Small Things

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Jonathan Meyers

SMALL THINGS on route 79

Take a walk on Dublin bus route 79 from Spiddal Road, Ballyfermot to Aston Quay

decies road, ballyfermot

lally road, ballyfermot

sarsfield road, ballyfermot

sarsfield road, ballyfermot

sarsfield road, ballyfermot

the war memorial gardens

the war memorial gardens

con colbert road

con colbert road

con colbert road

st john’s road

heuston station

victoria quay

usher quay

usher quay

Small Things was produced within Young Curators, Digital Design and the Living Archive project - a pioneering exploration of the growing interplay between curation and new technologies, encouraging emerging young artists to incorporate the digital into their creative practice in addition to accessing museum collections and gallery spaces.

A Pivotal Arts Studio (previously FOMACS) and Chester Beatty Library collaborative learning project, supported by the Arts Council Ireland, Dublin City Council and the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, with additional support from the Wellcome Trust.

Š Jonathan Meyers

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