Monday, december 28, 2015 new

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2015 hallmarks financial, economic crises for Nigeria –LCCI ABOLAJI ADEBAYO


agos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, LCCI, has described the outgoing year


Vol. 5 N0. 1274


NCAA orders airlines to liquidate N4bn debts

economy during the year experienced most problems as the difficulties in the business environment persisted especially in relation to insecurity in parts of the

as full of challenges that undermined economic development drives by investors. The Chamber, in its 2015 Economic Review and Perspectives for 2016 published yesterday, noted that the

Monday, December 28, 2015




Free Fre e inside insi nsid ide de

National Mirror Online



CNPP demands clarity on subsidy, price modulation We may fix price of fuel per litre high or low –Kachikwu



onference of Nigeria Political Parties, CNPP, yesterday asked Federal Government to be more open about its decision on fuel subsidy. The body said recent pronouncements by Minister of State for Petroleum, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu has only served to create more confusion that profiteers would explore to unleash hardship on Nigerians. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2>>

I’m not eyeing Buhari's job, says Atiku P.12

LEFT: Fun seekers at an Amusement Park, Surulere, Lagos during the Christmas holidays. RIGHT: Children enjoying Duck Train ride at Rosellas Amusement Parks, Lagos yesterday. PHOTOS: ADEYANJO OLOWOJOBA











































































































































































































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UPDATED 30/10/2015



Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror

2015 hallmarks financial, economic crises for Nigeria –LCCI CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

country, infrastructure conditions, foreign exchange crisis, funding issues, consistency of policy and the quality of institutions. In the report made available to journalists by the Director General, Mr. Muda Yusuf, the Chamber disclosed that political and economic developments offered mix of notable events which shaped business and economic environment in 2015. Specifically the Organised Private Sector, OPS, group lamented that the unfriendly business environment in the outgoing year continued to undermine the capacity of investors to maximise abundant business opportunities in Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy. It stated that with drastic fall in oil price currently at $35 per barrel, heavy fuel subsidy bill nearing N1trn, wide spread insolvency among state governments across the country, increasing sovereign debt (about $60bn, including debt provisions in 2016 MTEF and debt service obligation of N1.3trn in 2016, the financial crisis may linger in the new year. Quoting National Bureau of Statistics, NBS, to drive home its point, LCCI stated that Nigeria’s real Gross Domestic Product, GDP, fell to 2.84 per cent in the third quarter of 2015, compared to 6.23 per cent in the same period in 2014. According to the Chamber, sectors such as manufacturing and the services slipped into recession after recording successive declines over the last three quarters in 2015.

It also noted that the successful democratic transition that ushered in a new political administration, presented a new wave of optimism on the back of the inherent goodwill of the administration at the federal level. “However, business activities were largely slow for a better part of the year due to uncertainties around the general economic policy direction of the present administration. “The Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, through its

Monetary Policy Committee, MPC, on Tuesday 24th November, 2015 resolved, among other issues, to reduce MPR from 13 per cent to 11 per cent (which represents the lowest since 2009) as well as the CRR from 25 per cent to 20 per cent. The decision by MPC to reduce monetary rates was informed primarily by the desire to stimulate the economy. “This is against the backdrop of the economic realities as manifested in weak and fragile domestic mac-

roeconomic environment, declining private and public expenditures and the slump in crude oil price. Also, cost and access to fund remained a major challenge for businesses especially MSMEs. “Through the year, lending rate of commercial banks, including fees and charges ranged between 22 per cent and 34 per cent, depending on the customer profile, tenor and collateral quality. “Meanwhile, the relaxation of monetary conditions is yet to impact on the cost of funds in the econo-

my,” the Chamber said. On the global scene, group noted that the persistent decline in the price of crude oil continued from $112 per barrel in June 2014 to $35 per barrel in December, 2015, which consequently led to various fiscal and economic challenges such as drop in foreign earnings, strained fiscal budget and huge financial bailout for some state governments, general cash flow issues in the economy and unstable business environment. It reported that through

the year under review, Nigeria had increasingly drifted into economic and financial crisis, following series of adverse developments in the international oil market. In response to dwindling receipts from oil export, the Chamber said CBN, adopted several measures such as the closure of Retail Dutch Auction System (rDAS) window, restriction of cash payment into domiciliary accounts and prohibition of 41 items from accessing the interbank foreign exchange CONTINUED ON PAGE 6>>

L-R: Chief (Mrs) Bola Obasanjo; wife of the Ogun State Governor, Mrs. Olufunso Amosun; Deputy Governor, Chief Mrs. Yetunde Onanuga and former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, at the Ibogun Olaogun, Ifo LGA, Ogun State.

CNPP demands clarity on subsidy, price modulation CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

The conference said the explanation by Dr Kachikwu on how the government wants to modulate price without removing subsidy to achieve the proposed N85 pump price sounded questionable given that he has been oscillating between how subsidy is not being removed and how the same subsidy is not sustainable in view of economic realities on ground. A statement by CNPP’s Secretary General, Chief Willy Ezugwu, warned that the group will not sit by and watch Nigerians suffer on

account of a government that failed to properly articulate and think its policy through. It pointed out that the latest move by the government was reminiscent of the New Year subsidy removal gift under former President Goodluck Jonathan, which Nigerians vehemently rejected. CNPP said the position announced by the minister tended towards removal of subsidy despite the denials. “What we found most worrisome is that the Federal Government is tactically implementing fully deregulation of the sector

beginning January 1, 2016, without announcing modalities for containing exploitative cabals that could sell petroleum products for four times the global average on account of the concept of free market. “It is on record that only Abuja and Lagos enjoyed the N87 price while the subsidy lasted as other towns and cities bought petrol for as high as N180 per litre. “We have not heard the minister said anything about remedying this anomaly that would be further compounded by a deregulated oil industry. “The template an-

nounced by the minster implies a market driven pricing, which is potentially volatile, given the peculiarities of Nigeria and uncertainties on the international scene. “But we have not also heard how the deregulation would be managed in a way that small and medium businesses that generate their own electricity would be insulated to prevent widespread collapse of businesses. “CNPP is concerned that low income earners could soon be faced with life threatening choices as they are forced to make decisions

between spending all their earnings on transportation and going without food to keep their jobs or to make take other desperate options,” the statement noted. The conference condemned the inability of government to bring closure to the fraudulent subsidy issue, which it has continued to pay out even as its senior officials acknowledge that there was no need for subsidies. “For the government to have paid out over N1trn this year and for Dr Kachikwu to have emphatically stressed that there was no need to pay subsidy means

that there is a level of collusion going on between the government and the subsidy cabal. “This government has simply continued the subsidy corruption from where its predecessor handed off. Nigerians therefore want a probe of the subsidies paid under the present government. “The Federal Government must also immediately present plans of how it will protect Nigerians from the fuel cabal since they will naturally shift their attention to extorting the populace once there are no more CONTINUED ON PAGE 6>>

National Mirror



Monday, December 28, 2015

Good Health

Shopping promotes happiness SAM EFERARO



or those who like to shop, especially during the festive periods like this, there’s good news: Material things can bring happiness. In a recent study from the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, researchers have shown that material purchases provide more frequent happiness over time, whereas experiential purchases, that is, material items designed to create or enhance an experience, provide more intense happiness on individual occasions. The majority of previous studies examining material and experiential purchases and happiness focused on what people anticipated about shopping or remembered about items and experiences. The University of British Columbia’s Aaron Weidman and Elizabeth Dunn wanted to know how people felt in the moment, say the first weeks with a new sweater or tablet computer. To answer this question, they assessed the real-time, momentary happiness people got from material and experiential purchases, up to five times per day for two weeks. Material purchases consisted of items such as reindeer leggings, portable speakers, or coffee makers, and examples of experiential purchases were a weekend ski trip, tickets to a hockey game, or spa gift cards. By having people record their thoughts in the weeks following their purchases, as well as one month after their purchases, the researchers showed that material and experiential purchases bring happiness in two distinct flavors. Material purchases bring repeated doses of happiness over time in the weeks after they are bought, whereas experiential purchases offer a more intense but fleeting dose of happiness. Additionally, when people looked back on their purchases 6 weeks after Christmas, they felt more satisfaction about experiential purchases. “The decision of whether to buy a mate-

… Study shows experiential purchases even yields more

Material purchase brings happiness

rial thing or a life experience may therefore boil down to what kind of happiness one desires,” says Mr. Weidman, “Consider a holiday shopper deciding between tickets to a concert or a new couch in the living room. The concert will provide an intense thrill for one spectacular night, but then it will end, and will no longer provide momentary happiness, aside from being a happy memory. In contrast, the new couch will never provide a thrilling moment to match the concert, but will keep the owner snug and comfortable each day throughout the winter months.” As you go forth in your holiday shopping this season, either for yourself or others, think about what form of happiness you want, before making a purchase.


Olive, sunflower oil on baby skin weakens natural defenses


sing olive or sunflower oil on new born babies’ skin damages the barrier which prevents water loss and blocks allergens and infections, new research led by The University of Manchester has found. Despite most midwives recommending olive or sunflower oil for dry skin, as highlighted in a previous University study, there has been little research into the effects of these oils, outside of small studies in the lab. This is despite changes to baby skin care being linked to a dramatic increase in eczema over the last few decades: from 5 percent of children aged 2-15 in the 1940s to around 30 percent today. To test the effects of the two oils on babies’

skin, the midwives at Saint Mary’s Hospital recruited 115 new born infants to the pilot study, which was supported by the NIHR. The babies were divided into three groups -- olive oil, sunflower oil and no oil. At the end of a 28-day trial period where babies in the oil groups were treated with a few drops on their skin twice a day, the lipid lamellae structure in the skin of each baby was investigated and in both oil groups the development of the skin barrier function was delayed compared to the no oil group. Alison Cooke, the lecturer in midwifery who led the research said: “If the skin barrier function is a wall with bricks made of cells, then the lipid lamellae is the mor-

Pix: Courtesy Enterprise 54

In another study, researchers found that while life experiences help consumers feel closer to others, experiential products such as books, sporting goods, video games or musical instruments allow them to utilize and develop new skills and knowledge, resulting in similar levels of happiness. “This is sort of good news for materialists,” said Ryan Howell, an associate professor of psychology at San Francisco State University and co-author of the study, who has researched extensively the link between shopping and happiness. “If your goal is to make yourself happier but you’re a person who likes stuff, then you should buy things that are going to engage your senses. You’re going to be just as happy as if you buy


new study, published recently in the International Journal of Epidemiology, has dismissed the concept of ‘fat but fit’. In contrast, the results from the new study suggest that the protective effects of high fitness against early death are reduced in obese people. Although the detrimental effects of low aerobic fitness have been well documented, this research has largely been performed in older populations. Few studies have investigated the direct link between aerobic fitness and health in younger populations. This study by academics in Sweden followed 1,317,713 men for a median average of 29 years to examine the association between aerobic fitness and death later in life, as well as how obesity affected these results. The subjects’ aerobic fitness was tested by asking them to cycle until they had to stop due to fatigue. Men in the highest fifth of aerobic fitness had a 48 per cent lower risk of death from any

a life experience, because in some sense this product is going to give you a life experience.” Years of research consistently have shown that purchasing life experiences, such as tickets to a play or a vacation, will make shoppers happier than material products such as clothes, jewelry or accessories. But by focusing on those two extremes, Howell said, psychologists have ignored the middle of the buying spectrum, leaving out a large number of items that are tangible but are nevertheless designed to engage users in some way. He and lead author Darwin Guevarra, then a student at SF State, asked consumers about a recent purchase and how happy that purchase made them. Expecting that material items would provide the smallest happiness boost and life experiences the largest, with experiential products falling in the middle, they were surprised to find that experiential products actually provided the same level of happiness as experiences. “They are essentially two different routes to the same well-being,” Howell said. “If you’re not feeling very competent, the best way to alleviate that deprivation would be through the use of experiential products. On the other hand, if you’re feeling lonely, you should buy life experiences and do things with others.” The ideal products for happiness, he added, may be those that simultaneously satisfy both needs, such as a board game you play with others or going to the museum with friends. Because increased happiness is linked to a variety of individual and societal benefits, including better health and longer life, Howell hopes to develop intervention methods that can help researchers steer individuals who have materialistic buying tendencies toward instead purchasing life experiences or experiential products.

Obesity more dangerous than lack of fitness

cause compared with those in the lowest fifth. Stronger associations were observed for deaths related to suicide and abuse of alcohol and narcotics. Unexpectedly, the authors noted a strong association between low aerobic fitness and also deaths related to trauma. Co-author Peter Nordström has no explanation for this finding: “We could only speculate, but genetic factors could have influenced these associations given that aerobic fitness is under strong genetic control.”




Wife of the President, Mrs Aisha Buhari (middle); medical director, Kubwa General Hospital, Dr Mohammed Ahmed-Danfulani and others during Mrs Buhari’s visit to celebrate Christmas with patients at the weekend.

L-R: Bishop of the Diocese of Lagos West (Anglican Communion) Rt Revd James Olusola Odedeji; Mrs. Lydia Odedeji; Hon. Justice Babasola Ogunade; Hon. Justice Ayo Phillips; Ven. Abel Ajibodu and Mrs. Esther Ajibodu, during a service of thanksgiving at the weekend.

L-R: Mrs Folashade Afolabi; her husband, Kayode; their baby Samuel and Miss Omotoyosi Oyeku at the Inspiration 92.3 fm Xmas Family Praise Jam 2015 Lagos.

Islamic Cleric, Alhaji Abdusalam Isa (left) receiving a plaque from Chief Missioner of NASFAT, Alhaji Ali Alaya during an award ceremony organised by NASFAT in Omu-Aran, Kwara State, yesterday.

Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror

L-R: Former Inspector General of Police, Dr.Mike Mbama Okiro; Osun State Governor Rauf Aregbesola and Owa Obokun Adimula of Ijesaland, Oba Gabriel Adekunle Aromolaran, during the 2015 Iwude Ijesa Festival at Owa’s Palace on Saturday.

L-R: Regional Operations Director, North Region, Airtel, Wole Abu; Airtel’s Channel Partner/CEO, Zeph Associates, Mr. Nwosu Tochukwu and another Channel Partner/CEO, Alenza Infinity Ltd, Mr. Edward Emeanuo while unveiling the new regional office of Airtel Nigeria at the FCT, Abuja.

L-R: Sr. Charlesmaria Emechebe of Holy Family Sisters of the Needy, Okwu Uratta; Mrs Racheal Uchendu, Imo State Comptroller of Nigeria Immigration Services, and Sr. Innocentia Emenogu of Holy Family Sisters of the Needy, Okwu Uratta, after the Comptroller was bestowed with chieftaincy title by HRH Eze David Osuagwu of Awaka, Owerri North area of Imo yesterday.

Orchestra of the Deeper Life Bible Church, performing at the National December Retreat of the Church in Suleja, Niger State. PHOTOS: ADEMOLA AKINLABI, ROTIMI OSASONA, SAMUEL ADETIMEHIN, ADEYANYU OLOWOJOBA AND NAN.

National Mirror

Monday, December 28, 2015

Children on Ice Skating at Kanu Ndubusi Park, Lagos.

Twins and Triplets celebrating at the Twins Day Festival in Lagos, yesterday.

Girls Brigade Women Leader, Mrs Na’omi Dadagon, with children at the Christmas Service in Bauchi during the Christmas.

A cross section of the children picnicker at Rosellas Amusement Parks and Event Centres Igando , Lagos. Yesterday.



Picnickers having fun at Wonderland in Abuja yesterday.

People having fun at Trans Amusement Park in Ibadan.

Children with their parents having fun at a park in Lagos, yesterday.




Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror

NCAA orders airlines to liquidate N4bn debts OLUSEGUN KOIKI


igerian Civil Aviation Authority, NCAA, has called on all airlines operating within and outside the country’s airspace to immediately put in place plans to liquidate their massive debts to it and other companies in the sector. The regulatory agency decried the debts of airlines, which piled up as a result of their failure to settle promptly invoices as at when due. At present, the airlines owe agencies in the sector at least N4bn. A statement issued in Lagos by the General Manager, Public Affairs, NCAA, Mr. Sam Adurogboye, hinted that the indebtedness, especially by domestic operators, posed serious financial challenges to the various agencies that benefitted from the 5 per cent ticket, charter and cargo sales charges. Adurogboye said the management would be

pleased to see the airlines put plans in place towards the full liquidation of all outstanding debts, stressing that the settlement of those debts would go a long way in assisting NCAA fulfill its statutory obligations to the country and the world at large. “It is pertinent to point out that the authority is fully committed to strict enforcement of compliance to safety regulations in order to engender safe operations at all times,” the statement added. It would be recalled that Director-General of NCAA, Capt. Muhtar Usman recently turned back a trailer load of rice brought to him by an airline (name withheld). Usman was said to be enraged when information got to him that the airline, which owes the agency and other sister agencies in aviation close to N1bn in unremitted Passenger Service Charge, PSC, Ticket Sales Charges, TSC, and other taxes, had brought “Christmas gifts” to him.

CNPP demands clarity on subsidy, price modulation CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2

subsidies,” the conference demanded. Meanwhile, Kachikwu yesterday said new and official prices of petroleum products would be announced in January, 2016. Kachikwu, who made this known during an inspection tour of the Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company, KRPC, said this was imperative in view of the fluctuating marketing trend of crude products. He explained that the new price could go either way, either above the current selling price or below. The minister also said the Federal Government is working round the clock to ensure availability and sustenance of the products few weeks from now. He said further that there was no plan to sell refineries, instead government is working round the clock to ensure that the refineries are working at optimum capacity to satisfy the needs of Nigerians. On the speculated removal of subsidy, he lamented that the amount

spent in the past for “political subsidy’ was huge. He said what the government intends to do was to have some level of moderation with a view to having a stable market. “With an increase in the prices of crude oil, we will make necessary adjustment; in January 2016 we will announce new prices of petroleum products according to the trend in the market,” he added. Kachikwu reiterated that the Kaduna refinery is doing well, adding however that more works needed to be done to make it better. He said the facility is currently producing about 1.5 million litres per day and effort is been made to produce about 2 million litres, adding that no fewer than 30 trucks are being loaded daily from the refinery. The minister assured Nigerians that the current hardship being faced will soon be a thing of the past. He added that the queues were gradually disappearing and will completely disappear in a matter of weeks.

He threatened to penalise the airline for what he termed ‘bribery’ and corruption, urging the airline and others that are hugely indebted to the agencies to pay up their debts or be stopped from operating. Sources said the Direc-

tor-General stated that he had mandated his lieutenants to be wary of the kind of gifts they collect from airlines, service providers and concessionaires in order to avoid a situation where they could be compromised.

The source, who confided in National Mirror said: “The Director- General of the NCAA this morning disallowed an airline (name withheld) with trailer load of rice from entering NCAA. “This is very curious

because it is coming few days after the aviation regulatory body issued letters to all airlines to pay up their debts to the agency. The DG has also warned airlines not to bring Christmas gift to the authority.”

L-R: Lagos State Governor Akinwunmi Ambode; his wife, Bolanle and wife of Senator Ganiyu Solomon, Ronke, during a Christmas party at the Lagos House, Ikeja.

2015 hallmarks financial, economic crises for Nigeria –LCCI CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2

market. It stated that CBN’s administrative allocation of foreign exchange signposted much deeper challenges for investors and the economy. In an attempt to arrest the trend, the CBN blamed the development on the activities of speculators in the parallel forex market thus pushing for stricter restrictions. Accordingly, 2015 experienced more exchange controls such as downward

adjustment of maximum spending limit on offshore credit/debit card spending to $12,000 per annum; reduction in the weekly allocation to $10,000 per BDC; BDC operators to source for dollar from private sources for personal and business travels; complete cancellation of the weekly sale of foreign exchange to BDC dealers anytime from now (market anticipation); as well as suspension of the use of naira debit cards abroad, effective from January 2016.

Different policy trajectories were recommended for alternative courses of action through the year such as adjustment of the exchange rate close to equilibrium rate to moderate demand and stimulate supply of foreign exchange; need to ease restriction on forex inflows through autonomous sources to boost supply; review of the policy of exclusion of 41 items from access to foreign exchange market; real sector development through economic

diversification strategy. The OPS group explained that the forex restrictions prompted JP Morgan Chase & Co. to remove Nigeria from its local-currency emergingmarket bond indexes in September 2015, triggering a sell-off in the nations’ assets. As a consequence, equity market lost over 30 per cent, making the Nigerian Stock Exchange, NSE, one of the worst performing equity markets in 2015.

EX-AIG urges FG to tackle injustice, ignorance


retired Assistant Inspector General of Police, AIG, Alhaji Bashir Albasu, has called on the Federal Government to address growing level of injustice, ignorance, poverty and corruption at the grassroots. Albasu made the appeal in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, on the sideline of the 2nd Edition of the 2015 Nigeria Security Exhibition and Conference, NISEC, in Abuja yesterday. According to him, terrorism is fuel by poverty, ignorance, corruption and injus-

tice, hence the need for the government to address the situation to restore peace. Albasu said in addition to what the Federal Government was doing to fight insurgency, government should go to the grassroots to make sure that it prevents injustice and other factors that fuel terrorism. “These are what fuel terrorism, going to Sambisa Forest to completely wipe out the terrorists is a very good and excellent effort. “But what do you do with what breed terrorism because if you wipe out the Boko Haram terrorists today

without addressing the root causes of it, the situation might resurface. “I remember 30 years ago, when President Shehu Shagari was in power, we had Maitatsine uprising in Kano, which led to the death of over 10,000 innocent citizens. “The military was used to subdue the Maitatsine uprising and peace was restored in Kano. “Similarly, in Maiduguri before the present security challenge, there was another one but I have forgotten the name they were calling themselves, it was also

knocked down by the military. “And now we are fighting Boko Haram. This shows that what we are doing is to allow the tree to grow and then cut the top and the branches. “That means the root is still intact in the ground and the tree will still grow again,” Albasu said. The retired AIG, who is also the District Head of Albasu in Kano State, stressed the need for government to be proactive in tackling poverty and social injustice at the grassroots as a panacea to insecurity.


National Mirror

Monday, December 28, 2015

Monday, December 28, 2015

National News

National Mirror

Boko Haram: Military captures seven bomb experts in Kaduna A


Civil society urges FG to build more refineries to address fuel scarcity

...says suicide bombers have infiltrated the public

Ubong Ukpong ABUJA


he military yesterday arrested seven Boko Haram terrorists’ bomb experts in Kaduna State, even as it cautioned that suicide bombers have infiltrated the public. The arrest averted a major catastrophe in the state and environs. A statement by the Director of Army Public Relations, DAPR, Colonel Sani Usman, said the terrorists

were arrested after painstaking surveillance and proactive intelligence operations over a period of time. “From all indications, the suspects were in Kaduna to conduct suicide bombings, kill and maimed innocent citizens in the state and other surrounding areas during the festive period,” he said. It would be recalled that some Boko Haram bomb experts were recently arrested in Maiduguri, Borno

State, while trying to detonate IEDs carried in food containers. The army said the arrest of the suspects would assist in the fight against terrorism in the country. He noted that the terrorists have resorted to attacking soft targets through suicide bombings, following their defeat by the military in the field. Usman said that: “Therefore, the public are please requested to continue to be

more vigilant and security conscious by reporting suspicious persons and movements to security agencies. “This request has become necessary because the terrorists have resorted to mingling with the public across the country after sensing the futility of their encounter with troops in the north east. “Therefore, they adopt other methods of perpetuating violence in the society.”

Turkish Airlines fiasco: Minister suspends top airport officials, orders investigation


inister of State for Aviation, Sen. Hadi Sirika, has ordered the suspension of three top officials of Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja, over the recent incident involving Turkish Airlines at the airport. Sirika disclosed this while briefing newsmen after listening to explanations by the airport officials on the incident in Abuja yesterday. He added that the ministry had also ordered thorough investigation to ascertain the cause of the breach, as well as why the airline brought in passengers without their luggage. The suspended officials, according to him, are the Airport Manager, Terminal Manager and Head of Airport Security, who were ordered to handover to their next in rank pending the conclusion of inCHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as Robert Dangana, now wish to be known and addressed as DANGANA ROBERT EHASE. All former documents remain valid, general public should please take note.


vestigation. The minister said the explanation by the officials that security personnel on duty were overpowered was not acceptable, ordering for thorough investigation into the incident. He stated that the actions of the passengers in forcing their ways into the tarmac and blocked the aircraft from taking off was a security breach which must not be condoned. “There has been an unfortunate incident where some agitated passengers of the Turkish Airlines arrived without their luggage making them to force their way into the tarmac which is a breach of security. “The explanation given is not satisfactory because the primary purpose of the government is to ensure safety of lives and property of its citizens.

“The cardinal objective of this administration is to secure the country and manage it and we cannot fail in aviation and we cannot fail in this important assignment at a very important point. “We have ordered for investigation into the matter immediately and all the people that are manning the various places; Airport Manager, Terminal Manager and Head of Security, should handover to the next man in rank pending the outcome of the investigation. “As to the airline also, the Consumer Protection Unit of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority, NCAA, has been ordered to find out what happened, how compliant they are and deal with it accordingly,” he said. Sirika said the ministry was yet to get the flight manifest to be able to as-

I Formerly Known and addressed as Miss Ogundele Bose Esther now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Bamidele Bose Esther.All former documements remain valid,Ekiti state Government and general public take note.


CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Mr Taiwo Monsuru Salau now wish to be known and addressed as Mr Salau Taiwo Mansur Balogun. All former documents remain valid. General public take note



Formerly known as Ogungbemi Victoria Yewande, also as Babalola Victoria Ogungbemi now wishes to be addressed as Victoria Yewande Ogungbemi Babalola. All former documents remain valid. General public should take note.

Formerly known as Olayiwola Temitope, also as Babatunde Temitope now wishes to be addressed as Dauda Tope Abidemi. All former documents remain valid. General public should take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly Miss Oladunjoye Balikis Abimbola now Mrs Ibrahim Balikis Abimbola. All former documents remain valid, NYSC and general public take note.

NOUTAYI : Formerly known and addressed as NOUTAYI . W. LOUWIS now wish to be known and addressed as LUICE NUTAYI. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

I, AJISEFINNI OLAKUNLE SAMSINDEEN hereby announce and confirm that the above name remains my own and i hereby maintain it, so henceforth, It therefore remains valid in all my official documents. Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB) and general public take note.




Formerly known and addressed as miss Oshileye Mariam Tobiloba now which to be known and addressed as Mrs Adenola Mariam Tobiloba all former documents remain valid and general public take note.


Formerly known and addressed as Adebayo Kikelomo Mary now which to be known and addressed as AjibadeAgbadaola Kikelomo Mary all former documents remain valid and general public take note.

This is to certified that Raji Sikiru Adewale, Raji Sikiru and Raji S. Adewale is the same one person as Raji Adewale Stephen, that henceforth wish to be called and addressed as Raji Adewale Stephen. All former documents remain valid, general public should please take note.


TOWOLAWI Iretiola Adebimpe is same person as Balogun Iretiola Adebimpe now which to be known and addressed as TOWOLAWI Iretiola Adebimpe all former documents remain valid and general public take note.

certain the number of passengers involved, which he added were many. According to him, they got agitated and apparently got access into the prohibited area because there was security lapse. The minister stated that the nation’s aviation sector had the capacity to grow, adding that it was already showing signal that it could tremendously contribute to the country’s Gross Domestic Product, GDP. Sirika added that the country had good manpower such as pilots and engineers to move the industry forward. He disclosed that government was determined to deliver a more vibrant and efficient aviation sector in 2016 by making safety, security and efficiency its watch word with regards to transportation.

civil society organisation, Campaign for Democracy, CD, has called on the Federal Government to build more refineries to tackle the persistent scarcity of Premium Motor Spirit, PMS. Chairman of the organistion in Anambra State, Mr. Vincent Ezekweme, said in Awka yesterday that it had watched with dismay the untold hardship experienced in the country in recent times. Ezekweme said the hike in price and scarcity of the product in the last few months were felt by all Nigerians of every socio-economic status. He said it was not understandable why Nigeria, which is in the top seven petroleum producing countries, should rely on import of refined products to satisfy local demand. He called on the Federal Government to build at least one refinery in each of the six geopolitical zones and ensure that they were functional. Ezekweme described low

capacity utilisation in the existing refineries as sabotage and urged government to muster the political will to end the payment of subsidy on imported petroleum products. “It is unfortunate that Nigeria still spends billions of tax payers’ money on subsidy to the detriment of the masses. “The leadership of this country should build functional refineries in each of the six zones to ensure steady supply of petrol. “That our existing refineries are not working is sabotage because money from subsidy can build us more than 10 refineries,” he said. The chairman commended President Muhammadu Buhari for his anticorruption crusade and requested that it be made comprehensive and thorough, irrespective of party affiliation. He said monies recovered from corrupt leaders could set up critical infrastructure to trigger greater economic prosperity for the citizens.

Enugu police command says partnership with communities improved security in 2015


nugu State Police Command said yesterday that its partnership with communities had improved security, especially during the Christmas period. Its Public Relations Officer, Mr. Ebere Amaraizu, said in Enugu that the partnership had made the state safer and more secure. He urged residents of the state to be security conscious before, during and after the New Year celebration. “The command calls on members of the public to reflect on the message of the New Year anchored on peace, love and tolerance, among others. “They should be able

to radiate same to one another to engender security, peace, unity and progress in Enugu State. “So, let us continue to partner in order to make our various communities safe and secure in the rest of 2016,” he said. Amaraizu expressed the command’s gratitude to corporate bodies and the government for their assistance in ensuring adequate security in the outgoing year. “The command is assuring the residents of the state that we will re-double our efforts to prevent and control crime and criminality, especially in the years ahead,” he added.

CHANGE OF NAME Change of name I Formerly known as Salako Abiodun Emmanuella now wishes to be addressed as Adesina Abiodun Emmanuella. All former documents remain valid. General public should take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known as Ola Emmanuel Adekola now wishes to be addressed as Adebisi Emmanuel Adekola. All former documents remain valid. General public should take note.

Formerly known and addressed as Abuh Wada, now wish to be known and addressed as Danjuma Nathaniel.All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

This is to certified that Arinfe kehinde Samuel is the same one person as Arinfe Kehinde Emmanuel,that henceforth wish to be known and called as Arinfe Kehinde Emmanuel. My correct date of birth is 26/04/1991 instead of 26/08/1992. All former documents remain valid, Zenith Bank Plc and general public should please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME FALETI: Formerly known and addressed as MISS BIODUN TIMOTHY FALETI now wish to be known and addressed as MRS ABIODUN OLAJIDE. All former documents remain valid. General Public Take Note


CHANGE OF NAME IBEH: I formerly known and addressed as IBEH AGOZIE CHIBUEZE, now wish to be known as IBEKINWA AGOZIE CHIBUEZE All former documents remain valid. The general public, please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME NNAMANI I formerly known and addressed as MRS NNAMANI ONYEKACHI BLESSING now wish to be known as Mrs. JOSEPH BLESSING ONYEKACHI All former documents remain valid. The general public, please take note.


Formerly known and addressed as Mr Samuel Antwi now wish to be known and addressed as Mr Samuel Antwi Osimen. All former documents remain valid. General public take note


This is to certified that Miss Afonrinwo Abosede Omowumi, Afonrinwo Abosede Omowumi Dorcas and Raji Omowumi Dorcas is the same one person as Mrs Raji Abosede Omowumi Dorcas, that henceforth wish to be known and called as Mrs Raji Abosede Omowumi Dorcas. All former documents remain valid, general public should please take note.


ATUNBI Memorial college is formerly located at kl 41 LagosIbadan exp. Way Imedu mowe, Ogun State now Relocated to Simawa-Likosi Rd, off Ikorodu Road, back of Rccg Camp, Ogijo Ogun state. General public take note.


South West

Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror

Government to encourage transport industry Olusegun KOiKi


ederal Government has said it would encourage Public Private Participation, PPP, in the transport sector in the country. The government said the implementation of this policy would encourage diversification and growth of the nation’s economy. Minister of Transportation, Hon. Rotimi Amaechi, disclosed this in an interview with journalists over the weekend in Lagos. Amaechi said the maritime sector globally was

largely private sector driven with governments providing the appropriate policy and regulatory framework to improve investments and safeguard the waterways. The minister said in Nigeria, the potentials in the maritime sector remained largely untapped, stressing that the sector’s contribution to the Gross Domestic Product, GDP, was not appreciable enough. Also, in the aviation sector, Amaechi hinted that government would take a look at the possibility of involving PPP in order to grow its GDP contributions. He noted that govern-

ment would ensure that the sector’s 1.4 per cent GDP to the economy grew to substantial percentage, declaring that without aviation, the country’s economy would remain in doldrums. He insisted that government would not hesitate to partner with private investors in the area of ter-

minal privatisation and others in the sector. He said: “Government will streamline all the agencies in the transportation sector for a more effective and efficient performances to meet the expectations of all stakeholders, example is attempt to improve the clearance of good within

48 hours time period in the maritime sector. “As a first step, the government will pursue the enactment of legislation that will open up the sector to new investments that will lead to economic prosperity. “Among the bills that are ready for legislative action is the National

Transport Commission Bill; an Act to provide for the establishment of a National Transport Commission as an independent multi-modal economic regulator and other related matters. “This bill among others has been approved by the Federal Executive Council in March 2014.”

FG to involve EFCC, DSS in prosecution of pipeline vandals


anaging Director, Petroleum Products and Marketing Company, PPMC, Mrs Esther Nnamdi-Ogbue, said the Federal Government will involve some security agencies in prosecuting pipeline vandals. Ogbue disclosed this yesterday, during a visit to Mosinmi Depot and Ajebo pipeline in Obafemi Owode local government area of Ogun State. She listed the security agencies to be involved as the police, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, and the Department of State Services, DSS. Ogbue said the involvement of these agencies would facilitate the prosecution of vandals at the courts of competent jurisdiction. “We are looking at all ramifications on how to bring these criminals to book; they have to be treated as criminals and pipeline products thieves. “The pipelines are the most efficient way of moving products and then for the first time in a very long time we are pushing prod-

ucts all the way to Ibadan. “We intend to move to Ilorin, reduce bridging from Lagos area so that people can go and pick up their products in Ibadan and Ilorin,” Ogbue said. She expressed optimism that partnership with EFCC, DSS, police and host communities would yield positive results and the culprits would soon face the full wrath of the law. Ogbue said Federal Government would start deploying trackers on trucks carrying fuel from its depots to filling stations across the country to check diversion of the product.

L-R; Former MD, Guinness Nigeria Plc, Mr. Seni Adetu; Ogun State Commissioner for Commerce/ lndustry, Otunba Bimbo Ashiru and MD/CEO, Airtel Nigeria, Mr. Segun Ogunsanya at the birthday/wedding anniversary of Ashiru in Lagos on Saturday.

Femi OyewesO AbeokutA


ormer President Olusegun Obasanjo has called on well meaning members of the society to always fraternise with the rural dwellers so as to engender needed rural development in the country.

Obasanjo, Arapaja make case for participatory rural development Also, former Oyo State deputy governor, Hon. Taofeek Arapaja toed the line of Obasanjo, with a call on his generation to heed to the former president’s clarion call.

Obasanjo made the call while delivering his goodwill message at the year 2015 edition of the Ibogun - Olaogun Day held over the weekend at his ancestral home in Ibogun Olaogun village, Ifo

Cleric admonishes Nigerians on national unity


astor Olusola Adewumi of Christ Apostolic Miracle Church, Ikole in Ekiti state, has appealed to Nigerians to sustain their commitment to national unity. Adewumi made the call in Ikole, Ekiti State, after the last Sunday service of the year. He also noted that the

commitment of the citizenry would further strengthen the oneness of all Nigerians irrespective of their ethnic background. He enjoined Christians and faithful of other religions to tolerate one another for sustenance of peace and harmonious relationship. According to the cleric,

imbibing the spirit of tolerance by every Nigerian will promote the unity of the nation. Besides, he admonished Nigerians to intensify prayers for those in leadership positions in the country for God to use them in fixing the nation’s challenges. He said the task ahead

of our government in the coming year is enormous and requires divine intervention for it to succeed. “We should not be bothered about economic recession but focus on our Creator, who is capable of giving hope to the hopeless, provide for the needy and feed those that are hungry,” he said.

20 prominent indigenes inducted into Ilorin Emirate’s hall of fame


lorin Emirate Descendants Progressive Union, IEDPU, yesterday inducted into its hall of fame 20 prominent indigenes and one non-indigene. Announcing the induction, the union’s President, Alhaji AbdulHamid Adi, said the inductees were honoured for their various

contributions to the development of the emirate. Adi said the union had recorded many achievements, particularly in the area of education, including the establishment of six secondary schools in the last 50 years. According to him, the induction is aimed at encouraging others to emulate the

inductees. Emir of llorin, Alhaji lbrahim Sulu-Gambari; late General Tunde ldiagbon; former governor of the state, late retired Rear Admiral Mohammed Lawal and a non-indigene of llorin and proprietor of AlHikmah University, the first private university in Kwara State, Alhaji AbdulRahim

Oladimeji, were the inductees. The post-humous inductees included the 9th Emir of Ilorin, Zulukarnaini Mohammed Gambari; first Mufti of Ilorin, Sheik Muhammad Kamamaldeen, and founder of Markaz School of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Agege, Lagos, Sheikh Adam Abdullahi El-

Ilori. Others were Dr Olusola Saraki, the immediate past Waziri of Ilorin and Second Republic Senate leader; former Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters, retired MajGen. Tunde Idiagabon; and former Minister of Works and Transport, retired MajGen. General Abdulkareem Adisa.

Local Government area of Ogun State. Obasanjo emphasised that government alone cannot satisfy all the infrastructural needs of the rural dwellers. He also declared that the physical, social and educational development of the rural dwellers largely dependent on whatever contributions the individual members that have passed through the village settings can facilitate to their communities. Obasanjo called on successful individuals to establish businesses in the rural communities without waiting for government. This, he said, would help in reducing youth unemployment in the country. Obasanjo, who recalled that Ibogun - Olaogun lacked basic amenities such as latrine and bathroom during his growing up days, however, expressed happiness that the village could today boast of a Primary Health Clinic, PHC, modern toilet, good road network as well as modern primary school, all which were constructed through community efforts.

National Mirror

Boladale BamigBola OsOgbO


socio-political group, The Ijesas in Diaspora, TID, yesterday hailed moves by the National Assembly to upgrade Wesley Guild Hospital, Ilesa, Osun State, to the status of a federal medical center. The member representing Ijesa South Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, Mr. Ajibola Famurewa, had re-

South West

Monday, December 28, 2015


Diaspora group hails move to upgrade mission hospital in Ilesa

cently, on the floor of the House, moved a motion for the upgrade of the hospital established in 1912 into a new status to be able to cope with the present needs of the people of the area. Speaker of the House, Hon. Yakubu Dogora, subsequently directed

the House Committee on Health to liaise with the Federal Ministry of Health to work on the motion and report back to the House. Chairman of the group’s Board of Trustees, Chief Akinyemi Fasakin, in a statement issued

in Osogbo, disclosed that Famurewa, by the move, has done the Ijesas proud, stating that they are happy to have a lawmaker that “is ready to contribute to the development of the country and his constituency effectively.” Fasakin described

Famurewa’s motion on the hospital as a pursuit of the mission and vision of the progenitors, whose ambition was to have a developed Ijesaland that would set the pace for other races. Wesley Guild Hospital was established by British

and Japanese missionaries with funding provided by the Wesleyan Methodist. The hospital presently provides limited specialised medical services for the people of Ijesaland and also serves as a referral centre to hospitals in Ekiti and Ondo states.

Ooni Ogunwusi harps on lessons of Christmas, Maloud celebrations Boladale BamigBola OsOgbO


oni of Ife, His Imperial Majesty, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, Ojaja II, has advised Nigerians to learn from the lessons manifested in the celebrations of the birth of Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) and Jesus Christ taking place at the same period. The monarch, in a statement signed by the director of communication and public affairs, Ooni’s palace, Ile-Ife, Comrade Moses Olafare, said the global celebration of the two prophets at almost the same time, could never have been by accident. The statement said it was “rather an act of God, divinely designed as a pointer to the imperative need for religious tolerance which surely brings harmony and unity that guarantee peaceful coexistence if we must prog-

ress as a people created by the Almighty God who remains the our only owner. “In my capacity, I promise to always lead every cause that can further reinforce our unity as Nigerians. We are people with common destiny and we must draw from the lessons in these celebrations and be more united. “Ooni stool will continue to be a rallying point for the people of the Yoruba race, regardless of religious affiliations; and I urge all to cultivate new orientation about our progenitor, the Oduduwa, and see him in a better light.” According to the statement, Ile Ife remains the ancestral home of all Yoruba people, adding that by fostering unity among people of the race, “we are laying a good foundation for a more united Nigeria. In this season of festivities, I urge all to be more committed to pursuing peace and progress of Nigeria.”

L-R: Bishop of Anglican Diocese of Ijebu-Ode, Rt. Reverend Ayo Awosoga; Founder of FCMB Group, Otunba Subomi Balogun and Chairman, Christian Association of Nigeria (Ijebu-Ode area), Reverend Father Martin Ajayi, during the Christmas Carol organised by Otunba Balogun at Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State .

2016 budget targeted at improving Nigerians’ lives –Minister aBiodun nejo AdO Ekiti


inister of Solid Minerals and former governor of Ekiti State, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, has assured that

Group lauds CBN’s new guidelines on SME loans


xecutive secretary, Nigerian Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, NASME, Mr. Eke Ubiji, has lauded the proposal of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, to take educational certificates of promoters of startups as collaterals for accessing loans. Ubiji told the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, in Lagos yesterday that the inclusion of startups in the revised Micro, Small

and Medium Enterprises Development Fund, MSMEDF, guidelines would reduce the level of unemployment among youths. CBN launched the MSMEDF with a seed capital of N220 billion on August 15, 2013 to bridge the huge financing gap in the MSME sub-sector. Initially, only existing businesses had access to these loans, but the revised guidelines made provisions for participating financial institutions,

PFIs, to fund startups with bank verification numbers, BVNs. “Collateral for startups shall be educational certificates which may include SSCE, National Diploma, ND, National Certificate of Education, NCE, National Business and Technical Examination Board, NABTEB. “Others are Higher National Diploma, HND, University degree (NYSC certificate, if any) alongside guarantor,

the 2016 budget proposal is targeted at improving the lives of Nigerians. Fayemi who promised that the budget would be pursued with passion to realise its target, said: “The budget presented by President Muhammadu Buhari has a focus and the focus is to improve the well-being of all Nigerians and infrastructural facilities across the nation. “What we need now is to prove our mettle by being innovative and creative. We need to work very hard to actualise the focus of this budget and this will only be measured by the level of impacts we are able to make on the Nigerian masses.” The minister spoke at his Isan Ekiti home yesterday shortly after a thanksgiving service for his ministerial appointment.

He said the N6.08 trillion budget proposal presented before the National Assembly is not bogus despite being made in a nonoil dependent fashion. According to him, no amount budgeted to develop a vast country like Nigeria is too much. The former governor also lamented the neglect of the mineral potentials of the country since independence, adding that the sector has the capacity to turn around the nation’s economy, considering its local consumption by industries and export benefits. On the enormous mineral potentials of the country, Fayemi said Nigeria’s self-sufficiency in cement production is enough to attest to the fact that the country is richly blessed. “Nigeria is well-endowed. Our self-sufficien-

cy in limestone for the production of cement, marble, ceramic and many others in terms of local consumption and export, shows that Nigeria is endowed. “In my local community of Isan Ekiti, we have clay and kaolin and that is why we are regarded as pottery capital of Ekiti State. But what have we achieved or done with this potential? This endowment can be replicated a thousand folds across Nigeria. “In Ijero Ekiti, there are feldspar, tantalite stone, kaolin and many others. Even, just look at the stones across the country, if they are just to be cur to size, polished and used as tiles, one cannot imagine the huge economic gains and the employment it will generate, let alone the export earnings that are involved.


South East

Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror

I’ll work with Ekweremadu —Saraki



enate president, Dr. Bukola Saraki, yesterday in Enugu described the deputy Senate president, Chief Ike Ekweremadu, as a perfect gentleman and a good example for politicians. Saraki who stated this at Ekweremadu's country home in Mpu, Aninri Local Government Area of Enugu State during a thanksgiving service by the deputy Senate president and members of his family, lauded the cordial relationship between him and Ekweremadu. The event was also attended by Governors Ifeanyi

Ugwuanyi, Dave Umahi and Ifeanyi Okowa of Enugu, Ebonyi and Delta states respectively. The Senate president who was accompanied by the Senate minority leader, Godswill Akpabio and Senator Dino Melaye, among others, said Ekweremadu is "a good example for politicians." While noting that Ekweremadu has good thoughts and plans for Nigeria, he declared: "I will continue to work with you for the development of Nigeria." Saraki added that considering the impact Ekweremadu had made as well as his quality representation of the Enugu West Senatorial zone,

Jubilation in Ebonyi as Onu, Umahi make peace AliunA Godwin ABAKALIKI


here was jubilation in Ebonyi South as the Minister of Science and Technology, Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu and the Enugu State governor, Chief David Umahi, finally reconciled their differences. It would be recalled that the duo have been political enemies since 2007 and this has resulted in the destruction of property in the area. The reconciliation was perfected following a surprise visit to Governor Umahi at his country home in Uburu, Ohaozara Local Government Area, by the minister. Although, the duo refused to speak to the press after the visit which was seen by a large gathering at the Umahi compound as ending a seemingly political animosity between the two Uburu-born politicians. The governor belongs to the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, while Onu, a former governor of the old Abia State, is a member of the All Progressives Congress, APC. Caretaker committee chairman of Ohaozara Local Government Area, Justice Ogbonna, who accompanied the minister to the peace talk, described the visit as a sign of peace and unity in Uburu community. “The visit has put to rest the peoples’ insinuation that Dr. Onu and our governor are not enjoying good relationship, forgetting that both of them come from the same

community,’’ the council chairman said. He described Governor Umahi as a special gift to the people of Ebonyi State who has within the short period of his administration recorded many achievements. Others that paid Christmas homage to the governor are the state’s Commissioner of Police, Peace Abdallah, a delegation from the Ezza South Local Government Area, Association of Persons with Disabilities, Abakaliki Main Market Traders Association and Governor Umahi’s 1976 classmates in Uburu. Addressing the people of Ezza South, Chief Umahi described the Ezza nation as a major force behind his success in the April governorship election. He saluted the courage displayed by them during the electioneering period even in the face of intimidation. Explaining that the appointment of many Ezza people as his cabinet members is a reward for their strong support and commitment, he promised to energise Onueke in the first quarter of next year in the ongoing rural electrification in the state. The member representing Ikwo/ Ezza Federal Constituency, Chief Lazarus Ogbee, assured Umahi of the continued support of the people of Ezza. He said the National Assembly would remain focused in 2016 to make good laws that would improve the lives of every Nigerian.

his people would continue to re-elect him as many times as possible. In his speech, Ekweremadu said he had numerous reasons for which to thank God. He stressed that his emergence as deputy Senate president for the third time was purely divine. He recalled that "about two years ago, nobody could believe that I will be re-elected as a senator, let alone becoming the deputy Senate president. "I went through a tortuous primary election that almost divided the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in Enugu State, but God intervened." While describing his position as an act of God, he said when the time came for the inauguration of the Senate, some senators who had arrived for the exercise chose

to attend a meeting somewhere first, adding that as soon as quorum was formed, the senators kicked off the process. "Let me say that even if we had waited for those who went to the International Conference Centre, nothing would have changed because it was the will of God," he stressed. He maintained that no form of intimidation would deter him from serving Nigerians, noting that "sometimes in November, there was an attempt on my life; I'm not scared; I will continue to serve Nigerians without fear; we are committed to serving Nigerians with all fairness and justice so that the common man will be happy." He thanked his colleagues in the Senate, especially the Senate president, who he

said found a partnership in him "to make the Senate a formidable institution." Earlier, the Arch Bishop of Enugu Ecclesiastical Province, Anglican Communion, Most Rev. (Dr.) Emmanuel Chukwuma, had urged President Muhammadu Buhari to pursue a total and not selective anti-corruption war. Chukwuma who observed that impunity in government has reduced since the past six months, stated that the ruling government should fight corruption by living above board. He told the All Progressives Congress, APC-led Federal Government not to see Ekweremadu as a threat, but work with him for the good of the country. On the detained Biafra activist, Nnamdi Kanu, Chukwuma said: "Release him to

me; I will caution him; he is not a threat to Nigeria; they are only making him popular; if he comes out now and runs for election, he will win." He added that "our women are being raped by Fulani herdsmen; what is the government doing about it?" The priest, while describing Senator Ekweremadu as a role model, lambasted other lawmakers from the South East for not making any tangible impact on the people's life. He stressed that many of them never sponsored bills, but rather remain "bench warmers," who are merely interested in pocketing constituency allowances. "Ekweremadu is the best senator we have ever had; so, there is nothing wrong if he is re-elected over and over again," he maintained.

Senator Emmanuel Anosike (right), presenting food items and clothing to children and widows of Anambra East Local Council Area of Umueri in Anambra at the weekend.

Police arrest 3 suspects over kidnapping, killing of niece …exhume remains of victim Chris njoku OWERRI


crack team of police officers in Imo Command has arrested a three-man gang of suspected kidnappers who allegedly abducted, murdered and buried a 63-yearold woman, Mrs. Ogor Omereji. Unfortunately, after collecting a ransom of N500,000 from family members of their victim, the abductors who incidentally were the nephews of the deceased

still murdered her. Commissioner of Police in the state, Mr. Taiwo Lakanu, who spoke to journalists on Saturday after the body of the deceased was exhumed in a forest in Awara, Ohaji/Egbema Local Government Area of the state, said the suspects committed the crime on September 26 when the late Omereji had gone to her village, adding that she probably may have been abducted because her children are rich. Lakanu who was represented by the command's

Public Relations Officer, PPRO, Mr. Andrew Enwerem, disclosed that the report had been made to the command which led to an investigation being carried out and their eventual arrest. He gave the names of the suspects as Gift Emeka, 26, Sunday Uchrnna, 27, and Emeka Chinedu, 27. Shockingly, he said the suspects had hurriedly buried their victim few days before the police arrived the scene. However, they later showed the police, soldiers and medical personnel the

shallow grave of the victim. The police boss said the ‘Operation Wipe,’ he launched recently was yielding results, urging the people of the state to have confidence in the ability of his command to provide adequate security. Speaking after exhuming the near-decomposing body, the community leader of the area, Obieze O. Obieze, commended the police commissioner and advised that the suspects be made to face the music accordingly.

National Mirror

South South

Monday, December 28, 2015


LG constructs Bayelsa communities drag Chevron Boki 26km road to court over 2012 rig explosion B


resident of Ijaw Youths Council, IYC, Mr Udengs Eradiri, has called on the Federal Government to make adequate allocation for the amnesty programme in the 2016 budget. Eradiri said in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State yesterday that such provision was necessary to ensure stability in the region. He said speculation that the 2016 budget for the amnesty was slashed from N50bn to N20bn had caused apprehension among beneficiaries of the programme. The youth leader said if the provision was so heavily slashed as believed in some

quarters, it could be a recipe for resurgence of crisis in the region. He noted that there was a need to sustain the amnesty programme and ensure that the stipends for the beneficiaries were paid regularly. He said the stability witnessed in the region since the commencement of the programme increased the country’s oil production from 600,000 to more than 2 million barrels per day. Eradiri said repentant militants in the Niger Delta who benefitted from the scheme were now making meaningful contributions to the economy with the skills they acquired

through the programme. “We appeal to the Federal Government to sustain the amnesty programme which has improved and stabilised oil production; the benefits outweigh its cost in every respect. “The Federal Government should also provide the necessary infrastructure to serve as catalyst to boost economic activities and development of the Niger Delta region while taking steps to diversify the economy. “If the region is economically stable, it will be possible to increase oil production to bridge the shortfall from dwindling

crude oil prices,” he said. He said the N6trn budget for 2016 was to be funded largely from oil revenue. Eradiri called on the Federal Government to take deliberate steps to ensure that oil production was not disrupted. The youth leader said there was a compelling need for sustained oil revenue to meet the expectation of Nigerians in the coming year. He also called for adequate budgetary provision for the Niger Delta Development Commission and the ministry of Niger Delta affairs to ensure adequate development in the area.

oki Local Government Council in Cross River State has embarked on the construction of a 26 kilometer earth road linking Boki East and Boki West. Chairman of the council, Mr. Abubakar Ewa, disclosed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, in Boki yesterday. He said the council commenced the construction of the road to make the area more accessible and alleviate the suffering of the people. “We are constructing the earth road so that people from Boki East will no longer traverse six local government areas before getting to the local government headquarters in Boki West,” he said. According to him, the

road which would cost N41.9m is being built through direct labour. He said the communities through which the road passed had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the council that no compensation would be paid to them due to lack of funds. Ewa said the council now generated N2mi monthly because of effective tax collection, monitoring and control mechanism. The chairman said the council had the capacity to fund the project and would ensure its completion. He appealed to the state government to take over the road and asphalt it as soon as it was completed. “This will make the road to last longer and make it serve the people all year round,” he said.

Don urges Akwa Ibom govt to regulate sand excavation


L-R: wife of the Governor of Rivers State, Mrs. Susan Wike; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Buzugbe; Bayelsa State Governor Seriake Dickson and his wife, Rachael, during their Holy matrimony of Buzugbes at the Salvation Ministries Kingdom in Port Harcourt, on Saturday.


hairman, All Farmers Association of Nigerian, AFAN, in Delta State, Mr. Jerry Ossai, has called for transparent implementation of the proposed Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, N300bn loans to agriculture in 2016. Ossai made the call in an interview with the News Agency of Nigerian, NAN, in Asaba yesterday. According to him, CBN should ensure that only genuine farmers would access the loan, stressing that the fund would yield the desired results if only genuine farmers accessed it. He lauded CBN and the partnering banks for floating the loans, adding that the five per cent interest rate as well as the five years

Farmers task CBN on judicious use of N300bn agric loan repayment were encouraging. Ossai, however, called on the apex bank to give the beneficiaries between six and 12 months moratorium before repayment. He said the period of moratorium should be determined by the nature of the farming activities of the beneficiaries. It would be recalled that Governor of CBN, Mr. Godwin Emefiele, announced recently in Lagos that the bank and the deposit money banks had set aside N300bn for loans to agriculture in

2016. Emefiele said the scheme was an effort to boost agriculture as well as grow and diversify the economy.

He said to achieve this objective, the bankers’ committee planned to derisk agricultural value chain. He said the fund would

university lecturer, Dr Faith Ekong, has urged the Akwa Ibom State Government to regulate excavation of sand in the state to safeguard the environment. Ekong, who is the Head, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Uyo, made the call in Uyo yesterday. She said there was no regulation to sand excavation in the state and this had led to land degradation and pollution of sources of natural water supply. “In Akwa Ibom, there is no regulation to mining of sand. Dredgers just get to site and dredge indiscriminately not minding the environmental impact on the community,” she said. The don said the negative impact of the activities of dredging had caused hardships to some people in the state. “Almost all the villages rely on wetland for portable

water and water for other uses, but when they mine, it impacts negatively on the people of the state. “It leads to the silting of water. By the time they dredge the water, it is actually polluted and the impact is very high. “When they finish mining they leave the pit and don’t cover it. The land becomes useless and the people cannot farm on it anymore,’’ she said. Ekong said government should create awareness to let the people realise the depth of the hazards the activity posed to the environment and the dwellers. “We at the receiving end are supposed to be well informed about it. We are also supposed to play our role as individuals to safeguard the environment,” she said. Ekong called on the state government to enforce policy that would control the dredging of mining of solid minerals in the state.

Warri traders want adequate security for Igbudu Market


raders in Igbudu Market, Warri, have appealed on Delta State Government to provide adequate security in the market to save them from the activities of cultists. President-General of Igbudu Market Traders Association, IMTA, Mr Lucky

Otu, made the call in Warri yesterday. Otu said the cultists had been posing serious security threats to the lives of the traders in the market which is the biggest in the Delta commercial city. He said in spite of the presence of some soldiers and local vigilantes, more

security personnel were needed to save lives and property in the market. “The only challenge we are facing in this market is the issue of cultism. Sometimes, they invade the market, intimidate people and loot property. “Though there are soldiers and local vigilantes

on ground, we need more of them to completely stem the activities of the criminals,” he said. The president-general commended the Chairman of the Warri South Local Government Area, Mr. Mofe Edema, for clearing some of the drains in the market.



Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror

People’s mandate won’t be stolen by blackmail –Audu/Faleke supporters


L-R, Wife of Kebbi State governor, Dr. Zainab Bagudu;, CEO Arise Women, Mrs. Siju Iluyomade;, Member Arise Women, Mrs. Ranti Aborowa; Arise Chair Dr. Moji Odeku and others during a visit of Arise Women to the Internal Displace Persons in Abuja, at the weekend.

I’m not eyeing Buhari’s job, says Atiku OBIORA IFOH ABUJA

Former Vice President and chieftain of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Atiku Abubakar, has advised mischief makers to allow him enjoy his peace by desisting from sinister propaganda designed to draw a wedge between him and President Muhammadu Buhari and cause needless distrust and distractions in the President’s government, insisting that he is not eyeing the presidency. Reacting to insinuations by what he called “political mischief makers and enemies of unity,” who alleged that he has been hosting political meetings at Burj Al-Arab, Dubai, the former Vice President said contrary to rumours being bandied around by political opponents, he is currently in Dubai with his family for physiotherapy on his injured knee.

A statement released by his media office in Abuja yesterday, and signed by his media adviser, Mazi Paul Ibe, stated that the former Vice President was embarrassed by the deliberate falsehood being spread against him by political opponents who are bent on causing distraction for President Buhari at a time all energies should be channelled into helping the President actualise his change agenda. Describing the rumour mongers as “ill-motivated busybodies that don’t wish the country well,” the Turaki Adamawa explained that his medical treatment is his private affair which should not be politicised by anybody to achieve sinister objectives.” Abubakar said he is entitled to enjoy his private life, including the right to attend to his health without being harassed and lied against by political opponents.

The former Vice President said the success of the Buhari administration has been his preoccupation, and that any true APC member should have the same zeal. According to him, rumour mongers that seek to cause distrust and distraction in Buhari’s government do not mean well for the APC administration. The former Vice President added that with the challenges of providing good governance for the country and creating job opportunities for Nigerians, including reducing the impact of poverty, President Buhari needs all the goodwill and support in this endeavour. “Whether at home or abroad, the Turaki is preoccupied with his unassailable support for President Buhari and his administration, especially in this critical time, as it works assiduously to

lowers at the Minna Cental Mosque, the chapter leader (Amirul), Mallam Ibrahim Khalid Mohammed, noted that Sheikh El-Zakzaky who was arrested with many of his followers, was known for peace and peaceful coexistence. Calling for the immediate release of their leader and followers, Mohammed explained that

the movement, set up 37 years ago, has never been found wanting in any crisis. “We are also calling for the release of the corpses of the dead for burial. Many innocent souls were killed in Zaria during the face-off with the military and the houses of their leader and followers were demolished.”

turn the fortunes of our dear country around and make Nigeria work for the greater good of Nigerians.” According to Atiku, rumour mongers and mischief makers are toxic to the progress of the APC and the country at large, adding that political campaigns are gone, and therefore, all energies should be constructively devoted to the success of the Buhari administration. “This is yet another plot of the enemies of our country and democracy, to divide, divert attention and distract the APC in its avowed commitment to secure the country, provide jobs for the mass of unemployed youths, build needed critical infrastructure, enthrone a regime of probity and accountability and pull the country out of the economic woods it has been consigned to by locust years of mismanagement.”

upporters of the Audu/Faleke ticket in the November 11 governorship election in Kogi State, yesterday warned those blackmailing the running mate to the late Prince Abubakar Audu, Mr. James Faleke. Relying on intelligence report, the supporters accused a group – Team Fair Plus – of alleging that Faleke was plotting to disrupt the peace of the state. According to them, the group, which claimed to be the social media campaign organisation of Alhaji Yahaya Bello, has concluded plans to label Faleke as a troublemaker before the end of the year. In a statement signed by Bayo Ayo, the supporters accused the Team Fair Plus group of crying wolf where none exists by misleading security operatives with its claim that Faleke is planning to plunge Kogi State into chaos if he is not declared a governorelect on or before January 10. The supporters accused members of the group of living with the fear of the harmless. “They are only afraid of their own shadow,” Ayo said in the statement, urging the police to unmask and investigate one Dauda O Isah, who signed for Fair Plus. According to Ayo, Isah would have more information on the Family Solidarity Movement which the Fair Plus group claimed was being used to foment trouble in the ‘Confluence State.’ The supporters’ statement reads: “Only those

who have stolen the mandate of the people are afraid. James Faleke has gone to the tribunal to pursue a just cause that he believes in and I have no doubt in my mind that he will get justice. “We’re no longer under the reign of impunity. The security agencies need not be mislead into clamping down on lawabiding citizens over phantom, spurious and unsubstantiated claims of some faceless group whose members seek to profit where they have not laboured. “The people of Kogi State know who they entrusted their mandate with. Where were members of this fairweather group during the electioneering? It is immoral of them to have returned into a ship they once jumped and believe that the people will sail with them. Nature abhors vacuum. No group can lord it over the people. “At a time we were traversing the nooks and crannies of the state, canvassing for votes, Faleke had no plan to cause chaos. Now that he felt he had been unfairly treated, they want to label him. Blackmail won’t help their cause. Justice, even if delayed, will surely come. The mandate of Kogi people won’t be stolen. “He who alleges must prove. Promoters of Fair Plus must be invited by security operatives for proper investigation. For us as supporters of the Audu/Faleke ticket, we have done our part and we are sure that it is just a matter of time; victory is certain.”

El-Zakzaky’s followers protest leader’s continued detention PRISCILLA DENNIS MINNA.


iger State chapter of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, IMN, (Shi’ite) followers has demonstrated over the continued detention of their leader, Sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky, by security operatives. Addressing the fol-

He described the development as unconstitutional, undemocratic and a violation of human rights that has drawn condemnation from the international community. “Our leader is a patient and peace-loving person who remained calm even when two of his sons were killed sometimes ago. God will

not let go any injustice meted on our leader and supporters; release our leader to us,” the Amrul lamented He continued: “This is not the kind of change we voted for; a democracy without freedom of association; killing of innocent souls. We will continue to protest until the release of our leader and

followers from detention and the deceased for burial.” Mohammed added that members of the movement are not afraid of death because they have the right to live. He said security agents have denied El-Zakzaky access to the press out of fear that he could reveal their tricks to the public.

Monday, December 28, 2015



he Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC has fixed the 6th of February 2016 , as the date for the House of representatives re-run for Numan, Demsa and Lamurde Federal Constituency of Adamawa state. The seat of Honourable Kwamoti Laori, the only member elected under the platform of the Social Democratic Party ,SDP in the Federal House Representatives in Adamawa state became vacant after theAppeal Court nullified the election on the grounds that the party did not properly filed a candidate to contest the Federal House of representatives seat of Numan, Demsa and Lamurde held March 28 2015. Hon. Michael Zidon, the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP who came second in the polls filed the petition that eventually led to the nullification of the Numan, Demsa and Lamurde Federal House of Representative constituency election. INEC’s date for the elec-

tion was announced in Yola over the weekend by Chief of Staff , Adamawa state Government House , Alhaji Abdulrahman Abba Jimeta, while addressing the delegation led by HRH Hama Bachama, Col. Honest Stephen (Rtd.), who came to pay Christmas homage on the state governor, Sen. Mohammed Jibrilla Bindow. He said the date was however tentative, going by the notice of the electoral umpire. According to Jimeta, the electoral body said it had fixed 6th February for the election barring any unforeseen circumstances, but however stressed that should there be any constraints it could adjust the date and hold the election the following Saturday which is 13th of February. The Adamawa State Governor, Sen. Mohammed Jibrilla Bindow used the courtesy visit of the royal fathers on the occasion of the Christmas celebrations to drum support for Hon. Talatu Yohanna. Governor Bindow urged the delegation to ensure the victory of the

National Mirror



INEC fixes Adamawa House of Reps re-run election for Feb. 6 APC in the re-scheduled polls, and tasked the royal fathers from the area including the Murum Mbula, HRH J.J. Fwa to throw their weight behind the

female candidate fielded by his party, stating that opposition politics will not bring the required dividends of democracy which he claimed the state badly

needed. The judgement of the Appeal Court further excluded the SDP from taking part in the election, thereby keeping Hon. Kwamoti

Laori who got elected under the SDP out of the contest and thus leaves Hon. Talatu Yohanna of the APC in pole position to win the elections.

L-R: Senate President, Bukola Saraki; President Muhammadu Buhari; FCT Minister, Mohammed Bello and Permanent Secretary(FCT), Dr Tope Ajakaiye during the Christmas homage to the President by FCT residents led by the Minister at the Presidential Villa.

Christmas: Dogara distributes food items, sues for religious tolerance E ZEKIEL TITUS BAUCHI


ouse of Representative Speaker, Rt. Hon. Yakubu Dogara has distributed foot items to Christian communities in the 20 Local Government Areas of Bauchi State, just as he charges the followers of the two main religions in the country, Christianity and Islam to embrace each other in the spirit of religious tolerance Dogara message was contained in a statement issued by his aide, Ishaya Dangana in Bauchi shortly after the flagging-off ceremony of the food items’ distribution exercise. Among the items

he distributed are 150 cows, 3,951 bags of rice, 5,684 wrappers, 4,184 men jumpas including 391 babanriga to traditional rulers in Bogoro, Dass and Tafawa-Balewa Federal Constituency According to the speaker, individuals, groups, indigent women, churches, campaign organizations including widows were among those that benefited from the gesture He said he did the same to Muslim communities during Sallah festivities as a respect for religious institutions and to cushion the effect of harsh economy on the people Dogara maintained that the distribution of

food items signifies good representation and a part of the APC change mantra He urged the follow-

ers of two religions to eschew violence and tolerate each other. He used the medium to also charge Christians

to emulate Jesus Christ towards achieving peace and unity in the country “Nigerians made the right decision to have

voted the APC in their desire for a rebirth of the country and I am sure APC is on the right track”. Dogara said.

Okowa’s victory: Appeal Court judgement incisive, fair, says Delta Speaker AYO ESAN


he Speaker, Delta State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon Monday Igbuya has described the decision of the Court of Appeal, Abuja which affirmed the election of Governor Ifeanyi Okowa as incisive and fair. He thus congratulated Okowa for his victory at the court just as he also praised

the judiciary for remaining the bastion of democracy and the hope of the electorate, especially the good people of Delta State. In a statement issued in Sapele, the speaker described the decision of the Court of Appeal, Abuja as incisive and fair. “Your victory at the Court of Appeal shows that God and the people of Delta State clearly approved your candidature. Igbuya who praised the

governor for the repositioning of the economy, rehabilitation of infrastructure and creation of jobs for the teeming youths in the state, enjoined Chief Great Ogboru and Olorogun O’tega Emerhor to support Governor Okowa, a man of distinction and great responsibility, in transforming the state. “Okowa’s leadership goes beyond the incredible speed and cost of providing critical infrastructure, prompt payment of salaries

to workers and benefits to pensioners, encouragement of constructive criticisms, tolerance of the opposition, creating conducive environment for business to thrive and jobs for the people” he said. The speaker, who also affirmed his total support to Okowa on his quest to develop the state, not only thanked the people for supporting the governor but extended Christmas greetings to them.



Monday, December 28, 2015

Bayelsa Poll: Southern Ijaw youths root for Dickson ROBERT AWOKUSE


ouths of Southern Ijaw Local Government Area of Bayelsa State have declared total support and re-affirmed their resolve to vote massively for Governor Henry Seriake Dickson in the rescheduled January 9 election in the area. The youths, represented by the Presidents of the various communities in the LG, in an enlarged meeting with Governor Dickson in Government House, Yenagoa, premised their support for him on his sincerity of purpose and sterling leadership qualities in the almost four years of the restoration government. According to them, Dickson has proved himself as a worthy leader, whose

achievements will stand the test of time, particularly in the areas of security, infrastructure development and human capacity building. Governor Dickson urged them to mobilise their people and vote massively for the PDP, as the party has already won the election, in spite of INEC declaring it inconclusive. Dickson, who expressed gratitude to the youths for their show of solidarity, noted that, victory is not complete until the Southern Ijaw election is won by the PDP, as the party represents the overall interest of the Ijaw people. He said, “The APC is afraid of defeat that is why they decided to mar the poll with violence, in spite of that, be peaceful and conduct yourselves properly during the forthcoming poll,

as all your leaders are behind the party. “In a stakeholders meeting in Abuja, all the agencies of the government, including the security, INEC and others have agreed to conduct a peaceful election, without bias from any interested party, as the result will be determined by the use of PVC.” In his remarks, Speaker of the Bayelsa State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Konbowei Benson, expressed appreciation to Governor Dickson for his decision in addressing the youths of the area, ahead of the re-scheduled poll. He assured that, Southern Ijaw was committed to delivering its votes for the PDP, calling on the youths not to be deceived by the machinations of the All Progressives Congress

and Chief Timipre Sylva. Also speaking, Joshua Macaiva, described Governor Dickson as a visionary leader, who has made a mark in the art of governance in his first term and enjoined the youths to support Governor Dickson for re-election. The co-ordinator of the Bayelsa Volunteer Scheme, Mr. Felix Bonny Ayah, lauded Governor Dickson for fulfilling his promise of incorporating all youth presidents into the scheme. Youth Presidents of Oporoma, Amassoma, Koluama and Ekowe also spoke on the need to renew the mandate of Governor Dickson and moved the motion for the endorsement of the governor, which was unanimously supported by all.

National Mirror

Osun Assembly urges Nigerians to show love AYO ESAN


sun State House of Assembly has appealed to Christians to imbibe the spirit of love, compassion, and pursue salvation brought by the Lord Jesus Christ. The House in a release signed by the Chairman, House Committee on Information and Strategy, Honourable Olatunbosun Oyintiloye as part of activities marking the 2015 Christmas celebration urges Christians to show love and kindness to their neighbours. While urging Christians to shine as light in the world, Oyintiloye stressed the need for Christlike humility who despite his Lordship and mission as Saviour of the world was born in a manger . Oyintiloye notes that love for one another irre-

spective of religion background as exemplified in the birth and teaching of Jesus Christ will bring healing and restoration to the nation. The Assembly also appeals to religious leaders to use the occasion to pray for Nigeria’s political leaders for guidance and wisdom to be able to navigate the country out of the present economic quagmire. The lawmakers admonished Nigerians to live together peacefully and harmoniously and pursue ideals that promote peace, prosperity, and total well-being of the populace through the vehicle of good governance. They called on leaders at all levels to safeguard democracy through their words and deed as well as endeavour to deliver on their campaign promises and put a smile on the faces of the people.

… mourns Minority Leader’s death


L-R: Rivers State Head of Civil Service, Rufus Godwins; Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike and Commissioner for Health, Dr Odagme Theophilus at the Braithwaite Memorial Hospital, Port Harcourt razed by fire, yesterday.

Yuletide: Babalola calls for selflessness among Nigerian political class AYO ESAN


Peoples Democratic Party, PDP chieftain in Oyo State, Engineer Femi Babalola (Jogor) has called on Nigerians, particularly the political class to embrace selfless service to the nation in consonance with the example of Jesus Christ. Babalola, in a Christmas and New Year message in Ibadan, enjoined the political class to reflect on the humility of the birth of Jesus and the selflessness of His service

to humanity and emulate the Messiah’s servicedriven leadership in the conduct of their offices. ”Jesus, whose birth we now celebrate throughout the world, was categorical in His teachings on the mount and in the synagogue that those who aspired to leadership must be servants and not masters; and He unequivocally demonstrated that by stooping to wash the feet of His disciples.”, he expatiated. As the birth of Jesus heralded good life and hope as He fed, healed and encouraged the people,

Babalola who is PDP gubernatorial aspirant in the last general election said Nigerians especially the Christians should, in like manner, devote themselves stoutly to enhancing standard of living in the country. While felicitating with Nigerians on this year’s Christmas, he said he hoped that the New Year would usher a new lease of life for the people. He then called on the Federal Government to fulfill its promise of payment of N5, 000:00 monthly stipend to unemployed youths in the country, say-

ing that would have been a perfect New Year gift to the citizenry, just as he said the gesture would galvanize the economy. In the same vein, he enjoined state governments to take a cue from the Federal Government and equally seek to put smile on workers’ faces by offsetting outstanding salaries, ensure subsequent prompt payment in the New Year, resist the temptation to sack workers, and actually work on bridging infrastructure gap which has eroded on welfare at that tier of government.

sun State House of Assembly has announced the death of one of its members, Honourable Samson Oladejo Makinde representing Ife Central Constituency. The lawmaker, a member of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP who until his death was the Minority Leader and the Chairman, House Committee on Regional Integration and Special Duties in the Assembly died in the Ekiti State Teaching Hospital on Sunday at the age of 48 after a brief illness. He is survived by aged mother, wife and children. A statement by the Chairman, House Committee on Information and Strategy, Olatunbosun Oyintiloye said the death of the lawmaker came to the Assembly as a great shock. The Assembly noted that though the late lawmaker was battling with illness, but his response to medical attention gave them the confidence that he would soon be back on his feet and join the legislative business in the house. The late lawmaker candour and relationship with other members of the Assembly, in spite of his politi-

cal partisanship, according to the parliament, would be greatly missed. “It is shocking that late Honourable Makinde died at this critical period that he is needed in his immediate and political family most. “In Osun Assembly, we are really saddened to hear of the death of one of us. We will mourn deeply his passing due to his valuable contributions to deliberations in the Assembly. “Politics apart, his oppositional engagement as a minority leader on the floor of the house has assisted the 6th Assembly to arrive at reasonable conclusions on several issues. “Though, he is a member of opposition in the Assembly, but he was not being taken as one when it comes to issues relating to the development of the state, hence, we will miss him dearly”, the Assembly stressed. The Assembly sympathised with the immediate and political family of the late lawmaker, consoling them to take solace in the fact that he lived a worthy life. It also prayed that God almighty should grant the family the fortitude to bear the irreparable lost.

National Mirror


Monday, December 28, 2015


Relating with your million dollar mentor OLADELE OLUNIKE


any years ago, as a growing young boy, I used to come down with malaria fever every other week. I was the most regular of all my siblings at our family doctor’s. At every of my visits, our family doctor delightfully ‘entertains’ me (administers) with the medications that would bring me to. At my departure, he would give me ‘takeaways’ of the medications for ongoing treatment after my three to four days’ sojourn in his ward. I hated pills, (still do) particularly because of the after taste and smells that usually lurk in my throat and announced itself anytime I belched afterwards. Due to this, I never got to exhaust any of my medications at anytime. This rather counter-productive habit always precipitated a relapse of this illness that sent me back to my doctor. The diagnosis this time is predictable: incompletion of medication dosage. My dear friend, the lesson I learnt from that experience is that half medication causes health relapse. Just like half medication causes health relapse, half information causes destiny relapse. So, having learnt in the previous editions how to “Discover your million dollar mentor”, I will be sharing with you on “Relating with your million dollar mentor”.

Starting a relationship is not sufficient to sustain the relationship. Learning and accepting the responsibilities required to sustain the relationship is needful. “If you know WHERE you are going, your journey is short. If you know HOW to get there, your journey is shorter. If you know WHO has got there, your journey is ‘shortest’. If you are WILLING to SUBMIT to WHO has got there by APPRENTICESHIP, and he/she is WILLING to take you on by MENTORSHIP… Congratulations! You... are....there!” – Oladele Olunike. This is what I call the sum total of mentorship or mentoring destiny-jackpot. In the statement above that I christened ‘destiny jackpot’, I said ”if you are WILLING to SUBMIT to who has got there”, because like I said in “Discovering your million dollar mentor” Mentorship is NOT imposition of authority, but empowerment of the mentor into authority (over the protégé) through the SUBMISSION of the protégé to the mentor. In other words, it is the protégé that empowers the mentor into authority over him or her by his or her WILLING SUBMISSION to the mentor. In the absence of a WILLING SUBMISSION of the protégé to a mentor, what we’ll have is self imposition and NOT mentorship. It is on this “WILLING SUBMISSION“ perspective that I will like to discuss in this article. Meeting your million dollar mentor



ACCEPTING THE RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIRED TO SUSTAIN THE RELATIONSHIP IS NEEDFUL A. Informal meet or verbal notificationSeek audience with him or her informally first, particularly if he or she is within your reach. There are instances where your preferred mentor(s) may be beyond your reach; you may bridge this gap through telephone calls, e-mail, teleconferencing etc. to express your request. This second option is, however, the only option opened to those who may not have their preferred mentor(s) within their reach geographically and may not be disposed to be able to meet the preferred mentor in person. However, for utmost effectiveness in mentorship relationship, one-on-one contact of the protégé with the mentor

is advisable. Though for mentees with their mentors out of their geographical reach, newsletters, tapes, DVDs, webinars, tele-seminars, Skype (video) calls, books, articles in journals, magazines. For instance with about 468 of my mentees dotting three continents, some of them in the past years could have only received mentorship from me through the electronic print and new media. As helpful as that has been in the facilitation of my mentorship programme with some of my mentees that are far flung from me, I must reiterate that regular one-on-one contact with your mentor is expedient if you must make the most of mentorship relationship. This is what I invest my every Thursday weekly in where; I have one-on-one sessions with my protégés. B. Formal meet or written notification Having met your mentor, first informally, and verbalised your request, you’ve got to make it formal by writing a letter to your would-be mentor (because mentorship is a serious relationship for the focused and those with their mind set on their future and desirous of making the most of personal, career and business life). To be continued Oladele, Managing Consultant at World Class Compere Academy, wrote from Lagos via oladeleolunike@gmail. com

Enigmatic Donald Trump and American politics NWABUEZE AKABOGU


he recent outrageous and rather reckless statements credited to the controversial Republican Party’s front runner in its forthcoming United States presidential primaries and billionaire businessman Donald Trump had once again taken the entire world by storm. Trump the “Trumpeter”, who is well known for his highly undiplomatic and tactless utterances throughout his campaign trail recently threw a bombshell when he advocated for the immediate banning of all Muslims, whom he had labeled as terrorists or extremists, from entering the U.S. His dramatic entry into the presidential race had suddenly changed the political equation in the country. The Republicans are bent on wresting power from the Democrats, whose incumbent President Barrack Obama’s two terms tenure is due to end by January 2017. The political stake in the race, is unarguably very high, hence the two dominant parties are presently deploying all available political weapons to outscore each other and gain pre-eminence in the rather stiff contest, which is considered to be unpredictable and thus wide open to all the major contenders in the race. Trump has apparently succeeded in attracting a huge crowd of Republicans, mostly the diehard conservatives, to his gospel of hate and racism, as he continued to traverse the length and breadth of the United States in his determined efforts to clinch the Republican ticket for the presidential race. His enigmatic posture and message often throw his huge support-

HIS DRAMATIC ENTRY INTO THE PRESIDENTIAL RACE HAD SUDDENLY CHANGED THE POLITICAL EQUATION IN THE COUNTRY ers into frenzy whenever he mounted the rostrum to make one controversial statement or the other with his now familiar promise to make America great again if elected next President. His obvious appeal to the crowd as a celebrated entertainer and showman has placed him higher and above his fellow Republican contenders, many of them considered as political mediocre. Currently, he appears to be enjoying a comfortable lead in almost all the national polls across the United States. However, the political sermon of hate, division, racism and blackmail being constantly preached by Trump and often his adoption of the “Machiavellian” theory of the end justifies the means aimed at upsetting the socio-political cum religious equilibrium in American and the world at large, is capable of causing incalculable harm to the fortunes of the main stream Republican Party during the second Tuesday of November 2016 presidential election. His political factor is already causing serious disquiet and ripples within the Republican Party, which is polarized between the establishment and those considered as outsiders, where Donald Trump himself belongs. The so-called establish-

ment within the party, however, considers Trump a demagogue whose style of politics is viewed as unconventional and a negation of the true spirit and ideals of the Republican Party. Trump, reacting, threatened to pull out of the party and run as an independent candidate. It is no gainsaying the fact, however, that his unguarded and utterly reckless utterances are capable of setting the entire world ablaze, since those negative and dangerous comments are considered as antireligious freedom, anti-social harmony, and anti-peaceful co-existence among the nations of the world. Any socio-religious disequilibrium or disharmony in the U.S. has far reaching and wider implications around the globe as the U.S. is considered the melting pot of diverse nationalities, races and cultures in the world. Already about half a million signatories have been collected in the United Kingdom demanding that Trump be declared persona non grata and banned from entering the United Kingdom. This is clearly a danger signal, which must be quickly nipped in the bud in order to avert further escalation of his mindless agenda of hate and racism or Nazism, which is a vicious circle. Sequel to the unfolding scenario, Trump’s business empire in the predominantly Muslim Middle East region, particularly in Dubai, has come under serious threat as a result of his anti-Muslim stance. Similarly, other Muslim countries have equally called for the immediate and total ban on Trump’s businesses around the globe as a form of retaliatory action against his blatant religious prejudice and racism. It will be recalled, however, that Trump,

in his apparent delusion, has threatened and blackmailed many nations, including Mexico. He has boasted he could destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons or facilities as soon as he becomes President. He has equally repudiated the recent nuclear treaty already signed by the five major world powers and Iran otherwise known as P5 + 1 in Geneva. Trump had boasted he would immediately reverse the treaty, when he becomes the US next President. Trump, in his campaign trail, often told Americans he would not hesitate to send US troops once again into the battle fronts in some troubled countries of the world including Syria if he becomes president with the sole aim of maintaining the American hegemony and influence around the globe as a super power. By his current posturing, Trump has ignored to read the present mood of the American people, who are already war weary and no longer interested in American military interventions in foreign lands simply to satisfy the U.S. expansionist ambition which had caused colossal losses both in human and material resources. Nze Akabogu (JP), a public affairs commentator and analyst, wrote from Enugwu-Ukwu, Anambra State via Send your views by mail or sms to PMB 10001, Ikoyi, or our Email: mail@ mirrorlagos@ or 08164966858 (SMS only). The Editor reserves the right to edit and reject views or photographs. Pseudonyms may be used but must be clearly marked as such.



Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror



Commuting of death sentences on 66 soldiers


rdinarily, it ought to be a heart-warming gesture that the Nigerian military high command recently commuted to 10 years imprisonment each the death sentences the court-martials it set up to try some soldiers accused of mutiny in the course of the fight against the Boko Haram violent Islamist sect passed on 66 soldiers. This is especially so because the initiative coincided with the elevation of 97 officers and 5, 198 other soldiers currently battling Boko Haram insurgency for their gallantry. Just few months ago, the Nigerian Army leadership gave approval for the accelerated promotion of about 5,000 soldiers fighting insurgents in the North-East and others involved in various other operations as part of steps to boost their morale. The encouraging hint came shortly after President Muhammadu Buhari overhauled the leadership of the country’s armed forces. The President also gave his nod for the award of Nigerian Army Medals (NAM) to the new Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General G.A Olonisakin; the Chief of Army Staff (CoAS), Lieutenant General T.Y Buratai; and the Director of Military Intelligence (DMI), Brigadier General ASH Sa’ad. Within the same period, the military high command also announced the reinstatement of

3,032 convicted soldiers dismissed over offences they were said to have committed as battles against insurgency raged. Not a few Nigerians doffed their hats for the Federal Government for motivating the soldiers and restoring their confidence and fighting spirit, on the one hand; and the magnanimity the military extended to the reinstated soldiers, on the other. But underneath the huge number of soldiers reinstated were several others still battling against the death sentences passed on them. Director of Army Public Relations (DAPR), Colonel Sani Usman, stated recently that 71 soldiers were arraigned on several charges in joint trials by the military’s General Court Martial (GCM) following their rebellion against their Commanders at the battle front against Boko Haram insurgents in Borno State. The soldiers, he said, were arraigned on several count charges that included criminal conspiracy, conspiracy to commit mutiny, mutiny and attempt to commit an offence (murder), disobedience to particular orders, insubordinate behaviour and false accusation, et cetera. Usman said after their trial, 66 out of the 71 were found guilty on some of the charges and sentenced to death, five were discharged and acquitted, while one bagged 28 days imprisonment



with hard labour. Those sentenced to death appealed the rulings and wrote several petitions, following which the CoAS, ordered a legal review of the cases. “The directive was carried out to examine the merit of each case. It was on the basis of the review and recommendations that the CoAS commuted the death sentences of the 66 soldiers to 10 years jail term…”, the Army spokesman stated. We cannot but commend the military’s ‘stick and carrot’ approach to penalizing erring/insubordinate officers and rewarding patriotic soldiers who not only stood firm to answer the call of duty, and were doing so obediently and gallantly. In the military, command goes with total obedience; and the latter is not negotiable. That is why the slogan: ‘obey the last order’ is very common in both military and non-military circles. Indeed, a military that does not run on order; where superior orders are questioned or trampled with ignominy has lost its entire professional steam. And because the soldier is trained to obey the

ON THIS DAY December 28, 1973 The Endangered Species Act was passed in the United States. Signed into law by President Richard Nixon on December 28, 1973, it was designed to protect critically imperiled species from extinction as a “consequence of economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation”. The Act is administered by two agencies established in the country to implement the law.

Letters tothe theEditor Editor Letters to

December 28, 2010 Popular protests began in Algeria against the government. The 2010–2012 Algerian protests was a continuing series of protests taking place throughout Algeria, which started on December 28, 2010. They were inspired by similar protests across the Middle East and North Africa. Causes cited by the protestors included unemployment, the lack of housing, food-price inflation, corruption, poor living conditions, et cetera.

last order; and to keep prosecuting the instruction until otherwise withdrawn, the charges levelled against the 66 soldiers were, indeed, grave enough and deserved commensurate punishment to serve as deterrent to others that may be tempted to follow the same path. But the sordid tales and contradictions, including the lingering humongous arms purchase scandal, that trailed the nation’s prosecution of its military campaign against Boko Haram before President Buhari came to power, strongly recommend a further review of the 10-year jail term handed down to each of the 66 soldiers. We believe the ‘mutineers’ erred out of extreme frustration occasioned by the non-availability of fighting weaponry and equipment; as well as the general lack of motivation, including the payment of their allowances at the appropriate time, among other numerous setbacks. Even the military chiefs that were the immediate predecessors of the current leaders of the nation’s military confessed as much during their pull-out ceremonies. We implore President Buhari to intervene and pardon the soldiers in the interest of justice, equity and fairplay. Obey-the-last-order is worth its weight when the command is backed by the right working tools and requisite motivation.

x December 28, 2014 Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501 crashed into the Karimata Strait en route from Surabaya to Singapore, killing all 162 people aboard. Flight 8501 (QZ8501/ AWQ8501) was a scheduled international passenger flight operated by AirAsia group affiliate, Indonesia AirAsia, from Surabaya, Indonesia, to Singapore. Two days after the crash, debris from the aircraft and human remains were found floating on the Java Sea.

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Business Courage

Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror



Cargo ship

Promoting efficient cargo declaration, import duty earnings M

ixed reactions have continued to trail the proposed re-introduction of the International Cargo Tracking Note ICTN, initiated by the Nigerian Shippers Council NSC, in its drive to improve port operations efficiency at all levels. These divergent views may have stemmed from the manner the policy was implemented when it was introduced under the Nigerian Ports Authority some time in 2011. For instance, many port stakeholders did not have access to the operators of the scheme, who were said to have been operating from Abidjan, Capital city of Cote d’ Ivoire without any liaison office in any port location in the country and so many Nigerians had no access to the operators to lay their complaints or grievances when it mattered most. Beyond these reactions lies the critical issue of protecting the economic interest of the Nigerian nation, especially given the increasing cases of revenue leakages through

the evasion of import duty payments, fees and other legitimate charges that should accrue to the government. Available statistics show that more than 80 per cent of goods imported into the country is associated with one form of underdeclaration, concealment, overinvoicing, under-invoicing, wrong classification and sometimes outright smuggling through which the Federal Government loses over N500 billion annually. These mind-boggling rate of loss on the part of the government may have informed the decision of the NSC to introduce the ICTN like many other countries of the world, which experienced similar loses in the past have but have been able to curtail them using the instrumentality of the ICTN. The ICTN, which is a project of the African Union of Shippers Councils, is basically an advance cargo information system. It has also been described as an international verification solution and cargo procedure, which facilitates the

Current realities in the global crude oil market occasioned by the sharp decline in the price of the product from over $120 per barrel two years ago to less than $40 per barrel currently have justified the need for urgent diversification of Nigeria’s revenue base. In this analysis, Francis Ezem examines the role of International Cargo Tracking Note, ICTN, in checking massive revenue shortfalls, especially in terms of under-declaration of Gross Tonnage of vessels by importers, amongst other leakage sources.

monitoring of cargo while on transit. It is a web based, high technological tool for import and export of goods that allows the generation of online real time trade statistics. Investigations also show that the ICTN, which is not alien to most import-export trade jurisdictions across the globe, is currently operational in many shipping nations including West African countries, with which they have succeeded in taking control of their trade to enhance cargo security, help the authorities monitor cargo origin, quantity and other shipment information and automatically generate

cargo information alert to the port of destination. For instance, the scheme is in operation in many African countries such as Senegal, Benin Republic and many others. Available statistics also show that the policy has for several years been adopted in the United States, Turkey, Japan and many other Europe, America, and Asian countries. It was gathered that other key benefits of the system include its ability to be accessed by the Nigeria Customs Service, terminal operators, shipping companies and government agencies such as

National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control NAFDAC, and Standards Organisation of Nigeria SON, and Nigerian Plants Quarantine Service NPQS, among others. In addition, the new system would facilitate online real time delivery of the electronic ship manifest in advance simultaneously to every other agency at the port, UDO ONYEKA, CO-ORDINATOR BUSINESS COURAGE c

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which before now was sent when the ship is about to berth in Nigeria as well as checkmating pilferages and leakages in the harbourages, as the consignments are tracked from port of origin to port of destination. Executive Secretary/CEO, of the Nigerian Shippers Council, Mr. Hassam Bello, who spoke in an interview, observed that the ICTN is a modern tool for trade facilitation adding that it will make the nation’s seaports more efficient and it is also a way of plugging the massive revenue leakages in our port system. According to him, the government suffers massive revenue loss arising from the increasing cases of under-declaration and concealment. He said: “The ICTN more than any other transport document, will reveal the content of what you are importing. It will reveal certain information about the value, the weight, the destination and many other things other trade documents such as the bill of lading cannot reveal. So the Nigeria Customs Service will use that piece of information to itself to enable it determine the appropriate duty on the cargo”. He also said that as an advance cargo notice, the ICTN will enhance the receipt of cargo information in advance, which means that the processing of cargo documents will be done in advance by all the parties concerned; the Customs, the shipping companies and terminal operators, a development that will facilitate faster clearance of goods from the ports. This will by so doing reduce the current high cargo dwell time. Security experts have also said that the ICTN is a potent tool that would enhance Nigeria’s moves towards total compliance with the International Ships and Ports Facility Security ISPS, Code. Another feature of the ICTN is that being a web-based information system, ICTN is an open documentation and therefore promotes transparency. “A very import ant crucial aspect of the ICTN is that it will checkmate the massive loss of revenue by the

Business Courage

Monday, December 28, 2015


Nigerian Government through deliberate under-declaration of Gross Registered Tonnage GRT of ships that call at the nation’s seaports”, Bello said, adding that only those who would want to continue with the under- declaration of GRT of ships are those complaining about the ICTN. The NSC-boss however disclosed that the Federal Government has asked the council to set up modern trade facilitation tools to drive the nation’s economy, especially in the maritime industry, which informed the re-introduction of ICTN, to enhance a reduction in cargo transit time, improve risk management and reduce fraud through tax evasion at the nation’s seaports. Experts have also argued that at a time the Federal Government is talking about diversifying the nation’s economy and reduce the dependence on oil revenue given the uncertainties in the global crude oil market, which has seen the price of the black gold fall to less than $50 per barrel from over $120 per barrel before now and the maritime industry provides a veritable alternative. But there are also fears that this may not be achieved due to high level of revenue leakages, which the ICTN has the potential to check effectively. Meanwhile, Nigerian importers and exporters under the aegis of Shippers Association of Lagos State have thrown their weight behind the NSC over its decision to reintroduce the ICTN. President of the association, Rev. Jonathan Nicol, who spoke in Lagos, disclosed that contrary to early insinuations, the shippers are fully in support of the scheme, which he said would facilitate trade, being advance information system in addition to blocking massive revenue leakages. According to him, the scheme will checkmate the increasing cases of under declaration of the GRT of ships by the high and mighty in the Industry as well as stop the deliberate falsification of ship manifest by some multinational shipping companies operating in the country in a desperate bid to evade payment of relevant taxes


and levies. “We are in full support of the ICTN because It will stop falsification of ships’ manifests, checkmate under declaration of imports by the high and mighty in the Industry and provide the actual cargo tonnage of each vessel. Therefore, the correct cargo tonnage will be manifested to break the back bone of the well organised crime of cheating the Nigerian Government”, he said emphatically Nicol also said: “The position of the Shippers Association of Lagos State is clear. Give us a guarantee that the shipping lines will not renege in the payment of the administrative charges in future as they did in Maritime Organisations for West and Central Africa MOWCA deal”. The shippers-boss also disclosed that at the moment, the importers and exporters are reluctant to load their cargo because the clear position of ICTN was still unknown, and therefore called for calm. He also insisted that the association is not in any conflict with the NSC and therefore called all stakeholders in the Industry to embrace the scheme to checkmate the falsification of cargo throughput by some foreign interests. While calling other stakeholders to support the introduction of the ICTN, he insisted that the benefits to the Nigerian economy and by extension the entire citizens of the country far outweigh any issue that might arise in the course of the implementation of the scheme. Immediate past president of the National Association of Government Approved Freight Forwarders NAGAFF, Chief Eugene Nweke, who reacted to the proposed reintroduction of the ICTN, said that

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freight forwarders are fully in support of the new system. According to him, freight forwarders and their principals, the importers before now believed erroneously that the re-introduction of the system would increase cost of operation, but disclosed that after due consultations, freight forwarders, importers and other port stakeholders, have come to the realisation that the ICTN would not in any way affect the price of imported goods neither will it increase port charges nor cause additional delays in the clearance of goods out of the ports. “ICTN, which originated from the United Nations Organisation UN, through its maritime regulatory organ, the International Maritime Organisation IMO, is in line with the ISPS, Code, which seeks to forestall a repeat of the September 2001 terrorist attack on seaport infrastructure”, he said. Nweke also said: “The ISPS Code regulations require that port authorities initiate and develop security plans for vessels, port facilities, cargo and persons. The ICTN in this regard is meant to provide relevant information that would help to check maritime security threats” While urging practicing freight forwarders to embrace and support the new ICTN initiative, he argued that it would not in any way constitute a clog in cargo clearance process, neither does it increase the cost of doing business in the ports. He cited arbitrary port charges such as the seven per cent port surcharge, five per cent sugar levy, Terminal Handling Charges THC, the two per cent National Automotive Council NAC levy, among several others, which apart from

A very import and crucial aspect of the ICTN is that it will checkmate the massive loss of revenue by the Nigerian Government through deliberate under-declaration of Gross Registered Tonnage GRT of ships that call at the nation’s seaports

National Mirror

increasing the cost of doing business at the ports, also pose a major threat to speedy cargo delivery. Meanwhile, president of National Council of Managing Directors of Licensed Customs Agents NCMDLCA, Mr. Lucky Amiwero, who also spoke on the possible cost implications of the ICTN, insists that it was not possible for the new system not to attract additional payments on the part of the shippers (importers and exporters). He argued that the new system must and should be attached to a particular service, which makes additional levy or cost arising from that imperative. “There is no way the new ICTN will not attract additional charges because it must be tied to a particular service head but for now stakeholders have little or nothing to do about it since the Federal Government has already given its approval to the new scheme”, he said. Amiwero argued that as the commercial regulator of the port industry in Nigeria committed to reducing the cost of doing business, the NSC should ensure that the new system does not expose shippers to additional charges. But experts believe that little additional cost arising from the new system should be tolerated by importers, exporters and other maritime stakeholders, who have consistently argued that the benefits of the new system especially in terms of security, enhanced revenue generation, efficient and timely cargo handling and release at the ports far outweigh this little additional cost. It is therefore expected that the issues of import related fraud associated with cargo concealment, under-declaration of vessels’ tonnage and over-invoicing would be a thing of the past when the ICTN comes on stream. Stakeholders also admonish that inadequacies associated with the ICTN under NPA such as lack of access to the operators of the system should be completely addressed so that Nigeria and Nigerians would derive the maximum benefits of the ICTN. BC

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Business Courage

Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror

News CBN reviews N220bn MSME fund guidelines to encourage Start-ups


s part of efforts to encourage entrepreneurial ventures and new businesses in the country, the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, has reviewed the guidelines for its N220bn micro, small, and medium scale enterprises development fund, MSMEDF. Part of the 23-page new revised guidelines that was posted on the central bank’s website yesterday stated that incentives would be given to start-ups that apply for the fund. It also stated that participating financial institutions, PFIs, are expected to accept charges on fixed and floating assets of the financed projects as collateral for startups. Previously, only existing businesses could borrow from the fund through their banks. The banking sector regulator also stated that collateral requirement from start-ups by PFIs shall be educational certificates such as SSCE, National Diploma ,ND, National Certificate of Education ,NCE, National Business and Technical Examination Board ,NABTEB, Higher National Diploma (HND), University degree ,NYSC Certificate where applicable and a guarantor. The start-ups to access the MSMEDF must present their Bank Verification Number ,BVN. According to the central bank, Venture Capital Firms ,VCFs, that wish to finance start-ups in form of equity participation shall be eligible to access the MSMEDF at two per cent for investment in start-up projects. The collateral for such facility to the VCF shall be bank guarantee. The CBN also said that banks and other finance institutions that lend to business start-ups under the fund will be allowed to access the fund at zero interest rate. In addition, the CBN also reduced interest rate it charges PFIs accessing the loan from three per cent percent to two percent. “All PFIs shall access funds at an interest rate of two per cent per annum and on lend at nine


per cent per annum inclusive of all charges. The interest rate chargeable under the MSMEDF may be reviewed by the Central Bank of Nigeria from time to time,” it added. The CBN Governor, Mr. Godwin Emefiele, had at the recently concluded Bankers’ Committee retreat in Lagos said that the central bank would soon introduce measures to generate one million graduate employments. “In 2016, the CBN is contemplating a programme that would support SMEs at concessionary pricing to our young graduates. We need to get more people to be employed. The central bank would over the next few weeks work out the initiative to create employment for at least one million graduates in Nigeria in 2016. That would entail the support from Nigerian banks and our development partners,” the governor also said.


Stanbic IBTC Bank, UPDC partner as Festival Mall opens in Lagos Festival Mall, a sprawling shopping complex in Festac Town, Lagos, has opened for business. The project, developed by UACN Property Development Company Plc, through a special vehicle, First Festival Mall Ltd, was commissioned recently. Stanbic IBTC Bank provided a $9m Bridge Facility as part funding to commence the development phase and subsequently refinanced this amount with the provision of a 7-year $25m medium term loan facility, representing 50 percent of the total project cost. First Festival Mall Ltd is owned by UACN Property Development Company Plc, Africa Capital Alliance and UPDC Real Estate Investment Trust. First Festival Mall Ltd will own the mall, with Shoprite and Silverbird Cinemas as anchor tenants and 45 other retailers offering diverse products and services. Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akin Ambode, who declared the mall open, described the completion of the project as another illustration of where

investment meets opportunity to create prosperity for the people. The governor, who was represented by his Special Adviser on Commerce & Industry, Mr. Benjamin Labinjo, said the mall is a landmark project that will boost the supply chain of retail goods in the state, while bringing development closer to the people. This will in turn boost economic empowerment through creation of both direct and indirect job opportunities for Nigerians. On his part, Deputy Managing Director, Stanbic IBTC Bank, Dr Demola Sogunle, said the bank is delighted to be involved in the landmark project, a continuation of the Standard Bank Group’s tradition of funding crucial developmental projects across Africa, bringing to bear its over 153 years experience and expertise in financial engineering. He said despite the difficult operating environment, debt funding was secured for the project, adding that the bank provided additional support via transactional banking and hedging products to further enhance project feasibility. The transaction structure, which allows quarterly rental payments and a bullet repayment at maturity, has helped in easing the cash burden on tenants, supporting new businesses that may otherwise struggle with lump sum upfront rental payments. He said completion of the project reinforces the group’s commitment to infrastructure development in Nigeria, which is informed by the knowledge that infrastructure is the foundation upon which socio-economic development is built.“Stanbic IBTC Bank, in conjunction with the Standard Bank Group, is proud to support landmark real estate projects in Nigeria, which contribute to economic growth, improve infrastructural development and ultimately create jobs for Nigerians,” Sogunle said, while noting that Stanbic IBTC will leverage similar opportunities for investment in the country. Earlier in his welcome address, Managing Director, UACN Property Development Company Plc, Mr. Hakeem Ogunniran, stated that the mall, which was conceptualised in 2011, was meant to create a destination point for Lagos State residents around Festac, AmuwoOdofin, Mile 2, Ojo, Alaba, Orile and Okota to have an experience of a formal shopping mall.

CLO rejects electricity tariff, petrol pump price hike


he Civil Liberties Organisation, CLO, has strongly protested the rumoured plan by government to review upward the pump price of fuel as well


as increase in electricity tariffs and pump price of petroleum products by the year 2016. The CLO said that going by information available to it, if the plan of the government scales through, residential consumers’ tariffs will be augmented by 49.9 percent while those of the commercial consumers will be increased by 21 percent. It said in similar vein, Nigerians will resume to buy a litre of petrol at the pump price of N97 against the present N87. In a statement by its executive director, Ohabuenyi Ezike, the Organisation noted that the major reasons for the proposed increase in tariffs stems from the claim that prices of gas has risen, cost of distribution of the amenity to the consumers has increased as well as the depreciation of the Naira and rising operational costs. Ohabuenyi also noted that other factors responsible for the proposed policy include shortfalls in energy generation and transmission crisis which affects supplies from the National Grid. He said, “CLO is at loss as to why government that sold all our public property and utilities under the guise of privatization, in most cases, at give-away prices to associates and economic looters will be making cases for those buyers at least without even a look at the efficiency of the services of the providers and how the consumers are treated. Nigeria between 1999 and date, has spent whopping trillions of Naira on this sector without any positive result. While those who plundered these funds smile to the banks, our society and its citizens suffer the ugly and inhuman consequences”. The CLO stated that since the privatisation of the country’s electricity Distribution companies, nothing has changed, and noted that the issues of overbilling, estimated billing even for those who have functional metres and inability of the Distribution companies to install pre-paid metres for consumers have become intractable. “Above all, power is not supplied to Nigerians and this has occasioned protests among Nigerians across the country. On the proposed return of Nigeria to the pump price of petrol

from N87 to N97, CLO makes bold to say that the proposed action is absolutely anti-people and enjoins Nigerians to reject the increase” he said. Ohabuenyi said that after a clinical review of the above proposed policies of the federal government, CLO came to the conclusion that the proposed increase in electric tariffs by the government is a ploy to victimize, suffer and traumatise the already impoverished Nigerian Masses and, therefore should be rejected. He said, “In the alternative, CLO urges the government to condemn the distribution companies for their failure, inability and refusal supply consumers with the amenity, criminally over bill consumers, impose estimated billings on them and the non- installation of pre-paid metres for the consumers”. According to him, government’s plan to reverse the pump price of petrol from the present exorbitant N87 to N97 is an abuse of the promise to abysmally reduce the pump price of petrol from N87 downwards during APC’s electioneering campaigns early this year. CLO rejects the proposed conspiracy against the Nigerian people and enjoins Nigerians to rise against it

Rating agency affirms Infinity Mortgage BB+


he Global Credit Rating, GCR, has affirmed Infinity Trust Mortgage Bank Plc, ITMB, BB+ credit rating with positive outlook in the long term and A3 with positive outlook in the short term for 2015, based on the mortgage firm’s 2014 financial results. According to its recent rating report, the GCR, which rates about 3000 local and international organisations spanning four continents, stated that ITMB was given the rating due to improvement in the bank’s competitive capacity, brand perception, corporate governance practices and robust financial performance, among others. The statement added: “In 2014, GCR rated ITMB Plc BB+ with positive outlook in the long term and A3 with stable outlook in the short term. The 2014 rating was an improvement over the 2012 and 2013 rating of BB+ with stable outlook in the long term and A3 with stable outlook in the short term. “The 2015 rating takes cognisance of Infinity Trust Mortgage Bank Plc’s improved competitive capacity, enhanced brand perception resulting from its transformation from a private limited liability company to a public company in 2013, and the subsequent upgrade of its license to a National Primary Mortgage Bank in 2014. “ITMB is considered well

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capitalised. Total shareholders’ funds were N5.5bn at 31 December 2014, relative to minimum capital requirements of N5.0bn for a National Primary Mortgage Bank, translating to a robust risk weighted Capital adequacy ratio, CAR, of 122 per cent, against the regulatory minimum CAR of 10 per cent.” The bank’s liquidity risk, according to the statement, was considered low, given the bank’s strong key liquidity indicators at the balance sheet date. The cash and liquid assets to short-term funding ratio stood at 183.1 per cent at 2014 financial year, while the maturity matching of assets and liabilities reflected liquidity buffers across all maturity bands.

Experts condemn unethical practices in insurance


nsurance experts have charged staff of insurance companies across the country to always shun unethical practices in the discharge of their duties as a critical player in insurance industry. The experts, who spoke at the 2015 Graduation Ceremony and Induction of Fellows and Associates by the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria, CIIN, in Lagos, last week, noted that the insurance industry can only move forward if operators decide to play by the rules governing insurance profession in the country. The Managing Director, Consolidated Hallmark Insurance Plc, Mr. Eddie Efekoha, urged the 159 graduands inducted as Associates and 6 Associates elevated into the Board of Fellow of CIIN, to see themselves as ambassadors of the insurance profession, challenging operators to avoid rate-cutting, unhealthy competition and refusal to pay claims. According to him, “It is therefore a collective responsibility to conduct business in ethical way and be professional enough so that the insurance industry can grow and move forward. The grandaunts should be an ambassador of ethics.” While calling on the managers of insurance firms present at the event to always be ready to take responsibility of, even their junior staff, he said: “As a leader, you should be ready to take responsibility, even of your junior staff. Moreover, don’t blame others for what you have done. This is a challenge that lies ahead, when you are called a leader.” Earlier, the President, CIIN, Lady Isioma Chukwuma, had congratulated the graduands,said she hope the new entrants would engender greater commitment to the institute and the insurance profession, as a whole, adding that the institute’s professional examina-

Business Courage

Monday, December 28, 2015


tions have become deep-rooted and have, since 1992, produced home-bred professionals who have continued to perform creditably in their various endeavours. Disclosing that CIIN was conscious of the insurance industry dynamics and the emerging challenges with new and complex human capital needs, she said the challenges facing the industry today not only require a fresh impetus in human capital development but also a renewed vigour and approach to skills recreation in order to equip practitioners for the huge tasks of managing the current realities in the business landscape. “I wish to state that the Institute is on the verge of completing another review of its syllabus as it is our desire to produce professionals that can compare favourably with their contemporaries in other climes,” she stated. Disclosing that full academic activities have commenced at the CIIN established Centre for Insurance and Financial Management Studies, CIFMS, she stressed that the centre provides ample training and capacity building opportunities for both insurance practitioners and persons desirous of joining the industry. “I feel elated by the growing enthusiasm for the acquisition of professional insurance qualification and the abiding consciousness in embracing professionalism in the business and practice of insurance. The professional qualifications will remain a source of pride for all holders,” she assured. At the event, 159 graduands were inducted as Associates, while 6 Associates were admitted to the Society of Fellows of CIIN.

Economists support forex flexibility, economic diversification


ome economists have urged the Federal Government to diversify the economy by reducing its dependence on crude oil and promote foreign exchange

flexibility to forestall further naira depreciation. They told the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, in Lagos that the continued fall in the price of oil at the international market and the depletion of the nation’s foreign reserves were impacting negatively on the naira. Head of Department of Economics, University of Benin, Prof. Anthony Monye-Elmina, said there were macro- economic challenges affecting the movement of the naira at the international market. Monye-Elmina noted that the dwindling fall in the price of oil, coupled with the strong demand for foreign goods was putting undue pressures on the naira, leading to loss of value. The economist said that until the nation’s economy made a paradigm shift away from oil dependence, its needed restructuring would remain a mirage. According to him, the manufacturing sector should be revitalised to produce the needed foreign exchange that would defend the naira against the dominance of the dollar. ``Our strong demand for foreign goods and the dwindling commodity oil price were exerting pressures on the naira, leading to its’ continued depreciation. ``We also need to depend less on importation and encourage the growth of the manufacturing sector,’’ Monye-Elmina said. A lecturer, Department of Accountancy, University of Benin, Dr Chijioke Mgbame blamed policy somersault and recurring leadership crises for the posture of the naira. Mgbame urged the apex bank to allow market forces to determine its movement at the foreign exchange market. According to him, the government should put in place policies that will discourage importation and encourage local manufacturing, stating that this will help to grow the nation’s foreign reserves. He said that the scarcity of the greenback was a temporary measure aimed at restoring sanity to the forex market. The accountant, however, urged the apex bank to pursue policies that would not impute hardship on the economy. ``When your foreign reserve is strong, it will lead to a stronger currency. ``The nation should frown at over dependence on importation and formulate policies that would encourage the growth of local manufacturers,’’ Mgbame said. NAN reports that since the closure of the Retail Dutch Auction System ,RDAS, by the apex bank, and subsequent policies aimed at rescuing the naira, it has continued to depreciate. The dwindling price of oil at the international market and the depletion of the nation’s foreign reserves have increased the bur-

den on the naira. Subsequently, the naira depreciated to a record low of N280 to the dollar in the previous week before rebounding to about N270 at the parallel market.


SON urges importers to stop bringing substandard products


he Director-General, Standards Organisation of Nigeria, SON, Dr Joseph Odumodu has advised importers to stop importation of sub-standard products. Odumodu gave the advice in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, in Lagos. ``We must understand where we are coming from. We are coming from a regime where it was all comers’ business and people did anything they want, `` the director-general said. Odumodu said that dishonest importers had gradually killed many industries as a result of importation of sub-standard products. He said President Muhammadu Buhari had appealed to Nigerians for positive change to make the Nigerian maritime industry the hub of shipping in West Africa. The director-general said that the organisation had introduced some platforms for importers and exporters to overcome challenges encountered in the course of doing business. He said SON had been collaborating with some government agencies, adding that the organisation was ready to engage ports operators in training to reduce the time of doing business.

ments. The service, which lets consumers pay in an app or by tapping their iPhone on store terminals, will be introduced next year in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Spain. Apple is counting on its brand recognition as it enters markets that are further along than the U.S. in all things mobile payments, particularly in advanced technologies needed to accept them in retail outlets. Still, it won’t be easy. The iPhone maker will compete with local banks and Internet companies that already offer the service -- not to mention Samsung Electronics Co., the world’s leader in smartphones. “There’s a lot of opportunity for Apple because their brand has a significant cache,” said Thad Peterson, a senior analyst at Aite Group. Apple’s challenge will be “to see if there’s going to be an adoption curve significant enough to justify the investment.” The mobile-payment service, which only works with Apple devices, is a way for the company to make products more appealing and spur customer loyalty. After Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook called 2015 the “year of Apple Pay” in January, the service has been slow to take off domestically, partly because of a lack of promotion and a limited number of store terminals able to accept it. Adoption has been faster in the U.K., where Apple Pay was introduced in the summer. That’s partly because of agreements with merchants such as sandwich chain Pret A Manger and Twickenham Stadium that let customers use Apple Pay to ring up unlimited amounts in transactions. Also, Apple’s operating system, iOS, commands a strong market share, with 39.5 percent of smartphone sales in Great Britain in the three months ended in October, according to Kantar Worldpanel ComTech: Apple said its service will be rolled out as soon as early 2016. More than 235 million people ages 15 and over in China don’t have bank accounts, according to McKinsey & Co., making mobile payments a necessary means to send and receive money. BC

Apple Pay targets Asia, Europe for growth in 2016


fter a sluggish start in the U.S. since its debut more than a year ago, Apple Pay is ramping up in markets where people are more comfortable with so- called contactless pay-

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Business Courage

Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror

Companies & Markets

NAICOM defends levy paid by insurance firms Udo Onyeka


he National Insurance Commission, NAICOM, has denied collecting levies outside the prescription of the law. Commissioner for Insurance Alhaji Mohammed Kari who put up defense on the issue while speaking at the 2015 Champion Insurance Day organised by Champion Newspapers in Lagos said the regulator has always acted within the ambit of the law. He explained that the one per cent insurance levy charged by the commission on insurance firms is a statutory provision contained in the law and not a regulation of NAICOM. Kari noted that section 16 (1)(b) of the NAICOM Act 1997 mandates all insurance institutions to remit one per cent of their gross premium to the commission as insurance levy adding that the system of funding of regulators also applies to most sector regulators in Nigeria – the FIRS, CBN, SEC, NDIC, PenCom. The commissioner described the pressure by shareholders on the penalty levy on insurance

firms as deliberate misinformation and misleading as well as usage of the shareholders as stooges by management of some insurance companies to cover up their gross financial mismanagement of their companies. He however said the commission sympathises with the shareholders because they have a right to be aggrieved over the nil returns on their investments, adding that Operators, who choose to play in the sector must be prepared to do so in strict compliance with the extant insurance laws. “Fines and sanctions for any default/infraction by an operator are clearly spent out in the respective laws to the knowledge and understanding of the operators. The law may not be perfect, but as long as it remains the law, its provisions must be complied with and it is the responsibility of NAICOM, as the statutory regulatory agency of the sector to ensure every operator play by the rule” he said. He challenged shareholders of insurance companies to demand

explanations from their respective management to ascertain reasons why they continued to incur sanctions from the regulator; incur high management expenses; fail to take advantage of the huge potentials in the market and as well, the various market development initiatives introduced by NAICOM to expand their businesses. NAICOM, he continued has continually introduced market development programmes and initiatives aimed at increasing penetration and assisting insurance institutions enhance their premium revenue generation and, by so doing, increase the industry contribution to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). According to him, in 2009, the Commission launched the Market Development and Restructuring Initiatives (MDRI) programme, which is a medium term industry development plan designed by the Commission with focus on the Enforcement of compulsory insurance products, Increase insurance awareness, Reduction in incidences of fake



insures/insurances and Increase agency reform. He said the initiative was successfully launched in the six geopolitical zones and Abuja and was followed up by the commission also with massive awareness campaign, roadshows and seminars again in all the zones of the country. The commissioner said the efforts were geared towards making the insurance institutions richer and better. “The question remains whether the insurance companies have been able to take maximum advantage of this window to grow their businesses,” he asked. BC

Sterling Bank bags ISO 20000-1 certification


n recognition of its attainment of best Service Management Standards and global best practices in service management, Sterling Bank Plc has received the TCIC ISO 20000-1Certification. TCIC Global Certification Limited is a Management System Certification Independent Audit/ Assessment Accredited Training provider founded in 2003. The company provides the certification audit of the management system, independent audit/assessment services, the personnel certification/ registration and the Accredited Training Providers alongside other value-added service for the clients. With this development, Sterling Bank has met one of the

Yemi Adeola, Sterling bank boss

components spelt out in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) roadmap for Technology Departments of deposit money banks in the country. The Bank in a statement

signed by its Group Head, Strategy & Communications, Mr. Shina Atilola explained that the journey to implementing ISO 20000-1 commenced in July 2014 and ended in February 2015. The training and certification audit took place between July and August, 2015. In a statement the bank said certification came about after an audit was conducted on the Bank to review our people and practices. “The standard stipulates a certain level of competence for IT, Information Technology, staff, and in order to meet this standard, several staff within our Technology group undertook trainings and certification examinations.

IFC, LAPO partner on agent banking


he International Finance Corporation, IFC, a member of the World Bank Group has signed an agreement to work with LAPO Microfinance Bank Limited to pilot and roll out agent banking in Nigeria. The partnership is expected to increase access to financial services for low-income customers, small-scale entrepreneurs and rural communities, according to a statement. IFC is also providing a N2bn loan to support LAPO MFB’s lending to micro-entrepreneurs. The

statement described the deal as the largest investment IFC made by the multilateral agency in a microfinance institution in SubSaharan Africa. “As the first local microfinance organisation to successfully transform into a fully regulated national microfinance bank, LAPO MFB is a pioneer in the Nigerian microfinance sector. It has grown its client base from 700,000 in 2012 to more than two million, across 28 of Nigeria’s 36 states, and it aims to increase its client base to up to five million by 2017. In 2012, IFC

provided an N800 million facility to LAPO that has contributed to the expansion of its lending activities,” it added. Commenting on the agreement, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of LAPO MFB, Godwin Ehigiamusoe said: “LAPO Microfinance Bank has remained committed to its goal of economic empowerment through access to finance. We are taking further steps to increase our reach to more low income earners and more micro, small and medium enterprises. IFC’s long term sup-

Insurance agents expect better operating environment in 2016

“In achieving this feat, the Bank implemented 13 processes and also created an IT service management unit, of which the IT service desk is an important component. The 13 processes are capacity management; Service continuity and availability Management; Service level Management; Service reporting; Information security management; budgeting and accounting for services; “Others include release and deployment management; Configuration management; change management; business relationship management; supplier management; incident and request fulfilment management; and problem management” the statement said. BC

port has helped us and we hope this new project will lead to enhanced financial access for more financially excluded Nigerians.” On its part, IFC’s Country Manager for Nigeria, Eme Essien Lore said: “One of IFC’s core objectives is to promote inclusive finance that benefits the small-scale business sector-an engine of inclusive growth and job creation. Our relationship with LAPO MfB will help us reach out to the low income people in Nigeria to improve financial inclusion and help grow the economy. BC

nsurance agents, under the auspices of the National President, Association of Registered Insurance Agents of Nigeria,ARIAN, believes, with series of sanitisation exercise going on in insurance industry, 2016 would be a better year for operators in insurance sector of the economy. Speaking on behalf of the insurance agents in Lagos, the President, ARIAN, Mr. Gbadebo Olameru, said the national election, the depreciating price of oil in international market, depreciating value of Naira, among others, led to slow business atmosphere in the current year, hoping that next year promises a better prospects. While charging all relevant stakeholders in insurance industry to be alive to their duties and operate fully in accordance with relevant insurance laws, he noted that this will enhance insurance contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as well as enhances insurance growth and profitability. He, however, urged relevant agencies to ensure that the revised insurance bill is passed into law, latest next year, saying, the provision therein would enhance insurance penetration, adoption, thereby leading the underwriting firms to the path of profitability. Meanwhile, Olameru was unhappy that his association was not allowed to have input into the revised insurance bill, before it was concluded, despite the fact that the agents are prominent driver of insurance products and services. The revised bill has been in existence for more than five years, yet, there was no any concrete development on its passage. Though, he believes the underwriters might have contributed into the bill, on their behalf, but that it can never represent the full interest of the agents. “There is one or two deficiencies when it comes to agents of insurance. We are not carried along in it.” he pointed out. BC


National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, December 28, 2015

A7 23

Brand Watch

Harpic advocates improved hygiene during festive seasons David Audu


he need for the public to be conscious of the health hazard of improper disposal of human waste was once again emphasized, recently as Reckit Benkiser, manufacture of Harpic toilet wash organized a community sensitisation programme to coincide with the World toilet day. Speaking on the event held at the Idi-Araba Community and IdiAraba School Complex, Mushin, Lagos, Reckitt Benckiser’s Marketing Director-West Africa, Mr. Oguzhan Silivrili said, the availability of clean toilets should be an issue in a festive season like this, especially against the backdrop of over 32 million Nigerians not having access to functional toilet facilities and defecating in the open even in normal times. He said with the season providing opportunities for daily merriment, drinking and eating, this challenge will definitely expand. “Harpic, one of RB’s power brands has consistently put on


the front burner the importance of having access to clean toilet and the potential health implications as well as the vulnerability it poses, especially, to Women and Children. Silivrili explained that consistent enlightenment of Nigerians has become quite necessary because open defecation has multiple effect on the larger society as it affects living conditions re-

sulting in increased Child Mortality, Cholera, Diarrhea in addition to its considerable social costs which include loss of dignity or risk of physical attack and sexual abuse. “This year, WTD is focusing on the link between sanitation and nutrition, drawing the world’s attention to the importance of toilets in supporting better nutrition and improved health. Lack of access to clean drinking water and sanitation, along with the absence of good toilet hygiene practices, are among the underlying causes of poor nutrition. The aim of World Toilet Day is to raise awareness about the people in the world who do not have access to a toilet, despite the fact that it is a human right to have clean water and sanitation.” He also pointed out that Goal six of the sustainable development goals is to ensure access to water and sanitation for all. “Clean, accessible water for all is an essential part of the world we want to live in. There is suf-

ficient fresh water on the planet to achieve this. But due to bad economics or poor infrastructure, every year, fecal contamination of the environment is the root cause of an annual average of 5,400 cases of cholera affecting Nigeria. Harpic has been in the fore front of this campaign reaching 1,000,000 homes yearly across 16 cities within the country to educate consumers about how to keep a clean and hygienic toilet Also speaking at the WTD event, Category Manager Harpic, Bamigbaiye-Elatuyi Omotola stated that Harpic’s toilet hygiene campaign initiative builds on the strong commitment already made by UN Member States. Her words: “ The “Sanitation for All’ Resolution (A/ RES/67/291) adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in July 2013, designated 19 November as World Toilet Day. The Day is coordinated by UNWater in collaboration with Governments and relevant stakeholders like Harpic”. BC

Three Crowns rewards ‘Cook Like Mine’ competition winners


hree Crowns Milk, a brand from the stables of FrieslandCampinaWAMCO has recently rewarded its consumers who participated in the just concluded Three Crowns ‘Cook Like Mine’ competition held recently Speaking at the Grand Finale of the ‘Cook Like Mine’ competition, the Senior Brand Manager, Three Crowns Milk, Mrs. Maureen Ifada expressed the company’s sincere gratitude to the numerous consumers who participated in the competition stating that this platform has helped showcase to Nigerians that there is so much more that can be done with milk.“We are extremely happy with the responses we received throughout the 5 weeks period of the competition, thousands of entries were sent in during the

first phase (online competition) and it took quite a task getting the judges to shortlist the top 5 finalist who have exhibited a high standard of professionalism through their presentation, creativity and passion today” she said. Ifada revealed that the Grand Prize winner of this maiden edition – Miss Onome Uriemu has the bragging right for one year as she would be providing Three Crowns Milk lovers with more of her amazing and healthy recipes which would be available on the brand’s various Social Media platforms and the videos would also uploaded on their YouTube Channel The Grand Finale of the competition witnessed the five shortlisted participants preparing two meals each, the original recipe they had entered the competi-

Tarang Gupta, Marketing Director, FrieslandCampina WAMCO

tion with and a surprise recipe selected by the judges. Also the audiences were treated to a cooking masterclass by celebrity chefs , Tolu Erogbogbo, Chef Eros, and Uzo Orimalade who prepared a delicious Chick-

en Potpie and gave several tips on making the perfect meal using Three Crowns Milk as well as some vital kitchen hacks. After several hours of cooking, Onome Uriemu from Lagos State emerged the winner of the Cook Like Mine Season 1, rewarded with a Side-by-Side Double Door Refrigerator and lots of Three Crowns Milk, the first runner up - Faith Igberase from Sagamu, Ogun State was rewarded with a Chest Freezer, the second runner up - Gloria Ogbonnaya from Kaduna State won a Washing Machine while the fourth and fifth runners up were also rewarded with a Microwave Oven each. She further urged consumers to keep using Three Crowns low cholesterol milk as it is the healthy choice for the family to stay strong and fit all year round. BC

Goldberg lager beer thrills consumers at Ooni coronation


le-Ife, the traditional home of Yoruba civilization came alive when Goldberg lager beer from the stable of Nigerian Breweries Plc thrilled consumers with live music after the coronation of Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, Ojaja 11, Ooni of Ife”. The celebration, which was in consonance with the values of the brand was held in major bars in the town, where consumers went home with various gift items suc as television sets, rechargeable fans, microwave

ovens, DVD players, refrigerators and Goldberg fabrics. Speaking on behalf of the winners, Oluwafemi Oladimeji noted that Goldberg is truly a brand that identifies with and celebrates culture of the people. He said he never expected that a brand will have such an elaborate plan to organize a party for consumers to participate in the ceremony of the coronation of their monarch. “It is even more fun when you win a prize that you never anticipated.” He added that, the experience

will remain with him for a long time as he pledged his loyalty to the Goldberg brand for “being a caring brand.” In his comments, Kolade Bada applauded Goldberg for the huge investment in promoting the cultural values of its consumers, saying he will “forever remain indebted to the brand for giving him such memorable time and gifts, and also for being a part of history with the coronation of the new Ooni of Ife.” It would be recalled that, the

Business Manager Ibadan, Nigerian Breweries Plc, Mr. Joseph Bodunrin, revealed during the corporate visit to the Ooni’ resident, that Nigerian Breweries is the only company that has experience in beer production with local content thereby providing employment to Nigerians. He added that Goldberg brand is a brand that respects people and their cultural rhythm which has over the years created a strong bond with cultural festivals in and around the west. Brand Manager Goldberg, Mr.

Chinese firm tickles consumers with new smartphones


ionee, a Chinese phone manufacturer has introduced a new phone into the Nigerian market. The phone, Gionee S plus, aligns with the aspirations of consumers to own a phone that provides tailor made solutions. Gionee Director for the Africa region, Mr Frank Chenlei, says the brand is a product of major research and consistent consumer engagement. Gionee, according to him, is poised to not only meet but also surpass consumer expectations. The designs, according to him, are unique and resonate with the Nigerian audience who love innovative and unique in their choice of mobile devices. Chenlei said the arrival of the Gionee S Plus is a product of ingenious progressive brand development that started five years ago, noting that by 2014, Gionee was the slimmest smartphone in the world with the Gionee Elife S5.1 whose body is only 5.1mm thick. Gionee S plus is aimed at simplifying communication for consumers who are continuously on the go. “Gionee S Plus is elitist in design and a classical fashion statement for mobile users. It is indeed a true work of art as it performs functions beyond the Android phone. “Its aesthetic design makes it a distinct phone in its class.The phone also aligns with the lifestyle of phone users as it is sleek and defines the social status of the user through its innovative designs and mobile functions”. He explain futher that Gionee S Plus comes equipped with a new feature that is safer and more convenient then pattern and digit password. “A major feature of the sleek device is the Face Recognition that identifies the users face and can also be used to unlock the phone. GiONEE Splus also comes with the latest Android USB Type C port, which allows for reversible plug orientation. You also don’t need to worry about plugging it in upside down. BC

Mfon Bassey, told the esteemed royal fathers and others present that Goldberg is a brand that upholds the tenets of the people’s culture, as such celebrates with them whenever the occasion arises. The brand identifies with other cultural celebrations like Osun Osogbo festival and Ojude Oba in Ijebu Ode etc. The brand was also present at the coronation of the Deji of Akure, and beyond that it also hosted the 3rd edition of Goldberg Fuji T’o bam, an indigenous music talent hunt. BC

A8 24

Business Courage

Monday, December 28, 2015

Samsung supports Nigeria’s technology drive, trains youths Isaiah Erhiawarien


igeria is the latest beneficiary of the Samsung Smart School initiative, which targets to train about 10, 000 teachers in the next five years. The initiative, which has kicked off in Togo, Senegal, Kenya, Ghana and Rwanda, is part of Samsung’s global efforts to use technology to increase the quantity of students who have access to quality learning materials and facilities, as well as to improve the quality of education given out by tutors. Managing Director, Samsung Electronics West Africa, Mr. Brovo Kim, made the remarks during the launching the Samsung Smart School for Teachers at the Federal Government Boys College in Abuja, in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja. He said that the Samsung Smart School for Teachers in Apo will be the first of five to be launched in Nigeria, with others planned for Ogun, Rivers, Delta and Imo states. According to him, the implementation will result in a collective 10, 000 teachers receiving training as primary beneficiaries, and a further 5, 000 students impacted as secondary beneficiaries, over a five year period. Kim explained: “The Samsung Smart School concept is imple-


mented in urban schools with the infrastructure, but not the skills needed to use IT for teaching and learning “In line with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal to improve education, we believe it is essential to equip teachers with basic computer literacy, as well as the tools they need to use ICTs for curriculum development and more impactful teaching; and the Samsung Smart School for Teachers is an important step in achieving this.”, he added With the launch of the Samsung Smart School for Teachers at the Federal Government Boys College, teachers will receive training to empower them to access digital content, share it

with students, monitor students’ progress and conduct assessments. The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information, Dr Folasade Yemi-Esan, expressed her excitement about the impact this will have on education in Abuja. She recognised and applauded Samsung’s effort and contribution towards ICT development within the country noting, “We are indeed grateful to Samsung for tapping into the goal of the ministry of education to train quality teachers. We encourage all beneficiaries of this project to take full ownership of the project and let the improved quality of teaching reflect in our students’ results” she said. Yemi-Esan urged all stakeholders in the education sector to partner with the ministry of education to salvage the country’s educational system. “As ICT becomes more and more entrenched in our lives, it is essential that our students are exposed to it, guided by teachers who can use technology to add real value to the learning experience”, she said. The Principal of Federal Government Boys College, Apo, Mr. Jonathan Mbaakaa, pointed out that for relevance in the digital age, teachers must do a lot in the area of ICT knowledge and application, if the teaching profession is to transform to global level of relevance and competitiveness. BC

EMC unveils new data protection solution


MC Corporation has announced the immediate availability of a broad range of products and solutions designed to seamlessly connect primary storage and data protection systems to private and public clouds. According to the company, organisations through the solution will be better equipped to take advantage of both the agility and unlimited scalability of public cloud services and the control and security of a private cloud infrastructure. The disclosed that the solution has been necessary as IT departments rush to keep pace with the demands of the rapidly changing business adding that businesses often rely on both the private cloud because “it is trusted, controlled and reliable and the public cloud because of its low cost and near limitless capacity.” EMC said that cloud-enabled storage and data protection solutions empower customers to deploy a trusted storage environment where data can be automatically tiered to both public and private clouds. The IT solution company

said that it is also launching a number of new data protection features that provide customers with the tools they need to ensure their data is protected wherever it resides, regardless of what might happen. According to the President, Core Technologies, at EMC Guy Churchward, many businesses have seen huge benefits from strategically moving data and workloads to the cloud saying, this often means sacrificing some control over the data. “Can you move your data


across public clouds? Can you intelligently manage your data through its lifecycle from flash to disk to cloud and then move it back if you need it? And how do you protect it? Only EMC has the breadth and depth of portfolio to empower customers to take control of their data and achieve the greatest efficiencies”, said Churchward. He noted that EMC is integrating new and expanded cloud capabilities across its entire storage and data protection portfolio including solutions to store and protect data to, from and within the cloud such as Tiering Data to/from the Cloud - EMC’s VMAX and VNX storage platforms deliver simple, automated tiering to and from private and public clouds. He said further that EMC is further extending the integration reach of VMAX with enhancements to its FAST.X tiering solution, enabling customers to achieve lower total cost of ownership by automatically tiering to public clouds from both EMC and non-EMC storage. BC


National Mirror

with Esther Ozue ( 08059234648 (sms only)

Building an information culture within your organisation


he term “culture” refers to the collection of knowledge, language, rules, rituals, habits, lifestyles, attitudes, beliefs, and customs that link and give a common identity to a particular group of people at a specific point in time. Organisations have culture and it is created through communication which is often apparent in particular patterns like dressing, meeting styles, ways of thinking about the directions of the organisation, leadership styles and so on but the most important of it all is information culture. Information is used throughout the organisation and by every person in one way or the other according to their responsibilities. The damage that can be caused by inaccurate recording of data, excessive distribution of documents, failing to apply security procedures, can all create dangers to the organisation by damaging their reputation, reducing customer loyalty, and exposing an organisation to litigation. The form information risk takes and the ways it should be mitigated must permeate throughout the organisation and must form a part of every employee approach to how they perform their daily tasks. This is achieved by developing a good information handling culture that makes the control and protection of information a routine part of every activity. Companies that are able to adopt an information culture by taking technology as part of their culture are able to generate the highest returns from their investments because when employees adopt technology as part of their culture, it is embedded in the fabric of life within the organisation. An information culture is when information is considered a strategic asset within the organisation because without it, policies will fail and efforts will be wasted. Information is not just a corporate resource rather it is the company’s identity ie “how the company defines and differentiates itself”. Employees use information to maximise their performance which enables them to be adaptive and tailor their products and services to the dynamics of their customers. Things to embrace in creating an Information Culture: • Executives need to embrace information as essential to business operations when they model a behavior that will cascade throughout the organisation. If information is not considered a strategic asset at the highest levels of an organisation, there will never be the investment required to make information available across the entire organisation. • If your employees are in the field, but the information is at their desk, then you can’t have a successful information culture. Companies that embrace an information culture understand how and where their employees work and make information widely accessible across the organisation. • An information support team is necessary to ensure that information is accurate, relevant and presented in the right context. • The culture must permeate throughout the organisation and must inform every person’s approach to how they perform their daily tasks, regardless of seniority. In addition, a good information culture starts with every employee within the organisation by understanding that information is key to the success of the organisation, the need for information to be safeguarded, an effective programme of information risk awareness and education for all staff, and trainings for those with specific risk mitigation responsibilities should be taken into consideration. Finally, the life-blood of any organisation is information and IT (Information Technology) systems are often created to manage, store and distribute it. Once you know what your information culture is then you can use IT (Information Technology) to assist in building a proper solution for your business growth and also to manage it of which the result will definitely lead to profitability and business sucBC BC cess. BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, December 28, 2015

A9 25

Behind d Wheels This page is open to sponsorship

Autocare Steps to buying a car



uch as the last CTS-V S-V was a big Cadillac with a supercharged Cor-vette motor, the new one is an even bigger Cadillac with an even more powerful supercharged Corvette motor. If it ain’t broke. The first two generations of this velvet edVette have given Cadillac credibility among enthusiasts. The next one will sand down the few rough edges of its predecessors. The CTS-V is a halo car for the brand and for GM as a whole. Get up close and personal with the spec sheet and the new 2016 CTS-V is indeed the Z06-powered, 200 mph-capable sedan you were hoping for in your darkest, most secret dreams. And, yet, here it is in the open: a luxury sedan that can spank pretty much anything you had on your bedroom wall in poster form without breaking a sweat. As far as appearances go, there were few surprises with the 2016 Cadillac CTS-V, as it’s predictably adopted all the design cues from the previously unveiled ATS-V. The first thing we noticed on the CTS-V was its gaping front grille, even larger and more aggressive than the ATS-V’s. Sitting just below it is an optional carbon fiber front splitter, which is part of an aerodynamics package that also includes a carbon fiber rear spoiler, a carbon fiber rear diffuser and a carbon fiber hood vent. Looking down the side of the car you’ll notice a rocker panel skirt and a side vent, which is also available in carbon fiber The previous CTS-V was a beast, for its time. 556 hp from an LSA V8, a sub-4 second squirt to 60 mph, and a top speed of 185 mph.


b numbers are still impressive, at least until you start gathering what the 2016 model is capable of. Thanks to the LT4 underhood, the 2016 CTS-V is up 84 hp compared to its predecessor and down only 10 hp to the Z06 itself. Let that sink in for a second. The Rootsstyle blower displaces 1.7-liters in and of itself, helping the LT4 to make its 640 hp and 630 lb-ft of torque—numbers that, Cadillac is eager to point out, trump the some of the forced-induction V8 offerings from Germany. The LT4 dumps power into the 8L90, which is actually a worldclass performance automatic that also sees duty in—you guessed it—the Corvette. In that application, it was “nearly clairvoyant.” Expect the calibration to be different in the CTS-V; don’t expect it to ruin the experience in the slightest. And yes, there will be flappy paddles. More Corvette tech comes to the CTS-V, too. Remember the Performance Data Recorder that snagged a romping valet recently? That tech comes to the CTS-V as well, although you’ll have to use CUE to operate it. On the chassis side of things, Cadillac has thrown a host of bracing at the CTS to shore up its rigidity. These include braces from strut tower-to-tower and tower-to-

plenum, v-braces in the engine bay, beefed-up rocker panel bulkheads, rear cradle bracing, and other less sexy upgrades. Cadillac claims this will increase structural rigidity by 25 percent over nonV CTSs. Suspension revisions also abound: new bushings and a stiffer stabilizer bar in the front give the car 20 percent greater roll stiffness; in the rear, the five-link setup has been beefed up with stiffer cradle mounts, bushings, and a stiffer stabilizer bar. Spring rates have been increased all around, and Magnetic Ride Control is (of course) present and accounted for. The 2016 CTS-V isn’t particularly light—it’s 4145 lbs—but weight distribution is decent: 52.7 front, 47.3 rear. That being said, lightweight parts have been thrown at the car: a carbon fiber hood incorporates extractor vents, and an available Carbon Fiber package throws even more of the woven stuff at the car in the form of a front splitter, hood vent, rear diffuser, and spoiler. Broadly speaking, the CTS-V will use the ATS/CTS “Alpha” architecture, but with more aluminum onboard. Cadillac claims the CTS-V will hit 200 mph and reach 60 mph in just 3.7 seconds—both improvements over the outgoing model. BC

everal steps are involved in buying a car. Since buying a car is a large financial decision, it is recommended that you visit your local library or surf the Internet to gather additional information about the process. This section will briefly describe some of the common steps such as: Determining your budget: The first thing you should do before buying a car is determine your budget. Can you really afford to buy a car? Your budget will ultimately determine the type of car that you can afford. This is necessary because it is extremely important to know what you can afford. Identifying your wants and needs: Why do you need an automobile? This is an easy question to answer, right? You need to be able to get from place to place. Now think again. Do you need this vehicle to get to work? Do you need it for cruising on Saturday night? Automobiles are extremely expensive to own and operate. Do you need a car or do you want one? Either way, you will probably own one someday. Different types of cars provide for different needs and wants. When deciding on an automobile you have many choices that can fulfill your wants and needs: pickups, sport-utility vehicles, compact cars, mid-size cars, full-size cars, minivans, full-size vans, or sports cars. Financing the purchase: If you cannot afford a vehicle outright, you may have to make monthly payments. If this is the case, you should go to several financial institutions to get quotes about financing information and loan qualification Where to purchase a car: Several places exist for you to buy a vehicle. The most common are private-party sellers, used car lots, new car lots, and on the Internet. Some people try to sell their used car themselves - they are called private-party sellers. People sell their car mainly for three reasons: 1) they cannot afford the car anymore; 2) they decide to upgrade to a newer car; or, 3) their car is a “lemon” and they do not want to deal with it anymore. Try to determine why someone is selling their “good” used car. This may save you thousands in future repairs. Private-parties will sell their cars using the newspaper, automotive publications, signs in the car’s windows, or the Internet. A used car lot is another place to find a car. There are thousands of used car dealerships all across the nation. When purchasing a vehicle from a used car lot make sure you have done your homework. Determine the car’s historical service records and thoroughly check the car over. When in the market for a new car, people will commonly go to a car dealership. New cars offer the satisfaction of a warranty. Another place to buy new or used cars is on the Internet. Hundreds of websites out there offer cars to consumers. If you do not know about the business that you are dealing with, check their record with the Better Business Bureau. Understanding car dealerships: One thing you should remember when buying a new car is that the manufacturer makes thousands of each model every year. The one on the lot is not the only one out there. When buying a new car, check out the previous model’s history. Does the car have records of reliability? Does it receive good consumer remarks? Sometimes buying a car that has just come out with substantial model changes is not a good idea. The “bugs” may not have been worked out. You should also determine what accessories you want on your vehicle. Often dealerships will try to add-on dealer installed items. Most of the time these items are overpriced. Check out other accessory service installers in the area if you want such things as bug deflectors or running boards on your new vehicle. If you are handy, buy the accessories and install them yourself. BC

A10 26

Business Courage

Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror

Olusola Adekanola:

Nigeria’s frontline tax collector He maintains a unique low profile but the activities of his organisations have continuously placed his name in public reckoning. He is regarded as one man who seems to have developed an unmatched strategy for tax and debt collection even from the most recalcitrant firm or individual. He is the modern version of what the Yoruba speaking part of Nigeria will call the “Osomaalos” (the debt collectors). He is Olusola Adekanola, founder and Chairman, Olusola Adekanola and Co. (Chartered Accountants and Tax Practitioners) By Adejuwon Osunnuyi


is name might not ring a bell like his peers in the Nigeria’s exclusive list of billionaires; yet, this is one man who has through a combination of luck, hard work, vision and resilience, worked his ways up the corporate ladder. Out of a characteristic humility, he has refused to flaunt his wealth and achievements and rather chosen to maintain a low profile. The Ogbomoso, Osun-born Chattered Accountant and business mogul plies his trade in the tax consulting profession with his company, Olusola Adekonola and Co. (Chartered Accountants and Tax Practitioners) regarded as one of the nation’s foremost indigenous firms of chartered accountants. Adekanola’s forte seems to be in the area of revenue collection and over the years, his firm Olusola Adekanola & Co has been at the forefront, collecting taxes for various governments in the country across party and geo-political lines. The firm pioneered the nationwide Accelerated Revenue Generation Programme (ARGP) which has helped governments across the country to recover billions of Naira owed them in tax revenues. Besides Olusola Adekanola

& Co, he is also the chairman of several highly rated companies which includes OA Consulting Ltd, Consolidated Management Consultants Ltd, Henrisol Properties Ltd, Seedvest Microfinance Ltd. Seedvest Ltd, among others. He is equally sits on the board of several other blue chip companies in the country. Adekanola played himself into reckoning in the financial industry when immediately after bagging the fellow of the Institute of Chartered and Certified Accountants, in 1979; he joined Onawaola, Popoola & Co as an employee where he started off as Audit Semi Senior. He spent only a year at the firm before moving to Egunjobi Suleiman & Co between 1980- 1981 and later joined Otunba Adebayo & Co, another accounting firm in 1981, where this time around, he spent about four years. In 1983, he added another feather to his professional cap as he became Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and subsequently a Fellow of the Institute of Taxation of Nigeria in 1984. Convinced that he had been able to garner enough exposure and the needed experience, in 1984, he decided to call it quit with paid employment to become an employer of labour. Hence, in 1984, he came up with the idea


which became Olusola Adekanola & Co, a Chartered Accountants and Tax Practitioners where he currently serves as the Group Executive Chairman/ Managing Partner. As a starter, things were not as easy as he had thought as at the time he left the services of Otunba Adebayo & Co, but with exceptional courage, perseverance, hard-work together with little contacts he had been able to make while still working as an employee, Adekanola was not only able to break the ice, he also, within a short period, became the toast among his peers. Regarded as the new kid on the block, OA & Co as it has been so branded, has a unique model that it adapts to various projects and engagement, the style which has enable it to continuously make waves, especially in the area of being a diligent revenue collector for many state governments. Olusola Adekanola & Co. (Chartered accountants), prides itself as being made up of professionals dedicated to adding value in the areas of audit, tax, and advisory services to individuals, companies, firms and industries. It is reputed to be the largest wholly indigenous accounting services firm in Nigeria in terms

of staff strength, spread of offices and in particular, the number of qualified chartered accountants. Notwithstanding this enviable position, the founder, Adekanola noted, it is still seeking to expand on the continent, blazing new trails in the industry and enriching the quality of its professional service delivery capabilities while forging new alliances/affiliations. The firm provides business advisory services by helping its numerous clients create sustainable business values while identifying with their growth opportunities and everyday business challenges. No doubt, the firm’s vision of being the foremost professional service provider in Nigeria and beyond cannot be said to have been fully realistic, but it says that its competences in promoting excellence with efficient delivery of professional service, thereby creating opportunities for economic growth while contributing to a sustainable national development has been its core value. The foremost accounting and auditing firm has truly been providing industry-focused services for public and private clients as its experienced staff, combined with its global network, has made it possible to provide the support

needed by its clients. Today, the accounting and tax firm, which started with just three staff, has through Adekanola’s avowed practice of integrity carved a niche for itself which has rubbed off on the company through juicy contracts. One area where the firm has been able to make its mark is the revenue consultancy, especially to the governments at all levels. This is a compliance assignment which arose from some of the shortcomings of the third-tier of Federal Government, State and Local and their respective revenue agencies to enforce their Tax/Revenue laws and achieve the highest level of revenue accruable to them on a sustainable basis. While that tendency towards failure has remained in the system, in spite of the presence of other players in the field, Olusola Adekanola & Co. says it has continued to hold the prime position and has even become a reference point in this area of consultancy. Perhaps, his major breakthrough came when the then Lagos State Military Administrator, Col. Buba Marwa contracted revenue collection to his firm, a job which he was said to have done brilliantly, shoring up the state’s revenue to an unprecedented

level. As a matter of fact, that Lagos State job opened many doors of opportunities for him as other state governments began to line up for the firm’s services. Over the years, Olusola Adekanola & Co has worked with clients in implementing a wide array of value-added tax planning and compliance services to meet their need and requirements. It has a progressive, proactive approach to tax planning, tax compliance and tax controversy resolution for the benefit of its clients. By carefully analyzing the facts, circumstances and underlying law and regulations, it has been able to achieve the most beneficial result for its clients as it endeavours to ensure that its client’s tax’s positions are sufficiently supported by substantial authority under the law and regulations to minimise their exposure to penalties and interest. The firm’s tax practice provides clients with a complete range of tax services, incorporating sound, reflective business and financial advice as the firm’s practice has three areas of focus which include consulting planning for future events, controversy dealings with government tax agencies as well as compliance tax return preparation and special concern. Olusola Adekanola & Co is also noted for its expertise in the aspect of companies’ liquidation and insolvency. In this area, its liquidation and insolvency expertise include a thorough and methodical approach which includes the following: Turning company’s hard assets into cash, cash accumulated used to pay existing debts and analysing company’s assets and deciding the best schedule for debt-payoff. Also, in the aspect of mergers and acquisition of companies, Adekanola’s competence is highly respected as he has handled a lot of companies’ mergers and acquisition. While the firm parades a crop of seasoned professionals with all the technical-know-how in this area, what it does is to facilitate mergers and help corporate organisations in any acquisition services that are required. In doing this, it goes a long way in first and foremost selecting optimal acquisition for the clients’ company while identifying market opportunities that an acquisition strategy can explore. It also measures customer attitudes and company’s products to indicate their image in the market as it provides customer demographic data that gives insight into future market potential and growth of targeted company. Over the years, the state and the Federal Governments have continued to intensify their efforts to increase their internally generated revenue and address the challenges of non-remittance of taxes collected by some employers, especially in the private sector, and receiving banks. However, as an avowed believer in government contracting tax col-

Business Courage

Monday, December 28, 2015

lection or consultancy to professionals who could perform better, Adekanola believed government should be blamed for not using consultants in tax collection. According to him, many government officials have abandoned the use of consultants by sponsoring nonqualified accountants as consultants, adding that such consultants demand bribes before doing their jobs. To stem the tide, Adekanola says the governments should always engage good consultants in order to ensure that all taxes collected are remitted. Section 81 of the Personal Income Tax Act, PITA, imposes the duty on all employers of labour to deduct calculated taxes from their employees’ total emolument. The money so deducted is expected to be remitted to the state or federal government coffers through any of the designated revenue collecting banks, failing which interest and penalties shall be imposed for late remittances. The monthly remittances must be accompanied by a schedule showing list of employees and taxes paid. It also engages in outsourcing services, ranging from equipment to human capital, intellectual properties, with the prongs of its enterprise are in the area of renewed focus on core business, ability to reward workers, project enhancement, service improvements, skill upgrade, skill retention and technology infusion. Adekanola’s expertise in the field of auditing is also noted to be legendary. With a plethora of seasoned auditors who deploy innovative modern approach to auditing of accounts both in the private and public sector, the firm is considered as one of the firms to look into the leaking holes in the nation’s oil money pouch. However, the firm’s appointment on 29, April 2011 to handle the verification of claims by oil marketers on the Petroleum Subsidy Fund (PSF), almost punctured the integrity which Adekanola claimed to have laboured to build in the last three decades. By the contents of the subsidy

probe report, he was said to have failed the integrity test and subsequently failing on the scale of professional competence, with the recommendation that it should be blacklisted alongside Nigeria’s foremost accounting and auditing firm, Akintola Williams Deloittee, for a period of at least, three years. Adekanola however swiftly denied the allegation and noted that the firm never received any formal invitation from the probe panel, but the Managing Partner hurriedly attended the probe as a mark of respect to the distinguished House of Representatives’ ad-hoc committee to clarify the firm’s terms of reference. According to him, the firm only worked for six months whereas the probe panel was to investigate subsidy management in the last three years. Also, he had insisted that not all vessels for verification were allotted to the firm for verification, noting that up till April 2012 when its services ended, it verified only 76 vessels with subsidy claims of N121.9 billion, just four per cent of the N2.7 trillion under investigation. Also, he had explained that Olusola Adekanola & Co. was engaged to do post-payment audit exercise which in other words means payments must have already been made to marketers for fuel import before the firm could review subsidy claim documents as the purpose of post-payment audit was merely to note lacunas, (if any) and to effect whatever adjustment deemed necessary in any subsequent payments to the marketers. Adekanola affirmed that each of the seven organisations that inspected the vessels and partook in the verification exercise – the

auditing firm of OA & Co.; PPPRA; Department of Petroleum Resources; the Nigerian Navy; Nigerian Ports Authority’s surveyors; the Marketer’s survey team; and vessels crew Members – though had their specific functions, they synergised to ensure that the right payments were made to claimants. By June this year, the House of Representatives reverted by revoking its resolution calling on the federal government to blacklist and prosecute the foremost indigenous firm of chartered accountants and tax practitioners for alleged involvement in the petroleum subsidy regime The decision by the House to quash the resolution, a fall-out of recommendation by its ad-hoc committee on fuel subsidy probe, was as a result of a petition by Olusola Adekanola & Co., which, according to the House, showed that the accounting firm was never in any way involved in the subsidy regime before the investigation by the House and eventual cessation of service to its employer, Federal Ministry of Finance. The Committee of the Whole chaired by the deputy speaker, Emeka Ihedioha, had considered the report of its Committee on Public Petitions to reconsider the House resolution on the petroleum subsidy report, as it affected OA & Co. The accounting firm had in various publications protested its indictment by the House of Representatives ad-hoc committee on petroleum subsidy regime, chaired by Hon. Farouk Lawan, declaring that it was innocent of the allegation of wrong doing against it. “We hold the House of Representatives committee on fuel

his major breakthrough came when the then Lagos State Military Administrator, Col. Buba Marwa contracted revenue collection to his firm, a job which he was said to have done brilliantly, shoring up the state’s revenue to an unprecedented level

National Mirror

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subsidy in high esteem and we are sure that it did not have valid information within its reach to premise its recommendations on. We are therefore prepared to avail it information and evidence to assert our innocence on this subject,” Adekanola had announced in one of the publications. Adekanola’s firm also engages in liquidation and had successfully handled assignments such as the liquidation of the National Fertiliser Company of Nigeria (NAFCON) and the Nigerian Newsprint Manufacturing Company. He was also the liquidator of the NITEL/MTEL Pension Fund which sold the 37-storey NECOM House on Marina, Lagos. NECOM House was sold in 2008 to West African Aluminium Products Plc, following the transfer of NITEL’s non-core assets to its pension fund just before the telecom firm’s sale in 2006 to Transcorp Plc by the Bureau of Public Enterprises. Aside financial business, another area which Adekanola focuses on is the sporting business. Since his football team, Kwara Stars, was disbanded, he has devoted his time to golf. Being a notable sponsor of the game of golf, he is well respected in the golf circles and has made significant contributions to the game in Nigeria. A reputed golfer, he pioneered the winner take all series which was to bring out the best in Nigerian Professional Golfers. Reputed to be the number one individual Sponsor of Golf Tournament in Nigeria, the CMCL OPEN, which he single-handedly sponsors, is in its 15th edition amongst other Tournaments. He also initiated an annual Qualifier amongst young Professional Golfers who were then sent to South Africa on a one year proficiency training which gave them the opportunity to participate in the Sunshine Tours. Five Nigerians and One Ghanaian Professional have so far benefited from this Scheme. He is widely traveled and has played several Championship Courses in the United States of America, Europe , Asia, UAE and Africa with more visits to South Africa. He has also attended a few US OPEN and the OPEN Championship in the United Kingdom severally at St Andrews and other venues. The CMCL Golf Tours Ltd, where he is the chairman, is noted for promoting and consultancy on golf activities including tournaments. CMCL sponsors, finances and organises all forms of golf tournaments and activities as well as it provides, arranges, organises, finances, co finances and be owners/ joint owners of golf academies. Its mission has been to take the game of golf to the highest pedestal by increasing awareness about the game and ensuring that sponsors get extensive exposure for their brand as well as value for money. BC

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Business Courage

National Mirror

Monday, December 28, 2015

ThebuddingEntrepreneurs KLINIC

With Mamora Victor Mamora is a system thinker and advisor whose belief and activator leadership strengths are directed towards improving workers perspective for city and enterprise development.



y dear readers and friends, welcome to the last Monday of the year

2015. It is important to be grateful to God for all the improvements that you have experienced in this year. A lot has happened in the business sphere both at the local and global. The drop in GDP and global fall in oil prices, the terrorists and political threats to economy are but few among many global challenges this year. In all these, you are still standing and optimistic about life. There is a saying that “it is someone who can think deeply, that will know how to be thankful”. I have the same opinion. Please, let me also use this opportunity to say thank you for being there in 2015. Thank you for investing your time and precious life reading and responding to my writings and advice. I am also grateful to our editorial and production team in National Mirror that made it possible for many entrepreneurs’ dream stay alive. Thank you for following on social media and even for your patronage. I am very grateful. Gratitude as an attitude usually exposes you to what is working around you and how important are the people around you. The best way to audit your personal life on earth is to begin with what is working well for you. An example is the fact that your legs are still functioning but you have tendency to complain that you could not get the shoe that is classic for the red carpet event attended by other entrepreneurs. Alright, for a man on wheel chair, a gratitude for life and hope of walking with legs are motivations not the classic shoe. The advantage of gratitude for what we have helps to see life from optimistic point of view. In business, optimism is a key factor to starting a business, sustaining the business and making it a profitable venture. Gratitude is a valuable emotional and intangible value for improvement both in personal and business life. Dear friend, you have every reason to be grateful to God who created you and inspire you with creative idea for business. I also will say it is important to show gratitude to your family members who sacrifice time for you to come home late and support you with putting your working

tools in good order. What about just saying thank you to your son who recognised that daddy’s best working tool is his laptop and chooses not to pour water on the keyboard of the laptop. Our associates deserve appreciation for every objective contribution towards business improvement. Someone with the ideas that rescued the business from bad debt is among reasons for the business to stay alive and profiting. You should be grateful. The factory workers who kept to quality control policy do deserve immense appreciation. This is because it saves lives of consumers and preserves the joy of family that could have been thrown into mourning because of death of relative. A reasonable leader will recognise that the lowest cadre workers are the most

Gratitude improves everything

In fact, gratitude may be one of the most overlooked tools that we all have access to every day. Cultivating gratitude doesn’t cost any money and it certainly doesn’t take much time, but the benefits are enormous


vulnerable people to compromise on processes that could result into massive disaster. Therefore there is need to specially appreciate them for staying strong for all. “In fact, gratitude may be one of the most overlooked tools that we all have access to every day. Cultivating gratitude doesn’t cost any money and it certainly doesn’t take much time, but the benefits are enormous.”- Amy Morin, a psychotherapist.

There are benefits of gratitude and I will quickly mention three here. 1. Gratitude improves relationship What we don’t appreciate naturally depreciate in value. The truth is that people are comfortable where they are appreciated. Gratitude is one of the ways for keeping your quality employee. The emotion of gratitude keeps

Motivational Business Quotes


he noblest search is the search for excellence – Lyndon B. Johnson

you think you can’t, you’re right! – Henry Ford

The man who does not work for the love of work but only for money is not likely to neither make money nor find much fun in life. – Charles M. Schwab

You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills. – Jim Rohn

You must remain focused on your journey to greatness. – Les Brown Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. – Theodore Roosevelt Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier. – Charles F. Kettering Whether you think you can or whether

Who likes not his business, his business likes not him. – William Hazlitt The new source of power is not money in the hands of a few, but information in the hands of many. – John Naisbitt The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed. – Henry Ford BC

alive relationship at any level. If you have to reduce staff turnover then gratitude will be one of the strategic decision to employ. I have seen people walk out of employment, though good wage, resigned because the leadership do not value their professional input. 2. Gratitude keeps you in humility state To be proud is to blow your personal estimation beyond reality. Self overestimation is first step to self destruction. When a business leader realises that without customers who buy the finished product, her wealth creation venture is useless, then gratitude to every customer will keep her in business. Thank you to customer is the best word that can come out from the mouth of business leader. It is also important that when such leader says thank you to employees, then it is transferred to customers. It becomes a culture in the business. 3. Gratitude improves confidence. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology found that gratitude increased athlete’s sense of worth which is an essential component to optimal performance. Other studies have shown that gratitude reduces social comparisons. Rather than becoming resentful toward entrepreneurs who seems to be doing better in business grateful people are able to appreciate other people’s accomplishments. Grateful people are able to envision what is possible also in their business as they appreciate the good things happening in other entrepreneurs business. Dear friend, there are so many reasons for you to be grateful to God. You should be grateful for gift of life and a good state of mind. As this year winds up, I will encourage that you celebrate with family, friends, associates, suppliers, staff members for every business opportunity in the year 2015. As you celebrate, pay attention to other people and your imagination because that state of mind provides opportunity to see good things that are possible for business improvement. Wishing you compliment of the season. BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, December 28, 2015

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The talent refiner Without a clue of what she wanted to become in future, Yemisi Regina Obakoya, Managing Director, Chief Executive Officer of Aurora Global Solutions, gave her all to developing her innate talents and letting it be her guide. That subconscious decision has not only shaped her destiny today, but has also become a light through which she guides other talented youths to engage their special abilities in wealth creation days as the news of her global exploits spread to the entertainment industry; her choreography skill was called upon by top rated artistes who wanted nothing less than the best dance videos. This got her to be involved in the projects of musical artistes such as Pasuma, Tony Tetuila and the popular video of Eedris Abdulkareem’s “one leg up” hit song. Interestingly, she puts all these projects together without charging proper professional fees for her services earning only discretionary commissions from what the girls she usually sourced and trained on the dance steps were paid. “So when I graduated I just felt that I could put it together and do it professionally as a casting agency under a properly registered name. And that was how Aurora officially came into being in 2008,” she recounts. She increased her professional capacity by enrolling with and getting certified by the United Kingdom Association of Casting Directors in addition to practical experiences garnered from her numerous trips abroad. “I learnt a lot of things about the African culture from the group I joined in the secondary school such as dance which is why I am fit to call myself a choreographer today and I have choreographed for a lot of musical artistes and I’m certified to that regard, besides I also learned a lot of the western culture from my trips abroad,” she said. Today Aurora can provide specific model profiles to fit into any role so desired by artistes and movie producers. The company is a one-stop shop for those sourcing for MCs, stand-up comedi-


ans, models for commercials, out-door adverts and calendars. Her decision to go professional has been rewarding not just for her alone as she also provides employment for a lot of young people, she disclosed that for most events where she casts ushers, she employs about 10-15 ladies who are well paid for every event. For the shooting of musical videos Aurora sometimes engages up to 30 persons per video who earn between N30,000 -50,000, the one striking thing about Aurora is the company’s good rate of repeat patronage from their clients some who are multinational organisations and that is owing to the company’s professionalism in personal conduct and service delivery. “I tell my budding talents and models that above all they should remember the child of who they are, because a lot of people have different perceptions about the entertainment industry, but if you place your home training above all you will keep your dignity intact, but if it is safe to assume that any of them lacks home training then they should remember the name Aurora because it stands for something and I want it to be a lasting legacy,” she said She disclosed that capital for starting up the company initially

Back in secondary school, I was clueless about what I wanted to become later in future, but one thing I knew was that I wasn’t cut out for the conventional career mould, because of my aversion for the routine and defined lifestyle, I am someone who always wanted to experiment


n alumnus of the Olabisi Onabanjo University, where she studied Mass Communication, Yemisi, though widely known as Aurora in the entertainment industry and among her friends, is always approachable and carries herself with a humble demeanour which really cuts a perfect picture of a talent hunter, developer and marketer. Her humility also veils the fact that she is a globally accomplished bundle of special talents. . She actually began her journey to stardom at the Our Lady of Apostles Primary and Secondary School Yaba, Lagos, where she joined a theatre company and became a member of the playhouse due to her love for poetry, dance and acting. “Back in secondary school, I was clueless about what I wanted to become later in future, but one thing I knew was that I wasn’t cut out for the conventional career mould, because of my aversion for the routine and defined lifestyle, I am someone who always wanted to experiment,” she recalls. Later on in the university she was privileged to find herself representing Nigeria and West Africa a couple of times in America through dance, traveling with a group of hand-picked colleagues (30 of them) known as the black image theatre company. “We were regularly invited to do a national tour of the United States performing at the annual Black History Festival which holds every February,” she also said. These trips besides offering her global exposure that she later came to leverage on to build her company, Yemisi never got any kind of financial reward or remuneration for her performances. Actually she was not bothered because to her it was all just for fun as long as she enjoyed what she was doing, being paid or not being paid meant nothing at that time. She gained even more prominence still in her undergraduate

was raised by herself and hubby and that the best opportunity she had to realise her dream came from her parents who created the right environment for her to grow, discover and nurture her talents. “I started my business as a hobby enjoying everything I was doing until when I saw that I could actually make a livelihood out of this and now I hire professionals to do that which I cannot do so that I can concentrate mainly on the creative aspect. We have a company lawyer who handles all the legal aspects because in most contracts there are clauses which only a lawyer can understand and then we also have auditors who audit Aurora’s books as well,” she said. She believes that there are so many talented individuals like her who are limited by their fears and rather seek paid employment to earn statutory amounts monthly to the detriment of their talents. Others are limited by the fact that they have to spend on promotions and production of their CDs if they are music oriented for instance. And for these categories of people it becomes cheaper to take paid employment. “My advice for this group of people is that they should look at the big picture; I believe that we are all here in this world for a purpose; you should harness your talents and leave your footprints on the sands of time for posterity,” she said. Aurora in seeking to give the enabling support to budding talents as a matter of company policy does not charge the usual registration fees from would-be models but has made registration free for them. She is proud to recount a very

humble beginning when she worked from her home, “then my models come to my house where I auditioned them and that was the case for three years before I got my first space which was actually a shared space with a friend, but today Aurora has an office space. Then I was the secretary, doing the letters myself and I was also the MD doing the interviews and auditions. Today, despite the fact that we are still growing Aurora has staff strength of five.”, she said. She reveals her vision for scouting, schooling and marketing budding talents, “I believe that every individual has an innate God-given talent and that is because I see creativity everyday and sometimes someone else needs to help you identify your talent. For us here at Aurora that is basically what we do and more in the sense that we also school that talent. Although there are some talents that are just ready to go and for such we just launch them straight into the market.” Aurora has a training school where entertainment industry professionals, such as make-up artistes who are specialists in special effects make-up besides fashion make-ups to come and tutor their talents in order to expose them to the realities of what is out there in terms of challenges and how to overcome them, according to Yemisi, it is a proper school with well structured teaching syllabuses and courses. “In the school we teach dances such as Bata, Atilogu Swahili and other African dances, we also do hip-hop, some Latin American dances and then the choreography dance school, we have the acting and stage play classes as well as where our students are groomed to act in movies; we train voice-over artistes for those wanting to be presenters or a voice over act, we train models for the runway and outdoor modelling. We have also added some skill acquisition courses like, bead making and hat making,” she said. On the future she hopes that someday Aurora will have its own edifice where they would have a choreography section, fashion section, runway and kiddies section, according to her, talents need the right space for full expression. “Right now we do a lot of things with kids, we have the kids sections where we discover them from babies we have kiddies models, dancers and so many other talents,” she enthused. Her guiding principle she revealed is to know little things about everything and know everything about one thing. “The first trips I made abroad when I was an undergraduate actually prepared me for my eventual descent into the business aspect of my talent although that was only to strike me several years later”, she said BC

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Business Courage

Monday, December 28, 2015

BoI tasks textile firms on modern technology


he Bank of Industry, BoI, has charged textile manufacturers in the country to leverage on the emerging technology in the sector in order to remain competitive. The Managing Director of the bank, Rasheed Olaoluwa, who spoke during the Annual National Education Conference in Kaduna recently, noted that the adoption of new technology would not only help textile producers in cutting the cost of production, but also make their products competitive

in the global market. The forum, which was tagged: “Buhari Administration: Revival of Textile Industry and Creation of Decent Jobs”, was organized by the National Union of Textile, Garment and Tailoring Workers of Nigeria, NUTGTWN, and Nigeria Textile, Garment and Tailoring Employers’ Association. The BoI boss stressed that it was imperative for the operators in the sector to be innovative, adding that textile business had gone digital. BC


Chinese Academy predicts 3% growth for global economy in 2016


he Chinese Academy of Social Sciences sees a lower outlook for the world economy in 2016, compared with that of the International Monetary Fund, but crude oil prices will stabilize at a low level. While estimating this year’s GDP growth worldwide to be 3.1 percent, CASS predicted next year’s GDP growth - measured in purchasing power parity term - will grow by 3 percent. This is significantly

Zhang Yuyan, Director World Economics and Politics under CASS

lower than IMF’s 3.6 percent projection. Measured in market exchange rate terms, the world’s economy is expected to grow 2.5 percent, compared with the 3 percent projected by IMF. CASS predicted the US economy will grow between 2.4 to 2.6 percent, and rebound to 2.6 percent. The Euro zone will grow by 1.6 to 1.8 percent in 2016. The think tank estimated international crude oil will

continue to fluctuate around a low level, with yearlong average prices between $50 to $65. The price will remain at this level for the next five to 10 years. “The price will increasingly benchmark on the production cost, which is at $45 per barrel. There is not too much room for a continued slump,” said Zhang Bin, a researcher with the Institute of World Economics and Politics under CASS. BC

UK manufacturing export orders up, raises concern


he UK’s manufacturers have seen an improvement in total and export orders in December, but still expect their output to contract mildly over the coming three months, according to the latest CBI Industrial Trends Survey. The survey of 473 manufacturers saw the strongest total orders for three months and exports performed better when compared with recent months - with 14 out of 18 sub-sectors improving - but exports remained a drag on overall orders. Manufacturing output edged down a little with the expectation of a further small fall over the coming quarter. Average prices are expected to remain flat over the next quarter. Rain Newton-Smith, CBI

Director of Economics, said that “manufacturers are still having a tough time of it with output slipping and exports remaining a weak spot in spite of an improvement at the end of the year. “But there is a pick-up in orders from previous months which could be a sign of light at the end of the tunnel. “The UK’s export performance has lagged for too long now and that’s why business wants to see an independent Exports Commission bringing together politicians and exporters to make some genuine progress on turning the situation around.” Key findings showed that 25 per cent of firms said their total order books were below normal, 17 per cent said they

were above, giving a rounded balance of -7 per cent (against an average score of -15 per cent). Manufacturers had reported a balance of -11 per cent in November; and 31 per cent said export orders were below normal, 13 per cent said they were above, giving a balance of -18 per cent (November’s survey reported -29 per cent) Others were, average prices at which manufacturers expect to book domestic orders over the next three months are expected to fall, according to 13 per cent of respondents while 11 per cent expect them to rise. The balance of -2 per cent is a repeat of November’s figure, over the next three months, 19 per cent expect output volumes to rise, 24 per

cent to fall, giving a balance of -5 per cent - similar to last month’s expectation (-6 per cent) In addition, a balance of +10 per cent of respondents said that their stocks of finished goods were more than adequate to meet demand (+6 per cent in November) The CBI recently launched Best in Class with proposals aimed at improving the UK’s export performance, including creating an independent Exports Commission. The report also compares the policies and structures that other countries – from the United States and Singapore, to Sweden and Germany – have implemented to improve their exporting track (Source BC

National Mirror

Spring Group partners Japan’s electronics retailer


pring Group, the parent company of Shanghai-based budget carrier Spring Airlines Co Ltd, has signed a strategic agreement with Japanese consumer electronics retailer Bic Camera Inc to tap into the growing spending by Chinese travelers in Japan. Wang Zhenghua, Spring Group chairman, said the airline will promote Bic Camera at its check-in counters, in its cabins and within its flight network, while Bic Camera will advertise Spring at its retail stores, which will also offer discounts on goods to Spring air-ticket holders. Bic Camera operates 34 self-branded stores in Japan’s major business areas and in stations, and 200 sites nationally. The move is a further evidence of Spring looking to diversify its tourism services to attract more domestic passengers. Started as a domestic travel agency in 1981, the group launched Spring Airlines in 2004. In October this year, subsidiary Shanghai Spring Investment Management Co Ltd announced plans to enter the hotel market under the brand name SpringSunny Hotel, in joint venture with Japan’s Sun Frontier Fudousan Co Ltd. Wang said more cooperation, including capital investment, will be put in place between the two partners following Bic Camera’s investment of 1 billion yen ($8.27 million) earlier this year into Spring Airlines’ joint venture in Japan. According to Spring’s figures, individual trips between China and Japan by the low-budget carrier are projected to hit 1.2 million this year. Li Lei, an industrial analyst from Minzu Securities Co, said: “The growing interest by Chinese tourists going abroad, including to Japan, provides strong backing for Spring Group’s latest moves.” BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, December 28, 2015

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Stock market last week Equities t was a three-day trading week as the Federal Government of Nigeria declared Thursday 24th and Friday 25th of December, 2015 as Public Holiday in commemoration of the Eid-elMaulud and Christmas Celebration respectively. Meanwhile, a turnover of 743.117 million shares worth N6.591bn in 8,325 deals were traded this week by investors on the floor of The Exchange in contrast to a total of 1.457 billion shares valued at N13.803bn that exchanged hands last week in 13,648 deals. The Financial Services Industry (measured by volume) led the activity chart with 652.872 million shares valued at N3.583bn traded in 5,226 deals; thus contributing 87.86 per cent and 54.36 per cent to the total equity turnover volume and value respectively. The Consumer Goods Industry followed with 30,540 million shares worth N2,080bn in 1,332 deals. The third place was occupied by the Conglomerates Industry with a turnover of 29.052 million shares worth N154.209m in 483 deals. Trading in the Top Three Equities namely – Wema Bank Plc, Guaranty Trust Bank Plc and FBN Holdings Plc. (measured by volume) accounted for 335.820


NSE trading hall

million shares worth N2.159bn in 1,516 deals, contributing 45.19 per cent and 32.76 per cent to the total equity turnover volume and value respectively. ETPs: Also traded during the week were a total of 721 units of Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) valued at N250,859.50 executed in 19 deals, compared with a total of 6,372 units valued at N445,625.60 transacted last week in 32 deals. Bonds: There was no transaction recorded on bonds this week, same as last week. Index Movement: The NSE AllShare Index and Market Capitalization appreciated by 1.26 per cent to close the week at 26,871.24 and N9.238trn respectively.

Similarly, all other Indices finished higher during the week, with the exception of NSE Insurance and NSE Consumer Goods Indices that depreciated by 1.02 per cent and 0.44 per cent respectively, while the NSE ASeM Index closed flat. Summary of Price Changes Twenty-six (26) equities appreciated in price during the week, lower than Twenty-seven (27) equities of the preceding week. Twenty-seven (27) equities depreciated in price, lower than Fortyone (41) equties of the previous week, while one hundred and thirty-seven (137) equities remained unchanged, higher than one hundred and twenty-two (122) equities recorded in the preceding week. BC

Market Indicators for Week Ended 25-12-15 All-Share Index 26,871.24 points Market Capitalization 9,247,575,574,084.64



The Unlisted Security Index (USI) and the Market Capitalisation depreciated by 4.44% to close the week. The USI pure price closed at 643.30 points as against the previous close of 673.18 points. The Market Capitalisation closed at ₦381.41 billion as against the previous close of ₦399.13 billion. The USI is calculated using the total Market Capitalisation approach.


NASD Unlisted Securities Index



Volume traded rose by 97.56% from 126.61 million units to 3.09 million units while the total value of shares traded also appreciated by 95.63% from ₦616.67 million to ₦29.95 million in 35 deals. Six (6) securities were traded out of the 24 securities admitted to trade on the NASD OTC market. NDEP, CSCS, IGI, JAIZ and WAMCO emerged the top traded securities for the week by volume and value




Base date:

Unlisted Securities Index (USI-Pure Price)




% Change











(123,519,495.00) L







(589,721,921.25) L







(51.00) L







(8.00) L








Central Securities Clearing System Plc Friesland Campina Wamco Nigeria Plc Industrial & General Insurance Plc Niger Delta Exploration & Production































































(17.72) L









(29.88) L





WEEK 49 Change



April 1, 2015 = 1000

















VALUE ( ₦ )

5.55 9.50













































809,710 1,000,600









VALUE ( ₦ )

















Disclaimer This document is provided for information purposes only. It is not a recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise deal in any security mentioned herein. Kindly consult your NASD registered Participating Institution before making any decision on the OTC Market.


A16 32

Business Courage

Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror





Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror


Law & Justice

It is the clear responsibility of the court, which it does not share with any other body to act as the interpreter of the constitution

— Justice Dahiru Musdapher, former Chief Justice of Nigeria. xx

It’s unpardonable arrogance to criticise S’Court —Gomez 34 Chief Okocha

How Will tore Doherty brothers apart 37

Court sentences seven to death for rape, murder 38

NOUN VC, Prof. Tenebe

Lawyers harp on dilemma of NOUN law graduates

The School of Law of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) took off officially in July 2007. Eight years after, none of its law graduates have been admitted into the Law School, thereby dashing their hopes of being called to the Nigerian Bar. WALE IGBINTADE highlights the dilemma of the graduates.


ne issue that is of paramount importance to the Vice-Chancellor of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Professor Vincent Tenebe is the official recognition of NOUN School of Law and admitting the institution’s Law graduates into the Nigerian Law School. In the recent past years, Tenebe had been at logger-heads with the Council of Legal Education (CLE) on the need to admit NOUN law graduates to the Law School. According to him, the institution’s School of Law ‘’is intended to equip students with the theory and practice of law, the principles of judicial process, legal development and legislative drafting’’. He stated that the LL.B programme is meant to ‘’equip students with basic legal education to enhance their admission into the Nigerian Bar whereon they could become Solicitors and Advocates of the Supreme Court of Nigeria’’. According to him, the NOUN’s

Anyone who studied LAw At noun And hoping to secure Admission to the nigeriAn LAw schooL wAs mereLy wAsting his time And resources. instructional methodology for distance learning is conducted through specially designed packaged materials including radio, television broadcast CDROM, Internet complimented by face-to-face interaction. Although both the NOUN and Nigerian n Law School, NLS are establishments of the Federal Government of Nigeria, there is a Council of Legal Education (CLE) Act and Legal Practitioners’ Act (LPA) setting up the Law School and as well determining its intake. By law the Nigerian Council of Legal Education (CLE) as well as the National Universities Commis-

sion (NUC) are saddled with the responsibilities of accrediting courses in higher institutions. The LPA also stipulates the basic conditions of training prospective lawyer. The CLE especially has not yet accredited the NOUN for any of the conditions which includes (1) A definite Faculty system, (2) Moot Court and (3) Certain subject contents. Few months ago, the Chairman, CLE, Chief O.C.J Okocha (SAN) reaffirmed that the NOUN has not been accredited to run Law degree programme. He warned that anyone who studied Law at NOUN and hoping to secure admission to the Nigerian

Law School was merely wasting his time and resources. He was quoted as saying “It is a foolhardy for someone to establish a university, put in his money and then choose to run an illegal faculty of law. I don’t want them to waste their monies and time. They should seek transfer to accredited universities.” But, what is the fate of hundreds of law graduates who have successfully completed their training at the NOUN school of law and who believed they have what it takes to be admitted into the Law School like the counterparts in other universities? He urged the CLE to revisit its position stressing that majority of senior lawyers were beneficiaries of distance learning education. But, the VC of NOUN criticized the decision of the CLE to disallow the institution’s law graduates from being admitted into the Nigerian Law School. CONTINUED ON PAGE 36


Law & Justice

Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror

It’s unpardonable arrogance

Pa Tunji Gomez, an octogenarian is one the oldest practising lawyers in the country. Called to the Bar in 1961, he was a junior counsel in the defence team of the late elder statesman, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, during his trial in the celebrated treasonable felony case in 1962. In this interview with WALE IGBINTADE, he speaks on arms procurement scandal and the ethics of the legal profession among other issues. Excerpts: There have been chilling revelations on the $2.1 billion arms procurement scandal. Do you think the present administration has the courage to deal with the problem of corruption in the country? When you look at all what are happening, when you see people that are supposed to be leading us then you asked yourself, where are the leaders and what are they teaching the younger ones?. I do not think the scandal involving arms procurement will be swept under the carpet. They are too big, too international and it involved some foreign companies and organisations. But, the question you should ask is how long would the case last in court before a verdict is pronounced by the judge? The point is that, it is the judgement either one way or the other that will decide whether people would be willing to blow the whistle for the good of Nigeria. Do not forget that some cases involving former governors are still pending in court. Delay in determination of cases is part of the things that have been encouraging corruption in the country. When a case is in court for more than four to five years at the lower court, people will say what ‘is the point’? The case may still proceed to the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. By the time the case is finished, it would have become stale news. So, judgement must be quick whichever way it goes. Just recently, the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Mahmud Mohammed, accused the National Assembly of putting the judiciary and by extension, the nation in danger by appropriating miserable funds yearly for the judiciary. What is your take on this? The lawyers have cried out loud that the Judiciary should be financially independent. We are in a country that supposed to have or pretend to operate a democratic system of government. How long will the judiciary keep running to the government for money? Otherwise, there is the possibility that government will indirectly blackmail the judiciary by delaying financial requests from the judiciary arm of government. This is very bad, because it goes down to the judges because they are human beings with responsibilities. They live in the same society and they are like the Caesar’s wife, they must be above board. But, when it comes to what some politicians call ‘’Stomach Infrastructure’’, nobody can stand the pains of ’Stomach Infrastructure’’. So, it leaves the judge open to temptations, it is an open temptation. But, I do not justify it. So, for us to keep getting efficient judiciary you must make sure that judicial officers are well- equipped, well -housed and well-remunerated. It is only when these needs are met that you can talk of a judiciary that meets the need of the people. So, for the CJN to ac-


Some caSeS involving former

governorS are Still pending in court.

delay in the determination of caSeS iS part of the thingS that have been encouraging corruption in the country.

cuse the lawmakers of staving the judiciary of funds is a warning as to how the independent of the judiciary will be maintained. What is your take on the Social media bill? Freedom should have no limitation. There are laws, such as law of defamation, law of libel and the penalties are there in the statute book. However, there should be an internet law that law that regulates activities on the internet. The lawmakers should not enact a law to protect themselves. What they should fight for is to engineer the creation of a law

that will regulate activities on the social media. But, I do not agree that they should restrict the freedom of the press. This is because the media is the only avenue that people can go to. History has shown that the more you restrict the press, the more you are creating unrest. Because people cannot vent out their grievance, they result to violence. So, what they are about to do is a doubleedged sword. So, I disagree with it. December 10 has been set aside as International Human Rights Day. What is your assessment of human rights in Ni-

geria? We have come a long way and I am bold to say that the credit should go to the lawyers first and then to some activists and then to the press. Without those three, human rights fight may not have come this far. However, we are not there yet, we still have a long way to go. When compared to other countries, we are far behind. For instance, fundamental human rights cases are still delayed in court. There should be faster method and people should be bold and come out especially when their rights are violated. What we need is more enlightenment, so that people can be conscious of their rights. But, how many Nigerians even know their right? If you go to Britain, majority of the people know their rights. Nigerians don’t want to suffer, but if you do not suffer you cannot get your rights. Yes, we have come a long way but we are not there yet. How do you see that war of words between two top lawyers on the Supreme Court’s decision that suspended the trial of Senate President, Bukola Saraki at the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT)?

National Mirror

Law & Justice

Monday, December 28, 2015

to criticise S’Court —Gomez

The decision of the Supreme Court should not be a public debate. It seems to me that there is an intoxicating element in the rank of SAN. It appears that whenever they became Senior Advocates of Nigeria, they must have taken out of the intoxicating materials. This is because, for these lawyers to use strong words on the decision of the Supreme Court in the public, it not what is expected of them. That is why I told them to stop talking. They are good lawyers, but they have two different opinions on the decision of the apex court and they are confusing the public the more. They in effect are trying to tell us that they know the law more than Supreme Court Justices; that is rubbish. It is an unpardonable arrogance; it should not have come from them. I know all of them very well, they are learned but they are setting bad examples for the younger ones. If the justices of Supreme Court are not infallible and can err, is it wrong to point out their flaws? Who points it out and who decides that the Supreme Court has erred? Is it the lawyers or the West African Court of Appeal? They know what to do, but they are intoxicated because they are Senior Advocates of Nigeria and that is why we are saying the rank of SAN should be abolished. They are misleading the people. How can a lawyer say the Supreme Court is wrong I am right? Are they saying they know more than all the justices of the apex court?. What is more, the case is still pending. That is why I said they are intoxicated. Once they get the rank of SAN they think they know everything. What is the matter with them? They are senior to ordinary lawyers, they are senior to high court judges, and they want to be made Supreme Court Justices because they think they are senior to Court of Appeal justices. They have gone further and now claim that they are senior to justices of the Supreme Court. Who are they and what do they think they are? The judges can’t talk, but we can talk. What they are doing is the greatest disservice to the profession. Just because we kept quiet and we do not talk about it, they think what they are doing is right? We read the same law and went to the same law school, even though I never went to the Law School. It is out of ethics especially when a case is still pending. We


do not know what is wrong with them but whatever it is, we are saying the rank of SAN should be abolished to save the profession. Unless the rank is abolished, they will destroy the profession for us. They are disgracing us and the profession. You won’t find QCs in England doing what they are doing. It has been argued that every profession has a way of rewarding excellence and hard work. Would this not be applicable to the legal profession? How do they reward lawyers in America? Many countries have abolished the rank. Ghana and South Africa have abolished it. Even South Africa that started after us has abolished it. Ironically, it was Queen’s Counsel that started the protest in South Africa. As a matter of fact, Nigerians had QCs back then but because QCs was being given to every Dick, Tom and Harry, it was stopped and changed to SAN. It is the same thing they are doing today, giving the rank to every lawyer that has connection. It’s either that your father is a judge or a minister or a governor. It is not on merit, it has never been on merit and that is what we are fighting for. If it’s not on merit and they don’t pass any special exam, they don’t spend any special year in the profession. So where did they get the special privilege? It is all about getting a level common playing ground for all lawyers. There should be no discrimination; so that every lawyer will have the same opportunity. As it is now, there is no common playing ground for everybody. It is not on merit, it is like applying for a chieftaincy title and everybody knows how you get it. So what we are saying is that they should give every lawyer the same opportunity. Let me tell you, before Queen’s counsel (QC) and SAN came, there were good lawyers. What is the present position on the suit filed against hike in the professional fees paid by lawyers? We are trying to discuss with the new NBA Executives, he said he was prepared to look into the matter. What the Court of Appeal did was to remove the injunction restring NBA from collecting professional fees pending the hearing and determination of the suit we filed. However, we are discussing with the NBA President who in his inaugural speech said he was prepared to look into


’I thInk law should be made a second degree course so as to enhance the students’ performance. the matter to see if it can be resolved amicably. I hope the President doesn’t fail but if he does, we will take a decision on it. Many people think erroneously that the Court of Appeal dismissed our case, but it didn’t. What the Court of Appeal did was to decide the interlocutory injunction. The court sent us back to the lower court but we are trying to see if the issue could be settled. What is your take on the need to decongest the court? What they did sometimes long years ago was to appoint some senior lawyers to clear the backlogs from the courts, and I wonder why they have not done the same thing to decongest the courts. A newly judge appointed automatically inherits some cases which could have been filed six years ago, as well as new cases. If he decides to attend to new cases, the old ones will suffer and if he decides to attend to the old cases the new ones will suffer. I think what they can do to have quick justice is that the Attorney-General of the state should appoint experienced lawyers from the ministry of justice and assign some backlog of cases to them. I am sure since it had worked before, within six months many cases would have been concluded. This is very important and very crucial because justice delay is justice denied. How will you react to the falling standard of legal education in Nigeria? I think the problems start from the standards set in the universities. If the school authorities can all agree to set up a standard there would not be need for what we are witnessing now. I should applaud the Law School authorities for vehemently raising the standard. Gone were those days of assisting law students to be able to get a particular cut -off marks. With what they have

demonstrated, it means that anyone who is not good is not good. Passing Bar exams is not a do- or -die affair, I know about four prominent Nigerians now who did not pass the Bar exams in the first attempt. The Bar is like a sharp-shooter, everything there is straight to the point unlike in the universities where students don’t go straight to the points. In one breath, the university education is the problem, it is the background of the Law School and maybe some of the schools are not well- equipped. How do you think there can be improvements? The improvement can only set in if a standard is being set up by the university authorities. Another issue I would raise is that the cut- off points for students should not vary from one geo-political zone to the other; everything should be equal and balanced. Aside what I have mentioned, I think law should be made a second degree course so as to enhance the students’ performance. For instance, if a student had studied Economics or Political Science before studying law, such student has advantage over others who are coming into the system for the first time. You have been engaged in active legal practice for 54 years. What is the secret of your strength? It’s the grace of God as well as physical exercise. Most of us sit too much but the body requires constant stretching through regular exercise. If you have back ache, the exercise is there, if you have big tummy the exercise is there, if you have leg or shoulder pain, the exercise is there. However, physical exercise is not the only exercise; we also have the breathing exercise. If your breathing is not in conformity with nature, you should take Yoga exercise. Try it one day you will see the effect.


Law & Justice

National Mirror

Monday, December 28, 2015

‘Why products of Open varsity can’t attend law school’ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 33 Tenebe had noted that NOUN is duly accredited by the NUC, hence its graduates are qualified. He described the CLE denial of NOUN graduates as an “outright deprivation of Nigerian citizens desirous of acquiring good education.” He argued that the federal institution “brings in flexibility, affordability and acceptability” to tertiary education by providing access to Nigerians constrained by the admission processes of conventional universities. Even the intervention of a former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, who is also an alumnus of NOUN, is yet to yield any positive result. The former President had in a letter urged the Council for Legal Education to admit graduates of the university into the Nigerian Law School. Also, the Abuja chapter of the Law Students Association of Nigeria had appealed to the Council and other stakeholders, including the National Assembly, Body of Benchers, the Nigerian Bar Association as well as President Muhammadu Buhari, to intervene in the administrative conflict between CLE and NOUN/National Universities Commission over the non-recognition of the institution’s law graduates. LAWSAN President, Mr. Moses Danladi Dairo even assured CLE, that if they were admitted, law graduates of NOUN would not constitute a preponderance of students of the Nigerian Law School who would fail their Bar Part II Final Examination.. One of the NOUN undergraduates who spoke on condition of anonymity pointed out that the Open University educational system had been all over the world, including the United Kingdom, India, China and South Africa. He noted that Nigeria could not shut itself out and refuse to be dynamic, especially in this era of change. He said ‘’we receive training like any other



I thInk It Is an unfortunate polIcy because some of the people In the noun are matured , hIghly successful people In other fIelds who on any day may even be better than those who went to conventIonal unIversIty.

law students and our training is even more rigorous. We even came first in moot court competition across the country and represented Nigeria abroad. It is mandatory we cover our course content unlike the conventional universities where they are given area of concentration’’. ‘’Unlike other courses in NOUN, in the school of Law all our subjects are done by writing as required by the National University Commission and that was why the School was accredited. Our tutors are from recorgnised universities’’. Commenting on the issue, Mallam Yusuf Olaolu Ali SAN said ‘’the Council of Legal Education took the decision years ago to outlaw evening law programmes. So, law courses in National Open University of Nigeria will be like evening law courses in the

universities which was part- time. The Council of Legal Education insisted that no universities should not run evening law courses again because of this falling standard. ‘’I think what is good for the goose is also good for the gander. It is undoubted that courses in Open University are like evening courses. I don’t see any big deal there, it is very fair. If every evening law courses is outlawed, the people going to NOUN should have no advantage. Law is supposed to be a residential course. Have you seen anybody doing medicine by correspondence? Why should law be different’’? But, Mr. John Baiyeshea (SAN) expressed a contrary view stating ‘’I think it is an unfortunate policy because some of the people in the NOUN are matured , highly successful people in other fields who on any day may even be better than those who went to conventional uni-

ounce.” “Ten thousand dollars per ounce!” Jane exclaimed. “Why are lawyer’s brains so expensive?” “Do you have any idea how many lawyers have to die before I can harvest just one ounce of brains?” the shopkeeper responded. Lawyers are not dumb, however. Perhaps a reason for such jokes is to pull lawyers down from their perch. Other “dumb lawyer” jokes, like ethnic jokes, are just Honourable judge A young lawyer, defending a businessman in a law- looking for a victim. Nonetheless, “dumb lawyer jokes” suit, feared the worst. He asked a senior partner wheth- do suggest that the public does not always hold lawyers in especially high regard. er he ought to send the judge a box of cigars.



“The judge is an honourable man,” the horrified senior partner exclaimed. “If you do, I guarantee you’ll lose the case.” The judge eventually ruled in favour of the young lawyer’s client. “Aren’t you glad you didn’t send those cigars?” the senior partner asked. “I did send them,” the young lawyer answered, “I just enclosed the opposition’s business card.”

Man’s Logic

Thanks to progress in medical technology, it has become possible to buy brain material from people who have died. Jane, who was born with less than her fair share of cerebral matter, enters a brain shop and inquires about prices. “Well,” the shopkeeper replies, “you can purchase doctors’ brains for $100 an ounce, and Ph.D.s go for $200 per ounce. Then, I’ve got lawyers’ brains for $10,000 per

Don’t Mess with the Judge

A couple wants a divorce, but first they must decide who will be the main guardian of their child. The jury asks both the man and woman for a reason why they should be the one to keep the child. So the jury asks the woman first. She says, “Well I carried this child around in my stomach for nine months and I had to go through a painful birth process, this is my child and a part of me.” The jury is impressed and then turns to ask the man the same question. The man replies, “OK, I take a coin and Dumb lawyers? There are several jokes that portray lawyers as stu- put it in the drink machine and a drink comes out, now tell me who does the drink belong to me or the machine”. pid: There were three men at a bar. One man got drunk and started a fight with the other two men. The police came and took the drunk guy to jail. The next day the man went before the judge. The judge asked the man, “Where do you work?” “Ahhh!” screamed the lawyer. “Where’s my Rolex!” Culled from CC. Jokes

versity. The aim and objective of people going to NOUN to study law is that they themselves will become lawyers one day, go to the law school to qualify. If they were told that they will not be able to achieve that aim, then they would have saved their time and resources for better things rather than getting them there and later tell them they can’t go to the law school. ‘’That takes me to the point that I think that seems to be an unfair policy because there are many of our heavy jurists, some are still living, some dead who read law by correspondence, some of them were using telegraph, we don’t even have the sophisticated electronic communication we have today where you can source for material on the internet. At that time, they were using telegraph, just as many of our big people today did not even know the four walls of a secondary school, it was only GCE O/L they did at home and succeeded, also did GCE A/L succeeded and the next school they went after primary school was the university and they are doing well. The curriculum they have in NOUN is not anything less than they have at the conventional university. NOUN has very experienced lecturers because they have lawyers and academics who volunteer to go and teach there. It is not about lowering of standard at all, I don’t understand that kind of policy and I am sure they cannot sustain it, they will review it, I believe so because it is not correct’’. Mr. Norrison Quakers,(SAN) said ‘’I don’t know the rationale behind this, but if I should go back to time, some of our prominent first generational lawyers did not go to the conventional universities to read law and they were call to Bar and some of them are still practising till today’’. ‘’You don’t shut people out on account that they went to open university, what we should consider is the quality of the grade or certificate and the quality of the individual. Today people now read and earn certificate through correspondence’’.


Obligations of Tenant and Landlord

Obligations of Tenant and Landlord under the Lagos Tenancy Law 2011 The Lagos Tenancy Law has aroused considerable public interest since its enactment in August 2011. Obligations of the Tenant *Subject to any provision to the contrary in the agreement between the parties, the tenant shall be obliged to do the following: (1) Pay the rents at the times and in the manner stated. (2) Pay all existing and future rates and charges not applicable to the landlord by law. (3) Keep the premises in good and tenantable repair, reasonable wear and tear excepted. (4) Permit the landlord and his agents during the tenancy at all reasonable hours in the day time by written notice, to view the condition of the premises and to effect repairs in necessary parts of the building.


(5) Not to make any alterations or additions to the premises without the written consent of the landlord. (6) Not to assign or sublet any part of the premises without the written consent of the landlord. (7) Notify the landlord where structural or substantial damage has occurred to any part of the premises as soon as practicable. Obligations of the Landlord * Subject to any provision to the contrary in the agreement between the parties, the landlord shall be obliged to do the following: (1) Not to disturb the tenant’s quiet and peaceable enjoyment of the premises. (2) Pay all rates and charges as stipulated by law. (3) Keep the premises insured against loss or damage. (4) Not to terminate or restrict a common facility or service for the use of the premises. Written by Francis Famoroti, Head, Judiciary


National Mirror

Law & Justice

Monday, December 28, 2015


How Will tore Doherty brothers apart FAMOUS CASES


hen a wealthy Lagos businessman, Joseph Doherty, died in March 1928, he left a Will for his children and other dependants. The deceased was survived by many children, of which 36 were alive during the hearing of the appeal in 1967. Late Doherty created a trust in favour of his children; the trust property comprised 42 items of real estate yielding, annual income of £50,000 in the 1960s. Among the beneficiaries of the Will were, Theophilus Adebayo Doherty, Henry Ade Doherty and Richard Ade Doherty. Theophilus Doherty, perhaps the eldest male in the family was born on February 24, 1895. was also a Nigerian businessman and politician who represented Lagos on the platform of the Nigerian National Democratic Party in the Legislative Council of Nigeria during the nation’s colonial era. In 1933, along with Olatunde Johnson and a few other businessmen, he founded the National Bank of Nigeria. It was not surprising that he was appointed a trustee of the trusts of the Will of the late J.H Doherty. Theophilus performed the role of the trustee until one of his younger brothers, Richard Doherty objected to his style of administration. Hence, Richard brought an application which sought to remove Theophilus as trustee of the trusts of the will. In the application brought by means of originating summons at a Lagos High Court in 1963, the applicant had sought orders to remove the first defendant (Theophilus) as trustee of the trusts of the will of J. H. Doherty on ground of alleged breach of trust. He also prayed that he (Richard) should be appointed judicial trustee for the purpose of administering the trust. On November 8, 1964, Justice Onyeama granted the order to remove Theophilus but refused to appoint Richard as a judicial trustee. Dissatisfied with this verdict, Theophilus and one Henry Ade Doherty appealed against the order of removal. On December 13, 1964, following the application of some beneficiaries, two other trustees were appointed and upon motion for stay of execution, the order for removal was qualified thus: “The operation of the order of removal of the appellant is suspended pending the determination of appeal filed on the condition that he will act during that time only in conjunction with the other trustees.” Richard was dissatisfied with this qualification and filed a cross-appeal on that issue. The court however observed that as it had heard the main appeal at once, it was unnecessary to continue with the cross-appeal. Aggrieved by the court decision, Theophilus and Henry also in 1965 appealed against the order of Onyeama, J., as he then was; removing the first defendant from the office of trustee of the will of J. H. Doherty .

Joseph Henryson Doherty, was a Lagos businessman and a man of affluence, who died in March 1928 leaving a Will. Despite the vast estate bequeathed to his children, a dispute ensued among them in 1954 and this brought about a series of litigation decided initially by the lower courts and later the Supreme Court in 1967. FRANCIS FAMOROTI, Head, Judiciary writes.

Justice Ademola. First indigenous CJF

There was abundanT evidence before The courT ThaT The firsT defendanT and The plainTiff have been aT logger-heads and were unable To geT on TogeTher.

Interestingly, Justice Benneth had had cause to make pronouncements on the case among the parties sometimes in 1954. Be that as it may, the Supreme Court of Nigeria heard the appeal between the brothers. In its judgement on November 1, 1967, the Supreme Court observed that ‘’There can be no doubt about the complexity of the will which was referred to by Bennett, J. in 1954, as a “complicated document”, and there was no dispute among the children until the action of 1954 brought by the present plaintiff. All the children have been educated, and there appears to be no dispute about their education, as well as the education of other relatives provided for in the will. The Supreme Court panel included the then Chief Justice of the Federation, Justice Adetokunbo Ademola, Justices Vahe Bairamian, and George Baptist Ayodola Coker. Justice Ademola in the judgement said , ‘’I find no misconduct proved against the first defendant, but I find that he has failed to account for the trust property and that he

was hopelessly at odds with the plaintiff, one of the beneficiaries of the trust. In the interest of the trust I declare that he be removed from the office of trustee of the will of J.H. Doherty ...” The Supreme Court held further that there was abundant evidence before the court that the first defendant and the plaintiff have been at logger-heads and were unable to get on together, but it was clear from the evidence available that the plaintiff seemed to be the only one of the many beneficiaries standing in such a position with the first defendant. ‘’Whatever may be the reason for this it is not by itself alone enough to remove the first defendant as trustee. In regard to the matter of the failure to account on which the learned judge based his judgement, it was not alleged that he did not file any account: as already stated, counsel for the respondent agreed that an account was filed; so the learned judge proceeded on a mistake of fact in arriving at his decision.’’

The apex court observed that the respondent’s complaint, as already stated, was that the first defendant and his co-trustee had not accounted satisfactorily under the judgement and orders made by Bennett, J., on 29th March, 1956 in Suit No. 20/1954. Reviewing the case, the apex court declared that ‘’Counsel for the plaintiff in the present case before Onyeama, J., submitted that no accounts had been filed by the defendants since the 1954 case and all that the defendants were relying upon was a plea of res judicata. On the other hand counsel for the defendants referred the judge to paragraph 15 of the first defendant’s counter-affidavit and exhibit A attached to it stating that accounts had been given to the plaintiff after the judgement of Bennett, J. We think the learned Judge (Onyeama, J.) erred in thinking that the defendants had not given an account. We are of the view that the blame must rest on the plaintiff. Having failed to appeal from the order of 28th May, 1960, by Bennett, J,, he now seeks by the present originating summons to reopen matters which had been laid to rest by that order so far as compliance with the judgement of 29th March, 1956 was concerned since it is clear that it is that judgement which is relied upon in the plaintiff’s affidavit. ‘’The present originating summons is certainly not the appropriate remedy and it must be dismissed. The apex court observed that ‘’’ In this case the proceedings were hostile indeed; Moreover, the affidavits and counter-affidavits were cumbersome and by no means lucid or precise. Furthermore, the parties decided not to adduce oral evidence. What either party could have done, if he wished to question any statement of fact made by his opponent, was to give notice to him to attend for cross-examination. If that had been done, it would doubtless have been brought to the notice of the learned trial judge that accounts had been delivered; they would have been produced and canvassed, and things would have become clearer to him. The way the proceedings were conducted did not help the learned judge. The respondent to this appeal was to blame, and that in two respects; he chose an unsuitable procedure for a hostile attack, and under the guise of it he sought to reopen the accounts which had been considered by Bennett J.; he was wrong in both respects, and ought to pay the costs of this appeal and in the court below, for it cannot be said with any show of reason that he was acting in the interests of the estate.’’ The apex court also assessed the costs at 100 guineas and 40 guineas in the court below.


Law & Justice

Monday, December 28, 2015

A Chinese rights lawyer gets suspended jail sentence


rominent Chinese human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang has been released from detention after receiving a suspended jail sentence. Pu was found guilty by a Beijing court earlier for “inciting ethnic hatred” and “picking quarrels” in social media posts. The court sentenced him to three years in prison but also said the sentence would be suspended. He is the latest to be tried in a crackdown on dissidents in China. Pu was released from Beijing’s Number One Detention Centre where he had been held for 19 months. He is now under “residential surveillance”, and has 10 days to decide whether to appeal against his conviction and sentence, his lawyer says. Experts said the suspended sentence means Pu can avoid serving time in jail - but could be monitored during the suspension period. The guilty verdict means he can no longer practise law. Pu could have faced a maximum sentence of eight years in prison. State news agency Xinhua said that during his sentencing Pu had “acknowledged the reality of his crimes”, apologised, and accepted his


Chinese President Xi Jinping sentence. However, his lawyers said he had not pleaded guilty.


Seoul court has acquitted a Japanese reporter of defaming South Korea’s President by reporting that she was spending time with a man during a deadly ferry disaster last year. The ruling by the Seoul Central District Court comes as President Park Geun-hye faces criticism that she has clamped down on journalists. The case has been seen as a test of free speech as opponents say government attacks on personal and political liberties are growing. Prosecutors last year indicted Tatsuya Kato of Japan’s conservative Sankei Shimbun newspaper over an article that listed rumors that Park was absent for seven hours during the disaster that killed more than 300 people, mostly teenagers. Prosecutors, who previously requested an 18-month pris-

n Indian court has sentenced seven men to death for the brutal rape and murder of Nepalese woman in February. The 28-year-old victim was suffering from depression and had been undergoing treatment when she went missing in the northern Haryana state. According to BBC News, her body was found in a field, three days later. An autopsy revealed that she was gang-raped and had stones, blades and sticks forced inside her. The female judge said she wanted to send a strong message to the public. “I award the death sentence to all these accused in the case, and they should be hanged till death,” said Judge Seema Singhal. “Besides a judicial officer, I am also a human being and can hear the groan of

National Mirror

Court sentences seven to death for rape, murder INDIA

the victim,” Judge Singhal added. “Women are still facing crime and discrimination from males in our society and we still see gender bias in our system, but the judgement should send a strong message to the people and that is the need of the hour.” An eighth accused attacker, a minor, is being tried in a juvenile court. A ninth suspect killed himself soon after his arrest. The victim had travelled to Rohtak in Haryana state a few months before the attack, to live with her sister while she underwent treatment for depression at a local hospital.

Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi The doctor who carried out the post mortem examination said he had “never seen such a horrific case” in his 29-year-long career. The death sentences came on the same day that India’s top court rejected an appeal against the release of

the youngest attacker in a fatal gang-rape of a student in New Delhi in 2012. The savage attack on Jyoti Singh, who was travelling on a bus with a male friend, sparked a huge public outcry in India. The youngest of her attackers was sentenced to three years - the maximum allowed for a minor under Indian law. Scrutiny of sexual violence in India has grown since the Delhi bus attack and the outrage that followed prompted the government to tighten the law. But experts say tougher laws have failed to bring down the number of rape cases and a series of highprofile crimes have taken place since.

Court acquits Japanese reporter of defamation on term, have one week to appeal the ruling. According to BBC News, in a press conference, Kato described the acquittal as a “due verdict” and said he hopes prosecutors will not appeal. He said his story on Park’s whereabouts during the ferry disaster serves the public interest. South Korea’s Foreign Ministry said earlier Thursday that it had asked the Justice Ministry to consider Japan’s request for leniency on Kato. Despite the acquittal, South Korea’s criminal defamation law should be repealed because it “stifles a free press, has a chilling effect on freedom of expression and works against the public interest by gagging critics and whistle blowers,”


Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe Phil Robertson of Human Rights Watch said in a statement. Park’s government came under massive public criticism for its botched rescue operation during the ferry disaster. South Korean media have also questioned whether Park was unaccounted for on the day of the


L-R: The Publisher, Lawbreed, Mr. Layi Babatunde; his daughter, Tomike; Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Mahmud Mohammed; and the publisher’s wife, Joke at Tomike’s Call to Bar ceremony in Abuja recently.

sinking in April 2014. The headline of Kato’s report, which cited financial industry rumors, parliamentary debates and the leading conservative South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo, said: “President Park Geunhye was missing on the day the passenger ship sank. Who was she meeting?” The article repeated rumors in South Korean media and the financial industry “about a relationship between the president and a man” said to be married at the time. Park’s office has said she wasn’t with the man in question, a former adviser. Kato’s case was watched by many in South Korea and Japan as the Asian neighbors struggle to mend ties frayed over historical and territorial issues.

Many South Koreans still resent Japan’s harsh colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula from 1910 to 1945. Ties between the countries have worsened since the 2012 inauguration of hawkish Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who many South Koreans see as trying to whitewash Japan’s colonial and wartime abuses. Kato’s paper, the Sankei Shimbun, is reviled by some South Koreans for its rightleaning editorial stance. More generally, there is growing dissatisfaction with Park in South Korea, although she still has a strong base of loyal, conservative supporters. Hundreds plan to march in Seoul against her, the latest in a series of mass protests against the government in recent months.

L-R: Prison officer, Badagry Prisons, Mr. Y. K. Afeez; the prison’s welfare officer, Mrs. Pascal Mairiga; Director, Kami-J Foundation,an NGO, Mrs. Motunrayo Williams-Johnson ; another prison official, Mr. A. Emmanuel and others during the foundation’s visit and donation of items to the inmates of the prison in Lagos recently.

National Mirror

Monday, December 28, 2015

Law & Justice


Law Pavilion‘ll revolutionise e-law reporting in Africa —Olugasa Francis Famoroti

what motivated


to expLore the unique


or the Managing Director, Law Pavilion, Mr. Ope Olugasa, the sky is the limit for the firm that has blazed the trail in e-law reporting in the country. Olugasa, the soft-spoken chief executive of the e-publisher of Supreme Court judgments in Nigeria, met with the members of the Judiciary Editors Forum (JEF) recently and he succinctly unfolded the mission and vision of Law Pavilion. The visit afforded law editors to embark on facility tour of the law pavilion complex in Ikeja. When Olugasa eventually had an interview with the media men, he said what motivated Law pavilion to explore the unique terrain of e-reporting as the foremost Information Technology service provider in the legal industry in the country, among others, was the passion to showcase the positive side of Nigerian brand. According to him, ‘’in one word, the driving motivation for any business should be passion. However that passion must be predicated on certain values or attributes. For us at Law Pavilion, what fuels our passion are three-pronged as follows: i. The passion to showcase the positive side of Nigeria, our ultimate goal is to export technology developed in Nigeria to other parts of the world and we are very well on our way towards achieving that. ii. The passion to ignite culture of innovation, integrity, and can-do-attitude. Today’s youths need positive examples of locally grown businesses that are competing favourably on international scenes. We want our young people to see beyond the problems in Nigeria and begin to think of innovative solutions to those problems and conduct business with integrity. iii.passion for a reform to engineer and pioneer certain things so that when you look back, even when you have set backs, you know you will get there. Though there may be challenges, you know one day you will get there. It is just delayed gratification.’’ Asked why he thinks the legal industry should embrace eLaw reporting in the country, Olugasa stated that ‘I prefer to look at this question from the perspective of what is happening around the world. There is hardly any sector that hasn’t been touched significantly by Technology, in fact new sectors have been created and how society functions now is so different from what obtained just 10 years ago principally because of the impact of Technology on all spheres of human existence. So to me, the impact of information and communication technology on human existence is akin to a Tsunami, either you willingly go with the flow or get swept away by it.’’ In his response to the question, he proposed a few reasons. First is ease and speed of access to decided cases. Through our interaction with Judges of various courts, and going by our records of cases that we receive from the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court, there has been a significant increase in the number of cases emanating from the Courts. Olugasa said ‘’our model allows us to be able to get these pronouncements from Court promptly and have them analysed and ready for our subscribers within 48 hours. It would be extremely difficult for other models of law reporting to replicate that. Another reason for adopting e-law reporting would be affordability and reliability. We all know what it costs to have a well stocked physical library. But with electronic materials, at a fraction of the costs, one can have a robust library without breaking the bank. Moreover, in the event of a fire incident or robbery or any other unfortunate incident, whatever is destroyed is lost forever. But with Law Pavilion, there are multiple back up servers containing and preserving our contents so that no matter what, our subscribers are never at a loss. Lastly, I would like to also say that another reason for adopting e-law reporting is the all important attribute of efficiency. It is no brainer that the contest of the 21st Century is not a contest of strength evidenced by physical exertion

Law paviLion

terrain of e-reporting as

the foremost information

technoLogy service provider in the LegaL industry in the

country, among others, was the passion to showcase the

nigerian brand.

positive side of

Olugasa and hard work; rather it is a contest for working smart, using smart tools to achieve exceptional results whilst still having time to pursue other interests. As I stated earlier, many of our subscribers have attested to the fact that using Law Pavilion has helped them to do much more in less time than before.’’ The firm’s managing director also explained that the company has successfully trained Justices of the Court of Appeal across all divisions, High Court Judges of Lagos, Ogun, Ekiti, Osun and several other States. He said the firm had also collaborated with some branches of the NBA to train legal practitioners on the use of Law Pavilion especially and the firm was pleased with the response being received over the years since it started. Notwithstanding, he noted that there was still so much more to be done in the areas of enlightening even more Judiciaries and legal practitioners about the immense and incomparable benefits of adopting technology in the provision of legal services. In his words, ‘’For those we have trained, we do not relent in carrying out follow up programs and plans are underway to do more of follow-up in the coming year. With regards to training outcomes, the trainings have benefitted participants immensely, touching all end-users-the Judges, the Magistrates, Lawyers, Solicitors and Law students etc. A recurring feedback has been that Law Pavilion has changed their lives and they really wonder how they were able to cope without our product. This is especially so for those who have Law Pavilion products before or after the training. They have been able to derive maximum benefits from the use of our flagship Law Pavilion Electronic Legal Research software. ‘’ Olugasa further told the law editors that the firm’s initial series of trainings also influenced the decision to introduce Law Pavilion on smaller mobile devices such as the iPad and Android devices. ‘’We discovered that by the nature of what Judges and Legal Practitioners do, a significant amount of flexibility and portability is required to enable them derive maximum advantage from the use of LawPavilion and this is best achieved by accessing the software on our iPad and Android versions. A good number of our Judges subscribers have told us in confidence that they have been able to deliver more Bench rulings because of the availability of Law Pavilion on devices like the iPad and Android.’’ he added. On the issue of piracy, he explained that the firm had put in place its security strategies to curb this menace.’’ Olugasa however, said that the company would ensure that it keeps abreast of

security challenges globally and how they could impact the firm’s products and thereby upgrade Law Pavilion’s security apparatus. While reacting to the suggestion that some judges still write in long hands despite the exposure to e-law reporting, he pointed out that the in some way, the role played by Law Pavilion Electronic Legal Research tools was complimentary. He was however quick to add that ‘’ yet not completely complimentary because the rules of engagement in the industry are changing and giving more prominence to electronic legal research resources, of which Law Pavilion is a frontrunner.’’ ‘’With regards to Judges still recording proceedings in long hand, it is very archaic, stressful and energy-sapping. Take for instance countries like Ghana and Singapore; they have adopted modern technology in taking records of proceedings in court. But in Nigeria our Judges and Magistrates still take notes in long hand. This is why we developed our Court Management System which allows Judges to take audio records of proceedings and have such records transcribed whilst retaining the original audio recording. As you are aware, while Law Pavilion Electronic Legal Research software is our flagship product, we have developed other products in response to the needs we have seen in the industry. We are hopeful that practice directions would soon emerge to give legal backing to audio records of proceedings to beaten rather than burdening our esteemed Judges and Magistrates with tedious long hand writing. On the possibility of a staff knowing all your passwords and data, colluding to pirate the firm’s products, he said the company has been blessed with good, exceptional, hardworking and honest members of staff. ‘’As a corporate organization, we also have very strong value system and work ethics.’’ Olugasa also explained that the firm has varied price grading of its products to be able to accommodate everyone, especially the young and upcoming Lawyers. He also dwelt on the firm’s participation at International Conferences, which served as a platform to showcase the positive side of Nigeria, ‘’showcasing to the world that Nigeria isn’t a country of only crooks as often portrayed in foreign media.’’ ‘’On the other hand, it has been very challenging. For instance, to move our exhibition equipment/materials outside the country to be able to showcase our products outside, Customs would think we are doing something else and make demands for gratification. Also, coming from Nigeria, sometimes there are discriminatory practices which could be discouraging. But we keep working and moving forward, we don’t allow any challenge to take our eyes off the goal. ‘On the firm’s vision, Olugasa puts it simply, ‘’ to be the most cited, authoritative Law report and technology partner to the legal services industry in Africa by 2025. We are not just focused on Nigeria alone; we are looking at Africa as our chief focus.’’ He summed up that the firm’s new product to be launched in 2016 would take adequate care of the lingering issue of conflicting judgments. ‘’The new product also goes further to highlight cases that corroborate the case under review and other indices are also provided.’’ he added.


Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror

Community Mirror We require huge investment in public infrastructure, production of energy, health and education to enable us take full advantage of evolving economic conditions. –GOVERNOR AKINWUNMI AMBODE OF LAGOS


wo drug peddlers, Ihenacho Chinweuba, 27 and 33-year-old Uche Enuosa have been arrested by operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, in Ogun State while attempting to sell 295 bags of cannabis valued at N35m. It was learnt that the NDLEA apprehended the two suspects in the Ijebu Igbo area of the state while taking the suspected banned substance to some parts of the state and Lagos. The suspects were said to have loaded a truck with bags of the drug, and covered them with some cartons of biscuits to evade arrest but luck, however, ran out on them as an NDLEA team in Ijebu Igbo, acting on a tip-off flagged down the truck. Both men were said to have admitted to the crime saying they took to drug peddling due to unemployed, adding that they wanted to raise money for the Yuletide celebration and make their families happy. One of the suspects, Chinweuba, a native of Isiala- Ngwa Local Government Area, Abia State, said the expected proceed from the drug was his last hope. He said, “I am married with children. I have not bought anything for my family this season. It was joblessness that made me to deal in hemp. All my hope was on this cannabis

NDLEA nabbed 2 with 295 bags of cannabis in Ogun

Dancing competition as fun seekers having fun at Heritage Park in Lagos during the Christmas holidays. PHOTO: SAMUEL ADETIMEHIN

shipment because I know that if we were successful, I would have made my family happy. The cartons of biscuits were to hide the drugs but it is unfortunate that we were arrested and my dream is shattered.” Confirming the arrest, the State Commander of DLEA, Bala Fagge, said the truck had been impounded, adding that

the suspects were assisting the command with its investigations. “A white Mercedes truck with number plate, Lagos KJA 132 XN, was intercepted in the Ijebu Igbo area, in the Ijebu North Local Government Area of Ogun State. The truck, carrying biscuits and cheese balls, was found to

contain 295 big bags of dried cannabis sativa weighing 3,542.2 kilograms. The two suspected traffickers were immediately apprehended and are currently assisting further investigation. “The suspects will soon be charged to court and if convicted, could get life imprisonment,” he said.

Government needs support to fund social needs-Panelists


here is a need to raise funds from private initiatives such as ‘I Will Give’ (IWG) for government to finance costs associated with social needs of the people, a panel of experts said at a forum in Lagos. The Panelists who featured at the formal presentation of ‘I Will Give’ to the Nigerian public included the Minister for Health, Professor Isaac Adewole, Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris, the Executive Secretary of the National Health Insurance Scheme ( NHIS) Mr. Femi Akingbade and Mrs Toyin Saraki observed that it was becoming increasingly difficult for government at all levels to fund their health and social needs. ‘IWill Give’ is a domestic financing platform developed by

Chestrad International for special intervention in health, education, women and youth, and empowerment using crowd funding strategy. Professor Innocent Ujah, the Director-General of the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Professor Innocent Ujah, who represented the Minister of Health said available statistics show that the way to fund our social needs is through the privatepublic partnership. On his own part, Dr Idris said ‘ providing healthcare for over 23 million in Lagos State is a huge task which consistent increase in allocation to health sector has not been able to address. He said while it is good to seek assistance from abroad, charity must, however, begin at home with private

initiatives such as ‘I Will Give’. Mr. Femi Akingbade observed that the government cannot bear the cost of funding all social needs and there is a compelling need to take care of the vulnerable. ‘I Will Give’ as a social enterprise aligns its objectives with

the principles of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and especially the United Nations’ Secretary General’s updated strategy of ‘Every woman, every child’. The forum was used to commence a new ‘Giving is Living’ campaign aimed at encouraging the spirit of giving in Nigeria.

Baby killed in Katsina inferno James DanJuma, KATSINA


one-and-a-half-year old baby boy has reportedly lost his life in a fire incident in the Katsina state metropolis. The fire which occurred Saturday by 4.30pm at the Canada Estate, saw the baby’s family’s three-bedroom flat completely burnt to the ground. Eyewitnesses said the family had left the house to buy some provision from a nearby shop when the incident occurred. The baby was left in the house asleep, and that by time family members returned, the house was already on fire with smoke everywhere. Efforts to quench the fire by neighbours and sympathisers proved abortive, as the fire had quickly spread owing to the dry harmattan wind. “By the time the fire had died down, the baby was already dead; property worth several thousands of naira were also lost,” one of the sources said. He also said electricity surge may have been responsible for the fire, as power had been restored at the time with noticeable brightness of electric bulbs. Officials of state fire service who later moved to the place could do nothing to save the house as the fire had razed large part of the house. They were however able to keep the fire from spreading to other buildings.

Oyinlola praises ‘Baba Ijebu’ in new record


eteran juju musician, Champion Sunday Oyinlola, has described foremost businessman and philanthropist, Chief Adebutu Kessington a.k.a. Baba Ijebu, as a true Nigerian patriot worthy of emulation. Oyinlola, in his new album especially dedicated to the business mogul to mark his

80th birthday anniversary recently, noted that Kessington has touched the lives of millions of Nigerians through his philanthropic activities and prayed that God will grant him more years of continued service to humanity. In the new work titled ‘Oruka Alarede’ (Wedding Ring), the ‘Oju t’o n s’oro’ music exponent advised young and old couples on

how to live together in peace and harmony. Speaking during a telephone conversation, the veteran musician disclosed that the new work will beat the standard of the previous ones as, according to him, it is a product of painstaking research produced specially to serve as New Year’s gift to his ardent fans.

National Mirror


Monday, December 28, 2015

World News My people – the Afrikaners – have greater reason to dislike Cecil Rhodes because he caused calamity upon them. –FORMER SOUTH AFRICAN PRESIDENT, FREDERICK W. DE KLERK

Campaign: Trump makes sexist charge against Clinton AfolAbi GAmbAri

Iraqi forces have retaken a former government compound in Ramadi from where Islamic State (IS) group militants have been resisting an army offensive, the military has said. The complex was under complete control and there was no sign of IS fighters, a spokesman also said. He said this heralded the defeat of IS in the city, although he admitted there could be pockets of resistance. The government has been trying to retake Ramadi for weeks. The mainly Sunni Arab city, about 55 miles (90km) west of Baghdad, fell to IS in May, and was seen as an embarrassing defeat for the army. The Iraqi military believes the remaining militants have headed north-east; with fighting also reported to be under way to the south-west of the compound.



S Republican Party’s presidential hopeful, Donald Trump, yesterday accused his opposite in the Democratic Party Hillary Clinton of unfairly trading on her gender while declaring Bill Clinton to be “fair game” as the former president campaigned for his wife. “She’s playing the woman’s card,” Trump said, before turning his attention to Clinton’s husband, declaring him “fair game because “his presidency was really considered to be very troubled because of all the things that she’s talking to me about.” “She’s mentioning sexism,” Trump added, referencing a recent interview in which Clinton told the Des Moines Register the billionaire had “demonstrated a penchant for sexism. “I turned her exact words against her.” Trump also took an indirect shot at GOP primary rival Marco Rubio, who will be

ISIS linked to bus attack

Hillary Clinton (l) and Donald Trump accompanied on the campaign trail in Iowa next week by South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, the congressman who is leading an ongoing Benghazi investigation and recently questioned Hillary Clinton on Capitol Hill.

“I hope he does a better job than he did on the Benghazi hearings,” Trump said sarcastically, adding, “Because they were a total disaster.” “Everyone was really looking forward to something that was

going to be really productive and he didn’t win with those hearings. I hope he does a lot better for Marco than he did for the Benghazi hearings, because they were not good. That was not a pretty picture.”

Helicopter crash: Benin PM escapes death


enin’s Prime Minister, Lionel Zinsou, yesterday walked away unscathed after the helicopter in which he was travelling crashed in the country’s northwest, his daughter, Marie-Cecile, said. It was not clear at press time why the helicopter carrying Zinsou crashlanded in a stadium. “My father is fine. There were no victims in the

helicopter accident in Djougou,” Marie-Cecile tweeted. Earlier this month, Zinsou confirmed he would run as a candidate in Benin’s 2016 presidential elections. The helicopter crashed while landing at a stadium in the city of Djougou, a spokesman for Benin’s Interior Ministry, Leonce Houngbadji, said, stressing that no one was hurt.

Mr Zinsou, a former private-equity executive, was appointed prime minister of Benin in June. He has said he will run for president in February’s election as a candidate of the ruling Cowry Forces for an Emerging Benin (FCBE) party, his announcement putting an end to speculation Benin’s incumbent President Thomas Boni Yayi was seeking a third term.


ne of the men who attacked the Bataclan music venue in Paris on November 13, Samy Amimour, was buried on Christmas Eve in a northern suburb, reports said yesterday. Amimour, who was one of three suicide attackers who killed 90 people at a rock concert, was buried in a cemetery in Seine-Saint-

Denis, where he grew up and where his parents live, with only a few people attending. A total of 130 people were killed in the Islamist militant attacks in Paris. Amimour, 28, is thought to be the first of the attackers to be buried. A report said the hearse disappeared behind trees and concrete walls, and the

Kenya’s Police Chief, Joseph Boinnet, has said al-Shabab militants behind last week’s thwarted bus attack were linked to the Islamic State (IS) group. Boinnet said al-Shabab, the Somalia-based Islamist group, had split in two-one faction remaining loyal to al-Qaeda and the other to IS. On Monday, Muslims protected fellow Christian passengers when their bus was ambushed near the Somali border. In April 148 people died in a single al-Shabab attack in Kenya. The actions of the passengers on the bus on its way from the capital, Nairobi, to Mandera, were widely hailed, with one local politician saying it showed “a sense of patriotism and belonging to each other”.

Texas tornadoes claim lives Benin Republic PM, Lionel Zinsou

Paris attacker buried in unmarked grave

Paris attacker Samy Amimour

WORLD BULLETIN Iraqi forces ‘retake Ramadi’

ceremony was then held in secret, even as Amimour’s parents took precautions to ensure that the burial plot could not be identified as authorities feared it could become either a shrine or a target of attacks. French citizens have the right to be buried where they lived, where they died or in a family plot.

Eleven people are reported to have been killed in tornadoes in Texas, raising the death toll to 29 in a week of storms across several US states. At least eight people died in Garland, near Dallas, five of them when their cars were blown off a motorway. Three bodies were found in other towns. Officials also said yesterday that west Texas and New Mexico could suffer major blizzards, bringing up to 16in (41cm) of snow. The storms across the South have been unusually powerful for winter. Reports from Texas said churches were destroyed, cars mangled and trees toppled across a 64km (20 mile) zone from south of Dallas up to suburbs in the north-east.



Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror

We need new orientation about hotels business –Okewale COO of Splendour Hotels


am first the Company Secretary and Legal adviser of the Nucleus group, I act as the Chief Operating Officer of a smaller unit of corporate entities that we call stand-alone companies within the Nucleus group and splendour hotel is one of them. I am a lawyer by profession, a chartered secretary and administrator and a fellow of the institute of chartered secretaries and administrators of Nigeria, an associate of the institute of chartered secretary and administrators of United Kingdom, and a member of the Nigerian Bar Association.

I may look young but am well over 50 years. I would say I belong to the generation of the baby boomers. By the age of 21, I had finished my first degree which was European languages at the University of Ife. After my youth services, I was still looking too young so I went to read law, finished law, went to law school, after my law school, I took time out to rear children and at the same time I was learning the tools and trades of law practice. So by the time my children were in secondary school, I began to climb the rungs of private practice. I joined the Nucleus group in January 2011. The man at the helm of affairs is Olaide Fowosere, who started it all some twenty five years ago. The major Jewel in our crown would be the Nucleus Ventures, which is well known both here in Nigeria and outside the country. If you want to count the top 5 paper importers into Nigeria as of now, Nucleus ventures will definitely fall within that. What Nucleus Ventures does is we bring in paper, all types; News print papers for the newspapers, papers for school books and banks; that is what we are known for. Aside this, we have sister companies that over the years have evolved, We also have the Nucleus Properties Limited (NPL) which will evolve to be one of the country’s foremost property developing companies involved in building and selling of properties; housing units & office blocks. Splendour hotel evolved from Nucleus properties. In 2011 we started building the structure which became Splendour Hotels.

Three star hotel It is a three-star boutique hotels of 36 rooms. It has 14 standard rooms, 16 deluxe rooms, and 4 executive doubles for the public. It caters exclusively to the middle class. We believe that everything in Splendour is homely, splendid and home-grown. It appeals to everyone, whether you are a single person, a traveller, married couples or a business man who is coming in to town and wants a comfortable place where he can eat, sleep, enjoy the finer things of life and still be comfortable in his pocket. We commenced business in May 2014. Splendour hotel is easily acces-

Mrs. Dimeji Okewale, COO of Splendour Hotels and Suites, is fast making her mark in the hospitality business. Under her guidance, the three star boutique hotel has become the ideal get away place in Lagos, within the one-and-half-year of its existence. In this interview with FRANKA OSAKWE, she tells how the journey has been so far. Excerpts: team, you need diesel. Then there is the tax; you pay vat and consumption tax, at the end of the day, before you say anything, ten per cent of your revenue is taken out. There are other minor challenges such as getting good staff, people who are well trained, getting honest courteous staff and making sure they are well trained, dealing with theft and pilferage. If you look into businesses around these days you will find out that lawyers are everywhere, being a lawyer gives you an edge, equips you and gives a vantage to be able to adapt to a whole lot of diverse things. A lot of lawyers have veered into business. For lawyers it’s easier to be an entrepreneur or a business executive because at the back of your mind you are already aware of the legal and statutory implication of things. Lots of business owners are now taking crash courses in law. I think it’s good for Nigerians because if you are at the helm of affairs and you are a lawyer, you are very conscious of what is right and wrong. You also have a background mind that learns from different cases and situations.

Okewale sible to most people in Lagos. It is about seventeen minutes’ drive from Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos, less than 26 minutes’ drive to Victoria Island, about ten minutes’ drive to Ikeja, and five minutes’ drive from Surulere. It is furnished and equipped with 36 air conditioned rooms on three suspended floors with an elevator to provide easy access. Each bedroom has a private modern bathroom with tea/coffee facilities, a refrigerator, laundry services are also available on request, a well-equipped bar, restaurants/dining room that caters for all types of African and continental dishes, free internet/wifi access. We also have a swimming pool.

Our vision My vision as a COO is always tailored to the vision of the owner, who is also the chairman. His vision is to build a group of hotels that are excellently run, with staff that are well behaved, well trained to offer services of the highest degree. As always, we want to offer an environment of splendour, where when you are away from home and you can still be comfortable. Within the next five years, our vision is to have several Splendour hotels. What we want to portray with splendour is a taste of elegance, a

little bit of grandeur and quality service. We haven’t been able to achieve all our dreams yet because of the size of the land and so many facilities we want to put in, but by the time Splendour 2 comes up, all the areas we want to expand on, we will definitely look for space to enlarge. Ideally, Splendour is a beautiful elegant hotel that is tucked in a quiet area of Ilupeju, where people can come discover serenity for themselves. It’s a homely environment where married couples can come and spend time with their families, we also do a lot of conferences. We are looking at a situation where maybe once a week we will have a kind of buffet so that commercial businesses within the area can join. There will be a selection of various genres of music, not on a noisy background. There are lots of ideas in the oven but basically, this is our first year and we are trying to clear all the teething problems. There is no hotel in Lagos that doesn’t have challenges. One of our challenges is PHCN, which is a major challenge. We are told that they will increase their tariff. For someone in business, this is another headache. The fact that NEPA is not regular is a major problem, because what it means is that other related costs are accrued by the business; you have to have a generator, a maintenance

Hotel business in Nigeria There is room for improvement and growth. However, our orientation of hotels will have to change. In the past people saw hotels as a no go area, but nowadays, people are beginning to love their wives more. These days men are accepting hotels as place where you can take your wife for valentine, spend time maybe during holidays, the views are beginning to change. Again, there are lots of people who are moving inter states; these people stay in hotels when they get to their destination. Sometimes people stay out late maybe on the Island and instead of driving late, they just check into a hotel, so I think our view about hotel is really changing. But there is still a need for more hotels. I was always brought up to believe that what a man can do a woman can do better. But then the challenges are higher for women because they have the responsibility of child rearing. They also have their husbands to take care of, so women have to work twice as much to reach their destination. For me I consider myself a person of integrity, I believe what is worth doing is worth doing well. I think the grace of God, a very comfortable background with understanding people around me has seen me through.

National Mirror


Monday, December 28, 2015


Cable thief electrocuted in Kaduna


n unidentified middle age man was electrocuted at the early hours yesterday, while trying to steal electric cable at a power supply installation in Kaduna.

Cross section of graduating students of 4th national convocation of National Teachers Institute in Kaduna, yesterday

Civil society platform tasks Kogi on payment of counterpart funding Wale IbrahIm, LOKOJA


group, Civil Society Platform on Health, CSPH, Kogi State chapter, has urged the state governments to strengthen its counterpart obligations to international donor agencies for increased access to life-saving vaccines. Chairman of the platform in the state, Mallam Sani Abubakar, disclosed this at the quarterly meeting of the platform held in Lokoja at weekend. Abubakar explained

that statistics had shown that one out of every five children who die before the age of five lose their lives to vaccine-preventable diseases, adding that most of the unimmunized children live in the poorest and most remote communities. He said over 22.6 million children in developing countries do not receive vaccines that prevent life-threatening diseases due to inadequacy of the vaccines and lack of accessibility, especially in the rural areas. According to him, Gavi Alliance for Vaccines and

Immunisations, GAVI, Geneva, Switzerland was established in 2000 with mandate to save children and protect people’s health by increasing access to immunisation among the poor. Abubakar noted that for the nation to strengthen its health system and particularly against life-threatening diseases, government at all levels must ensure their counterpart obligations to the programmes facilitated by international partners and donor agencies were met.

Abubakar, who is also the state chairman of Association of Civil Society Organisations Working in Malaria, Immunisation and Nutrition, ACOMIN, said the platform was a network of 25 CSOs on health. Part of the objectives of the platform, according to him, is improved Public Private Partnership, PPP, with governments and development partners on healthcare issues and increased community participation in healthcare activities through education and communication.

Chibok girls: Al-Makura urges FG to investigate Maku IgbaWase UkUmba, LAFIA


asarawa State Governor, Umaru Tanko Al-Makura, yesterday called on the Federal Government and relevant security agencies to extend their searchlight on the failed attempt to secure the release of the abducted Chibok girls by the office of Labaran Maku, a former minister of information and supervising minister of defence. This was contained in a statement issued in Lafia, the state capital by the Special Assistant to the governor on Media and Publicity, Ahmed Tukur. The governor insisted that the probe of the arms deal by security agencies must not end without probing those who allegedly collected money in the name of securing the release of the Chibok

girls. Al-Makura also said the ongoing probe into the $2.1bn arms deal will not be completed if investigation into how Maku, as supervising minister of defence, deceived Nigerians that the release of the Chibok girls was imminent and allegedly collected millions of Naira to that effect. The governor however described Maku’s recent outburst that he will soon speak on the $2.1bn arms deal as an attempt to draw

public sympathy as the probe on the arms deal closes in on him. The governor said the public is interested in knowing those behind the purported deal and how they came in contact with those who allegedly knew the whereabouts of the school girls. The governor also challenged the former minister to explain his role in the Ombatse and Baba Alakyo saga as well as the killings of over 76 security operatives in his state

while he was covering the defence ministry. Al-Makura commended President Muhammadu Buhari for his resolute commitment to defeating the Boko Haram insurgency. He stated that signs are already clear that sect is on the retreat, even as he called on all Nigerians, especially citizens of the North East, to support the president in this patriotic and honest drive to bring lasting peace and move the country forward.

News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, reports that the incident happened at Accra Crescent by LEA Primary School, Unguwar Rimi. The traditional ruler of the area, Dan Iyar Unguwar Rimi, Alhaji Muhammad Gidado, confirmed the incident. Gidado said the corpse of the vandal was evacuated from the scene by the police from Unguwar Rimi Division. According to him, the vandal was unknown to them in the area and urged law enforcement agencies to step-up patrol as the community has suffered from the activities of vandals lately. Gidado explained that the deceased tried to steal the 150mm four core upriser cable at the distribution sub-station along

Diversion of petroleum products attracts N150 fine per liter in Kano


arketers caught diverting petroleum products in Kano State will henceforth pay a fine of N150 per litre of the diverted product.

Chairman, Task Force on Distribution of Petroleum Products in the state, Alhaji Rabiu Bako said this during a news conference yesterday in Kano. Bako said the measure was to check the continued fuel shortages being experienced in the state. Bako, who is also the Commissioner for Commerce in the state, said marketers had not heeded to earlier warnings to desist from sharp practices. “The decision followed series of warnings by the

NLC commends Jigawa govt’s resolve to continue with N18,000 minimum wage


hairman of Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, in Jigawa State, Malam Usman Ya’u has expressed joy over the state government’s decision to continue payment of the 18,000 minimum wage. Ya’u, who spoke in Dutse yesterday, said the ges-

ture would boost morale of civil servants in the state. It would be recalled that Governor Muhammad Badaru, had on December 12, 2015, promised to continue paying the 18,000 minimum wage. “As the head of NLC in Jigawa, I am very excited

with the decision of the state government. “This is because some state governors had a meeting where they said they cannot continue paying the minimum wage. “So, on behalf of the entire civil servants of the state, I want to use this opportunity to commend

Accra Crescent when nemesis caught up with him. Head, Corporate Communications of Kaduna Electric, operator of Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company, Mr. Abdulazeez Abdullahi, also confirmed the incident. He appealed to customers of the company to be more vigilant and report suspicious movement around power supply installations to the police, especially in the night. Abdullahi lamented that the activities of hoodlums was causing set back to the company’s effort at providing steady power supply to its customers. He warned criminal elements to desist from damaging or removing power supply equipment as the consequence could be very tragic. Meanwhile, the police said it was investigating the incident with a view to arresting the collaborators of the act and preventing reoccurrence.

Badaru for his decision to continue paying the 18,000 minimum wage. “It will go a long way in boosting our morale; it would also encourage service delivery in the state,” Ya’u said. He, therefore, urged other state governors to emulate the gesture.

Task Force to oil marketers in the state to desist from sharp practices and illegal increases in the pump price of Premium Motor Spirit, PMS,” he said. He said any marketer found diverting petroleum products would be so sanctioned and also risk forfeiting such products. Bako said the warning was necessary in order to ensure that all products reached their designated filling stations across the state. The chairman said the Task Force had confiscated eight drums and 50 jerry cans of PMS and fined the petrol station involved N4.2m since its inauguration. The committee urged members of the public to be vigilant and report any suspicious character to the Task Force or law enforcement agencies nearest to them. Governor Abdullahi Ganduje had last week inaugurated the 17-member task force as part of efforts to address the lingering fuel scarcity in the state.


Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror

Monday, December 28, 2015

“As I have said severally, the picture of the Premier League positions will get clearer after this current “rush”

National Mirror



Louis van Gaal in suspense as Chelsea loom



Sunny Ade, Awillo, Wizkid, others for Glo-CAF Awards Gala


s the countdown to 2015 Glo – CAF Awards begins, top artistes from different parts of Africa have been lined up to light up the Awards night holding in Abuja, Nigeria, on 7 January, 2016. The top singers expected to entertain guests and VIPs at the event include Nigerian master guitarist and legendary king of Juju Music, Sunny Ade, Salif Keita, an afropop singer cum songwriter from Mali, who is rated highly because of his reputation as

the “Golden Voice of Africa”; Ladysmith Black Mambazo, a South African male choral group that sings in the vocal styles of isicathamiya and mbube. They rose to worldwide prominence when they sang with Paul Simon on his 1986 album Graceland, and have won multiple awards, including four Grammy Awards. The impressive line up also includes Awilo Longomba, a Congolese musician who was a drummer in Viva la Musica, Stukas,

Nouvelle Generation. In 1995, he finally quit drumming for singing and released his first album Moto Pamba with help from Shimita and Ballou Canta. Awilo is well known in Africa and revered worldwide by lovers of his genre of music. Other acts billed to perform at the show, which will be watched live all over the world are Shatta Wale, Ahmed Soultan, Wizkid, Dija, Korede Bello, Flavour, Omawumi, Sammy Okposo, Bez and Ego.

LMC pays salaries of 53 players, officials of FC Taraba


igeria’s Super Sand Eagles ended up in second place for the second successive year and behind Ivory Coast at the Copa Lagos Beach Soccer. The Nigerians eased past Lebanon 7-4 in the final game of the beach soccer tournament at the Eko Atlantic City yesterday. It was Abu Azeez who set the tone for the Nigerians as he had done in their previous two matches.The Warri Wolves play maker scored in the first minute against

the Lebanese. Ahmed Grada pulled Lebanon level three minutes later and his teammate Mohamed Merhi fired in a free kick past Nigerian goalkeeper Olalekan Oladepo to give the Asians a 2-1 lead. Sand Eagles captain Victor Tale then scored twice in two minutes to restore his team’s one-goal before Merhi once again netted from a free kick to even the score at 3-3.

Taraba FC players during training session

Ifeanyi Onuigbo, playing in his first beach soccer competition, netted Nigeria’s fourth just before the end of the first period. Nigeria started the second period with a goal lead, and Azeez produced two excellent moments to increase the lead of the Sand Eagles. The Wolves striker scored from an overhead kick and then from a composed finish to give Nigeria a 6-3 lead at the end of the second period. Lebanon began the third period with Merhi scoring after Grada’s effort grazed the woodwork and bounced back into play. The final period proved to be a struggle of some sorts for both teams but Azeez capped the day as he started when he scored Nigeria’s seventh goal of the game in the last minute to kill off any resistance from Lebanon. Earlier in the day, the Ivorians retained their Copa Lagos title by defeating England 6-4 in a tight contest.

Ghanaian Charles Nii Armah Mensah Jnr. popularly known as Shatta Wale, is also on the bill. The producer and reggae-dancehall musician is best known for his biggest breakthrough hit song Dancehall King which led to his winning the Artiste of the Year at the 2014 edition of the Ghana Music Awards. Ahmed Soultan, a Moroccan singer artist, is considered as one of the leaders of the “Nayda” (new urban Moroccan scene). Soultan is often called the OSNI (Objet Sonore Non Identifié), meaning “Unknown Sounding Object”, for his very particular style and Sammie Leigh Bush Jr. known professionally by the mononym Sammie. He is an American R&B singer best known for his hit, “I Like It” (1999) from his debut album, From the Bottom to the Top (2000). He released his second studio album, Sammie in 2006. He is about dropping his third album Coming of Age on his own label, StarCamp Entertainment, which partnered with Twenty Two Recordings and EMI. Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun, a.k.a Wizkid, is a Nigerian recording artist, songwriter and performer and multiple-award winning star. His latest hit track, Ojuelegba has been regarded as a national anthem of sort. Mavin records’ prince and princess, Korede Bello and Hadiza Blell popularly known as Di’ja, alternative soul singer, Bez Idakula, one of Nigeria’s most prominent female singers Omawumi, Ego ‘sweet voice’ Ogbaro and Flavour (Nabania) will also thrill the guests. All of these top musicians cum entertainers are also Globacom Ambassadors.



Monday, December 28, 2015

National Mirror

Kompany vows to fight back


anchester City skipper Vincent Kompany described himself as “invincible” on Saturday despite seeing his latest injury comeback last just eight minutes. The 29-year-old Belgian international came on as a second-half substitute in the 4-1 win over Sunderland after eight matches out with a calf injury. But in the 70th minute, he had to come off. “Today was a bad day for me. My body feels invincible – the best it’s ever been – but I’m challenged by a number of small and local injuries,” Kompany said in a message posted on his Facebook page. “It leaves me more frustrated than with any of the ‘big’ injuries I’ve had but it’s a challenge that I will overcome.

Van Gaal

Louis van Gaal in suspense as Chelsea loom M

anchester United’s under-performing players approach today’s home game with Chelsea not knowing whether besieged manager Louis van Gaal will still be in the dug-out when they take to the field. United’s 2-0 defeat at Stoke City on Saturday was their fourth loss in succession – the club’s worst run within a season since 1961 – and reduced Van Gaal to a dead man walking in the eyes of the British media. The Dutchman admitted afterwards that he could not be certain


uus Hiddink admits the absence of Diego Costa is a major blow to Chelsea’s hopes of taking advantage of Manchester United’s struggles when they travel to Old Trafford today. Hiddink took charge of his first game since being installed as Chelsea interim manager, overseeing a frustrating 2-2 draw against Watford at Stamford Bridge on Saturday. The result left Chelsea in 15th place and came at the cost of a fifth booking of the season for Costa, who will now miss the meeting with United while he serves a one-match ban. The Spain striker had confirmed his value to Hiddink’s side by scoring twice against Watford and the Dutch manager said:

of the United board’s support and raised the prospect that he could choose to leave Old Trafford of his own accord. “I have said already in former press conferences that it is not always that the club has to fire or sack me. Sometimes I do it by myself,” he said. “I am the one who wants to speak first with the board of Manchester United, with my members of staff, with my players and not always you (the media).” Chelsea dispensed with their own manager last week, Jose

Mourinho paying the price for a calamitous start to the season, and the Portuguese is the favourite to take over at United in the event that Van Gaal departs. Whatever fate befalls Van Gaal, there is guaranteed to be at least one sexagenarian Dutch coach in attendance at Old Trafford after Guus Hiddink’s appointment as interim manager at Chelsea. Reprising a role he previously performed in 2009, the 69-year-old began life back at Stamford Bridge with a 2-2 draw at home to Watford that left the

champions two points above the relegation zone in 15th place. Diego Costa scored twice to earn Chelsea a point – book-ending goals from Watford strikers Troy Deeney and Odion Ighalo – but will miss Monday’s game through suspension. Loic Remy is expected to deputise. “We will go to Old Trafford. It will be difficult, but I hope this team will show, in every game, the ambition like they showed against Watford,” Hiddink said. “We are going there for the win.”


“I’m definitely not asking anyone to feel sorry for me and I hope you wouldn’t anyway.” Kompany had come on in the 62nd minute at Eastlands on Saturday but his latest setback gave manager Manuel Pellegrini a worrying selection headache ahead of Tuesday’s trip to title rivals Leicester. But the iron-willed Belgian vowed to come back, fitter and stronger. “I’ve made many sacrifices to get where I am today and football is everything to me. This is what I fought for so hard,” he added. “I want to be the best defender in the world and I want Manchester City FC and Belgium to become the best club and country in world football. “I won’t give up that dream. Injuries have and still are preventing me to play my role the way I’d want to but it’s not stopping me progress. I will get on with it and when I do come back. I will be stronger again.

Hiddink frustrated at Costa blow “It’s a setback of course. “Costa’s performances are improving. I can complain (about the booking), but it’s not my nature. I have to go on and find a solution as soon as possible.” Loic Remy is expected to step into the line-up for the meeting against United, whose 2-0 defeat at Stoke means they are going into the game without a win in seven matches. Hiddink acknowledged United are going through a difficult time, but he refused to consider the uncertainty surrounding the future of Old Trafford boss Louis van Gaal. “We will go to Old Trafford, it will be difficult, but I hope this team will show, in every game, the ambition like they showed against Watford - we are going

there for the win.” Costa put Chelsea ahead and salvaged a point after a Troy Deeney penalty and an effort from Odion Ighalo had put Watford ahead. Hiddink’s side, though, could have claimed all three points had Oscar not failed to convert a late penalty. “When we are near the end of the game and get a penalty, we deserved a 3-2 win,” he said. “It’s a pity and a setback. But we have to analyse the game and Watford deserves respect - they have had a lot of clean sheets. “But the two goals conceded were unlucky, a penalty and a deflection. I’m disappointed but it was important how we reacted when it was 1-2 - that was good.”


National Mirror


Monday, December 28, 2015


Joy, excitement at 5th Hotsports Christmas Carol


Members of the Anglican Church of Ascension Choir rendering carols at the 5th HotsportsChristmas Carol

Enyimba to name Ikhana’s replacement soon


he People’s Elephant, Enyimba are set to name a replacement for their coach, Kadiri Ikhana. The Aba – based outfit did not renew Ikhana’s contract after he helped them to win their seventh league title at the end of the 2014/15 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) season. An official of the team, Farriel Alaputa said the management would in few days name a coach to guide the two-time African champions in their quest for laurels in the CAF Champions and domestic Leagues. According to Alaputa, “a new coach will be appointed in the coming days to take over from Ikhana. “Ikhana’s contract which elapsed with the out gone season was not renewed for reasons best

known to the management. “Management has vowed to give the side capable coach to guide the team in their quest for more titles in the continent and domestic scene,” he said. Alaputa however could not confirm speculations that the seventime Nigerian champions will be going after their former coach, Salisu Yusuf. “I cannot confirm that right now that Salisu Yusuf is the anointed man to replace Kadiri Ikhana. I’m sure Nigerians will not be kept too long on the identity of the new man at Enyimba.” Enyimba have a date with Ugandan champions, Vipers in the Champions League which comes up in the second week of February in Kampala.

NPFL players want kick-off delayed over unpaid salaries


cross section of the players in the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) has kicked against the January 31 kick-off for the 2015/2016, insisting issues concerning their welfare should first be addressed. The players said the League Management Company (LMC) ought to put their welfare first and make sure all the outstanding debts owed them last season have been settled, while making proper arrangements on how they will be paid regularly in the new season before the league commences again.

The players argued if LMC went ahead to start the league without safeguarding the welfare of the main characters, they would be disappointed. Despite several bold initiatives to restore the credibility of the league, unpaid salaries, bonuses and allowances by most clubs tarnished the past season. Warri Wolves midfielder Ichul Lordson said the league should be more concerned about ensuring the welfare of the players rather than rushing everyone into another campaign that will be tarnished by numerous cases of unpaid salaries and bonuses.


t was an atmosphere filled with joy and excitement as friends and families converged at the Poolside Pavilion of 4, Femi Deru Close, Opebi Ikeja for the 5th edition of the Annual Hotsports Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve. The carol themed “The Glory shall be revealed” was both colourful and exciting and was graced by notable personalities amongst who were Bishop Dr. George Amu and his wife Modupe. Also present at the carol was the chairman Squash section of the Lagos Country Club Mr. Demola Olusunmade and his family. Ace musician Ego also added colour to the event with her presence. The choir of the Anglican Church of the Ascension, Opebi treated the congregation to beautiful melodies including the popular “Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful”. In his sermon Ven. Dr. Yemi Agbelusi, the Vicar of the Anglican Church of the Ascension exhorted the people not to give up on God and should imbibe the spirit of the season that prescribes love for all as an elixir for an ailing world. The congregation was treated to entertainment after the carol service by upcoming comedian Omini. In his address, the Executive Chairman Hotsports Limited, Mr. Taye Ige thanked all for making time out for the carol and prayed all to eschew bitterness going into the New Year.

GOtv Boxing : Eribo wins N1.5m jackpot IFEANYI EDUZOR


e l t e r w e i g h t boxer,Stanley ‘Edo Boy’ Eribo has emerged the best boxer of the GOtv Boxing V tournament held at the Indoor Sports Hall of the National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos and in the process won N1.5 million jackpot at stake at the championship as well as the Mojisola Ogunsanya memorial trophy. Eribo achieved the feet by recording a 10 round technical knockout against his opponent, Sunday “Cap” Olalekan in their welterweight challenge to be adjudged the best boxer of the night as well as crowned the new national welterweight champion. An excited Eribo told National MIrror that he was overwhelmed by the prize money noting that it will propel him to win more laurels for the country even as he commended sponsor of the tournament, GOtv for its efforts

at reviving professional boxing in the country. Promoter of the fight, Jenkins Alumona of Flykite productions, noted that the involvement of the title sponsor in Nigerian boxing has impacted positively on the sport positing that next year will witness more regular fights. In the other bouts of the night, Abplaji ‘Afonja Warrior’ Rasheed recorded a unanimous points decision against Sunday ‘Golden Child’ Ajuwa in their Super middleweight challenge just as

Olaide ‘Fijaborn’ Fijabi recorded a 4 round knockout out against Sadiq ‘Police Machine’ Ahmed to be crowned the new national light weight champion. The main bout of the night, saw national and West African featherweight champion, Waidi ‘skoro’ Usman unable to claim the vacant African Boxing Union featherweight title as he lost by 2-1 split points decision to his Ugandan opponent, Edward ‘Ring Messiah’ Kakembo.


Highest fall survived without parachute


Vol. 05 No. 1273 Monday, December 28, 2015

Vesna Vulovic (Yugoslavia) was 23 working as a Jugoslavenski Aerotransport hostess when she survived a fall from 10,160 m (33,333 ft) over Srbsk, Kamenice, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic), on 26 January 1972.

‘Go bring your generator tank’ E arly this month, the Minister of Information, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, used his visit to the Abuja head office of Daily Trust newspapers to assure Nigerians that they would soon be through with the perennial fuel shortages. Hear him: “I know that Nigerians today are groaning under the yoke of fuel scarcity and I am glad to say that both chambers of the National Assembly actually approved the supplementary budget and it is amazing that of the N574 billion or so that was approved… close to N421 billion of it is for fuel subsidy alone…But honestly we believe that in a few days’ time this money would have been paid and all these long queues will disappear”. That was December 7. The month is just three days to go, but the fuel

HeartBeat Callistus Oke 08054103275 (SMS ONLY) crisis is not only abating, there have surfaced certain incongruities in the distribution chain that mock Nigeria and Nigerians. Our unreliable public power supply has forced Nigerians of all social classes to source generators as back up. They come in different brands, sizes and shapes. The cheapest come from China. Because those who could afford it would flaunt it on their poorer neighbours as a symbol of their new enhanced social class, Nigerians have christened these generators as “I pass my neighbour”. These small generators may be small and cheap, but you can count on their fuel efficiency. My bachelor boy has one. He would relish me to no end with the generator’s comparative efficiency. According to him, two litres of petrol would give him eight hours of electricity. He has recommended that we buy many for the household instead of the bigger one that could power the entire house with all the appliances on. He once told me the small generator could be used in the afternoon when sound siesta is our objective. I must confess we have experimented with many power supply templates in my household. But it appears the latitude for such experimentation is being circumscribed by officialdom. This is what I mean. Three weeks ago, I went to my first


INTO JERRY CANS”! choice filling station in my Ketu neigbourhood with a 50 litre jerry can and asked to be served, only to be greeted with “Oga, we no longer sell fuel into jerry cans”! My retort was how I could get fuel for my generators if not through jerry can. The bombshell from the attendant was: “Go and bring your generator tank and I will serve you. This is the new instruction from above”. Was I dumb folded by such gratuitous suggestion? When I asked how they came about the directive, the attendant’s reply was that men of the task force monitoring sale of fuel in the area specifically forbade them from selling into jerry cans. My mind ran riot trying to come to terms with the new reality Nigerians might have to live with if, indeed, the directive came from above. My investigations confirmed the directive, but nobody has been able to say if it is an official policy of the Federal Government. If the ‘new policy’ is a component of the strategic enforcement framework of a new policy for fuel distribution and sale in the country, those behind should apology to Nigerians. Since the enthronement of this fuel

sale regime, I have personally witnessed the humiliating experiences of Nigerians who need the fuel for both household and business use. These days, you could behold ugly spectacles of people on okada holding two generator tanks on both hands, or those on foot carrying their tanks under their armpits. Destination is a filling station. I once saw a man with his generator tank in a wheel barrow pushing to the filling station. My people, it is not funny. The development is axiomatic of the crudity I call the “new humiliation” of Nigerians. I have pondered severally on the inner working of the minds of people in authority in this country. Nigerians have been forced to consume weird policies that detract significantly from our humanity. All manners of dehumanizing policies have come from the thought processes of our leaders, elected and usurpers alike. We have been doubled up by the military for small infractions like coming late to the office; we have had to receive horsewhip lashes for ‘offences’ not covered by the laws of the land. Our ladies that fancy trousers had been humiliated; and a stroll in the night could land you in a police cell if you are soft enough to be bundled into police vans, especially in the night. I have the nagging fear that the ban on jerry can would be a permanent feature of our national life if it is not vigorously protested. Who do Nigerians walk up to for answers to the present predicament? As President Muhammadu Buhari doubles as petroleum minister he should be. It is a tall order to expect such condescension from him. Neither will the National Assembly undertake such assignment on behalf of the people, because they are part of the problem and not a solution.

Sport Extra


Sokari, Ajayi go down at Esperance


igeria U23 stars Kingsley Sokari and Junior Ajayi started and finished for CS Sfaxien as they lost 2-1 at Esperance in a Tunisian league clash yesterday.

Both Sokari and Junior Ajayi were transfer targets for Esperance this year before they eventually signed for Sfaxien. Nigeria U20 star Bernard Bulbwa was a 70th minute

substitute for Esperance. He was lively because at that point CS Sfaxien were playing a man short after one of their players was sent off. His mazy dribble run

from 30 yards split open the Sfaxien defence, but his teammate crashed the final shot across the post for the last kick of the encounter. It was a scrappy first half between the league

contenders with long balls and flying tackles. Junior Ajayi played from the left of attack and when Chad international Ezequil Ndoussel he led the attack and wa a lot more effective.

Sokari Emenike

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