Education ODA in Ethiopia
Science Teachers’ Guide Book Grade 1&2 Focus on Activities and Videos
Dpoufout Ⅰ. The Theory of Elementary Science … 3 1. The characteristics of elementary science 2. Effective elementary science lessons 1) Many characteristics of lessons 2) The teacher behavior’s traits 3) The characteristics of effective questions
Ⅱ. The operation and practice of the training … 9 1. The selected background of learning subjects for elementary science teachers' training 2. The system and features of first and second grade elementary science curriculum 3. Analysis of the contents of the Ethiopian first grade science. 4. Analysis of the contents of the Ethiopian second grade science. 5. The analysis of common contents in the science curriculum of Korea and Ethiopia. 6. Comparison of Ethiopian and Korean Science curriculum
Ⅲ. Introduction of the lesson plans … 14 Ⅳ. The main lesson plans … 28 ▍Reference … 250
The Theory of Elementary Science
1. The characteristics of elementary science Science education consists of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth Science in terms of a curriculum, but also this subject differs from other subjects in terms of method of learning. As one of the curriculum which considers this aspect, elementary science provides justification and effectiveness of science education for elementary science teachers. In other words, elementary science is a required subject for the teachers who want to be competent teachers. The ultimate goal of the elementary science education is to contribute/ promote all students’ intellectual, affective and physical development in order to promote each individual student’s holistic development: the elementary science education’s objectives are to intrigue the students’ interest in the world around them to investigate and study environment to acquire scientific method and thinking in order to apply for one’s real life, and to build empirical basis on the understanding of the important concepts. Furthermore, since elementary education is compulsory and general education, elementary education should be focused on the concept, "Science Education for All" rather than fostering many scientists. In short, the elementary science education put emphasis on forming one’s basic learning skills and basic living habit. Therefore, elementary science education needs to acquire basic science knowledge, study skills and scientific attitude.
2. Effective elementary science lessons The followings are elementary science lessons’ concrete characteristics. By understanding these characteristics, the teachers will get useful information about concrete teaching method to be professionals.
1) Many characteristics of lessons These questions will help the teachers to figure out the concept of the effective elementary science lessons.
The Theory of Elementary Science |
(1) Does the lesson provide interesting activities and references to the students? Probably, the motivation is the fundamental element, no matter what kind of lesson it is. For the meaningful study, the students should be intrigued in their lessons. Therefore, appropriate activities and references should be prepared in order to intrigue the students’ interest. (2) Does the lesson provide appropriate activities and materials which encourage students to think about various meanings and to discuss them for themselves? These days, school education and science education’s pivotal goal is to encourage the students’ useof thinking skill and its development. To achieve this goal, the students need to confront with many different kinds of situations such as inquiry, analysis, assessment, comparison, inference, and using various thinking skills. The students should collect and analyze data, make inquiries, share their ideas, call into question the result, and discuss the meaning of all these works. (3) Does the lesson provide various study levels and procedures for the individual’s creativity? Because of the students’ different interest and intellectual capacity, it is impossible to have all of the students’ progress be the same in all classes. Therefore, each lesson should be flexible. When the teachers offer to the students interesting references and activities, such a problem is solved. The students will automatically perform the activities depending on their intellectual capacities and preferences and interact with other students using many different types of references. The teachers should respect and encourage each individual student’s creativity and one’s preference. (4) Is the lesson’s content appropriate to the learner’s developmental level? Selecting lesson topics and teaching methods are a continuous research focus. However, the important aspect of planning lessons is that it should be designed for proper levels of the students’ thinking abilities rather than exceeding their levels. For the students’ intellectual development, too much non-equilibrium situations make the students to be frustrated and to lose their motivation in the lesson.
(5) Does the lesson involve the basic concepts for the understanding of the school system’s embedded theory? The teachers must always keep in mind the fact that the process of selecting lesson topics can improve the understanding of the students’ living space. The structure of concept system and such concepts, plate tectonics, molecular kinetic theory, cell theory, evolution theory and the quantum theory, encourage the understanding of their living world. Through research on the concepts and its structure, the students will understand and have keen insight. From this point of
view, assessors need to understand related school system’s embedded theory for meaningful reception learning. (6) Does the reading activity not bother the low level of students’ reading development? The reading activity in the elementary science lesson should not be planned excessively. Although the reading activity is considered one of the very important activities, this is not subject of success and failure of the elementary science learning. Generally, the reading activity related to the lesson should be assigned after the introduction of concepts. (7) Does the teacher effectively use visual and technical aids such as diagrams, slides, films, videos and computer for the supplement references? Visual aids like diagrams help the students to arrange and put together what they have learned. By direct experience, the students should basically understand their learning and then using visual aids like films, slides, videos and other technical aids extend the students’ understanding and cognition. However, these visual aids cannot replace the function of the direct experience. The students can helpfully use computers when they collect data, but the direct experience on the actual natural phenomenon.
2) The teacher behavior’s traits The teacher should stimulate the students’ success with effective guidelines rather than authority.
(12) Does the teacher also participate in the students’research activity as a peer? Of course not, the teacher should lead the research activity. However, the teachers are supposed to facilitate an enthusiastic peer research while monitoring the classroom, ask proper questions to the individual students, and pay attention to any struggling students who need special assistance. The teachers cannot ask students to research activity without the teachers’ voluntary works. (13) Does the teacher play a role as a clerk when the students need to analyze and organize data?
Ifthe new terms are meaningful to the students, the terms should be linked with certain patterns that are based on the direct experience. Prior to experiencing this situation, if the verbal label applied to the abstract concepts, the students will perform rote memory without understanding.
The Theory of Elementary Science |
(14) Does the teacher provide additional references which extend and reinforce the previously suggested terms’meaning? Through the research work in the lesson, the students will understand new concepts and different thinking patterns. They should apply these concepts and thinking patterns to the new situations. For example, suppose the students simulate with colored tooth picks in the grass and through this research work in the lesson, they are supposed to learn the concept of natural selection. However, it is meaningless if this natural selection concept only applied to the special situations. So, the teachers should provide different examples and let the students find other examples themselves to extend the meaning of this concept. Such an activity is the process of applying and extending conceptual meaning and should happen in many lessons. (15) Does the teacher stop the lesson for disciplining students? The most common mistake from new teachers is to deal with confrontational students emotionally. This type of the teachers’ behaviors seems to be successful but it is not effective. The result of this type of behaviors is as follows: losing respect for the teachers and the control of classroom management. The best way to manage the student conduct is individually, calmly and silently. When the teachers handle the students with effective classroom discipline, other students are not in a panic and the teachers also do not have to hurt their feelings.
(16) Is the teacher confident, calm and friendly to the students? These characteristics like consideration, endurance and a sense of humor are the criteria of deciding whether the lesson is successful or not.
3) The characteristics of effective questions In order to manage the successful elementary science lessons, the teacher should guide students in an enquiring way for their research work. (17) Does the teacher ask most of the questions in divergent or evaluative ways? Divergent and evaluative questions bring about the students’various reactions and prompt their creative and critical thinking. All these questions have different answers so following these questions are divergent questions: "What are the reasons?" "Can we find out the reasons?" "What do you think is happening in these seeds?" "How can you prove your hypothesis?" These questions enable to divergent, creative, and critical thinking and bring about debates. On the other hands, convergent questions need only fixed and given answers. This type of the questions
makes the students to concentrate on a specific research work. For example, "What kinds of liquid evaporate first?" "How many water fleas are caught?" Questions can be classified not only divergent and convergent types, but also depending on many different types of levels. The lowest level questions only need to recall certain information. The highest level questions need to evaluate on the alternative suggestions. Bloom’s taxonomy, especially cognitive domain can be classified in 6 categories; knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Generally, in order to answer highly difficult questions, the high-dimensional thinking pattern and this type of the questions should be used more often. (18) Does the teacher pay attention to the students’ difficult aspect of the research work when the teacher raises convergent questions to the students? It is worth it to ask convergent questions to the students for analyzing, correcting mistakes, and clearly defining research work. After using this type of questions, the teacher should ask divergent questions again to prompt the students’ more broad thinking. (19) Should the question be asked in direct and simple words? If the questions are vague, the students can be confused and struggle to focus on the questions. Therefore, the questions should be asked directly and derive from the students’ common vocabulary. (20) Does the teacher need an answer to a certain student? The students can ignore the questions if the teacher needs an answer only to a certain student. After asking questions, the teacher can let all of the students think about the answers. However, when the teacher does not ask a certain student to answer questions, the all students answer at the same time and can cause loss of classroom control. (21) Does the teacher wait for the individual student’s answer for at least 4 or 5 seconds? Many teachers do not give enough time to the students who need to think about and prepare the answers. Without waiting time, the teachers usually point out another student to answer the questions. This procedure is very unfair and does not allow the students’ creative or critical thinking. The concept of "wait-time" is periods of silence that followed teacher questions and students’ completed responses. When students are given 3 or more undisturbed "wait-time," there are certain positive outcomes; increase the length and correctness of their responses. In addition, "Post-student’s Response Wait-time" also should be occurred in the lessons. This second wait-time can also increase the length and correctness of the students’responses. The Theory of Elementary Science |
(22) Do the teachers listen attentively to individual student’s answers and consider them seriously?
Discussing the validity of answers and data should be performed by the students rather than the teachers. This discussion allows the students to apprehend accuracy of the data and let them freely debate on the topics. (23) Does the teacher provide additional questions or ideas to the students who need to continuously think? The teacher needs to improve their questioning skills in order to guide the students’ continuing thinking and research work. This means that the teacher should not give the answer directly. The teacher can directly ask such a question, "What kind of tree is this?" or suggest additional ideas to guide the students’ continuing research work. (24) Do the teacher and the students enjoy the lesson? Every student can be a scientist if one has curiosity for science; enjoy one’s subject and research work. Teaching science as an enjoyable and interesting activity is good enough for the students and other definitions are unnecessary.
The operation and practice of the training
1. The selected background of learning subjects for elementary science teachers' training The learning subjects of elementary science teachers' training are chosen on the basis of the same or similar contents from the comparison and analysis of both Korean and Ethiopian science curriculums. First we have done the analysis of elementary science curriculum and textbook for the development of the science materials with the Ethiopian science experts. We first tried to analyze the elementary science textbooks currently used in the area of Adama because we did not have the basic knowledge and information of Ethiopian science curriculum. The Ethiopian research committee members visited Busan National University of Education last August and worked with Korean research committee members about the science curriculums. Both committee members researched and found out the same or similar contents of Korean and Ethiopian science curriculums. We have chosen the 30 lesson plans which are based on the same contents of Korean and Ethiopian curriculums. We also have made 15 videos for the lessons which need more experiments and practices. We have changed the Korean style contents into the Ethiopian style and composed the experiments and practices based on the Ethiopian environment. All the practical and experimental materials consist of the ones which can be obtainedin Ethiopia easily. We have selected the science parts from the Korean first grade and second grade of the Intelligent Life textbooks. We have selected the science parts from the Ethiopian first grade and second grade of the Environmental Science textbooks. Then we have selected the same and similar contents of both Korean and Ethiopian science curriculums.
2. The system and features of first and second grade elementary science curriculum First and second grades of elementary science textbook characteristics are as follows: â‘ Ethiopian first and second grades of elementary science curriculum consists of integrated curriculum similar to Korean first and second grades of elementary curriculum of Intelligent Life. The operation and practice of the training |
② Ethiopian environmental science consists of an integrated curriculum of science and social studies.
③ The main content of the science curriculum is based on theoretical training rather than the lab experiments or practice. ④ The textbook consists of one book without distinction of semester ⑤ Thereis not much painting materials, motivation, and secondary data for the description of scientific concepts. ⑥ Each grade consists of four sections.
3. Analysis of the contents of the Ethiopian first grade science. Unit
Contents 1.1 Our external body parts
Unit 1: Ourselves
1.2 Our basic needs 1.3 Common diseases that affect us 1.4 The five sensory organs 2.1 Family members
Unit 2: Our family
2.2 Our family needs food, shelter and clothing 2.3 Household materials 3.1 Our school compound 3.2 We respect rules and regulations
Unit 3: Our school
3.3 We have good personal relationship 3.4 Road safety 3.5 Activities we can do in our school 4.1 Location of our Kebele 4.2 Non-living things around us
Unit 4: Our locality – kebele
4.3 Living things around us 4.4 Common activities of our local people 4.5 Transportation in our locality
4. Analysis of the contents of the Ethiopian second grade science. Unit
Contents 1.1 The food we eat
Unit 1: Ourselves
1.2 We are healthy! 1.3 We keep our personal hygiene
2.1 Members of our community Unit 2: Our community
2.2 Living in the community 2.3 Our community needs energy 2.4 Making objects from clay or plasticine and paper
3.1 Natural phenomena Unit 3: Our natural
3.2 Natural resources
3.3 Plants around us 3.4 Animals around us
4.1 Location of our woreda Unit 4: Our woreda or sub-city
4.2 Types of land forms of our woreda 4.3 Institutions in our woreda 4.4 Economic activities of the woreda
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5. The analysis of common contents in the science curriculum of Korea and Ethiopia. The common contents of science textbooks in Korea and Ethiopia are as follows: Korean Science Curriculum ∙ Spring has come
Ethiopian Science Curriculum ∙ The five sensory organs ∙ Non-living things around us
∙ I'm with Nature
1. Air 2. Water 3. Soil ∙ Living things around us 1. Plants 2. Animals ∙ Our external body parts 1. External body parts
∙ My body
2. Functions of external body ∙ The food we eat 2. Commonly eaten foods
∙ Fall mountains & fields ∙ Animals and plants are my friends.
∙ Days and nights are different ∙ Let's be friends with shadows
∙ Living things around us 1. Plants(Grouping, Use of plants, Caring for plants) 2. Animals (Grouping, Use of animals, Caring for animals) ∙ Natural phenomena 1. Observing natural phenomena (day and night)
6. Comparison of Ethiopian and Korean Science curriculum Lesson Theme & Teaching Strategy 1st Year(1~2 Grade) Lesson
Curriculum of Korea Grade
Lesson Theme
2. Spring has come
Planning to observe the flowers and trees around the school
Living things & non-living things.
Animals & Plants 5.I'm with Nature
Flowers and fruits
Five question Game
1-4.2 Non living things around us 1. Air 2. Water 3. Soil
Looking at our body shape
9 1. My body
The roles of each body part Boasting of the functions of our body parts.
Various food tastes.
Sensory Play
4. Fall mountains & fields
14 15 16
7. Animals and plants are my friends.
18 19
○ ○ ○
2-1.1 The food we eat 2. Commonly eaten foods
1-4.3 Living things around us 1. Plants(Grouping, Use of plants, Caring for plants) 2. Animals(Grouping, Use of animals, Caring for animals)
Grouping leaves after looking at them Gathering seeds from fruits Decorating shapes with seeds, leaves and so on Becoming friends with animals and plants
1-4.3 Living things around us 1. Plants 2. Animals 1-1.1 Our external body parts 1. External body parts 2. Functions of external body parts 3. Care of the external parts of the body
Looking at the appearance of me and my friends. 1
Subject 1-1.4 The five sense organs
Various animals
5 7
Curriculum of Ethiopia
Animals you can raise Plants you can grow How to raise animals/plants
○ ○ ○
Home decorating with plants and animals living together
'Day and night' meeting
22 23 24
Features of day and night. 1. Days and nights are different
Several ways of dividing a day.
The life style of the people according to day and night
The life style of the animals and plants according to day and night
25 26
Finding shadows
Sunny place and shade
28 29 30
2. Let's be friends with shadows
2-3.1 Natural phenomena 1. Observing natural phenomena (day and night)
Stepping shadow game Let's find out why shadows are created
Preparation of shadow play
※ Environmental Science Syllabus For Grades 1 – 4 (General Education Curriculum Framework Development Department Ministry Of Education October, 2007 Addis Ababa)
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Lesson 1.
Introduction of the lesson plans
Observing trees and flowers around the school
This lesson's objective is to make plans of observing trees and flowers around the school. To meet this lesson objective, the teacher should suggest that students freely share their experiences of looking around the school to increase their interest in the lesson. At the stage of development, the first activity is to haveindividual investigation on the names of the flowers around the school. The second activity is to have the students decide on a specific flower, which will be investigated by theindividual or by the group. The third activity is to increase the students understanding of thekinds of materials that are needed for looking at flowers around the school. The fourth activity is to talk about the cautions needed to observe thetrees and flowers around the school. As a wrap-up, students will check the materials for the next outside observation. This lesson's evaluation will be the students' presentations of the names of flowers and the precautions used during the observing and monitoring period.
Lesson 2.
Grouping living things and non-living things
The objective of this lesson is that students can group living things and non-living things. Teacher tries to induce students' motivation in the introduction part as the teacher lets students talk about what they saw at the school garden to achieve the lesson objective. Students represent what they examined about the living things and the non-living things using the picture materials in the development part of activity 1. Teacher gives a mission to students in advance, then students prepare the photos of living things and non-living things that we can see around us in activity 2. Students divide the living things and non-living things, and then find out the characteristics of the living things and non-living things in activity 3. In activity 3 the teacher can alter the activity as students answer the teacher'squestions, or students can do worksheet activity. The teacher can close the arrangement part as students get the mind of treating living things and non-living things preciously.
The teacher can then evaluate the students by checking the presentations or by using the worksheet in activity 3.
Lesson 3.
‘Grouping animals and plants’
The objective of this lesson is that students can make groups of plants and animals from creatures in Summer. Teacher induces the students' motivation by asking and checking one more time about the living things and non-living things that the students learned about last time to achieve the lesson goal.
Students represent various creatures which we can see around us and the teacher writes down all of the creatures which students presented in introduction activity 1. Students try to divide the creatures into plants and animals. In activity 2, students find out and write down the plants and animals using the picture materials.
In activity 3, the teacher prepares for the plant and animal cards in advance and shows to students.
The students divide these cards into animal cards and plant cards. In arrangement activity, teacher should have told the students in advance to bring the animal and plant cards for the assignment. Lastly, the teacher concludes the lesson as students write and present the differences between plants and animals on the worksheet. The teacher evaluates the students using the observation or worksheet for grouping creatures into plants and animals.
Lesson 4.
‘Grouping animals according to their habitats’
The objective of this lesson is that students can divide animals according to where they live. The teacher induces the students' motivation naturally as the teacher asks the students about their experiences of visiting a zoo. In introduction activity 1 the students represent the animals which they have seen around them or raised at home. In activity 2 the students divide the animals according to where they live.The teacher should prepare animal cards beforehand in case there are not many students present. In the optional activity, students can play an animal guessing game. The students play a miming game. One student comes up, decides one animal in his/her mind Introduction of the lesson plans |
and expresses the animal with the pantomime or whole body. Then, the rest of the students try to guess the answer. The student who gets the answer will go next. In activity 3 the students talk about the characteristics of the animals and the reason why they like the animals among the summer animals. In the arrangement stage students draw pictures of animals and write about the characteristics of the animals that they like on the worksheet. The evaluation of this lesson is to observe the students' presentation and to check the students' drawings whether they express the characteristics of where the animals live well.
Lesson 5. ‘The flowers and fruits in Summer’ The objective of this lesson is that students can examine the characteristics and shapes of flowers and fruits that we can see during the Summer. In the introduction, the teacher induces students' motivation by asking the students questions about the tastes of fruits which they have eaten recently. In development activity 1 students present freely about the flowers they saw and fruits they ate in Summer. The teacher can understand the prior experiences of students through this activity. In activity 2 the students observe flowers and fruits. The teacher lets the students talk about the details and important things about observing flowers and fruits in the school garden. In activity 3 the students choose flowers and fruits for their friends and talk about why they chose them. During the arrangement step, students talk about how to love the flowers and fruits which became their friends. In this way, students regard plants as something they love and take care. In the evaluation, teacher evaluates how students observe plants at the school garden and evaluates the students' presentation.
Lesson 6. ‘Five question game about the characteristics of animals and plants’ The objective of this lesson is that students can talk about the characteristics of animals and plants in Summer. In the introduction, the teacher induces students' motivation as students look around and talk
about the photos of plants and animals which they have learned in this lesson. In development activity 1, students listen to how to play 'Five question game' and prepare for the game. In activity 2, students actually play the 'Five question game'. Students prepare the cards. One student picks a card, the rest of students ask 5 questions about the card, and then the students should guess and find out the answer. At first, a pair of students can play this game, then the whole class of students can play this game in groups. This activity is very fun and interesting. In arrangement and conclusion, students can talk about the differences between living and non-living things as well as the characteristics of plants and animals. In evaluation, teacher observes students playing the 'Five question game' and checks whether the students know the characteristics of plants and animals.
Lesson 7.
‘Looking at the figures of me and my friend’
The objective of this lesson is that students will knowthe similarities and differences between them and their friends. In the introduction, the teacher induces the students' motivation as students distinguish the differences between body and face and talk about their bodies and faces. In introduction activity 1 the students represent what the students are doing in the reference material.
The teacher asks questions in order for the students to observe the picture carefully. In activity 2 students look at their faces with hand mirrors and talk about facial features. In activity 3 students play three optional games such as 'Nose, nose, nose game', 'Simon says game' and/or 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes game.' When students play 'Nose, nose, nose game' all of the students stand up and then the teacher points to his nose and says "nose, nose, nose" and then says "mouth," students should point their index fingers to their mouth. The teacher tries to point to each body part alternately. The students who fails has to sit down. The last remaining student is the winner. Group students or the whole class can play this game. In arrangement and conclusion students discover the similarities and differences between the pairs by looking at the big mirror. In evaluation, the teacher checks whether the students compare and find the similarities and differences between them and their friend.
Introduction of the lesson plans |
Lesson 8.
Observing body parts
This lesson's objective is to investigate the body parts in manydifferent ways. At the introduction, the teacher willencourage students by providing pictures related to body parts and then giving them the chance to think about what they have to learn forthemselves. The introduction consists of six selective activities: The first activity is to have the students draw their body that is reflected in the mirror. The second activity is to make handprints. The third activity is for pairs to draw the different body parts of their partner who faces them. The fourth activity is to draw one’s partner’s body parts on a drawing paper and then cut and paste colored paper on top of it. The fifth activity is to have students compare their body size with theirpartner and then record the sizes. The sixth activity is to shape clay into a body. As a review, each group presents their work with explanation. This lesson’s evaluation will be conducted by monitoring groups that express body parts in many different ways.
Lesson 9.
Learning each body parts’ functions
This lesson’s objective is to learn each body parts’ functions. At the introduction, the teacher will encourage students’ learning by singing and dancing to the song "Head, shoulder, knees and toes"and also through the Guessing Whose Voice game. The first activity is to figure out each body part’s name and its function. The second activity has two selective activities: The first activity is called "Drawing a prince or a princess." The teacherwill need to remind students of observing one’s body parts thoroughly. The second activity is called "Say My Body Parts." This activity allows students to freely talk about the five sensory aspects of a body part usingpictures. As a review, students will play a game where they guess each body part’s name and its function. In addition, "Simon says" and "True or False quiz" can be used as wrap-up activities. This lesson’s evaluation will be conducted by observing and monitoring students’ process at the second activity, which has the two selective activities
Expressing each body parts’ functions
This lesson’s objective is to express each body parts’functions. At the introduction, the teacher intrigues students’ interest through "Simon Says" game. At the stage of development, students will announce the role of the body parts: eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and hands. The second activity is to make five bands for the role-playing and to construct group role-plays for the five main body parts. There will be five body part bands that will be referring to pictures for
details. As a wrap-up, the students will share and announce their ideas on the role-plays. This lesson’s evaluation will be conducted by observing and monitoring students’ progress and how they express their understanding through the role-plays.
Many flavors of food
This lesson’s objective is to distinguish the many differentflavors of food. At the introduction, students will talk about their breakfast menu and then find their partner who had the same flavored food for breakfast. This activity will be used to encourage students’ interest in the lesson. At this stage of development, the next activity is to complete a picture reference by drawing birthday food or filling in the blanks with names of food. The second activity is utilized as group work where the students distinguish food through smelling and tasting. For this activity, the teacher needs to remind students to bring some food. As a review, the teacher will ask several questions related to the importance of thesensory organs. This lesson’s evaluation will be conducted by observing and monitoring the students’worksheets that reveal the different types of food depending on its flavors.
Lesson12. This
Sensory Game activities
inconvenience through playing many different kinds of sensory games. At the introduction, the teacher will suggest that the students feel many different types of objects by using their five senses in order to intrigue their interest in the lesson. At this stage of development, students will learn the sensory organs’ characteristics through playing comprehension games. The first selective activity is totouch the objects- the sense of touch; the second selective activity is to smell the objects- the sense of smell; the third selective activity is to taste the objects- the sense of taste; the fourth selective activity is to see the objects- the sense of sight; the fifth selective activity is toguess the words- the sense of hearing; the sixth selective activity is to walk with a blindfoldthe sense of sight. In order to accomplish each activity, the teacher should prepare all the materials. As a review, the students will think about the different situations where one’s sensory organ doesn’t work properly andthen try to understand disabled people’s inconveniences. This lesson’s evaluation will be conducted by monitoring and observing the sensory games during the selective activities.
Introduction of the lesson plans |
Lesson13. Observing and classifying leaves. This lesson’s objective is to observe and classify many different types of leaves. At the introduction, the students will sing many different songs regarding "Autumn." At this stage of development, for the first activity the students will collect many different types of leaves around the school. As a second activity, the students will observe the leaves and share their ideas about the colors, shapes and feelings of them. The third activity is to classify the many different types of leaves according to the characteristics. According to the criteria, the students will draw or attach leaves on a piece of paper for thereview. This lesson’s evaluation will be conducted by monitoring the students’ process on classifying many differenttypes of leaves.
Classifying seeds from fruits
This lesson’s objective is to learn the characteristics of the autumn seeds and fruits. At the introduction, the teacher will encourage students to sing songs related to the autumn fruits in order to intrigue their interest in the lesson. At thisstage of development, for the first activity the students will find places to observe autumn fruit. The second activity is to have the students prepare many different kinds of autumn fruit in order to experience the shapes, tastes, sizes and colors for themselves. The third activity is to find out the seeds of the autumn fruit from the previous activity. As a review, the students will put the seeds into empty bottles and record the names. This lesson’s evaluation will be conducted by monitoring the students’ process of distinguishing the autumn fruits’ characteristics.
‘Decorating shapes with various ways’
The objective of this lesson is that students can decorate shapes using seeds and leaves etc. In the introduction, the teacher induces students' motivation as students talk about the lesson regarding Fall, which they learned about last time. In development activity 1, students look at the process of making the picture through the reference picture and then sketch the drawing. In activity 2 the students look at the materials to express effectively and choose the materials which they need for their picture after designing it with leaves and seeds. In this activity the teacher should explain the instructions well because it can be difficult for the students.Students draw their pictures on the drawing papers. In activity 3 the students add to the picture using the materials related with Fall. The teacher
should prepare more materials for those who didn't prepare their materials. In the arrangement and conclusion, students look at their friends' work. Each student can give points on the empty space of the works to their classmates and evaluate by themselves.
‘Observing animals and plants which we can see around us’
The objective of this lesson is that the students can observe animals and plants around the school or their house. In the introduction the teacher induces students' motivation as students divide mixed cards into animal cards and plant cards. In the development stage the students do two activities. The first activity is to observe the plants and animals in the picture materials. Students observe the picture of a house of Korean rural area. In the second activity, students go out and observe the plants and animals at the school garden and the pond. After the observation, students draw the animals and plants which they looked at. In arrangement and conclusion, students evaluate themselves by looking at their friends' drawings and talking about the good pointsof their works. In the evaluation the teacher evaluates how the students observed the plants and animals around the school. The teacher can give high points to the students who observed precisely.
Selecting my favorable pet
This lesson’s objective is to determine the pets in which can be kept in the house or near the school. At the introduction, the students will share their past experiences of having pets and make dialogue about the pets. At thisstage of development, the first activity is to share the students’ past experiences of having pets and talk about their pets’traits. Also, they will make pet cards that explain information such as names and the pets’ special traits. After making the pet cards, the students will play the relay games utilizing them. The second activity is to classify possible pets that can be kept in the house or in the school according to the criteria. In addition, the students will decide the most favorable pet and draw it on a worksheet. As a wrap-up, the students will have the chance to speak about their favorable pet’s name and the reasons why they want it. This lesson’s evaluation will be conducted by observing and monitoring the students’ presentations on the first and second activity.
Introduction of the lesson plans |
‘Introduction of the plant which I like’
The objective of this lesson is that the students know about the plants which we can grow at the school or home. In the introduction the teacher induces students' motivation as students talk about the experience of growing plants at home. In development activity 1 the students observe the plants at the school garden and activity 2 is the introduction of students' favorite plants. Because students already looked around and observed the school garden, it is possible that the teacher can use photo materials or students can go out again and observe plants precisely. Students observed various plants last time. Students should observe the detailed shapes, colors and leaves of plants in this lesson. In activity 2 the teacher gives homework to the students to research and write in detail about the plants which they like. Students do the role-play activity as if they have become plants. The teacher can observe and evaluate students at the same time. The teacher prepares various plant materials in advance and gives provides for the students who couldn't do their homework. In this way, all the students can participate in the activity.
The ways of raising animals and plants
This lesson’s objective is to present the ways of raising animals and plants. At the introduction, the teacher will encourage the students to share their experiences of having pets that were sick and how the students took care of them. At the introduction, the students will solve the "True or False Quiz"regarding the ways of taking care of pet animals and plants. The second activity is to have the students make presentations on their favorable pet animals and plants, with the proper reasons using the references. In this activity, the students are allowed to color the pictures of their favorable pet animal and plant or they candirectly draw their favorable pet animals and plants by themselves. After this activity, the teacher will demonstrate how to make the observation record forthe students and then have them make it together. For the review, the teacher will suggest that the students write down what they need when they are keeping pets and plants and also their promises. This lesson’s evaluation will be conducted by monitoring and observing the students’ process on the first and the second activities.
‘How to raise animals and plants’
The objective of this lesson is that students can represent the house they want to live in with animals and plants in various ways. In the introduction, the teacher induces students' motivation as students divide the mixed animal and plant cards into indoor and outdoor animals and plants. In development activity 1, students can find out some good points about living with animals and plants together. In activity 2, students decorate the house they want to live in with animals and plants. In activity 1, the teacher will ask questions and students will answer them. Students can think of some good points when we live with animals and plants together. In activity 2, individual studentsmake and decorate a house with colored papers and colored pens. Then groups of students can make and decorate a house with colored papers and colored pens.
Students can naturally accept the life in which they live with animals and plants together in the future. In the evaluation, teacher observes that students decorate a house in the group.
‘Meeting day and night’
The objective of this lesson is that students can talk about the differences between day and night. The teacher induces the students' motivation to observe the various aspects of the day and say to this "Let's look at how people live during the day and at night looking at the photos of day and night." In introduction activity 1 students will role-play calling a friend in Ethiopia. Teacher chooses one student who will role play as a Korean student and choose another student who will role play as an Ethiopia student. Two students will "call" each other. The two countries have different time zones by about 6 hours.If teacher uses this it is very beneficial to students. After this activity students have to do the mind-mapping activity about 'day and night.' In activity 2, looking at the figure of day and night . The teacher has to prepare sentence cards and give them to the students. After this the teacher asks questions about the characteristics of day and night. When many students answer the question the teacher has them write down the correct words on the worksheet. The evaluation of this lesson is to observe their`s mind-mapping activity and worksheet.
Introduction of the lesson plans |
Learning Day and night
This lesson’s objective is to figure out the different characteristics of day and night. At the introduction, the students will freely brainstorm the concept of "day and night". At this state of development, the students will find out the different characteristics of days and nights using the references, especially inthe rural areas such as farm, fishing and mountain villages.
second activity is to share the students’ ideas on occurring days and nights and then make "Day and Night" using the OHP films. As a review, the students will present the characteristics of days and nights. This lesson’s evaluation will be conducted by monitoring and observing the students’ presentations on the characteristics of days and nights.
‘Dividing a day in various ways'
The objective of this lesson is that students can divide a day in various ways. Teacher induces the students' motivation by asking questions like "Which order are the photos of reference material arrayed?" It is difficult to observe the photos by them self, so the teacher should write down the keywords onthe blackboard. In introduction activity 1, pasting pictures on a worksheet divided by day and night.Students should observe the pictures on the refrence material which is the pet dog`s daily life. If they observe closely, they can see the sun in the picture at daytime. Activity 2 is a choice activity in which the teacher gives the students two kinds of material.The first is 'Let's paste pictures of a day in the life of David, divided into morning, afternoon and evening.' The second is 'Let's paste pictures in a day in the life of mom, divided into morning, afternoon and evening.' Maybe the second activity is more difficult than the first, so the teacher must help those who feel it is difficult. The supplementary worksheet will be used if the teacher wants.
The evaluation of this lesson is the worksheet.
‘The lifestyle of people according to day and night'
The objective of this lesson is that students can find the changing lifestyle of people according to day and night. Teacher induces thestudents' motivation to guess the contents of the reference pictures for 30 seconds. Afterwards the teacher asks them various questions about reference pictures. Introduction activity 1 is finding out the lifestyle of people during the day and night. The
teacher is able to ask questions about the day and the night.Example: "Who are the people that mainly work during the day?" "Who mainly work during the night?" Then students can answer the questions using by their experience. Activity 2 is having a gracious mind. The teacher has to prepare role-play material and let the students participate in the role-play. Maybe students will have a gracious mind while they do the roll-play. After this the teacher lets them draw the people who work during the day or the night using a worksheet. The evaluation of this lesson is to observe their worksheets and answering.
Lesson25. Animals and plants’ lives depending on days and nights This lesson’s objective is to compare animals’ and plants’ lives depending on day and night. At the introduction, the teacher will show the picture of the sun flower, which is hidden at a certain part of the day. At this stage ofdevelopment, the first activity is to check the formation of sun flower. The students willcompare the sun flower’s formation in regard to day and night. In addition, they will alsoobserve dandelions. The students will use flowers thatcan be easily found around their regions. The second activity is to observe animals’ lives during the day and night and compare it with humans’ lives. The third activity is to experience the nocturnal animals and plants through role-playing games in order to understand theircharacteristics. Using the worksheet, the students will review the lives of the animals and plants depending on day and night. This lesson’s evaluation will be conducted by monitoring and observing the students’ comparison on the lives of animals and plants depending on day and night.
‘Meeting day and night’
The objective of this lesson is that students can look for shadows around us. Teacher induces the students' motivation by solving some quiz questions related to shadows and to show children's story 'Wolf and shadow.' For the purpose of making the device of a shadow story, the teacher needs the materials of white paper, black paper and a light. The shadows story telling is enough to give them much exciting time so will be arise motivation for this lesson. Introduction activity 1 is marking the place where shadows are created. Students should observe the pictures on the reference material and draw shadows which would be there. If any student feels like it is too difficult, the teacher can help them with reference material 2, and let Introduction of the lesson plans |
them know the shadows will be created at daytime or under the light. Activity 2 is a mind-mapping activity in which the teacher gives the students the word 'shadows' and the students write down the words that come to mind. The evaluation of this lesson is the worksheet.
A sunny place and a shady place
This lesson’s objective is to learn the functions of sunny places and the shady placesdepending on the amount of the lights. At the introduction, the teacher will tell the students a story of “캚 Man Who Buys the Shade of a Tree”�, which will intrigue their interest in the lesson. At this stage of development, the students will figure out the cause of the formation of sunny places and shady places. Then they will go outside and feel the differences in theplaces depending on the amount of the lights. During this activity, the teacher will suggest that the students are in a boundary line between the sunny and shady places and the students will be put into two sections respectively. With the references, the second activity is to complete the worksheets thatregard the possible works depending on the places. Moreover, the students will talk about other examples for using the sunny and shady places as a wrap-up. This lesson’s evaluation will be conducted by the worksheet that reveals the students’understanding of the classification of the possible works depending on the amount of the lights.
Observing the formation of the shadow
This lesson’s objective is to observe the formation of the shadows during theday. At the introduction, the teacher will suggest that the students sing a song "Who Is Sleeping?" with changing lyrics to intrigue their interest in the lesson. At this stage of development, the first activity is to observe the formation of a shadow such as length, shapes and where the shadow is pointing towards during the day. The second activity is to play a shadow treading game with 5 or 6 students in a group. As a review, the students will make presentations on the formation of a shadow during the day. This lesson’s evaluation will be conducted by monitoring and observing the students’ process of observing the formation of a shadow.
‘Finding out the reason why shadows are created’
The objective of this lesson is that students can find out the reason why shadows are created. The teacher induces the students' motivation by having them observe a picture from reference
material 1 and letting them think about today learning subject. Introduction activity 1 is making a shadow by pasting a picture on a transparent film. The teacher has to prepare a transparent film and let them draw a picture like on reference material 1, and then pasting it on a transparent film. When the students make it the teacher has them look at the sunshine through the transparent film, and then students should compare pasting picture area and the other area. In activity 2, the students find the characteristics of the objects in which shadows are created or not. First the teacher lets the students find the differences by passing sunlight through a transparent film and A4 paper. Then the teacher should prepare some objects like a worksheet and tell the students "Let's group the objects which sunlight can pass through and the objects that it can't pass through." As a result of this activity the students will understand the characteristics of the objects which sunlight can pass through and cannot pass through. The evaluation of this lesson is answering the question on the worksheet "What is the reason shadow is created?"
Preparing the shadow play
This lesson’s objective is to make many different shapes of shadows with one’s hands and to prepare the shadow play. At the introduction, the teacher will suggest that the students sing the song "Animal Farm" in order to intrigue their interest in the lesson. At this stage of development, the students will make simple shadows with hands and tools and thenshare their experience of participating in shadow plays or watching them. The second activity is to make the story of ashadow play using fairy tales or the original stories. As a group work, the students will make their own props for the shadow plays.
As a wrap-up, the teacher will inform the
students to practice their shadow plays in any of the recession periods or after school. This lesson’s evaluation will be conducted by monitoring and observing the students’ process for designing the hand shadows and preparing the shadow plays.
Introduction of the lesson plans |
Main lesson plans
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 1 ‘Observing the flowers and trees around the school’ Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is planning to observe the flowers and trees around the school. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter one 'The five sense organs' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. Watching videos and showing pre-recorded teacher's pictures about how to observe the flowers and trees around the school may be considered, but it is better to have teacher's questions and students' answers about the experiences of observation and pre-survey if considering the local circumstances.
Chapter Title
Spring Has Come
▪ Plan to look at the flowers and trees around the school
Teacher- Photos of flowers & trees, Student- Names of flowers and trees Teaching-Learning Activities
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
◎ Talking freely about the Readi Motivatio ◎ Talking freely about the Teacher makes ness n experience of looking around the experience of looking around the students activit school school remember the ies ○ Talking about the place memories of what
where flowers and trees are.
they saw around
•Let's talk about the experience
the school.
in which we looked around the school
-I saw the principle's office. -I saw a playground. -I saw a garden.
•Where can we see flowers and -You can see them at a garden. trees around school?
-There is a big tree next to the classroom.
Recog Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. nition
ion of ∙Let's find out what we will learn today. of the learning Let's make a plan to watch flowers and trees around the school objecti objectives ve
Devel Activity 1 ◎ Talking about flowers' names opme nt (30′)
◎ Talking about flowers' names
that we found around the school that we found around the school ○ Representing the contents
○ Representing the contents
which you examined individually. which you examined individually.
Students should
•I mentioned last time that you
represent the
have to examine the flowers'
contents by their
names around the school. Who
own experiences.
would like to talk about the flowers' names? •Where did you examine them? -I saw golden bell flowers at the school garden.
Activity 2 ◎ Choosing the flowers which
◎ Choosing the flowers which
you want to observe around the
you want to watch around the
Main lesson plans |
○ Arranging the flowers individually. •Let's talk about the flowers which you want to watch more carefully. •Why do you want to watch golden bell flowers?
-I would like to watch golden bell flowers. -Because the yellow pedals of a golden bell flower is very beautiful.
Students talk about the flowers which they would like to observe with their group.
○ The groups of students choose flowers together. We should discuss the flowers in which you want to observe with friends. Let's talk about the flowers that you would like to observe with your group. Activity3 ◎ Finding out what we need to prepare for looking around the school. ∙What should we prepare when we go out to look around? ∙Good job! However, if you just look around and come back to the classroom, you might forget it easily. How can we remember the things we look around. ∙ What do we need to prepare for recording our observations?
◎ Finding out what we need to prepare for looking around the school.
-We need some water because we are thirsty.
-We need a magnifying glass. -Students record what they find. -Students go out with notebooks. -Students go out with sketchbooks.
Activity4 ◎ Talking about the things that we notice when we looking around the school. ∙Which things shall we pay attention to while we are observing things outside of the classroom?
Arran Arrange ◎ Introduction of flowers and geme ment & trees observation around the nt & evaluatio school. evalu n of the ○ Checking materials for ation lesson observation Let's check the materials for (5′) observation. •We will observe flowers and trees with the materials next time.
◎ Talking about the things that Introduce we should pay attention to when what students we look around the school. need to pay attention for - Let's observe closely while we observation. keep the order. - Don't play with friends next to you. - Don't cut and/or hurt flowers and trees. - Don't step on sprout or pick buds. ◎ Introduction of flowers and trees observation around the school.
-Students need to prepare notebooks and pencils.
Writing Plan Spring has come. ※ Let's plan for observation of flowers and trees around the school.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Can students plan for observation of flowers and trees around the school? 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard High
Plan to look at the flowers and trees around the school
The students know the names of flowers and trees around the school. The students know procedures and preparation materials for observation. The students know the names of flowers and trees around the school. The students do not know the procedures and preparation materials for observation. The students do not know the names of flowers and trees around the school. The students do not know the procedures and preparation materials for observation.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( ( Main lesson plans |
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 2
‘Grouping living things and non-living things’ Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to group living things and non-living things. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter four 'Non living things around us' in 'Living things around us' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. There are some possible motivations such as format of games and showing videos. This lesson begins with the motivation through the activities which teacher's questions and students' answers about what students have seen at the school garden since each school has different shaped and structured gardens. We made the lessons based on the questions and answers because the students of this period can announce presentations actively unlike higher graders.
Chapter Title Objective Materials Step
I'm with Nature
Video Clip 1
▪Grouping of living things and non-living things. Teacher- Pictures of living and non-living things. Teaching-Learning Activities Teacher
Readi Motivati ◎ Presentation of the things ness on which students saw in the activit school garden. ies •Let's talk about what you saw in the school garden. (5′) ◎ Finding out what are living things and non-living things. •Let's talk about the living things that you saw in the school garden. •Let's talk about the non-living things this time.
Materials( ) Remark( )
Students ◎ Presentation of the things which students saw at the school garden.
Teacher helps -I saw trees and flowers. -I saw soil and rocks. ◎ Finding out living things and non-living things. -There were flowers and trees. -There were ants and butterflies. -There were benches. -There were soil and rocks.
students remember their memories from around the school.
Recog Confirma ◎ Recognition of the objective. nition tion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. of the learning Let's make groups of living things and non-living things. objecti objective ve s
Devel Activity ◎ Presentation of living things 1 and non-living things after opme examine. nt ○ Using picture materials (30′) •Let's present living things and non-living things after looking at the picture materials.
Activity ◎ Grouping living things and 2 non-living things around us. •Let's divide living things and non-living things which you prepared for pictures and photos.
◎ Presentation of living things and non-living things after examination. ○ Using picture materials
Picture materials
-There are pine trees, doves, people, goats, rabbits, dogs, ducks, carps and plants in the mountains for living things. -There are street lamps, a clock tower, chairs, a pavilion, rocks, airplanes, bicycles, soil, and water for non-living things. ◎ Grouping living things and non-living things around us.
Make sure students prepare pictures of things that they can see around them.
Main lesson plans |
•Let's talk about living things around us. •Let's talk about non-living things around us. Activity ◎ Talking about the 3 characteristics of living things and non-living things. ○ Talking about the characteristics of living things. •Let's talk about the characteristics of living things.
○ Talking about the characteristics of non-living things. •Let's talk about the characteristics of non-living things.
○ Playing Bingo game •Let's play an interesting game. We will play a bingo game. Teacher suggests 16 words related with the topic. The student who gets the first 3 bingos wins the game. bench, soil, rock, sand, dove, carp, ant, butterfly, worm, bird, pine tree, goat, street lamp, clock tower, airplane, bicycle
-Doves and carps at the park are living things. -Chairs and desks are non-living things. ◎ Talking about the characteristics of living things and non-living things. ○ Talking about the characteristics of living things. -They are moving. -They are alive and breathing. -They eat food and drink water. -They give birth to babies or produce seeds/eggs. -They are growing. ○ Talking about the characteristics of non-living things.
-They are not moving. -They are not alive and breathing. -They don't eat food and drink water. -They don't give birth to babies or produce seeds/eggs. -They are not growing. ○ Playing Bingo game worksheet
Arrange ◎ Regarding living things and
◎ Regarding living things and
ment & non-living things are precious.
non-living things are precious.
nt & evaluatio ○ Knowing living things and
○ Knowing the difference
evalu n of the non-living things are precious.
between living things and
ation (5′)
•How shall we treat these
non-living things are precious.
living things? - We should treat living things preciously because they are just like people. •How shall we treat non-living things?
- We should not mistreat them.
◎ Notice for next lesson •We will study about division of various plants and animals which we can see in Summer.
-We should not mistreat non-living things because we need them in our daily lives.
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan I'm with Nature ※ Let's make groups of living things and non-living things.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Can students make groups of living things and non-living things? 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard High
Grouping of living things and non-living Middle things. Low
The students can make groups of living things and non-living things. The students can make a up some small groups of living things and non-living things. The students can not make groups of living things and non-living things.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Picture material
Main lesson plans |
Let`s play Bingo game
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 3
‘Grouping animals and plants’ Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to group animals and plants. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter four 'Non living things around us' in 'Living things around us' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. Ethiopian curriculum is presented by grouping plants and grouping animals, but Korean curriculum is presented by grouping plants and animals first, and then grouping plants and grouping animals later. In regards to this topic, Korean teachers' manuals show different animals and plants according to the region, so teachers should take photos of the plants and animals in the region or use the reference of the region in advance. Thus, we made the lesson plans so that Ethiopian teachers can collect materials and data of animals and plants around their lives.
Main lesson plans |
Chapter Title Objective Materials Step
I'm with Nature
▪Grouping plants and animals from creatures in Summer. Teacher- Various pictures and photos of plants and animals. Teaching-Learning Activities
Readiness Motivati ◎ Presentation of what we on activities learned last time. (5′)
Video Clip 2
Materials( ) Remark( )
◎ Presentation of what we learned last time.
○ Talking about living things
○ Talking about living things
and non-living things.
and non-living things.
•Let's present living things
Listen to what students are talking.
- There is a lion.
which we can see around us.
- There is a cat. - There is a rose. •Let's present non-living things which we can see around us. - There is a clock. - There is a desk. - There is a chair. Recogniti Confirma ◎ Recognition of learning problem on of
tion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. learning Let's make groups of plants and animals from creatures in problem objective Summer. s learning
Develop ment (30′)
Activity ◎ Talking about creatures 1
◎ Talking about creatures which
which we can see around us in we can see around us in Summer.
○ Presentation of various plants ○ Presentation of various plants and animals around us.
and animals around us.
Free presentation
•Let's present various plants and animals around us in Summer.
- There is a rabbit. - There is a cicada. - There is a grasshopper. - There is a melon. - There is a watermelon.
○ Writing down the creatures
○ Writing down the creatures
which students presented.
which students presented.
○ Dividing into plants and
○ Dividing into plants and
write down in
animals from creatures which
animals from creatures which
were written down.
were written down.
Activity2 ◎ Finding out pictures of animals and plants.
◎ Finding out pictures of animals and plants.
Have students
○ Writing animals and plants
○ Writing animals and plants
after searching.
after searching.
Picture materials
•Let's write animals for animal picture and plants for plant pictures from picture materials. Activity3 ◎ Dividing animals and plants.
◎ Dividing animals and plants.
○ Dividing animals and plants
○ Dividing animals and plants
from picture materials.
from picture materials.
picture cards
•Let's record in the notebook divided by animals and plants.
Checking - Plants are pine trees, roses
whether students
and melons.
are recording
- Animals are puppies, cicadas
plants and
and grasshoppers (specifically an animals. insect). Arrang
Arrange ◎ Division of plants and animals ◎ Division of plants and animals
ment & from pictures and photos of
from pictures and photos of
evaluatio creatures which student
creatures which student
pictures, photos
prepared individually. (Option
or worksheets.
evaluati n of the prepared individually. (Option on
•Put the pictures and photos of
plants and animals on the desk which you prepared individually. •Let's divide plants and animals -Dividing pictures and photos of on the worksheets.
plants and animals.
•Let's present why you divided them like this. -I think a pine tree is plant because it doesn't move and it's color is green. -I think a rabbit is an animal because it can run and it feels warm if I touch it. -I think a rose is plant because it doesn't move.
Arrange ◎ Division of plants and animals ◎ Division of plants and animals
ment & from pictures and photos of
from pictures and photos of
evaluatio creatures which student
creatures which student
evaluati n of the prepared individually. (Option on
prepared individually. (Option activity)
Main lesson plans |
•Put the pictures and photos of
plants and animals on the desk
which you prepared individually.
pictures, photos
•Let's divide plants and animals -Dividing pictures and photos of or worksheets. on the worksheets.
plants and animals.
•Let's present why you divided them like this. -I think a pine tree is plant because it doesn't move and it's color is green. -I think a rabbit is an animal because it can run and it feels warm if I touch it. -I think a rose is plant because it doesn't move. ◎ Playing Speed quiz game
◎ Playing Speed quiz game
•Let's play an interesting game.
•One student from each group
We will play a speed quiz game. comes up to the front and guess and find out the answers. The rest of students should explain the words by explanation or mine. The team which gets the most answers wins the game. ◎ Knowing the differences of
◎ Knowing the differences of
animals and plants.
animals and plants.
Let's find out the differences of animals and plants and write in the worksheet and present them later.
-Animals make various sounds. -Animals move here and there. -Animals give birth babies or lay eggs. -Plants don't make sound. -Plants have roots. -Plants breed by seeds.
◎ Notice for next lesson •We will study about division of various plants and animals which we can see in Summer.
Writing Plan I'm with Nature ※ Let's make groups of plants and animals from creatures in Summer.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can make groups of plants and animals from creatures in Summer. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
High Grouping plants and animals from
creatures in Summer. Low
Students can make groups of plants and animals from creatures in Summer. Students can make some groups of plants and animals from creatures in Summer. Students can not make groups of plants and animals from creatures in Summer.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( ( ∙ Science all ( (
Main lesson plans |
Picture material
Dividing Plants and Animals Grade(
) Class(
Name (
■ Let's divide Plants and Animals PLANTS
■ What is difference of Plants and Animals PLANTS
Main lesson plans |
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 4
‘Grouping animals according to their habitats’ Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to group animals according to their habitats. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter four 'Group animals into domestic and wild' in 'Living things around us' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. In regards to this topic, Korean teachers' manuals show different animals and plants according to the region, so teachers should take photos of the plants and animals in the region or use the reference of the region in advance. Thus, we made the lesson plans for Ethiopian teachers can collect materials and data of animals and plants around their lives with the reference of the photo materials.
Chapter Title
I'm with Nature
▪ Students can group animals which we can see in Summer according to their habitats.
Objective Materials Step
Video Clip 3
Teacher- Photos of flowers & trees; Student- pens, pencils, Teaching-Learning Activities
Procedur e
Readi Motivati ◎ Talking about the experiences on ness of visiting a zoo. activit •Let's talk about when and ies where you went to the zoo.
Materials( ) Remark( )
Students ◎ Talking about the experiences of visiting a zoo.
Teacher tries -I went on a picnic to a zoo when I was in kindergarten.
-I went on a Safari with my •Let's talk about what kinds of
to listen carefully to what the students talk
animals were at the zoo.
about. -I saw some tigers. -I saw dolphin shows. -There were giraffes. -I saw rabbits which I like.
Recog Confirma ◎ Recognition of the objective. nition tion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. of the learning
Let's group animals according to their habitats.
objecti objective ve s
Activity ◎ Talking about animals which
◎ Talking about animals which
we can see around us.
we can see around us.
○ Let's talk about the animals
○ Let's talk about the animals
that you saw or raised in your
which you saw or raised in your
daily life.
daily life.
Free Presentation
○ Let's present the animals which you saw or raised in your daily life. -I am raising four puppies at home. -I am raising two hamsters at home.. -I saw some frogs at a pond this Summer. -I caught some grasshoppers when I visited my grandma's house.
Main lesson plans |
Activity 2 ◎ Grouping animals according to ◎ Grouping animals according to their habitats (main active areas)
their habitats (main active areas)
○ Dividing the animals according ○ Dividing the animals according to their habitats.
to their habitats
•Let's divide the animals according to their habitats. - There are wild geese, sparrows, swallows, doves and seagulls as the animals flying in the sky. - There are Carps, Crayfish, shrimps and dolphins as the animals living in water. - There are rabbits, deer, squirrels and Stag beetles as the animals living in mountains. - There are earthworms, ants and mole crickets as the animals living in a land. ◎ Guessing animals game with
◎ Guessing animals game with
mimes (Optional)
mimes (Optional)
○ Guessing animals with mimes
○ Guessing animals with mimes
or gestures.
or gestures.
•Let's play a game by the rules.
<How to play> - One student comes up. - The student decides one animal in his/her mind. - The student expresses the animal with the pantomime or whole body. -The rest of the students guess the answer. -The student who gets the answer will ask a next question.
Activity3 ◎ Speaking about my favorite
◎ Speaking of my favorite
animal among the animals in
animal among animals in
○ To announce the reasons why ○ To announce the reason why I like the characteristics of the
I like with the characteristic of
animal which I like.
the animal which I like.
․Let's talk about the reason why I like the characteristics of the animal which I like in summer.
Plants&Animals cards
-I like rabbits because they are cute and they have soft fur. - I like puppies because they follow people well.
Arrang Arrangem ◎ Drawing animal pictures
◎ Drawing animal pictures
○ Drawing on a worksheet.
ent &
○ Drawing on a worksheet.
evaluatio •Let's draw the picture of animals
evalua n of the and write about the characteristics tion (5′)
of the animals habitats which I like on worksheet. - Drawing the animals habitats which I like. -Writing the characteristics of the animals.
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan I'm with nature. ※ Let's divide animals according to where they live.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Can students divide animals according to where they live? 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Students can group
Evaluation standard High
Students can divide animals well according to where they live.
animals which we can see in Summer
Students can divide animals according to where they live.
Students can't divide animals according to where they live.
according to their habitats.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( ( ∙ Science all ( (
Let's draw animals which I like.
Animal: Color:
Where to live:
Main lesson plans |
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 5
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The flowers and fruits in Summerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to examine the characteristics and shapes of flowers and fruits which we can see during the Summer. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter four 'Tell some uses of plants' in 'Living things around us' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. in regards to this topic, teachers can directly prepare and show flowers and fruits to the students or show the students videos or photo materials in general. Teachers can also let students bring the flowers and fruits which they like in advance. As we consider the local circumstances of Ethiopia, we made the lesson plans based on the students' presentation of their experiences or observing the flowers and trees around the school.
Chapter Title
I'm with Nature
Video Clip 4
▪ Students can examine the characteristics and shapes of flowers
and fruits which we can see during the Summer. Teacher : plant encyclopedia, summer flowers, fruit Photos /
student : writing instruments, colored pencils. Teaching-Learning Activities
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
Readine Motivatio ◎ Finding out the fruits which n ss you have eaten recently. activitie •Let's talk about names and s tastes of the fruits which you have eaten recently. (5′)
Students ◎ Finding out the fruits which you have eaten recently.
Teacher try to listen -I ate plums. The taste was sweet and sour.
carefully what students talk
-I ate peaches. The taste was
sweet. ◎Talking about the feeling and
◎ Talking about the feeling and
experience when you received
experience when you received
flowers as a gift.
flowers as a gift.
•Let's Talk about the feeling when you received flowers as a gift.
- I got flowers for kindergarten graduation present. The fragrance was very nice. - I got flowers for the entrance ceremony gift. I was very happy.
Recognit Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. ion of
ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. learning objective objectives Let's examine the characteristics and shapes of flowers and fruits which we can see during the Summer. the
Develop Activity 1 ◎ Finding out flowers and fruits ◎ Finding out flowers and fruits ment (30′)
which we can see in Summer.
which we can see in Summer.
○ Presenting the flowers which
○ Presenting flowers which you
you saw around us.
saw around us.
Main lesson plans |
•Let's talk about the flowers which you saw around us.
- I saw roses. - I saw touch-me-not flowers. - I saw lotus flowers. - I saw roses of sharon.
○ Presenting the fruits which
○ Presenting the fruits which you
you saw or ate around us.
saw or ate around us.
Let's talk about the fruits which you saw or ate around us. - I saw cucumbers. - I saw peppers. - I ate peaches. - I ate melons. Activity2 ◎ Observation of flowers and
◎ Observation of flowers and
○ Finding out the careful things
○ Finding out the careful things
when you observe plants.
when you observe plants.
Photo materials
•Let's talk about the careful things when you observe various plants.
- We should not touch or cut flowers thoughtlessly. - We should be careful of bee or bug biting. - We should regard even little buds as important things because they also have precious life.
○ Observation of plants at a
○ Observation of plants at a
•Let's observe various flowers and fruits at a garden.
instruments, - Recording the contents you
observed in the observation
Activity3 ◎ Presentation of shapes and
◎ Presentation of shapes and
characteristics of flowers and
characteristics of flowers and
fruits which you like. (Writing in
fruits which you like. (Writing in
observation notebook)
observation notebook)
○ Presentation of shapes and
○ Presentation of shapes and
characteristics of flowers.
characteristics of flowers
•Let's choose flowers and fruits for your friends and talk about why you chose.
- I chose a Rose of Sharon for my friend because it is the Korean national flower. - I chose Roses for my friend because they are beautiful.
•Let's talk about the shapes and characteristics of the flowers. ○Presentation of shapes and
○Presentation of shapes and
characteristics of fruits
characteristics of fruits
• Let's talk about shapes and characteristics of fruits. ◎ Playing Snowball(Memory)
◎ Playing Snowball(Memory)
Let's play an interesting game. We will play a snowball game.
One student says a name of flowers or fruits and the next student says the name of flowers or fruits which the prior student said and says one more name of flowers or fruits. The next student has to say three different names of flowers or fruits. The team which says more the names wins the game.
Arrange ◎ Presentation of how to love
◎ Presentation of how to love
ment & the flowers and fruits which
the flowers and fruits which
evaluatio became your friends.
became your friends.
evaluati n of the •Let's talk about how to love the on (5′)
flowers and fruits which became your friends.
-We should take care of them. -We should not cut them thoughtlessly. -We should come and talk to the flowers and fruits which became your friends once a day.
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan I'm with nature. ※ Let's find out the flowers and fruits which we can see in Summer.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Can students recognize the flowers and fruits which we can see in Summer? 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
High Students can examine the characteristics and Middle shapes of flowers and fruits which we can see during the Summer. Low
Evaluation standard Students can recognize well the flowers and fruits which we can see in Summer. Students can recognize many of the flowers and fruits which we can see in Summer. Students can not recognize the flowers and fruits which we can see in Summer.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( ( ∙ Science all ( (
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 6
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Five question game about the characteristics of animals and plantsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to talk about the characteristics of animals and plants in Summer. This topic is similar with the arrangement part of the first grade chapter four 'Plants and Animals' in 'Living things around us' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. Ethiopia curriculum on this subject is not mentioned, but this topic is the clean up and finishing sections of the chapter for the arrangement and evaluation which students have learned so far. It may be considered to take written tests, oral presentations or worksheets such as mind map activities. We made the lesson plan using 'Five Question Game' which first and second grade students like in order to arrange the chapter.
Main lesson plans |
Chapter Title
I'm with Nature
Video Clip 5
▪ Students can talk about the characteristics of animals and plants in Summer.
Teacher : Picture materials related with non-living things, animals, and plants. Teaching-Learning Activities
Procedure Teacher
Materials( ) Remark( )
◎Motivation Game Readine Motivati ◎Motivation Game on ss •I will explain one thing. You "Who am I?" activitie should take a guess and find out First, I am small. s the answer. Second, I am very light. Third, I have six legs. (5′)
Fourth, I work very hard. Fifth, I am black. -I think the answer is ant. ◎ Reviewing the last lesson
◎ Reviewing the last lesson
•We will look around the
Teacher try to
photos of plants and animals
which we learned before.
carefully what students talk
•Let's talk about the names of
- It is a rabbit.
animals and plants.
- It is a rose.
- It is a touch-me-not. - It is an ant. Recognit Confirma ◎ Recognition of the objective. ion of tion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. the learning objective objective
Develop ment (30′)
Let's talk about the characteristics of animals and plants in Summer.
Activity ◎ Explaining how to play 5 1
◎ Explaining how to play 5
question game.
question game.
○ Reading the game method
○ Reading the game method
from the reference data.
from the reference data.
Reference material
•Let's read together the game
Teacher method from the reference data. - Listening teacher`s explanation. explains how to play the game in detail.
Activity2 ◎ Playing five question game. ○ Let's learn how to play the game. •Preparing three cards. •Asking five questions. •Guessing and finding out the content of the card.
◎ Playing five question game. ○ Let's learn how to play the game. -Asking five questions. -Asking five questions. Ex) Is it alive? Where does it live? What's the sound like? What color is it? How big is it?
○ Whole class students play five question game. ○ Playing five question game in groups.
○Whole class students play five question game. ○ Playing five question game in groups.
Arrang Arrangem ◎ Talking about what you ent & learned in this chapter. ement evaluatio ○ Talking about the differences & evaluati n of the between living things and lesson non-living things. on •Let's Talk about the differences (5′) between living things and non-living things.
◎ Talking about what you learned in this chapter. ○ Talking about the differences between living things and non-living things.
○ Presenting the characteristics of plants and animals. -Let's present the characteristics of living things divided by plants and animals.
- Living things are the things can move, non-living things are the things can not move. - Living things can grow, but non-living things can not grow. -Living things can breathe, but non-living things can not breathe. ○ Presenting the characteristics of plants and animals.
- Plants can not eat food, but animals can chew and eat food. - Plants don't have legs, but animals have legs and can walk.
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan I'm with nature. ※ Let's talk about the characteristics of animals and plants in Summer.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can talk about the characteristics of animals and plants in Summer. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
High Students can talk about the characteristics of
animals and plants in Summer. Low
Students can talk well about the characteristics of animals and plants through five question game. Students can talk about the characteristics of animals and plants through five question game. Students can not talk about the characteristics of animals and plants through five question game.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( ( ∙ Science all ( (
Reference material
How to play five question game
① Each group uses three cards.
② You can ask five questions to your friends.
③ You take a guess and tell about the card after you listen to your friend's answer.
④ If you guess and find out the right card, you will get the card.
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Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 7
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Looking at the figures of me and my friendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to find out the similarities and differences between them and their friends. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter one 'Functions of external body parts' in 'Our external body parts' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. This topic is the first part of the chapter of 'My Body'. We selected this lesson for the first lesson of the chapter because students can get the learning motivations through the activities such as comparison of my friends and I before students study detailed parts of the body. Teachers should suggest the picture materials about the various comparison activities rather than the simple comparison activity. We made the three games as optional activities in order to control the time.
Chapter Title Objective
My body
Video Clip 6
▪ Students can find out the similarities and differences between them and their friends.
▪Teacher: A big mirror (Cheval glass), enlarged illustrations ▪Students: Hand mirrors Teaching-Learning Activities
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
Readine Motivatio ◎ Talking about the parts of my ◎ Talking about the parts of my n ss body (various body parts) body(various body parts) activitie ○ Let's distinguish differences s and talk about my body and (5′)
Teacher try to
•What body parts do you have?
carefully what - I have a head, a body, arms
•What are the different parts of and legs.
students talk about.
your face? - I have eyes, a nose, a mouth and ears. - I have hair. - I have moles and eyebrows. Recogniti Confirma ◎ Recognition of the objective. on of tion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. the learning objective objective Let's find out the similarities and differences between me and my
Activity ◎ Looking at the pictures of the reference and talking what the ment 1 picture is about (30′) ○ Comparing faces using the A big mirror mirror; sitting in groups. (Cheval glass) ○ Looking at the pictures of the ○ Looking at the pictures of Free reference. reference and talking what presentation the picture is about. - Two boys are comparing their • Let's look at the pictures of the reference, and talk what the heights. - They are finding out the picture is about. differences between men and women.
Main lesson plans |
◎ Looking at my appearance ○ Looking at my appearance with a hand mirror.
- Two students are comparing the shapes of their eyes, noses, mouths and ears. - Girls are comparing their hair length. - Two students are comparing the shapes of their faces. - Each pair of students are looking at the whole figure of them. ◎ Looking at my appearance ○ Looking at my appearance with a hand mirror.
Hand mirror
•Looking at their appearances with hand mirrors and talking face and body. •What are some features on the face? - There are eyes, a nose, a mouth, ears and eyebrows on •What are some features on the
the face.
- There is a head, a neck, a trunk, arms and legs on the body.
○ Optional activity 1 : Playing nose, nose, nose game <How to play >
Teacher keeps students don't
All of the students stand up and then the teacher is pointing to make too much his nose and saying "nose, nose, nose" and then saying "mouth," noise. students should point their index fingers to their mouth. The teacher tries to point each body part alternately. The students who fail sit down. The last remaining student is the winner. ○ Optional activity 2 : Simon says game. <How to play > All of the students stand up. When the teacher says 'Simon says' eyes, students touch their hand to their eyes. If there is no Simon says, students don't move. The teacher tries to point each body part alternately. The students who fail sit down. The last remaining student is the winner.
○ (Optional activity 3) : ‘head, shoulders, knees, and toes' <How to play> Students touch the four body parts and do the motions.
students touch the four body parts well, teacher can skip one or two body parts and control the speed.
Arrange ◎ Arranging the similarities and ement ment & differences between me and my evaluatio friends. & evaluati n of the ○ Finding out the similarities ○ Finding out the similarities and differences between the and differences between the lesson on pairs by looking at the big pairs as looking at the big (5′) mirror. mirror. •What are some similarities - My friend and I have a head, between me and my friend? body, arms and legs. - We have the same number of eyes, noses, mouths and ears. - We have different heights. - We have different sizes of •What are some differences arms and legs. between me and my friend? Arrang
A big mirror
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan My body ※ Let's find out the similarities and differences between me and my friends
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Can students find out the similarities and differences between me and my friends? 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
High Students can find out the similarities and differences
between them and their friends. Low
Students can find out the similarities and differences well between me and my friends. Students can find out the similarities and differences between me and my friends students can not find out the similarities and differences between me and my friends
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Reference material
Main lesson plans |
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 8
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Looking at our body shapeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to look at our body in various ways. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter one 'Show their external body parts' in 'Our external body parts' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. Ethiopian curriculum on this topic lets students observe the appearance of the body using a model or chart, etc. We made the lesson plans based on the activities such as drawing one's face in the mirror, thumb-marking, sitting face to face, drawing one another's face, making a whole body shape with clay, etc.
Chapter Title Objective
My body
▪ Students can look at their bodies in various ways. ▪ Teacher: colors, kettles, trays and brushes ▪ Students: a hand mirror, pencils, crayons, clay, clay plates, wet towel, etc. Teaching-Learning Activities
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
Readin Motivati ◎ Looking and talking about the ◎ Looking and talking about the on ess illustrations and photos of illustrations and photos of activiti reference. reference. Teacher try to es - A boy is looking at a mirror listen •Let's talk about what we will learn after looking at the (5′)
illustrations and photos of reference.
and drawing his face.
carefully what
- Two students are sitting
students talk
facing each other and drawing
each other's faces. - A student is thumb-marking with colors. -A student is making a body shape with clay. Recogn Confirma ◎ Recognition of the objective. ition of
tion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. learning objecti objective Let's look at our body in various ways. ve s the
Develo Activity ◎ Choosing the methods of pment (30′)
◎ Choosing the methods
how we can represent our body which we can represent our shape.
body shape.
•There are various methods of representing our body shape, such as drawing one's face in the mirror, thumb-marking, sitting face to face and drawing one another's face, etc. - Our group wants to draw our face in the mirror.
Main lesson plans |
Each group chooses one of
- Our group wants to sit face
these methods and does the
to face with each other and
draw one another's faces. - Our group wants to do the thumb-marking activity.
◎ Looking at and representing
◎ Looking at and representing
our body.(Optional activity 1~6)
our body.
○ drawing one's face in the mirror (Optional activity 1) : You can hold a mirror with one hand and draw your face with colored pen or crayon. prepared. (Optional activity 2) (Optional activity 3) Both you and your friend should draw each other together at the same time. ○ Draw your friend's face on a paper and put colored papers on the face drawing. (Optional activity 4) : You contour your friend's face and put the colored papers of the eyes, nose, ears and mouth parts on the face drawing. ○ Measure you and your friend's body and write about it. (Optional activity 5) : Measure you and your friend's body and write about what you know and think about it. ○ Making a whole body shape with clay. (Optional activity 6) : Each group make a face, a body, hands and feet with clay and then make a whole body shape.
shape of body and compare
evaluati compare on (5′)
mirror, pencils, crayons, clay,
: You sit facing your friend and drawing each other's faces.
◎ Each group represents the
brushes/ Students: a hand
○ sitting facing each other and drawing one another's face
colors, kettles, trays and
○ You can thumb mark with the colors which the teacher
Teacher :
each other. ○ Each group shows their work ○ Each group represents the and present how to make
shape of body and compare
the work.
each other's.
clay plates, wet towel, etc.
•Let's show their work to friends and explain how to make the work.
- (Group 1) Our group drew our face on the mirror. - (Group 2) Our group did the thumb-marking activity. - (Group 3) Our group sat facing each other and drew one another's face. After
◎ Advance notice of next lesson. ○ Advance notice of next •Next time, we will learn about the roles of our body parts.
presentation of students' works made with various methods, teacher exhibits the works for appreciation.
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan My body ※ Let's look at our body in various ways.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Can students look at their body in various ways? 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard High
Students can look at their bodies well in various ways.
Students can look at their bodies in
Students can look at their bodies in various ways.
various ways. Low
Students can not look at their bodies in various ways.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Reference material
Main lesson plans |
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 9
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Knowing the roles of our body partsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to find out the roles of our body parts. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter one 'Tell the functions of their external body parts' in 'Our external body parts' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. In regards to this topic, teachers can mention one more time what the students learned last time or use videos or photo materials. The teachers may also use the game activities which are mentioned in the Ethiopian curriculum. We made the lesson plan using songs and rhythm related with our body with consideration of the integrated curriculum including the game activities in the Ethiopian curriculum.
Chapter Title Objective
My body
▪ Students can know the roles of our body parts. ▪ Teacher: Class students photos, an obscure basket, photos of eyes, nose, a
mouth, ears and hands.
▪ Students: hand mirrors Teaching-Learning Activities Step
Teacher Readi Motivatio ◎ Singing ‘head, shoulders, knees and toes' with motions. n ness •Let's sing ‘head, shoulders, activit knees and feet' with motions. ies (5′)
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Students ◎ Singing ‘head, shoulders, knees and toes' with motions. - (Students touch the part which teacher is saying the last ending)
•This time, I will say another part instead of ears, so you touch the part which I say.
refrence material1
◎ Playing "Guessing whose voice ◎ Playing "Guess whose voice this is" game. this is?" game. •Let's play the "guess whose voice this is" game with teacher.
<How to play> When the teacher says "1st grade", the students say aloud 'class 1' and clap their hands three times. Students close their eyes after the last clap. The teacher chooses a student to be a tagger while students' eyes are closed. The student who became the tagger, sings a song shortly or shout a slogan. The rest of students should figure out who the tagger is. Recog Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. nition
ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. learning objecti objectives Let's find out the roles of our body parts. of the ve
Devel Activity 1 ◎ Look at our body and find opme out the names and the roles of nt our body parts. (30′)
◎ Look at our body and find out the names and the roles of our body parts.
Main lesson plans |
○ Looking at reference 2. •Let's find out the roles of our body parts through reference 2.
○ Looking at reference 2. -eyes : We can look at ants that are moving with a magnifying glass. -nose : We can smell the fragrance of flowers.
○ Finding out the names and ○ Finding out the names and roles of our body parts. roles of our body parts. •Let's find out the names and the roles of our body parts in detail. Finding •What is the role of your eyes? - Students represent the roles of eyes, nose, mouth, ears and out the •What is the role of your hands freely. roles of mouth? our body •What is the role of your ears? •What is the role of your hands parts. and feet? ◎ Drawing prince & princess (Optional activity 1) colored pencils, papers ․ Students draw the outline of a face on a paper. ․ Students close their eyes and draw eyes, a nose, a mouth and ears on the outline of face with colored pencils. ․Students realize they should look at something with their eyes if they want to draw well. ◎ My body is talking. (Optional activity 2) Students talk about the sensory organs through the pictures of sensory organs such as eyes, nose, ears, mouth and hands. ․When teacher shows a sensory organ to students, the students can tell the names and role of the organs. Arran geme nt & evalu ation (5′)
Review the lesson
◎ Organizing ◎ Organizing the names and roles of body roles of body parts by games. - Nose nose •All of our body parts are very important. Let's think about how - Nose nose precious our body is and touch the body parts. •Nose nose nose ears! •Nose nose nose ears! ○ Let's do the OX quiz of the roles of body parts. ◎ Advance notice of next lesson. •Next time, we will learn more about the roles of our body parts and do the role-plays.
the names and parts by games. nose ears! nose ears!
○ Let's do the OX quiz of the roles of body parts. ◎ Advance notice of next lesson.
Writing Plan My body ※ Let's learn about the roles of our body parts.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Can students know the roles of our body parts? 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard High
Students know the roles of our body parts well.
Students can know the roles of our
Students know the roles of our body parts.
body parts. Low
Students don't know the roles of our body parts.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Main lesson plans |
Refrence material 1
Refrence material 2
â&#x2122;Ł Let my body pretty my eyes, nose, mouth, ears, or hands that can write reports. (
)Grade (
)Class Name:
Main lesson plans |
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 10
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Representing the roles of our body partsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to boast the roles of our body parts. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter one 'Name their external body parts' in 'Our external body parts' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. This topic is the arrangement part of the chapter. Teachers can arrange the lessons with the activities such as
watching videos, the teacher's demonstration, students' presentations, mind
map activities or drawing pictures. This lesson may be some what difficult for the grade 1 students since this topic is not mentioned in the Ethiopian curriculum. We made the lesson plans in order to give students the opportunity to experience new activities such as role-plays and games.
Chapter Title Objective
My body
▪ Students can boast the roles of our body parts. ▪ Teacher: Thick canvas, cellophane tape, and colored papers ▪ Student: crayons, colored pencils, scissors, glue Teaching-Learning Activities
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
Readin Motivatio ◎ Talking about the roles of n ess our body parts. activiti ○Playing ‘nose, nose, nose’ es game.
Students ◎ Talking about the roles of our body parts. ○ Playing ‘nose, nose, nose’ game.
who speaks more
•When I say nose, nose, nose (5′)
The student about the roles of
and mouth, you should say the
- (Pointing to your mouth with
body parts will
roles of mouth.
your index finger) Mouth has
win the game.
the roles of speaking, eating and •‘nose, nose, nose and nose’
drinking. - Nose has the roles of breathing, smelling and hanging the glasses.
Recogn Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. ition of
ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. learning objecti objectives Let's boast the roles of our body parts. the ve
Develo Activity 1 ◎ Talking about the roles of eyes, nose, mouth, ears and pment hands. (30′) ○ Talking about the roles of eyes, nose, mouth, ears and hands. •What is the role of our eyes?
•What is the role of our nose?
○ Talking about the roles of eyes, nose, mouth, ears and hands. - We can see the world with our eyes. When we are sick or sad, we shed tears.
Teacher lets students know we
can communicate -We can smell with our nose. through speaking -We can breathe with our nose. and hand gesture.
Main lesson plans |
•What is the role of our mouth? -We can eat food and drink water with our mouth. •What is the role of our ears? -We can hear and listen to •What is the role of our hands? music with our ears. -We can make things, write letters and draw pictures with our hands.
Role-play ◎ Role-play Activity Activity
Thick canvas,
•Taking parts of role-play roles by group.
cellophane tape,
Making 5 different head bands (eyes, nose, mouth, ears and hands) headband, for role-play. crayons, scissors, •Each group students makes 5 different head bands. •Doing the role-play wearing the head bands by group. •Choosing the best group for the role-play and praising the best group.
Arrang Presentati ◎ Representing the impression ement & evalua
on of
of the role-play by groups.
◎ Representing the impression of the role-play by groups.
impressio •Let's talk about how you feel n
after watching the role-plays.
- After I became a part of our
body, I think we should regard our body preciously. - I realized that we need all of the body parts. Advance ◎ Advance notice of next notice of lesson. next lesson.
•We will learn about the taste of food.
◎ Advance notice of next lesson.
glue Refrence material1
Writing Plan My body ※ Let's boast the roles of our body parts.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Can students know the roles of our body parts and do the role-play? 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard High
Students know the roles of our body parts and do the role-play well.
Students can boast the roles of our
Students know the roles of our body parts and do the role-play.
body parts. Low
Students don't know the roles of our body parts and do the role-play.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Main lesson plans |
Refrence material 1
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 11
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Various food tastesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to distinguish various food tastes. This topic is similar with the second grade chapter one 'Commonly eaten foods' in 'The food we eat' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. This topic may be made up of the teacher's explanation or the presentation of students' experiences. It will be the most effective lesson to actually prepare a variety of foods. The teachers can remind the students' experiences through filling up incomplete picture activity. We made the lesson plans on the basis of the activities which students can feel five senses with the prepared food.
Main lesson plans |
Chapter Title
My body
▪ Students can distinguish various food tastes. ▪Teacher: Various food
▪Students: Food and drink Teaching-Learning Activities
Procedur e
Readin Motivatio ◎ Talking about what the ess n students ate for breakfast and activiti expressing what the tastes are es like.
Materials( ) Remark( )
◎ Talking about what the students ate for breakfast and expressing what the tastes are like.
•What did you have for (5′)
breakfast today?
-I ate the rice, soup, kimchi, seaweed and eggs. -I ate bread and milk.
•How were the tastes?
-The bean paste pot stew was salty. Milk was sweet.
◎ Matching with food tastes.
◎ Matching with food tastes.
○Taking smells of food inside of
prepare the foods
a plastic bucket and matching
which has sweet
with the food which have the
taste, sour taste,
same smell.
bitter taste, salty
•Let's smell the food inside of
taste, spicy taste.
the bucket. What's the smell like?
-Savory smell. Pungent smell. - You will smell the coffee. -I can smell a savory taste. -I can smell a tangy taste. -I can smell coffee.
•Let's find out the group which -(Each group should find the has the same smell.
group which has the same
•The group leader which
smelled savory taste, comes to the teacher with the bucket.
Recogni Confirmati ◎ Recognition of the objective. tion of
on of ∙Let's find out what we will learn today. learning Let's compare a birthday meal with various foods and distinguish objectiv objectives the food tastes. e the
Develo Decoratin ◎ Decorating birthday meal. pment g birthday ○Decorating food on the empty (28′)
bowls of birthday meal picture.
○Decorating food on the empty bowls of birthday meal picture.
Students can decorate
•Let's decorate a nice birthday
birthday meals
meal by drawing foods or
with their own
writing food names.
◎ Distinguishing the tastes of
◎ Distinguishing the tastes of
the food.
the food.
○ Finding out the tastes of the
○ Finding out the tastes of the
If there are some foods
•Let's smell and taste the food
which students
which each group prepared.
are hard to
○ Grouping the foods with the
○ Grouping the foods with the
bring to school,
same tastes.
same taste.
students can
•Which is salty tasting food? •Which is sweet tasting food? •Which is sour tasting food? •Which is bitter tasting food?
taste the foods -Dry seaweed with salt and soy at home in sauce is salty. advance. -Chocolate and honey are sweet.
○ Writing the tastes on the
-Grapes and lemon are sour.
picture material
-Green tea and ginseng are
•Let's write salty taste, sweet
taste, sour taste and bitter taste on the picture material. •Writing salty taste, sweet taste, sour taste and bitter taste on the picture material.
◎ Finding out the importance of ◎ Finding out the importance of
out the
sense organs.
importanc •What is the role of eyes?
evaluati e of sense on
sense organs. - We can look at the delicious food. The better looking food tastes better.
Main lesson plans |
•What is the role of nose?
-We can smell delicious food
•We can find delicious food by
with our nose.
eyes and nose. What is the role of mouth?
-We can taste delicious food with our tongue.
•What is the role of ears? -We can listen to a delicious crunch sound of bread with our ears. •What is the role of hands?
-We can distinguish soft or hard food by touching the food.
Advance notice of ◎ Advance notice of next lesson. ○ Advance notice of next lesson. next lesson.
•We will play various sense games next time.
Writing Plan My body ※ Let's prepare birthday meal with various foods and distinguish the food tastes.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Can students prepare birthday meal with various foods and distinguish the food tastes? 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
High Students can distinguish various
food tastes. Low
Students can prepare a birthday meal with various foods and distinguish the food tastes well. Students can prepare a birthday meal with various foods and distinguish the food tastes. Students can prepare a birthday meal with various foods and distinguish the food tastes.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Main lesson plans |
Picture material
Sweet taste
Sour taste
Salty taste
Bitter taste
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 12
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Playing various sense gamesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to play various sensory games and try to understand the difficulty of disabled people. This topic is similar with the second grade chapter one 'Commonly eaten foods' in 'The food we eat' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. This topic is the arrangement part of the chapter. The teacher can use various activities such as 'questions and answers about what the students learned last time', 'using audio and video materials' and 'using activity sheets such as the mind map'. However, we planned to make the corner activities which the students use the five senses in order to introduce how to arrange the chapter in the Ethiopian classrooms. We also added a blindfolded walking activity especially for understanding the difficulty of disabled people.
Main lesson plans |
Chapter Title Objective
My body
▪After playing various sense games, students can understand difficulties of disabled people.
▪Teacher: Strap (3 `m), blindfold, tambourine, colored papers, object box and
stuff, drinks, straws, 12 bottles, bells, balloons, dolls, pieces of wood, baseball etc. Teaching-Learning Activities
Procedure Teacher
Readin Motivatio ◎ Feeling various objects by the ◎ Feeling various objects by the n ess five senses. five senses. activiti •Close your eyes and listen to es the sound. What can you hear? -We know it if we hear the bell (5′)
•How do you know whether it
is bell sound or not. -We can hear with our ears. •How do you distinguish and know an apple, sesame oil, and
-We know it if we touch it.
a cuckoo clock in an invisible
-We know it if we smell the
secret bag without looking
savory smell of sesame oil.
-We know it if we hear the cuckoo clock sound.
Recogn Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. ition of
ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. the learning objecti objectives Let's play various sense games and try to understand the difficulty of the disabled people. ve
◎ Introduction of intergration
◎ Introduction of intergration
activities for the roles of sense
activities for the roles of sense
○ Playing games to see the
○ Playing games to see the
sense organs such as the eyes
sense organs such as the eyes
(sight), nose (smell), ear
(sight), nose (smell), ear
(hear), the mouth (taste),
(hear), the mouth (taste),
hands (touch)
hands (touch)
Materials( ) Remark( )
A bell
•There are 6 play stations. A group with 6 students play 6 different games. Let's talk about the activities after playing the games. refrence ◎ Tactile activity: touching <Optional Activity 1>
Put your hand in the box and touch the object. Let's take a guess
Prepare for an
at what's in the box
invisible box
◎ Sense of smell activity: smelling <Optional Activity 2>
(Balloons, dolls,
. Let's put numbers on the six invisible bottles and pour six
pieces of wood,
different tasting drinks in the bottles. Then you can smell the
baseball) ready
drinks and try to distinguish what the drinks are. ◎ Taste activities: Tasting <Optional Activity 3>
Prepare for
Let's put numbers on the six invisible bottles and pour six
various tastes of
different tasting drinks in the bottles. Than you taste the drinks
drinks in the
using straws. You can talk with your friends about what kinds of
invisible bottles.
drinks are in the bottles. ◎ Visual activities: Looking around <Optional Activity 4>
Colored papers
Teacher puts colored papers on the black board and asks the students the shapes and colors of the figures.
with various figures.
Students close their eyes and the teacher takes out one of the figures on the black board, then students have to find out what is missing. ◎ Hearing activities: Guessing the words from the behind <Optional Activity 5>
Prepare for Let's guess and find out the words from the behind using the word word cards cards (apples, grapes, bananas, strawberries, peaches, etc.). ◎ Visual activities: Walking with closed eyes <Optional Activity 6> Students close their eyes and follow one another holding hands at the back of the classroom. Teacher lets students feel the five senses.
Arrang ement &
◎ Knowing the function of
◎ Knowing the function of
sense organs and what we need
sense organs and what we need
to do
to do
evaluati on (5′))
Main lesson plans |
•Let's talk about what kinds of
-If we have eye problems, we
things are happening when we
can not see properly. It would be
can not use the sense organs such very inconvenient. as eyes, nose, mouth, ears and
-If we have problems with our
ears, we can not hear properly. It would be very inconvenient.
•How can we reduce the
- They can use glasses. Those
inconvenience for those who have who can not see, may use braille eye problems?
•How can we reduce the
- They can use a hearing aid.
inconvenience for those who have Those who can not hear, may ear problems? Understan ◎ Understanding of disabilities ding of
∙What can we do for those who
disabilities have inconvenience of body?
use letters and sign language. ◎ Understanding of disabilities - We shouldn't tease them. - We should help them when they need help.
Writing Plan My body ※ Let's play various sense games and try to understand the difficulty of the disabled people.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Can students understand the difficulty of the disabled people after playing various sense games?
2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
After playing various
Evaluation standard
Students understand the difficulty of disabled people well after playing various sense games.
sense games, students can understand
Students understand the difficulty of disabled people after playing various sense games.
difficulties of disabled people.
Students cannot understand the difficulty of disabled people after playing various sense games.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Main lesson plans |
Refrence material
Looking around
Walking with closed eyes
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 13
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Observation and classification of leavesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to group the leaves after observation of the leaves. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter four 'Group plants into trees and small plants' in 'Living things around us' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. The teacher may tell the students in advance to collect and bring leaves to the school. The teacher lets students think where and how to collect leaves and what kinds of leaves to collect through the planning stage of collecting leaves. We made the lesson plans in which the students can actually collect leaves in the school and learn that grouping is different from the standard through the various grouping activities.
Main lesson plans |
Chapter Title
Fall mountains and fields
▪ Grouping leaves after observation
▪ Teachers: Several leaves, Visual Presenter Teaching-Learning Activities
Procedure Teacher
Materials( ) Remark( )
◎ Singing a song related with Readin Motivatio ◎ Singing a song related with n ess Fall Fall activiti •Let's sing a song pleasantly es related with Fall. (5′) Recogn Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. ition of ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. the learning objecti objectives Let's make groups of leaves according to various standards such as colors or shapes after looking at Fall leaves. ve
Planning ◎ Planning 'Gathering leaves' activities. pment ○ Finding out the good places for gathering leaves. (28′) •Where can we find leaves around our school?
Gathering ◎ Gathering leaves at the school leaves ○ Gathering leaves around garden or playground. •Let's gather leaves around the garden or the playground. •What should we be careful when we gather leaves around the garden or playground?
◎Planning 'Gathering leaves' activities. ○ Finding out the good places for gathering leaves. - We can find leaves in the garden. - We can find leaves around the playground. ◎ Gathering leaves at the school ○Gathering leaves around the garden or the playground. -We should gather fallen leaves around the garden or the playground. -We should not shake or cut trees for gathering leaves.
Talking about the characteris tics
◎ Talking about the characteristics of leaves after looking at. ○Talking about the colors, shapes and so on. •Let's represent the shapes of leaves which you gathered on the desk. •What are the colors of the leaves which each group gathered? •What are the shapes like?
○Talking about the colors, shapes and so on. - Some leaves are orange color and long.
-Some leaves are rough when we touch them. -There are red, yellow, orange and brown colors. -There are sharp edges, round-shaped edges, fan-shaped, finger-shaped and long and thin shaped leaves.
∙How do you feel when you touch the leaves?
- They are rough. - They are dry. - They are pricking.
◎ Making standards of grouping leaves. ○ Making standards of grouping leaves •Let's make standards of grouping various leaves and write in the workbook. •How can we divide?
◎ Making standards of grouping leaves. ○ Making standards of grouping leaves
Divide by standard ○ Divide by grouping standards. •Let's make groups according to the fixed standards.
- We can divide by colors. - We can divide by shapes. - We can divide by size. ○ Divide by grouping standards.
- We can divide and make groups according to same color, similar shape and big and small size. Arran geme nt & evalu ation (5′)
Arrange ment activities
◎ Pasting or drawing leaves by ◎ Pasting or drawing grouped fixed standards. leaves by fixed standards. •Let's paste or draw the grouped leaves by colors on the worksheet. -Pasting or drawing the grouped leaves by colors on the •Let's paste or draw the grouped worksheet. leaves by shapes and size on the worksheet. -Pasting or drawing the grouped leaves by shapes and size on the worksheet.
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan Fall mountains and fields ※ Let's make groups of leaves according to various standards such as colors or shapes after looking at Fall leaves.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Can students make groups of leaves according to various standards such as colors or shapes after looking at Fall leaves? 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
Grouping leaves after observation
Students can make groups of leaves well according to various standards such as colors or shapes after looking at Fall leaves. Students can make groups of leaves according to various standards such as colors or shapes after looking at Fall leaves. Students can not make groups of leaves according to various standards such as colors or shapes after looking at Fall leaves.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Worksheet 1 Grade (
) Class (
) Name (
Divide by colors â&#x2013; Get gather similar colors of the leaves, attach or draw.
Main lesson plans |
Worksheet 2
Divide by shapes and size Grade (
â&#x2013; Pasting or drawing similar leaves
) Class (
) Name (
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 14
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Separating seeds from fruitsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to look at the Fall fruits and seeds and find out the characteristics. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter four 'Group plants into trees and small plants' in 'Living things around us' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. The teacher may use video or photo materials, but the most effective way to reach the learning goal of the students is actually to observe by preparing the fruits and seeds. The teachers in Ethiopia should reorganize and use the lesson plans because we made the lesson plans on the basis of the Fall fruits of Korea as considering of each region has different fruits in Ethiopia.
Main lesson plans |
Chapter Title
Fall mountains and fields
▪ Separating seeds from fruits
▪Teachers: Several leaves, Visual Presenter
Teaching-Learning Activities
Procedur e
Readin Motivatio ◎ Singing a song related with ess n Fall fruits. activiti •Let's talk about some words es related with Fall.
Students ◎ Singing a song related with Fall fruits. -Red and yellow leaves, rice, apples and pears.
•Let's sing a song related with Fall fruits.
Recogn Confirma ◎ Recognition of the objective. ition of
tion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. learning objecti objective Let's look at the Fall fruits and seeds and find out the characteristics. ve s the
Develo Presentat ◎ Representing the crops and pment (28′)
fruits which we harvest in Fall.
◎ Representing the crops and fruits which we harvest in Fall.
•What crops do we harvest in Fall?
- There is rice.
•What fruits do we harvest in
- There are apples.
- There are pears.
◎ Finding out where we can
◎ Finding out where we can
observe the Fall fruits.
observe the Fall fruits.
•Where shall we go if we want - We can observe at orchards, to observe the Fall fruits?
around schools, parks, mountains and fields. Orchards: We can see apples, persimmons, chestnuts, etc. Fields: We can see persimmon, jujube, red peppers, rice, etc.
Materials( ) Remark( )
-Mountains: We can see mountain grapes, mountain kiwis, acorns, etc. Finding out
◎ Looking at Fall fruits.
◎ Looking at Fall fruits.
○ Looking at appearance, flavor, ○ Looking at appearance, flavor, size, color, and feelings when
size, color, and feelings when
we touched.
we touched them.
•Where shall we go if we want to observe the Fall fruits?
Preparing half - We can observe at orchards,
cut fruits.
around schools, parks, mountains and fields. ◎ Looking at Fall fruits.
◎ Looking at Fall fruits.
L o o k i n g ○ Looking at appearance, flavor, ○ Looking at appearance, flavor, at
size, color, and feelings when
size, color, and textures when
we touched them.
we touched them.
•What kinds of fruits can we eat in Fall?
-There are persimmons, jujube, apples, pears, pomegranate, and more.
•What is the shape of the
- Apple and pear look like a
each fruit?
rounded shape. - Jujube looks like a small and long shape.
•What is the color, taste, size and texture of each fruit? - Pomegranate looks like a rounded shape, while the end is pointed. - Apple and pomegranate are red. Jujube is smaller in size •‘Looking at Fall fruits’
compared to other fruits
Let's write the contents which you looked at the fruits. Looking
at seeds
Main lesson plans |
◎ Looking at the seeds inside of ◎ Looking at the seeds inside of
the fruits such as jujube,
the fruits such as jujube,
persimmons, pears, apples and
persimmons, pears, apples and
at the Fall fruits
○ Observing the tastes, colors
○ Observing the tastes, colors
and shapes.
and shapes.
students look
•What is inside of pomegranate? -There are little seeds inside of •Let's eat the fruit and seeds of the pomegranate. a pomegranate. What's the taste like? •What is the color of
- It tastes sour.
pomegranate fruit and seed? •What is inside of
- It is red.
thepersimmon? •What does the seed of a
- There are a few seeds.
persimmon look like?
- It looks like a drop of water.
•Let's look at other fruit seeds.
Arrange Gathering ◎ Gathering seeds from fruits. ment &
evaluati on
◎ Gathering seeds from fruits.
○ Put the seeds in an empty
○ Put the seeds in an empty
bottle and write a name on the
bottle and write a name on the
•Let's put the seeds in an
- There are seeds inside of
notice of •What did you know after you
lesson. ◎ Advance notice of next lesson. •Next time, we will make and decorate some shapes using seeds and leaves.
Advance on the bottle. look at the inside of the fruits?
for seeds. refrence
empty bottle and write a name
Empty bottles
○ Preparation of next lesson.
Writing Plan Fall mountains and fields ※ Let's look at the Fall fruits and seeds and find out the characteristics.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Can students find out the characteristics after looking at the Fall fruits and seeds? 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
Separating seeds from fruits
Students can find out the characteristics well after looking at the Fall fruits and seeds. Students can find out the characteristics after looking at the Fall fruits and seeds. Students can not find out the characteristics after looking at the Fall fruits and seeds.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( ( Excellent lesson videos, Raising basic inquiry skills of observation through the activity of learning the characteristics of fruits and seeds
Main lesson plans |
Fall fruits Grade (
) class (
) Name (
■ Let's write sentences or draw pictures, after looking at the Fall fruits.
• Materials: Various Fall fruits, Handwriting tools, magnifying glass 1. The name of the fruit: 2. The content you looked at. Outside
• Color: • Taste: • Feeling when you touch: • Other questions:
Refrence material
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Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 15
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Decorating shapes with various waysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to decorate shapes using seeds and leaves etc. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter four 'Tell some uses of plants' in 'Living things around us' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. This topic is the arrangement part of the chapter. Activities can be carried out with drawings using colored pens or crayons, activity sheets or game activities. We made the lesson plans on the basis of drawing activities using leaves, fruits, seeds, etc. which students learned in this chapter.
Chapter Title Objective
Fall mountains and fields
Video Clip 7
▪ Students can decorate shapes using seeds and leaves etc. ▪Teacher: Leaves, seeds, pencils, scissors, wood working glue, drawing paper (cardboard), eyes of dolls Teaching-Learning Activities
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
Readin Motivatio ◎ Representing what students n ess know about Fall. activiti •Can you talk about what we es learned about Fall?
Students ◎ Representing what students know about Fall. - There are a lot of fruits and crops in Fall.
- The colors of mountains and fields change in Fall. ◎ Representing what students
◎ Representing what students
feel after learning about Fall.
feel after learning about Fall.
•Can you talk about what you
-It seems sad because all the
feel after learning about Fall?
leaves are fallen. -Red and yellow leaves are beautiful.
Recogni Confirma ◎ Recognition of the objective. tion of
tion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. the learning objectiv objective Let's decorate shapes using seeds and leaves etc. e s
◎ Finding out how to make the ◎ Finding out how to make the
pment out how work.
Looking at the
(28′) to make •Let's find out how to make the - Gathering seeds, leaves etc. the project.
process of
- Putting seeds and leaves on a
reference work ;
drawing paper whatever shape
Fall mountains
you want to make.
and fields
- Pasting the seeds and leaves
on a drawing paper.
Main lesson plans |
- Pasting colored papers on the paper if you want to express more. - Drawing colored pencils on the paper if you want to express more detail. - Completing the project which represents Fall mountains and fields. Represent ing by
◎ Representing the feelings of
sketches Fall by sketches •Let's represent the feelings of
◎ Representing the feelings of Fall by sketches
drawing paper
- Simple sketches
Searching Fall by sketches. for the materials ◎ Searching for the materials
◎ Searching for the materials
related with Fall that can
related with Fall that can
represent your feelings of Fall.
represent your feelings of Fall.
•You can use various materials other than pencils.
- We can use red and yellow
•You can make the work using
leaves, tree branches, cosmos
Designing materials related with Fall. What
flowers, sunflower seeds, and
materials are suitable for this?
apple seeds etc.
◎ Designing the work related
◎ Designing the project related
project with Fall using leaves, seeds and with Fall using leaves, seeds and so on.
so on.
•Let's make shapes by pasting leaves, branches and seeds.
guides students
•What shall we put inside of
can find out the
the work to make shapes?
characteristics of
•Let's draw what you are
Fall naturally
Selecting thinking on the paper. the materials
- We should put the shapes of
using various
animals, plants, mountains and
materials such as
leaves and seeds.
◎ Choosing the right materials
◎ Choosing the right materials
for making the project
for making the project
•What materials do you need for making the work?
- We can use branches and fruits related with Fall. - We can use the seeds of fruits.
◎ Designing and making the
the work project using the materials related with Fall.
◎ Designing and making the project using the materials related with Fall.
•Let's make the project using
Leaves, seeds,
the materials related with Fall.
pencils, scissors,
Evaluatio n of the ◎ Evaluating the works of work
◎ Evaluating the works of
•Let's talk about good things
- ○○ made a mountain very
and bad things as you look at
well using branches.
the works of your friends.
- ◆◆ used the materials related
wood working glue, drawing paper (cardboard), eyes of dolls
with Fall well, but there is still too much empty space so he/she should decorate more with colored papers or colored pencils.
Arrange Represent ◎ Representing of the feelings
◎ Representing of the feelings
ment &
ing of
after making the project.
after making the project.
•Let's talk about the feelings
-I think we can recycle things
after you looked at the project
through making the work using
using leaves and seeds related
leaves and seeds.
with Fall.
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan Fall mountains and fields ※ Let's decorate shapes using seeds and leaves etc.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can decorate shapes using seeds and leaves etc. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard High
Students can decorate shapes well using seeds and leaves etc.
Students can decorate shapes using seeds and
Students can decorate shapes using seeds and leaves etc.
leaves etc. Low
Students can not decorate shapes using seeds and leaves etc.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Refrence material 1
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Refrence material 2
1. Gathering seeds, leaves etc
2. Putting seeds and leaves on a drawing paper whatever shape you want to make
3. Pasting the seeds and leaves on a drawing paper
4. Pasting colored papers on the paper if you want to express more
5. Drawing colored pencils on the paper if you want to express more detail
6.Completing the project which represents Fall mountains and fields
Main lesson plans |
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 16
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Observing animals and plants which we can see around usâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to know about animals and plants which live with us. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter four 'Group animals into domestic and wild' in 'Living things around us' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. This topic is the introduction part of the chapter. The teacher may use various activities such as showing videos or animations, suggesting photo materials and presentation of the students' experiences in order to overview of the lesson. We suggested the picture of a house to understand the students' prior learning standard. The students can draw the pictures of animals and plants on the picture of the house. We made the lesson plans on the basis of an observation activity to look at the animals and plants around the school at the pond or garden.
Chapter Title
Animals and plants are my friends
Video Clip 8
▪ Students can observe animals and plants around the school or the house.
▪Teacher: Animals and plants cards
Teaching-Learning Activities
Procedur e
Materials( ) Remark( )
Readin Motivatio ◎Understanding the concept of n ess animals and plants activiti •What are some standards es which we can use to divide (5′)
-We divided animals and plants.
Animals and plants cards
animals and plants after looking
-Animals can move by
at photos of plants and animals.
•What are some characteristics
-Animals can eat food.
of animals?
-Animals can give birth or lay eggs for breeding. -The leaves of plants are mostly
•What are some characteristics green. of plants?
-Plants make nutrition by themselves. -Most plants can not move. -Most plants breed by seeds.
Recogn Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. ition of
ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. the learning objecti objectives Let's know about animals and plants which live with us. ve
Develo Observati ◎ Looking at the animals and pment (28′)
plants that can be found around us. ○ Finding out the animals and plants that can be seen around
There are pine trees, sun flowers
the house.
and cherry blossoms.
Main lesson plans |
•What kinds of plants can we see around the house?
-There are goldfish, dogs, cats,
•What kinds of animals can we
and pigs.
see around the house?
Picture material 1, colored pencils.
•Let's draw animals and plants on the painting materials. •Let's represent the completed contents in front of friends. What is an animal that can be seen in the pond ∙? Let's draw animals and plants ∙ painting materials.
- Drawing pictures of animals and plants in the proper location of the painting •Completed presentation in front
of your friends -Representing the drawing at the front. Direct ○ Observing the animals and
○ Observing the animals and
observation of
plants at the school.
plants at the school.
animals and
•What plants can you see in a
- Out to the front.
plants around
school garden?
-There are clovers, pine trees
the school.
and sun flowers. •What plants can you see in the pond?
-There are water lilies, lotus and duckweed.
•What animals can you see in the pond?
-There are ducks, carp, goldfish and frogs. Picture material
•Let's draw animals and plants
-Draw pictures of animals and
2, colored
on the picture materials.
plants in the proper location of
•Let's represent the completed
the painting materials.
contents in front of friends. -Represent the completed contents at the front.
Arrang ement & evaluati on (5â&#x20AC;˛)
Arrangem â&#x2014;&#x17D; Talking about some good ent &
things of raising animals and
evaluation growing plants at the house or at the school. â&#x20AC;˘What are some good things for raising animals and plants? - We can have a good heart. - We can love each other. - We can learn how to take care and foster - We can create responsibilities. - Plants can control the indoor humidity and reduce fatigue, make beautiful environments.
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan Animals and plants are my friends ※ Let's know about animals and plants which live with us.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can observe animals and plants which live with us. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
Students can represent more than 10 things about the animals and plants which live with us.
Students can observe animals and plants around the
Students can represent more than 5 things about the animals and plants which live with us.
school or the house. Low
Students can represent less than 5 things about the animals and plants which live with us.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Picture material 1
Main lesson plans |
Picture material 2
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 17
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Choosing the animal which I want to raise' Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to find out the animals which we can raise at the school or house. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter four 'Tell about the care for animals' and wild' in 'Living things around us' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. This topic is affected a lot by the region in our country. The teacher may use animals such as pet animals in the downtown and economic animals in the rural areas. Ethiopian curriculum also mentioned pet animals, but mainly economic animals on the use of food or leather. We made the lesson plans on the basis of finding out the animals which we raise around the school or house and the drawing of animals which I want to raise.
Main lesson plans |
Chapter Title Objective
Animals and plants are my friends
▪Students can find out the animals which we can raise at the school or house. ▪Teacher:Animal photos which we can see around the school or house,
red paper, green paper, animals and plants photo
▪Student: Colored pencils Teaching-Learning Activities Step
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
Readin Motivatio ◎ Talking about the experience n ess of raising animals. activiti •Let's talk about the names of es animals which you have raised (5′)
-When I come home, the dog
Photos or
always welcomes me. Hello, my
videos with
before. Let's talk about this in
cute puppy; Happy. How are
you Happy? Happy, please don't snore when you sleep.
•How did you feel when you
-Animals are just like family.
were raising animals?
Therefore people should take responsibility for the animals which they raise.
Recogni Confirma ◎ Recognition of the objective. tion
tion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. of the learning objectiv objective Let's find out the animals which we can raise. e s
◎ Finding out the animals which
we raise at the school or house.
○ Talking about the characteristics of the animals
Photos of the
which we raise at the school or
animals which we
house and talking about some
can see around
fun experience with the animals.
the school or house refrence material1
•What is the name of the animal which you raise at the house? -I have a puppy which is called •Where does it usually live?
•Why do you raise the animal?
-It usually lives at home.
•What are fun things when you raise the animal?
-It keeps the house safe and soothes my loneliness. -It is fun to see that it can listen
○ Observing the shapes and
to my words after some training.
characteristics of animals. •Let's make animal cards. •Let's do the animal quiz. -Students make one card which explains the name and
characteristics of the animal.
Description of the problem: Unplugging the animal card game of the friends. I stand to answer. The student meets answers the problem unplugging the relay. -One student picks an animal card and explains about the card to the class. Then the rest of the students take a guess and find out the answer. The student who gets the answer picks the next card.
○ Observing the animals which we raise around the school or house.
-Students can recall dogs, cats,
•Let's think about the animals
chickens, cows, pigs and goats.
which you can see around the school or house.
Main lesson plans |
- Animals living mainly around the house are dogs, cats, chickens, cows, pigs and goats. •Let's divide animals according to where they live.
- The animals that lives mainly in water are ducks, frogs, cranes and goldfish.
•Let's divide animals according to their appearances. •Let's find out the animals which give us something. -Cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks give us eggs, milk and/or meat, etc.
◎ Choosing the animal which you want to raise. •Drawing the animal which you want to raise. Worksheet,
•Let's draw the animal which
colored pen
you want to raise on a worksheet. -Students draw the animal which they want to raise and write the name and the reason why they want to raise it.
Arrang Arrangem ◎ Talking about the animals ement & evalua
ent &
which you want to raise
evaluation ○ Talking about the animals which you want to raise and
talking about the reason.
•What animals do you want to raise? Why do you want to raise the animal?
-Talking about the animal which I want to raise and the reasons.
Writing Plan Animals and plants are my friends ※ Let's find out the animals which we can raise.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can find out and explain the animals which they can raise. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
High Students can find
Students can find out and explain the animals which they can raise well.
out the animals which we can raise
Students can find out and explain the animals which they can raise.
at the school or house. Low
Students cannot find out and explain the animals which they can raise.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Main lesson plans |
Refrence material 1
Refrence material 2
1. Each horizontal red paper, green paper, 10cm Ă&#x2014;10cm cut to size. Making it easier to 4 may be halved by using A4 paper.
2. Cropped fitted with a photo on the front of the animal (plant). Internet, can take advantage of the material, photographs, magazine picture.
3. Cut the back of the paper, white paper, 9cm Ă&#x2014; vertical horizontal4, 9cm size (A4 paper halved if the margin 1cm) leaving crop after cutting the animals and plants Using the characteristics of the paper is attached to.
Main lesson plans |
Let's draw the animal which you want to raise.
Let's write why you want to raise the animal.
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 18
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Introduction of the plant which I likeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to find out the plants which we can raise at the school or house. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter four 'Tell about the care for animals' and wild' in 'Living things around us' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. This topic is affected a lot by the regions in our country. This topic is focused on the decorative or ornamental plants rather than edible plants. Ethiopian curriculum mentioned plants are mainly edible, ornamental or construction material usage. This lesson covers the plants only around the school or house. We made the lesson plans on the basis of the role-play activity which students would become the plants which they like.
Main lesson plans |
Chapter Title Objective Materials
Animals and plants are my friends
▪Students can find out the plants which we can grow at the school or house. ▪Teacher: Plant photos which we can see around the school or house. ▪Student: Colored pencils Teaching-Learning Activities
Procedure Teacher
학습 준비 활동 (5′)
Video Clip 9
Materials( ) Remark( )
동기유발 ◎ Talking about the experience of growing plants. •Let's talk about the names of plants which you have grown before. •How did you feel when you grew the plants? -I grew peas before. It was amazing to see the peas sprout, grow up and produce peas again. -I was sad to see that the plants which I was growing began withering. -I grew some plants and I ate them. They were delicious.
Recog Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. nition
ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. learning Let's find out the plants which we can grow. objecti objectives of the ve
Devel Observati ◎ Observing the plants in the opme nt (28′)
school garden. ○ Observing the plants at the school garden or around the school. •Let's observe the plants at the
plants around
school garden or around the
the school.
Observing the
-There are pine trees which are the symbol of our school.
The photos of plants which we can see around
•Let's talk about the shapes,
the school or
colors, shapes of flowers and so
on after looking at the photos which the teacher took around the school and the garden.
-Talking about the appearance, color, and shape of the flowers of roses, rose of sharon, grass, pine, and morning glories as students are looking at pictures.
◎ Finding out the names of Finding out
plants ○ Finding out the names of
○ Finding out the names of
plants as you look at the photos. plants as you look at the photos. •Let's find out the names of plants which we observed around school or at the school garden.
- Tells the story of a plant name for the appearance, color, and shape of the flowers. -Talking about the appearance, color, and shape of the flowers which we mentioned, and the names of plants.
◎ Choosing students' favorite plants
- Morning Glory.
Selection ○ Choosing a favorite plant •What plant do you like?
○ Talking about what you know -The shape of a Morning Glory about the plant which you like.
flower looks like a trumpet.
:Research the plants you like.
Main lesson plans |
The leaves are divided into three parts. It has a long leafstalk. •Let's talk about color, size, appearance, the things which plants like and the things which plants do not like.
-The color of the flowers are white and red. -It blooms in the early morning and closes the flowers in the afternoon.
◎ Introducing your favorite Introducti plants. on
○ Imagine you became a plant and write a letter to introduce to your friends. Let's imagine you became a plant and write a letter to introduce to your friends.
'I' means 'a - Let's talk to your friend. If you plant' on the were a plant, what would you like or dislike?
Arrang Arrangem ◎ Introduction of the plants ement & evalua tion (5′)
ent &
which you like to friends.
evaluation •Let's represent the introduction to your friends
-Representation of the introduction.
Writing Plan Animals and plants are my friends ※ Let's find out the plants which we can grow.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can find out and explain the plants which they can grow. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
High Students can find
Students can find out and explain the plants which they can grow well.
out the plants which we can
Students can find out and explain the plants which they can grow.
grow at the school or house. Low
Students can not find out and explain the plants which they can grow.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Main lesson plans |
I am a sunflower. I like water and warm sun. So, you should grow me in a sunny place. I can grow well.
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 19
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;How to raise animals and plantsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to know how to raise animals and plants. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter four 'Caring plants and animals' and wild' in 'Living things around us' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. This topic may be organized with talking about the experience of raising animals and plants, quiz activities, drawing activities and so on. In addition to these activities, the teacher gives various pictures of plants and animals which the students can do the cut-and-paste activity. We also prepared the activity of making the observation record sheet which the students continue to observe the animals and plants, and the students can write their pledge when they raise animals and plants in order to make the best effect of learning.
Main lesson plans |
Chapter Title Objective
Animals and plants are my friends
▪Students can represent how to take care of animals and plants. ▪Teacher: Photos of plants and animals. ▪Student: Colored pencils Teaching-Learning Activities
Procedure Teacher
Readin Motivatio ◎ Talking about the experiences n ess of raising animals and plants. activiti •Let's talk about the animals es and plants which you have
raised at home. (5′)
•Let's talk about the
-I have raised a puppy and
experiences when your pets
were sick. -When my puppy was sick, I took the puppy to a vet. -When I grew tomatoes, some of the tomatoes were dead because of aphids. •Let's talk about the experiences in which you took care of your pets well.
- I raised some gold fish for a long time since I changed water often and fed them regularly. -We grew some peppers well and we ate for side dishes.
Recogn Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. ition of
ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. learning objecti objectives Students will know how to raise animals and plants. the ve
Develo pment (28′)
◎ Finding out how to raise
animals and plants in healthy ways.
Materials( ) Remark( )
○ Talking about how to raise animals and plants in healthy ways. •Let's find out how to raise
animals and plants in healthy
ways through OX quiz. -Students find out how to raise animals and plants in healthy ways through OX quiz. ◎ Talking about the animals and Making
plants which you want to raise.
presentati •Making the presentation on material
material of the animals and plants which you want to raise.
•Let's Make the presentation
material and
material of the animals and
plants which you want to raise.
Teacher lets students make the presentation -Students make the presentation
through drawing
material of the animals and
in the learning
plants which they want to raise
using the photos and pictures of ◎Creating an observation record
animals and plants.
sheet -Creating an observation record sheet
reference material3
Arrang ement
◎ Writing the hope and pledge
the hope when you raise animals and
plants. •Let's write your hope and
pledge through 'The hope and
pledge when you raise animals and plants'.
-Students write the names of animals and plants, how to raise and draw animals and plants.
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan Animals and plants are my friends ※ Let's find out how to raise animals and plants.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can represent how to raise animals and plants. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
Students can represent well how to raise animals and plants.
Students can represent how to take care of animals
Students can represent how to raise animals and plants.
and plants. Low
Students can not represent how to raise animals and plants.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Reference Material 1
Main lesson plans |
Reference Material 2
○,× Quiz <Careful things while growing plants> 1. You should water the plants well. (○) 2. You can touch the buds when the buds are growing. (×) 3. You should place the plants on sunny place in the classroom. (○) 4. You should give the plants manure. (○) 5. You often touch the plants by hand. (×) 6. You treat the plants with love. (○)
<Careful things while raising animals> 1. You should give the animals food regularly. (○) 2. You should give the animals a lot of food. (×) 3. You should make a comfortable environment for the animals. (○) 4. Do not bother the animals. (○) 5. You treat the animals with love. (○)
Learning material 1
Main lesson plans |
Learning material 2
Stag beetle
Worksheet 1
The animals and plants which I want to raise Grade (
) Class (
) Name (
Pasting pictures or photos
The names of animals and plants
The characteristics of animals and plants (Shapes,
behaviors, foods, habitats)
Main lesson plans |
Reference Material 3
Creating a record sheet while observing animals and plants grow Planting seeds observed
Raising animals to observe 1. Should observe that grows in raising
1. Plant the seeds. 2. Observe how you grow.
3. Observed a burgeoning seed shape.
- Observed overall appearance.
Should observe the shape of
buds grow. - Stem, leaf growth observed shape. - Fructiferous blossomed shape observed.
5. Live picture depicting the characteristics
- Find out the name of each part. - Moving features observed. 2. Felt that in raising the animals glow writes.
3. Figure depicts the characteristics of the animal alive.
of the plant looks. - Felt that in raising the plants glow writes.
Observation record sheet how to create a small book
Worksheet 2
Compaction and wind groups of animals and plants Grade (
) Class (
) Name (
1.What's the name I'm raising of plants and animals? :
2. Raising of plants and animals, what does he look like? Get the figure simply represents
3. If you grew up how I'm raising of plants and animals, and good writing! :
4. How to take care of animals and plants, I'm raising my pledge to write your :
Main lesson plans |
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 20
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;How to raise animals and plantsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to decorate the house we live in with animals and plants together. This topic is similar with the first grade chapter four 'Tell about the care for plants and animals' and wild' in 'Living things around us' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. This topic is the arrangement part of the chapter. Teachers can arrange the lessons with the activities such as the question and answer activity in which the students have learned about so far, watching videos and photo materials, drawing pictures, and mind map activities. We made the lesson plans in order to apply to the classrooms in Ethiopia through drawing activity and making origami activity.
Chapter Title Objective
Animals and plants are my friends
Video Clip 10
▪Students can represent the house they want to live with animals and plants in various ways.
▪ Teacher: Home audio-visual materials related with the animals and plants that
are at the house.
▪ Student: Canvas, colored pencils and colored papers, etc. Teaching-Learning Activities Step
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
Readi Motivatio ◎ Finding out where animals n ness and plants live in the house activit •Let's find the animals that live ies outside as you look at the next
The photos mixed with the
photos. (5′)
animals that can
•Let's find the animals that live
- Look for animals that can be
be seen in the
in the house
seen outside the home.
house and outside
•Let's find the plants that you
- Look for the animals that can
the house.
can see in the house or in the
be seen in the house.
- Look for plants that can be
plants that can be
•Let's find the plants that you
seen in the house.
seen in the house
The photos of
can see outside of the house or in the classroom.
and outside the - Look for plants that can be
seen outside the home.
Recog Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. nition
ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. learning Let's decorate the house we live in with animals and plants objecti objectives together. ve of the
◎ What are some good points
when we live with animals and
nt (28′)
plants together? ○ Representing some good things when we live with animals together. •What are some good points when we live with animals? - We will love animals.
Main lesson plans |
-We can keep a sense of responsibility. -We can learn the preciousness of life. -We can get the scientific knowledge through observation.
Drawing paper, colored
○ Representing some good
pencils, colored
things when we live with plants
together. •What are some good points
-We can get benefits in case of
when we live with plants?
edible plants for home economics and health.
◎ Decorating the house you want to live in with animals and plants. ○ Designing the house you want to live in with animals and plants. -Let's imagine a house you want to live in together while raising
-Students imagine the house they
the animals and plants.
want to live in with animals and plants.
refrence material1,2
○ Drawing the house you want to live with animals and plants. •Let's draw the house you want to live with animals and plants. -Students draw the house they want to live with animals and ○ Completing the house you live with animals and plants in various ways.
∙ Let's talk about how to decorate the house you live with animals and plants in various ways.
-Students can decorate the works by attaching origami on the
A large sheet of paper
picture. -Students can decorate the works by attaching the photos of animals and plants on the picture. -Students can decorate the works by attaching the grasses or flowers on the picture.
Arrang Arrangem â&#x2014;&#x17D; Representing a good house ement & evaluati on
ent &
we can live with animals and
evaluatio plants. n
â&#x20AC;˘Let's represent the complete
-Representing the complete house.
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan Animals and plants are my friends ※Let's decorate the house we live in with animals and plants together.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can decorate the house we live with animals and plants together. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Students can
Evaluation standard
Students can represent the house they live in with animals and plants well and in various ways.
represent the house they want to live with animals and
Students can represent the house they live with animals and plants in various ways.
plants in various ways.
Students cannot represent the house they live with animals and plants in various ways.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Refrence material 1
Main lesson plans |
Refrence material 2
Main lesson plans |
Main lesson plans |
Main lesson plans |
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 21
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Meeting day and nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to learn about day and night. This topic is similar with the second grade chapter three 'Day and Night' in 'Observing natural phenomena' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. There are various activities related with this topic such as the presentation of the students' experiences, presenting the photos of the teacher, making sentence cards, game activities and so on. We added the role-play activity which the students call each other using the time difference between Korea and Ethiopia. This may be a good opportunity for Ethiopian students to have more interests in Korea.
Chapter Title
Day and night is different
Video Clip 11
▪Students can talk about day and night.
▪Teacher: photo materials, globes, worksheets, and role-play script Teaching-Learning Activities
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
Readi Motivatio ◎ Motivation n ness ○ Observing the various aspects activit of the day. ies •Let's look at how people live during the day and at night (5′)
looking at the photos of day and night. ○ Talking about the figures of day and night. •The reference pictures are the pictures taken in the same place during the day and at night. Let's compare the two pictures.
-We study at school or play at
•How do the same places differ the playground during the day. between day and night?
-We go home, stay with family and sleep during the night. - Compare the photo of the reference material. - People seem too busy during the day because it is bright. - People seem to go home during the night because it is dark.
Recog Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. nition
ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. of the learning objecti objectives Let's learn about day and night. ve
Main lesson plans |
Develo Role-play ◎ Doing role-play ○ Calling a friend in Korea
•What time is it now in
-It's 11 in the morning.
•What time is it now in Korea? •What will happen when you
-It's 5 in the afternoon.
call to your friend in Korea? •Let's do phone role-play with
- My friend seems to receive a
friends in Korea.
call at home. Role-play -Students do a simple role-play
◎ Indicating 'day time' and Looking at the
with the role-play script.
Don't have to
'night time' on a mind map.
consider the
•Let's write what you think of
exact time
figure of day time and night time on a day
mind map. ◎ Talking about something
-Writing the ideas on a mind
when it comes to day time.
Mind map worksheet
•Let's write one word or one sentence on a sentence card when it comes to day time. Day and night •Let's talk about somethings on
sentence cards,
the basis of our work when it
figures when it
comes to day time.
-Completing the sentence card.
comes to day and night
-Study time, P.E. time, lunch time, cleaning time, when playing with a friend, when •Let's talk about some things on doing homework, when playing the basis of
at the playground.
people's activities when it comes to day time. Going to work, fishing, farming, leisure, selling products, buying and selling, exercising, moving •Let's talk about the figures of natural environment when it comes to day time. Let's talk about the feelings when it comes to day time.
-flowers in full bloom, far-reaching mountain scenery, the figure of the rice growing, the waves sparkling in the sunlight.
◎ Talking about somethings Looking
when it comes to night time.
at the
•Let's write one word or one
figure of sentence on a sentence card night
when it comes to night time. -Brightness, liveliness, warmness, noisiness, business, quickness, plentifulness -Completing the sentence card. •Let's talk about some things on the basis of our work when it comes to night time. -Doing homework, watching TV, using the computer, writing in •Let's talk about somethings on
my diary.
the basis of people's activities when it comes to night time. - Eating dinner, night duty, buying stuff, leisure, studying
Main lesson plans |
•Let's talk about the figures of natural environment when it comes to night time. -Dark scenery, sleeping animals •Let's talk about the feelings
and plants, lights.
when it comes to night time. -Calm, cool, dark, quiet, slow, and less
Arrang Presentati ◎ Arranging words when it ement & evaluati on (5′)
comes to day time and night time.
-Talking about the figures of day
•Let's talk about the figures of
day time. •Let's talk about the figures of
-Talking about the figures of
night time.
night time.
◎ Advance notice of next lesson. ○ Advance notice of next lesson. •We will learn about the characteristics of day and night.
Writing Plan Day and night is different ※ Let's learn about day and night.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can talk about what they think of day and night. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
Students can talk about day and night.
Students can represent what they think of day and night on a mind map in various ways. Students can represent what they think of day and night on a mind map. Students cannot represent what they think of day and night on a mind map.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Main lesson plans |
Reference material
Day time
Night time
Role-play script
<Calling friend in Korea> • Try to set the scene as day time for the student in our country and night time for the student in another country. • Try to allow students to realize that the time in our country and the time in another country are sometimes opposite. • Don't try to explain the exact time difference. • The role-play should be focused in the different daily life according to day and night.
<Phone Play> Alemu: Hello, Minho! Minho: Hello, Alemu! Alemu: Minho, our country is now late summer, but it is still very hot. And now it is mid-day, so sunshine is bright. What about Korea? Minho: Ethiopia is the day! Korea is evening now. Most of the people are in the house and eating dinner. Alemu: Korea and our country are on the same earth. Why is the time different? Minho: Well, why is it different?
Main lesson plans |
Mind map worksheet
â&#x2122;Ł Let's represent when it comes to day on a mind map. (
)Class Name:
Mind map worksheet
â&#x2122;Ł Let's represent day time on a mind map. (
)Class Name:
Main lesson plans |
Making sentence cards
The sun is in the sky.
It is dark.
It is bright without
We can see the moon and
lights on.
stars at (
Children play at (
We buy things at (
There are many people on the street.
There are no children at the playground.
) close the door.
On the street (
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 22
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Meeting day and nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to learn about day and night. This topic is similar with the second grade chapter three 'Day and Night' in 'Observing natural phenomena' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. This topic can be carried out making sentences by presenting the word of the day and night, finding out the day and night in various places, the video or the description of the teacher about the reason why day and night occur. Particularly we mentioned the appearances of cities, rural areas, fishing villages and mountain villages in Korea so that Ethiopian students can learn about the day and night in a variety of places. Making the day and night of the earth with various materials can help the students to reach the goal of this lesson.
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Chapter Title Objective Materials
Day and night is different
▪Students can find out the characteristics of day and night. ▪ Teachers: photo materials, colored cellophane papers, worksheet ▪ Students: colored pencils Teaching-Learning Activities
Procedure Teacher
Readin Motivatio ◎ Motivation ess n ○ Talking about the figures of activiti day and night. es •(Presenting the words; day and (5′)
Materials( ) Remark( )
Suggest or
night) Let's talk about your
write the words
thought in a sentence after
'day' and 'night'
looking at the following words. -Students study during the day and sleep at night. -Day time is bright but night time is dark.
Recogn Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. ition of
ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. the learning Let's find out the differences between day and night. objecti objectives ve
Develo Comparin ◎ Finding out the characteristics pment
g the
of day and night.
○ Finding out the characteristics of day and night from the reference materials. •Let's write the characteristics
of day and night while looking
material 1,
at the reference materials.
•Let's represent the characteristics of day and night
after discussing them with the
-Students write the
characteristics on the worksheet.
-The groups of students check and fill in the contents and present them in order. ○ Finding out the figures of day Looking at the
and night. •What are the figures of the
figures of day? the day
-There are many different shapes of buildings, the figures of various
•What are the figures of the
people and the busy and
crowded life figures.
Looking at the figures of ○ Finding out the figures of day the night and night in a farm village. •How are the figures of day in -We can feel the peaceful and a farm village?
quiet atmosphere.
•How are the figures of night
-The figure of night is quiet
in a farm village?
because most people are farmers.
○ Finding out the figures of day and night in a mountain village. •How are the figures of day in a mountain village?
-There are not many people coming and going, and there are few houses in a mountain village so it seems quiet. It has beautiful scenery with nature. -It seems dark and quiet.
•How are the figures of night in a mountain village? ○ Finding out the figures of day and night in a fishing village.
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•How are the figures of day in a fishing village?
-It seems busy when fishing boats are coming but it seems relatively quiet during the day.
•How are the figures of night in a fishing village? Finding
◎ Finding out the reason why
out the
day and night are created.
○ Finding out the reason why
-We can see many stars and the moon in the dark.
day and night are created. •What do we call it when sunlight is on?
-It is the day.
•How do we call when there is no sunlight?
-It is the night.
•What are the reasons of creation of day and night?
-Because of the sunlight.
○ Talking about your thoughts about why day and night are created. •Let's arrange the reasons why day and night are created after 'making day and night of the earth'
<Making day and night of the earth> ① Cut the drawing paper and OHP film with round shape and
Drawing paper, OHP film, cellophane
draw the figure of the earth on the drawing paper.
papers, thread
② Draw and make the shapes of the sun, moon and stars and
paste them on the OHP film. ③ Paste cellophane paper on the half of the OHP film or draw with magic pen and then put a thread pin in the center of the overlap part of the earth and OHP film. ④ Spin the completed earth and observe the day and night of the earth.
Reference material 2
Arrang Presentat ◎ Representing the characteristics ement
of day and night. •Let's Represent the
characteristics of day and night.
evaluati on
-People work or study hard
during the day because it is bright. -People sleep or take a rest during the night because it is dark.
Advance notice of ◎ Advance notice of next lesson. next lesson.
•Let's find out how to divide a
○ Preparation of the next lesson.
day in various ways.
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Writing Plan Day and night is different ※ Let's find out the differences between day and night.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can talk about the characteristics after looking at the figures of day and night. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
Students can talk about the characteristics well after looking at the figures of day and night.
Students can find out the characteristics of day
Students can talk about the characteristics after looking at the figures of day and night.
and night. Low
Students can not talk about the characteristics after looking at the figures of day and night.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Reference material 1
Night Main lesson plans |
â&#x2122;Ł Let's find out the differences between day and night as looking at the reference picture. (
)Grade (
)Class Name:
â&#x2122;Ł Let's talk about why day and night are created.
Reference material 2
Making the day and night of the earth
① Cut the drawing paper and OHP film with round shape and draw the figure of the earth on the drawing paper. ② Draw and make the shapes of the sun, moon and stars and paste them on the OHP film. ③ Paste cellophane paper on the half of the OHP film or draw with magic pen and then put a thread pin in the center of the overlap part of the earth and OHP film. ④ Spin the completed earth and observe the day and night of the earth.
※ Teacher explains day and night are not shifting like this in real because the earth rotates in the center of Arctic
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Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 23
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Dividing a day in various ways' Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to divide a day by time. This topic is similar with the second grade chapter three 'Day and Night' in 'Observing natural phenomena' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. The lessons can be carried out by presenting the photo materials which we can recognize the order of the day and night sequentially, watching the videos, the teacher's questions and students' answers. The teacher can suggest various standards including these and allows the students to divide the day and night and learn about the ways of classification according to the standards.
Chapter Title
Day and night is different
Video Clip 12
▪Students can divide a day in various ways. ▪Teachers: a model clock, photos, drawings and worksheets related with a day
▪Students: Colored pencils, Scissors, Pastes Teaching-Learning Activities
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
Readin Motivatio ◎ Motivation ess n ○ Observing the change of a activiti day es •Which order are the photos of
Reference material
reference material arrayed? (5′)
-It represents the process of ○ Thinking of how to divide a
sunrise to sunset.
Presenting sunrise, morning,
noon, afternoon,
•Let's write the words which
sunset, night,
the teacher suggested below the
without order
photos of the reference material. •How can we divide a day?
-Write the correct words below the photos. -We can divide into day and night. -We can divide into morning, afternoon and night.
Recogni Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. tion of
ion of ∙Let's find out what we will learn today. learning Let's divide a day by time. objectiv objectives the e
Dividing ◎ Dividing a day into day and
a day 1
night. ○ Pasting pictures on a worksheet divided by day and night. •Let's paste the pictures of a day in the life of a puppy
Main lesson plans |
in worksheet 1, divided by day and night.
Worksheet -Pasting cut pictures on a
1,Scissors, Pastes
worksheet. ○ Talking about what you did during the daytime and nighttime. •Let's talk about what the puppy did at the daytime and nighttime.
-Representing a made story.
•Let's find today's sunrise and
-Sunrise is at 05:42 and sunset is
sunset time.
at 19:32.
Dividing a ◎ Dividing a day into morning, day2
afternoon and evening.
Worksheet 2
○ Dividing and pasting worksheet 2 into morning, afternoon and evening. •Let's choose either a day of David or a day of mom as presenting worksheet 2 and divide and paste into morning,
-Pasting one of two.
afternoon and evening. ○ Talking about what you did in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. •Let's talk about what David did in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. -Representing what David did in the morning, in the afternoon •Let's talk about what mom did and in the evening. in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. -Representing what mom did in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.
Dividing a ◎Dividing a day into different day3
ways. ○ Dividing a day by meals. What is the standard for dividing a day into in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening?
-We can divide a day by meal
•Are there any other ways to divide a day beside the presented ways?
-We can divide a day into morning and afternoon. -We can divide a day into morning, afternoon, evening and night.
Arrang ement
Presentati ◎ Arranging how to divide a on
day. •Let's represent the standard
how to divide a day.
-We can divide a day into
meals, morning and afternoon or
morning, afternoon, evening and night. Advance notice of ◎ Advance notice of next lesson ○ Advance notice of next lesson next
•We will learn about the daily
life of people according to day and night.
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan Day and night is different ※ Let's divide a day by time.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can divide a day in various ways. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
Students can divide a day in various ways by several standards well.
Students can divide a day in various
Students can divide a day in various ways by several standards.
ways. Low
Students cannot divide a day in various ways by several standards.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Reference material
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Worksheet 1
---------------------------------cutting line------------------------------------
â&#x2122;Ł Let's paste pictures of a day in the life of a puppy, divided into day and night. (
)Grade ( )Class Name:
Worksheet 2 (Option1)
---------------------------------cutting line------------------------------------
â&#x2122;Ł Let's paste pictures of a day in the life of David, divided into morning, afternoon and evening. (
)Grade ( )Class Name:
Main lesson plans |
Worksheet 2 (Option 2)
---------------------------------cutting line------------------------------------
â&#x2122;Ł Let's paste pictures in a day in the life of Mom, divided into morning, afternoon and evening. (
)Grade ( )Class Name:
Supplementary Worksheet
How to divide a day (
)Grade ( )Class Name:
1. Let's write how to divide a day.
2. Let's divide a day by the following ways and paint with distinct color.
Day and night
Morning and afternoon
3. How can we divide a day in different ways?
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Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 24
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The lifestyle of people according to day and night' Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to find out how the lifestyle of people are different from day and night. This topic is similar with the second grade chapter three 'Day and Night' in 'Observing natural phenomena' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. There are various activities are possibilities related with this topic such as a guessing game without looking after observing the paintings of many different aspects of the day and night, presentations of students' experiences, drawing pictures, mind mapping activities and so on. We made the lesson plan which the students can write the script and do the role-play on the basis of the student's experiences or imaginations about the lifestyle of people during the day and night, and added the interviews with the people who work at day and night.
Chapter Title
Day and night is different
Video Clip 13
▪Students can find the changing lifestyle of people according to day and night.
▪Teacher: lifestyle photos of the day and night Teaching-Learning Activities
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
Readine Motivatio ◎Motivation n ss ○Guessing the contents of the activitie reference pictures. s •I will show you the reference picture one and two for 30 (5′) seconds and then I will ask some questions. •What things do the people do in the picture during the day?
•What things do the people do in the picture during the night?
•What was I holding in my hand? •What was the TV program at home? What stuff was the apartment janitor carrying?
Reference material 1 When teacher -Looking at the pictures of the textbook carefully.
-Mathematics, physical education classes, jogging, company work, attending work and leaving work
ask and answer the questions, let students look at the contents of the pictures carefully.
-Dinner, talking with family, going to bed, guard the apartment, doing homework, etc. -A triangle shaped ruler. -Football -A fresh light.
Recogniti Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective.
ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. the learning objective objectives Let's find out how the lifestyle of people are different from day and night. on of
Main lesson plans |
◎ Finding out the lifestyle of
out the
people during the day and night.
(28′) lifestyles. ○ Representing the lifestyle during the day? •What do you usually do during the day? -I usually study at school or play •Who mainly work during the day?
at the playground. -Office workers, teachers and most of the people work during
•What do the people mainly
the day.
work during the day? - People work at the work ○ Representing the lifestyle of
people during the night. •What do you usually do during the night? -I usually do my homework, talk with my family or go to bed. •Who mainly work during the night?
-Security guards, firefighters, night emergency room doctor.
•What do the people mainly
-Night patrol, putting out fires at
work during the night?
night, curing patients.
◎ Finding out the of lifestyle of
out the
people during the day and night
changing ○Finding out what the people lifestyle who work during the day do during the night? •What do the people who work during the day do at night?
-People have their own free time and private life.
-Students listen to 'Night duty workers have to sleep during the day' and 'The interview with an engineer' ○ Finding out what the people who work during the night do during the day? •Let's find out what night duty workers do during the day as
listening to their interviews.
material 2. Let students
•What do the people who work -Listenning interview
listen to
during the night do during the
materials. role playing
◎ Having gratitude mind to the
-They take a rest during the day.
people who work for us during Having a the day and night. gratitude ○ Knowing he people who mind.
work for us during the day and night. •Who work for us during the day? -Teachers, police officers and •Who work for us during the
night? -Night patrol janitors, fire •Let's talk about the mind and
fighters and doctors.
behavior for the people who work for us. -We should have gratitude mind and bow politely when we meet them.
Main lesson plans |
ment &
◎Representing the changing lifestyle of people according to day and night.
evaluati on
•Let's Represent the changing
lifestyle of people according to day and night.
-Most people work during the day take a rest during the night. -There are many people who work at night. We can live comfortably thanks to the people who work at night.
Advance ◎ Advance notice of next lesson ○ Advance notice of next lesson notice of •We will learn about the figures next lesson
of animals and plants according to day and night.
Writing Plan Day and night is different ※ Let's find out how the lifestyle of people are different from day and night.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can find out how the lifestyle of people are different from day and night. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
Students can find out how the lifestyle of people are different from day and night well.
Students can find the changing lifestyle of people according to
Students can find out how the lifestyle of people are different from day and night.
day and night. Low
Students can not find out how the lifestyle of people are different from day and night.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Main lesson plans |
Reference material 1
Reference material 2
<Interview with an engine driver> Reporter: What is the reason you become an engine driver? Engine driver: Reason for becoming an engine driver? I do not have a special reason, but I am just doing my best. Reporter: What is the hardest thing? Engine driver: The life which day and night is changed is the most difficult. The working hour is not constant. The body rhythms are irregular because I have to work day and night shift. Working during the day and sleeping at night seems like a dream to the engine driver. Day and night shift replaces at the interval of a week. There are many engine driver who are suffering from insomnia because of shift work. Driving at night particularly difficult because we can not take a rest in the middle of driving.
<Night shift workers have to sleep in the daytime> I and my sister-in-law have jobs working at night. People who do not work at night can not understand that people like us should sleep in the daytime. Some people call in the day time and ask why I am still sleeping. The noon for people who are working at night is just like the midnight for ordinary people. There are many days I just can sleep 4hours because of people's call. There are many people call me even if I take a message in the answering machine message which I work at night and sleep in the daytime. The people who work at night have to sleep as much as other people do.
Main lesson plans |
â&#x2122;Ł Drawing the people who work during a day and a night
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 25
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The lifestyle of people according to day and nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to find out how the shape of animals and plants are different depending on day and night. This topic is similar with the second grade chapter three 'Day and Night' in 'Observing natural phenomena' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. There are various activities related with this topic such as the activity in which the teacher shows some part of the picture and the students take a guess and find out what the picture is of, presentation of the students' experiences, presenting the teacher's photos, watching the videos. The students can observe the animals or plants at the day and night through these activities.
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Chapter Title Objective
Day and night is different ▪Students can compare the life styles of animals and plants depending on day and night. ▪ Teacher: Photos of daily lives of animals and plants ▪ Student: Colored pencils, observation journal Teaching-Learning Activities
Procedure Teacher
Readin Motivatio ◎ Motivation n ○ Guessing the mosaics. ess •Let's guess what the teacher is activiti covering. es (Puting the sunflower during the day on the visual presenter.) (5′) •(Showing the covered material little by little) What is it? •(Puting the sunflower at night on the visual presenter.) •Let's guess what the teacher is covering. •(Showing the covered material little by little) What is it? •Let's guess what the differences are between the same sunflower during the day and during the night.
The photos of -Taking a guess looking at the photos.
-It is a sunflower.
-It is a sunflower.
Recogn Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective.
ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. learning objecti objectives Let's find out how the shape of animals and plants are different ve depending on day and night. the
sunflower which are covered partly.
-The first sunflower is looking at the sun during the day and the second sunflower is looking at the ground during the night.
ition of
Materials( ) Remark( )
◎ Finding out the figure change of a sunflower. •When and where have you seen a sunflower?
Develop ment (28′)
•What does a sunflower look like?
-I saw it at the flower garden in Summer. -It is tall and the flower is very big and round.
•Which direction is a sunflower pointing during the day? -It is yellow and little flowers make a big blossom. -It is pointing toward the sun. •Which direction are the flowers and leaves of sunflower heading toward during the night? -It is heading toward the ground. •How does a sunflower move depending on the sun.
◎ Finding out the figure change of dandelion flower. Finding
○ When and where have you
out the
seen a dandelion flower?
figures of
-I saw dandelion flowers under
plants 1
the wall in the early morning when I visited my grandmother •Let's talk about how the in the countryside. dandelion flower is changing depending on the day time and sunset time after looking at the dandelion flower at the reference material.
Dandelion flower or morning glory
-It is blooming during the day and it is closing during the sunset.
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◎ Observing the daily life of
out the
figures of •Let's talk about the experience animals2
of raising animals at home. -Talking about the experience of raising animals at home. •Let's talk about the figures of animals' life during the day. -The animals move actively and eat a lot during the day.
•Let's talk about the figures of
out the
animals' life during the night.
life of
-There are some animals moving
actively at night such as •Let's talk about how animals
hedgehogs or cats.
live during a day. -Most animals are active and find food during the day, but some animals are active during ◎ Comparing our life of day
the night.
Comparing and night and the plant's life of with our life
day and night. •Let's talk about our life of a day and the figure of dandelion flower. -The shapes of dandelion flower is changing depending on the sun just like we study during the day and sleep during the night.
∙ Let's talk about our life of the daytime and the figure of sunflower. ◎ Finding out nocturnal animals and plants
-Comparing and talking
Finding out
•Most animals are active during the day just like us and most
nocturnal plants bloom flowers while there animals
is sunlight, but some animals
and plants and plants are different. •What animals are active at night only? -There are mice, owls, bats, cats •What flowers bloom at night
and snakes.
only ? -There are primrose and gourd •Let's play the experience game
of the nocturnal animals we found. - Let's do the role-play after listening to the teacher's explanation.
<Experiencing the nocturnal animals game> ① Decide the roles of nocturnal animal predators (owls, snakes, etc.) and prey (mice, rabbits, etc.) one by one and the rest do the roles of the trees in the forest. ② Close the eyes of predators. ③ The preys stand and stay still from the predators about 20-30 meters away. ④ The people who are assigned the role of trees in between prey and predators make woods and interfere the way. ⑤ The trees make sounds 'mmm ...' and announces his position. ⑥ The preys inform their position by hitting an occasional clap, and the predators should arrive at the prey avoiding the trees. ⑦ If the predators hit the trees, they switch roles..
◎ Representing the figures of animals and plants' life for a day.
•Let's observe the day of
animals and plants on the
worksheet 'Observing the figure
of a day' and express the result
by writing or drawing. -Express the result of the observation on the worksheet.
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan Day and night is different ※ Let's find out how the shape of animals and plants are different depending on day and night.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can compare the life styles of animals and plants depending on day and night. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
Students can compare the life styles of animals and plants well depending on day and night.
Students can compare the life styles of animals and Middle plants depending
Students can compare the life styles of animals and plants depending on day and night.
on day and night. Low
Students cannot compare the life styles of animals and plants depending on day and night.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Observing a day of animals and plants Grade (
) Class (
) Name (
â&#x2013; Let's observe the figures of the animals and plants which we can see around us for a day.
When Where What
What you know.
Main lesson plans |
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 26
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Finding shadowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to look for shadows around us. This topic is similar with the second grade chapter three 'Day and Night' in 'Observing natural phenomena' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. There are various activities related with this topic such as taking quizzes about the shadows, drawing the shadows, mind mapping, presentation of the students' experiences, watching videos or animation and so on. We also added the activity which the teacher prepares the shadow stories in advance and performs in front of the students. This activity will be able to maximize the effect of the motivation for the students.
Chapter Title
I'm friends with the shadows
▪Students can look for shadows around us.
▪Teacher: shadow quiz materials, drawing papers
Video Clip 14
Teaching-Learning Activities Step
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
Readin Motivatio ◎Motivation n ess ○Solving quiz related with activiti shadows. es •Everyone, listen carefully and find out the answers of the quiz. (5′)
•Step1: What is this which looks black even though it is black, red or blue.
-Students listen carefully and try
•What is this which you can
to understand what teacher is
not catch even if it is not
moving? •What is this which looks black even if it wears pretty clothes. •Let's check the answer. What is the answer? ○ Listening to children's story 'Wolf and shadow'
•This time, I will tell you about
an interesting story about
material 1
shadow. Are you ready? Listen carefully, please.
-The wolf looked at his long •Why the wolf was puffed
shaped shadow and he thought
himself up in front of the lion?
the shadow was his real figure.
Main lesson plans |
•Why is the wolf's shadow -Because the length of shadow
at the sunset time looks longer. ○Expecting the learning contents of the lesson. •What will you learn this
-I think we will learn about why shadow is created.
Recogn Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. ition of ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. the learning objecti objectives ve
Let's look for shadows around us.
◎Marking the place where shadow is created.
(28′) shadows ○Reference material 2 Looking
at the pictures.
material 2
•Let's look at the pictures of reference material 2 and talk about your own experience about shadow. -I took a rest under shadow of the school building escape from the heat in Summer. -I stepped shadows with my brother. •Talking about the odd things in the picture.
-There is no shadow in the picture.
○ Looking for the places where shadows are created. •Let's mark the place where shadows can be created. -Marking in the picture with a ○Thinking about whether shadows are created at night.
•Let's look at the picture below reference material 2. Can shadow be created at night? -Shadows are created at night. When is shadow created?
-Shadows are created on a fine
•Let's draw the right shadows
day but shadows are also created
for the picture.
at night if there are lights, street lights, bonfire, etc.
◎Making mind map Making
•Let's represent somethings
mind map when you think of shadow through mind map.
Mind map -Drawing the places where the
shadows are created. -Drawing a mind map about shadow.
Let students represent somethings when they think of shadow through mind map.
Arrang ement
Presentati ◎ Representing the mind map. on
•Let's represent the mind map. -Students represent their mind
evaluati on
◎ Advance notice of next lesson ○ Advance notice of next lesson
(5′) Advance
•Next time, we will learn about
notice of the difference between sunny next
place and shade.
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan I'm friends with the shadows ※ Let's look for shadows around us.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can find the places where shadows are created and make a mind map. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
High Students can look for shadows
around us. Low
Students can find the places where shadows are created and make a mind map well. Students can find the places where shadows are created and make a mind map. Students can not find the places where shadows are created and make a mind map.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Reference material 1
Wolf and shadow One day, an wolf was walking down the street. Around the evening, the wolf suddenly said "No?" and was surprised because his shadow looked much bigger. "I've grown a lot." The wolf was quite pleased. As the sun was going down to western sky, the shadow on the reflection of the way looked getting longer and bigger. "Hey, look at this. I am so big!" The length of shadow is different between the time when the sun is directly shining in the middle of the day and the time when the sun begins to set in the evening. However, the wolf really thought the appearance of
shadow is real.
"I am so big and great! Now I do not need to be afraid of the lion." Wolf threw back the body and said by himself "From today, I am the king of the beasts". Then, He was Walking around a stately pace. "I am not afraid of the lion any more" "Lion, come on!" But the lion which was watching the wolf behind of the tree appeared in front of the wolf. It happened almost at the same time as the wolf said "Oops, it's a lion!" and the lion showed up the paws.
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Reference material 2
Teacher's reference material
(Completed picture material)
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Mind map worksheet
â&#x2122;Ł Let's draw somethings when you think of shadow through mind map. (
)Grade (
)Class Name:
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 27
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Sunny place and shadeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to find out the difference between sunny places and the shade. This topic is similar with the second grade chapter three 'Day and Night' in 'Observing natural phenomena' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. There are various activities related with this topic such as teacher's storytelling, presentation of the students' experiences, drawing pictures, investigating and so on. The teacher lets the students move to the sunny places and to the shaded places to feel the differences. The students
learn about the sunny places and shade places deeply through the research activity.
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Chapter Title
I'm friends with the shadows
▪Students can divide what people do by the difference of sunny place and shade.
▪Teacher: the photo materials of sunny place and shade. Teaching-Learning Activities
Procedure Teacher
Readin Motivatio ◎ Motivation n ess ○ Listening to the fairy tale activiti 'The bachelor who bought the es shade of a tree. (5′)
Materials( ) Remark( )
Reference material 1
•Let's listen to the fairy tale
- Listen to the story and think
'the bachelor who bought the
about what is happening.
shade of a tree. •What did the bachelor buy
- The shade of a tree.
from the old rich man? •Why does a tree have a
- Because it prevents the sun.
shadow? - He bought the shade because •Why did the bachelor buy the
he wants to make a fool of the
shade of a tree?
greedy old rich man when the shadow is longer.
-The shadow was longer because
∙ What is the reason for the
of the sun set.
changed location of the tree shadow? ○ Looking at the Reference
material Let's consider what we will
material2 - We will find out the difference
study as looking at the photos of between sunny place and shade. the reference material.
Recogn Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. ition of
ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. the learning objecti objectives Let's find out the difference between sunny place and shade. ve
◎ Finding out the difference
out the
between sunny place and shade.
(28′) difference ○ Finding out about sunny places and shady places. •What is a sunny place? -Sunny places are the places where there is sunlight. •What is shade?
-Shade is the place where there is no sunlight.
○ Thinking about the reason why sunny places exist and why shadows are created. •Why are sunny places created? -Sunny places are created when the sun is not obscured by •Why is shade created?
buildings or objects. -Shade is created when the sun is blocked by buildings or
○ Feeling of the sunny place
and shade. •Let's go outside and sit on the boundary line of sunny place and shade. -Students go outside and put their hands on the boundary line of sunny place and shade and feel the sunny place and shade. •Let's put each hand on the sunny place and the shade and compare the feeling of both hands.
-Sunny places are bright, but shade is dark.
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•Let's record the feeling on the
worksheet. ○ Finding out the other differences of sunny place and shade. •What are some other differences of sunny place and shade? -Sunny places have shadows, but the shade does not have shadows.
Looking at what ◎ Looking at what the people the people do.
do at sunny place and shade and writing on the worksheet. ○ Finding out what the people
○ Finding out what the people
do at sunny places and shady
do at sunny places and shady
places from the pictures of the
places from the pictures of the
•Let's find out what the people do at sunny places and shady places from the pictures of the reference material 2. ○ Representing what the people ○ Representing what the people do at sunny place on the
do at sunny place on the
•Let's Represent what the people do at sunny place •Let's represent what the people do at sunny places Arrang Arrange ◎ Researching and representing ement &
the case of using sunny place and shade in our lives.
- Growing peppers, drying
peppers and drying squids.
- Growing ginsengs, growing mushrooms, drying persimmons and taking a rest in the shade of the parasol
•Let's find out other examples of using sunny place in our lives besides the reference materials. •Let's find out other examples of -People dry rice. using shade in our lives besides the reference materials. -People dry laundry. Advance ◎ Finding out the reason why
-People dry the clay work under
notice of sunny places and shade are
the shade.
next lesson
created. •Let's find out the reason why sunny places and shade are created. -They are created by the sunlight. ◎ Advance notice of next lesson •We will find out the change of shadow for a day.
○ Preparing of next lesson
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Writing Plan I'm friends with the shadows ※ Let's find out the difference between sunny place and shade.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can divide what people do by the difference of sunny place and shade. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
High Students can divide what people do by the difference of
sunny place and shade. Low
Students can divide what people do by the difference of sunny place and shade well. Students can divide what people do by the difference of sunny place and shade. Students cannot divide what people do by the difference of sunny place and shade.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Reference material 1
The young man who bought the shade of a tree Once upon a time, there was a greedy old man who never helped others that lived in a village. There was a tree in front of the old man's house. On a hot Summery day, a nice and smart young man who lives in the village was working on the garden and was too hot, so he took a rest in the shade of a tree in the front of the old man's house. The old man saw this and went to the young man and said "Hey, fellow, my great grand father planted this tree, so the shadow of the tree is also mine. Get out of here!" And the old man did not let the young man sit under the shadow. The young man decided to play trick to the old man. The young man bought the shade of a tree. When the sun goes down and the shade of the tree moves into the yard of the old man's house, the young man walked to the yard and lied down. "No, you rascal! What are you doing! Leave right now," The old man was angry and shouted. Then the young man "I have bought the shade of a tree, so of course
the shade of the tree here is also mine." When the shade
moved to the main bedroom, the young man also went to the bedroom and lied down. The young man went to the house and did same things everyday since then. The old man could not stand this and asked the young man to sell the shade of the tree but the young man said "I will never sell this shade." In the end, the old man left the house with the family. The wise young man accidentally got the house.
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Reference material 2
â&#x2122;Ł Sunny place and shade worksheet (
) Grade (
Sunny place
) Class Name:
What does it represent? How do you feel when you touch? What other differences?
What do people do there?
â&#x2013; Let's research and write what people do at sunny place and shade in our lives.
Sunny place
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Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 28
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Examining the change of the shadow in a dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to observe the changes of the shadow over the length of a day. This topic is similar with the second grade chapter three 'Day and Night' in 'Observing natural phenomena' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. There are activities related with this topic such as singing an easy song, along and changing the lyrics to this topic, and measuring the length of the shadow every hour on the playground. The teacher's demonstration or explanation is required in advance for students measure the length of the shadow on the playground. Shadow stepping game is added, so the students can experience the characteristics of the shadow through the fun activities.
Chapter Title
I'm friends with the shadows
▪Students can examine the changes of the shadow for a day. ▪ Teachers: a small bar (or a small doll), color strips, white canvas
▪ Student: scissors, glue, memo pads, pencils Teaching-Learning Activities
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
Readi Motivatio ◎ Motivation n ness ○ Changing and singing the activit lyrics of ‘Who who is ies sleeping?’ •Let's sing ‘Who who is (5′)
Reference material 1 -Students sing together.
sleeping?’together. •Let's change and sing the lyrics by the groups. For example, we can change like this. "Where shall I hide my shadow? I shall hide my shadow under a zelkova -"Where shall I hide my shadow? tree."
I shall hide my shadow under a
Let's change lyrics using
zelkova tree."
'shadow', 'hiding' and so on. Recog Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. nition ion of ∙Let's find out what we will learn today. of the learning objecti Let's observe the changes of the shadow over the length of a day. objectives ve
Devel Examinin ◎ Examining the change of opme
g the
of shadow
shadow in a day. ○ Measuring the length of a
- The length of the shadow is
measurement tools,
•How does the length of the
short during the day, but the
color strips
shadow vary depending on the
length of the shadow is getting
height of the sun during the
longer in the morning and in the
•Let's measure the length of the shadow with the color strip and paste it on the worksheet.
-Measure and Paste it with a
•When is the length of shadow
color strip.
longest? •When is the length of shadow
- 9am.
shortest? - Around noon (12 o'clock).
Main lesson plans |
•What did you know?
-The shadow changes according to time.
○ Looking at the direction and shape of the shadow.
-It is getting shorter from
•How does the direction of the
morning to noon.
shadow change?
-It is getting longer from noon
•How does the shape of the
to evening.
shadow change?
-The shadow is created at the opposite direction of the sun.
○ Finding out the change of the -The shape of the shadow is shadow in a day.
longer or shorter according to
•Let's arrange the changing
the location of the sun.
shapes of the shadow according to time from the reference
-The direction and shape of the
shadow for a day change. -The length of the shadow is shortest at lunch time. Reference
◎ Finding out how to play and rules of the stepping shadow Finding
out how ○ Finding out how to play of the stepping shadow game. to play the
•Let's play the stepping shadow game in the following order at the playground.
stepping ① Making groups of 5 ~ 6 people. shadow game.
② Once the groups are decided, determine the tagger and play
areas. ③ Stay in the shade until counting ten. ④ Tagger man is chasing a fleeing man and step the shadow. ⑤ The person who is stepped on becomes a tagger.
○ Finding out how to avoid Playing
stepping shadows.
stepping on
•If you don't want your shadow -We should run faster than a shadows. to be walked on, what should tagger. you do?
-We should hide under the shade.
◎ Playing stepping on shadows game. ○ Finding out the direction which the shadow is created.
•Let's represent about the
The direction of shadow is the
shadows which you looked at
opposite direction of the sun.
through 'Stepping on shadow
-There is no shadow in shade.
Arrang Arrange ◎ Representing the facts you ement &
ment & know. evaluatio •Let's represent the changes
(length, direction, and shape) of
-The length of shadow is shortest at lunch time.
a shadow in a day. If you do not want your shadow
to be walked on, enter into the shade. - Creates a shadow of the object on the other side of this sunny. ○ Class learning activities to •Let's represent what you have
familiarize yourself
found from the 'Stepping on shadows game'
-You should go in the shade if you don't want your shadow to be stepped on.
Advance notice of
-The shadow is created in the
opposite direction of the sun.
lesson ◎ Advanced notice of next
○ Preparation of the next
•Let's find out the reason why shadows are created.
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan I'm friends with the shadows ※ Let's find out the changes of the shadow for a day.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can examine the changes of the shadow for a day. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
Students can examine the changes of the shadow for a day well.
Students can examine the changes of the
Students can examine the changes of the shadow for a day.
shadow for a day. Low
Students can not examine the changes of the shadow for a day.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Reference material 1
In the wide, wide sky, who, who is sleeping? In the deep, deep forest, who, who is sleeping? The baby star in the heaven is flickeringly, flickeringly sleeping. Mountain birds and wild birds get together and sleeping.
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Reference material 2
â&#x2122;Ł Looking at how the shadow is changing in a day.
(The length of shadow in a day)
Reference material 3
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Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 29
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Finding out the reason why shadow is createdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to find out the reason why shadow is created. This topic is similar with the second grade chapter three 'Day and Night' in 'Observing natural phenomena' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. The learning objective can be reached by the description of the teacher, but the students will have more enjoyable time with the activity the reason why the shadows are created using a variety of materials. Main activity is attaching man-shaped figure on a transparent film and find out the difference between the shadow part and the other. The teacher lets the students feel the differences after the showing a glass, a transparent plastic ruler, shoes, pencil case, and a soccer ball. We made the lesson plan which the teacher arranges the characteristics of the object that the sun passes through or not in the arrangement part.
Chapter Title
I am friends with shadow
Video Clip 15
▪Students can find out the reason why shadow is created. ▪Teacher: transparent film, A4 paper, glass, transparent plastic ruler, shoes,
a pencil case, a soccer ball Teaching-Learning Activities
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
Readi Motivatio ◎Motivation n ness ○Looking at what we will learn. activit •Let's look at what we will ies learn as looking at reference
Reference material 1
material 1. (5′)
-We will learn the reason why shadow is created.
Recog Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. nition
ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. learning objecti objectives Let's find out the reason why shadow is created. of the ve
◎Making a shadow by pasting
out the
opaque stickers on a transparent
difference film.
-Students make shadows
○Making a shadow by pasting
according to teacher's
film, man-shaped
opaque stickers on a transparent
film. ① Pasting opaque stickers on OHP film. ② Sunlight on the OHP film pasted opaque stickers. ③ Comparing the part of pasting opaque stickers and other part. Finding
◎ Finding the differences passing
out the
through in sunlight OHP film
difference and A4 paper. Finding the differences passing through in sunlight OHP film and A4 paper. •Let's pass through in sunlight OHP film and A4 paper. -OHP film doesn't have a shadow.
Main lesson plans |
-A4 paper creates a shadow. •What are differences between OHP film and A4 paper?
-OHP film is transparent. -A4 paper is not transparent.
◎Grouping the objects which Glass,
sunlight can pass and can't. ○Finding the objects which
transparent plastic
sunlight can pass and can't.
ruler, shoes, a
•Let's take the supplies of
pencil case,
out the
refrence material2 to a sunny
wraps, and a
characteri place and examine whether the stics
soccer ball
sunlight pass through.
-Taking the supplies to a sunny
•Let's group the objects which
place and examine and record
sunlight can pass through and
on the worksheet.
can't pass through.
- recording on the worksheet.
•What objects can sunlight
- A plastic ruler, a glass, wrap.
pass through? - Shoes, a pencil case, and a •What objects can not sunlight
soccer ball.
pass through? ◎Finding out the characteristics of the objects which sunlight can pass through and can't pass Talking
about the •What characteristics does the
- Transparent.
characteri object have which sunlight can
-Clear shadow are not created.
pass through?
•What characteristics does the object have which sunlight can not pass through?
◎Representing the characteristics of the objects which shadows are created or not. •What are some common points of the objects which shadows are created. •What are some common points - Opaque. of the objects which shadows are not created. - Clear shadows are created. •Let's find out some examples of using sunny places in our daily life except the reference
- Opaque.
materials. •Let's find out some examples
- Transparent.
of using shade places in our daily life except the reference materials. -Farmers can dry rice corps. -We can dry washing in the sun. -We can dry clay works in the shade. ◎Finding out the reason for sunny place and shade place are created. •Let's arrange the reason for sunny place and shade place are created.
-They are created by the Sun..
•What is the reason shadow is
-The shadows are created when
sunlight can not pass through.
Arrang ement ◎ Advance notice of next lesson ○ Advance notice of next lesson
•We will prepare a shadow
evaluati on
notice of
puppet show next time.
next lesson
Main lesson plans |
Writing Plan I am friends with shadows. ※ Let's find out the reason why shadow is created.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can find out the reason why shadow is created. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
Students can find out the reason why shadow is created well.
Students can find out the reason why
Students can find out the reason why shadow is created.
shadow is created. Low
Students can not find out the reason why shadow is created.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( (
Reference material 1
Main lesson plans |
Reference material 2
â&#x2122;Ł Let's find out the objects which sunlight can pass through or not around us. Check â&#x2014;Ż for the objects which sunlight can pass through.
The reason why shadow is created Grade(
) Class(
Name (
■ Let's find out the objects which sunlight can pass through or not by passing reference material 2 through sunlight. Let's write the common points of the objects which sunlight can pass through or not. The objects which sunlight can pass.
The objects which sunlight can not pass.
Common points
Common points
■ Let's find out the objects which shadows are created clearly or not. Let's write the common points of the objects which shadows are created or not. The objects which shadows are created
The objects which shadows are not
created clearly.
Common points
Common points
Main lesson plans |
Science Teacher's Training Course Lesson 30
Preparing the shadow puppet showâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Lesson Plan The topic of this lesson is to prepare the shadow puppet show. This topic is similar with the second grade chapter three 'Day and Night' in 'Observing natural phenomena' of Ethiopian environmental science syllabus. This topic is the arrangement part of the chapter. There are various activities related with this topic such as singing, making shadows with hands, talking about the experience of the shadow play. To reach the learning objectives the group activities such as writing a play script, making props using various materials are needed rather than individual activity. If the teacher prepares the necessary materials in advance and teaches the shadow play during the break time, the topic will be good memories for the students.
Chapter Title Objective
I'm friends with the shadows
▪Students can make the various shaped shadows and prepare the shadow puppet show.
▪Teacher: Story book, scissors, drawing papers, wooden chopsticks, animal pictures, cellophane tape Teaching-Learning Activities
Materials( ) Remark( )
Procedure Teacher
Readi Motivatio ◎ Motivation n ness ○ Singing 'Animal farm song' activit •Let's mimic animals with ies 'Animal farm song'. (5′)
Students To participate and have fun. -Is to create the shadows of different shapes by hand.
Accompaniment of 'Animal farm'
-Shadow play will be ready.
○ Looking at the contents of
-Participating in the activity with
the textbook.
•Let's look at what we will
-We will make various shaped
learn today as looking at the
reference material photos.
-We will prepare the shadow
Reference material
puppet show. Recog Confirmat ◎ Recognition of the objective. nition ion of •Let's find out what we will learn today. of the learning objecti Let's prepare the shadow puppet show. objectives ve
shadows hands and simple tools.
◎ Making various shadows using •Let's look at the various
- There is an elephant. - There is a bird.
Beam projector,
shaped shadows made by hands
screen, or
in the reference.
- Students represent the
•Let's represent the shadows
which you made. •Let's look at the other hand
- Observe the hand shadows of
the reference.
a variety of the
- Represent the experience.
hand shadows
Represent ing the
◎ Representing the experience
experienc of the shadow puppet show. es
Teacher shows
from the reference -Students make stories, take the
materials, get the
•Let's represent the experience
roles, make props, practice the
applicant who
of the shadow puppet show.
roles and perform the show.
would like to perform.
•How can we perform the shadow puppet show?
Main lesson plans |
•What do you need to prepare
-We should make props for the
for the shadow puppet show?
right roles.
◎ Looking at the order of the
-I would like to decorate it as
Looking shadow puppet show.
an interesting story .
at the
○ Making the story for the
-I hope it has some lesson in
shadow puppet show.
the story.
•Each group makes the story.
-I would like to make a short
You can use story books or you
and simple story.
decorating the
can create a new story. Let's
-I would like to make the story
represent what kinds of stories
which has a few characters and
are better to perform.
a few scenes to decorate.
Worksheet for
- Each person should take a role. •After making the story, what do you have to do next?
- You must make the necessary props for the show.
◎ Preparing the shadow puppet show. •Let's represent the outline of Preparing the story and the supplies for the
the shadow puppet show.
Story book, - Each group represents the plot scissors, drawing of the story and the materials
papers, wooden
and props fro the show.
chopsticks, animal pictures, cellophane tape
◎ Practicing the shadow puppet show.
nt &
•Let's practice the shadow
puppet show during the break
-Students decide the practicing
time and after school.
(5′) ◎ Advance notice of next lesson ○ Preparation for the next •We will perform the shadow puppet show.
Writing Plan I'm friends with the shadows ※ Let's prepare the shadow puppet show.
Evaluation Plan 1) Evaluation objective : Students can make the various shaped shadows and prepare the shadow puppet show. 2) Achievement and evaluation standards Achievement standard
Evaluation standard
High Students can make the various shaped shadows and
prepare the shadow puppet show. Low
Students can make the various shaped shadows
and prepare the
shadow puppet show well. Students can make the various shaped shadows
and prepare the
shadow puppet show. Students can not make the various shaped shadows and prepare the shadow puppet show.
Bibliographies and reference sites ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 2 ∙ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 2 Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( ( Excellent lesson videos, Dongnim Elementary School for Policy Research class
Main lesson plans |
Reference material 1
Animal Farm
In the hen house, hens are (cackling)
Next to the door, geese are (quacking)
In the deep forest, cuckoos are (cuckoo) In the high sky, skylarks are (whistling)
Under the pear trees, goats are (eumme) On the fireplace, cats are (mew)
In the stable, calves are (moo)
Under the floor, puppies are (bowwow)
In the hen house, hens are
Next to the door, geese are
In the deep forest, cuckoos are
In the high sky, skylarks are
Under the pear trees, goats are
In the stable, calves are
On the fireplace, cats are
Under the floor, puppies are
Main lesson plans |
Worksheet 1
â&#x2122;Ł Let's make a story for the shadow puppet show
1. Script
2. Preparation supplies
3. Roles
Main lesson plans |
▍Reference ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Elementary School Teachers' Manual, Intelligent Life 1~2 ▪ Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, elementary school textbooks, Intelligent Life 1~2
▪ Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Environmental Science Syllabus For Grade 1~2 ▪ Edunet: Korean Education and Research Information Service ( ( ▪ Science all ( ( ▪ Excellent lesson videos, Dongnim Elementary School for Policy Research class ▪ Excellent lesson videos, Raising basic inquiry skills of observation through the activity of learning the characteristics of fruits and seeds