introduction Welcome to the first issue of e{pulp} ~ an mini e-mag from 74 Lime Lane. Here you will find a mix of information, pretty pictures and lovely things. Some is new, some is old and some is repurposed from the blog. Some might be new to you. It’s a little bit of fun but I would love to know what you think.
what you will find introduction.........................................................................................2 what you will find................................................................................2 say hello to spring!...............................................................................3 eat........................................................................................................4 getting the gist of google+....................................................................5 the unsung multi-tasker........................................................................7 read......................................................................................................8 iPhone foto fun.....................................................................................9 thank you...........................................................................................11
say hello to spring!
eat my mum’s chocolate cake ½ cup butter 1 cup sugar few drops of vanilla essence 1 egg 2 cups self-raising flour ½ cup of milk* 2 tablespoons of cocoa* 1 small teaspoon of bicarbonate soda ½ cup of boiling water
Cream butter and sugar and vanilla. Add egg and beat well. Add milk and flour alternately until mixed in. Add cocoa and finally soda dissolved in the boiling water. Mix in well. Bake in a moderate oven (180° Celsius) for 30 mins or until a skewer comes out clean. * I usually use 1 cup of milk and get a bit heavy-handed with the cocoa.
Vienna Cream (from the Women’s Weekly Children’s Birthday Cake Book): 125g butter | 1½ cups icing sugar | 2 tablespoons milk Have butter and milk at room temperature, place butter in small bowl of electric mixer and beat until butter is as white as possible. Gradually add about half the sifted icing sugar mixture, beating constantly, add milk gradually. Then gradually beat in the remaining icing sugar. Mixture should be smooth and easy to spread with a spatula.
getting the gist of google+ When I joined Google+ my first reaction, was WTF? It’s really not that easy just to figure out. And since, I’ve been keeping an eye out for articles and tips about Google+ and all things +1. So I thought I would share a few today. First up, what is it? Mashable has a comprehensive Google+ guide and Problogger talks blogging and Google+. The next step ~ make it your own. 1 .Your profile is made up of a string of numbers. But get a vanity url with gplus 2. G et the apps ~ iPhone and Android 3. Searching Google+. Use its dedicated search tool 4. You can get Google icons over here 5. The Google+ cheat sheet On Google+ ~ find me here
the unsung multi-tasker Baking soda is the great multi-tasker of the household. Not only will it make the fridge smell better and give your baking a rise, it has a multitude of other uses, too. Brush Your Teeth With It: Go natural instead with some bad-breath-killing-toothwhitening baking soda on your brush. Scrub Up: A gentle exfoiliant for the face, it works great on elbows and feet, too, and combined with some raw honey, this DIY face wash is refreshing and soothing—and anti-acne, too. Create a DIY Deodorant: Mix four tablespoons of baking soda with about 10 drops of your favorite essential oil and apply to underarms. Spot-Treat Acne: Make a little paste from baking soda and water and apply to minor surface afflications. Cleanse Your Hair: Reduce how often you shampoo or simply use it rid your hair of product build-up, fill a glass with warm water and dissolve about a tablespoon of baking soda into it. Take that to the shower, and after wetting your hair pour the mixture through. Comb it well before rinsing. Soothe Your Stomach: Relieve tummy issues quickly with a teaspoon mixed into a glass of warm water and drink it. Its slight alkalinity can neutralise the acid causing the problem. Soak in it: Dissolve some into your bath for a soothing and skin-softening experience. Tips from:
Paper Runway | Adore | Matchbook
Est | Maeve | Unless You Will
Kinfolk | Covet Garden | we like we love
iPhone foto fun I love iPhone photo apps ~ they make something out of my ordinary iPhone photos. And it’s great to have a little portable processing studio to play with wherever you are. I’m always on the lookout for photo apps ~ particularly since I started photoblogging everyday just with my iPhone at quotidien. Above, I’ve used instagrid to bring my instagram pictures together. 1 Pixlr-o-matic: Currently free and has a great range of effects to add to your photos. 2 Hipstamtic: Adds an extra camera with lo-fi effects to your phone. It has a fun interface although you have to buy to expand the cameras available. 3 PS express: what can I say, I’m an adobe nerd, so love the opportunity to have this on my phone. 4 Everyday: reminds you to take a self-portrait every day. And pulls them into a fun slideshow for you as well. 5 Masterpiece Me: Have some fun and pop your faces into some famous paintings. This item originally ran on the Creative Collective Blog
thank you Thank you for taking the time to download and read e{pulp}. I hope you enjoyed it. All images by me. With the exception of the baking soda image. Read more at my blog here | Follow me on Twitter | Connect on Facebook | Google+ Š 74 Lime Lane 2011