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Architectural Design Studio 2015, Semester 2, Studio 4. Chen 699253: Lee Cody

Architecture Design Studio Water, Semester 2, 2014.

Personally, I guess I have been modelled by my experiences, alike everyone else. 22yrs of ages, I spent my childhood experiencing the Northern Rivers Region of NSW. Before moving under the clear skies of subtropical Brisbane, and currently here in Melbourne, where I’ve found myself, a 3rd year undergraduate of Bachelor of Environments majoring in Architecture. The interest I have grown in Architecture, stems from the prospect of designing space. To shape a space is, to arrange an emotive response and vibe within it, through a vagueness or clarity of expression, interpretive through experiential exploration. The power to design the external environment with emotive capacity is directive tool by sociocultural means. Architecture extends beyond shelter, just as the natural environment has shaped human culture and society as does our artificial and manufactured, with accumulating force. // Currently I’m dawning on confronting Rhino and Grasshopper for the first time typically I have avoided digital programs within my designs, excepting Adobe Photoshop. This computational design and parametric modelling world is extremely unfamiliar and overwhelming, I hope to prevail and hold a positive anticipation that I will change my perspective of digital design. I understand that digital design has an enormous potential for precise and comprehensive modelling. Somewhat creating an ease in workflow and an improved flexibility and adaptability of design methods, I only hope I can harness and enjoy this method comparable to the traditional methods I have become accustomed to.

Table of Contents 4 A.01. 4  Siu Siu – Lab of Primitive Senses / DIVOOE ZEIN Architects 5 A.01.1 5  Bruder Klaus Chapel- Peter Zumthor 6 A.02 6  Westbahnof Train Station- Asemic Forrest, Vienna -Designer Sahira Hammad 7 A.02.1 7  Barkow Leibinger- Loom-Hyperbolic, Venice Architecture Biennale 2012 8 A.03 8  Pheromone Networks Train Station- Almere, Netherlands, Matthijs La Roi 9 A.03.1 9  The ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014-15

A.01. Siu Siu – Lab of Primitive Senses / DIVOOE ZEIN Architects

Creating an intrinsically linked urban space and natural forest, Zein architects blend an intertwined mix of space between the natural and artificial, a harmony of sort between the natural constructs and that of human beings. Located in Taiwan, the idea of a net house is culturally and geographically relevant. As it is utilised as light filtration and ventilation to enhance a natural microclimate.

“As human beings (ourselves) are detached from civilization to access a lifestyle of scanty materials, our inner animality generated from primitive natural habitat is emancipated” 4


A.01.1 Bruder Klaus Chapel Peter Zumthor

The famous Bruder Klaus Field Chapel, by Zumthor, as an exploration of architecture achieving something more than the pure output of composition and form. The construction method of the chapel holds much of its unique character, as the initial structural supporting members made from an array of tree trunks, were then set alight to leave the layers of poured and rammed concrete to adopt the final form. The concrete shell remains to receive a somewhat bland and rigid response yet it is the interior space that evokes the hollowed sentiment, of the charred and walls which surround a burnt and raw interior cavity.



A.02 Westbahnof Train Station- Asemic Forrest, Vienna Designer Sahira Hammad A contamination of the concept of ‘excessive’ Hammad’s design represents the intersection of natural forms inferring on an existing Venetian train station. The spontaneous emergence of conceptualised natural forms emulates an order out of chaos, found in physical, biological and social networks. The adaptive form has been digitally produced to create an imposing growth over the existing train station. Through computational design the existing structure has be transformed into digital modelling, through which Hammad has designed a growth of a biomimetic structures that winds through and around the building with accurate

“Spontaneous Order- This is not order in the common sense although it could have this appearance”

“Asemic: Having no specific semantic (logical) content” 6


A.02.1 Barkow Leibinger- Loom-Hyperbolic Venice Architecture Biennale 2012

“For hundreds of years, the fibres have been spun into a yarn or thread and then woven into textiles on machines known as looms.� This canopy of hyperbolic curves was set at the foreground of the Koutoubia Mosque (Morocco), inspired by the local and traditional techniques of weaving upon a wooden frame loom. The form, an undulating canopy of cotton thread is the result of considering geometric as somewhat fluid, constructed using current algorithmic software and combining that with cultural traditions and materials. Reapplying the weaving technique to an architectural scale and producing three dimensional volumes. The pine poles take the form of a rigid structural frame, from which yarn is stretched across and held in place to create a series of parallel lines forming surfaces, much alike lofted surfaces in digital programming. The result of digital design’s hard geometry is softened through the use of these raw, natural materials. The inherent quality of the cotton yarn enabled the strong yet elastic, plasticity of the surfaces.

A.03 Pheromone Networks Train Station- Almere, Netherlands Matthijs La Roi



A bottom-up design, for a new train station and urban network for the Dutch city, Almere. The design conceptualised from input diagrams marking the social behaviour and attraction to pheromones of ants. The analogous message of a design inspired through the movements of ants is a clever and relevant metaphorical perspective into a new method of designing the urban environment. Through modelling these movements of ants, and considering their adaptable pattern in search for their most efficient route to reach their target, La Roi tracks their swarming nature, as they begin to bridge and tunnel. Through this methodology the final form is an emergence of a three dimensional infrastructure. Utilising input diagrams and output diagrams to project a visual outcome of algorithms and hence, compelling a complex yet primitively generated form.

A.03.1 The ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014-15

The diving bell water Spider Agyroneda Aquatica spends the majority of its life underwater within a reinforced air bubble, a sanctuary of its own construction from which it can withstand changing water currents and pressures. This translation of natural to technical reinforces architecture with the innate motives of shelter.

Creating a pavilion inspired by biomimetics and the natural world, whilst delivered through online fabrication and robotics. The ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart is constructed through robotic fabrication process of a flexible pneumatic formwork which is gradually stiffened by reinforcing it from within with carbon fibres. The pavilion emulates the structure of a water Spider’s nest both in design and construction. The conceptual design is largely based on biological construction processes for fibre-reinforced structures, valuable to progressive architecture as it doesn’t require extensive or additional formwork while maintaining highly material effective Construction begins with an inflated membrane envelope of ETFE, which is consequently reinforced robotically from within, with carbon fibre, which only selectively applied, where required for structural support. The main fibre bundle locations are generated by a computational form finding method, which integrates fabrication constraints and structural simulation. To determine the fibre layouts an agent based design method was developed to navigate the surface of the membrane geometry, behaviour derived from a diverse range of interrelated parameters. CONCEPTUALISATION 9

References B, L. (2015, 14 08). Retrieved from exhibition_loom_hyperbolic: http://www.barkowleibinger. com/archive/view/exhibition_loom_hyperbolic Dan, H. (2015, 08 14). Dezeen. Retrieved from http://www. (2015, 08 14). Retrieved from Institue for Computational Design: Megan Sveiven. “Bruder Klaus Field Chapel / Peter Zumthor” 26 Jan 2011. ArchDaily. Accessed 14 Aug 2015. http://www. “Siu Siu – Lab of Primitive Senses / DIVOOE ZEIN Architects” 22 Dec 2014. ArchDaily. Accessed 5 Aug 2015. <












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