Baldwin City Visial Identity System

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Baldwin City Signature Visual Identity System Graphic Standards 2012

Baldwin City Signature

Visual Identity System Graphic Standards

Overview Uniform use of the Baldwin City Signature builds awareness of the city in the community and beyond. The Baldwin City Signature should therfore only be used in accordance with the guidelines in this approved artwork guide. Logotype Maple Leaf Logo


Signature Rule

Components of the Baldwin City Signature 1. Maple Leaf Logo. A graphic representation of “the maple leaf,” the popular icon that represents the city. 2. Logotype. “Baldwin City” set in all caps in a customized font developed by altering the font of Baskerville. The alteration of the Baskerville font (the sloping treatment to the letters) represents the hill on which Baldwin City is located. 3. Subordinatetype. “Kansas” is set in the subordinate font of Gill Sans. Kansas is included in most uses of the signature logo, but is not a mandatory component. (Signature can stand on it’s own). 4. Signature rule. Connects the Maple leaf logo to the logotype and helps to designate primary and subordinate areas of the signature. A subordinate area may be used in the individualized signatures for each major unit: Chamber of Commerce, USD 348, Economic Development, and Recreation Commission (see Unit Signatures). Please Note The Baskerville font was customized for the logotype, therefore NO PART OF THE Baldwin City Signature SHOULD BE RESET. Clear Space Clear space requirements must be observed except in special pre-approved circumstances. Alterations The configuration and color standards for the Baldwin City Signature are intended to meet most design needs. Exceptions to the guidelines in this document may be made only with prior approval of the city administrator.


= 1/2 X

= 1/6 X

X = height of the Maple Leaf Logo

Baldwin City Signature

Visual Identity System Graphic Standards

Baldwin City Signature and Government Signature

(Vehicle Signage)

Color Standards The colors used in the signature help make it a distinguishable element of Baldwin City’s identity. It is important to be consistent in the use of color. The signature should appear only in Baldwin City Navy (PMS 648) and Maple Leaf Gold (PMS 7414), Baldwin City Navy, Black, or White. Signature colors reverse when applied to a colored background.


Minimum Size X = 1/4” The full signature must ALWAYS be reversed in white when applied to a colored background (left). The only exception is when it appears on a Maple Leaf Gold background (right).

Primary Color Palette’ Use of Other Colors Do not recolor, tint, or create variations of the signature. The signature may also be reversed on colors other than those shown here. Baldwin City Navy PMS 654

Maple Leaf Gold PMS 1385

Baldwin City Signature

Visual Identity System Graphic Standards

Examples of Incorrect Usage




do not create color variations or reassign colors

do not place logo over a dark background without reversing to white


do not reverse signature colors


Baldwin City Signature

Visual Identity System Graphic Standards

Unit Signatures Major units within the city (Chamber of Commerce, USD 348, Economic Development, and Recreation Commission) are eligible for individualized signatures with the Baldwin City name in either the primary or subordinate area. Primary is defined as the topmost and most visible position for the text portion of a logo. The subordinate area consists of text that appears to the left or above the signature rule. Additionally, each unit signature uses a secondary color to help further designate the entity. In all cases, the preferred usage of the Baldwin City Signature is with “Baldwin City� in the primary area. This signature emphasizes the city, demonstrates a clear and direct association between the unit and the city, and is necessary when audiences may not be aware that the Maple Leaf Logo represents Baldwin City. This is particularly the case with areas outside the Midwest. Examples of Major Unit Signatures Primary (preferred usage)

Subordinate (secondary usage)

Please Note: Clear space requirements must be observed except in special pre-approved circumstances.

Baldwin City Signature

Visual Identity System Graphic Standards

Typography The Baldwin City logotype uses Baskerville Regular, an all uppercase font. Gill Sans, a sans serif font, is recommended as a complementary font. Units may purchase these fonts to complement use of the visual identity elements, but they are NOT required. Unit signatures and identity elements are provided as vector art.

Custom redraw at character joints

Baskerville The Baldwin City logotype uses Baskerville. Because the type elements are enhanced, they should never be reset. Baskerville Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Baskerville Italic

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Baskerville Bold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 To purchase Baskerville in PostScript Type 1 format, go to

Hand-tailored characters

Gill Sans Gill Sans is the sans serif font used for text in the subordinate area of the signature. Gill Sans may be appropriate for headlines, subheads, bylines, captions, sidebars, and dates. Please note that we recommend Gill Sans 1, 2, and Display in PostScript Type 1 format for Windows and Mac. These fonts are not the Open Type or TrueType fonts that are bundled with Mac OSX, MS Office 2004, Adobe CS1, etc. Gill Sans Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Gill Sans Italic

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Gill Sans Bold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 To purchase Gill Sans in PostScript Type 1 format, go to

Baldwin City Signature

Visual Identity System Graphic Standards

Secondary Color Palette & Maple Leaf Design Element To assist units with color decisions, the city encourages use of the following secondary color palette. This palette is meant to guide the design of publications and products, complement the primary palette, and enhance the identity of the city’s major units.

PMS 646

PMS 668

PMS 568

PMS 469

Maple Leaf Design Element: This full maple leaf was used to create the Maple Leaf Logo. The leaf may be used as a graphic design element in any marketing materials. It is not to be used within the signature, or appear near or next to the signature.

Creative use of the Maple Leaf Logo The Maple Leaf Logo lends itself well to advertising formats. The example below shows the extension of the border to fill the specific ad size. This will enhance the recognition of the Baldwin City Signature.

Other Community Logos

Baldwin City Signature

Visual Identity System Graphic Standards

Glossary Approved artwork guide – also called the visual identity guide, the set of formal guidelines describing Baldwin City’s names, symbols, logos, designs, or any combination of these (“marks”). Clear space – area that must separate the Baldwin City Signature from surrounding type or graphic elements. X height – height of the Maple Leaf Logo, primarily used to calculate clear space requirements (1/2 x). Font – a type face or a collection of all characters comprising the entire character set of a typeface. Baldwin City Signature – a graphic representation comprising the Maple Leaf Logo, logotype, the signature rule, and in some cases, a subordinate area for the city’s major units. Maple Leaf Logo – a graphic representation of the iconic maple leaf. Baldwin City logotype – a graphic representation of “Baldwin City.” Postscript Type I format – recommended font format for Windows and Mac. OpenType/TrueType format – font format bundled with many computer systems; not recommended for use in Baldwin City publications. PMS – Pantone Matching System. Primary area – area of the logotype. Subordinate area – area of the subordinatetype that falls above or to the left of the signature rule. Vector – Vector graphics are comprised of vectors, or paths, instead of dots (JPEGs, TIFFs, and GIFs. Vector graphics can be scaled larger or smaller without losing quality. Frequently Asked Questions How do I get a unit signature for my division? To request a signature for your unit or division, send an email to If a signature has already been created, it will be made available. If no signature exists for your unit, you may be asked to provide written approval from the city administrator. Can we continue to use our own logo? The new visual identity system was designed to meet the communication needs of all units and to stop the proliferation of disparate unit identities. Therefore, it should replace all former unit logos and identities. Special events and activities should be promoted using the new visual identity elements. How can I get the new fonts? The main fonts used in the visual identity are Baskerville and Gill Sans. However, the Logotype is a customized font that is a variation of Baskerville. We recommend the PostScript Type 1 versions of both fonts, available from Adobe. OpenType and TrueType versions may cause problems in some applications and are not recommended. Units may purchase these fonts to complement use of the visual identity elements, however they are NOT required. Unit signatures and identity elements will be provided as vector art. When will we start to see the new marks put to use? The city and its major units can begin incorporating the new marks into designs immediately (in accordance with the Graphic Identity Standards). How much time do we have to comply? Compliance should begin immediately for all new materials. Units are expected to transition materials to the new identity as they are normally updated. Do not throw out existing stock in order to update.

Graphic Identity Standards Lauren Weege CONTACT 66works (785) 550-4152

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