Seven Days, October 25, 2000

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Astrology, M s a b o u t life . LISTEN FOR Y O U R C HANCE TO W IN DAILY PRIZES W O R T H AT LEAST O >0! W e 'r e g iv in g a w a y o v e r


J o h n M orden Certified in Natal & Horary Astrology (802) 6 5 5 -9 113


Burlington, VT wwwjmorden@

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1. Beauty of the Beast: Show us why your pooch is perfect, your kitty the cutest, your horse the hand­ som est — you get the idea — and tell us why your pet should be Mr. or M s. Anim al M agnetism .

2 . Fat Cats: Send in a photo o f your full-figured feline, along with a tell-all o f his/h er road to rotun­ dity.

3 . Feeding Frenzy: Even if they don’t overdo on the calories, som e pets eat the darndest things. Let us know what oddities your anim al favors, and show him or her, if possible, in culinary mode.

4 . Pet Names: Anim al lovers often choose peculiar m onikers for their beloved beasties. Tell us the story o f your pet’s unusual nam e, and send a photo, too.

5. Haute Creature: Do you subject your critter to costum es? If so, show us the attractively attired anim al, and tell us about the occasion for playing dress-up.

6 . Survival of the Fittest: H as your anim al beat the

My name______

odds — o f injury, accident, illn ess — and lived to bark (meow, etc.) about it? If your an im a l’s been through a hair-raising experience, tell us the heroic tail, er, tale, and send evidence o f the survivor.

My pet’s name Our address _


7 . Pet Peeves: We all know that pets, like children,

Category No. /N a m e ___________________________ !__

can som etim es be pests. Share your waggish tale o f woe, and a portrait o f the culprit — in the act.

My pet deserves to win in this category because: 8. Unleashed: U se your im agination — any animal doing anything (other than the categories above) is welcom e here. Provide pic and plot-line, please.

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' O cto b er 25i20OO

the weekly read on Vermont news, views and culture

CO-PUBUSHERS/EDITORS Pamela Polston, Paula Routly GENERAL MANAGER Rick W oods CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Peter Freyne ASSISTANT EDITOR George Thabault ART DIRECTION D onald Eggert, Tara Vaughan-H ughes

o c T o o e r




Labor of Love Playwright Dana Yeaton delivers Chris Bohjalian’s Midwives

Marc Awodey, Nancy Stearns Bercaw, Flip Brown, Marialisa Calta, Colin Clary, Kristin D ’Agostino, John Dillon, Erik Esckilsen, Peter Freyne,

n o v e m fe e r

question ............................................................................

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weekly mail .....................

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in s id e tra c k .....................................................................

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news q u ir k s .....................................................................

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h a c k ie ..................................................................................

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By Nancy Stearns B e rca w 8a

Goldberg Variations




SALES MANAGER David Booth ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Kristi Batchelder, Michelle Brown, Eve Jarosinski, Colby Roberts, Diane Sullivan CALENDAR WRITER Alice Christian

z a

In theater; music and life, Steve Goldberg plays it dangerous By Paula Routly ...............................................................................

page 9a

Anne Galloway, Paul Gibson, Ruth

c la ssifie d s .....................

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straight dope ..................................................................

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story m inute.....................

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troubletown .....................................................................

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car t a l k ..................................

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red m e a t ............................................................................

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life in hell ..................................................................

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crossword puzzle............................................................

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free will astrology.........................................................

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lola, the love counselor ............................................

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Horowitz, Helen Husher, Jeanne Keller, Kevin J. Kelley, Rick Kisonak,

Poetry: Vampire Redux

Peter Kurth, Fred Lane, Lola, Lynda Majarian, Richard Mayer, Melanie

By Tony Magistrale..................................

page 15a

Menagh, Andrew Nemethy, Jernigan Pontiac, Robert Resnik, Molly Stevens, George Thabault, Shay Totten, Pip Vaughan-Hughes, David Weinstock PHOTOGRAPHER M atthew Thorsen ILLUSTRATORS Paul Antonson, Harry Bliss, Gary Causer, Sarah Grillo, Paula Myrick, Tim Newcomb, Steve Verriest NEW MEDIA MANAGER Donald Eggert DIRECTOR, SEVEN DAYS DESIGN Tara Vaughan-Hughes SEVEN DAYS is published by Da Capo Publishing, Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free o f charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans and Plattsburgh. Circulation: 25,000’: Six-m onth First Class sub­ scriptions are available for $40. O neyear First Class su b scriptions are available for $80. Six-m onth Third Class su b scriptions are available for $20. O ne-year Third Class subscrip­ tions are available for $40. Please call 802.864.5684 with your VISA or Mastercard, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below. For Classifieds/Personals or display advertising please call the number below. SEVEN DAYS shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publi­ cation o f its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, SEVEN DAYS may cancel the charges for the advertise­ ment, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher.


is printed at B.D. Press in Georgia, VT.

SEVEN DAYS, P.O. Box 1164, 255 S. Champlain St., Burlington, VT 05402-1164 Tel: 8 0 2 .8 6 4 .5 6 8 4 Fax: 8 0 2 .8 6 5 .1 0 1 5 e-mail: ©2000 Da Capo Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. A S S O C I A T I O N


A .A .N . A L T E R N A T IV E N E W S W E E K L I E S





Op-Ed: The W andering Democrat A twentysomething cynic asks the big question: Why vote? By Andrew Ja c o b y 16a

Having it Out A ruling at Mount Mansfield High School makes being gay okay By Ruth Horowitz ........................................................................ page 22a

the mostly unfabulous social life of ethan greene


page 26b


M edia ‘M onster’ Assemblage artist Steve Tremblay starts from scrap



page 32a

By Pamela Polston ........................................................................ page 26a

Letter Perfect?

page 36a


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calendar ................................................................................ page 2b

Art review: “8 .5 " x 11"” By Marc Awodey.................

art . ......................................................................................

.page 37a

classes ...............................................................................

page 7b

questio T h is H a llo w e e n , yo u

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I’d turn George Bush into Ralph Nader.

— Ted Lawson Sales, Alpine Store South Burlington I’d turn my friend Jess into a witch, so she could cast her spells on me and I could see what enchantment felt like.

CLARIFYING CHARTER SCHOOLS Peter Freyne appears to be mis­ informed about charter schools. On Sept. 27 [Inside Track] he wrote, “...charter schools. You know, schools set up so that my little gifts from God don’t have to rub shoulders with your mangy lit­ tle heathen brats.” Humor and motivational attri­ butions aside, the wealthy have always enjoyed school choice through private schools. Middleclass parents have enjoyed school choice through moving to “towns with good schools.” People who can afford neither of these options are the ones who currently have no meaningful school choice and would benefit most if public char­ ter schools were legal in Vermont like they are in 37 other states. Public charter schools are regu­

lated by and accountable to the state and, like all public schools, cannot discriminate. But they also have more latitude when it comes to scheduling classes and who can teach. In a charter school the social studies teacher might be a former diplomat; the physics teacher might be a retired physicist. In reg­ ular public schools such individu­ als are discouraged from teaching by lengthy certification require­ ments, and those with advanced degrees are rendered unaffordable by union pay scales. Now I don’t want to offend anyone’s Marxist sensibilities, but charter schools also introduce pub­ lic school competition. And as our State Education Commissioner and former Rutland School Superintendent David Wolk said, while watching Rutland schools compete for students and thrive, “I

believe that competition for stu­ dents in the public marketplace is a positive and healthy phenome­ non that serves to improve the quality of our schools.” (Rutland Herald, Sept. 26, 1996) — Jeffrey Pascoe South Burlington SURVEY SHOWS LOVE ON THE RISE It’s been a little over three months since my partner and I were joined in civil union on July 1, and I have been concerned about what detrimental effects, if any, this may have had on the marriages of my fellow Vermon­ ters. So, at this 90-day milestone, I conducted a survey of my hetero­ sexual friends and neighbors to determine what degree of damage my new legal status may have caused their marriage.

O f my heterosexual neighbors surveyed, none reported a deterio­ ration in their marriage since the infamous July 1 date. Well...there was that one couple down the road from us who had an argument in late August, but they believe that their marital tiff was attributable more to 90-degree heat and 80 percent humidity than it was to the new civil-union law. O f my heterosexual colleagues surveyed at work, all reported that their marriages seemed to enjoy a rather healthy and restful summer. None reported increased tension, headaches or disorientation result• ing from marital strife since July 1...

O f my heterosexual married friends surveyed, all report they are as deeply in love with each other Continued on page 14a

“I ’ve worked every day o f my life a n d I ’ve p a id my taxes. We’ve got to get H ow ard back in there. H e’s done a good job. ”

— Fred Tutde

Manager, Vitamin World Essex I’d transform Ruth Dwyer into a very small speck of dust.

— Rose Montgomery Sales Associate, Burlington I’d turn myself into either a millionaire or a s a in t— unfortunately the two don’t go togeth­ er.

— Deb Hughes Furniture Refinisher St. Albans

T h e r e are m a n y V erm o n ters w h o m a y n o t b e as fa m o u s as Fred — b u t th e y ’v e p a id th eir d u es — a n d w e o u g h t to b e th ere for th e m .

I’d want to turn Bush and Gore into Christo­ pher W alken, who’d make a very spooky Halloween president.

• W ith p rescrip tio n d ru g coverage • M a k in g sure th e y can k eep th eir h o m e s b y rela tin g p ro p erty taxes to th eir in c o m e • K e e p in g th eir c h ild r e n a n d gra n d ch ild ren h e a lth y w ith u n iversal h e a lth in su ra n ce for V e r m o n t k ids u p to age 18

— Ram sey Crowe Store Manager, Learning Express Burlington I would change my son into a hawk, so he’d

— Mary Jane Roy Sales, W histle Stop Antiques Burlington

• U s in g state m o n e y to c o n se rv e farm s so th e y can be p a ssed o n to a n e w g en e r a tio n

7 don’t know w hat I ’ll do i f she gets in there. ” — Fred Tuttle re-elect

is a weekly on addressed

Governor Howard Dean A proven leader who gets results Paid for by the Howard Dean Campaign Committee, PO Box 1218, Montpelier, VT 05601

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page 4a

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O ctober 2 5 , 20G 0

Ruth Dw yer Plays “ U gly Am erican” There is absolutely no truth to the rumor that Republican gubernatorial candidate Ruth Dwyer has a contingency plan to militarize Vermont’s bor­ der with the foreign power to our north — Canada. At least, not yet. What is true is that Vermont-Canada relations have taken a turn for the worse since Ruthless Ruth was involved in an ugly international incident, car­ ried live on the airwaves of the Canadian Broadcasting Corpor­ ations (CBC) English-language Montreal station. Oh, Canada! You see, our local TV affiliates are on the box in Montreal. Can­ adians are watching Mrs. Dwyers Alice in Wonderland TV com­ mercials, too. So it’s no surprise that some Canadians don’t fancy the way Dwyer portrays Canada’s heath-care system as dreadful and then uses it to smear Gov. Howard Dean. In her kinder-and-gentler 60second spot, Dwyer raises the alarm that under Gov. Howard Dean, we’ll end up like Canada “where they have to wait too long for procedures they need or may not be able to get them.” One recent morning, Ruth Dwyer — the real Ruth Dwyer, not to be confused with the Fairy c y ppT p Godmother in her TV ad — got into an ugly row with Dave Bronstetter, host of “Daybreak” on CBC Radio One. Bronstetter told Seven Days he took issue with Mrs. Dwyer’s contention in her slick TV commer­ cial that the U.S. system could become like Canada’s. “Canada has it’s own problems,” said Bronstetter, “but the U.S. system is not exactly an example worth following.” According to both Bronstetter and Dwyer, the interview turned into an argument. The gloves, as they say, came off. Ruthless defended the virtues of free enterprise and letting the insurance companies run things their way. Bronstetter defended his country and its health-care system. Dwyer, said Bronstetter, played the role of the “ugly American” to a tee. Her attitude, he told us, was that “we’re just some backwater that depends on America for our milk.” As things heated up, he said, Mrs. Dwyer simply hung up on him. “Is this any way for a neighbor to act?” asked Bronstetter. “First she insults our health-care sys­ tem. Then she said I was rude and hung up.” Dwyer confirmed she had appeared on the Canadian program and things had gotten a little testy. But she denied she hung up or was rude. She said she merely suggested that “they both had better things to do,” and signed off. “I did not slam down the phone,” Dwyer insist­ ed. “I was polite about it.” Bronstetter’s no slouch. He’s been a CBC Montreal mainstay for over 20 years, “Some of my closest friends are Vermonters,” he told Seven Days Tuesday. “What she didn’t understand was, those are the kind of comments that bring out the worst of anti-American Canadian bigotry.” Great. Now Ruthless is an international star, too. A true ambassador for Vermont!

plain white coffee cups. A miracle? Nope. “One of our younger artists took out the WCAX logo,” confessed Hirten. “It shouldn’t hap­ pen,” he said. “It’s a news photo. News is news.” Ch. 5’s Vermont bureau chief, Stewart Ledbetter, chuckled when we alerted him to the electronic air-brushing of his competitor’s logo. “I would have found another picture to use,” he said. Media Notes — Congratulations to Ch. 22 reporter and the winner of the recent local “Survivor” contest, Jodi Goldman. She’s a survivor! Ms. Goldman got engaged Friday night to WBVT-TV sales manager Scott PaSCUCCi. No date set as yet. And Hewlitt, New York, native Gus Rosendale is the new blonde at Ch. 5’s suddenly all-male Vermont bureau. Four guys. No gals. Gus just graduat­ ed from American University in Washington, D.C., but he’s no rookie. He worked as a field producer for the Fox. station in D.C. while getting his degree. Mr. Rosendale looks to have a future in TV. Gus replaces Carolyn Roy, who’s packing up this week for the big move to KSLA-TV in Shreveport, Louisiana. Carolyn deserves a listing in the Guinness Book o f World Records for being the only reporter for all three of our local TV sta­ p FRFYM F tions. Ms. Roy’s a very talented hometown girl, a genuine class act, and a whole lot of folks will miss her.

There was a liffle fown and fhere was a liffle sfafe Andfhey were in a valley undemeafh f he blue sky Andfhis liffle f«wn and fhis liffle sfafe Lived in a valley undemeafh an equal sky And fhere was a liffle girl and fhere was a liffle job Andshe lived in a valley undemeafh darkening skies And if she gefs her way she will wanf f« bake us in a pie She will fhen bake s°wie of os in a greaf big rainbowcolored pie if she gefs her way nofhing, nofhing will ever fum oof fine Take v/ermonf anywhere bof fhere/

The Halloween P a r f y - tfof fh e Republican one ocf© ber s i s f - Grippo Sunk Band w /R ic o


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Cheap Trick Award — Talk about quality journal­ ism, eh? The executive editor of The Burlington Free Press ’fessed up Tuesday. Vermont’s largest daily, said Mickey Hirten, had doctored the front-page news photo in the morning paper. The color photo, an Associated Press photo by Craig Line, showed Howard Dean, Ruth Dwyer and Anthony Pollina during their debate last month at the Paramount Theater in Rutland. The debate was sponsored by the Rutland Herald and WCAX-TV. The coffee cups on the table in front of the candidates were WCAX-TV NEWS coffee cups. But in Tuesday’s Free Press photo adorning the story on the Freeps/WPTZ-TV poll, they were

“Love the Bigot — Hate the Bigotry” — That’s the slogan on one of our favorite bumper stickers this election season. Yours truly thinks of it every time a Take Back Vermont backlasher swears with a straight face and a hand on the Bible that civil unions and equal rights for homosexual citizens have nothing to do with their holy crusade to put Ruthless Ruth Dwyer in charge of Vermont. The nastiness, bigotry, blasphemy and bullying of the backlashers have clogged the letters sections of our daily papers for months. Pretty ugly stuff. It sounds as if they worship some sort of Groin God as they flaunt their obsession with that particular part of human anatomy. Then there’s the vile hate mail put out by rightwing, fast-buck religious extremists like Rev. David Sleazebag, er, Stertzbach, pastor of Williston’s Trinity Baptist Church. This North Carolina trans­ plant labels the best among us — Democrat Howard Dean and Republican state senate candi­ date Barbara Snelling — as “anti-family.” Outrageous! Unfortunately, there are no stan­ dards of decency applied to the despicable crap they dish out in the name of Jesus. Sorry, Jesus. Their expressions of bigotry have produced a genuine sense of fear. Those who bravely supported civil unions and the legalization of love for all Vermont couples fear for the state’s future. The other night at a Democrat candidate forum in Shelburne, the first five candidates for state senate all managed to highlight other issues, like education and health care, in their speeches, not mentioning the backlashers once. But the sixth and final speaker, State Sen. Jim Leddy, took it head-on. He quoted the part of Rev. Sleazebag’s mailing, where the preacher gloats over the defeat of Sen. Peter Brownell in the GOP pri­ mary and promises to “get Dean and Snelling” in November. Sen. Leddy is a hometown boy who’s devoted his life to helping the hopeless and the helpless. Husband, father, he’s a deeply religious man, too. Leddy’s family values are strong as oak. “Those who have bully pulpits send hate mail in the name of a God I do not know. It’s not that we need fewer pulpits,” he said to the hushed gath­ ering, “It’s that we need fewer bullies in them.” Amen. Hallelujah!

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In s id e T r a c k continued on page 30a

O ctober

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Curses, Foiled Again A woman robbed a New York City bank, making off with $8300 in cash, but police arrested suspect Valerie Coletti, 41, a block from the bank after a bank employee told them she was trying to make her getaway on a city bus. Police said Coletti told them she took the slowmoving bus because she didn’t have money for a cab. • Police in Birmingham, England, charged Matthew Hutchins, 26, with breaking into dozens of cars parked in municipal garages after identify­ ing him from surveillance tapes. Hutchins managed to turn his face from security cameras, but his large, protruding ears were always recognizable, even when he tried to disguise them by turning up his coat collar or using a mobile telephone tQ cover them. “There was no mis­ taking him ,” Sgt. Steve Poppitt said, “even from the back.” Politics As Usual Even though U.S. Rep. Bud Shuster, R-Pennsylvania, is run­ ning unopposed in Novembers election, he has spent well over $1 million on his reelection campaign. • Voting to change Kentucky’s legal limit for drunk driving from 0.08 to 0.1 still didn’t help state Rep. Marvin Lee “Pete” Worthington, 59. His Dodge

pickup crossed the center line of a two-lane highway and rarnmed a car, killing the other driver and himself. Preliminary lab tests showed that Worthing­ ton, who was unopposed for a twelfth term this November, had a blood-alcohol content of 0.11. • After failing several times to get elected as Thomas Weston, now the Republican candidate for Precinct 6 constable in Dallas County, Texas, is cam­ paigning in the largely Hispanic district as Tomas Eduardo Wesson. Wesson, 42, admitted that he is not of Hispanic her­ itage but insisted, “That is my name. T hat’s how I spell Thomas.” Ballots for the Nov. 7 election have already been printed and cannot be changed without a court challenge. Otherwise, David Watts, execu­ tive director of the Dallas County Republican Party, noted, “If you pay your filing fee, you can file as Abraham Lincoln, and I can’t stop it.” Quick Fix Instead of changing the makeup of its student body to present an image of diversity, the University of Wisconsin at Madison simply retouched a photo used on the cover of an admissions brochure to include an African-American student. According to undergraduate

launched a new Web page where people can log on and watch raw meat decompose in real time. According to Time magazine, “Stinkymeat,” a fea­ ture of, received more than 3 million hits a day after its debut this summer.

admissions director Rob Seltzer, his office spent all last summer looking for a picture that showed the university had a diverse enrollment but could find none. Finally, the staff used a 1993 photo of white students at a football game and added an image taken in 1994 of senior Diallo Shabazz. Wonderful Web Jessica and Travis Thornhill won $5000 for naming their baby, born in Hutchinson, Kansas, after a Web site called the Internet Underground Music Archive, or at least an acronym of the site: luma Dylan-Lucas. • Irene Pepperberg, a visiting professor of animal behavior at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is teaching a parrot how to surf the Internet. “Parrots are very social crea­ tures,” she said, explaining that owners who leave them alone all day cause boredom and stress that leads to behavioral prob­ lems. As a result, the birdenabled software she is develops ing, “InterPet Explorer,” will make it easier for parrots and eventually other animals to find sites of interest, such as those showing wildlife and music, or perhaps even chat rooms just for animals. • Mahloan Smith and Chad Sobotka of Medford, Oregon,

Why They Call It Dope W hen Robert Poshusta, 28, received a phone call from someone claiming to be with the Hamilton County, Indiana, Sheriff’s Department, the caller informed Poshusta that if he cut down the 8-foot-tall marijuana plant growing in his home and turned it in, he wouldn’t be

license to allow blind patrons to touch performers. Kenneth McGrath, director of the club, told the Daily Telegraph he made the application after two blind men visited Pussycats as part of a stag party and said they wanted to touch the strip­ pers to get a better idea what they looked like. Noting that 11 of the 15 dancers told him they would not object to being touched, McGrath said the touching would be “restricted to the breasts and only when the dancer is wearing a bra and not topless. The dancer would retain full control, taking one hand of the blind customer and


charged. Poshusta complied, packed the plant in a garbage bag and took it to the sheriff’s department, where he was promptly arrested and charged with cultivating marijuana. Sheriff’s Sgt. Eddie Moore insisted no one at the depart­ ment had called Poshusta. Touchy-Feely The Pussycats strip club in Hove, England, applied to the local council for a variance in its

placing it on her breasts while dancing for an agreed time.” Turn It Up! After a city ordinance forced the band Def Leppard to play at a low volume during a concert at the Oregon State Fair in Salem, band members an­ nounced that anyone who thought the concert was too quiet could get a refund. Some 700 fans took them up on the offer. ®

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F R E E G O O D IE S F O R A L L P A IN T E R S ] <8> ^

1 1 9 C o lle g e S t . B u r lin g t o n

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By Jernigan P ontiac hese early October weeks are among the busiest of the entire year. Between foliage tourists, student revelers, business conference types and parents of college kids, we cab­ bies are running on fumes. There’s money on the streets, but its hard-earned. On a recent Saturday night, amidst the autumn hubbub, I was hailed by a tall blonde man. In a town with its share of color­ ful characters, this guy was mak­ ing his own striking statement. Like a hip-hop producer who borrows styles and snippets from older songs to create something new, this man appeared to have sampled fash­ ion themes from years gone by. But rather than coming off as old-fashioned or retro, he looked entirely original — fresh and unpretentious. The two parts of his ensemble that immediately drew my gaze were the plaid pants and the Russian fur hat. The hat recalled the headdress of Graham Nash in the early days of his association with Crosby and Stills. I pulled the cab to a stop; he approached my window. “I need to pick up my friend at Nectars,” he said. “Will that be all right?” He got in the back, and we turned into a spot in front of the nightclub. A woman in a blue woolen cap was waiting there, dark black hair spilling down the sides of her face in comely, tight ringlets. Like the man in my cab, her attire was splendid and unusual. Next to her, tucked back against the building wall, was a violin case, a small amp and some other electronic-looking gear. “Angela,” the man called out from his cracked window, “get in the taxi. I’ll get the equip­ ment.” Angela climbed into the front seat as the man was get­ ting out. I popped the trunk. “D ’ya want some help now, Paul?” Angela asked. Her Scottish brogue was musical and lilting, like an old folk song. “No, my dear, it’s not much,” Paul replied. “I can handle it.” Angela then turned to me with a bright, friendly smile. O f course, it hit me: These people were performers. No, this was not more of that “psy­ chic cabbie” business, just sim­ ple deduction from the obvious evidence. “Did you guys play here


tonight?” I asked. “Yes, we sure did,” Angela replied. “What name do you perform under? I mean, are you a band?” Paul was just getting into the rear seat, and heard the question. “We’re the Wild Colonials,” he said. “Yowzah!” I said. “I’ve heard of you guys. They’ve been play­ ing your music a lot on the radio up here. Where can I take you? Where are you staying?”

“You got a working tape player there, man?” she asked. “Play this tape. It’s a song Cyndi and I wrote together. This is the demo we recorded a few nights ago. You’re going to be the first person to hear it.” I took the tape from her hand and slid it into the deck. Just then we came to the Colonial Motor Inn, and I took the left into the parking lot. “D ’ya have time to just stop and listen?” I asked.

Anthony Pollina for Governor

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C lau d e D e L u c ia

y o u g u y s . T h e y ’ve b e e n p la y in g .

fo r S ta te T re a s u re r

o u r m u s ic a lo t on th e ra d io up h e re . W h e r e c a n I ta k e y o u ? 1

For State Representative

h e re a r e you s ta y in g :

P h i l H a i n m e r s l o u g h . . . E s s e x Jet., chitt. 2-4 Angela turned to look at Paul, and let out a guffaw. “Believe it or not,” she said, “we’re staying at the Colonial.” I laughed out loud, too. “That is hilarious,” I said, as I backed out and headed the vehicle south. “So how’s the band doing?” I asked. “Have you opened for any big acts?” My nosiness knows no bounds. Actually, I’ve been working overtime to rein it in, but this time I gave myself a pass. I love bands and musi­ cians. Paul said, “You bet we have,” and proceeded, with Angela’s help, to rattle off a half-dozen of the biggest groups of the moment. Angela then added, “And we’ve been record­ ing with Cyndi Lauper.” “All right!” I said, surrender­ ing the last shred of pretense of being cool and unimpressed. “I love Cyndi’s music. Those tunes from the ’80s — I mean, ‘Time After Time.’ I still tear up when^ I hear that.” Angela smiled warmly, nod­ ding her head in agreement. “You know,” I continued, “Cyndi attended college here in Vermont, at Johnson State, if I got it straight.” “No kidding,” Angela said. “She never told me that one.” She paused for a moment, and then appeared to make up her mind about something. She pivoted in her seat to face her band mate. “Paul, give me the tape,” she said. Paul said, “Are you sure, Angela?” “You bet; it feels right,” she said, and then turned to me.

“Sure, man,” Angela replied. “If you do, we do. Let’s listen.” The ringing strum of a 12string guitar began the song. It was a slow, folky ballad. Cyndi Lauper came in on the first verse. Her tremulous, heartachy voice is like no other, and she sounded beautiful and true. On the chorus, Angela joined in, and it was startling. She could have been Cyndi’s twin sister, the two voices were that harmonious and identical in tone. The song went on, telling a story of longing and loss. The two women traded verses and harmonies. It was a gorgeous tune, and I was literal- I ly shivering at my fortune in getting to hear it. When the final echo of the lone guitar receded, I popped out the tape and handed it back to Angela. “That was really, really beau­ tiful,” I said. As usual, any dose of eloquence had deserted me when I truly needed it. “Thank you so much for playing it for me. Angela’s Scottish eyes were sparkling. “The tune is called ‘Behind the Sun,”’ she said, “and it’s going to be the title track of a movie by the same name. Don’t be askin’ me when it’s being released, but glory be, we got the title song!” This is why I stick to hack­ ing; every fare is an adventure. In the greater scheme of things, I suppose the Queen City is a cultural backwater, but it attracts some cool and remark­ able people. And when Pm lucky, they need a cab. ® m

B a r r y N e l s o n . . . E s s e x je t., c h itt. 2-4 R i c h a r d K e m p . . .B urlington, C h itt. 7-1 R a c h e l N e v i t t . . .B u rlin g to n , C h itt. 7-1 S t e v e H i n g t g e n . . .B urlington, C h itt. 7-2 B o b K i s s . . ♦Burlington, C h itt. 7-3 D a v i d Z u c k e r m a n . . • B urlington, C h itt. 7-3 C a r i n a D r i s c o l l . . .B urlington, C h itt. 7-4

V e r m o n t

P r o g r e s s iv e

P a r ty

V e r m o n t’s n e w e s t p o litic a l party is c o m m itte d t o p u t t in g t h e n e e d s o f a v e r a g e V e r m o n te r s above th o s e o f b ig m o n e y and sp ecial in terests. H e a l t h c a r e f o r a l l . H ealth care should be a right, regardless o f your incom e or job, w ith free choice of doctor and 100% prescription coverage. L i v a b l e w a g e s . The m inim um wage is a poverty wage. We need wages families can live on. And we need affordable quality childcare. C i v i l r i g h t s . Civil unions are law; le t’s move forward. Many o th er Verm onters face discrim ination and bigotrv. E d u c a t i o n . Support for public schools. Improve Act 60 by repealing the school property tax on homes and use taxes based on ability to pay. T h e E n v i r o n m e n t . V erm ont’s land, air and w ater are under attack, and our global environm ent is at risk. We need strong enforcem ent and citizen participation.

w w w .p r o g r e s s iv e p a r ty .o r g info a p ro g ressiv ep arty .o rg Paid for by Vermont Progressive Party. PO Box 5392. Burlington. VT 05402

optoJier 25,2000 w w v M v-



SNOHIIW laywright Dana Yeaton was in the right place at the right time, even if his main character wasn’t. Thanks to a simple twist of fate, their stories converge this week in the world premiere of Midwives at the new 150seat FlynnSpace. Readers of the best-selling novel of the same name, by Vermont author Chris Bohjalian, know Sybil Danforth as a “baby catcher,” who lost a laboring mother named Charlotte Bedford after a collision course with Mother Nature. Yeaton is the executive director of Vermont Stage Company and the states unofficial play­ wright laureate — he gave us M ad River Rising, about a Green Mountain farmer who hides in his barn after escaping from a nursing home. Yeaton just happened to stop by Bohjalian’s house in Lincoln last fall as the best-seller — thanks to the impri­ matur by Oprah’s Book Club — was sorting through . requests to adapt Midwives for the stage. While the decade-long friends shot hoops in the driveway, destiny came into play. “It suddenly dawned on me that this was my immense­ ly gifted friend, and if anyone should adapt Midwives it should be Dana,” Bohjalian recalls, noting that he didn’t want to put his pal in an awkward position or make him feel obligated. “I’m so stupid I had to think about it,” Yeaton jokes, but the Middlebury resident called back the very next day to accept the task, realizing he’d be crazy not to take on


page 8a


October 25, 2000

Bohjalian’s baby. A year later, Yeaton’s labor of love about Danforth’s labor lost is making its much-anticipated debut. A nine-member cast, comprising equity professionals from New York and Seattle as well as homegrown favorites, did readings around the state before taking the stage to begin rehearsal a few weeks ago. During the staged readings in Castleton, South Hero and Rochester — opportunities for the actors to get into character as well as for the playwright to obtain some audience feed­ back — they were able to work out a few kinks in Yeaton’s script. “Overnight, between readings, we spent an hour with the cast discussing and changing the lines at the end of the play,” he says. “I thought back then that script doc­ tors’ could help, but nobody could have done for me what these actors did.” Yeaton paid close attention to the audience, too — their gasps helped him judge where the play was, or was not, working. Well before that point, however, Yeaton had immersed himself in the book, listening to it on tape over and over again. With 30 hours of material to condense into two hours of drama, he heeded the words of playwright Nagle Jackson, who said that “much of what we love when we read a novel does not move the action, and you have to be ruthless about that” in adaptations.

“It suddenly dawned on me that this was my immensely gifted friend, and if anyone should adapt Midwives it should be Dana.” — novelist Chris Bohjalian “I started looking for what resonated for me, heart and soul — not just transcribing a book,” Yeaton says, explaining his struggle with artistic license. “W hat am I going to focus on? W hat do I keep? W hat do I expand on?” Normally everything shifts in the adaptation process, he explains, but Yeaton felt it “would have been stupid to Continued on page 10a

In t h e a t e r , m u s i c and


life , S t e v e

G o ld b e r g

p la y s


d a n g e ro u s

B y P a u la

ou could never accuse Steve Goldberg of writing plays on Prozac. In fact, his notoriously depressive dramas may be a little too true-to-life for some. A few years back at the Fletcher Free Library, he was rehearsing a rape scene from The Truth Has No Heart. Tracey Girdich’s performance was so convincing that a concerned library patron called the cops. “I told Tracey she was doing great;” Goldberg says with a New York accent and an easy laugh roughened by frequent filter-free cigarettes. “I mean, the cops came.” The authorities will likely be in the audience for another Goldberg project: his first G-rated play for high schoolers. The Burlington playwright and jazz trumpeter


R o u tly

wrote the play as punishment for a drunk-driving convic­ tion he picked up last June — an example of creative restitution from the Community Justice Center. Entitled One Mistake, the play will be presented in a number of high schools this winter, with sponsorship from a group that would otherwise steer clear of Vermont’s most bohemian bard: Mothers Against Drunken Drivers of Vermont. The morality play may be a dramatic departure for Goldberg who, with disheveled gray locks and slightly slurred speech, looks perpetually hung over. But the sub­ ject matter is not new. The 61-year-old has been writing about drunks — and whores, drug addicts, pimps and

While Vermont Stage is birthing Midwives in the new FlynnSpace, Goldberg will be offering an autopsy of the human condition on the seedier side of the street.

other low-lifes — since he put pen to paper more than a decade ago. To those who would like to see him adopt a cheerier approach, including his folksinger wife Rachel Bissex, Goldberg reasons, “Its not that interesting seeing a lot of nice people getting along on stage.” Playing jazz for 25 years in New York, Goldberg saw things — violence, overdoses — that he swears would have killed him if he hadn’t escaped to Vermont. But his view, and downed-out determination, is still decidedly urban. “He’s got stuff to put out, and he does it,” says Burlington actor Paul Schnabel, who has worked on numerous plays with Goldberg, including Curb Divers o f Redemption, Ballroom o f Forgiveness and Screwed. “It’s almost twice a year he writes and produces his own shows, and consistently. He’s just on fire.” The lost license certainly hasn’t slowed Goldberg’s artistic output. W ith only a bicycle for transport, the founder of the Sneakers Jazz Band is currently practicing for upcoming music gigs with his wife, shepherding through a soon-to-be-self-published novel, putting the finishing touches on One Mistake and rehearsing a new play, Arnie Gets it Good, which opens next Wednesday at Club Metronome. While Vermont Stage is birthing Midwives in the new FlynnSpace, Goldberg will be offer­ ing an autopsy of the human condition on the seedier side of the street. F-words abound in the Goldberg oeuvre. You can fol­ low the sound of profanities to rehearsal on the second floor of the library. When a woman sticks her head in the Fletcher Room to inquire if this is the “rug-hooking group,” the actors hold their guffaws, and hooker jokes, until she is out of earshot. Then Schnabel and Sue Ball set out to animate the main characters. Arnie is a mad ex­ professor on a self-destructive search for meaning. Gina is a brilliant young medical student obsessed with death and disease. They get along, sort of, exchanging dialogue that would make even David Mamet squirm. He: So you like older men. She: I don’t like anything. You probably couldn’t fuck i f you tried. Do you still have a prostatei ... The gland gets bad as you age. Cut it out so you can live and wear diapers, piss­ ing in your pants. No hard-on, nothing. That’s some sad shit. So you want to walk me homel He: Yeah, I do. She: Can you fuck? He: I ’m not sure. Hardly your typical pick-up scene, but it’s classic Goldberg: raw, graphic, out there. The unkempt creator watches intently — alternating among four pairs of glass­ es — as the actors work on timing, and memorizing, their lines. Goldberg says the greatest compliment he ever got was from a fan who thought his word work was impro­ vised. It definitely feels spontaneous when Barbara Shatara shows up to read the part of Lori, a straight-laced job counselor charged with getting Arnie employed. Especially when it turns out she’s in-house talent — Goldberg recruited her from the reference desk earlier that day. After she reads the part, he asks if she would be willing to give up three weekends in November — for no pay — to be stalked on stage. She thinks for a second, and agrees, less than two weeks before curtain.

inding the right groove between in and out of control has been something o f a theme for Goldberg, who grew up in an upper middle-class neighborhood in Forest Hills, Queens. His older brother, a sax player, turned him on to jazz. Every Friday night, when his par­ ents went out, “all these cool people would come over and we’d have all these jam sessions,” he recalls. At the age of 8 or 9, “I’d just sort of hang out at the top of the living room stairs and take in the whole thing.” When his brother went off to the Korean War,


Continued on page 12a

October 25, 2000


pag 3a

story without that scene, but we don’t necessarily want to see it,” he says of the task to make Midwives more stage-friendly. In the end, less than half the play is lifted directly, in terms of dialogue, Yeaton notes. “The guts share the same story, study the same phenomenon, but I expanded the relationship between mother and daughter.” Yeaton ultimately created a new character in the present, and put new words in her mouth.

Labor of Love

Continued from page 8a change a lot o f things.” So the issue for him .was more about “framing” than converting the book. In the novel the framing device was Connie looking back, but Yeaton says he needed some­ thing more dramatic: conflict with another character — in this case, her mother. But there was a gory Caesarean birth and death to grapple with as well. “There’s no

he novel Midwives tells Sibyl Danforth’s story from her daughter Connie’s point of view, but uses excerpts from Sybil’s personal journal to detail her experiences as a midwife. When one of her mothers, Charlotte Bedford, dies of what Sybil thinks is a stroke during childbirth — and she performs an emergency Caesarean to save the baby — the aftermath takes a terrible toll on the teenage Connie. She endures her moth­


er’s battle with the legal system — Sybil is charged with involun­ tary manslaughter — the medical community and reactions from the townspeople. Both mother and daughter struggle with what might or might not have happened on the night in question: Did Sibyl take desperate measures to save a baby’s life? Is she guilty of mur­ dering a woman? W hen Connie is called to testify, she inadver­ tently mentions the journal and the judge sends her to retrieve it.



W ithout knowing what the pas­ sages reveal, Connie rips out the one pertaining to Charlotte’s death. Yeaton’s first draft of Midwives had Connie telling the story, too, and when he passed it to Bohjalian for review, “He basi­ cally said, ‘I love it, you’re great,”’ the playwright recalls. But one of the novelist’s own midwifery con­ sultants, Carol Gibson Warnock, was less than enthusiastic. “She hated it,” Yeaton admits. “She did not find Sybil sympathetic. She thought she was sarcastic and uncaring towards her daughter. And she even had technical prob­ lems with Sibyl’s midwifery that we worked through. But her comments were about the whole piece, dramaturgical as well as technical.” Warnock’s questions helped Yeaton fine-tune his focus, and the second version made Sybil Danforth the star of her own story. He calls the discovery his major victory. “The conceit is that the mother is birthing a bur­ den,” he explains. Thereby, Connie becomes something of a symbolic midwife by helping her mother bear the burden of truth, which surprises them both. “The novel is so popular because it is a mother-daughter love story and a coming-of-age story,” notes Yeaton, but in a twohour play, “I didn’t have time for a coming-of-age story as well.” Yeaton’s new focus also pro­ vided him with “connecting tis-

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page 10a


October 25, 2000

sue” between the gut-wrenching delivery and the heart-wrenching courtroom scenes. “I decided to juxtapose the trial with the birth. Its a combination of someone who is inadvertently committing a crime and being tried for it simultaneously,” he reports. “It doesn’t come down to stage craft, but rather a dramatic device. Instead of a knife, the trial bisects the scene.” Bohjalian, who was very hands-off about the project, applauded the concept — as did Warnock. “The most wonderful thing is the way he took one sen­ tence on page 367 and used it as the fulcrum,” he declares. He also points out that there are only glimpses of Sibyl’s sense of humor in the novel, but Yeaton capitalizes on it without compro­ mising the seriousness of the plot. The pivotal book passage on page 367, in Connie’s adult voice, comes during her mother’s own medical crisis — lung can­ cer — long after the trial is over: It wasn’t until her third after­ noon o f chemotherapy — one o f the days that I drove her to the oncologist in Hanover, New Hampshire, and kept her company while the poisons were dripped intravenously into her arm — that she brought up the name o f Charlotte Bedford. “Is she'why you’re becoming a doctor?” my

mother asked. “Or am I?” There, Yeaton found the heart and soul of his play, and placed Sybil Danforth in Connie’s hands to help her face her past, her mis­ takes and her illness. Together, they relive Charlotte’s death.

ith the play right at last, Yeaton began central cast­ ing with Mark Nash, artistic director of the VSC, in June. “We almost always do cast­ ing in New York City and Vermont, but we expanded it this time and went through a casting director to find Carolyn Swift for Sibyl,” Yeaton explains. The effervescent 45-year-old New Yorker was perfect for the role; also a hands-on healer, Swift played the Angel in the first Angels in America touring compa­ ny. And she was game for months of rehearsing in rural Vermont at non-equity wages. Swift says Midwives intrigued her because there are very few lead roles for women these days that aren’t centered on romantic issues. “But this is a love story between a mother and a daugh­ ter, and a deeper story about what an evolved soul does in a moment of crisis,” she explains. “It’s an Oedipal story [in] that, in spite of the best intentions, bad things do happen.” Nash and Yeaton found their


Connie in the virtuous face of fellow New Yorker Keely Madden, whose transcontinental credits include the role of Elizabeth in Six Degrees o f Separation for the Seattle Repertory Theatre. “You look for chemistry between leads, then cross your fingers and hope. Our Connie and our Sibyl started doing amazing work on the first day,” Yeaton says. Madden, too, feels “a deep connection” with her on-stage mother, she reports. The rest of the cast — many with more than one role — includes some well-known local names with big-city experience: Kathryn Blume, Ethan Bowen, Jenny Langsam, John Alexander, Stephen O ’Dwyer, Jock MacDonald and newcomer Tawnya Fogg. Oddly, the most essential role was the last to be cast. When Yeaton’s initial choice for director wasn’t available, Nash’s top pick came through. Now, neither can imagine the play without New Yorker Jim Gaylord at the helm. And he was pleased at the prospect of directing Midwives after reading the script and meet­ ing the company. “Dana has taken the right kind of liberties... he [has] expanded to find part of the book that wasn’t written,” Gaylord remarks. “I’m very, very fortunate in that this has been a

“I started looking for what resonated for me, heart and soul — not just transcribing a book. What am I going to focus on? What do I keep? What do I expand on?” — playwright Dana Yeaton describes. “The audience will feel like it’s circling the stage. Instead of a full-frontal, where the actors play out to you, the events keep shifting.” The only question now is whether audiences are ready to see their beloved book outside of their imaginations. But worriers need only take a few cues from the novel’s author, who trusts his instincts as well as fate. “I have complete faith that Dana has done the story justice,” an­ nounces Bohjalian, who will be in the audience with Yeaton, along with their wives and chil­ dren, on the night of Midwives’ rebirth. “But if I hadn’t stopped by Chris’ house that day,” marvels the dramatist, “we’d be seeing another play.” ®

good match from the first moment of collaboration. We’ve had challenges, but not obstruc­ tions.” His major challenge came with the FlynnSpace itself. Gaylord and designer David Fortuna had envisioned a threequarter thrust for the stage, but realized such a set-up would reduce seating capacity. Instead, with four days before the start of in-house rehearsals, they thwart­ ed a midwife crisis by staging it in the round. As it turned out, the simple design better serves the time-travel nature of the script. With just a hospital bed and a few chairs to guide them, the characters move back and forth between the courtroom, Sibyl’s hospital bed and the scene of the alleged crime. . “It’s bare bones,” Yeaton

Midwives, written by Dana Yeaton, directed by Jim Gaylord, produced by Vermont Stage Company; based on the novel by Chris Bohjalian. FlynnSpace, Burlington. October 2 5 -2 9 , Oct. 31 -Nov. 5, 8 p.m.; Oct. 29, Nov. 4 & 5, 2 p.m. H ig h - S p e e d


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O ctober

25, 2000


page 11a

Goldberg... Continued from page 9a

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T h is S a tu rd a y ! 18+

O n - S ite P C , M ac an d N e t w o r k S u p p o r t

Goldberg took up the trumpet. “I just loved the way Chet Baker sounded — so fresh and clear and beautiful,” he recalls. Describing himself as “intrinsi­ cally lazy,” and “a pretty shitty student,” Goldberg lists the instrument’s more practical attributes: It was small, easy to carry, loud and had only three buttons, as opposed to the sax, which “had all that shit on it.” He adds, “It also looked kind of sexy and cool.” His parents were not con­ vinced. His father in particular was hoping his son would have “something to fall back on” after suffering the indignity of losing his own furrier business, and the family home, when Goldberg was entering high school. Instead, it got the young trum ­ peter thinking that poverty might be a preferable path. “I saw what money, or the lack of it, could do to somebody, and chose not to make it so impor­ tant,” Goldberg says. He ended up taking courses at the Manhattan School of Music, which hooked him up with some great players, including percus­ sionist and avant-garde composer Max Newhouse. But “in those days,” Goldberg says, “you could just... play with people. You know, if it was a slow night, I could, like, sit in with Art Blakey or some really heavy-duty people. Archie Shepp used to come over and play with us. All these peo­ ple in the Village were around” — including the Beats. Goldberg easily adapted to a bohemian lifestyle. He says he was a “typical beatnik, cruddylooking,” when he scored a job with an r&b group called Band of Gold. He sat in with them and was offered a job on the spot. “The next day I was, you know, getting fitted for a purple sharkskin suit and a highboy col­ lar,” he recalls with a chuckle. Charlie Neville was in that band,

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Steve Goldberg

and the leader ended up in jail , + for life. “He used to come down and open his attache case, and there were, like, guns and cocaine — oh, my God,” he recalls. “There was a lot of work for horn players when all the James Brown stuff was happening,” Goldberg recalls. But jazz gigs were harder to find, and some hard-core cats, like Cecil Taylor, would just as soon wash dishes as sell out playing rock ’n’ roll. Although he definitely spent nights on the street, Goldberg wasn’t as picky as he was “self-. defeating,” as he puts it. The biggest opportunity he blew was a chance to play with Charles Mingus, who heard Goldberg at a club in the Village. “He said, ‘You sound good, man. I like the way you play,”’ Goldberg recalls the conversation with Mingus. “I had the balls to say, ‘Well, why don’t you hire me to play in the band?’ He said, ‘Okay, man, you be at the Filmore East on such and such Friday night. It’s Charlie Mingus and Friends, and you be there.” Amazingly, Goldberg practiced all week — only to show up on the wrong day, horn in hand. He couldn’t face Mingus again. “I think it was just easier to fail,” Goldberg says, demonstrat­ ing the same unflinching honesty as he gives his characters, many of whom share the same propen­ sity for “subconsciously fucking up. I’d go sit in with someone really great and get a little too drunk to really play. I mean, I’d feel really comfortable, but I couldn’t fucking play, so what good was it?” He answers the question with a laugh and lights another cigarette. Sex, drugs and, well, jazz kept Goldberg busy for a couple of decades, including a memo­ rable year working the Flambeau Lounge at the Barbados Hilton. A photograph from the time — of a Speedo-clad, Afro-sporting Goldberg on the beach, flanked by two women — suggests he

Goldberg’s life is full of such incongruities. He’s lazy and prolific. Slimy and sweet. Sophomoric and insightful. Sexy and losing teeth. might have had a little too much fun in the sun. Goldberg con­ firms, “the rum was cheaper than Coca-Cola, and you could buy anything in the drugstores. Anything.” He would have stayed on there if the country had renewed his work permit. Back in New York, he got by on “my lip and my charm,” he says, marveling in Kerouac fash­ ion, “I don’t know how I always managed to find girlfriends with money and nice apartments.” Lady Luck hooked him up with a textile designer, and after the two were married, her career took off. “She was making mil­ lions,” he says, and before long, he found himself living in a beautiful Bauhaus home in Westchester County. But the fancy digs, and Porsche convertible, didn’t alter Goldberg’s ego — or his bad behavior. “People would come up to deliver something and say, ‘Who are you?’ You know, they thought I was famous... But it really didn’t change anything. I drank better liquor. My friends said, ‘What are you doing up there?’ I said, ‘I’m trying to keep up with the ice machine.’” One summer, Goldberg fol­ lowed his martini muse to Vermont. At the time, he was music director of a dance theater company in residence at Johnson State. He returned three consec­ utive summers to the Green Mountains, where he got inter­ ested in playwriting through a course taught by John Ford Noonan. He also met Bissex, then a student, and the two fell in love. Goldberg credits Bissex for the 75 songs he wrote one win­ ter in Westchester — Leonard Cohen-like tunes he later taped. “I even went to his producer,” Goldberg says of this blue peri­ od, “and he said, ‘They’re cool, man, but I can only deal with one Leonard Cohen.’” Bissex signed on with Goldberg instead; after divorcing their respective spouses, they married.

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Continued on page 24a

October 2 5 , 2 0 0 0 . SEVEN DAYS .v .j ja g a 13a

Weekly Mail Continued from page 4a today as they were last June 30. Several did report a physical reac­ tion to actually witnessing a civilunion ceremony (mine), and described that reaction as some­ thing along the lines of “spine-tin­ gling” with “heart palpitations”... Also, as a Justice of the Peace and officiant at over 20 civil unions since July 1, I have had the opportunity to broaden this study... Specifically, this involved studying the affectional behavior of heterosexual couples immediately following their attendance at a civil union ceremony. The results here are consistent: In 100 percent of the cases, the subjects (heterosexual married couples) exhibited a marked increase in outward physi­ cal signs of affection toward their partner. That is, more couples were observed in hand-holding activity upon leaving a civil-union ceremo­ ny than before the ceremony. ...The evidence to date does seem to bear out what we have thought all along — that the legal recognition of loving and commit­ ted relationships between women or between men most certainly does not threaten heterosexual marriage. Quite the contrary, it would seem to enlarge society’s capacity for love and respect... and enrich us all. — Mary M. Hurlie Hinesburg UNIFY TO STOP DWYER Sandy Baird is right on the money in her Sept. 20 letter. A woman’s right to choose is in jeop­ ardy because of the third candidate in the race for governor this year. So, too, are the rights of gay and lesbian Vermonters. Naomi Almelah’s letter of Oct. 11 was wrong; she may be new to the fight for abortion rights in Vermont, but Sandy Baird is not. Sandy has been there even before

Beecham vs. Leahy and is still defending women’s rights, not to mention her decades of pro bono legal work for victims of domestic violence or her leadership with the Caroline Fund, named in memory of her daughter... Anthony Pollina may be for all good things, but it doesn’t matter, since the only effect he can have on those issues is to elect Mrs. Dwyer. A split in the moderate-toleft vote only makes the election of dangerous extremists like Ruth Dwyer more likely. Unify and sup­ port Governor Dean, if only to stop Ruth Dwyer. Before it is too late. By the way, the tri-partisan Pro-Choice Vermont Political Action Committee of Vermont NARAL endorses Gov. Dean for reelection. — Steve Howard Rutland The writer is a former chairperson o f the Vermont Democratic Party. PARANOIA, RAGE AND PROHIBITION Many people in the area seem shocked that Vermont has a nar­ cotics epidemic. I became interest­ ed in the cause and effect of the socalled “controlled” substances black market during the fall of 1967. What shocks me is the reluctance in political thought to accept the input from the scientific communi­ ties that many of our tax dollars go into for social problems remedies. Perhaps the best way to under­ stand how black markets flourish is to review American history. Two key trends are: (1) the manner in which U.S. policies have treated peoples of other nations; and (2) the era during which alcohol was prohibited. We must come to terms with our history that reeks of abuses against non-white Anglo Saxons, not only on U.S. soil, but through our devaluing of Latin Americans, Asians and so on, in their own countries for American business

I s u p p o r t m e a s u r e s to in c r e a s e a n d / o r im p r o v e :

♦ affordable housing ♦ affordable, available health care & prescription drugs ♦ livable wage; job training ♦ public transportation ♦ environmental protection ♦ civil rights protection ♦ equal access to quality public education Lifelong Burlington resident Educated in Burlington Public Schools Executive Director of The Vermont Alliance of Nonprofit Organizations (VANPO) Treasurer, Board of Directors, Community Health Center of Burlington and immediate past chair, Vermont CARES

interests. Ending our attitudes that their cultures are inferior would be a first step toward comprehending our role in their disregard of our struggles. Our drug problems pale in comparison to the problems with which they struggle. Thus, why should we be surprised that they provide rich America the “goods” of prohibition? However, we cannot right our wrongs overnight any more than we can envision drug regulation (control) as an alternative to both prohibi­ tion and legalization policies. Too many American politicians are still chained to a black-or-white world view, and many Americans are still lashing out against other people in the aftermath of child­ hoods that left the stains of “only right or wrong, only all good or all bad” notions. This deeply en­ grained paranoia and rage is seen in the old religion of the same vein that accorded the apocalyptic fan­ tasies of being swept into heaven from where the adherents could look down at their former per­ ceived torturers transplanted into a hellish world. Today “secular humanism” provides a perceived enemy in which feminists, homo­ sexuals, liberals and anti-prohibi­ tionists will destroy America. My question: When will paranoia, rage and prohibition result in a higher quality of life? What about drugrelated crimes? The ill? The hun­ gry? The homeless? — Rev. Robert M. New United Social Justice Project Rutland MORE MONEY FOR CHILD­ CARE Did you know that every high school dropout costs the state $360,000? This is money spent to care for unwanted pregnancies, support substance abuse programs, process court cases and, unfortu­ nately, to provide incarceration. One out of every six males between the ages of 18 and 24 is now in prison in Vermont. And according

to Corrections Commissioner John Gorscyk, we will need to build two or three new prisons between now and the year 2005. What a waste­ ful way to spend money. Much of this can be prevented if we invest in good early childcare and education. Significant studies show that if children are well nur­ tured, and have an opportunity to socialize with their peers, they come to school ready to learn. And, during these early years tod­ dlers learn at a rapid rate. Difficulties in vision, speech, artic­ ulation and learning can be cor­ rected more easily and with less expense when they are young... Currently more than 5000 caregivers are employed in licensed early childcare. But they are able to serve only 44 percent of the popu­ lation in need. Parents face long waiting lists, especially for the reg­ istered and licensed centers. Currently, many centers are being forced to close because they cannot pay their staffs adequately. Young men and women who are interest­ ed in entering this field have col­ lege debts which they cannot pay back on the salaries offered. And those without debt cannot live on the low salaries. Although the state has invested in early childcare and education, we have been unable to invest the dollars needed. Many legislators, teachers, par­ ents and other citizens are now rec­ ommending that we find a place in the budget for this important pro­ gram. Instead of the proposed tax cut which will save the average tax­ payer less than $50, we propose the investment in early childcare and education. — Sen. Jean Ankeney Williston THIS DUBIE BROTHER A-OK Six years ago Brian Dubie and I ran for the Essex Junction School Board. Neither of us had any prior experience running for elected office. Brian was “just a pilot” and

"Jane is motivated and committed to improving the commu­ nities where we live. She has demonstrated a tireless appe­ tite for hard work and quality results." Jean Ankeney,

Senator from Chittenden County

I was “just a daycare provider,” but we won against strong competitors. Little did we know that our biggest challenges were yet to come. The school district faced serious problems: local businesses wanted school tax increases brought under control; a current Board member was suing the District; a union high school was being created for Essex Junction and Essex Town; the math curriculum in the K-8 district was being criticized by parents and teachers, and special education costs were getting out of hand. After his first year on the Board, Brian agreed to become chairman. Within two years under his leadership all of the above problems were under control or being addressed effectively. Then, just as things were calming down, along came Act 60, which immedi­ ately wiped out $4.5 million in machinery and equipment tax rev­ enue from our school funding. Essex Junction took the largest tax increase of any school district in the state. But the board, under Brian’s leadership, was able to maintain school programs and continue to get budgets passed. Brian has the courage to take an active part in making a better way of life for all our children and their future. Out of concern and love for Vermont, he is now run­ ning for Lt. Governor, and I know that this person who is “just a for­ mer school board chairman” and “just a pilot” will bring to that job the passion and leadership that our local communities in Vermont need. — Marla Durham Essex Junction A WORD ABOUT CITY COM ­ MISSIONS Thank you for your article regarding the proposed charter change pertaining to City Govern­ ment [“Commission Impossible,” Oct. 11], in which you refer to my

Continued on page 18a

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"Of all the candidates, Jane is best able to make wise decisions about how to meet such critical needs as lower prices for prescrip­ tion drugs, expanded health care Coverage, equal opportunities in education and environmental protection." John Kassel, former

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Vermont "One of the nicest people I know, Jane is honest and thoughtful - just what we need in government." Robert

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_____________ paid for by the Committee to Elect jane Van Buren, Tiffany Bluemle, Treasurer ■14 Summit Street Burlington 05401

page 14a


October 2 5 , 2000

Leigh Steele Benjamin Van Buren Ethan Van, Buren Joan Wales Shelia & Tom Weaver Martha Whitney Susan Willard Suzi Wizowaty Donald & Terry Wright

SEVEN DAYS fin d it in the bac£

Vampire Redux

By T ony Magistrale

My vampire shops at the same supermarket as me. So I wasn’t too surprised late last night, when I turned a corner from the red meat counter and into the juice aisle, to find her standing there. Crimson lips and nails, short dress, black heeled boots, same redundant retro fashion sense, but still looking finer than any thousand year-old revenant had any right to be. She’d been anticipating this moment since sunset, her smile all sharpened incisors, no doubt expecting the usual immediate transfusion (we had, after all, been lovers). Listen, we’ve had this conversation already, I protested, I’m through giving up precious blood to satisfy your midnight flesh cravings. But you know that look a woman gets when she’s not hearing a thing, hungry eyes fixated upon a quivering jugular. I felt like staking her right there on the linoleum floor, but the juice section is on the other side of the store from hardware. And she always corners me on those nights when I have forgotten the garlic and bottled waters. Fortunately, we were interrupted by Father Rene, a priest shopping for the local orphanage, or he might be the one relating this narrative, the introduction to a long-winded eulogy. Tony Magistrale is professor o f English at the University o f Vermont, where he teaches a course called “The Literary Vampire. ” His most recent book, Poe’s Children: Connections between Tales of Terror and Detection, was published by Peter Lang. This poem is from a collection entitled Down the Street Where You Live.

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October 25, 2000


page 15a

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Wandering Democrat By A ndrew Jacoby he political left is losing me. I grew up a nice Jewish boy from a good home, raised to respect and love and cherish oth­ ers and, when it comes to poli­ tics, to vote Democratic. And I am not sure, come November, if I can. But that’s just what nice Jewish boys are supposed to do, right? Like, “Be a Democrat” is the 614th commandment, after the prohibition against having sex in a subway car with an over­ weight Latino girl from Queens. But I can’t swallow the supposed political affiliation of my ilk quite that easily. I am a rebel. I spent most of my adolescent years letting my hair down. Unfortunately, it’s still down — all over the floor of my apartment. And as for my first politically rebellious act, it was not voting, a non-act that I decid­ ed on after taking freshman Philosophy. My professor was Will Miller at the University of Vermont. Professor Miller comes across as a devout Communist who thinks that the best course for America is revolution. Com­ munist revolution. And I took my 18-year-old ass there with him. I too became a Marxist. I hated capitalism and everything it stood for — greed, money, bad­ ness, stupidity, McDonalds, long check-out lines, poverty and hate. I learned about how great Cuba is, how more people read in Cuba. I’m serious, there are these wonderful bands of “bookoliers,” or something that, who travel the back roads trudg­ ing through horse shit in the heat to teach peasants to read. So there I was, sitting in class going, “Yeah! Let the peasants read! Let the peasants read, for chrissakes!” During my vacations I would go out for these nice dinners with my father and show the utmost contempt for his capitalist ways, sometimes yelling out loud in Chinese restaurants how the worlds problems were caused by him and other “capitalistas.” Ail this, of course, as he was dutifully paying the check and pondering the benefits of the liberal-arts education he was also shelling out for. But I was committed, man. Our textbook in class was Democracy for the Few, by Michael Parenti, a former UVM prof who, during the Vietnam War, reportedly marched around downtown Burlington holding a Vietcong flag. Yeah, man, that was cool. To vote was to give legitimacy to the one-party system and all that jazz; to not vote was to say that big business and the sham


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page 16a


October 25, 2000


t w e n t y s o m e t h in g c y n ic

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q u e s t io n : W h y

politics of its constituents was not my thing. I think it was sometime around then I got laid. Laid well that is, for the first time. So, needless to say, I packed up all my things and moved into her dorm room. We had sex and smoked marijuana and ate chick­ en wings with a spicy red sauce. That’s what I remember. And it took about three weeks of my. reading to her from Karl Marx and Democracy for the Few for her to say very plainly, “If you con­ tinue to bother me with that shit you will be here no more.” Suffice it to say I quickly became a man with no political ideas once again. I think I also read On the Jewish Question, and had a few questions of my own. On top of all this, I was just not buying the argument I heard whenever I sheepishly brought up the uncomfortable fact that com­ munism, well, lost. The response was always something like, “It

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thing. It’s just like Phil says in “Box of Rain”: ‘Just a box of rain/No one knows who put it there/believe it if you need it and leave it if you dare.” The scarier part was that, had I been voting, I would have voted based on that shit. Thank God for Will “Amerika” Miller and his voting prohibition, or I would have cast my ballot based on the lyrics of a band that wore tie-dyfe well into the ’90s. And now, here I am, 27 years of age. I have a lot less hair than in those days, I still haven’t “found myself ” — or, as my grandfather puts it, I still haven’t found myself in the same job for more than eight months. Now I am ready to vote. Ready to scale the heights of democratic won­ derment and cast my ballot for humanity. And where is my sup­ posed party? In a bunch of Ford Ministars? Taking the kids to soc­ cer practice? The Democratic party is now

Ready to scale the eights of dem wonderm ent and cast my ballot for humanity. An where is mv supposed party? In a bunch of Ford Ministars? Taking the kids to soccer practice? was never done right,” or “That wasn’t true communism,” or “Look at the kibbutz,” or some­ thing. I guess the kibbutz thing was the clincher — you can’t run a 240-million-person nation like a shit-tilling agricultural outfit that has no money and shares its children. And, given the fall of Russia and the acquiescence of China, saying that communism could work better than capitalism is like saying that bows and arrows would have beat out guns if only the Indians had aimed better. So, after the death of my first truly dogmatic ideological extrav­ agance, I gave up the political racket and discovered music. Then alcohol, then more drugs. My political thoughts during those wonderfully carefree years would have amounted to, “Yeah dude, like he is so anti-every-

the Oprah party, the new-age, shooey-gooey party. It’s the coastal elite party. It’s the bureau­ cratic party. It’s the party with tolerance for everything, toler­ ance for militant lesbian Jews that kill, for young remarried obese people who want better pay for less work, for everything and everyone with a goddamn hand to put out for money. Here’s a partial laundry list of what I see as Democrat bullshit: • Democrats like affirmative action. I don’t. Affirmative action is racism. It is dealing with peo­ ple based upon the color of their skin as opposed to the content of their characters. I find that odi­ ous and condescending. • Democrats like Roe v. Wade. I think Roe v. Wade is bad constitu­ tional law. Nowhere in the con­ stitution does it say anything about abortion. And trying to

concoct some shit about privacy is like me trying to say that its okay for me and my girlfriend to roll around in the blood of young children as long as we do it in private. Nonsense. If you favor abortion, then convince people of your position and get them to vote for it. Hell, if you get enough people you can even have it put into the Constitution. Hiring a bunch of liberal judges to have them squeeze your ideo­ logical notions into law by judi­ cial fiat is bad for this country. • And finally, Democrats just plain like government too much. They think government is good and can solve problems. This is bullshit. Government is not wellsuited to solve your problems because those who govern are not motivated to solve your prob­ lems. Ask yourself who the Department of Motor Vehicles, for instance, has to compete with for your business? Ask yourself this as you are standing in a long fucking line in a building that smells like bad middle-school egg salad, waiting to speak to a per­ son who could not give a shit that you have spent your whole day waiting to see her smiling face as she tells you to go back to the end of the line because form 503 c.-l xct75869 requires three signatures, not two, thank you. Repeat this to yourself: Competition is good; big, stag­ nant, lumbering omnibuses of despair and long lines leading nowhere are bad. I could go on, and if someone would pay me more, I would, but I want to address the ques­ tion I started with first. The *• Jewish Democrat question. You would think that Gore teaming up with Senator Lederhosen would solve that problem for me. And I have to admit that I like Lederhosen. I think that he is a man of character. I even doubt that he would stoop to getting sucked off on the White House lawn. Hell, how can you go wrong, right? This is a Jew even the Southern-drawling Christian Right can like. “He may be a Jew but he’s got some of them Christian morals wrapped up in that there yammucka. Hell, I like the boy even if he don’t eat pig.” But, alas, I am going to have to part ways with my Jewish brothers in curls on this one. I’m still looking for a candidate who will let me smoke pot if I want, sleep with whores if I want, look at any nasty pictures I want, and make a whole boatload of cash without having to pump a per­ centage into a Social Security account that will be dry as the Sahara before I finish puberty. Sorry, boys, but I’m shippin’ out. And as for Al Gore as a leader — he only inspires me to move my bowels. So call me a fascist, an ageist, a racist, whatever you want. But give me reasons to vote for the party of my people, because I am having trouble. Give me reasons . so that I can enter the booth and cast my vote, walk out and down the street to my synagogue feel­ ing like I did a mitzvah — not just by voting, but by voting cor­ rectly. (7)


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A p ercen ta g e o f p r o c e e d s to b e n e fit th e n e w F lyn n S p ace


page 17a

testimony during a public forum at a City Council meeting. I feel it extremely important to point out to your readers that I did not attend the meeting as a repre­ sentative of the Burlington Police Commission, but rather as a busi­ ness owner and resident. The Police Commission did not vote on the proposed charter change, as the article indicates. We discussed # it at length during a session regard­ ing the role of the commission, with the end. result of one commis­ sioner wholeheartedly supporting the proposed changes, and four of us with important questions regarding the language of the pro­ posal, particularly in reference to the transfer of accountability from the commissions to the city coun­ cil... The commission fully supports the mayors quest to have greater control over the city departments, and their respective heads. The cit­ izens hold him personally account­ able for the actions (or inaction) of the latter, and he should be able to exercise far greater accountability measures. Speaking as a citizen, however, I question the language of the pro­ posed change, and the vesting of the right to hire and fire within the city council, rather than the com­ missions. I feel that the mayor should be able to provide for direct accountability within the commis­ sion structure, rather than burden­ ing the council with yet another responsibility. In short, I fully sup­ port the mayor in the premise of the proposed charter change. My doubts lie in the final execution, and its significance for Burlington’s governance. — Yves Bradley Burlington

QUESTIONS FOR FREYNE As a long-time more or less conservative I read Seven Days fair­ ly regularly to see how much fur­ ther into self-destruction Peter “the De-Frocked” Freyne has fallen and which of your Letters to the Editors writers is going to bash either Ruth Dwyer, any anti-civil union proponent, or anybody else who longs for the days when news­ papers didn’t allow euphemisms like “frickin” to be printed. Whatever. Couple of points. Don’t you think that Al “the Bore” Gore would have been a more salient target for the Newcomb ‘Pinocchio” cartoon in the Sept. 13 issue? After all, Al has lied (Oh, excuse me) embellished on his war record, his tobacco background, his mother-dog pre­ scription problems, the Love Canal, the Internet... and on ad infinitum. Now to Freyne: He is always quick to characterize any anti-liber­ al position with vulgar repartee cit­ ing the offender as either homophobic or hateful or (re Bill Bennett) “representing the kind of morality and vision that once legit­ imized the placing of his nose deep inside the boxer shorts of the President of the United States.” Hey, Freyne. How would you characterize Begala and Carville? How do you fail to see the obvious liberal philosophy of Chris Graff and Sam Hemingway? So 10 years ago Graff was a “Dick Snelling lap dog?” Yeah, right. And just for the record: Could you cite “the wire story” in which Dick Cheney was doing some “public bitching” about the local Holiday Inn? I would think Cheney would have a few more important things on his mind. Hey, anyway... keep up the good work. I like to cite your col­

umn as an example of “a mind being a terrible thing to waste.” — James F. Daley Colchester POLLINA VOTES AND DWYER There is a lot of fear-mongering going on around the governor’s race, and Sandy Baird’s letter [Sept. 20] in support of Howard Dean attacking the Pollina campaign contributes to the climate of fear. Her point that a Dwyer gover­ nance would be horrible is correct, (although a governor has no power to repeal, nor enact abortion laws), but voting for Pollina cannot make Dwyer’s election any more likely. A vote for Pollina is actually the strongest vote one can cast against Dwyer. The reason is simple. Vermont’s constitution requires an absolute majority for a candidate to win. Splitting the majority between two pro-choice candidates will not give Dwyer that magic 50 percent plus one she would need. Under the constitution, if no candidate gets more than half the votes, the Legislature gets the job of deter­ mining which candidate is most supported by the majority. There is an overwhelming pro-choice majority in both the Vermont elec­ torate and in the Legislature. Remember, even many Republican legislators support Howard Dean, considering him the best “Republican” in the race. The fear that a “civil-union backlash” could reverse that major­ ity and sweep away the incumbents is misplaced, considering that the “Take Back Vermont” crowd con­ sists predominantly of people who always vote Republican anyway... — Liz Curry Burlington

looking more closely at the real issues? I believe that Vermont is for all Vermonters. — Jessy Parker Plainfield

BOARD WORKS HARD What’s the idea? Burlington has 14 school board members willing to serve the public without pay; they have a hard erfbugh job now without asking them to double their workload. They set policy. They oversee contract negotiations for 600 employees; they scrutinize the budget and present it to the public. Now that Act 60 is law, each serves on an Action Planning Team at every location: the technical cen­ ter, the high school, ONTOP, the two middle schools, six elementary schools and the Essential Early Education Center. The Action Planning Teams review assessment results and yearly school goals, and collect data to ensure that student performance continually improves. Our school board members are making a difference. Let’s help them continue to do so by voting “no” on the November 7 ballot item 3. — Jane Ewing Burlington

PROUD OF OUR YOUTH I’ve never been so proud to be a Vermonter as I was watching the youth led parade for civil rights in Montpelier culminating in the rally, “Vermont for All Vermonters.” As a teenager, I was busy thinking about dating, grades and clothes. These thoughtful and brave young people had the social consciousness to stand up and march for what they believe in — tolerance, love and equality. In the face of recent threats towards youth perceived as supportive of civil unions, the march was partic­ ularly admirable. I can only hope that we adults in Vermont can learn from these wise youngsters'. — Gail Marlene Schwartz Montpelier Letters Policy:

FOR ALL VERMONTERS On Sunday, October 15, in Montpelier more than 100 young people turned out in support of civil unions. These young people represent Vermont’s future, and their message to all Vermonters was “equity.” I guess my question to the people who hosted the seminar October 17 in Montpelier is, why attack Outright Vermont this year? It’s been around since 1989, and the materials they use in their HIV/STD Risk Reduction and Prevention Program are supplied by the Vermont Dept, of Health and the National Center for Disease Control. Could it be that it suits certain candidates’ agendas this year? Could it be that stirring up hate, fear, and turning us against each other keeps us from

SEVEN DAYS wants your rants and raves, in 250 words or less. Letters are only accept­ ed that respond to content in Seven Days. Include your full name and a daytime phone number and send to: SEVEN DAYS, P.0. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164. fax: 865-1015 e-mail:

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October 2 5 , 2000


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page 19a 7S*




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The Chiapas Media Project (CMP), a bi-national collaboration of videomakers from Mexico and the US that provides video and computer training and equipment to indigenous communities in Chiapas, Mexico and campesino communities in Guerrero, Mexico. Through the CMP, these communities are representing their cultures, struggles and ways of life with their own words and images. The result is a captivating body of work produced by these communities.

O P6N ING NIGHT: Die Stille Mach Pern Schusse (Germany, 1999), Rita Vogt, a former German terrorist, starts a new life amidst the working class people in eastern Germany. With the collapse of the Berlin Wall, comes the unraveling of Rita's secrets. Nickelodeon, 7PM. $10.

FRIDAV NIGHT: MadacJayo (Japan. 1993), is a celebration of the respect and wisdom that could only come from a truly great master refelcting upon his own carreer. In 1943, as the tide of war shifts against Japan, Professor Hyakken UchicJa leaves his teaching position to begin a writing career. His former students visit the professor often thank him for all the good he has done them. But, they end up helping him through life and death. The Vermont International Film Festival is proud to present the Northern New (England Premiere of Kurosawa's final film, only recently distributed in the Unites States. Nickelodeon, 7 PM. $8.

SATURDAY NIGHT: Rimee and Jaguar (Germany, 2000), fl Jewish lesbian working undercover inside the Third Reich falls in love with a Nazi super-mom — and vice versa. The title comes from the nicknames the lovers give each other and is based on a true story as recounted in a 1994 book by (Erica Fischer. This love story juxtaposes violence and tenderness in an outstanding example of sophisticated contemporary (European filmmaking. Nickelodeon, 7 PM. $8.

CLOSING NIGHT: L'Humanite (Frnace, 1999), fl stark and spiritually resonant portrait of human suffering, compassion, and emapthy. Humanity has mesmerized critics since its controversial reception (and Grand Jury Prize) at the 1999 Cannes Film Festival. Nickelodeon, 7 PM. $10.

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October 2 5 , 2000


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October 25, 2000



: page 21a










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A ruling at Mount Mansfield High Schoo makes being gay okay .

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B y R uth Horowitz s the fall campaign slogs through its final weeks, tensions around gay rights are running high, with advocates bracing themselves against the potential impact of anti-civilunion anger, and c-u foes aiming their artillery at the youth advo­ cacy agency Outright Vermont. But alongside all the bickering, the forces of tolerance and respect have quietly won a small victory in the town of Jericho. At issue: whether a public school can characterize sexual orienta­ tion as a “reformable” lifestyle choice. In an out-of-court settlement that resolves a nearly 2-year-old quarrel over a proposed appear­ ance by an “ex-gay minister” at Mount Mansfield High School, Chittenden East Supervisory Union has agreed not to present sexual orientation and gender issues as “debatable points.” The district also promises to host diversity training around sexual orientation for the school’s facul­ ty and administration — includ­ ing Superintendent Gail Conley. In exchange, Jericho resident Nat Michael is dropping the discrimi­ nation charges she brought against the district before the Vermont Human Rights Commission on behalf of her son, Abram Harrison. The settlement leaves unre­ solved whether the school violat­ ed any laws. It also leaves stu­ dents free to discuss sexual orien­ tation or gender identity however they like. Though Conley downplays the settlement as simply a “clari­ fication” of the status quo, human-rights advocates applaud the outcome as a victory for all of Vermont’s students. “Does this help send a message that M ount Mansfield values all of its stu­ dents, and will this help students at that school feel safer and more a part of the school community there?” asks Outright Vermont Executive Director Keith Elston. “The answer is yes.” Outright Vermont, an 11year-old, Burlington-based non­ profit, sponsors education and outreach programs that encour­


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October 25, 2000

age understanding around issues facing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and questioning youth. Contrary to recent accusa­ tions that the organization pro­ motes a “homosexual agenda,” the agency’s focus is on fostering respect and dignity for all stu­ dents in Vermont’s schools.

Awareness Week. Controversy arose when faculty advisor Joseph Corasaniti stipulated that Outrights message be countered by that of an “ex-gay ministry.” Corasaniti was allegedly encour­ aged by school board member Tut Parmly, who is currently run­ ning as a Republican candidate

“ Does this help send a message that Mount M ansfield values all o its students, and will this help students at that school feel safer more a part of the school com m unity there? The answ er is yes. ; — Outright Director Keith Elston Luke Mindell, a Mount Mansfield senior and member of M ount Mansfield’s Gay Straight Alliance, sees the Human Rights Commission ruling as part and parcel of the whole state’s progress. “It goes along with everything else in Vermont that’s putting us ahead of everyone else [in the country],” he says. Michael casts her reaction in even stronger terms. “It means that they can’t go in and debate these kids’ humanity.” This month’s agreement ends a dispute that began in the spring of 1999, when the Mount Mansfield High School Student Council invited a speaker from Outright Vermont to participate in the school’s annual Diversity

for the State Senate. The ex-gay ministry — a.k.a. “conversion” or “reparative” therapy — is a national, Christian program that encourages people who say they would like to give up a gay lifestyle. The movement has been repudiated by most mainstream medical organizations, which charge that the therapy is not only ineffective but potentially harmful, because it holds out false hope that changing one’s sexual orientation is possible. Mindell says it was “absurd” to try to “balance” a talk about what it’s like to be gay with one by an “ex-gay” minister. The Gay-Straight Alliance countered Corasaniti’s proposal with one of their own, he recalls: “Have


IN ALLIANCE Mt. Mansfield senior Luke Mindell

T ricks, Treats, Great Prizes

applauds the vote for human rights. Shawn Donahue, a Department of Education employee who will help conduct the trainings stipulated by the Mount Mansfield agreement, agrees that the situation at the high school is atypical. “We’ve seen Outright Vermont and a number of other organizations doing workshops for other school districts for several years. It’s not a big deal. Just because there’s been this controversy around Outright doesn’t mean that across Vermont, schools have stopped doing programs to make schools safe for all kids.” Ultimately, the real signifi­ cance of the Mount Mansfield agreement may have less to do with what it requires of Chitten­ den East’s administration than with what it reveals about Vermont’s high-school students. “I give the kids a lot of credit,” says Donahue. “They’d met with resistance the prior year, but they came back the next year and took it right up to nth degree to see that [a gay perspective] hap­ pened.” This perseverance is even more impressive, he notes, when you consider the fact that most of those involved in the alliance were heterosexuals. Like the 100 high schoolers who marched for civil unions in Montpelier earlier this month, Donahue says, they’re not a special-interest group acting on their own behalf. “They’re simply looking for a more accepting environ­ ment for all students.” Whatever the short-term out­ come of the fall elections, these students’ commitment should come as a comfort to gay-rights advocates. “They’re visionary,” Michael suggests. “They under­ stand tolerance. They respect each other.” In short, she sums up, “The kids won.” ®


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October 25, 2000



someone speak about what its like to be straight, rather than bringing in someone to speak against another group.” When the school administra­ tion responded by canceling Awareness Week altogether, Mindell says he became even more infuriated. “I wholeheart­ edly support Awareness Week,” he says. “I think it’s necessary in today’s high-school community.” A meeting to support the event drew a large crowd of stu­ dents, faculty and parents. The week was reinstated. And although no ex-gay minister appeared on the program, stu­ dents were treated to a presenta­ tion by Burlington drag queen “Yolanda.” “It was standingroom-only,” Michael recalls. “Yolanda discussed with the kids what it was like growing up queer in the South. They gave ‘her’ two standing ovations.” It wasn’t the first time Mount Mansfield students and adminis­ trators had wrangled over the gay issue. In 1998, when Awareness Week organizers invited Burling­ ton deejay-musician Craig Mitchell to speak about his expe­ rience as a gay man, the vice principal included ex-gay minis­ ter Mark Williams on the pro­ gram. W hen Mitchell canceled his appearance — for personal reasons — the presentation by Williams was also scotched. Last spring, Diversity Awareness Week didn’t take place at all. W hether or not Awareness Week returns to M ount Mans­ field next spring, the settlement brings the schools policies in line with those of other high schools around the state, says Elston. “Most schools are already doing what this agreement is requiring. I see M ount Mansfield as an aberration in their attempts to censor, rather than the rule,” he says.

page 23a




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October 25, 2000

ou expect things to be a bit more Bukowski at the Bissex-Goldberg pad in the New North End of Burlington. But the split-level on Killarney Drive is as suburban as it gets :— even if Bernie Sanders does live a few doors down. Goldberg is positively gracious as he intro­ duces his 14-year-old daughter, Emma, an honor student at Burlington High School who is studying classical violin. “If you want the straightest kid in the world, be a total fuck-up,” he confides with mischievous pride. He also worries over the fam­ ily dachshund, Sherlock, as we head out on the back porch on a sunny fall day — one of the last warm days of the year. It’s a con­ trast to the butt-filled basement recording studio and theater lab where Goldberg spends most of his time. Outside he talks tennis. “Some summers I was out there every day,” he says of the tennis courts at nearby Leddy Park. Because of arthritis in his hips, “when I play, I hurt for two days. But I don’t care. That is sort of my Zen meditation — just me and the ball. I love it.” Picturing this dark-humored poet in tennis whites is a bit of a stretch. But Goldbergs life is full of such incongruities. He’s lazy and prolific. Slimy and sweet. Sophomoric and insightful. Sexy and losing teeth. His plays, about angst-ridden urbanites turning themselves inside out, couldn’t be less Vermonty. Despite some­ times sparse attendance at his shows, he has no interest in living — or writing — anywhere else. Goldberg came to plays from poetry via “performance pieces” that involved music and theater, inspired by the dance company he worked for. He started with a series of “assemblages” at Johnson that he describes as abstract and conceptual. “It was sort of out of the ‘happenings’ thing, which I really liked. Then I started to write a little dialogue, and before I knew it, I was writing regular plays — or pretty regular plays.” Goldberg describes his writ­ ing process as “brain bypass.” He heads straight for the subcon­ scious, aiming right for the emo­ tions. “From an acting stand­ point, there’s a lot of meat,” Schnabel says. “It’s edgy and risky and juicy and challenging as hell — and oftentimes really funny.” In his current role as Arnie, Schnabel has some long mono­ logues — rants, really — that verge on stream of consciousness. “Somehow when he was writ­ ing it, one thought led to anoth­ er,” Schnabel says. “Steve trusts in those transitions. It’s up to the actor to make them work.” The result is, well, unsettling. Goldberg likes characters who are “rubbed thin, right into the ground, broken down to their neediest point.” Self-destruction is a favorite theme. “He likes those brilliant los­ ers,” says Schnabel, “people who are never known by anybody. People who are looked over but have this tremendous inner thing



' Tu^ A fe lt


Goldberg... Continued from page 13a

going on.” Curb Divers evolved from a poem Goldberg wrote about a guy falling into the gut­ ter, imagining all the while in slow motion that he was an Olympic high board diver. Goldberg concedes his point of view is not all smiley faces. “All the things I love are dark,” he says, listing Tennessee Williams, Eugene O ’Neill and Samuel Beckett as inspirations. He also acknowledges there is an autobiographical element in his work. “The joy is, I don’t have to act out anymore. I can sit back and watch other people do it.” And they do — with a devo­ tion that is astounding. The ensemble of actors that believe in Goldberg — Schnabel, Girdich, Joy Hopkins, A Salzman, Paul Soychak — swear by his stuff. Schnabel successfully shopped Ballroom to a theater company in San Francisco that is producing the play early next year. He is convinced the world will eventu­ ally discover and appreciate Goldberg. “I just don’t know if it will be before he dies,” he adds. For a guy who blew off big chances, and burned his master tapes in the family fireplace, Goldberg seems pretty interested in posterity these days. Not to mention money and success. “It’s the bottom of the ninth, you know, and I hit a long ball. I want to knock it out of the fuck­ ing stadium, you know. It’s a full count and there’s pressure. I wish I would sort of Zen out and say, ‘Who cares?’” Goldberg does and he doesn’t — depending on how this story plays out. “If it ends up working — and by working I mean that some of this stuff sells, I get some money for my kids — then I can say I did everything right,” he explains gloomily. “If none of that happens, I can say I totally fucked everything up.” Getting nailed by the cops after a gig at the Discover Jazz Festival was certainly not part of the master plan. Goldberg is still steamed about how he got his second DUI — he tried to leave his car in a downtown parking ,lot, but an alcohol counselor chased him out, then tipped off the cops. “If he thought I was drunk he should have invited me inside to have a cup of coffee. What if I would have killed someone? This guy would have been just as responsible.” It remains to be seen whether his One Mistake — the play Goldberg is writing as “commu­ nity service” for his driving offense — turns out to be a mis­ nomer. If the kids respond to it, Goldberg plans to reconfigure the play so it can be sold to high schools all around Vermont. “It would be ironic if that’s the thing that ends up making me money,” he says. “Taking something nega­ tive and making it positive.” For a change. © . Arnie Gets It Good begins Nov. 1 at Club Metronome, Burlington. Check calendar for list­ ings. Info, 863-6648.

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October 25, 2000


page 25a

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Assemblage artist Steve Tremblay starts from scrap By Pamela P olston oise is a relative term. For example, when Burlington’s code enforcer investigates a noise complaint, the neighbors could be fluffed about a stereo on stun, a gaggle of coeds walking home from the bars a little too merrily or maybe just the people upstairs clomping around in their Docs. The neighbors should just be grateful Steve Tremblay doesn’t live next door. Steve Tremblay has a Noise Monster, and when it’s going fullthrottle, you knowvAv&t noise is. But it’s music to his ears, and he can crank it all he wants at his otherwise ordinary farmhouse in Ferrisburgh. Though its name suggests something a bit more anthropo­ morphic, the Noise Monster is actually a stack of second-hand equipment — two keyboards, tape deck, police scanner, turntable, AM radio, TV set and sound manipulators — adhered to each other to create one behe­ moth around seven feet tall. And let’s not forget the speaker cabi­ nets, in an imposing tower or two, nor the microphone, through which Tremblay can add — and alter — his own voice. “Usually I have it directed at the TV set,” he explains, “but lately I’ve had it directed at my own mouth.” And thus does the creator become part of his creation, though only slightly more so, per­ haps, than a guitarist surrounded by effects boxes. Tremblay, an affable, boyish-looking 31 -yearold with shoulder-length hair and brown doe-eyes, is no Dr. Frankenstein, and the Noise Monster shows no human ten­ dencies — so far. What it does demonstrate is one guy’s unlimit­ ed love for making a racket. As with any plugged-in instru­ ment, the Noise Monster’s capaci­ ty to deafen depends entirely on the position of the volume knob, ~ and at performances in local bars or galleries you might suspect Tremblays gotten hold of a dis­ carded Spinal Tap amp — the kind that goes to 11. But the




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October 25, 2000

Monsters unique sound is not defined by decibels; it’s about the assortment of stimuli emitting from the thing. No two “concerts” are ever the same, because the elements Tremblay manipulates are nowhere near as predictable as, for instance, a chord on a piano. What he puts on the turntable or tape deck, and what happens to be on the radio or scanner or tele­ vision, will be completely differ­ ent at any moment, as will the way he then twiddles knobs and faders and effects. “I start with one element, say, a rhythmic puls­ ing tone, and build~on that,” Tremblay explains. “It becomes a construction process, and a lot of the elements are out of my con­ trol. I’ll pull things out of the air­ waves or pop in a tape of, say, a children’s story. I don’t plan them in advance, so I don’t know where in the tape it will say a specific thing. But I find there are coinci­ dental things that go together,” he adds, “and I really like that serendipitous result.” Other people like it, too, In just five years in Burlington, Tremblay has built a niche for himself, performing initially as part of a local alt-rock band called Bag of Panties, at galleries and special events. The biggest gigs by far have been a couple of Phish festivals, where his “Noise Houses” enabled phans to get in on the act. Now, Tremblay’s pen­ chant for abandoned equipment has taken a new turn: lamps. Not ordinary lamps, mind you, but creations that are lighting the path toward a broader definition of art.

remblay still doesn’t think of himself as an artist, really, though he’s willing to call himself a “musician who dabbles in art.” During his “typical subur­ ban upbringing” in Merrimack, New Hampshire — dad’s a mechanical engineer, mom is a geriatric nurse — he didn’t show any signs of becoming either. “But I’ve always been fascinated by junk,” Tremblay says. “My house was kind of a rat’s nest; my par­ ents were packrats and never


threw anything away. I definitely absorbed that from them.” To this day Tremblay still has vivid dreams about going to another kid’s house and seeing new boxes of toys, “discovering toys I didn’t know existed. I don’t know how that ties into what I do now, except I have always been drawn to stuff, collected and amassed as much stuff as I could,” he explains. “Eventually I realized I wanted to combine those things and make new things.” Needless to say, dumpsters and ReCycle North are treasure troves to Tremblay. Though he is certainly not the first guy to make “stuff” — toys, instruments or art — out of dis­ carded equipment and other detritus, Tremblay hasn’t made a point of studying anyone else who did or does. “I can’t name an artist that I’ve been influenced by,” he says. “I didn’t take an art class beyond eighth grade.” At UNH, Tremblay majored in English — “I was undeclared until I had to declare,” but admits the main thing he got out of col­ lege was being in a band. “It really started in high school,” Tremblay explains. “I was a little skatepunk, and my friends came to see me one day and said we were a band and I was the singer. We stayed with it in college.” “When people ask me about Steve, I always tell them about The Pink Belly Wipeouts,” says his friend Pascal Spengemann. Now the curator of Firehouse Gallery, Spengemann met, and played music with, Tremblay back at UNH. “I was completely blown away by them,” he contin­ ues. “They were a fourpiece that played their own songs, but also played The Stooges, Stiff Little Fingers, really cool selections. They wore costumes, even played naked.” “It was sort of costume rock,”’ Tremblay clarifies. “We made dif­ ferent costumes for each show — we didn’t play that often. My most memorable one was, we made grass skirts from wreaths, painted our bodies black and white from head to toe, and had messy lipstick.” That performance

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included a kind of tribal chanting on drums, Downing on bass and — something about beheading Tremblay on the Noise Monster. the old king. Though the trio scarcely saw the light of day, it attracted the atten­ Toward the end of his college days, Tremblay says, he “started tion of Bag of Panties, which getting into noise,” and the Spengemann and Tremblay soon Monster was born. The sound joined. Some of their subsequent machine is an evolving sculpture performances are legendary, at still, he notes; “different elements least in the minds of a few. become part of it and then get Tremblays construction also discarded. That was my first func­ attracted the attention of Rachel Comey, then the curator of the tional piece of art.” After graduating, Tremblay Exquisite Corpse Artsite at Jager moved to Austin for three years, DiPaola Kemp Design. She intending to “make it” with The booked a solo show for Tremblay Pink Belly Wipeouts, but that at the nascent gallery in 1996. quickly fell through. W hat didn’t What Comey saw was art; what end was his incessant collection, the viewers saw was a lot of TV. and reassembly, of found objects. In addition to the Noise “I lived in Austin with Steve , Monster, “Electronica Monstrum” before coming to Burlington,” introduced gallery-goers to Spengemann informs, “but we Tremblays growing collection of stayed in contact, and he knew I television sets — he now has 25. was having fun up here.” After a Each of these offered random six-week trip to Europe that left images from TV programs or him broke, Tremblay and another commercials, video games, friend, Chris Downing, moved to movies, or just varied patterns of the Queen City, too, and quickly static. The room was filled with began filling the basement with equally random sounds, creating junk. aural impressions as diverse as a That basement also witnessed romper room and a space station the rapid rise and fall of Womens Soccer, a band with Spengemann Continued on next page

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excluding make up

- Steve Trem blay

Saturday, October 28th 7:00 p.m . Up until this past decade, he was more rumor than reality to most folks outside of his native Texas. Long regarded as an esteemed peer by such Lone Star State notables as Guy Clark, Townes VanZandt and Willie Nelson, he fills his canvas with his soulful blend of Texas folk, blues, country and rock, with a dash of humor.


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HUMAN RIGHTS IN POST-HURRICANE-MITCH HONDURAS Miriam Miranda, a Garifuna woman and co-director of OFRANEH (Organizacion Fraternal Negra Hondurena) and CONPAH (Confederation of Autonomous Peoples of Honduras) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER I 1

BEHIND U.S. MILITARY OPER­ ATIONS IN LATIN AMERICA: VIEQUES AND COLOMBIA Joseph Gainza, Vermont Program Coordinator of the American Friends Service Committee, and Pete Shear, member of the Vermont-Puerto Rico Solidarity Committee W E D N E S D A Y , O C T O B E R IB

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THE EFFECTS OF MILITARIZATION AND GLOBAL ECONOMIC POLICY ON THE PEOPLE OF CHIAPAS Manuel Hernandez Aguilar, representative of El Pueblo Creyenle, a grassroots human rights group in Chiapas, Mexico

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Borders]moment no. 21

Continued from page 27

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^ . v page 28a v *

SEVER DAYS w October 25, 2000


gone horribly wrong. Some of the sounds were merely ambient — whirrs, whooshes, spooky elec­ tronic tones. The overall impres­ sion was simultaneously addictive and unsettling, and you knew you were witnessing the simultaneous death and mutation of American culture. The televisions themselves became the focus of subsequent Tremblay exhibits, and if you’ve never seen — and heard — a wall of TVs blaring different things, you don’t know the meaning of overstimulation. Does it occur to Tremblay that his creations might be just a tad grating? “Yes,” he acknowledges amiably, “it does occur to me, but people have the choice of staying or going away. There are some people who enjoy it.” Pretty much everyone who saw it enjoyed “Housewife Cockfight,” an installation at the Firehouse three years ago. Corralled in a glass-sided pen about 10 feet square, an assort­ ment of household appliances bat­ tled it out bumper-car style. With floor-scrubber bottoms that enabled the “critters ’ to move freely, and attached to extension cords above, they rammed hap­ lessly into each other in a kind of bad-appliance hell. The exhibit blew a few fuses and literally shocked its creator — not the first nor, probably, the last time Tremblay’s little wired offspring rebelled. But unlike the Noise Monster or an intimidating stack of televi­ sions, “Housewife Cockfight” was perversely playful. Spengemann recalls one guy who walked in to the gallery and exclaimed, “Oh, this should be on TV!” Mildly exasperated by the idea of vicari­ ous reality, the curator pointed out that the gentleman was stand­ ing right in front of it, could get inside it if he wanted. But Spengemann later realized that in a way the man’s remark was a compliment. “To say it’s on a level with TV, that’s not a.bad thing,” he says. “The stuff is compelling and entertaining. It’s all right for art to be fun.” Tremblay has helped change his mind about what art is, Spengemann concedes. “It can include this kind of entertainment factor, it doesn’t have to be ironic or overly serious. It can be funny.” He notes that Tremblay was raised on “pre-good-special-effects TV — as soon as they get too good it starts to be about the effects. I don’t think there’s anything campy about Steves work; he tends to take the stuff for what it is, and finds the charm about it without having to be ‘wink-wink, nudge-nudge.’” “Funny” is one way to describe the Noise House at Phish’s Oswego, New York, show last year — one of several installa­ tions he’s done for the band. Tremblay lined the interior walls of the three-little-pigs-sized struc­ ture with all sorts of things that could be manipulated to make sound — a guitar, a children’s xylophone, foddler toys, tape



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FOR PLAYING OUR LOUD Tremblay hits the high notes in Ferrisburgh. recorders, answering machines and, of course, televisions. On a videotape recorded from inside the house, one Phishhead’s remark says it all: “ What is going on in here, man?”

hether you call it art or music, the chaos of col­ liding sounds in Tremblays exhibit-performances inevitably suggests the metaphor of a world, or at least culture, spinning out of control. And a part of that dissemblage has to do with the rampant and rapid dis­ carding of its own history. In his own dementedly creative way, Tremblay is trying to piece it back together with what Spengemann calls “the things that were passed over.” You might call him a “reconstructionist” artist, on a mission to counter all the decon­ structing going on. But he’s not just sticking one old thing onto another haphaz­ ardly. “Steve somehow has a filter, he just knows which things in pop culture are interesting,” Spengemann says. “He just fol­ lows his heart, his aesthetic. It’s not hard to be true to, but he continues to be interested in simi­ lar materials that most people don’t use.” Indeed, the jumble of passe items in Tremblay’s house — including 8-track recorders and a bizarre selection of tapes — gives it the feel of a nursing home for elderly, abandoned and nowunloved technology. Last month Tremblay had occasion to show examples of both his more complex and his relatively simpler work. The for­ mer was his installation, “The Firehouse Control Center,” in the basement of the Firehouse Gallery during a recent reception. It fea­ tured Tremblay in his mad-scientist guise, directing the Noise Monster through a maniacal sonic tirade, as well as a dizzying assort­ ment of flashing lights and a cave­ like installation behind a curtain. Peering through, a viewer could see in the dimly lit recess a variety


of quirky found objects and a live figure — Tremblay’s old chum Joe Power — perched like a stunned Rip Van Winkle amid the 20thcentury debris. “Control Center” was, if not the most technical, certainly the most multi-media of Tremblay’s installations to date. His simpler, and quieter, con­ structions — lights — have evolved right from the beginning, along with spheres whose insides project human features and recorded sound, and rather adorable little robots that bleep and blink. But the “lamps” Tremblay is making these days are almost utilitarian enough to hang in the average living room. Well, maybe not average. Some of his lighted sculptures were shown at, appropriately, the Lamp Shop on Pine Street during the Art Hop. Making great use of Christmas tree lights, the orbs flash jauntily and colorfully like incoming friendly aliens, and would not be out of place on a Star Wars set. More toned-down variations are currently in use at Club Metronome, adding a kind of space-age bachelor-pad feel to the darkened room. “He’s taking [art] back to a sort of practical use — though his lamps are not exactly practical,” remarks Spengemann. “Steve is going back to craft — it just shows he doesn’t make any dis­ tinction between those things.” Tremblay will lend his lumi­ nous talents to the Very Special Masquerade Ball this Saturday at the Shelburne Farms Coach Barn, apd says he might bring a “fur ball” — made of 26-inch bicycle rims enclosing two TVs and cov­ ered by shaggy faux fur. He’ll return the Noise Monster to Firehouse for another perform­ ance next month. Both presenta­ tions will surely be viewed with degrees of wonder. And is all this really Art? “I totally think of Steve as an artist now,” Spengemann declares firmly. “That’s what’s so great about artists. They help you see things in a new way.” ®

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page 30a *■


October 25, 2000

Inside Track continued from page 5a Uncensored — Last week, Sharon Underwood ofW hite River Junction sent yours truly the following letter. Several daily newspapers in Vermont, she wrote, had published her piece, and the response has been over­ whelming — more than 1500 let­ ters, calls and e-mails from around the region and the world. Sharon Underwood is a brave and eloquent Vermonter. Her words have touched hearts and steadied souls at a time when so many of “the best” among us, as the poet William Butler Yeats put it, “lack all conviction while the worst are full o f passionate inten­ sity.” Unfortunately, the largest newspaper in Vermont, the Gannett-chain’s Burlington Free Press, declined to publish Underwood s powerful prayer. She said an “irritable editor,” later identified as Stephen Kiernan, the editor o f the editorial page — told her it was “too long” to print. We beg to disagree. And we’ll gladly make some room:

“I am the mother o f a gay son, and I have taken enough from you good people. I ’m tired o f your foolish rhetoric about the “homosexual agenda”and your allegations that accepting homosexuality is the same thing as advocating sex with chil­ dren. You are cruel and you are igno­ rant. You have been robbing me o f the joys o f motherhood ever since my children were tiny. My first­ born son started suffering at the hands o f the moral little thugs from your moral, upright families fo m the first time he was in first grade. He was physically abusedfrom the first grade straight through high school because he was perceived to be gay. He never professed to be gay, or had any association with anything gay, but he had the misfor­ tune not to walk or have gestures like the other boys. He was called “ f ag”incessantly, starting when he was six. In high school, while your chil­ dren were doing what kids that age should be doing, mine labored over a suicide note, drafting and redraft­ ing it to be sure his family knew how much he loved them. My sob­ bing 17-year-oId tore the heart out o f me as he choked out that he just couldn’t bear to continue living any longer, that he didn’t want to be gay and that he couldn’t face a life with no dignity. You have the audacity to talk about protecting families and chil­ dren fo m the homosexual menace, while you yourselves tear apart fam­ ilies and drive children to despair. I don’t know why my son is gay, but I do know that God didn’t put him, and millions like him, on this Earth to give you someone to abuse. God gave you brains so that you could think, and it’s about time you started doing that. A t the core o f your misguided beliefs is the belief this could never happen to you, that there is some kind o f subculture out there that people have chosen to join. The fact is that i f it can happen to my fami­ ly, it can happen to yours, and you

wont get to choose. ” .. ' Whether it is genetic, or whether something occurs during a critical time o f fetal development, I don’t know. I can only tellyou with absolute certainty that it is inborn. I f you want to tout your own morality, you’d best come up with something more substantive than your heterosexuality. You did noth­ ing to earn it; it was given to you. I f you disagree, I would be interested in hearing your story, because my own heterosexuality was a blessing I received with no effort whatsoever on my part. It is so woven into the very soul o f me that nothing could ever change it. For those o f you who reduce sex­ ual orientation to a simple choice, a character issue, a bad habit or something that can be changed by a 10-step program, I ’m puzzled. Are you saying that your own sexual orientation is nothing more than something you have chosen? That you could change it at will? I f that’s not the case, then why do you suggest that someone else can? A popular theme in your letters is that our state has been infiltrated by outsiders. Both sides o f my fami­ ly have lived in Vermont for genera­ tions. I am heart and soul a Vermonter, so I ’ll thank you to stop saying that you are speakingfor “true Vermonters. ” You invoke the memory o f the brave people who have fought on the battlefield in this great country, saying that they didn’t give their lives so that the “homosexual agen­ da”could tear down the principles they died defending. My 83-yearoldfather fought in some o f the most horrific battles o f World War II, was wounded and awarded the Purple Heart. He shakes his head in sadness at the life his grandson has had to live. He says he fought alongside homosexuals in those bat­ tles, that they did their part and bothered no one. One o f his best fiends in the service was gay, and he never knew it until the very end, and when he didfind out it mat­ tered not at all. That wasn’t the measure o f the man. You religious folk just can’t bear the thought that as my son emerges from the hell that was his child­ hood, he might like to find a life­ long companion and have a meas­ ure o f happiness. It offends your sensibilities that he should request the right to visit that companion in the hospital, to make medical deci­ sionsfor him or to benefit from tax laws governing inheritance. You use religion to abdicate your responsibility to be thinking human beings. There are vast num­ bers o f religious people who fin d your attitudes repugnant. God is notfor the privileged majority, and God knows my son has committed no sin. The deep-thinking author o f the letter, who lectures a b o u t hom osexu­ al sin a n d tells a b ou t “those o f us who have been blessed w ith the benefits o f a religious upbringing, ” asks, “W hatever happened to the idea o f strivin g to be better hum an beings than we are?”


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Indeed sir, w hatever happened to that?

Thank you, Sharon Underwood. ® E -m a il P eter a t In sid e Track VT@ aol. com

Invest in Early Childhood Care and Education October 2 5 , 2000


O PEN M IKE, Thirsty Turtle, 9 p.m.


$ 8 / 10 .

WEDNESDAY G U Y COLASACCO (singer-songwriter), Jake’s, 6 :3 0 p.m. NC. S O N N Y & P ER LEY (Brazilian/jazz duo), Leunig’s, 7 :3 0 p.m. NC. MINGUS BIG BAND (14-piece jazz), Flynn Center, 7 :3 0 p.m. $28/23/18. KARAOKE KAPERS (host Bob Bolyard), 135 Pearl, 9 p.m. NC. M OUNTAIN OF VEN U S (alt-rock), Red Square, 9 :3 0 p.m. NC. MARK STEPH EN H A G EN (rock), Nectar’s, 9 :3 0 p.m. NC. CLUB M ETRO W/DJ FR O S TEE, IRIE & M OONFLOW ER, Club Metronome, 10 p.m. NC. HIP-HOP NIGHT (DJs), Rasputin’s, 9 :3 0 p.m. NC. C OLLEGE DANCE PARTY (Apt. 6 Productions), Millennium NightclubBurlington, 9 p.m. $3/$7. OPEN M IKE, Manhattan Pizza & Pub, 9 :3 0 p.m. NC. KARAOKE, J .P .’s Pub, 9 p.m. NC. SOULS OF MISCHIEF, X -EC U TIO N ER S, PEP LO VE, M ASTERM IND S, BUKUE I (hiphop), Higher Ground, 9 p.m. $22/24. 18+ RUSTED ROOT, DAN IEL CAGE (groove rock; singer-songwriter), Ross Sports Ctr., St. Michael’s College, 8 p.m. $12/18. KARAOKE W/MATT & BONNIE DRAKE, Edgewater Pub, 9 p.m. NC. MONTI EM ER Y (acoustic soul), Monopole, 10 p.m. NC. M YREGAARD TRIO (jazz/blues), Good Times Cafe, 7 :3 0 p.m. $2. LADIES NIGHT KARAOKE, City Limits, 9 p.m. NC.

S U R - R U R A L IS M

Hold onto your lifestock and your children, Southern Culture is a-risin’ again. Southern Culture

on the Skids, that is — the white-trash swamp-rockers from Chapel Hill play with a down-and-dirty exuberance matched only by their pleasure in downing buckets of fried chicken. If you haven’t yet experienced SC O TS, go now. This Friday at Higher Ground. The Forty Fives and Cancer Conspiracy open.


O PEN M IKE, Mad Mountain Tavern, 9 p.m. NC. H OU SE BAND/OPEN M IKE, Charlie O’s, 9 p.m. NC. M ILLEN N IU M POOL TO U R N A M EN T (’70s'9 0s DJ; prizes), Millennium Nightclub-Barre, 9 p.m. $3/$7. 18+

THURSDAY JENN I JOHNSON & FRIENDS (jazz/blues), Wine Works, 6 p.m. NC. OPEN M IKE, Jake’s, 6 :3 0 p.m. NC. ELL E N PO W ELL & M ARK VAN GULDEN (jazz), Leunig’s, 7 :3 0 p.m. NC. LU N C H PAIL (electronic folk w/Craig Chalone, Genese Grill & Michael Breiner), Rhombus Gallery, 8 p.m. $3-

6. OPEN MIKE W/D. DAVIS, Cactus Cafe, 9 p.m. NC. DAN PARKS & T H E BLAM E (rock), Steer & Stein, 9 :3 0 p.m. NC. ABAIR BROS, (rock), Nectar’s, 9 :3 0 p.m. NC. H UM AN CANOE R EVU E (groove rock), Manhattan Pizza & Pub, 10 p.m. NC. Z E N & T H E ART OF DANCING (DJs Aqua, Shiva), 135 Pearl, 10 p.m. $4. LIVE NUD E WORDS (poetry), Club Metronome, 7 p.m ., donations, fol­ lowed by A-DOG & CREW (hip-hop DJs), 10 p.m. $3. SAN D RA W RIGHT (blues), Red Square, 9 :3 0 p.m. NC. REGGAE NIGHT (DJ), J .P .’s Pub, 9 p.m. NC. • LADIES NIGHT (Top Hat DJ Rob Jones; Top 40 ), Millennium NightclubBurlington, 9 p.m. Women NC, men $2/7. GOOD GROW TH (groove/fun/rock), Pacific Rim, 9 p.m. NC. T H E SLIP, ULU (jam rock; CD release party), Higher Ground, 9 p.m. $6/8. 18+ OP EN M IKE, Backstage Pub, 9 p.m. NC. KARAOKE W/MATT & BONNIE DRAKE, Edgewater Pub, 9 p.m. NC.

R L L D L U m



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SEVEN D A Y S . , , October 25, 2000


TOP HAT DJ, 10 p.m. NC. T H E X-RAYS (rock/r&b), Nectar’s,

9 p.m. NC.

9:30 p.m. NC.

BOB K ELLER (acoustic

2K (house/hip-hop; DJs Frostee &

folk/jazz/blues), The Kept Writer, 6 p.m. NC. JAM IE NOTARTHOM AS (singer-song­ writer), Monopole, 10 p.m. NC. T H E WAIT, S TEV E & AJ (rock), Ground Zero, 9 p.m. $2. 18+ OPEN M IKE, Otter Creek Tavern, 9 p.m. NC. STON E MT. QUAR TER (rock), City Limits, 9 p.m. NC. T N T KARAOKE, Thirsty Turtle, 9 p.m. NC.

Robbie J.), Millennium NightclubBurlington, 9 p.m. $3/10. KAR AOKE, J.P.’s Pub, 9 p.m. NC. DYSFUN KS H U N (crossover hiphop), Vermont Pub & Brewery, 9:30 p.m. NC. SAND BLIZZAR D (rock), Alley Cats, 9 p.m. NC. COM EDY ZO N E (stand-up), Radisson Hotel, 8 p.m. $ 8/6 . 18+ EM P TY POCKETS (rock), Henry’s Pub, Holiday Inn, 9 p.m. NC.



(house/Top 40), Millennium Nightclub-Barre, 9 p.m. Women NC/$2/$7. 18+


FRIDAY PICTURE THIS (jazz), Upper Deck

Pub at the Windjammer, 5:30 p.m. NC. BOOTLESS & U NHORSED (Irish), Rasputin’s, 5 p.m. NC. LIVE M USIC, Dockside, 7:30 p.m. NC. KEB’ M O’ (blues), Flynn Center, 8 p.m. $28.50/22.50. TAM M Y FLETC H ER & GREG M ATHES

(acoustic soul/blues), Jake’s, 8 p.m. NC. CHRIS & M EREDITH THO M PSON

(twin singer-songwriters), Burlington Coffeehouse, 8 p.m. $ 6.

KATHERINE QUINN (singer-song-

writer), Borders, 8 p.m. NC. TABLE 4/4 (rock), Fuel, 8 p.m. $ 8 . AA ZO E LEW IS & H ER RUBBER BAND

(folk-rock), 135 Pearl, 8 p.m. $7/10, followed by DJ LITTLE M AR­ TIN , 10 p.m. $4. UNC LE JIM & T H E TW INS ’

(acoustic), Sweetwaters, 9 p.m. NC. TH RILLER (Halloween party w/DJs), Club Metronome, 9 p.m. $6/4. PRINCES OF BABYON (soulful funk/hip-hop), Red Square, 9:30 p.m. NC. DJ H AN NIBAL, Ri Ra Irish Pub, 10:30 p.m. NC. LION’S DEN HIFI SOUND SYSTEM

(reggae DJs Yosef & Ras Jah I. Red), Manhattan Pizza & Pub, 10 p.m. NC. PERRY N U N N (acoustic guitar), Ruben James, 6 p.m., followed by

w e e k ly

ly; alt-rock), Higher Ground, 9 p.m. $12/14. AA QUADRA (classic rock), Trackside Tavern, 9 p.m. $2. VERKIEOKIE (karaoke), Backstage Pub, 9 p.m. NC. JOHN C ASSEL (jazz piano), Tavern at the Inn at Essex, 7 p.m. NC.STUR C RAZIE (rock), Edgewater Pub, 9 p.m. NC. OPEN MIKE (acoustic), Village Cup, 7:30 p.m. NC. JOSH BROOKS (singer-songwriter), The Kept Writer, 7 p.m. NC. LIVE JA Z Z , Diamond Jim’s Grille, i 7:30 p.m. NC. LOGIC TRAN CE 4 (NYC DJs), Ground Zero, 10 p.m. $2. SLIPKNOT (Dead covers), Monopole, 10 p.m. NC. ADAM S & EV E (rock), Franny O’s, 9 p.m. NC. A FLEETIN G AN IM A L (opera by David Budbill/Vt Opera Theater), Vergennes Opera House, 8 p.m. $15. TOP HAT DJ, City Limits, 9 p.m. NC. TANTRU M (rock), Otter Creek Tavern, 9 p.m. NC. REBECCA PADULA (singer-song­ writer), Deerleap Books, 7 p.m. NC. M R. FREN C H (rock), Thirsty Turtle, 9 p.m. $3. BAD NEIGHBORS (rock), Gallagher’s, 9 p.m. $3. TRIO A R G EN TEU IL (jazz), Villa Tragara, 6:30 p.m. $5. SH AN IA TW IN (country; Shania Twain impersonator), Rusty Nail, 9 p.m. $4/5. OLD JAW BONE (reggae), Matterhorn, 9 p.m. $3-5. JO EY LEO N E & CHOP SHOP

(rock/blues), Mountain Roadhouse, 9 p.m. NC.

Ms t i n g s




Morgan’s, 7 p.m. NC. RED BEANS (blues), Charlie O’s, 9 p.m. NC. PC T H E SPINDOCTOR (house/Top 40), Millennium Nightclub-Barre, 9 p.m. $3/10. 18+ LAS ES TR ELLAS DEL COMBO CHORNO (12-piece salsa band

from San Juan; benefit for people of Vieques, P.R.; dance lessons 8 p.m.), Haybarn Theater, Goddard College, Plainfield, 9 p.m. $10 (lessons $7).



Finnigan’s Pub, 5:30 p.m. NC. DENISE W HITTIER, ELLEN POW ELL & TOM C LEAR Y (jazz standards),

Wine Works, 7 p.m. NC.. J E N N K A R S O N & BAD J U J U (alt-

pop; salon opening party), Tonic, 131 Main St., Burlington, 7 p.m. NC. LIVE MUSIC, Dockside, 7:30 p.m. NC. KINGSTON TRIO, SHAW BROS.

(acoustic; benefit for Prevent Child Abuse VT), Flynn Center, 8 p.m. $27.50/23.50. IRENE FARRERA (Venezuelan singer-songwriter), Burlington Coffeehouse, 8 p.m. $8 . DJ ZACK JOHNSON (hip-hop dance party), Fuel, 8:30 p.m. $5. AA SQUEAL! (Halloween BooThousand Tent Party), 135 Pearl, 8 p.m. $ 8 . T H E X-RAYS (rock/r&b), Nectar’s, 9:30 p.m. NC. FRANCIS D U N N ER Y (singer-songwriter), Club Metronome, 7:30 p.m. $ 10 , followed by RETRONOM E (DJ; dance pop), 10 p.m. $ 2 . RED BEANS (blues), Red Square, 9:30 p.m. NC. KARAOKE, J.P.’s Pub, 9 p.m. NC. DJS TIM DIAZ & RUGGER (hip- _ hop/r&b), Ruben James, 10 p.m. NC. FLASHBACK (’80s DJ), Rasputin’s, 10 p.m. NC. H ALLO W EEN M ASQUERADE BALL

(DJs Robbie, Irie, Wild Bill), Millennium Nightclub-Burlington, 9 p.m. $5/12. OPIUS (jazz-rock), Vermont Pub & Brewery, 9:30 p.m. NC. COM EDY ZO N E (stand-up), Radisson Hotel, 8 p.m. $ 8/ 6 . 18+

G U Y COLASACCO (singer-song­ writer), Jake’s, 6:30 p.m. NC. EM P TY POCKETS (rock), Henry’s Pub, Holiday Inn, 9 p.m. NC. SAM ARM STRONG (jazz favorites), Tuckaway’s, Sheraton Hotel, 9 p.m. NC. JIMI H ENDRIX: LIVE AT WOODSTOCK

(VIFF-screening), Higher Ground, 1 & 3 p.m., $4/3, followed by SETH YACOVONE BLUES BAND, SW AM PADELICA (Halloween party

w/prizes), 9 p.m. $ 6/ 8 . 18+ QUADRA (classic rock), Trackside Tavern, 9 p.m. $2. M R. FRENCH (rock), Backstage Pub, 9 p.m. NC. STUR C RAZIE (rock), Edgewater Pub, 9 p.m. NC. TOM BISSON (folk), Village Cup, 8 p.m. NC. BUCK HOLLOW BAND (country-, line dancing), Cobbweb, 8:30 p.m. $7/12. H ALLO W EEN W /FREEBEERANDCHICKEN, T H E HALOGENS (groove,

alt-pop; $1000 prize), Ground Zero, 10 p.m. $2. SLIPKNOT (Dead covers), Mon­ opole, 10 p.m. NC. KARAOKE W /FRANK, Franny O’s, 9 p.m. NC. VER Y SPECIAL ARTS V T M ASQU ER­ AD E BALL W/LAS ES TR ELLAS DEL COMBO CHORNO (12-piece salsa

band from San Juan; benefit), Shelburne Farms Coach Barn, 8 p.m. $25, includes food. A FLEETING AN IM AL (opera by David Budbill/Vt Opera Theater), Vergennes Opera House, 8 p.m. $15. JO H N N Y DEVIL BAND (rock; Halloween costume party), Otter Creek Tavern, 9 p.m. NC. RAY W YLIE HUBBARD, M ARY GAU­ THIER (Texas singer-songwriter),

After Dark at Town Hall Theater, 7 p.m. $16/18. H ALLO W EEN W/TNT DJ (costume party), Thirsty Turtle, 9 p.m. $3. DYSFUN KSHU N (crossover hiphop), Charlie O’s, 9 p.m. NC. COLIN M CCAFFREY & FRIENDS

(acoustic), Capitol Grounds, 9 p.m. NC. H ALLO W EEN COSTUM E PARTY (DJ Toxic, PC The Spindoctor), Millennium Nightclub-Barre, 9 p.m. $5/12. 18+ A LL E Y KATZ (rock), Gallagher’s, 9 p.m. $3.

c o n tin u e d on p a g e 3 4 a

w w w . s e v e n d a y s v t . c o m

AdamsApple Cafe, Portland&Mainstreets, Morrisville, 888-4737. After DarkMusic Series, TownHall Theater, 53 Merchants Row, Middlebury, 388-0216. AlleyCats, 41 KingSt., Burl., 660-4304. Angela's Pub, 86 Main St., Middlebury, 388-0002. Backstage Pub, 60 Pearl St., EssexJet, 878-5494. BackStreet, 17 Hudson St., St. Albans, 527-0033. Boony's, Rt. 236, Franklin, 933-4569. Borders Books &Music, 29 Church St., Burlington, 865-2711. BurlingtonCoffeehouse at Rhombus, 186 College St., Burlington, 864-5888. Cactus Cafe, 1LawsonLn., Burl., 862-6900. Cambridge Coffeehouse, Windridge Bakery, Jeffersonville, 644-2233. Capitol Grounds, 45 State St., Montpelier, 223-7800. Champion’s, 32 Main St., Winooski, 655-4705. Charlie O's, 70 Main St., Montpelier, 223-6820. Chow! Bella, 28 N.MainSt., St. Albans, 524-1405. CityLimits, 14Greene St. Vergennes, 877-6919. Club Metronome, 188 MainSt., Burlington, 865-4563, Cobbweb, SandybirchRd., Georgia, 527-7000. Compost Art Center, 39 MainSt., Hardwick, 472-9613. Deerleap Books, 25 MainSt., Bristol, 453-5684. DiamondJim's Grille, Highgate Comm. Shpg. Ctr., St. Albans, 524-9280. Dockside Cafe, 209 Battery, Burlington, 864-5266. Edgewater Pub, 340 Malletts BayAve., Colchester, 865-4214. Finnigan's Pub, 205 College St., Burlington, 864-8209. FlynnCenter/FlynnSpace, 153 MainSt., Burlington, 863-5966. FrannyO's 733 QueenCityPk. Rd., Burlington, 863-2909. Fuel, 156 St. Paul St., Burlington, 658-3994. Gallagher's, Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-8800. GoodTimes Cafe, HinesburgVillage, Rt. 116, 482-4444. GroundZero, 3 Durkee St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-566-6969. Heartwood HollowGalleryStage, 7650 MainRd., Hanksville, 434-5830/888212-1142. Henry’s, HolidayInn, 1068 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 863-6361. Higher Ground, 1MainSt, Winooski, 654-8888. Jake’s, 1233 Shelburne Rd., S. Burlington, 658-2251. J.P. Morgan’s at Capitol Plaza, 100 Main St., Montpelier, 223-5252. J.P.’s Pub, 139 MainSt., Burlington, 658-6389. The Kept Writer, 5 Lake St., St. Albans, 527-6242. Jedd Kettler. Leunig's, 115 Church St, Burlington, 863-3759. MadMountainTavern, Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-2562. Manhattan Pizza &Pub, 167 Main St., Burlington, 658-6776. Matterhorn, 4969 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-8198. MillenniumNightclub-Barre, 230 N.MainSt., Barre, 476-3590. MillenniumNightclub-Burlington, 165 Church St., Burlington, 660-2088. Monopole, 7 ProtectionAve., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-563-2222. Mountain Roadhouse, 1677 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-2800. Nectar’s, 188 MainSt., Burlington, 658-4771. Ollie's, 13 EvelynSt., Rutland, 773-3710. 135 Pearl St., Burlington, 863-2343. Otter CreekTavern, 215 MainSt., Vergennes, 877-3667. Pacific Rim, 111 St. Paul St., Burlington, 651-3000. Pickle Barrel, KillingtonRd., Killington, 422-3035. Radisson Hotel, 60 BatterySt., Burlington, 658-6500. Rasputin's, 163 Church St., Burlington, 864-9324. RedSquare, 136 Church St., Burlington, 859-8909. Rhombus, 186 College St., Burlington, 865-3144. RiptonCommunityCoffee House, Rt. 125, 388-9782. Ri Rathe Irish Pub, 123 Church St., Burlington, 860-9401. RubenJames, 159 Main St., Burlington, 864-0744. RustyNail, Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-6245. Sh-Na-Na’s, 101 Main St., Burlington, 865-2596. Signal to Noise HQ,416 Pine St. (behind Speeder &Earl’s), Burlington, 951-1140. Starksboro CommunityCoffee House, Village MeetingHouse, Rt. 116, Starksboro, 434-4254. Steer &Stein Pub, 147 N.Winooski Ave., 862-7449. Sweetwaters, 118 Church St., Burlington, 864-9800. TheTavernat the Innat Essex, EssexJet., 878-1100. ThirstyTurtle, 1S. Main St., Waterbury, 244-5223. Three Mountain Lodge, Rt. 108, Jeffersonville, 644-5736. Trackside Tavern, 18 Malletts BayAve., Winooski, 655-9542. Tuckaway’s, Sheraton, 870 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 865-6600. UpperDeck Pub at the Windjammer, 1076 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 862-6585. Valencia, Pearl St. &S. Winooski, Ave., Burlington, 658-8978. Vermont Pub &Brewery, 144College, Burlington, 865-0500. The Village Cup, 30 Rt. 15, Jericho, 899-1730. Villa Tragara, Rt. 100, WaterburyCtr., 244-5288. Wine Works, 133 St. Paul St., Burlington, 951-9463.

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October 2 5 , 2000


page 33a

10th Anniversary M S X T our hits the stage: Britain’s

w ith music. T h e dance concert aims to raise m oney for the people o f Vieques — you know, the small

drum -and-bass deedays Dom & Roland, Rob Playford and Calyx will mix it up, w ith local spin­

island near Puerto Rico that the U.S. is using for a Naval testing range. For some reason the residents

ners Cousin Dave and Tricky Pat w arm ing up the

w ould like the Navy to leave — m aybe it’s their high cancer rates, the environm ental damage or the

this com ing Wednesday, when M oving Shadow’s

tables. MSX is hitting up 31 cities in Europe and the U.S. and little ol’ W inooski is their only n o rth ­ eastern stop! T he U.K. lads will p u t together urban

TANKS A LOT T hey say that some things never change, b u t som etim es they do, and in a hurry. O nly last week one Kevin Ryan called to tell me about a new all-ages club called Fuel, which he said was an enterprise w ith “co-owners” Mike Smith and Bret Kernoff, landlord o f the building at 156 St. Paul St. for about seven years (if that rings a bell, it was the site o f the recently shut-dow n Club 156). T h e concept for the club is not only all-ages

O N E M A IN ST. • W IN O O S K I •

IN FO 6 5 4-8 8 8 8

DOORS 8 P M * SHOW 9 P M unless noted A L L SHOWS 18+ W ITH PO SITIV E I.D . unless noted





Am erican folk institution called The Kingston Trio

lot more than your birthday suit. T he highest stakes

will perform to raise funds and awareness for

G reat idea, right? But we have to set the record straight here: Ryan and Sm ith are not “partners” at

none too happy th at Ryan m isrepresented him self to m e and, he says, to others. Ryan claims Kernoff “dissolved the partnership,” K ernoff — who also


Despite this unpleasantness, and more which shall rem ain off the record, “T he club is doing fine,” K ernoff assures. “W ere trying ro do some­ thing for the com m unity that says alcohol is not necessary.” T here will probably be m ore smoke to this tale, but at least it w on’t be in the air at Fuel. C heck out rockers Table 4/4 this Friday, and a hiphop dance party w ith DJ Zack Johnson Saturday.



rock a n d roll. O ver at the Flynn M ain Stage, m eanwhile, the

— b u t no alcohol and no smoking.

tion, M ooseshow Productions Inc., and always has been.


this year, the parties start a full four nights ahead,

tunes will be folkier, b u t the folks just as altruistic.



and prizes for the best outfits, this ball promises to

A TIME TO SEW? Since Halloween is on a Tuesday

N ew H am pshire’s Shaw Brothers and the

Fuel, he says, is owned exclusively by his corpora­


leged children. Along w ith food, a silent art auction

m ore chances to win big bucks! Check around — a lot o f the clubs are offering prizes w orth-donning a

owns the N o rth H ero M arina and other properties — says flatly, “T here never was a partnership.”


Shelburne Farms C oach Barn. T h e fourth annual costum e party benefits Very Special Arts Verm ont, a nonprofit dedicated to bringing arts to underprivi­

and that means inventive costum e makers have

to help prepare the physical facility. K ernoff is


The Fader magazine and Oval clothing. Can’t beat that w ith a stick.

— b u t not to cool dow n a h o t tim e. Presumably politics will be masked for the Very Special M asquerade Ball Saturday night at the

— including 3-6 p.m. hours for the after-school set

all, it turns out, b u t sub-contractors who came in


dance sounds from the label’s decade-long history, including those used by the American games devel­ oper Rockstar. Playford’s little-label-that-could d id — with tracks for a m ore subversive British Invasion. O h, and don’t miss the giveaways from

ruined fishing and farm ing grounds. Puerto Rican activist TltO Kayak will be on hand to explain it all

MAKING TRACKS Speaking o f deejays, the m onthly Lifted party at H igher G round goes international

by far are at the new G round Zero in Plattsburgh,

Prevent C hild Abuse V erm ont, and causes don’t get

which is giving away a grand to the ghouliest

m uch better than that. T h e twin brothers Rick and

Saturday night — and Burlington’s Halogens will be there to serenade, along w ith N ew York’s free-

Ron Shaw, by the way, were m em bers o f the Hillside Singers when th at group recorded “I’d

beerandchicken. T he m ost inventive party name,

Like to Teach the W orld to Sing,” w hich wore us all

though, belongs to V ip e rH o u s e , whose “Fellini

dow n on a bazillion Coca-C ola commercials.

Halloweeni” them e encourages costumes from the great film m aker’s oeuvre— at H igher G round f Tuesday. (Although C om post’s “Sam hain Soiree” isn’t bad.) P.S. O u r condolences to viper manager N iC O le Saltus, who broke her foot in the line o f duty, on tour in Athens, Georgia.

SINGLE TRACKS If you missed her before, Shania Twin is back at the Rusty Nail this Friday — the Shania Twain look- and sound-alike blew everyone away w ith her sheer verisimilitude . . . Singer-song­ writer wannabes, don’t forget to show up for the finals in the Advance Music G uitar Acoustic Search

DO GOOD DEPT. T his week two very fine benefits

next W ednesday at N ectar’s . . . Hey, early risers!

just happen to have booked the same band. But

Check out Seth Yacovone Blues Band at 7:30 a.m.

th at’s okay, because Las Estrellas del Combo

this Friday on W CA X Ch. 3. T he band will play

Chorno came a long way and they m ight as well get

from their latest C D , Dannemora . . . M ontpelier

as m any Latin lovers up in each other’s arms as pos­

songwriter Mark LeGrand has subm itted a single for

sible. Las Estrellas are a 12-piece salsa band from San Juan, Puerto Rico, and their first Verm ont gig, ' Friday night at G oddard College, mixes politics


the season: “Election Year” cgn be downloaded free from verm ontm . . . Also checkout two live shows available via . . . ®

B a n d n a m e of th e w e e k : H u m a n E rro r






















PRINC ES OF BABYLON (Philadelphonic, C D ) — O n one hand, w hat the world does not need m ore o f is another buncha w hite guys trying to sound black. O n the other, Philadelphia’s Princes o f Babylon get m ost o f their “appropriation” down pretty dam n fine, in part because they don’t overdo it. Besides, nobody owns n othin’ anymore, do they? M ost o f these grooves are urban funk-lite, not too complex — the Princes sound m ore like they’re having a swell tim e in the studio than trying to impress anybody. T hese five princes have street smarts and hip-hop sobriquets — guitarist/vocalist Davy Quicks, bassist/vocalist Katm an, vocalist/percussionist M C I, drum m er/vocalist Riggity Ry and percussionist Uncle Craig — and you’ll notice alm ost all o f them sing. If one thing sets PO B apart from other w hite-boy hiphoppers, it’s th at the vocals here, w hether rapping, scatting or actually singing, are good enough that you begin to suspect som eone’s been taking lessons. I’m n o t talking Boyz II M en here, m ind you — even though they don’t shy away from the occasional three-part harm ony or doo-wop touch, PO B are m uch grittier. Never m ind that in their press photo they look like frat boys on vacation. T he opener, “Leave It to U s,” is one o f the two tracks o u t o f this nine-song, eponym ous collection th at inspires som e serious ass-shakin’, though none o f them really let you sit down. O nly “Jungle Groove”


p ag e 3 4 a


October 2 5 , 2000<

later on is more uptem po — that is, when it isn’t set­ tling back into a staccato percussive thing and the expected animal noises. For the m ost part, Princes o f Babylon is a laid-back experience. I’m not sure who the laconic but agile rapper is in “Everybody,” though I suspect it’s M C I (or is that props to their phone com pany in lieu o f paying the bill?). T he rhym ing is credible, the rhythm loping. Quicks shows off just a tiny bit on the boy-looksfor-girl ditty “Streets o f Philly” — he lays down some stylin’ licks w ithout breaking a sweat, and co-chairs a funky tete-a-tete w ith Riggity Ry. “H ip H op Soul Groove” is pretty m uch w hat the nam e suggests — an easy-going party groove, com plete w ith chatter mixed in the background. “You G otta D rink It” would make a good hazing soundtrack, I suppose; the snaky bass-and-drum s intro leads into simple, repeat-after-m e verses that are dolled up, later on, by some o f those right-on harmonies. It’s these little touches that give PO B away, like guys trying to be, well, regular guys, then letting slip a vocabulary w ord m ost o f us can’t even pronounce. Princes o f Babylon is a booty-shaker that doesn’t require fancy dance steps. Check out the royal groove thang this Friday at Red Square. — Pamela Polston



(Ingidena Records, C D ) — If you like any variety o f Latin m usic and are not familiar w ith the transcendent rhythm s and vocal work o f Venezuelan singer and m ulti-instru­ m entalist Irene (ee-reen-ah) Farrera, it’s about tim e you knew. Farrera lives in the Pacific N orthw est and her appearances on the East Coast are rare, in V erm ont even rarer. H er last local perform ance was one o f the highlights o f the 1999 Cham plain Folk Festival. Irenes third album, Soy de Ti ( I A m Yours), gives the listener a small taste o f her remarkable musical abilities. T he C D is co-produced by steel drum pioneer A ndy Narell, so it’s

no surprise that the album contains a good share o f percussion and steel drum throughout. Farrera cites Brazilian divas Elis Regina and Maria Bethania as m ajor influences, b u t her own singing is singular and exquisite — one o f the m ost riveting low voices you will ever hear. She’s also an accom­ plished guitarist and a wicked cuatro player. T he cuatro is a small, high-pitched, 10-stringed instrum ent that perfectly com plem ents that voice. Soy de Ti con­ tains a melange o f love songs (m ost w ritten by Farrera), sultry ballads sung in Spanish — the title track and “N on So” are standouts — and deliriously upbeat anthem s about world unity and dance. O ne is a shaking Venezuelan num ber, “La N egra del T am unangue,” th at practically picks you o u t o f your chair and spins you around the room . T he R hom bus Gallery, hom e o f the Burlington Coffeehouse, is a pretty small space to hold such a powerful m usician, b u t the size o f the room will make her show even m ore special. D on’t miss this one Saturday night. — Robert Resnik

sO U n d

A d v iC e QUE SYRAH, SYRAH Local music fans know you don’t have to look very far for true tal­


ent. And if you like show tunes, well, let’s


just say Denise Whittier can show a tune


what-for. Though she modestly describes

T o b a c c fp m e s

her soprano/mezzo voice as “ utilitarian,”


we know better. A Lyric Theater veteran,

Acce so r

Whittier uncorks some ja zz standards at

Much Mo


Wine Works this Saturday — with Ellen Powell and Tom Cleary.

Kl 654-3651

continued from page 33a 8:45 p.m. NC.

BLOOZOTOM Y (jump blues; Halloween costume party), Mad Mountain Tavern, 9 p.m. $5. LEFT E Y E JU M P (jump blues), Mountain Roadhouse, 9 p.m. NC. H ALLO W EEN PARTY (music, prizes), Rusty Nail, 9 p.m. $4/5. RUSTIC OVERTON ES (Americana/rock), Pickle Barrel, 9 p.m. $8 .

OP EN M IK E, Burlington Coffeehouse, 8

p.m. Donations. GRIPPO FU N K BAND, Red Square, 9:30

p.m. NC. SHADRACH (rock; Halloween party),

Club Metronome, 9 p.m. $3. COBALT BLUE (rock), Nectar’s, 9 p.m. NC. B AS H M EN T (DJ John Demus; reggae/dancehall), Ruben James, 10 p.m. NC. FUI H A LLO W EEN PARTY (w/PC The Spindoctor), Millennium NightclubBurlington, 8 p.m. $ 6 . AA. OXONOISE (rock), J.P.’s Pub, 9:30 p.m. NC.


Su n d a y JENNI JOHNSON (jazz/blues),


Sweetwaters, 11:30 a.m. NC. WOODCHUCK’S R EV EN G E (trad, folk), Borders, 3 p.m. NC. PAT M C KEN ZIE (Irish), R) Ra Irish Pub, 5 p.m. NC. LADY ZEN O ’S H ALLO W EEN PAR TY, 135 Pearl, 9 p.m. NC. SUNDAY NIGHT MASS (trance/house DJ; bass & drums), Club Metronome, 9 p.m. $5. PRIMITIVE LO U N G E, Red Square, 9:30 p.m. NC. US H UM ANS (acoustic rock), Nectar’s, 9:30 p.m. NC. TORSION & GU ESTS (hardcore), Millennium Nightclub-Burlington, 8 p.m. $ 6 . AA. TOP HAT DJ (hip-hop), Rasputin’s, 9:30 p.m. NC. ACOUSTIC JAM W/JACIE & P A U L, Alley Cats, 9 p.m. NC. DAN PARKS & T H E B LAM E (rock), Champion's Tavern, 9:30 p.m. NC.

(acid jazz), Higher Ground, 9 p.m. $ 10 . 18+ LIVE AT 5 W/DERRICK S EM LER (acoustic blues), Capitol Grounds, 5 p.m. NC. SAM H AIN SOIREE W/EKIS, DAD (funky soul; rock), Compost Art Center, 9 p.m. $7 w/costume, $10 w/o. KARAOKE W /SIMPLY EN T ER T A IN M EN T ,

Ground Zero, 9 p.m. NC.

Do you have a problem with




UVM Treatment Research (enter

197 C ollege Street Burlington

Southern Culture on the Skids FRIDAY OCT.

27th at

Higher Ground

WEDNESDAY GU Y COLASACCO (singer-songwriter),

Jake’s, 6:30 p.m. NC. LIVE JA Z Z , Leunig’s, 7:30 p.m. NC. LEO KO TTKE, TUC K & PATTI (singer-songwriter, pop/soul duet), Flynn Main Stage, 8 p.m. $27/24. KARAOKE KAPERS (host Bob Bolyard), 135 Pearl, 9 p.m. NC. PICTURE THIS (jazz), Red Square, 9:30 p.m. NC.


Edgewater Pub, 9 p.m. NC. LIVE MUSIC (acoustic), Capitol

ADVANCE MUSIC ACOUSTIC GUITAR SEARCH (singer-songwriter competition,

Grounds, 11 a.m. NC. A FLEETIN G AN IM A L (opera by David Budbill/Vt Opera Theater), Vergennes Opera House, 3 p.m, $10.

finals), Nectar’s, 8 p.m. NC. CLUB M ETRO W/DJS FR O S T EE, IRIE & M O ON FLO W ER, Club Metronome, 10

p.m. NC. HIP-HOP NIGHT (DJs), Rasputin’s, 9:30

p.m. NC. C OLLEG E DANCE PARTY (Apt. 6 Prod.),


Millennium Nightclub-Burlington, 9 p.m. NC/$2/$7. OP EN M IKE, Manhattan Pizza & Pub, 9:30 p.m. NC. KAR AOKE, J.P.’s Pub, 9 p.m. NC.


Alley Cats, 9 p.m. NC. HAUS HAUS (DJ dance party) 135 Pearl, 10 p.m. $5. H ONEYPOT (New Orleans gumbo), Red Square, 9:30 p.m. NC. MIKE P ELK EY & FRIENDS (rock), Nectar's, 9 p.m. NC. NIGEL GUY, DAD (alt-rock), Club Metronome, 9 p.m. $ 2 . VINYL O N E IN TERN ATIO NAL (DJs DMaximum, Ninjahforce, Chancellor; reggae/dancehall), Millennium Nightclub-Burlington, 10 p.m. NC/$5. OPEN M IKE, Rasputin’s, 9 p.m. NC. JERRY LA V EN E (jazz guitar), Chow! Bella, 6 p.m. NC.


drum & bass; local DJs), Higher Ground, 10 p.m. $12/14. 18+ KARAOKE W/MATT & BONNIE DRAKE,

Edgewater Pub, 9 p.m. NC. W IND THAT SH AKES T H E B A R LEY (trad.

Irish), Good Times Cafe, 7:30 p.m. $2. LADIES NIGHT KAR AOKE, City Limits, 9

p.m. NC. O P EN M IKE, Thirsty Turtle, 9 p.m.


$8/10. OP EN M IKE, Mad Mountain Tavern, 9


p.m. NC.



JU LIET M CVICKER, W EN D Y C OPP & CHUCK ELLER (jazz vocals), Leunig's,

7:30 p.m. NC. JEN N I JO H N S O N & FR IEN D S

(jazz/blues; Halloween party), SaiGon Cafe, 8 p.m. NC. PUB Q U IZ (trivia game w/prizes), Ri Ra,

H OU SE BAND/OPEN M IKE, Charlie O’s, 9

p.m. NC. '90s DJ; prizes), Millennium Nightclub-Barre, 9 p.m. $3/$7. 18+ GREG RYAN & BRUCE JO N ES (singersongwriters), Cambridge Coffeehouse, 7 p.m. Donations. S T EV E & AJ (acoustic rock), Monopole, 10 p.m. NC. * *

O ctober 2 5 , 2 0 0 0





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Huntington Graphics P. O. Box 373 Burlington, VT 05402 Phone (802) 660 3605 PilotPress Publishers - Toll Free (877) 332 0703

UNIVERSAL COVERAGE “Wallpaper” is not the word you w ant used to describe your music or your artwork

unless y o u ’re Julia

Kjelgaard. The Alabam a artist, who has traveled


extensively around the globe, collects precisely that

CATCHr . Ralph's Fine!


wallpaper samples

from dijferent cultures, and these

show up in her richly layered multi-m edia works.


Burlington presents...

Currently showing with her at Burlington’s Doll-

Voter Registration Deadline 10/27


A nstadt Gallery is Lincoln’s John Gemignani. His

m eta l

paintings m eld icons both ancient and foreign, here

Sept. 15 - Oct. 29 N a tio n a l S h o w

and now. Pictured, a collage and acrylic on paper by

An exhibit that B E N D S the rules!


Saturday, October 28 10:00 am- 3:00 pm

M iddlebury presents...


12 A A

R O B ER T H ULL FLE M IN G M U SEUM UVM, C olchester A ve., B urlington

l u m n i


r t is t s


Sept.15 - Nov. 10

$7 ($5 Museum members) per item

Celebrating Middlebury College's Bicentennial M ID D LEBU RY 8 02 .38 8.3 17 7

Quilts, Art Deco, Silver, China, Glass, Jewelry, Maps, Paintings, Drawings, Oriental Rugs, Dolls, Furniture

INFORMATION 802/656-0750 BURLINGTON 802.86 3.6 45 8

Media sponsor

M AN CH ESTER 8 02 .362.3321

Free Parking!!

c a ll to a r tists The Women’s Festival of Crafts, November 25 & 26 at Burlington City Hall, still has some spaces for women craftmakers in any medium. Deadline: October 31. For information and applications call Marie, 863-8334, or e-mail Oak at The Broken Heart Show, a tradition for the past 10 years at the Daily Planet, will have a new home next February at the Flynndog Gallery. Artists’ proposals for themed works in any medium are being accepted. Deadline: December 4. Write Flynndog, 208 Flynn Ave., Burlington, V t 05401, or e-mail

w w w .fro g h o llo w .o r

op en in g s A T H EO R Y OF EV E R Y T H IN G , paintings

and books by Ken Leslie. Julian Scott Gallery, Johnson State College, 6351469. Gallery talk October 26, 4 p.m.,followed by reception. S TR U C TU R A L GR OW TH, a group outdoor sculpture show by 13 artists in the gardens of the Willard Street Inn, 349 S. Willard St., Burlington, 860-3393. Reception October 28, 2-6 p.m. LYN N IM P ER A TO R E, charcoal drawings and watercolors. Vermont Interactive Television Studio, Colchester, 6547777. Reception October 29, 12-4 p.m.

on goin g BURLINGTON AREA P E N T IM E N T O , realistic and abstract







N ew W ork by N ina P arris a n d J a n e t F red erick s OPENING: Friday, Nov. 3 , 5 - 8 PM EX H IB IT: Nov. 3 - Nov. 22; call 862-9616f o r hours. (800) or (802) 8 6 2 -9 6 1 6 e-mail: admissions N OR


A V E N U E ,


■Burlington College B U R L I N G T O N


O ctober 2 5 , 2 0 0 0


A,*;-. v X V . \

(I S 4 II I

photos by Ann Laberge. Men’s Room, Burlington, 864-2088. Through November. 8 1/2" X 1 1 " , an exhibit of works by designers at Jager DiPaoia Kemp, con­ fined to one letter-sized piece of paper; plus an installation by Michael Jager and Giovanni DiPaoia utilizing these standard measurements. Firehouse Center for the Visual Arts, Burlington, 865-7166. Through December 3. D IV ER S IT Y, art by Enid Cobeo in cele­ bration of Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month. Multicultural Gallery, Center for Cultural Pluralism, UVM,


Burlington, 656-7990. Through November 5. K A T H Y’S JO U R N A L, artwork from “ Healing Legacies,” an international collection of art and writing by women who have faced breast cancer. Burling­ ton City Hall, 3rd floor, 863-3507. Through October. KATE H O D G ES , recent drawings from Alaska and new works from the “ Marry Me Earth” sculpture series. Colburn Gallery, UVM, Burlington, 656-2014. Through November 10. FACE IT, masks by Ellis Jacobson. Rose Street Gallery, Burlington, 8623654. Through November 4. S U E S W ETER LIT S C H & JO E L B EC K W IT H ,

watercolors and etchings, respectively. Blue Heron Gallery, S. Burlington, 863-1866. Through November 15. T H E LA S T FR O N T IER , an evolving ceiling installation by Torin Porter; visitors are invited to leave lightweight objects for inclusion. Club Metronome, Burling­ ton, 865-4563. Through December. DEATH P EN A LT Y SH O W , a group multimedia exhibit in conjunction with the Vermont International Film Festival, curated by G. Roy Levin. Flynndog, Burlington, 652-9985. Through October. GREG BR O W ER , assemblages. Rhombus Gallery, Burlington, 865-3144. Through October. SH AR ON H A R T , black-and-white pho­ tographs. Mirabelle’s, Burlington, 6583074. Through October. JO RD AN D O U G LA S , drawings, pho­ tographs and paintings. Muddy Waters, Burlington, 425-3165.



Through October. JU LIA K JELG A A R D A N D JO H N G EM IG N AN I,

paintings inspired by other cultures. Doll-Anstadt Gallery, Burlington, 8643661. Through October. B AR BAR A H EIN R IC H , contemporary classic fine jewelry in 18k gold and fine gems, and C ARO L E .S . M AC DO N ­ A LD , paintings, prints and collages. Grannis Gallery, Burlington, 6602032. Through October. B EIN G H ER E N O W , monotypes by Lyna Lou Nordstrom, dedicated to her father. Art’s Alive, Union Station Gallery, Burlington, 864-1557. Through October. A N IN S ID ER ’S V IEW INTO OU TSID ER ART,

featuring the outsider-art collection and current work of Linda Grishman. Living/Learning Gallery, UVM, Burlington, 656-4200. Through October 26. L E B ILA N , an installation of zoomorphic animal masks by Canadian artist Anne Massicotte. Flynndog, Burlington, 652-9985. Through October. A R T FROM T H E H E A R T , an exhibit by children from the pediatric wing of Fletcher Allen Health Care. Community College of Vermont, Burlington, 434-3843. Through November 12. R IV ETIN G M E T A L: EX P LO R IN G T H E PO S­ SIB ILITIES IN M E T A L, a juried exhibit of

nationally known artists. Frog Hollow, Burlington, 863-6458. Through October 29. E LE V E N .T W E N T Y T W O .S IX T Y T H R E E , a politically charged show featuring

w* w w . s e v e n d a y s v t . c o m

works in multiple media by local artists. Red Square, Burlington, 8598909. Through November. AM Y H U N T IN G T O N , recent illustrations for children and adults. Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Burlington, 8640471. Through November. A LL T H E SH IPS AT S E A , an evolving installation by Ed Owre, Bill Davison and Brian Kardell. One-Wall Gallery, Seven Days, Burlington, 864-5684. Through November. BOB D JA N A , photographs, M R . H A R O LD , pottery, and S O P H IE Q U E S T , paintings. Daily Planet Restaurant, Burlington, 862-3779. Through October. HERITAGE OF T H E B R U S H : T H E ROY AN D M ARILYN P A P P C O LLEC T IO N O F C HI­ N ESE PA IN TIN G , featuring nearly 50

works from the Ming and Qing dynas­ ties. Fleming Museum, Burlington, 656-0750. Through December 10. H AN DSC RO LLS BY X U Z H E N G , land­ scapes and portraiture by the Chinese artist. Pickering Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 865-7211. Through October. DRAGONS, SILK A N D JA D E : C H IN E S E OBJECTS FROM T H E P E R M A N E N T C O L­ LEC TIO N , featuring garments, acces­

sories and more from ancient China. Also, LA N D S C A P ES ON P A P ER , from the permanent collection. Fleming Museum, Burlington, 656-0750. Both through December 17. N ORTH ERN V ER M O N T A R T IS T A S S O C IA --

TIQN, a members' show and sale. Old Red Mill, Jericho, 899-3225. Through November 3. TH E SATU RDAY E V E N IN G PO ST AN D AM ERICA’ S GR EAT ILLU S TR A TO R S , cover

illustrations by Norman Rockwell and others. Through December 3. Also, THE FAB U LO U S ’5 0 S : W ELC O M E H OM E TO POST-W AR V E R M O N T , the muse­

um’s newest historic house, depicting a Vermont family in 1950; S O M E ­


Wood Gallery, Montpelier, 828-8743. Through November 12. R E C EN T S C U LP T U R E : PAIN TED W OOD,

folk-art-style wall pieces by Stephen Fowlkes. Carving Studio Gallery, Rutland, 438-2097. Through November 19. C O N TEM P O R A R Y A R T IFA C TS , an invita­ tional exhibit of pit-fired clay works by Jimmy Clark. Vermont Clay Studio, Waterbury, 244-1126. Through October. Also, EM ER G IN G ARTIS TS OF T H E U .S ., featuring works by nine ceramic artists. Through November

12. IM AG ES OF A U T U M N : A R E T R O S P EC T IV E, drawings, paintings

and fiber work by Pria Cambio. Capitol Grounds, Montpelier, 2237800. Through November 2. W H AT A B O U T OU R NEST? Recent paintings, prints and mixed-media works by Carol E.S. MacDonald. Mist Grill, Waterbury, 244-2233. Through October. R EG R O U P IN G , an exhibit of artwork and crafts by five friends, Michael Barsanti, George Lawrence, Rose Loving, Pat Cerra-Young and John Young. Chandler Gallery, Randolph, 728-3232. Through November 12. V ER M O N T H AN D C R A FTER S : Work by local artisans. Vermont By Design Gallery, Waterbury, 244-7566. Ongoing. S C R A P -B A S ED ARTS & C R A FTS , featur­ ing re-constructed objects of all kinds by area artists. The Restore, Montpelier, 229-1930. Ongoing. A LIC E EC K LE S , paintings and mixed media. Old School House, Marshfield, 456-8993. Ongoing.


Continuity and Change in American Furniture and Decorative Arts, 17001820; FROM G EO R G E W A S H IN G TO N TO P.T. B A R N U M , prints; and LA N D S C A P E & LIGHT, paintings by Martin Johnson Heade. Shelburne Museum, 9853348. Ongoing. RICK S U TT A , oil paintings “ with impact." Rick Sutta Gallery, Burlington, 860-7506. Ongoing.

HERN C Y N T H IA P R IC E, new paintings from

"The Lake Series.” Clarke Galleries, Stowe, 253-7116. Through November. M AR CIE V A L LE T T E AN D TH O M A S V A LLE T T E JR ., paintings. Tegu Building

Gallery, Morrisville, 888-4548. Through October. PASSIO N AN D P R O M IS E: T H E A R T OF H AITI, paintings assembled by the


featuring artworks in many media by more than 200 area artists. Chaffee Center for the Visual Arts, Rutland, 775-0356. Through November 12. ROBERT BIRBECK, sculpture, and DOROTHY M A R T IN E Z, paintings. Ferrisburgh Artisans Guild, 8773668. Through November 1. 13 ALU M N I A R T IS T S , a juried exhibi­ tion of sculpture, painting, photogra­ phy and installation art by prominent college alumni. Johnson Memorial Gallery, Middlebury College Museum of Art, 443-5007. Through December

10. M IDDLEBURY C O LL E G E : 200 Y E A R S , a

collection of prints, photographs, drawings and artifacts documenting the school's history. Middlebury College Center for the Arts, 4435007. Through December 10. 12 ALU M N I A R T IS T S : C R EATIO N S FOR AN EXTR A O R D IN A R Y Y E A R , showcasing

craft artists who have graduated from Middlebury College. Frog Hollow Vermont State Craft Center, Middlebury, 388-4074. Through November 10 . STONES, SC H O LAR S A N D S U P P O R T ER S : MIDDLEBURY AN D T H E GROW TH O F ITS C OLLEGE, a multi-media exhibit in

honor of the college’s bicentennial. Henry Sheldon Museum, Middlebury, 388-2117. Through March.

Friends of Hospital Albert Schweitzer. Sales of the works benefit the hospi­ tal. Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, 253-8358. Also, D ELIA RO B INS ON , paintings. Both through November 18.

SOUTHERN N A P O LEO N IN E G Y P T , engravings, pho­ tographs, maps, letters and artifacts; and LUIGI LU C IO N I: A C EN T EN A R Y R E T ­ R O S P EC T IV E OF A R E N A IS S A N C E R E A L­ IS T, landscapes and still lifes by the

part-time Vermonter (1900-1988). Elizabeth de C. Wilson Museum, Southern Vermont Arts Cepter, Manchester, 362-1405. Through January.


prints from the National Gallery of Art and other artifacts. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 603-646-2808. Through December 3. S U R FA C E AN D D E P T H : T R EN D S IN C O N ­ T EM P O R A R Y PO R TR AIT P H O T O G R A P H Y,

featuring the work of eight artists exploring new photographic practices. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 603-6462808. Through Through December.

PAINTING W ITH R A G S , S TO R IES IN WOOL, a showcase of more than 20 Vermont rugmakers. Vermont Folklife Center, Middlebury, 388-4964. Through November 1 1 .

PLEASE NOTE: Seven Days is unable to accommodate all o f the displays in our readership area, thus these listings must be restricted to exhibits in truly public viewing places. Art in business offices, lob­ bies and private residences or stu­ dios, with occasional exceptions, will not be accepted. •Send your listings to

B y M a r c A w o d ey

ot surprisingly, paper was invented by a bureaucrat. A Chinese court official named Ts’ai Lun is credited with perfect­ ing paper-making in 105 AD, and, for better or worse, paper has buried us ever since. The aver­ age American uses about 750 pounds of it a year, much of it in 8.5” x 11” sheets. Why that pecu­ liar size has become the standard for so many uses seems to be a mystery; nevertheless, this months exhibit at the Firehouse couldn’t happen without it. “8.5"x 1 1 is an exhibit by the employees of Jager DiPaola Kemp Design in Burlington, and its thematic ingredi­ ent is paper of that ubiquitous dimen­ sion. Each artist used a single sheet as a starting point. From that lowly beginning, a rich array of art works took shape. The motif was not an end in itself; in many of these works, the 8.5" x 11" paper seems incidental. An untitled quartet of black-and-white Xeroxes by Alison Lange, for example, is primarily a collection of visual textures copied from what seems to be a painting thick with heavily impasted brushwork. ‘ The four sheets of paper are arranged into a square, and the darks and lights of the image move through the overall arrangement with great fluidity. “The Mile High Club,” byTevis Huston, also uses Xeroxing as a medium. In this case murky porn images were photocopied and folded into paper airplanes. Six planes in groups of two appear like three-dimensional schematics. Each presents a different part of the folding process, from first fold to finished plane. The title refers to having sex at 5280 feet. That naughty concep­ tual compo­ nent seems a bit flaccid, but the notion of presenting paper airplanes as art — a sort of post-industrial origami — is fairly interesting. Denis Kegler and Nick La Vecchia created a stencil out of their 8.5" x 11" paper, and went on a guerrilla art expedition documented by Polaroids. The enigmatic title, “Tanabis,” is a col­ lection of five photos and the stencil of a shad­ owy face. This image appears on a mailbox, a telephone pole, the corner of a building and other locations. Its a well-designed stencil, and


Each artist used a jingle sheet as a

the guerrilla art it spawned is a curious artistic presence appearing in nondescript places. Viewers of these art attacks will perhaps be seeing some of “the consciousness of chaos” outlined in the Jager DiPaola Kemp Design manifesto that appears on the Internet. “Tanabis,” as a multiple image appearing in seemingly unrelated sites, has its roots in precepts as familiar to commercial design as they are to guerrilla and graffiti artists. “Shim,” by James Landers, is one of several purely sculptural pieces in the show. Landers set up an elegantly appointed cafe table for two. Napkins match the deep purple tablecloth and chair seats, but under the table is a neatly folded piece of paper serving as a shim. It indicates a

hidden lack of balance, perhaps, or looks like a note waiting to be found. Either way, the simple act of placing the folded sheet of paper in that position gives the otherwise meaningless scene an ulterior layer of purpose. “100,” an installation by Michael Jager and Giovanna Di Paola Jager, is a companion to the exhibit that also uses 8.5" x 11" Xeroxes. These are much less ambiguous than anything else in the show. One hundred posters from the National Center for Missing and Endangered Children have been orga­ nized in groups of 20 on five sheets of plywood. These are laying side by side, just inches above the floor, across the installation gallery. Many of these small poster^feature a computer-generated ren­ dition of how the child would look sever­ al years after becoming an “endangered runaway,” or after the “non-family abduc­ tion” took place. “100” also asks a ques­ tion almost as a subtitle: “Do cultural communication standards condition us to make invisible what we do not wish to face?” T hat’s a particularly good question for designers to ask.themselves as they define those standards. The earliest-known paper airplane design dates from about 1907 — four years after the Wright brothers flew at Kitty Hawk. Even Leonardo Da Vinci couldn’t have come up with a paper air­ plane without seeing a real airplane first. “8.5" x 11"” demonstrates how varied responses to cre­ ative problems can be, but it also breaks no new creative ground. Single sheets of paper are just too complex to be fully understood. ©

starting point. From.

that lowly beginning, a rich array of art

“ 8 .5 " x 1 1 " ,” an e x h ib it of w o r k s b y d e s ig n e r s at J a g e r D iP a o la K e m p , c o n fin e d to o n e le tte r -s iz e d p ie c e of p a p e r. F ir e h o u s e C e n te r fo r th e V is u a l A rts , B u r lin g to n . T h ro u g h D e c e m b e r 3 .

O ctober 2 5 , 2 0 0 0

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“Critically panned” and “poorly reviewed” don’t begin to describe the reception Mimi (Deep Impact, The Peacemaker) Leder’s latest has gotten in the entertainment press. “Universally reviled” is more like it. For a film about the logarithmic power of love, it’s attracted a whole lotta hate. Pay It Forward isn’t entirely the toxic cliche dump its rep would suggest, however. For one thing, the cast is as good as it gets. Helen Hunt, for example, plays another down-on-her-luck wait­ ress struggling to make ends meet while raising a troubled son on her own. She could play this part in her sleep by now, but, to her credit, the actress is on full alert. Haley Joel Osment follows his astonishing turn in The Sixth Sense with an equally impressive and precocious performance. This time around, he doesn’t see dead people. He sees how people might make the world a nicer place in which to live. When his seventh-grade sociology teacher kicks off the year by challenging the class to come up with an idea that will change the world, he does the last thing the instructor expects. He takes the assignment seriously, and devises a golden rule for the new millennium: Pay it forward. W hat it means is, do something wildly nice for some­ one, with the condition that he

or she then does something wild­ ly nice for three other people. It’s a sort of pyramid scheme for universal peace and, not surpris­ ingly, the two people the boy wants to help most are his moth­ er and his teacher. Kevin Spacey could have phoned in his performance as well, but instead brings the occa­ sional zap of depth to what could have been a routine TV-movie kind of part. He’s smart, single and scarred for life. Literally. His face is blistered from burns he received as a child and, despite the rather blinding and humongous green light he gets from H unt romantically, the poor guy can’t quite trust enough to open up to her. Osment, of course, continues to work on the love connection throughout the film. The bond that’s forged between these three people is the core of the picture and virtually everything I liked about it. In a sense, this is a great, big, hokey, mediocre movie that happens to have a smaller and quite satisfy­ ing film inside it. That little movie in the middle of all the cliches and melodrama is the Pay It Forward I recommend. The rest is everything the pic­ ture’s many critics have claimed. And less. A bathos-bloated Grand Canyon lite, this film attempts to say something meaningful and optimistic at the dawn of the new century, but fails to do

much besides recycle lots of stereotypes and plot devices from the old one. Everything but the kitchen sink is thrown in. Nearly every character is an extreme specimen of some overly familiar type. W ithin the periphery of just one family, for example, we encounter a divorced mother who works as a waitress in a seedy bar and was abused sexual­ ly as a child, an abusive drunk of an ex-husband, a destitute heroin addict with a heart of gold, a father who physically abuses his son and an elderly mother who’s gone off to live among the homeless and drink herself to death. Sounds like something Oprah would nominate for a Pulitzer Prize. Thefe are other heartstringyanking developments, but I can­ not mention them, as they occur during that sacred place in the story — the end. Though, believe me, their only surprise is that the film’s creators would sink to them. I liked the story at the heart of Pay It Forward, I liked its cen­ tral performances, and I liked its sense of optimism. Leder displays courage by making, in such cyni­ cal times, a film suggesting each of us has the capacity to do infi­ nitely better. Personally, I’m not sure that’s actually true of every­ one. After watching her latest movie, though, I know it’s true of her. (7)

lo g on now f or : s h o w tim e s I p r e v ie w s I s h o rts I re v ie w s T \

u rew iew s BOOK O F S H AD O W S : BLAIR W ITCH 2 The

bad news is, this is just the first of at least two sequels on the way following the inexplicable success of the silly, unsatisfying original. The good news is, virtually no one involved in the making of that movie had anything to do with this one, so, technically there’s a chance it won’t blow. Oh, more dumb youngsters get lost in the woods. Starring Jeffrey Donovan and Kim Director. (R) LU C K Y N U M B ER S From chick-flick spe­ cialist Nora Ephron comes the story of a down-and-out weatherman who decides to make his personal forecast a tad sunnier by cheating on the lot­ tery. John Travolta, Lisa Kudrow and Chris Kattan star. (R) TH E LIT T LE V A M P IR E Jerry Maguire’s Jonathan Lipnicki stars in the story of a boy who discovers his best friend is a blood guzzler. Jim Carter costars. Uli Edel directs. (PG) s h o r t s * = REFUND, PLEASE ** = COULD’VE BEEN WORSE, BUT NOT A LOT *** = HAS ITS MOMENTS; SO-SO **** = SMARTER THAN THE AVERAGE BEAR ***** = AS GOOD AS IT GETS SIN GIN ’ IN T H E RAIN Possibly the most memorable movie in the history of Hollywood musicals, this 1951 mile­ stone features Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds and some of the most truly timeless showtunes ever written. (NR) KIRIKOU AN D T H E S O R C ER ES S Michel Ocelot directs this award-winning ani­ mated work which blends African folk­ tales to tell the mythical story of a boy whose village is put under a curse by a wicked witch. With a score by Youssou N’Dour. (PG) TH E C O N T E N D E R * * * * Gary Oldman is back after a short break from playing big-screen baddies. This time around, he’s a muckraking politician who attempts to thwart a female Senator’s

vice-presidential bid by digging up a sexual scandal in her past. Jeff Bridges and Joan Allen also star. Rod Lurie directs. (R) T H E GIRL ON T H E B R ID G E **1'2 Feel like something existential and French? May we recommend Patrice Leconte’s deli­ ciously dark-sounding story about a love affair between a circus knifethrower and a suicidal beauty who becomes his target. Daniel Auteuil and pop star Vanessa Paradis star. (R) T H E E X O R C I S T * * * * William Friedkin’s 1973 horror classic about two priests pestering the devil out of Linda Blair is now enjoying a well-deserved rerelease. (R) T H E H O LLO W M A N * * * Kevin Bacon and Elisabeth Shue are teamed in director Paul (Basic Instinct, Showgirls) Verhoeven’s update of H.G. Wells’ The Invisible Man. With Josh Brolin and Kim Dickens. (R) T H E P ER FEC T S T O R M * * * 1'2 Mark Wahl berg and George Clooney reteam for Wolfgang Petersen’s deep-sea adaptation of the Sebastian Junger best-seller about a boatload of fisher­ men who run head on into a Force 12 gale off the coast of Newfoundland. (PG-13) FIGH T C L U B * * * Brad Pitt and Edward Norton are teamed in the dark new film from Seven director David Fincher. Based on the best-selling novel by Chuck Palahniuk, the picture concerns an underground organization in which men meet to beat the post­ modern numbness out of each other. (R) B E D A Z Z L E D * * 1'2 Harold Ramis brings us this remake of a 1967 comedy in which Satan materializes in the form of a beautiful woman and offers to grant a loser seven wishes in exchange for his soul. Brendan Fraser and Elizabeth Hurley star. (PG-13) M E E T T H E P A R E N T S *1'2 In the latest from Jay (Austin Powers) Roach Robert De Niro is an intimidating ex-CIA oper­ ative. Ben Stiller is the prospective son-in-law who accompanies his

All shows daily uni-

daughter home for a first visit and finds himself on the wrong end of a grueling interrogation. With Teri Polo and Blythe Danner. (PG-13) A U S T IN PO W ERS : T H E S P Y W HO SH AG G ED M E * * * What could be groovi­

er? M.ike Myers is back as everybody’s favorite man of mystery. Heather Graham, Rob Lowe and Robert Wagner join him for this second battle between the farces of good and evil. (PG-13) LO S T S O U L S * * 1'2 It’s been a hell of a year for Satan at the movies. Film after film has offered apocalyptic visions of his return to and/or conquest of the Earth. He’s teamed with Winona Ryder and Ben Chaplin in this one, a thriller about a plot to help him take over the world by taking over the body of a human. Janusz Kaminski costars. (R) T H E LAD IES M A N * * 1'2 Director Reginald Hudlin helps Tim Meadows bring his popular SNL character to the big screen in this comedy about a politi­ cally incorrect talk-show host who’s fired because of his inappropriate behavior. With Shane Meadows and Will Ferrell. (R) DR. T. AN D T H E W O M E N *** The latest from legendary filmmaker Robert Altman chronicles the personal turmoil of a handsome gynecologist in the throes of a mid-life crisis. Richard Gere and Helen Hunt star. (R) R EM EM B ER T H E T I T A N S * * 1'2 Denzel Washington plays a tough-as-nails foot­ ball coach facing the task of forging one team out of two Alexandria, Virginia, high schools — one white and one black — brought together by forced integration in 1971. Will Patton costars. Boaz Yakin directs. (PG) C HICKEN R U N * * * The vocal stylings of Mel Gibson and Miranda Richardson are featured in this clay-animated adventure about a barnyard revolution from the Oscar-winning creators of “ Wallace and Gromit.” Peter Lord and 'N ick Park direct. (G) C O YO TE U G L Y * * * Cocktail meets

musket when his son is captured by Redcoats. Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger star. (R) U P AT T H E V I L L A * * 1'2 The English Patients Kristin Scott Thomas costars with Sean Penn in this romance about a woman looking for love in pre-WWII Florence. Based on a 1941 novella by W. Somerset Maugham. (PG-13) C E N T E R S T A G E * * * Nicholas ( The Madness of King George) Hynter directs the saga of a group of young dancers pursuing their dreams of bal­ let glory in New York. Amanda Schull and Peter Gallagher head the ensem­ ble cast. (PG-13)

Flashdance in the directorial debut of David McNally, the story of a rowdy New York City watering hole where spunky, ambitious babes serve you a drink and then hop up on the bar and dance for you while you down it. Hey, get your big toe out of my Bud. Piper Perabo, Tyra Banks and Maria Bello star. (PG-13) n e w o n v i d e o T H E P A T R I O T ***1'2 From the guys who

gave us Independence Day comes this Revolutionary War-era saga about a retired war hero who dusts off the ol’

the hoyts cinem as

F iL M Q u IZ

cosponsored by Lippa’s Jewelers

m a k in g

fa c e s

g ittJ te BIJOU CINEPLEX 1 -2 -3 -4

College Street, Burlington, 8 6 3 -9 5 1 5 .



Rt. 100, Morrisville, 8 8 8 -3 2 9 3 .

Shelburne Rd, S. Burlington, 8 6 4 -5 6 1 0 .

Wednesday 2 5 — thursday 2 6 Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me 9 (Wed. only). Groove 12:45, 3, 5, 7:20,10. Dr. T and the Women 1:10, 3:40, 6:50, 9:40. The Contender 12:30, 3:30, 6;30, 9:20. The Exorist 1, 3:50, 6:40, 9:30. Meet the Parents 12:40, 3:10, 7, 9:50. Remember the Titans 12:50, 3:20, 7-.10, 9:45. Early matinees Sat-Sun only.

friday 2 7 — tuesday 31 Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows* 12:45, 3, 5:10, 7:30, 9:50. The Yards* 12:40, 3:10, 6:50, 9:20. The Contender 12:30, 3:20, 6:30, 9:15. The Exorcist 1:20, 4 (not Sun.), 7 (not Fri,-Sun.), 10. Meet the Parents 1, 3:30, 7:10, 9:40. Remember the Titans 1:10, 3:45, 6:40, 9:30. Early matinees Sat-Sun only.


Wednesday 2 5 — thursday 2 6 Pay it Forward 1, 4:10, 6:50, 9:40. Bedazzled 1:45, 4:30, 7:20, 9:55. Lost Souls 1:30, 4:20, 7:15, 9:45. Ladies’ Man 1:40, 4:30, 7:215, 9:55. The Contender 1:15, 4, 6:40, 9:30. Meet the Parents 1:15, 3:50, 7, 9:50. Remember the Titans 1:30, 4:15, 7:10, 9:40. Almost Famous 1:10, 3:50, 6:50, 9:30. What Lies Beneath 1, 3:55, 6:40, 9:20.

Bedazzled 1:15, 3:55, 7:05, 9:35. Almost Famous 1:05, 3:40, 6:50, 9:30. Perfect Storm 1, 3:45, 6:40, 9:20. Bring it On 6:55, 9:25. Digimon the Movie 1:25, 4:10. Space Cowboys 1:10, 3:50, 6:40, 9:15. Matinees Sat-Sun only.

friday 2 7 — tuesday 31 Little Vampire* 1:25, 4:05, 7, 9:20. Lost Souls 1:10, 3:45, 6:50, 9:40. What Lies Beneath 1:05, 3:50, 6:40, 9:25. Dr. T and the Women 1, 6:40. Bedazzled 1:15, 3:55, 7:05, 9:35. Almost Famous 3:40, 9:30. Matinees Sat-Sun only.

Bedazzled 1:15, 3:20, 6:55, 9:05 Almost Famous 2:30, 6:50, 9. Digimon: The Movie 12:50, 4:30. Bring It On 1, 3:30, 7, 9:10. Remember the Titans 1:30, 3:40, 6:40, 8:50.

friday 2 7 — tuesday 31 Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows* 1:45, 3:45, 7.10, 9:10. Lucky Numbers* 1:35, 3:40, 6:55, 9. Little Vampire* 1:25, 3:30, 6:40, 8:30. Bedazzled 1:15, 3:15, 7, 9:05.

frida y 2 7 — tuesday 31 Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows* 1:30, 4:20, 7:20, 10. Lucky N um bers*!, 4, 6:40, 9:40. Little Vampire* 1:45, 4:45, 6:50, 9:20. Pay it Forward 1, 4:10, 6:50, 9:30. Bedazzled 1:45, 4:30, 7:10, 9:55. Ladies’ Man 1:40, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45. The Contender 1:15, 4, 6:40, 9:30. Meet the Parents 1:15, 3:50, 7, 9:50. Remember the Titans 1:30, 4:15, 7:10, 9:40.

Williston Road, S. Burlington, 8 6 3 -4 4 9 4 .

Wednesday 2 5 — thursday 2 6

Wednesday 2 5 — thursday 2 6

ETHAN ALLEN CINEMAS 4 North Avenue, Burlington, 8 6 3 -6 0 4 0 .

Wednesday 2 5 — thursday 2 6 Coyote Ugly 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 7, 9:15. Bless the Child 3, 9. Chicken Run 12:45, 2:45, 4:45, 7:30, 9:30. Dinosaur 1:30, 5:15, 7:15. The Patriot 1:15, 4:15, 8. Matinees Sat-Sun only.

frida y 2 7 — tuesday 31 Hollow Man 1, 4, 6:30, 9:15. Perfect Storm 1:15, 3:45, 6:15, 8:45. Coyote Ugly 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 6:45, 9:30. Chicken Run 12:45, 2:45, 4:45, 7, 9. Matinees Sat-Sun only.

Your job, as always, is to give us the names that belong to both.

fam ous fa c e


fam ous fa c e


® ro o p


2 n

THE SAVOY Main Street, Montpelier, 2 2 9 -0 5 0 9 .

Wednesday 2 5 — thursday 2 6

For more film fun don’t forget to watch “ Art Patrol” every Thursday, Friday and Sunday on News Channel 5!

5 g

Cecil B Demented 6:30 , 8:30 . Singin’ in the Rain (Thu only) 4.



friday 2 7 — tuesday 31 Kirikou and the Sorceress (Sat-Sun only) 4. Girl on the Bridge 1:30 (SatSun), 6:30 , 8:30.

Schedules for the following theaters are not available at press time. CAPITOL THEATRE 93 State Street, Montpelier, 2 2 9 -0 3 4 3 .








... "•




MAD RIVER FLICK Route 100, Waitsfield, 4 9 6 -4 2 0 0 .



MARQUIS THEATER Main Street, Middlebury, 3 8 8 -4 8 4 1 .



PARAMOUNT THEATRE 241 North Main Street, Barre, 4 7 9 -9 6 2 1 . SUNSET DRIVE-IN Colchester, 8 6 2 -1 8 0 0 . STOWE CINEMA Baggy Knees Shopping Ctr., Stowe, 253-4678. WELDEN THEATER 104 No. Main St., St. Albans, 5 2 7 -7 8 8 8 .


Time once again for our famous facial amalgam in which we fuse portions of two fam iliar faces into one complete stranger.


O ctober 2 5 ,, 2 0 0 0

.page 3 9 a


e ’re c e le b ra tin g s e v e n y e a r s o f p r o v id in g th e a r e a ’s b e s t h o m e a n d m o b ile e le c tro n ic e n t e r t a in m e n t p ro d u c ts w i t h a n

e n o rm o u s s a le . E v e r y t h i n g i n th e s to re w il l b e d is c o u n te d to once a y e a r p ric e s , in c lu d in g H i g h D e f in i t i o n T V s , b o rn e th e a te r s y s te m s a n d m o b ile a u d io a n d v id e o . C o m e a s k q u e s tio n s o f p e o p le w h o r e a lly u n d e r s t a n d c u t t in g e d g e te c h n o lo g y a n d g e t th e g e a r y o u r e a lly w a n t . I f y o u ’v e b e e n c o n s id e rin g b u y in g a b ig s c re e n T V , a s o u n d s y s te m , o r a s u r r o u n d -s o u n d s y s te m , Jr

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calendar ........ 2b classes ............7b

classifieds ....1 2 b straight dope.. 19b

story minute .. 19b troubletown.... 20b

red m e at............ 2 1b life in h e ll.........2 1b

astrology..............24b crossword...........24b

personals...........25b ethan green .. 26b

MO’ BETTER BLUES Chicago and the rural South may be better known for birthing blues musicians, but South Central L .A . can claim Kevin Moore, a .k .a . Keb’ M o’ . At 1 2 , he took up the guitar. More recently, he’s been taking home honor after prestigious honor. The two-time Grammy winner and triple W .C . Handy Blues Award recipient returns to Burlington in support of his latest release, The Door. Go on In. Friday, October 2 1. Flynn Center, Burlington, 8 p.m. $ 2 2 .5 0 $ 2 8 .5 0 . Info, 8 6 3 -5 9 6 6 .

by rick kisonak

GOOD CLEAN FUN Life was simpler in the good old days. That’s the way we tend to romanticize it, anyway. The harsh truth is, life was also harder, dirtier and usually shorter. In a lecture that harks back to Vermont’s famous flu pandem ic, Marilyn Blackwell makes the connection between public health and the development of welfare systems, sniffing out early sanitation strategies and other evidence the Green Mountain State was trying to clean up its act. Thursday, October 2 6 . Hall A, Given Building, UVM College of Medicine, Burlington, noon. Free. Info, 8 6 4 -6 3 5 7 .

NO DAY AT THE BEACH Talk about paradise lost and found. Just a few years ago, Melinda and Robert Blanchard were the successful but stressed-out owners of a Norwich-based gourmet food business. Then they treated themselves to a vacation on the Caribbean island of Anguilla, and stayed, opening a popular restaurant Their new book, A Trip to the Beach, details their culinary adventures in the Caribbean, including a tropical hurricane that made off with everything but the wine cellar. Thursday, October 2 6. Borders Books & Music, Burlington. 7 p.m. Free. Info, 8 6 5 -2 7 1 1 .




Just in time for Halloween, the famously flamboyant British ensemble Red Priest has concocted an unusual offering: a spirited program of baroque music enti­ tled “ Nightmare in Venice.” With a sort of ghouls-and-goblins greatest hits list, the 3-year-old group will dig into Vivaldi’s “ Nightmare Concerto,” Tartini’s “ The Devil’s Trill" and Falconiero’s “ The Battle of Satan and Barabas.” Should be one hell of a s h o w .. . .

If there’s anything the folks at Magic Hat enjoy more than making great beer, it’s dressing up in funny outfits. For years they’ve thrown the wildest Mardi Gras parade and party around. Now they’ re brewing up a whole new way to celebrate Halloween. “ Night of the Living Dead” marks the company’s sixth birthay and serves up a hopping concoction of music, dance, performance art and side-show entertainment. Five hundred bucks goes to the group with the best getup.

Stage fright takes on new meaning in the hands of Montpelier’s Lost Nation Theater. That is, it’s the audience that is likely to feel nervous during “ Edgar Allan Poe and Friends,” candlelight readings from the author’s most hair-raising works and those of other macabre-minded writ­ ers. bone-chilling organ accom pa­ niment, the performance is sure to earn raven reviews.

Friday, October 27 . UVM Recital Hall, Burlington, 7 :30 p.m. $ 18. Info, 6 5 6 -4 4 5 5 .

Friday, October 2 7 . Magic Hat Brewery, 5 Bartlett Bay Road, South Burlington, 9 p.m. $ 1 2 . Info, 6 5 8 -2 7 3 9 .

Tuesday, October 31. Unitarian Church, Montpelier, 7 :3 0 p.m. $ 1 0 . Info, 2 2 9 -0 4 9 2 .

calendar next page

C e n tra l V n n n o n t H in n a n e S o c , ^

fa r M a rk y o u r c a le n d a rs's th e b ig g e s t and th e b e s t!

7th A n n u a l


Auction S atu rd ay, O ctober 28th M o n tp elier E lk s Club R te 2, o p p o site A g w a y

A uctioneers Dick A tw ood a n d D ave M cCandless Over 300 New Item s (Open Bidding & Silent) A ls o , som e g re a t f u r n itu r e fro m D ic k A tw o o d 's C o lle c tio n ! J u s t som e o f th e ite m s : Tu bbs S n o w s h o e s • Pair o f La se r A X -C S to c k ll Skis • F a m ily W in te r Pass a t th e Th re e S ta llio n In n V T T ra n s it B o s to n Trip

• H o te l S ta ys • 2 -D a y G e t-a w a y to th e B asin H a rb o r Club • V T N o rth e rn W e ath erw orks • 2 -N ig h t S ta y a t B e a c h fro n t M o te l, Treasure Is la n d , Florid a • H a n d b lo w n Glassw are • Bird Feeders • N o rd ic Track E q u ip m e n t

• Ya n k e e Candles • S u g a rb u s h G lid e r

Ride • C le a rw a te r S p o rts G u id e d R ive r Trip • G ra nd V ie w W in e ry S e m in a r

• V e rm o n t S p e c ia lty B askets • Je w e lry • B o oks

• M assages • P e t S u p p lie s • S te p h e n H u n e c k , M ary A z a r ia n , R u th Pope a rtw o rk • D ay a t To p N o tc h Spa • G if t C e rtific a te s • and m ore

F o r m o r e in f o , c a ll 4 76 *38 11 _______



A sexy and vivacious musical comedy that’s filled with such memorable songs as “If M y Friends Could See Me Now,” “There’s G otta Be Something Better than This.” and, o f course, “Hey, Big Spender.” Some adult content/sm oking on stage. November 8 - 11, 15 - 19 at 7:30 pm November 11, 18 & 21 ar2pm

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book by Neil Simon, music by Cy Coleman, lyrics by Dorothy Fields

25 W ednesday m u s ic

9 a .m . P r e v ie w • 10a .m . B id d in g S ta rts

• Ski Passes t o S u g a rb u s h and K illin g to n •

Seven Days recommends you confirm ail calendar events, as times and dates may change after the paper is printed.

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C om e M eet a V e r m o n t T h r ille r

• Also, see listings in “Sound Advice.” M IN G U S BIG BAN D: T he 14m em ber big band carries on in the tradition o f Charles M ingus, using jazz as a means o f expressing political viewpoints. Flynn Center, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $18-28. Info, 863-5966. R U S T E D R O O T: T he Pittsburghbased band — and its primal rhythm section — is notorious for inducing a trance-like state. Lissen up at St. M ichael’s College, Colchester, 8 p.m. $18. Info, 654-2304. B O U T S ENSEM BLE: T his Austrian Baroque group features M iddlebury grad Stephanie Houtzeel singing arias from cantatas by H andel and Bach. C oncert Hall, M iddlebury College C enter for the Arts, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-3169. VAUGH AN RECITA L SERIES: Pianist H ow ard Pollack is in the hot seat for a lecture-dem onstration with the them e “C opland and the Creation o f an Am erican Style.” Faulkner Recital Hall, H opkins Center, D artm outh College, Hanover, N .H ., 12:30 p.m . Free. Info, 603-646-2422.

d ra m a ‘M IDW TVES’: Verm ont Stage C om pany births the stage version o f Chris Bohjalian’s best-selling novel. See story, this issue. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 8 p.m. $23. Info, 863-5966. H A U N T E D FO REST: Enjoy a dra­ m atic Halloween at this fright-filled fundraiser featuring stories, plays and other scary fare. Green M ountain A udubon Society, H untington, 7, 8, 9 &c 10 p.m. $7-11. Info, 434-3068. H O U SE O F HORRORS: “Halloween G uy” Rusty Trombley promises high-tech horror in surround sound. Sharp Offset Printing Building, C orner o f State and Cleveland Streets, Rutland, 8 p.m. $6.50. Info, 775-6887. ‘P R ID E ’S C R O S S IN G ’: Mabel Tidings Bigelow is a flapper-age adventurer who leaves her Boston world o f yachts and croquet to swim the English C hannel. Briggs O pera H ouse, W hite River Junction, 8 p.m. $15-26. Info, 291-9009. O N E -A C T PLAYS: Plattsburgh State students show their stuff in short plays they wrote, acted and directed. Studio T heatre, Myers Fine Arts Building, Plattsburgh, 8 p.m. $1. Info, 518564-2180.

J o e C it r o & T h eG ore F r i., O c to b e r 1

p m

Joe Citro, Verm ont’s keeper o f the creepy, is at it-again. His new novel, The Core, is about a wooden political candidate running fo r the W hite House. No wait, th a t’s reality! C itro’s book is really about Roger Newton, ex-newspaperman, who retreats to V erm ont’s fabled Northeast Kingdom. If C itro’s fictional scary stories aren’t enough fo r you, be sure to pick up a copy o f his new Verm ont G host Guide, a travel guide to all the hauntings he’s documented in Verm ont worth seeing. There’s also a great laminated map version, too. “A tightly structured and increasingly engrossing story o f the terror waiting quietly somewhere in the Green Mountains...[with] an ending inventive and unexpected enough to please even the most hardened readers o f fast-paced thrillers." — Vermont Life


T h e B o o k Bt a c k &. C h i l d r e n ' s P a g e s C h a m p l a i n M ill, W in o o s k i ( 8 0 2 ) 6 5 5 -0

,00,0*. kU:!^


October 2 5 , 2 0 0 0

film ‘A LICE & M A R T IN ’: Juliette Binoche and Alexis Loret star in this French film about a young m an haunted by his unfortunate upbring­ ing. C atam ount Arts, St. Johnsbury^ 7 p.m . $6. Info, 748-2600. ‘BU ENA VISTA SO C IA L C L U B ’: In a film that launched a Latin-loving craze, W im W enders docum ents the lives and exploits o f some o f Cuba’s m ost revered m usicians and singers. Burlington College, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 862-9616. ‘R U N , LOLA, R U N ’: A girl has 20 m inutes to sprint through Berlin and save her boyfriend in this fast-paced G erm an film. R utland Plaza Movieplex, 7 p.m . $7. Info, 775-5413. V IS IO N S O F T H E F U T U R E ’ D O U B L E FEATURE: In Gattaco, Ethan Haw ke and U m a T hurm an inhabit a genetically engineered world in w hich natural hum ans are the

oppressed minority. In Seconds, Rock H udson transform s his identity only to find his old and new selves at odds w ith each other. Spaulding A uditor­ ium , H opkins Center, D artm o u th College, Hanover, N .H ., 6:45 & 8:50 p.m . $6. Info, 603-646-2422.

a rt • Also, see exhibit openings in the art listings. FIG U R E D R A W IN G : T h e hum an figure m otivates aspiring and accom ­ plished artists in a weekly drawing ses­ sion on stage at M em orial A uditor­ ium , Burlington, 6-8:30 p.m . $3-6. Info, 865-7165. L U N C H T IM E L E C T U R E : Visiting professor John Yin chats about the characteristics o f Chinese painting. Fleming M useum , U V M , Burlington, 12:15 p.m. Free. Info, 656-0750. GALLERY TALK: T h e resident cura­ tor o f European art delivers an exhib­ it-related lecture, “Publication and Publicity: Portraits o f Authors, Artists and Architects.” H ood M useum o f Art, D artm outh College, Hanover, N .H ., 5 p.m. Free. Info, 603-6462426.

w o rd s B O O K D IS C U S S IO N : Readers get a feel for Arctic adventure via Peter H oeg’s Sm illas Sense o f Snow. C ham plain Senior Center, Burlington, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 658-3585. FLASH F IC T IO N 500: C om peting authors read short stories before a judgm ental audience in the poetryslam spirit. R hom bus Gallery, 186 College St., Burlington, 7:30 p.m . $5. Info, 865-9983.

k id s ‘T IN Y T O T S ’ ST O R Y T IM E : T he 3-and-under crowd shares social tim e and stories. Barnes & N oble, S. Burlington, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 864-8001. STO R Y T IM E : Little listeners enjoy tall tales. Pierson Library, Shelburne, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 985-5124. STO RY A N D C R A F T T IM E : Preschoolers aged 3 to 6 dabble in designs and drama. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10-10:45 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216. ‘C O M P U T E R F U N ’ PR O G R A M : Families w ith kids aged 3 to 6 get acquainted w ith the neighborhood school. Cham plain Elem entary School, Burlington, 3-4:30 p.m . Free. Register, 862-4311.

e tc H E PA T IT IS C L IN IC : A special grant program finances free hepatitis C screenings. C om m unity H ealth Center, 617 Riverside Ave, Burling­ ton, 3-8 p.m . Free. Register, 860-4323. D IS C U S S IO N SERIES: U V M H istorian Paul Searls weighs in on the V erm ont Historical Society’s current exhibit, Generation o f Change: Verm ont 1 8 2 0 -1 8 5 0 . Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 7-9 p.m . $5. Register, 828-2291. ‘D A D S D O N ’T BABYSIT!’ W O R K ­ S H O P : T h e second o f this four-part interactive series is about fitting fatherhood into real life. M cClure M ulti-G enerational Center, Burling­ ton, 6:30-8:30 p.m . Free. Info, 864-7467. F O O D T A S T IN G : Organizers encourage you to sam ple dishes pre­ pared w ith cancer-fighting fruits, veg­ etables and soy products — in hopes you’ll give som ething back for dessert. Red Cross Blood Center, 32 N . Prospect St. Burlington, 11:30 a.m . -

1 p.m . Free. Info, 658-6400. ‘SEX, C E L L U L IT E A N D H IV ’: An AID S activist, poet and founder o f the W om en’s Wellness Fund, River H uston discusses how being H IV -pos­ itive has affected her sexuality. Flem ing M useum , U V M , Burlington, 7:30 p.m . Free. Info, 800-649-2437. N E IG H B O R H O O D TALK: C oncerned about trash, noise distur­ bance or problem properties in your neighborhood? T h e local code enforcem ent officer lays down the law. Burlington Emergency Food Shelf, 68:30 p.m. Free. Info, 658-2704 ext. 220. H E A L T H CAREERS O P E N H O U S E : Explore em ploym ent options in the health field w ith cur­ rent students and professionals. Adams, Fletcher Allen H ealth Care, Burlington, 5-7 p.m . Free. Info, 865-6469. V O L U N T E E R IN G SE SSIO N : T here are m yriad ways to help out at the hospital. G et a briefing in Burgess Assembly Hall, M edical C enter Cam pus, B urlington, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 847-2278. C A N D ID A T E F O R U M : State sena­ torial candidates field questions from all comers in a forum m oderated by Kristin Kelly. B urlington C ity Hall A uditorium , 6:30-9:30 p.m. Free. Info, 864-0555. F IN A N C IA L A ID PR E SEN T A ­ T IO N S : T h e V erm ont S tudent Assistance C orporation gives parents and college-bound students the lowdow n on higher education. Rice M em orial H igh School, S. Burlington, 7 p.m . Free. Info, 800-642-3177. H IS T O R Y TALK: Listeners learn about the role Jericho Corners H istoric D istrict has played in their tow n’s developm ent. D eborah Rawson M em orial Library, Jericho, 7:30 p.m . Free. Info, 899-4982. ‘A N D Y F U N D ’ D IN N E R : A gourm et dinner honors the m em ory o f A ndy N elson by raising m oney to research a deadly form o f brain cancer. Swift H ouse Inn, M iddlebury, 6 p.m. $100. Info, 388-9925. ‘E A R T H C H A R T E R ’ F O R U M : T he author o f a docum ent touted as “a people’s treaty to inspire sustainable living” discusses its evolution. Kirk Center, M iddlebury College, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 388-7200. C IV IL U N IO N S D IS C U S S IO N : V erm onters prom inent in the civil unions debate take positive stands on the m atter. H errick A uditorium , Castleton State College, 6:30-9:30 p.m . Free. Info, 468-1473. SU M M ER S C H O O L W O RK SH O P: Parents learn how sum m er sessions can benefit their kids. H ospital Board Room , Barre, 6:30-8:30 p.m . Free. Register, 800-639-7170. L IN C O L N A SSA SSIN A TIO N TALK: A historian takes a deeper look into the details surrounding the death o f the beloved president. Jones M em orial Library, O rleans, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 545-4954. H E A L T H L E C T U R E : Learn how to get fit — fast — at a talk entitled “H a lf H o u r to Better H ealth.” C hiropractic W orks, Burlington, 5:20 p.m . Free. Info, 864-5000.

th u rs d a y m u s ic • See listings in “S ound Advice.” W O O D ’S T E A CO M PA N Y : T he V erm ont-based folk faves bring their


VERMONT INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL A C e le b r a tio n o f C r a fts & . C u ltu re s Enjoy food, dance, crafts & music from around the worid

D e c e m b e r 1- 3, MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM Burlington, Vermont • Admission $3 • Info: 802-863-6713

FOUR-HAND SWING Edmund Neimann and Nurit Tides were key players in Steve Reich’s ensemble, but the pianists went duo, with repertoire ranging from Meredith Monk to Mozart. Their Thursday night concert at the Hopkins Center features the United States premiere of

traditional acoustic m usic and easy rapport to the Dewey C am pus Center, Johnson State College, 8 p.m . Free. Info, 635-1478. BO B KELLER: T he M ontgom ery singer mixes originals and covers into a set o f acoustic folk, jazz and blues. T he Kept W riter Bookshop and Cafe, St. Albans, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 527-6242. ‘D O U B L E E D G E ’ P IA N O D U O : Dueling, er, duo pianists E dm und N iem ann and N u rit Tilles run through a repertoire ranging from M eredith M onk to M ozart. Spaulding A uditorium , H opkins Center, D artm outh College, Hanover, N .H ., 8 p.m . $15. Info, 603-646-2422.

d ra m a ‘M ID W IV E S ’: See O ctober 25. ‘P R ID E ’S C R O S S IN G ’: See O ctober 25. ■!, •: ? - *' H O N E -A C T PLAYS: See O ctober 25. ‘H A M L E T ’: Students and alum ni join to present Shakespeare’s dark dram a o f deception and existential angst. W right T heatre, M iddlebury College, 8 p.m . $3-5. Info, 443-6433. ‘D RA CULA: T H E M U SICA L’: T he C ount is counting on skewering the guests in a com edic take on the Transylvanian tale. Hyde Park O pera House, 7 p.m . $10. Info, 888-2362.

film ‘A LICE & M A R T IN ’: See O ctober 25. V E R M O N T IN T E R N A T IO N A L FILM FESTIVAL: T his year’s festival focuses on holocaust em igration, British docum entary anim ation, clas­ sic Japanese cinem a and capital p u n ­ ishm ent. See insert for com plete schedule. Venues around Burlington, $4-10. Info, 660-2600. SIL E N T FILM FESTIVAL: This week’s feature is N o sfem tu — the first and, for som e critics, the best screen version o f Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Palace T heatre, Lake Placid, N.Y., 7:30 p.m. $10-15. Info, 518576-2063. ‘EAST PALACE, W E S T PALACE’: A young w riter is interrogated for propositioning an undercover cop in this Chinese film by Z hang Yuan. Loew A uditorium , H opkins Center, D artm outh College, Hanover, N .H ., 7 p.m. $6. Info, 603-646-2422.

a rt • See exhibit openings in the art list­ ings.

w o rd s ‘A T R IP T O T H E B E A C H ’: In their new book about opening a Caribbean restaurant, Verm onters M elinda and Robert Blanchard share their recipes for success — and disaster. See “to do” list, this issue. Borders, C hurch Street Marketplace, B urlington, 7 p.m . Free. Info, 865-2711.

A n tip ho ny fo r Two P ianos,

by Tom Pierson.

‘LIVE N U D E W O R D S ’: Organizers assure this literary event will be “in the spirit o f the poetry slam m inus the rules, the points and the com peti­ tio n .” C lub M etronom e, Burlington, 7 p.m . $3-6. Info, 862-9198. J O H N D EA N E: T h e founder o f the N ational Poetry Society o f Ireland delivers a lecture titled, “M anhandling the Diety: Discovering the G odhead T hrough Poetry.” Farrell Room, St. E d m u n d ’s Hall, St. M ichael’s College, Colchester, 7:30 p.m . Free. Info, 654-2535. U V M A U T H O R S SERIES: Eric Rickstad kicks o ff the new-workfocused series w ith a sample from his debut novel, Reap. U V M M ontpelier Regional Center, City Center, 7-8 p.m . Free. Info, 800-870-0388. A M O N G A N G E L IC O R D E R S ’: C entral V erm ont author and poet Susan T hom as reads her short story about a N ew York party attended by the living — and the dead. Institute for Social Ecology, M aple Hill, Plainfield, 7:30 p.m . Free. Info, 454-8493. P O E T R Y W O R K S H O P : Local poet David W einstock shares w riting tips w ith aspiring authors. Today’s topic is “Finding T im e to W rite.” Ilsley Public Library, M iddlebury, 1 p.m . Free. Info, 388-7523.

k id s H A L L O W E E N ST O R Y T IM E : A reading o f Trick o f Treat: I t ’s Halloween •and A Woogle o f W itches gets kids into the spooky spirit. C ostum ed listeners get a special treat. Barnes & Noble, S. B urlington, 3:30 p.m . Free. Info, 864-8001. S O N G A N D ST O R Y T IM E : Threes are com pany at this singing read-along for babies and toddlers. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216.

s p o rt R O C K C L IM B IN G S L ID E SH O W : A couple o f writer-clim bers talk up the views from out-of-the-w ay o u t­ crops in C uba and Madagascar. Billings Theatre, U V M , Burlington, 7:30 p.m . $8. Info, 657-3872. BIKE R ID E : H elm ets are de rigueur for cycle enthusiasts on a terrain-tack­ ling ride into the sunset. M eet at Alpine Shop, M iddlebury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 388-7547.

e tc H A U N T E D FO R EST: See O ctober 25. M E D IC A L H IS T O R Y SERIES: M arilyn Blackwell looks back to V erm ont’s experim ent in creating “sanitary districts” following the flu epidem ic. See “to do” list, this issue. Given Building, U V M Medical School, B urlington, noon. Free. Info, 864-6357.

A SIA N -A M ERICA N SY M PO SIU M : Presenters profile a variety o f “homes away from hom e” Asian-Americans have built both physically and em o­ tionally. N orth Lounge, Billings, U V M , Burlington, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-0799. PANEL D IS C U S S IO N : Learn about T ourette’s and Asperger’s syndromes — two neurological disorders that result in inappropriate behavior. * M arsh Lounge, Billings, U V M , Burlington, noon - 1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-8280. W O M E N ’S L IB ER A TIO N SE M I­ NA R: A ttorney Sandra Baird retraces the steps that led to so-called “w om en’s liberation.” M emorial Lounge, W aterm an, U V M , Burling­ ton, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-4389. SM ALL BU SIN ESS PRESEN TA ­ T IO N : Small business owners get the scoop on retirem ent planning. 316 D elehanty Hall, Trinity College, Burlington, 7:30-9 a.m. $25. Info, 877-770-8922. D ISA B IL ITIE S R IG H T S TALK: A uthor and poet Laura Hershey deals w ith disability legislation in a talk on getting “Beyond Barriers.” Interna­ tional C om m ons, St. M ichael’s College, Colchester, 7 p.m . Free. Info, 654-2535. B U D D H IS T TALK: A Tibetan Buddhist “m aster teacher” covers the “Four N oble T ruths.” M ontpelier Sham bhala Center, M ain St., 7 p.m. $7. Info, 223-5435. SALEM W IT C H TRIALS TALK: Lori Lee W ilson, author o f The Salem W itch Trials, H o w H istory is Invented,

sheds light on a bygone eerie era. G ilbert H art Library, W allingford, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 297-1886. T O A STM A ST E R S M E E T IN G : W annabe public speakers develop com m unication and leadership skills at the Best W estern Conference Center, S. Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 872-0135. A D IR O N D A C K S C E N IC RAIL­ RO A D : View high-peaks foliage from the rails on a run between Lake Placid and Saranac Lake. Lake Placid, N.Y., 11 a.m ., 1:45 & 4:15 p.m. Saranac Lake, N.Y., 12:15, 3 & 5:30 p.m. $10. Info, 315-724-0700. E N V IR O N M E N T A L L U N C H SERIES: Geographer Bill Hegm an beholds a Bulgarian take on biodiver­ sity planning and m anagem ent. Gifford-Annex Lounge, M iddlebury College, 12:20-1:20 p.m . Free. Info, 443-5710. E M O T IO N S A N O N Y M O U S : W om en suffering from depression, anxiety or other problem s get support through a 12-step program . 86 Lake Street, Burlington, 6-7 p.m . Free. Info, 644-1970.

Continued on next page

Make your Baby a


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79 Main Street Montpelier m on 10-5 tues-sat 10-6 sun 12-4 802- 223-BABY w w w .zu tan o .co m October


2000 .


p ag e


Continued from page 3b SEXUAL ASSAULT SU RV IV O RS G R O U P : Victim s o f violence sup­ port and educate their peers. Puffer U nited M ethodist C hurch, M orrisville, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 888-5256.

m u s ic • Also, see listings in “Sound Advice.” W O O D ’S T E A C O M PA N Y : See O ctober 26, W arren Town Hall, 7:30 p.m. $5. Info, 496-9714. KEB M O : T h a t’s M ister M o to you. T he tw o-tim e G ram m y w inner for­ merly known as Kevin M oore serves blues straight up. See “to do” list, this issue. Flynn Center, Burlington, 8 p.m . $22.50-28.50. Info, 863-5966. RED PRIEST: T he dram atically dif­ ferent baroque quartet takes the Lane Series stage w ith a Halloween special o f scary selections. See “to do” list, this issue. U V M Recital Hall, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $18. Info, 656-3085. A FL E E T IN G A N IM A L’: W agner meets w oodchuck in the opera ver­ sion o f Judevine, w ith m usic by Erik Nielson and libretto by David Budbill. Vergennes O pera House, 8 p.m. $15. Info, 223-8610. K A TH ER IN E Q U IN N : T h e long­ time local fave folkie perform s at Borders, C hurch Street M arketplace, Burlington, 8 p.m . Free. Info, 865-2711. JO S H B R O O K S: T he country folk songwriter plays originals from his disc-in-progress. T h e Kept W riter Bookshop and Cafe, St. Albans,.7 p.m. Free. Info, 527-6242. REBECCA PADULA: T h e singing guitarist presents an evening o f con­ tem porary folk, jazz and blueg'rass. Deerleap Books, Bristol, 7-9 p.m . Free. Info, 453-5684. Y ‘T H E A T R E O F V O IC E S ’: Founder Paul Hillier directs the five-voice ensemble in medieval G reek and

dance H A LL O W EE N LA TIN D A N C E PARTY: DJ Jose mixes classic Latin sounds w ith fresh hits at the St. John’s Club, 9 C entral Ave., Burlington, 9 p.m . - 1:30 a.m. $5. Info, 658-8743. SALSA D A N C E BEN EFIT: Las Estrellas del C om bo C horno, a 12piece salsa outfit from Puerto Rico, stir it up for the people o f Vieques — site o f a U.S. testing range. Haybarn Theater, G oddard College, Plainfield, lessons at 8 p.m ., dance at 9 p.m. $10. Info, 229-9408.

a rt • See exhibit openings in the art list­ ings.

w o rd s

d ra m a ‘M ID W IV E S ’: See O ctober 25. ‘P R ID E ’S C R O S S IN G ’: See O ctober 25. ^ O N E -A C T PLAYS: See O ctober 25. “ H A M L E T ’: See O ctober 26. ‘DRA CULA: T H E M U SICAL’: See O cto b el 26. ‘T H E T H R A L L S O F C T H U L H U ’: An abandoned estate turns up tales o f tragedy and death in this original production from Colchester. Burling­ ton C ity Hall A uditorium , 8 p.m. $10. Info, 655-9050. ‘A R S E N IC A N D O L D LACE’: Two elderly sisters devise a plan for dis­ patching lonely old m en in this poisonously wicked com edy from the Essex C o m m unity Players. Memorial Hall, Essex Center, 8 p.m . $10. Info, 879-4708. ‘D E A T H IS A C A B A R ET ’: A night­ club-style mystery theater invites guests to guess “w hodunit.” N orth H ero House, 6:30 p.m. $42.95. Info, 372-4732. '.... 1 . • :

film V E R M O N T IN T E R N A T IO N A L FILM FESTIVAL: See O ctober 26. TEN COM M ANDM ENTS M O V IE SERIES: A 10-part series m ade for Polish television illustrates , each o f the com m andm ents. In part five, a young lawyer grapples w ith his client’s random m urder and the death

JO E C IT R O : V erm ont’s keeper o f the creepy presides at two events on the eve o f Halloween. He swaps spir­ ited stories w ith seniors at the Cham plain Senior Center, M cClure M ulti-G enerational Center, Burling­ ton, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 658-3585. T hen he signs his reissued novel, The Gore, at the Book Rack, C ham plain Mill, W inooski, 7 p.m . Free. Info, 655-0231.

k id s ‘C O S T U M E PAJAMARAMA’: Parents and kids cuddle up w ith a good book at this pro-pajam a event. W ear your Halloween costum e for extra fun. Barnes & Noble, S. Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 864-8001. ‘W ISE GAL’ T E E N TAROT: Teens and pre-teens get divine inspiration from tarot cards, palmistry, tea leaves and Chinese zodiac. Barnes & Noble, S. Burlington, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 864-8001. P U M P K IN CARV ING C O M P E T I­ T IO N : Kids get into their gourds at the Studio Place Arts, Barre, 6:30 p.m . Free. Info, 479-7069. E N C H A N T E D FO REST: The M ontshire M useum lends dark dram a to a forest tour that is educa­ tional and entertaining. M ontshire M useum , N orw ich, 5:30, 5:50, 6:10, 6:30, 7, 7:20 & 7:40 p.m . $6.50. Register, 649-2200.

e tc H A U N T E D FO REST: See O ctober 25. A D IR O N D A C K S C E N IC RAIL­ ROAD: See O ctober 26.

C lu b M e T R o N o M e S P O O K Y






WED. 10.25

Club Metro.




2 i

Friday 10/27-Thursday 11/2 6:30 & 8:30 Sat & Sun also at 1:30


Kevin Thomas. LOS ASCEl.ES TIMES

‘S E X IE R T H A N S E X !’


J|gj J|



9P.M .





SAT 10/28

9 P.M.



SUN 10/29

q.8 P.M.


G IR L on the B R ID G E ^ A Patrice Leconte Film



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9 P.M.


2 6 M a in S t / M o n t o e l i e r / 2 2 9 - 0 5 0 9

w w w .sav o y th e ate r.c o m


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Francis Dunnery 7pm, $io Retronome

S a tu rd a y m u s ic • Also, see listings in “Sound Advice.” K IN G S T O N T R IO : Crisp threepart harm onies are the hallm ark o f the perennially popular group playing since their 1958 release “Tom Dooley.” N ew H am pshire’s Shaw Brothers open. Flynn Center, B urlington, 8 p.m . $23.50-27.50. Info, 863-5966. IR E N E FARRERA: T he Venezuelan vocalist, guitarist and songwriter showcases the percussive playing that permeates her new release, Soy de Ti. Burlington Coffeehouse, 186 College, St., 8:30 p.m . $8. Info, 864-5888. W O O D C H U C K ’S REVENGE: D irect from Pittsford, the bluegrass band plays acoustic tunes off their latest album , F ill O ne Room. Borders, C hurch Street M arketplace, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 865-2711. A F T E R D A R K ’ M U S IC SERIES: Ray W ylie H ubbard paints a musical canvas w ith shadings o f Texas folk, blues and country music. Town Hall Theater, M iddlebury, 7 p.m. $16-18. Info, 388-0216. R E D W IN G : H ear hom egrow n folk and country m usic played on fiddle and m andolin. C handler Music Hall Gallery, Randolph, 8 p.m. $12-20. Info, 728-9133. KELLY M O O R E : T he singing gui­ tarist blends original folk, jazz and Celtic flavors in acoustic and classical guitar arrangem ents. Enosburg Falls O pera H ouse, 8 p.m . $9. Info, 933-6171. ' ' : ; 4’ ' P IA N O C O N C E R T : Classical pianist Alison C erutti tickles the ivories in a program o f works by C hopin, Ravel and Debussy. Barre O pera House, 8 p.m . $12. Info, 476-8188. H A L L O W E E N BALL: T he South C atherine St. Jug Band transform s the Strand T heatre into a cobwebcovered cave, com plete w ith grotesque grooves. Strand Theatre, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 8 p.m. $10-12. Info, 518-566-7185.

9 pm, $2

^Nigel Gw D ad 9 piri|;:$ |




1 8 3 m a in s tb u rlin g to n 8 6 5 4 5 6 3



25, 2000


with each order of... Fresh Gtmjer,<flsian or Traditional Cochtails and 1 6 oz. beers.




every Friday y O U R CHOICE OF: 3 Sushi Slices 3 Dumplings

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followed by our Top Hat Entertainment DJ$

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/G: S litjjio .29

Halloween Party 9 P.M.

LI VE MUSIC Good Growth

9 pin, $2

M Q N . l p .30

(Guinea) TUE 11/1

Thriller w/D1 Naughty 8. and Special Ghouls h;; 9 pm, $5

Sunday Night Mass


4 p i \a

K irik o u & t h e S o rc e re s s


^ o rld Cinema Ser|es.... S at &

MON 10/30

L iv e N u d e W o rd s

■ ■ 9 pm, $3



9 pm, KC-:v|;

7-8 pm, $3-6


THU 10/26



Moonflower &fefie






w/DJs Frostee,: T H U R .1Q .25

E 3 WED 10/2S

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Shows: Every other Thurs. at Club Metronome (11/16,11/30) 7pm, $5

‘N IG H T O F T H E L IV IN G D E A D ’: Expect a “chaotic chem istry o f perform ance art, music, dance and side-show entertainm ent” at this heady Halloween event. See “to do” list, this issue. Magic H at Brewing Com pany, S. Burlington, 9 p.m . 1 a.m. $10-12. Info, 658-2739. H A U N T E D H O U S E : T he them e o f this teen-centered terrorfest is an alien invasion at 242 M ain, Burling­ ton, 3-6 p.m. $1. Info, 864-0123. FALL C R A FT A N D F IN E A RT SH O W : Four hundred juried artisans help you get a head start on holiday shopping at one o f the biggest craft festivals around. Cham plain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, noon 8 p.m. $5. Info, 878-4786. E N V IR O N M E N T A L S Y M P O ­ SIU M : Lawyerly types take up the environm ental effects o f war, includ­ ing cyber warfare and nuclear weapons. Chase C om m unity Center, Verm ont Law School, S. Royalton, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. $10. Info, 7638303 ext. 2314. ‘W O M E N ’S CREATIVE CELE­ B R A T IO N ’: Addison C ounty W om en in Crisis invite females o f all ages to share their talents in music, literature and art. Ilsley Library, M iddlebury, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 388-4305. C O R P S O F C A D ET S PARADE: You could probably bounce a quarter off this tight display o f m ilitary for­ m ations — but it’s not recom m end­ ed. N orw ich University, N orthfield, 1 p.m. Free. Info, 485-2080. G L B T Q S U P P O R T G R O U P : Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and questioning youth make new friends and get support. O u tright Verm ont, Burlington, 6:30-9 p.m. Free. Info, 800-452-2428. BA TTERED W O M E N ’S S U P ­ P O R T G R O U P : Battered W om en’s Services and Shelter facilitates a group in Barre, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 223-0855.

sentence imposed to punish it. Room LL7, C om m unity College o f Ver­ m ont, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 865-4422. ‘S H O W E R ’: Sons and fathers — and a traditional bathhouse — lend this Chinese com edy its laughs. C ata­ m ount Arts, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $6. Info, 748-2600.

Russian choral cham ber works and the w orld premiere o f a piece by H ow ard Skem pton. C oncert Hall, M iddlebury C enter for the Arts, 8 p.m . $5-10. Info, 443-6433.


St. Paul • 651-3000

1 6 3 Ch u rch S t r e e t $ 6 4 -9 3 2 4

WdMUiE dance


D RA G BALL: O u trig h t V erm ont sponsors on an evening o f gender­ bending dress up. M em orial A uditor­ ium, Burlington, 7 p.m . $4-5. Info, 865-9677. PIL O B O L U S T O O : Two m em bers o f the shape-changing com pany pro­ vide an evening o f intim ate duets and solos from the repertoire. D ance T heatre, M iddlebury C enter for the Arts, 8 p.m. $5-10. Info, 443-6433. H A LL O W EE N C O N T R A D A N C E : C hip H edler calls a cos­ tum ed com m unity dance, w ith accom panim ent from T he Zillionaires. Holley Hall, Bristol, 8 p.m . $6. Info, 388-4548.

• Also, see exhibit openings in the art listings. H E IR L O O M APPRAISAL: Appraisers tell you w hat it’s w orth — jewelry, furniture or any old thing — and the Fleming M useum benefits in the bargain. Fleming M useum , U V M , Burlington, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. $7 per item. Info, 656-0750. G U ID E D T O U R S : G et a good look at Barre’s new com m unity center for the visual arts. Studio Place Arts, Barre, 2-5 p.m. Free. Info, 479-7069.

kids C O S T U M E M A K IN G : Reconfigure your old paper towel tubes, bubble wrap and old clothes into a terrify­ ingly terrific costume. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10 a.m. - noon. Free. Register, 865-7216. ‘T H E W IL D T H I N G ’ HA L­ L O W E E N PARTY: T he costum ed creature delivers treats to kids who m ay or m ay n o t be costum ed. Book Rack, C ham plain Mill, W inooski, 11 a.m. - noon. Free. Register, 655-0231.

drama ‘M ID W IV E S ’: See O ctober 25. ‘P R ID E ’S C R O S S IN G ’: See O ctober 25. ‘H A M L E T ’: See O ctober 26, 2 & 8 p.m. ‘D RA CU LA : T H E M U SICA L’: See O ctober 26. A R S E N IC A N D O L D LACE’: See O ctober 27, 2 & 8 p.m. ‘T H E T H R A L L S O F C T H U L H U ’: See O ctober 27. ‘A F L E E T IN G A N IM A L’: See O ctober 27. ‘BYE BYE LOVE’: Guests blend into the dram a as attendees at a high school reunion from the ’50s solve a mystery. T he entertainm ent is packed w ith sock-hopping hits. N o rth H ero House, 6:30 p.m . $42.95. Info, '372-4732.

sport W IN O O S K I RIV ER BIKE FERRY: C atch a boat ride that doubles the distance o f the Burlington bike path. W inooski River, 10 a.m. - sunset. $1. Info, 652-2453. CAM EL’S H U M P H IK E : Enjoy views, back country ponds and ridge­ line scrambles on V erm ont’s m ost distinctive peak. M eet the Burlington section o f the Green M ountain Club at the R ichm ond Park and Ride, 8:30 a.m. Free. Register, 872-0042. W O R K H IK E : W ear sturdy duds on a Long Trail w ork hike w ith the M ontpelier section o f the Green M ountain Club. M eet at the rear parking lot o f M ontpelier High School, 8 a.m. Free. Register, 223-1406.

film V E R M O N T IN T E R N A T IO N A L FILM FESTIVAL: See O ctober 26. ‘S H O W E R ’: See O ctober 27. ‘CABARET BALKAN’: Hear a series o f self-contained stories against the backdrop o f brutality, terror and misogyny from war-torn Kosovo. Dana Auditorium, M iddlebury College, 3 & 8 p.m. Free. Info, 443-3169. ‘B U T T ER FLY ’: T his film centers on the education o f a shy little boy in Spain as Franco’s fascist party comes to power. Loew A uditorium , H opkins Center, D a rtm o u th College, Hanover, N .H ., 7 & 9:15 p.m . $6. Info, 603-646-2422.

etc H A U N T E D FO REST: See O ctober 25. H O U S E O F H O R R O R S : See O ctober 25, 6 p.m. A D IR O N D A C K S C E N IC RAIL­ RO A D : See O ctober 26.

‘H A U N T E D P L A N E T ’: See O ctober 27. FALL C R A FT A N D F IN E ART SH O W : See O ctober 27, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. STAM P E X H IB IT IO N : Philatelists come out o f the woodw ork to view stamps and collect a special “cancella­ tion” featuring the ship Samuel de Cham plain sailed to N orth America. Christ the King School, Burlington, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-9267. F O O D A N D H EA LTH FAIR: Check out alternative health offerings including spinal screenings, astrology readings and chair massages. M oon M eadow M arket, S. Burlington, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m . Free. Info, 862-9000. W O R K O U T F O R T H E C U R E ’: Benefit spiritually and physically when you step, spin and sweat to raise funds for breast cancer research. Twin Oaks Clubs, S. Burlington, 8-10:15 a.m. D onations. Info, 658-0001. M A SQ U ER A D E BALL: Salsa to the sounds o f Puerto Rico’s 10-piece Las Estrellas de C om bo C horno in a masked dance to benefit Very Special Arts Vermont. Shelburne Farms Coach Barn, 8 p.m. - m idnight. $25. Info, 655-7772. P U M P K IN L IG H T IN G : Prizes, hayrides, m usic and treats greet trick­ sters w ho bring their own jack-olanterns for display. Taylor Park, St. Albans, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 524-2444. B E N E F IT A U C T IO N : Bids on art, skis, and hotel stays help shelter furry friends at the Central Verm ont H um ane Society. M ontpelier Elks Club, Route 2, 9 a.m. Free. Info, 244-1588. F O O D A N D W ELLN ESS FAIR: Sample specialty and natural foods as well as stress-busting concoctions at H unger M ountain Food Coop, M ontpelier, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m . Free. Info, 223-800.0. C R A FT FAIR: Shoppers browse for bargains am idst a harvest o f hand­ made items. W estford Elem entary School, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m . Free. Info, 878-3090. JO H N BROW N LECTURE SERIES: H istorian and author Loren

Katz wraps up the series w ith a sur­ vey o f support for black freedom. John Brown Farm State H istoric Site, Lake Placid, N.Y., 2-4 p.m . Free. Info, 518-962-4781. W IN E T A ST IN G : G et in touch w ith your inner oenophile at an introduction to various vini. W ine Works, 133 St. Paul St., Burlington, 1-5 p.m. 50tf per taste. Info, 951-9463. OVEREATERS A N O N Y M O U S : Addicted to eating? T he issue o f food abuse is on the table at Lawrence Library, Bristol, 9:30 a.m. Free. Info, 453-2368. FARM ERS’ M A RK ETS: Look for Verm ont-grown agricultural products and crafts at open-air booths. Burlington C ity Hall Park, 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m . Info, 888-889-8188. C orner o f Elm and State Streets, M ontpelier, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m . Info, 426-3800. M arble W orks Com plex, M iddlebury, 9 a.m. - noon. Info, 948-2576. D epot Park, Rutland, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m . Free. Info, 773-5778.

4hnk v /

Sunday music • Also, see listings in “Sound Advice.” A N D R E A S T H E IL : T h e pianist tackles two towering works for the keyboard: a Schubert piano sonata and the Partita Variations o f George Rochberg. St. Paul’s C athedral, Burlington, 3 p.m . $8-10. Info, 864-0471. VAUGH AN RECITA L SERIES: H ear traditional m usic o f N ew and O lde England origins played on ham m ered dulcimer, harp and fiddle. Faulkner Recital Hall, H opkins Center, D artm o u th College, Hanover, N .H ., 4 p.m . Free. Info, 603-646-2422.

dance PIL O B O L U S T O O : See O ctober 28, 2 p.m.

drama ‘M ID W IV E S ’: See O ctober 25, 2 & 8 p.m . ‘P R ID E ’S C R O S S IN G ’: See O ctober 25, 5 p.m. ‘H A M L E T ’: See O ctober 26. ‘D RA CU LA : T H E M U SICAL’: See O ctober 26, 2 p.m . $5. ‘A R S E N IC A N D O L D LACE’: See O ctober 27, 5 p.m . ‘A F L E E T IN G A N IM A L’: See O ctober 27, C handler M usic Hall, R andolph, 3 p.m . $10.

film V E R M O N T IN T E R N A T IO N A L FILM FESTIVAL: See O ctober 26. ‘S H O W E R ’: See O ctober 27. ‘T H E T H IN G ’: A shape-changing space alien attacks an A ntarctic research team in this film by John Carpenter. B urlington College, 6 p.m . Free. Info, 862-9616. C H IN E S E FILM SERIES: Short films enhance the viewer’s under­ standing o f the current exhibit, “H eritage o f the Brush.” Fleming M useum , U V M , Burlington, 2 p.m . $3. Info, 656-0750. ‘SO LA R IS’: A psychologist investi­ gating mysterious deaths aboard a space station em barks on a m etaphys­ ical journey at Spaulding A uditor­ ium , H opkins Center, D artm outh College, Hanover, N .H ., 7 p.m. $6. Info, 603-646-2422.

art See exhibit openings in the art list­ ings.

kids G R E A T P U M P K IN C A RV IN G : Kids listen to stories and then help carve a contest-w inning design into a giant gourd. Borders, C hurch Street M arketplace, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 865-2711.

sport W IN O O S K I R IV E R BIKE FERRY: See O cto b er 28. C O S T U M E D B O W L IN G : Dress up in costum e and roll over pins to benefit Pride V erm ont 2001. St. M ark’s C hurch, 1251 N o rth Ave., Burlington, 2-5 p.m . D onations. Info, 860-7129.





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PlflflET ROCK/




•. ^ ! * *rj-

guitar twanging, ivory tickling, penny whistling, harmonica bending

FRIDAY, T o ' i V - E V V fS 8pm $7 advanc^ OCTOBER 27 and R“ t>*>er Band $10 at the door


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Dodbite B itter

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Rockin' Jazz




Green Mountain Hip Hopsters

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★ vcRm onT'S p r o n e r * ★ ADUIT ARCADE 8 * ★ FAO TA/Y BOOTH/ * ★

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8 0 2 .4 79 .0 2 3 4 12 7 m flin / T . BARRE t/econd Floor)


October 2 5 ; 2 0 0 0 : c .*S EV IN DAYS ,v« .page 5 b


H IN iJ J o d g Cape Products:

H e ^ y yUternatiVe

zmth Susan Hoffman Wed. October 25, 6:00-9:00pm $25


with Nancy Helsman Somers


Thu. October 26, Novem ber 2, 9,16, 6:00-8:00pm $85

P r e v e n t i v e N u tritio n & Herbal Support with Melanie Putz Brotz



Mon. Novem ber 6, 6:30-8:30pm $20

Delicious Cordials and Elixirs

with Melanie Slick Carpenter


Sun. Novem ber 12, l:00-3:00pm $30

S '

irid o lo y y



with Kelley Robie

lu e s. Novem ber 14, 6:30-9:00pm $20

Herbal Holiday Q P ts 2 0 0 0 with Susan Hoffmann 'Wed. Novem ber 29, 6:00-9:30ish $40

W in te r C ra fts - N a tu ra l D e lic ts Jjv

with Melanie Putz Brotz Mon. December 4, 6:30-8:30pm $15

Class size is limited, so payment is required at registration. Registration and classes at: 100 Main Street, Burlington • 802/865-HERB • Mon-Sat 10am—6pm

A D IR O N D A C K S C E N IC RAIL­ ROAD: See O ctober 26. H O U S E O F H O R R O R S : See O ctober 25. Tonight is Xtrem e night for the over-13 crowd, 7 p.m . - m idnight. $8. FALL C R A FT A N D FIN E ART SH O W : See O ctober 27, 10 a.m. 5 p.m. W IN E T A ST IN G : See O ctober 28. ‘M C A U C T IO N ’: Bids benefit the Ronald M cD onald House, Burlington’s hom e-away-fromhom e for the families o f kids with cancer. Radisson Hotel, Burlington, 9:30 a.m. Free. Info, 862-4943. N E C I O P E N H O U S E : G et a taste o f cooking school — as well as a few free samples — at the New England Culinary Institute’s open house for wannabe chefs. Govern> or’s M ansion, T he Inn at Essex, 1-3 p.m. Free. Register, 877-223-6324. H A U N T E D H O U S E : Boys and girls act positively ghoulish to raise m oney for local needy folk with this spooktacular event. Eagles Club, Rt. 109, Jeffersonville, 4-9 p.m . $1. Info, 849.6757. A FAMILY H A L L O W E E N ’: D oughnuts on a string fill in for Snickers and Milky Way at a “tradi­ tional” Halloween celebration. Billings Farm and M useum , W oodstock, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. $8. Info, 457-2355. W O M E N ’S C O N F E R E N C E : Speakers, workshops and panels address the civil rights o f w om en o f all generations. M oore Hall, D artm outh College, Hanover, N .H ., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m . $25. Info, 223-6299.



a full service salon

‘S H O W E R ’: See O ctober 27. ‘YO LA P E O R D E T O D A S ’: This film chronicles the life o f Mexican poet and w riter Sister Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, targeted by the Spanish Inquisition for her fem inist views. 427 W aterm an, U V M , Burlington, 7:30 p.m . Free. Info, 656-3196. ‘SAVING G R A C E ’: A “jo in t ven­ ture” turns profitable w hen a w idow and her gardener adopt notso-legal m eans to make ends meet. W eldon T heatre, St. Albans, 7 p.m . $4-6. Info, 524-1507.

art • Also, see exhibit openings in the art listings. ‘E L D E R A R T ’ TALK: Two artists inspired by the Elder A rt program show their senior stuff. D orothy Ailing Library, W illiston, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

words BALKAN R E A D IN G G R O U P : Readers explore Kosovo, A Short History, by N oel M alcolm . KelloggH ubbard Library, M ontpelier, 7:30 p.m . Free. Info, 223-3338.

kids ST O R Y T IM E : See O ctober 25. S C IE N C E H O U R : Pint-sized preschoolers and their parents enjoy science stories, live animals and activities. Lake C ham plain Science Center, Burlington, 10 a.m. - noon. $3. Info, 864-1848.


• Also, see listings in “Sound Advice. ” C O M M U N IT Y C O F F E H O U S E :

ftV /U I’l ^ -


BIKE R ID E : See O ctober 26.



drama ‘M ID W IV E S ’: See O ctober 25.



I50B Church St 302.864.2088

Strum , sing or strut your stuff at an open m ike session at the H orn o f the M oon Cafe, M ontpelier, 8-11 p.m . D onation. Info, 223-0020.

H A L L O W E E N B L O O D D RIV E: T here’s plenty o f the fake stuff

Continued on page 9b

Op e n Ho u s e Verm

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T ec h n ic a l C o l l e g e


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October 2 5 , 2000

F o r F u r t h e r In f o r m a t i o n

p h o n e t o l l -f r e e

1 -8 0 0 -4 4 2 -8 8 2 1

acting ‘MOVEMENT FOR THE ACTOR’: Two Sundays, December 10 and 17, 1-4 p.m. Movement Center, Essex Jet. $75. Info, 872-9521. Actors get physicalfor improved stage presence.

aikido AIKIDO OF CHAMPLAIN VALLEY: Adults, Monday through Friday, 5:45-6:45 p.m. and 7-8:15 p.m. Thursdays, noon - 1 p.m. Saturdays, 9-11:45 a.m. Children, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4-5 p.m. Aikido of Champlain Valley, 17 E. Allen St., Winooski. $55/month, $120/three months, intro specials. Info, 654-6999 or Study this graceful, flowing martial art to develop flexibility, confidence and self-defense skills. AIKIDO OF VERMONT: Ongoing classes Monday through Friday, 6-7 p.m. and 7-8 p.m. Saturday, 9-10:30 a.m. Sunday, 10-11:30 a.m. Above Onion River Co-op, 274 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info, 862-9785. Practice the art o f Aikido in a safe and supportive environment.

art JAPANESE BOOKBINDING: Saturday, October 28, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Shelburne Craft School, 64 Harbor Rd. Register, 985-3648. Learn this easy traditional method as well as open-spine binding. RIEFENSTAHL REVISITED’: Two Saturdays, October 28 and November 4, 1-4 p.m. Community College of Vermont, 119 Pearl St., Burlington. $50. Register, 865-4422. Investigate the filmmaker favored by Hitler — and her controversial place in the art world. BEGINNING WATERCOLOR: Saturday, October 28, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Artists’ Mediums, Taft Farm Village Center Plaza, Williston. Info, 879-1236. Kathy Bergeron teaches this workshop with a fall theme. CHINESE BRUSH PAINT­ ING: Five days beginning Saturday, November 4, 10 a.m. noon. Shelburne Craft School, 64 Harbor Rd. Register, 985-3648. Learn how to work with gradations o f black ink and some color, using a brush and rice paper. ‘FROM AMATEUR TO ARTIST’: Saturday, November 4, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Firehouse Center for the Visual Arts, Church St., Burlington. $40. Register, 8657166. Susan Abbott helps aspiring artists make the transition from student to professional, covering studio set-up, publicity and show­ ing and selling your work. MONOTYPE AND KITE WORKSHOP: Saturday, November 18, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and Sunday, November 19, 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Firehouse Center for the Visual Arts, Church St., Burlington. $120. Register, 865-7166. Experiment with papers, textures and inks to construct beautifulflying kites.

GRACE WORKSHOP’: Saturday, November 18, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Firehouse Center for the Visual Arts, Church St., Burlington. $15. Register, 865-7166. Michael Gray leads this no-rules workshop in an open-studio setting. ‘MARK MAKING’: Saturday, December 9. Firehouse Center for the Visual Arts, Church St., Burlington. $30. Register, 8657166. Diane Gabriel introduces aspiring artists to the spontaneity o f making art and the possibilities o f personal “mark making. ”

astrology ‘COSMOLOGICAL THE­ ATER’: Saturday, October 28, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Community College of Vermont, 119 Pearl St., Burlington. $65. Register, 865-4422. Explore the ancient archetypes o f the Zodiac.

bartending PROFESSIONAL BARTEND­ ING TRAINING: Day, evening and weekend courses. Various locations. Info, 888-854-4448 or Get certi­ fied to make a mean martini, margarita, manhattan or mai tai.

botany WINTER TREE AND SHRUB IDENTIFICATION: Saturday, November 18, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Community College of Vermont, 119 Pearl St., Burlington. $50. Register, 865-4422. Explore the structure o f twigs, branching pat­ terns and silhouettes o f woody shrubs and trees in their winterform.

business ‘EXPLORING CAREERS’: Four Tuesdays, November 7, 14, 21 and 28, 7-9 p.m. 119 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. $40. Register, 862-8240. Investigate your career goals using the Myers Briggs Indicator, the Heroic Myth Index, Strong Campbell and astrol­ ogy charts.

cooking HOLIDAY DESSERTS: Tuesday through Thursday, November 7 through 9, or Friday through Sunday, November 10 through 12. The Burgundy Rose, Stowe. $139 includes meals and lodging. Info, 800-989-7768 or 2537768. Get into baking shape to treat family and friends for the holidays. ‘COOKIE EXTRAVAGANZA’: Tuesday through Thursday, November 14 through 16, or Friday through Sunday, November 17 through 19. The Burgundy Rose, Stowe. $139 includes meals and lodging. Info, 800-989-7768 or 253-7768. Learn to make delicious and ele­ gant cookies everyone will enjoy. HOLIDAY BREADS: Tuesday through Thursday, November 28 through 30, or Friday through Sunday, December 1 through 3. The Burgundy Rose, Stowe. $139 includes meals and lodging. Info, 800-989-7768 or 253-7768. Traditional holiday breads are on the menu.

craft LEARN TO KNIT: Two Thursdays, November 2 and 9, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Northeast Fiber Arts Center, 7531 Williston Rd., Williston. $45. Info, 288-8081. Learn to knit a wool scarf. WANDS W ITH BEADS: Saturday, November 4, 6:30-8 p.m. Spirit Dancer Books, 125 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. $10. Info, 660-8060. Create your own magic wand. TERRA SIGILLATA: Two Saturdays and Sundays, November 11, 12, 18 and 19. Shelburne Craft School, 64 Harbor Rd. Register, 985-3648. Expbre unglazed, primitive-fired pottery techniques informed by con­ temporary vision. PAINTING CERAMICS: Ongoing classes. Blue Plate Ceramic Cafe, 119 College St., Burlington. Free. Info, 652-0102. Learn the fundamentals o f painting ceramics. CLAY CLASSES: Ongoing class­ es. Frog Hollow State Craft Center, Burlington, Middlebury and Manchester. Info, 860-7474, 388-3177 o r Work with clay in various classes offered throughout the year. POTTERY: Beginner and inter­ mediate classes for adults and children. Membership available for experienced potters. River Street Potters, 141 River St. (Rt. 2), Montpelier. Info, 224-7000. Discover your creativity through classes in hand building and work­ ing with the wheel.

dance AFROCUBAN SONG AND DANCE: Saturday, November 4, Song 2-3 p.m., Dance 4-6 p.m. or Sunday, November 5, Dance 2-4 p.m. Twin Oaks Kids, 80 Farrell Street, S. Burlington. $18/Song, $23/Dance. Register, 985-3665 or 660-4056. Cuban folklorist Reynaldo Gonzalez teach­ es the dance and song o f his origi­ nal island home. SWING: Classes start Sunday, November 12. Burlington. $40/person for a six-week session. Info, 862-9033 or Learn Hollywood-style swing in this sixweek series. YMCA DANCE: Ongoing class­ es for adults, teens and children. YMCA, College St., Burlington. Info, 862-9622. Classes are offered in Latin, swing and youth ballet.

feng shui FENG SHUI WORKSHOP: Three Thursdays, October 26, November 2 and 9, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Collaborative Healthworks, 28 East St., Montpelier. $75. Register, 496-2306. Carol Wheelock teaches basic feng shui principles o f energy and color as they relate to interior decorating.

health MENOPAUSE: Six Wednesdays, November 1 through December 6, 4-5:30 p.m. Women’s Healthcare Services, University Health Center, 1 S. Prospect St., Burlington. $10. Info, 847-1400

or 847-8425. Drs. Julia Johnson and Judith Gerber help women understand menopause and how to cope with its effects. CHANGE HOW YOU SEE, NOT HOW YOU LOOK’: Six Tuesdays beginning November 14. Burlington. $125. Info, 6585313. Join this workshop to learn to better access self-love.

juggling JUGGLING CLUB: Ongoing Mondays, 5-7 p.m. Memorial Auditorium, Burlington. Ongoing Tuesdays, 5-8 p.m. Racquetball Courts, Patrick Gym, University of Vermont, Burlington. Donations. Info, 658-5512. Beginner-to-expertjug­ glers and unicyclists convene.

karate TRADITIONAL JAPANESE KARATE: Ongoing Wednesdays and Fridays, 6-7:30 p.m. 208 Flynn Ave., Burlington. $20/month. Info, 951-9047 or Benefit from the physical, mental and spir­ itual training o f traditional Japanese Shotokan karate.

kid s PAPER EXPLORATION: Saturday, October 28, 10 a.m. noon (ages 5-7), Saturday, November 4, 10 a.m. - noon (ages 6-8). Firehouse Center for the Visual Arts, Church St., Burlington. $10. Register, 8657166. Tour the Firehouse exhibi­ tion for inspiration, then explore the creative possibilities o f paper. STORYTELLING: Three Fridays starting November 3 (ages 6-9) or December 1 (ages 10-12), 4-6 p.m. New England Performance Art Center, Williston. $ 75. Info, 872-9521. Kids learn tricks o f the storytelling trade. OPEN STUDIO: Saturday, November 4, 1-4 p.m. ages 13lb, Saturday, November 18, 1-4 p.m. ages 5-6, Saturday, December 16, 1-4 p.m. ages 1013. Firehouse Center for the Visual Arts, Church St., Burlington. $15. Register, 8657166. Kids create whatever they’ve been dreaming to make.

Burlington. Free. Info, 658-2447. This Sufi-style meditation incorpo­ rates breath, sound and movement. MEDITATION: Sundays, 9 a.m. - noon. Burlington Shambhala Center, 187 S. Winooski Ave. Free. Info, 658-6795. Instructors teach non-sectarian and Tibetan Buddhist meditations. MEDITATION: Thursdays, 78:30 p.m. Green Mountain Learning Center, 13 Dorset Lane, Suite 203, Williston. Free. Info, 872-3797. Don’t just do some­ thing, sit there! GUIDED MEDITATION. Sundays, 10:30 a.m. The Shelburne Athletic Club, Shelburne Commons. Free. Info, 985-2229. Practice guided medita­ tion for relaxation and focus.

photography INSTRUCTION: Classes, work­ shops and private instruction. Info, 372-3104. Take classes in creative and technical camera and darkroom skills while learning to “see”with a photographic eye. PHOTOGRAPHY: Private class­ es. Altergirl Photography, Burlington. Info, 863-2692. Get instruction in basic to in-depth skills, composition and darkroom techniques.

language ITALIAN: Group and individual instruction, beginner to advanced, all ages. Middlebury area. Info, 545-2676. Immerse yourselfin Italian to get ready for a trip abroad, or to better enjoy the country’s music, art and cuisine. ESL: Ongoing small group class­ es, beginners and intermediates. Vermont Adult Learning, Sloan Hall, Fort Ethan Allen, Colchester. Free. Info, 654-8677. Improve your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English as a second language.

meditation ZEN MEDITATION: Mondays, 4:45-5:45 p.m. Thursdays, 5:306:30 p.m. Burlington. Free. Info, 658-6466. Meditate with a sitting group associated with the Zen Affiliate o f Vermont. THE WAY OF THE SUFI’:


25, 2000

reflexology REFLEXOLOGY: Four Thursdays,October 26, November 2, 9, and 16. Purple Shutter Herbs, 100 Main St., Burlington. $85. Register, 865HERBS. Relax the entire central nervous system with this easyform o f acu-pressurefoot massage.

relationships RELATIONSHIP RENEWAL SEMINAR: Saturday, October 28, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Essex Jet. $100. Info, 878-6378. Couples in crisis get help from pro­ fessional counselors.

self-defense BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU AND CARDIOBOXING: Ongoing classes for men, women and chil­ dren, Monday through Saturday. Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy, 4 Howard St., Burlington. Info, 660-4072. * Escape fear with an integrated selfdefense system based on technique, not size, strength or speed.

spirit SAMHAIN CELEBRATION: Saturday, October 28, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Spirit Dancer Books, 125 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. $9. Info, 660-8060. Celebrate the closing o f the Celtic year by taking a look back at the past year and reflecting on the future. SACRED CIRCLE DANCE: Saturday, November 11, 7:309:30 p.m. Yoga Vermont Studio, Chace Mill, Burlington. Donations. Info, 425-6061. Learn to celebrate earth-based spirituality through traditionalfolk dances. :-'T


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The right to choose is fundamental. Supporting choice includes protecting. We can make a BETTER FUTURE A REALITY, BUT IT WON’ T


w o m en and families.


the right to privacy.





Y our choice.

the right to decide w hat kind of fam ily you w ant, .w ith o u t the government interfering.

SPINNING: Ongoing daily classes. Chain Reaction, One Lawson Lane, Burlington. First ride free. Info, 657-3228. Pedal your way to fitness in a diverse, non-competitive environment.

substance abuse SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREAT­ MENT: Weekend program. Possibilities Counseling Center, Essex Jet. Info, 878-6378. Working professionals get non-residential, affordable treatment in a private setting.

support groups ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: Daily meetings in vari­ ous locations. Free. Info, 8608382. Want to overcome a drink­ ing problem? Take the first step — o f 12 — and join a group in your area. AL-ANON: Ongoing Wednesdays, 8 p.m. First Congregational Church, N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Free. Info, 655-6512. Do you have a friend or relative with an alcohol problem?Alcoholics Anonymous can help. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: Ongoing daily groups. Various locations in Burlington, S. Burlington and Plattsburgh. Free. Info, 862-4516. I f you’re ready to stop using drugs, this group o f recovering addicts can offer inspiration. OVEREATERS ANONY­ MOUS: Tuesday, October 11,6 p.m. First Congregational Church, Essex Junction. Free. Info, 863-2655. Overeaters meet for support around food and health issues. PARTNERS AND FRIENDS OF SURVIVORS: Group form­ ing. Info, 655-4907. Partners and friends o f childhood abuse survivors share struggles and successes with peers. PSYCHIATRIC SUPPORT GROUP: Thursdays, 7 p.m. Various Burlington locations. Free. Info, 288-1006. Get peer supportfor depression, anxiety or other psychiatric illness. SEX AND LOVE ADDICTS ANONYMOUS: Sundays, 7 p.m. Free. Info, write to P.O. Box 5843, Burlington, 05402. Get help through this weekly 12-step program.

women SELF-DEFENSE CLASS: Two Sundays, November 12 and 19, 1-4 p.m. Movement Center, Essex Jet. $35. Info, 872-9521. Women learn to protect themselves.

writing M ake your choice matter.


P la n n e d P a re n th o o d ’ of Northern N ew England


November 7th

The PPNNE Action Fund is a non-partisan voter education and advocacy organization. All funding is raised independently from private sources. Th is ad vertisem en t is not authorized by any can did ate or ca n d id a te 's com m ittee.

‘FAMILY STORIES’: Two Saturdays, October 28 and November 4, 9 a.m. - noon. Community College of Vermont, 119 Pearl St.,

Burlington. $50. Register, 8654422. Learn to construct mini­ stories that function as captions for family snapshots. ‘MAY SARTON, WRITER AND MENTOR’: Monday, October 30, 6-9 p.m. Com’ munity College of Vermont, 119 Pearl St., Burlington. $25. Register, 865-4422. Discuss this writer’s life and work. PLAYWRITING: Eight Wednesdays starting November 1, 6-9 p.m. New England Performance Art Center, Williston. $195. Info, 8729521. Get an introduction to the art o f writing plays. ‘WRITING A WINNING RESUME’: Monday, November 6, 7-9 p.m. Community College of Vermont, 119 Pearl St., Burlington. $25. Register, 8654422. Focus on a three-step process to writing dynamic resumes. ‘FIRST THOUGHTS WRIT­ ING’: Friday through Sunday, November 10 through 12. Sugartree Inn, Warren. $150. Register, 878-6675 or Learn how silencing your internal critic can help you fin d your authentic voice. ‘IAMBIC PENTAMETER AND FRIENDS’: Two Fridays, November 10 and 17, 6-9 p.m. Community College of Vermont, Burlington. $50. Register, 865-4422. Get an intro­ duction to traditional meter and rhyme by reading the great poets and writing your own poetry. ‘WRITE TO HEAL’: Four Thursdays, November 30, December 7, 14 and 21, 7-9 p.m. $100. Essex Jet. Register, 878-6378. foin this writing group to discover the therapy in writing.

yoga ‘BECOMING PEACE YOGA’: Ongoing classes. Essex Jet. Info, 878-5299. Release chronic ten­ sion, gain self-awareness and honor your inner wisdom through Kripalu-style yoga study. BEECHER HILL YOGA: Ongoing daytime & evening classes for all levels. Info, 4823191 or Get private or group instruction in prenatal yoga, integrative yoga therapy or gentle yoga for recovery and rehabilitation. UNION STREET STUDIO: Ongoing daily classes for all lev­ els. 306 S. Union St., Burling­ ton. Info, 860-3991. Five certi­ fied instructors offer classes in a variety o f yoga styles for strength and tranquility. YOGA VERMONT: Daily classes, noon, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Chace Mill, Burlington. Info, 660-9718 or Ashtanga-style “ power”yoga classes offer sweaty fun for all levels o f experience.®

Class Listings: $10/week or $30/four weeks. Mail info and payment to: Classes, Seven Days, PO Box 116 4 , Burlington, VT 05402. All submissions due in writing on Thursday before publication. SEVEN DAYS edits for space and style.

Calendar Continued from page 6b around in haunted houses, b u t the real thing is always in short supply. Burlington College, 10 a.m . - 3 p.m. Free. Register, 862-9616. ‘T A L K IN G W IT H C H IL D R E N A B O U T L O SS’: An expert on child bereavem ent provides parents and caregivers w ith words o f wisdom . Burgess A uditorium , Fletcher Allen H ealth Care, B urlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 864-7467. C A M ERA CLUB M E E T IN G : Fellow photographers ante up slides o f fall foliage for group viewing. 17 Hills Building, U V M , Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 864-6485. C R IT T E R ID E N T IF IC A T IO N : River-watchers identify critters col­ lected from Foot Brook. People’s Academy, Morrisville, 6-9 p.m . Free. Info, 888-9218. R A LPH N A D E R RALLY: Independent thinkers gather to sup­ port the progressive candidate for president. M ulti-G enerational Center, B urlington, 7 p.m . Free. Info, 453-7356. N E T W O R K IN G G R O U P : Employee hopefuls get job leads, connections, skills and support. Career Resource Center, V erm ont D epartm ent o f E m ploym ent & Training, Burlington, 1 p.m . Free. Info, 652-0322.

P U B L IC M E D IT A T IO N : Take a step on the path to enlightenm ent in an environm ent that instructs begin­ ners and supports practiced sitters. R atna Shri T ibetan M editation Center, 12 Hillside Ave., Montpelier, 6-7 p.m . Discussion, 7-8:30 p.m. D onations. Info, 223-5435. B A T T ER E D W O M E N ’S S U P ­ P O R T G R O U P : W om en Helping Battered W om en facilitates a group in Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 658-1996.

31 tuesday

drama ‘M ID W IV E S’: See O ctober 25. DRACULA: T H E M USICAL’: See O ctober 26. Costum ed theater-goers get in for half-price tonight. 8 p.m. ‘T H E TH RA LLS O F C T H U L H U ’: See O ctober 27. P O E R EA D IN G S: Lost N ation T heater actors intone the tales o f Edgar Allen Poe to organ music. See “to do” list, this issue. Unitarian C hurch, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. $10. Info, 229-0492.



v it a m in s




Muscle Growth

Growth Health





fo r


‘S H O W E R ’: See O ctober 27.



• Also, see listings in “Sound Advice.” C ELLO C O N C E R T : M unch on lunch while your ears take in the soothing sounds o f cello and piano. St. Paul’s Cathedral, Burlington, noon. Free. Info, 864-0471. C O F FE E H O U S E : G et a spooky spin on poetry, m usic and refresh­ m ents at Burlington College, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 862-9616. G R E E N M O U N T A IN C H O R U S : M em bers o f the all-male barbershop

• See exhibit openings in the art list­ ings.




fo r

Bone Growth

words B U R L IN G T O N W R IT E R S G R O U P: Bring pencil, paper and the will to be inspired to this writerly gathering at the Daily Planet, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 862-9647.

Carrying Off Waste CA FFE IN E


E xtra Zip!

SEVEN DAYS F O O D IS S U E • N o v . 15

Ip h e

K n it! Z n tr o d u c to r u

SEVEN DAYS helps build strong bodies SEVEN WAYS

chorus and quartets com pare harm o­ nious notes. South Burlington High School, 7-9:30 p.m. Free. Info, 860-6465.

f lynn

f o r

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performing is


p Ie a s e d


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G lo s s

T^ursctay, UlomriSer 2, ENROLL TODAYS Stop b y a n d see our e x p a n d e d selection o f yarns! j u s t 2 m in u te s fr o m

T a ft C o rn e rs

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W R E.


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1 1 1 1 111 |V

■n n :. C a n t o r

Enjoy a light supper buffet — generously provided by Chef Dan Rogers of Leunig’s Bistro — live music and a great s i l e n t a u c t i o n from 6 to 7:15 pm.


At 7:30 the highlight of the evening begins... a live auction of fine art donated by some of Vermont's most outstanding artists, as well as works from many emerging artists.

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"The UK's m ost dynamic, theatrical and outrageously different baroque ensemble." — Gramophone Magazine This technically brilliant, no-holds-barred quartet, plays the music o f the 16th to 18th centuries with wild gypsy abandon and the widest possible tonal palatte. They'll perform a special program for the Halloween season entitled “Nightmare in Venice" which will include works by Vivaldi, Monteverdi, Purcell, and more.

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For more information, call Nancy AbbotbBourigan at 652*4505.

sp ecial thanks



fo o d

C h e f O a n R o g e r s of L e u n i g ’s B is tr o

in v ita tio n d e sig n P a g e ^ D e s ig n s in v it a t io n

p r in t in g


m a ilin g

V a lle y P r in t & M ail a\^

and with media support trom Yt£TV' 101-7 FM

premium b e e r s 'O t t e r O r e e k B re w in g


Call the Campus Ticket Store 656-3085 for tickets

'■ ' '

Tickets are $20 per person and may be purchased at the Flynn Regional Box Office (FiynriTix) or by calling 8 6 - F L Y N N (863*5966). Reservations are required.

f a b u lo u s

FRIDAY, O ctober 27 a t 7:30 pm UVM Recital Hail Tickets: $18 ■


This year the works will be on exhibit in the new gallery and open to the public from Tuesday, October 24 through Thursday, November 2. Irom 12 - 6 pm. Sealed bids will be accepted throughout the previewing period.

“ N k jh tm a r e tri V e n ic e ”

tn c .

beau tifu l m u sic P aul, As b e ll T rio 7

' '

''5 ■

0 October

25 , 2000

ik ‘ . '.*V .aV;•>*.•.


continued from page 9b


Making a d ifferen ce has always Wen a m atter o f applying. you rself, •l Here’s where to apply,

W ednesday

H O U S E O F H O R R O R S : See O ctober 25. Costum es are de rigueur, w ith a m idnight judging. 8:30 p.m . $15. LIBRARY G H O S T ST O R IE S: Stop by the library while trick-ortreating to hear spine-tingling tales from the booookshelf. Pierson Library, Shelburne, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 985-5124. BASIC M E D IT A T IO N : Cherokee and Tibetan Buddhist practices help renew the body and spirit. Ratna Shri Tibetan M editation Center, 12 Hillside Ave., M ontpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 223-5435.

music • Also, see listings in “Sound Advice.” LEO K O T T K E A N D T U C K A N D PA TTI: T he eclectic guitar wizard does his 12-string thing after a soulful set w ith Tuck and Patti. Flynn Center, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $18-27. Info, 863-5966. G R E G RYAN: T h e V erm ont singer-songwriter supports his debut disc, H ope to Find. Bruce Jones, for­ m er m em ber o f Full M oon Heart, opens. Cam bridge Coffeehouse, W indridge Bakery, Jeffersonville, 79 p.m. D onations. Info, 644-5721. VA U G H A N RECITA L SERIES: Flutist H eidi Baxter and pianist Jeanne C ham bers sample works by Bach, Prokofiev and Santore. Faulkner Recital Hall, H opkins Center, D a rtm o u th College, Hanover, N .H ., 12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2422.

..How far are you willing to go to m&he a difference? 3$» toughed

you'll ever love*


GUITAR MAN Leo Kottke’s fancy fingering may be light­

C om e to one o f ou r up co m ing info, s e s sio n s

ning fast. But he strings his

November 1 @ 7 pm UVM, MLK Lounge in Billings Hall November 2 @ 6:30 pm St. Michaels College, Green Room in Alliot Hall

songs together with a nice easy rapport. He shares the Flynn Center stage next Wednesday night with the husband-and-wife pop

To get more info, or to R.S.V.P., contact the Vermont Peace Corps O ffice @ (802) 656-8269 or p c o rp s @ zo o .u v m .e d u

folksters Tuck Andress and Patti Cathcart.


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drama ‘M ID W IV E S ’: See O ctober 25. ‘P R ID E ’S C R O S S IN G ’: See O ctober 25. ‘A R N IE G E T S IT G O O D ’: Philandering ex-philosophy professor A rnold G old is the tragic hero in the latest from B urlington playwright Steve G oldberg. See story, this issue. C lub M etronom e, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10. Info, 863-6648.

‘S H O W E R ’: See O ctober 27. ‘V IS IO N S O F T H E F U T U R E ’ D O U B L E FEATURE: In Escape fr o m N e w York, M anhattan is a highsecurity prison where only anti-hero Kurt Russell can save the President o f the U.S. T he 1979 film The Warriors depicts a w orld o f N ew York gangs duking it out for night­ tim e turf. Spaulding A uditorium , H opkins Center, D artm outh College, Hanover, N .H ., 6:45 & 8:40 p.m. $6. Info, 603-646-2422.

art • Also, see exhibit openings in the art listings. FIG U R E D R A W IN G : See O ctober 25.

words PO E T R Y R E A D IN G : Poet Bill Davis reads from his work. R hom ­ bus Gallery, 186 College St., Burlington, 8 p.m . $3-6. Info, 865-9603. B O O K D IS C U S S IO N : Leslie M arm on Silko’s Storyteller gets a reading in the “South by Southw est” series. South Hero C om m unity

Library, 7 p.m . Free. Info, 372-6209.

‘T IN Y T O T S ’ STORY T IM E : See O ctober 25. ST O R Y T IM E : See O ctober 25. ST O R Y A N D C R A FT T IM E : See _O ctober 25. H O M E S C H O O L E R S STO RY T IM E : Kids older than 4 m eet up w ith other hom eschool peers. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7216.

H E A L T H L EC T U R E : See O ctober 25/ D IS C U S S IO N SERIES: See O ctober 25, Rutland Historical Society. B IC E N T E N N IA L PARADE: Form er V erm ont governors, school m arching bands and historical floats com m em orate the founding o f M iddlebury College by town fathers. A birthday party follows on the Town Green, D ow ntow n M iddle­ bury, 12:30 p.m . Free. Info, 443-5183. H IS T O R Y FESTIVAL: “O u r Town, O u r College” offers exhibits, enter­ tainm ent and dem onstrations on town-gown links and local lore. Bicentennial Hall, M iddlebury College, 4:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-5183. W ALDORF SC H O O L O PEN H O U S E : T h e Lake Cham plain W aldorf School hosts an info session to explain its offerings and philoso­ phy. Lake C ham plain W aldolf School, Shelburne, 7:30 p.m . Free.

Register, 985-2827 ext. 12. CA REER FAIR: Castleton College gathers employers to m eet potential workers in an informal setting. G lenbrook Gym nasium , Castleton State College, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 4^8-1339. REIKI C L IN IC : Practitioners o f all levels learn about the hands-on heal­ ing m ethod. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 864-9988. CHIAPAS TALK: A rep from a grassroots hum an rights group in Chaipas, Mexico, explains how m ili­ tarization and global econom ic poli­ cy affect his com patriots. Burlington College, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 862-9616. PEACE C O R P S IN F O SESSIO N : Investigate overseas opportunities w ith the Peace Corps. M LK Lounge, Billings Student Center, U V M , Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 656-8269.






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►ALL OTHER LINE ADS: 2 5 w o rd s fo r $ 7 . Over 2 5 : 3 0 0 a w o rd .

Discounts are available for long running ads and for national ads.

TOWN OF HUNTINGTON ZONING ADMINISTRATOR T he Town o f H untington is seeking a Z oning A dm inistrator to carry out the duties o f adm inistering the zoning bylaws w ithin the Town. A ppointed for a term o f three years by the Planning Com m ission, the position is high profile and requires com m itm ent, a willingness to learn, good interper­ sonal and com m unication skills to educate the public as well as other town officials on legal and procedural zoning requirements. Currently, the position is approxim ately 200 hours per year and starts immediately. Questions can be directed to: Bill H egm an, H P Chair, 434-4759 (bhegm an@ m, or Barbara Breen Town Adm inistrator, 434-4779. Please subm it a letter o f qualifications to the Planning C om m ission by N ovem ber 1, 2000. Please include inform ation on relevant jobs and experience, and a statem ent on your interest and com m itm ent to the job.

PLANNER w a n te d fo r a position in an exciting, interdisciplinary landscape


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ning and graphic design firm . W riting, analysis and com puter skills and an interest in com m u­


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Vermoki W in e M e r c h a n t s ^Company 1 WAREHOUSE ASSISTANT —

D esign,

Family Shelter Coordinator

B u rlin g to n b ev ­ erag e d istrib u to r re q u ire s a d e p e n d a b le , e n th u sia s­ tic tea m -p la y er to w o rk in o u r fast-paced w a re ­ h o u se p re p a rin g o rd e rs, m a in ta in in g p ro d u c t a n d assisting w ith local m erc h an d isin g . A p p ro x . 3 0 -3 5 h rs /w e e k . M u s t have o w n vehicle. Please call 6 5 8 6 7 7 1 to learn m o re .

lifeguards/ . Swim Instructors Needed immediately to fill positions at the Greater Burlington YMCA. Must be certified. We offer competitive pay, a great work environ­ ment and membership benefits. Call Travis at 862-YMCA (9622) for more information.

The Committee on Temporary Shelter (COTS), is seeking a dynamic, creative, and organized individual to manage our shelter for homeless families. Must be able to develop and implement new programs and provide supervision and direction to shelter staff. Excellent communication and crisis management skills necessary. MSW and 3-S years experience preferred. Resumes preferred by Nov. 6. LuAnn Chiola COTS P.0. Box 1616 Burlington, VT 05402 e.o.e.

D E L IV E R Y D R IV E R — W e’re lo o k in g fo r a c o n ­ sc ien tio u s, reliable driver to service o u r c u sto m e rs, especially in S o u th e rn V e rm o n t. A friendly, serv ­ ic e -o rie n te d p erso n ality is an asset. 2 0 -3 0 h o u rs. Call 6 5 8 -6 7 7 1 to learn m o re.

nity planning and design a re desired.

►ADULT ADS: $ 2 0 /c o l. in c h .

Group buys for display ads are available in other regional papers in Vermont. Call for more details. All ads must be prepaid. We take VISA, MASTERCARD and cash, of course.

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TEACHING ASSISTANTS Full-time position(s) available at our Essex High School to assist and supervise assigned special education students instructionally, behaviorally and physically in the general mainstream program and/or resource room. Good working knowledge of disabilities of special education students, and expe­ rience working with children/adolescents required. Position pays $9.60/hour. Excellent benefits pacage available including full medical, dental and life insurance; a matching retirement plan; tuition reimbursement; and a competitive leave package. Interested candidates are encouraged to send letter and resume to the address below. Chittenden Central Supervisory Union Attn: Human Resources 7 Meadow Terrace Essex Jet., VT 05452

EOE • Deadline: Open Until Filled.

7D classifieds page 1 2 b



25, 2000

encouraged to apply.

YAQUATICS Greater Burlington YMCA

Stop in and fill out an application or call us at 863-2569!.

Donor Services Coordinator VPIRG, Vermont's leading watchdog and advo­ cacy organization seeks staff person. Responsibilities include developing VPIRG's growing base of larger donors, and overseeing efforts to build and deepen relationships with existing and prospective major donors, not necessarily responsible for soliciting gifts her/himself. 20 hours per week, flexible schedule. Qualifications: highly organized, out­ going and committed to the mission of VPIRG. Fundraising or marketing experience pre­ ferred. Competitive salary depending on expe­ rience. Complete job description on website: Applications due: November 2, 2000. Start date: No later than December 1,

Asset Manager Progressive grassroots affordable housing developer seeks energetic person to be responsible for long-range financial planning and management for all the properties we own/manage. Oversee property management department managing 300 apartments and 89000 square feet commercial space. Requirements include experience in residential and commercial property managementknowledge of Federal, State, and local hous­ ing laws; commitment to providing decent affordable housing for low-income people. Knowledge of Low Income Housing Tax Credit regulations strongly preferred.

05602, or fax to 802-223-6855

Competitive salary commensurate with experience. Benefits include health insurance, vacation, holiday, sick leave. Resume and cover letter by November 3 to Finance Director, BCLT, PO Box 523, Burlington, VT 05402. No phone calls.

or email vpirga> EOE

Burlington Community Land Trust is an Equal Opportunity

2000. Send resume and cover letter to Donor Services Coordinator, VPIRG, 141 main Street, Suite 6, Montpelier, VT

Employer, committed to a diverse workplace.



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Small M arketing Com pany


in Burlington seeks



Part-time Office Assistant


OUR JOBS PROVIDE: • • • • • • • •


Another 10 reasons why you should work here:

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Candidate must possess word processing experience, ability to work independently and computer literacy — with experience in WordPerfect a major plus. Responsibilities include: answering and placing phone calls, creating mailings, filing and typing correspondence.

10. Meet famous people (Hey! Ernest Borgnine stopped in o nce...) 9. Become a Wine Geek. 8. Steve has stopped beating the staff. 7. Get to walk the dog. 6. Lotteries, lotteries, lotteries. (Ask when you come in.) 5. “Dude. It’s Vermont. It’s the best.” 4. We are here for a good time, not a long time. 3. Learn to do the chicken dance. 2. Our favorite song: Johnny Brie Gouda, t. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make

New England Culinary Institute, a world-renowned culinary school right here in the Burlington area, has the following positions available:

Servers, Bussers, Bartenders, Hosts, Dishwashers and Restaurant Managem ent

We offer a friendly and casual working environment (with a great view), an excellent salary, and company-paid medical and dental benefits. Flexible . 15+/- hours/week schedule.

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Please apply in person a t our Award Winning Restaurants: NECI Commons on Church St., Burlington or a t the Inn a t Essex, or fax resume (802-872-34T3) or email resume (


our hard-working, fun staff. Serve our terrific customers. Enjoy full time pay with 3 days off per week, plus benefits.

'Available to Full-Time positions scheduled to work a minimum of 32 hrs/wk.

Please send cover letter and resume to:

Apply in person at 1186 Williston Road.

Elizabeth Kelly Hallowell Associates, Ltd.

431 Pine Street Burlington, VT 05401 Or fax us at 860-1122.

PROGRAM MANAGER Vertek Corporation, a leading B2B e-commerce solutions com­ pany specializing in the tele­ communications industry, has an exciting opportunity for an enterprising individual based out o f our Colchester, VT office.

leadin g projects from con c e p t through im plem entation. Experi­ ence working w ith decentralized locations and outsourcing neces­ sary. Three years o f telecom m uni­ cations in dustry e xp e rien ce is highly preferred.

O pening for a seasoned program m anager to lead a set o f highly vis­ ible client care center programs. Res p o n s ib ilitie s in c lu d e d e fin in g s ta te m e n ts o f w o rk in c lu d in g project deliverables, developing as­ sociated im plem entation plans in­ cluding staffing and training, and m anaging client relations through­ out the project lifecycle. A minimum o f five years project m anagem ent and work center operations experi­ ence. D em onstrated experience in

Vertek offers an energetic and colle­ gial work environment, along with competitive salaries and benefits. If you are interested in moving forward with a growing company, please fax or email salary requirements and re­ sume to: Human Resources at Vertek Corporation, 4 6 3 Moun­

^ J o L T O N


V A LLEY R e a ch y o u r p ea k a t th e valley!

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is seeking candidates for the following positions

Key p osition s are open in the follow ing areas: • Chief Financial Officer • Hotel General Manager • Exec Asst to the President

• Food & Beverage Manager • Child Care Director • Sales & Marketing

Plus, many other seasonal opportunities are still available:

054 4 6 . Fax: (802 )7 6 4-1 029.E-maii:

Spectrum Youth & Family Services

Bolton Valley is now hiring personnel to join their team envi­ ronment. If your priority is customer service, Bolton Valley may be the place for you!

tain View Drive, Colchester, VT

CORPORATION Optimizing Perform ance... Maximizing Results.


• Assistant Nordic • Director • Bartenders • Bellman • Cashiers ■Chefs • Cooks -Breakfast, Line & Prep • Deli/Grocery Clerk • Deli/Grocery Lead • Dishwashers • Front Desk Clerks • Groomers • Guest Services Staff

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Bolton Valley is an equal opportunity employer. Send resume to: Attn: Human Resources - BOX FR4302 Bolton Valley Access Road, Bolton Valley,VT 05477 or fax to (802) 434-6850.

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PROGRAM COORDINATOR (DOMESTIC ABUSE EDUCATION PROJECT): coordinate groups of young men who have used violence in relationships; supervise group leaders; program development, grant writing & collabo­ rating with members of local response system to domestic violence. Comprehensive understanding of domestic violence & excellent group facilitation skills required; program management & supervisory experi­ ence preferred. Letter/resume:ML,DAEP/Spectrum,31 Elmwood Ave., Burlington, VT 05401

'k ' PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Provide oversight and management of critical serv­ ices for youth; coordinate delivery of program services, provide supervi­ sion, program planning and development. MSW or equivalent; manage­ ment, supervisory & clinical experience required, youth development and strengths-based approaches needed. Letter/resume:WR, Spectrum, 31 Elmwood Ave, Burlington, VT 05401.


We are also seeking qualified applicants for the following positions: Foster Care Coordinator, Substance Abuse Clinician, Case Managers, Student Assistance Program Counselors, DAEP Group Facilitators, Foster Parents & Mentors and Residential Respite. Inquiries to: Karen Johnson, 802-864-7423 x210. Spectrum is an Equal Opportunity Employer

V % &

w FULL TIME COUNTER HELP Tuesday-Friday: 12-8:30pm, Saturday: 10-6. Must be patient warm, engaging demeanor and epjoy good music, food and people. Great working atmosphere. Apply in person. Stone Soup, 211 College St. Burlington

Employment Classifieds..


Burlington School District Vacancies

P r o f e s s io n a l D e v e l o p m e n t S p e c ia l is t

Kelly Services is hiring fo |||e following positions:

• Accounting • Secretaries

In science, math and technology to work with teachers grades 4-8 on integrating technology-based math and science activities into their curriculum. Skills working with teachers in classroom settings, experience using technology tools in the classroom including graphing calculators. Excel, simple databases, graphing soft­ ware, presentation and publishing software (PowerPoint, HyperStudio, FrontPage), data collection software and web-based resources desired. Knowledge of Vermont’s Framework of Standards and Learning Opportunities a plus. Please send resume, cover letter, and 3 references to:

• Data Entry Clerks • Customer Service Representatives • Medical Records Clerks • Pick/Pack • Telephone Interviewers • Seminar Work

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Burlington School District Human Resources 150 Colchester Avenue Burlington, VT 05401


Come work for leading companies,, call today for an appointment.


Minorities Are Encouraged To Apply. EO E

7D classifieds October

25, 2000

V .V .\ .'V*



page 13b

Employment Tip of the Week W hat does it take to be successful? Here’s Employment Reviews Top 10 personality traits for climbing the corporate ladder.

'M o u n I h i n


P r i d e

e d i a

Editor in Chief for Out In The Mountains VT’s GLBT newspaper You will be responsible for all facets o f OITM’s monthly production, develop and maintain ties to people and organizations within the GLBT community, and serve as a liaison between the publisher, Mountain Pride Media, and the public. The ideal candidate w ill have a degree in journalism, communications, English, or equivalent experience; knowledge o f the GLBT community in Vermont; project management and/or supervision experience; significant experience in many o f the following areas:

1. Have a sense of purpose 2. Be inquisitive 3. Be determined 4. Be brave 3. Be a team player 6. Be a fast walker 7. Be a problem solver 8. Be likeable 9. Use “We” instead o f “I” 10. Accept blame.

publishing industry, news or feature writing, copyediting, proofreading and fact-checking; a commitment to working as part o f a nonprofit organization; and a desire to help take our maturing publication forward. This is a full-time paid position with flexible hours. It requires monthly attendance at meetings with members o f die board o f directors. Significant instate and some out-of-state travel is required.

Send letter of interest, resume, and requirements to: Mountain Pride Media Attn: Editor Search PO Box 1078 - Richmond, VT 05477-1078 or e-mail it to

SMOKERS HEEDED Healthy Men & Women age 18-45

Spectrum Youth & Family Services

for Cigarette smoking study at UVM

is seeking candidates for the following positions

brought to you by

Compensation up to $240 Spectrum Youth & Family Services are seeking a Community based living mentor to live with and support an adolescent

If you are available on 3 days

mother needing to learn independent living skills as she

for 1 hour, and 1 week M-F,

School + Flexible Schedule = A Job fo r You!

How would you like to enjoy going to work, every morning?

3 times per day for 10 minutes

transitions to adulthood. Experience with adolescent devel­

in the morning, afternoon

opment, mental health, and substance abuse desirable but

& evening

not required. In return, Spectrum offers this position sup­ port, training and a tax-free stipend. To find out more,

Please Call 656-9619

please contact Tammy at 864-7423 ext. 2 17.

We are growing and are looking fo r long-term employees to grow along w ith us. If you would like to w ork in a comfortable environment then maybe you are the right employee fo r us.

Grill, Sautee, Line Cooks <& Dishwashers

Sales Person — This is a full-time position Year-round employment, training, FT/PT. Benefits include: insurance, meal discount, flexible schedule.

SW EETW ATERS On the Marketplace 120 Church S tre e t Burlington EOE

selling an established, high-quality software product to a growing market. You must have a working knowledge ofW indow s 95, W indows 98 and the use of PC software. Sales are mostly by telephone, w ith minimal travel.We provide regular leads and qualified prospect lists. Position is commission with a guaranteed minimum.


id d l e b u r y



Assistant Scheduling Coordinator M iddlebury College has an imm ediate opening in the Operations D epartm ent. T his hilltim e position has the following requirements/duties: M anage all aspects o f ad-hoc campus and non-College event scheduling, including data managem ent and processing inform ation on logistical support requests. Provide assistance with academic scheduling and MARS sup­

Above all, you must w o rk and play well with others!

port. Coordinate with support services (Facilities M anagem ent, Catering, M edia and Security). Assist as a resource for inform ation on scheduling software, including responding

Send resume to:


Ivy Com puter Inc. 93 Pilgrim Park Road, Suite 2 W aterbury.VT 05676-1728 Also see:

ere s «sS yo u *** H*

« sp y



in th e

to requests for reports. Manage Scheduling Office in absence o f Scheduling Coordinator. H.S. diplom a or equivalent required. Some college preferred. C om puter literacy, especially spreadsheets, web page basics, and word processing needed. Experience with database soft­ ware desired. Experience in higher education preferred. Ability to work effectively with soft­ ware application such as Microsoft office, e-mail (Microsoft O utlook), Excel and web appli­ cations a must. Strong com m unication skills required. M ust be highly organized and able to

p e r s o n a ls s e c tio n

work under pressure and m eet tight deadlines.

Events Coordinator

Retail Merchandiser

T he Economics D epartm ent at M iddlebury College is seeking an Events Coordinator. Parttime position, approximately 20 hours per week with a flexible schedule. Responsible for the development and coordination o f events for the Economics D epartm ent. Responsible for the


mployee owned Gardener's Supply Com pany is the nation's leading catalog and internet direct supplier of innovative gardening products. Our R etail Store, located in Burlington's Intervale, is both our catalog flagship store as well as one of the region's most prominent and fastest growing garden centers. We are looking for a Retail M erchandiser to help develop and implement a store merchandising plan that creates a "wow" for our customers and builds our store and Gardener's brands. Primary responsibilities include: design/arrangement of fixtures, product and information displays; and signage; and working with customers. Our ideal candidate has 3+ years of retail experience (including retail . merchandising/display development experience), excellent design sensibilities, ability to deal with all store front operations unsupervised, and an extensive gardening background. We offer our employees a team-oriented work environment, strong cultural values, competitive wages and excellent benefits (including a terrific product discount). Interested? Please respond with resume and cover letter to Randee, or come in and fill out an application: 128 Intervale Road, Burlington, Vermont 05401 or via e-mail:




7 D class!' SEVEN DAYS

October 2 5 , 2000

administration o f the Christian A. Johnson budget account, as well as undertaking new ini­ tiatives and m aintaining the Christian A. Johnson web site. W ork with the Christian A. Johnson professor on projects and with other economics professors to coordinate speakers and events for lectures. Coordinate and oversee the economics sum m er internship program. Bachelors degree or equivalent experience desirable. 3-5 years o f administrative office experi­ ence. C om puter literacy including familiarity w ith Microsoft Office and Excel, W eb page, email, file sharing and AS/400 knowledge helpful. Strong organizational and com m unication skills. Ability to w ork independently, w ithout supervision and to prioritize essential tasks. T he job requires that stairs m ust be climbed on a daily basis. Please subm it application or send resume and cover letter to:

Middlebury College Human Resources Service Building Middlebury, VT 05753 Fax: (802) 443-2058

• #

M iddlebury College is an Equal O pportunity Employer. Applications fro m women a n d members o f m inority groups are especially encouraged, http://urww.m

J g g L

Help Us M ake a Difference in the Community.


join an e sta b lish e d lead er Hair stylists and full service Aestheticians —You are commit­ ted to excellence in your field. You are professional in manner and appearance and are committed to providing the latest techniques, products and services to your clientele. You understand the importance of ongoing education. You recog­ nize that working in an upscale salon and spa is an excellent earning opportunity. We are an established and very success­ ful business with two locations and we set the standards for customer service. Our salon and spa hours are from 6am to 9pm and we offer flexible and family-friendly scheduling. Our calm and luxurious atmosphere allows you to pamper your clients while enjoying the support of a dynamic and creative team. As your earning potential expands with us, you will experience the satisfaction of being recognized as the quali­ fied and trained professional that you are. We are recruiting experienced Stylists and Aestheticians for immediate place­ ment as well as junior Stylists and Aestheticians to enter our successful apprentice program. We are also accepting appli­ cations for Retail Coordinators and Customer Service Reps starting at $10/hr. Please call the Business Office of Stephens & Burns for a confidential interview. 865-5047.

Full-time O R Part-time. Lunch and dinner shifts



available. Must be person­

o m m u n it y



u t r e a c h

able, outgoing, and

o r k e r

efficient. Great job for “extra money!”

The Community Health Center of Burlington is a federally qualified family practice dedicated to serve uninsured, underinsured, homeless and low income Vermonters. We need a committed person to help us conduct outreach activities and eligibility assessments designed to help families access health care. Ideal can­ didate would be a great communicator with people from all walks of life, have good presentation skills and attention to detail. In return, we can offer a one year community service and work experience in an incredi­ bly diverse, unique and growing medical practice.

Apply to: Mona’s Restaurant, 3 Main Street, Burlington.


Promise Fellow is a nationally funded, special Americorps VISTA program. 12 months of commu­ nity commitment pays $13,000 plus an educational stipend of $4,725.

We are a high-volume establishment looking for servers, hosts, cooks, dishwashers & custodians. Flexible hours. Apply in person: Lincoln Inn Five Corners Essex junction.

If you would like to contribute to the quality of life in Burlington, send your resume to CHCB, 617 Riverside Avenue, Suite 200, Burlington VT 05401. Fax 802-860-4324 EOE

Looking for a job 85 M echanic St., Suite 110 Lebanon, N H 03766 (603) 448-6600

you'd enjoy? W e're seeking enthusiastic people to join our quality sta ff. W e're busy <&have openings for:

w w w .c o lle g e k it.c o m

Come grow with our Lebanon, N.H. based marketing, promotions and product sampling firm...we create & execute events on college campuses, at NASCAR races, NFL games, and Spring Break for our Fortune 500 clients, and have fun doing it!

Chittenden South Partnership for Youth


Account Coordinators: Do you love to travel, thrive in out-of-the-box, creative, nontraditional work environments, and have event marketing/promotions experience? If so, please fax a resume to Linda at (603) 448-6630 or e-mail

Full-Tim e "Peer Prevention Educator”

CSSU seeks an enthusiastic & motivated person to work with 6 ch- 1 2 lh graders on activities designed to reduce tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use and pro­ mote a safe & healthy lifestyle among youth. The successful candidate should possess the following: a college degree; excellent communication and organizational skills; knowledge of "resiliency” and positive youth develop­ ment framework; experience working with 6 th through 1 2 th graders; under­ standing of'community and school systems; strong group facilitation skills; and basic computer skills. Position is salaried and full-time, with flexible hours and schedule. Salary ranges from $25,000 to $35,000/year and includes full benefits. Application deadline is Tuesday, October 31st, 2000.

Training, flexible schedule, FT/PT, good starting salary, advancement, insurance, vacation A more! THE

8M 00N. __ SIR L O IN __

Drivers Wanted

Apply 12am-4pm 2545 Shelburne Rd. EOE

Awesome earning p o ten tial —

U p to $ l5 /h r . Relaxed working conditions.

1 1

Part time and full time drivers needed and no Insurance, & Reliable Vehicle.

CSSU seeks a responsible person to distribute prevention outreach materials to local businesses, community agencies, and media organizations within the Chittenden South area. The successful candidate should have excellent com­ munication skills, a flexible schedule, the ability to follow through on projects, and reliable transportation. Position is part time for up to 120 hours annually —approximately 1 0 hours per month —and pays $ 8 per hour plus mileage.





Call for details or apply in person:

Four Star Delivery 203 No. Winooski Ave.


T ^

5 6


kitchen work. Must have valid Drivers License,

Part-T im e Public O utreach A ssistan t

3 4



Part-T im e Evaluation C onsultant

.CSSU seeks a part-time evaluator to help assess the impact of federal grants within the District. Successful candidate should possess a strong background in evaluation methods and survey design, excellent knowledge of database software, advanced data analysis skills, experience running focus groups, and a flexible schedule. Position requires between 50 -100 hours annually. Pay rate commensurate with experience. For all positions listed,please submit a letter of application, resume and three letters of reference to: Human Resources Chittenden South Supervisory Union

363 CVU Road FTnesburg, V T 05461 EOE Visit our website at *




Are you on the cutting edge?

ir e c t o r

Supervised Visitation Agency

The Urban Salon Team is

Work collaboratively, supervise staff, interface with community agencies and Board of Directors. Requires excellent communication skills; experience with child development/protection, domestic violence, custody issues, grant writing and fund development. M.S./MSW preferred or B.S. +5 yrs exp. Tues-Sat, some eves. Competitive salary/benefits. Resumes by 11/3 to: Search Committee, Fam ily Connection Center, 34 Elmwood Ave., Burlington, VT.

looking for a stylist and/or aesthetician to join our team. We offer: • competitive pay scale • a great work environment • continuing education • benefits package If you are looking to increase *

your clientele (or start one),; come check us out and introduce yourself. 12D Main St.



*1$,j*T. •• •' - ---, •. ■<"3v <*■>•*H »’*>



Restaurant Assistant Manager


At Carbur’s in Burlington. Experience. Enjoys fast-paced environment. Leader, trainer, service, paperwork, responsibility. Benefits. Call 864-5355 for an interview.

Americorps — Come and learn new skills, experience rewarding work and m eet wonderful people. Project

■ Hands-on Training m National Certification

m Imm ediate Job Openings

Restaurant FT AM & PM Servers, FT Bartender, PT Bussers, PT Hostperson. Apply in person, after 2 PM.

Home brings together elders and people with disabilities who want to remain living independently in their homes with people seeking affordable housing. Project


Home has an Am ericorps position available as an

Carbur’s, 115 St. Paul St., Burlington.

Intake/Outreach Assistant. This position requires a BA or com parable work and life experience, strong public speaking and writing skills, and knowledge of Microsoft Office. Compensation includes $10,000 stipend, a $4725 education­

Custom er Service

al aw ard, and basic health insurance, plus childcare if eligi­ ble. 11-month position to start ASAP. Call 863-5625 for appli­ cation packet and job description. EOE. has an immediate opening for a full time Customer Service Representative. Located in Stowe, our fast paced internet company is looking for a self-motivated, highenergy team player. Previous customer service and computer experience is necessary, is a dynamic company wi many opportunities for growth.


Em ail resumes to or fax to 8 0 2 -2 5 3 -7 4 4 1 .


Full-time — 40 hours. Duties include lawn care, dorm cleaning, painting, etc. Must be able to lift 50 lbs. Please send resume to: James Brown at Pine Ridge School ^ . 9505 Williston Rd \ F in e Williston, VT 05495


. \x m

Full or Part Time Position available. Please contact Alan Sousie, DNS 524-2996 Monday-F riday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

id ge iooi 9505 Williston Road • Williston, VT 05495 (802)434-2161 • Fax (802) 434-5512


please be honest, dependable, trustworthy, and hard working. Part-tim e plus. PREP COOKS to join our professional kitchen team . Must be honest, motivated and responsible.

Spectrum Youth and Family Services is currently Please apply in person to the Vermont Pub and Brewery, Comer of College & St. Paul Streets, Burlington, VT 05401

seeking men and women to facilitate educational classes in Burlington, St. Albans, and Middlebury


for men who batter women. An understanding of

Youth & Family Services

domestic violence and multicultural perspective desired. This position is part time and could

include evening and weekend hours. Send a letter of interest and a resume by November 6 to: DAEP Site Coordinator (RP), DAEP/Spectrum,

CEUEM HAVC) [ V l N l/fll j \

31 Elmwood Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401.-

better than a can of schoolyard whoop-ass.

S B P P 1 Y C O M P A N Y

it's NOT too early to

Make Some Holiday Cash!

Holiday Job Fairs 3:00 - 6:00 pm Wednesday, October 25 and November 1 Warehouse ★ Product Assembly ★ Pick Pack

T ake a


H ave an





G et a

JO B !

All positions feature:

at 133 Elm Street Winooski

★ Day, Evening, Weekend Shifts ★ Full & Part Time Shifts

Call Center Representative ★ Receive and process customer telephone orders (NO Telemarketing!)

at 128 Intervale Road Burlington

★ Fun, Fast-Paced Work ^

★ Generous Discount


Missed the Job Fair? Have questions? For W arehouse positions, contact Kit a t 660-3500 ext. 669 or <kith@ > or come in a n d fill o u t a n app licatio n a t 133 Elm Street in Winooski. For Call Center p ositions, contact N ancy a t 660-3500 ext. 326 or <nancyc@ > or come to 128 Intervale Road in B urlington a n d fill o u t a n app licatio n .

JOB HOTLINE: 660-3JOB 7D classifieds [ " -6b


p H


25, 2000.

w w w .ga rd en m

hundreds of jobs better than yours listed online every thursday afternoon. look busy, log on.


ik o o

V e rm o n t’s alternative webweekly where th e good jobs are

O '

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O P P O R T U N IT IE S Folder Operator:

GROCERY STORE ASSISTANT The Onion River Co-op Is seeking a friendly, hard-working and enthusiastic Individual to work full time. Must be able to lift 50lbs. repeatedly. We offer competitive wages, paid time off, medical and dental Insurance, and store discounts for both full and part time employees. Plus the Co-op is a great place to work!!!

We are lo o k in g fo r an e xp erie n ce d

fo ld e r o p e ra to r. M e c h a n ic a l kn o w le d g e a p lu s , in c lu d ­ in g

e xp erie nce

w ith

c u tte rs , a M uller,


o th e r

b in d e ry e q u ip m e n t.

Receptionist/Office Assistant:

A ls o we are lo o k ­

in g fo r a p ro fe s sio n a l in d iv id u a l w ith a frie n d ly voice to a nsw er ve ry b u s y p h o n e s , and p e rform o th e r m u lti­ ta s k o ffic e d u tie s . M u st h ave e xc e lle n t p h o n e skills, be o rg a n ize d , and h ave kn o w le d g e o f c o m p u te rs ., MS W ord, and Exc e l is a p lus.

Send your resume with cover letter to Attn: Kate Charles, HR Administrator, 274 N. Winooski Avenue, Burlington 05401




We o ffe r c o m p e titiv e w a g e s , and a g re a t b e n e fit p ackag e. Fo r a c o n fid e n tia l in te rv ie w c a ll: (8 0 2 ) 2 2 3 2 1 0 0 o r fa x resum e t o : (8 0 2 ) 2 2 9 -5 1 4 9

Equal Opportunity Employer



Join a dynamic Education Department in a newly renovated and expanded facility!

SEVEN DAYS newspaper is looking for a Manager of our evolving Classifieds Department. In addition to coordinating sales with other ad reps, the position includes selling line and display ads, developing department promotions, and laying out the back sec­ tion of the paper. Sales experience mandatory. You must also posssess a penchant for produc­ tion, a zeal for organization, self-motivation and good humor. All while under deadline. Essential Mac skills: Quark, FileMaker, Word, Fox Pro Audit software, working knowledge of the Internet. Can train, but you should know the basics.

Education A d m in istrato r F u ll-tim e , highly organized team player needed to cover a 3 -m o n th leave of absence (Jan-M arch), w ith a possible extension. Chief duties involve assisting w ith im p le m e n ta tio n of Flynn pro gra m s at schools, in c lu d ­ ing s tu d e n t m atinees, com panion w orkshops, and . te a ch e r education. A pp licants m u st possess excellent co m m u n ica tio n s k ills , be com p eten t in M icro soft and Excel, and have know ledge of schools and p e rfo rm in g a rts. Teaching experience in dance, the ater, o r m usic a plus. Send resum e and references by Nov. 3 to Flynn C enter, 153 Main S treet, B u rlin g to n , VT 05401.

SEVEN DAYS offers a competitive salary plus com­ missions and benefits, and a fun, non-traditional work environment. Send resume & cover letter to: SEVEN DAYS, POB 1164, Burlington, VT 05402 or to No phone calls, please.

w ould fall out o f the tourist trade in the Bay o f Fundy, noted for

D ear Cecil, I thought I sh o u ld consult y o u fir s t before I w en t ahead w ith m y p la n to destroy the moon. M y questions to y o u are simple, or m aybe not. C o u ld the E arth (a n d the scum, w ho in h a b it it) survive w ith o u t the moon? W ould the lack o f its g ra vita tio n a l sway cause any substan­ tia l dam age aside fr o m p issing o f f a lot ofsurfers? W ould everyone all o f a sudden have one serious m o o d swing? J u st how im p o rta n t is this m oving target? I w o n t begin operations u n til I hear fr o m yo u first. — Greg Angelone via the In tern et

Destroying m ajor planetary bodies shows a lack o f m aturity, Greg. T here are better ways o f expressing your anger. C an’t you just hold your breath until you tu rn blue? At the m om ent I can’t give you a definite answer on the effects o f destroying the m oon. T h e parties I’ve consulted so far think that either (a) noth in g m uch will happen, or (b) it’ll be the end o f the world. I’m w orking on getting this pinned down. O ne question: H ow do you propose to have the m oon taken out? Obviously, if island-size chunks will be raining dow n on Cleveland, there’s going to be a significant negative im pact (on Cleveland, anyway). In order n o t to mess up our answer, however, let’s assume you’re thinking o f a sim ple process o f vaporization. M y initial thoughts regarding the im pact o f lunar destruction were as follows: (I) N o m ore big tides, surfing, etc. Tides w ouldn’t disappear entirely, since the sun w ould continue to tug on th e oceans, caus­ ing high tides o f dim inished am plitude at noon and m idnight. But, as one early consultant pointed out, it’s a safe bet the b ottom

its tidal extremes. (2) Dogs would have to bay at, I dunno, A lpha Centauri. (3) M uch darker at night. D uh, you say, but a fair am ount o f noctural activity am ong the lower orders is pegged to m oonlight. (4) T he famous children’s book G oodnight M oon would require considerable rethinking. (5) O ne less thing to rhym e w ith June. (6) W e’d have to th in k up another nam e for shoving your naked b u tt out the car w indow at passersby. (7) N o m ore eclipses. Incidentally, the next partial eclipse o f the sun visible in N o rth America will occur this com ing Christm as Da^. W ouldn’t w ant to miss that, so please hold off on the destruction o f the m oon till after the holidays. (8) O n July 20, 2069, people will say, “Neil who walked on w hat!”

In other words, we’d probably cope, so if it were left to me I’d say go ahead. But there are a lot o f scaremongers out there. A sam pling o f proposed fatal scenarios: (1) Loss o f the m eteorite shield and resultant flaming death. Some say th at if not for the m oon, all those m eteorites that made huge craters (150 miles and m ore in diam eter) on the lunar sur­ face w ould have flattened Nebraska instead. Like anybody would have noticed. M y feeling is, while lunar shielding may have been im portant in the early days o f the solar system, how m any giant m eteorites do you see crashing into the m oon now? I w ant to know w hat the m oon has done for m e lately. (2) End o f life as we know it. In his book W h a t I f the M oon D id n ’t Exist? Voyages to Earths T h a t M ig h t H ave Been (1993), astronom er Neil Com ins speculates that life would never have evolved from the prim ordial soup if not for the m oon and accom­ panying tides. W ith weaker solar tides and thus a lesser distance between the littoral reach o f high and low tides, there w ould have been fewer tidal pools, the petri dish for so m any forms o f life. As one com m entator puts it, no am phibians = no land animals = no us. However, at the risk o f appearing ungrateful, I have to point o u t that, evolutionarily speaking, we’re kinda past the lizard stage. T h e riposte to this is th at even now tidal m otion helps keep the oceans churned up, circulating nutrients and generally helping to prom ote life beneath the waves. N o churning = no circulating nutrients = no life. (3) O rbital instability. T his has been the m ost controversial

area o f all. A t first m y reaction was, w hat orbital instability? Everybody knows that the radius o f th e E arth’s orbit is r = G M /v 2, where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass o f the sun, and v is the Earth’s orbital velocity. In other words, orbital radius is independent o f planetary mass, so despite the loss o f 1/81 o f the com bined terralunar bulk, orbitw ise the Earth w ould rock on. Various individuals claim, though, th at Earth’s orbit would becom e m ore elliptical, its axial tilt w ould becom e wobblier due to the influence o f Jupiter, and w ho knows w hat else. If G od had been subject to this kind o f environm ental im pact baloney, the creation o f the universe w ould still be in com m unity hearings. I say let her blow. H ow bad could it be? C E C IL AD A M S

Is the re s o m e th in g y o u n e e d to g e t s tra ig h t? C e c il A d a m s ca n d e liv e r th e S tra ig h t D o p e on a n y to p ic . W rite C e c il A d a m s at the C h ic a g o R e a d e r, 1 1 E . Illin o is , C h ic a g o , IL 6 0 6 1 1 , or e -m a il him a t c e c il@ c h ir e a d e r .c o m .


7D cla ssifie d s [W here th October 2 5 , 2 0 0 0

►e m p l o y m e n t

C risis C linician


licensed o r license eligible clinician to provide outreach mental health services to children, adolescents and th e ir families living

Management Opportunities in the Hospitality Industry

within C hittenden County. Candidate must have strong clinical

S upport C ompanion Family S upport S ervices Full and part-tim e positions available to provide support to chil­


Healthy Men and Women 21-50 needed for cigarette smoking study at UVM

• A ssistant Food & Beverage Manager • Function Coordinator

skills and experience w ith crisis intervention. Valid V T driver’s license necessary. Send cover le tte r and resume to Marc Adams.


If S p p T a in t t y lo d g e

First Call C hildren’s Crisis Service is seeking a M aster’s level

Compensation up to $1500 or more

At a minimum, the above positions require previous "front of the house" and supervisory experience in the food and beverage/hospitality industry. Applicants must have exceptional and proven guest service skills, a sense of humor, flexibili­

Must be available for 5 hours 3 days per week for about 6 weeks

ty, proficiency with Microsoft Word/Excel, strong communication & interpersonal

P le a s e C a ll 6 5 6 - 9 6 1 9

skills and the ability to lead a team. Experience with MICROS systems a strong plus.

dren w ho are experiencing severe emotional and behavioral diffi­ These positions offer an excellent benefits package (all the traditional stuff and culty. Services are to be delivered in collaboration with case

lots more) and a great place to work. Call 802-253-5713 for more details or visit us

management and will focus on assisting clients in developing

online at Send resumes to: Trapp Family Lodge, HR, PO Box

adaptive skills necessary to remain in th e ir hom e, school, o r

1428, Stowe, VT 05672. Fax: 802-253-5757. Email EOE.

Warehouse P erson/D river Needed Are you organized? Do you like travel? We o ffe r good p a y/b e n e fits /fle x ib ie hours.

com munity settings. Applicants must possess good therapeutic and rap port building skills, be a team -oriented participant, and be

Maintain warehouse inventory.

a positive advocate for the children and families they serve. A

CDL A o r 6 preferred. M a il/fa x/e -m a il:

valid driver’s license, registered vehicle and insurance that com ­

Art in Motion

ply w ith Agency requirements are also required. Submit resume


to Chris Dum ouchel.

E arly C hildhood Mental H ealth C onsultant Full tim e position to w o rk in the Early Childhood Program. W e

60 Gonyeau Road, M ilton, VT 0 5 4 6 8 Fax: 88 8-2 35-7 66 5 artmoves60@

Do you take pride in your work and enjoy working in a team environment? If so, we have full-time custodial positions available at our Essex High School and Albert

The Right Paoductkm

desire an experienced clinician to provide consultation and case management to child care providers and families with young chil­ dren experiencing severe em otional and behavioral problems.

D. Lawton Middle School/Fleming Elementary School. Positions pay $7.70/hour with an excellent benefits

Services are delivered in childcare settings and in client homes. Th e ideal candidate will have knowledge o f mental health; child

package available including full medical, dental and life


developm ent and child care programs; as well as knowledge o f com munity resources and service coordination. Experience with behavior management and family w o rk is necessary. W e are lo ok­

insurance; a matching retirement plan; tuition reim­


bursement; and a competitive leave package. Hours are

ing fo r an individual with a M aster’s degree in counseling, psy­ chology o r social w o rk . Resumes to Ruth Cohan.

Resumes and cover letter to:

The Baird Center for Children & Families

3:00 pm to 11:00 pm (with possible day shifts available

Cm Get Hi m

during the summer). To apply, please stop by to

Froia There

complete an application, or send letter and resume to:

1110 Pine St., B urlington,VT 05401 Visit w w w .h o w a r d c e n te r .o r g for full em ploym ent listings. Email your resume to b a ir d jo b s @ h o w a r d c e n te r .o r g

The Baird Center for Children and Families

Chittenden Central Supervisory Union Attn: Fduman Resources 7 Meadow Terrace Essex Jet., VT 05452

A Division o f the H ow ard C e n te r fo r Human Services

YOU ARE THERE You've been working very hard for the past five or so years perfecting your production skills and honing

EOE • Deadline: Open Until Filled.

your design talent You come from the advertising and/or graphic arts fields, and you are Mac-literate and

5 t o g y M in u te c

"PI5HIR6 PlfcT"

THAT WAS BECAUSE SHE'P F ir s t h e a r p t h e n e w s o f i t W HILE P oiN G THAT CHORE.



gvepv T ime sd e p ip t ie pish es The FANVouS MURPER CAMklo A W -

fluent in Photoshop. Quark and Illustrator. And you're now ready to step up and step out WE ARE HERE We are a 2-1/2-year-old ad company, and we help a select and diverse client base solve marketing opportunities with smart work. We are passionate about our work, but we don't take ourselves too seriously.




T H I S IS T H I S We offer a dynamic work environment good salary, medical insurance, profit sharing in the form of a company-funded pension plan, all the coffee you can handle, and the opportunity to become a stakeholder in a remarkable ad company. Write us a note stating your salary expectations, and send it along with your'resume and three work samples to:

m o n th s la ter she h ea r p o f






Spike Advertising 266 Pine Street Suite 14 Burlington, VT 05401 Or Warning: If you don’t apply your i in i

7 D c lassifie d s

► 8 6 4 .5 6 8 4 O c to b e r

► c la s s i fi e d @ s e v e n d a y s v t.c o m 25,.2 0 0 0


►e m p lo y m e n t

►a n n o u n c e m e n ts

►employment DESIGN ASSISTANT. Seeking versatile, motivated, person for exhibit/web design & general office position. Must have experience with Adobe appli­ cations. E-mail letter of inter­ est and resume to: EXTRAS/ACTORS- Up to $500 a day! All looks needed. Call for info 800-260-3949 ext. 3025. (AAN CAN) HELP WANTED, Fall clean-up. Avail, now. End-of-season pro­ jects. Lite to moderate work. Flexible days & hrs. Oakwood Farms, Essex Jet. Ask for Glenn, leave msg. 288-8155. INTERNET & DATABASE Developers. Excellent salary, bonuses, benefits & work envi­ ronment. 6 Degrees Software, 176 Battery St., Burlington, VT 05401. LEONARDO’S PIZZA hiring Drivers & Pizza Makers. See Dave at 1160 Williston Rd., S. Burlington or Shannon at 83 Pearl St., Burlington. LOOKING FOR positive, m ulti­ tasking, friendly asset to a progressive natural healing office. Please call 862-2477. OFFICE MANAGER/ Administrative Assistant. Become part of a team, pro­ viding holistic health care in a friendly & caring environment. Responsibility, attention to detail & ability to multitask are a must. 25-30 hrs./wk. Send resume to Sobel Family Chiropractic, 22 Patchen Rd., S. Burlington; fax to 6584064, or spinedoc ©togeth­ er, net. POSITION AVAILABLE. Baker, retail, production. Apply in person. Chittenden Cider Mill. 1580 Dorset St., S. Burl. REAL ESTATE. Administrative Assistant for small firm. Should have exp. on comput­ ers: Windows 97, QuickBooks, etc. Part- or full-time? Hours flexible. Call 8 6 4 -7 5 3 7 .,,- V

ONE OF THE NATION’S lead­ ing online banks is looking for a Web developer to work out of its office in Stowe, VT. The candidate will be responsible for maintaining the Web site including dynamic HTML/XML genera­ tion (using Active Server Pages) and creating a highly scaleable and robust site based on Microsoft IIS, ASP, XML, and SQL Server. Web site maintenance duties include: Server log reporting and weekly hot fixes/updates. Candidates must have 1-3 years of relevant experience including a minimum of 2 years of commercial (Inter or Intra-net) Web site develop­ ment using Microsoft’s Web Technologies, including Active Server Pages (ASP), VB Script, JavaScript, XML, ADO, Visual Interdev, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft IIS. The successful candidate will be self-motivated and looking to make significant contributions within an entrepreneurial envi­ ronment. Excellent written and verbal communication skills are a must. Please send . resume to webjobs@ever, SEASONAL, FT. Nov. 27-Dec. 22. Retail sales. 1st Season Greenhouses, Shelburne. 985-8456. WE NEED WRITERS. We pay for your articles! Go to to publish and be read by thousands. or for more info: authors© (AAN CAN)

►business opps $15-45/HR. POTENTIAL. Country’s most established medical/dental billing software company trains people to process claims from home. Must own computer. 1-800223-1149 ext. 419. (AAN CAN) BARTENDERS: Make $100- • • $250 per night. No experi­ ence necessary. Call 1-800981-8168 ext. 5000. (AAN CAN)

t a lk B y T om & Ray Magliozzi the pressure again. A nd the pressure in each tire was ... T O M : 30 pounds! O r at least as close to 30 pounds as we could see w ith the. naked eye & Our gauge. RAY: So the answer is that you should inflate your spare tire to the same pressure that you inflate the rest o f your tires. W hether it’s on or off the car appears to make no significant difference. T O M : A nd I w ould have to guess th at the reason it makes no difference is because p rop­ erly designed tires m aintain the same exact volum e inside, despite the fact that they deform under the weight o f the car. RAY: You’ll notice th at the tires change shape under the weight o f the car, flattening a b it on the bottom b u t w iden­ ing a bit on the sides. K ind o f like m y brother did as he got older. T O M : But because they’ve been designed to handle the weight o f the car & have enough sidewall strength, the volum e inside the tires stays the same, and thus the pres­ sure stays the same. RAY: Keep in m ind that this only works if the tires are

A WEIGHTY QUESTION ABOUT TIRE PRESSURE D ear Tom a n d Ray: Does a tire’s a ir pressure vary depending on w hether or n o t it is supporting the vehicle’s weight? I ’m w o ndering i f m y spare tire, w h ich is supporting nothing, sh o u ld be in fla ted to the same p si as the other tires, which are bearing the w eight o f the vehicle. — Lee A n n

T O M : Great question, LeeAnn. A nd, like m ost great questions, we don’t know the answer. So we consulted w ith Paul M urky at M urky Re­ search, and he devised an experim ent for us. RAY: O n Paul’s advice, we took m y car into the garage & took off two o f the wheels. T O M : T h en we m easured the tire pressure on those “re­ moved” wheels with, a good — but not scientific-quality—rdial gauge &c both tires had 30 pounds o f pressure in them . RAY: We then p u t the tires back on the car, lowered the car to the ground & m easured

7 0 c la s s ifie d s

► 8 6 4 .5 6 8 4



►a u to m o tiv e CLAIMS PROCESSOR $20$40/hr potential. Processing claims is easy! Training pro­ vided, MUST own PC. CALL NOW! 1-888-518-7534 ext 858. (AAN CAN) EARN $10,000+/mo. Work part-time from home, not MLM, need serious desire. 800-570-3782. Ext. 1518. EARN $$$ helping doctors. Process claims from home, $20-$40/hr. potential. Must own computer/modem, we train. Call 1-888-310-2153 ext 867. (AAN CAN) EARN UP TO $25,000 to $50,000/year. Medical Insurance Billing Assistance Needed Immediately! Use your home computer, get FREE Internet, FREE long distance, website, email. 800-2914683 ext 190. (AAN CAN) GOVT. POSTAL JOBS: up to $18.35/hour. Full benefits. No experience required. For appli­ cation and exam information 888-726-9083, ext. 1702. 7 am-7 pm CST. (AAN CAN) JAPAN. If you have the con­ tacts, we have the opportunity of a lifetime! 888-574-6615. MAIL ORDER PERSON. Set your hours, $$$. Full-training. Call, 800-695-9202. SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE. Small business opportunity. Move here (the quiet side of the lake); stay there. Profitable & growing candle & related craft business for sale. $65,000. More than 100 accounts. Net income $25,000-30,000. Call for details. Essex Real Estate Co. 518-963-1100. WINDOW TREATMENTS. Own your own business! Our cus­ tom work includes a full line of draperies & decorating accessories. Established 19 years in the greater Burl. area. Can be home-based. Retiring. 372-5372.



YOUR CLASSIFIED AD printed in more than 100 alternative papers like this one for just $950.00! To run your ad in papers with a total circulation exceeding 6.5 million copies per week, call Hope at Seven Days, 864-5684. No adult ads. (AAN CAN)

1990 JEEP Cherokee Laredo, 4 WD, auto., 124K mi., new brakes, rotors, needs new windshield, excellent in snow. $3500, o.b.o., 635-3678. 1993 TOYOTA PICK-UP DX, 4x4, excellent condition inside & out. 75K. Cap, new tires & exhaust. $8000, o.b.o. 660-9059. 1999 SILVERADO LS 1500. Extra-cab, C71 package. Automatic, gray color, loaded. Need to sell. Asking $25,995. Call 872-9986.


D ear Tom a n d Ray: I took m y car in today to service m y brakes. The mechanic called me & said th a t I needed the “p re m iu m brake p a d s” be­ cause I have big calipers or something. ( I took th a t as a com plim ent.) M y question is: Is th a t true? I have a 1 9 9 7 Chevy L um ina. M y fir s t assumption was th a t he j u s t w a n ted to sell m e a more expensive p a r t or d id n ’t have any o f the cheaper pads in stock. Was I taken? — Lance

RAY: N o t at all, Lance. For a lot o f cars, you CAN choose from a variety o f “grades” o f brake pads — from “Shinola” on down. But for this particu­ lar car, the so-called prem ium pads are the only ones that are


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- — y o u ’ R t n o t Co n s i d e r n a d e r , a r e y o u ? DON’ T BE STUPID / THIS YEAR STICK WITH THE P l Ai N V A N U l a C AND IDRTE ' T H I S IS

In o

tim e

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Your, Bu c h a n a n i s my mo RA L BEACON, B u t OUR R i c h Pa r e n t s a r e a l l ag , i n g , / a v a n i l l a ] V o t e F or B u s h n u l do r w a y ^ I

c o u l d n ’ t h e lp sensing,


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A F L A M B O Y A N T G,AY w r it e -i n

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deemed acceptable by Chevrolet. T O M : M y guess is that in testing the car, Cheyy deter­ m ined that lesser-quality pads did not provide enough stop­ ping power. T he prem ium pad^ have m ore metallic con­ tent, so they not only .stop the car better, but they also last longer. O n the downside, they cost m ore — for your car, about $70 a set (four pads, which cover both front wheels). A nd because o f the metallic content, they some­ times make m ore o f a screech­ ing noise when you stop. RAY: You could, I’m sure, convince some other m echanic to put in a cheaper set o f pads for this car, Lance. But they w ouldn’t stop the car as effec­ tively, and you’d have to replace them again sooner. So I’d stick w ith the factory rec­ om m endation. T O M : Interestingly, a lot o f taxi drivers use the real-cheap pads. Since they^re jam m ing on their brakes all day long, they don’t w ant to hear the brakes screeching at all, and neither do their customers, I guess. RAY: And the pads they use cost about $7 a set. I th in k they’re m ade o f compressed D unkin’ D onuts coffee cups. But since the cabs are in the garage every night anyway, they can change the pads out whenever they need to — w hich is probably about once a week.

► c la ssifie d @ se ve n d a ysvt.c o m

25, 2000



vjvvvj ,


designed ro handle the weight o f your car. If you put a bicy­ cle tire on your car, for exam­ ple, the weight o f the car W O U L D crush the tire & decrease the interior volume. In that case, the pressure w ould shoot up & cause the tire to explode. N ot to m en­ tion w hat would happen to those spindly little spokes! T O M : So you w ant to use the tire sizes & ratings recom­ m ended by your m anufactur­ er, & abide by the weight & cargo lim its for your vehicle as well. A nd then check the pres­ sure — including the spare — once a m onth, if possible, & at the very least, once a sea­ son, & you’ll be all set, LeeAnn.

NISSAN PATHFINDER, SE 1995, 5-spd., PWF, PL, key­ less-entry, sunroof, tra ile r' hitch, phone, air, cruise, deal­ er-serviced, 117K, immacu­ late. $9500. 862-4212. VAN. 1991, RAM 350 Maxi­ van. New trans., 3 bench seats. Huge. Very solid body & engine. Interior not super­ clean. Band broke-up (boohoo). $2200, o.b.o. 860-6357:

f r o u b le t o w n . C o m

Carpool C o n n e ctio n Call 864-CCTA to respond to a listing or to be listed. WATERBURY to MONTPELIER. My


hours are 7 am-3 pm. I am flexible & looking for a ride M-F. (40045)

looking for a ride or to share driving from the Cabot/ Montpelier area. I work 20 hrs./wk. & am very flexible. (40034)


ing for a ride to IBM from S. Burlington. I work M-F, 8 am-4:30 pm. (40038) JOHNSON to STOWE.

I am looking for a ride from Johnson to Stowe. I work M-F, 7 am-3:30 pm. (40026) ENOSBURG FALLS to ESSEX JCT. I work at

IBM from 7 pm to 7 am. Wed.-Sat.(40027) WINOOSKI to MORRISVILLE: I am

looking for a ride. I work Tues., Weds. & Fri. from 8 am to 3 pm. (40029) ESSEX to ESSEX: I

need a ride to IBM. i work the N8 shift. (40030)

MORRISVILLE to ESSEX. I am looking

for a ride from Morrisville to IBM in Essex.,I am w illing to meet in Waterbury, but would like to avoid dri­ ving in the snow. My hours are 7 am to 7 pm. (40024) RICHMOND to WILLISTON. I amlook-

ing for a ride from Richmond to Walmart, Iwork Sat. from 7 am4 pm & Sun. from 9 am-6 pm. (40015) FAIRFIELD to BURLINGTON. I am

looking to share dri­ ving from Fairfield to King St. in Burlington. My hours are 7:30 am-4:30 pm, Mon. & Wed. I am flexible in the afternoons & need flexibility. (40018)

COLCHESTER to ESSEX. I need ride

from the Malletts Bay area to IBM. I work MF, 7 am-5pm. (40022) BURL, to RANDOLPH.

I need a ride to VT technical Ctr. from Burlington on Sat., 9/16. I need to leave at 8 am & return after 5:30 pm. (40023) WINOOSKI to S. BURLINGTON: I work

at the correctional center 6 days on & 2 days off. My hours are 3:30 pm until 11:30 pm. (40010) COLCHESTER to ESSEX: I need a ride

from St. Michael’s College to IBM. I work Sat. & Sun., 7 am-7 pm (40012) BOLTON to MONTPE­ LIER: I need to share

driving from Bolton to Montpelier. I work MF, 7:30 am until 3:30 pm. (40013)

C M im M K N


►s p a c e ►space for rent

►housing for rent

BURLINGTON: Seeking F stu­ dio mate, $275/mo. + utils, incl. large shared studio space and own office. Good light and location. 860-9500, ext. 2. MIDDLEBURY: Commercial possibilities. 1-3 small build­ ings, 13-15 Washington St., across from Grand Union. Will renovate or restore for your store, office or business. 425-5000. UNIQUE OFFICE SPACES for entrepreneurs & startups: Reasonable rates, 1-year lease, full-service office cen- ' ter, lots of free parking. T-l Internet access on site. Check out the historical East O’Lake Building in Lakewood Commons: 1233 Shelburne Rd. (next to Jake’s Restaurant). One of Burling­ ton's best-kept secrets. 658-9697. Take a tour w/our Building Manager.

BURLINGTON: 2-bdrm„ great location, beautiful, large, W/D, parking. Avail. 1/1/01. No pets or smoking, please. $1190/mo. + utils. 617262-6444. BURLINGTON: Howard St. Second fir. 2-bdrm. No pets. $550/mo. + utils. Avail. 11/6. 862-0092.

►housemates BURLINGTON: clean room­ mate wanted to share 3 bdrm. apt. w/PM. Laundry, yard, porch, off-street parking, close to downtown. $350/M0. + utils. 864-3365. BURLINGTON: Looking for laid-back, goofy creative types for our funky downtown apart­ ment. Musicians, writers, etc. $375/mo. + dep. Available 11/1 or 11/15. Keith, 865-6889.

RED M E A T Since I got fired from the drugstore, I got lots of spare I like to take the bus down to the school for the blind. They got this nice courtyard with trees and benches.

BURLINGTON: Male room­ mate wanted to find apart­ ment with. Rent could be $300-$400/mo. + utils. Nonsmoker preferred. Call eves., 863-7865. BURLINGTON: PF to share 3bdrm., non-smoker. Must like cats, as well as my 6-year-old son. $388/mo. + utils. 862-2543, leave msg. BURLINGTON: Share down­ town house with 4 others. Drug- & alcohol-free. Supportive environment. Diversity welcome. Off-street parking. $375/mo. incl. utils./phone. Two-min. walk to Flynn. 865-6767. ESSEX JUNCTION: ASAP, fun, vegetarian F, mid-20s, wanted to share, relaxed apt. w/same & two cats. No more pets, please. $300/mo. + 1/2 utils. 878-0980.

food fo r thoughtlessness

Yesterday they told me to never come back there ever again, or they’d call the cops.

► h o u s in g

BURLINGTON: Room in hos­ tel, Nov. 1st to Apr. 1st. $250/mo. + 1/3 utils. Must know hostelling & wood heat. Refs. 865-3730.

WANTED: Housing for Mom & child, in Burlington, in exchange for work. Could incl. respite/elder care, light house­ keeping, childcare. Separate entrance req. Contact Kris, 860-0646.

►situations wanted

►computer svcs.

HOUSESITTING! Incredibly wonderful, interesting, respon­ sible people moving fine arts photography studio to area. Great with pets/plants. Excellent refs. Call Donna, (207) 594-2914 or

PUZZLED BY YOUR PC? Professional, at-home support for all your computing needs, including hardware/software support, setup, installation and home networking. 865-1265.

►room for rent

►unique situations NEED DRIVING companion to drive to San Francisco. Expenses shared. Refs. Early Nov. Alexandra, 223-2668.

from the secret files of

M ax c a n n o n

►dating svcs. COMPATIBLES: Singles meet by being in the same place as other singles. We’ve made this the best time to connect you. Details, 863-4308. SINGLES CONNECTION: Professional and intelligent dating network for singles. Bi­ directional matching. Lifetime memberships. Please call (800) 775-3090 or Helping you get connected.

HOMEOWNERS W/CREDIT WORRIES may now quickly qualify for loans. Stonecastle’s a direct lender that can tell you over the phone and with­ out obligation! Call 1-800700-1242 ext. 683. (AAN CAN) NEED A LOAN? Consolidate debts! Same day approval. Cut payments to 50%!! No appli­ cation fees! 1-800-863-9006 Ext. 838 (AAN CAN)

►m isc. services SIMPLY SEWING by Dani. Alterations, repairs, home­ made garments. 879-2009, eves.


Vermont Harpist Cooperative


Heck...I just figured nobody would notice if I was nekkid.

$600 UNTIL PAYDAY! Bad Credit? No credit? No prob­ lem! Call today, cash tomor­ row. Fast phone approval! 1877-4-PAYDAY. (AAN CAN) CASH LOANS. Debt consolida­ tion, mortgages, credit cards, auto loans, bad credit, no credit, our specialty! For information call toll-free 877-371-8822 ext. 010. (AAN CAN) CREDIT REPAIR! As seen on TV. Erase bad credit legally. Results guaranteed. Free 8 mins, of recorded info. (Toll free) 877-660-4968. (AAN CAN)

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add the elegance of a harpist to ( your holiday parties, weddings, anniversaries, and events,


kids ►not for the kids ►not for the kids ►not for the kids ►not

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A n s w e r s To L a s t W e e k ’s P u z z l e

7 D classifie d s

► 8 6 4 .5 6 8 4 October

► c la s s ifie d @ s e v e n d a y s v t.c o m . 25, s. - a .,


v y ; '-TSri-

(to* ► -

7 D cla ssifie d s

► 8 6 4 .5 6 8 4

►misc. services

►w ant to buy

STOP SNORING! With the Original Snore Formula. No Surgery, No Gimmicks, Works Immediately! Available at all CVS/Pharmacies. Call 1800-481-7169 for FREE Product Offer Details. (AAN CAN)

WANTED! two tickets for the “ Concert for a Landmine Free World." Please call if you might have any extras. Thanks a lot. Peter. 654-6844.

BAD ASS BOOTS. Red. Vinyl. Thigh-high. 5” Stiletto heel. Need I say more? Fits size 7-7 1/2. Worn once (on stage). Perfect for Halloween or just around the house. $100, o.b.o. 863-9513. BEDROOM SET. Beautiful cherry sleighbed. Woman’s dresser, mirror, chest & night stand. Country-style. Brand new. Still boxed. Retailed, $6500, sacrifice, $2600. Cell number, 734-0604. BRIDAL GOWN. Imported silk. Size 16. Originally $1300. Asking $500. Call Ann, 496-9234. DINING ROOM SET. 12-piece solid cherry wood. Incl. 92" double pedestal table. 8 handcarved Chippendale chairs. Lighted hutch buffet, sideboard/server. (All dovetailed construction). Never opened, in storage, original cost $11,000. Must sell $3800. Call 802-658-4955. KING OR QUEEN, extra thick orthopedic pillow top mat­ tress, box & frame. New in plastic. Cost $1250, King ask­ ing $495. Queen only, $375. Can deliver. 802-658-5031.


TABLA DRUMMING. Study the hand drumming of Northern India. Technique, theory, appreciation, etc. Lessons tailored to each stu­ dent’s interest & learning style. All ages. Contact Gabe Halberg, 899-1113.

ATTN! MUSICIANS WANTED. Creative-hungry, singing bassist, multi-intstrumentalist (fiddle, wind, keyboard) for very special project. Rehearsals in Chelsea area. Have management. Must be willing to tour. Call for details. Ezra, 454-8503. BURLINGTON-AREA drummer seeking rehearsal space to share with band or other musi­ cians. Would require room 1-3 days/wk. 863-7690. CALLIOPE MUSIC— Full repair service & restoration of all string instruments. Authorized warranty service: Fender, Guild, Martin, Taylor, Takamine. 20 yrs. exper. 202 Main St., Burl. 863-4613. DYNAMIC DUO of upright bass & funky drums seeking musicians to play Hip-Hop music. Think Brand New Heavies, Digable Planets, Beastie Boys, etc. 865-1037. EXCELLENT SOUND MAN has good equipment & transport. Four monitor mixes, mics, subs, Mackie board. Seeks one-nighters, tours, house tech. Prefers democratic, orig­ inal bands, possible associa­ tion. Nelson, 450-538-7285.


►buy this stuff


► c la ssifie d @ se ve n d a ysvt.c o m

MALE MODELS WANTED for photography project. You: 1830, good-looking, hard body, willing to do nudes. E-mail: WOMEN'S FESTIVAL OF CRAFTS, Nov. 25 & 26, in Burlington.12th Annual women's craft fair still has some spaces. For information and applications call Marie 863-8334 or email Oak:

►music 1966 RICKENBACKER Guitar. Model 460. Fireglo. Binding on body & neck w/crushed pearl fret markers. 100% orig­ inal silver case. Looks & sounds super. 8.5 cond. $1450, o.b.o. 864-6875, leave msg. AD ASTRA RECORDING. Got music? Relax. Record. Get the tracks. 20+ yrs. Exp. from stage to studio. Tenure Skyline Studios, NYC. 24-track auto­ mated mixdown. lst-rate gear. Wide array of keyboards, drums, more. Ad Astra, build­ ing a reputation of sonic integrity. 872-8583. ANALOG/DIGITAL RECORD­ ING STUDIO. Dogs, Cats & Clocks Productions. Warm, friendly, prof, environment. Services for: singer/songwriters, jingles, bands. New digi­ tal mastering/recording. Call Robin, 658-1042.



Nationally Certified Massage Therapist


GUITAR: All styles/levels. Emphasis on developing strong technique, thorough musicianship, personal style. Paul Asbell (Unknown Blues Band, Kilimanjaro, Sklar/ Grippo, etc.), 862-7696. SAX LESSONS. Beginner to intermediate. All styles. Expression & musicianship stressed. $20/hr. Ben, 859-0084.

TRANQUIL CONNECTION MASSAGE THERAPY: Swedish-Esalen massage. Give yourself quality quiet time for a peaceful get-a-way to con­ nect to your inner wisdom. Meditative-like. Nerves unrav­ el. Stress gone. Private set­ ting. Reg. routine of massage helps keep you well. Makes unique gift. Opt. spa for presess. relax. Usual sess. 1.5 hrs. Cert, therapist. Nine yrs. exp. 10 am-8 pm, M-F. Sat. flex. 288-1093. TREAT YOURSELF TO 75 mins, of relaxation. Deep ther­ apeutic massage. $50/sess. Gift certificates. Located in downtown Burl. Flex, sched­ ule. Aviva Silberman, 8727069. WIZZRD OF AHS. Excellent massage. $50. Dave Riddle, massage therapist. S. Burlington, VT. 862-2669. Fax, 862-8274.

►c h iro pra ctic

NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF ANNUAL REPORT The annual report for the fis­ cal year ending September 30, 2000 of the Burlington Cancer Relief Association, a private foundation, is available for inspection during regular business hours by any citizen who requests it within 180 days of the publication of this notice. Such requests should be addressed to Burlington Cancer Relief Association, do Elizabeth Van.Buren, 7492 Spear Street, Shelburne VT 05482.

►music instruct

wellness D I R E C T O R Y ►general health S. BURLINGTON: Healing/counseling space avail, in Holistic Center for practitioner. Start immed. 170 sq. ft. plus kitchen/waiting area, rest rooms, parking, phone, utils. & other benefits incl. Rent varies w/usage. First & last, sub lease. 865-2756.

►herbs PURPLE SHUTTER HERBS: Burlington’s only full-service herb shop. We carry only the finest herbal products; many of them grown/produced in VT. Featuring over 400 bulk dried herbs/tinctures. 100 Main St., Burl. 865-HERB. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10-6.

►men’s health

William Coil



BURLINGTON ON-SITE MAS­ SAGE provides rejuvenation 15 min. chair massage for the workplace. The first hour is free. Informative brochures are avail, at 658-5547. BILL COIL, 658-2390. See display ad.

Practice limited to male clientele . . - - G ift C ertificates £13 Available

B e r n ic e K

HEATHER DIEDERICH, 864-4959. See display ad.

elm an

PENIS ENLARGEMENT.NET FDA approved vacuum pumps or surgical. Gain 1-3” . Permanent, safe. Resolve impotence. Free brochures. Call Dr. Joel Kaplan, 312409-9995. Latest enlarge­ ment info, 1-900-976-PUMP ($2.95/min.).

►p syc h ic

P s y c h ic C o u n s e l in g Ch a n n e l in g

BERNICE KELLMAN, 899-3542. See display ad.

£ 5 C A t» e

CALL TODAY 1-800-711-0158

►ro lfin g

b y


— submit y o u r ...............


or on-line at name

ROLFING ASSOC., 865-4770. See display ad.



Laura Luchini


►E M P LO Y M E N T & B U S IN ES S OPP. LIN E A D S : 500 a word. ►LE G A LS : 300 a word. ►A L L O TH ER LIN E AD S : 25 words for $ 7 . Over 2 5 : 300 a word.


Group buys for display ads are available in other regional papers in Vermont. Call for more details. All ads must be prepaid. We take VISA, MASTERCARD and cash, of course.

select a category (check one): □

e m p lo y m e n t

p a in tin g svcs.

g e n e ra l h e a lth

u n iq u e s itu a tio n s

w o rk w a n te d

te le p h o n e svcs.

h e rb s

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a s tro lo g y

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a u to m o tiv e

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a rt

r e b ir th in g

v a c a tio n re n ta l

o ffic e fo r re n t

m u s ic

re ik i

w a n t to tra d e

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m u s ic in s tr u c t.

r o lfin g

fre e

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You have SEVEN DAYS to turn your life around.

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n te r eaaasvoii. n , flu a d ju e n ts c re du ite d to th p iM W n w e : rleeifu u un ud s c a n un uo ti b u e g ra ia m e ud fo iu ir a n y ic ju sa tm m re w w ill in vb e c w cu bu u ice a d v e rtise r’s a c c o u n t to w a rd M fu tu r e c la ss ifie d s p la c e m e n t o n ly , w .. e jr r o o fre ad c a re fu lly , b u t e v e n s o , m is ta k e s c a n o c c u r, re p o rt e rro rs a t o n c e , as s e v e n d a y s w ill n o t b e re s p o n s ib le fo r errors c o n tin u in g b e y o n d th e first p rin tin g . m e n t fo r e rro r is lim ite d to r e p u b lic a tio n , in a n y e v e n t, lia b ility fo r errors (o r o m is s io n s ) sh all n o t e x ce e d th e c o s t o f th e s p a c e o c c u p ie d b y s u c h a n error (o r o m is s io n ). all a d v e rtis in g is s u b je c t to re vie w b y s e v e n d a y s , s e v e n d a y s re se rve s th e rig h t to e d it , p ro p e rly c a te g o rize o r d e c lin e a n y a d w ith o u t c o m m e n t o r a p p e a l.


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Oct. 26 - Nov.1


ARIES (Mar. 21 -Apr.


19): You’re as soaking wet w ith briny em otion as a Pisces on a binge. You have the potential to be as skilled and calculating a listener as a Scorpio who’s trying to find secret vulnerabili­ ties in valuable allies. A nd like all those beautifully twisted Gem inis who are too sm art for their own good, you’re half-lost in a labyrinth you designed yourself. In other words, you are currently as unlike an Aries as it’s possible for an Aries to be. My advice? I say go w ith the over­ flow, baby. Im agine everything you never thought you could be — then be it w ith fiery intensity. In fact, why not make that the inspiration for your Halloween costume?


(Apr. 20-M ay 20): In m y long career, I’ve channeled a wide variety o f spirits neglected by other psychics. W hen I ran for Santa Cruz C ity Council, I served as m edi­ um for T hom as Jefferson. W hile working at a lesbian th in k tank, I did G ertrude Stein. I’ve also provided astral links for Barbie the doll, a pig named Porker and a very special rock I call Fifi at Pt. Reyes N ational Seashore. T his week, Taurus, I break new ground, as I channel your inner teenager. H ere’s the message: I w a n t nonstop h o t sloppy love now ! (P.S. Halloween costum e suggestion: your inner teenager, o f course.)


(M ay 21-June 20): For 49 consecutive weeks I’ve treated you w ith the deferential kindness you deserve. But now the streak m ust end. As you threaten to break your promises to yourself, I’m afraid I’ve been forced to resort to som e rough stuff. Stop reading now if you’re too sensitive to hear the tru th . “Hey, saboteur, w hat were you thinking when you started flirting w ith self­ betrayal?” G et your nervy self-respect back on line — and ditch the m artyr act — before I give you a psychic spanking. Halloween costum e sugges­ tion: you and your evil tw in as Siamese twins.




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w ith a briefcase or H ugh H efner wearing buttons with fem inist slogans.

AQUARIUS n 20 CANCER (June 21-July 22):

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): A

H ere’s how Santa Fe artist Erica W anenm acher describes her creative process. First comes the inform ation­ gathering phase. She works from itchy intuition, trying to be sensitive b u t not obsessive. It’s uncom fortable.^ She feels lost and em pty and irritated. G radually she picks up speed and ideas start to coalesce. She sets herself a deadline. For days or even weeks, she goes about the drudgew ork of collecting raw materials. Finally, out o f nowhere, inspiration crackles. It’s like the m om ent a tornado touches down on the ground. Flurries o f synchronicities snap around her. She’s a cosm ic energy vortex. She can’t fath­ om why cars don’t swerve off the road near her house and end up in a pile in the yard. I offer you this descrip­ tion, Cancerian, because you’re in the m idst o f a similar unfolding. H allo­ ween costum e idea: a pregnant artist.

19th-century French Virgo nam ed Ferdinand Flocon worked for years at a task which symbolizes all that is horrible and marvelous about your sign’s potential. In the hope o f infus­ ing bureaucratic necessity w ith lyrical grace, he rendered the entire civil code o f his country, consisting o f . alm ost 23,000 sections, into an epic poem . I won’t try to stop you — in fact I may even encourage you — if you attem pt a briefer version o f this weird miracle in the com ing days, Virgo. But please don’t sign up to be obsessed for any m ore than three weeks’ duty. Halloween costum e sug­ gestion: M ake yourself into a giant medical textbook whose cover is dec­ orated w ith a print o f a Matisse painting.


(July 23-Aug. 22): I’d like to title this chapter in your life story, “R um bling in the Abyss.” Before you start cursing m e for trying to freak you out, let m e rem ind you th at in Brezsny’s U nabridged O xym oronic Dictionary, the “abyss” is n o t only where your deepest, darkest secrets dwell, b u t also your richest, brightest secrets. To prepare for your descent, m ake sure you pack a lunch — hell, better m ake th at about 18 to 20 lunches — as well as a helm et w ith a high-beam flashlight attached. Also, don’t forget to take cookies to feed the monsters. R em em ber that they’re as scared o f you as you are o f them . Besides, som e o f them m ay be quite interesting and helpful. Halloween costum e suggestions: deep-sea diver, coal miner, a mole, Sigm und Freud, the underw orld deities Pluto or Persephone.


(Sept. 23-O ct. 22): I exhort you to draw inspiration from the Avon ladies who have penetrated the Am azon jungle, Libra. Inflamed w ith faith in the value o f their prod­ ucts, they paddle their canoes down piranha-infested tributaries in 100degree heat in order to hawk lipstick and eyeshadow to wom en w ho have previously been deprived o f m odern cosmetics. I pray th at in the com ing weeks you will sum m on an equal pas­ sion for prom oting the beautiful things you believe in. Halloween cos­ tum e suggestion: Avon lady in the Amazon.


(O ct. 23-Nov. 21): Behind the bridge o f the hum an nose is a tiny lode o f iron that poten­ tially gives us a compass-like power to know where m agnetic north lies. Som e mystics harness their pineal glands to provide the spiritual equiva­ lent o f this innate sense o f direction. T hey practice a kind o f m editation that transm utes the gland’s physical com position in ways that allow them

to com m une quite tangibly w ith the living God. Let these suggestive possi­ bilities inspire you, Scorpio. T hey’re my way o f telling you that you now have vivid access to a sixth sense which is for all intents and purposes a hom ing device. W ant to know exactly where you belong? M ake a break for the prom ised land. Halloween cos­ tum e suggestions: your birthday suit or the finery you’d wear to your coro­ nation.


(Nov. 22-D ec. 21): All the other signs are m ore susceptible to debilitating fear than you Sagittarians. I’m not saying you’re never nervous and scared; o f course you are. But your hefty reserves o f raw courage alm ost always prevent angst from taking over your life. So then w hat the hell has been going on lately? I’ve never seen so m any Sagittarian worry-warts! It’s true that there are a few m ore good reasons than usual to entertain stress­ ful fantasies, b u t they sim ply don’t justify such elevated levels o f torm ent. I’m sure this’ll be a tem porary aberra­ tion. In the m eantim e, you m ight as well enjoy the eerie, spine-tickling rush o f high strangeness. Halloween costum e ideas: a shrieking paranoid, nervous hypochondriac, or a boy or girl in a bubble.


(Dec. 22Jan. 19): It’s one o f those rare m o­ m ents when w hat feels w onderful is in mischievous alignm ent w ith w hat’s really good for you; w hen the selfish thing to do just happens to be w h at’s best for all concerned. H ard to believe, I know, b u t true. Given the huge piles o f guilt you’ll incinerate as a result, you’ll no do u b t squelch the tyrannical m eddling o f th at voice in your head th a t’s always telling you w hat you sho u ld be doing instead o f w hat you’re doing. Halloween cos­ tum e suggestions: fairy godm other

Feb. 18): Seems you’re still pushing to learn all you can from hanging around places you w ouldn’t have been caught dead in a few m onths ago. I’m guessing that your experim ents have been so breathtakingly educational th at you’d rather not wrap them up yet. T h a t’s fine. N o rush. Take your tim e. We here at T he G rind will wel­ com e you back anytim e you’re ready. W e com pletely understand if you w ant to stay out there on a lim b until you’re sure you w on’t be tem pted to do an im itation o f a butterfly trying to revert to a caterpillar. Halloween costum e suggestion: a gorgeous m onarch or w hite adm iral em erging from a cocoon.


(Feb. 19-Mar. 20): M odern culture has reduced m any o f the ancient holidays to soulless carica­ tures. Fortunately, pagans keep the original intentions alive. As a prim e example, they regard the Halloween season as a tim e w hen the veil is thinnest between this w orld and the next. For them , it’s not an occasion for creepy fear, b u t for eager excite­ m ent at the possibility o f com m uning m ore intim ately w ith the spirits o f beloved dead people. I strongly urge you to adopt this approach, Pisces. T h e ancestors have a message for you th at could inspire all your w ork in the com ing 12 m onths. Halloween costum e idea: Be a friend or loved one or hero w ho has died. ®

You can call Rob Brezsny, day or night for your

expanded weekly horoscope 7 - 900- 903-2500 $1.09 per minute. 18 and over. Touchtone phone. c / s S I 2 /3 7 3 -9 7 8 5 And don’t forget to check out Rob’* Web site at ureter, freeurlllastrology. com Updated Tuesday night.



54 Comic born 102 Maugham’s “Cakes 1 0 /5 /1 9 2 4 and —" 56 Veterinarian 103 Kind of born oven 1 0 /3 /1 9 1 6 59 Rabbit food 105 Valuable 107 Part 60 Tiger food pugilists 62 Actress 108 Walked Zadora 109 Venus — 63 Take 112 Showed the inventory way 64 Clay clump 113 Conse­ 67 Leading quences lady? alternative 68 Landon or 10/9/1940 115 Paid player Kjellin 25 Writer born 116 Drillers' org. 10/16/1856 70 Figs. 117 Homs' 71 Coach 27 Win by — mom born 28 Catty 1 0 /1 8 /1 9 3 9 119 Intended remark? 74 Entertainer 123 Poet born 30 Wells or 10/14/1894 born Tarbell 1 0 /1 0 /1 9 4 6 127 Actor born 31 the 10/20/1882 season . . . ” 78 Pine 131 Saw product 32 Hall's 79 Patriotic org. 132 Mine partner feature 80 Merry month 36 Spring mo. 133 Permission 81 Leading 37 Fan 134 Abhor man? $0 Time to 135 Crow toe 82 College crow? 136 Glasgow . exams 43 Cunning girl 85 Hurried 44 Sayer and 87 On the briny 137 Adds lace Delibes 138 Manuscript 89 Stringed 46 Ballplayer imperative instrument Winfield 93 Actress born 47 Significant 10/17/1918 DOWN years 1 Goya’s The 96 Artist born 48 Racer Naked —" 10/19/1937 Luyendyk 2 North ■; 49 Composer Carolina Nino campus 51 Bacteria

ACROSS 1 Engage, as gears 5 Spanish city 10 Writer Silverstein 14 Correctional 19 — vera 20 Church law 21 Hawaiian harbor , 22 Isolated 23 Singer born


^ ^ By RobbSEsnyI

3 London area 4 Kermit's creator 5 Master 6 Delivery truck 7 Lodging 8 Hang over 9 Use a 103 Across 10 Where to see models 11 Terry-cloth inscription 12 Spanish hero 13 Rich 14 Dachs­ hund's dog 15 Yalie 16 Nick of “Cape Fear” 17 Actress MacDowell 18 Dregs 24 Where flocks frolic 26 Act like Attila 29 Function 33 Skater Lipinski 34 go bragh!” 35 Cook clams 38 Manifest 39 — incognita 40 Labor leader Eugene 41 Notes from Verdi?

October 2 5 , 2 0 0 0

42 Room divider 45 Footfall 48 Confuse 50 Laotian native 52 “Now We Are Six” author 53 Greek lawmaker 55 Deficiency 56 Hirt hit 57 Turkish treat 58 Cobb and Hardin 61 “A mouse!” 65 Eccentric 66 Frank book 69 Nourished 71 Roger of baseball 72 Boiling 73 Go fishing 74 Big party 75 Check out 76 Poe crow 77 Kuwaiti ruler 78 Rocky hill 80 Grows up 83 Without care 84 Word with metal or music 86 Film — 88 In pieces 90 Julie’s “Doctor Zhivago" co-star 91 Composer Schifrin

1 92 Cut the payroll 19 94 Guru’s grounds 23 95 Practical people 27 97 At any time 98 Soybean product 104 Tire type 106 Fit to feast on 108 Chicken servings 109 Singer Payne 110 Regional 111 Bamboo muncher 114 Kind of cross 115 Swamp stuff 118 Bird food 120 Castle ditch 121 Tivoli’s Villa d’— 122 Spare fare 124 Actor Tognazzi 125 Half of us 126 “M*A*S*H” extras 128 Trail 129 “Hi. Horace!” 130 Berlioz’s*— Troyens”




last w eek’s

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to respond to a personal ad call we’re open 24 hours a day! $1.99 SWF, 40s, ACTIVE, ENJOYS THE OUTDOORS.

guidelines: Anyone seeking a healthy, non-abusive relationship may advertise in PERSON TO PERSON. Ad suggestions: age range, interests, lifestyle, self-description. Abbreviations may be used to indicate gender, race, religion and sexual preference. SEVEN DAYS reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement. Personal ads may be submitted for publication only by, and seeking, persons over 18 years of age.

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SWPM, 35-45, w/ a take-Vermont-forward attitude. Must enjoy mountains, book­ stores, snowshoes, travel, dedicated friendships & quality conversations for a committed, comfortable relationship. 4857 ATTRACTIVE, PETITE, BLONDE. I’M PHYuiCAL-

ly fit, love biking, hiking, outdoor activities. ISO athletic gent who is funny, honest, financially secure & physically fit. Looking to recreate & enjoy life. 4840_________________ DWF -

Open 24 hours!


heterosexual, sensual M w/Christian values, not harboring subconscious anger towards mother or foolish antics. Invitation for loving, spiritual, friendship/LTR, 4849__________ SWPF, 29, ATTRACTIVE, CREATIVE-MINDED

artist. I enjoy hiking, snowboarding, live Jazz, red wine, Asian food, intelligent conver­ sation. ISO PM, 28-35, creative, honest & witty for Fall & Winter adventures. 4845 SWF, 20, BLONDE/BLUE-GREEN EYES, 5*2-

M fr fd n tjn m MAKE M Y DAY. PSWF, 45, CUTE, PETITE, s om ew h at ta c itu rn & irreverent, extre m ely a ffe c tio n a te , e n v iro n m e n ta lis t, w o rld -tra v e le r, form er n a tio n a l park ranger & n ew spaper editor, reloca ted from W est. Enjoy, x-c/alpin e skiing, tra ve lin g , backp a ckin g , h ik in g , sw im m in g , a n im als, Rock, Bluegrass. 499 0_______ SWPF, 55, ATTRACTIVE, FUN, GENEROUS, lo ving. An a rtis t w h o enjoys co o k in g , w alks on beach, w in te r lig h t, film s, b oo ks, fire ­ w o rks, M ontrea l ISO co nsiderate, friendly, in te llig e n t m a a.. 4 9 8 8 - 'V


ADVENTUROUS, EDUCATED, MUSIC-LOVING a rtis t ISO real & alive m an. No m acho. In touch w ith fem inine- sid e ,-P a ssio n a te , p u r­ pose ful w ith p o s itiv e a ttitu d e . NS, h e a lth y & s till evo lvin g . 4 9 8 3 ____________________

1/2”, 165 lbs., who enjoys the outdoors, swimming, walking, movies, dancing & more. ISO SWM, 20-30, who is considerate, friendly, honest, with a sense of humor. 4795 SWPF, 46, 5’ 9 ” , 150 LBS. BLUE-EYED,

blonde. Passions include dancing, travel, downhill skiing, cooking, arts, you? Seeking tall, NS, PWM to share the fun. 4752_______ DWPF, LAUGHTER, CHILDREN, FRIENDS,

food (chocolate!), hiking, movies, dogs, oceans, snowshoeing, music, yoga, social justice, kind heart, traveling, massage, edu­ cated, flowers, art ISO M, 38-52 for friendship/partnership. 4665_____________________ STOWE. SJPF, 47, SMART, SWEET, SEXY, sin­

cere, secure, fun-loving, light baggage, great daughter, terrific dogs. ISO gracious M. 4654

movies, good conversation, gardening & the ocean. ISO that special M who is easygoing & sincere to share interests, for LTR. 4637 FUN & AMBITIOUS, TALL, NOT-SO-SKINNY-

mom, seeks tall, fun and ambitious not-soskinny man to play in Vermont this fall! Grumps need not apply. 4631______________ ARE YOU TALL, SUCCESSFUL, SUBVERSIVE,



* dence. 453 8

Asckmq ivornsn


cious, sea-loving, seasoned traveler ISO LTR w/good humored, gracious grig (30-40). Letters preferred. 4585____________________ AT LEAST LETS MEET -


ACTIVE WOMAN TO SHARE DAYS OF BIKING, h ik in g , cano eing, sno w sh o e in g , sk iin g , fo l­ lo w ed by lo v e ly evenings lis te n in g to go o d m usic, co o k in g , go o d w in e 8< c o n ve rsa tio n . Me, 39, W M , 6 ’ , 165 lb s., lo n g hair, fit. 4911


dignity — differences are our choice — fun our outlet. Love is what we’re here for — communication is what keeps us together. I’m kind, reliable, dependable, sensitive, pretty, slender, 40s. 4579__________________ TEACHER, LEARNER,

friend, daughter, sister, officer, tree-hugger. I’m P, silly, respectful, irreverent, indepen­ dent, loyal, a dabbler in many things outdoors & ISO a life partner. 4578____________ BABY STEPS FOR 6’, 37 YO RAPUNZEL.

Goal-oriented artist. 3 yrs. in VT. ISO Tall, romantic, NS, 28-44, prince to be my Knight pleasure. Dinner/movie? Date first. 4577 IF RELATIONSHIPS WERE REAL ESTATE...

ISO Gentleman’s farm w/long view west, rugged spiritual paths, cozy house that’s seen a tot of good food, humor, music, com­ munication & art. Children & pets are drawn here. 50’s DWPF, NS. 4573_________________ A REAL P L U M - DON'T WAIT UNTIL I’M AN

old prune. SWF, 44, w/many & varied inter­ ests. ISO pleasant company... for pteasant company. Skiing, sailing, dancing. No butts about it. 4572_________________________ ISO SM, A “PEOPLE PERSON,” COMFORT-

able w/himself, confident, organized, sensu­ al, w/an artistic/spiritual side by similar DWF, ; 48. Age/race not important — positive atti­ tude, healthy lifestyle is. Write. 4571

ROMANTIC, THOUGHTFUL M , 6 0 , BUT LOOKS m uch younger, 5’ i o ” , 174 lbs., brow n /green, likes jo g g in g , w o rk in g o u t, m ovies, m usic, > con ve rsa tio n ISO very slim , m e llo w F, 4 7-59, NS, fo r p o s s ib le LTR. 4992__________________ ‘ MASTER DE SADE ISO Gl JANE, SUBMISSIVE I F. No strin g s, ju s t rope, 4 98 7________________ ; ; ; ; ;

SW M, 43, REASONABLY SANE, PERSONABLE, co m p le te w ith jo b , hair, te e th , sm all love han dles. ISO reasona bly sane, slim , attractiv e a ffe c tio n a te F, n o t in to $, new cars, past lives, c o u c h -p o ta to is m . 4985________________


NEW TO BURLINGTON. DW PM, ATHLETIC b u ild , 42, b lo n d e , blue. Enjoy o u td o o r activities o f a ll kin ds, d in in g ou t, q u ie t evenings, ISO PF, fit, w h o can show me w h a t VT has to offer. 4982_______________________________

: j l »

► I KNOW MY ABCS... ADVENTURES, BACK* roads, Caring, D inin g, E n vironm ent, Family, l G allivant, H iking , In d e p e n d e n t, Jocose, Keen, l Lifts, M o u n ta in s, Nature, O u td o o rs, * Pleasures, Q ualified, Romance, Snow, Trails, t U n derstan ding, V e rm ont, W oods, XXX, Yang, l Z oo phagou s. 4981_____________ “_____________ * % U I

NOT A ROMEO. NOT A KNIGHT IN SHINING. Not a M illio n a ire . Am g o o d -lo o k in g . Am S trong. Am e m plo yed. 47 yo DWM NS ISO n o n -serio us NS F fo r LTR. 49 8 0 ______________

; 3 4 YO HORNED GOD SEEKS WICCAN l G oddess 21-34 fo r fun, frie n d s h ip , m agick. “ 'S o c ia l, p o litic a l aw areness, m o ra l o utrage, J d e p th o f character req u ire d . O ver 5’ 8 ” * bon us. Let us ce lebrate Sam hain together. : 4





» * * * *

SW M , 3 9 , 6 ’, 190 LBS., INDEPENDENT, resourceful, active, seeks o p tim is tic , creative, he a lth y SF fo r fun and th rills ; m u st crave snow , w ater, m o u n ta in s, new experiences, in d o o rs & o u t. 49 7 6 _________________________

: l l l I

ELIGIBLE BACHELOR, SW M , 31. REBELLIOUS, a d v e n tu ro u s , likes m o to rcyclin g , m o u n ta in b ik in g , s k iin g , bein g o u td o o rs , seeks gorgeous, active, h e a lth y F, 23-31, w ith m ora ls w h o know s h o w to co o k. 4 9 7 4 _____________ _

: TOO MUCH WORK, NOT ENOUGH PLAY IS NO J fun at a ll. DW PM,45 NS seeks p e tite D/SF I NS 3 0 -5 0 fo r socia l a c tiv itie s . Reply fo r m ore l d e ta ils . D inner anyone? 4 9 2 4 _________ ______

SWF LOOKING FOR A MAN W HO LOVES w om en. She in tu rn , loves m en. 4 0 years old, I have lo n g d a rk h a ir w ith eyes to m atch. Call, le t’s chat. 4 90 7_________________ BRIGHT, FUN, ACTIVE, SWPF, 25 W HO LOVES a good laugh, o u td o o rs , fa ll nig h ts, m usic & s tim u la tin g co n ve rsa tio n . ISO SPM 24-32 w / like m ind to en jo y a d ve n tu re s in VT. 490 6 SWF, 45, TALL, LEAN, BLONDE, FORMER h ip p o handler, w illin g to c u t b a it, seeks w ild man o f Borneo. M ust read p o e try w ith pas­ sion, sw in g from ch a n d e lie rs w hen a p p ro p riate. M issing lin k OK. 4901___________________

IRISH BEER-LOVING GIRL, 37, 5**7, A u burn/green , new from FL, need sm a rt, fu n , dog lo vin g guy to keep me w arm a t n ig h t. Please adm ire a fu ll fig u re . 4865

* the bike path. ISO SWM w /s im ila r in terests * fo r frie n d s h ip o r p o ssib le LTR. 4541_________

going, loves to laugh. Enjoys many sports, picnics at the beach, movies, romantic din­ ners & nature. ISO fun, sensitive, very honest, respectful SPM, 25-32. 4620___________

LOOKING FOR COMPANIONSHIP, SWF, 39, com passionate, gen uine, a ttra c tiv e ISO SWM, 40-45. M ust en jo y w a lks in th e w o o d s , m ovies, classical m usic. H onesty & sense o f h um or a m ust. P ossible LTR. 4919___________

ISO SKI/TELE COMPANION. CASUAL R e lation ship. SWPF, 27, sm iley, fit, in te lli­ gent, a ttra c tiv e , casual 4 2 o e r s tu d y in g Asian beliefs. ISO SM NS, 25-3 3 , s p iritu a lly aw are & m aybe able to teach me a fe w th in g s on th a t aspect, w /s im ila r tra its . 48 6 8 ___________

: CELEBRATE STRENGTH & SWEETNESS, m tn s. I & M ozart, share p a d d lin g & p o rcin i. Lively, J sane, 5’ 6 ” , NS, DPF seeks e a rth y sou lm a te , 1 over 45, w h o app reciates in te g rity , w a rm th & t w it. Can y o u play? 4 54 4_______________~

with distinct criminal record, unemployed, * 18 YO COLLEGE STUDENT & P ISO CREATIVE w/2-t- ex-wives, bad credit & temper, a plus! » 8t sen s itiv e M, 19-25, w h o ’s n o t in to p la yin g Moronic, sexist Neander-thal could find happiness w/ me. 4642________________________ * gam es. Turn-ons: in te llig e n ce , honesty, confi-

PLAYFUL, TALL & SEXY SNOWBOARDER seeks m ale c o u n te rp a rt. SF 25, lo o k in g fo r a SM, 25-35 d o d g e trees, du ck ropes and ride hard. Easygoing, a d v e n tu ro u s, lovers o f life on ly need respond . 497 7________________

WIWF, 4 2 , 5’4 ”, REDDISH BROWN/HAZEL, NS, ND, caring, se n sitive , lonely. Likes c am pin g, fishing, nature, anim a ls, th e beach, c u d d lin g , ISO SWM, NS, ND, 35 -5 0 w /s im ila r in te re s ts for LTR. 48 7 0 __________________________ _ _

WiWF, 66, I DON’T WANT TO GET MARRIED. I don’ t w a n t to live w /yo u ! Just a frie n d w h o is in te llig e n t & u p b e a t w h o w o u ld like to share goo d m ovies, occasional d in in g o u t, reading & an in te re s t in curre nt even ts. 4 5 5 3 ________

a genius, 35-40 and “til now eluded by just the right, true & pretty sweetheart? Me? SWF, : SWPF, 40, FUN-LOVING, ACTIVE, ENJOYS THE fit, 30 & looking for you, too. 4630_________ * o u td o o rs , a go o d n ig h t o u t o r a trip dow n

SOMEDAY WE’ LL MEET, MY LOVE (BUT w o u ld you hurry!) Vgry a ttra c tiv e , classy, blue-eyed, p e tite e n tre p re n e u r w ith red d ish /b ro w n ha ir lo o k in g fo r hum o ro u s, e d u c a te d /-g o a l-o rie n te d , a rtic u la te s o u lm a te (38-53) w ith stro n g w o rk eth ic. 497 9

WINTER FUN. SKI? SNOWSHOE? HIKE? O u td o o r play? Cozy Fireplace? Travel? Dinners? Conversation? Let’s prepare & prac­ tice, 58, NS, 5’9 ” , loves a g o o d tim e , in d e pen dent, a th le tic , ISO a d ve n tu re . 4871______

» * * » *

a m inute, must be 18+.

SWPF, 3% LOVES TO TRAVEL OUTDOORSY w a n n a b e , enjoys lo ts o f s p o rts , likes live m usic and c u ltu ra l events. ISO PM, 28-36, w h o ’s fu n -lo v in ’ & u n p re te n tio u s . 4651______

NEW TO THE AREA, LOOKING TO MEET FUN & ad v e n tu ro u s p eo ple. I’m 26, red hair, green eyes, sta n d a b o u t 5’ 6 ” . Love adventu re & sn o w b o a rd in g 8i anim a ls. 4 56 6_______

DANCE PARTNER DESIRED. FOR SWING, ta n g o , salsa, b a llro o m & m ore. Classes & practice. Passion fo r dance essen tial. Experience a plus. 464 7____________________

DWPF, 34, 5’4 ”, 115 LBS., N/S, EDUCATED, a th le tic , in d e p e n d e n t. I en jo y h ik in g , skiin g , s n o w shoeing, etc., m ovies, b oo ks, theater, trave l. ISO frie n d s h ip /s e rio u s LTR. 4 56 4

SWPF, 25, LOVES ALL SPORTS: TENNIS, s k iin g , b ik in g , h ik in g , m ovies, la u g h in g , ISO


SW PM, 23-32, w h o enjoys th e sam e, is car­ ing, ro m a n tic , fun, h o n e s t. Friends firs t, p o s s ib le LTR. 46 4 6 _________________________ BLONDE, 4 4 , IN GOOD SHAPE. ARE YOU A s o lid citize n and liv in g life to th e fullest? If so, m any th in g s to ta lk a b o u t and d o ; high brow to lo w brow ... 4645

tra v e l ISO n e w hom e. ISO s p iritu a lly , p h y s i­ cally, m e n ta lly healthy, fin a n c ia lly able. Funlo v in g , hon est, com passionate, tru th -s e e k in g , m usic-lover. NE in th e fa ll, then? 45 5 6 _______ JUST DO rri ACTIVE, TALL, NS, SWF, 58, enjoys s k iin g , b ik in g , h ik in g , cam pin g, o u t­ d o o rs , tra v e l, ISO SM, 55-65, w h o is a d v e n ­ tu ro u s . Let’s share som e fun! E n joying VT’s fa ll call. 45 5 4

* * “ l I *

DOUBLE-DOG DARE YA. SW PM, 27, SEEKS w o m a n w h o can cu rl m y to e s w /h e r dexterous w it. Love o f lite ra tu re /film m ere ly as sources fo r c om edic reference enco ura ged. “S im p s o n s " /R a is in g A r iz o n a fans, d o n o t delay. 48 2 8 _________________________________

* I » * « »

TUNED-IN - TURNED-ON. 4 0 , EQUAL BLEND e x is te n tia lly aw are cynicism & e m o tio n a l o p tim is m /a v a ila b ility . Down w /bass, sr.ugg lin g , le a rn in g , la stin g . N ights are alw ays y o u n g . Full hair, expressive, tender. ISO fresh, sensu ous, cerebral G oddess. 4921

’ : l l i

MAGICAL MANIC MISFIT. DM, TOOTHLESS, poor, stinky, b e llie d , fre a k c h ild . ISO 21 YO, I can call L itik o i, S ta rch ild , B u bba, D o llh ead, G oddess, P rin cellakiss 81 Strange. Am I sittin g ne x t to you? 4918_______________________

: “ l *

SW M , 3 3 , NS, ATTRACTIVE, FUN, ADVENTURous, sen s itiv e and e du cated , w ith m any varie d in te re s ts . Inte re ste d in m e e tin g s im ila r fo r frie n d s h ip and LTR. 4910_________________

* » » * »

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED IF THAT MAN, w h o tru ly can co n n e ct w ith ano ther, respects y o u r m o o d s and desire s, w ith no urge to c o n tro l y o u , exists? SWMP, in -sha pe, g o o d lo o k in g seeks s im ila r SWF, 2 7 -3 7 .4 9 0 4 ______

: l I I :

THE GOOD LIFE. SW M , 5 0 , W / HUGE MARKS fo r h u m o r & in te g rity ISO a ttra c tiv e , fit, in te llig e n t p a rtn e r to share g oo d ene rgy w ith . G ood lo o k s & sense o f h u m o r im p o rta n t. 4 9 0 0 ____________________________ _________

* t l J I

OPEN-MINDED, ATTRACTIVE, W M , 41, BRfiJ brn., m uscula r b u ild , en jo ys sta y in g fit, m ovies & in tim acy. ISO a ttra c tiv e , p assionate, h e a lth y F, w h o is a little w ild & in tim a te fo r fun 81 a d v e n tu ro u s tim e s. 4 8 7 4

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Dear Lola, The guy I’m going cut with is constantly telling me that other men are attracted to me. I sup­ pose I ought to be flat­ tered, but frankly, these comments creep me out. What am I supposed to do with them? Sometimes I think he gets off on the idea that other guys are interested, and other times I feel like he might be trying to steer me in their direction to get me off his hands. I’ve told him I don’t want to hear it, but he just laughs and says that I should take it as a compliment. What do you think? Wondering in Willistcn Dear Wondering, Jour man’s loose tongue is a product of his low self-esteem. There’s nothing that bol­ sters the old ego better than the notion that one’s partner is a hot commodity. Next time he starts up on this, tell him you’re flattered, but that you’d rather not hear it because you’re afraid knowing someone else is interested might make you more interest­ ed in them. That ought to put an end to it. Love,




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ijfdw qjuxw m , a m t

COUNTRY FARM BOY, STUCK IN THE CITY ISO fa rm e r’s d a u g h te r — help! I can’ t unders ta n d these p e o p le . DWM, 40, NS, teens a t hom e. I lik e a n y th in g o u td o o rs . Seeking c o m m u n ic a tiv e , re c iprocal LTR. 47 9 8 _________

> > -* > •

ISO OLDER F, DW M, 4 2 , TALL, HANDSOME, w e ll-b u ilt ISO a ttra c tiv e , o ld e r F w h o is ready fo r som e passion 8c rom ance in her life . A big b o tto m is a real plus. 4753_____________


INTO THE MYSTIC, SWM, 48 6 ’, 190 LBS. WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU SLEPT AND ' seeks SF, 35-48, w h o is b lu e -c o lla r w /s tre e t w h en you s le p t, y o u had a dream , and in !’ sm arts. Music, trave l, c o u n try liv in g (soon), th a t dream , you fo u n d a b e a u tifu l flow er, • I: w o u ld n ’t n o rm a lly answ er ad., fo r LTR. 4751 and w h a t if w h en you w o ke, y o u s till had 1 ‘ WANT TO FEEL SPECIAL? DWM, YOUNG 38, th a t flow er? A th le tic SWM, 28. 4797_________ l : sm oker. ISO p e tite o r s le n d e r F, 28-42, w h o J LONELY SW M, 50, 6 ’, 170 LBS., ISO WEEK; enjoys laughter, rock m usic, d a n cing 8c BLUE-EYED, 6*2”, 175 LBS., 21, SW M ISO FIT, » end p a rty g irl. M ust enjoy d rin k in g , dan cing, ; tog e th e rn e s s . So m uch m ore w /very nice guy. * lo v in g . Prefer B/AF. Tall, s lim , sexy a ttire . ; Call me! 4750_______________________________ a ttra ctive , 18-23 YO SWF w h o loves s k iin g , * A lw ays have an e ro tic th o u g h t. 4793________ ; la ughing, c u d d lin g & bein g rom a nced. , SW M, 24, 5 ’10”, 175 LBS., BROWN HAIR, C onfidence & h o n e sty a plus. 487 2__________ \ DW M, 47, ISO NS, NESTING, CARING, GENT; green eyes, a ttra c tiv e , easygoing, w /great * le, sw eet, lo v in g F w h o likes bein g h a lf o f an * sense o f hum or. Enjoy m ovies, rom a ntic d in ­ ARTFUL ROMANCER. TALL, ATTRACTIVE * ners, sunsh ine 8. laughter. ISO F, 20-30, for w /p la tin u m hea rt, rich so u l, f it b o d y 8! soun d “ in tim a te cou p le , to u c h in g , sharin g, h o ld in g j frie n d s h ip & m ore. 4 74 9 ________________ m ind. Searching fo r D/SF, NS, 35-4 5 , to share I han ds, cats, w in e , w a lks, reading 8. m ovies, sim ple pleasures & m e a n in g fu l ta lk . D iscover « 4 Z22 ________________________________________ * SW M, 24. INTERESTED IN LTR W/HEALTHY, * » * * »

LETS RUN AWAY FROM IT A L L LONG distance runner, lo ves ch ild re n , Thoreau, C oltrane, b oo ks, S tevie Ray V aughn, fa ll foliage, A rt Blakely, M a n o f L a M a n c h a , Ralph Nader & Radar O’ Reilly. M idd le -a g e , NS, seeks special w o m an . 487 3_________________

my w a ters & a sense o f c o m p le tio n . 4 86 9

* MEDIUM BUILD, SELF-PROCLAIMED SUCCESS; fu l, is subve rsive, genius. M ontpelier, VT. 35, ; ISO SWF, fit, 30, sw eet, tru e & rig h t g irl w h o ; sees me. Bueller. 4791_______________________

sm ile . Me: W PM , 6 ’, 195 lb s ., frie n d s h ip s & LTR. 486 4___________________________________ LOOKING FOR A PARTNER. SW M , 3 4 , ATHle tic & a ttra ctive , ISO SWF, 25-40, w h o is in terested in m ovies, o u td o o r a c tiv itie s & nights on the to w n . 4861____________________ ;



MIDDLEBURY MAN, 3 4 , W /ROOM IN HIS * heart fo r the rig h t w o m a n . It c o u ld be y o u . ' Enjoys o u td o o rs, m oto rcycles & m ore. You: l female, 25-39, fo r c o m p a n io n s h ip 81 p o s s ib le * LTR. 4852 ; FOLLOW THE POSITIVE ENERGY. SDW M, 4 7 , 5’i o ” , 180 lbs. Clean, neat, g o o d -lo o k in g , honest. S ta rtin g over, ISO LTR. Enjoy everyth in g life 8c God offe rs us from a ca m p fire to skydiving. L o o kin g fo r so u lm a te , 25-4 5 . Slender, hon est, clean, P, com e expe rience the NE K ingdo m . 4851_______________________

• * * » * * »

DWM, LATIN DANCER, ISO PETITE PARTNER. Do yo u m ove to th e rh yth m o f th e m usic in the night? Your desire is m ore im p o rta n t than y o u r s kills. Come jo in th e fu n . 4 8 4 6

J * * «

SWM, 4 4 , ATTRACTIVE, EDUCATED, HEALTHY, 6’ 2” , ta ll & slender. Passions in c l.: d o w n h ill skiing 8c a seriou s re la tio n s h ip w /th e rig h t w om an. ISO a ttra c tiv e PF, 32-4 5 , edu ca te d , honest, in tim a te & fun. P ossible LTR. 4 8 4 3

l *

» l l

SWM, 3 7 , ATTRACTIVE, FIT, BLUE EYES. Likes * d o w n h ill skiin g . S h o rt w a lks o r h ikes. Acts 8c j looks 25. ISO active fit SF w h o w o u ld like to * go s k iin g or e n jo y w a lk s . 4841______________ *

DOWN-TO-EARTH, CREATIVE, ENVIRONMENta lly s e n s itiv e , c u ltu re jam m er, pla y fu l, goofy, a th le tic , h e a lth y liv in g , s now shoe, m tn. bike, a rt, sushi, a ttra c tiv e , Old M ontrea l, oceans, rivers, cairns, n/s, m o tiv a te d , 38, crazy, etc.

DPM, 3 0 . 5 '8 ” , ISO NICE PERSON WHO IS re la tio n s h ip -m in d e d , fit, hon est, a ffe c tio n a te 81 happy. I am fu n /frie n d ly , g o a l-o rie n te d , h a rd w o rk in g , love m usic, nature and a q u ie t life . NS. 4 7 8 2 ______________________________


SOON 25, 5’5 ”, 140 LBS., LGT. BRN. h a ir, neve r m arried, child le s s , ISO LTR w/F, 19-32, w h o lik e s im p u d e n t discourse, com p u te rs , a lt./in d ie ., m y g u ita r p laying , boa rdin g, c h ildren fin e , M o n tp e lie r area. 4 7 8 0 SW M 45 YEARS YOUNG. INTERESTS: NASCAR, cam pin g, s n o w m o b ilin g , golf. Loves s u n se ts/sunrises 8c w a lk s a t th e ocean, ISO F to en jo y th e o u td o o rs . 477 8_________________ M Y LIFE IS FULL OF PARADOX, NON-STARVin g a rtis t, e-Com m erce L ud dite, crunchy, bea rde d, em pire builde r, 37, active, fun, lives sim ply, e x plores w idely, ISO m assage partner, chem ica l a ttra c tio n , bliss. 4773______________

WHERE ARE YOU? SW PM 26, ACTIVE, FUN, PEACEFUL, CHARMING DANCE PARTNER J healthy, loves m usic, o u td o o rs & life. ISO needed fo r dance steps in to fu tu re w ith SWPF, 21-28, fo r adve n tu re s, m u s t love to sweet, charm ing, s ’ 8 ” , 4 o ish M. Has exten* la ugh, skis & a ttitu d e a plus. I w a n t to see sive use o f b o th fe e t &. b o th sides o f th e * th e w o rld , care to jo in me? 477 2____________ brain. 4825__________________________________ t JUMP START M Y LIFE: DWM, 40S, ISO SWM, 50, 192 LBS., 5’l l ”, BRN7 BLUE. LIKES I D/SWF, NS/NA/ND (race o p tio n a l), 25-50. cam ping, fish in g , cla ssical m usic, p h o to g ra • G ardening, pets, o u td o o rs , lo n g rides, kid s, phy, go lf, m ovies, m o o n lig h t w a lks, lo o k in g « q u ie t tim e s , c u d d lin g , w a lks. M ust be selfat stars. The o u td o o rs typ e , en jo ys one day « re lia n t, m e n ta lly fit. Friends 1st, p o s s ib le LTR. at a tim e . ISO SWF, 35-51, ND, h o n e s t. 4803 * 4756_________________________________ CUBAN-STYLE SALSA DANCER ISO PARTNER. Free, P classes plus p re m iu m v id e o practice sessions. Trim lady, 20-40S. Me: run, g o o d J hum ored, sincere, trim , g e n tle SM. No strings. 4802

* * J *

OUTDOORSY, ATHLETIC, ROMANTIC, 45, DWM. P o litic a lly in correct. Loves c ooking, d a n c in g 8c a nim a ls. ISO fit, funny, 38-46, F to fa ll in love 81 live h a p p ily ever after. 4755

I’M A YOUNG COLLEGE STUDENT UNSURE OF my sexuality, lo o k in g fo r a com p a n io n to explore frie n d s h ip & e xp lo ra tio n w ith . 5’ 4 ” , 170 lbs. Interests: art, o u td o o rs . Q ualities: honesty, sensitive. 477 4_____________________ ME: FUNNY, RELAXED, CARING SWBIF. LOVES m usic 81 lo ng rides to u n kn o w n d e s tin a tio n s . You: non-sm oker, 19-25, S & love th e scent o f va n illa . 474 8_____________________________

w ith , see m ovies, have same fun. Love to hear from you ladies. 4657__________________ ISO A VERY LOVING LTR. W IM , CONSIDER­ ATE, d ep endable, hon est, likes jo g g in g , w a lk in g , sunsets, sn o w sto rm s ISO very slim F, 47-58, no d e p e n d e n t c hildren, w h o likes to exercise. 4656___________________________

MAPLES CRUNCH, HONKERS FLY, FALL IS com in g by 8c by. Share a u tu m n a l m eanderings w ith 50 YO chap w h o seeks healthy, s p iritu a l, sensual, irreverent lass w h o loves dog s 8c dan cing. 46 4 4 _______________________

I ♦ SEEKING F BEAUTIFUL IN SOUL & BODY, 22* 30, w h o likes o u td o o r a dve nture, m usic, a rt, l tra v e l & h ea lthy liv in g . I am a very fit, goo d* lo o k in g 30 YO M. 4641______________________


* J ’

* * * * *

♦ » »

m d d n q w om m

* SWF ISO 25+ SWF WHO IS LOOKING TO b u ild a la s tin g frie n d s h ip and m aybe m ore w ith a c o m passionate and affe c tio n a te w o m an . 4923_____________________________ WANT TO MEET AN ATTRACTIVE, SWEET, s ta b le person, 25+. 485 3

Union advo cate w h o loves th e o u td o o rs . ISO 2 0 s o m e th in g NS/ND F w ith sense o f hu m o r 8. o p tim is m . 4745___________________________ GWF, M ID 40S, ISO TOTALLY LESBIAN F, M ID 30S-40S. M ust be h on est, g ro u n d e d , fin a n ­ c ia lly & e m o tio n a lly stable , fu n n y 81 enjoy y o u r life . Also in te re ste d in frie n d s h ip s . No alcoholics/STD s 4741_____________________

> SOMETIMES AN OAK, SOMETIMES AN ; o rchid . SWGF ISO 2 0 s o m e th in g , stron g < w o m an w illin g to h o ld & be held. Loves nature, art, poetry, m usic, la ughter, conve rsa­ j tio n & go o d fo o d . 483 8 < > '

* I’M 44, D, NICE, GENTLE, ROMANTIC GUY ISO J a special F w h o w a n ts to be tre a te d w / * respect, o ld -fa s h io n e d ways. Loo kin g fo r LTR. * 46 3 6 _______________________________________ MORE THAN MEETS THE E Y E - SHY BUT funny, a s p irin g c a rto o n is t, 23, 5’ n ” , 230 lbs., SWM. ISO Cute, in te llig e n t SF, 20-28 fo r go o d tim es, possib le LTR. R a ce/w eig ht/height u n im p o rta n t. 4635

and a $ 2 5 gift certificate to

Dog Team Rd., Middlebury 388-7651

WF, 20, ISO A DISCREET F TO HELP FULFILL a fanta sy o r tw o !! 4 84 4_____________________

j * J BIGGER IS BETTER- 26 YO SW M, AVG. * b u ild , a ttra c tiv e , in te llig e n t ISO fu ll-fig u re d , * o ld e r (35+) w o m an fo r fu lfillin g fantasies. J Looks u n im p o rta n t. 4653____________________ ; * *> * *

used • closeout • new 191 Bank St., Burlington 860-0190


GUESS WHO? ATTRACTIVE, SWM, 23, aub urn hair, brow n eyes, 5’ n ” , 165 tbs., c o n fid e n t 8c in d e p e n d e n t. My tw o fa v o rite h o b b ie s are 478 5________________________________________ * s n o w b o a rd in g 8c b ik in g . L o o k in g to expand TALL, DARK, HANDSOME. AQUARIAN, 50, J horizo ns. ISO SWF, 20-26, w h o is o u tg o in g , energetic, d o w n -to -e a rth 81 has the same lo o k s 40. S e nsitive, fit, caring, respect '_______________ w o m e n , g o o d listener, outdoorsy, very sen» in terests. 4661_________ sual, k in d , h o n e s t 81 m uch m ore. Enjoy W M , 6*2”, 273 LBS., BROWN HAIR, HAZEL to u c h in g b o th w ays. ISO ta ll, slender, p re tty * eyes, in goo d shape. ISO som eone to dine F 35-45- 4784__________________________ l

•iTie Outdoor Gear Exchange •


4 97 7

1 * *

NEED NO REPLY, JUST STOP BY WHERE THE * S. B u rlin g to n m all b u ild in g s are biue. I w ill l m eet you. T h in k m usic. M, 60, ISO SF NS fo r « frie n d s h ip . Let’s v is it. 478 3__________________ J

H ik e r 's G u id e to V T from


* 4744__________________________________ J M Y TRACTOR’S SEXY. SWM, 47, 5’u ”, 165 * tbs., energetic, healthy, h a rd w o rk in g , goo d* lo o k in g , NS 8c ND. Fit 8 1 fa b u lo u s , likes a n i­ J m als, country, o u td o o rs ISO a ttra c tiv e , fit, ; a m b itio u s , h on est w h o likes country. 4743

: LIFE IS GOOD... BUT DO YOU DAYDREAM : a b o u t m e e tin g th e one w h o m akes life very g o o d in every way? SWM, 39, very cute & ; fit, lo o k in g fo r daydream er. 4 78 7____________

FUN & FRIENDS FIRST! I’M FIT, ACTIVE, attractive, easygoing, DWPM, la te 40s, w /2 ’ lo ving children liv in g w /m e p a rt-tim e . Passions: art, a n tiq u e s , water, h ik in g , a dve n- > ture, trave l, In te rn e t, fo o d , m usic, coffee, » cookies, snug gling. ISO fit, a ttra c tiv e , sensu- al, stable, NS, ND Lady, 38-5 0 , w /s im ila r interests, desires, fo r com panionship/L T R . '


J fit, in te llig e n t SF w h o believes han dcuffs are « fun. Age n o t im p o rta n t, p e rs o n a lity 8c * appearance is. 47 4 6 ________________________ * SM, 4 5 , GOOD-LOOKING, W/HAIR. LITERATE, I edu cated , w ild , s p iritu a l. Likes d riv in g , b o a t­ * ing, w a lk in g , m ovies, synagogue, real estate, I p ic k in g berries, m ow ing, w eed w h acking , t trim m in g 81 deb arking. Likes to learn, can be * sexy, in te llig e n t & cute. Good psych o lo g ist.

CARING & PASSIONATE DSW M, 3 9 , ISO DSWF w /sam e q u a litie s w h o en jo ys w a lk in g , bikin g , skiing, co o kin g o r d in n e r o u t, d an c­ ing 8c rom ancing. S o u n d lik e you? Foliage is J VAN MORRISON IN DUBLIN, HARMONIES here. 4867_________________________________ _ ‘ a ro u n d a fire, b ik e M on tre a l, hik e the > K in g d o m , c udd le at hom e in B u rlin g to n . YOU: BRAVE SOUL FOR FUN & ADVENTURE. > SWM, 39, NS, vege ta ria n , fit, happy, clear. M ust be c o n fid e n t, fit, in te llig e n t, sensu al & > Seeks e v e n tu a l LTR. 478 8___________________ fun. Warm eyes I can m e lt in to , an easy

Personal o f the Week receives a g ift certificate for a FREE D a y

A fx k in q

m m

: ARE YOU IN STEP WITH NEEDING ROMANCE in y o u r life? How ’ b o u t the in ta n g ib le to u ch o f p a s d e d e u x se eking us out? 498 4________

* SINGLE 81 LONELY, GWM, 2 2 , IN BURL ISO * SGWM, 18-35, fo r LTR. I’m 5 ’ i o ” , 135 lbs., slim b u ild , brn /b rn , lo vin g , caring, sw eet, sincere, passionate 8. a ffe ctio n a te . 4863________ RECENTLY DITCHED MID-THIRTIES M SEEKS reasona bly fit, o p in io n a te d , to le ra n t m ale w ith cynical w it fo r general bitch sessions and m u tu a l e n jo ym e n t o f each other. If y o u ’re adve n tu re so m e , it ’s even b e tte r! 4862 HEALTHY, HORNY & HAPPY YOUNG GUY ISO serious gay or bi-cu rio u s guys (18-40) fo r som e frie n d ly fun. Love o f w re s tlin g , e atin g, han gin’ o u t 8c h o t sex is a plus. 4856

T h e M o s tly U n fa b u lo u s S o c ia l L ife o f E th a n G reen.

GWM, EARLY 4 0 ’S, ISO CLEAN-CUT GM. D rink- 8c chem ica l-free fo r fun 8c frie n d sh ip . Em phasis on cut. Possible LTR fo r rig h t person. No fats o r ferns, 4 84 7__________________ YOUNG SM, 18 YO, ISO MATURE M FOR AN e ro tic enco unte r. I am n o t very experienced b u t eager to learn. Leave y o u r nam e and p ho ne #. You w o n ’t be sorry. 482 9__________ 4 6 YO, W SLAVE ISO MUSCLED, WORK b o o ts -ty p e M in A d iro n d a ck park area for occasional, discre e t m ee tin g s. 4 7 9 4 _________ ATTRACTIVE, MASCULINE SW M , 35, 6 ’, 165 lbs. M uscular, trim m e d beard, ta n , real man. ISO M w ith s im ila r q u a litie s , 2 o ’s -3 o ’s, fo r frie n d s h ip , h o t fun. M uscles 81 facial h a ir a plus. Cali o r w rite . 478 6_____________________ SW BIM , M ID 30S ’, VERY HANDSOME, HEALth y and sensual. Curious a b o u t ro le-playing , cross-d ressing, etc. ISO healthy, easyg oing M to h e lp me e xplore m y fe m in in e side. 4781 W M , 3 8 , ISO DIRTY, NASTY. OLDER M TO serve on a regular basis. Can I please you?

4 7 5 4 ________________ _______________________ BICURIOUS SW M , 29, 6 ’, 180 LBS., ATTRACtive , f it ISO B icurious guys, 18-35, fo r no strin g s fun. D iscretion a m ust. No m ail, please. 47 4 7 ________________________________ I AM A W M, 5’ 7 ”, 180 LBS., 47, LIKE TO m eet so m eone fo r fun tim e s 8< g oo d conve r­ sa tio n . Loyal & respect p e o p le ’s o p in io n s. Race 8c age u n im p o rta n t. 4 7 4 0

FOR HALLOWEEN 81 BEYOND... SW PM, 40S, cross-dresser, lo n g tim e . G enuinely fascina ted s tu d e n t o f th e scene. ISO a ttra c tiv e , d o m i­ nan t Fem(s) fo r safe 8c sane in itia tio n in to YOUR w o rld . “A ch in g ” to be p leasin g 8c am u sin g . Clean 8c discree t, im p e ra tive . Have co stu m e , w ill tra ve l. 49 8 6 ___________________ LATE 2 0 ’S W CU ISO ATTRACTIVE, CLEAN, d iscre e t F fo r a 1 - tim e thre esom e (b o y frie n d ’s fa n ta sy / b-day w ish ). No psy­ chos need app ly. No s trin g s. Just a fun, ONE­ TIME experience. T hanks. 49 2 7

■by Eric O m er

Fresh G u y is snickering because Tired G u y doesn't know how to w ork the phone.

Fresh G u y thinks this is " ru lly " funny & an n o yin g ly, is m aking this ru lly d e a r.

Tired G u y does how ever, does know how to use a m agic w and, lik e this one here, which he got from a R adical F airie he once dated.

Tired G u y thinks m aybe it's time to send Fresh G u y aw ay. Howzabout a tim e & place with weird phones.

Tired G u y

versus Fresh G uy Tired G u y has had enulf of Fresh G uy's crap. He knows how to w ork a ceil phone, O K ? He's {ust never used one of these flip phones before. Lik e , big deal. I T ire iG u Y c lo s e -u p REVfAlS TlRfO <3>UY


page 26b


October 2 5 , 2000

p t s u >

\ o n

to respond to a personal ad call 1-9 0 0 -370 -7127 m

m m m m m mm m m m m m m m m % m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m

we’re open 24 hours a day! $i.99/minute. must be is+. ATTRACTIVE, MATURE, PROF. M WOULD e n jo y b u rn in g lib id o w /an a ttra c tiv e bdrm .s p o rt-lo v in g S/Ma F o r Cu, capable o f ple a s­ a n t con v e rs a tio n a fte r end o f b o u t. O nly w in ­ ners in th is discree t gam e o f pleasure punchin g b e lo w the b e lt. 4 8 5 0 ____________________ GORGEOUS BLACK MAN! WANTED FOR ONEtim e , ro m a n tic e n c o u n te r w ith ta ll, a th le tic w o m an . But firs t: W hat’s YOUR idea o f rom antic?! 4 92 6_____________________________ YOUNG 2 0 YO SW M LOOKING FOR A 20-40 YO SF fo r frie n d ly and e ro tic en co u n te rs . I am very expe rienced. D iscretion is a m ust.

4925_________________________ M IN EARLY 2 0 ’S LOOKING FOR SF OR CU ages 18-55 fo r n o n sexual exchange. W ill do house w o rk and chores in exchange fo r disc ip lin e . M ust be seriou s and discree t. 492 2 SEXY F ROOMMATES INTO EVERYTHING Fetish, except pain. M & Cu’s w e lcom e. We som etim es h o s t th e rig h t person here in New O rleans. We also tra v e l. 4917________________ ATTRACTIVE, P CU, LATE 20S ISO CLEAN, discreet fun w /lik e m in d e d BiF o r Cu. Sense o f a d v e n tu re a m ust. 4915___________________

LOVING, MIDDLE-AGED, MACU EXPERIENCING huge s p iritu a l e n lig h te n m e n t. ISO clean, y o u th fu l SF, ND, fo r tender, lo v in g th re e ­ som e. P ossible life lo n g , live-in re la tio n s h ip fo r the rig h t in d iv id u a l. Come share in o u r jo urn ey. 4842_________________________ OK, SO MAYBE I’M LAME OR WORK TOO m uch...SW F ISO a friend(s) to han g w ith ... b re a k fa s t on th e w e ekends, coffee d u rin g the w eek, d ig th e arts & the o u td o o rs . 4835 ATTRACTIVE, SW, 20SOMETHING, M LOVES o ld e r w o m e n . Loves m assage & in tim a te enco u n te rs. Very clean & discree t. No s trin g s . B u rlin g to n Area. 4831_______________ 2 7 YO SBIM GEEK/ARTIST, ISO AN ADULT hum an w ith w h om to share v ariou s nerdy p u rs u its . You m ust en jo y film 8c m usic 8c be NS/ND. A g e/race/gend er u n im p o rta n t. 480 6

GORGEOUS, Ma, STRAWBERRY-BLONDE, buxom d in g b a t, in to fis h n e t s to ckin g s, pre­ te n tio u s w ritin g . ISO artsy, yo u n g e r M; lite r­ ate, lo n g ha ir fo r n a u g h ty fu n . I’m h o rrib le ! D rin king, drugs OK! 4914____________________ YOUNG CU, EARLY 2 0 ’S, ISO BIWF FOR e x p lo ra tio n o f fanta sies. She is B icurious, he’s s tra ig h t. Clean & discree t. 4913

THURS. 10/5 - 1 SAW YOU AT FINNIGAN’S. YOU w ere w ith som e b ig -m o u th , b lo n d e cutie, b u t y o u r b ea uty was b e w itc h in g . Care to m eet me a t Finnigan’s th is Friday? 4 90 9

CENTRAL VT ROLE-PLAYING GROUP SEEKS new m em bers. Sw ords to spaceships, w ith focus on characters. New fo lk s encouraged, it ’s fun! We’d love to have you, call Kerri fo r m ore in fo. 464 9

TO MY SNUGGLEBUNNY: YOU KNOW WHO you are. I m ay n o t be ab le to spy yo u b u t I’m th in k in g a b o u t yo u . I m iss yo u m ore than y o u can im agine. 490 8______________________

M Y TURN: YOU SAID I’M CUTE W / A C O L D y o u leave me far m ore v u ln e ra b le than a few sneezes, th o u g h . I th in k y o u ’re dangerous. W hy d id y o u w a it u n til now? 4991___________ 10/14/00, A BROWN-EYED GIRL ON A HAY ride, h o ld in g her orange p u m p k in lo o k in g b e a u tifu l, I sat across from you. It was m ore than w o rd s could say, VT lover. 4975_______ LICENSE PLATE “PUMPED” ATTRACTIVE b lo n d e in blue jeans. Spied you b u ying yo u r p e a n u t b u tte r and je lly bagel one m orn ing. W ould love to m eet and enhance b o th our lives. D inner som etim e? 4929________________

fm n c L

GREG, I SAW YOU AT RED SQUARE, RIRA’S and VPB, I co u ld have s le p t w ith y o u b u t d id n ’ t w a n t to . -Ben 4 92 8___________________

SW PM, YOUNG 50S, W/STRONG, SPIRITUAL values ISO new “ c o m m itte d frie n d s h ip ” n o t rom ance. Let’s explore the o u td o o rs 8c enjoy c u ltu ra l even ts, tra v e l 8c goo d fo o d /w in e to g e th e r. 498 9

GOTHGIRL - I LONG FOR YOUR PALE, COOL to u c h . The a g o n y o f a n tic ip a tio n is e xqu isite. S hall w e revel in th e d a rkness o f Friday’s Spookaram a? AngstB oy. 485 5 _______________ _

SF, 29, ISO SM, 29-38, ISO A FRIEND TO te le -s k i at Sm uggs, th is w inter. Free-spirited, cynical, year-round o u td o o r adve nturess. H um or is necessary. Reply by letter. 466 0

LAURA, M Y LOVE GROWS LIKE THE OCTOBER m o o n . Trust th e rope & me. Decem ber is m agic. RDISHML. 492 0

TUES. 10/10. SNEAKERS, 11:00 AM , YOU: BIG brow n eyes, d in in g so lo by fro n t door. Me: beige cap, glasses, goatee, saying ’ bye to frie n d . Brunch som etim e? My tre a t. 4905

ANNIE, THURSDAY NIGHT, RED SQUARE, Sandra W rig h t s in g in g lo u d ly . I sh o u ld have le t m y frie n d go a lo n g w /o m e. D a vid. 485 4 TERRI S.R.: YOU’RE IN M Y THOUGHTS FROM tim e to tim e . Please ca ll m e. Let’s ta lk . M aybe o ve r a glass o f w in e & a gam e o f scrabble. Rob. 4 8 4 8 ______ _ _ _ _____________

FATTIE: I SPIED YOU CAPTURING A SNAKE IN N orth Carolina. Did y o u com e to V e rm o n t to capture m y heart? Soup Lady. 4 90 3__________ CULTURAL LEGENDS SUGGEST THAT HOW you spend y o u r New Year’s (w/eve) casts y o u r fate fo r th e year ahead. W ouldn’ t th a t be iro n ic if th a t w ere true? Shed m y skin .

I’ M BLONDE M Y EYES ARE BLUE, I FIRST sp ie d y o u fro m m y green S ubaru. We sm iled to one a n o th e r *til I m e lte d lik e butte r. Can w e m eet & eat & m aybe rub feet? You are so b e a u tifu l, m y eyes tic k le . 48 3 9 ___________ 2-1/2 WEEKS AGO, RED SQUARE, WE DID p u ll-u p s , y o u asked m e i f I w as lo o k in g fo r a jo b as a s trip p e r, I sa id no w h ile s m ilin g , b u t I w o u ld fo r yo u . 4 8 3 7 ________________________

4902_________________________ RKM, BAY-BAY. THANK YOU FOR EVERYth in g . You mean the w o rld to m e. Love you forever. XOXO, L ittle me. 4866_______________ YOU: BEAUTIFUL WITH-CHILD. ME: PREGNANT w ith love, a d m ira tio n and e xp e cta tio n . W hat a lu cky little g irl she is. W hat a lu cky boy am I. Tha nk you. I love yo u huge. 48 6 0 LESH AT MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM, OCT. 1 tw o dancin’ fo o ls , you w ith th e corre ct tim e, me, the life saver. W ished I had stayed to say m ore. Were y o u th in k in g likew ise? 48 5 9

YOU: PETITE AND BEAUTIFUL CONSTRUCTION w o rk e r from IBM in need o f “ h id d e n ” backb e lt. Me: H e lp fu l and a ll sm iles. (Even h e lp e d yo u try it on.) D inner som etim e? You k n o w w h ere to fin d me. 48 3 6 ___________ JEANNE, 3 YEARS TOGETHER. ME: SELFISH/ lo s t. You: u n a tte n d e d , u n h a p p y w / o u r g ro w th . I u n d e rsta n d m y selfishness/directio n . Love causes m e to w rite , n o t d esp era­ tio n , b u t acceptance. I lo ve yo u , Stephen

4834__________________________________ YES, ELIZABETH, THAT WAS ME IN THE BUS on H inesbu rg Road th a t Tuesday m orn ing. O ur o ld gym m ay be history, b u t I s till feel

“I SPY” IN SOFT TEXAN TWANG CERTAINLY led to goo d sw eet tha n g . Fools to be clo ser now le a v in g than ever before sages to have learned to open hea rts’ door. 485 8

th e sam e a b o u t yo u . 483 3

—153 # [






To respond to Letters Only ads: Seal y o u r response in an enve lo p e , w rite box # on th e o u ts id e and place in a n o th e r enve lope w ith $5 fo r each response . Address to: PERSON TO PERSON c/o SEVEN DAYS, P.O. Box 1164, B u rlin g to n , VT 0 54 02


♦ fffl ♦



m # m m

EXOTIC PLUM, LATE 30s, PASSIONATE, SENs itiv e n a tu ris t, a ltru is t ISO con sid e ra te gen­ tle m a n . I’m p e tite , d a rk -s k in n e d A frican. I belie ve th a t eth ics, values, in te g rity m ust be gen uine. Box 812____________________________ BUELLER? BUELLER?... WHEN’S THE LAST tim e you d id n ’t k n o w w h a t the day held? F, 31, lo o k in g fo r som eone to d ig toes in d irt w ith . Hey sun-lover, le t’s e n jo y it! Box 790

womsn M&kmq msm 23 YO, ATTRACTIVE SWF, WHO LOVES DANcing, sp o rts, d riv in g , c u d d lin g & adve n tu re . Sorry, co u n try m usic n o t in c lu d e d . ISO SM, 18-30 w / sam e in te re sts plus sense o f hum or. Box 827_____________________________

WiWF, LATE 50S, 5’2” , ATTRACTIVE, ISO ple a s a n t W M, 58-65 fo r p o s s ib le LTR. C ountry/W estern m usic, goo d dancer, lo n g w a lks, m ovies, ro m a n tic . Please respond . Very lonely. We can get to g e th e r over coffee.

ECLECTIC, IRREVERENT, INDEPENDENT ICONoclast (w ell-p re se rve d ; 52) w ish e s to m eet em pa th e tic M (sam e; 45-5 5 ) w /s o c ia l c o n ­ science w h o values in te lle c tu a l s tim u la tio n & m ature e m o tio n a l c o n n e c tio n . M ust lik e Thai

Box 781_____________________________________

food, no MSG! Box 8 2 6 _____________________ SEEKING FRIENDSHIP, CONVERSATION WITH y oun g-a t-heart gn e tle m a n , 47+, fin a n c ia lly secure, in te llig e n t, caring , tra v e le d , in te re s t­ ed in arts, w ise. Me: q u ie t, b lo n d , blu e eyes, slim , pretty, edu ca te d , a ctive , teenage children, NS, ND. Box 824______________________ 21 YO, SWF, CUTE, BLONDE HAIR, BLUE eyes ISO SM, 18-36, ISO LTR. Friends firs t. M id d le b u ry area. Box 822_________________ HARDLUCK W OMAN, OF SIZE, 53, BLONDE/ blue, a lte rn a tiv e novice, o ffb e a t, creative, m usically eclectic, NS, ND, NA, seeks sw eet, caring, gen tle s o u lm a te to a ssist w ith realig n in g th e d u c k s .” Friends firs t. Box 788 RETRO-ROMANTIC, RURAL-ROOTED, WORLDtraveled F seeks sta b le , sp o n ta n e o u s, w ise & hum or-b lessed M. D e tails: late 40s, ta ll, active, en jo y w a rm th , e xp lo rin g , water, flora/faun a. NS. In te rs ta te saavy. Box 811

WOODSMOKE, BACKROADS, SIMPLICITY, s im ­ p licity. A u to c h th o n ic , e n th u s ia s tic SF, 50+, e m p lo y e d , enjoys gard e n in g , m usic, puns, pea ceful tim e s . ISO lik e -m in d e d M, cent. VT area. H u m or e ssen tial, Friends is t . Box 784 SWF, 5 ’u ”, 4 6 , DYNAMIC J, LOVES FASHION and th e fin e r th in g s . Interested in SWM, 3555, fo r c o m p a n io n s h ip & p o s s ib ly m ore. Box 785____________________________________ ATTN: MENSCHES & GENTLEMEN! SWF, 37, a u b u rn /b lu e , nice b u ild , goo d lo o k s . Sm art, funny, p la y fu l, loves a nim a ls, m usic, o u t­ d o o rs . ISO sam e in c le an-cut SWPM, 30-42 fo r LTR. Box 786



f t

VERY YOUNG 5 0 ’S , ATHLETIC, s ’W TALL, w e ll-e d u c a te d , h e a lth y & STD free, sensitive, rom a ntic, sensuous, fin a n c ia lly secure, c h ild ­ less, ja c k -o f-a ll-tra d e s fe lla seeks slim , w arm , open, lib e ra l, spon ta n e o u s , p a tie n t, ta c tile , rom a ntic, sensuous w o m a n w h o loves the o u td o o rs , b o a tin g , 81 w a n ts to en jo y fine w in e & s unse t d in n e rs prepared by me on the deck o f m y la k e fro n t hom e. A lo n g le tte r w ill get you the sam e. Box 800_____________

WELL EDUCATED, SUBTLE HUMOR, SOMEw h a t o ff-b e a t, c iv ilize d , s e lf-e m p lo ye d M. J, reader ISO e d u rin g co m m itm e n t w ith w a rm ­ hea rted, b rig h t F w h o app re cia te s irony. Late 40S-50S. A ny ba c kg ro u n d . I am 59. Box 813

ABSOLUTELY FREE! M Y HEART! DWM, YOUNG 38, sm oker. Good lo o k s /b u ild . Seeks a sle n ­ d e r F, 28-44, w h o is o u tg o in g , enjoys m usic, dancing, the o u td o o rs & in d o o rs , rom ance, q u ie t tim es. M ake us hap pen! Box 821______

35YO SW M RELOCATING TO VT FROM CA IN 200 3. ISO k in d F to share som e th o u g h ts & laughs w/. C u rrently in care rated fo r n o n vio le n t crim e. Box 809____________

TRIM, WELL-READ, SUCCESSFUL, HEALTHconscious, o u td o o r adventurer. Enjoys fourseason h ik in g , b ik in g , kayaking, b a ckco u n try s k iin g , NPR, far-flu n g trave ts, CA w in e c o u n ­ try, Irish theater, im p ro m p tu s to ry te llin g . Seeking m u tu a l c hem istry & jo y w ith expres­ sive, in d e p e n d e n t w o m an , 35-44, w h o enjoys a ll th in g s o u t-o f-d o o rs . Let’s corres pon d & see w h a t happens. Box 823________ MS. BODACIOUS: EXTREME INTELLIGENCE, lo ver o f nature & water. Fit, g oo d kisser. Give me a scent. Early 40s, searching fo r you. V e nturing from Shangri-La, h o p in g to b rin g y o u hom e. Box 8 2 0 .__________________ HELP! IT S LONELY OUT HERE. I’M A 3RDs h ifte r lo o k in g fo r a F w h o likes o u td o o r a c tiv itie s a lo n g w ith in d o o r stuff. I’m 45. W rite soon . Box 819______________________ __

ABSOLUTELY FREE! MY HEART! DW M, YOUNG 38, sm oker. G ood lo o k s /b u ild . Seeks a sle n ­ d e r F, 28-4 4 , w h o is o u tg o in g , enjoys m usic, d a n cing, th e o u td o o rs & in d o o rs , rom ance, q u ie t tim e s . M ake us hap pen! Box 821

#■y': ’f-f'''

• • • • #. • •

SBPM, 39, 6*5”, 225 LBS., ATHLETIC, OLDfash io n e d , runner, live in R utland area, ISO hon est, fa ith fu l m ate, sen s itiv e & rom a ntic, 35-45. Race u n im p o rta n t. W ant to d e ve lop LTR. Box 814.

: :V

I, SGW, WHO’S LOOKING FOR SOME GREAT gay frie n d s o u t th e re & in th e fu tu re to fin d th a t sp e cia l la d y to share m y life . Easygoing, kin g , lo v in g , w a rm , e n jo y p e o p le & h on est, lo ya l, lik e h a v in g g o o d fun! Box 789.

LETS BEGIN WITH THE SENSUAL & EXPLORE tog e th e r. MaW M, M ID -40S, seeks MaF, 35 -5 0 fo r d a y tim e pleasures. Honesty, tru s t &. tru e frie n d s h ip offered & expe cted. Central & NE VT. Box 803_________________________________ BIW M, 50ISH , CLEAN, DISCREET, ATTRACitiv e , g oo d shape, ISO w e ll-b u ilt M fo r discreet en co u n te rs, days o r eves. Box 825

SKINNY, SKINNY-DIPPER WANTED. FREE TO tra v e l ISO w arm w a ters, th e w o rld a ro u n d & w ith in . M ust be v e g e ta ria n , e n v iro n m e n ta lis t, gard e n in g , h o m e ste a d in g , LTR. E g alitaria n, E m ersonian, SWM, 6 ’ i ” , 175 lbs., 55, ND, NS, NA, no kid s, neve r Ma & FS. Box 757 WHERE TO FIND “MR. ALMOST RIGHT?" M ost days, d e c e n t guy, lo o k in g , rid in g his bicycle in Crown P o int. W rite to me. Let’s ride tog e th e r. I’m 37 now, NA, NS, ND. Box 805_____________________________________ SW M , 57, 5’u " , 190 LBS., GOOD-LOOKING, likes m usic, w a lks, ta lk s & m ore. ISO a ttra c ­ tiv e , SWF, 45-5 5 , fo r frie n d s h ip , LTR p o s s i­ ble. P la ttsb u rg h area. Box 80 2 .

w om m


ATTRACTIVE, BiW M, LATE 50S, CLEAN, discree t, 5*8” , 160 lb s., w o u ld like to m eet w e ll- b u ilt M bi o r s tra ig h t fo r discree t e n co u n te rs days o r eves. Box 815__________ ATTRACTIVE, INTELLECTUAL, M A S C SW M ISO o p e n -m in d e d , discre e t, m u scu la r frie n d w h o is also 25 -5 0 81 in to fitn e s s , re a d in g , o u t­ d o o rs , cycling o r m a kin g o th e rs 8t th e m ­ selves fe e l g o o d . B ox 808

W M ISO CU OR F WILLING TO TRAIN ME to serve y o u r pleasure. W ill refu nd fo rw a rd in g fee. Box 818___________________________ GORGEOUS CU ISO SWF, 28-35. BI OR CURI­ OUS. N eeded to fu lfill le sb ia n fanta sies w /w ife . Som e 3-som e c o n ta c t necessary. Box 807

HELLO LOVELY LADIES OUT THEREI LOVE TO hea r from y o u a ll! I’m a V irgo, easyg oing, lo v in g , w a rm , k in d , lo ya l & lo ts , lo ts m ore o f me as a person. Please w rite me, please. God Bless. Box 804

4 digit box num bers can be contacted either through voice m ail or by letter. 3 digit box num bers can only be contacted by letter. Send letter along w / $ 5 to PO Box 116 4 , Burlington, V T 0 54 0 2. LOVE IN CYBERSPACE. POINT YOUR WEB BROWSER TO



How to place your FREE personal ad with Person to Person

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Y o u r

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. D e a d l in e : F r id a y s a t n o o n .


• F I R S T 3 0 W O R D S A R E F R E E W IT H P E R S O N TO P E R S O N , A D D IT IO N A L W O R D S A R E $ 2 EA C H E X TR A W O R D .

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How to respond to a personal ad: •C H O O SE YOUR FAVORITE ADS AND NOTE TH EIR BOX NU M B ER S.

• C A L L 1 - 9 0 0 - 3 7 0 - 7 1 2 7 FR O M A T O U C H -T O N E P H O N E . 1 - 9 0 0 # B L O C K ? C A L L 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 1 0 - 8 7 2 7 TO C H A R G E TO Y O U R C R E D IT C A R D .

Confidential Information



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