Monday, october 12, 2015 (new)

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NNPC pays N121.1bn to federation account N



‌commences monthly publication of financial and operational report



Vol. 5 N0. 1219

igerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, has paid $607.8m (N121.1bn) so far to the Federation

Monday, October 12, 2015

Accounts Allocation Committee, FAAC, this year from sale of oil and gas as dollar proceeds.


National Mirror Online

Ex-minister blames power situation under Jonathan on sabotage P.7

Free inside


Ministerial screening

Nominees mount pressure on Senate Buhari won't drop Amaechi in spite of indictment




ome ministerial nominees have intensified pressure on the Senate to relax some of the conditions listed for them to scale before they are confirmed. The pressure is coming ahead of commencement of the screening exercise by the Senate, which kicks off tomorrow. It was gathered at the weekend that besides CONTINUED ON PAGE 2>>

Falae's kidnappers arrested P.6

Taskforce alerts on plot to attack Jos


Scores escape death as explosion rocks Lagos


L-R: Swedish Finance Minister, Hon. Magdalene Anderson; African Development Bank President Dr. Akinwumi Adesina; International Monetary Fund (IMF) Deputy Managing Director, Min Zhu; Heirs Holdings Chairman, Tony O. Elumelu; Nobel Laureate in Economics professor Joseph Stiglitz; and World Bank Managing Director, Bertrand Badre, discussing at the discussion on the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals as part of 2015 World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings held in Lima, Peru, at the weekend.



Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

Nominees mount pressure on Senate CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

their individual efforts, some of the ministerial nominees have enlisted the support of some key politicians to reach-out to the senators to soft pedal on some of the conditionalities set by the Senate. Key among the conditions, which is causing panic among the nominees, is the requirement that each candidate must enjoy the support of at least, two of the three senators representing their states. The next condition some of the nominees are finding unpalatable, according to sources, is that each of the nominee, who have held office in the past, must produce certificate of his assets declaration before being confirmed. Our correspondent gathered that since the Senate made public the procedures and conditions for the screening last week Thursday, the senators have suddenly become highly sought after by the nominees and their proxies. Some of the minister designate allegedly met with some senators and pressured them to make public statements, dissociating themselves from agreeing to some of the conditionalities, particularly on endorsement. Senate Majority Whip, Shola Adeyeye was quoted as saying at the weekend, “I was at the executive session. Senate didn't take that decision. What l can tell you authoritatively is that Senate didn't take that decision that two or three senators must support a nominee before he can be confirmed. “What we only resolved was that it would be nice that nominees coming for screening should reach out to all senators, including those from their states, to sell themselves and put themselves forward to be confirmed. It was not decided that if two senators do not support a nominee he will not be confirmed. “All l can say is that you should speak to other senators to confirm what l am telling you. Go and speak to Senators Emmanuel Bwacha and Kabiru Marafa. They are honest

people. Several senators have called me and said that such a decision was not taken. In fact, I also called the Senate President to express my alarm at what I considered a misrepresentation of the deliberation and decision of the Senate. “By the way, a constituent informed me earlier this evening that Senator Melaye has subsequently

modified the summary of our deliberation.” Already, the three senators from Rivers, Kaduna and Adamawa states have indicated their opposition to the ministerial nominees from their states. Also by the weekend, it was gathered that the senate has received two additional petitions from two states, opposing the candidates from their states.

Special Adviser to the President on the Senate, Senator Eta Inang disclosed at the weekend that the senators are being invaded by the ministerial nominees to win their support. Inang who fielded questions from newsmen said: “There is intense consultation going on between the nominees and the senators representing their

respective states. “The nominees appreciate that their first line of defence are the senators from their respective states, senators from their zones and that irrespective of party lines and differences, they need to do much to create the relationship and that they will be using the time remaining to create that relationship.”

Scene of an explosion at 90 Oworo Road, Oworonsoki, Lagos, yesterday.

The senate committee on ethics, petitions and privileges will be meeting today to consider the petitions at its disposal ahead of tomorrow’s screening. Senate President, Bukola Saraki last week directed the committee to ensure that its report was ready ahead of the screening exercise. Meanwhile, All ProCONTINUED ON PAGE 5>>


NNPC pays N121.1bn to federation account CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

This was according to a report by the corporation. The publication, which is available on the Corporation’s official website, provides an overview of NNPC’s operations across the oil and gas value chain (Upstream, Midstream & Downstream). Specifically, the report provides detailed and statistical insight into crucial aspects of the Corporation’s activities

ranging from National Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Lifting and Utilization; Refineries Plants Operations; and Petroleum Product Supply and Distribution to NNPC Budget Performance Report and Federation Crude Oil and Gas Revenue. Illustrated with tables, graphs and charts, the report throws light into aspects of NNPC’s operations that were once described as ‘opaque’. Issues like the status of the once mis-

understood JP Morgan Foreign account, management and custody of revenue from crude oil sales, actual production capacity of the refineries, dollar accruals to NNPC/FGN from export of crude oil and gas, as well as receipts and payments were laid bare. Further breakdown of the report indicated that total export crude oil & gas receipt for the period of January – August 2015 is $3.420bn. Of the total receipts, $0.61bn was remitted to Federation

Account as dollar proceeds, while the balance of $2.815bn was used to fund the JV Cash Call for the period. The report noted that the receipts witnessed a sharp decline of more than 67 per cent from September, 2014, when the receipt was at its peak, to July, 2015 with dire consequences to the Federation. NNPC informed that the continued decline in oil price led to insufficient cash available to meet monthly JV Cash

Calls obligations of about $615.8m as appropriated by the National Assembly. To mitigate this effect, NNPC was compelled to sweep all the export receipt to JV Cash Call funding implying a zero dollar proceed remittance to the Federation Account since the month of April 2015. The sum of N723.82bn for Domestic Crude Oil and Gas Sales proceeds was also paid to the Federation Account from January to August 2015 as Naira proceeds.

National Mirror



Monday, October 12, 2015

Good Health



ow, there’s no longer any need for partners of people with HIV (serodiscordant couples), to divorce due to fear of the disease being passed to them from their infected partners. This is because scientists have discovered how to stop HIV transmission through sexual intercourse, meaning that a HIV-positive partner can no longer infect the negative partner even when they have sexual intercourse! According to the experts, all it takes now is treatment with a combination of antiretroviral medicines, referred to as Antiretroviral Therapy or ART, to maximally suppress the HIV virus and stop the progression of HIV disease. The experts say the treatment, which is also known as pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, works well and carries minimal side effects. Thus, a healthy person who engages in sex with an HIV-positive partner only have to take the anti-retroviral drugs daily as a preventive measure to ward off HIV. According to the report, released last week during the 8th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention in Vancouver, Canada, the drugs were able to reduce the transmission of the virus by 93 per cent in couples assigned to ART treatment. Since 2013, WHO also recommends the use of antiretroviral drugs for the prevention of HIV infection, particularly for pregnant women, young children, and key populations exposed to HIV risk. Their conclusion was based on the study known as HPTN 052, which began in 2005 and had about 1,768 couples (where one partner was infected with HIV while the other was not), recruited. The majority of the couples (97 per cent) were heterosexual. By the end of the study, the final results show a 93 per cent reduction of the virus being transmitted. The researchers also revealed interesting findings about the relationship between viral load, viral sup-

ARV to the rescue...

Now, you don’t have to get HIV through sex!

A Zambian serodiscordant couple: The woman remains HIV-negative after 18 years of marriage to her HIV-positive husband.

pression, treatment failure and drug resistance. It took longer to suppress the virus in people who began with a relatively high viral load (a high level of HIV in the blood) at the start of treatment, they found. This, in turn, was associated with both treatment failure and the treatment failed more quickly. They also found that those who had a higher viral load when they joined the study, and for whom treatment failed, were more likely to develop resistance to their antiretroviral drugs. More research is needed to understand this association, the researchers said. Dr Myron Cohen, director of the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases, said: ‘These findings dem-


Grape seed extracts can fight cancer cells


rape seed extract, B2G2, has been shown to exhibit anti-cancer activity on cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. The report published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, describes the laboratory synthesis of the most active component of Grape seed extract, B2G2. Thescientistssaidtheyhavespentmorethana decade demonstrating the anti-cancer activity of grape seed extract in controlled, laboratory conditions. According to them, previous studies have shown grape seed extract’s effectiveness against cancer cells and have also shown its mechanism of action. But un-

til recently, they didn’t know what constituent of grape seed extract created this effect. “We’ve shown similar anti-cancer activity in the past with grape seed extract (GSE), but now we know B2G2 is its most biologically active ingredient which can be synthesized in quantities that will allow us to study the detailed death mechanism in cancer cells,” says Alpna Tyagi, PhD, of the University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Tyagi works in the lab of CU Cancer Center investigator and Skaggs School of Pharmacy faculty member, Chapla Agarwal, PhD.

onstrate that antiretroviral therapy, when taken until viral suppression is achieved and sustained, is a highly effective, durable intervention for HIV prevention. ‘These results have important implications for programs seeking to combine other HIV prevention measures with treatment as prevention,’ Dr. Cohen said. He added that programmes to prevent and treat HIV should make special efforts to minimize the transmission of HIV before the virus has been suppressed. They should also aim to maintain suppression of the virus through ART treatment, and to identify and address failures of the treatment if it occurs. “In the setting of such programmes,


he extract of onion bulb, Allium cepa, strongly lowered high blood glucose (sugar) and total cholesterol levels in diabetic rats when given with the antidiabetic drug metformin, according to a new study. The study results presented at The Endocrine Society’s 97th annual meeting in San Diego says Onion has the potential for use in treating patients with diabetes. “Onion is cheap and available av vailable and has been used as a nutritional al supplement,” said lead investigator Anthony nthony Ojieh, elta MBBS (MD), MSc, of Delta a, State University in Abraka, Nigeria. To three groups of ratss d with medically induced oldiabetes, Ojieh and his coland leagues gave metformin and

special efforts should be made to minimize HIV transmission risk before viral suppression has been achieved, to maintain suppression on ART, and to identify and address ART failure.” Dr Cohen, also explained that the trial was designed to address two questions: whether providing antiretroviral therapy to an HIV-infected person would prevent HIV transmission to a sexual partner, and whether earlier antiretroviral therapy offered long-lasting health benefits, saying that the answer to both was a resounding “Yes.” “Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a game changer in preventing the spread of HIV”, said Dr Chris Beyrer, co-chair of the International AIDS Society (IAS) science conference in Vancouver. At the conference, scientists also released results on PrEP in several small studies of people at a high risk of contracting HIV, mostly due to sexual behaviour, in Brazil, the United States, and Botswana. The research showed that when PrEP is used correctly, it reduces HIV infection and is well-tolerated. But several scientists said use of PrEP is far from becoming standard policy, and so remains an individual decision for people considered at high risk. The therapy is also relatively new. The US Food and Drug Administration only approved use of the drug tenofovir (Truvada) for adults at highrisk, in combination with safe sex practices, in 2012. Dr Michael Brady, medical director of the Terrence Higgins Trust, said given the positive results of the study, introducing PrEP treatment makes financial sense and could eradicate HIV.

Onion extract may lower cholesterol level varying doses of onion extract-200, 400 and 600 milligrams per kilograms of body weight daily (mg/kg/day)-to see if it would enhance the drug’s effects. They also gave metformin and onion extract to three groups of nondiabetic rats with normal bloo bl ood oo d sugar, suga su garr, for ga for comparison. com m blood Two control groups, one no o nondiabetic and one diabetic, receiv v neither metformin received nor oni onion extract. Another two groups (one with diabe e betes, one without) rece e ceived only metformin an n no onion extract. and Ea a Each group contained five e rats.


Photo News

Monday, October 12, 2015

L-R: CEO, Stanbic IBTC Holdings Plc, Sola David-Borha; Rocket scientist and guest speaker, Siyabulela Xusa and CEO, Stanbic IBTC Bank, Yinka Sanni, at 2015 Stanbic IBTC Business Leadership Series in Lagos, at the weekend.

L-R: President of Movement for the Enterprises of France (MEDEF), Pierre Gattaz sounding the closing gong at the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) on Friday. With him are Chief Executive Officer, NSE, Oscar Onyema (left), French Ambassador, Denis Guaer and Chairman, UBA Plc, Tony Elumelu (right), who had earlier hosted the 50-man French Business delegation at UBA House.

National Mirror

L-R: Chairman, Ogbomoso Grammar School Old Students Association (OGSOSA), Lagos branch, Col. Edward Ladoye (rtd); former Chairman, Alhaji Kelani Sanni; Chairman on the occasion, General Oladayo Popoola; National Vice Chairman, OGSOSA, Prince Adeyemi Shanka and Barrister Rotimi Ladeji, at the Gesinde Memorial Lecture Season Three in Lagos, on Saturday. PHOTO: ADEMOLA AKINLABI

L-R: General Manager, CSR/SD Total Upstream, Dr Charles Ngeribara; Director, Public Health Department, FCT, Mrs Hadiza Balarabe Sabuwa; Trained Peer Educator on HIV/AIDS, Mrs Jane Okama and Corporate Affairs Manager, Total Nigeria Plc, Mr Albert Mabuyaku, during the official launch of the expanded Community HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria preventive Education Project in FCT, Abuja, at the weekend. PHOTO: ROTIMI OSASONA.

National News Ubong Ukpong ABUJA


igerian military yesterday denied possession of any escapee among the 200 girls of Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State, still in the captivity of Boko Haram. This followed controversial media report that one of the girls, who just escaped from the captivity, is now in the custody of the military. A statement by Defence Headquarters, DHQ, frowned at the report, dismissing it as blatant lies and misleading, saying there was no such escapee with the military. The statement issued through its Director of Defence Information, DDI, Colonel Rabe Abubakar, said: “The attention of Defence Headquarters, DHQ, has been drawn to the above caption published in the Saturday Vanguard of 10 October, 2015, in which it claimed one of the Chibok girls who escaped from terrorists’ captivity was handed to the military post in Baga. “The spurious report by

Boko Haram: No escapee Chibok girl with us –Military •Again, Army warns Boko Haram to surrender the Vanguard is not only misleading but is once again another unconscionable outing as there is no iota of truth in its entirety, hence should be disregarded. “In as much as the Nigerian military and other security agencies are working round the clock to secure the release of not only the Chibok girls but other innocent citizens held hostage by the terrorists, it will not give in to misleading reports, which has no true source, as we have repeatedly pledged to inform the Nigerian publics on the true situation on our ongoing operations. “The sensitive nature of this report notwithstanding, the moral justification for this false publication cannot be substantiated.” The DDI said the Nigerian military, also being a component of the society was equally worried and is doing everything possible

to address the current security challenges. He said the search for abducted Chibok school girls and the rescue of other Nigerians in hostage has never relapse as could be attested to in recent times where hundreds of women and children were rescued by the military through its coordinated operations. Abubakar said the military has, and would continue to sustain the operation until the entire North East is cleared of all terrorists and miscreants. “The DHQ is not unmindful of the media’s good intention in this regards however, we wish to advise reporters and any other stakeholders to be good partners in ensuring their safe rescue and successful termination of terrorists campaign. “We also urge journalist to be cautious of reporting such issues and by exten-

sion, security and defence related matters. “We wish to once again remind journalists to seek clarifications on any issue relating to military operations and other national sensitive matters before going to press,” the DHQ said. Meanwhile, Nigerian Army yesterday, issued another warning asking Boko Haram insurgents to surrender and face the law. A statement through the

Director of Army Public Relations, DAPR, Colonel Sani Usman, said the consequences of refusing to surrender would be devastating. Usman said: “This is to once again warn all Boko Haram terrorists wherever they are, to desist from all acts of terrorism, surrender themselves and face the law now. “We wish to inform them that we are aware of

all their hideouts, camps and enclaves. “They should follow their colleagues who have so far surrendered. “Failure to surrender will result in serious consequences as our troops are fast closing up with them. “We equally appeal to all Nigerians to kindly persuade them to desist and renounce their membership of the terrorist organization forthwith.”

Shell confirms attack on Kolo Creek oil facility


hell Petroleum Development Company, SPDC, yesterday confirmed that its flow station in Bayelsa State was attacked by suspected gunmen on Friday. Confirming the incident, the company in a statement issued by its spokesman, Mr. Joseph Obari, said investigation into the incident was underway.

“There was an armed attack on a Joint Task Force, JTF, sentry post at Kolo Creek Flow Station on October 9, 2015, in Eastern Niger Delta. “Regrettably, a community guard at the flow station lost his life in the incident. “We are saddened at this loss of life and our thoughts are with the bereaved family.

“The security agencies are investigating the incident,” it said. NAN learnt that the guard who was killed by the gunmen was on duty when they struck. It was gathered that much havoc would have been done to the facility and personnel but for the prompt response of the JTF.

National Mirror

No F explosion in Karu –NEMA, police


ational Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, yesterday said there was no bomb explosion on Saturday night in Karu, a satellite town in the Federal Capital Territory as being rumoured. Abuja Operations Coordinator of NEMA, Mr. Ishaya Chonoko, stated this in an interview in Abuja. He said the blast that was heard in the area came from a quarry company which carried out its activity without the permission of the police. “I live in Karu, there was nothing like bomb blast in Karu; it was a quarry company that carried out that blast,” he said. Similarly, the police command Abuja also debunked the news of the bomb explosion in the area. The command’s spokesman, Anjuguri Manzah, an Assistant Superintendent of Police, said personnel of the command had gone round the area and found nothing like bomb explosion.


Monday, October 12, 2015

ederal Road Safety Corps, FRSC, has appealed to security agents to stop escorting overloaded vehicles, saying the practice is unlawful. This is an act at which, vehicles have loads exceeding its normal permissible weight. FRSC Zonal Commanding Officer for Edo, Delta and Anambra states, Mr. Shehu Zaki, made the appeal in an interview in Asaba yesterday.


Stop escorting over-loaded vehicles, FRSC appeals to security agents Zaki noted that over the years, the commission had lost some grounds in the fight against overloading because some security agents provided cover for motorists that were culpable in such offences. He, however, said the

commission would not relent in its determination to check motorists indulging in overloading and committing other traffic offences. The commanding officer said the command had relaunched ‘operation clamp down on overloading’,

which would be fiercely carried out. He urged officials of the commission to ensure that violators of laws on overloading and other traffic rules were arrested and punished. Zaki, then enjoined them

to be swift, vigilant and desist from any form of corruption while carrying out their duties. He warned that any official found wanting in the course of performing his/ her duties would not be spared.

Nasarawa State spends N6bn on power plant


asarawa State Government said it has so far spent about N6bn on the construction of the multibillion naira Farin Ruwa Hydro power plant in the state. This was contained in a statement issued by Alhaji Ahmed Tukur, the Special Assistant on Media and Pub-

licity to Governor Tanko AlMakura, yesterday. According to the statement, the project, located in Wamba Local Government Area of the state began 12 years ago. The statement quoted the governor as assuring that his administration would ensure that the project was

completed. It said the governor gave the assurance when he led the Police Commissioner and Director of DSS in the state to assess equipment and facilities at the power plant. The governor urged the people of the area to collaborate with security agents

to ensure the safety of the equipment for the speedy take-off of the power plant. Al-makura also promised to re-enforce security at the project site to safe guard the equipment. The statement said the state government was making arrangement for the re-

suscitation and competition of the project through Public Private Partnership, PPP. It said some sensitive equipment might be evacuated to Lafia, the state capital to prevent re-occurrence of the fire incidence that erupted in one section of the site in February.

L-R: Chief of Staff to Osun State Governor, Alhaji Gboyega Oyetola; Deputy Governor , Mrs. Titi Laoye-Tomori; Governor Rauf Aregbesola and Chairman, Committee on State's Revenues, Comrade Hassan Summonu, during official Inauguration of the Committee by the governor, in Osogbo, at the weekend.

Nominees mount pressure on Senate CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2

gressives Congress, APC, has said President Muhammadu Buhari will not spare any minister as well as those believed to have sponsored his election but are proved to be corrupt. The clarification came against allegation that some names on the ministerial list are facing several charges bothering on corruption and that the current war against corruption is skewed towards the opposition while leaving out prominent members of the ruling party believed to have benefited from corrupt practices in the past. The emergence of the names of former Governors Rotimi Amaechi and Babatunde Fashola

of Rivers and Lagos states respectively in the list have evoked some reactions as allegation of alleged financial misdemeanors against them while in office are still trending. But in an interview with our correspondent over the weekend, APC Deputy National Chairman (North), Senator Lawan Shuaibu said the president will not hesitate to deal with anyone, no matter how high in office or society when proved by the courts that such one is corrupt. He also reacted to concerns being expressed that some of those nominated as ministers may not have been persons with unblemished characters as being projected. He said: “You see the president has said several

times that he believes in the rule of law’ that he respects the rule of the law. Anything that is not in line with the constitution and the extant laws of this country, he would not go for it. When it comes to the issue of the choice of people who will serve as ministers in his administration, I believe that until one is convicted in the law court, we will be chasing shadows on the basis of suspicions and assumptions. “If he decides to interpret the laws in the case of people facing investigation, I think he is quite free to go ahead with it. “I think, quite frankly that he is not going to stop any investigations against any member of his cabinet. But should that investigation lead to conviction in courts, I as-

sure you even before President Buhari asks them to resign; such a person would have brought a letter of resignation. “The president cannot intervene and I assure you in a matter before the court on behalf anybody, including his own child.” On the allegation that the current anti corruption crusade is being biased in its approach, Shuaibu retorted: “What did you expect the president to do? President Buhari has made it clear, even during his recent interview in New York, he said he would not be interfering with judicial process or procedures and he will wait to see when a court makes a decision on anyone; that is now when he will respect the decision of the court. “And when you are

talking about people who have contributed to his emergence as president, I do not expect anybody who contributed to the emergence of President Buhari in the last general election to do so because they wanted cover from corruption prosecution. “If anybody thinks that way, I would to say that President Buhari is not thinking that way.” Shuaibu said Nigerians will see a further lift in governance as soon as the cabinet is constituted. He said: “As soon as the ministers are swornin, the business of governance will fully commence in earnest and actual implementation of the programmes of government will start off. “I understand that a supplementary budget may be sent to the Na-

tional Assembly for consideration in order to enable government performs its functions till the end of the year when next year’s budget will be presented. This is all geared towards ensuring that government takes off in earnest. “Definitely, it is not going to be business as usual. We promised Nigerians change and I can assure you that the party will bring about that change in every aspect that we promised; security, economy, agriculture, power supply and unemployment. “It is left for the president to guide the ministers on how he wants them to help him run the business of governance, particularly where people are expecting service delivery.”



Monday, October 12, 2015

Navy destroys 50 illegal refining camps in Delta


entral Naval Command, CNC, in Yenagoa yesterday destroyed 50 illegal oil refining camps and 150 drums of locally refined diesel at Asiagbene in Delta State.

The News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, reports that CNC conducted the operation in collaboration with Nigerian Navy Ship, NNS, in Burutu Local Government Area. Real Admiral Apochi Suleiman, Flag Officer Commanding, FOC, Central Naval Command, Yenagoa, accompanied by Commodore Sule Aliyu, NNS chief in Delta, said the largest illegal refinery in the region was discovered during the raid.

He said the camps, numbering around 50, and a boat used to convey the stolen crude for refining, were destroyed during the raid on oil thieves. The FOC said no arrest was made as the oil thieves fled on sighting the ship. He said the oil thieves capitalised on the difficult terrain, adding that the journey to the creeks took about three hours. ``There is no room for criminals in the waterways anymore; we are flushing them out,’’ he said. He advised youths in the area to engage in legitimate business as the Navy was poised to deal with all forms of illegal activity in the region.

Why we committed $1bn to Africa’s development –Africare Joel Ajayi, ABUJA


ountry Director for Africare, Dr. Orode Doherty, has stated that the need to ensure even development of all Africans necessitated the injection of $1 billion into the continent by her NGO. She added that Africare had identified facility development, skills training, and sustainability initiatives as its focal points. Africare, which focuses investment in health, food security, water and sanitation, and women empowerment sectors in Africa, had impacted on millions of people in 36 countries of Africa. She stated this during the weekend at Malaria Awareness Programme in Abuja sponsored by ExxonMobil Malaria initiative in partnership with Africare and Nigerian Basketball Federation in a programme that focuses on educating the youth on how malaria impedes their development. According to her, Africare since inception has been committed to organising programmes targeted towards health, youths, HIV/AIDS and malaria. She said: “Since 1970, Africare has provided well over $1 billion of assistance and support through more than 2,500 projects in agriculture, health, food security, water & sanitation, women & youth empowerment, and HIV/AIDS. “Also, we have put in

place hundreds of initiatives that have helps to increase access, reliability, and affordability of core infrastructure throughout the continent, which have impacted on the lives of millions of beneficiaries in 36 countries of Africa. “In Nigeria today, we have implemented core malaria programmes in six states with an expanding footprint covering southern Nigeria’s high burden malaria states working with both public and private sectors, targeting pregnant women, youth and children under five years, mobilising communities towards elimination through 2020. “The training programme was conceived initially to focus on young boys and girls using basketball as a platform for bringing them together to learn about health literacy. We thought they could be ambassadors of change in reducing malaria and getting Nigeria on the path towards its elimination.” On the importance of the programme, she said the Power Forward Pilot Programme is a youth engagement initiative that uses sport to develop health literacy and life skill among Nigeria youths. She disclosed that over 300 youths from 10 secondary schools within the Federal Capital Territory have benefited from malaria awareness related programmes organised by Africare.

National Mirror

Falae’s kidnappers arrested Ojo Oyewamide, AKURE


ecurity operatives have arrested five suspects over the abduction of former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF, Oluyemisi Falae.

Three of them were nabbed in Niger State last Sunday, while the other two were arrested during the week. It was gathered that the police were still on the trail of other fleeing

suspects. Arrest of the hoodlums came three weeks after Falae was kidnapped from his Ilado farm in Akure North Local Government Area of Ondo State. The elder statesman was believed to have been abducted by suspected Fulani herdsmen. He was released three days later in Owo after a ransom had been paid. A source in Falae’s house disclosed that all the suspects have been

kept in the custody of Special Anti-Robbery Squad, SARS, of the State Police Command, Akure, the state capital. He said: “Five of them have been arrested. Three were arrested in Niger State on Sunday, while two others were arrested somewhere I cannot say for now. But all the suspects are now in the custody of SARS. “The police are still searching for other seven suspects. I am sure they will be arrested very,

very soon.” Police Public Relations Officer, Femi Joseph, could not confirm the development, saying the Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase, was handling the issue. “I don’t know anything about the issue. It is the IG that has taken over the matter of Chief Falae’s kidnap because it is a national issue. The IG is likely to brief the press about the development tomorrow (today),” he said.

Deputy Controller, Mrs. Lean Oyama, said there was need for new framework on such agreement as huge amount of revenue could be lost through the product. He said: “The emerging ICT trend both organisations have needs to be synergised better. The online merchandising because it is a big challenge, because while the NCS is involved in checking goods that come into the country

through the sea and airports, all other valuable items also come by post and revenue can be lost if not well-regulated.” While acknowledging the cordial relationship existing between both bodies, he said: “We are here because of the relationship the Postal Service and Customs have maintained in the past. The NCS and NIPOST are therefore partners in progress and because of this the relation-

ship should be continued.’’ Disagreeing with Ogun, Ali said: “And from your address, you said something that touched NCS dearly as the Money Laundering Provision Act as amended in 2012, empowered NCS to monitor cross-border cash movement and monitoring this from any part of Africa crosses the border into our country. And so your bilateral agreement with those countries is a source of concern to NCS.”

NIPOST, NCS disagree over new product, post-transfer

Regina Otokpa


igeria Customs Service, NCS, has disagreed with the Nigeria Postal Service, NIPOST, over its bilateral agreement with some countries on a newly introduced worldwide money order product called PostTransfer. The agreement was sealed with the United States, China, South Africa, India, Cameroun, Togo, Uganda, Tanzania and other West African countries. Acting Comptroller of NIPOST, Enoch Ade Ogun, during the 2015 World Post Day in Abuja, said the newly introduced product would enable Nigerians in the Diaspora to remit money home easily and faster. He said: “As part of our response to customers’ needs and in continuation of our role in financial inclusion, we have introduced the worldwide international money order product called Post-Transfer.’’ To this end, Ogun added that the agency had entered into bilateral agreement with postal administrations of Cameroun, United States, India, Kenya, Zimbabwe Togo and Uganda. He said: “We also have signed agreement with the United Arab Emirate (UAE), to extend our reach to the Middle East, China and India so that Nigerians in these countries can send money to their loved ones and also receive through the post.” Reacting, Comptroller General of NCS, Col. Hammed Ibrahim Ali (rtd), who was represented by

FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF NIGERIA FEDERAL MINISTRY OF EDUCATION FEDEDAL SCIENCE AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE, OTUKPO INVITATION FOR TENDER FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF 2015 PROJECT The Federal Government of Nigeria has provided funds in the 2015 Appropriation for Federal Science and Technical College, Otukpo through Federal Ministry of Education (FME) and the School is desirous to utilize the fund to procure WORKS. Therefore services of Experienced Contractors are required to procure the following WORKS and as listed below: LOT 1:- WORKS A Construction of Perimeter Fencing. TENDER REQUIREMENTS Interested and competent Contractors wishing to carry out the above job are required to submit the following documents which will be subjected to verification by the School: a. Evidence of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CA); b. Evidence of Current Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three (3) years ending in December, 2015. c. Evidence of VAT registration Certificate with Tin Number. d. Names of Bankers with references; e. Evidence of Financial Capability to execute the projects; f. Company profile with CVs of key officers including photocopies of relevant professional/technical qualifications; g. Evidence of registration with relevant professional bodies such as ARCON, COREN, CORBON, etc, for Section A (Works Component) only; h. List of verifiable of Construction Equipment indicating ownership or lease agreement. i. Verifiable evidence of successful completion of similar works within the past three (3) years and attach copies of letters of awards and certificates of successful completion; j. Evidence of issuance of Compliance Certificate to all Organizations by PENCOM in line with Pension Reform Act 2004 (as amended); k. Evidence of compliance with the amended industrial training fund act, 2011; l. Evidence of compliance with relevant provision of the NSITF Act; m. Submission of an interim Registration Report (IRR) as evidence of registration on the National Database of Contractors, Consultants, and Service Providers in line with Section 5(h) and 6(I)(f) of the Public Procurement Act,2007. n. Evidence of Certification by the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRCN): o. A sworn affidavit disclosing whether or not any officer of Federal Science and Technical College, Otukpo or BPP is a former or present Director, shareholder or has any pecuniary interest in the bidder and confirm that all information presented in its bid are true and correct in all particular. N.B: The above listed requirement shall form part of the bids evaluation criteria and non-compliance with any of the stated conditions shall result in automatic disqualification of the bidder Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures as specified in the 2007 Public Procurement Act. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from School’s Tenders Board and inspect the Bidding Documents between 9.00am till 3.30pm (Mondays-Fridays) except public holidays. The address is: Office of the School Tenders Board Federal Science and Technical College, Otukpo, Benue State. COLLECTION OF DOCUMENTS A complete set of bidding documents shall be collected by interested bidders from the address in paragraph 5 above on the submission of written application for not more than two (2) lots accompanied by a non-refundable fee of Twenty Thousand Naira (N20,000.00) per lot in certified bank draft payable to Federal Science and Technical College, Otukpo. The bidding documents will be collected by hand by bidder’s representative. SUBMISSION OF TENDER DOCUMENTS The completed tender should be enveloped, sealed and marked on the Top Left Hand Corner with the inscription and deposited in the Tender Box at the address in paragraph 5 above on or Federal Science and Technical College, Otukpo, before 12 noon on 23rd November, 2015. Late bids will be rejected. PUBLIC OPENING OF BIDS Bids shall be opened on 23rd November, 2015 at 1.00pm in the address below in the presence of the bidders’ representatives, and interested members of the public. Bid opening venue shall be at: Office of the School Tenders Board, Federal Science and Technical College, Otukpo, Benue State. Nothing in this advertisement shall be construed as a commitment on the part of the Ministry to award any or all the above listed projects

Signed: The Principal Federal Science and Technical College, Otukpo, Benue State

National Mirror


Monday, October 12, 2015


Ex-minister blames power situation under Jonathan on sabotage ABIODUN NEJO ADO EKITI


Officers and men of Navy Headquarters at the 3rd Quarter rout march in Abuja, on Saturday.

You can’t resign –Osun govt tells Soyinka


ormer Minister of Power, Prof. Chinedu Nebo, has blamed sabotage for the inability of former President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration to bring about the desired turnaround in power supply. Nebo, pioneer Vice Chancellor of Federal University, Oye Ekiti, FUOYE, said it was quite disturbing that some cabals were constantly destroying gas pipelines with the intention to sabotage Jonathan’s strides in the sector. He said since the advent of the new administration, the result of the huge investment of the Jonathan administration in the sector had started manifesting in the improved power situation being witnessed in the country. Nebo spoke at Ikole Ekiti at the weekend, while being conferred with the honorary title of Ateyese of Egbeoba kingdom by the Elekole, Oba Ajibade Fasiku. Oba Fasiku also conferred the honorary title of Yeye Atayese on the former Minister’s wife, Felicia Nebo, in recognition of their contributions to the establishment and nurturing of the Faculty of Engineering at the Ikole campus of FUOYE. According to the former minister, it will be wrong to attribute the improvement to President Muhammadu Buhari’s body language and resolve to fight corruption, restating that Jonathan’s investment in the sector had started to yield dividends for Nigerians. He said: “Some say it is Buhari’s body language that has brought the improvement, but I do not know what they mean. You can see that these sabo-

sun State government yesterday urged Nobel Laureate, Prof Wole Soyinka, not to resign as chairman of the Centre for Black Culture and International Understanding, CBCIU, Osogbo. In a response personally signed by Governor Rauf Aregbesola, the government stated that public interest is supreme in all matters. The governor called on people of goodwill in Nigeria and beyond to prevail on Prof. Soyinka not to go ahead with his decision to resign, saying that in the interest of the public and culture of the Yoruba nation to which Soyinka is passionately committed, he must continue in his capacity as chairman, the Board of Trustees of the Centre. He said: “Yes, Wole Soyinka has resigned but he himself has conceded the fact that the governor must accept it.

“We cannot accept the resignation even though we hold him in the highest of esteem, because of the responsibilities attached to his chairmanship of the Centre for Black Culture and International Understanding, which is beyond him and even beyond us. “It has to do with the culture and tradition of our people, which we believe the CBCIU is meant to preserve and promote.” “We call on all people of goodwill to prevail on Prof. Wole Soyinka, an international personage of culture, in the interest of our people, not to go ahead with his decision to resign.” The government stated that though the former chairman of the Centre had the vision to build the centre in his capacity then as governor of the state, he cannot be the chairman in perpetuity as stipulated


EFCC grants Kwankwaso’s aide bail



conomic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has granted a former Special Adviser to exGovernor Rabiu Kwankwaso of Kano State, Mr. Muktar Yerima, administrative bail. Yerima, who is now Chairman of Tarauni Lo-

cal Government Area of the state, was arrested by EFCC operatives in his Kano office on Saturday. He was being accused of embezzling N65m from Kano State coffers when he was acting as aide to former governor, now a senator. A source from the commission confirmed to our

by the law establishing the Centre. “The issue here is not difficult at all. The issue is that for whatever reason, a former governor of our state who had the vision of building that centre was misdirected to believe that he could be the perpetual chairman of the Board of Trustees, a situation that contradicts the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on any public institution. “There is no way the constitution will permit any individual to, in his individual capacity, head at that level, public institutions in perpetuity. It is not done. It offends the constitution. No matter how powerful you may be, no individual can put himself in perpetual role in a public institution,” the statement added. It noted that the law, which vested perpetual chairmanship in the

correspondent that the suspect was granted administrative bail around 1pm yesterday. While confirming the release, the commission’s spokesman, Mr. Wilson Uwujaren, said investigation into the alleged fraud was still ongoing. Asked if he would be charged to court, Wilson

former governor, has been amended. It said: “The law which vested the perpetual chairmanship of the Centre on the former governor has been amended through the Centre for Black Culture and International Understanding (Amendment) Law 2012. “Wherever the public interest is, personal interest suffers, diminishes or does not exist at all. The public interest prevails.” “To that extent, as far at the CBCIU is concerned, the obnoxious section which gives the perpetual chairmanship of the Board of Trustees to any individual is no longer there. “It is null and void and cannot be the point of reference for anybody. Whoever therefore still sees himself in that light is not in any way acting on the legal instrument today in force on that centre.”

stated that he had no such details. “All I can confirm to you is that the suspect has been granted administrative bail while further investigation into the alleged fraud is ongoing,” he added. Nigeria can generate 45,000 mw with coal –Gobir

A member of the National Assembly, Senator Ibrahim Gobir (APC Sokoto East) yesterday in Abuja said the nation could generate 45,000 megawatts of electricity if it utilised its coal reserves. He told News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, that if the coal resource in Enu-

teurs have stopped regular bursting of the gas pipes that powered the electricity since President Buhari came on board. Some people did not want Jonathan to succeed. “Some of these people were doing this great disservice because they did not like President Jonathan. The regular power supply now is Jonathan’s labour. The present administration has not added any value to the sector and Nigerians must appreciate this.” However, for the total resuscitation of the power sector to be realisable, Nebo urged President Buhari to focus attention on embedded power generation and strengthening of the infrastructure for transmission. “President Buhari will do wonders if he strengthens embedded generation and builds more infrastructures for transmission of power. “The President should also change the threshold for licensing from one megawatt to five megawatts because the former has no incentive for investors and I believe Nigeria will leapfrog from 4,000mw to something more appreciable if this is done,” he said. He urged Nigerians to stop using the country’s diversity to cause crisis in the system, saying “the greatest strength we have in this country is our diversity and it should be used for the benefit of all rather using it to cause more confusion in the system.” Nebo also appealed to the people from the Southeast to refrain from castigating President Buhari over perceived marginalisation of the region in the appointments he has made so far, saying such imbalance would be corrected in the subsequent appointments.

gu, Benue and Kogi states were harnessed, power problems in the country would be a thing of the past. The senator, who was speaking on the challenges of Nigeria at 55, said challenges in the country could be surmounted if there was a political will to do so.



Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

Scores escape death as explosion rocks Lagos Francis Suberu


L-R: Nollywood star, Funke Akindele; upcoming artiste Cleo Thelma and Glo ambassador, Bez Idakula, at the Glo Slide n Bounce concert in Surulere, Lagos, on Saturday. PHOTO: BEN MEMULETIWON

Unpaid salaries: Governance under threat in Nigeria, says Aregbesola … Sunmonu heads c’ttee on Osun workers’ salary Boladale Bamigbola, OSOGBO


sun State Governor Rauf Aregbesola, has stated that sharp drop in revenue accruing to states in the country has brought governance under mortal threat. The governor, who disclosed this at the Governor’s Office during inauguration of a Committee of Government and Labour to oversee allocation of the state’s revenue for prompt payment of salaries as well as adequate running of government, said the committee in a transparent manner will use funds accruing to government to take care of salaries, pensions and other critical expenditure of government. To head the 17-man committee is veteran Labour leader and one time Secretary General of the Organisation of African Trade Unions, OATU, Comrade Hassan Sunmonu. Members of the committee include Osun NLC chairman, Jacob Adekomi; chairman, Joint Negotiating Council, JNC, Bayo Adejumo; Osun’s Nigerian Union of Teachers chairman, comrades Wakeel Amuda, Rufus Adeyemi, Oluwatoyin Idowu, Afolabi, Gbenga Oyebode and Akeem Ibrahim. Others are Chief of staff to the Governor, Alhaji Gboyega Oyetola, former

Group Managing Director of Oodua Investment, Bayo Jimoh, former Commissioner for Information, Sunday Akere, Managing Director, Osun Investment Company, Mr. Bola Oyebamiji, Permanent Secretaries of the Ministries of Finance, Local Government and Chieftaincy titles and that of Human Resources and Capacity Building. Aregbesola said the birth of a committee was long overdue having suggested the idea in the wake of the clamour for minimum wage which pitched workers against their state governments. Aregbesola pointed out that the financial tsunami

that swept through the federation, beginning from July 2013 and ravaged the entire country crippled the finances of states and the federal government, making payment of salaries very difficult. The governor stressed that the present situation of government calls for toughness, saying his administration will critically look at the next 24 months to take the state through the stormy weather. Aregbesola called on workers to be prepared for a more efficient service rendering period by changing their attitude from seeing government’s business as social security, but insisted that it should be run

as a profitable venture and admonished people on the need to pay tax for government to be able to pay salaries and develop the state. Responding, Comrade Hassan Sunmonu, a former NLC president, thanked the governor for setting the labour/government committee up, saying it will assist the parties in working harmoniously to find a lasting solution to the salaries hiccups. Sunmonu stated that the welfare of workers and the people of the state was the major objective of setting up the committee, adding that the committee will work tirelessly to make sure everything comes to success.

devastating explosion yesterday rocked Lagos at Oworonshoki area of the city, injuring a number of people and destroying properties worth millions of naira. Eyewitnesses said a deafening noise was heard at about 1pm on Sunday at House 88, behind Oworonshoki busstop, which caused serious vibration and panic in the area. The resultant panic made people to scamper for safety as a result of which many were injured. Four people were confirmed injured by agencies of the state government. The vibration also destroyed many houses. Emergency rescuers thronged the area to rescue lives. They included officials of Lagos State Fire Service, Lagos State Emergency Management Agency, LASEMA, police and others. Crowd at the scene was disrupted as rescue operators searched frantically for casualties in ruins of houses. An eyewitness, Kabiawu Babajide, said the explosion was so massive that it shook the ground and shattered windows of many houses in the area. Though the cause of the explosion was yet to be ascertained, many witnesses at the scene said it was a bomb explo-

sion, while others said it was gas explosion. However, LASEMA General Manager, Michael Akindele, debunked the claim that it was a bomb explosion, stressing that it was a chemical explosion. He said the explosion occurred in a bungalow where gas and carbonated drinks were sold. According to him, leakage from one of the gas cylinders ignited the explosion and with the aid of the carbonated wares, the explosion was massive and destroyed some nearby houses. He said the bungalow housed five shops, one of which housed the gas and other carbonated drinks being sold. Akindele said four people were injured in the explosion, including three adult males and a six-month old baby, saying the baby had however been rushed to Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, LASUTH, for urgent medical attention. “No life was lost, we only have four casualties, three adult males and a six-month-old baby. The recovery process is still ongoing. It was not a bomb explosion but a chemical explosion,” he said. Director, Lagos State Fire Service, Rasak Fadipe, said his men were swift in responding to the emergency and corroborated that only four people were injured.

Mental screening canvassed for ministerial nominees Kemi Olaitan, IBADAN


director with the World Health Organisation, WHO, Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Neuroscience, Prof. Oye Guruje, has said besides assets declaration of would-be ministers under President Muhammadu Buhari, the Senate should also ensure they are certified medically fit for the job. It would be recalled that the Senate had last week told the ministerial nomi-

nees whose names were sent to the National Assembly for confirmation that “you must declare your assets, and must have a certificate of proof that you have declared your assets, and that you are given a certificate of proof by the Code of Conduct Bureau.” But Guruje during this year’s World Mental Health Day in Ibadan at the weekend admonished the Senate to also insist that the incoming ministers should be men of integrity like Buhari so as to jointly salvage the national economy from the brink

of collapse occasioned by years of mindless looting of the nation’s treasury by public officers. Guruje, who is also initiator and project director of the mental health leadership and advocacy programme (mhLAP), a project of mental health leadership capacity building and advocacy being conducted in five West African countries, including Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra-Leone, Liberia and The Gambia, said corruption was a thing of the mind and not necessarily connected with the state of mental health of public

officers. Speaking on this year’s theme titled “Dignity in Mental Health”, he noted that the stakeholders were raising awareness on what could be done to ensure people with mental health conditions live with dignity through the development and implementation of policies and law that protect their human rights, adequate training of health professionals to provide effective mental health service, respect for the views of persons with mental health conditions by their health providers, their inclusion in deci-

sion-making processes, and informed public attitude to mental illness. Guruje, who was flanked by Dr. Adeoye Oyewole, a consultant psychiatrist and Dr. Vivian Ikem, whose new book “Shadows in the Mirror -the many faces of depression’’ billed for launch later this month in Lagos was introduced to the public, quoted from a 2010 report which stated that about one in seven adult Nigerians will have one form of mental disorder or the other in their lifetime.

National Mirror


Monday, October 12, 2015

Tinubu, Aregbesola not at loggerheads over ministers –APC Boladale Bamigbola, OSOGBO


ll Progressives Congress, APC, Osun State chapter, yesterday dismissed insinuations of bickering between Governor Rauf Aregbesola and the party’s National Leader, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, over who to be nominated into President Muhammadu Buhari’s cabinet. It also rejected the claim that Tinubu was under security watch. In a statement issued in

Osogbo by Kunle Oyatomi, its director of publicity, research and strategy, APC said there was never a time Aregbesola and Tinubu disagreed over ministerial nominations. According to the party, at no time did any APC governor in the South West unilaterally submitted names of ministerial nominees. “To have therefore, suggested that there was a disagreement between Ogbeni Aregbesola and Tinubu on this issue is false and

grossly mischievous,” the party said. It also decried what it called “extreme desperation” to create bad blood within APC by the media, insisting that Tinubu is not, and has never been under security watch. The statement reads: “There is practically no basis for such an action because the relationship between the national leader and the president and other senior members of the party remains excellent. “It is laughable and wor-

risome the extreme desperation by some media houses in the country to create bad blood within the APC leadership in order to discredit the party. “The moment in which the country is, calls for patriotism on all sides of our national engagement in other to keep jackboot dictatorship out of the polity permanently. “Our collective struggle should be to grow democracy, promote freedom and enshrine peace and progress in Nigeria.”

Business man defrauds Sterling Bank of N15m Patience Ogbo


businessman, Ogunleye Babatunde, has been declared wanted by the police following allegations of forgery and obtaining money under false pretence. According to the police, the suspect, a staff of BABOG Investment Limited, in Lagos, with others, allegedly conspired among themselves and allegedly defrauded the bank of the sum. The suspect, who was declared wanted by the office of the Assistant Inspector


Debt: We’ve received N2bn from states –WAEC Saidat Alausa


ead of National Office, HNO, West African Examinations Council, WAEC, Mr. Charles Eguridu, has disclosed that the council has received 2bn out of over N4bn owed by some states in the country. He said this during a media parley with Education Writers Association of Nigeria, EWAN, in Lagos at

the weekend. According to him, the parley was to appreciate the media who had one way or the other helped the council in achieving its mandate, especially in getting the money owed by some states. It would be recalled that some months ago WAEC through a press conference announced that some states had refused to pay for the May/June examination of students from public schools, amounting to

N4bn. Eguridu urged the media to help in fighting examination malpractice, describing what is happening in the country now as “organised malpractice.” He said the development was a further reflection of moral decadence in the country, where the culture of accepting low quality, where anything goes is the order of the day. “We cannot say we don’t have resources or human

capital but it is our culture of ignorance, corruption and ethnicity that have deprived us of qualitative leadership and quality education. “Until everyone effects change in every corner we found ourselves, where each one refused to accept corruption, lies, malpractice and cheating in our community, that is when the country will see the light of the day,” he said.

allotted carrying capacity by the regulating body, National Board for Technical Education, NBTE. In a statement by the institution’s spokesman, Prince Ade Adeyemi-Adejolu, Akande assured that all hands were on deck to ensure a smooth-free conclusion of admission processes with the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board, JAMB, to enable the institution begin the 2015/2016 session in due

course. The rector had during an assessment tour of the week-long screening exercise, observed that the polytechnic had come a long way since 2011 when it began Computer-Based P-UTME screening of candidates who chose the institution. The 2015 P-UTME screening test was held between Monday and Friday last week. The institution’s Direc-

tor of Academic Planning, Mr. Gbenga Owolabi, said the P-UTME was delayed for proper fine-tuning of necessary arrangements and logistics in expectation of a successful exercise. Owolabi said all loopholes witnessed in the past five years since the CBT screening started had been blocked to forestall any form of examination malpractice, adding that the exercise was been hitch-free as expected.

7,000 contest for 2,000 admission slots at Ado Poly Abiodun Nejo, ADO EKITI


ector of Federal Polytechnic, Ado Ekiti, Dr Theresa Akande, has said the institution can admit only 2,000 applicants among the 7,000 that sat for its post-Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination, P-UTME, last week. Akande said the polytechnic could only admit about 2,000 for National Diploma, ND, in view of its

General of Police, AIG, in charge of Zone 2, Onikan, Lagos, on CRO Form 5, allegedly conspired with others to obtain a contract finance facility with forged documents from the bank, but took to his heels after he got the money. According to the police, the warrant for the suspect’s arrest has been obtained from a magistrate’s court. The statement gave the suspect’s home address as number 3, Obafemi Awolowo Way, Ikeja, while his last known address is 4,Fatimoh Bintus Street, Selebo Estate, Ag,a lkorodu.

Police arrest guard with AK-47 rifles Patience Ogbo

L-R: Senator Lanre Tejuoso; daughters of the late Mrs. H.I.D Awolowo, Mrs Tokunbo Awolowo-Dosunmu; Mrs. Omotola Oyediran and Senate President Bukola Saraki, during the Senate delegation’s condolence visit to the family in Ikenne.


olicemen attached to the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, SARS, Lagos State police command, are investigating a 58-year-old man, Jude Ojoo, over allegations of impersonation and gun-running. According to a police source, the suspect was arrested by Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of B Operations, John Dokumor, for driving against traffic. Following his arrest, the suspect was handed over to SARS operatives for further investigation. It was gathered that when the police conducted a search of the suspect’s vehicle guns were found in the booth, with a police uniform and the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police, includ-

ing a forged police identity card. The suspect, however, claimed that he was a guard at an unnamed church and that the guns belonged to his church. He said: “I am a security man at a church. I was using the guns for protection of our church. I was coming back from the armoury where I had gone to repair the guns. We were four in the vehicle, including our GO (General Overseer) of our church. I was driving against traffic at the Abattoir area when I was arrested and the guns were found on me.” Asked how he came about the guns and police uniforms, including fake identity card, the suspect said: “I got the guns to protect the church. I am the head of security in our church and the guns are licensed.”

Restoration of power supply excites Ekiti varsity students Abiodun Nejo, ADO EKITI


tudents of Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, EKSU, have expressed excitement over yesterday’s restoration of electricity supply to Iworoko-Ekiti, where a large percentage of them reside. They sang the praises of the governor, who ensured the restoration of power supply to the community. The town had been without power supply for nine months due to nonpayment of electricity bills to the Benin Electricity Distribution Company, BEDC, by residents. The restoration of power supply was sequel to a meeting the governor held with the student leaders last Wednesday, where he promised to resolve

the problems within one week. EKSU Students Union Government, SUG, President, Oladimeji Bayo, General Secretary, Okunoye Ayobami and Publicity Secretary, Daniel Stephen, in a statement described the governor as students’ friend, promise keeper and a passionate father. Also, Deputy Senate President of National Association of Nigerian Students, NANS, Olusegun Famuyibo, praised the restoration. He said: “It is imperative to note that the Ekiti Students Stakeholders Forum had during an advocacy visit to the governor appealed to him to help restore electricity to the students’ area, which has been a problem for about nine months.”


South East

Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

Drop corrupt, aged ministerial nominees, Senate told EMMANUEL EZEH ENUGU


s the Senate begins screening of ministerial nominees on Tuesday, the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, says any politician with corruption issues should not be confirmed. The CAN also urged the lawmakers to disqualify any nominee that is advanced in age. Secretary of CAN in Enugu State, Apostle Joseph Ajujungwa, who stated this in Enugu over the weekend, at an event to mark his 35th priesthood anniversary, said Nigerians should stop trivialising corruption. He maintained that corruption was clearly stealing and that any politician who continued with such habit, despite hearing the word of God daily, would end up in hell. Ajujungwa said, “They are talking about corruption, but what is corrup-

tion? It is simply stealing, call it by its name – stealing. If somebody is a thief, call him a thief; stop using the word corruption.” On the ministerial list, Ajujungwa, who is also administrative secretary of the Southern Nigeria Christian Elders’ Forum, said the crop of people nominated by Buhari was an indication that he is not ready to fight corruption. He said, “I am sorry for Buhari; if you look at the crop of people he is picking as ministers, for instance, Audu Ogbe, who was a minister in the ‘80s, and the father of the present Senate President screened him for that ministerial appointment, now the son is screening him again, what a mess. Does it mean we don’t have people? Such an old man is supposed to give young people the opportunity to serve. “It means that most of our political leaders are

Kalu’s aide extols president over Amina Mohammed


head of screening and approval of ministerial nominees by the Senate, Special Adviser to former Abia State governor, Dr. Orji Kalu, Prince Kunle Oyewumi, has commended President Muhammadu Buhari for the nomination of Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning to United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, Alhaja Amina Mohammed, as a member of the Federal Executive Council, noting that her character and profile was a testament to her commitment to good governance and the Nigeria project. According to Oyewumi, who was one-time Special Adviser on Millennium Development Goals, MDGs, to Oyo State government, Mohammed is a seasoned development expert, stressing that she would bring her vast cross-border administrative experiences to bear on any portfolio assigned her by the president. In a statement made available to the media on Sunday, Oyewumi said, “The choice of Amina Mohammed did not come as a surprise to many of

us who had worked with her closely when she held sway as Presidential Adviser on MDGs. She is a thoroughbred professional and philanthropist, who is committed to a just and equitable society anchored on probity, transparency and accountability. Mrs Mohammed has a proven track record beyond the shores of Nigeria, having served in different positions locally and internationally. “During her tenure as SSAP MDGs, she demonstrated her capability as she adopted pragmatic strategies and executed pro-poor projects that impacted lives positively. She designed a workable framework for the execution of poverty reduction initiatives including the Conditional Grants Scheme, Quick Win projects among others using the Debt Relief Grants. There is no doubt that with her impressive profile and proven track record, she will be a great asset to the federal cabinet.” Oyewumi called on state governors to emulate President Buhari by appointing credible people into various positions, adding that gender balance must be ensured in all government appointments.

not focused; they have no vision for the country. Look at Edwin Clark telling us that he has resigned from PDP and all what not; what does that mean? Some of them are running because of their contract and dirty businesses they want to protect. So, they are running from pillar to post so they can be protected.

“So, in the light of the above, we are telling the Senate that anyone with questionable character should be dropped. The Senate should also tell the elderly nominees to go and rest, let younger ones be nominated. “I don’t know why Buhari is afraid of the younger generation; they don’t have plan for the

younger generation. How can an elder of 82 years be appointed a minister? They should serve as advisers and allow the younger generation to take charge. “If Buhari likes, let him kill everyone, corruption will not go in this country unless we go to God in prayer and begin to re-orientate

ourselves and depend on what we can give to the nation. We should know that Nigeria belongs to all of us, how can one person have $21billion, or own hundreds of billions of naira, where did they get the money? Those in government are killing us, even Buhari knows this, the senators also know.”

L-R: Head Reforms Unit, National Agency for Food, Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Mr Ikenna Ozo-Onyali; representative of NAFDAC Director-General, Dr Abubakar Jimoh and Head of Corruption Monitoring Unit, ICPC, Mr Akeem Lawal, during the Communique ReadingSession of NAFDAC/ICPC Sensitization Workshop on Anti-Corruption, Gender and Servicom for NAFDAC Staff in Enugu, yesterday. PHOTO:NAN

Criticism: Umahi asks PDP to soft-pedal on Buhari ALIUNA GODWIN ABAKALIKI.


bonyi State Governor Dave Umahi has called on the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, to refrain from engaging in ‘‘senseless and needless opposition’’ with the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC, administration of President Muhammadu Buhari. Umahi disclosed this at the weekend while ad-

dressing PDP members, who paid him condolence visit at his country home, Uburu in Ohaozara Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. He said since Ebonyi has a lot of challenges, it would make no sense for it to embark on “senseless opposition.” But he quickly added that supporting Buhari’s programmes does not in any way mean that he (Umahi) and other members of Ebonyi PDP would

abandon their party. He maintained his support for President Buhari’s anti-corruption programme, adding that he believes in the president’s sincerity and commitment to check graft in the country. Umahi also narrated the last moments of his mother, Deaconess Margaret Umahi, at an Enugubased hospital, saying his family was grateful to God that she passed on peace-

fully. He said she died a few minutes after the hospital’s management certified her fit to go home on Tuesday morning. The governor said while it is natural for one to feel pained by the loss of a loved one, the Umahi’s are thankful God that their mother lived a life that touched many positively.

New governors unlucky –NGF chairman EMMANUEL EZEH ENUGU


hairman of Nigeria Governors’ Forum, Abdulaziz Abubakar Yari, has declared that first term governors are particularly unlucky in view of the current harsh economic realities facing the nation. Yari, who was accompanied by former speaker, House of Representatives, and now governor of Sokoto State, Aminu Waziri

Tambuwal, on a visit to their Enugu counterpart, however, pointed out that there was hope in efforts to revitalise the economy. The visiting governors, who attended a burial ceremony in Enugu, had paid a courtesy call on Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi. He said it was in the spirit of their cordial relationships during their tenures as members of the House of Representatives. The three National Assembly members were elected governors dur-

ing the last governorship election in their respective states. Speaking with Enugu Government House correspondents after a closed door session with the Enugu governor, Yari said, “Each and every nation has its own problems, especially on the issue of the economy. “We were discussing with our brother here (Ugwuanyi). We came in as governors and we can say we are not lucky but in reality, we are lucky

because we won our elections. We came when the economy is down but we are managing. “You can see we have hope in Nigeria. When our security issue is settled and the economy working gradually to ensure that all the leakages are blocked, we can enhance the revenue generation to the betterment of our nation. “So far, I can say, it is so good. We are making progress, especially on the issue of security,” he stated.

National Mirror

South South

Monday, October 12, 2015


Shock, disbelief as Bayelsans mourn Alamieyeseigha •APC, PDP too OBIORA IFOH AND OSAHON JULIUS


ayelsans are still in shock and disbelief over the sudden death of first civilian Governor of the 19-yearold state, Chief Dipreye Alamieyeseigha, even 24 hours after the demise was made public. Residents of Yenagoa, the state capital, were seen discussing the death of the 63-year-old former governor, generally referred to as ‘Governor General’ in hush tones, with many expressing shock over the development. Though residents carried on their normal social and commercial activities, the mood in the town was sober, with some recounting the many good things he did for people of the state when he was governor. At his palatial mansion at Alamieyeseigha Way, Opolo in Yenagoa suburb, the gate was under lock and key, which was not a new thing, as the house had been unoccupied for a long time. There was no family member at the house, as it was deserted with only the gateman watching over the multi-million naira edifice. The mood at Amasoma, his home town, was not different from that of Yenagoa when our correspondent visited. Residents went about their normal businesses, while some were not even aware of the demise of the man, regarded as the builder of modern day Amasoma. At his equally palatial home in the heart of the University town, the gate was also locked with no sign of any one leaving there except a frail looking old man, who said he was the gate man. He said nobody was at home, adding that the house most times was unoccupied as the ex-governor spent his time in Yenagoa, Port-Harcourt or Abuja with his family. However there was sign of life at his family compound where a woman, who they said was his step mother was wailing and

raining abuses in their native dialect at the APC governorship aspirant, Timipre Sylva and All Progressives Congress, APC, for allegedly masterminding the death of their son. Two of his nephews, Timi Femo and Mike Femo, expressed shock over his death, saying they learnt from close friends in Port Harcourt about his death yesterday evening. They said there was no inkling of death as they were with him about three weeks ago, hale and hearty. The duo also said there was no sign that he was sick until they heard about three days ago that he was hospitalised and had gone into coma at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital. Wife of his close cousin and former paramount ruler of the town, Graham Ineigba, told our correspondent that he was too shock and unable to speak to anyone for now. Speaking on the demise of their illustrious son, the Traditional Ruler of Amasoma town, Chief Shark Nengi Sego, said Chief Alameiyeseigha, was like a god to the community and will be missed by all. He said the late former governor was a benefactor to many and was reason Amasoma was what it looks like today, a sprawling town, with a university, and a road, linking Yenagoa. Chief Sego said before the former governor constructed the link road and the bridge that

now takes less than 20 minutes to link Yenagoa, residents had to travel through the sea for about two hours. Coordinator of Ijaw Monitoring Group, IMG, Joseph Evah, in his Facebook page, said Ijaw nation will never forget the late Alamieyeseigha’s commitment to Ijaw struggle.

Meanwhile, APC and the People Democratic Party, PDP, in separate statements yesterday reacted to Chief Alamieyeseigha’s death. In a statement issued in Abuja by its National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, APC condoled with the Bayelsa State Government over the death of the former

Ministerial screening: Rivers APC woos Senate over Amaechi DENNIS NAKU



ll Progressives Congress, APC, has appealed to the Senate to give former governor, Chibuike Amaechi, special concession during its screening of ministerial nominees tomorrow. Rivers State chapter of

...denies approving N750m for Delta lawmakers WARRI


elta State Governor Ifeanyi Okowa has said his administration will begin construction of bad roads in the state in dry season. The gover nor also denied claims that he had approved 750m to members of the House of Assembly for a week’s training in the United States of America. Speaking yesterday at the palace of the

describing the development as deeply saddening. “PDP mourns the demise of this great Nigerian, who made immense contributions and sacrifices towards the unity, stability and development of his state and our dear nation both as a military officer and a politician,” the party said.

Delta State Governor, Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa; Chief.O.T. Adams and Regent of Warri Kingdom, Prince Eroro Emiko, during a visit to the Itsekiri nation, Warri, yesterday.

the party in a statement issued in Port Harcourt yesterday by its Chairman, Dr. Davies Ikanya, commended the Senate for its decision to be thorough in the screening, but appealed to it not to totally discard the tradition of asking deserving ones to take a bow and go. “We wish to respectfully appeal to the distin-

Why we can’t construct roads now –Okowa E LO O GWARA

governor. It said it received the news with great shock, considering that he was not publicly reported to have been gravely ill. Similarly, PDP National Publicity Secretary, Chief Olisa Metuh, in a statement said the party was still in shock over news of the sudden death of the former governor,

Olu of Warri, Okowa said his visit with the regent and council of chiefs was to lear n of ongoing preparations for the burial ceremony of the late Itsekiri monarch, Atuwatse II, as well as figure out ways to install the new Olu. It would be recalled that the Warri council of chiefs officially announced the death of their monarch on 19 September. Restating commitment of his administration towards devel-

opment of the entire state, Okowa said: “I am sure you are aware that the rains are still on. Only mad men construct roads in rainy season because you will destroy the road rather than repair it, but in dry season we will attend to the issues in Warri kingdom.” Describing the late king as a fatherly figure both in the state and Nigeria, the governor said the meeting was well accomplished, adding that the king would be given a befitting burial.

guished Senate to put Rt. Hon. Amaechi on the list of nominees to be honoured with the ‘bow and go’ tradition because he is a former lawmaker. “Apart from being Speaker of a State House of Assembly for eight years (1999 to 2007), he also meritoriously served as Chairman of the Nigerian Speakers Forum, thereby greatly contributing to the legislative evolution of Nigeria,” the party said. APC also said Amaechi was one of the few Nigerians who enjoyed the privilege of being elected governor of a state for two consecutive terms and is the only Nigerian who has served for two terms as Chairman of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum. “Based on the above facts coupled with the revolutionary leadership of Amaechi during his eight years in Rivers State, we appeal to the Senate to ignore the ranting of certain persons bent on pulling down the former governor,” it said.

Their frustration, the party said, “stems from the fact that Amaechi led the battle that ousted the evil administration of Dr. Goodluck Jonathan. “We equally appeal to ignore the misguided petitions by Senator George Sekibo and his co travellers and accord Amaechi his due respect as a great and patriotic Nigerian by allowing him to take a bow and go during the screening exercise. “In addition, Amaechi’s great sacrifices that helped to bring about the present change in the country are well known and have been widely acknowledged by people from various walks of life. “We are confident that our great Senators will follow suit by asking this patriotic Nigerian, whose love for a strong, virile and united Nigeria is infectious to take a bow and go when he appears before them in the days ahead,” the statement concluded.



Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

Postal services still relevant –Territorial manager Williams Attah, GOMBE


espite innovation of sending information through the internet and other related services, Postal Services the world over remain relevant now more than ever. According to Area Postal Manager, Gombe Territory, Abubakar Danlami Usman, who spoke with National Mirror in commemoration of the World Postal Day last Friday, e-mails and internet services have not replaced the post, but rather created new opportunities. He said despite predictions for the demise of the post long ago, postal services remain part of the peoples’ day-to-day business activities in Nigeria and globally. Usman said: “The post as an agent of change has continued to provide quality postal services to valued customers in order to satisfy their yearnings and aspirations.’’

He said due to the importance of postal services, Nigeria joined other postal administrations to celebrate the post under the umbrella body of the Universal Postal Union, UPU. He explained that UPU was established in 1874 as a specialised agency of the United Nations and charged with the responsibility to unify and control the postal communication sector globally for sustainable development. He however regretted the challenges facing postal services in Nigeria which include decline in writing culture, absence of street naming/numbering, low patronage from state governments, federal ministries, agencies as well as parastatals. He said non-clearance of post office boxes as well as Private Mail Bags by users or renters has also remained a major challenge to the services of the Post Office.

Dufil honours teenager for detecting explosive in Kano Saidat Alausa


ufil Prima Foods, maker of Indomie Instant Noodles, has rewarded 13-year-old Amma Ibrahim from Kano State for detecting an explosive in Kano last year September. She was rewarded over the weekend at this year’s Indomie Independence Day Award. Ms. Ibrahim, on her way to buy bread on a Friday morning, had noticed a woman squatting near a mosque suspiciously and immediately called some nearby men to investigate.. According to her, when the men got there the woman had gone, leaving behind a nylon bag that contained an explosive set up to explode during the Jumat prayer. Amma was reward-

ed with a plaque and a scholarship worth N1m for her bravery. Apart from her, 7-year-old Innocent Yamaho from Abuja and Naja Nuhu also got N750,000 and N500,000, respectively for their bravery, too. The Indomie Independence Day Award for Heroes of Nigeria, which is in its 8th year, is the corporate social responsibility initiative of Dufil Prima geared towards recognising children between the ages of one and 15, who have exhibited extraordinary acts of heroism in the face of danger or societal challenges. The award eulogies the exemplary accomplishments of children who are young yet have shown courage and determination in situations that ordinarily would bring fear, discouragement and selfpity.

Chairman, Northern Governors Forum, Gov. Kashim Shettima of Borno State (left), inaugurating the Committee of AttorneysGeneral and Commissioners of Justice of northern states on the review of Criminal Justice System of Northern Nigeria in Kaduna, at the weekend. PHOTO: NAN

Hajj stampede: Nigerians’ death toll hits 145 …165 pilgrims still missing


ational Hajj Commission of Nigeria, NAHCON, yesterday confirmed that 145 Nigerians were killed in the September 24 stampede in Mina, Saudi Arabia. More than 769 pilgrims from across the world were confirmed dead and 1,000 injured during the stampede on one of the roads leading to the Jamarat complex (stone throwing site) in Mina. Briefing newsmen in Mecca in an update, NAHCON’s commissioner in-charge of Planning, Research, Information and Library Services, Dr Saleh Okenwa, said seven of the 42 injured pilgrims were still on admission at various hospitals in Saudi Arabia. He, however, said the number of pilgrims earlier declared missing had reduced from 214 to165 following the discovery of additional bodies of some Nigerians killed in the stampede. On transportation of pilgrims back to Nigeria, NAHCON’s Commissioner in-charge of Operation, Dr Saleh Modibbo, said more than 60 per cent of the pilgrims had been transported back to the country. Specifically, he said 40,850 of the 76,000 Nigerians, who performed the pilgrimage, had returned to the country. Among those transport-

ed back to Nigeria were pilgrims from Kwara, Gombe and Nassarawa states. Modibbo said the various committees set up by NAHCON helped in processing pilgrims’ documents and luggage. Chairman of the commission, Abdullahi Mukhtar, told newsmen that the Nigerian mission in Saudi Arabia would continue to monitor the seven injured pilgrims still on admission at various Saudi hospitals even after the Hajj operation. ``We have consistently

been monitoring them; the Nigerian mission in Saudi Arabia will continue to monitor them after the hajj operation until they are discharged,’’ he said. Mukhtar said bodies of the deceased had been buried according to Islamic rites. He said it was not true that the deceased were buried en masse as speculated in a section of the Nigerian society. The chairman said Saudi authorities took finger prints of the deceased and that DNA tests would be conducted on mutilated

bodies to ascertain whether those declared missing were dead or alive. ``Blood samples of the deceased pilgrims already in Saudi Arabia were taken while that of those who do not have immediate members of their families here will be taken in Nigeria and transported to Mecca for the test,’’ he stated. On victims of the crane crash, he said that the Nigerian mission had details on the affected persons, adding, ``the mission is pursuing their cases until compensation is paid.’’

TCN lights up Maiduguri Inusa Ndahi, MAIDUGUR


eneral Manager of Bauchi region of Transmission Company of Nigeria, TCN, Engr Idris Alim, has said electricity has been fully restored in Maiduguri, Borno State capital, four months after 132 KVA power lines and transmission stations were destroyed by Boko Haram insurgents at the 87-kilometre Maiduguri-Damboa road. He said besides the June 3, 2015, attack when insurgents cut off power lines, several attempts were made by the Yola Electricity Distribution Company, YEDC, to fix the destroyed power lines early this year, but the insurgents continued to destroy the lines located in Sambisa Forest, where

they had their hideouts and training camps. “Restoration of the power lines were made possible when we complained to Governor Kashim Shettima of Borno State on how to completely fix the destroyed power lines to Maiduguri; because without security back-ups and logistics for the difficult terrains of Sambisa Forest, the destroyed electric transmission lines may not be fully fixed for 24-hour electricity supply to the metropolis,” said Alim. Further explaining how electricity was restored last Thursday, he said: “Since our team of engineers and technicians completed the test run of supplying electricity to Maiduguri last Tuesday, we released a maximum of 20 megawatts of electricity to Borno State.

Since then, the reports we are getting from residents and other business community indicate that the affected metropolis is getting 24hour supply of electricity.” Electricity supply to Maiduguri city, according to Mallam Isa Yakubu of Government Reservation Area, GRA of Maiduguri, has been restored since last Wednesday with non-interruption of supplies in highbrow areas of the University of Maiduguri, UNIMAID Teaching Hospital, GRA, Baga and Bolori residential areas and 202, 303, 707 and 1000 Housing Estates of Maiduguri metropolis. Alim however noted that any Maiduguri ward or residential areas that have no electricity, was caused by faulty transmission lines and transformers in the affected localities.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Buhari credibility has suffered blows with ministerial nominees –Suraju

National Mirror




Kogi guber: APC receives more defectors Wale Ibrahim LOKOJA


he candidate of the All Progressive Congress, APC, for November 21 Kogi State governorship election, Prince Abubakar Audu has received more defectors and declared a three-point agenda for the state if voted into power. Audu who made his threepoint agenda submission known at Alu, Yagba East Local Government Area of the state, while receiving thousand of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, defectors from the Yagba federal con-

stituencies, said he will focus on power shift, declare state of emergency in critical sectors of the state as well as concentrate on ‘stomach infrastructure’. According to him, “Let me make my three point agenda known to the people of the state because I want to be held responsible for my world later when I gain power. Firstly, I will make sure that power shift become sacrosanct. I will be the first governor to shift power in the state. I must honour my agreement that, after my full tenure I will ensure power rotation either to Kogi West or Kogi Central.

“Secondly, I will declare state of emergency on the critical sectors of the state especially in the infrastructural sector. Shortly after I won my party primary, I took a trip outside the country where I met international business organisations who by now are just waiting for me to be sworn in so that they can come and invest in the critical sector of the state. “Lastly, I will concentrate on ‘stomach infrastructure’. The welfare of the people of the state remains a priority to me. Let no one deceive you; I have nothing but the best interest of the people at

heart.” Elder Leke Abejide who led thousand of other defectors from the PDP in the federal constituencies, said he left the PDP because of their rigidity. Abejide, who was a House of Representative aspirant in the last election said, “There are five reasons why I left the PDP. Foremost of it all is that the PDP is conservative in nature and I am progressive in nature. “Over the years, I have tried to change things within their fold but I have realised that it will not be. After painstaking deliberation with some of my followers

and supporters across the three local governments in the area, and some people outside the state, we decided it is best to move to the APC where the real idea behind my joining politics can be realised. “My basic purpose of joining politics is to impart on the life of the people of the state and my environment. I have over the years assisted the community by paying the school fees of all the students in the two secondary schools in my community for the past four years and will still continue to do that, but no mat-

PDP BoT secretary assures of party unity Priscilla Dennis MINNA.


Senator Uche Ekwunife (right), acknowledging cheers from her supporters after the tribunal upheld her victory, in Awka at the weekend. PHOTO:NAN

Group drums support for Wada’s second term bid Wale Ibrahim LOKOJA


head November governorship election, a group, Okun/Ebira/Lokoja/Koto Youth Coalition has continued to drum support for the incumbent and governorship candidate of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Captain Idris Wada for second term in office in Kogi State. The state coordinator of the group, Mr Dare Zacheous who disclosed this

while addressing newsmen in Lokoja at weekend stated that having weighed other options among the candidates, the youths from 12 local government areas of Kogi Central and west have decided to support Captain Idris Wada and vote en mass for him on the coming November 21governorship election. Zacheous explained that as critical stakeholders, the youth owe it a duty to make their position known on election and candidate already put for-

ward by the parties, noting that youths will always be at receiving end of the actions and inaction of any one of them who eventually wins the election. He said: “We have taken our time to look at all candidates contesting governorship election, their antecedents, their conducts in public and private life, the manifestoes of their parties and programmes, all have been subjected to through screening. “The coalition also discovered that people appre-

ciate development in agricultural sector, women and youth, empowerment programmes, free health care for rural dwellers and want all sustained and improved upon”. The coordinator disclosed that all the stakeholders and opinion leaders are unanimous in their preference for the incumbent governor, Captain Wada and his deputy, Yomi Awoniyi, stressing that the coalition is throwing weight behind Captain Wada/ Awoniyi ticket.

ter what I do, it will not be enough if the right government is not in power.” Abejide then called on the people of the state to vote for the APC so as to reap the benefit of democracy as visible during Audu’s first term in the state and also seen in some APC controls states across Nigeria. Governor of Jigawa State, Alhaji Abubakar Badaru who was at the occasion to receive the defectors, said it was disheartening that despite the level of education of people of the state, it could still be rule by the PDP who have improvised them.

eoples Democratic Party, PDP, against speculations of crack within the party, has maintained that it is united and will emerge victorious in the next elections in the country. PDP Board of Trustee, BoT, secretary, Sentor Jibrin Wali stated this at the weekend during a flag off campaign and presentation of certificates and party flags to the 25 local government chairmanship candidates in Niger State, admonishing that unity of purpose should be paramount to all members of the party. He explained that the BoT, National Working Committee, NWC and caucus of the PDP are united and working together for the victory of the party in the future elections. Warning members of the party to guide against division as being perpetuated by enemies of the party, he expressed hope and confidence that the PDP is still solid considering the calibre of people present at the event. Speaking, the state former governor, Abdulkadir Kure who was the chair-

man of the occasion, said the APC still has not realised that it is in power as it has continued to call for change, a call he posited will make PDP come back easily without much delay. Assuring there is no faction in Niger State PDP, Kure said: “What happened in the past is over, we are now more united for the progress of the party. I want to assure that the party will bounce back to power with the unity exhibited here, which must be sustained with patience” The former governor then called for prayer for President Muhammadu Buhari led administration to overcome insurgency. Also, the former deputy governor, Dr Nuhu Zagbayi, in his speech faulted the nomination of the immediate past deputy governor, Hon Ahmed Musa Ibeto as the ministerial nominee for Niger State, saying the position ought to be that of Niger East senatorial district, where he hails from. He then urged people of his zone to learn lesson from the political development especially, in voting leaders that will never consider them in their decision making.



Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

Buhari’s credibility has suffered blows with ministerial nominees –Suraju

In this interview with EBERE NDUKWU, Olanrewaju Suraju, Lagos Lawyer and chairman, Civil Society Network Against Corruption, CSNAC, frowns at President Buhari’s ministerial nominees, APC fielding of persons with corruption question as guber candidates in Bayelsa and Kogi among other issues. What gave birth to your organisation, Civil Society Network Against Corruption, CSNAC, did it come in line with the All Progressives Congress’s, APC, mantra of change? We have been on before the so called mantra of change and emergence of All Progressives Congress, APC. We’ve been around since 2011 and the whole essence of our coming together as at that material point in time was to see how we can harness forces together with several civil society organisations, networks, coalitions and also individuals that are campaigning and advocating against corruption. Ours really is not to fight corruption, the anti-corruption institutions are the ones that have the power to actually do that. Ours is to expose all those corrupt cases, monitor the activities of anti-corruption institutions and engage them to ensure that they deliver. One of the first thing that we did and that you can find when you check the records is to ensure that the anti-corruptions agencies are formally informed of cases of corruption that was reported either in the media or whistle blowers in government agencies and even private sectors. And that we have done so much effectively in such an unprecedented manner in the history of this country. We have reported nothing less than 300 cases to different anti-corruption agencies. Those anti-corruption institution that are charged with this responsibility, if the public ownership of fight against corruption is still lacking, then we are not likely to have any successful fight against corruption. Unless all those of us that are connected in one way or the other rise up to that challenge and decide for once that we want to fight corruption to a standstill, it’s just going to be a little drop in the ocean. President Buhari major agenda is to fight corruption, do you think he will achieve anything? I will look at it in two ways. The first one is for us to be serious about the fight against corruption and that, will involve Nigerians critically. The second one is for the government of the day to take advantage of the sentiment that we have against corruption. So, if we are leaving it to just the President and what he wants to do, all we will end up with, is slogan hearing in the fight against corruption and we won’t have substance. May be, when we get to discuss the issue of ministerial list then, we can borrow some kind of lessons and then also make some prediction from that. The whole effort of the fight against corruption and what we can see as impact currently are not even the activities of this current government, the party or the President. It is just the function of the body language and spill over of what we can call political revolution that happened with the election of March this year which brought in this new government. It is not to say that the government has formulated any policy, appointed any other new person in the anti-corruption institutions or allocated any additional resources to the anti- corruption agencies that brought in about what we are having in terms of this impact we are having in the fight against corruption. So, when you want to do a constructive analysis of it, we can’t say that the President has started fighting corruption in forms of policies or programmes. But you can say the body language is clear. The appointments will assist us to know if we are fighting corruption or we are likely also to go the way of the old order. But then, you can see that the Spartan nature of the President is already bringing about the potential change that we might have. Looking at the recent list of nominees with some of them having allegations of corruption, do you see seriousness in this present administration talk about corruption? Sincerely speaking, the credibility of the President has


suffered a major blow with the list, that is one and I give you clear reasons. One, with those names that we have, there was no basis for the President to have delayed the appointment of ministers for this long. There are no new entrances that we can say these are the new entrance that you want to also beat your chest and say because of the antecedent of this element, I think the waiting is worth it. For those that you can also vouch for in the list to have a measure of either integrity or whatever it is, they are too old. I will agree with Audu Ogbe and say this is a man of reputation but at the age of 68, a minister 36 years ago. I mean, is it that we don’t have new ideas, young guys who can do things better? And when you want to look at the antecedent, the credibility of many of those that are there, they as questionable as the once that we had even in the previous regime. I don’t know why we can’t move beyond recycling, I’m wondering. Chibuike Amaechi has been in office since 1999 democracy returned in the country, Babatunde Fashola has equally been there almost like the same time and now he has unanswered questions with charges of corruption. Recently, Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission, ICPC, issued a statement to say that it has set up an investigation panel to investigate Amaechi, Fashola and the rest of them, we don’t even have a conclusion on that and they have already been made ministers. What that tells you in essence is that they will either stampede ICPC from going ahead, because I can’t see the President allowing himself to be embarrassed, that those he has appointed as ministers after the whole anti-corruption mantra, will now be found wanting with cases of corruption because one of the things that is expected of the President is to have done a security check on all them. How the President will explain missing out those information with regards to many of them will also be a major issue. You have also a situation where Mrs Aisha Jumai Al Hassan from Taraba is still having a case with the tribunal for her governorship bid, two things are clear, it is either you don’t have hope in that trial again that she will win and become the governor or you have already compromised that case, traded it off for whatever reason and she is been compensated with the ministerial appointment. That, sincerely for me, is not a good indication to actually say you are fighting corruption.

Fine, Bayelsa and Kogi APC governorship candidates have not been convicted but they still have issues of corruption, how do you also justify that with a party saying it is going to fight corruption? In real sense and in candour, the only thing that is clearly difference in Peoples Democratic Party, PDP and APC is just their names and certain individuals that you find in them. Giving the same circumstances and opportunities they will commit the same atrocity. And that you can check with governors of both parties. We are just looking at national level, if you look at the state, the atrocities that are committed in Kogi with Audu is not going to be different from the same thing that was committed by a governor elsewhere. When you look at Amaechi that we talked about who was he before he became an APC member? If the likes of Saraki could have committed the same atrocities for which he is been prosecuted under PDP, if he could find the same avenue in APC what are we talking about? There is actually nothing that is the difference. When we narrow it down to Audu and Sylva, it clearly tells you that we are running the same government, we only have a change of individuals because the fact that Audu could push his corruption case for a period of almost six years running from High Court, Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court just to evade prosecution tells you the characters we have. There is a statement credited to his aide which is all over social media that if Audu is elected the governor again, he is going to return the N11billion naira that he’s being prosecuted for by Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC. That is an admittance of guilt. This tells you the level of madness that goes on in our political landscape. That of Sylva, he succeeded in manipulating the judiciary, if that is the way I will put it, to have the case thrown out of court. So if you want to talk about his own they will tell you he has no case to answer because the court has actually thrown out the case, but EFCC has gone on appeal. So, it is expected that for a party that claims that it is riding to government on the mantra of change these characters should not have be allowed to contest in the first place. I’m still waiting to see when the President will go to Kogi and then raise the hand of Audu as the governorship candidate of APC in Kogi State for the December governorship election; so that we can start positioning them appropriately for who they are aside what we assume them to be. So, looking at those two primaries and APC candidates it is a complete negative, a minus for the governing party either you like it or not. How do you think fighting corruption will be possible when the institutions set to do that are not independent? I think the problem is beyond what we usually simply allude to in terms of delivered cases. The problem starts with the appointment of the heads of the agencies. You would want to look at one of them where a chairman is a card carrying member of the ruling party prior to this time. Inevitably, there is already an element of compromise that is expected from not only the chairman but that institution. Then you move from the appointments now to the operations especially that of EFCC and I think also ICPC. The last I know was the EFCC, there was a gazette that says for them to prosecute any case that involves N50 million and above or that connects inter-ministerial, which means one or two ministries connected or have international nature, they need to get the approval of the Attorney General of the federation before they even prosecute. What it means is, after investigation are concluded and you need to move to the next level of prosecution, it is now subjected to the whims and caprices of the Attorney General of the federation before that can happen.

National Mirror


Monday, October 12, 2015


El-Rufai’s self-willed restructuring drive in Kaduna SUNDAY ONYEMAECHI EZE


he decision by Kaduna State governor, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai, to rid the state of illegal structures, especially those in state-owned lands and other associated menaces, has been received with mixed reactions. The resolve to carry on the demolition exercise was premised on the fact that land allocations in the state had been bastardised by politicians and government officials without recourse to due process and the enabling laws. The governor moved to site with the demolition of about 93 homes within the premises of Alhudahuda Secondary School, Zaria, to the consternation of the owners, who haplessly and helplessly looked on as the houses they had lived in for years went down in rubbles. Other demolition exercises are ongoing. One could practically feel the apprehension and anguish these people were forced to pass through and endure. The affected persons, mostly retirees of Kaduna State government had strongly maintained that they duly paid for the lands upon which they built these houses. In that case, what role did fair hearing play in this issue and to what extent did the government investigate their claims before embarking on the demolition exercise? Has anyone summoned official of the Ministry of Lands for questioning and explanation on this issue? It is the

ministry and officials, both previous and present, that should be held liable for dereliction of duties. We are in a democratic dispensation and as such government owes the affected persons a duty of constructive engagement. The grace of only 14 days given to the people to get alternative shelter is the least inconsiderate in a democracy where the rule of law should reign supreme. Let it be stated unequivocally here that this piece lends no credence to impunity in the handling of the affairs of the state. But the liberty to commit two wrongs does not make one right. The impunity of abusing the privileges of the deprived for an institutional error of the state agency should be condemned. If one may ask, what will government do with the recovered lands at the end of the demolition exercise? From where will the government pay the contractors handling the demolition considering the fact that the governor has told anyone who cared to listen that the state inherited an empty purse from the previous government. No one takes away resilience, courage, determination and diligence from Governor Nasir El-Rufai in the pursuit of his endeavours. It is also undeniable that he brought all of these to bear as an accidental public servant. Good enough, restoring sanity to the abused land allocation processes in Kaduna is necessary. However, there should be a distinction between self-will, decency and restructuring of



the state. No single man is a repertoire of knowledge; therefore, even the dissenting views of these people who voted for Mallam El-Rufai ought to be entertained. As a matter of fact, many germane issues are entreating for the urgent attention of this government other than demolition of houses. The increasing level of vices such as armed robbery and youth involvement in illicit abuse of drugs in Kaduna is very alarming and needs urgent attention. Employment generation to keep the youth out of these vices is crucial. Time to reviving the dead textile industries in the state as the governor promised in the run up to his election is now. It was obvious that employment opportunities provided by these industries in the 1980s ensured peace and security in Kaduna and bridged all forms of vices which are prevalent today. Moreover, Kaduna is blessed with arable land for agricultural practices. Therefore, agriculture should top the priority

Steps to reverse our biological age SANDRA AKUOMA


oday we are drawing the curtain on ‘How old are you?’ Before the main thrust, perhaps a recap of the discourse so far touched. Fundamental is we think the best way to determine our age is to do it chronologically, that following the day we were born without any consideration of biological age - our blood pressure, bone density, skin thickness, number of wrinkles, hearing, immune function, etc. And also not given a hoot to our psychological age - how we feel, our mental outlook on life, etc. Functional age is putting all these categories of age together to get the holistic picture of the person’s essence. Our main focus in this concluding piece is opening your eyes on ways to reverse your biological age! First, change your perception on ageing, body and time. (a) Ageing: Do you think ageing is declining of the mind and body; or that as you get older you get more youthful, joyful, energetic, alert? Your perception will reflect the way you think. (b) The body is an energy field, not flesh and blood. So, it is constantly evolving. (c) Time: Always thinking you’re running out of time will only give you high blood pressure and increases your biological clock. Reducing and managing stress in your life



L O N E L I N E S S C R E AT E THE CONDITIONS F O R R A P I D AG I N G Where the mind goes, the body must follow. If your mind is constantly worrying, then your body is constantly being placed under stress. Cortisol runs through your blood stream, increasing heart rate in the flight and fight response. You become jumpy and unnerved when you worry too much. Your body is following your mind, aging every minute as you stress out, worry and fret. The lesson here is whenever possible eliminate negative thoughts, stop reliving toxic experiences like divorce, breakups, short of money, job-loss, a friend’s betrayal. Always relax; work to accept the bumps in your life. Breathe! Restful sleep Human beings generally need between six and eight hours of restful sleep each night. Restful sleep means that you’re not using pharmaceuticals or alcohol to get to sleep but that you’re drifting off easily once you turn off the light and are sleeping soundly through the night. Not getting enough sleep weakens our immune system and speeds up the aging process. Nurture your body with healthy food “Dead foods” accelerate aging and entropy, others renew and revitalize the body. Foods to eliminate or minimize include canned items, frozen, microwaved,

or highly processed ones. Focus on eating a variety of fresh and freshly prepared food. Fresh fruits and vegetables, unprocessed foods are full of vibrant energy – a perfect recipe for staying young. In a nutshell go on balanced diet Exercise, exercise, exercise Try and incorporate exercise into your lifestyle. Do what you enjoy at least three to four times a week for at least 30 minutes a session. You can start walking as an exercise then when your endurance gets better you can add something more strenuous. Smile, laugh and breathe (a) Smile: When you smile, you naturally feel better. (b)Laugh: Spend time around someone who makes you laugh. Laughter can make you feel younger and lighter. (c) Breathe: Breathing removes toxics from the body… learn to breathe deeply. Young mind Learning to accept change; attitude of inflexible reverses the ageing process. To maintain a youthful mind, write down two or three things you can do that are totally childlike. Think of something that evokes childhood for you – eating an ice cream cone, going to a playground, colouring a picture, dancing, singing, jumping rope, building a sand castle. Find something that brings back the sense of fun you had as a child, even if you think you’ve outgrown it, and choose one of these activities to do today. Having a Youthful spirit By being grateful for what we have,

of the government. Agriculture creates wealth, employment; food sufficiency ensures stability and economic growth of individuals and nations. The improvement and right to quality education of every Kaduna child should be encouraged. Government cannot feign ignorant of dilapidated schools where children still sit and learn on bare-floors in Kaduna. A healthy nation is a wealthy nation. Affordable healthcare for Kaduna should be central to government businesses. Destroying the houses of the citizenry in the name of aesthetics amounts to adding salt to the injury of a deprived people. Every state in Nigeria, including Kaduna, no doubt needs urgent overhaul and total reengineering. But this effort of government qualifies as a misplaced priority. While government does what it feels is right in the eyes of the law; the privileges of individuals whose action of government directly affects should also be considered and protected. Nasir El-Rufai is not new to controversies. The governor who is known as “mai-rusau” meaning the demolisher of illegal structures, a name he acquired as a onetime minister of the Federal Capital Territory and re-echoed in the build up to the governorship election, has actually brought to bear the essence of that name. Kaduna is in for stringent policies and more surprises from Mallam Nasir El-Rufai. Eze, a communications specialist, wrote via and can be reached on 08060901201

forgiving people and the past and moving on, and doing what we are passionate about, being in a job you love or having a hobby you make time for, all give you youthful spirit. Remember that a young spirit is a free spirit. Love and friendship Isolation and loneliness create the conditions for rapid aging. Having a friend, family member or someone you can talk to, does help. To be able to share your thoughts and feelings with someone is not only important, it’s necessary. Take time to be silent, to meditate and pray to quiet the internal dialogue. In moments of silence, realize that you are contacting your higher self. Pay attention to your inner life so that you can be guided by intuition. It allows you to reboot your engine and get back on track. Food for thought Unhealthy lifestyle and putting your body under stress accelerate the ageing process” Ms Akuoma wrote from Lagos via and can be followed on twitter: @sanlifepointers

Send your views by mail or sms to PMB 10001, Ikoyi, or our Email: mail@ mirrorlagos@ or 08164966858 (SMS only). The Editor reserves the right to edit and reject views or photographs. Pseudonyms may be used but must be clearly marked as such.



Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror



Saraki’s Senate: The red herring and shadow chasing


wo years ago, while Senator David Mark was holding court as Senate President, and the upper legislature was hell bent on defending the indefensible, namely: the marriage of one of its own, a former governor, to an under-aged girl from Egypt, a national daily (not National Mirror) came out with a screaming Editorial headline: “Shameless Senate”. “Our Senate is in the caves. We have a duty to save it from itself, and for Nigerians. How can the Senate in the 21st century be proposing that Nigerian girls can be married at an indeterminate age? The Senate is shamelessly broadcasting its determination to insert the profane provision into the Constitution… How can a girl by law attain womanhood once someone marries her? Is the Senate banning childhood for girls? Our laws recognise adulthood at 18 – for rights of litigation, voting, and the definition of ‘minor’. A woman married at less than 18, according to the Senate, would be an ‘adult’…”, the newspaper lamented. The root of the newspaper’s anger to the point it ridiculed the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as constituting of shameless members, is not far-fetched. For, one of the most

probable reasons is that the Nigerian Senate is supposed to be constituted by elder statesmen – people who ought to know better and reason better. Not people who act precipitately or talk foolishly before thinking about their actions or what they say. But before we are misunderstood, as is usually the case once common sense fails to prevail, we are not addressing those senators who know their onions; who are on the side of integrity; and who really understand their role model responsibility in the upper legislature. We are talking to senators who have chosen to play politics with everything in the name of division of powers or the independence of the three arms of government, except respect for the sensibilities of Nigerians. The Senate is on the part of self-destruct again, with its failure to correct and help itself, by asking its boss, Olusola Saraki, to step aside even if it is temporarily, and allow his deputy to carry on with the job of Senate President until he (Saraki) is discharged and acquitted by the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT), which docked him recently for alleged false and anticipatory assets’ declaration on assumption of office as the Executive Governor of Kwara


State in 2003. We had argued earlier that considering the political intrigues and perfidies trailing Saraki’s emergence as Senate President, the CCT should tarry a while and not heat up the polity because of Saraki so early into the President Muhammadu Buhari administration. It is, however, obvious that the CCT is insistent on bringing Saraki to justice. An whereas no extant law out there may prohibit Saraki from remaining as Senate President while standing trial, several cases, so numerous to mention here, may serve as precedent. Had Saraki succeeded in securing a court order restraining the CCT from putting him in the dock, his continued stay as Senate President would probably be justified. But having failed woefully to halt his trial, Saraki has no moral basis to continue presiding over the Senate as its President, considering the grave charges he is still answering before the CCT. Apart from the allegation of false assets’ declaration, one of the conditions that disqualifies a person from being elected into the Senate or House of Repre-

ON THIS DAY October 12, 1983 Japan’s former Prime Minister, Tanaka Kakuei, was found guilty of taking a $2 million bribe from Lockheed and was sentenced to four years in jail. Kakuei (1918 – 1993) was a Japanese politician and the 64th and 65th Prime Minister of Japan from July 7, 1972 to December 22, 1972; and from December 22, 1972 to December9, 1974 respectively. He was also the most influential member of the then ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

Letters tothe theEditor Editor Letters to

October 12, 1984 The Provisional Irish Republican Army attempted to assassinate Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and members of her cabinet at a meeting. Thatcher escaped but the bomb killed five people and wounded 31. The Brighton hotel bombing occurred on October 12, 1984 at the Grand Hotel in Brighton, England. The bomb was planted by Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) member, Patrick Magee.

sentatives; as is enshrined in the 1999 Constitution (as altered); Section 66 (1) (h) says: “No person shall be qualified for election to the Senate or House of Representatives if… he has been indicted for embezzlement or fraud by a Judicial Commission of Inquiry or an Administrative Panel of Inquiry or a Tribunal set up under the Tribunals of Inquiry Act, a Tribunals of Inquiry Law or any other law by the federal or state government, which indictment has been accepted by the federal or state government, respectively”. Not a few past leaders have directly or indirectly offended this portion of the Constitution. But this law has been applied in the breach since 1999; a development that is responsible for the effrontery of many past governors accused of looting the treasuries of their states to still be boldly contesting for higher political offices. With the ministerial list now before the Senate, we see no moral pedigree warranting Saraki’s superintendence of its approval. If the Senate cannot correct itself, the Executive and Judiciary should rise up and call it to order. That is part of the checks and balances’ duty under a democracy. We say no to further impunities in the land!

x October 12 2013 Fifty-one people were killed after a truck veered off a cliff in La Convención Province in Peru. Viewed as the deadliest road accident in Peruvian history, it occurred when a cargo truck carrying 51 people, including 14 children, plunged off a 200 meter cliff, killing everyone on board. According to authorities, the cargo truck, which was being used as a makeshift bus, was traveling to a celebration in the Santa Teresa district.

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Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror


Power generation:

Stakeholders harp on benefits of alternative sources As several attempts by previous governments to revive the ailing power sector appeared to have yielded no tangible results, stakeholders have revved up campaigns on the need for governments to exploit opportunities in alternative power generation sources to boost electricity supply nationwide. Udo Onyeka reports


nited Nations, UN, data indicates that more than 1.2 billion people globally have no access to electricity and a billion more only have intermittent access. These people rely on costly, outdated technologies that are harmful to their health and hinder their opportunities for social and economic advancement, according to the UN. Doubtless, millions of Nigerians, except the few that had appropriated the nation’s wealth for selfish gains and live in stupendous affluence as more citizens get trapped in poverty, belong to the first group described by the UN as electricity supply is never part of their daily experiences. Nigeria, with a population of over 170 mil-

lion, has installed power capacity that fluctuates between 2,000 and 4,000 MW, but experiences severe electricity shortages that are crippling its socioeconomic developments in real terms. The Federal Government in the past 16 years has spent billions of dollars to boost power supply yet there is very little to show for such huge investments. For instance, during the first term of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, the power generation was about 2,800 MW while at the exit of the immediate past President, the generation level dropped from about 4,500 MW level in August 2014 to its lowest ebb of about 1,200 MW in decades. This is after its much touted power sector reform

‘Roadmap’ from which billions of dollars were raked in through the privatisation of the PHCN successor companies. Apart from the semantics that came with the exercise, there was nothing on ground to show that Nigerians gain much from it in terms of available and affordable electricity. However, a lot of reasons have been given by the government for the abysmal performance in this all important sector. The excuses are usually hinged on inadequate funds, shortage of gas supply, pipeline vandalism or sabotage and low level of water in the dams, amongst other factors. Experts have said that the way out of this mess is for Nigeria to join the rest of the world, especially the developed nations to seek

for alternative energy. Scientists have argued that the increased content of carbon dioxide increases the warmth of our planet and is the main cause of the so called “Global Warming Effect”. However one answer to global warming, according to experts is to replace and retrofit current technologies with alternatives that have comparable or better performance, but do not emit carbon dioxide. Alternative energy refers to energy sources that have no undesired consequences such for example fossil fuels or nuclear energy. Alternative energy sources are renewable and are thought to be “free” energy sources. They all have lower carbon emissions, compared to conventional energy sources. They include Biomass Energy, Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Energy, Hydroelectric sources. Combined with the use of recycling, the use of clean alternative energies such as the home use of solar power systems will help ensure man’s survival into the 21st century and beyond.

President Muhammadu Buhari in his inaugural address promised Nigerians to “identify the quickest, safest and most costeffective way to bring light and relief to Nigerians”, a promise many stakeholders believe can only be fulfilled by seeking. The way to achieve this promise would to seek alternative power generation. According to a public affairs commentator Mr. Aso Udeh, there is no way a society can attain any level of development in today’s world economic model driven by industrialisation and technology without attending to electricity power sufficiency. “Nigeria is a country faced with chronic power shortages that has retarded economic development for far too long, not to mention the untold hardship her citizens are daily subjected to as a result of the epileptic electricity supply. “Poor power supply means that households cannot buy perishable goods in bulk or prepare meals that will last for more than a day, but instead, will have to contend with frequently buying

food items in retails, and preparing meals only in piecemeal, as refrigerators have merely become decoration boxes in the households. “Shopping in retails rather than stocking food items in bulk is understandably uneconomical and wastes a lot of useful time that could be diverted to other productive ventures, and when you factor the fact that we are talking about a country where up to 70 percent of her citizens live on less than two dollars a day according to UN figures, and where the official minimum wage is a paltry eighteen thousand naira, then the picture will begin to become clearer”, Udeh said. Many homes in Nigeria now rely on generators for electricity supply, thereby making the country one of the largest importer of generators in the world. But technology has provided other alternatives UDO ONYEKA, CO-ORDINATOR BUSINESS COURAGE c

Global Media Mirror Limited

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015


which are also safer and cost effective. But there is increasing energy being put in finding many other alternative sources of power and making them viable, such as solar, wind, geothermal and wave energy and biomass. Nigerian’s partnership with some developed nations in this regard could lead the country in the right direction in the search for alternative power generation. For instance few years ago the government of Japan has awarded about N1.9bn grant for solar electricity generation project in Nigeria, as part of its infrastructure development assistance. The Asian technological giant is also considering a $200m request from the Federal Government for power transmission project. The Japanese ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Ryuichi Shoji, had noted that the support to Nigeria was part of his nation’s Official Development Assistance following the fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development, a summit initiated by Japan in 1993 to revive the in-

terest of the international community in African development. Again a German Bank recently earmarked $200m facility for renewable energy in Nigeria. At a bi-national Commission’s meeting on energy in Abuja, the leader of the German delegation, Renate Von Bodden, disclosed that the German Development Bank, KFW, had earmarked $200m support in the form of Green Credit Line. The facility, it was mentioned, is meant as support base for small and medium enterprises, specifically for the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. She also disclosed that another facility worth 5 million Euros had been set aside for technical assistance through the KFW, adding that the German agency is endowed with required experience that would be useful to Nigerians in developing their capacities in renewable energy projects. She expressed satisfaction with the commitment so far exhibited by

Nigerian officials, just as she said that German had been working with Nigerians on a number of energy related projects. “Nigeria is on track with its vision of providing more of its nationals with electricity,” she added. Bodden had promised the former President Goodluck Jonathan that Germany would continue to support the various energy related initiatives. Many have also called on the government to pay attention to coal as a source power generation. Few months ago Nigeria’s attempt to diversify her sources of electricity generation with the addition of coal-to-power has received a huge boost from the African Development Bank ,AfDB, which has announced its commitment of a $200m Partial Risk Guarantee ,PRG, to support coal-to-power investment in the country. However AfDB’s decision to institute a $200 million PRG for coal-topower production came directly against that of the World Bank which has overtime allegedly refused to lend financial support

to investments in coal-topower on the ground that it is a dirty source of energy and unhealthy to the environment. Expressing its delight with the development, the Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trading, NBET Plc, otherwise known as the ‘bulk trader,’ described AfDB’s move as an African solution to an African challen ge. The Managing Director of NBET, Rumudaka Wonodi, told journalists shortly after the meeting of NBET’s board yesterday in Abuja, that AfDB recognised Africa’s challenges in growing her electricity and thus came up with such support to enable her produce electricity from various sources. “It is welcome news and you know that we are also working with the World Bank for PRG to support the projects that we undertake, unfortunately, the World Bank is very reticent and they are not quite committed to giving support to coal because they deem it to be dirty fuel and not very good for the environment, however, the AfDB which is African, understands that Africa needs power from every source that it can, is supporting coal. “We welcome that and they offered to provide it in support of some of the projects that we are working on like the Zuma energy if they feel that it is necessary and some of the other coal projects that we

see around the country. It is very welcome news and we appreciate that,” said Wonodi. On the volume of the AfDB’s coal-to-power PRG, he further noted: “I know that it is a number that is about $200 million.”Nigeria is aiming to grow her electricity generation capacity by bringing into the mix, coal, wind and solar electricity sources. Also frustrated by the challenge of unreliable power supply from the national grid and increasingly dwindling gas and Low Pour Fuel Oil supply, some manufacturers in the country are desperately looking for solutions to their power problems. For instance, the management of Dangote Cement Plc announced it was making a $250m investment in coal-fired power plants in its Obajana, Ibeshe and Gboko plants. Already on ground, according to the company, are the necessary equipment for the construction of the plants as well as the first consignment of coal, all imported from South Africa. Group Managing Director, Dangote Cement, Mr. Edwin Devakumar, said the gas and LPFO supply situation in the country was getting worse, with gas-fired power plants and industries using the product to power their processes being starved of gas. For LPFO, he said the situation had reached a

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critical stage, as the company had in the last six months been importing the product due to its scarcity in the country, adding that before then, Nigeria used to export the fuel to other countries. Within the period, he said the company had taken delivery of three vessels of LPFO imported through the Apapa Ports, with each carrying 30,000 tonnes of the product, while each of the coal plants would have capacity to generate 30 megawatts of electricity. In addition, Devakumar said the company had to rent tank farms in Apapa, Lagos and Calabar, Cross River State, to discharge the imported LPFO into before transferring it to the cement plants. Meanwhile some stakeholders have called on state governments to establish power plants, to reduce their dependence on the National Grid. Senior Corporate Communication Manager of the Yola Electricity Distribution Company, YEDC, Mr Onyekachi Nkemneme, said the panacea to energy crisis in Nigeria was the establishment of state power plants. Nkemneme said such move would reduce the overbearing concentration on the grid and ensure efficient electricity distribution nationwide. He noted that the distance between Kainji Dam and North East in particular, was a militating factor in the efficient distribution of power in the region. According to him, transmission from the dam passes through Gombe before reaching Yola, and if there is any obstruction, it will definitely affect supply in Yola. He stressed the need for governors in the zone to explore their electricity potentials to address the problem of insufficient power supply in their geopolitical zone. The manager said that the Mambilla Plateau, in Taraba alone, had the potential of generating over 45,000 megawatts, which would be sufficient for the entire zone. General Manager, Bauchi Meat Factory Company, Dr Alkasim Ibrahim, lamented the effect irregular electricity on the fortune of the company said activities now relied heavily on power generator due to unstable power supply from electricity distribution companies. BC

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Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

News Reforms: Nigeria’s port services efficient, competitive – NPA boss

MAN Diesel, Turbo expand presence in Nigeria

Francis Ezem

Isaiah Erhiawarien



ine years after the completion of Nigeria’s port reform programme, the Nigerian Ports Authority NPA, has said that the reforms have brought about efficiency and competitiveness of port services. Managing Director of NPA, Mallam Habib Abdulahi, who spoke at the just concluded International Trade Fair in Abuja with the theme: “Entrepreneurship as a Panacea for Economic Growth”, said that the nation’s seaports have witnessed more efficient services and upsurge in cargo throughput because of the reforms carried out by the Federal Government According to him, the decision of the government to reform the seaports has increased the level of private participation through entrepreneurial activities in the port industry, which culminated in increased efficiency and competitiveness.. “The resultant effects of the reforms are more efficient port services, upsurge in cargo throughput, reduction in cargo dwell time and improved vessel turnaround time”, the Managing Director who was represented by the General Manager in charge of Abuja liaison office of the authority, Mallam Nasir Mohammed said, He listed other benefits of the port reforms to include the achievement of deeper and safer navigation channels, improved port channel management services and harbor operations and services. He also disclosed the NPA has significantly moved closer towards achieving its vision of being the leading port in Africa, a development he attributed to the port reforms. Prior to the port reform programme during when NPA was both the terminal operator and regulator, seaport services were characterised with delays and gross inefficiency, as vessel turnaround time was more than 14 days while cargo dwell


Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt. General Tukur Buratai, receiving a plaque from Acting Director General, NIMASA, Mr. Haruna Baba Jauro, while PR Officer to the COAS, Lt. Col. Iliyasu, looks on during a courtesy visit to the Head Quarters of the Nigerian Army in Abuja by the NIMASA boss recently.

time was more than one month. The programme, which adopted the Land Lord Port Model fashioned after that of the Port of Antwerp, Belgium stripped the authority of its cargo handling functions and gave same to private terminal operators both foreign and indigenous ones.

PenOp gets new chairman


he Managing Director, AIICO Pension Managers Limited, Mr. Eguarekhide Longe, has emerged as the new Chairman of the Pension Fund Operators Association of Nigeria (PenOp). Longe, who was elected into the position at the association’s Annual General Meeting, AGM, in Lagos, is taken over the mantle of leadership from the Managing Director of Legacy Pension Limited, Misbahu Yola, who had been at the helm of affairs of the association for the past two years. Longe has over 20 years’ experience working in the Capital Market, spanning Stock broking, Asset Management and Investment Banking. He has hands-on and senior management experience in setting up processes, developing operations/systems, strategy and business and product development. Prior to his appointment as Managing Director of AIICO Pension Managers Limited, Eguarekhide worked at Diamond Capital & Financial Markets Limited, subsidiary of Diamond Bank Plc, as the Head of the Asset Management division. He was also for three years the MD/CEO of Kakawa Asset Management Limited from 2005-2008. He has held senior man-

agement positions in leading Dealing member firms of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, and worked in Pension Management and Venture Capital environments at Shell Trustees Nigeria Limited, now Shell Closed Pension Fund Administrators and First Funds Limited, respectively. Eguarekhide holds a B.Sc. in Political Science from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria (1986) and an MBA from IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain (2002). He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers of Nigeria. He was appointed Managing Director/ CEO of AIICO Pension Managers in November 2011. PenOp is an independent, non-governmental, non-political, and non-profit making body established to promote the operations of the pension industry, provide for self-regulation, and ensure that international best practices relating to the industry are observed by the operators registered in Nigeria. Its role internally, is to add value to its members across all levels; information, education, visibility, networking, among others externally its role is to increase the awareness and visibility of the pension industry and enable external stakeholders understand and participate in the development of this financial sub-sector wherever and whenever possible.

Verification exercise for military pensioners begins


he Federal Government has commenced a nationwide verification for military pensioners, which begins today across the country.

The exercise is being conducted by the Federal Government and the Military Pensions Board began October 6, 2015 and end October 20, 2015. The Chairman, Military Pensions’ Board, AVM Muhammad Dabo, said in Abuja that the exercise, designed to hold simultaneously across the country, would eradicate ghost pensioners from the payroll of the military and save funds for the government. He added that the exercise would also give the pensioners access to the Defence Health Maintenance Limited to register for the National Health Insurance Scheme. Stating that the exercise, which should have been held annually, was being organised for the first time in three years to ensure effective pension administration in the military, he added that the exercise, designed to feature photo geometry and fingerprints patters, would help the MPB to update its database. He urged all pensioners to embrace the forthcoming exercise and to take it seriously as those who were not captured during the exercise would be removed from the payroll of the board by November, 2015. While noting that the exercise was meant for pensioners on the payroll of the board as of September, 2015, he added that it would also consolidate the digitalisation process of the board now at the stage of completion. “It is important to note that this verification exercise, which is an annual exercise, has not been conducted for the past three years. The exercise is therefore crucial towards effective administration of military pensions, especially as it would enable the board to appropriately update its record,” he said.

wo of the world’s diesel brand vehicle, MAN Diesel and Turbo has expanded its presence in Nigeria with the opening of a new sales office promising to add value to the economy. Chief Executive Officer of MAN Diesel & Turbo, Dr. Uwe Lauber said that although it has been doing business in Nigeria for a long time, “Now we are resident in one of Africa’s most economically powerful cities,” saying that “by deepening our local footprint we hope to further grow our business affiliations and strengthen our partnership with this country.” He disclosed that it has appointed a new Managing Director for Nigeria is Adedayo Olowoniyi, who will be leading the Lagos office adding that before taking on this new role, Olowoniyi was MAN’s Chief Financial Officer for the SubSaharan region. Commenting on the development, Olowoniyi said that “We see tremendous market potential in Nigeria,” saying that “The privatisation of the local power market is driving investment and with only about 5.5 gigawatts installed today, there is a substantial need for additional decentralized generation capacity.” He added that the country’s overall economy is growing substantially and MAN Diesel & Turbo products can help companies secure their energy supply without having to depend on the public grid noting that with the new office, he considers MAN Diesel & Turbo to be well positioned for future endeavours in Nigeria and beyond. “Lagos is the country’s commercial capital, which is why we have chosen it as our first and main office.” The German Consul General, Ingo Herbert, congratulated MAN Diesel & Turbo on the occasion of the foundation and opening of the company’s new Lagos subsidy disclosed that “Out of the approximately 50.000 German companies, that are active on a global level, only about 1.000 are present in Africa so far. MAN Diesel & Turbo is one of them. While MAN’s world famous trucks have been a familiar sight for many years, I am very pleased that people and companies in Nigeria now also have direct nationwide access to this company’s great high technology solutions in the field of energy generation. The Government and society of Nigeria are determined to tackle the current challenges in electricity supply

National Mirror

and I am confident that MAN Nigeria Ltd. will make an important contribution here.” MAN Diesel & Turbo is one of the world’s leading providers of large-bore diesel, gas and dual-fuel engines with a power output ranging from 450 kW to 87 MW. The company also designs and manufactures gas turbines, steam turbines and compressors and offers complete power plant solutions. MAN Diesel & Turbo has been doing business in Africa for over fifty years. During that time, over 3.2 gigawatts of generation capacity have been installed in 37 African countries. “Our African history reaches back as far as 1951, when our first engines were installed in Mali and Senegal,” explained Lauber. “Today we operate from offices and service workshops in South-Africa, Senegal, Kenya, Angola and Namibia with a team of over 300 employees.” “There are strong dynamics in many African markets,” says Martin Kalter, Senior Vice President at MAN Diesel & Turbo and Head of the company’s African power plants business. “We are currently building plants in Senegal, Niger and Burkina-Faso. In late 2013, we handed over the first gas-fired power plant that we ever built on the continent, in Gabon, to the client. 2014 saw another African premiere, when we commissioned an engine-combined cycle plant in Kenya,” said Kalter.

NIA, NCRIB partner to eradicate rate-cutting


he Nigerian Insurers Association, NIA and the Nigerian Council of Registered Insurance Brokers, NCRIB, have partnered to eradicate rate-cutting in the selling of insurance products in the country. To this end, the two bodies are currently deliberating on minimum rates for some insurance products in the country, while their conclusion would be made public before month end. Speaking on this development, the Director General, NIA, Mr. Olorundare Sunday Thomas, said to ensure standard, a joint technical committee of the two bodies headed by Eddie Efekoha has been established and will submit its presentation to the industry in 30 days. The duo, he said, are worried that the industry is facing a price war which he noted, was not good for the image of the industry, saying, to put an end to this mess, the market agreement presentation would be out to the industry in 30 days. Whenever the presentation is made, he said, any operators found wanting would be sanc-

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

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electricity tariff.

Offshore Support Vessel market laments declining oil price


Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Diamond Bank, Uzoma Dozie, (middle) with some customers at the Isolo branch of the bank as part of activities to mark the World Customer Service Week in Lagos

tioned by the industry. The two bodies resolved to come up with minimum rates in motor insurance, group life, industrial all risks, fidelity guarantee and money insurance. Rate-cutting has been regarded as unethical practice that is depriving most insurance companies of expected profits, as it is being used as a lobbying tool for insurance businesses by some operators in the country. However, the bodies appealed to the operators to accept the outcome of their deliberation to grow the insurance sector of the economy.

OTL seeks investment for downstream oil sector

bring hundreds of delegates, expert speakers and strategic exhibitors through three whole days, of in-depth discussions and analysis of issues, policies and market trends affecting downstream petroleum on the continent” the statement said. OTL Africa Downstream 2015 is therefore poised as a most crucial gathering as the country prepares for a new direction in downstream petroleum, Akabogu said. The event is expected once more, to aggregate all of the industry for the promotion of business and trade. Sectors and services expected at the event include petroleum products refining, trading and marketing, shipping, logistics, terminals and storage, retail, brokerage and professional services.


he Oil Trading and Logistics Africa ,OTL, Downstream conference is seeking ways to promote healthy business ethics and investment in the country’s downstream oil sector. The 9th edition of the OTL billed to hold in Lagos this October will focus on the full value-chain for downstream oil and gas in Africa and indeed Nigeria. A statement released in Lagos by the Chairman of OTL Africa Downstream, Mr. Emeka Akabogu the event’s theme for 2015 “Fuelling Economic Growth through Petroleum Policy and Infrastructure” is apt and coming at a time when the country is keen at repositioning the industry. “Government is also deliberately engaging with industry to get a first-hand understanding of key issues. Widely acknowledged as the most important downstream event on the continent, OTL Africa Downstream 2015 will


MAN tasks FG on economic diversification


he President of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, MAN, Frank Udemba Jacobs has challenged government to take seriously its policy statement on diversification of national economy.

The MAN president said government should demonstrate enough commitment to ensure realisation of such plan as similar pronouncements in the past remained largely unaccomplished. He said oil receipts in 2014 constituted 63.8 percent of the total government revenue while non-oil receipts accounted for 36.2 percent. Jacobs said that Nigeria’s Manufacturing sector contributed only 9.11 percent to the GDP in Q4 of 2014 which he considered insignificant when compared with those of advanced economy. He further said that Nigeria must diversify its economy for it to remain the largest economy in West Africa and assume the position of one of the leading 20 global economies in the year 2020. The president observed that the manufacturing sector remain one of the surest ways to revive the economy as the sector is essential to job creation, sustained growth and development of other key sectors such as Agriculture, solid minerals among others. “To achieve the desired goals there is the need to urgently address the challenges militating against the growth of the manufacturing sector ranging from acute infrastructure deficiency to insecurity, smuggling and unbridled importation and dumping of cheap and substandard finished products” Jacobs said at MAN’s annual general meeting in Lagos today. He also lamented collection of multiple taxes which he said constitute a threat to the survival and growth of businesses in Nigeria. He further complained high cost of energy which has resulted in uncompetitive pricing of locally produced goods, as Nigeria is one of the most expensive countries in terms of

igerian vessel operators have lamented lack of transparency in securing crude transportation contracts in the country. They also feared that dwindling oil price is forcing oil majors to review contract terms, which has adversely affected their businesses. Executive Chairman Norfin Offshore Petroleum Ltd Charles Udonwa noted that corruption and lack of transparency in contract/policies are rife and the industry in Nigeria also lacks relevant manpower. For the Offshore Support Vessel, OSV, market, Udonwa said that securing contracts is a major challenge as the process is not transparent but based on relationships with who you know either at the oil majors or at NNPC. “We have observed with sadness as companies with no vessels have tendered and were awarded contracts. We thought that with local content regulations, the lack of transparency in contract awards will be eliminated, but this was not the case. Procurement managers at oil majors say they are abiding by local content regulations. They listed all the companies with vessels for a particular category without taking cognizance on whether the companies/vessels as registered are available, or on long term contracts with other oil majors. As such, you can have your vessels in Nigeria with no chance of being awarded contracts,” he told Rigzone. Udonwa said that the low oil price is affecting the offshore marine vessels support market negatively and looking ahead. According to him, there will be surplus supply of oil as Iranian supplies return to the market. To achieve recovery and sustainability in the offshore support market, there must be a balance in oil prices. I see the current trend of low oil prices continuing until September or October, after which prices may recover to $55 to $60 a barrel next year as global oil demand rises – due to growth of middle class in most countries. Speaking further, he noted that as expected, due to the current low oil price, the oil majors are cutting back on operational cost, thus reducing vessel charter rates. “We have seen a trend whereby most countries are adopting cabotage regulations to protect, sustain and encourage indigenous ship owners even in Africa. BC

A6 22

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

Companies & Markets

improves agric Standard Alliance Insurance Ecobank sector lending records N1.4bn profit E Stories by Udo Onyeka


tandard Alliance Insurance Plc said it recorded N1.4bn underwriting profit in its 2014 financial statements against N1bn posted the previous year. Speaking at the company’s Annual General Meeting, AGM, in Lagos last week, the Chairman, SA Insurance, Mr. Dominic Oneya, added that the firm made a gross premium of N4.33bn in 2014 even as N3.78bn was posted in 2013 financial year. He pointed out that the firm made a loss of N1.9bn as against N240m in 2013, stating that the rise in loss recorded was occasioned by impairment provisions on assets as well as share of losses at the firm’s associate company. He assured the shareholders that the firm would continue to take advantage of the positive business atmosphere from the No Premium No Cover principle and other available opportunities. On his part, the Group Managing Director, SA, Mr. Bode Akinboye, said against the background of the firm’s performance in 2014, the management has embarked on transformation agenda that would

focus the firm’s strategy and match same with sufficient capital injection. According to him, “Our focused strategy is to aggressively build up our life assurance franchise as currently embedded in Standard Alliance Lim-

ited. Following the divestment from non-core activities, we have increased our equity stake in SA Life Assurance Limited to majority control cadre, and we intend to significantly inject resources in order to be able to cross-sell retail products.” BC

cobank has said it would grow its current agricultural loan portfolio of N84bn in Nigeria significantly in the next four years in line with Federal Government focus on the Agric sector. The Country Manager, Agriculture and Export Finance, Ecobank Nigeria, Mr. Abel Ajala

this project and other investments in the education sector would lay a solid foundation for education and technology development in the country. In her earlier remarks, the Provost of the institution, Prof Mrs. Francisca Aladejana, commended the Bank for supporting the development of education in the country and for the provision of the e-library for the institution. She opined that with the support that the Bank has offered the school, “we are confident that we will soon become a referenced knowledge based educational institution in the country. Other financial institutions in the country must see the need to partner with educational institutions in the country to fast track development in the sector”. BC

who disclosed this in Lagos said it is part of the bank’s deliberate and strategic initiative to increase support to the agriculture sector in Nigeria. According to Mr. Ajala, the bank works closely with Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN and Bank of Industry, BOI, using intervention funds and other schemes to avail credit facilities at concessionary interest rates and single digit interest rate for CBN/BOI intervention funds. ‘’ Apart from the bank’s direct lending to agric sector, Ecobank has supported many stakeholders in the sector to obtain BOI loans and various CBN-support facilities for agriculture such as Commercial Agricultural Credit Scheme ,CACS, Nigeria Incentive – based Risk Sharing for Agricultural Lending ,NIRSAL among others at a single digit interest rate. Ecobank also plans to grow the BOI/CBN funding portfolio in the bank significantly in the next four years. ‘’ Ecobank has built a robust agriculture and export unit, staffed by highly qualified professionals to ensure easy risk assessment of loans while adequately providing measures to guarantee that beneficiaries use the funds diligently and pay back as at when due He maintained that Ecobank is actively supporting agriculture both in the production ,including Agricultural processing , distribution and other areas of the value chain, stressing that the sector is at the centre of transforming the economy.“It is part of our deliberate and strategic initiative to increase support to the Agric sector’’. Ajala further stated that, “we lend to farmers to procure fertilizers; as well as for agric products and produce like cocoa, cashew, seeds, leather, skin tannery, rubber crumbs, poultry, fisheries, livestock, crops, in fact the entire value chain. As a bank, we have resolved to take financing of the sector to the next level.” He enjoined participants in the agric and exports to avail themselves the opportunity provided by the bank‘s presence in 36 countries across Africa. “For importers and exporters, Ecobank remains the best bank to do business with because of our spread across the continent. We have agric and export help desk in all our branches. BC

chartering manager Jessy Joy indicates that this will not dissuade the company from entering new business areas, like Nigeria. “We’re thinking long term,” said Joy. “Nigeria is a tough market, but we always want to be expanding.”

“The contracts are going very well,” said Patrick Van Tijn, Dynamic Positioning technical manager. “We’ve had good communication with our clients, crew changes have gone smoothly, and we haven’t had any lost time incidents.” BC

L-R: Folashade Afilaka, Babatunde Odumuyiwa, Dimeji Oganla and Alberto Fafuzzo during the announcement of FEG’s housing project, Alan Empire Palms

Sterling Bank’s E-Library project for launch


he Governor of Ekiti State, Mr. Ayodele Fayose will on Wednesday commission the e-library built by Sterling Bank Plc for the College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State. The project is part of the lender’s contributions to improve the nation’s education sector under its ‘One Education’ initiative. A statement signed byGroup Head, Strategy & Communications, Mr. Shina Atilola, and made available to newsmen over the weekend also confirmed that in sustenance of its strategic focus on clean environment as one of its Corporate Social Responsibility ,CSR, priorities, the Bank will also present 1000 units of branded highway managers’ and sweepers’ kits to

the Governor. The reflective kits will be used by the beneficiaries engaged by the State Government to clean various highways and major streets in the state. It would be recalled that Mr. Atilola at the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, MOU, between the Bank and the authorities of the College assured that the project would be completed in a record time. Disclosing that the e-library is equipped with 80 computers, three servers and fibre optic cabling to provide power, he added that the Bank would subscribe for education materials on behalf of the school locally and internationally on an annual basis. “This is to ensure that the students have access to updated materials to develop

their academic career”, he explained. “Sterling Bank is known for innovation in several areas. As it concerns Education which has become the major focus of the Bank, we believe our business is to enrich lives in innovative ways. When you invest in people especially young people, you are enriching their lives, and they will in turn enrich the society,” he said. On the Bank’s choice of the e-library project, he cited the need for private sector participation in education based on research. “Research shows that Nigeria needs one billion dollars investment annually for the education sector to be at par with the least developed country in advanced nations”. The Sterling Bank’s chief strategist was optimistic that

Stanford Marine enters Nigerian market


he Stanford Buzzard and Stanford Eagle, two Offshore Support Vessels (OSVs) owned by Stanford Marine, are beginning new contracts in Nigeria. Flagged in St. Vincent Grenadines, Stanford Eagle is an entirely modern vessel, built in

China in 2014. The 75 m vessel features Dynamic Positioning 2 (DP2) functionality and Firefighting (FiFi) 1 capability. The vessel will be on charter to Total, off Nigeria, for 30 months. Meanwhile, Stanford Buz-

zard, delivered to Stanford Marine in October 2011, is similarly equipped with DP2 and FiFi1 capability, and similarly is on 12-month charter off Nigeria, this time For ExxonMobil. Despite the poor state of the oil and gas industry, Stanford

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

A7 23

Companies & Markets

Emerging Capital quits Continental Reinsurance E Stories by Udo Onyeka

merging Capital Partners ,ECP, an international private equity firm focused on investing across the African continent, along with its investment partners, has announced the sale of C-Re Holding Limited to Saham Finances S.A (Saham), the insurance arm of Saham Group. C-Re Holding holds a 53.6 per cent stake in Continental Reinsurance Plc (Continental Re), the leading private reinsurance company in Africa, excluding South Africa. Under ECP’s ownership, Continental Re has grown to become a leading pan-African reinsurer operating across the continent with a presence in Nigeria, Cameroon, Botswana, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya and Tunisia. During its holding period, ECP and its investment partners supported the recapitalization of the business, strengthened the senior management team and facilitated its regional expansion to support Continental Re’s growth ambitions. Commenting on the sale, CoChief Executive Officer of ECP and outgoing Chairman of Continental Re, Hurley Doddy said:

“ECP’s investment in Continental Re highlights how we partner with high growth companies with proven business models and transform them into regional champions. With ECP’s support, Continental Re has grown from a primarily Nigerian focused business into a leading pan-African reinsurer, increas-

ing its presence on the continent from two to six countries. We believe that Continental Re will leverage Saham’s industry expertise and relationships across the continent to further achieve its goals in Africa and create value for shareholders” Continental Reinsurance is a composite reinsurer, operating in more than 44 countries across the African continent. It has offices in Nigeria, Kenya,

L – R: Chief Executive Officer, Fidelity Bank Plc, Mr. Nnamdi Okonkwo; Chief Executive Officer, The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), Mr. Oscar N. Onyema and Group Managing Director (designated) FBN Holdings Plc, Mr. U.K. Eke, at the NSE CEO’s Dinner for the Financial Services Sector

Forte Oil unveils ‘FO advantage Card’


orte Oil indigenous oil and Gas Company has introduced a smart-fuel card for its customers which further simplifies product purchase and helps to promote government’s cashless policy. The card which qualifies as a better alternative to cash transactions also provides a secure mode of payment. The ‘FO Advantage Card’ offers a customer the opportunity to turn his/her purchases into an advantage and the card can also be used anywhere the verve card is accepted. Group Chief Executive of the company Akin Akinfemiwa while speaking at the formal unveling of the initiative in Lagos today said “The FO Advantage card is significant to us and just like the theme of this year’s customer service week, we are celebrating “our everyday heroes” by giving them a product that is convenient and secured. Permit me to say that “we are in business because of our customers and our service mantra is to always meet and surpass their expectations at all times”. Akinfemiwa said the card qualifies the holder for a re-

Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Tunisia and Botswana and is rated B+ (Good) by AM Best. Saham Finances, the insurance arm of the Saham Group, is actively following its growth strategy in Africa and the Middle East. It is present in 24 countries through 49 subsidiaries, including 28 insurance and reinsurance companies through 650 branches throughout Africa. BC

ward as he or she make fuel and lubricant purchases at all designated Forte Oil service stations. He also said it is convenience as the holder has no need to carry cash around adding that the card is secure and it helps to manage and control costs as well as plan fuel expenditure. “At FO, we treasure our customers’ patronage and our aspiration is to always offer

excellent services at all times and it is in pursuit of providing customer-centric service to our discerning customers, that we came up with the initiative to introduce a loyalty prepaid card, designed to reward the patronage of our customers. In partnership with our valuable partners – First Bank of Nigeria Plc and Inter switch; the “FO Advantage Card” will be issued as part of our na-

tionwide Customer Loyalty and Reward Program’ Akinfemiwa added. He said that the verve card was a home-grown initiative of Forte Oil, First Bank Holdings Plc and Interswitch Ltd. Akinfenwa said that the verve card, which was designed to be used in all Forte Oil’s retail outlets, could also be used on any electronic payment channels nationwide. BC

Firm launches Alan Empire Palms apartments Oseyiza Oogbodo


he First Empire Group, a conglomerate with interests in oil and gas, entertainment and tourism, international business, and real estate, has launched one of its housing projects, the Alan Empire Palms Apartments and Terraces. According to FEG’s Group Head, Energy, Dimeji Oganla, FEG’s launch of the project is to send out a message that they want to capture the property and real estate market. “Our intention with Alan Empire Palms and all our scheduled housing projects is to build

homes that stand out because they are extremely unique in every facet. And that’s why we’re working with Alberto Fafuzzo, an Italian builder and engineer of high repute with a very deep knowledge about the building needs of Nigeria and Africa as a whole. “Our buildings are all about quality at very affordable costs and we are ready to hit the market full force after years of the necessary research. Our secret is our engineering partnerships with the best hands like Mr Fafuzzo. These partnerships are what are making it possible for us to deliver quality housing at

very affordable costs because we’re able to cut waste and deliver with little materials and labour.” Buttressing Oganla on the issue of quality, Fafuzzo said, “It’s very possible to improve quality without affecting cost. Good planning and designing makes that possible. Also, the quality of a building is dependent on the level of expertise of those who work on it, and we are working with the very best hands. For instance, if you are working with quality materials, but you have builders who don’t know how to use them properly, what’s the point?” BC

Access Bank UK begins operations in Dubai


ccess Bank UK Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Access Bank Plc has opened operations at the Dubai International Financial Centre ,DIFC, to grow trade finance opportunities between UAE and sub-Saharan Africa. The bank, primarily focused on trade finance opportunities with sub-Saharan Africa, expects to tap into the fast growing trade ties between the UAE and Africa. “The Access Bank UK is the largest trade finance Nigerian Bank in the United Kingdom. We see growing trade flows between the UAE and Nigeria and some of the fast growing Sub-Saharan African countries. Clearly, there are opportunities to expand our business in this fast growing trade corridor,” said Chairman of Access Bank UK, Herbert Wigwe, The Access Bank UK’s office in DIFC will continue to serve the bank’s existing clients in the UAE as well as introducing the bank’s portfolio of services to companies keen on investing in Nigeria and other parts of Africa directly or through trade finance. Nigeria is the second-fastest growing economy in subSaharan Africa after Ghana. In recent years, the country has been attracting growing investments from the GCC, particularly, the UAE. “Over the past few years, businesses in the UAE have shown a natural affinity for expanding presence into Africa, and as a fully licensed independent subsidiary in the UK with a parent bank in Nigeria and with the opening of our Dubai office, we offer a unique and powerful combination to unlock opportunities for businesses who want to invest in Africa,” said CEO of Access Bank UK, Jamie Simmonds. BC


A8 24

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

Global News Standard Chartered ‘to cut 1,000 senior jobs’

IMF cuts forecast for global growth



ondon-based lender that makes most of its profit in Asia, could cut up to 1,000 senior jobs, according to an internal memo sent to staff. The move from chief executive Bill Winters is meant to cut costs. The bank has grown very quickly since the financial crisis and some roles are now not needed, sources told the BBC. Standard Chartered said it had disclosed before “that there would be further personnel changes to come”. “We have already acted to reduce management layers, and a result will have up to 25% fewer senior staff,” the bank said in a statement. Mr Winters told staff in the memo that about a quarter of senior managers, of director level or above, would be cut. There are about 4,000 bankers in the grades affected by the decision. The bank employs about 88,000 people in total. It has grown rapidly, from about 44,000 in 2005. Mr Winters took over from former diplomat Peter Sands in June and said he would simplify Standard Chartered with a “new management team and simpler organisational structure”. The bank has already shed some businesses, in Hong Kong, China and Korea, booking a gain of $219m and improving its capital position. Standard Chartered hired Mark Smith from Asia-focused rival HSBC to join as new chief risk officer. Mr Winters also cut the dividend to help the bank strengthen its capital base - a safety net protecting it from unexpected financial knocks. He has also not ruled out raising more capital if needed.

UK construction output drops in August


K construction output drops 4.3 per cent in August, its sharpest drop since late 2012, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has said. In the three months to August, output fell by 0.8 per cent, the biggest such decline since March 2013. Meanwhile, the UK trade deficit was £3.3bn in August, a narrowing of £1.2bn from

David Cameron, British Prime Minister

July, it said. But the deficit was larger than expected and is set to weigh on growth, the ONS added. An ONS official said the weak figures for construction in August may have been linked to wet weather during the month. House building fell by 3 per cent from July and output in other parts of the sector also contracted for the first across-the-board decline since 2010. Image copyrightGetty Images The trade figures showed the UK’s deficit in its trade in goods narrowed to £11.1bn in August compared with £12.2bn in July, although some analysts had expected it to shrink further. The deficit of £11.1bn on goods was partly offset by a £7.9bn surplus on services. Exports increased by £0.8bn, boosted by cars. The combined goods deficit for July and August is already twice that of the previous quarter, and is likely to have a negative effect on overall GDP growth. The UK’s economy grew by 0.7 per cent in the second quarter of the year, but Howard Archer of IHS Global Insight said overall growth prospects for the third quarter had received a “double blow” from the construction and trade data, which was “seriously bad news overall”. “Overall, the data reinforce our belief that GDP growth is likely be no better than 0.5 per cent quarter-on-quarter in the third quarter, and there is now a significant risk that it could have been weaker still.” David Kern, chief economist of the British Chambers of Commerce, said: “The large trade deficit remains a major national problem. Greater efforts are needed to support our exporters and to secure a long-term improvement in our trading position.”

he International Monetary Fund has downgraded its forecast for global economic growth this year. It has reduced its figure to 3.1 per cent from the 3.3 per cent it predicted in July. The 2016 forecast is down to 3.6 per cent from 3.8 per cent. “A return to robust and synchronized global expansion remains elusive,” the IMF says. The report also warns that the risks of an outcome worse than its forecasts are more pronounced than they were just a few months ago. The sharpest downgrades are for emerging economies, especially Brazil, Nigeria, South Africa and Russia. The developed economies are expected to manage slightly stronger growth than before, reflecting the modest recovery in the eurozone and the return of growth in Japan, though that looks tentative at best. Receding legacies from the financial crisis are elements in that story, as is the longlasting support from central bank policies - low and zero interest rates and also quantitative easing, which continues in the eurozone and Japan. The emerging and developing economies still account for what the IMF calls the lion’s share of global growth, but they are slowing, in 2015 for the fifth consecutive year. One important factor is China’s economic transition from very rapid growth driven by investment and industrial exports to moderate expansion based to a greater extent on Chinese consumer spending increasingly on services. The IMF mentions that shift as one direct factor behind the emerging world slowdown. But China is also a key element behind other forces, Oil producers have been hit by the decline in the price of their exports. Nigeria and Russia are striking examples. China’s slowdown is one of the underlying forces, along with abundant supplies of crude oil. The report also mentions the declines of other commodity prices as a factor, especially in Latin America. Some countries also have domestic political issues that have encroached onto economic performance; Brazil for example. The other downbeat element in this report is the view of risks - how the global

economy might perform differently from this forecast. Financial market volatility is a possible danger, if interest rate rises in the US encourage investors to move funds out of emerging economies more rapidly than they have done already. Increased debt in the emerging economies, lower commodity prices and slower growth could undermine their financial stability, which could in turn hit wider economic performance. China’s slowdown is another possible trouble spot, if it does not manage its economic transition reasonably smoothly. There is also the possibility of lower potential growth that’s a wide-ranging term for factors that govern the maximum capacity of an economy to grow if nothing much goes wrong. Weak investment (though not in China) and the effect of longer-term unemployment on workers’ skills are examples of forces that could do further damage. And there’s one more risk we have heard about before: Greece. In terms of the international economic impact the situation has calmed greatly. But the IMF warns there is the potential for renewed financial stress in Europe if there is fresh political uncertainty there. Still, the IMF’s main forecast is for growth to pick up somewhat next year - globally and in the emerging economies. It’s just that it is still not all that convincing a recovery.

Jeffrey Immelt, GE CEO

‘GE nears deal to sell over $30bn of loans to Wells Fargo’


eneral Electric Co, GE.N, is in advanced talks to sell a specialty finance portfolio, worth more than $30bn, to Wells Fargo & Co ,WFC.N, according to a person familiar with the matter, as the in-

dustrial conglomerate returns to its roots. Wells Fargo has so far outbid other parties for General Electric’s vendor financing, commercial distribution finance and direct lending assets, the person with direct knowledge of the situation said on Friday. A deal could be announced by the time Wells Fargo publishes its third-quarter earnings on Wednesday, the person added, cautioning that the negotiations were ongoing and could still fall apart. The source asked not to be identified because the matter is confidential. GE and Wells Fargo representatives declined to comment. The sale of the loans would leapfrog GE well past its target of shedding about $100 billion worth of finance assets by the end of this year. The company unveiled its latest divestment agreement on Monday - for its North American corporate aircraft financing portfolio - bringing its total deals to date related GE Capital to $97bn. GE announced in April it would sell off some $200bn in GE Capital financing assets as it focuses more on its manufacturing of industrial goods, setting off a series of transactions for the U.S. conglomerate. GE Capital’s commercial distribution finance offers lending to dealers and manufacturers of durable goods, such as boats, recreational vehicles and off-road vehicles. Direct lending provides assetbased loans and equipment leasing to a range of mid-size and larger companies. Vendor finance allows larger networks of equipment dealers’ networks to offer third-party financing to buyers of equipment such as office imaging, construction, material handling and technology. GE’s overhaul attracted fresh attention earlier this week, when activist investor Nelson Peltz’s Trian Fund Management revealed it had taken a $2.5bn stake in the company. Wells Fargo’s CFO John Shrewsberry told Reuters in a July interview that portions of GE’s Commercial Loans and leases portfolio would “fit nicely” with Wells Fargo’s businesses. With this transaction, Wells Fargo would add more interest-bearing assets to its already large lending portfolio. Since GE has begun to sell its finance assets earlier this year, Wells Fargo has also agreed to purchase both GE’s railcar leasing business. BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

A9 25

Brand Watch

Gulder Promo: Between determination and luck - a winner’s story The ongoing Gulder Ultimate promotions has thrown up the thrills and frills of promtioms, as some winners say they never expected to win. In this report, David Audu captures some of these interesting moment


t was Denis Waitley who defined determination as a quality that makes you continue trying to do or achieve something that is difficult. Determinationgives you the resolve to keep going in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you.Determination is described as putting extra effort to achieve an objective. Luck, on the other hand is defined as getting or receiving something by chance. Both of these elements played a crucial part in the life of one of the winners of the ongoing Gulders Ultimate Promo. Eye witness account agreed that the Port Harcourt leg of the national consumer promo was one of the fiercest contest in the quest to win the ultimate promo prize. The Port Harcourt event also encapsulate the story of the winner as well as the Gulder brand’s masculine prowess and Identity. The story of the 23 year old undergraduate of the Anambra State University, chinedu Ifezua, who follows the footsteps of his namesake, Chinedu Odimgbe, who also won at the Enugu leg of the Chase. Chinedu Ifezue however had to surmount several challenges before his eventual ascension into the League of Ultimate Men. Contestants in the Port Harcourt leg of the chase had to run from the Liberation Stadium to the Polo Club; after which they would retrieve two different

scrolls from 500 boxes. They also had to choose between getting the instant gift items and forfeiting the opportunity of winning the brand new Hyundai Elantra or opting for the opportunity of winning the car and waiving their ownership of the gift items found in the boxes. Relating his experience to National Mirror recently, the winner, Ifezua, said that as the ‘chase’ kicked off, many of the contestants outran him and by the time he got to the Polo Club Ground, all the gift items had been taken. His only option was to pick up one of the remaining scrolls which directed him to get a map from the Gatekeeper and compete fiercely with 49 other contestants for the opportunity of winning the only remaining prize Despite almost giving up hope, Ifezua”s determination and persistence, which are also part of the Gulder brand’s core values, won him the car. A tearful and visibly shaken Chinedu said, he screamed for joy when it dawned on him that his discovery meant he would be driving home a brand new car. Speaking on his victory, Ifezua revealed that he had

tried to compete in the first Gulder Ultimate Chase staged for consumers in Enugu, but could not because he arrived at the venue late. He attributed his late-coming to the monthly environmental sanitation exercise which was observed that morning in Anambra State, where he currently resides. Instead of being discouraged by the temporary setback, it strengthened his resolve to compete in the Gulder Ultimate Chase. Thus he left Onitsha, Anambra State for Port Harcourt on Friday, October 2,where eventually won the car. His journey to Port Harcourt was however not devoid of drama. He related how his younger relationsand friends tried to discourage him, questioning his ability to compete against other stronger and faster competitors. Chinedu said: “When I told my younger brother and sister that I will leave Onitsha for Port Harcourt to participate for a chance to win the car, they discouraged me. They told me, are you going to run with these sticks? By sticks, they were referring to my legs. My friends also tried to discourage me. They told me

that I don’t know anybody in Port Harcourt as I had never been there, but I was resolute. I came to Port Harcourt with faith. I had to sleep in the church. When there was no other place to stay.” Chinedu however confessed that he did not reveal to his father or mother where he was going as they were very strict and would not have allowed him embark on the journey had they known his motive. Speaking on his experience during the ‘chase’, he narrated: “I was among the contestants that trailed behind the others. I got tired early in the race. Even though I trained and engaged in both indoor and outdoor physical activities and even though I took glucose, I got tired. I was praying to get any item, even if it was an MP3 player so that they won’t laugh at me when I get home. I never knew I would drive home the car. When I got to the Polo Park, all the boxes were empty. I asked myself “What do I do now? I had lost all hope. I started to ask my fellow contestants where the Gatekeeper was, but nobody talked to me, nobody responded. I looked around and I saw Canon, the win-

ner of Gulder Ultimate Search Viewers’ Choice. I then ran to him. He was delaying while up to 20 other contestants had gotten the map and started searching for the box that had the car key. I was among the last set of contestants that was given the map. I looked at the map and tried to read meaning into it. By trying to make sense of the map, I saw the first wooden box, I rushed and opened it, there was no key. I was the only person at that side. I turned and saw another set of boxes. About three to four boxes were empty. I now saw the box with the golden colour that had the Gulder emblem. I opened it and I saw the car key. I can’t say whether I fainted or not because I can’t remember what happened exactly. Chinedu however said that he would give the car to his mother as a birthday gift. The 23 year old undergraduate however stated that he would have gone to all the Ultimate Chase venues for a chance to win the car if he had been unsuccessful in Port Harcourt. Consolation items such as TV sets, generators, refrigerators, rechargeable fans and others were carted home by consumers that participated in the Ultimate Chase. Gift ChukwuotiOnyedikaChibuezeemerged another winner of a brand new Hyundai Elantra car at the Port Harcourt raffle draws of the Gulder Ultimate promo; held at the Lesukka Bar on Sunday, October 4. Other prize winners were Peter Omosoria (N200,000), Asule Abel (N100,000) as well as ChineduEgbe and SamsondeenOlanrewaju who both won N50,000 shopping vouchers. OlokunmuyiAkindele and Abia Confidence both won TV sets while Emmanuel Eze won a home theatre. Prince Akoji and Friday Yusuf both won generators. With five cars already won by lucky consumers, 10 more cars are still up for grabs in Nigeria’s biggest National Consumer Promotion BC

A10 26

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

Energy Review

Kachikwu revs up NNPC’s repositioning drive’


he Group Managing Director, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, Dr Emanuel Ibe Kachikwu has outlined how he intends to reposition the petroleum Industry towards the path of sustainable profitability. This follows the growing concerns about the operations of the corporation which have been a subject of criticism in recent pasts, ranging from alleged unremitted funds into federal purse to the controversy surrounding fuel subsidy, the corporation have been enmeshed in series of controversies prompting some stakeholders calling for its outright scrapping. In a media parley last week in Lagos, the first of its kind since assuming office, Dr Kachikwu said the past ten years has witnessed “southward trend” in the performance of the petroleum sector and the task of reviving the trend formed the core trust of his discussion with president Mohamadu Buhari when he was invited to join the train of his administration. Kachikwu said that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporations as the main source of the Nations revenue cannot and should not be toyed with and the task of putting it back on the part of sustainable growth will for the focus of his tenure as the chief executive The group Managing Director, a Harvard trained petroleum Law graduate who disclosed that he has not been given any no go area said that his first task is to bring back external auditors to examine the books of the corporation which he said was last audited in 2010,this according to him would be done before December . Dr Kachikwu also disclosed that every single contract is being reviewed and those found to be questionable and not giving value for money would be cancelled. As part of his transparency policy of the present administration Kachikwu said

NNPC Towers

every crude lifting would be published in Nigerian dailies for people to see. ”We are very focused on the issue o transparency to enable NNPC gets back its reputation as a responsible corporate entity”, he said. Also as parts of the efforts geared toward ensuring efficiency of its workforce, Kachikwu said promotion and remuneration would be based on performance, adding that staff will be evaluated based on performance, even though there is the need to clean and clense,we also need to carry staff along by respecting their intelligence as NNPC can safely boast of some of the best brains in the country, just as skill acquisitision will be vigorously pursued As for the refineries, Kachikwu said that the refineries have been given 90 days to optimize their performance to not lower that 60 per cents failure of which he might consider selling them off as there would be no need for retaining them. The Group Managing Director lamented the ever in-

creasing spate of vandalism of pipelines resulting in the loss of over 200 billion in the account of the corporation. Part of the measures aimed at reversing this trend he said is to liaise with the armed forces as well as local communities to deal with the activities of the vandals.” Every member of local communities would be encouraged to see the pipelines as their property which must be protected” he said He also disclosed that the pipelines and Products Marketing Company PPMC will be unbundled to form three different companies with each charged with a specific responsibility. While one company will be responsible for monitoring the pipelines to ensure free flow of products as well as general maintenance, the other will be responsible for crude lifting and the third company responsible for crude lifting with clean approach to oil lifting Kachikwu also said that attracting needed investments to the oil sector will be another major area of


concentration while also establishing good relationships with the joint venture partners. He also hinted on the plans to reduce the retail outlet of NNPC to a manageable size of 20 from the present 500 for easy monitoring of distribution of products. Kachikwu also have good news to Nigerian as plans are on to reduce the usage of kerosene as a means of cooking, He disclosed that

there is enough gas in the country and would be made available to every Nigerian. This he said will be done by giving out free cylinders as from next year January so as to encourage Nigerian to switch from kerosene to Gas as a means of domestic cooking. Until his appointment, Kachikwu was the Executive Vice Chairman and General Counsel of Exxon Mobil (Africa). BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

A11 27

Cyber security threats open opportunity for professionals Isaiah Erhiawarien


he increasing cyber security threat across the global particularly Africa and indeed Nigeria may have privided business opportunity for experts as latest report revealed that cyber security professionals are the new guardians of the digital change. Studies conducted by Gartner Incorporated stated by the end of 2017, more than 20 per cent of enterprises will have digital risk services devoted to protecting business initiatives using devices and services in the Internet of Things (IoT). The report said that changes in computing fabric, devices and services formed by digital business continue to shape risk and security landscapes. Currently, there is an on-going warm embrace of a digitally enhanced economy by Nigerians as well as a conscientious campaign on mobile money the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN. The Business Courage investigation indicated that most banks in the country currently have mobile money partnership agreement with mobile network operators. After an intensive training of its Glo Xchange prospective agents in over thirty states of the country, Globacom launched the first set of mobile money agents into the market. The about 10,000 well-trained and proficient Glo Xchange agents currently provides mobile money solutions Nigerians. Globacom said that the Glo Xchange was designed to facilitate financial inclusion in the country, adding that, this will take cashless transactions and e-payments to the grassroots. Similarly, Access Bank Plc entered into an agreement with Airtel Nigeria for the deployment of its mobile money platform, Access Money. According to the bank, Access Money will also allow cash withdrawals from any of the over 1,000 Access Bank Automated Teller Machines (ATM) across the country without an ATM card; deposit and withdrawal of cash at designated mobile money agent locations; airtime purchase; transfer of funds to any mobile phone in Nigeria; Pay utility bills; pay for goods and services and check account balance and electronic wallet balances. MTN Nigeria and Diamond Bank also went into an agreement to provide mobile money service through a product both

named: Diamond Y’ello Account, which can be automatically opened by dialling star 710 hash. According to the bank, it is targeting the youth and mass market segments of the MTN subscriber base, as well as unbanked and under-banked subscribers. Although the banks and the mobile network operators are aware of the activities cyber crooks, yet the assurance from them was that users should adhere to security guidelines. Managing Vice President at Gartner, Christian Byrnes business imperatives have driven the convergence of the Internet of people, computers and things, transforming most enterprises into digital businesses and reshaping cyber security. Describing what is happening regard the global economy, he said that “ an inflection point in business and technological innovation has occurred, “which we refer to as the ‘digital explosion’ and the ‘race to the edge.” He said that the traditional model ascribed for decades to IT security has been one of confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA) adding that most organisations in 2015 have not shown a consistent ability to substantially mitigate those risks. The Gartner report revealed that the CIA model is still rel-

evant and applicable in cyber security, but it isn’t enough. “The race to the edge has pushed the environment for protecting data and infrastructure into the physical world, merging functions focused on data and information with functions that make actual changes to people and their surrounding environments,” said Byrnes. He added that protecting information alone isn’t enough, and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of that information isn’t enough but that leaders in risk and cyber security must now assume the responsibility of providing safety for both people and their environments. Report explained that “the digital explosion is moving technologies from core architectures to a highly distributed and fit-for-purpose edge. “Core” describes general-purpose technologies and services for computing, such as servers, laptops and mobile platforms, as well as cloud and mobile services.” It added: “Edge” is a term used to describe devices that aren’t servers or laptops and perform specific functions in the business and are positioned at the boundary between the business and its customers, partners and providers. The core and the edge are mixtures of traditional IT, as well as IT

and components of the IoT.” The digital explosion disrupts the foundations of services for technology and information and elevates traditional IT services, such as cloud computing and advanced analytics, to a mandatory status to support the scale and functional needs of the edge. Gartner said that the edge itself is more physical than digital, with devices and physical assets becoming more intelligent to meet the shifting demands of business adding that this is the core-to-edge continuum. According to Gartner, the other continuum in the cyber security scenario is one of openness adding that an organisation must decide, as part of its evolution in digital business, on the ultimate transparency of its services to its customers noting that the degree of openness depends on an organisation’s approach to data accessibility, infrastructure used, culture, process and adaptation to change. Gartner said that it believes that the demands for transparency in the digital business of 2020 will drive more organisations toward openness as a strategy of priorities. The report, which disclosed that the requirements for largescale, real-time adaptive protection, safety and privacy at the

digital and physical levels will drive new cyber security skills, practices and technologies, indicated that the race to the edge requires that organisations consolidate the prioritisation of cyber security efforts across broader technology areas that require protection and are interdependent. In addition to a more comprehensive approach to digital risk, it said that organisations must prepare for new cyber security skill sets in areas such as vendor portfolio management, safety engineering, machineto-machine (M2M) communications, embedded software, and systems security and cyber physical systems. “Cyber security professionals are the new guardians of big changes in the organisation. Such professionals must practice business resiliency and adaptability, because they are now so integrated with digital business decisions that leaders cannot tell where business ends and cyber security begins,” said Byrnes. Byrnes said further that the digital explosion and the race to the edge have achieved what previous waves of technology evolution have failed to do to integrate cyber security professionals and business leaders into effective teams for the protection and safety of the organisation.” BC

A12 28

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

Phoenix to distribute Linksys ICT products in Africa Stories by Isaiah Erhiawarien


hoenix Distribution, Africa’s top broad-based distributor of software, has won the rights to distribute the Linksys range of wired and wireless routers, Ethernet switches, VOIP equipment, wireless Internet video cameras, audio visual products and network storage systems across Africa. Chief Executive Officer, Phoenix Distribution, Simon Campbell-Young in a press statement said that the distribution deal with Linksys is another step towards Phoenix’s aim to be the top ICT distributor in Africa, and will also be a key driver for technology growth in the continent. “Phoenix is ideally placed to grow the Linksys brand in Africa, as we have several offices and warehouses statically placed to serve all our African customers”, he said. He added that Phoenix boasts a robust channel network and solid partnerships, making it easy for the company to offer affordable and usable products to the African market saying, “We have an incredibly efficient distribution network in place, and have become a top distributor, with highly developed processes, infrastructure and corporate governance.”

He said, “Phoenix is thrilled to have been chosen to grow the Linksys brand across the continent. Our strong customer service and top performance, combined with our excellent staff, strategies, networks and logistics, have seen us perfectly placed to promote our vendors around the continent.” Campbell-Young noted that Phoenix Distribution has spent the last few years putting processes and infrastructures in place to support its expansion goals, and has started increasing its geographic reach as well as its portfolio of products stressing, “We have now entrenched our market leading position, and built an unsurpassed distribution network in Africa.” Linksys’ leading range of products are the perfect addition to the Phoenix stable, he said stating, “We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial partnership, particularly in light of the growing need for high quality networking products.” He pointed out that networking, which has long been the heart of the IT system, is becoming more important than ever while it has to become unobtrusive, always-on, fast, reliable and secure. “Networking has been through a number of hype cycles and it seems we really

are poised for another wave of technological innovation, as networking capability expands to service applications that are only limited by the imagination. A good networking system is essential for any business, and Linksys offers all of the tools a home or business needs in order to experience stable, high quality connectivity.” Phoenix Distribution is currently the leading value-added distributor of software, accessories and peripherals across the African continent, covering software publishing, localisation and product distribution across multiple territories in multiple languages. Phoenix Distribution is growing at 70 per cent annually, with additional acceleration coming from development within the greater African marketplace, as well as the acquisition of significant high-end product lines within the enterprise arena. In addition, the company’s UK business, PX Security, is firmly entrenched within the UK retail and SME reseller environments, shipping product through trusted distribution partners into mainstream retail outlets and direct engagement with B2B resellers. The UK operation publishes and distributes Bitdefender, Webroot and Avast. BC

MTN, Microsoft partnership to improve service delivery


TN and Microsoft believe their new pan-African business cloud partnership will bring about change for both companies’ clients across Africa. Speaking in Johannesburg at the South African launch of MTN Business’s new cloud platform powered by Microsoft Azure and underpinned by MTN’s pan-African network, the two ICT giants said the partnership positioned them to lead in the African cloud market. The partnership is in line with MTN’s renewed focus on harnessing a partner ecosystem to help it deliver end-to-end ICT services. Chief Executive Officer of MTN South Africa, Mteto Nyati, said: “Partnerships will become part of the DNA of this company, because the problems we seek to solve across the continent are so complex that we must reach out to partners who have the necessary capabilities. We may have the vision, but we cannot have all the capabilities.” Partnerships would be increasingly important as MTN strengthened its brand across Africa, he said. “MTN wants to be the ICT partner of choice; it wants to deliver government to citizen enablement and it wants to foster digital inclusion. There is no way we can do these


things alone – we need to reach out to partners: leading companies such as Microsoft.” Managing Director of Microsoft South Africa, Zoaib Hoosen noted that as a leader in the application as a service, infrastructure as a service and storage as a service markets, Microsoft was already positioned to lead in the cloud space. “The industry is changing and the business environment has been disrupted, and the key enabler for this has been cloud. Our clients have to deal with technology disruptions and industry disruptions. They are talking about being digital businesses”, he noted. He added: “The deep shift

is that the clients are going to have to disrupt themselves and they will need partners to help them do so. This partnership between Microsoft and MTN will go a long way towards helping them disrupt themselves and benefit from the agility, speed and innovation at scale that will be provided by cloud.” “We have a purpose to empower every person and every company on the planet – but the question is, how do we scale to achieve that? How do we reach every part? The only way to do that is to work together with partners. Microsoft has a very strong partnership with MTN across Africa, and by working together in the cloud space, these two powerful brands together can make a real difference for our clients.” Chief Enterprise Officer for MTN Business SA, Alpheus Mangale, echoed this view: “If you want to be a leader, it’s important that you partner with people who are leaders in their own space. Microsoft is the leader in the cloud space. The combination of MTN with Microsoft provides leadership to our clients, our employees and also society overall in the continent. So we are going to be the powerhouse in partnership with Microsoft to enable the experience of Azure across the continent.” BC


National Mirror

with Esther Ozue ( 08059234648 (sms only)

Younity, your personal cloud


ounity lets you have all your files on all your devices at the same time without planning ahead or incompatibilities of storage limits, configuration or management of any kind. Younity creates a personal cloud for all your files, built from your devices and your online services, so that all your devices work as if they were a single device. Cloud access to important files is easy with applications and services like dropbox, google drive, apple’s icloud, or window’s sky drive. If you want to access all of your media files and large documents stored directly on your computer, you should check out iOS file streaming app and service like Younity. Younity is an easy, instant access to all types of files, but especially media libraries. Not only does your personal media management need to be maintained, but these files need to be streamed in a way that allows fast, easy access. Younity lets you have all your music playlists, HD movies, personal videos, entire photo albums and more all on each device you have, regardless of storage via Windows, Mac OS X, and iOS device. In other words, it creates the equivalent of a VPN (virtual private network) between a user’s home and office desktop PCs, laptop PCs, tablets, and smartphones. With Younity there’s no cloud storage limits to think about, if your computer(s) and iOS devices are on and connected to the internet, Younity provide access to all your files on your computer and it can even stream your movie and song files without having to download those files to your mobile devices. To use Younity, you need to download and install it on your iPhone and/or iPad and install the windows or OS X client on your computer. You have to also register each of your devices using your facebook, google, or a Younity email account. After installing the Younity desktop app, you then register for a Younity account. It will scan for all the files on your computer by automatically sorting all music, video and photo files that it detects; no matter how scattered the files are across your computer. By default, it will pick the root directory of your computer, so you can gain access to every file on your computer. A great advantage of Younity is that your files are not uploaded or copied to any server. Instead, it creates an entirely personal cloud for your devices so they can be accessed remotely. Younity acts like a remote file browser and only loads the file when you open it. This means it doesn’t use up much mobile Internet data. If you need access to certain files for offline use, you can even pre-download the files you need. To download files onto the app, simply navigate to your desired document or media file and tap on the blue arrow at the bottom left corner of the screen. Select the files you want offline access to before tapping the download button. In conclusion,Younity as a free app is an awesome alternative to the mainstream cloud services and gives you even more flexibility when it comes to browsing just the files you need while on the go. Files on your computer cannot be deleted or moved with the app and you can’t share your content with others, who is not in your cloud ecosystem One drawback of Younity is that your computer has to stay on when using Younity to download the files. Currently Younity is available for iOS devices and computers running windows from XP to 8 and Mac OS X from 10.6 to 10.8. BC BC BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

A13 29

Bode Adediji:

The property merchant Making money can be very easy for some and difficult for others. For Bode Adediji, Group Executive Chairman of Bode Adediji and Partners, while it was not as if everything was strewn together for him to succeed, he waded his way through the murky waters of life to hit the top of his career. Aided by hard work, doing the right things and being focused, Adediji has been able to build a frontline multidisciplinary real estate firm which ranks among the first five in the country. By Adejuwon Osunnuyi


f a boy did not begin to think of manhood when he was still a boy, when he gets to be a man, that era would pass and he would be nobody.” These are the words of Bode Adediji, Chief Executive Officer of Bode Adediji and Partners, who obviously was not born with the proverbial silver spoon but hit the multi- millionaire status in his thirties through dint of hard work, doing the right things, being focused on what he was doing as well as through the grace of God. Understandably, Adediji knew from day one that if he did not struggle and compete, there was no way he could make good results in school. Through that philosophy, he spent only three years in the secondary school against the standard five-year period that most students spend because he was getting double promotion. Secondly, he went to the University of Ife without passing through the normal Higher School then and even emerged the best overall student in the department of Estate Management in his final year exams. “All these I achieved through the grace of God and my endorsement of hard work as the cardinal principle of any modicum of success anybody can achieve in life,” he said in a recent interview. Incidentally, Adediji, often regarded as highly cerebral real estate management professional, believes that his success today was not basically as a result of his academic brilliance, but the grace of God. “There are so many unseen forces in life. As a result, for everything I have done, I have always seen the hand of God. The choice of my school, the choice of my career, the choice of my wife, the choice of my place of work and the friends I keep. So, I will not ascribe brilliance to my success. I have come across several people who are phenomenally brilliant in academics. That is just a means to an end and not an end in itself. You still need the direction and wisdom of God. Without these, academic brilliance may turn to a liability,”


he said. Born and bred in the rustic Ada village, about 20 kilometres away from Osogbo in Boripe Local Government Area of modern day Osun State to Pa Adediji, a saw miller and timber merchant, the young Adediji’s journey to manhood was expectedly tough and rough. But then, his lowly background helped inculcate in him, the attributes of hard work, discipline and obedience to constituted authority. Right from his youth, the young Adediji had imbibed the culture of hard work. As he noted, part of what has been working for his success in life is that he was lucky to have attended a secondary school where they believed in working round the clock “such that the school opened at 6 a.m and closed whenever it pleases the principal. I had to read and read, not having time for any other thing.” Little wonder he believes

that a man will not succeed in this world if his planning is not backed by discipline. “If there is anything that I want Nigerians to know today, it is that majority of our youths have ambition to become rich, to become popular but this ambition is not underpinned by passion for excellence, planning and hard work. You can see in the majority of them, they want the shortcut to everything. That is why, in majority of cases, they end up as failures. The life of everybody is based on fundamental programming. If you don’t programme your life positively, you would end up a disaster. If you programme your life very well and you pray for it and work towards it, challenges can come but you will end up becoming a successful human being wherever you find yourself,” he reckons. Starting out like an ordinary village boy, living all his early stage of life in the village, he had

attended primary, secondary and even university in the village. This was possible because, then, the University of Ife, which not too far away from his village was also in a village setting. What took him out of his village for the very first time however, was the compulsory national youth service. At that point in time, there was no electricity, no water and no hospital, only one or two primary schools. Though Adediji is today a successful Estate Surveyor, not many knew that the former President, Nigerian Institute of Estate Surveyors and Valuers, would have been charting his course in another field far away from the Estate management profession. Back then at the university, he had been admitted to read accountancy, but a year later, he changed to Estate Management merely because he didn’t want to read any popular course. “As

at that time, the Estate Management department was the broadest in terms of course content of all universities in Nigeria. You can see that the products of that department are actually the pillar of all the leading estate firms in the country today. Fatimilehin & Co, Jide Taiwo & Co among others are ex-Ife. It was because of their practical exposure to quality knowledge, practical training and discipline,” he said boastfully. Determined to put what he had studied into practice, not minding the negative impression the society had about Estate Surveyors and Valuers then, regarding them as mere estate agents, who engage merely in rent seeking, Bode Adediji, in 1993 registered his company known as Bode Adediji Partnership (Estate Surveyors, Valuers and Property Consultants). “I kept asking myself, if that was all about the profession, why would I spend five years in the university to go and learn the art of buying and selling of landed property? It is ridiculous. The truth is that the profession is one of the most cerebral and broadest profession anybody can come across by virtue of their training and what they do especially in advance countries. Some of the areas they engage in are client advisory services, construction, engineering, project management evaluation. Anyone who studied Estate Management must have knowledge in building, engineering, construction designs, and all other areas that are germane in building like electrical, mechanical designs. So when you look at the whole gamut of these knowledge and exposure, certainly, an estate Surveyor and Valuer must not be seen as a mere estate agent,” he said. However, when he was to establish his company, he decided to do something different. As against the practice of most of the other property consultancy firms in the country, he decided to make his own company a multi-disciplinary one, making it the first of its kind in the country. Bode Adediji Partnership is reputed as the pioneer multidisciplinary professional estate firm in Nigeria employing Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, Town Planners, etc under the same roof – The House of Estate Victoria Island, Lagos. Adedeji recalled that his desire to pioneer the first multidisciplinary estate firm in the country came during his master’s programme in Estate ManageContinued on pg A14

Business Courage

ment at the University of Reading, United Kingdom way back in 1982. “It dawned on me that at any professional firm, if any consultant wants to add value from a strategic perspective, he or she needs to have a good bias for a consortium approach to service delivery. So, I asked myself, what are the basic things that defined estate assets? They include conceptualisation, design, construction and project management and then property management. This hovers around engineering, architecture, quantity surveying, estate surveying and town planning. So, what I then did was to assemble all these people under one roof and through that approach, you can synergise and today we are able to leap in the fore-front of estate consultancy through the multi-disciplinary approach to service delivery system, and since then, there has been no looking back,” he said with a sense of satisfaction. Having worked in the third largest company in Nigeria for about four years at that point in time, the idea was formed by the reality that real estate had challenges from time to time. “I considered that if you work as a team or a consortium, you are able to see all the problems from various perspectives; and so, when you agree to proffer a solution, it will be effective, costefficient and sustainable; you will be able to tackle the problem from a multidisciplinary perspective and you are better served in terms of value for money,” he noted. Today, while a number of other firms in the building environment have towed the line, BAP, as it is fondly called, remains the frontline multi-disciplinary estate surveying firm. The BAP is noted for its being a professional firm which encompasses the highest quality of professionals in the building, construction and housing profession. The firm is composed of property valuers, estate surveyors, architects, quantity surveyors, town planners, engineers, administrators, marketers, accountants and ICT specialists. The company is a registered member of national and international professional bodies such as, the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV), South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA), International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI) as well as Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE). The Bode Adediji Partnership is also affiliated to various bodies such as International Real Estate Federation, FIABCI – Paris, Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers, NIESV-Nigeria, Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy, CASLE- London, South Africa Property Owners Association, SAPOA- Johannesburg, Institute Of Directors, IOD

Monday, October 12, 2015

Bode Adediji Partnership is reputed as the pioneer multi-disciplinary professional estate firm in Nigeria employing Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, Town Planners, etc under the same roof – The House of Estate Victoria Island, Lagos

– Lagos and Nigeria-South Africa Chamber Of Commerce, NSCC ,Lagos. Over the years, BAP has been noted among others for its multiple competences which include estate valuation, plant and machinery valuation, construction, project management, property sales and purchase, investment studies, property management and Development, financing and general estate agency and consultancy businesses. By virtue of its human resources, mobility and technology, BAP serves the Estate professional needs of its diverse clients anywhere throughout the country. Hence, it has offices located at prime areas of the country that is, Lagos, Port Harcourt and Abuja. Bap’s services include investment advice and as a focused multi disciplinary professional firm, one of its rare core competencies has been finding solutions to any asset holding or divestment programme of strategic companies. Likewise, BAP has been a firm with experience in advising individuals and corporate bodies on issues relating to property investment and management as well as mergers, acquisitions and preparation of companies prospectus. On real estate matters, it provides in-depth teaching and training both within and outside the country as its line of clientele includes the Federal Government, the Lagos State Government, South African High

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Commission, Australian High Commission, Total Plc, Mobil, Sea Petroleum & Gas Co. NLNG, First Bank of Nigeria Plc as well as Union Bank Plc. Others are Access Bank Plc, Fidelity Bank Plc, Guaranty Trust Bank Plc, Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC), Nigeria Ports Authority (NPA), Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), UAC of Nigeria Plc, MTN Nigeria. Ltd, Kakawa Discount House, Michelin Nigeria Ltd and Eko Hotel & Suites In his characteristic manner of lecturing aspiring professionals, he has never disappointed anyone who comes to him to seek for advice. “As a professional, every step of my life is characterised by certain peculiar challenge or another, and I want all professional men and women to bear that in mind. If you want to be a successful professional anywhere in the world, you have to reconcile yourself with the fact that at every given time, certain challenges would characterise your development. Specifically, as a youth corps member and after youth service, the challenge that I had was to imbibe as much training as I could. That would make you to become a servant to all your seniors, send you to all the places without you blinking an eyelid or expressing any fatigue or disappointment. Having learnt that, the next is that as a professional, issues of integrity, hard work, excellence, are the ingredients that clients look forward in individuals.”

“But unfortunately in Nigeria, only a small percentage of aspiring professionals adhere to that. If you are able to relate yourself to what I have always canvassed, that when you see Nigerians moving en masse towards one direction and you are not sure of that direction, go the opposite direction and you would not fail. If you see people who migrate here and there without making conscious effort to ask what are the bases for this mass movement, just go to the other direction and you would succeed. “The other challenge that we have, of course, is that certain trade requires capital and if your line of business requires capital, you have to focus your mind on the most ethical way of getting the capital without which you cannot do anything. The last but not the least is that you should not end up becoming a jack of all trade and master of none. In Nigeria, I can categorically state that many doctors, architects, engineers who would have succeeded, fail half way in their journey because of lack of focus. They make some money in the early days of their careers and they would want to go into politics, chieftaincy title taking or other frivolities. I am not casting any aspersion on anyone but for the younger ones, a focused life is a template for success and an unfocussed life is a recipe for failure. So, if you are an engineer, focus on your engineering field and whatever capital you generate, you can diversify. But for you to be a medical doctor and at the same time a contractor, a politician and at the same time a globe trotter, that is, a recipe for failure and this is common with Nigerian professionals.” Apart from serving as Group Executive Chairman of Bode Adediji Partnership, Adediji had served as the Managing Director of Epega & Company (Chartered Surveyors & Valuers). He is also the Group Executive Chairman of Kontinetal Developers (Nig) Ltd. and a Director in Finan-

National Mirror

cial Derivative Co. Ltd. He also serves as a Director of UTC Nigeria Plc. He is on the board of several other companies notably; MicCom Golf Hotels & Resort Ltd, Standard Alliance Life Assurance Limited, Europress Nigeria Limited, among others. A National Undergraduate Merit scholar, the best overall graduating student in Estate Management Department (1979) and a Commonwealth scholar for Post-Graduate Studies in Britain (1982), Bode Adediji has played prominent academic and professional roles for about 30 years in the Nigerian Real Estate sector. Besides his professional callings, he has over the years dedicated himself to mentoring and delivering lectures to inspire the younger ones to greatness. He admitted that he became a millionaire in his 30’s when millions of his peers were still largely struggling to make ends meet. “I became comfortably rich in my early 30s but if you want to use the word millionaire, you can go ahead. Money on its own is a meaningless asset. You find out that you don’t have to go religious to understand some of the comments sages had made about money. One of the wise sayings is that money is a means to an end but never an end in itself. Money is a good servant but a very bad master.” Bode Adediji is a member of many professional and business organisations including Institute of Directors (IoD), NigerianSouth African Chamber of Commerce, The Metropolitan Club, IBB Golf Club, Ikoyi Golf Club, International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI), Commonwealth Association of Surveying & Land Economic (CASLE), American Real Estate Society (ARES), African Real Estate Society (AFRES), Estate Surveyors and Valuers Registration Board of Nigeria and Association of Professional Bodies of Nigeria. Widely travelled, Adediji is also a member of the Federal Government Vision 20:2020. As a former President, Nigerian Institute of Estate Surveyors and Valuers, Adediji was at the forefront of the need for a radical change in the ways in which the public perceived the practice of Estate Surveyors and Valuers. Working tirelessly leading the campaign, he noted, “I think we have achieved that to a large extent. We have been able to tell the corporate industries, government and other bodies that as you have them in other countries, so it is here or even better in some areas. In 2005, I led a team to conduct the evaluation of the entire Federal Government assets in this country before their capitalisation. We have also taken a look at all the assets belonging to Lagos state government and advised them as to their values and their management. These are what we don’t usually convey on the pages of newspapers.” BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

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ThebuddingEntrepreneurs KLINIC

With Mamora Victor Mamora is a system thinker and advisor whose belief and activator leadership strengths are directed towards improving workers perspective for city and enterprise development.


“Unless someone is working, no work gets done. And where there is no work, there is no working…the purpose of play lies in the player; the purpose of work lies within the user of end product”. – Peter. F.Drucker


ork has been a part of human consciousness since the beginning of creation. At different ages, different methodology of working develops because of new challenge and this brings about innovation into human way of life. The purpose of work is to keep alive the hope and the dream of a good society. To work better, there is need to develop skill. Skill is the practical knowledge with which an entrepreneur organises his worker and effectively relate to the environment. Skill is the ability expressed through the acquisition of knowledge and the continue effective application of this knowledge. Dear entrepreneur, there is need to develop or acquire skills for the venture to shift upward in a preferable direction. A shoe made by hand is a product of skillfulness and a shoe manufactured using industrial machine is a product of skillfulness too. The difference between the two productivities is the paradigm shift from low to high productivity. Skill is the ability, coming from one’s knowledge, practice, and aptitude to do something well; Competent excellent. [Encyclopedic unabridged dictionary of English language] The Economist magazine in its October 2006 reports on the shortage of talented and skillful workers says “look around the business world and two things stand out; the modern economy places an enormous premium on brain power; and there is not enough to go

round…Nobody really disputes the fact that the demand for talent intensive skill is rising. The value of “intangible” asset-everything from skilled workers to patent know-how-has ballooned from 20 per cent of the value of the companies in the S&P 500 to 70 per cent. For entrepreneur, skill is a way of learning, assimilating information for building relationship with workers and customers, and for improving environment. Skill development for entrepreneur requires knowing the work of a business leader, capacity building through knowledge, and intuition for decision making using spiritual intelligence. First, knowing the work of entrepreneur: According to Peter Drucker, “ work has been the means to satisfy human beings need for belonging to a group and for a meaningful relationship to others.” Work is meaningful when a worker can appropriately understand her task and accept the personal responsibility to develop continually on this task. The concept of work has to be clarified for different peo-

Improving entrepreneurial skills To learn, people need to feel the need for learning… more often people need enhanced skills to qualify them for a task they have or wish for, to feel more effective in life and love

ple and especially entrepreneur. Work is responsibility that demands time and energy purposely to make the organisation add value and improve society. For entrepreneur, work would mean to assemble team, share great ideas with team, and allocate resources effectively for achieving business goals. Secondly, capacity building through Knowledge: The concept of global meritocracy, according to the Economist magazine 2006 report, is spreading fast. Every corporation that hopes to be relevant in the global market can only belong to this dream of global meritocracy via workers with ability to process and effectively apply knowledge “Every great story begins with the access to great information” Dr David Oyede-


po. Rolf P Lynton and Udai Pareek, 2000 said “To learn, people need to feel the need for learning… more often people need enhanced skills to qualify them for a task they have or wish for, to feel more effective in life and love,...” In the year 2004, I was studying the transformations of the capital cities in the European nations. What I found common among all the European nations is the skill as ability to apply effectively knowledge and practices in organisation. Many entrepreneur conquered complacency, learn, and apply knowledge in their various responsibilities. Although, academic is a basic step but knowledge acquisition is a continual process for entrepreneurs that want to keep working and be

Motivational Business Quotes


otivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it. – Dwight D. Eisenhower The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong question. – Peter Drucker Why did I want to win? Because I didn’t want to lose! – Max Schmelling The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer. – Nolan Bushnell

My son is now an ‘entrepreneur’. That’s what you’re called when you don’t have a job. – Ted Turner Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy. – Norman Schwarzkopf The golden rule for every business man is this: “Put yourself in your customer’s place. – Orison Swett Marden I had to make my own living and my own opportunity! But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them! – C.J. Walker BC

relevant in any industry. For every entrepreneur, relevance in any industry is sustainable by interest in capacity building. You can sharpen your skill by learning, and consistently encouraging your team to learn new skill and develop a relevant knowledge for the business. Thirdly, spiritual Intelligence: In “8th habit” by Steven Covey this concept was used as man connectivity with the extraterrestrial. Every man or woman is a composition of spirit, soul and body. Spiritual intelligence means spirit ability. The concept of spiritual intelligence is the ability to connect with divinity through meditation or thinking and principle application. Meditation or deep thinking on knowledge helps sharpen intuitiveness of an entrepreneur. Many business leaders both in Silicon Valley in America to construction industry in Nigeria engage in acts that improve their intuitive or internal teaching while making business decision. In Christian faith, business leaders exercise of faith in prayer and meditation helps in making decisions where data is confusing. I read that Bill Gate, while he was Microsoft CEO, once in a year would be in close door for 24 hours meditating on business decision. Dear entrepreneur, my encouragement is that we need to recognise the need to improve on core elements of entrepreneurial skills such as understanding her work as it shift from technical to leadership strategy, developing capacity through knowledge and building spiritual intelligence for sharp recognition of change in trends and make decision that can shift the business upward. Be courageous today! BC

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Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror


The fashion entrepreneur Most people remember the legendary female country singer Dolly Parton’s evergreen song “Coat of Many Colours”, the story of a priceless coat which was sewn for a little girl by her mother out of love even though they were made from rags. Today a young lady with the same passion for sewing has taken Africa’s and indeed Nigeria’s lovely and colourful Ankara material to a whole new global level through her inspirational and exclusive designs. The best part of the entire thing is that through her entrepreneurial exploits, Eseoghene Odiete has also changed her financial status for good


graduate of Mass Communications from Covenant University and a member of Nigerian Institute of Public Relations NIPR, Eseoghene Odiete Ise is the CEO of Hesey Designs, a female clothing and accessories label. Surprisingly, this young lady never saw herself as an embodiment of fashion until she had well arrived on the centre-stage of the fashion industry in one of the most astronomical and stunning business successes of recent time. According to her, “I am the ‘tom boy turning girl’ kind of person. I never really had a personal style, as I could put on just anything. Well, now am trying to be more style- conscious, since I am in the fashion industry. I am growing to love dresses, have bought or made a couple in recent time but my jeans and T-shirts are still the love of my life, I love art and everything creative.” Ese recalled that her passion for fashion has always been there. “For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had to amend my clothes,” she says. From her university days, Odiete started making her own handbags with the help of Google Search and YouTube research, soon after; it was to metamorphose into a thriving business that has helped others create a source of income. She also began training classes for other ladies who desired to learn her trade and build a similar business for themselves as she sets sights on building an international brand that promotes African designs. Currently, Ese, combines a job at a public relations firm with being the CEO of Hesey Designs. She has taken a fashion entrepreneurship course at Martwayne Fashion Institute in Nigeria, and a programme in venture enterprise and manage-

ment programme, at Enterprise Development Centre of the Pan African University to further deepen her knowledge and formalise her experience in the fashion industry. Riding the waves: Having come to terms with her love for fashion, Ese decided to ride the waves of her passion to experience fulfillment and brought about the much desired positive change that would make the difference to everyone around the globe, she recounted that, “It all started officially in 2011. I had always longed for an opportunity, for a way to tell a unique story about Africa. All the stories we heard about Africa were of sadness, poverty, and suffering. If it was bad, it was Africa. So I decided to tell a new story of Africa through my designs. Present Africa through my designs as a continent of colour, richness and enormous potential. My designs feature products inspired by Africa.” And making use of the internet specifically Google Search and YouTube, this fashion entrepreneur learnt how to create handbags, and found contacts for blogs and magazines to feature her products. “I discovered my passion through YouTube search. When I graduated, I needed to do something meaningful with my life, so I went in search of how to create handbags using Google Search and YouTube. I made a lot of discoveries that wowed my imagination. That was how I started what got me here today,” she revealed. And just recently Google announced the five winners of its Africa Connected competition at an event in Nairobi, graced by world ICT leaders. The competition was organised to reward young Africans who explore internet space to their advantage and guess who made the list of


winners…Ese! According to Affiong Osuchukwu of Google Lead for the Africa Connected Initiative, “There are over one billion people living in Sub-Saharan Africa and currently 16 per cent of them are online. With Africa Connected, we wanted to celebrate how the web is changing

lives in Africa, and show how it is contributing to the socioeconomic development of the continent. Selecting the shortlist was no easy task, each winner shares a unique perspective of how they have used the internet to solve a problem, earn a living, or create opportunities, not

just for themselves, but also for others around them.” Ese did not just get showered with accolades at the historic event she went home smiling with Her prize money of $25,000 just to show that helping others is a way of helping oneself too. Describing how she felt she

Management Principles

Principles of Transformational Leadership


eadership comes in various forms, such as the civil rights leadership of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the political leadership of John F. Kennedy, and the managerial leadership of a small business owner. Like leaders, there are several leadership styles, including transformational leadership, which is appropriate for many business environments. Transformational leaders are true and trusted leaders. As a small business owner, apply the seven principles of transformational leadership to obtain a harmonious work atmosphere. Simplification Under the principle of simplification, the transformational leader speaks in a clear and practical manner while articulating the direction the team is heading. Specifically, the plan for each project should include more than what needs to be done at the moment. The desired end result should also be vividly communicated so employees know where they, and the project, are heading. By knowing and effectively relaying what the project needs to transform into the anticipated result, you eliminate miscommunication and misunderstanding. Motivation Employees need motivation to perform at their best. Under the principle of motivation, you gain the agreement and commitment necessary to elevate your vision. By understanding your employees’ likes and dislikes, you know what motivates and what doesn’t. For example, recognizing and applauding their accomplishments, providing training to increase their knowledge base, establishing a pleasant work environment, giving half-days off for performing above expectations, or providing weekly snacks such as bagels or donuts, can motivate employees into performing at their highest level. Determination Determination means having the tenacity to finish the race regardless of the hurdles that come

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

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ThebuddingEntrepreneurs said:”I was overwhelmed, just pinching myself to be sure that I was really one of the five winners in the Google Africa Connected Competition considering that there were over 2,500 entries.” And she wasn’t done yet, as in addition to emerging one of the five most inspiring web stories in Africa at the Google “Africa Connected” competition, Eseoghene recently was one of the two Nigerian winners of the British council enterprise challenge and as part of the winning prize, met Sir Richard Branson for a mentoring session in the UK. Profiling her, the British Council said: “What makes Odiete different you might ask? Well there’s is the obvious passion for what she does, the fact that she dares to be different (which can be clearly seen in her bold avant-garde designs), She has taken commonly produced items and through hard work and perseverance has managed in a period of two years to gain global recognition for her brand and propel her business into the international market scene. It was the same drive and passion Richard felt when he met her and wore the Ankara sneakers she made for him for the launch of the Virgin Atlantic new uniforms by Vivienne Westwood during their 30th anniversary.” The Enterprise Challenge is an online competition for Nigerians entrepreneurs aged 18 – 35, and living in Nigeria or studying in the United Kingdom over 1000 young Nigerian entrepreneurs entered for it and only two were winners. The Apprentice-style competition took place over three rounds,

during which candidates wrote an essay on their entrepreneurial journeys, created a video pitch for their businesses or business plans, and had their ideas scrutinised by a panel of experts in Nigeria and the UK. In addition to their meeting with Richard Branson, the winners each received a £5000 grant, courtesy Zenith Bank plc to help them develop their businesses, a fully-funded scholarship to attend a five-day entrepreneurship foundation course to earn a business master class at the Branson Centre for Entrepreneurship in South Africa, and two return tickets to the UK. In the words of Sir Richard Branson, Founder and Chairman Virgin Group: “Virgin Atlantic is delighted to have supported the Enterprise Challenge Programme dedicated to supporting young Nigerian entrepreneurs and fostering new ideas. Innovation has been an important part of Virgin’s

your way. The principle of determination requires you to depend on your courage, stamina, strength and perseverance to realize your vision. By displaying endurance, you show employees that hard work pays off in the end. Mobilisation You need the right people to elevate your vision. Transformational leaders know how to assemble the appropriate team to get the job done. This includes enlisting, empowering and equipping qualified team leaders and other willing participants who do not have leadership roles. The transformational leader understands the importance of assigning tasks based on participants’ characteristics and abilities. Preparation The principle of preparation requires transformational leaders to be infinite students. You must have the introspective ability to keep learning about yourself, alone or with the assistance of others. To maintain a flourishing bond with your employees, you must always be prepared to nurture and support the relationship. This means looking outside yourself, concentrating on what’s best for the team, and transferring this energy to your employees so they emulate this behavior. Facilitation The principle of facilitation requires you to provide your employees with the proper learning tools to elevate the vision to its greatest height. Specifically, workers need stimulating work that challenges and expands their minds and facilitates the desire to keep learning. As a transformational leader, you recognize this principle and work toward improving your employees’ intellectuality. Innovation Change in a business environment is inevitable. Under the principle of innovation, you courageously recognise the need for change and initiate it accordingly. For example, innovation may include learning and adapting to an upgraded accounting system, or adjusting to an employee who has just been promoted to management. As a transformational leader, you effectively show employees why the change is needed, how it will benefit them and the company, and how to embrace it. BC

heritage and I was pleased to see so many young Nigerians keen to embrace new ideas through the competition. Many congratulations to Ese and Nasir who had fantastic business plans and I’m sure will have very bright futures.” Ese said: “It was an awesome experience meeting and learning from Richard Branson; one that will change my life and business and take it to a whole new level. I am super grateful for the opportunity.” “Being in the shoes of one of the greatest men in the world is everyone’s dream; and as a designer, getting to make his shoes was an even bigger dream. So when I heard that I will be meeting Sir Richard Branson I seized this opportunity to add the Hesey shoe to his collection. I wanted something that matched his fun personality so a sneaker was it. The design stayed true to the Hesey brand—African inspired as we sourced one of the finest Ankara prints. I also wanted something that will sync with the Virgin colours”, Ese said. The Hesey rave: What is it about Hesey Designs that has turned it into a world class item? The Hesey range offers beautiful bespoke gowns and T-shirts, hand crafted fashion accessories such as shoes, slippers, journals, bags, purses and jewelry. It also creates custom pieces for its customers, according to their design needs. The company’s mission is to offer the finest in women’s apparel and accessories, garnished with a promise to offer customers the best product at the best price. To date, over 100 blogs have featured her designs, thus bringing her additional business. She sells her bags through her business website and conducts training for other women interested in learning how to create handbags and build a similar business for themselves. Her dream is to build her business into an international brand that promotes African designs. As a bag designer, I hardly buy bags these days at least the one to use. I could produce something close or even better than whatever bag that catches my eyes. The Titi Tote bag is one of my best sellers, I just had to keep one for myself; It’s Spacious enough to carry all my daily needs. Road map to success: Ese shares that in the beginning her business was surviving on savings, salary from her day job and support from family members. But in 10 years time she hopes that this budding idea of hers would have metamorphosed into an internationally recognised designer and manufacturer of high quality, trend -setting African fashion accessories. So far what does she have to say? ”It’s been an amazing journey, one that will change my life and brand forever, can’t wait to shake the world! BC

Personal Finance

Stop being broke


tart with you. Being broke all the time is about you not caring about yourself as much as you could be. If you don’t value yourself, it’s extremely hard to value money well. The choices that you make to spend, save, or borrow money affect your ability to live within your means or beyond them. Recognising the following may help to start setting you back on the track to being financially stable: Money, or the spending of money, does not equate with your personal value. Money neither defines who you are, nor does money invest you with power. Real power is personal and comes from within; using money to feel powerful is a way of seeking external validation rather than accepting your internal worth. Suze Orman says that we “spend more than when we feel less than. When we don’t feel good about our self worth, spending in an out-ofcontrol way can be a self-pitying reaction to not having what richer people around you appear to have, and it becomes an excuse to avoid looking deeper inside ourselves to sort out what’s really hurting us. One major way to disrespect yourself is to buy what you cannot afford. The spiral that entails involves self-inflicted pain, inability to find enough money to pay for other things or even to repay what you’ve bought, and settling for a lifetime of debt over a lifetime of enough. Value bargains more. Another mistake commonly made by people who earn a reasonable amount of money is to cease to value the bargain. This doesn’t mean visiting the dollar stores; it means learning how to ask for discounts, for repairs or returns, for savings. Not doing so because you feel that to do so is “icky” or find that it lacks a sense of generosity is a form of deluding yourself. We live in a system that runs on sales and profit, and you deserve to get those breaks as much as the next person. And for those of you with a college education, the degree doesn’t mean you give up streetwise common sense! Forget the financial saviour in white armor. For women, remember the big one: A man is not a financial plan. No matter how charming, delightful, and forever he seems, you need to keep your financial head screwed on firmly and to be taking good care of your financial needs in savvy, thoughtful ways. Even if he is generous to the point of recklessness with your shopping extravaganzas, this is no excuse to give up your financial autonomy and financial common sense. Sticking to a budget is neither mean nor miserable, so lead by example. A good mate can help with finances, more often by cooperating in frugality and diligent production of income than by lavish spending, and a bad one certainly can hurt them. BC

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Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

Behind d Wheels This page is open to sponsorship

By Adejuwon Osunnuyi


ere comes Grand Cherokee’s limitededition Summit Platinum. With a kick-arse audio system, loads of driver aids, heated and cooled leather seats and a huge panoramic roof model sitting above the

Overland CRDi on which it is based, Limited-edition Summit Platinum peaks Grand Cherokee range with added bling and torque-rich diesel engine. Compared to its European rivals, the Grand Cherokee includes a generous level of equipment as standard fit,

leaving options to a choice of paint colour or maybe a couple of DVD screens for the kids. Now, Jeep has loaded its new limited-edition WK-series Grand Cherokee Summit Platinum with not only one of the longest nameplates in the business, but a surfeit of

technology and equipment well worth its asking price. The limited-edition model adds acoustic front, rear and second-row window glazing, body-colour lower body trim as well as mirror caps and door-handles, unique 20-inch alloy wheels and a host of other Platinum Chrome exterior enhancements including accents for the grille, lower fascias, side sills, foglight bezels, rear step pad and front door badging. It also comes with illuminated ‘Summit’ door sills and a deluxe Berber carpet cargo compartment floor mat, in addition to the extensive equipment list of the Grand Cherokee Overland luxury flagship, as well as Active Noise Cancelling technology which Jeep says lowers cabin noise by as much as 10db(A). Like a pair of fancy brandname headphones, the noise cancelling technology uses a series of microphones placed throughout the cabin and transmits a frequency to ‘block’ the frequencies we hear as noise. These include tyre, wind and driveline noise, each attenuated via the GCSP’s

standard 825-watt, 19-speaker, 12-channel-amp and three sub-woofer-equipped harman kardon audio system. This is a pearler of an audio unit – especially if you have a penchant for highfidelity sound or bass-rich beats. Playing via DAB+ digital radio or via Bluetooth, the system drives an extraordinary volume of crisp high ends and dense, thunderous lows through the cabin – all completely distortion free and without the interruption of unwanted ambient noise. The top-drawer Grand Cherokee is powered by a direct-injected 3.0-litre turbodiesel built by Italian manufacturer VM Motori and makes a decent 184kW and Ford Falcon XR8 rivalling 570Nm. Delivering drive to all four wheels via a decisive eightspeed automatic, the heft of torque comes on strong and smooth, and with plentiful abundance. It’s a vehicle whose performance belies its 2327kg (tare) weight with grunt on tap at all times, and in all conditions. Feeling the road beneath the GCSP is, however, a little

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

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Behind d Wheels This page is open to sponsorship

Autocare Tips on Wheel Care & Maintenance


tenuous at times. The steering offers a lot of weight but little in the way of feel or feedback. It’s a capable beast for its size all the same, but a few degrees more communication through the tiller would really deliver the level of confidence needed to pilot it more accurately. However, it’s not like the GCSP is a slouch when it comes to handling. Get your head around the steering and the body responds honestly to corner input, feeling well supported on its adjustable dampers with little in the way of pitch and roll. The tradeoff is that the ride is a little brusque, though we suspect the fitment of 20 x 8.0-inch alloys shod with 265/50-series rubber does little to help the cause. If you prefer a firmer ride, you’ll probably also appreciate the GCSP’s supportive heated and cooled electrically-adjustable leather seats and heated leather and woodgrain steering wheel. Personally speaking, the steering wheel felt a little odd in the transition from leather to varnish as you twirl it from left

to right, but the accessibility of infotainment and radar cruise control settings from the wheel are thoroughly welcomed. The Jeep’s voice recognition is also spot-on and like the infotainment and nav systems is easy to use. Little touches like electrochromatic (self-dimming) mirrors all the way around and auto headlights and wipers that function entirely as expected are also appreciated. A shame then the foot-operated park brake all-but omits the dead pedal (there’s a bump in the carpet instead) and that some people may find the narrow windows a little hard to see out of. As a five-seat family hauler and potential tow vehicle, (braked towing capacity is 3500kg) the GCSP would make a handy companion. Oddment storage is great for those holiday road trips and with 782 litres of cargo space offered behind an electricallyoperated tailgate, the hauling prospects of Jeep’s luxe lugger are pretty plain to see. It’s also pretty plain to see at night with fantastic head-

lights and a uniformly dimmable cabin aiding night vision no end. The GCSP offers a reasonable level of off-road ability though on this occasion we didn’t venture off the blacktop. I’d suggest the low-profile rubber could make venturing beyond the tar a little uncomfortable, though the auto-levelling Quadra-Lift air suspension and Selec-Terrain Quadra Drive II 4WD system will certainly help you get as far from civilisation as any similarly-specified rival. On test, the GCSP returned an average fuel consumption figure of 7.8L/100km in mixed town and highway driving. With a 93-litre fuel tank that number gives the Jeep a theoretical range of nearly 1200km. In spite of seven airbags and a suite of electronic driver aids, the GCSP only receives a four-star ANCAP safety rating (based on EuroNCAP testing of the diesel left-hand drive model). The result was hampered by what ANCAP describes as “marginal protection from serious chest and leg injury” in the event of an offset frontal collision. It’s a point worth noting when shopping the Jeep against its nearest rivals (see below), two out of three receiving a full five-star score. BC

f you are wondering how much time will be required to care for your wheels, the answer has a lot to do with how they are maintained. Your local climate and road maintenance can affect the care required and life span of a wheel finish. Generally speaking, from week to week during your car wash cycle, it’s best to clean them with a soft brush, soap and/or mild degreaser or quality spray-on Wheel Cleaner. For best results, it is important to keep wheels clean, not allowing road film, contaminants and brake dust (which retain moisture) to accumulate and sit on the surface. Be careful in selecting wheel cleaning products—select products that are safe for the finish of your wheels. Avoid harsh or abrasive cleaners. Some cleaners are harsh and could damage your wheel finish. Also be aware that many car washes use strong chemicals to clean wheels and tires that could cause damage to your wheel finish or even your automotive paint. NEVER CLEAN HOT WHEELS, allow wheels to cool or cool them with running water. Another important step is to seal your wheels with a sealant that will reduce static and resist brake dust. To better understand the specific care and maintenance of your wheels, determine which finish applies to your wheels: Chrome Wheels: Aluminium or steel wheels plated with chrome are beautiful and can significantly change the appearance of your car or truck by attracting light to base areas of your vehicle. If maintained, the chrome finish will produce a brilliant shine. To reflect light, which produces the attractive brilliant finish, the wheels must be cleaned regularly. It’s best to clean them with a soft brush, soap and/or mild degreaser or quality spray-on Wheel Cleaner. Rinse thoroughly. After cleaning your wheels do not allow soap, chemicals or water to sit on the surface and produce water spots—dry your wheels with a soft, non-abrasive towel. Polished Aluminium Wheels: Polished aluminium wheels are very popular, particularly with racing, off-road and hot rod enthusiasts, however, they do require more periodic maintenance than other finishes, depending upon the climate, road conditions and your vehicle car care practices in general. Polished aluminium alloy wheels require the highest degree of maintenance and a certain amount of oxidation is to be expected as the wheels naturally oxidize with age. Polished wheels can be re-polished commercially or by hand after many years of use, effectively restoring them to an almost factory original condition. When new, coat your polished wheels with a quality, handapplied sealant product this coating will assist in preventative maintenance by resisting brake dust and other contaminants. If you use a brush, be careful to avoid scratching the uncoated, polished aluminium alloy by using only a SOFT brush. Follow up by polishing them by hand with a quality metal or wheel polish. After polishing, coat them with Wheel Wax according to instructions. If they are in bad condition, this will take some time, and polishing wheels is never an easy task. If your wheels have deeply imbedded brake dust, animal urine or other contaminants from lack of maintenance, you can try an aggressive spray-on wheel cleaner (be careful, some contain acid) with a brush, BUT DO NOT ALLOW IT TO SIT ON THE SURFACE AND ETCH THE POLISH SURFACE. Rinse your wheels thoroughly and dry with soft, non-abrasive cloth. Clear coated wheels: Your clear-coated wheels should require only soap or a quality Wheel Cleaner product, water and a soft brush. Once you have cleaned your clear coated wheels, a coat of hand-applied Wheel Wax or a quality, non-carnauba, nonabrasive polymer sealant-quality wax will enhance resistance to brakes dust and contaminants. Wheel Wax works well and will save you time in the future. Living near the ocean?: You’ll need to take extra care to wash more frequently to remove salts that are in the air from the onshore flow near the ocean. Any build up of brake dust along with residue from coastal climate can damage the finish. We recommend a quality wheel wax with sealant, applied once per month when living near the ocean. BC

A20 36

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror


becomes new Nigeria’s pension funds Okunoren NCRIB president hit $27bn 10 years F


otal funds in the current Contributory Pension Scheme, CPS, which replaced the Defined Benefit Scheme ,DBS, now hovers above $27bn. Director General of the National Pension Commission, PenCom, Chinelo Anohu-Amazu who revealed this in her address at the opening of the second edition of the World Pension Summit “Africa Special” said that the Nigerian Pension Reform narrative can be situated within the context of Africa’s economic resurgence after the lost quarter of a century. “Indeed, from operating the old Defined Benefits System that had well over N2trn in deficit at the dusk of the last century, the new Contributory Pension Scheme ,CPS, that was kick started in 2004 now has over N5trn in just over 10 years of operation”. She said that Africa has experienced a reasonably rapid growth of over 5 percent since the turn of the Century, pointing that this followed what could be described as a “lost quarter century” during which per capita income in the year 2000 was still below its level 25 years earlier. “Along with the economic meltdown of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in


the transition to market economy, this perhaps ranks amongst the biggest economic disasters in history since the records of national accounts began. Whilst contemporary discourse has focused on the lessons of success centering on the experiences of South-East Asia, relatively little attention has been paid to insights to be gleaned from the analysis of economic failures and successes in Africa” she said. Anohu- Amazu said the Summit, would focus on why Africa had to go through such a prolonged period of economic decline during its lost quarter century and the lessons for

policy formulation, especially for sustaining and accelerating Africa’s economic renaissance. She said that Nigeria’s Pension Reform trajectory for example, highlighted the limitations of ad hoc and over generalized institutional explanations that confuse cause and effect as well as ends and means, adding” It is obvious that where States have failed or are at war there is little that economics has to offer as solutions”. The D-G noted that the key feature of the CPS is the institutionalization of risk-based regulation as a means of engendering the long-term sustainability of the Pension Industry. According to her, Sustainability on this score encapsulates the troika of social, environmental, and economic dimensions of development. Regulatory strategies would thus encompass a painstaking consideration of risks as well as the rewards that lie behind endogenous opportunities. The impact of poor corporate governance practices on shareholder value, exacerbated by the recent global financial crisis, for instance, has raised issues such as transparency, risk management and business ethics, amongst others, to the front burner of the regulatory agenda. BC

Army rates NIMASA’s anti-piracy initiative high Francis Ezem


he Nigerian Army has commended the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency NIMASA, for its anti-piracy campaign, which has drastically reduced the incidences of pirate and sea robbery attack on the nation’s waterways. The International Maritime Bureau, IMB, had between 2010 and 2011 rated Nigeria’s territorial waters as second most unsafe in the world after those of Somalia, prompting the United States and United Kingdom to issue travelling warnings to their citizens coming to Nigeria. Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Tukur Buratai, who gave the commendation during a working visit of the management of the agency led by its acting Director General, Mr. Haruna Jauro to the Army headquarters in Abuja, said that the agency has successfully combated piracy and other criminal activities on Nigeria’s waterways, which he argued is quite commendable.

The purpose of the visit, it was learnt was to seek the support and cooperation of the Nigerian Army in its determination to continually keep the nation’s waterways safe from all forms of criminal activities as part of measure to promote inflow of foreign investment. General Buratai however used the opportunity to appeal to the management of NIMASA and other corporate organisations in the country to assist the government with the resettlement of the Internally Displaced Persons IDPs. This, according to him could be done as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility programmes, in order to enable the displaced persons properly re-integrate into the society and live normal lives. “I want to appeal to you and other responsible corporate bodies to assist with the resettlement of Internally Displaced Persons now that calm is being restored to some of those communities because the situation in the camps is not really conducive”, General Buratai said. The Army Chief also assured

the agency of the willingness of the Army to cooperate and support the agency in curbing criminal activities, especially those that occur in the creeks where barges and other water crafts are used to commit crimes such as crude oil theft, piracy and sea robbery. He also appealed to NIMASA to draft some children of some of the slain soldiers in the battle against insurgency into its Nigerian Seafarers Development Programme NSDP as a way of alleviating the suffering of those affected families. BC


ollowing the expiration of the tenure of the Mr. Ayodapo Shoderu as the President of the Nigerian Council of Registered Insurance Brokers, NCRIB, Mr. Emmanuel Kayode Okunoren is now stepping in as the 18th President of the council. To this end, the new president is expected to be sworn in on October 15, 2015 in Lagos and will oversee the affairs of the council for the next two years. Mr. Okunoren, the incoming president is a consummate insurance professional and a chip of the old bloc that is expected to provide dynamic and foresighted leadership for the insurance brokers’ body to allow it play more roles that are prominent in the insurance value chain in the country. He is a long standing holder of the Fellowship of the Chartered Insurance Institute of London and Nigeria by examination. He has also had robust experience on the council of NCRIB having served on strategic committees on Oil and Gas cum Local Content, Joint Technical Committee of the industry among others. Okunoren was also one time

honourary treasurer; Auditor; Vice President and now Deputy President from which he emerges as the 18th President of the council. Born on 14th May 1951 in Sagamu, Ogun State, Okunoren attended Ansur-ud-deen College Isolo, Lagos from 1964 to 1968 after which he worked briefly with the Federal Office of Statistics, Ikoyi and later moved on to the Great Nigeria Insurance Company Limited, where he cut his teeth in the insurance industry. In order to gain higher professional competence for accelerated professional career, Okunoren proceeded to the Unity Kingdom for his Chartered Insurance Institute for his qualifying examinations in 1973 and came out as a Chartered Insurer in 1976. During his foray in the UK, he had professional experience working with Cornhill Insurance Company Ltd. On return to Nigeria in 1976, Okunoren joined Hogg Robinson Nigeria and had extensive work career, rising through the cadre to the position of Deputy General Manager, having put in 16 years in the company. BC

FMDQ hosts maiden listing of Bond Yinka Adeparusi


MDQ recorded yet another milestone achievement in the development of the Nigerian debt capital market as it listed the Nigeria Mortgage Refinance Company Plc ,NMRC, N8bn Series 1, 15-Year 14.9 per cent Fixed Rate Bond under a N140bn Medium-Term Note Programme, the NMRC Bond) on its platform. To which end, FMDQ played host to the issuer, represented by the MD/CEO NMRC, Prof. Charles Inyangete and the Registration Member, Listings,/sponsor of the bond on FMDQ, represented by the MD, Dunn Loren Merrifield Advisory Partners Ltd, Mr. Chinua Azubike, to a prestigious Listing Ceremony in commemoration of this landmark event. Highlights of the ceremony included the signing of the FMDQ Bond Listings Register, presentation of the FMDQ Listing Certificate, unveiling of the FMDQ Listing Scroll, presentation of the FMDQ Listing Plaque, and the autographing of the FMDQ Bond Listing Wall. Whilst commending the NMRC visioning team, the MD/CEO of FMDQ, Mr. Bola Onadele Koko noted that the issuance of this bond by NMRC and subsequent listing on FMDQ, mark essential steps towards development of not only the corporate bond market in Nigeria, but also the Nigerian housing market through the creation of long term funding for

mortgage financing. Listing of NMRC bonds on FMDQ will help create liquidity for these instruments, price formation for the issuance of new bonds, price discovery for investors in these securities and foster market transparency. FMDQ will provide the necessary secondary market platform for the bonds to thrive and by extension ensuring success of the Nigerian primary and secondary mortgage markets. According to Prof. Inyangete, “the successful completion of the bond issuance and the investor interest generated by the issue underscores the confidence reposed in the underlying principle and operational model of the NMRC. The market has bought into NMRC’s objective of intermediating long term funds from the capital market to the development of the mortgage industry and ultimately bridging Nigeria’s housing deficit by providing affordable housing finance. NMRC is committed to transmitting the full benefit of the pricing efficiency achieved in its funding cost to home borrowers through the participating primary mortgage lenders, thereby driving activities that will deepen the mortgage market.” Azubike also said “the successful debut of this landmark bond issue has boosted the market confidence in the credit standing of NMRC as a bond issuing entity and enables NMRC to connect the mortgage sector to the capital market.” BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

A21 37

Stock market last week Equities turnover of 1.390 billion shares worth N12.170bn in 14,821 deals were traded this week by investors on the floor of The Exchange in contrast to a total of 1.666 billion shares valued at N14.057bn that exchanged hands last week in 14,003 deals. The Financial Services Industry (measured by volume) led the activity chart with 1.216 billion shares valued at N7.657bn traded in 8,319 deals; thus contributing 87.43 per cent and 62.92 per cent to the total equity turnover volume and value respectively. The Consumer Goods Industry followed with a turnover of 44.315 million shares worth N1.794bn in 2,691 deals. The third place was occupied by the Conglomerates Industry with 38.897 million shares worth N141.993m in 668 deals. Trading in the Top Three Equities namely – Access Bank Plc, Mutual Benefits Assurance Plc and Zenith International Bank Plc(measured by volume) accounted for 587.974 million shares worth N3.465bn in 1,850 deals, contributing 42.29 per cent and 28.47 per cent to the total equity turnover volume and value respectively.


NSE trading hall

Market Capitalization depreciated by 1.38 per cent to close on Friday at 30,165.22 and N10.367trn respectively. Similarly, all the Indices finished lower during the week.

ETPs Also traded during the week were a total of 3,180 units of Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) valued at N1.150m executed in 18 deals compared with a total of 1,815 units valued at N456,625.67 transacted last week in 14 deals.

Summary Of Price Changes Twenty-three (23) equities appreciated in price during the week, lower than thirty-one (31) equities of the preceding week. Forty-eight (48) equities depreciated in price, higher than thirty-eight (38) equities of the preceding week, while one hundred and nineteen (119) equities remained unchanged, lower than one hundred and twentyone (121) equities recorded in the preceding week. BC

Bonds A total of 29,472 units of Federal Government Bonds valued at N30.711million were traded this week in 2 deals compared with a total of 440 units valued at N455,481.75 transacted last week in 1 deal. Index Movement The NSE All-Share Index and

Market Indicators for Week Ended 09-10-15 All-Share Index 30,141.06 points Market Capitalization 10,375,783,051,089.16



The Unlisted Security Index (USI) and Market Capitalisation closed the week on a positive note.The USI pure price rose by 1.04% to close at 917.39 points as against the previous value of 907.96 points. The Market Capitalisation also appreciated by 2.19% to close at ₦476.80 billion as against the previous close of ₦466.59 billion.

Unlisted Securities Index 1020.00 1000.00 980.00

Volume traded fell by 96.61% from 11.01 million units to 373,070 units while the total value of shares traded also dropped by 97.12% from ₦42.14 million to ₦1.21 million in 18 deals. Ten (10) securities were traded out of the 23 securities admitted to trade on the NASD OTC market.

960.00 940.00 920.00

CSCS, JAIZ and GEO-FLUIDS emerged as the most active securities by volume while WAMCO, JAIZ and CSCS emerged as the most active securities by value.


900.00 880.00 860.00 840.00

Base date:

August 1, 2015 = 1000

NASD MARKET STATISTICS 18-Sep-15 Unlisted Securities Index (USI-Pure Price)


% Change















(10,637,317.00) L







(40,925,197.50) L



























(7.00) L











0.04 K




8.99 K




0.12 K











17-Sep-15 Change


































0.01 L






0.01 L














VALUE ( ₦ )















VALUE ( ₦ ) 687,180.00



































A22 38

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

Skye Bank: leveraging MBL acquisition to increase market share


t the end of year 2014 many experts described it as a year characterised by contrasting global economic performance and one in which domestic banking sector was constrained by regulatory headwinds and macroeconomic pressures. Expectedly the blurring business outlook continued in 2015, especially considering that Nigeria would conduct its general election in the first quarter; however some financial institutions were able to seize opportunities to navigate growth by innovative means. Skye Bank was one of such banks considering the lenders 2015, first quarter result. Skye Bank gross earnings rose to N42.3 bn in the first quarter of 2015 from N34.3bn in 2014, appreciating by 23 per cent. The Bank announced pre-tax profits of N6.2bn, representing an increase of 82 per cent over the N3.4bn recorded during the same period in 2014. The bank’s bottom-line followed the growth trajectory as net profit or profit after tax rose to N5.0bn during the review period compared to N2.7bn achieved during the corresponding period in 2014, an 85 per cent rise. The strong y/y growth on the PBT line was driven by an 11 per cent y/y growth in profit before provisions to N26.1bn and a -32 per cent y/y decline in loan loss provisions to N1.7bn. Of the two key income lines, non-interest income which advanced by 64 per cent y/y came in stronger. In contrast, funding income declined by 12 per cent y/y to N14.2bn due to a 50 per cent y/y spike in interest expense. The PBT of N6.2bn was a marked improvement over the pre-tax loss of -N1.9bn that the company reported in Q4 2014. The PAT of N5.2bn was also up by 30% q/q. Compared with our forecasts, PBT and PAT beat by 51 per cent and 49 per cent respectively because of positive surprises on the provisions and opex lines of around 50 per cent and 14 per cent respectively. The rapid improvement in the fee based transaction of the bank is evident of the bank’s strategy of leveraging the fee and commission income opportunities in the Nigerian economy. Fees and

Tunde Ayeni, Chairman


commissions rose to a whopping N10.2bn from the previous figure of N6.2bn in the corresponding period in 2014, a 65 percent improvement. Fees and commissions are complementary to the bank’s interest earning assets. Bank’s Group Managing Director and CEO Timothy Oguntayo said at a media parley a week ago in Lagos that Skye Bank was set to deliver superior value and returns to shareholders as the bank enters its new strategic growth phase. He said the bank would leverage the acquisition of Mainstreet Bank Limited to take its services closer to its current and prospective customers and expand its bouquet of value adding offerings to meet the diverse needs of its various stakeholders. 2014 full year The financial year 2014 was beset with fiscal and monetary policy changes in the operating environment which impacted on our business and operations. The restrictive monetary policy stance of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, aimed at maintaining price stability especially in the exchange rate market, had adverse effects on the short term performance of the banking industry. This was further exacerbated by the rapid decline in the crude oil price in the second half of the year, coupled by a huge

repatriation of funds by foreign investors. Skye Bank performance therefore reflected certain challenges it faced during the year. The bank’s profit before and profit after tax was N10.47bn and N9.74bn respectively, which was well below 2013 performance of N19.65bn and N18.53bn. The major drivers of this lower level profitability, according to Oguntayo were loan impairment charge, administration and general expenses. “The growth recorded in our net operating income was marginal at 1.1 per cent, which reflected a mixed bag of higher interest income following pass through pricing effect on borrowing customers but lower fees and commission owing to regulatory reduction in certain income items. The bank suffered elevated cost levels in 2014. The general and administration expenses increased substantially as we embarked on aggressive repairs and refurbishment of our equipment and facilities, and extensive training of workforce across the various region of the country”, he said. According to him the bank is expecting to reap the benefit of these investments in the coming years.In terms of interest income, he said the bank recorded a better performance. “Whereas our focus on short tenured risk assets re-

sulted into a drop in our interest income on term loans by 1 per cent, we made significant improvement in interest income from overdraft and finance lease respectively, recording 23.3 percent and 38.7 per cent growth rates, reporting N15.69bn and N2.69bn respectively”, Oguntayo said. Strategic Plan The bank said it would to make progress in the implementation of 2013-2015 corporate strategy .It said that in view of that it is in the final year for the implementation of this strategy, and in view of the recent acquisition of MBL have commenced a new three year strategic plan, which would extend the strategic objectives to accommodate additional corporate growth initiatives, with a view to delivering optimum value and synergy from the MBL acquisition and identifying plans for future. Oguntayo said with more business locations, the bank is positioned to attract cheaper deposits, with a view to lowering cost of funds and enhance capacity to crate profitable risk assets and have a strong buffer for liquidity. He said with significant investment in Information Technology, the bank would continue to deliver quality service to its customers. “Our IT transformation project was completed with the cut-over to the Flexcube 12.0 banking application ib

the second quarter of 2014 and customers were successfully migrated to the new platform. The new system has a robust transaction processing capabilities with improved reliability, efficient service delivery and sustainable technology model, to cope with evolving trend in banking,” he said. Outlook The bank is set to key into the opportunities and emerging situations such as new private refineries, power sector privatisations, liberalisation of gas supply and the progress ongoing in railways in national and sub national levels. These are potentials sources of interest to banks, as well as have positive ripple effect o manufacturing. Oguntayo said the bank would raise N30bn soon to enable it increase its liquidity. “Our bank has taken steps to ensure that we report decent returns in 2015 in the midst of the turbulent economic environment. Consequently we have identified business segments we can serve profitably with appropriate mix of products and services”, he said. According to him with more business locations owing to the acquisition of MBL, the bank is positioned to to attract cheaper deposits with a view to lowering its cost of funds. BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

A23 39

STOCKWATCH Stock Exchange weekly equities summary as at Friday, Oct 9, 2015 SECURITY



NOTE NT=Not Traded on 09-10-15


9,140 261,540 107,996


0.64 107.81 41.14


0.50 20.92 8.24



2,200,000,000 476,955,000 1,000,000,000

0.10 2.29 7.55

MOV. (%)


N/A 1.99 1.47

0.50 28.10 30.55















100,150 300 17,558 512 6,693,406 2,658,148

2.08 6.43 5.89

0.71 4.15 1.07

2,191,895,983 963,900,300 389,151,408

0.11 0.16 1.09

4.04 N/A N/A

5.89 71.10

0.50 28.00

821,666,666 1,600,720,323

0.09 4.38


0.99 3.95 0.96 4.37 2.32 30.00

375 3

26.00 95.49

5.05 95.49

148,500,000 196,876,000

0.33 4.50


5.30 NT

807,550 217

2.66 14.46

0.72 14.46

920,573,765 125,000,000

0.00 0.00


0.60 14.46

27,437 1,832

83.75 10.60

19.86 6.61

1,200,000,000 20,000,000

6.74 1.69

-9.26 N/A

44.08 6.60

NT 324,368

7.28 20.90

7.28 8.82


0.00 2.20

N/A 4.88

NT 7.79

93 100 6,350

100.00 50.00 10.50

100.00 50.00 0.00

20,000,000 250,019,781

5.82 0.19


100.00 45.22 10.00








54,992 8,132 28,374 172,515 50,000 1,808,302 513,550

19.48 0.68 297.41 30.00 9.09 179.40 0.97

3.13 0.68 209.10 5.34 0.81 91.10 0.93

900,000,000 272,160,000 1,474,925,519 2,112,914,681 562,000,000 7,562,562,340 126,000,000

0.00 0.00 8.66 0.63 0.00 5.03 0.00

N/A N/A -1.23 N/A N/A -0.05 N/A

4.40 0.93 154.00 17.85 1.58 140.07 2.95








NT 224,970 1,588,435 187,271 952,850 53,816 159,011 2,835,920 2.08 124,000 50 100

0.50 10.68 12.85 109.24 4.11 1.21 29.70 14.00 5.94 0.93 13.31

0.50 3.85 3.26 50.00 1.83 0.50 17.51 3.65 5.35 0.50 4.22

2,000,000,000 5,000,000,000 12,000,000,000 1,879,210,666 7,930,197,658 3,722,493,620 178,200,000 40,000,000 1,233,375,004 360,000,000

0.00 0.00 0.81 3.38 0.34 0.00 0.00 1.05 0.08 1.13 0.00

N/A -8.80 -5.07 0.00 19.57 N/A N/A 4.03 N/A 0.00 N/A

NT 2.84 6.90 22.00 2.30 0.50 9.46 6.70 5.35 0.50 11.84

5,725 390,319

64.53 1250.00

8.33 400.00

3,129,188,160 792,656,250

1.57 28.34

-7.62 1.22

24.00 820.00

25,333 100 187,845 15,000

15.58 36.19 5.54 2.88

10.03 32.27 2.91 0.57

63,360,000 819,000,000 300,000,001

3.90 13.92 0.71 0.00

N/A N/A 0.00 N/A

NT 29.78 5.55 0.85

156,973 119,119

56.00 76.00

21.02 27.60

3,176,381,636 3,783,296,250

1.34 1.42

-4.58 1.09

26.20 46.00








20,610,779 1,358,484 5,746,153 4,669,271 NT 11,491,149

12.39 7.85 17.51 3.47 8.30 29.99

4.70 1.92 9.90 1.13 3.04 13.02

17,888,251,479 14,475,243,105 9,873,614,567 28,974,797,023 16,271,192,202 29,146,482,209

1.61 1.71 3.67 0.68 0.60 3.08

0.97 -6.73 -1.08 -1.31 #VALUE! -3.32

5,074,965 2,601,379 11,173,106 1,469,943 359,359 1,128,531 9,778,427

7.05 3.05 9.60 15.30 1.16 1.88 27.40

2.65 0.80 1.64 2.34 0.50 0.50 11.96

13,219,334,676 12,563,091,545 32,334,693,693 13,509,726,273 33,675,576,085 12,821,249,880 31,396,493,790

0.97 0.63 1.70 0.44 0.18 0.00 3.30

-5.98 0.00 3.77 -0.33 0.00 0.00 -9.99

200 1,627,718 NT 9,140 1,882,960 62,000 9,054,578 4,754 NT 42,003 165,731 NT 698,304 NT 14,710 100 220 23,600 1,319,465 10,579,013 52,100 1,654,611 27,973 5,028 100 1,650 161,547,689 25,000 200 518,140 1,368,084

0.50 1.42 0.64 0.52 1.45 0.72 2.44 0.50 0.69 0.60 0.50 2.50 2.50 0.50 0.50 0.61 0.50 2.87 0.63 1.01 1.11 0.50 1.24 0.53 0.59

0.50 0.50 0.61 0.50 0.58 0.50 1.08 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.06 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

20,585,000,000 7,809,391,256 211,626,000 6,000,000,000 10,372,624,157 8,820,010,363 5,100,846,808 8,847,298,420 4,549,947,000 3,827,485,380 720,000,000 5,061,804,000 6,420,427,449 28,000,000,000 7,323,313,227 3,437,330,500 4,083,713,569 10,000,000,000 7,998,705,336 5,332,830,881 5,649,693,923 5,003,506,791 2,508,315,436 6,668,750,000 5,203,757,266

0.00 0.19 0.00 0.05 0.15 0.02 0.24 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.25 0.00 0.37 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.09

N/A 0.00 N/A N/A 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.00 N/A N/A N/A 0.00 -11.36 N/A 0.00 N/A N/A 0.00 N/A 0.00

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.55

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

8,493,173,450 2,581,733,505 13,000,000,000 16,000,000,000

0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.07


10,000,000 584,766

6.60 1.22

0.00 0.72

500 500 500 220,000 4,570

1.65 0.50

1.37 0.50

4,200,000,000 8,679,148,676

0.03 0.02


0.50 0.99

0.50 0.50

13,175,732,404 7,812,500,000

0.30 0.00


313,164 369,250 500 5,000 8,812,914 27045923 1,050,953 3,807,836 465 100 1,926,013



0.61 2.02 21.50 5.70 1.33 20.72 103.24

0.50 2.02 8.57 2.90 0.50 10.64 98.33



1.18 0.19

3,608,657,661 18,750,000,000

0.00 0.15 2.45 1.23 0.13 1.53

0.50 0.90 NT 0.50 0.98 0.50 NT 0.50 0.53 0.50 0.50 NT 0.50 0.5 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.73 0.50 0.70 0.50 NT 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 5.42 1.03

0.63 3,778,005,975 1,333,333,333 32,632,084,358

5.15 3.27 18.55 1.53 NT 24.13 13.50 2.34 2.13 4.24 6.01 1.34 1.00 18.11

N/A N/A 0.00 N/A 3.98


1.25 0.50 1.42 0.50 5.23 2.68 4.25 NT 0.58 6.29 2.31 0.50 22.12 103.24 552.20 1.46

170 40,000

5.05 0.50

4.32 0.50

498,600,908 3,553,138,528

0.13 0.00


3.72 0.50








N/A=Not Avialable









MOV. (%)


74,488 1,444,640 66,411 163,454 251,300 100 572,185

4.80 2.50 69.00 3.38 1.76 8.59 3.50

0.50 0.61 18.97 1.23 0.58 7.36 1.83

486,473,856 1,500,000,000 956,701,192 980,000,000 1,925,717,268 153,786,012 100,000,000

0.58 0.24 3.07 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00

-24.05 1.56 5.00 -8.33 -0.98 N/A N/A

0.79 3.20 35.20 1.32 1.02 5.16 2.14






















400 100 5,460

18.70 2.94

13.12 2.07

108,000,000 492,825,600

0.00 0.03


2.67 11.02 1.69

27,420 1,080

0.50 4.97

0.50 3.13

4,620,600,000 4,200,000,000

0.04 0.04


0.50 2.75 NT NT NT 0.5







2,000 1,557,197 40,673 20,474 1,514,719 1,167,463 40,890 600 6,000 60 109,667 50,000 72,650

2.86 29.98 12.20 67.50 12.99 210.01 3.54 0.75 1.34

2.86 8.01 6.82 13.78 4.00 102.00 0.50 0.50 0.50

260,000,000 2,239,453,125 217,367,585 560,000,000 1,241,548,285 15,494,019,668 242,908,200 2,109,928,275 513,696,000

0.07 0.80 0.91 1.66 1.12 5.77 0.06 0.00 0.00

N/A 1.77 4.63 2.56 -9.39 -1.47 N/A N/A N/A

110.00 2.41 7.22

39.80 0.50 2.27

3,001,600,004 792,914,256 400,000,000

6.83 0.36 0.43

0.02 N/A N/A

2.72 22.02 9.93 37.05 8.73 169.50 0.73 0.50 0.50 10.93 98.00 1.30 4.31

100 220,132 100

2.00 2.39 0.73

2.00 1.20 0.50

510,396,608 2,220,000,000

0.05 0.19 0.00

N/A 7.78 N/A

2.09 1.67 NT

NT 561 1,361 100 NT NT NT

3.98 5.94 13.18 13.28 3.60 1.86 0.63

3.98 1.71 9.04 12.68 1.60 1.05 0.63


42,640,000 6,215,000,000 240,000,000 199,066,550

0.00 0.00 3.23 0.90 0.24 0.22 0.00

NT 1.52 42.70 9.37 NT NT 0.63

100 200 NT











25,000,000 683,974,528


7.46 NT NT








320 100

7.75 12.39

7.75 10.55

75,600,000 100,000,000

0.00 0.24


7.75 10.35








NT 4,050

3.22 1.38

3.22 0.67

50,000,000 220,000,000

0.04 0.00


NT 0.64















10000 2,577,516 2,541,040 412,758 22,164 167,074 43,476

76.00 4.87 115.64 146.00 59.00 190.01

16.96 1.32 7.73 106.00 16.20 118.75

693,952,117 1,249,162,828 1,080,280,628 300,496,051 253,988,672 339,521,837

2.69 0.61 1.43 9.93 1.04 12.91

-3.52 -2.17 6.25 0.05 N/A 2.72

0.5 28.41 1.84 239.99 145.00 49.66 150.80












2,572,000 3,000

5.10 3.45

2.19 0.73





100 599,750 1,000 2,800







0.50 3.15





589,496,310 198,819,763

0.52 0.00

-5.24 N/A

4.20 1.20











1.72 3.88 10.00

0.64 3.51 10.00




4.07 3.60 3.51 7.10








16500 224,498 20 20,800

3.09 2.78 5.77

1.39 2.52 3.00

771,450,000 425,641,111

0.00 0.00 0.61

N/A N/A 10.19

0.62 0.91 2.30 5.20








6 40,000,700

5.15 1.88

4.90 0.80

236,699,511 5,631,539,736

0.00 0.00


4.21 0.5

111,000 246,274

5.90 8.81

1.27 5.08

634,000,000 1,230,468,750

0.50 0.43

N/A -4.43

1.85 4.51

















100000 1000























NT NT 1,000













41 10

#VALUE! 49467



A24 40

Business Courage

Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror





Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror


Law & Justice

‘’To defer ruling is not only unwise but may in the long run put the judge in an embarrassing situation’’ JUSTICE MODIBBO ALFA BELGORE, FORMER CHIEF JUSTICE OF NIGERIA

Senior advocates seek proof to nail corrupt judges


Worried by the stigma of corruption in the judiciary, the Chief Justice of Nigeria, CJN, Justice Mahmud Mohammed recently urged senior lawyers to come forward with the identities of corrupt judges, so that the National Judicial Council (NJC) can investigate and punish the erring ones. Top Senior Advocates of Nigeria (SAN) seemed to have endorsed this call aimed at sanitising the legal profession writes WALE IGBINTADE.

Effective implementation of FoI Act‘ll curb corruption —Agbaje 42

Western Region crisis: How Awolowo, Akintola parted ways 45

Domestic Violence: Indian S’Court grants ex-minister bail 46

CJN Mahmud Mohammed


rom the inception, the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Mahmud Mohammed, has never concealed his feelings over corruption in the judiciary and the role of legal practitioners in the exercise. Justice Mohammed, who assumed office on November 20, last year has been described as an intelligent and blunt individual, who says things as they are and is not afraid to take unpopular positions on issues once he is convinced that his position is right. It would be recalled that shortly after his appointment, the Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, leadership under its National President,Mr. Augustine Alegeh, SAN, paid the CJN a courtesy and he (CJN) did not mince words when he told the delegation that some senior lawyers were behind the increased level of corruption bedevilling the judiciary. According to the CJN, some lawyers not only aid, but equally abet corruption within the Bench; a situation

NBA President, Mr. Alegeh

The judiciary is being scandalised without substantiating the allegation of general corruption. Let those who have the proof come forward without fear, especially to the Sagay Committee. he said portends danger for the justice system in the country. Addressing the delegation, the CJN pointed out that lawyers have so far acted as clog in the wheel of weeding out corrupt judges from the Bench. He alleged that senior lawyers were usually the first people to rush to court to secure an order of injunction restraining the NJC from investigating judges that acted wrongly. He said: “I want to use this opportunity to urge the Bar to put the interest of the system far and above the individuals. Imagine this scenario; you in the Bar decry the ‘rots’ on the Bench, calling for disciplining and cleansing of the judiciary by weeding out the bad eggs on the Bench. Yet, you are the first to

jump to the court to seek restraining order on NJC to stop it from the investigation and trial of a judge based on a petition brought against the judge before the council. How then is the principle of fair hearing sustained?” So, it did not come as a surprise to many, when Justice Mohammed two weeks ago, reiterated his earlier stance and called on senior lawyers in the country to come forward with names of corrupt judges, in view of the accusation of corruption against the judiciary. Speaking during a special session of the Supreme Court to mark the commencement of the 2015/2016 legal year and swearingin of newly conferred Senior Advocates of Nigeria (SAN), Justice

Mohammed urged senior lawyers to fish out the identities of the corrupt judges, so that they could be properly dealt with by the NJC. He frowns at what he called “unfortunate, unguarded comments of some prominent members of the Bar, that the Judiciary is corrupt. He added that such comments coming from the members of the Bar mean that they know the identity of the corrupt judges and as such, they should fish them out to be dealt with by the NJC. Speaking on the issue, Mr. Seyi Sowemimo (SAN) said it would be difficult task for lawyers to identify corrupt judges because those who engage in corruption do not do it in the open. CONTINUED ON PAGE 44


Law & Justice

Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

Effective implementation of FoI Mr. Fred Agbaje is an astute lawyer with 30 years’ post-call experience. In this interview with MATTHEW IRINOYE, he speaks on the need to amend the 1999 Constitution and also make graft offence a capital one among others. President Muhammadu Buhari is yet to appoint the Minister of Justice four months after being sworn-in into office, how will you react to this? Left for me, I will not blame Mr. President rather the constitution of the country; constitution is the fundamental law that governs all the institutions in the country, including the office of the president. It is the law that sets out how administration of the state called Nigeria. It is not stated in the constitution that the president must constitute his cabinet on May 29th, that is the loophole. Whatever happens why the president could not have named his cabinet should be blamed on the weak constitution that has created numerous avenues for the political leaders to manipulate. If the constitution stated clearly that one week after being sworn-in either by the president or the state governors the cabinet must be constituted and stringent conditions are provided for those who fail to do so, everybody will sit tight. For instance, Osun State Governor, Rauf Aregbesola did not constitute his cabinet until almost a year after he was sworn-in, but if the constitution is amended and it is stated that a week after being sworn-in, the cabinet must be constituted and be in place, failure to do will amount to a violation of the constitution and such executive member can be impeached, with that the executive members will sit up. The reason for saying it is that governance is meant for those who are serious and before taking the oath of office as president or a state governor, it is presumed that a serious politician should have done necessary things because he is aware that there are numerous Nigeria’s problems ahead of him that needed to be solved. He ought to have gotten the forthright honest Nigerians to put in the cabinet. There is no need to wait until after being sworn-in before looking for the people to constitute the cabinet, it is a sign of unseriousness and a calamitous approach of governance. While campaigning, the research ought to have been done on how to constitute the cabinet and if plan ‘A’ fails ‘B’ will replace it but, what has happened to the president is because he put all eggs in one basket by relying on certain people who were former ministers or governors or people very close to him unknown that such people have skeletons in their cupboards. When the exposure came he was sucked because he has no option for plan ‘B’ whereas if he has alternative plan he would not have been in the present situation. I think the vice- president is a professor of law and he supposes to advise him well because the rival party, Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) has capitalized on the issue to say that the economy of the country has no direction. In other words, nobody can predict the socio and political economy of the country


What is the essence of the National Conference, if the government that constituted it could not implement the report; how do they expect the incumbent government to inherit another man’s liability. forthrightly at this point because everybody is leaning on one man’s activities and if all the activities of the state are relying on one man, God forbid bad thing that he give up, it means that the socio- political economic direction of Nigeria is going into absurdity. There is no doubt the president is a gentle man who has zero tolerant for corruption and he has been able to use his charismatic approach to tackle corruption. The mention of Buhari is enough to let things take shape, for instance, the issue of epileptic supply of light has improved though not 100 percent, likewise the supply of petrol from the Nigeria refinery is part of what he has achieved. I feel the National Assembly that suppose to be the collaborative organ in passage of law to give direction to the Mr. President do not even sit, it is only two arms of the government that are working, the judiciary and the executives. The present National Assembly members are selfish and not reliable but more interested in personal aggrandizing, if the president wants to succeed in the next

four years, he should be careful with the present National Assembly, in other words, this is the third months they have been sitting how many bills have been passed into law or considered. I think Mr. President should begin to be careful. In a bid to amend the constitution should the president rely on the report of the confab? In the first instance, I am not comfortable with set up of the confab in the first place and their outcome. I want to believe that some honourable Nigerians were railroaded into the conference because they ought to have known that there is no way the government that has less than five months to vacate the sit would be able to implement the report of the National Conference they were invited to participate. We all know that one of the major fundamental philosophies of law is jurisprudence; no government can buy its successor and if such cannot happen, the members of the conference particular

lawyers should have asked themselves how do we expect incoming government after Jonathan to implement the report? Would they not say they are not party to the confab. Would they not say that the outcome of the conference was not part of their manifestoes? These are the fundamental questions the participants ought to have asked themselves but because “ohun ti awon kan ma je ko je ki won gbon” what some people will eat will not make them think, that was why 70 and 80 years old men clamoring to become members of the conference. My take is, what is the essence of the National Conference, if the government that constituted it could not implement the report; how do they expect the incumbent government to inherit another man’s liability. I am not holding brief for the president but I am just saying how will president inherit another man’s liability and how would president juxtapose the outcome of the conference with his political manifestoes no matter how laudable they are. One hundred day in office suddenly became an issue when the political rival said the president has not achieve anything but he replied that he did not promise to turn Nigeria into sky within the one hundred days, if he decides to implement the report of the national conference, are they not going to say that he did not mention such during his manifestoes. I don’t blame president if he distances himself from the report of the national conference because he was not part of the conjugal rites that gave birth to the national conference reports; how do we expect him to

National Mirror

Law & Justice

Monday, October 12, 2015


Act ‘ll curb corruption —Agbaje

inherit a bastard child?

The whistle blowers’ bill has not been passed into law, if the bill is passed, is it capable of assisting in waging war against corruption? For effective fight against corruption we need to make Freedom of Information law which is already in force available in all the states of the federation, all the states must adopt it instead of leaving it at the federal level. I could remember that some human rights organization early this year asked the immediate past government of Lagos State to render account on certain expenditures, Fashola’s regime refused to oblige the organizations, they when to court and their defence was that they are not binding with the law. In other words, we need effective implementation of Freedom of Information Act. Another issue is the amendment of the constitution especially section 15 dealing with all organs of government to join hands together to fight corruption and also section 36 of the constitution dealing with fair hearing should be amended. Cases related to graft offences, presumption of innocence should not apply because a grade level 17 official who has several houses, fleet of cars and all his children went to school abroad should defend himself or proof his innocence. Another issue is to amend the administration of Criminal Justice system in the states. Where they operate criminal code should be amended as well so as to renew the new mentality of incorporating anti-graft law. The constitution should stipulates it that any graft offence is a capital offence through which the presiding judge will grant bail only on health ground from renowned public hospitals. I am an insider and I have been defending criminals and I know how the like of some past governors who have allowed anti-graft cases to hang on their neck and they are now either senators and governors meanwhile their cases had been on for more than six to seven years. In other words, the society has recycled them to become lawmakers instead of being in prison. To make the graft more socially- oriented,

we must amend the administration of criminal justice law, the evidence law, section 36 of the constitution particularly making graft offences capital. Declaration of asset is a mere cosmetic approach of fighting corruption and it is not fundamental. The fight against corruption should start from the state governors and be extended to the civil service and the legislature. The present National Assembly is constituted of mainly some state governors who had stolen money and became law makers, they cannot make good law when they know that arraignment is hanging on their neck and they would be the first victim. Nigeria is at the cross road to fight corruption because those who are supposed to give direction to the Mr. President’s approach to fight corruption will not do it. The state governors who are eyeing the Senate sits will never support move to amend the constitution to make graft offenders life imprisonment because some of them know they will soon be arraigned. Those who think the condition is so stringent should also realize that corruption has deprived Nigeria of developmental progress, corruption is the fundamental root of unemployment and insecurity we are witnessing in the country today. We need to address corruption seriously and fundamentally through the instrumentality of law and constitution and government must be serious with the institutions that are fighting the corruption instead of celebrating individuals so that when the present president finish his regime the institutions will continue in fighting the corruption.

A retired Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Alex Badeh in his valedictory speech alleged that the ex-heads of state had crippled the military. Do you think this accusation should be investigated by the Buhari’s government and why? If someone said that, it is his own opinion and it is left for the president to now redeem it, there is no need to investigate anything but to strengthen the army. Previous governments had weakened Nigerian armed forces and that is why they could not face Boko


For effective fight against corruption we need to make Freedom of Information law which is already in force available in all the states of the federation, all the states must adopt it instead of leaving it at the federal level. Haram, instead of telling the truth, the top marshals retired the innocent soldiers. It was when a new government came before the man could open up to say they lacked weapon to fight Boko Haram. Whatever the former military officer said is good because it is an eyes opener to the present president. The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) was reported to have summoned Justice Oloyede Folahanmi, who wrote petition indicting the Osun State Governor, Rauf Aregbesola. Does the EFCC has such power to invite the judge for questioning? It is outside the statutory responsibility of the EFCC to invite Justice Oloyede based on the allegations against her, the only institution that the constitution empowers is the National Judicial Council (NJC) and before they will invite her, the matter has to be involved in their statutory responsibility. My point is that, it is not every matter that the NJC dabbles into because it consists of high- ranking judges in the country and they don’t dabble into frivolity. Where there are proven allegations that a judge has violated the oath of office or found wanting in the performance of duties and responsibilities, the NJC is constitutionally empowers to look into the matter but it is not for anti-graft agency to take the constitutional responsibility of NJC. Is it right for a sitting judge to call for

the removal of the state governor? I will not want to comment on the issue because people have diverse opinion on the issue, but even trying to exercise the freedom of information, it should be done constitutionally. One cannot say because he has freedom of expression and begins to dabble into matter that does not concern him. If one is ready for such expression, he must also be ready for the consequences because why exercising freedom of expression there are limitations. Freedom of expression is limited by penal law and libel law and the right not to injure your neighbour, if anyone goes beyond these he should be ready for whatever comes out of it. What are the legislative reforms you want the lawmakers to address urgently in the National Assembly? The primary functions of the National Assembly is to make good laws for the governance of the state; why doing so, they must not put their selfish interests rather the interest of the Nigerians to ensure that the unborn children do not inherit empty treasury, liability, unemployment and many other problems the country is currently facing. Laws must be made to ensure that Nigeria is a better society; laws must be made to ensure that graft is reducing to the barest minimum. It essential that the law makers should ensure that the rule of law, sanity, social justice, accountability, equity and freedom prevail in the land.


Law & Justice

Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

‘It is unfair to make blanket statement that judges are corrupt’ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 41 ‘’It’s going to be difficult because those who engage in corruption, don’t do it in the open. So, it is not easy that you will find evidence of what you can use to nail people. It is only on few occasions that you will find such evidence. For those who know corrupt judges and who can substantiate their allegations, they should certainly name them. But this does not mean that if they are unable to name judges, then it is tantamount to say that there are no corrupt judges in the system. Sometimes, the manner of judgement and the manner of rules they gave are so infuriating that you will conclude that it is only someone who has been compromised that can make such decision. The issue of corruption among judges is that which is not easy to deal with’’. In his opinion, Dr. Abiodun Layonu (SAN) agreed with CJN adding that ‘’the judiciary is being scandalised without substantiating the allegation of general corruption. Let those who have the proof come forward without fear, especially to the Sagay Committee. Even the executive or government is fuelling that notion. It is wrong and it will lead to the judiciary being ‘blackmailed’ to do the bidding of the executive and painted black before society. There is danger in this’’. In his view, Chief Mike Igbokwe, SAN said ‘’His Lordship is right. It is true that there is a lot of corruption in Nigeria and some judges are said to be corrupt. However, it is wrong and unfair on the judges that are not corrupt for all judges to be regarded or described as corrupt. It will also be misguided for some judges to be said to be corrupt without proof of or readiness to substantiate such accusation or statement. So, whoever has evidence that a judge is corrupt should show proof of same and if he cannot show such proof he should forever shut up his mouth so as not to continue to offend a lot of innocent, honest,




lost on all of us. It will keep eroding the integrity of the Bench. The next level of the discourse should now be to quietly seek to know judicial officers who may still be involved in such unwholesome act, and then allow the mechanisms in place to deal with the matter. There certainly must be an end to unsubstantiated allegations’’. The Chairman, NBA, Ikeja branch, Mr. Yinka Farounbi believed that that the remark of CJN is evasive. ‘’I see the statement as evasive statement in the sense that it is not the duty of lawyers to name judges that are corrupt. There are machineries that could fish out corrupt judges. The security agencies are there, if you say lawyers should name corrupt judges, definitely it is going to be difficult for lawyers to do so, unless the lawyer is the one that is offering. He added that rather than asking lawyers to mention names of corrupt judges, the machinery of the state should be able to fish out corrupt judges. Farounbi however said lawyers who have concrete evidence that a judge is corrupt, should speak out.

Whoever has evidence that a judge is corrupt should show proof of same and if he cannot show such proof he should forever shut up his mouth.

hardworking and incorruptible judges that abound in the Nigerian judiciary. Aligning with his colleagues, Dr. Joseph Nwobike, SAN said the issue raised by the CJN bordered on accountability and whether it’s appropriate for either senior or junior lawyers to make sweeping allegations of corruption against judges without any proof. He said ‘’I believe what the CJN said is perfectly right, those who make allegations against judges whether they are lawyers or non- lawyers should be able to substantiate such allegation with facts. Lawyers who have evidence of corruption against judges should submit such to the Chief Justice of Nigeria. ‘’It has become fashionable these days

for anybody to cast aspersions on judges on the ground of corruption, however there are no evidence to support the allegation except on very few instances. This is a country where when a person loses a claim, he alleges either bias or corruption forgetting that between two parties, one must win. I endorse what the CJN said and I think that lawyers who make such allegations should come up with facts otherwise such allegation would be treated as frivolous’’. In his reaction, Prof. Lanre Fagbohun said ‘’I fully agree with the CJN. We have made these allegations of corruption in the judiciary for so long that some members cannot but take a swipe against the judiciary at every opportunity that come their way. The implication of this should not be

legal tips

stop blaming me?”

And so God created lawyers.



Keep that a secret

After many years of hard work, Joe rewarded himself with a long, luxurious stay at an exclusive Carribean resort. While relaxing on the beach, he was surprised to see a former high school classmate who he hadn’t seen since they graduated. His old friend had been something of a “burnout” in high school, and this was the last place Joe expected to see him. Joe approached the man, and seized his hand. “Pete, it’s Joe. From high school. It’s sure been a long time. You look great! You must really be doing okay for yourself.” “I am,” whispered Pete. “I am a partner with a very successful law firm. But don’t tell mother. She got the idea that I was a drug dealer back when I was in high school, and she would be terribly disappointed if she figured out how I really make my money.”

Why God Created Lawyers

Satan was complaining bitterly to God, “You made the world so that it was not fair, and you made it so that most people would have to struggle every day, fight against their innate wishes and desires, and deal with all sorts of losses, grief, disasters, and catastrophes. Yet people worship and adore you. People fight, get arrested, and cheat each other, and I get blamed, even when it is not my fault. Sure, I’m evil, but give me a break. Can’t you do something to make them

I sentenced accused arm to one year jail term A lawyer defending a man accused of burglary tried this creative defense: “My client merely inserted his arm into the window and removed a few trifling articles. His arm is not himself, and I fail to see how you can punish the whole individual for an offence committed by his limb.” “Well put,” the judge replied. “Using your logic, I sentence the defendant’s arm to one year’s imprisonment. He can accompany it or not, as he chooses.” The defendant smiled. With his lawyer’s assistance he detached his artificial limb, laid it on the bench, and walked out.

Leaving money for the dead

A Brooklyn lawyer, a used car salesman and a banker were gathered by a coffin containing the body of an old friend. In his grief, one of the three said, “In my family, we have a custom of giving the dead some money, so they’ll have something to spend over there.” They all agreed that this was appropriate. The banker dropped a hundred dollar bill into the casket, and the car salesman did the same. The lawyer took out the bills and wrote a check for $300.

Seashore with family

A doctor was vacationing at the seashore with his family. Suddenly, he spotted a fin sticking up in the water and fainted. “Darling, it was just a shark,” assured his wife when he came to. “You’ve got to stop imagining that there are lawyers everywhere.” Culled from Lawyers’ jokes-


Evidence of a witness The Law of Evidence deals with the facts relating to a matter presented to a court or judicial tribunal. The person who is summoned or invited by the court to give the evidence is called a witness.

Types dence



*Direct Evidence is also known as the ‘’original’’ type or testimony concerning a fact actually perceived by a witness with one of his senses. *Hearsay Evidence or second -hand evidence pertains to fact or information given to a witness by some other person but proved by him in court. He tells the court what some other persons had told him. Note that hearsay evidence may not be generally


admissible in some cases because of the rules against it. *Circumstantial evidence is also indirect evidence, which is inferred by the court from the facts in issue. * Oral Evidence is the testimony of a witness usually on oath given by his word of mouth in the witness box. *Documentary evidence is the evidence derived by court from the contents of some documents such as books, records, photographs and video clips produced before it. *Real Evidence is derived from inspection of physical objects such as a place of accident, person, or thing. Written by Francis Famoroti, Head, Judiciary. We welcome feedback and reactions from readers via our e-mail: nationalmirrorlaw@yahoo. com


National Mirror

Law & Justice

Monday, October 12, 2015


Western Region crisis: How Awolowo, Akintola parted ways FAMOUS CASES

Fifty three years ago, the Action Group (AG) leadership was embroiled in a political crisis that culminated in the removal of Chief Ladoke Akintola, as the Premier of the Western Region. This resulted in fierce legal battles among the AG leaders at the law court and later, the Privy Council. FRANCIS FAMOROTI, Head, Judiciary highlights the battles.


any of the standard biographies of Nigerian leaders and journalistic accounts have never minced words that Chief Obafemi Awolowo and Chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola, were close allies and promoters of the AG. Shortly after the country’s independence, the AG control of the Western Region was weakened and there was an imminent collapse of the party structure because of divisions within the party that reflected cleavages within the Yoruba society. The leadership of the AG , which formed the official opposition in the federal parliament, split in May 1962 as a result of a rift between the party’s leader, Chief Awolowo and his erstwhile deputy and Premier of Western Nigeria, Chief Akintola. Various historical accounts abound on the circumstances that led to the rift between the two political leaders. While some historians claimed that the genesis of the political crisis in Western Nigeria began with the sacking of Chief J.F Odunjo as the Chairman, Western Region Marketing Board by Akintola over inter- family squabbles, others attributed the off-shoot of the crisis to hard line stance of the AG leaders over differences that could amicably be resolved within the party. According to a publication of The Human Rights Law Service (HURILAWS) “Managing Election Conflicts in Nigeria”, the AG crisis of 1962 arose primarily from disagreement over matters of ideology between Chief Awolowo, the party’s leader and Chief S.L Akintola, his deputy. Akintola was expelled for anti-party activities, among other reasons, and he went on to form the United Peoples’ Party (UPP). “The UPP and some members of NCNC and the Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP) formed an alliance, which controlled the government of the Western Region until the Western Regional elections of 1965.” Prof. John.N. Paden in his book “Ahmadu Bello, Sardauna of Sokoto- Values and Leadership in Nigeria, said ‘’the key leaders of Northern Peoples’ Congress (NPC) held secret talks with the Yoruba. Some of these meetings had actually begun in 1961-62, and Awolowo and the Sarduana met casually on a few occasions and agreed to hold meetings. But Awolowo seemed more interested in documenting the discussions and the agreements for future use. The NPC decided to try Akintola”. “The NPC came to regard Awolowo as the stumbling block to a union between the Yoruba and the north. Akintola was more trustworthy than Awolowo. The thinking was that later they might form one single party with Akintola.” Another account in an article titled “Nigeria Politics in the Crisis Years” obtained from the website of the Library of Congress Country Studies, states that “Awolowo favoured the adoption of democratic socialism as party policy, following the lead of Kwame Nkrumah’s regime in Ghana. This radical ideology that Awolowo expressed was seen as a bid to make

The late Akintola

The late Awolowo

The Governor of Western Region, Sir Aderemi, had removed Chief Akintola from the office of Premier, and appointed Alhaji Dauda Adegbenro as the Premier. Akintola’s supporters went wild and unleashed violence in the region while followers of

Awolowo reportedly retaliated.

the AG an interregional party that drew support across the country from educated younger voters. ‘‘Akintola, in reaction, attempted to retain the support of conservative party elements. He called for better relations with the Northern Peoples’ Congress (NPC) and an all party federal coalition that would remove the AG from opposition and give its leaders greater access to power’’. Awolowo’s majority expelled Akintola from the party. The then Governor of the Western Region, the Ooni of Ife, Sir Adesoji Aderemi demanded Akintola’s resignation as Premier and named Alhaji Dauda Adegbenro as his successor. Crisis erupted in the Western Nigeria and this earned the region the appellation “Wild Wild West.” This action resulted in some legal battles as Akintola challenged his removal as the Premier of the region. The series of cases became popularly known and cited as Akintola-v- Aderemi & Adegbenro (1962) 1 All. NLR. 442, Adegbenro –v-Akintola & Aderemi (1962) 1 All NLR 465 and Adegbenro-v- Akintola (1963) All NLR 305. In Adegbenro- v- Akintola in May 1962, for instance, the issue tried by the court was the removal of Akintola as the Premier of Western Nigeria. Specifically, Sir Aderemi, had removed Chief Akintola from the office of Premier,

and appointed Alhaji Dauda Adegbenro as the Premier. Akintola’s supporters went wild and unleashed violence in the region while supporters of Awolowo reportedly retaliated. Akintola sued Adegbenro and the AG leadership, and the Federal Supreme Court decided that he had been wrongly removed. Exercising a right conferred by Section 114 of the then Constitution of Western Nigeria, Adegbenro appealed to the Privy Council, where the judgment was upturned in his favour on the interpretation of S. 33 (10) (a) of the constitution. According to A.D Badaiki (1996) Interpretation of Statutes ‘’This proviso was later amended by the Constitution of Western Nigeria (Amendment) Law, 1963 retroactively in a manner which settled the question of the Premiership in Akintola’s favour, but without mention of the court suit or of the costs awarded by the Privy Council to Alhaji Adegbenro.” On the question whether Adegbenro was entitled to recover costs awarded to him, it was held that it is presumed that the legislature does not desire to confiscate the property or to encroach upon the right of persons, and, as there was no clear implication that the legislature intended not only to settle a political question, but also to deprive Adegbenro of his costs by the Constitution of Western Nigeria (Amendment) Law, 1963, his right to

costs remained unaffected. Akintola then organised the UPP, which pursued a policy of collaboration with the NPC –National Council of Nigeria and Cameroun (NCNC) government in the federal parliament. Akintola’s removal in May 1962 sparked bloody riot in the Western Region and brought effective government to an end as rival legislators, following the example in the streets, introduced violence to the floor of the regional legislature. The Federal Government declared a state of emergency, dissolved the legislature, and appointed a medical practitioner, Dr. Adekoyejo Majekodunmi as an administrator for the Western Region. One of his first acts was to place many AG leaders under house arrest. Later, the Police uncovered evidence linking Awolowo with a conspiracy to overthrow the government. With a number of other AG leaders, he was arrested and tried for treason. Authorities claimed that 200 activists had received military training in Ghana and had smuggled arms into Nigeria in preparation for a coup d’état. Awolowo was found guilty, along with 17 others, and was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. Chief Anthony Enahoro, Awolowo’s close ally, who had been abroad at the time of the coup, was extradited from Britain and was also convicted of treason and imprisoned. In the meantime, the state of emergency was lifted and Balewa, obtained Akintola’s reinstatement as Premier of the Western Region at the head of a coalition between the NCNC and the UPP. The AG successfully contested the legality of this action in the courts, but a retroactive amendment to the Western Region’s constitution that validated Akintola’s reappointment was quickly enacted. As Tafawa Balewa told parliament, the legalities of the case “had been overtaken by events.”


Law & Justice

Monday, October 12, 2015

Court sentences man to death for killing policewoman



he resurgence of violence in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, after a period of relative calm is a development which causes great concern. ICC in a statement post on its website states that the current situation appears extremely precarious with reports of serious violence and allegations of conduct that could potentially con-

Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta the prison warders led him to the underground cell. Muslima Talisma Guyo, the slain officer’s mother, thanked God that at long last her daughter’s killer was given what he deserved. “How can someone kill my daughter and he is left to walk freely the way he was doing?” Ms Talisma wondered, referring to when Abduba was granted bond during the trial.

Domestic Violence: Indian S’Court grants ex-minister bail


ndian Supreme Court has granted bail to a former law minister, Somnath Bharti in a domestic violence and attempt to murder case lodged against him by his wife. A report by BBC says that the judge, Justice Anil Kumar also directed Bharti to furnish Rs one lakh personal bond and one surety of like amount. The court also directed Bharti not to leave the country without its prior permission and join the probe as and when called. During arguments on his bail plea, the Aam Aadmi Party legislator argued that the case against him was politically motivated and had


he family of a policewoman killed in Mombasa two years ago broke into celebrations in court after a man charged with her murder was sentenced to death. A report by ABC News says that a court in Kenya sentenced Abduba Guyo Wadabduba to the gallows having found him guilty of murder. Abduba was set to marry the late police constable Milga Abdullah, who was then 23, before they quarreled bitterly and he killed her on January 29, 2013 at the police dog section in Kisauni. Abduba, who had to be supported by court orderlies after the shock by the judge’s verdict, sweated profusely as




man who strangled his girlfriend in an alcohol-fuelled row has been jailed for almost four years. A report by BBC says that Gerrard Kavanagh, 44, of Mayfield Road, Leicester,

National Mirror

litical motives. Special public prosecutor Shailendra Babbar who had opposed Bharti’s bail plea had argued that the legislator had tried to misuse the liberty when he was not in police custody. He had termed Bharti’s conduct as “very dubious” and said he may influence the witnesses and hamper the probe which is at primitive stage, if he was granted bail. Bharti had moved the bail plea after the Supreme Court had disposed of his anticipatory bail plea and asked him to approach the trial court

India Prime Minister, Narendra Modi dubbed it as a “BJP-sponsored litigation”. Bharti’s counsel Vijay Aggarwal had claimed it was a case of an “on-and-off relationship” which was blown out of proportion due to po-

Man jailed for strangling girlfriend to death ‘in drunken row’ UNITED KINGDOM

pleaded guilty to killing Wendy Milligan, 46, on 2 May. Kavanagh assaulted Ms Milligan by placing her in a choke hold from which she never recovered, Leicester

ICC raises alarm over upsurge of violence in CAR stitute serious crimes, committed against the civilian population and humanitarian workers. The statement by ICC Chief Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda said ‘’I urge all individuals and groups in the Central African Republic engaged in these clashes, including those who appear to be linked to the anti-Balaka and ex-Seleka groups, to immediately cease and desist

Ms. Bensouda, ICC Prosecutor

for regular bail. His estranged wife had told the apex court that she was not willing for mediation to settle the domestic violence and attempt to murder case. Bharti is in judicial custody till October 19. The AAP MLA was arrested in the wee hours on September 29 after the apex court ordered him to surrender. Bharti had on September 23 moved the apex court seeking protection from arrest in the case and a direction to restrain the police from arresting him till his plea challenging the high court order was decided.

the violence. I warn those alleged to be committing crimes falling within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court that they can be held individually accountable’’. ‘’A year ago, following a referral by the Central African authorities, I announced the opening of a second investigation into crimes committed in the country since 1st of August 2012.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Crown Court was told. He was sentenced to three years and eight months in prison for the manslaughter of the mother-of-two. Kavanagh was arrested after telling a friend that he had panicked and left his flat after killing his girlfriend.

Wendy Milligan’s body was found in a flat she shared with Kavanagh in Leicester Police found Ms Milligan’s body after an anonymous phone call telling them a woman was dead in a flat. Det Insp Simon Shuttleworth said: “This was an unpleasant case that highlights the dangers of excessive drinking. “He may not have intended to kill her but a reasonable and sober person should know the dangers of such an act.” He added: “Wendy was a mother-of-two and had a loving family who have now lost her. I hope now they can have some closure from this awful experience.”

NIALS Director tasks law enforcement agencies

Matthew Irinoye


he Director of Reseach, Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Prof. Lanre Fagbohun has urged law enforcement agencies to see themselves as guardians of human rights. Fagbohun, stated this during one-day symposium titled “The constitution, law enforcement agencies and you” organized Human Rights Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Ikeja branch. Fagbohun, who identified violations of human rights among all levels of society, noted that many Nigerians are difficult when it comes to obeying the law. He therefore enjoined the law enforcement agencies to carry

out their duties constitutionally. In her contribution, the guest of honour the Chief Judge of Lagos State, Justice Funmilayo Atilade, disclosed that more than three quarter of Nigerians deliberately go against law. Atilade ably represented by a Lagos High Court judge, Justice Ganiyu Safari said that many Nigerians deliberately break the laws. The CJ noted the difficulty that law enforcement officers face in carrying out their duties. She said “more than three quarter of Nigerians are lawless, I have to say it the way it is. Unless he is compelled, the average Nigerian

does not want to obey the law. This is something we all know, and that is why I personally don’t envy our law enforcement agencies, because they have a job to do to enforce the law against people who are not willing to obey’’. “There was a time when a Divisional Police Officer was charged with misuse of his firearm during a riot. If you look at your environment, we all go out on a daily basis, you’ll realise that the average Nigerian does not comply with simple instructions until he is made to do so.” In his speech B. J. Fasopin, a Deputy Route Commander of the Federal Road Safety Corp (FRSC) who represented the FRSC’s Corp Mar-

I was disorganised —Eliu


hortly after I was called to bar, I was asked to move a motion in a particular, land matter before Justice Oshodi of the Lagos High Court. Although I had already been informed by my principal what to say while mov-

ing the motion, but getting to court, there were other things that cropped up, hence I should not have contemplated moving the motion again, but because I had prepared, and being overzealous, I tried to put pressure on the court to

move the motion because that was what I was asked to do. It was horrible and I was totally disorganised when the judge said I should hold on. Then it was glaring to me that the motion ought not to be moved because so many things had happened and it

shall, said Nigerians are difficult when it comes to obeying the law. “I stopped a lawyer for not wearing a seatbelt, and he said he was going to court he had a case and it was his right not to wear a seatbelt.” The event, which was held under the chairmanship of Justice Idris Buba of the Federal High Court, Lagos, also featured Mrs. Omotola Rotimi, Director of the Lagos State Office of the Public Defender, Mrs. Gloria Egbuji, of the Crime Victims Foundation as well as representatives of the Nigerian Police and the Nigerian Civil Defence Corps.

was unnecessary for me to move the motion. After the timely advice of some senior lawyers at the bar, I took their hints and withdrew my motion for extension of time within which to file our statement of defence. Godwin Eliu

National Mirror

Law & Justice

Monday, October 12, 2015


Tax without legislation: Unconstitutionality of Fayose’s proclamation Chukwuemeka Eze


he print media was awash on Tuesday, September 1, 2015 with reports of Gov. Ayo Fayose’s threat that no private school in Ekiti State will be allowed to commence school activities this Session unless it pays a tax of N150,000 and that anybody who buys one cow to be slaughtered for any ceremony will pay N1,000. It was further reported that the Governor vowed to shut four banks for ‘tax evasion’. Of all these issues, I intend to anatomise the issue of payment of N150, 000 by each private school before the school will be allowed to re-open. For private schools with large population of employees, payment of N150,000 may even be a blessing in disguise, especially if the monthly personal income tax remittance is above the N150,000 mark. The opposite will, however, be the lot of small and medium schools with low staff population. Each of such schools is now being compelled to cough out N150,000 without regard to what the actual remittance should be or ought to be. The implication of the Governor’s Proclamation is that a private school with, for example, 10 members of staff, at salaries varying from N10,000 to N50,000 must pay the same N150,000 in the manner of another school with 30 members of staff with salaries ranging from N15,000 to N80,000. Flat tax has been defined by Tejutax at page 794 of her book, Tejutax Reference Book, Vol. 1, as a tax applied at the same rate to all levels of income. Flat tax means that everyone has to pay tax at just one and only one rate. In such a system, in place of a complex set of income tax brackets, a State declares a threshold above which all parties pay a fixed rate on all their income. As at today, the Federal Government of Nigeria and its federating States apply the progressive system of taxation and not the flat tax system. This is why the system is classified as Pay-As-You-Earn (P.A.Y.E.). Paragraph 7 of Part II of the Second Schedule to the 1999 Constitution provides that: In the exercise of its powers to impose any tax or duty on – (a) capital gains incomes or profits of persons other than companies; and (b) documents or transactions by way of stamp duties

the National Assembly may, subject to such conditions as it may prescribe, provide that the collection of any such tax or duty or the administration of the law imposing it shall be carried out by the Government of a State or other authority of a State. It was pursuant to this provision that the National Assembly made the Personal Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 2011 whose principal Act is the Personal Income Tax Act, Cap. P8, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 (otherwise called “PITA”). PITA was actually enacted in 1993 and it is an existing law pursuant to Section 315(1)(a) of the 1999 Constitution. Of equal relevance is Paragraph 8 of Part II of the Second Schedule to the 1999 Constitution, which provides that: Where an Act of the National Assembly provides for the collection of tax or duty on capital gains, incomes or profits or the administration of any law by an authority of a State in accordance with paragraph 7 hereof, it shall regulate the liability of persons to such tax or duty in such manner as to ensure that such tax or duty is not levied on the same person by more than one State. This provision makes it clear that the Act made by the National Assembly shall regulate the liability of the residents of a State to such tax in such a manner as to ensure that such tax is not levied on the same person by more than one State. This provision is intended to prevent multiplicity of taxes but much more than that. Item 59, Part 1, Second Schedule to the 1999 Constitution, (which contains the Exclusive Legislative List) gives the National Assembly exclusive powers to legislate on taxation of incomes, profits and capital gains except as otherwise prescribed by this Constitution. The purport of these constitutional provisions is that the States are to enforce laws made by the National Assembly in relation to taxation of incomes, profits and capital gains. A State is required to impose tax or levy with respect to any of the 25 taxes and levies contained in the Taxes and Levies (Approved List for Collection) Act (Amendment Order, 2015). With respect to these 25 taxes and levies, Gov. Fayose’s proclamation is only related to income tax. Yours sincerely has shown that income tax cannot be charged arbitrarily; it can only be charged according to the relevant Act. I know

as a fact that there is no law in Ekiti State, which makes it compulsory for each private school to pay N150,000 before resumption in a new session. Even if there such a law, it will be unconstitutional because Section 1(3) of the 1999 Constitution provides that: If any other law is inconsistent with the provisions of this constitution, this constitution shall prevail, and that other law shall to the extent of the inconsistency be void. Tax and levies cannot be charged by a rule of the thumb or by a Governor’s proclamation. There are guiding principles to taxation, which the State Governors and the Federal Government must imbibe if we want to have an equitable tax system. Let us consider the words of wisdom in the cases below: “It is the law that the language of a statute imposing a tax, duty or charge must received a strict construction in the sense that there is no room for any intendment and regard must be had to the clear meaning of the words. If the state claims a tax under a statute it must show that the tax is imposed by clear and unambiguous words, and where the statute is in doubt it must be construed in favour of the subject, however much within the spirit of the law the case might otherwise be, but a fair and reasonable construction must be given to the language used without leaning to one side or the order” Statement of law by Lord Atkinson in Ordmond Investment Co. v. Betts [1928] AC 143 at 162, adopted: per Ikpeazu J. in Aderawos Trading Co. Ltd. v. F.B.I.R. [1966] L.L.R. 196 at 200.” “It is a general principle of fiscal legislation that to be liable to tax the subject must fall clearly within the words of the charge imposing the tax, otherwise he goes free. It is also for the State to establish that the charge prima facie extends to the subject matter sought to be charged: per Lord Halsbury L.C. in Tennant v. Smith (Surveyor of Taxes) [1892] A.C. 150 at 154, HL.” A good tax system, therefore, should be part of the socalled democracy dividends. Ade Ipaye has outlined the essentials of a good tax system, in his book, Nigerian Tax, Law & Administration: A Critical Review, to include equity, certainty, convenience and administrative efficiency. Certainly, Gov. Fayose’s imposition of a new tax regime specifically for some citizens is not only discriminatory but uncertain. Eze, is a Lagos-based lawyer and taxation consultant.


Diocesan Bishop of (Anglican Communion) Lagos, the Most Revd Adebola Ademowo and the Chief Judge, Lagos state, Justice Funmilayo Atilade at a special church service in Lagos recently.

Cross-section of Senior Advocates of Nigeria at the event.

Osun State Governor, Mr. Rauf Aregbesola, Vice- President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, SAN and former Commissioner for the Environment in Lagos State, Dr. Banire, SAN and his wife, Olufunmilayo at Former Delta State deputy governor, Prof. Amos Utuama, Vice- President Osinbajo, Banire, his a reception in honour of Banire in Lagos recently. spouse and Mrs. Aworinde.


Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

National Mirror


Monday, October 12, 2015

World News May every parish, every religious community, every monastery, every sanctuary of Europe host a family, starting from my diocese of Rome. –POPE FRANCIS


aliban claims attack on foreign troop convoy in Afghan capital in which a least three people were wounded. A suicide car bomber has attacked a convoy of NATO troops in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul, the country’s interior ministry said. Sunday’s explosion caused civilian casualties, the ministry said without elaborating. NATO said three civilians were wounded in the blast, adding that there were no casualties among its troops. The blast occurred at a busy time of the day at a central part of the city, Al Jazeera’s Jennifer Glasse reported from Kabul. “Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid confirmed the Taliban were responsible for the attack in a text message that claimed all in the vehicles were killed,” our correspondent said, adding that the Taliban often inflate casualty figures. It is the Taliban’s second attack in Kabul this week. The Taliban have stepped up attacks around Afghanistan since they launched their annual summer offensive in late April. The group overran the strategic northern city of Kunduz in late September in their most spectacular victory in 14 years. The capture of the provincial capital for three days marked a stinging blow for Westerntrained Afghan forces, who have largely been fighting on their own since the end of NATO’s combat mission in December. The government claims to have wrested back control of the city, but sporadic firefights continue with remnant pockets of fighters as Afghan soldiers, backed by NATO special forces, conduct clearance operations. As fighting spreads in neighbouring Badakhshan, Takhar and Baghlan provinces, concerns are mounting that the seizure of Kunduz was merely the opening gambit in a new, bolder strategy to tighten the Taliban’s grip across northern Afghanistan. Most NATO combat troops pulled out of Afghanistan last year, but a small contingent focused on training and counterterrorism operations remains, including roughly 10,000 American soldiers. NATO forces are themselves under fire after a US air strike

Suicide car bomb targets NATO troop convoy in Kabul

AFRICA BULLETIN Teacher wears bodysuit to teach human anatomy Students weren’t sure what to expect when their teacher stood in front of the classroom and started to undress. Debby Heerkens, a gym and biology teacher at Groene Hart Rijnwoude school, in the small town of Hazerswoude Dorp, Netherlands, wanted to try a creative approach to teach a lesson about the human body. “At first they were a little bit in shock because they thought ‘the teacher is taking off her clothes,’ until, they saw what was underneath,” Heerkens told CNN. She stripped down to reveal a full suit that mapped out the human body in sharp and graphic detail. Heerkens had on several layers, one that showed the skeletal bone structure and another that featured the internal organs.

Nobel Peace Prize for Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet

Voters in Guinea electing a president in the West African country’s second democratic presidential election since independence in 1958.

on October 3 pummelled a hospital in Kunduz run by Doctors Without Borders (MSF), killing 12 staff and 10 patients. The medical charity shut down the trauma centre, branding the incident a war crime and

demanding an international investigation into the incident, which sparked an avalanche of global condemnation. President Barack Obama has apologised over the strike, with three different investigations

- led by NATO, US forces and Afghan officials - currently under way. The Pentagon announced Saturday it would make compensation payments to those killed and injured in the strike.

Guinea votes after campaign plagued with violence


uineans are voting in a controversial presidential election that is expected to see incumbent President Alpha Conde re-elected for a second term after a campaign plagued with accusations and violence. Polling stations opened on Sunday with national borders closed for the day and traffic restricted to the vehicles of electoral observers, government officials and the security forces, according to a presidential decree. Opponents of President Conde had called for the postponement over what they called the unreliability of the electoral lists and problems with distributing voter cards, which are required to cast a ballot. The results of the first round are not expected until Tuesday at the earliest. Conde’s seven rivals vowed

to challenge the results, raising the spectre of further unrest in the days to come, after deadly clashes between Conde and opposition supporters in the final days of campaigning. An African Union observer mission and a 72-member European Union delegation are in Guinea to monitor the ballot, along with 19,000 police and members of the security services. Conde is hoping to win the first round, avoiding a “runoff ” election with his closest rival, but his opponents contend this feat would be impossible without vote-rigging. Conde, whose campaign slogan promises to deliver a “knock-out blow” to his opponents, is hoping to trade on his five-year record of reforms in the impoverished but mineral-rich West African country.

Among his achievements, he cites an overhaul of the army and judiciary, the completion of a hydroelectric dam and reforms to make mining contracts more transparent. “Ask the people of Guinea if what we have done in five years, the others did in 50. Ask that on the streets,” he said in an interview. Despite being rich in bauxite, the ore used to produce aluminium, the country is one of the world’s poorest and was blindsided by a severe outbreak of Ebola, which began in the country’s southern forests in December 2013, and then spread to neighbouring countries. Half the population lives below the UN poverty line, and according to the World Bank, per capita income in 2014 was just $470 with many lacking access to electricity or running water.

The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Tunisia’s National Dialogue Quartet for helping the country’s transition to democracy. The Nobel committee said the group of civil society organisations had made a “decisive contribution” to democracy after the 2011 revolution. It said the quartet helped establish a political process when the country “was on the brink of civil war”. Tunisia’s uprising was the first and most successful of the Arab Spring While other countries - Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Syria - either reverted to authoritarian rule or descended into violence and chaos, Tunisia managed a successful transition to democracy. The surprise winner of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize has played a key role in mediating between the different parties in the country’s post-Arab Spring government.

Lake Chad’s Baga Sola town hit by suicide bombers Suicide bombers have attacked a fish market and refugee camp in the town of Baga Sola in western Chad, killing more than 30 people, officials say. More than 50 people are being treated at the hospital in the town, which is on the shores of Lake Chad. The camp on the town’s outskirts is home to tens of thousands of Nigerians who have fled Boko Haram attacks. Chad is host to a new regional force set up to tackle the Nigeriabased militant Islamists. Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria agreed to establish the 8,700-strong force, but it has yet to start operations in earnest because of reported funding difficulties.


World News


housands of people have gathered in the centre of Turkey’s capital, Ankara, to pay tribute to the victims of bomb blasts which killed at least 95 people. Brief scuffles broke out between the crowd and the police after some mourners tried to lay carnations at the site of the bombings. The pro-Kurdish HDP party, which organised Saturday’s rally, said 128 people were killed in the attacks. Protesters have blamed the government for security failures around the rally. The government has rejected suggestions that it was to blame for the bombing. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said there was evidence that two suicide bombers had carried out the attack. Turkey declared three days of mourning after Saturday’s attack, the deadliest ever in Turkey. No group has said it carried out the attack, but Mr Davutoglu suggested that Kurdish rebels or the Islamic State (IS) group were to blame. The blasts took place near the city’s central train station as people gathered for a march organised by leftist groups demanding an end to the violence between the Kurdish separatist PKK militants and the Turkish government. Amateur video footage showed a group of young people holding hands and singing, as the first blast hits. The explosions left 245 people injured, with 48 of them in a serious condition. On Sunday, thousands of

Monday, October 12, 2015

Ankara attacks: Turkey in mourning after blasts kill almost 100

A man crying over the body of a victim at the site of an explosion in Ankara, Turkey, where two bomb explosions targeting a peace rally in the capital, Ankara, killed 95 people and injured many others.

people had gathered at the square in central Ankara where a peace rally had been due to take place before it was interrupted by violence. There was a clear sense of anger towards the government, with people blaming it for security failures. The bombing comes at a very significant and tense time. Funerals have become a routine event and even before Saturday’s blasts, emotions were running

high across the country. Now people are concerned about a further escalation in violence and maintaining security at elections in three weeks’ time. Terrorism experts have said the attack is similar to one that was carried out in Suruc in southern Turkey by IS in July in which 30 people died, our correspondent says. However, the leader of the HDP party, whose members

were among those attending the rally, has blamed the state and cancelled all election rallies. The party has previously blamed the government for colluding in attacks on Kurdish activists, which the government denies. Cemalettin Hasimi, director of press and information at the prime minister’s office, told the BBC that such allegations were “a disgrace, unacceptable”.

Washington Post’s journalist sentenced in Iran


n Iranian court has handed down a verdict in theespionage trial of jailed Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian, the semiofficial Iranian Students’ News Agency reported on Sunday, quoting the judiciary spokesman. The verdict and the sentence are not yet known. Rezaian’s family said the lack of information “follows an unconscionable pattern by Iranian authorities of silence, obfuscation, delay and a total lack of adherence to international law, as well as Iranian law.” ISNA quoted the judiciary spokesman, Gholam-Hossein Mohseni Ejei, as saying that “this person has been sentenced, but I don’t know the details of the verdict.” Mohseni Ejei said the ruling may be appealed by Rezaian or his lawyer in the next 20 days. Rezaian, The Washington Post’s bureau chief in Tehran, was detained in Iran in July 2014 and has languished in jail for over a year despite an international outcry. Uncertainty continued to reign on Sunday. The statement from his family called it “another sad chapter in his 14-month illegal imprisonment and opaque trial process.”

National Mirror

And Doug Jehl, the foreign editor of the Post, said on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” that the mysterious announcement shows that “what we’re seeing unfolding here is sham.” “For Iran to say that there’s been a verdict but it’s not final simply suggests, again, that this is not a matter for the courts, it’s a matter that’s being decided in the political spheres in Iran,” he said. John Kirby, a spokesman for the U.S. State Department, said the U.S. government has no firm information on the apparent ruling. “We’re monitoring the situation closely, and we continue to call for all charges against Jason to be dropped and for him to be immediately released,” Kirby said. Rezaian’s case has become a symbol of the increased dangers faced by journalists around the world. Rezaian, who has dual Iranian and American citizenship, has been detained in Iran longer than any American journalist in the past. Marty Baron, the paper’s top editor, said it is unclear whether the apparent sentence has even been shared with Rezaian or his lawyer. “This vague and puzzling statement by the government of

Iran only adds to the injustice that has surrounded Jason’s case since his arrest 15 months ago,” Baron said in a statement. Rezaian’s ordeal began last July when he and his wife, Yeganeh Salehi, were taken into custody. She was later released. For months Rezaian was not told of the charges against him. Prosecutors eventually accused him of espionage and other offenses, including “collaborating with a hostile government” and “propaganda against the establishment,” according to the Post. The newspaper steadfastly denied the allegations, calling them “the product of fertile and twisted imaginations.” And the State Department called the charges “absurd.” Rezaian’s trial began in May under a cloak of secrecy. Baron has called it a “sham” and the treatment of Rezaian a “travesty.” The trial reportedly concluded back in August with no announcement of a ruling. At times Rezaian has seemed like a pawn in a geopolitical faceoff. U.S. President Barack Obama faced criticism from some for concluding a deal between major world powers and Iran over Iran’s nuclear program without any pledge from Iran that it

would release Rezaian and other Americans held in Iran. In a speech this summer, Obama mentioned Rezaian and other Americans “who are unjustly detained in Iran.” “Journalist Jason Rezaian should be released,” the President said. Boxing great Muhammad Ali, an American Muslim, also urged Tehran to free Rezaian on bail. “To my knowledge, Jason is a man of peace and great faith, a man whose dedication and respect for the Iranian people is evident in his work,” Ali said in a religiously worded statement issued in March. Iran’s human rights chief, Mohammad Javad Larijani, told news outlet France 24 last year that he hoped Rezaian’s case would come to a positive conclusion. “Let us hope that this fiasco will end on good terms,” he said. The Post has sought to keep world attention focused on the case. On Friday, it noted that Rezaian had been detained for 444 days -- “the same amount of time as U.S. government employees during the Iran hostage crisis of 1979-1981.” The Post called this “a milestone significant in its injustice.”

WORLD BULLETIN Girl, 9, forced to marry man 69 years her senior Singing and dancing as she performs in a school assembly, Younis looks for all the world like a typical Kenyan teenager, with a beaming smile and a grey and maroon uniform. There’s little outward clue to the trauma she’s already been through in her 13 short years. When she was just nine years old, Younis’s parents arranged for her to marry a man old enough to be her grandfather, in accordance with local Samburu tradition. The Samburu are an ancient Kenyan tribe pastoralist cattle herders, said to be “distant cousins” of the Maasai. Even to outsiders, their languages and customs are strikingly similar. Younis and other girls like her have dared to break away from some of these traditions -- child marriage, female genital mutilation and beading (the practice of promising girls to their male relatives for sex) --which are illegal in Kenya. But in doing so they risk being

UN envoy announces proposal for Libyan national unity government The UN envoy for Libya announced a proposed list of Cabinet members for a national unity government after months of talks between opposing factions The envoy announced an MP from Tripoli, Fayez Sarraj, as Prime Minister; and three deputies from Libya’s east, west and southern regions respectively. The head of the UN support mission to Libya, Bernardino Leon, made it clear to journalists in Morocco on Thursday that this is just a UN proposal. “This is not a proposal that the members of the dialogue have made,” he said, adding that the internationally-recognized National Transitional Council of Libya remains unsatisfied with the proposal. Libya’s legislative authority, the General National Congress, did not propose names and is asking for changes to the text.

Oscar Pistorius’ battle over sentence drags on as parole board meets again A South African parole board is meeting to decide whether to keep Oscar Pistorius in prison -- where he’s been since he was convicted last year in his girlfriend’s fatal shooting. Board members gathered Friday to consider whether to place him under house arrest, marking the latest incident on the lengthy court battle. Corrections officials declined to speculate on the outcome of the meeting, but said the decision will be communicated accordingly. A judge sentenced Pistorius to five years in prison in October last year for culpable homicide in the killing of Reeva Steenkamp. In South Africa, culpable homicide means a person killed someone unintentionally but unlawfully. Pistorius shot her on Valentine’s Day 2013, and has said he mistook her for an intruder. Lengthy battle

National Mirror


Monday, October 12, 2015


We won’t bow to pressure on admissions –Rector WOLE ADEDEJI ILORIN


L-R: Nasarawa State Commissioner of Police, Sani Usman-Mohammed; Governor Tanko Al-Makura and other officials during the inspection of Farin Ruwa Power Plants in Wamba Local Government, yesterday. PHOTO:NAN

Taskforce alerts on plot to attack Jos JAMES ABRAHAM JOS


pecial Task Force in Plateau State, Operation Safe Haven, OPSH, has alerted the citizenry of plan by terrorists to attack Jos, the state capital, and environs. While calling on citizens to be on alert, the security task force urged them to pay particular attention to public spots such as motor parks, relaxation areas, markets, mosques and churches, among others. A statement signed by Media / Information officer of OPSH, Captain Iweha Ikedichi, and made

available to journalists at the weekend in Jos, said the action became necessary in view of security intelligence at its disposal. Iweha said: “This is sequel to specific intelligence, which revealed the intention of members of Boko Haram terrorist group to carry out an attack on Jos metropolis.” According to him, security operatives have consistently foiled attacks by the terrorists for two weeks running, ensuring increased presence of security personnel around identified flashpoints.

He added that it also witnessed increase in checkpoint activities and nipping points established at random at hitherto quiet places. Urging commercial vehicle and tricycle operators to report any suspicious passengers at the nearest check point, the media officer noted that such action had before now yielded positive result in tracking criminals, citing where a woman recently reported discussion by fellow passengers that led to the suspects’ arrest at an OPSH checkpoint. “OPSH reiterates its readiness to respond to

any breach of security or criminality which is capable of causing possible death and destruction of property promptly,’’ he said, while assuring residents within its area of operational responsibility of their safety at all times. Ikedichi also solicited information from the public and assured that such information would be treated with confidentially. “We would want to reassure members of the general public of our determination to protect lives and properties of all law abiding citizens,’’ the statement added.

wara State Polytechnic, Ilorin, has said it would not bow to any external influence in offering admissions to students this year. The rector, Mas’ud Elelu, while speaking with newsmen in reaction to insinuation that the institution offers selective admissions, said they had put up a mechanism that eliminates “all influences including human in the cause of selecting candidates for admission into programmes.” The mechanism that was demonstrated to journalists had commenced as a method for selecting students into the 2015/2016 academic session by the polytechnic, he added. Elelu explained that the polytechnic was having admission challenges

Al-Makura to complete hydro power plant IGBAWASE UKUMBA LAFIA


asarawa State Governor Umaru Tanko Al-Makura yesterday said his administration was making arrangement for a public

Tanzania, Nigeria presidents commend Dangote ..say investments stimulating Africa’s economy


residents of Nigeria and Tanzania have described business mogul, Aliko Dangote, as Africa’s economic stimulant whose investments have ensured economic stability and raised standard of living in Africa. The two leaders disclosed this at the commissioning of Dangote Cement’s multi-million dollar new cement plant in Mtwara, Tanzania, and ground-breaking of 26-hectare jetty, which attracted top shots not only from the two countries but also from neighbouring East African nations of Rwanda, Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo. Tanzanian President, Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, said there was no better way of rejuvenat-

ing and sustaining a nation’s economy if not through investment, which opens the door for job creation and opportunity for people to express their creative abilities. He described the 3m mtpa cement plant as the largest in East and Central Africa, noting that the investment was huge and would have a massive impact as well as promote bilateral relations between Tanzania and Nigeria. Kikwete pointed that the timing of the siting of the plant was very auspicious, coming when the demand for cement is on the upsurge and increasing both locally and regionally. To drive home his point that Tanzania is a good destination for investment, Kikwete said Tan-

zania has registered an average growth of 7 per cent which makes her one of the top 10 fastest growing economies in Africa and that as part of this growth, the construction sector has grown 7 per cent of the GDP in 2005/2006 to 12.5 per cent of the GDP in 2014/2015. The President disclosed that cement price has been on the increase especially as one moves away from the cities because of shortage in supply as opposed to increasing demands, stressing that Dangote Cement was coming to fill the gap. On his part, President Muhammadu Buhari, who was represented by Kaduna State Governor, Nasir el-Rufai, said Dangote was a key player in the economic development of Africa and his investment

model was in tandem with the unfolding economic policy of his government. He said Dangote by his investment was teaching African nations on the need to adopt an economic integration policy that will encourage Africans to invest in their continent rather than wait endlessly for the elusive foreign investors to develop Africa. Buhari pointed out that Dangote has proved a point that though there could be challenges but there are huge returns for African investment in Africa. “Others should emulate him and partner with the government on the onerous task of job creation. As our son, we are proud of Dangote. Nigeria is very proud of him.” Also, the Tanzanian minister who represent-

because it has in recent time become attractive to prospective candidates due to its uninterrupted academic calendars for over five years now. Meanwhile, he disclosed that the polytechnic management was proposing a new hostel accommodation for its increasing student population that would be financed by a World Bank organisation. Already, the institution according to the rector had signed a Memorandum of Understanding, MoU, with the organisation on the proposed hostel project. Elelu said the growing student population had grown beyond that at the inception of the hostels constructed in the 1970s. He said the hostels were not only old but inadequate, costing the institution a lot of money in maintenance.

ed their Prime Minister, Samuel Sitta, said investment remains a critical input in developing economy, saying this was why the government has been working closely with Tanzanian Investment Centre, TIC. Sitta explained that the Tanzanian government is implementing economic reforms that would ensure investments run smoothly, adding that reforms as well as its legal framework were being put in place. He further said development depends on industrial growth and growth in industries depends on available infrastructure. He described the commissioning and the ground-breaking as significant milestone in the task of economic development of Tanzania.

private partnership to complete the abandoned multi-billion naira Farin Ruwa Hydro Power project. Consequently, he said the Nasarawa government was to reinforce security in the power plant located in Wamba Local Government Area of the state. The governor stated this when he led police commissioner and director of State Security Services for on-the-spot assessment of equipment and facilities in the power plant. He said the project, which started in 12 years ago, had gulped about N6 billion of the state’s fund, and urged people of the area to join hands with security agents to ensure safety of the equipment. He explained that the reinforced security measure was to secure sensitive materials kept there, adding that the state government will evacuate the equipment after stocktaking to prevent recurrence of fire that engulfed a section of the site in February and burnt some equipment.


Monday, October 12, 2015



Formerly known and addressed as Omonode Joy Oritsedurotimi, now wish to be known and addressed as Lawal Joy Oritsedurotimi. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

Formerly known and addressed as Florence Monday, now wish to be known and addressed as Florence Oahimijie. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.



Formerly known as MRS. INNOCENT- MARY NKECHI, now wish to be known and addressed as MISS ABOJEH MARY NKECHI. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

Formerly known as OGBORUVWE BLESSING, now wish to be known and addressed as MR. SCHOOL BLESSING EJIRO. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.



I formerly known and addressed as MISS ADEDARA MARY AYODELE, now to be addressed as MRS. AKOLEAJE MARY AYODELE. All former documents remain valid. Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital, Ado Ekiti and general public take note.

I formerly known and addressed as MISS AJAYI KEHINDE FAITH, now wish to be addressed as MRS. ADEMOLA-OJO KEHINDE FAITH. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.



Formerly known as MR AKINBINU BENSON ROTIMI, now wish to be known addressed as MR ADESUYAN AKINBINU BENSON ROTIMI. All former documents remain valid. TESCOM, Ondo State and general public take note.

Formerly known as MISS ADERIYE OLUWASEMIPE ABIGEAL, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS OLOWU OLUWASEMIPE ABIGEAL. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.



HYCIENTH: I, formerly known and called ONWUJEI UCHECHUKWU ANTHONIA, now wish to be known, called and addressed as HYCIENTH UCHECHUKWU ANTHONIA. All former documents remain valid. University of Lagos and the General public please take note.

I, MR JAMES ONUWA DIM, hereby notify the general public of the LOSS OF DEED OF ASSIGNMENT REGISTERED as no 36 and 36, in volume 2288, land registry, at lagos state. the property is situated along Michael Ososipe Street, Isolo Local Govt, Lagos State. dated 2oth of nov., 2oo9. General public take note.



ABUDU: I, formerly known and addressed as MISS ABUDU AMINETU OMOMO, now wish to be known, called and addressed as MRS. AHMED AMINETU OMOMO. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

I formerly known and addressed as BENSON DANIEL, now wish to be known and addressed as UDENSI DANIEL EMEKA. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.



OGBOZOR: I, formerly known as MISS. OGBOZOR QUEEN EZINNE, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. MBA QUEEN EZINNE. All former documents remain valid. NYSC and general public please take note.

OSSAI: I, formerly known as MISS. OSSAI HELEN IFEOMA, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. ADONU HELEN IFEOMA. All former documents remain valid. UNN. NYSC and General public please take note.



Formerly known and addressed as MISS OLATUNJI OMOWUNMI ABOSEDE, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. ADEYEMI OMOWUNMI ABOSEDE. All former documents remain valid. Skye Bank, Nigeria Security & Civil Defence Corps and General public take note.

Formerly known and addressed as MISS ODUNOLA FOLASEWA OLADUNNI, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. ADEOGUN FOLASEWA OLADUNNI. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.



Formerly known and addressed as MISS ANUEYIAGU CHIDINMA OLUCHI, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. UCHEAMAECHI CHIDINMA OLUCHI. All former documents remain valid general public take note.

Formerly known and addressed as MISS JONATHAN AKUDO CHIDINMA, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. OGBONNA AKUDO. All former documents remain valid general public take note.



Formerly known and addressed as MRS. ADEWUNMI OGUNDIPE, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. ADEWUNMI ADESOLA OLUSANYA. All former documents remain valid Ogun waterside local government Education Authority, Ogun SUBEB take note.

Formerly known and addressed as MISS AKINOLA OLUREMI YEMISI, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. AKINDE OLUREMI YEMISI. All former documents remain valid and general public take note.



The General public is hereby notified that the above Club has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for registration under the Companies and Allied Matters Act. 2004. TRUSTEES 1. Prince Tunde Adejumo 2. Prince Gbadebo Adeniran 3. Alhaji S.B Badmus AIMS AND OBJECTIVES (1) To create peace, harmony and promote mutual understanding among members in particular and people in general. (2) To cater for the welfare of less privileged people and people in need. (3)To effectively participate in the upliftment of the immediate society. Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar-General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent, Off Aguyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja within28 days of this publication. Signed: Mr. Omoniyi Lekan - Chairman Mr. Gani Banjo - Secretary

National Mirror

We did not suspend FLYNAS from airlifting pilgrims –NAHCON N ational Hajj Commission of Nigeria, NAHCON, yesterday said it had not suspended FLYNAS, one of the air carriers transporting pilgrims back to Nigeria. A statement issued in Mecca by Uba Mana, the Director, Public Affairs

of the commission, said the airline was only directed to use sister airlines to complement its operation. He said the arrangement would enable the airline recover lost flights to avoid subjecting the affected pilgrims to unnecessary delay in Mecca.

“For the avoidance of doubt, FLYNAS is still very much part of the ongoing outbound flight exercise to Nigeria,” he said. He also said the airline remained the official carrier of Kaduna State pilgrims, adding that airlines on rescue opera-




Formerly known as MISS YUSUF TEMITAYO OLADUNNI, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. OJO TEMITAYO OLADUNNI. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

Formerly known as SANYA FOLARIN CLEMENT, now wish to be known and addressed as OLUSANYA FOLARIN CLEMENT (MR). All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

Formerly known as MISS OLUWAFUNMILAYO LYDIA ADEYEMI, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. OLUWAFUNMILAYO LYDIA ADEWOLE. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

tion were still using the original slots allocated to FLYNAS. News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, reports that the decision to direct FLYNAS to seek the assistance of other airlines followed pilgrims’ discomfort with the schedules. Emir of Kano and Leader of the Central Coordinating Committee, Alhaji Muhammad Sanusi II, had to intervene to calm down the affected pilgrims, most of them from Kaduna State.





Formerly known as MISS SHAKIRAT ABIODUN RAHMAN, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. SHAKIRAT ABIODUN IGUN. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

Formerly known as ABEGUNDE OPEYEMI IDOWU, now wish to be known and addressed as ANJORIN OPEYEMI IDOWU. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

Formerly known as ADEDEJI ADEWALE AZEEZ, now wish to be known and addressed as ADEDEJI ADEWALE ABIOLA AZEEZ. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

Formerly known as DINA OLUWAKEMI ADEOTI, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. BASHORUN OLUWAKEMI ADEOTI. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.





Formerly known as MISS ADIO OLUWATOYIN YVONNE, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. ODUNAIKE OLUWATOYIN YVONNE. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

This is to inform the general public that I am the same person bearing Samuel Emwoesi and Samuel Obeatta Jeremiah. Now SAMUEL OBEATTA EMWOESI JEREMIAH. All former documents remain valid. Authority concerned and general public should please take note.

Formerly known as MISS ODUNSI YETUNDE DAMILOLA, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. OYEBANJI YETUNDE DAMILOLA. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

Formerly known as MR. IBITOYE ABDUL FATAI ADISA, now wish to be known and addressed as MR. MUFTAU ABDUL FATAI ADISA. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.





OKOYE: i formerly known and addressed as MISS CHETACHI CECILIA OKOYE, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. CHETACHI CECILIA ENEMCHI. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

OKOYE: I formerly known and addressed as MISS OKOYE CHIOMA EVELYN now wish to be known and addressed MRS ONWUZULUIKE CHIOMA EVELYN. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

EMELE: i formerly known and addressed as MISS EMELE NONYEREM BLESSING, same person as, NOW wish to be known and addressed as MRS. CHINONYEREM BLESSING OKEY-ADUBASIM. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

Formerly known as Miss Akinlabi Oluwatoyin Sola, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Omodare Oluwatoyin Sola. All former documents remain valid. NYSC and general public take note.





LAWAL: I, formerly known and addressed as MISS FAUSAT OLUWATOSIN LAWAL, now wish to be known, called and addressed as MRS. FAUSAT OLUWATOSIN KASALI. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

This is to confirm that Yorgba Patience Nuwaka is the same person as Yorgba Patience Obelle. All former documents remain valid. FEDPONEK and the general public take note.

AWE: I, formerly known and addressed as MISS AWE STELLA, now wish to be known, called and addressed as MRS. AJIA STELLA KAMALU. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

ONWUKAIKE: I FORMERLY KNOWN AND ADDRESSED AS MISS ONWUKAIKE CHINENYE HELEN, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. NGENE CHINENYE HELEN. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.





ENEH: I, formerly known as MISS. ENEH ONYINYE RITA, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. UCHENDU ONYINYE CHUKWUMA RITA. All former documents remain valid. UNTH and General public please take note.

ORJI: I, formerly known as MISS. ORJI CORNELIA UCHENNA, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. IMO CORNELIA UCHENNA. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

NWACHUKWU: I, formerly known as MISS. NWACHUKWU MARYANN CHUKWUNONYELUM, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. OGUJAWA MARYANN CHUKWUNONYELUM. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

Formerly known and addressed as MISS ADETUTU ADEDAYO LAWRENCE, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. ADETUTU ADEDAYO ARIYO. All former documents remain valid. The general public should take note.





Formerly known as Nndubueze chinwe Evelyn, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Onwueme chinwe Evelyn. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

OGUNNAIKE: Formerly known and addressed as MODUPEOLUWA ADUNNI OGUNNAIKE, now wish to be known and addressed as MODUPEOLUWA ADUNNI OYETUNDE. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

Formerly known and addressed as MISS OTIBHOR ELIZABETH OZIEGBE, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS OZIEGBEORIAKHI ELIZABETH OTIBHOR. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

AHANONU: I, formerly known as MISS. AHANONU PAMELA OGECHUKWU, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. CHUKWUMA PAMELA OGECHUKWU. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.





Formerly known and addressed as MISS RAHMAN RASIDAT ABIODUN, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. LABULO RASHEEDAH ABIODUN. All former documents remain valid. Ogun state Civil service commission and General public take note.

I formerly known and addressed as Miss AMINAT DELE FASHONA, henceforth wish to be called MRS. AMINAT FASHONA LAWAL. All former documents remain valid. PENSION BOARD, KEYSTONE BANK and the general public should please take note.

Formerly known as OLUWATOBI ARAWOLE, now wish to be known as JOSEPHINE OLUWATOBI ARAWOLE. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

Formerly known and addressed as MISS OLAIDE OLUWATOSIN KELANI. now wish to be known and addressed as MRS ADEBESIN OLAIDE OLUWATOSIN. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.





Formerly known and addressed as MISS EZENKWU CHIOMA DORIS, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. OKECHUKWU CHIOMA DORIS. All former documents remain valid general public take note.

Formerly known as MISS SALIHU TAIBAT ITOPA, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. MARCELLINUS FAITH TAIBAT. All former documents remain valid. Ecole Suprerieure Sainte Felicite, Cotonou, NYSC and general public to take note.

Formerly known and addressed as MISS GLADYS NNENNA OGBONNA, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. OGWU GLADYS NNENNA. All former documents remain valid NYSC and general public take note.

EDU: Formerly known and addressed as NAFISAT AHMED, now wish to be known and addressed as NAFISAT ADESHOLA AHMED EDU. All former documents remain valid. General public should take note.




Formerly known and addressed as MISS ALABI OMOWUNMI STELLA, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. ABOLAJI OMOWUNMI STELLA ALABI, all former documents remain valid and general public take note.

CAVEAT EMPTOR This notice is hereby given to the General public that the Building Situated along No 19,Shonola Street, Ogba Aguda, Lagos belong to Late Simon Alabi Majekundunmi is not for sale. Any body negotiate the sale of the above mentioned Building is doing so at his/her own Risk. Signed : Olusegun Majekundunmi

I formerly known and addressed as KINGSLEY IGHODALO OVONLEN, now wish to be known and addressed as MR. KINGSLEY IGHODALO OSEMUDIAMEN. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.


Monday, October 12, 2015

It’s very brutal to leave Camp Nou like this. But I am certain I have taken the best decision for my future

National Mirror



China Open: Djokovic thrashes Nadal



Enyimba player

Glo League results

Glo League

Enyimba extend lead


n a day their title rivals failed to pick wins in their respective matches, Enyimba recorded a hard fought 2-1 home win against Shooting Stars in a match day 33 clash in Aba yesterday to stay top of the Glo Premier League. Musa Najare scored the opener for the hosts in the 14th minute of the encounter following a superb delivery by Ugwu Uwadiegwu. Ajani Ibrahim stunned the home fans when he equalized for the visitors in the 56th minute. Enyimba captain, Chinedu Udoji, however got the winner for his side when he nodded home Ezekiel Bassey’s pinpoint cross in the 75th minute. Second placed Warri Wolves were held to a 1-1 draw by Rangers in Enugu. In-form forward, Gbolahan Salami, put the Seasiders ahead in the 13th minute for his 14th goal of the campaign, while Osas Okoro restored parity for the home side in the 51st minute. Wikki Tourists suffered a

2-0 defeat against Sharks in Port Harcourt. The Blue Angels boosted their survival aspirations with the win, while Wikki’s title hopes suffered a big setback. Giwa FC moved into fourth place courtesy of a 1-0 win against relegationhaunted Dolphins at the Rwang Pam Stadium. Lawal Shittu scored the only goal of the encounter in the sixth minute. In Kano, a late Tony Edjomariegwe penalty helped defending champions Kano Pillars beat Sunshine Stars 2-1. Pillars went ahead in the 15th minute when Omololu Waheed scored an own goal against his side. Sunshine Stars restored parity in the 58th minute, but the Sai Masu Gida went home with all three points when Edjomariegwe blasted the home from the penalty spot in the 88th minute. Nasarawa United boosted their continental hopes with a 2-1 away win against Bayelsa United in Oghara.





































Enyeama, Musa for African Player of the Year Paul Erewuba


ille of France goalkeeper, Vincent Enyeama, and CSKA Moscow of Russia striker, Ahmed Musa have been included in the preliminary list for the 2015 African Player of the Year, the Con- f e d e r a tion of Afric a n Football

(CAF) a n -

nounced yesterday. The CAF released a 37-player list for the African Player of the Year award that included Ivory Coast’s Yaya Toure, who won the title for the last three seasons, Porto’s Algerian winger Yacine Brahimi and Dortmund’s Gabonese striker Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang. Also are the likes of DR Congo goalkeeper Robert Kidiaba, Andre Ayew of Ghana. Sadio Mane of Senegal, Mehdi Benatia (Morocco), Al Tayeb Modather ‘Karika’(Sudan), Mohammed Salah (Egypt), Nicolas N’Koulou (Cameroon) and Pierre Emerick Aubameyang (Gabon) are some of the players who made the cut. N i g e r i a ’s failure to make any meaningful impact on the con-

tinent’s club football scene meant no Nigerian made the list for the Africa-based Player of the Year nomination.



Monday, October 12, 2015

National Mirror

Galloway Mourinho

Koeman takes a swipe at Mourinho


outhampton coach Ronaldo Koeman has taken a dig at Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho’s tactics, and says he should learn from Arsenal coach Arsene Wenger. Koeman lead his side to a 3-1 win over the Blues last weekend, heaping pressure on the under-fire Mourinho, who the Saints’ manager believes sets his side up to play negative football. “Chelsea prefer to defend when attacking is also an option,” Koeman told the Sunday Mirror. “Mourinho always chooses to defend. Even if his team goes 1-0 up, they would rather defend their lead than try to score more goals.” The Dutch coach says he was thoroughly impressed with Arsenal’s recent 3-0 win over Manchester United, and feels Mourinho can learn a thing or two from his rivals.

“Yet Arsenal can kill an opponent,” he continued. “That is why their victory against Manchester United was so impressive. “Attacking-wise, they completely destroyed United. For 20 minutes, they played the most fantastic football, while Chelsea do the opposite thing. “By defending, Chelsea give their opponent a chance to come back in the game. It was a shame that Mourinho was putting attention on the referee after we beat them. “He wanted to have a penalty in the first half. But, in the first half at Stamford Bridge, Southampton should have had two penalties.” Southampton are currently eighth in the EPL standings on 12 points, four ahead of 16thplaced Chelsea who have just two wins from their opening eight matches.

China Open


orld number one Novak Djokovic beat Rafael Nadal 6-2 6-2 to win his sixth ATP China Open title. Nadal, 29, in his sixth singles final of 2015, missed a chance to break Djokovic at 3-2 in the opening set to level the match in Beijing. With a fight back not materialising and the Spaniard requiring treatment on his right


Djokovic thrashes Nadal

foot at 1-1 in the second set, the 28-year-old Serb won comfortably. Wimbledon runner-up Garbine Muguruza beat Timea Bacsinszky in the WTA final. Djokovic, who won his eighth title of the year in 90 minutes, said Beijing had “definitely been the most successful tournament so far in my career”. “The fans give me reason to

come back every year.” Nadal, who saved two championship points, said the top seed was “having one of the most memorable seasons in the history of our sport”. Of his recent own dip in form, Nadal added: “I have been improving in every single match. All matches are good practice for me. It’s good energy for starting next season stronger.”

Man City keep tab on Everton starlet, Galloway


anchester United are reportedly keeping tabs on young Everton starlet Brendan Galloway, who could be a transfer target as both a long-term project and an immediate replacement for the injured Luke Shaw. That’s according to the Daily Mirror, who claim the Red Devils have noticed the teenager’s superb form and could test the Toffees’ resolve with a bid in January. Galloway moved to Goodi-

son Park in 2014 and has established himself as a prime prospect as an injury replacement for Leighton Baines, whose 2015-16 campaign hasn’t gone according to plan. And things could get a lot worse for the England international with the way the youngster is playing. Manager Roberto Martinez didn’t sound like a man planning on cutting back his his playing time after the 1-1 draw in the derby against Liverpool, per the club’s official website

Child targets Rio after wedding


s Eilidh Child prepares for her walk down the aisle, the Scottish hurdler is working on another stride pattern with a view to Olympic success. A frustrating year on the track ends on a joyful note as the 28-year-old from Perth looks forward to her wedding and a future as Mrs Doyle. And she has high hopes of further happiness in Rio next year. “There’s always that extraspecial feeling knowing you are going into Olympic year,” Child told BBC Scotland. “It makes all the hard work worth it.” Child’s 400m hurdles career has been on the rise since reaching the semi-finals at the Lon-

don Olympics in 2012, with a second Commonwealth Games silver medal coming her way in Glasgow last year, along with gold at the European Championships.


National Mirror


Monday, October 12, 2015


Falconets before the match against Congo in Abuja

U20 Women’s World Cup qualifier:

Falconets draw South Africa


alconets are up against familiar foes Basetsana of South Africa in the African final qualifying round for the 2016 Fifa Under-20 Women’s World Cup finals in Papua New Guinea. The reigning world vice champions earned passage to the final qualifying round on Saturday after a 2-0 defeat of their counterparts from Democratic Republic of Congo in Abuja on a 4-1 aggregate win. On their part, South Africa’s Basetsana had a close call as they managed to edge their

Zambia U-20 counterparts 3-2 in the return leg in South Africa following a goalless draw in Zambia. Forward Linda Motlhalo scored twice and Mosili Makhoali got the other goal for Basetsana at the Makhulong Stadium in Tembisa to set up the clash with the Falconets. Nigeria’s Falconets will host the first leg at the National Stadium in Abuja on Saturday, October 24, with the return leg in Johannesburg two weeks later. The aggregate winners of both legs will qualify for the

2016 Fifa Under-20 Women’s World Cup to be staged in Papua New Guinea. Africa’s second representative will emerge from the other end of the qualifying table with Ghana and Ethiopia looking good to make the final round. The Black Princesses won 1-0 away to Equatorial Guinea before Sunday’s return leg in Kumasi and Ethiopia won 2-0 away to Burkina Faso ahead of their return leg in Addis Ababa next weekend after political tension in the West African nation delayed their fixture.

Jibrin wins Heineken Independence Golf

The overall winner of the Heineken Independence Day Cup, Jibrin BabaAli (middle) receiving his trophies from Head of Government Relations NB Plc, Mr Vivian Ikem and the Captain of IBB Golf and country club, Abuja Mr Hamid Addo

Afolabi Gambari


ibrin Baba-Ali recently, emerged the overall winner of the Heineken Independence Cup 2015 Golf Tournament held at the prestigious IBB International Golf and Country Club, Abuja. Playing with a handicap of 10, Jibrin returned a Gross of 78 and a nett of 68 to take home the Heineken Cup in the keenly con-

tested competition that had over 250 players participating. Speaking at the event, Captain of the Club, Hamid Addo (MFR), described this year’s edition as the best as it witnessed a large turnout of golf enthusiasts from across the country. He commended Nigerian Breweries Plc, makers of Heineken premium lager for its “unshakable faithfulness and partnership, particularly in sponsoring this

event over the years.” In a goodwill message, the Managing Director of Nigerian Breweries Plc, Nicolaas Vervelde, said the sponsorship was part of Heineken’s support for sports development in Nigeria and the company’s way of celebrating the nation’s Independence in a unique way. He reiterated the company’s commitment to sustain the sponsorship. He was represented at the occasion by the Head, Government Relations, NB Plc, Mr. Vivian Ikem.

El-Kanemi player

International Friendly Nigeria




El-Kanemi boycott NPFL match E l-Kanemi Warriors stayed away from their NPFL clash at FC Ifeanyiubah yesterday, it was gathered. Chairman of the club, Zanna Mohammed, confirmed that the players refused to travel for the game in protest over unpaid wages. “It is true that we did not make the trip (for the game against FC Ifeanyiubah).The players insisted that they would not make the trip unless they are paid despite our pleas to them.” One of the players, who spoke on behalf of his colleagues, claimed that they are owed eight months salaries, seven match bonuses as well as 145 per cent signing-on fees including 45 per cent of last season.

Mohammed, however, shed more light on the unpaid wages: “What has happened is that we have paid them the old salary scale and not the enhanced salaries this season. For instance a player who is supposed to earn N200,000 has been getting N60,000 and we have made their outstanding money in calculation available to the Borno State government which has promised to offset every of the debt soon, in fact before the deadline (given by the League Management Company).” The Framework and Rules of the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) for the current season states that: “The minimum monthly wage for any player shall not be less than N150,000 or as the (club) board may decide from time to time.” Mohammed agrees that the club flouted that which has led to the LMC slamming El-Kanemi with a suspended suspension of six points deduction should they fail to pay their players on or before October 27 following a 60-day notice issued to the Maiduguri outfit. El-Kanemi currently sit in 13th position with 43 points in the NPFL standings as the season enters its run-in.


Most cosmetic procedures


Vol. 05 No. 1219 Monday, October 12, 2015

Cindy Jackson (USA) has spent $99,600 (£53,148) on 47 cosmetic procedures, including nine full-scale surgical operations since 1988.

A nation oscillating between hope and despair


n Thursday October 1, Nigeria’s Independence Day, I called a friend, who way back in our university days in the early 1980s, was an unrepentant Marxist, and teased him with the banter, “Happy 55th Independence Anniversary”. His riposte: “O’boy, what is “happy” about Nigeria at 55? You journalists and politicians are the same. When you see black, you paint it as white. While I can forgive the politicians, for deception is the weapon of their trade, the journalists should bury their heads in shame for being part of the grand conspiracy to sell the dummy of a Nigeria-on-the-mend to the people. I will not be part of the charade”. I should have known! My friend and I were disciples of Comrade Ola Oni, then the chief ideologue of the University of Ibadan ‘Radical School’; we both drank

HeartBeat Callistus Oke 08054103275 (SMS ONLY) from his fountain of dialectic wisdom, and we were seduced by the possibility of a synthesis that would emerge from the clash of thesis and antithesis. For us then, that revelation was the New Wisdom and we bought into it. Existential realities, however, have since moderated my convictions, but not my friend, who has remained a die-hard Marxist. I cannot reproduce verbatim my friend’s objectification of what he called the ‘Nigeria current reality’. It is damning, depressing and confounding. He naturally came hard on the country’s past and present leaders, saying they were “band of social vermin”and “predators”, who, unable to contextualise the country’s historical specificity and its place in global socioeconomic order, have become victims of the manipulations of the architects of the Washington Consensus. His delivery resonated well with me; it set me thinking. In my introspection, I agreed our past was where we got it wrong. It was a past defined more by the positioning of Nigeria as an appendage of the West by the First Republic leadership, that lacking a deep knowledge of the dynamics of social change, were contented with operating within the orbit of the West in a one sided neocolonial relationship. None of the immediate post-colonial leaders had the courage of Lee Kuan Yew, the Singaporean post colonial leader, who rejected the British-imposed sociopolitical order, constructing instead his

BUHARI MIGHT HOLD THE PROSPECT OF HOPE; BUT DESPAIR IS ALSO STILL POIGNANTLY PALPABLE own political superstructure he believed best suited the Singaporean milieu. Lee’s highly perceptive leadership and his concomitant innovation initiatives have since changed the destiny of his country. Ditto for Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan, the other members of the collective called Asian Tigers. Equally, there is nothing edifying about the immediate post First Republic era up to the first 15 years of the Fourth Republic. All the various administrations of the era adopted the “follow, follow” leadership paradigm of keying into the inherited plasticized socio-political order and operating within it. Nothing novel was witnessed. The result is a Nigeria manifesting all the symptoms of an ill-formed collective. And the present? Popular imagination is President Muhammadu Buhari offers a hope of a remarkable departure from the ugly past. Many think Nigeria is on the mend. An infectious change is said to be in the air. How? Many point at the improvement in the nation’s public power supply and the dead refineries that have suddenly resurrected. Still some will point at the anti-corruption war that has found a new momentum with the resolve of President

Buhari to recover all the stolen money by past leaders. I concede a semblance of change in the polity. However, it is not the result of a determined intervention of a conscious policy thrust. Rather, the manifest change flows from the spontaneous reactions of people from their subjective interpretations of the consequences of not meeting the expectations of Mr. President – reactions to his body language. Such change needs policy back up for it to be enduring. Have the optimists ever considered the fact that the success of a country’s superstructural architecture – the body of laws, policies, values, norms, institutions and regulations – is contingent on its substructure (foundation of socioeconomic activities including wealth creation and ownership of means of production etc)? Yes, we have a semblance of change, but I doubt if we will ever have a total change with the full complements of supportive institutions and values. Reason within the context that the change that is necessary will be disruptive of the status quo, which is what a revolution is about. The very nature of our political pluralism and the de-ideologicalisation of its politics will only periodically throw up superficial political order relying more on the whims and caprices of the incumbent leader. We need no star gazing to know that the sounds and furies of the Buhari administration might not resonate with his successor and other subsequent leaders, who might come up with their leadership paradigm. On a scale of balance, Buhari might hold the prospect of hope; but despair is also still poignantly palpable. The reason is that the anti-corruption war alone cannot translate into new jobs and more food for the army of unemployed Nigerians. The people are yet to feel the impact of the new government economically. The Goodluck Jonathan administration had good socio-economic programmes that could be borrowed by President Buhari.

Sport Extra


Fitzpatrick claims British Masters


atthew Fitzpatrick captured his maiden European Tour title with a two-stroke win in the British Masters at Woburn.

The 21-year-old was tied for the lead going into the final day but Soren Kjeldsen and Fabrizio Zanotti picked up three shots to lead by two at halfway.

But Sheffield’s Fitzpatrick had four birdies in seven holes on the back nine in his 68 to post a 15 under total. Former world number one Luke Donald got to

within one of the lead but finished four shots adrift in a share of fifth. To get to the final, Englishman Matthew Fitzpatrick shot a 68 to share the British Masters lead with

Kiradech Aphibarnrat at Woburn. Thailand’s Aphibarnrat, twice a winner this year, moved a shot ahead after a 40-foot breaking birdie putt at 14.

Fitzpatrick Emenike

Printed and Published by Global Media Mirror Ltd: Head Office: Mirror House, 155/161 Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 07027107407, Abuja Office: NICON Insurance House, Second Floor, Central Business District Area, Abuja Tel: 08070428249, Advert hotline: 01-8446073, Port-Harcourt Office: Suite 115, NICON Hotel, 6, Benjamin Opara Street, Off Olusegun Obasanjo Rd, GRA Phaze 3, Phone: 07032323254 Email: Acting Editor: BEN MEMULETIWON. All correspondence to PMB 10001, Marina, Lagos. Printed simultaneously in Lagos, Abuja and Akure. ISSN 0794-232X.

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