Shtick Season
In Vermont and beyond, Green Mountain comedy has come of age PAGE


Last year, the Vermont House Education Committee approved legislation that would have paused the state’s ambitious program to test schools for toxic chemicals known as PCBs. Lawmakers backing the measure argued that the testing should be integrated with the state’s larger school construction priorities. ey also worried about moving forward with a program that burdened school operations and could potentially cost tens of millions of dollars.
e full House backed the legislation, too. But the Scott administration opposed it, as did some leaders in the Senate, and it ultimately died.
Now, as school budgets soar and remediation costs mount, the House Education Committee has drafted a bill to tap the brakes. is time, some state officials appear more amenable.
e state has allocated $13.5 million in the education fund to remediate PCBs. e proposed legislation would stop testing for the chemicals once that amount dwindles to $4 million.
e state has already committed $6.5 million to schools that need to remediate PCBs, according to Jill Briggs Campbell, director of operations for the Agency of Education. A separate pot of $16 million is earmarked to help pay for a new Burlington High School, which, in 2020, became the first school in Vermont to detect elevated

levels of PCBs. e school was torn down, and Burlington is building a new one.
e reason to phase out the testing is simple, Rep. Peter Conlon (D-Cornwall) told his colleagues on the Education Committee last Friday: “Why would we test when we don’t have the money appropriated to do the remediation?”
In testimony last week, both interim education secretary Heather Bouchey and Matt Chapman, director of waste management and prevention at the state Department of Environmental Conservation, said they were open to the proposal.
As of January 1, 96 of the 324 older schools in Vermont eligible for PCB testing had been tested. Of those, 37 percent, or 35 schools, have found chemical levels that require further action.
In an interview last Friday, Natural Resources Secretary Julie Moore said the administration would favor a measure that matches “the testing to the available resources.”
Moore pointed to a proposal she shared with legislators in January that called for a slowdown of the testing program and a less aggressive approach to dealing with PCBs, with an emphasis on reducing concentrations and relying more heavily on air filters and sealing off the sources of the chemicals. As it is now, districts are required to remove PCBcontaining materials — often a costly proposition.
Read Alison Novak’s full story at sevendaysvt.com.
emoji that

Students would like the bear’s head tooth mushroom to be designated as Vermont’s o cial fungi, WCAX-TV reported. Sorry, chanterelles.

Green Mountain Power says scammers posing as company employees are threatening to turn o customers’ electricity unless they “pay up right away.” GMP’s advice: “Don’t engage.”

Sunnyside Brook in Colchester has been polluted by chloride from road salt, state o cials say. A plan to address it is shaking out.

An 80-foot-tall granary with a mural on it along Route 7 in Middlebury had to be demolished because of its poor condition, the Addison County Independent reported. Lost landmark.
That’s how many of Vermont’s 180 legislators had signed a letter to President Biden by Tuesday afternoon demanding a cease-fire in Gaza and a halt to U.S. military aid to Israel.
1. “ orny Questions Emerge About the Future of Education in Vermont” by Alison Novak. Bold action will be necessary to create a more sustainable and affordable school system.
2. “Candidates Joan Shannon and Emma Mulvaney-Stanak Prepare to Face Off in Burlington’s Mayoral Contest” by Courtney Lamdin. Seven Days examined what distinguishes the candidates.
3. “Catching Up With David Corey, the ‘Angel’ of Burlington’s City Hardware” by Melissa Pasanen. If Mister Rogers’ neighborhood had included a hardware store, Corey could have been its clerk.
4. “ e Fight for Decker Towers: Drug Users and Homeless People Have Overrun a LowIncome High-Rise. Residents Are Gearing Up to Evict em” by Derek Brouwer. e building is functioning as an unfunded warming shelter, an unmonitored injection site, and a hub for distributing drugs and stolen goods.
5. “A Franklin County Nonprofit Is Drawing Young Women Into Aviation Careers” by Alison Novak. Beth White launched Habitat for Aviation to train the next generation of female airplane mechanics and pilots.
post of the week
happy 159th birthday to the city of Burlington, Vermont (founded 1865) #btv #VT

Middlebury College students are ready to vote.
Like, the most ready.
e college ranked first in the Northeast for voter registration in the 2020 presidential election, with 98 percent of students signing up, according to the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education at Tufts University. Participation increased by 23 percent from the 2018 election, distinguishing the college as one of the most politically engaged campuses in the nation.
e turnout is thanks in part to Campus Coalition for Democracy Initiatives, which encourages student participation in local, state and federal politics.
“We are interested in our students engaging in nonpartisan political engagement, but also in understanding our democracy and participating in it,” said Kristie Skor, democracy initiatives coordinator for the college.
While the coalition puts much of its energy into registering students to vote in state and federal elections, it also focuses on local matters. On March 5, political science professor Bert Johnson will offer a brief history and overview of Town Meeting Day for Middlebury Students. Students will also be offered rides to Middlebury’s Town Meeting Day on March 5 to learn about and vote on local issues. is year, that includes balloting on a $1.5 million bond to update sewer lines in parts of downtown.
Daniza Tazabekova, president of MiddVotes — which focuses on getting students out to vote, regardless of political party — said engaging in local politics has been one of the best parts of moving to Vermont from New York City. “Politics feels a lot more accessible to me here,” Tazabekova said.
With Vermont’s presidential primary election also held on Town Meeting Day, Tazabekova and her fellow organizers are busy encouraging students to vote. MiddVotes has been hosting monthly voter registration drives and will hold election watch parties.
“We want to make sure everyone feels informed and engaged and ready to participate,” Skor said.

publisher & editor-in-chief
Paula Routly
deputy publisher Cathy Resmer
AssociAte publishers Don Eggert, Colby Roberts
editor Matthew Roy
deputy editor Sasha Goldstein
consulting editors Ken Ellingwood, Candace Page
stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Colin Flanders, Rachel Hellman, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak, Anne Wallace Allen
coeditors Dan Bolles, Carolyn Fox
AssociAte editor Margot Harrison
consulting editor Chelsea Edgar
Art editor Pamela Polston
Music editor Chris Farnsworth
cAlendAr writer Emily Hamilton
stAff writers Jordan Barry, Hannah Feuer, Mary Ann Lickteig, Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard
proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Angela Simpson
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digitAl production speciAlist Bryan Parmelee
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creAtive director Don Eggert
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AssistAnt to the publishers Gillian English
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Pamela Polston, Paula Routly
Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc.
every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y.
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Harry Applegate, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Julie Copley, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Becky Gates, Matt Hagen, Russ Hagy,
Thank you for the excellent article [“The Fight for Decker Towers,” February 14] by reporter Derek Brouwer about how unsafe and unsanitary it is here, and how much suffering and frustration everyone involved endures where I live, at the Decker Towers apartment building in Burlington.
I am immensely grateful to everyone at Seven Days — especially reporter Derek, photographer James Buck and the editors — who worked incredibly hard on this story. You shone a light on what was previously invisible and ignored: the complex, multifaceted darkness that we — and people in similar living situations in Burlington and other cities — live surrounded by every day and cannot afford to escape.
Thank you to readers.
I recognize that it is hard to witness this, even just through reading a newspaper article — much less to spend seven nights living it, as Derek did, often with James, by choice and through dedication, integrity, empathy and commitment to pursuing a thoroughly investigated and balanced story.
It is exhausting for us tenants to live this way every day without a way to flee. We are soul-tired, burned out and fed up. It gives us renewed hope that at least we’re no longer ignored or struggling in silence. As writer David Augsburger wrote: “Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person they are almost indistinguishable.”

I greatly appreciate Derek Brouwer’s Decker Towers piece [“The Fight for Decker Towers,” February 14]; it feels like important coverage that might engender change. However, I enjoyed the companion article touting Mr. Brouwer’s reportage far less [From the Publisher: “The Power of Being There,” February 14]. I believe a paper should only make its journalist part of the story under extraordinary circumstances, and going to the location you’re covering to write about what you see and hear is the opposite of extraordinary journalism. It couldn’t be more ordinary.
You write that Brouwer took a similar approach to an article last year about

evictions by accompanying a sheri on his rounds. Of course he did; that’s how you report a story about evictions. Two things trouble me: One, if Seven Days feels that on-the-ground journalism is so extraordinary as to warrant a companion piece touting it, what are its ordinary reporting standards? Two, does a reporter spending time at the Statehouse and reporting on that warrant a companion piece about “being there”?

experience, there is less understanding of and appreciation for it than there used to be. It’s not a coincidence that there’s also a lot less local journalism than there used to be, too.
have not addressed this says how little we value folks who are older, poorer and/or ill. Decker Tower residents deserve to live in peace, without having to arm themselves just to hang out in the community room.
Thank you for your in-depth coverage of the mayoral race [“Key to the Queen City,” February 21]! From the beginning, I have found Joan Shannon’s campaign — and her support — to be worryingly shortsighted, reactionary and vindictive, with a troubling undercurrent of “Make Burlington Great Again.” It certainly seems to me that many in Joan’s camp hold significant amounts of anger toward Burlington’s homeless and addict populations and are therefore determined to elect a mayor who will “get back” at those groups with police force (although just how the Burlington Police Department


Of course not, which makes me think Seven Days is giving its reporter extra credit for spending time with marginalized people. That leaves a bad taste in my mouth after really enjoying the original piece. If the primary point of the companion article is to call out Mayor Miro Weinberger for not being there, that point is extremely well taken. But I think next time you should just allow the excellent original article to speak for itself.

I was heartbroken and angry to read about the situation at Decker Towers [“The Fight for Decker Towers,” February 14]. The Burlington residents who live in this building have been struggling for more than two years to enjoy their lives in their own homes — without nonresidents sleeping, swearing, shooting up and shitting in the hallways.

Editor’s note: We frequently use our From the Publisher column to highlight members of our sta ; past iterations have focused on our circulation drivers, our calendar writer and other members of our news team. The other goal is to explain how journalism works. It’s true that Derek’s story is journalism as it should be, but unfortunately, in our
Although the city and Burlington Housing Authority claim there is nothing to be done, let’s make note that when unhoused people set up camp on the porch of the First Congregational Church, they were moved. When unhoused people set up camp on Battery Street, they were moved. I feel quite sure that if unhoused people tailgated their way into the Hilton, they would not be allowed to sleep in the stairwells.
The problem of the unhoused and addicted is terrible. But the residents of Decker Towers should not be asked to bear that burden by allowing an illegal encampment in their stairwells.
There are solutions to this issue. The fact that the city and housing authority
Last week’s cover story, “Key to the Queen City,” misreported the total number of Burlington police o cers on the roster in June 2020. There were 92 o cers total. The story headlined “Budgets, Bees and Bonds” misrepresented Meaghan Emery’s tenure on the South Burlington City Council. She is currently the longesttenured council member.
The True802 story “Town Meeting How-To” in last week’s paper misstated the population of Fairfax. It’s 5,200. It also misattributed the final quote of the story, which was from Pat LaClair.
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Wild Bill
Long at odds with Vermont’s Fish and Wildlife Board, activists would like to strip its powers
The University of Vermont to Unveil a New Logo
Homes Work
A pandemic-era program that created and rehabbed hundreds of apartments will be extended
Lawmakers Seek to Make Juneteenth a Legal Holiday in Vermont
« Decker Towers Residents
Plead for Help From the Burlington City Council
Reveal Yourself » Superstar drag queen — and Center for Cartoon Studies graduate — Sasha Velour returns to Vermont
The Allusionist
Book review: Razzle Dazzle, Major Jackson
Keep Calm and Mah-Jongg
Lynda Siegel shares her love of the game with Burlington residents

World Views
In an exhibition of photographs, Patrick Leahy shares his senatorial sights and insights
‘Derrick Adams: Sanctuary’ Reexamines Black Travel and Safety in the U.S.

Cream of the Crop
Middlebury’s Champlain Valley Creamery marks 20 years with a milestone cheese

Thrills on Tap

Waterbury’s Craft Beer Cellar gets a new name — and a bar Join the ‘Broccolution’ e mobile Broccoli Bar sprouts a new outpost at the University of Vermont




We Are Family
e Middlebury Community Players present Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, a Tony Award-winning comedy by Christopher Durang, at Middlebury’s Town Hall eater. Blending Anton Chekov’s keen eye for family dynamics with modern angst over fame and mental health, the play follows two grumpy siblings, their movie star sister and her twentysomething boyfriend as they spend one terrible weekend together.

In a production full of exquisite costumes and magical multimedia, Vermont Repertory e Tempest Street Landing Performing Arts Center Black Box eater in Burlington. Shakespeare’s tale of love, sorcery and revenge follows magicians, monsters and monarchs as they fight to survive on a deserted

eatre takes on at the Main island.


Dinner and a Movie
Brattleboro’s Epsilon Spires hosts a networking event like no other. First, there’s a screening of the 2023 documentary Smoke Sauna Sisterhood, introduced by director Anna Hints. Afterward, Diana Tanudjaja of JAMU serves up spicy delights while women and nonbinary folks in the music industry mingle during an Indonesian Pop-Up Dinner Party


A Novel Idea
e Flying Pig Bookstore hosts a conversation with Pulitzer Prize finalist, physician and best-selling author Daniel Mason at Shelburne Town Hall. e writer discusses his latest novel, North Woods, which tells the story of one plot of land in western Massachusetts and all of its inhabitants over the centuries.
e Fiddle Rascals
St. Patrick’s Day revelry starts early when Danú, one of today’s leading Celtic ensembles, make an appearance at the Barre Opera House. Virtuosic tunes for the whistle, fiddle and accordion transport audiences to Ireland at this moving, energetic show.
Abstract inking
Middlebury’s Edgewater Gallery at the Falls presents all-new, large works by Cabot-raised painter Sara Katz. Inspired by her agricultural upbringing and Japanese heritage, Katz creates abstract landscapes and still lifes that paint the natural world in bold strokes and stunning colors.

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Laughing Matters
I’m a night owl, and my go-to reward after a long day of work is late-night television. I’m overjoyed that Jon Stewart is back on “The Daily Show,” if only on Mondays at 11 p.m. And it’s the rare weeknight that I don’t catch “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” right after the last local newscasts.
Colbert’s smart, insightful humor — delivered expertly in his 11-minute opening monologue — calms me down like a stone-faced flight attendant during air turbulence. It gives the illusion that everything, no matter how crazy, is going to be all right because we’re all laughing about it. Smarter heads will prevail. Just keep your seat belt fastened.
explains why it’s a bigger draw than it used to be. Hannah Feuer went to six homegrown shows in the course of two weeks — and missed a bunch because she couldn’t be in two places at once. Ken Picard profiled several rising comics and quoted jokes representative of their standup style. And Chris Farnsworth looked to New York City, where a number of Vermont comedy expats are trying to make it big.

That’s one metaphor for this election year, which kicked o with the Burlington mayor’s race. No matter who wins on Tuesday, I’m grateful that four brave souls think they’re ready to tackle the city’s myriad problems, for which there are scant proven solutions. Leading candidates Joan Shannon and Emma Mulvaney-Stanak have said they’d look to Montpelier for help, but the legislature has been focused elsewhere, trying to head o a 20 percent increase in the statewide property tax.


A few lawmakers must have found comic relief last Friday at the Flynn, where “Saturday Night Live” alum and late-night talk show host Seth Meyers performed two shows. Lt. Gov. Dave Zuckerman reported on his Facebook page that he saw Sen. Thomas Chittenden, House Speaker Jill Krowinski and Rep. Bob Hooper there. “Almost no political jokes just wonderful pure humor,” Zuckerman wrote.
Someone commented on his post: “He was so good! My cheeks were hurting from laughing.” More like: It hurts so good. Laughter is a short-term stress reliever. Long term, it can reduce pain and improve the body’s immune response.
The demand for laughs seems to be growing, likely due to the mounting number of problems we face — from the persistence of the opioid crisis and warming winters to the spread of disinformation — that feel out of our individual control.
That’s why, in this week’s cover story, the culture team makes a case for comedy in Vermont and

One of them, Montpelier native Carmen Lagala, scored a spot on Colbert’s late-night show in 2018. More recently, in November, Tina Friml of Middlebury landed on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.”
“More may be coming,” Dan Bolles writes of Friml in the introduction to the package. “Last month, her face beamed from a Times Square video billboard announcing her upcoming U.S. tour. Friml might be Vermont’s most successful comedic export in recent memory, but her late-night set was also a figurative mic drop, underscoring a phenomenon at least a decade in the making: Vermont comedy has arrived.”
Not a moment too soon. It may not save our democracy, but poking fun is proof that we still have one.
Paula Routly
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Wild Bill

Long at odds with Vermont’s Fish and Wildlife Board, activists would like to strip its powers
BY KEVIN MCCALLUM • kevin@sevendaysvt.comSSTATEHOUSE
hould “bunny huggers” have a say in how Vermont’s hunting and fishing regulations are adopted? Some lawmakers seem to think so, and they appear poised to pull the trigger on the biggest shake-up of Vermont wildlife regulation in decades.
A bill to diversify the voices on the state’s 14-member Fish and Wildlife Board is moving swiftly through Senate committees. Support for S.258 is heartening to animal-rights groups — derisively referred to by a board member last year as “bunny huggers” — but alarming to hunters, anglers and trappers who say they feel their way of life is yet again under attack.
“That this bill exists and is moving is an a ront to many,” said Chris Bradley, president of the Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, which traces its roots to 1875.
Animal-rights organizations have for years blasted the board as an insular boys’ club more concerned with preserving traditions than with listening to the
rising sentiment against practices seen as outdated or cruel. Now they’re demanding a seat at the table where those decisions are made.
“Our big concern is, this board is making public policy on a shared public resource — which is our shared wildlife — without representation from a diverse public,” Brenna Galdenzi, president and cofounder of the Stowe-based Protect Our Wildlife, said during a recent legislative hearing.
“That is just simply not good democracy.”
The volunteer board, established in 1969, has one member per county,
all appointed to six-year terms by the governor, with the consent of the Senate. Members historically have been almost exclusively hunters, trappers and anglers, and they want to keep it that way.
They argue that the Fish & Wildlife Department and the board are responsible for the conservation e orts that have helped game and nongame species thrive. The board is not the place for people who oppose legal hunting, Fish & Wildlife Commissioner Christopher Herrick told the Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee on February 21.
The board “develops the rules and regulations with respect to the activities that you’ve already said are legal,” Herrick said. “They are not there to rehash that.”
The bill nevertheless proposes to revamp the board to include members who don’t hunt, fish or trap — people sometimes referred to as “nonconsumptive” wildlife enthusiasts, such as hikers, bird-watchers and photographers.
e University of Vermont to Unveil a New Logo
BY ANNE WALLACE ALLEN anne@sevendaysvt.come University of Vermont is doing away with its primary logo — an image of the tower on its landmark Old Mill building — in favor of a simple V on a shield.
e university will roll out the new logo in phases over the next 16 months, according to the Division of Strategic Communications, which outlines a “2024 Brand Refresh” on its website.
Replacing the tower with a V shows that UVM’s work extends far beyond the main campus, according to the division.
“UVM also looks far beyond Vermont’s state borders to attract students, faculty members, and research partners — people for whom the outline of a particular building has little meaning,” the division said.
Between now and June, the new

logo will take the place of the old one on business cards, stationery, retail merchandise and lamppost banners.
e athletics logo, a different V with a catamount — the wild feline that is UVM’s mascot — will not change, said Adam White, executive director of university communications.
e university revealed the upcoming change with little fanfare.
Last Friday, when asked about the new logo, White released a statement that chief communications and marketing officer Joel Seligman sent to university leaders February 13.
“ e graphic representations of our brand, color palette, and fonts have been deliberately selected to reinforce our reputation as a leading public research university,” Seligman wrote.
White declined to reveal details of the rebranding, including the cost, saying UVM will release information at the time of the logo’s official rollout, set for March 19.
But the community has plenty to say. On social media, local residents question the rationale behind the rebranding.
“Can’t really get more generic looking than that,” one person wrote.
“Yuck,” Burlington resident Keegan Albaugh said. “It’s not an attractive logo, and … I know it’s not cheap.” ➆
Homes Work
A pandemic-era program that created and rehabbed hundreds of apartments will be extended
BY ANNE WALLACE ALLEN • anne@sevendaysvt.comHundreds of new rental housing units have been brought online in Vermont with a boost from pandemic-era relief funding, and state officials plan to launch an expanded version of the program next month using state dollars.
At a time when high construction costs have made it nearly impossible for small developers to build or renovate housing for low- and middle-income Vermonters, lawmakers and state officials say the Vermont Housing Improvement Program has proved its worth. It’s helped create or rehab 535 units in the past four years, many for people who were homeless. Another 386 units are in the pipeline, state officials say.
“It’s a very successful, popular program,” said Angie Harbin, the CEO of nonprofit Downstreet Housing & Community Development, one of five agencies that administer VHIP grants.
“We’re seeing buildings that were vacant and in poor shape that are now rental homes because of VHIP,” Harbin testified to the House General and Housing Committee on January 31. “We are seeing dilapidated buildings being transformed into safe, stable homes for people exiting homelessness.”
As millions in federal COVID-19 emergency money flowed into Vermont, officials facing a mounting housing crisis funneled money toward new construction, mostly affordable multifamily projects. They eventually created VHIP as a way to rehabilitate existing buildings, many of them vacant or underused, to quickly make homes available.
Through VHIP, property owners who renovate apartments or create new ones can get up to $30,000 for a two-bedroom
unit and $50,000 for units with three or more bedrooms. They must offer the apartments at fair market rent, as set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Property managers work with established agencies such as Downstreet and the Champlain Office of Economic Opportunity to find tenants who have been homeless.
Property owners who receive VHIP grants must provide a 20 percent match and complete construction within 18 months. They have to rent at HUD rates for five years, after which they can charge market value for the units.
In Bradford, builder Jonah Richard is converting a 124-year-old house and barn into six apartments with funding from $1 million in grants, including $150,000 from VHIP.
In exchange for the VHIP backing, three of the units will be occupied by tenants who needed help from social service agencies to find housing; Richard also must keep rent at affordable rates. Richard, who also used VHIP to help fund the renovation of an eight-unit Fairlee building last spring, said the grant money is the “only way you can make the affordable housing numbers work.”
Developer Samantha Hiscock has been using VHIP to renovate a threestory, 125-year-old building in Barre Town that she purchased in 2021. She plans to put eight apartments and two commercial spaces in the former store, which sat largely vacant for years. The project wouldn’t have been possible without VHIP, said Hiscock, who estimated that she’ll receive $280,000 in grants for the renovations.

Lawmakers Seek to Make Juneteenth a Legal Holiday in Vermont
BY ANNE WALLACE ALLEN anne@sevendaysvt.com
A group of lawmakers wants to make Juneteenth, which commemorates the end of slavery in the U.S., a legal holiday in Vermont.
Juneteenth marks the day in 1865 when Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas, nearly two years after president Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, and informed enslaved people that they were free.
Juneteenth became a federal holiday in 2021. More than half of U.S. states followed the lead of the feds and made it a legal holiday with a paid day off for state workers, according to the Pew Research Center.
Sen. Irene Wrenner (D-ChittendenNorth), the lead sponsor, said she was surprised when a constituent asked her to make Juneteenth a state holiday.
“I said, ‘It’s not?’” Wrenner recalled.
Five other lawmakers are cosponsoring the bill, S.206.
Members of the Senate Committee on Government Operations will hear testimony on Friday, March 1. Sen. Ruth Hardy (D-Addison), the committee chair, backs the bill.
“It’s a way for Black Vermonters, the relatives of slaves, to celebrate their freedom ... and place in our history of our country, for better and for worse,” Hardy said. “It’s an important discussion to have, and I hope we’re able to pass it.”
Christine Hughes, director of the Richard Kemp Center in Burlington, said Vermont groups are pursuing racial justice issues, including Juneteenth, in the current legislative session.
Her husband, Mark Hughes, is backing two bills sponsored by Rep. Brian Cina (P/D-Burlington): H.432, which would set up a slavery reparations task force, and H.448, which would promote racial and social equity in economic opportunity.
“Juneteenth is significant for a lot of reasons, but having a holiday only goes so far,” she said. “We’re much more interested in … policy that’s going to have a direct impact on peoples’ lives.” ➆
The bill would increase the board to 15 members. Five would be named by the speaker of the House, five by the Senate’s Committee on Committees, and five by the commissioner of the Fish & Wildlife Department. The goal is to have a “balanced representation” of “licensed users and nonlicensed users of wildlife.”

The board currently has final say in regulations for hunting, fishing and trapping — approving seasons, bag limits, methods for taking game and licensing fees. For example, the board recently gave preliminary approval for hunters to take 180 moose in Essex County this year in an e ort to thin the herd and reduce the spread of ticks.

The bill would strip those powers and relegate the body to an advisory role for policies regarding all wildlife in the state, not just game species. The department itself would enact the rules it implements and enforces.
Gov. Phil Scott opposes the bill for several reasons and believes that appointing the board should be an executive, not a legislative, function, his spokesperson, Jason Maulucci, said.
Wildlife advocates seeking the change feel that the current board has been unwilling to listen to critics of certain hunting practices and that they’re more likely to get a fair shake from the department’s wildlife managers and biologists.
“I think there is a greater need for science to undergird the decision-making process,” Bob Galvin, Vermont state director of Animal Wellness Action, told Seven Days
But the notion that the department or the board doesn’t listen to residents is wrong, Herrick argued. Board meetings are open to the public, and residents can weigh in before action is taken, he said. He noted that he invited representatives of anti-hunting groups to help the department draft new rules for trapping and coyote hounding.
He likened the board’s responsiveness to its critics to his own experience as a father of young children. “I certainly listened to them growing up, but I didn’t do what they said every time, because they weren’t always right,” he said.
Sen. Chris Bray (D-Addison), chair of the Natural Resources and Energy Committee and sponsor of the bill, said he was not impugning the work of individual board members, whose expertise is appreciated.
“It’s a positive, forward-looking bill that says we want more voices at the table,” Bray said.
Still, he and his colleagues have taken issue with the board’s work of
late. The legislature passed laws in 2022 instructing the Department of Fish & Wildlife to implement new rules for two practices many consider inhumane: hunting coyotes with dogs and the use of leghold traps. In both cases, lawmakers were displeased with the results, feeling the rules did not satisfy the “legislative intent” of the laws.
The coyote regs were meant to minimize the risk of hunting hounds running onto private property and harassing residents, their pets or livestock. In response, the board passed rules that set up a permit process but still allowed hunters to pursue coyotes with hounds if the dogs were outfitted with GPS tracking collars. Lawmakers on the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules said that didn’t meet the law’s requirement.
Similarly, the board adopted rules requiring trappers to set their devices at least 50 feet back from trails in order to reduce the risk that people or their pets would step in them. But lawmakers said the definition of trail was too narrow.
In one testy exchange, Sen. Mark MacDonald (D-Orange) told Herrick that the bill was a direct response to the board’s failure to follow the law.
“The board represents people who wish the law to be carried out, and the board is reluctant to do it and does not do it,” MacDonald said. “We’re stuck,” he continued, adding that “the system has failed as currently structured.”
The rules committee took the unusual step of filing a formal objection with the secretary of state to the policy changes that the Fish and Wildlife Board adopted.
That’s why the current bill, in addition to shaking up the board, would ban hunting coyotes with dogs outright. It would also prevent the use of any “foothold trap
or body-gripping trap” not only within 50 feet of any trail but also from other areas “where persons may reasonably be expected to recreate.”
The prospect of such a ban brought hundreds of sportsmen and wildlife advocates to the Statehouse last week for hours of passionate testimony.
Laurie DeMuth, a veterinarian from Fairlee, described mountain biking with her dog, Spider, in the woods near Lake Morey on Easter Sunday 2021 when four hounds wearing radio collars attacked and mauled her shepherd.
DeMuth described screaming at the dogs while racing down the mountain on her bike, with Spider sprinting alongside as the hounds repeatedly attacked him. If I slow down, they’re going to take him down, she thought. He’s not going to get back up, and he’s going to die in front of me. They eventually made it to the porch of a cottage, where they remained until the hunter drove up in a truck and retrieved his dogs, she said. Spider su ered several puncture wounds but recovered.
On the other side of the debate, Eric Morton of Barre Town said lawmakers should wait to see whether the recently implemented regulations on hounding coyotes work before imposing a ban. Herrick said the season for hunting coyotes with dogs runs from January through March, and about 36 permits have been issued.
“We, as Vermont hunters, anglers and trappers, are tired of being attacked every time you’re in session,” Morton testified.
Other hunting advocates said they, too, felt victimized by the repeated criticisms of practices they consider their heritage and birthright.
Former state senator John Rodgers, a cannabis farmer from West Glover, blasted the bill as “founded in bigotry, classism and discrimination.” He argued that “privileged” hunting opponents have the time and money to lobby in the Statehouse for changes while working-class people who hunt and fish can’t.
Mike Covey, executive director for the Vermont Traditions Coalition, said the use of divisive terms like “consumptive” users and “nonconsumptive users” was o ensive and that he considered it “a microaggression against the outdoor community.”
Galdenzi, the head of Protect Our Wildlife, said she was appalled to hear hunters and their advocates “co-opt” the lingo of social justice movements and paint themselves as victims.
“It makes me so angry that they’re throwing a pity party for themselves,” she told Seven Days. “You are not marginalized, John Rodgers! My God!” ➆
Decker Towers Residents Plead for Help From the Burlington City Council
BY DEREK BROUWER • derek@sevendaysvt.com
Decker Towers residents on Monday implored the Burlington City Council for help with urgent security issues that have overwhelmed their low-income high-rise.
Councilors and Mayor Miro Weinberger pledged to look for ways to assist and signaled a willingness to help pay for security measures there that the Burlington Housing Authority says it can’t afford.
“ e conditions in the building have to be reversed as quickly as possible,” Weinberger said, adding that his administration, in its waning days, wants to be a “supportive and responsive partner.” In recent weeks, he has clashed with BHA management over Decker Towers.
e council dedicated 90 minutes of its regular meeting to Decker Towers, which has become a hub for drug use and distribution and a warm place to go this winter for the surging number of Burlington residents who are homeless.
Monday’s work session was by far the most substantive discussion the council has held on problems facing Decker since conditions there began deteriorating a year ago. Decker’s elderly and disabled residents recently formed a tenant council and an armed neighborhood watch. Seven Days spotlighted the problems at the high-rise and residents’ activism in a February 14 cover story.
Since then, nearly every city councilor, as well as Weinberger and other city officials, have toured the building at 230 St. Paul Street and met with the tenant council.
Representing that body, Cathy Foley said its most urgent request is to station private security guards or a paid doorman to control access to the building. “Without securing the front doors, there can be no security at Decker Towers,” she said. She urged the city and the housing authority to “find a way to come up with the money.”
Foley said the resident council strongly supports housing authority executive director Steven Murray, who has been at odds with Weinberger’s administration over how to resolve

the security problems. Murray has complained that Burlington police don’t do enough to thwart criminal behavior at the building and said his federally funded agency can’t afford to shoulder the cost of private security guards.
Weinberger, meanwhile, has said the housing authority, in addition to hiring security, should be taking other steps to control access. e mayor recently installed his former chief of staff, Brian Lowe, as a member of the housing authority’s five-person board of commissioners instead of reappointing longtime commissioner Mike Knauer.
On Monday night, another housing authority commissioner, former city council president Jane Knodell, emphasized that the board would be giving renewed consideration to ideas put forth by Weinberger’s team, such as disabling a call box that enables infirm residents to buzz guests inside without going downstairs.
Councilor Melo Grant (P-Central District), meanwhile, apologized to Murray for Weinberger’s actions, specifically an email the mayor’s office sent to the housing authority that Grant said she considered “deeply” offensive.
Grant then seized upon the “All Hands on Deck” campaign slogan of Democratic mayoral candidate and South District Councilor Joan Shannon to argue that the problems at Decker have been allowed to fester because low-income people live there.
“All hands have not been on deck,” Grant said. “We continue, in this city, to have these issues of class that interfere with how people are serviced ... I think this is a glaring example.”
Several Decker residents expressed appreciation for the sudden swell of political interest in their living conditions.
“We’ve been feeling kind of hopeless, exhausted and trapped,” resident Abbie Wolff told councilors, “and it’s really nice to have some hope and feel like there’s steps taken.” ➆
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Homes Work « P.15
In Barre Town, the HUD rate is $1,106 per month for a one-bedroom and $1,832 for a three-bedroom.
The nonprofit Vermont Housing Finance Agency estimated last year that Vermont has one of the lowest housing vacancy rates in the nation, at around 3.5 percent. In the Burlington area, the number hovers at around 2 percent. Further, the state is housing an estimated 2,500 homeless people in motels, and the administration of Gov. Phil Scott plans to create more shelters and end the motel program.
VHIP is a good fit for Hiscock because she often rents to people who had been homeless, she said, adding that she was once homeless herself with a young child. Hiscock, who has a bachelor’s degree in construction management, owns and manages 29 units with her husband. Their company is called Rock Pile Properties.
Hiscock said most of her tenants don’t have the credentials that landlords typically require.
“A lot of big property management companies and landlords are so rigid,” she said. “No evictions, a minimum credit score of 650, no criminal record.”
Tenants with a voucher from a program such as HUD’s Section 8 usually pay only a fraction of the rent on their own, she said, meaning the bulk of the rental payment is guaranteed.
“I’ve had tenants who have had credit scores in the high 400s with felonies on their record and three evictions, and they’ve been great tenants,” she said. “Over the last 14 years, I’ve probably only had maybe half a dozen tenants who have been absolute nightmares, which is pretty good considering the number of units we have.”
Richard said VHIP’s maximum of $50,000 per unit provides limited assistance but can make smaller projects feasible. Developers in Chittenden County estimate that apartment construction costs as much as $500,000 per unit. In Fairlee, Richard said, it’s about $200,000.
“Fifty thousand dollars doesn’t get you very far when it comes to renovating,” he said. He also uses private equity to pay for some of the apartments, which he plans to rent at market rate.
VHIP has been used by developers large and small, according to the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development. The Bove family, which has had issues with code enforcement over some of its rental properties, has used it; well-known landlord Joe Handy received $132,000 in 2021 for properties in Colchester and Winooski. The average grant is $38,000 per unit, said Shaun

Gilpin, housing division director for the Vermont housing department.
“A lot of big players have used VHIP,” Gilpin acknowledged. “But most of our grants statewide have been to smaller outfits.”
The Vermont housing department lists grants made after 2021 on its website. They range from many grants of $30,000 to a high of $690,000 awarded for an apartment building owned by Jeremiah LaCross of St. Albans.
LaCross, who owns 57 units in St. Albans with his cousin and his cousin’s wife, used the money to build 23 apartments in a vacant building that had been
an assisted-living facility, a proj-
ect he estimated cost “north of a couple million.” It was completed last year and is fully occupied, he said. LaCross and his partners found tenants through CVOEO.
“Without the grant money, there is no way we could have made it happen,” he said.
The program also grants $50,000 to people who build accessory dwelling units on their own property. ADUs are separate living spaces within a house, such as an in-law apartment, or nearby on the same property. Those funded through the program must be offered at HUD’s fair market rent for at least five years, but there is no requirement that they be used by someone who was previously homeless.
“Even if that accessory dwelling unit is used by a friend or family member, at least we’ve got another unit out there,” Gilpin said. “Our goal is new units.”
Lisbeth Dodd received $50,000 from VHIP and another $20,000 from Montpelier’s ADU program to renovate the basement of her ranch into a studio apartment last year. Her tenant moved in about four weeks ago.
Dodd worked as the general contractor on the project, with the help of tradespeople she has known for years, she said. She taught herself as much as she could.
“I researched insulation, acoustics, windows … It was a long learning process,” Dodd said. “You have to have an interest in it and keep plugging away.”
Advocates have asked lawmakers to add people with disabilities to the list of possible tenants for VHIP apartments. On January 31, Elizabeth Campbell, whose adult son, Jesse, has Down syndrome, told the House General and Housing Committee that she’s part of a group of parents hoping to build an adult housing community in Monkton called Riverflow. VHIP could help them secure the money they need.
“Nothing is more important to parents like us than securing a safe and meaningful future for our lifelong vulnerable adult children,” said Campbell, who lives in Shelburne. “With the help of VHIP funds, Riverflow will address a critical and unmet need in Vermont’s developmental disability community.”
Hiscock doesn’t want the criteria to be expanded, saying that would leave less VHIP money to house people who are homeless.
“The definition of ‘disability’ is now so widespread,” she said. “When they’re adding these other categories, they’re not hitting the target demographic of people who are homeless, which is what this money was intended to do.”
But Gilpin said expanding the program to include arrangements such as the single-room housing that might be suitable for developmentally delayed adults is allowed by statute.
“We’re in discussions internally,” he said.
VHIP itself is undergoing a renovation this month and has stopped accepting applications. The state housing department will relaunch it on March 25 with some new guidelines.
In 2022, lawmakers approved $20 million for VHIP, and Gov. Scott included a one-time $6 million appropriation for it in his 2025 budget proposal. That combined $26 million should get the program through 2026, Gilpin said.
VHIP 2.0 will cover new construction, not just renovations. Another change: Property owners who commit to renting at HUD-approved prices for 10 years — double the time stipulated in the original program — will not be required to rent to people who were homeless.
The minimum five-year time frame for keeping rents low worries Harbin. She noted that if owners raise the rent to market level after that period, the lowincome tenants they originally served could be pushed out.
“What’s happening with VHIP is amazing; they’re getting units on the ground right now, and we need them desperately,” Harbin told lawmakers. “But at the end of the five-year period, we don’t right now have the answer to where folks are going to be able to go.” ➆
Deborah Bergh
Debby Bergh was a gift to those who knew her. For her children, she nourished deeply felt unconditional love, friendship, support and guidance, adventure and travel, and love of nature and sports, and she gracefully modeled being a lifelong learner and devoted volunteer. Colleagues share that she listened thoughtfully, offered wise counsel, provided important direction, was inclusive in her process, exemplified being of service, and “had a wry smile and great eye contact.” To friends and extended family, she was a connector, a mentor, an avid walking partner, a literary enthusiast and book club buddy, a lover of live music and dance, a fierce advocate for reproductive rights, and an engaged Vermont citizen. Debby passed away on February 13, 2024. She is profoundly missed.

Michael Page
Everyone leaves something behind when he dies. Michael, your hand and heart touched so many in 73 years. You changed all of us when you were here; none of us is the same now. We are noticeably better.

Born in 1940 to Josephine Schlotman Mitchell and W. Ledyard Mitchell Jr. and cherished by her grandmother Stella Schlotman, Debby graduated from Smith College and moved to Cambridge, Mass., where she met Peter Bergh. eir marriage in 1964 took them first to Denmark and then Vermont in 1966, where Debby devoted her early married years to her children, community service and life at their home, Mud Hollow. She embraced Vermont life:
Jeannie Peterson
FEBRUARY 18, 1940FEBRUARY 19, 2024
CARDIFF-BY-THE SEA, CALIF. Jeannie Peterson was born in 1940 in Suttons Bay, Mich., and died on February 19, 2024, in Cardiff-by-the Sea, Calif.
Jeannie earned her undergraduate degree and a master of science degree in journalism from Northwestern University. After working as a travel writer, she moved to Sweden, where she served as editor of Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment. She initiated the publication of a special issue and a book called e Aftermath: e Human and Ecological Consequences of Nuclear War. is work was credited with transforming the scientific understanding of the outcomes of a nuclear war. In 2022 the Institute for the Future of
birdathons, cookie concoctions, anksgiving feasts, gardening, tennis groups, keeping track of the endless critters around the house, and tirelessly shuttling kids and friends around Chittenden County.
After raising her children, Debby returned to work, establishing herself as a highly respected and valued consultant and coach. As she put it, she found her purpose: “to help individuals and organizations define and create their futures.” She brought her curiosity, commitment and focus to numerous critical and highly regarded board leadership positions as well, serving Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Wake Robin in Shelburne, the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington, Audubon Vermont, the Visiting Nurse Association and many others.
She continues to be adored by her daughter, Allison Bergh; her son, Graham Bergh, and his partner, Elizabeth Bowers;

Life awarded Jeannie the Future of Life award for reducing the risk of nuclear war by catalyzing and popularizing the science of nuclear winter.
In the 1980s and 1990s, Jeannie worked for the United Nations with the UN Fund for Population Studies in New York and Manila and as a UN peacekeeper in Croatia.
In Vermont, she served on the board of the local arts organization, Island Arts. She
and her grandson, Tabor Bergh. She was predeceased by her siblings Sara Bass and Richard Mitchell. She is survived by her siblings Mary Mitchell and Trip Mitchell; Trip’s wife, Veda Travis; Dick’s wife, Maureen Hayes-Mitchell; her nieces and nephews, Gay von Henneberg Gillies (and her husband, David), Antea Middleton (and her husband, Andrew), Sara Lee (and her husband, Brenton McQueen), Patrick Randak (and his wife, Anna), John Randak (and his partner, Sue Gritzner), Susan Randak, Zach Mitchell, and Eli Mitchell; and her great-nephews and -nieces Merrick Gilles (and his fiancée, Manya Gordon), Sophia Gilles, Ford and West Middleton, Eris Randak, and Mesa and Max Gritzner-Randak.
ere will be a memorial on March 30, 2 p.m., at All Souls Interfaith Gathering in Shelburne. In lieu of flowers, any contributions to Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, Audubon Vermont or the Wake Robin Residents Association are appreciated.
had a small business in art photography and photographed the ever-changing elements of sky, wind and water. Her work was exhibited in several locations in Vermont.
Jeannie moved to San Diego in 2012. She is survived by her brother Paul Peterson and her brother Mark Peterson and his wife, Mary, and their children, Sara Geierstanger and Nate Peterson, and their families. She was preceded in death by her mother, Ellen (Glommen) Johnson; her father, Paulus Peterson; brother Einer Peterson; and sister, Nathalie Ensrud.
More details on Jeannie’s many accomplishments can be found at wikipedia.org/ wiki/jeannie_peterson.
A celebration of life ceremony will be held in Suttons Bay, Mich., where Jeannie will be buried in the Lutheran Cemetery. In her honor, memorials may be made to Island Arts in North Hero, Vt., at islandarts.org/contribute.
Dr. Phyllis PaolucciWhitcomb
JUNE 18, 1942FEBRUARY 7, 2024
Phyllis Paolucci-Whitcomb of Northshore in Burlington, Vt., passed away peacefully on February 7, 2024, surrounded by her family and friends.
Phyllis was born on June 18, 1942, in Keene, N.H. She was the firstborn child of Richard and Lilian (Daisy) Whitcomb. Phyllis grew up poor in Westminster, Vt. She worked very hard her whole life and put herself through college, the first in her family to ever attend college. She went to Castleton State College, where she met her future husband, James F. Paolucci, and they were married in 1964. eir only child, James M. Paolucci, was born in April 1965, and Phyllis graduated in June of that same year. e family moved to Burlington, Vt. Phyllis became a grade school teacher at the Orchard School in South Burlington from 1965 to 1970 and then went on to work at the University of Vermont. She received a master’s degree from UVM in 1970 and a C.A.S. degree in 1977, and in 1979 she became an assistant professor at the university. In 1980, she received an EdD degree from Boston University. She became an associate professor with tenure in 1981 and a professor with tenure in 1994. Phyllis was acting chair from 1997 to 1998, associate director and chair from 2000 to 2002, and became professor emerita in 2009. She received multiple awards and coauthored books throughout her years at UVM. She was a gifted orator

and participated in many national and international presentations.
In 1997, she moved to her final and favorite home, on Northshore Drive in Burlington, Vt. Phyllis was a valued member of the Northshore community. She served many years on the Northshore board of directors and the landscape committee.
Phyllis was a beautiful person who was beloved by all who knew or worked with her. Generous to a fault, kind and unassuming, she will be greatly missed by all who knew her.
She is survived by her son, James M. Paolucci; her sister, Betty Whitcomb (Burns); and several nieces and nephews.
She was predeceased by her brother, Richard (Buddy) Whitcomb; half brother, Dougy Longley; and half sister, Elaine Longley (Chase).
As Phyllis was a very charitable person, the family requests that, in lieu of flowers, you make a donation to your favorite charity. at would be a great way to honor her. ank you.
ere will be a memorial service and celebration of life with a reception immediately following on Saturday, March 16, 2 p.m., at Minor Funeral Home in Milton, Vt.
Andrew Leader
MAY 20, 1942FEBRUARY 14, 2024 MIDDLESEX, VT.
Andrew Leader, 81, of Middlesex, Vt., passed away in his sleep on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, at his winter residence in Poinciana, Fla., at home with his wife and one of his sons, due to congestive heart failure. For the complete obituary, please visit hookerwhitcomb.com.

Brigitte Audy Thompson
e world lost a bright light today. On February 18, 2024, Brigitte Audy ompson left this Earth to start her new journey. Born in Burlington, Vt., on December 7, 1968, to Byron and Judith Audy, she attended St. Joseph’s Elementary School, Burlington High School, Rice High School and Champlain College.
Her entrepreneurial spirit started at a young age when she worked to earn money to purchase her first car. This passion continued as she went on to start her own bookkeeping business in 1991. Over the years, she also worked as a freelance writer, website designer and medical transcriptionist and became a published author of several business books. Brigitte also founded a nonprofit dog rescue in 2015, VT Dog Rescue, and saved thousands of homeless dogs from the South.
Dr. Gary M. Mawe

in 2001. Together they made many wonderful memories, especially during the 17 years they lived in Williston, Vt. Having the house filled with her children and their friends filled Brigitte’s heart with happiness. ere were epic sleepovers, birthday parties, movie nights, campouts, kickball games, bonfires and Halloween parties. She looked back at these times as the most joyful in her life. Brigitte is survived by her husband, Keith; her children, Sarah, Jacob (Jenna) and Katherine; and her beloved dogs and horses. Brigitte also leaves behind her sister, Kristen (Bill); her nephews; and her father, Byron Audy. She is predeceased by her beloved mother, Judith Audy. She also leaves behind many friends, who she hopes will take time today to share a compliment with a stranger to make someone’s day a whole lot brighter.
Dr. Gary M. Mawe of Hinesburg, Vt., a cherished figure in both the academic and local communities, left us on February 17, 2024, at the age of 67. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa., Gary was the embodiment of warmth and intellect, attributes he inherited from his late parents, Louise and Edmond Mawe.
Gary was the Samuel W. ayer professor of neurological sciences, adjunct professor in the Department of Pharmacology and the GI division of the Department of Medicine, and director of the Anatomical Gift Program at the University of Vermont’s Larner College of Medicine. He received his BS in biology from Pennsylvania State University and a PhD in anatomy from Ohio State University. He received his postdoctoral training at Columbia University, studying the neurobiology and motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

people suffering from gastrointestinal illnesses.
Gary was a devoted father, partner, son, brother and friend. He was known and loved by his colleagues, mentors, mentees and students — frequently maintaining contact and continuing to offer support as they pursued their own distinguished careers in advanced biological research, medicine and physical therapy.
sharing stories and photographs of his travels.
A former student said he had taught her to compartmentalize but spoke for so many when she lamented that she could not compartmentalize losing Gary when he inhabited so many aspects of her life.
His passing leaves a void in the hearts of many, including his sons, Seamus and Connor; his partner, Cheryl Collins, and her daughters, Sage and Lara; his six siblings and their families; and a wider circle of family and friends touched by his remarkable life.
Gary’s family is profoundly grateful to the world-class medical teams that cared for Gary at the UVM Medical Center, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital with such skill, kindness and compassion.
She enjoyed being self-employed because it gave her the flexibility to be fully present for the best part of her life — being a mom.
Brigitte and Keith were married in 1989. ey welcomed their daughter Sarah in 1993; son, Jacob, in 1997; and daughter Katherine
Louis Garbo
MARCH 1, 1928-
FEBRUARY 24, 2024
Louis Garbo of Burlington, Vt., passed peacefully at home on Saturday, February 24, 2024.
Lou was born in Burlington on March 1, 1928. He was the youngest of six siblings born to Aaron and Sarah Garbo. He attended local Burlington schools and was a veteran of the U.S. Navy. After his discharge, Lou attended horological (watchmaking) school and later the University of Vermont.
Lou was beloved by his family, including his late wife, Dorothy, and his daughters, Beth and Lisa. He built a family business, Tick Tock Jewelers, where he repaired watches and sold jewelry alongside his brother, Morris, and later both of his daughters. He
Brigitte’s memory was honored with a viewing and service on Saturday, February 24, at Corbin & Palmer Funeral Home, 209 Falls Rd., Shelburne, Vt. A private family burial took place after the service. Her family requested that all those attending the service wear colors other than black to celebrate her life and spirit.

remained close to all of his other siblings, Ethel, Nettie, Faye and Bessie, as well as his nieces and nephews. He welcomed his son-in-law, Barry; his granddaughters, Sarah and Julia; and grandson-in-law, Adam, to the family. Most recently, he celebrated the birth of his great-grandson, Simon, who brought him enormous joy in the last months of his life.
In his later years, he received compassionate, excellent assistance from his caretakers, which allowed him to stay in his Burlington home.
Lou was known by all to be fair, friendly, pragmatic, generous and humble. He was happy to let his vibrant and gregarious wife be front and center while he provided his strong, quiet presence. He was a caring soul. He will be missed by many.
Lou is survived by his daughters and granddaughters and their husbands, his great-grandson, his nieces and nephews, and extended family.
Arrangements have been entrusted to the care of Ready Funeral & Cremation Service, Boucher and Pritchard Chapel, 261 Shelburne Rd., Burlington, VT. To share online condolences, please visit readyfuneral.com.
Gary was a gifted teacher and mentor and a distinguished neurobiologist of international standing. For decades, he played significant roles in reviewing and awarding prestigious NIH grants to further research that will improve and save the lives of
John Long
DECEMBER 29, 1949FEBRUARY 17, 2024 JERICHO, VT. Jack, age 74, longtime resident of Jericho, Vt., died at home on February 17, 2024, his life shortened by highgrade glioblastoma. Jack was born in Washington, D.C., to Madeline F. and Brig. Gen. Robert F. Long. His early years and education were spent in multiple locations in the U.S., followed by college at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and medical school at the University of Vermont, where he received his MD in 1975. His pediatric training included residency programs at the University of Rochester and the University of Washington and a fellowship in Neonatology at UVM. roughout his long career in pediatrics in Vermont
Gary’s zest for life was infectious. He loved to cook and bake and hosted gatherings throughout the year. He became interested in the work of Wilson “Snowflake” Bentley and became an expert in photographing individual snowflakes. His interests in photography extended to astronomy, wildlife, landscapes, fireflies and the hummingbirds that visited his feeders. He loved to travel and delighted in

and Haiti, Jack embodied the philosophy of an early mentor, GRUSK with PAP: be gentle, respectful, understanding, sensitive and kind, with patients, parents and personnel. is applied to all colleagues, staff, patients and their families, rugby teammates (and opponents), friends, family, community members — all persons, everywhere and always.
Jack was predeceased
In honor of Gary, memorial services will be held in Vermont and Pittsburgh on dates to be determined and a scholarship will be established to honor his enduring legacy. Dr. Gary Mawe’s life was a tapestry of achievement, kindness and curiosity, leaving an indelible mark on all who had the privilege of knowing him.
Arrangements are in the care of LaVigne Funeral & Cremation Service. To send online condolences to his family, please visit vtfuneralhomes.com.
by both parents, his two brothers Rusty and Michael, and his brother-in-law, David Davis. Survivors include his wife, Delight Wing, MD, and his two sons and their families: Duncan Long and wife Melissa Long, MD, and their children, Wyatt and Maren Long; and Webb Long, MD, and wife Leslie Bradford, MD, and their children, Madeline and J.Merrill Long. Other family members include his two sisters, Patricia Davis and Kathy Famulari (Tom); Wing in-laws; and nieces and nephews.
e family is grateful for the excellent care provided by his neuro-oncologist, Dr. Alissa Ashley omas and numerous teams at the University of Vermont Medical Center and UVM Home Health & Hospice. We will forever celebrate the gift of Jack’s life and mourn its loss. ere will be no public services.
Kevin B. Jones
Kevin grew up in a very close family in Proctor, Vt. Kevin enjoyed spending time with his family in Proctor, where there were many family gatherings throughout the year, whether an official holiday or grilling in the yard, as well as many Sunday dinners. He was always surrounded by nature, curiosity and a loving family.

Kevin and his partner, Rachel Levin, lived in a house they purchased together decades ago in Chittenden, Vt., and made their own. There he enjoyed filling the bird feeder; sitting with his coffee and something sweet, with dogs at his feet; and noticing a red cardinal or blue bunting and all those chickadees. He would not miss a Saturday to take the dogs, go to the farmers market and enjoy his favorite Saturday routine, which frequently concluded with stopping by to visit his family in Proctor. He enjoyed downhill and crosscountry skiing and many other sports; deerhunting season; music; reading; first hybrid and then electric transportation; energy efficiency at home, to every extent possible; his work; traveling throughout the world with Rachel and, at times, with their two beloved
Lisa Ann Hebert
APRIL 28, 1974FEBRUARY 20, 2024
Lisa Ann Hebert, 49, of South Burlington, Vt., passed away peacefully at home on February 20, 2024, surrounded by her family.
Diagnosed four years ago with ovarian cancer, she fought courageously and chose not to be defined by her disease. She did not lose her battle to cancer but beat it in the way she responded.
Lisa continued to lead an active and full life, including running and finishing the historic Boston Marathon in fall 2021 during chemotherapy, which raised over $21,000 for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
Born in Winchester, Mass., to Bill and Carol Boutwell, she was a classic middle child between her siblings, Michael and Julie. She graduated from Winchester High School in 1992 and then enrolled in the School of Business at Fairfield University. She excelled at Fairfield and graduated with a degree in
Old English sheepdogs; finding and exploring new places, restaurants, vineyards, coffee producers and people; and experiencing other cultures. Peace, justice, equity and community participation were important to him. He constantly thought about the next generation of learners and teachers and how anything could be improved. He loved teaching and learning and had passion for creating successes, not just for himself, and in ways that were unique. From a young age, he lived to the fullest every day.
Kevin was the director of the Vermont Law and Graduate School Institute for Energy and the Environment and professor of energy technology and policy for the Institute for Energy and the Environment. He was also a lecturer for the Sustainable Energy Technology and Policy Sustainable Innovation MBA program at the University of Vermont. He was proud of founding the Energy Clinic and the Cuba Trip course — the global sustainability field-study course — where Kevin provided students with hands-on learning and experiences, beyond campus, in Vermont and in New Hampshire communities, as well as in Cuba.
He considered his students, fellows, coworkers, other faculty and alum as part of his family. He mentored, guided, enlightened, respected and learned from so many and then assisted with job hunting, making

accounting. At graduation, she was the recipient of the 1996 Franke Wolpe Award for Excellence and Achievement in Taxation.
She chose KPMG so that she could return to the Boston area, and that certainly was a fortuitous decision because it was there that she met her soulmate, Chris. They enjoyed being young and living in the city until Chris was accepted to medical school in Vermont. Lisa thought Vermont was about as far away from Boston as one could move and intended to return to the city after four years, but she quickly fell in
personal phone calls to current and former colleagues to gain entrance to what was for many their first experience working in the energy sector. He always made himself available and accessible for any reason, had an open-door policy at his office, and was deeply caring and available, whether in his office or elsewhere. VLGS has a special Tributes Page with information about events and remembrances.
Kevin enjoyed research that had practical uses, as well as learning as the goal for a final product or project. He enjoyed including students, fellows, alum, faculty and colleagues from VLGS, as well as from his previous workplaces. He published two books utilizing that process, The Electric Battery: Charging Forward to a Low-Carbon Future and A Smarter, Greener Grid: Forging Environmental Progress Through Smart Energy Policies and Technologies. Kevin also published numerous articles and chapters in many publications and participated as a panel member or facilitator at energy-related conferences in the U.S. and throughout the world. He had memberships in national and international associations, which he used to keep in contact with current and former colleagues and to keep current.
Kevin received a PhD from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Lally School of Management and Technology, a master’s from the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, and a BS from the University of Vermont.
Some of his previous professional experience includes his roles as the director of power market policy at Long Island Power Authority; associate director of
energy practice at Navigant Consulting Inc./ Resource Management International; director of energy policy for the City of New York; various positions in rates and planning at Central Vermont Public Service Corporation; and alderman of the City of Rutland, Vt. He also assisted and supported many local and Vermont organizations that strengthen the community. One of his proudest associations was serving on the board, then becoming board chair, of what was then the Rutland Land Trust, now the Housing Trust of Rutland County.
Kevin Brian Jones died on January 29, 2024, while teaching one of two winter courses at VLGS. He collapsed shortly after the class commenced and immediately died.
Kevin was predeceased by his father and mother, Sidney Hiram Jones and Patricia Jane (Johnson) Jones. He is survived by Rachel Levin, his nearly three-decade partner, and his two Old English sheepdogs — their fourth and fifth — whom he loved and spoiled and who were the light of his life. He has three siblings, Deborah Jones, Mark Jones (and Kathy) and Andrea Jones; a nephew, Jeremy (and Bobbi Jo) Jones, with whom he had a very special relationship; two nieces, Megan Jones and Hailey Wood, whom he adored; a great-niece and -nephew; Ruth Jones, a very special aunt, whose 100th birthday he recently celebrated with family from near and far; and many other loved and loving relatives.
In celebration of Kevin’s life and in memory — or whatever it may be for each of us — please take time for yourself, spend time with your family and loved ones, and enjoy your dogs. A private gathering will be held when he is buried in Proctor in the spring.
love with Vermont and never left.
She transferred to KPMG Burlington following the birth of their son, Devin. While Chris was in school, she was the sole breadwinner and also ran the family. During this period, she somehow found enough time to finish her master’s degree in taxation from Bentley University. Rachel was born four years later, and the family was complete.
While working at KPMG, her client Biotek asked her to join the company as its tax manager, and she was excited by this new challenge. Several years later, when Biotek was sold, she left to work for Lionheart Holdings and the Alpert family and spent the past five years working for the most wonderful people, continuing to do so despite her health challenges.
Lisa was more than willing to volunteer her services to any cause and was on the board of several South Burlington PTOs, the Milton Artist Guild, the Vermont Swim Association and the
Joe’s Pond Association. She also was an assistant professor at Champlain College, teaching a tax course.
Lisa had a fondness for water, as she grew up spending the summers on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire, and after moving to Vermont, she enjoyed spending time during the summers on Joe’s Pond. In 2020, while gazing across Lake Champlain, Lisa mentioned to Chris that they should buy their own home on Joe’s Pond. As usual, Chris agreed. During the past four years, she loved entertaining her friends and family there and making the new house a home.
What Lisa loved most and the source of her greatest pride was her two children. Through her guidance and love, they have grown into wonderful young adults. When the swim team needed someone to help at meets, she didn’t just volunteer but became certified as an official. She drove Rachel throughout New England to Irish dance competitions, and she spent countless evenings
watching Devin play baseball, football and Ultimate Frisbee. Her family are heartbroken but are better people for having been loved by her. They will miss her dearly but will never forget her amazing spirit, smile and courage.
Lisa is survived by her husband, Chris; their children, Devin and Rachel; her future daughter-in-law, Betty; her mother and father, Bill and Carol Boutwell; her in-laws, Pam and Joe Hebert; her brother, Michael (Barbara) Boutwell; her sister, Julie (Greg) Stanton; and her brother-in-law Tim (Trish) Hebert. She was also a beloved Ninnie to her many nieces and nephews and enjoyed a special relationship with her best friend since college, Kandy Tranghese. Her family would like to thank the medical team at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital for their care over the past four years. They would also like to thank the Alpert family and all the employees of Lionheart Holdings, who made the frequent trips to
Boston so much easier for her. For that, the family is forever grateful.
Please join us in a celebration of this special woman whose kindness, sincerity and gentleness touched everyone who was fortunate enough to know her. Visiting hours will be held on Thursday, February 29, 4 to 7 p.m., at Ready Funeral Home in Burlington. A memorial service will take place on Friday, March 1, 2 p.m., at All Souls Interfaith Gathering in Shelburne.
In lieu of flowers, Lisa wished to start a scholarship for a deserving graduate of South Burlington High School. Donations specified to “South Burlington Schools Foundation” can be mailed to South Burlington High School, Attn: Lisa Hebert Scholarship, 550 Dorset St., South Burlington, VT 05403.
Arrangements have been entrusted to the care of Ready Funeral & Cremation Services, South Chapel, 261 Shelburne Rd., Burlington, VT. To send online condolences to the family, please visit readyfuneral.com.
will address our housing shortage remains entirely unclear).
On the other hand, I have found Emma Mulvaney-Stanak and her campaign to be incredibly positive, compassionate and justice-oriented. Her supporters generally seem to share these values — walking the streets of Burlington, it is impossible not to notice that many homes displaying Black Lives Matter signs or pride flags often have an Emma for Mayor yard sign in their front lawn.
After attending a few campaign events and connecting with groups like Climate Voters for Emma, I feel assured that Emma is running for the right reasons and attracting the right supporters. I will be proudly voting for Emma on March 5 because I feel that her campaign represents and reflects the best of Burlington, and I’d invite anyone else who shares Emma’s vision for a bright, vibrant and equitable future to join me!
I listened to the debate facilitated by Seven Days deputy news editor Sasha Goldstein with the candidates for the mayor of Burlington [Live Debate: “Burlington ‘Mayoral Matchup’ This Wednesday,” February 5]. I was disappointed that more questions about the increase in school property taxes did not come up because there was, understandably, so much focus on public safety.

post-pandemic economy with unabated speculation on our housing costs and lagging social services, ignored in [“Key to the Queen City,” February 21], let us deal with the causes, not mass criminalization and incarceration of thousands that the Shannon plan seems to fall back on. Her plan seems to leave many of us without a seat at the table and, ironically, would overwhelm our police and fire departments.
As a community, we either come together proactively in love or reactively in divisive fear.
Let’s remember in these times who can help with public safety and move forward with Emma Mulvaney-Stanak. Then I believe the mayor’s door will be open to all!
Mark Montalban BURLINGTON
fighting it out across America but are particularly struggling against each other in Burlington [“Key to the Queen City,” February 21].


On the one hand, Joan Shannon represents a version of left political philosophy that combines expanded social justice and compassion with attention to fundamental rights of due process.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” are words Burlingtonians should remember for the March 5 election. The good old days, pre-Progressive, to which the Miro Weinberger/Joan Shannon Corporate Neoliberal Administration would like to return, are quite frightening!
As a former resident of Burlington and father of a son who moved out of the city due to the current public safety crisis, I urge voters to support Joan Shannon [“Key to the Queen City,” February 21].
She is the only one who recognizes that Burlington’s first obligation is protecting its sheep, not coddling the wolves in our midst.

I want to ask Chris Haessly, one of the independent candidates who identified himself as a former school board member, whether he has ever thought about or could see practical support for school budgets working with the state legislature to subsidize health care for teachers and other school employees.

In contrast, Progressives have endorsed a destructive left populism. On last year’s Town Meeting Day, Burlingtonians rejected a Progressivebacked police control board that would have given partial control of disciplining police to community groups that are not defined and to the director of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Possibly the state, with help from the Green Mountain Care Board, might be e ective in coming up with an optional plan that could cover these folks, which could be a great savings for both the schools and the employees.

Last time the “key to the Queen City” was in the Democratic establishment, Burlington was a severely economically and socially segregated town, where working-class neighborhoods were either dismantled or turned into slums of poor housing and bars that wealthy people ran. The murder rate 60 years ago was much higher, and alcoholism and violence were rampant.

Long term, she is the only one willing to stand up for non-loitering and non-drug use in public places. She is the only one with the foresight to know that fentanyl and meth have changed the addictive personality. Those caught in this trap cannot be salvaged with free drug dispensaries, pods or homeless encampments. The only solution for these poor souls is reopening a statewide institution that offers long-term treatment and care in a safe, controlled environment.

With the coming mayoral race, we have a clear choice between two versions of political philosophy that are

Local Progressives have also shown indi erence to free speech. Pierre Hardy’s mural, “Everybody Loves a Parade,” was removed from a Church Street alley and put in a part of the airport where no one could see it, as a result of Progressives on the Burlington City Council clamoring to censor it.


The 1970s and ’80s brought Progressive change with the Burlington Community Land Trust, the Community Health Centers of Burlington, a food co-op, services for domestic and sexual violence, youth services, a public waterfront, revitalized police and fire departments, and a challenge to the extreme prejudices that then divided our city.

Presently coming out of the

Shannon is the only one who recognizes that rampant graffiti taggers are not expressing artistic talent but are callous vandals who need to be held accountable.

As more than one Burlingtonian has said, it is past time that voters put the adults back in charge of the Queen City.

Thanks to Paula Routly for calling out the importance of Town Meeting election forums in her “Open to Debate” publisher’s note on February 21. The opportunities for structured civic debate are few and far between in our polarized political culture — nationally and locally.
Town Meeting TV is proud to stand with its 23 fellow community media centers across Vermont with coverage of town meetings and election forums in more than 150 Vermont communities during this election season. At Town Meeting TV, for example, we have produced almost 50 live election forums, including the mayor’s debate with Seven Days. All forums can be watched live on Comcast 1087, Burlington Telecom 217 and youtube. com/townmeetingtv. Plus, we will air live election results for Burlington and surrounding communities on Tuesday, March 5, starting at 7 p.m. Learn more online at Town Meeting TV’s website at cctv.org/2024.
Thank you, Seven Days, for bringing your spotlight to the workings of democracy. We all have work to do for voters to access the information they need to make informed decisions and keep the wheels of democracy turning.
Jordan Mitchell BURLINGTONMitchell is a codirector of Town Meeting TV.
[Re “Key to the Queen City,” February 21]: Emma Mulvaney-Stanak is the most capable mayoral candidate Burlington has seen in my adult lifetime. This includes mayors Gordon Paquette, Bernie Sanders, Peter Clavelle, Peter Brownell, Bob Kiss and Miro Weinberger — and all the very many able candidates from all parties who have run against these mayors and not won “the key to the Queen City.”
Emma holds a commanding understanding of the issues; she presents concrete ideas; she consistently demonstrates her experience in and passion for bringing people together — lifting up the best that city staff, politicians and citizens have to give in any situation and leading them — us! — to work together in the spirit of a greater Burlington.
Emma identifies at least two key areas where people who can and should be working more closely together for the greater good are not. First, the
fragmented response to our safety problems, with city staff spread across at least three departments: Emma’s special assistant for community safety would bring these folks and others together for a “cohesive response.” Second, the fact that our sizable number of state senators and representatives are not working sufficiently together around Burlington’s needs, which transcend party and other divisions. Emma can and will lead our state delegation toward greater teamwork.
How about our graffiti problem?! Remember back when graffiti was cleaned within a day or two? Emma’s plan would revive the old graffiti response teams at no city expense beyond cleaning materials — with volunteers! I’m in!
In every issue, you include “comics.” They’re fine. I read them, but there’s nothing really funny. I find that “comic” is defined as “causing or meant to cause laughter.” I have to tell you, I haven’t laughed at a Seven Days “comic” for a long, long, long time. I now know every author’s view on every social issue, from politics to environment to pollution to racism … Get the point? This is really important stuff, but it is not funny! The news is bad enough! Publish comics that are funny!
I appreciate the article about the ZQuiet [“Snore No More: A Shelburne Couple’s Anti-Snoring Device Is Designed to Save Relationships,” February 7]. The writer focused on the effect of snoring on relationships, not surprising given the issue’s theme. But snoring can also be a serious problem for singles — even if we don’t have sleepovers.
When I tested negative for sleep apnea, I was told my own snoring woke me up on an average of every seven minutes. I didn’t wake to full consciousness — or just forgot. But it meant I didn’t get the REM sleep I need. I tried a prescription device but it kept ejecting from my mouth as soon as I fell asleep. Nasal strips help, but my skin can’t tolerate the adhesive.
You can bet I’m going to check out the ZQuiet!
Ann Larson ESSEX

Shtick Season
In Vermont and beyond, Green Mountain comedy has come of age
When comedian Tina Friml made her late-night television debut on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” in November, she opened with a few gentle barbs at her home state.
“I grew up in the ’90s in Vermont,” Friml told the audience at Rockefeller Center in New York City. “Which means I grew up in the ’80s.”
Friml’s family and friends watching on TV back home in Middlebury, and her comedian pals at the viewing party at Vermont Comedy Club in Burlington, surely forgave the cheeky slight — after all, Vermont is often behind the times. Those paying close attention might also have recognized that many of Friml’s most successful jokes that night were ones she’d first honed in Vermont.
Friml, 30, was born with a disability, which she riffs on in her act. Her openness sometimes catches audiences off guard and makes them uneasy — which is, of course, the perfect setup to reel them in. On the “Tonight Show,” you could see the moment it happened.
“A lot of people, they think I suffer from cerebral palsy, which I don’t,” she told the crowd, which she hadn’t yet won over. Then she did: “I have cerebral palsy,” she continued. “I suffer from people.”
with comics who have launched beyond our borders and profile a few others who might just be the next to break out.
Before Natalie Miller and her husband, Nathan Hartswick, opened Vermont Comedy Club in 2015, opportunities to see good

The appearance was a high point in Friml’s rise from small stages in Vermont to comedy clubs around the world. More may be coming: Last month, her face beamed from a Times Square video billboard announcing her upcoming U.S. tour. Friml might be Vermont’s most successful comedic export in recent memory, but her late-night set was also a figurative mic drop, underscoring a phenomenon at least a decade in the making: Vermont comedy has arrived.
For this issue, our writers explored the evolution of our homegrown comedy scene, fanning out across the state to take in live shows, catch up
comedy in the Green Mountain State were few and far between.
Local comic Carmen Lagala ran Levity, the Queen City’s first comedy club, which lasted just 18 months before it closed in 2013. Around that time, Miller and
Hartswick produced one-off shows at local bars and nightclubs and taught classes in Burlington’s South End. Before that, local comedic offerings were largely limited to Josie Leavitt’s all-female standup troupe the Vermont Comedy Divas, the annual Higher Ground Comedy
There is a critical mass right now of people performing standup, improv and sketch.
Battle and smaller indie shows produced by Montpelier comic Kathleen Kanz, who founded the Green Mountain Comedy Festival.
In other words, you were lucky if there was more than a show or two every month. Now, you can catch
high-quality comedy in Burlington and beyond any night of the week. “There is a critical mass right now of people performing standup, improv and sketch,” Miller said. She added that “99 percent of Vermont comedians don’t know Vermont without a comedy scene.”
Local standup showcases and open mics populate Queen City nightclubs such as Radio Bean, the 126 and Lincolns. Improv and sketch teams flock to Vermont Comedy Club and Off Center for the Dramatic Arts. Big-name acts such as Seth Meyers, Fortune Feimster and Iliza Shlesinger routinely grace the marquees at the Flynn and Higher Ground.
Beyond Chittenden County, venues such as Moogs Joint in Johnson and Bent Nails Bistro in Montpelier host standup nights. Northfield’s Dirt Road Theater produces sketch comedy shows and offers classes. And in tiny Bridgewater, the Woolen Mill Comedy Club draws acts from Boston and New York.
But Vermont Comedy Club is the star around which the local comedy scene orbits. Every weekend, Miller and Hartswick host the funniest names in comedy — think Tig Notaro, Michelle Wolf and Jay Pharoah.
The club is ground zero for Groundlings-style sketch and improv, the latter of which rules the stage midweek. A slate of about 20 comedy classes and workshops this spring will be the most the club has ever offered at one time — and may well produce the next generation of Vermont comics.
“It’s a snowball effect,” Miller said. “The more people who come through the doors to watch shows, some of those people will get inspired to try comedy.”
While Hartswick stressed that only a fraction of people who try comedy will stick with it, eventually a scene forms. And in Vermont, it’s close-knit.
Unlike Friml, most Vermont comics aren’t bound — or even aiming — for bigger stages. The lack of careerist ambition neutralizes the professional jealousy found in other scenes — and, following the tone originally set by Leavitt and Kanz, fosters an inclusive and welcoming environment.
Similarly, Vermont Comedy Club has set a standard for quality and
decorum that reverberates across the state. When it comes to hecklers and racist, homophobic or misogynistic humor — par for the course
Funny Business
Catching up with comedy expats page 26
A whirlwind tour of local comedy page 28
Meet Vermont’s rising comics:
• Mike Thomas page 25
• Meredith Gordon page 27
• Max Higgins page 28
• Jared Hall page 30
in some places — “we don’t put up with bullshit,” Miller said.
In comedy, stage time is the most valuable currency — aside from, you know, actual currency. And it’s ample in Vermont, which gives comedians more opportunities to hone their craft.
They’re also willing to collaborate and give each other feedback and support.
A few weeks ago, Burlington comedian Levi Silverstein began hosting an informal comedy writers group on Saturday mornings at the Happy Place Café, the daytime alter ego of the comedy club’s bar and lounge. While the jokes onstage in the evenings are more polished and professional, the bits amateur comedians bat around over lattes and tea are decidedly, well, not. But that’s exactly the point.
On a recent Saturday, a group of about eight comics of varying ages and backgrounds shared jokes they were working on. Peer feedback ranged from the granular — “‘Boobs’ is a very funny word; don’t change that” — to the global. “Lent is good fodder for jokes, for sure,” one comic observed.
It was an open, honest and surprisingly far-ranging session; at various points during the hour, Silverstein compared it to both Alcoholics Anonymous and Bible study. At the end, most comics walked out with solid notes on their jokes or ideas for new ones. When they next take the stage, they’ll suffer no shortage of eager Vermont audiences ready to catch the next Tina Friml, or even just the next good joke.
Read on for our dispatches from a scene that has come into its own.
“You guys ever been someone’s rock bottom? Like, you’re the reason why they’re like, ‘I need to get my life together!’”
Burlington comedian Mike Thomas told that joke at a Valentine’s Day open mic at Vermont Comedy Club. A last-minute addition to the lineup, he garnered many of the biggest laughs of the night. “You put him onstage and wind him up, and you don’t have to worry about him for the next 20 minutes,” club co-owner Nathan Hartswick said.
Thomas’ style of humor is hard to pigeonhole. A natural storyteller who crackles with energy onstage, he can riff on a range of subjects, from Burlington’s dating scene to race relations. As one of very few comedians of color in Vermont, he does a bit about hearing an explicit song by rapper DMX played on local radio.

“It’s the radio, so you can’t say the N-word. So they bleep it out and chose to use the sound of a dog growling, which sounds like this:
‘Grrrr!’” Thomas joked during a 2020 show at Zenbarn in Waterbury Center.
“Why would you leave the worst part of the word on there?
Objectively, that hard R is the part I have a problem with the most!”
Like many comedians, the 32-year-old Manassas, Va., native was the class clown growing up. Fittingly, it was one of his teachers who put him on the path to standup. Thomas was a student at Essex High School when he took a class on improv and the foundations of comedy. Long before he was old enough to enter Burlington clubs as a customer, he was performing at their open mic nights.
Thomas remembers one such gig, at Higher Ground in South Burlington. He was 14, so his mother drove him to the show. Thomas still cringes at the memory of waiting beside her for his turn onstage while a much older comedian regaled the audience with jokes about recent sexual exploits.
“Definitely not a family-friendly environment,” he recalled dryly.
Today, Thomas is among the scene’s most seasoned veterans. Last year, he won Vermont’s Funniest Comedian contest at Vermont Comedy Club. It was about time: For years, it was a running joke among local comics that Thomas would consistently place fourth but never make the podium.
Thomas still holds a daytime accounting job, which he admitted isn’t the most fertile environment for generating comedic material. (It’s not easy writing good jokes about fixed costs and capital depreciation.) Still, he hopes to one day pay the bills with his standup.
“Honestly,” he said, “I just like that feeling of making an entire room of people laugh.”
The Comedy Factory
Vermont has become an incubator for comedians to launch their careers
BY CHRIS FARNSWORTH • farnsworth@sevendaysvt.comWhen Rupert Pupkin, the standup comic played by Robert De Niro in the 1982 film The King of Comedy, says, “Better to be king for a night than a schmuck for a lifetime,” there’s a seed of hard truth for aspiring comedians in his words.
Sure, Pupkin was a character with mental illness who kidnapped a talk-show host to ransom a network into letting him perform on television. And that’s, you know, not great. But beyond the blackhearted satire of the film, there is a lesson in Pupkin’s madness: In comedy, you make your own breaks.
That’s something Vermont’s most ambitious comedians know well. For the past decade, there’s been a small but steady flow of talented comics from the Queen City to bigger markets, such as Boston and Los Angeles. Most have headed for the comedy mecca, New
York City, following the lead of Montpelier native Carmen Lagala, who decamped from Burlington in 2015. Just three years later, she was booked on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.” Lagala wouldn’t be the last. From Kendall Farrell to Ash Diggs to Tina Friml, Vermont’s funniest standups have left the cozy confines of Burlington’s comedy scene to shoot for the big time. More than a few have found success — the latest being Friml, a Middlebury native who performed on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” in November. Vermont has exported a handful of improv comedians, too, including Brian Park and Katrina Hughes, now at Second City in Chicago.
Is there some secret to how Vermont nurtures raw comedic talent? To learn more, Seven Days spoke with several comedy expats,
who shouted out the local crowd vibes, Vermont Comedy Club and the benefits of making your friends laugh.
“The whole comedy scene in Vermont is just overall super positive,” Diggs said. The 29-yearold former Burlingtonian moved to New York City in 2021, after four years of hustling in Vermont. He became one of the area’s top comics, headlining at Vermont Comedy Club and opening for big names such as Theo Von at Burlington’s Flynn — though he never won the coveted title of Vermont’s Funniest Comedian. (“I definitely don’t think about that every single day,” Diggs quipped.)
“People in Vermont really show up for comedy shows,” Diggs continued. “And even more importantly, they’re usually really open to material. Other scenes have this ‘Oh, you’re funny? Prove it’
vibe, whereas Vermonters — and I both love and hate this about them — tend to be more like … ‘Hey, good job, buddy! We think it’s going well!’”
Lagala cut her teeth doing standup in Burlington after graduating from the University of Vermont. In 2012, she opened her own downtown comedy club, Levity, the first dedicated comedy venue in the city. Though it closed after just a year and a half, Levity helped launch Lagala’s career.
“I met a ton of comedians when I was running Levity,” Lagala said. “I learned that a lot of comedy is self-delusion … Most people who move to the city quit comedy. I moved here with two friends, and they lasted maybe a month.”
After performing in New York for a few years, Lagala found a grittier style than the one she’d cultivated in Vermont. “People in
New York are getting pissed on, so they want their comedy hard,” she said. “People in Vermont aren’t as hardened — they want their comedy a little slower, more nuanced. Also, the audience in Vermont is full of your friends.”
For Friml, that home-field advantage is the “secret sauce” of the Vermont scene. While performing for unfamiliar crowds brought edge to Lagala’s style, Friml found the confidence to push the limits while on her own turf.
In Vermont, “you can get onstage and feel safe to try stu out and experiment,” Friml said by phone from the New York City apartment she shares with Diggs. (She previously roomed with Lagala; Vermont’s comic expats often house each other while they find their feet in the big city.)
“I remember when I started doing a little edgier material,” Friml recalled. “I felt like I could try that, because I was really just trying to make my friends laugh and shock them by being lewd or out of left field. And that’s what the scene always felt like to me — a big dinner party where you try to make your friends laugh, but you have a microphone.”
at VCC — or booked them himself when he ran Comedy & Crepes at the Skinny Pancake in Burlington.
“When I talk to comics who came to New York from other scenes and I tell them what coming up in Vermont was like, I’d just get wide-eyed looks of disbelief,” Diggs said. “You get stage time, which is huge, but you also get crazy access to out-oftown comics. You can connect and pick their brains.”
When Diggs opened for Joyelle Johnson at VCC in 2019, he said, the Brooklyn-based comic and actor gave him some of the most important advice of his career.
“She was one of the first people to sit me down and really pull back the curtain on what it means to live this life,” Diggs recalled. Johnson explained to Diggs that every comedian has their own trajectory, and he should “focus
You’d be hardpressed to find a better place to start a career as a standup.
That such a supportive yet robust comedy ecosystem exists in the state is due, in part, to Vermont Comedy Club. Founded in 2015 by husband-and-wife team Nathan Hartswick and Natalie Miller, the Burlington club not only gives a stage to aspiring local comedians, it also brings them into contact with professional, touring comics, such as Maria Bamford, Nikki Glaser and Kyle Kinane.
The club’s practice of booking local openers before big shows gives rising talent an opportunity to talk to their touring counterparts about how to make the leap. Farrell, who grew up in Vernon, won Vermont’s Funniest Comedian contest in 2015, a few years before he moved to the Big Apple and was named a “Comic to Watch” at the 2019 New York Comedy Festival. He often opened for touring headliners
on my own journey, because comparing yourself to others will do nothing,” he said.
That conversation bore fruit in other ways: Johnson later reached out to Ilana Glazer when the “Broad City” star was scheduled to perform at VCC and urged her to book Diggs as her opener.
“They were some of the biggest shows I’ve ever gotten to do,” Diggs said. “During that run, Ilana told me I needed to move to New York City. That was the final straw of validation I needed.”
It didn’t take long for VCC’s reputation as a welcoming — and often well-attended — comedy club to spread beyond the Green Mountains. New York City-based comedian DeAnne Smith is a frequent performer at the venue. Smith, who will appear in the new

“The first time I ever saw him, he was putting fake dog poop in the hallway of our school ... The first thing I ever heard the future father of my children say was, ‘We need to put more water on it so it looks real.’ So, detail oriented.”
Not long after Meredith Gordon had her second child, nine years ago, her husband, Andy, suggested that she get out of the house more.

“I think he was seeing me entering Norman Bates territory and possibly suffocating the children later on,” Gordon said. But rather than taking up yoga or taxidermy, the now 41-year-old Shelburne mom tried standup instead.
“Comedy was kind of revered in my house, so I grew up watching Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and all the Marx Brothers movies,” she said. Gordon also points to some of the early cast members of NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” — notably, Gilda Radner and Dana Carvey — as among her biggest comedic influences.
Standup wasn’t Gordon’s first foray into making people laugh. Beginning in May 2011, she and Andy were part of Potato Sack Pants eater, a Burlington sketch comedy troupe. e sextet did local shows for a few years until its members all started having kids, which seriously cut into their rehearsal time. But unlike sketch comedy, standup was something Gordon could write and rehearse alone. For a time, she had a one-woman show in which she played an aging nightclub performer.
Gordon’s been crushing it ever since with routines that combine physical comedy with self-deprecating humor — including a bit about how terrible she is in bed. By 2022, Gordon was wowing Vermont audiences enough to earn a Seven Daysies award for Vermont’s best standup comic.
Last year, Gordon cold-called Joe Adler, marketing and events manager at Shelburne Vineyard, and pitched the idea of hosting a regular comedy show for people who don’t want to drive into Burlington. Adler agreed to let Gordon curate the slate of comedians.
e Wit & Wine comedy night has become a consistent success that frequently sells out. is winter, Adler moved it from Tuesday to Friday nights to draw bigger crowds.
“I love her personality, and I love what she brought to the table,” he said of Gordon.
Despite her recent accolades, Gordon harbors no grand visions of landing her own Netflix special. Instead, she seems content to be part of the scene and support other rising stars.
“It’s the most welcoming community you could ever have. ey’re like my second family,” Gordon said. “It’s kind of like a hobby on steroids.”
“I had three sisters growing up. Yes, four girls, which, I agree, is too many. Some might even say one too many. I was like, I’m just going to bring that numberdown, if you don’t mind.”
Max Higgins is trans — a subject he addresses early in his standup acts, in part to defuse any confusion or discomfort audience members may have regarding his gender, he said. The bit gives the crowd permission to laugh.
“Parts of it feel really unexpected, and that’s what’s fun for me,” he said. “Even people who don’t know what’s happening with my gender really respond to the material. And I think it’s because the material is really personal.”
On March 7, the 26-year-old Boston native will host a show at Burlington’s Vermont Comedy Club called “The Underdog.” In it, Higgins will unveil new material — “everything from gender deep dive to Y2K public library meltdowns,” according to a promotional poster — as a fundraiser to help pay for his top surgery.
With just two years of experience in standup, Higgins has a natural ease onstage. After doing theater in high school, he moved to Burlington to attend the University of Vermont. There, he formed the Burlington indie band H3adgear, which he still fronts. His foray into comedy coincided with him coming out as trans and, as he put it, “using humor to understand how I got here.”
Also, he added, “I secretly thought I was funnier than other people.”
His audiences seem to agree. Higgins won a 2023 Seven Daysies award as Vermont’s best standup comic and, for the past two years, has been a runner-up in the Vermont’s Funniest Comedian contest at Vermont Comedy Club.
When Higgins wanted even more opportunities to get onstage, he created them himself. In November 2022, he started producing and hosting a bimonthly comedy showcase called Comedy Wolf at Burlington’s Radio Bean.
Lee Anderson, who owns the nightclub, said he was initially skeptical that a twice-monthly comedy gig could succeed, given how saturated Burlington’s comedy market was. But Higgins’ show quickly won him over.
“It crushes every time. It’s kind of amazing,” Anderson said. “Other comedians really respect and appreciate Max.”
Many local comics never venture beyond the Green Mountain State, but Higgins is already making regular appearances on comedy stages in Boston and New York City. While he still holds down a day job designing beer can labels for Zero Gravity Craft Brewery in Burlington, his comedy colleagues fully expect him to move on to bigger markets.
“I just want to keep doing standup,” Higgins said, “wherever it takes me.”
Show and Tell
On a whirlwind tour of local comedy, here’s what worked — and what didn’t
BY HANNAH FEUER • hfeuer@sevendaysvt.comPrior to moving to South Burlington from a Chicago suburb last July, my only exposure to Vermont humor was the clever wordplay of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavors (see: Bohemian Raspberry and Yes Pecan!).
But I’ve since immersed myself in the state’s comedy scene, recently attending six local shows in just two weeks — and that was still a fraction of Vermont’s comedic offerings. Multiple events on the same night meant I couldn’t make it to a gig by the sketch comedy group Stealing From Work or improv by the Vermont Actors’ Repertory Theatre, but I packed in all the standup, sketch, improv, open mics and even burlesque I could within the constraints of the time-space continuum.
In the process, I became a connoisseur of every type of laughter: the silent shoulder shake, the bafflingly nonstop guffaw, the inadvertent snort. I had my finger on the pulse of Vermont’s thriving comedy culture, and I’m here to dish on the good and the groan-worthy.
There isn’t as much comedic variety here as in a big city; after just two performances, I was already seeing repeat acts by the same players. I found myself trailing a core group of comics, not seeing new ones — even when I drove an hour to a show at Moogs Joint in Johnson in hopes of escaping the Burlington crowd. Still, I caught myself belly-laughing at many of the jokes — and I swear I only had magic giggle juice (a cocktail) at one show.
Comedian Max Higgins, voted Vermont’s best standup comic in the 2023 Seven Daysies awards, was at five of the six shows I attended — and, in my view, consistently one of the funniest. Higgins’ autobiographical sets, centered on his experience coming

out as transgender, feel like satirical therapy sessions. At Winooski’s Four Quarters Brewing on a Sunday night, he told the audience he uses whichever gender’s bathroom he can win a fight in. That means in Burlington, he uses the men’s room, because he’s “not afraid of boys in canvas sneakers.” But in the Northeast Kingdom, he uses “the ladies’.”
as common themes with local flair. At Vermont Comedy Club in Burlington, Eric Dreiblatt told the audience that he’s “California sober,” which means he’s sober except for marijuana. He has a friend who’s “Rutland sober,” meaning “nothing but meth.”
The Moogs Joint show, a Valentine’s Day special, had a cozy, community-oriented feel. About
The funniest performers were the ones who couldn’t have simply plopped their set onto a New York City stage.
During my two weeks of nonstop comedy, the funniest performers were the ones who couldn’t have simply plopped their sets onto a New York City stage. Jokes about gender and sexuality, mental health struggles, the housing crisis, rising crime, progressive politics, and Vermont’s overwhelming whiteness emerged
100 people, mostly middle-aged couples, had crammed into the restaurant and bar that serves as the primary source of nightlife in Johnson, population 1,402. Performer Ian Paul immediately acknowledged that audience members might recognize him
The Comedy Factory
Netflix showcase “Hannah Gadsby’s Gender Agenda,” noted the club’s draws: better-than-average food, a hip vibe and “ready for anything” audiences.
“Vermont Comedy Club is a huge part of why Burlington has a thriving comedy scene,” Smith wrote in an email. “The general energy is way more modern than a standard comedy club! And if you haven’t been to other comedy clubs, many of them still feel like they’re stuck in the ’90s and run by sexual predators.”
But Vermont has its limitations. “The audiences aren’t really diverse, which can make doing more racial-themed humor tougher,” said Diggs, who is biracial. “You say something for a laugh, and instead you get an awww. Which is like, Uh, thanks, but I’m trying to make you fuckers laugh.”
Hour With Ash Diggs,” now on YouTube. He filmed it at Burlington’s Radio Bean during one of his visits back to his old stomping grounds.
While Friml is enjoying success after Vermont, she

As much as they loved their hometown comedy scene, Diggs, Lagala and Friml each had a moment when they knew it was time to leave. After Levity’s closure, Lagala said, the writing was on wall. A decade on from her Vermont exodus, she’s a busy, hard-touring professional comic who cohosts a podcast, “In Cahoots,” with fellow standup comedian Corey Tindall. This spring, Lagala will release her debut, hourlong special on YouTube.
After Diggs performed on the Main Stage at the Flynn, the largest theater in the state, “I didn’t feel like there was anything left for me to do in Burlington,” he said. “I knew it wasn’t going to get bigger than the Flynn. And I don’t think I’m the best comedian in the world, but I believe I can hold my own in any room, and I wanted to test that.”
Diggs said he is finally starting to see the results of his grind after two years in New York. He’s getting more stage time, and he recently released a special called “Unexpectedly Human: A Half
looks back fondly at her time incubating in the Green Mountain State.
“Those are some of the best, most fun years that I remember,” she said. “Every three years or so, the scene deflates as comics leave for other cities, then it swells up and repeats. The vibe I get right now from the Burlington scene is, they’re in the middle of the swell. I just hope they’re taking it in and enjoying it — don’t rush out until you’re ready, but if you want to be a career comedian, you don’t get too comfortable, either.”
Diggs agrees. Coming up in Burlington, he said, is sort of like going to a comedy university.
“You’d be hard-pressed to find a better place to start a career as a standup,” Diggs said. He flashed a knowing smile and added: “You just have to know when to leave.” ➆
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“Does anyone know what it’s called when you take an abusive alcoholic out to lunch? Father’s Day. No, I’m just joking. He’s not much of a morning person.”
Jared Hall is the first to admit that his acerbic wit and in-your-face onstage persona aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. Some nights, he faces an uphill battle winning over the room.
“Even if eight out of 10 people aren’t into what I’m doing,” Hall said, “the other two tend to have a really good time.”
But Hall, who’s super-nice in real life, is just being modest. The 29-year-old Rutland native, who graduated from the University of Vermont in 2015, the same year
Burlington’s Vermont Comedy Club opened, is a versatile stage presence who can act, perform standup and do improv — and he excels at them all.
Hall and his girlfriend, Kaitie Bessette, have a two-person show called “Dating,” which won Vermont Comedy Club’s March Madness
Two-Person Improv Tournament in 2022. Hall now works at the club by day and often performs there at night.
Recently, Hall and Bessette were hired to appear in a show at the Off Center for the Dramatic Arts in Burlington. They pretended to be a couple who’d won a fake contest that allowed them to watch the performance from onstage, where they then bickered the entire night.
as their kids’ high school guidance counselor. He reassured everyone in the room that if he said anything offcolor, he “learned it from your kid.”
Next was Alex St. Louis, who spoke openly about her struggles with mental health. She told the crowd she was diagnosed with ADHD at age 27. It went undetected when she was a kid, she said, deadpan, because “it was the early 2000s, so ADHD was boys-only then.”
Comedian Paul Tenney poked fun at Vermont’s insularity — and was met with uproarious laughter. “Everybody keeps telling me, ‘Hey, you’re not a real Vermonter. You moved here at 5: You’re a fucking Masshole!’” he said.

A three-time Seven Daysies award nominee for Vermont’s best standup comic, Hall won Vermont Comedy Club’s annual Vermont’s Funniest Comedian contest in 2022, after being a finalist multiple times. “That ruined the joke of ‘Always the bridesmaid,’” he said.
Colleagues describe Hall as smart, creative and fearless, with a knack for puns and long setups.
“My brother fell into a giant vaporizer,” he riffed during a recent show. “If you’re not familiar with it, it’s basically this big machine that crushes and converts organic matter into water vapor. It’s very technical, very eco-friendly. Long story short, he will be mist.”
Veteran comedian Tracy Dolan called Hall “the best wordsmith [and] a deeply funny guy.”
“His jokes are crafted beautifully and so efficiently,” Dolan said. “I am happy and curious every time I see him step up on the stage.”
“But you know what? I do know what it means to be a hardscrabble Vermonter. I grew up not far from here — in a 5,000-square-foot house in Shelburne.”
With a $10 cover, Moogs Joint was the most expensive comedy show I attended. But the quality was worth the price of admission: Each comic performed about 20 minutes of material and drew consistent giggles.
That stood in contrast with Vermont Comedy Club’s hit-ormiss open mic. The venue drew the largest crowd of any comedy night I attended, with a full house in the 160-seat theater at the start of the night. Twentynine comics each performed three minutes of material — though cringey acts felt more like hours. By the end of the free hour-and-a-half show, the audience had significantly dwindled.
The host set a couple of ground rules at the start — no hate speech and no heckling — though the polite, mostly college-age crowd didn’t seem to need the reminder. The audience was so friendly, in fact, that even a few performers who went on incomprehensible rants got supportive chuckles.
Jokes that were more offensive than funny drew silence rather than
The comedians played off audience suggestions to form a sexual innuendo. For example, “Sex with me is like ketchup. It works way better if you just keep tapping on the sides!”

boos, such as the following dud: “I’m 40 years old, single and still live with my parents. To answer your next question, I am not a closeted homosexual.”
I was also unwittingly involved in some crowd work. After the host told a performer to tell “the Seven Days reporter” in the audience how to spell her name, there was a target on my back. I blushed as several comedians pointed me out in the
crowd and made jokes at the paper’s expense.
“I have a confession to make: I’ve been writing fake I Spys. Anytime I need a date, I just write, ‘You: farmers market … unshaven,’” Austin Borg told the crowd.
“Remember when Vermont freaked about Rod Stewart last month? Seven Days wrote an article about it, and then the next day they were like, ‘Sorry, that was just an
Comedy Night (standup), Sundays, March 3, 17 and 31, 6-9 p.m., at Four Quarters Brewing in Winooski. 4qbc.com
Open Mic Comedy (standup), Tuesdays, 7 p.m., at the 126 in Burlington. deli126vt.com
March Madness Two-Prov Tournament (improv), Wednesdays, March 6, 13, 20 and 27, 7 p.m., at Vermont Comedy Club in Burlington. $5. vermontcomedyclub.com
Max Higgins’ “The Underdog” (standup), Thursday, March 7, 7 p.m., at Vermont Comedy Club in Burlington. $25. vermontcomedyclub.com
“Off Campus: A Middlebury College Comedy Night” with Middlebury Discount Comedy, Keziah Wilde and Jonah Joseph (sketch, standup, improv), Thursday, March 7, 7:30 p.m., at Town Hall Theater in Middlebury. $5-10. townhalltheater.org
Wit & Wine with host Meredith Gordon (standup), Friday, March 8, 7-9:30 p.m., at Shelburne Vineyard. $10. shelburnevineyard.com
Vermont Comedy All Stars with David Deery, Eric Dreiblatt, Ruth Fuller, Meredith Gordon, Scott Goyette and host Gordon Clark (standup), Saturday, March 9, 7:30 p.m., at Next Stage Arts in Putney. $12-15. nextstagearts.org
Comedy Wolf with host Max Higgins (standup), Thursday, March 21, 7:30 p.m., at Radio Bean in Burlington. $5-10. radiobean.com
Live Comedy (standup), Thursday, March 21, 7 p.m., at Bent Nails Bistro in Montpelier. bentnailsbistro.com
English guy with messy hair,’” Borg continued.
“Seven Days, catch this,” Kayla Erb said, looking toward my seat in the front row. “So, I am from the Bronx, N.Y., which is kind of interesting with me being in Vermont. But what has really made me feel at home is the rise of crime.”
A few lesser-known comics also made an impression. Maddie Cross told the crowd she’s looking for
apartments with her boyfriend, and she has a rule that she’s not going to live in an apartment in which she’s had casual sex. With Burlington’s housing crisis, she said, that’s “genuinely a limiting factor.”
At Off Center for the Dramatic Arts in Burlington, sketch comedy and improv took center stage in “Spork: A Variety Show.” The performers played a game called “Sex With Me,” in which audience members volunteered a geographic location, profession or object. The comedians then had to play off that suggestion to form a sexual innuendo. For example, “Sex with me is like ketchup. It works way better if you just keep tapping on the sides!”
Smaller crowds of around 30 people showed up for weekly comedy nights at Burlington’s the 126 and Radio Bean, where the scene consisted mainly of comics performing for other comics and testing out new material.
Mike Thomas, the 2023 winner of Vermont Comedy Club’s Funniest Comedian contest, told a story at Radio Bean about how he had planned a date right after Election Day in 2016, but the woman was so upset by Donald Trump’s victory that she canceled. “I got cockblocked by Trump, and I don’t even know the motherfucker!” Thomas said. “So that’s why he’s not getting my vote. All the other stuff, I could get past.” He paused. “You know I’m kidding, right?! I’m a Black male.”
He also shared an idea for a charity: He’d go to people’s houses and hold their white babies. “We might not solve racism, but we’ll go one step closer to it. Or maybe ‘one, two step’ closer,” he said, seemingly referencing a 2000s hip-hop song by Ciara and Missy Elliott. He was met with groans.
“OK, fine, guys. I’ll write new jokes! Fuck you! I know, all right?!
I hate myself, too,” Thomas joked, glaring at a group of what seemed like his friends.
The scene illustrated the reality of a comedy culture that punches above its weight relative to the population: Vermont comedians are skilled but limited in number. Attend one or two shows, and I can all but guarantee some organic laughs. But attending six in two weeks? You might catch those same comics still honing their acts — and find yourself forcing a polite chuckle. ➆


Cream of the Crop
Middlebury’s Champlain Valley Creamery marks 20 years with a milestone cheese
BY MELISSA PASANEN • pasanen@sevendaysvt.comCheesemaker Carleton Yoder gets up early, but “I’m not milking,” he said with a grin through his signature bushy salt-and-pepper beard. As he drove to Cornwall’s Severy Farm for milk pickup, just before 7 a.m., sunrise blushed the sky pink.
Unlike most small cheesemakers in Vermont, Yoder’s Champlain Valley Creamery is not a farmstead operation — one that uses milk from the cheesemaker’s own herd or flock. “I never wanted to be a farmer,” Yoder said.
But his interest in cheesemaking goes back 25 years. The self-described fermentation nerd started by experimenting at home, taking occasional University of Vermont classes, and bringing his “homebrew” blue cheese
in for professor and cheese expert Paul Kindstedt to taste.
“He actually said nice things about it,” marveled Yoder, now 54.
The Pennsylvania native earned a master’s degree in food science from Virginia Tech, with a focus on flavor components in wine. In 1996, he moved to Vermont for a job at American Hard Cider (now part of Vermont Cider), then at 153 Pond Lane in Middlebury’s industrial park.
Yoder never expected to run his own cheesemaking operation in that same industrial park, a few hundred yards from where his Vermont career began. After two decades in business, Champlain Valley Creamery has carved out a space for itself in the regional market — and given Yoder
the financial stability to return to his blue cheese.
In the spotlessly clean, 2,000-squarefoot cheese facility at 88 Mainelli Road, Yoder and two part-time employees turn local, organic milk into the creamery’s established line of fresh and lightly aged, bloomy-rind cheeses. Champlain Valley Creamery’s cream cheese, Champlain Triple crème, ash-undercoated Pyramid Scheme and Mexican-style queso fresco are distributed throughout the Northeast and to a smattering of specialty shops nationwide.
Although blue cheese was Yoder’s first love, he only recently started crafting Bleu de Champlain for limited distribution. The 60-day-aged, raw-milk blue cheese of his dreams is loosely modeled on Roquefort
and another French cheese called Bleu des Causses.
Yoder had pushed such ideas to the back burner in favor of more practical cheeses — “ones that generate cash sooner,” he said. But as he approached his 20th year in business, the cheesemaker finally felt secure enough to invest in a cheese with a longer payback. This year, he aims to ramp up Bleu de Champlain production from quarterly to monthly batches of 40 to 50 two-and-a-half-pound wheels.
Back in 2003, Yoder spent one season making cheese at Shelburne Farms as he considered a professional leap from fermenting apple juice to fermenting milk. That November, he rented a former
Boule Bakery Team to Open Birches in St. Johnsbury
BOULE BAKERY has been a hot spot in St. Johnsbury since its opening in 2021; this spring, its owners will add a restaurant across the street.
DARRELL and KATEY MCLAUGHLIN will open BIRCHES in mid- to late April at 397 Railroad Street, the former home of Kingdom Table, which closed permanently in early February. (KINGDOM TAPROOM, the subterranean restaurant and beer destination from the same group of owners, remains open.)
“It’s a beautiful space, and it’s been the nice place to go in town for a long time,” Katey said of the street-level space where Kingdom Table opened in 2019. The McLaughlins plan to keep the “upscale yet approachable feel” they’ve created at Boule, she added.
The team will launch dinner — with similar dishes and “a nice steak,” Darrell said — when sta ng allows.
“There are a lot of things we’ve wanted to add to the bakery that we don’t have space for,” said Darrell, who trained at the Culinary Institute of America. “This is a chance for me to do what I’m good at. Katey is the baker, and I’ve always been a chef.”
Daily operations won’t change at Boule, which expanded into a larger attached kitchen space in 2022 and has continued to grow “tremendously,” Katey said. “We’re busy, busy, busy.”
Jordan Barry

Birches’ American- and French-influenced menu will include breakfast and lunch to start, the couple told Seven Days. All the breads for the new restaurant will come from Boule, including English mu ns for eggs Benedict and sourdough wa es.

The all-day menu will feature duck confit, salads, a few sandwiches, pasta and seafood, plus Bloody Marys, mimosas, Irish co ees and espresso drinks made with co ee from ROASTED in West Burke.

Mexi-Cuban Cravings Launches in Essex Junction
Seasonal icy treats will give way to heat when MEXI-CUBAN CRAVINGS opens on Friday, March 1, in the wooden food shed just o Five Corners in Essex Junction. Co-owners JESSICA and JOEL NEVAREZ bought the small, red-roofed building located in a grassy area at 3 Main Street from EAST COAST ICE, which operated there for two summers before leaving to focus on its mobile business.
The couple will serve Mexican and

Cuban takeout food daily and yearround. During the warmer seasons, customers can eat on picnic benches.
The menu will include street tacos filled with slow-cooked carnitas or grilled carne asada; Cuban-style arroz con pollo served with plantains; and weekend specials, such as the traditional Mexican soup called pozole.

deli in the Kennedy Brothers building in Vergennes for his nascent Champlain Valley Creamery.
After surveying the market, Yoder targeted a gap: what he calls “old-fashioned” cream cheese. His lightly tangy, almost fluffy, spreadable cheese is made simply, with organic cream and milk from the Jersey cows at Severy Farm plus culture, enzymes and salt. It’s similar to fresh goat cheese but richer, sweeter and less acidic.
“Nobody was doing it [with cow’s milk],” Yoder said. “Nobody’s doing it still.”
Champlain Valley Creamery cream cheese lacks the stabilizers or emulsifiers, such as gums, that most leading brands contain. Michael Clauss, executive chef for City Market, Onion River Co-op, made it the house cream cheese for all deli bagels served at the Burlington and South Burlington locations. “It’s a real cream cheese with real cheese flavor, not like the mainstream ones,” he said.
Twice weekly, Yoder takes his early-morning milk pickup runs to Severy Farm, an Organic Valley cooperative member. His operation is too small to warrant a stop from the co-op’s milk truck. Even if it did deliver, the milk would be blended from numerous farms on the truck’s route.
“We like the single source,” Yoder said. That way, he can talk with the farmer about seasonal shifts in milk composition and any rare issues that arise.
Yoder worked with another Organic Valley farm in Bridport for the company’s first 15 years, until co-op rules obliged him to seek a new farm partner in 2018.

“He stopped in one day, looking to find out our milk scenario,” Joe Severy said as the pair chatted in the farm’s milk room on February 20.
Now owned by Joe’s son Nate and his wife, Kerianne, the farm could keep things simple by shipping all the milk from its 100-cow herd to Organic Valley. But “it’s just kind of a neat thing” to contribute milk to locally made products, Joe said.
“He was making this killer maple cream cheese,” the farmer added, ribbing Yoder about discontinuing his favorite product.
Depending on the season, Yoder said, he buys 30 to 50 percent of the Severys’ weekly production. He pays a premium for the organic milk from grass-fed cows

— “the world’s most expensive cow’s milk,” he joked.
Getting serious, Yoder said he believes the Severys’ approach is “the way people should be farming” and that the milk’s quality shines through in his cheeses.
The rich milk is showcased beautifully in the supple, mushroomy, bloomy-rinded triple crème. Antonelli’s Cheese Shop of
Austin, Texas, featured Champlain Triple in its February cheese club. “It’s to die for,” the store’s social media team enthused on Instagram.
In the buttery Bleu de Champlain, shot through with salinity and delicate funk, “all that spicy flavor comes from the fat [in the milk],” Yoder said.
Frank Pace is co-owner of Burlington’s

August First and Great Northern Catering. The latter runs the kitchen at Zero Gravity Beer Hall, where the “super-balanced— salty, acidic and sweet” blue cheese stars in the Buffalo wing drizzle, Pace said.
Working with Yoder over the years, the chef has developed great respect for the cheesemaker’s hard work. “He’s been able to make a living, source the milk he loves, improve his actual craft and grow organically,” Pace said.
Yoder said he couldn’t have done it without his wife, Moira Cook, a public health professional, whose job delivers a steady income and benefits. From 2009 to 2011, the couple worked together at the creamery; they had their second child in that interval. Cheese supported the family, but “it was lean,” Yoder acknowledged.
From its first annual $17,000 in sales, the gross revenue of Champlain Valley Creamery has risen to about $400,000. Cash flow remains unpredictable, but Yoder no longer dreads waking to find that he’s blown through his overdraft cushion, as he did a few years ago.
Last year, the creamery produced 45,000 pounds of cheese. By comparison, Yoder said, the Agri-Mark plant in the same industrial park produces 150,000 pounds of Cabot cheddar in a single shift.
Yoder has expanded gradually, using credit lines and small grants and reinvesting most of the narrow profit margin. “You can write a business plan, but you have no clue. You’re really just making it up,” he said. “I’ve been very stubborn about sticking this out.”
He’s wrestled his debt down to about $40,000, but he’s constantly weighing
needed investments. The creamery’s 2012 move to the industrial park from Vergennes was a huge step, as was the 2018 purchase of a small-scale tank system for milk hauling to replace old-fashioned, labor-intensive milk cans.
Recently, Yoder spent $10,000 for sets of conjoined molds for his best-selling triple crème. They cut the three-hour job of filling individual receptacles to 20 minutes, but then he needed a $20,000 piece of equipment to clean the new molds.
“There’s always something,” Yoder said with a shrug.
On February 21, the three-person team was busy processing the 219 gallons of milk picked up the day before. By noon, Yoder, Amanda Werner and Scott Litchfield had packed 111 eight-ounce containers of cream cheese and filled 342 molds with curd for the triple crème and 324 for the truffle paste-infused version of that cheese.
Queso was next. The vat pasteurizer had been filled with 76 gallons of skim milk mixed with eight gallons of whole milk and brought up to temperature. The cheesemakers added cultures and rennet to thicken the milk to the texture of silken tofu. Then mechanical knives circled like sharks, cutting the curds.
As far as Yoder knows, he is the only Vermont cheesemaker making queso fresco. Marc Koontz, general manager of Burlington’s El Cortijo Taqueria, praised its creaminess and “slightly sharp” flavor. “We use it on everything here,” he said.
The queso was “a use-up scenario,” Yoder said, because it’s made with the skim milk left over from his other, creamrich cheeses. It comes plain, spiked with jalapeño and Peppadew chiles, or smoked — thanks to an old commercial fridge fitted with a Bradley smoker.
The cheese differs from traditional queso fresco, which varies regionally. Yoder’s starts crumbly, but as the vacuum-packed cheese ages, it becomes melty and shreddable — perfect, he said, for pizza and burgers.
After the curds had been salted and some whey drained, the cheesemakers dug in up to their elbows to pack curds into molds of two sizes, adding another 78 cheeses to the day’s total and finishing up the last of the previous day’s milk.
The trio paused to chat around the vat. Then Werner said, only half-joking, “If we’re standing around, we’ve probably forgotten something we’re supposed to do.” ➆
Learn more at cvcream.com.

Thrills on Tap
Since the early days of Vermont’s craft beer boom, all roads have led to Waterbury. As the original home of the Alchemist and now Freak Folk Bier, Prohibition Pig, Big Tree Brewing and the Alchemist’s production facility, the town’s streets have long been lined with hype chasers looking to grab the latest hazy IPA or wild-fermented sour.
And since 2013, Craft Beer Cellar has been the place to skip those lines — and find rare “white whale” bottles and cans only dreamed of elsewhere.
As of February 27, the shop at 3 Elm Street has a new name: Vermont Beer Collective. It also has a recently launched bar, where customers can enjoy full pours from the likes of Hill Farmstead Brewery, Kraemer & Kin, Wunderkammer Biermanufaktur and Boston’s Trillium Brewing.
The changes mark a new era under owners Liz and Nate Dunbar, 34 and 37, who bought the business on May 31 and have been slowly rebranding, even as they have weathered two floods and prepared to welcome their second child.
Craft Beer Cellar fans shouldn’t worry: The store is still stocked with an incredible inventory of local and not-so-local producers, including those white whales. Its selection has always been curated by its in-the-know staff, Nate explained.
Making beer and going to breweries have long been hobbies of the Waterbury Center couple, and Craft Beer Cellar is “a landmark here in Vermont and in Waterbury,” Nate said. When they saw the shop was on the market, their only concern was that it was a franchise.
“In our adventure to start our own business, never once did we explore anything like opening a Dunkin’ or a McDonald’s,” Nate said. “We really wanted something of our own.”
Hence the shop’s new identity, which will free the couple from paying royalties to the hands-off franchise owners. The Dunbars’ decision to rebrand predates the closure of Craft Beer Cellar’s flagship store in Belmont, Mass., at the end of 2023 and its founders’ recent bankruptcy filing.
The Vermont Beer Collective name and logo began popping up in the shop after the bar’s soft launch on December 14 — coincidentally, the 10-year anniversary
BY JORDAN BARRY • jbarry@sevendaysvt.com

of the shop’s opening — but the Dunbars have otherwise kept the transition quiet. They also haven’t advertised the new taproom, which nonetheless drew a group of nearly 30 people on a recent Saturday bar crawl.
The small bar takes over the shop’s original growler filling area, which had been used as a retail display since the demand for growlers dropped during the pandemic, Nate said. It now features
shelves or sit on couches in the big window bays.
That didn’t bother me as I found my way past the stanchions on a quiet Thursday afternoon. I perused the menu as mountain bike and ski videos played on TVs behind the bar.
So far, the frequently rotating tap list has included rare gems from Zero Gravity Craft Brewery’s pilot system, Wunderkammer’s mixed-culture wild ales, Trillium’s Congress Street IPA and Hill Farmstead’s Anna. Vermont Beer Collective is also the first and only place to serve Wildbranch Cider on tap.
“We’re trying to keep our draft list as unique and rare as possible — something you’re not going to get most other places,” Nate said.
Tempted by a glass of Wildbranch, I remembered I was in beer heaven and opted instead to grab a bottle of the Craftsbury cidery’s excellent single-varietal Ashmead’s Kernel on the way out.

eight regular taps and a three-tap LUKR tower custom made in the Czech Republic, with seating for 10, standing room and a dartboard.
While the bar is open during the shop’s regular hours, it operates on a separate license; legally, on-premise consumption and retail can’t commingle. Nate is working with the state legislature to have that changed, but for now, customers can’t enjoy their beers while they browse the
A glass of River Roost Brewery’s Project Object #22 ($8 for 12 ounces), a citra-hopped double IPA from the White River Junction brewery’s experimental series, paired nicely with a vegan Belgian Liège waffle from the short-and-sweet snack menu. The latter is made by Vafels, a Colorado-based company founded by a University of Vermont alum and popular among mountain bikers.
Nate, who is on the board of the Waterbury Area Trail Alliance, said he and Liz want to make Vermont Beer Collective a place for the outdoor sports community to gather.
“Or grab summit beers,” he added with a laugh.
Watching mountain bikers on the screen behind the bar is about as close as I ever get to a summit. But Nate’s enthusiasm — and the prospect of gleaning from the shop team’s extensive beer knowledge — is its own kind of rush. ➆
Join the ‘Broccolution’
The mobile Broccoli Bar sprouts a new outpost at the University of Vermont
BY MELISSA PASANEN • pasanen@sevendaysvt.comWho knew that broccoli was a party animal? Ahem, make that a party vegetable
Fans of the seasonal, mobile Broccoli Bar did. Operated since 2015 by the team behind Burlington’s two-location Pingala Café, the vividly painted truck arrives at summer festivals and events with a built-in DJ booth and fog machines to accompany its vegan menu of the mop-topped veg: barbecued, stir-fried, tempura’d and blended into sauce for veggie dumplings.
It might sound crazy to eat a meal of all things broccoli, but it works. From the party in your mouth to the dance party vibe, “it’s an all-in-one party,” declared Pingala chef and co-owner Trevor Sullivan, 36.
Last fall, he and his wife, Lisa Bergström, invited more people to join the “broccolution,” as Sullivan calls it. In September, the couple launched a Broccoli Bar outpost in the second-floor Marketplace of the University of Vermont’s Dudley H. Davis Center. It feeds students and staff, plus
anyone who can navigate their way onto campus and, critically, find parking if traveling by car.
The kiosk is tucked in a corner of the food court amid sparkling disco balls, cartoon-bright graphics and a bumping soundtrack. Two spirited, broccoli-costumed employees cook and serve heaping piles of the veg Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Friday until 2:30 p.m. during the school year.
Broccoli bowls come in two sizes. The “big sexy” ($12.85) weighs in at a hefty two pounds and fed me almost two full meals. Even with a 90 cent parking fee for a spot in front of the Davis Center, it was a bargain. (Just don’t exceed the 30-minute limit or you risk a ticket; chatting with my lunch date, I went six minutes over and received a warning.)
The UVM cashier who rang me up said she gets a chuckle out of students who blush when she confirms that their brown cardboard box contains a “big sexy.” The smaller, onepound portion ($9) is called the “cutie pa2tee,” for the two choices it includes.
According to Sullivan, the broccoli-centric approach

Almost everything will be cooked from scratch, including salsas starting with dried chiles, which will range from medium to very hot.
Many of the recipes come from Joel’s father and mother, who were originally from Mexico and Cuba, respectively.
“He’s the Mexi-Cuban of Mexi-Cuban Cravings,” Jessica said.
keeps things ultra-simple and provided a fun creative challenge. “Broccoli is very versatile,” the chef said.
Customers select among four choices, all served over golden curry rice. Chile-rubbed, flash-fried barbecue broccoli is appetizingly charred and warmly spicy. Stir-fried broccoli and other vegetables get a generous dose of garlic and secret seasoning. Crunchy tempura florets come with a sticky maple-sriracha sauce. And thin-skinned tofu-mushroom-veggie dumplings receive a dollop of creamy coconut red curry sauce with broccoli blended in.
Topped with toasted coconut crunch and ginger-sweet chile pickled vegetables, my combination of all four overflowed with a globe-spanning cornucopia of flavors and textures. Sullivan described this as an “orgy” of deliciousness.
A first-year student in front of me had returned for her second time to the Broccoli Bar. She said she liked the food and the “happy” vibe. “I’m not vegan,” she added, “but I think this is an excellent way to get people to eat more vegan food.”
Dining on a Dime is a series featuring well-made, filling bites (something substantial enough to qualify as a small meal or better) for around $12 or less. Know of a tasty dish we should feature? Drop us a line: food@sevendaysvt.com.
Broccoli Bar, the Marketplace (second floor) at the Dudley H. Davis Center, University of Vermont, in Burlington. Find it on Instagram: @thebroccolibar. The Broccoli Bar will be closed for UVM spring break, March 11 to 15.
Both Pingala Café locations (1 Mill St. and 1353 North Ave. in Burlington) have recently expanded hours to open daily and until 7:30 p.m., Thursday through Saturday.

Jessica, 47, previously worked as a traveling nurse, and Joel, 49, most recently cooked in the kitchen of a Williston retirement community. They described themselves as avid home cooks who love to feed friends and family.
As its name indicates, the couple’s venture was also inspired by their cravings for food they enjoyed in San Diego, where they lived before moving to Vermont with their kids in 2017. “We
were missing the authentic San Diego Mexican food, like good street tacos,” Joel said.
Learn more on Instagram @mexicubancravings or call 713-8898 to order ahead.
Melissa PasanenCONNECT
Follow us for the latest food gossip!
On Instagram: Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.
culture Reveal Yourself
BY EMILY HAMILTON • ehamilton@sevendaysvt.com
If you know about drag queens, you probably know about Sasha Velour.
She won Season 9 of “RuPaul’s Drag Race” in 2017, and her final lip-sync to Whitney Houston’s “So Emotional,” wherein she took o her wig to let loose a shower of rose petals, is remembered as one of the most legendary performances in the show’s history. It was a quintessential drag reveal — a staple of ambitious drag performers the queer world over involving tearaway costumes or double wigs.
Velour has hosted NightGowns, a beloved drag revue in Brooklyn, for nearly a decade, and in 2023 she published the graphic novel-cum-memoir-cum-history The Big Reveal: An Illustrated Manifesto of Drag. (Kirkus Reviews called it “an impressive textual and visual display of artistry and courage.”) In April, she’s joining the Max series “We’re Here,” which follows drag queens across the country as they stage shows in small towns, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar-style.
fell in love with her partner, Johnny, and came into her own as a drag performer. For the first time since she graduated in 2013, she’s returning to the area. The Big Reveal Live Show, a touring tie-in to her book that incorporates LGBTQ history, politics and some iconic videos of Velour in drag as a young child, comes to the Flynn in Burlington on Sunday, March 3, and the Lebanon Opera House in Lebanon, N.H., on Monday, March 4.
After a brief and only minimally embarrassing fangirl moment, this Seven Days reporter had a very long phone interview with Velour, who now lives in Brooklyn with Johnny and their Italian greyhound, Vanya. The conversation spanned queer art, the state of LGBTQ rights and just how much maple syrup would have to be involved in a Vermont-themed drag number.
What about the White River Junction and Vermont community helped you hit your stride as Sasha Velour?

that point, I had been Miss Sasha in all my drag appearances, and I realized I needed a fantastic last name. I had been watching the camp San Francisco drag movie Vegas in Space over and over again, because I had no real internet reception in the Hotel Coolidge, so I had to watch my DVDs. There’s a character named Babs Velour that I really loved — even though she’s a side character and a kleptomaniac, somehow I related to her.
people who have been doing art their whole lives? And I felt like I belonged there! The professors really made it clear that anyone with an idea and a message should be using all the tools at their disposal to get it out there. I’ve kind of applied that belief to my drag, too: You don’t need any specific performing abilities to have a place in the spotlight and onstage. What you need is fantasy and follow-through, and you can create something masterful.
I love the graphic novel elements in your book, e Big Reveal. Do you have any lessons that you learned at CCS that carried through to this project?
At CCS, I learned about the importance of the page turn, which, in a way, is the reveal of books. The reader really takes in the entire spread when they turn a page before they start reading it. Understanding the way that your readers or your audience is going to receive something for the first time is the key to putting together something great for them. That translates to, really, all forms of art and communication.
You and Johnny produced your very first drag revue at the Main Street Museum in White River Junction in 2013. Can you tell me a little bit about that show?

Even if you know about Velour, you might not know about her Vermont connections. She earned an MFA from the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, which is also where she
I absolutely credit my time in White River Junction with helping all of those threads come together to make Sasha Velour. In fact, I came up with the name in my last month in White River Junction — up until
I was so excited to learn about the Center for Cartoon Studies. I had always loved drawing, even though I was not great at drawing. The way that visuals help people remember really important information and help them understand it on di erent emotional levels was so interesting to me. When I got to school, I was terrified: What are my completely untrained drawing skills going to be like at this graduate program with
Oh, my gosh, sure. So, I had only performed in drag twice prior to this, in the kind of dive bar pageant system that is a weekly event in my hometown [in Illinois]. I had never produced a drag show before, but I did walk around the streets of White River Junction in various forms of drag and basically attracted attention as the only visible drag presence there. The incredible queer community that lived and worked around the Main Street Museum, I was able to connect with them and make friends. And they said, “This would be a space if you want to do a drag show.”

I ended up joining forces with a fabulous barista named Celeste, who wanted to be a drag king for the first time, and we wrote a lipsync musical, with live, spoken dialogue, inspired by All About Eve but all about drag performers. We took it even a few steps further than All About Eve, and they
murdered each other at the end. It was really campy, it was really fun, and we did the whole event as a fundraiser for an organization called Tranzmission, which provides books and resources to incarcerated trans people all across the East Coast.
From the beginning, I have really seen drag as this place that we can come together, spread joy, put our creative minds to some use and do some good for the community at large.
Can you give audiences a hint about how the Big Reveal show ties into the Big Reveal book, and what everyone might expect to see?
It started with translating each chapter of the book into a drag number and a different style of reveal. I thought, OK, if this chapter were a reveal performance, would it be a wig reveal? Would it be an emotional reveal? A costume reveal? A set change? Spoiler alert: You get every kind of reveal you could hope for, and then some.
Emoji Nightmare and Katniss Everqueer, had to evacuate due to a bomb threat. I heard about that.
In your book, you talk about practicing drag from a young age. What would it have meant to go to something like a Drag Story Hour when you were a kid?
No one understands the need for Drag Story Hour better than queer adults, because we remember what it was like to be children without any reference points to give us a sense of normalcy. Even in the ’90s and early 2000s, when I was growing up, I did not see drag at all. I mean, the first drag queen I saw was RuPaul, on “Sister, Sister” on TV. She certainly was the only type of drag queen I saw, so I thought, OK, I’m not gorgeous and thin and tall, so maybe that’s not for me
To see adults in particular living in all kinds of different ways and being successful, having lives that they’re proud of, just
[The show has me] bringing in a little historical reference to the drag, celebrating all the different styles that drag can be — that I tried to outline in the book — bringing a little bit of my own life story to each moment. I thought this was the perfect venue to share some of these unhinged VHS [tapes] of me in drag as a little child. When it all comes together into a drag number, there’s just this element of camp and joy and silliness that was really hard to find in the book. I still think the book is funny in its moments, but the gift that drag gives us is stylization. The beauty and intentionality and fantasy ... helps us laugh at our world and appreciate all the surprises, the disasters, for what they are, which is just textures in the gorgeous, revealing tapestry of life.
In addition to being campy and humorous and surprisingly political and emotional, there’s a strong theme of pop culture in this show, and parodies of pop culture. My drag is very much a reflection of this collage of different pop cultural pieces that somehow have made me the twisted diva that I am today.
Drag performers still face violence and legislative threats, even here in Vermont. On January 6, actually, a Drag Story Hour in White River Junction, hosted by two local performers,
showing the freedom to dress however they want — that is a message of possibility for young people that is so valuable. It helps people live; it helps them survive. We need to create a world that is full of acceptance and tolerance, and when people are different, we approach it with curiosity and really want to get to know them and hear them speak. I think that’s good for absolutely every child.
What’s not good is telling people that certain expressions are so dangerous that they can’t even be shown, that they need to be threatened with violence, that they need to be shut down no matter what. That old version of the world makes people want to end their lives; it makes people want to change who they are to fit in; it makes people deeply depressed and not want to leave their homes. That is not what we should be introducing children to, and that is the message of this backlash against drag, and I think it is so shameful. It doesn’t match the way I experience most Vermonters, most Americans even, really living their lives. People are so much more progressive than that.
My last couple of questions are just fun.
Yay! We need that!

Major Jackson is a writer who “started talking and reading like crazy” at 3 years old, as he told Chard deNiord, former Vermont poet laureate, in an interview in World Literature Today
The future poet was a quiet kid, “more likely to gravitate to books than go outside.” Getting his first library card, Jackson said, was just as important as getting a driver’s license. He grew up attending a Pentecostal church in Philadelphia with his grandmother, and he recalled “the high drama of the pastor … whose use of language was ritualistic and urgent and celebratory.” Both jubilant church services and the hours he spent reading “spoke to the core and structure of my spirit and being-inthe-world,” Jackson told deNiord.
The part-time Vermonter’s latest book, Razzle Dazzle: New and Selected Poems 2002–2022 , presents excerpts from his five previous collections, along with 37 newer poems. It includes a poem called “Reverse Voyage,” in which he describes a rude interruption of the spell of reading:
my eyes rarely veered from a book, even while walking one day from middle school when a boy lunged a fist in my stomach like a question mark. I was already awake, a surfeit of ambition struck: to roam like decomposing clouds rolling deep, re-forming constantly and away, above toughened streets, above sunlit ruins and scattering mounds. My eyes went elsewhere or nowhere, open and determined.
What a rhapsodic response to sudden violence: summoning metaphors and breaking into song.
Jackson’s first book of poems, Leaving Saturn, was released in 2002, shortly before he moved to Burlington to teach literature and creative writing at the University of Vermont. During his 18 years at UVM, he published four more volumes of poetry: Hoops (2006), a finalist for a NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work; Holding Company (2010); Roll Deep (2015); and The Absurd Man (2020). He also wrote the essays gathered in A Beat Beyond: Selected Prose of Major Jackson (2022) and served in leadership roles for several of the state’s nonprofit arts organizations, notably as board chair of Vermont Humanities and
The Allusionist
Book review: Razzle Dazzle, Major Jackson
BY JIM SCHLEY • schley@sevendaysvt.com
a trustee of the Vermont Studio Center and Vermont Arts Council.
In 2020, Jackson left UVM to become the Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Chair in the Humanities at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. He spends breaks from teaching at his home in Rochester, in the Green Mountain National Forest.
Razzle Dazzle shows how Jackson has kept changing while circling his recurrent fascinations and testing his art with varied technical strategies. In the process, he has emerged as a bridge between what might seem like divergent “schools” of literature.
Broadly speaking, Jackson is a formalist. He often composes according to patterns, including phrasing and rhyme schemes, predetermined by tradition or by his self-devised rules. In tone and rhetorical manner, many of his poems strut or stride as though performed onstage in an elevated style, antique in certain ways and unstintingly literary. Drawing on whatever lineage he chooses, Jackson is no less the heir to metrical loyalists such as Robert Frost, Robert Hayden and W.H. Auden than to image-driven, free-verse innovators such as Pablo Neruda and Lucille Clifton.
Razzle Dazzle opens with a section of new work called “Lovesick,” then goes back in time to Leaving Saturn . From there, the selections from previous books proceed chronologically, with 30- to 50-page selections from each volume.
The title of Leaving Saturn alludes to jazz futurist Sun Ra, who claimed to come from outer space and whose big band rehearsed in Jackson’s neighborhood when he was a teenager, raucously audible to the kids biking by. These early poems are youthful in stance, but they’re not apprentice work. Even early on, Jackson located his perspective in the “toughened streets” where he was born while staking a claim to citizenship in the artistic world at large, “from Sappho to Bob Dylan and from Archilochus to Jay-Z,” as he says in an essay called “My Lyrical Self,” in A Beat Beyond
The title of Jackson’s next book, Hoops, refers not just to basketball but to the obstacles a young person must navigate along the path to adulthood. This section of Razzle Dazzle includes a sampling of Jackson’s impressive “Letter to Brooks,” a multipart homage to poet Gwendolyn Brooks. To honor his poetic ancestor, Jackson adapted an intricate seven-line stanza from Auden, availing himself of both its artifice and fluency for drawn-out, ruminative storytelling.
Holding Company is a set of 80 compact, square-shaped, 10-line poems that are philosophically abstract yet magnetic in their compressed intimacy of address. As a group, the 28 of these featured in Razzle Dazzle are particularly coherent and satisfying, and they may well spur readers to go find the complete sequence. (For an example, see “Forecast,” in the sidebar.)
Jackson is conscious of his forebears, and Derek Walcott’s influence is audible in his next book, Roll Deep — overtly so in “The Augustan Suite,” with its opulent sensuality and scenic detail.
In The Absurd Man, Jackson invents a doppelgänger who triangulates between writer and reader, complicating a lyric poet’s normally direct rapport:
the other Major prefers to undress in glass revolving doors; he is a fan of prohibition cocktails whose potions afford him time-travels of the landed gentry. I let Major sport his dangers, which magnify his ambitions so he can write his grandiloquent poems,
and thus, ours is a compromised relationship:
I, more cautious than a slug, and he, the sampler of pythons.
Readers of Razzle Dazzle will find that additional installments from Jackson’s decades-long verse diary, “Urban Renewal,” appear in four of the sections from previous books and in the group of new poems. And the Sun Ra series in Leaving Saturn is revisited with a kindred Sun Ra poem in Roll Deep, written more than 10 years later.
at some back table where I read alone in faint light, a thin band of gold hops at the bottom of a beer mug.
Jackson has a great appetite for allusions to other writers, musicians, painters, sculptors and philosophers, whose names populate his poems and contribute to their busy, reverberating texture. Far from sounding pompous or obscure, these allusions communicate the poet’s joy at being part of a munificent, worldwide, history-deep upwelling of creativity, the inheritance of any one of us. His tributes to predecessors show how he has absorbed the stylistic idiosyncrasies he admires, which he revisits in original poems that aren’t imitations but emulations.
The new poems in Razzle Dazzle are roomier in shape and looser in gait than most of the older ones. With their suave, companionable demeanor, they make associative leaps, as in “The French Quarter”
my life was a streak of quandaries and doggeries with quaint and hospitable inscriptions on doors, every chapter a tempest or escape hatch
Resisting prosaic logic and narrative closure, the newer poems sound like the o spring of early 20th-century French and Spanish surrealists, swiveling between solemnity and zaniness.
As in a well-curated art retrospective, this collection’s placement of new works beside older ones allows the reader to recognize both ongoing experimentation and continuity. All through Razzle Dazzle , we see Jackson’s formal derring-do and unapologetic erudition, and in the recent “Ten Album Covers,” he o ers this personal and aesthetic credo:
The future is a blind piano man fingering some groove out of ancient beats from the Roman Empire
…My belief in art is endless.
Razzle Dazzle: New and Selected Poems 2002–2022 by Major Jackson, W. W. Norton, 288 pages. $26.95.
Jackson hosts “ e Slowdown,” a podcast that delivers a poem read aloud with commentary by email each weekday. Learn more at slowdownshow.org.
Whichever way our shoulders move, there’s joy. Make a soft hollow noise. We’ve our own hourglass and no one else to blame. I thought of our lives, caressing ruins through half-open windows. I hear our prayers rising. I sing to you, now, like scented candles, your ferocious wolf. I no longer want this weather on my breath or the many recognizable texts of our celestial holes. A ceiling fan turns above. e arson is in us. is is the year I’ll contemplate the fire-fangled sky.
Reprinted from Razzle Dazzle: New and Selected Poems 2002–2022

Copyright (c) 2023 by Major Jackson. Used with permission of the publisher, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

Keep Calm and Mah-Jongg
When Lynda Siegel was growing up, her Jewish mother and aunts played a tile-based game called mahjongg. The game originated in China in the 19th century, made its way to the West in the 1920s and became popular among Jewish women. Siegel learned to play in 2001 and found it a relaxing break from her work as a schoolteacher.
After she retired, Siegel began teaching mah-jongg classes in March 2022 at the Ohavi Zedek Synagogue in Burlington. She estimates that she has taught the game to 125 people over the past two years and raised $8,000 in donations for the synagogue. Called the “Queen of Mah-Jongg” by some of her fellow players, Siegel also organizes free weekly drop-in sessions every Wednesday morning and evening, and she plays on Tuesday nights with friends. Siegel has seen a surge of interest in the game around the state and says it is not just Jewish women playing it anymore. In her latest

episode of “Stuck in Vermont,” Seven Days senior multimedia producer Eva Sollberger visited Ohavi Zedek for a Wednesday morning drop-in game to meet Siegel and some of the other players. Siegel’s mah-jongg classes start up again in March; you can sign up on the synagogue’s website.
Sollberger spoke with Seven Days about filming the episode.
How did you hear about this mahjongg meetup?
to discuss it more. Siegel is charming and engaging, and I instantly wanted to see her in action. When someone at the drop-in game mentioned that Siegel was the “Queen of Mah-Jongg,” I knew I had a good video subject. Siegel loves playing mah-jongg, and after teaching 125 people to play it, she will never run out of partners.
Had you been to the Ohavi Zedek Synagogue before?
and comfortable in this warm space with friendly faces.
Have you played mah-jongg?
Decades ago, I spent an evening trying to learn the game. I like that it combines skill and luck. And there is something so calming about hearing the click-clack of the tiles. Siegel told me that mah-jongg means “chattering sparrows” in Chinese. And it does sound like birds when players are shu ing their tiles! Siegel did a great job of explaining what was going on, but it would take me some time to learn the game. Maybe I will take one of her classes someday.
Who did you meet at the drop-in game?
Most of the people at the Wednesday meetups are graduates of Siegel’s mah-jongg classes. I was surprised that there were both men and women and a variety of ages in attendance. Siegel is a member of the OZ board of directors, and she stressed the importance of community building and connection, especially in the wake of COVID-19. She volunteers her time, and it obviously makes her proud to see this increase of mah-jongg players in the area.
Siegel introduced me to Wendy Wiseberg, who started attending OZ with her husband after Siegel’s classes. But not everyone at these sessions is involved with the synagogue. For example, Tone Cantrell is also a quilter and is “used to being the only man in the room,” he said. So he didn’t mind the stereotype about mah-jongg being for old Jewish or Chinese ladies. And, as it turns out, he is not the only man in the room at the Wednesday games.
One person had a winning streak. In general, the vibe was pretty mellow when I visited. But one table was getting quite excited as Janine Finan won for the third time in a row. She had a pile of change beside her that amounted to $1.50. It is really not about the money — the maximum you can bet during Wednesday sessions is $5.

I got an email from Siegel in early January about her mah-jongg classes and the growing interest in the game in Burlington. We had a chat on the phone
This was my fi rst time visiting the OZ. It was a snowy Wednesday morning, but it was cozy inside. We were in a large open space called the Social Hall that we shared with a yoga class of preschoolers, separated by a room divider. It was fun to hear the boisterous kids in the background. Je Potash, the president of the Board of Directors Executive Committee, makes fresh pastries for the gathering every week. Of course, I had to sample a few and bring one home for my mom. They also serve co ee, and the event is free. I felt immediately welcomed
Siegel shared with the group that she won $7.85 at her Tuesday night mah-jongg game, which has a $10 limit. Siegel plays mah-jongg for four hours every Tuesday evening with a group of women — a 23-year tradition. That is what appeals to me about this game. It has a rich history of women gathering together, using their brains and hoping for good luck. ➆
Reveal Yourself « P.39
First: If you had a time machine, when and where would you go, and what historical drag performer would you do a show with?
I’m a really big fan of drag in the late ’60s, right around the Stonewall Uprising. There’s so much misunderstanding around those early, revolutionary queer events, and people stood up to the police and stood up to the mafia bar owners. I want to know what really happened and see it with my own eyes. I want to talk to Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson and find out if they really were at Stonewall and what that whole lifestyle, which sounds pretty radical, pretty punk and queer, really looked like and felt like.
And I also love the ’20s and ’30s, when drag, across Europe in particular but also in New York City, was the artistic nightlife destination. Drag was really respected in the ’20s and ’30s, and there’s Barbette, who was the Texan aerialist who became a star in Paris. Josephine Baker, of course, who had a kind of drag act of her own. Marlene Dietrich, one of my heroes. I would love to see the reception for drag in that time. Of course, right after, there
was a fascist backlash of that time period. So, unfortunately, these things happen in cycles.
Gosh, we keep getting back to the depressing part! Focus on the ostrich feathers flying through the air.
Final question: If I gave you 20 minutes to put together a Vermontthemed quick drag, what would it look like and what song would you lip-sync to?
[Laughs] I would lip-sync to “Moonlight in Vermont,” of course, [by] Ella Fitzgerald — the ultimate Vermont song to my mind. It would be nature-centric. There would be some maple syrup ... I think I’d be a tree, and it would involve, you know, tapping me for maple syrup. ➆
This interview was edited and condensed for clarity and length.
Sasha Velour’s The Big Reveal Live Show: Sunday, March 3, 7:30 p.m., at the Flynn Main Stage in Burlington. $41-94. flynnvt.org. Monday, March 4, 7:30 p.m., at Lebanon Opera House in Lebanon, N.H. $42-62. lebanonoperahouse.org

Sativa- HulkBerry, Platinum Punch, Purple Sour Diesel, SnoMan
Hybrid- Pink Runtz, Sour Apple M.A.C, Alien Breath, O.G Runtz
Indica-StarFighter, Alien Dawg, ShishkaBerry, Pink Kush, Gelato Sorbet


Sativa- ThermoNuclear Lemons, Pink Zkittles, Oxygen 19, Loud Berry, UnicornZ
Hybrid- Zkittles Bomb
Indica- Black Gelato, Black DAWG, Bing SU, Gorilla Berry, Wifi Mintz



Sativa - Thai Stick, Power Plant, Blue Dream
Hybrid- Super Cookies, Meat Breath, L.A. Kush Berger, Unicorn Poop, Peanut Butter Breath, Cinnamon Whorechata
Indica- Mendos Breath, Dosi Gelato, Crystal Locomotive, Triangle Kush, Tahoe OG, Platinum Kush, Cherry Cookies

on screen
Cat Person ★★★
Perhaps not since Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” has New Yorker fiction gone as viral as “Cat Person.” (And what did “viral” even mean in 1948?) Kristen Roupenian’s 2017 short story about a college student’s courtship with an older man spoke to legions of women who shared it on social media, touching o fierce debates about dating and sexual etiquette.
The author got a seven-figure book deal. In 2021, “Cat Person” landed in the spotlight again: A woman wrote an essay in Slate accusing Roupenian of appropriating details of her real life and relationship. The story became the center of a firestorm of questions about how much fiction writers owe to the truth.
Meanwhile, “Cat Person” became an indie film directed by Susanna Fogel (“The Flight Attendant,” The Spy Who Dumped Me ), which premiered last year at the Sundance Film Festival. Now you can see it on Hulu.
The deal
College student Margot (Emilia Jones, the likable star of CODA) meets thirtysomething Robert (Nicholas Braun) at the movie theater where she works. She texts her friend Taylor (Geraldine Viswanathan) to say he looks like the best friend character in a Judd Apatow movie. This does not deter her from flirting with him.
Awkward in person, Robert is more charming by text, and Margot gets hooked on their daily exchanges, waiting for amusing updates on his cats. True, when Robert shows up at the archaeology lab where she works, he spooks her, accidentally killing the queen of the ant colony that her professor (Isabella Rossellini) has spent years cultivating. And Margot just doesn’t get his obsession with Han Solo as an icon of cool.
Taylor, who moderates a Subreddit called the Vagenda, sees Robert as toxic masculinity incarnate. But, on a visit home, Margot’s mom (Hope Davis) opines that compromise is vital to relationships with men, and Margot’s peers all seem to be sexually confused or busy getting wasted. So Margot attempts to take things with Robert to the next level.
It doesn’t go well.

Will you like it?
Fans of the story may be startled to see Cat Person categorized on Hulu as a thriller. The suspense element turns out to be, essentially, padding to fill the two-hour run time. Fogel and screenwriter Michelle Ashford may have hoped that, by inserting Roupenian’s brief slice-of-life tale into the framework of a feminist thriller in the vein of Gone Girl, they could also make the film marketable to a broader audience than the one that reads New Yorker stories.
Cat Person opens with an oft-quoted (actually paraphrased) sentiment from Margaret Atwood: “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” This thesis is a good way of splitting the di erence between a critique of gender relations and a thriller, and it gives viewers a key to understanding the story’s most notorious scene, an incredibly unsexy yet consensual sexual encounter. For those who wonder, Why is she going along with that?, the implicit threat of violence is their answer.
That awful sex scene is also the strongest in the movie. Staged as a surreal dialogue between Margot and several dissociated pieces of herself, it elicits the exact level of cringe it should. Equally insightful and funny (in a twisted way) are the scenes in which Margot uses fantasy to delude
herself about her romantic chemistry with Robert — for instance, imagining him discussing her with his therapist. Though we don’t get Robert’s perspective, we can intuit that each of them is interacting primarily with a version of the other one they’ve invented. Such are the hazards of online communication.
But is Robert just a self-involved dork, or is he dangerous? Fogel teases the latter possibility with scenes of menace that turn out to be in Margot’s imagination. While we grasp her reasons for being afraid, these fake-outs get old quickly. The added subplot in the lab is ham-handed (though Rossellini’s hamming is always welcome), and the filmmakers give the story a new climax and denouement that muddle its message without putting anything concrete or satisfying in its place.
In short, Cat Person is a genuinely tense, discussion-worthy film as long as it sticks close to its source material. When it doesn’t, it wobbles and wanders. Although Braun gives a spot-on performance as the kind of guy who thinks he’s “nice” — until he isn’t — the thriller material feels imposed and parodic rather than growing organically from his character.
It’s a shame, but at least the adaptation preserves the uncompromising core of “Cat Person.” Let’s be grateful for small favors:
No one has tried to turn the story into a quirky rom-com.
MARGOT HARRISON margot@sevendaysvt.comIF YOU LIKE THIS, TRY...
FRESH (2022; Hulu): While Cat Person plays with horror and thriller elements, this dark (and sometimes gruesome) comedy commits to them. A young woman sick of dating apps thinks she’s found the perfect partner — only there’s a catch.
SMOOTH TALK (1985; Criterion Channel, Kanopy, rentable): For another example of an influential short story about gender relations and violence adapted to film, try Joyce Chopra’s version of Joyce Carol Oates’ “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” — starring Laura Dern and the late Treat Williams.
BOOKSMART (2019; rentable): Fogel cowrote this clever, touching comedy about two nerdy teens up to no good. If you like your comedies from a female Gen Z perspective even more outrageous, try Emma Seligman’s Bottoms (2023; MGM+, Prime Video) and the disturbingly hilarious Shiva Baby (2020; Max, rentable).
DUNE: PART TWO: The saga of Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet) and the spice planet Arrakis continues in Denis Villeneuve’s adaptation of Frank Herbert’s pioneering sci-fi series. With Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson and Javier Bardem. (166 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Paramount, Roxy, Star)
PERFECT DAYSHHHH1/2 Wim Wenders directed this meditative, Oscar-nominated film about a man (Koji Yakusho) who finds joy in his everyday routine — cleaning Tokyo’s arty public toilets. (124 min, PG. Roxy; reviewed 2/14)
2023 OSCAR NOMINATED SHORT FILMS: See the short films contending for Academy Awards in separate live action, animation and documentary programs. (Run times vary, N/A. Roxy, Savoy)
AMERICAN FICTIONHHHH Jeffrey Wright plays a novelist who tries a daring hoax after his publisher tells him his books aren’t “Black enough” in this comedy-drama from Cord Jefferson. (117 min, R. Roxy; reviewed 1/17)
ANYONE BUT YOUHH1/2 A fancy wedding gives two exes (Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell) an incentive to fake-date in this rom-com from Will Gluck (Easy A). (103 min, R. Majestic)
ARGYLLEHH A mild-mannered novelist (Bryce Dallas Howard) is swept up in a spy plot in this action thriller from Matthew Vaughn, also starring Henry Cavill. (139 min, PG-13; Big Picture, Bijou, Essex, Majestic, Stowe)
THE BEEKEEPERHH1/2 Jason Statham plays a former clandestine operative who goes on a vengeful rampage in this action thriller from David Ayer. (105 min, R. Majestic)
BOB MARLEY: ONE LOVEHH Kingsley Ben-Adir plays the reggae icon in this biopic directed by Reinaldo Marcus Green (King Richard). With James Norton and Lashana Lynch. (104 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Welden)
DEMON SLAYER: KIMETSU NO YAIBA — TO THE HASHIRA TRAINING: Tanjiro attempts to level up in the movie series based on the popular dark fantasy anime. Haruo Sotozaki directed. (104 min, R. Essex, Majestic)
DRIVE-AWAY DOLLSHHH Two friends (Margaret Qualley and Geraldine Viswanathan) run straight into trouble when they encounter outlaws on a road trip in this action comedy directed by Ethan Coen. With Beanie Feldstein and Colman Domingo. (84 min, R. Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Roxy)
MADAME WEBH1/2 Sony’s Spider-Man Universe continues with this action flick in which Dakota Johnson plays a woman using her precognitive abilities to save others from a looming threat. With Sydney Sweeney and Isabela Merced. S.J. Clarkson directed. (117 min, PG-13. Essex, Majestic, Paramount, Roxy, Stowe, Welden)
MIGRATIONHHH A duck family meets many mishaps on its first-ever trip south in this animated family comedy. (92 min, PG. Essex, Majestic, Paramount, Welden)

ORDINARY ANGELSHHH In this fact-based drama, Hilary Swank plays a hairdresser who rallies a community around the cause of saving a child’s life. With Alan Ritchson and Amy Acker. Jon Gunn directed. (116 min, PG. Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Star)
POOR THINGSHHHH1/2 In this Golden Globe winner, Emma Stone plays a clumsily resurrected Victorian woman who embarks on an odyssey of self-discovery. Yorgos Lanthimos directed. (141 min, R. Roxy; reviewed 1/10)
THE TASTE OF THINGSHHHH1/2 A chef and a gourmet (Juliette Binoche and Benoît Magimel) develop a passionate and contentious bond in this acclaimed period drama for foodies from director Anh Hung Tran (Norwegian Wood). (135 min, PG-13. Roxy)
WONKAHHH1/2 Timothée Chalamet plays the young Willy Wonka in this musical fantasy, directed by Paul King (Paddington). (116 min, PG. Capitol, Essex, Majestic)
THE ZONE OF INTERESTHHHHH Nominated for five Oscars, this drama from Jonathan Glazer chronicles the daily life of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss (Christian Friedel) and his wife (Sandra Hüller). (105 min, PG-13; Roxy; reviewed 2/7)
THE CHOSEN: SEASON 4: EPISODES 7-8 (Essex, starts Thu)
LABYRINTH (Essex, Wed 6 only)
TROLLS BAND TOGETHER (Capitol, Majestic, Welden)
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Catamount Arts’ theater is currently closed until further notice. (* = upcoming schedule for theater was not available at press time)
*BIG PICTURE THEATER: 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994, bigpicturetheater.info
BIJOU CINEPLEX 4: 107 Portland St., Morrisville, 888-3293, bijou4.com
CAPITOL SHOWPLACE: 93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343, fgbtheaters.com
*CATAMOUNT ARTS: 115 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-2600, catamountarts.org
ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543, essexcinemas.com
MAJESTIC 10: 190 Boxwood St., Williston, 878-2010, majestic10.com
MARQUIS THEATER: 65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841, middleburymarquis.com
*MERRILL’S ROXY CINEMAS: 222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456, merrilltheatres.net
PARAMOUNT TWIN CINEMA: 241 N. Main St., Barre, 479-9621, fgbtheaters.com
PLAYHOUSE MOVIE THEATRE: 11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012, playhouseflicks.com
SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598, savoytheater.com
STAR THEATRE: 17 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-9511, stjaytheatre.com
*STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678, stowecinema.com
*WELDEN THEATRE: 104 N. Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888, weldentheatre.com

World Views
In an exhibition of photographs, Patrick Leahy shares his senatorial sights and insights
The head monk at the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet, assured Patrick Leahy that, despite the signs everywhere prohibiting photography, His Holiness the Dalai Lama said it was fine for the Democratic senator from Vermont to take all the photos he liked.
After all, they were friends. During that visit in 1988, Leahy recalled in a recent interview, nearby members of the Chinese secret police were told that their cameras would be seized if they took their own photos. They pointed at Leahy and said, “But he’s doing it.” The monk just smiled and said, “No, he’s not.”
The exceptional position of a deeply respected U.S. senator — who, as he insists, is not a professional photographer but always happens to have a camera with him — has yielded Leahy a vast archive of
photographs from his 48 years in o ce. Fifty-three of them are currently on view in the exhibition “The Eye of Senator Patrick Leahy: Photographs of a Witness to History” at the Vermont Supreme Court Gallery in Montpelier.
The exhibition is neither chronological nor grouped by subject matter. Portraits of presidents and U.S. Supreme Court justices mingle with those of ordinary people.
A photo of then-president Bill Clinton’s jacket draped over the back of his chair on Air Force One is formally quite beautiful, an arrangement of blocks of color and line. A picture of kids flying a kite o the edge of a cli in Afghanistan is breathtaking in its sense of vertigo, lightness and joy.
Only one person could have been in a position to take all these images.
Perhaps the most direct evidence of Leahy’s unique perspective is his photographs of bill signings, taken from over the
presidents’ shoulders. While media shots framing these ceremonies from the front are standard, Leahy’s images show the president’s hand (Ronald Reagan, righty; Clinton and Barack Obama, lefties), along with the signatures on the bill. The latter often included Leahy’s, when he was (twice) president pro tempore of the Senate.
Leahy’s iconic, color-saturated photo of Reagan’s second inauguration looks like a history painting. Because of bitterly cold weather that day in January 1985, White House sta moved the ceremony indoors to the Capitol Rotunda at the last minute. In the shu e, Leahy found himself standing directly in front.
“That particular photograph went all over the world,” Vermont state curator David Schutz said, “and became the image of Ronald Reagan’s second inaugural that was most commonly printed.”
Other images in the exhibition let us

into the room where it happens. In a series labeled “2010, Washington, DC,” we see then-senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut explain, to then-president Obama and a closed-door conference of senators, why he was withdrawing crucial support for the A ordable Care Act bill. The images, taken seconds apart, leave no doubt as to Obama’s reaction. The last image cuts to then-vice president Joe Biden giving Leahy a knowing look; he had caught the Vermont lawmaker out as the source of the clicking shutter.
Though many of Leahy’s photographs have been exhibited and published before, this show comes at a consequential time for both the recently retired politician and the community.
Leahy is “wonderfully reflective right now,” Schutz said. He’s able to spend time looking at his trove of photographs and remembering the circumstances of each one. Schutz is working with archivists at the University of Vermont to document

Leahy’s stories, ideally in his own voice, for future exhibitions.
Former Vermont Supreme Court justice Marilyn Skoglund, who has long curated exhibitions in the court’s lobby gallery, said she planned this one as a welcome return since Montpelier’s devastating flood last July. “I just thought it was a great person to start with for the reopening of the gallery,” she said, “and that people would be excited about the opportunity to come in and see his work.”
Leahy uses his photos not only to tell stories — and they all have stories — but also to serve as touchstones for the causes he has promoted over a long legislative career. He kept one image of a refugee from El Salvador over the desk in his Washington, D.C., office, he said, calling it his “conscience photo.” The arresting portrait confronts the viewer, asking, as Leahy put it, “What have you done for poor and powerless people today?”
Sharing the image has helped the former senator strengthen support for refugees around the world. U2 vocalist Bono, who is also a human rights activist, was deeply moved by the picture, Leahy said, so he
gave him a copy. The two have maintained a friendship ever since.
Both Obama and former Cuban president Raúl Castro received copies of the photograph Leahy took in 2014 of Alan Gross and his wife following the activist’s release from imprisonment in Cuba — which Leahy helped secure. The image is a testament to the impact of fostering cooperation between the two countries.
Overall, “The Eye of Senator Patrick Leahy” conveys the significance of participation as well as observation, and underscores the idea that photography itself can be a form of action.
Asked what he’d like viewers to take away from his exhibition, Leahy offered this advice: “Take your time when you see something. What does it mean to you? Don’t worry about getting yourself in the picture; take things that might mean something to you.” ➆
“The Eye of Senator Patrick Leahy: Photographs of a Witness to History,” on view through March 29 at the Vermont Supreme Court Gallery in Montpelier. curator.vermont.gov
Thursday, March 7th

6:30 Doors Open
‘Derrick Adams: Sanctuary’ Reexamines Black Travel and Safety in the U.S.
BY DJ HELLERMANThe emergence of the automobile brought a new sense of freedom, exploration and leisure to American culture. For Black Americans, though, this newfound mobility was frequently accompanied by racism, oppression and violence. In “Sanctuary,” currently on view at the Middlebury College Museum of Art, Brooklyn-based artist Derrick Adams, known for work that explores his Black identity, takes inspiration from the ingenuity and resilience necessary for people of color to travel safely in the Jim Crow era.
In addition to vintage photographs, video and mixed-media collages, Adams’ installation makes creative use of pages from The Negro Motorist Green Book. Published between 1936 and 1967 by New York postal worker Victor Hugo Green and his wife, Alma Duke, the annual guidebook was an essential resource for Black travelers who sought welcoming businesses, accommodations and restaurants at a time of widespread discrimination against nonwhite people.
With the Black motorist as Adams’ primary focus, “Sanctuary” is less historical education and more an evocation of the spirit of movement. Originally presented at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York and on tour for six years, the imaginative exhibition contains both hand-built works and precisely constructed installations using manufactured objects. Adams’ visual language is tightly connected to the look and feel of the Green Book, particularly in the show’s two largest components.
A sculpture in the center of the gallery, titled “The Road: Keep Your Head Down and Your Eyes Open,” is designed at the scale of a Pinewood Derby car and elevated to about waist height. Colorful driving caps set atop wooden car bases are placed along an asphalt-looking “road” that bisects the piece. The stand-alone walls of the structure are covered with greatly enlarged pages from the Green Book
The architecture of this piece, with the roadway slicing through arched cutouts, calls to mind common urban-planning practices that divided and isolated low-income neighborhoods throughout the U.S. Adams controls how visitors can view the roadway, perhaps an allusion to the imposed limitations for Black travelers.
An untitled 10-by-15-foot wall that resembles a theatrical backdrop is covered with enlarged Green Book pages in black and white. Neon signs in pink and blue are scattered across it — the kind of one-word signals familiar to all motorists ready for a break: “Open,” “Motel,” “Hair,” “Music,” “Service.”
Throughout the exhibition, Adams relies on the aesthetics and language of advertisements in the book. Ad slogans are used in the titles of his dowel-hung “En Route” banners, which feature patterned fabric car doors, embroidered text, even leather driving gloves.
A series of mixed-media collages on wood panels pays homage to such places as auto-body shops, beauty parlors, restaurants and hotels. Adams populates these pieces with symbolic objects: tools in “Come On By Mr. Hoodwrench,” picnic items in “Family Style,” a makeup mirror and combs in “There’s More Than One Beauty School.” Recurrent elements in this series are upholstery fabric in a brick pattern, the plastic handles of travel cases and tiny windows framed in wood.
Adams’ multifaceted exhibition draws from a period in the complicated history of American tourism to ask questions about freedom of movement and the vital role of safe spaces — concerns that remain relevant. ➆
“Derrick Adams: Sanctuary,” on view through April 14 at Middlebury College Museum of Art. middlebury.edu/museum

‘ALOFT’: An upcoming juried exhibit at Mad River Valley Arts in Waitsfield pertains to any winged, airborne or ethereal phenomena, whether natural/wild, human-made, from space, science or the imagination. Open to all visual mediums; artwork must be made within the past three years. Deadline: March 31. Online. $30. Info, info@madrivervalleyarts. org.
BURKLYN ARTS SUMMER CRAFT FAIR: Artists and artisans are invited to participate in the 55th juried summer fair on June 29 at Wildflower Inn in Lyndonville. Application at burklyn-arts.org. Deadline: May 1. Online. $120/$145. Info, burklynarts40@ gmail.com.
MAY TO OCTOBER EXHIBITIONS: Artists interested in showing at the gallery in the historic Community Bank building should email an artist statement/bio, medium and up to five high-quality digital images to maryjomccarthy@gmail.com. Deadline: March 31. Island Arts South Hero Gallery. Free. Info, 363-6330.
ALEXANDRA BOTTINELLI: “Art Is Process,” found-wood sculptures and encaustic paintings. Reception: Friday, March 1, 4-7 p.m. The Front, Montpelier, March 1-31. Info, alexbottinelli@gmail. com.
ART HOP JURIED SHOW WINNERS: Artworks by the top three artists selected in the South End Art Hop last September: Juli Badics (first), Beatrice Lintner (second), Caroline Siegfried (third), plus people’s choice winner Jennifer Kostuck. Reception: Friday, March 1, 6-8 p.m. The Vaults, Burlington, through March 23. Info, 859-9222.
CHARLI CANCROFT: “The End Is Only the Beginning,” a solo art exhibit as part of a senior capstone project. Reception: Thursday, March 7, 6-7 p.m. McCarthy Art Gallery, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, March 5-9. Info, bcollier@smcvt.edu.
‘DISCOVERIES’: An exhibition of prints by adult student artists and faculty of the studio. Reception: Friday, March 1, 5-7 p.m. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio, White River Junction, March 1-April 26. Info, 295-5901.
‘FORM + TEXTURE’: An exhibit in honor of Women’s History Month, featuring fiber artists Sarah Ashe, Breslin Bell, Shari Boraz, Rosalind Daniels, Jennifer Davey, Janet Fredericks, Susan Gaffney, Karen Henderson, Eve Jacobs-Carnahan, Mon Kaczyk, Karen Kamenetzky, McKenna Kellner, Marya Lowe, Patricia Miller, Rachel Montroy, Sharon Myers, Leslie Roth, Marcie Scudder, Nancy Sepe, Gaal Shepherd, Gail Smuda, Susan Steinbrock, Fern Strong, Dayna Talbot and Nancy Thun. Reception: Friday, March 8, 4-6 p.m. AVA Gallery and Art Center, Lebanon N.H., March 1-30. Info, 603-448-3117.
‘IN PRACTICE’: A showcase of 13 studio artists displaying their works and processes. Reception: Friday, March 1, 5-9 p.m. The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery, Burlington, March 1-29. Info, spacegalleryvt@gmail. com.
JOHN SNELL: “Water, Ice, Vapor: The Wonder of Water,” photographs. Artist talk and tea: Thursday, February 29, 1-3 p.m. $12. RSVP. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, February 29-March 17. Info, 533-2000.
‘MAKING SPACE’: A group show featuring nine artists in celebration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day. Reception: Friday, March 1, 5-7 p.m., with music by Oum Kamar. 15 North Main Gallery, Randolph, March 1-April 2. Info, 417-4727.
MARTHA ELMES: “10 years of Papercuts and Prints,” new and older artworks by the scissor artist and gallery director. Closing party: Friday, March 1, 5-8 p.m. The Satellite Gallery, Lyndonville, through February 29. Info, 229-8317.
PRUE MERTON: Collages using hand-decorated paste papers. Reception: Friday, March 1, 5-7 p.m., with live music by Meadowlark. Long River Gallery, White River Junction, through April 30. Info, 295-4567.
‘REALISM & WATERWAYS’: Oil paintings based on the natural world by Bob Titterton and John Sargent. Reception: Thursday, February 29, 5:30-7:30 p.m. River Arts, Morrisville, through May 17. Info, 888-1261.
‘RIGHTY TIGHTY, BLACK AND WHITEY’: A group exhibition of works in black and white by Edward Givis, Elliot Purse, Francesco Igory Deiana, Ryan Travis Christian and Velvet Other World. Closing party: Friday, March 1, 4-8 p.m. Hexum Gallery, Montpelier, through March 15. Info, hexumgallery@ gmail.com.
‘TELLING STORIES FRAME BY FRAME’: The Vermont Arts Council Spotlight Gallery hosts a virtual showcase of films by Vermont State University students in the Cinema Studies & Production program. Virtual artists talk: Friday, March 8, 5-6 p.m. Online, March 1-April 30. Info, 828-5422.
FUNDRAISER: A fundraiser for the Central Vermont Refugee Action Network in which more than 35 artists share near-daily updates as they paint, draw, write, sing, photograph and more. Sponsor an artist to receive updates in your inbox. Money raised benefits asylum seekers and refugees with housing and other expenses. Online, through March 2. Info, nicolamorris@mac.com.
‘CONSERVING THE WEIRD’: Nancie Ravenel, director of collections and conservation at the Shelburne Museum, shares four particularly out-of-the-ordinary efforts to conserve, preserve, restore or stabilize artifacts. Register for Zoom link. Online, Thursday, February 29, noon. Free. Info, 985-3346.
‘OLDER BETTER LETTERS’: An open house featuring objects of desire past and present, including love letters, dance cards, crush lists and more, from Special Collections. In conjunction with Your Sexts Are Sh*t: Older Better Letters the Middlebury Performing Arts Series’ presentation of Rachel Mars’ solo theater show. Davis Family Library, Middlebury College, Friday, March 1, noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 443-5222.
FESTIVAL: Videos showcasing artists who responded to an open call from China, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand and the U.S. on the theme “Not Yet.” SnakeHouse VT, Burlington, Friday, March 1, 7-7:45 p.m., and Saturday, March 2, 1-1:45 p.m. Free. Info, singlechannelvt@gmail.com.
CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY: A conversation with exhibiting artists Linda Bryan, Cathy Cone, Chris Esten, Rachel Portesi and Vaune Trachtman about their handcrafted photographs. AVA Gallery and Art Center, Lebanon N.H., Saturday, March 2, 2-3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 603-448-3117.
EXHIBITION TOUR AND OPEN LEARNING STUDIO: Kristan M. Hanson and Margaret Tamulonis, curator and manager, respectively, of collections and exhibitions, give a public tour of “Never Spoken Again: Rogue Stories of Science and Collections.” Afterward, guests can explore additional artworks and objects in the museum’s Learning Studio.
Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont, Burlington, Saturday, March 2, 2-3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-0750.
OPEN STUDIOS AT SPA: The public is invited to tour the building for a glimpse of resident makers and their practices: Larry Bowling, Juliana Fechter, Karen Henderson, Joe John, Georgia Landau, Maggie Neale, Athena Tasiopoulos, Janet Van Fleet, Mark Waskow of NNEMoCA and Pamela Wilson. Studio Place Arts, Barre, Saturday, March 2, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 479-7069.
‘THE SHAPES WE LEAVE BEHIND’: A live performance and video installation by musician and multimedia artist Anna Oxygen (aka Anna Huff), in collaboration with artist Fawn Krieger, who creates sculptures, props and costumes. Presented with the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. Epsilon Spires, Brattleboro, Saturday, March 2, 7 p.m. $10; free for BMAC members. Info, 257-0124.
The multidisciplinary artist from the Muscogee (Creek) Nation of Oklahoma discusses his work, which addresses the lack of visibility of Native culture, lived experience and identity in America. Red Mill Gallery at Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Wednesday, March 6, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 635-2727. ➆

Coming Down the Mountain
I’m a sucker for a good musical trope. Someone cut a deal with the devil to become a better musician? I’m so there. Oh, damn, two singer-songwriters broke up and are trading breakup albums?
Happy Valentine’s Day to me. A dis record between two rappers who were once best friends? I lap that shit up.
One of my favorite tropes — and a long-held fantasy of mine — is the old songwriter-goes-into-seclusion scenario. When I was younger, I used to fantasize about pulling a BRIAN WILSON or SYD BARRETT and going full HOWARD HUGHES for a while. I’d write music in some secret cabin o the grid, eating K-rations and playing guitar by candlelight, drinking lots of water and taking mushrooms all day. Then I grew up and learned more about Wilson, Barrett and Hughes and decided all of that was a terrible idea that would end up with me surrounded by jars of piss and shaving my eyebrows or something.
The urge to make music away from society never left me, though. As a certified extrovert, I don’t think I’d actually make some kind of killer album so much as lose my mind and invent a fake religion — or, worse yet, start a podcast called “Mountain Mania.” Still, I like to fantasize and, when I can, live vicariously through others who are more suited to being bard hermits.
Enter AVI SALLOWAY. Last year, the musician wrapped up a national tour with his indie-rock and world-music outfit, BILLY WYLDER, and promptly retreated to the Middlebury Gap, a mountain pass in Addison County. He spent six months avoiding society and “getting a little perspective,” as he told me when we caught up by phone last week.
“I feel this overriding sensation most of the time,” Salloway said, “that for all the technology around us, we couldn’t be more apart on a grand scale.”
So Salloway stayed up in the mountains, writing music and trying to figure out his next move. A onetime Vermont resident, he started out in the Burlington music scene as half of the folk duo AVI & CELIA, along with CELIA WOODSMITH (SAY DARLING), before they moved to Boston and dubbed themselves HEY MAMA After that band split in 2018, Salloway joined up with Tuareg singer-songwriter BOMBINO and toured the world. But the idea of returning to the Green Mountains never left him.

S UNDbites

sort of stu to play for a Western musician.”
Fortunately, Salloway already knew a drummer who was more than comfortable with African rhythms: Bombino drummer COREY WILHELM. He reached out to another old friend from his early days in the Vermont scene, bassist ROB MORSE (Hadestown).
“Corey is my brother from Bombino, so this is all right up his alley,” Salloway said. “And Rob is such an amazing, diverse musician. Being in a trio with them and having that triangular interplay is so damn cool; there’s so much space and flexibility to let the songs evolve.”

News and views on the local music + nightlife scene

“Vermont has always had this magnetic chemistry for me,” Salloway said. “As we were wrapping up the last tour, I had this feeling that grew stronger and stronger — that I wanted to come back.”
Salloway spent the past several years living bicoastally between New England and Los Angeles, only to realize that having two homes 3,000 miles apart wasn’t feasible. He found a spot in the
mountains and withdrew like a J.R.R. Tolkien character, weary from the world and his travels.
After months of writing music, Salloway began to contemplate coming down from the mountain to share his good work. But he’d need a band first.
“So much of my music is informed by my time in Bombino and studying West and North African music,” Salloway said, which “isn’t maybe the most intuitive
Though the trio hasn’t settled on a name yet, they’re going with the old reliable jazz band/law firm technique, calling themselves SALLOWAY, WILHELM & MORSE for a run of debut shows. The nascent group played in Barnard, Morrisville and Montpelier in February and swings through Burlington on Wednesday, February 28, for a show at Radio Bean. Morse’s partner, singer MIRIAM BERNARDO (HIGH SUMMER), often joins in.
“Live music feels so sacred to me these days,” Salloway said. “And the feeling at these shows has really lifted me up. There’s just so much mutual good energy with this project — I just want to ride that wave of something new.”
Salloway and company haven’t done much planning beyond booking the February shows. They’ll play some gigs around the solar eclipse in April and the Moonshine Music Festival in late summer, which Salloway founded and curates every year in Manchester.
“I’d love to record with this new band,” Salloway said, revealing that fans are already making bootleg recordings of the performances. “It remains to be seen when we’d do that, but I think it’s definitely more a question of ‘when’ rather than ‘if.’”
For now, the band’s set is largely made up of new music Salloway penned in his seclusion, mixed with some Billy Wylder songs and the odd TAJ MAHAL cover or two.
“It feels really good to be back in Vermont,” Salloway said. “I often go a week without seeing another human being — what a contrast to LA! And I’m just excited to share new music and rejoin the music community here, man. And to rock out with my brothers Corey and Rob!”
It’s good to have you back, Avi. Sometimes a little time in the mountains is all you need.
On the Beat
The recent wave of releases from Vermont artists is only swelling, with tons of fresh music coming across my desk. Let’s check out this week’s new jams, starting with singer-songwriter PHIL COHEN
Cohen, who left Vermont for a few years in Brooklyn, is back with new music recorded at Future Fields in Burlington. He released an advance single on February 23 called “Pinchgut Town,” along with a B side, “Sugar Fire.” The video for the former is out now on YouTube, featuring Cohen and his band performing live at Future Fields. It’s a blast of high-energy power pop, and if it’s any indication of what’s coming, Cohen has one hell of an album on his hands.
Next up are Burlington indiepop outfit KITBASH. The six-piece band touches on multiple genres on its new single, “Sprout.” A mellow groove and jazz-influenced lead guitar lines push the track toward jam band territory, but catchy vocal melodies and big swaths of synths keep the song rooted in dance and pop music. It’s an intriguing mix of sounds, marshaled expertly by one
of the area’s most promising up-andcoming young bands.
To celebrate the release, Kitbash play a show on Friday, March 1, at Radio Bean in Burlington, along with fellow Burlington bands SAD TURTLE and ROSE ASTEROID. Check out “Sprout” at kitbash.bandcamp.com.
Upper Valley singer-songwriter and onetime NOAH KAHAN producer PHINEAS
A tender folk ballad, “good dog karma” drops on Friday, March 8, with an accompanying video. Look for it at phinmusic.com.
One of the most important bands of the Burlington scene in the ’90s is returning for a one-night-only show. CONSTRUCTION JOE were part of a thriving collection of bands such as the PANTS, GUPPYBOY, WIDE WAIL and CHIN HO! in an era considered by many to be a highwater mark of Vermont indie rock.

CHOUKAS is back with his second single from a forthcoming debut record. On his latest, “good dog karma,” Choukas pays tribute to a lifelong friend, his family dog, Karma, who died in December.
“Karma was a constant source of light and joy,” Choukas wrote in an email. “She taught me so much about the beauty of life, and I miss her dearly.”

Eye on the Scene
Last week’s live music highlights from photographer Luke Awtry
That vibrant Queen City scene more or less dissolved around the turn of the century, as bands broke up or formed di erent acts: Members of Wide Wail became SWALE, Guppyboy evolved into the ESSEX GREEN, and several members of Construction Joe formed the Americana outfit the MAPLE RUN BAND. Chin Ho! just broke up, but the band re-formed for a performance at South Burlington’s Higher Ground in late 2023 … that also saw the reformation of Construction Joe.
Well, the latter band was so inspired by that night at Higher Ground that they’re doing it again. Construction Joe returns to Burlington stages on Saturday, March 2, at Radio Bean, along with surf-rockers and fellow longtime scene stalwarts BARBACOA and the Maple Run Band. Pop over to radiobean.com for tickets and more information. ➆
MUSIC: A NIGHT OF MUSICAL COMEDY AT OFF CENTER FOR THE DRAMATIC ARTS, BURLINGTON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23: If this week’s cover story is any indication, standup comedy is alive and well in Burlington. But it got me thinking: Where is the musical comedy? Serendipitously, I got a call last Friday inviting me to a musical comedy showcase at the Off Center for the Dramatic Arts in the New North End, and that is how I was introduced to a new quarterly series called G.L.A.M. e evening progressed through multiple solo sets by hosts OWEN LEAVEY and local sex educator JENNA EMERSON. e hits included a tune paired with a larger-than-life slideshow about Leavey’s celebrity crushes and the premiere of a music video for Emerson’s single “Under the Sheets,” a e Little Mermaid-inspired sex-positive musical parody about lubrication. Partway through the evening, guest performers NICO SUAVE and MARSHALL DOMINGUEZ hit the stage with a copy of Seven Days and improvised jingles based on readings from the Personals section. Suave did what could be the best ALANIS MORISSETTE impersonation in the world. For real, it’s that good.

live music
Anit Life Hate Cult, Chartarum, Dreams of Extinction (metal) at Despacito, Burlington, 8 p.m. $5. Avi Salloway, Corey Wilhelm, Rob Morse (indie folk, rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. $8/$10. Ballyho! (ska) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $18/$22.
Bent Nails House Band (blues, rock) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.
Bluegrass Night: e Tenderbellies (bluegrass) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Bruce Sklar (jazz) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Jazz Night with Ray Vega (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.
Jazz Sessions (jazz) at the 126, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.
Live Jazz (jazz) at Leunig’s Bistro & Café, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Mike Chapman (singer-songwriter) at Two Heroes Brewery Public House, South Hero, 6 p.m. Free.
Tanner Usrey, JD Clayton (Americana) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $20/$22.50.
Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead covers) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $5.
Willverine (electronic) at the Wallflower Collective, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Burlington Electronic Department’s Leap Year Party (electronic) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8 p.m. $5/$10.
Frankie and the Fuse (rock) at Red Square, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.
Jeffrey Foucault, Pieta Brown (singer-songwriter) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $18/$20.
Jim Yeager (singer-songwriter) at Filling Station, Middlesex, 6 p.m. Free.
Justin LaPoint (singersongwriter) at Stone’s row, Waterbury, 6 p.m. Free.
Milton Busker & the Grim Work (folk rock) at Black Flannel Brewing & Distilling, Essex, 6 p.m. Free.
A Montreal Paul, Abbey BK, Champlain Shoregasm, Fisher Wagg (indie rock) at Despacito, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10.
Pitt Crew (rock) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.
Timothy Quigley & Friends (jazz) at Hugo’s, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Find the most up-to-date info on live music, DJs, comedy and more at sevendaysvt.com/music. If you’re a talent booker or artist planning live entertainment at a bar, nightclub, café, restaurant, brewery or coffee shop, send event details to music@sevendaysvt.com or submit the info using our form at sevendaysvt.com/postevent.

Weird Phishes (covers) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.
Bluegrass Brunch (bluegrass) at the Skinny Pancake, Burlington, noon. Free.
Hagen Spanish Guitar (acoustic) at Despacito, Burlington, 11 a.m. Free.
Hannah Wicklund, Sarah King (rock) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $20/$25.
Matt Dolliver (jazz) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free. Sunday Brunch Tunes (singersongwriter) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 10 a.m.

Synth The quarterly reports are in, and it’s time for the BURLINGTON ELECTRONIC DEPARTMENT to present to the shareholders/throw a dance party. The coolest BED in Burlington (take that, Burlington Electric Department!) has curated an all-night rager loaded with acid house, darkwave techno and synth punk. The lineup features electronic artists JUBILEE, GOITER, SPRIGGAN and MOLKROMATIC, as well as DJ sets by JUBILEE, MOLKROMATIC and DARI BAY and BED founder ROOST.WORLD. Ring the (leap) year in the right way on Thursday, February 29, at Radio Bean in Burlington.

Astral Underground (jazz) at the Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10. Broken String Band (bluegrass) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7 p.m. Free.
Bruce Sklar 5Tet (jazz) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $10.
Chris & Erica (acoustic) at 14th Star Brewing, St. Albans, 6 p.m. Free.
Christie Woods-Lucas (singersongwriter) at Stone’s row, Richmond, 6 p.m. Free.
Dave Mitchell’s Blues Revue (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free.
Drumstick with Bossman (reggae) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 9 p.m. Free.
Jaded Ravins (Americana) at Hugo’s, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Jason Baker, Dylan Patrick Ward, Andriana Chobot (singer-songwriter) at Despacito, Burlington, 8 p.m. $15.
Kitbash, Sad Turtle, Rose Asteroid (indie) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10.
Maple Ridge, Soap (R&B) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $10.
Michael Chorney & Freeway Clyde (jazz) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10/$15.
Mike Pedersen & Friends (rock) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.
Mr. Doubtfire, Dead Street Dreamers, Wargraves, Violet Crimes, Kennedy Park (pop-punk) at Monkey House, Winooski, 8 p.m. $10.
Nighthawk (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.
Rap Night Burlington (hip-hop) at Drink, Burlington, 9 p.m. $5. Ray’s Used Cars (Americana) at Two Heroes Brewery Public House, South Hero, 6 p.m. Free.
Rebecca Padula (folk) at Blue Cat Bistro, Castleton, 6 p.m. Free.
Reprise (Phish tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. $22.
Robbery (rock) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 6 p.m. Free.
Shane McGrath (singersongwriter) at Gusto’s, Barre, 6 p.m. Free.
Sibling Reverie (folk) at the Old Post, South Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
THUS LOVE, Rangus, Peticore (indie rock) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. $10/$12.
WD-40 (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.
Ariel Zevon, the Schiller Duo and Friends (soul, funk) at Hugo’s, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Bella and the Notables (jazz, pop) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
Blue Heron (folk) at Twiggs — An American Gastropub, St. Albans, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Chris & Erica (acoustic) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.
Construction Joe, Maple Run Band, Barbacoa (rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10/$15.
Dave Keller Band (soul) at Gusto’s, Barre, 9 p.m. Free.
Eevie Echoes and the Locations, Burly Girlies, Blossom, Psych Ward Disco, Rvr (punk) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $12/$15.
Jester Jigs (rock) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Left Eye Jump (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free.
Live Music Saturdays (live music series) at Dumb Luck Pub & Grill, Hinesburg, 7 p.m. Free.
Lunch, Soap, Frankie and the Fuse, Wave Goodbye (indie rock) at Despacito, Burlington, 8 p.m. $5.
NASTEELUVZYOU, Ron Stoppable (hip-hop) at the Other Half, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Piper (singer-songwriter) at the Den at Harry’s Hardware, Cabot, 7 p.m. Free.
Reprise (Phish tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. $22.
Rootbound (folk) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7 p.m. Free.
Ryan Osswald (jazz) at the Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10.
Staircase 24 (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.
Two for Flinching (acoustic) at 1st Republic Brewing, Essex, 6 p.m. Free.
JP Saxe, Justin Nozuka, Harrison Goodell (pop) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $28/$33.
Big Easy Tuesdays with Jon McBride (jazz) at the 126, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
Bluegrass Jam (bluegrass) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 7 p.m. Free. Good Gravy (bluegrass) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $5/$10.
Honky Tonk Tuesday with Wild Leek River (country) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10.
Local Strangers (Grateful Dead tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10/$20.
Omni, is Is Lorelei, Dari Bay (indie) at Monkey House, Winooski, 7:30 p.m. $15.
ievery Corporation, City of the Sun (electronic) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $40/$45.
Zach Nugent’s Dead Set (Grateful Dead tribute) at Lawson’s Finest Liquids, Waitsfield, 5 p.m. Free.
Bent Nails House Band (blues, rock) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.
Diamond, Cricket Blue (folk) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5/$10.
Jazz Night with Ray Vega (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.
Jazz Sessions (jazz) at the 126, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.
Live Jazz (jazz) at Leunig’s Bistro & Café, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Marc Edwards (singer-songwriter) at Despacito, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
Turnover, MSPAINT, Drook (indie) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $25/$27.
Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead covers) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $5.
REVIEW this music+nightlife
Juicebox, Ollies in the Hallway
Juicebox are one of the most unusual acts in Vermont these days. Part of that is simply lack of competition: We’ve never had a ton of hip-hop acts with a live band. If fact, you could probably count them on one hand, starting with the legendary Belizbeha and the short-lived powerhouse Voice.
Juicebox have been carrying that torch since their eponymous 2019 debut, adding rapper rivan to the lineup in 2020 for their Hit the Fan (Live) EP. Recorded at a raucous gig at Nectar’s in Burlington, the latter project showed the
young band’s tremendous promise. Four years later, that promise has been fully realized with group’s latest album, Ollies in the Hallway.

From the beginning, the core ingredient of the Juicebox formula has been the dynamite rhythm section of Julian Lathrop on drums, Sam Atallah on keyboards and Michael Dunham on bass. Their growth over the past five years has been a trip to witness, and the trio is in top form here. Atallah has an ear for lush chords that fill out the groove without crowding the mix, and the pockets Lathrop and Dunham create are crushingly funky.
The next layer is the smooth, smart horn work of Juicebox’s dual sax attack: Tim Foley positively sizzles in that alto
Hannah Wicklund, The Prize
One of Nashville’s rising blues-rock talents establishes herself as a force both instrumentally and vocally with the release of her powerful and resounding new LP.
On The Prize, Hannah Wicklund uses clairvoyance and intensity to illustrate the emotions of coming into her own as a visionary young adult. Across 10 expansive tracks, Wicklund wields her rich, soulful voice and searing electric guitar skills to enthrall the listener and blast their stereo speakers.
Released in January, The Prize was produced by Sam Kiszka of Greta Van Fleet, one of several bands Wicklund joined on the road as an opening act as she built a name for herself.
high range, while Z Zalewski holds it down on tenor — and drops some strong verses on the mic. Founding emcee Zesty (formerly Zesty Boi) is a naturalborn entertainer, and rivan is a perfect counterpoint.
rivan is one of the best rappers in the state right now, period. That’s hardly just my opinion: Ask around, and you’ll find he’s equally acclaimed by the new wave and the old heads for his impeccable pen game and delivery.
When all of this comes together on Ollies in the Hallway, Juicebox are far more than the sum of their parts. “Every Damn Day” is a perfect opening, an artistic (and unabashedly political) statement of purpose over some ripping ri s. “Bad Karma” slows it down without losing any of that energy, showing o the group’s real superpower: writing great songs. The band has leveled up considerably over the years, but Juicebox have never felt like a jam session with
The Prize pounds from start to finish and captivates with suspenseful arrangements. Opener “Hell in the Hallway” is a sweltering, expressive piece that captures Wicklund’s coming-of-age escape from dark spaces into brighter times.
On “Witness,” she reconciles devastation and pain with a mature perspective, and she wails this track’s poignant chorus: “cuz I’m embracing heartbreak.”

Growing up near the ocean in a South Carolina family of musicians, she was only 9 years old when she started performing live music. By 16, when Wicklund graduated from high school, she was already out playing most nights of any given week. She’d performed more than 2,500 live shows by her early twenties, operating for years as her own manager and promoter in true DIY fashion.
Wicklund’s influences include a wide range of classic rock bands, R&B singers and Motown groups. Reflecting the nearly two decades of experience under her belt, her songs burst with intuition and purpose, bridging agony and redemption.
“Hide and Seek” is another album highlight, on which we hear Wicklund set free as an adventurous lead singer and remarkable guitar soloist. As the song twists, turns and packs a wallop, she impressively amplifies her voice and sustains her pitch to dramatic e ect.
The gorgeous title song billows and illuminates Wicklund’s personal struggle to relinquish the past. It’s a battle she overcomes through her inner strength, evoked by unforgettable lyrics: “I had to make room in my life for the woman I wanted to be / Loving myself is what’s brought her to me.”
Wicklund released her first full-length album in 2018 as Hannah Wicklund & the Steppin Stones and has since put out a couple of EPs under her own name. But The Prize marks a significant step forward for this dynamic 27-year-old, who doubles as a talented painter and even created the artwork for her new record.
Setting a high bar for her songwriting, Wicklund concludes The Prize with the glorious “Sun to Sun,” empowering her fellow women as she discovers her
rappers. These are complex, constantly evolving compositions.
From the glorious chaos of “Fake Foamposites” to the downright R&B restraint of “Mangoes,” the album demonstrates impressive range. It also sounds nothing short of amazing. Dan Rome did a stellar job mixing, and Ian Steinberg’s mastering work is impeccable.
Ollies in the Hallway is the debut of a whole new Juicebox. Their easygoing, party-rocking vibe almost obscures the fact that they’re delivering musically ambitious art. Almost. The bio on their Bandcamp page simply reads “Bars to split your melon,” and that’s the gospel truth. A band this talented and mature could easily carry some mediocre emcees, but Juicebox is a seriously stacked crew with a lot to say. Listen up.
Ollies in the Hallway is available at juiceboxvt.bandcamp.com.
own confidence to stride forward: “Oh, and man may work from sun to sun, but a woman’s work is never done / So, with sharpened eyes and a sharpened tongue / I will carry on.”
Wicklund performs on Sunday, March 3, at the Higher Ground Showcase Lounge in South Burlington. The Prize is streaming on digital platforms and can be purchased at shop.hannahwicklund.com.
Willverine (electronic) at the Wallflower Collective, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Local Dork (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.
DJ Chaston (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.
DJ JP Black (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
Tay Tay Dance Party (Taylor Swift dance party) at Club Metronome, Burlington, 7 p.m. $20/$25.
Vinyl Night with Ken (DJ) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 6 p.m. Free.
Anxiocide (house) at the Other Half, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
DJ Craig Mitchell (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
DJ Kata (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
DJ Mildew (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
DJ Taka (DJ) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10/$15.
JMAC (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.
John’s Jukebox (DJ) at Gusto’s, Barre, 9 p.m. Free.
Speedbump (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.
Blanchface (DJ) at Manhattan Pizza & Pub, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
DJ A-Ra$ (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, midnight. Free.
DJ Broosha (DJ) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 10:30 p.m. $10/$15.
DJ Brunch (DJ) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10/$15.
DJ Raul (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. HAVEN (DJ) at MothershipVT, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
Kate Kush, NWMANTRA, DJ WECK, Flow Kitty Lurn (DJ) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10.
Matt Payne (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
Molly Mood (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
Mi Yard Reggae Night with DJ Big Dog (reggae and dancehall) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.
The Vanguard — Jazz on Vinyl (DJ) at Paradiso Hi-Fi, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Worth the Weight
Burlington pop-punk power trio MR. DOUBTFIRE haven’t dropped new music since 2019’s hard-hitting, anthemic single “Tiger Trap.” They’re debuting a new full-length album at long last, and to celebrate, they’ve invited some of the best punk and hardcore acts from the area for one seriously heavy release party. Burlington’s VIOLET CRIMES, Rutland’s DEAD STREET DREAMERS, Brandon’s KENNEDY PARK and WARGRAVES, from Manchester, N.H., round out the bill. Get in the pit! Or just sit back and enjoy the scene from the back of the Monkey House in Winooski on Friday, March 1.
Local Dork (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.
open mics & jams
Irish Sessions (Celtic, open mic) at Burlington St. John’s Club, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Open Mic (open mic) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.
Open Mic with Danny Lang (open mic) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 7 p.m. Free.
Open Stage Night (open mic) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
Red Brick Coffee House (open mic) at Red Brick Meeting House, Westford, 7 p.m. Free.
Open Mic (open mic) at Despacito, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Open Mic (open mic) at 1st Republic Brewing, Essex, 6 p.m. Free.
Open Mic Night (open mic) at Drink, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
Bluegrass Jam (open bluegrass jam) at Stone’s Throw, Richmond, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Irish Sessions (Celtic, open mic) at Burlington St. John’s Club, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Open Mic (open mic) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.
Open Mic with Danny Lang (open mic) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 7 p.m. Free.
The Ribbit Review Open-Mic & Jam (open mic) at Lily’s Pad, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Kathy and Qathy in the Morning (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $5.
Letterkenny Presents: A Night of Standup (comedy) at Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 8 p.m. $38.50/$88.50.
Standup Comedy Open Mic (comedy open mic) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8:30 p.m.
Whale Tales: An Evening of Comedic Storytelling (comedy) at Club Metronome, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Ron Funches (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $30.
Teacher’s Pet (comedy) at Comedy Centre Comedy Club, Rutland, 8:45 p.m. $5.
Karaoke Night (karaoke) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. Free.
Trivia (trivia) at Highland Lodge, Greensboro, 7 p.m. Free.
Trivia Night (trivia) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6 p.m. Free.
Trivia Night (trivia) at McGillicuddy’s Five Corners, Essex Junction, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Trivia Night (trivia) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Trivia Thursday (trivia) at Spanked Puppy Pub, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free.
Karaoke (karaoke) at McKee’s Pub & Grill, Winooski, 9 p.m. Free.
Karaoke Friday Night (karaoke) at Park Place Tavern & Grill, Essex Junction, 8 p.m. Free.
TOP2BTM (drag) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 9 p.m. $15/$22.
Golden Girls Drag Brunch (drag) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 11 a.m. $20.
Sunday Funday (games) at 1st Republic Brewing, Essex, noon. Free.
Venetian Karaoke (karaoke) at the Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Comedy Open Mic (comedy) at the Den at Harry’s Hardware, Cabot, 8 p.m. Free.
Ron Funches (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 & 9 p.m. $30.
Ron Funches (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 & 9 p.m. $30.
Free Stuff! (comedy) at Lincolns, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. Free.
March Madness: Two-Prov (Prelims A) (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $5.
Standup Comedy Open Mic (comedy open mic) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8:30 p.m.
trivia, karaoke, etc.
Karaoke Night (karaoke) at Drink, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
Rock and Roll Bingo (bingo) at McKee’s Pub & Grill, Winooski, 7 p.m. Free.
Trivia Night (trivia) at Stone Corral, Richmond, 7 p.m. Free. Venetian Trivia Night (trivia) at the Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.
Trivia (trivia) at McKee’s Pub & Grill, Winooski, 7 p.m. Free.
Trivia with Craig Mitchell (trivia) at Monkey House, Winooski, 7 p.m. Free.
Karaoke Tuesdays (karaoke) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.
Karaoke with DJ Party Bear (karaoke) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.
Karaoke with Motorcade (karaoke) at Manhattan Pizza & Pub, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.
Music Bingo (music bingo) at Stone Corral, Richmond, 7 p.m. Free.
Taproom Trivia (trivia) at 14th Star Brewing, St. Albans, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Trivia Night (trivia) at the Depot, St. Albans, 7 p.m. Free.
Trivia Tuesday (trivia) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. Free.
Tuesday Trivia (trivia) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Karaoke Night (karaoke) at Drink, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
Rock and Roll Bingo (bingo) at McKee’s Pub & Grill, Winooski, 7 p.m. Free.
Trivia Night (trivia) at Stone Corral, Richmond, 7 p.m. Free.
Venetian Trivia Night (trivia) at the Venetian Cocktail & Soda Lounge, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. ➆
GROUP: Savvy businesspeople make crucial contacts at a weekly chapter meeting. Burlington City Arts, 11:15 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 829-5066.
CURRENT EVENTS: Neighbors have an informal discussion about what’s in the news.
Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m.noon. Free. Info, 878-4918.
YARN CRAFTERS GROUP: A drop-in meetup welcomes knitters, crocheters, spinners, weavers and beyond. BYO snacks and drinks. Must Love Yarn, Shelburne, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 448-3780.
VERMONT’S WILDLIFE?: A monthly group meets to discuss modernizing Vermont’s laws on wildlife trapping and hunting with dogs. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 365-1446.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
3D’: Sparkling graphics take viewers on a journey into the weird, wide world of mushrooms, which we are only just beginning to understand. Northfield Savings Bank 3D
Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
3D’: Viewers learn the true story behind one of our most iconic — and misunderstood — predators. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, noon, 2 & 4 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
3D’: Scientists dive into the planet’s least-explored habitat, from its sunny shallows to its alien depths. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington,
All submissions must be received by Thursday at noon for consideration in the following Wednesday’s newspaper. Find our convenient form and guidelines at sevendaysvt.com/postevent
Listings and spotlights are written by Emily Hamilton Seven Days edits for space and style. Depending on cost and other factors, classes and workshops may be listed in either the calendar or the classes section. Class organizers may be asked to purchase a class listing.
Library, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
‘TINY GIANTS 3D’: Through the power of special cameras, audiences are transported into the world of the teeniest animals on Earth. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
‘UNDERDOG’: A Vermont dairy farmer risks everything to pursue his dogsledding dreams in Alaska in this locally made 2021 documentary. Latchis Hotel & Theater, Brattleboro, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 540-6882.
food & drink
WEDNESDAYS: Aspiring sommeliers blind-taste four wines from Vermont and beyond. Shelburne Vineyard, noon-6 p.m. $15. Info, 985-8222.
health & fitness
CHAIR YOGA: Waterbury Public Library instructor Diana Whitney leads at-home participants in gentle stretches supported by seats. 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
TIMOTHY LAHEY: A UVM Medical Center doctor answers questions about DoxyPeP and STI testing. Presented by Pride Center of Vermont. 4:30-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 860-7812.
CLASS: Celtic-curious students learn to speak an Ghaeilge in a supportive group. Fletcher Free
ELL CLASSES: ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS & INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS: Learners of all abilities practice written and spoken English with trained instructors. Presented by Fletcher Free Library. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, bshatara@ burlingtonvt.gov.
FARMERS NIGHT: A2VT: West African hip-hop beats from the Burlington band get feet moving. House Chamber, Vermont Statehouse, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 864-5741.
TREASURE THE LIBRARY: Skiers or snowshoers who donate to the Craftsbury Public Library gain access to private trails through a magical cedar swamp for a designated time slot. 400 Post Rd., Craftsbury, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $10-50 suggested donation; preregister. Info, 586-9683.
TENNIS CLUB: Ping-Pong players swing their paddles in singles and doubles matches. Rutland Area Christian School, 7-9 p.m. Free for first two sessions; $30 annual membership. Info, 247-5913.
SMUGGS 55+ SKI CLUB: Seniors who love to ski, snowboard and snowshoe hit the slopes after coffee and pastries. Smugglers’ Notch Resort, Jeffersonville, 9 a.m.-noon. $30 for annual membership. Info, president@ smuggs55plus.com.
FUNDING WALK/BIKE INFRASTRUCTURE IN VERMONT: Local advocates learn how to fund better sidewalks and bike paths. Presented by Local Motion. 6-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 861-2700.
See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at sevendaysvt.com/music.
KNIT FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR: All ages and abilities are invited to knit or crochet hats and scarves for the South Burlington Food Shelf. All materials are provided. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 2-5 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
KNITTING GROUP: Knitters of all experience levels get together to spin yarns. Latham Library, Thetford, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 785-4361.
LOVE THE LAKE: DANIEL SPADA: A botanist gives an address titled “Is Adirondack Old Growth Forest Important for Lake Champlain Health?” Virtual option available. Lake Champlain Basin Program Office, Grand Isle, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 372-3213.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
EDITING WITH ADOBE PREMIERE: Attendees learn how to perfect film footage in a popular program. The Media Factory, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free; donations accepted; preregister. Info, 651-9692.
SCREENING: ‘GET OUT’: Those who like their scares with a side of social commentary watch Jordan Peele’s modern horror classic, released in 2017. Pierson Library, Shelburne, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 985-5124.
food & drink
ARE YOU THIRSTY, NEIGHBOR?: A special discount cocktail menu sparks conversations and connections over cribbage and cards. Wild Hart Distillery and Tasting Room, Shelburne, 3-8 p.m. Free. Info, info@wildhartdistillery.com.
FREE WINE TASTING: Themed wine tastings take oenophiles on an adventure through a region, grape variety, style of wine or producer’s offerings. Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Burlington, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 865-2368.
DUPLICATE BRIDGE: A lively group plays a classic, tricky game with an extra wrinkle. Waterbury Public Library, 12:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7223.
WEEKLY CHESS FOR FUN: Players of all ability levels face off and learn new strategies. United Community Church, St. Johnsbury, 5:30-9 p.m. Donations. Info, lafferty1949@ gmail.com.
ITALIAN CONVERSATION GROUP: Semi-fluent speakers practice their skills during a conversazione with others. Best for those who can speak at least basic sentences. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
Performing arts, fine dining and family activities combine all over the city for 11 days of spectacular sights, sounds and scenes. See montrealenlumiere.com for full schedule. Various Montréal locations. Prices vary. Info, 855-219-0576.
JAN REYNOLDS: The decorated
climber and skier shares from her book The Glass Summit: One Woman’s Epic Journey Breaking Through. Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum, Stowe, 6:308 p.m. $10. Info, 253-9911.
‘THE TEMPEST’: In a production full of exquisite costumes and magical multimedia, Vermont Repertory Theatre takes on the Bard’s tale of love, sorcery and revenge, set on a remote island. Black Box Theater, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7:30-10 p.m. $20-30. Info, admin@vermontrep.com.
AND SPIKE’: The Middlebury Community Players present Christopher Durang’s Tony Awardwinning comedy that blends Chekov’s keen eye for family dynamics with modern angst over fame and mental health. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 7:30 p.m. $17-20. Info, 382-9222.
BETTER LETTERS’: Rachel Mars’ one-woman show incorporates steamy historical love letters from the likes of Frida Kahlo, Georgia O’Keeffe and Mozart. See calendar spotlight. Wright Memorial Theatre, Middlebury College, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $10-25. Info, 443-6433.
CAROLYN MATTHEWS-DAUT: An artist shares from Paint, Sweat, and Tears: 150 Days on the Appalachian Trail, her illustrated memoir of hiking 2,000 miles. Norwich Bookstore, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 649-1114.
LAUREL’S BOOK GROUP: Author Annie Hartnett virtually joins a lively discussion of her novel Unlikely Animals. Phoenix Books, Essex, 3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 872-7111.
YOURSELF: Resident artist Jolivette Anderson-Douoning leads a workshop introducing attendees to spoken-word poetry. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3:30-5 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
FIRST FRIDAY FIBER GROUP: Fiber-arts fans make progress on projects while chatting over snacks. GRACE, Hardwick, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, info@ruralartsvt. org.
DANCE: Fueled by a potluck dinner, hoofers put their best foot forward when following calls by Erin Smith. Barnard Town Hall, 6-9 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, 234-1645.
FRI.1 » P.58
Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages.
• Plan ahead at sevendaysvt.com/family-fun Post your event at sevendaysvt.com/postevent.
EARTH & SPACE-TACULAR FESTIVAL: Visitors fling mud, learn about animals and fly through the solar system during a week of Earth Day and out-of-thisworld activities. ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Regular admission, $14.50-18; free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
STEAM SPACE: Kids explore science, technology, engineering, art and math activities. Kindergarten through fifth grade. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
TODDLER TIME: Librarians bring out books, rhymes and songs specially selected for young ones 12 through 24 months. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
chittenden county
BABY SOCIAL TIME: Caregivers and infants from birth through age 1 gather in the Wiggle Room to explore board books and toys. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
COMICS CLUB: Graphic novel and manga fans in third through fifth grades meet to discuss current reads and do fun activities together. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
PLAY TIME: Little ones build with blocks and read together. Ages 1 through 4. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 1010:45 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
SCHOOL VACATION CRAFTYTOWN: From painting and printmaking to collage and sculpture, creative kids explore different projects and mediums. Ages 8 and up, or ages 6 and up with an adult helper. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 1-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
mad river valley/ waterbury
LEGO CHALLENGE CLUB: Kids engage in a fun-filled hour of building, then leave their creations on display in the library all month long. Ages 9 through 11. Waterbury Public Library, 3-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.
chittenden county
KIDS GREAT JIGSAW PUZZLE RACE: Teams of one to three race to put together 150-piece puzzles to win a

prize. ADA accessible. Ages 8 and up, or 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 1-3 p.m. Free; limited space. Info, 846-4140.
BASSICK: The singer and storyteller extraordinaire leads little ones in indoor music and movement. Birth through age 5. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
PRESCHOOL PLAYTIME: Pre-K patrons play and socialize after music time. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
STORY TIME: Little ones from birth through age 5 learn from songs, crafts and picture books. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
TEEN COZY CAFE: Kids ages 13 through 18 settle in for snacks, warm drinks and crafts. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
ROBIN’S NEST NATURE PLAYGROUP: Outdoor pursuits through fields and forests captivate little ones up to age 5 and their parents. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 10 a.m.-noon. Free; donations accepted. Info, 229-6206.
WEE ONES PLAY TIME: Caregivers bring kiddos 3 and younger to a new sensory learning experience each week. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.
mad river valley/ waterbury
PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Games, activities, stories and songs engage
The Mane Attraction
Theatergoers of all ages enter the magical world of Narnia thanks to the talented student actors of Lost Nation Theater’s dancetheater production camp. Directed by local triple threat Taryn Noelle, this abridged adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ beloved The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe gives this classic story a modern twist with live musical numbers and choreography. Performers ages 9 through 18 bring to life the story of the four Pevensie siblings, who discover a realm of talking animals, nefarious witches and untold wonder just through the doors of their wardrobe.
Friday, March 1, 7-8 p.m., and Saturday, March 2, 2-3 & 7-8 p.m., at Lost Nation Theater, Montpelier City Hall. $5-15. Info, 229-0492, lostnationtheater.org.
3- through 5-year-olds. Waterbury Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
chittenden county
COLORING FUN: Artists of all ages fill in beautiful templates while soft music plays. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
LEGO BUILDERS: Each week, children ages 8 and older build, explore, create and participate in challenges. Children ages 6 to 8 are welcome with an adult.
South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
MUSIC TIME!: Little ones sing and dance with local troubadour Linda Bassick. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 1010:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
‘THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE’: Four siblings discover a world of talking animals and nefarious winter witches in this musical adaptation of the C.S. Lewis classic performed by theater camp students ages 9 through 18. See calendar spotlight. Lost Nation Theater, Montpelier City Hall, 7-8 p.m. $5-15. Info, 229-0492.
upper valley
STORY TIME: Preschoolers take part in tales, tunes and playtime. Latham Library, Thetford, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 785-4361.
outside vermont
‘LEGALLY BLONDE: THE MUSICAL’: In the latest North Country Community Theatre Teens production, sorority girl Elle Woods takes Harvard Law School by storm — what, like it’s hard? Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $15-20. Info, 603-448-0400.
FAMILY PLAYSHOP: Kids from birth through age 5 learn and play at this school readiness program. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
SKATE YOUR WINTER BLUES AWAY: Robin’s Nest Children’s Center hosts an all-ages ice skating party. Tickets include skate rentals. Leddy Park, Burlington, 10 a.m.-noon. $10. Info, 324-3708.
chittenden county
TEEN BOARD GAMES: Countless board games are on the menu at this drop-in meetup for players in grades 6 through 12. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
outside vermont
‘LEGALLY BLONDE: THE MUSICAL’: See FRI.1, 2 & 7:30 p.m.
MASKS ON! SUNDAYS: Elderly, disabled and immunocompromised folks get the museum to themselves at a masks-mandatory morning. ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 9-10 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 864-1848.
outside vermont
STORIES WITH SHANNON: Bookworms ages 2 through 5 enjoy fun-filled reading time. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
chittenden county
READ WITH SAMMY: The Therapy Dogs of Vermont emissary is super excited to hear kids of all ages practice their reading. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
WEEKLY FREE NATURE PLAYGROUP: Richmond, Huntington and Hinesburg residents up to age 5 encounter the wonders of the great outdoors. Meet at the Education Barn. Green Mountain Audubon Center, Huntington, 9:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 434-3068.
upper valley
STORY TIME WITH BETH: A bookseller and librarian extraordinaire reads two picture books on a different theme each week. Norwich Bookstore, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 649-1114.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘TOP HAT’: Vermont International Film Festival celebrates the opening of its new viewing venue with this beloved 1935 Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers flick. e Screening Room @ VTIFF, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5. Info, 660-2600.
food & drink
SISTERHOOD’: After a screening of the 2023 Oscar-nominated documentary, Diana Tanudjaja of Jamu serves up some spicy delights during a networking dinner party for women and nonbinary folks in the music industry. Epsilon Spires, Brattleboro, 5-9:30 p.m. $5-65; free for Grrls to the Front participants. Info, info@ epsilonspires.org.
MAH-JONGG: Tile traders of all experience levels gather for a game. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
health & fitness
ONLINE: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library invites attendees to relax on their lunch breaks and reconnect with their bodies. Noon-12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@ damlvt.org.

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY: Justice Nancy Jear Waples and Burton Snowboards owner Donna Carpenter speak at this morning of discussion and celebration hosted by the Vermont Council on World Affairs. Champlain Room & Terrace at Champlain College, Burlington, 10 a.m.-noon. $10-50; free for President’s Circle members and members joining virtually; preregister. Info, 557-0018.
P.S. I Love You

Anyone under the impression that people of the past didn’t know how to get it on is sure to be scandalized by Your Sexts Are Sh*t: Older Better Letters. Award-winning queer performer Rachel Mars’ one-woman show delves into the surprisingly steamy and beautifully bawdy love letters of centuries gone by. Audiences will hear from James Joyce about his desire for derrières, learn what the imaginative mind of artist Georgia O’Keeffe conjured up for her husband and discover the story of a certain someone sneaking her girlfriend into the White House. A Q&A with the artist follows each performance.

ursday, February 29, and Friday, March 1, 7:30-9:30 p.m., at Wright Memorial eatre, Middlebury College. $5-25. Info, 443-6433, middlebury.edu.

THEA WREN: Powerful rhythms and soulful lyrics engage audiences. Shelburne Vineyard, 7-9:30 p.m. $10. Info, theawrenmusic@ gmail.com.
THE VERMONT MANDOLIN TRIO: Jamie Masefield, Will Patton and Matt Flinner play everything from Bach to bluegrass. Artistree Community Arts Center, South Pomfret, 7 p.m. $25. Info, 457-3500.
OWL PROWL: Hikers snowshoe through the forest searching for nocturnal neighbors. BYO flashlights or headlamps. Ages 13 and up. Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, 5:30-7 p.m. $17.50-20; preregister; limited space. Info, 359-5000.
JOURNALISM COURSE: Veteran freelance reporter Carolyn Shapiro teaches attendees about media literacy and how the local news industry works. Presented by AARP Vermont. 10-11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 866-227-7451.
VERTICAL CHALLENGE: Folks hit the slopes for a lighthearted competition complete with awards and a victory party. Burke Mountain, East Burke, 7 a.m.1:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 603-875-3100.
MORNING TECH HELP: Experts answer questions about phones, laptops, e-readers and more in one-on-one sessions. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 846-4140.
‘LONG LIVE LOVE’: e Essex Community Players premieres Don Zolidis’ romantic farce, in which estranged playwright spouses compete to control the ending of their play within a play. Essex Memorial Hall, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $14-18. Info, 871-5026.
RPG NIGHT: Members of the LGBTQ community gather weekly to play games such as Dungeons & Dragons and Everway. Rainbow Bridge Community Center, Barre, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 622-0692.
ANDREW FINN MAGILL & ANYA HINKLE: A fiddle virtuoso and a bluegrass singer-songwriter
incorporate influences from roots music across the world. Seven Stars Arts Center, Sharon, 7-9 p.m. $20-25; free for kids under 12. Info, 763-2334.
‘FLY THE COOP’: Acclaimed flutist Emi Ferguson joins up with baroque chamber ensemble Ruckus for a playful, passionate showing. University of Vermont Recital Hall, Burlington, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $6.50-45. Info, 656-4455.
FRIDAY NIGHT PIANO: A performance of piano rolls from
the from the 1900s through the present — and from ABBA to Led Zeppelin — entertains as audiences eat snacks around the firepit. Main Street Museum, White River Junction, 5-10 p.m. Free. Info, info@mainstreetmuseum.org.
LEE BRICE: SOLD OUT. e multiplatinum country star plays hits such as “Rumor” and “I Hope You’re Happy Now.” Paramount eatre, Rutland, 7:30 p.m. $87.60-200. Info, 775-0903.
DANIEL MASON: e Pulitzer Prize finalist, physician and bestselling author discusses his latest book, North Woods, with Elizabeth Bluemle of the Flying Pig Bookstore. Pierson Library, Shelburne, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 985-5124.
SAT.2 dance
CELTIC CATS: Spectators enjoy a lively Saint Patrick’s Day pregame with the University of Vermont’s Irish dance team. ADA Accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
COMMUNITY CEILI: An afternoon of traditional Celtic social dance lessons and live music is soundtracked by One More Time. Richmond Free Library, 1-3 p.m. $5-20. Info, 363-6330.
SOCIAL: Beginners, new members and experienced West Coast Swing dancers are welcome.
North Star Community Hall, Burlington, lessons, 7 p.m.; dance, 8-10:30 p.m. $15 suggested donation. Info, 488-4789. etc.
DISCUSSION: Readings and reflections follow a half hour of mindfulness. Refreshments served. Shambhala Meditation Center, Burlington, 9:30 a.m.-11 p.m. Free. Info, 658-6795.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘THE HYPOCRITE’: Teton Gravity Research premieres its latest snow-sport short film, which ties the professional skiing world to the climate movement. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, 7 p.m. $15-45. Info, 760-4634.
‘A MAN CALLED ADAM’: Local trumpet legend Ray Vega kicks off a new jazz movie screening series with this 1966 classic starring Sammy Davis Jr. The Screening Room @ VTIFF, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5. Info, 660-2600.
MEDIA FACTORY ORIENTATION: Once aspiring filmmakers have
taken this tour of the studio, they have access to the full suite of gear and facilities. The Media Factory, Burlington, 1-2 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 651-9692.
food & drink
ORCHESTRA: A black-tie soirée in the belly of the Flynn precedes a VSO concert, taking inspiration from speakeasies and the golden age of Tinseltown. Price includes concert ticket. See calendar spotlight. The Flynn, Burlington,

5:30-9:30 p.m. $164.91; preregister; cash bar. Info, 248-224-7539.
MARKET: Dozens of seasonal stands overflow with produce, artisanal wares and prepared foods. Burlington Beer, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 560-5904.
RELIEF: A silent auction and tasty meal featuring shepherd’s pie, tourtière and dessert raises funds for central Vermonters impacted by flooding. Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Barre, 5-7:30 p.m. $20; free for kids under 12; preregister. Info, 476-3929.
BEGINNER DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: Waterbury Public Library game master Evan Hoffman gathers novices and veterans alike for an afternoon of virtual adventuring. Teens and adults welcome. Noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
BOARD GAME BRUNCH: The Friendly Tabletop Gamers of Essex and Beyond hosts a morning game-play session for anyone 18 and up. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
CHESS CLUB: Players of all ages and abilities face off and learn
SAT.2 » P.60

new strategies. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
LEARN TO PLAY MAH-JONGG: Pauline Nolte teaches a seven-week course on the American and Chinese styles of this ancient game. Waterbury Public Library, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, judi@waterburypubliclibrary. com.
health & fitness
COMMUNITY YOGA CLASS: An all-levels session offers a weekly opportunity to relax the mind and rejuvenate the body. Wise Pines, Woodstock, 10-11 a.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, 432-3126.
STRENGTH IN UNITY: Women and LGBTQ+ folks get the wellness floor to themselves. Greater Burlington YMCA, 6:30-8:30 p.m. $5; free for members. Info, 860-7812.
ATLANTIC CROSSING: Rick Klein, Viveka Fox and Peter Macfarlane share their special mix of folk songs from Québec, Maritime Canada, the British Isles and New England. Bixby Memorial Library, Vergennes, 1-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 877-2211.
‘THE HOLLYWOOD SOUND’: Vermont Symphony Orchestra explores scores from Casablanca, Psycho, e Godfather and Howl’s Moving Castle. See calendar spotlight. e Flynn, Burlington, 7:30-9:45 p.m. $10-59. Info, 864-5741.
KAFARI: Ambient piano, hip-hop instrumentation and Irish rhythm bones mix and match at this magical, interactive concert. Firefolk Arts, Waitsfield, 2-5 p.m. $15-45. Info, firefolkarts@gmail.com.
LARRY & JOE: Two musicians celebrate their Venezuelan and North Carolinian roots in a Latinbluegrass fusion. Burnham Hall, Lincoln, 7:30-10 p.m. $15-25. Info, 349-3364.
MICHAEL ARNOWITT: e pianist presents a program of imaginative works. Christ Episcopal Church, Montpelier, 7-9:30 p.m. $20-25; free for students. Info, 229-0984.
Walk of Fame
Cinephiles and classical music lovers alike flock to the Vermont Symphony Orchestra’s latest concert, e Hollywood Sound. Andrew Crust conducts a thrilling, chilling and profoundly fulfilling program worthy of a night at the movies. Selections from e Godfather, Howl’s Moving Castle, Psycho and Casablanca delight Burlington and Rutland concertgoers of all ages. Burlington guests get the opportunity to enjoy dinner and a show: Adventure Dinner serves up food and cocktails inspired by the films at its Hollywood Glamour Night in the belly of the Flynn.

Saturday, March 2, 7:30 p.m., at the Flynn in Burlington. $8.35-164.91. Sunday, March 3, 3 p.m., at the Paramount eatre in Rutland. $10-34; free for kids under 12. Info, 864-5741, vso.org.
SUN.3 bazaars
FIRST SUNDAYS FLEA & FARMERS MARKET: Antiques and locally made goods populate a bustling, eclectic bazaar. Enosburg Opera House, Enosburg Falls, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 933-6171.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
food & drink

VOCES8: SOLD OUT. e Grammynominated vocal ensemble makes its Vermont debut with a program of pieces from across the centuries. Robison Concert Hall, Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $5-25. Info, 443-6433.
VERTICAL CHALLENGE: See FRI.1. Smugglers’ Notch Resort, Jeffersonville, 7 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
‘THE TEMPEST’: See THU.29, 1:304 & 7:30-10 p.m.
SING-ALONG WITH LINDA BASSICK: Babies, toddlers and preschoolers sing, dance and wiggle along with Linda. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1111:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
chittenden county
PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Little ones enjoy a cozy session of reading, rhyming and singing. Birth through age 5. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
BOOK SALE: Books of all genres for all ages go on sale, and all proceeds fund library programming. Cash or check only. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 388-4095.
MARKET: Families shop for meat pies, honey, kimchi, bread and prepared foods from more local vendors at an indoor marketplace. O’Brien Community Center, Winooski, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, farmersmarket@downtown winooski.org.
health & fitness
PRACTICE: New and experienced meditators are always welcome to join this weekly practice in the tradition of ich Nhat Hahn. Sangha Studio — Pine, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, newleafsangha@gmail.com.
(FULLY): Participants practice keeping joy, generosity and gratitude at the forefront of their minds. Jenna’s House, Johnson, 10-11:15 a.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, mollyzapp@live.com.
SASHA VELOUR: In e Big Reveal Live Show!, the drag icon — and graduate of Vermont’s Center for Cartoon Studies — incorporates LGBTQ history, politics and pop culture. e Flynn,
FAMILY GROUP: RACIAL LEARNING FOR YOUNG CHILDREN: With Tucker Foltz of the Rokeby Museum, parents prepare for a four-week class teaching their kids about race and bias from an early age. For families with kids ages 3 through 5. In-person classes Saturdays in March. 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 877-3406.
FAM JAM: Vermont Folklife hosts a tuneful get-together for musicians of all
ages and skill levels. BYO instruments. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:307:30 p.m. Free. Info, ytv@vtfolklife.org.
chittenden county
BABY TIME: Parents and caregivers bond with their pre-walking babes during this gentle playtime. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $41-94. Info, 863-5966.
ANNEMIEKE MCLANE: A performer tickles the ivories on selections from her latest album, Bach and My Bicycle. Charlotte Congregational Church, 4-5 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, 425-3176.
DANÚ: Virtuosic tunes for the whistle, fiddle and accordion transport audiences to Ireland. Barre Opera House, 7-9 p.m. $2842. Info, 476-8188.
CONCERT: e music program’s talented faculty come together for a fun afternoon of jazz and classical music. University of Vermont Recital Hall, Burlington, 2 p.m. Donations. Info, 656-2295.
‘THE HOLLYWOOD SOUND’: See SAT.2 Paramount eatre, Rutland, 3-5:30 p.m. $10-34. Info, 864-5741.
MIKE BLOCK’S BIRIBÁ UNION: A genre-hopping cellist, a Grammynominated beatboxer and Karol G’s Uruguayan bass player walk onto a stage ... and play some of the freshest tunes out there. Live stream available. Next Stage Arts Project, Putney, 7 p.m. $10-25. Info, 387-0102.
Find even more local events in this newspaper and online: art
Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at sevendaysvt.com/art.
See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
music + nightlife
Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at sevendaysvt.com/ music.
Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
mad river valley/ waterbury
QUEER READS: LGBTQIA+ and allied youth get together each month to read and discuss ideas around gender, sexuality and identity. Waterbury Public Library, 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.
TEEN HANGOUT: Middle and high schoolers make friends at a no-pressure meetup. Waterbury Public Library, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. K
SUGAR HILL SALON: A Harlembased wind quartet chases away the winter blues with a lively program of works from Brazil, France and the American jazz scene. South Church Hall, St. Johnsbury, 3 p.m. $6-20. Info, 748-2600.
UKUELE SESSION/SING-ALONG: A fun, tuneful group meets up to jam out on the ukulele. Music provided. Worthen Library, South Hero, noon-2 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 363-6330.
VERTICAL CHALLENGE: See FRI.1. Bolton Valley Resort, 7 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
‘LONG LIVE LOVE’: See FRI.1, 2-4 p.m.
‘THE TEMPEST’: See THU.29, 1:30-4 p.m.
climate crisis
BUGPOCALYPSE: THE HIDDEN COLLAPSE OF INSECTS: Entomologist Aaron Weed explains why insects are essential to the ecosystem and how climate change has impacted them. Presented by the National Park Service. Noon-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, savannah_spannaus@partner.nps. gov.
WEST AFRICAN DANCE AND DRUM CLASS: Participants learn songs, rhythms and moves from across the African diaspora.
Middlebury College, 5-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-3168.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
Discounted wine by the glass fuels an evening of friendly competition featuring new and classic board games, card games, and cribbage. Shelburne Vineyard, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 985-8222.
BIANCA DEL RIO: The “RuPaul’s Drag Race” star brings her snarky humor and larger-than-life looks to her Dead Inside tour. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 7:30 p.m. $35-275. Info, 775-0903.
BOARD GAME NIGHT: LGBTQ tabletop fans bring their own favorite games to the party.
Rainbow Bridge Community Center, Barre, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 622-0692.
Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $42-62. Info, 603-448-0400.
VOCES8: See SUN.3. Fuller Hall, St. Johnsbury Academy, 7-9 p.m. $16-56; free for students. Info, 748-2600.
climate crisis
KOSIBA: An ecophysiologist explains how every part of a forest, from the trees to the soil, helps store carbon and mitigate the impacts of climate change. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 229-6206.
DISCUSSION GROUP: Brownell Library holds a virtual roundtable for neighbors to pause and reflect on the news cycle. 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6955.
CROCHET AND KNITTING CIRCLE: Yarnsmiths of all ages chat over their projects. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 5-6 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6955.
SWING DANCING: Local Lindy hoppers and jitterbuggers convene at Vermont Swings’ weekly boogie-down. Bring clean shoes. North Star Community Hall, Burlington, beginner lessons, 6:30 p.m.; dance, 7:30-9 p.m. $5. Info, 864-8382.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
food & drink
COOKBOOK CLUB: Readers choose a recipe from Yiayia: TimePerfected Recipes From Greece’s Grandmothers by Anastasia Miari to cook and share with the group. ADA accessible. South Burlington
CIRCLE: Volunteers from Vermont Chinese School help students learn or improve their fluency. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 11 a.m.noon. Free. Info, 846-4140.
CONVERSATION: Francophones and French-language learners meet pour parler la belle langue Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 5-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 343-5493.
BRIT FLOYD: An internationally beloved Pink Floyd tribute band re-creates the band’s final Division Bell tour on its 30th anniversary. The Flynn, Burlington, 8 p.m. $50-175. Info, 863-5966.
TREASURE THE LIBRARY: See WED.28, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
GROUP: TONI MORRISON: Readers analyze two novels, Song of Solomon and Jazz, over seven weeks. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, info@nereadersandwriters. com.
DISABLED ACCESS & ADVOCACY OF THE RUTLAND AREA (DAARA) MONTHLY ZOOM MEETING: Community members gather online to advocate for accessibility and other disability rights measures. 11:30 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 779-9021.
raffle and talk to growing and composting masters. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
CHISHOLM: Female entrepreneurs learn how to strengthen the part of their mind that serves them while quieting the anxious part. Presented by Women Business Owners Network Vermont. 8:30-10 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 503-0219.
PROGRAM: Representatives post up in the main reading room to answer questions and provide resources. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
JEWELRY MAKING WITH CASEY: Crafty folks string beads together to create teardrop earrings. Ages 7 and up. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3-4:30 p.m. Free; limited space. Info, 878-6956. YARN CRAFTERS GROUP: See WED.28.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘SMALL ISLAND BIG SONG’: Featuring eight Indigenous musicians, this stunning multimedia collaboration reunites the distant yet interconnected musical
Center, Middlebury College, 4:306:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-5697.
food & drink
health & fitness
CLASS: See WED.28.
SPANISH CONVERSATION: Fluent and beginner speakers brush up on their español with a discussion led by a Spanish teacher. Presented by Dorothy Alling Memorial Library. 5-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@damlvt.org.
OF OLD: Early female composers such as Hildegard von Bingen, Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre and Francesca Caccini are featured in this three-part series. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 1:152:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
ED BROMS: The house organist of Boston’s Episcopal Cathedral Church of St. Paul goes hard on the historic Estey organ. Epsilon Spires, Brattleboro, noon-1 p.m. Donations. Info, info@epsilon spires.org.
SMUGGS 55+ SKI CLUB: See WED.28. ➆

ADULT ART CLASSES: is spring, the T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier is proud to offer art classes for the community.
Classes include Dry Point Plexiglass Printmaking, Accordion Bookbinding, Drawing, Sci-Fi Fantasy Illustration and Art History. Classes are designed for all skill levels. Available to ages 16-plus. Enroll now and let your creativity flourish. Weekly. Cost: $480/2-hour class for 12 weeks.
Location: T.W. Wood Gallery, 46 Barre St., Montpelier. Info: Bailey Southgate, 802-262-6035, bsouthgate@twwoodgallery.org, twwoodgallery.org.
Mother, Moods and Mystery: In this in-person three-part series, explore your natal moon to gain deeper understanding of your emotional development, needs, triggers, instincts and more. e ancient wisdom tradition of astrology offers fresh insights into your patterns, helping you develop self-acceptance and practical tools for better well-being. Wed., Mar. 20 & 27, & Apr. 3, 5:30-7 p.m.
MEDIA FACTORY ORIENTATION: is is the gateway to checking out gear and using our facilities. We’ll take a virtual tour of the Media Factory, go over our policies and the cool stuff you can do here, and fill out paperwork to become a member the same-day. Requirements: photo ID, and you must live, work or study in our service area. Sat., Mar. 2, 11 a.m. Location: Media Factory, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 2K, Burlington. Info: 802-651-9692, bit.ly/ btvmediafactory.

THE BASICS OF WINE TASTING: Learn how to taste wine, know what you like and what to buy in an easy-to-understand way. Tue., Mar. 19, 6:30-9 p.m. Cost: $45.
Location: Standing Stone Wines, 33 Main St., Winooski. Info: 802540-7160, lilsickles@icloud.com, sevendaystickets.com.
Cost: $75/3 classes at 1.5 hours
each. Location: e Wellness
Collective, 875 Roosevelt Hwy., Ste. 120, Colchester. Info: Jennie Date, 802-578-3735, hiddenpath astrology@gmail.com, hiddenpathastrology.com.
INCOME: Come hear from local experts as well as academics and professionals from around the country on the complex topic of retirement financing. Wed., March 20, 4:45-6:45 p.m. Location: e Board Room at the South Burlington Public Library, 180 Market St., South Burlington. Info: erik@ckfinancialresources.com, sevendaystickets.com.

FOCACCIA ART WORKSHOP: Join our workshop to craft focaccia bread art with diverse toppings. Kids need adult supervision. Tickets accommodate extra attendees without kits. e recipe suits vegan/vegetarian diets but contains gluten. Alert us to allergies during registration; note, our facility isn’t allergen-free. Take home your 8-inch masterpiece and the recipe! u., Apr. 25, 6-7:30 p.m. Location: Red Poppy Cakery, Waterbury Village Historic District. Info: 203-400-0700, sevendaystickets.com.
COOKBOOK BAKING WORKSHOP: ‘FLOUR’ BY JOANNE CHANG: We’ll tackle a handful of recipes from the book family-style, sending everyone home with a full belly, something sweet to share and a copy of Flour by Joanne Chang. In order to have the books in time, registration closes early, so don’t wait too long to confirm your spot. Tue., Apr. 16, 6 p.m. Cost: $50-100. Location: Red Poppy Cakery, 1 Elm St., Waterbury Village Historic District. Info: 203-400-0700, sevendaystickets. com.

EGGSTATIC!: Eggs are amazing structures with multiple functions. Why do they look and work as they do? How are eggs adapted for aquatic and terrestrial wildlife? For ages 6-10; takes place outdoors. Price includes

And on the seventh day, we do not rest. Instead we bring you...

museum admission. Wed., Mar. 13, 10-11 a.m. Cost: $15-35.
Location: Birds of Vermont Museum, 900 Sherman Hollow Rd., Huntington. Info: 802-4342167, sevendaystickets.com.
E-CLASSES: Join us for adult Spanish classes this spring, using Zoom online video conferencing. Our 18th year. Learn from a native speaker via small group classes or individual instruction. You’ll always be participating and speaking. Beginning to Advanced. Note: Classes fill up fast. See our website or contact us for details. Group classes begin week of April 1; private instruction any time. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center. Info: 802-585-1025, spanishparavos@gmail.com, spanishwaterburycenter.com.

CLASSES: Join us for online and in-person adult French classes this spring. Our 11-week session starts on March 18 and offers classes for participants at all levels. Please visit our website to read about all of our offerings or contact Micheline by email for more information. 11-week classes begin Mar. 18, online or in person. Location: Alliance Francaise, 43 King St., Burlington. Info: Micheline, education@aflcr.org, aflcr.org.
CIRCLE: Join the New Mandarin Conversation Circle meeting every first and third Tue. of each month, 11 a.m. to noon, in the Community Room at the South Burlington Public Library. Please join volunteers from the Vermont Chinese School to learn and improve your Mandarin and make new friends. 1st and 3rd Tue. of each month, 11 a.m.-noon.
Location: South Burlington Library, 180 Market St., South Burlington. Info: Vermont Chinese School, 802-307-6332, sevendays tickets.com.

AGE/SEX: 7-year-old spayed female
ARRIVAL DATE: January 19, 2024
SUMMARY: Meet Mitzi! This fabulous feline is ready to chirp her way into your heart. Mitzi is a playful and active girl — you’d never guess that she’s over 7 years old! Definitely not a couch potato, she will need lots of playtime and enrichment to keep her happy and satisfied. She also loves her food puzzle and definitely needs to keep her mind busy. She does like a good cuddle session, but you can be sure she’s recovering for her next round of play. Mitzi is looking for a home where she can be spoiled rotten as the only pet. She is currently available for adoption from an HSCC foster home. Contact our adoption center at 802-862-0135 if you’re interested in meeting her!
DOGS/CATS/KIDS: Mitzi is looking for a home where she can be the only pet. Mitzi has previously done well with children; however, meeting her enrichment and play needs will be essential to preventing inappropriate and “rough play” behaviors that are not well suited to children.
Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 5 p.m. or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit hsccvt.org for more info.
Cats were born to hunt! All cats need playtime as an outlet for their natural predatory instincts. Providing interactive toys and playtime for your cat creates environmental enrichment as well as necessary mental and physical stimulation!
Sponsored by:

housing FOR RENT
Roomy 3-BR, now
$2,200/mo. Redone 1-BR avail. now, $1,000/mo. Refs. req., no pets. Call Joe’s cell: 802-318-8916.
My 86-years-young mother is looking for someone who is willing to share her spacious 2-BR, 2-BA apt. in Montpelier. Rent, utils. & weekly stipend incl. She requires assistance for showering & trips to the BA + some meal preparation. If you are interested in meeting my mother to further discuss this opportunity, please contact Gary at gary@vtconcretecutting.com.
Share large, beautifully handcrafted home in Calais w/ couple seeking help w/ housecleaning, fi rewood stacking, gardening & cat sitting. $450/mo. Call 802863-5625 or visit homesharevermont. org for application. Interview, refs. & background checks req. EHO.
NNE Burlington home to share w/ professional in her 60s who enjoys animal rights & travel. $550/mo. + dog walking 3 days/week. Private BA. No additional pets. Call 802-863-5625 or visit homesharevermont. org for application. Interview, refs. & background checks req. EHO.
OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE AT MAIN STREET LANDING on Burlington’s waterfront. Beautiful, healthy, affordable spaces for
housing ads: $25 (25 words) legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online
your business. Visit mainstreetlanding.com & click on space avail. Melinda, 864-7999.

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Our skilled caregivers are here to help. We can provide the care you need in the comfort of your home. Give us a call at 802-923-3434 to learn more. You can also check out our website at greenmountainto tal care.net.
$10K+ IN DEBT?
Be debt-free in 24-48 mos. Pay a fraction of your debt. Call National Debt Relief at 844-9773935. (AAN CAN)
You may qualify for disability benefi ts if you are between 52-63 years old & under a doctor’s care for a health condition that prevents you from working for a year or more. Call now! 1-877-247-6750. (AAN CAN)
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our
readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact:
HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309
— OR —
Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010 hrc@vermont.gov
services: $12 (25 words)
fsbos: $45 (2 weeks, 30 words, photo) jobs: michelle@sevendaysvt.com, 865-1020 x121
print deadline: Mondays at 3:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: sevendaysvt.com/classifieds questions? classifieds@sevendaysvt.com 865-1020 x115

We are there when you need us for home & car lockouts. We’ll get you back up & running quickly! Also, key reproductions, lock installs & repairs, vehicle fobs. Call us for your home, commercial & auto locksmith needs!
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For uninsured & insured drivers. Let us show you how much you can save! Call 855-569-1909. (AAN CAN)
Deep-tissue bodywork. Steamed towels/ hot packs. 30 years’ experience. Plainfi eld, Vt. Contact Peter Scott at 802-522-3053 or pscottmbs@gmail.com. Info: pscottmbs.com.
Psychic counseling, channeling w/ Bernice Kelman, Underhill. 40+ years’ experience. Also energy healing, chakra balancing, Reiki, rebirthing, other lives, classes & more. Info, 802-899-3542, kelman.b@juno.com.

buy this stuff
1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico & Stromberg + Gibson mandolins & banjos. Call 877-589-0747. (AAN CAN)

Drafty rooms? Chipped or damaged frames? Need outside noise reduction? New, energyeffi cient windows may be the answer! Call for a consultation & free quote today. 1-877248-9944. You will be asked for the zip code of the property when connecting. (AAN CAN)
You need a local expert provider that proudly stands behind its work. Fast, free estimate. Financing avail. Call 1-888-292-8225. Have the zip code of the property ready when calling! (AAN CAN)
In as little as 1 day! Affordable prices. No payments for 18 mo. Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & military discounts avail. Call 1-866-370-2939. (AAN CAN)
Get energy-effi cient windows. ey will increase your home’s value & decrease your energy bills. Replace all or a few! Call 844-3352217 now to get your free, no-obligation quote. (AAN CAN)
Protect your home from pests safely & affordably. Roaches, bedbugs, rodents, termites, spiders & other pests. Locally owned & affordable. Call for service or an inspection today! 1-833-237-1199. (AAN CAN)
A small amount of water can lead to major damage & mold growth in your home. Our trusted professionals do complete repairs to protect your family & your home’s value! Call 24-7: 1-888-290-2264. Have zip code of service location ready when you call! (AAN CAN)
DIRECTV SATELLITE TV Service starting at $74.99/mo.! Free install.
160+ channels avail. Call now to get the most sports & entertainment on TV. 877-310-2472. (AAN CAN)
Cute little potatoes, friendly, loving. 1st shots, health guarantee, tails docked. Ready to go Mar. 20 in East Hardwick. $775. Call 802-595-5345.
Miniature schnauzer/ Yorkshire terrier cross in East Hardwick. 7-13 pounds full grown. Non-shedding, hypoallergenic. 1st shots, health guarantee. Ready to go on Mar. 20. $775. Call 802-595-5345.
Hypoallergenic, vet-checked, 2nd shot. 3 males. Contact Carla at 802-338-6263.
12-week-old AKC East German shepherd puppies looking for a home. 2 bicolor males, one sable male. Sweet & calm temperament, excellent dogs. Call or text for more info, 802-373-1636.

I am a singer & songwriter, seeking training from a vocal coach to hone my skills. I want to start a band. Contact Arden Eckhart, ardy903@gmail.com.
Berklee graduate w/ 30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology, ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages, styles, levels. Rick Belford, 864-7195, rickbelford.com.

Casting for below-theknee sock models. Men & women w/ wide legs or feet. All body types (plus-size, big & tall, athletic), ages & ethnicities.
Foot size: men’s large, 10-12; women’s medium,
Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. e numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A one-box cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. e same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.
Try these online news games from Seven Days at sevendaysvt.com/games.
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Guess today’s 5-letter word. Hint: It’s in the news!
Legal Notices
The City of Winooski invites you to attend a construction public meeting for the Winooski Main Street Revitalization project on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, starting at 6:30 PM.*
This meeting will be held in person at the Winooski School District’s Performing Arts Center, located at 60 Normand Street, Winooski, VT and virtually via Zoom Webinar:
To dial in by phone, please call +1-646-558-8656
Type in the Webinar ID: 823 7137 5856
When joining by phone, please press *9 to raise your hand to be called on and *6 when asked to unmute.
The City of Winooski is improving the roadway along the Main Street (U.S. 2/7) corridor, starting at the New England Central Railroad bridge near the intersection with Maple Street and extending to the Winooski-Colchester town line near the Winooski School District. The construction of the Winooski Main Street Revitalization project is anticipated to take place over three construction seasons starting this spring and continuing through summer 2026. The construction public meeting will include a presentation comprised of a project overview, construction schedule, anticipated traffic impacts, and ways to stay informed throughout construction. Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity to ask questions of the project team and the contractor, Kubricky-Jointa Lime, LLC.
Requests for translation, interpretive, or other accommodation services, must be made by March 11, 2024, well in advance of the meeting for which services are requested. Please make requests to Annabelle Dally, Public Information Consultant at 802-595-4399 or info@winooskimainstreet.com.
*In the case of inclement weather, this meeting may be postponed to Tuesday, March 26, 2024, starting at 6:30 PM. Should a postponement occur, an announcement will be sent to the project
stakeholder list and posted to the project website, winooskivt.gov/mainstreet.
The Town is requesting separate sealed BIDS for the 2024 Capital Paving Program for the resurfacing of 14 roadways, and generally includes the placement of approximately 4,185 tons of bituminous concrete pavement, 28,640 square yards of cold planing (or milling), 2,616 square yards of full depth reclamation, painted line striping, traffic control, and associated items. The specific locations of paving are included in Appendix A of the Contract & Bidding Documents.
Bids will be received by: Lea Sanguinetti, Assistant Town Engineer, Town of Colchester, 781 Blakely Road, Colchester, VT 05446 until 2:00 pm on Friday, March 22, 2024 and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.
Each BID must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the OWNER for five percent (5%) of the total amount of the BID. A BID bond may be used in lieu of a certified check. The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS are available in electronic format upon request. Please contact Lea Sanguinetti at lsanguinetti@colchestervt.gov or 802-264-5635.
A Performance BOND and a Payment BOND each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price will be required. (40 CFR §31.36(h))
A mandatory pre-bid conference for prospective bidders will be held via Zoom Meeting/Conference Call at 10:00 am on Wednesday, March 6, 2024. Please contact Lea Sanguinetti for information on how to participate. Questions regarding the Bid are due by end of day on Wednesday, March 13, 2024. All bidders must notify Lea Sanguinetti of their intent to bid so they can be placed on a Bidders List to receive any issued addenda or other pertinent information. Please notify the Town if email is not an acceptable method for receiving information and provide alternate means of contact.
For the complete Bid & Contract Documents, please visit the Town website at: https://www. colchestervt.gov/bids.aspx
PROJECT: Post Apartments
176 South Winooski Avenue Burlington, VT
OWNERS: Post Apartments Housing Limited Partnership
100 Bank Street, Suite 400 Burlington, VT 05401
Champlain Housing Trust, Inc. 88 King Street Burlington, VT 05401
ARCHITECT: Duncan-Wisniewski Architecture
255 South Champlain Street Burlington, VT 05401
CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Wright & Morrissey, Inc.
99 Swift Street, Suite 100 South Burlington, VT 05403
Phone: 802-863-4541
Cell: 802-363-8474
Email: dyoung@wmorrissey.com
Fax: 802-865-1253
BID DUE: March 19th, 2024 @ 2:00 PM.
Wright & Morrissey, Inc. is seeking qualified subcontractor bids for all trades for the above referenced project. Women and minority owned businesses, small locally owned businesses and Section 3 businesses are strongly encouraged to apply. Contract security in a form acceptable to the Construction Manager may be required. All potential bidders shall demonstrate the ability to provide such security.
This project is subject to all requirements of the City of Burlington, MBE/WBE/Section 3, Burlington Livable Wage, Davis Bacon, Certified Payroll/ WACTO/Section 3 Monthly Reporting, CDBG/ HOME/HTF/VCDP/VHCB Grant funding, WACTO,
Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans & Cooperative Agreements, Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion, and Certification of Lobbying Activities.
This project involves the new construction of a 38unit, 4 story multi-family housing building built on a podium slab with commercial spaces underneath, a partial below grade storage/mechanical space and associated site work. Contact Wright & Morrissey, Inc. for bid packages.
Any bidding subcontractor without a prior working history with Wright & Morrissey, Inc. is asked to submit an AIA-305 Contractors Qualification Statement or equivalent references sufficient to indicate the bidding subcontractor is qualified to perform the work being bid.
MARCH 4, 2024 AND MARCH 5, 2024
The legal voters of the Champlain Valley School District, are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Champlain Valley Union High School Room 160 in the Town of Hinesburg at five o’clock (5:00pm) in the evening on March 4, 2024, to transact any of the following business not involving voting by Australian ballot, and to conduct an informational hearing with respect to Articles of business to be considered by Australian ballot on March 5, 2024. Virtual Zoom participation details: https://cvsdvtorg.zoom.us/j/82796942094 Meeting ID: 827 9694 2094 Passcode: cvsd11. Zoom Meeting phone participation: 1-646-876-9923 Passcode: 049722
ARTICLE I: To elect a moderator, clerk and treasurer.
ARTICLE II: To hear and act upon the reports of the school district officers.
ARTICLE III: Shall the voters of the Champlain Valley School District authorize the Board of School Directors to borrow money by issuance of bonds or notes not in excess of anticipated revenues for the next fiscal year?
ARTICLE IV: Shall the voters of the Champlain Valley School District authorize the Board of School Directors to provide a mailed notice of availability of the Annual Report to residents in lieu of distributing the Annual Report?
ARTICLE V: To establish the date of the Champlain Valley School District Annual Meeting of Monday, March 3, 2025 at 5pm at CVU High School and recessed and opened back up at Australian ballot voting on Town Meeting Day.
ARTICLE VI: To transact any other business proper to come before the meeting.
The legal voters of the Champlain Valley School District, are hereby notified and warned to meet at their respective polling places on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, at seven o’clock in the forenoon (7:00am), at which time the polls will open, and seven o’clock in the afternoon (7:00pm), at which time the polls will close, to vote by Australian ballot on the following articles of business:
ARTICLE VII: Shall the voters of the Champlain Valley School District approve the expenditure by the Board of School Directors of the sum of One Hundred Five Million, Eight Hundred One Thousand, One Hundred Eighty Five Dollars ($105,801,185) which is the amount the Board of School Directors has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year commencing July 1, 2024?
ARTICLE VIII: Shall general obligation bonds or notes of the Champlain Valley School District in an amount not to exceed Three Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Dollars ($395,000), subject to reduction from the application of available state and federal grants-in-aid and reserves, be issued for the purpose of financing the cost of purchasing three (3) school buses, the aggregate cost of such purchases is estimated to cost Three Hundred
Ninety-Five Thousand Dollars ($395,000)?
ARTICLE IX: Shall the voters of the Champlain Valley School District authorize the Board of School Directors to allocate its current fund balance, without effect upon the District tax levy, of Three Million, Two Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand, Five Hundred Forty-Seven Dollars ($3,275,547) as revenue for future budgets?
ARTICLE X: Shall general obligation bonds or notes of Champlain Valley School District in an amount
Show and tell. View and post up to 6 photos per ad online.
not to exceed Three Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,500,000), subject to reduction from the application of available state and federal grants-in-aid and reserves, be issued for the purpose of financing the cost of making certain public school building improvements, namely (1) Charlotte Central School building mechanical, electrical, paving and energy efficiency upgrades ($1,450,000), (2) Champlain Valley Union High School grounds and building repairs and replacements ($50,000), (3) Shelburne Community School building and grounds repairs, electrical and HVAC and upgrades ($1,900,000), (4) Williston Central School flooring ($50,000), and (5) Allen Brook School fire alarm system ($50,000), the aggregate cost of such improvements estimated to be Three Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,500,000). State funds may not be available at the time these projects are otherwise eligible to receive state school construction aid. The District is responsible for all costs incurred in connection with any borrowing done in anticipation of the receipt of school construction aid.
Charlotte Charlotte Town Hall
Hinesburg Hinesburg Town Hall
Shelburne Shelburne Town Center – Gymnasium
Williston Williston Armory
St. George St. George Town Hall
Ballots shall be transported and delivered to the Champlain Valley Union High School in the Town of Hinesburg and there commingled and counted by members of the Boards of Civil Authority of several towns under the supervision of the District Clerk of the Champlain Valley School District.
The legal voters of the Champlain Valley School District are further notified that voter qualification, registration and absentee/early voting relative to said annual meeting shall be as provided in Section 706u of Title 16, and Chapters 43, 51 and 55 of Title 17, Vermont Statutes Annotated.
Adopted and approved at a duly noticed, called and held meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Champlain Valley School District on January 23, 2024. Received for record and recorded in the records of the Champlain Valley School District on January 23, 2024.
ATTEST: Lynne T. Jaunich, District Clerk; Angela M. Arsenault, Chairperson
The legal voters of Winooski are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Winooski School District Auditorium on March 4, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss Article Four & Article Five and Article Eight to conduct an informational hearing on the Australian Ballot questions. A public hearing will coincide with the informational meeting to discuss Article Six and Article Seven. The meeting to be adjourned and to reconvene at the Winooski Senior Center, 123 Barlow Street on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 to transact any business involving voting by Australian Ballot to begin at 7:00 o’clock in the morning and to close at 7:00 o’clock in the evening.
The legal voters of the City of Winooski are further notified that voter qualification, registration, and absentee voting relative to said meeting shall be as provided in Title 17 V.S.A. Chapters 43, 51 and 55. In addition, Act No. M-6 (H.227)
Article One
To elect a (1) Mayor for a term of three (3) years.
Article Two
To elect (2) City Councilors for a term of two (2) years each.
Article Three
To elect (1) Champlain Water District Commissioner for a three (3) year term
Article Four- City Budget
Shall the voters of the City of Winooski approve the budget for the Fiscal Year 2025 in the amount of Ten Million Nine Hundred Eighty-One Thousand Eighty-Six dollars and Seven cents ($10,981,086.07). The amount to be raised from property taxes is Eight Million Three Hundred Nine Thousand Five Hundred Forty-Six dollars and Thirty-Five cents ($8,309,546.35).
Article Five
Shall the City Council be authorized to apply for
and accept funds from sources other than property taxation, and to expend the same for the benefit of the City in addition to sums for which budget appropriation has been made? (Approval of this article will not impact property taxes.)
Article Six - Bond Vote
Shall the voters approve the use of up to $515,000 of the unexpended proceeds of the City’s 2020 Capital Improvement Bond (Hickok Street Water Line and Reconstruction Project) to finance construction of improvements for capital improvements for the City’s public infrastructure, including improvements to City streets, traffic control and landscape elements, sidewalk, and road improvements, including costs of planning, design, construction, and reconstruction?
Article Seven - Bond Vote
Shall the bonds or notes or other indebtedness of the City of Winooski in a principal amount not to exceed Four Million Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,600,000), be issued for the purpose of the planning, design and construction of improvements for the City, known as the Burlington-Winooski Bridge Project, consisting of planning, design, construction and relocation or reconstruction of the bridge across the Winooski River between the City and the City of Burlington, including environmental remediation and improvements for traffic, bike path and pedestrian use, traffic control and related park improvements, and for a term not to exceed 30 years, with the understanding that if the City secures funds from other sources for the Burlington-Winooski Bridge Project, it could issue such bonds or notes to pay for improvements for the two Rail Bridges?
Article Eight - Champlain Water District
Shall Three Million Two Hundred Thousand dollars ($3,200,000.00) of unexpended infrastructure bond proceeds authorized at the September 13, 2022, special meeting of the Champlain Water District be expended for the implementation of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (‘SCADA”) upgrade, the cost thereof estimated to be Three Million Two Hundred Thousand dollars ($3,200,000.00)?
Dated at Winooski, Vermont this 22 of January 2024
Mayor Kristine Lott
Deputy Mayor Thomas Renner
Councilor Bryn Oakleaf
Councilor Aurora Hurd Councilor Charles Dodge
The legal voters of Jericho, Vermont are hereby notified and warned to meet on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, to vote on the following article by Australian Ballot at the Mount Mansfield Union High School in said town of Jericho. Polls for voting by Australian ballot will be open on Tuesday, March 5th, 2024, at the Mount Mansfield Union High School from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., at which time the polls will close.
ARTICLE XIII Shall general obligation bonds or notes of the Town of Jericho in an amount not to exceed Four Million, One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($4,150,000.00) be issued under Chapter 53 of Title 24, Vermont Statutes Annotated, payable from the Town’s general fund, derived from the taxation of real property for a period not to exceed thirty years, and subject to reduction by available grants-in-aid or other funding sources, be issued to finance the cost of constructing certain improvements to the Town Maintenance Facility (the Project)?
Dated this 29th day of January 2024 at Jericho Vermont.
Jericho Select Board
Catherine McMains
Joseph Flynn
Erik Johnson
The legal voters of the Town of Jericho are further notified that a public informational meeting will be held on Monday, February 26th, 2024 at the Jericho Town Hall at 6pm, to discuss the bond issue
Open 24/7/365.
Post & browse ads at your convenience.
proposition and explain the proposed Project and the financing thereof. Zoom link will be available on the Jericho Town Website, JerichoVT.org
MARCH 5, 2024
The legal voters of the Town of Richmond Vermont and the legal voters of the Mount Mansfield Unified Union School District residing in Richmond are hereby notified and warned to meet at Camels Hump Middle School, in said Town, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 9 AM to transact the following articles:
The voters are further warned to meet at Camels Hump Middle School, in said Town, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, where the polls will be open at 7:00 am in the forenoon and close at 7:00 pm in the afternoon to vote the following by Australian ballot:
Town Officers and MMUUSD School Directors
Article 1. To elect school and town officers for terms posted on ballot. (To be voted by Australian ballot)
Article 2. To hear and accept reports of the Town Officers.
Article 3. Shall the voters of the Town of Richmond approve a budget of $4,819,779.00 to meet the expenses and liabilities of the Town of Richmond in Fiscal Year 2025?
Article 4. Shall the voters of Richmond vote to appropriate $500.00 to Vermont Family Network to provide support to Richmond families with children with special needs, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 5. Shall the voters of Richmond vote to appropriate $3,500.00 to Age Well to provide support and guidance to town residents aged 60 years and older, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 6. Shall the voters of Richmond vote to appropriate $375.00 to VT Center for Independent Living for providing services to enhance the lives of town residents with disabilities, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 7. Shall the voters of Richmond vote to appropriate $1,000.00 to The Committee on Temporary Shelter to provide emergency shelter, services, and housing for town residents who are homeless or marginally housed, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 8. Shall the voters of Richmond vote to appropriate $3,000.00 to Our Community Cares Camp to provide enrichment and food services to children, internship opportunities for youth, job training, and development for young adults for town residents, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 9. Shall the voters of Richmond vote to appropriate $1,500.00 to Steps to End Domestic Violence for assisting town residents who have been affected physically, sexually, emotionally, or economically by domestic abuse in the transition to a safe, independent life, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 10. Shall the voters of Richmond vote to appropriate $5,000.00 to Turning Point Center of Chittenden County to provide to town residents an inclusive compassionate community supporting those on multiple paths to recovery through peer-driven services in a safe, substance-free environment, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 11 Shall the voters of Richmond vote to appropriate $1,885.00 to HOPE Works for their work to end all forms of sexual violence to town residents, such amount being reasonably necessary for the support thereof?
Article 12. Shall the voters authorize renovating and making capital improvements to the Town
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Center building to address conditions affecting user health and safety concerns (i.e., deteriorating windows, electrical and HVAC systems, emergency egress deficiencies, and the absence of a sprinkler system) and to bring the building into compliance with flood-related zoning regulations, and to issue notes or other debt instruments in an amount not to exceed Nine Million, Eight Hundred Forty-One Thousand, Six Hundred Three and 00/100 Dollars ($9,841,603.00) and for a term not to exceed thirty (30) years (the “Project”), subject to reduction by grants in aid and other state and federal funds then available to the Town for this purpose? (To be voted by Australian ballot)
Article 13. Shall the Town of Richmond vote to approve funding the Conservation Reserve Fund by adding one cent to the municipal tax rate in the 2024-2025 fiscal year? (To be voted by Australian ballot)
Advisory Article 14. Shall the Town of Richmond investigate developing housing on the Town owned property of Browns Ct.?
Article 15. To transact any other Town business that may come legally before this meeting.
Richmond Select Board
Jay Furr, Chairperson
Bard Hill
David Sander, Vice Chair
Jeffrey Forward
Lisa Miller
Received for record this day of January 2024.
Linda M. Parent, CVC, Town Clerk
Requests for early voter absentee ballots will be accepted in the Town Clerk’s Office until NOON on March 1, 2024
Richmond Select Board: The legal voters of the Town of Richmond are warned and notified that an informational meeting will be held at Richmond Town Center in the Town of Richmond on Monday, February 26, 2024 commencing at 7:00 PM for the purpose of explaining the 2024-2025 proposed budget and Australian ballot items. This meeting may also be attended online or by phone:
Join Zoom Meeting Online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87155105423?pwd=W U81V1g1eXZVaTR3U2gvaVVndXJpUT09
Join by Phone: +1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 871 5510 5423
Passcode: 025372
Take notice that on the 22nd day of March 2024
Vermont Moving & Storage, Inc. will hold a public sale of the following goods:
House hold goods and personal belongs owned stored for Morgan Bayko $500.00
The terms of the sale are final payment in full by cash or credit card. items will be sold in “as is condition” with no warranties expressed or implied. Any person claiming the rights to these goods must pay the amount necessary to satisfy the storage cost list above.
Please contact Jennifer at 802-655-6683 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6111
Application 4C1236-1C from Gray Rock Property, LLC, was received on January 30, 2024 and deemed complete on February 20, 2024. The project specifically authorizes the incorporation of an Air Pollution Control Permit for the Gray Rock Quarry, updates coverage under the General Construction Permit, and extends the construction completion date of a Hot Mix Asphalt Batch Plant initially authorized in Land Use Permit 4C1236-1 from October 31, 2020 to October 15, 2027. No changes or deviations from the originally issued permits for this project are proposed in this application. The project is located at 54 West Milton Rd in Milton, Vermont. This application can be viewed online by visiting the Act 250 Database: (https://anrweb.vt.gov/ANR/Act250/Details. aspx?Num=4C1236-1C).
No hearing will be held and a permit will be issued unless, on or before March 15, 2024, a party notifies the District 4 Commission in writing of an issue requiring a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing, must state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required, and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. To request party status and a hearing, fill out the Party Status Petition Form on the Board’s website: https://nrb. vermont.gov/documents/party-status-petitionform, and email it to the District 4 Office at: NRB. Act250Essex@vermont.gov. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.
For more information contact Kaitlin Hayes at the address or telephone number below.
Dated this February 22, 2024.
By: /s/ Kaitlin Hayes
Kaitlin Hayes
District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 (802) 622-4084 kaitlin.hayes@vermont.gov
A public hearing will be held by the Winooski Development Review Board on Thursday, March 21, 2024 beginning at 6:30 p.m. to consider the following:
Request for Conditional Use Approval: 165 East Spring Street
Applicant has submitted a request to establish a detached cottage on property located at 165 East Spring Street. This property is located in the City’s Residential C (R-C) Zoning District and the proposed use is listed as “Conditional” in the City’s Land Use Table (Section 2.4) as included in the Unified Land Use and Development Regulations (ULUDR). Conditional uses are reviewed under Section 6.7 of the ULUDR.
This hearing will begin at 6:30pm. Members of the public that are interested in participating in this hearing can do so by attending in person at Winooski City Hall, 27 West Allen Street, Winooski, VT; or electronically by visiting https:// us06web.zoom.us/j/88033087629 or by calling (301) 715 8592 and using Webinar ID: 880 3308 7629. Toll charges may apply.
Members of the public interested in participating in the above captioned hearing are requested, but not required to make their intentions known by completing the public comment request form located on the City’s website at https://www. winooskivt.gov/FormCenter/Human-Resources6/ Public-Comment-Request-Form-61 at least 24 hours in advance to ensure this information is included in the record of the hearing. This will also allow the chair to recognize participants to provide testimony at the appropriate time during the hearing.
The Development Review Board will hold a public hearing on this matter before rendering a decision. Decisions of the Development Review Board can be appealed by “interested persons” (as defined by 24 V.S.A. § 4465) to the Environmental Division of the Vermont Superior Court.
Questions or comments on this matter can be directed to Eric Vorwald, AICP, City of Winooski Planning & Zoning Manager by calling 802.655.6410 or visiting Winooski City Hall at 27 West Allen Street during normal business hours. Information related to this matter will also be
available on the City’s website at https://www. winooskivt.gov/229/Development-Review-Board
Your company/program is invited to submit a competitive proposal for a Summer Education Camp to serve students who require Summer Learning Services.
Issue Date: February 16th, 2024
Responses Due By: March 7th, 2024
Response must be submitted electronically Please confirm our receipt of your submission immediately through the contact shown below:
Proposals, Correspondence and Questions should be sent to:
Galen Perkins, Special Services Coordinator galen. perkins@mmuusd.org 802-434-7321
TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2024, 5:00 PM
Hybrid & In Person (at 645 Pine Street) Meeting
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83225696227p wd=SGQ0bTdnS000Wkc3c2J4WWw1dzMxUT09
Webinar ID: 832 2569 6227
Passcode: 969186
Telephone: US +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799
1. ZP-24-50; 75 Briggs Street (E-LM, Ward 5) Meraki Realty Holdings, LLC / Andrea Charest Reapplication of proposed construction of new health club, climbing, and community center including related site improvements.
Plans may be viewed upon request by contacting the Department of Permitting & Inspections between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Participation in the DRB proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. Please note that ANYTHING submitted to the Zoning office is considered public and cannot be kept confidential. This may not be the final order in which items will be heard. Please view final Agenda, at www.burlingtonvt.gov/dpi/drb/agendas or the office notice board, one week before the hearing for the order in which items will be heard.
The City of Burlington will not tolerate unlawful harassment or discrimination on the basis of political or religious affiliation, race, color, national origin, place of birth, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, veteran status, disability, HIV positive status, crime victim status or genetic information. The City is also committed to providing proper access to services, facilities, and employment opportunities. For accessibility information or alternative formats, please contact Human Resources Department at (802) 540-2505
MARCH 13TH , 2024, AT 7:00 PM
Location: 3rd floor meeting room Richmond Town Offices, 203 bridge street Richmond VT, 05477
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/89057870483
Meeting ID: 890 5787 0483
Call-in: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Application materials may be viewed at http:// www.richmondvt.gov/boards-minutes/ developmentreview-board/ before the meeting. Please call Tyler Machia, Zoning Administrator, at 802-434-2430 or email tmachia@richmondvt.gov with any questions.
Public Hearing
SP2024-01 Summit Distributing, LLC
Parcel ID#WM1436
Project Location: 1436 West Main Street
Project Description: The Applicants, Summitt Distributing, are seeking to amend their approved site plan for the remodeled Mobil station. The
applicants need to add additional landscaping to their previously approved site plan in order to comply with ACT 250 requirements.
MARCH 19, 2024 – 7PM
The Huntington Development Review Board (DRB) will meet via Zoom to conduct the following business, pursuant to the Huntington Zoning and Subdivision Regulations:
Conditional Use Review
Susan Wolff seeks approval for a garage on a 1.4 acre lot. Project is located in the Village District (1-acre zoning) on Hemlock Hill Drive. Tax Map ID# 16-029.
The project information is available on the town website www.huntingtonvt.org.Participation in a hearing is required to appeal a decision of the DRB. Application materials may be viewed the week before meeting.
-Yves Gonnet, DRB Staff, February 26, 2024
*Zoom:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/828530 92094?pwd=K2pFMU9MMkpQcDQrMVVSakF xWXUzUT09 Meeting ID: 828 5309 2094 Passcode: 328992 / Questions: 802-434-3557.
In re ESTATE of Marlene B. Wallace
To the creditors of: Marlene B. Wallace, late of South Burlington, Vermont
I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.
Dated: February 23, 2024
Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Margaret Wallace
Executor/Administrator: Margaret Wallace, 27 Washington St., Burlington, VT 05401 dropjohn2@yahoo.com (802) 598-7702
Name of Publication: Seven Days
Publication Date: 2/28/2024
Name of Probate Court: State of VermontChittenden Probate Division
Address of Probate Court: 175 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401
DOCKET NO.: 23-PR-07799
In re ESTATE of Patricia Means
To the creditors of: Patricia Means, late of Richmond, Vermont
I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.
Dated: February 26, 2024
Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Suzanna Miller
Executor/Administrator: c/o Miller Estate Law PLC,
PO Box 220, N. Ferrisburgh, VT 05473 smiller@millerestatelaw.com (802) 777-8297
Name of Publication: Seven Days
Publication Date: 2/28/2024
Name of Probate Court: State of VermontChittenden Probate Division
Address of Probate Court: 175 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401
Pursuant to 17 V.S.A. §2680, the qualified voters of the City of Winooski are hereby warned and notified that a Public Informational Meeting will be held on March 4, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Winooski School District Auditorium, Winooski, Vermont. The object and purpose of this hearing is to consider indebtedness for the purpose of improvements for the City, known as the Burlington-Winooski Bridge Project, consisting of planning, design, construction and relocation or reconstruction of the bridge across the Winooski River between the City and the City of Burlington, including environmental remediation and improvements for traffic, bike path and pedestrian use, traffic control and related park improvements. The current estimated total cost of the improvements is between $60,000,000 and $80,000,000, with the City responsible for a portion of such total project costs. The amount of bonds or notes or other indebtedness of the City proposed to be issued is $4,600,000. In the event that the City secures federal or state grants and funding from other sources for the BurlingtonWinooski Bridge Project, the City would use proceeds of such bonds or other indebtedness to fund capital improvements and repairs to the two railroad bridges on Main Street and Weaver Street (the “Rail Bridge Projects”).
The article as it will appear on the City ballot is as follows:
Shall the bonds or notes or other indebtedness of the City of Winooski in a principal amount not to exceed Four Million Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,600,000), be issued for the purpose of the planning, design and construction of improvements for the City, known as the Burlington-Winooski Bridge Project, consisting of planning, design, construction and relocation or reconstruction of the bridge across the Winooski River between the City of Winooski and the City of Burlington, including environmental remediation, improvements for traffic, bike path and pedestrian use, traffic control and related park improvements, and for a term not to exceed 30 years, with the understanding that if the City secures funds from other sources for such Project, it could issue such bonds or notes to pay for improvements for the two Rail Bridges?
The above question will be voted by Australian ballot on March 5, 2024, at the Winooski Senior Center, 123 Barlow Street, in the City of Winooski between the hours of (7:00) seven o’clock in the morning, at which time the polls will open, and (7:00) seven o’clock in the evening, at which time the polls will close. The legal voters of the City of Winooski are further notified that voter qualification, registration and absentee voting relative to said meeting shall be as provided in Chapter 43, 51 and 55 of Title 17, Vermont Statutes Annotated.
Pursuant to 17 V.S.A. §2680, the qualified voters of the City of Winooski are hereby warned and notified that a Public Informational Meeting will be held on March 4, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Winooski School District Auditorium, Winooski, Vermont. The object and purpose of this hearing is to consider authorizing the City to use the unspent proceeds from the City’s $1,300,000 Capital Improvement Bond (Hickok Street Water Line and Reconstruction Project) (the “2020 Bond”), originally issued for financing public improvements related to the planning, design and construction of replacement of the Hickok Street water lines, valves, and associated street reconstruction, for capital improvements relating to the City’s public infrastructure, including improvements to City streets, traffic control and landscape elements, sidewalk and road improvements, including
costs of planning, design, construction, and reconstruction.
The article as it will appear on the City ballot is as follows:
Shall the voters approve the use of up to $515,000 of the unexpended proceeds of the City’s 2020 Capital Improvement Bond (Hickok Street Water Line and Reconstruction Project) to finance construction of improvements for capital improvements relating to the City’s public infrastructure, including improvements to City streets, traffic control and landscape elements, sidewalk and road improvements, including costs of planning, design, construction, and reconstruction?
The above question will be voted by Australian ballot on March 5, 2024, at the Winooski Senior Center, 123 Barlow Street, in the City of Winooski between the hours of (7:00) seven o’clock in the morning, at which time the polls will open, and (7:00) seven o’clock in the evening, at which time the polls will close. The legal voters of the City of Winooski are further notified that voter qualification, registration and absentee voting relative to said meeting shall be as provided in Chapter 43, 51 and 55 of Title 17, Vermont Statutes Annotated.
Show and tell. View and post up to 6 photos per ad online.
Open 24/7/365.
Post & browse ads at your convenience.
MARCH 14, 2024, 6:00 PM
Hybrid & In Person (Municipal Conference Room, 81 Main St., Essex Jct.) Meeting. Anyone may attend this meeting in person at the above address or remotely through the following options: Zoom link: https://www.essexvt.org/1043/ Join-Zoom-Meeting-Essex-PC Call (audio only): 1-888-788-0099 | Meeting ID: 923 7777 6158 # | Passcode: 426269 | Public wifi is available at the Essex municipal offices, libraries, and hotspots listed here: https://publicservice.vermont.gov/ content/public-wifi-hotspots-vermont
Support Groups
Please join our parent-led online support group designed to share our questions, concerns & struggles, as well as our resources & successes!
Contribute to our discussion of the unique but shared experience of parenting. We will be meeting weekly on Wed., 10-11 a.m. For more info or to register, please contact Heather at hniquette@pcavt.org, 802-498-0607, pcavt.org/family-support-programs.
Please join our parent-led online support group designed to share our questions, concerns & struggles, as well as our resources & successes!
Contribute to our discussion of the unique but shared experience of parenting. We will be meeting weekly on Fri., 10-11 a.m. For more info or to register, please contact Heather at hniquette@ pcavt.org, 802-498-0607, pcavt.org/ family-support-programs.
Please join our parent-led online support group designed to share our questions, concerns & struggles, as well as our resources & successes! Contribute to our discussion of the unique but shared experience of parenting. We will be meeting weekly on Mon., 10-11 a.m. For more info or to register, please contact Heather at hniquette@ pcavt.org, 802-498-0607, pcavt.org/ family-support-programs.
For families & friends of alcoholics. Phone meetings, electronic meetings (Zoom) & an Al-Anon blog are avail. online at the Al-Anon website. For meeting info, go to vermontalanon alateen.org or call 866-972-5266.
Do you have a drinking problem? AA meeting sites are now open, & online meetings are also avail. Call our hotline at 802-864-1212 or check for in-person or online meetings at burlingtonaa.org.
Are you a frustrated artist? Have you longed for a space to “play” & work? Let’s get together & see what we can do about this! Text anytime or call 802-777-6100.
Support groups meet to provide assistance & info on Alzheimer’s disease & related dementias. They emphasize shared experiences, emotional support & coping techniques in care for a person living w/ Alzheimer’s or a related dementia. Meetings are free & open to the public. Families, caregivers & friends may attend. Please call in advance to confirm the date & time. The Williston Caregiver Support Group meets in person on the 2nd Tue. of every mo., 5-6:30 p.m., at the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library in Williston; this meeting also has a virtual option at the same time; contact support group facilitators Molly at dugan@ cathedralsquare.org or Mindy at moondog@burlingtontelecom.net.
The Middlebury Support Group for Individuals w/ Early Stage Dementia meets the 4th Tue. of each mo., 3 p.m., at the Residence at Otter Creek, 350 Lodge Rd., Middlebury; contact Daniel Hamilton, dhamilton@residenceottercreek.com or 802-989-0097. The Shelburne Support Group for Individuals w/ Early Stage Dementia meets the 1st Mon. of every mo., 2-3 p.m., at the Residence at Shelburne Bay, 185 Pine Haven Shores, Shelburne; contact support group facilitator Lydia Raymond, lraymond@residenceshelburnebay. com. The Telephone Support Group meets the 2nd Tue. of each mo., 4-5:30 p.m. Prereg. is req. (to receive dial-in codes for toll-free call). Please dial the Alzheimer’s Association’s 24-7 Helpline, 800-272-3900, for more info. For questions or additional support group listings, call 800-272-3900.
VT Active Amputees is a new support group open to all amputees for connection, community & support. The group meets on the 1st Wed. of the mo. in S. Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Let’s get together & be active: running, pickleball & ultimate Frisbee. Email vtactiveamputees@gmail.com or call Sue at 802-582-6750 for more info & location.
Do you spend more than you earn? Get help at Debtor’s Anonymous & Business Debtor’s Anonymous. Wed., 6:30-7:30 p.m., Methodist Church in the Rainbow Room at Buell & S. Winooski, Burlington. Contact Jennifer, 917-568-6390.
Pregnancy can be a wonderful time of your life. But it can also be a time of
Extra! Extra!
There’s no limit to ad length online.
1. Sketch Plan- John and Carolyn Leo are proposing a new 8-lot commercial subdivision located at 15 Leo Drive, Parcel ID 2-008-004-203, located in the Industrial District (I1) Zone and Scenic Resource Preservation Overlay (SRPO) District.
Application materials may be viewed before the meeting at https://www.essexvt.org/182/ Current-Development-Applications. Please call 802-878-1343 or email COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT@ESSEX.ORG with any questions. This may not be the final order in which items will be heard. Please view the complete Agenda, at https://essexvt.portal.civicclerk.com or the office notice board before the hearing for the order in which items will be heard and other agenda items.
stress often compounded by hormonal swings. If you are a pregnant woman, or have recently given birth & feel you need some help w/ managing emotional bumps in the road that can come w/ motherhood, please come to this free support group led by an experienced pediatric registered nurse. Held on the 2nd & 4th Tue. of every mo., 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Birthing Center, Northwestern Medical Center, St. Albans. Info: Rhonda Desrochers, Franklin County Home Health Agency, 527-7531.
American Lung Association support group for people w/ breathing issues, their loved ones or caregivers. Meets on the 1st Mon. of every mo., 11 a.m.-noon at the Godnick Center, 1 Deer St., Rutland. For more info, call 802-776-5508.
Vermont Center for Independent Living offers virtual monthly meetings, held on the 3rd Wed. of every mo., 1-2:30 p.m. The support group will offer valuable resources & info about brain injury. It will be a place to share experiences in a safe, secure & confidential environment. To join, email Linda Meleady at lindam@vcil.org & ask to be put on the TBI mailing list. Info: 800-639-1522.
Looking for a fun way to do something active & health-giving? Want to connect w/ other breast cancer survivors? Come join Dragonheart Vermont. We are a breast cancer survivor & supporter dragon boat team who paddle together in Burlington. Please contact us at info@drgonheartvermont.org for info.
BURLINGTON MEN’S PEER GROUP Tue. nights, 7-9 p.m. in Burlington. Free of charge, 30 years running. Call Neils 802-877-3742 or email neils@ myfairpoint.net.
The Champlain Valley Prostate Cancer Support Group will be held every 2nd Tue. of the mo., 6-7:45 p.m. via conference call. Newly diagnosed? Prostate cancer reoccurrence? General discussion & sharing among survivors & those beginning or rejoining the battle.
Info, Mary L. Guyette RN, MS, ACNS-BC, 274-4990, vmary@aol.com.
Last Thu. of every mo., 7:30 p.m. in Montpelier. Please contact Lisa Masé for location: lisa@harmonizecookery.com.
Cerebral Palsy Guidance is a very comprehensive informational website broadly covering the topic of cerebral palsy & associated medical conditions. Its mission is to provide the best possible info to parents of children living w/ the complex condition of cerebral palsy. Visit cerebralpalsyguidance.com/ cerebral-palsy.
CoDA is a 12-step fellowship for people whose common purpose is to develop healthy & fulfilling relationships. By actively working the program of Codependents Anonymous, we can realize a new joy, acceptance & serenity in our lives. Meets Sun. at noon at the Turning Point Center, 179 S. Winooski Ave., Suite 301, Burlington. Info: Tom, 238-3587, coda.org.
The Compassionate Friends international support group for parents, siblings & families grieving the loss of a child meets every 4th Tue. of the mo., 7-9 p.m., at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, 2 Cherry St., Burlington. Call/email Alan at 802-233-0544, alanday88@ gmail.com, or Claire at 802-448-3569.
Are you ready to make improvements but find it overwhelming? Maybe 2 or 3 of us can get together to help each other simplify. Info: 989-3234, 425-3612.
We welcome anyone, including family & friends, affected by any kind of substance or activity addiction. This is an abstinence-oriented program based on the science of addiction treatment & recovery. Meets are online Sun. at 5 p.m. at the link: meetings.smartrecovery. org/meetings/1868. Face-to-face meetings are 1st & 3rd Sun. at 3 p.m. at the Turning Point of Chittenden County. Meetings for family & friends are online on Mon. at 7 p.m. at the link: meetings/ smartrecovery.org/meetings/6337. Contact volunteer facilitator Bert at 802-399-8754 w/ questions. You can learn more at smartrecovery. org.
Steps to End Domestic Violence offers a weekly drop-in support group for female-identified survivors of intimate partner violence, including individuals who are experiencing or have been affected by domestic violence. The support group offers a safe, confidential place for survivors to connect w/
others, to heal & to recover. In support group, participants talk through their experiences & hear stories from others who have experienced abuse in their relationships. Support group is also a resource for those who are unsure of their next step, even if it involves remaining in their current relationship. Tue., 6:30-8 p.m. Childcare is provided. Info: 658-1996.
This support group is a dedicated meeting for family, friends & community members who are supporting a loved one through a mental health crisis. Mental health crisis might include extreme states, psychosis, depression, anxiety & other types of distress. The group is a confidential space where family & friends can discuss shared experiences & receive support in an environment free of judgment & stigma w/ a trained facilitator. Wed., 7-8:30 p.m. Downtown Burlington. Info: Jess Horner, LICSW, 866-218-8586.
Wed., 6:30-8 p.m., Holy Family/St. Lawrence Parish, 4 Prospect St., Essex Jct. For info, please visit thefamily restored.org or contact Lindsay Duford at 781-960-3965 or 12lindsaymarie@ gmail.com.
Families Coping w/ Addiction (FCA) is an open community peer support group for adults (18+) struggling w/ the drug or alcohol addiction of a loved one. FCA is not 12-step-based but provides a forum for those living the family experience, in which to develop personal coping skills & to draw strength from one another. Our group meets every Wed., 5:30-6:30 p.m., live in person in the conference room at the Turning Point Center of Chittenden County (179 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington), &/or via our parallel Zoom session to accommodate those who cannot attend in person. The Zoom link can be found on the Turning Point Center website (turningpointcentervt. org) using the “Family Support” tab (click on “What We Offer”). Any questions, please send by email to thdaub1@gmail. com.
A breast cancer support group for those who’ve had mastectomies. We are a casual online meeting group found on Facebook at Fiercely Flat VT. Info: stacy.m.burnett@gmail.com.



Data Entry/ Customer Service Specialist
Local educational publishing company seeks a detailoriented Data Entry/ Customer Support Specialist to work 20-25 hours/week. Responsibilities include onboarding customers, uploading customer data, and performing quality control checks. This position also provides customer service, assists with bookkeeping, works on special projects, and provides general office support. Exceptional organizational skills, flexibility, and a “can-do” attitude are a must. Sick time and annual vacation provided.
To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to hiring@exemplars.com

Senior Project Manager
At NDI we are driven by our belief that advanced spatial measurement solutions can help our customers in their aim to improve medical procedures and patient lives.

The Vermont Chamber of Commerce is seeking a visionary and strategic executive as President to lead the organization into the future. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the President will embrace the organization’s mission to advance Vermont’s economy. Trusted by the businesses that make living, working, and thriving in Vermont possible, we prioritize collaboration and uphold the core values that define our state, incorporating diversity, equity and inclusion principles. As the preeminent not-for-profit business organization, we advocate, build community, and provide resources for businesses statewide. Managing a $2 million budget and a dedicated team of 13 employees, the President will set the non-partisan tone of the organization, evaluate and enhance programs, and ensure financial viability. Key responsibilities include advocating for a businessfocused legislative agenda, cultivating relationships with government o cials and stakeholders, and expanding the Chamber’s network. The ideal candidate brings 5+ years of experience in association management, legislative a airs, or a related field, along with proven expertise in organizational growth and non-profit leadership. For a detailed description of the position, qualifications, or to apply, visit: vtchamber.com/executive-hiring
Please note that all inquiries/applications will be held in strict confidence.

Master Plumber
Silver Maple Construction has recently launched a new mechanical division that focuses on providing excellent customer service and specializes in the execution of complex and innovative residential HVAC and plumbing systems. To help us achieve our goals, we are currently seeking a skilled and experienced Master Plumber to become part of our team.
At Silver Maple, we strongly believe in offering equal growth opportunities to all of our employees and providing them with inspiring work while maintaining a flexible and manageable work schedule, which is unlike what many other companies in this field offer.
Total Rewards:
• Competitive Weekly Pay (based on experience)
• Comprehensive Medical, Dental, and Vision Plans
• 401k Retirement Plan + Company Match
• 15 days Paid Time Off, 7 Paid Holidays
• Commuter + Mileage Reimbursement
• Life, Disability And Accident Insurance
• Paid Parental Leave And MORE!
To learn more, please visit silvermapleconstruction.com, email hr@ silvermapleconstruction.com, or call our office at (802) 989-7677
Program Manager

True North is seeking a Program Manager to join our team. The ideal candidate is an adaptable team player, with a positive attitude and leadership skills who is willing to work both indoors and outdoors. The Program Manager will be working closely with all departments at True North to help facilitate daily programming for the students, coordinate and execute schedules, supervise and train guides (direct care staff), and support the therapeutic goals for students. Candidates must be willing to work weekends and occasional evenings.
Operations Support
True North Evolution is seeking a full-time, year-round Operations Support person. The ideal candidate is an adaptable team player with a positive attitude who is willing to work both indoors and outdoors performing a variety of tasks associated with the logistics of running our program. Tasks include food packing and rationing, gear outfitting, transportation, and facilities maintenance. Candidates must be willing to work weekends and occasional evenings. A clean and valid driver’s license is required.
Competitive salary and comprehensive benefits offered. Benefits include health, dental, vision and accident insurance, an employee assistance program, a Wellness Fund, student loan repayment reimbursement, and a SIMPLE IRA. Please apply at: truenorthevolution.com/careers

The Vermont Center for Anxiety Care (VCAC), a private psychotherapy practice on the Burlington waterfront, has an opening for a psychotherapist (licensed or post-masters or post-doctoral degree). Specialties in family therapy, adolescents, children or parenting are welcome as well as disordered eating and addictions. Opportunities for group therapy. Clinical supervision towards licensure provided as needed. VCAC is a collaborative group with holistic approach and multiple specialties. Visit vtcenterforanxietycare.com
Send resume and cover letter describing professional interests and goals to Paul Foxman, Ph.D., 86 Lake Street, Burlington, VT 05401 or email: paulfoxman@aol.com.

Marketing Consultant
Now is your chance to make money and have fun doing it! Our top-rated radio stations are looking for our next great Marketing Consultant. WOKO, WIZN, KOOL105, The Buzz and WJOY have an opening for the right person to sell radio and digital platforms to businesses in our community. We only ask that you deliver the best customer service possible, and promise to work hard to achieve results for your clients. We have a 401k program, generous health benefits and a flexible working environment. Send resume and at least three references to General Manager, Dan Dubonnet at ddubonnet@hallradio.net. Hall Communications is an E.O.E.

Security O cer
Variable Shifts, Per Diem
Are you recently retired, self-employed, or someone who has free time on their hands and is willing to work any shift? If so, the UVM Medical Center is seeking qualified individuals to join the Security team on a Per Diem basis. This position prefers but does not require security experience. We will look at your work history skillset to see if you might be the right fit.
Learn more and apply: uvmhealthnetworkcareers.org/security_sevendays


Program Operations Coordinator
SPIRAL International, an education company based in Burlington, seeks candidate to coordinate short and long-term international exchange programs in Vermont with opportunities to lead trips to other countries. Join our team to design, plan and organize education programs, communicate with customers, and help program operation logistics. Reach out to local schools, conduct trainings, provide support during the year, organize events to develop and maintain host family networks, provide hands-on support for site coordinators to implement short-term programs, and conduct site visits to summer camps.

Qualifications: BA degree, strong work ethic, excellent communication, presentation and project management skills, proficient in Word, Excel and Google Suite. Experience with social media outreach and website management is a plus. Knowledge of Chinese language & culture is a plus. Submit a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references: admin@spiralinternational.org

Shared Living Provider
Looking for a skilled Shared Living provider to assist a cultured gentleman. Collaborate as part of a team to establish the perfect living setup. Offering a generous annual stipend of $66,000. The role involves assisting a young man with developmental disabilities in acquiring skills for independent living and enhancing his ability to cope with strong emotions. He takes pleasure in discussing historical topics, enjoying music, and savoring Mexican cuisine. He thrives in a calm and predictable setting, making someone with a relaxed and easygoing demeanor an excellent fit. The ideal candidate should be patient and affirming.
Trauma-informed preferred, but training can be provided.
For more information call (802) 373-8862

Building Trades (Carpentry) Supervisor
The Facilities Department at Saint Michael’s College is inviting applications for a full-time Building Trades Supervisor who is also a carpenter by trade. This position manages the carpenters, painters, and locksmith within the department to ensure all campus buildings are functional, comfortable, and secure by providing timely responses to issues. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, planning daily and future projects/schedules of all department members, general repairs and maintenance for all campus buildings and building components, planning and implementing renovation/ upgrade/repair projects with contractors, and addressing and assigning daily work orders.
For job description, benefits and to apply, please visit: bit.ly/SMCBTCS

Explore opportunities like:
Leadership Giving Officer (HYBRID)
Scan code for more information.

Community Bankers
There is no better time to join NSB’s team!
Northfield Savings Bank, founded in 1867, is the largest LOCAL BANK in Vermont. We are committed to providing a welcoming work environment for all. Consider joining our team as a Community Banker at our Waitsfield, Taft Corners, or Richmond location!
Relevant Skills:
• Customer Service, Cash Handling (we’ll train you!)
• Even better… if you have prior banking experience, we encourage you to apply!
• If you are 18 or older and have a high school diploma, general education (GED) degree, or equivalent, consider joining NSB!
Opportunity for Growth
NSB has training opportunities to engage employees and assist with professional development within our company. The average years of service for an NSB employee is 9! If you’re looking for a career in an environment that promotes growth, join our team!
What NSB Can Offer You:
• Competitive compensation based on experience.
• Well-rounded benefits package, Profit-Sharing opportunity.
• Excellent 401(k) matching retirement program.
• Commitment to professional development.
• Opportunities to volunteer and support our communities. Work-Life balance!
Please send an NSB Application & your resume in confidence to: Careers@nsbvt.com
E.O.E. / Member FDIC

Part-Time Public Safety Officer
Are you looking to make a difference in people’s lives? The Department of Public Safety at Saint Michael’s College is inviting applications for a part-time Public Safety Officer from those looking to enhance their skills. This position requires the flexibility to problem-solve in a wide range of situations, both demanding and rewarding. A successful candidate will possess the ability to work effectively in a college environment seeking a balance between education and enforcement. This position allows the employee to make their own pre-tax contributions to a 401(k) account, paid time off, paid holidays, employee and family assistance program, well-being programs, and opportunities, discounted gym membership, paid volunteer time, use of the campus athletic facilities and the library, and countless opportunities to attend presentations, lectures, and other campus activities. For job description, benefits and to apply, please visit: bit.ly/SMCF24PTPSO

Operations Manager Montpelier, 20 hours
Statewide literacy organization seeks detail-oriented, organized person to manage office administration & bookkeeping. In person/remote. Flexible schedule.
More information & job description: everybodywinsvermont.org
Apply with cover letter/resume to info@everybodywinsvermont.org. Equal Opportunity Employer
+ This is a FT hybrid position
+ Manage and execute all aspects of digital campaigns,
+ 2-3


Staff Accountant
Our Finance and Administration team is growing! We are seeking a Sta Accountant who will be responsible for recording and updating financial information for our companies and assisting with accounting functions.
Apply here:
lawsonsfinest.com/ about-us/careers
New GRAD RN program helps ensure success!
Kick-start your nursing career at Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital (NVRH) with our innovative Nurse Residency Program. Designed for passionate new grads, the program offers wrap-a-round support for long-term career excellence. Beginning in summer 2024, full-time positions will be available in departments such as Med Surg, Emergency and more. Applicants need a Vermont or multi-state RN licenses, BLS certification, and to be a graduate of an accredited nursing program. Program pillars include Leadership, Patient Outcomes, and Professional Roles. New grads are provided daily support and collaborative guidance. Join NVRH for competitive compensation, benefits, and a supportive environment where patients, community and employees thrive. St. Johnsbury, Vermont.
Apply now at www.nvrh.org/careers.

Are you passionate about making a difference?
Wake Robin is seeking enthusiastic individuals in all departments to join our vibrant community! We are currently HIRING:
• Security Officer (Environmental Services)
• HR Generalist (Human Resources)
• Staff Nurse (RN, LPN), Licensed Nursing Assistants (LNA) (Health Services)
• General Manager, Floor Managers, Healthcare Hospitality Assistants, Servers, Dining Operations Coordinator, Cooks, & Dishwashers ( Dining Services)
• Housekeepers (Environmental Services)
At Wake Robin, we are committed to your professional development and career growth, making your experience with us not only rewarding but also a significant step in your career. Wake Robin offers competitive benefits & believes in supporting a livable wage for all Vermonters.
Town Treasurer/ Grant Administrator
The Town of Waitsfield is looking for an organized and motivated candidate to serve as its Town Treasurer / Grant Administrator. The position is responsible for keeping all of the Town’s funds, keeping a record of taxes voted, billed, and collected; collecting other funds receivable by the Town, and paying orders drawn on Town accounts. Additionally, the job includes grant administration tasks including assistance preparing grant applications, reviewing grant agreements, and managing awarded grants. The position also serves as the Assistant Town Clerk and the Water Clerk for the Town’s water system. A detailed job description can be found below.

Lake Champlain Maritime Museum seeks part-time, in person Development Assistant. Integral member of fundraising team, responsible for data entry/reporting and support for mailings/special events. 20 hours/week, $22/hour. See lcmm.org/careers for full position description and application instructions.
A bachelor’s degree in accounting, public administration, business administration, finance, or equivalent subjects is preferred. Qualified candidates should have at least three years of experience in the areas of accounting, governmental budgeting, municipal operations, and/or finance in either the public or private sector (including experience managing payroll, employee benefits, and accounts payable and receivable). A combination of the above qualifications may be acceptable. The position is full time, 5-days / 40 hours a week and eligible for employee benefits. There is flexibility in scheduling for the right candidate. The salary range for this position is $67,000 to $72,000 annually, depending on experience.
Priority will be given to applications received by 5:00pm on Monday March 4th, 2024. To apply, send a cover letter, resume, and three references via email to townadmin@gmavt.net
The Town of Waitsfield is an equal opportunity provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, gender, or familial status.

Wedding & Event Sales Consultant
The Event Consultant plans and coordinates events by analyzing customer needs, suggesting solutions, and working with customers to create their ideal event. The Event Consultant handles customers’ inquiries promptly and efficiently in a fast-paced team oriented environment. The successful candidate must close sales and provide excellent customer service.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
• Establish relationships with clients/Nurture existing client relationship.
• Create event proposals. Create visuals for the client
• Finalize the sale
• Perform administrative responsibilities
• Work with team members
Company Benefits:
• PTO, Health, Dental and Vision Insurance
• Short Term Disability, Long Term Disability, Life Insurance
• 401k Profit Sharing Plan with company match
A full job description is available on our website: vttent.com. Send resume, cover letter & salary requirements to: jobs@vttent.com. No phone calls, please.

The Vermont Judiciary seeks experienced manager and leader to oversee four courthouses across Franklin, Lamoille and Grand Isle counties. This position oversees a team of 3 managers, 30 employees and a multi-million-dollar budget.

As a member of the senior management team, this manager will be vital to strategic planning, organizational development, and continuous improvement. Must maintain public confidence in the courts during a time of change through high standards of transparency and accountability.
The ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree and eight or more years of proven experience or a similar legal management role. Starting pay is 100k or higher depending upon experience. Go to vermontjudiciary.exacthire.com/job/122139 for more details and how to apply (position is listed as Regional Superior Court Clerk). This position is open until filled. The Vermont Judiciary is an equal opportunity employer.

Operations Coordinator
The Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA), the largest captive trade association in the world, seeks a reliable self-starter to join our tight-knit team. This position supports the Senior Director of Finance with bookkeeping, and provides assistance to all staff through database entry, customer service, and office administration.We offer a competitive salary and benefits, a fully remote working environment and the opportunity for personal and career development in a growing industry.
•Must be located in Vermont with ability to travel for meetings, conferences, and other events
•Versatile problem solver who can recognize ways to improve operations
•Resourceful, and can thrive in remote working environment while collaborating with staff
•College degree and experience in bookkeeping software preferred
•Data entry, creation & managing events in the database; as well as generating database reports
•Excellent computer skills including database/spreadsheet skills, accounting software, MS Office.
•Handle accounts payable/receivable; monitor batches; perform monthly bank reconciliations

•Write minutes of various committees with great attention to detail; provide assistance to Board
•Manage VCIA’s general inbox and provide excellent customer service
•Take lead on all conference registrations, and in general excel in time management
Provide minimum salary requirement in cover letter.
Send cover letter, resume and any other relevant information to: Kevin Mead, VCIA CEO, kmead@vcia.com. Full job description at vcia.com

Deadline to apply: End of Business Tuesday, March 19th, 2024. 7t-VCIA022824
1 2/23/24 3:25 PM


Executive Director
HOPE Works, Vermont’s oldest and largest 501c3 nonprofit serving survivors of sexual violence in Chittenden County, VT, is seeking an experienced, dynamic Executive Director to lead a small, dedicated group of staff and volunteers.
The Executive Director is responsible for the internal operations of H.O.P.E. Works, while serving as the primary contact and spokesperson. The ideal candidate must have experience with budget development and management, knowledge of grant administration, and familiarity with financial statements. They must demonstrate experience with managing staff and volunteers, as well as developing relationships with community partners and the public.
Understanding of sexual violence issues is required. A Master’s degree and/ or equivalent experience is necessary. Knowledge of strategic planning and non-profit experience is helpful. Please see our website Internships and Employment — HOPE Works (hopeworksvt.org) for the full job description. This position is a 32 hr/wk salaried exempt position. Starting salary range is $75k-82k annual salary with full health, dental, and vision insurance. HOPE Works offers generous paid time off, flexible hybrid work environment, as well as paid respite leave and ongoing professional development opportunities. Interested candidates should submit a resume and cover letter to HOPE Works Board of Directors at board@hopeworksvt.org. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
People with diverse lived experiences encouraged to apply. H.O.P.E. Works is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Executive Assistant & Vermont Office Manager

We are seeking a highly organized and proactive Executive Assistant & Office Manager to support the COO & head of HR. The ideal candidate will have exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, be able to handle a wide range of administrative tasks, and work effectively in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. This role is crucial in ensuring the smooth operation of the executive office and the overall success of our organization.
Greenbacker Capital (“Greenbacker”) is an investment management firm that focuses on renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure investing. Since its founding in 2011, Greenbacker has grown to almost 200 employees, located in four offices (New York City, Portland ME, Denver CO and Montpelier VT), and a number of additional individual locations throughout the United States. With over 60 years of combined infrastructure investment experience and more than $20 billion in combined transactions across the investment team, we are positioned as a market leader in sustainable infrastructure investments.
We invest in a diversified portfolio of income-producing renewable energy power facilities and energy efficiency projects that sell power under long-term contract to high credit worthy counterparties such as utilities, municipalities, and corporations. To apply, please visit: greenbackercapital.com

Executive Director
The Center for Northern Woodlands Education (northernwoodlands. org), a trusted voice for forest stewardship in the Northeast, is seeking the right person to succeed our current executive director, who will step down later this year. Located in Lyme, New Hampshire, the nonprofit publishes the popular quarterly magazine Northern Woodlands, now in its 30th year, as well as a weekly ecology newspaper series and special publications.
For more information, please see the full job posting at northernwoodlands.org/ about/jobs

Local private optometry practice seeking an outgoing, friendly person to support our growing team.
The ideal candidate will have experience working in a busy optical practice. A positive, laidback attitude with the willingness and drive to go above and beyond for our patients as well as the rest of the team. Strong customer service and communication skills are a must. We are willing to train the right candidate.
Primary duties include answering the phones, scheduling appointments, handling cash transactions, looking up insurances, and other general office related tasks. Other duties may include completing patient work ups, such as pretesting, visual field screenings, OCT, color testings, contact lens I & R's, and any other tests and procedures dictated by the optometrist.
Competitive salary based on experience. Please forward your resume with a cover letter. No phone calls please.
Salary: $17.00 - $22.00 per hour
Benefits: Health and Dental insurance, Employee discount
Schedule: Full-time, 8 hour shift, Monday to Friday
Education: High school or equivalent (Preferred)
Work Location: In person
Please send resume/cover letter to chromaoptics@gmail.com

VCHIP Perinatal Quality Collaborative
Temporary Medical Chart Reviewer

UVM Larner College of Medicine: The Vermont Child Health Improvement Program (VCHIP) needs a temporary medical record reviewer starting in early March for a short term statewide medical chart review. Licensed Registered Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) (or equivalent education/ experience required). 3-5 years of experience in direct patient care within a clinical setting, and experience using electronic health record systems and reading medical records. Demonstrated ability to navigate one or more (electronic) medical records is highly desirable. Qualified candidates will have strong computer skills, attention to detail and accuracy, and can commit to working a minimum of 24 hours per week. Knowledge of medical terminology and healthcare record keeping, in maternal and child health if possible.
The position requires in-person work across multiple clinical settings. Travel expenses are reimbursed. Computer equipment will be provided; internet access and a private space for chart review is required.
Please submit a cover letter and resume to VCHIP.PQCVT@med.uvm.edu


Little Village Acres is a social venture of the founder of the Vermont Coffee Company Our mission is to grow and process nutritious food: We cultivate our own land in Middlebury and serve as a processing facility for produce gleaned and donated from local farms. We donate 100% of the food we grow and 100% of the food we process to the hungr y, the homebound, and the homeless in our community.
As we plan for the 2024 growing season, we are searching for a part-time, seasonal farmer/gardener who can help us manage the crops needed by our local food shelves. We will have regular volunteer helpers during the growing season and many more for harvest.
We need someone with experience growing crops and processing food, and who can appreciate and supervise our volunteers.
Can you help? Compensation is open for discussion.


The Retirement Division’s front office Administrative Coordinator II requires extensive customer service skills and the ability to multitask within multiple computer systems to deliver accurate information in a professional manner. This position provides front-line customer service to the VT State Retirement Systems by phone, email, and in person. Additional experience with website updates, newsletters, and medical and dental insurance rules and plans is preferred. For more information, contact Nicole Weidman at nicole.weidman@vermont.gov. Department: State Treasurer’s Office. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full Time. Job ID #48178. Application Deadline: March 13, 2024.
The Office of Public Guardian seeks an independent, energetic, and organized person to protect and monitor the legal and human rights of individuals under court-ordered guardianship. This position covers a caseload of individuals with developmental disabilities and age-related cognitive impairments in Rutland, Bennington and neighboring counties who lack decision-making capacity. This position is home-based; however, duties are performed primarily in the field. For more information, contact Heather Allin at heather.allin@vermont.gov.
Department: Disabilities Aging & Independent Living. Location: Bennington. Status: Full Time. Job ID #49493.
Application Deadline: March 4, 2024
Learn more at: careers.vermont.gov The

Cook in our organic farm’s commercial kitchen with fresh harvest.
Plan meals based on what’s growing right outside the kitchen.
Guide teens and young adults in making a daily shared lunch.

The Windham Foundation (WF) is among the top giving foundations in the State of Vermont. Its offices are in Grafton, Vermont. The mission of the Windham Foundation is to strive to enhance economic, cultural, and civic life in Vermont. As an operating foundation, it preserves and advances the positive qualities of Vermont communities and their natural resources through its rural enterprises, grants to nonprofit organizations with shared purposes, & conferences on issues that matter to Vermont.
The WF seeks an experienced, inspirational, dynamic, and actionoriented individual to provide visionary leadership to the Foundation. Under a recent reorganization, the ED will not have any direct responsibility for the operation of the Grafton Inn or GVCC. However, the individual will need to be familiar with and coordinate efforts with those operations and leaders.
Candidates with a variety of backgrounds and experiences are encouraged to apply. The position is located in the beautiful New England small town of Grafton, Vermont.
Benefits Package including:
• Blue Cross Blue Shield Medical and Vision Plan with premium
• Employer contribution to a Health Saving Account
• 100% company paid Northeast Delta Dental
• 100% company paid Life and Disability Insurance
• 403b Retirement Plan, Paid time off
• Fitness Center free for employees and up to 4 immediate family members
• Grafton Trails & Outdoor Center activities are free for employees and up to 4 immediate family members
• Special Employee discounts at the Grafton Inn and Grafton Village Cheese Retail Store
Apply by sending letter of interest and resume to Karen.Murray@ Windham-Foundation.org or online at windham-foundation.org

Program Coordinator | Director of Membership & Development
The Lake Champlain Chamber is dedicated to creating economic opportunities in our region. We are looking to add two members to our team who can help us do that.

Director of Membership & Development: You’ll work closely with a dynamic team serving our business community, developing and executing fundraising strategies, and playing a role in the organization’s strategic leadership. Your work will directly benefit programs like Leadership Champlain, Burlington Young Professionals, and LaunchVT and grow our ability to create economic opportunities for Vermonters. Learn more and apply here: lccvermont.org/job/ director-of-membership-development
Program Coordinator: This role works closely with other team members, assisting with programs and initiatives such as Leadership Champlain, Burlington Young Professionals, Hello Burlington and more. Learn more and apply here: lccvermont.org/job/program-coordinator-2
LCC offers competitive salaries and benefits; a collaborative and supportive work environment, opportunities for professional development and growth, and the opportunity to make a significant impact on our community. The Lake Champlain Chamber is an E.O.E. that welcomes diversity in the workplace. We strongly encourage all qualified persons to apply.

Maintenance Technician/Mechanic
2nd shift, Winooski, VT
With $10,000 SIGN ON BONUS!
We o er:
• 4 day work week
• Medical, dental & vision insurance
• 401(k) match up to 5%
• Start with 3 weeks of paid time o and 80 paid holiday hours
• Annual reimbursement of hunting and fishing licenses
• Discounted gym membership to The Edge and much, much more!
To apply, please visit: twincraft.com/twincraft-careers or call 802-654-1311!

Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Work 8-16 hours per week at the Northlands Job Corps Center in Vergennes, VT. Hours flexible but no evenings or weekend work available. You choose amount of hours per week. Remote work a possibility. MUST be licensed in VT. Please call Dan W. Hauben ASAP at 888-552-1660

Pivot Marketing is a full-funnel digital marketing services agency providing integrated digital marketing and customer support for clients across a variety of industries including higher ed, e-commerce, and technology. We are Burlingtonbased with a Boston location and work with clients throughout the US. We are fiercely passionate and fiercely motivated digital marketers who believe in work-life integration and uphold our core values of approachability, joy, curiosity, realness and integration.
Digital Marketing Associate
We are currently looking for a digital marketing rockstarin-the-making. As a Digital Marketing Associate, you’ll work closely with the Pivot Media team to leverage digital marketing best practices across clients and across digital channels, including, but not limited to, paid search, paid social, search engine optimization, email marketing, website optimizations, and more.
Digital Marketing Data Analyst
We are looking for a Digital Marketing Data Analyst who will play a crucial role in driving data-driven decision-making processes, providing insightful analyses, and optimizing digital marketing strategies for our clients. If you have a deep love for data, a keen eye for detail, and a knack for turning raw data into actionable insights, we want to hear from you.
Client Support Associate
We are seeking a Client Support Associate, aka an ultraorganized communication superstar. In this role, you will provide customer outreach, client support, and stay on top of critical day-to-day client communication. This role is responsible for fielding inquiries, supporting our clients’ customers (and students) through the purchasing processes while providing accurate information and escalating as needed to senior staff
All of our positions can be remote or hybrid, with dedicated workspace available in both Burlington, VT and Boston, MA.
To learn more or apply:

We are looking for a buyer to join our team!

The buyer will work with our buying team to source local goods and produce for our farm market and kitchen. Position involves weekly ordering, recordkeeping, frequent communication with vendors, staff, and customers, and daily tasks on the store floor. Must be comfortable interacting with the public.
Knowledge of buying and the retail cycle preferred. 24+ hrs/week + one weekend day. Full job details: therootsfarmmarket.com/ job-openings

The Town of Waitsfield is looking for a Town Administrator. In this highly responsible role, you will supervise and coordinate overall town operations, supporting the five-member Selectboard in executing its duties. Overall tasks include managing day-to-day affairs, acting as the principal liaison between the Selectboard and other town entities, and overseeing diverse responsibilities such as budgeting, human resources, and long-range planning. The Town of Waitsfield has a population of 1,844 and is located in the heart of the Mad River Valley in Washington County. A detailed job description can be found at waitsfieldvt.us
The ideal candidate should possess demonstrated management, leadership, and team-building skills; experience working effectively with the general public and local, state, and federal officials; strong business and financial management skills; and excellent oral and written communication skills. The position entails a minimum of forty hours per week under normal office conditions. The role requires some flexibility, including time outside normal hours for meeting attendance.
Bachelor’s or Master’s degree preferred, with a course of study in public or business administration, political science or equivalent subjects. Three years of experience in local government planning or administration, or equivalent experience in business or government preferred. A combination of the above qualifications may be acceptable as determined by the Selectboard. The salary range for this position is between $75,000 to $80,000 depending on experience in addition to a competitive benefits package.
Priority will be given to applications received by 5:00pm on Monday, March 4, 2024. To apply, send a cover letter, resume, and three references via email to townadmin@gmavt.net Apply now and be a vital part of our community’s future.

Exam Proctoring Center (EPC) Support Specialist (2 positions)
The Exam Proctoring Center (EPC) Support Specialist provides day-to-day administrative functions for SAS Services to ensure that students with disabilities receive exam accommodations, such as extended time on tests. Administrative functions include records maintenance for the EPC; coordinating personnel and technological logistics for exams; administering accommodations for tests; interfacing with students and faculty to schedule exams; facilitation of exam return to faculty; assisting with student employee supervision including training sessions for students; and general office management duties within the Exam Proctoring Center (EPC). The EPC Support Specialist is responsible for fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment for students from diverse backgrounds.
This position will also support the Technical Support Specialist to coordinate disability services for students to include electronic books, note taking, captioning, and adaptive tech programs. Coordinate day-to-day management and application of various services and adaptive technologies to ensure students with disabilities receive the necessary accommodations to access University coursework, programs, and facilities. It will also maintain knowledge of federal regulations, the ADA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and FERPA, to maintain support for students with disabilities.
The EPC Support Specialist ensures designated accommodations are arranged according to established procedures, with due concern for security of exams and students’ confidentiality; the person in this position assists in University efforts to provide effective, timely accommodations to students with disabilities. Interaction with people at different levels of University administration, faculty and staff is a daily aspect of the position. Specific day-to-day tasks & responsibilities will be determined by the EPC Administrative Coordinator and are subject to change to meet daily needs. Coordination
and interaction with the EPC Administrative Coordinator, the other EPC Support Specialist, and Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Specialists will be a regular expectation. The EPC Support Specialist also assists the EPC Administrative Coordinator and other EPC Support Specialist to recruit, hire, train, and supervise EPC student staff by ensuring that staff are multiculturally competent and able to interact comfortably with a diverse student body. The EPC Support Specialist is expected to be familiar with and able to use technology, software, and equipment in order to facilitate equal access for students utilizing the EPC.
The EPC Support Specialist requires knowledge of the federal regulations to maintain support for students with disabilities. As a member of the CFAS team, the Specialist helps carry out the mission of CFAS, which includes a commitment to diversity, social justice, and to fostering a collaborative, multicultural environment. The EPC Support Specialist is administratively supervised by the SAS Assistant Program Director and functionally supervised by the EPC Administrative Coordinator.
Minimum Qualifications: Associate’s Degree with a minimum of two- three years’ office experience in human services, higher education or related field. Knowledge of word-processing, applicable technology, adaptive software, and database management skills required. Effective communication, interpersonal and conflict resolutions skills are required with a commitment to serving diverse populations. Strong organizational and time management skills, ability to give attention to detail and to maintain confidentiality of information required. Comfort with and demonstrated commitment to diversity/social justice and to fostering a collaborative environment required. E.O.E.
For full job details and to apply:
Position 1: uvmjobs.com/postings/70726
Position 2: uvmjobs.com/postings/70730

“I just wanted to pass along the praise from my HR manager, who was overjoyed with how many solid applicants we received from our postings on Seven Days Jobs. Everyone we hired for these seasonal positions was very friendly, hardworking and cared about the success of our holiday season. is year in particular we used Seven Days as our main form of advertising, and we were highly rewarded for this strategy.
Dakin Farm advertises with Seven Days as a way to reach candidates and food lovers in our community. We appreciate that the newspaper is free and widely distributed. As a local family-run business, we also love how Seven Days shares incredible stories from Vermonters.

Our account executive, Michelle Brown, has been wonderful to work with. e whole sales team is very helpful and great at sending reminders about upcoming promotional opportunities without being too pushy. ey truly care about the success of their customers!

I greatly appreciate the support from the team and would recommend advertising with Seven Days to any local company.”
CAROLYN CUTTING Marketing Manager, Dakin Farm

Hotel Vermont
Ice Bar 2024
FRI., MAR. 1 & SAT. MAR. 2
Media Factory Orientation
Tropical Party Round 2!
SAT., MAR. 2
Mandarin Conversation Circle
Living with Loss: A Gathering for the Grieving
Jon McBride’s Big Easy With Special Guest Ali McGuirk
WED., MAR. 6
Old Spokes Home Bike Mechanics 101 Winter Series
THU., MAR. 7
e Radiance with Hard Copies
FRI., MAR. 8
Capital City Winter Farmers Market
SAT., MAR. 9


Homemade Ramen Bowls & Dumplings

e Rough & Tumble


With Special Guest Geoff Goodhue Trio
Burlington Civic Symphony Spring Concert
SAT., MAR. 9
Sugar on Tap: Burlesque Variety Show
Va-et-vient Concert
SUN., MAR. 10
Female Founders Speaker Series: B Corps
MON., MAR. 11
Eggstatic! (for kids!)
WED., MAR. 13
Bleu x Vermont Fresh Network Dinner
New Orleans Community Dinner
THU., MAR. 14
Cacio e Pepe & Amaretti Cookies Featuring Cooking With Stephanie
FRI., MAR. 15

fun stuff

Try these online news games from Seven Days at sevendaysvt.com/games.
See how fast you can solve this weekly 10-word puzzle.
Scan here for more games!
Guess today’s 5-letter word. Hint: It’s in the news!

(FEB. 19-MAR. 20)
In old Hawaii, the people loved their deities but also demanded productive results. If a god stopped providing worshipers with what they wanted, they might dismiss him and adopt a replacement. I love that! And I invite you to experiment with a similar approach in the coming weeks. Are your divine helpers doing a good job? Are they supplying you with steady streams of inspiration, love and fulfillment? If not, fire them and scout around for substitutes. If they are performing well, pour out your soul in gratitude.
ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): In my astrological estimation, the coming weeks will be an ideal time for you to declare amnesty, negotiate truces and shed long-simmering resentments. Other recommended activities: Find ways to joke about embarrassing memories, break a bad habit just because it’s fun to do so, and throw away outdated stuff you no longer need. Just do the best you can as you carry out these challenging assignments; you don’t have to be perfect. For inspiration, read these wise words from poet David Whyte: “When you forgive others, they may not notice, but you will heal. Forgiveness is not something we do for others; it is a gift to ourselves.”
TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): Many of you
Tauruses have a robust capacity for doing diligent, effective work. Many of you also have a robust capacity for pursuing sensual delights and cultivating healing beauty. When your mental health is functioning at peak levels, these two drives to enjoy life are complementary; they don’t get in each other’s way. If you ever fall out of your healthy rhythm, these two drives may conflict. My wish for you in the coming months is that they will be in synergistic harmony, humming along with grace. That’s also my prediction: I foresee you will do just that.
GEMINI (May 21-Jun. 20): Many people choose wealthy entertainers and celebrity athletes for their heroes. It doesn’t bother me if they do. Why should it? But the superstars who provoke my adoration are more likely to be artists and activists. Author Rebecca Solnit is one. Potawatomi biologist and author Robin Wall Kimmerer. The four musicians in the Ukrainian band DahkaBrakha. Poet Rita Dove and novelist Haruki Murakami. My capacity to be inspired by these maestros seems inexhaustible. What about you, Gemini? Who are the heroes who move you and shake you in all the best ways? Now is a time to be extra proactive in learning from your heroes — and rounding up new heroes to be influenced by.
CANCER (Jun. 21-Jul. 22): Your homework assignment is to work on coordinating two issues that are key to your life’s purpose. The first of these issues is your fervent longing to make your distinctive mark on this crazy, chaotic world. The second issue is your need to cultivate sweet privacy and protective self-care. These themes may sometimes seem to be opposed. But with even just a little ingenious effort, you can get them to weave together beautifully. Now is a good time to cultivate this healing magic.
LEO (Jul. 23-Aug. 22): If you don’t recognize the face in the mirror right now, that’s a good thing. If you feel unfamiliar feelings rising in you or find yourself entertaining unusual longings, those are also good things. The voice of reason may say you should be worried about such phenomena. But as the voice of mischievous sagacity, I urge you to be curious
and receptive. You are being invited to explore fertile possibilities that have previously been unavailable or off-limits. Fate is offering you the chance to discover more about your future potentials. At least for now, power can come from being unpredictable and investigating taboos.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sep. 22): I invite you to study the fine art of sacred intimacy in the coming weeks. Life’s rhythms will redound in your favor as you enjoy playing tenderly and freely with the special people you care for. To aid you in your efforts, here are three questions to ponder. 1) What aspects of togetherness might flourish if you approach them with less solemnity and more fun? 2) Could you give more of yourself to your relationships in ways that are purely enjoyable, not done mostly out of duty? 3) Would you be willing to explore the possibility that the two of you could educate and ripen each other’s dark sides?
LIBRA (Sep. 23-Oct. 22): Creativity teacher Roger von Oech tells how bandleader Count Basie asked a club owner to fix his piano. It was always out of tune. A few weeks later, the owner called Basie to say everything was good. But when Basie arrived to play, the piano still had sour notes. “I thought you said you fixed it!” Basie complained. The owner said, “I did. I painted it.” The moral of the story for the rest of us, concludes von Oech, is that we’ve got to solve the right problems. I want you Libras to do that in the coming weeks. Make sure you identify what really needs changing, not some distracting minor glitch.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Most of us have received an inadequate or downright poor education about love and intimate togetherness. Given how much misinformation and trivializing propaganda we have absorbed, it’s amazing any of us have figured out how to create healthy, vigorous relationships. That’s the bad news, Scorpio. The good news is that you are cruising through a sustained phase of your astrological cycle when you’re far more likely than usual to acquire vibrant teachings about this essential part of your life. I urge you to draw up a plan for how to take maximum advantage of the cosmic opportunity. For inspiration, here’s poet Rainer Maria Rilke, translated by Stephen
Mitchell: “For one human being to love another human being: that is perhaps the most difficult task entrusted to us, the ultimate task, the final test and proof, the work for which all other work is merely preparation.”
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The myths and legends of many cultures postulate the existence of spirits who are mischievous but not malevolent. They play harmless pranks. Their main purpose may be to remind us that another world, a less material realm, overlaps with ours. And sometimes, the intention of these ethereal tricksters seems to be downright benevolent. They nudge us out of our staid rhythms, mystifying us with freaky phenomena that suggest reality is not as solid and predictable as we might imagine. I suspect you may soon have encounters with some of these characters: friendly poltergeists, fairies, ghosts, sprites or elves. My sense is that they will bring you odd but genuine blessings.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Some studies suggest that less than half of us have best friends. Men are even less likely to have beloved buddies than the other genders do. If you are one of these people, the coming weeks and months will be an excellent time to remedy the deficiency. Your ability to attract and bond with interesting allies will be higher than usual. If you do have best friends, I suggest you intensify your appreciation for and devotion to them. You need and deserve companions who respect you deeply, know you intimately and listen well. But you’ve got to remember that relationships like these require deep thought, hard work and honest expressions of feelings!
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Among all the zodiac signs, you Aquarians are among the best at enjoying a bird’s-eye perspective on the world. Soaring high above the mad chatter and clatter is your birthright and specialty. I love that about you, which is why I hardly ever shout up in your direction, “Get your ass back down to Earth!” However, I now suspect you are overdue to spend some quality time here on the ground level. At least temporarily, I advise you to trade the bird’s-eye view for a worm’s-eye view. Don’t fret. It’s only for a short time. You’ll be aloft again soon.

supported by:
Eva Sollberger’s

Lynda Siegel began teaching mah-jongg classes at the Ohavi Zedek Synagogue in Burlington in March 2022. e game originated in China in the 19th century. Siegel, known to her fellow players as "the Queen of MahJongg," estimates that she has taught it to 125 people over the past two years — and raised $8,000 for the synagogue in the process.
WOMEN seeking...
I am a nature-loving, creative soul with a spiritual side who is a trusting, fun-loving, very healthy, energetic, welltraveled, loving soul. I am looking for a kindhearted, handsome “I can do it” guy, who is educated, trusting, innovative, creative/handy, with a fun-loving side who can laugh at himself, with freedom to travel and take time to hike and camp. FairyFunny, 62, seeking: M
Vermonter retired from dairy farming, looking for a friend to share lunch, to get to know each other — what likes and dislikes we have in common, and what type of relationship we are looking for together. retired70, 76 seeking: M
I live a very positive life, and I’m truly happy with where I am. I’m here, hoping to find someone to add to my happiness. I am a mother to two teenage boys in high school, a business professional, a very independent woman and love my family/friends who surround my life. Integrity 41 seeking: M, l
Calm, peaceful woman hoping to connect with a kind, smart, liberal, dog-loving guy. I work in a medical practice and also have a small business and live in northern New York. I am a widow but so ready for a great second chapter! Julie2085 66, seeking: M, l
Smart, self-aware and kind seeking same. AnneShirley, 47, seeking: M
I’m looking to enhance my life, not complete it. Curiosity about others, kindness and generosity are essential. It’s important to me that a partner be able to share thoughts and emotions kindly, have a sharp intellect and a ready sense of humor. (PS: If Trump is for you, you’re not for me, but I wish you well.) Elaine 59, seeking: M, l
Seeking conversations, hikes and walks, sharing a meal. Compatibility with where we each are in life. Hanging out with friends, watching a movie, just talking. Love learning about science, metaphysics, new music but also appreciate dad jokes to send to my grandkids, watching podcasts and reading mystery books. What are you serious about, and what makes you laugh? greentara, 65, seeking: M, l
I am a mature, single woman of color who is open-minded, real and comfortable in my uniqueness. I am looking for white mature man for companionship and friendship. I value peace, joy and am not interested in any drama. Mami8 40, seeking: M
Independent and creative. Looking for someone to hang out with on the weekend. More of a temperate weather person — considering a move in a few years where it’s warm in the winter. If we ever get some snow, would love to find a good sledding hill. summerchild 63, seeking: M, l
I am an active person who values honesty, integrity and positivity and enjoys all that life has to offer. I enjoy music of all types, especially live music. I am looking for a positive, drama-free gent who enjoys and appreciates life and is interested in travel, arts and culture and is kind to the environment, people and animals. Bella2024, 66, seeking: M, l
lI’ve been unattached for several years but feel this is the time to start looking. I’m getting ready to retire, and I will have more time to devote to a relationship. I love to travel and would love a companion for these adventures. Bunique316, 69, seeking: M, l
This international type prioritizes friendship because it’s more easily achieved than romance, and because some of the most rewarding romances emerge unexpectedly when people get to know each other in a relaxed manner, over time. I’m drawn to cerebral, ethical people with a sense of humor who want to share athletics, a love of nature, culture and/or thoughtful, spirited debate. Mireya, 63, seeking: M, l
Hi. Newly divorced guy just looking to meet someone to get to know, have fun with and more. I am a romantic at heart, passionate and have an offbeat sense of humor, but I can be somewhat shy at first. I enjoy cooking, gardening, reading and antiquing. Not a partier. I’d rather spend an evening with that special someone. Maybe you? attaboydavey, 54, seeking: M, W, TW, l
Seeking a warm, intelligent, active, health-conscious, reasonably attractive man (70 to 80) with whom to share my beautiful home on the lake. Of course, dating relationship and love must come first! AnnieL 75, seeking: M, l
I love the Vermont outdoors. Spend my time with family and friends, gardening, creating, cross-country skiing, swimming, kayaking, walking my dogs, playing tennis and molding clay. I live intentionally and have a healthy, active lifestyle. I am hoping to share experiences with new friends and have good conversations. Lovesdogs 66, seeking: M, l
Honest, loyal, sensitive, loving. I’ve been divorced 16 years, most of that alone. Looking to get back in the dating scene. Finding my soulmate would be a bonus! Not looking for casual sex/ hookup. I don’t tolerate lies. I’m going to be an open book; I expect the same. If you aren’t into BBW, then I’m not for you. poeticbabs 54, seeking: M, l
I lead a healthy lifestyle and enjoy staying fit. Exercise, being in nature, dancing, meditation and cooking all bring me joy. My friends say I’m thoughtful, a good listener and very expressive. I appreciate a sense of humor and a good laugh. I believe that open communication is key to a successful relationship. Ontheroad 65, seeking: M
Let’s get all bundled up, put on our snowshoes and head for the road less traveled by! Yes, it’s 5 below zero! Yes, the wind may find a way to sneak under our neck gaiters, seeking the warmth of our well-protected hearts! What an incredible gift to share this experience that so few will ever know. Let’s get started! seabreezes 72, seeking: M, l
Would love to share what life has taught me through experiences. Traveled a lot and now like to go on long drives around Vermont hills. Looking for another soul in a physical form to laugh, eat, hike, swim, hold hands and watch the sunrise. Ahh285 55, seeking: M, W, l
MEN seeking...
I’m an active, somewhat handsome, intelligent, artistic man whom takes care of himself. I live in and love nature. Looking for a fit, well-hung man, or men, who would enjoy taking care of my mostly submissive nature! Happygolucki1 68, seeking: M, Cp
I have a lot to give and desire the same in return. JTS, 59, seeking: W, l
I am a human services worker and a college graduate. Have traveled to 47 states. I am definitely an outdoors person and also like to attend a wide variety of events. I recently ended a 23-year relationship and am ready to move on. Looking for a sincere woman, preferably in Chittenden County, for dating and a long-term relationship. kevinvermont, 63, seeking: W, l
Brutally honest, self-dedicated to helping and openly truthful. What can I say? I am a man, always and foremost. It’s what I do best. Have I or you not learned a lot in 68 years about life? Where are you going next? ManInTime, 68, seeking: W, l
I’m housebroken, thoughtful, adventurous, kind. I love being helpful and doing my part to take care of Mother Earth! I’m learning to sailboat in my driveway and working on my flight classes. SouthHero 38, seeking: W
I like to try new things, but I also keep the things that have worked well for me in the past the same. I enjoy dinner out with my friends, and I enjoy watching a movie with my dog. I enjoy hockey and football and target shooting. I love to cook. natedog1961 63, seeking: W
I just want one good female to be my partner and my female half for keeps. I am not on here for short, endless, random, trivial messages that go nowhere. Am I asking too much? Do I not deserve love like everyone else? Unloved 49, seeking: W, l
Feet barefoot walking / Hands harvesting abundance / Heads high in smoky clouds / Hearts as one. Soul_Rebel, 47 seeking: W, l
Hi. Just looking to see what is out there. I love animals and love my family. I enjoy watching movies and chilling at home. During the summer, I love to be outside. I have lived in Vermont my whole life. Would love to find a relationship with someone. Jman85, 36, seeking: W
New here. Want to meet someone fun who likes to have a good time. I’m very easygoing and love adventures. Let’s have a good conversation! Latemanus 36, seeking: W, l
Widower, 66. Advanced degree, college instructor, psychotherapist. Published author: novels, nonfiction. Drinks, no drugs, “conservatarian” politics. Interests: antiques, history, literature, art and photography. Blind since mid-’90s, think/act like a sighted person. Seek attractive woman, well read, intelligent, articulate, sense of humor. Ideally, great conversation and companionship will lead to someone I can pamper and spoil. 121nyv 66, seeking: W, l
Hello! I’m a CNC maintenance technician, very simple and to the point. I enjoy working on mechanics, good food, good company. I like to be outside whenever I can and enjoy the sunshine! I’m looking for a woman who likes to have fun most of all, can carry a conversation, enjoys life and has great energy. JerimiahD 35 seeking: W, l
OK, here goes: I’m a fit hard worker who likes to be out in the fresh air and sunshine doing most activities. Responsible and loyal, I’m a realist. Life is fun but can be difficult alone. I would love to have a best friend to come home to every night. Thanks for your time. Drafthorse_50 50, seeking: W, l
Searching for the Katia to my Maurice. Traveled all around the world. Visited 48 states and really spent time getting to know them and their people. Been all over Europe, backpacked through the Balkans, lived in Italy, hiked across Britain. Been to New Zealand as well and plan to trek across Asia someday. Musician, chef, philosopher, the oldest of souls. RobMarch, 33, seeking: W, l
Easygoing, open-minded, quick to help. Young at heart. Looking for a significant other who makes me whole. Lots of acquaintances, but best friends are a breed apart and special to me. Prefer rural versus urban. Skier10, 81, seeking: W, l
Truly just here to explore everyone else. Dating weirds me out, and sex is so intimidating, so just let me be your friend. I promise I’m actually kinda cool. orion_nebula, 28, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l
Open-minded person with a good sense of humor seeks same for exploring. Hoping to meet someone who loves me for who I am. VTPyzon 62 seeking: W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp
COUPLES seeking...
We are a 40s couple, M/F, looking for adventurous encounters with openminded, respectful M/F or couples. Looking to enjoy sexy encounters, FWBs, short term or long term. sunshines 43, seeking: M, W, Q, Cp
We are an older and wiser couple discovering that our sexuality is amazingly hot! Our interest is another male for threesomes or a couple. We’d like to go slowly, massage you with a happy ending. She’d love to be massaged with a happy ending or a dozen. Would you be interested in exploring sexuality with a hot older couple? DandNformen, 67 seeking: M, TM, NC, Cp, l
Hi. We are looking for a single lady FWB — someone we can talk to and go out with. Someone who is respectful and kind. No drama, please. We would like to get to know you first through some texting or messaging before we meet. Streeter3845, 42, seeking: W
YIf you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!
Seen your ad on Match. St. Albans, early 60s, woman. Like your photo, nicelooking gal. Wanted to write and say hi, but your ad was gone. Miss seeing you. Looking for long-term friendship. Are you coming back to Match? We could chat or have a date. I sent you a like. Your secret admirer. When: ursday, January 25, 2024. Where: Match.com. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915957
Hi, Conductor Bumble! anks for a nice ride to NYC — or maybe you got off in Albany with the “crew changes.” Your smile and overall pleasant demeanor made the trip more delightful. Just stay out of the maple-flavored “goodies.”
When: Saturday, February 24, 2024. Where: Amtrak, Ethan Allen Line. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915956
We crossed paths by the vegetables, where we made eye contact. You had glasses, as did I, and you were wearing a black coat. I was in blue. Instead of approaching you, I froze after the smile exchange. Would love to get a chance to meet you again. When: Friday, February 23, 2024. Where: Trader Joe’s. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915955
I’m glad that I could make your day, and yes, I would love to meet you for a coffee or drink — just name the place! When: Saturday, February 3, 2024. Where: Kennedy Dr. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915954
We were doing really well, I thought, but I had a family emergency and you ended our chat. You have my number and my name. Please reach out, and we can keep growing? When: Monday, February 12, 2024. Where: Bumble. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915952
Erica, it was fun meeting you on Perry Hill. I was so giddy when the groomer passed us above S’mores. e best part of my day was talking to you while I caught my breath. May I join you on your next ride? When: Sunday, February 18, 2024. Where: Waterbury. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915953
Nick and your adorable pooch: ank you for your kind conversation while walking up the hill at the waterfront. I hope to see you at the plunge next year! When: Saturday, February 10, 2024. Where: Burlington waterfront (I was asking for directions). You: Man. Me: Woman. #915951
We exchanged glances multiple times, both of us waiting for our coffees. You: blonde, jacket, black yoga pants, Sorels, sunglasses. Me: brown hair, jeans, blue jacket. Can I buy your coffee next time over conversation? When: Friday, February 9, 2024. Where: Dunkin’, Shelburne Rd., South Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915950
8:30 a.m. We exchanged glances multiple times at the Shelburne Road Dunkin’, both of us waiting for our drinks. You: blonde, jacket, black yoga pants, Sorels, sunglasses. Me: brown hair, jeans, blue jacket. Can I buy you coffee next time over conversation? When: Friday, February 9, 2024. Where: Dunkin’. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915949
Trying to reach user “Kate.” ought it could be here in the iSpy. Any chance you would like to get a coffee? I am a bit south of your age range, though. When: Sunday, February 11, 2024. Where: iSpy. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915948
De Rev end,
I’m a queer, nearly 40-year-old, pansexual, poly, kinky woman. I have multiple partners at the same time, many of whom also have multiple partners. While most are trusted friends, I do sometimes have casual sex with folks who are — more or less — strangers. Many of my partners are men who sleep with men and women. I use barriers for penetrative sex with all but one partner. Condoms are great for reducing HIV exposure but are not 100 percent and can fail. Should I talk to my doctor about getting on PrEP? Do any insurances cover it for women? Or would I need to pay out of pocket?
I was browsing, and you offered to help me a couple of times. You were confused because I didn’t seem very interested in the lamps, until I told you I was with a friend who was shopping. I liked your look and your confident energy. I’m intrigued. When: Saturday, February 3, 2024. Where: the Lamp Shop, Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #915946
I enjoyed our brief encounter at checkout. at Texas/Vermont connection is real. Wish I could have met your senior dog. ey are the best. Maybe next time. When: Saturday, February 3, 2024. Where: Eclectic VT, Church St. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915945
Attractive blonde at checkout. We discussed the convenience of buying a roasted chicken. e teller chimed in with a soup suggestion. Let’s make soup together. When: Saturday, February 3, 2024. Where: Shaw’s, Vergennes. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915944
e happiest born day to my love. I look at you and see all the possibilities of our future together. e laughs and inside jokes. e way you look at my stupid face with so much love and compassion. So grab your flannel panties and let’s explore this journey called life together. In my heart and thoughts always. When: Saturday, February 10, 2024. Where:
Calais. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915943
6 to 7ish. I was at the corner of the bar with a friend. You were directly across from me wearing a black knit hat. Caught your eye a few times; something about you caught my interest. Care to chat? When: Saturday, February 3, 2024. Where: Black Flannel. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915941
I miss you, Deb. is is David from 25 years ago. We had many nice times but fell apart, and now we are older. Wiser? Love to see you again. I lived in Berkshire, and you in Montpelier. Shall we share some words? Perhaps even a kiss? When: Saturday, February 2, 2019. Where: Montpelier and Berkshire. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915939
You and I were waiting at a traffic light at the intersection of Kennedy Drive and Route 116 around 3. You were in a silver GMC pickup truck, and I was in a white SUV Acura. You gave me a friendly wave, and it made my day. Reach out if you would like to meet for a coffee/ drink! When: Saturday, February 3, 2024. Where: Kennedy Dr., South Burlington. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915942
You were onstage at Comedy Wolf this week talking about crying in public. I’m the one who guessed your sign after the show, then forgot to leave you my number before running away into the night. Funny, pretty and a water sign? What a dream! Get in touch if you want to cry in public together sometime. When: ursday, February 1, 2024. Where: Radio Bean. You: Nonbinary person. Me: Nonbinary person. #915940
To the dark- aired customer service associate whose kindness always makes my day better: You smiled so warmly when you told me how you appreciated what I said; dare I hope that may have been more than courtesy? I’m respectful enough to accept whatever you wish, and you’re intriguing enough that I’m fine with whatever that is. When: ursday, February 1, 2024. Where: City Market. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915938
To the elegant woman in stripes having sushi with a friend: I couldn’t help but overhear you tell the story of your gymnastic reawakening, and it reminded me of a septuagenarian gymnast I knew who designed her home around a set of rings, upon which she could be found swinging every night. So, you go, girl! When: Tuesday, January 30, 2024. Where: Sakura Sushi & Kitchen. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915937
I was at a cooler in a tan jacket. You walked by toward the wine section, maybe on your phone. Didn’t see much except your eyes. When: Monday, January 29, 2024. Where: City Market, Flynn Ave. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915936

At the mall with my sisters. You with your girlfriend. After what seemed like forever, you yelled “ED.” I believe I yelled back. You were a distance away at this point. ough we did not meet, I have had the privilege of hearing you call out my name. I responded, and dreams of you through years keep me going. TY. When: Monday, July 1, 2019. Where: at the mall. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915935
You’re a mature blonde, wear a blue Lowe’s vest, usually have your hair in a ponytail. Have seen you multiple times during my visits to Lowe’s. I get the impression you’d be interested in meeting. Let me know! When: Friday, January 26, 2024. Where: Lowe’s, Essex. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915934
Please give ear to my words. If you love someone deeply, don’t let petty or juvenile things come between you both. Be gentle, kind and brave. Listen well. Be supportive and nurturing. Be strong and vulnerable and fight for one another. True love is too rare and valuable to treat as though it’s disposable. Broken hearts are not easily mended. When: Wednesday, January 24, 2024. Where: everywhere I go. You: Group. Me: Woman. #915933
Once upon a time, you were Charming. You had a smile so fantastic it could have ended wars. I loved how you moved and felt. Life has destroyed me, but I’ll hold love in my heart for you until there are no more days. Your son told me he wanted me to be his mom. Nothing would’ve made me happier. When: ursday, March 12, 2020 (guessing at the date). Where: S. Union St., Burlington. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915932
Remember when we held hands at that coffee shop and you spoke about the love you had for me? I was so happy yet confused; my brain had shut off. I drove to you in a great time of need, and you yelled at me. What gives? Do you ever check your adam...@gmail? Please say to me, “As you wish.” When: Monday, March 16, 2020 (guessing at the date). Where: Burlington, Williston and Colchester. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915931
De Wanda B. Ready,

For those who are unfamiliar, PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. It’s a medicine that you take to prevent getting HIV. anks to the Affordable Care Act, almost all insurance plans and state Medicaid programs cover PrEP. So you shouldn’t have to pay for the medication, lab tests and clinic visits that you need to maintain your prescription.

need to be HIV negative, and the drug may not be suitable if you have certain allergies, are immunocompromised, or have severe liver or kidney problems. As with any medication, be sure to discuss possible negative side effects with your doc.

I’m not a doctor, so you should definitely talk to yours. I can tell you that any sexually active person over the age of 16 can be prescribed PrEP. ere are some stipulations, of course: You

It sounds to me like you know the ropes, but a friendly reminder never hurts: PrEP doesn’t cover other sexually transmitted infections, so continued use of condoms is a must for safer sex.

Good luck and God bless,

The Rev end
What’s your problem?

I’m a 67-y/o woman seeking a 55- to 76-y/o man. I am looking for a man to enjoy inside and outside — one who finds time to be a companion, is not a couch potato, and enjoys the outdoors, traveling, golf, fishing, etc. Leave your cell number. #L1733
Let’s do some things — coffee at Black Cap Coffee, dinner, the Green Mountain Film Festival, live music at Hugo’s or Bent Nails Bistro. Woman, early 70s, seeking man of similar age to explore common interests. #L1732
I am a 25-y/o male forager, tinkerer and dumpster diver seeking like-minded empathetic woman of a similar age. #L1729
I’m an 80-y/o woman seeking a man for friendship and companionship. I don’t look my age. Love to fish and play card and board games. Have never done much traveling. #L1731
I’m a 62-y/o female who wants a male companion to have fun with, maybe go for some drinks or smoke a bowl. Young in spirit, but I’m not into the romantic part of relationships anymore. Simply looking for a goofy friend to take me out on the town. #L1730
Kind, loving and sincere 72y/o woman looking for a male companion/friend to spend time with and get to know. #L1726
Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your pen pal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number.
MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters PO Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402
PAYMENT: $5/response. Include cash or check (made out to “Seven Days”) in the outer envelope. To send unlimited replies for only $15/month, call us at 802-865-1020, ext. 161 for a membership (credit accepted).
Submit your FREE message at sevendaysvt.com/loveletters or use the handy form at right.
We’ll publish as many messages as we can in the Love Letters section above.
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I’m a lifelong good-looking senior Vermonter. BA at Saint Michael’s College. Had a 750 Honda for 10 years to explore Arizona and Vermont. Live with my cat. Regular gardening indoor and out. Seeking a companion who is caring and honest for love and sexual experiences. #L1725
56-y/o single, sincere gentleman looking for one female partner for fun/ experiences in St. J. Healthy, fit, humorous, not bad looking. Honest, tolerant, respectful. Open mind/heart. Just a tad lonely, and that is a good thing for us. #L1727
I’m a man, 34, seeking a woman, 20s to 30s. Make something out of me. I am full of potential. I work and was born in Vermont. Looking for a partner in life. #L1724
I’m 47, seeking a male. I’m 5’6, 206 pounds, looking for someone to marry me and who is very wealthy. Please respond ASAP. #L1728
SWF, mid-60s, slender. Loves: wildlife safety, non-predator pets, honest ones, kept-real dynamics and excellence with style. Hates: psychos and phonies, tech-obsesseds and scams. ISO of well-established guy, 60s to 70s — rather saintly. Also, hates old buildings — I like new! #L1722
I am a 25-y/o female looking for a sugar-daddy male (50 to 70). Not for a sexual relationship; more of a companionship. #L1723 I’m a 73-y/o woman seeking a male age 68 to 78. Would like to spend my birthday with a friend. I am trying to pare down my things. Lots of antiques and family treasures. And I’m still working — need a break — midFebruary. I like sports — football, etc. Reading and movies. Please write me with your thoughts and phone number. #L1720
I am a 35-y/o M, thirsty for love. I am looking for a good-hearted woman who will accept that I am her ADAM. I promise to give you my best. You will never be disappointed. #L1721
I’m a 72-y/o male who would love to sensually experience a mature woman in her 70s or 80s. Phone number, please. #L1719
I’m a single female, 47, 5’6, red hair, blue eyes, 206 pounds, looking for the one who will marry me and is very well off financially wealthy to fulfill my dreams with. #L1716
40 words below:
I’m a
I’m a 65-y/o male seeking a 55- to 65-y/o female. I am a hardworking man, loving and kind. I enjoy gardening (vegetables and flowers), snuggling by a campfire/ camping, cooking, hunting and fishing. Seeking a woman who is honest and caring. Someone to spend time with and see where it goes. #L1717
For 55-y/o M wannabe geek: I’m your huckleberry. Intense discussions and companionship are my game. Say when. My fave character. Demure, not exactly; yes, down to earth. You said intense — I’m your girl! I’m 55 also. Hope to hear back. #L1715
I’m a male, early 60s, seeking a female, 21 to 50ish. Married in nonsexual relationship. Seeking sex — safe, discreet, disease-free. I’m told I’m goodlooking and don’t look my age. Passionate about performing oral. Looking for goomah in Chittenden County. No computer. I have never strayed before. #L1714
Required confidential info:


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