「香港人對Black Lives Matter示威的看法」問卷調查結果報告

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「香港⼈人對於Black Lives Matter ⽰示威的看法」問卷調查結果報告

By @6amprojects and @unskilledandconfused


編者的話: 報告概要 本報告整合了了「香港⼈人對於 Black Lives Matter ⽰示威的看法」問卷調查的結果。結果主 要以圖表顯⽰示,⾄至於開放式的問題,我們以圖表顯⽰示不同關鍵詞出現的次數,並摘錄了了 ⼀一些我們認為值得討論或澄清的答案。我們亦會偶爾添加編者註釋。

關於呈現調查結果的⽅方式 編譯報告無可避免地會有主觀的成分,特別是本報告需要編者摘錄回應和為答案編碼。 我們特意把編者的意⾒見見分開放在「註釋」的部分,⼒力力求中立地呈現調查結果。 在編碼的過程中,我們曾猶豫應否照原樣引⽤用答案還是使⽤用如「相異異的抗議策略略/香港沒 有搶掠的⾏行行為」等總稱。最後,我們決定以最貼近答題者原意的⽅方式整合相關的關鍵 詞,例例如以「香港的抗爭沒有反種族主義」取代「BLM追求平等」。

我們將⾃自⼰己的觀察結果放在「註釋」(黃⾊色字體的部分),⽽而錯字糾正和翻譯則以括號標 ⽰示。在閱讀答案摘錄時,讀者可先留留意該題的回應率、回答「是」/「否」/「些許」的 比例例及不同關鍵詞的出現頻率,以免以偏概全。

本報告無意代表所有香港⼈人的意⾒見見。我們亦明⽩白通常願意花時間填寫問卷的⼈人很可能本 已對問卷主題有⼀一定的看法,所以調查結果不能完全代表公眾意⾒見見。

對本報告的反饋 我們將不會公開原始數據,以免遭惡惡意⽅方利利⽤用或扭曲。但我們非常歡迎各⽅方針對如何改 善問卷和分析作出建議和善意批評。如有任何反饋和建議,歡迎電郵⾄至 general@6amprojects.com。





Do you identify as Hong Konger? If not, what would you identify as? 你的⾝身分認 同是香港⼈人嗎?如果不是,你的⾝身分認同是什什麼? *


Where are you based right now? 你現在在哪裡? *


From where and how do you usually receive information about the BLM protests? 你通常從什什麼來來源和途徑獲取BLM⽰示威的信息? *


What do you think the Black Lives Matter protestors are fighting for/ protesting about? 你覺得Black Lives Matter⽰示威者在爭取/抗議什什麼?


Do you support the protests? Why or why not? 你⽀支持BLM的⽰示威嗎?為什什麼?


Have you taken action? 你有沒有採取⾏行行動?


Do you think the protests are relevant to you? Could you explain why? 你覺得 BLM的⽰示威跟你有關係嗎?為什什麼?


Do you think the protests are relevant to or bear similarities with protests in Hong Kong? Could you explain why? 你覺得BLM的⽰示威跟香港的⽰示威有關係或者 有相似嗎?為什什麼?


How familiar do you think you are with United States history? 你覺得⾃自⼰己熟悉美 國歷史嗎? * (Scale 1-10)

10. Have you ever spent time (traveling not included) in the United States? If yes, how many years? 你有在美國逗留留過嗎(旅遊不算)? 如果有的話,多少年年? *
 11. Anything else you want to say? 你有其他想分享的嗎?


總回覆量量 所收回覆總數:183 重複: 6 總獨特回覆: 177



第1題 你的⾝身分認同是香港⼈人嗎?如果不是,你的⾝身分認同是什什麼? *


第2題 你現在在哪裡? *


第3題 你通常從什什麼來來源和途徑獲取BLM⽰示威的信息? *


第4題 你覺得Black Lives Matter⽰示威者在爭取/抗議什什麼?


第5題 你⽀支持BLM的⽰示威嗎?為什什麼?


原因 (綜合)


原因 (⽀支持/ 些許⽀支持/ 不⽀支持)


註釋: • ⼤大多數受訪者都⽀支持BLM的⽰示威活動,並將「反對種族歧視」和「警察暴暴⼒力力」列列為最 主要的原因。例例如: ‣ “Yes. Firstly, no one of any race in particular should suffer from unproportional use of force. Secondly, police brutality is unjustified in any means. The police [officers] involved should be held responsible. Thirdly, all human beings of any race and ethnicity should be treated equally and fairly.” 【「⽀支持。第⼀一,來來⾃自任何種族的⼈人都不 應承受過度的武⼒力力。第⼆二,警察暴暴⼒力力在任何情況下都是不合理理的。涉事的警員應負上責 任。第三,來來⾃自不同種族的⼈人都應得到平等和公正的對待。」】 ‣ “⽀支持,因為⾃自1600年年起⿊黑⼈人便便被⽩白⼈人欺壓、虐待,不但要在plantation內做奴隸,有時候 這些slave owners更更會強暴暴、殺戮⿊黑⼈人。雖然經過Martin Luther King/Rosa Parks這些⼈人 的抗議後⿊黑⼈人無需要再做奴隸、坐公交⾞車車的時候與⽩白⼈人分開,但今時今⽇日依然有很多⼈人 appropriate black culture / say the N word。⽽而且there’s cop brutality as US cops tend to think that Black people are “dangerous” plus white people can still do alarming things such as holding a rifle during a BLM protest / threaten to lynch them (as seen in the Ahmad Aubrey incident)”【「⽀支持,因為⾃自1600年年起⿊黑⼈人便便被⽩白⼈人欺壓、虐待,不但 要在種植園內做奴隸,有時候這些奴隸主更更會強暴暴、殺戮⿊黑⼈人。雖然經過⾺馬丁路路德⾦金金/羅 莎帕克斯這些⼈人的抗議後⿊黑⼈人無需要再做奴隸、坐公交⾞車車的時候與⽩白⼈人分開,但今時今 ⽇日依然有很多⼈人挪⽤用⿊黑⼈人⽂文化/說N-word。⽽而且因為美國警察傾向覺得⿊黑⼈人是「危險 的」所以有警察暴暴⼒力力,加上⽩白⼈人仍然會做⼀一些令⼈人震驚的事情,比如在BLM⽰示威期間拿 著步槍/威脅要對他們⽤用私刑 (⾒見見於Ahmaud Arbery 阿伯⾥里里的事件)」】 ‣ “Yes, because black people have been through immense intergenerational pain throughout American history and it’s time to put a pause on that injustice. I think BLM is also a beautiful moment for black culture and black people to shine. It’s a powerful time for us to take a step back and let them have the spotlight and their voices.” 【「⽀支 持,因為⿊黑⼈人在整個美國歷史上經歷了了巨⼤大的跨世代創傷,現在是時候停⽌止這種不公。 我覺得BLM也是⼀一個讓⿊黑⼈人⽂文化和⿊黑⼈人閃耀的美好時刻。在這個重要的時刻,我們應該 退後⼀一步,讓他們擁有公眾的注意和讓⼤大眾聽到他們聲⾳音。」】

• 有不少回應提到BLM被左翼政治團體和個⼈人(⾺馬克思主義者、共產主義者、反法⻄西斯 主義者等),或暴暴⼒力力和⾃自私的機會主義者騎劫和利利⽤用,以謀取個⼈人利利益及分散⼤大眾對 和平⽰示威的注意。例例如: ‣ “[...] there are many looting and crimes happened. Also I think the protest now is just a tool for different groups of people to utilize to reach their purpose. For example it’s a propaganda promoting communism.” 【「......發⽣生了了很多搶掠和罪案。還有,我覺得現 在的⽰示威已經被不同群體的⼈人利利⽤用來來實現他們⾃自⼰己的⽬目標,例例如宣傳共產主義。」】


註釋 (續): ‣ 「發⽣生事的第⼆二天或第三天⽰示威是真的為⼈人權⽰示威,市政府拘捕及檢控涉事的4名警員 就應告⼀一段落落,之後的搶掠已經不是爭取⼈人權,已經被他⼈人利利⽤用並演變成破壞治安。」

• BLM被左翼政治團體騎劫的這個想法,跟美國和香港政府所⽤用的「外部勢⼒力力」⾔言辭, 以及將激進⽰示威者標籤為別有⽤用⼼心、受外國勢⼒力力資助的機會主義者相似。⽤用「運動被 騎劫」為由來來抹⿊黑所有BLM的⽰示威活動,似乎假設所有⽰示威者都是被誤導和欺騙的群 眾,沒有能⼒力力和⾃自主權來來決定⾃自⼰己為什什麼來來⽰示威。這也與香港2019年年⽰示威時,某些⼈人 看到美國和烏克蘭蘭的右派⼈人⼠士⽀支持和訪問香港,便便認為所有抗議者都是中央情報局資 助的情況相似。這種⾔言論不但不正確,更更完全地消滅了了抗議者的⾃自主權,把每個⼈人都 描繪成⼀一個無腦的機器⼈人。 • ⼀一些對第五題的回應也提到了了搶掠。這些受訪者⼤大多反對搶掠和暴暴⼒力力,但⽀支持BLM的 理理念念:

‣ “[...] I think systematic racism is a horrible and unfair thing that has been hurting so many people for decades. Protestors are right to demand justice [...] However, I do not condone looting. I understand the frustration, but I disagree with the small number of radicals or opportunists who may be distracting the public from real issues and peaceful protests.” 【「......我覺得系統性種族歧視是⼀一件可怕⽽而⼜又不公平的事情,幾⼗十 年年來來⼀一直傷害著許多⼈人。⽰示威者有權要求公義......可是,我不能容忍搶掠。 我理理解這種 挫敗感,但是我不認同這少數的激進分⼦子或機會主義者,他們從實際問題和和平⽰示威中 分散公眾的注意。」】 ‣ “I support the core values they are fighting for but do not agree with some of the looting or violence inflicted by a minority of protestors perhaps out of anger/mere opportunism. This is putting other innocent people at risk as well as jeopardising their cause inevitably to a certain extent by providing an opposing narrative for those who do not support them.” 【「我⽀支持他們在爭取的核⼼心價值,但不同意少數⽰示威者可能出 於憤怒/純粹機會主義⽽而造成的搶掠或暴暴⼒力力。 這不但為其他無辜的⼈人帶來來危險,還會某 程度上危害到他們的理理念念,因為這會讓不⽀支持他們的⼈人拿到可以⽤用來來反對他們的把 柄。」】


第6題 你有沒有採取⾏行行動?


第7題 你覺得BLM的⽰示威跟你有關係嗎?為什什麼?


原因 (綜合)


原因 (有關係/ 有些許關係/ 無關係)


註釋: 以下的回答節錄是按編碼來來分類的。 • 經歷過種族歧視或壓迫 - 很多受訪者認為他們作為少數族裔的在美經歷令他們覺得 BLM與⾃自⼰己有關係。這反映BLM對他們來來說,不⽌止是⼀一場反對單次警暴暴的⽰示威,⽽而是 ⼀一場反對系統性種族歧視和壓迫的運動。 ‣ “I myself have experienced racial discrimination before and I know how it feels like to be treated in an undesirable way merely because I'm an Asian. I think BLM is relevant to everyone, regardless of whether they have been victims of racism.” 【「我⾃自⼰己曾經 歷過種族歧視,所以我知道只因為我是亞裔就受到不理理想的對待是什什麼感覺。 我認為 BLM跟每個⼈人,不論他們是否曾受種族歧視,都息息相關。」】 ‣ “I think the protests are relevant to me. I stand in solidarity with BLM because racism, colorism and white supremacy remains dominant in the workplace, on the streets and in the media. I am also deeply unsettled that Black people have suffered the worst from this racism and are consistently targeted and murdered.” 【「我覺得⽰示威跟我有 關。我⽀支持BLM,因為在⼯工作場所、街頭和媒體中,種族歧視、膚⾊色主義和⽩白⼈人⾄至上主 義的思想仍然盛⾏行行。 我對於⿊黑⼈人受到最嚴重的種族歧視,並常常被針對和被謀殺感到非 常不安。」】 ‣ “[...] to someone that is living in us, especially new york, blm is real to us, more than ever. this is literally the inequality and racism and police brutality that all of us have to deal with every once is real and have affected all of us, either directly or indirectly. 【「......對於⼀一個居住在美國,尤其是在紐約的⼈人,現在BLM對我們來來說比任何時候都 更更真實。不平等、種族歧視和警察暴暴⼒力力確實是我們所有⼈人必須處理理的事。這是真實的, ⽽而且已經直接或間接地影響了了我們所有⼈人。」】

• 受相似的政權壓迫 - 很多可能不居住在美國的⼈人都看到了了BLM與反對香港警暴暴之間的 相似之處。有些⼈人認為,同樣參參與反國家壓迫抗爭的我們應該團結⼀一致。 ‣ “[...] The situations that we find ourselves in, while had obviously developed from [different] historical/social contexts, share commonalities in their logic (eg a militarized force that police communities to protect the few’s interests & ‘safety’) & perhaps historical (colonial) roots […]” 【「我們⾝身處的景況雖然明顯地是由(不同的)歷史/社會背 景中發展出來來,但是它們在邏輯上有共通點 (例例如⽤用武裝化的部隊去監管社區,以保護 少數⼈人的利利益和「安全」) ⼜又或兩兩者共同的歷史(殖⺠民)根源......」】 ‣ “[...] It is because I participated in the HK protests which share the same purposes as the BLM protests, fighting against police brutality and fight for rights for a group of people (i.e. youngsters)” 【「......因為我參參加了了與BLM⽰示威具相同⽬目的的香港抗爭,同 樣是反對警察暴暴⼒力力及為⼀一群⼈人(即年年輕⼈人)爭取權利利。」】


註釋 (續): ‣ “Yes. 1. Racism affects my community too: On one hand East Asians face a lot of racism outside of Asia. On the other hand other ethnicities face racism in our East Asian communities. However it is an unspoken truth that racism in the East Asians, on the receiving or inflicting end, is often not spoken of or addressed in the wider discussions of race. 2. As above, Black people are victims of our prejudice at times. 3. On many levels parallels can be drawn between the BLM protests and Hong Kong's protests since Last June. Police brutality, the unopposed and unaccountable power they hold etc. especially is relevant and something that I personally fight against as well […]” 【「有關係。⼀一,種族歧視也影響到我的社群:⼀一⽅方⾯面,東亞⼈人在亞洲以外⾯面 對很多種族歧視。 另⼀一⽅方⾯面,其他種族在我們東亞社區中亦⾯面對種族歧視。但是,⼀一個 沒⼈人說的真相就是,種族歧視在東亞⼈人的社群裡,無論是接受者還是給予者,都在關於 種族的社會廣泛討論中被忽視。⼆二,如上所述,⿊黑⼈人有時是我們偏⾒見見的受害者。三,⾃自 上年年六⽉月以來來,BLM⽰示威與香港的抗爭在很多⽅方⾯面都有相似之處。警察暴暴⼒力力,他們所擁 有的不受反對和不⽤用問責的權⼒力力等等都尤其相關,這些也是我個⼈人所反對的。」】 “We are all fighting against state violence. US is violent towards Black folks. HK ‣ fighting against CCP. There is oppression here and there is oppression there. I think we need to unite.” 【「我們所有⼈人都在與國家暴暴⼒力力抗爭。 美國對⿊黑⼈人暴暴⼒力力。 香港對抗 中共。 這裡有壓迫,那裡也有壓迫。 我認為我們需要團結。」】 ‣ 「[BLM 與我] 有關係,因為香港⼈人也是受壓迫,我們的⾃自由和性命同樣受到威脅,受壓 迫群體更更應互相⽀支持」

• 系統性種族主義的同謀/模範少數族裔的迷思/有責任⽀支持⿊黑⼈人解放 - 有些受訪者強調了了 (東)亞⼈人作為「模範少數族裔」是全球系統性種族主義中的同謀,⽽而因此有責任⼀一同 爭取⿊黑⼈人從系統種族歧視中的解放。 ‣ “As a non-Black person in America, I have benefitted from the systemic racism Black people go through. I must support them, follow their lead, and work to change.” 【「作 為⼀一個在美國的非⿊黑⼈人,我有從⿊黑⼈人所經歷的系統性種族歧視中受益。 我必須⽀支持他 們,跟隨他們的領導,並努⼒力力爭取改變。」】 ‣ “Because I live in America and there is widespread [belief] within my immigrant community that Asian-Americans are the model minority. Many Chinese and Hong Kong immigrants are proud of this label and they don’t see that we are also hurting the black and Latino communities in our silence. We are the model minority because we help white people punish other immigrants […]” 【「因為我居住在美國,⽽而在我的移⺠民 社群中都普遍存在⼀一種[想法]就是亞裔美國⼈人是模範少數族裔。很多中國和香港移⺠民都 為這個標籤感到驕傲。他們看不到我們的沈沈默也在傷害⿊黑⼈人和拉丁裔社群。我們之所以 是模範少數族裔是因為我們幫⽩白⼈人懲治其他移⺠民......」】


註釋 (續): • 集體解放 - ⼀一些受訪者⽀支持BLM,因為他們相信⿊黑⼈人的解放與其他少數族裔從全球系 統性種族歧視的解放是相連的。有幾位受訪者亦以⿊黑⼈人解放與LGBTQIA+社區爭取權 利利之間的聯聯繫為由,解釋他們對BLM的⽀支持。 ‣ “i’m also a victim of white supremacy. and with the liberation of black people, i'd also be liberated.” 【「我也是⽩白⼈人⾄至上主義的受害者。隨著⿊黑⼈人的解放,我也會得到解 放。」】 ‣ “As a minority group, we, Asian Americans, are beneficiaries of this BLM movement. It is not right to sit idly by and reap the benefits without making any contributions.” 【「作為⼀一個少數族裔,我們亞裔美國⼈人是BLM運動的受益者。對運動 毫無貢獻、等著順便便獲益是不應該的。」】 ‣ “Racism is not just a fight of black people and they are merely leading the fight for all of the other minorities. either we support them or the cops and people in power will come for us then destroy us one by one […]” 【「種族歧視不只是⿊黑⼈人的抗爭,他們只 是在抗爭中領導其他所有少數族裔。 我們要麼⽀支持他們,要麼⽀支持警察。掌權者會朝著 我們來來,然後⼀一⼀一摧毀我們。」】 ‣ “As a LGBT advocate, I side with the fight of minorities in demanding their rights. Also Stonewall Riot was started by black queer folks and we owe it to them to [support] their fight for respect and safety.” 【「作為⼀一個LGBT倡導者,我站在少數派爭取權利利 那⼀一⽅方。另外,⽯石牆暴暴動是由⿊黑⼈人酷兒發起的,⽀支持他們為尊重和安全⽽而抗爭是我們⽋欠 他們的責任。」】 ‣ “跟我有關,因為周遭很多事物都是inspired by black culture. For instance rap, hiphop and R&B […] AAVE language (eg trippin / cool / PERIOD / bougie ) [...] plus the reason why LGBT+ are accepted in the society is because a BLACK trans woman Marsha P. Johnson fought for it so if anybody thinks “ooh I’m from Hong Kong and BLM is none of my business” SHUT THE FUCK UP.” 【「跟我有關,因為周遭很多事 物都是受⿊黑⼈人⽂文化啟發。例例如rap,hiphop和R&B,AAVE(非裔美國⼈人⽩白話英⽂文) 語⾔言 (例例如trippin /cool/ PERIOD / bougie)......加上LGBT+被社會接受的原因是因為⼀一名⿊黑 ⼈人跨性別女⼈人瑪莎·約翰遜(Marsha P. Johnson)的抗爭,所以如果有⼈人認為「我從香 港來來,BLM與我無關」,請收聲。」】


註釋 (續): • 反⿊黑⼈人種族歧視和對香港少數族裔的種族歧視 - ⼀一些⽀支持BLM的受訪者認為,BLM⽰示 威是⼀一個提醒和機會,叫我們正視反⿊黑⼈人種族歧視,以及香港和東亞社區中的少數族 裔受到的種族歧視。 ‣ “[...] BLM protests are not just confined to US, it is all around the world and could be a chance for us to realise how far racism goes. Even in Hk, people has a sort of blackphobia: girls are afraid to get tan and want to keep pale, people thinking that black people are more dangerous etc.” 【「......BLM⽰示威不只侷限於美國,它遍布世界各 地。這可能是⼀一個讓我們可以了了解種族歧視的普遍性的機會。 即使在香港,⼈人們也有對 ⿊黑⽪皮膚和⿊黑⼈人⽂文化感到恐懼:女孩想保持⽪皮膚美⽩白所以害怕曬⿊黑,以及⼈人們認為⿊黑⼈人更更 加危險等。」】 ‣ “[...] the Asian community also share some form of discrimination in Western societies, though probably not as serious. It is possible what happened to the black people can happen [to] the rest of the "ethnic minorities”.” 【「......亞裔群體在⻄西⽅方社會也受到某種 形式的歧視,雖然可能沒有那麼嚴重。 在⿊黑⼈人⾝身上所發⽣生的事情也有可能發⽣生在其餘的 「少數族裔」⾝身上。」】 ‣ “[...] HK is experiencing frequent police brutality at the moment too (cases of police brutality against SE Asians)” 【「......香港現在也經常發⽣生警察暴暴⼒力力(有針對東南亞⼈人的 警暴暴案件)。」】 ‣ “[...] The BLM protests aim to fight for black rights and police corruption - these are closely linked to myself because 1) in HK, racism does exist towards non-HK people but this was never brought up to us in education; 2) I am a non-black POC so I am still privileged albeit being POC; it is still a duty of mine to participate and be anti racist towards the black […]” 【「......BLM抗議旨在爭取⿊黑⼈人權利利和反警察腐敗——這些與我 息息相關,因為 1)在香港,對於非香港⼈人的種族歧視的確存在,但這在教育中從來來不 會被提起;2)我是非⿊黑⼈人少數族裔,所以即使我是少數族裔,我仍然有特權;參參與 BLM抗爭及作為反種族主義者仍然是我的責任......」】


第8題 你覺得BLM的⽰示威跟香港的⽰示威有關係或者有相似嗎?為什什麼?


原因 (綜合)

原因 (相似/些許相似/不相似)



註釋 : 當要求受訪者比較BLM與香港的反修例例運動時,很多⼈人留留意到兩兩個運動都受到相似的警 察暴暴⼒力力和國家壓迫。我們注意到有不少答案都是關於(i)香港缺乏有效的問責制度和 (ii)哪個運動有更更「先進」的訴求。 (i) 關於美國擁有香港缺少的有效問責制度 相當多的受訪者表⽰示,美國是⼀一個⺠民主國家,並且具有⼀一個有效的司法系統。如果有⾜足 夠的⼈人提出要求,就能夠追究官員和政府⼈人員的法律律責任: ‣ “[...] The system is definitely rigged and biased in favor of government in Hong Kong. But in U.S., there are different mainstream media reporting from different perspective and we know people's voice will eventually be heard. And if not, elected officials will have a lot of explaining to do in upcoming election.” 【「......現有的制度絕對是被操縱 和偏幫香港政府的。 但是在美國,有不同的主流媒體從不同⾓角度報導新聞,⽽而我們知道 ⼈人們的聲⾳音最終會被聽到。 若若不是這樣的話,⺠民選官員在之後的選舉中就要作很多解釋 了了。」】 ‣ “[...] in the US the government would at least listen to the protestors and act after the protests (eg changing the police officer’s offence to 2nd murder), but in HK the government or police turned a blind eye even though 1/7 of its population came out to protest; even worse, the government exerts more pressure onto the protestors and blames them.” 【「......在美國,政府⾄至少會聽取⽰示威者的聲⾳音,並在⽰示威之後採取⾏行行動 (例例如將警察的罪⾏行行改為⼆二級謀殺)。但在香港,即使有1/7全香港的⼈人⼝口出來來⽰示威,政 府或警察也視⽽而不⾒見見; 更更差的是,政府對⽰示威者施加更更⼤大的壓⼒力力然後責怪他們。」】 ‣ “[...] USA has well-developed democracy that the government must [respond] to people anger and request in order to uphold their mandate, unlike HongKong people.” 【「......美國擁有發達的⺠民主制度,政府必須[回應]⼈人們的憤怒和要求以確保繼 續得到⼈人⺠民的授權。這跟香港⼈人的情況不同。」】 ‣ “[...the US situation is] clearly different from the situation in HK in terms of the consequences that they will face (eg legal proceedings/disciplinary action).” 【「[...... 美國的情況]在他們要⾯面對的後果(例例如法律律程序/紀律律處分)⽅方⾯面明顯地跟香港不 同。」】 ‣ “Incidents of police brutality on both sides show the fact that governments use armed forces to uphold authority against dissidents is universal. Legal repercussions on police who employed excessive force in the US display a somewhat functional system that held offenders accountable, whereas the absence of such consequences to HKPF over the course of last year shows a complete collapse of accountability.” 【「兩兩個運 動中都有警察暴暴⼒力力的事件說明,政府使⽤用武裝部隊來來維護權⼒力力及打擊異異⾒見見⼈人⼠士是個全球 性的現象。 在美國,那些使⽤用過度武⼒力力的警察最後都有承受法律律責任。這顯⽰示美國有⼀一 個相對可運作、能夠將犯罪者問責的制度。可是在香港,香港警察完全沒有承受這種後 果。這表明香港的問責制度已完全崩潰。」】


註釋 (續): 可是,有些受訪者不同意美國現有的體系在向官員和警察問責上有作⽤用或有效: ‣ “I see similarities between the Black Lives Matter movement and Hong Kong democracy movements. Even though some white cops in America face some consequences in their actions, there is still widespread police brutality every day that goes unchecked, similarly in HK. I also believe there is state-sanctioned violence against black people (War on Drugs as an excuse to persecute black people, media bias, housing issues, depriving young black people of opportunities and equal treatment etc.) much like how Hong Kong people are deprived of affordable housing, free speech and media, social benefits (“Mainland Chinese immigrants first”), persecution for learning about Hong Kong history and Cantonese culture and language etc. State-sanctioned violence from the CCP.” 【「我認為BLM運動和香港⺠民 主運動之間有相同之處。雖然美國有些⽩白⼈人警察需要為⾃自⼰己的⾏行行為付上代價,但跟香港 類似的是,社會中仍然有廣泛⽽而猖獗的警暴暴。我也認為美國存在國家允許的、針對⿊黑⼈人 的暴暴⼒力力⾏行行為(「毒品戰爭」作為逼害⿊黑⼈人的藉⼝口、偏頗的傳媒、住屋問題、剝削年年輕⿊黑 ⼈人的機會和平等待遇等等)就像香港⼈人被剝奪公屋單位、⾔言論和媒體⾃自由、社會福利利 (「中國⼤大陸移⺠民優先」)及學習香港歷史,廣東⽂文化和語⾔言會被逼害等由中共政府批 准的暴暴⼒力力⾏行行為。」】 ‣ “lots of differences, but also many similarities: issues with a violent government that does not listen to its people, and with a police force that is badly trained, overfunded at the expense of other institutions (education, welfare, etc.), responds to peaceful protest with violence, frequently violates regulations, and is not properly held accountable.” 【「有很多不同,但也有很多相同之處:⼀一個不聽⺠民意的暴暴⼒力力政府,⼀一⽀支 既訓練不良,⼜又蠶食其他機構(教育、福利利等)經費以致資⾦金金過剩的警察部隊。他們⽤用 暴暴⼒力力回應和平的⽰示威,還經常違反規例例,並且沒有適當地負上責任。」】

(ii) 關於哪個運動有更更「先進」的訴求 雖然有幾位受訪者認為不能或不應比較兩兩個運動,但有些⼈人則認為BLM運動更更「先 進」,因為它追求種族平等之類的價值觀,⽽而這些價值觀只有在得到⺠民主和⾃自由後才能 實現的。 另⼀一⽅方⾯面,有⼈人認為香港的運動更更「先進」,因為它是在爭取政治⾃自由⽽而不是 基本平等權利利。 這帶出了了幾個問題:某些權利利是否比其他權利利更更基本? 可以有更更「先 進」的抗爭嗎? 究竟斷定哪種抗爭更更先進或更更根本對抗爭運動有幫助嗎? • ⺠民主與⾃自由的存在需先於平等權利利 ‣ 「[...] 香港⽰示威是爭取⺠民主⾃自由,是作為⼀一個⼈人的最基本權利利。⽽而BLM⽰示威涉及種族問 題及美國司法機構內的不公平。我覺得blm是在⼀一個相對較⺠民主⾃自由的國家爭取⾃自⼰己/他 ⼈人權益,⽽而香港還在為基本⺠民主⽽而戰。BLM⽰示威是香港⽰示威的第⼆二步。」


註釋 (續): ‣ “They are similar in the sense that both parties are fighting for rights, freedom and elimination of police brutality. However, there are many differences between these two - [...] in the US the protestors are fighting for equality / equity / justice so that the black can be treated the same as the white, but in HK the protestors do so because everyone did not have the rights to start with […]” 【「他們相似的地⽅方在於雙⽅方都在爭 取權利利、⾃自由和消除警察暴暴⼒力力。 但是,兩兩者之間也有很多差異異......在美國,⽰示威者爭取 平等/公平/公義是為了了⿊黑⼈人可以受到跟⽩白⼈人⼀一樣的對待,但是在香港,⽰示威者抗爭是因 為所有⼈人連這些權利利都沒有......」】

• 平等權利利的存在需先於⺠民主 ‣ “[...] BLM movement fights for the most basic concept of equality among all men whereas the HK protests pursue something of a higher level i.e. democracy. Democracy cannot exist without the basis of equality among men and hence the BLM movement is more important than the HK protests. Also there shouldn’t be anything like a stance with regards to the BLM movement, racism is wrong and everyone should stand against racism.” 【「......BLM運動在爭取⼈人⼈人平等這個最基本的概念念,⽽而 香港的抗爭則追求更更⾼高層次的東⻄西,即⺠民主。 沒有⼈人與⼈人之間平等的基礎,⺠民主不可能 存在,因此BLM運動比香港的抗爭更更重要。 此外,對於BLM運動也不應有任何類似立 場的東⻄西。種族歧視是錯的,⽽而每個⼈人都應反對種族歧視。」】

• 兩兩者不能比較 ‣ “At the fundamental level both groups are fighting against a system, the status quo, and fighting for their future. Both groups face a reality that oppresses and limits them, as well as violence, or violence in the future. The differences between the two protests should not invalidate one or another, we should not try too hard to draw 1:1 comparisons.” 【「從根本上來來說,這兩兩個團體都在與制度、現狀狀和為⾃自⼰己的未來來抗 爭。 兩兩組⼈人都⾯面臨臨著⼀一個壓迫和限制他們的現實,以及來來⾃自未來來或現在的暴暴⼒力力。 兩兩個 運動有不同並不等於應該彼此不重視。我們不應該太費⼒力力進⾏行行1:1的比較。」】 “The movements require us to look at the history of each society. I think drawing a ‣ parallel between any two movements can be tricky. Because such comparison can be used as rhetorics by different parties. For example, how the CCP frames police brutality in the states but never addresses that of Hong Kong […]” 【「兩兩個運動都要求 我們審視每個社會的歷史。 我認為在任何兩兩個運動之間找相同是⼗十分棘⼿手的。 因為這 樣的比較可以被各⽅方⽤用作修辭。 例例如中共談論美國警察暴暴⾏行行,卻從不談及香港的警察暴暴 ⼒力力......」】


註釋 (續): 有些受訪者認為⺠民主和平等都不應有優先次序。他們亦視BLM為香港⼈人的「當頭棒 喝」,提醒他們要解決社區內的種族歧視並意識到任何和所有抵抗壓迫的運動的交叉 性。 ‣ “I think BLM and the HK protests are both fighting against government suppression and police brutality and violence. Hong Kong is a product of colonialism and also needs to dismantle power structures that encouraged class separation and dangerous disregard for ethnic minorities. I also think BLM serves as a wake up call for Hong Kong protesters who are relying on right-wing figures and Trump to save Hong Kong. Hong Kong is being used as a pawn and China is taking advantage of US hypocrisy and using police brutality abroad to justify their brutality in HK. I think HKers should ally with BLM— they are the ones truly standing for the values HK protesters believe in.” 【「我覺得BLM和香港的抗爭都是與政府鎮壓和警察暴暴⼒力力抗爭。 香港是殖⺠民主義的 產物,我們需要拆除這個⿎鼓勵階級分離和極無視少數族裔的權⼒力力結構。 我也認為BLM是 ⼀一個「當頭棒喝」,喚醒那些依賴右翼⼈人物和特朗普來來拯救香港的香港抗爭者。 香港被 當棋⼦子利利⽤用,⽽而中國也在利利⽤用美國的虛偽,以及利利⽤用國外的警察暴暴⼒力力來來合理理化香港的警 察暴暴⼒力力。 我認為香港⼈人應該與BLM站在同⼀一陣線,因為他們是真正代表香港抗爭者信奉 的價值觀的⼈人。」】 ‣ “Othering in hk is an issue, eg on cantonese slurs that ppl use based on assumption minorities don't understand the language” 【「他者化在香港是⼀一個問題,例例如假設少 數族裔不會聽廣東話⽽而對他們使⽤用種族蔑稱。」】 ‣ “We are both fighting against an oppressive government, and also fighting against police brutality. ACAB!!!! We have the same goal. and it's [awesome] how there's so much transnational information sharing [...] about protest roles, tactics in fighting tear gas/making shields, yellow [economic] circle, freehkmaps.live etc. it's amazing. it's very inspiring […]” 【「我們兩兩個運動都在對抗⼀一個壓迫性的政府以及警察暴暴⼒力力。ACAB!! (All Cops are Bastards; 所有警察都是混蛋) 我們有相同的⽬目標。⽽而且有那麼多跨國的資訊分 享,實在是太好了了......例例如不同的⽰示威⾓角⾊色、對抗催淚淚煙的策略略/制作盾牌、黃⾊色[經濟] 圈、freehkmaps.live等等。真的太好了了,非常令⼈人振奮......」】


第9題 你覺得⾃自⼰己熟悉美國歷史嗎?* 


第10題 你有在美國逗留留過嗎(旅遊不算)? 如果有的話,多少年年? *



第11題 你有其他想分享的嗎? 以下節錄了了⼀一些對第11題的回應:(內容警告:⼀一些回應有種族歧視的成分) 媒體的⾓角⾊色 ‣ "There are many skewed reports on both sides. There are also many independent points of view offered on the internet. Keep an open mind about what you see/hear. Most mainstream media (as well as major political groups) these days all try to sensationalize things, ready to ignore some truths, and choose to report only the parts of a story that serve their own agenda, so be careful of what you are fed [...] 香港⼈人, 加油!!” 【「雙⽅方都有很多歪曲事實的報導。 互聯聯網上也有許多獨立的觀點。⼤大家應 該對平常看到/聽到的內容保持開放的態度。 現今⼤大多數主流媒體(以及主要的政治團 體)都嘗試嘩眾取寵、選擇性忽略略某些事實⽽而只報導合乎⾃自⼰己議程的部分,因此⼤大家請 ⼩小⼼心⾃自⼰己平常被提供的內容......香港⼈人,加油!!」】 ‣ “[...] How do we distinguish community guidelines from censorship? As media platforms, how do they provide a public space that allows all citizens’ participation regardless of differences in their views but at the same time safeguard the communities? [...] by not providing a platform or not listening to people with opposite views, we can never close the gap between two polars.” 【「......我們怎樣區分社區準 則和審查? 媒體平台怎樣能提供⼀一個能讓所有公⺠民,不論意⾒見見分歧,都能夠⼀一同參參與的 公共空間,但同時⼜又能保障社區的安全? …...不提供⼀一個平台或不聽取那些意⾒見見相反的 ⼈人的看法,我們永遠無法彌合兩兩極之間的鴻溝。」】

關於為什什麼是Black Lives Matter⽽而不是All Lives Matter ‣ “I hope hk people stop saying alllivesmatter. I wish everyone take the time to recognise why there is a need to emphasise on “black” lives. If hk protestors want to gain more international attention and gain we need to stop the “all lives matter” at once. People need to understand the meaning behind #blacklivesmatter and why not “alm”... I wish everyone understood the history of black lives struggles (ie slavery, colonialism, neocolonialism, etc) and how they have fought a long way to come to this stage (still very much struggling and unfairly treated, with people not recognising there is a problem)... revolutions are never contradictory, we achieve better by working together as allies rather than diminishing one another’s worth. Try thinking what we would think if we want people to #standwithhongkong but they respond with #standwiththeworld instead.” 【「我希望香港⼈人不要再說All Lives Matter。我希望⼤大家可以花⼀一點時間理理解 為什什麼需要強調「⿊黑」⼈人的命。如果香港抗爭者想要引起更更多國際關注和得著,我們需 要立刻停⽌止說「all lives mater」......我希望每個⼈人都會明⽩白⿊黑⼈人抗爭的歷史(即奴隸 制、殖⺠民主義、新殖⺠民主義等)以及他們怎樣為現今的制度奮⾾鬥了了很久(但仍然時常掙

33 扎和受到不公平對待,⽽而美國⼈人亦沒有意識到這些問題)......⾰革命從來來都不是⽭矛盾的。我 們結盟然後共同努⼒力力,會比我們互相踩低彼此的價值取得更更好的結果。試想如果我們希 望其他⼈人#standwithhongkong,但他們反⽽而以#standwiththeworld回應的話,我們⼜又會 怎麼想。」】 ‣ “This is disappointing the number of HKers that demand the world [including the] US to support HK to fight against injustice, but refuse to understand the struggle of the blacks and chant all live matter. We, the oppressed, shall at least not rally along the oppressor. However, while local HKers have the reason to be unfamiliar with US politics, a disgusting number of HK Americans are just simply racists.” 【「這太令⼈人失 望了了。那些要求全世界(包括美國)去⽀支持香港對抗不公義的香港⼈人,拒絕了了解⿊黑⼈人的抗 爭並說著All Lives Matter。我們這些被壓迫的⼈人最低限度應該不⽀支持壓迫者。 雖然本地 的香港⼈人有理理由不熟悉美國政治,但有⼀一堆令⼈人反感的香港裔美國⼈人擺明就是種族主義 者。」】

BLM跟香港的關係 ‣ “Many americans helped us in our efforts to get the hk human rights and democracy act passed in the usa. obviously hkers have their own things to prioritise right now, but i think that those who have some time/energy to spare should help support blm as well. we are fighting for very different overarching causes/history, but share in the struggle against police brutality.” 【「很多美國⼈人都有幫助我們推動通過《香港⼈人權與⺠民主法 案》。當然香港⼈人有⾃自⼰己的事情要優先處理理,但是我認為那些有時間/精⼒力力的⼈人也應該幫 忙⽀支持BLM。 我們雖然正在為⼗十分不同的原因/歷史⽽而抗爭,但我們在反警察暴暴⼒力力的抗 爭中是相同的。」】 ‣ “Although there are similarities, I also understand the difference between two situations. The racial tension in US has been affecting black lives for [centuries]. [Whereas] in HK, the tension [between] protesters and police/gov is due to political unrest in recent decade. This is possibly one of the reasons why the issue in HK is much less supported vs BLM. And of course because people are scared of China while everyone is free to shit on US.” 【「雖然兩兩個運動有相似的地⽅方,但我也了了解它們之間 的區別。 在美國,種族之間緊張的局勢已經影響了了⿊黑⼈人的⽣生活[幾個世紀]。 [但是]在香 港,抗爭者與警察/政府之間的緊張關係只是因這⼗十年年來來的政治動盪所致。 這可能是香 港的問題比BLM少很多⽀支持的原因之⼀一。 當然也是因為⼈人們害怕中國,但每個⼈人都可以 批評美國。」】 ‣ “I cannot understand the logic of people who supports BLM but at the same time supports PRC/HK gov because that is basically double standards” 【「我無法理理解那些 ⽀支持BLM但同時⼜又⽀支持中國 / 香港政府的⼈人的邏輯,因為這是雙重標準。」】

關於BLM被「騎劫」 ‣ 「美國左膠思想嚴重,此風不可再長,危害美國⾃自由。」 ‣ “I think they're hijacked by politicians and the people who have other purposes” 【「我 認為他們被政客和有其他⽬目的的⼈人騎劫。」】

34 ‣ 「美國種族歧視問題不是現在才有,⼀一直都有的問題,不單是⿊黑⼈人,任何國家來來的新移 ⺠民都有經歷過⼤大⼤大⼩小⼩小的對待,今次只是有另⼀一些陣營的⼈人或⼼心存不⿁鬼的⼈人在帶動起其 他⼈人情緒,⽽而且美國⼈人新冠疫情下待家太久,經濟衝擊下影響⼤大家情緒等,才引發這埸 事件。」 ‣ “Blm could be extremely harmful to Hong kongers, uyghurs, tibetans and others fighting Chinese communists. Marxist, communist groups have influenced , if not [outright] infiltrated blm and antics protests. Chinese communists are delighted to have media attention at blm, away from Hong Kong.” 【「BLM可能對香港⼈人、維吾爾⼈人、藏 ⼈人和其他對抗中國共產黨的⼈人有害。 ⾺馬克思主義和共產主義的團體已經影響到,甚⾄至滲 透BLM的⽰示威中。 中國共產黨⼈人很⾼高興媒體的關注現在在BLM,遠離香港。」】

關於搶掠 ‣ “One YouTube clip that went viral touched me deeply is where an African American woman said that the looters were not destroying their own communities because nothing in the communities belonged to them. It is a profound statement. How did we, as a society, lose them?” 【「有⼀一段被瘋傳的YouTube短片深深感動到我。當中⼀一位非 裔美國女性說搶掠者根本不是在摧毀他們⾃自⼰己的社區,因為社區中沒有任何東⻄西屬於他 們。 這是⼀一個令⼈人感受深刻的聲明。 作為⼀一個社會,我們究竟是如何失去他們 的?」】 ‣ “⽀支持BLM 但不⽀支援looting and looters” 【「⽀支持BLM,但不⽀支持搶掠和搶掠者。」】 ‣ 「呢個⽰示威,我指晚上嘅⽰示威根本吾可以做⽰示威嚟形容!”」

對BLM運動帶有偏⾒見見的回應 ‣ “BLM promotes hatred. Things asking are selfish, only care for the Blacks. They attack freedom of speech. It is kind of dividing the country instead of [uniting] them. However, Blacks are not majority in the protest. Many protesters are Whites which tells us [in] this country Black racism is not a mainstream.” 【「BLM推廣仇恨。 他們的要求都是⾃自 私的,只關⼼心⿊黑⼈人。 他們攻擊⾔言論⾃自由。BLM是在分裂國家⽽而不是[團結]它。 但是,⿊黑 ⼈人在⽰示威中並不佔多數。 很多⽰示威者是⽩白⼈人,所以這表明[在這個國家]針對⿊黑⼈人的種族 歧視不是主流。」】 ‣ “Black lives matter my ass. All lives matter.” 【「Black Lives Matter個屁。All Lives Matter。」】 ‣ “[Push] education reforms, [and] the importance of contraception/using condoms” 【「[推動]教育改⾰革,[以及]避孕/使⽤用避孕套的重要性。」】


結語 我們相信All Black Lives Matter(所有的⿊黑命都攸關),這是無可爭辯的。美國對⿊黑⼈人的 系統性剝削、壓迫和種族歧視從奴隸制開始,卻沒有在廢除奴隸制或⺠民權運動時結束1。 在仍然能看到⼤大規模監禁、種族歧視的警政、種族隔離的住屋和經濟不平等的今天,奴隸 制所遺留留下來來的種種影響更更是延續著相同的系統性壓迫2。種族歧視仍然存在於我們今天 體系的核⼼心中,因為美國這個國家的根基是建立在世世代代的原住⺠民種族滅絕、⿊黑⼈人奴役 和對外的帝國主義之上。這個國家很明顯不是為非⽩白⼈人⽽而建立的。 我們意識到對於我們 很多⼈人來來說,現在的抗爭不只為了了平等或被融入體制內,⽽而是為了了真正的解放和⾃自由。我 們⽀支持那些積極爭取廢除所有壓迫性制度,如警察/警政和監獄,並為⼀一個所有⼈人都能⾃自 由的未來來建立先決條件的⼈人。要重新想像現狀狀以外的未來來確實不易易,尤其是對剛認識這些 想法的⼈人⽽而⾔言。但是,我們總可以在⿊黑⼈人激進思想家所分享的智慧和經驗中找到⼒力力量量,並 在世界各地志同道合的⼈人和社區中找到⽀支持3。 我們認為BLM的反法⻄西斯主義和反壓迫的抗爭與香港⽰示威者對抗專制統治和爭取⾃自決的 抗爭是有關聯聯的。我們的抗爭息息相關,是因為我們認為像種族歧視和獨裁主義的系統性 壓迫是⼀一種全球性的社會控制結構。我們需要廢除這種全球結構來來得到⾃自由。⽽而我們知道 我們不能指望政治精英和政府,⽽而只能指望我們⾃自⼰己。 我們應該互相學習和互相⽀支持。 問卷調查中所⾒見見的種族歧視⾔言論提醒我們,香港⼈人和(東)亞裔美國⼈人社群中仍普遍存在反 ⿊黑⼈人種族歧視。我們認為建立運動之間的團結該從個⼈人層⾯面及正視⾃自⼰己社區中的種族歧視 Black People in the US Were Enslaved Well into the 1960s https://www.vice.com/en_us/ article/437573/blacks-were-enslaved-well-into-the-1960s? utm_content=1592578825&utm_medium=social&utm_source=VICE_facebook&fbclid=IwAR38r U32F_21RewzqY_J2fFedL2rcAqxLhuHvIZVwhLh3vDRM6qcgWM0nr8 1

如何理理解 Black Lives Matters?暴暴動是不被傾聽者的語⾔言 (陳啟睿&周永康) https:// matters.news/@ckysamuel91/如何理理解-black-lives-matters-暴暴動是不被傾聽者的語⾔言-陳啟睿and-周永康-bafyreidvj2pu3qo3ota7r6ctrla2rrcjfnycbvxmjr5whyhkkbeciylvf4? fbclid=IwAR38rU32F_21RewzqY_J2fFedL2rcAqxLhuHvIZVwhLh3vDRM6qcgWM0nr8

(English translation: https://lausan.hk/2020/to-hongkongers-how-can-we-understand-black-livesmatter-a-riot-is-the-voice-of-the-unheard/) 2

For example, Critical Resistance (http://criticalresistance.org/), Survived and Punished (https://survivedandpunished.org/), INCITE! (https://incite-national.org/), BYP100 (https:// www.byp100.org/), the Global Prison Abolitionist Coalition (https:// www.worldwithoutprisons.org/). 3

36 和其他偏⾒見見開始。我們應⾄至少致⼒力力在⾃自⼰己的社交圈⼦子內開始這些不容易易但必要的對話、互 相教育和了了解⾃自⼰己的⾏行行為和⾔言論可帶來來的影響,並⿎鼓勵「反學習」⾃自⼰己的偏⾒見見的⽂文化。 最後,「沒有暴暴徒,只有暴暴政」。望我們都能「be water, my friend」,萬事⼩小⼼心。

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