Seven Days, August 10, 2022

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BALINT BESTS GRAY Decisive victory secures historic nomination





Burlington’s new rodent problem



Meet the Best of the Beasts winners



Bear encounters on the rise in VT

QUALITY & VALUE, EFFICIENCY & PASSION! We know what it takes to deliver a quality product on time, every time! Bethany Dubuque — Private Banker Hi Susan, what’s up? I’m ready to buy into our practice Can’t wait 2-3 months for your remodel to be finished? We got you covered. Our lead time is just 1-2 weeks. That means you could have your dream come true in a matter of weeks! We understand that remodeling is a big job. Which is why we want to relieve as much stress as possible for you. Our team of expert designers and builders will take care of everything. Let us take care of you!

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Do you suffer from Private Banking can help with all that too. Let’s grab lunch and start planning.

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Thank you for supporting local business so we can continue to be here to serve your needs.




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Visit the Waitsfield Taproom for our special summer releases. 4T-CaledoniaSpirits081022 1

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Phoebe R. Bright:

Best Chef! Dog friendly!

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The Paddle Pups

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8/5/22 2:35 PM


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CONGRATS to our fellow nominees and THANK YOU to the loyal locals who support us!

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Bring Your Style Back to School Shop the Habitat ReStore for dorm décor and find unique items that suit your style and your budget. Sale proceeds will help local families build safe, affordable places to call home!

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The Summer Place, 259 Quarry Hill Road, South Burlington 4T-quarryhill061522.indd 1

6/9/22 4:46 PM

emoji that





Becca Balint at her victory rally in Brattleboro


A Morgan quarter horse went missing from North Bennington and may have been stolen, state cops say. Neigh!



Becca Balint, who demonstrated energy and enthusiasm in a hard-fought campaign, bested her opponents on Tuesday to win the Democratic nomination to become Vermont’s next representative in Congress. In a reliably blue state, she is now heavily favored to become the first woman in history to occupy Vermont’s sole seat in the U.S. House. “It’s finally our time!” Balint cried to supporters in Brattleboro after her main challenger, Lt. Gov. Molly Gray, conceded defeat. “We proved them wrong. I was the long shot. I was the underdog. But this campaign wasn’t built on connections. It was built on relationships.” Balint, who represents Windham County in the Vermont Senate and is the body’s president pro tempore, drew on her personal narrative growing up as a lesbian and ran on a progressive platform that includes universal health care, gun control, and paid family and medical leave. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) endorsed Balint and joined her on the campaign trail in the closing days of the race. She hit upon several of his favorite talking points on Tuesday night: “I will never, as long as I live, accept the unconscionable wealth gap in this country ... Hunger is a policy choice. Homelessness is a policy choice. We can make different choices. The work is not easy, but it can be joyful.” Balint’s wife, Elizabeth Wohl, and their two children, Abe and Sarah, stood behind her during the victory speech. Balint beat Gray by a comfortable margin, suggesting


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The Mitzvah Fund mobile surgery van


the lieutenant governor’s more centrist platform missed the mark with primary voters. Gray had the support of former Vermont governors Madeleine Kunin and Howard Dean, as well as Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.). At Hula in Burlington, Gray huddled with supporters before saying, “Let’s do this,” and stepping up to the podium. Some of her supporters shed tears. As she did during the campaign, she decried PAC spending on Balint’s behalf. “We kept our commitment to work our tails off every day, give Vermonters our very best and run a positive, issuefocused campaign,” Gray said. “I will always be proud of the choice we gave Vermonters and grateful for the chance to be part of a conversation about the future of this state I love so very, very much.” While many contests were too close to call at press time, another closely watched one had been decided: Incumbent Chittenden County State’s Attorney Sarah George, a criminal justice reformer, turned back a lawand-order challenge from Ted Kenney in the Democratic primary. The race was seen as a bellwether of George’s progressive policies as people in Burlington and elsewhere raise concerns about crime. Our team was scouring statewide and local election results as they came in on Tuesday night. Look for deeper coverage of the primary contests at

The climate bill passed by the U.S. Senate includes $20 billion to reduce livestock emissions. Paging Vermont’s dairy farmers.


Major League Fishing is staging a bass tournament in Lake Champlain out of Plattsburgh, N.Y., from August 9 to 11, and an angler can win up to $75,000. Holy carp!


Vermont’s rabies bait drop is under way through August 19, so don’t be surprised by low-flying aircraft dropping food containing oral vaccines. Wild.


That’s how many animal rescue centers Vermont has per 100,000 people — the most per capita in the nation, according to research by Aging in Place.



1. “Myer’s Bagels to Move Café to Shelburne Road in South Burlington” by Jordan Barry. Burlington’s popular Montréal-style bagel bakery is moving to bigger digs. 2. “North Hero House to Be Sold to New Owners” by Melissa Pasanen. Doug Nedde and Heidi Tappan confirmed that they have reached an agreement to buy the North Hero House inn and restaurant this fall. 3. “A Reporter Encounters Rail Buffs — and an Unexpected Detour — on Amtrak’s Inaugural Trip From Burlington” by Alison Novak. Fanfare and a surprise bus ride marked the historic day. 4. “Burlington’s New BTV Market Puts the World on the Menu” by Jordan Barry, Chris Farnsworth & Melissa Pasanen. A rotating roster of culinary entrepreneurs is dishing up food in City Hall Park from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays. 5. “Historic Charlotte Building Will Host a Restaurant” by Melissa Pasanen. A prominent white-clapboard house at Spear Street and Hinesburg Road will be turned into a 50-seat eatery.

tweet of the week @OlsonAH82 A comfort in life is knowing on the Winooski Front Porch Forum someone will be pro-F35, someone anti-F35, and someone shouting “let’s all get along!” #btv #winooski FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVENDAYSVT OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER


AFFORDABLE PET CARE ROLLS UP Deb Glottmann recently met with a dog owner to discuss dental treatment for his animal. “When I said the dog might have to spend the night, he went white,” Glottmann said, adding that the connection between the man, a veteran, and his dog was “palpable.” She is president of a nonprofit organization, the Mitzvah Fund, that provides free or low-cost veterinary care to low-income Vermonters. “I have a lot of respect for veterans,” she said. “I have respect for what they do and the lifelong challenges that occur for them.” Glottmann, the clinic manager, welcomes special needs. For instance, if a dog needs late-night pain meds, she might let the animal return home and then make a house call at 11 p.m. In treating these pets, Glottmann said, she can also care for their people, who are often in need, too.

The Hebrew word mitzvah is loosely translated as “good deed.” Glottmann and veterinarian Connie Riggs founded the organization in 2014. Last fall, the Mitzvah Fund bought a $250,000 mobile clinic from which the two provide an array of care. The 34-footlong vehicle looks like a cross between an armored truck and a camper. It’s equipped for surgery, radiology and dental care. Glottmann and Riggs operate it from their base in East Montpelier, in downtown Montpelier and at farmers markets. This year, Glottmann expects to handle 200 to 300 surgical cases and up to 400 nonsurgical ones. Come August, the veteran’s dog will return for its dental work. Once the animal’s health is assured, Glottmann said, the owner will feel better. “Veterans, the elderly and the unhoused … their animals are often their only family, and often they are their lifelines,” she said. ANNE WALLACE ALLEN SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022




publisher & editor-in-chief

Paula Routly

deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssociAte publishers Don Eggert, Colby Roberts NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy deputy editor Sasha Goldstein consulting editors Ken Ellingwood, Candace Page stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar,

Colin Flanders, Rachel Hellman, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak, Anne Wallace Allen A R T S & C U LT U R E

BRA FITTING & BOUTIQUE 21 Essex Way, Suite 413, Essex Junction, 802.857.5065 Tue-Sat 10-6 • Sun 12-4


coeditors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler AssociAte editor Margot Harrison Art editor Pamela Polston consulting editor Mary Ann Lickteig Music editor Chris Farnsworth cAlendAr writer Emily Hamilton speciAlty publicAtions MAnAger Carolyn Fox stAff writers Jordan Barry, Melissa Pasanen,

Ken Picard, Sally Pollak

proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Angela Simpson AssistAnt proofreAders

Katherine Isaacs, Martie Majoros

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D I G I TA L & V I D E O digitAl production speciAlist Bryan Parmelee senior MultiMediA producer Eva Sollberger MultiMediA journAlist James Buck DESIGN creAtive director Don Eggert Art director Rev. Diane Sullivan production MAnAger John James designers Jeff Baron, Kirsten Thompson SALES & MARKETING director of sAles Colby Roberts senior Account executives

Robyn Birgisson, Michael Bradshaw

Account executives Michelle Brown, Logan Pintka MArketing & events director Corey Barrows business developMent strAtegist Katie Hodges personAls coordinAtor Jeff Baron A D M I N I S T R AT I O N business MAnAger Marcy Carton director of circulAtion Matt Weiner circulAtion deputy Andy Watts CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jordan Adams, Benjamin Aleshire, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Annie Cutler, Steve Goldstein, Margaret Grayson, Amy Lilly, Bryan Parmelee, Mark Saltveit, Jim Schley, Carolyn Shapiro, Travis Weedon CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Luke Awtry, James Buck, Daria Bishop, Bear Cieri, Caleb Kenna, Matt Mignanelli, Tim Newcomb, Jon Olender, Sarah Priestap, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur FOUNDERS

Pamela Polston, Paula Routly C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 5 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y. Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Laval, Québec. DELIVERY TECHNICIANS Harry Applegate, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Jason Fyfe, Matt Hagen, Peter Lind, Nat Michael, Frankie Moberg, Dan Nesbitt, Dan Oklan, Ezra Oklan, Niko Perez, Toby Record, Dan Thayer, Andy Watts With additional circulation support from PP&D. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6-Month 1st clAss: $175. 1-yeAr 1st clAss: $275. 6-Month 3rd clAss: $85. 1-yeAr 3rd clAss: $135. Please call 802-864-5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below. Seven Days shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Seven Days may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Seven Days reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.

©2022 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.



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8/2/22 12:36 PM


Funny, I didn’t see a category for “best imaginative, quasi-political, excellently executed drawings for a special edition of the Seven Daysies.” Had I seen such a category, and were I prescient, I would have voted for illustrator Jeff Drew. I might compare his drawings for All the Best last week to the works of Hieronymus Bosch, the late 15th-century Dutch painter. Intricate, creative, hallucinatory yet not terrifying. Quite the opposite of terrifying. Thanks, Seven Days and Jeff Drew. You have my vote. Angie Chapple-Sokol



My emotions shifted immediately from excitement to disgust as I opened the Seven Daysies section of this week’s Seven Days [All the Best, August 3] and was confronted with the full-page “Elite Fat Reduction” advertisement. Even before I could peruse the community awards, I felt a message loud and clear: I and others have to be thin or should be able to pay and want to pay top dollar for the “elite,” “innovative, non-invasive way to ... freez[e] unwanted fat away” in order to be welcome and fit in. This is not sending the message of inclusivity I would hope Seven Days would want to send. I understand the pandemic has been difficult and advertising money is important. I only ask that you think about the impact these ads have on your readers before placing them, especially in such a prominent place as this. Michelle Downing


Editor’s note: Seven Days accepts advertising for legal goods and services without censorship or discrimination. That should not be confused with a product endorsement. Bare Medical Spa + Laser Center is a local business, without which the annual Daysies competition would not exist. If you don’t like what it sells, don’t buy it.


[Re All the Best, August 3]: Congratulations to Myer’s Bagels for its Daysies award for best breakfast sandwich; in a city blessed with a wealth of options, it is an honorable

Celebration of Life First, we confirm pregnancy by ultrasound. Ultrasound services are provided by medically credentialed professionals and under the direction and supervision of a licensed physician. Second, we provide her with what she needs to make an informed decision. All medical information in our materials is William H. Truex, Jr. provided under the direction of a mediPlease join us to celebrate the life of cal professional and is fully cited in the materials we provide. If she chooses abortion, we invite her back if/when she experiences grief and Tuesday, August 16th loss or regrets her decision. PRCs are a 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. refuge for women and men who struggle Community Sailing Center after their abortion. If she chooses adop505 Lake Street tion, we offer referrals to agencies to Burlington, Vermont develop an adoption plan. When parenting is her choice, we provide prenatal health classes, parenting 8/4/22 classes, diapers, vitamins, baby clothing,12v-truexcullins(BillTruexMemorial)081022 1 strollers, furniture and other materials. We also provide referrals for maternity housing, food security, continued education, job training and much more. All PRC BUILD AND GROW YOUR REAL services are free. ESTATE PORTFOLIO WITH LAKE We are in 21st-century America. Every POINT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT woman can have her dreams, achieve all her goals and have her baby, too.

Bill Truex

title. IMHO, Myer’s makes the best bagel in the world: the rosemary sea salt. However, my breakfast sandwich vote went to finalist the Café HOT. And I do believe if there had been a category for “friendliest establishment to open its doors during a world pandemic while doing justice to the memory of the landmark institution that had exited the building and serving up the most innovative breakfast selections, including a riff on a Chinese version of a breakfast sandwich,” well, HOT. would have won hands down. Go on and try it, if you haven’t. Most likely, co-owner Travis Walker-Hodkin will greet you at the door and remember your name by your second visit. If you’re lucky enough to have his brother, co-owner Allan Walker-Hodkin, wax poetic about his newest experiment from his doughnut laboratory kitchen, you might leave in a food swoon, contemplating a dough soaked in rosemary syrup, baked and then rolled in chipotle sugar. I sure did. In a world where I never met a doughnut I didn’t like, it was pure perfection. So, maybe next year. But, in the meantime, Café HOT., please keep working your magic. Francesca Mihok



[Re “Congressional Countdown,” July

13]: Political signs reaching up to 30 inches high on Vermont town, city and state property are ubiquitous every two years, for months at a time. If we must put up with these eyesore advertisements, these miniature ads that escape Vermont’s billboard ban should at least provide some payback, or pay forward, to the communities in which they are planted. A viable return to the community could be a donation of native perennial flowers to be planted in place of the political signs after Election Day. What say you, candidates supporting Vermont ideals? Will you plant a legacy of your candidacy in exchange for rent-free advertising space? Flowers for hopeful signs get my vote. Bernie Paquette

Cindy Tabor


Tabor is executive director of Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Vermont.


Last week’s story “Global Grazing” misstated where Jilib Jiblets is on Thursdays. The food vendor is sometimes at Farm Night at Earthkeep Farmcommon in Charlotte. “Ripple Effect,” about Hannah Dennison’s The Quarry Project, neglected to mention a leading collaborator, Amy LePage, the co-choreographer and ensemble coach.

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Based in Burlington, VT More than 337,000 SF under management Experienced team




I greatly appreciate the attempt to write a balanced, unbiased article regarding Vermont’s pregnancy resource centers [“Considering Abortion?” July 27]. I truly respect Seven Days and the great lengths it goes to educate Vermonters. The article, however, omitted the purpose and mission of PRCs. PRCs exist for three reasons: to confirm her pregnancy, to equip and empower a woman to make her bestinformed decision, and to support her after her choice.

1:25 PM

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SAY SOMETHING! Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... • be 250 words or fewer; • respond to Seven Days content; • include your full name, town and a daytime phone number. Seven Days reserves the right to edit for accuracy, length and readability. Your submission options include: • • • Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164


Scan to visit our website 65 Main Street, Burlington 802.347.6100 SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022 6v-lakepointproperties081022.indd 1

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contents PACK MENTALITY AUGUST 10-17, 2022 VOL.27 NO.44

The Animal Issue is a gaggle of good stories


op quiz: What do you call a group of stingrays? Answer: a fever. How about a pack of zebras? That’d be a zeal of zebras. A herd of rhinoceroses? That’s a crash of rhinos. We’re not sure who made up all of the collective nouns for animals, but they sure are fun. Besides being descriptive, they’re often alliterative: a prickle of porcupines, a stench of skunks, a pandemonium of parrots.

AUG 13 · 5:00PM

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Amy helm & kat wright SEP 18 · 6:00PM

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What to call a collection of stories about animals? Though it may not be as creative or elegant as the traditional terms of venery, the Animal Issue is Seven Days’ moniker of choice for its menagerie of tales. And this year’s edition is as crowded as a parade of elephants. The pick of the litter may be the BEST OF THE BEASTS pet photo contest (page 26), which received more than 1,000 reader submissions. People love pics of


their pets, so it’s no wonder they also enjoy paintings by PET PORTRAIT ARTIST KENNY DALE (page 54). If Hercules is a goo’boy and poses well, be sure to treat him to some locally made DOG ICE CREAM (page 42). And if he gets a tummy ache, give MOBILE VET CLINIC THE MITZVAH FUND a call (page 5). Of course, the Animal Issue is about more than pets. Vermont’s Fish & Wildlife Department is stocking local lakes with a HARDIER SPECIES OF TROUT (page 15). The department is also concerned about a statewide rise in high-risk BLACK BEAR ENCOUNTERS (page 31). Be careful out there, folks, and take down those bird feeders until winter. Speaking of birds, the Vermont Institute of Natural Science recently opened its NEW SONGBIRD AVIARY (page 50). That’s music to the ears of ornithophiles such as LEICESTER’S “LOON RANGER,” Mike Korkuc, who helps protect an asylum of loons (page 36). While he’s out cruising Lake Dunmore, perhaps he’ll sip the state’s first CERTIFIED BIRD-FRIENDLY COFFEE (page 45). The research of a Middlebury College biologist is shedding new light on HOW FIREFLIES AND ANTS COMMUNICATE with other members of their own species through pheromones (page 34). Meanwhile, in Montpelier, a journalist and field biologist finds himself DRAWN TO MOTHS like a … well, you know (page 39). Of course, it’s not all good news in Vermont’s animal kingdom. As if Burlington didn’t have enough problems, residents are riled up about colonies of RATS IN THE CITY (page 14). And in Monkton, officials are exploring humane ways to manage the town’s BEAVER PROBLEMS (page 18). Well, dam. DAN BO LLE S



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FOOD+ DRINK 42 Canine Creemees 15




From the Publisher

Animal Appeal


Residents of Burlington’s Old North End battle a vermin incursion

New Fish on the Block

Vermont is stocking a new strain of rainbow trout that could prove hardier

Beaver Believers

Humane ways to manage flooding problems


Introducing the winners of the 2022 Best of the Beasts pet photo contest

Claws for Concern

A rise in “high-risk conflicts” with black bears has officials urging Vermonters to take precautions

Ant Man

A Middlebury College researcher sheds new light on familiar summer insects

Online Thursday

50 The Loon Ranger

Mike Korkuc makes Lake Dunmore safe for the diva of divers

Night Life

The many-splendored moths of Montpelier

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Doggy desserts at three Vermont ice cream spots

For the Birds Ridge Vermont Craft Roasters is the state’s first certified bird-friendly coffee

Secret Sauce


Burlington teens power Fork in the Road food truck

Inventing Lives

Book review: We Made It All Up, Margot Harrison


Sing Out

The Vermont Institute of Natural Science opens its new Songbird Aviary

Age Before Beauty

Doug Anderson’s new musical tells the story of adulthood

Spirited Animals

Kenny Dale’s uncommon portraits immortalize beloved pets

Ben Kilham has been rehabilitating rescued SUPPORTED BY: black bear cubs and releasing them back into the wild for almost 30 years. Cubs found in Vermont end up at his Kilham Bear Center in Lyme, N.H. Ben’s nephew Ethan is the cubs’ caregiver and posts to the 59,000 followers of the @kilhambearcenter Instagram account.

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11 Magnificent 7 43 Side Dishes 60 Soundbites 66 Album Reviews 68 Movie Review 109 Ask the Reverend

SECTIONS 24 42 48 54 60 68 70 80 81

Life Lines Food + Drink Culture Art Music + Nightlife On Screen Calendar Classes Classifieds + Puzzles 105 Fun Stuff 108 Personals

9 Center Street, Burlington

Owners of this iconic Burlington restaurant are seeking to retire! Their retirement is a new operator’s gain. It provides a great opportunity to purchase a turn-key establishment with a history of success in Downtown! Qualified inquiries only. Contact Tony Blake at

SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022 8v-VTCommercial081022.indd 1

9 8/1/22 9:15 AM

Castleton University, Northern Vermont University, and Vermont Technical College are coming together to form Vermont State University* on July 1, 2023.

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Table Talk Jessee Lawyer, the head chef at Burlington’s Sweetwaters, gives a virtual Abenaki Cuisine Demonstration hosted by Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. Home cooks learn how to prepare a meal that incorporates wild game and other indigenous ingredients as Lawyer discusses past and present features of Abenaki food. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 72



String Theory Following a two-year pandemic hiatus, the Peacham Acoustic Music Festival is back and better than ever. The idyllic Northeast Kingdom town plays host to acts including Migmar Tsering, the Bob and Sarah Amos Band, and Pete Sutherland, as well as public contra dances, family activities, blacksmith demonstrations and Tibetan dance workshops. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 73


Team Spirit


PARADIGM SWIFT What could be better than heartrending jazz and a mountain sunset? Celebrated singer Veronica Swift stops by Music in the Meadow at Stowe’s Trapp Family Lodge for a blissful outdoor show featuring jazz standards, classic rock songs and selections from her genreblending 2021 album, This Bitter Earth. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 77


I’ll Drink to That

Submit your upcoming events at

At the end of a long summer day, the cows at Billings Farm & Museum in Woodstock are ready to kick back. Locals who wish to join them are invited to Moos & Brews & Cocktails Too!, featuring beer and mixed drink options, food, live music from Em and Nat, interactive butter churning demos, and plenty of Jersey cow kisses. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 73

You may not think of painting as a team sport, but it is at Inclusive Arts Vermont’s one-of-a-kind fundraiser, Paint on Pine. Artist groups have three hours to paint a collaborative masterpiece at the Soda Plant on Burlington’s Pine Street; spectators can enjoy the show and contribute to the giant community canvas — all to benefit arts programming for Vermonters with disabilities. SEE GALLERY LISTING ON PAGE 58


Corn Quest New England’s largest labyrinth, Danville’s Great Vermont Corn Maze, presents its second annual live-action role-playing day: the Convergence. The corny thicket is transformed into a fantastical alternate dimension, where brave adventurers must not only escape the maze but also find the Journey Stones and avoid the soul-sucking reapers that lurk around every corner. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 74


Healing Words Writers for Recovery launches its fifth annual anthology, One Imagined Word at a Time, at Writers for Recovery Book Bash 5 at Bethany Church in Montpelier. Contributors, all of whom use the written word to explore themes of addiction, healing and resilience, read from their work; a reception featuring cake and live music follows. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 76



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8/9/22 12:10 PM


Cat Tale

When my beloved cat Frankie died unexpectedly in March, I described the experience in this column. One minute a handsome gray tiger was luxuriating on the warm tiles of the sunroom. The next he was dragging himself across the floor, as though hit by a car. My significant other, Tim, was away, so I rushed our boy to Burlington Emergency & Veterinary Specialists in Williston, where the diagnosis was swift and terminal: a blood clot in the heart called saddle thrombus. An hour after Frankie with a beloved cat sitter Frank was stricken, I was sobbing over his dead body. The vet techs had lovingly curled him into a circular bed so it looked like he was sleeping peacefully. In that moment, I would have done anything, paid whatever sum, to make it a catnap. I was alone in that sterile exam room but soon felt the warm embrace of fellow animal lovers. I received almost as many emails and condolence cards for Frank as I did for my mom, who died two years earlier. I think that’s because so many people — of all ages — have experienced the death of a pet. And, sadly, when you get to be as old as I am, it’s likely to have happened multiple times. With the exception of some turtles, pet lives tend to be much shorter than human ones. These furry friends, who lend love and purpose to our existence, are also measures of it. With each loss, I find myself wondering: Do I have another animal in me? I’m taking a break to find out. For the first time in 20 years, Tim and I are cat-less. We’re trying to embrace the benefits of this newfound freedom: a cleaner house, more backyard birds, no waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of mouse torture or cat retching. The last two would often go hand in hand. We got rid of the kibble and kitty litter — but not the cat door. The latter is permanently blocked from the inside now, but the obstacle in place wasn’t enough to prevent a recent raccoon invasion. When I woke in the middle of the night to weird sounds, I coaxed myself back to sleep with the weirdly reassuring thought: Well, it can’t be Frankie. In the morning, we found muddy footprints on the kitchen cabinets and a trail of fruit and compost leading back to the cat door — renamed the coon door. Last weekend, on a reporting trip to the Northeast Kingdom, we spontaneously decided to get a room at the Four Seasons — the Derby Four Seasons, that is. Getting back to feed Frank didn’t enter into the decision. Even when we had a reliable cat sitter staying at the house, I always worried about him when we were away. At least I know where he is now: in our backyard, which he shares with his predecessor, If you like what we do and can afford to help Tito, and the cremains of my parents. pay for it, become a Seven Days Super Reader! The only missing family member is my late Look for the “Give Now” buttons at the top of sister, Pam, who devoted her life to animals. Or send a check with your From childhood, she never wavered in her address and contact info to: determination to be a veterinarian. SEVEN DAYS, C/O SUPER READERS P.O. BOX 1164 I’m pretty sure Dr. Routly would BURLINGTON, VT 05402-1164 recommend that Tim and I get another cat. I know, too, that she’d love this week’s For more information on making a financial Animal Issue. contribution to Seven Days, please contact Corey Barrows:



Paula Routly










Vermont Is Accepting Licenses for Legal Pot Shops






Aspiring pot retailers can now apply for a license to deal. The state’s Cannabis Control Board began accepting applications for sellers on August 3, ahead of the October 1 start date for legal recreational sales. The board opened the application window a month earlier than planned. “We really want to kind of get those applications in and start the review as soon as we can,” chair James Pepper said. Cannabis Control Board staff have been vetting applications from growers, wholesalers, testing labs and manufacturers throughout the summer. The plodding licensing pace has frustrated some business owners who are banking on being legal in time for the market’s launch. Delays in processing applications, which entails time-consuming steps such as third-party background checks, didn’t drive the decision to accept applications earlier, board spokesperson Nellie Marvel said in an email. Rather, Marvel said, the form was finalized ahead of schedule.

Residents of Burlington’s Old North End battle a vermin incursion B Y CO UR T NEY L A M DIN •


hen the weather warms, Mary McGinniss likes to sleep in the airy back room of her Burlington home. It’s fairly quiet on Crowley Street, and out back, McGinniss can feel the summer breeze and smell the flowers as she drifts off each night. One evening in June, McGinniss was awakened by an unmistakable sound. An animal was gnawing on the wood siding, just outside an open window and right next to her head. From the sheer loudness of the chewing, McGinniss could tell this was no ordinary house mouse. It was something bigger. A rat. “I freaked out,” McGinniss said, recalling how she fled to her upstairs bedroom. “I said, ‘I can’t listen to this. It’s too creepy.’” McGinniss isn’t the only Old North End resident to have had a recent close encounter with the unwelcome visitors. Since May, more than a dozen people have documented run-ins with rats. Neighbors have reported seeing them scurry into 14


hidey-holes and cavort across lawns in broad daylight. One Washington Street resident trapped 13 in just three days. City Councilor Joe Magee (P-Ward 3), who represents the affected neighborhood, helped organize a community meeting in June to discuss the problem with city officials, who said that besides one unverified report some years back, they couldn’t recall ever getting a complaint about rats in Burlington. “It certainly makes you take note, because that’s a big-city issue, right?” said Patti Wehman, housing division manager for the city’s code enforcement office. “And yet, it’s been a hot topic this summer. Something’s changed, obviously.” Across the globe, reports of rat sightings exploded during the early days of the pandemic as restaurants and other businesses curtailed operations and cut off an easy food source: dumpsters. The trend

didn’t stop when the lockdown ended. New York City, for one, has reported sightings above pre-pandemic levels, though it’s unclear whether the rodent population has actually grown or if people are just paying rats more attention. Burlingtonians say rats are a new phenomenon. Old North End resident JoAnn Nichols, whose HEART Wildlife Removal business performs humane animal evictions, said she’s seen an uptick in calls about rats, mice and their natural predators — skunks, fishers and opossums — in Burlington and the rest of Chittenden County. Rats are a formidable foe, and Nichols calls them the “athletes of the rodent world.” They can shimmy through holes the size of a quarter and stretch their bodies up to a foot long. Their RATS!

» P.16

“We know we have a number of hopeful applicants chomping at the bit to apply,” she said, adding that there’s “not a particular reason to delay them further.” More than 350 cannabis businesses have applied for non-retail licenses so far this year. The board has approved 104 licenses, the majority for small, outdoor growers. Nearly 50 prospective retailers have gone through a prequalification process, a sign that the state may see dozens of weed stores open in the months ahead. Under Vermont’s cannabis law, adult-use retailers may only operate in cities and towns that have opted in; 68 have done so, according to a count maintained by the cannabis industry website Heady Vermont. m

New Fish on the Block

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Vermont is stocking a new strain of rainbow trout that could prove hardier BY R A C HEL HELLMAN •


ndrew Ruiz is on a mission to catch as many different kinds of fish as possible. The New Jersey resident thought he would have to go to Northern California to add Eagle Lake rainbow trout to his list — until he heard that he could fish for the western strain of trout in Vermont. “I couldn’t believe it,” Ruiz recalled. “I remember thinking, I gotta get one of those.” And he did. Ruiz recently traveled to Cavendish, where he landed an Eagle Laker for spot No. 236 on his list. Anglers from other parts of the country have expressed similar excitement about the prospect of fishing for the Eagle Lake strain in Vermont.



One contributor on commented: “I guess they moved Vermont to the West Coast when I wasn’t watching !!!” The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department has begun stocking this distinct strain, or genetic variant, of rainbow trout in 11 bodies of water, including the Huntington River and Barton’s Crystal Lake. The experiment is intended to bolster the state’s recreational fishery with something hardier than Erwin-Arlee rainbow trout, the strain the department has been stocking.

Vermont has been transferring hatchery-bred trout into streams, ponds and lakes since the early 20th century. Stocking gives anglers a chance to catch fish such as rainbow trout in lakes and ponds where they wouldn’t otherwise be found. According to Lee Simard, a state fisheries biologist, Vermont limits stocking to habitats where conditions aren’t suitable for wild fish, to avoid competition with them. The vast majority of fish stocked in Vermont are of the “put and take” variety, which means that biologists do not expect them to survive the warm water temperatures of summer. But the longer a fish can survive, the bigger it will get and the more desirable a catch it becomes. Eagle Lake trout are expected to be more tolerant of warm water. The state stocks salmon, walleye, muskies and trout, to name a few. “We try to provide people with an opportunity to fish for different species,” said Jud Kratzer, a state fisheries biologist. Fisheries director Eric Palmer said Vermont will spend $4 million on fish hatcheries this fiscal year. In 2010, the last time the department did an assessment, it was estimated that recreational fishing brought in at least $31.6 million each year. Rainbow trout in particular draw anglers to the state, and Vermonters have ranked them high on a survey of preferred species. “Some people say they taste better than lake trout,” Kratzer said. That’s led the state to drop 115,000 rainbow trout into lakes and rivers each year. But not everyone applauds the practice. Some anglers fear stocking introduces non-native species that can compete with Vermont’s wild fish. Bob Mallard, executive director of the national Native Fish Coalition, called it a waste of money. “It is a form of pollution,” he said. “These fish are heavily domesticated


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8/5/22 11:18 AM

news Rats! « P.14


New Burlington High School Expected to Cost $190 Million B Y A L I S O N N O VAK

In three months, Burlington voters will likely head to the polls to vote on a nine-figure bond to fund a new high school and technical center. Last week, Burlington School District officials released the estimated cost of the project: just over $190 million. That includes roughly $138.7 million in construction costs; $30 million in soft costs such as design fees, permits and furnishings; and $21.4 million to demolish the exist-

ing buildings and remediate toxic polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, in the buildings and surrounding soil. Though the price tag is hefty, it’s less than the school district anticipated in the spring. That’s because school board members voted in June to relocate four of the tech center’s “high bay” programs — those that require a large amount of space, such as automotive and manufacturing — to off-site locations in an effort to cut costs. The district hopes to ask voters to approve a bond of up to $165 million on November 8. The final number was still being discussed, superintendent Tom Flanagan said in an interview last week. The district has identified several additional funding sources to make up the difference, including $10 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds, $10 million from a prior bond allocation and $5 million from a school district surplus. The school board was scheduled to meet again on Wednesday, August 10, to vote on a final bond amount, which it will then forward to the Burlington City Council. On August 15, the council is expected to vote to put a bond resolution on the November ballot. The resolution must be sent to the Vermont Secretary of State’s Office by August 17. If all goes according to plan, the school district hopes to begin demolition and PCB remediation by January and break ground on the new building next June in order to complete the project by August 2025. m




A rendering of a new Burlington High School and Technical Center

teeth can grind through metal and cinder blocks. Many are smart enough to avoid traps. “They’re amazing animals, and they can do amazing things,” Nichols said. Not everyone shares her reverence for Rodentia. Rats’ bad rap dates back nearly seven centuries, when they allegedly first helped spread the bubonic plague. And while some scientists now say humans, not vermin, were the true vectors, the stigma remains. Many Burlingtonians contacted for this story were reluctant to discuss their rat problems. Whispers of an infestation on one street led residents to rat out a neighbor to city officials — though no one had ever actually seen a rat on the neighbor’s property. All the actual sightings have been within a four-block area roughly contained by Convent Square, Manhattan Drive, Ward Street and Lakeview Terrace. City officials and residents believe poor composting practices are to blame. Vermont banned food scraps from landfills in 2020, requiring property owners to dispose of their organic waste by bringing it to a transfer station, arranging for a pickup service or taking up backyard composting. Bill Ward, Burlington’s code enforcement director, said seasoned composters know the drill, but newbies are still getting the hang of proper outdoor disposal, which includes mixing the scraps with leaves or grass clippings in a secure bin. Officials in Essex Junction also suspect composting is at the root of its recent rat woes. That city is now considering hiring an exterminator to deal with the problem, which surfaced in the spring. In one case, health officer Jerry Firkey said he traced the source of a resident’s rat problem to a compost bin and chicken coop next door. The owner couldn’t believe she had rats on her property until Firkey showed her a video of one skittering across the lawn. “We had a meeting, and before we’re done, she got rid of the whole compost pile … she got rid of her chickens, and the rest is history,” Firkey said. Burlington resident Meg Wallace first spotted rats last winter underneath her compost bin on Washington Street. The problem got worse in the spring, when Wallace found that the rats had dragged rotting pieces of food into an outbuilding. Then rats turned up in her cellar, where they chewed through spray foam insulation. Wallace immediately called an exterminator, who laid out poison bait stations

and snap traps. Wallace placed more traps outside, rat-proofed her compost bins with mesh sheeting and blocked every crevice she could find. In the end, she killed 13 rats; there hasn’t been a sighting in weeks. “I think I’ve made that place fairly inhospitable,” Wallace said. “Rats are smart, and they’re really cool animals, [but] they don’t belong in my fuckin’ house.” Despite Wallace’s compost problems, she’s convinced there’s another cause: construction. She pointed to the activity around the former St. Joseph’s Orphanage on nearby North Avenue as the likely culprit. Built in the late 19th century, the structure was converted



into apartments in 2017 as the centerpiece of the Cambrian Rise neighborhood, which now features several other housing projects on the expansive lot. Wallace thinks rat nests were disturbed when contractors began their work, which is ongoing. But Ward and Wehman of the code enforcement office have their doubts. If construction were the cause, they think there would have been complaints years ago, when it all began. But at least one city official believes Wallace’s theory. Councilor Magee said his family dealt with rats for a decade in the Boston suburb of Allston. Locals there say development, particularly an expanding Harvard University campus, is driving the infestation. The trend has

earned Allston the unfortunate nickname “Rat City.” Magee’s relatives tried various ways to eradicate the pests, from strategically deploying mothballs and dryer sheets to stuffing cracks with steel wool. Earlier this month, their rat troubles were finally over — when they sold the house. The new owner plans to demolish it. Magee wants to keep Burlington’s rat problem from worsening, especially as the city considers zoning changes that would allow for denser housing development. “It’s definitely a concern for folks, so it’s definitely near the top of my list,” he said, adding, “I’m hoping to keep the [community] meetings going for as long as the problem exists.” Ward suggested the city host a forum with the Chittenden Solid Waste District, which handles food scraps, to reinforce proper composting practices, while the city’s Board of Health is printing up informational fliers that encourage people to store waste in heavy-duty containers. The city is also cautioning residents to avoid using poisons, in order to keep pets and other wildlife safe. Nichols, of HEART Wildlife Removal, is trying a new method to reduce the rodent population. One of her staffers is training to use ContraPest, a liquid bait marketed as birth control for rats. The compound works for both male and female rats as soon as it’s consumed and is otherwise harmless — including to animals that eat rats. Nichols’ company will begin using it this fall. Meantime, she offered some tips: Keep garbage and yards tidy, and avoid leaving out pet food or other tempting treats. An energy audit can also identify cracks that need sealing, Nichols said. McGinniss, the Crowley Street homeowner, called Nichols after the gnawing rat disturbed her summertime slumber. She patched the hole in the siding with wire mesh and sprinkled a mix of powdered cayenne and mint around the house. Her two cats, Harry and Johnny, stand sentry. So far, no more rats. “I’m not convinced that they’re not gonna come back or that they’re gone,” McGinniss conceded. “We are lucky, as far as we know, but this story could change any minute.” m




Organic Farming Advocates Welcome Proposed Standards B Y A N N E WAL L AC E AL L E N • ANNE WALLACE ALLEN

Organic dairy cows

Proposed federal rules governing care of organic livestock would help ensure that Vermont’s organic dairy farmers are competing on a level field against producers that milk thousands of cows. The U.S. Department of Agriculture worked on rules for at least 20 years before the Trump administration halted the process. It has since restarted, and on Tuesday the USDA published a Request for Comments from farmers, advocates and consumers. That’s an important step toward parity, animal welfare advocates said. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), then-chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee, added organic standards to the 1990 farm bill, setting early parameters for the industry. He said on Tuesday he was glad to see the Biden administration taking action to further organic standards. “I urge Vermont farmers to weigh in on the proposed change,” Leahy said. Organic farming has grown immensely in the last few decades, with huge operations supplying food and milk around the country. There’s a widespread belief that not all organic operations are using the same standards — or even legitimate ones — a phenomenon described in a New Yorker article last year called “The Great Organic-Food Fraud.” It describes the case of Randy Constant, a Missouri corn and soybean grower who was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2019 over $142 million in fraudulent organic grain sales. Because Vermont’s organic dairy farmers compete against factory farmsize operations with thousands of cows, it’s vital that the same standards apply, Vermont Agriculture Secretary Anson Tebbetts said on Tuesday. The rules cover

issues such as how dairy cows are housed and how much time they spend outside, which affects the cost of raising the animals. “The organic community for a long time has really wanted to enforce these rules,” Tebbetts said. “A 3,000-cow organic dairy needs to be treated the same way as a farmer in Vermont that has 40 Jerseys on a back hill.” The rules also cover treatment of poultry, a small sector in Vermont. The proposal would require that the animals have year-round access to the outdoors, direct sunlight, shade, clean drinking water, space for dust bathing and other measures. It sets space requirements for egg-laying chickens and would prohibit cages or indoor environments that restrict movement. The Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont has certified about 200 dairy farms as organic. They’re competing in a global industry that was worth around $21 billion in 2021, according to, a trade publication. While demand for organic dairy products is rising, the prices paid to farmers are not. Vermont’s congressional delegation and its Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets work to provide financial and technical support for the farms and promote Vermont products. Giving consumers more confidence in organic products would help the industry, Tebbetts said. “When the consumer buys the milk, they need to know there are certain standards behind that, because they’re paying a premium,” he said. “We have focused in Vermont on following the regulations.” The USDA’s public comment period ends on October 11. m



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7/2/19 10:46 7/25/22 1:42 PM AM


Beaver Believers

Monkton is the latest town to explore more humane ways to manage flooding problems B Y KEVI N MCCALLU M •

Jessica Demeritt surveying the spot where Hollow Road in Monkton floods due to beaver activity


essica Demeritt was dutifully taking notes when the condition of local roads came up in a June 14 meeting of the Monkton Selectboard. But her ears perked up when a town official reported that the highway crew planned to address flooding of a road near Demeritt’s home with a tried-and-true method. “He said in an almost offhanded way, ‘They’re going to trap the beavers on Hollow Road,’” Demeritt recalled. “My head just about whipped around when I heard that.” Demeritt credits the industrious rodents with creating the rich wetland habitat in her neighborhood. The idea of trapping and killing the architects of that environment struck her as foolish. She has since helped lead a grassroots effort to convince town leaders to embrace more humane ways to deal with conflicts with beavers, which are plentiful in Addison County and throughout Vermont. “We said, ‘Hey, wouldn’t it be cool to try to work with the beavers instead of trying to get rid of them?’” Demeritt said. As a result of impassioned pleas from like-minded wildlife lovers at a subsequent selectboard meeting, the beavers won a reprieve — for now. Residents convinced the board to allow them to form a volunteer committee to explore nonlethal ways to deal with beavers when their woody waterwork creates headaches for homeowners, 18


farmers or road crews. The move follows a similar shift in towns such as Shelburne, which in 2019 formed an Animal Coexistence Subcommittee. Its members drafted a policy declaring that Shelburne “values all species as an integral part of the community and advocates a harmonious coexistence behavioral style whenever interactions occur.”



In Monkton, committee member Beverly Soychak said she hopes pausing the town’s trapping plan will allow time to install a device known as a beaver deceiver on the beaver dams that are causing flooding in the Hollow Road area and elsewhere. The devices make use of beaverproof culverts so that water keeps flowing through dams, rather than pooling. “I just want to empower people to know that there are other options to trapping,” she told Seven Days. Monkton’s beaver hubbub is the latest illustration of the charged debate between tradition-minded Vermonters who want to preserve hunting and trapping practices in the state and wildlife activists who seek to curtail them.

Vermont allows beaver trapping for sport as well as to manage “nuisance” animals. The sport-trapping season is late October through March, when their thicker pelts have commercial value. But troublesome beavers, such as those whose dams cause flooding on roads or private property, can be trapped and killed anytime. Between 520 and 660 such nuisance beavers were killed by licensed trappers annually between 2018 and 2020, said Chris Bernier, a wildlife biologist with the Fish & Wildlife Department. That may sound like a lot, but it’s fewer than three per town each year, he noted. Tens of thousands of beavers live in Vermont, Bernier said, and the department supports efforts to protect them. “We are trying to allow beavers to persist in these areas so they can go about their business and increase the incredible habitat they create,” Bernier said. Beavers were virtually wiped out in Vermont by the 1850s due to overhunting and habitat loss. The department reintroduced beavers from New York and Maine in the 1920s and 1930s. Their numbers rebounded, and limited hunting was again allowed starting in 1950. So many beavers live in Vermont today that the department no longer issues permits to relocate them, arguing that doing so will just foster competition for habitat elsewhere.

Passionate debates about the fate of the semiaquatic creatures — which are the largest rodents in North America and can weigh 40 to 50 pounds — still occur over how to best manage their populations. “These cases sometimes can blow up and become real nightmares,” Bernier said. Trapping requests from state and local road crews make up about half of the beaver reports the department receives, said Tyler Brown, a state wildlife specialist. Brown helps install about 15 to 20 beaver control devices annually. This includes fencing that keeps beavers away from culverts and baffles that help control water levels behind beaver dams. With an annual materials budget of only $5,000, however, Bernier acknowledges the department doesn’t have the resources to fund all the beaver protection projects that people might desire. In addition, the devices don’t work in every situation, he said. “At the end of the day, some of these sites still have to be trapped — even with these structures installed,” Bernier said. The Monkton Highway Department received state approval for a trapper to remove beavers causing flooding at the western end of Hollow Road after a device installed by the state failed, explained Stephen Pilcher, chair of the selectboard. He said he could not confirm reports by residents that beavers were killed on Church Road at a culvert that was plugged up by beavers. “The road crew does what the road crew does,” Pilcher said. “We don’t try to micromanage them.” Soychak said she was appalled to learn the town and private landowners were still trapping beavers. She said the practice is “barbaric” and doesn’t work. “If you kill beavers, another family is just going to move in and you’re going to have the same problems,” Soychak said. She was involved in an effort two years ago to solve a beaver problem at her home on nearby Cedar Lake. Beaver dams were causing water levels to rise and flood lakeside homes, and homeowners sought a humane solution. They hired Grafton-based beaver expert Skip Lisle to install one of his beaver deceivers to manage lake water levels. The custom-made devices, which vary in design, preserve water flow by installing a culvert through the animals’ dams. Wire cages around the openings prevent beavers from plugging them. The well-publicized Cedar Lake project worked, so Soychak couldn’t understand why Monkton continued to trap beavers.


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Skip Lisle installing a beaver deceiver in Cedar Lake in 2020

The reason, Lisle said, is that despite the increasing environmental awareness about the value of wetlands, Vermont still prioritorizes its agriculture. Many of its residents view wetlands as potential cropland. “So there is virtually no appreciation for beavers, and a lot of people just want to kill them,” Lisle said. The new Monkton committee, which calls itself Working With Wildlife, has won a $3,000 grant from the Stowe-based nonprofit Protect Our Wildlife Vermont to fund such devices. Volunteers are working with a private property owner on Hollow Road and also started a GoFundMe page to raise enough for five devices. Pilcher, the selectboard chair, said he’s pleased the committee is exploring nonlethal options, but he’s taking a wait-and-see approach before agreeing to commit the town’s limited road budget to the cause. He’s seen firsthand the damage beavers can do. Beavers near his home “take down every tree within a certain radius,” which is not something everyone appreciates, he said. Demeritt appreciates it deeply. The animals have been “beaver-scaping” the Hollow Road area for years, transforming it into a wetland teeming with life, she said on a recent visit to the spot. As she surveyed the marshy expanses on either side of the road, she pointed to game trails through the cattails and a great blue heron perched on a beaver dam in the distance.

In addition to the fish, water waterfowl and frogs that call beaver ponds home, the areas serve as important travel corridors for larger wildlife such as bear and bobcat, she said. These routes are more important than ever as the climate changes and animals are forced to migrate to suitable habitat, Demeritt said. And, though it may seem counterintuitive, the wetlands created by beavers actually reduce flood risk. Dams slow runoff, and the dense vegetation in wetlands absorbs water like a sponge during major rain events, a feature that is increasingly vital as the climate changes, she said. Demeritt understands that these values can seem secondary to a town crew trying to keep roads passable or to a homeowner watching their backyard flood. But they deserve consideration, she said. While the up-front cost of building a beaver deceiver is more expensive than simply hiring a trapper, studies have shown the long-term cost is far lower, said John Aberth, a wildlife rehabilitator from Roxbury. Aberth wrote a beaver management plan for Salisbury and rehabilitates infant beavers orphaned by trapping. He’s exasperated when people argue for sticking with trapping because it’s a tradition. “I say, ‘You’ve always done it because it’s never worked!’” he said. Soychak admits that her activism seems to have “ruffled some feathers” in town, but she said that’s not her intention. “It’s not rocket science,” she said. “We are just trying to save some beavers.” m

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8/8/22 10:33 AM

news and carry diseases, parasites and viruses with them.” Others cite a personal ethos. Eric Warren of Woodstock got hooked on flyfishing in the early days of the pandemic. “Wild fish are more interesting because that animal has had to find a way to survive from the moment it was born,” he said. A vegetarian, Warren practices catchand-release fishing. He said he enjoys getting outside and practicing a skill that forces him to pay attention to his surroundings. He has no criticism, though, of those who catch fish for dinner. Regardless of their motivation, recreational anglers have caught fewer rainbow trout in recent years. They’ve complained that the stocked trout are too small and difficult to catch. The reason wasn’t initially clear to state biologists, though. “It’s kind of like solving a mystery or a puzzle when you are hearing it enough,” Kratzer said. Until 2008, the state raised a rainbow trout line known as Wytheville, which was well liked and easy to catch. But that year a major pump failed at the Salisbury hatchery, and the fish all died. Vermont couldn’t get more supply from neighboring state hatcheries because of concerns the fish might carry disease. State biologists landed on the Erwin-Arlee strain, which was easy to purchase and very catchable, as a replacement. But based on angler reports, those trout haven’t thrived in a number of lakes. “We want to get back to the point where we can have some rainbow trout that will survive through the summer and survive multiple seasons,” Simard said. That became the impetus for a department-led analysis of the survival rates of various strains of trout, including the Eagle Lake line. Kratzer said an evaluation by the Maine Department of



4H-hearst080322 1


New Fish on the Block « P.15

Eagle Lake rainbow trout

Inland Fisheries & Wildlife identified the Eagle Lake strain as a genetic variant that could survive better in the wild. This spring, Vermont released the first batch of the new fish. By the fall of 2024, it will stock 8,000 to 10,000 Eagle Lake trout alongside the traditional Erwin-Arlee to evaluate differences.

The two strains look much alike, but the Eagle Lake strain has a missing left ventral fin on its bottom midsection, while Erwin-Arlee trout have a missing right ventral fin. Fish & Wildlife is asking anglers to fill out a survey after catching trout in any of the waters stocked with the new

WHERE EAGLE LAKE RAINBOW TROUT ARE STOCKED • Deerfield River, Searsburg and Somerset • Ottauquechee River, Bridgewater and Woodstock • Huntington River, Huntington • Passumpsic River, Lyndon, St. Johnsbury and Barnet • Lake Raponda, Wilmington • South Pond, Marlboro • Knapp Pond 1, Cavendish and Reading • Sunset Lake, Brookfield • Crystal Lake, Barton • Bald Hill Pond, Westmore • Echo Lake, Charleston

strain. They’ve also asked anglers to snap a picture of the fish and to record its length. Results from the survey are slowly rolling in. Initial findings suggest that the new trout may have been released when they were too small, thus decreasing their survival rate — fewer are being caught than anticipated. Warren, the Woodstock angler, is one fisherman who hasn’t yet caught an Eagle Lake trout. Nevertheless, he was happy to complete the survey after fishing in Windsor County and has even ventured out a few times this summer just to try to collect data. But it’s not as if he needed an excuse. “If you’re trying to catch trout,” Warren said, “you’re almost always going to be in beautiful places.” m Rachel Hellman covers Vermont’s small towns. She is a corps member of Report for America, a national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms. Find out more at

8/1/22 12:45 PM

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4/25/22 12:57 PM

FEED back «


Cop reform means negotiations PAGE 14

Bear Essentials

Many readers responded to our July 25 story “Vermont Woman Accused of Using Bear Spray on Hunters,” about an incident in which a Groton woman allegedly sprayed Butch Spear, the former president of the Vermont Bearhound Association, and his hunting buddies as they were driving a pickup truck full of hounds near Groton State Forest. For more background about the animal defenders trying to change hunting and trapping traditions in Vermont, read Kevin McCallum’s September 29, 2021, cover story, “Wildlife Wars,” at



Animal defenders struggle to change hunting and trapping traditions in Vermont BY K E VIN MC C ALLU M, PAGE 2 8




Will legal weed boost home values?


Without any knowledge of the Groton incident, I contacted the commissioner of the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department on July 15 and shared Protect Our Wildlife’s concern regarding increased tensions between landowners and hounders. My July email was sent as a result of a July altercation between a bear hounder and a landowner in Orange County. The landowner was frustrated by bear hounds barking on their posted property in the morning hours and confronted the hounder in the road. We cautioned the commissioner that altercations like this will continue because landowners are tired of feeling helpless against bear, coyote and raccoon hounds on private property. We had no idea that, around the same time, the Groton confrontation had happened. Butch Spear, one of the bear hounders who was allegedly sprayed with bear spray by the frustrated landowner in Groton, has caused problems with landowners in the past. He believes it’s his right to allow his hounds to chase bears. He told us that his hounds “go where the bear goes,” even if that means into roads and onto your private posted property. We don’t condone the woman using bear spray, unless she was protecting herself. We encourage people to always act lawfully and never resort to violence. First, contact a warden (even though they likely won’t do anything), and then contact us. We’ll guide you through the process of how to address the issue legally and safely! We must ban hounding, for the wildlife and for Vermont’s taxpaying landowners! Brenna Galdenzi


Galdenzi is president of Protect Our Wildlife Vermont.


The Vermont Coyote Coexistence Coalition was invited by the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department to participate in a working group to discuss how to regulate coyote hounding, although we want it banned outright. As a result of the 2022 legislative session, Fish & Wildlife is required to better define what “control of 22


dogs” means with regard to coyote hounding. Currently, for bear hounding, regulation says “control of dogs” simply means that hounds wear GPS collars! That’s not control. Hounds that are pursuing bears, coyotes and other wildlife cover large tracts of land and often end up in roads and on posted property. Not only is hounding exceptionally cruel, it is causing conflicts with landowners. This problem won’t go away until Fish & Wildlife takes responsibility and enacts sensible regulations or bans the activity outright. Landowner conflicts will continue because the public is fed up with hounders like Butch Spear who have zero regard for private property rights. We’d also like to correct a few things in the article. Bear hounding does not keep bears wary of people. That’s an excuse hounders use to garner support for their recreational activity. Hounders often chase wildlife in the woods, like the Groton State Forest, where we want bears! The hounds chase the bears from the woods and into roads and private property, causing conflicts.


I want to discuss the root cause of the recent attacks on hunters in Vermont. This type of violence against community members who hunt is a direct result of the way anti-hunting groups in the state have chosen to vilify them by using terms like “sadist,” “psychopath” and “abuser.” This event and last year’s attack on another member of the community should send a message to everyone associated with these groups, even peripherally, that it is time to step back and reevaluate their support. The folks who were attacked were victims, but the perpetrators of the recent attacks were also victims — victims of an ongoing misinformation campaign that led them to make conscious decisions to harm fellow citizens, neighbors who were engaged in lawful activities and harming nobody.



A new wine bar in Essex



Local sculptor pushes boundaries

There are so many reasons to ban hounding. We urge Fish & Wildlife to stop allowing privileged special interests to dictate wildlife policy. Jane Fitzwilliam



It is incomprehensible that hounding is legal. This nightmarish activity offends on so many levels: cruelty to wildlife, the treatment of hounds, attack on domestic animals, private property and landowner rights, the outrageous behavior and entitlement of the hounders themselves, and public safety. Hounding of raccoons, foxes and bobcats is unregulated, which means the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department doesn’t know how many hounds are in the woods, how many in- or out-of-state hounders are harassing people, how many animals are being injured or killed, where they are being killed, or what their age or health conditions are. Fish & Wildlife doesn’t care

We need better deterrents to this type of unwarranted violence, including enhanced penalties. Hunters are the single greatest contributor to the security of our wildlife through their financial and on-the-ground support of quality habitat and stewardship. The value of the locally sourced, naturally occurring, organic food that is represented by hunted game cannot be overstated. Those opposed to hunting feel such a desperate need to control the narrative, they use emotional appeals to cloud people’s judgment and drive folks down a path. They know that if they lose that control, they lose the audience. Meanwhile people on both “sides” are left dealing with the anxiety created by this manufactured conflict. Mike Covey


Covey is executive director of the Vermont Traditions Coalition.

how hounds are being kept, how they are trained or how they’re discarded. Vermont allows hounders on private property, where they are not welcome, to retrieve dogs they have no control over. Yet Fish & Wildlife game wardens (who themselves post pictures on social media of bloodied animals they’ve hounded) can cite and press charges against members of the public for “interfering with a hunter.” When hounding begins, on June 1, wildlife is pregnant and nursing. Bears are forced to run long distances in a droughtstricken state where food is scarce and habitat is encroached upon, in a climate that keeps getting hotter. Regulations are never going to stop the conflicts with property owners, serious threats to public safety or this terror in the woods. No science on Earth would support this cruel activity. Alana Stevenson



There is no denying that, when it comes to the issue of hounding, things are coming close to a boiling point. Regarding the recent incident in Groton, it’s hard to say if the woman felt threatened and chose to use the bear spray or exactly what happened. It is concerning that landowners are feeling so helpless that they’re taking matters into their own hands. I am grateful no one was hurt. Communities are tired of being told that there’s nothing they can do to protect their property against hounds that are in pursuit of bears, coyotes, raccoons and other wildlife. Despite legally posting their land, landowners are forced to endure unwanted invasions by hounds, sometimes in the middle of the night. Then there’s the obvious issue of cruelty. Some wildlife protection groups compare hounding to legalized animal fighting, and I would agree. This is why the comments in the story by Warden Justin Stedman and Fish & Wildlife Commissioner Christopher Herrick ring so hollow. If the deck were stacked evenly, we could reasonably and believably talk about respect and civility and agreeing to disagree. But this is not a chess game or an academic exercise. Bears are being hounded to exhaustion, cubs are being needlessly orphaned, dogs are getting mauled, people’s pets are at risk, family members are traumatized and private property rights are repeatedly violated. Why? Because Fish & Wildlife chooses to put privileged special interests ahead of the greater public’s. Sophie Bowater


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7/6/21 3:00 PM




Dian Elizabeth Caroline Mueller, 62, of Burlington, was born to her late parents, Robert Thomas Mueller and Dian Patricia Kendrick, on February 22, 1960, in Washington, D.C., and died unexpectedly in her home on May 28, 2022. She grew up in Manassas, Va., with her brothers before moving to Colchester. She attended Colchester High School, where she met her first husband, Peter Thayer, and they had two children, Audrey and Karen. She later married James Beachler, and the family moved to Johnson, Vt. In 1990, they moved to Florida after her father’s cancer diagnosis. After his passing, they moved to New Mexico and then, in 1997, Dian and Karen moved back to Vermont while James and Audrey stayed in New Mexico. Dian advocated for justice and equality for all people. She was highly spiritual, with a fairy spirit as a high priestess, and was an active member of the

Unitarian Universalist Church in Tampa and in Burlington, where she founded Wiccan groups in the 1990s. She had a great interest in genealogy and loved to journal daily. She worked as an editor and writer for Toward Freedom and the Vermont Vanguard. She was also a supporter of the Vermont Abenaki community and a champion for the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. She had a great interest in Celtic history, Judaism and Wicca. She was active in many social and political groups, including Bernie Sanders’ campaigns for president. She is survived by her life partners James Beachler and Greg Guma; brother Brian Mueller; daughters, Audrey (Thayer, Mueller) Hodge and Karen (Thayer, Mueller, Brockway) Hall; grandchildren, Ashley and Kayla Hodge, AJ Brockway, and Scott Hall; and sons-in-law Chris Hodge and Dave Hall. She was predeceased by her brother Mark Mueller. A memorial for friends will be held in September. Contact Robin at




Michael A. Fernandez

OCTOBER 14, 1945-JULY 23, 2022 BRISTOL, VT. Michael A. Fernandez, born in Syosset, N.Y., in 1945, passed away on July 23, 2022, after waging a short and intense battle against cancer. He is survived by his sons, Michael Fernandez (Gamynne) and Nathan Fernandez (Barbara); his grandchildren, Sam and Jonathan; his life partner, Helen Maciejewski, and her daughter, Kate Foley (Nick); his sister Susan Armstrong (Jeff); and his beloved nieces and nephews. He is also survived by members of the Touchstone Community, his family of choice. Mike was predeceased by his parents, Efegenio and Luisa (Quintana) Fernandez; and his older sister Olivia (Libby) Pratt and her husband, Phil.

Leo Lalancette MAY 1925-JUNE 26, 2022 ESSEX, VT.

Leo “the Chief” Edward Lalancette, age 97, passed away peacefully at Maple Ridge Memory Care in Essex, Vt., on June 26, 2022. Born in Nashua, N.H., Leo was the oldest and last living child of the late Pierre and Eva (Belair) Lalancette. Leo was predeceased by his wife, Solange (Maher), whom he married on June 12, 1948, in Portsmouth, N.H.; his brother William of Portsmouth; his sister Alberta and her husband, Walter Kitson, of Biloxi, Miss.; his sister Beatrice and her husband, Larry Gerlack, of South Burlington, Vt.; and his brother Roland of Portsmouth. Leo leaves behind his son Michael and his wife, Patricia

In 1967, Mike moved to Vermont from Miami, where he and other idealistic young newcomers to rural Vermont formed the Touchstone Commune. Touchstone members shared equipment, tools and skills to build their homes and live off the land. They raised their families together, and these relationships matured and endured as friends for life. Mike was a creative and charismatic problem solver who loved working with a wide variety of people. He was trained as a counselor and mediator and loved working as a conflict resolution professional. He was in private practice as a counselor with the Center for Change in Burlington, Vt. Mike was proud to have worked for the U.S. Department of Justice in Guantánamo, Cuba, as a liaison between the military and Cuban Balseros, who were detained on the island before being resettled in the U.S. He used this experience

as inspiration to help develop the Community Support Program for the Burlington Police Department, and the program was replicated in several New England communities. He also co-facilitated educational groups for men convicted of domestic violence. Later, he worked for Howard Mental Health supporting young men in residential settings. Mike balanced the demands of his work life with woodworking and home improvement projects. He also enjoyed fishing, playing golf, basketball and shooting pool. Mike was kind, funny, compassionate and quick to lend a hand whenever needed, and he loved to enliven a conversation with a good story. He is loved very much by all his extended family and friends and will be deeply missed. The family is planning a celebration of his life in the fall. We are grateful to the caregivers at the University of Vermont Medical Center, especially the nurses in the ICU and on Baird 6. In lieu of flowers, please make a gift in memory of Mike to the UVM Medical Center, 111 Colchester Ave., Courtyard Given North, 3rd Floor, Burlington, VT 05401. Donations will benefit nursing needs.

Bouchard, of Essex Junction; son Richard of Rutland, Vt.; daughter Denise Johnston of Santa Fe, N.M.; son Dennis and his wife, Cheryl (Wells), of Williston; daughter Pamela Munsell of Fairfax; son Robert and his wife, Terry (Cardinal), of Essex; and daughter Linda Corey and her husband, Jeffery, of Fairfax. Leo also leaves behind 10 grandchildren and 11 greatgrandchildren. Leo attended schools in Nashua and Portsmouth, N.H. He was 17 years old when he enlisted in the Navy in 1942 and was a member of “the Greatest Generation” and earned three battle stars in the Solomon Islands while serving on the USS Woodworth. He met future president John F. Kennedy while doing torpedo tube maintenance on PT109. After 20 years of service, he

retired from the Navy as a shipfitter chief petty officer. He began working at IBM in Essex Junction in 1965 in facilities maintenance and retired from IBM in 1987. Leo enjoyed taking visitors and relatives “on tour” and sharing the delights of the Green Mountain State. He also enjoyed woodworking with his “hobby lobby” buddies, carpentry projects with family and friends, and building birdhouses. A skilled craftsman, he was known to be able to “fix anything but a broken heart.” Leo was a loyal parishioner of Holy Family Parish in Essex Junction, a faithful husband, a dedicated father and a friend to all. The family thanks the staff at Gazebo Senior Living, where Leo was a long-term resident, and Maple Ridge Memory Care for assisting Leo over the years. Thank you, also, to Bayada Hospice Care for your assistance during a difficult time. Visiting hours were held on July 6 at Corbin & Palmer Funeral Home in Essex Junction. A mass of Christian burial was held on July 7 at Holy Family Church, followed by interment at Holy Family Cemetery in Essex Junction.

Roberta S. Alexander

September 10, 1955, at the Church on the Common and then headed west to Colorado, the badlands of South Dakota and New Mexico while he worked for the Federal Highway Administration. His career path soon led them back to New England, where they lived briefly in Connecticut while he attended Yale University. Then they lived in Woburn, Mass., before finally moving back to Vermont. Their sons, Peter and John, were both born in Barre in the early 1960s. While living in South Burlington as a homemaker, Roberta dipped her toe back into education by becoming a teacher’s aide. This led her to a teaching degree from Goddard College and then, after moving to New Hampshire, a teaching position at Concord High School. She developed the marketing and distributive education program there, where she taught for 16 years and

was New Hampshire state teacher of the year in 1981, an accomplishment that her husband, Bob, speaks admiringly of to this day. The local newspaper summed up her philosophy of educating as “an ability to make kids feel good about themselves; to listen and encourage them.” In 1988, Berta and Bob moved back to Vermont, first to the Common to help Gladys and Jerry and then down the road to Lake Hosmer, where they loved the sights and sounds of nature, especially the loons and the peepers in the spring. Family and friends visited often, enjoying Roberta’s delicious meals and great company. Berta and Bob had a string of black labs, which they loved. They also had many kitties, because she loved cats, too. As Bob became a consulting engineer, Roberta embarked on a second career as a Realtor and made many new friends at the Watson and Choice agencies, retiring in June 2011 after 22 years. At the beginning of 2019, they left their beloved Mill Village home for the Craftsbury Community Care Center (4 Cs) assisted living center in East Craftsbury and then, during pandemic lockdowns, the Manor nursing home in Morrisville, where Robert still resides in the assisted living section. Family and friends who were part of her life include

her father, Gerald “Jerry” K. Spaulding (1908-1995); her mother, Gladys W. Spaulding (1912-2007); her brother, Gerry, who died on February 25, 2013; and her two sons, Peter M. Alexander of Manchester, N.H., and John R. Alexander of Milton, Vt. Her nieces and nephews include Jessica E. Spaulding of Stowe and her daughter, Lili; and Travis D. Spaulding of Stowe and his wife, Rebecca, and their children, Mena, William and Bryer. Two sisters-in-law in Rutland are Jean Hinson and Janet Alexander. Friends include Lou (Simmons) King and Joan Simmons of Craftsbury; Lauren Handrahan; and David Rowell at the Watson agency; Brenda Menard at Choice Real Estate; and Annette Burgess of Concord, N.H. Friends who departed before her include Claire Renasco in Rhode Island in 2016; Phyllis (Simmons) Harrington of Craftsbury in February 2020; Anne Wilson of Craftsbury in November 2020; and Pat Smith of Montpelier in April 2021. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, August 20, at 11 a.m., at the United Church of Craftsbury on Craftsbury Common, with Pastor Kim Larose. Memorial contributions may be made to the Craftsbury Community Care Center (4 Cs) by mail at 1784 E. Craftsbury Rd., Craftsbury, VT 05826.

his free time with family and friends. Jake and Nancy had a home in South Hero, where they raised their three children. Jake was liked by everyone who knew him; his laid-back and loving personality always drew others in. Jake believed in always giving people the benefit of the doubt. Some of the amazing traits

he passed on to his children and grandchildren are: • Treat people the way you want to be treated. • Always give it your best shot. • Practice what you preach. • Always be polite and respectful. Jake also loved to cook. He would frequently be grilling up one of his amazing prime ribs or in the kitchen whipping up a batch of his special homemade spaghetti sauce. Jake was the son of John P. Sr. and Phyllis Bell of Cambridge, Vt. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Nancy McGovern; his daughter, Lisa, and her husband, Sam Deavitt, of Shelburne, Vt.; his sons, John P. McGovern III and his wife, Michelle, of Lake Worth, Fla., and Shannon McGovern and his wife,

Cassie, of Coral Springs, Fla.; his grandchildren, Sydney and Gracie Deavitt, John IV, Ryan and Declan McGovern, Ally, Taylor, Edna Mae and Ryder McGovern; his greatgrandchild, Autumn; and his brother Tom McGovern and Bobby McGregor. He is predeceased by his sister Mary and brother Kevin. A time for celebration of Jake’s life will be held for family and friends at a later date determined by the family. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to University of Vermont Medical Center Hospice. Arrangements are entrusted to the care of the Cremation Society of Chittenden County, a division of the Ready Funeral Home. Please visit cremationsociety to place online condolences.

MAY 30, 1935-JULY 16, 2022 MORRISVILLE, VT. Roberta S. Alexander, 87, a longtime Craftsbury resident, died on Saturday, July 16, 2022, at the Manor nursing home with her family by her side. Roberta was born on May 30, 1935, in St. Johnsbury, the daughter of Gerald and Gladys (Wylie) Spaulding. For many years, the Spauldings lived in Craftsbury and St. Johnsbury. As a little girl, Roberta attended the then-two-room schoolhouse in Craftsbury Village, followed by the Academy on Craftsbury Common, where she developed a lifelong love of learning. She was also on the basketball team that played in the half-court gym. When she was 13, her younger brother, Gerry, was born, and she slipped naturally into the role of big sister and protector as her family moved several times between St. J and Craftsbury. In the early 1950s, she met her future husband, Robert M. Alexander, in Glover at Urie’s Pavillion Dance Hall on Shadow Lake. They dated while she was attaining a two-year degree in retailing at Green Mountain College in Poultney, as he worked on an engineering degree at Norwich University. They were married on

John P. “Jake” McGovern Jr. MARCH 9, 1948JULY 27, 2022 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT.

John P. “Jake” McGovern Jr., 74, passed away peacefully, surrounded by family, in his South Burlington, Vt., home on the morning of July 27, 2022. John was given the nickname “Jake” at a young age, which stuck with him for the majority of his life; this is the name most people knew him by. Jake was a strong, hardworking, respected man who started selling farm equipment at a young age. Eventually, he became selfemployed, running several successful businesses until retirement. He was a jack-of-all-trades and loved spending all of

IN MEMORIAM Cheryl Ann Rinder

1950-2022 Please join us atop the majestic Middlebury Gap to celebrate the life of our much-loved wife, mother, sister, friend and sober fellow, Cheryl “Cher” Rinder. There will be a memorial service on Saturday, August 13, at Middlebury College Snow Bowl, 6886 Route 125, Hancock, VT. Service will begin at 11 a.m., with a reception to follow. In honor of Cher’s love of diversity, please feel free to dress in color. If you’re local, or if you can do so without much inconvenience, we invite you to bring a vase of flowers to contribute to decorating the room.

Paul A. “Joe” Dye Jr. 1936-2022

An informal gathering will be held in memory of Paul “Joe” Dye at All Souls Interfaith Gathering, 291 OLD, Bostwick Farm Rd., Shelburne, on Friday, August 19, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Please join us with reminiscences of Joe as we celebrate his life.

Mark E. Sikora 1921-2022, SOUTH HERO, VT.

A funeral service for Mark E. Sikora, who passed away on April 15, 2022, will be held at St. Mark’s Church in Burlington on Friday, August 12, 2022, at 11 a.m. A reception from 2 to 4 p.m. will follow at Snow Farm Vineyard in South Hero.

Want to memorialize a loved one in Seven Days? Post your remembrance online and in print at Or contact us at or 865-1020, ext. 10. SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022




hy do we love our pets? Believe it or not, that question has fueled decades of rigorous scientific study around the world. It turns out there are about as many reasons for us to adore our furry, scaly and feathered friends as there are different types of pets. For instance, we might love pets because having them is good for us. The connection between domestic animals and mental well-being is long established. While socioeconomics also factor in, kids who grow up with pets tend to be at lower risk of severe mental health problems and to have higher self-esteem, according to a 2018 review of the evidence published in BMC Psychiatry. Adult pet owners are also less likely to experience anxiety or depression. And companion animals have been shown to lessen the severity of symptoms in people with dementia.

Basic biology might also explain the profound affinity many pet owners have for their little buddies. According to a 2015 report in Science, gazing into a dog’s eyes boosts the feel-good hormone oxytocin — the same physiological response that bonds parents to their infants. So maybe referring to Mr. Sprinkles II as your “fur baby” isn’t so far off the mark after all. (It is still, however, insufferable.) With apologies to the global scientific community, we here at Seven Days have a simpler theory about why we adore our pets: ’cause they’re freakin’ adorable! For proof, we humbly submit the winners of this year’s Best of the Beasts pet photo contest. Go ahead and check ’em out now, then come back. We’ll wait… I mean, come on, right? The 2022 contest set a record for submissions at 1,387, up from 911 in 2021. It also set a record for smooshable faces

at roughly infinity. Clearly, all those pandemic pets are just getting cuter with age. Readers submitted photos in five categories: Doggone Adorable (dogs), Purrfect Poser (cats), Best Dressed (animals in costume), Lady & the Tramp (multiple cute animals together) and Wild Card, which included everything from reptiles to birds to miniature horses to this year’s Wild Card champ, Russet the hedgehog. Along with the winners, you’ll find a handful of pet photos that the judges felt were just too darned cute not to include. It’s easy to see why certain critters charmed. Just look into their eyes.

Introducing the winners of the 2022 Best of the Beasts pet photo contest

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INFO To see more Best of the Beasts pet photo contest submissions, visit

DOGGONE ADORABLE Winner: Delilah (Human: Kitt Carella)

Runners-Up Right: Thacher (Human: Lesley Gendron) Below: Tripp (Human: Emily Scharff)



PURRFECT POSER Winner: Cookie (Human: James Lockridge)

Runners-Up Left: Meeko (Human: Bailey Rowland) Below: Gravy (Human: Emma Pearson)

LADY & THE TRAMP Winner: Cali, Stormy & Mae (Human: Skye Elkins) Runners-Up Left: Pippin & Gimli (Human: Claire Denning) Below: Daisy, Kodi & Stranger (Human: James Squires)


» P.28 27



BEST DRESSED Winner: Rizzo (Human: Troy Headrick)

Runners-Up Above: Luna (Human: Erin Randall) Left: Acorn (Human: Emma Interlandi)



WILD CARD Winner: Russet (Human: Robin Wagner)

Runners-Up Left: Willie (Human: Jane Swift) Below: Gojira (Human: Ryan Freebern)

3V-OGE081022 1

8/9/22 12:11 PM



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Claws for Concern

A rise in “high-risk conflicts” with black bears has officials urging Vermonters to take precautions COURTESY OF VERMONT FISH & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT/DAVID HALL


Black bear


ne evening earlier this summer, Carin Roberts and her husband, Jack, were sipping beers on the porch of their North Ferrisburgh home. As they sat unwinding to the sound of chirping crickets in rural Addison County, something startled their dog, Pretzel. The “all-American mutt,” as Carin described her, bounded off the porch and around the back of the house, barking wildly. Pretzel is a “pretty nervous” dog, according to Carin, so the Robertses didn’t think much of her agitation as Jack followed her to the backyard. But then, Carin recalled, “All of a sudden, I heard a yelp, and my husband yelled, ‘It’s a bear!’” In fact, it was five bears — a mother black bear and her four cubs — whose regular sightings around Ferrisburgh this year have made them local celebrities and an almost daily staple of the area’s Front Porch Forum postings. Jack collected Pretzel in a flash and put her safely inside the house, from which he and Carin watched in fascination as

the bears sat eating honeysuckle. Or, as Carin put it, “They were just sitting in the backyard bein’ bears.” After a bear encounter the previous summer, the couple thought they’d already “learned their lesson,” Carin said. They’d cleared the outside of their home of trash cans, bird feeders and other items that could tempt bears. This summer, assuming the bears would move on when they realized there was no human food to be had, the Robertses were content to let them be. Pretzel, however, was not. She pinballed from window to window, barking, until the frightened cubs climbed a tree by the front porch. Then Mama Bear lumbered onto the porch. “That’s when we knew we had to do something,” Carin recalled. The Robertses’ bear experience — don’t worry, it ends well — was one of hundreds of human encounters with black bears recorded in the state this year. In July, the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department reported that “high-risk

bear conflicts,” which have been on the rise for a decade, have dramatically spiked in 2022. As a result, the department is urging Vermonters to take more proactive steps to coexist with their burly neighbors.



In 2021, about 600 bear encounters were reported to the department. Already this year, Fish & Wildlife has received more than 800 reports from all over the state. Another 250 sightings have been reported to local game wardens. According to Front Porch Forum chief of staff Jason Van Driesche, more than

600 posts in the Vermont-based online neighborhood message board’s “wildlife” category have mentioned bears this year, compared with about 370 in the same time frame last year. And not all encounters are reported. “We know this is only a fraction of the problems going on out there,” said Jaclyn Comeau, a wildlife biologist and leader of the Black Bear Project at Fish & Wildlife. That’s not to suggest that Vermont has suddenly become a landlocked version of Amity Island from Jaws, where people should stay out of the woods for fear of being mauled. Comeau said black bears are “extremely risk averse,” looking to avoid conflict whenever possible. Since 1943, she noted, Vermont has had only three reported bear attacks, defined as encounters in which a bear makes physical contact with a human that causes injury — or, as in that 1943 case, death. The other two cases were in 2011 and 2018. Both resulted from people intentionally feeding bears. And, in both instances, the humans involved escaped with only minor injuries — and, presumably, Darwin Awards. “Considering all of the relatively close encounters between people and bears in Vermont, I believe this highlights how tolerant bears are of people,” Comeau said. But, she added, the encounters underline that “there is a risk when attracting bears to human spaces.” The gravest risk in those instances is usually not to the humans but to the bears. So far this year, 13 bears have been killed for “high-risk” behaviors, such as breaking into homes or killing livestock, by Vermont game wardens or citizens authorized by wardens to do so. Comeau believes that number is also an undercount. “In years of really high reports of conflicts … we do see spikes in the number of bears killed directly” by civilians in high-risk conflicts, she said. She added that bears foraging in backyards are usually also crossing roadways and that periods of high bear sightings tend to bring accompanying spikes in the number of bears killed by vehicles. What’s driving the increase in bear encounters? Comeau suggested a confluence of factors. One is Vermont’s robust black bear population — around 6,000, according CLAWS FOR CONCERN SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022

» P.33 31





8/9/22 12:07 PM

to 2021 estimates — which is among the densest in the country. When you have a lot of bears in a relatively small area, Comeau pointed out, they’re bound to become more visible. Another potential factor is that bears’ natural supply of food is dwindling, whether through development or other factors. The dearth drives them to seek alternatives such as backyard bird feeders, berry bushes or that most prized bear delicacy: your smelly trash. “If natural food is plentiful, bears are going to choose that over human foods,” Comeau said. But she added that bears are “really flexible omnivores,” looking to maximize their caloric intake. They are also, she noted with admiration, capable of learning. “We think what’s driving a lot of this is a learned changed behavior in our bear population,” Comeau said. “They’re amazingly adaptable. And they’re figuring out that coming into our backyards, into our communities, they can reliably find highcalorie foods, like birdseed and garbage. Until that changes, they’re going to keep coming back.”


Claws for Concern « P.31

Black bear damage to a Vermont home

She advises taking down bird feeders from early spring until winter, calling them “one of the biggest driving factors that bring bears into communities,” given that bears’ diet consists mostly of nuts and seeds in the wild. “That’s honestly the easiest problem to solve,” she said. Comeau also suggests keeping trash and compost locked in a garage, basement or other sturdy structure. If that’s not an option, she recommends looking into bearproof containers or keeping a rag soaked in ammonia — a bear irritant — in or near the garbage can. Your local garbage haulers will appreciate those efforts. Wade Acker of Acker Waste Management in Bristol said his drivers have been cleaning up after bears along their routes all spring and summer. “Every day, we’re picking up knockedover cans,” Acker said. “One of my drivers called me at 5:45 the other morning to tell me they were following a bear up the road with a trash bag in its mouth.” One hopes those drivers kept their distance. Comeau explained that the most important thing to do when you cross paths with a black bear — whether you’re

hiking, biking or strolling in the neighborhood — is to keep a safe distance and alert the bear to your presence. “If the bear is way off … and doesn’t see you, just enjoy watching the bear and that cool opportunity to get to see a bear,” she said. If it’s closer, “calmly call out to the bear, like, ‘Hey, bear!’ And maybe move your arms around.” There’s no need to be aggressive or threatening, she added: “You’re just letting them know you’re there.”

What if you encounter a black bear at home? Comeau advised doing “everything you can to make that bear feel uncomfortable.” Ideally from the safety of your home, make as much noise as possible — yell, bang pots and pans, even set off your car alarm. “Most bears who don’t have a lot of experience around people are going to take off when they hear that,” Comeau explained. Bears that are more acclimated to people, such as the mama and her cubs in North Ferrisburgh, may need a bit more encouragement. When the mama bear climbed onto the Robertses’ porch as her cubs perched in the tree, Jack took more aggressive measures. He leaned out of the windows blasting an air horn; he tossed firecrackers. About two hours after the encounter began, the bears finally moved along. They haven’t been back, probably because the property offers no food source. “They’re adorable, right? Baby bears are the cutest,” Carin said, adding that she enjoyed their brief visit. “But also, Mama will rip your face off.” m

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6/30/22 4:29 PM

Ant Man

A Middlebury College researcher sheds new light on familiar summer insects B Y K E N PI CA RD •





ost people plug in a guitar amplifier to strum some chords or noodle a few jazz and rock licks. Gregory Pask turns on his guitar amp to hear neurons firing in the brain of a fruit fly that’s been genetically altered to smell ant pheromones. “I get asked a lot whether insects even have brains, which is somewhat of a failing of our [country’s] biological education,” said Pask, an insect neurobiologist and assistant professor of biology at Middlebury College. “There are a million [identified] insect species out there … but they often get thrown aside for the warm and fuzzy vertebrates.” In a third-floor laboratory in Middlebury’s McCardell Bicentennial Hall, Pask, 36, and his team conduct cutting-edge research on fireflies and other insect species. Starting with his graduate work at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn., where he earned a doctorate in biological sciences in 2013, Pask has studied the perfect trifecta of summer bugs: fireflies, ants and mosquitoes. On the Middlebury faculty since 2020, Pask is an expert on insect olfactory systems — the primary means by which insects navigate the world. Smell enables them to locate food, spot places to lay eggs, identify enemies or prey, and, most importantly, find mates. Take the winter firefly, native to Vermont, which is neither a true fly nor one that glows. Pask’s recent, groundbreaking discovery of a winter firefly pheromone — the first ever identified in a firefly species — offers new insights into how this and other firefly species evolved without the ability to communicate visually by glowing. Such research not only advances our basic scientific understanding of insect biology, Pask said, but also helps us develop new methods of pest management. To show where the research begins, Pask entered a locked room that resembled a walk-in freezer. Inside were about a dozen clear plastic cubes called nesting boxes, each approximately the size of a cantaloupe. In each box was a small colony of Indian jumping ants, a species native to western India but not to the U.S. — hence the need for an airtight containment room with screens on its vents to prevent the inch-long ants from escaping. Pask and his team chose this type of ant because of its simplicity. More

Indian jumping ants

evolutionarily advanced species, such as leaf-cutter ants, have highly complex colonies with multiple castes of workers and millions of individuals performing specialized functions, from waging war to cultivating food. By contrast, Pask explained, the Indian jumping ant displays one of evolution’s earliest forms of ant social living. The species lives in small colonies — from 15 to 200 individuals — with just one worker caste performing multiple jobs. “If we want to understand how ants are communicating with each other,” Pask said, “it’s great to start at the beginning.” The Indian jumping ant is especially well suited for study, he noted, because scientists have sequenced its genome — Pask was a member of the team that did so — and can now extract genes of interest and study them in isolation. One of the questions Pask and his students are trying to answer is how ants use pheromones to know when a worker is trying to become the new “reproductive,” or queen. Ordinarily, a new reproductive will be eliminated by her fellow workers, who bite her and eat her eggs to prevent her from reproducing. (All ant workers are female.) However, if the colony gets too large, a “gamergate,” or pseudo-queen, may emerge. Genetically speaking, Pask said, “The colonies are immortal. If the queen dies, the workers have this big, ritualistic duel where, when one worker wins, it becomes

the new reproductive and carries on the egg laying.” What does all of this have to do with understanding the ants’ sense of smell? Pask and his team have found a way to extract the queen’s pheromone and, in effect, create a mock queen, he explained. They’re currently studying how introducing one of these mock queens into a colony affects the ants’ response. The researchers coat a glass bead with the queen pheromone, then, using tiny video cameras, watch how the workers behave. Assuming their theory is correct, in a colony with an untreated control bead, one of the workers will become a gamergate and lay eggs. In a colony with a pheromone-treated bead and the queen absent, no throne usurper will develop. Central to understanding this process are the ants’ olfactory organs, which are located in their antennal hairs and resemble the eye of a needle. They’re so sensitive that an ant can tell whether an approaching ant is friend or foe based solely on the number and position of carbon atoms in its pheromone molecules. Here’s where the fruit flies come into play. Because ants’ nervous systems are more complex than those of fruit flies, it’s easier to understand the former by watching them work inside the latter.

Researchers have isolated the ant gene responsible for growing a pheromone receptor and inserted that gene into fruit flies. Pask and his students put one such modified fruit fly under a microscope and attach electrodes to its brain. Then they puff different chemicals, including the pheromone, onto its antennae and listen for which ones activate its nervous system. And Pask means literally listen. A normal fruit fly won’t respond to an ant pheromone, but the genetically altered ones do. When the ant pheromone hits the fly’s antenna, its neurons fire in rapid pulses, which are audible on the guitar amp as soft popping sounds. Such findings help researchers better understand the role that ants’ olfactory organs play in their social interactions. Needless to say, such research requires an exceedingly clean and sensitive laboratory environment to prevent chemical cross contamination and electrical interference. Each of the two workstations in Pask’s lab, which cost about $60,000 apiece, is housed in a metal Faraday cage that blocks electromagnetic interference, allowing for ultraprecise measurements. “I never considered myself an insect person until I was leaving my graduate program,” said Pask, who grew up in Cape May, N.J. After earning his bachelor’s degree in biochemistry at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pa., he landed in a mosquito olfaction lab at Vanderbilt. There, funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Pask and his fellow researchers figured out how to manipulate the sense of smell in the Anopheles gambiae mosquito, which carries malaria. Their goal was to disrupt the mosquitoes’ ability to find hosts; such research may eventually prove useful in developing new mosquito repellents. These days, Pask’s Middlebury lab, which is funded in part by the National Science Foundation, studies other insects, including that Vermont native winter firefly. After millions of years of evolution, Pask explained, the adult of this species has lost its ability to glow, though the larvae and pupae can still light up. Unlike other species of fireflies — or lightning bugs, as they’re known in some regions of the country — winter fireflies are diurnal, or active during the day.



Gregory Pask

Because most fireflies use their bioluminescent flash patterns to locate and attract mates, Pask wanted to know: How do winter fireflies pair up without a light organ? Recently, researchers at his lab found the answer when they discovered the first pheromone ever identified in a firefly species, of which there are more than 2,000 worldwide. Because he and his collaborators at Bucknell University have yet to publish a paper on their findings, Pask was a bit cagey about sharing the

details. However, he did say the winter firefly’s sex pheromone, which is produced by the female, appears to be powerful. “We’d be setting these [traps] up, and my students would have a bunch of male fireflies flying around them within seconds after taking them out,” he said. “So it’s pretty potent stuff.” Pask’s research and teaching on the chemical language of insects have already impressed his students and fellow Middlebury faculty. After just two years at the college, Pask received the 2022 Perkins

Award for Excellence in Teaching. In alternating years, it’s given to a faculty member in mathematics or the computer sciences, or to one in the natural sciences. “Greg has already made quite a mark on students through his commitment and dedication to teaching excellence in the spirit of Professor Llewellyn Perkins,” wrote associate dean of sciences Rick Bunt in a May statement, referring to a professor who taught at Middlebury from 1914 to 1941. Pask, who maintains an active presence on Twitter, thinks the winter firefly should

replace the honeybee as Vermont’s official state insect — and he makes a compelling case. Besides being the official insect of 18 other states, the honeybee isn’t even native to the Green Mountain State. The winter firefly, by contrast, emerges in late summer and fall, tucks itself into the bark of trees and, like a hearty Vermonter, rides out the cold. In fact, Pask noted, winter fireflies are known to be active on warm days in February and March, occasionally turning up in maple sugaring buckets. The winter firefly proves its hardiness in other ways, too. Known for its hard outer wings, called “elytra,” it displays bright colors that deter predators. Its body contains a defensive steroid called lucibufagin, which is so toxic and unpalatable, Pask noted, that spiders will cut winter fireflies out of their webs rather than eat them. It’s a good idea for humans to avoid ingesting them, too. Pask estimated that just five winter fireflies contain enough lucibufagin to stop a human heart. One can imagine some creative Vermont novelist incorporating that ingeniously lethal weapon into a local murder mystery. Pask admitted that getting the winter firefly to replace the honeybee as Vermont’s state insect would be an uphill battle. When asked whether Vermonters would rally behind a firefly that comes out during the day, isn’t as flashy as its nocturnal cousins and has homicidal potential, Pask offered an answer worthy of a campaign bumper sticker: “Embrace the dark side.” m

INFO Follow Greg Pask on Twitter: @G_Pask.

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8/8/22 10:32 AM


Loons on Lake Dunmore

The Loon Ranger Mike Korkuc makes Lake Dunmore safe for the diva of divers B Y S TEV E GOL D ST EIN •


ike Korkuc never thought of himself as a bird person. Yet it is only a slight exaggeration to say he now spends more time with birds than with people — and may prefer it that way. If you’ve visited the lively waters of Addison County’s Lake Dunmore in, say, the past 15 years, odds are good that you’ve seen a lanky older gentleman piloting a pontoon boat, his own formidable beak burnished by the sun, peering through field glasses or perhaps a camera lens. He’s fixated on his favorite waterfowl, with its rounded head, daggerlike bill and eerie, otherworldly yodel that shivers your timbers: the uncommon common loon. “The first time I heard a loon,” Korkuc said, “I thought it was a child crying.” That wail and the elusive nature of its maker were the gateway that converted Korkuc into the Loon Ranger — an unmasked, unpaid protector of one of Dunmore’s most exotic-looking birds. Nearing 80 36


years old, the still-vigorous Leicester resident has become the scourge of mindless powerboaters, Jet Skiers and wakeboarders who roil the waters, eroding habitat and upsetting nesting loons. Loons came off the state’s endangered species list in 2005, and Dunmore’s count reflects statewide trends. A record 109 loon pairs settled in the Green Mountain State in 2021, according to the Vermont Loon Conservation Project of the Vermont Center for Ecostudies. For his efforts, Korkuc has received this year’s Green Mountain Power-Zetterstrom Environmental Award, an annual honor the power company gives to one person, business, group or nonprofit that has made a significant contribution to Vermont’s environment. Green Mountain Power named the award for the late Meeri Zetterstrom, a Milton woman whose efforts helped get the osprey off Vermont’s endangered species list. A feather-shaped trophy carries a $2,500 donation to support the winner’s ongoing efforts. Korkuc, who has enlisted more than 300 volunteers in the cause, barely registers on the proverbial Kardashian Scale of Self-Promotion and typically deflects attention. “I’m not one to seek out the spotlight,” he told Seven Days before agreeing to be interviewed in service of his favorite waterfowl. “I grew up hunting pheasants,” Korkuc explained. “My interest was in protecting game birds so that they were available [to shoot].” That interest changed in 2007 when a pair of loons — who had been migrating to Dunmore since the mid-1990s but not nesting there — were spotted with a chick perilously close to boat traffic lanes. The birds’ helplessness in the face of harm triggered interspecies empathy in Korkuc, who launched a floating patrol to safeguard the steadily growing loon population. In a career that has included flying as a commercial pilot and working as a home heath nurse and ambulance squad volunteer (he has a nursing degree from the University of Vermont), “the most fulfilling occurrences that have happened in my life have been when I’ve been volunteering, giving away my time,” Korkuc said. “That’s what keeps me going. If somebody needs something … I’m gonna leave it on the porch and walk away. They don’t know where the hell it came from. And then people do the same for me.” David Phelps of Salisbury worked with Korkuc on the ambulance squad and, after reconnecting years later, was invited to join the loon patrol. “Mike is just one of those people who really understands the importance of giving back to a community … and making

Mike Korkuc



the community better,” he said. “I think the looning is part of that. “ Korkuc, a Massachusetts native, moved to Leicester in the early 1980s and, 15 years ago, started monitoring loons daily on Dunmore and several smaller nearby lakes. Accompanied by his life partner, Rosie Spahn, Korkuc pilots his boat, the Loonatic — what else? — and adds to his more than 40,000 photos of the diva of diving birds. Korkuc uses a blog to inform and educate occupants of the nearly 450 houses around Dunmore and tries to avoid confrontation with miscreants. Loons like to nest on two rafts put out by the volunteers and on an island in the middle of the lake. “The biggest problems through the years are people on Jet Skis,” he said. He relayed one incident in which three Jet Skiers ignored signs on the island advising people to keep their distance. The scofflaws parked on the shore, about 30 feet from the nesting loons, so Korkuc went out to ask them to move along. “‘Fuck you,’ a guy said. ‘I’ll do whatever I want,’” Korkuc recalled. “He started up and swung the Jet Ski around and tried to spray me with the water.” When the loon population was small, the birds were easily disturbed, and Korkuc couldn’t get within 200 yards. As their numbers grew, so did the likelihood of human encounters. Two adults and two chicks are currently in residence on Dunmore, and another adult pair are day waders — loons that

swim and fish in the lake but don’t overnight there. “We’ve watched the transition from [the loons] being really skittish and spooked to a point where I can get very close,” Korkuc said, admitting that he’s become a bit of a chick magnet. When not on loon patrol, Korkuc is a dedicated Cajun and zydeco dancer, with Spahn. They traveled to events all over the state until COVID-19 cut in. When asked if he ever takes vacations, Korkuc replied, “From what? The lake?” Jim Goodwin of Middlebury first met Korkuc three decades ago when he was learning to be a pilot, but he lost touch with his flying mentor. A couple of years ago, Goodwin was canoeing on Dunmore, “and I saw this guy in a pontoon boat, and we recognized each other,” he said. Now Goodwin is another one of Korkuc’s loon brigade. He praised his friend’s dedication and added that the avocation seemed to “fill a spot [in Korkuc’s life] somehow.” Recently, Korkuc took some visitors from Long Island out on the lake for a loon survey. Several chicks were floating close to the boat and became alarmed when their adult parents were not nearby. Amazingly, they dove under Korkuc’s boat, as if for protection. “It was wonderful,” Korkuc said, as his hand drifted across his chest and covered his heart. “They trust us.” m

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7/25/22 2:25 PM

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4/13/21 10:31 AM

Night Life The many-splendored moths of Montpelier S TO RY & PHOT OS BY BRYAN PFEIFFER


hey fly by night to our farms, porches and backyards by the thousands. Some no bigger than a grain of rice, others the size of your palm, they twinkle gold and silver and glow hot pink, metallic blue and 50 shades of brown. Our names for them attest to their diversity (and to the whimsy of biologists): chocolate prominent, beautiful woodnymph, once-married underwing, tufted bird-dropping, modest sphinx, splendid dagger. These are among the moths now flying in Vermont. Let us dispense with moths’ general reputation as pests or drab creatures of the night. Ornate as any other insects, including butterflies, plenty of them also fly by day. Yet what I find most compelling is that, more than any other wild things, moths bring to our

doorsteps the profound diversity of life on Earth. Even among those of us who study it, biodiversity is something of an abstraction. We’re still not sure how many living things inhabit the planet. A widely cited study puts the total at 8.7 million species, with about 1.2 million to 2 million of them described, named and known to science. So much remains vita incognita. How might any of us even sense such diversity? Birds get lots of attention. Even so, a dedicated birder in Vermont would need to be out and about much of the year to encounter even half of the state’s 388 or so recorded species. Plants aren’t as elusive. Yet a botanist would need a few years and many miles to see and identify even 500 of Vermont’s plant species.

Moths put those numbers to shame. In Montpelier alone, biologists and various other moth watchers have photographed more than 700 moth species at lights and on plants within Capital City limits. Farther south, the lepidopterist JoAnne Russo has documented more than 1,000 moth species at and around her home in Rockingham.


DIVERSITY OF LIFE ON EARTH. To be sure, other insects are more diverse than moths, none more so than beetles. The English polymath J.B.S. Haldane, asked to speculate on the composition of the universe, is reported to have said that if the cosmos is divine in origin, the Creator “has an inordinate fondness for stars and beetles.” Yet beetles do not visit us in multitudes, unlike moths with their inordinate fondness for light. During National Moth Week at the end of July, scientists and other curious people around the world beckoned to moths — to enjoy and study them and to learn more about how we’re losing them

and other insects in the extinction crisis. (Ultraviolet or mercury-vapor lights are best for studying moths, but porch lights also work, all of which we later turn off for the night so that the moths can go about their usual business.) During my own week of sleep deprivation, I photographed more than 130 different moth species in my Montpelier backyard alone. The Clymene moth is marked like a flying Rorschach test; the hologram moth does indeed cast an ethereal glow; the orange-headed epicallima is a yellow, orange and red fireworks display packed into a centimeter. With bold streaks and big polka dots, the great tiger moth resembles a moth cartoon or a kid’s toy. Most of us will never see for ourselves the shocking diversity of the Great Barrier Reef. No birds of paradise or tropical orchids will leave their rain forests to visit our Vermont backyards. But moths, living not too far away, remind us of a world great and varied — and so undeserving of the mess we have made of it. All we need, every now and then, is to leave a light on for them. m

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Bryan Pfeiffer is a field biologist and occasional lecturer in the Field Naturalist Program at the University of Vermont. SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022



Open Farm W�k

August 7-14

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Farm Tours, Classes, Tastings & M�e! Sunday, August 7


Champlain Valley Hops STARKSBORO


The Journey of Wool, 9am-5pm

Bourdon Maple Farm WOODSTOCK

Crop Field Volunteering, 9am-12pm


Cynefin Farm TOWNSHEND

Guided Tour, 5:30pm


Sunset Sugarbush Tour, 6-9pm

Horse, Of Course! 12-2pm

Wednesday, August 10

Meadows Bee Farm WINDHAM

Seed to Soap Herb Farm Tour, 2pm



Self-Guided Farm Tours, 10am-4pm

Adam’s Berry Farm CHARLOTTE

Pick Your Own Blueberries, 8am-12pm

Avalon Teaching Farm FAIRFAX Farm Craft VT SHELBURNE

Billings Farm & Museum WOODSTOCK Antique Tractor Day, 10am-5pm

Bread Loaf View Farm CORNWALL Ice Cream Social, 10am-4pm

Hillside Botanicals RANDOLPH DIY Herbal Tea, 10am-12pm

Bourdon Maple Farm WOODSTOCK


Brookfield Bees BROOKFIELD

Beekeeping & International HoneyTasting, 11am-3pm

Frog Hollow Farmstead HUBBARDTON Farm Walk & Picnic, 11am-5pm

Milking & Farm Tour, 8:00am

Shat Acres Highland Cattle & Greenfield Highland Beef PLAINFIELD

Golden Apple Family Farm CHARLOTTE

The Journey of Wool, 9am-5pm

Full Belly Farm MONKTON

Champlain Island Farmers’ Market

Farm Tour & Meet the Animals, 2pm

Earthwise Farm & Forest BETHEL

Friday, August 12



Kids’ Day, 3-6pm

Rowdy Cow Ranch CRAFTSBURY Ranch Tour, 5pm

Lavender Essentials of Vermont DERBY Oh My S’mores, 6-8pm

Cynefin Farm TOWNSHEND

Meadows Bee Farm WINDHAM


Adam’s Berry Farm CHARLOTTE Art on the Farm, 9am-12pm

Picnic by the Pasture, 11am-2pm

Summer Barbeque Weekend, 12-5pm

Butter, Yogurt & Cheesemaking Class, 1-4:30pm Tomato Trot 5K, 4pm


Farm Tour & Demo of Unusual Farm Equipment, 5pm

Golden Apple Family Farm CHARLOTTE

Howling Wolf Farm RANDOLPH

Billings Farm & Museum WOODSTOCK

Lavender Essentials of Vermont DERBY Open Farm Day, 10am-3pm

Frog Hollow Farmstead HUBBARDTON

Taste Maple Syrup from Six Small Family Farms, 10am-4pm

Howling Wolf Farm RANDOLPH

Sweet Roots Farm CHARLOTTE Flower Crowns, 10am-11:30am

Full Moon Picnic & Live Music, 6-1pm

Philo Ridge Farm CHARLOTTE

Feed the pigs, 12-2pm

Bourdon Maple Farm WOODSTOCK


von Trapp Farmstead WAITSFIELD Howling Wolf Farm RANDOLPH

Cedar Circle Farm & Education Center

Center for an Agricultural Economy

Earthwise Farm & Forest BETHEL

Diversified Organic Vegetable and Fruit Production, 6:30pm

Community Farm & Food Celebration at Hardwick Farmers Market, 3-6pm

Sugarhouse Tours, 10am-2pm

Smokey House Center DANBY

Community Flax & Blueberry Harvest, 10am-2pm

Maple Flower Farm BETHEL

Soil Painting Art on the Farm with ArtsBusVT, 1-4pm Dowsing for Spiritual Growth, 1-4pm


Market on the Green, 3-6pm

Farmside Yoga with Emily Harvey Dooley, 5-6pm


Champlain Valley Hops STARKSBORO



Milking & Farm Tour, 8am

Guided Tour, 2pm

Meadows Bee Farm WINDHAM

Self-Guided Farm Tours, 10am-4pm

Livestock Tour, 11am-12pm HARDWICK

Head Over Fields CHARLOTTE


Frog Hollow Farmstead HUBBARDTON


Meadows Bee Farm WINDHAM


Cynefin Farm TOWNSHEND

Thursday, August 11

Cynefin Farm TOWNSHEND


Monday, August 8

Popsicles to Benefit VT Land Trust, 8am-6pm

Wool Spinning Workshop, 12-3pm Dye Foraging Workshop, 3-5pm


Crop Field Volunteering, 9am-12pm

Farm Walk & Picnic, 11am-5pm

Adam’s Berry Farm CHARLOTTE

Sandy Bottom Farm ISLE LA MOTTE

Tis Twixt Women’s Retreat: Summer’s Bounty, Fri, Aug 12, 4pm to Sun, Aug 14, 1pm

Billings Farm & Museum WOODSTOCK

Philo Ridge Farm CHARLOTTE Garden Tour, 11am

Adam’s Berry Farm CHARLOTTE


Breadseed Farm CRAFTSBURY No-Till Farm Tour, 3pm

Northwest Farmers Market ST. ALBANS

Meet the Sheep! 2-4pm

Fairies & Flowers, 5-7pm


Cynefin Farm TOWNSHEND

The Journey of Wool, 9am-5pm

Tuesday, August 9 NORTH

Adam’s Berry Farm CHARLOTTE Story Hour, 9:30am


Grow Veggies in Growing Gardens, Storytelling & Taste Tests, 3-6pm

The Journey of Wool, 9am-5pm


Pie Day, 8am-6pm

Kid Vendor Day, 9am-2pm

Golden Apple Family Farm CHARLOTTE Self-Guided Farm Tours, 10am-4pm

Rowdy Cow Ranch CRAFTSBURY

Lavender Essentials of Vermont DERBY


Philo Ridge Farm CHARLOTTE

Lavender Essentials of Vermont DERBY

Lavender Essentials of Vermont DERBY

Butcher Shop Tour, 5pm

On-Farm Pizza Social, 5:30-7:30pm Marshmallow Roast, 6-8pm

Avalon Teaching Farm FAIRFAX



Garlic Braiding Workshop, 10am-11am

Lavender 5K, 10:30am Garden Tour, 11am

Tour a Micro Dairy, 1-4pm


Smokey House Center DANBY

Community Flax & Blueberry Harvest, 10am-2pm

Bourdon Maple Farm WOODSTOCK Sugarhouse Tours, 10am-2pm

Brookfield Bees BROOKFIELD

Beekeeping & International Honey Tasting, 11am-3pm

White River Land Collaborative TURNBRIDGE

Music, Food & Farm Tours, 12-4pm


The Great North American Maple Pie Contest, 2-5pm


The Journey of Wool, 9am-5pm



Parker Hill Farm & Boutique Campground SPRINGFIELD

Snug Valley Farm EAST HARDWICK

Cedar Circle Farm & Education Center

Green Mountain Girls Farm NORTHFIELD

Farm Dinner & Entertainment, 6-9pm

No-Till Vegetable Transition, 6:30pm

Sample Vermont Farm Products, 12-6pm

Livestock Tour, 11am-12pm

Frog Hollow Farmstead HUBBARDTON


Smoothie Stand & Farm Tour, 11am-1pm


Farm Tour & Taste Test, 4:30-6pm

Meet an Alpaca & Farm Tour, 12-4pm

Kids Yoga on the Farm with GROW Yoga, 9:30am-10:30am

Best Tasting Tomato Competition, 12-6pm

Head Over Fields CHARLOTTE

Philo Ridge Farm CHARLOTTE

Sunset Picnic & Flowers, 5:30-8:30pm

Adam’s Berry Farm CHARLOTTE

Gather & Grow: 2nd Annual Perennial Plant Swap, 4-6pm

Last Resort Farm MONKTON



Mac N’ Cheese Festival, 12-3pm

For the Birds! 4-6pm

Farm Walk & Picnic, 11am-5pm

Sunday, August 14

Sunday Bell Farm DANVILLE

Avalon Teaching Farm FAIRFAX


Dye Foraging Workshop, 3-5pm


Saturday, August 13

Farm Tour & Fresh Gelato Tasting, 11am

Wool Spinning Workshop, 12-3pm

Head Over Fields CHARLOTTE

Paisley Scoops Gelato EAST FAIRFIELD

Farm Tour with Adam, 4pm

Sheep Dog Herding Demonstration, 10am & 3pm

Pancake Supper at the Sugarhouse, 5-7pm

Insect FUN! 10am-12pm

Adam’s Berry Farm CHARLOTTE

Morse Brook Farm WESTMINSTER

Butterworks Farm WESTFIELD



Goat Yoga, 9am

Moos & Brews & Cocktails Too, 5-7:30pm

Farm Tour & Gleaning with Healthy Roots, 10am-12pm



Cynefin Farm TOWNSHEND

The Journey of Wool, 9am-5pm

Farm Tour & Meet the Animals, 2pm

The Journey of Wool, 9am-5pm

Fried Chicken Dinner Drive Thru/Take Out, 5-7pm

Maple Wind Farm RICHMOND

Wundorwoven WEST WARDSBORO Chick Chat, 11am

Cynefin Farm TOWNSHEND

Cynefin Farm TOWNSHEND

Cynefin Farm TOWNSHEND Goat Therapy, 10am

Farm-to-Table Dinner & Bonfire, 6-10pm

Fresh Cheese Fridays, 3-6pm

Cynefin Farm TOWNSHEND

The Journey of Wool, 9am-5pm

BBQ Dinner & Farm Lawn Concert with the Village Idiots, 5-9pm

Seed to Soap Herb Farm Tour, 2pm

Pasture Walk & Whole Hog BBQ Potluck, 4-10pm

Sandiwood Farm WOLCOTT

Cynefin Farm TOWNSHEND Cynefin Farm TOWNSHEND

Wool Spinning Workshop, 12-3pm

Cynefin Farm TOWNSHEND

Dye Foraging Workshop, 3-5pm

Grow the Changes We Want to See in the World! 4-6pm

Open Farm Week is a collaborative statewide agritourism project organized by members of the Vermont Farm to Plate Network including




Canine Creemees The dish on doggy desserts at three Vermont ice cream spots BY J O R D AN BAR RY • BEAR CIERI


ce cream is going to the dogs — but in a good way. Vermont’s ice cream shops, snack shacks and creemee stands have really upped their pup-cup game in the last few years. Now, dogs with sophisticated palates can cool off with an occasional dish that’s fancy enough to make a Starbucks Puppuccino blush. Here are three local spots offering delights for canine companions, as well as sweet treats for their humans. CANINE CREEMEES

» P.44

Olive enjoying a doggy ice cream treat at lu•lu in Vergennes











ORDER ONLINE! PICKUP & DELIVERY 373 Blair Park Rd, Williston • Daily 11-8 • Vegan & Gluten Free Options


8h-scale041322.indd 1

The Steamship Pier Bar & Grill in 2018

North Hero House to Be Sold to New Owners DOUG NEDDE and HEIDI TAPPAN confirmed

that they have reached an agreement with WALT BLASBERG, owner of the North Hero House and its two associated restaurants, to purchase the property on November 1 for an undisclosed amount. The North Hero House has been an inn since 1891, when guests arrived by paddle-wheel steamship. The business includes the NORTH HERO HOUSE RESTAURANT and a seasonal lakeside eatery called the STEAMSHIP PIER BAR & GRILL. The 26-room inn and restaurants will run normally through the end of October, when married couple Nedde and Tappan will close them to undertake renovations and improvements. Blasberg has owned the inn property since 1997. “It’s time for me to retire. I turn 74 this year,” he said by phone. Nedde owns Burlington-based Nedde Real Estate; Tappan owns South Hero businesses SEB’S SNACK BAR and VIVA MARKETPLACE. Nedde has numerous other ownership stakes in hospitality and restaurant businesses, including PIZZA 44 and the Hilton Garden Inn in Burlington and ARCHIE’S GRILL in Shelburne. The couple splits their time between Colchester and North Hero, where Tappan’s family has deep roots on both sides. “My grandmother grew up in North Hero on a farm, and the farm is still in the family,” Tappan said. “[She] went to a one-room schoolhouse on a horse sleigh with a bear blanket.” Nedde and Tappan said they were prompted to investigate buying the North Hero House by an email newsletter Blasberg sent out in the spring announcing that this would be the inn and restaurants’ final season. In the

missive, he wrote that he planned to close the property for good in the fall to start converting it into a single-family home and lakeside condominiums. Blasberg had the property on the market during the pandemic before delisting it earlier this year. A few interested buyers approached him during that time, Blasberg said, but he was concerned that none had the necessary funds to maintain the property. He decided to move forward with his condominium project, which would have had a price tag of about $5 million. “We didn’t want that to happen to the island,” Tappan said. “I really do feel [that] the community in the village, in particular, would have forever been changed. Not only does the North Hero House have the history, it’s been a place of community over many generations … You can’t ever get something like that back.” Blasberg knew Nedde and Tappan as regular restaurant customers, but he never imagined they’d be interested in buying the property until they approached him. “They have the motivation and the capital,” he said. “They’re dream investors.” The couple do not intend to be hands-on owners, they said, but will do what it takes to keep the business going while seeking partners interested in managing day-to-day operations. “We’re really looking for the right SIDE DISHES

3/31/22 12:32 PM


bar & restaurant

802-225-6232 970 US Route 2, Middlesex Closed Tues. and Wed. OUTDOOR SEATING


8H-FillingStation081022.indd 1

8/9/22 12:54 PM

Leddy Park, by the Lake Wednesday Evenings, 5-8pm July 13 to August 10

» P.47

CONNECT Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.

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7/5/22 12:48 PM


Canine Creemees « P.42


lu•lu, 185 Main Street, Vergennes, 777-3933,





Laura Mack with her dog, Olive, at lu•lu

cup in her mouth — aided by her underbite — and carries it gently and purposefully to her bed under the window. Five or 10 minutes later, when she’s sure there’s not a drop left, she pushes it away as if to say, “Take my cup, please. I’m finished.”


If you peer through the front windows of lu•lu’s big stone-and-brick building in Vergennes, you’ll see farm-to-spoon ice cream experts cracking eggs, steeping milk, swirling epic maple creemees, and scooping scratch-made flavors such as basil, orange-cardamom, salted caramel and Backyard Mint Chip. If you look directly below the front left window, you’ll see a tiny canine ice cream expert with a wicked underbite, probably napping. That’s Olive. Lu•lu founder Laura Mack adopted Olive five years ago, after being fully charmed by that underbite and her Flying Nun ears. Now, the slightly lazy, lumbering boxer-miniature schnauzer-pit bull mix — named for Olive Hoover in Little Miss Sunshine because they share a similar full-body wiggle — spends her days going on wholesale deliveries with Mack and watching the world go by outside lu•lu. “Olive has regulars that she’s obsessed with,” Mack said. “If she has had a long day of dealing with people giving her attention, she gets a doggy ice cream as a reward.” Mack had considered creating a dogspecific ice cream prior to rescuing Olive but finally made it happen once she had a connoisseur to taste-test everything. With her fine sense of taste and smell, Olive deemed the peanut butter-banana-honey combo the winner. (She wasn’t so keen on a version that included blueberries.) Now, lu•lu sells prepackaged fourounce containers of the dog ice cream ($3.25) to a loyal following of local pups. (Well-behaved dogs are welcome inside the shop but not back in the production area.) It’s safe for humans, though they might prefer the popular SlumDoug Millionaire, a curried peanut butter ice cream created by Mack’s father, Doug. “We take our ice cream ingredients really seriously,” Mack said. “I knew I wanted ingredients that were really dogfriendly, more healthy and less sugary, and gentle for any of our four-legged friends.” The special treat is kept in a supercold freezer; the lower temp forces dogs to slow down while they eat it, giving their humans time to enjoy an ice cream or coffee of their own, Mack said. The lu•lu team whips up batches of dog ice cream twice a week and sells three or four a day, on average. One big, fluffy regular comes in twice a week to stock up — and even carries his own bag out of the shop. Olive waits patiently for her ice cream, sitting like a statue and watching Mack’s every move. When it’s time, she takes the


Kate’s Food Truck, 261 Route 15, Jericho, 858-9366, katesspecialtyfriesanddesserts.

Kate Corbett calls herself a “closet animal activist.” The owner of Kate’s Food Truck in Jericho didn’t stop at putting Doggie Delights on her menu; at the end of the season, she’ll donate to an animal rescue 25 cents for each canine creemee sold. “That’s the main reason I wanted to have it,” Corbett said of the dog-specific treat. “I want to do something to give back and help.” Corbett and her fiancé, Jonathan Villeneuve, started Kate’s Food Truck with a soft launch in the summer of 2020. The large trailer is movable (with a semitruck), but it’s parked pretty permanently in a lot owned by Villeneuve’s parents on Route 15 — complete with a ramp up to a deck, funky lighting and lots of picnic tables. The original concept was focused on elaborately topped French fries, Corbett said, building on poutine, gravy fries and cheese fries. The menu took off from there and now includes fancy burgers; chicken sandwiches; hot dogs; lots of vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options (with a dedicated fryer); and Corbett’s signature creation: the Maple Fry. The savory-sweet treat is made of a quart of hand-cut fries surrounding a cup of vanilla creemee,

Rihanna with a maple creemee at the Creemee Window

food+drink drizzled in maple syrup and topped with bacon bits. The menu includes three types of ice cream. For creemees, Corbett adds allnatural extracts from Illinois-based Green Mountain Flavors to a high-fat local base to create classic chocolate, vanilla and maple, as well as rotating flavors such as peach, mint and lime. Corbett also offers nondairy, plant-based flavors from Winooski’s Offbeat Creemee and hard ice cream from Gifford’s in Maine. Doggie Delights ($2.50) are new this year. A two-swirl vanilla creemee (called a “tiny” at Kate’s) is topped with a housemade, bone-shaped peanut butter treat and served in a dish. Originally, Corbett hoped to do a healthier option than a regular creemee — something made in-house specifically for dogs. She looked up recipes, tested combinations and gave them to dogs around the neighborhood, including her own. Peach is a feisty Boston terrier with selective hearing, and Iggy is an energetic and loving rescue dog from Texas. “They weren’t eating them right up,” Corbett admitted about her early trials. “I was like, ‘Well, I can’t make this and have the dogs snub it.’” Instead, she decided to go with a normal vanilla creemee and focus on making special dog-safe peanut butter treats. “That’s what the dogs actually want to eat,” Corbett said with a laugh. So far, the treats have been a hit. Some people even let their dogs sit on benches and eat their Doggie Delight at the table — “which I love,” Corbett said. “I’m such a dog and animal person. I wouldn’t care if somebody brought their goat with them.” When the Kate’s Food Truck season ends in early November, Corbett will tally the proceeds from Doggie Delights and have customers vote on which rescue will receive the money — along with a match from the business. She’s also planning to collect blankets, pet food and other donations to bring to the winning rescue.


The Creemee Window at the Big Spruce, 39 Bridge Street, Richmond, 434-4111,

There’s a lot of foot traffic along Bridge Street in Richmond — both two-legged and four. Everybody wants ice cream, and the Creemee Window on the front porch of the Big Spruce has the classics as well as creative culinary twists. The restaurant’s creemee program started at Hatchet, its companion restaurant across the street. When Gabriel Firman, founder and co-owner of both restaurants, CANINE CREEMEES

» P.46


For the Birds Monkton’s Ridge Vermont Craft Roasters is the state’s first certified bird-friendly coffee BY MELIS S A PAS AN EN •

Diana Hill and Andrew Baker attended the same Rutland preschool. The married couple, now 33, had their first date early in high school at the nowclosed Coffee Exchange in downtown Rutland. That inaugural meetup foreshadowed Ridge Vermont Craft Roasters, which they cofounded last year in their Monkton home. “We’ve always loved coffee,” Baker said. “We always thought it’d be nice to have a little café or a coffee-roasting business.” But the couple’s newly hatched roastery is about more than a good cup of Andrew Baker and Diana Hill of joe. Ridge Vermont Craft Roasters When customers buy their Honduras dark roast ($15.75 for 12 ounces) or Guatemala light roast ($14.75) online or at then we could do really good things a few local retail outlets, they are helping for migratory birds and other preserve the endangered winter habitat wildlife.” of many of Vermont’s migratory songbirds, Maintaining biodiverse forests including the Baltimore oriole, scarlet has other benefits, she added, tanager and numerous warbler species. including providing carbon sinks and Ridge Vermont Craft Roasters is the protecting soil from erosion. state’s first certified bird-friendly coffee Nineteen percent of Vermont company, according to Kirstin Hill (no birds, comprising about 80 species, relation), the bird friendly program migrate to coffee-growing regions manager for the Migratory Bird Center in South and Central America, said of the Smithsonian’s National Zoo & Erin Talmage, executive director Conservation Biology Institute. About 50 of Huntington’s Birds of Vermont roasters worldwide carry the bird-friendly Museum, whose shop sells Ridge certification, most of them in North Vermont Craft Roasters coffees. America. Talmage said she was excited Last winter, Diana Hill and Baker to learn of a certified Vermont vended at the Burlington Farmers Market roaster. She’s impressed by the and spent a lot of time explaining the Smithsonian’s criteria and has bird-coffee connection, which they had carried non-Vermont certified coffee only recently learned about themselves. for several years. The couple always planned to have Choosing bird-friendly coffee, an organic, Fair Trade Certified business, she said, “is a really easy thing to Hill explained. “It wasn’t until we started do that can make a difference.” The to really dive into it that we even learned museum offers an educational program about bird friendly,” she said. “We didn’t on the subject to libraries and community realize that, like, three-quarters of coffee is groups. grown in places where they destroy critical The Smithsonian program currently forest habitat” — a figure confirmed by the certifies less than 1 percent of coffee Smithsonian. grown worldwide, Kirstin Hill said, but, Back in the 1990s, research from the thanks to companies like Ridge Vermont Smithsonian’s Migratory Bird Center Craft Roasters, consumer awareness is revealed “a pretty substantial decline growing. in migratory bird populations that was Another benefit of bird-friendly coffee associated with habitat loss in their is that it ripens more slowly in the shade overwintering areas in Central and South and develops “more complex, deeper America,” Kirstin Hill said. flavors,” Diana Hill said. Researchers identified coffee regions The couple has fine-tuned their as a “really, really high-value” opportunity, roasting approach to optimize the natural she said. “If we could protect this habitat, qualities of the beans they source through

the Smithsonian bird-friendly program network. Head roaster Hill roasts to order to ensure freshness. Her husband, who worked at SpaceX before the pair moved back to Vermont in 2015, helps with the coffee business while working full time as an aerospace engineer. Coffee from Ridge Vermont Craft Roasters, Hill promised, is not only delicious but also “the most responsible cup that you could have.”

INFO Learn more at and SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022


Secret Sauce

Kate’s Food Truck’s Doggie Delight

Burlington teens power Fork in the Road food truck

Canine Creemees « P.45 opened the Hatchet space in 2015, it already had a popular creemee window. “It wasn’t necessarily part of our plans, but creemee windows are a part of the fabric of a community,” Firman said, “and we really didn’t want an ice cream revolt.” For the first couple of years, the small window served the classics: premade vanilla, chocolate and maple. As the staff started to experiment with unique flavors and toppings, they realized the ice cream needed more room. When the Big Spruce opened across the street in late 2020, they gave the creemees a home of their own — and a dedicated chef. The Creemee Window menu always has maple — again, to avoid revolt — but the other three rotating offerings often have a more culinary twist. To a local dairy base, they’ll add local, in-season blueberries, toasted black sesame, matcha or creamy coconut; they add turmeric, cinnamon and ginger to make what they call Golden Milk. “We’re treating each flavor as its own dish, building on it with toppings that go beyond rainbow or chocolate sprinkles,” Firman said. Toppings might include matcha or chocolate shells, sesame seed brittle, or shortbread-and-Kellogg’s Fruit Loops crumble. “It’s such a simple thing: milk and sugar,” Firman added. “But there’s every opportunity to make it something special, and we have staff that can execute that.” Last year, the Creemee Window offered every one of its flavors in special doggy cones made by Andy’s Dandys, the Richmond dog biscuit bakery with an inclusive mission and training program founded by Andrew and Lucie Whiteford. This year, the Creemee Window team has been busy exploring flavors for humans, Firman said, so the “doggo” offering — a kiddie-size creemee ($3) — comes in a regular dish. But they hope to bring back the Andy’s Dandy’s cones and add dog-centric flavors. “The dogs love creemees,” Firman said. He believes the doggy cones started because people felt badly that dogs didn’t have their own treats. “Even though they don’t want to share a cone with their dog, dogs are our friends, and [people] want to hook them up, too.” 46





“Ask us what’s local,” instructed a sign on the brightly painted food truck set up in the Champlain Elementary School parking lot around noon on a recent Thursday. Inside the Fork in the Road truck, a trio of teenagers was capably managing orders for the steady stream of customers pulling in off Pine Street. They juggled golden, herb-speckled fries ($5); kale Caesars ($5) tossed with fresh radishes and crunchy croutons; crispy chicken sandwiches ($10) piled high with vibrant red cabbage slaw; and black bean burgers ($10) garnished with tzatziki yogurt sauce, pesto and pickled onions. Zoby Miller, 15, took orders at the window with a smile while Josue Correa, 18, and Thomas Newcomb, 16, worked the expediting and grill stations, respectively. All Burlington High School students, they represent half of the food truck’s youth crew. The Burlington School Food Project, which operates the district’s nutrition services and farm-to-school education efforts, has run the paid food-truck employment and training program since 2013. After a two-year pandemic break, the seasonal truck is back on the road serving lunch in the Champlain parking lot on Thursdays and Fridays, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., through the end of August. When a customer asked, “What’s local?” as prompted, Miller considered for a moment and replied that the lettuce on the burgers and the kale in the salad came from Burlington school gardens. The students’ workweek includes prep days in the district’s main kitchen and time tending six school gardens around the city, where some ingredients are grown. Kale and lettuce were just the start, it turned out. The cucumber in the tzatziki sauce, the garlic scapes and basil in the pesto, the herbs on the fries, and the radishes in the salad also came from the gardens, said Jen Trapani, Burlington School Food Project’s food science coordinator. She and supervising chef Drew Adamczyk work closely with the teens. The Fork in the Road menu is uniformly delicious and fairly priced, especially given the local bona fides of many of the ingredients. The beef and cheddar are also local, and August brings more garden produce. Insider tip from Adamczyk: Get the kale salad topped with the housemade bean burger for $12, a perfect Dining on a Dime secret menu item.

Clockwise from top: Fork in the Road food truck; Josue Correa; fried chicken sandwich

Correa’s favorite is the fried chicken sandwich, with its touch of sweetness from the peach barbecue sauce. Miller elaborated enthusiastically on the multistep chicken-prepping process, involving both pickle brine and buttermilk, that yields juicy, thoroughly seasoned meat. Flattening the smash burgers to crisp them on the grill “makes them taste better,” Newcomb said, adding, “I like that I get to cook burgers. They’re my specialty.” “I like that I get to talk to people and stuff,” Correa said. “It’s good for my social life.” “It gives me good job experience,” Miller said of the food truck opportunity. Customer Nate Root was waiting for a smash burger ($10) and salt-and-vinegar fries ($5). Now a middle school teacher, the Burlington resident used to work in the restaurant industry, including managing the Skinny Pancake food truck. “I know that it’s a lot of hard work,” Root said.

Root appreciates the fact that the Fork in the Road program gives young people the opportunity to build social skills and learn to multitask and think on their feet, he said. “You can see they are really engaged,” he observed. “We need more awesome programs like this.” His burger and fries were great, too, he said: “hot and delicious, well cooked, with great flavor in the special sauce. Two thumbs up.” When asked which ingredients might make that sauce so good, Correa responded shrewdly: “It’s a secret. If it’s secret, it gets more traction.” Dining on a Dime is a series featuring well-made, filling bites (something substantial enough to qualify as a small meal or better) for $12 or less. Know of a tasty dish we should feature? Drop us a line:


Learn more at




people,” Nedde said. “We’re really flexible in terms of how long we own this property. If we find the right management team, it could be one of our goals to pass on the ownership to the management team at some point.” “Their motivation is to preserve the North Hero House as an asset for the community,” Blasberg said. “It makes everybody happy.” Well, not quite everybody, he allowed — “not the eight people who put deposits down on condos.” Melissa Pasanen

blueberry bagels made with fresh and dried blueberries. The Orchard Harvest sandwich with fresh spinach, apple, eggs, cheddar, red onions and maple mustard is already a favorite, Brown said. The kitchen will soon add breakfast burritos, plus soups and salads by fall. Brown and her life partner, MICHAEL CZOK, owner of BENT HILL BREWERY in Braintree, started renovations in March but officially bought the building in May. They opened up the second-floor seating area to overlook the first floor and added a full commercial kitchen and upstairs prep kitchen. Over the years, “I’d look at the space every time it came up for rent,” Brown said. This time, the opportunity to buy the building sealed the deal. “I can hilariously say I’ve been in the food business since I was 13,” the Bethel native, now 33, said. She left the original WORTHY BURGER location in South Royalton in 2019 after seven years, five as general manager, and has run the new kitchen at Bent Hill Brewery since June 2021. Brown and Czok are vegetarian, and Wee Bird Bagel Café’s menu follows suit. There are vegan and gluten-free options, too. “But we’re in Vermont — I can’t not have cheese,” Brown said.

4t-Greemempirebrewing081022 1

8/4/22 12:59 PM

Melissa Pasanen

Myer’s Bagels to Move MYER’S BAGELS has been heating up TRUCK

Chelsie Brown (left) and Kim Manning in front of Wee Bird Bagel Café

Wee Bird Bagel Café Opens in Randolph After selling 120 bagels in two hours during its August 2 soft opening, WEE BIRD BAGEL CAFÉ more than doubled production for the official opening last Friday, owner CHELSIE BROWN said. The new bakery is located at 22 South Pleasant Street in Randolph, in the space vacated by Huggable Mug Café but best known as the longtime home of Three Bean Café. The breakfast and lunch spot will be open Tuesday through Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., with a menu of housemade New York-style bagels, bagel sandwiches, other baked goods and espresso drinks. Baker KIM MANNING boils and then bakes bagels in flavors such as everything and a “to-die-for” garlic and herb, Brown said. Weekly specials include

STOP with its Friday night wood-

fired pizzas all summer long. Now, Burlington’s popular Montréal-style bagel bakery will move to make room for more pies, more bagels and more customer seating. This fall, the Myer’s team will shift café and retail operations from the bakery’s longtime home at 377 Pine Street to the former Mimmo’s Pizzeria & Restaurant location at 408 Shelburne Road in South Burlington. The new, larger café will be open daily for breakfast and lunch. Pizza will be available three or four evenings a week to start, along with salads and a full bar, pending city approval. “The response to the pizzas has been overwhelming,” owner ADAM JONES told Seven Days. “We want to keep that going and then put it into full fifth gear up at the new spot.” Myer’s Pine Street space will operate as usual until the new café opens in late October or early November. Read more at Jordan Barry 4t-dailyplanet072022 1



7/18/22 1:48 PM





Inventing Lives

Book review: We Made It All Up, Margot Harrison BY NIC O L A S MITH

Margot Harrison



eleste Bergstein, the teenage protagonist of Margot Harrison’s recently published novel We Made It All Up, has the unhappy distinction of being a new girl in school. She feels all the attendant insecurity, loneliness and uncertainty that comes with moving from a cosmopolitan environment to a rural one. Celeste’s parents are divorced, and her scientist father has relocated from Montréal to work at Montana State University Billings and has brought Celeste with him. Celeste’s mother has remained in Montréal. Daughter and father live in a town near Billings with the menacing name Kray’s Defile, so-called because of the forbidding mountain pass that looms over town. While Celeste’s father spends much of his time at the university, studying a local bat population, Celeste plunges into junior year at the town’s high school. We Made It All Up is a hybrid mystery and young adult novel, for ages 14 and up. Separating fiction into categories such as commercial, literary, crime and YA is a convenient marketing tool for the publishing industry, but fiction’s boundaries are looser and more imaginative. We Made It All Up may be categorized as YA fiction, but readers, regardless of age, will find it strikes familiar chords. Who doesn’t remember how painful adolescence can be, when emotions are so close to the surface and acceptance by one’s peers seems elusive? An aspiring actor and writer, Celeste succinctly describes the relief of having left behind in Montréal the unwanted attention of an older man, as well as the challenges of relocating to another place and another school. “A fresh start. A way station. None of it is any use if you can’t blend in,” Harrison writes. Celeste then befriends another junior named Vivvy Kray, a nonconformist who relishes playing the class eccentric. The high school class may not be the Algonquin Round Table, but Vivvy likes to hold court as its proverbial Dorothy Parker with her sardonic asides and observations. Vivvy gravitates toward Celeste, whom she considers cosmopolitan, particularly compared to their more insular classmates, while Celeste embraces Vivvy as a fellow outsider looking in. Vivvy and her twin brother, Bram, are descendants of the 19th-century explorer Josiah Kray, for whom Kray’s Defile is named. Harrison then introduces a complex series of events involving the death of Joss Thorssen, a popular young man in Celeste’s class, who is found dead near

the entrance to a labyrinthine cave system in the mountain. Was it an accident or a homicide? Who might have wanted to kill him? Was Joss straight, gay or bisexual, and did that figure into his death? Harrison toggles between the near past and the present as Celeste, Vivvy and Bram, along with another social outcast, Seth, try to determine what happened on that cold November day. Harrison divides the action by titling chapters “Then” or “Now,” along with the date, time and day of the week. The quartet must contend with the inconvenient truth that Celeste was perhaps the last person to see Joss alive — but she has no memory of the details. Is Celeste a killer, a bystander or neither, and why can’t she remember? And what does a secretive, fraternity-like group of their classmates known as the Defilers have to do with what’s happened? Folded into the narrative are the fictional stories about her new friends that Celeste writes and exchanges with Vivvy; they serve as counternarratives to what is happening in real life at home and at school. Celeste may seem quiet and self-contained on the outside — Vivvy likens her to “a house with all the lights off during an air raid” — but writing gives her license to transform her lived experience into something larger. In her stories, Celeste feels an exhilaration, control and sense of liberation that she rarely experiences in her own life. She explores issues of romantic longing, sexual desire and shame; the dissonance of yearning for acceptance while cultivating a disdain for running with the in-crowd; and how one perceives versus how one is perceived. Harrison has a keen ear and eye for both adolescent speech and an adolescent’s preoccupation with status, an eternal anxiety magnified 10 times over by the influence of social media. No wonder the characters, but particularly Celeste and Vivvy, sometimes struggle to distinguish between what is real and what is fiction. In a sense, they have invented each other’s characters to serve their own needs. The adults figure little in the book. Readers might wish that Celeste’s parents, or at least her father, had been further fleshed out. But, on the other hand, that sense of separation between adults and teens feels realistic. The two often seem light-years apart. Harrison is also deft in her depiction of how teenagers shape-shift from one minute to the next, as well as the rawness

Erin Dupuis


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of their emotions as they calibrate where they are in the order of things. The dialogue is sharp and, when called for, both amusing and amused. She is particularly good at portraying the intensity of female friendships, with their moments of deep understanding followed by misunderstandings and feelings of betrayal. Vivvy and Celeste are frenemies nearly as often as they are soul mates. As the mystery of what happened to Joss deepens, Celeste, Vivvy, Bram and Seth venture into the network of caves in the mountain, looking for clues. Harrison amplifies the tension here with scenes in which Celeste escapes danger by maneuvering through dark, cramped tunnels and nearly invisible exits. Claustrophobics may find themselves hyperventilating during these taut passages. The bouncing back and forth in time between then and now seems the least successful aspect of the novel’s structure. The narrative flow becomes convoluted as we try to keep track of where we are and what is happening. Ordering the

story chronologically may seem old-fashioned, particularly given how habituated film and TV audiences — and book readers — are to flashbacks and flash-forwards, but it might have had the advantage of clarity. The book also feels about 25 pages too long. Near the end, as the action cuts from character to character, from then to now, from location to location, the denouement seems slow in coming. The tit-for-tat sallies between Celeste and Vivvy no longer seem fresh. But when Harrison ends the novel with a long-awaited confrontation, the resolution feels right. Although it comes at a cost, Celeste has earned both a moral and a psychological victory. Freed from some of the constraints that tied her to the past, she realizes that the future is no longer something to dread. m


Disclosure: Margot Harrison is the associate editor of Seven Days.

INFO We Made It All Up by Margot Harrison; Little, Brown; 384 pages. $17.99.

FROM WE MADE IT ALL UP We weave our way through calf-high grass and stinging thickets until a pile of boulders blocks our path. Behind them rises a sheer cliff pocked with fissures like an asteroid. Bram picks his way over the rocks straight toward it, and I follow. “Isn’t this a dead end?’” Even as I speak, he slithers between the boulders and disappears from the waist down. “Look closer, Celeste.” Bram rarely calls me by my name; he wants me to pay attention. The dark hole in which he stands is roughly crescent-shaped, scarcely longer than my arm or wider than my hips. “That’s not a cave,” I object. It’s barely a fox’s den. Bram pulls off his pack, removes two headlamps, and holds one out to me. “You’re going to need this.” “Seriously?” My heart begins to pound. Rather than answering, Bram crouches and inches headfirst into the blackness, somehow managing not to bang his lamp. As if his entire body were a key he’s fitting into a lock. “It gets bigger quickly,” he says from inside—his voice hollow, his protruding feet kicking up gravel. “Look, I’ll guide you every inch. We’ll be there in ten minutes, and I won’t leave you alone for a second. You’re not claustrophobic, right?”


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8/9/22 4:33 PM


t the Vermont Institute of Natural Science in Quechee, warm weather brings songbirds, but not always under happy circumstances. “We have a steady supply of birds, especially in the summertime,” said Chris Collier, director of on-site programs and exhibits at the nonprofit, which counts avian wildlife rehabilitation among its many conservation missions. Those songbirds often end up in the Center for Wild Bird Rehabilitation at VINS because they fly into a window, get attacked by a cat or are struck by a moving vehicle. According to a report published by Science in 2019, North America has lost more than one in four of its birds, or 2.9 billion, since 1970. While that number includes all birds, the songbird population has particularly suffered — largely due to habitat loss and degradation, according to Collier. To serve its avian residents while educating the public about their plight, on July 1, VINS unveiled its new Songbird Aviary on its 47-acre campus. At 2,160 square feet, the aviary is 15 times larger than its predecessor, which was built more than a decade ago as an Eagle Scout project. It houses nine songbirds, but Collier hopes it will eventually hold 20 to 30. Visitors to the previous aviary had to stick their faces close to the wire and peer in to find the birds, Collier said. The updated one, in contrast, is a walk-through exhibit that immerses visitors in a close approximation of the birds’ habitat. People enter the new aviary through a set of double doors, which ensure that the birds won’t escape. Inside, visitors can stroll along a pathway down the middle of the exhibit or sit and observe the birds from a wooden bench. Screened-in walls and ceilings let natural light stream in for both the birds’ and observers’ benefit. The space is populated with a collection of plants and shrubbery native to Vermont. “We wanted it to appear as if you had dropped a building on a forest,” Collier said. Because they are fairly small, the songbirds are initially difficult to locate amid the plantings in the exhibit. The challenge of identifying the birds, however, feels authentic to the experience of looking for birds in the wild. After locating the birds, visitors can watch them fly around, eat or drink, and interact. Collier said he and VINS executive director Charlie Rattigan drew inspiration for the exhibit from walk-through aviaries elsewhere in the country. Collier made trips to observe the aviaries at the Maine Wildlife Park, Arizona-Sonora Desert 50




Sing Out

The Vermont Institute of Natural Science opens its new Songbird Aviary BY MAGGIE R E YNO L D S

Songbird Aviary at the Vermont Institute of Natural Science

Bohemian waxwing in the Songbird Aviary

Museum, Bronx Zoo, and Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Powell, Ohio, in the months leading up to construction. Work on the aviary began in November

2021 and continued through mid-June, Collier said, which gave the birds a couple of weeks to acclimate to the space before the July opening.

The project was funded by donations. While Collier declined to put a price tag on the new aviary, a 2019 Seven Days story noted that VINS solicited $1.7 million in grants and donations to build its Forest Canopy Walk, another recent addition to the campus. A focus of the aviary project was selecting native plants in an effort to show visitors how growing bird-friendly plants can help the declining songbird population. “Not only can people see the songbirds, learn about their importance, but then they can [also] learn about how they can garden at home,” Collier said. VINS enlisted Sylvia Provost, landscape designer and owner and president of Henderson’s Tree & Garden Services in White River Junction, to choose plants for the aviary. Provost teamed up with Windsor County resident Carolyn Hooper to install the plantings throughout the spring. VINS and Provost agreed beforehand that all plants in the aviary should be recognized as native to Vermont by local nurseries. Beyond that, they considered plant height, shade requirements, and which plants would provide food for birds or pockets in which they could nest. Provost and Hooper settled on cranberry, winterberry, red chokeberry and black lace elderberry plants, all of which provide food, as well as pagoda dogwoods, native ferns and some logs. “Because [the plants] are native, they should take their course just like they would in the woods,” Provost told Seven Days by phone. “That is the ultimate goal.” Native plants are desirable because they can provide the birds with the same nourishment they would find in the wild. Provost hopes more local nurseries will begin to prioritize selling native plants, making them more accessible to Vermont gardeners. “The key is to have a good nursery that you’re comfortable with and to always seek information from the people in the nursery who are knowledgeable about plant material,” she said. The aviary has a display panel explaining how people’s gardening choices can help the songbirds. Collier called focusing on food sources more “positive and accessible” than on some of the other challenges songbirds face, such as voracious backyard predators. All of the birds currently in the aviary — two American robins, two northern cardinals, two mourning doves, a whitethroated sparrow, a cedar waxwing and a Bohemian waxwing — suffered injuries that required care in the rehab center, where staff determined that they were no longer able to survive in the wild.


VINS, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, has plenty more to offer visitors — a raptor exhibit with about 30 birds, the Forest Canopy Walk, a reptile room, an exhibit called “Birds Are Dinosaurs,” a forest exhibit, an Adventure Playscape playground and a number of nature trails. While some programs at VINS are geared toward kids, such as the

playscape, Collier said the new aviary was a space intended for calm observation by people of all ages. “We [want] to keep it a little toned down, so that the birds are not completely thrown off or upset,” he said. A peaceful sanctuary for the birds and visitors alike, the new aviary is an immersive opportunity to observe songbirds as they would be in the wild. m



INFO Vermont Institute of Natural Science in Quechee is open daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., in the summer and fall. $18 for adults; $17 for students, seniors, educators and veterans; $15 for ages 4 to 17; free for members and kids 3 and under.

Inside the Songbird Aviary

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8/3/22 5:03 PM

culture more perspective on what it means to be that age and to grow older in this society, two central themes of the show. Soprano Suzanne Kantorski, who will play Eleanor in the Town Hall Theater production, agreed with Anderson that the show succeeds in articulating values and issues specific to middle-aged women. “Women’s wisdom is lacking a platform in many ways. To be able to show this artistically is a privilege,” said Kantorski, a semiretired professional opera singer. Kantorski has worked with Anderson on a number of shows through the Opera Company of Middlebury, which he founded and where he serves as artistic director and set designer. She said she’s excited about the musical because it’s lighter than opera in both style and content. “It’s all connected and curling around this one man, but it’s primarily a show about women,” she said. Kantorski, along with supporting actors Cathy Walsh, Jillian Torres, Melinda Hinsdale Bickford, Nessa Rabin and Sarah Stone, began rehearsals for the production on August 1. Led by music director Ronnie Romano, the show’s seven-piece orchestra includes musicians from the Vermont Symphony Orchestra and the Opera Company of Middlebury orchestra. Doug Anderson Though the musical will have full-fledged costumes, props and lights, Anderson said he’s calling it a workshop rather than a premiere. He will continue to tinker with the plot and welcomes feedback from the performers on their characters and the show. “Anything that happens onstage will go through a developmental period,” Anderson said. “It is rare to get a musical [correct] right out of the gate.” Once he makes changes, Anderson hopes to present Doug Anderson’s new musical tells the story of adulthood an official premiere at professional theaters around the B Y M AGG IE REYNOL DS country. Though it’s exciting to prepare a completely new he lead characters in some of the most popular said he aimed to make it a raw, realistic story that was also show, Kantorski said, the workshop stage is challenging Broadway musicals are young adults. Twenty- fun to listen to. “It’s not a jazz-hands-and-tap-dance kind for actors because they don’t have points of reference year-old Sophie Sheridan of Mamma Mia! plots of musical. It’s a very serious, sophisticated story told in from previous performances. Accordingly, she and her to find her real father so he can walk her down a musical way,” he said. counterparts must work harder to create their characters the aisle. Elphaba’s teen-sparked greed and envy shape Welcome to Paradise is the first Broadway-style musical from scratch. “It takes more time to get it right,” she said. Entering its 15th season, Town Hall Theater stages her life in Wicked. Arnold Cunningham and Kevin Price Anderson has written. He has, however, written chilpreach with earnest youthfulness in The Book of Mormon. dren’s musicals and directed about about 165 events each year. The Doug Anderson, founder and artistic director of Town 50 musicals and operas, which he theater just wrapped up a producHall Theater in Middlebury, sees this focus on youth as believes is the best training for tion of Oliver! Jr, performed by 28 kids from ages 12 to 18. Other typical of musicals. Anderson was inspired in a different writing in the genre. direction: He wrote the musical Welcome to Paradise to He began writing Welcome events this summer include the Big Apple Comics series and the tell the story of adulthood. to Paradise in 1991 with his high “I wanted to write a play with middle-aged performers school friend Patti McKenny. World Music & Wine Series at that’s about middle age,” Anderson, 69, told Seven Days Early in the writing process, Lincoln Peak Vineyard in New Haven. by phone. McKenny died suddenly, which Based on the true story of a woman Anderson knew put the project on hold. A career-defining project for D O UG ANDER S O N while studying abroad in England in 1973, Welcome to Then, in 1997, Anderson was Anderson, Welcome to Paradise Paradise has a debut run at Town Hall Theater from swept up in another endeavor: innovates on the musical format, August 12 to 14, featuring six Vermont actors and a seven- revamping the abandoned buildand the story of its middle-aged piece orchestra. ing at 68 South Pleasant Street into what is now Town characters is aimed at a similar cohort of theatergoers. The musical’s protagonist is 51-year-old Eleanor Hall Theater. “Pretty much, my life as a writer stopped “It would be cocky of me to say it’s a whole new kind of musical, but it really is sort of pushing the boundaries of Murray, whose husband, Andrew, travels to the Middle in ’97,” Anderson said. East frequently for work. One day, Andrew disappears. As When the pandemic hit and Town Hall Theater was what a musical traditionally is,” Anderson said. m government officials inquire about him, Eleanor begins forced temporarily to close its doors, Anderson finally had unpacking the mysteries of her husband’s life, an investi- time to return to the musical, and he had McKenny’s notes INFO gation that leads her on a journey of self-discovery. to guide him through the writing process. “I still felt like Welcome to Paradise, music and lyrics by Doug Anderson, Andrew never appears onstage. The plot follows Elea- she was talking with me every day about it,” he recalled. book by Patti McKenny and Doug Anderson, directed by Doug nor and five other women connected to him in the wake Though it felt strange to resume work on a project Anderson, on Friday, August 12, and Saturday, August 13, 7:30 of his disappearance. after a 30-year hiatus, Anderson said, the break provided p.m.; and Sunday, August 14, 2 p.m., at Town Hall Theater in The show has about 30 musical numbers, and Anderson him with one key experience: middle age. He had gained Middlebury. $20.


Age Before Beauty







Vermont History Museum

Thanks to everyone who gave us a vote of support in this year’s Daysies!


Vermont Historical Society to Create an Oral History of COVID-19 B Y R AC H E L H E L L M AN •

The Vermont Historical Society announced last week that it will construct a three-year oral history project chronicling Vermonters’ responses and experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project, called Collecting COVID-19: A Vermont Story, will culminate in a book and a podcast series. “This will allow us to do crucial, timely work in documenting a historical event that so deeply impacted all of our lives,” said Amanda Kay Gustin, director of collections and access at the historical society. The project is made possible by a Museums for America grant totaling $136,585 from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Funding will be used to train four new field interviewers at the Vermont Folklife Center. Vermont has proven an especially interesting state for historians studying past and present pandemics. During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers and policy makers turned to the historical society’s robust collection of items related to the 1918 influenza pandemic — such as diaries of those who lived through it — to inform present-day public health response. Vermont’s response to the current pandemic has proven valuable for decision makers, as well. With generally low rates of COVID-19 infections throughout much of the pandemic, along with the second-highest vaccination rate in the country, Vermont offers a useful case study in community response. Plus, Vermont’s small size offers historians a unique opportunity to collect a comprehensive and varied account of voices and opinions without needing to travel too far, Gustin said. Luckily, the Vermont Historical Society

recognized early on that the state offered valuable information. Since March 2020, the historical society has been collecting photographs, oral histories, data and items related to Vermonters’ experiences of the pandemic. The collection currently has more than 650 tangible items. The historical society used that collection to its advantage when applying for the competitive grant. Founded in 1838, the historical society engages Vermonters in the exploration of the state’s heritage. This new project will allow it to document 100 oral histories from first responders, health care workers, educators, retail workers and others. “There really is something special about listening to someone’s voice when they tell their own story,” Gustin said. The oral histories will be used to produce a book documenting the state’s response, as well as a limited podcast. Garrett M. Graff, author of The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11, is partnering with the historical society to write both accounts. Gustin said she hopes the oral history project will empower Vermonters and provide an important account of a historical time. “One of the things ... that is most important that we can do with the Vermont Historical Society is just to continually say to people, ‘Your story is part of history.’” m

255 Flynn Avenue, Burlington


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8/5/22 11:19 AM


Learn more at Rachel Hellman covers Vermont’s small towns. She is a corps member of Report for America, a national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms. Find out more at

4T-echo081022 1



8/5/22 11:54 AM


Spirited Animals Kenny Dale’s uncommon portraits immortalize beloved pets B Y PA M EL A POL ST O N •


enny Dale did not anticipate that his art career would include pet portraiture, even if he did think of his family’s dogs and cats as de facto siblings. But when he was about 13, his mom asked him to paint a memorial image of their dog Lucifer. “That’s how it started,” he said over coffee at Scout on North Avenue in Burlington last week. “I never thought it would come back around.” But it did. Dale said he painted animals off and on over the years — not all of them deceased, he clarified — but a request for another memorial portrait during the pandemic seemed to pick up the pace of commissions. “Then I heard from some cousins who wanted portraits. Then it was, ‘Do you do cats?’” he said. “I would do a turtle. I’d do a frog, a fish, anything.” Many of his paintings are cataloged on a dedicated Instagram account, @uncommon_pet_portraits. Scrolling through the images makes it clear why they merit that description. Dale’s graphic style and vivid, opaque palette set his works apart from more conventional renderings of beloved furry friends. Dale, 56, cuts a colorful figure himself. His sartorial choices favor offbeat thriftshop finds, animal prints and handmade items, such as a hat expertly crocheted by his partner, Abbi Stern. He wears not one but two silver skull rings, also Stern’s handiwork. Dale’s left arm is tattooed in large capital letters: “SOUTH SIDE” — he’s a proud native of that area of Chicago. His right arm bears the motto “STAY GOLD,” which comes from a line in the film The Outsiders, Dale explained. “It basically means ‘Don’t lose your shine,’” he said. “I got it on my 50th birthday.” Dale attended Valparaiso University in Indiana on a scholarship for vocal music but switched to studio art. (“They let me keep my scholarship,” he noted.) After graduation in 1989, “I took my art degree and went back to music,” Dale said with a wry grin. First, he and some friends from high school formed an a cappella boy band in Chicago. Five years later, Dale joined his brother in New York City to start a rock band.

Dale immersed himself in the city’s underground art and music scene, performing as well as painting. He exhibited and sold his work “mostly in bars and nightclubs,” he said, and eschewed the tonier gallery circuit. For a few years after 9/11, Dale coordinated an afterschool art program for a nonprofit in Lower Manhattan, working with kids in first grade to middle school. During this time, a move to Brooklyn proved pivotal to his own artwork. Dale settled in Red Hook, a formerly thriving port. He began to paint its skeletal shipyard infrastructure silhouetted against “trippy skies” and sunsets over New Jersey. “I think that brought out my palette,” he said. In Brooklyn, too, he had his first gallery show. The pandemic changed everything. Dale and Stern escaped the city when COVID-19 arrived, trading Brooklyn for the relative safety of her parents’ home in Shelburne. Then the couple decided to make the exodus permanent, after some 15 years of urban dwelling. “We just weren’t enjoying New York anymore,” Dale said. They moved into a Burlington apartment, along with their dog, Basil, and their cat, Blondie (yes, named after Debbie Harry). Now, Dale is getting used to calling himself a Vermont artist. He takes early morning rides on his e-bike to explore his new city and has discovered distant relatives buried in a nearby graveyard. He

takes photos of Lake Champlain — “The visuals here are stunning!” Dale marveled — and of bucolic fields and bovines. He’s investigating the local art community and searching for a studio, but for now his easel is set up at home. On the occasion of Seven Days’ Animal Issue, Dale readily agreed to talk about his approach to pet portraiture.




Kenny Dale

Pet portraits by Kenny Dale

You had a formal art education in college, but what influenced your graphic style? Growing up in the ’70s and ’80s, you get hit over the head with comics, stickers, album covers. Street art, too. I trusted my eye and composition, but over time [I’ve gotten] a little more painterly — more mixing of paint colors.


Other than the intense colors, what do you think makes your portraits stand out? When you think of pet portraits, you think of realism. I tend to look at a photograph of an animal and try to decipher their personality. [There’s also] a sense of humor. It’s not a style for everybody. But I haven’t had a disappointed pet owner yet. If people didn’t like your style, I don’t think they would hire you. True. It weeds out the rejections.


What paint do you use? I don’t have the attention span for oil. I use acrylic — you just put it down. Do you always work from photographs? Yes, multiple photos, and I ask [the pet owner] about settings, favorite toys, places the animal liked to play, etc. I try to get as much stuff as I can. The feeling of the pet is what I’m trying to get on canvas. If people think their pet is special, I want them to get something special. I’m not going to give them a photo back.

Also, more than half the time the portrait is a gift, so it’s important to know who the recipient is. You mentioned that the paintings made you think of Renaissance portraits, with the subject prominent and things in the background that conveyed something about them. Yes, I want the animals to be icons. I want them to almost bounce out. They’re pure, unconditionally loving creatures, but they’re also individuals. For example, a black cat is never just a black cat — they’re magic! I want the [owner] to feel like their pet is immortalized in the portrait. It’s a celebration of the wonderful creature that has given you so much. How long does it take you to create a pet portrait? It usually takes me about three weeks, working off and on. You’re working on other paintings, too, I see. Yes, I just posted a painting of Lake Champlain [“Red Dog Dusk”]. But the pet portraits have been a nice vehicle to develop my style. There’s a commission, but I can do it my way. I want to think it’s improved me as an artist. m


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8/3/22 5:33 PM

INFO See more of Kenny Dale’s art on Instagram @uncommon_pet_portraits and @khdaleart.

SEASON SPONSOR: Skip & Marilyn Rosskam

NEW THIS WEEK mad river valley/waterbury

f JANET MCKENZIE: “Courage, Justice and Hope,”

icon-like paintings that honor diversity, inclusion and universality. Artist talk and reception: Saturday, August 13, 3 p.m. August 13-September 4. Info, 496-3065. Waitsfield United Church of Christ & Village Meeting House.

f ‘REACT! AN ECOART CALL TO ACTION’: Works that address social and ecological issues in collage, book art, sculpture, fiber, clay and found-object assemblage by Pamela Wilson, Jennifer Volansky, Dorsey Hogg, Kevin Donegan and Anne Cummings. Reception: Thursday, August 11, 5 p.m. August 11-October 15. Info, Grange Hall Cultural Center in Waterbury Center.

champlain islands/northwest

f JANET VAN FLEET & DIANE GAYER: “We the People,” Van Fleet’s large figures made with found and repurposed materials; and Gayer’s “Do Trees Have Standing?,” photographs that document the first days of building Burlington’s Champlain Parkway through the Englesby Brook and ravine. Reception: Friday, August 19, 3-4:30 p.m. August 12-September 26. Info, 355-2150. GreenTARA Space in North Hero.

brattleboro/okemo valley

ARTLORDS: “Honoring Honar,” temporary murals that recreate artwork destroyed by the Taliban by five members of the Afghan art collective who have resettled in Brattleboro. The public can view the artists’ progress at BMAC from August 10 to 12. A

collaboration with Boston-based TapeArt. August 13-28. Info, 257-0124. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center.

Ranky Tanky AUGUST 21 7:00 p.m.

ART EVENTS ART IN THE PARK: An annual event presented by Chaffee Art Center and featuring fine art, crafts, specialty foods and food vendors, live music, family activities, and demonstrations of works in progress. Main Street Park, Rutland, Saturday, August 13, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sunday, August 14, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Donations. Info, 775-0356.

The Grammy Award winning, Charleston, SC-based quintet performs timeless music born from the Gullah culture of the southeastern Sea Islands. Their program will include playful game songs, ecstatic shouts, and heartbreaking spirituals, along with their original songs inspired by Gullah tradition.

ARTISAN MARKET: An outdoor marketplace featuring arts, crafts, specialty foods and other handmade items. Chaffee Art Center, Rutland, Saturday, August 13, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 775-0356. BEN ALESHIRE: The artist-in-residence opens his studio for a salon discussion and demonstration of the cyanotype photographs he’s been creating this summer. Generator, Burlington, Tuesday, August 16, 3-7 p.m. Free. Info, BTV MARKET: An expansion of the former BCA Artist Market includes arts, crafts and other wares, as well as food and live music. Burlington City Hall Park, Saturday, August 13, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Info, 865-7166. ‘BUG ART AT THE FAIRBANKS MUSEUM’: The Henry Sheldon Museum presents Beau Harris, collections manager at the Fairbanks Museum in St. Johnsbury, for a virtual talk about bug artist John Hampson, the museum’s insect collections, and more. Register at for Zoom link. ART EVENTS

» P.56

Presenters: LandVest Real Estate | The Springer-Miller Family Co-Presenters: Diane Arnold and Dean Goodermote | New England Landmark Realty Hospitality Sponsor: Sun & Ski Inn and Suites | Tälta Lodge Bluebird Media Sponsor: The Stowe Reporter

Information and tickets: Meadow opens at 5:30 p.m. Rainsite: Stowe High School 4t-stoweperformingarts081022 1



8/3/22 4:57 PM


« P.55

Online, Friday, August 12, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 388-2117.

Bill Brauer

“Model Break” by Bill Brauer

Mystery is the seductress in a Bill Brauer painting. The Warren artist, who died in 2019, was known for his lush depictions of willowy women in enigmatic settings. As with French impressionist Edgar Degas a century earlier, Brauer’s muse was the graceful female form, including that of dancers — though Brauer’s women are more likely to be swept into a tango by a notquite-seen partner. Often, however, his subjects are alone or in pairs, seeming to contemplate a narrative we can only imagine. Nude or clad in silken fabric, the women are delicately outlined in black and rendered in opalescent color. They seem real but not real, like a dream. The New York-born artist was a protégé of surrealist painter Federico Castellón, which perhaps influenced Brauer’s transcendental imagery. A mini retrospective of Brauer’s paintings and superb etchings is on view at Burlington’s Safe and Sound Gallery. As the gallery’s website explains, Brauer began his career in the 1960s as an illustrator and printmaker. By the 1980s, he had devoted himself to the rigor of oil paint and begun to exhibit extensively — and sell to private collectors — across the U.S. In a 2016 story, Brauer told Seven Days that “dumb luck” brought him to Vermont in 1968. He bought his house in Warren three years later. In his adopted state, as he maintained his own career, Brauer was a beloved teacher for more than 40 years, offering both academic and private lifedrawing classes. His legacy is evident in the figurative works of many local painters. Brauer’s works are on view through September 14.

CURATOR TALK FOR ‘JOHN DOUGLAS: A LIFE WELL LIVED’: Mark Waskow of NNEMoCA leads an exhibition tour and discussion of works in this retrospective of the late Burlington filmmaker and photographer. Karma Bird House Gallery, Burlington, Friday, August 12, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 793-8482. FIGURE DRAWING SOCIAL: Bring your own supplies and draw a live model. Proof of vaccination required. RSVP at Wishbone Collective, Winooski, Wednesday, August 10, 6-8 p.m. $15. Info, 662-3050. ‘IN THE SKY WITH KISA SAUER’: The Germany-based kite artist, CHSP’s 2022 artist-in-residence, gives a talk and leads a kite-making workshop. Cold Hollow Sculpture Park, Enosburg Falls, Saturday, August 13, 2-3:30 p.m. Free. Info, cvogt@coldhollowsculpturepark. com. OPEN STUDIO: The Howard Center Arts Collective offers an opportunity for art-making every Monday this summer. Art supplies provided. Adult artists who have lived experience with mental health challenges or substance-use disorder are welcome to join. Expressive Arts Burlington, Monday, August 15, 12:30-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, artscollective@ PAINT ON PINE: A paint-a-thon fundraiser for Inclusive Arts Vermont features preregistered teams painting on canvas; the public is invited to come and make a mark, as well. Sign up to participate or sponsor a team at The Soda Plant, Burlington, Saturday, August 13, noon-3 p.m. Info, 404-1597. VERMONT PLEIN AIR FESTIVAL: Amateur and professional artists paint throughout the Mad River Valley; event includes sidewalk art show, children’s plein air (materials provided) on Saturday and other family activities. Waitsfield Village Bridge, Friday, August 12 through Sunday, August 14, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Info, 496-6682. VIRTUAL VISITING ARTIST: LAVAR MUNROE: Vermont Studio Center hosts the Bahamian American artist in a Zoom discussion of his paintings. Register at Online, Wednesday, August 17, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 635-2727.

ONGOING SHOWS burlington

ART AT THE HOSPITAL: Acrylic paintings of Haiti by Pievy Polyte (Main Street Connector, ACC 3); hand-cut paper artworks by Adrienne Ginter (Main Street Connector and BCC); oil paintings of nature by Nancy Chapman (Main Street Connector and McClure 4); acrylic paintings by Lisa Balfour (Pathology Hallway, EP2); and oil paintings of nature by Joy Huckins-Noss (BCC, EP2). Through September 19. Info, 865-7296. University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington. BILL BRAUER: A selection of sensual figurative paintings and etchings by the late Warren artist. Through September 14. Info, 233-2943. Safe and Sound Gallery in Burlington. ‘BLACK FREEDOM, BLACK MADONNA & THE BLACK CHILD OF HOPE’: “Black Freedom, Black Madonna & the Black Child of Hope,” designed by Raphaella Brice and created by Brice and Josie Bunnell, a mural installed for Burlington’s 2022 Juneteenth celebration, featuring a Haitian-inspired image of liberation. Through June 18. Info, 865-7166. Fletcher Free Library in Burlington. JOHN DOUGLAS: “A Life Well Lived,” a retrospective of digitally manipulated photographs by the late Burlington artist and truth activist, presented by the Northern New England Museum of Contemporary



Art. Through August 22. Info, 793-8482. Karma Bird House Gallery in Burlington. KELLY O’NEAL: Painterly photographs focused on the beauty of place. Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through October 31. Info, 865-7296. Mascoma Bank in Burlington. ‘MORE THAN AN OBJECT: THE CONTEMPORARY STILL LIFE’: A group exhibition that presents multiple innovative variations on an age-old format in mediums including painting, photography, animation and sculpture. Through October 8. LOUISE ARNOLD: Landscape paintings. Lorraine B. Good Room. Through October 7. SKY HOPINKA: “Fainting Spells,” two experimental films that explore themes of culture and homeland as the artist reflects on the complexity of his Indigenous identity. Through October 8. Info, 865-7166. BCA Center in Burlington. MALTEX ARTISTS: New works in the hallways by James Vogler, Myles Moran, Kathleen Grant, Nancy


Tomczak, Kristina Pentek and Bear Cieri. Through August 31. Info, 865-7296. The Maltex Building in Burlington. ‘MORE THAN A MARKET’: An exhibit celebrating local, immigrant-owned markets in Burlington, South Burlington and Winooski, featuring an installation that re-creates the feel of a busy market, as well as wall panels with archival and contemporary photographs. Third floor. Through December 23. Info, 989-4723, O.N.E. Community Center in Burlington.

Cuban artist. Through August 13. Info, 324-0014. Soapbox Arts in Burlington. ‘PORTRAITS OF PRIDE’: An exhibition of photographs by M. Sharkey of individuals who were part of the 1983 Pride March; presented by Pride Center of Vermont and the Vermont Folklife Center. Through September 30. Info, 865-7296. Burlington City Hall.

chittenden county

NICOLE CHRISTMAN: “I Didn’t Do It to Be Nice,” a solo exhibition of original pop surrealist paintings, prints and other merchandise; 69 percent of sales will be donated to Planned Parenthood and Pride Center of Vermont. Through August 12. Info, nicolechristmanart@ Green Door Studio in Burlington.

‘ABENAKI CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE VERMONT COMMUNITY’: A series of murals designed by Scott Silverstein in consultation with Abenaki artists Lisa Ainsworth Plourde and Vera Longtoe Sheehan and members of Richmond Racial Equity; the 10 panels celebrate the Abenaki origins of practices still important to Vermont culture. Through May 31. Info, Richmond Town Hall.

ORLANDO ALMANZA: “Born by the River,” lush oil paintings featuring fantastic creatures, rural mythological symbols and magical realism by the

ART AT THE AIRPORT: Caleb Kenna, aerial photographs of Vermont (Skyway); and Kathleen Fleming, acrylic paintings inspired by landscapes (Gates 1-8),





curated by Burlington City Arts. Through September 30. Info, 865-7296. Burlington International Airport in South Burlington.

military prison; curated by Erin L. Thompson. Through August 21. Info, Spotlight Gallery in Montpelier.

BRIAN DROURR & STEPHANIE BUSH: Nature photographs and paintings of cows, respectively. Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through October 18. Info, 865-7296. Pierson Library in Shelburne.

ARTHUR ZORN: “Improvisation,” abstract paintings by the Vermont artist in the Chapel Gallery. Through August 31. Info, 223-2424. Bethany United Church of Christ in Montpelier.

‘EYESIGHT & INSIGHT: LENS ON AMERICAN ART’: An exhibition of artworks that illuminates creative responses to perceptions of vision; four sections explore themes ranging from 18th-century optical technologies to the social and historical connotations of eyeglasses in portraiture from the 19th century to the present. Through October 16. ‘IN PLAIN SIGHT: REDISCOVERING CHARLES SUMNER BUNN’S DECOYS’: An online exhibition of shorebird decoys carved by the member of the Shinnecock-Montauk Tribes, based on extensive research and resolving historic controversy. Through October 5. ‘OUR COLLECTION: ELECTRA HAVEMEYER WEBB, EDITH HALPERT AND FOLK ART’: A virtual exhibition that celebrates the friendship between the museum founder and her longtime art dealer, featuring archival photographs and ephemera, a voice recording from Halpert, and quotations pulled from the women’s extensive correspondences. Through February 9. LUIGI LUCIONI: “Modern Light,” more than 50 landscape paintings, still-life works, portraiture and etchings by the prolific artist (1900-88) and a comprehensive examination of his career. Through October 16. MARIA SHELL: “Off the Grid,” 14 contemporary quilts that push the boundaries of the traditional gridded format by the Alaska-based quilter. Through October 16. NANCY WINSHIP MILLIKEN: “Varied and Alive,” four monumental outdoor sculptures set in a pollinator meadow that embody the museum’s commitment to environmental stewardship and feature natural materials intrinsic to the region. Through October 16. Info, 985-3346. Shelburne Museum.

DIANE SULLIVAN: “ITSGOINGTOBEOKAY,” colorful graphic paintings in square formats. Through August 15. Info, 225-6232. Filling Station in Middlesex.

‘FINE FEATHERS’: Works by more than 60 artists and poets inspired by birds and feather colors, shapes, patterns and functions. Through October 31. Info, 434-2167. Birds of Vermont Museum in Huntington. KEILANI LIME: “Olympus,” original paintings on canvas inspired by Greek mythology. All proceeds will go toward the artist’s previous brain surgery and upcoming spinal cord surgery. Through September 1. Info, 355-2855. Sweet Simone’s in Richmond. LINDA BLACKERBY: Vibrant abstract paintings by the Vermont artist. Through October 2. Info, Shelburne Vineyard. ‘MILL TO MALL: HISTORIC SPACE REIMAGINED’: An exhibition that tells the story of the public-private partnership that enabled the preservation and rebirth of a formerly derelict industrial building into a shopping center. Visitors are encouraged to add personal memories of the space to the community recollections. Through August 10. Free. Info, 3559937. Heritage Winooski Mill Museum. ‘SUMMER’S LIGHT’: A group show featuring works by Vermont artists. Through September 3. Info, 985-3848. Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery in Shelburne.


AL SALZMAN: “Humandalas,” figurative ovals and rounds by the Vermont political cartoonist and painter. Through August 15. Info, 479-0896. Espresso Bueno in Barre. ALISA DWORSKY: “The Folded Line,” large-format, multidimensional drawings that engage with the question of what it means to make a line. Through September 29. Info, 279-5558. Vermont Supreme Court Gallery in Montpelier. AMY HOOK-THERRIEN: Watercolor paintings by the Vermont artist. A portion of sales benefit the nature center. Through September 30. Info, 229-6206. North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier. ‘ART FROM GUANTÁNAMO BAY’: A selection from the Catamount Arts exhibition featuring paintings, drawings and collages by six men detained at the U.S.

ELLIOT BURG: “Tunbridge Fair,” an exhibit of black-and-white photographs by the Middlesex photographer . Through September 30. Info, 2724920. Capitol Region Visitors Center in Montpelier. JEROME LIPANI: “Visual Fugue,” analytical abstractions and assemblages of found materials, conceived as scores for music and dance improvisation. Through September 30. Info, jeromelipani@ Plainfield Co-op.

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JILL MADDEN: Oil paintings on linen and gouache paintings on watercolor paper that explore the unique wilderness areas of the Green Mountains. Through September 30. Info, 223-2328. Vermont Natural Resources Council in Montpelier. JULIANA FECHTER: “Exploring the Back Roads,” paintings by the Vermont artist; curated by Studio Place Arts. Through September 10. Info, 479-7069. Morse Block Deli & Taps in Barre. MATT LARSON: “Walking With Gaia,” abstract paintings; curated by Studio Place Arts. Through August 19. Info, 479-7069. AR Market in Barre. ‘THAT CAT’: A group art exhibition that extols felines and our relationships with them. Main Gallery. Through August 20. MICHELLE LESNAK: “Letting Go: A Work in Progress,” paintings and mixed-media work by the SPA Studio Residency Recipient. Second Floor Gallery. Through August 20. PAUL A. CALTER: “Mount Mansfield Sketchbook,” field sketches and watercolor paintings. Quick Change Gallery. Through August 19. TRACEY HAMBLETON: “Brushwork Barre,” paintings of everyday places and iconic structures of Barre by the SPA Studio Residency Recipient. Third Floor Gallery. Through August 20. Info, 479-7069. Studio Place Arts in Barre. “POSSIBILITARIAN UPRISING”: Giant woodcuts by Bread and Puppet Theater founder Peter Schumann. Through August 31. Info, breadandpuppetcuratrix@ Plainfield Community Center Gallery. REGIS CUMMINGS: “Retrospect,” paintings in response to the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, by the Montpelier artist. Through October 28. Info, 279-5558. Vermont Statehouse Cafeteria in Montpelier. SHOW 50: A group exhibition including works by eight new members of the collaborative gallery. Through August 28. Info, The Front in Montpelier. ‘THE WORLD THROUGH THEIR EYES’: Watercolors and drawings by 19th-century Norwich alumni William Brenton Boggs and Truman Seymour depicting scenes in North and South America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Through December 16. Info, 485-2886. Sullivan Museum & History Center, Norwich University, in Northfield.

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‘PARKS & RECREATION’: A collaborative group exhibition with the Bennington Museum that highlights historical and contemporary interpretations of Vermont’s state parks in all seasons. Through September 5. 2022 LEGACY COLLECTION: An exhibit of works by 16 distinguished New England landscape artists plus a selection of works by Alden Bryan and Mary Bryan. Through December 24. Info, 644-5100. Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville. ALTERNATIVE TAKES GALLERY: An exhibition by Misoo Bang, Richard Britell and Mary Reilly featuring three different perspectives on the world, from the architecture of Western civilization to the STOWE/SMUGGS SHOWS

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One of five large 19th-century hunting prints

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natural world, to the individuals navigating both, accomplished with paint, collage and graphite. Through October 31. Info, 760-4634. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort. ‘THE ART OF THE GRAPHIC’: Eight displays of snowboards that let viewers see the design process from initial conception to final product; featuring artists Scott Lenhardt, Mark Gonzalez, Mikey Welsh, Mishel Schwartz and more. Through October 31. Info, 253-9911. Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum in Stowe. SUMMER EXHIBIT: A group exhibition of photographs by Nancy Banks, Christie Carter, Rosalind Daniels, Lisa Dimondstein, Kent Shaw, Marcie Scudder, Peggy Smith and Shap Smith. By appointment only. Through August 14. Info, Photographers Workroom in Stowe.

f ‘YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IT TO SEE IT!’: Abstract sculptures by Melinda McDaniel and digital paintings by Fernando Orellana, curated by Kara Jefts. Reception and curator talk: Thursday, August 18, 6-7:30 p.m. Through September 21. Info, 635-2727. Red Mill Gallery, Vermont Studio Center, in Johnson.

mad river valley/waterbury

BIG RED BARN ART SHOW: The 24th annual exhibition of artwork created in the Mad River Valley by amateur and professional artists in a variety of mediums. Through September 4. Info, westhill136@ Red Barn Galleries, Lareau Farm, in Waitsfield.

f THE MAD MIX ANNUAL MEMBERS SHOW: An exhibition featuring Vermont painters, photographers, potters, jewelry makers, glassblowers and sculptors. Reception: Friday, August 12, 5:30 p.m. Through August 19. Info, 496-6682. Mad River Valley Arts Gallery in Waitsfield. ‘TO MARKET’: Large-scale black-and-white paintings by Shelley Reed and elaborate cut-paper installations by Randal Thurston. By appointment. Through October 9. Info, 777-2713. The Bundy Modern in Waitsfield.

middlebury area

‘ADDISON COUNTY COLLECTS’: An eclectic exhibition of objects and personal stories from 36 area collectors, celebrating the local and global community. Through January 7. ADDISON COUNTY KIDS COLLECT’: A continually growing exhibition of photos of Addison County children with their personal collections. Through January 7. ‘ARCHIVING HISTORY: STEWART-SWIFT RESEARCH CENTER AT 50’: A 50th anniversary celebration of the museum’s research center, which has made Middlebury the bestdocumented community in New England. Through August 20. ‘THE ELEPHANT IN THE ARCHIVES’: An experimental exhibit reexamining the museum’s Stewart-Swift Research Center archival collections with a critical eye toward silences, erasures and contemporary relevance. Through January 7. CHUCK HERRMANN: “Sculptures of Perseverance,” eight poignant works by the Shoreham wood-carver created in response to the ongoing Ukrainian tragedy. Through January 7. Info, 388-2117. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History in Middlebury.


Town,” paintings of the urban landscape. Reception: Friday, August 19, 5-6:30 p.m. Through September 30. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery at Middlebury Falls. BRENDA MYRICK AND BARBARA LANE: “Inspired by Nature: A Mother and Daughter’s View,” paintings. Through August 13. Info, 382-9222. Jackson Gallery, Town Hall Theater, in Middlebury. ‘DISSENT! ABOLITION & ADVOCACY IN PRINT’: An exhibition of 19th-century print materials used as a platform to expose the horrors of enslavement and spread calls for emancipation in the United States. Through October 23. Info, 877-3406. Rokeby Museum in Ferrisburgh. ‘THE ORDINARY AND THE EXTRAORDINARY’: An exhibition of works by more than 30 artists that



explore the everyday and the out of this world. Through August 27. Info, 989-7225. Sparrow Art Supply in Middlebury.

Tuesday, September 6, 3-5 p.m. Through September 12. Info, Haston Library in Franklin.

‘TREES’: A juried group exhibition of photographs that celebrate the beauty of trees. Through August 20. Info, PhotoPlace Gallery in Middlebury.

upper valley


‘VERMONT: ON THE ROAD’: An all-member and all-media exhibition that shares each artist’s favorite spots across the state, from crowd favorites to secret hideaways. Through September 5. Info, 247-4956. Brandon Artists Guild.

champlain islands/northwest

DAVID STROMEYER: The artist’s outdoor venue featuring 70 large-scale contemporary sculptures is open for the season, Thursday through Sunday. Through October 10. Info, 512-333-2119. Cold Hollow Sculpture Park in Enosburg Falls.

f ‘LAKE CHAMPLAIN: WAVES OF CHANGE’: An exhibition of artworks by member artists that reflect Lake Champlain, its history, and the wildlife and peoples it supports. Reception: Saturday, August 13, 3-7 p.m. Through August 31. Info, 734-7448. Grand Isle Art Works. f ORAH MOORE & BARBARA FLACK: “Travels in the Mind During COVID Time: The Wise Woman and the Traveler,” a collaborative photographic exploration of light and movement. Exhibition tour with the artists:

EAST BARNARD ARTISTS: Paintings, prints, photography and ceramics by Alice Abrams, Jeanne Amato, Maxine Hugon, Jo Levasseur, Jacqueline Overstreet, Fred Schlabach, Sue Schlabach and Marilyn Syme. Through August 20. Info, 457-3500. ArtisTree Community Arts Center & Gallery in South Pomfret. JEAN GERBER: “River Travel,” paintings inspired by trips to Alaska, the Yukon and Maine. Through August 31. Info, 295-4567. Long River Gallery in White River Junction. ‘MENDING THE SPACES BETWEEN: REFLECTIONS AND CONTEMPLATIONS’: Prompted by a vandalized Bible, 22 artists and poets respond to questions about how we can mend our world, find ways to listen and work together. Through November 30. Info, 649-0124. Norwich Historical Society and Community Center. SUE SCHILLER: A retrospective exhibition by the Norwich printmaker and sculptor. Through August 26. Info, 295-5901. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio in White River Junction.

northeast kingdom

‘1,111 COPPER NAILS’: A 36-year retrospective of the Bread and Puppet calendar. Through December 31.

CALL TO ARTISTS 2022 PHOTOGRAPHY SHOOT-OUT: The theme for this year’s competition is “Reflections.” First-place winner gets a solo show at Axel’s in 2023. Two entries per photographer. Rules and details at Axel’s Frame Shop & Gallery, Waterbury. Through October 8. $20. Info, 244-7801. CHAMPLAIN VALLEY CRAFT SHOW AND ANTIQUE EXPO: Artisans, artists and specialty food makers are welcome to apply for this exhibition held at the Champlain Valley Expo, October 21 to 23. Details and application at Through October 1. Info, CLIMATE CHANGE ARTIST RESIDENCY: BMAC is accepting applications for the 2023 residency program intended to support artists seeking the time and resources to engage with the questions and challenges of climate change. $6,000 stipend. Application at Deadline: September 15. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. Info, FALL JURY APPLICATION OPEN: Frog Hollow Vermont Craft Gallery is now accepting applications for membership from Vermont craftspeople and artists. Those from traditionally underrepresented communities are especially encouraged to apply. We are particularly interested in glass, metal and jewelry, but all mediums will be considered. Details and application at Deadline: September 15. Info, 863-6458. FENCE DESIGN PROPOSAL: Arts So Wonderful invites youth to contribute artwork that will be considered in the creation of a decorative, weatherproof weaving on a chain-link fence at the site of the former Moran Plant. Artists can submit drawings on rectangular paper of any size, photograph or scan it, and email to Elizabeth Emmett at or drop off at the ASW gallery in the University Mall. Design prompt: “What inspires your creativity? What does creativity mean to you?” Deadline: August 20. Moran Frame, Burlington. Free. INAUGURAL MARGINALIZED ARTISTS SPOTLIGHT PROGRAM: Swurv Ink, based in San Francisco, Calif., and Barre, Vt., is seeking artists from marginalized communities to submit designs for sustainable T-shirts. Five artists will

be chosen from all submissions, based on a survey about their life and work. Details at Deadline: August 10. Info, torben@ ‘JERICHO THROUGH THE EYES OF AN ARTIST’: The Town Hall art committee is seeking artworks about the town — past, present or future — from emerging and established artists for an upcoming exhibition. Any medium is acceptable, but the work must be able to be hung on a gallery hanger system. Deadline: August 26. Jericho Town Hall. Info and registration materials, catherine., ‘THE LIFE OF WATER’: PhotoPlace Gallery seeks submissions for an upcoming exhibition about the wonders of water, juried by Ann Jastrab. Details at Deadline: August 16. $39 for first five images; $6 each additional. Info, photos@photoplacegallery. com. PLAINFIELD CO-OP & COMMUNITY CENTER GALLERY 50TH ANNIVERSARY: Submit proposals for visual work and/or performance for a November group show. We aim to honor folks who have shown or performed here over the last 50 years while also welcoming those new to the scene. We want to feature your art, poetry, music, dance, films, videos, memorabilia, as well as educational/community events and classes. Deadline: September 1. Plainfield Co-op. Info, SEEKING NEW ARTIST MEMBERS: Brandon Artist Guild members show their work at the downtown gallery year round, participate in group and solo shows, and join a vibrant creative community. The Guild welcomes all styles of fine art and crafts. Jurying criteria include originality, impact, clarity, craftsmanship, consistency of style and quality, presentation, and marketability. Apply at Deadline: September 13. Free. Info, 247-4956. VERMONT SALON: An open call for artworks to be hung in the floor-to-ceiling salon style for an exhibition in September. Artists of all levels, any subject and medium, are welcome. Register at Deadline: August 22. Canal Street Art Gallery, Bellows Falls. $35. Info,

Info, Hardwick Inn. ANDREA POE: Paintings of landscapes and interior spaces. Through August 31. Info, Art & Joy in St. Johnsbury. ‘ART FROM GUANTÁNAMO BAY’: A touring exhibition of nearly 100 artworks by six men detained at the U.S. federal facility for as long as 20 years without being charged with any crimes; curated by Erin L. Thompson. Through August 21. Info, 748-2600. Catamount Arts Center in St. Johnsbury. ‘COMING CLEAN’: An exhibition that considers bathing practices throughout time and across cultures, including religious immersion and ritual purification, bathing as health cure, methods of washing in extreme environments, and much more. All kinds of bathing and scrubbing implements are on display. Through April 30. Info, 626-4409. The Museum of Everyday Life in Glover. DAVID RICKETTS: “Under the Hemlock Tree,” mixed-media works inspired by dreams by the Vermont artist. Through August 27. Info, 748-0158. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury. GIANT PAINTINGS & PUPPETS ON DISPLAY: Vintage large-scale artworks by the puppet theater are on view during Circus Sundays through the season. Info, Bread and Puppet Theater in Glover. JONAS FRICKE AND SATURN LADYHEART: “Oh What an Exciting Time to Be Alive!” an installation by the Brattleboro artists and longtime friends that asks, “What can we hold and carry with care and what should fall away?” Woodshed Gallery, an annex of the museum. Through August 31. Info, 525-3031. Bread and Puppet Museum in Glover. POP-UP GALLERY: Artworks by more than 20 artists and craftspeople in the Greensboro area. Through August 14. Info, 525-3041. The Caspian Arts Gallery, Greensboro Grange. RANDY ALLEN: “Feeling the Landscape,” oil paintings. Through September 18. Info, 533-2000. Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro. TORIN PORTER: “After Images,” small and large steel sculptures and ink drawings; also, an opportunity for the public to contribute to a collaborative floor chalk drawing. Info, 563-2037. White Water Gallery in East Hardwick.

brattleboro/okemo valley

‘FELT EXPERIENCE’: Works by five artists who use the medium of felt in diverse and novel ways: Marjolein Dallinga, Ruth Jeyaveeran, Melissa Joseph, Liam Lee and Stephanie Metz; curated by Sarah Freeman and Katherine Gass Stowe. Through October 10. ‘NEBIZUN: WATER IS LIFE’: Artwork by Abenaki artists of the Champlain Valley and Connecticut River Valley, including protest art created in support of the Native American Water Protectors; curated by Vera Longtoe Sheehan. Through October 10. BETH GALSTON: “Unraveling Oculus,” an immersive sculptural installation using natural elements and video recorded in a silo. Through October 10. FRANK JACKSON: “There/There,” abstract landscape fresco paintings that address questions of place, memory and experience. Through October 10. MIE YIM: “Fluid Boundaries,” vivid paintings of unsettling hybrid creatures by the New York City-based artist; curated by Sarah Freeman. Through October 10. OASA DUVERNEY: “Black Power Wave,” a window installation of drawings by the Brooklyn artist, inspired by images of Chinese Fu dogs, the cross and the Yoruba deity Èsù. Through May 6. ROBERLEY BELL: “The Landscape Stares Back,” outdoor sculpture on the museum lawn. Through October 10. Info, 257-0124. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. CANAL STREET ART GALLERY REPRESENTED ARTIST SHOW: An exhibition of works in a variety of mediums by 25 artist-members of the Bellows Falls gallery; 15 percent of sales to benefit Main Street Arts. Through August 12. Info, 869-2960. Main Street Arts in Saxtons River. JOHN VAN DER DOES: “Sacred Geometry,” brightly colored abstract paintings of mathematical designs


inspired by the yoga tradition of the yantra. Through September 9. Info, 289-0104. Canal Street Art Gallery in Bellows Falls. JUDE DANIELSON: “Unseen Rhythms,” large-scale quilts based on pixelated abstractions of human faces by the Oregon-based textile artist. The quilts are available via a silent auction running for the duration of the exhibition. Through August 31. Info, Epsilon Spires in Brattleboro. LEON GOLUB: Nearly 70 expressive figurative paintings that explore man’s relationship with the dynamics of power, spanning the American artist’s career from 1947 to 2002. LOIS DODD: A survey of some 50 paintings by the American artist from the late 1950s through last year that depict places she lives and works, from rural Maine to New York City. Through November 27. Info, Hall Art Foundation in Reading. NATHAN SHEPARD & MEGAN BUCHANAN: Oil and gouache paintings and poetry, respectively. Through August 12. Info, 387-0102. Next Stage Arts Project in Putney. ‘VISIONS OF A SOUND’: Portraits of jazz greats by Mary LaRose and Sara Wildavsky. Through September 1. Info, 118 Elliot in Brattleboro.


DAISY ROCKWELL: “Dhwani/Resonance,” South Asian-inspired paintings by the artist, writer, and translator of Hindi and Urdu literature. Through September 17. Info, 803-362-2607. Manchester Community Library in Manchester Center. ‘DWELL: HOME IS WHERE THE ART IS’: Maxine Henryson, Alejandra Seeber, Ruth Shafer and Suzanne Wright use the history of the art center’s Yester House, a former estate, to explore themes

of domesticity and interior spaces. Info, 362-1405. ‘MASKED’: A community portrait project of Inclusive Arts Vermont, featuring the work of 22 artists with disabilities, with special guest Judith Klausner. Info, 362-1405. ROBERT DUGRENIER: “VitroVerse,” 200 hand-blown glass planets illuminated by LED lights suspended from the ceiling of the grand staircase in Yester House; each globe also has a digital life as a non-fungible token. Through September 11. Info, Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester. NEW ENGLAND WAX: “Relationships: Hot/Cold/ Intricate,” 2D and 3D artwork in encaustic by 31 members of the regional association. Through August 14. Info, 362-1405. Elizabeth de C. Wilson Museum, Southern Vermont Arts Center, in Manchester. ‘PARKS & RECREATION’: An exhibition of paintings past and present that explores the history and artistic depictions of Vermont’s state parks and other formally designated natural areas. Contemporary works on loan from the Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville. Through November 6. ‘PERSPECTIVES: THE STORY OF BENNINGTON THROUGH MAPS’: A collection that shows the changing roles of maps, from those made by European colonists showcasing American conquests to later versions that celebrate civic progress and historic events. Through December 31. NORTH BENNINGTON OUTDOOR SCULPTURE SHOW: The 25th annual outdoor sculpture show at locations around town, as well as more works by regional artists inside the museum. Through November 12. Info, 447-1571. Bennington Museum.


ALICE ECKLES & NATHANIEL WILLIAMS: Floral and landscape paintings in watercolor, oils and cold wax. Through August 28. Info, ART, etc. in Randolph.

‘CULTURAL MOSAIC’: Paintings by Haitian artist Pievy Polyte and Alan Jacobs, a self-taught artist with works featuring the ocean and the Holocaust; and poetry by local writers. Through September 9. Info, 775-0356. ‘WHOSE NEW WORLD?’: An exhibition of works in a variety of mediums by nine regional artists who explore social justice issues. Through September 24. Info, 728-9878. Chandler Center for the Arts in Randolph. JOHN DOUGLAS: “Anywhere but Here,” a solo exhibition of photographs by the Vershire artist. Through September 30. Info, 889-9404. Tunbridge Public Library.

outside vermont

10X10=AVA: A benefit exhibition featuring up to 100 10-inch-square works of art specifically created and donated by regional artist stars. The starting price of all works is $100; silent-auction bidding continues throughout the show. Through August 12. AMY MOREL, MATT NECKERS & JOHN F. PARKER: Solo exhibitions from Vermont artists whose collaged and assembled sculptures relate to the theme of play. Through August 20. ROBERT CHAPLA: “Landscapes: Color and Flow,” paintings by the Vermont-based artist. Through August 26. Info, 603-448-3117. AVA Gallery and Art Center in Lebanon, N.H.


2022 PICNIC BASKET RAFFLE: An annual fundraiser for the Henry Sheldon Museum featuring baskets hand-painted by Nancie Dunn, Gary Starr, Gayl Braisted, Warren Kimble, Danielle Rougeau and Fran Bull. Bidding is at henrysheldonmuseum. org. Through October 10. Online.

outside vermont

BRIANNA FORKEY: “Inside and Out,” interior and plein air paintings by the local artist. Through August 28. Info, 518-563-1604. Strand Center for the Arts in Plattsburgh, N.Y. ‘DRAWING LINES’: A group exhibition that illustrates the line as a critical apparatus for exploration; featuring works in weaving, painting, sculpture, drawing and collage. ‘IN THE MOMENT: RECENT WORK BY LOUISE HAMLIN’: Paintings and works on paper by the former Dartmouth College studio art professor and printmaker. Through September 3. Info, 603-646-2808. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H. ‘MUSEUM OF THE ART OF TODAY: DEPARTMENT OF THE INVISIBLE’: Installations, sculptures, photographs, paintings and videos collected by Montréal artist Stanley Février that represent artists from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Through August 28. Info, 514-235-2044. ‘VIEWS OF WITHIN: PICTURING THE SPACES WE INHABIT’: More than 60 paintings, photographs, prints, installations and textile works from the museum’s collection that present one or more evocations of interior space. Through June 30. Info, 514-235-2044. NICOLAS PARTY: “L’heure mauve” (“Mauve Twilight”), a dreamlike exhibition of paintings, sculptures and installation in the Swiss-born artist’s signature saturated colors. Online reservations required. Through October 16. SABRINA RATTÉ: “Contre-espace,” digital artwork by the Montréal artist that creates an interaction between architecture and landscape, projected onto the façade of the Michal and Renata Hornstein Pavilion from dusk to 11 p.m. Through November 27. Info, 514-285-2000. Montréal Museum of Fine Arts. m


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8/3/22 5:11 PM




S UNDbites

News and views on the local music + nightlife scene B Y CH R I S FA R N S W O R T H

Just Like Starting Over

Imagine spending your youth training to be a musician, writing songs, building a fan base and making a name for yourself — then moving to another country where not only does no one know you but they also don’t even recognize the genre of music you play. Sounds a little daunting, right? That’s exactly what folk musician and singer-songwriter MIKAHELY did. After establishing himself in his native Madagascar as part of the popular duo MIKA AND DAVIS, recording albums and releasing radio hits in Malagasy and in French, Mikahely moved to the United States in 2017 with his American wife. They landed first in Maine and then moved to Burlington in 2019. “No one in Vermont knew my music when I came here,” Mikahely told me as we sat on a park bench in Burlington’s Old North End last week. “But music is universal, yes? There should be no 60


barriers, no divisions. The music can transcend language, and we can do what we should: love each other.” Leaving a Madagascar music scene in which he had thrived was no easy feat for the musician, who taught himself to play guitar even though his father, a teacher, begged him not to pursue a career in music. “I didn’t know how the business worked out here,” he admitted. “And, other than my wife, there was no one helping me to book shows or play with other musicians.” For a time, Mikahely contemplated leaving music behind. But after booking shows at the Light Club Lamp Shop and Radio Bean, he saw his music taking root in Burlington, even though audiences didn’t understand the language in which he sang or were unfamiliar with Malagasy folk music. The traditional style of Malagasy that Mikahely is most influenced by features highly melodic vocal parts and diatonic scales, often played on the guitar and

the valiha, the national instrument of Madagascar. Made of bamboo, the zither-like instrument creates gorgeous harmonic parallel thirds when the player plucks its strings. “These were not sounds anyone here had heard before,” Mikahely said. “I play in a lot of traditional Malagasy rhythms, so I was worried … that they would not resonate.” His fears were unfounded. His sound caught on, resulting in more gigs, including the past two years at the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival, where he jammed with other local musicians, such as jazz guitarist PAUL ASBELL. Then, after receiving a grant from the Vermont Arts Council, Mikahely was able to do something he had wanted to do since leaving Madagascar: record a new album. His first record made in America, Offshoots has the feel of a debut, even though Mikahely is far from a new artist. The album brims with energy and possibility as he creates a fusion between his older music and newer sounds. “I grew up listening [to] — and love — traditional Malagasy music,” Mikahely

explained. “I taught myself to play after I heard these songs and these sounds of my ancestors. I speak to them when I play.” Yet he’s quick to point out that he’s always learning and inserting new things into his songwriting. “I call this record Offshoots because I see these songs like branches, stretching from the tree,” he said. “I have those experiences, and I know those traditional songs in my heart, but I am also always changing and learning. The tradition, the conversations with my ancestors is the tree, and the offshoots are what comes from that.” Mikahely hopes to continue expanding his reach and start playing shows around New England and in Montréal. Given that Vermonters have embraced his music, he’s hopeful that more people will be moved by his fusion of traditional Malagasy folk and his own unique style. “The language doesn’t really matter,” said Mikahely, who speaks Malagasy, French and English. “If I can play music that will connect me to another person, the sounds will do the work and the spirit will come through.” Offshoots is streaming on all platforms.

Psychic Happenings

New event series Astral Projection Presents launched in Woodstock last month. A joint venture of Abracadabra Coffee, Beer Mountain and La Pizza Lupo, along with support from Pentangle Arts, Astral Projection explores the intersection of film and music. A press release from the organization calls the group “a hivemind of nostalgia, film reverence and music Bonnie appreciation swirling “Prince” about in the ethereal Billy projector light of a century-old theater.” The theater in question is Woodstock Town Hall Theatre, where Astral Projection hosts its monthly film and music events. Things kicked off on July 7 with a showing of the John Carpenter cult-classic film They Live, featuring “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and the greatest fight scene ever put on celluloid. Before and after the screening, a DJ spun sweet synthwave sounds to properly match the vibe of the movie’s Ronald Reagan-era satire. The next event in the series is


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Cricket Blue

this Saturday, August 13, featuring a performance by singer-songwriter BONNIE “PRINCE” BILLY — aka WILL OLDHAM — with support from New Hampshire indie rockers FOOTINGS and Philadelphia noise punks EMPATH. To celebrate the show, South Royalton’s Upper Pass Beer is brewing a special Bonnie “Prince” Billy beer called Ease Down the Road, a nod to the singer’s 2001 record of the same name. The theater only seats about 300 people, so don’t sleep on grabbing a ticket. Doors open at 6 p.m., but get there at 4 p.m. for a beer garden behind the theater with a food pop-up from Ludlow’s GameBird and tunes from DJ MIDDLE MANAGEMENT.


Indie rocker SEAN WITTERS is back with his band, INVISIBLE HOMES, which last released a full-length record in 2014: Song for My Double. Witters said in an email that not only are remixes of his work by local producer WILLVERINE on the way but a new LP is, as well. In the meantime, Witters has released a new single and music video, “Pale Rage (for J.G. Ballard).” Witters said the writings of J.G. BALLARD inspired him to write the song, particularly his subversive agit-pop story “Why I Want to Fuck Ronald Reagan.” (Hey, we’ve all been there before, right? No? OK.) Much of Ballard’s short story, which includes characters who have an erotic fascination with Reagan, informed the writer’s 1973 hit novel, Crash. That novel, Witters wrote in an email, inspired music by GARY NUMAN and JOY DIVISION, among others. It’s fitting, then, that Witters fused those influences together for the new

wave-leaning, synth-heavy “Pale Rage (for J.G. Ballard).” The track is an effervescent, dreamy slice of shoegaze, and the video is full of car crashes and trippy visuals of Reagan. Give it a listen and view on YouTube while we wait for the record. If you haven’t gotten out to any of the Music in the Barn series shows this summer, now is the perfect time. Started in 2020 by musicians LIAM JOHN and SOFIA HIRSCH, the series holds concerts in barns and barnlike venues around the state, including Richmond’s West Monitor Barn, the Sleepy Hollow Inn in Huntington and the Jericho Community Center. On Thursday, August 18, at the West Monitor Barn, folk band CRICKET BLUE headline, accompanied by a string trio. Another string ensemble, TRIO ARCO, opens the show. Aside from taking in the beautiful scenery of an old barn in the Vermont countryside, Music in the Barn is an incredible chance to see some of Vermont’s best musicians play in places other than bars and theaters. Purchase tickets at Musician, cartoonist and bike flipper JAMES KOCHALKA has released the first video from his latest record, um, Bike Flipper. “Disco Nose” features Kochalka emoting wildly on the beach with family as he performs the a cappella love song. Speaking of love songs, Kochalka told me by email that he is currently working on another new record, this one with producer BENNY YURCO, which mostly will consist of “crushing love ballads.” Get ready to be emotionally crushed by Kochalka!






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8/9/22 5:44 PM

Thank You…

to the 22,057 loyal readers who voted in the 2022 Daysies Awards.You know how to pick ’em! See who won online at or pick up an All the Best magazine on Seven Days newsstands.


to the sponsors, partners and advertisers who made it all possible:

Find all the party photos online and tag your friends! sevendaysvt PHOTOS BY JAMES BUCK

ECHO, LEAHY CENTER FOR LAKE CHAMPLAIN – the perfect venue for a mythical celebration! THE CATERERS WHO PROVIDED DELICIOUS FOOD: • Aqua ViTea • Black Flannel Brewing & Distilling Company • City Market, Onion River Co-op • Leonardo’s Pizza • Offbeat Creemee • Sugarsnap AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST... The Medallions, Chappell’s Florist, Chocolate Thunder Security and James Buck!



1t-daysiesThankYou22.indd 1

8/9/22 12:30 PM


CLUB DATES live music WED.10

Find the most up-to-date info on live music, DJs, comedy and more at If you’re a talent booker or artist planning live entertainment at a bar, nightclub, café, restaurant, brewery or coffee shop, send event details to or submit the info using our form at

Please contact event organizers about vaccination and mask requirements.


1Q (rock) at Vermont Pub & Brewery, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. Bluegrass & BBQ (bluegrass) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Astral Projection Presents: Bonnie Prince Billy with Footings, Empath (singersongwriter) at Woodstock Town Hall Theatre, 4 p.m. $30.

Courtyard Music Series (blues, jazz, rock) at Halvorson’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

The Bandit Queen of Sorrows (folk) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.

The Fabulous Wrecks (Americana) at Steamship Pier Bar & Grill, North Hero, 5:30 p.m. Free.

Best Not Broken (indie rock, pop) at Red Square, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Faye Webster (singer-songwriter) at Backside 405, Burlington, 7 p.m. $25/$30.

Drunk Off Diesel (rock) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.

The Good Parts (jazz) at Antidote, Vergennes, 6 p.m. Free.

EarthKry (reggae) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9 p.m. $15.

Irish Sessions (Celtic folk) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Freedom Seeds (rock) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7 p.m. Free.

Jay Southgate (singersongwriter) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 6 p.m. Free.

Funky Dawgz (funk) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 10 p.m. $5. Guthrie Galileo (R&B) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $5.

Jazz Night with Ray Vega (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Left Eye Jump (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free.

Jazz Sessions with Randal Pierce (jazz open mic) at the 126, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free. Satta Sound (reggae) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free. Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead covers) at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 7 p.m. $5.


Plant Fight, Super Blue, Gaud (indie rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5.

Around Back When Higher Ground launched Backside 405 last summer in response to the pandemic

Pontoon (yacht rock) at Martell’s at the Red Fox, Jeffersonville, 6 p.m. $10.

surprise to see it back for another year, even with most clubs up and running again. Indie songwriter Faye Webster kicks

Snail Mail with Momma and Hotline TNT (indie) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 8 p.m. $25/$30.

shuttering indoor venues, the outdoor concert series in Burlington’s South End Arts District was an instant hit. So it’s no off the 2022 series on Wednesday, August 10. Then psychedelic folk and bluegrass act CABINET take the stage on Friday,

Toebow (indie) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 8 p.m. $5.

Abby Jenne and Jason Jack Merriweather (singer-songwriter) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.

season tickets to Backside 405, which runs through the end of October at 405 Pine Street.

Acoustic Thursdays with Zach Nugent (Grateful Dead tribute) at Red Square, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free.

Tyler Mast (singer-songwriter) at Filling Station, Middlesex, 6 p.m. Free.

Eric George (folk) at Stone’s Throw Pizza, Richmond, 6 p.m. Free.

Incahoots (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.

Mal Maiz with DJ JahRed (Afro Latino orchestra) at ArtsRiot, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Uncle Jimmy (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.


Everyone Invited (blues, rock) at Martell’s at the Red Fox, Jeffersonville, 6 p.m. $10.

Jim Branca Trio (blues) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 6 p.m. Free.

Mark Twang, Algae, Rufus Cesspool (indie rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5.


Alex Stewart Quartet and Special Guests (jazz) at the 126, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free. Alternate Take (jazz) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Bloomsday with Vehicle (indie pop) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5. Cam Gilmour with Mob Barber (jazz) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $5. DIE the Monk with Cam Barnes (electronic, hip-hop) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11:30 p.m. $5. The Idles (surf rock) at Vermont Pub & Brewery, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

August 12, with support from local Grateful Dead tribute act ZACH NUGENT. That Friday will also be the last day to purchase

Andriana Chobot and Joshua Glass Piano Duel (dueling pianos) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5.

Justin LaPoint (singersongwriter) at Blue Paddle Bistro, South Hero, 5:30 p.m. Free.

Bluegrass Pioneers (bluegrass) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 6 p.m. Free. Cabinet with Zach Nugent (jam, bluegrass) at Backside 405, Burlington, 7 p.m. $20/$25. Chest Fever: The Official Revival of the Band (Band tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9 p.m. $15. Creamery Station (jam) at Moogs Joint, Johnson, 7 p.m. $10.

Jeff Shelley (acoustic covers) at Blue Paddle Bistro, South Hero, 5:30 p.m. Free.

Dandy L. Freling and Lavendula (indie) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 6 p.m. Free.

Matthew Mercury with Guy Ferrari (indie rock) at Monkey House, Winooski, 8 p.m. $10.

Dari Bay, Foyer Red, Empath (indie) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. $10.

Mitch Terricciano (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free.

Dave Mitchell’s Blues Revue (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free.

Shellhouse (rock) at Black Flannel Brewing & Distilling, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free.

Duncan Blaine & Cookie (folk) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7 p.m. Free.


Phil Abair (rock, blues) at the Old Post, South Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Rebecca Turmel (singersongwriter) at Gusto’s, Barre, 6 p.m. Free. The Reflexions (funk, reggae) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 9 p.m. $5. The Runaway Grooms (jam) at Red Square, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. Shane’s Apothecary (rock) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free. Tinkerbullet with Burly Girlies (punk) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free. Ursa and the Major Key and No Lemon (rock) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.


90 Proof (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.

Tom Caswell Blues Band (blues) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 6 p.m. Free.

Ali T. (singer-songwriter) at Vermont Pub & Brewery, Burlington, 1 p.m. Free. The Bandit Queen of Sorrows (singer-songwriter) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 1 p.m. Free. Paul Asbell (jazz) at Blue Paddle Bistro, South Hero, 5:30 p.m. Free. Sunday Brunch Tunes (singersongwriter) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 10 a.m. Ursa and the Major Key (rock) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


Austen Carroll with Wolf Van Elfmand (country, Americana) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Dead Set (Grateful Dead tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10. Honky Tonk Tuesday featuring Pony Hustle (country) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $5. LIVE MUSIC


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1T-MsWalker080322 1

8/1/22 4:31 PM

music+nightlife live music

DJ Craig Mitchell (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.

65th Annual WED.17

Open Mic (open mic) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.


DJ CRWD CTRL (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 2 p.m. $5.

John Drew Peterson (folk) at Lawson’s Finest Liquids, Waitsfield, 5 p.m. Free.

DJ Taka (DJ) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10.




AK93 (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 1 p.m. $5.


Bluegrass & BBQ (bluegrass) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Crypt (DJ) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Debby Nights (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 3:30 p.m. $5.

Standup Comedy Open Mic (comedy open mic) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Holy Fuck with Linqua Franca (electronica) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 8 p.m. $16/$18.

DJ Raul (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.


Irish Sessions (Celtic folk) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Gimme Gimme Disco (ABBA tribute) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 8:30 p.m. $17/$20.

Jay Southgate, J.P. Arenas & Jeremy Harple (folk) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 6 p.m. Free. Jazz Night with Ray Vega (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free. Jazz Sessions with Randal Pierce (jazz open mic) at the 126, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free. John Lackard Blues Duo (blues) at Vermont Pub & Brewery, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. Kalia Vandever Quartet (jazz) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.

Molly Mood (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free. Reign One (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.


Ryan Hamilton (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $35.


Ryan Hamilton (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. $35.


DJ Two Sev (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.



Roar! Showcase (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $5.

Multibeast: A Tribute to Phish (Phish tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.

DJ A-Ra$ (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Standup Comedy Open Mic (comedy open mic) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead covers) at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 7 p.m. $5.

Local Dork (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.


DJ CRE8 (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.


open mics & jams



DJ CRE8 (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Open Mic (open mic) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


Open Mic (open mic) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.

DJ Baron (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.


Trivia (trivia) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 6 p.m. Free. Trivia & Nachos (trivia) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6 p.m. Free.

Open Mic (open mic) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Trivia Thursday (trivia) at Spanked Puppy Pub, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free.

Open Mic Night (open mic) at the Parker Pie, West Glover, 6:30 p.m. Free.


Vinyl Thursdays (DJ) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free.


ATAK (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free. Ben Blanchard (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.


Lit Club (poetry open mic) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Open Mic with D Davis (open mic) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. RBC Open Mic Nights (open mic) at 1st Republic Brewing, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free.

7/25/22 3:58 PM

Madam Mystique Presents: Drag Bingo (drag bingo) at Red Square, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

DJ CRE8 (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.

Molly Mood (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.

4T-VTAntiqueAuto080322.indd 1



Mi Yard Reggae Night with DJ Big Dog (reggae and dancehall) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. Free.


trivia, karaoke, etc.

DJ Chaston (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

Open Mic (open mic) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 6:30 p.m. Free.

For more info: 802-223-3104 •



Socializing for Introverts featuring Grace Palmer (rock) at Red Square, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.


Comedy Open Mic (comedy) at the 126, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Lake & Bridge (indie rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

Blanchface (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

26 Show Car Classes Antique Race Car Display Huge Auto Flea Market & more!

A Game Show ... Show! (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 9 p.m. $5.

Ryan Hamilton (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. $35.

Mo’ Monday with DJs Craig Mitchell and Fattie B (soul, R&B) at Monkey House, Winooski, 7 p.m. Free.

Farr’s Field, US Rt. 2, Exit 10 I-89, Waterbury Admission: $15, Kids 12 & under are FREE

Anyone but Me! (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Courtyard Music Series (blues, jazz, rock) at Halvorson’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

DJ Taka (DJ) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10.

August 12-14, 2022

Trivia Night (trivia) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Trivia with Brian & Ian (trivia) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 8:30 p.m. Free.


Karaoke with DJ Party Bear (karaoke) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.

It Costs How Much?! Seven Days is examining Vermont’s housing crisis — and what can be done about it — in Locked Out, a yearlong series.

Trivia Night (trivia) at the Depot, St. Albans, 7 p.m. Free. Tuesday Night Trivia (trivia) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free. m

Find all the stories at 4t-LockedOut22.indd 1



7/21/22 12:56 PM




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12V-Einsteins081022.indd 1


Cam Gilmour, Frames (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)

Welcome to Café Gilmour. Hazy, subterranean and off the grid, the afterhours hot spot is where you come to cool down after an evening of sensory overload. The house band, an indiejazz combo led by recent University of Vermont grad Cam Gilmour, is here to ease your addled spirit and lull you into a trance under soft blue lighting gels. 3:39 PM Framed prints line the club’s walls, all shot by the bandleader. They showcase the natural beauty of every Vermont vista, cloudscape, treeline, and glassy surface reflection in the state’s many rivers and lakes. As Gilmour’s Chet Baker vocals and wordless tenor sax phrases drift like wisps of smoke, the connections between his sedate songs and their visual counterparts emerge. They form a continuum between your eyes and ears.

Ryan Sweezey, Out Searching (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)

Singer-songwriter Ryan Sweezey, from South Burlington via Lynnfield, Mass., sat on his latest album for two years. Recorded at Burlington’s Studio 150 with local producer Chris Hawthorn, Out Searching represents the clearest, most concise offering of Sweezey’s wares. So why the delay? Like many other artists who completed records during the pandemic, Sweezey didn’t want to throw his new music into a void. That’s understandable when an artist knows they’ve caught lightning in a bottle, as Sweezey has with Out Searching. The eight-song album takes the ’90s alt-pop sound Sweezey has been cultivating since he moved to Vermont in 2017 and dials it up to 10. Love the Gin Blossoms? Find yourself slow-jamming to Barenaked Ladies at the gas station while you fill the tank? Sweezey is for you. 66 6V-VPB072722 1

SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022 7/25/22 2:20 PM

On his new album, Frames, Gilmour’s modi operandi make beautiful harmony. The project is audiovisual; its works in both mediums, grouped together in the album’s cover art, share enigmatic names such as “Flow / Is This a Dream?” and “____ (Line).” Some locals know Gilmour for his music, others for his photography. He describes himself on his Bandcamp page as “A composer from Vermont in tune with the natural world.” His bio is accompanied by a snapshot of the artist with his tenor sax silhouetted against Lake Champlain. His lyrics reinforce the vibe he espouses, with natural imagery seeping into his dreamy tunes. Frames is bookended with swells of harmonized murmurs from Gilmour and his seven bandmates, a motif that also appears at the midpoint on “Interlude (on Prescience).” Floating between harmony and discord, the soft-edged din opens first cut “Prelude” and returns at the end of the final track, “And So.” The

band rolls in through a fog and exits in a similarly vaporous cloud. Between those moments, Gilmour and co. make jazz music that flirts with other styles. Ben Rodgers’ pedal steel amplifies the mountain-folk aesthetic of “Circles” and later of “Words (Reprise).” Other tracks land more squarely in the realm where jazz buffs might expect to find an artist like Gilmour. For instance, “Small Spaces (of Silence)” is a syncopated, metropolitan jaunt propelled by Sam Atallah’s bubbly keys. One of the most compelling aspects of Frames is its intimacy. Gilmour is right in your ear, his band within arm’s reach. They encircle the listener, putting you at the center of a session. It’s a sweet place to hang out, and the band is content to have you stay as long as you like. Gilmour promises to be a perpetually interesting local character. On Frames, he surrounds himself with class-act players, and his inclinations toward visual and sonic poetry are self-assured and easy to love. Frames will be available on Thursday, August 11, at

“Honest Liar” kicks things off, full of gentle, mid-tempo rocking and Sweezey’s clear, straightforward vocals. His songwriting is nuanced, mixing self-reflection with clever asides, and he’s well practiced at jamming a lot of melodic turns into his playing and singing. It’s obvious this is a musician who has played countless gigs by himself with just an acoustic guitar. Sweezey and Hawthorn fill out the record’s sound with careful precision, aided by some of Burlington’s best musicians, including Caleb Bronz (Barika) on drums and Shay Gestal (Tom Pearo) on the fiddle. Jay Barclay, the touring guitarist for San Diego rockers Augustana, recorded his parts at a Nashville, Tenn., studio. “You’ve got a face that’s in the crowd / and I’ve got a head that’s in the clouds,” Sweezey croons on “Only You.” The song ties into the record’s recurring motif of a man looking to find his home — and, of course, love. Sweezey is indeed out searching: for the love of his life,

for a home to grow old in, for peace of mind in a turbulent world. But rather than tear at his beard or wail about the unfairness of life, he makes sunny, poppy soft rock to soundtrack the transition from youth to middle age. One may feel inclined to stick Sweezey’s work in a folder full of Counting Crows and Dishwalla covers. And, sure, there are moments on Out Searching when Sweezey’s retro influences overtake his songs. “Kings of the Broken” legitimately gave me a flashback to my first year of college in the late ’90s, stumbling around campus and hearing bands I absolutely hated, such as Vertical Horizon and Sister Hazel. By and large, though, Sweezey creates his own sound, as on the excellent “Saying Something,” which showcases his evergrowing songwriting chops. Out Searching is Sweezey’s first album recorded in Vermont. To mark the occasion, he had fellow Vermont singer-songwriter Giovanina Bucci paint the cover. Check it out at ryansweezey., and catch Sweezey live on August 10 and 17 at the Tavern at the Essex Culinary Resort & Spa.





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8/9/22 3:28 PM

on screen Not Okay HHHH



fter its standard parental advisory, the Hulu original film Not Okay offers a further caution: “This film contains flashing lights, themes of trauma, and an unlikable female protagonist. Viewer discretion advised.” “Wait, what?” viewers may ask. Since when does the public need to be warned that a fictional character isn’t a role model? Are we going to start seeing similar solemn warnings on works featuring despicable male protagonists? The second warning turns out to be a meta-commentary from the movie’s writer-director, 27-year-old Quinn Shephard. In test screenings, she told Shondaland, many viewers of Not Okay were appalled by the film’s protagonist, asking, “Why would you make a movie with a woman like this at the center?” She added the warning for their sake, but also as a wry joke about the double standard. So what’s so upsetting about pretty, perky protagonist Danni Sanders (Zoey Deutch)?

Deutch plays the epitome of everyone you hate online in Shephard’s on-target but dispiriting satire.

The deal

Danni has one goal in life: to be seen. She pitches a first-person piece called “Why Am I So Sad?” to the hip media outlet where she works, offering to explore such sources of grief as having missed out on the trauma of 9/11 because she was on a cruise at the time. When her boss says the complaint might seem “tone deaf,” Danni earnestly suggests that tone deaf is her “brand.” Undeterred by her editor’s rejection, Danni sets out to capture the attention of a cooler-than-thou coworker (Dylan O’Brien) by using Photoshop to send herself on a fake trip to Paris. Moments after she posts a photo of herself supposedly at the Arc de Triomphe, a terrorist’s bomb explodes at the real landmark. Suddenly Danni is the most visible survivor of a public trauma — or so it seems. Piling deceit on deceit, she uses her newfound fame to forge a profitable friendship with Rowan (Mia Isaac), a high-profile teen activist and school shooting survivor. Soon Danni will attain the massive virality she’s always desired — and face the consequences of basing it all on a lie.

Will you like it?

As played by the charismatic Deutch, 68


Danni has a big smile and nervous, eagerto-please eyes. Beneath her meek façade, though, she’s basically every terrible person online — every runner of fraudulent GoFundMe campaigns, every cloying influencer, every aggressively performative poseur. Sure, our heroine has moments of humanity. She develops some semblance of a rapport with Rowan — who, as sensitively played by Isaac, has the shadings of a real person rather than a satirical caricature. When Danni attends a support group for trauma survivors and describes her world as gray, Deutch briefly makes us feel for her. No doubt about it, this woman has an inner void. But if anything can fill her emptiness better than likes and shares do, we don’t hear about it. Not Okay has the structure of a romcom: A madcap heroine weaves a web of lies that eventually puts all of her relationships in jeopardy. But, because Danni has so little substance, there’s nowhere for her to go beyond carefully staged contrition. Shephard told Shondaland that Danni’s character evolved from an exercise in which she did “therapy through writing,” asking herself, “What if I indulged the worst possible qualities in myself?” While

that’s a fruitful way to develop a character, it could explain why Danni irks viewers. The problem isn’t that she’s “unlikable” or unrelatable (she’s actually too relatable) but that there’s almost nothing to her beyond the generic vision of a “Zillennial” (as she puts it) upper-crust white woman. Never has someone so thoroughly embodied the slang term “basic bitch.” The filmmaker has an unfailing grasp of all the mendacious and pathetic things that people will do for online attention. But the movie falters when Shephard tries to take the next step and indict the whole society that builds up Danni, using her supposed trauma as currency, and then tears her down when her picture-perfect anguish turns out (surprise!) to be a con. In the attention economy, misery gets clicks and pain is an asset, as Rowan acknowledges to Danni. Not Okay is razorsharp when it delineates the absurdity of that transaction. But the movie is also frustrating because we want to see at least a hint that Danni can evolve or change. The most she offers are misty eyes that suggest she may finally have found something that makes her sad for real. M A R G O T HARRI S O N ma r go t@s e ve n day svt .c om


rentable): “Unlikable female protagonists” are nothing new in the tiny subgenre of social media satire. Not Okay has many elements in common with this dark comedy in which Aubrey Plaza plays a loner who stalks her favorite influencer. “BLACK MIRROR” EPISODE 3.1: “NOSEDIVE”

(2016; Netflix): Bryce Dallas Howard set the blueprint for all these characters — young, female, dangerously obsessed with looking good online — in this episode of the speculative anthology series about the dark side of the internet. “I MAY DESTROY YOU” (2020, one season;

HBO Max): Not Okay acknowledges the role of white privilege in Danni’s ascendance; Rowan, who is Black, rightly points out that someone like Danni is far more likely to “get a show on Netflix or Hulu” than someone like her. But there is a show that explores social media obsession from the perspective of a young Black woman, with mordant wit. Check out Michaela Coel’s brilliant series.

NEW IN THEATERS BODIES BODIES BODIES: A group of young friends’ hurricane party goes very wrong when they play the titular game in this horror-comedy from director Halina Reijn. With Amandla Stenberg and Maria Bakalova. (95 min, R. Savoy) FALL: Two young women set out to climb a 2,000foot radio tower in this vertigo-inducing thriller from director Scott Mann. Grace Caroline Currey and Virginia Gardner star. (107 min, PG-13. Essex, Star)

MRS. HARRIS GOES TO PARISHHH1/2 In this new film adaptation of the 1958 comic novel, Lesley Manville plays a widowed cleaning lady obsessed with getting herself a Dior gown. Jason Isaacs and Isabelle Huppert costar. (115 min, PG. Savoy) NOPEHHH1/2 Daniel Kaluuya and Keke Palmer play siblings dealing with otherworldly occurrences on their remote California ranch in the latest sci-fi/ horror film from writer-director Jordan Peele (Get Out). (135 min, R. Capitol, Majestic, Palace, Roxy, Sunset; reviewed 8/3)

MACK & RITA: After a wild bachelorette weekend, a young woman (Elizabeth Lail) wakes up transformed into the 70-year-old version of herself (Diane Keaton) in Katie Aselton’s comedy. (95 min, PG-13. Capitol, Palace)

THOR: LOVE AND THUNDERHHH Taika Waititi returns as director of this Marvel sequel in which Thor’s attempt at retirement is interrupted by a new threat. Chris Hemsworth, Christian Bale, Tessa Thompson and Natalie Portman star. (Bethel, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Roxy)


TOP GUN: MAVERICKHHHH Thirty-six years after the original action hit, Tom Cruise’s daredevil Navy pilot character is older but still flying test flights in this sequel directed by Joseph Kosinski (Oblivion). With Jennifer Connelly. (131 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Sunset, Welden)

BULLET TRAINHH1/2 In this action flick from David Leitch (Atomic Blonde), a bullet train leaves Tokyo carrying five assassins. With Brad Pitt, Joey King and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. (126 min, R. Big Picture, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Palace, Paramount, Playhouse, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Sunset, Welden) DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETSHHH Krypto the SuperDog assembles a band of crime-fighting critters to rescue Superman in this animated adventure. (106 min, PG. Big Picture, Bijou, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Sunset, Welden) EASTER SUNDAYHH A Filipino American family gathers for a weekly meal in a comedy inspired by the life of standup luminary Jo Koy, who stars with Lydia Gaston and Brandon Wardell. Jay Chandrasekhar directed. (96 min, PG-13. Essex, Majestic, Palace) ELVISHHH Austin Butler plays the rock icon and Tom Hanks plays Colonel Tom Parker in Baz Luhrmann’s biopic, also starring Olivia DeJonge. (159 min, PG-13. Majestic, Marquis, Paramount, Star, Sunset) FIRE OF LOVEHHHH Sara Dosa’s documentary explores the life of a scientist couple, Katia and Maurice Krafft, who died doing what they loved: investigating volcanos. Miranda July narrates. (98 min, PG. Savoy) JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINIONHH Dinosaurs compete with humans for space on Earth in the latest installment of the action franchise. (146 min, PG-13. Sunset) LAAL SINGH CHADDHA: Aamir Khan stars in an Indian reimagining of Forrest Gump. (159 min, PG-13. Majestic) MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ONHHHH1/2 A YouTube star comes to the big screen in this all-ages mockumentary about a filmmaker (director Dean Fleischer-Camp) who befriends tiny, non-human creatures living in an Airbnb. With the voices of Jenny Slate and Isabella Rossellini. (90 min, PG. Roxy, Savoy; reviewed 6/22) MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRUHHH Kyle Balda’s animated comedy charts how 12-year-old Gru (Steve Carell) aimed to become the world’s greatest supervillain. (87 min, PG. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Star, Sunset, Welden)

Pete Davidson in Bodies Bodies Bodies

VENGEANCEHHH1/2 B.J. Novak wrote, directed and starred in this drama about a big-city radio host trying to solve the murder of a rural girl he hooked up with. With Boyd Holbrook and Issa Rae. (107 min, R. Roxy) WHERE THE CRAWDADS SINGHH1/2 A wild child (Daisy Edgar-Jones) raised in the marshes of North Carolina becomes a murder suspect in this adaptation of the best-selling novel. Olivia Newman directed. (125 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Roxy, Stowe, Sunset, Welden; reviewed 7/20)

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8/3/22 3:43 PM



OPEN THEATERS (* = upcoming schedule for theater was not available at press time)

Find, fix and feather with Nest Notes — an e-newsletter filled with home design, Vermont real estate tips and DIY decorating inspirations.

BETHEL DRIVE-IN: 36 Bethel Dr., Bethel, 728-3740, BIG PICTURE THEATER: 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994, BIJOU CINEPLEX 4: 107 Portland St., Morrisville, 888-3293, CAPITOL SHOWPLACE: 93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343,

Sign up today at

ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543, *MAJESTIC 10: 190 Boxwood St., Williston, 878-2010, MARQUIS THEATER: 65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841, *MERRILL’S ROXY CINEMAS: 222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456, PALACE 9 CINEMAS: 10 Fayette Dr., South Burlington, 864-5610, PARAMOUNT TWIN CINEMA: 241 N. Main St., Barre, 479-9621, PLAYHOUSE MOVIE THEATRE: 11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012, SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598,


STAR THEATRE: 17 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-9511,

sponsored by

*STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678, *SUNSET DRIVE-IN: 155 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 862-1800, WELDEN THEATRE: 104 N. Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888, 4T-NestNotes-filler-21.indd 1



4/6/21 11:55 AM


calendar A U G U S T



BACKYARD COMPOSTING WORKSHOP: An expert teaches home gardeners how to turn their food scraps into fertilizer. Green Mountain Compost, Williston, 5:30-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,

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FLOATING SOUND BATH: Singing bowl and gong player Stephen Scuderi delivers a unique massage and sensory experience. Railyard Apothecary, Burlington, 6 p.m. $20-40; preregister. Info, 777-0626.

fairs & festivals

VERMONT OPEN FARM WEEK: A week-long celebration of local food origins offers various venues for hands-on farm activities, with music and tasty treats. See for full schedule. Various locations statewide. Free; fee for some activities. Info, diginvt@

ADDISON COUNTY FAIR & FIELD DAYS: Vermont’s largest agricultural fair hosts horse shows, tractor pulls, kiddie rides and live entertainment. Addison County Fairgrounds, New Haven, 8:30 a.m.-11 p.m. $5-13; $15-45 for season pass; free for kids 5 and under. Info, 545-2557.



MRF TOUR: COME SEE WHERE YOUR RECYCLING GOES!: Eco-minded neighbors meet the people and witness the equipment that sort and process the contents of their blue bins. Ages 10 and up. Materials Recovery Facility, Williston, 12:30-2 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 872-8111.

‘AMAZON ADVENTURE 3D’: Viewers experience 19thcentury explorer Henry Bates’ journey through the Amazon rainforest. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.

CURRENT EVENTS: Neighbors have an informal discussion about what’s in the news. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m.noon. Free. Info, 878-4918.


VERMONT COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP SUMMIT: Workshops, group dialogues and a leadership fair promote local engagement in community improvement. See vtrural. org for full schedule. Vermont Technical College, Randolph, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. $50; preregister. Info, 223-6091.

See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

‘BACKYARD WILDERNESS 3D’: Cameras positioned in nests, underwater and along the forest floor capture a year’s worth of critters coming and going. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free

LIST YOUR UPCOMING EVENT HERE FOR FREE! All submissions must be received by Thursday at noon for consideration in the following Wednesday’s newspaper. Find our convenient form and guidelines at Listings and spotlights are written by Emily Hamilton. Seven Days edits for space and style. Depending on cost and other factors, classes and workshops may be listed in either the calendar or the classes section. Class organizers may be asked to purchase a class listing. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.

2 0 2 2

for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. RICK WINSTON: A film scholar presents an illustrated talk on the history of adapting plays from stage to screen, featuring clips from such films as Fences and Amadeus. Unadilla Theatre, Marshfield, 7:30-9 p.m. $10 suggested donation. Info, 454-7103. ‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: An adventurous dolichorhynchops travels through the most dangerous oceans in history, encountering plesiosaurs, giant turtles and the deadly mosasaur along the way. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: Sparkling graphics take viewers on a mind-bending journey from the beginning of time through the mysteries of the universe. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, noon, 2 & 4 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘THE UMBRELLAS OF CHERBOURG’: A French umbrella seller has a star-crossed romance with a dashing mechanic in this 1964 musical. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.

FIND MORE LOCAL EVENTS IN THIS ISSUE AND ONLINE: art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at


food & drink

DANVILLE FARMERS MARKET: Villagers shop local from various vendors handing out fruits, veggies, prepared foods and more. Danville Village Green, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, cfmamanager@ DEDALUS FREE WEEKLY WINE TASTINGS: Themed in-store tastings take oenophiles on an adventure through a wine region, grape variety, style of wine or producer’s offerings. Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Burlington, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 865-2368. FEAST FARM STAND: Farm-fresh veggies and other delights go on sale at this market featuring weekly activities such as yoga and cooking demonstrations. Montpelier Senior Activity Center, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 223-2518. MEET THE MAKERS: A BOOZY POP-UP SERIES: Guests delight their palates with exclusive cocktails and rub elbows with some of Vermont’s leading distillers. Ticket includes two drinks and an appetizer. Pauline’s Café, South Burlington, 5-7 p.m. $30; preregister. Info, 862-1081. TRUCKS, TAPS & TUNES: Food trucks, craft brews and live music by local acts make for an evening of family-friendly fun. Essex Experience, Essex Junction, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4200.


BINGO AT THE EAST VALLEY COMMUNITY HALL: Weekly games raise funds for the meeting hall renovation. East Valley Community Hall, East Randolph, 6-8 p.m. Cost of cards. Info, eastvalleycg@gmail. com. MAH-JONGG CLUB: Tile traders of all experience levels gather for a game. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 888-3853.

health & fitness

ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PROGRAM: Those in need of an easy-on-the-joints workout experience an hour of calming, low-impact movement. United Community Church, St. Johnsbury, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 751-0431. BONE BUILDERS/ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PROGRAM: Folks of all ages ward off osteoporosis in an exercise and prevention class. Online, 7:30 a.m.; Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 9 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3322. CHAIR YOGA: Waterbury Public Library instructor Diana Whitney leads at-home participants in gentle stretches supported by seats. 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.


QUEER BAR TAKEOVER: Locals forget that Vermont doesn’t have any gay bars thanks to this joyful bash featuring Rainbow Jam. Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 7-11:30 p.m. Free; cash bar. Info, 223-6820.


CRAFTSBURY CHAMBER PLAYERS: The quintet performs a litany of significant works, including pieces by Brahms, Haydn and Schubert, from the classical period. First Baptist Church, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $10-25; free for kids under 12. Info, 800-639-3443. SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: TRIFOLIUM: Three local musicians show off their chops on guitar, fiddle, mandolin and other string instruments. Martha Pellerin & Andy Shapiro Memorial Bandstand, Middlesex, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 272-4920. SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: STEVE HARTMANN: The vocalist lays down masterful melodies using his loop pedal. Burlington City Hall Park, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. WINOOSKI WEDNESDAYS: TROY MILLETTE & THE FIRE BELOW: Heartfelt original country-rock songs carry through the air, courtesy of the Fairfax musician. Rotary Park, Winooski, 5 p.m. Free. Info, info@downtownwinooski. org.


OWL PROWL & NIGHT GHOST HIKE: Flashlight holders spy denizens of dusk on a journey to 19thcentury settlement ruins, where spooky Vermont tales await. Call to confirm. History Hike lot, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 7 p.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under. Info, 244-7103. PLANTS THAT HARM & PLANTS THAT HELP: On a botany walk, outdoors lovers get to know medicinal, poisonous and edible species growing in Vermont state parks. Call to confirm. Nature Center, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 10 a.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under. Info, 244-7103. ROCKIN’ THE GREEN MOUNTAINS GEOLOGY TOUR: Locals learn about the ancient past at the foot of some of Earth’s oldest mountains. Call to confirm. Waterbury Dam Crest, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 11 a.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under. Info, 244-7103. STREAM SAFARI: Attendees grab a net and sift through the secret life in a shady creek. Call to confirm. Nature Trail, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 2 p.m. $24; free for kids 3 and under. Info, 244-7103.


CHAKRAS MINI SERIES ONLINE: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library teaches attendees how to balance their energy in this four-week class. 2-5 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918. KINDLING CONNECTIONS: Students of this personal growth class learn how to build community and reconnect with core values. Mercy Connections, Burlington, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 846-7063.


‘HAIR’: Weston Theater lets the sunshine in and welcomes the age of Aquarius in this beloved musical about the Summer of Love. Weston Playhouse Main Stage, 2 & 7 p.m. $25-70. Info, 824-5288. ‘WOMEN IN JEOPARDY’: Trading their wine glasses for spy glasses, two women try to prove that their friend’s new boyfriend is a serial killer in this satirical adventure from Vermont Stage. Isham Family Farm, Williston, 6:30 p.m. $31.05-38.50. Info, 862-1497.


AFTER HOURS BOOK CLUB: Patrons discuss The Curious Incident of the Dog in the NightTime by Mark Haddon, a mystery starring an autistic teenager. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. FFL BOOK CLUB: ‘THE PARIS LIBRARY’: Fletcher Free Library patrons break down Janet S. Charles’ century-spanning drama about the power of words in the face of oppression. Preregister for location. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, bshatara@



FARM TOUR AND GELATO TASTING: Sweet-toothed locals meet the cows that help make their favorite creamy treats. Paul-Lin Dairy, East Fairfield, 11 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, ON-FARM PIZZA SOCIAL: WILSON FARM: An herb farm and apothecary plays host at a NOFA-VT wood-fired pizza party, followed by a tour of the grounds. Wilson Farm, Greensboro, 5:30-7:30 p.m. $10-20 suggested donation. Info, VERMONT OPEN FARM WEEK: See WED.10.


HIRING2DAYVT VIRTUAL JOB FAIR: The Vermont Department of Labor gives job seekers a chance to meet with employers from around the state. 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 828-4000. SMARTS & CENTS: CHAMBER BENEFITS: Business owners and professionals learn how becoming a Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce member could benefit them. 1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 229-5711.


FREE STORE: Neighbors swap books, kitchenware, shoes, clothing and small items of all kinds. BALE Community Space, South Royalton, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 498-8438.




» P.72


FAMILY FUN Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages. • Plan ahead at • Post your event at


ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: Mothers-to-be build strength, stamina and a stronger connection to their baby. 5:45-6:45 p.m. $5-15. Info, 899-0339.

chittenden county

LEGO BUILDERS: Elementary-age imagineers explore, create and participate in challenges. Ages 8 and up, or ages 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. SUMMER MEAL PROGRAM: Kids ages 18 and under pick up free meals all summer long. Trinity Educational Center, South Burlington, 7:30-9, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. & 4-6 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 777-8080.


TOTALLY TIE DYE!: Flower children bring their own T-shirts or bandanas and get groovy. Ages 6 and up. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.


WEDNESDAY CRAFTERNOON: A new project is on the docket each week, from puppets to knitting to decoupage. Ages 7 and up. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, youthservices@centennial

mad river valley/ waterbury

JUNIOR RANGER ROUNDUP, WILDLIFE PUPPETRY & OPEN NATURE CENTER: Kids of all ages and interests enjoy art, crafts and forest maintenance. Call to confirm. Nature Center, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 5-6:15 p.m. $2-4; free for children ages 3 and under. Info, 244-7103. MAKING TRACKS, SEEING SKINS & SKULLS: Families make plaster of paris mammal track casts to paint and use in a puppet show. Call to confirm. Nature Center, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 9:30 a.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under. Info, 244-7103.

champlain islands/ northwest

KIDS’ DAY AT THE CHAMPLAIN ISLANDS FARMERS MARKET: Games, scavenger hunts, coloring and kid-friendly recipes encourage enthusiasm about local food. St. Rose of Lima Church, South Hero, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, champlainislandsfarmersmkt@

AUG. 14 | FAMILY FUN Dad Moon Rising It is a truth universally acknowledged that a dad in possession of a new kid must be in want of some dad friends. There are all kinds of support groups and meetups for new moms, but fresh-faced fathers may have more trouble finding community. Dad Guild aims to remedy this, offering papas in the Burlington area friendship, fun, and the freedom to talk about the delights and difficulties of fatherhood. The group’s monthly gathering at Fletcher Free Library welcomes “dads” of all genders — that includes non-birthing moms and nonbinary parents — with kids 5 and under.

DAD GUILD Sunday, August 14, 3:30-5 p.m., at Fletcher Free Library in Burlington. Free. Info, 863-3403,

upper valley

OLD TIME CRANKIE PICTURE SHOW WITH MEREDITH HOLCH: The Vermont videographer tells tall tales using only a hand-cranked animation machine. George Peabody Library, Post Mills, 6:307:30 p.m. Free. Info, 333-9724. STORY TIME!: Songs and stories are shared in the garden, or in the community room in inclement weather. Norwich Public Library, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 649-1184.


ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.10, 12:30-1:30 p.m.

chittenden county

LEGO CLUB: Children of all ages get crafty with Legos. Adult supervision is required for kids under 10. Winooski Memorial Library, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 655-6424. LEGO FUN: Wee builders of all ages construct creations to be displayed in the library. Children under 8 must bring

a caregiver. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. LEGO TIME: Builders in kindergarten through fourth grade enjoy an afternoon of imagination and play. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. PRESCHOOL MUSIC WITH LINDA BASSICK: The singer and storyteller extraordinaire leads little ones in indoor music and movement. Birth through age 5. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918. SUMMER MEAL PROGRAM: See WED.10.


BABY & TODDLER MEETUP: Tiny tots and their caregivers come together for playtime, puzzles and picture books. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.

mad river valley/ waterbury

JUNIOR RANGER ROUNDUP, WILDLIFE PUPPETRY & OPEN NATURE CENTER: See WED.10. PRESCHOOL PLAY & READ: Outdoor activities, stories and songs complement the summer reading theme, “Oceans of Possibilities.” Waterbury Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.


‘LUCA’: Two friends on the Italian Riviera try to have the best summer ever — while hiding the fact that they’re sea monsters — in this sweet Pixar flick. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 775-0903.

upper valley

TODDLER STORY TIME: Toddling tykes 20 months through 3.5 years hear a few stories related to the theme of the week. Norman Williams Public Library, Woodstock, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 457-2295.


ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.10, 12:30-1:15 p.m.


SPLASH DANCE: Kids soak up some summer fun in the fountain while DJs spin family-friendly tracks. Burlington City Hall Park, 4-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.

chittenden county

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: Players of all experience levels take a family vacation to the fantasy world of Faerûn. Grades 5 and up; character sheets can be provided. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. END OF SUMMER READING OUTDOOR PARTY: There are “Oceans of Possibilities” at this revel for readers: a water fight, outdoor games and more. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 4-6 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. FRIDAY MOVIES: Little film buffs congregate in the library’s Katie O’Brien Activity Room for a screening of a FRI.12 SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022

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KNITTING GROUP: Knitters of all experience levels get together to spin yarns. Latham Library, Thetford, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 785-4361. THURSDAY ZOOM KNITTERS: The Norman Williams Public Library fiber arts club meets virtually for conversation and crafting. 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@


MUSIC ON THE FARM: ZILI MISIK: Farm-fresh foods and soulful stylings are on the menu at a pastoral party. Fable Farm Fermentory, Barnard, 5:30-9 p.m. $5-20; preregister; limited space. Info, 234-1645.

fairs & festivals

ADDISON COUNTY FAIR & FIELD DAYS: See WED.10, 8 a.m.-11 p.m. SUMMERVALE 2022: Locavores fête farms and farmers at a weekly festival centered on food, music, community and conservation. Intervale Center, Burlington, 5:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 660-0440.


calendar takes to get humans and robots into space. Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium, St. Johnsbury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2372.

Please Don’t Stop the Music

LISTEN UP: JENA NECRASON: The cofounder of Vermont Shakespeare Festival takes the stage in the TED Talk-reminiscent speaker series hosted by Gina Stevensen and Quinn Rol. Burlington City Hall Park, 12:301:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.

Last year, the inaugural Nexus Music and Arts Festival put an end to Lebanon Opera House’s pandemic hiatus with an unstoppable weekend of free outdoor entertainment. This year, it’s back to continue its mission to make the arts accessible to everybody. Visitors to Colburn Park, the rail trail tunnel and other nearby locales enjoy music, dance and more from local and touring artists. Audiences rock and roll to the soulful stylings of Bette Smith, get honkytonky with the Western Terrestrials, learn the art of Pascua Yaqui movement from Sewam American Indian Dance, and jam the night away at the silent disco after-party.


‘THE ADDAMS FAMILY: A NEW MUSICAL’: Everyone’s favorite blood-curdling brood faces the ultimate fright: Wednesday’s nice, normal boyfriend and his parents. Depot Theatre, Westport, N.Y., 5 p.m. $25-40. Info, 518-962-4449. ‘BEYOND BAKER STREET: THE SEARCH FOR SHERLOCK’: While Holmes and Watson are away, the criminals will play — and it’s up to the Baker Street Irregulars to stop them in this new sequel to the 1965 musical Baker Street. QuarryWorks Theater, Adamant, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 229-6978.

NEXUS MUSIC AND ARTS FESTIVAL Friday, August 12, 4-10:30 p.m.; Saturday, August 13, 2-10 p.m.; and Sunday, August 14, 4-10 p.m., in downtown Lebanon, N.H. Free. Info, 603-448-0400,

‘HAIR’: See WED.10, 7 p.m. ‘WOMEN IN JEOPARDY’: See WED.10.



See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AMAZON ADVENTURE 3D’: See WED.10.

AUG. 12-14 | FAIRS & FESTIVALS Bette Smith

‘BACKYARD WILDERNESS 3D’: See WED.10. ‘CYRANO DE BERGERAC’: James McAvoy of X-Men fame stars in an inventive West End staging of the classic play, filmed for worldwide viewing. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $6-15. Info, 748-2600. FLICKS IN THE PARK: ‘OWNED: A TALE OF TWO AMERICAS’: A 2018 documentary takes a topical look at the ways in which U.S. housing policy has exacerbated inequality since World War II. Burlington City Hall Park, 8-9:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. ‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: See WED.10. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: See WED.10.

food & drink

ABENAKI CUISINE DEMONSTRATION: Chef Jessee Lawyer of Sweetwaters demonstrates how to cook a meal with wild game and other indigenous ingredients. Presented by Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 257-0124. ADVENTURE DINNER: COMMUNITY MIXER: Locals seeking friends or dates mingle over cocktails, gourmet hot dogs and lawn games. ArtsRiot Truck Stop, Burlington, 5:30-7:30 p.m. $20. Info, 248-224-7539. FARM NIGHT AT EARTHKEEP FARMCOMMON: A regenerative farming collective hosts a market featuring fresh produce, food trucks and unbeatable views of the mountains. Earthkeep Farmcommon,


Charlotte, 4:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info,

10:15-11:15 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.

ROYALTON FARMERS MARKET: Local farmers sell their produce, bread and eggs to villagers. South Royalton Town Green, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 763-8302.


TASTE OF SPAIN: A magically Mediterranean wine sampling session benefits Middlebury’s Town Hall Theater. Swift House Inn, Middlebury, 5:30 p.m. $50; limited space. Info, 382-9222. VERGENNES FARMERS MARKET: Local foods and crafts, live music, and hot eats spice up Thursday afternoons. Vergennes City Park, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 233-9180.


BRIDGE CLUB: A lively group plays a classic, tricky game in pairs. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, morrisvillebridge@ WHIST CARD GAME CLUB: Players of all experience levels congregate for some friendly competition. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 12:30-3 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.

health & fitness

CHAIR YOGA WITH LINDA: Every week is a new adventure in movement and mindfulness at this Morristown Centennial Library virtual class.


CENTRAL VERMONT CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL: OPEN REHEARSAL: Festival virtuosos open the doors of their practices to listeners. Chandler Center for the Arts, Randolph, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 728-9878. CRAFTSBURY CHAMBER PLAYERS: See WED.10. Hardwick Town House, 7:30 p.m. KAT WRIGHT: The Queen City songbird turns heads with soulful vocal stylings. Lake Morey Resort, Fairlee, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 333-4311. THE LATE-NIGHT CABARET: Weston Theater performers warble and high-kick their way through an unforgettable hour of tastefully irreverent music and mayhem. Walker Farm, Weston, 10-11 p.m. $15-60. Info, 824-5288. PARKAPALOOZA: RED HOT JUBA: The Burlington blues purveyors stop by this family-friendly outdoor concert series, also featuring a 100-foot Slip ’N Slide. Hubbard Park, Montpelier, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 225-8699. SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: JEREMIAH MCCLANE: The virtuosic accordionist closes out this Jaquith Public Library series. Old Schoolhouse Common, Marshfield, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.

THURSDAYS BY THE LAKE: GUA GUA: The Burlington-based band serves up its original style of psychotropical jazz. Union Station, Burlington, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 540-3018.


BIRDS ON THE MOVE: Avian enthusiasts learn about the migration habits of Vermont’s winged species. Call to confirm. Nature Center, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 10 a.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under. Info, 244-7103. BUTTERFLY BONANZA: If you plant it, they will come! Participants peep the winged insects that visit the park’s perennial and wildflower gardens. Call to confirm. Nature Center, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 2 p.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under. Info, 244-7103. GUIDED TOUR OF LITTLE RIVER HISTORY HIKE: Hikers explore the trails on a route they plan with a park interpreter. Bring sturdy shoes, water and snacks. Park Office, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 11 a.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; preregister. Info, 244-7103. MERCY ON THE MOVE: Mercy Connections leads a weekly, relaxed walk along the waterfront, perfect for making friends and finding a supportive community. Mercy Connections, Burlington, 9-10 a.m. Free. Info, 846-7063.

MUSHROOMS DEMYSTIFIED: Fungi fanatics learn about different varieties — fabulous and fearsome alike — found throughout the park. Call to confirm. Little River State Park, Waterbury, 2 p.m. $2-4; free for kids ages 3 and under. Info, 244-7103.


ABOLISH SLAVERY VERMONT LAUNCH 2.0: Vermont Interfaith Action and Vermont Racial Justice Alliance update voters on the fight to pass Proposition 2. 6-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 651-8889. THOUGHT CLUB: Artists and activists convene to engage with Burlington‘s rich tradition of radical thought and envision its future. Democracy Creative, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info,


AUTHOR & ARTIST SERIES: GREG GUMA: The Peace & Justice Center hosts a reading with the author of Restless Spirits and Popular Movements: A Vermont History. Waterfront Park, Burlington, 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2345. PENS & PAGES: Call Us What We Carry by Amanda Gorman serves as inspiration for discussion and writing exercises in this Mercy Connections reading group focused on Black people’s experiences. Mercy Connections, Burlington, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-7063.



COMMUNITY FARM & FOOD CELEBRATION WITH THE CENTER FOR AN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY: A host of farm-fresh, family-friendly activities celebrate the Northeast Kingdom’s vibrant agricultural community. Atkins Field, Hardwick, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, VERMONT OPEN FARM WEEK: See WED.10.


NOLATO GW NIGHT – FOURTH ANNUAL ROAD WARRIOR CHALLENGE: The racetrack’s 2022 season continues with another nail-biting competition. Thunder Road Speed Bowl, Barre, 7-10 p.m. $5-30; free for kids under 6. Info,

ANTARCTICAN SOCIETY GATHERING: Fans of Earth’s iciest continent convene for a weekend of talks, outdoor fun and catching up with old friends. See for full schedule. Various Burlington locations. $90-225. Info,



KEN KREMER & JEAN WRIGHT: Two science writers bring their first-hand NASA experience to a stellar discussion about what it

JOB FAIR: The Colchester School District invites prospective employees to interview for open positions. Colchester High


School, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 264-5992.

preregister. Info, programs@

SUMMER OPEN HOUSES: High school students and their families learn about the Queen City’s career-focused college. Champlain College, Burlington, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 860-2700.

QIGONG WITH GERRY SANDWEISS: Beginners learn this ancient Chinese practice of meditative movement. Presented by Norman Williams Public Library. 8:30-9:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@normanwilliams. org.

fairs & festivals

ADDISON COUNTY FAIR & FIELD DAYS: See WED.10. NEXUS MUSIC AND ARTS FESTIVAL: Performers including Bette Smith, Sewam American Indian Dance, and Jocelyn & Chris fill up the weekend with music and magic. See for full schedule. See calendar spotlight. Downtown Lebanon, N.H., 4-10:30 p.m. Free. Info, 603-448-0400. PEACHAM ACOUSTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL: Tibetan tunes, contra dancing, blues and bluegrass intertwine at this bucolic bash. See for full schedule. Various Peacham locations, 2-10 p.m. $18-90. Info, 748-2600.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AMAZON ADVENTURE 3D’: See WED.10. ‘BACKYARD WILDERNESS 3D’: See WED.10. ‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: See WED.10. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: See WED.10.

food & drink

ARTSRIOT TRUCK STOP: Mobile kitchens dish out mouthwatering meals and libations. Live DJs and outdoor entertainment add to the fun. ArtsRiot, Burlington, 4:30-9 p.m. Cost of food and drink. Info, 540-0406. FRIDAY NIGHTS @ THE FARM: TGIF just got even better, thanks to this weekly gathering of friends, food trucks and ice cream at Fisher Brothers Farm. Sisters of Anarchy Ice Cream, Shelburne, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 495-5165. MOOS & BREWS & COCKTAILS TOO!: Beer, beverages and baby cows make for a blissful summer evening. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 5-7:30 p.m. $20-25. Info, 457-2355. THE PEOPLE’S FARMSTAND: Volunteers hand out fresh, local produce for free every Friday. Pomeroy Park, Burlington, 5-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2345.


BONE BUILDERS/ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PROGRAM: See WED.10. ONLINE GUIDED MEDITATION: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library invites attendees to relax on their lunch breaks and reconnect with their bodies. Noon-12:30 p.m. Free;

SUN-STYLE TAI CHI: A sequence of slow, controlled motions aids in strength and balance. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 229-1549.


CARILLON SERIES: GEORGE MATTHEW JR.: Middlebury’s college carillonneur plays a heavenly program on the historic bell organ. Mead Memorial Chapel, Middlebury College, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 443-3168. FREVO: Vermont’s eclectic classical crossover quartet presents a set list of chamber, jazz, Latin and contemporary music. Grace Episcopal Church, Sheldon, 7:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 326-4603. JORGE GARCIA HERRANZ: The accomplished pianist plays Schubert and Chopin selections with his trademark verve. Island Arts, North Hero, 7-8:15 p.m. Free. Info, 233-1725.

Schumann’s Piano Quartet in E-flat Major and the U.S. premiere of Leo Blanco’s “El Negro y el Blanco.” Salisbury Congregational Church, 7:30-9 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, 352-6671. SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: DANA & SUSAN ROBINSON: Cabot’s own roots duo plays songs old and new with driving guitar lines, banjo beats and pitch-perfect harmonies. Burlington City Hall Park, 12:301:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.


SUMMER MIGRATION BIRD MONITORING: Community scientists watch for warblers, spy sparrows and hear hawks to contribute to Audubon’s database. Green Mountain Audubon Center, Huntington, 7-9 a.m. Free. Info, 434-3068.

MUSIC JAM: Local instrumentalists of all ability levels gather to make sweet music. BALE Community Space, South Royalton, 7-10 p.m. Free. Info, 498-8438.


POINT COUNTERPOINT CHAMBER PLAYERS: A faculty ensemble from the music camp delivers a program featuring

FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:

art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.



‘HAIR’: See WED.10, 7 p.m. ‘UNIVERSITY OF MAJD’: Puppeteers tell the true story of Majd Ziadeh, a Palestinian man who was unjustly imprisoned by the Israeli military for 20 years. Paper-Mâché Cathedral, Bread and Puppet Theater, Glover, 6:30 p.m. $10-25 suggested donation. Info, 525-3031. ‘WELCOME TO PARADISE’: Decades in the making, Town Hall Theater founder Douglas Anderson’s new, original musical follows six women as they face down crises with humor and resilience. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 7:30 p.m. $20. Info, 382-9222.

Saturday, Aug. 27 at 7:30 pm Beyond Baker Street: The Search for Sherlock

Snack on the BITE-CLUB NEWSLETTER for a taste of this week’s flavorful food coverage. It’ll hold you over until Wednesday. SUBSCRIBE AT

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Theater reservations: 802-229-6978 from the HCA Café. More Info:


Session Americana

12V-BitClubFiller.indd 1 JANE AUSTEN WEEKEND: MAKING SENSE OF REGENCY ENGLAND: Austenites kick off the Sense and Sensibilitythemed festivities by learning about the money, postal system and modes of travel at the time. Ticket includes dessert and drink. Governor’s House in Hyde Park, 8-10:15 p.m. $15; preregister. Info, 888-6888.


PICNIC CONCERT SERIES: MARC AND BILLY: A newfangled oldtime duo keeps this outdoor music series going. Picnic dinners available for preorder. Knoll Farm, Fayston, 7-9:30 p.m. $20. Info, 496-5685.




Pianist Mary Jane Austin in Concert

12/21/2012V-AdamantCultural081022.indd 6:13 PM 1

8/8/22 5:53 PM

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BACKYARD COMPOSTING WORKSHOP: See WED.10, 10:30 a.m.-noon. GARDEN DAY: An idyllic day outdoors features a tour of the historic Billings Estate gardens, bouquet making, crafts, games and live music from the Vermont Fiddle Orchestra. Marsh-BillingsRockefeller National Historical Park, Woodstock, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 457-3368.


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MISSION BAZAAR OUTDOOR MARKET: Local vendors sell clothes, furniture, jewelry, accessories, iced tea, vintage and handmade items, doughnuts, bicycles, home decor, and so much more. Mission Bazaar VT, Burlington, noon-5 p.m. Free. Info,




FIBER MARKETPLACE: Local yarn purveyors provide all the skeins a knitter could wish for at an outdoor bazaar. Must Love Yarn, Shelburne, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 448-3780.




AMY HELM & KAT WRIGHT: Two folksy singers showcase their powerful voices and honest lyrics. Essex Experience, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. $40. Info, info@doublee

OPENS AUG.16 | FAIRS & FESTIVALS Ticket to Ride One of the nation’s oldest state fairs returns this week for five days of funnel cake, Ferris wheels and all the fun you never even knew you wanted. There’s no shortage of sights to see as Vermont State Fair attendees scarf down caramel apples, scream with glee on the Tilt-A-Whirl and try to win that giant teddy bear. This place has everything: rodeos, a demolition derby, Rosaire’s Royal Racing Pigs, square dancing, chain saw art, live music, a butterfly enclosure, blacksmith demonstrations and the finest show cows this side of Route 4.

VERMONT STATE FAIR Tuesday, August 16, 5-9:30 p.m.; and Wednesday, August 17, 8 a.m.-9:30 p.m., at Vermont State Fairgrounds in Rutland. See website for additional dates. $3-12. Info, 775-5200,


POLLINATOR SEARCH AT DEAD CREEK: Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department zoologist Mark Ferguson leads a hunt through the brush to find and learn about bees, butterflies and beyond. Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area, Vergennes, 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, rose.watts@vermont. gov.

MIDDLEBURY JAZZ COLLECTIVE PRESENTS THE MILES DONAHUE QUARTET: The sax-led ensemble swings the summer night away. Swift House Inn, Middlebury, 7:30 & 8:45 p.m. $15. Info, 382-9222.


fairs & festivals


Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:

art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.


DABY TOURÉ: The Mauritanian vocalist and guitar player strums and hums for a wine-sipping audience. Shelburne Vineyard, 6-9 p.m. $10-12. Info, 985-8222.

MICHAEL ARNOWITT JAZZ TRIO: Locals catch a set of classic acoustic jazz while filling up on treats from the café. The North Branch Café, Montpelier, 7-9:30 p.m. Free. Info, 229-0984.



CENTRAL VERMONT CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL: STRING QUARTET, DUO AND QUINTET: Celebrated string players perform selections by Fanny Mendelssohn, Jean Sibelius and Ludwig van Beethoven. Chandler Center for the Arts, Randolph, 7:30 p.m. $25; free for students. Info, 728-9878.

LAKOU MIZIK: The Haitian roots collective brings soulful energy and good vibes to the stage. Picnic dinners available for purchase. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 6:30-8:30 p.m. $10-22. Info, 533-2000.

SWING DANCE TO DJ MUSIC: Vermont Swing’s DJs keep everyone moving with jazz, big band and contemporary tunes. BYO soft-soled shoes. Beginner lesson, 7:30 p.m. Champlain Club, Burlington, 8-10:30 p.m. $5. Info, 864-8382.


BELLA VOCA BAND & DANCE PARTY: Covers from the likes of Fleetwood Mac, Elton John and Dua Lipa get feet moving. BYOB. Island Arts, North Hero, 6:30-9 p.m. Free. Info, 372-8889.



See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AMAZON ADVENTURE 3D’: See WED.10. ‘BACKYARD WILDERNESS 3D’: See WED.10. BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL FILM SERIES: ‘HOW TO EAT YOUR WATERMELON IN WHITE COMPANY (AND ENJOY IT)’: Rajnii Eddins hosts a screening of this 2005 documentary about the career of legendary Black filmmaker Melvin Van Peebles. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403. ‘LA FILLE DU RÉGIMENT’: Madcap physical comedy and impeccable coloratura come together in this 2008 Metropolitan Opera performance. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 1 p.m. $6-15. Info, 748-2600. ‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: See WED.10.



food & drink

BURLINGTON FARMERS MARKET: Dozens of stands overflow with seasonal produce, flowers, artisanal wares and prepared foods. Burlington Farmers Market, 345 Pine St., 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 560-5904. CAPITAL CITY FARMERS MARKET: Meats and cheeses join farm-fresh produce, baked goods, locally made arts and crafts, and live music. 133 State St., Montpelier, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, montpelierfarmersmarket@ JANE AUSTEN TEA: Regency revelers jam out at a Victorian-style tea party complete with scones, clotted cream, finger sandwiches and tea cakes. Governor’s House in Hyde Park, 2 p.m. $30; preregister. Info, 888-6888. MAC-N-CHEESE FESTIVAL AT THE LAVENDER FARM: Attendees at this first annual pasta party sample cheesy dishes from some of the area’s best vendors and restaurants, then vote to crown

the winner. Lavender Essentials of Vermont, Derby, noon-2 p.m. $7-15. Info, 323-3590. MORRISVILLE FARMERS MARKET: Lamoille County food producers offer up meats, fish, cheeses, produce and prepared foods. Hannaford Supermarket & Pharmacy, Morrisville, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, movillefarmersmarket@ ST. JOHNSBURY FARMERS MARKET: Growers and crafters gather weekly at booths centered on local eats. Pearl St. & Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, cfmamanager@gmail. com. SUMMER SAMPLING SERIES: Local makers and growers serve up bites for tasting. Mad River Taste Place, Waitsfield, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 496-3165.


THE CONVERGENCE: For the labyrinth’s second annual live-action role-playing day, fearless adventurers suit up to seek magical stones while avoiding soul-sucking reapers. Great Vermont Corn

Maze, Danville, 2 p.m. $20-30. Info, 748-1399.

health & fitness

SUN-STYLE TAI CHI FOR FALL PREVENTION: Seniors boost their strength and balance through gentle, flowing movements. Father Lively Center, St. Johnsbury, 10-11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 751-0431.


FRENCH CONVERSATION FOR ALL: Native French speaker Romain Feuillette leads an informal discussion group. All ages and abilities welcome. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918.


PRIDE EATS & PRIDE RIDES: Bike rentals are free and 10 percent of food and drink sales benefit Pride Center of Vermont at this daylong outdoor extravaganza. Ranch Camp, Stowe, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Price of food and drink. Info, 860-7812.

AUDUBON WEST RUTLAND MARSH BIRD WALK: Enthusiastic ornithologists go on a gentle hike and help out with the monthly marsh monitoring. Meet at the boardwalk on Marble Street. West Rutland Marsh, 7-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, birding@ BUTTERFLY BONANZA: See THU.11. HERE BE DRAGONFLIES: Entomology enthusiasts capture and identify species during this basic introduction to the winged insects. Call to confirm. Little River State Park, Waterbury, 4 p.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under. Info, 244-7103. MUSHROOMS DEMYSTIFIED: See THU.11. SUNSET AQUADVENTURE PADDLE TOUR: Stunning scenery welcomes boaters, who explore the Waterbury Reservoir in search of crepuscular wildlife. Contact Station, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 6:30 p.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; preregister; limited space. Info, 244-7103.


LAVENDER 5K: Folks run or walk along the Canadian border, spurred on by floral scents and the promise of cider after the race. Lavender Essentials SAT.13

» P.76

Help Your Kids Win a Trip to D.C.! 2022 SCORECARD Connect to History

Write a Letter

Future History

Pitch In

Visit the Capitol

Listen Local

Deed Search

Library Loan

See the Spot


Remember This

Clean Up




Connect to Neighbors

Take Control


Read a Newspaper

Appreciate Art

Act Locally

What’s in a Name?

Explain the Motto

Make a Map

Think Globally

Watch the News

Organize Support

Consider Candidates

L E A R N A B O U T V E R M O N T • H AV E F U N • H E L P O T H E R S



Empowering Vermont’s youth to close the opportunity gap.



7 1 23 6 14 15 20 19 16 3 5 12 8 24 22 9 17 2 11 13 4 10 21 18

Respectfully Disagree


id you know the first commercial globe maker in the United States lived in Bradford, Vt.? The Vermont History Museum has an exhibit about him opening this summer. Farmer and blacksmith James Wilson learned cartography, geography and engraving, and in 1810 made and sold the first globes produced in the Americas. They helped people in the U.S. understand more about the world and their place in it.

Learn more about your community, country and world by doing the Good Citizen Challenge! Complete the Challenge for a chance to win a new globe, a $100 gift card to Phoenix Books and a free trip for two to Washington, D.C. from Milne Travel! All who finish the Challenge will be invited to a VIP reception at the Vermont State House this fall.

INSTRUCTIONS Complete a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row of five activities. Mark each completed box and snap a photo of each activity to show evidence of your work. Upload a photo of your completed scorecard, and evidence of your work, at Or mail the scorecard and evidence, along with your name and contact info, to: Seven Days/Kids VT, PO Box 1164, Burlington, VT, 05402-1164, attn: Good Citizen. No purchase necessary. Participants must be 18 or under to be eligible for prizes. Each completed scorecard counts as one entry in the prize drawing. Participants can enter multiple scorecards, but activities must be repeated for each one.

Deadline to enter is September 5, 2022.

1t-goodcitizen060122.indd 20

7/12/22 1:59 PM SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022 75

calendar SAT.13

« P.74


of Vermont, Derby, 10:30 a.m. $15-30; free for seniors over 80; preregister. Info, 323-3590. WEEKLY EVENT: Racers tear up the track in pursuit of the title. Devil’s Bowl Speedway, West Haven, 7 p.m. $5-20; drive-in free for kids 12 and under. Info, 265-3112.

2022 BIG TOP TOUR: ON THE ROAD AGAIN: High-flying aerialists, whimsical wire walkers, astonishing acrobats and courageous contortionists ages 11 through 18 are the stars of this unforgettable show from Circus Smirkus. Circus Smirkus Barn, Greensboro, 1-3 & 6-8 p.m. $2024. Info, 877-764-7587.

FAMILY FUN Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages. • Plan ahead at • Post your event at FRI.12

« P.71

G-rated movie. See southburlington for each week’s title. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. RICHMOND FARMERS MARKET: An open-air marketplace featuring live music connects cultivators and fresh-food browsers. Volunteers Green, Richmond, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 881-1249. SUMMER MEAL PROGRAM: See WED.10. TEEN ADVISORY BOARD: Teenagers meet new friends and take an active role in their local library. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.


‘FROZEN JR.’: LNT intensive students ages 10 through 18 bring Elsa, Anna and the icy kingdom of Arendelle to life. Lost Nation Theater, Montpelier City Hall, 7 p.m. $5-15. Info, 229-0492. SUMMER MORNING PROGRAM: Readers ages 7 and under enjoy outdoor stories, songs and water play. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: Players ages 9 through 13 go on a fantasy adventure with dungeon master Andy. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3:304:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 888-3853.

middlebury area

SUNSET STORY HOUR: Bixby Memorial Free Library and Vermont Fish and Wildlife tell tall tales around a campfire while listeners snack on s’mores. Ideal for ages 8 through 12. Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area, Vergennes, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, rose.watts@vermont. gov.

upper valley

STORY TIME: Preschoolers take part in stories, songs and silliness. Latham Library, Thetford, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 785-4361.

northeast kingdom

ACORN CLUB STORY TIME: Kids 5 and under play, sing, hear stories and take



‘THE ADDAMS FAMILY: A NEW MUSICAL’: See THU.11, 3 p.m. ‘BEYOND BAKER STREET: THE SEARCH FOR SHERLOCK’: See THU.11, 2-4 & 7:30-9:30 p.m. ‘HAIR’: See WED.10, 2 p.m. ‘LORENA: A TABLOID EPIC’: A new play by Eliana Pipes takes a mordant, metatextual look at the case of Lorena Bobbitt, who infamously amputated her abusive

home a fun activity. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 10-11 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 745-1391. OPEN STAGE: Local high school students put on an all-ages open mic. Catamount ArtPort, St. Johnsbury, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.



‘IVY + BEAN THE MUSICAL’: Two second-graders, one quiet and one outgoing, form an unlikely friendship in this hilarious Lyric Theatre show based on a best-selling children’s book series. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10 a.m.-noon & 3-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 658-1484. FLYNNZONE KIDS HOUR: CONNOR YOUNG QUARTET: The Burlington jazz group gives an interactive show perfect for youngsters ages 3 through 5. The Flynn, Burlington, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 863-5966. SPLASH DANCE: See FRI.12, 1-3 p.m.

chittenden county

KARMA KIDZ YOGA OPEN STUDIO SATURDAYS: Young yogis of all ages and their caregivers drop in for some fun breathing and movement activities. Kamalika-K, Essex Junction, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Donations. Info, 871-5085.


‘FROZEN JR.’: See FRI.12, 2 & 7 p.m.

mad river valley/ waterbury

JUNIOR RANGER ROUNDUP, WILDLIFE PUPPETRY & OPEN NATURE CENTER: See WED.10. MAKING TRACKS, SEEING SKINS & SKULLS: See WED.10. SUMMER READING FINALE: Little lit lovers celebrate the end of summer with ice cream, prizes and Rockin’ Ron the Friendly Pirate. Waterbury Public Library, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.

champlain islands/ northwest

CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY HOUR: Drop-in activities inspired by the museum’s exhibits include crafts, movies, games, gardening and more. Saint Albans Museum, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 527-7933. KIDS’ DAY AT THE CHAMPLAIN ISLANDS FARMERS MARKET: Games, scavenger hunts, coloring and kidfriendly recipes encourage enthusiasm about local food. St. Joseph’s Church, Grand Isle, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, champlainislandsfarmersmkt@gmail. com.

husband’s member in 1993. Warner Bentley Theater, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 4 p.m. $915. Info, 603-646-2422. ‘WELCOME TO PARADISE’: See FRI.12. ‘WOMEN IN JEOPARDY’: See WED.10, 2 & 6:30 p.m.

upper valley

MAGNIFICENT MAMMALS DAY: Families get familiar with furry friends through crafts and wildlife presentations with real-life animals. Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Regular admission, $15-18; free for members and kids 3 and under. Info, 359-5000.


ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.10, 10:15-11:15 a.m.


DAD GUILD: Fathers and their kids ages 5 and under drop in for playtime and connection. See calendar spotlight. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3:30-5 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403. GENDER CREATIVE KIDS: Trans and gender-nonconforming kiddos under 13 enjoy fun, supportive group activities while their parents and caregivers chat. Outright Vermont, Burlington, 2-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 865-9677.

chittenden county

MUSEUM COMMUNITY DAY: The museum offers free admission and a full day of fun in thanks for 36 years of support from its neighbors. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 10 a.m.4 p.m. Free. Info, 434-2167.


‘FROZEN JR.’: See FRI.12, 3 p.m.

mad river valley/ waterbury

JUNIOR RANGER ROUNDUP & ‘WAR OF THE WEEDS’ SERVICE PROJECT: Adults remove invasive plant species while kiddos lend a hand to finish their Junior Ranger requirements. Call to confirm. Nature Center, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 10 a.m. $2-4; free for children ages 3 and under. Info, 244-7103.

northeast kingdom

OLD STONE HOUSE DAY 2022: Live music, farm animals, kids’ activities and demonstrations of old-time skills enliven a nearly century-old celebration of local history. Old Stone House Museum & Historic Village, Brownington, 10 a.m.4 p.m. $10-15; free for members. Info, 754-2022.


BOOK SALE: Thousands of page-turners delight lit lovers of all ages. Proceeds benefit the library. Craftsbury Public Library, Craftsbury Common, 9-10 a.m. Pay what you can. Info, 586-9683. POETRY EXPERIENCE: Local wordsmith Rajnii Eddins hosts a supportive writing and

chittenden county

INDOOR PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Small groups enjoy a cozy session of reading, rhyming and singing. Birth through age 5. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918. SUMMER MEAL PROGRAM: See WED.10. TEEN NIGHT: FOOD FOR THOUGHT: The Teen Advisory Board meets over pizza to brainstorm ideas for library programming. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 5-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918.

mad river valley/ waterbury

TINY TOTS: Tiny tykes have fun, hear stories and meet new friends with Ms. Cynthia. Waterbury Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.


ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.10, 12:30-1:30 p.m.


SING-ALONG WITH LINDA BASSICK: Babies, toddlers and preschoolers sing, dance and wiggle along with Linda. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1111:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

chittenden county

PLAYGROUP & FAMILY SUPPORT: Families with children under age 5 play and connect with others in the community. Winooski Memorial Library, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 655-6424. PRESCHOOL STORY TIME ON THE GREEN: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library leads half an hour of stories, rhymes and songs. Williston Town Green, 1010:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. SUMMER MEAL PROGRAM: See WED.10.


PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Kiddos 5 and younger share in stories, crafts and rhymes. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.


STEAM AFTERSCHOOL: Kids learn art, science and math through games and crafts, including paper airplane races, Lego competitions and origami. Ages 6 and up. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.


middlebury area


STORIES WITH MEGAN: Bookworms ages 2 through 5 enjoy fun-filled reading time. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

STORY TIME WITH THE BIXBY LIBRARY: Kids and their caregivers enjoy books and songs about farms and feasts out on the lawn. Rokeby

sharing circle for poets of all ages. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403. WRITERS FOR RECOVERY BOOK BASH 5: The workshop launches its fifth anthology at a shindig featuring readings, cake and live music. Bethany United Church of Christ, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 357-4616.

Museum, Ferrisburgh, 3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 877-3406.

upper valley

BABY STORY TIME: Librarians and finger-puppet friends introduce babies 20 months and younger to the joy of reading. Norman Williams Public Library, Woodstock, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 457-2295.


YOUTH EMPOWERMENT & ACTION: Activists ages 14 through 18 discuss community service, climate action, LGBTQ rights and social justice. BALE Community Space, South Royalton, 3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 498-8438.




JASON CHIN: South Burlington’s own Caldecott Medal-winning illustrator reads from his picture book Watercress and discusses his career. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

chittenden county

AFTERNOON YOUTH MOVIE: Summer vacationers watch a PG-rated adventure together. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. LEGO BUILDERS: See WED.10. SUMMER MEAL PROGRAM: See WED.10.



mad river valley/ waterbury

JUNIOR RANGER ROUNDUP, WILDLIFE PUPPETRY & OPEN NATURE CENTER: See WED.10. MAKING TRACKS, SEEING SKINS & SKULLS: See WED.10. TEEN ART CLUB: Crafty young’uns ages 12 through 18 construct paper jellyfish lanterns to bring underwater ambiance to their bedrooms. Waterbury Public Library, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.

upper valley

PENNY CARNIVAL: All games and goodies cost only one cent each at this family-friendly fair featuring raffles, book sales and ugliest penny contests. George Peabody Library, Post Mills, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 333-9724. STORY TIME!: See WED.10. K


food & drink







SKIP LISLE & JOHN ABERTH: The naturalist and the wildlife rehabber, respectively, get into why beavers are so dam important to Vermont’s ecosystems. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 533-2000.

fairs & festivals



See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AMAZON ADVENTURE 3D’: See WED.10. ‘BACKYARD WILDERNESS 3D’: See WED.10. ‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: See WED.10. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: See WED.10.

FOOD FOR TALK COOKBOOK CLUB: Home chefs make a recipe from East: 120 Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes From Bangalore to Beijing by Meera Sodha and meet to compare results. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, bshatara@burlingtonvt. gov.

FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:

art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.


. 1• or Smi. 10k or 5k run

THE GREAT NORTH AMERICAN MAPLE PIE CONTEST: Picnickers witness the first annual throwdown for the grand prize: a year’s supply of syrup. Additional activities include pie tasting and pie throwing. Baird Farm, North Chittenden, 2-5 p.m. Free; fee for some activities. Info, 558-8443.

Burlington, 6:30-8:15 p.m. Free. Info,

MAVERICK MARKET: High-quality products from Vermont artisans, as well as food truck fare and live music, populate a weekly bazaar. Essex Experience, Essex Junction, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4200.


PIE & ICE CREAM SOCIAL: Museum supporters indulge in yards and yards of summer’s sweetest treat, served à la mode. Rokeby Museum, Ferrisburgh, 1-4 p.m. Free. Info, 877-3406. WINOOSKI FARMERS MARKET: Families shop for fresh produce, honey, meats, coffee and prepared foods from more seasonal vendors at an outdoor marketplace. Champlain Mill Green, Winooski, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, farmersmarket@

health & fitness

COMMUNITY MINDFULNESS PRACTICE: New and experienced meditators are always welcome to join this weekly practice in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hahn. Sangha Studio — Pine,

SUNDAY MORNING MEDITATION: Mindful folks experience sitting and walking meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Shambhala Meditation Center, Burlington, 9 a.m.-noon. Free. Info,

IRISH LANGUAGE CLASS: Celtic-curious students learn to speak an Ghaeilge in a supportive group. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.


PRIDE HIKES: KRUSCH NATURE PRESERVE: All ages, orientations and identities are welcome to explore one of Vermont’s only oldgrowth forests. Peter A. Krusch Nature Preserve, Jeffersonville, 1-3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


BRASS BALAGAN: Funky grooves with international influences generate jovial energy and dizzying dance moves. Plainfield Recreational Field, 4-5 p.m. $20 suggested donation. Info, 498-3173. CENTRAL VERMONT CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL: STRING QUARTET, DUO AND QUINTET:

See SAT.13. North Universalist Chapel Society, Woodstock, 4 p.m. Donations. LEVITT AMP ST. JOHNSBURY MUSIC SERIES: HANNAH WICKLUND: The triple-threat rock goddess showcases her staggering vocal range and jaw-dropping guitar chops. Dog Mountain, St. Johnsbury, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. MUSIC IN THE MEADOW: VERONICA SWIFT: The international jazz sensation, accompanied by her seven-piece band, serenades picnickers with swing and bebop classics. Trapp Family Lodge Concert Meadow, Stowe, 7-9 p.m. $12-30; free for kids 5 and under. Info, info@stowe SOCIAL BAND: Renaissance music and American shape-note classics meet contemporary tunes when this merry band of Burlington singers takes to the stage. Green Mountain Monastery, Greensboro, 3-4:30 p.m. $18. Info, 355-4216. VERMONT PHILHARMONIC POPS CONCERT: Lou Kosma conducts a program of Broadway favorites, film scores and classical numbers. Moose Meadow Lodge, Duxbury, 4 p.m. $5-35. Info, 244-5378. WESLI: An award-winning musician breezily unites reggae and hip-hop for an upbeat sound. Mt Foolery, Charlotte, 5-8:30 p.m.

Free; donations accepted; preregister. Info, 800-366-5379.


HERE BE DRAGONFLIES: See SAT.13, 2 p.m. TOUR OF WATERBURY DAM: Visitors explore a reforested encampment and discover how the Civilian Conservation Corps saved the Winooski Valley from flooded ruin. Call to confirm. Meet at the top of the dam. Little River State Park, Waterbury, 11 a.m. $24; free for kids 3 and under. Info, 244-7103.


2022 BIG TOP TOUR: ON THE ROAD AGAIN: See SAT.13, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. & 4-6 p.m. ‘THE ADDAMS FAMILY: A NEW MUSICAL’: See THU.11. ‘THE ANTI-APOCALYPSE PROPAGANDA CIRCUS AND PAGEANT’: Sideshows, spectacle, live music and feats of derring-do meet the moment at hand. Bread and Puppet Theater, Glover, 3 p.m. $10. Info, 525-3031. ‘BEYOND BAKER STREET: THE SEARCH FOR SHERLOCK’: See THU.11, 2-4 p.m. ‘ON THE ROAD WITH AN OXYMORON’: Perennial favorite Keryn Nightingale returns to the stage with a one-woman show SUN.14

» P.78

4800 Basin Harbor Rd, Vergennes, VT 05491 � To register: champschallenge.o.,g � Luncheon Provided with Registration 12pm - 2pm Wmners of the Challenges will recieve prizes and awards Family fun act1v1bes such as Frisbee Golf Register today and fundra1se to help people with cystic fibrosis rec1eve life-changing recreational grant to live stronger longer.

The Vermont Champs Challenge will be rescheduled for June 25th, 2023 You still have an opportunity to participate in Champs Challenge for 2022. Join us in our ongoing Virtual Challenge from now unitl September 30th, 2022. Also, you can join us in person for the New York Champs Challenge in Jones Beach State Park .@, . at 9am on Sept.17, 2022. We look forward to seeing you there!


�>l,;!lj �

Cystic Fibrosis Lifestyle Foundation SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022



calendar SUN.14

« P.77

featuring a VW bus, a cross-country trip and 1970s throwbacks out the wazoo. Phantom Theater, Edgcomb Barn, Warren, 8-10 p.m. $20. Info, 496-5997. ‘WELCOME TO PARADISE’: See FRI.12, 2 p.m. ‘WOMEN IN JEOPARDY’: See WED.10, 2 p.m.

MON.15 dance

LUNCH PRESENTS: SKETCHES: Five celebrated Vermont dancers and choreographers move through conversations about vulnerability, sensuality, commitment and the artist’s journey. Phantom Theater, Edgcomb Barn, Warren, 8-9 p.m. $20. Info, 496-5997.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AMAZON ADVENTURE 3D’: See WED.10. ‘BACKYARD WILDERNESS 3D’: See WED.10. ‘THE CONDOR AND THE EAGLE’: Sustainable Woodstock virtually screens this award-winning documentary about Indigenous land and water protectors around the world. Free. Info, 457-2911. ‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: See WED.10. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: See WED.10.


BRIDGE CLUB: See THU.11, 1-2 p.m.


BONE BUILDERS/ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PROGRAM: See WED.10. GENTLE HATHA YOGA: Movers focus on alignment, balance and extending into relaxation. BYO mat. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403. WEEKLY CHAIR YOGA: Those with mobility challenges or who are new to yoga practice balance and build strength through gentle, supported movements. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 3 p.m. Free; preregister; donations accepted. Info, 223-3322.


LGBTQ+ OPEN GENRE WRITING GROUP: Queer and trans wordsmiths write together and share their work in a supportive environment. Preregister for location. 6-8 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, jacob@pridecentervt. org.


BEN & JERRY’S CONCERTS ON THE GREEN: ‘THE WILD HEARTS TOUR’: Sharon Van Etten, Angel Olsen and Julien Baker each


play a set for a full night of indie artistry. Quinn Christopherson opens. Shelburne Museum, 6 p.m. $55; free for kids under 12. Info, 652-0777.

the beats, and the lawn fills up with cornhole players and giant Jenga tournaments. Bombardier Park West, Milton, 4-8 p.m. Free. Info, 893-6655.

CASPIAN MONDAY MUSIC: ‘NEW AND OLD DISCOVERIES’: Superstar string and reed players join forces for a night of music by masters including Ukrainian composer Mykola Lysenko. Proceeds benefit the Lisa Batiashvili Foundation. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 7 p.m. $1023; free for kids under 18. Info, 533-2000.

fairs & festivals

ST. JOHNSBURY TOWN BAND: The nation’s third-oldest community band regales locals during a weekly ice cream social. Caledonia County Courthouse, St. Johnsbury, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 748-8575.




ADDISON COUNTY WRITERS COMPANY: Poets, playwrights, novelists and memoirists of every experience level meet weekly for an MFA-style workshop. Swift House Inn, Middlebury, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info,

TUE.16 business

VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: Employment seekers drop in for tips on résumé writing, applying for jobs and training. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 9:30 a.m.noon. Free. Info, 888-3853.


CURRENT EVENTS DISCUSSION GROUP: Brownell Library hosts a virtual roundtable for neighbors to pause and reflect on the news cycle. 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6955. HOMESHARING INFO SESSION: Homeowners who could benefit from some additional income find out how their spare room and a compatible housemate could work for them. HomeShare Vermont, South Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 863-5625.


ADULT KNITTERS & CROCHETERS: Fiber artists purl and treble among friends. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.


SWING DANCING: Local Lindy hoppers and jitterbuggers convene at Vermont Swings’ weekly boogie-down. Bring clean shoes. Beginner lessons, 6:30 p.m. Champlain Club, Burlington, 7:309 p.m. $5. Info, 864-8382.


MILTON FARMERS MARKET & MUSIC IN THE PARK: Farmers sell their goodies, local bands bring


VERMONT STATE FAIR: Crowds converge on the midway for carnival amusements, horticultural displays, equine events and live music. See calendar spotlight. Vermont State Fairgrounds, Rutland, 5-9:30 p.m. $3-12. Info, 775-5200.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AMAZON ADVENTURE 3D’: See WED.10. ‘BACKYARD WILDERNESS 3D’: See WED.10. ‘THE CONDOR AND THE EAGLE’: See MON.15. ‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: See WED.10. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: See WED.10.

food & drink

TUESDAY FARMERS MARKET: The Ishams put the “farm” back in “farmers market” with vendor stalls and live music out by the barn. Isham Family Farm, Williston, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 872-1525.


PLAY CHESS & BACKGAMMON!: Everyone — beginners and experts, seniors and youngsters — is welcome at this weekly board game night. Norman Williams Public Library, Woodstock, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 457-2295.

health & fitness



PAUSE-CAFÉ IN-PERSON FRENCH CONVERSATION: Francophones and French-language learners meet pour parler la belle langue. Burlington Bay Market & Café, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info,

FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:

art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.



COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT: BURLINGTON TAIKO: The Japanese-inspired drum group gives a joyous outdoor concert. Burlington City Hall Park, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. CONCERT ON THE FAIRLEE TOWN COMMON: Outdoor audience members take in a show from a new band each week, with prizes and raffles to spice up the evening. Fairlee Town Common, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, contact@ ‘I LOVE THE ’90S TOUR’: Ice is back! Vanilla Ice, Coolio, Young MC and others deliver a fun, funky trip back in time. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 7 p.m. $45-65. Info, 775-0903. JOE BONAMASSA: The three-time Grammy-nominated blues rocker delivers the guitar performance of the year. The Flynn, Burlington, 8 p.m. $97-264. Info, 863-5966. TUESDAY NIGHT LIVE: SETH YACAVONE TRIO: The local band displays its blues-rock chops and improv power. Legion Field, Johnson, 6-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 730-2943. WATERFRONT PARK DRUM CIRCLE: Folks find rhythm at a joyful, beat-driven outdoor gathering. Waterfront Park, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Donations. Info, 777-0626.


TUESDAY NIGHT GRAVEL BIKE RIDES: Pedal heads explore their local trails at this weekly meetup. Three Rivers Path Trailhead Pavilion of the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail, St. Johnsbury, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, landanimaladventures@


KNIT DEMOCRACY TOGETHER: Activists and craftivists learn about the inner workings of elections while working together on a yarn sculpture of the Vermont Statehouse. Converse Free Library, Lyme, N.H., 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 603-795-4622. U.S. SENATOR PATRICK LEAHY CYBER SYMPOSIUM: The senator and others spend the day discussing cybersecurity and defense. Norwich University, Northfield, 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Free. Info, 485-2886.


BOOK CLUB BUFFET: Readers dissect Jodi Picoult’s The Book of Two Ways over lunch. Presented by Dorothy Alling Memorial Library. 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, WINE & STORY: Lovers of libations and tellers of tales gather for an evening of good company. Shelburne Vineyard, 7:30 p.m. $5. Info, 863-1754. WORK IN PROGRESS: Members of this writing group motivate each other to put pen to paper for at least an hour, then debrief together. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.

WED.17 business

CELEBRATE SUMMER WITH WBON: Women Business Owners Network Vermont hosts an outdoor soirée featuring food and networking opportunities. Maple Tree Place, Williston, 8:30-10 a.m. Free. Info, 503-0219.




VCLF: INNOVATIVELY COMBATTING INJUSTICE IN VERMONT: Vermont Community Loan Fund employees explain how they are working to provide financial opportunities to disenfranchised community members. Presented by Copper Leaf Financial. Noon-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 176-1193.

fairs & festivals

VERMONT STATE FAIR: See TUE.16, 8 a.m.-9:30 p.m.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AMAZON ADVENTURE 3D’: See WED.10. ‘BACKYARD WILDERNESS 3D’: See WED.10. ‘THE CONDOR AND THE EAGLE’: See MON.15. ‘THE MAURITANIAN’: Based on Mohamedou Ould Slahi’s bestselling memoir Guantánamo Diary, this star-studded film tracks Slahi’s fight for freedom from wrongful imprisonment by the U.S. government. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. ‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: See WED.10. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: See WED.10.

food & drink

COOK THE BOOK: Home chefs make a recipe from one of the library’s cookbooks and share the dish at a potluck. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, noon1 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. DANVILLE FARMERS MARKET: See WED.10. DEDALUS FREE WEEKLY WINE TASTINGS: See WED.10. FEAST FARM STAND: See WED.10. MEET THE MAKERS: A BOOZY POP-UP SERIES: See WED.10. TRUCKS, TAPS & TUNES: See WED.10.






ELL CLASSES: ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS & INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS: Learners of all abilities practice written and spoken English with trained instructors. Presented by Fletcher Free Library. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, bshatara@


THRIVE QTPOC MOVIE NIGHT: Each month, Pride Center of Vermont virtually screens a movie centered on queer and trans people of color. 6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


CENTRAL VERMONT CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL: PEDRO GIRAUDO TANGO QUARTET: The Grammy Award-winning foursome plays lively Latin dance music. Chandler Center for the Arts, Randolph, 7 p.m. $20. Info, 728-9878. CRAFTSBURY CHAMBER PLAYERS: Classical music fans belatedly celebrate Beethoven’s 250th birthday with a program of some of his greatest hits. First Baptist Church of Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $10-25; free for kids under 12. Info, 800-639-3443. OPEN MIC: Artists of all stripes have eight minutes to share a song, story or poem. Virtual option available. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: HANA ZARA: The indie folk troubadour displays her hypnotically open-hearted lyrics and presence. Burlington City Hall Park, 12:301:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. TROY MILLETTE: See WED.10. WILD WOODS SONG CIRCLE: Singers and acoustic instrumentalists gather over Zoom for an evening of music making. 7:15-9:15 p.m. Free. Info, 775-1182.






‘THE WINTER’S TALE’: The Town Hall Theater Young Company presents Shakespeare’s timeless tale of hope, connection, love — and “exit, pursued by a bear.” Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 7 p.m. $5-15. Info, 382-9222. ‘WOMEN IN JEOPARDY’: See WED.10. m




The Quarry Project Performance SUN., AUG. 14 WELLS LAMSON QUARRY

Soul Care: Navigating an Unpredictable World

On the Road with an Oxymoron

True Crime Burlington Tour

LUNCH Presents: Sketches — Encore Performance






Bill Brink - Live from The Underground

The Quarry Project Performance


The Quarry Project Performance FRI., AUG. 12 WELLS LAMSON QUARRY, BARRE



Summer Galette Workshop



laur with Luminous Crush

The Quarry Project Performance

Queen City Ghostwalk Darkness Falls Tour

Seasons of Life: A Supportive Community for Women





The Quarry Project Performance SAT., AUG. 13 WELLS LAMSON QUARRY, BARRE

True Crime Burlington Tour



Cannabis Farm Tour Bud & Brunch Tour

Cannabis Farm Tour 420 Tour at Off Piste Farm

Cannabis Farm Tour Seed-to-Pipe Tour

Folk Concert features harpist Dominique Dodge





FP Seven Days Tickets081022.indd 1





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SELL TICKETS WITH US! Contact: 865-1020, ext. 10 SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022


8/9/22 5:05 PM





DAVIS STUDIO ART CLASSES: Discover your happy place in one of our weekly classes. Making art boosts emotional well-being and brings joy to your life, especially when you connect with other art enthusiasts. Select the ongoing program that’s right for you. Now enrolling youth and adults for classes in drawing, painting and fused glass. Location: Davis Studio, 916 Shelburne Rd., S. Burlington. Info: 425-2700,

GENERATOR is a combination of artist studios, classroom, and business incubator at the intersection of art, science, and technology. We provide tools, expertise, education, and opportunity – to enable all members of our community to create, collaborate, and make their ideas a reality. RUSH SEAT STOOL WORKSHOP: This workshop will cover how to build a wooden stool as well as how to weave a rush seat. Participants will each build their own stool, covering joinery and

other important details. They will then weave the seat out of rush, learning how to shape and fasten the material. Tue., Aug. 23 & 30, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $225, incl. materials. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info: 540-0761. COPPERSMITHING WORKSHOP: In this four-day Coppersmithing Workshop students will work with Pilar Netzel to create an original copper bowl from a 12” by 12” copper disc of sheet metal by heating and hammering. Students will embellish finished bowls with color by applying torch-fired patinas. Sun., Sep. 11, 18, 25 & Oct. 2, 2-5 p.m. Cost: $350, incl. materials. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info: Sam Graulty, 540-0761, education@, generatorvt. com/calendar#!event/2022/9/11/ coppersmithing-workshop.

language SPANISH CLASSES FOR ALL AGES: Premier native-speaking Spanish professor Maigualida Rak is giving fun, interactive online lessons to improve comprehension and pronunciation and to achieve fluency. Audiovisual material is used. “I feel proud to say that my students have significantly improved their Spanish with my teaching approach.” — Maigualida Rak. Read reviews at

spanishonlinevt. Info: 881-0931,


ADULT LIVE SPANISH E-CLASSES: Join us for adult Spanish classes this fall, using Zoom online video conferencing. Our 16th year. Learn from a native speaker via small group classes and individual instruction. You’ll always be participating and speaking. Five different levels. Note: classes fill up fast. 10 weekly classes; 90+ minutes each. Cost: $270. Info: 585-1025,,

DJEMBE & TAIKO DRUMMING: JOIN US!: New classes (outdoors mask optional; masks indoors). Taiko Tue. and Wed.; Djembe Wed.; Kids & Parents Tue. and Wed. Conga classes by request! Schedule/register online. Location: Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 999-4255,,

martial arts

A JUNGIAN PERSPECTIVE ON CURRENT EVENTS: In this ninemonth reading/discussion course, we will examine key features of our current reality toward gaining a very different viewpoint that can empower us to move into the future with optimism and understanding. Led by Sue Mehrtens. 1st Tue., Sep. 6-May 2, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $90 via PayPal or U.S. check. Location: Zoom. Info: 244-7909, info@jungiancenter. org,

VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: We offer a legitimate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training program for men, women and children in a friendly, safe and positive environment. Julio Cesar “Foca” Fernandez Nunes, CBJJP and IBJJF seventh-degree Carlson Gracie Sr. Coral Belt-certified instructor; teaching in Vermont, born and raised in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! A twotime World Masters champion, five-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu national champion, three-time Rio de Janeiro state champion, and Gracie Challenge champion. Accept no imitations! 1st class is free. Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 598-2839,,


SHADOW: RECOGNIZING WHITE PRIVILEGE: A hands-on experiential workshop that offers insights into how we all can benefit from becoming more conscious and self-aware of this powerful aspect of our collective and personal shadow. Led by Sue Mehrtens. Wed. in Sep., 7-9 p.m. Cost: $60 via PayPal or U.S. check. Location: Zoom. Info: 244-7909, info@jung,

shamanism APPRENTICESHIP IN SHAMANISM: Rare opportunity to apprentice locally in a shamanic tradition. For more details, including cost, location and times, please email thomas.mock1444@gmail. com or text 369-4331. 5 weekends over a year; 1st one is Sep. 5-7. Location: St. Albans. Info: 369-4331,

women THE WISDOM OF THE CRONE: This reading/discussion course mines the wisdom in a variety of older women’s stories and memoirs. Led by Sue Mehrtens. 1st Thu., Sep. 1-May 4, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $90 via PayPal or U.S. check. Location: Zoom. Info: 244-7909,,

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3/2/21 6:38 PM



Society of Chittenden County

Achilles SEX: 3-month-old male REASON HERE: His owner could no longer care for him. ARRIVAL DATE: July 12, 2022 SUMMARY: Achilles is an all-around gentleman. He is sweet, silly and playful! He’s the most charming and friendly little guy you will ever meet. He loves receiving some pets and affection, munching on greens, and hopping around his enclosure. Come on into HSCC and let Achilles be the hero of your heart! Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 5 p.m. or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit for more info.

housing »


HSCC offers rabbit “speed dates”! If you currently own a rabbit and are looking to get them a buddy, ask our staff about speed dates, which allow us to introduce two rabbits at our shelter to see if they get along before you adopt.


on the road »


pro services »


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music »


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FOR RENT $2,500 QUEEN CITY PARK 2-BR + office. Energy efficient, completely renovated, HDWD floors, gourmet kitchen, gas fireplace, basement, W/D, 2-car garage. NS. Avail. Oct 1. 425-2910. CAMP IN RIPTON Furnished 2-BR, 1-BA w/ well-appointed kitchen. $1,450/mo. Tenant pays heat & electric. Avail. Nov. 1, 6-mo. min. lease. Contact Catherine at 802-382-8878.

HOUSEMATES BURLINGTON ROOM FOR RENT Active senior woman w/ a New North End home to share on a pleasant residential street, looking for independent housemate to help w/

cleaning the common areas, light snow shoveling in winter. $400/mo. Private BA. 802-863-5625 or homesharevermont. org for application. Interview, refs, background checks req. EHO. HUNTINGTON HOMESHARE Community-minded professional couple who enjoys the outdoors, seeking housemate to provide childcare 1 evening/week for their toddler & chip in w/ household tasks. $300/ mo. (all incl.). Must be dog/cat-friendly! 802-863-5625 or homesharevermont. org for application. Interview, refs, background checks req. EHO.

OFFICE/ COMMERCIAL OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE AT MAIN STREET LANDING on Burlington’s waterfront. Beautiful, healthy, affordable spaces for your business. Visit & click on space avail. Melinda, 864-7999.

CLASSIFIEDS KEY appt. appointment apt. apartment BA bathroom BR bedroom DR dining room DW dishwasher HDWD hardwood HW hot water LR living room NS no smoking OBO or best offer refs. references sec. dep. security deposit W/D washer & dryer

EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our


housing ads: $25 (25 words) legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online

OFFICES FOR RENT Psychotherapy offices for rent at 92 Adams St., Burlington, between S. Union & Winooski aves. Well-maintained historic building, collegial setting, excellent location w/ easy access to downtown, clinician & client parking in back. Optionally furnished. Incl. all utils., shared waiting rooms, BAs & clinician break room. Option to share Wi-Fi & answering service. Contact Marcia Hemley at marciawhemleyphd@ or 802-999-5819. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SUITE Elegant, sunny space for health care practice, therapist, nonprofi t, etc. 1st floor accessible, air-conditioned, 900 sq.ft.: 3 offices, waiting room, kitchenette, BA, ample parking. Avail. Aug. 15. Pierson House, Lakewood Commons, 1233 Shelburne Rd. $1,400/mo. Term of lease negotiable. Call 802-863-5255.


COMPUTER COMPUTER & IT TRAINING PROGRAM Train online to get the skills to become a computer & help desk professional now. Grants & scholarships avail. for certain programs for qualified applicants. Call CTI for details! 1-855-9782304. (AAN CAN)

EDUCATION TRAIN ONLINE TO DO MEDICAL BILLING Become a medical office professional online at CTI! Get trained,

readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact: HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010


services: $12 (25 words) fsbos: $45 (2 weeks, 30 words, photo) jobs:, 865-1020 x121

print deadline: Mondays at 3:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: questions? 865-1020 x120

p.m. Maps avail. at all sales on map & Pratt’s Store.

REAL ESTATE • VEHICLES • PERSONAL PROPERTY • COMMERCIAL Online Closes Fri., Aug. 12 @ 10AM Woodworking Machinery & Household & Collectibles, Hardwick, VT RC Plane Collection Friday, August 12 @ 9AM Online Lots Closing Simulcast Public Auto Auction Monday, August 22 @ 10AM Williston, VT Lancaster, NH Location

Friday, August 19 @ 9AM Simulcast Public Auto Auction Williston, VT

Preview: Wed., Aug. 17, 11AM-1PM

Online Closes Fri., Aug. 26 @ 10AM Vehicles, Riding Mower, Kayaks, Tools & Household, Jeffersonville, VT Preview: Tues., Aug. 23, 11AM-1PM Friday, August 26 @ 9AM Simulcast Public Auto Auction Williston, VT Wednesday, Sept. 7 @ 11AM 118± Acre Multiparcel, Bradford, VT Tuesday, Sept 13. @ 11AM Foreclosure: 4BR Ranch, Barre Town, VT Open House: Tues., Aug. 30, 3-5PM

15,000 Gal. Fuel Tank on 1.2± Acre North Troy Lot Tuesday, August 30 @ 11AM Register & Inspect from 10AM

126 VT RT 105 E, North Troy, VT

• • 800-634-SOLD

FINANCIAL/LEGAL DO YOU OWE BACK TAXES? Do you owe over $10,000 to the IRS or state in back taxes? Our firm works to reduce the tax bill or zero it out completely fast. Let us help! Call 877-414-2089. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-5 p.m. PST. (AAN CAN)


NEVER CLEAN YOUR GUTTERS AGAIN! Affordable, professionally installed gutter guards protect your gutters & home from debris & leaves forever! For a free quote, call 844-499-0277. (AAN CAN)

PSYCHIC COUNSELING Psychic counseling, channeling w/ Bernice Kelman, Underhill. 30+ years’ experience. Also energy healing, chakra balancing, Reiki, rebirthing, other lives, classes & more. 802-899-3542,

NECKY KAYAKS 2 Necky Zoar Sport Kayaks w/ Rack & Roll trailer + paddles & vests. $2,500.

PAYING TOP CASH FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner & Speedmaster. Call 888-320-1052. (AAN CAN)

8/5/22 2:36 PM

HOME/GARDEN BATH & SHOWER UPDATES In as little as 1 day! Affordable prices. No payments for 18 mos.! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & military discounts avail. Call 1-866-370-2939. (AAN CAN)



Serving the Northeast Since 1979 • Online Auctions Powered By Proxibid® 4t-hirchakbrothers081022 1

ATTENTION, VIAGRA & CIALIS USERS Generic 100 mg blue pills or generic 20 mg yellow pills. Get 45 + 5 free $99 + S/H. Call today: 1-877-707-5517. (AAN CAN) SPECTRUM INTERNET AS LOW AS $29.99 Call to see if you qualify for ACP & free internet. No credit check. Call now! 833-955-0905. (AAN CAN)

Online Closes Thur., Aug. 25 @ 10AM Kubota Excavator, Trucks, Tractors & Tools, Pittsford, VT Preview: Mon., Aug. 22, 11AM-1PM

certified & ready to work in months. Call 866-243-5931. Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Computer w/ internet is req. (AAN CAN)


buy this stuff

ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES TOP CASH PAID FOR OLD GUITARS 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’A ngelico, Stromber, & Gibson mandolins/banjos. 877-589-0747. (AAN CAN)


NEW LEATHER JACKET & HELMET Women’s Milwaukee black leather jacket, 4XL (16) w/ braids on front, $150. Black Daytona skull cap helmet, $45. Leave a message (silent greeting) for Maye: 802-503-4016.

GARAGE/ESTATE SALES BRIDPORT TOWN-WIDE SALES Bridport Town-Wide Yard Sales. Sat. & Sun., Aug., 20 & 21, 9 a.m.-4


INSTRUCTION GUITAR INSTRUCTION All styles/levels. Emphasis on building strong technique, thorough musicianship, developing personal style. Paul Asbell (Big Joe Burrell, Kilimanjaro, UVM & Middlebury College faculty). 233-7731,



Find, fix and feather with Nest Notes — an e-newsletter filled with home design, Vermont real estate tips and DIY decorating inspirations. Sign up today at


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4/6/21 11:24 AM



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7/30/21 1:54 PM




Legal Notices

By: Stephanie H. Monaghan District Coordinator 111 West Street

For more information contact Stephanie H. Monaghan at the address or telephone number below.










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4 9 3 2 7 8 6 1 5 SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022


2 84



Dated this August 8, 2022.

For more information contact Stephanie H. Monaghan at the address or telephone number below.


By: /s/ Aaron J. Brondyke State Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 (802) 595-2735

No hearing will be held, and a permit will be issued unless, on or before August 22, 2022, a party notifies the District 4 Commission in writing of an issue requiring a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c) (1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required, and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. To request party status and a hearing, fill out the Party Status Petition Form on the Board’s website: party-status petition-form, and email it to the District 4 Office at: NRB.Act250Essex@vermont. gov. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.


Dated August 2, 2022.

No hearing will be held, and a permit will be issued unless, on or before August 30, 2022, a party notifies the District 4 Commission in writing of an issue requiring a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c) (1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required, and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. To request party status and a hearing, fill out the Party Status Petition Form on the Board’s website: party-status petition-form, and email it to the District 4 Office at: NRB.Act250Essex@vermont. gov. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.


If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in the public hearing), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. For more information, contact Aaron J. Brondyke, State Coordinator before the hearing date at the address or telephone number below.

ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION 4C026410A 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6111 On July 25, 2022, White Cap Ventures, LLC, c/o J Graham Goldsmith Architects, P.C., 7 Kilburn Street, Burlington, VT 05401 filed application number 4C0264-10A for a project generally described as renovation of an existing commercial space for medical office use, including creation of a patient drop-off area, and replacement and upgrade of the wastewater system pump station. The project is located at 426 Industrial Ave in Williston, Vermont. This application can be viewed online by visiting the Act 250 Database: ( aspx?Num=4C0264-10A).


This application can be viewed on the public Act 250 Database online ( Act250/Details.aspx?Num=4C1320). To request party status, fill out the Party Status Petition Form on the Board’s website: https://nrb.vermont. gov/documents/party-status-petition-form, and email it to the District 4 Office at: NRB.

Dated this August 3, 2022.


The District 4 Environmental Commission will hold a public hearing on the application on September 27, 2022, at 9:00 AM at the Essex Junction District Office of the Agency of Natural Resources, 111 West Street, Essex Junction, Vermont.

Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5614

ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION 4C0155-3 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6111 On August 2, 2022, Cynosure, Inc., Attn: Frank Cioffi, P.O. Box 786, Burlington, VT 05402 and FabTech Inc., Attn: Scott McClure, 480 Hercules Drive, Colchester, VT 05446 filed application number 4C0155-3 for a project generally described as construction of a 62’ x 80’ tent structure for covered material storage in an underutilized section of the existing paved parking lot. The project is located at 480 Hercules Drive in Colchester, Vermont. This application can be viewed online by visiting the Act 250 Database: ( Act250/Details.aspx?Num=4C0155-3).


ACT 250 NOTICE APPLICATION 4C1320 AND HEARING 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6111 On December 24, 2019, Colchester Avenue Housing, LLC filed application 4C1320 for a project generally described as the construction of a 71unit residential apartment building with surface and underground parking on 4 adjoining lots. The project is located at 72, 80, & 94 Colchester Avenue and 27 Fletcher Place in Burlington, Vermont.


By: /s/ Stephanie H. Monaghan Stephanie H. Monaghan District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5614

ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION 4C1039-1A 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6111 On June 17, 2022, Nautilus Holdings LLC, 28 Howard Street Suite 302, Burlington, VT 05401 filed application number 4C1039-1A for a project generally described as a change of use of an existing permitted 55,850 square foot commercial structure, from a health club (location of the former Williston branch of ‘The Sports and Fitness Edge’) to a structure housing three warehouse operations. This proposed project will involve interior and exterior sitework modifications. Exterior modifications will include the construction of new loading docks on the south side of the building for the purposes of accommodating truck traffic, in addition to parking and driveway modifications also for the purposes of facilitating truck ingress and egress. The project is located at 115 Wellness Avenue in Williston, Vermont. This application can be viewed online by visiting the Act 250 Database: ( aspx?Num=4C1039-1A). No hearing will be held, and a permit will be issued unless, on or before August 23, 2022, a party notifies the District 4 Commission in writing of an issue requiring a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c) (1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required, and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. To request party status and a hearing, fill out the Party Status Petition Form on the Board’s website: party-status petition-form, and email it to the District 4 Office at: NRB.Act250Essex@vermont. gov. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. For more information contact Kaitlin Hayes at the address or telephone number below. Dated this August 3, 2022. By: /s/ Kaitlin Hayes Kaitlin Hayes District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 (802) 622-4084

ANNUAL PUBLIC NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION (AS REQUIRED BY THE 1979 GUIDELINES FOR ELIMINATION DISCRIMINATION IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS [34 CFR PART 100., APP. B, IV-O]) BURLINGTON TECHNICAL CENTER/BURLINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 150 Colchester Ave Burlington, VT 05401 The Burlington Technical Center is pleased to announce that we are offering the following Career and Technical Education Programs of Studies for the school year 2022-2023: Advanced Manufacturing Auto Body Repair Automotive Science and Technology Aviation and Aerospace Technology Design and Illustration Digital Media Arts



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Health Sciences Academy Homeland Security & Criminal Justice Introduction to Health Care Pre-Technical Exploratory Education Training and Leadership Adult and Continuing Education Programs

Section 7 No-parking areas.

More information can be found here: https://btc.

(422) On the west side of Bright Street from Riverside Avenue Archibald Street beginning at Archibald Street and extending north for 230 feet.

Admissions process: Tour: In conjunction with the student’s sending school, plan a visit to BTC’s programs. Apply: Fill out the online application at https:// Interview: Meet with the teacher/s of the desired program/s. Decision: Grade level, attendance records, prerequisite skills for desired program, willingness to follow safety instructions, and ability to learn in a respectful and inclusive environment are all considered in the admissions decision. A determination will be made about admission to BTC in a timely manner. The Burlington Technical Center and the Burlington School District do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or marital status in the admission process, access to activities, nor in access to employment. The Burlington Technical Center and Burlington School District offer additional services to students with limited English language skills, and with disabilities, so they may have access to these programs. Individuals wishing to obtain information about the existence and location of accessible services and facilities should contact the 504 Coordinator (information below). The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator: Henri Sparks, Director of Equity Burlington School District, 150 Colchester Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401 504 Coordinator Damon Peykar, Director of Student Support Services Burlington School District 150 Colchester Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 *Please note that marital status, sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes are required by VT State law, not Federal Law Email: | Phone (802) 864-8426 | Burlington Technical Center 29 Church Street LL Burlington, VT 05401

CITY OF BURLINGTON IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND TWENTY-TWO: A REGULATION IN RELATION TO RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION—SECTION 7 NO-PARKING AREAS. SECTION 7A ACCESSIBLE SPACES DESIGNATED. Sponsor(s): Department of Public Works Action: Approved Date: 2/16/2022 Attestation of Adoption: Phillip Peterson EI Public Works Engineer, Technical Services Published: 08/10/22 Effective: 08/31/22 It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows: That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 7 No-parking areas, and Section 7A Accessible spaces designated of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows:

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No person shall park any vehicle at any time in the following locations: (1) – (421) As written.

(423) – (448) As written. (449) Reserved. On the west side of Bright Street beginning at Riverside Ave and extending south for 130 feet. (450) – (499) As written. (500) On the east side of Bright Street for ten (10) feet south of Driveway at 30 Bright Street. beginning at the driveway between 48 and 50 Bright Street and extending south 200 feet, ending ten (10) feet south of the driveway at 30 Bright Street. (501) – (580) As written. Section 7A Accessible spaces designated. No person shall park any vehicle at any time in the following locations, except automobiles displaying special handicapped license plates issued pursuant to 18 V.S.A. § 1325, or any amendment or renumbering thereof: (1) – (146) As written. (147) In front of 48 41 Bright Street.

Post & browse ads at your convenience.

NOTICE OF CLOSURE The Winooski Bicycle Shop, 12 West Canal St. Winooski, VT has closed. Anyone with any bikes or bike parts that might have been at this location should contact Dave Kelly at 802-343-0410 to claim same. Any request to obtain said must be made by August 15, 2022 at which point those articles will be considered abandoned.

PRIVATE AUCTION OF STORAGE UNIT CONTENTS Terrence Litchfield, last known address of 30 school st apt 217 Milton VT 05468 has a past due balance of $379.00 owed to Champlain Valley Self Storage, LLC since 5/31/22. To cover this debt, per lease dated 4/4/21 the contents of unit #955 will be sold at private auction on, or after 8/22/22. Auction pre-registration is required, email info@ to register.

PUBLIC COMMENTS Cellco Partnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) proposes to collocate wireless communications antennas at a centerline height of 50 feet on a 97-foot building with an overall building height of 121 feet at the approx. vicinity of 230 St Paul Street, Burlington, VT 05401. Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30 days from the date of this publication to: Trileaf Corp, Courtney Meadows, c.meadows@, 8600 LaSalle Rd, Suite 301, Towson, MD 21286.

(148) – (173) As written. ** Material stricken out deleted. *** Material underlined added.

ESSEX PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 25, 2022-6:00 P.M. 81 MAIN ST., ESSEX JCT., VT CONFERENCE ROOM OR ZOOM - Zoom link: Join-Zoom-Meeting-Essex-PC - Call (audio only): 1-888-788-0099 | Meeting ID: 923 7777 6158 # | Passcode: 426269 - Public wifi is available at the Essex municipal offices, libraries, and hotspots listed here: public-wifi-hotspots-vermont 1. Consent Agenda: Marcel LeClair: Add one 15’x100’ storage building (40 units) to the existing 8 storage buildings located at 220 Colchester Road in the I1 Zone. Tax Map 9, Parcel 15. 2. SKETCH: Pinewood Holdings, LLC: Proposed 34-Unit PUD-R consisting of 19 single-family & 5 triplex buildings located at 18 & 30 Timberlane Drive in the R2 Zone. Tax Maps 84/85; Parcels 1/1; Lots 0/1.

PUBLIC NOTICE: The Annual meeting of the Board of Directors for VERMONT DENTAL CARE PROGRAMS will be held on Monday September 26, at 5:30pm at the office of Vermont Dental Care at 32 Malletts Bay Ave, Winooski, Vermont. For further information please call Sandra at 655-2385.

RESCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: BURLINGTON COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. §4442 and §4444, notice is hereby given of a public hearing by the Burlington City Council to hear comments on the following proposed amendments to the City of Burlington’s Comprehensive Development Ordinance (CDO): ZA-22-07: Maximum Parking & TDM The August 15th public hearing on this ordinance amendment has been rescheduled and will now take place on Monday, September 12, 2022 during the Regular City Council Meeting which begins at 6:00 pm in Contois Auditorium, Burlington City Hall, 149 Church Street, Burlington, VT or you may access the hearing/meeting as follows: On-line: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/89190324672

LEGAL NOTICE - CITY OF BURLINGTON The City of Burlington gives notice that it intends to incur indebtedness in furtherance of the City of Burlington Downtown Tax Increment Financing District in an aggregate amount of up to $30,122,000. The City expects to sell bonds to qualified financial institutions to be selected by the City, after solicitation of proposals. The City expects such sale and issuance of bonds to occur in August or September 2022, with rates and terms subject to market conditions. The improvements to be financed are in furtherance of the City’s Downtown Tax Increment Financing as approved by the voters of the City and subject to resolutions of the City Council. For further information, contact Mr. Rich Goodwin, Director of Financial Operations, 149 Church St., Burlington, VT 05401.

By telephone : +1 929 205 6099 Webinar ID: 891 9032 4672

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Pursuant to the requirements of 24 V.S.A. §4444(b): Statement of purpose: The purpose of the proposed amendments are as follows: - ZA-22-07: To replace minimum parking requirements with maximums, modify transportation demand management requirements, and revise certain use and situational parking standards Geographic areas affected: These amendments apply to the following areas of the city: - ZA-22-07: All areas and zoning districts within the city. List of section headings affected: The proposed amendments modify the following sections of the Burlington Comprehensive Development Ordinance: - ZA-22-07: Modifies Sec. 4.4.1-D, Sec. 4.4.5-D, Sec. 4.5.3-C, Sec. 4.5.6-C, Sec. 5.1.1-C, Sec. 5.1.1-D, Sec. 5.3.6-C, Sec. 5.4.12-A, Sec. 8.1.3, Sec. 8.1.3-A, Sec. 8.1.3-B, Sec. 8.1.3-C, Sec. 8.1.4, Sec. 8.1.5; Deletes Sec. 8.1.6, Sec. 8.1.7; Modifies Sec. 8.1.8; Deletes Table 8.1.8 - Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements; Modifies Sec. 8.1.9; Modifies Table 8.1.9-1 – Maximum Off-Street Parking Requirements; Modifies Sec. 8.1.9-A, Sec. 8.1.12; Deletes Sec 8.1.15; Modifies Sec. 8.1.16-B; Sec. 8.1.16-C; Modifies Sec. 8.3.3, Sec. 8.3.4 and Sec. 8.3.5. The full text of the Burlington Comprehensive Development Ordinance is available online at Upon request, a hard copy of the proposed amendments can be viewed at the Clerk’s Office located on the second floor of City Hall, 149 Church Street, Burlington, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or on the department’s website at https://www.

STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET NO.: 22-PR-04125 In re ESTATE of Jon Russell Howell NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of: Jon Russell Howell late of Shelburne. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Dated: 8/8/2022 Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Craig R. Howell Executor/Administrator: Craig R. Howell, c/o Drislane Law Office, PO Box 1080, Williston, VT 05495 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 8/10/22 Name of Probate Court: Chittenden Probate Court Address of Probate Court: 174 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401




Legal Notices [CONTINUED] BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-OPT1 v. PHYLLIS V. MARCELL OCCUPANTS OF: 8 Andrews Avenue, South Burlington VT MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER 12 V.S.A. sec 4952 et seq. In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered January 28, 2020, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Phyllis V. Marcell to H&R Block Mortgage Corporation, a Massachusetts Corporation, dated December 8, 2005 and recorded in Book 738 Page 621 of the land records of the City of South Burlington, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, by virtue of the following Assignments of Mortgage: (1) Assignment of Mortgage from H&R Block Mortgage Corporation to Option One Mortgage Corporation dated January 22, 2008 and recorded in Book 805 Page 670; (2) Assignment of Mortgage from Option One Mortgage Corporation to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Trustee for the Certificateholders of Carrington Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2006-OPT1, Asset Backed Pass-Through Certificates dated June 16, 2008 and recorded in Book 805 Page 672; and (3) Corrective Assignment of Mortgage from Sand Canyon Corporation f/k/a Option One Mortgage Corporation to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Trustee for the Certificateholders of Carrington Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2006-OPT1, Asset Backed Pass-Through Certificates dated November 21, 2012 and recorded in Book 1124 Page 35, all of the land records of the Town of South Burlington] for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 8 Andrews Avenue, South Burlington, Vermont on August 22, 2022 at 12:00 PM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To wit: ALL THAT CERTAIN LAND SITUATED IN THE STATE OF VT, COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A LOT OF LAND WITH ALL BUILDINGS THEREON LOCATED ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF ANDREWS AVENUE, THE DWELLING HOUSE THEREON BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED 8 ANDREWS AVENUE. BEING ALL OF LOT NO. 56 AS SHOWN ON A PLAN OF LAUREL HILL SOUTH, DATED MAY, 1966, AS RECORED IN VOL. 80, PAGE 25 OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON LAND RECORDS. APN: 0050-00008 Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description. Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described. TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a bank wire, certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date the



Confirmation Order is entered by the Court. All checks should be made payable to “Bendett & McHugh, PC, as Trustee”. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale. DATED : July 20, 2022 By: /s/ Rachel K. Ljunggren Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032

TOWN OF BOLTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PUBLIC HEARING: AUGUST 25, 2022 The Town of Bolton’s Development Review Board will hold a public hearing on August 25, 2022, at 6:30pm. Place: Virtual or Municipal Conference Room, 3045 Theodore Roosevelt Highway, Bolton, VT, 05676. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/84858645090 Call (audio only): +1 646 558 8656| Meeting ID: 848 5864 5090 The following applications will be reviewed: 2022-43-DRB; Applicant & Property Owner: Eastcote Holdings LLC. Seeking approval for a second curb cut and the development of a gravel parking lot for recreational uses on 1070 Theodore Roosevelt Highway. The property is in the Rural I, Rural II and Flood Hazard Overlay District. (Tax Map #14-2001320). Additional information can be obtained through email by calling 802-434-5075, or by email at Pursuant to 24 VSA § 4464 and § 4471, participation in this local proceeding, by written or oral comment, is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal.

TOWN OF ESSEX ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING/AGENDA September 1, 2022 - 6:00 PM, Virtual & In-House, 81 MAIN ST., ESSEX JCT., VT Join via Microsoft Teams at https://www.essexvt. org/870/5481/Join-ZBA-Meeting Depending on your browser, you may need to call in for audio (below). Join via conference call (audio only): (802) 377-3784 | Conference ID: 480 347 627# Public wifi is available at the Essex municipal offices, libraries, and hotspots listed here: public-wifi-hotspots-vermont UNSPECIFIED USE: Burton Revocable Trust: Proposed Short-Term Rental; 32 Forest Road; R2 Zone. Tax Map 10, Parcel 51. Possible Work Group Discussion; and approval of draft minutes Submitted by S. Kelley, ZA 8/9/22

Support Groups CONTACT CLASSIFIEDS@SEVENDAYSVT.COM OR 802-865-1020, EXT. 110, TO UPDATE YOUR SUPPORT GROUP VISIT SEVENDAYSVT.COM TO VIEW A FULL LIST OF SUPPORT GROUPS A CIRCLE OF PARENTS FOR MOTHERS OF COLOR Please join our parent-led online support group designed to share our questions, concerns & struggles, as well as our resources & successes! Contribute to our discussion of the unique but shared experience of parenting. We will be meeting weekly on Wed., 10-11 a.m. For more info or to register, please contact Heather at hniquette@, 802-498-0607, pcavt. org/family-support-programs. A CIRCLE OF PARENTS FOR SINGLE MOTHERS Please join our parent-led online support group designed to share our questions, concerns & struggles, as well as our resources & successes! Contribute to our discussion of the unique but shared experience of parenting. We will be meeting weekly on Fri., 10-11 a.m. For more info or to register, please contact Heather at hniquette@, 802-498-0607, pcavt. org/family-support-programs. A CIRCLE OF PARENTS W/ LGBTQ+ CHILDREN Please join our parent-led online support group designed to share our questions, concerns & struggles, as well as our resources & successes! Contribute to our discussion of the unique but shared experience of parenting. We will be meeting weekly on Mon., 10-11 a.m. For more info or to register, please contact Heather at hniquette@, 802-498-0607, pcavt. org/family-support-programs. AL-ANON For families & friends of alcoholics. Phone meetings, electronic meetings (Zoom), & an Al-Anon blog are avail. online at the AlAnon website. For meeting info, go to or call 866-972-5266. ALATEEN GROUP Alateen group in Burlington on Sun. 5-6 p.m. at the UU building at the top of Church St. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Daily meetings in various locations. Free. Info, 864-1212. Want to overcome a drinking problem? Take the 1st step of 12 & join a group in your area. ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUPS Support groups meet to provide assistance & info on Alzheimer’s disease & related dementias. They emphasize shared experiences, emotional support & coping techniques in care for a person living w/ Alzheimer’s or a related

dementia. Meetings are free & open to the public. Families, caregivers & friends may attend. Please call in advance to confirm date & time. 4 options: 1st Mon. of every mo., 2-3 p.m., at the Residence at Shelburne Bay, 185 Pine Haven Shores, Shelburne; 4th Tue. of every mo., 10-11 a.m., at the Residence at Quarry Hill, 465 Quarry Hill Rd., South Burlington; 2nd Tue. of every mo., 5-6:30 p.m., at the Alzheimer’s Association Main Office, 300 Cornerstone Dr., Suite 130, Williston; 2nd Mon. of every mo., 6-7:30 p.m., at Milton Public Library, 39 Bombardier Rd., Milton. For questions or additional support group listings, call 800-272-3900. ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION TELEPHONE SUPPORT GROUP 2nd Tue. monthly, 4-5:30 p.m. Preregistration is required (to receive dial-in codes for toll-free call). Please dial the Alzheimer’s Association’s 24-7 Helpline, 800-272-3900, for more info. ARE YOU HAVING PROBLEMS W/ DEBT? Do you spend more than you earn? Get help at Debtor’s Anonymous plus Business Debtor’s Anonymous. Wed., 6:30-7:30 p.m., Methodist Church in the Rainbow Room at Buell & S. Winooski, Burlington. Contact Jennifer, 917-568-6390. BABY BUMPS SUPPORT GROUP FOR MOTHERS & PREGNANT WOMEN Pregnancy can be a wonderful time of your life. But it can also be a time of stress often compounded by hormonal swings. If you are a pregnant woman, or have recently given birth & feel you need some help w/ managing emotional bumps in the road that can come w/ motherhood, please come to this free support group led by an experienced pediatric registered nurse. Held on the 2nd & 4th Tue. of every mo., 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Birthing Center, Northwestern Medical Center, St. Albans. Info: Rhonda Desrochers, Franklin County Home Health Agency, 527-7531. BETTER BREATHERS CLUB American Lung Association support group for people w/ breathing issues, their loved ones or caregivers. Meets on the 1st Mon. of every mo., 11 a.m.-noon at the Godnick Center, 1 Deer St., Rutland. For more info call 802-776-5508. BRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP Vermont Center for Independent Living offers virtual monthly meetings, held on the 3rd Wed. of every mo., 1-2:30 p.m. The support group will offer valuable resources & info about brain

injury. It will be a place to share experiences in a safe, secure & confidential environment. To join, email Linda Meleady at & ask to be put on the TBI mailing list. Info: 800-639-1522. BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF VERMONT Montpelier daytime support group meets on the 3rd Thu. of every mo. at the Unitarian Church ramp entrance, 1:30-2:30 p.m. St. Johnsbury support group meets on the 3rd Wed. of every mo., at the Grace United Methodist Church, 36 Central St., 1-2:30 p.m. Colchester evening support group meets on the 1st Wed. of every mo., at the Fanny Allen Hospital in the Board Room Conference Room, 5:30-7:30 p.m. White River Jct. meets on the 2nd Fri. of every mo., at Bugbee Sr. Ctr. from 3-4:30 p.m. Call our helpline at 877-856-1772. CANCER SUPPORT GROUP The Champlain Valley Prostate Cancer Support Group will be held every 2nd Tue. of the mo., 6-7:45 p.m. via conference call. Newly diagnosed? Prostate cancer reoccurrence? General discussion & sharing among survivors & those beginning or rejoining the battle. Info, Mary L. Guyette RN, MS, ACNS-BC, 274-4990, CELEBRATE RECOVERY Overcome any hurt, habit or hang-up in your life w/ this confidential 12-step, Christ-centered recovery program. We offer multiple support groups for both men & women, such as chemical dependency, codependency, sexual addiction & pornography, food issues, & overcoming abuse. All 18+ are welcome; sorry, no childcare. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; we begin at 7 p.m. Essex Alliance Church, 37 Old Stage Rd., Essex Junction. Info:, 878-8213. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Celebrate Recovery meetings are for anyone struggling w/ hurt, habits & hang-ups, which include everyone in some way. We welcome everyone at Cornerstone Church in Milton, which meets every Fri. at 7-9 p.m. We’d love to have you join us & discover how your life can start to change. Info: 893-0530, CENTRAL VERMONT CELIAC SUPPORT GROUP Last Thu. of every mo., 7:30 p.m. in Montpelier. Please contact Lisa Mase for location: lisa@ CEREBRAL PALSY GUIDANCE Cerebral Palsy Guidance is a very comprehensive informational

website broadly covering the topic of cerebral palsy & associated medical conditions. Its mission is to provide the best possible info to parents of children living w/ the complex condition of cerebral palsy. cerebral-palsy. CODEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS CoDA is a 12-step fellowship for people whose common purpose is to develop healthy & fulfilling relationships. By actively working the program of Codependents Anonymous, we can realize a new joy, acceptance & serenity in our lives. Meets Sun. at noon at the Turning Point Center, 179 S. Winooski Ave., Suite 301, Burlington. Tom, 238-3587, DECLUTTERERS’ SUPPORT GROUP Are you ready to make improvements but find it overwhelming? Maybe 2 or 3 of us can get together to help each other simplify. 989-3234, 425-3612. DISCOVER THE POWER OF CHOICE! SMART Recovery welcomes anyone, including family & friends, affected by any kind of substance or activity addiction. It is a science-based program that encourages abstinence. Specially trained volunteer facilitators provide leadership. Sun. at 5 p.m. The meeting has moved to Zoom: smartrecovery. Volunteer facilitator: Bert, 399-8754. You can learn more at We hope to return to face-to-face meetings this summer. DIVORCE CARE SUPPORT GROUP Divorce is a tough road. Feelings of separation, betrayal, confusion, anger & self-doubt are common. But there is life after divorce. Led by people who have already walked down that road, we’d like to share w/ you a safe place & a process that can help make the journey easier. This free 13-week group for men & women will be offered on Sun., 5:30-7:30 p.m., Sep. 8-Dec. 1, at the North Avenue Alliance Church, 901 North Ave., Burlington. Register for class at essexalliance.churchcenter. com. For more info, call Sandy 802-425-7053. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SUPPORT Steps to End Domestic Violence offers a weekly drop-in support group for female-identified survivors of intimate partner violence, including individuals who are experiencing or have been affected by domestic violence. The support group offers a safe, confidential place for survivors to connect w/ others, to heal & to recover. In support group, participants talk through their experiences & hear stories from others who have experienced abuse in their relationships. Support group is also a resource for those who are unsure of their next step, even if it involves remaining in their current relationship. Tue., 6:30-8

p.m. Childcare is provided. Info: 658-1996. EMPLOYMENT-SEEKERS SUPPORT GROUP Frustrated w/ the job search or w/ your job? You are not alone. Come check out this supportive circle. Wed. at 3 p.m., Pathways Vermont Community Center, 279 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: Abby Levinsohn, 777-8602. FAMILIES COPING W/ ADDICTIONS (FCA) GROUP (ADDICTION SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES) Families Coping w/ Addiction (FCA) is an open-community peer support group for adults 18+ struggling w/ the drug or alcohol addiction of a loved one. FCA is not 12-step based but provides a welcoming & stigma-free forum for those living this experience, in which to develop personal coping skills & to draw strength & insight from one another. Group meets weekly on Wed., 5:30-6:30 p.m., on Zoom. Check Turning Point Center website ( for Zoom link, listed under “Family Support” (click on “What We Offer” dropdown). FAMILY & FRIENDS OF THOSE EXPERIENCING MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS This support group is a dedicated meeting for family, friends & community members who are supporting a loved one through a mental health crisis. Mental health crisis might include extreme states, psychosis, depression, anxiety & other types of distress. The group is a confidential space where family & friends can discuss shared experiences & receive support in an environment free of judgment & stigma w/ a trained facilitator. Wed., 7-8:30 p.m. Downtown Burlington. Info: Jess Horner, LICSW, 866-218-8586. FAMILY RESTORED: SUPPORT GROUP FOR FRIENDS & FAMILIES OF ADDICTS & ALCOHOLICS Wed., 6:30-8 p.m., Holy Family/ St. Lawrence Parish, 4 Prospect St., Essex Junction. For further info, please visit thefamily or contact Lindsay Duford at 781-960-3965 or FIERCELY FLAT VT A breast cancer support group for those who’ve had mastectomies. We are a casual online meeting group found on Facebook at Fiercely Flat VT. Info: FOOD ADDICTS IN RECOVERY ANONYMOUS (FA) Are you having trouble controlling the way you eat? FA is a free 12-step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, under-eating or bulimia. Local meetings are held twice a wk.: Mon., 4-5:30 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Church, Norwich, Vt.; & Wed., 6:30-8 p.m., at Hanover Friends Meeting House, Hanover, N.H. For more info & a list of additional meetings throughout the U.S. & the world, call 603-630-1495 or visit

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G.R.A.S.P. (GRIEF RECOVERY AFTER A SUBSTANCE PASSING) Are you a family member who has lost a loved one to addiction? Find support, peer-led support group. Meets once a mo. on Mon. in Burlington. Please call for date & location. RSVP mkeasler3@ or call 310-3301 (message says Optimum Health, but this is a private number). GRIEF & LOSS SUPPORT GROUP Sharing your sadness, finding your joy. Please join us as we learn more about our own grief & explore the things that can help us to heal. There is great power in sharing our experiences with others who know the pain of the loss of a loved one & healing is possible through the sharing. BAYADA Hospice’s local bereavement support coordinator will facilitate our weekly group through discussion & activities. Everyone from the community is welcome. 1st & last Wed. of every mo. at 4 p.m. via Zoom. To register, please contact bereavement program coordinator Max Crystal, or 802-448-1610.

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GRIEF SUPPORT GROUPS Meet every 2nd Mon., 6-7:30 p.m., & every 3rd Wed. from 10-11:30 a.m., at Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice in Berlin. The group is open to the public & free of charge. More info: Diana Moore, 224-2241. HEARING VOICES SUPPORT GROUP This Hearing Voices Group seeks to find understanding of voicehearing experiences as real lived experiences that may happen to anyone at any time. We choose to share experiences, support & empathy. We validate anyone’s experience & stories about their experience as their own, as being an honest & accurate representation of their experience, & as being acceptable exactly as they are. Tue., 2-3 p.m. Pathways Vermont Community Center, 279 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: 802-777-8602, abby@ HELLENBACH CANCER SUPPORT Call to verify meeting place. Info, 388-6107. People living w/ cancer & their caretakers convene for support. INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS/ PAINFUL BLADDER SUPPORT GROUP Interstitial cystitis (IC) & painful bladder syndrome can result in recurring pelvic pain, pressure or discomfort in the bladder/pelvic region & urinary frequency/urgency. These are often misdiagnosed & mistreated as a chronic bladder infection. If you have been diagnosed or have these symptoms, you are not alone. For Vermont-based support group, email or call 899-4151 for more info.

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11/25/20 10:19 AM

Support Groups [CONTINUED] KINDRED CONNECTIONS PROGRAM OFFERED FOR CHITTENDEN COUNTY CANCER SURVIVORS The Kindred Connections program provides peer support for all those touched by cancer. Cancer patients, as well as caregivers, are provided w/ a mentor who has been through the cancer experience & knows what it’s like to go through it. In addition to sensitive listening, Kindred Connections provides practical help such as rides to doctors’ offices & meal deliveries. The program has people who have experienced a wide variety of cancers. For further info, please contact KINSHIP CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP A support group for grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. Led by a trained representative & facilitator. Meets on the 2nd Tue. of every mo., 6:30-7:45 p.m., at Milton Public Library. Free. For more info, call 802-893-4644 or email Facebook. com/events/561452568022928 LGBTQ SURVIVORS OF VIOLENCE The SafeSpace Anti-Violence Program at Pride Center of Vermont offers peer-led support groups for survivors of relationship, dating, emotional &/or hate-violence. These groups give survivors a safe & supportive environment to tell their stories, share info, & offer & receive support. Support groups also provide survivors an opportunity to gain info on how to better cope w/ feelings & experiences that surface because of the trauma they have experienced. Please call SafeSpace at 863-0003 if you are interested in joining. LIVING THROUGH LOSS Gifford Medical Center is announcing the restart of its grief support group, Living Through Loss. The program is sponsored by the Gifford Volunteer Chaplaincy Program & will meet weekly on Fri., 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in Gifford’s Chun Chapel beginning on Aug. 6. Meetings will be facilitated by the Rev. Timothy Eberhardt, spiritual care coordinator, & Emily Pizzale MSW, LICSW, a Gifford social worker. Anyone who has experienced a significant loss over the last year or so is warmly invited to attend & should enter through the hospital’s main entrance wearing a mask on the way to the chapel. Meetings will be based on the belief that, while each of us is on a unique journey in life, we all need a safe place to pause, to tell our stories &, especially as we grieve, to receive the support & strength we need to continue along the way.


MARIJUANA ANONYMOUS Do you have a problem w/ marijuana? MA is a free 12-step program where addicts help other addicts get & stay clean. Ongoing Wed., 7 p.m., at Turning Point Center, 179 S. Winooski, Suite 301, Burlington. 861-3150. MYELOMA SUPPORT GROUP Area Myeloma Survivors, Families & Caregivers have come together to form a Multiple Myeloma Support Group. We provide emotional support, resources about treatment options, coping strategies & a support network by participating in the group experience w/ people who have been through similar situations. 3rd Tue. of every mo., 5-6 p.m., at the New Hope Lodge on East Ave. in Burlington. Info: Kay Cromie, 655-9136, NAMI CONNECTION PEER SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS Weekly virtual meetings. If you have questions about a group in your area, please contact the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Vermont, program@ or 800-639-6480. Connection groups are peer recovery support group programs for adults living w/ mental health challenges. NAMI FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP Weekly virtual meetings. If you have questions about a group in your area, please contact the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Vermont, info@namivt. org or 800-639-6480. Family Support Group meetings are for family & friends of individuals living w/ mental illness. NARCONON SUNCOAST DRUG & ALCOHOL REHABILITATION & EDUCATION Narconon reminds families that overdoses due to an elephant tranquilizer known as Carfentanil has been on the rise in nearly every community nationwide. Carfentanil is a synthetic opioid painkiller 100 times more powerful than fentanyl & 1,000 times stronger than heroin. A tiny grain of it is enough to be fatal. To learn more about carfentanil abuse & how to help your loved one, visit drug-abuse/parents-get-help. html. Addiction screenings: Narconon can help you take steps to overcome addiction in your family. Call today for a no-cost screening or referral: 1- 877-841-5509.

Center, 179 S. Winooski Ave., Suite 301, in Burlington. The only requirement for membership is that there be a problem of addiction in a relative or friend. Info: Amanda H. 338-8106. NEW (& EXPECTING) MAMAS & PAPAS! EVERY PRIMARY CAREGIVER TO A BABY! The Children’s Room invites you to join our weekly drop-in support group. Come unwind & discuss your experiences & questions around infant care & development, self-care & postpartum healing, & community resources for families w/ babies. Tea & snacks provided. Thu., 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Bring your babies! (Newborn through crawling stage). Located in Thatcher Brook Primary School, 47 Stowe St., Contact childrensroom@wwsu. org or 244-5605. NORTHWEST VERMONT CANCER PRAYER & SUPPORT NETWORK A meeting of cancer patients, survivors & family members intended to comfort & support those who are currently suffering from the disease. 2nd Thu. of every mo., 6-7:30 p.m., St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 11 Church St., St. Albans. Info: 2nd Wed. of every mo., 6-7:30 p.m. Winooski United Methodist Church, 24 W. Allen St. Info: OPEN EARS, OPEN MINDS A mutual support circle that focuses on connection & self-exploration. Fri. at 1 p.m., Pathways Vermont Community Center, 279 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: Abby Levinsohn, 777-8602. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS (OA) A 12-step program for people who identify as overeaters, compulsive eaters, food addicts, anorexics, bulimics, etc. No matter what your problem w/ food, we have a solution! All are welcome, meetings are open, & there are no dues or fees. See for the current meeting list, meeting format & more; or call 802-863-2655 anytime!

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS is a group of recovering addicts who live without the use of drugs. It costs nothing to join. The only req. for membership is a desire to stop using. Info, 862-4516 or Held in Burlington, Barre & St. Johnsbury.

PONDERING GENDER & SEXUALITY Pondering Gender & Sexuality is a twice-monthly facilitated mutual support group for folks of any identity (whether fully formed or a work in progress) who want to engage in meaningful conversations about gender, sexuality & sexual orientation, &/or the coming-out process. Discussions can range from the personal to the philosophical & beyond as we work together to create a compassionate, safe & courageous space to explore our experiences. The group will be held on the 2nd Sun. & 4th Tue., 1-2:30 p.m., of every mo., either virtually or at Pride Center of Vermont. Email pgs@ for more info or w/ questions!

NARCANON BURLINGTON GROUP Group meets every Mon. at 7 p.m., at the Turning Point

POTATO INTOLERANCE SUPPORT GROUP Anyone coping w/ potato intolerance & interested in joining a


support group, contact Jerry Fox, 48 Saybrook Rd., Essex Junction, VT 05452. QUEEN CITY MEMORY CAFÉ The Queen City Memory Café offers a social time & place for people w/ memory impairment & their friends & family to laugh, learn, & share concerns & celebrate feeling understood & connected. Enjoy coffee, tea & baked goods w/ entertainment & conversation. QCMC meets on the 3rd Sat. of every mo., 10 a.m.12 p.m., at the Thayer Building, 1197 North Ave., Burlington. 316-3839. QUEER CARE GROUP This support group is for adult family members & caregivers of queer &/or questioning youth. It is held on the 2nd Mon. of every mo., 6:30-8 p.m., at Outright Vermont, 241 North Winooski Ave. This group is for adults only. For more info, email info@ READY TO BE TOBACCO-FREE GROUPS Join a free 4-5-wk. group workshop facilitated by our coaches, who are certified in tobacco treatment. We meet in a friendly, relaxed & virtual atmosphere. You may qualify for a free limited supply of nicotine replacement therapy. Info: call 802-847-7333 or email quittobaccoclass@ to get signed up, or visit to learn more about upcoming workshops! RECOVERING FROM RELIGION Meets on the 2nd Tue. of every mo., 6-8 p.m., at Brownell Public Library, 6 Lincoln St., Essex Junction, unless there’s inclement weather or the date falls on a holiday. Attendees can remain anonymous if they so choose & are not required to tell their story if they do not wish to, but everyone will be welcome to do so. The primary focus of a Recovering From Religion support group is to provide ongoing & personal support to individuals as they let go of their religious beliefs. This transitional period is an ongoing process that can result in a range of emotions, as well as a ripple effect of consequences throughout an individual’s life. As such, the support meetings are safe & anonymous places to express these doubts, fears & experiences without biased feedback or proselytizing. We are here to help each other through this journey. Free. SCLERODERMA FOUNDATION NEW ENGLAND Support group meeting held on the 4th Tue. of every mo., 6:30-8:30 p.m., Williston Police Station. Info, Blythe Leonard, 878-0732. SEX & LOVE ADDICTS ANONYMOUS 12-step recovery group. Do you have a problem w/ sex or relationships? We can help. Shawn, 660-2645. Visit slaafws. org or for meetings near you.

SEXUAL VIOLENCE SUPPORT HOPE Works offers free support groups to women, men & teens who are survivors of sexual violence. Groups are avail. for survivors at any stage of the healing process. Intake for all support groups is ongoing. If you are interested in learning more or would like to schedule an intake to become a group member, please call our office at 864-0555, ext. 19, or email our victim advocate at advocate@ SOBER REFLECTIONS: WOMEN’S RECOVERY GROUP All women+ are invited to this open, supportive recovery group, based in the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (but appropriate for all addictive behaviors, i.e. alcohol, drugs, relationships, etc.) presented at Mercy Connections, 255 S. Champlain St., Burlington. The format of the meetings will include readings, meditation, journaling & sharing. No registration/drop-in. Wed., 5:30-6:30 p.m. Info: kmercer@, 802846-7063, mercyconnections. org/schedule. STUTTERING SUPPORT GROUPS If you’re a person who stutters, you are not alone! Adults, teens & school-age kids who stutter, & their families are welcome to join 1 of our 3 free National Stuttering Association (NSA) stuttering support groups at UVM (join by Zoom or in person). Adults: 5:30-6:30 p.m., 1st & 3rd Tue. monthly; teens (ages 13-17): 5:30-6:30 p.m., 2nd Thu. monthly; school-age children (ages 8-12) & parents (meeting separately): 4:15-5:15 p.m., 2nd Thu. monthly. Pomeroy Hall (489 Main St., UVM campus). Info:,, 656-0250. Go, Team Stuttering! SUICIDE SURVIVORS SUPPORT GROUP For those who have lost a friend or loved one through suicide. Maple Leaf Clinic, 167 N. Main St., Wallingford, 446-3577. 6:30-8 p.m., on the 3rd Tue. of every. mo. SUICIDE HOTLINES IN VT Brattleboro, 257-7989; Montpelier (Washington County Mental Health Emergency Services), 229-0591; Randolph (Clara Martin Center Emergency Service), 800-639-6360. SUPPORT GROUP FOR WOMEN who have experienced intimate partner abuse, facilitated by Circle (Washington Co. only). Please call 877-543-9498 for more info. SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE If you have lost someone to suicide & wish to have a safe place to talk, share & spend a little time w/ others who have had a similar experience, join us on the 3rd Thu. of every mo., 7-9 p.m, at the Faith Lighthouse Church, Route 105, Newport (105 Alderbrook). Please call before attending. Info: Mary Butler, 744-6284.

SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE: S. BURLINGTON This group is for people experiencing the impact of the loss of a loved one to suicide. 1st Wed. of each mo., 6-7:30 p.m., at the Comfort Inn & Suites, 3 Dorset St., Burlington. Info: Heather Schleupner, 301-514-2445, THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS SUPPORT GROUP The Compassionate Friends international support group for parents, siblings & families grieving the loss of a child meets every 3rd Tue. of the mo., 7-9 p.m., at Kismet Place, 363 Blair Park Rd., Williston. Call/ email Jay at 802-373-1263, compassionatefriendsvt@gmail. com. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) chapter meeting. Hedding United Methodist Church, Washington St., Barre. Wed., 5:15-6:15 p.m. For info, call David at 371-8929. TRANS & GENDERNONCONFORMING SUPPORT GROUP As trans & GNC people in the world, we experience many things that are unique to our identities. For that reason, the Transgender Program hosts a support group for our community on the 1st & 3rd Wed. of every mo., 6:30-8 p.m., either virtually or at Pride Center of Vermont. The Trans & GNC Support group is for Vermonters at all stages of their gender journey to come together to socialize, discuss issues that are coming up in their lives & build community. We welcome anyone whose identity falls under the trans, GNC, intersex & nonbinary umbrellas, & folks questioning their gender identity. Email w/ any questions, comments or accessibility concerns. TRANSGENDER EXTENDED FAMILY SUPPORT We are people w/ adult loved ones who are transgender or gender-nonconforming. We meet to support each other & to learn more about issues & concerns. Our sessions are supportive, informal & confidential. Meetings are held at 5:30 p.m., the 2nd Thu. of each mo., via Zoom. Not sure if you’re ready for a meeting? We also offer 1-on-1 support. For more info, email or call 802-318-4746. VEGGIE SUPPORT GROUP Want to feel supported on your vegetarian/vegan journey? Want more info on healthy veggie diets? Want to share & socialize at veggie potlucks & more in the greater Burlington area? This is your opportunity to join w/ other like-minded folks. veggy4life@, 658-4991. WOMEN’S CANCER SUPPORT GROUP FAHC. Led by Deb Clark, RN. Every 1st & 3rd Tue., 5-6:30 p.m. Call Kathy McBeth, 847-5715.


We ran our employment campaign with Seven Days Jobs because it has the widest reach in the state and is the premier source for news and entertainment. We worked with our employees and agency partners to test various creative strategies. The reach of Seven Days led to serious candidates who were actually interested in the position and our company. That was not the case with other recruitment tools we used. We ended up interviewing six candidates and hired two as a result. We would absolutely recommend working with Michelle Brown at Seven Days — she’s fantastic and very easy to work with. KRISTIN THAYER Director of Operations and Supply Chain, Vermont Smoke & Cure

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6/1/22 10:39 AM

90 AUGUST 10-17, 2022





OFFICE MANAGER The University is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the institution. Applicants are required to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal.

Scout coffee shops in Burlington and Winooski are looking for a baker to help us launch a new in house pastry program. We offer good pay, paid time off and a thoughtful and supportive work environment. Some experience required. Send resumes to:

Serving as the front-line staff point of contact for the department, the Office Manager provides office, operational, and business support for Davis Center Operations & Events and the Department of Student Life. As a member of the Davis Center Student Supervisors Team, oversee successful selection, training, supervision, and evaluation of 5-8 Student Office Assistants. Utilize a variety of software to execute administrative and operational tasks. Provide excellent customer service to internal and external constituents. Actively pursue, foster, and celebrate the cultural awareness and diversity goals of the Davis Center, Student Affairs, and the UVM campus.



For position details and application process, visit and select “View Current Openings”

Bargaining unit position. External candidates must complete a 4-month probationary period. Occasional overtime/weekend hours required. A probationary period may be required for current UVM employees.

SUNY College at Plattsburgh is a fully compliant employer committed to excellence through diversity.

5h-UVMStudentLife080322.indd 1 2h-PlattsburghState081022.indd 1


Help us tell the HomeShare story and encourage more Vermonters to homeshare! HomeShare Vermont, based in South Burlington, is a small non-profit dedicated to affordable housing and helping elders and others stay at home. Working in a team environment, the Communications Specialist provides information to the public about HomeShare Vermont, our program and activities. The Specialist works to recruit homeshare candidates for specific housing opportunities and to encourage more people to consider sharing their home. The position includes everything from explaining the program to people who call or stop by, writing press releases, updating the website, publishing newsletters to flyer distribution, group presentations and coordinating our annual outcomes surveys. We seek a mission driven candidate with excellent interpersonal skills who is highly organized and has good attention to detail. Good writing skills and a comfort speaking with groups of people required. A working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel & Publisher, Word Press and MailChimp is desirable. Must be able to multi-task. Access to a vehicle required. Position is office based, full-time with excellent benefits.

SHARED<job LIVING PROVIDERS <job title here> title here>

Seeking Part-time Shared Living Provider Chittenden County forpermanent a woman inresidential her 30’s. Ideal candidate 38 Establish and maintain a therapeutic and stable housing 38words. words. Establish and maintain aintherapeutic and stable permanent residential housing will be able tofor provide clear boundaries, clinical support while helping the client develop independent livenvironment adults with mental health/substance use challenges. This is a part time environment for adults with mental health/substance use challenges. This is a part time ing skills and integrate into the community. Ideal candidate does not have young children. Compensation: position, per week. Lorunt laccuscimus et porrum sequis ma adit te sit. te sit. position, 27.5 27.5hours hours per week. Lorunt laccuscimus et porrum sequis maaudic adit audic $50,000 tax free annual stipend for part time schedule plus room and board. Contact or 802-488-6553.

<job title title here> <job here>

Seeking a Shared Living Provider for a 33-year-old man who loves video games and Magic the Gathering. He requires all day supervision but can group be alone in his roomatorthe leftBaird at home for upThe to an hour. This 50 small instruction School. 50words. words.Support Supportindividual individualand and small group instruction at the Baird School. The position will require daily supervision and helping thefor client with meal preparation, some transportation, Teaching Interventionist will also be responsible class coverage when the Classroom Teaching Interventionist will also be responsible for class coverage when the Classroom and emotional support. The ideal placement would be a person or couple without children in the home, Teachers are The Baird School provides an alternative educational environment for for Teachers areabsent. absent. The Baird School provides an alternative environment but pets are fine. Compensation: $40,000 tax-free annual stipend plus educational room and board and contracted children ages 5-14 (grades K-8). Est antur recaborent occus alitatia del moloris ellorum. supports. Contact 802-488-6581. children ages 5-14 (grades K-8). Est antur recaborent occusoralitatia del moloris ellorum. Seeking Shared Living Providers or Overnight Respite for a 10-year old boy who enjoys swimming, music, exploring, and has a silly sense of humor. The providers must be reliably able to provide around the clock eyes-on support in their home Program for 2-3 days per weekmotivated and must be ablethat andare willing to provide support for 47 Garvin Intensive is seeking staff passionate about 47words. words. Garvin is Previous seekingexperience motivated are passionate complex medical andIntensive behavioralProgram challenges. instaff thesethat areas is preferred. Theabout ideal embracing each student’s individuality and while supporting their academic embracing each student’s individuality and strengths, while supporting their academic home will have multiple adults present most of strengths, the time. There cannot be any other children in the home. success inina will therapeutic, supportive environment. Poriandam, sed mil Providers be receiving supportand from daytime staff until 5 pm. Compensation is $275/24 shift. success afriendly, friendly, therapeutic, and supportive environment. Poriandam, sediliquam milhr. iliquam eume vellautFictorem qui duscitiorpor as pelit ande eaqui volorep roruptiis ellauta evelib. There is potential for this to become part-time shared parenting with tax free stipend. eume vellautFictorem qui duscitiorpor as pelit ande eaqui volorep roruptiis ellauta evelib. Please contact

<job title title here> <job here>

Full-time, Part-time, SubstitutePositions PositionsAvailable Available ••Flexible Schedules • Competitive Full-time, Part-time, andand Substitute Flexible Schedules • Competitive Compensation • Great Benefits, including 36 days of paid time off • Inclusive Work Culture Compensation • Great Benefits, including 36 days of paid time off • Inclusive Work Culture

Send resume & cover letter via email ONLY to•• 802-488-6946 802-488-6946 Howard Center is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. The agency’s culture and service delivery is strengthened Howard Center is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. The agency’s culture and service delivery is strengthened by the diversity of its workforce. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. by the diversity of its workforce. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY. Visit “About Us” on our website at to review Howard Center’s EOE policy. EOE/TTY. Visit “About Us” on our website at to review Howard Center’s EOE policy.


7t-HowardCenterSLP081022.indd 1 5v-HomeShareVT081022.indd 1

8/2/22 11:54 AM

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91 AUGUST 10-17, 2022



The newest hotel in Downtown Burlington is looking for a seasoned Executive Housekeeper.

Responsible for all duties of the housekeeping operation and cleanliness levels in all areas of the property. The ideal candidate will Growing early childhood promote an atmosphere that insures guest and associate satisfaction. education program with This position requires strong attention to detail, leadership skills, and four locations is looking for the ability to effectively deal with department heads, guests, and Lead Teachers and Assistant Teachers. If you love working team members. Previous supervisory experience required. with children, we encourage QUALIFICATIONS you to apply. Education and Please forward a cover letter, salary requirements • Master's in Social Work (MSW) from an accredited experience are preferred; and resume to school of social work. however, we are willing to invest • Minimum of (3) years’ experience in a clinical setting, Maine Course Hospitality offers a competitive wages & benefits in the right person. We are including (2) years in a medical setting, preferably package including quarterly bonus program, medical/dental looking for team members who a hospital. (2) years case management experience insurance, health savings plan, 401K, vacation time, health club are willing to learn, continue or a similar role preferred. benefits, life insurance. All positions require a flexible schedule their education, are good with some evening, weekends and holidays required. communicators, team oriented, and flexible. The right person will have and show a genuine love and ambition to play and 1 8/8/22 2:27 PM 8/8/224t-HiltonGarden081022.indd 6:01 PM learn with the children. Our 4t-UVMMedCenterCASEmgrII081022.indd 1 beliefs are the children come first. We offer paid vacation, paid personal/sick time, paid holidays, paid in-service days, child care discount, and paid professional development. This position provides oversight and responsibility for staffing OPERATIONS MANAGER OPERATIONS MANAGER Email your resume to: and operational aspects of the University of Vermont Cancer Center’s Clinical Trial Office. Oversees UVM clinical research TREASURER TREASURER coordinators, protocol development, and regulatory staff. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Serve as a primary liaison with a network of affiliated hospitals ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT and physician practice groups. Masters degree and four to six years’ experience in health care or research management GROW WITH US or related field. Demonstrated leadership/management, FULL DESCRIPTIONS AT FULL DESCRIPTIONS AT financial and operational experience required. Demonstrated NEKBROADBAND.ORG/CAREERS NEKBROADBAND.ORG/CAREERS PART TIME ability to manage multiple priorities and lead personnel to NEK Broadband is a Communications Union District for all of the Northeast Kingdom and Wolcott. Our NEK Broadband is a Communications Union District for all of the Northeast task completion in a complex work environment. Experience mission is to ensure that every premise with electric utility service has access to high speed Employee at Liebling Kingdom and Our mission is to ensure that every premise with broadband internet. NEKWolcott. Broadband has an office and warehouse in St. Johnsbury, and performs managing cancer clinical research preferred. We are an equal opportunity employer, and broadband committed to a diverse much of its business remotely. electric utility service has access to high speed internet. NEK Seeking a fashion forward, workforce. Broadband has an office and warehouse in St. Johnsbury, and performs Apply online: much of its business remotely. We are an equal opportunity employer, responsible individual for and committed to a diverse workforce. part time employment at Liebling, a high end women's boutique in Burlington! 4t-UVMCancerCenter081022.indd 1 8/5/22 4t-NEKBroadband080322.indd 10:52 AM 1 8/2/22 11:26 AM Retail experience Navigate New Possibilities ™ appreciated but willing to train the right person. Your Career at NDI is Waiting Job entails sales, retail merchandising, building At NDI we are driven by our belief that advanced spatial strong relationships with The Bookkeeper is responsible for recording and updating clientele, content creation measurement solutions can help our customers in their financial information for our companies and assisting with for social media and aim to improve medical procedures and patient lives. Accounts Payable functions. marketing. We are hiring for the following positions: The Case Manager II coordinates the care and services of selected patient populations across the continuum of illness; promotes effective utilization and monitoring of health care resources; and assumes a leadership role with the interdisciplinary team to achieve optimal patient-centered, clinical and resource outcomes.






A multifaceted position providing outstanding customer service in both our taproom and retail operations.

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Component Engineer

PERKS: • Competitive wages • Sundays off • Flexible hours • Warm atmosphere • Big discounts on exclusive brands

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Apply here:

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8/8/22 12:04 PM




AUGUST 10-17, 2022


BOOKKEEPER & CONTRACTS MANAGER Join our Team to nurture our shared economic prosperity, ecological health, and social connectivity for the benefit and well-being of all who live in VT. Responsible for general bookkeeping and contracts management in collaboration with Finance Director.

The Winooski Housing Authority is seeking a part-time (20-25 hours per week) SASH Coordinator


Are you interested in making a difference in the lives of elderly residents living in Winooski? If you have part-time availability and would like to be part of a dedicated team of professionals helping elderly residents age safely in place, this may be the position for you!

FT salary between $58-$63k, great benefits, casual but professional hybrid work environment, and an organizational culture where people feel valued, are energized, and can support forward-thinking solutions to our economic, social and climate challenges.

A key role in this position is the commitment and ability to build safe and trusting relationships with SASH participants, a diverse group of residents, and community members.

VSJF is an E.O.E. committed to diversity, equity, inclusion and a strong sense of belonging in the workplace. See job description at

Be creative and enthusiastic in developing, organizing and facilitating programming and activities to encourage participants to stay socially engaged.

Be resourceful in working with local community providers to help participants obtain services.

Have the skills and ability to work independently and as part of a team and have outstanding organizational and communication skills.

Have knowledge of and an appreciation for the heritage, values, and wisdom of each participant and a commitment to the philosophy of a person’s choice to age at home.

Have strong verbal and written communication skills. Must possess a valid driver’s license. A working knowledge of Microsoft Office and experience with computer software and statistical databases in general, are highly desirable.

Send cover letter & resume to by 5pm 8/22/22.

PROGRAM FEATURES: ➢ Dedicated student support ➢ Guaranteed employment *

TRAIN TO BE A PHLEBOTOMIST GUARANTEED JOB IN 8 WEEKS* Work for Vermont’s Largest Employer! Work for Vermont’s Largest Employer! Over the past twenty years, Vermont HITEC educated and employed over 1,600 individuals in the healthcare, information technology, advanced manufacturing & business services fields. We are accepting applications for our latest healthcare program. The program offers eight weeks of Phlebotomy training at no cost and immediate employment and apprenticeship as a Phlebotomist with The UVM Medical Center (up to 12 positions) upon successful completion. 3Enrollment in a Registered Apprenticeship 3Up to 12 full-time positions available 3Guaranteed starting wages with shift differential (where applicable) 3Performance-based increases 3Full benefits, including health, dental, paid vacation, 401k, and more 3No cost for qualified VT residents * Employment guaranteed upon successful completion of the 8-week program. The ITAR Program (Information Technology Apprenticeship Readiness) is a partnership of:

➢ Starting wage of $16.46 with potential to earn $17.29 after one year

To apply, please email a cover letter and resume to or mail to 83 Barlow Street, Winooski, VT 05404 WINOOSKI HOUSING AUTHORITY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

7t-WinooskiHousingAuthority081022.indd 1

➢ Performance-based salary increases ➢ National Certification as a Phlebotomy Technician JOB FEATURES: ➢ Work for Vermont’s largest employer ➢ Direct patient care ➢ Team environment ➢ Rewarding work ➢ High-growth occupation ➢ Day shifts available


The ITAR Program is funded in part by a grant from the Vermont and U.S. Departments of Labor. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetics, political affiliation or belief.

8/5/22 11:11 AM

UVM FOUNDATION ANNUAL GIVING POSITIONS We are growing our annual giving programs and looking for new teammates to take on these exciting roles. These are tremendous opportunities for creative, motivated, people-focused professionals that want to help drive our program towards success!


The Associate Director of Leadership Annual Giving has responsibility for discovering, qualifying, cultivating, and soliciting leadership annual giving donors, as well as building on the pipeline of major gift donors. One Annual Giving Officer will focus on soliciting gifts for the benefit of the entire University; the other will focus on Academic Health Sciences, which includes the Larner College of Medicine, the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, and the University of Vermont Medical Center.


The Assistant Director will assist in the management of the direct marketing fundraising program that supports the strategic objectives of the UVM Foundation and the philanthropic priorities of the University of Vermont. This includes developing, writing and executing solicitation strategies through multiple communications channels (mail, email, text, social media, etc.) For detailed position descriptions and information about how to apply, please visit The UVM Foundation is committed to diversity and building an inclusive environment for people of all backgrounds and ages. We especially encourage members of traditionally underrepresented communities to apply, including women, people of color, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. We support a people-centered workplace and to best meet the needs of our organization and our staff, the UVM Foundation provides a hybrid work environment with opportunities for flexibility and remote work depending on the responsibilities of the role. 7t-UVMFoundationGIVING081022.indd 1

8/8/22 6:03 PM





AUGUST 10-17, 2022

SENIOR STAFF ACCOUNTANT Burlington Electric Department, the City of Burlington’s 100% renewably powered electric utility, is seeking a Senior Staff Accountant to perform accounting and financial reporting in support of BED’s employees, customers, and day-to-day operations.

CLASS OPERATIONS COORDINATOR Are you passionate about health, wellness, and vitality? Are you ready to unlock your own electric potential and start living at your highest human potential? Join the team at Biofield Tuning as our new Class Operations Coordinator to help us promote the benefits of electric and whole health living with the world and help increase the happiness and well-being of the planet

This position is responsible for maintaining Burlington Electric’s general ledger and accounting structure; entering and verifying monthly and yearly financial transactions; and conducting internal and external financial reporting, including preparation of financial statements and external audit support. Our ideal candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree in accounting, business administration, or a related field; a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license; and 8 years of accounting experience. This is an International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers union position with potential for remote work flexibility. Apply at

The Class Operations Coordinator supports the training department by conducting all activities associated with student training; including but not limited to inquiries, registration, tracking, venues, training manuals, and database & webstore maintenance. This position requires exceptional customer service and organizational skills as this individual is the first line of contact for people interested in becoming educated in the Biofield Tuning modality. If you are ready to raise your voltage, please visit our website at for the full job description. We look forward to hearing from you.

We are an equal opportunity employer and we encourage applicants who can contribute to our growing diversity.

5v-CityofBurlingtonELECTRIC081022.indd 1

s 000 $5, Bonu n n-O Sig


We are looking for professional leadership to contribute meaningfully to our next growth trajectory and join us in imagining the possibilities while we hone our resources for an exciting future. Apply:


Do you savor your mornings and feel most productive in the evenings? Come spend the night with us helping prep glorious daily treats. Apply:

GUEST SERVICES Make Tomgirl a memorable visit for every guest that walks through our door by providing unforgettable service with a smile. Apply:

8/4/22 4:23 PM

Are you an Automotive Technician?

You have what it takes to maintain semiconductor equipment! GlobalFoundries(GF) wants to connect you with a job that will utilize your training, education, and experience in a way you might not have considered!

Quarterly Bonus Program

EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN OPENINGS: Requisition #22001186 (Level 2 Technician): • Tech Center/HS/ASE Certified/Experience - Pay starting at $47,000/year - Nights at $53,000/year

Requisition #22001187 (Level 3 Technician): • 2 Year Degree in Auto or Diesel/Experience - Pay starting at $56,000/year - Nights at $61,000/year Full Benefits Day 1: Medical, Dental, Vision, Parental Leave, 401K (up to 4% Match), Employee Stock Purchase Program, Yearly Raises, Tuition Reimbursement, Night Premiums, Career Growth & OJT!

Careers GlobalFoundries (




AUGUST 10-17, 2022


CCS just raised their salaries. Significantly.

Feeding Chittenden, a program of CVOEO, has an opening for a Sous Chef. In this role you’ll be responsible for planning and directing food preparation in the kitchen to primarily serve to breakfast program visitors. This is a full-time, 40 hr/week position. We’re looking for a highly motivated individual with a passion for the mission of Feeding Chittenden. Successful candidates will have a High School diploma, or equivalent, and a minimum of three years culinary experience; experience working with and supervising volunteers preferred; effective verbal and written communication skills required - bilingual abilities are a plus; and the ability to interact pleasantly and effectively with the public, staff, and volunteers. We offer an excellent benefit package including medical, dental and vision insurance, generous time off, a retirement plan and discounted gym membership. Please visit for a full job description and to apply—please include a cover letter and resume with your application. CVOEO is interested in candidates who can contribute to our diversity and excellence. Applicants are encouraged to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal. CVOEO IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

Do you want to work for an Agency that positively impacts the lives of over 20,000 individuals? CVOEO has exciting opportunities to help individuals who are most in need at the Samaritan House in Saint Albans.

And that’s on top of being a “Best Place to Work In Vermont” for four years running. All positions include a $500 sign on bonus and a strong benefits package.

Service Coordinator: Continue your career in human services in a supportive environment by providing case management for individuals either for our Adult Family Care program or our Developmental Services program. The ideal candidate will have strong clinical, organizational & leadership skills and enjoy working in a team-oriented position. $47,000 annual salary.

Residential Program Manager: Coordinate residential and community supports for a considerate, resourceful, wheelchair-using man with a budding talent for photography and political activism. The ideal candidate will enjoy working in a team-oriented position, have strong clinical skills, and demonstrated leadership. Two overnight shifts are required for this position. $45,900 annual salary.

Direct Support Professional: Provide 1:1 supports to help individuals reach their goals in a variety of settings. This is a great position to start or continue your career in human services. Full and part time positions available starting at $19/hr.

Residential Direct Support Professional: Work two days,

Rental Assistance Program (VERAP) Specialist - VERAP Specialists provide assistance to community members who need help in applying for the Vermont Emergency Rental Assistance Program for help with pastdue and future rent, utility payment assistance and security deposits. Responsibilities include managing applications, providing information and referrals to households, and assisting landlords with program registration; pay starts at $21/hour. We offer an excellent benefit package including medical, dental and vision insurance, generous time off, a retirement plan and discounted gym membership. If you want to work for social justice and be part of the most energetic and committed teams in the state of Vermont, please visit to apply.


8/4/22 3:53 PM

Perk up! Trusted, local employers are hiring in Seven Days newspaper and online. Browse 100+ new job postings each week.

receive full benefits and have five days off each week! Provide supports to an individual in their home and in the community in 24h shifts including asleep overnights in a private, furnished bedroom. Starting wage is $20/hr.

Shared Living Provider: Open your home to someone with an intellectual disability or autism and open a whole world to them, and to you. There are a variety of opportunities available that could be the perfect match for you and your household. Salary varies dependent on individual care requirements. Why not have a job you love? Join our team today:

Housing Advocate - We are looking for a compassionate advocate to help individuals experiencing homelessness and who have low income to find or maintain suitable housing, employment and other social and health supports, and connect clients with local social service agencies organizations, landlords, and funding sources. This is a full time, 40 hour/ week position providing critical overnight coverage from 8pm-4pm, Wednesday through Sunday (with some scheduling flexibility); pay starts at $23/hour.

5v-CVOEOsamaritanHouse081022.indd 1


Follow @SevenDaysJobs on Twitter for the latest job opportunities

See who’s hiring at 4v-CoffeCampaign.indd 1

8/20/21 3:13 PM


Now Hiring Experienced LPNs or RNs. New Graduates welcome to apply! Visit our career site for additional open positions at our Bradford and Vergennes locations.


FT/PT Positions Available 3 weeks paid vacation 5 Sick Days 8 Paid Holidays

Up to $15,000 Sign On Bonus

COMPETITIVE WAGES: LPN Starting at $28/hour RN Starting at $38/hour Recovery Specialist Starting at $18-$20/hour



95 AUGUST 10-17, 2022

Licensed Clinical Social Worker WORK WITH YOUTH at the Northlands Job Corps Center in Vergennes, VT. Work one or two 8 hour shifts per week (your choice) $70.00/hour. Some of these hours can be performed virtually. Please contact Dan W. Hauben ASAP for more information. Thank you!

Join the staff of the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board, an innovative funding organization supporting affordable housing for Vermonters, community development, land conservation, and historic preservation. We are hiring for multiple full-time positions based in our Montpelier office.

Finance Director

Office: 888-552-1660, Cell: 714-552-6697,


2h-OmniMed081022.indd 1

Working with management and program staff throughout VHCB, oversee financial operations and supervise the Finance Team. Ensure compliance with the administration of various funding sources and lead the budget and audit processes. Work with the CFO to design internal controls and with the Human Resources Director to delegate roles for payroll processing, reporting, and benefits management. Read the job description for details and required qualifications.

8/8/22 3:57 PM

Sound too good to be true? Not at Red Hen!

Housing Analyst and Senior Housing Analyst The VHCB housing team is seeking talented individuals to join us in helping Vermont deliver more affordable homes to solve the unprecedented housing crisis. As a funder, VHCB works closely with affordable housing developers, owners and service providers to ensure that housing developments are feasible and viable for the long term. We are a collaborative and diligent group of people who believe in VHCB’s mission to assist in creating more affordable housing for Vermonters. If you have experience and passion for affordable housing, this position could be right for you. We are advertising for both the Housing Analyst role, and for the role of Senior Housing Analyst.

Farm & Forest Viability Program Positions Join a team of dedicated colleagues in a fast-paced and collaborative working environment! We are hiring for a Forestry Program Specialist and a Program Assistant. VHCB's Viability Program pro-

vides in-depth business coaching to over 100 farm and forest businesses a year. We also run grant programs that help improve water quality and invest in working lands infrastructure, and support forest landowners to keep their forests intact and vibrant.

Controller VHCB is seeking a highly skilled accounting professional for the role of Controller to work in a fast paced, interesting, and supportive environment. Manage the preparation of monthly financial statements, ensure accurate accounting and reporting of federal and state grants management, and support the management of VHCB’s loan portfolio, budget, and audit process. Applicants will have experience creating multi-fund financial statements and managing a complex general ledger as well as a working knowledge of governmental and/or fund accounting and GAAP, familiarity with federal grants management and federal administrative regulations.

Clean Water Program Manager Are you knowledgeable and passionate about clean water, agriculture and land conservation? Do you have strong technical, organizational, and communication skills? Join our team, managing VHCB’s role as Clean Water Service Provider in the Memphremagog Basin, overseeing non-regulatory water quality projects. Working with state and local partners, help achieve Vermont's clean water goals using various strategies including conservation easements, land acquisition, wetlands restoration, and best management practices. Learn more and read the job descriptions: VHCB is an Equal Opportunity Employer and candidates from diverse backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply. Positions will remain open until filled. 12t-VHCB081022 1

8/8/22 12:08 PM

For over 20 years, Red Hen has been providing great jobs in the food industry. We are an equal opportunity employer and are committed to diversity, equity, inclusion and a strong sense of belonging in the workplace.

Get in touch with us if your needs include: • A livable wage • Health coverage • Paid vacation • Being part of a great team

• The opportunity to do work that you can feel proud of at the end of the day • Free bread and pastries


BARISTA If you love making top-notch espresso drinks and serving customers great food, let’s talk! Previous customer service and cash handling experience necessary. Contact Hannah at

PASTRY BAKER We’re hiring for a pastry baker to assist in production of everything from cookies and scones, to pies and croissants. Professional baking or cooking experience is required. You must enjoy working independently and with a team. Schedule includes early mornings and weekends. Please e-mail a letter of interest and resume to




AUGUST 10-17, 2022

NORTHEASTERN VERMONT REGIONAL HOSPITAL invites you to check out our exciting opportunities!

Library Assistant Goddard College, a leader in non-traditional education, has the following staff positions open:

Support. Growth. Opportunity. Collaboration. Innovation. Teamwork. Are these missing from your career? Join the NVRH Diagnostic Imaging team today and Image Gently, Image Wisely with us.


FT and PT employees are eligible for excellent benefits, including student loan repayment, generous paid time off, health/dental/vision, 410k with company match, and much more!



OSSU Student Information Systems Analyst The Orleans Southwest Supervisory Union is seeking a SQL fluent professional as its Student Information Systems (SIS) Analyst. This is a salaried, year-round position with full benefits. The successful candidate must possess an Associate’s Degree or higher plus 3 or more years of relevant experience working with organizational systems or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Experience with PowerSchool is preferred. The requirements for this position are experience/ education of the following. •

Database design, theory, and structure

Expert/Advanced knowledge and experience with SQL

Experience with Oracle SQL Developer, Microsoft SQL Server, or other enterprise database systems

Expert/Advanced spreadsheet/Excel abilities For more information and to apply, please go to Use job ID 3989573

OSSU - REACH! After School & Summer Program Director Orleans Southwest is looking for a dynamic leader for its After School and Summer Program. The successful candidate will be responsible for the oversight of all programmatic and budgetary aspects of After School REACH! with a primary focus on developing concrete strategies for long-term sustainability. The Director garners and brokers existing appropriate resources including private foundations and state, federal, and local government funding sources. The Director also facilitates the development of the program in collaboration with the building-based teams for student enrichment. The REACH! Program requires a director with experience supervising staff and grant management. Please see the full posting for the specific education and experience requirements.

To view position descriptions and application instructions, please visit our website:


Georgia Public Library (GPL) is accepting applications for a 20-25 hr/week Library Assistant. Do you love books? Are you warm, detail-oriented, and flexible? Do you have good customer service skills and knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite? GPL needs a personable bookworm to be responsible for weekly Storytimes, and other programming; interlibrary loans, and checking books in and out for patrons. For a detailed job description:

2v-TownofGeorgia033121.indd 1

3/26/21 1:18 PM

Vermont College of Fine Arts welcomes applications for the Assistant Dean for Equity & Inclusion in Teaching & Learning. This full-time administrative staff position reports to the Academic Dean. Responsibilities include working to ensure an equitable and inclusive teaching and learning climate in alignment with the college’s strategic initiatives and Statement on Community Values; advocating for BIPOC students and faculty, and those from historically excluded populations, by providing and connecting them to resources, offering enrichment workshops and training, and collaborating with others to resolve conflict; advising and supporting faculty in inclusive teaching methodologies, pedagogies, and curriculum, and providing or coordinating training as necessary; serving on the president’s cabinet. Successful candidates will have a degree in program development, teaching, education, curriculum development, social justice, or a related field and 3–5 years of demonstrated relevant DEI work experience and/or lived experience. A master’s degree and/or comparable professional experience are preferred. Other qualifications include a commitment to activating diversity, equity, and inclusion in teaching and learning; expertise in professional development and adult education; experience in teaching and leading workshops, training, and seminars; fluency in and commitment to principles of anti-racism, anti-bias, opposing white supremacy culture and systemic oppression, and trauma-informed pedagogy; knowledge of restorative practices and experience managing conflicts with a high level of consideration toward sensitive situations; strong planning and organizational skills; and an ability to communicate across various constituencies in written and verbal communications. Candidates are encouraged to consult VCFA’s website to acquaint themselves with our distinctive institution, learning processes, and educational philosophy. Please see full job description here. To apply, send the following to Cover Letter; CV/Resume; Statement on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, outlining your professional skills and experience and your willingness to engage in activities to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion. For full consideration, submit application by September 1. Position will remain open until filled.

For more information and to apply, please go to Use job ID 3974659. 9t-VCFA081022.indd 1

8/5/22 11:45 AM



97 AUGUST 10-17, 2022

Circulation Driver

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner THE POSITION

Northeast Kingdom Human Services is seeking a full-time Outpatient Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner to join our growing team in Newport, Vermont, and play an integral role in helping to provide highquality, compassionate care to patients in our local communities.

Want to be a hero every Wednesday? Need some cash? Enjoy getting out and about? Delivering Seven Days, Vermont’s most beloved newspaper, is a great way to do all of this while getting paid! We are looking for a driver to handle deliveries in the city of Montpelier on Wednesday mornings weekly. Only requirements are a clean driving record (no major violations), availability on Wednesdays, a reliable vehicle (at least small SUV or larger), ability to lift 15 lbs. and a positive attitude. If you can check all these boxes, then we want you to join the Seven Days circulation team. Papers can be picked up just outside of Montpelier in Berlin. We pay hourly plus mileage reimbursement.

NKHS is a 501(c)(3) private not-for-profit organization operating with the purpose of promoting Email No phone calls, please. high quality, comprehensive community mental health programs in Vermont’s beautiful Northeast Seven Days is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Kingdom. Our mission is to empower individuals, families, and communities by promoting hope, healing, and support. NKHS is a Designated Agency contracted with the State of Vermont to provide the highest quality of service in the areas of adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities, children and youth with serious emotional disabilities, and adults with mental health and substance use challenges. We serve the populations of Caledonia, Essex, and Orleans counties through 4t-SevenDays081022.indd 1 8/8/22 a wide variety of targeted programs for individuals of all ages. NKHS has over 450 employees providing case management, community and home supports, residential care, psychiatry, medication management, therapy, vocational supports, school based counseling, emergency care, and respite services. These services are provided annually to nearly 4,000 of our local community members, helping them overcome challenges and achieve health in mind, body, and spirit. The Flynn has a new FULL-TIME opportunity to join our team



• •

In collaboration with the Staff Psychiatrist, this position will perform psychiatric nursing assessments. Accurately diagnose acute and chronic psychiatric and mental health issues and develop treatment plans based on practice guidelines and evidence-based standards of care. Prescribe necessary medications based on clinical indicators including diagnosis, lab tests and patient status, ensuring patient safety through appropriate prescription management. Work in collaboration with other members of the treatment team and community agencies in order to coordinate and provide integrated treatment services to consumers. Assist patient and family in understanding diagnosis, treatment, medication and in securing appropriate treatment environment to ensure safety. Provide individual, couple or family psychotherapy. Assist with clinical supervision and professional development of staff.

Please send resumes and direct all inquiries to Bianca Brenk at or apply through our careers page at

• •

• •


Master’s degree in nursing. Must be board certified in psychiatric mental health. Vermont certification as a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner – preference for certification in both adult and child/adolescent areas. Must have or be willing to obtain a Suboxone waiver. Two or more years of experience in provision of public or private mental/ behavioral health clinical services is preferred. Must have a thorough knowledge of medical records standards, regulations and diagnosis codes and must comply with all state, federal, division and agency requirements as related to medical records and documentation.

SALARY & BENEFITS • • • • • • • •

Competitive Salary & sign-on bonus of up to $5,000. Flexible work arrangements. Monday – Friday work week. Health and dental insurance. 403b retirement plan with Agency contribution and match. Generous paid time off, including 5 weeks of vacation, 12 sick days and 12 paid holidays. Tuition & continuing education reimbursements and loan repayment program. Outstanding employee wellness program

NKHS is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace dedicated to pursuing and hiring a diverse workforce. 12-NKHS081022 1

8/4/22 5:20 PM

The Flynn is hiring a capable, hardworking, kind teammate to help keep our beautiful building looking and running its best. Must be able to lift and carry up to 50 pounds, frequently climb ladders, and work independently and efficiently. Some evenings and weekends required as you will provide onsite support during a wide variety of shows. Annual salary of $40k plus benefits. Willing to train a highly motivated candidate. For a detailed job description & more information, visit: Please submit application materials to: No phone calls, please. EOE The Flynn Center is committed to hiring a breadth of professionals, and therefore will interview a qualified group of diverse candidates; we particularly encourage applications from women and people of color.

5:57 PM




AUGUST 10-17, 2022

WALK-IN INTERVIEWS - MULTIPLE POSITIONS Elderwood at Burlington is hosting Walk-in Interviews! Join us on a Tuesday or Thursday from 10-4 starting August 9th for the entire month of August! We are hiring LNA’s, LPN's and RN's as well as other positions such as Dining Services and Housekeeping. We have many shifts to choose from as well as Full-time, Part-time & Per Diem. We offer Ferry Reimbursement and Tuition Assistance and ask us about our Pay in Lieu of Benefits program for New Part-time, Clinical employees! Be a part of a winning team! We are located at 98 Starr Farm Rd, on the right, just behind the school. 3h-Elderwood081022.indd 1

VHCB AmeriCorps Program Director

8/8/22 12:15 PM

BURLINGTON HOUSING AUTHORITY (BHA) in Burlington, VT is seeking candidates to continue BHA’s success in promoting innovative solutions that address housing instability challenges facing our diverse population of extremely low-income families and individuals. Join us and make a difference in our community!

MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN performs general maintenance work in BHA owned and managed properties, including building exteriors, common areas, apartments, building systems, fixtures, and grounds. Our Maintenance Techs are required to participate in the on-call rotation, which covers night and weekend emergencies. PROPERTY MANAGER provides oversight of day-to-day operations to ensure long-term viability of the properties assigned within BHA’s property portfolio. This position requires independent judgment, timely management of deadlines as well as discretion in carrying out responsibilities. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT serves as first point of contact for our customers in the Property Management office. This role answers the telephone and greets applicants and the general public at the main office, collects rent payments, provides administrative support to the Leasing and Eligibility Specialist, the Property Managers, and the Director of Property Management.

Be part of affordable housing and environmental solutions by leading a well-established and highly-rated AmeriCorps Program at a nationally acclaimed organization, the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB). As the VHCB AmeriCorps Program Director, you’ll both inspire and be inspired by AmeriCorps Members serving Vermont communities. You’ll develop valuable leadership skills, have ample opportunity to learn about and gain extensive access to the housing and conservation network in Vermont, and earn a competitive salary and benefits package, all while being part of a grassroots oriented effort to improve the lives of Vermonters and steward our natural landscape.

VHCB Policy & Program Director Put your considerable experience in policy and program development to use helping guide the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board’s (VHCB) mission of promoting affordable housing, land conservation, and historic preservation. As a member of our senior management team, you’ll help cultivate community development, smart growth, and rural economic development strategies that will address emerging issues such as climate change, pandemic recovery, and water quality. You’ll work closely with executive and legislative policy makers, and with partner organizations to positively affect the lives and landscapes of Vermont. Apply today to join a team of dedicated colleagues in a fast-paced and collaborative working environment directed at making a difference in the state. _________________________ Apply today! Full-time positions with comprehensive benefits. Read the job descriptions at: VHCB is an Equal Opportunity Employer and candidates from diverse backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply. Please reply with cover letter and résumé to: Positions will remain open until filled.

**To learn more about these career opportunities, please visit: BHA serves a diverse population of tenants and partners with a variety of community agencies. To most effectively carry out our vision of delivering safe and affordable housing to all, we are committed to cultivating a staff that reflects varied lived experiences, viewpoints, and educational histories. Therefore, we strongly encourage candidates from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and women to apply. Multilingualism is a plus! BHA offers a competitive salary, commensurate with qualifications and experience. We offer a premium benefit package at a low cost to employees. Benefits include medical insurance with a health reimbursement account, dental, vision, short and long term disability, 10% employer funded retirement plan, 457 retirement plan, accident insurance, life insurance, cancer and critical illness insurance and access to reduced cost continuing education. We also offer a generous time off policy including paid time off, sick, and 13 paid holidays. And sign on bonus of up to $2,000. If interested in these career opportunities, please submit your resume and cover letter to:

6t-VHCB072022 1

7/18/22 1:51 PM

New, local, scam-free jobs posted every day!

Burlington Housing Authority is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

4t-postings-cmyk.indd 1

10/1/19 2:28 PM




Graphic Production & Marketing Associate

Join a growing, hard-working team! We are passionate about making people’s lives better through: • Incredible customer service • Amazing coffee • Homemade food This position will be at one or both of our downtown cafes. No coffee experience required.

Learn more or on Instagram @kestrelcoffees

3v-KestrelCoffee081022.indd 1

8/8/22 12:16 PM

Established destination map company seeks an entry-level candidate willing to learn the pre-press production work and promotion of the maps you know and love. Successful candidate will join a team of six and assist the production manager with daily tasks utilizing the Adobe Creative Suite and proprietary software, offer pre-press support to individual map owners during their map production, and assist the marketing manager with copywriting and various social media platforms. Position is full time, salaried with benefits & paid time off. Ideal candidate is outgoing, detail oriented, dependable, organized and a skilled communicator. Must have reliable transportation. Send cover letter and resumes to:



99 AUGUST 10-17, 2022

HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR Caledonia Spirits is hiring a full time Human Resources Coordinator. The HR Coordinator provides essential support to the Human Resources functions of the company, maintains order, maximizes efficiency and facilitates cohesiveness of the company's HR operations. This position performs a wide range of HR duties, including payroll, benefits administration, and new employee onboarding, as well as general administrative duties from 4t-PerdueAgriBusiness081022 1 basic to high-level clerical support, data management, and record keeping. This position will be a combination of onsite and remote work. See full job description at Send a cover letter and a resume to ALUMNI

3v-CaledoniaSpirits081022.indd 1

8/8/22 12:12 PM

Come as you are. Start anew.

We believe in the regenerative, restorative, and redemptive power of human community. We strive to create safe places and healing spaces wherein it is easier for people to build healthy relationships and make productive decisions to move out of homelessness. Our staff are courageous, tough minded yet tender hearted people. We need your help; we need team members willing to step into the gap on behalf of our neighbors experiencing homelessness.

WHAT IS IN IT FOR YOU? Competitive pay: shelter team members start at $18/hr and receive an automatic raise to $20/hr after 90 days. Case manager compensation starts higher and is qualification dependent. Training: QPR, CPR, Harm eduction/Trauma Informed Care, deescalation, coordinated entry, documentation/data management, and more. Experience: These jobs will transform you. They will prepare you for an incredible career in the human services sector.

POSITIONS AVAILABLE: CASE MANAGER-NAVIGATOR • A front-line fast paced position designed for a self-starter and problem solver. Street smart and resource savvy, this person is the starting point for folks looking for a change, a navigator for the journey ahead. *Degree in related-field required

SHELTER TEAM MEMBER • Rockstars only need apply. If you have a desire to serve, this is it. The hardest, most transformative job you will love. Meet people where they are at and provide a safe place for them to move out of crisis mode. Learn the skills and receive the training to begin your career within social services.

8/8/22 10:40 AM


The UVM Foundation is seeking two (2) Alumni & Donor Records Assistants to help create and update gift, pledge, and constituent electronic records for the UVM Foundation. Job responsibilities will include: receiving, processing, and recording contributions; entering and updating biographic and demographic records; and working with standard Microsoft Office applications. These are entry level, full-time positions with opportunity for advancement. Part-time appointment considered for the right candidate. The UVM Foundation is committed to diversity and building an inclusive environment for people of all backgrounds and ages. We especially encourage members of traditionally underrepresented communities to apply, including women, people of color, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. To best meet the needs of our organization and our staff, the UVM Foundation provides a hybrid work environment with opportunities for flexibility and partial remote work depending on the responsibilities of the role. Application review is ongoing and will be accepted until the positions are filled. For detailed position descriptions, information about our benefits, what it is like to work with us, and how to apply, please visit our website:

For more information and apply for the positions, visit

6t-UVMFoundationALUMNI081022.indd 1

8/8/22 11:24 AM




AUGUST 10-17, 2022


Data Entry Specialist

Administrative Services Manager The Office of the Defender General (ODG) is seeking an Administrative Services Manager II to join the ODG’s management team. This position oversees the financial operations and administrative services functions for the statewide department and is responsible for preparing annual budget projections, advising the Defender General (DG) about needed adjustments, reviewing past expenditures, projecting future needs, and responding to inquiries from legislators and other members of the criminal justice system. This position is also responsible for contract administration, property and space management, overseeing procurement of goods and services, safety and security issues, reviewing organizational structure, supervision of the department’s Financial Specialist III and co-supervision of three Legal Assistants. The ideal candidate has excellent communication skills and is positive, self-motivated, assertive, able to work under pressure to meet deadlines, and able to handle a diverse community of personalities and opinions. Prior management experience is highly preferred. Bachelor’s degree in accounting, business or public administration and four years or more of relevant financial experience required. This is an exempt, full-time position located in Montpelier. Salary: $61,963 - $97,156. E.O.E. Please email a cover letter and resume by August 23rd to Gina Puls, HR & Special Counsel, at

CHILD PSYCHOTHERAPIST The Vermont Center for Anxiety Care, a private psychotherapy practice on the Burlington waterfront, has an opening for a psychotherapist with child therapy experience. Can be licensed or post-master’s degree intern. Collaborative group with holistic approach and multiple specialties. Clinical supervision towards licensure provided as needed.

Responsibilities: • Donation management • Credit card processing • Invoice management • Bill payment • Venmo and PayPal account processing • Payroll processing The data entry specialist will work closely with the organization’s director to provide up-to-date financial details that help ensure the success of our programs and outreach activity. This is an excellent part-time opportunity for someone who enjoys being valued for their attention to detail as well as working in an active, upbeat environment. As our Quickbooks expert, you will enjoy a consistent, straight-forward set of expectations within a workplace that offers a unique combination of both stability and growth.

Visit website: Send resume and cover letter describing professional interests and goals to: Paul Foxman, Ph.D., 86 Lake St., Burlington, VT 05401 or email:

Job Type: Part-time Pay: $18.00 - $22.00 per hour Send resumes to:

The Federal Public Defender for the District of Vermont seeks candidates for:

COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER VEDA has an excellent opportunity for a motivated individual to join its Commercial Lending Team as a Commercial Loan Officer in VEDA's Burlington, Middlebury, or Montpelier offices. Some remote work may be available after an initial period. This position reports to the Chief Lending Officer. VEDA provides financing to businesses and farms across Vermont, often in partnership with private financial institutions and government agencies. This position is responsible for assisting borrowers structure project financing and for analyzing, preparing, and presenting loan decision recommendations. Preferred candidates will have a bachelor’s degree in business, economics, finance, or accounting. VEDA offers a competitive salary and excellent health and retirement benefits. Other perks include flexible workplace, education reimbursement, networking and professional development opportunities, and satisfaction of working in a mission-driven environment.

Legal Assistant, Case Management and Administrative Assistant

You’re in good hands with...

The Office provides defense services to indigent persons in federal criminal cases and related matters. This position is onsite at our office in Burlington, Vermont. LEGAL ASSISTANT: represent our fast-paced office as the first point of contact with clients, court personnel, and the public. The starting salary ranges from $40,754 - $65,197, commensurate with experience and qualifications.

“Seven Days sales rep Michelle Brown is amazing! She’s extremely responsive, and I always feel so taken care of.”

CASE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: be an integral part of our legal and administrative operations. The starting salary ranges from $55,395 - $79,305, commensurate with experience and qualifications. Successful candidates will be subject to an FBI background check as a condition of employment.

CAROLYN ZELLER Intervale Center, Burlington

Please visit for full position descriptions and information on how to apply. Applications must be received by August 18, 2022.

VEDA is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer and is interested in increasing staff diversity. We welcome job applications from all qualified candidates.


To apply, please email resume & cover letter to Cheryl Houchens:

5v-VEDA071322.indd 1

Chabad of Burlington is seeking a detailoriented data entry specialist to assist with daily Quickbooks management and payroll. This is an excellent opportunity for someone who values accuracy and timeliness while working for a non-profit that has served the Burlington community for over 30 years.

7/8/22 3:12 PM

Note: The Federal Defender Office operates under authority of the Criminal Justice Act (CJA), 18 U.S.C. §3006A. Proof of COVID-19 vaccination must be submitted upon hiring.

Get a quote when posting online. Contact Michelle Brown at 865-1020, ext. 121,


3v-MichelleCampagin.indd 1

8/26/21 4:21 PM


RETREAT MANAGER Housing Available!


Goddard College, a leader in non-traditional education, has the following, full-time, benefit eligible Facility position openings:

Start immediately, and work through October 15.


Visit to apply.




101 AUGUST 10-17, 2022


Full-time Opportunities for Line Cooks. The Line Cook is responsible for the preparation of nutritious, high quality meals in a high volume environment. External candidates are eligible for a one-time signing bonus of $4,000. Pay range $17.60 to $26.41 per hour, based on prior experience.

PART-TIME The Department of Education at UVM is currently hiring To view position descriptions and application instructions, a part-time Lecturer for Learn more and apply: please visit our website: an Elementary Education Practicum Course for Fall 2022. The course introduces students to the requirements and responsibilities of the teaching WHERE YOU AND profession. On-site supervision 4t-GoddardCollege072722.indd 1 7/22/224t-UVMMedCenterLINEcook081022.indd 3:36 PM 1 8/8/22 YOUR WORK MATTER... is required. Qualifications include licensure and teaching experience in an Elementary School. The cover letter along with a resume or CV should be submitted to AGENCY DIRECTOR OF DIGITAL SERVICES - AGENCY OF The position begins on HUMAN SERVICES – WATERBURY August 22nd, 2022. Does the thought of impacting the future of how Vermonters receive

3:47 PM

Forest Program Specialist

The Vermont Farm & Forest Viability Program is an innovative and thriving Vermont Housing & Conservation Board (VHCB) program that provides 2v-UVMDeptofEducation080322.indd 1 8/2/22 11:46 AMin-depth business coaching to over 100 farm and forest businesses a year. We also run grant programs that help improve water quality and invest in working lands infrastructure, and support forest landowners to keep their forests intact and vibrant. The Forest Program Specialist is a full time, 40-hour per week position focused on the growth and management of the Viability Program’s forest landowner programming. This is a Home Provider dynamic position that will work collaboratively with the Viability Program Washington County Mental Director and VHCB Conservation staff. Health Services is seeking a home provider in the Burlington area for a 25-yearold female. She has a great sense of independence. She would prefer to live in a home without children but pets are ok. She would like to live with someone open minded, possibly artistic and active in the local community. She would like to find social groups and activities to participate in to become familiar with her new community. She enjoys many forms of art, tattoos and painting specifically.

If you are interested, or would like more information, please reach out to Chelsey. or you can call 802-505-0281.

3v-WCMHS081022.indd 1

Viability Program Assistant At VHCB we are making a significant impact creating affordable housing for Vermonters, conserving and protecting Vermont's farms and forestland, and growing sustainable working lands businesses. The Farm and Forest Viability Program Assistant is a full time, 40-hour per week position supporting the administration of the Vermont Farm & Forest Viability Program. This is a dynamic position that works collaboratively with Viability Program team members to keep our program running smoothly and delivering excellent programming to farm and forest clients. We work closely with a wide variety of farm, food, and forest-focused organizations across the state and this role will include engagement with statewide partners on critical issues in the working landscape. _________________________ Apply today! Full-time positions with comprehensive benefits. Read the job descriptions at: VHCB is an Equal Opportunity Employer and candidates from diverse backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply. Please reply with cover letter and résumé by August 26 to: Positions will remain open until filled.

1 8/4/226t-VHCBforest081022 4:39 PM

human services intrigue you? Would you like to be part of the team leading the evolution to modernize Information Technology for the State of Vermont? Could you be part of the change in how the Agency interacts with its partners and customers? If so the Agency of Digital Services is looking for the right individual to join our team. The position will work closely with partners in the supported Agency and collaborate with other IT professionals in the development, implementation, and operation of new digital services and modernization of existing technology. For more information, contact Lisa Goslant at Lisa.Goslant@ Department: Agency of Digital Services. Location: Waterbury. Status: Full Time – Exempt. Job Id #36242. Application Deadline: August 15, 2022.

CONTINUIT Y OF OPERATIONS COORDIN ATOR – BURLINGTON This position in the Operations Unit coordinates the department’s Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP), focusing on general preparedness for disruption to normal operations and response to public health emergencies. Work includes: Coordinate the department Continuity of Operations Plan. Develop and implement COOP drills, tabletops, and exercises. Align COOP with department planning for public health emergency response. Administer system for notifying employees of emergencies. For more information, contact Paul Hochanadel at paul. Department: Health. Location: Burlington. Status: Full Time Limited Service. Job Id #38441. Application Deadline: August 24, 2022.


This position in the Operations Unit coordinates the department onboarding program and supports ongoing professional development opportunities for employees. Work includes: Coordinate the onboarding program, hiring & onboarding guides, and new employee orientation. Develop, enhance, and promote professional development activities. Participate in implementing the department’s organizational development strategy and plan. Serve on the department Workforce Development Committee. For more information, contact Paul Hochanadel at paul. Department: Health. Location: Burlington. Status: Full Time Limited Service. Job Id #38461. Application Deadline: August 25, 2022.

Learn more at :

8/4/22 6t-VTDeptHumanResources081022 11:49 AM 1

The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer

8/5/22 11:48 AM




AUGUST 10-17, 2022

SCREEN PRINT OPERATOR Accounting Manager Established family-owned Alarm Monitoring Company, Home Security & Management, in Stowe is hiring. A Self-driven candidate with relevant qualifications and 3 years’ experience in accounting and office administration is preferred. Associate’s degree in accounting is preferred.

New, local, scamfree jobs posted every day!

Deerfield Designs is looking for a Screen Print Operator to join our team in Waitsfield, VT. This position is responsible for the screen making, product printing, printer maintenance, and clean-up. Attention to detail and quality of product are important to this position. Essential Job Functions: •

Set-up & operation of automated and manual screen printers

Burning and washing screens


The Vermont Tap House in Williston is hiring for Chef de Cuisine! We Candidates must have great attention to detail, be able to read and are a locally chef-owned restaurant follow instructions on screen printing work orders, be accountable for in Williston located at the busiest their work, follow daily screen print production schedule and maintain intersection in Vermont. We are work area. Must be able to work independently with good analytical & Duties include: Payroll, AR, AP, surrounded by shopping, biking and problem-solving skills. walking trails in a community that is Benefits Administration and some Qualifications: Previous screen printing experience preferred. one of the fastest growing in Vermont! HR. Benefits include 401k, shared Additional graphic arts education The Vermont Tap House in Williston Healthcare Insurance, Dental, is a plus (Adobe Illustrator). specializes in wood-fired pizza and Vision, and Profit sharing. offers an extensive menu featuring Send interest, background Send resume & letter of interest salads, subs, pasta and dessert. We and experience to info@ to complement our food options with an impressive draft list of 35 taps and an inspired cocktail menu! This is a great 4t-DeerfieldDesigns081022.indd 1 8/8/22 4:04 PMopportunity for a talented and hard working kitchen professional! If you feel like you have the chops for this job and have pizza making experience - please send us your resume and contact information! Please include references. We will contact you and schedule an interview. We look forward to meeting you! Vermont Tent Company is currently accepting •

Managing and meeting production schedule


applications for the following positions for immediate employment. Full time, part time, after school and weekend hours available for each position. Pay rates vary by position with minimum starting wage ranging from $17-$21/ hour depending on job skills and experience. We also offer retention and referral bonuses. • Tent Installation

• Warehouse Team – Event Division • Drivers/Delivery

• Inventory Maintenance Team • Tent Maintenance Team

Interested candidates should submit an application online at employment. No phone calls, please.

4v-VTTentCompany072722.indd 1


Develop, implement, & promote the cultural revitalization programming by: • Overseeing annual educational celebration programs, including: Vermont Abenaki Recognition and Heritage Week (May), and Indigenous Peoples’ Day (October).


3v-VTTapHouse081022.indd 1

8/8/22 4:23 PM

Overseeing coursework, which includes advertising, registration, financial aid, and technical assistance and creation of promotional materials for: • Semester and year-long courses, weekend workshops, and the visiting scholar program • Assist Alnobaiwi council and committees to implement and promote Alnobaiwi ceremonies. Collaboration and relationships with partners, including: • Maintaining good relations with the four Abenaki tribes and involving them in programming. • Coordinating with the Winooski Valley Park District and the Ethan Allen Homestead Museum on issues of joint concern. Financial responsibilities, including: • 30% of time will be dedicated to grant research, writing and oversight, as well as fundraising. • Annual budget creation and tracking. • Manage payroll, fringe, and taxes. Maintain strong health of the organization, including: • Recruitment and maintained membership of Alnobaiwi and volunteers. • Working with the marketing, web development & other consultants on developing the Heritage Center Brand & implementing marketing strategies to build awareness & cultural revitalization. Lead logistical management of on-site and off-site activities, including: • Coordinate and manage tours and field trips • Make sure that the Heritage Center facilities are in good order • Manage inventories (keys, equipment, materials)

7/21/22 11:39 AM

Deadline for submission of resumes is August 31, 2022. Send resumes to:

Road Crew Position

The ideal candidate should have a current Class B CDL, clean driving record and ability to work a flexible schedule with overtime in the winter. Must live within a reasonable distance of Weybridge. Capable of driving dump trucks, snow plowing, equipment maintenance, roadside mowing, culvert work & operating small equipment. Good benefits, paid holidays, retirement, sick days and insurance.Pay based on experience. Applications are located on the Town Website. Mail to the Town of Weybridge 1727 Quaker Village Road, Weybridge, VT 05753 or emailed to: 802-545-2450

3v-TownofWeybridge071322.indd 1

1 7/12/22 LongSkinnyJobsFiller.indd 12:28 PM

6/18/19 1:24 PM



103 AUGUST 10-17, 2022

Companion/Caregiver RICHMOND - 24-year-old, developmentally delayed woman is looking for a fun, attentive female to help with daily tasks in her home and community. She loves music, dancing, laughing, animals, and art projects. 23.5 hours per week, Monday 8 am4:30 pm, Tuesday-Thursday 8 am-1 pm. Non-smoker. Own transportation and clean driving record needed. Background check required. $17.50 per hour starting pay.

The Community Foundation is looking for a Donor Impact Manager to join the Philanthropy team. This position will work closely with fundholders, identify strategies to provide the highest level of service in support of charitable giving, and lead a team responsible for addressing fundholder needs and seeking opportunities to enrich the fundholder experience. This position requires a highly motivated and client-centered professional who possesses excellent research acumen, superior interpersonal skills, outstanding writing and communication capability, effective leadership and ability to manage others, and a talent for project management and organizational systems.

OWN YOUR CAREER. OWN YOUR FUTURE. OWN YOUR COMPANY. CAREER. OWN YOUR OWN YOUR FUTURE. Hypertherm is more than a place to work; it’s a place to call your OWN YOUR COMPANY. own. And right now, we’re hiring 2nd and 3rd shift Machine

If this sounds like a good fit for you, visit for complete job description and instructions for applying.


4t-VTCommunityFoundation081022 1

Join our expanding WISE Prevention and Education Program team and facilitate programming to end genderbased violence throughout the Upper Valley. We have two open positions:

United States Probation Administrative Assistant District of Vermont at Burlington


8/8/22 2:19 PM

Operators to join our 100% Associate-owned team! Own your is more than a place to work; it’s a place to call your future throughHypertherm apprenticeship training, which can cover up to own. And right now, we’re hiring 2nd and 3rd shift Machine 70% of your Associate degree! Become an Associate and you’ll Operators to join our 100% Associate-owned team! Own your Hypertherm is more than a place to work; it’s a place to call earn exceptional incentives that include: future through apprenticeship training, which can cover up toyour

own. And right now, we’re hiring 2nd and 3rd shift and Machine 70% of your Associate degree! Become an Associate you’ll Operators to join our 100% Associate-owned team! Own your earn exceptional incentives that include: Work with students, educators, and parents providing Great pay andfuture benefits including reduced medical through– apprenticeship training, which can premiums cover up to prevention education, student leadership to end violence, 70% your Associate Become an Associate and you’ll starting on Day 1ofpay Great and benefits degree! – including reduced medical premiums and youth advocacy for survivors. earn exceptional incentives that include: starting on Day 1


An annual profit-sharing bonus with a target of 20%

Engage adults in violence prevention through their The workplaces, social gatherings, and community collaborations.

(CL-25/26) $44,302 - $79,337 Full Time, Permanent United States Probation in Burlington is seeking an energetic individual to provide receptionist duties, clerical and procurement support to our office. High school diploma, two years of general experience, proficiency with Word, data entry, report generation and strong interpersonal skills are required. A background investigation and fingerprinting are mandatory before appointment. Starting salary range is from $44,302 - $79,337 (CL-25/26), depending on qualifications. For further information and application instructions visit vtp.uscourts. gov/career-opportunities Deadline for complete applications is the close of business, August 19, 2022.

An annual profit-sharing bonus with a target of 20%

Great benefits history – including reduced medical premiums security of an pay overand 50-year with no layoffs The security of an starting on Day 1 over 50-year history with no layoffs An annual profit-sharing bonus with a target of 20%

To learn more: To apply: email cover letter and resume to

over 50-year history with no layoffs Apply nowofatanHYPERTHERM.COM/OWNIT andyour own your future! Apply nowThe at security HYPERTHERM.COM/OWNIT and own future!

Hypertherm Associates is proud to be an equal opportunity employer Hypertherm Associates is atproud to be an equal opportunity employer Apply now HYPERTHERM.COM/OWNIT and own your future!


Hypertherm Associates is proud to be an equal opportunity employer

All Brains Belong VT is hiring a full-time Resource Coordinator. Because we live Hypertherm is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer, and we welcome all applications. All employment decisions are based on business need, job requirements, in a world that is often not accessible to and our values as an Associate-owned company without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, disability, or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws. people who learn, think, or communicate differently than the so-called “typical” brain, many Hypertherm is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer, and we welcome all applications. All employment decisions are based on business need, job requirements, and our values as an Associate-owned company without race, color, religion, orientation, gender decisions identity, are age,based national origin, disability, Hypertherm is proud to be regard an Equal toOpportunity Employer, and wegender, welcomesexual all applications. All employment on business need, job requirements, of our patients struggle to access many essential, or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, company state, orwithout local regard laws. to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, disability, and our values as an Associate-owned or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws. meaningful aspects of society. This role is being AD_Apprentice_00565_5x10.5_OWN IT_PRINT_ReBrand.indd 1 7/28/2022 10:53:27 AM newly created specifically to offload our patients’ burdens of navigating complex, often inaccessible AD_Apprentice_00565_5x10.5_OWN IT_PRINT_ReBrand.indd 1 7/28/2022 10:53:27 AM and extremely dysfunctional systems. AD_Apprentice_00565_5x10.5_OWN IT_PRINT_ReBrand.indd 1 7/28/2022 10:53:27 AMPM ATTENTION 8t-VTHiTecHYPERTHERM080322 1 RECRUITERS: 7/29/22 2:24 Founded in November 2021, All Brains Belong is a 501(c)(3) community health organization in Montpelier that supports the inclusion and well-being of people with all types of brains. We achieve this mission through neurodiversity-affirming healthcare, education, and community connection.


Full job description, visit:


4t-USProbationDistrictofVT081022.indd 1


8/8/22 5:59 PM

2h_contactinfo.indd 1


7/6/21 3:47 PM





VTDigger’s Galloway steps down












illness lores mental

The pandemic has weakened — but not killed — Vermont’s grand Town Meeting Day tradition PAGE 54



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Musical exp

r reopens

Parkway Dine



Young man fatally shot in Burlington

V O T E!




COUNTDOWN s compete Democratic candidate In the August 9 primary, s lone U.S. House seat for the jackpot: Vermont’ PAGE 26 BY CHELSEA EDGAR,


CLASS STRUGGLE “Dire” shortage of VT


Chase clifford




Woodstock man hosts




MEALS ON WHEELS New mobile eateries



” restored

Mural Burlington’s “Lost



s in BTV’S ONE

New resto sizzle



um reopens

Henry Sheldon Muse

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3 SEVE NDAY VOL. 27 NO.3 UNE 1, 2022 E MAY 25-J ENT VOIC


New voters in Winooski, Montpelier

Micro-bakers on the rise in Vermont


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ms to build dor UVM wants Campus. on its Trinity ton’s ease Burling Would that is? housing cris

any VT pharma comp ny closes under scruti


dish it up

Support local journalism — make a contribution today! If you like what we do and can afford to help pay for it, please become a Seven Days Super Reader. Your donation will help to keep our community informed and connected.

Local Journalism Needs You. Donate Today! Join the Super Readers at

Or, send a note (and a check) to: Seven Days c/o Super Readers, PO Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402. Need info? Contact Corey Barrows at 865-1020, ext. 136 or



1T-SR081022.indd 1

8/9/22 3:15 PM


fun stuff


“Incredible! Once again you’ve made the perfect piece of toast.” JEN SORENSEN






Making it is not :( Keep this newspaper free for all. Join the Seven Days Super Readers at or call us at 802-864-5684.

106 SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022 SR-Comics-filler071520.indd 1

7/14/20 3:32 PM

Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages.

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY BY ROB BREZSNY REAL AUGUST 11-17 helper, I would pick Venus. The planet Venus is ruler of your sign, and the goddess Venus is the maven of beauty and love, which are key to your happiness. But I would also assign Hephaestus to you Tauruses. He was the Greek god of the metalworking forge. He created Zeus’ thunderbolts, Hermes’ winged helmet, Aphrodite’s magic bra, Achilles’ armor, Eros’ bow and arrows, and the thrones for all the deities in Olympus. The things he made were elegant and useful. I nominate him to be your spirit guide during the next 10 months. May he inspire you to be a generous source of practical beauty.


GEMINI (May 21-Jun. 20): To be a true

(JUL. 23-AUG. 22)

One of the inspiring experiments I hope you will attempt in the coming months is to work on loving another person as wildly and deeply and smartly as you love yourself. In urging you to try this exercise, I don’t mean to imply that I have a problem with you loving yourself wildly and deeply and smartly. I endorse your efforts to keep increasing the intensity and ingenuity with which you adore and care for yourself. But here’s a secret: Learning to summon a monumental passion for another soul may have the magic power of enhancing your love for yourself.

ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): Tips to get the most

out of the coming weeks: 1. Exercise your willpower at random moments just to keep it limber. 2. Be adept at fulfilling your own hype. 3. Argue for fun. Be playful and frisky as you banter. Disagree for the sport of it, without feeling attached to being right or needing the last word. 4. Be unable to understand how anyone can resist you or not find you alluring. 5. Declare yourself President of Everything, then stage a coup d’état. 6. Smile often when you have no reason to. 7. If you come upon a “square peg, round hole” situation, change the shape of the hole.

TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): If I had to choose a mythic deity to be your symbolic

Gemini, you must yearn for knowledge — whether it’s about coral reefs, ancient maps of Sumer, sex among jellyfish, mini black holes, your friends’ secrets or celebrity gossip. You need to be an eternal student who craves education. Are some things more important to learn than others? Of course, but that gauge is not always apparent in the present. A seemingly minor clue or trick you glean today may become unexpectedly helpful a month from now. With that perspective in mind, I encourage you to be promiscuous in your lust for new information and teachings in the coming weeks.

CANCER (Jun. 21-Jul. 22): Cancerian drummer Ringo Starr is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Though he has received less acclaim than his fellow Beatles, many critics recognize him as a skillful and original drummer. How did he get started? At age 13, he contracted tuberculosis and lived in a sanatorium for two years. The medical staff encouraged him to join the hospital band, hoping it would stimulate his motor skills and alleviate boredom. Ringo used a makeshift mallet to bang the cabinet near his bed. Good practice! That’s how his misfortune led to his joy and success. Is there an equivalent story in your life, Cancerian? The coming months will be a good time to take that story to its next level. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sep. 22): Musician Viv Albertine has recorded four albums and played guitar for the Slits, a famous punk band. She has also written two books and worked as a TV director for 20 years. Her accomplishments

are impressive. Yet she also acknowledges that she has spent a lot of time in bed for many reasons: needing to rest, seeking refuge to think and meditate, recovering from illness, feeling overwhelmed or lonely or sad. She admiringly cites other creative people who, like her, have worked in their beds: Emily Dickinson, Patti Smith, Edith Sitwell and Frida Kahlo. I mention this, Virgo, because the coming days will be an excellent time for you to seek sanctuary and healing and creativity in bed.

LIBRA (Sep. 23-Oct. 22): Libran author Katherine Mansfield wrote, “The mind I love must have wild places, a tangled orchard where dark damsons drop in the heavy grass, an overgrown little wood, the chance of a snake or two, and a pool that nobody’s fathomed the depth of.” Be inspired by her in the coming weeks, Libra. I suspect you will flourish if you give yourself the luxury of exploring your untamed side. The time is ripe to wander in nature and commune with exciting influences outside your comfort zone. What uncharted frontier would you enjoy visiting? SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): When you are functioning at your best, you Scorpios crave only the finest, top-quality highs. You embrace joys and pleasures that generate epiphanies and vitalizing transformations. Mediocre varieties of fun don’t interest you. You avoid debilitating indulgences that provide brief excitement but spawn long-term problems. In the coming weeks, dear Scorpio, I hope you will embody these descriptions. It’s crucial that you seek gratifications and delectations that uplift you, ennoble you and bless your future. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “Wish on everything,” advises Sagittarian author Francesca Lia Block. “Pink cars are good, especially old ones. And first stars and shooting stars. Planes will do if they are the first light in the sky and look like stars. Wish in tunnels, holding your breath and lifting your feet off the ground. Birthday candles. Baby teeth.” Your homework during the next two weeks, Sagittarius, is to build a list of further marvels that you will wish on. It’s the Magic Wish season of the year for you: a time when you’re more likely than usual to encounter and generate

miracles. Be proactive! Oh, and very important: What are your three top wishes?

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Author Aldous Huxley wrote, “That people do not learn much from the lessons of history is the most important lesson that history has to teach.” While his observation is true much of the time, I don’t think it will be so for you in the coming weeks. I suspect you will triumph over past patterns that have repeated and repeated themselves. You will study your life story and figure out what you must do to graduate from lessons you have finally completely learned. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In the film I

Origins, a scientist says this to a lover: “When the Big Bang happened, all the atoms in the universe were smashed together into one little dot that exploded outward. So my atoms and your atoms were together then ... my atoms have always known your atoms.” Although this sounds poetic, it’s true in a literal sense: The atoms that compose you and me and everyone else were originally all squeezed together in a tiny space. We knew each other intimately! The coming days will be an excellent time to celebrate your fundamental link with the rest of the universe. You’ll be extra receptive to feeling connection. You’ll be especially adept at fitting your energy together with others’. You’ll love the sensation of being united, merged, blended.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): My Piscean friend Luna sent me a message that sums up how I feel about you these days. I’ll repeat it here in the hope that it will inspire you to be perfectly yourself. Luna said, “Every time I meet someone who was born within, like, two weeks of my birthday, I end up with the impression that they are the loopiest and wisest person I’ve met in a long time. They are totally ridiculous and worthy of profound respect. They are unhinged and brilliantly focused. They are fuzzy-headed dreamers who couldn’t possibly ever get anything practical accomplished and they are lyrical thinkers who charm me with their attunement to the world’s beauty and impress me with their understanding of how the world works. Hahahahaha. Luckily for me, I know the fool is sacred.”


NEW VIDEO! Eva Sollberger’s

Watch at 4H-Stuck081022.indd 1

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8/9/22 12:57 PM

Respond to these people online: WOMEN seeking... CREATIVE, FRIENDLY, BOOKWORM Trying to get out and meet people. I love living in the Green Mountain State, but it’s tough to make connections. Total book nerd, cat herder, procrastinating writer and collector of (mostly) interesting facts. BookChick, 31, seeking: M, l INFP DOESN’T FIT ANY BOXES Fiber artist, long-distance backpacker, writer, weaver, teleskier, farmer. Uses a chain saw, dresses up as needed. Never makeup or heels. Strong and physical. Sometimes wants holding and comfort. Friendships are the most important things in my life. Seeking a true partnership, committed to seeing the best in each other. Mutual support, working through difficult moments and sharing playtime are all important to me. Ann, 65, seeking: M, l DIRECT, HONEST, NO FILTERS, ADVENTURESOME, FLIRTY Sensuality. Hedonist. Enjoy pleasing my dates. Enjoy motorcycling, boating, camping, RV boondocking. Love (live) movies, board games, exercise, cooking together. I will send you a picture once I get to know you, but looks are only surfaces for the eyes. I want to know the real you! I melt when a man wears aftershave. Enjoy hot tubs, spas and togetherness! FUNGAL4u, 76, seeking: M, l


You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.



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YOUNG HEART, OLD BODY, LUCKY Vermont and Florida. Best of both worlds. Looking for a best friend. Last first date. Happy camper. Love photography, reading, birding, movies, cooking, writing, together time, some alone time, a pal who has time and wants to warm up in the winters. Readunderthetrees, 72, seeking: M ZEST FOR LIFE! I love doing all types of things. Like being on the go. Visit the Edge three times a week. Ride my e-bike on different trails. Have season passes to Bolton and Smuggs. Like pickleball but not very good. Miss dancing with a partner. Play mah-jongg. Would like someone who likes to travel. I’m an independent lady. 12745, 69, seeking: M, l GROUNDED OPTIMIST SEEKS ENTERTAINING COMPANION I like to get out and about, and it’s friendlier with two. Movies, dinner, theater, museums, county fair, picking blueberries, watching the sun set. With any luck, you’ll have some ideas, too. A friend once described me as having a big heart, big laugh. I’m balanced, independent and kind. RealityBased, 59, seeking: M, l ADVENTUROUS, PLAYFUL AND THOUGHTFUL I am an outdoorsy, independent woman seeking a partner to share life’s pleasures with. I value honesty, humor, kindness and open communication. I enjoy my family and friends, horseback riding, sailing, reading, gardening, swimming, exploring, creating, traveling, learning, and skiing. I am a fading redhead with lots of freckles in the summer. Housebroken and fully vaccinated. Ready to play. SpiritedGinger, 67, seeking: M DRAMA-FREE I’m pretty straightforward, and I will appreciate the same from you. Looking for a serious relationship, someone who knows what he wants and is ready to go in. I don’t have time for games or long dating. If you are ready for real love, commitment, companionship and possibly marriage, then I am down for it. Ikeepitreal, 31, seeking: M, l ARTSY CALIFORNIA GIRL LOVING VERMONT An artist through and through. Lover of spirituality, emotional healing since my early 20s, interests that have continued my entire life. I am a painter, and I do alternative healing work based mostly on human design. I love cooking and entertaining — would love someone special to share that with. I love museums, dancing and yoga, as well! CaliVTgal, 60, seeking: M, l CHOCOLATE CHIP FOR COOKIE DOUGH Chocolate chip in search of her cookie dough. Someone with a sweet tooth. Love of nature and the plant of life. Let’s skinny-dip, hike. Maybe this can even be a winter thing and not just a summer fling. Secrets safe with me. Turnoffs include strong political views and weird, awkward comments, LOL. Chocolate_Chip, 33, seeking: M, W, Cp


FUN-LOVING I’m old but still enjoy life. In search of a friend to spend time and have fun with. onceuponatime, 64, seeking: M HONEST, FRIENDLY, CARING I enjoy meeting and getting to know people. I’m a loyal and caring friend. Best days are spent outdoors — hiking, kayaking, skiing, biking. Pace doesn’t always need to be fast. Sometimes ambling slowly in the woods or by a river feels right. 400river, 59, seeking: M, l HALF CRUNCHY, HALF CLEAN-CUT Pennsylvania woman seeking adventurous man who loves the outdoors and live music. Intentionally cultivating a beautiful life is a must. Ability to play accompaniment to a washboard is a plus. Knowing one’s way around a woodshop, even bigger plus. Half crunchy, half clean-cut. Ages 27 to 38 preferred. alexandrasupertramp, 29, seeking: M, l SPONTANEOUS NATURE LOVER SEEKS SAME In search of fellow creator of improvised songs, partner tree climber/woods wanderer, and one who cares about the well-being of himself, others and the Earth. Age 24 to 34 ideal. heartbeats, 25, seeking: M, l POSITIVE THOUGHTS Easygoing, funny, hardworking. I love being outdoors. I kayak and fish. Not that great at hiking. I camp, have two dogs and travel when it’s affordable. Sheinca, 57, seeking: M, l

MEN seeking... HARD WORK AND SHY I’m a hardworking person that is looking for a hard work partner to join me in my maple sugaring business and fun weekend ventures. Patch, 36, seeking: W, NC, NBP, l NEED PLATONIC PLAYMATE My doctor says I need to get out more. So, I’m looking for a playmate. I like people. I have two kayaks. You wanna go kayaking? I like flea markets and lawn sales. I truly have not been to a movie for about 20 years. Now that I have you thinking I’m a hermit, take a chance. Decide for yourself. BonnieRose, 72, seeking: M, l LOVER Friends with benefits. Busy civil engineer needing a loving female partner. No strings but love. Zhob, 59, seeking: W, l NO DRAMA, JUST FUN I’ve got a lot to be thankful for: health, time to enjoy the outdoors, a good dog, a “grande dame” house that I am renovating and more. But I am missing female companionship. If you like the outdoors, a drink, a laugh, good food, music and, last but certainly not least, passion, you should definitely give me a try. Good_Life, 66, seeking: W, l WE ALL NEED WARMTH Are you cold? Need to warm up? Me, too. Tell me what warms you up. Everyone has needs. Warmth, 58, seeking: M

GIVING YOU WHAT YOU WANT Youth has love at first sight. Now, you choose; there is no knight. A quality adult relationship is when two folks can admire and respect each other exactly as they are, and when both are highly committed. Communication is how this all gets expressed. It hardly matters what we do, as long as we’re both willing to make it work. basilandoregano, 65, seeking: W, l FIT, FUN, ADVENTUROUS Mid-50s M, 170 pounds, 5’10, looking for new, discreet experiences indoors or out (preferably out). Funinthe802, 54, seeking: Cp, l OLD DOG NEEDS NEW TRICKS Here it is: Life is too short, and after a long time in this COVID era, I want some human companionship, a little friendship and some sensual fun. I am looking to dabble in MFM threesomes and willing to explore my bi-curious side. Spikervt, 52, seeking: M, W, Cp, l LIVE STRESS-FREE OR DIE! Easy, compassionate listener with a quick wit and dry humor. I’m an honest, caring, passionate, nature-loving soul — so I’ve been told. Living life with youthfulness to avoid being stagnant and old. Live life so our stories can be told! dpercy123, 41, seeking: W, l LAID-BACK, CHILL AND POSITIVE VIBES Looking to meet new people and find adventures. I love to camp, hike, fish, read, small rewards in life and local artisan cheese. I like listening to informative and fulfilling podcasts and watching worthwhile films and television — no trash television. Basically, I try to lead a productive and positive life. I love cheese, and you should, too. Can_Garden, 41, seeking: W, l ENTHUSIASTIC PLAYMATE I am a good-looking bear. I would be considered a top and am on the dominant side. I’m married but run much hotter than my wife. I fantasize about many scenarios open and am eager for most. No pain or poo. I’m clean, safe and vaxxed. Also recently tested negative and must stay that way. Let’s explore and explode together. meonatop, 55, seeking: M EXTROVERT WITHOUT THE SAUCE I love going out to new places. The best way to enjoy life is being spontaneous. Aspiring to learn more about conservation and eco-friendly pastimes. I’m either going to hike every mountain in Vermont or go to every microbrewery. Love other cultures and would like to travel abroad when possible. hikingforquads, 26, seeking: W AMAZINGLY FIT NICE GUY I was told: “This is your life, not a dress rehearsal, so live it.” I’m very active. I ride my bike, swim, run, work out. An avid reader. My kindle has over 900 titles on it. Like to spend winter in Florida in my RV. Have a large circle of friends. My children and their children are key. John8072, 78, seeking: W, l DOMINANT BEAR LOOKING FOR PLAYMATES Good-looking bear on the DL looking for daytime play. Into all sorts of play/kink. Always safe and sane. Vaxxed, boosted and tested negative. outdoorsman56, 55, seeking: M HAPPY TO KEEP IT SIMPLE I am here because I would like to enjoy some of the beautiful every day with someone who is happy to explore the opportunities we encounter. Sailormon, 38, seeking: W, l



QUEERART Looking for queer folx to talk about art with. LadyVermont, 45, seeking: M, W, Q, NC, l

JUST FRIENDS seeking... 50 SHADES OF GRAY 58-y/o SWM, athletic, fit, who loves to live life. Just moved from West Coast. Looking for female who enjoys outdoors, day trips and enjoying life. Let’s have fun! Adventures, 58, seeking: W, l STILL LOVING, LAUGHING AND LEARNING Been around a while but haven’t lost my joie de vivre, nor my sense of humor! I enjoy biking, hiking, gardening, lunch with friends and volunteer work. Gratitude and a positive attitude are important to me. Seeking friendship only, and I do not mean FWB. Let’s take a walk or bike ride or get together over a cup of coffee. theDharma4me, 67, seeking: M, l FUN, ENERGETIC AND LOYAL I’m fun and energetic. I like to have a good time and live life to the fullest. Gman44, 39, seeking: W, Cp, l FUN TIMES I’m looking for some fun times with some fun people. Good-looking, clean, intelligent guy seeking people for NSA, FWB fun times! From Newport to Brattleboro, from St. Johnsbury to Shelburne and south of there. I travel for my job, so I am probably in your area at some point. Contact me. StormWarning, 62, seeking: W, Cp, Gp RESTLESS SOUL My inner child still dominates my life, and I still have a strong sense of awe about all kinds of things. Love the outdoors and cherish whatever solitude I can find these days. But I also long for some interaction and companionship. Hoping to meet someone to spend time with, maybe walking/hiking or lunch/dinner or movie? Nightswimmer, 62, seeking: W

COUPLES seeking... EXPLORING THREESOMES WITH MEN We are an older and wiser couple discovering that our sexuality is amazingly hot! She is interested in a threesome with another man. We’d like to go slowly, massage you with a happy ending. She’d love to be massaged with a happy ending or a dozen. Would you be interested in exploring sexuality with a hot older couple? DandNformen, 61, seeking: M, TM, NC, Cp VT COUPLE SEEKING A FEMALE/COUPLE Fun married couple in their 30s looking for a female or couples for casual dates. We like the outdoors. 3inthevt, 35, seeking: W, Cp, Gp LOOKING FOR FUN We are looking for a man to have sex with my wife as I watch or join in. I want no interaction with the man. Just fun. No STDs, but bareback. Can be more than one man with my wife. tracker17, 66, seeking: M, l COUPLE LOOKING FOR SOME FUN My husband and I are looking for some fun with a woman or a couple to join us for some drinks and a good time. Let us know if you are interested. Torshamayo, 39, seeking: M, W, Cp KINKY FUN Looking for a well-hung guy to play with us. I’d like to watch you with him, and he’d like to watch you with me. Message me for more information. Bonnie. BJ2021, 47, seeking: M, W


If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!

WOMAN AT WATERVILLE MARKET We met outside the Waterville market on the 109. We chatted about your dogs, young Daisy and her Rottweiler mom — both present in the car. You work long weeks in caregiving. Me: Chris. Grey beard, cap, dark T-shirt. You seemed very sweet and so lovely! Drop me a line here if you’d like to get in touch. When: Saturday, August 6, 2022. Where: Waterville market. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915603 DAYSIES, SPARKLY RAVEN-HAIRED BEAUTY You: Tall, pretty woman with glasses, beautiful long curly black hair, fetching sparkly black pants/vest outfit. Me: Tall man, salt/pepper hair, pink blazer and tie, kept noticing you as we walked around the Daysies party. I wanted to say hi, didn’t find the opportunity among the gaggle of revelers. Would you care to share a hello some other time soon? When: Friday, August 5, 2022. Where: Daysies party, ECHO Center. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915602 2 A.M. JAZZ COMPANION AT RADIO BEAN Swaying alone to late-night vibrations, I noticed a tall, bearded, long-haired, brunette human doing their own solo music worship next to me. When the set ended we turned to face each other, but your friend came over. I thanked you for sharing the space with me, we hugged, and I walked home feeling magical. Who are you? Show yourself! When: Friday, June 10, 2022. Where: Radio Bean. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915600 REDHEAD HUNGER MOUNTAIN HIKER Met you on top of Hunger Mountain. You were with two friends. Did we almost make a connection, except for me not getting it? If so, let’s do a hike together and get to know each other. When: Wednesday, August 3, 2022. Where: Hunger Mountain. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915598

CUTIE CASHIER AT PETCO My partner and I (polyam) were on errands and you checked us out. We both thought you were cute but didn’t wanna make you uncomfy at work! You had crutches, buttons, beautiful J name. We’re two masc NB peeps. I was in a baseball cap with mountains. Remember us? We got a little aquarium. Wanna meet our baby guppies? When: Saturday, July 9, 2022. Where: Petco. You: Couple. Me: Nonbinary person. #915599 WE ZOOMED SOME LAST YEAR You said you see a good friend when you look at me (even with my crazy hair), one of many deep things we shared that made me feel so connected. One year-plus out, missing you. If you still live in the same town, I’m local now. Would love to take a walk, maybe meet a Galactic dog when you have custody? T. When: Friday, May 7, 2021. Where: Zoom. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915597 FRIDAY MORNING, COMING DOWN Convenience store on Route 2. Your day was off to a rough start. Sounded like my yesterday. Can I buy you a coffee drink and hold the door for you somewhere? You: in boots with the sporty rims with the red stripes. Me: with the sleeved arms in the race-inspired tire truck. When: Friday, July 29, 2022. Where: Montpelier convenience store. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915596 ESSEX DISCOUNT BEVERAGE About 12:30. We talked about the sandwiches and the stuff on the counter. You like the turkey bacon, and I like the BLT but was going with the ham. If you’re single, I would enjoy talking to you again. Hope your lunch was great. And hope to talk to you again. Gerry. When: Wednesday, July 27, 2022. Where: Essex Discount Beverage. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915595


JULY 3, OAKLEDGE BEACH You: blonde, blue bikini. I came out of my nap to hear you walking by, leaving. I still had my eyes closed as I heard you being chastised for “not just looking but enjoying it.” It all seems like a dream now. I hope not. Find me, magic lady. When: Sunday, July 3, 2022. Where: Oakledge beach. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915594 SOUTH BURLINGTON HANNAFORD I was shopping the meat department around 3. You stood very close to me. Saw you again in the wine section, then the cheese and yogurt area. Is it just me, or were we both circling the store checking each other out? Single? You wore a long black dress. I dressed very loudly. Tell me what I was wearing. When: Saturday, July 23, 2022. Where: Hannaford on Shelburne Rd. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915593 CROSSING PATHS You: very beautiful woman with the Die Antwoord haircut, waiting at the light near Walgreens. Me: the gentleman across the street from you waiting all the same, covered in hickeys from a couple of nights ago. Wanna gimme some more? I’m trying to start a collection of them. When: Thursday, July 21, 2022. Where: across the street from Penny Cluse. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915591 CROW BOOKSHOP Rainy Monday; you were shelving books. I inquired, “How are you doing today, friend?” I like your style: oversize jeans. Me: gray rain jacket, faux hawk with a mullet. When: Monday, July 18, 2022. Where: Crow Bookshop. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915590 RIVER PIZZA In the Richmond river. You’re the finest pizza topping. I was paddling the kayak with a crew, and we drifted apart. Wish I had met up at the end of the river. Pizza party sometime? When: Sunday, July 17, 2022. Where: Richmond. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915589 RECEIVED You were sitting alone doing a crossword and watching fútbol. We were matching, both of us wearing brown corduroy jackets even though it was a hot day. Let’s do a crossword together sometime ... maybe someplace crazy like Montréal? When: Friday, July 15, 2022. Where: pub. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915588

PRO-CHOICE, MONTPELIER You: dressed in purple, closing your store, chatted with me a bit before I fell. Would like to thank you, personally, for your care. On the water, sometime? —SD. When: Friday, June 24, 2022. Where: State St., Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915587 GORGEOUS REDHEAD AT DUNKIN’ I go to the drive-through near St. Mike’s a few times a week, and your smile always makes my mornings. I have tried to build up the courage to ask you out but don’t want to make you uncomfortable in your workplace. I always order a caramel iced coffee and a couple of doughnuts. Let me take you out to dinner? When: Thursday, July 7, 2022. Where: Colchester/Essex. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #915586 EXTRA-DANGEROUS JAYWALKING I was taking a quick walk with my dog between meetings. You were getting out of your green Subaru to visit someone nearby. Trying to be efficient, I walked right at you. We found ourselves staring at one another as we walked past, and my heart did a little curious head tilt. Did your heart do a head tilt, too? When: Monday, June 27, 2022. Where: near Winooski Westwood Community Gardens. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915585 RE: TANGLED UP IN YOU The first star I see may not be a star. We can’t do a thing but wait, so let’s wait for one more. I’m careful but not sure how it goes; you can lose yourself in your courage. When the time we have now ends, when the big hand goes round again, can you still feel the butterflies? When: Thursday, May 20, 2021. Where: across the stars. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915584 REDHEADED GODDESS IN RICHMOND Our paths crossed three times in quick succession. You, with your luxuriant hair and flowing summer robe, were bedazzling, and I, in my distinctive summer hat with upturned brim, was instantly charmed. Your radiance and composure were selfevident, your beauty unmatched — even by the flowers you cradled. Peace. When: Thursday, June 30, 2022. Where: Richmond. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915582

I HELD THE DOOR ... as you were coming out (right in front of Hannaford), and I held the door open for you. All I can say is: If I hadn’t been caught off guard by your beauty, I would’ve asked your name. Interested in getting coffee from someplace other than a gas station sometime? When: Thursday, June 30, 2022. Where: Jolley’s in Middlebury. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915583 TEST You were dressed in all black, carrying cat food. I was next to you in line buying cinnamon gum and an Arizona Tea and talking about my recent relocation. I should have asked you to put your phone number in my phone so we could share a vegetarian meal together. When: Sunday, June 26, 2022. Where: Hannaford. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915581 GRATEFUL IN THE ONION CITY Had hoped to show you that guys could put together a decent profile, but you disappeared. Hopefully you met someone good. If not, interested in joining you for a paddle, hike or bike. Have the toys; let’s use them. When: Friday, June 10, 2022. Where: online. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915580 PIZZA AND TRUCKER HATS You were wearing cute glasses and a black hat and hoodie at a table with friends at Fiddlehead. I didn’t have place to sit, so ended up finding a bench across from a couple on their first date! I bought a hat, and we had a look. Wanna say hello! When: Thursday, June 23, 2022. Where: Shelburne. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915579 CITY MARKET QT Saw you on Monday evening. My roommate asked you about the book you were reading from the other register while I was at yours. You had bright eyes and a warm smile. I would love to get to know you. When: Monday, June 20, 2022. Where: City Market, South End. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915576 YOUR DOG KNOWS WHAT’S UP I was walking back to my apartment when the dog you were walking clearly wanted me to say hi. To the guy walking the dog: You seemed really nice, and I’d like to get a drink. When: Saturday, June 18, 2022. Where: top block of Church Street. You: Man. Me: Man. #915575


Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums

Dear Reverend,

My friend told me that, in the past, her soon-to-be husband has dictated what she can and cannot wear. He’s also mentioned he doesn’t want her hanging out with her girlfriends because he doesn’t think we are a great influence. How do I tell her to dump this loser?

Miss Take,

(FEMALE, 27)

Dear Miss Take,

How soon is the “soon-to-be” in this equation? If she’s getting married this weekend, you probably should have thought about this long ago. Nonetheless, however far or near the nuptials may be, you don’t want to regret not having said anything. Trying to control what your partner wears and who they hang out with is a form of psychological abuse. I doubt you’d hold your tongue if your friend’s fiancé were physically abusing her, so you should definitely speak up about this situation. Do a little research first about signs of abuse — learn more at the National Domestic Violence Hotline (

Then find a time to talk to her privately. Be honest about your concerns, but don’t be preachy or put the blame on her. Focus on the fiancé’s abusive behaviors. Your friend may not realize what his actions look like from the outside. It’s also important to make sure you don’t do all the talking. Really listen to what she has to say. Chances are high that she won’t “dump this loser” right away, if ever. She’s an adult, and you can’t tell her what to do. The best thing you can do is let her know you’re there to support and help her if she does decide to move on. Good luck and God bless,

The Reverend

What’s your problem? Send it to SEVEN DAYS AUGUST 10-17, 2022


ISO sympathetic connection with BM stud and his woman. In need of attentive oral service. Mature WM offers body massage and friendly fulfillment of need for compatible couple. #1595

Woman, 57. Healthy, respectful, genuine. I’d like to share the last dance with a man in the country. A man who is kind, healthy and stable. A man who cares about how he treats a person and is well liked by others. Phone number, please. #1600

I’m a 65-y/o male seeking a 60plus female or a trans female. Looking for single or married females and transgender females for fun. Discreet only. Live in Vermont during the summer months, Ocala, Fla., in the winter. Come play. #1596

I’m a bi-curious male seeking the same or gay to satisfy your needs. #1598

Male, 66, seeking whip-smart woman for companionship and thoughtful conversations about the natural world, music, art, history, poetry, beauty, psychology, relationships, love, desire, play, happiness, gardening, aging, loss, impermanence, interdependence, meditation, consciousness, physicality, mind, this world and the beyond. #1594

Male, 66, seeking singular female. Talk to me, you of open heart and mind, embracing the beyond within. Tell me a dream you’ve had; relate a moving poem; describe something beautiful. Paint in words: How do you experience this life? #1597

HOW TO REPLY TO THESE LOVE LETTERS: Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your pen pal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number. MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters

PO Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402

PAYMENT: $5/response. Include cash or check

(made out to “Seven Days”) in the outer envelope. To send unlimited replies for only $15/month, call us at 802-865-1020, ext. 161 for a membership (credit accepted).



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Interested readers will send you letters in the mail. No internet required!



Romance is nice, but what I really need is “family.” Are you a bright, well-educated, optimistic, compassionate, older but active person who happens to be alone? I am convinced that there are perfectly wonderful people out there who, due to no fault of their own, have no spouse, children or significant others in their lives. Friends are great, but they are busy with their own families. It has been a particularly difficult summer with many people reuniting with family members after the long period of isolation imposed by the pandemic. Meanwhile, other people have become more lonely than ever! If you have needs similar to mine and meet the criteria set out above, I look forward to hearing from you. 74-y/o female in Addison County. #1599 I’m a GWM seeking gay or bi men for NSA fun. I can be discreet if needed. I’m fun and adventurous. Primarily sub but can be aggressive. Mid-central Vermont, south of Rutland. #1593 I’m a GM, 77, seeking a 65- to 80y/o M for whatever. Love doing it all, especially anal. In Caledonia or Essex county. #1592

Internet-Free Dating!

Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness letters. DETAILS BELOW. Male, 75, seeking a woman, 60-plus, to come and live with me. I have a nice house and two dogs. I’m so lonely. #L1591 54-y/o single male seeking a 40- to 60-y/o single woman. Looking for conversation, dating and possibly more. I like the outdoors, taking walks, bonfires, karaoke and dancing. Let’s meet in Danville. Phone number, please. #L1589 I’m a young 63-y/o, single, athletic male seeking a woman 50 to 65 for great conversations, Lake Monster games, barbecues and other outdoor activities like walking, nature walks, fishing, swimming, kayaking, etc. I love the outdoors, but I am also happy inside. Let’s meet in Chittenden County for coffee and/or a creemee, then go from there. #L1585 40s M, bi-curious, seeks pen pervs. Come confess your closet kinks! Tell me your taboo tales! Fill me in on your forbidden fantasies! I am nonjudgmental and very open-minded. Willing to reply. #L1588

GM, 60s, seeking a GM, 70-plus. Sexually active, love giving or receiving oral. Love uncut and long. I want to experience bottoming a lover. Spank and teach me. #L1586 Looking to meet a man on the thin side, who likes someone to really give them the special touch. If you haven’t ever, you need to learn. Please call me, and then we will be able to work out something. I think that you and I will have a great feeling together. #L1587 I’m a bi WM seeking a boyfriend. Only bottoms need apply. Top guy needs oral and butthole. Need sex daily. Any age, any race. Phone. #L1584 I am a 57-y/o male, 5’10, 250 pounds. Looking for summer weekend meetings with a mature female who’s lusting for this naughty boy to unleash her darkest desires. Who knows what can happen?! Let’s find out. Summer’s coming. Full-figured OK. Let’s make it happen. Lusting! #L1581

Describe yourself and who you’re looking for in 40 words below:

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