RSC 50 years

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russian society of cardiology

Russian Society of Cardiology is celebrating its 50th anniversary Russian Society of Cardiology is an all Russian noncommercial association

bringing together experts in the field of cardiology and related disciplines. There are more than 4,500 physicians as members of RSC.

Creating a professional association of cardiologists was a natural step in the development of national cardiology. Cardiology became an independent branch of medicine not at once. The first works of Russian scientists which influenced the study of cardiovascular system appeared already in the XIX century. The beginning of the XX century was marked by brilliant discoveries which determined the development thrust of cardiology for many years ahead not only in Russia but also in the whole world. But the concepts “cardiology” and «cardiologist» emerged in medical daily use only in 1940s and were officially accepted only in 1960—70s. Finally, in 1961 there was

created the magazine “Kardiologiya” (eng. “Cardiology”). By this time the issue of cardiology aroused interest and controversy not only in the therapeutic communities but also among surgeons. Soviet surgeons were increasingly performing heart surgery. Finally, in 1963 in the Soviet Union there was founded the first professional association of cardiologists. Gradually cardiology science schools were appearing in different regions of the country. By 1970s a large bundle of knowledge about cardiovascular diseases had been accumulated and cardiology became not only independent specialty, but also one of the priorities of national health care. In 2013 the Russian Society of Cardiology is celebrating its 50th anniversary. The Society has come to this point with good results. More than 4,500 physicians are members of RSC, and active participation in the development of the Society is taken by doctors from different regions of Russia. Annually scientific and educational events take place – international, national, regional that help physicians keep abreast of the latest achievements of Russian and foreign cardiology, as well as allow them to represent their own original researches. Active support of young professionals, remarkable and useful social projects – these are all the achievements of recent years. Now RSC is developing an interdisciplinary approach and seeking to cooperate with doctors of related specialties. RSC members are physicians, surgeons, endocrinologists and other specialists interested in the issues of cardiovascular diseases. International cooperation became an important focus of RSC: integration of Russian cardiology into global processes. The society has something to be proud of: for all these years it has been bringing together professionals to discuss and resolve medical issues and problems of organizing of medical cardiology service. It helped to ensure continuity, the transfer of skills and knowledge that are essential to science and practice. Therefore, noting the 50th anniversary of RSC, one particularly wants to remember the people, discoveries and achievements that allowed to achieve the level of cardiology development which we now have in Russia.

Executives of the

What event in medicine can be

Society of Cardiology

called the beginning of national

in the USSR and Russia


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All Union Scientific Society of Cardiology P. E. Lukomsky 1963—1975 E. I. Chazov 1975—1986 R. G. Oganov 1986—1991 V. A. Lyusov 1991—1993 All Union Scientific Society was renamed in 1993 into All Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology V. A. Lyusov 1993—1999 R. G. Oganov 1999—2011 All Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology was renamed in 2011 the Russian Society of Cardiology E. V. Shlyakhto 2011 — present

This could be the creation of sound method of blood pressure measuring by N. S. Korotkov, which he stated about on November 7, 1905 in the Medical-Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg. Theorists and clinicians developing the issue of atherosclerosis would fairly insist that by the importance and contribution to the world of medical science the works of N. N. Anichkov, published in 1910—1912, determined the formation of cardiology area in national medicine. The patriarch of cardiology, the first president of the International Society of Cardiology , Paul White, connected the beginning of Russian cardiology with the works of one of the founders of electrophysiology A. F. Samoylov. The history of cardiology (in Russia and as well as in the Soviet Union) in all textbooks and monographs began with two medical events. It was the work of V. P. Obraztsov and N. D. Strazhesko and in which for the first time in 1910 there was described a clinical picture of myocardial infarction, and N. N. Anichkov who published in 1912 the cholesterol theory of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis which he had developed. These works received international acclaim and became fundamental in the study of heart diseases.

The beginning of XX century — the beginning of a journey In XIX century there appeared the first works of Russian scientists which had impact on the study of cardiovascular system. Sergey Pavlovich Botkin, Gregory Antonovich Zakharin, Alexey Aleksandrovich Ostroumov: Russian path to cardiology begins with these names. All three created major therapeutic schools in Russia, which future leaders of national cardiology came from. In 1873 A. A. Ostroumov defended his dissertation “On the origin of the first heart sound”, which made a figure in the history of cardiology. In 1909 the first constituent congress of the Russian Society of Physicians took place. On May 31, 1910 the Society was founded, its Charter was signed by 108 physicians from Moscow, 20 from St. Petersburg, and 36 from other cities. The emergence of this organization gave an extra boost to the research of heart diseases, in the first Society congresses cardiology was being paid much attention. For example, in the First Congress of Physicians in Moscow V. P. Obraztsova and N. D. Strazhesko made a report «About Symptomatology and Diagnosis of Thrombosis of Coronary Arteries». In this report they not only gave the first in the world clinical description of a heart attack, but also stated the exact cause — thrombosis. The doctors received a platform to present their researches at the national level, get support or hear criticism of colleagues. At the meetings there were heated debates, science was moving forward.

Sound method of determining of arterial blood pressure

November 8, 1905 in St. Petersburg at the scientific conference of physicians of Military Clinical Hospital of the Imperial Military Medical Academy the surgeon Nikolay Sergeevich Korotkov made a statement about sound phenomena (tones and noise) arising below the area of a treatment wrap applying when it clamps an artery. Professor M. V. Janowski attending the meeting supported the presumption of Korotkov about the possibility of using this technique for blood pressure measuring. As a result, it was found that when the pressure decreases, there appears in the treatment wrap the first sound corresponding to the systolic (maximum) pressure point, the moment of disappearance of sounds corresponds to the diastolic (minimal) pressure as the blood pressure in arteries pulsates rhythmically to the beat of heart. Thanks to the works of M. V. Yanowski and D. O. Krylov, G. F. Lang and other doctors of the clinic (1905—1908 and futher) there was given a theoretical justification of auscultatory phenomena described by N. S. Korotkov. The finding of sound method of determining the maximum and minimum pressure in the arteries of a human being has gave an incredible speed to the further development of the theory of circulation. In contrast to the previously existing methods the sound method solved the problem of clinical assessment of the functional state of cardiovascular system. The discovery of N. S. Korotkov was of global significance.

The Theory of the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis In 1920s and 30s in the Soviet Union there were formed three schools of thought, which along with other therapeutic areas and were actively engaged in the issues of cardiology. In Leningrad the head of this school was George Fedorovich Lang — most famous for the development of arterial hypertension issues. In Kiev under the management of Nikolay Dmitrievich Strazhesko they were investigating the problem of heart failure and defeat of cardiovascular system in rheumatism. In Moscow these issues were in the focus of Maksim Petrovich Konchalovsky and Valintin Filipovich Zelenin. V. F. Zelenin was known then for his electrocardiographic works and study of “angor pectoris” (angina). Interests of doctors in the first half of XX century was not usually limited to cardiology and covered a wider range of health issues. But there already appeared the first scientists for whom heart diseases became the main topic of research. Another important event was the first report of Alexander Leondovich Myasnikov about hypercholesterolemia made in 1924 at VII Congress of Physicians. In 1930 the country’s leadership saw the major task of medicine in building an effective system of heath care for the population. Scientific researches in these years did not stop but went on the back burner; medicine is turning more from science to practice.

The theory of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis created by Nikolay Nikolaevich Anichkov was crucial to scientific and applied medicine, especially for cardiology. He was the first to show that the basis of atherosclerotic arteries is infiltration of lipids, mainly cholesterol, to the vascular wall. He observed and studied in detail stages of development, progress and regress of atherosclerotic plaques. Atherosclerosis was for the first time introduced as a systemic disease caused by various, often coexisting risk factors: lipid disorders, high blood pressure (hypertension), etc. It was found that for people over 45 years old hypertensionis is a stronger risk factor than hypercholesteremia. Under the management of Nikolay Anichkov they developed a special technique to study coronary arteries of heart. It brought an opportunity to assess the changing degree of narrowing of these arteries by plaques and compare areas of restrictions with changes in the myocardium: heart attack, cardiosclerosis. They proposed progressive and stationary forms of atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. N. N. Anichkov and his disciples examined for the first time the connection between impairment of myocardial perfusion and occurrence of arrhythmias. Thanks to the works of Nicholay Anichkov and his scientific school they laid the foundation of pathogenesis of the most important diseases of heart and blood vessels. Since 2007 the European Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis, the headquarters of which is located in Gothenburg, organizes international congresses every year in different cities of the EU. These congresses are opened with Anichkov readings. At first, the Society gives Anichkov Award for the most outstanding research in the field of atherosclerosis. The winner is awarded a diploma and a medal with the image of Nicholay Nokolayevich and receives 10,000 Euro.

Key events in Russian cardiology

The Society of Russian physicians in Moscow was founded – the first medical association that fought for the development of social medicine in Russia


A. A. Ostroumov defended his thesis “On the origin of the first heart sound” which made a figure in the history of Russian cardiology


There was organized the Society of Russian physicians in memory of N. I. Pirogov, also known as the “Pirogov Society”. The society has its own magazine and numerous branches in different cities of Russia. Every two years there are congresses of Russian doctors which went down in history as the Pirogov congresses .


V. P. Obraztsov and N. D. Strazhesko conduct a research watching three patients, after whose death at autopsy there were determined coronary artery thrombosis and softening of the heart muscle.

1899 –1908

Professor of Tomsk University “revived” a heart in 20 hours after death, that was an important contribution into critical and emergency care development.



N. S. Korotkov develops a sound method for measuring of blood pressure. This is the beginning of study of hypertension. Korotkov’s method still underlies in most of devices for measuring of blood pressure. The sounds heard during the measuring are called Korotkov’s tones.


At the First Congress of Physicians in Moscow V. P. Obraztsov and N. D. Strazhesko made a report «About Symptomatology and Diagnosis of Thrombosis of Coronary Arteries”. In this report they not only gave the first in the world clinical description of a heart attack, but also stated the exact cause – thrombosis.


There was founded the Russian Society of Therapists. Its Charter was signed by 108 physicians from Moscow, 20 from St. Petersburg, and 36 from other cities.


At the II Congress of therapists a disciple of Botkin M. V. Janowski makes a statement for substantiation of the sound method of measuring of blood pressure.


N. N. Anichkov publishes his works that will determine the direction of researches in the field of cardiology. He is the first to describe specialized myocardial cells (in world special literature “Anichkov cells” involved in construction of rheumatic granuloma). He discovered the leading role of lipids, mainly cholesterol in the morpho- and pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. This achievement is recognized in the United States as one of the 10 most important discoveries in medicine.

At III Congress of physicians V. F. Zelenin decodes the language of electrocardiograms and presents ECG as the main tool of the clinician. A decisive step was made in the implementation of the method, one of the pioneers of which was professor Samoylov. Physiologist at the University of Kazan in Russia was the first to use ECG to examine a patient’s heart.


At a meeting of the Society of Russian doctors N. N. Anichkov made a report on the effect of cholesterol on the development of atherosclerosis. His findings of the decade will cause fierce debates in the world until they are confirmed by Framingham study in the United States.


N. N. Anichkov formulates the theory of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.


At VII Congress of physicians A. L. Myasnikov makes the first report on hypercholesterolemia. The cholesterol model will be studied abroad only after World War II.


XI Congress of therapists led by M. P. Konchalovsky urged his colleagues to turn from pure science to the construction of a socialist society.


With coming of A. L. Myasnikov to the chair of therapy in Novosibirsk Postgraduate Medical Schoo there appeared the first cardiology school in Siberia.



G. F. Lang and N. N. Anichkov did a four year study of atherosclerosis in a group of 600 people. For the first time in the world they listed risk factors.

A. L. Myasnikov became the head of the Institute of the USSR Academy of Medical Therapy and chairman of the All-Union Society of Physicians.



G. F. Lang and N. N. Anichkov did a four year study of atherosclerosis in a group of 600 people. For the first time in the world they listed risk factors.

V. P. Demikhov performed the first successful coronary artery bypass surgery as an experiment.



At the XI All-Union Congress of Physicians they accepted classification of cardiovascular diseases, proposed by G. F. Lang and amended by N. D. Strazhesko and V. Kh. Vasilenko.



V. Kh.Vasilenko refutes the doctrine of Austrian therapist D. Eppinger about changing of the exchange of lactic acid in circulatory failure, and for the first time describes the metabolic alkalosis that develops in patients with chronic heart failure.

At the XIV All-Union Congress of Physicians P.E. Lukomsky and E. M. Tareev provided data about the patterns of heart attack based on the observation of a thousand of patients. And B. P. Kushelevsky puts forward the idea of pre-hospital care by special ambulances. In the clinic named after A. V. Vinogradov and then in the clinic named after A. L. Myasnikov there were organized special myocardial chamber where patients were delivered without going into emergency room.


P. A. Kupriyanov was the first in the USSR to perform operations with the opening of the cavities of heart ( surgery on the “dry” heart).


The first anti-infarction ambulance crews in Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Moscow.


E. I. Chazov successfully used domestic fibrinolysin for the first time.


They established the magazine “Kardiologiya”.



In Tbilisi they opened the first in the USSR Institute of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology. Its founder and director is M. D. Tsinamdzgvrishvil.


In the Soviet Union they performed the first operation in CHD – the closure of ductus arteriosus. Operated by A. N. Bakoulev. Anesthesia was performed by E. N. Meshalkin.

Alexander L. Myasnikov gets “Golden stetрoscope” award (1965)

In 1960 in the country there appeared cardiology societies of different levels: national, regional, urban. Industry is actively developing in Kazan, Gorky, Samara, Saratov, Novosibirsk and other cities. In 1961 on the initiative of A. L. Myasnikov there was created the magazine “Kardiologiya” (eng. “Cardiology”). In the first issue there were published articles by such luminaries of Soviet medicine as B. V. Petrovsky, A. N. Bakulev, V. V. Zakusov. The magazine had a high level of published material and soon became one of the leading medical publications. But the important thing is that the founder of the magazine was the Ministry of Health Care, it meant the official recognition of cardiology, one of the most important areas of medicine. Communication of Soviet scientists and physicians with cardiologists and leading international experts was expanding. The problems of heart diseases, given their prevalence and impact, became statewide. By 1963 there was a favourable environment for creation of the Society of Cardiology in the USSR. A. L. Myasnikov appealed to the Minister of Health Care S. V. Kurashov with a letter in which he explained the need for creating the Society of Cardiology in our country.

The founder and first president of the International Society of Cardiology, Paul White, strongly supported the initiative and suggested A. L. Myasnikov creating the Society as soon as possible so that the next congress of the International Society of Cardiology could formally recognize the new organization. The congress was held in 1966, since then congresses were held every four years, in case of a hitch official recognition would have to be waited for a few more years. Paul White openly stated that he is interested in joining the USSR the International Society of Cardiology as medicine knows no boundaries, and it is necessary to bring together professionals regardless of nationality, religion or political affiliation. Thanks to such an impressive international support there immediately followed the decision on the establishment of an organizing committee of constituent cardiology conference. On February 1, 1963 in Leningrad in the conference room of the Military Medical Museum they opened an inaugural cardiology conference where 274 delegates from all the republics and regions of the country were to create the Society of Cardiology of the Soviet Union. Pavel Evgenyevich Lukomsky was elected as the first chairman of the new society. In 1965, at the Congress in Prague All Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology joined the European Society of Cardiology.

Vladimir Andreevich Almazov

On November 2, 1966 at the Congress of the International Society of Cardiology the Soviet cardiologists were solemnly accepted by the world community of professional colleagues. The Congress was held in New Delhi, in India – a country, which was in friendly relations with the Soviet Union. «Perhaps in none of the subsequent congresses I didn’t feel this kind of attention, companionship and support as at the Congress in New Delhi. International Society of Cardiology took us into their ranks as one of the world leaders in cardiology”, – Eugeny Ivanovich Chazov But in the system of national health care the establishment of cardiology as another medical specialty and service went very slowly. More than 10 years passed before the situation changed. In 1967 the general secretary of the All-Union Society of Cardiology Eugeny Chazov became the personal physician of the General Secretary of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev. In 1971 without appealing to the Ministry of Health Care E. I.Chazov directly addressed his patient with a proposal to organize a cardiology service across the country. Brezhnev, who had a history of heart attack, reacted immediately. The government decided to allocate funds, collected during the voluntary work Saturda in 1971, to the creation of a specialized cardiology center. In December 1975 there was founded the All Union Cardiology Research Center of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. E. I. Chazov became the head of the emerging system, he became the chairman of the All-Union Society of Cardiology and the head of the All-Union Cardiology Research Center at the Institute of Cardiology named after Myasnikov. In 1976—78 following the first institute of cardiology at the Moscow Institute of Cardiology there were created Scientific Research Institues of cardiology in republics. And finally on October 30, 1978, according to the order number 1038 of Ministry of Health Care, in the country they officially introduced the specialty “cardiologist”. They approved provisions on the cardiologic dispensary, cardiovascular care units in hospitals, cardiological departments in clinics, etc. Cardiology officially becomes a part of the health care system of the USSR.

In 1980 at the initiative of Vladimir Andreevich Almazov they opened the Institute of Cardiology in Leningrad, the future Federal Center for Heart, Blood and Endocrinology named after V.A. Almazov. Cardiology research centers and institutions appeared in Saratov, Tomsk and Tyumen. And in 1982, the eyes of all cardiologists around the world were glued to Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union hosted the largest international scientific forum – IX World Congress of Cardiology.

Fight with myocardial infarction “Russian medicine has made in this issue more than all the hospitals of the world” — Nikolay Strazhesko about myocardial infarction.

“In 1961 Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov after returning from Rome invited several people from his staff and said: “Now the most interesting and the most important thing for the clinic is all that is connected with myocardial infarction. The first issue of magazine “Kardiologiya” should be devoted to this problem, here we are not only lagging behind but also are the leaders in a number of issues.

Although the first conference of the Society of Cardiology was constituent and and devoted to organizational issues, its scientific component was important and interesting for the development of strategies to fight with myocardial infarction. The reports by V. N. Vinogradov and V. G. Popov on depending of the effect of treatment of complications after myocardial infarction on the start of treatment, P. E. Lukomsky on searching for new (particularly biochemical) markers of developing myocardial infarction, A. N. Bakulev on the development of methods of surgical treatment of ischemic heart diseases, B. V. Petrovsky on aneurysm of heart, our report on thrombolytic therapy, data by Y. S. Petrosyan and L. S. Zingerman on the opportunities of coronary angiography not only identified ways to find and implement new methods of diagnosis and treatment of myocardial infarction, but in many ways helped to develop an effective system for treatment f patients with this disease. Since late 1950s the fight against heart attacks is one of the most important areas of cardiology, in this area national experts are often ahead of foreign colleagues. Reports of our doctors about the system to assist in myocardial infarction caused huge interest in international forums and conferences.

The first operations in the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery

This is to be preserved.“ — Eugeny Chazov.

In 1957 at XIV All-Union Congress of Physicians P. E. Lukomsky and E. M.Tareev presented a report about the patterns of heart attack based on the observation of a thousand of patients. And B. P. Kushelevsky put forward the idea of pre-hospital care by special ambulances. Two years later, in the clinic named after A. V. Vinogradov and then in the clinic named after A. L. Myasnikov there were organized special myocardial chamber where patients were delivered without going into emergency room. Then, they created the first anti-infarction ambulance crews in Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Moscow. By 1964 hospitals in Moscow, Leningrad, and Sverdlovsk were equipped with intensive care units. Unlike Western counterparts, Soviet clinicians were actively pursuing therapy with anticoagulant and later with thrombolytic. Today thrombolytic therapy is undoubtedly recognized as Russian priority and one of the main achievements of cardiology in XX century. For the development of the organization of care and the introduction of new methods of treatment of myocardial infarction (anticoagulants, fibrinolysin) V. N. Vinogradov , P. E. Lukomsky, E. I. Chazov, Z. I. Yanushkevichyus, V. V. Zakusov and other cardiologists were awarded state awards.

1960— 2013 Key events in Russian cardiology

Сreation of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology (RSC)


In Leningrad at the initiative of A. L. Myasnikov there was opened a founding cardiology conference of the Society of Cardiology. It was attended by 274 delegates from 62 cities of the USSR. They decided to create a Society, they elected the chairman of the Society (P. E. Lukomsky ) and 78 board members.


In Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk intensive care units were equipped in hospitals. Unlike Western counterparts, Soviet clinicians are actively pursuing therapy with anticoagulant, and later with thrombolytics. 1963—1969 – there appeared societies of cardiology of different levels: national, regional, urban. Cardiology was developing very actively not only in St. Petersburg and Moscow, but also in Kazan, Gorky, Samara, Saratov, Novosibirsk.



At the Congress of Cardiology in Prague Soviet cardiologists were accepted into the European Society of Cardiology


At the Congress of the International Society of Cardiology in New Delhi Soviet cardiologists were solemnly accepted into the international community of professional colleagues.


First All-Russian Congress of Cardiology took place in Voronezh.


In Tomsk under the management of V. V. Pekarsky for the first time in the USSR the method of pre-emptive pacing by combined and paired pulses was used.


P. E. Lukomsky was entrusted with the honorable duty to open the European Cardiology Congress in Madrid.


At the initiative of the cardiologist E. Sh. Halfen, Saratov became a pioneer of transtelephonic ECG (remote monitoring of patients with the use of ECG transmission method over public communication channels).


II All-Russian Congress of Cardiology in Saratov.

E.I . Chazov becomes the chairman of the All-Union Society of Cardiology.


Under the auspices of the Institute of Cardiology named after A. L. Myasnikov they founded the AllUnion Cardiology Research Center of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. E. I. Chazov was appointed as its director.


Following the first Institute of Cardiology in Moscow there were opened Republican Scientific Research Institutes of Cardiology.


There was founded the Ural Institute of Cardiology in Sverdlovsk.


Аt the initiative of V. A. Almazov they opened Institute of Cardiology in Leningrad, the future Federal Heart, Blood and Endocrinology Center named after V. A. Almazov.


Saratov Research Institute of Cardiology was organized in 1980 as the Saratov branch of the Leningrad Institute of Cardiology, by order of the Council of Ministers on 15.01.1980, N 66 — Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR number 93 of 04/03/80.



According to the order number 1038 of Ministry of Health Care in the country they officially introduced the specialty “cardiologist”. They approved provisions on the cardiologic dispensary, cardiovascular care units in hospitals, cardiological departments in clinics, etc. Cardiology officially becomes a part of the health care system of the USSR.

All-Union Society of Cardiology changes its name to the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology. It’s time; the Soviet Union no longer exists.


RSSC is accepted to the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) as a permanent member with a deciding vote.



IX World Congress of Cardiology took place in Moscow.

RSSC is registered in the World Heart Association.



All-Union Cardiology Research Center opened its branch in Tomsk And in the mid 1980s Tomsk Institute opened its own branches already in the Far East and in Tyumen.

V All-Russian Congress of Cardiology in Chelyabinsk


In Moscow there was established the Centre for Surgical and Interventional Arrhythmology of Heart under the management of L. A. Bokeriya. Then according to the decision of the Center there were created 7 regional arrhythmology centers across the country.


VI All-Russian Congress of Cardiology in Moscow. R. G. Oganov, the academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences, was elected as the President of RSSC. Honorary Presidents of RSSC became academicians of RAS and RAMS E. I. Chazov and V. A. Lyusov


First Russian National Congress of Cardiology, from this year they decided to hold the Congress annually.


Development of the first regional standards of care for patients with cardiovascular diseases.



They organized a Cardiology Center in Tyumen.


III All-Russian Congress of Cardiology in Sverdlovsk.


In Tomsk region they launched the ship “Cardiologist”, a floating cardiology clinic. This mobile system is to provide specialized care and clinical examination and later would be implemented in different regions of Russia.


IV All-Russian Congress of Cardiology in Penza. V. A. Lyusov was elected as the chairman of the RSSC


“Russian Magazine of Cardiology” was created.

2005 2006—12


First All-Russian Congress of Arrhythmologists. They opened seven Federal Centers for Cardiovascular Surgery: Astrakhan, Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk, Penza, Perm, Khabarovsk, Chelyabinsk. In Russian regions there gradually appeared a system of vascular centers, providing high-tech treatments not only to large cities but also to rural areas.

The first joint meeting of the Board of the Russian Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Cardiologists.


The first international educational forum “Russian Heart Days” in Moscow. Since then, the Forum will become an annual event.


Introduction of high-tech clock care for myocardial infarction in the Republic of Tatarstan and other regions of Russia.


The start of the federal target subprogram “Hypertension”.


E. V. Shlyahto was elected as the President of RSSC.


Plenary Session of the Board of RSSC decides to change the name to “The Russian Society of Cardiology” (RSC).


There was registered a new charter of RSC.


RSC is implementing a system of grants for young researchers.


RSC joins the pan-European initiative “Go red for women”.

years of RSC

Main Conferences and Congresses held by the Society of Cardiology of the Soviet Union in the period from 1963 to 1986


Date and Location

Discussed Areas


The First All-Union Founding Conference of Cardiologists

1—2 02.1963 Leningrad

Foundation of the Society of Cardiology of the Soviet Union


II All-Union Conference of Cardiology

18—20 12.1963 Moscow

Problem of myocardial contractile function in acquired heart disease

II All-Union Conference of Atherosclerosis

29.06—2.07 1965 Leningrad

State-of-the-art in mechanisms of atherosclerosis

I All-Union Congress of Cardiology

20—24 12.1966 Moscow

Hypertension in systemic and pulmonary circulation

9—11 12.1968 Kiev

Acquired heart diseases (diagnosis, long-term treatment outcomes)




Board Meeting of the Society of Cardiology of the Soviet Union


Date and Location

Discussed Areas


ХХ Annual Scientific Session at the Research Institute named after A.L.Myasnikov

28—30 01.1969 Moscow

LDH iso-enzyme aspects in myocardial infarction


II All-Union Congress of Cardiology

23—30 06.1973 Moscow

Coronary artery disease


All-Russian Scientific Cardiology Conference

21—24 10.1975 Leningrad

Heart failure. The conference was devoted to 100th anniversary of G.F.Lang’s birth


III All-Union Congress of Cardiology

1—5 10.1979 Moscow

Fighting against cardiovascular diseases in the USSR


IV All-Union Congress of Cardiology

22—24 10.1986 Moscow

Cardiovascular epidemiology and prevention

From the USSR to Russia When the population of the developed countries were actively struggling with hypercholesterolemia , smoking , physical inactivity, there is a reorganization of the USSR , the country was in a state of economic and political crisis. The crisis did not bypass medicine as well in 1990s. There was a frightening rise in cardiovascular diseases and a sharp decline in life expectancy. But already in 1998 in Moscow there was established the Centre for Surgical and Interventional Arrhythmology of Heart under the management of L. A. Bokeriya. Then according to the decision the Center there were created 7 regional arrhythmology centers across the country. They succeeded in breaking the negative trend of growth of heart diseases in 2000s. In 2000 there were developed and adopted the first regional standards of care for patients with cardiovascular diseases. In the same year the First Russian National Congress of Cardiology took place. They decided to organize the Congress annually, it was clear that the branch was developing rapidly and new knowledge and information were being accumulated very quickly, so doctors needed platform for continuous communication . In the 2006—2012 they opened seven Federal Centers for Cardiovascular Surgery: Astrakhan, Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk, Penza, Perm, Khabarovsk, Chelyabinsk. In Russian regions there gradually appeared a system of vascular centers, providing high-tech treatments not only to large cities but also to rural areas. The heads of the centers tend to organize the system of 24 hours high-tech medical care, compare their performance indicators in the regions with the indicators of European countries. In 2000s, struggling with cardiovascular diseases became one of the priorities at the state level.

Associated organizations All-Russian Public Organization “The Society of Experts in Heart Failure”

The National Scientific Society on Cardiovasular Prevention and Rehabilitation

The Russian Medical Society on Arterial Hypertension (RMSAH)

The All-Russian non-governmental Antihypertensive League

Autonomous Nonprofitable Organization the “Russian National Society of Atherosclerosis”

Russian Society of Cardio-somatic Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention

Atherothrombosis National Society

Russian Society of Cardiology Today more than 4,500 RSC members 29 sections 3 working groups Since 1993, RSС is a constituent member of European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Since 1994, RSC has been registered in the World Heart Federation. The main RSC goal is to unite Russian cardiologists and specialists of related medical areas for effective joint work, to create a platform for experience exchange and professional communication.

Russian Society of Cardiology is a platform for professional communication.

Events Annually regional and national seminars, conferences and scientific symposia are held under the auspices of RSC. The Russian National Congress of Cardiology provides cardiologists from all over Russia with an opportunity to discuss top problems of cardiovascular science and clinical practice. Among the speakers of the Congress there are prominent international experts, including presidents of national cardiological societies of different countries and representatives of the European Cardiolodical Society. In 2012 doctors from 20 countries took part in the Russian National Congress of Cardiology The Annual International Educational Forum “Russian Cardiovascular Days” unites the efforts of leading European and Russian cardiologists. There are discussed clinical aspects of new medical technologies and real clinical cases serve as examples for interactive debates. In 2012, in addition to the delegates of the Forum, approx. 6,000-10,000 people had been watching webcasts of the Forum educational sessions. An amount of new information in medicine increases rapidly, thus specialists need more opportunities for constant knowledge exchange and learning. Forum events got such a positive response from the doctors, that it was decided to organize “Russian Cardiovascular Days” annually.

Russian Society of Cardiology provides new opportunities for education and professional development.

Internet Members of the Russian Society of Cardiology receive a regular Newsletter with Russian and foreign news, scientific papers and case reviews. To be aware of the news, grants, online education opportunities, RSC social projects or to subscribe to the Newsletter and the e-version of the “Cardiology Today”, please visit:

education RSC develops programs for life-long medical education of doctors in Russia together with Ministry of Healthcare. The Society supports young researchers and organizes events to improve qualification of medical specialists. RSC members can take part in distant educational programs free of charge and receive RSC Certificate included into the unified all-Russia database of certificates. RSC plans to integrate its online programs with ESCel educational web platform of the European Society of Cardiology.

Publications RSC publishes “Russian Journal of Cardiology” and newspaper “Cardiology Today”. Russian Journal of Cardiology is a scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal for cardiologists and internists that has been published since 1996 and is included into the list of publications recommended by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles for articles containing degree dissertation materials. The Journal publishes 18 articles a year on an average and also issues free of charge supplements. The priority for publication is provided for articles by authors, who are searching for a scientific degree. Since 2013 the Journal has e-subscribtion. The newspaper “Cardiology Today” covers the most important research and social projects and events in different regions of Russia as well as successful international practices. In addition, it provides a platform for discussions on problems and achievements of Russian cardiology.

Grants for young professionals RSC provides grants for young cardiologists to give them an opportunity to take part in the ESC Congress and other Russian and international events. For example, in 2013 RSC supported 100 young professionals who participated in the First Annual International Educational Forum “Russian Cardiovascular Days” and 13 young doctors got grants to join the ESC Congress. To get a grant they had to make a paper that would be included in a scientific program of the European Congress. Special educational and scientific events are organized for young professionals by RSC. The Working group of young cardiologists is a unit of the Russian Society of Cardiology and at the same time is a part of European project “Cardiologists of the Future”.

International Cooperation RSC represents Russian Cardiology on the international arena, assists in development of international scientific contacts and promotion of Russian Cardiology achievements. In 1993, RSC became a constituent member of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) with a voting right. In 1994, RSC was registered in the World Heart Federation. RSC aims to integrate into the European cardiovascular community and international scientific network. Among its goals is unification of approaches of Russian and European cardiologic societies, as well as joint scientific research and educational initiatives.

RSC participates in joint European research projects, works on registers of the most common cardiovascular diseases, cooperates with ESC in prevention and rehabilitation. Russian specialists take part in congresses and other events of the European Society of Cardiology regularly, both as listeners and speakers. Every year international experts participate in Russian National Congress of Cardiology. Representatives of CIS, Germany, Italy, India, France, the USA and other countries visited almost all Russian national congresses. Since 2000 joint sessions of RSC and other national cardiological sociaties were held regularly. On 6th July, 2012 the first joint sessioan of RSC board and European Society of Cardiology authorities took place. The aim of the meeting was to discuss deeper integration of two societies, harmonization of RSC structure and functions according to European standards, as well as a search of common approach to different activities. In April 2013 at the First International Educational Forum “Russian Cardiovascular Days” representatives of the European Society of Cardiology met with Russian cardiologists, professors and teachers. At this meeting an aim to integrate Russian and European systems of postgraduate education in cardiology was set and discussed for the first time. A main goal of the integration should be to increase a quality of learning in field of life-long medical education in Russia and to improve traditional Russian educational model by adding educational experience and resources of both the European and Russian societies of cardiology. RSC cooperates not only with the European Society of Cardiology, but also with national societies of cardiology in different countries. In April 2011 a joint International Simposium of RSC and Turkish Society of Cardiology was organized. It was devoted to actual problemes of diagnostics, treatment and preventive care of cardiovascular diseases. In 2012 RSC held a joint session with Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) to discuss common research in prenatal molecular diagnostics, perinatology, phisiology.

In 2013 E. I. Chazov received a gold medal of the European Sociaty of Cardiology. The recognition of his achievements in creating new methods of cardiovascular diseases diagnostics ant treatment became an important event for the whole medical and scientific community.

RSC cooperates not only with the European Society of Cardiology, but also with national societies of cardiology in different countries

Development of National Guidelines Russian Society of Cardiology is involved in development of National and translation of European guidelines. RSC works also on its introduction into clinical practice. RSC takes part in development and introduction of educational standards for cardiologists and related specialists, develops protocols and standards of providing cardiovascular services in our country.

Texts of approved guidelines are available on RSC website: rekomendacii/ rekomendacii_rko

Social Projects RSC is focused on raising healthy lifestyle awareness and providing information about cardiovascular prevention. The all-Russia educational initiative “Healthy Hearts” was realized jointly with political parties of the country. Educational seminars for cardiologists were held, educational events and free preventive medical investigations for citizens were organized in 23 Russian cities. In 2012, Russian Society of Cardiology joined the European initiative “Go Red for Women” aimed at fighting cardiovascular diseases among women. Russian project “Red Dress” supports researches of gender differences in cardiovascular medicine and helps to raise awareness about gender differences in clinical manifestations of cardiovascular diseases. One more long-term educational initia tive of the Russian Society of Cardiology is “Museum of Heart”. It combines education and entertainment, helps to teach heart anatomy in an easy way and tells children and teenagers how to keep their hearts healthy. “Museum of Heart” follows the tradition of interactive museums, which are popular in many countries. There objects in display can be touched and played with. In the Museum of Heart many objects were developed specially for the museum.

We are grateful to Ivan A. Shevchenko, PhD, Professor, distinguished research worker and educator, leading expert of the Department of Education at the Almazov Heart, Blood and Endocrinology Centre, for his valuable assistance in material collection.

Russian Society of Cardiology moscow, 2013

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