GSAPP 2012-2015 Yongwon Kwon Portfolio

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Yongwon Kwon

GSAPP Selected Work from 2012 - 2015 1-917-982-5659

Copyright 2015 Yongwon Kwon. The selected works from 2012- 2015

All contents and images cannot be reproduced without written permission from Yongwon Kwon. Yongwon Kwon retains rights to contents.

INTRODUCTION The works in this architectural portfolio are collective works in Columbia University, graduate school of architecture, planning and preservation from 2012 - 2015. This portfolio is designed to show wide aspect of Yongwon Kwon’s works from initial concept to graphic representation. Also, as a method of architectural communication, the book is intended to explore a way of bringing ideas of collective works.

Yongwon Kwon


2012 - 2015 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY , New York EDUCATION Master of Architecture I Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

2004 - 2011 KOREA UNIVERSITY , Seoul, Korea Bachelor of Architecture Dept. of Architecture 2014.52014.8 OMA , Hongkong EXPERIENCE


Designed Several Options for Facade detail and Roof Garden. Documented and

Project type : 1. Mixed Use, High-rise 2. Culture Centre

Produced Schematic Design Drawings. Produced Serise of Diagrams and Rendering. Built Lasrge scale study models and small-scale presnetation models.

2013.5- 2013.8 OPEN ARCHITECTURE, Beijing, China ARCHITECTURAL INTERN Responsibilities : Project type :

Designed Several Options for Facade for High-rise. Documented and Produced

1. Mixed Use, High-rise

Interior Construction Drawings. Participated Intial Research for Auditorium. Built

2. College Research Centre

Lasrge scale study models.

2012.4 - 2012.8 PLACE DESIGN LAB ARCHITECTURE, Seoul, Korea


Project type :

Responsibilities :

1. Hospital

In Charge of Designing Office Website, Produced Rendering and Drawings for Inte-

2. Office Interior

oior Renovation. Participated in Intial Research and Concept Design for Hospital.


Autocad, Rhino, 3D Max, Sketchup, Vray, Grasshopper, Processing, Kangaroo, Physical modeling, Lasercutting

Beginner : Ecotect, Revit, 3D pringting

GRAPHIC DESIGN Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Adobe After Effects

MS office, Photography, Hand drafting

2010 HONOR

Honorable mention

1th Korea CPTED design competition

CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design)


Honorable mention

G-Design Fair 2009, Seoul

Honorable mention

Yongsan park international idea competition

Encouragement Prize

Incheon city design competition 2009


Silver prize

Seoul design Olympic 2009


Third prize

Urban Public Design Competition 2009, Gu-mi,Korea


Honorable mention

Gyeongju sirvercluster urban design competition

2009 2009


2015. 05

GSAPP End of Year Show 2015

2014. 09

Korea University Architecture Dept. Alumni Exhibition at Korea University , Seoul, Korea

2014. 05

GSAPP End of Year Show 2014

2013. 05

GSAPP End of Year Show 2013

2010. 11

1th CPTED Design Winner’s Exhibition at Korea university , Seoul, Korea

2009. 11

Yongsan park design Winner’s Exhibition at National museum of Korea , Seoul, Korea

2009. 10

Seoul Design Olympiad 2009

2009. 05

Urban Public Design Competition Winner’s Exhibition at Gu-mi City Hall, Gu-mi,Korea

2005. 09

Korea University 100th Anniversary Exhibition at Korea University , Seoul, Korea

at Jamsil Olympic Stadium , Seoul, Korea


Architecture as a Urban Object [Project_01]

Chinatown 2.0

Core Studio IV

Critic - Jing Liu _ SO-IL Architecture


Great Wall

Core Studio II

Critic - Eric Bunge _ N Architecture




Bank with Artists

Core Studio II

Critic - Mark Rakatansky _ Mark Rakatansky Studio


Architectural Animal [Project_05]


Core Studio V

Critic - Lise Anna Couture _ Asymptote Architecture


Transforming Swimming Pool

Core Studio I

Critic - Cristina Goberna _ Fake Industries Architectural Agonism


Floating Toilet

Core Studio I

Critic - Cristina Goberna _ Fake Industries Architectural Agonism


Core Studio IV

Critic - Toru Hasegawa, Mark Collins_ Proxy Design





Selected Work from 2012 - 2015


Yongwon Kwon

GSAPP Selected Work from 2012 - 2015


Architecture as a Urban Object


Chinatown 2.0

Core Studio VI

Critic - Jing Liu _ SO-IL Architecture


Great Wall

Core Studio III

Critic - Eric Bunge _ N Architecture



Bank with Artists

Core Studio II

Critic - Mark Rakatansky _ Mark Rakatansky Studio

INTRODUCTION The collection of projects developed in the studio makes the attempt to provide architectural responses to urban issues and potentials identified in the researches and interviews, with hopes to probe highly dense metropolitan area. The mode of experiments deployed is intentionally typologically driven and provocative at times, as more than being readily implementable. They act as a set of strategies that open the densely packed existing conditions and discover sites of new possibilities within.



Chinatown 2.0 Core Studio VI Critic - Jing Liu _ SO-IL Architecture

Chinatown, Manhattan, with an estimated population of 90,000 to 100,000 people, is one of the oldest ethnic Chinese enclaves outside of Asia. Throughout its history, the formation and expansions of Chinatown have been passively motivated by immigration seeking low skill labor jobs. Over time, it has also developed a robust internal social and economic system that protected itself from external discrimination and segregation. In and around the notorious 19th Century “Five Pointsâ€? neighborhood lies the historic core of Chinatown, with its well preserved unique street patterns and old 5- and 6-story walk-up tenement buildings. While feeling like a movie set, it is in fact a vibrant retail and commercial strip, with retail uses on the ground floor and often commercial second floor and residential above. Noticing the abundant FAR unused in most of the Chinatown buildings due to the impossibility of adding elevator for access to the upper floors, the project imagines a block scale addition to the rooftops of the buildings, creating a village like community atop the old tenements with a refreshingly new architectural expression. The project providing new tenants apartments and community centers for Chinese population resolves issues of affordable housing and commercialization.



Chinatown greeting post card, Mott street, 1940

Chinatown greeting post card, Mott street, 2015

The unique scenery of Chinatown showing western and china cultures simultaneously comes from their history of origin. Since Chinatown occupied the place, immigrants have added their culture such as signage, decoration, and activities based on their given conditions rather than constructing newly. The cultural layers have added with history of Chinatown. Now, Chinatown is facing new challenge with gentrification and commercialization. 6

Chinatown Block Typology

Chinatown 2.0

Even though, Chinatown has extreme high density, potentially Chinatown is able to be built up 1 or 2 floor in terms of FAR because of walk-up apartment regulation. To build up above 6F, they need to put new elevator in the building. But, the loss of area for elevator exceeds the area of the floor area. The proposal is challenging the current situation and illuminating new way of development. Chinatown 2.0 introduces through public institution and associated block owners build new building on the top of existing building. Public institution as a mediator of development provide opportunity of construction and ,as a return, new building serves low-income housing and community spaces for Chinatown. 7


Existing Block Condition

Extention of Public Space from Public Institutes


New Layer with Circulation

The proposal is superimposed on current Chinatown. As a third layer of Chinatown, Chinatown 2.0 becomes the place keep certain number of Chinese population and cultural activities; First layer is picturesque western building. Second layer is Chinese decoration on the surface. With extreme prediction of commercialization, Chinatown 2.0 is expected to be last archive of Chinatown 9



The usage of metal penal for sun-shading device and strong structural gesture for public spaces are intended to express strong contrast between new building layer and existing building layers. 11



The new building structure system nad Unit are relying on existing building condition. Basically, Chinatown block was sub-divided and hard to figure out internal condition. So the idea was using parameter walls of the building, which is usually over-caculated masonry structure The new structure is lined with existing building width. And cantilever is also applied with existing building’s column. 12

Despite Chinatown 2.0 is added one more floor on the top, they are relatively highter than surround building, so that it provides dramatic view toward Manhattan. 13






Great Wall Core Studio III Critic - Eric Bunge _ n Architecture

With a long history of architecture, as architecture has evolved, elements, which are consisting architecture, also have evolved in various ways. However, as brilliant invention of architectural legacy repetitively have used, original meaning of invention has faded and became “architectural cliché “, which have been used without perception of their originality. Throughout re-interpretation of architectural cliché, it intends to explore noble usages of architectural elements. The project was started from exploring “wall”, which have used in various scales and functions with a history. To be specific, as a fundamental element of architecture, “wall” have functioned separation, organizing spaces, and aqua duct, etc. With discreet research of history, the project was conceived to invest urban scale of wall, Which is able to properly work in terms of program and function.





1. Constructing Walls

2.Slope with Sunlight

Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland

Adam Simpson, Boundary Hotel Elevato

One of important features of wall is making enclosed a venue with a certain properties. The project captured the moment, when people leap into another wall, which is the moment suddenly encountering different space with feelling of change. Materiality, depth, size and texture of walls define dominant character of the space. At beginning of the project, I imagined an experience, which I pass through arrays of different walls. Thousand of different sense of space is crushing me by time. 22

3. Circulation -Penetraing the walls

4. Public Program

The basic ideas of the program are hanging between walls. The residents units and public programs are placed between the walls and functionally supported by the great wall. Each of walls is designed to generate own unique quality of spaces by different materiality.


Perforated the walls

Functionally designed the great wall has unprecedented appearance and makes unique quality of spaces. Especially, while people are passing through the walls, they encounter series of different spaces in a short time. The collective walls produce collect experience of architectural spaces. 24

Residential Units

Residential Circulation

Cummunity Space

The wall is acting not only for providing unique spatial properties but also support the project functionally.The walls bring various functions such as staircase, eletronic, water pipe, heating and etc. 25

Basic Living Kit - Wall Type PIPE & SHEFT




Micro Unit

Studio Unit


UNIT WALL TYPE Combination of Modules


Double Depth Kit


Combination of Modules



Bath room Kit

Stair Kit

Shower booth Toilet bowl Washing Stand

Shower booth Toilet bowl Washing Stand

Combination of Double Unit Bath room Kit Shower booth Toilet bowl Washing Stand

Stair Kit Shower booth Toilet bowl

Balcony Kit

Washing Stand Kitchen Kit

Window Folding Table Folding Chair Storage

Cooking Table Storage Refregirator

Balcony Kit

Kitchen Kit


The idea of unit design also comes from re-interpretation of wall. The project suggests series of wall-kit which support activities in residents. The wall-kit is located in floors and defines the units. The unit of resident is decided not by dimension of physical properties of room but by types of walls. Each of wall types contains different furniture and facilities and users can customize their space with their preferences. 27








Bank with Artists Core Studio II Critic - Mark Rakatansky _ Mark Rakatansky Studio

The goal of the project was conceiving the new type of architecture, which can represent the identity of the local society, at the same time, support the local business. Along with the history, Brooklyn has been serving the role of focal point for artists. Especially, for the young artists , living in Brooklyn was the chances to be prepared for the future interacting and communicating with artists in various territories. But, as the area have been developed with merchandising, the identity, which make this area unique and special, has faded. The idea was suggesting a bank system and an architectural space, which can make converging between bank and art supporting space. The bank is involved with the process of Art supporting system, from creating the pieces to selling the pieces. The project is aiming not only create noble identity of Brooklyn but also achieve sustainable development .


Brooklyn Community Bank




The strategy of design comes from circulation of Bank and Young Artists programs. The project is aiming to merge those two different programs, at the same time, make them work separately with proper functions. The idea of circulation is introducing trading room and auction house as a bridge program, which works both for bank service and artist supporting program. Through trading rooms and Auction house, those different users begin to interact and communicate. 36

Each of functionally defined linear circulation is deployed along with a spiral in the site from bottom to top. As these circulations are interweaving, internal spaces is able to achieve unexpected spaces. At the same time, through trading room and auction house, the circulation of programs get interact and be more diversified.


Floor Composition of Bank area

Floor Composition of Young Artist Program

Circulation 38

Gallery Floors

Facade : Porous Copper Panel

Building envelop was considered to provide different conditions to different program. The parts, which covered the bank circulation, are made of flit glass and another part, which correspond to gallery spaces, are covered with perforated copper rain screen panels, which are designed to make diffused light for gallery space. 39



Bank Lobby

Auction House 42





3 F


The building is consisted with two interlocked spiral circulation. Since the program is located along with stair and ramp spaces, bank and exhibition spaces are designed on angled floor plates, so that each of space get unusually quality of spaces. 43

Architectural Animal



Core Studio V

Critic - Lise Anna Couture _ Asymptote Architecture


Transforming Swimming Pool

Core Studio I

Critic - Cristina Goberna _ Fake Industries Architectural Agonism



Floating Toilet

Core Studio I

Critic - Cristina Goberna _ Fake Industries Architectural Agonism


Core Studio IV

Critic - Toru Hasegawa, Mark Collins_ Proxy Design

INTRODUCTION How can the architect meet such a broad-spectrum of needs for the diverse user(s) within a limiting program and space? Throughout the history of modern architecture, architects suggested a grid system, which helped maximize the program space and function. This project purposes Architectural Animal, which is conceptualized from an optimistic perspective toward the revolution of building technology. Architectural Animal is a machine, which is transforms depending on needs of a range of divers users. If the traditional grid system has provided free of usage of a space, Architectural Animal one ups that by providing us free of capacity of space; maximizing space through transformers.



POP-UP CITY Core Studio V Critic - Lise Anna Couture _ Asymptote Architecture

The machinery experiment, which is represented by Cedric prince’s Fun palace tried to develop a radical new concept of improvisational architecture of capable of mediating uncertain social situations of post war. The architectural experiment was suggested to liberate them from previous ideology and educate them to admit new life style originated from industrial evolution. The building like machine broadens people’s experience and taught them the way to express their desires. In these days, emergence of POP-UP culture not only represent the desire of personal expression but also desire to have unlimited joy. Comparing with the circumstances of post war, individual’s desires have been varied and more personalized. If Fun palace was conceived to educate ‘desire’, new machine building in new era is aiming to liberate them from limited today’s environment.


Fun Palace, Cedric Price, 1961

Red Ball Project, Kurt Perschke, 2004




Capacity of Movement

Moving Path

Moving Path

Embedded Stair Unit

Bearing between Cone and Inside Module

The project is based on transformable unit. Basically, the unit has inclined cone shape and rotatable. By changing focal points and it move through the track. The unit contains bearing system and inner part of the unit is also rotatable via bearing system. The inner part is consisted with series of stabs which is transformed by angle of whole unit. The transformer unit is defined different fiction and identity through angle of unit 50

The transformer was conceived in a way to contain various activities. In order to have flexibility, the unit was designed as module system. Inside of bearing structure, replaceable stair module is placed which can be selected by the function. Also, additional function such as light and projector is able to be attached on the bearing structure. Entrance of the unit is placed on the middle of the cone. Also, the unit is able to combine with another unit. 51







The building is consisted with series of transformers. Along with movement of transformer, the track of transformer make unique quality of spaces and, around the track, spaces are divided by partition and floors. Basically, transformer and the track are cross the building. 52

Identity of each transformer is defined by angle and view of the unit. By controlling the angle of transformer, function of inner space is defined, at the same time view of the unit could be selected by the content of performance. 53







Geometrycally, the holder of transformer and rectangular box are colliding and make unprecedent spaces inside. The building not only provides places for performance but also be existing as a piece of object.





Transforming Swimming Pool Core Studio I Critic - Cristina Goberna _ Fake Industries Architectural Agonism

This project is primarily to hypothesis what a swimming pool is or can be, and if so what does this transformation mean to the urban city? The project is a prototype for this type of concept and the site chosen to implement this urban intervention is Harlem, New York. In specific the project dealt with the East-Harlem community and the low-renting locals who have limited access to these so called “public spaces�, and how students from Columbia can also participate, share, and interact with this common space. The project is planned to function for both University students and Harlem residents. In order to compromise the different users, the building is to be optimized to the needs and desires of both parties. But, between these different occupants lies a gap in terms of racial and social status. Especially in relation to history, the public swimming pool has been a central issue relating segregation and discrimination; due to the fact that they are sharing water and using a space to undress/display the naked body. Unfortunately society lacks progress, and this issue is still valid in today’s developed cities. Weather we are talking about racial segregation, property, gentrification, individual interests, or social issues, the pool should not be privatized but hybridized into an urban element to interconnect locals/visitors in the cities common place. Lets create pool cities that allow both private and public moments, and in some cases these moments collide into hybridized situations and opportunities.





THE TRANSFORMING MACHINE The project consists of two systems. One is a linear public swimming pool and the other is ab individual private-pool machine. The private pool machine is attached alongside the main public swimming pool, which can move vertically from public to private conditions. The kinetics of the machine is activated through the request of the user. Furthermore, the circulation of the personal pool from entrance to 64

a shower booth to a changing room is totally separated from the circulation of the main public swimming pool. Yet a link is created to enter in the public swimming pool from the personal pool module. Through this strategy, the user gets a right to choose their status in terms of private and social relationship.


Start Point

Phase I - Entrance / Elevator

A movement of the Architectural Animal provides two different type of freedom to users; level of exposure to public and transforming usage of the pool. Architecture Animal is transforming and evolving by themselves and proposes next generation of architecture encouraging interaction between building and human being. Through the re-definition of “public,� architecture should fight the psychological discrimination that exists in public swimming pools. By providing private pools, we attempt to reduce the psychological discomfort, giving everyone equal access and experience. 66

Phase II - Sho

ower room / Changing Room

Phase III - Customizing Level of Pool



The project was started from a desire to liberate a building from constraint of their program and physical capacities. The argument here is that ‘Grid system’ we got it from glorious architectural legacy is not enough to satisfy today’s innumerable desires. The architectural animal; I usually call series of my works, which has similar movement; is based on low technologies, which can be achieved with principles of automatic process. Throughout reviving under-recognized the possibilities of architectural technologies, the project liberates not only desires of public but also architecture itself. 69


Floating Toilet Core Studio I Critic - Cristina Goberna _ Fake Industries Architectural Agonism


The project was conceived with the idea, ‘How architects let public participate in sustaining urban environment’. Over decades, architects have contributed to improve urban environment with their grateful designs. But, as our society become more sophisticated, architects are supposed to consider contexts around building. Under the circumstance, public’s participation can be served important role to sustain our society


The machine was conceived not to push public contributing our society asking to be good people. In order to achieve real meaning of “sustainable�, the participation should be executed without rewarding and be spontaneous. Spontaneous participation can be conducted via their interest.




The floating toy is activating with entertaining. While they are enjoying their floating journey, at the same time, they are cleaning and purifying water unconsciously. When the machine is pedaled, water passes through the filter and is purified. In the floating toy, thee packings of filter, which are replaceable, are embedded in the machine. Each of the filter is activated padeling the machine. The first tray of filter collects garbages on the surface of water. And rest of filter purify water under the surface.The process of purification imitates the nature process.




[Project_07] Core Studio IV Critic - Toru Hasegawa, Mark Collins_ Proxy Design

The invention of e-commerce’s platform was evolution in terms of customization and efficiency of the system. Now a day, E-commerce has analyzed their customer’s desire and consumption and show and sends what need specifically. The system has evolved not only to make customer convenience but also to achieve more protift. With development of today’s brillient technology, E-commerce is facing new opportunity to be evolving. The project is came up with an idea of rapid and instant interaction of E-commerce. The project is intended to reflect public’s desire physically and programatically and try to make a building typology for The project is aming to make a system instead of completed building, which is similar with the constantly evolving system of

78 Kiva Robot Drone Ware House




spaces originated from marketsharing data

In architectural history, architect also have involved with people’s way of consumption with its own ways. Sometime it is matter of size or sometimes it was about quality of space. Architecture has mediated between public’s desire and Merchandise’s profit. Especially, in the project, the project is focusing on quantity of spaces. In past, the size of store is defined by goods in the store, however, in today, the size of store is decided by power of merchandise; Today Apple store occupy large territory, even though most of their products are selling through internet. The idea of the project was coming from the key words “public’s desire and quantity of space.” Basically, the building is corresponding with market sharing data, which is possibly interpreted to desire of today people. As the market sharing is higher, the brand can occupy more spaces showing their influence. It is a game to occupy a building with their market sharing data. 82


The Code is interacting with Market Sharing data instantly. The building is evolving by itself with economic circumstance. The building show people’s desire directly, and, .either, transfer the data to architectural space. 83

Market Sharing Data Apple vs Cca-Cola 84

Market Sharing Data from 2011 to 2014

From the experiment between two brands, it is extended to nowadays actual market sharing data. Surely, the system is flexible to the number and conditions of site. According to the data, the biggest changing between 2007 – 2014 are apple and Nokia. Apple showed remarkable development. But, Nokia showed decrease of market Sharing. With the changing of the data, the system provides less production and, either, less quantity of spaces.




The system is based on self-assembly system. They receive information about proper location then, move to the place sliding to other boxes. Each of boxes contains actual items and when the brands need to be extended or some boxes are needed to be replaced, they are evacuated from the core.The propagation of the brands starts from the core in center. It provides, not only the supplying of the boxes but also structure and overall circulation. And items are also archived in storages in a center and evacuated between the slabs. Since the changing of market sharing per year is little, so, after first propagation, space is stabilized. 88

Overall tower’s composition is also affected by the data. Based on Market sharing data by session, the building is divided by different industry. According to the data, brands related to technology like google and apple are occupying largest areas. And electronic brands like canon and sonny get smallest areas. It helps people to experience same categories brands and makes them compare similar items in close distance.


In a building, each of floor and steps is organized with actual item boxes, and it makes unique quality of the spaces. Main function of space for each brand is to provide information of their products. And interesting moments is occurred in the space between brands, where are used for public spaces and circulation. In this moment, they are exposed to diverse brands of item. Makes them compare the items in same categories. 90

The project was focused on making a system, which is proper to highly capitalized today’s city. Technically, it can occupy any place in city. And then is evolving itself with vernacular economic circumstance. I hope it could be new platform of real consumption, which can support supplier and public’s desire.


Yongwon Kwon

GSAPP Selected Work from 2012 - 2015


GSAPP Selected Work from 2012 - 2015

Copyright 2015 Yongwon Kwon. The selected works from 2012- 2015

All contents and images cannot be reproduced without written permission from Yongwon Kwon. Yongwon Kwon retains rights to contents.

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