Monday 30th, May 2016

Page 1

We resolved to keep the Naira steady to safeguard economy –Buhari

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Vol. 6 N0. 1380


resident Muhammadu Buhari yesterday reassured

Monday, May 30, 2016

Democracy Day tragedy

the economy. The president gave the reassurance in a nationwide broadcast to mark his administration’s one

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Nigerians that his administration had resolved to keep the Naira steady because past devaluation of the currency had done more harm than good to

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National Mirror Online

Fear over possible suspension of Nigerian route by British Airways



Boko Haram kills soldier, 4 civilians in Borno bomb blast Inusa ndahI and ubong ukpong


oko Haram terrorists group yesterday, in a major democracy day disaster, bombed a military facility in Biu, Borno State, killing a soldier and four others. An operational update by the Nigerian Army, through the Director of Army Public Relations, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2>>

Heir apparent to the royal throne of Benin Kingdom, HRH (Amb.) Eheneden Erediauwa, who is also the crown prince and Edaiken N’Uselu yesterday performs IZAKHUE traditional rite as part of traditional funeral rites on the late Oba of Benin, HRM, Omo n’Oba n’Edo, Uku Akpolokpolo, Oba Erediauwa (CFR), the Oba of Benin. PHOTO: OARHE DICKSON

Monday May 30, 2016

Troops kill militants, avert bombing of Agip oil pipelines P.4



Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror

Boko Haram kills soldier, 4 civilians in Borno bomb blast CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

DAPR, Colonel Sani Usman, confirmed the bombing, saying that many others were also wounded in the early morning blast. Usman said: “At about 8.15 a.m. today (yesterday), a tricycle, known as “Keke NAPEP”, unknowingly stepped on an Improvise Explosive Device, IED, planted by the side of Biu-Damboa road close to a military checkpoint at the outskirts of Biu town, Borno State. “Unfortunately, the IED exploded instantly, killing four persons, comprising a woman with her baby and two other male adults. “Three other persons were injured, including a soldier and they were immediately evacuated to Biu General Hospital. We regret to state that the injured soldier also died at the hospital.” He said the general

area has been cordoned off and Explosive Ordinance Device, EOD, team from Forward Operation Base, FOB, in Buratai, have been mobilised to carry out further search of the area. The DAPR explained that preliminary investigations showed that the IED was buried for a long time undetected, adding that it exploded when the tricycle erroneously stepped on it. “We commiserate with the families of the victims of this sad incident,” he said. Usman stated that the development has brought to the fore, the need for more security consciousness and vigilance among Nigerians. He reiterated that the explosion would not deter the military from seeing to the end of Boko Haram CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4

L-R: President, African Development Bank (AfDB), Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina and Acting Managing Director, Bank of Industry, Mr. Waheed Olagunju, at AfDB’s annual meeting in Lusaka, Zambia, at Weekend.

We resolved to keep the Naira steady to safeguard economy –Buhari CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

year in office. He stated that government would continue to keep a close look on measures introduced to stabilise the economy, saying that he supported monetary authority’s decision to ensure alignment between monetary policy and fiscal policy. “We resolved to keep the Naira steady, as in the past, devaluation had done dreadful harm to the Nigerian economy. “Furthermore, I supported the monetary authority’s decision to ensure alignment between monetary policy and fiscal policy. “We shall keep a close look on how the recent measures affect the Naira and the economy. “But we cannot get away from the fact that a strong currency is predicated on a strong economy. “And a strong economy pre-supposes an industrial productive base and a steady export market. The measures we must take, may lead to hardships,” he added. According to the president, the problems Nigerians have faced over the last year have been many and varied. He, however, noted that the real challenge for his administration had been reconstructing the spine of the Nigerian state. “We are fully aware that those vested interests, who

have held Nigeria back for so long will not give up without a fight. They will sow divisions, sponsor vile press criticisms at home and abroad, incite the public in an effort to create chaos rather than relinquish the vice-like grip they have held on Nigeria. “The economic misfortune we are experiencing in the shape of very low oil prices has provided us with an opportunity to restructure our economy and diversify. “We are in the process of promoting agriculture, livestock, exploiting our solid mineral resources and expanding our industrial and manufacturing base. “That way, we will import less and make the social investments necessary to allow us to produce a large and skilled workforce,” he said. The president maintained that the past 12 months of his administration had been spent collaborating with all arms of government to revive the nation’s institutions so that they were more efficient and fit for effective service delivery. Buhari stated that his administration was working very hard to introduce some vital structural reforms in the conduct of government business and lay a solid foundation on which to build an enduring change. According to him, an im-

portant first step has been to get the housekeeping right and hence to reduce the extravagant spending of the past. “We started boldly with the Treasury Single Account, TSA, stopping the leakages in public expenditure. “We then identified 43,000 ghost workers through the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System, IPPIS. “That represents pay packets totalling N4.2bn stolen every month. In addition, we will save N23bn per annum from official travelling and sitting allowances alone. “Furthermore, the efficiency unit will cut costs and eliminate duplications in ministries and departments. Every little saving helps. “The reduction in the number of ministries and work on restructuring and rationalisation of the MDAs is well underway. “When this work is complete we will have a leaner, more efficient public service that is fit for the purpose of changing Nigeria for the good and for good,” the president said. Buhari also noted that full details and status of stolen assets recovered by his administration would be published by the Ministry of Information and updated periodically. Though he admitted that the processes of recovery

can be tedious and time consuming, the president said his administration had engaged in making recoveries of stolen assets, some of which are in different jurisdictions. “We are also engaged in making recoveries of stolen assets, some of which are in different jurisdictions. “The processes of recovery can be tedious and time consuming, but today, I can confirm that thus far, significant amount of assets have been recovered. A considerable portion of these are at different stages of recovery. “Full details of the status and categories of the assets will now be published by the Ministry of Information and updated periodically. “When forfeiture formalities are completed these monies will be credited to the treasury and be openly and transparently used in funding developmental projects and the public will be informed,” he said. The President vowed that those behind the renewed militancy in the Niger Delta region would be brought to justice, saying that it would be a great mistake if the militants and vandals are testing the resolve of the government. According to him, the recent spate of attacks, disrupting oil and power installations would not distract his government from engaging leaders in the region in addressing Niger

Delta problems. He noted that the only way forward would be to take a sustainable approach to address issues that affect Niger Delta communities, saying this would include re-engineering the amnesty programmes. He maintained that government was committed to implementing the United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP, report and advancing clean-up operations in the region. Buhari explained that the policy measures and actions taken so far by his administration should not be seen as some experiment in governance. Buhari stated that the last one year of his administration in office has been that of triumph, consolidation, pains and achievements stressing that when he took over, infrastructure such as power and roads were in decrepit state, all the four refineries were in a state of disrepair, while pipelines and depots were neglected. Buhari said in the last one year, his administration was able to reinforce and galvanise the armed forces with new leadership and resources and joined forces with neighbouring countries in a joint task force to tackle and defeat Boko Haram. He noted that by the end of December 2015, all but pockets and remnants of the terrorists had been

routed. The President stated that Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, was given the freedom to pursue corrupt officials and the judiciary was alerted on what Nigerians expected of them in the fight against corruption. On the economy particularly on foreign exchange and fuel shortages, Buhari said the plan of his government was to save foreign exchange by fast tracking repair of the refineries and producing most fuel requirements at home. He added that by growing more food locally, mainly rice, wheat and sugar, the nation would save billions of dollars in foreign exchange and drastically reduce food import bill. The president also formally announced the take off of the social intervention programmes of his administration in five key areas, for which N500bn had been appropriated in the 2016 budget. The programmes include job creation opportunities for 500,000 teachers, 100,000 artisans, school feeding of 5.5 million children, conditional cash transfer scheme to provide financial support for up to one million vulnerable beneficiaries and complement the enterprise programme, which would target up to one million market women, 460,000 artisans and 200,000 agricultural workers nationwide.

National Mirror



Monday, May 30, 2016

Good Health

Breakthrough drug cures advanced lung, kidney cancer Franka Osakwe



housands of Nigerians with end stage kidney and lung cancer now have hope of survival through a new immunotherapy drug ‘Nivolumab’ that stops cancer spreading by harnessing the body’s own immune system to fight the tumours. The drug ‘Nivolumab’, had reportedly saved the life of an European terminally ill cancer patient who had been given just two weeks to live. Merchant seaman Simon Lamont-Brown, 50, was bedridden in a hospice and near death from lung cancer before he was given the breakthrough treatment. Mr Lamont-Brown was diagnosed with lung cancer in February last year after visiting his GP with a hoarse voice. Scans showed he had lung cancer that had spread, to his vocal cords and lymph nodes. He had five rounds of chemotherapy which stopped being effective last July. His health then went rapidly downhill. His specialist gave him two weeks to live and he was sent to a hospice. However, his specialist suggested he tried nivolumab. He had his first course on his 50th birthday last August. Within 10 days of tak-

… saves man given two weeks to live

Patients treated with nivolumab experienced an improvement in their healthrelated quality of life.

ing nivolumab he began to feel better and was soon walking again. Days later he was well enough to go home and after 10 months regular scans showed his tumour had shrunk dramatically. The father-of-one is now feeling fine and living a normal life. He said: “My oncologist called it ‘the Lazarus effect’ because I just rose from the dead.” The drug which is said to have few side effects has had remarkable success fighting end-stage lung cancer in trials, experts say. It is also effective against melanoma skin, head and neck cancers. During a recent research called CheckMate 025 trial, Nivolumab showed its potential as a transformational treatment for advanced kidney cancer. Nivolumab is one of a new generation of antibody drugs that

block “checkpoint” proteins used by many cancers to shield themselves from the immune system. In this case, the target molecule is a protein called PD-1. Prof Padmanee Sharma, of the MD Anderson Cancer Centre at the University of Texas, who led the CheckMate 025 trial, said: “It is exciting to see the outcome of this study, as the results are significant and clinically meaningful to patients and healthcare professionals alike. “They are likely to change the treatment of patients with advanced kidney cancer, whose disease has progressed on prior treatment. “We hope that this study will quickly lead to approval of nivolumab as a standard of care therapy for these patients.” In the trial involving 821 patients, the effectiveness of nivolum-

ab was compared with that of the standard therapy, everolimus. Those patients given infusions of nivolumab typically survived 25 months, 5.4 months longer than those on the standard treatment. However, some showed a significantly better response. One trial patient, nurse and grandmother Patricia Rapp, 66, of Epsom, Surrey had cancer which had spread to her liver and continued to grow despite chemotherapy, She said: “Over the last 15 months my CT scans haven’t been able to detect anything on my liver - it’s like a miracle. I have been extremely lucky.” Dr James Larkin, of London’s Royal Marsden Hospital, who treated Ms Rapp, said: “These nivolumab data are compelling and mark the first time that an immunotherapy treatment of this type has demonstrated a significant improvement in kidney cancer survival. “Once this disease has spread, the outlook for patients can be very poor. Newer and more effective, tolerable treatments are therefore sorely needed to address these unmet medical needs.” The trial, also reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, was stopped early in July 2015 when the survival benefit for pa-

tients treated with nivolumab became clear. Based on the result, the European Commission granted approval for the use of nivolumab in adults with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) after previous therapy, making it the first and only PD-1 inhibitor with this indication. This approval is based on results from the phase 3 CheckMate-025 study, which is published in the New England Journal of Medicine. This trial compared nivolumab with everolimus in patients with advanced clear-cell RCC who had received previous antiangiogenic therapy. Patients treated with nivolumab achieved a median overall survival of 25.0 months, compared with 19.6 months with everolimus, representing a greater than 5 month improvement over a current standard of care. “In addition to the clinical efficacy results, patients treated with nivolumab experienced an improvement in their health-related quality of life and had a significantly lower symptom burden throughout treatment, compared with patients receiving everolimus,” trial investigator Bernard Escudier, MD, chair of the Genitourinary Oncology Committee, Institut Gustave Roussy, in Villejuif, France, said in a press release.


Heavy potatoes consumption linked with hypertension Syphilis infections on the rise in Europe


igher intakes of boiled, baked, or mashed potatoes, and French fries is associated with an increased risk of developing high blood pressure (hypertension) in adult women and men, according to a study published in a recent edition of the British Medical Journal (BMJ). The US-based researchers suggest that replacing one serving a day of boiled, baked, or mashed potatoes with one serving of a non-starchy vegetable is associated with a lower risk of developing hypertension. But a linked editorial argues that studying overall dietary patterns and risk of disease is more useful than a focus on individual foods or nutrients. Potatoes are one of the world’s most commonly consumed foods – and have recently been included as vegetables in US government healthy meals programs, due to their high potassium content. But the association of potato intake with hypertension has not been studied. So researchers based at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School set out to determine whether higher long term intake of baked, boiled, or mashed potatoes, French fries, and potato


chips (crisps) was associated with incident hypertension. They followed over 187,000 men and women from three large US studies for more than 20 years. Dietary intake, including frequency of potato consumption, was assessed using a questionnaire. Hypertension was reported by participants based on diagnosis by a health professional. After taking account of several other risk factors for hypertension, the researchers found that four or more servings a week of baked, boiled, or mashed potatoes was associated with an increased risk of hypertension compared with less than one serving a month in women, but not in men. Higher consumption of French fries was also associated with an increased risk of hypertension in both women and men. However, consumption of potato chips (crisps) was associated with no increased risk.

ew data released in the Annual Epidemiological report of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) show that since 2010, the overall syphilis rates have been going up across Europe, particularly among men. In 2014, the reported syphilis numbers were six times higher in men than in women. Almost two-thirds (63%) of the syphilis cases reported with information on transmission category were recorded in men who have sex with men (MSM). In 2014, 24 541 syphilis cases were reported in 29 EU/EEA Member States (no data from Austria and Liechtenstein), resulting in an overall rate of 5.1 per 100,000 population. The majority of infections were reported in people older than 25 years while young people between 15 and 24 accounted for only 13% of cases. Between 2010 and 2014, many countries, particularly in western Europe, saw a sharp upsurge in the number of reported syphilis infections, with increases of over 50% in Belgium, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Portugal and the United Kingdom. While the data show a marked increase of

syphilis cases among men across Europe, cases among women have decreased. Largest increase among those aged 45 and over. Between 2005 and 2014, 208 134 cases of syphilis were reported in 30 countries. Over this decade, the proportion of cases among age groups below 35 years went down, while they went up among those aged 35 years or over. The largest increases were seen in those aged 45 years or over: their proportion rose from 18% to 30%. The overall increasing trend of syphilis in many EU/EEA countries -- driven by infections among MSM -- is likely linked to changes in sexual behaviour in this group. More complete reporting and improved case detection through, for example, more testing among HIV-positive MSM, as recommended in current HIV management guidelines, have also contributed to this trend.



Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror

Troops kill militants, avert bombing of Agip oil pipelines Ubong Ukpong and onazena abbey


igerian Army said that its troops in Bayelsa State killed some militants yesterday, and also averted the plot to bomb Agip oil pipelines. Director of Army Public Relations, DAPR, who made the disclosure, however said it could not ascertain how many of the militants were killed. In a statement, Usman said, “Today, 29th May 2016 in the early hours of morning, troops of 343 Artillery Regiment of 2 Brigade, 82 Division of the Nigerian Army, carried out patrol within the general area of Gulobokri and Eweleso, around Brass area in Bayelsa State. “During the exercise, the patrol team had an encounter with some armed militants in 2 Speed boats with intents to blow up Nigerian Agip Oil Company, NAOC, pipeline at Gulobokri. “The suspected vandals opened fire on the patrol team. The troops responded with overwhelming superior firepower and as a result, the suspected criminals sped off from the area with many of them sustaining gunshot wounds. No casualty on the patrol team.” He, however, said member of Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps, NSCDC, attached to the team sustained gunshot wound. He stated that the operative had since been evacuated and is in a stable condition. “In a related development, another patrol team of the same unit of 82 Division, Nigerian Army, on patrol to Perigbene House Boat (HB) also encountered 3 Speed boats suspected to be containing militants about to attack another critical infrastructure in the area. “The troops opened fire on them, killing most of them and injuring others,” Usman said. The Army spokesman added that the casualty on militants could not be ascertained as it was raining heavily and the raging storm could not allow

troops to go on pursuit of the escaping criminals. He said a mop up operation has been organised for those militants that escaped with gunshot wounds as they may be receiving treatment in the neighbouring communities. He said troops would continue to intensify patrol in the general area to avert further vandalism or attacks. In Edo State, about 10 suspected members of the Niger Delta Avengers have been arrested by men of the Nigerian Army The suspects were said to have been arrested at about 1.40 a.m. on Saturday, in Oporoza community, Warri South-West Local Government Area of Delta State. Brig-Gen Farouk Yahaya, Commander of the 4 Brigade, while parading the suspects in Benin City, Edo State capital, said bedsides recent cases of oil pipeline sabotage by the militants and bombing of oil installation since January, there has been series of threats to further shut down operation in the region According to him, items recovered from the suspects include 28 detonator cords (also known as Detonator 33), one pistol, two empty pistol magazines, 196 rounds of 7.62 special ammunition, one round of nine-millimetre ammunition, a live cartridge and five daggers. Others are 15 handheld radio sets, 18 phones, 203 SIM cards belonging to three major network providers, five swimsuits, two headlamps, a laptop, two ipads, a camera, seven wraps of substances suspected to be Indian hemp, five speedboat throttle cables, six pairs of hand gloves, N23,000 cash and a cheque book. According to him several explosions carried out by the Niger Delta Avengers suggested that the arrested suspects may be connected to the group. “Within the period under review, you can see that the Niger Delta Avengers have claimed virtually all acts of criminal activities against oil and gas installations and they continue threatening a shutdown of the whole sector. So, most

Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Mrs Khadija Ibrahim (2nd-r); Ministry’s Spokesperson, Mr. Akinremi Bolaji (right) at the presention of relief materials to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) at their WASSA camp in Abuja, at the weekend. likely, they (suspects) will be the people, who else would they be? “Operations that led to these arrests and recoveries were conducted professionally, guided by our mandate, operation orders, code of conduct and rules of engagement. “Our operations are strictly targeted against perpetrators of all criminal acts in our area of responsibility and not innocent citizens,” he said. Brig-Gen Yahaya said the suspects would be handed over to prosecuting security agencies after investigation has been concluded Meanwhile, a Federal Government delegate at the weekend met with some ex-militants with a view to finding peaceful

solution to the spate of bombings in the region. Special Adviser to the President on Niger-Delta Matters and Coordinator of the Amnesty Programme, Brig-Gen Paul Boroh, who convened a meeting with the phases one, two, three ex-militants of the amnesty programme from Rivers, Bayelsa, Delta and Edo States, held in Benin City, amongst other issues strategised on how to put an end to the menace. Brig. Gen. Boro decried the adverse effects of bomb attacks on pipelines and the resultant affects on the economic fortune of the country, calling on the ex-militants to channel their grievances through constitutional means to the appropriate quarters

“This amnesty programme is our programme and what has brought us so far is something that is happening now that affects all of us, whether you are living in the creek or outside. It is the issue of pipeline vandalism, which I understand some people do it to make people feel bad or get recognised. “If you have issues, if you have misunderstanding, if you have anything worrying you at all, you should discuss it with the person you felt can solve the problem rather than go and destroy pipeline that is affecting the whole environment. “The common factor is security challenges we are facing in our areas, in our region that is affecting the economy of the

country. “It is another aspect that we should not be indulging in. If you have an issue with anybody please discuss it with the person. It’s better than bombing pipeline that would affect the environment. Personally it makes me feel bad that we don’t know how to solve our problem. “It is our responsibility to make sure that security in our environment is well sorted out. Please let us do everything we can to make sure that it doesn’t occur again,” he said. He however assured of a positive outcome of the meeting “We have all resolved that we will put our heads and hands and all in all together to prevent the re-occurrence of this type of thing,” he added.

Boko Haram kills soldier, 4 civilians in Borno bomb blast CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2

terrorists wherever they might be hiding through ongoing clearance operations. The Army spokesman, solicited for more cooperation from the members of the public to enable the military succeeds in the fight against the remnants of the sect. Meanwhile, Borno State Command of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defense Corps, NSCDC, yesterday discovered two bomb-making factories in Dikwa. NSCDC Commandant

in the state, Mr. Ibrahim Abdullahi, made the disclosure in an interview in Maiduguri. Abdullahi said the factories were discovered during a patrol by men of the command in collaboration with the troops of the 22 Armoured Brigade of the Nigerian Army. “In an effort to comply with the directives of the Ministerial Committee on Resettlement of Liberated Towns by the military, NSCDC had deployed its personnel to Dikwa and are working hand in hand

with the military. “This collective effort has therefore, led to the discovery of two major bomb making factories in two abandoned houses. “Our Detection and Bomb Disposal Unit, Intelligence and Detective Operation Unit in collaboration with the troops of 22 Armoured Brigade of the Nigerian Army have since neutralised some of the live IEDs. “Some IEDs making equipment, gas cylinders and a jet bomb propeller were discovered and hand-

ed over to the brigade command. “Men of the command also discovered 114 live machine gun ammunition along Dikwa-Mafa road just after Shehuri Village that was abandoned by the insurgents,” Abdullahi said. It would be recalled that the command had deployed about 200 men to Boko Haram liberated communities, including Dikwa, Munguno, Nganzai, Chibok and Askira Uba Local Government Areas of the state.

National Mirror


Monday, May 30, 2016


Apprehension as EFCC invites Health Ministry top officials Marcus FatunMole



ear gripped some top officials of the Federal Ministry of Health yesterday over reports that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, had invited them for questioning over certain matters they were allegedly involved in, recently. National Mirror gathered from some unconfirmed reports that the anti-graft agency is investigating a case of criminal conspiracy, embezzlement, abuse of office, diversion of public funds and money laundering in which affected officials of the ministry were allegedly involved. In a letter reportedly addressed to embattled Permanent Secretary of the ministry, Amina Shamaki, Chief Executive Officer of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, NCDC, Professor

Abdulsalami Nasidi; former head of Federal College of Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Emmanuel Otu; Director, Health Planning, Research and Statistics/ Millennium Development Goals, Dr Ngozi Azodo; Head of Lassa Fever Project/Avian Influenza Programme, Durojaiye Adebayo; and Director Port Health Services, Dr Sanni Gwarzo, were said to have been affected. They are to be questioned from tomorrow to Thursday, according to the letter said to have been delivered to Shamaki. Other past and current officials of the ministry are also expected to be invited as part of the investigation. When our correspondent called both Nasidi and Gwarzo yesterday, their numbers were switched off. However, journalists who had earlier spoken with Nasidi on phone said he informed that he

Former Planning Minister scores Buhari high


mmediate past Minister of National Planning, Professor Abubakar Suleiman, on Sunday gave kudos to President Mohammad Buhari for his fight against Boko Haram terrorists in the country. Suleiman gave the commendation in llorin while reacting to President Buhari’s speech in commemoration of Democracy Day and one year of his administration. He noted that there is now peace in parts of the country that hitherto had recorded mass casualties and displacement due to attacks by the insurgents. The former minister urged the government to consolidate on the achievement recorded so far, to engender development in the area. He noted that no meaningful development could be attained in an atmosphere of rancour, hatred and acrimony. Suleiman, a Professor of Political Science at the University of Abuja, advised Buhari to bring his ministers closer to him, to be able to get direct information on issues affecting the country including the feelings and aspirations of Nigerians. Suleiman suggested the inclusion of more econo-

mists into the administration, to fast- track the country’s economic recovery. Meanwhile, Sokoto State Governor, Aminu Tambuwal, has appealed to Nigerians to offer prayers for the President to succeed in building peace, progress and political stability in the country. Tambuwal, who made the appeal in Sokoto while distributing inputs to farmers groups in the state, said that the prayers would guide the leadership to perform creditably well. He said that the inputs were procured at the cost of N159 million under the Fadama III programme to boost irrigation in the state. The governor said that the items include rice tilling machines, water pumps, seeds, chemical, animal feeds among others, which would be sold to farmers at 75 per cent discount. He explained that the gesture was to encourage the youths and women engage in all-year farming. Tambuwal called on the beneficiaries to utilise the facilities provided for them to produce enough food for local consumption and export.

had just returned from the just-concluded World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, and that he was not aware of the invitation. However, spokesperson of the EFCC, Wilson Uwujaren, did not pick a call put across to him to confirm the story yesterday. He had neverthe-

less told a journalist (not our correspondent) that he was not aware of the invitation. The ministry may further be plunged into crisis should the EFCC goes about the interrogation. It would be recalled that Mrs Shamaki has not stepped her office since workers in the ministry stormed

the Office of Head of Civil Service of the Federation early this month, calling for her redeployment. She was said to have since been working from home, following the workers threat they would not allow her work in the ministry. Shamaki had earlier been

accused of colluding with directors who are supposed to have retired in the ministry; having allegedly attained retirement age, and helped them to drag the Federal Government to court to enable the directors remain in service. They have since been in the ministry, working.

L-R: Speaker, Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Onofiok Luke; former Governor of Benue State, Gabriel Suswam; Akwa Ibom State Governor, Udom Emmanuel; his wife, Martha and Deputy Governor, Moses Ekpo, at a special inter-denominational Thanksgiving Service to mark his one year in office/2016 Democracy Day in Uyo, yesterday.

Fear over possible suspension of Nigerian route by British Airways olusegun KoiKi


here is palpable fear in the Nigerian aviation industry that the longest international carrier operating into Nigeria, British Airways may suspend flight operations into the country’s market soon. A source close to the Ministry of Transportation told our correspondent over the weekend that the decision to quit the Nigerian market may not be unconnected with the current blocked funds controversy that had led to closure of the Nigerian route so far by two international carriers. But, the West and Central Africa Manager of British Airways, Mr. Kola Olayinka, in a message to our correspondent debunked the claim that the airline would follow the likes of Iberia and United Airlines to close its Nigerian market. He specifically said that, “B.A. is not packing up. The writers are dreaming.” The source said that the airline’s management had tried frantically to recover its fund trapped in the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN,

due to the Federal Government’s policy. This, the source said, had affected its revenues while the nation’s staff under its payroll are currently apprehensive about the situation of things. The ministry source who didn’t want to be quoted, confided in our correspondent that apart from United Airlines, which announced the suspension of the Nigerian route last week, other carriers may follow suit soon, stressing that if this happened, the entire Nigerian aviation industry would be in disarray especially as the country does not have a capable airline at present to replace the existing international carriers on the routes. The source declared that the British Airways upon leaving Nigeria may consolidate its operations in Ghana thereby driving traffic from Nigeria to the former Gold Coast country, adding that if this happened, revenues would drop for Nigeria especially the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria, FAAN, and the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, NCAA.”

The source said; “British Airways may leave the shores of Nigeria very soon and this will definitely mark a very big problem for the Nigerian aviation industry. Potential air travellers from Nigeria will now be going to other neighbouring countries like Ghana to board planes to London and other destinations the airline is flying into. Already, Ghana has taken over some of our passengers. “The implication of this is that revenues will drop from Nigeria and unfortunately for us, we don’t have a national carrier of our own to ferry the passengers to and from London. I think Nigerian aviation industry will be in a big mess if this happens.” But, the media consultant to the airline in an email insisted that the airline would not close the Nigerian shop. The statement hinted that Nigeria remained a strategic market for British Airways, adding that its operations locally were very strong. The statement added, “British Airways has a long history in Nigeria, having begun operations in

the country 80 years ago as Imperial Airways. Nigeria remains a strategic market for BA and our operations locally are very strong. “We have not issued any statements at any time indicating that we are on the verge of terminating operations in the country. We will continue daily operations into both Abuja and Lagos.” It would be recalled that $577 million as at March ending 2016 belonging to foreign airlines has been trapped with the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, since last October and efforts to repatriate the funds had been futile over the months. British Airways is one of the carriers with highest funds hit by the policy. So far, Iberia and United Airlines had seized operations from Nigeria as a result of the policy. Just last week, United said it would suspend operations into Nigeria from June 30, 2016. The airline cited poor financial performance, weakness in the energy sector and difficulties in sending home monies made from ticket sales as some of its reasons for the action.



Monday, May 30, 2016

L-R: Acting Public Relations Director, Nigerian Army, Col. Sani Usman; President, International Public Relations Association (IPRA), Mr. Bart de Vries; Director, Force Police Public Relations (FPPR), Bisi Kolawole; President, African Public Relations Association (APRA), Peter Mutie, and the Secretary General APRA, Mr. Yomi Badejo-Okusanya, during a security session on 'How not to communicate during crisis' by Military-Police and Paramilitary Public Relations Officers Forum (MILPOPPROF), at the 2016 APRA Conference, in Calabar, at the weekend.

L-R: Colligold Volunteer, Chinedu Okafor; Consultant, PriceWaterCooper, Oyindamola Egbeyemi; Public Relations Manger, Jobberman Nigeria, Busola Babatunde; CoFounder, Colligold Resources, Tomide Awe, and Colligold Volunteer, Patrick Oyekan, during the 2016 edition of Colligold Employability Skills Programme in Lagos, at the weekend.

National Mirror

Minister of Federal Capital Territory, Alhaji Mohammed Bello (3rd-r), presenting a cheque of N250, 000 to a pupil of J.S.S Primary School, Gwagwalada, Master Adamu Abubakar, during the Zenith Bank’s Scholarship Award to Schools in Abuja at the weekend. With them are the General Manager of Zenith Bank Plc, Maitama Branch, Mr Lanre Ishola (r); an Assistant General Manager of the bank, Mr Louis Odom (m) and others.

L-R: Zonal Quality Assurance Officer for Lagos and Ogun states, Police Children's School, Mrs Esther Gbadegesin; Executive Director, Lagos and South-West, Fidelity Bank Plc, Nneka Onyeali-Ikpe; Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Nnamdi Okonkwo; Divisional Police Officer, Bar Beach Division, CSP Olusegun Ajamolaya, and the Head of Research and Development, Mrs Stella Igbonwelundu, at the commissioning of the classroom block at Police Children School, Obalende, Lagos renovated and furnished by Fidelity Bank in Lagos, at the weekend.

National News

One die as soldiers open fire on policemen along Bauchi-Jos road


oldiers deployed to a checkpoint along Bauchi-Jos Road on Saturday shot a bus conveying policemen travelling from Taraba State to Kaduna State. The Headquarters of the 33 Artillery Brigade in Bauchi confirmed the incident yesterday, describing it as unfortunate. Assistant Director, Army Public Relations, 33 Artillery Brigade, Major Joseph Afolasade, said in a statement issued in Bauchi that the error was a result of the refusal of the driver of the bus to stop at the checkpoint for routine checks of occupants. “The Headquarters 33 Artillery Brigade wishes to inform the general public that on 28th May 2016, at about 2:14 p.m., the troops deployed at Panshanu checkpoint along Bauchi-Jos road, opened fire on a bus. “The bus drove dangerously through the checkpoint and refused to stop when flagged down on suspicion that it might be conveying

terrorists or armed criminal elements, while approaching the check point. “Regrettably, one person died and three others sustained injuries in the process. “Preliminary investigation confirmed the identity

of the occupants to be policemen, who were in mufti coming from Taraba State to Kaduna for an interview. “The Brigade urges all motorists, irrespective of status, to always obey the stop sign at all the check points

to avoid reoccurrence of this unfortunate incident,” it said. The Brigade urged member of the public to be conscious of the current situation in the country, especially the on-going operation in the

North East to clear the remnants of Boko Haram terrorists from their hideouts. “This is sufficient cause for all to abide by the rules at check points in the interest of all. The cooperation of the entire populace is neces-

sary in the fight against insurgency and criminality,” it advised. It however said the situation had been brought under control and the road opened to traffic.

2019: Dickson leads PDP reconciliation committee to Sule Lamido

ObiOra ifOh ABUJA


eoples Democratic Party, PDP, may have started preparation for 2019 as it has set in motion moves to contact key political figures expected to be saddled with the responsibility of leading it to electoral victory. Some of the political personalities are former Jigawa State governor and a founding member, Mallam Sule Lamido, former Kano State governor, Dr. Rabiu Kwankwaso and incumbent governor of Kwara State, Abdulfatah Ahmed amongst others. Bayelsa State governor,

Seriake Dickson over the weekend held a closed-door meeting with Lamido in Bamaina town, Jigawa State, which lasted for over two hours. Speaking shortly after their meeting, Dickson, who is the chairman of the reconciliation committee, said he was in Jigawa to seek support from an elder of the party. He described Lamido as one of the founders and elders of PDP, who can play a vital role in solving the lingering crisis in the party. He said: “We are in Jigawa State as members of reconciliation committee of the PDP to meet with our elder and to discuss the pos-

sible solution to the recent misunderstanding among our party members. “We all know that our party, PDP is in crisis of leadership and we believe that Lamido can intervene as a father to end the crisis.” According to him, the committee also met with PDP leadership in the North West, headed by Ambassador Ibrahim Musa Kazaure. Also speaking to newsmen after the meeting, Kazaure, who is the national vice chairman (north-west), said the meeting yielded a fruitful result. However, a source told our reporter that the Dickson committee has been saddled with the responsibility

of identifying key personalities within and outside, who can be approached to lead the party in the 2019 elections. The party, according to the source, will send the committee to Kwankwaso for possible reconciliation. It would be recalled that Kwankwaso, a former governor and minister under PDP government, ‎led five other governors of the party to join the All Progressives Congress, APC. However, most of the governors are finding it difficult to settle in APC. The Dickson committee, according to the source, will visit Kwara State, where it is expected to have a chat with

Governor Ahmed. “The APC government since assumption of office in the last one year has left the nation in dire distress and nothing shows that anything can come out of this government in the coming years. “So, the PDP will have no problem in convincing Nigerians to return the party back to power during the next election. “The difference is clear now and Nigerians know better now. So we have decided to put our house in order and pick leaders who are known to have performed and who can return us to a greater future,” the source said.

National Mirror


Monday, May-30, 2016


Military Pensions Board arrests 10 fake pensioners in Adamawa


ilitary Pensions Board, MPB, said 10 fake military pensioners had been arrested during the recently conducted verification exercise for retirees displaced by Boko Haram insurgency in the NorthEast. Chairman of the board, AVM Muhammad Dabo, disclosed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria in Abuja. Dabo said the suspects were arrested at the venue of the exercise held in Yola, Adamawa recently, with documents of some deceased military pensioners.

He said the suspects had been handed over to the relevant authorities for further investigation and prosecution. On the gains of the verification conducted in October 2015, AVM Dabo said it was one of the major achievements of the present administration in the pensions sub-sector. He said the board had been able to update its databank and had ascertained the exact number of military pensioners who were alive. The chairman said money amounting to several billions of naira had been

saved as many dead pensioners, whose names were hitherto on the board’s payroll, were dropped. Dabo said the board had written to the Ministry of Budget and Planning on the development as regards its allocations in the 2016 budget. The chairman added that due to the innovations introduced and sustained in the past one year, payment of pensions had been prompt and the complaints made by pensioners had reduced drastically. According to him, one innovation that has eased pension administration is

the involvement of an IT payment platform in the payment of benefits to the pensioners. He said pensioners were paid their benefits promptly irrespective of their banks due to the measures adopted under the new payment system. Dabo added that plans were underway to further simplify future exercises as pensioners would in the near future update their status with their banks instead of traveling long distances for the purpose of verification. He said in order to make its processes more trans-

Kwara State Governorr Abdulfatah Ahmed (left) assisted by the Rector, International Aviation College, Ilorin, Captain Abdulmumini Karim (right) decorating Member House of Representatives, representing Asa and Ilorin West Federal Constituency, Hon. Razak Atunwa as Executive Private Pilot License, (EPPL) at International Aviation College, Ilorin, at the weekend.

Trafficking: NDLEA urged to focus on Middle East, S’Africa, others Olusegun KOiKi


ational Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, has been advised to extend its searchlight against drug trafficking beyond Emirates flights or its passengers, to other airlines operating to the Far East, South Africa and more. The former Airport Commandant, Murtala Muhammed International Airport, MMIA, Lagos, Group Capt. John Ojikutu (rtd), gave the advice yesterday in Lagos while commenting on the gale of drug traffickers passing through the nation’s airports. Ojikutu said the antinarcotic fight against drug

trafficking should be on all flights from Middle & Far East, East and South Africa, especially, from Egypt, Ethiopian and Kenyan Airlines among others. He insisted that proper attention must be given to those on Ethiopian Airlines, especially its flights to and from Enugu International Airport. It would be recalled that an Emirates flight EK 262 from Sao Paulo, Brazil to Dubai had on Saturday made an emergency landing at MMIA due to the deteriorating health condition of a suspected cocaine trafficker. Screening by anti-narcotic officials found four passengers positive for drug ingestion who are currently under

interrogation. One of the suspects in critical health condition was immediately hospitalised as doctors battled to save his life. The NDLEA gave the names of the drug suspects as Okeh Desmond, Ezeanya Nnaemeka, Christopher Nonso and Chibusi Promise. It said it has beamed searchlight on flights originating from Brazil and Dubai in recent times because of its notoriety in cocaine trafficking. Ojikutu emphasized that the airlines and earlier mentioned routes has been the choice of drug couriers for over four decades, stressing that it should not be difficult for NDLEA to identify the passengers and the geo-

graphical areas they fly into. He added, “I knew this way back in 1987 on my way to Kenya and 1990/94 when l was the Military Airport Commandant for MMIA. That was the reason for approving Ethiopian Airline flying to Enugu by former Minister of Aviation, Princess Stella Oduah and at the time it was done. “Ethiopian Airline was the original trafficking flight. Think about it; how many traffickers has the NDLEA indicted at Enugu airport since Ethiopian airlines has been operating to the airport? Compare the passenger traffic on that flight to Enugu Airport with the traffic on same flight to Lagos.”

parent and easier, the board had in the last one year completed the digitisation process of the Military Pensions Board archives. According to him, introducing the EDMS, which is

the Electronic Document Management System, has made the process of retrieving pensioners’ files easier as all our pensioners’ documents are now electronically stored.

Osinbajo leaves for ACP summit in New Guinea


he 8th Summit of Heads of State of African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States begins in Papua, New Guinea today, a statement said in Abuja yesterday. The statement from the spokesman for the Vice-President, Mr Laolu Akande, said that President Muhammadu Buhari would be represented by the Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, at the two-day event. Osinbajo left Abuja early on Sunday and is expected to return on Thursday, Akande said. According to the statement, Osinbajo will join leaders from 78 other countries to address the summit in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, which will discuss the future of the ACP Group. The discussions will focus on the group as a "revitalised cohesive force advocating the interests of member-states in the international arena," the statement said.

It also said former President Olusegun Obasanjo was expected to participate in the summit to present a report on the future of the group as the Leader of its Eminent Persons Group. According to Akande, a statement from the secretariat of the organisation states that discussions at the summit will review recent key international developments. The statement listed the developments to include Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, issues of migration, climate change and the fight against terrorism. “One of the main objectives of the ACP group is the "sustainable development of its member-states and their gradual integration into the global economy. “It entails making poverty reduction a matter of priority and establishing a new, fairer and more equitable world order,’’ the statement said.

Bello accuses predecessor of embezzling N2bn


overnor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State has accused his predecessor of embezzling the N2bn Youth Enterprise Fund obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN. Bello, who made the accusation on Sunday in a statewide broadcast to commemorate the Democracy Day, said that the immediate past administration, under Capt. Idris Wada, used fictitious beneficiaries to siphon the money. The governor said he was not out to witch-hunt anyone but would not condone corruption by closing his eyes ‘‘to obvious cases of outright embezzlement of state funds.’’ Bello urged youths not to despair over the development as he was mapping out alternative strategies of economic empowerment and job creation for them. To this end, he said gov-

ernment was assisting the Dangote Group to negotiate the acquisition of 20,000 hectares of land for commercial rice cultivation and processing while it has also signed memorandum of understanding with tested large scale farming enterprises. According to him, government has also engaged consultants to review all projects awarded by the previous administration and advise it on the way forward. He said he was employing creative financial and social engineering to re-distribute the meagre allocations coming from the federation account in the interest of the citizens through cost cutting, prioritization and elimination of wastages. Reacting to the allegations of embezzlement, the media aide to Capt Wada, Jacob Edi, dismissed the claim that his principal had stolen any public fund.


South West

Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror

My governorship, an assignment from God –Ambode FrANcIS SUBErU


agos State governor, Akinwunmi Ambode, yesterday said his appointment to office a year ago was an assignment from God. Ambode, who spoke at a thanksgiving service at the Chapel of Christ the Light, Alausa, Ikeja in commemoration of his first year anniversary, vowed to continue to serve humanity selflessly throughout his tenure and lifetime. According to Ambode, his election despite many

challenges was a clear indication that God was involved right from the beginning and as such he would continue to draw strength and inspiration from the Almighty. The governor, who thanked all those that stood by him, specifically appreciated his mother, family and wife, Bolanle, who he described as a prayer warrior always praying for him. He also thanked the National Leader of All Progressives Congress, APC, and former governor of the state, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu and the Oba of Lagos, HRM

Oba Rilwan Akiolu, for believing in him and supporting him. He thanked members of the State Executive Council, civil service, legislature, judiciary and religious leaders, saying the three arms of government in the state have worked greatly together in the last one year, hence Lagos was progressing. In his sermon, Presid-

ing Chaplain of the chapel, Ven. Femi Taiwo, commended the governor for his sterling performance in the last one year, saying it was audible and visible for everyone to hear and see. Earlier, Ambode in his Democracy Day broadcast message to Lagosians, entitled, “Daring to Dream and Ready to Actualise”, said despite that the global economy was in turmoil and the

Nigerian economy was facing huge challenges, Lagos has continued to march on with confidence and a clear vision. Highlighting some of his plans for the next one year, Ambode said plans were underway to install a fiber optic network around the state to boost broadband access to our homes and offices, improve transportation system as well

as continue the massive infrastructural development ongoing across the metropolis. The governor said more importantly, greater attention would be paid to issues involving the elderly, youths and people living with disabilities in the coming year, while schools and hospitals would receive special attention comprehensively.

Buhari’s victory saved Nigeria from collapse –Aregbesola BOlADAlE BAMIgBOlA OSOGBO


sun State governor, Rauf Aregbesola, yesterday said the advent of the present administration led by President Muhammadu Buhari, saved the country from total collapse and disintegration. Aregbesola spoke at a programme organised by Christian community of the Government House Chapel, tagged 2016 Democracy Service and Award of honour to some eminent stakeholders in the state. The governor, who subtly referred to the usual Democracy Day in Nigeria as “Social Democracy Day,” noted that if not for the one year of the President Buhari-led government in Nigeria, the country would have been brought to its knees. Aregbesola and the former governor of the state, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola, were awarded the award of Icon of Democracy; the Deputy Governor, Mrs Grace Titilayo-Tomori and Senator Isiaka Adeleke were also presented with the Award of Hero of Democracy. Other awardees honoured at the ceremony included Senators Jide Omoworare, Olusola Adeyeye, former deputy governor in the state, Sooko Adewoyin, Dr. Olu Alabi of the People’s Democratic Party; an industrialist, Chief Tunde

Ponle. The governor disclosed that the current Buhari government is more propoor government, which was exactly the type of government late MKO Abiola intended to run had he been given his mandate. He said All Progressives Congress, APC, believes in the Abiola ideological government, which was why Buhari was implementing programmes that directly impact on the masses. Aregbesola, who bemoaned the economic situation in the nation, accused the immediate past administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan of being reckless in the management of the nation’s treasury. He said the ousted administration through its insensitivity, milked the nation’s treasury dry, adding that if Buhari was not elected, the nation would have ceased to exist. Aregbesola stressed that the recovery of huge public funds by the present administration from treasury looters was a clear manifestation of monumental corruption perpetrated under Jonathan’s administration. The governor recounted the economic pains being experienced under the immediate past administration, noting that God intentionally brought Buhari to power in order to liberate Nigerians and Nigeria from total collapse.

L-R: Mrs Adetoun Ajomale; Chairman, All Progressives Congress, Lagos State, Otunba Henry Ajomale; Lagos State Governor Akinwunmi Ambode; his Wife, Bolanle and former Deputy Governor of Lagos State, Otunba Femi Pedro, at the thanksgiving service in commemoration of Governor Akinwunmi Ambode’s first year in office at the Chapel of Christ the Light, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos,yesterday.

I’m not running govt of nepotism –Amosun FEMI OYEWESO ABEOKUTA


gun State governor, Ibikunle Amosun, yesterday denied that his administration has been running a government of nepotism that provides employment opportunities for only his family members who lack the prerequisite qualifications for such. Amosun, who featured at the maiden edition of Democracy Day Guest Forum organised by the state chapter of the Campaign for the Defense of Human Rights, CDHR, explained that the

state government could not meet up with the yearnings of the people in the area of employment generation due to the paucity of fund presently witnessed in the state. Speaking further at the programme, which has as its theme: “Ogun Civil Society Conversation with the Executive Governor”, Amosun maintained that as the governor of the state, it would be wrong of him to secure job for his nephew or any other member of his family if the process of job placement in the state civil service cannot accommo-

date such a person. The governor, who fielded questions from the panelists on the perception of the public that his administration has been favouring cronies and members of his family, emphatically stated that he has never intervened in the employment process of the state. He also said he had to stop the latest employment process when security reports made available to him indicated that the exercise had been compromised by top officials in charge. The governor also used the opportunity to rule out

the possibility of setting up a probe panel on the incident of the collapsed Itoku ultra-modern shopping complex, stressing that his administration has successfully executed over 30 buildings that were problem-free. Amosun, who was reacting to media report on the government’s failure to visit family of the victim of the collapsed building, also said the state government had concluded plan to compensate the deceased’s family as well as ensure that her children were taken care of.

FRSC intensifies move to avert tyre-induced crashes ABIODUN NEJO ADO EKITI


ederal Road Safety Commission, FRSC, has expressed readiness to deepen collaboration with regulatory and monitoring agencies including Standards Organisation of Nigeria, SON, in the raiding of outlets and destruction of

substandard and expired tyres. This, it said, was in a renewed bid to rid the society of the killer tyres and free the roads of tyreinduced accidents. The FRSC Assistant Corps Marshal, Policy, Research and Statistics, Dr Kayode Olagunju, at a nationwide national awareness campaign organised in Ado-Ekiti by the commis-

sion for drivers, vulcanisers and tyre dealers among others, said no fewer than 3,000 accidents occurred on Nigerian roads in the last five years due to use of fake and expired tyres. Olagunju said consequently, FRSC was poised to henceforth sanction drivers and vehicle owners caught on the highways with expired tyres.

The FRSC boss said road crashes caused by “tokunbo” or “second hand” tyres accounted for over 10 per cent of road accidents in the country during the period. He expressed regrets that most Nigerians still preferred to go for used tyres despite wide campaign and mobilisation mounted against such practice by the commission.

National Mirror

South West

Monday, May 30, 2016


Royal stool: Probe Agoro, group urges police Boladale BamigBola OSOGBO


he Erinmo Progressive Movement, EPM, a flagship body of indigenes of Erinmo Ijesha, in Osun State, yesterday accused the former presidential candidate of National Action Council,NAC, Dr. Olapade Agoro, for allegedly claiming to be a royal father. The group then urged police and other security agencies to invite and investigate Agoro for allegedly being an impostor and for causing panic in Erinmo town.

According to a release signed by the convener and Publicity Secretary of EPM, Olusesan Ogundele and Ojo Felix, copies of which were made available to newsmen in Osogbo, Agoro was accused of parading himself as Atapami of Erinmo. The statement referred to Agoro as “deposed Atapami of Erinmo,” saying the clergy cum politician has become a “trouble maker” going by his alleged recent invasion of Erinmo with armed thugs two weeks ago; wielding dangerous weapons and shooting sporadically into

the air. The incident, according to the group caused panic in the community, stressing that; “we are compelled to respond to this foregoing because of the possible danger and restiveness this illegal action of Agoro portends to the peaceful coexistence of the amiable people of Erinmo-Ijesa and its environs. “Mr. Olapade Agoro is an indigene of Erinmo-Ijesa in Oriade Local Government of Osun State, whose late father Chief Joshua Alaba Agoro, the Bobagunwa of Erinmo, a honorary title conferred on him by kabi-

yesi Elerinmo of Erinmo. “He (Olapade Agoro) was bestowed with a minor chieftaincy title of Atapami, an Ifa priest in Ilesa by the Owa Obokun of Ijesaland, Oba (Dr) Adekunle Aromolaran II in June 1982. He was however, deposed and the title abolished with the consent of the state government in February 1985. “Hence, there is no title known as Owa Tapa as he wrongfully claims, neither is any town, village, hamlet or street known as ItapaIjesa. This impersonation and false claim to a nonexistence throne by Olapade Agoro had

been a subject of litigation which a competent court of appropriate jurisdiction had ruled over bringing a logical end to his false claim in a suit no HIL/47/1990 where he lost at the Osun State High Court Ilesa Division,” the statement said. Also, Agoro’s appeal at the Court Appeal Akure divisionand the appeal was equally thrown out on Thursday, June 18, 2015,

Lagos reiterates commitment to quality education saidat alausa


Senator Gbenga Ashafa and his team donating food items to Real Women Foundation home, Magodo in celebration of the Children’s Day.

Ondo APC chairman denies face-off with minister ojo oyewamide AKURE


hairman of the All Progressives Congress, APC, in Ondo State, Isaac Kekemeke, yesterday said there was no rift between him and Minister of State for Niger Delta Affairs, Claudius Daramola, contrary to speculations in some quarters. The duo was said to have engaged in a confrontation during the weekend at Senator Tayo Alasoadura’s residence in Akure, the state capital. The minister was said to have come to pay a condolence visit to Alasoadura, who recently lost his wife. Kekemeke in a statement said that what happened was merely an exchange of jokes between him and the minister. He said: “I am constrained to unusually and personally react to the James Hardley Chase story

making the round that I had altercation or quarrel or disagreement with Professor Claudius Daramola, the Honourable Minister of State for Niger Delta Affairs. “The incident, which I’m made to understand, is now a subject of Nollywood drama was simply a friendly discussion between the minister and I. “I had gone to Senator Tayo Alasoadura’s residence on his (Alasoadura) invitation, where I met the Honourable Minister addressing a group of journalists. I waited for him to finish and greeted him in the traditional Ikale way thus: “Baba le o”. “The Minister then threw a joke at me, and I responded, as he then concluded that as an elder, he could throw brick bats at me. I was then walking him to the gate of the house when the Honourable. Minister’s Special Assistant,

Nathaniel Adojutelegan, intercepted us and began to howl insults at me. “I was forced to ask him if he was a proper party man and whether he wanted to beat me?. His (Nathaniel Adojutelegan) answered to both questions was a

categorical ‘yes’. “He then made lots of gesticulation and reached out to his hand bag and pulled out a ring and came after me. I got angry, but restrained myself and my aides had to prevent him (Nathaniel Adojutelegan) from reaching me.

giving victory to the Elerinmo as the sole authentic owner and paramount ruler in Erinmo-Ijesa,’’ EPM said. “The said ‘Itapa-Ijesa’, a fathom community in the crude imagination of Mr. Olapade Agoro, does not exist in reality, it cannot be found anywhere, not even in the gazette of Oriade Local Government Area of Osun State,” the statement concluded.

agos State Deputy Governor, Dr. Oluranti Adebule, has disclosed that the goal of providing conducive teaching and learning environment in the state is being pursued with renewed vigour by the state government. She said this is done by making available adequate educational facilities in schools in the state. Adebule said this during the year 2016 ministerial press briefing in commemoration of the first year in office of the Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode held at Deputy Governor’s office, Alausa, Ikeja. The deputy governor, who superintends over the ministry of education said government during the period under review, established three new secondary schools to bring secondary education closer to the communities thereby making higher education accessi-

ble to more primary school leavers in the affected communities and environs. On science and technology, she said that the continued investment in the provision and equipment of science laboratories in schools is yielding dividends. “We are gradually moving towards our ambition to deliver academic excellence and high quality teaching and learning environment capable of producing world class students.” Listing the dividends, she disclosed that the Lagos State science competition team emerged the overall “Best state team at the 2016 National Festival of School Science Competition held at Ado -Ekiti; the state also emerged as the overall best at the 2015 National Robotics Competition held in Lagos and six students from the state public schools were presented with medals at the 2015 National Science and Mathematics Olypiad in Abuja among others.

Buhari fixing Nigeria’s badly battered economy –Akeredolu Francis suBeru


ormer President of the Nigeria Bar Association, NBA, Rotimi Akeredolu (SAN), has called for support for President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration, saying the president is selflessly striving to fix the country’s badly battered economy. The All progressives Congress, APC gubernatorial aspirant in Ondo State said this in a statement, entitled ‘Our Quest for Real Recovery’ issued on Sunday

to mark this year’s Democracy Day and to commemorate the first year in office of President Muhammadu Buhari. According to Akeredolu, President Buhari’s administration leaves no one in doubt as regards its readiness and capacity to turn things around positively and combat corruption; just as he said the “president’s exemplary courage to confront this hope-wrecking menace is yielding positive dividends.” Akeredolu said many honest citizens agree that

the victory of President Muhammadu Buhari at the polls saved the country from the brink; adding that “beyond the easy expectation of immediate, but deceptive change in the polity, this government has displayed sufficient ingenuity in its grasp of the intricate nuances of the socio-economic challenges. “It is striving strenuously to redirect the itinerary from assured misery and deprivation, made possible by a mono-economic structure which promotes unbridled consumption to the path of

real growth and consequent development.” The APC governorship candidate urged support for the Buhari’s administration, saying Nigerians need to exercise patience in the nation’s journey to economic recovery. The statement read in part: “This administration inherited a near-empty treasury from the immediate past administration. The profligacy of the ousted ruling party is legendary. Revelations of brazen acts of malfeasance is mindboggling.


South East

Monday, May 30, 2016

Catholic bishop cautions on ostentatious burial ceremonies

Raymond nnoRuka AWKA


he Catholic bishop of Awka Diocese, His Lordship Most Reverend Paulinus Ezeokafor, says since he started the campaign against extravagant spending at burials, nobody has opposed his idea. Rather, he noted, people had been sending their appreciation to him for breaking what he described as a pagan yoke imposed on Christians which he said, had made some people engaged in all forms of criminal acts just to keep up with the trend. It will be recalled that not too long ago, Ezeokafor directed priests and reli-

gious leaders in the diocese to refrain from engaging in expensive burials in order to curb the trend of extravagant burials currently ravaging society. Several months after the directive, the bishop has expressed happiness that it had not been challenged. 'All I am getting is commendation upon commendation. No form of opposition at all,' he said Ezeokafor, who stated this while interacting with newsmen yesterday at St. Patrick's Catholic Cathedral, Awka, questioned the rationale behind going to borrow to conduct burial ceremonies, saying that the only aspect of the burial that the dead benefited from was the prayers said

by the faithful on their behalf during the Eucharistic celebration. 'Instead of spending millions on an event that loses its relevance immediately after it had occurred, sincere Christians should rather embark on carrying out more humanitarian activities in memory of their deceased loved one,' he said. The Catholic prelate decried what he identified as the pagan practice of ostentatious burial ceremonies that left the bereaved more burdened after burying their dead. 'Though Christians believe that our bodies, being the temple of the Holy Spirit, should be treated with respect, the feasts that accompany burials in

this part of the world are uncalled for. The culture of giving out souvenirs and wearing Aso Ebi was borrowed from the Yoruba culture and contradict the Biblical description of how a burial should be,' he concluded. The bishop revealed that he had started correcting the error with the Catholic clergy in Awka Diocese, saying that after the burial, the clergy disperse immediately without burdening the bereaved with demands of refreshment and souvenirs. Bishop Ezeokafor hoped with time, the laity would adopt the practice fully and bring a halt to ostentatious burial ceremonies.

Imo North re-run: Group issues 14-day ultimatum to INEC ChRis njoku OWERRI


on Governmental Organisation, NGO, “Citizens Centre for Integrated Development and Social Rights, CCIDESOR, has issued a 14-day ultimatum to the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, to conduct the re-run election for the Imo North Senatorial district or face legal action. The Executive Director of the Organisation, Mr. Emeka Ononamadu, who gave the directive while briefing newsmen in Owerri over the weekend, warned that the group (CCIDESOR) would be constrained to mobilise all eligible voters in the area to take necessary steps within the ambits of the law to compel the commission to meet its demand if it fails to do so at the expiration of the period of the ultimatum. Ononamadu, whose briefing was anchored on the topic “restoring the democratic rights of Okigwe people’’ said that INEC’s plan to deny Imo North of Senate representation through indefinite suspension of election re-run in Imo North senatorial zone.” The group also called on President Muhammadu Buhari to ensure that no part of the country stays without representatives, adding that the

EmmanuEl EzEh

Herdsmen no longer wanted in Ebonyi —Umahi


aliuna Godwin ABAKALIKI


bonyi State Governor, Chief David Umahi, at the weekend stated that herdsmen are no longer wanted in Ebonyi State as away to avert the increasing violence caused by the group in the nation especially in the South East zone. Umahi made this known while addressing the people of the state during the democracy day anniversary that took place at the state township stadium. The governor, who ordered for the immediate ar-

rest and prosecution of the state Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, youth leader, Mark Onu, for causing public disorder and attempt to disrupt the 2016 Democracy Day celebration in the state. Umahi also ordered the proscription of a youth group in the state, Akubaraoha Consultative Youth Assembly named after his chieftaincy title,’ Akubaraoha’ and founded by Onu. His action followed the beating up of the leader of the National Youth Council of Nigeria, NYCN, in the state, Elder Sam Igwe, and his group by Onu at the Abakaliki township stadium.

Some youths were injured during the incident which led to the sacking of all the youths in the stadium by security agents. Angered by the incident, Umahi ordered the immediate arrest and prosecution of Onu. His words: ‘’I condemn in its entirety the actions of members of the Akubaraoha Consultative Assembly this afternoon. When they were trying to make trouble, I sent somebody to warn them. “And because our words must be matched with action, I hereby proscribe the Assembly; it will no longer exist in Ebonyi State.

“Because I am the leader of PDP in Ebonyi State, the PDP Working Committee must meet and remove Mark Onu as the PDP youth leader. “The Commissioner of Police must arrest him and prosecute him for public disorder and trying to disrupt the Democracy Day celebration, I so moved’’. He urged the people of the state to willingly pay their taxes to enable the government continue in its resolve to develop the state. Umahi assured that no one will be harassed to pay the taxes and assured that he will complete all the abandoned projects in the state.

right of the people should be of paramount importance to the Federal Government. The human rights campaigner noted that the Imo North senatorial district does not have any history of political or electoral violence, arguing that for the security platform led by the Imo State Police Command to allege that they are unable to conduct a rerun in only six Local Government Areas that make up the zone “is an indictment of incapacity and playing politics with the rights and future of the people.” “This is the same zone that was adjudged as one of the areas that had the most peaceful election in 2015. We are aware that even in the heat of Boko Haram insurgency, the Nigerian security was able to hold elections in the entire North East including IDP camps, but in Okigwe where there is no terrorism, insurgency or any known insecurity, election into the Senate has been indefinitely suspended due to alleged security issues”. Ononamadu also observed that INEC had since the suspension of the election in Imo North Senatorial district conducted elections in more difficult terrains like Kogi, Bayelsa, Rivers, Osun and Edo states.

Cleric demands immediate conduct of council polls

L-R: Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu; Enugu State Governor Mr Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi; his wife, Ugochi; Deputy Governor, Mrs Cecilia Ezeilo; Speaker of Enugu State House of Assembly, Mr Edward Ubosi and his wife, Akunna, during the 2016 Democracy Day celebration in Enugu, yesterday. PHOTO:NAN

...orders arrest of PDP youth leader

National Mirror


ethodist Archbishop of Enugu Diocese, the Most Reverend Christian Ede, yesterday charged governors to stop administering local government councils with appointed caretaker committees. The Archbishop gave the charge in Enugu during an inter-denominational church service held at the Michael Okpara Square to mark Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi's one year in office. The priest maintained that a situation where governors run council areas with political appointees was killing democracy. He, therefore, charged Ugwuanyi and other governors to immediately commence the process of conducting local government elections. According to him, "when

the people are allowed to be governed by those they elected, it deepens democracy and gives the people a sense of belonging." While lauding the governor for his achievements within the first one year in office, he said; "so many road projects have been constructed by this administration. We now hardly see pot-holes in Enugu. The governor has performed creditably well in all the sectors. "I urge the people of the state not to be arm-chair critics; as Christians we should respect and pray for our leaders; at the same time, we should also pay our tax and carry out other responsibilities." In his speech at the event, Governor Ugwuanyi maintained that despite the lean resources at his disposal, he had continued to fulfill the campaign promises he made to the people.

National Mirror

South South

Monday, May 30, 2016


INEC destroying foundation of democracy —Wike

Gunmen kill 8 in Rivers community

Dennis naku

Dennis naku



ivers State governor, Nyesom Wike, has declared that the state was not celebrating Democracy Day because the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, has destroyed the foundation of democracy by plotting to allocate legislative seats in the state. The governor also declared that his administration will deliver more pro-people projects and programmes in his second year in office. Wike stated this on Sunday during a thanksgiving mass at Our Lady of Holy Rosary of the Catholic Institute of West Africa, CIWA, in Port Harcourt. He alleged that INEC has perfected plans to allocate legislative seats in Rivers State instead of conducting the inconclusive rerun elections in the state. On his first year in office, Wike said despite the challenges faced by his administration, he performed creditably, ensuring that the people enjoyed the dividends of de-

mocracy. He said he would surpass the successes already recorded in his second year in office. He said his administration had taken measures to save funds through biometrics to determine the true number of civil servants in the employment of the state government. The governor said the state government has already paid the April salaries of the 13,000 civil servants who have completed their biometrics. He added that all 54,000 workers must physically present themselves for biometrics before they are considered to be employees of the Rivers State government. On security, Wike said he has provided the needed logistics for security agencies to improve security across the state. He noted that he has received assurances that in the coming months, security would improve. He maintained that nobody is above the law in the state, pointing out that anybody that commits a crime would be prosecuted.

FCE Obudu lecturer abducted RichaRD nDoma CALABAR


lecturer with Federal College of Education, Obudu in Cross River State, Dr Walter Ibe, was over the weekend kidnapped by gunmen in his Obudu home at gunpoint and whisked away to an unknown destination. The incident occurred a week after hoodlums abducted one of the lecturers at the University of Calabar, in Cross River State and extorted money from the family. Ibe is a lecturer in the Department of Computer Sciences, FCE Obudu. Until his abduction, Ibe was also a pastor at a Pentecostal church in Obudu before his kidnap on Saturday night when the gunmen stormed his sitting room and seized him in the presence of his family member and whisked him away. Reacting on the issue on Sunday, Chairman of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, Cross River chapter, Pastor Lawrence Ekwok,

while confirming the kidnap to journalists, said Ibe who doubles as a Public Relations Officer of PFN in Obudu Local Government Area, was a very good person and wondered why someone should kidnap him. Ekwok lamented the incessant kidnapping of clergy in the for “blood money,” describing the trend as ‘‘disheartening and condemnable.’’ “PFN warns kidnappers who have taken the act of abducting men of God to extort money from them, to desist from such action or face the wrath of God. And we hereby call on the police and other security agencies to ensure the release of Pastor Ibe and arrest and prosecute the perpetrators of such evil act without delay,” he stated. The PFN boss noted that the gunmen had stormed the home of the lecturer in an un-registered Toyota Camry car, bundled the lecturer into the boot of his Highlander SUV and zoomed away into thin air.



o fewer than eight persons were killed when gunmen, suspected to be cult members, invaded Ozochi community in Ahoada East Local Government Area of Rivers State. A source said the assailants invaded the community on Saturday night and shot sporadically, leaving eight persons dead.

The identity of the cult group that carried out the heinous act, or what led to the attack could not be ascertained as at press time. According to the source, eight persons including the oldest man in the community were killed in the attack. The rampaging gunmen were also said to have set fire to people's shops and other property. Caretaker Committee (CTC) Chairman of Ahoada East LGA, Brit-

ain Okpara Ewor, and the lawmaker representing the constituency in the state House of Assembly, Edison Ehie, had in separate statements confirmed the incident to journalists. Ewor, who spoke through his media aide, Monday Oyagiri, condemned the attack on the community, describing the perpetrators as enemies of the state. Oyagiri however commiserated with families

that lost loved ones in the sad incident, noting that security agencies were on the trail of the assailants. Similarly, Ehie called on security operatives in the state to investigate the killing and ensure the culprits were tracked down and punished accordingly. State Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, Ahmad Mohammad, also confirmed the incident to newsmen.

L-R: Speaker Abia State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Matins Azubiker; Deputy Governor Ude Oko; wife of the Governor Lady Nkechi Ikpeazu and Governor Okezie Ikpeazu, , at a church service to mark their successful one year in office at St' Stephen's Cathedral in Umuahia, yesterday.

Okowa celebrates scorecard despite ‘trying times’ nosa a kenzua ASABA


t was a gathering of ‘who is who’ yesterday in Asaba, Delta State capital, as Governor Ifeanyi Okowa celebrated one year in office with thanksgiving and praise to God. Former military administrator of the state, Navy Captain Walter Feghabor, former deputy governors of the state, Chief Benjamin Elue and Prof. Amos Utuama (SAN), elected and appointed political office holders, traditional rulers and lovers of democracy were among the guests at the occasion in Events Centre, Asaba. Okowa, accompanied by his wife, Edith; his deputy, Kingsley Otuaro and wife, Ebi, thanked God for a successful year

in office and commended Deltans for their support. "One year down the line, we have reasons to thank God; today is thanksgiving and praise day. The times are tough, very tough and we know that the situation is the same nationally, but we are very troubled in Delta State because our pipelines are being blown up and kidnapping is high," the governor said. He added, "I believe very strongly that God is with us; in these trying times, we are doing our best, projects are being executed everywhere; we will continue to impact on every community and those communities we have not gotten to should be patient with us." He urged Deltans not to relent in their prayers for the state and his ad-

ministration, noting, "If it is well with the government of Delta State, it shall be well with us." The governor admonished Deltans to always be of good behaviour as their actions will always impact on the state positively or negatively. According to him, "Wherever you find yourself, realise that your actions will have implications to the government and people of Delta State; we thank you for your support." Earlier in a sermon titled: "His Glory Is Restored," the Guest Minister, Rev. Chris Eruemulor, admonished Nigerians to be patient as the nation would overcome its present challenges and its glory would be restored. He described Governor Okowa and his deputy, Otuaro, as "gifts to Delta

State’’ who ‘‘should always have the interest of the state at heart." Shortly after the interdenominational thanksgiving service, renowned gospel musicians including Elijah Oyelade, Chioma Jesus, Buchi, Sammy Okposo, Frank Edwards, Akpororor and Paul Nams led the praise session at the ceremony to sing praises to God.




Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror

FG develops pesticide to tackle ravaging tomato pest regina otokPa


ederal Government has developed an effective pesticide agent against the new tomato Pest, Tuta Absoluta, a disease which has re-

cently ravaged tomato farms in the country. Minister of Science and Technology, Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu, who made the disclosure in Abuja over the weekend during a meeting with Kids-Fest Nigeria said National

Institute for Chemical Technology, NARICT, in Zaria, developed the pesticide agent using natural resources available in the country. He further revealed that the pesticide was a ready solution to the

rampaging pest currently affecting tomato farms and there was no reason whatsoever to go outside the country to import a solution. He also said: “Following the leadership provided by President

Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria will soon be in a position where other nations can copy from her rather than Nigeria copying at all times from other nations.” Onu maintained that the development of the

pesticide agent, the expected mass production by industrialists and support from other sources would be a sure for Nigeria to contribute to food security in Nigeria, Africa and the world at large.

Taraba youths want Ishaku’s SSG removed Justin tyoPuusu JALINGO


ing Youth Forum yesterday, protested the appointment of Mr. Anthony Jellason as Secretary to the Taraba State Government and appealed to Governor Darius Ishaku to remove him. The youths numbering over 100 stormed the venue of the commissioning ceremony of VIVAH FEEDS, a Taraba animal feed company when the governor was already seated and demanded the removal of Jellason, an indigene of the area. It took the intervention of the governor, who was on a working visit to the area to commission rural electrification projects and a factory for manufacturing of Feed Mills to calm the protesting youth. The youth, who mobilised themselves from the neighbouring villages of Kurukulu, Monkin and Yakoko and storm the venue chanting war songs, saying the appointment of the SSG did not reflect the interest of the masses who are the electorates. They forced themselves into the venue demanding the governor’s attention as a condition which must be fulfilled if the events must continue or the occasion would be interrupted. Governor Ishaku desperate to avoid crisis directed the protocol to release one hundred thousand naira to calm the nerves of protesting youths over their grievances with the SSG. The protesting youth accused the SSG of not carrying the people along and abandoning the people when they needed him most. “The herdsmen are killing our people in Monkin village. Our people are be-

ing killed on a daily basis and the SSG is doing nothing about it. “He has moved his family to Jalingo and only comes when the governor is visiting Zing. He is only concern about his immediate family alone,” one of the protesters, Habibu said. Another protester, Daddy Edem said the SSG has refused to listen to the people of the area, either in terms of assisting the youths to get admission into schools or assisting graduates from the area to get jobs, but rather, he is inciting religious and ethnic crises among the peaceful coexisting ethnic groups in the area. “If you go round and conduct your search, you will discover that his children are not within this community and that is why he does not care even if we are all killed, recently the electricity polls that brought light to Zing all fell down for over a month and we cried to him to help and talk to the authority, but he bluntly told us that he is not NEPA” “We can’t stand and allow him to continue in that office as a political representative of Zing in the government of Darius Ishaku because it is a government we stood under the sun to elect, it is better the position should be given to someone else, either within our community or somewhere in the state, it should be who can give us his listening ears” They advised Ishaku to remove the SSG Anthony Jelason or consider forfeiting the area in any election including 2019. The embattled SSG, Jelason, ignored reporters when they approached him for his reaction over the allegations leveled against him.

L-R: Head of Service, Sokoto State, Alahaji Bature Shinkafi; APC Chairman for Sokoto State, Alahaji Suleiman Usman and Secretary to the State Government, Prof. Bashir Garba, during a Special Prayer to mark one year of Governor Aminu Tambuwal in office, in Sokoto yesterday.

Former Niger PDP chairman vows to lead parallel faction Priscilla Dennis MINNA


he crisis rocking the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in Niger State has taken another dimension as the former state chairman of the party, Alhaji Abdulrahman Mahmud Enagi, has vowed to lead a parallel Executive of the party in the state. Addressing newsmen at the venue of the ‘Niger State 2016 Special Congress organised by the faction in Minna during the weekend, Enagi said the last state congress was not organised in accordance with the constitution of the party nor the guidelines set by the National Secretariat. Hence, the factional leader threatened to go to the Appeal Court to appeal against the outcome of the congress, within the week, saying the outcome of the congress will not be acceptable to PDP members in

the state. “What happened was not democracy because the congress was marred with irregularities, impunity, none sale of forms and imposition which will not be accepted by the concerned PDP members in the state. You will not have democracy, if people are forced on others without due process. The only way to return the PDP to power is to learn from our past mistakes and we are determined to do things right.” He intimated that the whole process was noted with dismay over the attitude of some few individuals who tried to make the same mistake the PDP made that led to the total failure of the party in the last general elections in Niger State and Nigeria, insisting that such would not be allowed to repeat itself. The factional leader expressed worries over the hijacking of the whole process by an

individual to the detriment of the entire party stakeholders in the state, accusing former Governor Abdulkadir Abdullahi kure, of single handedly sidelining everybody by installing only his candidates during the congress. He decried a situation where a total of 900 delegates were accredited to participate at the last congress, only for one of the candidates to score 1,700 votes, which was enough ground to disqualify the candidate. “ Imagine, 900 candidates were accredited, but 1,700 came that they were accredited, the question is, how did the voting reached 1,700 for a candidate from 900,” the former state chairman queried. Enagi further revealed that his factions’ ‘special congress’ was a consensus candidature and hence for affirmation of the candidates according to the party zoning, who will lead

the party with fairness, freedom of impunity, no imposition and strict adherence to party guidelines. Also, the former Secretary to State Government SSG, Idris Ndako Kpaki, lamented that due to the impunities that played out at the congress, the party lost some key players. He stated, “We are doing this because we love our party and we want it returned to its past glory. We want power returned to the people,that is what the PDP stands for.” Checks showed that most members of the Concerned PDP loyalists at the Special Congress were mostly those that served in the administration of the immediate past Governor, Dr. Muazu Babangida Aliyu. They include the former SSG, state commissioners, Special Assistants, former national and state assembly lawmakers, among others.

Monday, May 30, 2016


National Mirror



Democracy day: APC has failed in Bauchi - PDP EzEkiEl TiTus BAUCHI


he Peoples Democratic Party, PDP in Bauchi state has described this year’s celebration of democracy day in Bauchi State as tragic and a black moment in the annals of democratic dispensation. To this end, the party decried the monumental failure of the APC administration under Governor Abdullahi Abubakar saying his one year in office is a bad reflection of the past achievements of successful PDP governors in the state. PDP in a press statement made available to newsmen and signed by its spokesman, Yayanuwa Zainabari said the emergence of the APC in Bauchi state has been characterized with lack of payment of workers’ salary, pension and gratuity to over 6,000 pensioners and that as a result many have died while their children are now dropping out of schools. Other matters according to the PDP includes arbitrary conducts of verifica-

tion exercise with its negative tendencies to workers even though all states of the federation had done similar exercise without any hitches of payment of salary. The party had challenged the APC to explain to its citizens how the administration utilize the Buhari’s bailout fund apart from the alleged N4bn loan it collected as loan from one of the new generation bank without the composition of cabinet and state house members which by law must approved such loan. “PDP reiterated that there is no single project executed by APC administration that deserved to be commended in the last one year and the only road project along Zongo road was not given to a competent construction company, but those that have no idea and capacity to carry out the job since they are not equip, then what is so special in celebration of democracy in the state” said Zainabari”, the party said. According to PDP, recent events have strongly justify that APC is not capable of handling the state firmly

because the administration has no blueprints for its people saying the same people who voted the party is now stoning it through the window glass. It was undemocratic, the PDP fumed, to have stance looking arm security to usher in a governor in his home despite his claim to have been dully elected as governor for fear of being stone as was the case in previous weeks and that, that clearly shows APC has lost popularity and control. “There is no amount of

image laundering that will restore the past glory of APC in Bauchi state since only few disgruntle elements runs the state as their personnal estates which is contrary to the party’s claim” added PDP “PDP as a party have been vindicated by the recent utterances of Senator Isa Hamma and Ahmed Yerima, House of Representatives member through the media where they turned against the governor for running exclusive administration in the state even though, they are founding fathers of the

APC and in whose popularity Abubakar allegedly emerged as governor. An indication of the lawmakers’ statement is that APC administration is no longer in touch and cordial with its elected members both in the bi-cameral national house of assembly and hardly they visit the state including the speaker, Federal House of Reps, RT . Hon. Yakubu Dogara ‘There is no gain saying that PDP in its 16 years of administration had the course to count a lot of giant

stride in tandem with the yearning and aspirations of people through water supply, roads construction, invention of GSM communication “Others are restoration of the collapse system of Education, tourism development, agriculture, youths and women empowerment among others”, PDP said. The party therefore urges APC to toe a path of honour and emulate the achievements of PDP apparently to rekindle the hope of Nigerians.

PDP Chieftain tackles Fayose on governance, workers’ plight Abiodun nEjo ADO EKITI


United Kingdom based Peoples Democratic Party, PDP chieftain from Ekiti State, Hon. Opeyemi Falegan, has urged the state governor, Mr. Ayo Fayose, to shun unnecessary self-distractions and rather make regular payment of the state workforce a priority. Falegan said this in a statement in Ado Ekiti yesterday that the call became imperative following the ongoing industrial action embarked upon by workers in the state over non- payment of five months’ salary arrears and allowances. The PDP chieftain blamed non - payment of workers’ salaries and the ongoing industrial action in the state on playing politics with governance. He stated: “I think, Governor Fayose is more concerned about party politics than the real governance he was elected to perform and part of the consequences is the on-going industrial action by the state workers over salary of five months. “There is difference be-

tween party and government, but the moment one person wants to be the governor and at the same time performing all the functions of the Party Executive members, there will surely be lapses and counter- productive in the course of governance, hence slow down the pace of development in the State. “The Governor must listen to the wailing and groaning of the citizens by facing the issue of governance squarely and shun unnecessary self- distractions that cannot bring any positive development to the State,” he stated. The governor had in response to the ongoing strike said he was helpless as he could not sell his wife and children to raise resources for payment of the workers’ salary arrears in the face of dwindling revenue to the state. But Falegan stated: “It is the responsibility of every responsible and responsive government to accord the plights of its citizenry, especially the civil servants a priority in order to encourage and motivate them in the course of their duties”.

Osun State Governor Rauf Aregbesola (right) presenting an Award of ICON of Democracy to the former Governor Olagunsoye Oyinlola, during the 2016 Democracy Sunday Service and Award of Honour to some eminent stakeholders in the State, in Osogbo, yesterday.

Metuh deserves full bail – Lagos PDP RobERT AwokusE


ollowing the celebration of Democracy Day and being the first 365 days of the Buhari -led APC administration, and the need for opposition to have its fair share in decent democracy, the Peoples Democratic Party, Lagos state chapter has urged the Chief Jjustice of Nigeria to look into the continuous refusal of bail to Chief Olisa Metuh, who has been appealing to his trial court to consider him for full bail in order to travel abroad for medical treatments. Chief Olisa Metuh is currently under trial for allegedly collecting the sum of N400M being part of money

said to be for the purchase of Arms in the office of the former National Security Adviser,Colonel Dasuki. According to the PDP through a release signed by its State Publicity Secretary, Barrister Taofik Gani said the reputable Chief Justice of Nigeria should give an opinion on the denial of the request by Metuh to have medical treatments of his choice especially because the defendant had recently sought the trial Judge to vacate from hearing his matter on grounds of historical relationship. A request that was refused. The Party opined that the facts of the ill- health of the defendant is in the public domain and the defendant is a well known citizen, a lawyer and indeed with many fam-

ily ties in the country who is not likely to run away from the trial. The party cautions the state not to take the ordinary prosecution to be persecution as the whole efforts will be defeated if, God forbid, the defendant becomes permanently incapacitated due to lack of medical care for his peculiar ailments. “ Metuh being the voice of the opposition Party and who remains very dogged in criticising the APC, for the government to show that it does not want to kill opposition, this celebration is an auspicious moment to allow Metuh enjoy medical care in any place of his choice” “This is a strong appeal to the conscience of the trial judge, the prosecutor and indeed the Chief Justice of

Nigeria to have a second consideration for the full bail of Chief Olisa Metuh, who is obviously very ill and emaciated to continue the rigours of the trials. He has survived several attacks and we think that this prosecution should not turn into persecution. “We are in the belief that it is not the wish of the judicial system that a defendant dies or permanently incapacitated during trial in circumstances that are ordinarily avoidable. Olisa Metuh is a lawyer and is aware of implication of jumping bail. He is not likely to jump bail more so that the alleged offence was not with any mens rea, that is consciousness of the deed. “We appeal that justice should be tempered with mercy as this is very appropriate in this circumstance”, Lagos PDP said.



Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror

Amaechi, Boro, others not sincere with Buhari –Ex-militant


x-Militants under the aegis of National Coalition of Niger Delta ex-Agitators, NCNDE-A, have called on President Muhammadu Buhari to sack key officers from the region in his cabinet. According to the agitators, the officers have done more harm than good in the ongoing campaign to halt the resurgent insurgency in the region. Speaking on behalf of NCNDE-A, Isreal Akpodoro said that the quartet of Rotimi Amaechi, Minister for Transport, Paul Boro, Special Adviser to President Buhari on Amnesty, Dakuku Peterside DG, Nigerian Inland Maritime Administrative and Safety Agency, NIMASA, and Ibim Semenitary, MD, Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC, have not been sincere with the president in the bid to contain the new insurgent who go by the name of Niger Delta Avengers, NDA. Akpodoro who made this call while congratulating the president on his one year anniversary in power said Boro has mismanaged the Amnesty programme. This, according to him is one of the reasons why insurgency has resurfaced in the region. “Boro has refused to see the programme beyond giving out stipends to militants,” the ex-agitator said. He further alleged that Boro is dancing to the whims of Government Expemupolo, aka, Tompolo saying “If not, why has he refused to sack all the staffers he inherited from Kingsley Kuku, the former occupier of his seat and PDP man. He also added that the likes of Amaechi, Semenitary and Peterside have shown that they lack capacity to reach out to aggrieved people in the region as a way of containing the sabotage of oil installations going on in the region’s creeks. But reacting to this charge, however, one of the accused office holders who asked not to be mentioned by name, acknowledged having been reached on the matter. “But what Akpodoro asked for was money,” the office holder said. NDA’s attack is hurting oil export and Nigerian economy. Nigeria is now producing

less than 1.5 million barrels per day (bpd), less than Angola and well below the 2.2 million bpd assumed in the 2016 state budget since the insurgencies began in the Niger Delta. Last Friday, the militants attacked crude oil and gas pipelines operated by Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, in the Niger Delta. The militant group tweeted later that they had blown up a gas and crude pipeline near the town of Warri that was protected by soldiers and operated by NNPC. It had claimed also the attack on Chevron’s main power feed in area which shut down the U.S. firm’s onshore operations. The Avengers, who have given oil firms until end of the month to leave, say they want independence for the Delta and have intensified attacks in recent weeks, pushing oil output to its lowest in more than 20 years and compounding Nigeria’s economic problems. Though government has responded by moving in army reinforcements, British Foreign Minister Philip Hammond said this month that President Buhari needed to deal with the root causes of poverty and anger about oil spills. Perhaps showing willingness for talks, Ibe Kachikwu, Minister for Petroleum, State, said last Thursday that the amnesty programme for former militants, signed in 2009 to end a previous insurgency, needed to improve.

Ad-hoc Staff of INEC accrediting voters during the bye-election into the state House of Assembly in Oke-Ero Local Government area of Kwara State on Saturday.

INEC conducts 127 elections in six months – Yakubu Ayo EsAn


he Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC said it has conducted 127 elections in the last six months. According to the commission’s Chairman, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, INEC has, since the 2015 general elections, conducted 50 re-run elections in 16 states in obedience to court orders; Seven by-elections, occasioned by death or resignation have also been conducted in five states, while two more elections were organised at the weekend in Kwara and

Nasarawa states, due to the death of two elected individuals in the Kwara State House of Assembly and the Federal House of Representatives respectively. Yakubu, while speaking at a retreat organized by the Federal House of Representatives’ Committee on Electoral and Political Parties Matters in Abuja at the weekend, also said INEC had conducted three end-oftenure elections in Kogi and Bayelsa states and the Federal Capital Territory, FCT. He said: “In the case of the FCT, it was one election, but conducted in 68 different constituencies – six council chairmen and 62 councillors. In addition, the courts

Okowa is pragmatic, truthful – Delta Speaker nosA AkEnzuA ASABA


he Speaker, Delta State House of Assembly, Mr.Monday Igbuya, has applauded the role of Governor Ifeanyi Okowa in the political and economic development of the state. “Governor Ifeanyi Okowa is pragmatic and truthful” he said. Igbuya who spoke in Sapele said the social and economic conditions in the state gave great cause for cheers, citing progress in roads, public hospitals, agriculture, education and job creation as instances. He not only expressed delight and satisfaction with

the high degree of determination so far exhibited by Okowa to move the state forward but praised him for his honesty in the management of the state and his inclusive strategy. “Governor Ifeanyi Okowa is responsible, transparent and accountable. He is managing the resources and ensuring efficient and effective functioning of all political and socio-economic infrastructures. In one year, he has much to look back to with pride despite the bad economic situation. In his pursuit of integrity and dignity, he has never compromised and has tried never to humiliate his enemies. His Excellency is doing quite well” he said. Igbuya, who further extolled the rare virtues of

the governor, said, “Deltans have reasons to be grateful to Okowa for his contributions to the growth and development of the state. He said Okowa would stick to his policy of prosperity for all Deltans, transparency, accountability, development of human and natural resources. “Governor Ifeanyi Okowa is open-minded. He is emotional, sensitive, dedicated and fearless. He is a fighter for good governance and transparency. He is a born leader of the masses. He has sound economic policies and will continue to promote an enduring environment for peace, progress and development. He will continue to provide meaningful, sustainable and dignified employment to the youth.”

have so far upturned 23 constituency elections – House of Representatives and State Assemblies – and ordered the commission to withdraw certificates from candidates adjudged not to have been validly elected. We have since complied and issued certificates to the rightful winners from the 2015 general elections. We still have 31 more elections to conduct from the 2015 nullified elections, in addition to the forthcoming end of tenure elections for governorship in Edo (September) and Ondo (November) states.” Yakubu has also reiterated the commission’s resolve to conduct transparent, free and fair elections in the country, but insisted that the commission would never conclude any election for its own sake. He explained that many of the challenges slowing INEC down were due to the culture of “do-or-die politics.” He said: “INEC is determined to conduct credible elections and conclude them according to the law. We will not, we will never conclude any election for its own sake. All elections must be concluded according to the law, processes and procedures, no matter what criticism we take. This nation has yearned for free, fair and credible elections and this is our commitment to this country and the process.” In its efforts to curb electoral malpractices, Yakubu said the commission was putting finishing touches to

a comprehensive proposal for constitutional and legal amendments which would be forwarded to the National Assembly for consideration and legislation in due course. “We are also looking at some of our guidelines and manual to see what changes are needed in the light of recent experience,” he said, adding, “furthermore, work has already commenced on a Strategic Plan for 20172021, including the Election Project Plan and the tracking mechanism. This will be concluded by December this year, well ahead of the general elections in 2019.” The INEC chairman also attributed the high cost of organizing elections to a number of factors. He explained that in Rivers state, where a rerun election was conducted in March, INEC had to deploy 24,000 ad-hoc staff across the state’s 4,444 polling units with 1,319 voting points. He said: “Eighty percent of the cost (of Rivers Rerun election) went into the payment of allowances and logistics such as transportation. ” The other major cost, he further explained, has to do with litigations. He said: “each and every case that goes to court, INEC is joined and we have to hire lawyers. From the last general elections to date, we have been taken to court over 700 times. In fact, in the last one week alone, we have been dragged to court at least 12 times.”

National Mirror


Monday, May 30, 2016


Oil sector liberalisation: What Kachikwu has not told us IfeanyI Izeze


hether they called it “subsidy removal,” at first and later “price modulation” and now “downstream liberalisation,” one fact stands out on the recent fuel price hike: The development representd a form of deregulation of the nation’s downstream of the oil industry. Most Nigerians, as it stands today, are seriously praying and hoping that President Mohammadu Buhari and his team will arrive and quickly too at a reasonable strategy to take the nation through the next couple of years and position us for the long-term as well. This is our hope, and we cannot be ashamed of having hope on the abilities of our crop of ‘ogas on top.’ And our prayer is that our president fulfills the hope of his calling by being fruitful in every good work. It is an understatement to say that there is a lot of confusion that needs to be cleared and in plain language too by the government in the announced liberalisation of the petroleum products procurement and distribution sub-sector. Truly, Nigeria is “fantastically wonderful,” if not how do you explain the existing foreign exchange (forex) discrepancies between the Central Bank rate and those of the autonomous markets? As at today black market, foreign exchange rates are well over two times the official rate. The first question is who supplies forex to the

black market operators? Is it possible that someone can smuggle a huge amount of dollars into Nigeria without being detected? It is obvious that those in authority - government, CBN and the NNPC are the ones releasing forex to their cronies/fronts that operate the black markets. Is this in its self not corruption/fraud at its highest order? This government that has shown a strong political will to fight corruption should address this foreign exchange discrepancy that is at best sabotaging the genuine efforts to re-jig and strengthen our economy. You expect marketers to source forex at the secondary/black market and at the same time cap the price they are expected to sell their commodity, is that going to work? Though it is better to believe it was an oversight, remarkably, the president and the minister of state for petroleum resources have been mute on the fate of one of the worst epicentres of corruption in the fuel subsidy and price modulation fraud in this country: the Petroleum Equalisation Fund (PEF). A conscription that is as fraudulent as the entire subsidy racket, the PEF is being completely left out of the present argument by both the Federal Government and those against the recently announced deregulation of the downstream. It is “fantastically corrupt” to be mute on the issue of equalisation as enshrined in the Act that established the PEF. This Fund was supposed to make sure every Nigerian, no matter where you live, pay the

has the obnoxIous payment of the

“brIdgIng cost” also been scrapped by the


same price for at least petrol and kerosene. And money has been channelled through it all these years to majorly offset haulage costs to different parts of the country. Unfortunately, the haulage cartel is as corrupt, mindless, and selfish as the fake fuel importers themselves. But for whatever reasons, their fraud and activities had been deliberately played down by both government and anti-subsidy campaigners. Has the obnoxious payment of the “bridging cost” also been scrapped by the FG as part of the recently announced deregulation/ subsidy removal and cost saving initiative? We all remember a recent campaign by those pretending to defend the interests of Nigerians in some parts of the country that if the Equalisation Fund is scrapped, Nigerians in those areas would be made to pay four-five times higher prices than price regimes in areas closer to the depot facilities because of the distance it takes to transport the petroleum products from coastal depot facilities into the hinterland. In a regime of no subsidy, does the government still expect petrol to sell at the same price in Maiduguri, Makurdi, and Lagos or Brass?

Abubakar Malami owes his loyalty to Nigeria PhIlIP agbese


o some people actually think the Muhammadu Buhari administration is worried about criticisms and embarrassment? This question is borne out the fact that some groups, notably the Coalition Against Corrupt Leaders (CACOL), were asking the President to sack the Attorney General of the Federation, and Minister of Justice, Mr. Malami Abubakar (SAN) “to save his government and the country from further embarrassment and criticisms”. At a time the country is acutely feeling the pinch from years of successive leadership-sanctioned theft of national resources and the populace hurting from learning to live in an economy that is not powered by corruption, the demand for Abubakar’s sack is comical to the point of offering comic relief. Comic relief, because in the midst of the nil tolerance for corruption by the government and amply endorsed by the populace, it is humorous to find that there are sleazebags who think they can alter the course of the anti-corruption crusade by maligning a key figure in the march against graft. It is equally mirth inducing that Abubakar’s detractors thought the best strategy of getting at him was using instances in which he refused to be overreaching in building a case against his boss, whose programme and agenda he

It Is humorous to

fInd that there are sleazebags who thInk they can alter the course of the antI-

corruptIon crusade has repeatedly demonstrated the commitment to implement to the letter. From the way the campaign to unseat him are being prosecuted, one is left with the impression that some people miss those past odious days of impunity when the AGFs were the ones engineering violation of laws. The violation in these not too distant pasts included but limited to encouraging the Federal Government to flagrantly decide what court injunctions to obey; the constitution short-circuited to unseat ‘unfriendly’ governors even if it meant using seven out of 23 lawmakers convened in a hotel; and the AGF stepping in and ensuring the trial of those beholden to the government collapsed or were delayed indefinitely. By now those who think they can rubbish a good work would have chanced across the post going viral on Facebook. To paraphrase the post, people need to be aware that the ex-NIMASA boss, Raymond Omatseye, who was sentenced to five years in prison, is staunch All Progressives Congress (APC) member who contested for the Delta South senatorial election on the party’s platform. Same

way the APC does not know party members when it comes to corruption in line with the thinking of its leader, President Buhari; Abubakar does not know party members too. Those who thought he should have waded in to quash the trial of the Senate President, Senator Bukola Saraki at the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) should realise by now that no interference would come from the AGF. If Abubakar has distanced himself from muddling the anti-corruption fight he should be commended even more for not dragging the country into avoidable tiffs that would have added nothing to the growth of our democracy. If anything, those acts of brigandage only drew back the nation’s democracy when they were committed. Take for instance Kogi State, where the expectations were that the AGF would intervene in a sentimentally desired way only for those with those views to be disappointed. They may be disappointed but the reality is that the state is not burning today as doomsday seers have predicted. Even further efforts at aggravating or precipitating crises in that state have been avoided. It also appears that those against the AGF are disappointed he did not do enough to hound down perceived opponents of the APC, or at least that is the impression created in their letters and petitions. But what manner of person would the AGF be if he works on the basis of fanatical party loyalty that does not differentiate national interest from

To everybody, the argument actually made sense, but Nigerians were unaware they were being manipulated by the haulage cartel whose only interest is themselves. Even in the coastal areas that host refineries and/or depot facilities, does fuel sell at the same price everywhere? Not at all! But because we like to play politics with everything, sectional, regional and even ethnic colorations were introduced to deceive innocent Nigerians for the selfish interests of very few businessmen. If the Buhari Government is still retaining that Fund, it means then that they are subsidizing fuel in certain sections of the country, while leaving out others to the mercy of the oil marketers. The Petroleum Minister needs to clarify this issue without ambiguity. Now, whether anybody wants to hear this or not, our refineries are still comatose. The combined performance outings for the three and a half plants we have in this country are nowhere near 30 percent utilisation of installed capacities not minding all the deceit by the NNPC and the people in government. Even the ordinary boiling of crude oil to separate petrol (PMS) and/or diesel, none of the refineries is doing that effectively to anything near 40 percent capacity as installed. Meanwhile, this is just a very tiny fraction of what the refineries were set up to do in the first instance. Izeze wrote from Abuja and via

political desperation, the same evil the Peoples’ Democratic Party, PDP, was infamous for? Is anything wrong with doing the right thing, building systems and setting good precedents that would outlive the office holder? Would these characters have preferred that the AGF plunges Ekiti State into political crisis to get rid of Governor Ayodele Fayose, even it means only four state lawmakers sitting at a suya joint are the ones impeaching him because of his dim-witted tantrums against the government at the centre? Is the expectation that Abubakar should have run Mr. Nyesom Wike out of Rivers State as governor for repeatedly giving the APC bloodied nose at the polls? Or are they really that desperately to throw the rebellious Senate leadership into Kuje Prison for daring the party? If the thoughts of those behind those spurious letters and petitions were expecting that these posers should have been answered in the affirmative in their favour then they are in a bus heading the opposite direction of their desired destination. Agbese is National Coordinator of the UK-based Stand Up Nigeria Send your views by mail or sms to PMB 10001, Ikoyi, or our Email: mail@ mirrorlagos@ or 08164966858 (SMS only). The Editor reserves the right to edit and reject views or photographs. Pseudonyms may be used but must be clearly marked as such.



Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror



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PDP crisis and another era of sterile opposition


s the political party in power for the first 16 years of the 4th Republic (1999 – 2016), not a few, locally and internationally, believe the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) was a huge disappointment particularly in the broad sense of offering good governance. Internally as a party, too, it posted the legendary record of not allowing internal democracy to flourish. These, even some chieftains of the PDP confess today, laid the foundation for the party’s ouster from power last year by the then newly-registered opposition party - the All Progressives Congress (APC). As we speak, the APC is still latching on the inherent failures of the PDP to thrive as a government, though nothing has changed. Indeed, Nigeria and average Nigerians are suffused in a deep mess, economically and living conditions wise. But Nigerians appear pre-disposed presently to tolerating from the APC government what they could not had the PDP still been in power. A good example is the rash hike in the pump price of fuel from N86.50 to N145. But the public belief is that the APC is clearing the rot the PDP left behind. Phenomenal as the failure of the PDP may be; and notwithstanding the prosecution of many of its big shots and foot

soldiers for terrible economic crimes against the state – which many feel they deserve, but which PDP stalwarts and sympathisers deride as persecution – the PDP is set to fail yet again as an opposition party. It appears not prepared to play the role of a responsible opposition party, even when it is clear from all indications that despite its 16-year failure in government, it is still the opposition party Nigerians look up to for the purpose of keeping the APC on its toes and curtailing the ruling party’s unpredictable excesses and recklessness. The basic things the PDP needed to do to emerge a potent opposition force would include putting its house in order, giving its members orientation on how to govern well in the future with focus on the development of the nation and truly serving the people, instead of revelling in prodigality, obscene stealing from state purse and deceiving Nigerians. Indeed, some have suggested, in addition, the need for the PDP to pick a new name to save its face from shame and the stigma trailing it as an unserious party that failed the nation because of its marriage to ‘chopchop’, to borrow one of former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s taunts, instead of addressing itself to good governance and the

If the PDP chooses

to be thIs ruDDerless, It certaInly wIll have no basIs to seek the

nIgerIans come 2019

votes of

numerous challenges confronting the nation. It does seem, quite unfortunately however, that the PDP is in no position to dust failure off its sleeves and provide for the nation the option of a vibrant opposition and alternative-governmentin-waiting. Sadly, the nation has relapsed back to the condition of sterile opposition parties witnessed before the emergence of the APC. Four years ago in 2012, before the merger of political parties that produced the ruling APC, many in the country bemoaned the perceivable absence of robust political opposition to the PDP. But barely a year later (July 2013) after the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) approved the merger of three major political parties to be known as the APC, that latter sustained an intense, articulated and focused opposition heat on the PDP that culminated in its emergence as the ruling party after last year’s general elections. Having woefully failed the

ON THIS DAY May 30, 1967 Nigeria’s then Eastern Region declared independence as the Republic of Biafra, sparking the Nigerian Civil War (July 6, 1967 – January 15, 1970). It was a political conflict caused by the attempted secession of the southeastern provinces of Nigeria as the self-proclaimed Republic of Biafra. The conflict was the result of economic, ethnic, cultural and religious tensions among ethnic groups in Nigeria.

Letters tothe theEditor Editor Letters to

May 30, 2003 May 30, 2003 The Depayin massacre: At least 70 people associated with the National League for Democracy (NLD) were killed by a government-sponsored mob in Burma. The NLD is a Burmese political party founded on September 27, 1988. House Representative and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Aung San Suu Kyi, served as its General Secretary. It won a substantial parliamentary majority in the 1990 Burmese general election.

nation as the ruling party for 16 years, the PDP appears fully set to fail the nation yet again as a virile opposition party, in a country where other opposition parties are either very weak, on holiday or are just rag-tags waiting for statutory handouts from INEC. As it was in 2014, when the PDP broke into two factions in a bitter internal party squabble that contributed more than anything else to robbing it of victory in the 2015 elections, so it is now. Two fresh factions of the party recently held parallel national conventions in Abuja and Port-Harcourt, respectively. Early last week, two high courts in Lagos and Port Harcourt gave conflicting verdicts on the recognition or non-recognition of the leadership of the party. Amid the lingering factional crisis, the party’s national secretariat has literally been shut by the police. The party was not prepared to vacate power when it did last year. It has also refused to come to terms with the loss and render service to Nigerians in its reversed capacity as a responsible opposition party. The ruling APC is, therefore, having a ball, largely unchallenged. If the PDP chooses to be this rudderless, it certainly will have no basis to seek the votes of Nigerians come 2019.

x May 30, 2012 Former Liberian president, Charles Taylor, was sentenced to 50 years in prison for his role in the atrocities committed during the Sierra Leone Civil War. Taylor (born January 28, 1948) is a former Liberian politician who was the 22nd President of Liberia, serving from August 2, 1997 until his resignation on August 11, 2003. While in office, Taylor was accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Business Courage MAY 30, 2016

Every Monday

Analysing Nigeria’s forex policy from cost, benefits’ perspectives



An ambitious entrepreneur


Pg. A9

Portable wealth for Nigerians

Pg. A10

Behind ‘d’ wheel

Business Klinic

How to increase traffic on your blog

Pg. A3

Pg. A12

2016 Mitsubishi Triton: A five star model

Pg. A16

A2 18

Business Courage

Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror





National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, May 30, 2016

A3 19


Analysing Nigeria’s forex policy from cost, benefits’ perspectives As the real exchange value of the naira against other currencies continues to stoke public discourse on daily basis, the naira remains precarious against other currencies especially the dollar, many stakeholders say notwithstanding their noblest intentions, the fiscal and monetary authoritie’s may have to do more to ensure right exchange rate for the nation currency. Udo Onyeka reports


t is no longer news that the Federal Government has been reluctant to devalue the naira. Perhaps what may be new is how and when the nation’s currency would regain its lost value among other currencies of the world. President Muhammadu Buhari, while briefing senior journalists last week on the ac¬tivities of his government in the last one year, said he has been under tremendous pressure to devalue the naira. Buhari had continued to say that he needed to be educated on why the naira would be devalued. “My argument has been that those who devalue their currencies have developed economies, where there is local production and they export the excess. They have good infra¬structure. So they devalue their currencies to sell their products out¬side their shores,

and employ their people. People just take the money out of the country. How many factories have we built? So I refused to devalue the Naira. “Now you need N350 to get a dol¬lar! I challenged Nigerian econo¬mists to tell me what benefits Nige¬ria has earned from the devaluation so far. How many factories have we built by killing the naira? I have to reluctantly give up because the so-called Nigerian economists come and talk things to me, and when I raise issues they talk over my head instead of inside my head. For us to lose over N300 (every year we’re losing the value of the currency by N100), what for? Let them tell me how many factories they’ve built. I find myself in a very difficult state because the economists cannot tell me why we should continue to de¬value our Naira. People say import, and we find out that we are just

im¬porting food! We’re now planning to stop importation of rice, wheat, maize in three years’ time. “On the value of the naira, I’m still agonising over it, that the naira should be reduced to such a dis-graceful level over the last 30 years. I need to be educated on this. But I’m not ruling this country alone. I’m under pressure and we’ll see how we can accommodate the econ¬omists”, he said. Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry said the decision of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, to adopt a flexible exchange rate regime was desirable in the light of prevailing economic realities, adding that there is however, a need for clarity on what the apex describes as a special window for critical transactions for which preferential rates will apply. “We would like to caution

against possible abuse and distortions that such a window could create. On the immediate, relaxing the impediments that will allow liquidity to flow into the autonomous forex market is desirable”, LCCI said The sharp decline in global oil prices which has cut revenue from sales worth 70 percent of government income and the resultant fall in the country’s foreign exchange earnings, had posed a serious threat to the new administration of President Muhammadu Buhari which came into being on May 29, 2015. Till few days ago the government and Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, has not been able to overcome or mitigate undesirable outcome of policies put in place to revamp the economy. Penultimate week, the National Bureau of Statistics, NBS, announced that the Nigerian economy shrank by 0.36

percent in the first quarter of this year, with unemployment increasing to 12.1 percent and Inflation rising to 13.7 percent in April. But in what some experts said was a right move the CBN on Tuesday agreed to introduce greater flexibility in the foreign exchange market. President Buhari has refused to devalue the naira, despite a growing gulf between the official exchange rate of 197/199 to the dollar and black market rates of up to N350. The difference has led to a shortage of foreign exchange, negatively affecting businesses and fuel importers unable to buy supplies, Continued on pg A4 UDO ONYEKA, EDITOR BUSINESS COURAGE c

Global Media Mirror Limited

A4 20

Business Courage

Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror

Cover Continued from pg A3



$29.77bn. But in fairness to Buhari government and the CBN, the resistance to devaluation, stemmed from the fact that previous devaluation never achieved much and could not impact positively on the wellbeing of Nigerians. The International Monetary Fund, IMF, commended CBN for shutting down the bi-weekly forex window and other policy

“It is time for segments of our society to make sacrifices. A fixation on a luxurious consumption pattern will not do the country any good. The fact is that the revenue is just not there. Oil prices have been down by over 50 per cent continuously for almost one year and from the prevailing global projection, it is not likely to improve any time soon

causing scarcity of the products that hit the nation since December 2015. The CBN’s Monetary Policy Committee, MPC, which met Monday and Tuesday, said the nation would adopt “a flexible foreign exchange rate policy”, but details on abandoning the currency peg have been made available, with the ape bank promising more information in “coming days”. According to an economist from Exotix Partners in London, Alan Cameron, “a two- or three-tiered” foreign exchange system, keeping the official rate for “critical transactions”. “I think Nigeria has clearly taken quite a hit after a year of Buhari’s policies where he hasn’t been willing to have any flexibility at all. “I think the market will view this positively, I think investors could take a new look at Nigeria but we need specific details about how the new system is going to work.” Analysts questioned the wisdom of announcing a major shift in policy without spelling out how to implement it. “Any real liberalisation would be accompanied by some tightening, as a stabilisation measure, at least in the short term,” said, chief Africa economist at Standard Chartered in London, Razia Khan. But many saw the changes coming, Vice President Yemi Osinbajo few days before the MPC meeting hinted at change this month, saying a more flexible approach was needed to spur growth. Also Minister of State for Petroluem, Emmauel Kachikwu comment on Monday that government would use a lower rate of N285 per dollar for petrol imports rather than the pegged official rate of N197 shown that changes were imminent. Emefiele admitted the economy was also likely to contract in the second quarter, falling into official recession, but blamed delays in implementing this budget for much of the decline. MPC benchmark interest rate remains at 12 percent while also maintaining the CBN’s existing Cash Reserve Ratios, CRR, for banks at 22.5 percent. Nigeria’s foreign exchange reserves fell 2.7 percent to $26.56bn by May 20 from a month earlier, central bank data showed, many say the flexibility expected could include a revamp of exchange rate policy. A plunge in oil prices has eaten into the foreign reserves of the country, forcing the CBN to introduce currency controls, which has frustrated businesses and caused the economy to contract. Nigeria’s dollar reserves were down 10.7 percent from a year ago when they stood at

responses to the instabilities, but noted that concerns still persist over lower oil prices. IMF however was later to call devaluation. Group Managing Director of Afrinvest West Africa Limited, Ike Chioke, had advised the apex bank to devalue because foreign exchange illiquidity and low earnings are putting the country in a position of uncertainty, which will not allow the foreign investors to bring in their money. In a similar vein an economist and Managing Director of Financial Derivatives Limited, Bismarck Rewane, said devaluation makes more naira available for governments at various levels, as well as the availability of the dollar and the actual value of the local unit. Some stakeholders had noted that the CBN in managing monetary issues. They advised that the apex bank should put in place policies that would encourage inflow of forex without necessarily creating a tolerance for money laundering, adding that, significant disruptions, distortions and dislocations have been created in the business environment by the CBN as a consequence of the following policy measures: restrictions on the use of export proceeds, denial of access to foreign exchange market for 41 broad categories of products, prohibition of cash lodgements into domiciliary accounts and tight exchange controls and administrative allocation of foreign exchange are typically characterised by lack of transparency. But Vice-President of the Nigerian Association of Chambers of Industry Mines and Agricul-


ture, NACCIMA, Mr. Dele Oye, said the CBN made the right decision, stating that considering the crisis which the nation’s economy currently faces not only the government but also the private citizens in the country must significantly adjust their consumption patterns. “It is time for segments of our society to make sacrifices. A fixation on a luxurious consumption pattern will not do the country any good. The fact is that the revenue is just not there. Oil prices have been down by over 50 per cent continuously for almost one year and from the prevailing global projection, it is not likely to improve any time soon. Director General, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, LCCI, Mr. Muda Yusuf had said the CBN decision on forex would help to consolidate on the nation’s advancement in local rice, poultry, vegetable oil, sugar, tomato and textile production among others. The increasing pressure on the naira is caused by high demand for the dollar by importers and speculators, foreign exchange dealers said. The local currency had weakened to over N350 at the parallel market in recent time as importers scrambled for the dollar to meet overseas obligations. Before the last MPC meeting penultimate Tuesday,the CBN has left its official rate unchanged at N197 to the dollar on its interbank window. “Most individuals who sell (dollars) to us are no longer willing, but demand is piling up,” the acting President, Association of Bureau De Change Operators, Aminu Gwadabe, had said.

According to many analysts there more negatives than positives that are coming out of the policies of the federal government “If we look at the outcomes we have had in the past four months, they are quite drastic on the negative side. Gross Domestic Product, GDP, is declining; underemployment and unemployment are increasing, and the general level of economic activities is weak. The capital market is also declining. Coming from the position we were after the elections, when there were local and international goodwill and we had the opportunity to leverage on all that, unfortunately, foreign investment has stayed flat from the level we had in the first quarter,” said Chief Executive Officer ,CEO, of RTC Advisory Services Limited, Opeyemi Agbaje. According to the public policy analyst, the above situation can only be blamed on the absence of an economic direction. “Goodwill, on its own, is insufficient; it needs to leverage on the right policies,” he said. Manufacturers, a vital component of any thriving economy, have equally on several occasions faulted policies of the CBN which they say are not in agreement with the fiscal policies of the Federal Government. “The CBN governor, I’m sure, has reasons for what he is doing. I know he carries the interest of the country at heart, but maybe the way he is going about it is faulty,” President of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, MAN, Frank Jacobs, had said before the new forex policy. BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, April 30, 2016

A5 21

News FG tasks agencies on ease of doing business Francis Ezem


he Federal Government has said that its efforts at attracting Foreign Direct Investment FDI needed to grow the economy may not yield the expected results unless relevant agencies enhanced the ease of doing business in the country. Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Dr. Okechukwu Enalama, who was reacting to claims by the Nigerian Investment Promotion Council NIPC and the Corporate Affairs Commission that the country has recorded an improvement in the ease of doing business, told newsmen in Onne recently that all hands must be on deck if the country must achieve this desire. According to him, apart from the safety of his investment and huge returns, an average investor looks for where he would experience little of no hitches in the course of doing business, which impacts on cost and efficiency. He noted that the two agencies are strategic in the government’s drive to attract both local and foreign investments into the country. He also warned that specific agencies of the government, especially those under the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment should also be conscious that the country is in competition with other regions in terms of attracting investments, adding that the investor would go to climes where his interest is best protected. “We should at all times be seen to be creating the enabling environment for industrial growth and development, facilitating both regional and international trade as well as promoting investment inflows” the Minister said. On the claims by the CAC that it can complete the process of registration of a company, the Minister said: “If you are sure of what you are saying, you can announce it to the world and if

·L – R shows Mr. Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede, CON, President, The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE); Mr. Tayo Orekoya, President/CEO, The Pearl Awards Nigeria & Chairman, CITC Group; Apostle (Dr.) Hayford Alile, OFR, Former Director-General, NSE and Mr. Oscar N. Onyema, OON, Chief Executive Officer, NSE at the 12th Annual Pearl Awards, Public Lecture for Capital Market Development in Lagos today.

they find it to be true, they will hail all of us but if not, Nigerians will ‘kill` you”. He insisted that communication is key, as one needs to announce his capabilities to the entire world to see and take advantage of, arguing that if Nigeria will attract the desired investment, she must be listed among countries with the best index of ease of doing business. Enelamah had said recently during a retreat that the government is currently discussing with some foreign investors from the United States and China, who have indicated interest to invest in the Nigeria’s proposed regional industrial parks. The proposed parks, which are expected to enhance the ease of doing business by providing one-stop shop for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises SMEs and other industrial outfits, are designed to enhance industrialisation and therefore boost the nation’s non-oil export base.

DMO advises Nigerians on positive attitude to economic challenges

T Enalama

he Debt Management Office, DMO, has advised Nigerians to still maintain positive attitude in spite of the current economic challenges. Director-General, DMO, Mr Abraham Nwankwo, said Nigeria still had potential to be one of the first 20 economies in the world in spite of its current economic travails. Nwankwo told journalists in Lagos on Friday at a breakfast meeting that Nigerians should

not be depressed because of the depressed crude oil prices in the international market. He said that boom in the crude oil prices over the years had given Nigerians false sense of wealth as the oil sector was actually contributing less than 20 per cent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product. Nwankwo said that the county was endowed with over 30 mineral resources that had remained untapped over the years. According to him, Nigeria is yet to explore 25 per cent of its potential in agriculture, manufacturing, non-oil minerals, ICT, entertainment and human resources, amongst others. The DMO director-general said that these current challenges could be turned to economic prosperity in the next four to five years with the programmes of the current administration. Nwankwo said: “What will make the difference is the way we respond. It is the critical factor that determines what happens next. We can either respond positively or negatively. “Individually and collectively we need to respond positively and use it as opportunity to give the economy the needed stimulus to achieve a high level equilibrium. “The fact that oil is depressed does not mean that we should all be depressed, but it should stir us to help the country achieve what the best we can”, he said. Nwankwo advised Nigerians to see these challenges “as another aspect of what is being expected on the journey to have an economy that is among top in 2020’. While speaking on the 2016 budget deficit, Nwankwo said

the bulk of the budget deficit would be used to develop infrastructure which would have multiplier effects on all sectors of the economy.

Sterling Bank fetes with IDPs in Jos


t was all smiles for children at the Internally Displayed Persons, IDPs Camp, in Jos, the Plateau State Capital as top Management of Sterling Bank Plc joined them in the celebration of the 2016 Children’s Day. Apart from celebrating and dining with the children at the Camp, the Bank’s Management team, headed by its Executive Director, Finance and Strategy, Abubakar Sulaiman, represented by the Group Head, Strategy & Communications, Mr. Shina Atilola, also donated various food items, clothes and toys to the delight of the kids. In other activities to mark the day, the Bank according to a statement, also hosted students from both public and private schools to a party at its corporate head office in Lagos. The Bank also donated its financial literacy books; “Funds” and “My Little Money Book’ to the Lagos State Government for onward distribution to pupils and students of the schools in a bid to promote financial literacy among the students. Ensuring the online community were not left behind, a “selfie campaign” encouraging parents to post “selfies” taken with their children was initiated; family and friends of contestants were encouraged to vote and the top three posts were awarded prizes. A “selfie” is a photograph tak-

en of oneself with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media. Speaking at the reception held for the children in Lagos, Abubakar explained that as a responsible financial institution, the Bank will continue to support any worthy initiative that would impact children positively irrespective of the financial institutions the kids or parents bank with. At the IDP camp, the Bank’s Director stated that the kids were a product of circumstance. He therefore called on all to support these ones to ensure their dream of a bright future can become reality. The Bank’s Director who noted that the future of the country can only be guaranteed when “we invest rightly in our children as future leaders“, explained that the Bank will continue to commit resources towards supporting the value adding activities especially those focused on education and the learning of our children. “At Sterling Bank, we are passionate about avenues that would add value for learning in all areas and that are why we are investing heavily in the area of education. Till date, we have introduced a number of initiatives that provide solutions to the challenges confronting the sector”, he said.

NIMASA seeks partnerships to grow maritime industry Francis Ezem


he Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency NIMASA, has made a strong case for an allinclusive partnership of stakeholders comprising both vertical and horizontal in order to grow the nation’s maritime industry. Director General of the Dr. Dakuku Peterside, who made the call in Lagos during a courtesy visit by the Norwegian Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Rolf Ree, said that Nigeria’s maritime industry may not attain the expected growth in good time without such partnerships across boundaries. While describing Norway as a great maritime nation which has earned global recognition as a maritime cluster driven by technological development, Dr. Peterside expressed Nigeria’s readiness to partner the Norwegian authorities for mutual benefit. This, according to him, would engender the growth and development of Nigeria’s emerging maritime industry. He said: “Norway has a lot to benefits to derive from Nigeria, being a major player in Africa especially in the hydro carbon trade. Nigeria also has a lot to benefit from Norway in the areas of expertise and technology

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Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror

News needed to develop the industry. To this end the NIMASA is prepared to enter into a partnership, provided it protects Nigeria’s interest and it is in accordance with the laws of the land”. He also pledged the commitment of the agency in enhancing safety and security on Nigeria’s waterways, a development, he believes, would attract more investment into the country. The NIMASA CEO also disclosed that the agency has already committed itself to a number of initiatives including the development a medium term strategic growth plan and partnering critical stakeholders as part of efforts to grow the industry.

Insurance experts to proffer solution on poverty reduction BY ZAKA KHALIQ


nsurance and pension experts are to discuss on how to eradicate old age poverty through pension scheme and insurance products and services at the 2015 Businesstoday Online Insurance and Pension Industry Awardss cheduled to hold tomorrow in Lagos. The Director General of National Pension Commission, PenCom, Mrs. Chinelo AnohuAmazu, will be among top Pension and Insurance dignitaries expected to speak at the third edition of the Award, while the Director General of Nigerian Insurers Association, NIA, Mr Sunday Thomas and Compliance Office of StanbicIBTC Pension Managers, who is also a Senior member of Pension Fund Operators Association of Nigeria, PenOp, Mrs. Idu Okwuosa will equally share their experiences on how to ensure that workers, after retirement, are not thrown into poverty. A statement from the Managing Director/ CEO, Businesstoday Online, Ms. Nkechi Naeche, and made available to Business Courage over the weekend said the theme of this year’s award is ‘The Role of Stakeholders in Alleviating Old Age Poverty’ as the forum would enable operators


L-R: Acting Chairman, Regency Alliance Insurance Plc, Amb. Baba Gana Kingibe; Group Managing Director, Mr Biyi Otegbeye and Director, Col Aminu Kotangora(rtd), at the 22nd AnnualGeneral Meeting of Regency Alliance Insurance Plc in Abuja, recently. PHOTO: ROTIMI OSASONA and individuals in the insurance and pension industry to deliberate the on the role of pension and insurance in alleviating old age poverty in the country. Other stakeholders such as the National Union of Pensioners, NUP, National Insurance Commission, NAICOM and the Centre for Pension Rights, CPR are expected to give insight into the topic. Also, Excellence Award would be presented to Mrs. Chinelo Anohu-Amazu in recognition of her contributions to the establishment and growth of the Contributory Pension Scheme, CPS in Nigeria. The Award which, is in nine categories, will be chaired by the Director General of Lagos State Pension Commission, LASPEC, Mrs Folasade Onanuga.

FG targets training of 300,000 artisans yearly - Ngige


he Minister of Labour and Employment, Senator Chris Ngige, said on Friday in Abuja that arrangements had been concluded to train no fewer than 300,000 tradesmen annually. Ngige said this at a news conference organised by the ministry to mark 2016 Democracy Day. ``The artisans will be trained in tiling, mechatronics, metal works, welding, plumbing, masonry, POP production and laying, Info-technology techniques, among others. ``They will primarily find opportunities in the formal and informal sectors and arrest a situation where a dominant percentage of such low cadre skills are provided for us by Ghananians, Togolese and others.

``Through our partnership with the International Labour Migration of the European Union, these categories of Nigerians will soon export their skills as legal migrants to other countries. ``So, our target is to train not less than 300,000 per year and trainings are already ongoing in most of our centres.’’ Ngige said job creation was one of the cardinal agenda of the present administration and that the ministry had taken concrete steps towards its realisation. He, however, noted that all over the world, governments were responsible for the creation of 20 per cent of jobs while the rest were provided by the private sector. He observed that the government owed it a duty to create the enabling environment for the private sector to flourish. ``The heavy investment in infrastructure in the 2016 budget, indeed the 350-billion-infrastructure funds, all explain the determination of government in this direction. ``Notwithstanding the prevailing economic downturn, gov-


ernment is doing its best in the provision of jobs, with emphasis, though, on blue-collar.’’ The minister said the National Directorate for Employment, NDE, the main job creation agency, had over 100 skills acquisition centres across the country, besides the ones owned by some Ministries, Agencies and states. He said that the ministry had embarked on the rehabilitation and re-equipping of NDE skills centres, to enhance their training capacity.

FRC seeks SEC, CBN collaboration on NCCG harmonisation By Udo Onyeka


head of the forthcoming final Public hearing on the Unified National Code of Corporate Governance slated for June 23, 2016, the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria, FRC, has continued to seek the collaboration of other regulatory bodies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC and the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, to make their inputs to the final draft of the National Code of Corporate Governance. Speaking while on a courtesy visit to SEC, the Chief Executive Officer of FRC, Mr Jim Obazee said, he seeks the Commission’s support on the harmonisation of the NCCG draft. According to him the Chairman of the national committee of the national code of corporate governance and some of his members would be willing to discuss some areas that your Commission may require clarification. “I believe that if we collaborate effectively in addressing

this corporate governance regulation, we will end up establishing our respective institutions as potent crisis managers,” he said. He also used the occasion of the visit to solicit the Commission’s support to establish a National Online Account Reporting Platform, which he said, was necessary to make vital information such as audited and unaudited financial statements of quoted companies readily available to relevant stakeholders. On current efforts being made by the Council to sanitise financial reporting, he disclosed that only accounting professionals recognized by an act of the National Assembly can sign accounts, adding that those with foreign qualifications will have to domesticate them, that is by taking membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria, ICAN, or the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria ,ANAN, before they can be qualified for the purpose. In his remarks, the Director General of SEC, Mr. Mounir Gwarzo pledged his Commission’s support to the harmonization and finalisation of the draft National Code of Corporate Governance. He also appealed to FRC to make it easier for companies to get their audited accounts approved by the Council. He said that the complexities, which some companies were going through and the time it takes FRC to make approvals were making the companies to constantly submit their annual financial reports late. “This is one area I want us to work together on so that these companies will not continue to receive sanctions from us,” he said. He also urged the Council to continue to hold more of such consultations with all relevant stakeholders so as to come out with a final draft that is largely acceptable to all. It would be recalled the on January 17, 2013, the Federal Government inaugurated a steering committee for the development of a unified National code of corporate governance. The committee was set up in line with Section 119 (c) of the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria Act No.6 of 2011, which empowers the council as the only statutory body responsible for the development of code of corporate governance practices in both public and private sectors of the economy. In line with the mandate given to it by the act, the FRC had so far held several public hearings on the draft national code of corporate governance with relevant stakeholders with a view to coming out with a largely acceptable code to all stakeholders and the last of such public hearings were held on June 30, 2015 for Public and Private Sectors and July 1, 2015 for Not-For-Profit Organisations. BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, May 30, 2016

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Companies & Markets

NSE President tasks FG on capital market growth

Stories by Udo Onyeka


he Nigerian Stock Exchange, NSE, on Friday urged the Federal Government to integrate the capital market into public policy to create an enabling environment for investment, entrepreneurship and development. NSE President, Mr Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede, made the call at the 12th Annual Pearl Awards public lecture for capital market development held in Lagos.

Aig-Imoukhuede said that the nation would not experience any meaningful growth without the capital market noting that it was the barometer for measuring the state of a nation’s economy. He stated that economic growth was the panacea to most of the country’s challenges, adding that, there should be increased dialogue between policy makers and the market. The president stressed the need for the proper understanding of the market by the govern-

ment. According to him, public and private sector cooperation, collaboration and partnership are required. “The NSE and other capital market stakeholders are ready, capable and willing to do what is required for Nigeria’s socioeconomic recovery.” He explained that national corporate companies such as MTN, Glo as well as non-listed national champions should be encouraged to list on the ex-

L-R: Mr. Shina Atilola, Group Head, Strategy and Communications, Sterling Bank Plc and Hon. Jones Onyereri, Chairman, House Committee on Banking and Currency and Senator John Enoh, Chairman, House Committee on Finance at the Nigerian Economic Stakeholders Summit held in Abuja, recently.

change to deepen the market. He advocated for incentives/ palliatives to priority economic sectors to stimulate growth and development. He said that government must have both technical and business expertise that would put together quality infrastructure with the right risk and return ratio to attract capital. Aig-Imoukhuede added that Pension Fund Administrators, PFAs, should be encouraged to invest in public infrastructure. He said that road shows to attract international funds/ investors with focus on infrastructure should be encouraged. The News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, reports that AigImoukhuede spoke on the theme: “Global and National Socio-economic challenges and renaissance: Whiter the Nigerian capital market?” Also speaking, Dr Hayford Alile, former NSE President, urged government to hand over schools to the missionaries in order to grow the nation’s educational sector and inculcate virtues and morals into the system. “Morality cannot legislate integrity. Some of us that sit at recruitment interview have gone through the agony of having graduates finding it difficult to spell their manes. “Authority should manage our social environment well and keep it free from corruption, stealing and other vices. Those corrupt should be dealt with instantly. BC

LIRS cautions firms against breaking of govt seals


he Lagos State Internal Revenue Service, LIRS, on Friday advised tax defaulter organisations to stop removing state government seals posted on their firms to avert penalties. Head, Distrain Unit of LIRS, Mrs Ajibike Oshodi-Sholola, gave the advice while speaking with the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, in Lagos. Oshodi-Sholola said some companies usually removed or destroyed government seals on their companies only to resume operations whereas their offices had been sealed over tax default. She reiterated that the breaking of government seals was a criminal offence punishable under the law, adding that ignorance could never be an excuse in law. “If LIRS seals a company over tax evasion, all the company needs do is to visit LIRS office, prove its case with genuine documents and the company will be reopened,” she said. Oshodi-Sholola said that LIRS sealed 18 hospitality firms (hotels) between May 24 and May 25 for failure to remit N45.39m consumption tax to the state government. According to her, the tax liabilities of the 18 hotels are specifically for 2013 to 2014 tax audit years. BC

Access Bank, IHVN collaborate on N5bn Healthcare Centre


ccess Bank has continued to demonstrate its interest in improving the wellbeing of Nigeria through supporting organisations that enhance the quality of life of the people. According to Executive Director, Access Bank, Mr. Victor Etuokwu ,as a responsible corporate member of Nigeria when the bank see a group or organisation trying to enhance the wellbeing of members of the society ‘we are always interested in it’. He said it was this desire to promote good health among Nigerians that attracted Access Bank into this partnership with Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria, IHVN.

The partnership seek to promote quality health services, capacity building and research in West Africa by raising N5bn for the building of a state-of-the-art International Research Centre of Excellence ,IRCE, in Abuja. Etuokwu said the ultra-modern research facility by IHVN will go a long way in helping to nip diseases in the bud. According to him Access Bank is not just focused on making profit, but is also a responsible corporate organisation. “The true essence of life is relationship with others. It’s the real reason we are here. When we sit back and watch diseases take over while we do nothing, we stand to lose everything. I think

it’s a really worthy cause. So here is a call to you to come, join hands with IHVN and help restore hope. “Like we say in our sustainability framework, we are a bank that is not just focused on profit, but also on people and the planet,” Etuokwu said IHVN’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Patrick Dakum said the IRCE as a Centre of IHVN would be directed under the leadership of Professor Alash’le G. Abimiku, a distinguished scientist herself, IHVN will use the center to create an enabling environment for creative thinking and innovation in science to address Nigeria’s and global health priorities. He described Access Bank as a worthy partner in the project.

“We have a vision as an institute to continue to carry out qualitative research. The institute is expected to provide a platform for the implementation of research and clinical trials of international standards at IHVN as part of global networks; and foster collaborations and synergism between Nigeria’s finest researchers and their counterparts at international research institutions and universities,” he added. Also, the Chairman of the IHVN Ad-hoc Committee for the building of the Center, Alhaji (Dr.) Umaru Mutallab, said with the establishment of IRCE, the Institute foresees a future in which scientists are nurtured

and provided world-class infrastructure to research collaboratively on diseases of relevance to the local community such as HIV, TB, malaria, cancer, noncommunicable diseases, and emerging infectious diseases. He said that the current drive to eradicate communicable and non-communicable diseases in Nigeria is driven by international donor organisations, which is not sustainable. Similarly, Managing Director/CEO of Dangote Foundation, Zouera Youssoufou, noted that the Foundation was partnering with IHVN as part of its strategic objectives. BC

Ecobank promotes financial literacy among school children


cobank Nigeria Limited has opened its annual national essay competition for children as part of activities to engender financial literacy among the young people. The topic for the easy competition is “The need to imbibe the culture of savings at an early age”. Prizes to be won include Laptops, Educational Tabs and

several consolation prizes. The Ecobank National Essay competition is for children with the Ecobank MyFirst Account between the ages 8 to 12 in category one and ages 9 to 14 in category two. Head Consumer Banking, Korede Demola-Adeniyi, who announced the competition in Lagos, said Ecobank instituted

the competition as a measure to be part of the process to push the frontiers of academic excellence among the young ones in society. She said it is part of Ecobank‘s strategies to embark on financial literacy initiatives to create the necessary awareness on savings culture among the youths. She reiterated that there was the dire need for chil-

dren and youths in the country to imbibe the habit of savings in the financial institutions. According to Demola-Adeniyi “as a bank, we hold children in high esteem. That is why each year; we make it a point of duty to felicitate and celebrate with them through various initiatives aimed at educating them on the need to embrace savings culture

while they are still young. We acknowledge the importance of our customers, young and old, to Ecobank’s ongoing success story. The bank, whose vision is to build a world-class panAfrican bank and contribute to the economic development and financial integration of Africa, sees educational development as fulcrum forBC positive integration”.

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Monday, May 30, 2016

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Brand Watch

Buhari tasks African PR practitioners on continent’s image Stories by David Audu


resident Muhammadu Buhari has challenged Public Relations practitioners under the aegis of the African Public Relations Association, APRA, to change the narrative about the continent in a bid to attract the necessary investments. The President gave the challenge in his goodwill message at this year’s edition of the annual APRA conference held in Calaber, Cross River State. With the theme, Leapfrogging Africa: The Role of Communication”, President Buhari said Africa, no doubt, is the next frontier of global civilization. “With an unparalleled economic growth rate averaging five per cent across the continent; it is definitely a bride to be courted by all”. He said the negative narrative about the continent has been one key problem that shapes the perception of Africa to the outside world. “But much as Africa is confronted with primordial issues such as infrastructural

development, social welfare, education, manufacturing and agriculture, these are our opportunities; though not denying the many struggles impending Africa’s progress. They are quite numerous but not insurmountable. “Africa is often perceived as a continent of strife, war, pestilence, anarchy, corruption and massive poverty; yes, a lot of these are prevalent, but the truth is that there are a lot of good stories about Africa. Across the globe, Africa and Africans are achieving phenomenon feats in their various endeavours. It is therefore time for us to change that narrative. It is time for us to start selling the positive Africa; one that is full of hope and for a brighter tomorrow”. He therefore charged APRA to fashion out practical ways of changing narrative about Africa in a way as to help her fulfill her potentials especially in the area of attracting foreign investments and good balance of trade. The Five-Day conference being held in Nigeria for the first

time at the Calabar International Convention Centre, Cross Rivers State, Nigeria, had delegates attending from across Africa, Europe, America. In his welcome remarks, National President of Nigerian Institute of Public Relations, NIPR, Dr Rotimi Oladele, thanked the APRA council for bringing the conference to Nigeria. He also appreciated the Executive Governor of Cross Rivers State, His Excellency Governor Benedict Ayade and the people of Calabar. He specifically thanked the Secretary General of APRA Mr Yomi Badejo-Okusanya for raising the flag of Nigeria on the continental level. Keynote speaker at the opening day was the President fo Dangote Group, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, t he doyen of Public Relations practice in Nigeria and former President of APRA and NIPR, Mazi Mike Okereke who chaired the occasion. Governor Ben Ayade was represented by the Cross Rivers State Commissioner for Information Mr Frank Tamuno. Other practitioners from


President Buhari global Public Rlations bodies are Mr. Bart de Vries, President, International Public Relations Association, IPRA, from Holland, Mr. Maxim Behar, President International Communication Consultants Organisations, ICCO, from Bulgaria. BC

Experts to chart way forward for brands, marketing


ormer Managing Director of Guinness Nigeria Plc, Mr. Seni Adetu, is expected to lead other marketing experts to chart way forward for brands and digital marketing in Nigeria. The summit organised by Marketing Edge has the theme ‘Brand Positioning in a Digital Age: Challenges in a Developing Market’ and will be chaired by the Executive Chairman of STB -McCann, Sir Steve Omojafor. Publisher of Marketing edge magazine, Mr. John Ajayi, said

the theme for this year’s summit is very apt because Nigeria is already a part of the digital age, therefore, brands need to be properly positioned to maximize the benefits of digitalization to make the most of their Return On Investment He said the digital age has heralded a new dawn for all. “Today’s market is daily defined and determined by the various dynamics in the social media and brands must of necessity tap into the limitless opportuni-

ties in the new media which has created more engagement platforms between the brands and the various target consumers. “In this age, information travels at the speed of light and consumers are regularly engrossed with happenings in the environment as they also play some roles in determining the fortunes or otherwise of brands in the market place”, he noted. Ajayi said the 2016 edition of the annual event includes a national marketing stakehold-

Magna Carta wins 2016 Africa PR consultancy award

ers summit and brands and advertising excellence award, to celebrate practitioners in the marketing and advertising professions Key players in the integrated marketing communications industry are expected to grace the summit where the challenges of advertising and marketing in the present era of dwindling oil revenue, forex scarcity and declining consumer confidence will be examined and solutions proffered. BC

eputation Management agency, Magna Carta, has won the Africa PR Consultancy of the year category at the SABRE Awards held in Berlin, Germany, recently. The awards were hosted by the Holmes Report, with their editors having reviewed the performance of 400 agencies based on their Report Card research process. The organizers said the judging process was extensive, involving hundreds of submissions from the best public relations and strategic communications firms from across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Five African PR agencies were in the running for the prestigious Africa PR Agency of the Year award. They include Epic MSGLROUP, Atmosphere, Burson-Marsteller, Djembe Communications and Magna Carta. “We were delighted to be amongst top agencies as finalists for Africa PR Agency of the Year and we are thrilled to be recognised by the industry and our peers,” said CEO Vincent Magwenya, on winning the award. With an ever-growing panAfrican network of 19 countries, including Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Angola, Mozambique and, most recently, Zimbabwe, Magna Carta’s philosophy of continuous evolution remains a key driver in integrating global best practice, while keeping a finger on the pulse of local services and offerings BC

BIG Cola bags prestigious 2016 African Brands’ award Adejuwon Osunnuyi


ig Cola, flagship brand of AJEAST Nigeria, a subsidiary of the AJE Group worldwide, over the weekend won the prestigious award for ‘Africa’s Fastest Growing Premium Soft Drink Brand of The Year 2016’. The African Brand Leadership Merit Awards is an annual fiesta that celebrates brands excellence Africa. Organsed by the Institute of Brand Management of Nigeria (IBMN), the award celebrates Leadership, Innovation and Creativity in Africa. It also showcases the brilliant minds and institutes that deliver

positive change and shapes Africa’s future. The event honours CEO’s, brands, products, services and public officers, who have excelled and demonstrated uncommon initiative and have driven leadership in the African economy. The Congress is designed to educate, engage and inspire brand building and value creation. The event is keenly monitored by international observers from the US, UK, Germany, Australia, France, Japan, China, Italy, Korea, Turkey and India. The event was characterized by participants from Ghana, Kenya and South Africa to mention

but a few. Invited Guest speakers included Thebe Ikalafeng, Chairman, Brand Africa & Brand Finance Africa, Tobi Southgate, Worldwide CEO, Brand Union, Martin Lindstrom, International Brand Futurist, David Blyth, Group MD, Yellow Wood SA, Eyitemi Taire, Port Folio Director, Guinness Nigeria PLC, Femi Adeniran, Brand Relation Airtel Nigeria, Charles O’Tudor, Group Principal Consultant to Adstrat Consortium, Celine Loader, GM Selplat Petroleum, Muyiwa Kayode, MD USP, James Agama, Marketing & Advertising Mantrac Nig. Contending with BIG Cola

in this category of Awards were nominees in the likes of Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola and LaCasera, and following the Research Reports as submitted by the Technical Committee, BIG Cola was awarded the winner in this category of awards. Commenting on the receipt of this award, Country Director of AJEAST Nigeria, Mr. Theo Williams said ‘’following the launch of the brand in the Lagos, East, West and North Regions last October, BIG Cola has continually delivered on its promise to democratise soft drinks consumption by offering consumers premium products with ‘More Value for Less’ money spent.’’ BC

Mr. Udeme Ufot


National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, May 30, 2016

French, Nigerian firms partner on digital switchover Isaiah Erhiawarien


ES, a satellite operator, has signed a multi-year agreement with Cable Channels Nigeria Limited, CCNL, to provide a strategic, reliable and stable video platform, via SES’s prime orbital position 28.2 degrees East, for the provision of Digital Terrestrial Television, DTT and Direct to Home, DTH, broadcast platforms in Nigeria. SES will utilise teleport services provided by its local partner Computer Warehouse Group Plc. (CWG). CCNL, a company licensed by the Nigeria National Broadcasting Commission ,NBC, is the certified content aggregator and platform owner for the free-to-air DTT and DTH platforms in Nigeria, and is playing a key role in the Nigeria Digital Switchover ,DSO, process by getting channels onto the land-based DTT network and onto satellite as DTH, both offered under the brand FreeTV. Mohammed Bawa, Vice Chairman of CCNL said that the agreement with SES will have a massive impact on consumers as we move towards the Nigeria DSO process adding it has

Adebayo Shittu moved over 25 million households from three to four analogue channels to 15 channels at launch, increasing to at least 30 channels in digital quality picture and sound. SES will be providing the space segment and specific platform services for the DTH service which will be used to feed the DTT transmitters around the country - a Hybrid DTH/DTT solution. Using teleport services provided by SES

First mobile TV debuts in Nigeria


or the first time in the country, Nigerians will be having the opportunity to watch live television broadcast from the network of a mobile network operator following the switching on the MTN Nigeria’s converged digital TV and OTTVOD service. The launch of the pilot digital TV is sequel to the issuance of a digital broadcast licence to MTN by the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation, NBC last year. Commenting on the launch of the digital TV, Chief Executive Officer, MTN Nigeria, Ferdi Moolman said that “MTN is committed to providing Nigerians with innovative digital platforms which will enhance the way we live, work and play. Once we commence full commercial activities, the TV service will deliver an exciting bouquet

Ferdi Moolman of rich local and international content to Nigerians.” He said that in addition, subscribers will have the freedom to watch their favourite programs when they choose to via MTN VOD service, rather than having to watch at a specific broadcast



Lee, said that they emerged winners out of the entries that were received. He said that understanding customers’ needs and building technology which enhances their lives, is essential to the leading electronics company saying, “Over time, we have been inspired by our customers who use these products to achieve amazing things, and we will keep encouraging them to dream big and aim high.”

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local teleport partner CWG, the channels are aggregated from all over Nigeria by way of microwave, fibre, IP or satellite, and then multiplexed before uplink to the ASTRA-2F satellite at 28.2 degrees east. Senior Vice President, SES Commercial in Africa, Ibrahima Guimba-Saidou disclosed that SES is proud to be CCNL’s partner of choice and at the forefront of the DSO process of the most populous nation in Africa noting that the service will provide 100 per cent coverage for Nigeria DSO through DTT and DTH and gives viewers the opportunity to receive high quality TV throughout the country, regardless of their location. Chief Executive Officer, CWG Plc, James Agada said that CWG Plc. is elated to be the teleport services provider for this landmark project, through its strategic alliance of over 15 years with SES stressing that “We believe that the introduction of ‘Free to Air’ (FTA) Direct to Home digital TV (DTH TV) to the Nigerian broadcasting landscape through digital technology will improve the clarity and quality of signals as well as create more awareness of local products and services.” BC

time saying that this will be the first fully converged broadcast and OTT-VOD service to launch in MTN. “Indeed, the launch of MTN TV is another bold demonstration of MTN’s abiding faith in the future of Nigeria, driving growth and development by enabling Nigerians keep pace with the latest global trends and converged solutions”, he noted. MTN Nigeria Executive, Lynda Saint-Nwafor explained that “MTN’s vision is to lead the delivery of a bold new digital world. We are committed to exploring opportunities and avenues to expand our digital footprint and value offering to our customers.” She said that MTN is constantly seeking appropriate channels to place the latest technologies and services in the hands of Nigerians, and this is one of such.

Winners emerge in Samsung’s “Inspire Bigger Dreams” competition hree winners have emerged from the Samsung Electronics “Inspire Bigger Dreams” competition campaign aimed at encouraging Nigerians to keep their dreams alive, dream bigger and aspire to greater heights. Unveiling the winners: Mr. Muhammed Nasirudeen Musa, Mr. Ibrahim Ambali, and Mr. Ibrahim Usman Salihu Managing Director, Samsung Electronics West Africa, Mr. Paul

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Director, Information Technology and Mobile, Samsung West Africa, Emmanoiul Revmatas, in his remark said that without a challenge, life would be a bore. Inspiration is at the core of innovation. Samsung is encouraging Nigerians to go for the big dream, no matter how challenging it may appear to be. We congratulate the three winners the campaign has produced,” remarked BC

How to increase traffic on your blog


eing a blogger, business owner, or an entrepreneur, you want people to know the services you have to offer or read the creative content you produce. Driving traffic to your personal blog, portfolio, or business website is key to building a larger audience, gaining new customers, and going viral. Everyone can benefit from learning about driving traffic to their site. When you’ve put a strategy in place that optimizes your website for organic traffic from search engine results, you are guaranteed to boost the traffic to your site. Here are few tips that can help you: Create good content / well-written blog posts This should be your number one task from the beginning. Write compelling and interesting blog posts. Information that other people (your blog readers) may not be aware of. It’s even better when it’s valuable and up-to-date. If possible, add images and videos. In addition, you can share you own stories or news from the beginning to attract the right readership. Once you have at least 4-5 compelling blog posts or articles, you might start considering promoting your blog. If your blog is unfinished and you don’t have much content to read, then people will just think that the blog in-process and there’s not much to read. Become the expert of your subject Try and become the expert of your subject as that will make people to visit your site often. Also, If readers believe you have information and thinks about what is newest and best they come to your blog first as they want to be informed about new things. Use the search engine optimization (SEO). Always place keywords in the pages of your blog. This can be achieved by including links in the text and title of your posts. Don’t make your blogging an advertisement. Try to avoid making your blog content as an advertisement because readers feel abused when they visit a site thinking they will find useful information and they discover that they are in the process of read only blatant advertising for certain products and services. Concentrate more in making your content like an expert advice by providing thoughtful and thorough information that you will reach the top of the interests of your readers. Send notifications about updates to your blog via email: Sending notifications about updates to your blog by email is essential for potential readers who don’t really have time. This a good way to communicate to them about the content of your blog daily and you can use a free blogging service like WordPress or auto responder email also known (auto responder) to invite readers and manage your list of drives. Make sure the link to your blog is displayed on every post: Including the link to your newsletters, your brochures, your business cards and in every post you make on various forums and also sending emails is very essential. Make your blog a free article entitled: Create access to your blog through your articles and place them in article directories online with free link back to your blog. Other bloggers will use your article in their own blog and let you know as soon as site is been used. Put your blog updated often: It is difficult to develop a base of readers and even a list of diffusion. People want to know that they can expect an update daily or weekly blog to your loyalty. Set a goal for your writing and keep it up. It is the regularity and originality of your post that will make the difference between a professional blogger and an unprofessional blogger. Finally, have a good plan. One step at a time you will surely get there which will in turn lead you to success and BC BC profitability.


A10 26

Business Courage

Hakeem Bello-Osagie:

Monday, May 30, 2016

An ambitious entrepreneur He never set out deliberately to be an entrepreneur. His ambition was to work his way up the ladder in the petroleum industry and ultimately become the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Corporation, NNPC. But the sudden change of government in the mid 80s cut short his ambition and forced him into private business. Today, Keem, as he is fondly called, has become a phenomenon, with interests in almost all key sectors of the Nigerian economy. This is the story of Hakeem Bello-Osagie, the shrewd, unassuming Harvard trained multi-disciplined professional

National Mirror


is story is not like the typical rag-to-riches fable of most Nigerian multi-billion entrepreneurs. Hakeem Bello-Osagie came from a very famous, disciplined, focused and wealthy family. Son of the renowned gynaecologist, Professor Sunmonu Bello-Osagie, Keem, as he’s fondly called by friends and admirers, belongs to the exclusive list of Nigeria’s Nouve riche, who, by virtue of birth and family background, had their future clearly set out. Born in Lagos, Keem, at age three, moved to England with his parents and lived there until he was about eight years before he returned to Nigeria for his at elementary education. Keem atCol tended the famous Kings College but left for England, a year second to the completion of his secondary education. His final year in secondary school was spent at the Atlantic College, Wales, United Kingdom, in 1970. At age 18, Keem secured Uni admission at the Oxford University, England, from where he bagged a degree in Politics, Af Philosophy and Economics. After completing his first degree, Uni he proceeded to Cambridge UniKing versity, still in the United Kingdom for his law degree which he completed in 1978. Two years after, in 1980, he proceeded to Harvard Business School, HBS, manage to properly hone his managerial skills. As an MBA graduate, he wrote a special paper on the International Oil Market under Sto Daniel Yergin and Robert StoFu bough (authors of Energy Future). Keem started his career as a petroleum economist and a lawyer in the Federal Civil Ser Serfor vice, under the regime of former President Shehu Shagari, working in various capacities in the energy sector, ranging from Special Assistant to the Petro Presidential Adviser on Petroleum and Energy, to Secretary of the Oil Policy Review and LNG Committees. He also served as Minis Special Assistant to the Minister of Petroleum and Energy. He subsequently worked in the Petrochemicals Division of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation. Incidentally, it was his exoppor posure to the limitless opportunities that abound in the oil ro and gas business and the ropro bust education he had that propelled his desire to seek career advancement in the oil sector. As at the time he returned to Harvard Business School, Keem already had his gaze fixed on playing big in the oil and gas sector. With his experiences at the highest executive level in the ministry and his dealings with the top echelon of the NNPC, Keem’s ambition then, was to walk his ways up the ladder

and become the NNPC’ s Group Managing Director. Like he revealed in one of his past interviews, what drove him to Harvard was not a desire to become an entrepreneur. His ambition at the time was to go into the petroleum industry with the hope that one day; he might be Chief Executive of the State Petroleum Corporation. “I wanted an understanding of what business was about, what economics was about, and what the free enterprise system was like,” he said. Unfortunately for him, while he was still perfecting his ascension, the government under which he served was overthrown and with the change of government, there appeared to be limited window of opportunity left for him to explore. Not one to be caught napping, Keem decided to take the bull by the horn, and by 1986, he resigned his appointment. He decided it was time to put all his trainings and teachings, particularly, those that he acquired at Harvard to practical reality. In a sense, it may be apt to reason that Keem’s later day entrepreneurial career arose partly from his desire to do his own thing, but more importantly, because of the fact that the government career, which was what he, had wanted to do was no longer feasible. In 1986, Keem resigned his appointment and set up CTIC, an energy consulting firm. Owing to his depth of knowledge of the oil and gas industry, and the wide network of contacts he had established in the sector, CTIC became an instant success and undertook big ticket consulting transactions that turned it into one of the leading energy consulting firm in the country then. After some time, Keem, the ambitious, calculative but reclusive entrepreneur decided to shift his attention to the finance industry. At that time, he saw tremendous opportunities in trading in commercial papers, treasury bills, and bankers’ acceptances, which not many fancied then. At that time, there was a yawning gap in that area of financial market as bigger financial institutions in operation then were more interested in more consumer banking and granting credits to corporate customers. So, along with other Nigerian shareholders and some international shareholders like the World Bank, Keem founded what has today become a force to be reckoned in financial transaction, the First Securities Discount House, FSDH. At that time, FSDH benefitted hugely from the slowness and lackadaisical attitude of the large commercial banks then and like a discerning investor which he is, Keem decided to take a further plunge and tap more of the opportunities begging for attention. With the way he ran FSDH,

Business Courage

Monday, May 30, 2016

At that stage, he set his eyes on how to further benefit from the window of the opportunity and take his involvement in the financial services sector beyond dealing in treasury bills, commercial papers and bankers’ acceptances

National Mirror

he had reasoned that if the large commercial banks that were so complacent at the time were well organized and made very efficient, they might be able to blow a smaller group out of the market. At that stage, he set his eyes on how to further benefit from the window of the opportunity and take his involvement in the financial services sector beyond dealing in treasury bills, commercial papers and bankers’ acceptances. Again, the much awaited opportunity came for Keem, when the government decided to dispose of its equity holdings in the United Bank for Africa. Like a hungry lion waiting to pounce on its preys, Keem wasted no time and in what was then regarded as hostile takeover, he took control of UBA. Like a bolt from the blues, Keem, who had previously maintained a lowkey profile, came into limelight, in a most dramatic circumstance. Keem said the UBA offer became irresistible when he looked at the prices the government offered for its shares, stressing that although they looked steep, “It became obvious to me that if the banks were turned around, those banks could make much more money and would realize an appreciation in the value of the shares. So, that was the opportunity and that was essentially what we tried to do.” In his own account, the move into a large commercial bank was partly defensive, in that he saw that there was value, the banks were not very efficiently run, their stock prices were low, they were government owned and, “if a group of more modernminded businessmen came into that particular area, they could

realize value in that business. I had no hesitations in pursuing that course.” He said it was a puzzle to him why no one else thought of that opportunity at the time. “Maybe a lot of people thought the bank was too big and the problems looked too huge. There was a huge bad debt portfolio. So there were issues of bad debts and how you collect on these bad debts. There were problems of overstaffing. We had to cut our staff strength by 45 percent. There were issues of how you stop influential people from being granted loans. And I guess for a lot of people, they just looked at those problems and said, “This is just too much.” His entry into UBA was very instructive, while some key decisions he took till date, remain very controversial. In fact, the most toughest decision which Keem made was the decision to cut the bank’s staff strength by as much as 40 percent, the first company to effect such a mass purge. Keem himself admitted that “When you cut 40 percent in a day, it’s a very, very dramatic event. It could have gone horribly wrong. There could have been riots. There could have been a run on the bank. There could have been a security problem. We were dealing with the second most powerful trade union in the country, so how do you deal with trade unions? What kind of settlement do you reach with them? How expensive is that kind of settlement? After it’s over, how do you live with the fears of those who’ve survived, who’ve undergone the trauma of the cuts, and who still, no matter how much you reassure them, have fears that it could be they next time? How do you tackle such things? That

has been the very biggest decision that I’ve ever made.” However, it was at such a very difficult time that the ingenuinety in Keem blossomed. He reduced risk in a number of ways. “On the security side, we had to plan very, very carefully over a six-month period, right down to who is going to deliver the letter, where will the security guards be. All that was to happen nationwide at 3:00. How do you disguise the fact that this is what you’re about to do? You have to have a backup plan, so that in the event of a complete strike, you can get cash, bullion, services, etc. You have to have a plan for the bank to be run by management staff for X period of time. So that’s how we mitigated our risk,” he said in an interview with the HBS journal. To reduce the trauma, the bank gave a generous settlement applicable then. “It was expensive, but our sense was that the guy is fired, and as he’s being fired, it’s explained to him that he receives a cheque immediately. He knows that with that cheque, he’ll have enough money to live for the next year, while he’s looking for another job. That also reduces the amount of confrontation you would have from him. Then, there was the question about the remaining members of staff. We gave a lot of motivational speeches and explained that we were a company undergoing reorganization. New sets of targets were put into place and we established the first bonus system, so that people would have targets to take their minds off the future,” recalled. To handle the labour issues that arose from the action, Keem and his team found a

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way of drawing the union leaders to their side by asking them to nominate people who had worked in the financial control section of the bank so that they would have no doubt in their minds that the bank did what it had to do, and that it would be better for the bank to cut its staff than have a situation where everybody goes down simply because the customer base of the bank was untenable. “I think that involving these union members in the process and letting them see all the figures was very reassuring to them, so that to a large degree, they also sold it to the other union members. But we also had to make it clear to them that this was something we were going to do. A certain determination and unity from the board was essential as well and we achieved that,” he said. However, there are many who hold the views that Keem’s banking and general business philosophy cannot be said to have advanced UBA’s fortunes considerably. Owing to the pervasive feeling of job insecurity occasioned by the wave of retrenchment and what was considered his high-handedness, many middle-level and a pocket of top managers resorted to helping themselves to huge funds belonging to the bank and bolting. Losses to fraud alone by the turn of the century nearly crippled the bank. But then, the low side of Keem’s career in the bank came in 2002, when for 10 months, UBA was the focus of an intense probe by the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN over money laundering and foreign exchange abuses. The probe was triggered off by a complaint from the government of the United States of America on a sum of $2.5 million fraudulently withdrawn from the US Treasury by one Neil A. Smith. The American laundered the money in tranches to various banks for further disbursement to designated banks in different parts of the world. Of the sum, $350,000 was wired on 14 September 1999 into account No. 48829001 of a Nigerian company, Zamora Nigeria Limited, at the New York office of the UBA. Investigators of the US Secret Service traced the money to the account, which led to its being frozen by a furious US government on 28 January 2000. The Service also unveiled some other fraudulent transfers, which had been verified and confirmed to have been received by Zamora Nigeria Limited for further credit to the accounts of some companies in Nigeria. The discovery by the US Secret Service and a report to former President Olusegun Obasanjo spurred CBN investigations into the activities of Zamora Nigeria Limited. By November 2002 when the CBN concluded its probe, UBA and Keem’s can of worms was a stench. BC

A12 28

Business Courage

National Mirror

Monday, May 30, 2016

ThebuddingEntrepreneurs BUSINESS With Mamora Victor

Mamora is a system thinker and advisor whose belief and activator leadership strengths are directed towards improving workers perspective for city and enterprise development.



first read about Madam CJ Walker who was said to be the first popular self-made female millionaire in America on Sam Adeyemi’s platform. Madam CJ Walker was the least favoured to become a millionaire largely because it was the period that slavery just ended and women were denied political and social rights. Despite this, she was able to achieve economic success. Walker gained reputation and respect for revolutionizing the business of black hair care, thereby breaking the barriers that other black business women are enjoying today. She did not allow her circumstances to hinder her from achieving her dreams and vision of being a force to be reckoned with over many generations. When you think deeply about Madam CJ Walker and the feat she was able to accomplish, you will agree that all things are indeed possible for anyone who value intangible asset such as vision, dreams and ideas with the motive of creating values for the society. Maybe I should share my personal experience too. Many

years ago, I needed fund for my university academic pursuit but could not get it anywhere. Hence, I began to invest in learning by going to public library to read while I also studied at home. I was investing an average of eight hours daily to research, read and study diverse areas. With the knowledge I had acquired on organisational management, I decided to volunteer with a startup entrepreneur whose company is in the city of Ijebu Ode, South West Nigeria as because I didn’t have certificate which would enable me to negotiate remuneration. I had courage to experiment knowledge of business system with an under-performing startup. However, within four months of my active presence in the company, I introduced some strategic decisions and the consequence was upward change in company revenue. This influenced the decision of the managing director to offer me appointment with salary, which opened up an opportunity to attend school. One year down the line, the business recorded about 150 per-

Portable wealth for Nigerians ‘ I decided to volunteer with a startup entrepreneur whose company is in the city of Ijebu Ode, South West Nigeria as because I didn’t have certificate which would enable me to negotiate remuneration. I had courage to experiment knowledge of business system with an under-performing startup.


cent sales increase. We simply introduced diverse principles, which are intangibles, and it delivered tangible results for the business. Really, the most reliable capital is intangible and I mean idea. I should say that “real business capital is portable; it is knowledge.” It simply means those who have the intangible assets will always find a way out. “For to everyone who has, more will be given, he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.”- Matthew Syndrome This Matthew syndrome is

applicable to every enterprise in free market economy. If SMEs owners in Nigeria with all poor economic indicators do not have good knowledge on resources management, he or she stands to lose both money and physical asset to a competitor who does. I recognised this negative pattern while I joined the artistry company. They had good works but lacked business system knowledge. The low business result performance before we introduced better strategies affirmed the fact that business is not so much about the technicality, although an

Motivational Business Quotes


ou must be the change you wish to see in the world. – Mahatma Gandhi

Let’s be honest. There’s not a business anywhere that is without problems. Business is complicated and imperfect. Every business everywhere is staffed with imperfect human beings and exists by providing a product or service to other imperfect human beings. – Bob Parsons You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins. – Jim Stovall The only way around is through. – Robert Frost You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong. – Warren Buffett The noblest search is the search for excellence – Lyndon B. Johnson

The man who does not work for the love of work but only for money is not likely to neither make money nor find much fun in life. – Charles M. Schwab You must remain focused on your journey to greatness. – Les Brown Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. – Theodore Roosevelt Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier. – Charles F. Kettering You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills. – Jim Rohn Who likes not his business, his business likes not him. – William Hazlitt The new source of power is not money in the hands of a few, but information in the hands of many. – John Naisbitt

The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed. – Henry Ford It’s through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we’ve always mapped our path at Dell. There’s always an opportunity to make a difference. – Michael Dell If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours. – Ray Kroc Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating. – Denis Waitley Management is nothing more than motivating other people. – Le Iacocca Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it. – Dwight Eisenhower


advantage; it is knowledge, a competitive tool, which differentiates entrepreneurs. My emphasis is for Nigerians operating within the band of MSMEs to place premium value on intangible assets, especially knowledge, thereby building Nigeria economy as the government strives to improve on infrastructures. Briefly, I will like to mention principles or laws that were applied in the business function that changed the trend from low to high sales record.

We applied the Law of catalyst

Our first responsibility was aligning with law of catalyst and it means a winning team must have people who make things happen, speeding up the rate of reaction, galvanising, and blending abilities to make things happen. The first thing we introduced was a system that enlist all functions required for better performances, compartmentalised them and brought in people to perform the functions.

We adapted to the Law of progress

Secondly, we made progress when we began to do strategic thinking, planning and seeing the big picture. The law of progress says, “First within and then without.” All progress remains at a state of rest until a mental force is applied. Emphasis should be placed on mental work because it is what gives values to physical work. We had goal to improve sales Thirdly, our success was possible because we had goal, but the processes for achieving it were flexible. We did experiment new things such as duo marketing strategy. The experiment was pairing Artists and a marketing representative to pitch business ideas to prospective client. This strategy won us the biggest single contract value in one year. You can win too in this time of Nigeria economic challenges and you need great ideas to do so. BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, May 30, 2016

A13 29

ThebuddingEntrepreneurs The big retail shops need to patronise indigenous wines – Ogutuga Dolapo Ogutuga Managing Director of Deebee Wines Ltd, has been an innovative entrepreneur for over forty years. He developed his kola nut wine during his PHD studies in the United Kingdom. Oguntuga began the production of his wine in Ogun State when he came back to Nigeria. Today, he produces three kinds of alcoholic wines, including Holy Communion Wine, along with non-alcoholic products, such as Popapine, a sparkling pineapple juice, which is manufactured from his pineapple plantation. He also produces, Latropicana, a grape juice blended from an imported concentrate.

still need to do more. Can you highlight other problems facing the wine industry? There are other issues like faking of products by people who don’t really produce. They fake the identity of very good products, and when this happens, it really doesn’t help in the market because people want to buy at the cheapest and people are faking your products and offering it at a price that you cannot even afford to sell. The other issues like Common External Tariff that we are facing, which is to do with ECOWAS and this really encourage smuggling. The environment under which we are operating in Nigeria is tougher than most of these other West African countries. The electricity, the poor roads and so on are some of the issues that we are facing. So, smuggling is killing most of our local industries and rendering most of our young people jobless.


What is your take on capacity utilisation of manufac-

turers in Nigeria today? One of the problems about statistics is the response of people to data, it may not be as one would expect, there is always a range, there are those who have done so well and have moved up so well, and there are those who barely come down from industry to industry. The food industry may be doing very well while the tyre industry is not doing very well. How would you assess the performance of your company and that of the wine industry for the 2014 business year? The wine industry specifically where we operate faces a lot of competition from imported wines, if you go into any market and take the statistics of what you have, you will verify that 80 per cent of what you have is imported wines and many of them are smuggled into the country. We have now discovered that the market trend is changing, the big supermarkets are coming into the country and they have a blanket approval from government agencies like SON, NAFDAC and others to bring many things into the country. The tendency is that they are

leaving the local industrialists behind because of the preference of many Nigerians for imported products. They feel that the key products they need to store are the imported products. TheY need to be able to say that what you have in London, you could also buy it in Lagos, but the local industry cannot grow like that. In the wine industry, we are facing a lot of competitions from imported smuggled products. Also, the big retail companies that are coming into the country are not patronising the local wine industry, they

They feel that the key products they need to store are the imported products. TheY need to be able to say that what you have in London, you could also buy it in Lagos, but the local industry cannot grow like that. In the wine industry, we are facing a lot of competitions from imported smuggled products.

ow would you rate the business environment and it impact on the purchasing power of Nigerians with reference to the wine market? The business environment is tough; it is tough in the sense that people don’t really have money to buy anything. There might be a lot of factors for this, if there are no jobs and the unemployment rate is extremely high, there is the need to really create jobs because when there is job, people earn money that they can spend. When they spend the money, they enable industry to circulate, to expand and to improve on the quality of their products and the economy becomes more buoyant. This is an area that I think the country need to work on; the infrastructure situation also needs improvement. There was a time, not too long ago that the electricity improved and we thought it would continue but all of a sudden, it deteriorated again. Without good infrastructure, nobody can do anything. So, we found out that in the industries, warehouses are empty because of the inability to produce. These are some of the things that should be sought out, but business environment is tough.

How can you describe the government policy as it relates to the wine industry? The government does not really have any policy about wine. Wine is regarded as a luxury item and the government does not really have any policy about wanting to increase it or decrease it. If anything, I would say that the attitude of government is because the alcohol content is increasing government medical bill, they have slammed a 20 per cent excise duty on wine. Though, if anything, I would say that government policy is to discourage the local production of wine. Even though we don’t produce only wine, we are also into fruit juices, we are into production of water and so on, and the government would want to encourage more of these. No excise duties on these because these are avenues to create jobs which government want people to create. I think the food and beverage sector is doing more than enough in this area. Are your raw materials 100 per cent sourced locally if not, can you tell us your sources? We started really from the reserve resort that we had and as much as possible, we are trying to look inwards in whatever we do, but some chemical ingredients and so on that we need to buy which are not made in Nigeria and which we cannot make, we do import. But largely, we would say that all our products are 95 per cent Nigeria. What mileage have you

achieved with backward integration? I told you of what we achieved with pineapple, it was a success but as we grow, we contract out the supply of pineapple that we use now, that was an area we worked on. With cola nut, around Shagamu, we have more than enough than we need. These are the areas that we have worked on and they have been successful. We started our pineapple farm and we got more people interested, so we now have people who supply us along with the little that we are able to produce. What is your take on job creation and how many jobs have you created in the past five to six years? The unemployment rate in Nigeria is unacceptable, it could be better; all hands must be on deck. On our part, we have on our pay roll about 30 staff and considering our size, I think, we are making our own token contribution, but I believe that more jobs need to be created. Many of the university graduates usually don’t get job; it is only very small percentage of our secondary school leavers who acquire university certificates get jobs. There is no magic line about this; it must be by some coordinated efforts between the industries, they must continue to rub minds together. It is the private sectors that can create most of these jobs and they need to work in a very good environment to succeed. There is this push and pull about the government, we are getting almost to a stage that the money government needs, they look into the book of the industries to see whatever the reserve you have, and just take whatever proportion of it that they want; forgetting that part of the income is required to buy new machines to replace the old ones. But if everything is taken off us, we are not able to play this role very well and I believe that government needs to encourage us through incentives to do more by way of job creation. A lot of these efforts like many of the empowerment programmes which very huge amount of money goes into are not productive. There was this programme that we no longer hear about, the one that they distribute tri cycle and things like Poverty Alleviation Programme (PAP) which is a temporal solution. Solid jobs through industries are the things that can help the country. The industries produce, they create commercial jobs for people who want to sell, they create jobs for people who really want to produce and that circle has to go on. Until we have the environment to do this, it will continue to be tight, but we would continue to create more jobs. BC

A14 30

Business Courage

Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror

Commerce & Industry

Epina, FIIRO partner to support ceramics industry Stories by Abolaji Adebayo


pina Technogies Limited in collaboration with the Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi, FIIRO, has taken a bold step towards developing ceramics production and creating SMEs along ceramics value chain. This is an effort to make the economic diversification of the country a reality at a faster pace as the organisations have started empowering the small and medium business operators along ceramics value-chain. Speaking at a training organised by Epina Technology for the would-be ceramics producers especially the youths recently at FIIRO, the Director General/ CEO of FIIRO, Dr. (Mrs.) Gloria Elemo, said the training was vital as the first step while the synergy of the two organisations would also serve as a viable solution to the economic development of the country. She said the training and the collaboration between the institute and Epina Technologies were coming up at the crucial time of the nation’s quest for new and innovative technologies that would create the path to alternative resources and economic growth. According to her, the duo, being technological solution providing agents, were in the position to upgrade the Nigerian industrial sector with the right equipment and technological know-how provided by the insti-

tutes. She said, “It is of utmost interest to note that while FIIRO pursues excellence in food science, post harvest process technologies, including our other deep core mandates and interests, Epina Technologies commands top level expertise in solid minerals, ceramics, metallurgical and human capacity development with national and international reach, which is also among the interest of the institute. “Therefore, I see the training through our collaborative efforts as a major step in economic diversification and human capacity development for job creation. This would also strengthen our relationship and further enable us to work together to identify the key sectors and areas in which both organizations can collaborate successfully.” Meanwhile, the Chief Executive Officer of Epina Techologies Limited, Prof. Patrick Oaikhinan, who noted the current economic challenge facing the country, said there was the need for collaborations among capable agents if the country must surmount its economic predicaments. According to him, their challenge is to improve domestic manufacturing business/trade so that the country can attract investment, provide employment opportunities, and facilitate technology transfer and skills building. He said that tough times were for the two collaborative organ-

isations to get together and not use the current climate as a negative block but rather an energising spring board for new ideas with the collaboration. “We are all well aware of the current, economic difficulties present within our nation and this means that we need to get extra creative and innovative solutions. There is a change in the weather ahead for all businesses. It is one being shaped and swirled by the changing winds and tides of human demographics and markets. It will affect every business- and will threaten the very survival of many. We will quite literally, need all hands on deck if our businesses are to survive. We’ve got to face the challenge of embracing diversity. Any business hoping to survive and thrive should be listening, collaborating and acting now. “Under the new dispensation in Nigeria today, training and collaboration are going to be an essential facet of every business wishing to succeed. In turn it will bring that business greater adaptability and flexibility. It will mean that the business is in a position to attract the best talent from a range of groups. It will mean potentially vast savings in hiring personnel and training/retraining. It will mean an expanded marker share of local and global business it will mean increased sales and profit. It will mean a happier ship with its sails full of wind. “Through training and collaboration, our workforce will be

David Audu


Elemo different to the ones we’ve known before. It is time we prepared for the future that is in store. We have got to have an open mind to be prepared to do our research and we will find that our businesses will grow. We are more ready to move forward with this exciting new effort,” Oaikhinan declared. He promised that his company and FIIRO would be more than ready to support the government in the expansion of the economy through industrial training and production by adding value to raw materials, development of high quality human resource, and promotion of regional and international trade in manufacturing business, particularly in ceramics manufacturing business. BC

Stakeholders bemoan poor state of textile industry


espite the N100bn development fund earmarked by the Federal Government in 2010 and all other efforts towards the revival of Cotton, Textile and Garment sector, the industry still remains undeveloped till date. This is predicated on the modality of disbursement of the fund, which does not allow the entry of new companies as well as restricting the moribund ones to be back into the business. The declining status of the industry has given the stakeholders more concern that they seek urgent government’s intervention. Business Courage gathered that since the inauguration of the fund in 2010, less than 10 per cent of the operator were able to access the loan from the Bank of Industry, BoI, due to stringent condition attached to the loan. our investigation also revealed that hitherto, most of the real operators, who are

members of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, MAN, have been restricted from accessing the loans due to the conditions attached, which is beyond their capability. Although an official in the textile and garment section of the Association told our correspondent that the association was still gathering some strategic information as concerned the easy access to the loan by their members, the Director General of Nigerian Textile Manufacturers Association, NTMA, Mr. Jaiyeola Olanrewaju told National Mirror that the factors retarding the growth of the industry were beyond the modality for the disbursement of the loan. He disclosed that none of companies, which were fortunate to get the loan, has been able to repay. Olanrewaju, who could not ascertain the number of beneficiaries of the loan across the CTG sector, said he could only

Olanrewaju give data within the textile industry, which he mans. As he said, in the textile industry, about 10 – 15 companies have benefited from the loan. He added that the range of loan given to those companies was between N2bn and N2.5bn, depending on their production ca-

Coca-Cola international restructures operations

pacity. He explained that some manufacturers, whose production capacities cut across the whole value chains, had opportunity of getting more but no one has been noticed to get more than N2.5billion. According to him, the Bank of Industry‘s modality for the disbursement of the loan based on established production capacity has been keeping new companies away from the industry. He said only those who have 100 per cent manufacturing equipment can benefit from the loan. He said since the inauguration of the fund in 2010, only three companies out of the already collapsed ones have been able to come back into the industry, while no new one has been established. The NTMA DG further stated that high cost of production and unavailability of market for the locally produced fabrics have compounded the problem of CTG industry. BC

he Coca-Cola Company has announced a new streamlined international structure to align operating units against its global bottling footprint and to promote and develop key Coca-Cola leaders. Making the announcement recently, Chief Executive Officer, Muhtar Kent, said the move will lay the foundation for strong leadership and management continuity for the company. He said the new structure outlines important changes to its international operation in order to better support evolving bottler footprint, and also, to demonstrates its dept of management experience Coca-Cola is fortunate to have in its system. The Chief Operating Officer, James Quincey also added that as the company continue to implement its five strategic actions for growth, it is critical that organizational structure enables the speed, agility and inspirational leadership that are necessary to win today and in the future. Quincy noted that the changes announced streamline Coca-Cola’s international structure, and reflect strong talent succession as well as commitment to developing the next generation of leaders for the company. Under the new international structure, Nigeria will now host the newly formed West Africa Business Unit which will be based in Lagos and oversee Coca-Cola’s operations across 31 countries with Peter Njonjo as President. The announcement also includes the reassignment of Kelvin Balogun, currently President for Coca-Cola Central, East and West Africa, as the President of the newly formed South and East Africa Business Unit. The international operating structure and leadership changes expected to be effective from August include forming a Europe, Middle East and Africa, EMEA, Group, consisting of the business units that currently make up the Europe and the Eurasia and Africa Groups. In Europe, the Central and Southern Europe and Russia, Ukraine and Belarus business units will be combined into a new business unit, the Central and Eastern Europe, to better support the bottling footprint in that region. BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, May 30, 2016

Stock market Last Week

The NSE All-share and NSE-30 indices Week ended May 13, 2016


turnover of 2.338 billion shares worth N14.789bn in 24,942 deals were traded this week by investors on the floor of The Exchange in contrast to a total of 2.446 billion shares valued at N13.145bn that exchanged hands last week in 23,680 deals. The Financial Services Industry ,measured by volume, led the activity chart with 1.874 billion shares valued at N10.549bn traded in 15,232 deals; thus contributing 80.16 per cent and 71.33 per cent to the total equity turnover volume and value respectively. The Conglomerates Industry followed with 225.806 million shares worth N351.338m in 1,462 deals. The third place was occupied by the Consumer Goods industry with a turnover of 64.001 million shares worth N1.430bn in 3,444 deals. Trading in the Top Three Equities namely – FBN Holdings Plc, United Bank For Africa Plc and Transnational Corporation of Nigeria Plc, measured by volume, accounted for 810.444 million shares worth N2.904bn in 5,128 deals, contributing 34.67 per cent and 19.64 per cent to the total equity

A15 31

NSE trading hall

turnover volume and value respectively. ETPs Also traded during the week were a total of 537,969 units of Exchange Traded Products, ETPs, valued at N56.655m executed in 43 deals, compared with a total of 307,411 units valued at N21.406m transacted last week in 38 deals. Bonds A total of 4,000 units of Federal Government Bonds valued at N4.438 million were traded in 8 deals compared to a total of 4,143 units of Federal Government valued at N4.248 million transacted last week in 8 deals.

Index Movement The NSE All-Share Index and Market Capitalization appreciated by 6.59 per cent and 6.58 per cent to close the week at 28,902.25 and N9.926 trillion respectively. Similarly, all other Indices finished higher during the week. Summary of Price Changes Fifty-six (56) equities appreciated in price during the week, higher than thirty-five (35) equities of the previous week. Twenty (20) equities depreciated in price, lower than thirty-seven (37) equities of the previous week, while one hundred and four (104) equities remained unchanged lower than one hundred and nine (109) equities of the previous week. BC

Market Indicators for Week Ended 13-05-16 All-Share Index 23,686.67 points Market Capitalization 8,202,992,197,106.91

NASD WEEKLY MARKET SUMMARY-WEEK 3 Equity Report The Unlisted Security Index (USI) and the Market Capitalisation appreciated by 0.40% to close the week. The USI closed at 666.09 points as against the previous close of 665.83 points. The Market Capitalisation closed at ₦394.90 billion as against the previous close of ₦394.77 billion. The USI is calculated using the total Market Capitalisation approach. Volume traded rose by 215.13% from 3.47 million units to 10.93 million units while the total value of shares traded also rose by 235.61% from ₦33.52 million to ₦112.51 million in 55 deals. Three (3) securities (CSCS, WAMCO and NDEP) were traded out of the 24 securities admitted to trade on the NASD OTC market.



NASD Unlisted Securities Index


















































Base date: April 1, 2015 = 1000

NASD MARKET STATISTICS WEEK 3 Unlisted Securities Index (USI-Pure Price)


WEEK 2 Change


% Change






















































(1.00) i



Central Securities Clearing System Plc


P CLOSE ( ₦ )




%CHANGE 0.03 h




VALUE ( ₦ )




























































Disclaimer SDTRUSTMB This document is provided for information purposes only. It is not a recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise deal in any security mentioned herein. Kindly consult your NASD registered Participating Institution before making any decision on the OTC Market.



A16 32

Business Courage

Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror

Behind d Wheels This page is open to sponsorship

2016 Mitsubishi Triton: A five star model By Adejuwon Osunnuyi


hough it is coming after 10 years of wait, the new model Triton from Mitsubishi is definitely a customer delight. There are more than enough unique features to make it well worth placing near the top of the shopping list. Mitsubishi’s long-serving Triton has always sold well in a crowded and competitive segment (Australia is second only to Thailand for Triton sales), but despite a highly successful run-out campaign for the previous model, dealers have been hanging out for the new model. Mutsuhiro Oshikiri of Mitsubishi Motors Australia is one of the nicest automotive company CEOs you could ever hope to meet, and he has made sure his dealers and customers won’t be disappointed. “I’m glad Mitsubishi Motors see Australia as a very attractive place to test new models, mainly due to our broad mix of roads and environmental conditions,” he told Practical Motoring “but I’m more pleased testing on Australian soil has resulted in improvements to new Triton that suit Australian driver preferences for faster torque delivery and responsiveness.” Like others in the category, the Triton is sourced from Thailand. One can safely say it’s a major step forward in a number of important areas and appearances to the contrary, more than 80 percent of the vehicle is new. First up is the vital five-star ANCAP rating that makes the Triton a contender for fleet buyers in the mining and corporate sector who are precluded from buying anything rated lower. It’s also an important consideration for private buyers. It isn’t as strange as it sounds, because although the new-generation Triton is a better vehicle by almost every important measure, the petrol engine, when it arrives, will be essentially unchanged from the current engine. However, one very important difference for fleet and corporate buyers is that the outgoing model only rates four ANCAP stars, while the new model scores the full five-star rating demanded by so many corporate buyers. Initially, the Triton is being offered with a new 2.4-litre diesel engine, with a petrol engine arriving later. Body styles are the expected double cab, club cab and single cab. Models have aligned with other Mitsubishi models to start at the entry level GLX, mid-spec GLS

and top line Exceed. The new engine is a 2.4-litre turbo-diesel producing 133kW at 3500rpm and 430Nm of torque at 2500Nm at 2500rpm. That’s a hefty increase over the outgoing 2.5-litre’s 100kW and 314Nm, although on paper not a huge improvement on the High Performance Diesel’s 131kW and 400Nm (350Nm in the auto). The on-road improvement, however, is undeniable with a wider torque spread (25 percent extra at 1500rpm) combining with lighter weight to make the Triton (in any variant) feel highly responsive and flexible. Fuel consumption has come down by 11 to 21 per cent, ranging from 7.0L/100km for the manual (an all-new sixspeed unit) 4×2 GLX single-cab chassis to 7.6L/100km for the five-speed auto as used in the Pajero (but tweaked for the Triton). The petrol version arriving later in the year will use the unchanged 94kW/194Nm 2.4-litre multi-point petrol engine. All models get Mitsubishi’s Easy Select 4WD system offering two-wheel drive high range, four-wheel drive high and fourwheel low range. 2H and 4H can be selected at speeds up to 100km/h. GLS and Exceed models get the new-generation Super Select 4WD II system with four driving modes including locked 4WD. Torque is split 40/60 front to rear in full time 4WD. Triton’s slightly odd external design has become less

polarising over the years, and the so-called “J-Line” styling feature has been retained on the double cab models. Since it frees up cabin and load space, and permits a far better rear seat back angle, that’s hardly a surprise. It was this design feature that pushed some competitors into redesigning their rear seats with varying degrees of success. The Triton has been given additional interior length and shoulder room. Retention of the three-metre wheelbase means a bestin-class 11.8 metre turning circle, with an improved steering rack reducing turns lockto-lock from 4.2 to 3.8. External dimensions have grown by 15mm in length and 200mm in width. Height is unchanged. Rear overhang has come down 50mm while front overhang has increased by 65mm for increased pedestrian safety. The arrival of a tilt and reach steer-

ing column is a major improvement. Tray sizes vary, depending on variant. Bed length in the double cab is 1.52m. Braked towing capacity is quoted at 3100kg, but before you start looking towards other vehicles quoted at 3500kg, this deserves closer attention. With a GCM rating of 5885kg, most Triton variants can carry a payload of more than a tonne. Mitsubishi suggests the Triton’s GCM rating and towball down-weight of 300kg gives it an advantage of 300kg in the tray when towing a full load on the towbar over its higher-rated rivals. Since owners rarely tow a full load with an empty tray (or just a driver in the cabin), this is an important distinction. Pricing for the new Triton will please buyers, starting from $24,490 for the GLX, rising to $40,990 for the GLS and topping out at $47,490 for the

well-equipped Exceed. Those prices are not so much different from what Tritons have been selling for over the past two years or so, given the widespread discounting. A very minor criticism is the location of the stability control button: it hides behind the steering wheel, and took a bit of blind fiddling to find when we wanted to switch it off for driving in sand. Both the manual and auto made a good showing and engine noise was remarkably subdued, even under load. It does emit a comforting diesel thrum, but it’s certainly not intrusive. An important change for owners is that the new engine uses a cam chain, so the previous requirement to replace the belt at 100,000km is gone. Moving from off-road to on, the Triton proved a willing performer – at one point we pulled out to pass a caravanner who happily ignored the ever-growing line of vehicles behind him and quickly accelerated the Triton to highly illegal speeds. The quality of the ride and smoothness of the engine misled me into thinking I was travelling closer to the speed limit until I glanced down at the speedo. The compliments keep coming: the seats are hugely improved, as is the seating position and, as mentioned earlier, the steering column is reach and height adjustable. All round, the Triton approaches sedan car standards of comfort, quietness and feel. There is commendable lack of bounce and the previous model’s tendency to get fussy when faced with small surface irregularities is gone. Once again, the comment is “very car-like”. A disappointment, although understandable in view of the need to keep the sticker prices low, is the omission of a rear view camera on all but the two dearest Tritons. Otherwise, it’s a $750 dealer-fit option, and one we’d strongly advise buyers to select. Tritons come with a list of standard equipment that is rapidly becoming expected in every category: active stability and traction control, hill start assist (although no downhill control), trailer stability assist, adjustable speed limiter and emergency stop signal function. On the GLS and Exceed models, standard gear includes LED daytime running lamps, full colour touch screen, dual zone climate control and reversing camera. Only the GLX is available as a single cabchassis or club cab-chassis (sometimes called a space cab).


Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror


Law & Justice

It is the clear responsibility of the court, which it does not share with any other body to act as the interpreter of the constitution

- Justice Dahiru Musdapher, former Chief Justice of Nigeria.


Trying times for Nigerian Judiciary BUHARI @ ONE

As Nigeria celebrates its May 29 Democracy day, the country’s judiciary appeared to have in recent times been on trial as the administration of justice is bedeviled by some limitations capable of eroding the confidence of the common man writes FRANCIS FAMOROTI, Judiciary Editor.

National Judicial Council is an aberration, says Uvieghara 34

CJN, Justice Mahmud

Obodo society: How cult priest, co-accused were convicted, hanged 37

Serial killer Dennehy’s escape plot to murder guard revealed 38


udiciary as the third arm of government in a democratic setting is entrusted with great responsibilities which include its role as a watchdog of the society, the protector of the defenceless, the hope of the common man, the arbiter of the social conflicts as well as acting as the check on other arms of government. Perhaps, one must first express reservation that despite serious concerns that some of the country’s laws are archaic and obsolete, no concrete steps are being taken by the lawmakers and judiciary vested with the administration of justice to reform these laws. Former Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Mariam Aloma Mukhtar alluded to the fact a few years ago when observed at a summit that “Although Nigeria has made giant strides in its legal development in the past 100 years, it is disheartening that many of our laws are still archaic, obsolete, alien and are therefore, not consistent with current realities. Indeed, many laws which have either been repealed or substantially modified in Britain, Nigeria’s former colonial power, still operate in Nigeria without any changes.” The failure or inability of the ex-

NBA President, Mr. Alegeh, SAN


ecutive, the legislative and judiciary arms of government at both the federal and state levels to sustain efforts at reforming the country’s laws is a minus for the administration of justice under the present dispensation. Where the judiciary has drawn the attention of the legislature to the need to amend some obsolete laws, such move was neglected. President Muhammadu Buhari on his part last January declared that the ongoing fight against corruption in Nigeria could be effectively tackled with the strong support of the judiciary. Buhari, who spoke in far away Ethiopia, had said Nigerian judiciary was his main headache in the anti-corruption war. Like the President, the current CJN, Justice Mahmud Mohammed,

has also alleged that some senior lawyers are behind the increased level of corruption bedeviling the judiciary. The CJN never speared the Bar when he told its leadership under Augustine Alegeh, SAN some months ago that corrupt politicians often use lawyers to tempt judges with bribes. He maintained that some lawyers not only aid, but equally abet corruption within the Bench, and said the situation portends danger for the justice system in the country. Yet if the admonition of Alexander Hamilton is anything to go by, he was right when he theorised that the Judiciary is the weakest arm of Government as it has neither purse, nor arms to effect its decisions. The judiciary therefore cannot extricate itself from the spate of investigations of judicial corruption

levelled against some senior lawyers in the country. For instance, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) had a few weeks ago arraigned Mr, Rickey Tarfa, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria,before Justice A. A. Akintoye of the Lagos High Court, on a 27-count charge. Amongst other allegations, Tarfa was accused of bribing a judge, Justice Nganjiwa Hyeladzira Ajiya of the Federal High Court directly from your Zenith Bank Account No. 1002926967 in order that the said judge acts in the exercise of his official duties.” The charges bordered on alleged wilful obstruction of authorised officers of EFCC, refusing to declare asset, making false information CONTINUED ON PAGE 36


Law & Justice

Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror

National Judicial Council is an Prof. Egerton Uvieghara, a retired academic has taught a number of judges on the Bench of the Appellate and High Courts in the country. The 80 -year old Professor emeritus and pioneer Chairman of the Nigeria Copyright Commission (NCC) in this interview with WALE IGBINTADE speaks on the declining standard of legal education and the role of the National Judicial Council (NJC) among others. Excerpts: How will you assess the standard of legal education in Nigeria? The standard of education in general has fallen in Nigeria, so legal education is not an exception. I believe three quarter of those teaching today should really not be teaching in the universities. Apart from the issue of not being trained as teachers, the quality of the teachers has fallen considerably with the result that many of them are not innovative. Take the World Trade Organisation, nothing is being said about teaching it in any of our universities. So, generally standard and so legal training has also gone down. What is the way out? More money should be made available. Nigerian is not putting enough money as UNESCO requires for education, so they should brace it up. Creating universities by law is wrong, university is not only buildings, they need teachers. So, we need more money to train the teachers. Private universities turnout almost 90 percent first class, it’s all rubbish. Well, I didn’t examine these students, but as far as I know first class is a rare thing. Only one out of so many can obtain a genuine first class and not 90 or 70 percent, even 40 percent is too high. In fact 0 percent should have first class in any class. Should law lecturers practice as advocates? I could be a bit selfish here. I think lawyers need money more than what the universities are paying. So I will say they should go into practice for the purpose of making money and satisfy their families. Yes, practice enriches one’s teaching experience. But, the real point is can you really practice and teach qualitatively?. There is a danger because you have to be committed and what time do you have to combine practice and teaching together. It is a difficult question to answer. As a professor of law who taught in the university for a long period, has there been any time you felt like going back to the classroom? I started teaching in 1966. I introduced two new subjects into the syllabus, Labour law, Commercial Transactions and I have written two books, one on each subject. I became professor in 1979. The only job I’ve done in my life is really teaching. Some of my students are currently at the Supreme Court. Justice Niki Tobi (rtd) was my student and Justice Kudirat Kekere- Ekun of the Supreme Court and many others were my students.


Private universities turn-out almost 90 Percent first class, it’s all rubbish. Well, i didn’t examine these students, but as far as i knoW first class is a rare thing. only one out of so many can obtain a genuine first class. In 1993, I was appointed Commissioner for Law Reform in Nigerian Law Reform Commission. There are usually four commissioners. Justice P. K. Nwokedi formerly of the Supreme Court was the Chairman, myself and two others. One Dan Agada is late now, then Nwachukwu from Abia State. The University of Lagos allows you a leave of absence for four years and my initial appointment was for five years, just before my appointment I was in the Council of the University representing the Senate so I wrote for an extension of one year, 1993-1998. In 1998, I retired from the university officially although I hadn’t been there since 1993. I retired so that vacancy will be created and new people will be appointed. Another five years from 1998 took me to 2003. After 10 years you are not rea-ppointed. So, I did my 10

years as Commissioner for Law Reform. At that time, I just felt I’d done enough for this country and maybe unlike most Nigerians I should rest. I have not done anything since 2003, I wake up in the morning, clean my compound, drink tea, drink beer, drink wine, I am happy. I don’t do any work, I am in retirement, I don’t have the urge to go back and teach. I used to help the Federal Government draft bills but, I am not ready for all that any longer. I am happily retired. Did you ever practice law? Yes, for half a day. It was meant to be the last three months course in 1963. I got enrolled in 1964 and I thought I will practice but, I went back to England to do my Masters’ degree and I got a job. I thought I would practice and my father took me to his friend’s chambers.

My boss sent me to the Magistrate’s Court, I sat down there the whole day and frankly, I am an impatient person so, I raised my hands up. First, I said sir, I’ve been here since morning. I didn’t know you don’t say sir in the Magistrate’s Court, you say “Your Worship”. So, the Magistrate said ‘’young man sit down, when we are ready we will call you. Ever since that day, I didn’t go back again. I went to my principal, Mr. Davies, a West Indian and told him I didn’t like the job. So my practice was half a day practice in the Magistrate’s Court. All my life, I’ve been a teacher. Are you satisfied with the number of law lecturers awarded the title Senior Advocate of Nigeria on a yearly basis? My major experience in life is with the University of Lagos. Many things in that university have been bastardised. Emeritus professor, I am not there and I’ve written books. We used to give gold medals to people who have put in so many years or rewards but, all these have been bastardised so one is not surprised. I have a colleague, Professor Olawoyin who once said many people made SANs don’t even have the money to go and receive the award in Abuja. SAN is not a creation of Nigeria; it is the creation of the British. We call it Senior Advocate here but, there it is called Queen’s’ Counsel . If there is a reigning monarch or Kings’ Counsel if there is a reigning patriarch and the language is that you take silk. How do you take silk? Because you are very bright, because you are called upon to deal with more important legal issues, pres-

National Mirror

Law & Justice

Monday, May 30, 2016

aberration, says Uvieghara sure on your work is heavy, you can no longer cope because if they know you as a quality lawyer, this man will want you; that man will want you and you can no longer cope. So, you apply to take silk and when you apply to take silk then you take juniors and you don’t pay them below certain level. The idea is that you would have made money, you would have quality people in your chambers and they are to maintain the same standard that you have set. That is not so in Nigeria. There are two divisions in Nigeria to become SAN, I could have applied because I’ve written many books and I always boast when I wrote those books that it is the best. If you want to do better let me see what you write. When I wrote my first book, Felix Ibru, was the chief launcher. Dr. Stanley Macebuh , a brilliant man spoke as lecturer. I haven’t launched any book since after then. Why should I be asking my friends to buy my books? I don’t think it’s fair. Even during my 80th birthday some newspapers approached me with their package and I said I don’t do it. Why should I put my friends in such difficult situation? Some may even be struggling. I don’t do it I don’t call upon my friends to use their resources to help me. You can help me by associating with me, I associate with them. Life is beautiful if your friends, relations are doing very well. I am not going to beg you for money. I want to work hard on my own. Tony Okoroji brought a massive band to my celebration at no cost to me because he knows what he and I have done in the areas of protecting artists. The “Rain Maker”, Majek Fashek performed at the party. It is true when we did those things then, it was analog and things have become digital. There were certain things we did that digital age cannot change them. I am not digital myself, I’m an old man but, there are some things we did that are sustaining us today. Before we did the copyright law, recording companies because they had the money, Phillips, Decca and the rest took advantage of their positions to undermine our artists, vested copyrights to themselves, pay peanuts to those who were singing and then in Nigeria, there was no division, no song writer, you’re an artist, you will compose your own song,


you will arrange it, you will do everything and at the end, the recording company will be enjoying the reward. We changed that and that is why artists are making more money today. The creation of Nigerian Copyright Commission is fantastic. We had the interest of the nation at heart that is no longer so. How would you assess the President’s fight against corruption? This is Buhari’s second coming. His first coming, there was a lot of fury but later, everybody got their properties back. As if they’ve opened the prison door, everybody went away. I don’t think things have changed much, he started this code of conduct thing but nobody takes it seriously. I know it was Babangida who started this code of conduct tribunal, before that it was in the constitution and the law too, it wasn’t established. Professor Oloyede was a Judge there; he has a small office in Abuja then. He is one of the earliest judges who wrote a book on administrative law. He had no work to do. If I say I am recovering money, as part of my agenda, I will publish the names of those returning money and how much they return, how much they claim they have, how much we think they have, that is part of fighting corruption. We still don’t know, all we hear is that people have returned money, how much is returned? We don’t know who returns what, we want to know. He owes us an obligation to let us know. Nigerians put you there; you owe them an obligation to explain to them. This man is a thief, it has not been said. He is a thief because he has returned money and we think he didn’t return all. This should be on a daily basis. Houses that have been seized should be published that is how to fight corruption. Nobody has gone to jail yet, I fear that everybody may be released by the court; you just wait and see, including Sambo Dasuki, maybe Saraki will lose his job but, I don’t think he will go to prison. The Body of Senior Advocates of Nigeria has warned the Federal Government and its agencies to ensure that its anti-corruption battle is fought within the ambit of the rule of law. What is your view?


’’The PresidenT owes us an obligaTion To leT us know Those who reTurned sTolen money and To ensure ThaT houses ThaT have been seized are Published; ThaT is how To fighT corruPTion.

It is necessary? It is necessary for people to know that if you violate the law, you will go to jail that is not been emphasised now. Arbitrariness doesn’t help anybody. Why should Saraki be taken to tribunal? Why can’t he be taken to the regular court? I think that is a timely warning. I don’t know if there is a body of senior advocate but, the Attorney-General of the Federation is a lawyer, he should be able to tell Buhari. What the body said may be true but, it need not come from them. The President has an Attorney-General that is his duty. Many of these SANs are corrupt, some were my students, some got the title through hard work, some did not. They also are corrupt; it is a question of kettle calling pot black. How do you feel when you see judges being disciplined for misconduct on the Bench ? I feel bad. The judiciary is in a very peculiar situation. What we now have as the National Judicial Council is an aberration as far as federalism is concerned. You have a body in Abuja; the chairman is the Chief Justice of Nigeria overseeing who should be appointed a judge in Delta and who should be dismissed. The new government has said the judiciary is corrupt and I have no doubt about it. The Justice Kayode Eso panel made it clear and recommended that certain judges should be removed. But, they were allowed to retire; you don’t do things like that. EFCC is a duplication of efforts and money, ICPC, the same thing. All the powers given to these agencies are there in the Criminal Code. Police have all those powers. The Police should be strengthened and they will perform. There should be a visible fight against corruption and to put things right no matter whose horse is gored. That is not being

seen today, I am not seeing it. If a judge is corrupt, send him to prison and don’t ask him to retire. But, that is what is happening now, because they don’t want to spoil his name when the man had already spoilt his name. How do you see the suspension of two Judges by the National Judicial Council? Let me start again with NJC itself, it was as a result of Kayode Eso’s panel report; that’s why NJC was created. Is it constitutional? In my own view, it is not. How can somebody be sitting in Abuja appointing people to deal with the conduct of somebody in Kogi State or Delta State? That is not constitutional. In appointment, NJC has to confirm Judges who are being appointed in Lagos, they have been given the power in the hope that that will bring some succour but, the NJC is very careful because the Chief Justice of Nigeria is the chairman. More judges should be removed, we keep saying the judiciary is corrupt and everybody is going on doing what they like, it is business as usual so, maybe this is a welcome development. One of the Judges suspended was because he lied about his age. Can a judge be prosecuted for perjury? Yes, a judge who tells lies, has he any moral right to sit in judgment? You tell a lie about your age and you are a Judge. That is not fair enough. You are 80 years -old, how has the journey been? That is a very difficult question to answer. Seriously, I am good. I don’t feel because I am 80 years I am dying tomorrow. I enjoy myself every day; I work hard every day I am living.


Law & Justice


and offering gratification to a public official. When the charges were read to him, Tarfa, pleaded not guilty. His counsel, Chief Bolaji Ayorinde, SAN urged the court to grant bail to the defendant on self-recognition. Justice Akintoye granted bail to the defendant on selfrecognisance. Joseph Nwobike, SAN had also been arraigned on five-count charge of allegedly offering gratification and attempting to pervert the course of justice. Nwobike was charged with criminal prosecution for allegedly bribing a Federal High Court judge to refrain from exercising the duties of his office. The defendant admitted in his statement to the EFCC that he gave N750, 000 to Justice Yunusa to assist the Judge in the treatment of his ailing mother who is alleged to be suffering from kidney disease. Nwobike pleaded not guilty when the charge was read to him and he was admitted to bail on self-recognition. Although an accused is presumed innocent until otherwise proved, the charges preferred against these SANs leave sour taste in the mouth. These unfortunate developments will obviously make the fight to rid the judiciary of corruption remain a mirage if the future reoccurrence of traces of corrupt acts are not checked. Another worrisome aspect of the negative developments in the administration of justice is alleged corruption on the Bench from suspicious pronouncements of judges and the integrity of judicial officers in the country. On the bench for instance, Justice Oluyinka Gbajabiamila of the Lagos Judiciary and Justices Idris Evuti and Tanko Yusuf Usman

Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror

Trying times for Nigerian Judiciary

CJ, FHC, Justice Ibrahim Auta

President, Court of Appeal, Justice Zainab Bulkachuwa


ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE SHOULD BEAR IN MIND THAT ONLY MEN AND WOMEN OF PROVEN ABILITY, LEARNING AND CHARACTER SHOULD BE APPOINTED TO THE BENCH. of the Niger State High Court were sacked by the National Judicial Council, NJC. Aside recommending their compulsory retirement, NJC, said it has in exercise of its power under Paragraph 21 Sub-Paragraph (d) of the Third Schedule of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as amended, suspended the Justices from office with immediate effect. The council which is headed by the Chief Justice of Nigeria, CJN, Justice Mahmud Mohammed, said it took the decision at the end of a meeting it held on



Pickpocket in court

A pick pocket was up in court for a series of petty crimes. The judge said “Mr. Banks you are hereby fined $100.” The lawyer stood up and said “Thanks, my lord, however my client only has $75 on him at this time, but if you’d allow him a few minutes in the crowd. . .”

Lawyer’s funeral

A man is at his lawyer’s funeral and is surprised by the turnout for this one man. He turns to the people around him. “Why are you all at this man’s funeral?” A man turns towards him and says, “We’re all clients.” “And you ALL came to pay your respects? How touching.” “No, we came to make sure he was dead.”

Robbed Lawyers

Two lawyers are in a bank, when, suddenly, armed robbers burst in. While several of the robbers take the money from the tellers, others line the customers, including the lawyers, up against a wall, and proceed to take their wallets, watches, etc. While this is going on lawyer number one jams something in lawyer number two’s hand. Without looking down, lawyer number two whispers, “What is this?” to which lawyer number one replies, “It’s that $50 I owe you.”

April 13 and 14. NJC okayed Justice Gbajabiamila’s sack after it found out that he delivered judgment in a matter that was before him, 22 months after written addresses were adopted by all the parties and 35 months after the close of evidence in the suit. The council said after it petition that was lodged before it by Mr. C. A. Candide Johnson, SAN, it concluded that the action the judge took in suit No ID\1279\2007 P. K. Ojo Vs SDV & SCOA Nigeria Plc, was contrary to constitutional provisions that judgments should

I sentenced accused arm to one year jail term A lawyer defending a man accused of burglary tried this creative defense: “My client merely inserted his arm into the window and removed a few trifling articles. His arm is not himself, and I fail to see how you can punish the whole individual for an offence committed by his limb.” “Well put,” the judge replied. “Using your logic, I sentence the defendant’s arm to one year’s imprisonment. He can accompany it or not, as he chooses.” The defendant smiled. With his lawyer’s assistance he detached his artificial limb, laid it on the bench, and walked out.

Unfit words to hear

A woman was being questioned in a court trial involving slander. “Please repeat the slanderous statements you heard, exactly as you heard them,” instructed the lawyer. The witness hesitated. “But they are unfit for any respectable person to hear,” she protested. “Then,” said the attorney, “just whisper them to the judge.”

You’re late

The lawyer wandered home at 3 AM. His wife became very upset, telling him, The lawyer replied, “I’m right on time. I said I’d be home by a quarter of twelve.”

The parked BMW

A lawyer returns to his parked BMW to find the headlights broken and considerable damage. There’s no sign of the offending vehicle but he’s relieved to see that there’s a note stuck under the windshield wiper. “Sorry. I just backed into your Beemer. The witnesses who saw the accident are nodding and smiling at me because they think I’m leaving my name, address and other particulars. But I’m not.” Culled from Bar

be delivered within a period of 90 days. It was the view of the NJC that the Judge, Justice Gbajabiamila failed to maintain Professional competence required to preserve the integrity of the Judiciary. ”The above allegations constitute misconduct contrary to Section 292 (1) (b) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as amended and Rules 1.3, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.7 of the 2016 Revised Code of Conduct for Judicial Officers of the Federal Republic of Nigeria”. Similarly, NJC said it found two other judges of the High Court of Niger State, Justices Evuti and Tanko Yusuf Usman guilty of allegations that they falsified their dates of birth. It said the Judges were indicted on the basis of a petition filed against them by one Mohammed Idris Eggun. These sad developments tend to rub on the integrity of the judiciary in the country. At the inauguration of Mustapha Akanbi Foundation in Ilorin in 2006, the late Supreme Court Jurist, Justice Olajide Olatawura, while delivering a speech titled; ‘’: Awakening Hope in the Nigerian Project : The Role of the Judiciary in the Nigerian Project’’, had said ‘’ the Judiciary must not compromise its rights and powers under the Constitution for personal gains. Those who disobey the rules under the Code of Conduct for Judicial Officers should be shown the way out. The shame of dismissal or forced retirement appears to me enough warning to those who seek favours at the expense of other party before the Court.’’ He had advised that ‘’we must avoid a situation where the Judiciary is treated as a branch of the Executive. No arm of Government should be a stumbling block in the execution of the power provided in the Constitution for to do so is to sacrifice the interest of the entire country. The supremacy of the party over its CONTINUED ON PAGE 39

LEGAL TIPS Importance of Power of Attorney


Power of Attorney is a formal instrument by which one person empowers another to get for him or act in his stead for certain purposes. *The person giving the power is called the donor, while the person to whom the power is given is called the donee. *Power of Attorney is a written document in which one person (the principal) appoints another person to act as an agent on his or her behalf, thus conferring authority on the agent to perform certain acts or functions on behalf of the principal. *Powers of attorney are routinely granted to allow the agent to take care of a variety of transactions for the principal, such as executing a stock power, handling a tax audit, or maintaining a safe-deposit box. *Powers of attorney can be written to be either general (full) or limited to special circumstances. A power of attorney generally is terminated when the principal


dies or becomes incompetent, but the principal can revoke the power of attorney at any time. A special type of power of attorney that is used frequently is the “durable” power of attorney. A durable power of attorney differs from a traditional power of attorney in that it continues the agency relationship beyond the incapacity of the principal. With a durable power of attorney, a principal can appoint someone to handle her or his affairs after she or he becomes incompetent, and the document can be crafted to confer either general power or power in certain limited circumstances. Because no judicial proceedings are necessary, the principal saves time and money and avoids the stigma of being declared incompetent. Written by Francis Famoroti, Judiciary Editor. We welcome feedback and reactions from readers via our e-mail:


National Mirror

Law & Justice

Monday, May 30, 2016


Obodo society: How cult priest, co-accused were convicted, hanged FAMOUS CASES

About 57 years ago, Chief Odozi Obodo and some members of his secret cult society who unleashed terror and killed several persons in Isieke, a community in Eastern Nigeria were tried and convicted. The Federal Supreme Court subsequently confirmed their sentences and they were hanged in 1959 writes FRANCIS FAMOROTI, Head, Judiciary.


hief Nwiboko Odozi Obodo was an indigene of Isieke village. At a particular period, he left his people and sojourned to other communities. He eventually returned to his village to the warm embrace of his kinsmen in 1953. Obodo was revered, adored and loved by all. He commanded respect among his people and had large number of followers. However, not too long unusual calamities started befalling the village as the elders of the community suddenly noticed that some of their people had gradually disappeared. Men, women, young ones and children alike disappeared on daily basis either on their way to the farm, market or stream. Like the Biblical Psalm 23, people started living under the valley of shadow of death in Isieke due to Obodo society’s atrocities. Within a year, more than 100 people had disappeared and searches for them did not yield any success. Police found evidence that since 1954 there had been more than 100 murders in Abakaliki. But it was not until they raided Chief Obodo’s house that they found the reason why such disappearances. Just as the villagers were often in sorrow over the disappearance of their loved ones, a few group of wealthy men emerged the scene. This group under Chief Obodo’s leadership became the cynosure of all eyes in the community as they flaunt their wealth among the people. After a time, this group transformed into a secret cult, operating in the area. The group whose high priest was Obodo became a terror in the community and to its adjourning neigbouring villages. Due to the group’s influence and connections, the Police could not question the activities of its members neither could the then colonial government take the society to task on any issue. Reports made to the Police were never investigated and the group became more dreaded. Obodo would pay the tax of every taxable adult to the colonial community and later turn around to tax the people as he deemed fit. Anyone who failed to comply by paying him tax would have his farmland, houses, and other properties such as cows and goats confiscated. He became law unto himself and the colonial government officials paid homage to him through regular visits. Obodo expanded his influence to Abakaliki where he recruited more disciples into the cult. He later introduced a hierarchical command in the cult when he named Nwegede as second in command. The later usually sat at his right hand and had the responsibility of ensuring that all sentences passed by the high priest were enforced and executed. Obodo’s unwritten criminal code among others, included an offence of stealing that is punishable by death, anyone found committing of adultery was to be strangled with a chain of bicycle. Other punishments are fines, canning, and casual labour in his farm. Another strong member of the cult, Ogbo supervises all death sentences and interest-

The then Chief Justice of the Federation (CJF), Justice Adetokunbo Ademola

Obodo and members of his group


KILLED HIS WIFE; HE STRANGLED HER TO DEATH WITH BICYCLE CHAIN ingly, the dead were always buried in heaps at the back of Obodo’s house. Before the dead bodies are disposed, they were often dismembered with the belief that that they would not come back to life. But nemesis soon caught up with Obodo sometimes in September 1957 when he accused one of his wives, Nwagbo of witchcraft following the death of his first son, Sunday. The woman denied the accusation and pleaded her innocence but Obodo relied on the outcome of the consultation of his medicine man that his wife was guilty of the alleged crime. Obodo took the law into his hands when he personally killed his wife; he strangled her to death with bicycle chain. The deceased was later hurriedly buried in a yam mound behind Ogbo’s house. As soon as the news of her death leaked to the Nwagbo family, the deceased’s brother, Ikeagu Obajei, confronted Obodo in January 1958 and asked him to explain the whereabouts of his sister, who was last seen by the family in August 1957. Obodo threatened him not to ask him such question but Obajei braced up courage and reported the loss of his sister at Abakalilki Police Station. He also made a similar report at the Police regional headquarters in Enugu. The Police swung into action and this

brought about mass transfer of policemen from Abakaliki division while some detectives were moved from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Lagos to investigate the matter. The Police authorities penetrated the cult group when two detectives joined the society as herbalists. They prepared charms for Obodo which worked for him to the extent that the unsuspecting group revealed all its secrets to the detectives. In the process, the detectives were able to extract confessions from Chief Obodo that he killed his wife and he asked them to prepare charms that would make it impossible for law enforcement agencies to prosecute him and his group. The detectives turned ‘herbalists’ taped his confessions without his knowledge. The tape was then sealed with dried cow skin and Obodo was advised to always hang the charm his neck. They told him that so long as the charm remained on his neck, he would never be prosecuted. After accomplishing the task the detectives left. The Police later preferred a charge of stealing a cow against Obodo before an Abakaliki Chief Magistrate’s Court. He found this insulting and instructed his men to go after his accuser who by then unknown to him was under Police protection in Enugu.

Obodo’s appearance in court became an opportunity for the Police to nail him. He had appeared before the Magistrate’s Court in his chauffeur- driven Chevrolet car, a rarity in those days. To him, the charge against him was frivolous and would easily be dismissed by the court. Unfortunately for him, the Police prosecutor told the court when the case was called that there were more serious charges against Obodo. He prayed the court to adjourn the matter to enable him to amend the charge. The magistrate granted the prayer sought. While the proceedings were on, the court premises had already been surrounded by gunwielding Policemen brought in four lorries. As the society’s high priest was about to step into his car, he was arrested by the Police and led to his house where offensive weapons, charms and other incriminating items were recovered. Specifically, the Police discovered in his premises rope, leg irons, and swords, as well as an assortment of juju charms bearing the warning that all men and women in the 14 villages around “must respect me and do whatever I say.” It soon turned out that the chief was a member of a secret cult that inappropriately bears the name of Odozi Obodo, the “Committee of the Peacemakers. The Police also arrested a number of his followers. On May 21, 1958, Obodo and six of his cult members were charged with murder of Nwagbo. During their trial, one Aguta Nwode testified and told the court how Obodo murdered his wife. His co-accused also admitted being part of the conspiracy to kill Nwagbo adding that they were all under supreme oath and order of Obodo not to divulge the society’s secret. They said if they refused to abide by the order, they might be killed in the process. Obodo hired a British counsel, Dingle Foot to defend him.

Law & Justice


Monday, May 30, 2016

S’ African court gives green light to domestic trade in rhino horn

South African President, Jacob Zuma



outh Africa’s Supreme Court has dismissed a government bid to uphold a seven-year ban on the domestic trade in rhino horn, an industry group has said. . The decision has no bearing on a ban on international trade in rhino horn. Potential domestic buyers could include those who see rhino horn as a store of wealth that could appreciate in value and those who want it as a decoration. Thousands of South African rhinos have been slain in recent years to meet demand for the horn in Asian countries, where buyers consider it an aphrodisiac, a cure for cancer or treatment

for hangovers. “Legal finality has now been achieved,” Pelham Jones, chairman of South Africa’s Private Rhino Owners Association (PROA), told Reuters, saying trade could resume this year. Around 5,000 rhinos, or about a quarter of South Africa’s population, are in private hands. Rhino horn can be harvested as it grows back and it can be removed from a tranquilised animal. The government has not revealed the size of its rhino horn stockpile but the PROA estimates its members have around six tonnes and reckons the state has close to 25 tonnes. The combined 31 tonnes could fetch $2bn by some estimates.

Court reopens case against TV star, Teresa Giudice


federal judge has reopened a bankruptcy case for “Real Housewives of New Jersey” cast member Teresa Giudice), who pleaded guilty in 2014 to bankruptcy fraud. Giudice finished her 15-month sentence in December after she and her husband, Joe, admitted they hid assets from bankruptcy creditors and submitted phony loan applications to get $5 million in mortgages and construction loans. Teresa Giudice’s attor-


neys on Tuesday told a federal bankruptcy court judge she has agreements to pay off all but two of her 29 creditors. Giudice had been trying to block the reopening of the case. The newspaper says Judge Stacey Meisel’s decision to reopen the case could mean unsatisfied creditors might be able to collect potential proceeds from a lawsuit she filed against her bankruptcy attorney.

National Mirror

Serial killer Dennehy’s escape plot to murder guard revealed S erial killer Joanna Dennehy had plotted to murder a guard and use their fingerprints to bypass a biometric system to escape from jail, it has been revealed. The Telegraph says the details have emerged at the high court as she lost her bid for damages after claiming her human rights had been breached by being placed in solitary confinement for two years. The detailed plot was discovered in her cell and involved two other inmates. It revealed a plan to murder a female guard, then steal her keys and cut off her fingers to deceive the biometric system. “A written plan was located in her cell with detailed plans involving killing a female officer to obtain her keys and to utilise her finger prints in order to deceive the biometric systems.” Security staff at the jail believed there was a credible escape plan involving two other prisoners and “a plan to seriously assault or kill a member of prison staff”. The escape plans were discovered in her diary. Dennehy, 33, was then placed in solitary confinement for two years. She claimed her human rights had been violated as


ew court papers suggest discord between a private investigator and the attorney representing Casey Anthony, the Florida woman acquitted in 2011 of her daughter’s murder, according to media reports. The investigator, Dominic Casey, said in court deposition documents related to Casey Anthony’s Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing in Florida that Jose Baez, the attorney who represented Anthony, told him that Anthony admitted to killing her daughter, according to reports in the Orlando Sentinel, Fox News, and PeopleMagazine. The documents are filed with U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division, and are dated April 25, 2016. Casey also claimed in


Serial Killer, Joanna Dennehy

UK Prime Minister, David Cameron

a result and took her case for damages to the high court. But judges ruled it was “necessary and proportionate” to place her in solitary confinement after hearing about the detailed escape plot. But judges ruled it was “necessary and proportionate” to place her in solitary confinement after hearing about the detailed escape plot. Dennehy was given a whole-life sentence at the Old Bailey for murdering three men and stabbing two more. She claimed that she had been left “tearful and upset” after being placed in segregation at HMP Bronzefield near Ashford, Surrey, since prison guards allegedly found a breakout plot in her diary. Government lawyers

have conceded the segregation period between September 21 2013 and September 4 2015 was technically unlawful because it was not properly authorised by former Justice Secretary Chris Grayling. Dennehy, of Orton Goldhay, Peterborough, claimed at London’s High Court that she has been “unfairly and unlawfully” held in segregation at HMP Bronzefield. Hugh Southey QC argued at a hearing in March that her incarceration violated her human rights and had taken a heavy toll, leaving her “tearful and upset”, and at times she was resuming her practice of self-harming. Mr Southey described Dennehy, who was jailed in February 2014, as a “vulnerable” inmate due to her

history of severe personality disorders, and episodes of self-harming dating back to childhood. Government lawyers said the segregation was fair, justified and lawful due to the nature of Dennehy’s offending and the escape risk she poses. They submitted there was also no procedural unfairness during her continued segregation after September 2014. Jenni Richards QC, appearing for HMP Bronzefield, described Dennehy as “arguably the most dangerous female prisoner in custody”. Dennehy “got a taste for killing” and had admitted to the psychiatrist that she was “sadistic”. Southey submitted there was unfairness because the escape allegations were never properly put to Dennehy at the time. She insisted that the alleged plot was nothing more than a “doodle” found in her diary, said Southey. The police had investigated the claims and “confirmed that no further action would be taken”. Dennehy is only the third woman to be given a whole-life prison term. Moors murderer Myra Hindley and House of Horrors serial killer Rose West are the other two.

Casey Anthony’s lawyer acted unethically, private investigator alleges USA the deposition that Baez had a sexual relationship with Anthony, a claim that Baez vehemently denies. “I unequivocally and categorically deny exchanging sex for legal services with Ms. Anthony,” Baez wrote to People. “I further unequivocally and categorically deny having any sexual relationship with Ms. Anthony whatsoever.” Casey worked with Baez in 2008 after Casey Anthony was arrested for child neglect following the disappearance of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, on July

US President, Barack Obama 5, 2011. Dominic Casey’s affidavit is dated Dec. 15, 2015. On July 26, 2008, the investigator claimed, Baez told him that Anthony murdered her daughter and “dumped the body some-

where and he needed all the help he could get to find the body before anyone else did.” Dominic Casey also wrote of an incident in which he arrived unexpectedly at Baez’s office and found Casey Anthony there, naked. Anthony ran out of Baez’s private office through a conference room and into a hallway, Dominic Casey wrote. It was not an isolated incident, he wrote. Casey “told (Anthony) that she cannot allow (Baez) to continue engaging in this behavior,” the investigator wrote in the affidavit. “Casey told me she had to do what Jose said because she had no money for her defense.”

National Mirror

Law & Justice

Monday, May 30, 2016 2016


Trying times for Nigerian Judiciary


To Alegeh’s crediT, The NBA coNsTiTuTioN hAs BeeN AmeNded To iNTroduce e-voTiNg


members is acknowledged, but we must not forget that the Legislature consists of the party in power and the opposition. Similarly, a judiciary that is subservient to the Executive and the Legislature loses its potent power of independence.’’ As stakeholders in justice administration, the judiciary has also been enjoined to guard jealously the provisions of the Constitution dealing with the appointment of judges of the High Courts, Sharia Courts and Customary Courts. Unless this is done, Olatawura stated ‘’ we may be tempted to rely on the qualification of the number years provided for these judicial officers. We must place emphasis on Character and Learning.’’ In essence, the admonition of the last jurist is clear that the stakeholders in the administration of justice should ‘’bear in mind that only men and women of proven ability, learning and character should be appointed to the Bench. ‘’ An irascible lawyer who is appointed a judge will be a liability. We must not in order to satisfy or comply with this provision appoint a person who after call to Bar appears in Court only to argue motions or by virtue of his place of work as a lawyer he has not the opportunity to appear in our Court as a Counsel. The National Judicial Council must not in any way be deterred from following their guidelines for appointment.’’ As for the Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, its President, Mr. Austin Alegeh, SAN in his inaugural speech on assumption of office on August 29, 2014 promised among others, to introduce E-Voting in the NBA election. According to him, ‘’I believe strongly, that the delegate election system of the NBA needs to be reviewed and that E-VOTING through the NBA Website should be introduced and this would require a constitutional amend-

ANd oTher chANges relATiNg To

uNiform Bye lAws for NBA BrANches

The ApprovAl of

ment. Thus, the consensus of many lawyers is that the delegate system has been highly abused, totally misused and out rightly corrupted. Alegeh might have been influenced among others by the remarks of the Chairman, Governing Council, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Prof. Chidi Odinkalu , whom had been seriously worried by ’’ The mechanisms for electing the leadership of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) ‘’ on the grounds that they are out-dated, scandalprone and liable to whimsical capture.’’ This is because in an article titled ‘’Reforming the Nigerian Bar ‘’ and published last year, Odinkalu advocated that to return credibility to the Bar, the NBA must set a target for leadership selection based on universal suffrage by 2016. It seems that in the present circumstance, the NBA leadership appeared to be toeing this line. To Alegeh’s credit, the NBA Constitution has been amended to introduce e-voting and other changes relating to the approval of Uniform Bye Laws for NBA Branches with the hope that the system would be operational and members made conversant with its work-

ing long before the 2016 National Elections. However, as the NBA election is approaching, issues that should engage the attention of NBA conference 2016 among others, include the integrity and independence of the association. The incoming executives must restore, secure the integrity and independence of the Bar by putting a definite stop to soliciting for and receiving money in form of grants, donations or gifts from governments both at the State and Federal levels. Besides, the welfare of members of the Bar particularly the junior and young members must occupy the priority attention of the emerging leadership. What is perhaps another plus to the legal profession is the fact that the Bar is now becoming involved in the process for the appointment of judges. Hitherto, the appointment of judges had been shrouded in secrecy. With the involvement of the Bar at the moment, the process of appointment of Judges is a more transparent system where merit rather than cronyism is the basis for appointments and promotion of judicial officers. By way of making the judiciary to attain its mark, there is the need to ensure the digitisation of the country’s court. By so do-

AGF, Mr. Abubakar Malami, SAN ing, the country can take advantage of modern technology in our quest for speedy and effective dispensation of justice. Regrettably too, the issue of financial autonomy for the judiciary is still a recurring decimal. It is on record that the judgments obtained by the Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria (JUSUN) and Olisa Agbakoba, SAN on section 162[9] of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 are not obeyed and executed by the Executive. It is pertinent to observe that the state of Legal Education in Nigeria remains a critical concern for the NBA and the legal profession as a whole. Stakeholders in the administration of justice including the bar leadership have pledged to organise a summit on the State of Legal Education in Nigeria to enable the NBA develop a policy position of all tiers of legal education in Nigeria. So far, no such summit has been organised to date in order to upgrade the standard of products of the law faculties and law school in the country. Indeed, there is hope for the judiciary to develop the moral courage to deal with corruption while at the same time asserting its independence and integrity.

Fact sheets: African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights


he African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights is a judicial body that delivers binding judgments on compliance with the African Charter. Established in 2004 and located in Arusha, Tanzania, the court hears cases from the 26 African Union (AU) member states that have ratified the Protocol establishing the Court: Algeria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, Comoros, Congo, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Lesotho, Mali, Malawi, Mozambique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Nigeria, Niger, Rwanda, South Africa, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia and Uganda. Six states have issued declarations allowing for individual applications: Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Mali, Rwanda, and Tanzania.


The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (“the Court”) was established by the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and

Peoples’ Rights (“the Charter”), which was adopted by Member States of the then Organization of African Unity in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso in June 1998. The Protocol entered into force in January 2004, after ratification by 15 Member States. In 2004, out of concern for the growing number of AU institutions, the AU decided to integrate the Court with the African Court of Justice, creating an African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights. The new combined court is yet not operational, but it is ultimately intended to be the principal judicial organ of the AU.


In 2006, the first eleven judges of the Court were elected and sworn in. Each judge serves a six-year term and can be re-elected once. All judges, except the President of the Court, serve on a parttime basis.


Article 3 of the Protocol extends jurisdiction to “all cases and disputes submitted to it concerning the interpretation and application of the Charter”, the Protocol and other human rights in-

struments that states have ratified. In addition, Article 4 gives the Court jurisdiction to issue advisory opinions on “any legal matter relating to the Charter or other relevant human rights instruments, provided that the subject matter of the opinion is not related to a matter being examined by the Commission.”


Under Article 56 of the African Charter, the Court must consider a number of factors when deciding upon the admissibility of a case. This includes determining whether an applicant has submitted the communication within a reasonable time after the alleged violation/s, and whether domestic remedies have been exhausted, except in cases where procedures would unduly prolong a case. The Court is permitted to seek an opinion from the African Commission when deciding on the admissibility of direct communications submitted by individuals and NGOs.


Applications to the Court may

be made by the African Commission or other African intergovernmental organizations, by States who have lodged (or against who has been lodged) a complaint at the Commission, and by States whose citizen is a victim of a human rights violation. Other states who are party to the Court’s Protocol and have an interest in a case may be permitted by the Court to join the proceedings. In addition, applications may also be lodged directly by individuals and by NGOs with Observer Status before the African Commission, however only against those states who have made a declaration accepting the competence of the Court to receive applications from these entities under Article 5(3) of the Protocol. As of mid 2013, six such declarations have been made, by Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Mali, Rwanda, and Tanzania. Cases before the Court involve a written phase, and may also include an oral phase of proceedings at which the parties may makes

submissions and also present evidence and call witnesses. Once a case has been heard, the Protocol requires that judges issue a decision within 90 days of completing deliberations


If the Court finds the rights of an applicant have been violated, it can order remedial measures such as compensation or reparations. Article 27 of the Protocol also allows the Court to order provisional measures, if a case is of “extreme gravity and urgency, and when necessary to avoid irreparable harm.”


Member States subject to the Court’s jurisdiction must comply with judgments in any case to which they are parties, within the time given by the Court. States are also responsible for guaranteeing execution of the Court’s judgments. If a State fails to comply, this failure is noted in the Court’s report to the Assembly, as required under Article 31 of the Protocol. Culled from the website of Open Society Initiative.


Monday, May 30, 2016

National Mirror

Community Mirror It seems to me the time has come for us to re-examine the legal and constitutional framework for policing in Nigeria. – SPEAKER HOUSE OF REPS, HON. YAKUBU DOGARA

Nigerian community in Spain task FG on economy frAncis suberu


embers of the Federation of Nigerian Communities in Spain have called on the Federal Government to give priority attention to economic growth of the country. In a statement issued by the President Federation of Nigerian Communities in Spain Prince Taiwo Adesegun, urged the Federal Government to also tackle problem of security to restore investors’ confidence in the nation’s economy. Adesegun lamented that some Nigerians have continued to indulge in acts capable of tarnish-

ing the country’s image. The Nigerians in Diaspora also disowned Lamptey Oriakhi, who claimed to be the President of the Federation of Nigerians in Spain (FNCS) an umbrella organization established to cater for the welfare of Nigerians resident in Spain. He said: “We, the concerned Nigerians living in the Royal Kingdom of Spain, wish to use this medium and the opportunities offered herein to refute on behalf of the entire Nigeria nation in Spain that he, Lamptey Oriakhi, is not the president of our association “It will be recalled in that publication that he claimed that it was the elections held on the 23rd April, 2016 in Madrid, the Spanish capital, that brought him as the new president of the Federa-

tion. It is so perfidious to have made such outrageous claim knowing fully that he is not the president of the Federation and there were no elections held on that date. “For the avoidance of doubt and to put the record straight, the federation of Nigeria communities in Spain, held its bi-annual elections on the 28th November, 2015 in Barcelona. After the keenly contested elections Prince Taiwo Adesegun, emerged as the new president of the federation along with other members of his cabinet.” He pointed out Lamptey Oriakhi, equally contested for the presidency, but was disqualified for forgery and falsification of documents. Adesegun explained that in line with the constitution of the

federation, the Nigeria embassy, Madrid was invited by the then president, Mr. Emmanuel Udieba, to witness the elections. “The embassy in response to the invitation sent two high ranking officials as observers. After the well attended elections, the

winners were sworn in and they have been performing their official functions since then. “We wish to inform herein that Lamptey Oriakhi, is not and will not be the president of our revered federation,” he said.

Delta bans streets’ trading, enforces sanitation exercise nOsA AkenzuA ASABA


etermined to make the Delta State first among equals, the Government yesterday banned streets’ trading, hawking and enforced sanitation exercises. Mr. John Nani, State Commissioner for Environment who confirmed the ban to journalists in Asaba said that the sanitation Taskforce Committee members recently inaugurated by the State Governor, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa would enforce strict compliance by Deltans, especially traders who have refused to comply with the di-

rectives to move into markets across the State. He said that sign posts, bill boards, that have been placed on median of roads would be removed by the Taskforce Committee members who will embark on operation clean exercise on Saturday. He said: “The Taskforce Committee members in collaboration with the Nigerian Police will begin to arrest anyone caught littering the entire streets with refuse dumps, we are set to make the State first among equals, we have also banned streets hawking and we will not tolerate any indiscipline among street traders, we will arrest anyone found wanting and ensured that the State is clean at all times”.

FGBMFI two-day annual business seminar holds June 10, 11

F Commercial motorcyclists waiting for passengers in Lugbe, Abuja.

Kano spend N3B on sanitation equipments AbdulgAfAr OlAdimeji KANO


ano State government has expended N3bn in purchasing refuse disposing equipments to enforce its operation Keep Kano Clean programme. The state governor, Dr Abdullahi Umar Ganduje said the motive behind the purchase of the equipment is to pursue the agenda set by his administration to make Kano one of the cleanest cities in the country. The governor yesterday commissioned 86 refuse trucks, four bulldozers, four street cleaning trucks, 50 tricycles, four bayloaders and a diesel filling station located within the prem-

ises of the state Refuse Management and Sanitation Board cited along Club road. Ganduje stated that, his administration is keen to address the menace of refuse bedeviling the state, soon the problem of refuse will be a thing of the past, he added. According to him, a new strategic approach has been developed to halt indiscriminate disposal of refuse by residents, adding that, fast evacuation of refuse dump at designated refuse dump form part of the new strategy. He disclosed that, laws will be promulgated to penalize those who violate environmental regulations, noting that, environmental inspectors would henceforth patrol all nooks and

crannies of the state to uncovers those in violation of the state environmental laws. A mobile court has been set up before whereby violators are to be arraigned, members of staff of REMASAB who lack commitment and the physical and mental strength to discharge their duties efficiently would be sacked, Ganduje warned. National Mirror reports that, the equipments commissioned includes, 86 refuse trucks, 50 tricycles, 4 bulldozer, 4 bay loaders, and 4 tarred road sweeping trucks. The governor pledged to continue to avail REMASAB with monthly funds to continue to execute its monthly mosquitoes control programme.

ull Gospel Business Men Fellowship International, FGBMFI, South West district 3 Lagos, has selected June 10 and 11 for its 2016 annual business seminar. Disclosing this during a press briefing at the district office Ilupeju Lagos, the district coordinator Fola Aguda said FGBMFI 19th annual seminar will hold at two different venues same day and time. While the lower end of the seminar targeting small, medium, new business entrants and intending business men and women will hold at NECA House Event Centre Alausa Ikeja, the higher end meant for industry, company and already established business owners hold at Sheraton and Towers Ikeja Lagos. According to him, the theme for the lower end of the seminar will be ‘Essentials for Modern Enterprise’ and will treat issues like how to generate ideas for business, essential soft skills for modern business and career growth, financial management skills for small businesses, exploring the world of virtual malls for business start-ups, starting and managing a successful poultry business among others.

The higher end he said will harp on the theme ‘Non-oil Options in the Nigerian Economy,’ with course content as: exploring agriculture value chains in the Nigeria economy, managing productivity: the social media effect, accessing sectoral funding for SMEs, exploring opportunities in the solid mineral sector, overcoming current challenges in international business etc. “These two seminars are going to be run at a very much subsidized amount with the higher going for N25,000 while the lower will go for N500,” Aguda said. Speaking during the briefing, Wale Adeniranye, CEO SigniLife Consulting and one of the speakers for the seminar to speak on financial management for small businesses, said that Nigeria blessed with a land that is probably the most fertile in the whole world, has everything it needs to move on, adding that it’s the duty of the group to impact the nation. Speaking earlier, Charles Aladewolu, CEO TECO Group, who is also to lecture at the seminar, said the seminar will help participants know that “what people call difficulties are in themselves opportunities.”

National Mirror


Monday, May 30, 2016

World News Governance must be undertaken and understood in purely practical terms. This is exactly what we are preaching always. –TANZANIA PRESIDENT, JOHN MAGUFULI

Migrants crisis: 700 stowaways die in few days–UN A fol Abi G AmbAri



p to 700 migrants are feared drowned in a series of shipwrecks off the coast of Libya in the last few days, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees said yesterday. The boats sank south of Italy on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday as the migrants tried to reach Europe in unseaworthy vessels. Survivors are being taken to the Italian ports of Taranto and Pozzallo. Spring weather has led to a surge of people attempting the perilous crossing from Africa to Europe. It is now a key migration route since a deal curbed numbers sailing to Greece as the MSF Sea group suggested the death toll from the last week could be as high as 900.

Wrecked ships as this have become a common occurrence as Migrants cross into Europe Meanwhile, the Italian authorities have said the rescue of more than 600 migrants off Libya on Saturday by a flotilla of EU ships took the weekly total to at least

13, 000. The rescues were the latest by a multinational patrol of ships operating in the Mediterranean. “One of the most worry-

ing things is that all these ships have left together in just the last few days. It has put rescuers under severe pressure,” a UNHCR official, Carlotta Sami, said.

No ambition to succeed father–Museveni’s son


he son of Ugandan President Yo w e r i Museveni, Major General Muhoozi Kainerugaba, has reacted to a ra ging debate over suspicions that he is being g roomed to succeed h i s f a t h e r, s ay i n g h e h a r bours no presidential ambitions. Kainerugaba, who spoke at a ceremony in Mbuya, Ug anda where he

was decorated with a rank of major general, said the so-called “Muhoozi Project” was “non-existent” and a “red her ring”. Long-simmering suspicions that he was being g roomed to replace his father as president came to t h e f o r e i n M ay 2 0 1 3 w h e n G e n e r a l D av i d S e j u s a , t h e then ar my coordinator of intelligence services, in a leaked memo, instructed

a top spymaster to probe a suspected plot to bump of f top gover nment of fi cials opposed to the plan. Threatened with charges of offending the UPDF Act, General Sejusa fled to exile in London but retur ned later and appeared in the High Court o n F r i d ay t o h e a r a r u l ing on whether he is still a serving military offic e r.

Major General Muhoozi Major Major General Muhoozi Kainerugaba

Boko Haram: Diasporans urge stakeholders’ inquest AdeolA Tukuru ABUJA


he Nigerians in Diaspora Monitoring Group (NDMG) has urged President Muhammadu Buhari to

President Muhammadu Buhari

order an investigation into the role being played by the various stakeholders in Borno State in the intractable nature of the Boko Haram insurgency. It pointed out that even as others celebrated this year’s Children’s Day, the abducted Chibok girls continue to be in Boko Haram’s slavery because several persons and group had allegedly made political and economic gains out of the captives’ situation. “Information reportedly supplied by other freed Boko Haram abductees and the reported confessions of captured fighters of the terror group

have confirmed earlier held beliefs that the insurgency has the blessing of highly placed persons in the state,” the diaspora group said. UK Coordinator of NDMG, Engineer Adeka Onyilo, stressed that the Presidency should order a special investigation into the insurgency without further delay. “Our recommendation at this point is for the Federal Government to set up a Board of Inquiry into the roles being played by all those that present themselves as leaders of that state,” he said. “The insurgents have proven that the support they enjoy in

the area is at an organisational level and possibly with state dimension. Anyone or group implicated in sustaining Boko Haram, whether directly or through acts of sabotaging the Federal Government’s efforts must be made to face the law. “Mr. President can no longer allow such compromised persons to continue wielding influence in Borno and environs as their continued support for terrorism could drag the ongoing fight into a stalemate. “It is now expedient that the abducted girls must spend the next Children’s Day as free persons.”


Terrorism: Israel makes Hamas arrests Israeli security forces say they have broken up a Hamas terror cell in the West Bank that carried out a suicide bus bombing in Jerusalem that injured 19 people. Six men ranging in age from 19 to 30 were arrested around Bethlehem as they were planning to get weapons and explosives for more attacks, the Israel Security Agency (ISA) said in a statement yesterday. One suspect, Mahmud Sami Abed Al-Azah, produced the explosive device used in the April bus attack after he saw an instructional video on the Internet and got help from another suspect, according to the ISA statement. “The group then recruited a suicide bomber and prepared him to get into Jerusalem and carry out the attack,” the ISA said. At the time Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to find those behind the attack.

Indian police make assault arrests Indian Police said yesterday that five people have been arrested over attacks on six Africans last Thursday, the latest in a number of assaults that have strained ties between African countries and India. Earlier this month, a Congolese man was beaten to death following a dispute over hiring an auto-rickshaw. India has promised tough action against attackers who target Africans. Thousands of Africans are studying at Indian universities. A student group is holding an antiracism rally next week. Three separate cases have been registered following last Thursday’s incidents, in which six African nationals suffered injuries.

Kenyan donkeys to wear nappies Donkeys have been banned from entering Kenya’s north-eastern town of Wajir unless they wear nappies. Officials said the rule is to protect the town’s newly laid tarmac road. A letter told donkey-cart owners they must manage their animal’s faeces “to avoid poop all over the tarmac road creating nuisance”. Reports however said yesterday cart owners are complying-some sharing tips on social media on how to attach nappy sacks. A similar nappy order was issued in Limuru, about 50km north-west of the capital, Nairobi, in 2007 but it was never put into practice, he says. The authorities in Wajir, which is more than 600km north-east of Nairobi, are probably keen to protect the new tarmac road after waiting decades for such development, according to reports.



Monday, May 30, 2016

Retrenchment imminent in Niger Priscilla Dennis MINNA


t has emerged that Niger State government may soon sack some of its workforce as the government said it would no longer continue to borrow large sums of money from commercial banks to pay salaries. Commissioner for Finance, Ibrahim Balarabe, disclosed this in an interaction with newsmen in Minna, the state capital. According to him, due to the economic crisis facing the nation, the current administration in the state in the past one year has been borrowing funds every month to augment its allocation from the federation account, to settle salaries of civil servants.

The commissioner, therefore, warned that the state government could no longer sustain the borrowing to pay salaries due to its huge burden, and might be unable to pay May salaries. However, it was learnt that the meeting between executives of the state chapter of the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, led by its Chairman, Comrade Idris Ndako, and the state government failed to yield the desired fruit as a result of disagreement on the issue. A top source, who pled anonymity, told National Mirror that the government’s representatives at the meeting allegedly offered to pay half of this month’s salaries (May) to the state workers due to paucity of funds.

The government side was said to have promised leadership of organised labour that it would settle the remaining balance as soon as it is able to secure more funds, but this did not go down well with the NLC side, as they outrightly rejected the offer and the negotiation ended in a deadlock. The source further stated that the government position did not go down well with the unionists, who bluntly refused to accept the negotiation of the payment of their May salary in two installments, arguing that the government was being economical with the truth. As such both parties could not agree on the way forward as the negotiation was

stalemated. According to the source, the angry NLC executives therefore demanded full account of bailout funds collected from the federal government by the state governor, Abubakar Bello, especially since he did not inherit salary arrears from former governor Mu’azu Aliyu. Aside, the NLC demanded to know the outcome of the staff verification exercise conducted in the state since January, with the aim of fishing out ghost workers, for which the workers had to endure much hardship. However, efforts to reach the state NLC chairman on telephone for his side on the issue failed as he could not be reached.

National Mirror

Coalition unveils agenda to boost IGR in Nasarawa iGBaWase UKUMBa LAFIA


ith the current dwindling revenue accruing to states from the federation account in Nigeria, the Nasarawa Coalition of Business and Professional Associations, NACOBPA, has unveiled a business agenda to the State Board of Internal Revenue to boost Internally Generated Revenue, IGR, in the state. Chairperson of the coalition, Joonna Bello, who disclosed this while unveiling the agenda to the board during a courtesy visit in Lafia, the state capital, said the agenda if adopted would boost the IGR of the state from its current N400 million

monthly to N800m. She stated that the feat could be achieved if the board harmonises and streamlines all taxes and levies in the state. The chairperson therefore called for a state-wide continuous sensitisation of all stakeholders on the need for civility in collection and regular payment of taxes. Bello also said proper documentation and listing of appropriate taxes raised should be compiled and made public. Responding, chairman of the board, represented by the coordinating director of IGR, Sule Umar, thanked the coalition for the initiative and assured of the board’s support towards achieving the agenda for the state.

Al-Makura supports grazing reserve initiative iGBaWase UKUMBa LAFIA

N L-R: Wife of the Deputy Governor of Bauchi State, Hajia Fatimah Gidado; wife of the State Governor, Hajia Hadizah Abubakar and Bauchi State Commissioner for Women Affairs and Child Development, Hajia Asabe Hamma, during celebration of Children’s and Democracy Day, in Bauchi, yesterday.

‘Katsina owes three foreign varsities N650m’ JaMes DanJUM KATSINA


atsina State government owes about three foreign universities a whopping N650 million, it has been learnt. The institutions owed are located in Jordan, Sudan and Niger Republic, with the debt incurred under the immediate past administration. The special adviser on higher education, Prof

Badamasi Charanchi, said the amount covered the unpaid tuition fees and allowances for 143 students of the state in the various institutions. Charanchi said the students were still studying at higher institutions in said countries, and that state government had resolved to set aside money in the 2017 budget to offset the debt. He however said the state government had henceforth suspended

foreign scholarships due to economic realities facing the country, and by extension the state. On activities of his office, Charanchi said about N22.8 million was expended for reconstruction of razed student hostels and staff quarters at the Yusuf Bala Usman College of Remedial and General Studies, Daura. He also said the sum of N23.2 million was spent for construction of road network at the

state-owned Umaru Musa Yar’Adua University. He said government had paid all outstanding scholarship allowances to students studying various courses in higher institutions in the country, which amounted to N569 million. He said the state government had set aside funds in this year’s budget for sponsoring staff under the department to acquire higher education.

asarawa State government yesterday expressed readiness to support the Federal Government’s initiative on creation of grazing reserves in the country. Governor Umaru Tanko Al-Makura made the position of the state government on the issue known during a media chat on the state-owned Nasarawa Broadcasting Service, NBS, to mark this year’s Democracy Day celebration. Consequently, he stated that the state would create grazing reserve from games reserve areas for cattle rearers in order to mitigate the frequent clashes among herders and farmers. The governor however faulted the idea for the establishment of ranches as according to him, “ranches, if established in the state, cannot even accommodate millions of cattle found in the Lafia senatorial district of the state.”

He also listed the running costs of ranches as another reason for not supporting ranches. “It would be very difficult to maintain such facilities by way of replenishing grasses and other important amenities,” he said. He therefore called on cattle rearers in Nasarawa to see the need of vacating all farm lands in the state to pave way for smooth take-off of this year’s farming season in order to avert any famine. The governor also said the state government had ordered for consignments of assorted fertilisers and other farm inputs which were already on the way to the state for onward distribution to farmers at subsidised rate. Al-Makura also used the medium to appeal to people of the state to be patient with the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, even as he maintained that his government was exploring more avenues to attract greater federal presence in the state.

Monday, May 30, 2016

International Friendly: Super Eagles arrive Luxembourg City

Salisu Yu suf


National Mirror



I am looking forward to the forthcoming Olympics and if I am invited, I will do my best to make a meaningful contribution – Iwobi

U-23 Team 2

Suwon Invitational: U-23 team set for Korea …to train in USA, as injured Oduduwa misses trip T

he Nigeria U-23 squad will depart Nigeria later today to attend the Suwon Invitational Tournament in South Korea as the team be-

gins final preparation for the men’s football tournament of this year’s Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. “Not many people gave us a

chance going to the African finals in Senegal. We love it that way because so much focus is on the other teams and we are able to concentrate on devising our

U-17 World Cup draw: Nikyu, Oboduku in Jordan


lamengoes Coach, Bala Nikyu, and team administrator, Mary Oboduku, have arrived Amman, Jordan for today’s draw ceremony for this year’s FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup. The draw ceremony will hold at the King Hussein Cultural Centre, Amman, and will segment the 16 qualified nations into four groups of four teams each. Already, the pots have been determined, in line with the ranking of the teams in the past four editions of the competition that was launched in New Zealand in 2008. Five extra points are allotted to continental champions, with Nigeria one of the beneficiaries. According to a release by FIFA, Pot 1 is made up of Jordan, Japan,

Germany, Korea DPR, Pot 2 has Nigeria, Spain, Venezuela and Ghana while Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil are in Pot 3 with New Zealand, England, Paraguay, Cameroon, occupying Pot 4. Nigeria has reached the quarterfinals in the last three editions of the competition “Trinidad and Tobago 2010”, Azerbaijan 2012 and Costa Rica 2014 and qualified for this year’s finals after defeating Namibia and South Africa home and away. Jordan hosted the Arab Games in 1999 but the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup is the country’s first major international tournament. Matches will take place in the capital, Amman as well as Irbid and Zarqa. The 5th FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup finals will hold 30th September21st October this year.


own strategies,” Coach Samson Siasia said yesterday. “The last time I took the U-23 to the Olympics, we won silver. This time, we will aim for gold,” he added. Siasia has picked Captain Azubuike Okechukwu, goalkeeper Emmanuel Daniel, defenders Stanley Amuzie and Segun Oduduwa, midfielders Usman Mohammed and Stanley Dimgba, forwards Taiwo Awoniyi and Saviour Godwin and 12 others for the invitational tournament. The list is made up of 12 home-based and eight overseas-based professionals. After the tournament in Korea, the team will train in Manchester, United Kingdom before heading to Atlanta, United States of America, from where it will travel to Rio de Janeiro for the Olympics. Nigeria will play in Group B of the tournament against Sweden, Colombia and Japan. Host Brazil, who lost 0-1 to Nigeria in a friendly in Brazil two months ago, head Group A which also

has South Africa, Iraq and Denmark. Germany, Mexico, Korea Republic and Fiji make up Group C while Argentina, Honduras, Algeria and Portugal are in Group D. Meanwhile, a major knee injury may rule defender Segun Oduduwa from the Rio Olympics as he has already dropped out of the Suwon invitational tournament in South Korea. Oduduwa, who suffered the injury in training with the Olympic team, will require surgery overseas as he races against time to be fit for the Rio Games, which begin in August. He has effectively been ruled out of the Suwon tournament after he was initially named in a 20-man squad. “The NFF will come out with a position on the player’s injury,” Nigeria U-23 media officer, Timi Ebikagboro, said. The central defender has featured at the U-23 AFCON in Senegal in December and also the All Africa Games in Congo Brazzaville.


Monday, May 30, 2016 CHANGE OF NAME


I formerly known and addressed as OGUNLEYE TITILAYO NOW to be addressed as BAMISAYE ROSELINE. All former documents remain valid. HERITAGE BANK, OTUN EKITI and general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as Olubukola Iredairo, now wish to be Known and addressed as OLUBUKOLA EWEDAIRO. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as ADEBARA MUSILIU ISHOLA, now wish to be Known and addressed as ADEBARA OMOFOLORUNSHO ISHOLA. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note. CHANGE OF NAME


Abayomi Oluwadamilola Abiodun is the same person bearing Abayomi Oluwadamilola Aishat henceforth now wish to be known and addressed as Abayomi Oluwadamilola Aishat. All former documemts remain valid. SKYE BANK,and general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

MUJIDATU: Formerly known and addressed as Mujidatu Arike Gbadamosi now wish to be known and addressed as Matthew Elizabeth (Nee Mujidatu Arike Gbadamosi). All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CONFIRMATION OF NAME

This is to confirm that Amaefule Silas and Amaefule Silas Odinaka Nwachukwu refers to the same person as Amaefule Silas Nwachukwu. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

I formerly known and addressed as Samaila Ahmed now wish to be known and addressed as Samaila Muhammad. All form documents remain valid. General public please take note. CHANGE OF NAME


I formerly MISS ADEYANJU FOLASADE RONKE. now wish be known and addressed as MRS AKANDE FOLASADE RONKE. All former documents remain valid. The general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

YUSUF: Formerly known as Yusuf Ozohu Patience now wishes to be known and addressed as Michael Ozohu Patience. Kogi Poly, GTB and general public to take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as Adeoye Jimoh Jamie, now wish to be known and addressed as Salaudeen Adeoye Jimoh. All former documents remain valid. Keystone Bank and general public take note.



I formerly known and addressed as AYODELE EBUNLOMO OLUWAPELUMI, now to be addressed as DARAMOLA EBUNLOMO OLUWAPELUMI. All former documents remain valid. First bank plc and general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as Oneh Bassey Eteng, now wish to be Known and addressed as BASSEY FRANCIS ETENG. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

I formerly known and addressed as MR DAHUNSI ADISA MUKAILA, now wish to be known and addressed as MR DAHUNSI ADISA MICHAEL. All documents remain valid. General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME


Formerly known and addressed as Mr Ademu Onalo, now wish to be known and addressed as Mr Musa Mohammed. All former documents remain valid. ZENITH BANK and general public take note. CONFIRMATION OF NAME

AJIBOYE: This is to confirm that Ajiboye Oluwayanmife Daniel and Ajiboye Oluwayanmife Ayomide refer to one and same person. All documents reflecting any of the Stated names remain valid and should be treated as one person. Banks and general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME


Formerly known and addressed as AUWAL MOHAMMED DAU now wish to be known and addressed as AUWALU MOHAMMED DAU all former documents remain valid authority concern and the general public should please take note CHANGE OF NAME

FORMERLY KNOWN And addressed as NWABACHILI SAMUEL NOW WISH TO BE Known and as NWABACHILI SAMUEL CHUKWUDI .All former documents remain valid, general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly ILEOLA FUNMILAYO CHRISTIANA now wish to be known, called and addressed as OMONIYI FUNMILAYO CHRISTIANA. All former documents remain valid. Authorities’ concerned and general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

I formerly known as isaac abraham monday now wish to be known and addressed as isaac abraham nkereuwem. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as Christiana Afusia Okafor, now wish to be known and addressed as Christy Afusia Okafor. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.



Formerly known and addressed as Kennedy Azipokomo Akokomu, now wish to be Known and addressed as Kennedy Aziakpono Akokomu. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as Ifeanyi Ezinwa, now wish to be Known and addressed as Ifeanyichukwu EZENWA. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.


ADENIJI: formerly known and addressed as MISS TOPE ADUNNI ADENIJI now wish to be known and addressed as MRS TOPE ADUNNI OSHO.All former documents remain valid.General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as STEPHEN SAMUEL, now wish to be Known and addressed as STEPHEN ABIODUN. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. OMISSION OF NAME

I formerly known and addressed as Ade Ayo Dawod, now wish to be known and addressed as Ayo Adewale Dawod. All documents remain valid. Generalid. General public take note.






Formerly known and addressed as Miss Oyeledun Omobolanle Aminat. now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Yusuf Omobolanle Aminat. All former documents remain valid. Banks and general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as George Oluwatosin Ibironke now wish to be known and addressed as Ibironke Oluwatosin Isaac. All former documents remain valid. GTB and general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

I formerly known and addressed as ACHINIKE KELECHI BLESSING now wish to be known and addressed as ROTIMI KELECHI NGOZI. All former documents remain valid. The general public should take note. CONFIRMATION OF NAME

I MRS OYENEYE ESTHER, is the same person as MRS OYENEYE ESTHER MODUPE, I now wish to be known and addressed as MRS OYENEYE ESTHER MODUPE . All former documents bearing all the names remain valid. Zenith bank plc and general public take note. CORRECTION OF NAME


Formerly known and addressed as Mohammed Adamu Umar now wish to be known and addressed as Mohammed Adamu.All former documents remain valid, general public take note CORRECTION OF NAME

This is to certify that my correct name is WALE AYO GABRIEL not Ajisegiri Ayo. Henceforth my name will be spelt, called and addressed as WALE AYO GABRIEL. U.B.A Plc and general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

I formerly known as Ogunyomi Ayobami Maria now wish to be known and addressed as Bawa-Allah Ayobami Maria. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as OZUMBA AMARACHI IFEOMA, now wish to be known and addressed as CHIBIKEM AMARACHI IFEOMA. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.


This is to confirm that Olagunju Idowu Olayemi,Ahmed Idowu Abdulraheem,Ahmed Idowu Olayemi is one and same person.henceforth,want to be known as Ahmed Idowu olayemi. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

TENIOLA: formerly known and addressed as Teniola Ibironke now wish to be known and addressed as Taiwo Sikirat Tosoko. All former documents remain valid. General public take note CHANGE OF NAME


I Balogun Tunji Tunde am the same person bearing Balogun Abdurazaq Babatunde and Tunde Rasaq Oduala. All former documents bearing the above names remain valid. General Public should take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as OGUNWOLE OLUWATOSIN MODUPE, now wish to be known and addressed as ADEBISI OLUWATOSIN MODUPE. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME


Formerly YAHAYA SAADALAHI ALOWOLE now wish to be known, called and addressed as ALOWONLE SHIRU ALOWONLE. All former documents remain valid. Skye Bank Plc and general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME/CORRECTION OF DOB

Formerly known and addressed as Precious Bola A. now wish to be called and known as Precious Adejoke Ahmed, and my correct date of birth is 24th December, 1989 instead of 24th December 1984. All former documents remain valid, general public should please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as Ola Ogbu Jonah, now wish to be known and addressed as Idu Matthew. All former documents remain valid. UBA Bank and general public take note.

National Mirror


I, JANE ELEKE NWANGORO is the same and one person as JANE ELEKE VILLETE, now wish to be known and addressed as JANE ELEKE NWANGORO-VILLETE. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

I formerly known and addressed as Queen Archibong Umoh, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Queen Ekomobong Michael Disu. All documents bearing my former name remain valid. General public please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as ADELERE AJISOPE, now wish to be Known and addressed as ADELERE ISMAILA AJISOPE. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note. CHANGE OF NAME


Formerly known and addressed as okolo kingsley james now want to be known as okolo kingsley oyenma. All former documents remain valid. general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

ADENIYI: formerly known and addressed as Adeniyi Mary Abiodun now wish to be known and addressed as Salami Abiodun Mary. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

I formerly known and addressed as JAJI TAIYE TEMITAYO now wish to be known and addressed as JAJI TAIWO TEMITAYO. All former documents remain valid. The general public should take note. CHANGE OF NAME

I formerly known and addressed as ODONO FRANCIS GERMANY OGBEGBE, now wish to be known and addressed as ODONO FRANCIS OGBEGBE. That I wish to omit GERMANY from my name, all former documents remain valid ,general public please take note. CHANGE OF NAME


This is to inform the general public that I, OLADAVIES OLAWOYIN OLASUJIBOMI. i am one and the same person also bearing the name OLADIPODAVIES OLAWOYIN OLASUJIBOMI. Henceforth i wish to be addressed as OLADIPO-DAVIES OLAWOYIN OLASUJIBOMI. All former documents remain valid. The general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME/CORRECTION OF DOB

Formerly Omoseyin Michael Saturday now wish to be known, called and addressed as AKINDULENI OMOSHEIN. Also, my correct date of birth is 10th day August 1983 not 12th day July 1968. All former documents remain valid. Authorities concerned and general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly called and addressed as Akinade Dauda Akanni now wish to be known and called as Olarewaju Dauda Akanni. All former documents remain valid, general public should please take note. ADDITION OF NAME

This is to inform the public that my name were formerly written as TAMUNOKETIMA SUNDAY JACK instead of TAMUNOKETIMA SUNDAY SYDNEY JACK. That i henceforth wish to be known and addressed as TAMUNOKETIMA SUNDAY SYDNEY JACK. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.


Formerly known and addressed as Miss Okwuzi Angela Uche now wish to be called and addressed as Mrs Oyiborume Angela Uche. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as Abikoye Gbemisola, now wish to be Known and addressed as Mrs. ADEKUNLE GBEMISOLA. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CORRECTION OF NAME

My name was wrongly written as SAMUEL INYANG ASUKUO instead of my correct name SAMUEL INYANG ASUQUO. General public and authorities concerned take note. CHANGE OF NAME


Formerly known and addressed as bakare nurudeen olatunji now wish to be known and addressed as bakare nurudeen olanrewaju. All former document remain valid. General public should take note. CHANGE OF NAME

ADIELE: formerly known and addressed as Miss ADIELE BLESSING ENYINNAYA now wish to be known snd addressed as MRS JAMESNWAIWU BLESSING UCHECHI All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CONFIRMATION OF NAME/ CORRECTION OF DATE OF BIRTH

This is to confirm that Chizoba Orji and Chizoba Daniel refers to the same person as Chizoba Daniel Orji and that my date of birth was wrongly written as 23rd of April 1983 instead of 14th October 1990. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

I formerly known and addressed as Amina Ayuba Usman now wish to be known and addressed as Amina Usman Dabai. All former relevant documents remain valid. General public should take note. CHANGE OF NAME


I Formerly known as MISS ARIYO YEMI MARY now wish to be known and addressed as MRS YEMI OLOGUNJA. all former documents remain valid. the general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

I formerly known and addressed as Inuwa Bashir Muhammed now wish to be known and addressed as Inuwa Bashir Isa. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

I formerly ALEX JUSTINE CHARLES ,now to be known as EZERE JUSTINE CHARLES and date of birth is 22/03/1994. All former document remain valid. General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as MRS MONICA ADEOLA ABDULKAREEM , now wish to be known and addressed as MRS MONICA ADEOLA OYETADE. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

National Mirror

News 45

Monday, May 30, 2016

Mixed reactions trail Buhari’s first year performance


nalysts on yesterday expressed mixed reactions on the first year anniversary of the administration of President Muhammed Buhari. Expressing their views on the performance of the administration, some acclaimed the regime as progressive, while others said there was a lot of rooms for improvement. Speaking in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, in Lagos, a lawyer, Mr. Dipo Lawal, said Buhari’s government had propelled the nation forward, especially in justice delivery. “The unprecedented apprehension and prosecution of untouchable government officials accused of embezzlement of public fund is happening in the present regime. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as ABDUL FARUNA ADUKWU, now wish to be known and addressed as SULEMAN HARUNA ADUKWU. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

AGBATA: I, formerly known and addressed as MISS AGBATA UZOAMAKA BLESSING, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS MAGBO UZOAMAKA BLESSING. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note. ADDITION OF NAME

That I was formerly known and addressed as IKEH OSITA that I now wish to add GODSWILL to my former name that I now wish to be known and addressed as IKEH OSITA GODSWILL. All former documents remain valid. Banks and general public should please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

SOGUNRO: I, formerly known and addressed as TOYIN SOGUNRO, now wish to be known, called and addressed as SEKINAT A. MUHAMMED. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as ABDUL SALAMI SHAKIRUDEEN, now wish to be known and addressed as SALAMI SHAKIRUDEEN. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

“In the previous regimes, some institutions like the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission were set up just like ceremonial institutions. “They did not do much. They barked but could not bite,” he said. Lawal described the removal of fuel subsidy by the Federal Government as the “right step in the right direction”, but urged Nigerians to be ready to sacrifice. “It behooves on us all to understand that if the country will be better economically, we have to be patient. “It may not yield the social and economic dividends we expect at present but it surely will in future,” he added. CHANGE OF NAME

EMELUMGINI: I, formerly known and addressed as MISS EMELUMGINI EBERE FLORENCE, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS UDEH EBERE FLORENCE. All former documents remain valid. Enugu State Teaching Hospital Parklane Enugu, Banks and general public should please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

OMINYI: I, formerly known and addressed as OMINYI WILLIAMS EKENE, now wish to be known and addressed asIDENYI WILLIAMS OMINYI. All former documents remain valid. NYSC, Banks and general public should please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as Ilomuanya Winifred Ifeyinwa, now wish to be known and addressed as Onuigbo Winifred Ifeyinwa. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as Sikiru Fatimo Adunni, now wish to be known and addressed as Kolawole Fatimo. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as Mrs Ayoleye Temitope Deborah now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Adejare Temitope Deborah. All former documents remain valid. Keystone bank and General public take note

According to him, Buhari has also saved the nation from collapse. “For the past 16 years, the issue of security has been pathetic but in just one year, we have the terrorists chased away and many villages and towns captured by them have now been recovered.” Lawal said, however, said the nation was still behind on the issue of achieving true democracy. He argued that the country’s democracy was still plagued by rifts and unnecessary altercations. Another analyst, Mr. Mike Olisa, advised Buhari to implement policies that would benefit the poor masses. “He should execute projects that will be beneficial to the common people, empowering the poor not enriching the politicians. CHANGE OF NAME

ONONIWU: I, formerly known and addressed as MISS PRECIOUS UJUNWA ONONIWU, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS PRECIOUS UJUNWA EZEUGWA. All former documents remain valid. NYSC and general public should please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

OHUAWUNWA: I, formerly known and addressed as DR CHARLES CHUKWUEMEKA OHUAWUNWA, now wish to be known and addressed as DR CHARLES CHUKWUEMEKA CHUKWUNEKEH. All former documents remain valid. Banks and general public should please take note. CHANGE OF NAME



Formerly known and addressed as Miss Olufemi Bukola Iyabo now wish to be known and addressed as Miss Ademola Iyabo Bukola. All former documents remain valid. Guaranty Trust Bank and General public take note

“He should not face long-term projects and forget the day to day needs of the masses,” Olisa said. He argued, however, that corruption had reduced under Buhari’s administration but that fighting corruption must not be restricted to people from the opposition. The lawyer said the removal of fuel subsidy was a good plan if it was well implemented to strike a balance. “If there is removal of fuel subsidy, the government should provide alternative means that people can survive on. “If petroleum product is increased, there should be things in place that people can find solace in like electricity. “If there is improvement in electricity supply, it can mitigate the hike in the cost of petroleum products,” he said. Some civil society organisations urged the president to address the yearnings of Nigerians by ensuring their security CHANGE OF NAME

ORJI: I, formerly known and addressed as MISS ORJI IJEOMA, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS NWABUEZE JOY. All former documents remain valid. Awgu Local Government Office, Local government Service Commission and general public should please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

I Miss Adenike Fali Ayinde will like to be addressed henceforth as Mrs. Ogunmola Adenike Adeola. General public please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as OGUNJOBI MARY IDOWU, now wish to be known and addressed as KOLAWOLE MARY IDOWU. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as MISS AJAYI YETUNDE YEWANDE now wish to be known and addressed as MRS SOWUNMI YETUNDE YEWANDE. All former documents remain valid. General public take note



13/15, Bankole Street, Lagos Island, Lagos This is to inform general public that the family Members listed below are duly appointed trustees of Seidu Jabita Williams of OLOWOGBOWO, Lagos Island, Lagos. 1. Alhaji Mustapha Bakare 2. Alhaja Abiola R.Ailara 3. Mrs Ramota A.Bolarinwa 4. Mr Olawale Williams 5. Mr Kassim Williams To this effect the general public is hereby warned that whoever does any transaction with any person(s) purporting to be family representative(s)other than the trustee mentioned above, in respect of any of the family properties in Lagos and Ibadan, does so at his/her own risk. Signed: Alhaji Mustapha Bakare Mr Kassim Williams

and welfare. National Coordinator of Awake Nigeria Movement, Mr. Akanni Iromini, said the best way to nurture the country’s democracy was to prioritise the welfare of the people. According to him, democracy is basically about people and their wishes. “President Buhari must consider the feelings and yearning of the people and that is what democracy is all about,” he said. Iromini called for an inclusive and collective sponsorship of political office holders to curb corruption in governance. “The solution to Nigeria’s problems today is to change the way we elect our leaders to positions of authority from money bag political system to collective sponsorship of candidates to positions of authority. “The people will come together in large numbers per Local Government engaging in discussion and education on good governance and electoral proCHANGE OF NAME

OKEKE: I, formerly known and addressed as MISS OKEKE AMAKA DORATHY, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS ANIOBILINUS AMAKA DORATHY. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

ANIH: I, formerly known and addressed as MISS ANIH EUCHARIA APOLLONIA NGOZI, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS CHUKWU EUCHARIA APOLLONIA NGOZI. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known as OLAWUNMI ABIODUN AGBEBI now wish to be known and addressed as ABIODUN OLAWUNMI SHONIBARE. All former documents remain valid, general public should take note CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as ODUMOSU NUSIRAT FOLASHADE, now wish to be known and addressed as OSHOBA NUSIRAT . All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

cess regularly. “This will make the people violence-free revolutionaries who will use their votes and that of others to elect genuine representatives who will serve their interest,” Iromini said. Also speaking, Dr Joe Okei-Odumakin, President of the Women Arise for Change Initiative, said Buhari should prioritise the issue of security. “My assessment of the one year of this administration is that a lot still has to be done in addressing the yearnings and aspirations of Nigerians, particularly in the area of security. “Government must take time to address issues that affect the lives of the average Nigerian, cases of extra-judicial killings and most importantly, the rescue of the abducted Chibok school girls. “A lot still needs to be done and there is always room for improvement,” she said. CHANGE OF NAME

AGU: I, formerly known and addressed as MISS AGU PRISCILLIA EBERE, now wish to be known and addressed asMRS OMEJE PRISCILLIA EBERE. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

JUDE: I, formerly known and addressed as JUDE OKEKE CHIBUIKE, now wish to be known and addressed asOKEKE CHIBUIKE CHRISTANTUS. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note. CONFIRMATION OF NAME

This is to confirm and certify that EZECHUKWU OLUEBUBU EUNICE, ABEL OLUEBUBE EUNICE and EZECHUKWU ABEL OLUEBUBE EUNICE refer to one and the same person, now wish to be known and addressed as EZECHUKWU ABEL OLUEBUBU EUNICE. All former documents remain valid. Banks and general public please take note. CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known as ABOSEDE SAMSON now wish to be known and addressed as BOLANLE ADEJOKE RACHEAL. All former documents remain valid, general public should take note.



The general public is hereby notified that the above named Ministry has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission, Abuja for registration under Part “C” of the Companies and Allied Matters Act Cap C 20 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria. 2004. THE TRUSTEES ARE: 1. Peter Steve Chizurum 2. Chizurum Miracle Ihuomachi 3. Happiness Uche Ole 4. Collins Ndubisi Peter 5. Agbeze Gabriel Ogba 6. Chukwuma Emma Abiayi 7. Joseph Agbonna Kennedy THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2. To raise end-time Gospel bearers. Any objection to the registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420 Tigris Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja within 28 days of this publication. Signed: TRUSTEES



National Mirror

Thursday, March 5, 2015 Monday, May 30, 2016

Sports: Dalung must tap into Buhari’s winning aura As the All Progressives Congress (APC) Federal Government of Muhammadu Buhari marks one year in office, sports editor, EVEREST ONYEWUCHI, writes that the President has a winning aura that must be keyed into by his sports minister for podium results.


igeria’s fifth elected President, Muhammadu Buhari, took office on May 29, 2015 just as the king of sports, football, was holding two important global competitions in New Zealand and Canada simultaneously. The 19th FIFA Men’s U-20 World Cup kicked-off in Auckland, with Nigeria’s Flying Eagles in attendance. Across the Pacific through the Indian to Atlantic Ocean in North America, the FIFA Women’s World Cup held in Canada with the Super Falcons in the thick of action. While President Buhari was marking his 100 days in office, Nigeria joined 53 other African countries in Congo Brazzaville where the All Africa Games (AAG) was staged last September. At that games, Nigeria finished second, an unprecedented achievement, behind Egypt with a total of 144 medals, surprisingly pushing South Africa to the third position, a plus to the emerging government. For Africa and Team Nigeria, the Congo AAG was a prelude, as well as a dress rehearsal for the upcoming XXXI games of the Olympiad holding this summer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. While Nigerians awaited the long-delayed composition of Buhari’s cabinet, with no substantive Minister in-charge, and sports under the scrapped National Sports Commission (NSC), football brought glory to Nigeria and the administration as the Golden Eaglets in November won the 2015 FIFA U-17 World Cup in Chile, setting record for the country as the first to win the agegroup tournament back-to-back and five unprecedented times. Nigeria’s U-23 football team coached by Samson Siasia, who won bronze medal at the AAG in Congo, attended the Africa Cup of Nations in Senegal, lifted the trophy and qualified in style for the imminent Rio 2016 Olympics. In a related development, the U-17 women’s national team, Flamingoes, also under the present government, booked their ticket

President Muhammadu Buhari having a handshake with World Scrabble Champion, Wellington Jigere.

to participate in the forthcoming FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup in Jordan. Golden Eaglets’ triumph in Chile was spectacular because it happened 30 years after Buhari received the trophy from the Nigerian lads captained by Nduka Ugbade, who won the maiden FIFA/ Kodak U-16 World Championship in China in 1985 as a Military Head of State. But then Major Gen. Buhari did not host the victorious team at a promised reception at Dodan Barracks State House before he was toppled from power in a palace coup d’état by his Chief of Army Staff, Major Gen. Ibrahim Babangida. Therefore, a joyous PMB had to roll out the red carpet at Aso Rock Villa to receive and honour both the Class of 1985 and Class of 2015 Golden Eaglets, showering money on the players and their trainers in appreciation. For all these successes in a short while, Buhari meritoriously received the CAF Platinum Award for Good Leadership during the Glo/CAF Awards in Abuja. Eventually in December the Federal Executive Council (FEC) was constituted, but against stakeholders’ wise counsel that a technocrat or a passionate and enthusiastic person should be appointed Sports Minister, Buhari chose a neophyte to oversee the

youth and sports sector in the person of Mr. Solomon Dalung. The Sabon Gida, Plateau State born lawyer, who loves to wear khaki and red beret and prides himself as “a staunch activist” is the 33rd minister in-charge of sports in the history of Nigeria. What Dalung has achieved so far in office, is leading the AAG athletes who won medals in Congo, D’Tigers who won the 2015 Afro basket in Tunisia and thus qualified for the Rio Olympics, and Wellington Jighere, who beat 129 other competitors to win the World Scrabble Championship to the Presidential Villa to shake hands with Buhari and receive monetary rewards. The first mistake made by the garrulous Dalung was scrapping the NSC then headed by Alhassan Yakmut. Yes, the NSC had no enabling Act as successive National Assembly legislators failed to pass a law to repeal the military decree that set it up, however, the minister’s predecessors in office

had allowed it to function as a parastatal and technical arm of the ministry, given the responsibility to discover, nurture, develop and prepare athletes for international competitions, but Dalung threw the baby out with the bath water. Under Dalung’s watch, Nigeria failed at the African Nations Championship (CHAN) in Rwanda in January this year. Homebased Super Eagles finished third at the 2014 CHAN held in South Africa, but in Rwanda a team led by undisciplined and cantankerous Sunday Oliseh only beat Niger 4-1, drew 1-1 with Tunisia and lost 0-1 to Guinea before crashing out in the first round. The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) rightly decided to sack Oliseh who called Nigerians “insane”, refused to submit CHAN report and lambasted journalists who questioned his tactics but the minister intervened, saying that Nigeria will not win at all times. Eventually, Oliseh who was

‘ The firsT misTake

made by The garrulous dalung was scrapping The nsc Then headed by al-hassan yakmuT

appointed in July 2015 and led Nigeria to the Gabon Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) 2017 qualification cul-de-sac, resigned on February 26 this year through Twitter from his base in Belgium, just three weeks to the decisive double header against Egypt. The rest as they say is history, as the Pharaohs drew 1-1 with Super Eagles in Kaduna and triumphed 1-0 in Alexandria, effectively ensuring that Nigeria misses two AFCON finals in a row after the 2013 victory in South Africa. Nigeria’s quest to qualify for the Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup is still hanging, not after the Super Eagles struggled to eliminate Swaziland in the first round of qualifiers and will face the Indomitable Lions of Cameroun later this year to determine teams that will participate in the final groupings, yet the minister’s differences with the NFF ensure there is no substantive coach for the Eagles. Dalung leaves his ministerial office door open to renegades among sports stakeholders, thus emboldening them to continue to foment trouble and cause crises. The irritant called Mr. Chris Giwa, who took his grievances against the NFF presided over by Mr. Amaju Pinnick to the Court of Arbitration (CAS) in Switzerland and lost, but still gets the minister’s listening ears, is a bad •Continued on Page 47

National Mirror


, May4,30, 2016 ThursdayMonday September 2014


NNL: Kogi shines over Shekarau


ogi United FC of Lokoja at the weekend began the new Nigeria National League season with a 1-0 home win over newcomer Shekarau Babes FC of Kano. Much was expected from the Kogi gaffer, Ishaya Jatau, in the match played at the Confluence Stadium, Lokoja after the side’s female counterparts, Confluence Queens had set the tone of victory beating Adamawa Queens by similar score line. It took only 13 minutes for the home club to make the difference as John Jerome connected a pass from Chindo Babangida to make the difference. The visitors grew into the game


gradually but failed to level up and had a few missed chances from Kogi United to thank for the low score line. Coach of Kogi United, Ishaya Jatau, expressed satisfaction with the victory which he described as important. “This is for the fans and our supporters and I believe it will boost the team’s confidence,” the former Super Eagles and Iwuanyanwu Nationale striker said. “Kudos to Shekarau because they gave us a real fight. We can now look forward to impressing more in our next game,” he added. Kogi United will next travel to Jos this weekend for the Week 2 encounter against Mighty Jets.

French Open: Murray, Wawrinka through to q/final

International Friendly: Super Eagles arrive Luxembourg City


he Super Eagles have arrived in Luxembourg City ahead of Tuesday’s international friendly against that country’s senior national team. The delegation left Rouen, where they played Mali on Friday, at noon on Sunday and are now at the Alvisse Parc Hotel, an impressive facility located on Route d’Echternach in Luxembourg City. There is a great spirit in camp as players and officials look forward to a win against Luxembourg, on the back of the 1-0 defeat of one of

Africa’s strongest teams, Mali at the Stade Robert Diochon on Friday. The team later trained at the Stade Josy Barthel, venue of Tuesday’s clash with the ‘Red Lions’. Meanwhile, Super Eagles team administrator has refuted the story in some sections of the Nigerian media which claimed that the Super Eagles could not exchange jerseys after Friday’s international friendly with Mali because the players do not have enough jerseys positing that Malian players never offered to exchange jerseys with the Super Eagles at the Stade Robert Diochon.

“We have received calls from Nigeria that people are happy about the performance of this young team against Mali. Most people believe that we are on to a good thing with this crop of players but someone is only interested in spreading falsehood to try and embarrass the nation. “We use new jerseys for every match, and we exchange jerseys when it is necessary. The jerseys belong to the players and they are free to do whatever they want with them after these two matches,” he explained.



efending champion Stan Wawrinka beat Viktor Troicki in four sets to reach the last eight of the French Open. The Swiss, third seed won 7-6 (75) 6-7 (7-9) 6-3 6-2 and will face Albert Ramos-Vinolas in the quarter-finals after the Spaniard knocked out eighth seed Milos Raonic 6-2 6-4 6-4. Also Britain’s Andy Murray beat American John Isner in straight sets to reach the quarter-finals of the

French Open. The world number two saved three set points in a 16-minute firstset tie-break and was leading 7-6 (119) 2-1 when play was stopped because of rain. Murray, 29, outclassed 15th seed Isner after the break to seal a 7-6 (11-9) 6-4 6-3 win in two hours and 40 minutes. The Scot faces France’s ninth seed Richard Gasquet, who beat fifth seed Kei Nishikori, in the last eight.

Sports: Dalung must tap into Buhari’s winning aura •Continued from Page 46

example. Also, the fellows who are not following due process in promoting the controversial Africa Basketball League (ABL), who are trying to undermine the Nigeria Basketball Federation (NBBF) led by Tijani Umar and the good works they have done to revive our dunking game, yet are getting Dalung’s nod, is another bad example. About nine weeks to the opening of the Rio 2016 Games, Team Nigeria athletes are scattered, with lack of funds scuttling earlier camping plans, with Dalung accusing former DG of the defunct NSC, Yakmut, of not accounting for the leftover of the N2.9billion which the Presidency released for the Congo AAG and preparation for the Olympics. Stakeholders are not amused, bemoaning the absence of standard facilities in Nigeria to train for Olympic medals.

President General of Nigeria Football Supporters Club, Dr. Rafiu Ladipo, while appraising the one year in office of the Buhari administration, acknowledged that the minister has begun moves to rehabilitate some dilapidated sports facilities. Ladipo commended Dalung for ensuring that contracts awarded by the previous government to rehabilitate the Olympic size swimming pool at the National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos and works on the renovation of the Games Village are continuing apace. He appealed that the renewal of facilities should be extended to other stadiums across the country. “I am particularly happy that the present administration has taken the bull by the horns to set up a sports reform committee. But my advice is, at the end of the day, report submitted by the committee should not be discarded as has been the practice in the past,”

Golden Eaglets celebrating after winning the U-17 World Cup a record five times in Chile

Ladipo cautioned. He, however, stated that the problems encountered under previous administrations like poor preparation of athletes before

international competitions, late release of funds for participation in such events and unwillingness of administrators to develop

sports at the grassroots are still there, but expressed optimism that with a change of heart and attitude, they would be things of the past.


Most pierced man Vol. 06 No. 1379 Monday, May 30, 2016


The most pierced man is Rolf Buchholz, from Dortmund, Germany, who had 453 piercings, including 158 around his lips, as of August 5 2010.

The change that has taken place


n May 29, 2015, a new era was opened in the Nigerian political history, when 16 years of Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP) control of the nation’s centre ended and that of the All Progressives Congress (APC) began. The power shift was profound, both on account of its unexpectedness and the seamless momentum that brought it about. Many would read the hand of God on the fall of PDP. The ongoing anti-corruption war has thrown up scurrilous revelations that give credence to this. Considering the established positive correlation between hunger and the susceptibility of the electorate to inducement that would change their electoral choice, and given that billions of naira were spent by the PDP to induce Nigerian voters to vote Jonathan, but instead they showed their preference for Buhari candidacy to give him victory in the March

HeartBeat Callistus Oke 08054103275 (sms only) 28, 2015 presidential election, is such success not an evidence of divine intervention in the affairs of Nigeria? Do not let us be bothered about such an issue; what is relevant to us is that Buhari as the new tenant of the Presidential Villa, Aso Rock for the initiated, has opened a new chapter in the political history of Nigeria. Up till May15, 2019, all things being equal, he will be in charge of the destiny of Nigeria and everyone and everything therein; he will call all the shots, though within constitutional bounds. Even if Mr. President was divinely programmed to be in charge of Nigeria after Jonathan fell out of favour, he and the APC did serious political marketing covering the entire country during the build up to last year presidential election and with several socioeconomic and political products on offering as encapsulated in the Change Agenda, the APC’s USP. As a reminder, Mr. President promised Nigerians job creation, anti-corruption war, improved social and physical infrastructure, improved insecurity, social welfare, transparent governance, accelerated power supply, food security, affordable healthcare, accelerated economic growth, integrated transport network, devolution of power and many more. And all these were reechoed in his inaugural speech of May 29, 2015. An extract: “It is a national shame that an economy of 180 million generates only 4,000MW, and distributes even less. Continuous tinkering with the structures of power supply and distribution and close on $20 billion expanded

The Buhari adminisTraTion is doing iTs BesT To address cerTain manifesT sympToms of a diseased economy since 1999 have only brought darkness, frustration, misery, and resignation among Nigerians. We will not allow this to go on. Careful studies are under way during this transition to identify the quickest, safest and most cost-effective way to bring light and relief to Nigerians. Unemployment, notably youth unemployment features strongly in our Party’s Manifesto… We intend to attack the problem frontally through revival of agriculture, solid minerals mining as well as credits to small and medium size businesses to kick – start these enterprises. We shall quickly examine the best way to revive major industries and accelerate the revival and development of our railways, roads and general infrastructure.” My concern in this piece is that one year after, how far, how well? How faithful has Buhari been to the social contract he signed with Nigerians on May 29, 2015? I have no hesitation in saying President Buhari has profoundly changed Nigeria in many ramifications. His ongoing anticorruption crusade, which in his opinion is

“sine qua non to the overall reconstruction of the economy and social system”, qualifies as a revolution. It takes only a courageous leader to confront well entrenched interests in the country that have given corruption the face of a malignant cancer. Buhari is right on course and he enjoys the support of the majority of Nigerians and the international community. I am tempted to say: Never again will corruption reign supreme in our land after the Buhari revolution. I have heard it said this administration has no economic blueprint; while conceding that a holistic economic agenda has not really crystallized, the Buhari administration is doing its best to address certain manifest symptoms of a diseased economy and a warped socioeconomic order. So bad is the inflow of foreign exchange into coffers of government, a development arising from low price of our crude oil that a deregulation of the downstream sector of the oil industry was recently undertaken, when the Federal Government increased the pump price of petrol. Nigerians unprecedentedly demonstrated their understanding when they shunned the NLC organized mass action! This is no excuse for the worsening socioeconomic conditions of Nigerians. But I believe, there is still time in the day to frontally confront headlong some of the challenges that make the average Nigerian one of the most endangered human species in the world! One year ago, Boko Haram was a serious security issue, but today the rag tag misguided insurgent band has been decimated to a point of irrelevance. Unfortunately, however, the Niger Delta Avengers has raised the bar of insurgency in the Niger Delta region with the systematic crippling the economy by bombing the nation’s oil infrastructures. I see this as another storm that would soon blow over. Buhari is deftly navigating the stormy and volatile international politics. First, he paid a state visit to the USA; later he was also in China. That way, Nigeria’s non-aligned status has been secured. The President’s integrity is the magic wand!

Sport Extra


Olympiakos striker, Pulido kidnapped in Mexico


exican footballer Alan Pulido has been kidnapped in the northern border state of Tamaulipas, officials say. The 25-year-old striker was reportedly kidnapped

yesterday near his home in Ciudad Victoria after leaving a party. He plays for the Greek team Olympiakos and has made several appearances for Mexico’s national team.

Mexico has one of the world’s highest kidnapping rates, with government figures saying some 1,000 people are taken every year. Six masked men reportedly took the striker away

“by force” while his girlfriend was left unharmed in the car park where the incident took place. Tamaulipas is one of Mexico’s most violent states, and Mexico recently deployed

more security forces to tackle cartels operating in the area. Dozens of people have been killed in recent weeks in the border state, which is used as drug-smuggling routes to the United States.

Pulido Emenike

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