Dear Neighbors,
The new year brings the promise and hope of what possibilities lie ahead over the next 12 months. It is a time of fresh starts and well-intended resolutions for self-improvement and to do things differently for the better. This new year also comes with significant changes for our nation and our communities.
At University of Vermont Health Network, we are driven by the belief that regardless of what happens in the world around us, everyone deserves to have equitable access to the care they need to be as healthy as possible, at every stage of life.
Access to health care means different things to different people. For some it means the ability to get a timely appointment. For others, it means being able to afford the care they need or receiving specialty care from medical experts not available anywhere else in our region. For us, it means all three.
That is why much of our work this year is focused on providing high quality care as close to home as possible and finding innovative ways to control health care costs.
We will continue to do everything we can at the state and national levels to advocate for and protect the care our patients seek from us so that everyone has access to health care regardless of identity, national origin, ability to pay, political beliefs or anything else that makes each of us unique.
None of this would be possible without the passionate and dedicated people who make up our organization and are members of the communities we serve. We are your friends, your family and neighbors. When you are reaching your health goals, we are succeeding.
Even with the change the new year brings, you have my personal commitment one thing will not change: our dedication to your health and well-being.
Many good wishes for a healthy new year! Thank you for continuing to trust us with your care.
Sunny Eappen, MD, MBA Chief Executive Officer, University of Vermont Health Network
Outdoor Gear
That was the age of former Vermont governor Tom Salmon, who died last week. The Democrat shocked the establishment when he was elected in 1972; he served two terms.
A small state investment could erase up to $100 million of the medical debts that plague some of Vermont’s lowest-income residents.
Under a proposed one-time, $1 million relief program, the state would purchase the debts for pennies on the dollar, then forgive them. It is an attempt to reduce the burden of unpaid medical bills at a time when ballooning health care costs are forcing some people to think twice before seeking care.
“ e benefits of this proposal will be felt in every corner of the state,” State Treasurer Mike Pieciak said at a press conference on Tuesday.
An estimated 60,000 Vermonters have medical debt that amounts to $155 million, according to Pieciak. While almost every resident has some form of health insurance, roughly a third of Vermonters are “underinsured,” meaning their policies may
not be sufficient to cover either their current expenses or future serious medical events.
Mike Fisher, Vermont’s health care advocate, said he routinely hears from people who are anxious and even ashamed because of bills they can’t pay.
“Medical debt is a structural outcome,” Fisher said. “It’s something we know will happen based on the way our health care system is structured.”
Democratic lawmakers plan to introduce a bill in the coming days to give Pieciak the authority to launch the program. No new taxes or fees would be necessary. Instead, Pieciak has proposed using money already appropriated to his office for the purpose of buying down state bonds.
“ is program would have a bigger direct impact on Vermonters financially, from a health perspective and
from an emotional perspective,” he said in an interview.
e program would be run by Undue Medical Debt, a national nonprofit that has overseen similar programs in 20 other cities and states.
About two-thirds of the total medical debt held in Vermont may be eligible for relief, according to the treasurer’s office. Undue Medical Debt typically targets long-standing debts. Beneficiaries must meet certain eligibility requirements, such as that they earn either less than four times the federal poverty level — about $100,000 for a family of three — or hold debts that exceed 5 percent of their income.
e nonprofit says it can erase an average of $100 in debt for every dollar invested.
Read Colin Flanders’ complete story at sevendaysvt.com.
Exchange is closing its Essex Experience outpost so it can focus on its flagship Church Street store. The company is also celebrating 30 years in biz.
Rutland is trying to kick a member of the school board o the body because she no longer lives in the city, VTDigger reported. New meaning to remote work.
After coming and going a few times, Bird bikeshare is abandoning the Burlington area for good. Empty nesters, yet again.
O cials in Burlington and Barre opened emergency overnight shelters as temperatures plunged below zero. Brrr.
1. “Prosecutor Pushed Burlington Mayor to Rein in Chief’s Comments” by Colin Flanders. State’s Attorney Sarah George complained to the mayor after the chief spoke out about a notorious repeat offender.
2. “Four Quarters Brewing in Winooski Loses Founder but Brews On” by Melissa Pasanen. Brian Eckert confirmed that he has left the business he started in 2014, citing “strategic differences.”
3. “ e Wise Fool to Bring Middle Eastern Street Food to BTV” by Melissa Pasanen. Former Honey Road chef de cuisine Elliot Sion will start offering takeout only in mid-February at 260 North Street in Burlington’s Old North End.
4. “Burlington Cops Request Safety Measures After Knife Attack” by Courtney Lamdin. A sergeant was attacked while reporting to work, prompting the police union to ask for a fence around the cops’ 1 North Avenue parking lot.
5. “Housing Authority Pulls Scores of Rent Subsidies” by Derek Brouwer. Burlington Housing Authority is canceling Section 8 certificates after being warned of impending budget cuts.
Protesters took to the streets of Burlington on Saturday and again on Monday to voice their displeasure with the divisive policies of President Donald Trump, who signed several consequential executive orders on his first day back in office.
About 100 people braved the bitter cold on Monday and marched through downtown Burlington as the inauguration ceremony took place in Washington, D.C. e Vermont branch of the Party for Socialism and Liberation organized the demonstration, titled “We Fight Back!”
Speakers included representatives from Students for Justice in Palestine and Champlain Valley Democratic Socialists of America. ey focused on a mashup of causes, including speaking out against the war in Gaza, prison reform and immigration enforcement.
“For me, this is like a bad dream,” José Ignacio De La Cruz, an organizer with the workers’ advocacy group Migrant Justice, told the crowd through a translator. “Our community is feeling a lot of fear.”
On Saturday, another sign-waving crowd of about 100 people marched up and down Church Street to advocate for democracy and women’s rights. Protesters chanted “We won’t go back,” “Save democracy” and “Say no to oligarchy.”
Brothers Calvin Palmer, 9, and Harlan
Palmer, 13, of Middlebury marched at the front of the pack, carrying signs that read “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights” and “We Won’t Go Back.” Other signs bore slogans such as “Grab ’Em by the Midterms,” “ is Episode of Handmaid’s Tale Sucks” and “Make America ink Again.”
Protesters across the country have been marching this week in opposition to what they see as Trump’s far-right agenda, which many fear will be more far-reaching during his second term.
“Last time during Trump’s inauguration, we didn’t see a lot of immediate damage,” said Vivan Bose-Pyne, an organizer of Monday’s protest. “ is time, there will be a more imminent need for people to rise to immediate defense.”
Paula Routly
Cathy Resmer
Don Eggert, Colby Roberts
Matthew Roy
Ken Ellingwood, Candace Page
Hannah Bassett, Derek Brouwer, Colin Flanders, Rachel Hellman, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak, Anne Wallace Allen
Dan Bolles, Carolyn Fox
Chelsea Edgar, Margot Harrison, Pamela Polston
Jen Rose Smith
Alice Dodge
Chris Farnsworth
Rebecca Driscoll
Jordan Barry, Hannah Feuer, Mary Ann Lickteig, Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard
Alice Dodge, Angela Simpson
Isaacs, Martie Majoros
Bryan Parmelee
Eva Sollberger
James Buck
Don Eggert
Rev. Diane Sullivan
John James
Colby Roberts
Robyn Birgisson
Michelle Brown, Logan Pintka, Kaitlin Montgomery
Carolann Whitesell ADMINISTRATION
Marcy Stabile
Matt Weiner
Andy Watts
Gillian English
Jordan Adams, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Erik Esckilsen, Steve Goldstein, Amy Lilly, Bryan Parmelee, Suzanne Podhaizer, Samantha Randlett, Jim Schley, Dayton Shafer, Carolyn Shapiro, Xenia Turner, Casey Ryan Vock CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS
Luke Awtry, Daria Bishop, Diana Bolton, James Buck, Bear Cieri, Tim Newcomb, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur FOUNDERS
Pamela Polston, Paula Routly CIRCULATION: 35,000
Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, the Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury and White River Junction. Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Mirabel, Québec.
Harry Applegate, Joe Bou ard, Pat Bou ard, Colin Clary, Julie Copley, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Becky Gates, Matt Hagen, Russ Hagy, Nat Michael, Frankie Moberg, Liam Mulqueen-Duquette, Dan Nesbitt, Dan Oklan, Ezra Oklan, Matt Perry, Danielle Schneider, Andy Watts, Tracey Young With additional circulation support from PP&D.
Speaking of fitness [Wellness Issue, January 15], I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your fantastic online issues. Wednesdays in this household are called “Seven Days Day.”
Due to multiple sclerosis, I can’t always pick the paper up that day. When a recent Friday came around and I still hadn’t read the latest issue, I looked on your website. The articles are much easier to see for those who have vision problems. The zoom button is fantastic. Plus, the colors pop o the screen, making me want to look closer at every ad. I am no longer frustrated at not being able to see each word. Now I can sip my hot chocolate and watch the snow come down. My health returns to homeostasis. Namaste. Winter Wednesdays and Seven Days is just a click away. Yippee! Carol Ann “Sunshine” Wooster BURLINGTON
[Re “Acts of the Apostles: In Barre, Dozens of People Have Perished in the Opioid Crisis. Can a Church for the Addicted Stem the Losses?” December 4]: So many others have said this better and more succinctly than I can or will, but I want to make it clear that while the profile of the work being done in this
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article is interesting, the depiction of Barre is disappointing and dated. Every community in Vermont is su ering with the nationwide addiction crisis. It doesn’t define Barre, no more than that crisis defines Burlington, or anywhere else, in the way this writing would suggest. This
article could’ve featured the same work being done and included a spotlight on all the many ways in which Barre is growing, changing, evolving and focusing on community care. All the new businesses, community spaces, new folks moving here, new energy coming into town. Barre is a multifaceted, multidimensional community worthy of more respect — and much more celebration — than what was given here.
I was crumpling paper to start the fire in the woodstove when I came across this article in Seven Days [“Acts of the Apostles: In Barre, Dozens of People Have Perished in the Opioid Crisis. Can a Church for the Addicted Stem the Losses?” December 4]. Amazing coverage of effective work being done by true Christians on behalf of people who truly need it. Deeply grateful for this inspiring and hopeful story. I’m sharing widely. Excellent work. Thank you, and God bless you.
Mike McDonnell ROCHESTER
First, I want to thank Seven Days and writer Dan Bolles for continuing the “Life Stories” series [December 25, 2024]. Reading these stories reminds me of how privileged I am to live among such amazing people.
While I realize it is not possible to profile every Vermonter who passed away last year, I couldn’t help but notice
I ask readers to remember two: Villa Tragara of Waterbury Center and Five Spice Café of Burlington. We would take every Vermont visitor to both restaurants.
I won’t forget Villa Tragara, with Ellen Degeneres and Anne Heche at the next table. Or seeing Mikhail Baryshnikov at Five Spice after his Flynn performance, or any night there conversing with Jerry about chanterelle-infused vodka or maple syrup-laced Scotch.
Please consider sharing your foodie memories.
Jeffrey Waite SHELBURNE
one glaring omission whose story needs to be told. Mrs. Lydia Monroe Clemmons passed away on August 16, 2024, at the age of 101. According to a Clemmons Family Farm statement: At the age of 12, Lydia and her family left Louisiana due to racial discrimination to find better opportunities in the North. Mrs. Clemmons went on to become a nurse and nurse anesthetist. She married Dr. Jackson JW Clemmons, and they moved from Cleveland, Ohio, to Charlotte, Vt. Together they created an enduring legacy that is exemplified in the Clemmons Family Farm, a “cultural heritage asset and a platform for Black history, arts, and economic empowerment.”
The story of Mrs. Lydia and Dr. Jackson Clemmons is one that all Vermonters should know. I recommend that Seven Days take the opportunity to tell it as a feature story in an upcoming issue.
Editor’s note: When choosing “Life Story” subjects, which is indeed incredibly difficult, we look for lesser-known individuals whose accomplishments have been underreported. A number of other media outlets covered the death of Lydia Clemmons. Seven Days has written about her and the Clemmons Family Farm many times over the years.
[Re “Simply the Best: Seven Days Food Writers Share Their Favorite Bites and Sips of 2024,” December 25, 2024]: It has to be so very hard if you are a food writer and need to say goodbye to old favorites.
[Re “Future of Public Education Commission Questions Its Own Future,” January 6, online]: After nearly 30 years of teaching in public schools, case-managing students with a range of challenges, I have been watching the debate regarding the rising costs of education and shrinking outcomes as far as student performance in standardized testing. Special education was a poorly funded mandate at the get-go. Public Law 94-142 went into effect in 1975 as a way to “ensure” equal access to education for students who, previously, had languished educationally, as little resources and understanding of alternative teaching methods were available.
Still, when students struggled academically or behaviorally, special education was, all too often, the default solution because resources for all students are so limited. Medicaid reimbursement money was injected into the formula to cover the costs of providing supports. By the time I ended my teaching career, I had worked in school districts where nearly 40 percent of students were identified for special education or 504 plans because of limited resources.
The cost of sending students to alternative day and residential programs would
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Green Mountain Stakes
Taxes and a high cost of living make Vermont an expensive place to grow old
U.S. Border Patrol Agent Fatally Shot in Coventry
Education Renovation
Gov. Scott’s proposed revamp of Vermont’s education system would change how schools are funded
Prosecutor Pushed
Burlington Mayor to Rein in Chief’s Comments
Burlington Police Request Safety Measures After Knife Attack
Happy Trails
From forest mazes to urban tracks, Québec’s ice skating trails are a highlight of winter
Oh, Snap!
First-person storytelling festival returns to the Flynn
From Barre to Broadway and Back: Students
Stage Hadestown: Teen Edition
History Center’s New Research and Exhibition Gallery ‘Tells the Story of Vermont’
Double Dutch Timothy Curtis pairs two unlikely Philadelphia artistic traditions Artists Serve Up ‘Layer’ Takes at Adamant Co-op
Pop to It
Inspired by their young son, a Shelburne farm family grows and sells Poppin’ Charlie’s popcorn COLUMNS
Knowledgeable staff from the Southern
reptiles and amphibians
Retired teacher Jen Ellis signs copies of her recent memoir, Bernie’s Mitten Maker — chronicling her experience with overnight fame — at Vermont Teddy Bear in Shelburne. Ellis rocketed into the cultural zeitgeist in 2021 when U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders famously donned her cozy creations on Inauguration Day. You can be like Bernie and purchase a pair of meme-worthy mitts for yourself!
Creature Feature Club — an intrepid troupe of performers based in White River Junction — reprises its shadow cast roles for a screening of e Rocky Horror Picture Show at New Hampshire’s Lebanon Opera House. Iconic cult characters Brad, Janet and Dr. Frank-N-Furter come to life — on the big screen and onstage — for double the bawdy, gender-blending bliss.
Snowlights: Shadow Play at Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro immerses guests in larger-thanlife light displays. e illuminated indoor-outdoor event includes an interactive black light “ocean,” professional fire juggling, live music, and warm drinks and treats. Grab the kiddos and shake off January’s humdrum vibe where art, ingenuity and snow collide.
Vermont Stage raises the curtain on e Play at Goes Wrong at Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center in Burlington. Set in the 1920s, this Olivier Award-winning murder mystery seamlessly blends the satire of Monty Python with the wit of Sherlock Holmes, offering audience members a clever, cunning, laugh-out-loud whodunit theater experience.
Susan Mikula’s “Island” exhibition at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center showcases haunting, atmospheric photographs created through the artist’s use of expired instant film and old Polaroid cameras. ese dreamy, surrealist vistas highlight an unforgiving 30-acre shelf of bedrock in Bellows Falls — known as “the Island” — where human activity has long defined the landscape.
Are you planning to propose?
Why not declare your love for all the world — or at least Vermont — to see? On February 12, Seven Days will publish a real marriage proposal from a reader on the cover of our Love & Marriage issue.
To be considered, go to sevendaysvt.com/proposal by Tuesday, February 4, and tell us a little bit about you and your special someone.
The winning entrant will have their proposal on the cover, a great engagement story to tell, and, with any luck, a lifetime of love and happiness.
Disclaimer: Seven Days is not responsible for unsuccessful marriage proposals, unsuccessful marriages, or readers’ love and/or happiness.
In the six years he’s covered the Vermont Statehouse, Seven Days staff writer Kevin McCallum has often ventured beyond the building in search of related stories. He’s tagged along with bear hunters, evaluated aging dams and fired guns at the state’s first indoor shooting range. Earlier this month he got to ride shotgun in a snowplow. The driver? Vermont’s new lieutenant governor, John Rodgers.
Last November, the 59-year-old native Vermonter beat incumbent Progressive/Democrat David Zuckerman — the first time in 209 years that a challenger unseated the sitting LG in a general election.
While reporting the profile of Rodgers that appears in this issue, Kevin planned to shadow him doing chores on his Glover farm. They made a date to meet up, but when Kevin and photographer Jeb Wallace-Brodeur arrived, after a snowstorm, Rodgers had driveways to plow.
the election, while boarding a plane to Philly. It was 5:50 a.m., and I was groggy, but I spotted a lanky mustachioed dude in jeans and a J.S. Rodgers Masonry hoodie sweatshirt ahead of me on the jet bridge — I later learned he was headed to Arizona for a quick trip to see close family friends. He definitely didn’t look like someone who’d just won a historic statewide election.
I said hello and congratulated him on his win, then lost sight of him as I hunted for space in the overhead bins.
“He cleared a bunch of junk off the seat of the cab, and we jumped in and drove off,” Kevin said. His account of their bumpy drive begins this week’s cover story, “Man at Work.”
In addition to providing snowplow services, the lieutenant governor also works as a stonemason and grows cannabis. A former Democratic lawmaker, he won his first statewide general election as a Republican. Rodgers is one of a couple dozen Rs who triumphed in November, as Vermont voters shifted to the right.
You could argue that Rodgers and President Donald Trump were swept into office on the same wave of electoral dissatisfaction. But Vermont sent a more complex message: The same body of voters that preferred Democratic candidate Kamala Harris over Trump by a nearly two-to-one margin handed Rodgers a victory. That means plenty of liberals split their tickets to vote for him.
Like the new Republican president, the lieutenant governor bills himself as a champion of the working class, though Rodgers did not support Trump — and actually embodies the rural, blue-collar values he promotes. Hunting and fishing trophies adorn the walls of his new Statehouse office.
I’d never met Rodgers, but I ran into him at the Burlington International Airport 10 days after
A few minutes later, a friend texted to say she was on board, too. I told her about Rodgers. “He should shake my hand,” she texted back. “I voted for him!”
Like me, she’s a middle-aged lesbian mom who lives and works in Chittenden County. She’s a leftie with multiple degrees and a badass butch haircut — a likely Zuckerman voter, in other words.
Later, when I asked why she voted for Rodgers, she said, “He seems like a moderate who works for a living and has for a long time. Maybe he’s just blowing smoke, but I thought, Finally, there’s a Republican that I would vote for.”
Like Rodgers, she’s a native Vermonter who’s bothered by the fact that people she grew up with are being priced out of the state. “The narrative on voting is that people are so entrenched in party politics and nothing can break through,” she told me.
“I’m not sure that’s true.”
PS: Publisher Paula Routly returns next week.
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BY ANNE WALLACE ALLEN • anne@sevendaysvt.com
Elder law attorney Robin Goeman has some advice for the retirees she counsels on estate planning and asset protection in the Green Mountain State: Leave.
“I strongly encourage them, if they have out-of-state children, to consider whether relocating would be a good part of their plan,” Goeman said. She cited the cost of living in Vermont and di culties in securing health care and other forms of assistance.
“It’s just the urban-rural divide,” Goeman said of the latter. “There are not enough supports.”
Soaring property taxes, a new payroll tax, costly housing and big heating bills all contribute to the high cost of living in Vermont. Policymakers know that Vermonters want relief. Three lawmakers have introduced measures aimed at reducing the taxes levied on seniors. While such measures have been considered in past years, advocates hope that this one, with the issue of a ordability front and center, is di erent.
Vermont has the third-highest per capita state tax collections in the U.S., with property tax the primary driver, according to Kevin Chu, executive director of the Vermont Futures Project, an economic research organization. Many state leaders consider the cost of living in the Green Mountains to be the biggest impediment to a thriving economy.
Older Vermonters often live on fixed incomes, making them particularly
sensitive to rising costs. And they’re the fastest-growing age group in the state. By 2030, one in three Vermonters will be over 60, according to Age Strong VT, a Vermont Department of Health initiative.
These over-60 residents face particular financial challenges. If they do need work that pays well, they often find it more dicult to get a job. If they have to hire people to help with the tasks they used to do themselves, such as shoveling snow, driving to appointments and housecleaning, it’s expensive. If they need residential care, the options are limited and also expensive.
Older people require more health care services, some of which aren’t fully paid for by Medicare, the federal health insurance program for people over 65. And while 70 percent of older adults will need long-term care as they age, nearly half don’t know how they will pay for it, according to Age Strong VT.
BY COLIN FLANDERS colin@sevendaysvt.com
A U.S. Border Patrol agent was shot and killed during a gunfight at a traffic stop along Interstate 91 in Coventry on Monday afternoon, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
One person in the car, a German national in the U.S. on a visa, was also killed, while a second person was injured and hospitalized, the FBI said. e agent was identified on Tuesday as David “Chris” Maland. Public records indicate that a David C. Maland, 44, lived in Newport and previously spent time living in Texas near the southern border. Maland was also a U.S. Air Force veteran, according to the FBI.
e agency did not name either of the people in the car, saying the investigation “remains extremely active.”
e shooting happened around 3:15 p.m. on Monday. I-91 between exits 26 and 27 was closed for hours before the northbound lanes were reopened. Authorities spent the night at the scene investigating and reopened the southbound lanes of the highway on Tuesday morning. e area is about 15 miles south of the U.S. border with Canada.
e shooting came hours after President Donald Trump took the oath of office. During his inaugural address, Trump said he would declare a national emergency at the southern border and deploy troops there to accelerate the deportations of criminal offenders.
Officials have cited an unprecedented number of illegal crossings at the northern border in recent years.
In a statement late Monday, Vermont’s congressional delegation — U.S. Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Peter Welch (D-Vt.), and U.S. Rep. Becca Balint (D-Vt.) — offered their “deepest condolences” to the agent’s family and the border patrol. Maland had been assigned to the patrol’s Swanton Sector, which covers the border in Vermont, New Hampshire and some of New York State.
At an unrelated press conference on Tuesday, Gov. Phil Scott offered condolences to Maland’s family and urged the media to “only report on the facts” of the evolving incident.
“Not based on speculation, assumptions or something some other media source has already misreported,” Scott said. ➆
Gov. Scott’s proposed revamp of Vermont’s education system would change how schools are funded
BY ALISON NOVAK • alison@sevendaysvt.com
Following a year of school budget failures and double-digit property tax hikes, Gov. Phil Scott’s administration is proposing a major change to how the state pays to educate children.
The so-called foundation formula is a commonly used system that would give more power to the state — and less to local taxpayers — to determine how much
money school districts receive. Some experts say the switch won’t save money, but it could be a more equitable and straightforward way to pay for education.
Education Secretary Zoie Saunders and consultants hired by her agency have already testified to lawmakers about the proposed funding mechanism. It’s part of a larger plan to transform Vermont’s education system that the governor hinted at during his inaugural address.
That proposal is likely to recommend large-scale school district consolidation as a way to save money.
“This session, we have the rare opportunity to not only make our system more affordable for taxpayers but to improve the quality of education for all kids — no matter their challenges or where they live,” Scott said during his January 9 speech. “And we owe it to everyone to seize the moment and be brave, together.”
Scott is expected to describe the transition in more detail during his budget address on Tuesday, January 28, and lawmakers will be briefed on the plan this week. Democratic leaders, chastened by the loss of their supermajority in the Statehouse and without a proposal of their own, seem content with playing a supporting role — for now, anyway.
At a press conference last week, Rep. Peter Conlon (D-Cornwall), chair of the House Education Committee, said his caucus was encouraged by the governor’s “strong participation in this debate” and was ready to work on reforming the education system.
“We welcome a detailed proposal from the administration, and I assume we’re going to receive that,” Conlon said. “We
• diagnostics • alignments
Moving is an option for those with the financial means. John Goodrich, who retired in 2015 as vice president and general manager at Weidmann Electrical Technology in St. Johnsbury, said Vermont’s high taxes prompted him to build his retirement home in New Hampshire.
“I’m saving a lot of money by being on the other side of the [Connecticut] river,” Goodrich said. But that solution is not for everyone. He noted that moving is expensive, and people who are low-income don’t feel as big an impact from Vermont’s taxes.
Goodrich still plays tuba in the St. Johnsbury town band, but many Vermonters move farther away, a decision that can have social costs. Florida, which has no income tax, is a common destination. Older Vermonters establish o cial residency there, enjoy warm winters and head back north for the summers.
sta ng shortages — a problem that also makes it difficult to hire home health aides, housekeepers and others who could help the elderly stay at home, attorney Goeman said. She added that the salaries paid for these services tend to be higher in Vermont than in other states.
While some local and state programs and grants o er help, they don’t fill all the gaps, according to Erin Clark of East Montpelier, a home health nurse who recently started a nonprofit called Generations Vermont. She’s looking for a location in central Vermont where she can provide adult day care services.
“It’s the folks who don’t qualify for Medicaid but aren’t independently wealthy who don’t get their needs addressed,” Clark said. “They depend on their children or an ailing spouse. They
taken a few steps to mitigate costs for seniors, and low-income Vermonters of all ages already get a break on their property taxes. In recent years, lawmakers have altered a partial income tax exemption on Social Security benefits so that the benefits aren’t taxed for individuals who make $50,000 or less and joint filers making $65,000 or less.
Also exempt: the first $10,000 in military retirement pay for income-eligible service members. Rep. Bill Canfield (R-Fair Haven) estimates he’s introduced a tax break on veterans’ pensions eight times since he took o ce in 2005. This year, he’s proposing to eliminate the tax on military benefits entirely, a move that he estimates would cost the state about $3.2 million annually. Sen. Brian Collamore (R-Rutland) has introduced a similar
Rep. Daniel Noyes (D-Wolcott) said his constituents often ask him to tackle the Social Security tax, and he’s tried in previous sessions.
Many people are trying to help seniors age at home to save money and remain in a community they know.
Rep. Mary-Katherine Stone (D/P-Burlington), an occupational therapist who works with the hospital discharge planning team at the University of Vermont Medical Center, has introduced legislation that would provide seniors with a tax credit for installing things such as wheelchair ramps or shower bars, vital amenities not covered under most insurance or Medicare. Without those supports, she said, people who could be released from the hospital wind up staying extra days.
Stone is frustrated that state leaders have not done more to ease the transition from hospital to home.
Longtime Montpelier lobbyist Candy Moot is one of those. She splits her time between homes on Seymour Lake in Morgan and near Naples, Fla. Vermont’s cost of living played a role in her decision to move, she said, but so did the fact that her husband had had enough of northern winters. The sociable Moot has plenty of new friends, including a 12-person group that gathers at her home to play the dice game Bunco. But she misses her extensive network in Vermont.
“It takes a long time to make an old friend,” Moot said.
“It’s ridiculous,” she said. “Even for people who have had a stroke and don’t have the mobility to walk up and down the stairs safely, they have to pay for it out of pocket. Or we’re calling the neighbors to see if they can cobble together enough money to get plywood for a ramp.”
Those who stay in Vermont sometimes find that getting the health and home care services they need can be a challenge.
Although people are moving
“Vermont is a glorious place to be a retiree when your health is wonderful,” Goeman said. “But you’re not going to get the same level of care here.”
Further, seniors who chose to stay do so despite the fact that Vermont is one of just a dozen states that tax Social Security income and retirement benefits, including withdrawals from traditional IRAs and 401k and 403b accounts, both income sources for retirees.
New Hampshire’s lack of taxes on Social Security and pension benefits is part of what drew Goodrich to move there. “Those things together really make a di erence,” he said.
Health care costs are rising around the country, and last year Vermonters paid the highest costs nationwide for individual health insurance coverage. Choices for Care, a long-term care program paid for by Medicaid, provides help, but users have to spend down their own money to be eligible. It’s di cult to find assisted living or nursing home beds, in part because of
increase in residents will help spread the tax burden.
Tax department data suggest new arrivals these days tend to be high income and those departing tend to be lower income, Vermont Treasurer Mike Pieciak said. But he cautioned against drawing conclusions from the data.
“It’s all very specific to someone’s experience and pocketbook issues,” Pieciak said. “Someone who is coming from a state with high property taxes and high insurance costs might say, ‘This looks like a good deal for me. I’m willing to pay the premium [to live here].’”
Vermont o cials and advocates have
Canfield thinks his bill, which has 74 cosigners, would attract younger veterans to Vermont.
Pieciak, too, wants to help Vermonters better plan for their retirements. In December, he announced a new initiative, Vermont Saves, that o ers a retirement plan for Vermonters whose employers don’t do so. The program, which began in December, requires employers with five or more employees to sign up by the end of February. Their employees will be automatically enrolled in a Roth IRA and can choose to make regular contributions.
Pieciak considers the Low-Income Heating Assistance Program to be one of the most important ways that Vermont helps seniors. HomeShare Vermont, a nonprofit organization that finds roommates for people who have homes in northwestern and central Vermont, is another.
meaningfully, that in
“They are probably in their forties, they maybe still have children in school and would contribute to their communities,” said Canfield, who served four years in the U.S. Navy in the Vietnam era.
He added that he hopes the bill will gain more support from his Statehouse colleagues this year. “It’s a di erent atmosphere in this building after the election, but I have no guarantees,” he said.
Another bill would phase in a full exemption of Social Security benefits over the course of eight years. Lead sponsor
“If individuals are able to downsize in their communities, then hopefully they pay less property taxes, less cost for maintenance, and that opens up a home that a young family can move into,” Pieciak said.
Noyes, the Wolcott state representative, holds a weekly Senior Caucus with Rep. Theresa Wood (D-Waterbury) during the legislative session and said he plans to introduce a bill this year that would create a commission to implement the state Department of Health’s Age Strong VT plan, a 10-year blueprint aimed at improving life for seniors. He envisions a program that would study a ordability, transportation, health services and other needs and advise the legislature.
“It’s one entity to make sure older Vermonters are not forgotten when we’re implementing policy,” Noyes said. ➆
BY COLIN FLANDERS • colin@sevendaysvt.com
Chittenden County’s top prosecutor lobbied Burlington Mayor Emma Mulvaney-Stanak to get control of the city’s police chief in the days leading up to the mayor’s mandate that the department funnel all press releases through her office for approval, emails obtained in a records request show.
State’s Attorney Sarah George had been calling for stronger oversight of the Burlington Police Department’s public communications for some time and raised the issue again on December 30 in response to a press release about Michael Reynolds, a Burlington man who police say they have interacted with nearly 2,000 times over the years.
The release featured a lengthy statement from Chief Jon Murad in which he called on George’s office to consider prosecuting Reynolds under an enhanced penalty known as the habitual offender statute. Reynolds has previously been convicted three dozen times, including for six felonies, and faces well over a dozen new pending charges.
“The obsession with Mr. Reynolds despite BPD’s own decisions to repeatedly cite him rather than lodge him is so disingenuous and misleading to the community,” George wrote on December 30 in an email to Mulvaney-Stanak’s staff, just minutes after Murad’s statement was released.
She called Murad’s missive not only “unnecessary and performative” but also legally inaccurate, and said pontificating about how someone should be charged is “not his role.”
The chief “really needs to knock it off,” George wrote.
George expanded on her criticism in a separate email to a WCAX-TV reporter seeking her thoughts on Murad’s statement.
The habitual offender enhancement is intended to address people who should be “incarcerated long term for extreme violence” but for whom prosecutors don’t have serious enough pending charges to pursue such a sentence, George wrote. The sheer number of pending cases against Reynolds already grants prosecutors the ability to levy a hefty punishment against him — “IF we decided that [he] should be in jail for years,” she wrote.
Meanwhile, rather than send Reynolds to jail, Burlington officers often issue citations that allow him to leave crime scenes. Judges can’t impose bail when someone shows up for those dates, George wrote, which Reynolds “almost ALWAYS” does.
“I understand WCAX wanting to give time to things that BPD puts long press releases out about — Michael Reynolds and Patrick Ibbotson are good examples,” she wrote, referencing another notorious repeat offender. “But these are individuals in our community who are incredibly complicated and throwing them away is not the answer regardless of how many press releases BPD puts out about them.”
George’s December 30 email prompted a reply from Mulvaney-Stanak’s senior adviser on community safety, Ingrid Jonas. She worked her way through the ranks of Vermont State Police before retiring as a major in 2021. Jonas agreed that some press releases “could be done more professionally,” but she also empathized with Murad’s position.
He seemed to be channeling widespread frustration in the Queen City, Jonas wrote. “It appears to many that meaningful and swift consequences for wrongful actions are either not in place, or not working effectively. People, at best, do not know what to make of it. At worst, they get angry and start to point fingers.”
She encouraged George to meet with Murad and members of the court system to resolve differences and seek solutions.
George replied that countless discussions with Murad on these issues had never been productive.
“My experience has always been that he spends the time telling me (or yelling at me) about how to do my job,” George wrote. Reining in the department’s public statements won’t solve Burlington’s problems, she added, but it would have an immediate, positive impact.
“The way the press releases are currently written only serve to throw fuel on a fire,” George wrote.
In a statement to Seven Days, Murad said he had never heard complaints about the accuracy of what he says in press releases or public settings.
He said he was “disappointed and hurt” by what George wrote about him in her emails and denied ever yelling at George or telling her how to do her job. “The State’s Attorney and I clearly disagree about a number of things, but our interactions have always been professional,” he wrote.
“I’ve certainly never shied away from advocating for better justice outcomes for our city and our citizens, and I will always seek actions that protect Burlington, particularly in instances when people are hurt, or when officers are assaulted, or when repeat offenders are involved and our city and our citizens — and the repeat offenders themselves — are being failed by what we’re all currently doing,” Murad wrote. ➆
welcome the chance to really do this all together.”
It will ultimately be up to lawmakers to craft legislation to change the way money is allocated to schools.
Under Vermont’s current funding formula, taxpayers vote on their school district’s proposed budget every year. Once a spending plan is approved, the state provides the money from its Education Fund, which is primarily filled by property tax revenue.
A foundation formula, meanwhile, would allow the state to determine how much it costs to educate each student and allocate that money to schools. Those funds would also come from property taxes.
Thirty-six states already use what’s known as a “student-based” foundation formula. Plans vary, but their basic structure is the same, according to Danielle Farrie, research director at the nonprofit Education Law Center in Newark, N.J.
States first conduct a study to determine the base level of funding needed for the typical student to meet state standards, Farrie explained. Then, to make the formula equitable, students who fall into high-needs categories are given additional funding. That typically includes those who qualify for special education, are living in poverty or are learning English, Farrie said. It could also include students in foster care or experiencing homelessness. Cost adjustments can be made to account for school characteristics, such as their size or those located in an area with a higher cost of living.
Finally, an adjustment is made to account for the fact that some districts are better able to raise revenue than others. The state could set a standard property tax rate, for example, and then subsidize districts that are less able to afford those taxes. The state could also cap the amount a local district is allowed to raise above the state allocation to make sure wealthier districts aren’t able to spend a lot more than poorer ones.
The base amount of per-pupil funding should be adjusted for inflation annually, Farrie said, and should also be reviewed every three to five years to ensure it reflects any changes that have been made to the state’s educational standards.
One possible pitfall, Farrie said, is when legislatures sign off on a well-crafted foundation formula plan but don’t fully fund it. That’s happened in a number of states, she said, including New Jersey, which passed a school funding reform bill 15 years ago but didn’t regularly adjust it.
New Hampshire is another state that has struggled with its foundation formula. A judge there determined in 2023 that the state’s base payment of $4,100 per student did not meet its obligations to provide students with an adequate education. The
court ordered the state to raise the amount to at least $7,356 per student. The case has been appealed to the New Hampshire Supreme Court. (Schools in Vermont, by comparison, receive an average of $16,900 per pupil annually from the state’s Education Fund.) Vermont has used a foundation formula before, from 1988 to 1997. The state chipped in a set amount of money per student to fund schools, but it wasn’t enough to provide an adequate education. That meant local towns had to raise extra money through property taxes.
Stowe and Killington were able to do so easily, while property-poor districts such as Worcester and Stannard struggled. In response, a group of students, taxpayers and school districts — including an 8-year-old girl from Whiting named Amanda Brigham — filed a lawsuit that argued the system denied children equal educational opportunities in violation of the state constitution.
The case, Brigham v. State of Vermont, went to the Vermont Supreme Court. In 1997, justices sided with the plaintiffs, ruling that the state — not local towns or school districts — was responsible for ensuring that all students had “substantial equality of educational opportunity.”
A foundation formula is intended to erase that discrepancy. Bruce Baker, a school finance expert and University of Miami professor, thinks the system could work for Vermont if it were well designed. The state’s current funding model, he said, is “upside-down and backwards.” That’s because it leaves it to taxpayers to uphold a child’s constitutional right to an adequate education, Baker said, when that responsibility should lie with the state.
The decision compelled lawmakers to pass Act 60, which created the statewide Education Fund and the general framework now in place. Instead of directing a town’s tax revenue to its local schools, all education property taxes are pooled together and doled out by the state to cover voter-approved local budgets.
But districts need to build their budgets — and taxpayers have to vote on them — before they know what the actual tax impact will be. That’s because the “yield,” the number that sets local property tax rates, isn’t calculated until later in the spring.
For the most part, when school district spending increases, local property taxes increase; when spending decreases, property taxes decrease. But because education dollars are pooled, higher-spending districts can actually increase the tax rates of lowerspending ones, a confusing phenomenon for local taxpayers.
In 2022, the legislature changed the funding formula via Act 127, a measure intended to account for the fact that certain students cost more to educate because of their needs. Under the law, students learning English and those living in poverty or in rural areas are given a higher “weight,” or counted as more than one student. The logic was that districts with a high number of weighted students would be able to provide more services without increasing taxes.
But that hasn’t been the reality.
Recent budget data show that higherpoverty districts are often the lowest spenders, Education Secretary Saunders told lawmakers last week.
“We would assume that those students that have higher needs will be getting additional resources and funding,” Saunders said. But “we’re not seeing that meaningful difference.”
Brooke Olsen-Farrell, superintendent of Slate Valley Unified School District in Fair Haven, knows firsthand the inequities of the current funding system. About 56 percent of Slate Valley students live in poverty, and the district consistently struggles to pass school budgets despite being one of the lowest spenders in the state. Last year, it took Slate Valley five tries for voters to sign off, which meant cutting more than half a million dollars from an already conservative spending plan. That translated to the loss of instructional assistants, a school nurse, a middleschool orientation camp, some bus service and bus monitors.
In an interview last spring, OlsenFarrell said it felt like “a cultural thing” in Slate Valley for some voters to automatically reject the first school budget plan. The majority of those voters don’t necessarily have animosity toward their local schools, Olsen-Farrell said, but are concerned with affordability and what they perceive as an overly complex education funding system.
At first glance, Olsen-Farrell said last week, her district could benefit from moving to a foundation formula, though she has questions about how it would be designed and implemented.
Lawmakers certainly will, too. Chief among them: Would the formula actually save money? In his inaugural address, Scott touted an “entirely new student-centered funding formula” that would “provide more and better opportunities for kids and get costs under control.”
Farrie, the New Jersey researcher, said a foundation formula wouldn’t likely do the latter — unless “some districts are going to get less.”
But, she noted, the prospect of some schools gaining funding at the expense of others is “a hard political lift.”
Still, administrators who see how the inequity of the current funding system is playing out in schools believe now is the time for a major overhaul.
“Something needs to change,” said Franklin Northeast superintendent Lynn Cota, whose high-poverty, rural district is also among the lowest spending in the state. “There is some concern about how this is going to play out, but we also realize it’s not sustainable for us to do nothing.”
surprise a lot of people. Classroom teachers are not equipped to handle the level of needs with which they are presented in their classrooms, but the cost of alternative education is substantial. More testing is not the answer. Early interventions, wraparound support for both children and their families, and earlier prevocational programs would make a difference. Early education funding is important. Teacher colleges and universities should also make greater effort to prepare future educators for diverse learners.
Carrie Caouette-De Lallo CHELSEA
I find it interesting that Burlington Mayor Emma Mulvaney-Stanak is actively suppressing the communications from the Burlington police chief for speaking the truth — a truth she didn’t like [“Mayor Mulvaney-Stanak Will Prescreen Police Press Releases,” January 9, online]. The police department is the only department whose sole job is providing public safety and not just political statements to support her political policies.
The chief is correct that the law-abiding, tax-paying residents of Burlington have been harmed and are continually
being harmed by Michael Reynolds. The police department is the only department (not the mayor, not the councilors, not the mental health system, not the court system, not State’s Attorney Sarah George) tasked with responding to community disruptions when residents are frightened or harmed.
There is a concept in retail of “marginal customer discomfort,” meaning how much discomfort a customer is willing to bear before they decide to go elsewhere.
In Burlington, I hope the city councilors are paying attention to “citizen discomfort.” We have long been a compassionate
community providing services to disabled and addicted people. At the same time, the residents of Burlington, the taxpayers and the law-abiding citizens have been repeatedly victimized by the antisocial behavior.
At some point in the not-so-distant future, the “marginal resident discomfort” might be greater than the desire to live here.
By now we all know people who have changed their behavior and no longer go downtown, go out at night, or use the parking garages, parks and buses.
STORY & PHOTO BY COURTNEY LAMDIN • courtney@sevendaysvt.com
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The Burlington Police Officers’ Association is calling on the city to better secure the police station after a sergeant was attacked by a knife-wielding suspect in the employee lobby last week.
The union wants a fence to be erected around the employee parking lot — a request officers say they’ve made in previous years but that has gone unheeded.
Joe Magee, deputy chief of staff for Mayor Emma Mulvaney-Stanak, told Seven Days last Thursday that the administration will discuss the request with the union and police leaders.
individual who clearly had the ability to do so,” the union’s statement said. Civilian staff also use the entrance.
A similar incident happened in November 2023, when a plainclothes officer “faced an assaultive individual” in the parking lot after a shift, the union said.
The officers’ concerns come amid ongoing discussions about the future of the station at 1 North Avenue, which, after three decades of use, is showing its age. The city, however, has limited money to renovate the station or build a new one.
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Kestrel is super focused on customer service and hospitality: having a customer come in, order what they please, then having them leave happier than when they arrived. It is more than just being friendly; it’s anticipating our customers’ needs and exceeding their expectations. at mentality extends into how we approach our food and coffee. It also extends into how we build our team, work with each other, and create a great culture and environment.
The sergeant, who was off duty and unarmed, wasn’t injured. In a statement posted online, the union called the unprotected entrance an “urgent safety deficiency.”
“The BPOA is deeply concerned about this matter, which underpins the daily dangers and sacrifices our members make to protect this City,” the statement said. “No one, including police officers, should be fearful of assault, injury and potentially death merely coming and going from their place of employment.”
The sergeant, whose identity was not disclosed, was reporting for duty just after 5:30 a.m. on January 14 when he entered the building and encountered a man later identified as 34-year-old Eric Jones of Burlington, police said. Jones, who showed no emotion, raised a meat cleaver above his head, police said.
A struggle ensued, and the officer wrested the weapon from Jones’ hands. Jones then attempted to stab the officer with a kitchen knife, which the officer grabbed and threw outside along with the cleaver before escaping himself, trapping Jones in the lobby. On-duty officers responded and took Jones into custody, police said.
“We are deeply grateful that our officer was not seriously injured or killed by this
A lack of funds, along with property boundary issues, have stymied previous efforts to build a fence around the employee parking lot, Chief Jon Murad said in an email. There are also optics to consider.
“To some, fences can appear divisive and unwelcoming which is obviously not the intent,” the union wrote in a follow-up statement to Seven Days . “We feel securing the employee entrance is necessary for the clear, ongoing safety concerns not to mention simply to prevent property destruction, for example previous vandalism to cruisers.”
Other departments, including South Burlington and Essex, have secure parking lots, the union added.
Meantime, crews were out the day after the attack installing additional locks on the entrance door, Murad said. The department is also considering installing privacy glass.
In an email to officers, which Murad shared with Seven Days, the chief sought to comfort his troops.
“The idea of being so vulnerable in the place where we’re all supposed to be safe is unacceptable,” he wrote. “People care that this has happened, and they care about all of you and the work you do. I am hopeful that we will be able to make additional changes on top of those we’ve already undertaken.” ➆
JUNE 13, 1941JANUARY 15, 2025
With great sadness we announce the peaceful passing of Frederick William Noonan on January 15, 2025, at the University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington, after a series of strokes.
Frederick lived a full, international life, sharing his vast knowledge and deep passion for classical music with all who crossed his path. His wit, generosity and infectious joie de vivre left an indelible mark on all he encountered. He will be deeply missed.
Born in Middlebury on
Rachel Burroughs
MAY 18, 1935JANUARY 16, 2025 UNDERHILL, VT.
Rachel Irene ompson Burroughs of Underhill Center, Vt., was born to Russell and Adeline ompson on May 18, 1935, in Barre, Vt., and passed away unexpectedly on January 16, 2025.
Rachel grew up in Newbury, Vt., and attended school at Newbury Center and Newbury High. She graduated from the University of Vermont School of Nursing in 1957.
Rachel worked tirelessly as a nurse throughout her life,
June 13, 1941, he grew up in Addison on his family’s dairy farm. He loved music and books from an early age and often read novels while doing his field work. He enjoyed telling the story of how he once drove the tractor into a ditch but finished the chapter he was reading before walking to the barn to get help. It’s hard to imagine now, but he and his sister, Ellen, used to drive the cows along Route 22A to their summer pasture. During one summer, he and Ellen painted the house while blasting Beethoven from the open windows, taking turns to run inside and flip the record over.
Frederick attended Northfield Mount Hermon School and Amherst College. After graduating, he was drafted into the U.S. Army and sent to the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, Calif., where he chose to study German rather than French, he said, “because it has no silent letters.” He spent several years in the Army Intelligence Corps in Germany, where he forged many dear friendships that endured his entire lifetime. His time in Europe sparked a desire to travel and see more of his own country.
including for the Vermont/ New Hampshire/New York Regional Perinatal Program in the 1980s. From 1968 to 1975, Rachel was a clinical
When he returned to the states, he traveled from the East to the West Coast and back again, riding the rails and seeking adventure along the way. He remembered one of the railcars carrying Caterpillar excavators, and he spent part of that ride sitting in the seat of a big yellow backhoe.
He enrolled as a master’s student in English literature at McGill University. Friends remember his apartment, opposite the library, as a vibrant social hub where people were drawn by the sounds of opera, engaging conversation and the comforting aroma of soup constantly simmering on the stove.
Frederick eventually made his way to New York City, taking jobs as a proofreader at Matthew Bender & Co., then as an usher and office worker at Lincoln Center, where he worked his way up to be associate director of programming, a position he held for more than 20 years.
In this position, using his deep love of song and the German language, he developed the most comprehensive lieder series ever presented in America. For the Mozart bicentennial, he cast and produced a remarkable
instructor at the University of Vermont’s Department of Professional Nursing. She was an invited presenter at many conferences on obstetrics, low birth weight and other maternal health care issues. She was devoted to improving the health and care of mothers and their children, and Rachel belonged to several professional associations, including the American Nurses Association, the Vermont State Nurses Association and NAACOG/AWHONN. Rachel continued to work in the medical field, including as a coder, at the University of Vermont until she was in her late seventies.
festival of eight early Mozart operas — three of which marked their American premieres. rough his visionary programming for the Mostly Mozart Festival and the Great Performers Series, he introduced many emerging artists, a number of whom would go on to be the leading lights of their generation.
rough “Live From Lincoln Center,” he telecast programs with Luciano Pavarotti, Joan Sutherland, Itzhak Perlman and Yo-Yo Ma.
To further immerse in his lifelong passion for Beethoven, Frederick translated the book Beethoven Remembered: e Biographical Notes of Franz Wegeler and Ferdinand Ries. It was the first time the entire book was made available in English, bringing a deeper understanding of the composer’s life and work to a wider English-speaking audience.
After leaving Lincoln Center, he worked as musical director for the 92nd Street Y in New York and as director of Landmark Performances, an organization dedicated to the restoration of the Town Hall in New York City to its former prominence as a classical music venue. He also acted
Rachel married the love of her life, Roland Burroughs, on August 8, 1957. ey bought their first house in 1963 in Underhill Center, where they have remained an active part of their community. ey have belonged to the United Church of Underhill since they moved to Underhill Center. Rachel has served on every committee at the church over her long years of service.
Rachel leaves behind her husband of 67 years, Roland Burroughs, and her children: Robin Simard, husband Allen, and their children, Jonathan and partner Cary; Christopher and wife Lizzy;
as a member of the jury for the prestigious Wigmore Hall International Song Competition in London. During his semiretirement Frederick spent time in England, as well as New York. He inherited a greeting card business from his sister in London, the cards specializing in vintage animal illustrations. It was through this venture that he met Richard Fry. Together they grew the business, making it the largest publisher of Louis Wain cat illustrations in the world. Cats were to become a central theme in their lives as they opened their home to more than 50 homeless cats — though not all at the same time! e delight and trauma of readying these needy creatures for adoption cemented the bond between Frederick and Richard. ey soon became permanent fixtures in each other’s lives, alternating between the art galleries and antique shops of London and the concert halls and creemee stands of Vermont.
When his mother died, Frederick returned to Vermont to live in the farmhouse where he had grown up. He became active in the classical music scene, joining
omas Burroughs, wife Kim, and sons Robert, wife Terra, and Jackson, wife Jessica; Wendy Burroughs and sons Alex and Parker Audet; Rand Burroughs, wife Nancy, and sons William and Nicholas; and Rebecca Curry, husband Jon, and children Jackson and Brooke. Rachel also leaves her four siblings and many nieces, nephews and great-grandchildren.
Along with her busy family life, Rachel was an avid birdwatcher, puzzler and musician. She was always ready for a game or a rousing singalong at a moment’s notice. Services will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2025, 11
the Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival board of directors. He went on to create the LCCMF Art Show to showcase Vermont artists during the festival and to raise funds to support the event. He was so committed to the art show that even after suffering a stroke in June, he was heavily involved in the organization and curation of the event through July and August. Nothing could stop him from presenting artists and sharing their work.
In the last few months, Frederick found joy in the quieter pleasures of life, such as jigsaw puzzles, BBC gardening programs and observing the birds at the feeders. Yet perhaps he was happiest of all tending his flower garden as the sun set behind the Adirondacks, at one with the breathtaking serenity of his beloved Vermont home. Frederick was predeceased by his parents and his sister, Ellen Noonan. He is survived by his very best friend, Richard Fry; his adored goddaughter, Julia Steinbach; and his extensive lifelong collection of art, curios and artifacts, some of which will be on show at a memorial service to be held later this spring.
a.m., at the United Church of Underhill, 7 Park St., Underhill, VT. ere will be a reception following the service at the church. Interment will be held in the spring at the Town House Cemetery, Newbury Center, Vt., at the family’s convenience.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the United Church of Underhill or the Harvest Crossing Affordable Housing Project. Donation checks can be made out to UCU or online donations can be made at secure.myvanco. com/YQFY/home. Housing project details can be found at harvestcrossing.org.
MAY 20, 1942JANUARY 10, 2025
It is with deep sadness that the family of Wesley McClellan share the news of his passing on January 10, 2025, from complications of Parkinson’s disease.
MARCH 5, 1944JANUARY 19, 2025
Hattie (Hill) Raymond peacefully passed away on Sunday, January 19, 2025, at the age of 80, at the McClure Miller Respite House, with her loving son by her side.
She was born in Clarendon, N.H., on March 5, 1944, to Henry and Florence (Phillips) Hill. She was the youngest of 10 children. Hattie grew up in Rutland, Vt., then moved to Burlington and Charlotte and settled in Williston.
Wes was born in Vancouver, B.C., on May 20, 1942, to Jean d’Arc LaBorgne and Wendell McClellan. He moved to New Hampshire at the age of 3. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1962 and was trained as a journalist. He moved to Vermont after his discharge to pursue his education at the University of Vermont. He was employed by the Burlington Police Department and the Animal Pathology Department at the UVM. He graduated from UVM in 1972 with a degree in education. He went on to receive a master’s degree in education and a master’s degree in administration from UVM. He was an educator to the core. He taught or was a principal in Colchester, Burlington, St. Albans City and Milton. He enjoyed all aspects of teaching, from elementary to high school, but always had a special place in his heart for middle school students. After
his retirement from public schools, he taught at Mater Christi School and then went on to volunteer for the guardian ad litem program as an advocate for children involved in court cases.
He leaves his wife of 57 years, Cecilia Valliere McClellan; his daughter, Miranda McClellan Dunn (Michael); his son, Mitchell McClellan (Jessica); precious grandchildren, Isabella and Jocelyn Dunn and Whitley and Tennison McClellan; and sisters, Margaret McClellan and Barbara Sheppard. He was predeceased by his brother, Raymond Anctil.
Wes’ family wishes to thank the staff at the Arbors at Shelburne for the wonderful care he received during his short stay.
As per Wes’ wishes, there will be no public services. His family will celebrate his life as our “Bright Light” privately.
Judith Cardinal, age 70, passed away on January 10, 2025, at the University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington, Vt. Born on June 26, 1954, Judith was known for her vivacious and humorous nature, always the life of the party and eager to lend a helping hand.
Cathy Ann Pawlowski, born on February 25, 1949, in Bridgeport, Conn., passed away in Burlington, Vt., on January 7, 2025.
Steven and his wife, Sandra Raymond, of Monkton, Vt.; and her grandchildren, Justin Raymond of Huntington, Vt., Jessica Raymond of Westford, Vt., Tyler Raymond of Bristol, Vt., and Eric Raymond of Cornwall, Vt. She leaves behind several cherished great-grandchildren, as well as her daughter-in-law Tina Raymond of Huntington, Vt. Hattie is also survived by two special friends, Debbie Paquette and Linda Shangraw.
A proud alumna of Burlington High School, Judith carried the spirit of community and generosity throughout her life. She was a social butterfly who cherished her relationships with family and friends.
Judith leaves behind a loving family, including her son, Michael, and grandchildren, Sophia, Gavin and Zoe. She is also survived by her siblings, Sue and Galen, Bob and Michelle, Butch and Pam, Wade and Maria, and Mary and Dan, along with many cherished nieces and nephews. Her mother, Mary Krause, preceded her in death.
A longtime Vermont resident, Cathy was an avid reader, a lover of movies and a talented fiber artist. She was a lifetime member of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America and a leader of the Arts and Crafts group at the Pines Senior Living Community, where she lived for many years and will be remembered for her quarterly “Season” cards.
She especially enjoyed ceramics, shopping for a good deal and working in her yard, which she kept beautifully.
Hattie was predeceased by her eldest son, Ronnie Raymond, and her beloved cats, Max and Iced Tea.
Hattie is survived by her son
The family will hold a private cremation ceremony. In lieu of flowers, donations in Hattie’s memory may be made to the University of Vermont McClure Miller Respite House, 3113 Roosevelt Hwy., Colchester, VT 05446.
Memorial services will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to local charities in Judith’s memory, honoring her love for helping others. Judith’s warmth and kindness will be dearly missed by all who knew her.
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Possessed of a deep compassion and love of life, Cathy often said, “ e world may not be fair, but I can make my part of the world fair.” She is survived by her brother, Kirk, and sister-in-law, Patricia, of Vancouver, Wash.; her son, Leonard, and his wife, Juno; and her beloved grandson, David, of Huntingburg, Ind. e family wishes to thank the staff of the University of Vermont Home Health & Hospice and the McClure Miller Respite House for the care they provided in her final months.
Share your loved one’s story with the local community in Lifelines. Post your obituary or in memoriam online and in print at sevendaysvt.com/lifelines Or contact us at lifelines@sevendaysvt.com or 865-1020 ext. 121.
Blue-collar cred propelled John Rodgers to Vermont’s No. 2 office. Is he Gov. Scott’s heir apparent?
Two days after he was sworn in as Vermont’s new lieutenant governor, John Rodgers traded his jacket and tie for a flannel shirt and Carhartt hoodie, then went to work at one of his three other jobs.
Rodgers, who is 59, slid behind the wheel of his rusty Ford 550 diesel dump truck and pulled onto the snowy dirt road that bears his family’s name. He was headed off into the frigid morning to plow driveways around West Glover — one way he augments the seasonal income from his primary trade, stonemasonry, and from sales of the hemp and marijuana he grows.
For several hours that Saturday, Rodgers navigated his powerful rig up long, steep driveways. With his right hand on the wheel and his left on the switch controlling the height and angle of the plow blade, he pushed snow into huge mounds with a combination of brute force and finesse.
Over the years, he has built a list of about 30 plowing clients, a workload that sometimes forced him to start his
days at 3 a.m. in order to make it in time to Montpelier, where he served in the legislature.
It’s the kind of work, along with farming and trades, that fewer and fewer lawmakers do anymore — a change Rodg-
A former conservative Democrat who had served in both the state House and Senate, Rodgers emerged from three years in political exile last year to run for lieutenant governor — as a Republican. His record of fighting for working-class Vermonters
I’m not a nativist, but I’m going to stick up for my culture.
ers thinks has created a divide between a legislature controlled by liberal Democrats and the people back home.
“There’s a lot of blue-collar Vermonters out there, and they don’t feel like they are being represented in Montpelier,” Rodgers said.
and his plainspoken, libertarian-tinged politics helped him tap into welling taxpayer anger to pull off one of the biggest political upsets in recent state history. He denied Progressive/Democrat incumbent lieutenant governor David Zuckerman a fourth term.
Rodgers’ November win exemplifies voters’ shift toward a more conservative politics focused on affordability, also evidenced by big Republican gains in the General Assembly. No incumbent lieutenant governor has been ousted in Vermont since 1815, a fact that Rodgers highlighted in his acceptance speech.
“If 209 years of history is any measure, I believe that my election proves that Vermonters from both parties want all of us to work together,” he said in the Senate chamber he now presides over. “We need to hush the noise from the left and the right and govern from the middle for the benefit of all Vermonters.”
But does a wisecracking, mustachioed snowplow driver with a safe full of guns and a freezer full of pot really represent the new middle of Vermont politics? Or was Rodgers’ victory a fluke, attributable more to an infusion of cash from wealthy Republican donors, the vocal support of a popular governor, and voters’ weariness with Zuckerman
and progressive policies he’s long championed?
The answers to those questions could determine not only whether Rodgers will be a successful lieutenant governor but also whether he is on track to add yet another job to his résumé: governor.
Rodgers grew up on a 400-acre dairy farm where his French Canadian ancestors settled in 1838. His family didn’t have much money, but they were self-sufficient. They cut firewood, raised food, and hunted and fished. They were part of a tight-knit community where people looked out for one another, he said.
Rodgers’ willingness to stand up for rural Vermonters has endeared him to his Northeast Kingdom constituents, according to Rep. Leanne Harple (D-Glover), who considers him a friend.
“We’re all very proud of John,” Harple said. “A lot of people feel like rural Vermont has been left behind a little bit, without a lot of people to speak up for us. John is that voice, and it resonates with people from both parties.”
Rodgers’ pride in being a fifth-generation Vermonter runs deep. But his attitude toward newer residents of the state has at times struck people as nativist.
During his campaign against Zuckerman, for example, Rodgers stressed that
while he was born and raised in the Green Mountain State, his opponent, the son of a surgeon, grew up in a wealthy suburb of Boston. Rodgers also paints animal rights activists and gun control advocates as recent arrivals who are trying to undermine the state’s long-held hunting and trapping traditions.
“I’m not a nativist, but I’m going to stick up for my culture,” he said.
Rodgers said he was taught early on to respect people from a wide range of backgrounds. His grandmother Ruth ran a bed-and-breakfast in the family home
advocated relentlessly for more humane hunting and trapping laws, making her the target of Rodgers’ most withering criticisms.
“There is a long history with John Rodgers being antagonistic and hostile toward people who are challenging the status quo,” Galdenzi said.
She is appalled that Rodgers won the lieutenant governor’s race. She is also disappointed that Gov. Phil Scott, despite calling for more civil and collaborative political discourse, supported someone she sees as so divisive.
She pointed to Rodgers’ scathing 2024 testimony against a bill designed to add some diversity to the state’s Fish and Wildlife Board, which has long been controlled by men who fish and hunt. Rodgers alleged that the bill was “founded in bigotry, classism and discrimination.” He likened the idea of installing people who don’t hunt on the board to putting a “white supremacist or a neo-Nazi on the social justice committee.”
Driving the hyperbole home, Rodgers concluded by saying the bill “would be one more step toward the cultural genocide of my people.” The bill didn’t pass.
Last week, Rodgers hung in his new Statehouse office the skull and antlers of a buck he shot on his property and a 31-inch lake trout he caught in Glover’s Shadow Lake, where he has a camp. Galdenzi believes this was a deliberate attempt to antagonize wildlife advocates. Informed of her outrage, Rodgers responded as he often does when an opponent takes offense at something he has said: He howled with laughter.
Rodgers said he has received many messages from people who appreciate the new décor and the message it sends. If Galdenzi doesn’t like it, too damn bad.
“That is part of my culture,” he said. “I am blunt and honest. I will own that. A lot of people can’t handle honesty, and she’s one of them.”
and hosted thousands of people from all over the world.
“I’d like you to find one of them that would tell you they were treated any way other than as family,” he said earlier this month, in the same room where those guests dined decades ago.
Yet even as he is welcoming to visitors and new residents, he can be dismissive, even harsh, when he speaks about people whose values clash with his. Exhibit A is Brenna Galdenzi, president and cofounder of Protect Our Wildlife. She moved from Connecticut to Stowe in 2010 and has
Rodgers graduated from Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Newport. Because his family couldn’t afford to send him to college, he attended a two-year trade school in New Hampshire. He returned home, started his stonemasonry business with a $750 rusty Chevy Blazer and some hand tools, and, by all accounts, worked his ass off. He married Brenda Brown, a nurse, and they built a modest home a mile and a half from the Rodgers family farm on 110 acres overlooking Daniels Pond. They raised their two boys there.
His first elected post, in the 1990s, was Glover’s collector of delinquent taxes, a role he pursued because he worried too many people were getting behind on their taxes and the town budget was suffering.
Even then, he said, he was concerned that property taxes were rising faster than wages and realized he’d need to be in Montpelier to address that. In 2000, he made his first bid for the House of Representatives, running as a Democrat, the party of his father and grandfather. He lost, which he attributes in part to a strong showing by rural Republicans who vowed to “Take Back Vermont” following the legislature’s historic vote to allow civil unions of samesex couples. He won on his next try, in 2002.
In the House, he served on the Committee on Institutions and Corrections for his entire tenure, while focusing on legislation he felt would improve the lives of his rural constituents. Bills he sponsored in his final term sought to change the definition of all-terrain vehicles, address the loss of hunting land and ban the use of lead fishing weights.
The legislation he’s proudest of includes sponsorship of a 2007 bill that allows beer with alcohol content higher than 8 percent to be sold in grocery stores. Vermont had restricted those sales to state liquor stores, limiting their distribution.
Rodgers worked on the legislation with Shaun Hill, owner of Hill Farmstead Brewery in North Greensboro. Deregulating sales of high-alcohol beers, such as robust-flavored stouts and ales aged in bourbon barrels, has been crucial to the brewery’s growth into a craft beer mecca. It fueled the rise of breweries such as the Alchemist, maker of the famed Heady Topper double IPA.
Another area of interest has been preventing the spread of invasive aquatic species such as Eurasian watermilfoil, an effort Rodgers says the state has not taken seriously enough. Shadow Lake property owners have worked for years to control milfoil with measures such as boat-washing stations. The efforts have been largely successful, though the species has reached water bodies around the state, including Lake Champlain.
Rodgers also was proud to vote for the state’s landmark 2009 bill allowing samesex marriage, but that came with a price. He lost his seat in the next election, in part because of opposition in his conservative, two-seat district. And, he said, he was too busy to campaign. He lost by one vote to Sam Young, a Democrat he endorsed. He dusted himself off and in 2012 was elected to the Essex/Orleans Senate seat
that had long been held by Vince Illuzzi, who stepped down to run for auditor.
His Senate tenure was noteworthy more for what he opposed than what he got passed, though he cast a crucial yes vote in the narrow passage of the 2013 aidin-dying bill.
Much of his energy, however, was spent trying to block bills that most of his Democratic colleagues were pushing. His fierce opposition to any restrictions on firearms often put him at odds not only with his party but also with Gov. Scott. He was so outraged by a suite of gun control measures Scott signed into law in 2018 that he threatened to run against him.
The gun bills were drafted and signed in response to the arrest of an 18-year-old
who had detailed plans to shoot up his former high school in Fair Haven. Two of the bills enabled police to seize guns from dangerous people. A third required background checks for private firearms sales, restricted sales of high-capacity magazines, banned bump stocks and increased the age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21.
Rodgers argued that the bills would restrict the rights of law-abiding Vermonters and were unconstitutional restrictions on the right to bear arms. During a press conference, Rodgers blamed new residents for attacking Vermont’s culture.
“When I was young, it seemed like the people ... moved here because they loved it here and they embraced our values and our heritage and our traditions,” he said.
He was the right guy at the right time.
“But it seems now that we’ve been overpopulated with folks who came here for different reasons and aim to take much of that away.”
He made good on his threat to challenge Scott but now says his half-hearted write-in campaign in 2018 was “not serious.” He received less than half of 1 percent of the vote.
He’s shown his support for guns in other ways, too.
During the pandemic, Rogers became disillusioned with the legislative process and was struggling financially. He appeared in a Senate committee session via teleconference wearing a T-shirt and dark shades. Propped against the wall behind him was an AR15-style rifle, complete with scope and a high-capacity magazine.
Rodgers said he doesn’t remember that meeting and guessed he probably had just left the rifle there because he’d recently been using it.
“Those are things I use when I have pests around,” he said.
Rodgers has never chaired a legislative committee. Getting such a role, he said, would have required him to be a “yes man” who followed leaders’ directives.
“I was elected to be a leader, not a blind sheep following the shepherd,” he said.
Patti Komline, a former Republican minority leader who worked closely with Rodgers for years, said he voted his conscience, not the party line.
“He’s not a party player,” she said.
Rodgers espouses a strong conservationist ethic. He manages parts of his sprawling property as wildlife habitat, including grassland favored by the bobolink, a species of bird in decline in Vermont due to habitat loss.
He heats his home primarily with wood harvested from his land. If he were to subdivide his property for development, he said, he could retire tomorrow. But he hopes never to do so.
Rodgers has long spoken up about the state’s poor track record on water pollution and the foolishness of allowing more development in areas with sewage systems that routinely are overwhelmed by heavy rains, allowing untreated waste to flow into waterways.
But some question whether he can really call himself an environmentalist. Rodgers opposed efforts to protect sensitive habitats in last year’s reforms to Act 250, the state’s signature land-use law. He argued that the changes would unfairly restrict development in rural areas while streamlining it for urban developers.
And while he says he supports “responsible renewable energy,” he claims that is not what has been developed in the state in recent decades.
Industrial-scale wind projects perched on mountaintops harm delicate ecosystems and headwaters, according to Rodgers. He also contends that their manufacture and installation lead to the release of more carbon than they prevent over their lifespans. The massive turbine blades are rarely recycled, he said.
His home and camp lie between the Sheffield Wind Farm to the east and Kingdom Community Wind to the west. He can see turbines from both of his properties.
Rodgers feels the same way about big solar. Covering fields or replacing swaths of forest with unrecyclable solar panels manufactured in China is equally irresponsible and more about corporate profits than concern for the environment, he argues.
He blames large-scale wind and solar projects for higher power costs, which he likens to a regressive tax that hurts lowincome people more than the wealthy.
Providing incentives for drivers to switch to electric vehicles is also
problematic, Rodgers added. They run on batteries produced with rare earth minerals mined in exploitative conditions overseas, which strikes him as creating the impression of environmental progress here at the expense of poor people elsewhere.
“The politics of perception do not satisfy me,” he said.
Such skepticism puts Rodgers well outside the orthodoxy of the modern environmental movement. The state’s leading environmental groups take a dim view of his legislative record.
In 2020, the last year he served, Vermont Conservation Voters gave Rodgers a lifetime ranking of 44 out of 100. This was in part because he opposed a provision of the Global Warming Solutions Act that allows people to sue the state if it fails to hit aggressive emissionreduction requirements. He also opposed a bill that requires corporations responsible for pollution to pay for the medical monitoring expenses of those exposed to toxic chemicals.
Lauren Hierl was executive director of Vermont Conservation Voters last year when Rodgers sat for an interview seeking the group’s endorsement. She said he brought up various concerns about the transition to renewable energy, including the exploitation of miners of rare earth metals for batteries.
The environmental and human damage caused by such mining is a valid issue and needs to be addressed, she said. But the impacts need to be balanced against the urgent danger to the climate of maintaining the status quo.
“All energy is a choice, and if you don’t move toward renewables, then you are choosing fossil fuels,” Hierl said.
Rodgers counters that he supports renewable energy projects that are properly sized and sited, result in actual net environmental benefits over their lifetime, and don’t cost significantly more. Using solar panels made in the U.S. and technologies such as geothermal heating and cooling are examples of beneficial alternative energy, he said.
Others who have watched Rodgers in action over the years have no doubt about his environmental bona fides.
When retired Agency of Natural Resources environmental regulator John Brabant blew the whistle on the Chittenden Solid Waste District for improperly disposing of ground-up glass instead of recycling it, most Democrats on the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy were too timid to take district leaders to task, Brabant said.
“They just sat there,” he said. “John Rodgers asked the hard questions.”
The district eventually reached a $400,000 settlement with the Vermont Attorney General’s Office.
The 2020 pandemic was personally and financially stressful for Rodgers.
When the legislature went remote, Rodgers struggled to fully participate because of slow internet speeds in Glover. In addition, he and Brenda had taken out a large loan in 2019 to buy the family farm from his uncle, with plans to reopen it as a bed-and-breakfast. COVID-19 travel restrictions killed that business plan, leaving them with significant debt.
To pay the bills, Rodgers spent less time on legislative duties and more hours hustling to complete construction projects for clients. He was also tending his growing hemp business with his son John. The pressure was intense.
“In his last term, he wasn’t happy at all,” former senator Bobby Starr recalled.
That January, Rodgers called a critic of his bill to ban teens from using cellphones a “clueless fuck” in an email. Rodgers argued that cellphones were the top killer of teens, for their role in fatal car crashes — though that turned out to be wrong.
In June 2020, after then-senator Chris Bray observed that Rodgers had not been attending committee meetings, Rodgers suggested in an email to colleagues that “any snippy little bitch” who wanted to criticize him should try to walk a mile in his shoes. The language drew a sharp rebuke from Senate leaders and Rodgers apologized. He denied, however, that the “ill-sounding” email was directed at any specific senator or was meant to be homophobic, as some suggested.
Then, as if to add insult to self-inflicted injury, Rodgers missed the filing deadline for the August Democratic primary for his Senate seat. He ran as an independent in the general election but came in fifth in the two-person district.
Rodgers has also struggled to transition his hemp business to the potentially more lucrative marijuana trade. He acknowledges dabbling in growing marijuana as a young man.
His state cannabis permit allows him to cultivate up to 1,250 plants outdoors and would also let him grow 1,000 square feet of plants indoors. But he doesn’t have the money to invest in an indoor grow, and the market for weed grown outdoors has been depressed by intense
competition and the preference of “bud snobs” for pristine indoor-grown weed, he said.
He turns some of his crop into joints he markets under his Farmers Underground label but sells most in bulk to retailers and manufacturers to make their own products.
In the barn that once housed his family’s 50 dairy cows, Rodgers now dries and processes his cannabis crop, which is proving to be more labor intensive than he anticipated. On a recent visit, dozens of the pungent plants hung from the rafters above an antique John Deere tractor, a log splitter, a snowmobile, a makeshift bar and a foosball table.
The combination of excessive regulations and depressed prices has made the marijuana business lackluster to date, he said.
“It’s a valuable part of the farm operation,” he said, “but it’s not enough to live on.”
After losing reelection in 2020, Rodgers focused on his businesses and keeping his head above water. At one point, he and his wife briefly put the Daniels Pond house on the market as a way to make ends meet.
He stayed connected with friends and supporters in the Statehouse and advocated for issues he cared about, including the rollout of the regulated cannabis market and hunting and trapping rights.
Supporters told him they missed his advocacy for rural Vermont in the Statehouse and invited him to speak at rallies.
“It all kind of mushroomed from there,” he said.
He announced his candidacy for lieutenant governor in July, but with a big difference: He’d run as a Republican. Borrowing a line from party switchers in years past, he said he hadn’t left the Democratic Party, the party left him.
The LG’s primary role is to step in if something happens to the governor or he is out of state. Otherwise, the $94,000a-year job is a largely ceremonial post that includes presiding over the Senate, breaking rare tie votes and having a say on committee assignments.
Rodgers says he wants to use the office to amplify the voices of people who don’t feel they’ve been heard, get more people
interested in serving in the legislature, and help Scott and lawmakers find common ground.
His 2024 campaign was able to raise money from Democrats and Republicans alike, pulling in $218,000, just a bit less than his incumbent opponent. Three governors endorsed him: Republicans Scott and Jim Douglas and Democrat Peter Shumlin.
James Ehlers, a former gubernatorial candidate who served as an adviser to his campaign, said the real reason Rodgers won was because he was relatable and embodies the kind of bipartisanship people crave right now.
“He was the right guy at the right time,” Ehlers said. “The public was hungry for
authenticity, someone they could identify with and trust, and John is that guy.”
Jim Dandeneau, the outgoing executive director of the Vermont Democratic Party, said he fully expects Rodgers to run for governor someday. But he attributed Rodgers’ win more to the infusion of cash from wealthy Republican donors and Scott’s strong campaign support than to any innate appeal Rodgers has with most voters.
“He did not offer solutions,” Dandeneau said. “He just said, ‘I’m mad at these guys, and you should be mad at them, too.’”
Dandeneau filed a complaint last week with Attorney General Charity Clark against Rodgers’ campaign. He noted that based on a December 16 financial filing, the campaign spent $67,000 more than it took in. A discrepancy that large suggests not just an error but “intentional obfuscation,” Dandeneau wrote in a press release.
“Vermonters deserve to know where that money originated,” he wrote.
Rodgers said his campaign team plans to get to the bottom of the problem with the Secretary of State’s Office this week and fix it, adding that the likely explanation is “nothing nefarious.”
“We want to make sure we get it right,” Rodgers said.
Rodgers says he’s been amazed by how many people have told him since the election that they think he should run for governor when Scott decides to step down.
While he’s ready now to step into the role if needed, he figures he’ll likely need at least two terms as LG to build support necessary for a successful run.
“I’d make a good governor,” he said. “I think I’d be good at it.”
Scott agreed, saying Rodgers has “all the attributes” to be the next governor, including a sensitivity to the struggles of rural residents that allows him to “feel what Vermonters are feeling.” He said Rodgers is “maturing and learning” since some of his previous outbursts, and he expected him to be “much more sensitive” to such concerns in the future.
For now, Rodgers says he’s focused on building bridges between the Scott administration and the legislature, where he still has strong ties.
After Rodgers’ inaugural speech, Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Baruth (D/P-Chittenden-Central) warmly welcomed him back and Sen. Alison Clarkson (D-Windsor) gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. She was disappointed he changed parties, she said, but she doesn’t view him as turncoat. She expected to be able to work well with him.
“I enjoyed serving with John,” she said. “He often brings people together with humor. He is one of the funniest people I know.”
Rodgers regularly performed at the annual legislative talent show and even tried his hand at standup comedy for a charity event, he said. He referred to his sense of humor in his inaugural.
“We have a lot of serious issues to deal with and hard choices to make, but that does not mean that we cannot laugh a little and try to have some fun while we do it,” he said.
Zuckerman, a Progressive/Democrat, described Rodgers as a “very chummy guy” and “plenty affable,” but he predicted the promised bridge building will be hard to achieve.
“I don’t know how well he’ll get along with Democrats, because he’s certainly burned a lot of bridges there,” Zuckerman said.
Starr, who was an ally of Rodgers for years, said he was also sorry to see him switch parties but figured he did it for the “pickup truck full of cash” needed to run for statewide office.
However, the idea of Rodgers one day becoming governor struck him as a stretch. Popular potential Democratic candidates such as State Treasurer Mike Pieciak are waiting in the wings.
“I don’t think he could beat Pieciak,” Starr said. “But I didn’t think he could beat Zuckerman, either.” ➆
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There may be more than one place, in this big and startling world, to nuzzle ostriches, snap alpaca selfies and scritch curlyhorned sheep while simultaneously skating mile after mile of ice trails through the woods. The only one I know is DOMAINE ENCHANTEUR (domaineenchanteur.com/ en; CA$18-25; free for ages 4 and under), the delightful and mildly psychedelic ice maze in rural Québec that doubles as a petting zoo and working apiary.
Open-air animal enclosures dot Domaine Enchanteur’s nine miles of Zamboni-smoothed ice trails, which corkscrew through ranks of pines, and a skateup ice shack sells freshly poured sugar on snow. A small bottle of honey is included in the entrance fee — something to do with its agritourism designation. During a midJanuary visit to the trails, I skated past a pack of teens in faded Montréal Canadiens hockey jerseys doing tricks while slurping their maple ta y. And I thought, rather
hyperbolically but not for the first time, This may be the greatest place on Earth
Ice skating has long been a specialty in Québec; Canada’s first commercial rink opened in Montréal in 1850. Skating trails such as those at Domaine Enchanteur are a more recent innovation that combines the reliability of rinks — whose shallow ice can be maintained far more easily than lakes or other open water — with a pleasurable sense of forward momentum, of going somewhere. In contrast with a glide through the forest, even the biggest rinks seem like hamster wheels. And in the years since Domaine Enchanteur opened, skating trails have popped up around the province, from far-flung forests to urban tracks in Montréal’s downtown core.
“The reason I love ice skating trails is the freedom … It’s just refreshing, it’s fun, because you’re not stuck in a circle,” Montréal skating instructor Jean-Philippe Eyelom said. Last season, he made the two-hour drive from Montréal to Domaine Enchanteur six times and said it’s his favorite place to skate. “You would think it gets crowded, but it’s so big. There are so many ways to go that you lose people, so it’s just you, the nature and the sound of your skates.” (If you’re seeking solitude, Domaine Enchanteur recommends coming before 11 a.m. or after 5 p.m.; weekend days can be packed.)
In the video tutorials he creates for his Instagram and TikTok accounts, @rollerbearding, Eyelom moves over ice with a wit and fluidity I tend to associate with simply “being Canadian.” Yet he insists it can be taught, adding that ice skating is having a moment right now in Québec and beyond. While he teaches both inline skating and ice skating, he says the ice skating classes he o ers at indoor Montréal skating rink ATRIUM LE 1000 (514-395-0555; CA$55 per person for 45-minute private lessons or CA$35 per person for private groups of three or more) generate far more interest. “Ice skating is way bigger,” he said. “A lot more people are just wanting to try.”
is article is part of a travel series on Québec. e province’s destination marketing organization, Bonjour Québec, is a financial underwriter of the project but has no influence over story selection or content. Find the complete series plus travel tips at sevendaysvt.com/quebec.
Located in the small community of Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel, the skating trails are about three hours and 20 minutes north of Burlington, in the Mauricie region that runs northwest from the St. Lawrence River between Québec City and Montréal. (See sidebar on page 32 for highlights of nearby city Trois-Rivières.)
Entrepreneurial local Jean-Pierre Binette opened them to the public in 1997, after a few years spent bootstrapping methods to create and maintain the natural ice. He’d bought the land in 1973 with plans to create a pine plantation. The land was
poorly suited to commercial tree cultivation, but many pines remain, some decked with DIY cutouts of Disney characters (Tinkerbell, Captain Hook) or the colorful lights installed in 2020 for night skating. Today, the operation is overseen by JeanPierre’s 36-year-old son, Marc-Antoine Binette.
“We were the first skating path in Québec, and people come from all over to visit: French, Germans, Japanese, everyone,” the younger Binette told me, adding that his own three small children love to visit the animals and help around the farm. “I hope someday that they might want to carry it on, but who knows?”
In addition to Domaine Enchanteur, Eyelom also recommends the nearly four miles of forest ice skating trails at LAC-DESLOUPS (patinageenforet.com; CA$12.1815.66) in the Outaouais region of southwest Québec, though those are nearly five hours from Burlington. With lights for night skating, there is more than a mile of ice skating trails through the woodsy PARC JOHN-H.-MOLSON (450-227-0000, ext. 4000; free) in downtown Saint-Sauveur, a tourist hub in the Laurentian Mountains northwest of Montréal.
Not all the skating trails are such a haul for Vermonters to reach. In the town of Magog, perched at Lake Memphremagog’s northern outlet, the 1.7-mile skating trail
LE SENTIER GLACÉ (ville.magog.qc.ca; free) loops through a waterfront park wedged between the lake and its tributary, the Rivière aux Cerises. Last winter, I spent an afternoon gliding around the maintained skating path with friends, pausing to warm up at one of the park’s trailside heated cabins.
Among Montréal’s nearly endless options for skaters, two trails stand out. Since 2022, the festival MONTRÉAL EN LUMIÈRE (February 27 to March 9; montrealenlumiere.com; free; skating loop closed March 3 to 4) has featured a first-ofits-kind elevated skating loop that soars for 1,000 feet through the Place des Festivals, with sound-and-light elements that lend the after-dark scene a disco feel. And on Montréal river island Île Sainte-Hélène, the quarter-mile PARC JEAN-DRAPEAU SENTIER DES PATINEURS (parcjeandrapeau.com; free) winds through trees just across the water from the city’s historic waterfront. Lending extra drama, the southern end of the skating trail curves around the towering sculpture “Trois Disques I,” whose dance-like forms were created in unpolished stainless steel by American sculptor Alexander Calder for the city’s Expo 67. Crucially, both Montréal skating trails are refrigerated, which means their ice outperforms the natural stuff when winter temps fluctuate. “The trail can open earlier in the season and stay open longer,”
“How did you end up here?” asked Claude Beaudoin, organist at Trois-Rivières’ soaring, green-spired, 19th-century CATHÉDRALE DE L’ASSOMPTION (diocese-trois-rivieres.org), which I’d visited to see its celebrated collection of Italian stained-glass windows. “I’m guessing there are no signs in Vermont that read: ‘This way to Trois-Rivières.’”
It’s true that on previous visits to Domaine Enchanteur, which is located just outside the city of 139,000 people, I’d swung through its swath of uninspiring outskirts and beelined for the skating trails. I was bypassing all the good stuff. The second-oldest French-speaking settlement in North America is a congenial St. Lawrence River port whose compact downtown retains a handful of beautiful 18th-century buildings, survivors of a fire that swept through the center in 1908.
The 1723 MANOIR DE TONNANCOUR now houses the modern art gallery GALERIE D’ART DU PARC (galeriedartduparc.qc.ca; free), while a 1715 former hospital is the MUSÉE DES URSULINES (musee-ursulines.qc.ca; CA$9-13, free for ages 12 and under), dedicated to the history of the Ursuline Sisters, whose order arrived in the city in 1697.
The nearby 1822 prison that operated through 1986 can be visited on 1.5-hour guided tours for visitors ages 8 and older via MUSÉE POP (museepop.ca; museum, CA$11-18; prison tours, CA$14-22; free for ages 4 and under), whose own exhibits focus on Québécois culture. In summer, there’s one English-language guided tour of the prison each day; in the winter, call 24 hours in advance to check availability. The museum has somewhat inconsistent English signage.
Speaking of language, Trois-Rivières has a reputation as one of the province’s most Francophone cities, but considerate English speakers will do just fine. Make even the smallest effort in French, and “Trifluviens will bend over backwards to reply in English,” replied one local
explained Audrey Beaumont, a communications consultant at Parc Jean-Drapeau. To build it, a team freezes several layers of water on a temperature-controlled substructure, then sprays and smooths to keep the surface glideable.
Earlier this winter, days after a melt that sapped Montréal’s snowpack, I skated the Sentier des Patineurs under a sky of low clouds, circling views of the Old Port’s silvered roofs and historic domes. The French lyrics of Québécois and Acadian country music twanged from speakers along the trail. The ice was smooth and the trail quiet, ideal for the beginning skaters tottering on rental skates (CA$10.50-14.95) from a nearby pavilion.
Some were leaning on triangular supports (CA$5.49-8.99) designed to keep novices from sprawling across the ice. Eyelom suggests total newbies start at a rink, where the surface tends to be more consistent. Nervous skaters can find their
when I queried the city’s subreddit about language norms.
Practice your “bonjour” at the cozily wood-clad brewery-restaurant LE TEMPS D’UNE PINTE (letempsdunepinte.ca), where I savored a delicate trout tartare with salad (CA$24) alongside the brewery’s light, bright tropical IPA Long Nose (CA$7.50). Blistered pies sized generously for one come with classic Italian toppings (CA$11-28) at PIZZERIA NAPOLITAINE NO 900 (no900.com).
Before leaving town, I stopped for a smoked salmon bagel (CA$13.95) at LE RENARD CAFÉ + BUVETTE (lebuck.ca). Decorated with a tongue-in-cheek country style, the café is the easygoing little sibling of LE BUCK, an upscale gastropub in a low-ceilinged, wood-planked 1757 heritage building that specializes in rustic French dishes such as duck breast with foie gras (CA$42) and steak frites (CA$38).
Having looked for a spot within walking distance of the riverfront, restaurants, bars and the historic area, I stayed in the 28-room HÔTEL OUI GO! (hotelouigo.com; from CA$174) that occupies the landmark 1910 Balcer Building, built just after the 1908 fire. A few hefty mementos testify to its decades as a bank, such as the old vault door that hides the hotel’s housekeeping closets.
To learn more about visiting TroisRivières, visit tourismetroisrivieres. com/en. Find info on the surrounding Lanaudière-Mauricie regions at quebecauthentique.com/en.
balance by gripping the dasher boards at the edge of the ice. On some winter weekends this year, he’ll hold court at the Jean-Drapeau skating trail, offering tips to anyone who skates up (free drop-in clinics 2:30-4:30 p.m. on January 25 and 26; February 1, 2, 8 and 9; and March 1, 2, 8 and 9).
When I reached Eyelom by phone to talk about ice skating, however, he was visiting Las Vegas. I looked up the city’s forecast — 50s, sun, blue sky scrubbed of clouds, a perfect winter day in the desert. I was freezing in my car in Trois-Rivières, on my way to Domaine Enchanteur, phone clumsy between mittened hands.
“How is the weather there?” Eyelom said. I described the crisp, clear day, conditions ideal for outdoor ice. My pocket was heavy and cold, filled with quarters to buy animal feed. After I hung up, I planned to drive 20 minutes north for an afternoon skate.
“Oh, wow,” he said, “I’m jealous.” ➆
86% of the VTANG fire department’s emergency responses are civilian-related
Number of full- and parttime employees who work at the VTANG base
$65 million
The annual sum of salary and benefits for base employees #1
The VTANG’s solar array is the largest in the Air National Guard
20% of assigned personnel are women
50% of first sergeants are women
If you’ve ever flown in or out of Patrick Leahy Burlington International Airport, you’ve benefited from the presence of Vermont’s Air National Guard base, home of the 158th Fighter Wing. Its hangars are visible across the tarmac from the BTV terminal.
The base is best known as the home of 20 F-35 fighter jets, but it also houses another fleet of equipment that’s more important to Vermonters’ daily lives — its state-of-the-art firefighting and emergency support vehicles. The newest of the base’s four fire trucks cost roughly a million dollars.
If there’s an emergency at the airport or on the runway with a civilian plane, it’s VTANG’s fire and rescue unit that responds.
In fact, the unit is also the primary agency responsible for 911 calls from nearby South Burlington neighborhoods, and it provides backup for first responders throughout Chittenden County, from Winooski to Williston to Shelburne.
In 2024, the VTANG fire department fielded more than 1,000 calls, including approximately 500 emergency responses, with 86 percent of those being mutual-aid responses in the community, according to Lt. Col. Meghan Smith, VTANG’s public affairs officer.
The department is staffed by 27 rigorously trained professionals, many of whom also serve on volunteer fire and rescue squads in the communities where they live. Those towns benefit from the top-notch training the department provides. Fire chief Brannon Soter estimates that it costs between $5 million and $6 million a year to run the department — money that comes from the federal government, not local property taxes or the airport.
“A lot of people don’t know about who we are and what we do, or what we’re able to do,” Soter said. “It just benefits everybody around.”
The base brings other assets, too, for Vermonters and our allies around the world. Read on for more examples.
The VTANG base employs 400 full-time and 600 part-time staff members, compensating them with a combined $65 million in pay and benefits.
Many of them are from Vermont, like fire chief Soter, but some live in other states and travel here to complete their service requirements. When they do, they stay in local hotels, said Col. Daniel Finnegan, 158th Fighter Wing commander.
Finnegan noted that people sign up to serve in Vermont because the base has a good reputation among service members who want to fly or work with the F-35s. They know “the people they’ll serve alongside are smart, experienced and motivated,” he said.
The F-35s are also an asset when it comes to receiving federal funds — the number of flights that take off and land at the airport increases the overall airport activity, which is a factor in receiving funds from the Federal Aviation Administration. Leahy BTV has received tens of millions of dollars in FAA grants in recent years, many of them thanks to retired senator Patrick Leahy. Losing the jets would put those and future grants at risk.
The VTANG base is powered, in part, by solar energy. “We currently have the largest operating solar array in the Air National Guard,” Col. Finnegan said. Thank U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for that — he facilitated an $8.8 million grant to build it.
The solar panels produce about a quarter of the base’s energy needs. That’s expected to rise to a third upon completion of a $2.8 million expansion, funded by the Energy Resilience & Conservation Investment Program. It also includes a storage system that will be able to supply power to the fi re and rescue station in the event of an emergency at the airport.
generate energy as “a significant step forward” for his fighter wing. “By leveraging renewable energy sources, we are not only reducing our carbon footprint but also ensuring that our fire station can maintain operations during power outages. This is a win for both the environment and our mission readiness.”
All told, the expansion project will bring the base close to covering a third of its electrical needs with renewable sources.
“This is more than just energy savings,” Finnegan emphasized. “It’s about setting a standard for how we can continue to integrate renewable energy to support our mission, safeguard our facilities and contribute to a sustainable future for Vermont.”
Most guard units have one strategic partnership with another, smaller nation — a country that benefits from U.S. training and assistance. Vermont works with three countries: Austria, North Macedonia and Senegal. The VTANG medical group went to Senegal for a couple months to run field clinics, for example.
The base also uses geothermal heat pumps to efficiently heat and cool multiple facilities. Beta Technologies, the electric aircraft startup that’s also based at the airport, uses more geothermal power, but the base has had it longer. Said Finnegan proudly, “We can still say we were first.” Finnegan sees boosting the base’s ability to
These partnerships give Vermonters an opportunity to serve not only their home state but also others around the world. The guard also fulfills other strategic assignments: A third of its members are currently deployed to Japan and other areas around the globe.
Chief Master Sgt. Jeffrey Steadman grew up on a dairy farm in Monkton and now lives with his family in Vergennes. “This has really made the difference for me.”
The guard helped him earn a college degree. His kids grew up around the base; it felt like a family. “The guard can be a perfect fit for a lot of people,” he said. ■
Get to know Winooski’s Howl Bier in three drinks and a snack
BY JORDAN BARRY • jbarry@sevendaysvt.com
The era of lining up for a hyped hazy IPA release thankfully seems to be over. Sure, an Instagram post teasing a rare drop can still bring out the beer geeks. But now they’re going to Howl Bier, and they’re showing up for lager.
The cozy new taproom on the Winooski rotary certainly beats standing in the cold. The sun streams in through huge windows, filtered by lush green plants hanging above communal tables. A hopsdraped arch, a family heirloom cuckoo clock and a glimpse of the Bavarian Alps complete what Wilson Ballantyne called “Euro-cottage vibes.”
Co-owners Ballantyne and Matt Wiley lean hard on their travels through Europe’s best beer cultures to bring that vision to the Vermont beverage scene. The duo, who met working at Magic Hat Brewing in 2015, like to show o what they found in the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Austria, Switzerland and Germany, from the relaxed public-house environment to snacks such as obatzda, a Bavarian beer cheese. Oh, and a special keg of beer or two.
Just over two months into its run in the upstairs part of the former Archives space, Howl is already proving that it can draw a savvy beer industry crowd, scoring rare imports such as Brasserie Dupont’s Bons Voeux, a boozy holiday saison once reserved for the Belgian brewery’s regulars. Howl also has some of Vermont’s most sought-after sips, with a couple of Hill Farmsteads on tap and bottles of Freak Folk Bier and Wunderkammer Biermanufaktur in the cellar.
The beer list by itself is enough to build Howl’s street cred. But the co-owners also highlight over-the-top-nerdy details reminiscent of the early days of craft beer hype: The date of the most recent draftline service is stamped in red at the top of each menu. Your beer will be poured from the proper type of tap; while the custom system has just 12, they include specialized German slow-pour faucets, LUKR faucets and NukaTap faucets. And you’d better believe it will be served in the right glass — or big, burly mug.
“Those subtle parts of our approach are fun for us,” Ballantyne said. “But they also show how damn important it is for us to take the high-quality products we’re
JED DAVIS, owner and managing partner of two Vermont restaurant groups, plans to add three new eateries to his Chittenden County portfolio in 2025. The FARMHOUSE GROUP, which owns downtown Burlington’s EL CORTIJO TAQUERIA, the FARMHOUSE TAP & GRILL, and PASCOLO RISTORANTE and South Burlington’s GUILD TAVERN, will open a second Farmhouse Tap & Grill in Williston this spring. Davis’ newer group, AWESOME TIMES, runs locations of fast casual BLISS BEE in Williston and South Burlington. It is poised to open a second South Burlington Bliss Bee within the next month or so and launch Italian American restaurant SPAGHET RED SAUCE JOINT in Williston this fall.
Davis, 49, opened his first restaurant, the Farmhouse Tap & Grill, in a renovated McDonald’s on Bank Street in Burlington in 2010. He said he now employs more than 200 people over his two groups, which will operate nine Chittenden County restaurants by the end of 2025.
The three new spots are all suburban. The second South Burlington Bliss Bee is at 258 Market Street. The Williston Farmhouse will be at 282 Holland Lane in the Finney Crossing spot formerly occupied by Railroad & Main, which closed late last year.
The 60-seat Spaghet will be in a new
Finney Crossing building, currently under construction, within view of the Farmhouse. Davis called it “super casual” with “reasonably priced” comfort-food favorites, such as baked ziti and stu ed shells, available for takeout and table service.
The restaurateur said he sees plentiful growth potential in Williston: “There’s new housing as far as the eye can see.”
By contrast, Davis described downtown Burlington restaurants and shops as needing support to face “what I would call potentially an existential crisis ... It seems clear that the Chittenden County customer is less interested in visiting our downtown for a variety of reasons,” Davis said. “Just the entire experience is very di erent than it was several years ago.
“We’re not going anywhere, but it is challenging,” he concluded.
Melissa Pasanen
By mid-spring, a new natural wine-focused bar and retail shop will open
Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Instagram: Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.
If we can get food and agriculture right in Vermont, we can get a lot right! Join us at the 43rd annual NOFA-VT Winter Conference to grow grassroots power for a more resilient food system with other farmers, gardeners, students, land stewards, policy-makers, activists, and educators. Learn More and Register Today at
trying so hard to get our hands on and follow all the way through.”
Beer nerddom isn’t for everyone, but if your requirement for a pint is just “is beer,” you’ll still have fun at Howl. Heck, Guinness has its own section of the menu with a description that simply says, “It’s Guinness.”
Not drinking? No problem: Howl’s nonalcoholic ode to the IPA sits right under its flagship lager in the “haus bier” section. Gluten intolerant, or just not a beer person? There’s a small yet interesting wine and cocktail list, and you can build your own spritz.
Healthy Living’s beer and wine buyer, Micaiah Burkey, recalled when a local sales rep first told him about Howl’s concept — a beer bar on the rotary focused on lagers and low-ABV beers. He wasn’t sold.
“To be brutally honest, with the way the industry is right now, I was like, ‘Man, is this gonna work?’” Burkey said. “Especially in that cursed location.”
He was referring to the fact that Howl’s spot has been home to a series of bars since Oak45 opened there in 2013 — a running joke tied to the perception that the east side of the rotary is pretty sleepy.
But Howl fits seamlessly into Winooski’s bustling beverage scene, part of a little bar crawl up that no-longer-sleepy stretch from Standing Stone Wines to McKee’s Original. And the neighbors have been nothing but supportive, Ballantyne said: Mule Bar co-owner Troy Levy let the biz borrow a keg coupler when one went missing.
convert. He’s had a weekly pint at Howl since it opened. The taproom fits a trend he’s noticed around the country, he noted: community-first watering holes that focus on mindful drinking.
“It’s what Specs is doing, too,” Burkey said of the café, bar and beverage mart on the other side of the rotary. “They’re tastemakers. They’re at the cutting edge of what’s now a pretty mature industry here in Vermont.”
Burkey, who runs the Instagram account @drinkingvermont, quickly became a
On a recent morning before Howl opened for the day, Ballantyne took a break from prepping housemade bread dough in the tiny “kitchen” — basically an induction burner and a convection oven — and lead bartender Rose Walterbach sat down at the bar. Together, they shared a sampling of Howl’s o erings. Spoiler: It’s
Howl Via Queen City, unfiltered pale lager, $8 per 17 ounces, $6 per 11 ounces or $16 for a 32-ounce masskrug
If you’re going to call yourself a lager bar, you’ve got to deliver the crisp, smooth, sippable suds. Howl’s first “haus bier,” a hazy, pale lager brewed from Wiley’s recipe at Burlington’s Queen City Brewery, is exactly that.
“We’re trying to keep it as simple as possible. It’s about tradition and what got us to where we are in the beer industry,” Ballantyne said. “It meant a lot to us to work with someone local, and we know Queen City does Euro-style beers really well.”
Ballantyne said. “With lager bier, you can’t hide mistakes. They really leaned into our approach.”
The tap house’s take on a German kellerbier, Howl Via is unfiltered and naturally carbonated with one hop and one malt — the beer’s raw form.
The collab is a stamp of approval for Queen City from Howl’s high-standards team. It hinged on the brewers’ willingness to follow Howl’s requirements that the beer be naturally carbonated and transferred with gravity instead of mechanical pumps.
“You’re treating something that’s very fragile with the handling it deserves,”
Howl has one tap line dedicated to hoppy beers — currently Montréal-based Messorem’s Frigorifié et Précaire IPA. But lagers are increasing in popularity, Walterbach said. Even in Vermont, home of the IPA explosion, “people want low-ABV,” she said. “You want to be able to go out and have a couple beverages with your friends and still be able to enjoy an evening, not call it at eight.”
“We’re not pushing consumption,” Ballantyne added.
Air Quotes, nonalcoholic, IPA-inspired sparkling tea, $6 per 10 ounces
In fact, Howl’s nonalcoholic “haus bier” was so popular that the keg kicked in a day and a half. While it’s tempting to blame Air Quotes’ popularity on Dry January, it’s just really good. Whether for sober folks stopping in or DDs parked in the convenient garage, this is a tasty, unique alternative.
Now in its third iteration, Wiley’s ingenious sparkling tea beverage looks like any other hazy IPA in the glass, foamy head and all. The trick is a base of decaffeinated green tea and fresh citrus juice, dry-hopped with Nelson Sauvin, which gives a similar body and mouthfeel to a big, boozy IPA.
“It’s brighter than some of the canned NA IPAs,” Ballantyne said. “The industry is so focused on making an alcoholic beverage and then taking the alcohol out of it, which is kind of a rough process — and expensive. For us, it’s like, Why bother with all of that?”
Wiley brews up batches of Air Quotes in the taproom’s walk-in cooler, dry-hopping it just as a brewer would when making
beer. The staff loves it, Walterbach said — especially an early caffeinated version — but it’s been so popular that they’ve had to limit how much they drink.
Alpine Negroni, $13, and 5th Quarter
Butchery + Charcuterie’s knockwurst, $7
As much as the Howl team likes beer — and NA beer — it knows some customers don’t. With a full liquor license, the bar is able to knock out a few special cock
A several-gallon Barr Hill-branded barrel sits behind the bar, full of the Montpelier distillery’s honey-based gin, vermouth, black-walnut bitters and a house blend of amari. The resulting Alpine Negroni is full of the herbal flavors of the beer regions Howl celebrates and softer than a traditional Negroni, with touches of chocolate, roasted walnut and wildflower honey.
Like liquor, food isn’t the focus at Howl. But Ballantyne, a New England Culinary Institute grad and co-owner of Barre’s
excellent Pearl Street Pizza, has dreamed up a few high-quality snacks that match the taproom’s concept. He’s quick to say Howl isn’t a restaurant; the house-fermented pickles, cheese selection and small plates are more Bavarian brotzeit — “bread time,” or hearty snacks between meals — than dinner. Still, one could eat a whole bunch of knockwurst, made for Howl by Waitsfield’s 5th Quarter Butchery + Charcuterie.
The snappy, lightly smoked sausage comes topped with Ballantyne’s sauerkraut, just one of the ways he stretches the season by fermenting produce from farms such as Brookfield’s 1000 Stone Farm. The snack also features a creamy, hollandaise-ish beer mustard with a heavy dose of toasted caraway that Walterbach said “goes with everything.”
“No frills,” Ballantyne said. “Just food that goes well with beer.”
Or cocktails, or creative nonalcoholic sips. It’s all something to howl about. ➆
Howl Bier, 45 Main St., Winooski, instagram.com/howl.bier
at 202 Main Street in Burlington. In the space most recently occupied by the Other Half, BAR RENÉE will help fill the void left by the abrupt closures of Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar and Cheese & Wine Traders last year, owner ALEX LEOPOLD told Seven Days.
Leopold, 34, moved to Burlington three years ago from California’s Bay Area with his wife, CLAIRE, and has been looking for the right location ever since. The front two-thirds of the space will be a wine bar, with a small retail selection in the back.
Leopold sees his offerings as complementing those of WILDER WINES and other local natural wine retailers. His main inspiration is Oakland’s industry-leading wine bar and shop Ordinaire, where he was a manager.
“That’s where I really got hooked and learned the most about the community around natural wine — all the great producers and the fun and energy that ... wine can bring to a place,” he said.
Leopold hopes to work with his West Coast contacts to source unique wines mainly from France and elsewhere in Europe, which he’ll serve alongside wines, ciders and coferments from Vermont, plus a couple beers on tap, nonalcoholic options, cheese, charcuterie and other local snacks.
He plans to open by noon, so patrons can have a glass of wine while working or reading. In the late afternoon, “we’ll dim the lights and make it a little more cozy,” he said. “It will be a comfortable, low-key, make-it-what-you-will bar experience.”
Jordan Barry
Former HONEY ROAD chef de cuisine ELLIOT SION will open the WISE FOOL at 260 North Street in Burlington’s Old North End in mid-February. Sion, 36, will offer a takeout-only menu of Middle Eastern street food, such as shawarma, falafel and shawarma-loaded fries, while he completes a major dining room renovation. He expects to open with seating and a full bar in the second half of 2025, but the restaurant will remain casual with counter service.
Since 2016, the space had been occupied by Shinjuku Station, which closed in December. According to the restaurant’s now-defunct website, owner
Mao Hartwell returned to her native Japan to care for her mother.
Sion grew up in Manhattan eating Middle Eastern food at home and from the city’s ubiquitous halal street carts. His father is originally from Egypt, and
open Honey Road, whose chef/co-owner, CARA CHIGAZOLA TOBIN, he met when both worked for the same Boston-area restaurant group.
The chef noted that most of the Wise Fool menu will be street food-inspired. After a career so far focused on fine dining, Sion said he wants to provide affordable, casual food. He plans to be open Wednesday through Saturday with late-night hours.
The Wise Fool will do some pop-ups in and around Chittenden County before it opens. Follow @thewisefoolbtv on Instagram for updates.
After a closure of more than a year, Montpelier’s CAFÉ NOA reopened last week with a pair of cousins originally from India at the helm under the guidance of the café’s chef-founder, JOE BULEY. SADANANDA HIRA and AMIT MOJUMDAR offer a classic American breakfast and lunch menu from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily, except Tuesdays.
Buley, 61, opened Café NOA at 8 Putnam Street in February 2023 as a sister business to his wholesale soup company, JOE’S KITCHEN AT SCREAMIN’ RIDGE FARM. Nine months later, staffing shortages led him to close the 75-seat spot to walk-in customers.
“The soup business was suffering,” Buley said. The café continued to host private events and do catering and opened for eclipse weekend.
In the meantime, Hira, 30, had been renting kitchen space from Buley to make sushi for HUNGER MOUNTAIN CO-OP. He expressed interest in reopening the café and recruited Mojumdar, 36, who moved from New York, where he had been working in restaurants, for the opportunity. The pair grew up together in Calcutta and call each other brother.
“Me and my brother both are chefs, and we would like to improve and do something with our life,” Mojumdar said.
Buley, who is subletting the café to the cousins, said he knew Hira was motivated and organized from watching him manage his sushi business. “I really wanted to see the place up and running,” he said.
his mother was born to a Syrian family in Lebanon.
He first came to Burlington to attend the University of Vermont but left to enroll in the Culinary Institute of America. Sion returned in 2017 to help
Once peak soup season is over, Buley said, he’ll probably start smoking brisket and pulled pork and making deli meats for the café.
Café NOA is active on Instagram and has a new phone number: 223-1538.
Inspired by their young son, a Shelburne farm family grows and sells Poppin’ Charlie’s popcorn
BY MELISSA PASANEN pasanen@sevendaysvt.com
Passing by Lapierre Farm on Route 116 in Shelburne during late summer, a driver might spy two acres of corn and assume it’s feed for cows, or maybe sweet corn for the Lapierres’ roadside farmstand.
Both guesses would be wrong.
Since 2023, Andy Lapierre, 42, and his family have raised a pretty unusual Vermont crop: popcorn. They started selling their first 3,500-pound harvest a year ago through half a dozen local stores for about $11 a pound. Packaged in a neat kraft paper bag with an oval window revealing white or yellow kernels, Poppin’ Charlie’s name nods to the precocious idea “man” behind the product.
Lapierre grew up on the 330-acre former dairy farm his family has owned for more than a century. One fall day in 2022, he recounted, his then-four-year-old son, Charlie, suggested, “We should try growing popcorn.” When he asked Charlie how much of his favorite snack they should grow, his son replied with conviction, “The whole field.”
It’s been well over two decades since the Lapierres have made a living from the farm, but Andy and his father, Claude, still raise hay. They also grow about six acres of pumpkins, mostly jack-o’-lanterns, which the family sells from their seasonal farmstand and through Claussen’s Florist, Greenhouse
& Perennial Farm in Colchester. Andy’s wife, Ali, co-owns that business with her father.
Ali was up for the popcorn experiment though not quite as convinced as Charlie of the need to grow two acres of the novel crop. Her husband said he decided to go for it on the grounds that “the bigger the trial, the more likely the success.” He acknowledged that the driver was not so much potential income but to “support our son’s passion for popcorn and his desire to grow his own.”
Andy sourced several non-genetically modified popcorn varieties from his seed dealer and was able to use his pumpkin planter to sow them. He borrowed equipment to harvest, dry and then shell the corn after it dried fully on the cob. “It’s a lot of handwork that takes a lot of time,” the farmer observed, which contributes to a price per pound about double that of non-GMO, Midwest-grown popcorn.
Many customers seem OK with paying the premium, said Gary Mashia of Hinesburg’s Lantman’s Market, who recently placed a reorder. Andy said the family has sold about a third of its inventory, which includes last summer’s smaller, weather-impacted harvest.
Charlie, now 6, is very proud of his popcorn, his dad said, though he’s not yet able to help much with all the labor. “He’s more moral support,” Andy said with a laugh.
His son does enjoy helping feed corn into the sheller, but the fun begins when judging if the popcorn is dry enough to package. After a grain moisture tester reads about 12 percent, “you see how well it pops,” Andy explained.
The family — which includes Charlie’s older sister, Emmie — eats their popcorn made with avocado oil in an old Whirley Pop popper. Charlie likes it with a sprinkle of cinnamon, his dad said.
The Lapierres’ neighbors, Becca and Tim Lindenmeyr of seed-to-soap company Farm Craft VT, carry Poppin’ Charlie’s in their onfarm shop. The popcorn, Becca said by email, has a “richer taste” compared with most commercial popcorn and “smaller kernels that don’t get stuck in my teeth.” Beyond that, she added, it’s been a delight to watch Charlie so “thrilled to see his idea take shape.” It’s experiences like these, Becca said, that may help inspire young Vermonters to farm. ➆
Poppin’ Charlie’s popcorn is currently stocked at Claussen’s Florist, Greenhouse & Perennial Farm in Colchester; Bushel Market, Good Times Café and Lantman’s Market in Hinesburg; Farm Craft VT in Shelburne; Red Barn Market & Deli in South Burlington; and Woodstock Farmers’ Market in Waterbury and Woodstock. For more information, email poppincharliespopcorn@gmail.com.
When applying for one of the five visiting artist slots at a Flynn storytelling festival, Gina Stevensen submitted an account of making the semifinals in a Burlington backyard queer Jell-O wrestling competition last summer. “I found this sort of internal sense of confidence and pride in who I am that then helped me with the next part of the day,” Stevensen said, “which was driving to Maine to visit my parents” for a di cult discussion about Stevensen’s gender identity and new pronouns.
A jury selected Stevensen to tell the story of that momentous day at the second-annual *snap* First Person Arts Festival, held Friday to Sunday, January 24 to 26, at Flynn Space in Burlington.
The three-day event unspools like
were going to be a handful of folks who really were hungry for this,” he said.
BY MARY ANN LICKTEIG maryann@sevendaysvt.com
it did last year: opening with a headliner, continuing with the five visiting artists and closing with an open-mic story slam. Susanne Schmidt, Vermont’s regional producer and a national instructor for the Moth StorySLAM competition, returns to give a two-day storytelling workshop.
New York City-based headliner Ryan J. Haddad will perform Hi, Are You Single? , his 90-minute, solo, autobiographical show exploring the complications of romance for a gay man with cerebral palsy. Haddad, who played a recurring role on the Netflix series “The Politician,” was named one of four rising playwrights by the New York Times in 2023. He won the 2023 Obie Award for best new American play for his autobiographical work Dark Disabled
Stories, which played at the Public Theater in New York City.
By presenting artists at all levels — amateur, rising and professional — *snap* is designed to celebrate and nurture the ancient art of storytelling. Flynn executive director Jay Wahl said the inaugural fest served as a reminder “that when people get onstage and tell you their story, when they really share their experience and their joy and their heartache and their perspective on the world, something about that opens something inside you.”
What surprised Wahl most last year was that some people attended all three performances and participated in the workshop. “I just didn’t realize that there
More than 50 people applied for the five visiting artist slots, double last year’s number, Wahl said. Each will tell a true story. In addition to Stevensen, the sole Vermonter, storytellers include Emmynominated actor, singer and writer Kaitlin Becker, best known for her title role in the children’s show “Meekah,” a spin-o of “Blippi”; actor and playwright Charles Day, who has appeared in several o -Broadway plays; theater artist and professor John Michael DiResta; and Cassidy Layton, an actor and musician who recently made her Carnegie Hall soloist debut.
Stevensen, 35, moved to Burlington’s Old North End from New York City in 2020. They write in a co ee shop with friends and in an open third-floor home studio, where pitched roofs delineate separate functions: a reading nook, a sleeping nook and an o ce nook. The author of several plays, Stevensen is best known locally for Breakfalls, which premiered at Vermont Stage last spring, and for Front Porch Follies , the variety show they cocreated and performed in at Burlington’s New Year’s Eve celebration, Highlight, for four years in a row.
When creating theater, Stevensen doesn’t aim solely to entertain, they said: “I go to theater as the place to sort through and work through some of the big questions in my own life or that I see in the world.”
Performing an autobiographical piece alone onstage is a scary new venture for Stevensen, and their account of backyard Jell-O wrestling is about brave communication. Stevensen’s parents were having a hard time understanding the artist’s self-discoveries, Stevensen said. The child they had known as a princess-loving little girl, boy-crazy teen and married young woman had come out as queer, explored polyamory, gotten divorced and, finally — “the hardest one for them — at least lately,” Stevensen said — come out as nonbinary.
Stevensen appreciates the opportunity to develop the story with feedback from an audience and from Flynn sta ers, who o ered script meetings to each of the five storytellers.
“I’m nervous,” Stevensen said. But they acknowledged benefiting from other writers and performers “sharing their most messy, true, vulnerable selves. And so I feel inspired by that and eager to … step into that role.” ➆
*snap* First Person Arts Festival, Friday to Sunday, January 24 to 26, at Flynn Space in Burlington. See full schedule and pricing at flynnvt.org.
BY HANNAH FEUER • hfeuer@sevendaysvt.com
Hadestown, the folk opera by Vermont’s Anaïs Mitchell, returned home for the first time since its Broadway debut with a sold-out run at Burlington’s Flynn theater in October. Now, the musical that retells the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice is making the rounds in the Green Mountain State — with casts of teens.
It’s a full-circle moment for the tiny Vermont production turned Broadway smash hit as it inspires a new generation of actors.
“Everyone knows [Hadestown], and kids really love it,” said Maren Langdon Spillane, codirector of Montpelier and U-32 high schools’ joint production of the teen version at U-32 in East Montpelier later this month. “There’s so much pride and excitement around the fact that something that started right in Vermont has gone on to be this sensational, famous thing.”
The rights for Hadestown: Teen Edition became available last April, and Vermont thespians jumped at the opportunity to perform the mythic show. In addition to the upcoming U-32 run, teen productions have included the Peoples Academy Stage Company in Morrisville in December and Very Merry Theatre in Burlington in early January.
Hadestown has had many iterations since its 2007 premiere at Old Labor Hall in Barre, where Mitchell herself played Eurydice. After a critically acclaimed offBroadway production in 2016, the show made its Broadway debut in 2019 and won eight Tony Awards, including Best Musical. It’s still running on Broadway.
The teen version of the musical loosely mirrors the original, but vocal arrangements have been adjusted to suit younger voices and references to sex and substance abuse have been removed.
At least 150 student groups and youth organizations have licensed
Hadestown: Teen Edition, according to Concord Theatricals, which manages rights to the teen version. Productions have spanned from Honolulu to Hamilton, Ontario.
Very Merry Theatre founder Don Wright had seen Hadestown on Broadway before directing the show with a cast of high school students. He said the fact that a Vermonter wrote the captivating script was simply a bonus.
“It’s a wonderfully written and beautifully presented piece of art,” Wright said. “I knew that our kids would love it.”
During a recent rehearsal at U-32, with about a week until opening night, students were busy fine-tuning the details. One group debated whether Hades should stand or sit during one of his lines and how Eurydice and Orpheus’ kiss should sync with the music. Meanwhile, in separate rooms, students playing the Fates rehearsed choreography, while others playing Hades’ workers in the underworld practiced harmonies for the song “If It’s True.”
Several students told Seven Days that they had seen Hadestown on Broadway or at the Flynn. Some said their parents had ties to the original cast and creators.
“It’s really interesting to see all these connections and know that it was based here,” said Elena Guadagno, a ninth grader at Montpelier High School who plays one of the Fates. “It’s so cool to circle back to its home base.” ➆
Hadestown: Teen Edition, Thursdays and Fridays, January 23 to 31, 7 p.m.; Saturday, January 25, 2 and 7 p.m.; and Saturday, February 1, 2 p.m., at U-32 Middle & High School in East Montpelier. $10-15. theaterengine.com
To commemorate the 80TH Anniversary of The Battle of the Bulge (December 15, 1944 – January 25, 1945) George Woodard will screen his film THE FARM BOY
Partial proceeds to benefit The Battle of the Bulge Association Honoring the Veterans, Preserving Their Legacy SATURDAY, JANUARY 25 AT 1:00P.M. ESSEX CINEMAS, ESSEX TUESDAY JANUARY 28 AT 6:30PM WELDEN THEATRE, ST ALBANS
BY AMY LILLY • lilly@sevendaysvt.com
The Vermont History Center and Leahy Library in Barre recently gained a treasure hunt-like space. With $250,000 in federal funds obtained by U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and another $450,000 from the state legislature, executive director Steve Perkins and his staff finally realized a 25-year-old plan to create an “open-storage” room. The display method is an unfussy way to make more of the institution’s collections visible to the public.
For the new Research and Exhibition Gallery, Perkins, along with director of collections and access Amanda Gustin and collections manager Katie Grant, rescued 1,500 items from storage and artfully arranged them in glass-fronted shelving units, banks of glass-sealed drawers and a row of double-sided display racks hung from rollers. Because the objects are generally protected, visitors can pull out drawers at will and browse unsupervised. (Perkins recommends checking in at his nearby office first.)
Open-storage spaces like those at New York City’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, which built its rows of glass cases in the late 1980s, tend to display dense groupings of similar items — such as dozens of teapots, each efficiently tagged with an acquisition number.
The history center’s display is more playful and interesting: The objects were chosen to reflect the state’s celebration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the U.S., which will officially occur on July 4, 2026. (The show will stay in place for three years, Perkins said, through the 250th anniversary of Vermont as a republic.) Each display case has a QR code that brings up
catalog details about the items in it. Visitors can access the codes using their phones or a portable scanner linked to two computers in the room.
“I’m glad we’re doing this now because we can improve on the [open storage] of 25 years ago with a thematic installation and digital access,” Perkins said during Seven Days tour of the space.
Grant noted that the digital access makes research appealing, even for kids.
“The other day, we had kids running back
and forth” between the computers and the displays, “which you don’t usually want in a museum,” she said with a laugh.
The semiquincentennial show is drawn from the 30,000-artifact collection of the Vermont Historical Society, which operates the center as well as the Vermont History Museum in Montpelier.
One shelving tower contains an original Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia pint container alongside a plastic milk jug from Kimball Brook Farm in North Ferrisburgh, carved
wood cows made in Proctor before 1938 and an antique butter mold once used at the Rutland Reformatory for Women.
Another section holds a 1920 time clock made by a precursor of IBM. Workers at the Porter Screen Company in Winooski — once the largest window and door screen company in the world — used it to punch their time cards.
The shelf below displays a curved sword and scabbard that belonged to George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron — aka Lord Byron, the English poet who fought for the Greeks against the Ottoman Empire in the 1820s. It was purchased by Jonathan Peckham Miller of Montpelier, who arrived in Greece to join the fight just as Lord Byron died, in 1825. Miller later became a famed abolitionist.
“This shows you how deep all these artifacts can go and how they tie into our history,” Perkins said.
The space allows for items to be shown together for the first time, Grant said, including Johnson-born Civil War infantryman Horace Goodwin’s sword, memorial card and daguerreotype in one drawer. The latter two came from the Leahy Library in the same building. The room “brings together the museum and library collection in new ways,” Grant said.
“I hope, by having this facility in here, that more people interested in objects and material and cultural research will come,” Perkins said. “It tells the story of Vermont.”
he closure of Merrill’s Roxy Cinemas in Burlington hasn’t made it any easier to see the 2025 award contenders in Vermont, but some of those films are trickling to us. Pedro Almodóvar’s The Room Next Door is at the Savoy Theater in Montpelier, with The Brutalist and Hard Truths starting January 24. And if you’re curious to catch Daniel Craig’s performance in Queer, for which the former James Bond won an award from the National Board of Review and a Golden Globe nom, you can still see it on a big screen.
Adapted from William S. Burroughs’ novella of the same name by Luca Guadagnino (Challengers, Call Me by Your Name), Queer plays at Catamount Arts in St. Johnsbury from Friday, January 24, through Thursday, February 6. In Burlington, Vermont International Film Foundation will screen the movie on Thursday, February 13, 7 p.m., at Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center Film House.
The deal
In 1950 Mexico City, middle-aged William Lee (Craig) enjoys an expatriate existence that appears to consist mostly of drifting from bar to restaurant to bar, trading witty barbs with a friend (Jason Schwartzman) and attempting to pick up young men. His give-no-fucks attitude is clear from the first scene, in which he lazily trolls someone who isn’t receptive to his advances.
Then Lee spots clean-cut GI Eugene Allerton (Drew Starkey), who inspires him to try a little harder. Allerton is friendly yet maddeningly elusive. He may or may not be bisexual. He’s obviously bored when Lee holds forth during dinner, describing his personal coming-out odyssey, but he’s eager to hook up afterward.
The two share moments of tender intimacy and others of painful, cringeworthy alienation. Lee persuades Allerton to accompany him to Ecuador on a quest for yage (or ayahuasca), which he’s heard can induce telepathy — the unmediated togetherness of which he dreams. But Lee is already dependent on heroin, and his junk sickness in transit drives the couple further apart.
Will you like it?
Like Guadagnino’s Call Me by Your Name, Queer isn’t so much a story as a vibe, an immersive study of a character and a
historical moment. Screenwriter Justin Kuritzkes, who also wrote the more plot-driven Challengers, gives Craig and Schwartzman plenty of pungent banter. But the real action happens in the spaces between the words, which are filled by the immaculate production design and camera work, strong performances, and evocative soundtrack.
The filmmakers lean hard on the autobiographical aspect of Burroughs’ novella, making Queer more accessible to those who know the basics of his life and legend. We guess at Lee’s occupation from a few shots of his typewriter, though he describes himself only as being “of independent means.” His drug habit is introduced with a lengthy shooting-up scene midway through the film, which isn’t treated as a surprise. A hallucinatory sequence visually alludes to Burroughs’ notorious shooting of his wife. Even the jarring yet rousing use of Nirvana songs means more to those who recognize Burroughs’ role in the counterculture that eventually produced Nevermind. Queer is nothing like a standard author biopic, though — or a typical Hollywood gay love story. Lee is proudly acerbic and antisocial, sometimes petty and cruel, yet also relatable in his loneliness and yearning for a deeper connection. Craig nails the hypereducated over-enunciation of
Burroughs’ speech (see sidebar for films featuring the author himself) even as he crafts a layered and consistently interesting character, nothing like a mere impersonation.
While Lee is set in his ways and so world-weary that he’s eager to escape into other planes of existence, Starkey’s Allerton has the sunny blandness of someone who’s still experimenting with possible identities. The scenes of their courtship and sex are sometimes passionate but never idealized or soft-focus, and the frankness is refreshing.
Kuritzkes and Guadagnino diverge from their source material in making Lee’s quest for psychedelic fulfillment successful. Queer has a vein of David Lynchian surrealism (RIP) that starts with the inky, oil-painting cinematography of the nocturnal Mexico City scenes and grows more pronounced in the third act, when Lesley Manville does a darkly hilarious turn as a botanist living deep in the jungle. Without spoiling: Things get weird.
Far from the manifesto that its no-apologies title might suggest, Queer is a leisurely mood piece that may frustrate some viewers. There’s no rising action or satisfying denouement, not much symmetry in the narrative to match that of the visuals. But the film’s artistry holds our attention, and there’s something heartfelt and
touching about Guadagnino’s homage to the messed-up brokenness of humans and their fumbling e orts to come together.
MARGOT HARRISON margot@sevendaysvt.com
WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS: A MAN WITHIN (2010; Kanopy, Pluto TV, Redbox, Tubi, rentable): According to the New York Times review, Yony Leyser’s documentary portrait of the author is a “genealogy of hip” that links Burroughs to other countercultural icons and “goes into considerable depth about his homosexuality.”
DRUGSTORE COWBOY (1989; PLEX, Pluto TV, Tubi, rentable): Queer features a glimpse of the older Lee in a black suit. It’s reminiscent of the real Burroughs as he appeared in Gus Van Sant’s cult period drama, playing a priest who sings the praises of narcotics and predicts the rise of the Drug Enforcement Administration.
A SINGLE MAN (2009; Kanopy, PLEX, Roku Channel, Tubi, rentable): If you enjoy moody, painterly, midcentury-set dramas about gay icons, you’ll love Tom Ford’s adaptation of Christopher Isherwood’s novel about a Los Angeles professor (Colin Firth) grieving his partner.
BRAVE THE DARK: A teacher takes in a homeless teen in this drama from Angel Studios, directed by Damian Harris and starring Jared Harris and Nicholas Hamilton. (112 min, PG-13. Essex)
THE BRUTALIST: Winner of the Golden Globe for Best Drama, Brady Corbet’s period piece examines the relationship of a refugee architect (Adrien Brody) and his wealthy client. With Felicity Jones and Guy Pearce. (214 min, R. Majestic, Savoy)
FAR OUT: LIFE ON & AFTER THE COMMUNEHHHH Charles Light’s documentary traces the 50-year history of linked communes in Vermont and western Massachusetts. (85 min, NR. Essex; reviewed 1/15)
FLIGHT RISK: A U.S. marshal (Michelle Dockery) tries to protect a witness during a flight over the Alaskan wilderness in this action thriller directed by Mel Gibson, also starring Mark Wahlberg. (91 min, R. Essex, Majestic, Star)
HARD TRUTHS: Marianne Jean-Baptiste has won a slew of awards for her performance as a depressed Londoner in a battle of wills with her cheerier sister in this drama from Mike Leigh (Secrets & Lies). (97 min, R. Savoy)
PRESENCE: Steven Soderbergh directed this horror film about a family who sense something off in their new suburban home. With Lucy Liu and Julia Fox. (85 min, R. Essex, Majestic)
ALL WE IMAGINE AS LIGHTHHHH1/2 Two working women sharing an apartment grapple with the problems of traditional and rule-breaking romance in this acclaimed Indian film directed by Payal Kapadia. (118 min, NR. Catamount, Savoy [ends Thu 23 at both])
BABYGIRLHHHH A CEO (Nicole Kidman) embarks on a risky affair with an intern (Harris Dickinson) in this erotic thriller from Halina Reijn (Bodies Bodies Bodies). (114 min, R. Majestic, Stowe)
A COMPLETE UNKNOWNHHH Timothée Chalamet plays the young Bob Dylan in James Mangold’s biopic, also starring Monica Barbaro and Elle Fanning. (141 min, R. Bijou, Capitol, City Cinema, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Playhouse, Star, Stowe, Welden)
FLOWHHHHH This Latvian animation follows the fate of a cat who must team up with other animals to survive a natural disaster. Gints Zilbalodis directed. (84 min, PG. Majestic; reviewed 12/11)
THE LAST SHOWGIRLHHH1/2 Pamela Anderson scored a Golden Globe nomination for her turn as a performer facing the end of her long-running Vegas act in this drama from Gia Coppola. (89 min, R. Capitol, Playhouse)
MOANA 2HHH The islander heroine (voice of Auli’i Cravalho) must sail unknown seas to break a curse in the sequel to the animated Disney hit. (100 min, PG. Capitol, Essex, Majestic)
MUFASA: THE LION KINGHHH Disney’s follow-up to its 2019 “live-action” version of The Lion King explores the backstory of Simba’s dad, voiced by Aaron Pierre. Barry Jenkins (Moonlight) directed. (120 min, PG. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Star)
NOSFERATUHHHHH Robert Eggers (The Lighthouse) offers his take on one of the foundational cinematic vampire tales, starring Lily-Rose Depp, Nicholas Hoult and Bill Skarsgård. (133 min, R. Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Paramount, Star, Stowe, Welden; reviewed 1/8)
ONE OF THEM DAYSHHH1/2 Two roommates race to scare up rent money and avoid eviction in this comedy starring Keke Palmer and SZA, directed by Lawrence Lamont. (119 min, R. Essex, Majestic)
QUEERHHHH Daniel Craig plays a lonely American in midcentury Mexico City in this romantic drama based on a William S. Burroughs novella and directed by Luca Guadagnino (Call Me by Your Name). (136 min, R. Catamount)
THE ROOM NEXT DOORHHH1/2 In Pedro Almodóvar’s acclaimed first English-language feature, Julianne Moore and Tilda Swinton play friends who meet after a long separation — and one wants something from the other. (107 min, PG-13. Savoy)
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3HHH Keanu Reeves voices a shadowy new enemy in another animated action-adventure based on the video game series. Jeff Fowler directed. (110 min, PG. Bijou, City Cinema, Majestic, Star, Welden)
WICKEDHHH1/2 Gregory Maguire’s subversive take on The Wizard of Oz becomes a musical becomes a movie starring Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande. Jon M. Chu directed. (160 min, PG. Capitol, Essex, Majestic; reviewed 11/27)
WOLF MANHH1/2 The modern Universal Monsters franchise returns with a new take on the 1941 werewolf classic involving a family in an isolated farmhouse. Leigh Whannell (The Invisible Man) directed; Julia Garner and Christopher Abbott star. (103 min, R. Bijou, City Cinema, Essex, Majestic, Paramount)
THE FARM BOY (Essex, Sat only)
FIGHT CLUB (Catamount, Wed 22 only)
REMEMBER WINTER (Savoy, Wed 29 only)
(* = upcoming schedule for theater was not available at press time)
*BIJOU CINEPLEX 4: 107 Portland St., Morrisville, 888-3293, bijou4.com
*CAPITOL SHOWPLACE: 93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343, fgbtheaters.com
CATAMOUNT ARTS: 115 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-2600, catamountarts.org
*CITY CINEMA: 137 Waterfront Plaza, Newport, 334-2610, citycinemanewport.com
ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543, essexcinemas.com
MAJESTIC 10: 190 Boxwood St., Williston, 878-2010, majestic10.com
MARQUIS THEATER: 65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841, middleburymarquis.com
*PARAMOUNT TWIN CINEMA: 241 N. Main St., Barre, 479-9621, fgbtheaters.com
PLAYHOUSE MOVIE THEATRE: 11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012, playhouseflicks.com
SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598, savoytheater.com
STAR THEATRE: 17 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-9511, stjaytheatre.com
*STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678, stowecinema.com
*WELDEN THEATRE: 104 N. Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888, weldentheatre.com
BY ALICE DODGE • adodge@sevendaysvt.com
The decorative arts of the 19th century, and specifically Pennsylvania Dutch utilitarian stoneware, are rarely associated with hip-hop culture. Rarely, but, as visitors to “Timothy Curtis: The Painters’ Hands” at the Current in Stowe will learn, not never.
Curtis introduced his exhibition, which is on view through April 12, with a brief artist talk last Thursday. He is not your typical leather-elbowpatches-and-bow-tie art historian.
The self-taught painter, who now lives in New York City but whose work is strongly rooted in Philadelphia, began his studies while incarcerated.
Before then, growing up in the 1990s in North Philly’s Kensington neighborhood, he was fascinated by gra ti. “When I was a young kid, around the age of 9, it felt like everybody was kind of born into gra ti,” he said during the talk. He noticed it everywhere and started writing his own at age 10 or 11.
Curtis said gra ti opened his world. In a city with strong territorial, cultural and racial divisions, he met gra ti writers from all over. He described gra ti as offering the artists — who, he stressed, were often children — a kind of passport to cross boundaries and connect with each other.
The Current’s main gallery is lined with 25 11-by-14-inch photographs of gra ti, which Curtis shot as a teenager in the mid-1990s. While many of Philly’s street-level tags were regularly cleaned up, he and his friends found troves in the subway system. “We started noticing gra ti dated all the way back to the 1960s,” he recalled. “It was kind of like going into an Egyptian tomb or some underground museum — this stu existed still, and it was protected from the elements.”
Many of the photos feature the taggers’ names, such as Cornbread, aka Darryl McCray, who is widely credited as the first gra ti artist of the modern era. McCray will o er a talk at the Current and visit local schools later in the exhibition’s run.
Curtis’ images document the Philly-specific elongated, gestural style of the tags — their lettering, curves, flourishes — as well as the recurring motifs, such as stars, crowns and top hats, that the artists added to their monikers. The artist’s thesis is that, stylistically, this gra ti is remarkably similar to another Philadelphia-based art form, one from a century earlier: Pennsylvania Dutch stoneware.
In the center of the gallery, Curtis has assembled “The Garden,” 19 pieces from his own collection of vessels, most dating from the 1860s. They are the colors of cement, shiny from a salt glaze, and decorated with deep-blue tulips, leaves, scrolls, stars and other embellishments.
Curtis described how in Pennsylvania this type of pottery is ubiquitous: “It’s usually near the door of your grandma’s house, and there’s an umbrella in it.”
The style was created by German-speaking immigrants, some of them Amish or Mennonite, who came to Pennsylvania starting in the 17th century. It is generally associated with the countryside, but that’s an incomplete history, according to Curtis. Most of the pieces in the show were made in Philadelphia, many by Richard Remmey, a fifth-generation potter in the
1860s. “This is inner-city stoneware and pottery,” Curtis said. “It’s nice to kind of bring that back.”
In the Current’s west gallery, the artist presents a series of paintings that draw on both gra ti and pottery. Four 6-footsquare canvases and four 16-by-20-inch ones borrow visual elements from the stoneware: Each has a cement-gray base, not glazed like the pottery but with a sandy texture augmented by tiny flecks of pinkish glitter. Brick-red spots speckle the surfaces, a nod to the frequent marks and discolorations that occur when stoneware is fired.
paintings, his faces are hiding behind the tulips, looking out at the center of the room, where he has situated a 30-gallon 1869 stoneware vessel. Curtis painted blue tulips and flourishes all over its surface himself, blurring the boundary between historical and contemporary art.
Gardens of indigo tulips — like those popularized by Remmey pottery — burst forth in Curtis’ paintings, their stems stretching upward and arcing gracefully across the canvases. Showers of teardropshaped petals abound. The tulips grow over and around cartoonish round faces, whose expressions range from joyous to content to inscrutable.
His faces, Curtis said, are related to another Philly symbol: the smiley face. The yellow icon was created in 1963 by designer Harvey Ball in Worcester, Mass., for an insurance company based in Philadelphia; brothers Bernard and Murray Spain, who owned a chain of Philly-area gift shops, added the “Have a Nice Day” slogan and slapped it on buttons, mugs and T-shirts. Local graffitists then appropriated it for themselves, attaching it to their tags beginning in the late 1960s.
Curtis included similar faces in earlier works as a reference to those on prison feelings charts. Like pain-rating charts in hospitals, the icons are used as tools for prisoners to indicate their emotions when they might not be able to fully articulate them.
Curtis described how, in the new
The vessel is a stand-in, he said, for his mother’s casket, which he also painted with Philadelphia tulips; she died six months ago. Her spirit is an emotional anchor for the elements in the show: Curtis described how she knew many of the gra ti artists whose tags are in his photos. His sense of Philly pride is clearly connected not only to the streets but also to his mother and her history. He chose to use this vessel, he said, because “she passed away in the neighborhood a few blocks away from where this potter is from.”
Curtis doesn’t think Philadelphia gra ti artists consciously learned from its potters, aside from an aesthetic possibly absorbed on school field trips. Instead, the connections he sees between them come from the way each medium is grounded in the place and how it was taught — father to son, as with the Remmey family, or older taggers to younger ones.
“It’s nice to have an American art form where people from poverty and certain class levels were connecting and bonding and doing it in style,” Curtis said. “A lot of this is taught in the streets or the jail system or the juvenile system — it’s not taught on an Instagram post or a YouTube video. You can’t do Philadelphia gra ti unless you come from this environment.” ➆
“Timothy Curtis: e Painters’ Hands,” on view through April 12 at the Current in Stowe. thecurrentnow.org
MADE HERE FILM FESTIVAL: Accepting submissions of all styles of films longer than three minutes for consideration for the MHFF, New England’s only competitive regional festival for filmmakers residing in New England and Québec. Award-winning films may also be screened at other venues in Vermont throughout the year and may be included in the October 2025 Vermont International Film Festival.
BY ALICE DODGE • adodge@sevendaysvt.com
is time of year, most Vermonters start their day by thinking about layers — how to dress to defend against the inevitable shifts of the weather or the office thermostat. Many art-making techniques rely on layering, too: A painter creates glazes that dry over each other; a sculptor builds out from an armature. Nine local artists interpret the concept in the aptly titled “Layers,” on view at the Adamant Cooperative Gallery through February 15.
Four paintings by Hannah Morris hit the thematic nail squarely on the head. Morris’ tableaux show people engaging in an activity, as in the 24-by-24-inch “Cabana Afternoon,” where they swim, sunbathe and seem to converse in mini-scenes under beach tents.
To make her work, Morris starts with vintage midcentury magazine clippings, collaging them onto panels and building scenes over them with Flashe and gouache paint. Morris doesn’t hew to the clippings under her paint but takes shapes from them as jumping-off points for imagining her figures. e technique adds a mostly obscured layer of text and images that occasionally interrupts her painted scenes. It brings an aspect of randomness to the underpaintings that Morris uses in crafting her awkward, expressive people. Here, layers result in work with psychological tension: e painting suggests that we don’t know exactly what lies beneath a pleasant day at the beach.
Freddie Wiss presents the same subject in “Slough,” a video of ripples on Slough Pond in Truro, Mass., accessible via a QR code on the label if the gallery’s digital frame isn’t working, as when this reporter visited. Ghostly bathers seem to swim beneath the water, blending with shadows of trees on its surface. Placing the imagery in these layers collapses time, creating a scene that plays like memory. e label mentions that the piece has been shown before without sound; watching it muted is a more ambiguous, abstract and satisfying experience than with its piano soundtrack, which is uplifting but a little too prescriptive.
Dan orington’s sculptures play with layers of perception.
A bell jar covers a taxidermied blue jay — out of place until the label reveals that its feathers are silk and its body made from wire, wood and papier-mâché. Nearby, a lifelike crow
Burlington Beer. Deadline: February 7. $25 early bird; $30 regular submissions. Info, info@vtiff. org.
‘BIRDS AND MYTH: MEANINGS, METAPHORS AND GUIDES’: Inviting submissions of up to three works per artist that bring birds and their meanings into art to retell old stories and create myths for the future. Apply online at tinyurl.com/bovm-art-2025. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington. Deadline: March 24. Info, museum@birdsofvermont.org.
perches on a branch seemingly growing from the gallery wall. Somehow, orington has crafted its feathers from black stovepipe. e level of detail and skill is superb. It’s hard to believe there aren’t layers of bone and muscle animating these creatures.
Karen Kane’s small collages — many only three inches wide — take an intriguingly spare approach. Each is a visual experiment in which only a few elements create a scene. In one, a woman’s face is obscured by a wedge of cheese; its geometry mirrors the points of her collar and severe line of her hair. In another, the colors and shapes of an illustrated pelican resonate with abstract photographic elements. ese layers aren’t deep but, as Kane’s statement puts it, “just enough.”
As always, the show in the little Adamant gallery has a casual air and doesn’t take itself too seriously. Marjorie Merena’s cut-paper “Esmeralda” and an assemblage by Joni Clemons have a cheeky take on the title, offering up plump, happy hens — you know, layers. Get it? ➆
“Layers,” on view through February 15 at Adamant Cooperative Gallery. adamantcoop.org
JOY RAY: “Chromotopia,” a solo, single-work exhibition by a Los Angeles-based artist exploring textiles as tools of divination and inquiry. Minema Gallery, Johnson, through February 1. Info, 646-519-1781.
BERNHARD WUNDER: “ e Night Sky,” a series of photographs by the Westford artist. Emile A. Gruppe Gallery, Jericho, through February 9. Info, emilegruppegallery@gmail.com.
MELISSA RUBIN: “Field Notes,” mixed-media and sculptural works using raw natural materials to explore the fragility of the forest understory and the ecological balance of the environment. CX Silver Gallery, Brattleboro, through May 25. Info, 257-7898.
GABY TRIBELLI: “La Nostalgia,” a solo show presented by the artist as part of a senior capstone project in the Art and Design program. Reception: Wednesday, January 22, 6 p.m. McCarthy Art Gallery, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, through January 25. Info, bcollier@smcvt.edu.
JESSE THOMPSON: An exhibition of large-scale drawings by the Singapore-based artist and educator.
Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Vermont State University-Johnson, January 24-February 21. Info, 635-1469.
FACES IN HARMONY: An exhibition highlighting faces of people, animals, pets and others. Reception: January 24, 5-7 p.m. Chaffee Art Center, Rutland, January 24-February 28. Info, 775-0356.
‘SCAFFOLDING’: A group exhibition of works by 28 artists spanning all three floors; visit website for details of one-day workshops featuring select artists. Reception: Friday, January 24, 5-7 p.m. AVA Gallery and Art Center, Lebanon, N.H., through March 1. Info, 603-448-3117.
PATRICK FLAHERTY: “Pedaling,” a solo show presented by the artist as part of a senior capstone project in the Art and Design program. Reception: Tuesday, January 28, 6 p.m. McCarthy Art Gallery, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, January 27-31. Info, bcollier@smcvt.edu.
KRISTIN RICHLAND: “Tales Yet Untold,” paintings and drawings of real and imaginary creatures. Reception: Saturday, February 1, 4-5:30 p.m. Studio Place Arts, Barre, January 22-March 1. Info, 479-7069.
MARY TAPOGNA: “Black Lives Matter,” a mixedmedia mosaic portrait series. Reception: February 1, 4-5:30 p.m. Studio Place Arts, Barre, January 22-March 1. Info, 479-7069.
‘WHERE’S MY HAT?’: A group show in which artists reflect on clothing or lack thereof in a variety of media. Reception: Saturday, February 1, 4-5:30 p.m. Studio Place Arts, Barre, January 22-March 1. Info, 479-7069.
H. KEITH WAGNER: “Landscape Complexions,” an exhibition of paintings that reflect the surroundings of the noted landscape architect’s Addison County home. Reception: Friday, February 7, 5-7 p.m. Jackson Gallery, Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, through March 15. Info, 382-9222.
HAWLEY HUSSEY: “Alchemy of a Slow Revolution,” paintings, prints and narratives by the artist, who works at the intersection of visual art, writing and performance. Reception: Friday, February 7, 5-7:30 p.m.; artist talk, 6 p.m. T.W. Wood Gallery, Montpelier, January 29-March 25. Info, 262-6035.
‘MONTPELIER HIGH SCHOOL ART AND POETRY’: An ekphrastic poetry project created by creative writing and visual art students in response to each other’s work. Reception: Friday, February 7, 5-7:30 p.m. T.W. Wood Gallery, Montpelier, January 29-March 25. Info, 262-6035.
CURATOR TALK: BOBBY LINDNER AND POPPY GALL: A discussion by the historian and the curator of the exhibit “Searching for Vermont’s Lost Ski Areas — Part 2,” including stories from 15 of the former recreation sites. Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum, Stowe, Thursday, January 23, 6:30 p.m. $10. Info, 253-9911.
OPEN STUDIO: A guided meditation followed by an hour of art making in any medium and concluding with a share-and-witness process. Many art materials available. In-person and online. Expressive Arts Burlington, Thursday, January 23, 12:30-2:30 p.m. By donation. Info, 343-8172.
LIFE DRAWING AND PAINTING: A drop-in event for artists working with the figure from a live model. T.W. Wood Gallery, Montpelier, Thursday, January 23, 7-9 p.m. Free; $10 suggested donation. Info, 262-6035.
ARTIST WORKSHOP: ELAN CADIZ: A workshop held in conjunction with the exhibition “Scaffolding” and focusing on self-representation. AVA Gallery and Art Center, Lebanon, N.H., Saturday, January 25, 11 a.m.-noon. Suggested donation. Info, 603-448-3117.
PANEL DISCUSSION: SUSAN MIKULA’S “ISLAND”: A discussion about the exhibition on view at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center and Bellows Falls island with Rockingham Arts & Museum Project founder Robert McBride, geologist David Howell, archaeologist Gail Golec, architect Dan Scully,
Bellows Falls artist Charlie Hunter and photographer Susan Mikula. Waypoint Center, Bellows Falls, Saturday, January 25, 1 p.m. Free, registration required. Info, 257-0124.
ARTIST TALK: BERNHARD WUNDER: “Night Sky Photography,” an introduction to the equipment, exposure settings and postprocessing the artist uses to create images of the Milky Way and star trails. Emile A. Gruppe Gallery, Jericho, Sunday, January 26, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, emilegruppegallery@gmail.com.
SOCIAL SUNDAY: An opportunity for children and caregivers to stop in and complete a 15- to 30-minute activity during the two-hour workshop. Milton Artists’ Guild Art Center & Gallery, Sunday, January 26, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 891-2014.
PORTRAIT DRAWING AND PAINTING: A drop-in event where artists can practice skills in any medium. T.W. Wood Gallery, Montpelier, Monday, January 27, 10 a.m.-noon. Free; $10 suggested donation. Info, 262-6035.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS FOR ARTISTS: A selection of free online and in-person workshops addressing the most urgent needs, challenges and opportunities facing artists in New England, presented by Assets for Artists in partnership with the Vermont Arts Council. Register online at assetsforartists.org. Vermont Arts Council, Montpelier, through January 28. Info, assetsforartists@massmoca.org.
WINTER WATERCOLORS WITH PAULINE NOLTE: Weekly workshops for painters of all abilities; no experience necessary. Register via email. Waterbury Public Library, Tuesday, January 28, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, judi@waterbury publiclibrary.com. ➆
There are three surefire things that can make this emotionally stunted dude cry: 1) The series finale of “Six Feet Under.” 2) Those ASPCA commercials clearly shot by emotional terrorists. (At least they stopped bombarding me with that goddamn SARAH MCLACHLAN song.) And 3) whenever a contestant on “Jeopardy!” earnestly thanks a childhood teacher. The full-circle nature of an adult remembering someone from their youth who inspired them hits me right in the ol’ blood pump. I imagine some retired chemistry teacher watching the show, seeing their former student chatting up host Ken Jennings and murmuring to themselves, “See? They weren’t all little bastards.”
Perhaps I react so emotionally because I didn’t really have that teacher. I went to a public school in North Carolina, a dumpster fire for public education. (The state ranked 49th in education funding in 2024, marking a tradition of disdain for learning that goes way, way back.)
In my “Jeopardy!” fantasy (where
I win for a month straight and go into the Tournament of Champions with savage momentum), when Jennings asks me about inspiring teachers, I skip my school experiences and go straight to a wonderful procession of guitar and music instructors. While I didn’t find much inspiration in the classroom, the minute I was out of school and sitting with an instrument in my hand, everything changed — the world was there to be discovered.
That experience isn’t lost on me, especially as commitment to music education in schools has waned. The National Assessment of Educational Programs in the Arts reports that exposure to the arts has steadily declined since 1997. More than 3.6 million American students have no access to music education. That fact alone would be the fourth thing to make me cry — if it weren’t for educators such as PETE CORNELL
Formerly based in New York, the multi-instrumentalist, composer, producer and educator moved to Vermont last year, intent on starting his own school. The New York University grad had been teaching privately and at schools such as the Long Ridge Music Center and the Madison School of Rock in Connecticut, but after his sister moved to Stowe during the pandemic, he got an idea.
friends. He hopes to inspire local kids to supplement their school music programs with what they learn at Peak and become complete musicians, capable of making records and, most importantly, playing with other local young musicians they meet along the way.
“Learning by yourself can be great, but it’s not really music until you’re with other people,” Cornell asserted. “Music is a language, a way for us to communicate with one another on higher levels.”
Cornell and his sta teach their charges in ways that ensure collaboration. For instance, in his Foundations of Music class for beginners ages 6 to 9, students hardly touch an instrument, working instead on concepts of rhythm, melody, harmony and dynamics.
“Once we establish that, we start to cycle them through instruments,” Cornell explained. Kids learn basic scales and chords on keyboards and how beats work on a drum kit. Along the way, sta ask the students which instrument feels natural and which one they have the most fun playing. Together, they figure out the best way forward.
“She mentioned to me that she didn’t see any afterschool music programs in the area,” Cornell told me over Zoom from his home in Morrisville. “So I did a little research and saw that, sure enough, there wasn’t, nor had there been in some time.”
So Cornell moved to the Green Mountains, founding Peak Music, a school, recording studio, rehearsal and performance space, and community hub for the Stowe-area music scene.
While opening a private music school in one of the wealthiest towns in Vermont doesn’t exactly reverse the stats on declining music education in schools, Cornell believes he and his team of instructors can eventually help fill that void.
“My purpose of being here is to bring something to this community that I think it sorely needs,” he said. “With the state of school programs being what they are, it’s up to us to o er programming that is both unique and compelling to would-be students.”
To that end, Cornell has made songwriting and recording two of Peak’s biggest o erings. He knows the average student can still pick up an oboe and participate in the school band, but Cornell wants to teach kids to take their instrument of choice and express themselves — to write music and then record it, on their own or with
When he launched Peak, Cornell had lofty ideas for specialized programs such as Jazz Studies, Advanced Performance and Advanced Composition. But due to minimal music education in area schools and a dearth of afterschool programs, he soon realized he would have to start more simply.
“What I discovered was that, whether they are 6 or 16, the students in the Stowe area have had very little, if any, music education,” Cornell said. “So we decided to focus on the basics, create a foundation and start progressing from there.”
One reason students in Stowe might not spend enough time with music is the plethora of outdoor activities available to kids who live at the foot of a mountain and ski resort. GEORGE WALKER PETIT, a jazz guitarist who also spearheads the annual Stowe Jazz Festival in the summer, has sympathy for Cornell and any teacher competing with Vermont kids’ love of the outdoors.
“People don’t really come to Stowe for their kids to learn music,” Petit said. “It’s more about if they’re good at skiing and can get a scholarship to Dartmouth. The local programs have always been lacking in that sense.”
Petit is encouraged by Cornell’s work at the school.
“What they’re doing at Peak is really altruistically driven,” he said. “They’re trying to make a di erence and bring something crucial to the community.
Upon moving to Vermont in 2011 to attend what was then Johnson State College, ZACH SCHUSTER was ecstatic to discover all the weekend-long, outdoor music festivals happening across the Green Mountain State. The steady erosion of that kind of event over the years since has vexed the musician, producer and mind behind electronic act ROOST.WORLD
“The classic camping and late-
night music fest has been dying out in Vermont for years now,” Schuster said. “It’s been driving me fucking crazy.” Not content to simply mourn the passing of the Vermont-style fest, Schuster decided to create a new one — minus the camping. Groundhog Fest kicks o on Friday, January 31, and runs all weekend across multiple Burlington venues, from City Hall Park to T. Ruggs Tavern in the Old North End. Using experience gained throwing raves and the BURLINGTON ELECTRONIC
SUNGAZER AT NECTAR’S, BURLINGTON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17: School was in session at Nectar’s last Friday night. SUNGAZER, the progressive fusion duo of bassist ADAM NEELY and drummer SHAWN CROWDER, joined by guitarist JOSHUA DE LA VICTORIA and tenor saxophonist JARED YEE, made a stop in Burlington for show No. 31 of an insane 55-date, seven-month world tour. Neely, a prolific YouTube personality, leads the band not just with his masterful bass technique but also with his own brand of scientific musicology. To put it bluntly: ese guys are total music nerds primarily concerned with questions such as, “How fast is our brain/body capable of playing?” and “At what tempo is the listener no longer able to discern differences in pitch or rhythm?” To wit, the band’s encore performance of Mahavishnu Orchestra’s 1971 fusion rocker “Vital Transformation.” Neely asked the audience at what tempo they wanted the song played — it was originally recorded at 145 bpm and already too fast for most — and agreed to a speedy 170 bpm. Spoiler alert: ey nailed it, and the equally nerdy Burlington crowd kept right up.
DEPARTMENT showcases at Radio Bean, Schuster has booked some impressive underground talent to headline Groundhog Fest. New York City electronic musician the JUAN MACLEAN, Seattle’s SUCCUBASS, Brooklyn DJ ROSE KOURTS and indie synth act PUBLIC CIRCUIT are just a few of the highlights.
There’s also a big helping of local artists on the bill, combining indie-rock and funk scenes with the electronic acts. To represent local indie rock, which Schuster acknowledges is “totally insane right now,” Groundhog Fest features some of the best acts in the state, including ROBBER ROBBER, LILY SEABIRD, the DEAD SHAKERS, GREASEFACE and BRUNCH. Malagasy singer-songwriter MIKAHELY, jazz musician CAM GILMOUR and producer AMELIA DEVOID are also on the bill.
“If I had a rational mind about money, I’d probably wonder what the hell I’m doing,” Schuster said with a laugh. “But it feels like an act of resistance to do this in a society where it seems increasingly di cult to pull o .”
Groundhog Fest pops out of its hole next Friday, January 31, 6 p.m., at Muddy Waters and closes, of course, on Groundhog Day — Sunday, February 2 — with a late-night wrap party at T. Ruggs Tavern. There’s also a ski/snowboard/ skateboard rail jam on Saturday, February 1, 1 to 6 p.m., in City Hall Park
(Spotify mix of local jams)
1. “BACKBURNER” by the Faux Paws
2. “FASCIST BIKES” by James Kochalka Superstar
3. “BETTER” Mirror Image, Ray Aley, Frankie White
4. “THE LONGHUNTER” by Barishi
5. “FALLS OF RICHMOND” by Eric George
6. “NEVER NEED TO KNOW” by Real Ova Deceit
7. “HONEST MAN” by Connor Young
Scan to listen sevendaysvt. com/playlist
Pipo Romero Trio 2/21
Gesualdo Six, directed by Owain Park 2/28 Frigg 3/7
Ghosts of Hamlet— Le Concert de l’Hostel
Gesualdo Six, directed by Owain Park 2/28
Ghosts of Hamlet— Le Concert de l’Hostel Dieu Baroque Orchestra with Roberta Mameli, soprano 3/21 Jupiter String Quartet 3/28
As soon as they moved in, I was pretty damned pleased.”
Cornell’s main directive to his teachers is that the students should enjoy themselves. In a community where sports offer stiff competition for kids’ attention, he knows how important it is that Peak is a fun place to be.
Ensuring that kids have fun while learning informed his search for Peak’s faculty, which Cornell admitted was the most difficult aspect of starting the school. While he has been impressed by the Vermont music scene, he quickly learned that many of its musicians are in Burlington.
“Getting musicians to drive 45 minutes up a mountain in the winter to teach for three hours isn’t the easiest sell,” he admitted with a laugh.
His friend and manager BRANDON TERZAKIS, a drummer who previously played with metal act FÓRN, moved up with Cornell to start Peak and teaches drum lessons. He also serves as studio coordinator. From there, they recruited local musician instructors, including multi-instrumentalist AVERY COOPER (THE DISCUSSIONS, CHICKEN FAT INJECTION), guitarist WILL DOWNEY, and jazz vocalist and keyboard instructor RACHEL AMBAYE,
as well as out-of-town teachers such as Boston singer-songwriter AVA DUDANI. The school has 10 instructors, including Cornell. In the first eight months of its existence, 85 students have enrolled.
As Peak moves into its second year, Cornell is pleased with the impact the school has had but dreams of bigger collaborations. He hopes to further connect Peak with local schools and offer more programs, a relationship that has already begun to bear fruit — Peak is offering spring break camps for students. He also hopes the school becomes immersed in the local music scene, of which he thinks highly.
“It just feels like the community is excited we’re here, so we’re just excited to keep building bonds,” Cornell said.
Registration for classes and summer camps is open now at peak-music.com. Prices range from $50 per private lesson to $37 per week for introductory classes such as Foundations of Music. Other subjects include the Creative Composition Workshop, which has Cornell particularly jazzed.
“If you can get those juices flowing in kids, that feeling of being creative, they can really surprise you with what comes out of them,” he said. “Watching them write a song and learn how to record it is by far my favorite thing about what we do.”
BBQ and Bluegrass (bluegrass) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Jazz Night with Ray Vega (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.
Jazz Sessions (jazz) at the 126, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.
Stewart Foster (acoustic) at Two Heroes Brewery Public House, South Hero, 6 p.m. Free.
Vermont Jazz Trio (jazz) at Hugo’s, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead tribute) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $10.
Grateful Dub (Grateful Dead tribute) at Pickle Barrel Nightclub, Killington, 8 p.m. $15.
IIEarth, Champlain Daze (indie, R&B) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8 p.m. $5/$10.
Jazz with Alex Stewart and Friends (jazz) at the 126, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.
Paddy Reagan Trio (instrumental) at Monkey House, Winooski, 7 p.m. Free.
Switchel (bluegrass) at Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10.
The Soda Plant Bluegrass Jam (bluegrass) at Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Trust Me (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free.
Vermont Blues Society Annual Meeting & Concert (blues) at the Double E Lounge at Essex Experience, 6 p.m. $15.
Ariel Zevon (singer-songwriter) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Bella and the Notables (jazz) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
Bonji, Abby Jenne & the BEDS (roots) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9 p.m. Free.
Cal Humberto (singer-songwriter) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10.
Chris and Issy (acoustic) at 14th Star Brewing, St. Albans, 6 p.m. Free.
Cobalt & Titien (eclectic) at the Underground, Randolph, 7:30 p.m. $16-18.
Dana Tillinghast (acoustic) at Gusto’s, Barre, 6 p.m. Free.
Devonian Hot Club (jazz) at Hugo’s, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Drumstick with Bossman (reggae, hip-hop) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 9 p.m. Free.
Eugene Tyler Band (folk) at Poultney Pub, 7 p.m. Free.
Find the most up-to-date info on live music, DJs, comedy and more at sevendaysvt.com/music. If you’re a talent booker or artist planning live entertainment at a bar, nightclub, café, restaurant, brewery or coffee shop, send event details to music@sevendaysvt.com or submit the info using our form at sevendaysvt.com/postevent.
New York City’s WAVE GENERATORS are picking up a baton that was dropped three decades ago. Composed of Baltimore rapper and producer Height Keech and rapper Nosaj, the duo serves up an apocalyptic mix of funk, hip-hop and indie sleaze on their 2024 debut, After The End. That album exhibits a raw, experimental curiosity that harks to the trippy energy of Nosaj’s ’90s-era group, New Kingdom, who called it quits in 1996. New Kingdom’s flirtations with psych rock and hallucinogen-inspired weirdness are just as present in Wave Generators’ music. Touring with New Jersey rapper NAHREALLY, they roll into the Monkey House in Winooski on Wednesday, January 29. The bill also features Montréal’s CROPSCROPSCROPS and DJ sets by OLD GOLD and DJ ASTERISK
Garden State Radio (covers) at Pickle Barrel Nightclub, Killington, 8 p.m. $10.
Grace Palmer (singer-songwriter) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 4 p.m. Free.
The Hitmen (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.
Jaded Ravins (Americana) at Two Heroes Brewery Public House, South Hero, 7 p.m. Free.
Joshua West, Evan Jennison (singer-songwriter) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 8 p.m. $10.
The Lloyd Tyler Band (folk rock) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 7 p.m. Free.
My Son the Doctor, Neato (indie rock) 9 p.m. $10/$12. Nikki and the Barn Boys, Rigometrics (indie rock) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $20/$23.
Paul Webb (piano) at Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.
Rap Night Burlington (hip-hop) at Drink, Burlington, 9 p.m. $5.
SKYLARK (string quartet) at Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 7 p.m. $15.
Sticks and Stones (rock) at the Old Post, South Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
Surf Witch, Fawn (indie) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10.
Tiffany Pfeiffer (jazz) at Bleu Northeast Kitchen, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.
The Time Killers (blues) at 1st Republic Brewing, Essex, 6 p.m. Free.
Uncle Jimmy (Americana, rock) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.
Will Evans, Troy Millette (folk) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. $25.
The Arty LaVigne Band (Americana, rock) at the Double E Lounge at Essex Experience, 7:30 p.m. $15/$20.
A Band of Brothers (Allman Brothers Band tribute) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $25/$30.
Bella Voca (folk) at Olive Ridley’s, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 9 p.m. Free.
The Big Happy, Low Pressure Movement (hip-hop, jam) at ArtsRiot, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10/$15.
Bleeding Hearts Family Band (folk) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Bob Gagnon (jazz) at Bleu Northeast Kitchen, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Bruce Sklar Jazz Trio (jazz) at Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10.
Charlie Rice (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.
Dead Sessions (Grateful Dead tribute) at Stowe Cider, 8 p.m. $15. Forest Station, Eugene Tyler Band (bluegrass, country) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Frankie & the Fuse (indie) at Gusto’s, Barre, 9 p.m. Free.
Garden State Radio (covers) at Pickle Barrel Nightclub, Killington, 8 p.m. $10.
Grateful for Biggie (Grateful Dead, Notorious B.I.G. tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. $15.
Hot Neon Magic (’80s tribute) at Monkey House, Winooski, 8 p.m. $10.
The John Daly Band (folk rock) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 7 p.m. Free.
Jonny Mop (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.
Libby Quinn, Retail Drugs, Greaseface, Funeral Date (punk) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $12/$15.
Live Music Saturdays (live music series) at Dumb Luck Pub & Grill, Hinesburg, 7 p.m. Free.
Marc Gwinn & D.Davis (jazz) at Hugo’s, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Neal Haiduck: 21st Century Bebop (jazz) at the 126, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Otter Creek (bluegrass) at the Den at Harry’s Hardware, Cabot, 7 p.m. Free.
Remember Baker (folk, bluegrass) at Shelburne Vineyard, 6 p.m. Free.
Running in Circles, Soulstice (roots, reggae) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 8 p.m. $10/$15.
SNP (bluegrass) at 1st Republic Brewing, Essex, 6 p.m. Free.
Summer Arachnid, Skrom (indie rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10/$15.
LaMP (funk, jam) at Pickle Barrel Nightclub, Killington, 7 p.m. $20/$25.
Platinum Moon, Fossil Record, Summer Arachnid (rock) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $12/$15.
Sunday Brunch Tunes (singersongwriter) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 10 a.m.
Tom Pirozzoli, Carl Beverly and Rich Ewald (folk) at Stage 33 Live, Bellows Falls, 3 p.m. $10/$15.
Bluegrass Jam (bluegrass) at Poultney Pub, 7 p.m. Free.
Bob Recupero (singer-songwriter) at Lawson’s Finest Liquids, Waitsfield, 5 p.m. Free.
Grateful Tuesdays (Grateful Dead tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10.
Honky Tonk Tuesday with Wild Leek River (country) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10. Otter Creek (bluegrass) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5.
BBQ and Bluegrass (bluegrass) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Jazz Night with Ray Vega (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.
Jazz Sessions (jazz) at the 126, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.
Mike Mac (acoustic) at Two Heroes Brewery Public House, South Hero, 6 p.m. Free.
Wave Generators, NAHreally, cropscropscrops, Old Gold, DJ Asterisk (hip-hop) at Monkey House, Winooski, 7 p.m. $10. Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead tribute) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $10.
DJ Chaston (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
DJ Chia (DJ) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.
DJ JP Black (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
DJ Two Sev (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.
Vinyl Night with Ken (DJ) at Poultney Pub, 6 p.m. Free.
Blanchface (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
DJ Craig Mitchell (DJ) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10/$15.
DJ CRE8 (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free.
DJ CRE8 (DJ) at Einstein’s Tap House, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
DJ Fattie B (DJ) at Monkey House, Winooski, 9 p.m. Free.
DJ JamStar (DJ) at Olive Ridley’s, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 9 p.m. Free.
DJ Richie Conte (DJ) at Alfie’s Wild Ride, Stowe, 9 p.m. Free.
DJ Ronstoppable (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
DJ Taka (DJ) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10/$15.
DJ Two Rivers (DJ) at Gusto’s, Barre, 9 p.m. Free.
Gimme Gimme Disco (ABBA dance party) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 8:30 p.m. $20/$25.
Aquatic Underground (DJ) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 10 p.m. $10.
Crypt Goth Night (DJ) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.
Dance Party with DJ Party Bear (DJ) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.
DJ KDT (DJ) at the Lounge at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. Free.
DJ Raul (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.
EDM Night (DJ) at Despacito, Burlington, 8 p.m. $5.
Malcolm Miller (DJ) at Einstein’s Tap House, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
There is a scene in John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces where his misanthropic protagonist, Ignatius J. Reilly, is cornered by a police o cer demanding to know if he has a job.
“I dust a bit,” Reilly tells the cop. “In addition, I am at the moment writing a lengthy indictment against our century. When my brain begins to reel from my literary labors, I make an occasional cheese dip.”
That exchange kept coming to mind as I took in the multimedia experience of How I Made My First Million, a new EP and accompanying hardcover book from Glorious Leader, aka Northeast Kingdom singer-songwriter Kyle Woolard. Are the album and book companion pieces? Seemingly. The book includes lyrics and chord charts to the songs, but the
On American Classical Studies, Vermont beatmaker Justin Boland channels his creative spirit by “scavenging in the footsteps of giants,” as he writes in the album’s liner notes. The result is an edifying work of art in the vein of Horace’s “Ars Poetica.” Sure, one’s a contemporary beat tape of laboriously composed jazz samples, and the other’s a treatise on poetry from the Classical Age. Still, these two trailblazers share a zeal for their craft that is as undeniable as it is shatterproof.
Released under the pseudonym YETI MANE, American Classical Studies contains an Oxford Companion’s worth of jazz history in the form of a hip-hop beat tape. It’s a spellbinding 27 minutes of unbroken beats steeped in sleek piano ri s, clean trumpet coos, walking bass lines and pocket-groove drum patterns. Overlaid with hardhitting a rmations voiced by a slew
story contained within is another matter entirely.
Presented as a memoir, the book follows a man named Otis Boyd Yellowfeather McJunkins, an oftenmarried, endlessly chameleonic antihero who engages in a vast mosaic of hustles and grifts. At one point, McJunkins even attempts to profit o a 9/11 hijacker.
It’s a strange and twisting tale, at times charmingly mundane and, at others, outrageously obtuse. How that relates to a seven-song EP full of highly melodic folk and electro-leaning indie rock is hard to work out.
It’s not as if the songs on How I Made My First Million are about McJunkins “plucking prosperity from the pincers of paucity,” as the book jacket reads. Instead, they are radio-ready, popinflected a airs. “I don’t wanna wait!!!”
boasts an anthemic chorus and Woolard’s playful, falsetto vocals. “Can we don’t though?” is a slick tune that vacillates between ino ensive co eehouse fodder and a Madaila-like indie-dance banger. Woolard has songwriting and production chops for days. The multiinstrumentalist split time recording at the Analog Cabin in Glover and E7 Studios in Reykjavik, Iceland, with frequent collaborator Sakaris Emil Joensen. There is fierce intention behind the EP’s songs, with every note and sonic blip placed exactly so. It’s juxtaposed with tongue-in-cheek lyrics such as “I’ll careen like Charlie Chaplin without a teen” and “Think, McFly!” Narration by Tyler Jones bookends the EP, promising to give the listener “three tips that Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about.”
“Risk” is the most emotionally naked
song of the set, a paean to a departed loved one that grapples with the lingering wounds of grief. “I’ll never get over the fact that I won’t ever get to see your face / but that’s the price that we pay,” Woolard sings, “for the beauty of a brand new day / there’s fine print hiding / when we love, that’s the risk we take.”
The songs on How I Made My First Million are direct missives from the songwriter’s own story, an unobscured view into life, love and sadness. The book is a di erent proposition, the tale of an American rascal with 12 ex-wives and 17 children. The works inform each other tangentially at best, but what they both do in spades is reveal an artist bristling with creativity and courage. With a combination that powerful, what’s a million dollars?
How I Made My First Million is available on major streaming services. The book is available at ohgloriousleader. bandcamp.com.
of influential musicians, American Classical Studies is Boland’s creative manifesto made into art. It’s also an immersive master class for the next generation of creators.
Outside of the YETI MANE persona, Boland is a champion of Vermont’s ever-expanding rap and hip-hop scene. He’s the founder of the nowdefunct Vermont Hip Hop News website and a regular contributor to Seven Days. From album reviews to music features, an intrinsic reverence for musicianship is baked into Boland’s point of view. On American Classical Studies, he isn’t shy about pronouncing his workhorse aesthetic as both an artist and an unsung teacher of the craft.
the album seems a natural progression of his oeuvre. Boland creates his own syntax using piano, drums and bass as if they were parts of speech comprising a unique language.
Just as Horace’s “Ars Poetica” was groundbreaking for merging poetry and criticism, American Classical Studies marks Boland’s meta reprisal of evergreen dialogues on artistic evolution. His creative spirit is so fully formed that
American Classical Studies reveals an industrious attitude and an unwavering a ection for hip-hop and music history.
The album moves at a Goldilocks tempo: not too fast or slow, but grounded in a steady, four-four time signature over which sparse arrangements on electric piano and upright bass take turns in the lead position. Shifting gracefully between playful banter and willful restraint, Boland’s melodies recall the laconic earworm hooks of Slum Village’s early catalog.
Note for note, Boland creates unexpected chords that resist the straightforward voicings of run-of-themill triads where the tonic is always in root position. The mood is evocative of
Black Milk’s backing band Nat Turner, whose propulsive combination of jazz, funk and hip-hop soul made plain that true visionaries resist the trappings of genre.
A swatch book of textured beats, Boland’s compositions are primed for a voice to rap over, but this is no stu y portfolio. It’s a love letter to every guiding star shining in his creative ether — every engineer, musician, instrument, tone and technique that helped him hone his aesthetic as YETI MANE.
Centuries apart, Boland and Horace would likely agree that it would behoove any artist in pursuit of mastery in their craft to commit to the painstaking practice of self-discovery. More than an art form, it’s an art of being that’s built on human will and devotion. Oh, and lots of time spent scavenging the annals of history in search of greatness.
De facto proof of his master’s seat, American Classical Studies a rms Boland’s evolved musical tastes and expertly honed sensibilities as a beatmaker. It’s available at yetimane. bandcamp.com.
Matt Payne (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
Molly Mood (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
Mr Cheng (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free.
DJ Frenetic (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, noon. Free.
Mi Yard Reggae Night with DJ Big Dog (reggae, dancehall) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.
DJ Blaine (DJ) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 5 p.m. Free.
Queer Bar Takeover (DJ) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.
Irish Trad Jam (Celtic) at ArtsRiot, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Open Mic (open mic) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.
Open Mic with Danny Lang (open mic) at Poultney Pub, 7 p.m. Free.
Open Stage Night (open mic) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Old Time Jam (string band open jam) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.
Open Mic with Artie (open mic) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7 p.m. Free.
Olde Time Jam Session (open jam) at the Den at Harry’s Hardware, Cabot, noon. Free. VT Synth Society Meetup (synth open jam, discussion) at Community of Sound, Burlington, 4 p.m. Free.
Singer-songwriter WILL EVANS got his start drumming and singing with the roots-rock band Barefoot Truth. When the group went on hiatus in 2018, the Rhode Island-based Evans started a new chapter in his career, focusing on his solo work and releasing the well-received album Rise. He’s built a close-knit fan community, amassed millions of streams, and perfected a high-energy live show combining acoustic guitar, beatboxing, didgeridoo and extensive looping. His most recent single, a collaboration with electro-twang act Dirtwire called “Bronco,” mixes Delta blues with a chrome veneer of retro-futuristic folk rock. Evans hits the stage at Nectar’s in Burlington on Friday, January 24, with local support from singer-songwriter TROY MILLETTE.
Bluegrass Etc Jam (bluegrass jam) at Ottauquechee Yacht Club, Woodstock, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Open Mic (open mic) at Despacito, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
On the Beat « P.53
that’s free and open to the public. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit groundhog.world.
A di erent kind of music festival returns this weekend in Brattleboro. The 18th annual Northern Roots Festival, a showcase of traditional folk music from European, Scandinavian and Canadian cultures, takes over the Brattleboro Music Center for three days of world-class music this Friday to Sunday, January 24 to 26.
The festivities begin on Friday with a performance by some of the top names in the
Open Mic (open mic) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.
Open Mic with Danny Lang (open mic) at Poultney Pub, 7 p.m. Free.
Standup Open Mic (comedy open mic) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.
French Canadian traditional music world, including accordionist SABIN JACQUES, pianist
RACHEL AUCOIN, fiddler PASCAL GEMME, guitarist
YANN FALQUET and Brattleboro’s own KEITH MURPHY
Workshops held throughout the festival include topics such as “Ergonomics for Fiddlers,” “Québécois Piano,” and “Maritime Songs.” It all wraps up with another massive jam on Sunday, bookending the weekend with French Canadian sounds.
To learn more, check out bmcvt.org.
Italian singer-songwriter PEPPE VOLTARELLI’s current world tour lands in Brattleboro on Friday, January 24, with a performance at
What Else, What Else? (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5.
Astrology Improv (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5.
Sanity Rockefeller’s Spelling Bee Rockefeller (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 9 p.m. $5/$10.
NYC/VT Improv row Down (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10. Raaaatscraps! (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $20.
NYC/VT Improv row Down (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10. Raaaatscraps! (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $20.
Open Mic Comedy with Levi Silverstein (comedy open mic) at the 126, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Sanity Rockefeller’s Spelling Bee Rockefeller (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5/$10.
Standup Open Mic (comedy open mic) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.
Live Band Karaoke (karaoke) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.
Trivia Night (trivia) at Dumb Luck Pub and Grill Winooski, 7 p.m. Free.
Music Trivia (music trivia) at Standing Stone Wines, Winooski, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Trivia (trivia) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6 p.m. Free.
Trivia Night (trivia) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Karaoke with DJ Big T (karaoke) at McKee’s Original, Winooski, 9 p.m. Free.
Karaoke with DJ Coco Entertainment (karaoke) at Old Soul Design Shop, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 5 p.m. Free.
Sunday Funday (games) at 1st Republic Brewing, Essex, noon. Free.
Venetian Karaoke (karaoke) at Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Trivia Monday (trivia) at Black Flannel Brewing & Distilling, Essex, 6 p.m. Free.
Trivia Monday with Top Hat Entertainment (trivia) at McKee’s Original, Winooski, 7 p.m. Free.
Trivia Night (trivia) at Barr Hill, Montpelier, 5:30 p.m. Free.
Trivia with Brain (trivia) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.
Trivia with Craig Mitchell (trivia) at Monkey House, Winooski, 7 p.m. Free.
Karaoke with DJ Party Bear (karaoke) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.
Taproom Trivia (trivia) at 14th Star Brewing, St. Albans, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Trivia (trivia) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Trivia Tuesday (trivia) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. Free.
Trivia Night (trivia) at Dumb Luck Pub and Grill Winooski, 7 p.m. Free. ➆
the Latchis Theater as part of its International Music Series. Fresh o releasing his latest album, grande corsa verso Lupionòpolis (“The great race to Lupionòpolis”) the folk and pop artist launched a 130-date tour that swung through Italy, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland before hitting American shores last week.
A winner of Italy’s prestigious Loano Prize for folk music, Voltarelli is accompanied on tour by violinist and composer For tickets and more information, go to latchis.com. Prize ➆
JANUARY 22-29, 2025
MARKET: Gift givers discover unique handmade items crafted by more than 35 Vermont artists. Brandon Artists Guild, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Info, 247-4956.
INTERNATIONAL GROUP: Savvy businesspeople make crucial contacts at a weekly chapter meeting. BCA Center, Burlington, 11:15 a.m.1 p.m. Free. Info, 829-5066.
climate crisis
WORKSHOP: Concerned locals gather to discuss climate resilience legislation to support our state’s farms. Brooks Memorial Library, Brattleboro, 12:30-2 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, jessica@nofavt.org.
CURRENT EVENTS: Neighbors have an informal discussion about what’s in the news. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m.noon. Free. Info, 878-4918.
YARN CRAFTERS GROUP: A drop-in meetup welcomes knitters, crocheters, spinners, weavers and other fiber artists. BYO snacks and drinks. Must Love Yarn, Shelburne, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 448-3780. etc.
BLOOD DRIVE: Participants part with life-sustaining pints at this American Red Cross donation event. Greater Burlington YMCA, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 862-9622.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN FILM SERIES: ‘MAESTRA’: Maggie Contreras’ 2023 documentary follows five groundbreaking female conductors as they compete against each other in Paris. Virtual option available. Burlington City Hall Auditorium, 6 p.m. Free. Info, adfilmseries@gmail.com.
COMMUNITY COOKING: Neighbors join up with the nonprofit’s staff and volunteers to make a yummy meal for distribution. Pathways Vermont, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 777-8691.
These community event listings are sponsored by the WaterWheel Foundation, a project of the Vermont band Phish.
All submissions must be received by Thursday at noon for consideration in the following Wednesday’s newspaper. Find our convenient form and guidelines at sevendaysvt.com/postevent
Listings and spotlights are written by Rebecca Driscoll Seven Days edits for space and style. Depending on cost and other factors, classes and workshops may be listed in either the calendar or the classes section. Class organizers may be asked to purchase a class listing.
Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
alongside Middlebury College students. Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 7:30-9 p.m. Free. Info, 443-6433.
BOARD GAME NIGHT: Game lovers enjoy an evening of friendly competition with staples such as Catan, Dominion, chess and cards. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
CHESS CLUB: Players of all ages and abilities test their skills with instructor Robert and peers. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 3:30-5 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
CHAIR YOGA: Waterbury Public Library instructor Diana Whitney leads at-home participants in gentle stretches supported by seats. 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
CONVOCATION: TERRI GIVENS: The political science professor and author of Radical Empathy: Finding a Path to Bridging Racial Divides discusses issues related to leadership and inclusion. McCarthy Arts Center, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2216.
GROUP: People of all proficiency levels chat in the modern form of the language while sharing skills and making new friends. Fletcher Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, katyhayden802@gmail.com.
CHORAL CHAMELEON: The group deepens its campus connection with an exciting vocal installation performed
Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at sevendaysvt.com/art.
See what’s playing in the On Screen section. music + nightlife
Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at sevendaysvt.com/music.
Conductor Stefanie Weigand leads vocalists ages 16 and up in a stigma-free, supportive environment. Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, phoenix@me2music.org.
SANCTUARY MUTTS: Tim Jennings’ local folk trio plays lively Irish and Americana toe-tappers. Outer Spice Café, Plainfield, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, folktale@mac.com.
‘STRAWBERRIES IN JANUARY’: Canadian troupe Centaur Theatre treats musical lovers to a new, English-language version of a Québécois classic. Centaur Theatre, Montréal, 8 p.m. $22-68. Info, 514-288-3161.
Vermont Community Leadership Network hosts an informative session for professionals and neighbors to discuss ideas for civic education and engagement across the state. 10 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-6091.
IMOVIE EDITING: Visual storytellers learn how to hone their craft with a user-friendly computer program. A Q&A follows. The Media Factory, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free; donations accepted; preregister. Info, 651-9692.
TUBELESS TIRE CLINIC: Curious cyclists learn more about the benefits of “going tubeless,” including more grip, a smoother ride and fewer flats. Bootlegger Bikes St. Albans, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 782-8747.
TENNIS CLUB: Ping-Pong players swing their paddles in singles and doubles matches. Rutland Area Christian School, 7-9 p.m. Free for first two sessions; $30 annual membership. Info, 247-5913.
ANN DÁVILA CARDINAL: A Vermont author discusses how the media’s depiction of older people must be modernized to properly reflect the demographic. 7-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 262-2626.
NOONTIME POETRY READING SOCIETY: Verse lovers link up to share their work, reflect and write creatively. Pierson Library, Shelburne, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 985-5124.
GROW YOUR BUSINESS: Shelburne BNI hosts a weekly meeting for local professionals to exchange referrals and build meaningful connections. Connect Church, Shelburne, 8:30-10 a.m. Free. Info, 377-3422.
VOLUNTEER OPEN HOUSE: Good Samaritans learn about the many ways to make a difference, including Meals on Wheels deliveries, older adult companionship and wellness classes. Central Vermont Council on Aging, Barre, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 476-2662.
KNITTING GROUP: Knitters of all experience levels get together to spin yarns. Latham Library, Thetford, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 785-4361.
WOODWORKING LAB: Visionaries create a project or learn a new skill with the help of mentors and access to tools and equipment in the makerspace. Hannaford Career Center, Middlebury, 5-8 p.m. $7.50. Info, 382-1012.
STOWE WINTER CARNIVAL: Expert ice carvers turn the town into a wild winter wonderland. See gostowe.com for full schedule. Various Stowe locations. Free. Info, 253-7321.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘ABOLITION & REVOLUTION’: Burlington filmmaker and activist April Fisher’s radical documentary weaves together archival footage of the Black Panthers and other luminary freedom fighters. Davis Center, University of Vermont, Burlington, 7-8:45 p.m. Free. Info, 845-598-0655.
‘ANIMAL KINGDOM 3D’: Audience members are guided through an exploration of stunning animal worlds, from frozen snowy forests to the darkest depths of the ocean. Dealer.com 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $16.50-20; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
‘ANORA’: Viewers take in Sean Baker’s 2024 Palme d’Or winner
— an audacious and thrilling variation of a modern-day Cinderella story. Film House, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7 p.m. $6-12. Info, 660-2600.
‘ANTARCTICA 3D’: Never-beforeseen footage brings audience members to the farthest reaches of the coldest, driest, windiest
continent on Earth. Dealer. com 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $16.50-20; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
‘BLUE WHALES: RETURN OF THE GIANTS 3D’: Andy Serkis narrates the journey of a lifetime into the realm of the world’s largest mammals and the scientists who study them. Dealer.com 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, noon, 2 & 4 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $16.50-20; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
HIRSCHFIELD INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES: ‘THE SEED OF THE SACRED FIG’: Iranian filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulof’s 2024 political drama follows an investigating judge in Tehran as he grapples with paranoia amid societal unrest. Dana Auditorium, Sunderland Language Center, Middlebury College, 7-9:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-3190.
‘T. REX: GREATEST OF ALL TYRANTS 3D’: Incredible CGI and revelations in tyrannosaur paleontology help to chronicle a remarkable discovery in the badlands of Hell Creek. Dealer. com 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $16.50-20; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
WINTER CARNIVAL WEEKEND: Locals beat the January blues with delicious wine, cheese and flatbread, all alongside ice sculptures carved for the occasion. American Flatbread Stowe, 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Cost of food and drink. Info, 253-3092.
DUPLICATE BRIDGE GAMES: Snacks and coffee fuel bouts of a classic card game. Burlington Bridge Club, Williston, 12:30-4 p.m. $6. Info, 872-5722. WEEKLY CHESS FOR FUN: Players of all ability levels face off and learn new strategies. United Community Church, St. Johnsbury, 5:30-9 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, lafferty1949@gmail.com.
ITALIAN CONVERSATION GROUP: Semi-fluent speakers practice their skills during a conversazione with others. Best for those who can speak at least basic sentences. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
SOUP DREAMS: A Philadelphia band plays stripped-down arrangements of its eclectic repertoire, from indie rock to country.
Babes Bar, Bethel, 9-10:30 p.m. Free. Info, 201-364-4020.
Bird lovers join the institute’s research team out in the field as they search for raptors and attempt to trap and band hawks. Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $112-125; preregister. Info, 359-5000.
Vermont Public edifies neighbors about the skills necessary to bridge the political divide. Bristol Fire Department, 5:30-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 540-6882.
PEER LEADER TRAINING: The Get Healthy North Country Community Integrated Health Network hosts a virtual seminar for community members interested in helping others recognize the signs and symptoms commonly linked to chronic health conditions. 9-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 315-261-4760, ext. 239.
RECORDING AUDIO: An informative evening examines the latest audio techniques and equipment, from microphones to boom poles. The Media Factory, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free; preregister; donations accepted. Info, 651-9692.
DEREK PENSLAR: A Harvard professor shares how hateful criticism relates to contemporary anti-Zionism and antisemitism. Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building, University of Vermont, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3180.
ERIN TALMAGE: The Birds of Vermont Museum director sheds light on our state’s wintering feathered friends. Salisbury Congregational Church, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 434-2167.
EMILY HALNON: The author of the best-selling memoir To the Gorge shares stories from her record-breaking run across Oregon and her journey through grief. Green Mountain Club Headquarters, Waterbury Center, 7-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7037.
LAMPSHADE POETS OPEN MIC: Poets share their original works and have the opportunity to be recorded for the nonprofit’s community access station and YouTube channel. Junction Arts & Media, White River Junction, 6-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister to read. Info, 295-6688.
ELISA GONZALEZ: A lauded poet, essayist and fiction writer reads from her recent works. Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, 8-9 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 635-2727.
JAN. 24-26 |
C’est le fun! Brattleboro Music Center’s Northern Roots Festival returns for its 18th year honoring cross-cultural traditions. The revelry commences on Friday with a French Canadian soirée highlighting prominent Québécois artists such as fiddler Pascal Gemme (pictured) and accordionist Sabin Jacques. On Saturday, culturally curious music enthusiasts expand their repertoires with diverse workshops on topics from Balfolk dance to Irish immigration songs. The evening brings more genre-blending acts to the stage, including “Traddleboro” — the town’s annual collection of noteworthy local talent. Finally, in keeping with the fest’s communal tone, on-tap beers fill bellies while traditional tunes fill hearts at Sunday afternoon’s jolly pub sing.
Friday, January 24, Saturday, January 25, and Sunday, January 26, at various Brattleboro locations. Various prices. Info, 257-4523, bmcvt.org.
ALPHA FILM SERIES: Community members enjoy a meal, watch a brief video and share their perspectives on faith in an informal, friendly environment. St. John Vianney Parish Hall, South Burlington, 6:15-8:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 864-4166.
SPAAAACE: Science lovers flock to an adults-only, hands-on night at the museum. Ages 21 and up. Montshire Museum of Science, Norwich, 6:30-9 p.m. $20; preregister. Info, 649-2200.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘COFFY’: Jack Hill’s 1973 dark comedy-thriller features Pam Grier as a nurse who wreaks vengeance on inner-city drug dealers. The Screening Room @ VTIFF, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7 p.m. $6-12. Info, 660-2600.
‘FAR OUT: LIFE ON & AFTER THE COMMUNE’: 1960s counterculture in rural America is illuminated in
this award-winning 2024 documentary blending contemporary interviews with archival footage. A discussion follows. Essex Cinemas & T-Rex Theater, 7 p.m. $12.50-15. Info, 878-4200.
NIGHT: Foodies indulge in a multicourse feast designed to delight taste buds and warm bellies. Adventure Dinner Clubhouse, Colchester, 6-9 p.m. $75. Info, sas@adventuredinner.com.
GIN-TER WONDERLAND: Libation lovers revel in a special cocktail menu filled with seasonal cheer, including gingerbread old-fashioneds and Euro-style hot chocolate. Barr Hill, Montpelier, 2-8 p.m. Free. Info, 472-8000.
trio takes the stage with special guest trombonist Elizabeth Frascoia. The Phoenix, Waterbury, 7:30-8:30 p.m. $15-30 sliding scale. Info, 355-5440.
DANCE PARTY WITH THE GASLIGHT TINKERS: A roots and world music quintet plays genre-bending rhythms for revelers to groove to. Virtual option available. Next Stage Arts, Putney, 7:30 p.m. $10-25. Info, 387-0102.
An annual jamboree highlights traditional Irish, Scottish, Scandinavian and French Canadian music in intimate settings. See website for full schedule. See calendar spotlight. Various Brattleboro locations. Various prices. Info, 257-4523.
THE TENDERBELLIES: Guests fill up their tanks with a Crock-Pot dinner and energetic live tunes by the local bluegrass band. The Opera House at Enosburg Falls, 7-10 p.m. $15; cash bar. Info, 933-6171.
UPPER VALLEY BAROQUE: Listeners experience the splendor of Johann Sebastian Bach’s complete Brandenburg Concertos played on period instruments. Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 7 p.m. $35; free for students. Info, 203-240-1164.
DUPLICATE BRIDGE GAMES: See THU.23, 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
ONLINE: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library invites attendees to relax on their lunch breaks and reconnect with their bodies. Noon-12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@ damlvt.org.
MINDFULNESS MEDITATION: Community members gather for an informal session combining stimulating discussion, sharing and sitting in silence. Pathways Vermont, Burlington, 1:15-2:15 p.m. Free. Info, 777-8691.
PEOPLE WITH ARTHRITIS CAN EXERCISE: Folks get their bodies moving with a low-impact program that keeps joints flexible and muscles strong. Waterbury Public Library, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 241-4840.
QUEER YOUTH WINTER DANCE: LGBTQ+ revelers ages 12 to 24 don whatever makes them feel fabulous and boogie down on the dance floor. Spectrum Youth & Family Services, St. Albans, 7-10 p.m. Free. Info, david@ outrightvt.org.
RPG NIGHT: Members of the LGBTQ community get together weekly for role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons and Everway. Rainbow Bridge Community Center, Barre, 5:308:30 p.m. Free. Info, 622-0692.
WINTER WILDLIFE TRACKING PRESENTATION: Seasoned nature educator Ange Gibbons teaches attendees about the signs and stories of our wild neighbors. Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium, St. Johnsbury, 5:307 p.m. $10 suggested donation; preregister. Info, 748-2372.
NATURE & HUMAN HEALTH: FLASH TALKS: A panel of the school’s Macmillan Scholars discusses how nature benefits our well-being. A Q&A follows. University of Vermont Alumni House, Burlington, 4-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-2906.
Perplexed patrons receive aid from library staff on a first-come, first-served basis. Fletcher Free Library New North End Branch, Burlington, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 863-3403.
*SNAP* FIRST PERSON ARTS FESTIVAL: ‘HI, ARE YOU SINGLE?’: Actor and playwright Ryan J. Haddad dazzles audience members with his one-man show exploring the dizzying intersection of romance and disability. Ages 18 and up. Flynn Space, Burlington, 7 p.m. $20. Info, 863-5966.
See WED.22, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
GEAR REPAIR WORKSHOP: Neighbors with stuck or misaligned zippers, puffy-coat holes, broken backpack buckles, and beyond bring in their woeful wares for mending. Craftsbury Public Library, Craftsbury Common, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 586-9683.
SISTERHOOD CAMPFIRE: Women and genderqueer folks gather in a safe and inclusive space to build community through journaling, storytelling, gentle music and stargazing. Leddy Park, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, sisterhoodcampfire@gmail.com.
FESTIVAL: *SNAP* STORIES: Five storytellers from across artistic disciplines take the stage to share unique tales, demonstrating the power of first-person narratives. Flynn Space, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 863-5966.
fairs & festivals
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘AIDA’: The Metropolitan Opera’s new production of Giuseppe Verdi’s masterpiece stars Angel Blue as the titular Ethiopian princess. Loew Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 12:30-4 p.m. $22. Info, 603-646-2422.
‘THE FARM BOY’: Filmmaker George Woodward of Waterbury Center dreamed up this war-driven adventure set in 1944 Belgium. Essex Cinemas & T-Rex Theater, 1 p.m. $7.50-9. Info, 878-7231.
‘THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW’: Audience members delight in the bawdy 1975 cult-classic musical, featuring a live shadow cast performance by White River Junction’s Creature Feature Club. Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 9-11 p.m. $17. Info, 603-448-0400.
‘WILD AT HEART’: David Lynch’s 1990 crime thriller stars Nicholas Cage and Laura Dern as two lovers who just can’t stay out of trouble. The Screening Room @ VTIFF, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7 p.m. $6-12. Info, 660-2600.
The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department’s annual Ice Fishing Festival at Silver Lake State Park in Barnard occurs in tandem with the state’s Free Ice Fishing Day — an eagerly awaited winter chance for anyone, with or without a license, to get outside and cast a line. If you’re looking for a little guidance, or want to tune-up your tip-up techniques, the department’s knowledgeable staff and Let’s Go Fishing volunteers can help. Beginning at 11 a.m., anglers of all ages and abilities learn the basics with helpful aquatic education stations, such as hole drilling, ice safety, knot tying and fish identification.
Saturday, January 25, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., at Silver Lake State Park in Barnard. Free; preregister. Info, 505-5562, vtfishandwildlife.com.
BURLINGTON WINTER FARMERS MARKET: More than 40 vendors showcase their finest farm-fresh produce, meats, unique crafts and baked goods. Burlington Beer, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 560-5904. HOT CHOCOLATE TASTING: Store staff guide sweets lovers on a sensory exploration of the creamy, soul-soothing delight. Lake Champlain Chocolates, Stowe, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 253-9591.
GIN-TER WONDERLAND: See FRI.24, noon-8 p.m.
CHESS CLUB: All ages and abilities face off and learn new strategies. South Burlington
Public Library & City Hall, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
D&D & TTRPG GROUP: Fans of Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop role-playing games embark on a new adventure with a rotating cast of game masters. Virtual option available. Waterbury Public Library, 1-5 p.m. Free. Info, judi@ waterburypubliclibrary.com.
LEARN TO PLAY MAH-JONGG: Expert tile trader Pauline Nolte leads players through the Chinese and American versions of the ancient game. Waterbury Public Library, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, judi@ waterburypubliclibrary.com.
health & fitness
BALANCE CLASS: Physical therapist Michelle Rousseau coaches participants about the many factors that affect balance and
shares practical exercises to try at home. Wear comfortable clothing. Waterbury Public Library, 10:3011:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, judi@waterburypubliclibrary.com.
PROM & SNOW BALL: Essex Pride hosts a night of glam, glitter, dancing and community sharing for LGBTQ+ revelers and allies. The Snow Ball portion of the event is for ages 18 and up. The Essex Resort & Spa, 6-11 p.m. Various prices. Info, essexvtpride@gmail.com.
CAPITAL CITY CONCERTS: CULOMBA: In “Color and Joy for a Winter Afternoon,” the vocal ensemble transports listeners with a global repertoire, from American folk traditions to early European
polyphony. Unitarian Church of Montpelier, 3 p.m. By donation. Info, info@capitalcity concerts.org.
FIRAS ZREIK: A New York kanun player and composer delights listeners with a complexity of emotion that shape-shifts throughout his sets. Virtual option available. Next Stage Arts, Putney, 7:30 p.m. $10-25. Info, 387-0102.
GREEN MOUNTAIN MAHLER FESTIVAL ORCHESTRA & CHORUS: Daniel Bruce conducts the ensemble in Johannes Brahms’ A German Requiem Proceeds benefit California wildfire relief operations. Elley-Long Music Center, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 7:30 p.m. $2535. Info, 760-4634.
RAMBLETREE: Come along for the craic! Local musicians Daniel Brown and Reagh Greenleaf Jr. play a dynamic mix of homegrown material, world music and Celtic folk tunes. O’Dwyer’s Public House, Killington, 6-9 p.m. Free. Info, 779-4114.
Listeners leave stress behind while experiencing the healing power of a sound machine built in Uruguay. The Magnetica Performance Space, Burlington, 6:30-7:30 p.m. $30. Info, events@ themagnetica.com.
UPPER VALLEY BAROQUE: See FRI.24. Chandler Center for the Arts, Randolph, 3 p.m.
BAND: A Grammy-nominated bluegrass group blends elements
of rock, alternative and improvisational music with a psychedelic light show. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 7-9 p.m. $39-59. Info, 775-0903.
ICE FISHING FESTIVAL: Vermont Fish & Wildlife staff teach anglers of all ages the basics of snagging swimmers from freezing waters — from tip-ups to filleting. See calendar spotlight. Silver Lake
Find even more local events in this newspaper and online: art
Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at sevendaysvt.com/art.
See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
music + nightlife
Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at sevendaysvt.com/ music.
Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
State Park, Barnard, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 505-5562.
WALK: New and experienced avian aficionados join a slowpaced stroll to identify our flying, feathered friends. BYO binoculars. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 8-9 a.m. $10-15 suggested donation; preregister. Info, 434-2167.
OWL’S HEAD HIKE: Adventurers join up with the Green Mountain Club for a moderate hike to the summit and beautiful views of Kettle Lake. Microspikes required. Call for start time. New Discovery State Park, Marshfield. Free; preregister by Jan. 22. Info, 413-884-5932.
WINTER STARGAZING EVENT: Vermont Astronomical Society’s Joel Greene hosts an informative and exciting celestial viewing for astronomy enthusiasts. BYO telescopes and binoculars encouraged. Moretown Memorial Library, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 496-9728. québec
PHONE & TECH SUPPORT: See FRI.24. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington.
JEN ELLIS: The viral Vermont mitten maker and author signs copies of her 2023 memoir, Bernie’s Mitten Maker. Vermont Teddy Bear, Shelburne, 11 a.m.2 p.m. Free. Info, 985-1319.
THE POETRY EXPERIENCE: Local wordsmith Rajnii Eddins hosts a supportive writing and sharing circle for poets of all ages. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
WRITE NOW!: Lit lovers of all experience levels hone their craft in a supportive and critique-free environment. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 223-3338.
ANTIQUES MARKET: Vintage lovers scour unique treasures and timeless finds in a relaxed atmosphere. Canadian Club, Barre, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. $2-5. Info, 751-6138.
HUMAN CONNECTION CIRCLE: Neighbors share stories from their lives and forge deep bonds. Pickering Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, humanconnectioncircle@ gmail.com.
FESTIVAL: STORY SLAM: Participants from the festival’s storytelling masterclass workshop share riveting five-minute tales, followed by an opportunity for listeners to take the stage.
Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages. • Plan ahead at sevendaysvt.com/family-fun Post your event at sevendaysvt.com/postevent.
STEAM SPACE: Kiddos in grades K to 5 explore science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics with fun and engaging activities. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
TODDLER TIME: Librarians bring out books, rhymes and songs specially selected for young ones 12 to 24 months. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
chittenden county
BABY TIME: Infants and their caregivers enjoy a slow, soothing story featuring songs, rhymes and lap play. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10:3011 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
GAME ON!: Kids take turns collaborating with or competing against friends using Nintendo Switch on the big screen. Caregivers must be present to supervise children below fifth grade. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 5-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
PLAY TIME: Little ones ages birth to 5 build with blocks and read together. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-10:45 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
PLAYGROUP & STORY TIME: Caregivers and kids through age 5 listen to stories, sing songs and share toys with new friends. Richmond Free Library, 10 a.m.noon. Free. Info, 434-3036. READ TO A DOG: Kids of all ages get a 10-minute time slot to tell stories to Emma the therapy pup. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, sbplkids@southburlingtonvt.gov.
BABY & ME CLASS: Parents and their infants ages birth to 1 explore massage, lullabies and gentle movements while discussing the struggles and joys of parenthood. Greater Burlington YMCA, 9:45-10:45 a.m. $10; free for members. Info, 862-9622.
BABY TIME: Pre-walking little ones experience a story time catered to their infant interests. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
GROW PRESCHOOL YOGA: Colleen from Grow Prenatal and Family Yoga leads kids ages 2 to 5 in songs, movement and other fun activities. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
PRESCHOOL MUSIC WITH LINDA BASSICK: The singer and storyteller extraordinaire guides wee ones ages birth to 5 in indoor music and movement. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
PRESCHOOL PLAY TIME: Pre-K patrons play and socialize after music time. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
STORY TIME: Little ones ages birth to 5 learn from songs, crafts and picture books. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
POKÉMON CLUB: I choose you, Pikachu! Elementary and teenage fans of the franchise — and beginners, too — trade cards and play games. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 3:30-5 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
STORY TIME: Kids and their caregivers meet for stories, songs and bubbles. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
WEE ONES PLAYTIME: Caregivers bring kiddos 3 and younger to a new sensory learning experience each week. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.
mad river valley/ waterbury
BUSY BEES PLAYGROUP: Blocks, toys, books and songs engage little ones 24 months and younger. Waterbury Public Library, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
northeast kingdom
ACORN CLUB STORY TIME: Youngsters 5 and under play, sing, hear stories and color. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 10:15-10:45 a.m. Free. Info, 745-1391.
VISIT WITH VASYA: Kiddos of all ages flock to the beloved therapy dog for a bit of unconditional love. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:15-11:15 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
chittenden county
AFTERSCHOOL ART PROJECTS: Crafty youngsters in grades 2 and up create and laminate mixed-media bookmarks using different techniques. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
LEGO BUILDERS: Mini makers explore and create new worlds with stackable blocks. Recommended for ages 6 and up. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
LEGO CLUB: Budding builders create geometric structures with snap-together blocks. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 3:30-5 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
STORY TIME & PLAYGROUP: Participants ages 5 and under enjoy themed science, art and nature activities. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.
mad river valley/ waterbury
DINNER WITH DAYNA LORENTZ: An award-winning author reads from her riveting children’s book Wayward Creatures followed by a Q&A with kiddos. Meals provided. Inklings Children’s Books, Waitsfield, 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, inklings childrensbooks@gmail.com.
upper valley
STORY TIME: Preschoolers take part in tales, tunes and playtime. Latham Library, Thetford, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 785-4361.
FAMILY ARTS SATURDAY: Families get creative with air-dry clay in an activity inspired by ceramist Michelle Im. Burlington City Arts, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.
FAMILY PLAYSHOP: Wee ones ages birth to 5 explore a range of themes and rotating activities designed to promote school readiness and foster creativity. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
ANTI-RACIST STORY TIME: The Vermont Student Anti-Racism Network hosts a morning of themed stories and activities for little library patrons ages 2 and up. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
TURTLES TO TOADS: Expert staff from the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum lead curious families in handson experiences with Vermont’s coolest reptiles and amphibians. Mad River Glen, Waitsfield, 5-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 583-3536.
NIGHT HIKE: Outdoor adventurers experience the dark through their senses, play themed games and meet one of the center’s education owls. Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, 5-6 p.m. $10; free for members and kids under 3; preregister. Info, 359-5000.
SAPLING STORY TIME: ANIMAL DETECTIVES: Youngsters hear Someone Walks By by Polly Carlson-Voiles, followed by a themed activity and a short snowshoe walk to identify signs of wildlife. MarshBillings-Rockefeller National Historical Park, Woodstock, 9:45-11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, tiffany_brocco@partner.nps.gov.
SNOWLIGHTS: SHADOW PLAY: Families delight in indoor-outdoor illuminated landscapes, featuring fire juggling, interactive displays and cozy treats. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 5-8 p.m. $18-40. Info, 533-2000.
SOCIAL SUNDAYS: Crafty kids participate in fun and educational art activities with diverse mediums and themes. All supplies and instruction provided. Milton Artists’ Guild Art Center & Gallery, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 891-2014.
DOKTOR KABOOM: A zany educator takes the stage to illustrate the physical science concept of pressure and what it can teach us about our emotions and mental health. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, 3:30 p.m. $20-35. Info, 760-4634.
‘MESSES’: Jaw-dropping performer Janoah merges art forms from juggling to puppetry, all while teaching audience members about his craft. An optional free workshop follows. New England Center for Circus Arts, Brattleboro, 1 p.m. $15-35; free for kids 2 and under. Info, 254-9780.
PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Bookworms ages 2 to 5 enjoy a fun-filled reading time. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
mad river valley/ waterbury
TODDLER TIME: Little tykes ages 5 and under have a blast with songs, stories, rhymes and dancing. Waterbury Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
SING-ALONG WITH LINDA BASSICK: Babies, toddlers and preschoolers sing, dance and wiggle along with Linda. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
chittenden county
CRAFTYTOWN: Kiddos express their inner artist using mediums such as paint, print, collage and sculpture. Recommended for ages 6 and up. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
STORY TIME: Youngsters ages birth to 5 enjoy a session of reading, rhyming and singing. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
TEEN ANIME CLUB: Fans in grades 6 through 12 watch their favorite shows with friends and snacks. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 4-5 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
TODDLER TIME: Wiggly wee ones ages 1 and up love this lively, interactive storybook experience featuring songs, rhymes and finger plays. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 9:15-9:45 & 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
chittenden county
Flynn Space, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 863-5966.
SPIN-IN SPINNING CIRCLE: Yarn makers get together and get their wheels turning. BYO fiber and spinning device. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1-4 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
Locals from the dance community gather with Vermont legislators to dialogue about the arts-funding landscape and share actionable steps for a better future. Esther Mesh Room, Chandler Center for the Arts, Randolph, 2-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, info@ vermontdance.org.
TWO-STEP DANCE: Happy feet learn how to Texas two-step and line dance, followed by an evening of salsa, cha-cha and beyond.
Artistree Community Arts Center, South Pomfret, 5-8 p.m. $20. Info, 457-3500.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘FREEDOM & UNITY: THE VERMONT MOVIE’: Audience members take in parts one and two of this documentary series made by award-winning Vermont filmmakers. Bellows Falls Opera House, 2-5:30 p.m. $17.50. Info, 463-3964, ext. 1120.
‘THE YORKIE WEREWOLF’: Michael DiBiasio-Ornelas’ Vermont-made comedy-horror flick flips the werewolf mythos on its head. The Screening Room @ VTIFF, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 3 p.m. $7-14. Info, 660–2600.
food & drink
GIN-TER WONDERLAND: See FRI.24, noon-7 p.m.
VIRTUAL PASTA COOKING CLASS: Gastronomes of all ages and abilities learn how to make delicious dishes that blend Italian tradition with fresh New England ingredients. Hosted by Trenchers Farmhouse. 5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 650-224-5533.
health & fitness
(FULLY): Participants practice
keeping joy, generosity and gratitude at the forefront of their minds. Jenna’s House, Johnson, 10-11:15 a.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, mollyzapp@live. com.
MINDFULNESS PRACTICE: Newcomers and experienced meditators alike stretch their skills in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. Hot Yoga Burlington, 6:30-8:15 p.m. Free. Info, newleafsangha@gmail. com.
BOARD GAME DAY: LGBTQ tabletop fans bring their own favorite games to the party. Rainbow Bridge Community Center, Barre, 1-6 p.m. Free. Info, 622-0692.
CRAFT CLUB: Creative queer folks work on their knitting, crocheting and sewing projects. Rainbow Bridge Community Center, Barre, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 622-0692.
LGBTQ FIBER ARTS GROUP: A knitting, crocheting and weaving session welcomes all ages, gender identities, sexual orientations and skill levels. Presented by Pride Center of Vermont. Noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, laurie@pridecentervt. org.
Audiences experience the healing power of a sound, light and music generator built in Uruguay. The Magnetica Performance Space, Burlington, 3-4 p.m. $30. Info, events@themagnetica.com.
CLASSICAL SERIES: TESLA QUARTET: A chamber music ensemble captivates listeners with both contemporary works and established masterpieces. See calendar spotlight. Grace United Methodist Church, St. Johnsbury, 3-5 p.m. $6-20. Info, 748-7135.
UPPER VALLEY BAROQUE: See FRI.24. Grace Congregational Church, Rutland, 2 p.m. outdoors
WILDLIFE TRACKING CLUB: Naturalists teach trackers of all ages how to distinguish the snowy paw prints of Vermont mammals. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 10-11:30 a.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, 229-6206.
WHY A CHANGING CLIMATE MATTERS TO OUR HEALTH: Transition Town Jericho presents a community-driven discussion about how our warming planet affects food, food waste and nutrition. Community Center in Jericho, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 829-8168.
The International Review of Music applauds the Tesla Quartet for their “superb capacity to find the inner heart of everything they play, regardless of era, style, or technical demand.” The string ensemble’s deeply felt playing lifts up listeners at Grace United Methodist Church in St. Johnsbury — an unmissable kick-start to the Northeast Kingdom Classical Series’ 2025 lineup. The program of works by Joseph Haydn, Grażyna Bacewicz and Antonín Dvořák reinforces the group’s commitment to maintaining an expansive, always fresh repertoire. From pioneering contemporary compositions to respected masterpieces, the four artists — who have performed together for 16 seasons — showcase compelling control of their chosen works.
Sunday, January 26, 3-5 p.m., at Grace United Methodist Church in St. Johnsbury. $6-20. Info, 748-7135, nekclassicalseries.org.
FUSE BEADS CLUB: Aspiring artisans bring ideas or borrow patterns to make beaded creations. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 3:30-5 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
CULINARY MAVERICKS: A MULTICOURSE WINTER BBQ DINNER: Diners savor delectable dishes that marry traditional Southern fare with local seasonal bounty. Cold Hollow Cider Mill, Waterbury Center, 6-8:30 p.m. $80. Info, 800-327-7537.
LAUGHTER YOGA: Spontaneous, joyful movement and breath promote physical and emotional health. Virtual option available. Pathways Vermont, Burlington, 1:15-2:15 p.m. Free. Info, 777-8691.
GERMAN LANGUAGE LUNCH: Willkommen! Speakers of all experience levels brush up on
conversational skills over bagged lunches. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
ACROSS SECTORS: A panel of experts within different water-related sectors sheds light on flood-hazard mitigation. A Q&A follows. Virtual option available. Farrell Hall, University of Vermont, Burlington, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, hannah.fischer@ uvm.edu.
JAN. 26
SCRIPTWRITERS’ GROUP: Got a story to tell? Talented local writers swap techniques and constructive critiques. Junction Arts & Media, White River Junction, 5:30-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 295-6688.
Find even more local events in this newspaper and online: art
Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at sevendaysvt.com/art. film
See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
music + nightlife
Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at sevendaysvt.com/ music.
Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
READ LIKE A WRITER: New England Readers & Writers hosts a virtual reading group for lit lovers to chat about short stories, both contemporary and classic. 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 372-1132.
Brownell Library holds a virtual roundtable for neighbors to pause and reflect on the news cycle. 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6955.
Choreographer and performer
Miguel Alejandro Castillo Le Maitre dives into the messy, beautiful dynamics of brotherhood through movement and monologues. Dance Theatre, Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 5-6 p.m. Free. Info, 443-2808.
SESSION: All ages and experience levels shake a leg in this friendly, casual environment designed for learning. Bring clean shoes. Champlain Club, Burlington, 7:309 p.m. Free. Info, 864-8382.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘FARGO’: A bizarre kidnapping unfolds into murder and mayhem in Joel and Ethan Coen’s 1996 cult classic. Film House, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 540-3018.
‘THE FARM BOY’: See SAT.25. Welden Theatre, St. Albans, 6:30 p.m. $8-10. Info, 527-7888.
Locals ages 18 and up enjoy the library’s collection or bring their own to share with the group. Light refreshments provided. Essex Free Library, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 879-0313.
COMMUNITY MEDITATION: All experience levels and ages engage in the ancient Buddhist practice of clearing the mind to achieve a state of calm. First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington, 5:15-6 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, 862-5630.
FRENCH CONVERSATION GROUP: Francophones and language learners meet pour parler la belle langue. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 5-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
ITALIAN LANGUAGE LUNCH: Speakers hone their skills in the Romance language over bagged
lunches. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
EZ BREEZY RIDES: IGNITE THE NIGHT: Cyclists enjoy a funfilled, casual group ride around Burlington. Bring lights and reflective wear. Local Motion, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 861-2700.
STORIES OF THE LAND: DOCUMENTING MEMORIES OF PLACES THAT MATTER: Attendees learn how to seek out, record and share oral histories about their most meaningful places. Hosted by Vermont Land Trust and Vermont Folklife. 7-8:30 p.m. Free; donations accepted; preregister. Info, 262-3765.
BURLINGTON LITERATURE GROUP: Bookworms analyze Nobel laureate Saul Bellow’s novels Henderson the Rain King and Herzog over the course of nine weeks. 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, info@nereadersandwriters.com.
SPENCER PRIZE IN ORATORY GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP: The college’s qualifying first-year students compete in an annual speech competition honoring the late professor emeritus John Spencer. Robison Concert Hall, Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 7:30-9 p.m. Free. Info, 443-6433.
POETRY GROUP: A supportive drop-in group welcomes those who would like to share and listen to verse. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 11 a.m.noon. Free. Info, 846-4140.
WRITING CIRCLE: Words pour out when participants explore creative expression in a low-pressure environment. Virtual option available. Pathways Vermont, Burlington, 4-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 777-8691.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘UNDERDOG’: Audience members delight in this 2021 documentary
exploring the fascinating tale of Doug Butler, a Vermont dairy farmer who longs to be a dog musher in Alaska. A Q&A with the director follows. Norwich Public Library, 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 262-2626.
food & drink
health & fitness
CELEBRATION: Revelers usher in the Year of the Snake with a feast of traditional foods, a festive parade and themed crafts. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 4:30-6 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
FILMING IN THE STUDIO: Media enthusiasts walk through the process of conducting interviews on set while switching between cameras and utilizing chroma-keyed backgrounds. The Media Factory, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free; donations accepted; preregister. Info, 651-9692.
SUSPENSION 101: Bicycling fans learn more about what all those knobs do, when they should turn ’em — and when they shouldn’t. Bootlegger Bikes Jeffersonville, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 644-8370.
‘KING JAMES’: Northern Stage raises the curtain on Rajiv Joseph’s powerful new play following two NBA superfans and their shared worship of LeBron James. Barrette Center for the Arts, White River Junction, 7:30 p.m. Various prices. Info, 296-7000.
‘THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG’: Vermont Stage delights audience members with an Olivier Award-winning whodunit set in the 1920s. Ages 12 and up. Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $34-54 sliding scale. Info, 862-1497.
Taiko, 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays: Intermediate Djembe, 5:30-7 p.m.; Beginner Djembe, 7-8:30 p.m. Drums provided. Cost: $92 for 4 weeks of 90-min. classes; $72/person for Kids & Parents class. Location: Taiko Studio, 208 Flynn Ave., Burlington. Info: Stuart, 999-4255, classes@ burlingtontaiko.org.
2025 CRAFT WORKSHOPS: In addition to the regular chairmaking and jewelry workshops, this year we are hosting guest instructors who teach dry stone walling, natural dyes, broom making, Shaker boxes, plant pressing, basket weaving, bowl carving and more. Gift certificates available. Location: Handmade Charlotte. Info: Eric Cannizzaro, 360-5281952, ericcannizzaro.com/classes.
COZY WINTER COOKIE DECORATING CLASS: Learn the art of cookie decorating! We’ll review step-by-step how to adorn up to five cookies. Along the way, you’ll get tips and tricks to make sure you will leave confident, regardless of your skill level. We recommend these classes for ages 8 and up. Sun., Jan. 26, 2-4 p.m. Location: Queen City Brewery, 703 B Pine St., Burlington. Info: 914-610-5275, sevendaystickets.com.
INDIAN BUTTER CHICKEN: Chef Ariel Voorhees of Gather Round Chef Service teaches you to master the skills, cuisines and back-pocket recipes you’ve always wanted to learn. You’ll walk away with a pleasantly full belly (and possibly leftovers!), recipes to keep, hands-on practice, and a new understanding of building Indian flavors. Sat., Jan. 25, 4-6 p.m. Cost: $100. Location: Red Poppy Cakery, 1 Elm St., Waterbury Village Historic District. Info: 203-400-0700, sevendaystickets.com.
SEX-POSITIVE PARENTING: Online class for parents. How do we raise kids to love and respect their bodies, practice consent, and enjoy pleasure without shame? How and when do we talk with kids about sex? Parents learn how to set kids up for a fulfilling sexual future with less shame and more pleasure. u., Feb. 6, 13 & 20, noon-1 p.m. Cost: $75 for 3 1-hr. classes. Location: Zoom. Info: sarah@goodrichsex. com, goodrichsex.com.
CAMPS: Activities at camp include twice-daily riding lessons every day, horse care, arts and crafts, nature walks, water play, games, and more. Ages 3 and up. Offered to current and new clients. Jun.-Aug., Mon.- u.,
9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost: $400 for full day. Other options also avail. Location: Rabidoux Performance Horses, 599 Silver St., Hinesburg. Info: Jessica Rabidoux, 310-5767, rabidoux.lh@gmail.com.
JAPANESE LANGUAGE CLASSES: Interested in Japanese culture and/or travel to Japan? Love learning new languages? ree levels of interactive, online Japanese language classes will be offered in spring 2025, starting the week of Feb. 10. Join us for an introduction to speaking, listening, reading and writing Japanese, using everyday conversational patterns. Level 1, Mon.; Level 2, Tue.; Level 3, Wed. All classes 7-8:30 p.m. Cost: $250 for 10 weekly 1.5-hour classes. Location: Zoom. Info: 825-8335, jasvlanguage@gmail.com, jasv.org/language.
AIKIDO: THE POWER OF HARMONY: Cultivate core power, aerobic fitness and resiliency. e dynamic, circular movements emphasize throws, joint locks and the development of internal energy. Join our community and find resiliency, power and grace. Inclusive training, gender-neutral dressing room/bathrooms and a safe space for all. Visitors are always welcome to watch a class! Vermont’s only intensive aikido programs. Membership rates incl. unlimited classes 6 days/week. Contact us for info about membership rates for adults, youths & families. Location: Aikido of Champlain Valley, 257 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Benjamin Pincus, 951-8900, bpincus@burlington aikido.org, burlingtonaikido.org.
WEDNESDAYS!: Learn to drum with Stuart Paton! Drop-ins welcome. Tuesdays: Kids & Parents Taiko, 4-5:30 p.m.; Adult Intro Taiko, 5:30-7 p.m.; Accelerated
DECOLONIZE YOUR BODY RETREAT: One-day retreat to decolonize our bodies, minds and spirits. We’ll break from prescribed roles based on gender, race, age, ability, etc. and come home to our bodies through movement and reimagine ourselves through art. is will be a rich day of unlearning, relearning and embodying. Sun., Feb. 9, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.. Cost: $125. Location: e Wellness Collective, 875 Roosevelt Hwy., Colchester. Info: sarah@goodrichsex.com, goodrichsex.com.
HIGH OCTAVE LIVING: is winter, work on life skills. Develop your most valuable personal strengths as you practice mindful living. Positive psychology has distilled the Wisdom of the Ages into a new language of human flourishing. Learn the basics in this seven-week course and enjoy a richer life experience. Tue. evenings starting Feb. 4, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $240 flex pricing, for 1, 2 or 3 persons; 7 2-hr. live group Zoom classes (maximum 12 participants). Location: Zoom. Info: Werner John, 272-5397, werner@evolvetogether.net, evolvetogether.net.
REIKI HEALING SOUND BATH: Experience a Reiki healing sound bath inspired by the transformative energy of the Aquarius new moon. Begin with guided meditation to set intentions, followed by Reiki-infused crystal singing bowls to restore balance and promote relaxation. We will conclude with hot tea and reflective discussion. Tue., Jan. 28, 6:30 p.m. Cost: $25. Location: Fit2Excel, 14 Corporate Dr., Essex. Info: eresa Fletcher, 274-6671, theresafletcher11@gmail.com, empressastrology.com.
housing » APARTMENTS, CONDOS & HOMES on the road » CARS, TRUCKS, MOTORCYCLES pro services » CHILDCARE, HEALTH/ WELLNESS, PAINTING buy this stuff »
AGE/SEX: 7-year-old neutered male
ARRIVAL DATE: July 31, 2024
SUMMARY: is former stray is the ultimate cuddle bug, and he’s ready to steal your heart! With his soft fur, gentle purrs and constant desire for affection, he’ll be your best buddy in no time. Pepper loves nothing more than curling up in your arms or resting by your side, soaking up all the love and warmth you can give. He would love to find a calm home with a loving family who can keep him happy and healthy with his special diet and medication for skin allergies. If you’re looking for a loyal companion to brighten your days, Pepper is ready to become your new best friend!
DOGS/CATS/KIDS: Pepper would prefer to be your one and only feline. He has no history with dogs or children.
Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 4 p.m. or Saturday from 12 to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit hsccvt.org for more info.
Cats can have food allergies just like people. e solution is often to keep them from eating things that can cause reactions (such as itchy, irritated skin). at’s why limited-ingredient diets and prescription foods are best to keep cats with food allergies happy and healthy.
Sponsored by:
XLT in terrain w/ sunroof, EcoBoost, AWD, 4K towing package. 1,600 miles.
$38,150. Please have your financing in place. Located in southern Rutland County. Call 518-364-3786 or email jettaguy2@aol.com.
Fully furnished studio apt. avail. now in Essex Jct. Utils. incl. Walking
distance to local stores, restaurants & the bus. $1,300/mo. Info, andrea. vanliew@gmail.com or 802-318-0605.
Comfortable South End home in Burlington to share w/ professional in her 40s & elementaryage son. Seeking a dog-friendly housemate to share household chores & provide occasional childcare.
$100/mo. Unfurnished BR, shared BA. Call 802-863-5625 or visit homesharevermont.org for application. Interview, refs., background checks req. EHO.
Spacious rural home in Bolton to share w/ active woman in her 60s who enjoys hikes, meditation, travel. Seeking dog-friendly housemate to help w/ yard work, occasional pet care. $450/mo. 30 mins. to Burlington. Call 802-863-5625 or visit homesharevermont.org for application. Interview,
appt. appointment
apt. apartment
BA bathroom
BR bedroom
DR dining room
DW dishwasher
HDWD hardwood
HW hot water
LR living room
NS no smoking
OBO or best offer
refs. references
sec. dep. security deposit
W/D washer & dryer
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our
housing ads: $25 (25 words) legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online
refs. & background checks req. EHO.
Share New North End townhome near the lake in Burlington w/ kind retiree who enjoys meditation & reading. Furnished BR, private BA, shared modern kitchen. $600/mo. + cooking 2 meals/week. Access to tennis/pool. Call 802-863-5625 or visit homesharevermont.org for application. Interview, refs. & background checks req. EHO.
Enjoy living in Ferrisburgh close to Basin Harbor & Otter Creek w/ a retired woman who seeks a friendly companion. Assistance w/ household maintenance, light cleaning, snow shoveling for a low rent of $200/mo., incl. utils. Sweet indoor kitty. Call 802-863-5625 or visit homesharevermont.org for application. Interview, refs., background checks req. EHO
90+-year-old woman in Colchester seeks help w/ housekeeping & friendly presence in her spacious 1-floor house w/ room for gardening. BR w/ private BA. Extended family in the wings. $150/mo. Call 802-863-5625 or visit homesharevermont.org for application. Interview, refs., background checks req. EHO.
Running or not! Fast, free pickup. Maximum tax deduction. Support Patriotic Hearts. Your
readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact: HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010 hrc@vermont.gov
services: $12 (25 words) fsbos: $45 (2 weeks, 30 words, photo) jobs: michelle@sevendaysvt.com, 865-1020 x121
car donation helps veterans! Call 1-866559-9123. (AAN CAN)
A recent survey says that most Americans are overpaying for their car insurance. Let us show you how much you can save. Call now for a no-obligation quote: 1-866-472-8309. (AAN CAN)
Seeking consulting work in inventory management & POS development & implementation. Mainly Square, but open to new systems. Detail-oriented. Will design exactly what you need. Email hhabich@ msn.com.
Rapid Transformational erapy often brings major relief in 1 to 3 sessions. Upgrade your brain, upgrade your life! New Year’s special: $250. Info, sandimeyler. com, 802-878-5169.
You upgrade & update devices. What about your brain? Rapid Transformational erapy frees us from land mines in our heads! Interested? New Year’s special: $250. Info, 802878-5169, sandimeyler. com.
We are there when you need us for home & car lockouts. We’ll get you back up & running quickly! Also, key reproductions, lock installs & repairs, vehicle fobs. Call us for your home, commercial & auto locksmith needs! 1-833-237-1233. (AAN CAN)
You need a local expert provider that proudly stands behind its work. Fast, free estimate. Financing avail. Call 1-888-292-8225. Have the zip code of the property ready when calling! (AAN CAN)
In as little as 1 day! Affordable prices. No payments for 18 mos. Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & military discounts avail. Call 1-866-370-2939. (AAN CAN)
DerekCo Carpentry & Excavating has all of your carpentry & excavating needs covered! Visit our website & contact us for a free estimate. Info, 802-310-4090, derek@ derekco.com, derekco. com.
Drafty rooms? Chipped or damaged frames? Need outside noise reduction? New, energyeffi cient windows may be the answer! Call for a consultation & free quote today. 1-877248-9944. You will be asked for the zip code of the property when connecting. (AAN CAN)
Protect your home from pests safely & affordably. Roaches, bedbugs, rodents, termites, spiders & other pests. Locally owned & affordable. Call for service or an inspection today! 1-833-237-1199. (AAN CAN)
A small amount of water can lead to major damage & mold growth in your home. Our trusted professionals do complete repairs to protect your family & your home’s value! Call 24-7: 1-888-290-2264. Have zip code of service location ready when you call! (AAN CAN)
MARKOSKI’S MOVE & HAUL Markoski’s has established a local reputation for being a team of friendly professionals who treat their customers like family. Based out of Chittenden County, we go across Vermont & out of state. Contact Rick at rickmarkoski@ gmail.com, & please browse our reviews & jobs on Facebook & Front Porch Forum.
I can transfer most types of photos & video into digital formats. Get
print deadline: Mondays at 3:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: sevendaysvt.com/classifieds questions?
in touch w/ me, & I can guide you through the process. Call 802-7542922 or email piettejp@ yahoo.com.
1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromber + Gibson mandolins & banjos. Call 877-5890747. (AAN CAN)
Hobie Cat, nice 3-piece green sectional, many weather vanes, sleeping bags, tons of artwork, twin beds, dressers, antique rugs, formal dining set, unique Asian jewelry dresser box, cast-iron items. Info, estatesalesofvermont. com.
Bath vanity w/ marble sink & new faucet, 37 x 22 x 30 in. $99. Call or text 540-226-4478.
PAYING TOP CASH FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner & Speedmaster. Call 888-320-1052. (AAN CAN)
Old & rusty OK! Don’t ship to Germany; keep in Vermont! I’ll buy anything & restore. Parts, panels, engines, cars. Any year, 1950-1998. Contact 802-391-0882.
Foreclosure: 2 Bed / 1 Bath Home on 0.52± Acres
Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, ll the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.
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Complete the following puzzle by using the numbers 1-9 only once in each row, column and 3 x 3 box.
Open 24/7/365. Post & browse ads at your convenience. Extra! Extra! There’s no limit to ad length online.
Try these online news games from Seven Days at sevendaysvt.com/games.
Put your knowledge of Vermont news to the test. NEW ON FRIDAYS:
Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A one-box cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.
3 1 6 4 2 5 6 4 1 3 6 4 1 3 5 2
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.
See how fast you can solve this weekly 10-word puzzle.
DOCKET NO.: 24-PR-06649
In re ESTATE of Paul Mason
To the creditors of: Paul Mason, late of Irasburg
I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.
Dated: Janaury 17, 2025
Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Brandon Mason
Executor/Administrator: Brandon Mason, c/o Kaplan and Kaplan, 95 St. Paul St., Suite 405, Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: 802-651-0013
Name of Publication: Seven Days
Publication Date: 01/22/2025
Name of Probate Court: State of Vermont - Orleans
Probate Division
Address of Probate Court: 247 Main Street, Newport, VT 05855
Northstar Self Storage will be having a public and online sale/auction on January 30, 2025 at 9am EST at 205 Route 4A West, Castleton, VT 05735 (C140), 615 Route 7, Danby VT 07739 (D36), 130 Taconic Business Park, Manchester Center, VT 05255 (M226) 681 Rockingham Road, Rockingham, VT 05151 (R72), 1124 Charlestown Road, Springfield, VT 05156 (Units S22, S56, S65, S95, S108, S112) and online at www.storagetreasures.com at 9:00 am in accordance with VT Title 9 Commerce and Trade
Chapter 098: Storage Units 3905. Enforcement of Lien
Unit # Name Contents
C140 Christopher Washburn Household Goods
D36 Jessica Terry Household Goods
M226 Robert Leite Household Goods
R72 Jeffrey Heath Household Goods
S22 Robert Walker Household Goods
S56 Helena Bundy Household Goods
S65 Cynthia Colburn Household Goods
S95 Shawna Smith Household Goods
S108 Bobbie Bennett Household Goods
S112 Robert Walker Household Goods
The Full Board of Abatement of Taxes of the City of Burlington will meet in Contois Auditorium and via ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/93534318165 on Monday, January 27, 2025* to hear and act upon the request for abatement of taxes and/or penalties from:
Alice Okuka 105 Fairmont Place 024-2-200-105
Ohavi Zedek
William Miller 472 North Street 045-1-119-000
Stephanie Seguino 865 South Prospect Street 058-3-016-000
*The City Council Meeting usually begins at 6:00 p.m. The Full Board of Abatement of Taxes Meeting is part of this agenda, no set start time
DOCKET NO. 2023-DR-261995
Vivienne Morales, Plaintiff, vs. Eric Morales Defendant.
To the Defendant above-named: Eric Morales
You are hereby notified that a hearing has been scheduled for March 21, 2025, at 9:30 am in Horry County Family Court, 1301 2nd Avenue, Conway, South Carolina 29526. Docket number: 2023-DR-261995.
SUMMONS FOR DIVORCE (One Year Continuous Separation)
Docket No. 2023-DR-261995
Vivienne Morales, Plaintiff, vs. Eric Morales Defendant.
To the DEFENDANT Above-Named: Eric Morales
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that you have been sued by the Plaintiff for DIVORCE in the Court indicated above.
You must respond in writing to the attached Complaint for Divorce and serve a copy of your Answer on the Plaintiff at the address below within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons upon you, not counting the day of service, or thirty-five (35) days if you were served by certified mail, restricted delivery, return receipt requested.
If you wish to retain an attorney to represent you in this matter, it is advisable to do so before submitting your Answer to the Plaintiff.
If you do not answer the Complaint within the required thirty (30) days, the Court may grant a DIVORCE and grant the Plaintiff the relief requested in the Complaint.
Date: 8/30/2023
Plaintiff’s Signature: /s/ Vivienne Morales Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Address: Vivienne Morales, P.O. Box 51242 Myrtle Beach S.C. 29579
FINAL HEARING Ordered to Appear March 21, 2025, 9:30am
COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE (One Year Continuous Separation)
Docket No. 2023-DR-261995
Vivienne Morales, Plaintiff, vs. Eric Morales Defendant.
Plaintiff, Vivienne Morales, would respectfully show this Court the following:
1. Plaintiff is a resident of Horry County, State of South Carolina.
2. Upon information and belief, Defendant is a resident of Chittenden County, State of Vermont.
3. Plaintiff and Defendant last shared a residence in Chittenden County, State of Vermont.
4. Subject matter jurisdiction: Plaintiff has lived in South Carolina for over one year prior to the start of this action.
5. Plaintiff is informed and believes this Court has subject matter jurisdiction over the issues and personal jurisdiction over the parties in this action.
6. Plaintiff and Defendant were married to each other on December 3, 2016 in Horry County; City of Myrtle Beach in the State of South Carolina.
7. Plaintiff and Defendant separated on or about November 3, 2020. The parties have remained living separate and apart from each other without cohabitation for more than one (1) continuous year prior to filing this action.
To the creditors of: John C. Adajian MD, late of Essex Junction, Vermont.
I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.
Dated: 01/13/2025
Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Bryce M. Thompson
Executor/Administrator: Bryce M. Thompson, c/o 76 Lincoln St., P.O. Box 24, Essex Junction, VT 05453 Phone: 802-288-9088
Email: toddy@normansmithlaw.com
Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 01/22/2025
Name of Probate Court: State of VermontChittenden Probate Division Address of Probate Court: 175 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401
Pursuant to Title 24 VSA, Chapter 113, Sec. 105, Section 106 through 109 of the Town of Colchester Charter, and Section 1-4 of the Colchester Code of Ordinances, the Colchester Selectboard will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 6:30 PM for public comment on amendments to the Colchester Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12, Traffic:
Butternut Lane:
- A speed posting of 25 mph; - No parking designation along the non-sidewalk (westerly) side of the street; - Placement of a Stop Sign at the intersection of Butternut Lane at Blakely Road.
Spear Lane:
- A speed posting of 25 mph;
- No parking designation along the non-sidewalk (northerly) side of the street;
- Placement of a Stop Sign at the intersection of Spear Lane at Butternut Lane.
The meeting is currently scheduled to take place at the Town of Colchester Town Offices, 781 Blakely Road, Colchester, Vermont, in the Outer Bay Conference Room on the third floor. Alternatively, you can email comments to TownManager@ colchestervt.gov with “Citizens to be Heard – Spear Lane and Butternut Lane Hearing” in the Subject and include your name. As with in-person Citizens to be Heard, we ask that you SHARE YOUR ADDRESS. The email will be shared with the entire Selectboard prior to the meeting and included in the information packet at the next meeting. You may watch the Selectboard meeting on live stream TV: http://lcatv.org/live-stream-2. :
A complete set of the proposed changes, a memo explaining the purpose, as well as supporting documentation is available on the Town of Colchester website, and at the following link: https://bit.ly/ColchesterAmend
If you have questions regarding these proposed amendments, or would like to review hard copies of these documents, please contact the Colchester Department of Public Works at 802-264-5620.
Located at 48 Industrial Ave, Williston, VT 05495 Will be sold on or about the 5th of February 2025 to satisfy the debt of Jennifer Blow, any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur.
By law, public notice of proposed rules must be given by publication in newspapers of record. The purpose of these notices is to give the public a chance to respond to the proposals. The public notices for administrative rules are now also available online at https://secure.vermont.gov/SOS/rules/ . The law requires an agency to hold a public hearing on a proposed rule, if requested to do so in writing by 25 persons or an association having at least 25 members.
To make special arrangements for individuals with
disabilities or special needs please call or write the contact person listed below as soon as possible.
To obtain further information concerning any scheduled hearing(s), obtain copies of proposed rule(s) or submit comments regarding proposed rule(s), please call or write the contact person listed below. You may also submit comments in writing to the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules, State House, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 (802-828-2231).
Administrative Rules of the Board of Pharmacy. Vermont Proposed Rule: 25P001
AGENCY: Board of Pharmacy, Office of Professional Regulation
CONCISE SUMMARY: This update reflects changes in pharmacy’s legal and practice landscape since 2015 by regulating, among other things: - new types of pharmacy entity, such as virtual distributors and manufacturers, 503B outsourcers, and third-party logistics providers; - the prescribing of opioids;devices containing prescription drugs; - naloxone dispensing; and - changes to prescriptions for schedule II controlled substances. The rule also reflects statutory changes to pharmacy professionals’ scopes of practice, including immunizations, and simplifies the licensing of pharmacy technicians into a single credential instead of the current two-tiered system. The rule creates standards for workplace conditions pharmacy staffing necessary to protect the public. The rule streamlines and narrows the legal duties of Pharmacy Managers, clarifying that licensed pharmacies are themselves responsible for compliance with the Rules.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Emily Tredeau, Office of Professional Regulation 89 Main Street, 3rd Floor, Montpelier, VT 05602-3402 Tel: 802-828-1505 Email: emily.b.tredeau@vermont. gov URL: https://sos.vermont.gov/pharmacy/ statutes-rules-resources/.
FOR COPIES: Carrie Phillips, Office of Professional Regulation 89 Main Street, 3rd Floor, Montpelier, VT 05602-3402 Tel: 802-828-1505 Email: carrie. phillips@vermont.gov.
Note: The four rules below are being promulgated by the Cannabis Control Board who has requested the notices be combined to facilitate a savings for
Please join our parent-led online support group designed to share our questions, concerns & struggles, as well as our resources & successes!
Contribute to our discussion of the unique but shared experience of parenting. We will be meeting weekly on Wed., 10-11 a.m. For more info or to register, please contact Heather at hniquette@pcavt.org, 802-498-0607, pcavt.org.family-support-programs.
Please join our parent-led online support group designed to share our questions, concerns & struggles, as well as our resources & successes!
Contribute to our discussion of the unique but shared experience of parenting. We will be meeting weekly on Fri., 10-11 a.m. For more info or to register, please contact Heather at hniquette@pcavt.org, 802-498-0607, pcavt.org/family-support-programs.
Please join our parent-led online support group designed to share our
questions, concerns & struggles, as well as our resources & successes!
Contribute to our discussion of the unique but shared experience of parenting. We will be meeting weekly on Mon., 10-11 a.m. For more info or to register, please contact Heather at hniquette@pcavt.org, 802-498-0607, pcavt.org/family-support-programs.
For families & friends of alcoholics. Phone meetings, electronic meetings (Zoom) & an Al-Anon blog are avail. online at the Al-Anon website. For meeting info, go to vermontalanonalateen.org or call 866-972-5266.
Do you have a drinking problem? AA meeting sites are now open, & online meetings are also avail. Call our hotline at 802-864-1212 or check for in-person or online meetings at burlingtonaa.org.
Support groups meet to provide assistance & info on Alzheimer’s disease & related dementias. They emphasize shared experiences, emotional
the board. Please note the title and number of the rule(s) you are interested in when contacting the board.
Rule 1: Licensing of Cannabis Establishments.
Vermont Proposed Rule: 25P002
Rule 2: Regulation of Cannabis Establishments.
Vermont Proposed Rule: 25P003
Rule 3: Medical Cannabis.
Vermont Proposed Rule: 25P004
Rule 4: Compliance and Enforcement
Vermont Proposed Rule: 25P005
AGENCY: Cannabis Control Board.
CONCISE SUMMARY: This is a comprehensive update to rules governing adult-use cannabis establishments and the medical cannabis system. Amendments to Rule 1 streamline renewal; establish siting requirements for retailers; simplify license changes; provide for tier changes based on performance; require deposit accounts; increase flexibility to address past misconduct by applicants; and retire a cumbersome system of prequalification. Amendments to Rule 2 clarify safety standards and allowable use of the Inventory Tracking System; prohibit consignment; standardize transport manifests; disallow illusory brands; standardize warning symbols; provide for product remediation; provide for curbside transactions; implement propagation cultivator licensing; integrate hemp-derived additives; and prohibit cannabinoids in beverage alcohol. Amendments to Rule 3 provide for retailer medical endorsements and raise standards for medical products. Amendments to Rule 4 create a process for orders concerning adulterated products.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Gabriel M. Gilman, Cannabis Control Board 89 Main Street, 3rd Floor, Montpelier, VT 05602-2948 Tel: 802-261-1510 E-Mail: gabriel.gilman@vermont.gov URL: https:// ccb.vermont.gov/laws-rules-and-regulations.
FOR COPIES: Patrick Crowley, Cannabis Control Board 89 Main Street, 3rd Floor, Montpelier, VT 05602-2948 Tel: 802-636-7548 E-mail: patrick. crowley@vermont.gov.
TOWN OF ESSEX DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 6, 2025, 6:30 PM Hybrid & In Person (Municipal Conference Room, 81 Main St., Essex Jct.) Meeting. Anyone may attend
support, & coping techniques in care for a person living w/ Alzheimer’s or a related dementia. Meetings are free & open to the public. Families, caregivers & friends may attend. Please call in advance to confirm the date & time. The Williston caregiver support group meets in person on the 2nd Tue. of every mo., 5-6:30 p.m., at the the Old Brick Church in Williston, 100 Library Ln. This meeting also has a virtual option at the same time. Contact support group facilitators Molly at dugan@ cathedralsquare.org or Mindy at moondog@burlingtontelecom.net; The Middlebury support group for individuals w/ early stage dementia meets the 4th Tue. of each mo., 3 p.m. at the Residence at Otter Creek, 350 Lodge Rd., Middlebury. Contact is Daniel Hamilton, dhamilton@ residenceottercreek.com or 802989-0097. The Shelburne support group for individuals w/ early stage dementia meets the 1st Mon. of every mo., 2-3 p.m., at the Residence at Shelburne Bay, 185 Pine Haven Shores, Shelburne. Contact is support group facilitator Lydia Raymond, lraymond@ residenceshelburnebay.com. The telephone support group meets the 2nd Tue. of every mo., 4-5:30 p.m.
this meeting in person at the above address or remotely through the following options: Join Online: Zoom Meeting ID: 821 7131 4999 | Passcode: 426269
Join Calling (audio only): 888-788-0099
Public wifi is available at the Essex municipal offices, libraries, and hotspots listed here: https:// publicservice.vermont.gov/content/ public-wifi-hotspots-vermont
1. Preliminary Plan - Pinewood Holdings, LLC, c/o Brian Marcotte, proposed a 32-Unit Planned Unit Development-Residential (PUD-R), consisting of 17 single-family homes on individual lots; 15-triplex units on footprint lots and an approximate 88-acre open space lot for property located at 18 & 30 Timberlane Drive (parcel IDs 2-084-001-000 and 2-085-001-001) and consists of 117-acres in the Medium Density Residential (R2) Zone.
Application materials may be viewed before the meeting at https://www.essexvt.org/182/ Current-Development-Applications. Please call 802878-1343 or email COMMUNITY-DEVELOPMENT@ ESSEX.ORG with any questions. This may not be the final order in which items will be heard. Please view the complete Agenda, at https://essexvt.portal. civicclerk.com or the office notice board before the hearing for the order in which items will be heard and other agenda items.
Pursuant to Title 24 VSA, Chapter 117, the Development Review Board will hold a public hearing on February 12, 2025, at 7:00pm to hear the following requests under the Development Regulations. Meeting is open to the public and will be held at 781 Blakely Road.
a) FP-25-05 LINDSEY & GEOFFREY CAMPION: Final Plat application for a minor, two-lot subdivision in the Residential One District, with 1) Lot 1 to be 1.51 acres in size and retain the existing single-unit dwelling with an accessory dwelling unit, and 2) Lot 2 to be 5.90 acres in size and contain a new single-unit dwelling. Both lots to be served by individual drilled wells, a shared mound wastewater system, and an upgraded private driveway. Subject property is located at 686 Camp Kiniya Road, Account #16-048000-0000000.
Preregistration is required (to receive dial-in codes for toll-free call). Please dial the Alzheimer’s Association’s 24-7 Helpline, 800-272-3900, for more info. For questions & additional support group listings, call 800-272-3900.
VT Active Amputees is a new support group open to all amputees for connection, community & support. The group meets on the 1st Wed. of the mo. in S. Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Let’s get together & be active: running, pickleball & ultimate Frisbee. Email vtactiveamputees@gmail.com or call Sue at 802-582-6750 for more info & location.
Anxiety Relief Group is a safe setting for relaxing & exploring your feelings w/ others through gentle socialization & self-expression, building up what makes you centered & strong. Wed., 4-5:30 p.m. Both in-person & Zoom options avail. In-person meetings are held at the Pathways Vermont Community Center at 279 N. Winooski Ave. in Burlington. Email us for the Zoom link & more info: pvcc@ pathwaysvermont.org.
American Lung Association support group for people w/ breathing issues, their loved ones or caregivers. Meets on the 1st Mon. of every mo., 11 a.m.-noon at the Godnick Center, 1 Deer St., Rutland. For more info, call 802-776-5508.
Pregnancy can be a wonderful time of your life. But it can also be a time of stress often compounded by hormonal swings. If you are a pregnant woman, or have recently given birth & feel you need some help w/ managing emotional bumps in the road that can come w/ motherhood, please come to this free support group led by an experienced pediatric registered nurse. Held on the 2nd & 4th Tue. of every mo., 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Birthing Center, Northwestern Medical Center, St. Albans. Info: Rhonda Desrochers, Franklin County Home Health Agency, 527-7531.
Vermont Center for Independent Living offers virtual monthly meetings, held on the 3rd Wed. of every mo., 1-2:30 p.m.
The support group will offer valuable resources & info about brain injury. It will be a place to share experiences in a safe, secure & confidential environment. To join, email Linda Meleady at lindam@vcil.org & ask to be put on the TBI mailing list. Info: 800-639-1522.
Looking for a fun way to do something active & health-giving? Want to connect w/ other breast cancer survivors? Come join Dragonheart Vermont. We are a breast cancer survivor & supporter dragon boat team who paddle together in Burlington. Please contact us at info@dragonheartvermont.org for info.
BURLINGTON MEN’S PEER GROUP Tue. nights, 7-9 p.m. in Burlington. Free of charge, 30 years running. Call Neils 802-877-3742 or email neils@ myfairpoint.net.
The Champlain Valley Prostate Cancer Support Group meets online on the 2nd Tue. of the mo., 6-7:30 p.m., via Zoom. Whether you are newly diagnosed, dealing w/ a reoccurrence or trying to manage the side effects of treatment, you are welcome here! More info: Andy Hatch, group leader, ahatch63@gmail. com.
Last Thu. of every mo., 7:30 p.m. in Montpelier. Please contact Lisa Masé for location: lisa@harmonizecookery.com.
Cerebral Palsy Guidance is a very comprehensive informational website broadly covering the topic of cerebral palsy & associated medical conditions. Its mission is to provide the best possible info to parents of children living w/ the complex condition of cerebral palsy. Visit cerebralpalsyguidance.com/ cerebral-palsy.
The Compassionate Friends international support group for parents, siblings & families grieving the loss of a child meets every 4th Tue. of the mo., 7-9 p.m., at St. John Vianney Catholic Church, 160 Hinesburg Rd, S. Burlington. Call/email Alan at 802-233-0544 alanday88@gmail.com or Claire at 802-448-3569.
Conversations About Suicide is a judgment-free & open space to talk about personal experiences of suicidal ideation. The group is facilitated by peer support staff w/ lived experience of suicidality. Thu., 4-5 p.m., at Pathways Vermont Community Center, located at 279 N. Winooski Ave. in Burlington. Email us for more info: pvcc@ pathwaysvermont.org.
Our group is a space for mutual support, open to anybody who identifies as disabled, differently abled or having a disability. Whether your disability is visible, invisible, physical or cognitive, this group is for you! The group meets every 1st & 3rd Mon. of the mo., 1:15-2:15 p.m., at 279 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, VT, & online on Zoom. Email us for the Zoom link & more info: pvcc@ pathwaysvermont.org.
Steps to End Domestic Violence offers a weekly drop-in support group for female-identified survivors of intimate partner violence, including individuals who are experiencing or have been affected by domestic violence. The support group offers a safe, confidential place for survivors to connect w/ others, to heal & to recover. In support group, participants talk through their experiences & hear stories from others who have experienced abuse in their relationships. Support group is also a resource for those who are unsure of their next step, even if it involves remaining in their current relationship. Tue., 6:30-8 p.m. Childcare is provided. Info: 658-1996.
This support group is a dedicated meeting for family, friends & community members who are supporting a loved one through a mental health crisis. Mental health crisis might include extreme states, psychosis, depression, anxiety & other types of distress. The group is a confidential space where family & friends can discuss shared experiences & receive support in an environment free of judgment & stigma w/ a trained facilitator. Wed., 7-8:30 p.m. Downtown Burlington. Info: Jess Horner, LICSW, 866-218-8586.
Tue., 6-7 p.m., the Turning Point Center, 179 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. For further info, please visit thefamilyrestored.org or contact 207-387-0015.
Families Coping w/ Addiction (FCA) is an open community peer support group for adults (18+) struggling w/ the drug or alcohol addiction of a loved one. FCA is not 12-step-based but provides a forum for those living the family experience, in which to develop personal coping skills & to draw strength from one another. Our group meets every Wed., 5:30-6:30 p.m., live in person in the conference room at the Turning Point Center of Chittenden County (179 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington), &/ or via our parallel Zoom session to accommodate those who cannot attend in person. The Zoom link can be found on the Turning Point Center website (turningpointcentervt.org) using the “Family Support” tab (click on “What We Offer”). Any questions, please send by email to thdaub1@gmail.com.
A breast cancer support group for those who’ve had mastectomies. We are a casual online meeting group found on Facebook at Fiercely Flat VT. Info: stacy.m.burnett@gmail.com.
Are you having trouble controlling the way you eat? FA is a free 12-step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, under-eating or bulimia. Local meetings are held twice a week: Mon., 4-5:30 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Church, Norwich, Vt.; & Wed., 6:30-8 p.m., at Hanover Friends Meeting House, Hanover, N.H. For more info & a list of additional meetings throughout the U.S. & the world, call 603-630-1495 or visit foodaddicts.org.
Are you a family member who has lost a loved one to addiction? Find support, peer-led support group. Meets once a mo. on Mon. in Burlington. Please call for date & location. RSVP to mkeasler3@ gmail.com or call 310-3301 (message says Optimum Health, but this is a private number).
Sharing your sadness, finding your joy. Please join us as we learn more about our own grief & explore the things that can help us to heal. There is great power in sharing our experiences w/ others who know the pain of the loss of a loved one & healing is possible through the sharing. BAYADA Hospice’s local bereavement support coordinator will facilitate our weekly group through discussion & activities. Everyone from the community is welcome. 1st & last Wed. of every mo. at 4 p.m. via Zoom. To register, please contact bereavement program coordinator Max Crystal, mcrystal@bayada.com or 802-448-1610.
Meet every 2nd Mon., 6-7:30 p.m., & every 3rd Wed. from 10-11:30 a.m., at Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice in Berlin. The group is open to the public & free of charge. More info: Diana Moore, 224-2241.
A retired psychotherapist & an experienced life coach host a free meeting for those grieving the loss of a loved one. The group meets upstairs at All Souls Interfaith Gathering in Shelburne. There is no fee for attending, but donations are gladly accepted. Meetings are held twice a mo., the 1st & 3rd Sat. of every mo. from 10-11:30 a.m. If you are interested in attending, please register at allsoulsinterfaith. org. More info about the group leader at pamblairbooks.com.
Interstitial cystitis (IC) & painful bladder syndrome can result in recurring pelvic pain, pressure or discomfort in the bladder/pelvic region & urinary frequency/ urgency. These are often misdiagnosed & mistreated as a chronic bladder infection. If you have been diagnosed or have these symptoms, you are not alone. For Vermont-based support group, email bladderpainvt@gmail.com or call 899-4151 for more info.
Free weekly peer-led support group for anyone struggling w/ eating &/or body image. The only requirement is a desire to make peace w/ food & your body. Meeting format is: a short reading from Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch, 4th edition, followed by open sharing & discussion. Come find community through sharing struggles, experience, strength & hope. Located at the Pickering Room, Fletcher Free Library, Sun. 1-2:30 p.m. Contact 202-553-8953 w/ any questions.
The Kindred Connections program provides peer support for all those touched by cancer. Cancer patients, as well as caregivers, are provided w/ a mentor who has been through the cancer experience & knows what it’s like to go through it. In addition to sensitive listening, Kindred Connections provides practical help such as rides to doctors’ offices & meal deliveries. The program
has people who have experienced a wide variety of cancers. For further info, please contact info@vcsn.net.
Spontaneous, genuine laughter & gentle breathing for physical & emotional benefit. No yoga mat needed! This group is held every Mon., 2-3 p.m., at Pathways Vermont Community Center, 279 North Winooski Ave., Burlington. Contact Chris Nial for any questions: chrisn@ pathwaysvermont.org.
The SafeSpace Anti-Violence Program at Pride Center of Vermont offers peer-led support groups for survivors of relationship, dating, emotional &/or hate-violence. These groups give survivors a safe & supportive environment to tell their stories, share info, & offer & receive support. Support groups also provide survivors an opportunity to gain info on how to better cope w/ feelings & experiences that surface because of the trauma they have experienced. Please call SafeSpace at 863-0003 if you are interested in joining.
Share the struggles & celebrate the joys of being a service member & LGBTQIA+ in this peer-led discussion group. Meetings are at the Rainbow Bridge Community Center in Barre on the 2nd & 4th Tue. of each mo. Visit rbccvt.org for more info.
Gifford Medical Center is announcing the restart of its grief support group, Living Through Loss. The program is sponsored by the Gifford Volunteer Chaplaincy Program & will meet weekly on Fri., 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in Gifford’s Chun Chapel. Meetings will be facilitated by the Rev. Timothy Eberhardt, spiritual care coordinator, & Emily Pizzale MSW, LICSW, a Gifford social worker. Anyone who has experienced a significant loss over the last year or so is warmly invited to attend & should enter through the hospital’s main entrance wearing a mask on the way to the chapel. Meetings will be based on the belief that, while each of us is on a unique journey in life, we all need a safe place to pause, to tell our stories &, especially as we grieve, to receive the support & strength we need to continue along the way.
Do you have a problem w/ marijuana? MA is a free 12-step program where addicts help other addicts get & stay clean. Ongoing Mon., 7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church of Burlington (Red Door Church) 21 Buell St., Burlington. Contact: jointsession@ newenglandma.org.
Area myeloma survivors, families & caregivers have come together to form a Multiple Myeloma Support Group. We provide emotional support, resources about treatment options, coping strategies & a support network by participating in the group experience w/ people who have been through similar situations. 3rd Tue. of every mo., 5-6 p.m., at the New Hope Lodge on East Ave. in Burlington. Info: Kay Cromie, 655-9136, kgcromey@aol.com.
Weekly virtual meetings. If you have questions about a group in your area, please contact the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Vermont, program@namivt.org or 800-6396480. Connection groups are peer
recovery support group programs for adults living w/ mental health challenges.
NAMI FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP Weekly virtual & in-person meetings. ASL interpreters avail. upon request. Family Support Group meetings are for family & friends of individuals living w/ mental illness. If you have questions about a group in your area, please contact the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Vermont, info@namivt.org or 800-639-6480.
Narconon reminds families that overdoses due to an elephant tranquilizer known as Carfentanil have been on the rise in nearly every community nationwide. Carfentanil is a synthetic opioid painkiller 100 times more powerful than fentanyl & 1,000 times stronger than heroin. A tiny grain of it is enough to be fatal. To learn more about carfentanil abuse & how to help your loved one, visit narconon-suncoast.org/drug-abuse/ parents-get-help.html. Addiction screenings: Narconon can help you take steps to overcome addiction in your family. Call today for a no-cost screening or referral: 1-877-841-5509.
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS is a group of recovering addicts who live without the use of drugs. It costs nothing to join. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. Held in Burlington, Barre & St. Johnsbury. Info, 862-4516 or cvana.org.
NARCANON BURLINGTON GROUP Group meets every Mon. at 7 p.m., at the Turning Point Center, 179 S. Winooski Ave., Suite 301, Burlington. The only requirement for membership is that there be a problem of addiction in a relative or friend. Info: Amanda H., 338-8106.
The Children’s Room invites you to join our weekly drop-in support group. Come unwind & discuss your experiences & questions around infant care & development, self-care & postpartum healing, & community resources for families w/ babies. Tea & snacks provided. Thu., 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Bring your babies! (Newborn through crawling stage.) Located in Thatcher Brook Primary School, 47 Stowe St., childrensroomonline.org. Contact childrensroom@wwsu.org or 244-5605.
A meeting of cancer patients, survivors & family members intended to comfort & support those who are currently suffering from the disease.
2nd Thu. of every mo., 6-7:30 p.m., St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 11 Church St., St. Albans. Info: stpaulum@ myfairpoint.net. 2nd Wed. of every mo., 6-7:30 p.m., Winooski United Methodist Church, 24 W. Allen St., Winooski. Info: hovermann4@comcast.net.
A 12-step program for people who identify as overeaters, compulsive eaters, food addicts, anorexics, bulimics, etc. No matter what your problem w/ food, we have a solution! All are welcome, meetings are open, & there are no dues or fees. See oavermont. org/meeting-list for the current meeting list, meeting format & more; or call 802-863-2655 anytime!
Full-time, year-round
As a member of HCB's team of five, you'll work directly with high school students (ages 13–18) and lead them in launching nonprofits. Full-time, $45,000–55,000/year (equivalent to $22-26/hour).
Scan QR code for job description and submit applications to melanie@hackclub.com
Spend your summer by the water! Seeking multiple stewards to engage boaters, inspect watercraft, and deliver informational messages about invasive species on Lake Champlain.
More information: neiwpcc.org/about-us/careers
To apply: send cover letter & resume: jobs@neiwpcc.org.
At Saint Michael’s College, we pride ourselves on fostering a supportive and collaborative work environment. Our Human Resources team plays a crucial role in ensuring that our organization runs smoothly and effectively. We’re looking for a dedicated and proactive Human Resources Generalist to join our team and help us maintain our commitment to exceptional service and organizational efficiency. In this role, you will serve as a key resource for employees and managers, providing guidance on various HR matters and helping drive HR initiatives forward. As a trusted partner, you will support the Director of Human Resources in day-to-day operations and contribute to the overall success of HR strategic goals. If you’re passionate about fostering a positive workplace culture, have a strong foundation in HR principles, and thrive in a collaborative environment, this position is for you!
For a complete job description, benefits information, and to apply, please visit: Human Resources Generalist: bit.ly/4arXzz3
Join VLT as our next Director of Accounting. Help us protect, care for, and connect people to the home we share using your love of numbers and passion for accuracy and integrity.
Our ideal candidates will advance our fiscal health through:
• Sound budgeting, bookkeeping, and financial management
• Strong attention to detail
• Proven ability to lead, serve internal partners, and collaborate
The annual starting salary is $94,411, plus a generous benefits package to cover the cost of health insurance. We also provide 6 weeks of time off plus sick time, a 403(b) retirement plan with match, and flexible and hybrid work schedules.
Learn more and apply at vlt.org/employment. This position will remain open until February 3, 2025.
The Vermont Land Trust is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We honor and invite people of all backgrounds and lived experiences to apply.
JANUARY 22-29, 2025
Responsible for performing routine maintenance and repair tasks to ensure the safety, cleanliness, and functionality of the company’s apartment buildings, addressing tenant maintenance requests, handle preventative maintenance, and assist in preparing units for turnovers. This role plays a key part in ensuring that the properties are well-maintained and provide a high standard of living for tenants.
Please send resumes to: michelle@larkinrealty.net
The University of Vermont Institute for Agroecology (UVM IFA) is hiring for a remote part-time Administrative Assistant. Candidate must be able to travel to Burlington, Vermont for occasional in-person event support. Hours: 10-15 hours per week. Please send resume, cover letter, and 3 professional references to ifa@uvm.edu with subject “Administrative Assistant –[Your Name].” Apply by January 27, 2025 for priority consideration.
Saint Michael’s College is a unique college offering a distinctive educational environment. We are looking for someone with a passion for storytelling who can bring a community experience and culture to life in clear and persuasive content to attract the students who will thrive at Saint Mike’s.
The person in this position will lead the development and execution of a comprehensive marketing plan and materials that attract, engage, and convert prospective students. The ideal candidate has a deep understanding of the admissions funnel and is a versatile writer with experience creating various types of marketing content that supports prospective students, families, and other supporters in understanding the value of a Saint Michael’s education and encourages them to engage in meaningful ways.
For a complete job description, benefits information, and to apply, please visit: : bit.ly/SMCAdminMktMgr
and per diem options available.
For more information visit copleyvt.org/careers or contact Kaitlyn Shannon, Recruiter, at 802-888-8144 or kshannon@chsi.org.
Year Round Full Time position available now!
Our successful and locally owned retail Lawn, Garden, Farm & Pet Center is seeking an experienced, qualified and highly motivated individual to manage a thriving retail plant sales department.
Responsibilities include Ordering, Care, Inventory Management and Sales of Greenhouse & Nursery Plants, Seeds & Bulbs, plus a genuine interest in providing knowledgeable customer service. Extensive Horticulture knowledge a must!
Qualified Candidate must have a dedicated work ethic and be able to perform moderate lifting, work hard in the busy seasons and enjoy a very flexible schedule in winter.
Full-time Benefits include Generous Wage (based on experience) plus Bonuses, Paid Vacation and more!
Please send resume along with Salary History and References to: Middlebury AGWAY Farm & Garden, Attn: Jennifer Jacobs 338 Exchange St. Middlebury, VT 05753 Or by email to info@middleburyagway.com
Join our award-winning supported employment program and work with individuals to develop career goals, seek and secure employment, and build partnerships with local businesses for long term employment. The ideal candidate will have strong communication skills, enjoy working in a collaborative environment and have the desire to make an impact on their community.
This is an excellent position for someone who is looking for the next step in their career or to continue their work in this field.
Compensation is $21 per hour plus $1,000 sign on bonus. Benefit package includes comprehensive and affordable health insurance, 29 paid days off in the first year, retirement match, tuition reimbursement and so much more.
And that’s on top of working at one of the “Best Places to Work in Vermont” for six years running.
Why not have a job you love? Make a career making a difference and apply today. Send resume to staff@ccs-vt.org. Visit our website for more information: ccs-vt.org.
We’re seeking to hire servers and bartenders to join our hardworking and energetic team. If you’re interested in the opportunity, drop off a resume in person, or email to: lawrence@mandarinvt.com 1t-Mandarin082323.indd
Farmhouse Tap & Grill is opening a second location in Williston Spring 2025..... and we are looking to meet Manager candidates to join our growing team. Award winning Farm-to-Table Gastropubs with great reputations. The Restaurant Manager leads the daily and nightly charge by providing great guest service and employee coaching. Full benefits including Health Ins, Life Ins, Dental/Vision Ins, Paid Vacation, and other perks.
Intro candidates and experienced candidates are encouraged to apply. Salary $70,000+ Cheers! careers@farmhousegroup.com
Join VLT as our next Bookkeeper. Help us protect, care for, and connect people to the home we share using your love of numbers and exceptional attention to detail.
Our ideal candidates will advance our fiscal health through:
• Sound bookkeeping and payroll experience
• Excellent attention to detail and accuracy
• Proven ability to serve internal partners and collaborate
The annual starting salary is $60,000, plus a generous benefits package to cover the cost of health insurance. We also provide 6 weeks of time off plus sick time, a 403(b) retirement plan with match, and flexible and hybrid work schedules.
Learn more and apply at vlt.org/employment. This position will remain open until February 3, 2025.
The Vermont Land Trust is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We honor and invite people of all backgrounds and lived experiences to apply.
We are seeking a skilled and versatile Welder, Fabricator, Vehicle, and Equipment Maintenance Technician to join our team. This role combines expertise in welding and fabrication with mechanical proficiency in maintaining and repairing vehicles and equipment. The ideal candidate will demonstrate a high level of technical skill, attention to detail, and a commitment to safety and quality.
- Competitive hourly wage or salary based on experience.
- Benefits package including health, vision and dental insurance, 401k with company match, paid time off, short and long term disability insurance and life insurance.
Submit your resume and a cover letter highlighting your relevant experience and certifications to jobs@vttent.com. We look forward to welcoming a dedicated professional to our team!
The Vermont Agency of Education seeks a leader to direct two federal programs: Title IV Part A, supporting well-rounded education, safe schools, and technology, and the Migrant Education Program (MEP). This role manages $6M in Title IV funds through grant reviews, monitoring, and technical assistance while ensuring compliance. The director also oversees the MEP subgrantee, ensuring adherence to requirements that address the unique needs of migratory children and youth. For more information, contact Deborah Bloom at Deborah.Bloom@Vermont.gov. Department: Agency of Education. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full Time. Job ID #51902. Application Deadline: February 2, 2025.
The Vermont Agency of Education seeks a dedicated professional to serve as the State Director for Title IIA. This role oversees over $10M in federal funds to improve student achievement by preparing, training, and retaining high-quality educators through formula grants and state-level activities. The Director also manages Title IVA state funds, ensures compliance with federal requirements, and collaborates with Institutions of Higher Education to support Vermont’s schools and educators. For more information, contact Deborah Bloom at Deborah.Bloom@Vermont.gov. Department: Agency of Education. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full Time. Job ID #51906. Application Deadline: February 9, 2025.
JANUARY 22-29, 2025
Conant Metal & Light is hiring production makers with room to grow into leadership. You must be a creative problem-solver, team player, good with your hands & capable of mastering a broad array of processes. Please visit: conantmetalandlight.com/employment for more information or send a resume detailing your interest, experience, and skills to info@conantmetalandlight.com.
Positive and motivated, willing to get trained & take responsibility of the stations. Tuesday through Saturday evenings.
9/20/24 2:21 PM
2h-Conant092524.indd 1
The District is seeking an energetic professional who doesn’t mind wearing multiple hats. Experienced in handling a wide range of operational and administrative duties that support related tasks and able to work independently with little or no supervision.
The individual will be responsible for the overall operations of recycling center at the regional transfer station. This position will be able to work and fill in at all positions including HHW when needed. The individual will also serve in a positive public relations role for the District with the general public in answering inquiries and providing information, consistent with district policy and state law.
Minimum Qualifications: Recycling Program Generalist I must have a high school diploma or equivalent, a clean driving record and a demonstrated ability to operate heavy equipment. The position requires a history of variable good work ethics, the ability to work well with the public, work independently without direct supervision, complete and maintain reports and records and the ability to move and manage heavy wheeled/nonwheeled containers and operate a pallet jack. Working computer experience in MS-Word, Excel, e-mail, database use, Google Docs, and point-of sales operations.
Pay Scale: $17.00/ hour to $18.50/ hour.
Experienced in handling a wide range of operational and administrative tasks that
support related tasks and able to work independently. The Transfer Station Lead Generalist II will work alongside the Waste Reduction Program Manager to assist in the implementation of waste programs and be an effective leader and supervisor for daily transfer station operations.
Minimum Qualifications: Transfer Station Lead Generalist II must have a high school diploma or equivalent, a clean driving record and a demonstrated ability to operate heavy equipment. The position requires a history of variable good work ethics, the ability to work well with the public, work independently without direct supervision, complete and maintain reports and records and the ability to move and manage heavy wheeled/nonwheeled containers and operate a pallet jack. Two years’ experience training and supervising staff. Working computer experience in MSWord, Excel, e-mail, database use, Google Docs, and point-of sales operations.
Pay Scale: $18.00/ hour to $23.00/ hour
Benefits: Rutland County Solid Waste District is an equal opportunity employer (EOE). RCSWD offers a very competitive wages based upon experience, plus a benefits package that includes Blue Cross -Platinum Medical Insurance (90% paid); Delta Dental; Vison Plan; Life Insurance with AD&D; Retirement Plan; 457(b) Deferred Comp Plan; Employee Assistance Program (100 % paid). Plus, 10 vacation days; 10 paid holidays; sick time, and much more.
More details may be found at rcswd.com Please download an application, and send a completed job application to mshea@rcswd.com, or send to:
Rutland County Solid Waste District
Attn: Mark S. Shea, District Manager 2 Greens Hill Lane- Rutland, VT 05701.
Rutland County Solid Waste District is an equal opportunity employer (EOE).
New Frameworks, a worker-owned cooperative design and construction company, is hiring a Carpenter to add to our team. We are a busy, fun, egalitarian-yet-structured, creative, kind, and mission-driven group of people working together towards the goal of developing ecological and social climate justice and regeneration practices in the building and design trades.
Our ideal candidate has 8+ yrs’ experience in construction, renovation, trades and/or energy & weatherization work, and at least 2 years’ experience managing a crew. If you’ve been looking for a way to use your carpentry skills to advance climate change response through the built environment; build with natural, local, and plant-based materials; and be an integral part of an equitable, intersectional feminist workplace with a strong team culture, we welcome you! This position is based in Essex Junction, Vermont, but we travel to job sites across northern and central Vermont. $26-30/hr depending on experience, plus paid time off, benefits, education, and profit sharing.
To apply, please submit a letter of interest and resume via email to info@newframeworks.com. People of color, trans and gender-nonconforming people, people from poor and working-class backgrounds, queer people, and women are encouraged to apply.
Join Friends of the Mad River as the Watershed Project Coordinator to help support clean water, protect ecological integrity, and build resilience in our watershed community. Work with our team to coordinate a wide range of project types, from riparian buffer restoration to green stormwater infrastructure.
Position Specifics: This is a fulltime temporary position, funded by grants for up to 2 years. Continuation of the position is contingent on the successful development of projects. Starting salary $52 - $55,000. Benefits include sick leave, paid vacation & holidays, retirement plan, HSA contribution, & professional development. For details and to apply: friendsofthemadriver.org/jobs
Join Home Base Inc. in supporting an older woman with developmental disabilities as a Shared-Living Provider. We are seeking someone who owns a home (preferably in/ around Burlington/Shelburne area) with an extra bedroom on the first floor. This woman lives semi-independently (can be alone for up to 3 hours at a time) and receives community supports from Home Base staff. At home, she enjoys relaxing and keeping to herself but also values company and conversation. Provide assistance with grocery shopping, meal & medication prep, home care. Generous tax-exempt monthly stipend and room and board payment for opening your home and providing care for this woman. Training and ongoing support provided.
Send resumes to: rachel@homebasevt.org
SAS Architects is seeking an Office Manager with excellent organizational skills and an optimistic attitude to join our small architectural practice. Candidate would be the main point of contact in our reception area and be responsible for bi-weekly payroll, monthly billing, oversight of office equipment and supplies, and support for project development and completion. Position could be full-time or part-time depending on the candidate. Proficiency with QuickBooks and Microsoft Office required. Experience with InDesign and Photoshop, valuable but not necessary. Competitive salary, paid time off, 401K, and health insurance provided.
We invite you to check out our website: sasarchitects.com to learn more about our firm, people and projects. To apply, please email your resume and cover letter to tricia@sasarchitects.com
We are searching for a REGISTERED DENTAL HYGIENIST for our thriving practice in the quintessential Vermont town. Join us in caring for our community in a place where quality of life is unparalleled! We are looking for the right person to support our relationship-based practice. Our hygienists partner with each other, Dr. Knott, and our administrative team to ensure the best possible experience for our patients. Truly a positive, team-oriented environment.
Hours: 7:45-5:00 Monday through Thursday. Need a part time/ flexible schedule? Let's discuss!
Salary: Commensurate with Experience. Generous Benefits Package: Health, Dental, PTO, Retirement Send resume and a cover letter outlining why you are the right person for our patients: dentalapptcoord@gmail.com Applications will be held in confidence. Find out more about us here: woodstockdentistry.com
Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital (NVRH) in St. Johnsbury is looking for a Central Clinical Educator (CCE) to help us elevate our nursing education. We want to hear from you if you’re passionate about mentoring and supporting healthcare professionals.
What You’ll Do: Manage our mandatory education programs and nursing orientation. Ensure compliance with training requirements. What We’re Looking For: An RN graduate (BSN required/MSN preferred) with at least 3 years of nursing experience. We offer competitive pay and excellent benefits, such as student loan repayment, and generous paid time off. If you’re ready to make a meaningful impact in your community, apply today! We can’t wait to welcome you to our team!
Apply now at www.nvrh.org/careers.
The Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT) seeks a new Director of Risk Management Services to lead our government insurance risk pools – including our property, casualty, liability, workers compensation, and unemployment trusts. We are seeking someone with tremendous financial acumen, a passion for local government, and experience working in the insurance industry. Daily responsibilities include overseeing the operations and strategic leadership of our two government risk pools with assets of approximately $120 million and more than $30 million in annual member contributions.
VLCT is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization founded in 1967 to serve and strengthen Vermont local government. Ninety five percent of Vermont’s municipalities (about 390) receive insurance services through VLCT’s government risk pools. About half of VLCT’s 54 staff are dedicated to insurance operations, and report directly and indirectly to the Director of Risk Management Services. The Director is also responsible for providing strategic leadership and support to the trust boards comprised of municipal officials from across Vermont. The Director is a core member of the VLCT leadership team.
The ideal candidate will have deep knowledge of property/ casualty and workers’ compensation insurance and experience leading in the insurance industry, preferably within a government insurance risk pool. In addition to demonstrated leadership skills, the new director must have skills and knowledge in finance, liability, risk management, contracts, legal/litigation, and risk management information software systems. VLCT recognizes that a variety of life experiences can prepare someone to serve in a leadership role and encourages leaders, especially municipal officials, with a passion for numbers, risk management, and organizational leadership to apply. Candidates with a degree in public administration, business administration, insurance or a related field are desired. Insurance industry credentials are also desired.
VLCT offers a competitive salary (starting range between $160,000 and $190,000) with participation in a state administered public retirement system, employer paid health insurance and dental premiums, generous vacation and sick time, flexible work schedules and remote work opportunities (within Vermont). For more information, including a full job description, why Vermont is an incredible place to live, work and play, and to apply, visit vlct.org/careers
The full brochure may be viewed here:
This position is open until filled; however, first review of resumes will occur on February 5th. E.O.E.
JANUARY 22-29, 2025
The Spot is a locally-owned restaurant group in Burlington, VT. We are a fast growing company run by a small, energetic team. We are looking for a General Manager to oversee the seasonal operations of Spot on the Dock (May 1- Oct 1). The GM is responsible for all aspects of operations including: hiring, training, scheduling, managing daily operations and maintaining vendor relationships. The GM works closely with BOH and FOH staff to ensure a safe, welcoming and efficient environment for both staff and customers.
In addition to managing operations of SOTD, the GM works with the Director of Operations to ensure financial benchmarks are achieved and inventory is maintained. The GM plays an integral part of our leadership team and is heavily involved in developing growth strategy and enforcing Spot policies and procedures. This is a year round, full time position which offers flexibility, full benefit package and opportunities for advancement.
• Minimum 5 years’ experience managing or supervising teams in a restaurant setting
• Strong leadership skills and demonstrated ability to manage a team effectively
• Comprehensive understanding of restaurant operations including FOH, BOH and Bar procedures
• Past experience working with Toast is preferred
Send resumes to: hiring@thespotvt.com
Resonant Link Medical, Inc. (HQ South Burlington, VT) seeks Sr. Power Electronics Engr in its Cambridge, MA office to architect, design and validate power electronics, and analog circuits for high-power density wireless charging. Model and optimize losses in semiconductors and magnetic components in MHz frequency power converters for medical implant applications. Dvlp and test communication schemes for sending low-latency, high-bandwidth data over a resonant inductive link. Dvlp and validate approaches for interfacing resonant power converters with multilayer self-resonant structures. Perfrm circuit trouble shooting, testing and validation of various power electronics blocks using oscilloscopes, impedance analyzers, reworking tools and benchtop measurement tools. Dvlp processes and imprv engg dsgn workflow and cross functional communications between magnetics, electrical engg and mngmnt teams. Responsible for concept dvlpmnt, circuit architecture selection, schematic capture, part selection, layout, dvlpmnt of test plans and validation of Resonant Link’s wireless chargers. REQ: Master’s degree in Electrical Engg or its foreign educational equivalent. 2 yrs of exp in the job offered or as a Sr. Electrical Engr. Requires occasional travel to Company HQ in South Burlington, VT for status updates and meetings with upper management. Send resume to Resonant Link Medical Inc. 530 Community Drive Suite 2 South Burlington, VT 05403.
“Seven Days sales rep Michelle Brown is amazing! She’s extremely responsive, and I always feel so taken care of. I can only imagine how many job connections she has facilitated for local companies in the 20 years she has been doing this.”
Yestermorrow Design/Build School (Waitsfield VT) is hiring for several part-time positions to support the daily operations of our busy campus.
Campus Custodian:
Averages 20 hours per week and starts at $20/hour.
Class Support Coordinator:
Work Thursdays, Fridays, and Mondays. The hourly rate starts at $22.
Facilities Manager: Averages 20 hours per week. The hourly rate starts at $27.
*On-campus housing could be available for the right candidate.
Full job descriptions found at yestermorrow.org/jobs
CAROLYN ZELLER, Intervale Center, Burlington Get a quote when posting online. Contact Michelle Brown at 865-1020, ext. 121, michelle@sevendaysvt.com
We are looking for a baker/kitchen manager to work at our South Burlington location, MondayFriday, roughly 6:30am-10:30am (these hours may be flexible).
- 1 year kitchen experience
- Passionate about great food
- Team player
- Paid Time Off after 6 months employment
- Coffee!
- 20% employee discount
Pay: $17.00-$21.00/ hour
Approx hours: 20 per week
Learn more about us at kestrelcoffees.com or on Instagram @kestrelcoffees.
Apply at: indeedhi.re/4gYoxAX
We offer competitive wages & a full benefits package for full time employees. No auction experience necessary.
We’re seeking energetic & motivated individuals to join our auction team. Techs work an average of 44 hours per week.
Looking for a responsible, motivated, self-starter. Position works with the general manager and the office manager completing tasks both inside/ outdoors. Rate is $17-$20/Hour
Email us: info@thcauction.com
Thomas Hirchak Company is an at will employer. See details at: THCAuction.com
Email Us: Info@THCAuction.com
3v-KestrelCoffee012225.indd 1 1/17/25 11:56 AM
The State of Vermont is seeking candidates for a Board Member opening on the Green Mountain Care Board.
Are you looking for an opportunity to provide oversight in Vermont’s efforts to control escalating health care costs, improve quality, and achieve universal health access? If so, please consider applying for this exciting and challenging position on the Green Mountain Care Board, established by Vermont’s health care reform law. For a full job description and application materials, please visit: https://humanresources. vermont.gov/GMCB-Search-2025. Application Deadline: January 31, 2025.
3v-ThomasHirchak012225 1 1/20/25 5:03 PM
Silver Maple Construction is expanding its Mechanical Division. We are currently seeking full-time, benefits-eligible Master and Journeyman Plumbers focused on high-level customer service and the execution of complex and cutting-edge residential HVAC and plumbing systems.
Here at Silver Maple, we want everyone to feel valued and do the work that inspires them while maintaining a favorable work-life balance.
Total Rewards:
• Competitive Weekly Pay (based on experience)
• Comprehensive Medical, Dental, and Vision Plans
• 401k Retirement Plan + Company Match
• 15 days Paid Time Off
• 7 Paid Holidays
To learn more, please visit silvermapleconstruction.com, email hr@silvermapleconstruction.com, or call our office (802) 989-7677
Pivot Marketing is a full-funnel digital marketing agency specializing in higher education. We partner with colleges/ universities to deliver data-driven campaigns that drive growth and innovation. Guided by our values of curiosity, realness, integration, approachability, and joy, we create a collaborative team culture that fosters exceptional client partnerships while balancing professional excellence with personal well-being.
We’re seeking a Digital Campaign Manager who excels in managing and optimizing digital marketing campaigns. With expertise in digital ad platforms, you’ll play a key role in delivering client success through datadriven strategies, performance monitoring, and creative problem-solving.
• Campaign Management: Lead and optimize paid search and social campaigns while staying current on trends.
• Quality Control & Optimization: Ensure high-quality performance and drive ROI improvements.
• Data-Driven Strategy: Conduct keyword research, audience segmentation, and develop compelling ad creative.
• Performance Reporting: Analyze campaign data, providing actionable insights.
• Budget Management: Manage budgets to align with client objectives.
• Collaboration & Teamwork: Work with internal teams and clients for smooth execution.
• Team Leadership: Mentor junior team members and uphold project deadlines.
• 5+ years in paid search and social, with expertise in Meta and Google Ads (Snapchat, Spotify, TikTok, and Amazon DSP experience a plus).
• Strong analytical and communication skills.
• Proven ability to manage multiple projects in a dynamic environment.
• Alignment with Pivot’s core values.
• Pivot Marketing is a remote/hybrid workplace, but we’re seeking candidates for this role who can consistently be in the Burlington, VT office 2-3 days per week.
Learn more and apply: pivotmarketingvt.com/careers
JANUARY 22-29, 2025
Full descriptions & to apply: trilliumhillfarm.com/ employment.html
Established successful bar & restaurant business in Rouses Point, NY looking to fill 2 full-time positions. Serious inquiries only. Please send resume to courtneymontgomery912@hotmail.com
Driver wanted for contracted transportation.
$25 - $30/hour including health benefits, 401K and bonuses. We provide vehicles, maintenance, fuel & insurance. Must be reliable, have a clean driver’s license and must be able to pass a background check.
Respond to info@vtridenetwork.com, subject: DRIVER WANTED
The Community College of Vermont is seeking a dynamic and engaging individual with a welcoming demeanor to ensure that career advising, career exploration, and career learning are integrated into the student experience at CCV.
The VCAP Career Pathway Student Navigator is responsible for ensuring that individuals receiving services from HireAbilityVT and participating in any college sponsored activity, make consistent progression toward achieving their educational and career goals. The VCAP Career Pathway Student Navigator works closely with the VCAP Program Manager and HireAbility participants from admissions through program completion to provide the guidance and support needed for success. The Career Pathway Student Navigator develops and maintains strong working relationships with HireAbility. VCAP is a 5-Year federal grant run by HireAbility and this Career Pathway Student Navigator position is funded through June 2026.
Education and Experience: Bachelor’s degree plus three years of experience in education, student services, counseling or a related professional field or combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and skills are acquired.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
• Knowledge of higher education and career services and practices, including familiarity with student development theory
• Ability to work in and foster a highly collaborative and student-centered environment
• Excellent interpersonal skills; uses emotional intelligence and discretion in communications
• Effective listening and analytical skills to assess needs and develop successful solutions to complex problems
• Strong understanding of disabilities, disability rights, and support services for individuals with disabilities
• Knowledge of HireAbility and/or other organizations that provide career pathway training and/or support services
• Strong technological proficiency
Application Instructions: In order to be considered, please submit a complete application package which includes a cover letter, resume/CV, employment application and contact information for three professional references at: ccv. edu/learn-about-ccv/employment
• Post jobs using a form that includes key info about your company and open positions (location, application deadlines, video, images, etc.).
• Accept applications and manage the hiring process via our applicant tracking tool.
• Easily manage your open job listings from your recruiter dashboard.
• Search for jobs by keyword, location, category and job type.
• Set up job alert emails using custom search criteria.
• Save jobs to a custom list with your own notes on the positions.
• Apply for jobs directly through the site. jobs.sevendaysvt.com
Get a quote when you post online or contact Michelle Brown: 865-1020, ext. 121, michelle@sevendaysvt.com.
Are you interested in a job that helps your community and makes a difference in people’s lives every day? Consider joining Burlington Housing Authority (BHA) in Burlington, VT to continue BHA’s success in promoting innovative solutions that address housing instability challenges facing our diverse population of low-income families and individuals.
We are currently hiring for the following positions:
Performs general maintenance work in BHA owned and managed properties. This includes building exteriors, common areas, apartments, building systems, fixtures, and grounds. Our Building Operations Techs are required to participate in the on-call rotation, which covers night and weekend emergencies.
Specialist: Provides support to men and women under the VT Department of Corrections supervision from prison back to Chittenden County. The ORHS focuses on high-risk men and women who are being released from jail and graduating transitional housing programs and in need of permanent housing. The ORHS provides intensive retention and eviction prevention services and works collaboratively with the Burlington Probation and Parole Office. Additionally, the ORHS works with various case workers, Re-Entry staff and the Administrative Staff from the VT Department of Corrections and the broad network of COSA staff as necessary throughout Chittenden County.
Resident Manager at South Square: Attends to various resident requests, assisting with emergency service, and light cleaning duties. The Resident Manager is required to live on property. The Resident Manager is provided with an apartment and along with free utilities in exchange for being on call after BHA business hours and on weekends.
*BHA serves a diverse population of tenants and partners with a variety of community agencies. To most effectively carry out our vision of delivering safe
and affordable housing to all, we are committed to cultivating a staff that reflects varied lived experiences, viewpoints, and educational histories. Therefore, we strongly encourage candidates from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ individuals, and women to apply. Multilingualism is a plus!
Find more about these career opportunities: burlingtonhousing.org
Our robust benefit package includes premium medical insurance with a health reimbursement account, dental, vision, short & long term disability, 10% employer funded retirement plan, 457 retirement plan, accident insurance, life insurance, cancer & critical illness insurance.
We provide a generous time off policy including 12 days of paid time off and 12 days of sick time in the first year. In addition to the paid time off, BHA recognizes 13 (paid) holidays and 2 (paid) floating cultural holidays.
Interested in this opportunity? Send cover letter/resume to: humanresources@ burlingtonhousing.org
Human Resources
Burlington Housing Authority 65 Main Street, Suite 101
Burlington, VT 05401 BHA is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. in Burlington, VT seeks Sr. Engineer, Physical Design (F008): Create, customize, maintain Custom PDK. Telecommuting is permitted. TO APPLY send your resume with reference Job Code (F008) to Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Attn. HR 1.2.519, 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA 95054 or to Opportunities@marvell.com. EOE.
The Rutland City Public School District has an opening for a Computer Technician to support our growing IT infrastructure K-12. Our workplace is fast-paced and friendly, with terrific benefits and a competitive salary. We encourage our employees to grow and take on exciting challenges in information technology.
The ideal candidate will have experience diagnosing and troubleshooting hardware and software problems in a Windows and Chromebook environment. Experience with imaging products and Windows, help desk support experience.
Interested candidates should possess a minimum of an AS degree or equivalent, and at least 3 years of experience in a customer support role. Our focus is on building a strong IT team and good customer support. Interpersonal and organizational skills along with a proven ability to support end users are essential candidate traits. Position open until filled. Candidates apply directly online to: schoolspring.com
Readers help pay for the production of this award-winning weekly newspaper. Thousands have made one-time or recurring donations to sustain Seven Days. Their support — along with advertisers’ — allows us to keep delivering breaking news and thoughtful long-form journalism to Vermonters.
Support local journalism — make a contribution today!
If you like what we do and can a ord to help pay for it, please become a Seven Days Super Reader. Your donation will help to keep our community informed and connected.
Join the Super Readers at sevendaysvt.com/super-readers.
Or send a note (and a check) to: Seven Days c/o Super Readers PO Box 1164 Burlington, VT 05402
Gillian English at 865-1020, ext. 115 or superreaders@sevendaysvt.com.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18)
In old Hawaii, it was forbidden for ordinary people to touch objects that belonged to the chiefs or to anyone with spiritual powers. Other taboos: Never walk across the shadow of an important person, and never wear red and yellow feathers. Our modern taboos are different but often equally rigid. For example, you are probably hesitant to ask people how much money they make or what their relationship status is. What are other taboos you observe? I won’t outrightly advise you to brazenly break them, but now is a good time to reevaluate them — and consider changing your relationship with them.
ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): Author Anaïs Nin wrote, “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” I bring this to your attention because you Aries folks now have a mandate to expand your life through courageous acts, thoughts and feelings. I suggest we make the Arctic fox your power symbol. This intrepid creature undertakes epic migrations, journeying more than 2,000 miles across sea ice, using starlight and magnetic fields to navigate. Let’s dare to speculate that you have something in common with it; let’s propose that you are equipped with an inner guidance system that gives you a keen intuitive sense of how to maneuver in unfamiliar territory. PS: Anaïs Nin has another tip: “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”
TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): Taurus archeologist Howard Carter made a
spectacular discovery in 1922: the intact tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, more than 3,300 years after his death. It was filled with more than 5,000 artifacts, became a global sensation and to this day remains the most famous find from ancient Egypt. A short time before he succeeded at his five-year quest, Howard Carter nearly gave up. But then his sponsor agreed to provide funds for a few more months, and he continued. In this spirit, Taurus, I urge you to keep pushing to fulfill your own dream. Renew your faith. Boost your devotion. Remember why you feel so strongly.
GEMINI (May 21-Jun. 20): The James Webb Space Telescope is the largest telescope in space. Recently, it discovered hundreds of galaxies that no humans had ever before beheld. They are very old, too — far more ancient than our own Milky Way Galaxy. I propose we make this marvelous perceptionenhancing tool a symbol of power for you. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you now have a robust potential to see things that have always been invisible, secret or off-limits to you. Some of these wonders could motivate you to reinterpret your life story and reshape your future plans.
CANCER (Jun. 21-Jul. 22): One theory says that humans evolved to be afraid of reptiles because our early ancestors were frequently threatened by them. Among the most commonly feared creatures in modern culture are snakes. And yet, as anyone knows if they’ve studied mythology, snakes have also been symbols of fertility and healing in many cultures. Because they periodically shed their skin, they also represent regeneration and rebirth. I’m hoping you don’t harbor an instinctual aversion to snakes, Cancerian. The coming weeks will be a favorable time for you to call on and benefit from their iconic powers.
LEO (Jul. 23-Aug. 22): In the coming months, be extra creative as you enhance your network of connections and support. Encourage your allies to provide you with tips about opportunities and possibilities that you would not otherwise know about. Ask them to serve as links to novel resources that will nurture your long-term dreams. Here’s an idea
to energize your efforts: Get a vivid sense of how trees use vast underground fungal webs to communicate with each other. (Learn more here: bit.ly/thewoodwideweb.) Knowing about this natural magic may impregnate your subconscious mind with evocative suggestions about how to be ingenious in weaving the kind of community you want.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sep. 22): I love my job as a horoscope writer. What could be more fun than analyzing cosmic signs to generate inspirational counsel for my readers? It’s a big responsibility, though. I am intensely aware of how crucial it is that I craft my messages with the utmost care and compassion. Having been scarred as a young adult by reckless, fearmongering fortune tellers, I’m rigorous about nurturing your free will, not undermining it. I want you to be uplifted, not confused or demoralized, as I was. With these thoughts in mind, I invite you to take a vigorous inventory of the effects that your work and play have on the world. Are they aligned with your intentions? Are your ambitions moored in impeccable integrity?
LIBRA (Sep. 23-Oct. 22): Why are diamonds considered so valuable? I’m skeptical. Highgrade diamonds are not as rare as public perception would lead us to believe. Yes, they are extraordinarily hard and scratchresistant, but is that a reason to regard them as a sublime treasure? I acknowledge they are pretty in a bland way. But other gems are more intriguingly beautiful. Maybe the most important reason they are so prized is that diamond sellers have done effective marketing campaigns to promote them as symbols of love and luxury. All this is a prelude to my main message: Now is an excellent time to think and feel deeply about what is truly beautiful to you — and take steps to bring more of it into your life. For you Libras, beauty is an essential ingredient in your life’s purpose.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The way that ancient Romans made concrete was more ingenious than modern methods. Their manufacturing materials included “lime clasts,” which gave the concrete self-healing qualities. When cracks arose, they fixed
themselves. That’s why Roman aqueducts built 2,000 years ago can still convey water today. Metaphorically speaking, I hope you will work on building similar structures in the coming weeks. It’s time to create strong foundations that will last for a very long time.
(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Do you harbor a yearning to learn a new language, new skill or new trick? The coming weeks will be a favorable phase to get serious about doing it. Have you fantasized about embarking on an adventure that would expand your understanding of how the world works? The time is right. Have you wished you could attract an inspirational prod to unleash more creativity and experiment freely? The astrological omens suggest that inspirational prod is imminent. Have you wondered whether you could enhance and fine-tune your receptivity — and thereby open up surprising sources of fresh teaching? Do it now!
(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Bristlecone pine trees grow very slowly, but they are hardy and long-lived. Their wood is so dense and strong that it’s virtually immune to disease, insects and erosion. They grow in places that are inhospitable for many other trees, flourishing in cold, windy environments where the soil is not particularly rich in nutrients. For the bristlecone pine, apparent obstacles stimulate their resilience. I don’t want to exaggerate the ways they remind me of you Capricorns, but you and they certainly have affinities. I believe these shared qualities will be especially useful for you in the coming weeks.
PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): As winter progresses, each day is longer and each night shorter. Most humans feel an undercurrent of joy that the amount of light in the world is growing. But as an astrologer who appreciates cycles, I like to honor the beauty and powers of darkness. That’s where everything new gets born! It’s where the future comes from! In ancient Hawaiian religion, the word kumulipo meant “beginning in deep darkness.” It was also the name of a prayer describing the creation of the world. In the coming weeks, I believe you will be wise to tap into the rich offerings of darkness.
Lance Smith founded Vermont SportsCar in 1988, and for the past two decades it has built race cars for Subaru Motorsports USA, racking up 18 national rally championships. Seven Days’ Eva Sollberger got a tour of VSC’s $12 million, 75,000-square-foot facility in Milton and saw its awardwinning Subarus.
Life is really good. I love my home, my kids, dear friends and getting outside. I practice yoga and meditate on the daily and am looking forward to meeting someone with a similar lifestyle to laugh and do little adventures with. waterandpines77 47 seeking: M, l
I love live music (rock and blues) and tea, not coffee. Vermont native, one of those who will read the cereal box if there’s no book around. My only child has four feet and a curly tail. Love the Maine coast, too. Bluesandtea 72, seeking: M
I am a widow who enjoys cards, board games, yard games and would love to find the right partner to spend time and build a relationship with. I value my faith, family and friends (and my dog Poppy). Just looking for friendship and someone to hang out with — I’m fine with that as well. harlow, 74, seeking: M, l
I live north of St. J, east of I-91. Exploring: friends, maybe LTR. My special guy thrives in his fire, adores my fire, is looking for mutual ignition of body, mind, heart and soul. Me: both contrast and contradiction. Dusty hiker, lover of creature comforts. Metaphysics, quantum physics. Stars in your eyes, stars in the sky. I love to understand why. BrightWaters, 65 seeking: M, l
You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common!
All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse hundreds of singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.
l See photos of this person online.
W = Women
M = Men
TW = Trans women
TM = Trans men
Q = Genderqueer people
NBP = Nonbinary people
NC = Gender nonconformists
Cp = Couples
Gp = Groups
Are you ready for adventure? Broadway show, hiking in Sedona, wine in Portugal? And then home to stack wood for winter and stir minestrone soup? Generous, spirited, joyfully feisty, this (previously) redheaded woman will make your life worth living to the fullest. You will never be bored. Seeking kind, intelligent man-friend 55 to 70 with belly laugh who is ready to play for keeps. springpeeper, 64 seeking: M
I’m passionate about my work, my writing and living a life of connection, learning and adventure. I’m seeking a man who is comfortable with himself and knows what he wants. I bike/hike/paddleboard, camp and would be interested in company on almost any outdoor activity. I appreciate good conversation and comfortable silence, different perspectives and anyone who can make me laugh.
AuntieNunga 60, seeking: M, l
I am fun-loving and interested in exploring the world, close by or far away. I enjoy interesting conversations. I am physically active. Long walks, hiking, yoga are some of my favorite pastimes. I am looking for a kind, educated and supportive man with a great sense of humor. I take good care of myself. manderine20, 68, seeking: M, l
I’m not sure what I’m even looking for. But I do know that I miss having someone to snuggle up to on movie night and to hold hands with on a road trip. The last few years have me feeling more and more radicalized. If you wear a red hat, please just move on. I’m not your kind of girl.
Lillian_Mountweazel, 54, seeking: M, l
I’m kind, honest and (my friends think) pretty funny. I’m looking for a long-term relationship with someone hardworking and creative like me. I enjoy the outdoors and love to dance. I’m a great listener and loyal to those I care about. VanityFair, 43, seeking: M, W, l
Being outdoors immersed in nature is key to my sanity. Spontaneous outdoor adventures and exploration on land or water are the best. Reading gives nourishment and entertainment, as does preparing and savoring good food. Breakfast or dinner out, theater, music, an art opening are good fun. Looking for a like-minded companion to enjoy life with. Care to join me?
WoodsWalking 69, seeking: M, l
I am new to the area and looking for male companionship. Someone to laugh with, go to the movies with, hang out with. I am funny, happy and for the most part quite content with my life. But I am lonely and want to find someone with whom I can connect. Chemistry is more important than looks. Sharilynn, 66, seeking: M, l
I’m smart, considerate, generous and with-it, in good shape and not oldfashioned. I’m looking for a man who is smart, kind, attentive, affectionate and well-groomed, for companionship and closeness. Ellie 73, seeking: M, l
Awakened heart aims to meet adventure, compassion, culture, creating comrades to grow chosen family. Nurture ecosystem resilience, grow/gather medicine, tend home hearth, venture into wild, play music, craft. Let’s drink tea, read poetry, cook, write songs, paddle, skin up a mountain, cuddle by a fire, tree climb, dance, practice Spanish and French. Conscious communication, friends first. Grow connection at trust speed. youthfuloldsoul 49, seeking: M, l
Active person who enjoys travel, hiking, skiing, mountain biking, pickleball. Most often found outdoors being active or caring for animals. The past couple years have been spent renovating a historic home. I have most enjoyed building on the home’s character and transitioning it into a functional, warm, cozy space. Interested in meeting people with similar interests and values.
Built_For_Adventure 52 seeking: W, l
Settled, strong, self-sufficient woman seeks life partner. I enjoy my job and also love being outside playing in the dirt. I’m looking for someone who enjoys rambling conversations and long walks, is emotionally intelligent with a good sense of humor and willing to build a solid relationship. Active interests in regenerative agriculture, critters, playing music and chess a plus. Greener, 62, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, NBP, l
I am a caring, thoughtful and happy independent woman. I am also known to be extremely loyal and attentive. I enjoy reading, live theater, community events, exploring and dining out. Also, long walks are always a plus! Seeking a gentlemanly companion to share good conversations and fun activities.
Pretty_In_Pink, 71, seeking: M, l
Compassionate, caring, loving, ethical. As a lover, I am intimate, sensitive, passionate and communicative in all the ways available for humans to communicate. In love I can and will go as deep and fearlessly as you are willing. I’ve rebuilt buildings, built boats and a rental business, post-retirement. I want to build a life together. Communication_ Matters 65 seeking: W, l
Looking for some kinky times. Like to give and receive oral and hoping to find a well-hung top. 2ndchnce, 60, seeking: M
You’re curious and funny, and can laugh at yourself and me. Words warm my heart, but a mechanical challenge perplexes me. I’ve taught in England and Ireland. I’m looking for someone to share the next part of my life, which will be an adventure (of travel, theater, swimming, hiking, dining, maybe golfing) before I’m whisked off to a home for the bewildered. 0hFlatlander 68 seeking: W, l
Fan of many people, places and teams, with time for another person and their interests. WadeIn, 61 seeking: W
I own and operate my own vegetable farm. I’m looking to meet new people and see where it goes. Cole100 39, seeking: W, l
Truthful, hardworking, athletic, cooperative male, looking for welleducated SF, 58 to 66. My heart ain’t so fearless anymore, but still optimistic. I love to see both plants and relationships grow. I’m a project person, so happiest with a bit of time and space to express my creativity and respect similar needs. Seeking companionship exploring the unplugged outdoors on foot, bikes, paddle boards. hillasophical, 63, seeking: W
I am by nature a tolerant and happy person who is easy to be around. I am looking for a mature woman who is trustworthy, kind, loyal, emotionally connected, and physically attractive. Humor is essential. I feel that we must begin a relationship as best friends, which may allow us to grow into fully compatible long-term partners. September17, 70 seeking: W, l
SWM, 68, 5’7”, HWP, healthy, down to earth, empathetic. Seeks connection and mutual attraction with a SWF, 52 to 70, HWP who cares about her health and appearance. Let’s get to know each other, then decide together what kind of relationship feels right for us. Wouldn’t it be great to share our emotional intelligence and have great chemistry too? HumbleAndKind, 68, seeking: W, l
Time is of the essence. Life is too short. I work way too hard seemingly for someone else’s benefit more than my own. rockme, 60, seeking: W
I’m a creative, outdoor-loving man in a marriage totally lacking intimacy (of mind, soul and body). I often go to the forest. I adore Vermont. I feel mostly content and grounded. It’s time for me to gracefully transition to increased spiritual connection and intimacy. I’m hoping you are open to tenderness and playful exploration. GrnMtn64 64, seeking: W, l
I am an easygoing guy — a little shy at first, but once I get to know you, I will talk about anything. I am looking for someone to have conversations with, get me out of the house on a Saturday night, and someone to laugh with or cry at a tearjerker. Mechanicinvt, 52, seeking: W, l
Looking for creative, multitalented, intelligent man for LTR/open to marriage. I put my order in with the agency so apply to heaven and they will match us up. Ask for money and it’s over. ThomThomCS135 71, seeking: M, Cp, Gp, l
Bi-curious man, currently in committed relationship with a woman who wants me to explore fantasies that she can’t fulfill. Seeking a new friend who is interested in guiding my exploration. Casual and discrete. Let’s chat. VTPolarBear, 51, seeking: M
Greetings! Some interests we may share include love of sunshine, Vermont, creativity, children, Bread and Puppet, hiking, kayaking, music, road trips, baking, physical affection, and deep conversations on psychology and relationships, writing and ideas, Buddhism and spirituality, hiking and nature, and the meaning of love and life. I would describe myself as kind, outdoorsy, open-minded, endlessly curious, funny, talkative, introspective, affectionate, always seeking and searching, sometimes wise, adventurous, extroverted, and introverted. Together, let’s be best friends who understand and adore each other. thatsimplelight, 57, seeking: W, l
THOUGHTFUL, UNASSUMING, CATCH? 36, male. I am well educated, in full-time sales. Looks: Zoom-call handsome, dark hair and average build. Both shy and gregarious. Intellectual and kind. Personal growth and awareness are important to me. Love games, vistas, conversation. Seeking friendships or dating with women. Wanting something serious, open to casual or flirtatious. Please be patient, I’m new to this. What’s something that sparked your curiosity? Spiritual_Charcoal 36 seeking: W, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l
I’m very creative and open-minded. Spend my days foraging in the forest and gardening, working at a greenhouse days in the summer. I’m intersex, born with both male and female genitalia. Looking for a man interested in connecting with my female side to date and form a long-term relationship with. Dajag181 29, seeking: M, l
I am nonbinary, mostly femme, looking for friends and FWB. I am an educated, mature, working-type person transitioning to all-femme. Clean and COVID-vaccinated. Bim4mfwb 74 seeking: M, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp, l
We are an attractive, fun-loving, professional couple enjoying life together in Vermont (she, 49; he, 51). Looking for couples or the occasional single guy for fun experiences in and out of the bedroom. Onlylivingonce 50, seeking: M, Cp, Gp, l
Fun, open-minded couple seeking playmates. Shoot us a note if interested so we can share details and desires. Jackrabbits, 61, seeking: W, Cp
We are a secure couple who enjoy the outdoors, good wine, great food, playing with each other, exploring our boundaries and trying new things. We are 47 and 50, looking for a fun couple or bi man to play and explore with us. We are easygoing, and we’d love to meet you and see where our mutual adventures take us. vthappycouple, 51, seeking: M, Cp, Gp
Most people thought the chaconne would be the piece to end the recital. We agreed that the choice of the third sonata was inspired. at allegro assai is just transcendent; so joyful. I’ll take your advice and check out the recital hall — we might meet again. I wonder what the music will be? When: Friday, January 17, 2025. Where: St Paul’s Cathedral, Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916237
anks for wishing me one. I’ve been having one of those weeks where I could really use one. I appreciate your kindness. I’m looking forward to tasting the pound cake. When: Tuesday, January 14, 2025. Where: Around town. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916236
When I saw you, messy hair, alluring and determined in a trench coat and big snow boots, I said to myself, Oh, my God I wish I had said hello. Maybe I will see you again in your beautifully beat-up Mercedes station wagon. When: Tuesday, January 14, 2025. Where: Kenyon’s. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916235
Your silhouette is intriguing. It reminds me of my friend LVM, another beauty. Do you rescue domesticated animals as well? I know one who is in dire straits. When: ursday, January 9, 2025. Where: In the deep woods. You: Group. Me: Man. #916233
I gave you a hot tip on where to find your favorite bourbon in town. Maybe we can share a whiskey sometime. Rocks or neat? When: Friday, January 3, 2025. Where: Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916232
If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!
You skied past me while I was running in shorts. “Wait, are you Crosby’s friend?” you asked, flashing a gorgeous smile. I said “No,” but I wish I’d kept the conversation going somehow. If you happen to see this, I’d love to ski with you sometime. When: Friday, January 10, 2025. Where: Intervale. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916234
Hey, Ben — lost track of you at the show. I had such an awesome time dancing next to you and felt a connection through the music, for sure. I wanted to find you to see about meeting for more local music. When: Tuesday, December 31, 2024. Where: Higher Ground. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916231
Hi, J! We get to talk about music once or twice a month, and it makes me so, so happy. e last album you recommended to me is amazing! Do you want to listen to music together sometime? When: Friday, December 20, 2024. Where: A place for music. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916230
I was in the wine aisle when you came over and complimented my sense of style. A friend says you were flirting, which I didn’t pick up on, so I simply said thank you and kept selecting my wine. Were you flirting? Or do you just have great taste? When: Monday, December 23, 2024. Where: Trader Joe’s. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916229
I spy, with my little eye, the cutest guy. Better femme-y than phlegm-y, I always say. You can add “cryptic” to the list. When: ursday, December 19, 2024. Where: A valley. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916225
You and your grandpa offered me a ride home from the Richmond Market, to the trail that cuts through to my road. ank you! It saved me some sketchy roadside walking in the snow. I was left with lingering questions about soy milk, and would’ve liked to continue that conversation. When: Saturday, December 21, 2024. Where: Richmond. You: Group. Me: Woman. #916228
I met you at noon, sitting at the bar. We talked about your dragon fruit margarita. en we started talking about your family Christmas gettogether for the next day. Really enjoyed talking with you; would like to meet you and chat again. When: Friday, December 20, 2024. Where: Longhorn, Williston. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916227
KT, I can’t hide it anymore. When you wear that blue jacket with the shoulder pads, it ignites a fire in me that cannot be extinguished. If you feel the same, meet me under the disco ball at the next Shrek rave at the stroke of midnight. I’ll be dressed as the ugly stepsister. When: Saturday, December 21, 2024. Where: Bustling Brewery. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #916226
Showed you my body without armoire. Duvet lozenge ornate mirror wardrobe — Brassica capsaicin regalia soporific ululation — Sappho, fried chicken, grandfather’s truck, blistered soul, ball game, crushed-up receipts — sturgeon, tumultuous frenetic vivisect — like worn-out shoes and my love for you. Wikipedia cannot be sold. Dribble gravy, eyes a haunt for vulture pigeons. Carrion wayward skunk, there’ll be peas before you’re dung. When: Friday, December 20, 2024. Where: Wandering. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916224
is was a few weeks ago, but I was walking to my car and I think we noticed each other. Not much more to go on, but I was holding soup. When: Sunday, December 1, 2024. Where: Montpelier. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916223
Rev end,
I’m a native Vermonter, so I’m accustomed to the winters here, but for some reason this one is really kicking my ass. By six o’clock at night, I feel like the day is over, and I don’t want to do anything other than watch TV and go to bed. Could it be that I’m just turning into an old fart?
You’re a night manager at a grocery store. You got blood drawn, and you asked me about my mittens. We chatted while waiting. Would love to chat again over coffee. When: Wednesday, December 18, 2024. Where: Waiting area for blood lab. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916222
CHEESECAKE LOVE TRIANGLE Me, when I’m buying cheese, and you’re like, “Look at me, Miss I-got-a-degreeI-know-how-to-use-words, and Mr. Got-a-degree-I-draw-cute-characters, definitely can’t forget Ms. I-got-a-degreeand-can-color-a-cake,” but you guys are absolutely amazing. It was amazing to see how amazing you are! When: Monday, December 16, 2024. Where: Work. You: Group. Me: Man. #916221
We chatted eagerly at the checkout of a grocery store in the evening. You had a lovely smile and asked me questions about my recent “bright-eyed” move to Vermont. I asked about your studies (bio and computer-related). After you left, my heart felt buoyed by the connection! Lunch sometime? When: Tuesday, December 10, 2024. Where: South Burlington grocery store. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916220
I’ve been bothered for weeks now that you brought your small child in to play a round of pool and it was ruined by a rude comment. I applaud you for turning right around, and would like to ask that you try again. When: Sunday, November 10, 2024. Where: Monkey. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916219
I was shopping, and from across the aisle, I saw her slicing meats. She was with a man who smelt like bad provolone, but she smelled like a delicious Cheez Whiz with her pretty eyes and amazing bun. I wish she could be mine, with those cheesy little slicing fingers. When: Wednesday, December 18, 2024. Where: Shaw’s. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916218
She is who she is. Clearly she has no interest in respecting you. Don’t you think you deserve better? When: Monday, December 16, 2024. Where: I Spy. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916213
Happy 21st anniversary! ank you for making every day better than the last. Home will always be with you. Come grow old with me — the best is yet to be. When: Wednesday, December 20, 2023. Where: Once upon a dream. You: Man. Me: Woman. #916216
Monday afternoon public skating. I loved watching how graceful you were, practicing and circling, gliding backwards, all the while keeping an eye on your young companion. You had on a vest of some bright color, maybe magenta, and while lacing up I overheard you talking to a colleague about the Grand Tetons. Anyway, you made it look easy — and fun! When: Wednesday, December 18, 2024. Where: Giorgetti Arena, Rutland. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916217
We walked in at the same time, and you thought you recognized me from somewhere. You were browsing the choices with your partner, inside. I smiled a goodbye when I left. I’m intrigued and curious about the recognition. With full respect to your attached status, should we try to figure it out? When: Monday, December 16, 2024. Where: Mary Jane shop in Montgomery. You: Couple. Me: Man. #916215
ick curls, gorgeous beard, a cute little laugh; I’m crazy about you. I saw that short woman next to you, slicing a block of provolone. I bet you think she’s the love of your life. She smells like cheese wind. Whatever. Maybe when you finally come to your senses we can have a beautiful life, just us guys. When: Sunday, December 15, 2024. Where: e Deli. You: Man. Me: Man. #916212
We chatted briefly after both emerging from the frigid lake at sunset. You had a big smile that warmed me right up. Want to meet for another dip? When: ursday, October 31, 2024. Where: Texaco Beach. You: Woman. Me: Man. #916211
ere are a lot of reasons this winter may feel darker than others, but I’m not going to get into politics. I can’t comment on your old-fart status, but you’re not alone. Many people, regardless of their age, feel like January drags on for three months rather than 31 days.
December, with its holidays, festivities and days off, is a hard act to follow. January tends to be a month full of a whole lotta nothing to do. e sun rises late and sets early, and it’s usually the coldest month in Vermont. It’s a perfect recipe for ennui.
I suggest that you take a cue from nature. In winter, many creatures hibernate, and plants go dormant. Humans need a reset, too. It’s OK to go to bed early. Rest is extremely important, especially at this time of year when a lot of bugs are going around. Feeling tuckered out might just be your body taking care of itself.
Lean into coziness and comfort, and don’t beat yourself up for not being busy. If you really feel the need to be productive, now is a great time for indoor projects. Clean out a closet, rearrange a room or paint a wall. A little bit here and there can help you feel like you’ve accomplished something. It’s also good to remember to make hay while the sun shines. Try to get outside for at least a little bit every day while the sun is up. Even though it may be brisk, the fresh air is invigorating, and you can still get some vitamin D through the clouds. If you believe that your fatigue is more than a case of the winter doldrums, make an appointment with your doctor to check things out. Otherwise, just be thankful you don’t live somewhere like Svalbard, Norway, where the polar night makes it dark for almost three months straight. Spring fever is right around the corner here.
Good luck and God bless, The Rev
SWF, 50, seeking a SWM, 48 to 58, to homestead and live a quiet life. I am sincere, ready to settle down, artistic and love dogs. #L1818
I’m a 60-y/o SWF seeking a 55- to 70-y/o SM. Retired, healthy, fit and outdoorsy. ISO a kindred spirit with whom to share Vermont’s trails. I enjoy mountain and gravel biking, cross-country skiing, and yearround hiking, as well as a good Vermont brew, current events, reading and eating as locally as possible. Self-deprecating sense of humor a plus! #L1816
CD into fetish? Tight and shiny clothing? #L1814
I am an 80-y/o woman seeking a man, 76 to 80 y/o. I am looking for friendship and companionship. Be able to share life for as long as we can, and do things together for fun. Let’s enjoy life. #L1817
I’m a SWF, 71 y/o, seeking a white or Black man 50 to 70 y/o. I want companionship, movies, warmth; I love music and live in Woodstock. Phone calls only. #L1815
GM looking for a man or men for mutual pleasure. Maybe develop into LTR or FWB. Would like regular or semiregular visits. Fun and adventurous. #L1812
Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your pen pal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number.
MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters PO Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402
PAYMENT: $5/response. Include cash or check (made out to “Seven Days”) in the outer envelope. To send unlimited replies for only $15/month, call us at 802-865-1020, ext. 161 for a membership (credit accepted).
1 Submit your FREE message at sevendaysvt.com/loveletters or use the handy form at right.
We’ll publish as many messages as we can in the Love Letters section above. 2
Interested readers will send you letters in the mail. No internet required!
Single woman, 59. Wise, mindful. Seeking tight unit with man, friend, love. Country living, gardens, land to play on. Emotionally, intellectually engaged. Lasting chats. Appreciation for past experience. Please be kind, stable and well established. Phone number, please. #L1813
I’m an 80-y/o man in good health. I own a ranch house on Route 110 in Tunbridge, south of fairgrounds. Never married. No children, retired. Like going out to eat and riding around. Looking for a nice lady for a long-term relationship. #L1810
I miss the touch, the flirting, the taste, the smell of a woman. I’m 69, retired and disabled. I also have many facets that make me up. NEK please, thanks. #L1811
SWM, bi, seeking guys for fun. Any race. I’m 6’1, 175 pounds. Clean, safe and discreet. Love being a bottom. Respond with a phone number. #L1804
58-y/o enjoys the simple things: walks with my dogs, candlelit evenings, window shopping. I don’t have to have someone to complete me but would love to share the beauty of life with a man who also is ready to dance like nobody’s watching. #L1808
Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness le ers. DETAILS BELOW.
T-girl? Transgender? CD? Gay? I’m a dom, so looking for subs. anks. #L1799
76-y/o male seeking a female. Widower, Burlington resident, gardener, fisherman and writer wants to meet you for dinner, movies, events and conversation. You: old, kind, no issues. Possible friendship, LTR. I don’t watch football. #L1807
I’m a sweet, fit, busy 48y/o DILF type seeking a 28- to 68-y/o-ish woman who wants some more affection in her life. Let’s have a great evening together every month and share good memories and joyful anticipation in between. #L1806
Handsome SWM, young-looking 60, yearning for a woman’s connection and intimacy. Seeking friendly relations with slim-average 45- to 60-y/o, kind, smart, respectful, humorous, playful. Activities indoors and outdoors — dinners, talks, walks, nature, TV, entertainment, day trips, overnights, spontaneity, hobbies, more. #L1803
Describe yourself and who you’re looking for in 40 words below: (OR, ATTACH A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER.)
I’m a
I’m a SWM seeking a Black couple, both bi. I’m clean, a nonsmoker and don’t drink. Would like a weekly meet, on weekends. My place is private. I only date Black men and women. Age no problem. Phone. Serious. #L1802
Mid-60s, SWM, 6’, 175 pounds. Looking for a forever romance, but just meeting with new friends can work, too! Extremely romantic and passionate! I stay active as I run, hike, bike; play golf, tennis and pickleball; and work out at the Edge. Full of spontaneity and love dancing, travel. I will love you snuggling in my arms always as I shower you with love and romance! #L1801
I’m a 54-y/o male seeking a 50- to 60-y/o female. Looking for an honest person. Sex is less important. I enjoy taking walks, soft rock and movies, in or out. Love to go out to eat. No drugs, no smoking. #L1800
SWM, 69, seeking a SF. I am warm, friendly, clean and respectful, seeking a LTR. Just an ordinary guy looking for same. Phone number, please. #L1798
Required confidential info:
THIS FORM IS FOR LOVE LETTERS ONLY. Messages for the Personals and I-Spy sections must be submitted online at dating.sevendaysvt.com.
The Tenderbellies
FRI., JAN. 24
Cobalt & Titien w/ Ed McGee
FRI., JAN. 24
Cleary/Gagnon/Saulnier Jazz Trio feat.
Elizabeth Frascoia
FRI., JAN. 24
January Bird Monitoring Walk
SAT., JAN. 25
Capital City Concerts – Culomba: "Color and Joy for a Winter Afternoon"
SAT., JAN. 25
Indian Butter Chicken with Chef
Ariel Voorhees
SAT., JAN. 25
Saturday Night Sounds
SAT., JAN. 25 & SAT., FEB. 1
Green Mountain Mahler Festival
Brahms' A German Requiem
SAT., JAN. 25
Cozy Winter Cookie Decorating Class
SUN., JAN. 26
The Magnetica Sound Bath
SUN., JAN. 26 & SUN., FEB 2
Winter BBQ Dinner
MON., JAN. 27
Culinary Mavericks - A Multi-Course
SAM Talks // A History of the Concept of Race with William Edelglass
TRS LIVE: Night Protocol Live Album
Recording FRI., JAN. 31
Hip-Hop Night at the Underground FRI., JAN. 31 THE UNDERGROUND, RANDOLPH
Winter Renaissance Faire
SAT., FEB. 1
French Macarons Featuring Small Oven Pastries
SAT., FEB. 1
Joe's Big Band Winter Burner
SAT., FEB. 1
2025 Lunar New Year Celebration
SUN., FEB. 2
Cosy Sheridan
SUN., FEB. 2
New Stage Play Festival 2025
FRI., FEB. 7