than 9. problem-solving



▩Materials&notes Concept type

Activity 3

<Activity3> Add 5 centered ① Present a problem that 5 add from 1 to 4 each. ▩ Pebbles, fingers ② Induce understandings of natural numbers from 1 to 10 that they are divided by 5 centered. Learn the ③ Develop addition from pebbles or fingers to calculation(head Number Sense count) gradually.

Activity 4

<Activity4> Story making ※ Let students make stories to study addition by their own language, ① At first, teacher present a situation to make a problem and induce students to add. Ex) My younger brother ate 5 bananas yesterday and ate 3 peaches today. How many fruits did my brother eat for 2 days? Expression : 5 +3 = 8 Answer : He ate 8 fruits. ② After that students make their own stories and solve it. Make an expression and share it with others.


Arrange ment

Teaching&Learning Activities

Wrap up

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

▩ notebook Divergent thinking ▩ Encourage actual addition that can be in the daily life.

Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 3. Addition & Subtraction ※ Let's add that sum is less than 9. <Picture of pebbles and fingers> 1.


Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can add that sum is less than 9. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students can add that sum is less than 9.



Students can make various additional problems that sum is less than 9 and solve them correctly Students can solve additional problems that sum is less than 9.

Students can't add that sum is less than 9.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 1-1 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 1-1 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1 ▪ Busan education supporting center. (


<Material for lesson 3-1> Worksheet


Chapter : Addition and Subtraction 1st grade Class : (


) Name : (


” Write the expression of addition like the example.







Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Mathematics 4th-1st Grade

‘Subtraction less than or equal to 8’ Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The topic of this 4th lesson is 'Subtraction where the sum is less than or equal to 8' which is on page 35 of the first graders’ textbook in Ethiopia. In this lesson, students learn about subtraction of numbers that have a sum that is less than 8 based on the concept of numbers 1 to 9 that they learned in the previous lesson. It is expected for students to have higher accomplishment if they learn 'subtraction of one digit number without toput off numbers(Subtraction less than or equal to 8)' after repeatedly exercising dividing numbers less than 9 into two numbers and gathering as one number. This lesson is designed for students to achieve the topic of this lesson by creating a story using subtraction following above these activities. By using symbolic but real objects (like pebbles or circular magnets) that students used in lesson 3, students learn single digit subtraction and the concept of '0' naturally through the process of learning subtraction.

The procedure of this lesson: Subtraction where the sum is less than or equal to 8 by using pebbles. -> Learning the concept of '0' -> Subtraction from pictures -> Story making


Topics Learning objectives Materials Steps


4. Addition & Subtraction

Video Clip 3

▪ Can subtract less than or equal to 8 18 bottle caps, magnets, Painting materials, worksheet ▩Materials&notes Teaching&Learning Activities Concept type

※ Teacher leads students to do subtraction by themselves ▩ Story for Motivation problem solving by suggesting subtraction in daily life. L e a r n i n g There were 8 snacks, I ate 3 snacks yesterday. How many Introduction o b j e c t i v e s snacks are there left? presentation Inducing Let's subtract less than or equal to 8. Curiosity <Activity1> Bottle cap subtraction ※ Review the last lesson(remind separating and gathering numbers), subtract with bottle caps. ① Prepare 18 bottle caps. ▩ Bottle caps

Activity 1

Develop-m ent

Problem solving ② Make subtract expression with numbers from 1 to 9. Ex) There were eight coffee bean sacks and three sacks ▩Solve many were sold. How many sacks remain? problems Expression : 8-3 , Answer : 5 correctly. ③ Confirm the right answer

= ④ Make problems and find answer. ⑤ Present a problem to your partner, let the partner solve it.

Activity 2

<Activity2> Learn '0' ▩Painting ※ Ask answer to the problems from above activity. There materials is no remainders, so we use '0'. ① Make a subtraction where the answer is '0', show Concepts necessity of '0'. learned Ex) 3-1=2, 3-2=1, 3-3=? ② Promise '0' and write it ▩ '0 ', The Write '0' and read zero. concept of good ③ Various situations of '0' help.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |




Teaching&Learning Activities

▩Materials&notes Concept type

<Activity3> Subtract from pictures ※ Learn subtraction from semi-specific objects. ① Prepare the magnet. (20) ② Present subtraction problems and solve them with magnets.(Show ▩magnets, subtracting the number of attaching magnets on the board and find worksheet answers.) Activity 3 problem solving



Expression : 7-3, Answer : 4 ③ Give picture worksheet and let students solve it. ④ Give time and solve it together.

Develo p-men t

<Activity4> Story making ※ Make story and solve from it. ① Present a story and let students solve it. Ex) I had eight candies, I ate two. How many candies remain? Activity 4 Expression : 8-2, Answer : 6 ② Practice more problems same as above. ③ Students make problems. ④ Solve them correctly. ⑤ Present their problems to their groups and solve them together.

Arrang Wrap up ement


▩ Confirm students worksheet

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

▩ Worksheet Divergent thinking ▩ Students create a variety of problems in their lives.

Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 4. Addition & Subtraction ※ Let's subtract less than or equal to 8. <Activity 1> Bottle cap subtraction <Activity 2> Learn '0' <Activity 3> Subtract from pictures <Activity 4> Story making

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can learn how to subtract less than or equal to 8. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement

The Evaluation Criteria

Criteria High

Students can subtract less than or equal to 8 quickly and correctly.

Students can subtract less than


Students can subtract less than or equal to 8.


Students can't subtract less than or equal to 8.

or equal to 8.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 1-1 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 1-1 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1 ▪ Busan education supporting center. (

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 4-1> Worksheet

* Let's solve the problems using petals.
















Answer Question Answer


Mathematics 5th-1st Grade

‘Length Comparison’ Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The topic selected for the 5th lesson is 'Length Comparison' which is on the page 39 of the first graders' textbook in Ethiopia. It is the field of 'measurement' that appears first in the curriculum for first graders in elementary school in Ethiopia. Thus, this is the lesson which is reconstructed by comparing the way that the Korean second elementary school graders learn the 'measurement' with Ethiopian students. This lesson is designed to allow students to learn suitably from random units of measure to universal (common) units of measure. Its aim is to help students develop a sense of volume. Specifically, the key activity to develop the sense of volume for measuring length is by using the students' own body parts and comparing the results. There are three activities in this lesson. The first activity is comparing length error value with their pair when students measure the length of the class blackboard using their two arms which are random units. The second activity is comparing the class room's width and length difference with the students’ footsteps. The final activity is measuring the width and length of desks which students use with their own span. Thus, students can have enough experience to develop their sense of volume through the various physical activities stated above.

The procedure of this lesson: Measure the length of the class blackboard using arms-> Measure the length and width of the classroom using footsteps-> Measure the width and length of desks by using span.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



5. Comparison(2 semesters)

Video Clip 4

Learning objectives

▪ Can compare the length of objects.


Body, song, Thread, The results sheet


Contents Motivation


Learning objectives presentation

Activity 1


Activity 2


Teaching&Learning Activities ※ Teacher leads students to speak their experience that measure the length of objects by using their body parts. Also, It can be talked what part of body can use in measuring some objects or stuffs.

▩Materials&notes Concept type

Inducing Curiosity

Let's measure the length using body.

<Activity1> Measure length using arms ※ Measure length using arms ① Sing a song associated with our bodies Move body through singing a song associated with bodies. First, measure the length of object in the classroom using arms. ② Think of measuring the length of blackboard using our bodies.  Measure length using arms  Some of the students come up front and measure the length of the blackboard. ③ Using the result, cut off the thread the same length as blackboard. ④ Compare the length of the blackboard and thread and confirm accuracy using arms.

▩ body song The hokey pokey

▩ arm, thread, blackboard, records

problem solving ▩ confirm thread


<Activity2> Measure length using footstep ▩blackboard ※ Measure length using footstep Writing ① Measure the length and width of the (Comparison Table) classroom using footsteps. Compare the two and find which is Concepts larger. acquired



Teaching&Learning Activities

▩Materials&notes Concept type

② Share result sheet with groups and measure the length of the Concepts classroom vertically and horizontally using footsteps. acquired ③ Announce the results of the measurements of each groups and Activity 2 compare. ▩ The results ④ Confirm the classroom's width and length. sheet


<Activity3> Measure length using fingers ※ Students measure length of their desks width and length using fingers. ① Measure length of their desks width and length using span. ② Record the result. Activity 3 ③ Confirm the width and length. ④ Announce the result and share it with others.

▩ The sheet


Convergent thinking ▩ Guide the way of measuring length correctly using body

※ You can also measure length using your thumb.

Arrangem Wrap up ent

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 5. Measure length ※ Let's measure the length using body. <Activity 1> Measure length using arms <Activity 2> Measure length using footstep <Activity 3> Measure length using fingers

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can measure the length using body. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students can measure the length using body.

Intermediate Low

Students can measure length using their bodies correctly and announce the result. Students can measure length using their bodies correctly and confirm the result. Students can't measure length using their bodies.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 1-1 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 1-1 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1 ▪ Busan education supporting center. ( ▪ Korea Education & Research Information Service, Edunet (


<Material for lesson 5-1> Heas, shoulders, knees and toes song

<Material for lesson 5-2> Measuring Worksheet

Let's measure the length using body. Name ( Stage

Body Part

Measuring Objects



Black&White Board



Class room - With & Length



Desk - With & Length


Result both arms spans foot steps spans

*Glue this worksheet and paste on your notebook.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 5-3> Mini Test

Let's Check! 1G


) No(

) Name(


♣ Read the below question and answer it.

1. What is the word in


When you measure the length, we call as the criteria of the length.

2. Match the pictures and unit measurement. ■

■ Span

■ The width of index finger.

3. The length is measured by span. What is the longest one?(


① The length of a book : two ② The length of a de나 : 4 spans ③ The length of a window : 5 spans ④ The length of a TV : 7 spans 4. We measure the length between the entrance of the school to class. What is the appropriate unit measurement? ① the length of spreading out two arms. ② footstep ③ span ④ The width of index finger


Mathematics 6th-1st Grade

‘Place value’ Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The topic selected for the 6th lesson is 'Place value' which is on page 44 of the first graders' textbook in Ethiopia. The related math lesson in the Korean curriculum is 'three-digit numbers' which is suggested in the 1st chapter of the 1st semester for second graders of Elementary school. Students will learn natural numbers extended to 1000 based on the understanding of double- digit-numbers which they learned in the 'Numbers and operation' lesson. They will learn that the bundling of 10 pieces is a decade, 10 decades as being a hundred. By doing this, they will extend their range of numbers culminating in the learning of the affiliation of 3 digit numbers. Students will master the association of 3 digit numbers by expressing real objects as a number model by reading and writing 3 digit numbers. By making a bundle with 10 pieces, students understand the principle of place value of the decimal system, and they will do an activity to figure out the rules of charts using skipping counts such as 1 to 10 and 10 to 100. In this lesson, the first activity has the students counting the numbers of picture materials and expressing them as 3 digit numbers in order to know their place value. The second activity is checking 3 digit numbers and whether they fit in the place value or not. And the last activity is after checking the place values, making sure students understand the place value through the solving of various problems. By doing all these activities, students can understand 3 digit numbers and they can extend their knowledge of the addition and subtraction of these numbers. Also, they can develop the basic idea of 4 digit numbers.

The procedure of this lesson: Count how many objects are in the pictures (3 digit numbers)->Express 3 digit numbers through number models ->Check and understand 3 digit numbers' place value

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



6. Place value

Learning objectives

▪ Can read and write a three-digit number.


painting materials to count, number model, number model board, organizing table



▩Materials&not es Concept type

Teaching&Learning Activities ※ Teacher suggests picture materials to check the last lesson and make students to count how much each coin are. And ask the total money of these coins.

Motivation Introduct ion Learning objectives ex presentation

860 원

Inducing Curiosity

Let's read and write a three-digit number.

<Preview : We've already learned a hundred and a few hundreds.> <Activity1> Can count

Activity 1

 Count how many stones are in the picture : Let students count a picture of a few ▩ painting hundreds and a few decades stones by material themselves. (Badukdols, ① How many stones? number model) ② What ways did you use?  Count how many at the picture

Develop -ment


: Count numeral bars and see how many. ① How many bars? ② What ways did you use?

<Activity2> Read and write 3 digit-number

Activity 2

 Place number model Place number models in the board each<Activity 1 > Hundred




Classification ▩ number model, board



▩Materials&notes Concept type

Teaching&Learning Activities

▩ number model, numeral frame * Exchange ① Exchange piece models(binding 10) into decade models ② Exchange decade models(binding 10) into hundred models ③ Count how many Hundred



Answer : 257  Place value Activity 2

Develop -ment

: Confirm 3 digit-number's place value Ex) 275

▩ Place value table

hundred-digit 2

decade-digit 7

one-digit 5






Concept Learning

5 → 2 places hundred-digit and equal to 200. 7 places decade-digit and equal to 70. 5 places one-digit and equal to 5.  Practice : Solve various problems ▩Worksheet <Activity3> Game ▩ number ※ Play making a 3 digit-number game with partner model, numeral ① Decide turns by rock-paper-scissors. frame, worksheet Activity 3 ② The winner put number model in the numeral frame and the other read it. Formation of ③ The most wins takes the game number concepts

Arrangem Wrap up ent

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

Notebook memo recommended

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Writing Plan 6. Place value ※ Let's read and write a three-digit number. <Activity 1> Can count <Activity 2> Read and write 3 digit-number hundred-digit 2

decade-digit 7

one-digit 5







■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can read and write a three-digit number. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students can read and write a three-digit number very well.

Students can read and write a three-digit


Students can read and write a three-digit number.


Students can't read and write a three-digit number.


& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 1-1 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 1-1 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1 ▪ Korea Education & Research Information Service, Edunet (


<Material for lesson 6-1> Worksheet

Let's Check! 2nd Grade Class :

Name :

♣ Let's solve the problems. 1. Write the correct number in ☐.

(1) If 10 is 17, it is


(2) If 10 is 27, it is


2. Hyunjeong wants to put the coins in her wallet into the piggy-bank. In her wallet, there are 6 coins of 100 won and 7 coins of 10 won. How much does she put into the piggy-bank? Answer :


3. There are the number models. How many?

Answer :

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 6-2> Place model





Mathematics 7th-1st Grade

‘The addition of two numbers rounded up’ Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The topic selected for the 7th lesson is 'The addition of two numbers rounded up' which is on page 53 of the first graders' textbook in Ethiopia. The lesson related to this in the math curriculum of Korea is 'addition and subtraction' found in the 1st chapter of the 2nd semester for first graders of Elementary school. First, students will learn first digit addition where the sum is over 10. And then students will learn the subtraction of (double digit number) - (single digit number). In order to solve the equations, students will learn the addition of 3 digit numbers to develop the basic concept of addition by making the sum less than 10 by adding two of a possible three numbers. It is fundamental to add two single-digit numbers that have a sum over 10 by developing addition concepts of bigger numbers and applying them to those numbers. There are three activities for this lesson. First, an egg plate which can contain 10 eggs is used to make the sum over 10 by adding two single digit numbers. Students will understand the addition over 10 but below 18 by using two single digit numbers with real objects. The second activity is to exercise replacing the 10 pieces as a decade model by using number models and numeral frames. The last activity is practicing addition of the single digit numbers that have a sum that is over 10 through students and teachers asking and answering each other.

The procedure of this lesson: Checking the goal and putting eggs on egg plates-> Placing the number models on numeric frames and making a piece model into a decade model -> Using a vertical format -> Solving various addition expressions

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



7. The addition of two numbers rounded up

Learning objectives

▪ Can add two numbers rounded up


Painting materials, egg plate, number models, Notebook ▩Materials&notes Steps Contents Teaching&Learning Activities Concept type ※ Suggest addition problems formed of two first digit numbers Motivation without to more advance up so that students can remind last lesson. And then, motivate students by suggesting addition Le a r n i ng Inducing Introduction problems of two first digit numbers being to more advance up. objectives Curiosity presentati Let's add two numbers rounded up. on

<Activity1> Learn from life ※ Teacher present a situation and induce to solve it. Ex) We raise 3 hens. If hens give birth to eggs, my father took them to sell in the market. Today 2 hens produced 8 and 7 eggs each. How many eggs can my father sell in the market? ① Objectives : Which has to be figured out? : today's egg Activity 1 ② Planning : counting ways : each, binding ③ Doing : count eggs : confirm 15 eggs ④ Prepare egg plates can contain 10 eggs Developand think of addition expression ment

<Activity2> Calculate with number model <How to calculate 8+7> ※ Put 8 and 7 using number model ① Exchange 10 piece model into decade model Activity 2




▩ painting material (hen, egg) ▩ egg plate

number& operation

Exchange, divide ▩ number model

② Confirm the answer Answer : 15




▩Materials&notes Concept type

Teaching&Learning Activities

▩ writing

→ How to add 1

Activity 2





8 →

+7 5

+7 15

Develop -ment <Activity3> review ① Solve 3 problems. Activity 3 ② Create 3 problems and solve them. ③ Solve partners' 3 problems.

Arrange Wrap up ment

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

▩ notebook

Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 7. The addition of two numbers rounded up ※ Let's add two numbers rounded up. <Activity 1> Learn from life <Activity 2> Calculate with number model <Activity 3> review

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can add two numbers rounded up. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students can add two numbers rounded up.

Students can create two numbers rounded up addition problems and solve them well.


Students can add two numbers rounded up.


Students can't add two numbers rounded up.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 1-1 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 1-1 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1 ▪ Korea Education & Research Information Service, Edunet ( ▪ elementary school teachers' community- Indischool ((


<Material for lesson 7-1> Worksheet


Class :(


Must write to advance more up

Name :(


① + ⑤ + ⑨ + ⑬ + ⑰ +

5 9

7 5

6 5

3 8

8 8

② + ⑥ + ⑩ + ⑭ + ⑱ +

8 8

4 7

4 8

6 6

8 3

③ + ⑦ + ⑪ + ⑮ + ⑲ +

4 6

3 9

7 8

7 7

7 9

6 8

+ ⑧

6 7

+ ⑫

5 8

+ ⑯

9 9

+ ⑳

2 9


Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 7-2> Worksheet

â—ˆLearn how to add.


Mathematics 8th-1st Grade

‘Creating Expressions of additive sum below 9’ Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The topic selected for the 8th lesson is 'Creating Expressions of an additive sum below 9' with the two or three numbers. This topic is found on the page 62 of the first graders' textbook in Ethiopia. This is fundamental learning for students to develop the flexibility of addition in the area of 'numbers and operation.' The related math curriculum in Korea is 'addition and subtraction' in the 6th chapter of the 2nd semester for first graders of Elementary school. For this lesson, a student is to add the first two numbers or the last two numbers out of a set of three numbers and make the sum 10. And then, the student adds the first number and last number of a set of three numbers to make a sum of 10. Then the student adds the first two numbers of a set of three and then adds the last remaining number. There are three activities in this lesson which are completing addition expressions, creating addition expressions using given numbers, and a game. Using three number cards of the teacher’s choosing the student must make the addition expressions. To complete them, teacher will give students the basic frame for addition and let them practice to make more addition expressions. For creating addition expressions, the teacher will pick a number from nine number cards then ask the students to make various addition expressions using two numbers that can be added together to reach that number. You can find more cases with three numbers as well. Then, the teacher will play a game that has the students create various addition expressions. Let the students play with their partners. Following the procedures for the game, students will practice making addition expressions. You can play this game with groups in the same way. Groups will take turns and say the addition expressions that their group members made together.

The procedure of this lesson: Create an addition expression using given three numbers -> Pick up the number cards and create various addition equations of which the answer is the number on cards->Create an addition expression and play a game (Group -> pair)

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



8. Creating Expressions of additive sum below 9

Video Clip 5

Learning objectives

▪ Can Create Expressions of additive sum below 9


Addition expression model, number card, record board



Teaching&Learning Activities

▩Materials&notes Concept type

※ Pick up one card out of the number cards with 1 to 9 and Numbers and figure out how to divide these numbers. operation ex) number 8 -> (1,7), (2,6), (3,5), (4,4), (0,8) Introducti Learning (Reuse the dividing and gathering board) on objectives Inducing presentation Curiosity Let's make various addition expressions Motivation

<Activity1> Complete addition expressions

Activity 1


Activity 2


▩ number card,

※ Solve an addition expression using given 3 numbers. addition ① Complete an addition expression using suggested 3 expression model numbers. Ex) 1, 6, 7 ⇒ ○ + □ = △ ▩ basic frame of addition(○ + □ = ② Let students tell suit for each figure(○,□,△). △) - help students to make addition ③ Practice making addition expressions and solve more expression easily. problems. Ex) 3,6,9 ⇒ ○ + □ = △ number and 2,2,5,9 ⇒ ○ + □ + △ = ☆ ... operation

<Activity2> Create addition expression using given numbers ▩ number card ※ Creating addition expressions using given numbers ① Choose a number among 1~9 ② Make various addition expressions(chosen number is answer) using 2 numbers Ex) ❽ : Sum of two numbers - 1+7 / 2+6 / 3+5 / 4+4 Principle ③ Think of addition expression using 3 numbers. understanding Ex) ❽ : Sum of three numbers - 1+1+6 / 1+2+5 / 2+2+4 ... ▩ writing plan ④ Practice the activity and confirm the process.



Teaching&Learning Activities

▩Materials&notes Concept type

▩ number card, <Activity 3> Play game  Group game 1 Round ① Teacher choose a number among 1~9 group record ② Groups make various addition expressions within the given time. board ③ Groups say an addition expression in turns. ④ If the group can't say, they will leave out(tossing) ⑤ The last survived group get points. (Give scores in various ways : the last group 3, semi final 2, remainders 1 is ok.) Develop Activity -ment 3

2~4 Round Understanding ※ Play games same as above and most scoring group is the winner. how to play  Pair play ① Make addition expressions using number card with partner. ② Choose number card → Make addition expression → Say expression in turns → the winner takes point → Repeat 5~6 times game winner

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th total winner ▩ number card,

partner I

Pair record board

Arrange Wrap up -ment

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 2. addition & subtraction ※ Let's make various addition expressions <Activity 1> Complete addition expressions <Activity 2> Create addition expression using given numbers <Activity 3> Play game

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can create expressions of additive sum below 9. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students can create expressions of additive sum below 9 well.

Students can create Intermediate Students can create expressions of additive sum below 9.

expressions of additive sum below 9.


Students can't create expressions of additive sum below 9.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 1-2 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 1-2 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1


<Material for lesson 8-1> Basic frame of addition

<Material for lesson 8-2> Record board

Record Board Name( Game






) 6th


Partner Winner I

*Glue this worksheet and paste on your notebook.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 8-3> Number cards


Mathematics 9th-1st Grade

‘The subtraction of two numbers take down’ Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The topic selected for the 9th lesson is ‘The subtraction of two numbers with toput off’ with the two or three numbers which are on page 70 of the first graders' textbook in Ethiopia. The related math lesson in the curriculum in Korea is 'addition and subtraction' in the 6th chapter of the 2nd semester for first graders of Elementary school. In this lesson, the student will add two first digit numbers that have a sum which is over 10 and the subtraction of (double digit number)- (single digit number). To do these, first, the student will learn addition of two numbers out of three that makes a sum of 10. And then, the student will add the numbers on the left to make a sum of over 10. The subtraction of (double digit number) - (single digit number) is fundamental for subtraction of large numbers, and it is applied for rounding down a large number. In succession, you will learn the addition and subtraction of three numbers in a row. There are three activities to subtract of (double digit number)-(one digit number) which has a sum that is below 18. The first activity starts with a story that has problems that requires the use of subtraction to round down. In the second activity, by using number models and numeral frames, students practice lending 10 to the first digit place of a minuend. At last, students create problems and answer subtraction forms of (double digit number) - (single digit number) with their pair in order to get more practice.

The procedure of this lesson: Check the problem, feel that it needs to be solved and solve it (suggesting picture material)-> Put number models into numeral frames for subtraction and turn a decade model to a piece model-> Use vertical form-> Various subtraction expressions

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



9. The subtraction of two numbers take down

Learning objectives

▪ Can subtract two numbers take down.


Painting material, number model, notebook




Teaching&Learning Activities


※ Suggest subtraction of two numbers without rounding down and solve the subtraction. Next, Ask students ho to solve the subtraction of (double digit numbers)-(one digit number) with rounding down.

Learning objectives presentation

Activity 1


▩Materials&notes Concept type

Inducing Curiosity

Let's subtract two numbers take down. <Activity1> Learn from life ※ Teacher present a situation to induce students to solve a problem. ▩ Picture Ex) I picked up a bundle of bananas(15 bananas) On my (banana) way home, I gave 9 bananas to my friends, How many bananas I have? Objectives : Which has to be figured out? : number of bananas ② Think of ways to subtract : each number and operation ③ Count bananas : confirm 9

<Activity2> Calculate with number model ※ How to calculate 15-9  ① Put 15 using number model decade model

piece model


Activity 2 ② Exchange decade model into piece mode to subtractl decade model


piece model

▩ number model, numeral frame



▩Materials&notes Concept type

Teaching&Learning Activities ③ Remove 9 15-9



④ Confirm 15-9 Confirm the answer 6

Activity 2

 How to subtract ▩ Writing 10

15 - 9


15 →

- 9

15 →

- 9




Develop -ment  Solve more subtraction problems to operate with number models.

<Activity3> review 1. Solve 3 problems. Activity 3



▩ notebook

Ex) 17-9, 15-8, 11-4 2. Create 3 problems and solve them. Ex) 12-5, 18-9, 13-6 3. Solve partners' 3 problems.

Arrange Wrap up ment

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

Notebook memo recommended

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Writing Plan 9. The subtraction of two numbers take down ※ Let's subtract two numbers take down. <Activity 1> Learn from life <Activity 2> Calculate with number model <Activity 3> review

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can subtract two numbers take down. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

The Evaluation Criteria Students can create two numbers take down subtraction problems and

High Students can subtract two Intermediate numbers take down. Low

solve them well. Students can subtract two numbers take down. Students can't subtract two numbers take down.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 1-2 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 1-2 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1 ▪ elementary school teachers' community- Indischool ((


<Material for lesson 9-1> Worksheet

◈Learn how to subtract 1G Class(

) No( ) Name(

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



<Material for lesson 9-2> Worksheet

Exercise subtraction 1G Class(

) No( ) Name(

12 - 6 =

13 - 5 =

18 - 9 =

15 - 7 =

12 - 8 =

11 - 9 =

18 - 9 =

14 - 6 =

14 - 8 =

11 - 3 =

15 - 9 =

12 - 4 =

16 - 7 =

11 - 5 =

11 - 7 =

13 - 9 =

16 - 8 =

12 - 6 =

14 - 8 =

11 - 9 =

11 - 3 =

12 - 4 =

13 - 7 =

13 - 5 =

11 - 7 =

17 - 9 =

12 - 8 =

15 - 9 =

11 - 5 =

14 - 6 =

13 - 7 =

15 - 7 =

16 - 7 =

17 - 9 =

16 - 8 =

13 - 9 =



Mathematics 10th-1st Grade

‘Create various subtraction expression using given numbers’ Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The topic selected for the 10th lesson is ‘Create various subtraction expressions using given numbers’ which is on page 70 of the first graders' textbook in Ethiopia. This is fundamental learning for students to develop the flexibility of addition in the area of 'numbers and operation.' The related math lesson in the curriculum in Korea is 'addition and subtraction' in the 6th chapter of the 2nd semester for first graders of Elementary school. For this lesson, you add two single digit numbers that have a sum over 10 and the subtraction of (double digit number) - (one digit number). Also, you will do addition of three numbers in a row. You add the first two numbers of a set of three and then you add the last remaining number. Lastly, you will learn the addition and subtraction of a successive three numbers. There are three activities in this lesson to ‘create various (two or three) subtraction expressions using given numbers’. The first activity is creating a subtraction equation with three given numbers using the subtract frame. The second activity is creating various subtraction equations and then the answer of the equation should be the number on the card that you picked out of 10 cards. The cards consist of the numbers 1-9. Through this activity you can practice the principle of subtraction. At last, you can create various subtraction equations quickly and with high accuracy by playing the creating subtraction equations game.

The procedure of this lesson: Create a subtraction equation using three numbers (Using a subtraction frame)->Create various subtraction equations that have an answer that is the number card you picked. -> Play creating subtraction game(groups->pair)

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



10. Create various subtraction expression

Learning objectives

▪ Can create various subtraction expression using given numbers


subtraction expression model, card numbers, record board




▩Materials&notes Concept type

※ Sing a number song and prepare the lesson. Give three numbers and make students think the connection of Motivation the three numbers. Ask students to speak the connection of it Inducing and induce to creat various subtraction expression which is the L e a r n i n g goal of this lesson. Curiosity o b je c t i v e s presentation Let's create various subtraction expression

Activity 1


Activity 2


Teaching&Learning Activities

<Activity1> Complete expression ※ Make a subtraction expression using 3 numbers. ① Present basic frame of subtraction.(□-○=△) ② Teacher present certain 3 numbers, students complete the expression. Ex) 8,3,5 ⇒ □ - ○ = △ ③ Let students say numbers suit for the ○,□,△ each. ○=3 or 5 ,□=8, △=5 or 3 ④ Learn ways of making expressions and solve several problems together. Ex) 9,7,2 ⇒ □ - ○ = △ 8,4,3,1 ⇒ □ - ○ - △ = ☆ ...

▩ expression model (□-○=△) (□-○-△=☆)

number and operation

<Activity2> Create expressions using given answer ▩ number ※ Create various expressions ① Think of various expressions choosing numbers among 1 to 9. understanding Ex) the answer is ❷ principles - between 2 numbers : 9-7 / 7-5 / 5-3 / 3-1 / ... - among 3 numbers : 9-5-2 / 8-5-1 / 7-3-2 / ... ▩ writing plan ② Learn the ways and confirm the processes.



▩Materials&notes Concept type

Teaching&Learning Activities

<Activity3> Game  Group competitive game 1 Round ① Teacher choose a number among 1 to 9.

▩ number card,


record points board

② Group members make various subtraction expression within a limited time. Ex) 6-1=5, 7-2=5, 8-3=5, 9-4=5 ③ Say an expression in turns. ④ If you can's say a word, your team fails. ⑤ The only group survived takes points. Develop Activity 3 understanding (Various ways of pointing : the last group 3, secondary 2, -ment ways of game thirdly 1) 2 ~ 4 Round ★ The most pointed group is the winner  Pair work ★ Make an expression game with your partner in the same ways above. : Choose card → Make expression → Say in turns → The winner takes points → repeat 5~6 times game partner winner I







▩ number card

total winner record points board

☆ Besides this game, you can change it by redefine winners.

Arrange Wrap up ment

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

Notebook memo recommended

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Writing Plan 10. Create various subtraction expression ※ Let's create various subtraction expression <Activity 1> Complete expression <Activity 2> Create expressions using given answer <Activity 3> Game

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can create various subtraction expression using 1~9. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement

The Evaluation Criteria

Criteria Students can


create various subtraction

Students can create various subtraction expression using 1~9 and solve it well.

Intermediate Students can create various subtraction expression using 1~9.

expression using 1~9.


Students can't create various subtraction expression using 1~9.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 1-2 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 1-2 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1


<Material for lesson 10-1> Basic frame of subtraction.

<Material for lesson 10-2> Record board

Record Board Name( Game






) 6th


Partner Winner I

*Glue this worksheet and paste on your notebook.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 10-3> Number cards


Mathematics 11th-1st Grade

‘The introduction of multiplication’ Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The topic selected for the 11th lesson is ‘The introduction to multiplication’ which is found on page 76 of the first graders' textbook in Ethiopia. When encountering objects in bundles, you can count them easily using multiplication through bundle counting. The essence of interest rates, the ratio of successful applicants, and velocity are concepts of proportioning. The basics of proportioning is multiplication of natural numbers. The related lesson in the math curriculum in Korea is 'multiplication' in chapter 8 of the 2nd semester for Elementary school first graders. There are three models in order to begin and to understand this lesson: adding the same number model, arranging in a rectangle model , and combination model. For example, in the adding the same number model, ‘3X4' means 3+3+3+3. For the rectangle model, objects are arranged in a rectangle. For the combination model, it's the total number of ways to wear clothes when there are three tops and four pants. There is a difference in numbers between addition and multiplication. For addition, numbers are discrete quantities like a cardinal number. But, for multiplication, times or multiples cannot be expressed as cardinal numbers. For instance, 3 times of 2 apples are 6 and 3 times of 4 apples are 12. In this situation, '3 times' is not absolute 'times' as changeable following its norm (standard). There are four activities in this lesson, which are bundle counting, learning a few multiplication expressions, learning multiplication, and practicing. For bundle counting, guide students well to understand the concepts of bundles and counting ways using some painting materials. Then give students more examples and let them solve the problems. For learning a few multiplication expressions, guide students to understand the exact relationship between addition and multiples through bundle counting. Using painting materials, let the students tie 5 bundles and write down addition expressions, then arrange the concepts as multiples. Give one more example to help students understand. For learning multiplication, use a picture and let the students group into bundles. Then arrange the result together. Give more examples to practice multiplication. For confirming the concept of multiples, let the students make some multiplication problems. Students will draw some pictures, group them, and solve the problem.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


The procedure of this lesson: Bundle counting-> Learning a few multiplication expressions-> Learning multiplication -> Practicing. Topics

11. The introduction of multiplication

Learning objectives

Video Clip 6

▪ Can multiply


Figure(bundle, multiple related), organize materials, Math Notebook ▩Materials&notes Steps Contents Teaching&Learning Activities Concept type ※ Suggest pictures and figure out how many bananas are Motivation in the box. Induce students recognize the need of bundle ▩ Pictures counting. Introduction Learning Inducing objectives Curiosity Let's learn multiplication. presentation <Activity1> Bundle counting ※ Look painting materials and count bundles Ex) ① Ask how many pizzas tied : 3 ② Count bundles : 3 bundles Activity 1


bundles of :

bundles of :

Develop-m ent


③ Count : bundles of ④ More examples Ex)

▩ Bundle painting materials

▩ Guide students well to understand the concept of bundles and counting ways

bundles of

<Activity2> Learn a few times ※ Count objects using bundles. Ex) ▩painting materials,

Activity 2

① Have four tie. : bundles of 4 ② Write down addition expression. : 4+ + ③ Arrange.




5 bundles of 4 is 4+4+4+4+4=20. 4 times 5 makes 20.


Cleanup material (Table) Analogy



Teaching&Learning Activities

④ More examples

Activity 2 → Tie several bundles :

bundles of 8

→ Write down an addition expression. : 8 + → Count how many chinese cabbages are. : 16


▩Materials&notes Concept type ▩ painting materials Application ▩ Guide to understand exact relationship between addition and multiples through bundle counting.

<Activity3> Learn multiplication ※ Learn multiplication through pictures Ex1) Learn multiplication through bundle of tomatoes.

① Bundle of 5 ② How many times of tomatoes compared to 5 ③ Arrange

Develop -ment

▩ Painting material


5 times 3 express 5×3. 5×3 read 5 times 3. Activity 3 Ex2) Learn multiplication through bundle of bread.

▩ painting material

Application ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

Bundle of 5 : 4 bundles How many groups of 5 are there? : 4 Write it into multiplication expression : 5×4=20 How many bread all together: 20 Arrange

5 times 4 make 20. We write 5×4=20 and read 5 times 4 equal to 20 or 5 times 4 make 20

Activity 4

Arrange Wrap up -ment

▩ Cleanup material

<Activity4> Review Solve various multiplication problem.

▩ notebook

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

Notebook memo recommended

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Writing Plan 8. Multiplication ※ Let's learn multiplication. <Activity 1> Bundle counting <Activity 2> Learn a few times <Activity 3> Learn multiplication <Activity 4> Review

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can write multiplication expression and solve it. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students can write multiplication expression and solve




Students can write multiplication expression and solve them well. Students can write multiplication expression and solve them. Students have difficulty understanding multiplication.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 1-2 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 1-2 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1 ▪ Busan education supporting center. ( ▪ Korea Education & Research Information Service, Edunet (


<Material for lesson 11-1> Worksheet for multiplication practice

1. Multiplication for 2 ① 1 bundle of 2

② 1 of 2

③ 2 ④ 2 × 1 = 2 ①

③ 2+2=2 ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


1. Multiplication for 3 ① 1 bundle of 3

② 1 of 3

③ 3 ④ 3 × 1 = 3 ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ① ③ ④


1. Multiplication for 4 ① 1 bundle of 4

② 1 of 4

③ 4 ④ 4 × 1 = 4 ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


1. Multiplication for 5 ① 1 bundle of 5

② 1 of 5

③ 5 ④ 5 × 1 = 5 ①

③ 5+5=10 ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ① ③ ④


1. Multiplication for 6 ① 1 bundle of 6

② 1 of 6

③ 6 ④ 6 × 1 = 6 ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


1. Multiplication for 7 ① 1 bundle of 7

② 1 of 7

③ 7 ④ 7 × 1 = 7 ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ① ③ ④


1. Multiplication for 8 ① 1 bundle of 8

② 1 of 8

③ 8 ④ 8 × 1 = 8 ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


1. Multiplication for 9 ① 1 bundle of 9

② 1 of 9

③ 9 ④ 9 × 1 = 9 ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ①

③ ④ ① ③ ④


<Material for lesson 11-2> Worksheet for multiplication basic test

Be the king of multiplication

2nd grade class(

) number(

) name(


※Look at the picture and answer it. ☆

1. bundle the stars for two packs 2. Fill in the blank 2-(






3. Express the addition of the number of stars.

4. Express the number of stars with multiplication.

※Look at the picture and answer it.

1. Make 6 bundles of lollipops. 2. Express the number of lollipops with addition.

3. Express the number of lollipops with multiplication.

※ Read the question and answer it.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Sungwoo invited his friends to his birthday party. His mother prepared 8 boxes of beverages. There are 6 bottles in each boxes. His friends drank the beverages. 1. Express how many beverages are which Sungwoo's mother prepared with multiplication

2. How many beverages his friends drank?

3. How many box of beverages left?

4. How many beverages left?


Mathematics 12th-1st Grade

‘Multiplication Mastery’ Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The topic selected for the 12th lesson is 'Multiplication Mastery' which is in page 82 of the first graders' textbook in Ethiopia. It is convenient to memorize multiplication results of two single digit numbers because it is used for most mathematical and real life situations. It is also useful to use multiplication facts for solving various problems in real life. The related national mathematics lesson in the curriculum for elementary schools in Korea is multiplication facts found on chapter 1 in the second semester of the second grade. This lesson is about multiplication facts in the section of 'numbers and operations'. Students already know bundle counting, adding of the same number, and the concept of 'times' as learned in the previous lesson. Therefore, students can easily get accustomed to doing multiplication of (one digit number)X(one digit number) by memorizing multiplication facts in this lesson which teach the principle of single digit numbers (1 to 9) and multiplication facts. Students also understand the multiplication of 0 and other numbers, how to solve various problems using multiplication facts and learn various rules from the multiplication table. There are three activities in this lesson. The first activity is practicing multiplication facts through the 100 blanks worksheet which evaluates speed and accuracy. The second activity is the multiplication land snatch game that has the students ask and answer multiplication equations with class mates by using multiplication cards and a number board which contains numbers 1~81. At last, students draw the pictures of multiplication 6 to multiplication 9 using the last digit of the answer. In this way, by doing various activities based on multiplication, students can internalize multiplication facts.

The procedure of this lesson: Multiply numbers in 100 blank worksheet -> Play multiplication land snatch game -> Draw a multiplication picture

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Topics Learning objectives Materials Steps


12. Multiplication Mastery ▪ Can master and utilize multiplication multiplication song(flash), 100 blanks worksheet, stopwatch, answer sheet, multiplication card, number board, pictorial worksheet, ruler, colored pen ▩Materials&notes Teaching&Learning Activities Concept type

Motivation ※ Sing the multiplication facts song from times 2 to times 9. Introducti L e a r n i n g on objectives presentatio n

Inducing Curiosity

Let's master and utilize multiplication.

<Activity1> Master multiplication ※ Practice to calculate faster. ① Sing a multiplication song : Sing according to the traditional rhythm. ② Prepare a small booklet work sheet. ③ Measure calculating time to solve multiplication correctly. Ex) 100 blanks worksheet ×

Activity 1











8 2

▩ multiplication song ▩100 blanks worksheet, stopwatch, answer sheet

1 5

number and operation

9 0 3 7






④ Confirm the answers

<Activity2> Multiplication land snatch game ① Prepare a board which is written multiplication and answers understanding from 2~9 multiplication, board written numbers 1~81. ways Activity 2


1 10 19 28 37 46 55 64 73

2 11 20 29 38 47 56 65 74

3 12 21 30 39 48 57 66 75

4 13 22 31 40 49 58 67 76

5 14 23 32 41 50 59 68 77

6 15 24 33 42 51 60 69 78

7 16 25 34 43 52 61 70 79

8 17 26 35 44 53 62 71 80

9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81

▩ 2~9 multiplication card, number board(1~81)



Activity 2

Teaching&Learning Activities

▩Materials&notes Concept type

② Choose a multiplication card and say an answer. ③ If the answer is correct, color the land with colored pen you want. ④ The winner is who takes most lands within a time limit. <Activity3> Multiplication drawing ※ Draw a picture using the end place of multiplication answer. ① Prepare worksheet contains 2~9 multiplication

Develop -ment Activity 3

② Solve it. ③ Connect the end place of answers together. ④ Confirm the shapes. ⑤ Solve and draw another multiplication.

▩ Worksheet, colored pen, ruler Analogy

⑥ Find characteristics of them..

☆ There are more activities, say multiplication answer game and multiplication concave play. Arrange Wrap up -ment

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 12. Multiplication Mastery ※ Let's master and utilize multiplication. <Activity 1> Master multiplication <Activity 2> Multiplication land snatch game <Activity 3> Multiplication drawing

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can master and utilize multiplication. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students can master and utilize


multiplication. Low

Students can master, utilize multiplication correctly and join the games well. Students make an effort to master, utilize multiplication correctly and join the games well. Students can't master, utilize multiplication correctly and join the games.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 2-2 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 2-2 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1 ▪ elementary school teachers' community- Indischool ((


<Material for lesson 12-1> Worksheet

100 Blanks worksheet ×






















1 st

2 1 5




0 3

Time '

7 4 6 × 0

2 nd

5 1 7




4 9

Time '

3 6 8

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 12-2> Multiplication table & answer cards (Print and fold in half then, the answer will be right behind the question)

2×1 2×2 2×3 2×4 2×5 2×6 2×7 2×8 2×9 3×1 3×2 3×3 3×4 3×5 3×6 3×7 3×8 3×9 4×1 4×2 4×3 4×4 4×5 4×6

8 6 4 2 16 14 12 10 9 6 3 18 21 18 15 12 8 4 27 24 24 20 16 12 4×7 4×8 4×9 5×1 5 36 5×2 5×3 5×4 5×5 25 20 5×6 5×7 5×8 5×9 45 40 6×1 6×2 6×3 6×4 24 18 6×5 6×6 6×7 6×8 48 42 6×9 7×1 7×2 7×3 21 14 94

32 15 35 12 36 7

28 10 30 6 30 54

7×4 7×5 7×6 7×7 7×8 7×9 8×1 8×2 8×3 8×4 8×5 8×6 8×7 8×8 8×9 9×1 9×2 9×3 9×4 9×5 9×6 9×7 9×8 9×9

49 16 48 9 45 81

42 8 40 72 36 72

35 63 32 64 27 63

28 56 24 56 18 54

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 12-3>

Multiplication land snatch game 1G Class(

1 10 19 28 37 46 55 64 73


2 11 20 29 38 47 56 65 74

3 12 21 30 39 48 57 66 75

4 13 22 31 40 49 58 67 76

5 14 23 32 41 50 59 68 77

6 15 24 33 42 51 60 69 78



7 16 25 34 43 52 61 70 79

) Name(

8 17 26 35 44 53 62 71 80


9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81

<Material for lesson 12-4> Drawing the multiplication table worksheet

Let's draw the multiplication table Name : _______

6×1= 6 6×2= 6×3=


6×4= 6×5= 6×6= 6×7= 6×8= 6×9=

7×1= 7×2= 7×3=


7×4= 7×5= 7×6= 7×7= 7×8= 7×9=

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 12-5> Drawing the multiplication table worksheet2

8×1= 8×2= 8×3=


8×4= 8×5= 8×6= 8×7= 8×8= 8×9=

9×1= 9×2= 9×3= 9×4=


9×5= 9×6= 9×7= 9×8= 9×9=


Mathematics 13th-1st Grade

‘The basis of division’ Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The topic selected for the 13th lesson is ‘the basis of division’ which is on page 84 of the first graders' textbook in Ethiopia. The starting point of division is based on the understanding of subtraction of the same number and equal division so that it can be used for division of fractions, decimals, and integer numbers. The related lesson in the national mathematics curriculum for elementary schools in Korea is 'division' suggested on chapter 4 in the first semester of second grade. In the process of learning division, students will learn the right concept of same number division and equal division so that they are able to recognize the quotient of a division equation and whether it used same number division or equal division. To get the quotient of the division equation, you should learn the relationship between multiplication and division first and then you can discover how to get the quotient of the division equation. Furthermore, we commit to using the vertical format later in large number division and to have activities to find the quotient of division by using multiplication in daily life. There are three activities in this lesson and you can use real objects (symbolic but real objects) and cards for this lesson. In the first activity, you pack the objects equal amount of numbers and take them out. In the second activity, you divide given objects equally. At last, you can play a card game by using division that was learned from this lesson.

The procedure of this lesson: Bind and remove equally-> Divide equally-> Card game

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



13. The basis of division

Learning objectives

▪ Can divide equally.


specific object, Anti-specific object, painting materials, division play card set




Teaching&Learning Activities

▩Materials&notes Concept type

※ Suggest the problems that you can see in daily life and induce students to solve the problems. Motivation ex) Subi and his friends planned to go senior citizen center ▩ story together. Youngju prepared the present of 6 apples to give L e a r n i n g them to elders. She packed 2 apples for each of bags. How Inducing o b je c t i v es many bags are needed? Curiosity presentation

Let's divide equally. <Activity1> Bind and remove equally ※ Prepare specific objects and divide equally. ▩ Specific Ex) I prepared 6 apples. If I put 2 apples per paperbags, how object(apple) many paperbags need? ① Divide 6 apples of 2. ▩ Semi-specific object(stone) ② Bind and remove 2 stones each. Activity 1 Development

③ Make an subtraction expression. : Make a subtracion expression(6-2) and make it zero. ⇒ 6-2-2-2=0 ④ Confirm the number of paperbags 3 paperbags ⑤ Promise division expression.

Concepts learned

6 minus 3 times of 2 is 0. We write it 6÷2=3, We read ‘6 divide 2 is equal to 3.’

▩ Cleanup material

We call it division expression. 3 is

Activity 2


called a quotient of 6 divide 2.

<Activity2> Divide equally ▩ painting ※ Divide things in life equally. material(bread) Ex1) ○○○ wants to divide 8 pieces of bread with his/her friend equally. How many pieces of bread can eat per person? Generalization



Teaching&Learning Activities

▩Materials&notes Concept type

▩ painting material(bread) ① Understand a problem and put them on the plate. : Divide breads equally on two plates.


② Write an expression. : 8÷2=4 ※ Solve another problems. Ex2) Present a picture and figure out various ways of solving division.

Develo p - m e Activity 2 nt

▩ Painting materials

① Say various ways of dividing 12. ② Find out various cases of dividing and confirm them. 12÷2

Problem-solving strategy, finding cases





③ Confirm the cases and write an expression. : 12÷2=6, 12÷3=4, 12÷4=3, 12÷6=2, 12÷12=1

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |




Teaching&Learning Activities

▩Materials&notes Concept type

<Activity3> Card game ★ Matching cards of division expressions and pictures. ◆ How to play◆ 1. Prepare 40 flash cards(20 division expression & picture each) 2. Take 5 division expression cards per person 3. Expand Chapter 5 picture cards upside down and

Develop Activity 3 -ment

▩ picture card

drop the rest. 4.Back right after the order prescribed by rock, paper, scissors

playing strategy

5. If the expression is a division fits the picture of a picture card, taking one sheet of flip. 6. If there are no pairs of picture cards division expression, the next person do the action. 7. The winner is who matches all of the 5 cards.

Arrange Wrap up -ment

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

■ Writing Plan 4. Division ※ Let's divide equally. <Activity 1> Bind and remove equally <Activity 2> Divide equally <Activity 3> Card game


Notebook memo recommended

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can divide equally. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement

The Evaluation Criteria

Criteria High Students can divide equally.

Students can divide equally and understand concept of division.

Intermediate Students can divide equally. Low

Students can't divide equally.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 3-1 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 3-1 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1 ▪ Busan education supporting center. ( ▪ Korea Education & Research Information Service, Edunet (

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 13-1> division card 1


<Material for lesson 13-2> division card 2

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 13-3> division card 3


Mathematics 14th-1st Grade

‘Basis of division’ Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The topic selected for the 14th lesson is 'Basis of division' which is on page 88 of the first graders' textbook in Ethiopia. The purpose of this lesson is understanding the principles and methods of (double digit number)÷ (single digit number) calculation and formalization of it which help students calculate it efficiently. The related national mathematics lesson in the curriculum for elementary schools in korea is 'division' suggested on chapter 6 in the second semester of third grade. In this chapter, you will find the quotient of (double digit number)÷ (one digit number) without rounding down, and find the quotient of it by rounding down based on same number division and equal division which you learned in the first semester of 3rd grade. To get the quotient above, you can understand division with remainders and how to check the division equation. In this lesson, you will study about the quotient and remainders of division. There are three activities which are (A few tens of)÷(a few), (A few tens of)÷(a few) of the algorithm to know, and playing a bingo game. To calculate (A few tens of)÷(a few), give an example and share ideas about how to solve it. You can use a numeral model and coin model in this process, so let the students choose one way and divide equally, then check the result. To know the algorithm of (A few tens of)÷(a few), divide and find the quotient and remainder of 48÷3 by writing the calculation. Write the quotient, multiply, subtract, do top down, and confirm the remainder. To practice division, play a bingo game. Using 9 division cards, students will solve the problem and write the answer on the bingo board, then select a card and students will tell the answer. Complete 'L' from learning and decide the winner.

The procedure of this lesson: (A few tens of) ÷ (a few) -> (A few tens of) ÷ (a few) of the algorithm to know -> Play bingo game

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



14. Basis of division

Learning objectives

▪ You can find the quotient and remainder of a division. semi-specific object(numeral model, branches, coin model), bingo board, division problem, notebook ▩Materials&notes Teaching&Learning Activities Concept type

Materials Steps


Video Clip 7


※ Suggest division without remainders and ask students how to get quotient using what operation and induce the answer. Motivation ex) There are 48 apples which need to divide into 3 boxes ▩Story telling so that one is for uncle's house, another is for aunt's house L e a r n i n g and the other is for my home. How many apples can be in a o b j e c t i v e s box? Inducing presentation Curiosity Let's learn the quotient and remainder of a division. <Activity1> (A few tens of) ÷ (a few) ※ Calculate complex division(quotient and reminder) through dividing equally and understanding principles of division. Ex) How do you solve 48÷3? ① Share ideas with friends on solving the problem : We can think of using numeral model and coin model to ▩ numeral model, divide equally. ② Choose the way and do it : Choose the way and divide equally. coin model way ① : numeral model

DevelopActivity 1 ment

Various way of problem solving ▩ Grow division senses by dividing equally and put them together

way ② : coin model 10 10 10 10 10 1










1 1




10 1

③ Confirm and compare the result.




1 1




1 1





Teaching&Learning Activities

▩Materials&notes Concept type

<Activity2> (A few tens of) ÷ (a few) of the algorithm to know ※ Take a look at how to calculate the division by writing calculation and understand the algorithm. ▩ notebook Ex) Divide and find quotient and remainder of 48÷3 by writing calculation. ① Write quotient. ② Multiply. ③ Subtract. ④ Top down. ⑤ Confirm remainder. Activity 2

Develop -ment

1 3) 4 (1×3=3) 3

6 8 0

【Write quotient】



【Subtract】 【Top down】





understand the algorithm

【Multiply】 ▩Understand the algorithm and divide for yourself.

【Confirm remainder】

<Activity3> Play bingo game ※ Play bingo game using division cards ① ② Activity 3 the ③ ④


Arrange Wrap up -ment

▩ bing board, Prepare 9 division cards per each person. Solve the problem and write the division card and answers on division card bingo board. Teacher selects division card and students tell the answer. Complete ‘L' or 'T' bingo and decide the winner. calculation T:

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

Notebook memo recommended

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Writing Plan 4. Division ※ Let's learn the quotient and remainder of a division problem. <Activity 1> (A few tens of) ÷ (a few) <Activity 2> (A few tens of) ÷ (a few) of the algorithm to know <Activity 3> Play bingo game

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can find the quotient and remainder of a division problem. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement

The Evaluation Criteria

Criteria Students can find quotient and remainder of a division.


Students can find the quotient and remainder of a division problem well.

Intermediate Students can find the quotient and remainder of a division problem. Low

Students can't find the quotient and remainder of a division problem.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 1-2 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 1-2 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1 ▪ Busan education supporting center. ( ▪ elementary school teachers' community- Indischool ((


<Material for lesson 14-1> Division card and picture 1

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 14-2> Division card and picture 2


<Material for lesson 14-2> Division card

18÷6 12÷3 20÷5 24÷4 10÷5 30÷6 18÷9 24÷8 14÷7 12÷4 15÷5 14÷2

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 14-3> Bingo board


Mathematics 15th-1st Grade

‘Monetary Learning’ Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The topic selected of this 15th lesson is 'The way to exchange values using Ethiopia money' which is on the page 109 of the first graders' textbook in Ethiopia. The money we encounter in daily life is various from large unit to small unit. However, It is rare to use money as a materials for school. Therefore, It is expected for students to have opportunity to think about value and unit of money in this lesson through various activities. There is no published monetary learning in korea's national mathematics curriculum for elementary schools. However, students can exchange the values by using korean money through playing 'market game' in the integrated course for 1st graders. Based on these activities, I, teacher suggest use Ethiopia's money in real word throughout 'market game' after checking the unit and value of Ethiopia's money. There are three activities in this lesson. Firstly, students learn Ethiopia's currency. Secondly, students get models of Ethiopians money so that they can express the value of money on figures. Thirdly, students make examples of situation that money is needed and create money problem and solve them made by themselves using the basic operation. Llastly, students play 'market game' to practice real selling and buying the object.

The procedure of this lesson: Express the value of money -> How much is it? : Counting the money -> Learn in real life -> Market Play

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



15. Learn the value of currency

Learning objectives

▪ Can understand the value of money through market play.


Model money, goods, grocery list, notebook



▩Materials&notes Concept type

Teaching&Learning Activities

※ Ask students how much money they have now and make them express with number. Thus, teacher takes his/her money out and ▩ (model)money count them together and express them with number so that L e a r n i n g students can guess it as a lesson topic(monetary value). Inducing o b j e ct iv e s Curiosity presentation Let's learn the value of money through market play. Motivation


<Activity 1> Express the value of money ※ Look at the various currencies used in everyday life and represent them by a number. Ex) Change the value of each currency into number.

=100 Birr

=50 Birr

=10 Birr

=5 Birr

Activity 1

=1 Birr Development

Number and operation ▩ (model)money

=50 Cent

=10 Cent

=5 Cent

=2 Cent

= 1 Cent

<Activity 2> How much is it? Ex1) Calculate the value of currency in the picture.

Activity 2

Number and operation ▩ (model)money


Steps Contents

Teaching&Learning Activities

▩Materials&notes Concept type

① Calculate 100 Birr. 3=300 ② Calculate 50 Birr. 2=100 ③ Calculate 10 Birr. 2=20 ④ Calculate 5 Birr. 3=15 ⑤ Calculate 1 Birr. 2=2 ⑥ Calculate all of the currency. : 300+100+20+15+2=437 (Birr) Ex2) Calculate the value of currency in the picture.

Activity 2

Develop -ment

▩ Know the exact value of the currency and calculate it.

▩ (Model) Money, Notebook

★ See the above procedure to calculate the monetary value of the number represented. ① Calculate Birr.(bill) : 200+150+10+10+3=373 (Birr) ② Calculate coins. : 50+20+5+2+1=78 (Cent) ③ Add all the coins and Birr 373 Birr 78 cents, or 1 Birr 100 cents, so 373.78 Birr.

Economics recharge

<Activity3> Learn in real life ※ It is better to use the money from the scene of the real world ▩ (model)money, to solve problems presented by that you can buy goods. notebook Ex) Yesterday my mother bought a box of coffee(350 Birr) and number and Activity 3 fish(173 Birr and 86 cents) in the market. How much money did my operation, mother spend?? problem-solving ① (Model money) Drop money ② Calculate according to the unit ▩ Present more ③ Know the result from the sum problems. ④ Check by writing calculation : 350+173.86=523.86(Birr)

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |




Teaching&Learning Activities

▩Materials&notes Concept type

<Activity 4> Market Play ※ Play market play, seller and buyer, based on what they have ▩ Model, money, learned. shopping list, market goods, price ◆ How to play◆ tag 1. Prepare (model) money and goods. Activity 4

2. Paste a resonable price on the goods


3. Display goods 4. Define the roles of seller and buyer 5. Divide (model) money 6. Write a grocery list and play 7. Change the roles and paly once more Arrange Wrap up -ment

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

▩ Allow the student to be engaged in the play in the fun.

Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 15. The value of currency ※ Let's learn the value of money through market play. <Activity 1> Express the value of money <Activity 2> How much is it? <Activity 3> Learn in real life <Activity 4> Market Play

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can learn the value of money through market play. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement

The Evaluation Criteria

Criteria Students can learn the value of money through market play.



Students can know the value of money through market play and engaged in well.


Students can learn the value of money through market play.


Students can't learn the value of money through market play.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics text book











(Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics work book 1-1 by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for 1-1 elementary school teachers by (Corp.)Doosandonga. ▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Math Syllabus For Grade 1

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


<Material for lesson 15-1> Ethiopia currency

=100 Bir

=50 Birr

=10 Birr

=5 Birr

=1 Birr

=10 Cent

=2 Cent


=50 Cent

=5 Cent

= 1 Cent

<Material for lesson 15-3> Counting money worksheet

How much money is there? 1G Class(

) No(


) Name(








Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Mathematics 16th-2nd Grade

Number and Operation Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson as the 16th in the Ethiopia teacher training program is to learn commutative law in one digit number's addition and the concept of it. This lesson plan is based on the result of a meeting with faculty members in University of Adama, Ethiopia, last August. Students will learn that commutative law is established in addition and they can understand what commutative law is through using a numeric bar to create one digit addition, practicing commutative law in addition and creating a commutative quiz.

The procedure of this lesson: Create addition equation→ Learn commutative law in addition→ Create a quiz by using commutative law



16. The Commutative Law

Learning Objectives

▪ Let's see the commutative law from a single digit addition.


Cuisenaire Bar



Teaching&Learning Activities

※ Using numeric bar, suggest the addition of single digit number and ask students it could be the same addition if the Learning number are arranged back to front. Introduction o b je c t i v e s presentation Let's see the commutative law from a single digit

▪Materials&notes Concept type

Inducing Curiosity


<Activity 1> Creating a single-digit addition Expression Make a different one-digit addition expressions by using cuisenaire bar. By using cuisenaire bars of different colors, you can visually determine the combination of the addition facts. Activity 1 ▪Cuisenaire Bar For example, 4 (green) add 6 (blue).


<Activity 2> Learning the law of additive expression exchange The same colored cuisenaire bar from the examples above, Development we can know that four (green) add 6 (blue), 6 (blue) add 4 (green) are the same. We can teach from more abundant examples to know Activity 2 students about the commutative law.

+ =


<Activity 3> The commutative law Quiz Activity 3 If one make a quiz, 4 (green) +6 (blue), the other makes expression by using cuisenaire bar.

Arrangement Wrap up

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

Notebook memo recommended

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Writing Plan 16. The Commutative Law ※ Let's see the commutative law from a single digit addition.

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can know the commutative law of addition and explain it by using cuisenaire bar. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria Students can know the

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students know the commutative law of addition and explain it by using cuisenaire bar.

commutative law of addition and explain it

Intermediate Students know the commutative law of addition and explain it orally.

by using cuisenaire bar. Low

Students know the commutative law of addition.

& Reference ▪ 2009 revision curriculum ▪ Elementary mathematics text book for 2nd graders (2009) ▪ Elementary mathematics guidebook for 2 graders' elementary school teachers (2009) ▪ Busan Edunet :


Mathematics 17th-2nd Grade

Number and Operation Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson as the 17th in the Ethiopia teacher training program is to learn the easiest way to calculate an equation after learning how to calculate (double digit number) + (single digit number) and (double digit number) - (single digit number). This lesson plan is based on the result of a meeting with faculty members at University of Adama, Ethiopia, last August. It is expected for students to enjoy themselves while learning the easiest way to calculate addition and subtraction equations of two double digit numbers through creating single numbers' addition by using a numeric bar, learning calculation of (double digit number)+(double









number)-(single digit number) and (double digit number)-(double digit number).

The procedure of this lesson: Create










number)+(double digit number)→ create a subtraction equation of (double digit number)-(single digit number)→ create a subtraction equation of (double digit number)-(double digit number)

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Topics Learning Objectives

17. a few decades + a few decades, Video Clip 10 a few decades - a few decades ▪ Let's see how to solve a few decades+a few decades, a few decades-a few decades.

Materials Steps


Numeral bar


▪Materials&notes Concept type

Teaching&Learning Activities

※ Using numeric bar, suggest the addition of single digit number L e a r n i n g and ask students how to add few decades and a few decades. Inducing objectives Let's see a few decades+a few decades, Curiosity presentation

a few decades-a few decades.

<Activity 1> Creating a single-digit addition expression Creating a single-digit addition expression by using numeral bars Activity 1

▪Numeral bar + <Activity 2> Knowing to solve a few decades+a few decades Learn a few decades digit using numeral frame. After that they can know that it is same as a single digit addition, just add '0' at 1 digits.

10 digits

1 digits 10 digits

Development + Activity 2 10 digits 1 digits

1 digits





Activity 3

Teaching&Learning Activities <Activity3> Creating a double(single) digit subtraction expression Creating a double(single) digit subtraction expression usning numeral bars.

▪Materials&notes Concept type

▪Numeral bar


<Activity4> Knowing to solve a few decades-a few decades Learn a few decades digit using numeral frame. After that they can know that it is same as a single digit subtraction, just add '0' at 1 digits. 10 digits

1 digits


Activity 4

▪Numeral frame 10 digits

1 digits

10 digits

1 digits




Wrap up

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

Notebook memo recommended

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Writing Plan 17. a few decades + a few decades, a few decades - a few decades ※ Let's see how to solve a few decades+a few decades, a few decades-a few decades.

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can explain solving ways. of a few decades+a few decades, a few decades-a few decades. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

Students can explain solving ways of a few decades+a few decades, a few

The Evaluation Criteria High

few decades-a few decades in various ways.

Intermed Students can explain solving ways of a few decades+a few decades, a iate

decades-a few decades.

Students can explain solving ways of a few decades+a few decades, a


few decades-a few decades in one way. Students can't explain solving ways of a few decades+a few decades, a few decades-a few decades.

& Reference ▪ 2009 revision curriculum ▪ Elementary mathematics text book for 2nd graders (2009) ▪ Elementary mathematics guidebook for 2 graders' elementary school teachers (2009) ▪ Busan Edunet :


Mathematics 18th-2nd Grade

Number and Operation Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson as the 18th in the Ethiopia teacher training program is to learn the easiest way to calculate two double digit numbers and to make progress after learning what it is. This lesson plan is based on the result of a meeting with faculty members at University of Adama, Ethiopia, last August. It is expected that students enjoy themselves while learning the easiest way to calculate addition equations. Through creating (double digit number)+(single digit number) addition equations students can advance their abilities in place of single digit numbers by using a numeric bar and a numeric frame, creating problems with (double digit number)+(single digit number) addition equations, creating (double digit number)+(double digit numbers) addition equations while advancing in place of single digit numbers and creating problems with (double digit number)+(single digit number) addition equations.

The procedure of this lesson: Create (double digit number)+(single number) addition equations and make advancements in place of single numbers →create problems with (double digit number)+(single digit number) addition equations and advance→ create (double digit number)+(double digit number) addition equations and make advancements in place of single numbers →create problems with (double digit number)+(single digit number) and improve.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



18. Advance more up in a two-digit number addition

Learning Objectives

▪ Let's see accepted to advance more up in a two-digit number addition.


Numeral bar, Numeral Frame




Teaching&Learning Activities

※ Suggest first digit numbers' addition without advance more up and make students calculate them. And then, L e a r n i n g suggest first digit numbers' addition with advance more o b j e c t i v e s up and ask how to calculate them. presentation Let's see advance more up in a two-digit number addition.

▪Materials&notes Concept type

Inducing Curiosity

<Activity 1> Making of double-digit + single-digit which needs to advance more up in 1 digits Let students make of double-digit + single-digit which needs to advance more up in 1 digits such as 15 + 7. Students knows 5 plus 7 makes 12 and discover it needs to advance more up in 1 digits 1 digits

1 digits 10 digits

▪ Numeral bar, Numeral Frame,

Activity 1

Development 10 digits 1 digits


Activity 2

<Activity 2> Making quiz of double-digit + single-digit which needs to advance more up in 1 digits Students make expressions using principles learned above. Co-workers or partners make expressions and the others solve the problems. They also can use numeral frames. Ex) 24+7, 26+9, 15+8,…


▪ Numeral bar, Numeral Frame, Notebook



Teaching&Learning Activities

▪Materials&notes Concept type

<Activity 3> Making expressions of double-digit + double-digit which needs to advance more up in 1 digits Students make expressions using numeral bars such as 17 + 25, which needs to advance more up in 1 digits, the answer does not exceed 100. They can found that 7 + 5 is equal to 12, learn to know it needs to advance more up in 1 digits 1 digits 10 digits

1 digits ▪ Numeral bar, Numeral Frame

Activity 3 10 digits Development


10 digits

1 digits


<Activity 4> Making quiz of double-digit + double-digit which needs to advance more up in 1 digits Students make expressions using principles learned above. Activity 4 Co-workers or partners make expressions and the others solve the problems. They also can use numeral frames.

Arrangement Wrap up

Ex) 24+17, 26+19, 15+18,… Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

▪ Numeral bar, Numeral Frame, Notebook

Notebook memo recommended

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Writing Plan 18. Advance more up in a two-digit number addition ※ Let's see advance more up in a two-digit number addition.

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can explain solving ways of double digit + double digit which needs advance more up. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students can explain double digit + double digit which


needs advance more up. Low

Students can explain double digit + double digit which needs advance more up in various ways. Students can explain double digit + double digit which needs advance more up in one way. Students can't explain double digit + double digit which needs advance more up.

& Reference ▪ 2009 revision curriculum ▪ Elementary mathematics text book for 2nd graders (2009) ▪ Elementary mathematics guidebook for 2 graders' elementary school teachers (2009) ▪ Busan Edunet :


Mathematics 19th-2nd Grade

Number and Operation Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson as the 19th in the Ethiopia teacher training program is to learn the easiest way to calculate subtraction equations of two double digit numbers with toput off after learning what it is. This lesson plan is based on the result of a meeting with faculty members at University of Adama, Ethiopia, last August. It is expected that students enjoy themselves while learning the way to easily calculate subtraction of two double digit numbers with toput off and how to calculate them through learning 'place value' and subtraction of two digit numbers by using colored paper cards (15 red paper cards, 15 blue paper cards) and worksheets. The goal is that the students learn the easiest way to calculate subtraction without toput off, and to learn subtraction of (double digit number)-(double digit number) with toput off.

The procedure of this lesson: Learn 'place value' and subtraction of two digit numbers→ subtraction with toput off→ find the way to do subtraction of (double digit number)-(double digit number) with toput off.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Topics Learning Objectives Materials Steps


Le a r n i n g Introduc objectives tion presentati on

19. the two-digit subtraction needs toput off ▪ Let's see how to solve the two-digit subtraction needs toput off Colored paper card(red 10, blue 10), study note, number card ▪Materials&notes Teaching&Learning Activities Concept type ※ Suggest subtraction of (double digit number)-(single digit number) with toput off and make students calculate them. Next, suggest subtraction of Inducing (double digit number)-(double digit number) with toput off and ask students Curiosity how to calculate them. Let's see how to solve the two-digit subtraction needs toput off

<Activity 1> Digit value and two-digit subtraction ● Digit value 10 digits

1 digits

➀ Put cards fit for digit value Ex) 13 = blue 1, red 3 25 = blue 2, red 5 If there are red 24? ( 24 ) * How many red cards can be exchanged with blue 1? (10)

▪ Colored paper card ▪ number card

② Play digit value game with partner or groups : How to play 1. Choose 1 card from 11 to 40 2. Put blue and red cards(10 digits, 1 digits) in digit value table 3. One take a point who put right answer Develop Activity 1 ment ●Subtract without toput off using digit value cards ① Present a single subtract expression and show how to solve it by putting correct cards in digit value table(same as double digits) 8 - 3 = 5 10 digits

24-13=11 10 digits

1 digits

2 8


1 digits 4

remove 1

remove 3

remove 3 5 ② Students can know principles from the examples.




▪ Colored paper card



▪Materials&notes Concept type

Teaching&Learning Activities Ex) Subtract with toput off 11 - 5 = 6 10

31 - 18 = 13

1 digits


10 digits



You have to

remove 5, but you

remove 8, but you can't

can't remove reds

remove reds each other.

each other.

You exchange blue 1 with red 10.

You exchange


blue 1 with red 10, remove 5 from 11.





Excha 10 digits 1 digits


nge Developm ent



You have to

Activity 2

1 digits






▪ Colored paper card ▪ number card








remove1 remove 8




<Activity 3> Find principles of double digit subtraction with toput off - How to solve vertical calculation Activity 3

32 - 15

2 10

2 10



- 15

7 Arrangem Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Wrap up ent Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

- 15

▪ Colored paper card ▪ Study note

17 Notebook memo recommended

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Mathematics 20th-2nd Grade

Measurement Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson as the 20th in the Ethiopia teacher training program is to measure the objects found in real life and to express them into various units based on the curriculum of Ethiopia. This lesson plan is based on the result of a meeting with faculty members at University of Adama, Ethiopia, last August. Students measure the length of objects which are around them and express the length into various units through activities that use body parts, a 30cm ruler, and a tape ruler that is used for measuring the length of round objects. The students must predict and measure the length of objects around them using common units, recognize the need for a ruler and measure length using a ruler. By using the ruler, predict and measure the length of objects which are round.

The procedure of this lesson: By using body parts, predict and measure the length of objects which are round → By using common units, predict and measure the length of objects which are round → Recognize the need for a ruler, measure length using a ruler → By using the ruler, predict and measure the length of objects which are round



20. Length conversion

Video Clip 9

Learning Objectives

▪ Let's measure various objects and change the unit of measurement.


Tape measure, 30cm ruler, clips, chalk, pencils



Teaching&Learning Activities

※ After suggestion of study supplies like text books, notes that can easily seen in class, ask students how to measure Learning them. And then, ask them how to measure them accurately. Introduction o b j e c t i v e s Let's measure various objects and change the unit of presentation

▪Materials&notes Concept type

Inducing Curiosity


<Activity 1> Predict and measure length of things using physical activity ➀ Measuring the length of things (Finger, Palm, length of arms, etc.) ➁ Talking about inconveniences of measuring physically. ▪ You can use the various parts of the body.

Activity 1

Developme nt

<Activity 2> Predict and measure length of things using unit length ➀ Predict and measure things above <Activity 1> using unit length(pencils, chalk, clips, etc.) ➁ Talking about inconveniences of measurement using different unit length.

▪ clips, chalk, pencils

Activity 2

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |




Teaching&Learning Activities

▪Materials&notes Concept type

<Activity 3> Aware of the need using ruler, introducing measure unit 'cm', measure using ruler ➀ Aware of the need using ruler from the story of Snow White's bed which was malformed ◈ Snow White's bed A very long time ago, the Snow White was living in a small country. Snow White was good and beautiful, so the new queen was jealous of it that the Snow White had to leave the palace and lived with dwarves. But she was too tall to sleep in the dwarf's bed. So dwarves ordered large bed to giant's country. It was surprising gift!

▪ Storytelling

The youngest of the dwarves returned to work and measured princess's height.. ‘One, two, three…….’ The rest of dwarves wrote the height on the order sheet and sent it to the giant country.

Order sheet : Princess' bed, size - 8 generous steps Several weeks later, dwarves received bed. Oh my god!

Activity 3

The bed was too big. Suddenly dwarves turned red. They missed steps between giant and dwarf.

Develop ment

But princess received the gift happily, they lived a happy life.

➁ Measure the length of things with ruler and write down - Desk, pencil, notebook, etc. ➂ Measure the length of lines with ruler and write down ▪ 30cm ruler, Work sheeet or notebook

<Measure the length of lines> <Activity 4> Change the unit of measurement, introducing measure unit 'mm', 'dm', 'm' Activity 4 Measure things above<Activity 3> using ruler. Introduce measure unit ▪ 30cm ruler 'mm', 'dm', 'm' and change measurement unit. Students can say various units of length. Arrange Wrap up ment


Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 20. Length conversion ※ Let's measure various objects and change the unit of measurement.

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can measure various objects and change the unit of measurement. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement

The Evaluation Criteria

Criteria Students can


measure various objects and change the


unit of measurement.


Students can measure various objects and change the unit of measurement. Students can measure various objects and have difficulties in changing the unit of measurement. Students can't measure various objects and change the unit of measurement.

& Reference ▪ 2009 revision curriculum ▪ Elementary mathematics text book for 2nd graders (2009) ▪ Elementary mathematics guidebook for 2 graders' elementary school teachers (2009) ▪ Busan Edunet :

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



Length Conversion

1. Measure the length of segments.







2. Measure the length of colored pencils.







* The longest one is (

) and the shortest one is (


3. Write segments according to the limited length.





<Wrap up> Write down in the rectangle what you learned from today's lesson.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Writing Plan 19. ※

the two-digit subtraction needs toput off

Let's see how to solve the two-digit subtraction needs toput off

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can explain solving ways of the two-digit subtraction needs toput off. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria Students can explain solving ways of the two-digit subtraction needs toput off.

The Evaluation Criteria High Intermediate Low

Students can explain solving ways of the two-digit subtraction needs toput off in various ways. Students can explain solving ways of the two-digit subtraction needs toput off in one way. Students can't explain solving ways of the two-digit subtraction needs toput off.

& Reference ▪ 2009 revision curriculum ▪ Elementary mathematics text book for 2nd graders (2009) ▪ Elementary mathematics guidebook for 2 graders' elementary school teachers (2009) ▪ Busan Edunet :


Mathematics 21th-2nd Grade

Measurement Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson for the 21st lesson in teacher training program is this is the lesson for knowing the concept of time and reading the clock. We decided to learn this lesson after the meeting with the faculties of Adama and based on the result of meeting and we designed the lesson plan. There are the goals learning this lesson : Students learn the concept of time and experience to read the clock through the activities like learning about o'clock, reading minute hand, game to read the time, and talking about the daily life using the time.

The procedure of this lesson: Learning about o'clock using the model clock → Minute reading → Reading time game → Speaking my daily schedule as time goes by

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Topics Learning Objectives

21. Learn the concept of time

Video Clip 10

▪ Let's learn the concept of time and read it.


Model clock for teacher 1EA, Model clock for children 10EA ▪Materials&notes Steps Contents Teaching&Learning Activities Concept type ※ Ask "What time is it now?" and what the object is needed to answer that question. When the students answer "Clock", teacher L e a r n i n g suggests the model clock to students and also suggests studying Inducing Introduction o b j e c t i v e s about how can we read the time today. Curiosity presentation

Let's learn the concept of time and read it. <Activity1> Learn o'clock See appearance of the clock, learn o'clock from model clock and read it. ▪ Model clock for teacher 1EA, Model clock for children 10EA

Activity 1

<Activity 2> Minute reading Teach minute that is not o'clock from per 10 minutes to per 5 minutes.

Develop -ment

▪ Model clock for teacher 1EA, Model clock for children 10EA

Activity 2

<Activity 3> Read time game Students answer at the teacher's model clock. As same ways, groups and partners do it quickly. Activity 3


▪ Model clock for teacher 1EA, Model clock for children 10EA



Teaching&Learning Activities

▪Materials&notes Concept type

<Activity 4> Speaking my daily schedule as time goes by Teacher says his/her daily schedule. After that students says their daily schedule using model clock. Family or favorite star's daily life is okay. (Ex 1) <Teacher> I got up at 6 and ate breakfast at 7. I went to ▪ Model clock Develop Activity 4 school at 8. I played. I ate lunch at 12:20. I went back home at 5 -ment for children 10EA p.m. and ate dinner at 7 p.m. (EX 2) <Student> I got up at 7 and ate breakfast at 7:30. I went to school at 8:20 and ate lunch at 12:20. I arrived at home at 1:30 p.m. I did my homework and ate dinner at 6 p.m. I kept a diary at 8 p.m. and went to bed at 9 p.m. Arrange Wrap up ment

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 21. Learn the concept of time ※ Let's learn the concept of time and read it.

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can learn the concept of time and read it. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

The Evaluation Criteria

Students can learn the


concept of time and


read it.


Students can learn the concept of time and read it specifically. Students can learn the concept of time and read o'clock. Students can't learn the concept of time and read it.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Revised Curriculum ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics textbook 2nd grade (revised version) ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for teacher 2nd grade Edunet :

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Mathematics 22th-2nd Grade

Number and Operation Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson for the 22nd lesson in teacher training program is to know the concept of division and learn about the method to calculate using the division. It is based on curriculum of Ethiopia. We decided to learn this lesson after the meeting with the faculties of Adama and based on the result of meeting, and we designed the lesson plan. Students have activities to know the concept of division through various activities like binding with pebbles, presenting the division into the picture, and knowing the division with the relation between multiplication and division.

The procedure of this lesson: Binding same as bottle caps number → express division by drawing → Aware of division through relationship between multiplication and division



22. Division mastery

Learning Objectives

▪ Aware of the concept of division and calculate it.


Bottle caps, stones



Teaching&Learning Activities

※ Motivate students how to divide 12 bottle caps into 4 students L e a r n i n g equally. Ask the method how to calculate this more quickly. Introduction o b j e c t i v e s presentation Lets' see the concept of division and calculate it.

<Activity 1> Binding same as bottle caps number ① Groups divide 12 bottle caps into three bundles. ② They can know that division is to share a certain number of full. ③ Write down the division above(Division Activity) : 12÷3 ④ Confirm. Ex) 12 divide into 3 make 4 bundles. ⑤ Solve other problems using a bottle cap. Activity 1

▪Materials&notes Concept type

Inducing Curiosity

▪ 12 bottle caps per each group

Develop -ment

Activity 2

<Activity 2> Express division by drawing ① Express division by drawing (Ex)6÷3=2) ② Explain the drawings and represent by expressions. Ex) Draw pictures below and express '6 divide into 3 make 2 bundles. It is same as 6÷3=2.’ ③ Students make another expressions. ④ Students make their own problems and partner solves it.

▪ notebooks, writing utensils

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |




Teaching&Learning Activities

▪Materials&notes Concept type

<Activity 3> Aware of division through relationship between multiplication and division ① Confirm multiplication. Develop Activity 3 ② Aware of division through relationship between multiplication and -ment division (multiplicatio) 2×3=6 => (division) 6÷2=3, 6÷3=2 ③ Solve problems using this principle

▪notebooks, writing utensils

Arrange Wrap up -ment

Notebook memo recommended

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

■ Writing Plan 22. Division mastery ※ Aware of the concept of division and calculate it.

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can aware of the concept of division and calculate it. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement

The Evaluation Criteria

Criteria Students can


Students can aware of the concept of division and calculate it correctly.

aware of the concept of

Intermediate Students can aware of the concept of division and calculate simple division.

division and calculate it.


Students can't aware of the concept of division and calculate it.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Revised Curriculum ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics textbook 2nd grade (revised version) ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for teacher 2nd grade ▪ Edunet :


Mathematics 23th-2nd Grade

Number and Operation Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson for the 23rd lesson in teacher training program is to understand the concept of '0' in multiplication. It is based on the curriculum of Ethiopia. We decided to learn this lesson after the meeting with the faculties of Adama and based on the result of meeting, and we designed the lesson plan. Students can understand the concept of '0' in the multiplication through activities : Change addition into multiplication by putting bottle caps(pebbles) on the plates(palms), Eject ball game(5 minutes pair work), Introduction of multiplication

The procedure of this lesson: Changing addition into multiplication → Eject ball game(5 minutes pair work) → introduction of multiplication

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



23. Multiplication from the concept of '0 '(×0)

Learning Objectives

▪ Understanding the concept of '0' in multiplication


pocket, 10 plastic balls(0 is written), 12 bottle caps, 4 (disposible) plates



▪Materials&notes Concept type

Teaching&Learning Activities

L e a r n i n g ※ Motivate students to think '0×4' after asking '3×4', '2×4', '1×4'. Introduct objectives ion Let's learn the concept of '0' in multiplication presentation

Inducing Curiosity

<Activity 1> Change addition into multiplication Change addition into multiplication by putting bottle caps(pebbles) on the plates(palms) Ex) putting 3 bottle caps(pebbles) on the 4 plates(palms) :

+ ... +

= 12

3+3+3+3=12 -> 3×4=12 putting 2 bottle caps(pebbles) on the 4 plates(palms) : Activity 1

+ ... +

▪ 12 bottle caps, 4 plates(disposib le)


2+2+2+2=8 -> 2×4=8 putting a bottle cap(pebble) on the 4 plates(palms) :

+ ... +



1+1+1+1=4 -> 1×4=4 putting 0 bottle cap(pebble) on the 4 plates(palms) : + ... + 0+0+0+0=0 -> 0×4=0 In the last case, there is no bottle cap, so the answers of addition and multiplication are 0. You can introduce the concept of '0' in multiplication.

Develop -ment

<Activity 2> Eject ball game(5 minutes pair work) Solve other types of problems to learn the concept of '0' Ex) Eject balls in the pocket alternately with your partner. But the first one eject 1, second 2, third 3, fourth 4. Who would win?

Activity 2

- ○○ How - ●● How - ○○ How - ●● How

ejected a ball in the pocket written '0' many points? 0 ejected 2 balls in the pocket written '0' many points? 0+0=0 ejected 3 balls in the pocket written '0' many points? 0+0+0=0 ejected 4 balls in the pocket written '0' many points? 0+0+0+0=0

turns ejecte d balls points

▪ balls Analogy













- Who won? Draw

○○ ejected 3 balls, ●● ejected 6 balls, why they draw?




▪Materials&notes Concept type

Teaching&Learning Activities

<Activity 3> Introduction of multiplication Change addition into multiplication -Let's express the point of ●● who ejected a ball as multiplicative expression. 0 points, one : 0 -Let's express the point of ○○ who ejected two balls as multiplicative expression. 0 points, two : 0+0=0X2=0 -Let's express the point of ●● who ejected three balls as Develop Activity 3 multiplicative expression. -ment 0 points, three : 0+0+0=0X3=0 -Let's express the point of ○○ who ejected four balls as multiplicative expression. 0 points, four : 0+0+0+0=0X4=0 -How many points ●● get if he/she ejected 5 balls? 0 points, five : 0+0+0+0+0=0X5=0

▪Notebook, Writing utensils Analogy

Any number multiplied by '0' makes '0'. Write down the concept in your notebooks. Arrange Wrap up -ment

Notebook memo recommended

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

■ Writing Plan 23. Multiplication from the concept of '0 '(×0) ※ Let's learn the concept of '0' in multiplication turns ejected balls points

○○ 1 0

●● 2 0

○○ 3 0

●● 4 0

Any number multiplied by '0' makes '0'.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can understand and demonstrate the concept of '0' in multiplication. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

Students can understand and demonstrate the concept of '0' in multiplication.

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students can understand and demonstrate the concept of '0' in multiplication.

Interme Students can understand but have difficulty to demonstrate the concept diate Low

of '0' in multiplication. Students can't understand and demonstrate the concept of '0' in multiplication.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Revised Curriculum ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics textbook 2nd grade (revised version) ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for teacher 2nd grade ▪ Edunet :


Mathematics 24th-2nd Grade

Number and Operation Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson for the 24th lesson in teacher training program is to learn to know how to calculate mixed calculations. We decided to learn this lesson after the meeting with the faculties of Adama and based on the result of meeting, and we designed the lesson plan. Students can understand how to calculate mixed calculations through activities : knowing the order of mixed addition and multiplication (using pebbles, math notebook, numeral bar, ruler), the order of mixed subtraction and division, the order of mixed addition, subtraction multiplication and division, and making sentence problems and solving them

The procedure of this lesson: Knowing the order of mixed addition and subtraction → Knowing the order of mixed subtraction and division → Knowing the order of mixed addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division → Making sentence problems and solving them

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Topics Learning Objectives Materials

24. Mixed calculations ▪ Learn to know how to calculate mixing calculations 15 bottle caps(15 pebbles), notebook, numeral bar, ruler ▪Materials&notes Steps Contents Teaching&Learning Activities Concept type ※ Motivate students to how to solve the mixed calculations after suggesting each expressions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, Learning Inducing and division Introduction o b j e c t i v e s Curiosity Let's learn to know how to calculate mixed presentation calculations.

Activity 1

Develop -ment

<Activity 1> The order of mixed addition and multiplication The order of mixed addition and subtraction ※ Let's learn the order of 2+3×4 ① Students think and solve the problems. : From addition, or turns, or multiplication ② Students answer to each cases. : Accept all the answers. ③ Tell the causes of solution : First of all, tell about calculation operations. ④ Present right answer.(The answer is 14) ⑤ Release multiplication into addition and solve it. : 2+3×4 = (3×4 is equal to 3+3+3+3) 2+3+3+3+3= 14 Through this, you can know that if there is mixed addition and multiplication, you first need to calculate multiplication. ∴ In the mixed addition and multiplication calculation, you have to solve multilcation first. ⑥ Solve other problems with addition and multiplication mixed.

Activity 2

<Activity 2> The order of mixed subtraction and division ※ Let's learn the order of 15-12÷3 ① Students think and solve the problems. : From subtraction, or turns, or division ② Students answer to each cases. : Accept all the answers. ③ Tell the causes of solution : First of all, tell about calculation operations. ④ Present right answer.(The answer is 11) ⑤ Release division into subtraction and solve it. : 15-12÷3 = (12÷3 is equal to 4 bundles of 3) 15-(





▪ 15 bottle caps(pebbles)


= 15-4 = 11 Through this, you can know that if there is mixed subtraction and division, you first need to calculate division. ∴ In the mixed subtraction and division calculation, you have to solve division first.


▪ 14 bottle caps(pebbles)



Teaching&Learning Activities

<Activity 3> The order of mixed addition, subtraction multiplication and division ※ Let's learn the order of 2×3+4-10÷5 ① Students think and solve the problems. ② Students answer to each cases. ③ Share answers with others. Activity 3 ④ If there are all of calculative symbols mixed in a expression, multiplication and division calculate first and calculate rest of the others. Multiplication and division calculate orderly, the same as addition and subtraction. ⑤ Solve more problems related to mixing calculation and make some of them and solve them each other. Develop -ment <Activity 4> Make sentence problems and solve them ※ Make some problems related to real life and practice calculation Ex) There is a parking lot where you can park your car 50. Yesterday evening, the car was parked every four lines 7. In the morning, 14 cars drove out of the parking lot. How more cars we can park in the Activity 4 parking lot? ☆ The number of cars(every four lines 7) : 7X4 ☆ The number of cars which could park more yesterday : 50-28 ☆ The number of more cars parking in the parking lot after 14 cars drove out of : 22+14 ☆ One expression : 50-7X4+14 Arrange Wrap up -ment

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

▪Materials&notes Concept type

▪ Work sheet ▪ Notebook

Problem-solvin g

▪ Notebook

Problem-solvin g ▪ Make some problems and confirm the right answer each other. Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 24. Mixed calculations ※ Let's learn to know how to calculate mixed calculations.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can understand how to calculate mixed calculations and do it. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement

The Evaluation Criteria

Criteria Students can


understand how to calculate

Students can understand how to calculate mixed calculations, do and demonstrate it correctly.

Intermediate Students can understand how to calculate mixed calculations and do it.

mixed calculations and


Students can't understand how to calculate mixed calculations and do it.

do it.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Revised Curriculum ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics textbook 2nd grade (revised version) ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for teacher 2nd grade ▪ Edunet :


Mathematics 25th-2nd Grade

Number and Operation Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson for the 25th lesson in teacher training program is to learn to compare the quantity of the three-digit number. We decided to learn this lesson after the meeting with the faculties of Adama and based on the result of meeting, and we designed the lesson plan. Students can understand how to compare the quantity of the three-digit number through activities : comparing a few hundreds, a few hundreds and a few decades, the size of a three-digit number using numeral fram and number model

The procedure of this lesson: Comparing a few hundreds → Comparing a few hundreds and a few decades → Comparing a few hundreds and a few decades and a few digits → Comparing the size of a three-digit number

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



25. Comparison of the number(Three digits)

Learning Objectives

▪ Compare the quantity of the three-digit number


Numeral frame, number model, number card, notebook



▪Materials&notes Concept type

Teaching&Learning Activities

※ Motivate students to think how to compare the size of three-digit L e a r n i n g number after suggesting the comparison between 2 two-digit Introdu- objectives numbers. ction presentatio n Let's compare the quantity of the three-digit number.

Inducing Curiosity

<Activity 1> Compare a few hundreds ※ Compare a few hundred using numeral bar Ex) 300 & 500 ① Put number model and compare the quantity between 300 and 500 three digits

hundred digits






▪ Numeral frame, number model

Activity 1 500 ② Confirm 500 is greater than 300 ③ We can compare just hundred digits and guess which number is greater.

Number and Operation, generalization

★ More activities comparing a few hundreds Ex) (100, 200), (500, 600), (700, 900) Develop -ment <Activity 2> Compare a few hundreds and a few decades ※ Compare a few hundreds and a few decades using numeral bar Ex) 450 & 480 ① Put number model and compare the quantity between 450 and 480 three digits

hundred digits






▪ Numeral frame, number model

Activity 2 480 ② Confirm 480 is greater than 450 ③ We can compare just decade digits(hundred digits are same) and guess which number is greater. ★ More activities comparing a few hundreds and a few decades Ex) (310, 430), (630, 680), (910, 940)


Number and Operation, generalization



Teaching&Learning Activities

▪Materials&notes Concept type

<Activity 3> Compare a few hundreds and a few decades ※ Compare a few hundreds and a few decades using numeral bar Ex) 254 & 259 ① Compare the quantity of two numbers in the numeral frame three digits hundred digits

ten digits

one digits

254 Activity 3 259 ② 259 is greater than 254 ③ We can know which number is greater comparing one digits 4 and 9 because hundreds and tens are the same.

Develop -ment

▪ numeral bar, numeral frame Number and operations, generalization

★ Comparing activity Ex) (197, 198), (536, 532), (748, 744) <Activity 4> To compare the size of a three-digit number ① Make problems to compare the size of a three-digit number ② Put numeral bars in the numeral frame and compare the size of numbers. Activity 4 ③ Present a problem and partner solves it. ★ Teacher present a certain number, and 6 members(2 teams) come up to the blackboard and make 3 digits numbers each using their fingers. The rest of the left members compare two numbers and tell the answer. Arrange Wrap up -ment

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

▪ notebook, number card


Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 25. Comparison of the number(Three digits) ※ Let's compare the quantity of the three-digit number.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can compare the quantity of the three-digit number. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

Students can compare the quantity of the

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students can tell real value of 3 digit number and compare the quantity of the three-digit number.


Students can compare the quantity of the three-digit number.


Students can't compare the quantity of the three-digit number.

three-digit number.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Revised Curriculum ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics textbook 2nd grade (revised version) ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for teacher 2nd grade ▪ Edunet :


Mathematics 26th-2nd Grade

Shapes Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson for the 26th lesson in teacher training program is to create various shapes using a geoboard. It is based on the curriculum of Ethiopia. We decided to learn this lesson after the meeting with the faculties of Adama and based on the result of meeting, and we designed the lesson plan. Students can create various shapes through activities : creating a story using shapes, creating shapes using a geoboard, creating shapes using geoboard worksheet

The procedure of this lesson: Finding various shapes that can be seen in the surroundings → Creating a story using shapes → Creating shapes using geoboard → Creating shapes using geoboard worksheet

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



26. Basis of shapes 1

Video Clip 11

Learning Objectives

▪ You can create shapes using a geoboard.


Geoboard, Worksheet, ruler, rubber band



▪Materials&notes Concept type

Teaching&Learning Activities

※ Motivate students to present various shapes that can be seen in L e a r n i n g the surroundings and to classify with the similar shapes. Then Introduc o b j e c t i v e s motivate students to study to make shapes directly -tion presentation Let's create shapes using a geoboard. <Activity 1> Learn the various shapes ※ Let students various shapes that can be seen in the surroundings(square and triangle centered). Activity 1 Ex) Within the classroom or around the school or in everyday life, many things that you can see from the shape of the model to find. For example, the blackboard a square shape, triangle triangle shape.

Activity 2

<Activity 2> Creating a story using shapes ※ Pick one of the shapes around and make a short essay. After announcing the story, gather students who choose the same shape and make a new story(Triangle team and square team). Ex) Triangle princess was living in the triangle country. Triangle Princess' body was triangle, so does her face. Triangle princess did not like her face. Because the chin was too pointed ...

Develop -ment

▪ Objects Divergent Thinking

▪ Notebook Making problems

<Activity 3> Create shapes using a geoboard. ※ Try to make a triangle, square using geoboard. Try to make the variety of sizes and shapes. Bigger and smaller looks are recommended using by elasticity of the rubber band.

Activity 3


Inducing Curiosity

▪ geoboard, rubber band making various shapes



▪Materials&notes Concept type

Teaching&Learning Activities

<Activity 4> Creating shapes using geoboard worksheet ※ Creating shapes using geoboard worksheet with ruler. Freely create various shapes by point-to-point connection.

Develop Activity 4 -ment

Arrange Wrap up -ment

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

▪ geoboard worksheet

▪Help to make various shapes

Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 26. Basis of shapes 1 ※ Let's create shapes using a geoboard.

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can create shapes using a geoboard. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement Criteria

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students can create shapes using a geoboard.

Students can create shapes using a geoboard.

Intermediate Low

Students can create limited shapes using a geoboard. Students can't create shapes using a geoboard.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Revised Curriculum ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics textbook 2nd grade (revised version) ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for teacher 2nd grade ▪ Edunet :


Basis of shapes 1


* Make various shapes using geoboard. ㆍ

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Mathematics 27th-2nd Grade

Shapes Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson for the 27th lesson in teacher training program is to create various shapes using tangram. It is based on the curriculum of Ethiopia. We decided to learn this lesson after the meeting with the faculties of Adama and based on the result of meeting, and we designed the lesson plan. Students can create various shapes through activities : observing tangram work, making tangram, making a triangle, square-shaped using tangram, presenting certain shapes and creating shapes using a tangram

The procedure of this lesson: Observing tangram work → Making a tangram → Making a triangle, square-shaped using a tangram → Presenting certain shapes and creating shapes using a tangram



27. Basis of shapes 2

Learning Objectives

▪ You can create shapes using a tangram.





Teaching&Learning Activities

Video Clip 12

▪Materials&notes Concept type

L e a r n i n g ※ Present the tangram work and match with the same shapes. Then Introduc o b j e c t i v e s guide students to create various shapes using a tangram, today. -tion presentation Let's create shapes using a tangram.

Activity 1

<Activity 1> Observing tangram work ※ Look tangrams and find each consists of some shapes. ① Observe each shapes and announce the shapes. ② Find objects same shape as tangram. ③ Show tangram work and guess what shape is it. ④ Guess how many pieces are used in the work. Tangram is made up of 7 shapes, whole shape is a square.

Inducing Curiosity

▪ tangram, tangram work


<Activity 2> Making tangram ※ Cut a grid cardboard horizontally and vertically, 12cm square, cut according to the teacher's instructions, draw a line and cut as shown below. ▪ Tangram (Sketch) Activity 2

Analysis Develop -ment

<Activity 3> Make a triangle, square-shaped using tangram ※ Numbered consecutively in each of the tangram pieces, create triangle and square, find cases. ▪ tangram, worksheet Activity 3 Spatial sensitivity

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |




Teaching&Learning Activities

▪Materials&notes Concept type

<Activity 4> Present certain shapes and create shapes using a tangram. ※ Look at the tangram pictures and make the same shapes. Develop from easy one to difficult one, later choose the fastest group(person) through tangram game. Ex)

▪ tangram Develop Activity 4 -ment

Arrange Wrap up -ment

Sense of space, Collaboration

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

■ Writing Plan 27. Basis of shapes 2 ※ Let's create shapes using a tangram.

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can create shapes using a tangram. 2) Achievement and assessment standards


Notebook memo recommended

Achievement Criteria

The Evaluation Criteria High

Students can create various shapes using a tangram.

Students can create shapes using a


Students can create shapes using a tangram.


Students can't create shapes using a tangram.


& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Revised Curriculum ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics textbook 2nd grade (revised version) ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for teacher 2nd grade ▪ Edunet :

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Mathematics 28th-2nd Grade

Shapes Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson for the 28th lesson in teacher training program is to learn components of triangle. It is based on the curriculum of Ethiopia. We decided to learn this lesson after the meeting with the faculties of Adama and based on the result of meeting, and we designed the lesson plan. Students can create various shapes using tangram through activities : finding the shape of a triangle shape, creating the triangle using geo-board worksheet

The procedure of this lesson: Playing with tangram → Finding the shape of a triangle shape → Creating the triangle using geo-board worksheet



28. Components of triangle

Learning Objectives

▪ Students can know components of triangle


tangram, geoboard worksheet



Teaching&Learning Activities

Video Clip 13

▪Materials&notes Concept type

※ Present triangle-shaped tangram and motivate students to think Learning Introduc Inducing the components of each shapes objectives -tion Curiosity presentation Let's learn components of the triangle. <Activity 1> tangram ※ Try to make the shape using tangram.

▪tangram Divergent Thinking Activity 1 ▪Present a new model and understand each pieces.

Develop -ment

Activity 2

<Activity 2> Finding the shape of a triangle shape ※ Find the components of triangle through triangle shapes. ① Take out triangle-shaped piece of tangram and laid it on the desk. ② Look for the triangle-shaped objects in the surroundings. ③ Use the triangle shape of things to try to make a short sentence. Ex) Triangle is a triangle shape. ④ Explain components of triangle, vertice, sides and surface.

▪ tangram, notebook Concept Learning

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |




▪Materials&notes Concept type

Teaching&Learning Activities <Activity 3> Creating the triangle using geoboard worksheet Through this activity, students become familiar with triangle and rethink components of it.

Develop Activity 3 -ment

Arrange Wrap up -ment

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

▪ geoboard worksheet Organize and apply concept ▪make various sizes of triangles

Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 28. Components of triangle ※ Let's learn components of triangle.

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can know components of the triangle. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement

The Evaluation Criteria

Criteria High Students can know components


of the triangle. Low


Students can make triangles using geoboard and explain components of the triangle. Students can make triangles using geoboard and have difficulty in explaining components of the triangle. Students can't make triangles using geoboard.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Revised Curriculum ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics textbook 2nd grade (revised version) ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for teacher 2nd grade ▪ Edunet :

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


Components of triangle


* Make various triangles using geoboard. ㆍ


Mathematics 29th-2nd Grade

Shapes Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson for the 29th lesson in teacher training program is to learn to know about the concept of 'angle'. It is based on the curriculum of Ethiopia. We decided to learn this lesson after the meeting with the faculties of Adama and based on the result of meeting, and we designed the lesson plan. Students can familiarize with angle to know the concept of angle through activities : being familiar with angle, distinguishing angle and not-angle, knowing right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle

The procedure of this lesson: Being familiar with angle → Distinguishing angle and non-angle → Knowing right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



29. The introduction of angle

Learning Objectives

▪ Students can know about an angle.


tangram, worksheet



Teaching&Learning Activities

Video Clip 14

▪Materials&notes Concept type

※ Motivate students to think how to call the pointed part of triangle of L e a r n i n g tangram Introduc Inducing objectives -tion Curiosity presentation Let's learn about an angle.

<Activity 1> Be familiar with angle ※ Find concept of angles from tangram.

▪ tangram, body Activity 1 Understandi ng the Concepts ① Find pointed part from tangram pieces. ② We call them 'angle'. Angle : A shape of 2 semi-lines stretched out from a vertice. ③ Making angles with leg and arms. ④ Making various angles by folding and unfolding arms and legs.

Develop -ment

Activity 2

Activity 3

<Activity 2> Distinguish angle and not angle ① Find angle in the worksheet. ② Think of causes of why does not angle. <Activity 3> Right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle ※ Introduce right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle through arms and legs ① Right angle is the special case of an angle. ② Find examples of a right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle from daily life. Ex) You can find an acute angle from a calendar. You can find the right angle from textbooks. You can find an obtuse angle from crane in the construction site.

Arrange Wrap up -ment


Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

▪ Worksheet Concept applies

▪ arm, leg

Understandi ng the Concepts

Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 29. The introduction of angle ※ Let's learn about an angle.

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can know about an angle. 2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement

The Evaluation Criteria

Criteria High

Students can make angle with body and explain an angle.

Students can know about an

Intermediate Students can make angle with body and can't explain an angle.

angle. Low

Students can't make angle with body and explain an angle.

& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Revised Curriculum ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics textbook 2nd grade (revised version) ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for teacher 2nd grade ▪ Edunet :

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


The introduction of angle


③ ※ Which numbers is not become an angle? Why it doesn't become an angle?


Mathematics 30th-2nd Grade

Shapes Lesson Plan

1. The purpose of selecting this lesson The purpose of selecting this lesson for the 30th lesson in teacher training program is to learn to know the concept of 'parallel and perpendicular'. It is based on the curriculum of Ethiopia. Students can be familiar with the concept of parallel and perpendicular through activities : learning about parallel with tangram, learning about perpendicular, making sentence using parallel and perpendicular, wrapping up lesson by doing climbing a ladder activity

The procedure of this lesson: Learning about parallel → Learning about perpendicular → Making sentence using parallel and perpendicular → Wrapping up lesson by doing climbing a ladder activity

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |



30. Parallel and perpendicular

Video Clip 15

Learning Objectives

▪ Students can know about parallel and perpendicular


tangram, worksheet, notebook



Teaching&Learning Activities

※ Motivate students to think what the common thing is between the Learning width and length of the desk. Introduc objectives -tion presentation Let's learn about parallel and perpendicular.

▪Materials&notes Concept type Inducing Curiosity

<Activity 1> Learn about parallel ※ Learn about parallel using tangram. ① Find parallel parts in the pieces of tangram, rectangle, parallelogram.

▪ tangram, notebook Activity 1

6 rectangle, 7 parallelogram and big square Parallel is the relationship between two segments that doesn't always meet together. ② Find example of parallel in the surroundings. Ex) We can find parallel from lanes. My fingers are parallel.

Spatial understanding

<Activity 2> Learn about perpendicular ※ Learn about perpendicular using tangram. ① Measure angles of triangle 1 and 2 between base segment and straight off from it.

Develop -ment

▪ tangram, notebook Activity 2 Spatial understanding Perpendicular is a right angle between the straight segment made from one segment to another segment. ② Find example of perpendicular in the surroundings. Ex) We can find perpendicular from blackboards. My folding arm is perpendicular.

Activity 3


<Activity 3> Make sentence using parallel and perpendicular. Ex1) Find example of parallel and perpendicular in the classroom or ▪ Notebook outside of school. Be familiar with the concepts by presenting various and easy examples. Spatial Ex2) Make creative parallel and perpendicular shape with body(arm understanding and leg etc.) alone and in the group work.



Teaching&Learning Activities

▪Materials&notes Concept type

<Activity 4> Wrap up lesson by doing climbing a ladder activity ※ Incomplete worksheets to provide some vertical lines underlined by a vertical line drawn parallel and you should make a ladder by your own. ① Make ladder and play game with friends.

▪ Worksheet Develop Activity 4 -ment

Concept Cleanup, Internalization

② Make more exciting game by writing penalty and points at each edge of lines below. Arrange Wrap up -ment

Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Students answer to the questions. Wrap up the lesson.

Notebook memo recommended

■ Writing Plan 30. Parallel and perpendicular ※ Let's learn about parallel and perpendicular.

■ Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation Plan 1) Assessment objectives ▶ Students can know about parallel and perpendicular.

2) Achievement and assessment standards Achievement

The Evaluation Criteria

Criteria Students can know about

High Intermediate

parallel and perpendicular.


Students can know about parallel and perpendicular and present examples. Students can know about parallel and perpendicular but have difficulty in presenting examples. Students can't know about parallel and perpendicular and have difficulty in presenting examples.

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


& Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Revised Curriculum ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics textbook 2nd grade (revised version) ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2009). Elementary mathematics guidebook for teacher 2nd grade ▪ Edunet



Parallel and perpendicular

Math Teachers′ Guide Book Grade 1 & 2 |


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