Have a Nice Walk in Tainan

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Have A nice walk

in Tainan

Is a city in southern Taiwan

Photography : washida


Definition Ta i n a n , o f f i c i a l l y k n o w n a s Ta i n a n C i t y, i s a c i t y i n southern Taiwan. It is the oldest city in Taiwan, governed as a special municipality. Tainan faces the Taiwan Strait in the west and south.

台 南 , 擁有歷史⾜跡的古⽼城市 ,不僅有著過去的風光 景 色 , 更有著年輕⼈努⼒維繫那濃厚的人文氣息。歴經 時 間 考 驗留下的⼀磚⼀⽡及那每一條巷弄的街景都讓⼈ 想 去 細 細探究它的獨特韻味。


Outer : Saturdays Surf NYC / Forrest

H a v e a n i c e w a l k i n Ta i n a n . I a l w a y s l o o k

Shirt : Saturdays Surf NYC / Crosby Oxford Shirt

around here the old building and the street

Jeans : Saturdays Surf NYC / Luke

and so on. There always have something fun.

Bag : Saturdays Surf NYC / World Duffle

Knit : Saturdays Surf NYC / Keith

望 著 ⽼ 建 築, 讓 ⼈ 想 起 以 前 在 三 合 院 奔 走 的 情 景, 彷 彿 看見了⼩時候的影子。

Feeling A simple table of stairs, the entrance to a building, becomes more as it’s shared and loved.

衛屋。 難得有機會在此與衛屋老闆⼀同共飲荼室手刷的 抺 茶 。刷 茶 時 的 專 注 神 情 讓 我 們 深 深 體 會 到 何 謂 職業級的堅持與對專業的敬重。 從⽇式老建築的固定⽐例⼯法, 延伸古⼈的智慧門板進而到對器⽫上的要求 ; 雋永 的 美 好 需 要 時 間 的 琢 磨, 貫 徹 初 衷 一 點 ⼀ 滴 的 去 改變,相信堅持能變得更好。 這 裡 的 氛 圍 讓 ⼈ 感 到 放 鬆, 在 那 當 下 純 粹 的 去 享 受愜意的寧靜。

Feeling Stay there for a while I enjoy that moment and to feel it. This time of year can be busy; remember to take yourself less seriously. I said to myself.



Japanese green tea

The transformation of green tea leaves into matcha requires a gentle hand and the skill an artisan. The leaves designated for matcha are supple and protected by shade until their time comes to be plucked from the bush.

Outer : wisdom / Worker Noragi Shirt : G.U. / Denim shirt Outer : wisdom / Worker Noragi Shirt : Saturdays Surf NYC / Crosby Oxford Shirt Pants : wisdom / W.W.W.

甘單咖啡。 咖啡有著鎮定心神的效果,不管是悠閒時光或是心情感 到 五 味 雜 陳、 節 奏 亂 了 步 調, 總 會 想 來 杯 咖 啡 放 鬆 ⼀ 下 , 沈澱思緒 。



Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from the roasted seeds of several species of an evergreen shrub of the genus Coffee.



Keep calm and live well and gain wisdom.

⻑大後,慢慢體認簡單⽣活的重要性。有時 想 著 哪 天 也 要 為 他 ⼈ 煮 上 一 壺 好 喝 的 咖 啡,

Feeling Find a nice set and stay in there longer is what I love to do in my free time. Watch magazine, look people around me, enjoy coffee. - Everything feel great !

讓對方也感到 滿 足, 那 是 多 麼 小 確 幸 的 事。

Outer : wisdom / Varsity Jacket Sweater : Rage Blue / 2 Block color Sweater Shirt : Revo. / Flannel Check Shirt Pants : wisdom / Woolen Worker Pants Shoes : wisdom / Desert Boots

花園夜市。 在 這 五 光 十 色 的 燈 光 下, 夜 市 是 我 們 ⽣ 活 必 經 的 一 環 , 隨著年紀增長,來訪的機會也就少了,但那過往的回憶 裡, ⼈來⼈往的景 象 還 依 稀 在 心 底。

Tai n an Fl o wers Night Ma rk et

Definition Night markets or night bazaars are street markets which operate at night and are generally dedicated to more leisurely strolling, shopping, and eating than more businesslike day markets. They are typically open-air markets.

Feeling It has been long time not here. I recalled my juvenility time. That time we are often to come here, we buy food and eat on the move and talk our recent they were so much fun at that time.

- Men

- Women

Outer : United Athle / 12 oz Basic Baseball Jacket

Shirt : if & n for wisdom / Long LS Shirt

Tee : United Athle / White Tee

Sweater : wisdom / Knitted Series

Pants : G.U. / Casual Jeans

Bag : Fjallraven / Kanken Classic

Bag : Head Porter / Shati Backpack Shoes : Admiral

樹屋。 這 裡 的 綠 讓我印象深刻 , 吹來徐徐微風, 讓⼈沈浸在那 悠 閒 樂 活的氛圍裡 , 抽離繁忙的⽣活 , 遠離塵囂。 經過洗禮後,壓力得以釋放獲得心靈上的平靜 , 踏實且真切,再度擁有努力堅持的勇氣。

Ta i n a n Tre e

Definition In botany, a tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting leaves or branches.

Feeling Trees grow in cities remind us that outside the walls we build there are creations far superior to the limits of man. So inste a d of r e a di n g o n y o u r c o n c rete


stoop this Sunday, put on a fearless toddler-size

Stay beneath the sheets all Saturday long. Be

grin, find some knobby branches and get climbing.

both the rafters and resident of your own place.

- Men

- Women

Hat : HARE / City Boy Knit Hat

Hat : wisdom / Fisherman Hat

Outer : Fjallraven / G-1000 Greenland Jacket

Shirt: if & n for wisdom / Wide LS Shirt

Shirt : Saturdays Surf NYC / Javas Chambray

Towel : Saturdays Surf NYC / Beach Towel

Tee-Shirt: Saturdays Surf NYC / NYNY Tee Pants : Saturdays Surf NYC / John Chino Pants Tee-Shirt: Saturdays Surf NYC / NYNY Tee Shoes : Saturdays Surf NYC / Mike High Top


P ro d u c t Sweather / Bag / T-Shirt / Outer Shoes / Watch / Pants / Shirt

- M e n - Wo m e n -






1. Saturdays Surf NYC / Keith Cable Knit 4. Saturdays Surf NYC / Crosby Oxford

2. Saturdays Surf NYC / World Duffel 5. G.U / Washed Denim Shirt

3. Saturdays Surf NYC / Forrest

6. Wisdom / Desert Boots



7. Wisdom / Worker Noragi


8. Saturdays Surf NYC / Luke Denim Pants

9. Double-Pleat Trousers “WWW” Exclusive






11. United Athle / 12 oz Basic Baseball Jacket 14. Revo / Flannel Check Shirt

12. Nixon / THE51-30 TIDE

15. if & n for wisdom / Long LS Shirt

13. Wisdom / Varsity Jacket







16. wisdom / Woolen Worker Pants


19. Saturdays Surf NYC / NY NY T-Shirt

20. G.U / Causal Pants

18. Fralljaven / Kanken classic

21. Adimiral / ARSENAL CANVAS HI










22. United Athle / 5942-01 6.2 oz White T-Shirt 23. wisdom / Knitted Series 24. if&n for wisdom / Wide LS Shirt 25.Saturdays Surf NYC / Javas Chambray 26.Fjallraven / Greenland G-100 27. Saturdays Surf NYC / John Chino Pant 28. iwisdom / Fisherman Hat 29. Saturdays Surf NYC / Mike High Top 30.Saturdays Surf NYC / Logo Towel





台南市中西區 ( 保安路)

台南市北區富北街 74 號

www . ol dhouse i nn2008. pix n et.n et/b lo g

www. sputnikla b. blogspot. tw








台南市民權路 2 段 4 巷 13 號


www. ipe e n. c om. tw /c omme nt/169013 06


樹 屋 台南市安平區安北路 194 號 開放時間 AM8:30 ∼ PM5:30 費用 全票 50、半票 25 台南市市民憑身分證免費


Photogra phy : wa s h i d a Tex t : M i go Wa n g

M o del : Wal as s H u a n g JianYuan Jhou Yu We n C h e n

D es ig n : Ti ngYu a n C h e n www.w a s hi da . c o washida.Co.LTD.Š copyright all rights reserved

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