Reporting Algal Blooms

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Reporting Algal Blooms 50 Shades of Green – Muskoka Stewardship Conference May 12, 2017

Harmful Algal Blooms 

Blue-green algae (BGA)  

Primitive microscopic organisms that may store poisons called “cyanobacteria toxins” Proliferate in water bodies to form “blooms” when climatic conditions are favourable o

Algal Blooms   

May contain species with potential to produce toxins (i.e., microcystin-LR) All blooms must be regarded as potentially toxic Number of HABs are increasing across the globe - increased nutrient loading are a major factor o o


Elevated nutrient levels (nitrogen & phosphorous), calm/warm water, light availability, flow/turbulence

Point sources • Industrial/wastewater effluent, faulty septic systems Non-point sources • Stormwater/agricultural, road runoff, household fertilizers

Harmful Algal Bloom - Response Complaint-driven process • Spills Action Centre • District Offices • Agency Contact • •


Need to support public health risk management Data collection on HABs

Initial Report Preliminary Notification

Field Investigations

Notification of Results

Collaboration and Monitoring

Monitoring Regulated Drinking Water Facilities

TRIGGERED BY: REPORT OF ALGAL BLOOM SAC  after-hours intake of algal bloom complaints ● determine need for priority field response  forward the information to the appropriate District Office (SDWB). District Office ● intake reports of algal bloom ● assess information and decide if HAB is, or may be present  if HAB suspected, undertake preliminary notification of local Health Unit, and local SDWB supervisor 


SDWB preliminary notification of regulated facilities in area

Termination of Incident

OD - Algal Bloom Response MOECC Response Procedure • Ensures communication and collaboration among the various stakeholders

• MOECC role is to gather, assess and provide basic scientific & technical information

• Health Unit makes decisions as to whether notification of the public is required, and what actions should be taken


Field Visit Preliminary Notification

Field Investigation

Notification of Results

Collaboration and Monitoring

Monitoring Regulated Drinking Water Facilities

TRIGGERED BY: – CONFIRMED OR SUSPECTED HAB District Office ● sampling is primary identification tool, if bloom is evident ● coordinate field activities, if required  may request Technical Support / analytical support Tech Support ● when requested by District Office, coordinate field activities MOECC Lab  provide information on sampling protocols  analyze samples as received from field staff


Termination of Incident

Key MOECC Role - Sampling • •

Confirmation of Harmful Algal Bloom Analytical support • • •


Algae ID MCYST3469 MCYST3450

Use of proper and consistent sampling methods

Coordinate with local and analytical staff on sampling

Harmful Algal Blooms – Labs The following labs are licensed for Microcystin – ELISA: • Central Ontario Analytical Laboratory - Orillia • City of Hamilton Environmental Laboratory • City of Toronto, Central Laboratory • MOECC - Laboratory Services Branch • Near North Laboratories - North Bay • SGS Environmental Services - Lakefield • Testmark Laboratories - Sudbury • York-Durham Regional Environmental Laboratory Pickering


Communication of Results Preliminary Notification

Field Investigations

Notification of Results

Collaboration and Monitoring

Monitoring Regulated Drinking Water Facilities

TRIGGERED BY: RESULTS FROM FIELD INVESTIGATION District Office · notify all responsible parties (HU, SDWB, municipality, others) Health Unit · decides whether public health is at risk · provides appropriate actions to protect public health SDWB · notifies regulated DW facilities in the area OMAFRA, MNRF and other agencies · responsible for notification of own clients


Termination of Incident

Teamwork – Monitoring Event Preliminary Notification

Field Investigations

Notification of Results

Collaboration and Monitoring

Monitoring Regulated Drinking Water Facilities

TRIGGERED BY: CONTINUATION OF ALGAL BLOOM District Office  facilitate discussions between Health Unit, SDWB and other agencies  disseminate information to agencies  maintain documentation of the incident. Health Unit  provide input on health issues  provide input on information they require to assess public health SDWB  liaise with regulated facilities


Termination of Incident

Reference Material for Public •

MOECC Fact Sheets • •

• •

Health Unit Website and Contact Information SAC contact information •


General Blue-Green Algae sheet Drinking Water Sheet

to report suspected harmful algal blooms

SDWB – Regulated DW Systems Preliminary Notification

Field Investigations

Notification of Results

Collaboration and Monitoring

Monitoring Regulated Drinking Water Facilities

Triggered by: IMPACT, OR POTENTIAL IMPACT, ON REGULATED FACILITY SDWB ● liaise with regulated facilities ● determine need for sampling of regulated treatment train  advise treatment facilities on how to best operate facility  coordinate monitoring program in accordance with SDWB response protocol  notify District Office, Health Unit and regulated facility of results/ exceedence ● maintain documentation of the incident MOECC Lab  report lab results to SDWB, HU


Termination of Incident

Termination and Documentation Preliminary Notification

Field Investigations

Notification of Results

Collaboration and Monitoring

Monitoiring Regulated Drinking Water Facilities

TRIGGERED BY: ABSENCE OF CYANOBACTERIA OR TERMINATION OF ALGAL BLOOM District Office  notify parties of termination of incident  close the incident file in accordance with the HAB response procedure Health Unit  responsible for public notification SDWB  responsible for notification of regulated drinking water facilities


Termination of Incident

Blue-Green Algae, Key Roles • • • •

Internal Stakeholders Public Media

• MOECC • District/TSS/SAC • ESSD (EMRB/LaSB) • DWMD (SDWB) • Health Units • Other Agencies


• Is it a bloom? • Is it Blue-Green? • Sampling

Issues Management



Document • • • •

Incident Report Sample Results Photographs Notes

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