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Big Read News


P. 3-6

Creating a functional social security system


P. 9

Kidnapped columnist, Kogbara freed

Vol. 5 No. 36

Sunday, September 13, 2015

National Mirror Online



Buhari warns against human rights violations P. 7

...vows to punish misconduct by military Ooni: Selection process starts


Bauchi PDP exco members asked to refund N800m


President, Muhammadu Buhari (right) presenting sword to the graduating best cadet, F.A Tajudeen at the combined passing out parade of cadets of 62 Regular Course and PHOTO: NAN Short Service Course 43 of the Nigerian Defence Academy, in Kaduna, yesterday.

Saudi Arabia probes Mecca ’s Grand Mosque disaster P. 8 death toll hits 107 •Three Nigerians injured Man hacks 69-year-old mother to death Assemblies of God crisis: Northern leaders sue for peace

P. 59



Sunday Mirror


What ’s new Politics


Buhari and controversy over 100 days ’ promises

Seven Days TALKING POINTS OF THE PAST WEEK September 13, 2015

the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Danladi Kifasi. The letter states: “the Federal Government ’s directive as contained in Circular Ref. No. SGF.19/S.81/ XIX/964 on the dissolution of the Governing Boards of the Federal Government parastatals, Agencies, Institutions and government owned companies remains extant ”.

Reps summon Perm Sec over 2015 budget implementation

Being beauty queen has changed my life –Olivia Sandra Wellness


All you need to know about tuberculosis

Tuberculosis, TB, is one of the oldest known human diseases and a major cause of death. More than two million people die each year from this illness. TB affects the bone, central nervous system and other organ systems, but it is primarily a pulmonary disease that is initiated by the deposition of mycobacterium tuberculosis, contained in aerosol droplets, onto lung alveolar surfaces.

The House of Representatives, yesterday, gave the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, Anastasia Nwobia, Tuesday 15th September to appear before its ad hoc committee on investigation of the implementation of the

2015 budget. The Permanent Secretary could not appear before the Aliyu Pategiled ad hoc committee investigating an alleged poor implementation of the Capital component of the 2015 Appropriation Act.

Why we won ’t cut our salaries, allowances —Rep A member of the House of Representatives, Frank Shuaibu has said the House would not reduce its salaries and allowances, despite the austerity measures recommended by the government of President Muhammadu Buhari. The lawmaker who represents Etsako Federal Constituency of Edo State in the House of Repre-

sentatives, yesterday said that the renumeration of lawmakers was even poor, considering their avalanche of responsibilities to their constituents. “The only aspect I will not support Mr. President is that as an executive man he has reduced his salary by 50 per cent, that is for him, I ’m not ready to reduce my salary by 50 per cent.

Lagos to review school curriculum Lagos State Government has said it will embark on the review of its school curriculum in order to align the content of the curriculum with the immediate and future needs of the state. The State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode made the disclosure yes-

terday at the opening of the Lagos International Education Conference According to the governor, the review of the curriculum was crucial as the content of education curricula actually determines the quality of the man power that will eventually be produced.

Chief of Defence Staff, CDS, General Gabriel Olonisakin, has appealed for cooperation from member countries of the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS, to deal a final blow to the Boko Haram insurgency ravaging the country and parts of the region. A statement yesterday, by the Director Defence Information, DDI, Colonel Rabe Abubakar, disclosed that General Olonisakin led the Nigeria delegates to the 35th edition of the ordinary meeting of Chiefs of Defence Staff, CDS, in Dakar, Senegal, where he briefed them on the efforts so far to end Boko Haram.

The meeting, he said, was in continuation with the multinational approach to end security related challenges within the ECOWAS member nations. “The meeting is deliberating on new structures of the ECOWAS Standby Force (ESF) and the Peace Support Operations Division (PSOD). “Other areas of discussion include ECOWAS Mission in Guinea Bissau (ECOMIB), Exit Strategy and the implementation of the Defence and Security Sector Reform Programme (DSSRP) in Guinea Bissau.



President Muhammadu Buhari has approved the immediate sacking of the Chairmen of the FCT Internal Revenue Service, Secondary Education Board, SEB, and Universal Basic Education Boards UBEB. The sacking was contained in a letter with reference (NO. SGF.19/S.81/ T1/97) sent to the FCT Permanent Secretary, Engineer John Obinna Chukwu, on Wednesday, by

Boko Haram: CDS seeks ECOWAS support

Most of my time is spent on internal and external financial meetings. So, my Mondays are basically for such meetings. This is when planning for the week ’s activities take effect.


President sacks FCT boards

Though there is a change to the new contract winners, it ’s unclear whether these will be more transparent. According to a source close to the Corporation, NNPC has no choice but to continue with some form of swap arrangement as the only other form of fuel input comes from a fraudridden import subsidy scheme and revamping its refining system, neglected for years, has already met crude supply obstacles.

The meeting continues this second day of the week.



Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, has set up four new crude swap contracts to replace those cancelled last month that were vital for bringing in about half of domestic fuel demands, industry sources disclosed. NNPC cancelled the 2015 deals with Nigerian companies Sahara Group, Aiteo Group and NNPC ’s trading arm Duke Oil because they were alleged to have been “skewed in favour of the companies. ”

Meeting with the major clients starts this day. Typically, I ’m in planning section so I meet with the major clients, major contacts and I meet with all those that we need to get our profitability as a company.



and his counterpart in the Trade Union Congress, TUC, Comrade Bobboi Kaigama, commenced at about 8 a.m. at the famous Fountain Square, Maitama. No fewer than 5,000 workers participated in the rally, which saw protesters storming the headquarters of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, National Assembly and the office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF.

Same applies with Thursday. Those major clients I couldn ’t meet on Wednesday, I do have a date to meet me the next day which of course is on Thursdays.


The concept of 100 days in office was an American creation but has been adopted in almost all the democratic countries. It began when United States President, Franklin Roosevelt used the period of 100 days in trying to set the agenda for the American people during the period of great depression. He created his famous ‘New Deal ’ Agenda for them and within that period American morale was lifted up.

Organised labour yesterday held a mass rally across the country and declared total support for the present administration ’s anti-graft war, warning that Nigerian workers would take on judges that pervert the course of justice through arbitrary granting of perpetual injunction. The rally in Abuja, led by Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, President, Comrade Ayuba Wabba,

NNPC signs new oil swap with foreign companies

Most people expect me to work light on Fridays. But nay, it is not like that. I have no light day. Usually I start work before 7am and I leave around seven in the evening. Basically I work five days in a week. It ’s a bit challenging. I wish I could reduce the amount of work I do.


Labour demands death penalty for corrupt ofcials

I hardly go to parties on this day. I ’m not a party man as such but on Saturdays I like to go to bars to have a drink. I got to church on Sundays to pray because prayer is power. Prayer is very important to me. Then later in the afternoon/ evening on Sundays, I see to my personal matters. *By Adaeze Amos (08023012293)


Sunday Mirror


Big Read

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Creating a functional social security system The welfare programme of the former Ekiti State Governor, Kayode Fayemi has set the tone for the prospects of a social welfare scheme for depraved Nigerians. Paul Omo Obadan examines ‘welfarist’ programme and its viability in spite of the nation’s dwindling financial resources


nlike several African countries, Nigeria presently runs no social security package for the depraved in the society. The poor, unemployed, aged, disabled or widows. In South Africa, for instance, social services for the citizens forms a significant part of the country’s

annual budget. Bills pushing for government support to unemployed and aged Nigerians have remained stuck in the National Assembly for years. Former governor of Ekiti State, Fayemi set the tone for welfare package when the government paid N5,000 monthly stipend to the elderly.


A component of the social security package is the free health scheme for not just the elderly, but pregnant women, children under the age of 5, physically challenged persons and People Living with HIV/AIDS. This programme has brought about a lot of changes in the health indices of Ekiti State. Before Governor Fayemi’s assumption of office in 2010, maternal mortality was 420 per 100,000 live births, but in less than one year (in 2011) it dropped to 135 per 100, 000 live births. The total value of drugs dispensed during the same period increased from N11milion to N25.9million due to increase in demand and utilisation. As a result, Ekiti today has the lowest maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate in Nigeria. All these are what have




The Big Read


Sunday September 13, 2015

Sunday Mirror

‘Social security needed for elderly, unemployed’





CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 been achieved through the free health component of the social security. A Lagos based lawyer, public affairs and policy analyst, Liborous Oshomah, however, faulted the scheme. “But my problem with that scheme was that the platform was not to strong. You don’t even have the number of the credible number of the aged people you have in your society, and at the end of the day, N5,000 is distributed to political associates buy votes,” Access to adequate social protection, a basic right However, access to adequate social protection is recognised by International labor standards and the UN as a basic right. Today, only 20 per cent of the world’s population has adequate social security coverage, and more than half lack any coverage at all. They face dangers in the workplace and poor or non-existent pension and health insurance coverage. The situation reflects levels of economic development, with fewer than 10 per cent of workers in least developed countries covered by social security. In middle-income countries, coverage ranges from 20 to 60 per cent, while in most industrial nations, it is close to 100 per cent. The International Labor Organization, ILO, defines the traditional contingencies covered by social security as including: Survival beyond a prescribed age, to be covered by old age pensions, The loss of support suffered by a widow or child as the result of the death of the breadwinner (survivor’s benefit); Responsibility for the maintenance of children (family benefit);



The treatment of any morbid condition (including pregnancy), whatever its cause (medical care); A suspension of earnings due to pregnancy and confinement and their consequences (maternity benefit); A suspension of earnings due to an inability to obtain suitable employment for protected persons who are capable of, and available for, work (unemployment benefits); A suspension of earnings due to an incapacity for work resulting from a morbid condition (sickness leave benefit); A permanent or persistent inability to engage in any gainful activity (disability benefits); The costs and losses involved in medical care, sickness leave, invalidity and death of the breadwinner due to an occupational accident or disease (employment injuries). People who cannot reach a guaranteed social Minimum for other reasons may be eligible for social assistance (or welfare in American English). Social security is panacea to insecurity

Former Justice of the International Court at the Hague, Prince Bola Ajibola (SAN) once described the introduction of the Social Security Scheme, SSS, by all governments at all levels as the only panacea to the current trend of insecurity in the country. While linking Boko Haram insurgency to deprivation and lack of employment, Ajibola noted, “If national and state governments had introduced a welfare scheme like the SSS, we may not have to be contending with Boko Haram issue today.” Ajibola, also a former Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice said: “Britain has been doing it immediately after the World War II and they have not stopped it and that is one of the reasons, that nation is enjoying peace, I believe it is possible also here in Nigeria, in fact it is sine qua non to make both the elderly and unemployed youths happy in this country”. According to him, “We have some states in Nigeria implementing some welfare programmes, but Ekiti model is exemplary, I am overwhelmed with what we saw and I will write the national confab to adopt the model. “It is important that people must enjoy the benefit ought to be given them by any government. We should not encourage where we have a lot of poor people, those who are deprived, the benefit must be spread to everybody. Things must go round and it must be done every time. “Very soon, we are likely to have social security that will cater for even the elders and the unemployed in Nigeria, it is important that government should care for evCONTINUED ON PAGE 5

Sunday Mirror

The Big Read

Sunday September 13, 2015


It not too much to ask for social security Liborous Oshoma, a Lagos based legal practitioner, public affairs and policy analyst, sheds more light on the prospect and viability of having social welfare/ security for depraved Nigerians in this interview with Paul Omo Obadan.

What is your take in having a social security/welfare programme for deprived Nigerians? Basically, social security welfare package is a tool that the Nigerian government can actually use to check a lot of excesses because in any society, being a social contract. What I mean by a social contract is that you relinquish your rights to government in return for certain protection, and one of them is social security. Ordinarily, you expect that government should able to provide means of livelihood, apart from just shelter over your head, food on the table, and clothes, government should be able also to give you some comfort in the event that you are not doing anything. You are able, but government is not able to provide a job for you to do. These kinds of people are vulnerable. And in other societies, in order for you to keep them away from crime, government provides a soft landing, sometimes; government provides housing and lets out at affordable rates. This also is a form of social security. At the end of the day, if you now have a job, there is a way you pay government back from what you have been earning. And then also for the elderly, for the sick in the society, for the disabled. Yesterday, I almost shed tears when I saw one elderly woman at Onipan, I was going to the Island. She said she was going to Iyana Ipaja. This woman could barely walk and she wanted to cross the overhead bridge at Onipan. I had to pick her and drove her all the way to Iyana Ipaja before I turned back to go to my way. And I asked myself, Government is supposed to care for people like this in the society. But at the end of the day, what you hear is that the funds that are meant to cater for this kinds of people, is in somebody’s account abroad and other countries are using it to provide social benefits for their citizens. But basically, people will now ask you how can this work in a disorganized society like ours. People that have done it, don’t have seven heads. It is not rocket science or so, they started from somewhere. How can social welfare function adequately without a proper central data base? And the only way we can start first and foremost, we need available data. You need together data of your people. I was taken aback also when (Festus) Odumegwu talked about organising a credible census for Nigeria, and our political leaders shouted him down, and at the end of the day, for daring to do that which was credible, the man was eased out of that office. And here we are, 2016, we will still grapple with another census that will never be reliable. We talk about the National ID card, we talk about biometrics registration for banks, we talk about SIM card registration, all kinds of multiple registration and there seems not to be a national data collation office to say: this is the number of young people, this is the number of old people, this is the number of unemployed, this is the number of people without housing, this is the number of people that take buses to work every day. When you have a national data, then you would be able to plan. Okay, this are the jobs that are going to be available by next year, this are the jobs that are going to be available by this year, this is the number of graduates are we are expecting to push into the labour market and this is the number the society can take, this is the number the public sector can take, and this is the number the private sector can take, and so on but this other gap, how do we cater for them. How do we now generate employment to ensure that we are able to cater for this other gap and how those we are not able to cater for, how do we keep them away from social vices. How do we cushion the effect of the hardship on the society? These are ways societies plan.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 eryone, including their education, health care services, and should be in right direction. “We have seen it happening in Ekiti State, there is a gap to be filled and it is being filled at the moment. I am very happy because the government is giving them the immediate support that they should have in order to exist, in order to take care for their health and their fam-




I wonder when I hear the office of the national statistics in Nigeria, reel out figures of inflation and all of that, and I ask them how do they just mumble this figures together because really you cannot be talking about statistics, without data. So when you hear some of this offices talk about statistics, you begin to ask yourself, how are this statistics gathered. Do they just mumble up figures and present to us and everybody believes these figures. I sit back and I ask myself, government is talking about planning and we are talking about change, we are talking about moving Nigeria forward, and the government of the day, I have not heard anybody talk about data collation, And then also, we have fast track cities of the world these days, when you hear fast track cities, you ask yourself what is fast track cities? Unlike those days when cities depend more on natural resources like coal, petroleum and all of that, now, fast track cities depend more on man-made resources. Because technology has moved at a level that with a push of the button, you can tell what the weather will be tomorrow. With a push of the button, you can tell the next available train from Obanikoro to Lagos Island, with a push of the button, you can tell how traffic is on the Island. All these cannot be achieved without data collation, without proper planning. What is the number of vehicles on the road daily, how do we begin to decongest some of these roads. How do we provide alternative transport. I can tell you that Lagos state government does not know the number of people that move from the mainland to the island daily. If you know that, that is when you begin to say that, why do people mainland to the Island? What is the attraction? How do we begin to decentralize offices in this area and ensure that you also decentralize traffic. This has to do with central planning. When you now plan, that is when you now begin to say yes, we can provide cushioning effect for this number of people that do not have access to basic amenities that are provided. People have been talking about removal of fuel subsidy. And I laugh when I hear all the economic indices that are being thrown up and all

ily”. However, Fayemi lost his second term bid to rule Ekiti State. His successor, Governor, Ayodele Fayose, introduced “stomach infrastructure” policy as his government’s social security. In a chat with newsmen at the national secretariat of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in Abuja, recently,

the money that we save. And somebody tells you we want to save money because somebody is inefficient in managing the petroleum product. And you know also that the only product that goes round that affects every Nigerian is petroleum product here in Nigeria because we are our own local government. You provide power for yourself, you provide road for yourself, you provide security, including the social security that we are talking about, you provide for yourself. And all of these things, you need power to power them at every time. So, if you have an accurate census, you now begin to plan, subsidy is a palliative measure to cushion the hardship of petroleum prizes in Nigeria. But when you really don’t have the accurate figures of who is buying and what are they using it for, how do you now know what you are cushioning. There is no way you can plan now without numbers. It is just like you live in your house, you want to make a pot of soup that would feed the household. You need to know the number in your house to be able to know the quantity that you are cooking, otherwise you will rather cook the one that is too small or you cook the one that is too much. Or sometimes, you are at home and you want to boil rice, it is not everybody in the house that eats rice, you say please, I want to boil rice, who cares for so that I don’t overcook or cook too much. It is the same thing here. We can give social security and more and make our society a better place. With all the money that is being stolen, we need to do the right thing first. We need to have the numbers of those people eating pounded yam, the ones that are eating egusi, the ones eating rice, and then, the ones that are hungry. You now know, okay, these ones that are hungry, let me gather from these ones that have eating to their full, and so we know how to give those who do not have access to it.

When government eventually goes ahead with the social security, which area should they face headon. Is it the aged, unemployed? The NYSC scheme, apart from being that is to attract young and then also create employment, it was also to serve as a social security platform for the youths that are just graduating. If you want to start a social security scheme, there is what you call a test programme. And in testing, we have talked about collating data. You don’t need again to start from the young ones or those that have graduated. You need to start from the aged in the society. Those that have given their best to the society, they are retired and apart from advice, they no longer have the strength to give back to the society. You start social security from there. You remember in Ekiti, the former Governor Fayemi tried something like that for aged people. But my problem with that scheme was that the platform was not to strong.

Fayose, who likened stomach infrastructure office to what is obtainable in Britain, said the office will address the welfare needs of the people of Ekiti. He said, “I have set up a department and I have appointed a Special Adviser and Personal Assistant on CONTINUED ON PAGE 6


The Big Read

Sunday September 13, 2015

Sunday Mirror

‘NASS should pass welfare bills’ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 Stomach Infrastructure and same will be in all the local government areas. “So, my style without apology is that stomach infrastructure is a way of life for me; I will relate well with my people to alleviate poverty and hunger. “Stomach infrastructure is very important in the life of a man. If you look at Britain, as rich and as comfortable as they are, in the entire time, they find their way to address the issue of the poor and less privileged people in their country by what they call social security. “Food is a social security; you can’t be talking to a hungry man; he would be distracted by any means. So, when we say stomach infrastructure, it is a welfare programme, a programme that would keep the heart of a man stable.” Social Security, in the United States Social Security in the United States, refers to a specific social insurance programme for the retired and the disabled. The most prominent feature of the American social welfare field is social security, The unemployment insurance system is federal-state in character. All the states were induced to pass unemployment insurance laws because the Social Security Act included a Federal Unemployment Tax on employers’ payrolls. If a state passed an unemployment insurance law, an employer was permitted a credit up to 90 per cent of the Federal tax for contributions made under the State law. The old-age retirement system is completely Federal in character because the actuaries believed that the great movement of workers across state lines made a state by state system unfeasible. Factionalised Nigerian Labor congress President, Joe Ajaero however views a prospect of Welfare scheme for the depraved with cautious optimism. According to him, the need for it can’t be over emphasized because to a very large extent, it will assist the people, especially in a population where you have over 70 per cent that are leaving below poverty level. However, he said if the system were working, people will move to a level of comfort zone. “I don’t know how we can go about it. Before we talk about social welfare package, we may have to look at cost implication of such package. What is the nature? Is it the unemployment benefit? Is it the old men benefit or providing affordable housing for all or is it free transportation. What actually is required and what is the percentage of the people in dire need of this. But I don’t know how it will be captured out, but I think, with good governance, the demand for that to a large extent will be reduced if there is good roads, infrastructure, portable water, electricity etc. Some people will equally move beyond the poverty line. If there is job opportunity, a lot of will make it. There greatest problem is that people who are hale and hearty, people with prerequisite qualifications, don’t have jobs. That is the greatest problem. But if the system is working, there is electricity, there is water, there are factories, there are industries, definitely a lot of people will move to a level of comfort zone. If that is now done and there are still people who for one reason of the other are incapacitated, you can now think of how to assist them. Tackling the unemployment aspect of it, should be priority. When the scheme eventually comes on board, I think If you tackle the unemployment aspects, it may to a very large extent go a long way. Because if the kids have jobs doing, they may equally be the insurance for their Parents. Because most Parents, when they train their children, their children become their insurance for tomorrow. Challenge Instituting A Social Welfare Scheme Despite Nigeria’s oil wealth, most of its 140 million people live in poverty. The decision in March by the previous Nigerian Senate to step down the passage of the National Social Wel-






fare Commission, NSWC Bill, testifies to how our country has become so accustomed to caring less about the welfare of its mass of underprivileged and depraved. The proposed law is one which seeks to provide allowances for the unemployed, aged and disabled. As noble and welfarist as the Bill is, it narrowly escaped being thrown out by the lawmakers during its clause by clause consideration. Their reason for wanting to kill it is that they, among other things, fear how the scheme would be funded. At the end of the day, the senators managed to step down the bill allowing the sponsors time to fine-tune the details of its funding with its committee on finance. While the respected legislators should be commended for not throwing out the highly needed bill, their stepping it down raises suspicions when one considers the given that the Bill has been with them since 2012 when it suffered the same treatment. According to Public Affairs Analyst, Obe Enakpene, Senate’s stepping down of a Bill which seeks to promote the welfare of the people is outrageous. How can they get so close to throwing out the NSWC Bill just because they have reservations about where its funding would be sourced from? Like I heard someone ask, do they also have fears about funding when it comes to allocating to themselves those mouth-watering allowances they enjoy as well as funds for constituency projects? We had better told these people who feed fat on our expense that we are no fools. Granted that fears of where to get the funding for the proposed scheme wasn’t their only reason for stepping down the Bill. They had other fears prominent among which is the non-availability of a census of those who are


qualified to benefit. This fear throws up the need for a reliable data of those in dire need of assistance and how much it would cost government to cater for their welfare. The fear of the lawmakers regarding census of those qualified to benefit is with all due respect unfounded. This is because the Bill is proposing to set up a commission not as if it seeks to just gather those in the category and give them hand-outs. As a commission it would, of course, have a secretariat with staffers who would be tasked with gathering the data of those in need of help and also collaborating with the National Populations Commission to get the figures right. In fact, I see no reason why they should step down the Bill. Are they not aware of countries where the poor and unemployed are entitled to square meals on a daily basis? Are they not aware of countries where government establish, run and maintain old people’s homes? Are they telling us that our country is not buoyant enough to handle this? Are they really suggesting that disadvantaged Nigerians are lesser humans that are not qualified to enjoy this privilege? It is unfortunate that our leaders are insensitive to the plight of the masses. The Bill will so much benefit needy Nigerians and the underprivileged. Every democracy must prove to the citizens that it has the capacity to respond to the challenges of governance. The essence of governance is to restore the dignity of man.” Enakpene noted that: “A country that does not provide for the unemployed can never know peace, for the rich will never sleep when the poor are awake. “What will secure us is not high fences, but ensuring that the elderly and the unemployed have something to live on. I am a fan of the social welfare scheme. Those who insist that the country cannot bear the bill are not telling the world the truth. “If the government is able to plug holes, we should be able to guarantee social security for our citizens.”

Sunday Mirror


Sunday September 13, 2015


Buhari warns military against human rights violation ROTIMI FADEYI A AND UBONG UKPONG ABUJA


resident Muhammadu Buhari yesterday in Kaduna reaffirmed his administration’s total commitment to the rule of law and warned that proven acts of human rights violation by the Armed Forces would be punished under his leadership.

Addressing officers, troops and newly commissioned cadets at the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), Buhari reminded them that the rule of law applied to the Armed Forces as much as any other institution in the country. A statement issued by Senior Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Mallam Garba Shehu, quoted the President as saying, “I wish to remind you of the Federal Government’s commitment to overhaul the rules of engagement and improve operational and legal mechanisms so that disciplinary steps are taken against proven human rights violation by the armed forces. “We are committed to a thorough investigation of recent and any future occurrences of human rights violations by elements of our Armed Forces. “While I applaud the integrity and sterling record of the Armed Forces as an institution, this administration will insist on the rule of law, and deal with any proven cases of deviation from laws of armed conflict, including human rights abuses. “In operational conduct ,Nigerians expect our Armed Forces to keep law and order, and not to behave like bullies. “Let me reiterate this administration’s commitment to due process, merit and total observance of the rule of law as central pillars of a prosperous and democratic society. “Rule of law as an element of good governance applies to the Armed Forces as much as any institution in our country. It is therefore gratifying that all three Services have recently taken steps to emphasise strict adherence to rules in recruitment, promotions, procure-

ment, project executions and civil-military relations,” the President said at the passing out of Officer Cadets of the NDA’s 62 Regular Course and Short Service Course 43. Observing that security remains the most important challenge in his administration’s “Change” Programme, President Buhari said that the nation expects exemplary conduct and professionalism from officers and men of its Armed Forces at all times and in all situations. “The objectives our fight against terrorism cannot be realised without a credible and effective military. You must avoid any behaviour that will tarnish your honour and dignity as commissioned officers. “Your commitment and loyalty to the Armed Forces and the nation must be total. I urge you to take your roles in the ongoing process of rebuilding our Armed Forces very seriously,” Buhari told the newly-commissioned officers. Declaring that the Federal Government was pleased with the Armed Forces’ resolve to end the insurgency facing the country once and for all, the President assured them of his administration’s determination to ensure the speedy provision of platforms and equipment they require for winning the war against terrorism and meeting their long term needs. Meanwhile, the Chief of Air Staff, CAS, Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar, yesterday charged operatives of the Nigerian Air Force, NAF, to be in readiness for deployment in the North-East for the ongoing onslaught to bring Boko Haram insurgency to an end. He gave this charge while addressing troops after the 10 kilometer route march exercise in Abuja. The charge is coming less than 24 hours after the NAF said it was rotating its ground fighting troops who have spent over six months in the Operation Lafiya Dole, in North-East. Already, the NAF had commenced the airlift of its weary troops from the

Boko Haram: Air Chief charges personnel to be ready for N’East operations

battlefield back to their bases and units and would replace them with new troops to enhance battle efficiency. Represented by the Chief of Policy and Plans, COPP, Air Vice Marshal, AVM James Gbum, the

CAS said such route marches were imperative to keeping troops at alert and physically fit, ready for battles at all times. “As you know, we are fighting insurgency; we have to always be ready. Anyone can be called

upon at any time, you must be ready”, he said. Troops took off from Mogadishu Cantonment and marched to Niger Barracks where they initiated a reverse to the take-off point. The personnel would

also embark on an annual 10 kilometers walk/ jog slated for a later date within this month. Both officers including those of Air ranks as well as Airmen and women participated in the exercise.

The moment after a crane was struck by lightning and crashed through the ceiling of the Grand Mosque of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, the largest mosque in the world, killing dozens on Friday afternoon.

Saraki condemns bombing of Yola IDP camp


enate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, yesterday lamented the bomb explosion that reportedly killed 14 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and injured 13 others inside the Malkohi camp in Yola, Adamawa State.

The Senate President, in a statement from his media office, condemned in strong terms the Yola blast, saying the inhuman act could only have been perpetrated by sadists and evil people now facing im-

minent defeat. Saraki said: “My prayers go out to the victims of the attacks at the largest IDPs camp located in Yola. The IDPs in the North-East need our support now more than ever. The insurgents have resorted to cowardly methods because they are being routed by our military. “We must continue to pray for the success of the ongoing military efforts against the insurgents. We urge the Nigerian mil-

itary to remain resolute and focused because we are definitely witnessing the last days of Boko Haram in our country.” He called on the security agencies and even ordinary Nigerians across the country to increase their vigilance and awareness by preventing Boko Haram renegades from taking cover in their midst to carry out such dastardly acts in future. He added: “We must not be deceived by these pock-

ets of attacks on innocent citizens and IDPs alike by the insurgents because this attack represents the last desperate act of a dying evil organisation now facing the full heat of our gallant troops. “Our troops have demonstrated in no unmistakable terms that they are ready to keep a date with the December ultimatum given to the newly decorated Service Chiefs to crush the insurgents by President Muhammadu Buhari.

Ooni: Selection processes start BOLADALE BAMIGBOLA OSOGBO


rocesses to fill the throne vacated recently by the late Ooni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijuade, may have formally begun during the weekend with the resolve by Osun State Government to write Giesi Ruling House to present candidates. Among the four ruling houses in Ile Ife, namely: Lafogido, Ogboru, Oshinkola and Giesi, only the latter has not produced a monarch in over a century. The last Ooni to have emerged from Giesi Ruling House, Derin Ologbenla, who was described as a warrior, reigned between 1880 and govt writes Giesi Ruling House 1894. Sunday Mirror, yesterday evening learnt that at a meeting held at Oke Fia, Osun Government House late Friday, Osun State Government resolved to write Giesi Ruling House to submit names of qualified candidates for the throne. Reliable sources who told our correspondent that the meeting was attended by the kingmakers and government officials, said the search for the next Ooni was narrowed down to only Giesi Ruling House. This was according to a source at the meeting, in accordance with the 1979 and 1980 Ife Chieftaincy Decla-

ration, which allows for rotational ascendancy of the throne among the four ruling houses. It was further learnt that the state government resolved that it would not entertain or consider candidates from other ruling houses in Ile-Ife in the selection process. An official of Osun State Ministry of Home Affairs, Culture and Tourism, who preferred anonymity, told our correspondent yesterday that a letter inviting Giesi Ruling House to present candidates for the stool would be forwarded to the ruling house by Monday. Explaining how the next Ooni would emerge, an Ile Ife

traditional title holder, who does not want to be named, said the two highest-ranked chiefs in the town, Obalufe, the leader of chiefs on the right hand side and Lowa, the leader of the chiefs on the left hand side of Ooni, upon receipt of the names of candidates from the ruling house that will fill the throne and after consulting Ifa, will meet and choose who will be the monarch. He added that should they disagree, the two chiefs will consult three other chiefs behind each of them on both right and left and later vote. He further said a new monarch will emerge before the month end.



Sunday September 13, 2015

Sunday Mirror

Saudi Arabia begins enquiry into Mecca ’s Grand Mosque disaster death toll hits 107, three Nigerians injured ROTIMI FADEYI ABUJA


audi Arabia has begun an investigation into why a crane collapsed in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, killing at least 107 people. The huge red crane crashed into a part of the Grand Mosque as it was filled with worshippers. Officials say strong winds and heavy rains caused the crane to fall. Correspondents say there have previously been concerns about safety records on Saudi construction sites. The Grand Mosque, known as the Masjid al-

Haram, is the largest mosque in the world and surrounds Islam ’s holiest place, the Kaaba. At least 230 people were injured in the incident. It is unclear how many people were hurt by the collapse or the stampede that followed it. The incident happened at 17:23 local time (14:23 GMT) on Friday. Videos posted online showed the moment the structure collapsed, with a loud crash followed by panic and shouting. Bodies and blood could be seen on the floor of the mosque. The head of Saudi Arabia ’s civil defence agency, Lt. Sulayman Bin-Abdul-

lah al-Amr, said an investigation was being carried out to assess the damage, and the “extent of the safety of these sites ”. Essam al-Ghalib, a Jeddah-based journalist, said the crane fell through the outer ring of the Grand Mosque and punctured through the roof sending down tonnes of cement and debris onto people either praying or walking through. Mecca is currently preparing for the annual Muslim Hajj pilgrimage. Up to two million people are expected to arrive in the Saudi city from all over the world later this month. Irfan Al-Alawi, from the

Islamic Heritage Research Foundation, told the BBC that the Grand Mosque is currently surrounded by 15 large cranes amid major redevelopment work. “The entire area is like a salvage yard, ” Mr AlAlawi said. “Saudi Arabia has to rethink its health and safety strategy, ” he said, “as there were 800,000 people in the mosque area at the time of the accident. ” The original parts of the Grand Mosque date back 1,400 years. Consisting of a large square surrounded by covered prayer areas, the building has since been extensively modernised, notably from

the mid-20th Century. Saudi authorities began a major expansion of the site last year to increase the area of the mosque by 400,000 square metres (4.3 million square feet), to allow it to accommodate up to 2.2 million people at once. However, President Muhammadu Buhari has commiserated with his Majesty, King Salman, the people of Saudi Arabia and the worldwide Islamic community over the tragic loss of lives in the incident. As details of the deaths and injuries sustained in the unfortunate incident unfold, Buhari has directed the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Nigerian Embassy in Saudi Arabia to closely monitor developments and take necessary action to ensure the security and well-being of all Nigerian pilgrims. A statement issued yesterday by Senior Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Mallam Shehu Garba, said the President also urged all Nigerians to pray for

the continued safety of their compatriots who are currently in Saudi Arabia for this year ’s Hajj. He prayed that Allah would receive the souls of those killed in the incident and grant the injured speedy recovery. Also, Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki, yesterday commiserated with the Saudi Arabian authorities and the Muslim Ummah over the tragic incident. He specifically bemoaned the Saudi Arabian grand mosque tragedy and the attendant loss of lives and destruction coming two weeks to a period where hundreds of thousands of Islamic faithful are expected to gather at the holy mosque for this year ’s pilgrimage. Saraki called on the Saudi authorities and other relevant stakeholders to do all that is necessary to ensure the safety of citizens and pilgrims in the holy city before, during and after the hajj exercise. “My heart goes out to those who lost their lives. I pray for quick recovery for the injured, ” he stated.

Assemblies of God crisis: Northern leaders sue for peace JAMES ABRAHAM JOS

C L-R: Former Minister of National Planning, Dr. Shamsudeen Usman; Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo; Executive Director, TGI Group, Mr. Farouk Gumel; Benue State Governor Samuel Ortom and his Bauchi counterpart, Mohammed Abubakar, during the Northern Re-Awakening Summit in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

Osinbajo laments high poverty rate in the North ROTIMI FADEYI


ice-President Yemi Osinbajo yesterday lamented the high poverty rate in the North, saying that the human development indices in the northern states are by far poorer than the rest of the country. A statement issued by Senior Special Adviser to the Vice-President on Media and Publicity, Laolu Akande, said Osinbajo spoke at the opening of Northern Reawakening Forum (NRF) Summit in Abuja.

The Vice-President said: “The northern states occupy about 70 per cent of the land mass of the country; they also have the highest infant and maternal mortality rates in the country, the lowest rate of child enrolment in schools, highest number of unemployed young people, highest levels of poverty and faces the challenge of inter-ethnic and inter-religious conflict, including the Boko Haram terrorism. ” Osinbajo stated that the Northern Nigerian Economic Summit of 2012 was the first forum to

draw attention to some of the depressing statistics about the condition of the North, saying that based on the conclusions of the summit, the North had some of the largest numbers of the out-of-school figures in the world. Osinbajo observed that the situation was the same across the country, stressing that the challenges are only different in degrees He expressed concern that Nigeria was “desperately poor ” in spite of a population of 170 million and considered as the sixth largest producer of oil with over a hundred

varieties of solid minerals and precious metals, hundreds of thousands of hectares of arable land and the largest economy in Africa. The Vice-President was, however, optimistic that as dismal as some of the conditions might be, it does not have to define the future of the nation and that of the children still growing up in the country. Osinbajo called on Nigerian leaders to aspire to win the heart of the people rather than enrich themselves with state resources.

hristian leaders in the North at the weekend expressed concern over the crisis which has engulfed the Assemblies of God Church in the country. They noted that the Pentecostal church had been propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ since it was established in 1934 and such should not allow anything capable of discouraging fellowship among believers. It will be recalled that the church has been enmeshed in leadership crisis since 2013 The crisis which centred on who is the authentic General Superintendent of the church has produced factions, one led by Rev. Paul Emeka while the other is led by Rev. Chidi Okoroafor, a development which has equally polarised members The Christian leaders at a press conference in Jos maintained that they were for reconciliation and peace despite the process employed by the oth-

er group in removing Rev. Paul Emeka as the General Superintendent which they described as wrong. Rev Baba Fada from Katsina who spoke on behalf of his colleagues said: “As leaders of Assemblies of God in the Northern region, our position is that we remain for reconciliation and peace. We stand unequivocally behind the leadership of Rev. Paul Emeka as General Superintendent. “Our stance is premised on the fact that the process employed by the other faction in removing him is unconstitutional and therefore null and void. We therefore call on our fellow brothers from the other faction to come back and let ’s continue in the Lord ’s vineyard as coworkers ” The leaders also condemned the use of suspension by the other faction as a tool to cast aspersion and intimidate other members not in their group and called members to disregard such suspension purported to have been slammed on any pastor or member.

Sunday Mirror


Sunday September 13, 2015


Kidnapped columnist, Kogbara freed after 14 days DENNIS NAKU



ort Harcourt-based Vanguard Newspapers columnist, Ms. Donu Kogbara, has regained her freedom after spending 14 days in captivity. This is as her abductors said they were after treasury looters in the state. Kogbara, who was snatched from her residence at Nkpogu, in Port Harcourt on Sunday, August 30, regained her freedom at about 10 p.m. on Friday. Speaking to journalists at her residence yesterday, the renowned columnist described her experience in the hands of her abductors as harrowing.

Her words: “I am shaken, starved and it was harrowing. I am just trying to recover because I was confined in a very small space. ” While thanking journalists and members of the public for the concern regarding her plight, she expressed happiness that she came out alive. “I am happy to say that I have been released alive despite all that I lost in the cause of the robbery that preceded my abduction. ” Asked if her kidnapping has political undertone, Ms. Kogbara answered in the negative, but said the bandits had grudges against some politicians in the state. “No, I don ’t see any politician behind the mask.

Though, I have to tell you that, these boys claimed that they had helped certain politicians win elections in the past. “It is so sad because I have spent many years fighting for the betterment of Niger Delta region. It is unfortunate that

I became a victim of such attack. “But they (her abductors) told me they are waging war against some politicians who they claim have looted public funds and do not care about them, even after working for them to win elections, ”

Kogbara said. Kogbara had worked for the BBC, Channel 4, the Sunday Times and the Mail and has been reporting for Vanguard newspapers for about 30 years. Meanwhile, the State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Musa Kimo, who vis-

ited Kogbara at her residence yesterday, said her release was his happiest moment. Kimo assured Rivers people that the Police would not relent in their fight against crime and all forms of criminal activities.

Waku blasts Ezeife over marginalisation claim HENRY IYORKASE


enator Joseph Kennedy Waku has taken a swipe at the the former governor of Anambra State, Chief Chukwuemeka Ezeife, for insisting that the Igbo race were deprived the appointment of Secretary to the Government of the Federation by President Muhammadu Buhari in recent cabinet appointments. Waku, who spoke to Sunday Mirror at the weekend in Makurdi, the Benue State capital, reminded the former Anambra governor of the alleged coup which he masterminded during the election campaigns when he rallied support against President Buhari alongside with his allies and voted massively for the Peoples Democratic Party ’s presidential candidate in the last general elections. The controversial senator stated that today the former governor is crying of deprivation and marginalisation but he should have known that even in democracy, when you embark on coup and fail to achieve the result, invariably you suffer the consequence thereafter. “To say the least, coup d ’état is not only peculiar to military alone, even in democratic setting one

can along with his people embark on a coup by voting for an individual or a particular section of his choice and if the desire is not achieved, you stand on your own and that is the implication of his action, ” Waku said. The former governorship aspirant on the platform of All Progressives Congress in Benue State contended that the entirety of the Igbo race as a nation had eminent people who are good enough to make the position of Secretary to the Government of the Federation but that Ezeife should not champion the crusade as he had contributed immensely to jeopardising of their (Igbo) case. Commenting on the ongoing war against corruption, the elder statesman reasoned that despite the challenges associated with the policy, the Federal Government would achieve its desired objectives. “Frankly, the government is already succeeding in the quest to wipe out corruption by every ramification, I do know that it is a Herculean task but it must be achieved. Anyone with skeletons in his cupboard, if you refuse to present yourself for scrutiny when sought, then the society will go against you. It is a task that collectively must be accomplished. ”

L-R: Provost, Anti-Corruption Academy of Nigeria, Prof. Sola Akinrinade; Chairman, Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), Barr. Ekpo Nta and member, Osun House of Assembly, Hon. Olatunbosun Oyintiloye, during the a capacity building workshop on transparency and accountability for members of houses of assembly of states in the South West geo-political zone ...recently.

I ’m not on the run -Kuku, ex-amnesty boss OMEIZA AJAYI


ormer head of the amnesty programme under the immediate past administration of president Goodluck Jonathan has disclosed his readiness to cooperate with interrogators at the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission EFCC, saying he is not on the run. Kingsley Kuku, who was special adviser to the expresident on Niger Delta Affairs, said he was currently recuperating in a hospital in the United States of America after going under the knife for a knee problem.

He however tasked the anti-graft agency to be more professional in handling his case, urging them not to tamper with the bank account of his charity organisation, Keketobou Care Foundation. According to him, the foundation was established to assist indigent students and other vulnerable groups in the society, saying, there was no public fund in the charity account, which has helped to offer succour to its target population. Kuku was reacting to reports that the EFCC had frozen the accounts of close allies of former president Jonathan, including

that of the Keketobou Care Foundation. He said there were no government funds in the said account, which had a total deposit of N720, 484.00 as at the end of July this year. According to Kuku, the amount found in the account was the proceeds of his book: ‘Remaking the Niger Delta: Challenges and Opportunities ’, which he presented to the public in Lagos last year. He said before now, he had used his personal earnings and other donations by well-wishers to fund the account so as to provide enough funds for

buying JAMB forms for poor indigenes of Ondo State and provide support to poor widows, women and traders in the state. “I have always been using the Keketobou Care Foundation to help the poor and there is no evidence that the account has ever been funded with government money, as the records would show, ” Kuku said. He described as unfortunate any attempt by the EFCC or any other anticraft agency to flag the account, saying that it was a politically-motivated move to implicate him and others who work with Jonathan.

Guaranty Trust Bank empowers female entrepreneurs JOHNSON OKANLAWON


uaranty Trust Bank has partnered, She Leads Africa, an organisation geared towards beaming a spotlight on women, who are driving Africa ’s growth through leadership. Now in its second edition, the initiative which is sponsored by the bank, recognises women who are

providing a veritable platform for young female entrepreneurs to grow their businesses across Africa and compete for $10,000 in cash prizes, direct access to investors and international media exposure. Co-founder of She Leads Africa, Mr. Yasmin BeloOsagie, said t this year, applications were received from over 400 startups in 20 countries before six finalists were selected. They are Beauty Rev

NG, Heat Free Hair, Heels In the Kitchen, InstaHealth, Kamokini and Omolata. According to her, the selected outfits are expected to pitch their businesses to a panel of leading business personalities including Segun Agbaje, the Managing Director of Guaranty Trust Bank and Mr. Tunde Folawiyo, the Managing Director of Folawiyo Group. Others are Huda Al La-

wati, Abraaj Capital Midle East and North Africa Chief Investment Officer; Acha Leke, Director, Mckinsey and Company; Mo Abudu, Founder of Ebony Life TV. He said: “We are very excited about the judging panel for this year ’s She Leads Africa Entrepreneur Showcase. The panel is made up of established and well-respected individuals from the consulting, media and finance sectors.



Sunday Mirror


Legislators will support Buhari in anti-corruption war –Wayo

Are you willing to use provisions in the 1999 Constitution as Amended to make a case for the Delineation of your Federal Constituency or to push for the splitting of your federal constituency into two? I will not push for delineation, because this one (Ushongo Federal Constituency), was there before, and we don ’t know why it was joined to the Kwande Local government to form a single Federal Constituency. So I will, instead push for the restoration


Barr. Benjamin Iorember Wayo represents Kwande/Ushongo Federal Constituency of Benue State in the House of Representatives. In this interview with TORDUE SALEM, he expresses his satisfaction with President Muhammadu Buhari ’s antigraft war, his decision to head the Ministry of Petroleum, the Legislative Agenda of the 8th House of Representatives, and makes a few suggestions on how the anti-sleaze battle of the government can succeed. What is your Legislative Agenda for the 8th Assembly ? My Legislative agenda is not different from the legislative agenda of the House drawn by the Speaker, Hon. Yakubu Dogara and adopted by the House. My legislative agenda for my constituency is to ensure that their interests are taken care of. Benue State, particularly, my constituency, is a constituency that depends solely on Agriculture, and so legislatively, we will see how we can help them to boost production, feed our people and also draw economic independence for the individuals and then for the State in general. Another agenda that I have for my constituency is the creation or restoration of Ushongo Federal Constituency as a separate federal constituency from Kwande Federal Constituency as it was before the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC joined it to Kwande to form Kwande/Ushongo Federal Constituency. They were two: Ushongo used to have its Federal Constituency and Kwande also had its Federal Constituency, but subsequently this was merged together. And that is why you have Kwande/Ushongo Federal Constituency. Another issue is the poor state of the roads; the community roads in my constituency, and as I earlier told you, our people depend solely on Agriculture, and when these farm produce are out, there are no roads thorough which to convey to the markets and sell. These are part of my agenda for my federal constituency.



Wa ayo

of Ushongo Federal Constituency, separate from Kwande Federal Constituency. The House would, in a few weeks time, announce the Heads of Committees, why would be your advice to the leadership of the House on how to go about carrying out this exercise? Oversight is an important function that is constitutionally allowed. Without it, legislative business will not be complete. It is just to ensure that government ministries, government various agencies, are doing what they are supposed to do to ensure that there is a zero-tolerance for corruption. As a lawyer, I will be expecting the leadership of the House to do everything within the law. I will suggest that each Committee should have a lawyer or two. I am not saying that other members cannot perform well without a lawyer, but they can perform better with lawyers, because lawyers will guide them accordingly on matters of law. As for whether I would be asking for who would head a particular committee, I don ’t think that is for me to decide. I can only advise that the right people are chosen for the Committees. The Honourable Speaker, is a lawyer and a sound gentleman whose judgment we can rely on in appointing Committee Chairmen for the various Committees. Ultimately, this is about service to our country, so I think that should be the

primary focus of members of the House. The government of President Buhari has directed the Army to start producing arms in Nigeria do you think that policy is right and important at this time? Yes, it is wonderful. I am not against it, because I think that if arms and ammunition are produced locally or manufactured here, it will help the country better to check the production and proliferation of illegal arms and ammunition and their possession. Because if arms and ammunition are locally produced, if the government is a serious government, it will be able to monitor how this arms are distributed in the society, so that if anything happens, the security agency will be able to trace where it is coming from and who is responsible and up to the extent of where they purchased these arms. So it is a wonderful thing. But if you depend on importation of arms, you might not even know the person that purchased certain arms. Last time we learnt that some people went to South Africa to purchase arms and they were caught. So if they had succeeded in purchasing the arms without the knowledge of the government, or rather without the knowledge of the security agencies, they could use it anyhow, without the knowledge of the government and nobody would be able to trace it to them, not to talk of even arresting and prosecuting them. So it is important to commend Mr.

President for the directive. I think that Nigeria has the capacity to produce arms for the use of the country against insurgency and for the purpose of defending the sovereignty of this country. In my Constituency for example, from the Kwande axis, we are faced with a lot of insecurity issues. We share borders with Cameroun on that side and there is a complete absence of border security by the security agencies in that area. What that means is that my people stand the risk of being attacked at anytime by terrorists from across Cameroon, which shares bothers with us on that side. These people, as we speak have continued to attack communities and villages around the Kwande area, destroying farms and property. I must say that they are the people attacking us are not even Fulani people. They are not; they are foreigners from Cameroon and Chad, hiding under the Fulani people to inflict chaos on the people of Benue, especially my constituency. And these criminals are aided by the proliferation of arms acquired illegally. So I am happy that the government of President Buhari has started addressing this problem with the directive that arms should be produced within Nigeria. So for me, the next level, should be to secure the borders of my constituency and other borders in the country, to protect lives and property. What is your take on the President ’s setting up of a Corruption Advisory Committee, do you think it ’s necessary and legal, considering that we already have the ICPC and the EFCC already constituted to fight corruption? I don ’t think there is anything or anybody barring the President from setting up an advisory Committee on corruption. More so that one of the items on his main Agenda is to fight corruption. I am not unaware that we have ICPC, we have the Police Force, and other agencies that can tackle corruption, we also have anti-corruption committees in the House and the Senate, but the issue of corruption requires urgency, and I think when the Committees in the House are set up, they will look into the President ’s decision in detail.

Sunday Mirror



Buhari goes to Paris P 12 & 53




Buhari and controversy over 100 days ’ promises




he concept of 100 days in office was an American creation but has been adopted in almost all the democratic countries. It began when United States President, Franklin Roosevelt used the period of 100 days in trying to set the agenda for the American people during the period of great depression. He created his famous ‘New Deal ’ Agenda for them and within that period American morale was lifted up. Within those 100 days, he was able to make the congress pass up to 15 executive bills for him and these bills till today are still subsisting in the US constitution.


Alhaji Muhammadu Buhari was sworn-in on May 29, 2015 and it was the first time an opposition party will take over power from an incumbent president. Upon assumption of office expectations of Nigerians were high and his party loyalists have promised that he (Buhari) would hit the ground running immediately he was sworn-in. Buhari ’s presidency came at a time the hope of him becoming Nigerian president had become forlorn. He had contested three times earlier, with the Peoples Democratic Party ’s candidates and lost. The most recent was the factionalisation of the All Nigeria ’s Peoples Party in 2011 by the PDP, when they

realised that Buhari ’s popularity had become a phenomenon, forcing him to contest on the platform of newly formed Congress for Progressives Change, CPC. Though many people see a period of 100 days as too early to assess a president ’s performance but the tradition of 100 days was harped on by the main opposition party, the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, who said Buhari has walked back from another batch of promises, many of which were supposed to be carried out within the first 100 days of the new government. However the presidency and the Buhari ’s party, APC had denied that he made any promises for 100 days. CONTINUED ON PAGE 12

‘National Assembly should be allowed to run itself ’ P 13 Briefly

NCGG alleges Echocho orchestrated shift in Kogi PDP guber primaries


he National Chairman of Network for Change and Good Governance, NCGG, Comrade Ismaila Yusuf Atumeyi, has alleged that the governorship aspirant of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Alhaji Jibrin Isah Echocho, orchestrated the postponement of the party ’s Kogi primaries to favour his ambition. Speaking to newsmen in Lokoja at the weekend, Atumeyi, who berated the PDP NWC over the postponement of the primaries, asserted that the action was a sign of obvious weakness of the political strength of Echocho and his inability to win elections in a free and fair contest. According a him, “While Echocho ’s few supporters, including Smart Adeyemi, had arrived Lokoja for September 10, 2015 primaries and waiting to accept their fate, Echocho went wild as usual shouting that the governor was planning to disrupt the scheduled primaries. ” “When the PDP organised ward and state congresses, Echocho stayed back in Abuja. PDP organised delegate election, he stayed back in Abuja. His reason is simple, he hopes to get his way through unfair means. January 2011 PDP primaries that purportedly prodded Echocho as flagbearer was actually won by Alhaji Isa Kutepa but this type of politics gave it to Echocho, ” Atumeyi alleged. “We are fully aware that Abujabased Kogi politicians cum moneybags are the ones bankrolling this type of shenanigan at the national secretariat of the PDP. These are politicians that have been wholly rejected by Kogi people “God and Kogi people are well pleased with incumbent Governor Idris Wada and insha Allah he will overcome these spent forces ”, the NCGG chairman said.






uhammadu Buhari, the President of Nigeria says something almost sub-consciously that underscores the philosophy of the foreign policy of his administration: that it is more cost effective, politically and economically to be at peace with your neighbours. This, he once explained, “is something I learnt from the army ”. President Buhari put this principle to immediate practice when he assumed office. On his fourth day in office after inauguration, he embarked on his foreign policy, visiting this country ’s immediate neighbours, Niger, Chad and Cameroon, which was stood down at the last minute due to other pressing international engagements. It is important that we have a government at this time that realizes how country ’s domestic progress is linked to how it conducts its foreign policy. Students of international relations will not, however, give full marks to President Buhari in attempting to reset our relationships with the French-speaking neighbouring countries without talking to their metropolitan headquarters in Paris. Without meaning to belittle the flag and independence of the countries that surround us, history teaches that the safest, quickest and cost-effective way to an enduring relationship with them is the path that takes you through Paris. If President Buhari should therefore reshape the texture and contours of the relationship with France, Nigeria can alter the sub-regional dynamic to everyone ’s benefit. Against this background, the oncoming g three-day y State visit to France by y

Sunday September 13, 2015 President Muhammadu Buhari starting on Monday should raise expectations of economic and strategic announcements. It is equally important that the French President, Francois Holland, who is one of the better performing leaders of Europe had been among the very early world leaders to call and congratulate our President upon his historic victory in the elections. In that conversation, he said two things that were noteworthy. One, he offered the friendship and partnership of France in President Buhari ’s plan to rid Nigeria of terrorism and rebuild the country economically. His pronouncement that relations between our two countries are “strategic ” has equally excited the Nigerian foreign policy establishment. It points to Nigeria ’s opportunity. In my layman ’s understanding of the internationalization process, a strategic relationship between two countries presupposes that although they will keep their separate identities, the two states in that kind of relationship are ready to share almost everything. The second thing President Hollande said to our then President-elect was, “come to France, and let us host you to a bilateral discussion. ” From here, Hollande, Germany ’s Angela Merkel, Britain ’s David Cameron and Obama encouraged President Buhari to, on getting into office put together a “wish list ” of his government and country and table it at the “G7 ” meeting in German early in June, with a promise to come to the aid of our country. In dealing with Europe as an entity, most foreign policy experts will recommend that you stay focused on France and Germany y. The United Kingdom, g ,

Sunday Mirror



through this country ’s longest-standing partner, is not the one you can bet on because of their own ambivalence towards Europe. With one leg in and one leg out, the English are still debating among themselves whether to stay in Europe as a community or get out. It is equally fundamental that France ’s investment on the African continent is

Buhari with world d leaders

the largest in Nigeria. And it is still growing. French interests here are strongly represented by such companies as Total, ELF, LaFarge, Societe-General, SCOA and so on.

President and controversy ove CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11

There were two documents allegedly made by Buhari during his campaign concerning what he intends to achieve in his 100 days. One is My Covenant with Nigerians and What Nigerians should expect from Buhari ’s first 100 days in office. These documents were believed to have been widely circulated during the Presidential campaign. But the APC spokesman, Alhaji Lai Mohammed said that he was “not aware that Buhari promised to deliver anything in his first 100 days ”. Mohammed said: “The truth of the matter is that there is no document in existence that talks about the 100 days. You can go to the internet and see all kinds of forged documents. I can tell you that as a spokesperson of the party. Two, as a member of the transition committee, there is no such document. “How could the president in Chatham House less than four weeks to the election say that he does not believe in 100 days? I am saying that you cannot get into APC website and find anything like that. I was not just the spokesperson of the party, I know that at no time, there no document authored either by the party or by the president or by the campaign organization of what the president is to do in 100 days. “Like Femi (Adesina) and Shehu Garba said. In the heat of the campaign, we had so many support groups. In fairness





to them, many of them were simply patriotic and were committed to our cause. But they did not always represent either the party or the candidate. During the campaign, I opened newspapers and I saw campaign adverts that I did not even know the groups that were behind then. I did not know the source of funding. But don ’t forget I came here long before the campaign and I said that the APC is not just a local party but a movement. That is like the entire thing has been hijacked. That it ’s being driven not even by the party people but by a lot of volunteers. That kind of thing happens and we have no regret about it. But what we are saying and we insist is that there could be a lot of hysteria over this 100 days thing but the truth of the matter is that there is no document unless, it is forged that says

that the president will do certain things in 100 days. Mohammed however said he was very proud of what the president has done so far. “There is paradigm shift in Nigeria. If there is anything, Nigerians feel today that Nigeria is no longer on auto pilot. Which means somebody is in charge. A very competent person is in charge. Nigerians today are going to see that corruption is a vice. Before now, we are celebrating corrupt people. They were the toast of the society. Today, nobody wants to associate with them. I am not surprised that corruption is fighting back, it is to be expected. Don ’t forget that corruption has a large followership in Nigeria and a very strong foundation ”, he said.

Moh hammed d

Also the one of the spokesmen of the President has insisted that President Muhammadu Buhari never promised Nigerians during his electioneering campaign any specific achievements of his government in 100 days. Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Mallam Garba Shehu, told Nigerians to ignore claims that the President made such promises. While reacting to reports that Buhari promised some specific achievements in 100 days,

Sunday Mirror


Sunday September 13, 2015


‘National Assembly should be allowed to run itself ’ Dr Godwin Dibe, a political philosopher, was a House of Representative aspirant in Imo State. In this interview with journalists in Lagos, he speaks on issues of national importance. Ayo Esan brings the excerpts. You aspired to represent the Orlu Federal Constituency under the PDP. What was your experience like? You are right I contested for the House of Representatives slot under the PDP and won the primaries for the Orlu Federal Constituency. However, the party did not sent my name to the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC. The case is in the court because I went to the court to seek redress. I am at the Federal Court Abuja. I went to court in December 2014 and I am still in the court. What is your assessment of Governor Rochas Okorocha ’s government in Imo State Rochas made his money through the PDP and carried the money to APC as an angel. He made money through contracts he got under PDP and went to the APC and got baptised, he is a clever person. Nothing has changed, this is worse, because now there is no local government structure; the whole government money is in one account under his control. He is my brother and I can ’t run him down There is no local government chairmen. In the 27 local governments nothing is happening. He appoints his headmasters who collect money for him and he gives them stipends and the remaining goes into his accounts. At the federal level, the appointments by President Muhammadu Buhari are generating so much heat because many believe it is lopsided. The South-East has been excluded from the appointment so far. How will you react to this? Buhari is like Machiavelli, the end justifies the means. His politics is not morality. Buhari is in his own world, small world, political world. I am talking to you as a scholar, as a political philosopher, he has his own agenda, tell him what to do, he goes back to create his own agenda. The only thing I know is that he is not corrupt. He is a good man but he is a scholar of Machiavelli, the end justifies the means. He doesn ’t know about morality. But in philosophy there is the need for human face, there is need for morality, otherwise you are dealing with animals. And Nigerians are not animals. The end justifies the means, as you do some policies, you must look at people ’s face so that you don ’t treat them like animals because of reactions that may aggravated to things you don ’t expect because human beings are wicked, never underrate them. Don ’t underrate any tribe, anything that is meant for them, give to them. You must always give that which belongs to an individual or a tribe their share. He neglected the Igbos and the gods of the Igbos are crying, they are not happy. He insulted the tribe called Igbos. How can he appoint all the choice appointments without an Ibo man, even a native doctor? So he doesn ’t have any friend among the Ibos. It is an historical abomi-

Dib be

EVEN THE SOUTH WEST IS FORGOTTEN, THE SOUTHERNERS ARE FORGOTTEN. IT SHOULD BE 50-50 AND THIS IS WHY WE FOUND SOUTHERN LEADERS FORUM. WE WANT EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF POWER, MINISTERIAL APPOINTMENTS, AND CABINETS nation. But we should allow him to take his time. Elders make mistake and they correct themselves. Somebody should have reminded him; by saying Baba don ’t you remember the South East? Even the South West is forgotten, the southerners are forgotten. It should be 50-50 and this is why we found southern leaders forum. We want equitable distribution of power, ministerial appointments, and cabinets, everything 50-50, which is why we have federal character. We must respect the constitution. It is not a freestyle wrestling; you go and do what you like. The crisis that recently happened at the National Assembly where the APC directed that some individuals should be appointed as the principal leaders of the national assembly but the senators and members of the House jettisoned the decision of the party. And they took their own decisions independent of the party ’s directive. What is your position on this as a political philosopher? I was in the AD with Chief OdigieOyegun, a very intelligent man. I don ’t

know what led him into that because I see him as a very principled man, like Ezeife. These are principled people and we were together in the same party. After Sunday Mass in the Catholic Church, in the Anglican Church, Pentecostal , all the churches, the entire people in the community will remain Amaala. The party is a vehicle that has taken them to the point of entry in the National Assembly. The vehicle dropped them there, they carried their brief cases and they told the vehicle bye -bye. The vehicles have finished their jobs and the vehicles turned backed to their destination, the party headquarters. They have no business to interfere in the internal mechanism of the National Assembly. Either Odigie-Oyegun has forgotten because I believe he knows the game very well. So why asking the party to go and influence the National Assembly. If they will nominate for them why do they sent them there, to go and just be sleeping. They called it party discipline. They are violating the principle of

non-contradiction. You can ’t say yes and say no. If you help your brother to go and marry, and after he has carried his wife inside and said bye bye with his wife it is quite an abominable to go and ask them how they will sleep, leave them to go and sleep. You carry your drink and start taking it outside. So the party should go and be drinking, waiting for what will come out of it. The National Assembly should run the arrangement among themselves. They should put their house in order, that is how it is supposed to be. There should be division of labour, otherwise there will be infringement and it will not be good. I sympathize with the arrangement but it is not politics. President Buhari and his vice, Osinbajo recently declared their assets openly and people expect that the state governors should follow suit. But we are hearing that many of them are saying that they are not duty bound to announce their assets publicly, that they only need to make it known to the Code of Conduct Bureau. Do you agree with those governors? Buhari has done what he did to demonstrate his degree of sincerity; otherwise I don ’t think it is necessary to declare it publicly. You should fill the form there and it is a document between you and the Code of Conduct Bureau, if there is anything that is wrong he may be taken to the court for false declaration. Because you swear to an oath before you taking it there, it would then mean you lie under oath. So declaring it to the public is contradiction. You are contradicting the oath again; it means you don ’t trust the oath. If you swear to an oath, you respect the oath. If you violate the oath you go to prison that is the constitution. So making it public in my own view is insignificant, although I am no t a lawyer. So state governors should fill their forms and submit, making it public is to create more distractions. We are going to leave what we are doing and be talking about the state governors. We should concentrate on other things. We should create bill and send to the national assembly to make good laws. We should help the governors and the president and we should not distract them. They should be guided they are not God, they are not perfect. They should be directed and assisted. What we need now is being focus and achieving something. The PDP claims that the economy in the last three months has remained stagnant, that the only thing they have been hearing is fighting of corruption. Do you agree with the PDP ‘s position I am not a prophet of doom. But with my experience about the character of Nigerians, this corruption issue has reminded them of the syndrome of pulling him down. Those that have axe to grind with the people, they will go and dust their files and start writing petitions. They have formed association of petition writers. We are going to end up writing petition against those people. The EFCC and the ICPC will be so busy this time around, catching people here and there. They should allow the EFCC and the ICPC to do their work.



Sunday, September 13, 2015

Uncensored U nc

Sheriff S Folarin

E-mail: 07051653138(SMS only)


ust two days ago, the world and the United States of America in particular marked the fourteenth anniversary of Ground Zero. This singular episode in downtown Manhattan, New York City signposts the tragic events of September 11, 2001, in which the US suffered an unprecedented quantity and magnitude of homeland invasion in an almost impeccably coordinated act of external aggression initiated and executed by the Al-Qaeda militants. The twin tower of the World Trade Center was leveled in a hit mission by terrorists, who ran two hijacked American planes into the twin-symbol of the nation’s commanding global economic influence. The carnage saw over 3,000 people of diverse racial backgrounds being killed. The US was not only, for the very first time, under attack; but the world. Terrorism just demonstrated a new approach and killer instinct. The 9/11 attacks showed how old-fashioned plane hijack and capture of hostages with whom bargaining is done with the target nations by the terrorists, or bombing of places considered hubs of white fantasies had become. Crashing the planes and exploding bombs in high density targets with maximum amount of blood spilled was considered more effective and far-reaching in assured victory. With the Ground Zero in New York City and other hard targets, including the crashing of another plane on a part of The Pentagon (US national security coordinating centre) and the attempted crashing of another plane on the

Safety Tips with

Jonas Agwu

Email: Tel: -8033026491, 8077690055


hen I wrote on the piece,’’ Lane Indiscipline driving’’ last week, I was hoping for barrages of reactions slicing the Federal Road Safety Corps for its failure to tame such road users; I was however not prepared for the kind of surprises I received from two of my readers who stunned me by noon last Saturday by their text messages and phone calls. On that faithful Saturday, I received two pleasant text messages from two very interesting readers whose comments I will forever cherish. The first was from Sir Victor Anoliefo, who not only expressed gratitude to me for the piece but took time to do a surface critique as a guide. Sir Victor Anoliefo is the President and Founder, Abuja Literary Society. As a publisher and one whose commitment is mentoring, it was indeed a delight to have him show interest in my attempt to communicate safety ideals to the public. The second was from a reader whose details I do not know till date. This is what he said, ‘my brother, you are doing very well with the public awareness on right motoring. I just read the one on lane indiscipline driving which is very educative. I wonder whose duty is to arrest road traffic light offenders in Abuja town. The violation is done with impunity and nothing is

Sunday Mirror

From 9/11 to 9/11: What has changed? White House, it was obvious how systematic and vicious Islamic terrorism had become, which necessitated not only an American war on terror, but a redefinition of national and international security. The need to secure the homeland from the external context by combing and routing the sources of the 9/11 invasion was dire and nonnegotiable. Global security would guarantee US security, and thus, a sustained war in Afghanistan and other places considered to be the hub of Islamism would not be spared. Iraq came into the picture and was leveled. So was an attempt made to unseat dictators, such as Muammar Gadhafi and Saddam Hussein, suspected of funding Islamist terrorism and to crush Al-Qaeda, which was then believed to be the very coordinator of the global terror network. International security watch and consciousness gripped the airports with major airports of big western powers overhauling the security system as well as measures and terms. Aside the intense frisking, scanning machines and shared intelligence; the major airports also set standards for all by the listing of certain items that must no longer be carried on board. These measures have paid off in terms of prevention of a reoccurrence of the 9/11 plancrashing suicide missions of the jihadists in the US or elsewhere. There has not been another attack on the US from the outside. The 9/11 has awakened the national security experts to secure the homeland and borders more seriously and to deal with the external platforms from which terrorist attacks are launched. However, the American and allies’ war on terror in the Middle East has rather multiplied the terror theatres as well as hideouts and operating bases. The combing and destruction of the the terrorist strongholds in the Middle East has rather led to the latter’s flight to “soft” and vulnerable zones, particularly Africa. Some years after the “victory” over Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, the poorer and more susceptible states of Africa were helpless in the face of permeation,

penetration and settlement by the vicious terrorists, who even cashed in on the vulnerabilities to use African territories as recruitment and training centres, as well as fortresses as a result of the deserts and thick forests. The rise of Al-Shabbab in Somalia, AQIM in the Maghreb, Seleka in Cent-Afrique, Islamic jihadists in Mali and Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria is attributable to the relocation of dislodged terrorists from the Middle East. In spite of -and not despite- the intensified western war against terror, the Islamists have multiplied, spread more widely, operated as coordinated cells of a huge network and connect through modern technology that the western powers are yet to crack. The collaboration among Islamists becomes more worrisome by the day as they have mutual allegiance and have evolved a collective ‘security system” that the world is yet to come to grasp with. The attacks are coordinated and with precision, as they are also unfathomably vicious and capable of literally wiping out whole communities. Again, the global action and network against terrorism since 2001 has not been able to detect, intercept or stop the huge amounts of cash and hardware flowing into terrorists’ hands. They are said to be in jungles, forests, deserts and holes; yet they get unhindered access to plenty of cash and military hardware. They have access to the media and send video messages of their threats and actual killings through the social media. The degree of technology use has necessitated questions about whether the Big Boys fighting terror are not in actual fact the same ones fanning its embers and sponsoring it. While this thinking might be lame, the slow response or seeming inability to deploy all the sophisticated 21st century technological devices to trail terrorists’ movement and smash their camps often leaves much to imagination. Al-Qaeda has lost out in the “fame game” to the most murderous group in human historyISIS! The rise and notoriety of ISIS, which is

busy establishing Islamic states in the Middle East and which revels as it engages in mass beheadings of Christian targets shatters the entire theory of “war on terror”. The proliferation of ISIS groups and manifestation of their obnoxious acts in the Middle East and parts of Africa show the reckless “loss to terror”. A school of thought that the Islamist rage as exemplified by ISIS is a destabilization instrument by the powers to keep the Middle East and Africa permanently crippled might sound mischievous and unquestionably malicious; but it might not be out of place to think that places the powers had stationed their military troops in the course of “intervention” eventually got torn apart by insurgency or Islamic militancy. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia. Some “lazy” theorists even posit that the US is behind Boko Haram. While it cannot be contested that the US cannot support terror in view of its own bitter experience in 2001, it must be said that the world powers will need to do more to combat the menace and stem the tide. The manifestations of their inhuman act, such as suicide bombing of market places, churches, mosques, bus stops, shopping malls; and the raids on villages and kidnapping of soft targets such as women and children have underscored the more disturbing and ominous dimension of the whole contraption. The western world needs to share intelligence and work with the governments of the vulnerable African and Asian states to battle terrorism. The governments of these places too must be more responsible in providing good governance and social security to distract the youths from fantasizing on the idea of joining the terror movement or falling for the terror’s carrot.

• Dr. Folarin, an Associate Professor, is the Immediate Past Head of Department of Political Science and International Relations, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State.

Traffic light insanity done to such characters. I think something can be done to check the current abuse to avoid unnecessary rod crashes. The icing came from Cliff, my brother from Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), who took me to the cleaners when he challenged me to take drastic actions, pledging to back up my enforcement with detailed coverage to be aired on the NTA platform. Although I partly spoke about traffic light infraction last week, I have chosen to dwell more on it this week. When I referred to this insanity last week, this is how I captured the contents of the Revised Highway Code; ‘’When coming to a junction, obey any lane indication arrows marked on the road. These markings are also there at roundabouts, traffic light junctions and highways. At the Traffic Light at Junctions, although green light means you may go, do not go forward if other vehicles ahead are held up at the junction. When the red and amber lights are showing together you must stop. It is an offence to pass a junction when the red and amber lights are shown. Make sure you stop at the stop line (double lines) to enable you see the lights’ ‘Unfortunately it is common to see motorists treat the traffic light as a souvenir. But how bad is the traffic light infraction across the country? What percentage of drivers really jumps traffic lights? This question reminds me of a heated argument I had with Osita Chidoka, immediate past Corps Marshal of the FRSC, who during a Management meeting to consider a report on this madness sought to know my take as the spokesman of the Corps. I couldn’t hold my anger as I expressed my reservation on the finding of the commissioned

survey. My boss was quick to guide me, saying that I was reacting like every other Nigerian whose perception is based on the flip second observations while driving, noting that my views have no empirical foundation. The survey I am referring to was commissioned sometimes in 2013 to NOIPolls to do a road attitudinal survey across six locations in Nigeria to measure the level of compliance on the road. The survey according to the report was conducted across pre- identified corridors within nine hours of the day (morning, noon and evening) for twelve days. The observation monitored the following: lane discipline, seatbelt/ crash helmet compliance, compliance to overloading rules, traffic light /road signs obedience and the number plate usage. The survey was carried out in six locations; Abuja, Lagos, Owerri, Benin, Kaduna, and Gombe and was conducted via observational study. Six corridors selected by FRSC were observed across all locations and six extra corridors were added by NOI Polls, bringing the total of corridors observed to twelve. Observation was done between 8:30 am – 5:30 pm daily for 5 days during which a total of 70,180 vehicles/ bikes were observed across all six locations with 29,482 on the highway, and 40,698 on township roads. A breakdown further shows that the total number of vehicle/bikes observed by location were thus;13,426 in Abuja, 11,503 in Gombe, 11,903 in Owerri, 7936 in Benin, 10,435 in Lagos, and 14,977 in Kaduna. 83 percent of the total observed drivers/ riders obeyed road signs / traffic light with more observed on township roads (87%) than highways (77%). Abuja, the Federal

Capital Territory had 98percent which was the highest number of driver/rider that obeyed road signs/ traffic lights. The highest number of drivers/riders that obeyed road signs /traffic lights was recorded on Monday (96%) and the highest rate of obedience was shown by other car drivers/riders (86%) From the point of observation, the report shows that in Abuja, the vast majority (98%) of vehicles / bikes observed showed lane discipline. This report contradicts the position I took last week and the same position most Nigerians would bet as the reality. The survey however, showed that the highest proportion (31%) of vehicles / bikes that did not show lane discipline was recorded on Sunday while only (2%) of the observed driver/riders did not adhere to road signs/ traffic lights and of this number, tricycle riders (6%) were most disobedient to road signs / traffic light. There is no doubt that according to NOI Polls, there were limitations to the study; it was conducted by the observation of two corridors in each location, thus; concrete conclusion cannot be made for the various locations based on two corridors. The second was that lane adherence was recorded from point of observation, thus general conclusion of lane discipline cannot be made for the location. Lastly, they observed that there may be presence of observer bias during the observation.

•Agwu, an Assistant Corps Marshal, is Zonal Commanding Officer, Zone 7HQ of the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC).

Sunday Mirror


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Man in the News Mr. Babatunde Fowler

Lagos tax man goes to Abuja AYO ESAN


he recent appointment of Mr. William Babatunde Fowler as the Executive Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service, FIRS, by President Muhammadu Buhari has been hailed by many Nigerians who see him as a round peg in a round hole. The new FIRS boss, who was the Chief Executive Officer/Executive Chairman of the Lagos State Board of Internal Revenue from 2005 to 2014, replaced Sunday Ogungbesan, who has been the acting chairman of the revenue agency. Before joining the service of the Lagos State Government, Fowler worked in the banking sector for about 20 years and had long stints at Credit Lyonnais Nigeria Limited and Chartered Bank. During his tenure as the Executive Chairman of the Lagos State Board of Internal Revenue, state Internally Generated Revenue, IGR reportedly achieved a sharp increase from an average of N3.6. Billion per month in January 2006, to an average of about N20.5 billion per month in 2013. Fowler, who holds an Honorary Doctorate Degree of the Irish International University, is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria and the Business Management Association of the United Kingdom. According to a statement by the Presidential Media Adviser, Femi Adesina, Fowler will serve as Acting Executive Chairman of FIRS until his appointment is confirmed by the Senate. His appointment last month was a way of rescinded former President Goodluck Jonathan ’s last-minute appointment of Samuel Ogungbesan as Act¬ing Executive Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service, FIRS. It would be recalled that the FIRS has not had a substantive chairman since the departure of Ifueko Omogui-Okauru in 2012. Kabir Mashi succeeded Mrs. Omogui-Okauru in acting capacity and remained in that capacity till March 2015, when Jonathan appointed Ogungbesan, a Coordinat¬ing Director at FIRS to replace him. Fowler on assumption of office in Abuja shortly after taking over from Ogungbesan pledged to build a strong partnership with the relevant industry players to shore-up Nigeria ’s tax revenue and improve on the country ’s tax administration. He said the change in leadership at the revenue agency was as a result of the presidency ’s drive for maximum increase of tax revenues as the era of absolute dependency on oil proceeds was over. According to the new FIRS boss, the service must take the lead in tax revenue collection in the country. He also said that the FIRS must be

ready to share information and ideas with the States Board of Internal Revenue, SBIR, in order to take tax administration in the country to another level. “My vision and mission is neither to alter the existing management organogram structure in FIRS, nor lay-off management staff from their duty posts, but to take FIRS as well as the nation ’s tax system to an enviable height, ” Fowler declared. He said the FIRS would not be able to realise the vision and mission alone without a robust partnership and collaboration with all players within and outside the system. He said : “We must build a synergy for a healthy exchange of information between FIRS and SBIR. This synergy will produce the best form of revenue generation in the FIRS and the states in general as well as ensure that over dependency on oil revenue becomes a thing of the past, ”. He was also of the opinion that the antidote to the economic difficulty was for the Service to raise revenue accruing from tax collection to “records high ” so that government programme would be well funded. Babatunde Fowler was born to the family of Professor (Dr) and (Chief) Mrs.

W.V. Fowler both of Lagos State. He attended Igbobi in Lagos and studied in the United States of America at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, where he obtained his first bachelor ’s degree with a Bachelor of Science in Economics and a minor in Political Science in 1978. He completed a second bachelor ’s degree program at Carlifornia State University, Los Angeles and also a Master of Business Administration degree program at Carlifornia State University, Dominiguez Hills in 1981. He started out as a Marketing Intern with Avon Products Inc. New York working under the Vice President in charge of Africa. Having completed his formal education he was employed by Johnson and Johnson in New Jersey USA, under the MBA International Development Program lasting one year, thereafter he was transferred to join Johnson and Johnson Nigeria between September 1982 and September 1983. He made a career change from International Finance and Marketing to Banking in January 1984. In the banking industry he had the opportunity to work and also head broad and varied areas of banking operations and business development in two major commercial banks over the next 20 years.

He joined Commercial Bank (Credit Lyonnais Nigeria Limited) in January 1984, where he was exposed to all aspects of International Banking, Risk Management, and Clearing Operations. Positive reforms were introduced by him as the treasurer of the bank and was a foundation member and trustee of the now Money Market Association of Nigeria. His banking experience at Commercial Bank (Credit Lyonnais Nigeria Limited) came to conclusion with his last appointment as the Apapa Branch Manager, the first branch of the bank outside the head office. He left Commercial Bank in March 1990 to join Chartered Bank in April 1990 as a Senior Manager where he spent the last 14 years in the banking industry. His initial posting was as Head of Branch Network during which he successfully grew the bank ’s branches from two to 11 branches spread over the country within the first five years. He was also in charge of revenue collections for both State and Federal agencies, which he grew, placing the bank amongst the top three banks in all collections. He was able to prove himself as a seasoned banker and administrator until he left the organization as a General Manager in March 2004. After he left the banking industry in 2004, he joined the Lagos State Government and was appointed the pioneer Permanent Secretary/ Executive Chairman of the Lagos State Board of Internal Revenue on the 24th of November 2005, thereby upgrading the office of the Executive Chairman to the highest level in the Civil Service. The Board of Internal Revenue became autonomous and self accounting with the passage into law in January 2006 of the Lagos State Revenue Administration Law (The first Revenue Board to become autonomous in Nigeria) and Fowler was appointed as the pioneer Chief Executive Officer of the Lagos State Internal Revenue Service and Executive Chairman of the Lagos State Board of Internal Revenue. With the re-engineering, the new Lagos State Board of Internal Revenue has achieved between 2006 and 2013 a sharp increase in Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) from an average of N 3.6 billion per month in January 2006 to an average of over N20.5 billion per month in 2014. Fowler was awarded Honorary Senior Member of The Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria in 2004, conferred with fellowship ‘Honoris Causa ’ by Certified Board of Administrators of Nigeria in May 2007 and Professional Honorary Doctorate Degree in June 2007 by the Irish International University. He is also a Fellow of the Business Management Association (UK) and Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, and Business Management Association (UK).

Sunday Mirror



All you need to know about tuberculosis TITILOPE MORAKINYO


uberculosis, TB, is one of the oldest known human diseases and a major cause of death. More than two million people die each year from this illness. TB affects the bone, central nervous system and other organ systems, but it is primarily a pulmonary disease that is initiated by the deposition of mycobacterium tuberculosis, contained in aerosol droplets, onto lung alveolar surfaces. The progression of the disease can have several outcomes, determined by the response of the host immune system as the efficacy of this response is affected by intrinsic factors such as the genetics of the immune system. Also are extrinsic factors being invective to the immune system and the nutritional and physiological state of the host. In addition, the pathogen may play a role in disease progression since some M. tuberculosis strains are reportedly more virulent than others, as defined by increased transmissibility as well as being associated with higher morbidity and mortality in infected individuals. According to the World Health Organisation, WHO, every year, new cases of tuberculosis are verified all over the world while the devastating task of managing the ailment continues to tear homes apart. Recent statistics reveal that tuberculosis is the highest emergent bacterial infection with a 10 to 17 per cent annual growth rate. In an interview with Sunday Mirror, Dr Tayo Ajala, a medical practitioner with Great Hands Hospital, Isolo, defined tuberculosis as a bacterial infection that can spread through the lymph nodes and bloodstream to any organ in the body. “It is most often found in the lungs and people who are exposed to TB never develop symptoms because the bacteria can live in an inactive form in the body. But if the immune system weakens, such


as in people with HIV or elderly adults, TB bacteria can become active. In their active state, the bacteria can cause death of tissue in the organs they infect. However, active tuberculosis can be fatal if left untreated A bacterium that causes the ailment is transmitted through the air and makes the disease contagious while infection is most likely to occur if the carrier is exposed to someone infected on a day-today basis, such as living or working in close quarters with someone who has the active disease. Also, because the bacteria generally stay latent after they invade the body, only a small number of people infected will have the active disease. The medic said the other type called latent TB infection shows no signs and won ’t be able to spread to others, unless their disease becomes active, His words: “Symptoms of the disease include weakness or fatigue, weight loss, chest pain and a productive, prolonged cough. Occasionally people may cough up blood in small amounts and in very rare cases the infection may erode into the pulmonary artery resulting in massive bleeding. Tuberculosis is caused

by bacteria that spread from person to person through microscopic droplets released into the air. It can happen when someone with the untreated, active form of tuberculosis coughs, speaks, sneezes, spits, laughs or sings. “The bacterium grows in the lungs, and can cause symptoms such as: a bad cough that lasts three weeks or longer, pain in the chest, coughing up blood or sputum (mucus from deep inside the lungs). Other symptoms may include weakness or fatigue, weight loss, no appetite, chills, fever and sweating at night. ” He also spoke on the risk factors of the ailment, “Chronic lung disease is a risk factor while smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day increases the risk by two to four times and silicosis increases the risk about 30 fold. Other disease states that increase the risk of developing it include alcoholism and diabetes mellitus. ” The treatment depends on whether it is active or latent. When infected with the active disease, the medical practitioner goes over the risk factors for developing active TB and discusses treatment options. An antibiotic called isoniazid (INH) is often prescribed to help prevent the dor-

mant i n fection from becomi n g active. Several antibiotics are used to treat the infection and prevent resistant bacteria from emerging in the body. The most common regimen involves taking a combination of INH, priftin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol (myambutol) for three months, followed by INH and priftin to complete six to 12 months. Because active TB can be fatal if left untreated, regular monitoring and treatment by a doctor are crucial. Dr Tayo, however, said that “on how to prevent tuberculosis, it is extremely important to isolate patients and treat them effectively until the chances of them spreading the disease become negligible. At healthcare facilities, hospitals, and other treatment centres, certain standard ventilation and air purification are followed in an attempt to curb the disease from spreading further. Family and friends who are in close contact with patients diagnosed with tuberculosis are recommended to exercise additional caution while the use of antibiotics is advised as a preventive measure toward how to prevent it. It is advisable to wash your hands periodically with a disinfectant and warm water, ” Dr Tayo urged.


NABDA to establish bone marrow transplant Indian NGO sets up eye hospital in Lagos prominent he Indo Eye Care poor Nigerians to regain community, centres in Nigeria Foundation, in coop- their sight - “Mission for Nigerians and Rotary In-


ational Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA) said it would establish bone marrow transplant centres in teaching hospitals in the country ’s six geo-political zones, to cure sickle cell anaemia. Director, Medical Biotechnology of the agency, Prof. Alex Akpan, who

made this disclosure to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja, said the centres ’ headquarters would be in Abuja. “The agency is interested in bone marrow transplant, which is the only known important technology to cure sickle cell disease, common to black men all over the world. “Bone marrow technol-

ogy is very expensive and we are trying to bring the price to where it can be affordable to everyone, ” he said. Akpan said the agency was working on a plan, in which the children of the poor could access the treatment through subsidised funding compared to what would be paid by the rich.


eration with the Indian diaspora and the Rotary Club of Lagos-Palm Grove Estate, has started work on the construction of a charitable eye hospital in Lagos. Estimated to cost N550 million (about $2.7 million), the hospital will facilitate surgery of eye-related ailments including eye transplant. “A programme to assist

Vision ” - commenced in 2005. Since then, medical professionals from India have been visiting Nigeria to carry out free surgeries across the country, ” Rotary Club of Lagos-Palm Grove Estate ’s past President, Naranbhai Patel, said. In order to boost the humanitarian programme, it was decided to establish the hospital with assistance from Indian

ternational. Patel lauded the efforts of the Lagos State government and Oba of Lagos, Rilwan Aremu Akiolu, in making the land available for the facility. The hospital, expected to be completed within a year, will be equipped with the latest equipment to effectively address the problems of millions of Nigerians with sight challenges.

Sunday Mirror


Sunday, September 13 2015



PDP at 17: Celebration of a declining political behemoth


ecently, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) rolled out the drums to celebrate its 17 years of existence. The development has set tongues wagging with critics questioning the reasonableness of the act at a time the ink with which chroniclers of Nigerian political history documented the party ’s disastrous outing in the 2015 general elections, particularly its defeat by the hitherto opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) in the March 28 presidential election, had not dried. This newspaper, while agreeing that human events and actions lend themselves to varying interpretations, would rather take a more holistic perspective of the touted celebration. Our well considered position is that the PDP is at liberty to decide when and how to celebrate. Even then, as unbiased watchers of Nigeria ’s evolving socio-political and economic trends, we do not agree with all the reasons given by the party to celebrate and the timing of the celebration. The PDP was one of the three political parties - the others being All People ’s Party (APP) and Alliance for Democracy (AD) ) - registered in July 1998 by the Provisional Ruling Council headed by General Abdusalami Abubakar as major political actors in the transition programme it initiated to herald Nigeria ’s return to democratic rule in 1999. Inferentially, we believe the military provided the trio a level playing ground in the build up to the series of elections designed for the transitional elections. Unarguably, the PDP wasted no time in stamping its supremacy in the nation as the ruling and only national political party, thus consigning the other two to opposition status. The PDP ’s incontestable claim to dominance in the nation ’s political space was firmly rooted in the 1999 transitional elections, when its candidate in the February 1999 presidential election, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, pooled 18.7 million (62.6 percent) of the total valid votes of 29,848,441 as against the 11.1 million (37.2 percent) of Chief Olu Falae, the candidate of AD-APP coalition. In the parliamentary elections, the party won 59 and


206 Senate and House of Representatives seats respectively; AD won 20 and 68 Senate and House seats respectively, and APP 29 and 74 Senate and House seats respectively. The PDP also formed the government in more states of the federation than the AD and APP; and maintained that supremacy in all the subsequent presidential and parliamentary elections between 2003 and 2011, and even had its members entrenched in Government House of most of the 36 states and ran the government in most of the 774 local government areas of the country. The above painted scenario is only one side of a complex story, especially against the backdrop of the rudimentary nature of the evolving national political culture and concomitant manifest political behavior of members of the political class that detracted significantly from global democratic best practices. It is against this background that we believe the greatness of the PDP would best be determined by the efficacy of its policies and programmes in the 16 years it was in power at the centre. The American statesman, Professor

Henry Kissinger it is that said that “the task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been ”. Launching on this, we believe that the objective material position of Nigerians today, in contrast to what it was 16 years ago when this new democracy journey started, could serve the appropriate benchmark for assessing the greatness of PDP, and it would also in turn help in affirming or repudiating the stated reasons for its recent celebration. The party ’s spokesman, Chief Olisa Metuh, giving the reasons for the celebration of PDP ’s 17 years of existence, said it made notable “milestones ” in economic development, national integration and attraction of foreign investments. By way of expatiation, he had added: “As you are aware, the hallmark of the PDP administration was anchored on the policy of transfer of wealth from the public sector to hardworking and enterprising Nigerians. This resulted in the rapid expansion of the nation ’s economic frontiers with an unprecedented growth in small and medium scale enterprises, which helped in providing employment for millions of our citizens across the country ”. The above painted scenario of recreated El Dorado in Nigeria by the PDP is delusional. It is propaganda at work. The fact that what it attempts to create does not reflect the objective situation in today ’s Nigeria is underscored by the fact that Nigerians rejected the PDP in the 2015 general elections. Four years earlier, PDP ’s presidential candidate, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, had comprehensively defeated his main rival, General Muhammadu Buhari, winning 22.4 million votes to the latter ’s 12.2 million. In the just concluded general elections, the same General Buhari upstaged Dr. Jonathan by 15.4 million votes to 12.8 million. The APC, the platform used by him, which was formed in 2013 from the coalition of the nation ’s major opposition parties, now controls the two chambers of the National Assembly and runs the government of the majority of the 36 states in the federation. This development is a loud statement of the PDP ’s shrinking status. We hope it will learn useful lessons from it.

Reminiscences SEPTEMBER 13 IN HISTORY 1922: Turks attack Greek churches, homes Following the Turkish victory in Constantinople, crowds have taken to the streets and are attacking Greek churches and homes and destroying them. The Turkish troops have been dispatched to keep order. 1926: U.S. - Bandits robbing mail trains The Post Office Department sent a memo to its army of 25,000 railway mail clerks, an order to shoot to kill any bandits attempting to rob the mail. This follows an ever increasing number of robberies by bandits on the mail service which carries millions of dollars worth of mail every day. 1931: Hurricane kills 700 in British Honduras A major hurricane has devastated Belize in British Honduras with at least 700 dead, and they are requesting assistance in the form of medical supplies. The first ships from Great Britain and America are starting to arrive and reports are coming in that very little is left standing in the city with bodies lying in the streets. 1940: Mussolini ’s forces move to Egypt Mussolini ’s forces cross the Libyan border into Egypt where British troops were waiting garrisoned to protect the Suez Canal and Royal Navy bases at Alexandria and Port Said. 1949: Czechoslovakia - 15 Catholic priests arrested The communist government in Czechoslovakia has now arrested 15 Catholic priests on charges of running a secret communications ring, the government believes the priests are planning political unrest but the priests maintain it is just a means of keeping in contact with fellow members. 1951: South Korea - Communists plan attack on Seoul Communist troops are massing in large numbers with as many as 250,000 troops plus a large number of tanks massed on the western battle front possibly for a full scale attack on Seoul later this week possibly to coincide with the next full moon. 1956: USA - IBM launches first hard disk IBM introduces the world ’s first production hard disk the “IBM 305 ” which stored five megabytes of data. 1993: Israel, Palestine sign peace plan Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, and the PLO leader, Yasser Arafat, sign a framework for peace on the South Lawn of the White House 1999: Russia - Terrorists bomb Moscow, 300 dead The terrorist bombing campaign has continued with as many as 100 deaths including women and children in the latest bombing of an apartment block in the city. This is the fourth major bombing in the last two weeks bringing the death toll to 300.


Sunday, September 18, 2015

Sunday Mirror

Sunday Mirror


Praise Worship G-mail:


QUOTE I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins. Cleanse me with Your precious Blood. Deliver me from sin and Satan to serve the Living God. Today, I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Bishop David Oyedepo

Sunday September 13, 2015

Strengthening g g the thingsg which remain, by Pastor kaa 24 Muoka

Spiritual sleepiness of the modern church 42

Be care Be c re who hoo yo you y warns arns ns Pr Pro Po Olorunt Ol Olo Oloruntimi loruntim orunt r tim 41

Purgatory: What Christians think

22 & 23

Sunday Mirror



Briefly Harvest of promise at CCC


ctivities which began on Monday September 7 to Saturday September 12, 2015 which included usher’s night, lecture for women of virtue, needy (Promise) Service, devotional service, prophets and prophetesses day, visitation to motherless home, all night to mark the third adult harvest thanksgiving service of the Celestial Church of Christ (Fulfillment Parish) will culminate today with a grand celebration tagged “Harvest of promise” (Rom 4:210 from 10am at the church auditorium; Oyebola Street, via Adesan area, Mowe Town, Obafemi/Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State. Commenting on the celebration, the host Shepherd, Prophet Dan Adeyekun, assured that God is able to fulfill His promises and establish it to His glory just as he did in the lives of the people of Israel, adding that every attendee would receive divine touch as promised in Roman 4:21.

Celebration Sunday September 13, 2015

Nigerian Christians urged to live according to God’s word BSN holds marathon Bible reading

LTCMI begins convention


ight of The Cross Mission Incorporated a.k.a The Joyful People in Christ’s annual convention which began on Monday September 7, 2015, will end today, September 13 at the venue 26, Olutola Street, Ojodu-Abiodun-Berger, Lagos. The programme, which came in morning and evening sessions with the theme “My redeemer lives” adopted from Job 19:25, Jer 5:34, Phil. 1:6 featured praise night on Friday 11 at 10pm. The General Overseer and host, Apostle Francis B. Adebowale, speaking on the programme, assured that as long as Jesus the redeemer lives, He is the guardian, who strengthens and saves His people. He further assured that all members and attendees will be saved from all their problems, urging them to be strong and fearless because the redeemer liveth. Guest ministers expected on the occasion include Pastor Adetuberu, Evang. Ojo Ade, Snr. Apst Dr. E. Abatan among others.

AITKAC Holds Gorriebulah convention


ll is set for the annual Gorriebulah convention of Agbo Igbala Ti Kristi Aladura Church.

According to the convener, Primate I.O. Oyelowo, This year’s week-long event which has Nigeria as its focus will hold from Saturday September 12, 2015 to Friday September 18 at the church premises located at 70, Patey Street, Lagos. Oyelowo claimed that the situation in Nigeria today, can be compared to what obtained in Israel comprising Northern and Southern kingdoms in 742 B.C. “This occasion will be devoted to fervent and fire brand prayers for Nigeria’s liberation from the present predicament in which she find herself. As the ambassadors of Christ we are more than qualified to intercede for the Country. This year’s convention will take a new shape as it will feature Seminar that discusses various topics such as the local Church and its organization, keys to a successful marriage, Church doctrines both major and minor, Evangelism and other topics of interest. It is not just a jamboree but a place where people have encounter with their living God to have turn around in their marriages, businesses and ministries because the period is developed purely to spiritual activities such as three hourly prayers. We urge you all to be partakers’, he implored.

L-R: Chairman, Lagos Area II, Bible Society of Nigeria, Ven. Ezekiel Adeleye, General Secretary, Bible Society of Nigeria, Rev. Dare Ajiboye and Vicar, All Saints’ Anglican Church, Oshodi, Ven. Adekunle on the occasion



he General Secretary of the Bible Society of Nigeria, Rev. Dare Ajiboye, has urged Nigerian Christians to the read the Bible regularly and live according to its dictates, so that they would be protected from sin as well as receive divine transformation.

Speaking at a press conference to flag-off the 2015 marathon Bible reading during the week at All saints Anglican Church, Oshodi, Lagos Ajiboye stressed his point by quoting the book of Joshua 1:8 which he claimed mandated Christians never to depart from reading the Bible. “In the book of Joshua 1:8, we are made to understand that the Bible, which is the book of the law shall not depart from our mouth, but we shall meditate on it day and night, so that we may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then we will make our way prosperous, and then we will have good success. One of the ways to achieve this mandate given to us in scripture is through marathon Bible reading. This is one of our programmes that help people interact with the Bible. It is an annual week-long non-competitive marathon Bible reading that gives participants the opportunity to read the Bible in any language of their choice uninterrupted for a period of five days”, he revealed. The BSN General Secretary further revealed that the unique feature of this programme is that it gives the participants opportunity to read the Bible aloud in their own native language to the hearing of other people. He added that Bibles in different Nigerian languages are on display for the participants to choose from. “We encourage people to develop the habit of reading the Bible daily. It is by reading it that we know the mind of God and are

able to live in accordance with His expectations and demands from us. Imagine what will happen if Nigerians read their Bibles daily, inculcate biblical virtues and live according to the will of God. No doubt, God will be pleased with the country because as we told in Proverbs 14:34, righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. I therefore want to use this medium to call on Nigerians to return back to God by reading and obeying His word. I believe this is the solution to the multi-faced challenges facing our country today. We cannot succeed either as a nation or as individuals without God. If the number of Christians we have in Nigeria will read the word of God and live according to the word of God, then Nigeria will be transformed”, he maintained. When asked what informed this annual marathon Bible reading, Ajiboye said: “In the Bible Society of Nigeria, we translate the Bible, we publish and distribute. We discovered that most people only buy the Bible and keep it under their pillow; they don’t read and we felt what kind of awareness can we create that will make people know that the Bible is meant to be read, practised and used to live our life. We came to the conclusion that the only way is to create a week that is meant for Bible reading and from there we keep creating the awareness that people need to read, meditate and practise what they have read from the word of God that was what actually informed this marathon Bible reading.” On the issue of monitoring to know if participants have been affected positively in previous editions, Ajiboye said: “Monitoring may be difficult because we have so many people coming to read. However, from the testimonies we have been getting over the years, we can say that this programme has being imparting lives. I remember sometime last year, around Meiran area of Lagos,

among those who came for the reading; we heard of people who were healed by hearing the word of God being read. It is not that a pastor preached, they only heard the word being read, others were also blessed in that same place. That is one of the ways we can assess, but our main assessment is not really about how to get one on one contact which would be difficult, but I think we may need to design a form from now on that when we come for the programme next year, we give out the forms for people to appraise and we will also appraise their Bible reading behaviour to see if there is improvement or not; that is one of the ways we will be able to assess the usefulness and effectiveness of this programme.” Speaking on the benefits of the programme, he said participants stand to gain three-fold joy participating among others. “Firstly, participants will have the joy of reading the Bible in their own language, secondly, they will help someone else hear the word of God in a new way, and thirdly, they join other Christians in continuous reading of the Bible. Admission into the programme is free. As mentioned earlier, over the years, we have recorded miracles including healing during this programme. Also the entire Bible has been read over and over again within five days in the course of the programme in some of the reading centres. “The programme has also continued to attract non Christians according to our monitoring personnel and reports after each year’s edition. We also encourage our 38 Area offices across the country to adopt the programme so as to give it a national outlook”, he revealed. This edition of the marathon reading took-off on Monday, September 7, 2015 from 9.00am to 5.00pm in 42 different reading centres across Lagos State and ended Friday September 11.

Sunday Mirror

From the Pulpit 21

Sunday September 13, 2015

Abiding in God’s presecnce (2)

Miracle Arena with Bishop

Theo Ugochukwu


ny time you are disconnected from the abiding presence of God things will no longer be the same. This was the case of the Israelites defeated by Ai a small city compared to the city of Jericho which the Israelites had defeated. Joshua 7:2-3 puts it more cleanly “Now Joshua sent men from Jericho to AI, which is beside Beth Aven, on the east side of Bethel, and spoke to them, saying, Go up and spy out the country, so the men went up and they returned to Joshua and said to them, do not let all the people go up, but let about two or three thousand men go up and attack Ai. Do not weary all the people there. For the people of Ai are few”. What a pathetic story of people that has been disconnected from the presence of their God. So approximately three thousand warriors were sent but they were soundly defeated. The men of Ai chased the Israelites from the town gate as far as the quarries and they killed about thirty

six who were retreating down the slope. The Israelites were so paralyzed with fear at this turn of events and their courage melted away. After such a wonderful experience at Jericho, chapter seven of Joshua is surprisingly to say the least, suddenly we are presented with a series of failures that stand in striking contrast to the victories of the past six chapters. The thrill of victory was so quickly replaced with agony of defeat. This is a lesson everyone must learn in life when walking with God. Mathew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you”’ But Achan deviated from the commandment of God, which affected the Israelites; to the extent they lost war to a small city like Ai. It shows that the distance between a great victory and a great defeat is only one step, and often only a short one at that. One sad truth of reality in a fallen world is that we can be riding high on the cloud of some great spiritual success and the very next moments find ourselves in a

valley of spiritual failure and despairs. One moment we can be like Elijah abiding and standing victoriously on Mount Carmel and the next moment disconnected and shrinked up under a juniper tree or hiding in a cave in deep despair complaining to God. “I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too”. My prayer for you is that the success you have recorded so far in the kingdom work in your years of ministry will never be disconnected in the name of Jesus Christ. Because of its strategic location, Ai was the next objective in the path of conquest. As with Jericho, Ai was smaller than Jericho, but its conquest was essential because it would not give Israel control of the main route that ran along the high lands from north to south in the central portion of the land. My prayer is that you will never lose the presence of God in your life for anything in Jesus name. The disobedience of Israel defined in Joshua 7:1 disconnected them from the presence of God. Chapter 7 opens with the little but ominous word, ‘BUT’. This word contrasts this chapter with the preced-

ing, but particularly 6:27, “There was thrill of victory, but now there is the agony of defeat”. Never is the believer in greater danger of a fall than after a victory. We are so prone to drop our guard and begin trusting in ourselves or in our past victories rather than the Lord. One victory never guarantees the next, only as it builds our confidence in the Lord and develops our wisdom in appropriating God’s word. What this implies is that, when we abide in his presence, what others are looking for will begin to look for you. The only thing that will cause you to survive, help you to have a breakthrough and sustain you in life is the abiding presence of God. •For more information, contact: Bishop Theo Ugochukwu – General Overseer, Miracle Assembly Bible Church, a.k.a. The City of Joy, 80, Ajose Street, Mende, Maryland, Lagos; Tel: 08033461482. Email: bishopgracemiracle@

Change, the inevitable (The Coach) Pastor Moses A Omogbehin


reetings dear readers, today, we conclude the topic Change,the inevitable looking at the characteristics of those who watch things to happen include the following:

1. They are always satisfied with the way the things are: 2. They are always satisfied with the present condition of a vision desire, life 3. They love being served rather than being a servant leaders 4. They are lazy 5. They are never involved in great resourceful thinking 3. Those that want to hinder things from happening: 1st sam 17:28 “And Eliab his eldest brother heard him when he spoke unto the men: and Eliab’s anger was kindled against David, and he said why camest thou down hither? And with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness, I know the pride, and the naughtiness of thine heart; for thou art come down that thou mightiest see the battle. The characteristics of those people who watch things to happen are as follows: I. They give feeble excuses unnecessarily II. They angry unnecessarily as to hinder a vision, dream, desire and other achievement from being given birth to. III. They say all manner of demoralizing words. 4.





ANYTHING IS HAPPENING: These are the group of people that believe things happen by chance as programmed by God. They also believe an individual has no power or effort to contribute in making things happen. Whenever you tell them about new idea information, invention, they wonder if anything is happening. This group of people is the worst human beings on the surface of the earth. They are living but dead. 5. Those who criticize things that are happening: Those are the group of individual that deny the existence of both the fact and the truth. “And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, they say unto him, this woman was taken in adultery in the very act. Now Moses in his law commanded us that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou: this they said, tempting him, that they have to accuse him, but Jesus stopped down, with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not” john 8:3-6. The above bible passage is a great revelation, not that the scribes and Pharisees were not aware of both the old law (Moses commandment and the new commandment) the law of Jesus Christ) hear them, “Now Moses and his law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said tempting him that they might have to accuse him” verse 5-6 “The word, “They might have to accuse him” means to know how to criticize him. Their characteristics include the following:1. They are critics They are proud 2. Wicked 3. Creating room for laziness and mediocrity. 6. Those who want to be fully

convinced that you can make things happen before they cooperate, work and allow you to be their leader and their ruler: 1st sam 17:32-39 These groups of people from the onset look as a group of critics, proud and rebellions but they are not. They are only group of people who want a proof before they would surrender their leadership and headship to a particular man. Many times, they do this, as a result of their past experience. Though, sometimes they act in doubt and ignorance yet the existence of the fact must not be denied that they are a group of intelligent professional in all aspects of life and ministry they are group of highly exposed people with years of experience in life and in ministry. It is a great mistake, foolishness, stupidity, and insult to follow someone or allow someone that is not tested and proven to be your leader and ruler. Whatever thing you have not tested and proven is dangerous to your life; ministry, marriage, academic, and to all other spheres of life generally. At the same time, it is a great mistake, foolishness, stupidity and insult to follow someone or allow someone that is yet to share his vision, dream and desire to be both your leader and ruler or someone whose vision and dreams are not clear to you to be your leader and ruler. Following a leader and ruler without a vision is like following someone that knows not his destination while following a leader and ruler whose vision is not well understood or explainable is like following someone that is driving a new car that has no brake, which means both the lives of the driver and the passenger are in great risk at the same time there is no limit to evil that can happen to both the driver and the passenger.1st Sam 17:32-39 “and David said to Saul, let no man’s heart fail because of him. Thy

servant will go and fight with this philistine. And Saul said to David, thou art not able to go against this philistine to fight with him for thou art but youth. And David said unto Saul, thy servant kept his father’s sheep and their came a lion and a bear and smote him and slew him. Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear; and this uncircumcised philistine shall be as one of them seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God. David said moreover, the lord that delivered me out of the paw of the bear; he wall deliver me out of the hand` of this philistine. And Saul said unto David, go and the lord be with thee. And Saul armed David with his amour, and he put a helmet of brass upon his head, he armed him with a coat of nail, his amour, he assayed to go; for he had not proved it* And David said unto Saul, I cannot go with thee, for I have not proved them. And David put them off him” The characteristics of these people are: 1. They avoid being ruled by a leader or a ruler without a specific vision for himself and for others. 2. They avoid being ruled by a lazy leader or ruler. 3. They avoid being ruled by a leader and ruler that has no human feeling 4. They avoid being ruled by a leader and a ruler that cannot adapt to change 5. Flexibility 6. Consistency and Persistency •I know this teaching has blessed and imparted you. Please, write and share your testimony with me through: Covenant and Fulfillment Ministries, 10, Onuwusasoigwe Close, Hostel Bus Stop, Egbe, Ikotun, Lagos. Email: or Call: 08034980921, 08054120540



Sunday September 13, 2015

Sunday Mirror

Purgatory: What T

he Catholic Encyclopaedia defines Purgatory as a place or condition of temporal punishment for those who, departing this life in God’s grace, are not entirely free from venial faults, or have not fully paid the satisfaction due to their transgressions. In other words, in Catholic theology, Purgatory is believed and regarded as a place that a Christian’s soul goes to after death, to be cleansed of the sins that had not been fully satisfied during the person’s life-time on earth. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, CCC, presents Purgatory as purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven, which is experienced by those who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified (CCC 1030). It notes also in CCC 1031that this final purification of the elect is entirely different from the punishment of the damned. Basing their argument on scripture, Revelation 21:27, to be precise, the advocates of this doctrine claim that this purification is necessary because, as scripture teaches, nothing unclean will enter the presence of God in heaven and while people may die with their mortal sins forgiven, there can still be many impurities in them, specifically venial sins and the temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven. On the other hand, there are Christians who argue that the idea that people have to suffer for their sins after death is contrary to everything the Bible says about salvation because the teaching that Christians have to go through punishment for some particular sins by cleansing in Purgatory, is to deny the sufficiency of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. American Evangelist, Jimmy Swaggart, in one of his articles claimed that scripture clearly reveals that all the demands of divine justice on the sinner have been completely fulfilled in Jesus Christ. He added that Christ has totally redeemed or purchased back, that which was lost. He also claimed that what the advocates of a purgatory and the necessity of prayer for the dead are saying, in effect, is that the redemption of Christ was incomplete. According to Swaggart, it has all been done for mankind by Jesus Christ, therefore, there is nothing to be added or done by man. Defending the existence of Purgatory however, Rev. Fr. Paschal Obioma claimed that though there is no word like purgatory in the Bible, but there are other words in the Bible, used to describe the place. “Though the term purgatory is not written anywhere in the Bible, but there are other words used therein to describe it. We have words like the underworld, Sheo which appears in the book of Psalms, Gehena and others that describe the existence of purgatory. Purgatory is the belief that it is not every sinner that is going to be condemned out rightly. There are those whose sins can be forgiv-

Jesus Christ and the Angels

The doctrine of purgatory, which is defined as purification for those who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified is a Catholic doctrine that other Christian denominations seem not to support. ODINAKA URUAKPA speaks to clerics to get recent thoughts on the existence of such sphere, which is neither heaven nor hell whose existence is recorded in the Bible. en; they are not too bad to be rejected, but they are not good enough to be accepted into God’s presence directly; so, they have a place of purification. These are the ones we pray for i.e. those who are in such state. If you go to the book of second Maccabeus, the king ordered the people to make contribution and bring to Jerusalem for such souls. There are so many things outside the Bible that Catholics use to prove that; even some visions given to people such as the children of Fatimah whom the blessed Mary opened their eyes on the existence of purgatory. Some of the people who condemn these things don’t have tradition, what they have is the Bible which doesn’t give us everything we need in our faith; it is a record of what Jesus said and did and His Apostles”, he said. On the argument from that Christians need not go through any other suffering since Jesus had already died for their sins, Obioma said: “Jesus died; He paid for our original sin and then after our baptism, we don’t stop sinning, we continue because we have that tendency to sin, so we pay for the sin. The death of Jesus opened the gate of heaven for us and reinstituted the relationship we had with God which was cut after the sin of Adam and Eve. Those who want to enter can enter and those who don’t want to enter can go their way. Jesus reinstituted that relationship between us




and God, so that if we do good now, we can be accepted back into God’s presence, but if we chose to be damned, we are damned. Jesus says, ‘I am the light, but those who reject the light, they have darkness; I have not come to judge the world, but to give my life as a ransom for death, whoever rejects me, rejects whatever I have brought.’ So, we have a free will to choose whether we are going to be saved or not. People should not be stupid living is sin and thinking that after sinning, the death of Jesus would have taken care of them, no, otherwise we wouldn’t be warned again, Jesus wouldn’t tell us to repent; He wouldn’t be telling us the parable of the virgins, the end of time among others.” When asked if the belief in existence of purgatory is the reason people are en-

couraged to pray for the dead, the cleric answered in the affirmative, adding that as instructed by the Blessed Virgin Mary, prayers and sacrifices of the living, are needed by those that are in purgatory whom he claimed have the hope of being saved. Countering the existence of purgatory, Pastor Peter Adebola of the Freedom Assembly Church, Surulere, Lagos, claimed that Jesus the saviour of the world has died to pay the penalty for the entire sins of mankind, therefore, there is no place that a Christian’s soul goes to after death, to be cleansed of sin. “We are told in Romans 5:8 that Jesus died to pay the penalty for all of our sins. Isaiah 53:5 also declares, ‘But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was

Sunday Mirror


Sunday September 13, 2015


Christians think crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.’ Jesus suffered for our sins so that we could be delivered from suffering. To say that we must also suffer for our sins is to say that Jesus’ suffering was insufficient. To say that we must atone for our sins by cleansing in Purgatory is to deny the sufficiency of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus as revealed in first John 2:2. The idea that we have to suffer for our sins after death is contrary to everything the Bible says about salvation. Moreover, the Bible never mentioned anywhere of a place where sinners would go after death to receive purification for sins not forgiven”, he said. Adebola further said that the primary scriptural passage Catholics point to for evidence of Purgatory is first Corinthians 3:15, which states, ‘If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.’ “This passage, first Corinthians chapter 3 verse 12 to15 is using an illustration of things going through fire as a description of believers’ works being judged. If our works are of good quality like gold, silver and other costly stones, they will pass through the fire unharmed, and we will be rewarded for them. If our works are of poor quality like wood, hay or straw, they will be consumed by the fire, and there will be no reward. The passage does not say that believers pass through the fire, but rather that a believer’s works pass through the fire. Purgatory, like many other doctrines, is based on a misunderstanding of the nature of Christ’s sacrifice. The advocates of this doctrine the Catholics to be precise, view the Mass and Eucharist as a representation of Christ’s sacrifice because they fail to understand as stated in Hebrews 7:27, that Jesus’ once and for all sacrifice was absolutely and perfectly sufficient. They view meritorious works as contributing to salvation due to a failure to recognize that Jesus’ sacrificial payment has no need of additional contribution like we are told in the book of Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 and 9. Similarly, Purgatory is understood by its advocates as a place of cleansing in preparation for heaven because they do not recognize that because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we are already cleansed, declared righteous, forgiven, redeemed, reconciled, and sanctified”, he claimed. The further claimed that the idea of Purgatory and the doctrines that are often attached to it such as prayer for the dead, indulgences, meritorious works on behalf of the dead among others, all fail to recognize that Jesus’ death was sufficient to pay the penalty for of the sins of man. Jesus, who was God incarnate as stated in John 1:1, 14, paid an infinite price for our sin. We are told in first Corinthians chapter 15, verse 3 that Jesus died for our sins and in first John 2:2 that He (Jesus)

Holy Spirit


is the atoning sacrifice for our sins. To limit Jesus’ sacrifice to atoning for original sin, or sins committed before salvation, is an attack on the person and work of Jesus Christ. If we must in any sense pay for, atone for, or suffer because of our sins; indicates that Jesus’ death was not a perfect, complete, and sufficient sacrifice. For believers, as stated in second Corinthians 5:6-8 and Philippians 1:23, after death is to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. We must note that this part of scripture does not say away from the body, in Purgatory or any other place or state that human may decide to think or construct. The plain fact is that because of the perfection, completion, and sufficiency of Jesus’ sacrifice, we are immediately in the Lord’s presence after death, fully cleansed, free from sin, glorified, perfected, and ultimately sanctified”, he maintained. Also speaking on the issue, Pastor Mike Omene, Senior Pastor with Ascension Pentecostal Mission, Apapa, Lagos, explained that when people die, they are judged instantly and they receive their reward for doing good or bad during their life time on earth. “When we die, we undergo what is called the particular, or individual, judgment. Scripture states in Heb. 9:27 that it is appointed for men to die once, and after that comes judgment. We are judged instantly and receive our reward, for good or ill that we did while on earth. We know at once what our final destiny will be. At

the end of time, when Jesus returns, there will come the general judgment to which the Bible refers, for example, in Matthew 25:31-32, ‘When the Son of man comes in His glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before Him will be gathered all the nations, and He will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.’ It was never stated anywhere in the Bible that anyone would go anywhere after their death to atone for particular sins which were not forgiven after repentance or any such thing. Christ has atoned for our sins so those who die living by the dictates of God as written the scriptures, have the hope of enjoying eternity with Christ when He raises them from death on the last day”, he revealed.

Omene also stated that for whatever reason the advocates invented the doctrine of purgatory, the fact still remains that there is nothing as such. “I see this belief as an ancestral thing for those that have chosen to accept it, but as Christians, I expect that we should only adhere and believe in things handed on from Jesus Christ and the apostles. Since this was not handed to us anyway by Christ or His apostles, the fact still remains that there is nothing like purgatory; it is just an invention of its advocates that has been handed down from generation to generation. The only and correct thing we should have at the back of our minds as Christians is that Christ came to the world and accomplished all of our salvation for us on the cross” he stated.

Sunday Mirror


From the

Pulpit Sunday September 13, 2015

Strengthening the things which remain, by Pastor Muoka General Overseer of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, in this piece, teaches on how to be saved. Excerpts:


mos 4: 12 says, “Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel”.

Whether you are a believer or not what you must understand is that the world has come to its full circle, for there is nothing that is new in the world again. There is nothing that will be that has not been. Everything that is, has been. What is considered to be new in the present generation has existed in the former generation. So the next agenda in the calendar of God is the rapture. But before this will happen, God wants those who are laying claim to be His Children to strengthen the things that remain in their lives; those things that needed to be addressed should be addressed immediately for there is no more time. This is because He will not accept any excuses for disobedience no matter how little we may consider such disobedience. For, no unrighteousness shall be allowed to be carried into heaven. Anyone who repented not or refuses to forsake his wicked course of life shall never see the kingdom of God. Whoever allows and tolerates himself in any sin should know he is certainly in a state of damnation. 1Cor. 6: 9-10 says, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10. Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God”. Many thousands of impenitently wicked souls are sentenced to hell by this one scripture. Men are very prone to deceive themselves that though they live wickedly, yet they shall die happily, and go to heaven gloriously but God has decreed and declared the contrary. The impenitent sinner shall never enter into the kingdom of God, for God is holy and His abode is also a holy place. 1Peter 1: 15- 16 says, “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; 16. Because it is written, Be ye holy;; for I am holy”. Seei n g t h a t God is h o l y, w e must as a Pastor Muoka

matter of urgency be separated from all the defilements of the world, and entirely be consecrated to God and obedient to all His laws. That is, we must be void of all pollution, idolatry and superstition both of soul and body, for God who has called us to be His own Children is holy both in essence, and in all His laws, which are holy, just and good. If we are to be received by Him at the end of our sojourn on earth, we must conform to the image of holiness by which we resemble Him and are called His children. This is the reason this message is presented to you in order that you strengthen and correct anything that could stand as a wall of hindrance before your death or at the time of rapture. We must avoid injustice and injuriousness towards our neighbours. Children are to be obedient to their parents. The obedience must include inward reverence and outward respect, care to please t h e m and to make them e a s y. W e must ensure t h a t n o t h ing should share our devotion to God for God only should be worshipped. Not even activities

should take our time to reverence God. We must not turn our eyes to those who preach fables other than the word of God, because they may defile our conscience and grieve our heart. We must not be covetous, griping, and greedy of everything we can lay claim to, nor insist upon our right in all things. We are to be humble, honest and true in all our dealings, whatever we have in the world, we must see that we get it honestly, for we cannot be truly rich with that which is not genuinely gotten. As we strengthen what remains to make us heavenly candidates, we must not forget to reverence the sacred name of God. We must not detain what belongs to another, particularly the wages of your workers. We must be tender to those that are weak amongst us particularly the widow, aged and little children. We ought to take heed of not doing anything which may occasion our weak brother to fall. The fear of God that must be inculcated in our lives should keep us from doing wrong things. Judges, and all in authority, are commanded to give judgment without partiality. To be a tale-bearer, and to sow the seed of discord among neighbours is a sin before God and must be corrected. We are to rebuke our neigh-

bour in love. Rather rebuke him than hate him. We incur guilt by not reproving him. We should therefore say, I will do him the kindness to tell him of his faults. Above all, we are to put off all malice, and to put on brotherly love. We often wrong ourselves, but we soon forgive ourselves those wrongs, and we do not at all lessen our love to ourselves. In like manner, we should love our neighbour including our enemies, for so is the will of God. We must in many cases deny ourselves for the good of our neighbour. For those who profess to be Christians, they should know that to use spells and charms or the like are a sad affront to God. We must beware of deceivers who ask us, “What harm is there in those things? We must mark and avoid them. Heb. 12: 14 says, “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” We must ust live e in peace and a d holiness o ess with t all all men. We must follow peace through al cirplaces; trace it through all winding cir cumstances; and have it with all men and an give with a safe conscience. We must not giv lead indulgence to those passions which lea hatred. to litigations, strives, wars and hatred We are to make war with sin, but not with men. We should make war with bad paspas sions and corrupt desires, but not with forms our fellow men. We should hate all form of unrighteousness and not our neighneigh bours. manners, The Scripture teaches good manners and obliges us to honour those to whom and honour is due. Strangers, the widows an fatherless are God’s particular care. IIt wrong. is at our peril if we do them any wrong God’s Strangers shall be welcome to God’ recgrace; we should do what we can to rec make ommend Christ to them. We must mak We conscience of obeying God’s precepts. W but are not to pick and choose our duty, bu the must aim at standing complete in all th and will of God. And the nearer our lives an law, tempers are to the precepts of God’s law happier the happier shall we be, and the happie betshall we make all around us, and the bet expeter shall we adorn the gospel. So it is expe dient to strengthen all that remain in our ou lives before the coming of our ou Lord Jesus who wh take will tak us tto our ou



A Lifestyle Magazine


‘Women are beautiful creatures men can’t do without’ >>27

Being beauty queen has changed my life -Olivia-Sandra >>26


Sunday September 13, 2015



Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunday Mirror

Being beauty queen has changed my life –Olivia-Sandra Olivia-Sandra Chuma is a model, two-time beauty queen and actress. She is a beauty with brains. Bubbly and positive, she loves challenges. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS, this Mass Communication graduate speaks about life as a beauty queen. You are the ‘Face of New Waves Nigeria’, what is it all about? ‘Face of New Waves Nigeria’ youth pageant is a competition organised to get a suitable ambassador that would assist in empowering Nigerian youths. The NGO is called New Nigerian Waves Initiative. It’s an NGO that supports youths and helps in creating skill acquisition programmes. Can you relive the night of the pageant? I remember that night like it was just yesterday. There were 20 pretty ladies with lots of poise, charisma and confidence. Let me say, it was tough. I never believed I was going to win. I felt challenged when it came to beauty, perfect smiles and carriage. I was scared until it was time for the question and answer segment for the 10 finalists. In fact, I was really impressed with myself at how well I could stand and answer every question thrown at me with ease and calmness. I believe my confidence and ability to answer my questions gave me an edge over the other ladies. adies. Before you u became a beauty queen, you were a professional model, why did you choose oose a career in modeling? Ever since nce I was a little girl, I have always loved oved entertainment, especially modelling. delling. I saw myself as a Nigerian Tyra ra Banks (laughs), gracing the runway forr the most top Nigerian fashion designers. ers. As I came of age, I realised it wasn’t as easy as I thought. ht. Though, I got runway jobs obs and other forms of modelling, I felt something g was still missing. I was encouraged by my friendss to try out beauty pageants, ts, but I laughed my way out ut of it because I felt it wasn’t real but scams to extort money from young g ladies. Besides,, I never saw myself elf as being pretty y enough to compete te in a beauty pageant. I won my y first pageant which was ‘Two Two Sides Moddel Look’ in 2013. Was I shocked? Of course e I was. My thoughts houghts about pageants eants were wrong. I began having ving a change of mind like could this be what I had been missing. I tried again in 2014 and I didn’t ’t win. I decided to do it again this year to know if it was really meant ant for me. I excelled and I’m proud roud to say I was initially wrong ng about the perception I had about ut pageants. I became more aware re of what I want, who I am and what I stand for. What’s your ur take on beauty queens who fail to use their platforms well? I don’t judge people and I can’t really place ce the reason for some of the queenss not using their platforms for anything. ng. I would say it’s more of mismanagement. gement.

And what have you used your platform as a beauty queen to achieve so far? I tried as much as I can to empower our Nigerian n youths by organising seminars and workshops, forums, s, where we sat and interacted on how we could better ourr lives through skill acquisition programmes. I had visited sited schools, educated some students on how to make the right ight choice in choosing a career path in life. Right now, I’m currently working on a project I call ‘Legends of Today’. ay’. It is very challenging and requires a lot of governmental ntal support. I really don’t want to go into much detail because ause it’s still a working process. Can you reach out to mothers who don’t allow their daughters participate in beauty pageants? Beauty pageant is a thing of honour. It is somemothers should encourage their daughters thing m to go iinto. It can help a girl to gain courage, believe in herself, stand out in the crowd and also her discover herself. It’s m a k e exan ex xperience of a lifetime. A girl learns positive things while taking part i n beauty pageants. It too. is very educative too o. knows Every mother know ws daughter the kind of daugh hter advise she gave birth to. I adv vise that the best thing is believe to believ eve that in th hat

child and know she would make you proud. What have you gained from being a beauty queen? Being a beauty queen has changed my life drastically. I became more aware of what I can do, became brave and more confident. I started living a positive life, believing that every challenge comes with a reason. Who are you aspiring to be like in the beauty world? This could sound like a cliché, but I would say Agbani Darego. This is because Agbani is a positive lady, a brand ambassador, she didn’t quit even after her tenure as ‘Miss World’. She has a clothing line to her name and lives a non controversial lifestyle. She multi-tasks and is very versatile. Who wouldn’t want to be like her? Most beauty queens dump their boyfriends once they win the diamond-studded crown. Have you dumped yours? Wow, this question is funny. I think it’s really not necessary dumping your boyfriend because you were crowned a beauty queen. Tenure comes and go but your man will always be there for you. For me, I wasn’t in a relationship, so I thank God it never happened. What thrills you most about beauty pageants? fact that The factthat I could do it. I mean the fact that I could actually compete and a d win a pageant is something t h a t thrills

Sunday Mirror


Sunday, September 13, 2015

me till this day. You gain recognition and respect from people, especially my mum being proud of me as a queen, is mind-blowing. What’s your regret in life? I don’t have regrets whatsoever. AS I said, I live a positive life now and could never have wished for a more better life. When you are set to attend a glamorous event, how do you dress to reflect who you are? I try as much as I can to step out looking responsible, because I am there to represent youths of this country. What are some styles you won’t be caught in as a queen? To wear sheer dresses without a proper inner wear is certainly not my style. What is the craziest thing a male fan has ever done to you? The craziest thing a male fan has done to me was stalking me all the way from Lagos Island to the estate on the Mainland. What fashion accessory forms a larger part of your wardrobe? My shoes, I love my shoes. They are my babies. What lesson has life taught you? Life has taught me to be patient, to believe, never accept defeat, embrace challenges and turn it into positives. Life has taught me to be happy all the time and never forget where I am coming from or turn back from where I am going. What is your philosophy? Live your life as if every day is going to be your last. For me, life is beautiful, I live it fabulously well.


‘Women are beautiful creatures men can’t do without’ ADAEZE AMOS


egendary Adetoke Oluwo is an international fashion reporter, TV presenter and producer who wouldn’t be caught shabbily dressed. Interestingly, she also admires those who take their time to look good. “I really admire Soraya De Carvalho, she exudes elegance and class. I also love my namesake Toke Makinwa because her hair is always on flick. I won’t forget to mention Lolu, a London-based Nigerian designer for his dapper style. I admire his humility that transcends the fashion he is known for. “Another person I love so much is Noble Igwe for the spotlight he’s put on African fashion. He makes Agbada look so easy to pull off and he inspired the Danshiki trend among ladies,” she noted. Though Nigerian ladies are known to be fashion enthusiasts, she pointed out obvious blunders some of them commit. “I think some ladies tend to follow the trend rather than what fits their body type. One should be comfortable in whatever makes you happy and I think instagram has created that illusion,” she explained. Toke, as she is fondly known, has decided to live life to the fullest. “Life itself is thrilling. Waking up every day is awe-inspiring, it means I have another opportunity to touch lives and be the best I can in this world. Also, it dawned on me recently that this is my life and there is no repetition! I have decided to live it to the fullest. For the fact that I’m a woman adds to it. Women are powerful, even though we hate ourselves most of the time. Maybe because most women have self esteem issues based on

upbringing, emotional abuse, peer pressure and so on. The negative thing about us being ‘strong’ as individuals is that we do not admit we need help, we would rather keep the pain and hurt we go through and this is translated into negative energy. This ends up affecting the people we know and do not know. Why would a lady hate you on your instagram picture without even knowing you, just because you are having the attention she isn’t having. We can love ourselves more by first loving yourself because you can’t share love if you don’t know love. Accept that it is okay to be imperfect and celebrate others. “Having said that, we are still beautiful creatures that men can’t do without and d God made it so. Also, we are life nurturers. s. If women are given the same opportunity y as men, we would do 10 times ahead orr more. To be candid, I have never regretted d being a woman. “If I were to come back to this life ass a woman, I wouldn’t hesitate. I enjoy the e challenge of being the ‘weaker vessel’ but ut supporting the ‘stronger vessel’. Women n are strong, resilient, life givers and we take this God-given passion to our jobs and relationships,” she said. What has life taught this fashion icon? “Life has taught me to be humble and kind. Humility uplifts, kindness elongates one’s life. I have also learned that God and my family are those I talk to when n I’m down. Spending enough time with h them alleviates sorrow or despair. Also, I would like to say that I have never hated a fellow woman, no matter what. Even when n I get hate stares from some that I don’tt even know because I look good and drive a beautiful car, I laugh and just do my y own thing,” g she giggled. g,” g, g gg This style sttyle aficionado still cherishes ch herishes some

fond memories of her childhood. “God bless my parents. I had the best childhood one can think of. I still remember the fun parties my dad threw almost every weekend. I got a chance to rock ‘Ijo Shina’ and got money from my dad and his friends (laughs). I was and still is a fan of Shina Peters,” she reminisced. What books does she read? “I rather prefer reading newspapers. That is the closest to knowing what is going on in my country. Aside that, I love entertainment journals and magazines because of the kind of job I do. Ebony Magazine (to appreciate black people all over the world), Genevieve Magazine because of their spotlight on women,” she saidd. menTalking about me ing, this class lady who torw people’s o f course is some peopl tor has “Mo Abudu menAbu a s my mentor. Aside tthe fact that she iis a woman who w also underund stands t h e craft cr of

journalism, strong she is stro and successful in an industry that th is male-dominatmale-domin ed. It takes a lot of passion, self worth, passio dedication and perp severance to be all sshe is today,” she said.


Sunday, September 13, 2015


Sunday Mirror


Aunty Titi

Hello children, How did you enjoy your holiday? I hope it was exciting. I am sure you are getting ready for resumption? Make sure your school uniforms are ironed and bags are arranged However, we have games and motivating articles for you in this edition. Have a great week.

Once upon a time The Hidden Treasure


The Peacock • Male peafowl is called peacock while female is called peahen. • They are one of the largest flying birds. Their length (including tail) can reach 5 feet. • They can weigh between 8-13 pounds. • They are omnivores (eat both plants and animals). • They like to eat insects, arthropods, am phibians, flowers; seeds. • Their main predators are tigers, leopards, and mongoose. • When they sense a danger, they fly and hide in the trees. • They spend nights on trees for the same reason. Family of peafowl is called “bevy ”. • Group of peafowl is called “party ”. • Beautiful and colorful tails are characteristic only for the males. • Colors of the tail will look different

• • • • •

every time you change the angle of looking because of the reflection of the light. Tail feathers have eye-like spots, surrounded with red, green, gold and red feathers. Peahen chooses its partner by the length, width and coloration of the tail. Peacocks are polygamous (mate with more than one female) and usually form a harem that consists of 2-5 females. Left alone peacocks are very sad and heart-broken. Although very beautiful, peacocks produce unpleasant sounds. Females lay 3-5 eggs. Young birds will hatch after 28 days. One day old baby peafowl can walk, eat and drink without assistance. Peafowl live up to 20 years both in the wild and in the captivity.

Children, you can send your contributions and pictures through this email address or call telephone number: 08050324794

his is a short story about how hard work rewards? There was an old man living in his village. He had four sons and they were all very lazy. The old man fell sick and was counting his last days in bed. He worried a lot about his sons ’ future as the young men refused to work. The sons believe that luck will favour them. The old man ’s health deteriorated every day and he decided to talk to his sons about their future. However, his sons did not listened to him. Old man decided to played a trick to let his sons realize the importance of work. One day, the old man called all his sons and let them sit near him in his bed. He said he has a treasure box with gold coins and expensive gems for them and wanted to share the treasure equally and lead a happy, prosperous life. The young men were very happy and asked about where his father placed the treasure. The old man replied them ‘I cannot exactly remember the place where I hid the treasure from others. However, the treasure box is buried in our land. I ’m really not sure about the place. ’ Even though the lazy young sons were happy, they were sad that the old man forgot the place where the treasure was hidden. After a few days, the old man died. The sons decided to dig the land to find the treasure box. They worked very hardly and dug their land. They could not find any treasure box in the land. They decided to dig a spot in their land that was a bit different from the rest of the area. The sons believed that the treasure was buried in that spot. They dig the specific spot so deeply, got nothing but water. A passerby noticed the dug land and water flowing from a spot talked to the sons about agriculture. The sowed vegetable seeds and planted greens and flower plants in their land. Since the land became very fertile with abundant water, within few weeks the land became a fertile garden with nutritious vegetables and greens. The young sons sold the vegetables at a good price and earn good amount of money. Then they realised that it was the hard work was actually the ‘Treasure Box ’ their fatherwas sleeping about. They defeated their laziness, worked hard, earned more money and lived happily. Hard Work Always Pays.

Sunday Mirror


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Dude Style 07067124302

I like to look corporate –Banky W Olubankole Wellington aka Banky W is a bundle of talent and creativity. This legendary artiste, who says he likes to dress corporate, shares his experience on directing and co-producing the television commercial of the recently launched revamped DStv Compact Bouquet with VICTOR UDOH. What role did you play in the production of the television commercial,TVC, for the revamped DStv Compact Bouquet? I wrote, co-produced and directed the TVC for the revamped DStv Compact Bouquet. Prior to directing the TVC, have you had any experience working behind the camera? I’ve written the screen plays for about 8090 per cent of the music videos that EME has ever put out. I’d also co-directed a major chunk of them as well. However, last year I took some time out to study filmmaking at the New York Film Academy. It was at that point that I took on directing fully. I started directing videos including ‘Mercy’, ‘Unborn child’, and then grew from there. What went through your mind when you got the brief to direct the TVC? When I got the call to come in and pitch for the TVC, I was quite honoured. That they even considered giving me a shot at itt was a blessing. I know I’m still relatively new in the world of filmmaking, and I never take these things for granted. After that, I wrote my treatment, did up a storyboard and pitched it. They liked the idea so once we agreed on the terms, my mind went fully into trying to execute it to the best of my ability. Can you describe your experience working on this project? How different is

working from behind the camera and working in front of it? I consider myself someone who is “creative for a living”. God blessed me with the talent to be able to write and create, I’m grateful for that. Whether it’s writing songs or making motion pictures, shaping an artist, a video or short film, it’s all about being creative. Directing, for me, is an extension of who I am and what I do. I enjoy being behind the camera as much as I do being in front of it. It’s a really fulfilling process, from coming up with a concept to overseeing and managing all the moving parts until it comes to completion. What was your experience working with Ivie Okujaye on this production? Ivie is an absolute pleasure to work with. She’s very talented, funny and full of life. She’s also extremely dedicated to her craft. I can be very particular as a director so sometimes I’d have to ask her to do a particular scene over and over but she e never once complained or threw any kind off tantrum. She responded so well, grateful and I’m gra ateful t f l to t her h for f having h i that th t kind ki d off attitude towards tow wards what we were trying to create. I believe e that she’ll go very far in the movie/ TV world, wo orld, by God’s grace. How w did you put together the technical crew crrew that worked with you on the production? p I depended largely on people I’d worked with before, who I was comw fortable forta able with. So my DOP and Editor was Mattia Palombi; a very talented DOP DO OP who I’d met while in film school and who I worked with on the ‘Mercy’ video. My produc-

tion Manager was Susan Younis. I’ve worked with her in various capacities over the years. I can’t say enough about my TILT production and EME teammates on board, specifically Tunde Demuren, Yemisi Ayinde, Seun Johnson, George Guise and Michael Umoru. God bless them for sticking by me and supporting what I do. It feels like I come up with a new challenge or project I want to attack every other month, and they just do their best to help me make it work. The entire technical crew and cast on the TVC did a fantastic job, and I’m very grateful to each person. Do you have any anxieties concerning people’s response to the TVC? It’s natural for me to be a little anxious regarding the response; when you work really hard on something like this, you hope that people view it favourably and enjoy what you did. However, at this point, I’m very happy with the final result, so I’m at peace. If the people love it, thank God. If they don’t, I promise to work harder to win them over on p next the nex xt one. you Can yo u tell us about your dress sense? like I lik ke to look corporate and decent, because e it speaks a huge volume of my personality persona ality Tell us a little about your experience at the film m school. I had d a great time at the New York Film Academy Academ my. I’d been around cameras and sets forr years, being in the music business; filmmaking class I took but the th he

helped me gain some very-basic-but-verynecessary technical knowledge about directing and filmmaking, and that has proved invaluable in my work now as a filmmaker. It was an intense class, but I enjoyed every minute of it. If I had my way, I’d go back and do a one or two-year course. Unfortunately I don’t have the time for it now, but I intend to continue taking short term classes as the opportunity arises, because I’m determined to be the best at what I do and the knowledge I’m gaining will only help me in achieving that. What should your fans expect from you in the nearest future? I just released my new single ‘High Notes’, produced by Cobhams Asuquo. I directed the video, and I’m currently in the process of editing it in NYC. I can’t wait to share that with everyone. Also, I recently directed videos for new singles by Niyola, Shaydee, and Big Mo. I’m editing those as well, and they should be out soon. I’ve also done a couple of collaborations; I’m on DJ Xclusive’s new single, alongside Sarkodie and Cassper Nyovest, as well as Wizzy Pro’s new single featuring Cynthia Morgan and myself. I’m working very hard. A new album is on the way as well!



Sunday Mirror

Weddings Engagements You have a story to tell us about your wedding/engagement, or your new born baby. You can call this line 08050324794


Omobola is more than a wife –Oluwabiyi



yobami Yusuf was born at Badore Health Centre, Ajah Lagos. She weighed 3.4kg at birth. His mother, Mrs Shade Yusuf, told Sunday Mirror that she enjoys every moment spent with her son and bonds well with him. On her pregnancy period, Shade described it as challenging. This was be-



riends and well-wishers recently gathered at the Holy Church of Cherubim and Seraphim Abule Ijesha, Yaba, Lagos, to celebrate with the families of Boyede and Majekodunmi as their children, Anthony and Omobola walked down the aisle. The lavish reception followed immediately at Queens College, Lagos. The wedding ceremony which was officiated by Baba Aladura, Prophet S. A Olu Fashola, witnessed an array of guests dressed in native attires of green and gold, which was the colour of the day. The couple, smartly dressed in well-tailored clothes were all smiles as they moved gracefully to the melodious tunes supplied by the church band led by Oluwadamilare Fashola. The bride was elegantly dressed in flowing white dress with a transparent Arabian lace and a cute headgear to match. The groom was also good-looking opting

Ayobami Yusuf

for a dark green suit which he combined with a green tie and cream shirt with his best man Buraimoh Quadri and maid of honour Adejoke Agunlejika. Asked what they love about each other, the bride said she cherishes his calmness during turbulent situations. The groom explained how they met: “We met in the church precisely at a dance rehearsal at the same church where the Lord blessed our marriage, Holy Church of Cherubim and Seraphim. ”

On the qualities that endeared the groom to the beautiful bride, he said, “I love her sense of humour and simplicity. She is more than a wife, I can gladly say she is a virtuous woman and takes the role of my mother. ” The occasion was graced by prominent personalities from all walks of life. Father of the day, Otunba Gani Adams, played a major role during the ceremony and of members of several royal families were present to celebrate with the couple.

cause she constantly fell sick and at some point feared she might lose the pregnancy. “I was always reacting to almost everything. I even had to stop work for a while due to this. However, when I went to complain at the health centre, I was told it ’s normal for a pregnant lady and that

I just had a body that reacted to things, ” she said. On why they named the child Ayobami, she said, “My husband and I see our son as our joy, hence we decided to call him Ayobami, which means ‘My Joy is here ’. ” The Yusufs said they envision their son becoming successful in life and are working towards making this possible despite that he is still very young.

John Ogenero Pepple

Ellis ’ charisma swept me off my feet –Priscilla


t was certainly a moment filled with memories and romance as Priscilla Asafo Asamoah and Ellis Enobun tied the knod. The superb outdoor Ghanaian and Nigerian wedding which took place at Accra, Ghana was followed by a polished pink and cream wedding reception where the couple shared so many dear moments with their friends and family. Their love story was interesting as the groom, Ellis, who believed he would find his wife soon bought a ring a year before he met his beau. However, they became friends during their master ’s programme at the University of Leicester. Their meeting at the students ’ cafe grew from friendship to that of romance and love. Ellis said he met his bride on January 27, 2012 at the students ’ café. “We were both doing our master ’s programme. We met through a mutual friend who was my course mate. We got talking and I realised he was a young evangelist and we shared similar experiences which resulted in us calling ourselves ‘TWEENY ’ on a friendly note. ” For Priscilla, “I was intrigued by his passion for preaching the gospel even as a lawyer. Soon, our communication became consistent, his charisma and confidence swept me off my feet and I started developing feelings for him, but was too shy to communicate to him as his main focus was ministry and studies. I extended an

B invite to him and his friends to come over to my flat regularly to have dinner. I cooked them some exquisite Ghanaian dishes which he loved. “Our bond grew stronger and Ellis became my source of encouragement when I was going through some difficult times. I knew he will be my soul mate and we have been together since that day. ” On the proposal, she said, “I visited Ellis and his family in Nigeria in March 2013. One evening, he called and told me that he and his mum wanted to have a chat with me. I was nervous because I didn ’t know what to expect.

I sat there contemplating why the sudden call. The mum beckoned on him to talk. He started stuttering, and I was even more confused. His mum, laughing at him decided to tell me why I was called. Since this was Ellis ’ first relationship, he just didn ’t know how to ask me to marry him. As his mum was speaking, I noticed he was sweating profusely. “Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, he summoned up courage, got on his knees in the presence of his mum to ask me to be his wife. I was in shock and could not believe this. I was in tears while saying ‘YES, YES, YES ’. It was the beginning of the most amazing days in my life, ” she smiled.

aby John Ogenero Pepple was born to the family of Engr. and Mrs. Pepple. Mrs. Pepple described as eventful the day of her delivery. According to her, they were on a journey to a wedding ceremony in Benin, Edo State when she noticed labour signs. She initially took it as false labour since her due date wasn ’t until three weeks. She told Sunday Mirror that when the pains increased, her husband drove to a nearby private hospital and that within three hours she went into full labour and delivered her baby. Mrs. Pepple said her baby

weighed 3.4kg at birth and was declared healthy by the doctors despite that he came three weeks earlier. During her pregnancy, she enjoyed spicy foods and ate lots of vegetables. She described her body changes as mainly swollen feet. On what she loves most about her son, she said, “Everything about my son is just lovable. Though, I would have preferred if he could sleep more during the night, so that I could sleep as well. Mrs. Pepple said though the name, John, was given to her son during his baptism, she and her husband chose Oghenero to show the mercy and significance of God.


Sunday Mirror

What to wear ‌to an Igbo chieftaincy ceremony SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015



f you’re set to attend the chieftaincy ceremony of your friend today and you want to appear simple, not superfluously decked in beaded jewellery, check out the Igbo traditional attire Nollywood actress, Genevieve Nnaji, wore to Africa Magic Igbo red carpet recently. This outfit is also suitable for any Igbo traditional ceremony. Ensure your colours are well blended and your native beads sit well on your neck and wrists. Then, off you go!


Perfect Cut

African Look

Sunday, September 13, 2015

As a fashioni

Dressing like a proud African! ADAEZE AMOS


Sunday Mirror

he way our young ladies tie Iro and Buba with dignity shows that our culture is not only vibrant and beautiful but indeed well appreciated. It shows that our dress culture is such that we should be proud of. So, if you are a proud African, then emulate them and dress it. Check these young style aficionados on this page how they wore African wrap and top proudly. You too can join them and show you are proud of your continent. Given the new trend, some prefer to tie their wraps extremely short and slip into leather boots not giving a damn should you think hink it’s a blunder.

Sunday Mirror

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Perfect Cut

ista, you ought to be picture-ready ADAE DAEZE AMOS


a you observed fashionistas at events and in front of paparazzi? That is when you know those with the ave he hottest sswag. Some ladies don’t actually know how to strike good poses. If you urge them to face you when you ou want to ttake some shots, you would be the one to educate them how to do so. That’s not proper! Do your rehearsals in front of your mirror and you’d know poses that are suitable forr you and Tha you need to be p picture-ready your sstyle. Know that if you consider yourself a fashionista or style y aficionado,, y dy y always. y don’t you know photo-shooting and style go hand in hand? Or do



Sunday, September 13, 2015

L Couples are expected to enjoy each other OVE



with Yemisi


s far as evidences have made clear, most marriages, these days, don ’t last long before they lose grabs on the old zing and zest. The thing is as soon as the children start coming in, all cares about love and romance disappears almost with a fervent speed. Generally, it appears once marriages are consummated, the players gradually relapse into their different shells with some feeling of self accomplishment and end up in different covens even though they still live under the same roof. They consequently become co-tenants who merely engage in some sex contracts that come at random. But this is not supposed to be the situation. Love is not supposed to be lost at any point in time in homes and couples are expected to enjoy each other for as long as they live and as long as the marriages last. Did I hear you say it is not an easy task? But yes, it is. Couples are supposed to wax stronger and stronger in love no matter the age and the number of years they have been together. All they need do over and over is to ignite the dying love flame before it finally goes into extinction. It is not a matter of shifting roles this time, it is the roles of the two players involved. But without being immodest, this is basically the duty of the woman. Yes, women are to take this lead because they are the ones who easily lose their guards as soon as they are married. This is not exonerating the men but it ’s just to engage the women in a challenge, after all, they are the ones who

lay claim on the home and this is firmly grounded by the holy books. As far as the Bible is concerned, a wise woman is the one who builds her home with her hands while the foolish one pulls it down with her own hands. So, this challenge is simply for any wise woman who will be set to redeem her home from losing its love fervour. We ’ll take off first with these questions; how much of yourself do you flaunt at home? What do you wear when you are at home and how do you cloth yourself when you are about to sleep, I mean when you are in bed with him? Let us be frank with ourselves, it is absolutely wrong for you to be covering yourself up with whatever cloth or dress at home either in the name of religion or whatever. Come to think of it, if you don ’t flaunt yourself at him who else would you give the privilege and by the way, what the hell are you covering when so many girls are out there in all their nakedness to catch his attention. This is not an issue subjected to some fire branded prayer, it is what you can do, so do not engage God in such trivial things, He definitely has better things to attend to. Don ’t forget that it is this same man who came hovering all over you some years back, falling head over heels in love with you. He could not resist you then and so were you, so why the change in all of this, maybe you should sleep over this and take these words of advice:

Sunday Mirror

Bare it all: Sex is a vital issue in marriage and it must bring pleasure all the time to couples. They are to look forward to it every day and its thought should send hot sensations down their spines. Although psychologists believe seeing is believing, it is also retentive. Whatever one sees stays longer in one ’s memory than anything. This means one paramount thing you must do as a woman is to imbibe the habit of leaving nothing to imagine when it comes to clothing. Do not wear any serious outfit whenever he is around. Honestly, it is an abomination for you to have your pants on when you are at home. Whether it is time to sleep or not, try and bare it all for him to get his mind fixed on you. If you must wear anything, make it a see-through outfit and once the kids are far away from sight, let him feed his eyes on you long enough to make him lose control. Some advantages in this are as follow; *It draws his attention to you and that particular area. *It is the best way deep intimacy and sex suggestions can be made. *It offers a strip tease feeling which of course aids good sexual intercourse. This is not just for the man but also for the woman. The more your laps touch, the more excited you get and the more fun you are bound to have in that session. *It adds the element of challenge to your sex life. Imagine if you have never been caught in this habit before, your spouse is instantly challenged and a memorable night or session is bound to take place. *One other accessory you need add to yourself is the waist bead; it is an ingredient that will spice up your sexual life. *In addition, if you are sleeping without your panties on, you are both freer with each other. Not only is the possibility of the voyage very easily, it can be embarked upon as many times as possible.

Sexual solutions and love products for adults


am 44 years old and I had an accident last year. I later had several complicated operations and at the end of it all I managed to start walking again and doing a few other things. But my manhood has not been the same. I can ’t get an erection and doctors said I suffered neural damage in the process. I was told to write you, just in case there is something you can do. I will really appreciate your help. Thank you – Enyinna Sorry about that. Surgery related erectile dysfunction is usually the worst because the brain controls the entire body by sending signals through the nerves. When there is neural damage like this, it limits and sometimes totally prohibits the brain from transmitting information to parts of the body linked to those nerves. I have an idea on what you can try but I cannot promise that it will work because yours is a really bad case. But it is worth the try. Get a Penis Pump. Penis pumps do two things. The first is that they enable you get an erection by drawing blood to the penis when you pump. This system of getting an erection is not controlled by brain signals. It is totally independent and works from the outside. That is why I am hopeful about it. Penis Pumps are also used for organ enlargement as well. So try the pump. If you are able to get an erection when you pump, wear a Cockring immediately. This will help you maintain the erection for a period of around 20 minutes which is enough time to have wholesome intercourse. If this doesn ’t work, then you will have to resort to wearing a Penile Extension for sex. A Penile Extension is a hollow, artificial penis that men can wear during intercourse. It is ideal for men like you who cannot get an erection and for men with premature ejaculation chal-

lenges who just want to have sex for longer for the benefit of their women. Penile Extensions are firm and realistic like real penises and come in various sizes starting from 6 inches to 10 inches. But I am confident that the penis pump may work for you. Sorry again – Uche Do you have any product that can prevent vaginal odour? There is a gel that can help conceal vaginal odour. It is called 69 Nipple and Clit Arousal Gel and it has a wonderful fragrance. But first this is what I advise. To solve this problem naturally, ensure that your genitals get adequate air. Silk based clothing like body shapers, tights and panties contribute to this odour by limiting air circulation. Except you have an infection, the odour you complain about shouldn ’t be that strong. So wear cotton underwear or lacy underwear with room for air and always clean up or wash those parts before intercourse. And if you can afford it especially on weekends, you can go without underwear sometimes. This will aid adequate circulation of air in that region and minimize odour – Uche I started using VigRx penis enlarger last month and I think I am noticing some changes in size. I know that my erections are stronger so far. That one I can confirm – Maurice Maurice it is still too early. Give it three to four months and you will be shocked at how big you have become. Always take pictures and measure your penis month by month. That way you will have concrete records of how big you have grown. There is no guess work when it comes to VigRx penis enlarger. It has been voted the best for years now. Also ensure you use it with your Penis Pump so that you can get up to four inches in length – Uche Please can my wife take Boss Rhino

Gold enhancer? Since I started taking it, ments/novelties can call 08171912551 she can ’t stop talking about it and now or 08027901621 for help or visit www. she is asking me to give her one capsule Zee Virtual Media delivers all over Nigeria. For ento try – Tunde Tunde Boss Rhino Gold is a male per- quiries email us at custserv@zeevirtuformance enhancer. On the body of the Uche Edochie, MD, Zee package, it is clearly written that Boss Virtual Media. Rhino Gold is made specifically to help men with arousal, firmer erections, the control For strong erections/performance, get Rhino 7, Libigrow or Man Up. of premature e j a c u l a t i o n For Penis enlargement get VigRx, Vimax, Extenze or Potent Pump. and penis enTo maintain erection use Couple ’s Vibrator or Sta Hard Cock Ring. largement. It also helps Stop premature ejaculation with Forever Yours Cream or Gladiator Cream. men with multiple rounds, For painful intercourse use Mood Sensitive Lubricant or Colt Lubricant. stamina and To reach orgasm, get Nympho ’s Desire Arousal or Encounter Orgasm Gel. increase in semen quantity. Female libido boosters are G Female Oral Tablets or Kangaroo for her. So unless your To tighten vagina use Liquid Sex Tightening Cream or Tighten it up V Gel. wife has a penis, she cannot Women ’s Vibrators: Hunni Bunny Vibe or Fancy Night Heat Series. take Boss RhiTo attract a partner use Optimale Cologne or Sex Aphrodisiac Essence. no Gold. I understand she Male Masturbators are the Real Skin Latin Pussy or Hustler ’s Choco Pussy. wants what you have so get Female strap-ons are the Afro Wooper Strap-On or Limited Edition Strap-On. her the G Fe- Male strap-Ons for weak erection: 6 inch, 8 inch or 10 inch Penile Extension. male Tablets and Girlgasm Educational adult lms are Adam & Eve Sex Positions & Maximising G Spot. Arousal Gel Feature Films: The One, One Wild & Crazy Night or Young Hollywood instead. They are very good. We also have magazines, lingerie, games, love cushions and condoms. Take care – To order by phone, call: 08171912551, 08027901621, 08051924159, Uche And that 07038845262 or easily order at & pay online. is it for today. Adults Other payment options include bank deposits, internet transfers, phone in need of Transfer or cash on delivery. We deliver discreetly all over Nigeria! these treat-


Sunday Mirror


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Pregnancy Talk

Naughtiest Thing


The naughtiest thing I ’ve ever done

Adaeze Amos

Adanna Timothy

߾ࠆ߾ࠀࠁ߾߿ࠀࠀࠇࠁ ߶ࠡࠛࠡ ࠝࠜࠚࠧ߷

Hair loss during pregnancy H

ave you observed that most women experience hair loss when pregnant? In contrast, some would have full hair while pregnant but immediately after delivery they ’d experience hair loss. If then you are heavy with child and you are confronted with this situation, know that you are not alone. Medical experts give the following reasons for these. Poor nutrition: During pregnancy, your nutrition needs to be richer bearing in mind that your unborn baby takes from you. If you eat foods that lack iron, for instance, you are more likely going to have this problem as inadequate intake of iron can lead to hair loss, according to MayoClinic. com. In addition, not eating enough protein can also cause hair loss, as well as insufficient intake of some vitamins and minerals. Don ’t forget too that you need to do it in moderation because there are some minerals and vitamins you take too much and your hair begins to fall off. For instance, medics assert that taking too much of some vitamins, such as the retinol form of vitamin A, can result in hair loss. If you are experiencing unusual hair loss while pregnant, this may be due to a vitamin or mineral deficiency. For those who have hair loss after delivery, it is due to pregnancy. Health experts say that, “hair loss that is connected to pregnancy usually occurs after delivery. During pregnancy, an increased number of hairs go into the resting phase, which is part of the normal hair loss cycle. This condition is not serious enough to cause bald spots or permanent hair loss, and it should begin to diminish within 3-4 months after delivery. And this is the most common period of hair loss. The

rise in hormones during pregnancy keeps you from losing your hair. After delivery, the hormones return to normal levels, which allow the hair to fall out and return to the normal cycle. The normal hair loss that was delayed during pregnancy may fall out all at once. “Up to 60 per cent of your hair that is in the growth state may enter into the telogen resting state. The hair loss usually peaks threefour months after delivery as your hair follicles rejuvenate themselves. As noted above, this hair loss is temporary, it returns to normal w i t h i n six to 12 months. Hair loss can be triggered by anyt h i n g that involves a change in the estrog e n s h o r mone b a l ance i n

your system. ” The positives: During pregnancy, there is an increase in the level of estrogen hormones. Estrogen causes hair to remain in the growing phase and stimulates its growth. While you are

pregnant, you should expect a full, luxurious head of hair. Recommendations: There are a number of things that you can do to have healthier hair and/or reduce hair loss during pregnancy and after delivery: • Consult with your health care provider to ensure a proper balance of hormones. • Avoid pigtails, cornrows, hair weaves, braids and tight hair rollers which can pull and stress your hair. • Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables, which contain flavonoids and antioxidants that may provide protection for the hair follicles and encourage hair growth. • Use shampoos and conditioners that contain biotin and silica. • Hair is fragile when it is wet, so be gentle; avoid fine tooth combs. • If you need to use blow dryers and other heated hair instruments, use the cool setting. • Supplement your diet with the following nutrients: o Vitamin B complex. o Biotin (possibly safe; orally and appropriately). o Vitamin C. o Vitamin E (likely safe if amount does not exceed the RDA; possibly safe if it does). o Zinc (likely safe when used orally and appropriately; likely unsafe when used orally in high doses).

‘I slept in mosquito-infested hall to shoot a video ’


once slept in a hall f i l l e d with mosquitoes w h e r e I was meant to shoot my musical video. Unfortun a t e l y, it didn ’t c o m e o u t well at last because o f lack of adequate funds. First and foremost, I would like to point out that I ’m the type that does things for myself with regard to my music career. I get no assistance from my parents. So, I partially signed in with YSM label. The reason I said partial is because the signing had not been done on paper or officially. That same day, while shooting, it took a long time and because I was eager to have it all shot, I refused to go home. Of course this would have been better for me. At least mosquitoes wouldn ’t have feasted on me. I decided to wait and eventually slept there. After all that I suffered that night, not sleeping well because of mosquitoes

etc, the shooting didn ’t turn out well because I didn ’t have enough money. It was shabbily done. I consider this the naughtiest thing I have ever done because I have never subjected myself to that kind of suffering before, only to have what I suffered for not well done for me. When I got home, my skin was battered because of mosquito bites. Being light-skinned, the bites were obvious. I won ’t forget that experience in a hurry. • A d a n n a Timothy, a music diva is medical student at Babcock University, Ilishon, Ogun State. -ADAEZE AMOS.


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Peppered Snails


eppered snails are a common feature in the Nigerian restaurants, it is fondly called as Congo meat. It is a popular delicacy most people enjoy once cleaned and prepared, and it can be added to soups, stews or even sauces. Another good way to enjoy this delicacy is by simmering the snails in peppered sauce and eating alone as an appetizer. Peppered snails would definitely get you taste buds watered. When cooking snails, it’s best not to overcook it so it doesn’t get too soft thereby losing that crunchy feel which is the best part. The average snail contains 80 per cent water, 15% protein and 2.4 per cent fat. It also contains essential fatty acids, calcium, iron, selenium; and magnesium. It’s also rich in essential vitamins such as Vitamins A, E, K and B12 and can be used as an alternative to Beef and chicken. How to make peppered snails It is so easy to prepare peppered snails as it involves cleaning the snails carefully, once you are done with that, the rest of the preparation is very easy. Ingredients for Peppered Snails • 10 medium snails • 4 habanero peppers • 5 plum tomatoes • 1 onion • seasoning cube • cooking spoon vegetable oil • Salt (to taste) • 1 onion Please note: toothpicks for serving. Be careful about the quantity of seasoning you add to snails. They can easily get over-seasoned and taste salty because due to the texture of the meat, it does not absorb much of the seasoning. You can skip the tomatoes and use only habanero peppers. But you will need more pepper to make enough stew for the snails, which makes it a Peppered Snails Before the preparation

Break the shells of the snails and clean the snail slime. Cut half of the first onion into big chunks. Cut the other half into tiny pieces. Cut the habanero peppers (scotch bonnet) into tiny pieces. Remove the seeds from the tomatoes and cut them into thin slices. Making the Peppered Snails 1. Put the cleaned snails in a pot and pour water to cover them. Add the seasoning cube and the chunks of onion 2. Cover and start cooking on medium heat. While cooking, top up the water when necessary so it does not burn. 3. Put the sliced tomatoes, pepper and onions in another pot and start cooking on medium heat. The aim is to steam them till they are soft. Stir from time to time so it does not burn. 4. After 30 minutes, the snails should be well cooked. Remember to top up the water as you cook them. Note that the tongues of the snails are still crunchy even when the snails are done. 5. Remove the chunks of onion from the snails. Increase the heat to high and stir constantly till all the remaining liquid in the pot is absorbed. You don’t want to lose any flavour by pouring away the snail stock. Set it aside. 6. When the water dries from the pepper, tomatoes and onions, add the vegetable oil and fry for about 5 minutes. Stir continuously so it does not stick to the pot. 7. Add salt and stir very well. 8. Add the cooked snail. Stir very well and add more salt if necessary. 9. That’s it! Leave to cool down a bit, insert toothpicks and serve with onions. If you are entertaining guests or having dinner with the family, serve it as a side dish to fried or Jollof rice and with a chilled drink for parties serve as small chops.


Sunday Mirror

Chateau Pichon wine

or many wine lovers, Chateau Pichon Lalande is one of the best examples of Bordeaux wine from Pauillac. Sensuous textures, deep concentrated layers of ripe fruit and a perfume filled with earth, tobacco and cassis are what you’ll find in Pichon Lalande. The first mention of what is now called Chateau Pichon Lalande discusses the creation of the Bordeaux wine property by Pierre de Mazure de Rauzan. Pierre de Mazure de Rauzan is responsible for forming many of what are now widely considered the top Bordeaux wine producing properties today! The vineyards Pichon Lalande earned its name years later when Therse, the daughter of the founder received the estate as a dowry when she married Jacques de Pichon Longueville. Jacques de Pichon Longueville was not only famous for his efforts as a chateau owner, he was also elected as the first President of the Bordeaux Parliament. During the 18th century the wine-growing

influence at Pichon Lalande was definitely feminine. Perhaps that explains part of the wines sensuous qualities. Pichon Lalande was essentially managed by three women: Therese de Rauzan, Germaine de Lajus and Marie Branda de Terrefort. These Pichon Longueville baronesses took care of the vineyard up to the French Revolution. Baron Joseph de Pichon Longueville succeeded his mother taking over Pichon Lalande when he was only 19. He was 90 years old when he died, having witnessed during his long reign three revolutions, five kings, two republics and an empire. Much of the credit belongs to him for his efforts to see Pichon Lalande earn its Second Growth designation in the 1855 Classification. What happened next changed the landscape of the Medoc forever. On the eve of his death in 1850, Baron Joseph de Pichon Longueville divided the property between his five children. Wanting to be fair to everyone, his two sons received two fifths of the vineyard and the wine-making facilities; his three daughters, the other three fifths.

Sunday Mirror

Growing Up

Sunday, September 13, 2015


DID YOU KNOW? • Magma is the hot liquid rock under the surface of the Earth, it is known as lava after it comes out of a volcano. • Natural gas doesn ’t have an odor; strong smells are added to it by humans so it can be detected when there are leaks. • Hawaii is moving towards Japan at the speed of 10cm a year. This is because they are on different tectonic plates. • The world ’s largest desert (outside of the polar regions) is the Sahara, it covers about one third of Africa! • Stretching out to an impressive length of 6696 kilometres (4160 miles) long, theNile River is the longest river on earth. • The volcanic rock known as pumice is the only rock that can float in water. • Mt Everest is the highest mountain on earth; its peak reaches 8,848 metres (29029 feet) above sea level. Check out the highest mountains on each continent of the Earth. • On average the Atlantic Ocean is the saltiest of Earth ’s major oceans. • Earthquakes that occur out at sea can cause huge tsunamis capable of reaching land and endangering people. • Metamorphic rocks are formed by extreme pressure and heat. Read more about



YOUNG FASHION metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary rocks, find information on rocks and minerals or check out our interesting fossil facts. • The Earth isn ’t perfectly round; it is slightly flattened at the north and south poles. Learn about the Polar Regions with our Antarctica facts and Arctic facts. • Scared of the Bermuda Triangle? Despite its reputation it is actually part of a commonly sailed shipping route. • Scientists have the dated the Earth as being between 4 and 5 billion years old! • The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest on Earth. Enjoy more rainforest facts or learn about jungles.

It’s the Raining season once again, and am sure you don’t want to get wet while going to school. Today on Young Fashion, we present to you three essential items to have in this raining season. The rainy bags Rainy bags come in several attractive colors, and you definitely need to have it to protect your books from the rain. Jelly sandals You sure don’t want those beautiful leather sandals or shoes to get spoilt. The best thing to do is get one of these lovely looking Jelly sandals which also come in different colors. Rain coats This is the most important of all the items to get, this is because a rain coat not


People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude. -John C. Maxwell

WHO INVENTED WHAT? Ruth Handler created Barbie Doll Jelly sandals

Rainy bags

RIDDLES • What has a face and two hands but TONGUE TWISTER

One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was one, too. When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one, too.

The Barbie doll was invented in 1959 by Ruth Handler (co-founder of Mattel), whose own daughter was called Barbara. Barbie was introduced to the world at the American Toy Fair in New York City. Barbie ’s job was teenage fashion doll. The Ken doll was named after Ruth ’s son and was introduced two years after Barbie in 1961. The full name of the first doll was Barbie Millicent Roberts, from Willows, Wisconsin. Barbie ’s job was that of teenage fashion model. However, the doll has been made in versions connected to over 125 different careers.

no arms or legs? A clock • What word begins and ends with an ‘e ’ but only has one letter? Envelope • What has a neck but no head? A bottle • What type of cheese is made backwards? Edam • What gets wetter as it dries? A towel • Why did the boy bury his flashlight? Because the batteries died. • Which letter of the alphabet has the most water? The C • What starts with a ‘P ’, ends with an ‘E ’ and has thousands of letters? The Post Office! • What has to be broken before you can use it? An egg • Why can ’t a man living in New York be buried in Chicago? Because he ’s still living! • What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it? A teapot • How many letters are there in the English alphabet? There are 18: 3 in ‘the ’, 7 in ‘English ’ and 8 in ‘alphabet ’. • Which month has 28 days? All of them of course!

Rain coat


Q. What is the problem with twin witches? A. You never know which witch is which! Q. What do you call a witch at the beach? A. A sand-witch! Q. How do you make a witch itch? A. Take away her W! Q. Why did the witch travel on a broom? A. She couldn ’t afford a vacuum cleaner! Q. What does a witch get if she isn ’t a good traveler? A. Broom sick!


Movies & Music

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunday Mirror

& usic M Movies With Victor Udoh 07067124302 e-mail:

Kiss Daniel, Yemi Alade, others win awards in New York

Do2dtun set to host

Jimmy’s Jump Off


op Nigerian entertainers such as Yemi Alade, Kiss Daniel, Praiz and more picked up awards in recognition of their hard work and outstanding roles in the Nigerian Entertainment scene at the Nigerian Entertainment Awards, NEA, held in New York recently. In its 10th edition, the night was hosted by popular rapper, Ice Prince, and newlywed beauty queen cum actress, Osas Ighodaro-Ajibade. The event, which had top Nigerian celebrities in attendance, saw Yemi Alade emerge winner of the ‘Best Female Artist’ category while X3M act, Praiz, won in the ‘Best R’n’B’ category. Fast-rising act, Kiss Daniel, triumphed in the ‘Best New Act’, Simi picked the award for the ‘Most Promising Act’ while fuji cum pop act, Pasuma Wonder, emerged winner in the ‘Best Indigenous Artist’ category.



Kiss Daniel

Yemi Alade

Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards returns for fourth edition


frica Magic, the continent’s leading provider of entertainment for Africa by Africans, is delighted to announce the call to entry for the 2016 edition of the Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (AMVCAs) in association with MultiChoice Africa. Regional Director for M-Net (West), Wangi Mba-Uzoukwu, said: “We are pleased to announce the call to entry for the 2016 edition of the Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards. At Africa Magic and MultiChoice, we have continued to show our support to the film and television industry across Africa even as we continue to provide worldclass entertainment for Africa by Africans. For the 4th edition of the AMVCAs, we are inviting all entries for film and television works that are produced and broadcast or publicly exhibited from October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015.” The AMVCAs were created to celebrate the contribution of African filmmakers, actors and technicians in the success of the continent’s film and television industry and with the suc-

cess of the he previous three editions, preparations ions for the 2016 edition are underway erway. MultiChoice Africa CEO, Tim m Jacobs, said: “We are very excited to o once again bring the AMVCAs to our ur viewers across the continent tinent and indeed the he world. The 2016 6 edition will make ake it four years ars of celebrating ating Africa’s finest talents ts in the film and television ion industry and we at M u l t i Choice are glad to be a part rt of thatt celebration.”

opular Cool FM presenter, pre Do2dtun, announced as the host for has been announce the 2015 edition of DJ Jimmy Jatt’s annual event, ‘Jimmy’s Jump Off ’. ‘The Festival’, this Tagged ‘Th edition is schedyear’s e uled ffor Wednesday, September 30, at the Septem GET Arena, Victoria Island Lagos. According to A Do2dtun, I see this Do2 as an opportunity to host the show; I will try as much as possible to bring out the best in me. I want my fans to all out and show come because this is a great me love becau me and my brand privilege for m to showcase tthe other side of me. The event is billed to have attendance more than 20 in attendanc top Nigerian DJs among who Humility, DJ Caise, are DJ Hum Xclusive, DJ Spinall, DJ DJ Xclusive and many Sose, DJ Lambo, La others.

OC Ukeje

Kehinde Bankole

Mba-Uzoukwu stressed that: “The African film and television industry continues to show tremendous growth in the kind of content we see and the quality of existing and up-andcoming talent. The previous editions of the AMVCAs have had a significant impact on filmmaking and I am very certain that the next edition will have an even bigger impact on film and television across Africa.”

Sunday Mirror

Movies & Music

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Omoni Oboli returns with The First Lady H aving established herself as one of the very few female producers to have a blockbuster movie with ‘Being Mrs Eliot’, actress, producer and director, Omoni Oboli, is set to return to the cinema with another potential blockbuster movie, ‘The First Lady’ (TFL) come October 1. ‘The First Lady’ is a story of a street girl and her pimp told with intrigues, twists and turns of street elements that attest to the versatility of Omoni as an actress. It is a comic drama with compelling story lines backed with impressive acting. It stars Alex Ekubo, Jospeh Benjamin, Yvonne Jegede, Chinedu Ikedieze, Anthony Monjaro and Oboli. The story which was written by Oboli was also directed by the Delta-born French graduate. Oboli’s directional debut ‘Being Mrs Elliot’ has come

and gone, but the movie lived up to expectations in Nigerian cinemas. It recorded good box office figures topping the chart and way ahead of other foreign films. It made over five million in its first three days in the cinemas making it one of the number one sought after movies after its premiere. It went on to make over N16 million from cinemas. Oboli, who studied film-making from New York Film Academy, said she is evolving with time and better experience. “I hope people will find this better than ‘Being Mrs Elliot’. We sincerely put in a lot of efforts in this movie. Myself, Alex and Yvonne applied ourselves. The cinema audience will be entertained and pleasurably shocked with what they will find in ‘The First Lady’.”


Last Slave

Kate Henshaw, Funke Akindele, others feature in

London Life, Lagos Living


he Make it Happen Productions, one of the leading showbiz outfits in the country, is set to keep her audience on the edge of their seats with yet another extravaganza. It will present the stage adaptation of Bobo Omotayo’s ‘London Life, Lagos Living’. A much anticipated production, the play features a cast of A-list actors which includes Kate Henshaw, Funke Akindele, OC Ukeje, Chioma ‘Chigurl’ Omeruah, Kemi Lala Akindoju, Lami Phillips, Patrick Diabuah and Adebola Williams. The play is directed by Kenneth Uphopho who was also the director of ‘Saro the Musical’. “We have worked very hard to bring the production of Bobo Omotayo’s ‘London Life, Lagos Living’ alive on stage,” said Kemi Lala Akindoju, CEO, The Make it Happen Productions. “Bobo Omotayo’s book captures the experiences of the Nigerian who lived in London and moves back home. The adaptation is hilarious and entertaining, we cannot wait for to have it on stage,” she explained.

British Council, Call to Create stage jazz show in Lagos Last Slave

Last Slave set for awards in Germany


ithin a few months ‘Last Slave’ was released to the Nigerian cinemas, it has begun to attract international recognition. The thriller which was directed and produced by Henry Henry Ozuluonye explained that human trafficking still exists in the modern African society. Next month, precisely on the 10th, ‘Last Slave’ will be screened on Nollywood Film Festival and E-Golden Awards in Frankfurt, Germany. Though the quality of the movie has never been in doubt, the development came as a reminder of its class. Speaking with Sunday Mirror, Ozuluonye said he felt excited when the news reached him. According to him, that it means that people who selected the movie believed in his work, felt its impact in the international documentary drama and saw that it has story to tell the world. “I think we have three movies selected from Nollywood and “Last Slave” happens to be the second. The movie is for people who like rich storylines and the reception is high among such people in the society. My mission with the movie is already actualised because I have made the international environment to understand that human traffic still takes place in Africa. But the general public loves mostly comedy; they look forward to seeing something to make them laugh. I have done two com-

mercial movies, ‘English Teacher’ and an indigenous movie yet to be released. The two movies will be released before the end of this year.” He, however, lamented that piracy was affecting the distribution of movie and nothing they can do about that. “Though I have not seen any pirated copies, I get urgent calls from people that they saw bad quality. While we are labouring, some people are at a corner pirating our movies and it is not something I can actually fight because I don’t know where they are operating from. It is affecting the commercial market badly and government still needs to do more to protect our intellectual property,” he said. At present, the director said he cannot give an estimation of how much he had made from the movie since he was yet to utilise distribution channels. His words: “I cannot tell you that now until I have exhausted like 50 per cent of the distribution channels because it is very impossible to make a lot of money from the commercial market alone, especially with piracy. With the involvement of all distribution channels, you can start thinking of making profit from the movie. But due to the arrangement I have had with festivals, I might not be able to utilise all the channels presently. We also have Netflix waiting for the movie to come up on the internet.”


he British Council is inviting the general public to ‘On Mass’, a special jazz performance that is part of UK/ Nigeria 2015-16, a major season of arts and culture. The event, a partnership with Call to Create, will feature a unique jazz performance by The Art Ensemble of Lagos and the MUSON Jazz ensemble in collaboration with Vidal Montgomery and Wayne Francis II from the UK. The ‘Call to Create’ network was established by the Roundhouse, UK, to showcase the talents of young artists and to encourage collaborations between established and emerging artists around the world. “One of the ways of showing the fusion of cultures is music,” said Ojoma Ochai, director of Arts, British Council Nigeria. “On Mass will showcase the beauty of blending the cultures of Nigeria and the UK through jazz,” he said.

Muson Jazz band


Sunday Mirror

Sunday, September 13, 2015


ADAEZE AMOS 08023012293 (sms only)

Help! I have fallen in love with my doctor (3)

In need of a serious relationship/marriage Uche, 20, from Anambra needs a God-fearing, handsome, caring and rich guy of 25 years and above that will take care of her -08144815735. Edwin is my name. I ’m looking for a sexy and romantic lady of 17 years for friendship -08094186336. My name is Uche, 42, an engineer from Anambra State. I ’m 5.8 ft tall and a Christian. I need a 28-35 working-class graduate from Anambra for marriage -08062227333. Taiwo Olumide is my name. I ’m a student, light -kinned and tall. I need a serious relationship that will lead to marriage. I ’m live in Ibadan -08072225028. Paul is my name. I ’m 50 years old. A graduate of University of Uyo, I ’m from Akwa Ibom State. I need a lady for wife -07030809667. I ’m Jude, 28 years old. I ’m shy, friendly and live in Lagos. I need a caring, understanding female friend from any state. She has to be between 19 and 35 years old -07032292819, 08097013057. My name is A1, 23, from a Yoruba-speaking state. I ’m young and beautiful, a mother of two beautiful girls. I need a 28-40-year-old rich man who is ready to take good care of me. Trust me, I ’m ready to put smiles on his face anytime. I wouldn ’t mind Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba or even a white man -08107346507. Mohd, 40, wants a mature lady, tall, sexy, with bleached skin and big boobs. She has to be a working-class living in Kaduna, between 25 and 35 years old, for friendship -080 37348310. My name is Ade, I live in Lagos. I am a worker and student. I ’m 27 years old. I need a caring, sexy lady between 20 and 25years old -0708857453. My name is Afam, 25, a graduate. I need a sugar mummy for a serious relationship -07060932985. I ’m Moses, 27, from Lagos. I need a God-fearing, loving, caring and honest lady, between 19 and 25 years old, for a committed relationship -08024204122, 08038566795.

A model

We conclude Juliet ’s intriguing story started penultimate week. She is now in love with her doctor and feels at home as the doctor enjoys her company. For him, ladies that chat merrily seldom nag.


uliet was coming every two weeks for her antenatal clinic as doctor Eric urged her. Gradually, they started being close. Whenever she came to the hospital, the staff already knew who she came to see and pronto she was allowed to walk into the consultant ’s inner office where he used to rest when he ’s less busy. Each time she was with him, she loved telling stories while the doctor was a good listener. That was what Tony her ex-date never liked. He considered her a weaverbird and reminded her often to be mum for once …that ladies who loved to talk much like parrots were emptyheaded and always took the last position in the class. “He used to complain that I talked a lot, that I should learn to keep mum at times else I would be forgetting important information. Each time he said that to me, I would feel stupid about myself and I would suddenly wonder if that was why no suitor had ever shown any interest in me except married men. “But Dr Eric was honestly the opposite of Tony. He loved my talkativeness and he would want me to tell him everything, he loved me the more when I talked, he said he loved women who talk …they were

livelier. I felt at home and chatted, laughed as if I was talking with my mother, who was my number one confidant. He was enjoying all my stories and if there was need for him to pick his phone calls, he would tell me he needed to pick his call. Then after his conversations on the phone which he made very snappy, he would remind me where I stopped and asked me to continue. This showed he was indeed interested and was a good listener. “He loved my company so much that even when I wasn ’t due for antenatal clinic, he would call that I come over to the hospital and be with him. I usually enjoyed staying with him. That was what I continued doing, I answered all the questions he asked me not concealing anything. I told him how I met Tony because he asked. Gradually, I became fond of him, which culminated in love, ” she recalled. The day Juliet agreed to come to his house was when they were together in the hospital for long. They were both tired and needed rest. When “he was driving me home as he was fond of doing, he asked if he could take me to his house or if he should still drive me home. I asked if his wife would not frown at my coming to his house. I pretended as if I never heard about the problem he had with his wife, a scoop I got from a commercial motorcyclist who once brought me to his hospital. He looked at me and said, ‘I have no wife for now, she left me and travelled to U.S., and we have started filing our divorce pa-

pers. I will tell you the whole story when we get home okay, lady? ’ I nodded extremely happy. Meaning that I wasn ’t dating a married man after all, or breaking any woman ’s home and heart, ” she thought. Dr Eric drove to Ajao Estate, Lagos where he lives. It was a big house, a duplex and once he honked, his gate keeper opened and he drove in. “When he alighted, I was still sitting in his car and pretended not to be excited. He opened the car door and said ‘welcome to my house. Ever since Ruth my wife left, I ’m usually lonely here. Except for my gate keeper and my chef, I wouldn ’t have had anybody to discuss with. This is why I spend most of my time at the hospital working. So, you are welcome my dear, ’ he said, as he planted a kiss on my forehead, ” she said. He held her hands and Juliet alighted. “Take it easy lady, your legs have started swelling again. This is called oodema. It ’s not a big problem, it is common in pregnant women. It ’s because you have been sitting for long. ” “Doctor, what did you call it? Oodema? What kind of disease is that and which language is that? ” “Call me Eric, I think I prefer that or better still any pet name you prefer, okay? Back to your question, Oodema is neither Igbo, Yoruba nor Hausa language, it ’s a medical term. I will tell you in detail what caused it dear, ’ he laughed. And before I could ask an-

I am CJ, 32 years old. I need a mature and God-fearing lady for marriage -08137729887. Gbenga, 43, needs a 30-35 year-old self-employed lady from Ogun State for a relationship -08151011938.

NOTICE: Please note that we don ’t do personal connections outside this column. Calls to connect privately are not allowed. Just send an SMS or email and we ’ll get your request published. The request is published on first come first served basis. Thank you!

other question, he held me close to him, like someone who had been hungry of me and suddenly we were in the world of our own. He didn ’t allow my pregnancy become an obstacle, though he was gentle with me, ” she reminisced. That was the beginning of a sizzling affair between Dr Wellington Eric and Juliet Johnson. That night, they never slept a wink. He told her everything she needed to know about him. “How it had been pretty hard for him to make his wife pregnant, how his wife insulted him because of that and how he was still hopeful for a miracle. He said he found it difficult opening to people about his predicament, because they would end up wondering why a physician couldn ’t heal himself. He confided all to me. When I asked him what would happen when I ’m delivered of my baby, he said he wouldn ’t mind being the father and that we would get married, ” she said. At that Ju-

liet ’s mind sank. “I was happy when he proposed marriage after three months of our relationship. I called my mum and told her. She advised me to hold on until I ’m delivered of my baby and that if it ’s a male child, I would bring him home first because my dad needed it. I was in dilemma over that, ” she said. Dr Eric had a scan test on Juliet when she was seven months gone. “From the scrutum bag of my unborn baby which was detected on the scan, I was told of the sex of my baby. A male child that my parents longed to have. Now, I don ’t want to wait to deliver my baby and hand him over to my parents before marrying Dr Eric. I need him to be the father of my baby and my husband. With that both of us would be happier. But my parents frown at this, ” she stated. •Readers, please advise Juliet.

Sunday Mirror

From the Pulpit

Sunday September 13, 2015


Be careful of who you trust, warns Prophet Oloruntimilehin


uman beings are so powerful and perilous. As dangerous and powerful the lion and other wild beasts are, human beings were able to arrest them due to the degree of their powers. Human beings have no wing to fly but catch the birds in the sky, likewise the fishes in the ocean. Not only that, they go to the extent of capturing one another. They have the power to arrest anything on earth; I pray that the principalities of this world will not catch us in the name of Jesus Christ. The Bible says in the book of Genesis 6: 5 – 6, “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart”. A certain man who people know to be a powerful wicked man was perpetrating all sorts of evil acts in his area, he killed both young and old, and at the end, he was caught by a little boy. Samson was a Nasserite whose mission was to deliver the Israelites; he was caught through a woman despite his power. The fellow you unburden your heart to, wine and dine with is monitoring you and looking forward to your downfall. A man had three daughters; he was so caring, said one of his daughters. The three daughters plotted and killed their father before day broke because they knew he was planning to bring in a new wife. The daughters said they regretted over their action to have killed their father because they thought

General Overseer of Omnipotence Mission of God, Prophet Joshua Daramola Oloruntimilehin, in this admonition, urges caution in relating with people.Excerpts: the new wife could give birth to a male child who could be the heir and claim their father’s possessions. Imagine how the children paid back their father in spite of the love the man had for them. Human beings are full of evil thoughts and deeds; a husband planning to use his wife as money ritual, likewise the wife plotting to get rid of her husband in order to move to her concubine. The friend you confide in is ready to push you out of your matrimonial home to assume your position, snatch your business from you, etc. My prayer is that Heaven shall fall on anyone who is planning to fall you in the name of Jesus. Human beings are so powerful to the extent that God who created humans feared them. The Bible says in the book of Genesis 3:22 – 24 “ And the Lord God said, behold, the man is become one of us, to know good and evil: and now lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the three of life, and eat, and live forever: Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life”. Recently, a woman came to me with a very handsome guy, whom she called her son. She confessed that

Prophet Oloruntimilehin

she had used the glory of her son as collateral to borrow money from their witchcraft caucus. I told her to go pay the money back but she replied that the glory cannot be restored again and that was why she came to me because she knew I’m the one who can restore the glory. Humans do not keep but flout law; they can change at any time and do what you don’t expect. A woman came to me that I should help her look into the root of her husband’s wealth. With observation, I asked her why?

She said she wanted to take her own share and leave if truly her husband is involved in money ritual as she has been suspecting him. I was amazed at her statement; she did not say she wanted to leave but to take her share of the ritual and run away. Brethren, beware of human beings, they are so terrible. Put your trust in God and not in man as humans can deceive or fail you at anytime. •For more enquiries call: 08023020108, 08058110288; facebook. com/pastoroloruntimilehin

‘Strengthening the things which remain’ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24 lasting peaceful abode. Heb. 4: 12- 13 says, “Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; 13. And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed”. We must by strengthening what remains go forward courageously and keep always a right course without any staggering or stumbling. We must show examples of good life for others to follow and make every effort to bear up under their trials. The hope of victory will do much to strengthen us when we are on our duty cum journey to heaven because the desire to reach home invigorates the frame of the weary traveler. So in persecution and sickness and bereavement, the hands must not fall, the knees must not tremble, and the heart must not sink within us. But our confidence should be in God, and the hope of heaven. The assurance that all this is for our good will reinvigorate the enfeebled frame, and enable us to bear what we once supposed would crush us to the dust. A courageous mind in the grace of God braces a feeble body, and hope makes it fresh for new

conflicts. By every proper means we are to make the way to heaven as plain and easy as possible. We are to allow no obstructions in the path over which the lame and feeble might fall in the course of running the heavenly race. We should bear in mind that a burden of affliction is apt to make a Christian’s hands hang down, and his knees grow feeble, to dispirit him and discourage him. But against this background he is expected to strive so that he may better run his spiritual race and course. Faith and patience enable believers to follow peace and holiness, as a man follows his calling constantly, diligently, and with pleasure. Peace with men, of all sects and parties, will be favourable to our pursuit of holiness. But peace and holiness go together and there can be no right peace without holiness. Where persons fail of having the true grace of God, corruption will prevail and break forth. So beware lest any lust in the heart that has not been mortified, which seems to be dead, should spring up, to trouble and disturb the whole body. Falling away from Christ is the fruit of preferring the delights of the flesh to the blessing of God and the heavenly inheritance as Esau did. But sinners will not always have such mean thoughts of the Divine

blessing and inheritance as they now have. Remember, God has called us to be holy in order to make others holy through us, just as He blessed Abraham in order to use him to bless others. Gen. 12: 1-2 says, “Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: 2. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing”. All families of the earth who claim blessing of God get that through the covenant of blessing God had with Abraham. The Children of God recover the blessing which they lost in Adam by the fulfillment of the promise God made to Abraham. So, our standard or ancient land mark is holiness and anything short of that will be unacceptable. If that be the case, we must measure up to His grace; we must fear Him and depart from all evil. Prov. 3: 7 says, “Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil”. There is not a greater enemy to the fear of the Lord in the heart, than self-conceit of our own wisdom. The prudence and sobriety which religion teaches tend not only to the health of the soul, but to the health of the body. Should the Lord visit us with blessing, we must use it for His glory, and

if He visits us with trials and sickness, let us not forget that the exhortation speaks to us as to children, for our good. We must not faint under an affliction, be it ever so heavy and long, we must not be driven to despair, or use wrong means for relief. The father corrects the son whom he loves, because he loves him, and desires that he may be wise and good. Afflictions are so far not meant to do God’s children any hurt, but that, by the grace of God, they promote their holiness. We must maintain orderliness for God is not an author of confusion. Let not the persons who act in the congregation in a disorderly manner not say they are under the influence of God; for He is not the author of confusion. Our response should be to get rid of all hypocrisy, compromise, sin, falsehood and pretence and begin to maintain holiness, fear of God, respect others, become humble, obedient and be in heaven at last. We should understand that our Father in heaven is under pressure to save as many people as possible. He is set to rapture His children but He will by-pass those who are not ready. That is why He admonishes us to strengthen what remains to be strengthened. For those who are not born again yet and backsliders, they should repent or perish.


From the Pulpit Learn with Kunle



Email: profkunlemacaulay@ (08023032698, sms pls)

e live in a period when Christian religion is favourable. Church is more popular today than many commercial industries. People rush to church because it has become an avenue to solve many problems which include: barrenness, sickness of all types, stroke, high blood pressure and even HIV. Christian leaders in Nigeria smile to Bank after every service, number of congregation increases and church buildings are enlarged to accommodate more people. Some mega- churches have five services every Sunday. Christian leaders boast of having a rich God who supplies without conditions. Non- Christians attend Christian services because church has become a place where people are blessed with prosperity and enemies are crushed. So it becomes a service for all.

People are accepted into church membership without any conversion experience or faith in Jesus Christ. Church is becoming an entertainment centre where joy, love, encouragement, hope, faith, trust, goodwill and relationship are projected. It is a place where sin, criticism and controversies are avoided. Christian leaders are ‘’ selling’’ religion and are avoiding talking about service, cross- bearing and repentance. Palatable sermons to please the heart of man are offered. It has now become a place to make good friends, to enjoy privileges provided by the church for single ladies and men to meet and enjoy relationship and for business men and women to fellowship. Church in Nigeria is actually sleeping.

Desti Destiny Hour with Pastor Femi

Lanre-Oke “


herefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God”2 Cor 7:1 God is not an alternative and He is definitely not an extra wheel to throw in when all seems to have failed. God must be the only option of a child of God. But how many Christians today can say that God is their only option? A lot of us say with our mouths that we trust God but our minds are already conceptualizing alternatives to go for in case God does not come through. Many Christians believe that in certain areas of their lives God has let them down; financially a lot have resorted to borrowing to survive and giving Him thanks for the ability to. Martially many have resigned themselves to the fate that they’re not meant to be happy coming up with phrases like “my marriage is not made for happiness” However, there is nothing God will promise to do today which He’s has not perfected from the beginning of the world (Ephesians 1:4) but your ability to receive that financial breakthrough, the marital bliss is entirely dependent on your capacity. Faith is the channel to get your blessings, but holiness is the certificate that qualifies

Sunday September 13, 2015

Sunday Mirror

Spiritual sleepiness of the modern church It is being infected by herbalists, magicians, people with dubious character and criminals. It has attracted prostitutes, pagans and people who are seeking psychological pleasure. Today, the world finds it easy to come into the church. Everything in the church can be found in the world – secular music, dressing and life-style. There is nothing different nowadays between the church of God and the world. When we talk about the church that came into existence on the day of Pentecost, then we are talking about a church with a purpose. It is a church that moved from Jerusalem and has almost reached the end of the world. The church in Nigeria has lost its sense of direction. It is very powerless to direct its own destiny and it is purposeless. We cannot deliver a message we have forgotten. Human situation in Nigeria is disturbing that an average Christian does not know who he is, where he is, what he wants and where he is going. An average Christian has been indoctrinated to the point that he can fight physically and shed his blood for the founder of the church he attends and not for the truth of the Bible or the God of the Bible. He is made to believe that it is only in that church that he can get salvation and that while his pastor is the only true man of God others are powerless. An average Christian in Nigeria wants to be successful here and now and the church is offering all this for a fee. Modern church is no more encouraging people to live with a purpose in a world that is purposeless. Christians are chosen people. Jesus said, ‘’ You did not choose me but I chose you…..’’ Jn 15 : 16. They are sent into the world to change the world but in Nigeria, the world has changed Christians. Chris-

tians are called to reconcile the world to God through the blood of Jesus Christ. The church succumbs to the secular pressure of the world and easily accepts the pattern imposed on it. Christian leaders walk majestically with people in the corridor of power who assign responsibility and authority and offer financial reward to obedient church leaders. The power and prestige of a leader is ‘’sold’’ away to secular authority. Our politicians have tamed and domesticated the church. Though the church is numerically and financially successful, its leader should feel uneasy and guilty. In our moment of humility, we should know that we are failing. We must find out why. Many of us want to represent the holy God but we are caught up in the purposelessness of our time. We have the physical equipment - qualifications, brains and money but we lack the Spirit that is most needed to do the work of God. We must not forget the promise of God, ‘’ I will put my Spirit within you and you shall live….’’ Ezek37 :14. This is no success story. We have just discovered that we have a long way to go. If the prodigal son found his way back to his father who willingly and joyfully took him back Lk15 : 11 – 22, definitely the hands of God are fully stretched forward to receive those who are ready to dissociate themselves from evil. Sincerely speaking, the knowledge of the secret of the kingdom has been given to all believers and not to non- believers Matt 13 : 11. Jesus told a story of someone who slept and his enemy came in while he was sleeping. There is no doubt that the sleepiness of Christians and their leaders that I am talking about here is not really sleeping on a mat or bed but spiritual laziness and sluggishness. So the things of

the world have not only found their ways into the house of God but have filled the hearts of many believers that they crave for pleasure of life more than the things of the Spirit. When Peter preached on the day of Pentecost and the people of Israel saw for the first time the presence of Holy Spirit, the Bible said, ‘’ When the people heard this ( sermon ), they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and other apostles, ‘’ Brothers, what shall we do?’’ The Bible further said that Peter warned them and pleaded with them,’’ Save yourself from this corrupt generation’’. Peter is not saying that they can save themselves but only warning them to get out of the worldly systems that destroy spiritual life. I am not surprised that Christians are sleeping and failing because the Bible has warned that Satan is always out to destroy and that believers should be watchful Lk12 : 35. I have said this many times that civilization, science and technology can change the method of preaching and teaching the Word of God but they have no power to change the ‘’message’’. The Bible talks about ‘’this gospel of the kingdom’’ but what we experience in the church is not the message of the kingdom but stories and fictions that do not inspire or transform life. The Bible said about the first Christians, ‘’ They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer’’. Acts 2 :42. Let us go back to the biblical principles and become ‘’real’’ Christians and true church of the living God on earth. •Prof. Kunle Macaulay is the Director of Studies of United Bible University, Lagos. Phone: 0802 – 303 – 2698; email :; Twitter. com/Kunle Macaulay1

I fear God (2) you to use the channel. Indeed you’ve done all you can to secure your blessings, you’ve prayed, sown, given thanks, believed in God and His prophets but things are still not right. Holiness is that capacity you need for your faith to work, that purity is the only thing that stops the prince of this world from hijacking your blessings. The word of God cannot be broken (John 10:35), He has promised and He can never change. However, your blessings having being released from the throne of grace can be blocked and hijacked if you allow the enemy into your life. I decree today the release of all your hijacked blessings in the name of Jesus. Amen. The only reason why the devil had no hold on Jesus was because he had nothing in Him, no sin nor blemish (John 14:30). He lived a holy life, pure and acceptable unto the Father. That was why He was able to fulfill all that was written concerning Him in the books. In the New Testament, when a mighty act is wrought among the people, the fear of God is the resultant effect (Acts 9:31) and this is the true purpose of any revival.The baseline of Christianity is the fear of God, it is the true path to holiness and purity. It is the only way to make the devil powerless against your destiny. (2 Corinthians 7:1) Holiness is the attribute of God that makes His children distinct. The Spirit of God within us teaching us all things (John 14:25-27) and testifying that we’re children of God is the Spirit of holiness (Romans 1:4). Holiness is the attribute of God that is formed in us by the Spirit of God. It is the divine enablement to stay above the impurities of sin and all that

The path to holiness this world holds in contrast to the word of God and live a life that pleases God (holy and acceptable). Unfortunately, the body of Christ has taken Bible literacy for Holiness which is the deepest conspiracy of hell. This is why a man can sin the night before and come to church the next morning lifting dirty hands to God and at the end of the day wondering why his prayers are not answered. Such prayers cannot be answered because God cannot behold iniquity. Until holiness is restored through the fear of God, we cannot have full access to His blessings and promises. The devil’s ability to sow tars and corrupt our seeds is enhanced by that dangerous plague called sin. Holiness and the daily cross And he said to them all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me Luke 9:23 The old rugged cross is the path to holiness. Taking up this cross daily is the secret to holiness. The cross where you surrendered your life and gave Jesus your sins a representation of that which you’ve left behind for the liberty you’ve received. And while you are celebrating your new found freedom you must never forget the pit from which you were drawn from. I am not asking you to go back and relive the memories of sin and death but to live with a daily consciousness that sin is dangerous and can easily creep in (Hebrews 12). This is the message of the daily cross. Pick up the

cross daily, work out your salvation with fear and trembling, flee sin and evil like an abomination (1 Timothy 6:1-11). The most serious message in the kingdom is the message of the cross and it is sad to say that after the initial salvation, it is most neglected, relegated and disputed.Read carefully! Everything you will ever become in the kingdom of God, every treasure you have access to as a child of God is linked to the cross and holiness. It is time therefore for you to return to Jesus with all your spirit, soul and body. I want you to sincerely go before God and consecrate yourself to Him to return to true righteousness and holiness and God will give grace to you to walk according to His dictates. Take this prayer with me; Father, I return to you today in the name of Jesus, I re-dedicate my spirit, soul and body to you and I ask that you grant me the grace to live a righteous and holy life acceptable in your sight. I ask that you wash me clean of filth and all sins with the blood of Jesus and make my garment whiter than snow. I ask with faith in Jesus name. Congratulations!! The Holy Spirit will ensure that you live a righteous life in Jesus name. •For further prayer & counseling, Please contact: Pastor Femi Lanre-Oke, Jesus Praise Evangelical Ministries International, Plot A22 Power Crescent, Arab road, Kubwa. Abuja, +2348030752799, +2348053695097, Email:

Sunday Mirror


Sunday September 13, 2015




he grace of God is the unmerited favour of God to the undeserving. It is the infinite mercy of God to the world, a favour of infinite worth in itself. From the beginning of the Bible to the end (Genesis 6:8; Revelation 22:21), we owe everything to the grace of God. From our creation to our redemption, it is all of grace. From our conversion to our preservation, it is God’s grace, His free gift, undeserved mercy and goodness revealed. From our salvation to our glorification, God’s grace shines forth as the divine force that makes everything happen.

As can be expected, the gift of grace, God’s infinite mercy, “hath appeared to all men” to accomplish many things for us. Limited understanding keeps believers spiritually poor and impoverished. Proper, scriptural understanding of the many-sided or “the manifold grace of God” (1 Peter 4:10) makes us spiritually strong, maintaining vital spiritual energy. Trusting in God to be saved by grace and relying on ourselves to live righteously merely by self-effort, without recourse to the grace of God is like being brought into the kingdom of God by the effectual power of the Spirit of God and striving to remain in the kingdom in the energy of the flesh. How can we be so unwise and foolish? (Galatians 3:3). 1. God’s inconceivable grace for sinners’ salvation Titus 2:11; 1 Timothy 1:12-16; Acts 15:11; Romans 3: 23,24; 5:6-21; Ephesians 2:1-10; 1:7,12; Titus 3:5-7; Acts 13:43. No sinner could have paid the infinite penalty of sinning against the almighty God and still live. Only God could have conceived the plan of salvation for sinful humanity. Every sin committed against God is a great debt owed. Innumerable sins have been committed against the eternal God (Psalm 40:12). How can man pay his debt and become free? Was he to stop sinning and start living righteously and perfectly (which is not possible in his own strength), that would not pay his past debts. It would only mean that the great past debts are not increasing but still must be paid. The only solution is for God to forgive, but a righteous and holy God cannot forgive without the satisfaction of His just demand! Someone has to pay the penalty. No man can pay for another because each man has his own debts to pay. Christ, God’s own Son, had to become Man, take our place, pay the penalty and release us from our debts. That is love undeserved, mercy unmerited, favour which none of us qualifies for. That is grace – the free gift of salvation – bestowed at the incalculable, immeasurable price of the blood and life of Christ. Grace, God’s grace, marvelous, infinite, matchless grace. 2. God’s incomprehensible grace for saints’ sanctification Titus 2:11,14; Hebrews 2:9-11; Ephesians 5:25-27; Hebrews 8:6,10; 10:10-14; 13:9,12-14; 10:19-23,29; 12:1,2,14,15; Acts 20:32. Salvation, full salvation, is by grace – the grace of God. Salvation, salvation from the penalty of sin, salvation from the pollution of sin, salvation from presumptuous sins, salvation from the power of sin, salvation

His inexhaustible grace from propensity to sin, salvation from the presence of sin, salvation from the prince of sinners, is all by grace, God’s incredible, incalculable grace. God saves and He sanctifies by His grace. For a sinful man who has struggled with the many sins in his life without any victory, he thinks it is impossible to be saved from sin. Then “the grace of God that bringeth salvation” appears and says “thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). For the believer who is conscious of inward depravity and the propensity to sin, he wonders whether entire sanctification, unblemished holiness and transparent purity will ever be possible until the Spirit of God comes forth “crying, Grace, grace” (Zechariah 4:6,7). And the angel assures him, “for with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37). Then God in His infinite love, mercy and grace reminds him, “behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh, and there is nothing too hard for me” (Jeremiah 32:27,17). Then does he pray: ‘Purge me from every evil blot; my idols all be cast aside; cleanse me from every sinful thought, from all the filth of self and pride. Give me a new, a perfect heart, from doubt, and fear, and sorrow free; the mind which was in Christ impart, and let my spirit cleave to thee’. Faith pleads and asks. Grace says it is done. 3. God’s incomparable grace for sacrificial service 1 Corinthians 3:10; 15:10; 2 Corinthians 12:9,1-10; 1 Peter 4:10-16; Acts 4:29-33; 20:19-24; Hebrews 12:28; 4:16. Great things are spoken of the grace of God – strengthening grace, sustaining grace, surpassing grace, superlative grace, supernatural grace, super-abounding grace, sufficient grace. “As thy days, so shall thy strength be” (Deuteronomy 33:25,27). As the challenges and demands of the ministry increase, so the grace to serve and minister will increase. God gives sufficient grace to accomplish whatever task or duty He has assigned for each of us. Paul, the apostle, did much, following through the divine appointment in ministry. He laboured more abundantly than all the other apostles; he laboured under the most oppressive, most difficult, most dangerous, most challenging conditions, all by the grace of God. Grace, grace; so deep, so high, so broad, so wide, infinite and inexhaustible, wonderful grace! Leaders’ pattern of godliness in the church Titus 2:7-10 “In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works.” “Exhort servants to be obedient in all things.” “Adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things” (Titus 2:7,9,10). Those words, “in all things” are both challenging and compelling. No part of the life or ministry of Titus was to be lived on the basis of personal opinion or selfish desire. His hearers also were not to partially or selectively apply the word in their lifestyle. The “sound doctrine” which Titus preached must permeate and influence the character and actions of Titus, the preacher himself, and all his hearers “in all things.” Preachers never go on vacation, they are always preaching. A few hours’ preachers preach from the pulpit, the rest of the time we demonstrate our message, making our lives shed light on the meaning of what we have been preaching – now preaching by the way we live in the public. This life-pattern or life-preaching, carries more weight and takes more time than one-hour or two-hour messages. The pattern of our lives will either drive home or drive out the preaching of our lips. How often have we heard, ‘your life speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.’ “In all things.” Those words occur so often in the Scripture that we cannot overlook them. “For Moses truly said unto the fathers,

A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear IN ALL THINGS whatsoever he shall say unto you.” “But IN ALL THINGS approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses.” “Speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him IN ALL THINGS, which is the head, even Christ.” “But watch thou IN ALL THINGS, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.” “IN ALL THINGS shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity.” “We trust we have a good conscience, IN ALL THINGS willing to live honestly.” “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God IN ALL THINGS may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.” (Acts 3:22; 2 Corinthians 6:4; Ephesians 4:15; 2 Timothy 4:5; Titus 2:7; Hebrews 13:18; 1 Peter 4:11). 1. Constant commitment to exemplary pattern in all things Titus 2:7,8; 1 Thessalonians 2:10-12; 1 Corinthians 4:16,17; Philippians 3:14-17; 1 Peter 5:1-3; 1 Timothy 4:12-16; 2 Corinthians 2:17; 1:12; Colossians 4:5,6. Titus was to teach all the brethren under his pastoral care. Here, the Apostle also taught him that he was to conform his life to the message of sound doctrine in all things. Titus was to always remember and we are to always remember that the most compelling and powerful words will fall on deaf ears if the one speaking those words fails to live by them. Titus was willing to be taught. A teacher must be willing to be taught and a leader must be willing to be led. If the preacher is not able to pattern his life after the message he preaches, if he cannot obtain grace from God to demonstrate the holiness he emphasizes, he will be rightly labeled a hypocrite. If the preacher who proclaims scriptural standard on the unity and permanence of the family does not have the love, wisdom and commitment to cleave to his wife for life, how can he expect his hearers to have the grace he does not possess? If the one who teaches his congregation to be free from covetousness is himself known to be controlled by the love of money or insatiable desire for material things, can he ever hope to see the fruit of his preaching in his congregation? If I am irresponsible and undisciplined, I cannot raise a responsible, disciplined congregation only by preaching. To lead others to heaven, they must see that the leader is headed in that same direction too. The pattern, example and model of Titus’ life were to conform to sound doctrine in all things so he could be a good example in everything to all members and ministers in the church. In doctrine and the manner of communicating divine truth, he was to demonstrate “uncorruptness” – everything in his teaching was to be such as to make men better and purer. “Gravity” was to be evident in his presentation and “sincerity” of motive and affection was to be observable in all he said and did. He was to so minister at all times and in all places that he would not be ashamed before God or before men – in the present day and on the final day. The same challenge is placed before each and everyone of us. 2. Clear conscience and employees’ performance at all times Titus 2:9,10; Ephesians 6:5-9; Colossians 3:2225; 4:1; 1 Timothy 6:1,2; 1 Peter 2:18-21; Ecclesiastes 9:10; 1 Timothy 6:6-12; Romans 2:14-16; Acts 24:16; 1 Timothy 1:4,19; 3:7-9. The servants, the employees in various places of employment and under different kinds of masters or employers were to allow Christ to shine forth through them. The mas-

Titus 2:11

ters or employers in New Testament times were mostly unbelievers. A great number of them were inconsiderate and unkind but their unchristian character did not excuse or permit Christian employees to dishonour those masters or be dishonest in their duty. The servants, that is, the employees, were to be obedient, hardworking and faithful “not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.” In their hearts, they were to “count their own masters worthy of all honour.” The few servants who were employed by “believing masters” were “not to despise them, because they are brethren” but rather to do them service. All this they were to do so that “the name of God and his doctrine” will not be blasphemed. Pastors and preachers are to teach Christian men and women that they must let their gospel light shine in their communities and in their places of employment. Titus was to instruct and impress it on all Christian employees that they were to be “obedient unto their own masters” at all times as long as they were in their employment. They were not to riot or be governed by an aggressive union but to please their own masters well in all things, and at all times. Their greatest desire should not be higher pay but “the adorning of the doctrine of God our Saviour.” “Not purloining” – Christian employees would not be deliberately producing less than they are capable of, for that would be considered unfaithful and unchristlike on their part. In all things, at all times, under all conditions, with good and froward masters, Christian employees are to so live and work that they will draw employers and co-workers to Christ through righteous attitude, behaviour and dedication to their work. 3. Consuming concern for excellent purpose in all things Titus 2:8b,10b,5b; 1 Timothy 6:1; 1 Peter 2:1215; 4:11,14-16; Matthew 5:16; Ephesians 4:1, 1721; Philippians 2:14-16; 2 Thessalonians 1:11,12; 1 Peter 2:9. Goals, motives and purposes or reasons for our action are very important to God. Our actions are evaluated on the basis of the purpose behind those actions. For all the children of God and the ambassadors of Christ, our consuming purpose and passion should be to glorify God and to influence and inspire others to also glorify Him. Our relationships, behaviour, activities, manner of life and mode of working should make all around us to desire Christ and His salvation. At home, we should so live “that the word of God be not blasphemed” (Titus 2:5). In the community, our conduct should show such a model of righteousness “that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you”, of us (Titus 2:8). With our employers and among our fellow-workers, in the midst of other employers, our lifestyle and dedication in service, our faithfulness and loyalty, our honesty and integrity, our attitude and industry, our skilfulness, selflessness and resourcefulness will go a long way to make us “adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things” (Titus 2:10). Holiness and purity in a healthy church Titus 2:1-6 Inspired and led by the Spirit, Paul, the apostle is intensely practical in all his epistles. Indeed, all inspired writers in the New Testament are consistently practical, establishing foundational doctrines in all the epistles and then making proper application to the lives of their hearers. That has been God’s purpose in revealing the truth to His people. God does not merely fill our minds and heads with the knowledge of divine truth, His desire is to make our hearts accept, love and obey His Word. From the time of the Old Testament, this has been His plan and purpose. Continued next week


From the Pulpit

T The voice of wisdom o

with Dr. David



e understand from scriptures that every man’s vision is contained in the Book called the Bible. In other words, the Bible is the custodian of God’s visions, plans and purposes for our lives. For instance, it was said of Jesus that He discovered God’s vision for His life on earth, in the volume of the Book. At another time, Jesus read from the scriptures and said, “This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.” This implies that there are things written about us in the Bible that await our discoveries (Psalm 40:7; Hebrews 10:7; Luke 4:14-21; Isaiah 29:11-12). Furthermore, this Book of vision shows us who we are in Christ, what we are worth in redemption, what we can do and how to do them in order to fulfil God’s plan and purpose for our lives (Joshua 1: 8; Deuteronomy 28:1). Here are three illustrations that help us to see the Bible as the custodian of God’s plan for our lives: • The Bible is the Creator’s Manual for Living: We understand from scriptures that we are God’s products and the Bible is His manual that empowers us to discover and pursue His plan and purpose for our lives. Remember the Bible says we are His people and the sheep of His pasture (Joshua 1:8; Jeremiah 29:11; Isaiah 2:1, Isaiah 14:24; Psalm 100:3). • The Bible is the Spiritual Water that shows us what we look like: We understand from scriptures that the Word of God is likened to water that reflects our nature in Christ. Just as our reflections appear when we look into a bowl of water, our true identity in Christ is also revealed to us when we study God’s Word. This was graphically

Priesthood House with Pastor Bola



imon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ”; (2 Pet. 1:1). This is the admonition of Apostle Peter to the Church which is still relevant in our days as it was then. We are partakers of “like precious faith” with the Apostles of Christ and it is expected of us to lay hold on the hope set before us in the gospel so as to have the same glory promised to the apostles now and in the world to come. In other words, epistles and the entire gospel of Christ are for saints who are dead to their own reputation and fame, being strangers to the world but alive to the setting forth of the kingdom of Christ. This is what Apostles lived and died for and this is what we are called to promote and enforce until the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of the dear son of God Jesus Christ. However, the caveat for this pursuit is the resonate lies and fears which Satan inflicts into the minds of the Saints in Christ; that there would be loss of property, loss of reputation, loss of friends, loss of ease, loss of life and frightful form of infliction of poverty, reproach, torture and death when Saints faithfully follow the faith of the Son of God. Contrary to the warning, which Satan inflicted into the minds of the Saints, the immutable promise of Christ is that; “there is no man that left houses….” friends, loved ones, ease and comfort; for the sake of the kingdom that would not have them back in hundred folds both now and hereafter. It is therefore, evidence

Sunday September 13, 2015

Sunday Mirror

Accessing God’s plan from his book! illustrated by a story that was told by Kenneth E. Hagin of a lion cub that was captured and made to grow among sheep. It lost its identity by virtue of the environment it found itself, until the day it saw its reflection on the surface of the water. That day, it regained its identity and confidence, and stood its ground when the other sheep fled at the appearance of a lion. This illustration helps us to understand that when we look into (Study) God’s Word and believe what He says about us, He confers us with dominion over every torment of wickedness (Ephesians 5:26; Proverbs 27:19). • The Bible is the Spiritual mirror that reveals (shows) the actual worth of the Redeemed: When we behold God’s picture for our lives from the mirror of the Word and take responsibility as contained therein, that picture becomes a reality in us (James 1:22-25; 2 Corinthians 3:18). However, we must recognize that the Bible is sealed to everyone that is not redeemed. Until we are born again, we cannot access the sealed plan of God from the Bible. This is because, only the redeemed has access to the mysteries of the Kingdom of God (Mark 4:11; John 1:12). Let’s examine two pictures of who we are from scriptures: • From scriptures, we discover that every child of God is Redeemed a Spiritual Lion: Before his fall in the Garden of Eden, man was the king of all creation. But after the fall, he was dethroned and became a victim of the wickedness of the devil, until Jesus Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah came to restore man to his dominion and Christ-like status. As a result, every child of God is redeemed a spiritual lion, and ordained for dominion over every situation and circumstance (Revelations 5:5; John 17:18; Hebrews 2:11; Proverbs 30:29-30; Genesis 49:8-12). But, what does it take to manifest our Lion Nature? Firstly, we must understand that the dominion of a lion is a function of its strength, and its strength is a function of the quality of meat that it feeds on. “Meat” here connotes principles from the Word

of God (Jeremiah 15:16). There are four levels of nutrition in the Word of God: • The water level of the Word (Isaiah 55:1, 10-11). • The milk level of the Word (1 Peter 2:2). • The meat level of the Word (Hebrew 13: 9). • Strong meat level of the Word: “Strong meat” here implies scriptural mysteries that confer masteries (dominion) on the redeemed (Hebrew 5:13-14; Psalm 45:3-5; 1Corinthians 2:9). Therefore, to keep the lion in us alive, we must do the following: • Feed on strong meat: Just as the natural lion feeds on the wild beasts to sustain its vigour, vitality and dominion, we must also feed on the strong meat of the Word (mysteries) in order to dominate every challenge that may confront us (Hebrew 5:14). • Feed on Fresh Meat: Lions thrive on fresh kills; they don’t feed on yesterday’s meal. Similarly, the fresher the revelation we encounter, the more alive the lion in us becomes and the more dominion we would command (Luke 11:3; John 5:30; John 8:28-29). • Feed on the Meat in Season: The meat in season here refers to the timely Word from God that deals with the issue at hand. However, we must understand that every lion either hunts for its food or dies of hunger. That simply means, if we are not Word-hunters, the lion in us would be weak and helpless (Isaiah 50:4; Matthew 8:28-32; Matthew 13:54). • The second picture from scripture is that every child of God is redeemed a Star: Star, here, means being trailblazers, pacesetters and being at the top of our pursuits. Also, we understand from scriptures that Jesus, the Bright and Morning Star, was not ashamed to call us His brethren. Bright and morning star means to shine early in life as Jesus did from the age of 12 and David, who slew Goliath at the age of 17 (Revelation 22:16; Hebrews 2:11; Luke 2:42-49; 1 Samuel 17:48-51; John

17:18; John 14:12). But, what does it take to be a Star in the Kingdom? • We must think Like Stars: Our thoughts determine our lot in life. That is why nothing defines destiny like mentality (Proverbs 23:7). • We must be Disciplined: Self-discipline is the price for distinction (1 Corinthians 9:25-27). • We must be diligent: We must be diligently committed to our task (1 Corinthians 9:24; Proverbs 22: 29). • We must be willing to pay the price of Sacrifice: This means commitment to be stretched beyond our best, in order to actualize a given assignment. Remember, there is no star without a scar and the scar of every star is sacrifice (Luke 12:49-50). Friend, we must recognize that we are absolutely responsible for the outcome of our lives. No one is to be blamed. Are you born again? Is Jesus Christ your Saviour and Lord? If you haven’t accepted Him, you can do so now as you say this prayer: “Lord Jesus, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins. Cleanse me with Your precious Blood. Deliver me from sin and Satan to serve the Living God. Today, I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Thank You Jesus for saving me! Now I know I am born again!” For further reading, please get my books: Maximized Destiny, Making Maximum Impact, All You Need To Have All Your Needs Met, Miracle seed and The Force of Freedom. I invite you to come and fellowship with us at the Faith Tabernacle, Canaan Land, Ota, the covenant home of Winners. We have five services on Sundays, holding at 6:00 a.m., 7:35 a.m., 9:10 a.m., 10:45 a.m. and 12:20 p.m. respectively. •I know this teaching has blessed you. Write and share your testimony with me through: Faith Tabernacle, Canaan Land, Ota, P.M.B. 21688, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria; or call 7747546-8; or E-mail:

Church as God designed it – The burden of the kingdom and the throne of Christ on the earth – (10) that Satan is trying to box believers to abandon the hope set before them for another hope which is not the hope of our calling. The hypes for prosperity, supernatural and comfort which characterized the message of several leaders in the Church is unnecessary distraction by Satan, for Saints to abandon the main thing for the ordinary. These prosperity and supernatural are naturally ours, and Saints would have quantum expression of it when they seek for the establishment of the kingdom of God here on earth. Even when we are denied of these things, the gains after all are more than the loss in the world. In the epistles of Apostle Peter he encourage the Church in this manner; “If ye suffer for righteousness sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear; (1 Pet. 1:14-15). The hope lay before the believers of Christ often demands persecution before glorification. What helps saints to overcome this terror is the need to cultivate the due fear of God rather than the undue fear of man. Also, our endurance is a purposeful patience, which ends in the testimony of victory and glory. We are not asked to provoke people to persecute us neither are we suppose to solicit favour for glory and victory at the displeasure of God. We are engaged to affirm the reason for our faith and resolutely pursue it without fear and terror of man having the confidence that, the hope is sure and certain. The “like precious faith” of apostles would bring us into collusion with the world if we are to foster the kingdom of Christ in this present kingdom. There is no alliance or unity between the world and the Saints in Christ. This

is said with the understanding that, love of Christ being spread abroad in the heart of the Saints for sinners of the world would develop passion and the need to bring them out of the kingdom of Satan to the kingdom of the dear son of God. We are not called to be isolated from the world and live in abject poverty. However the properties of this world are completely inferior to the begotten treasure which we are suppose to import to this earth. Thus, our boast and glory should not be the same boast and glory which the world rejoices about, but the glory which they could not access with gold and silver. “For the LORD speaks thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying, Say ye not, A confederacy to all them to whom this people shall say, a confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid” (Is. 8:14). Basically, what Satan intend to do is to lure the Church into apostasy or a great error of omission where the focus is shifted from the subject to the object. The object is the fear which Satan is instilling into the minds of believer to bring alliance and confederacy between the Church and the world, where it is difficult to separate the Church from the world. Church is entirely new species, new brand which the world should emulate and copy. The infliction of worldly mould is a deliberate technique of the wicked ones to blackmail the Church and accuse us to the Head of the Church. Possessing the things of the world is not forbidden for the Church, the error in it is the extraction of the same energy, the same vigor in which the gentiles seek for these things into seeking it. What the Church would grasp to dismay the world is not gold and silver, it is not houses in Lekki or Abuja city, it is righteousness

of the kingdom of God embellish in our operations, characters and lifestyles. We are supposed to be partakers of like precious faith with the apostles; to lay hold of the hope set before us, the hope of inheriting incorruptible, undefiled, and that which fades not away. These are laid up in heaven and are not in the manifestation of material resources, but are the manifest of the nature of God which is entirely eternal and everlasting. This like precious faith is what we are called to learn, pursue and become. It is a turning, from the image of man to the image of God. From the image of the world to the image of the heavenly. “Nevertheless, when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away” (2 Cor. 3:16). The veil is the flesh. Flesh can be substituted for the Spirit. “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Cor. 3:18). The more of the word of Christ in which we behold, the more we are changed from the image of man to the image of the Lord. The more you stay with Christ in the word of God, the more you become the Christ of the world. This cannot happen when we feast the Church with the rudiments of the world. There must be a paradigm shift. This is the design of the Church. Please do fellowship with us at Power and Glory Tabernacle, Akure, Futa North Gate, Power and Glory Close, beside Solab Hotel, along FUTA road. You will surely experience the fresh breath.

•Pastor Bola Bello – The Priesthood House, 08033704564

Sunday Mirror

From the Pulpit

Sunday September 13, 2015


An attitude of praise


ttitude can generally mean the way a person views something or tends to behave towards it. When you make something a regular practise by you, then it becomes an attitude.Praise means genuine outflow of gratitude from you unto God (Ex.15:11): Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders? Everyone can praise God but where the praise doescomes from matter unto God and it has to be from a genuine heart (Psalms 9:1) I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.When praises come from a genuine heart, it triggers a move of heaven upon such life and that life can never lack joy, laughter, and miracle. An attitude of praise is when a person has made praising God a regular disposition; when there is an outflow of gratitude from your heart unto God always without subjecting it to a particular condition. An attitude of praise is important because it creates around us an atmosphere of God’s presence. 2Ch 5:13: It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD; Psalms 27:6: And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD. Psalms 28:7: The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am

The Bride’s voice with Pastor Moses


Continued from last week


he only thing that separates is the word. And the separation is going on now. This is because there are some of you who are genuine children of God; with your names written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world. And remember, Christ did not go to the cross for everyone. Salvation is not for all!

The Bible says, “for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who…. With the ‘whosoever’, it makes it look as if it is for everybody. But it is certainly not for everybody because the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 11:28 says “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” He went to John Chapter 6:44 and says “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.” So you are a Christian today because the father drew you. Somebody else died an unbeliever because the father did not draw him/her. So salvation is not for all, “for whom he did foreknow, he did predestinate”. So through foreknowledge, your destiny was determined before your father married your mother; before you were formed in your mother’s womb. That is why the Bible says, the names of those that will be saved through God’s foreknowledge have been written in the Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And it is for them God set the process of

Bishop Opayinka

helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him. In the story of Obed-edom, he became blessed because he praised the God of the Ark of covenant. He worshiped and honoured the God who has given them the Ark of Covenant (2Sa 6:11): And the ark of the LORD continued in the house of Obed-edom the Gittite three months: and the LORD blessed Obed-edom, and all his household. God can fold His arms because the life of man lacks the attitude of praise. What a life may be missing because an attitude of praise is missing in that life is enormous. God regret bringing the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt because they refused to praise him but rather grumbled against God and his servants (Moses and Aaron). Let’s develop an attitude of praise and worship instead of murmuring against God for what we think He has not done for us. When you begin to praise God, sickness and diseases begin to leave your life and you can never remain small. Your attitude any-

time you are standing before the Higher Rock which is God should be that of gratitude for all he has done for you (Psalms: 61:2 -3): From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. 3: For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. Some people pray and don’t receive the answer because their attitude before God has formed barriers that prevent the answer to their prayer. Learn to always give thanks to God in whatsoever situation you find yourself. The leper men who worshiped Jesus in Mt. 8: 1-3, got his healing because of the right attitude he expressed before the Lord. Mt.8:1: When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him. 2: And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. 3: And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. Complaining and shifting blames on people will not help your situation to improve but rather make it worse. You should appreciate God and thank Him out of understanding that He knows what you are going through and we surely come to your aid. As you praise God, the gate of heaven is opened upon you and all the things that you lack will come in abundance unto your life. David worshiped God when he was in deep sorrow instead of complaining and God granted his prayer (2Samuel 15:30-32). 30: And David went up by the ascent of mount Olivet, and wept as he went up, and had his head covered, and he went barefoot: and all the people that were with him covered every man his head and they went up, weeping as they went up.

31: And one told David, saying, Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom. And David said, O LORD, I pray thee, turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness. 32: And it came to pass, that when David was come to the top of the mount, where he worshipped God, behold, Hushai the Archite came to meet him with his coat rent, and earth upon his head: 2Sa:17:23: And when Ahithophel saw that his counsel was not followed, he saddled his ass, and arose, and gat him home to his house, to his city, and put his household in order, and hanged himself, and died, and was buried in the sepulchre of his father. As you praise God over your sickness, you receive healing; as you praise God over your lack you receive abundance; as you praise God over the attack of the enemy you receive victory over them because praises make God takes over your battle. Learn to praise God and you will see your life changing in such a way too difficult for you to explain (2Chronicles 20:20-25). 21:And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the LORD, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the LORD; for his mercy endureth for ever. See you next week as we journey to the throne together. Bishop Joshua KolawoleOpayinka is the presiding Bishop of Glorious Tabernacle International located Behind Ondo State Cultural Centre, Akure, Ondo State capital. Share your testimonies and prayer points with me at: O8060297831 joshuakolawoleo@yahoo. com

Homosexuality: An abomination (2) redemption and you can only redeem what was yours. Something was yours, you lost it and the process of getting it back is called redemption. So if you are redeemed today, it means you were his from the beginning. From the Garden of Eden, something happened; sin crept in and God lost us to Satan but in due time, he looked at that Book and saw the names of his own and he decided to come and redeem them. The Bible says, “The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth those that are his”. And he added, “Let those that are nameth by the name of the Lord depart from iniquity”. He went to the cross to redeem his own and they are the wheat; the true seed of God founding himself .I told you the story of the eagle that found itself among the chickens after being hatched. Being in the midst of chickens, it believed the mother hen was the mother not knowing that its foundation was different. This is the same with those who got born again in chicken churches because you cannot get born again anywhere but the church. But the mere fact that you got born again there does not mean you belong there. So whether we like it or not, he/she is bound to behave like a chicken for some time. And there are genuine children of God that He has destined to be redeemed that find themselves in those ‘it doesn’t matter churches’. The ‘it doesn’t matter churches’ are ‘chicken’ churches and they tell their members that they can dress anyhow. They accept wearing trousers by a genuine daughter of God. Why? Because she thought where she got born again is a true place and since she takes her bearing from

them, she dresses like them. That is why the owner of the farm said the servants should leave them to grow together, if not, in trying to uproot the tares, you will uproot the wheat. So a genuine seed can be under the influence of a tare. How do I know? The Bible says, “The deep calleth to the deep” and there is the deep to respond. As I am speaking now, though you will like to wear trousers and dress like a prostitute and your pastor tells you, “It doesn’t matter’, when you come to the Bride Assembly now, which is an eagle church, you will discover that you are an eagle and not a chicken. This is because the Bible says, “Where the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered”. There is eagle food and there is chicken food. For instance, there are some of you that have genuine call of God but in your ‘Daddy and mummy’ churches; they are the only ones that prophesy. You don’t know the damage they are doing to you because that gift was not given to you by ‘mummy and daddy’ and you will give account of what you did with the gifts. For some of you, you were told that you cannot be a minister because you didn’t go to the Bible school. But search the Bible and tell me one person that God called and sent him to the Bible College. When God calls you, he anoints you for the purpose he has called you to do. And God is not a grammarian! He is not an English God! 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2:1-3. I want to bring out something from here. I want to speak about an abomination. Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2. not to be soon shaken in mind or

troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition. Apostle Paul was telling the church at that time that there will be a fallen away first and he gave the signs they should watch out for concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. And one of those signs is the falling away. Falling away here is departure from the apostolic doctrines into other doctrines; into another gospel. But look at the usage of that ‘Falling away’ in the Greek Lexicon and it talks about rebellion; total rebellion. Verse 3 is saying that before Christ will come, this Word will witness total rebellion against God who is our maker. And we are in that period now where there is a total rebellion. This is the time where in some countries; you will see a sign post of the church of Satan. They proclaim they are the followers of Satan. Rebellion! But my attention today is on homosexuals. This has been existing for ages, but the ground and pillar of truth; the church of Jesus Christ; the gathering of holy people is now where the interest of Satan is. Imagine that there are bishops that are ordained as bishops and they tell the whole world that they are gay; they are homosexuals and tell you it is their right and prerogative to choose how to worship God and you cannot condemn them. •Pastor Moses Alu; The Bride Assembly, Odofin Park Estate, Oshodi-Apapa Expressway, Ijesha Bus stop 08033524903 : Email:


From the Pulpit Chapel of Holiness and Testimony with Pastor K. I.


Continued from topic 12 of last week How can one become a son in the kingdom? From this illustration, it is clear that though you are born again into the kingdom, does not give you power to command kingdom treasures. The license to commanding kingdom treasures is that you must be a son. You cannot become a son immediately you are born into the kingdom of God, you have to grow into sonship level. Meaning that you must be spiritually matured through the following practices a) Attending Bible study classes in your church regularly b) Attending Sunday Schools regularly c) Making sure you always do your Bible study and Sunday schools assignments d) Attending your church weekly activities always e) Making out time to study your Bible privately at home, place of work, or at any convenient places f) Attending your church weekly fellowships always g) Always participating in spiritual exercises such as evangelism, visitations of fellow Christian brethren, prayer and fasting meetings, and any other such related spiritual exercises h) Avoid being a bench warmer every Sunday service. Rather ensure that you are among the active church workers. Determine to lay down your isaac. The only language the devil and his agents understand is violence. A child of God can

A “

Sunday September 13, 2015

Sunday Mirror

Breaking the powers of evil family altar – 13 (1) wreak a lot of havoc on any stronghold of satan and his agents immediately he switch over to violent prayers. However, violent prayer is not mechanical or acrobatic type of prayer demonstration, it is a prayer that comes from a broken heart, accompanied with a determined spiritual violence using the word of God as hammer and fire while the name of Jesus is used as an instrument. When a child of God have this type of prayer approach over some given challenges he would come out with a desired goal. Violent prayer is not the prayer you pacify demons, rather it is the prayer you command demons around exercising dominion over the prince of darkness. Any child of God who fails to demonstrate the authority of the name of Jesus in the environment where he is residing, disgraces God. In Luke chapter 10:18-19 “And he said unto them, I beheld satan as a lighting fall from heaven” Behold I give unto you power to thread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the powers of the enemy, and nothing shall by any man hurt you” The demonstration of this power by any child of God depends on the level of spiritual relation he/she has with God. It is not all those who claim they are children of God actually demonstrates authority of the kingdom of darkness. There are number of factors responsible for this. I have had cases where people prayed, violently that night they had the most terrible attack in their dreams. Infact, a brother had come to me and told me that he would never pray violently again because of the horrible dream experience he had after the prayer. Could be that your case is like that of the brother I mentioned. The brother in question was in a serious demonic bondage. Everything he had in life had been wasted, he was no longer sure of his future. He was existing, not leaving. Honesty, on one occasion he told me that a man appeared to him in the dream and warned him never to pray such

prayers again. Some reasons why many christians do not command authority in the kingdom of darkness through prayers 1) When sins are not confessed and forsaked 2) When a Christian lives a life of compromise 3) When the powers of darkness has a legal ground over the Christian 4) When a Christian is in possession of the properties of darkness 5) When a Christian left some polluted parts of his/her life unwashed by the Blood of Jesus 6) When the prayer life of such a Christian does not command the spiritual violence that is required 7) When a Christian is not willing to lay down his Isaac. 8) When a Christian is dead in the spirit 9) When a Christian is serving two masters the same time. That is serving Baal, and Jesus 10) When a Christian does not believe in deliverance. There is no easy way or gentle method of retrieving your belongings in the hands of a strongman or woman. The strong man or woman, we are talking about are not gentle. Gentility is not in their culture. What is in their culture is crises, fighting, battles and wars. Asking for peace treaty, with such a fellow is asking for trouble or rather presenting yourself on the altar of slaughter: Remember that it was on the day of merry making and jubilation, that the daughter of Herodias demanded the head of John the Baptist on the platter. What peace, would you make with devil, beloveth: What rapour and concord would you hope to achieve on the table of dragon. Couldn’t one had expected that on that day of celebration,

Herod would have given a special amnesty to John the Baptism disappointedly what we saw, was the head of John the Baptist presented to the daughter of Herodias on a platter? It would be a grievous mistake for any child of God who has a future and understands his placement in Christ Jesus, to ever seek peace treaty with the devil. Which is why it of double necessity that anyone seeking deliverance from the powers of evil family altar must be willing to lay down his/her Isaac: Complete deliverance can only be achieved when an uncompromising violence is mingled with our prayer life. Fruits of deliverance can be exploited when victory is accomplished in deliverance. What is this Isaac that should be laid down if any meaningful deliverance record should be achieved? The similitudes of this Isaac are itemized are follows: a) Anything standing between you and your faith in God b) The self in you c) Anything fanning cold your prayer life d) Anything taking you away from the presence of God on Sunday worship days e) Anything distracting you before the altar of prayer f) Distracting and discouraging voices g) Anything demanding your attention when you are supposed to be alone with God h) Every voice ministering fear in your heart i) Every spirit of buying and selling j) Every spirit of being in a hurry always k) Excessive weakness and sleeping during prayer hours l) Living a life of unforgiveness and hatred

Continued next week

Cross over to the other side (1)

nd the Lord thy God will put out those nations before thee by little and little-: thou mayest not consume them at once, lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee. But the Lord thy God shall deliver them unto thee, and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction until they be destroyed. And he shall deliver their kings unto thine hand and thou shall destroyed their name from under the heaven: and there shall no man be able to stand before thee, until thou have destroyed them” Deut 7: 22-24. The Israelites spent four hundred and thirty years in captivity (Exodus 12:41) above four hundred years God promised Abraham, their progenitor (Gen.15:13) What ever might be the reason for the year differential is of less importance in this discourse. In Exodus 3:7-10 the almighty God expressed his displeasure for the way the Egyptians oppressed the Israelites and set machinery in place to take them out of Egypt through Moses the Servants of God. In order for God to actualize his promised to Abraham and re-affirmed to both Isaac and Jacob/ Israel, he inflicted series of punishment on the Egyptians and their King Pharaoh after which the Israelites were allowed to go signaling their liberation. In the course of their journey to the promised land, their leader Moses asked them to spy the land and bring some fruits from there to confirm that the land actually was flowing with milk and honey. Moses commissioned leaders of 12 tribes for the herculean task. Bear in mind that it was when they were in the wilderness that the mandate was given and the journey lasted forty days. (Numbers 13:25) This was likened to the storm experienced by Jesus disciples while crossing to

the other side of the lake. They attested to the fact that the land was fertile. All but two people expressed their inability to face the giants that then were settled in the Land. In the opening quotation, the Lord God bound himself with the obligation of destroying the giants and their kings with the words; “shall”. Yet, the Israelites wanted to win the battle on the platter of gold without any willingness to play their part to fulfill God’s purpose. The congregation of Israel refused to acknowledge the mighty hand of God that took them out of Egypt. They refused to take into consideration series of signs and wonders performed against ainst the Egyptians on their behalf. Rather they y rebelled against Moses and wanted to stone Joshua and Caleb to death. They did not want to make any sacrifice before they got the Promised mised Land. Majority y of students nowadays are not ot prepared to engage in a rigorous ous study, but look for the easiestt of ways of passing their exams. ms. They engage in cheat in the exam m halls; they become cult members; they engage in all sort of fraudulent practices to succeed. At the end of it, they move further away from the purpose of God for them (success). Rather than hold unto God’ss promise, the Israelites tes reneged in their heir faith in God. d. They pre-Primate I.O Oyelowo ferred to

go back to Egypt where they were in bondage for endless numbers of years. They premised their argument on the fact that their children under twenty would die in the wilderness. They refused to acknowledge God’s care for them and their children. 1 Peter 5:7 says: “casting all your care on him: for he careth for you”. They forgot that man’s self effort without God’s support can not lead to anywhere. Psalm 127:1 says: “Except the Lord build the house they labour in vain that build it except the Lord keep the city, the watch men waketh but in vain”. God however proved these unfaithful and timid leaders of Israel wrong because it was their children under twenty years yea of age that got to the prompro ised land. I decree that th you will not live unu filled life in Jesus Jes name. I also decree decr that you will go beb yond the spot where whe the road closed in against your fore fathers. fathe Where they failed, sucsu cess will be your heritage. herita (Numbers 14: 23-31). The lesson here is that th when you are facing life’s lif challenge(s), remember rememb that it is meant mea for your yo future futu propr

motion. (Job 23:10) Also remember to present your case to Jesus as done by the Apostles when the storm was raging Matthew 11:28 says: “come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. (John 6: 37). When you are in a predicament situation, let the word of God be your companion and compass. In it you will find encouraging word which can strengthen you at that material time. (Philippians 4:13). The Israelites spent forty years in the wilderness before they got to the Promised Land in order to purge them of the evil and rebellious generation, I counsel you to purge yourself of any ungodly deeds that will deny you of God’s promise and purpose for your life. (Numbers 32:13). Joshua could not appoint his success or for the nation of Israel as the children who actually got to the Promised Land did not have the requisite experience which led them to grope and eventually to apostasy which further aggravated God’s anger against them. In the lead quotation, God promised that all the Kings of the Land shall be destroyed or wiped out completely. You will agree with me that the moment that the leader of war has been captured and or killed, the war is over. Moses killed Kings of Basham and Amorites for God to demonstrate his sincerity of purpose. Have a nice week. Till then shalom!

•You can contact us at: The Word of Life, Agbo Igbala Ti Kiish Aladura Church 70 Patey street Lagos State. Tel: 07040517413

Sunday Mirror

From the Pulpit

Sunday September 13, 2015


Prepare to meet the Almighty God

Endtime Revelation with Bishop Bernard

Ojemeni (JP)


mos 4:12 “Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel” The greatest preparation mankind must embark upon is the one that concerns eternity. Everybody should ask himself or herself where will he or she spends eternity. The Bible made us to understand there are two places in existence in the world beyond. One is Paradise in the region of Heaven and another is Hell fire beneath the earth. The preparation is very necessary in view of the judgment that awaits every man. Hebrews 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” Man was created in the image and likeness of God. After God molded Adam from the dust He breathed the breath of life into his nostrils and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7 “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” The breath of God inside man is what makes man to be a living soul and also it is the aspect of God that makes man an immortal being. And so when you hear that man is made in the image and likeness of God, it means that man is like God in aspect of immortality in particular. The spirit and soul of man is immortal. The spirit and soul is the spirit-man, while the flesh or body is the physical man. Man is a tripartite being. Man is a spirit having a soul and living in a body. It is the physical body that dies and goes back to dust while the spirit man or soul returns to his Creator for judgment. Ecclesiastes 12:7 “ Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave

Bishop Bernard Chukwuma Mbamalu Ojemeni, General Superintendent of Endtime Believers’ Ministry Inc, in this piece, gives an insight into God’s judgement of nations. Excerpts: it.”; Hebrew 9:27. The Bible made it clear that we have no dwelling place in this world. Hebrews 13:14 “For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come”. Men are strangers and pilgrims in this world. I Peter 2:11 “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul”. We came into this world naked and naked shall we go. Job 1:21 “And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD”, I Timothy 6:7-9 make it clear that “ For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition”. So talking about preparation for meeting God, you must first know that the Almighty God you want to meet is holy God. And man by nature is a sinner. And man cannot save himself. As a sinner man cannot stand before God in judgement without being condemned. No matter how righteous we may want to portray ourselves, we are still far from meeting God’s standard. No wonder, the Bible says that our righteousness is like a filthy rag before God. Isaiah 64:6 “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away”. Self righteousness cannot justify us before God. That is why God sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross of Calvary for our sins. John 3:16-21 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that who-

soever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.” And so faith in the finished work of Christ on the Cross is what guarantees our salvation. Anybody who fails to give his or her life to Christ as his or her personal Lord and Saviour is not preparing to meet God Almighty. The first step of preparing to meet God is to repent and give one’s life to Christ. That is the beginning of the preparation. After you have repented and given your life to Jesus Christ, then you make sure you join a Bible believing and practising church where your soul can be nurtured. You will embrace the fear of God. Proverbs 1:7. Then serving God in holiness and righteousness Luke 1:74-75; I Peter 1:15-16; Hebrews 12:14. But it is very unfortunate that the people of the world can devote much time in preparing for the mundane things like preparing for marriage ceremony, building of houses, opening of houses, foot-ball match, naming ceremony, independence day celebration, inauguration of political parties, etc. They even spend a lot of money and ener-

gy to ensure the success of these programs. But little or no attention is paid on the preparation to meet God after death. So many people live their lives on earth as if there is no death and judgment. In fact, as if there is no God. That is why they do so many abominable things without thinking about the account they are going to give to God when they die. Many of these people, who kill their fellow human beings for money rituals, etc. In fact all sinners, fornicators, thieves, armed robbers, deceivers, all liars, etc have not really sat down and ponder what spending eternity in the lake of fire entails. It is for ever and ever. The fire does not quench and the souls in hell fire and final lake of fire do not die. It is a place they will be crying and gnashing of their teeth and the worms that will be eating them will not die and fire will not be quenched forever and forever. Mark 9:4348; Revelation 21:8; 14:9-12; Psalm 9:17; Isaiah 5:14; 66:22. Anybody who does not believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, sent into the world to die for our sins to save us, has automatically lost out. This is because Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. John 14:6; Acts 4:12. He is the passport to heaven. Colossians 1:27. While living the life of holiness and righteousness after you have received Jesus Christ is the visa to Heaven.

•For further information, contact us at: Endtime Believers’ Ministry Inc.16/18, Johnson Street, off Kajola Street, Yakoyo, Lagos. Tel: 08023261219, 09095268897, 08036116881; Email:

Breaking the yokes of poverty

Prophet Lai Bamidele, General Overseer of Christ Glorious End-time Evangelical Church, Abule-Egba, Lagos, in this sermon, teaches about raising glorious chldren. Excerpts:


very temptation in life is centered around twisting God’s word .IN the book of Deut 29:9 the bible says “ keep therefore the word of the covenant, and do them, that ye may proper in all that ye do. The root of poverty is travable to lack of knowledge, In the medical line, Every cure begins with a diagnosis what do we mean by diagnosis, Diagnosis is tracing the root of a problem. POVERTY IS A SPIRIT The enemy you don’t fight will not flee. Proverb 6vs 11 in this chapter the bible says so shall thy poverty come as the one that travelleth and thy want as an armed man. Listen to me, it is your revelation that leads to your revolution. Every lack of man is trace able to lake of knowledge and a man’s ignorance. Until you diagnose the problem before you commence the treatment of your ailment. Just like cold is a symptom of fever, so also is lack is a symptom of poverty. Until you handle the problem of lack of knowledge you cannot handle the problem of book of Genesis God promised Adam that he will eat in plenty, swim in plenty and dine in plenty, but his disobedience destroyed his destiny. And he ended up naked, when you act against God’s instruction you end up in the wilderness. Every Christian that trample on God’s word will have his destiny being trampled on. In the book of proverb 20:13 the bible says “Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty, open thy eyes and thou shall be satisfied with bread”. One of the greatest instruments that leads a man to poverty and lack is when you sleep too much. Great men don’t tend to sleep much. The bible says “Too much of sleep leads to poverty”.There

are so many factors that can make a man to be poor. Let me give you an illustration of four or five key points that make a man to live in abject poverty. 1) Sin, the bible says that righteousness exalt a nation but sin is a reproach. When a man is faced with reproach he will naturally end up in abject poverty. Adam would have ended up as the greatest man on earth but because he ate the forbidden, Glory departed him and he ended up accursed. I pray your life shall not be cursed IJN. When you dip your hand in sin. You will sink but before you sink you will stink, when a man is stinking he is already overwhelmed by poverty and reproach. 2) Another key point that breeds poverty is disobedience. Every time you disobey God’s Instruction you will end up in the wilderness. When you are faced with a wilderness experience, you will end up in abject poverty. Obedience does no bring down but obedience set up. In the book of Romans 1:30 the Bible say “Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, Proud, boasters, inventors of evil things disobedient to parents. No matter the level you are in life when you disobey God you will end up in the ground. Saul take for instance refused God’s instruction through his prophet, he acted wrongly and he bear the consequences of his wrong doing, when you act wrongly you end up poor. That is the main reason when you see a man does not abide by the word of God via God’s Instruction, such a man will loose his place of abode. In the book of 1 Sam 15:3, Samuel said to Saul “ Now go and smite Amalek and utterly destroy all

that they have, and spare them not, but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, Ox and Sheep, Camel and Ass. In Verse 8 the bible says Saul and his people spared Agag, and the best of the sheep, and of the Oxen, and of the fatlings, and the Lambs, and all that was good, and would not utterly destroy them. When you act wrongly against God and his Instructions you then pay the price of your wrong actions. If you look at verse 14 to 21 God was angry against Saul because he disobeyed God, and God deserted him, Saul eventually lost his throne. In verse 19 Samuel said “Wherefore, then didst thou not obey the voice of the Lord, but didst fly upon the spoil, and didst evil in the sight of the Lord. In verse 23-24, the bible emphasized that rebellion against God’s Instruction is like a sin of witchcraft, because thou have rejected the word of the Lord he hath also rejected thee from being a King” and Saul fell from Grace to Grass . 3) The number three factor is Association. The company you keep determine level you go in life, when you move with the wrong set of people you get a wrong result. The bible says “He that walketh with the wise shall be wise but the companies of fools shall be destroyed. Not every one that is in the church is in torch. Not every one that goes to church is a child of God. If you don’t watch the people you walk with or associate with even in the household faith, you will get yourself derailed and you end up on the ground. In the book of Jeremiah 9:2-6. In verse 3 the bible says “And they bend their tongue like their bow for lies, but they are not valiant or the


truth upon the earth, for they precede from evil to evil, and they not me, saith the Lord. In verse 4 he says, “Take ye heed everyone of his neighbour, and trust not ye not in any brother, for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders. If you want to be high flyer, you don’t go and make a motion park tout your best friend. If you not your vision to be flying will only remain a dream till you die. They are vision killers. Stop associating with a man that hate going to the household of faith or that hate to hear the word of God. When you disregard his law you will go low in life. Joshua 1:8 says “This book of the law shall not depart out thy mouth, but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein, for then thou shall make thy way prosperous, the thou shall obtain good success. •For counselling, contact:


From the Pulpit

Let’s go

BIBLE with Favour




he thought of God towards you are of God and not of evil, meaning that if along the way you are experiencing evil occurrences, bad situations and sorrows, you are no more in line with the thoughts of God.

Speaking specifically about marriage, the thought of God is well stated in Genesis 2:23-25, “And Adam said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man”. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” Firstly, getting the right bone for your life:- The plan of God is to get the right person for your life. When you are looking and finding you must let God handle the process because He is the only one that knows WHEN to look and WHERE to find. John 16:30, “Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God.” He knows all things and He also rules over all things. Therefore He is in the best position to get us the right thing that is the right wife


he birth of a baby signifies “new life.” It is a memento of continuation of existence and the progeny of human family. No one normally thinks of death when we celebrate the birth of a child. A new baby is a promise of life, not death. Not so with the baby Jesus! He was our promise of eternal life. Yes! However, He achieved this through His own death. Literally, Jesus was born to die! He was born with a death sentence hanging over His head. At His baby dedication, devout patriarch Simeon spoke marvelously about baby Jesus and blessed God. “And Joseph and His mother marveled at those things which were spoken of Him. Then Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His mother, ‘Behold, this Child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign which will be spoken against (yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed’” (Luke 2:33-35). Much of the Old Testament predicts what would happen to Jesus Christ even before He was born in a manger. In the first few pages of the Bible, His death was predicted by God the

Sunday Mirror Sunday September 13, 2015

You can make it right or husband for our lives. Don’t make the mistake, He will not come down and do the picking for you but before and during the looking let Him be in charge. That is why majority of those that find themselves in marriage because of unprepared pregnancy tend to part ways later or learn to manage themselves. Why? Because they didn’t wait for the good plan of God to manifest. Mainly because of the fear in them that they might lose the man or the lady if they don’t use sex (pregnancy) to tie he/she down. Some it was just a fling not knowing that it will end that way. What they fail to realise is that God can never allow that which belong to you pass you by. An English adage says, “If you love and cherish a thing, leave it and let it go, if truly it’s yours it will definitely come back to you”. 2. The man must leave his father and his mother. This is part of the good plan of God for your life. Even if the two of you after your wedding move into a very small single room, it’s better than you staying on with your parents. Many having no choice when they discovered that the lady they’ve been playing with is pregnant, will immediately pack her things and dump her in their parents’ house. Steps like this get you out of the good thoughts and plan of God. Some because of the shame, some because they are not yet ready to take up any responsibility, some because they love someone else decides to put the unfortunate one with their mother. However, 20-30 per cent are

Father referring to the bruising of His heel: “and I will put enmity between you and the woman; and between your seed and her seed. He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel” (Gen 3:15). At the end of scriptures, Jesus is called the “lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev 13:8). David Baron aptly described Isaiah 53 as “an historical summary of the Gospel narrative of the sufferings of Christ.” Indeed Jesus was born to die. Biblical prophecies about Jesus point to the suffering and death destiny. The only begotten Son of God was born to die. His death was the only surety of our eternal life. He was born to die a voluntary, substitutionary death for mankind (Gen 3:15; Isa 53:5, 6, 11; Dan 9:26; Matt 20:28; John 10:11; 1 Cor 15:3; Gal 2:20). Below are some of the messianic predictions on being “born to die”: (1). He was born to be hated without cause. “Those who hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head. They are mighty who would destroy me, being my enemies wrongfully. Though I have stolen nothing, I still must restore it” (Psalm 69:4; 35:19; see John 15:24-25). (2). He was born to be rejected. He was rejected by His brethren. The Psalmist exclaims: “I am become a stranger unto my brethren and an alien unto my mother’s children” (Psalm 69:8). “He is despised and rejected by men; a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him. He was despised, and

favoured, in that, later the man might come back and decide to take the lady in but not all are that lucky. Some are been forced by their parents to take in the lady, an arrangement that can never last. 3. To cleave unto each other:- Because of the situation of things around us, many are out of God’s plan. Situations as to their jobs, business associates, social life etc. more time is being given to all these thereby making it difficult for couples to really cleave to each other. Now in this generation, technology (Phones, IPad, laptops etc) has virtually taken over the place and time of your partner. It is when you are really together expressing love towards each other that God can be fully present for the bible says in 1 John 4:8, “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” 4. They shall be one flesh: Meaning that it is only the bone approved by God that can be one flesh with you. If otherwise, you are out of the thought and plan of God. Also they becoming one flesh comes after the first three points, however this generation, which has become so polluted put this first. Even when advised against this, they always believe they are smarter than the next person, it’s only when the deed has been done that they now realised what they have done, thereby learning the hard way. Once again am emphasising that pre-marital sex is forbidden.

Born to die

we did not esteem Him” (Isaiah 53:3). Apostle John’s eyewitness account reads: “He came unto his own and his own received him not” (John 1:11). Evidences of these are recorded in Luke 4:29; 17:25; 23:18; John 5:43 to mention but a few. (3). He was to be betrayed by a “friend.” “Even mine own familiar friend in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted his heel against me” (Ps 41:9). “It was not an enemy that reproached me: then I could have borne it . . . It was you . . . mine acquaintance” (Ps 55:12-14). Jesus Himself saw this coming: “He that eats bread with me hath lifted his heel against me . . . One of you shall betray me” (John 13:18, 21). Judas Ischariot fulfilled this with a kiss, saying: “hail master” (Matt 26:47-56; Luke 22:4748). (4). He was born to be sold for thirty (30) pieces of silver! Prophet Zechariah named this slave price in Zechariah 11:12: “they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.” The money was to be used to buy potter’s field (Zech 11:13). The actual occurrences are found in Matthew 26:15-16; 27:3-10. (5). He was born to be forsaken by His own disciples. “Smite the shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered” (Zech 13:7). This happened in Matthew 26:56 and Mark 14:27. His friends stood afar off at His crucifixion (Psalm 38:11; 88:8; Isa 63:3 see Luke 23:49). Today, how many of His followers still forsake Him? In these words, it is clear that He Himself wonders before He went

5. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed:Look at that phrase very well. It is only the man and the wife that are supposed to be both naked. Not a boyfriend and a girlfriend, not two on date, not Co-habitats, not engaged man and woman, not finance or fiancée etc but man and wife. Shame will definitely come upon the parties involved if they fail to do things the right way. In all, l want you to know that, even though all the points stated above gives a good picture of you, you can still do it right and you can make it work just as it’s supposed to be. Go back to God and ask God for mercy, serious asking, from the bottom of your heart, crying yourself out. Mercy will open the door for you so as to be able to receive favour from the Lord, which will bring to correction all that has gone wrong. The situation might look so impossible but He can make it work. Isaiah 45:2, “I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron”. He can correct it just give Him the go ahead to do it. For he is set to perfect all that concerns that you (Psalm 138:8). •You can send in your QUESTIONS and the Holy Spirit will be set to give you the ANSWERS. Barr. (Mrs.) Favour Tioluwani Tel: 08050272259 or 07062738213. Email:

to the cross and later ascended back to heaven: “nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8). (6). He was born to be accused by false witnesses (Psalm 35:11) and lying tongues (Psalm 109:2). During His illegal trial “many false witnesses came forward” (Matt 26:59-60). As prophesied, “He was as a dumb man” (Psalm 38:13; 39:2; Isa 53:7); He said nothing! (Matt 27:12, 14; Mark 15:4-5; 1 Pet 2:23). (7). He was born to be mocked and beaten. “They shall smite the Judge of Israel with a rod upon the cheek” (Micah 5:1). “I gave my backs to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that pluck off the hair. I hid not my face from shame and spitting” (Isaiah 50:6). Matthew chronicled how they smote Him with the palms of their hands, spit on Him and smote Him on the head (Matt 26:67-68; 27:30). (8). He was born to be an object of ridicule; people showing contempt against Him with their mouths (Psalm 22:7-8). “I also have become a reproach to them; when they look at me, they shake their heads” (Psalm 109:25; 69:9). During His crucifixion, “they that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads” (Matt 2:39). To be continued. Tunde Ojewole, PhD, is the Babcock University Pastor in charge: Division of Spiritual Life. Get a copy of his book, GOD’S FOOTPRINTS for more. email, Call/SMS him on ojewolea@babcock. or 08058299434/08060376577.

Sunday Mirror


Business FRESH BUSINESS NEWS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Sunday September 13, 2015

Seplat’s shares drop 60. 8% in 17 months JOHNSON OKANLAWON


hares of Seplat Petroleum Development Company is the worst hit in the basket of companies listed in the oil and gas sector of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, shedding 59.6 per cent in the last 14 months. The energy company, which operates in the upstream sector, listed its shares on the NSE on April 13, 2014, at N576 per share, making it the highest priced equity in the oil and gas sector and the second highest priced equity on the Exchange, behind Nestle Nigeria Plc. Analysis of the stock performance of the company, which recently raised production to above 70,000 barrels per day from just three assets, showed that its share closed on Friday, September 11, 2015 at N226.03, a decline of N349.97 or 60.8 per cent when compared to its opening price of N576 per share when it was listed on the Exchange. Stock analysts have attributed the sell-offs in the company to disappointing earnings, declining crude oil prices and the huge borrowing by the company. Besides, its interest in acquiring Afren has also affected its share price . Latest financial of the company for the year ended June 30, 2015, showed that its revenue dipped by 19.1 per cent to N48.8 billion, from N60.3 billion recorded in the same period of 2014. Though the company, which moved from a marginal field company to a fairly-sized independent, managed to reduce its general administrative expenses from N38.4billion to N21.4 billion, its operating profit fell by 48.4 per cent on finance charges. Consequently, the company’s profit after tax stood at N8.17 billion, from N24.2 billion recorded in the corresponding period

of 2014, representing 66.3 per cent negative return to shareholders. Further analysis of the company’s balance sheet revealed that interest bearing loans and borrowing has increased to N166.4 billion as at June 30, 2015, from N44.2 billion it stood in the same period of 2014. Foreign reserves also dropped N16.9 billion in the review period, from N35.6 billion in 2014, while total non- current liabilities rose to N174.9 billion, from N48.2 billion at June 30, 2014. The company has $700 million owed to a consortium of banks in Nigeria comprising First Bank of Nigeria Limited, Stanbic

IBTC Bank Plc, United Bank for Africa Plc and Zenith Bank Plc. The facility is repayable quarterly from end June 2015 and has a margin of LIBOR +8.75% per annum, according to its website. It also closed a revolving credit facility of $300 million three year with a consortium of eight international banks comprising Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Citibank, JP Morgan Limited, Natixis, Nedbank Limited, Rand Merchant Bank, Standard Bank and Standard Chartered Bank, with a quarterly reduction schedule from end December 2015 and has a margin of LIBOR +6.00%

per annum. This makes the total amount of loans owed by the company $1 billion, according to its website. Speaking on the company’s performance, the Chief Executive Officer of Highcap Securities Limited, Mr. David Adonri , said that there is nothing wrong in the downtrend of the share price, saying that, generally, investors’ appetite is very low. He attributed the low price to the declining oil price, which according to him, affects companies operating in the upstream sector. The price of diesel as at August was down to N120

L-R : President Institute of Directors, Mr. Yemi Akeju; 1st Vice President, Alhaji Rufai Mohammed and Chairman, IoD Chartership Committee, Kelechi Ozuzu Esq, at the presentation of the new exco members in Lagos recently.

ITF, NIPC promote women, youth entrepreneurship


he Industrial Training Fund, (ITF) and the Nigeria Investment Promotion Council, (NIPC), said they are set to sign a memorandum of understanding that will facilitate the training and development of women and youth entrepreneurs in the country. This development is coming even as the ITF said it was set to launch the first ever National Skills Summit that will revive the manpower sector of the nation’s economy and change the face of training, skills development, job creation and entrepreneurship for Nigeria. Director General and Chief Executive of the Industrial Training Fund, (ITF), Dr. Mrs. Juliet Chukkas-Onaeko, made this disclosure while receiving the Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Investment Promotion Council, (NIPC), Mr. Uju Hassan Baba

in Abuja. The ITF Director General said that the agency was mindful of President Muhammadu Buhari’s disposition towards youth empowerment and job creation in order to address the unemployment challenges facing the country, pointing out ITF has realigned some of its activities to make sure the agency is driving change in that direction. She said capacity building for women entrepreneurs was one of the areas of focus of the ITF, noting Fund will also continue to train women and youths in the areas of book keeping, business decision making, and the identification of markets for products. The ITF Director General and NIPC Executive secretary pledged to broaden the synergy for general manpower development particularly in the non-oil sectors of the econ-

omy. They further noted that the collaboration was critical to an effective local skills and manpower development that can drive the Federal Government’s economic diversification agenda. According to the ITF director general, the agency is working with the agenda of shifting focus away from the nation’s dependence on oil revenue. She insisted with the abundant manpower deposits in the country that Nigeria can go on to become one the most industrialized nation in the world. According to her, the ITF has put in place a business training team that can handle the training of women and youth entrepreneurs. ITF, she disclosed, has over 1,000 trainers that provide services in basically all sectors of the economy.

from N165 per liter in June, while oil prices tumbled to a six-and-a-half low of $42 price per barrel. Brent futures now trading at $49.3pb, 33.9 per cent lower than the second quarter average of $63.55pb. To the President of Independent Shareholders Association, Mr. Sunny Nwosu, said that the company has meticulous managers despite lots of liabili-

ties in the company. “It’s only the price we are talking about. What of inherited items. The company is still paying dividend. I see it as an opportunity for investors to buy because it’s cheap, which doesn’t change the value of the company, “he said. He added that internally, the value of the company is strong because it has not stop production.

InstinctWave to honour construction stakeholders ABOLAJI ADEBAYO


n recognition of their contributions to the wellbeing and development of the society, InstinctWave, the publisher of InstinctBusiness magazine, organizers of the highly recognised and successful MarketingWorld Awards and Africa Brand Conference, has concluded its plan to award worthy players in the construction industry. The maiden Nigeria Construction Awards., scheduled for November 20th 2015 in Lagos, is organised to honour companies and individuals for their accomplishments and strides in Nigeria construction industry. According to the organizers, despite the pivotal role of the sector to the economy of the nation, the sector is under exploited due to lack of incentives, hence, the need to recognise and reward companies and individuals who are pushing new frontiers in the industry and have exceptional achievements in the past years. Addressing the press in Lagos, Chief Executive Officer of InstinctWave, Mr. Akin Naphtal, said: “The construction sector plays an important role in economic growth. However, it has been overlooked in terms of rewarding innovation and creativity. Our goal is to celebrate the achievements of those construction companies and individuals who have made it their responsibility to transform the construction industry and advance the country’s infrastructural development.” Reminding the audience that organised construction began in the early 1940’s in Ni-

geria with a few foreign companies, Naphtal said that the ‘oil boom’ that followed about 10 years after Independence led to an upsurge in construction and demand for construction services, as the country at that period opened up to foreign and local investments and the obvious needs for infrastructure to drive economic growth. He said that the Nigeria Construction Awards would present the opportunity for stakeholders to advocate for the industrialisation of the country by way of investments in the area of civil engineering, building construction, industrial construction and residential construction and beautification. Naphtal, who associated the shortcomings in the sector various factors including government’s policies, said that every ambition that the Nigerian government has — such as creating much-needed housing, improving public services, developing its tourist sector, improving transport links, creating new jobs and eradicating poverty — can be linked to the construction sector. He informed that the awards ceremony would not be just another networking opportunity but an avenue for companies and individuals to tell their success stories and accomplishments while creating inroads to generate synergies in the sector. The organiser also unveiled the various categories for the awards, which Naphtal said were concluded after careful research based on market intelligence. According to him, the award categories, though not exhaustive of the industry, cut across major segments of the industry. He however hinted that nominees would be announced in two week’s time.


Sunday September 13, 2015

Sunday Mirror

Appointments: Buhari tasked on women afrmative action


L-R: Director, National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC), Mr. Hilary Ogbeche; Director, Benue State Council for Arts and Culture, Mr. Aernyi Terseer and Permanent Secretary, Benue Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Prince Akperan Annune, during Benue Day at the NCAC at 40 celebration in Abuja, at the weekend. PHOTO: NAN

Kogi West gives Wada 30 days to redress imbalance in civil service GEORGE OJI


eople of Kogi West senatorial constituency comprising mainly the Okun, have served Governor Idris Wada a 30-day notice to redress the imbalance in the state civil service, particularly the state university or face civil disobedience. “We give the Kogi State Government 30 days from today to invite us and correct all theses anomalies or we will carry out massive civil disobedience and do all within the law to liberate our people, ” spokesman of the zone, Senator Dino Melaye said while addressing newsmen in Abuja at the weekend. Explaining the alleged

marginalization in clear terms, the people stated for instance that other than the Igala people, no other part of the state has ever been Director General, Government House or Permanent Secretary, Government House, Accountant General of the State, Chief of Staff to the Governor, amongst others. Regarding the situation with the Kogi State University, the people alleged that junior and senior staff in the institution is skewed in favour of the Igalas at the detriment of the Okun people. “Employment in the Kogi State University as of 2013, while the east (Igala) had 94 per cent of junior staff, 76.66 per cent of senior staff, West (Okun) had

only 1.5 per cent of junior staff and 16.60 per cent of senior staff. In total, while the East senatorial district had a total of 73.7 per cent, non indigenes 15.2 per cent, West has only 7.60 per cent, ” the people claimed. The Okun people further alleged that in the appointment of internal members of council of the institution, there is no single Okun member, despite the fact that council is the highest body that controls the university. The people subsequently demanded that the employment profile of all the state institutions and parastatals should be looked into, so that each senatorial district is represented in each unit of such institutions and parastatal with a view to ad-

dressing the issue of injustice and equity in those institutions and parastatals. They also demanded for the semblance of fairness, equity and justice in the distribution of the wealth, benefits, projects and Programme of the state to which all lay claims. In furthermore, the people demanded that the law establishing the institution should be revisited to reflect decentralization of the state university to meet the aspirations of the founding fathers in line with what is obtainable in the other state universities across the country like the Osun State university, Delta State university, Benue a State university, Kwara State university, Lagos a State university, etc.

Dearth of quality teachers impedes students ’ performance, says provost


he Provost, Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, AIFCE, Owerri, Dr Blessing Ijioma, has attributed the declining students ’ performance in external examinations to dearth of quality teachers in Mathematics, Physics and Sciences. Ijioma said this while interacting with newsmen shortly after conducting them round the Tertiary

Education Trust Fund (TETFund) projects in the institution on yesterday in Owerri. She said there was need to provide incentives to students training as teachers in the science subjects in order to attract intelligent ones into the profession. “We have to brainstorm on this; we are turning out credible English teachers but we have a problem with Physics, Mathematics and

Chemistry. “Students who are very good in these subjects do not like to attend colleges of education. “Government should give scholarship, bursary or other incentives to students studying Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Integrated Science and Introductory Technology. “Government should take the learning of these subjects seriously in order

to build solid foundation for technological development, ‘ ’ she said. Ijioma expressed optimism that the Federal Government would approve the upgrading of elite colleges of education to universities of education in order to attract quality students. The provost said that in many countries, the minimum qualification for teaching was Bachelor of Education degree (B.Ed).

resident Muhammadu Buhari has been called upon to reflect women affirmative action in the next round of appointments, a female legislative leader, Hon. Justina Obadiah Nkom, has said. Nkom, who spoke to Sunday Mirror, against the backdrop of plans by the Presidency to redress the lopsidedness which greeted recent appointments made by the Buhari Presidency and reports that the State Security Service may have started the screening of some political appointees. The legislator, who spoke in Yola while stressing the need for the next round of appointments being planned by President Muhammadu Buhari, to bring more women on board his administration, noted that doing so will, stimulate more women participation in politics. The lawmaker, who is the minority leader in Adamawa House of Assembly and l representing Lamurde Constituency, under the social Democratic Party,

SDP, banner also lamented women participation in politics which she said had regressed because of their poor financial capacities, adding that the situation in the North East was worst, because of the insurgency. She regretted that the appointment of fewer women into political offices under the current dispensation, was likely to reverse the gains of the 35 per cent women affirmative action experienced under the last administration, which she said witnessed increased women participation in the political space. She maintained that even though, she would not like to apportion any blame on President Muhammadu Buhari, yet, since the administration, has promised to do something to redress the imbalance and lopsidedness observed in its recent appointment but she however said, through gender affirmative action, the administration can ensure more women ’s active involvement.

Tariff review not designed to hurt businesses –IBEDC BOLADALE BAMIGBOLA OSOGBO


badan Electricity Distribution Company, IBEDC has stated that the proposed review of electricity tariff was not aimed at sending Nigerians, especially business owners out of market. The Regional Commercial Officer of the company, Mr. Yinka Oyinloye stated this at an interactive session with electricity consumers held in Osogbo. He added that the tariff increment became necessary to avoid collapse of the power sector, stressing that amount being generated on a monthly basis from consumers was far below the energy sold to them.

He assured that the company was ready and committed to distributing power to change the lives of its customers, urging them to cooperate with the company to achieve set targets. Commenting in similar vein, the Chief Commercial Officer of IBEDC, who was represented by Mr. Peter Oyelami, said the company planned to offer efficient service to the people once bills are promptly paid. Responding, representative of a community within Osogbo metropolis, Mr. Oluwagbemiga Oguntona urged IBEDC to collaborate with the National Orientation Agency, NOA, to sensitise consumers on the new tariff, but warned against exploitation.

Sunday Mirror


Sunday, September 13, 2015


100 Days of 8th Senate: Using visitation as problem-solving tool YUSUPH OLANIYONU


et me quickly do a definition of term here. My meaning of visitation is the few visits that the Senate delegations had made outside their chambers as means to further advance the interest of Nigeria. On Wednesday, September 16, 2015, it will be 100 days since the Eighth Senate was inaugurated based on the proclamation by President Muhammadu Buhari. The upper legislative house started on a shaky ground as the issue of election of leadership became mired in a needless controversy, obviously being fuelled from outside the parliament. Today, the leadership headed by Senator Abubakar Bukola Saraki, has shaken off the initial setback and demonstrated the ability to be the best the country has produced. While there are so many areas through which one can objectively evaluate the performance of the Senate in 100 days, I have chosen to limit myself to the three visits made by the Legislative house outside Abuja as well as the symbolism and significance of these visits as the premise on which to judge how well it has done. On August 3, the Senate decided to fulfil its earlier promise that it wo send a delegation to Maiduguri, the Borno State capital and centre of the insurgency waged against the Nigerian nation by the Boko Haram group. The decision to send a delegation to Borno State came after an elaborate debate of the insecurity in the North Eastern part of Nigeria. During that debate, the Senate President allowed all Senators who wanted to contribute to the motion moved by Senator George Sekibo representing Rivers State. There were chilling reports from personal experiences, losses and deprivations rendered by Senators from the affected geo-political zones. The tale of woes narrated by the Senators made the Chambers

to resolve to send a delegation to Maiduguri for an on-the-spot assessment of the security situation and the plight of the residents. Apart from the Senate President, other members of the Delegation include Senate Leader, Ali Ndume, Deputy Chief Whip, Francis Alimikhena, Danjuma Goje, Bukar Abba Ibrahim, Hassan Mohammed, Abubakar Kyari and the Chief of Staff to the Senate President, Isa Galaudu. During the visit, Saraki, assured the people that the entire country was solidly behind them in this trying period . He said: “We have come to feel your pains, to hear what you have been going through first hand. To seek to understand the severe bloody struggle you have had to endure and go through emotionally, physically, financially and in many other ways which can hardly be put in words”. The Senate delegation, in company of Governor Shettima paid homage to the Shehu of Borno, Alhaji Abubakar Ibn Umar Garbai ElKhanemi where they assured the people that the Senate will do all in its power to ensure life returns to the state and the Zone. The team later visited the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps located at the Umaru Shehu College of Education in Maiduguri and the Government College, Maiduguri with over 4000 displaced persons respectively. They also visited the Dalori IDPs Camp housing over 18,000 displaced persons from Bama local government area of the state. The Senate President said the resolution of the Senate to send a high powered delegation, which he led personally was a demonstration of the commitment of the Upper Chamber to find a lasting solution to the plight of people in the North-East. “We have come to sit with you and listen to you and hopefully together on solutions that would significantly change your situation for the better. We believe that after this visit your situation will not be the same again. The mission of our visit is simple; we

have come to bring you hope and to let you know that the Nigerian Senate has not abandoned you and real change is coming. We are determined to end this carnage, this senseless and sorrowful war. We are determined to defeat Boko Haram. The Nigerian Senate and indeed the National Assembly is willing to support you and your families to ensure that your lives return to normal. We could not in good conscience talk to you from Abuja. No. This new senate would rather come here and this is why we are here,” he stated. Saraki added: “We stand with you against Boko Haram and everything that stands against your security and against your welfare. We stand together with our dear President, Muhammadu Buhari whose singular devotion to ending these senseless killings gives us greater belief that together we will win the war. Our president has continued to work night and day to bring this evil of Boko Haram to a permanent end and we reiterate our resolve to ensure that together we succeed. We stand with our troops and will in the coming days show them that this new Senate will do all that is within its powers of authorization and approvals, support them and provide for them the necessary funding and oversight that will guarantee that they defeat this insurgency. “The 8th Senate has made the security and welfare of our people priority number one on its agenda. We are very conscious of the level of carnage and destruction that has been wrought on the people here. We will be working closely with our counterparts in the House of Representatives to make sure that we rebuild the economy of the North-East. We will not rest on our oars until normalcy is returned to this troubled region”, he said. While welcoming the Senate President and his team, Governor Shettima who spoke in emotion-laden voice stated that the visit was historic and unprecedented. “I would like to

express my sincere and profound welcome to the Senate President and our respected and distinguished Senators over this official visit to Borno State, which is the first of its kind by any Senate President since the advent of Civilian Administration in 1999. This is a clear manifestation of your concern for the plight of the people of the North-East region and Borno State in particular,” he stated. The Governor further observed that there are 26 IDP camps in Maiduguri aside those in Cameroon, Chad, Niger and other states in the country. He urged the National Assembly to pass a Bill that will create the North-East Development Commission to handle the issue of reconstruction, rehabilitation and resettlement of the IDPs and provide employment for the youths as was done in the Niger Delta. Shettima said: “The people of Borno State view this day and this visit as most apt and most significant. I have no doubt in my mind about the seriousness of this administration to putting a permanent end to this senseless bloodletting and madness of a few misguided elements, who hide under the canopy of religion”. The following day after this visit by the Saraki-led delegation, his deputy, Senator Ike Ekweremadu also led another delegation to Adamawa State, which is another epicentre of the Boko Haram war. The Senate delegation further gave hope to the people. Through the visits, the Senators empathised with the residents and encouraged the political, military and traditional leadership so that they can hold on against the marauders. After the visit, Saraki and his colleagues have almost become radicalised on the need to end this insurgency as fast as possible. Today, the Senate has become the evangelist of the gospel of peace in the North-east. •Olaniyonu is Special Adviser to the Senate President.

100 days after, Ambode treads on steadily (2) ABAYOMI JOHNSON Continued from last week


he present Togolese occupants of camps at Igbogbo, Agbowa and Igando, Lagos who are refugees owe the restoration of their human dignity to Governor Ambode. The story of the refugees, who were persecuted by their own government in Togo and rejected by the neighbouring Benin Republic where they had run to for succor, was pathetic and touching. The lucky ones among them who made the journey to Lagos via the Idi-Iroko border told gory tales of how many of them were murdered in cold blood in daylight for opposing the present government in Togo. The League for the Defence of Human Rights painted a horrifying picture of a group of refugees whose site was demolished and their luggage scattered. They consisted of men, women (including pregnant ones) and about 333 children who were made to trek for about 70 kilometres in the rain and sun. They were on the streets and in the forests for about 300 days living on water most of the time. They were once locked in a hall by Beninoise police where tear gas was fired at them including babies and children! Governor Ambode picked interest in their case and decided to help them as fellow human beings and Africans. The aforementioned camps they occupy presently in Lagos are described as paradise compared to the horrendous condition they were subjected to by the Beninoise authorities.

They are quartered in decent accommodation with electricity and water while health workers are on hand to attend to them. The refugees thanked the Lagos state government and attested to the fact that Governor Ambode showed them unprecedented love and made them feel like human beings again. Ambode has done not only Lagos proud, but Nigeria and Africa. In an effort to efficiently improve on the processes of revenue generation and collection in the state and ensure proper accountability and transparency in all Government accrued revenues, the state commenced operation of a Treasury Single Account (TSA) from September 1, 2015 which will help the government address the challenges previously faced with the operation of the multiple account system. The (TSA) aside from providing transparency and accountability, will also encourage tax payers to request for a single account before making their payments. The adoption of the TSA by the Governor Ambode’s administration is in line with the objective All Progressives Congress (APC) led federal government under President Muhammadu Buhari to ensure that all government revenue accrues to one consolidated account. One of his first official duties was to receive the President of Namibia, Dr Hage Geingob on May 30, whom he had fruitful discussions with about the desirability of Lagos State as investors’ destination. Since then, the Governor has met several groups of local and foreign investors including President of Dangote Group of Companies, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, investors from Dubai, United States of America, as well as envoys from several European and Middle East countries promising them an enabling environment for willing investors, stressing that his ambition is to improve

on the ease of doing business in the state. At a dinner organised by the Lagos State Security Trust Fund (LSSTF), Governor Ambode unveiled plans to strengthen the Rapid Response Squad (RRS) as well as establish an integrated security and emergency control platform. The event attracted members of the corporate world and respected members of the society, which saw donations to the tune of over N1billion. In the last three months, the government acquired 100 brand new power bikes, 10 armoured tanks and a helicopter to take the battle of policing Lagos to the air. The acquisition of 100 brand new squad cars for a soon-to-be introduced Special Operation Service (SOS), expected to coordinate community policing in RRS and other outfits. Governor Ambode mobilised his team on the second working week on assumption of office to visit some traffic prone areas to ensure free movement of Lagosians from one part of Lagos to another. The dreaded traffic in Apapa was especially a focal point. He had received several calls and text messages from residents complaining of the perennial traffic in the area caused by the activities of petrol tankers queuing to load the products from the 57 tank farms in Apapa. On June 25, the Governor was on the road to Apapa to get a firsthand experience of the gridlock which has defied solutions in recent times. He was caught in the gridlock himself and this led to his appeal to the Federal Government to mobilise the contractor awarded the construction of Apapa road networks to immediately return to site. He lamented that the Tin can Bridge, which has been under construction for about six years was abandoned, which has given rise to tankers parking indiscriminately

on the road. As a palliative measure towards ensuring free flow of traffic, the Governor set up a task force to ensure 24 hours surveillance of traffic flow while he followed up his visit to Apapa with a meeting with Tanker Drivers and Stakeholders to fashion out ways to end the Apapa Traffic Gridlock once and for all. Ambode recently directed that Lagos State Transport Management Authority (LASTMA) should release all seized vehicles in its custody over extortion. The first few weeks of his administration saw the Governor embark on inspections to several areas of the state such as Ipaja, MosanOkunola, Oshodi- Isolo, Ikotun-Ejigbo and Somolu areas. The Governor announced his plans to rehabilitate the roads which were in deplorable state. The Ejigbo-Ikotun road which had hitherto been a nightmare for motorists is currently under rehabilitation as promised by the Governor during his visit on July 14. The Lagos State Public Works Corporation moved in to commence work as directed. The rehabilitation work is expected to stretch from Ikotun to Oke-Afa road. Brown Road in Oshodi and Ladipo and Mushin roads are to receive urgent attention. On the rampant cases of sexual and domestic violence in the state, the Governor did not waste time to convey a meeting with the Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team (DSVRT) with a charge to intensify sensitization against the dastardly act, all in a bid to give a voice to the victims and also bring perpetrators to justice. Ambode as a team player gives room for each member of his team to brief the press during inspection visits. Johnson wrote from Surulere, Lagos



Sunday September 13, 20152015

Sunday Mirror

Day Bayelsans, Jonathan afrmed Dickson for second term Mixed reactions have trailed the public endorsement of Bayelsa State Governor, Seriake Dickson for a second term by former President Goodluck Jonathan. OSAHON JULIUS, who was at the venue of the incumbent ’s declaration rally in Yenagoa, reports.


overnor Seriake Dickson, resolute, tough, sometimes aggressive but surely could not have wished for more on Tuesday the 8th of September, 2015 as the Samson Saisia Sport complex, venue for his second term declaration rally was filled to capacity with enthusiast supporters who has thronged the venue as earlier as 7 am. Apart from the crowd of supporters who came from the eight local government areas. Ijaws from Delta, Edo, Akwa Ibom, Ondo and neibouring Rivers States were full mobilized for the rally and their intimidating presence was felt in the state capital, Yenagoa, and; perhaps in the hearts of the opposition. Before to D-day the governor has inaugurated a 13-member Restoration Campaign Organisation, with a charge to bring their wealth of experience to bear on the job, ahead of the forthcoming gubernatorial election on the 5th of December On the day of the official declaration, Yenagoa was agog as major streets in the metropolis wore a colourful with gaily dressed women and young girls sing and dance while the young men in different shades of t-shirt bearing the names of different groups adorn the streets opposite the sport complex. By the time the programme started around 2am, the stadium was filled to capacity while the adjoining streets were also taken over by supporters of the Governor and PDP faithful, who perhaps came to have a glimpse of the former President Goodluck Jonathan, who was schedule to speak at the occasion. And when Jonathan finally spoke, he called on other aspirants to shelve their ambitions and team up with the incumbent governor for the collective good of the state. The former president, was joined in endorsing and affirming Governor Dickson for a second term by the former governor of Bayelsa state, Chief D.S.P. Alamaseigha, Niger Delta warlord and President of the Niger Delta People Volunteer Force, Alhaji Asari Dokubo and Chairman of the People ’s Democratic Party, PDP, Governor ’s Forum, Olusegun Mimiko, who also vowed to return him (Dickson) for a second term in office. The former president and his wife, Dame Patience Jonathan, who were making their first public appearance since the return from Abuja after serving as the nation ’s President and First Lady respectively, openly endorse the governor for a second term, calling on Bayeslans to do same. Dr. Jonathan said he hinged his support for Dickson on his prompt and regular payment of workers ’ salaries, reduction of the state ’s huge debt profile and the unprecedented infrastructural development that has taken place in the state in the last three years. He said if compared to other states in the country, in terms of the level of

Dic ckson


physical infrastructure, coupled with the degree of indebtedness in terms of bank loans and capital market, Governor Dickson deserved to be praised for his excellent performance. He also mentioned security and the governor ’s massive investment in education as one of the reasons Bayelsans should rally round him in order to return him to complete the good work he started. He said, “One major problem we have in our state and as Ijaw people is that we always run down ourselves. We use our own mouths to destroy ourselves by betraying our own people for outsiders to kill. And if we continue in this spirit, Bayelsa will not develop. “We should allow Dickson to do his eight years. We know there are good men and women and even youths in the PDP, just as we have them in other parties. But we know that Dickson is the best person who can competently lead us for another four years. Those of them aspiring to be governors should work with us. “When Dickson is through with his eight years, we will look for one of them and give him the opportunity to govern

us. There is no need to engage in any do or die battle. “I know what they have done before but I don ’t want to say it because I was here for eight years before I left for Abuja. We should think about our future, particularly the future of our children. Let us not be selfish. “I have listened to everybody who spoke. Let me thank our Ijaw brothers and sisters who came from far and wide; from Rivers, Ondo, Delta, Edo states and from the Diaspora who are here to support the calling for Seriake Dickson reelection bid. We thank all of you. “As leaders of the State and the leadership of our party that we are totally committed to delivering Dickson. And most of the speakers including Asari Dokubo said that the Dickson project is our common project. The election that is coming is beyond Dickson. The election is for us as a people to re-define and re-position ourselves in the Nigerian geo-politics. I believe supporting Dickson is the best thing now, as he will never betray our interest. He will continue to work for our future and for the interest of our children and grand children.

Also speaking, the Chairman of the PDP Governors forum, Olusegun Mimiko, said the coming election in Bayelsa State was not about Dickson alone but about the future of the PDP, assuring him of unflinching supports from other PDP governor ’s in the country. Calling on Bayelsans and the Ijaw nation not to turn their back on the party that gave their the rare privilege of producing the first vice president, acting president and then president of the federal republic of Nigerian for the first time, he said the Dickson second term project was a project that all Ijaws must key into. He said, “Nigerians has given the Ijaw man an uncommon opportunity, Nigerians elected Ijaw man to be Vice President of this country, Nigeria elected and stood by the Ijaw man to be acting president, and we gave him our vote to be president of this country; the question is how the Ijaw man going to pay PDP, are you going to turn your back on PDP, especially when you have a governor that is performing, especially when you have a governor that is investing in the future of this state. ” Speaking to Governor Dickson, Mimiko said, “Since we came in here yesterday, we have move around, we have interacted with people, we are very proud of your investment in education, we are proud of your investment in health care, we are proud of your investment and concern about job creation. We are proud of your integrated industrial development plan and we have no doubt in your mind that you are lifting you people from poverty. You are redefining the dignity of the Ijaw man by eliminating poverty in this land. ” In their speeches, both the former governor a of the state and leader of the Niger Delta freedom fighters, Alhaji Asari Dokubo, both vow to use everything within their disposal to make sure Bayelsans return Governor Dickson, saying that the state was not ready to lose to the APC. Singing a familiar war song, Asari said the Ijaw nation has never been conquered and come 5th of December, Dickson and the PDP, will not be conquer even if the opposition who he said has been boasting with federal might came with the police, the Nigerian Army and even the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, to rig the election. In his speech, Dickson urged the Federal government to provide an enabling environment for the forthcoming election to be credible and peaceful. He assured the people of his commitment to consolidating his administration ’s achievements in the areas of security, infrastructural development, education, and protecting the Ijaw national interest within the context of the Nigerian nation-state. He said, “We expect the Federal government and all its agencies to be alive to their responsibilities because the people at the other side are not like us. We win election in the PDP by talking to the peoCONTINUED ON PAGE 54

Sunday Mirror


Sunday September 13, 2015

es to Paris

The best outcome for Nigeria during this visit should reflect favourably on key priories of the Buhari administration which are security, economy and the war against corruption.

An added one would be the strengthening of cultural cooperation that should hopefully be beneficial to both states. We as a country are in the midst of

our French-Speaking siblings in Niger, Chad, Cameroon and Benin bordering this country to the north, east and west. The attitude of our authorities to this ground reality has not been very good so far. Past efforts to infuse the French language into our school and communications systems have largely fallen flat. The zeal with which French language was taught in the 60s and 70s in our schools is no longer there. This willful negligence, if I might call it one, has cost our trained and highly mobile manpower a lot of opportunities in the countries that surround us. Niger for instance, has oil and it is the world ’s second largest source of uranium. The currency utilized in these countries is a regional currency, itself backed by France. For their part, France is itself concerned about the world-wide decline of French as a spoken language against the rise of English language. It will be a good outcome for France to support Nigeria to re-establish French in our institutions of learning and as a language of doing business. Next is the issue of the diversification of the economy and the government ’s plan to place emphasis on agriculture and mining as a way of moving from the singular dependence on oil as the mainstay of the economy. To create jobs and wealth, this country needs a massive inflow of foreign direct investment in agriculture, mining and manufacturing. The French have been loyal to Nigeria and have stayed back in, even when some of our dearer partners have decided to sell their assets and go away. This is an area the new administration hopes to build upon and it is clear from the struc-


ture of the bilateral discussions as well as the membership of the delegation are reflective of this desire. Lastly and more importantly is the issue of security in the country and the Lake Chad basin area. Since his assumption of office, President Buhari has squared up to the threat of Boko Haram terrorism with a single-minded determination. Without waiting for the envisaged foreign support and assistance, Boko Haram is near resolution. If they were correctly reported in their press conference a few days ago, the military has indeed declared victory in the war. But the world still needs to come together to help this country manage its fallout. In this regard, President Hollande needs to make his friends and allies in the G7 to sharpen their response and keep their promise of assistance for which President Buhari was requested to present a wish list. So far, there is evidence of that support in the areas of training and the sharing of intelligence but beyond these, it is hard to say that we are getting commensurate responses to the high hopes that we harbored in dealing with the war and reconstruction. Such promises especially as regards access to military hardware and the reconstruction of damaged infrastructure, donated or paid for should be pursued so that the victory over terror in our region is not a temporary one but one that will usher in permanent peace, tranquility and wealth for our beleaguered populations and the part of the continent they occupy. Shehu is the Senior Special Assistant (Media and Publicity) to the President





Shehu maintained that the document tagged ‘One Hundred Things Buhari Will Do in 100 Days ’ as well as ‘My Covenant With Nigerians ’, never emanated from the authentic channel of the campaign ’s media department. Shehu said in his capacity as Director, Media and Communications of the Buhari campaign organisation, he never authorised any document relating to specific achievements of Buhari in 100 days. “I didn ’t fund them and I didn ’t authorise

them. From what President Buhari himself had said at Chatham House, he had no iota or knowledge of those documents. So, people cannot hold him to account on something which he did not commit himself, ” Shehu said. He, however, noted that what was important in respect to President Buhari ’s 100 days in office were milestones reached within the period under review, rather than achievements. “We prefer to talk about milestones instead of achievements; whether the milestones represent achievements or not, that is left for the people to decide. Milestones have been achieved which is important for the country ”, he added. Shehu said the president never promised anything to anyone during his lecture at Chatham House in London

shortly before the March 28 Presidential election. He said the president, while responding to a question posed to him during the lecture categorically said he would remove the idea of 100 days because it was fraudulent. On the claim that All Progressive Congress, APC, posted the documents on its website, Shehu explained that the party had many centres of communication, some of which were on the loose. “APC had a campaign in which there were so many centres of public communication and unfortunately there were some among those centres that were more or less on the loose. However a popular online news website believed the president and the APC lied by denying the two documents. The Website citing the results of its

investigations published a report on September 1 that “the claims by President Muhammadu Buhari and his party, the All Progressives Congress, that a key campaign document, ‘My Covenant with Nigerians ’ did not emerge from them is false and misleading. ” It added that “while a volunteer group backed by the party and the presidential campaign may have produced the document on ‘One Hundred Things Buhari Will Do in 100 Days ’, it can authoritatively report that the policy and research directorate of the APC presidential campaign, headed by former Governor Kayode Fayemi, produced the covenant document, it said that it can also report that “The Covenant with Nigeria ” was also one of the documents the Ahmed Joda-led Transition Committee used in producing an 800-page report detailing swift steps Mr. Buhari must take to fix Nigeria … Mr. Buhari accepted the committee ’s report without any complaint, and promised to implement the recommendations. ” But the Coalition Against Corrupt Leaders, CACOL believe that the issue of whether or not Buhari ’s 100 days in office should be treated as a tradition for performance score-card, shouldn ’t be a subject of contention at all. The Executive Chairman of CACOL, Debo Adeniran, speaking on behalf of the coalition stressed that “having read and listened to the spate of contentious CONTINUED ON PAGE 54



Sunday September 13, 2015

Sunday Mirror

Day Bayelsans, Jonathan afrmed Dickson for second term CONTINUED FROM PAGE 52

ple. We will go round this state. “Let me use opportunity to enjoin you all to set up Restoration groups in all your voting units and communities across the state but as we do this we expect the Federal Government to also direct their agencies to be professional, so that our people will continue to enjoy the peace and stability that our PDP government has brought to them ’ Describing Bayelsa as PDP state, the governor allayed the fear of the membership of the party over the threat posed by the opposition, adding, ‘even though they are claiming to have INEC, the police, we have you and above all God behind us. They will lose and we will win. We are firmly on the ground in this state, they are not our match. ‘Unknown to some of their leaders even in this state, the other side has become a parastatal of the PDP and after their primaries; we will appoint for them an interim management committee. We will wind them up properly on December 5, 2015 in this glorious and proud land of illustrious people, the Jerusalem of the Ijaw nation. The endorsement of the Governor by the former President, Jonathan Goodluck, however did not go down well with the state chapter of the All Progressive Congress, APC, and some other groups within the PDP. Reacting to the public endorsement of Governor Dickson, the APC through its

UNKNOWN TO SOME OF THEIR LEADERS EVEN IN THIS STATE, THE OTHER SIDE HAS BECOME A PARASTATAL OF THE PDP AND AFTER THEIR PRIMARIES; WE WILL APPOINT FOR THEM AN INTERIM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE state chairman, Chief Tiwie Orunimighe, took a swipe at the former President, saying the statement was capable of inciting crisis in the state. Briefing newsmen in his office at the state secretariat, Orunimighe, noted that the party strongly condemned the utterances of Jonathan, noting that it shows the failures of his administration for a second time in Bayelsa. Tiwei stated that Jonathan has mortgaged Bayelsa for himself and his wife alone, by public degrading the people of the state; adding that it has always been about them alone meaning Bayelsans don ’t matter to them at all. He also pointed out that, Governor Dickson, in his inaugural speech did promised not to fail Jonathan and his wife; an act he described as greedy and selfish style of governance, adding that Jonathan ’s selfish leadership style that failed him at the federal level as again been brought to the state.

Also reacting, a body of stakeholders in the state under the auspices of Bayelsa Surveillance Group, BSG, also disapproved of former President Goodluck Jonathan ’s public endorsement of Dickson ’s second-term bid, saying that the President should rather be playing the role of elder statesman in the election process. It maintained that Jonathan ’s public endorsement of the governor amounted to imposing him on Bayelsans, stressing that the former President was repeating what he did in the run-up to the 2012 governorship election. Another group, the Grace Movement Initiatives, GMI, also condemned the support thrown behind the second tenure bid of Governor Seriake Dickson by the immediate past President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan and former Governor, Chief D.S.P Alamieyeseigha. The group in a statement signed by Evangelist Elliot Zamide, noted that for openly standing before Bayelsans who

have been gnashing their teeth to barely survive Dickson ’s misrule and endorse him to continue as governor beyond February 2016, Jonathan and Alamieyeseigha are totally ignorant and lost about the true reality on ground. “Their action at the sports complex amounts to a monumental repose on them ”, the group added, saying “Bayelsans and the God of the land shall hold them accountable should Dickson be reelected and continue to suffocate the people with poverty, unemployment, infrastructural deficit and failed promises ”. While the groups and some other Bayelsans kicked, the public endorsement has ended the ambition of major contestant for the Bayelsa State governorship race and aspirant on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Chief Reuben Okoya, who has withdrawn from the race. Okoya, an architect, who was until May 28 this year the co-coordinator, Abuja Metropolitan Management Council of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), announced his withdrawal from the race in a statement he issued in Abuja on Wednesday. He said the decision was informed by recent development in the state and the need to support the incumbent governor, to ensure that the PDP retain the seat. Okoya said he withdrew in deference to the strong views and positions expressed at various levels by top leaders and key stakeholders of our great party.

Buhari and controversy over 100 days ’ promises CONTINUED FROM PAGE 53

positions taken by those we want to describe as pro and anti Buhari ’s voices, we would want to ask President Buhari to remember the prevailing political atmosphere under which he was voted in by Nigerians, as the man competent and trusted to confront the country ’s enormous, yet multi-faceted problems. Electorates believed that he has the required courage and guts to perform and achieve the desired result, hence he should avoid, in every way possible, being eroded into adopting or formulating policies that could be seeing to be anti-people. ” He said Nigerians voted for change and that that simply means that they were dissatisfied with the ways the country was being run then and had yearned for a shift from the status quo. “That President Buhari has been in the saddle for 100 days is a fact; that certain promises were made either directly by him or by his party, the APC, during his electioneering campaign, is also a fact. Justifiably so, Nigerians reserve the moral right to demand that he delivers on those promises ”, he said. Speaking further, Adeniran said “It therefore behoves on who promised to either begin to deliver on the promises right-away or at least, begin to say something to these same people, about his mode of operation or measures through which he intends to address pressing issues.




“He could even open up with his blueprint on action plans on certain aspects of his programme. And if he believes that he has, within this relatively little time, put in place certain things, whether conclusively or in process, we do not see anything wrong in coming out to brandish his score-card for all to see ”. The group further said, “Proactive effort is one thing, result is another; but whichever way it comes, would certainly be better than a disturbing silence that could only open the door for unnecessary bickering, presumptions and insinuations among contending interest groups. ‘Granted that Buhari never hinged his pre-election promises on a specified timeframe, as the APC is trying to remind the people, the fact still remains that promises such as, public declaration of assets; a free meal per day for school

pupils; N5,000 monthly allowance for the unemployed; and so on, were made. “The party, APC was alive and active when those speaking for the party were making pronouncement on the now contentious issue of 100 days during electioneering campaigns, and neither was any disclaimer issued nor any counterstatement made by the party then, so, why now? APC cannot claim ignorance of the age-long tradition of 100-days-inoffice assessment of performance of top political office holders; it ’s been with us for quite a while now. “The Coalition has been consistent in its position on some of these promises that President Buhari or the APC does not necessarily need to make it a political issue before acting on them. For instance; issues like that of public declaration of assets, could have just been done by Buhari and his vice with-

out much ado as it would only translate into a clear evidence of seriousness and sincerity on their part, in their quest to fighting and eradicating corruption from our land. “Whilst the group appreciates the recent public declaration of assets by the President and his vice, it should be acknowledged as a right step in the right direction as this will go a long way in strengthening the confidence that the Nigerian public has in them and further underscore the exemplary posture of the duo. This singular gesture which we wish would constitute a benchmark for successive regimes, we want to believe, would implicitly serve as a window-opener to series of ‘change ’ that are to trail the life of this administration. However, we want to further call on President Buhari and his party not to relent at ensuring that every other aspect of their promises is fulfilled without much ado ”, Adeniran said. The Coalition further advised that, “rather than making unnecessary issue out of the credibility of the source that spoke on behalf of the party, APC or Buhari should just go ahead to tell Nigerians what he ’s been able to do so far. “For whatever it is worth, we want to believe that for the past 100 days in office, President Buhari couldn ’t have been idle, he certainly must have been doing some things; let him tell his people now ”, Adeniran further stated.

Sunday Mirror

Politic News

Sunday, September 13, 2015


‘APC not part of Ayade ’s unity government ’ RICHARD NDOMA CALABAR


he All Progressives Congress, APC, has described as “another contraption of the People ’s Democratic Party, PDP, to score cheap political points, recent media reports that the Cross River State Governor Ben Ayade has reserved 30 per cent slots of appointments into his cabinet for opposition parties in the state.

South South Zonal Secretariat of the APC in a statement by the Special Adviser[Media and Publicity] to the Zonal Chairman, Prince Hilliard Eta, Mr. Bassey Ita, said the party was not interested in the offer and will never be a party to the proposed unity government. According to the statement, the idea of a unity government has always been that of the PDP, stating that the APC believe in total reforms of the inept

leadership of the PDP and not to identify with it. It reads in part: “We have read reports flooding online news portals alluding to the purported formation of a government of national unity at the instance of Governor Ben Ayade in Cross River state in which the opposition parties were alleged to have been offered a 30 per cent slot of appointments into the PDP government. ‘ ’We are constrained to state here clearly that even

though the concoction called elections of March 28 and April 11, this year has placed us as an opposition party in the state, but our political belief and ideology as a progressive party couple with the pride of being the governing party at the centre compels us to reject such offer. We would never contemplate such arrangements as we are completely averse to it. ‘ ’In the same vein, as those who preach and imbibe the change gospel ,it

would be foolhardy to accept a mix bag of change which is the centre point of our ideology and of ineptitude which has been the disposition of the PDP led government overtime as we continue to make great strides and efforts to improve on the living conditions of our people. ‘ ’This offer is therefore in our estimation, another contraption of the PDP to

Yoruba Council of Youths advises Buhari on ministerial appointment


Lagos State Governor, Akinwunmi Ambode (left) being welcomed by the Chairman, Lekki Free Zone Development Company, Otunba Olusegun Jawando, during his inspection visit to the Lekki Free Zone, Imobido, Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos, recently.

Buhari ’s anti-corruption drive should not be discriminatory –Rep


resident Muhammadu Buhari has been enjoined to work harder in order to meet the expectations of Nigerians just as he has been advised to ensure that his anti-corruption fight should not be discriminatory. Making the declaration in Lagos, a member of the House of Representatives, Hon. Joseph Iranola Akinlaja urged

the President to buckle up saying that Nigerians had expected him to hit the ground running. On the issue of probes, the lawmaker while observing that corruption is evil, however noted that : “Nobody supports corruption. It is evil. But what we are saying is that everything that will be done should be in a transparent manner. There should be no room for selective justice or god-

fatherism. Probes should not be turned to avenues for witch-hunting. To do so will amount to disservice to democracy and its tenets ”. He said “Nigerians are expecting more from Buhari , the expectations was high before he took oath of office and there is the need for him to meet people ’s expectation ”. While describing PDP ’s loss to APC during the last presidential

election as a temporary setback, Akinlaja who is representing Ondo East/ West in the lower legislative chambers expressed that PDP will soon bounce back and stronger. “We are rebuilding our party now. PDP will not die. It is coming back stronger. We are not leaving anything to chance – we will recover all that has been lost, ” he declared.

score cheap political points by drawing from the creative and dedicated spirit of our members to reverse the failure of governance — a reality which has been recorded in posterity against it. ’ ’ The statement furthered that the APC leadership was completely averse to the development and would advise its members against it.

he Yoruba Council of Youths, YCY, has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to ensure that the interest of Nigeria is paramount in his mind while constituting his ministerial team and that he should not allow his choice to be determined by political permutations alone. Speaking with Sunday Mirror in Lagos , the President of YCY, Barrister Oladotun Hassan said the president should look for the best materials in and outside the country while constituting his cabinet which he has promised would be announced this month. According to him, those that will be appointed as ministers should be men of integrity and those that will take Nigeria to the promised land. He said there are newbreed intellectual brands across the globe that will be willing to serve their father lands and that President Buhari should search for them and put them in his cabinet. Hassan said it will amount to double jeopardy if the team of changes do not merit or surpass the expectations of Nigerians. He said the cabinet

should also be broadbased and should not favour one ethnic or region saying the running of the country is a national project and that no section of the country should be relegated to the background . According to him, the YCY is in full support of 30 per cent affirmation for the youths and that the president should not forget the teeming youths who voted for him while forming his cabinet. “ We have young intellectuals who can contribute meaningfully to the development of the country and such youths should be given the opportunity to serve their fathers land ”, he said. Speaking further, Hassan also said that Buhari ’s government should not only implement the report of the national conference but should ensure that the 1999 constitutionwhich was midwived by the military is reviewed for the progress of the nation. He said YCY is in support of the fight against corruption being embarked upon by the Buhari government but cautioned that the fight against corruption should not delayed the fulfillment of the expectations of Nigerians

2019: Renowned politician urges Buhari to step-down for S ’West EZEKIEL TITUS


highly respected title holder of Matawalin of Dass Emirate council of Bauchi State and renowned politician, Ishaku Garba, has urged President Muhammadu Buhari to toe a path of honour and relinquish power to the South-West region in tandem with agreement to rotate power to the Yorubas in 2019. This was just as Garba specifically endorsed former gorvernor of Lagos State, Senator Ahmed Bola Tinubu, as the next president of Nigeria in line with the

agreement to shift presidential power to the South-West. Garba said although he was speaking for himself, he added that Buhari should respect the agreement to hand-over power to the South-West, and especially Tinubu, following his role in organising massive support from the Yorubas for the All Progressives Congress, APC, to have earned Buhatri and the party victory against former President Goodluck Jonathan. In an exclusive chat with National Mirror, he said respecting the agreement on powershift to Yorubas is the only panacea that Nigerians will have confidence in the APC-led government

in all ramifications. He said: “Without fear or favour, I have endorsed former Lagos state governor and currently the APC leader, Senator Tinubu as the best and credible candidate to be given the chance automatically to succeed Buhari come 2019, being the political engine room from the South-West that brought Buhari to the saddle as Nigeria ’s President. ” Stressing that the North is known for respecting such political arrangement and agreement, he described Tinubu as an erudite and focused politician who believes in one Nigeria and power sharing ideology to ensure solid political foundation in all nooks and crannies of Nigeria.

The politician and Matawalin Dass reiterated that he is personally convinced with the anti corruption crusade of President Buhari, and called for stiffer penalty for corrupt leaders in the country, saying they must be force to cough out the looted funds. He said: “I am also in support of the current steps to rejuvenate the oil sector which is the only source of our revenue. ” He also cautioned federal lawmakers, asking them to respect the President ’s views to avoid engaging in clashes that may derail the implementation of the APC manifesto.


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunday Mirror

Sunday Mirror



with OBASOLUYI TELEWA 07033840936 Email: bazo_

STORIES THAT TOUCH YOU Sunday, September 13, 2015

Wailing time for original inhabitants Rift between original inhabitants of Erigidan and settlers takes turn for worse as land owners allege being short-changed in the administration of their property, writes NICK UWERU

An elder in the community

Community land.


nless something drastic is done to check the trend in Erigidan, there could be a breakdown of law and order at the Ikorodu community, Lagos, as indigenes claiming to be original inhabitants of the community battle to defend what they insist is their inheritance. For Alhaja Sabitiu Olokunola (nee Ogunlawani), an Ikorodu chieftain and head of the Ogunlawani kindred of the ancient town, and other offshoots of various families that make the Ogunlawani clan, they would not stand idly by and watch ‘strangers ’ take their possessions from them and possibly banish them from their community. Sunday Mirror, gathered that the Ogunlawani family, whose ancestors reportedly owned the 173 acres of land at Eregidan, which is now the object of contention, had for some years now, been at daggers-drawn with some occupiers of some portions of the land. It was gathered that a group of people, acting as agents of the Ogunlawani family, without recourse to the authorised elders of the family, allegedly connived to dispose of most part of the property. This was achieved, it was gathered, primarily because the head of the family, Alhaja Olokunola, now in her late 90s, handed the land document to her cousin who later disposed of the farmland without recourse to the head of the family, claiming rather that he acted with active collaboration of all stakeholders to the property. Sometime ago, the Ogunlawani family, probably having woken from their slumber to realise that their inheritance was being denied them, rose to right the wrongs. A lot of correspondences were reportedly exchanged by them and the Odera Community Development Association, under whom the alleged stolen farmlands were developed. To buttress their claim of illegal purchase of the properties, a document obtained by Sunday Mirror showed that two of the authorised lineages to the farmlands actually

signed the documents upon which the lands were sold out, leaving five lineages out. So, to match their words with action, the Ogunlawani family, acting through their

Legal notices being pasted in Erigidan community

lawyers, recently issued notices to all affected members of the community to approach their lawyer for revalidation of their properties. It was further gathered that while the lawyer ’s notices were being pasted round the community, it was alleged that some members of the community confronted the family members pasting the notices which almost led to a fracas. It was further alleged that a few of the CDA members chased away the members of family carrying out the lawyer ’s directive with dangerous weapons. On two separate occasions, it was gathered that an elderly gate man and a single father drew machetes and attempted to inflict cuts on the agents. Some of them also reportedly threatened to unleash mayhem on the family members should they return to the community to paste such notice. There is the alleged fear of the descendants of the property in question as some of their families living around the community are allegedly being threatened by suspected agents of the alleged impostors. Three members of the Ogunlawani family who were part of the team tasked to paste the lawyer ’s notice round the community, but who would not want to be mentioned, apparently for fear of reprisal, narrated their ordeals to the newspaper. According to one of them, “We were there just with the papers of the lawyer and the starch with which we were pasting. We got to a man ’s house and all he did was to go inside his building and came out with a machete threatening to attack us with it if we went ahead. ” The man claimed that the same scenario played out in some of the places visited,

while some occupants allowed them do their work without any form of harassment. Sunday Mirror obtained a letter written by the Odera Community Development Association (this is the resident landlords on the property) dated July 24, 2015 where the authors complained that suspected hoodlums were deployed to the community by the Ogunlawani descendants allegedly to cause mayhem there. Referring to the Ogunlawani children and some of their members as hoodlums by those they consider as their ‘tenants ’ naturally was offensive to the original inhabitants. They were also miffed at the threat to inflict machete cuts on them. Head of the entire Ogunlawani family, Alhaja Olokunola, in a chat with our reporter, revealed that she was deceived into handing over the document to those who sold the property without recourse to the family. Alhaja Olokunola begins her story, “It all started when some relations of mine (although, not from the side of the family which owns the land), came to me and demanded that the documents of the farmland be released to them for proper safe keep. They assured me that they would not sell any portion of it without my authorisation, but they later reneged on the pledge. “I am aged and can no longer move round the farmland as of old and so the family chose some representatives to do this on our behalf. It was a surprise when we got a letter from them calling our children hoodlums and hooligans. Are they trying to take our ancestral property from us, ” she asked. Another representative of the descendant, who preferred anonymity, who also claimed she had been wrongfully labelled

and arrested by a woman in the community, while speaking with our reporter on the matter, expressed worry at the attitude of members of the Odera CDA on the matter. She maintained that the Ogunlawani family was only out to correct the wrongs of the past and in a peaceful manner, “until the residents of the community decided to take up arms against them, calling us unprintable names. ” Another representative of the Ogunlawani descendants corroborated the threats, saying “What we are out to achieve now is telling the world that we are not what these people are calling us. You can imagine calling our old mama, and elders of our family hoodlums including myself and threatening us on our property. We will not allow that to go unchallenged. ” The newspaper spoke with a prominent member of the Odera CDA on the matter. Declining to speak on record, he denied that that the CDA ordered children of the owners of the community to be maltreated, he maintained that the community was not at war with them but wanted peaceful resolution of the matter. His words, “What actually happened was that when we saw the notice issued by their lawyer, we said that their lawyer was not a court of law where we would go to show documents. We are not fighting with them. We wrote them to let them know our position. “If anyone had harassed them or their agents, they should report such to the appropriate authority and take necessary action. All we are saying is that the family needs to speak with one voice and be well guided in the way they go about this issue. “Why would we order them beaten up when we bought land from them? The truth of the matter is that we all need to sit down on a round table and discuss the way forward on the issue. ” Another house owner in the community, but who preferred anonymity, told the Sunday Mirror that the CDA had extended hands of friendship to the Ogunlawani family. According to him, “I do not know if anyone was beaten up here and if that happened, it could be as a result of disagreement with someone, but there was no plan to prevent the people from acting on their property, but we are just saying that we needed to be well informed of their moves and be able to respond appropriately. ”



Sunday September 13, 2015

Sunday Mirror

Crisis rocks Bauchi PDP, exco members asked to refund N800m EZEKIEL TITUS BAUCHI


fresh crisis has rocked the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in Bauchi State following the suspension of the state chairman, secretary and 16 others on allegations of abuse of of-

fice by the party ’s working committee. State Chairman of the party, Ibrahim Yaro Yaro, and the Secretary, Sama ’ila Burga, have on the other hand suspended some members of the State Working Committee, SWC. The SWC members

had issued a query to the chairman and secretary to account for N800 million allegedly belonging to the party and gave a 12-hour deadline to reply. Before the expiration of the deadline, however, Yaro announced the suspension of some members of the SWC.

When the SWC did not receive any response from the chairman and secretary, they held another meeting last Friday and appointed Alhaji Musa Haruna Shitu as acting chairman and Barrister Mukhtar Abubakar as acting Secretary. Speaking to newsmen

at the end of their meeting, Shitu said the executive committee members were suspended because of their inability to account for over N800 million generated from membership dues deducted monthly from the salaries of former political appointees of the state government as their contribution towards running the affairs of the party, which were lodged in two banks. He alleged that the two officers spent the money without the knowledge of the executives and without following the laid down rules of spending as enshrined in the party constitution. Shitu explained that Burga had resigned his appointment as state secretary of the party when he contested the position of the State Deputy Governorship candidate of

the party in the last general election. He said the committee that would investigate the allegations had been constituted and advised the party members to remain calm and wait for the outcome of the investigation into the allegations of abuse of office against the two officers. Shitu described their suspension by Yaro as null and void because as chairman, he has no right to suspend anyone. Addressing a press conference separately, Burga said the alleged missing money was for running the affairs of the party. He explained that all the members of the Working Committee signed and collected money for one activity or the other and described their suspension as null and void, because it was against the law of the party.

Only Borno people can give detail of insurgency –Bishop Last batch of Muslim pilgrims from Gombe State, before their departure in Gombe, at the weekend.


Police bust job racketeering syndicate in Nasarawa IGBAWASE UKUMBA LAFIA


uthorities of the Nasarawa State police command yesterday said it has busted a fake job racketeering syndicate and arrested five suspects who defrauded a large number of unsuspecting job seekers of millions of naira. Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, of the command, ASP Ismaila Numan, paraded the suspects at the Criminal Investigation Department, CID, office in Lafia, the state capital. The PPRO said they had

uncovered details of at least 114 people who had been defrauded by these racketeers with the promise of lucrative employment opportunities in a paramilitary force known as National Task Force to Combat Illegal Importation of Goods, Small Arms, Ammunition and Light Weapons (NATFORCE). He said the command raided the office operated by the syndicate along Jos Road, Lafia following complaints and intelligence reports, which consequently led to the arrest of the suspects last Tuesday at about 2 p.m.

The main suspect arrested and paraded by the police is the state director of the organisation, Mr. John Monday, who claimed to be a retired military sergeant. The state command spokesman said the police were able to uncover the racket following complaints from individuals that the organisation had been swindling money from several people with the promise of employment opportunities in NATFORCE. He said: “The complaints are based on the fact that the organisation

has been defrauding innocent members of the public of large sums of money on the guise of offering them employment since 2013. “Police authorities have taken into custody passports, birth certificates, credentials, payment receipts, job agreements and other documents belonging to several individuals from the suspects ’ possession. Evidence at the disposal of the command has confirmed all the alleged complaints to be true and the suspects will be charged to court as soon as the investigation is completed. ”

Kogi warns residents to relocate from ood plains WALE IBRAHI LOKOJA


ollowing rising level of water in River Niger, Kogi State Government has once again urged the residents along the flood plains to relocate to higher ground to avoid disaster again in the state. The government assured the people that despite the great possibility that the state may experience flooding this year following NIMET prediction, it was do-

ing all it could to ensure that flood did not damage lives and property. Kogi State Deputy Governor and Chairman, Kogi State Flood Management Committee, Mr. Yomi Awoniyi, gave this warning in a flood alert message to people of the state. He added that the state government would begin the process of evacuation of people living along flood prone areas as soon as the water level increased to 11.0m calibrated on the

scale of measurement and assured that government would live up to its responsibilities in averting loss of lives and property. Awoniyi disclosed that the water level had gone up to 8.1m calibrated on the scale of measurement, adding that the government would continue to monitor the rising level of the water to avert disaster in the state. The deputy governor who added that while the rising water level of the river Niger and Benue calls for

concern, advised people not to panic until the water level rises to 12.1m calibrated on the scale of measurement as observed in 2012 before it became a critical situation. He said this year ’s flood is occasioned by the release of water from Lagdo Dam. Awoniyi maintained that states of Adamawa, Benue and Nassarawa along the axis of the River Benue are already experiencing flooding, but warned that Kogi would soon experience its own share of the flood.



rchbishop of Jos Ecclesiastical Province and Bishop of Maiduguri Diocese of the Anglican Communion, Emmanuel Kana Mani, has said that no one in the country or outside can give a detailed account of the Boko Haram saga than the people of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states, which experienced massive bloodshed as a result of the over six years insurgency. Mani, in a statement commemorating his 25 years as a Bishop in Maiduguri, yesterday, said, academics and commentators are basically scratching through what was given to them as secondary materials, but those living in Maiduguri in the last six years have seen it all and have paid the supreme price of martyrdom. He said both Christians and Muslims must continue to remain focused on God ’s divine intervention and continue to pray for security operatives to wipe Boko Haram out of the country. The bishop, who declared 2015 as a year of ‘freedom and liberty ’ as he celebrated his 25 years of election to the Episcopal

office of the Bishopric of Maiduguri said, “Living in unity does not mean that we will all agree on everything. Yet, we must agree on our purpose in life to work together for God. Our outward expression of unity in diversity is to deemphasise our differences and emphasise our togetherness. ” While speaking on discipline and corruption, he said, “the degree of lawlessness in Nigeria is very high, thereby making our laws and codes of behaviour a mere paperwork, which has never seen the light of the day. “War against Indiscipline (WAI) and against corruption must be fought by all. Corruption is manmade or man-driven. The ‘sacred cow ’ syndrome must be totally eliminated. Nobody is above the law, therefore, let President Muhammadu Buhari intensify his fight against corruption while we assure the President of our prayers and support to sanitise Nigeria, ” the cleric said. He described the media as a veritable tool for shaping the society in any nation, urging them to be neutral and report facts as well as watch their use of language in reporting issues.

Sunday Mirror


Sunday September 13, 2015


withdraws Rivers C ’River protests exclusion from list Fitch State ratings of ood prone areas JOHNSON OKANLAWON



he Cross River State Government has expressed dismay at the Federal Government ’s exclusion of the state among those to be affected by the discharge of excess water from the Lagdo Dam in Cameroun. Director-General, Cross River State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) Mr. Vincent Aquah, stated this in Calabar while receiving leaders of a flood-prone community at Eja in Obubra local council area during a courtesy visit. Aquah stated that it was quite disheartening that

Cross River had been excluded among states that were listed as vulnerable to impending flood disaster. He recalled that in 2012, several villages in Boki, Etung and Bendeghe Afi, Opu, Balep and Nde communities in Ikom and villages across so many local government areas suffered severe losses when its economic trees and villages were submerged by water that came as a result of the flood after the Logdo Dam discharge. According to him, nine local government areas with over 212 communities lying along the coast lines of rivers traversing the state were flooded. Aquah said that over 1,800 houses, 82,361 farms,

15 churches, 13 schools and 18 markets were flooded. The disaster resulted in the displacement of 49,918 persons, 34 suffered different degrees of injuries and 13 persons died. He wondered why the state should be excluded from the list. The director general expressed fear that by such action, the state may not be assisted should the impending disaster reach level three, which is beyond the ability of the state to cope. Aquah, who noted that several communities in the state had begun experiencing flooding advised residents of such areas to be on red alert and to do everything possible to mitigate

such calamity. He advised residents of flooded houses or communities to evacuate to higher grounds and then call for rescue while those carrying out emergency harvest of crops submerged by water should consider safety first and to avoid taking unnecessary risks by wading into it. According to him, children should stay away from running water and drainages to avoid drowning. The DG also advised the Eja community to remain alert and assured them that the state government would continue to mobilise resources to ensure the completion of the relocation of the community to higher grounds.



nternational credit ratings agency, Fitch Ratings, has withdrawn Rivers State ’s long-term foreign and local currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) of ‘BB- ’, with negative and stable outlooks respectively, and its national long-term rating of ‘AA-(nga) ’, with stable outlook. The agency had in March this year placed Rivers State ’s long-term foreign and local currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) at ‘BB- ’, affirming its national long-term rating at ‘AA- ’ with a stable outlook. A statement from the agency on Friday said it had decided to discontinue the rating of Rivers State, due to lack of information. “All ratings have subsequently been withdrawn. As a result, Fitch will no longer provide ratings or analytical coverage on the issuer, ” the agency said. The agency had in March commended the

administration of former Rivers State Governor, Chibuike Amaechi, for reducing the debt level of the state, while continuing with development projects and maintaining investments. The ratings released on March 20 reflects Fitch ’s expectations that Rivers State would continue to report a solid operating margin in the medium term, mainly driven by growing nonoil revenue. “This will be partially offset by decreasing transfers received in reflection of lower oil price although the budget should continue to be balanced due to flexibility in expenditure, ” Fitch said. According to Fitch ’s base case scenario, the operating margin would stabilise at 60 per cent over the medium term (preliminary figures show 58 per cent in 2014. Internally Generated Revenue, IGR, was forecast to rise towards 30 per cent of total revenues and exceed N100bn by 2016, or about N8.5bn per month, up from N84bn in 2014.

Osun lawmaker canvasses national blueprint on corruption AYO ESAN

P L-R: Commander 2 Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Stevenson Olabanji and General Officer Commanding,82 Division Enugu, Maj.-Gen. Ibrahim Attahiru, during PHOTO: NAN an operational visit of GOC to 2 Brigade in Port Harcourt, recently.

Man hacks mother to death in Imo CHRIS NJOKU OWERRI


kpotu Uvuru community in Aboh Mbaise local council of Imo State was thrown into mourning as a middle aged man identified as Emmanuel Ndulewe allegedly hacked his aged mother to death. Sunday Mirror reliably gathered that the suspect, who is said to be mentally unstable last Wednesday ’s afternoon attacked his mother, Mrs Emelda Ndulewe, 69, who was said to be cracking palm kernels, with a ma-

chete thereby cutting the woman in different parts of her body before inflicting deep cut on her head. It was learnt that Emmanuel, who watched his mother writhe in pain as she was covered in own pool of blood, hurriedly fled the scene but was later apprehended by irate youths of the community who were attracted by the wailing of the neighbours. According to sources in the community, the suspect who is now detained at the Oke Uvuru Police Division had been mentally unstable for some time. The source said the young

man returned to the village after about 20 years of wandering in the city and allegedly accused his mother and siblings of not assisting him while he was in the poor state of mind. “Since Emmanuel returned back to the village from the city after spending over 20 years, he has been acting like someone who has a mental problem and for this reason the people of the community have always been avoiding him, ” said a source. According to the source, “we never knew that his madness has gotten to the stage of killing

his own mother and when we heard the shouts of some of the neighbours that Emma has killed his mother, the youth mobilised and gave him a hot chase because he has already packed his travelling bag to escape, but we eventually caught him at the bus stop. ” When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, Mr. Andrew Enwerem, a Deputy Superintendent of Police, who confirmed the incident, said the police have arrested the suspect while investigation into the matter had begun.

resident Muhammadu Buhari has been urged to initiate a national blueprint on fighting corruption, and establish a means of ensuring international standard in executing government business. Member of Osun State House of Assembly, Hon. Olatunbosun Oyintiloye, made the charge shortly after the end of a capacity building workshop on Transparency and Accountability for members of Houses of Assembly of states in the South-West geo-political zone, organised by the Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offences Commission (ICPC) in Abuja recently. According to him, the President should establish a Transparency Charter that would re-awaken value and promote compliance with the established protocols of doing government business such as

Due Process that had been abandoned by MDAs and most states government. Oyintiloye said the charter must see to it that the costing of public work was done in such a way that the citizens are not shortchanged. He explained that the charter, if properly developed, would ensure adherence to global standard in executing government projects, and activities, thereby eliminating cutting corners and shady deals, hence discourage corrupt practices. The lawmaker stated further that the survival of the nation ’s economy depended on the success of the fight against corruption, stressing that the nation was faced with myriads of challenges. Oyintiloye maintained that the war against corruption should not be that of the President alone, but a campaign that must be supported by all Nigerians in a bid to place the country on the path to greatness.


Sport S port


Pizarro: Let’s make the most of this generation P. 62


Sunday Mirror

Okorodudu likes six AAG boxing gold

SEPTEMBER 13, 2015

P. 61


My journey began at Ajegunle G

hetto-blaster Odion Ighalo used to train with bullets flying over his head as police chased gangs across the pitch. He used to kick tin cans in his bare feet around the mean streets of Ajegunle, a sprawling district of Lagos where his mother worked 17 hours a day selling bottled water and soft drinks to pay for Ighalo’s first pair of football boots. And when he trod that well-worn path from tropical Nigeria to icy Norway, the first time he ever saw snow he ate it. Ighalo, 26, is now enjoying the riches of English football, and his journey from inner-city hardship in Africa to Watford’s tilt at Premier League survival, is now the yardstick for kids who dream of turning from austerity to prosperity. Yesterday, Ighalo was on the Hornets front line against high-flying Swansea having just signed a new five-year contract at Vicarage Road. Watford have yet to score at home under head coach Quique Sanchez Flores, but the Nigerian international striker has endured worse privation. “I come from the ghetto where there was no 24-hour electricity, no good water, bad roads and the neighbourhood is tough,” he said. “We used to kick old cans, plastic bottles, sometimes even an orange, around the streets in bare feet. “Whatever I go on to achieve in football, I will always give thanks to God for this opportunity to live my dream – but I will also never forget where I came from.

“Ajegunle is where my journey began and I’m proud of that. My first team, Olodi Warriors, used to play on a grass pitch known locally as the ‘Maracana’ but it was really a big, wide-open field. “On one corner there were boys selling marijuana and they were always being chased by the police when they cut across the pitch. We would hit the floor when we heard the ‘pop, pop, pop’ of gunfire and then continue training. “It’s part of life, but bullets don’t always know who are the footballers and who are the bad guys.” Ighalo was scouted by Norway’s Lyn Oslo as a 17-yearold, and the youngest of seven children left Nigeria to seek his fortune in a country where temperatures were often 70 degrees colder. “There were three players from Nigeria who went to Norway – but one of them had to go home because he could not cope with the cold,” he said. “I could easily have followed him, but when I thought of the hardship I left behind, I was not going to cut and run. “I had never seen snow before in Nigeria. The first time it snowed in Oslo I was like a child. I was eating it, rubbing it on my head, throwing it in the air like confetti... it was a new toy.” After 10 months, Ighalo was snared in the web of Watford’s owners, the Italian Pozzo dynasty, joining

Udinese before being loaned out to their Spanish club, Granada, where he is revered. Ighalo scored the winner in consecutive play-off finals as Granada leapt to La Liga. His happy knack of scoring important goals and winning promotion endured after his move to Vicarage Road 14 months ago. When Watford, trailing 2-1, were down to 10 men at Derby on Good Friday, Ighalo snaffled a precious equaliser. Three days later, his rocket against Middlesbrough in another promotion shootout clinched an important 2-0 win and made the Hornets believe they were going up. Ighalo was off the mark on the opening day of this season in a 2-2 draw at Goodison Park, leaving England’s John Stones on his backside with his signature ‘scoop’ turn. “I’ve been lucky enough to score some important goals, but my work is not done,” he said. “One day, when I’ve made good money in football, I would like to go back to Ajegunle and provide better pitches, help the kids at grassroots levels. “My mum had to work so hard, selling bottled water and soft drinks, to pay for my first pair of adidas Copa Mundial boots, and everything I am today I owe to her and to God.”

Sunday Mirror


Sunday September 13, 2015

Ameobi closes in on Huddersfield move

Knockout IFEANYI Eduzor


igeria striker Shola Ameobi is closer to joining English Championship side Huddersfield Town. Huddersfield manager, Chris Powell said they will be having contract talks with Ameobi after he made a big impression while on trials. Powell said the former Newcastle striker as ‘a good size and good stature’ and hope things work out fine and end in him having a contract after eight days of trial. “He’s been training with us and it’s been a good opportunity to have a look at him, I must admit, for a player of his stature to just say they will come and train has been quite refreshing, and he has been excellent around the place,” he said. “Shola has trained really well, he played 45 minutes in a training-ground game we organised against Rochdale, scored and linked up really well.




Mayweather: I’m not going to underrate Berto

P Ameobi

“So we will have to see how it progresses. He is still here, so there’s the possibility of us having good discussions with his advisor, I will speak to him and we’ll see where it leads. “I keep thinking we need that type, he is a good size and good stature, he can head the ball and he would give us something slightly different. While he

wouldn’t be running around all over the place, if we can get the legs and pace around him then he would be a very decent asset to us, so we will see. “I want to be fair to him because he is a senior player. “You don’t want someone like that hanging around for weeks and weeks and not doing anything.

ound-ForPound fighter, Floyd Mayweather says that he is not going to underrate Andre Berto even as he insisted that his September 12 pay-per-view clash will be his last fight. “When you at a boxer with little or nothing to lose, he works much harder because he’s got a chance to be one of the top boxers in the world. In boxing, anything can happen, so I’m prepared mentally and physically. I’m in top shape, I’m sure he’s in top shape and he’s ready. But I’m not going to over-

look him. I want to win just like he wants to win, so I’m pushing myself every day. As I get older, I’m working harder. According to him because of the importance he attaches to the fight, he is preparing more that he did during his record- breaking showdown with Manny Pacquiao, insisting that his opponent is a perfect opposition. “I am preparing seriously for the fight and the preparations I have put in place is more than what I did during the Manny Pacquiao fight because I expect Berto to give me a very good challenge.

‘Sunshine not title pretenders’


flight title at the end of the ongoing league season. “We are not pretenders rather strong contenders to the NPFL title in the ongoing league season. “Despite the fact that we have not picked outright victory in the last three matches I still believe we are on the right track and we will not give up the fight until we achieve the set goal. “We were once at the summit for a long time before Enyimba climb to the top, we are doing everything human-

unshine Stars head coach, Kennedy Boboye has said outright that his side are not league title pretenders. The Akure Gunners have been winless in the immediate past three matches raising serious concern in the minds of teeming supporters on their preparedness to match the form of frontrunners and leaders, Enyimba for the top flight title. Boboye said his side are on the right path to claim the coveted Nigerian top

ly reasonable to fight ourselves back to the top and we will stop at nothing until we achieve the goal,” said Boboye to supersport. com. Boboye said his side are aware of the strength of Nasarawa United to ruffle feathers and will not allow them the luxury to hurt his side in Sunday’s Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) match day 29 clash at the Akure Township Stadium.

Iwobi pleased with his first goal of the season


lex Iwobi opened his account for the season as Arsenal U-21s beat Newcastle United U21s 2 - 1 in the U21 Premier League Division 2 on Friday night to maintain their 100 percent start to the new season. After a goalless first half, the 19 - year - old finally broke the deadlock 13 minutes from time before Mavididi gave the Londoners a two - goal cushion in the 88th minute. Alex Iwobi saw 90 minutes of

action for the fourth consecutive game in the league this season while Aaron Eyoma did not make the teamsheet. The striker was pleased that Arsenal kept their 100 percent winning record intact and praised his teammates for working their socks off. “4 games , 4 wins , also got a goal , well done lads , ” he tweeted. Arsenal Under 21s will face Wolverhampton U21s in their next fixture on Friday, September 25.


Okorodudu eyes six AAG boxing gold


erry Okorodudu has boasted that Team Nigeria will make a clean sweep of the medals in boxing at the ongoing All Africa Games in Brazzaville, Congo. Six Nigerian boxers on Friday reached the final of their individual different weight categories for the final bouts on Saturday. Okorodudu, a former Olympian said he is not in any doubt that the pugilists will dust their opponents for the tournament top prizes. All the boxers were involved in semi-final fights on Fri-


day with some of them earning technical knockout wins over their challengers. “I know we came here with good boxers who are not only experienced but also well prepared and focused for this All Africa Games. “We believe that everything will go well for us because we have done quite a lot in terms of preparation. “Hopefully, we will get the medals, you know boxing is one of Nigeria’s gold medal hot-beds in competitions like this and I believe we are going to get things done out there in the ring,” said Okorodudu to completesportsnigeria. com. Leading Team Nigeria’s gold medal charge is Efe Ajagba who will climb the ring against Kennedy Agnes of Seychelles in the +91kg Super Heavyweight class. Ajagba earned a third round

technical knockout victory over Madin Kassen of Egypt in Friday’s semi-final fight. Oluwafemi Oyeleye will slug it out with Nsango Njikam of Cameroon in the 69kg welterweight division while Efe Tobor Apochi will fight Kennedy St Pierre of Mauritius in the 91kg Heavyweight class. In women’s boxing Edith Ogoke will face Egypt’s Rana Abdelhamid in the 69-75kg middle weight category while Linus Caroline will come up against Algeria’s Bouchene Souhila in the 48-51kg Flyweight category. Kehinde Obareh will cap the night’s fights with a 57-60kg Lightweight bout against Tunisia’s Hlimi Khouloud. Team Nigeria currently has nine gold, 18 silver and 15 bronze medals as the 11th All Africa Games enters its day ninth day on Saturday

Floyd Mayweather (L) exchanging blows with Manny Pacquiao during their mega fight in May

Pacquiao will retire next year –Arum


anny Pacquiao’s promoter, Bob Arum says the fighter will retire next year to focus on becoming President of the Philippines. He stated that the 38 year old boxer who is a member of his country’s congress wants to become a senator next year and follow it up with a shot at the Philippines Presidency which accounts to why he wants to quit

boxing. “Pacquiao will fight again next year but his goal is to become a senator in the Philippines, which he will be next year, and then to be president.” Arum added, “I think Manny will retire once he’s elected to the Senate of the Philippines which is next year after which he will hang his gloves.” Manny has been involved in politics for years in the Philippines; and has been elected to Congress twice.

Brook blames Khan for not fighting him


BF welterweight champion Kell Brook, currently looking forward to his October 24th clash with Argentina’s Diego Chaves, has hit out at bitter divisional rival Amir Khan blaming him for not accepting to fight him insisting that if the fight doesn’t come next year, then it probably never will. Fans angry at being promised the big fight by promoter Eddie Hearn, were not expecting Khan to accept the offer as he had already stated he believed Brook needs to fight bigger names before considering to fight him. “It’s all down to Amir, I’m

the world champion. I just want please the fans. He’s letting the fans down, not just his British fans but fans all over the world who want to see this fight,” Brook said to Talksport Radio in the UK. “Let’s get it right, he’s a good fighter and it’s going to be an exceptional fight so we just need to get in and see who the number one is. “My team and I know we are going to beat him. His team spoke to my promoter, Eddie Hearn, but we need to speed it up. It needs to happen at Wembley, hopefully next summer, but if it doesn’t happen next year I’m not sure it will happen,” Brook concluded.



Sunday September 13, 2015

No other member of the Chilean national squad has been part of the senior set-up as long as David Pizarro, the cultured 35-year-old central midfielder having made his national-team debut back in 1999. Yet despite also being the only current Chile international to have been in the squad that grabbed bronze at the Olympic Football Tournament Sydney 2000, several of his Roja team-mates have nearly double the player’s tally of 46 senior caps.


Pizarro: e k a m s Let’ t s o m e th of this n o i t a r e gen Has Chile’s Copa America triumph taken on a new dimension now that several weeks have gone by? David Pizarro: We achieved something important. Winning a championship that our national team had never won before is a very big deal, and we’re fully aware of that. What worries me now is hearing that they want to make 4 July [the date of the 2015 Copa final] a national Day for Sport in Chile. That makes me wonder: do people think we’re never going to win anything else? (Laughs) What’s the next step for this squad of players? The plan is to make the most of this generation of players and keep challenging for trophies. The way Chile play was [originally] put in place by [Marcelo] Bielsa. I compare it with what Cruyff did at Barcelona: he instilled an ideology which to this day is bringing significant results. That’s the issue in question. The goal is to change the destiny of Chilean football history. The Copa America success has earned Chile a ticket to the FIFA Confederations Cup. How much will it mean to take part? We’re really excited about it! We’ll be competing against heavyweight national teams and it’ll be an important preliminary test ahead of, God will-

ing, another World Cup campaign. It’ll mean a great deal for a generation of players that are very bold, very gutsy and have a lot of character. We want to keep breaking records and build on the Copa America success. What’ll be the hardest part about trying to stay successful? Staying humble and not letting egos become a problem. Let me give you an example: social media. I can’t say that I see much point in it, in my view it’s a tool that, more than anything else, serves to inflate people’s egos. The key will be to maintain the same levels of passion and commitment, particularly given how hard it was to get this far. If we can manage that, we’ll be on the right track. Earlier you mentioned the World Cup, a competition that you’ve yet to appear in. At the age of 35 and with a new qualifying phase about to begin, do you dream of making it to Russia 2018? Very much so. Due to decisions I took at the time, and which I still totally stand by, I missed out on other World Cups, but I’m still in with a chance of staying involved with the national squad. And there’s nothing bigger in football than the World Cup. Even so, if I don’t manage to make it as a player I won’t let it get to me. Perhaps I’ll need to wait until I’m a coach instead… (Laughs) I’ve got to get to a World Cup,

Sunday Mirror

The reason for this can be found in the eight years, between 2005 and 2013, which Pizarro spent in the international wilderness for personal reasons, a period which coincided with arguably his most fruitful seasons in European club football. Turning on the style for the likes of Inter Milan, Roma and Fiorentina, the gifted orchestrator was a trophy winner on seven occasions, including during a brief loan spell at Manchester City. His eventual return to the national-team fold came with coach Jorge Sampaoli’s squad in the final stages of qualifying for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™. In spite of typically assured displays, El Fantastista did not make the cut for Chile’s Brazilian adventure, though he took the setback in his stride and waited patiently for another opportunity. That chance would come this year, as part of the squad that made history by claiming Chile’s first ever Copa America – Pizarro playing his part with four appearances, all as a substitute, in his country’s six games. Now once again back in Chile at his first club Santiago Wanderers, following 17 seasons spent on European soil, Pizarro agreed to speak to about La Roja’s glorious present.

whatever it takes! . Is there any risk of complacency setting in after making history at the Copa America? For a footballer, at national-team level, [appearing at] a World Cup will always be the pinnacle. In world football, that’s the highest you can go. We’re now champions of South America, but Chilean players shouldn’t settle for that. We’re part of a process. There are players coming through with the same hunger [for success] as those currently in the squad. And for this generation, ation, the likes of Arturo Vidal, Alexis Sanchez, Gary Medel and Claudio Bravo, o, they’re at major clubs where life is constantly onstantly demanding. They’re called upon to take responsibility at their ir clubs, they’re all under pressure to win, and that helps the national team m to stay competitive too. Chile mustn’t stn’t lose that determination to go toe-to-toe o-toe with anybody. As a Chilean footballer, ler, that’s what concerns me. Players like the ones you mention tion and Chile’s performances in general al mean they’ll now be among the favourites urites at every competition, including g World Cup qualifying. What are your thoughts on that?

There’s no doubt that Chile have earned that [ f avo u r i t e s ] tag. But, if there’s one thing the Copa America made clear it’s that these

qualifiers will be the hardest they’ve been for a long time. On top of the leading contenders from previous campaigns you’ve got Peru and a resurgent Paraguay. What’s more, you’ve got to go and play in places like Bolivia and Ecuador, which is always

incredibly tough. Look, I spent a long time in Europe and I’d always give my [European] [European team-mates stick about their nana tional teams’ teams qualifying phasphas es… They just jus don’t compare to ours!

Sunday Mirror


helsea manager Jose Mourinho said his team were unlucky to lose 3-1 at Everton on Saturday, and added he feels under no pressure despite the champions’ worst start to a season since 1988. The result means Chelsea have just four points from their opening first five matches of the 2015-16 campaign. “We deserve a better result and we played for a better result. We didn’t deserve this,” Mourinho said at his postmatch news conference. “Confidence is low and it’s an un-


Sunday September 13, 2015

happy team because of bad results. You can say what you want but I think the players deserved a much better result. “Everything goes against us. We know we are making mistakes and every mistake goes against us. It’s the old story for a striker. When things go well he scores with the elbow and knee, when they don’t they hit the post and it bounces out.” “I don’t blame my players and I don’t blame myself,” he had earlier said on BT Sport. “I don’t accept the results, I am responsible for the team, I am not happy with the situation and I am not happy with myself.

Mourinho not under Chelsea pressure



Federer to meet Djokovic Ronaldo in US Open final becomes R



ouis van Gaal admitted the breakdown of his relationship with Victor Valdes helped cause the flat atmosphere in the Manchester United dressing room, but added he’s a communicator, not a dictator with his players. The Dutch boss also insisted that his players like his gameplan as he launched a defence of his meetings culture by saying they are vital in a multimillion-pound modern businesses like football. Van Gaal rejected reports of unrest among his players but said that Wayne Rooney and Michael Carrick, United’s captain and vice-captain respectively, came to him with their concerns about the mood in the camp.

oger Federer served superbly once again as he beat Stan Wawrinka to set up a US Open final against Novak Djokovic. Second seed Federer beat his fellow Swiss 6-4 6-3 6-1 to reach the final without losing a set, and having dropped serve just twice. The 34-year-old goes on to face top seed Djokovic, who thrashed defending champion Marin Cilic 6-0 6-1 6-2. It will be the first US Open final since 2009 for Federer. Djokovic, 28, has the opportunity to claim his 10th major title and third of the year, the Serb having won the Australian Open and Wimbledon but lost in the French Open final. “Novak has had a tremendous year,” said Federer, a 17-time Grand Slam champion. “There’s always a lot on the line when we play. “He’s the best mover on the hard courts, he’s tough mentally, but I like that challenge and I’ll be ready for it.” The Swiss has won 18 sets in a row at Flushing Meadows, and 28 without reply since he lost the Wimbledon final to Djokovic.

LvG: ‘I’m not a dictator’ at Man Utd Van Gaal


Madrid´s top all-time goalscorer

C Ronaldo

ristiano Ronaldo has become Real Madrid’s all-time top goalscorer in La Liga, breaking the longstanding record of Raul. The Portugal star bagged a hat-trick inside the first 20 minutes of Saturday’s clash away to Espanyol to move level with the former Spain striker on 228. And Ronaldo surpassed Raul’s record in the 61st minute as he tapped home Gareth Bale’s cross from close range to increase Madrid’s lead to 5-0 on the day.

Balotelli is still too fat - Mihajlovic M ilan head coach Sinisa Mihajlovic has claimed new signing Mario Balotelli is currently too fat ahead of the derby against rivals Inter on Sunday. The 25-year-old has rejoined his former club from Liverpool on a season-long loan deal but is still attempting to reach full match fitness having only started 10 Premier League matches in his one season at Anfield.




-The amount Nigeria, Togo and others loses to piracy yearly

Vol. 5 No. 36



Comment E-mail: Jim Unah is Professor of Philosophy, University of Lagos.

with Jim Unah arious options and approaches have been suggested for the Buhari administration’s pet project of ridding the country of corruption. The first option is to revisit all cases of corruption allegations against the immediate past government of Goodluck Jonathan; from allegations of financial improprieties in and unremitted funds by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC; the oil subsidy scam; the pension fraud; crude oil theft with active connivance and collusion of some corrupt naval officers, to mention just a few. To this option, the publicity machinery of the Peoples’ Democratic Party, PDP; the Jonathan team and apologists, admirers and fervent supporters had retorted that probing corruption allegations is perfectly in order, provided the corruption fighters would be ready to go the whole hog. They insist that all cases of graft involving all past governors and their security votes; the allocation of oil blocks by past military governments; phony contracts on Independent Power Projects, and the fraud perpetrated by military regimes which constructed the edifice of official graft on a rock solid foundation, of which only

the one involving the late General Sani Abacha has come into the open, should all be thoroughly investigated, if no witchhunting of a section of the Nigerian state is intended. Some members of the National Peace Committee that superintended the 2015 general elections had even recently recommended that Dr. Goodluck Jonathan should be exculpated and excused from the Buhari corruption probe for his role in midwife-ing a peaceful transition of power. Yet many think that this recommendation is frivolous and embarrassing and a wrong approach to the matter considering the avalanche of petitions on corruption allegations which went uninvestigated, and those investigated that went unpunished during the Jonathan tenure. Another option is for the Buhari corruption fighters to compile a list of investigated corruption cases and all persons alleged to have stolen public funds and put pressure on them to refund such funds to the government treasury by way of plea bargaining. The advantage of this option, it would seem, is that huge quantity of funds would find their way back to the treasury; as provisions of existing laws might be too archaic, protracted and ultimately incapable of retrieving significant proportions of stolen corruption monies. Whichever option and approach that would be finally adopted, it is unarguable that Nigerians yearn for all public and private persons who have stolen public funds to be brought to justice. But justice could never be served by a selective arraignment, prosecution and indictment of corruption law offenders. It is important that the fight against corruption should be seen


-Money Ekiti State Assembly approved as Government bailout loans.

to be fair to all, be them old or new, party members or non-party members, in the corruption saga. In all of this, two critical questions, among others, trouble Nigerians who had watched previous battles against corruption end up in more corruption activities. The first question is, are the existing laws against corruption to which the military and corrupt legislators had appended their signatures really capable of dealing effectively with the corruption cases of today involving the theft trillions of naira? The second question is whether, in view of the fact that corruption allegations have been directed at highly placed Nigerians and their foreign collaborators, who come from all the regions and zones of the country, is it really possible to be fair to all Nigerians, with the Nigerian state as presently constituted? President Muhammadu Buhari may have the best of intentions, but with the Nigerian state as presently constituted in terms power structure between the Centre and the federating units, how is he going to clean the Augean Stable without getting thoroughly constipated? Already, the appointment of his kitchen cabinet has pitched the Buhari government against senior citizens from a section of the country who claim that they are being punished for not giving him winning votes in the presidential election that brought him to power. People are accusing President Buhari already of having a Northern agenda. As he prepares the list of his ministers, members of his political party—the All Progressives Congress, APC, outside the northern zones are frantically paying him midnight visits to ensure that their region is not schemed

Williams in US Open shock defeat S erena Williams fell victim to one of the biggest shocks in tennis history at the US Open, said two-time champion Tracy Austin. Williams, 33, was two wins from completing the calendar Grand Slam but lost 2-6 6-4 6-4 to unseeded Italian Roberta Vinci in the semi-finals. “This is monumental. It’s a shocker,” Austin told BBC Sport. “This is one of the biggest upsets in the history of tennis, because of what was on the line.” Williams went into Friday’s semi-final on a 33-match win-


Beyond the options for the anti-corruption war

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ning streak in Grand Slams stretching back to Wimbledon 2014. She had hoped to match Steffi Graf ’s 1988 sweep off all four majors in the same year, and

was up against a player she had beaten four times without dropping a set. Vinci, 32, is ranked 43 in the world and was playing in her first Grand Slam semi-final.

Vinci had never won a set in four previous defeats against Serena Williams “Roberta Vinci had a losing record coming into the US Open and somehow got hot,”





out of the power equation. All this would have been unnecessary had the question of the devolution of power to the federating units been properly resolved. It would seem that a successful war against official graft is contingent upon a proper redefinition of the structure of the Nigerian state to embrace true federalism. That is when the full battle against corruption can be taken back to the federating units. As long as Nigerians continue to shield their corrupt kinsmen because they see them as heroes who go to the all-powerful Centre at Abuja to loot their share of the national treasury, so long will the fight against corruption remain an exercise in futility. But since there is no crime in swimming against the tide, should we not wish the Buhari dispensation a huge success in the anti-graft war? added Austin. “Things went her way, the draw opened up, Genie Bouchard hit her head and couldn’t play that match [in round four]. It’s just the way things happen sometimes. “That’s why they put the net up every day. You’ve got to go out and handle the nerves. “I always said Serena’s biggest opponent coming into this year’s US Open was going to be her own nerves.” ‘I don’t want to talk about it’


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