“Public forests are among our greatest bulwarks against climate change and extinction, but they’re being sold to the highest bidder while the public is kept in the dark about how decisions are made,” Zack Porter, execu tive director of Standing Trees, said in a news release. “If successful, this lawsuit will put the public back in control of public lands.”
The Montpelier-based group has called for a morato rium on logging in state forests and in the federal Green Mountain National Forest. It argues that the benefits of leaving maturing forests intact — carbon sequestration, clean water, wildlife habitat and flood resilience — far outweigh the economic benefit of timber harvests for the state.
Standing Trees claims the state Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation relied on outdated science when drafting a plan for cutting timber on 3,800 acres around Camel’s Hump over the next 15 years. That’s about triple the rate of harvesting done there over the past 25 years.
The group argues that the state has failed to adopt rules
Braver Angels, a national nonprofit that seeks to unite conserva tives and progressives, has a new Vermont organizer and is hold ing a series of workshops as it seeks to gain traction in the state.
State organizer Lincoln Earle-Centers recently held a training in Charlotte and plans more this winter in Shelburne and Barre to teach the group’s conflict resolution principles, which are based on helping people understand other points of view.
Earle-Centers, 38, said he stepped into the role last year because he’d like to help people speak constructively — without lashing out, dismissing others’ views or trying to overwhelm their opponents with information. He’s participated in New Englandwide virtual Braver Angels sessions over the past few years and said the experience was a welcome antidote to what he was witnessing online and among friends and family.
“It felt like people were beating their heads against the walls,
for logging on Vermont lands, essentially allowing state for esters to divvy up chunks of land for logging as they see fit. The group has also argued that the department ignored a 2015 study’s findings that, owing to the climate crisis, state lands should be logged more carefully in order to reduce flooding from intensifying rainfall.
Mike Snyder, commissioner of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, said he welcomes debate about the use of public lands. But he said Standing Trees was “cherry-picking” one area of statute while ignoring mul tiple others that clearly require public lands to be managed for multiple uses, including, in the case of Camel’s Hump, “sustained production of timber.”
The public engagement process for the Camel’s Hump plan was “robust, elaborate and extended,” Snyder said. His department has agreed to codify rules for managing public lands, just not in the 30-day time frame that Standing Trees has demanded.
Standing Trees counters that it is Snyder who is doing the cherry-picking by resisting the requirement to adopt formal rules governing where and what type of logging is appropriate on state lands.
Read Kevin McCallum’s full story at sevendaysvt.com.
South Burlington police say the city’s experienced a spike in car thefts, burglaries, larcenies, retail theft and gun violence. Wait, it’s not just Burlington?
That’s how many people attended the Audi FIS Ski World Cup at Killington Resort over the weekend — a record.
The UVM men’s soccer team defeated UCLA in the NCAA tournament to advance to the Elite Eight. Next up: Syracuse University on Saturday, December 3, at 2 p.m.
1. “After a Life-Altering Accident, a Young Teacher Adapts to a New Reality” by Alison Novak. Allie Bianchi became quadriplegic as the result of a bicycle accident.
2. Revolution Kitchen in Burlington Sold to New Owners” by Melissa Pasanen. Burlington’s vegetarian restaurant baton has been passed to a mother-daughter team from Florida.
3. “Notable Devotees Give Thanks for Burlington’s Soon-to-Close Landmark Penny Cluse Café” by Melissa Pasanen. Grateful diners told Seven Days what they’ll miss most.
Vermont cannabis stores reported brisk sales ahead of Thanksgiving. A side of green.
4. “With ‘GUMBO,’ Rapper and DJ Fattie B Unites a Scene and Makes the Record of His Life” by Chris Farnsworth. A health scare prompted Fattie B to make a jumbo-size record chronicling Burlington’s music scene.
5. “Group Sues to Block Camel’s Hump Logging Plan” by Kevin McCallum. Antilogging group Standing Trees is seeking to block timber harvesting in a state forest.
The City of Burlington reached agreement on a new three-year contract with its firefighters’ union. Getting the job done.
going strong in St. Albans since 2017, shortly after former presi dent Donald Trump’s inauguration. The St. Albans alliance — the only one in Vermont — meets about four times a year, said Dan Pipes, a conservative who founded the local group with his pro gressive neighbor, Shanna Ratner. About a dozen people show up, and the discussions are almost always civil, according to Pipes.
in terms of nobody being open to others’ perspectives,” EarleCenters said. “There was a bafflement and disdain for other positions.”
In Braver Angels, Earle-Centers found a structure and frame work for helping others to understand someone rather than try to convince them. A key, he said, is helping participants remember they’re talking about the issues, not each other.
“People are so attracted to this work once they do it,” EarleCenters said. “People are hungry for it.”
Braver Angels groups are called alliances, and one has been
It can take a year — or more — for people to develop a level of trust where they can speak candidly in the meetings. Ratner is a trained moderator, which helps immensely, Pipes said.
While the goal is to have a balance of voices in each alli ance, Earle-Centers said Braver Angels also provides workshop structures designed for when they don’t. At those sessions, called “Depolarizing Within,” participants learn how their unconscious assumptions can affect the ways they interact with others.
Earle-Centers thinks Braver Angels can flourish in Vermont.
“I would love to see more and more local groups taking up this work,” he said.
publisher & editor-in-chief Paula Routly deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssociAte publishers Don Eggert, Colby Roberts
NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy deputy editor Sasha Goldstein consulting editors Ken Ellingwood, Candace Page stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar, Colin Flanders, Rachel Hellman, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak, Anne Wallace Allen
ARTS & CULTURE coeditors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler AssociAte editor Margot Harrison Art editor Pamela Polston consulting editor Mary Ann Lickteig Music editor Chris Farnsworth cAlendAr writer Emily Hamilton speciAlty publicAtions MAnAger Carolyn Fox stAff writers Jordan Barry, Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard, Sally Pollak proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Angela Simpson AssistAnt proofreAders Katherine Isaacs, Martie Majoros
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Awtry, James Buck,
Ken Picard’s piece on Vermont’s freight railroads [“Working on the Railroad,” November 16] was just what one wants from local reporting: a fascinating (and often charming) account of something important one didn’t know about. I won’t look at the train tracks the same way again — thank you for always making room for real reporting!
Bill McKibben RIPTONGreat article [“Working on the Railroad,” November 16]! I had the privilege of knowing Jay Wulfson, Harold Filskov and John Pennington as they put the pieces of the extinct Rutland Railroad back together in the 1960s and early ’70s.
It was obvious to anyone who noticed: These guys were having fun at their jobs. The results speak for themselves.
John Dupee FLEMING ISLAND, FLI appreciated that you gave a longer description of the “No Ocean Between Us” art exhibit now showing at the Middlebury College Museum of Art [Art Spotlight, November 2]. However, you gave no mention of the history lessons that are part of the show and the essays in the catalog. Those alone are worth getting to this exhibit. They describe a transpacific migration that was complex and that there are now several million descendants of Asian migrants living in Latin America and the Caribbean. The artists grapple with being strang ers in a strange land, isolation, trying to keep their culture and crafts alive, and discrimination and hardships lived either personally or by ancestors. The show is up through December 11.
Molly Fleming BURLINGTON[Re “UVM President Denies Allegations of Antisemitism on Campus,” September 16, online]: Hillel is leading the coalition to help improve the campus climate for Jewish students. Jewish life, learning and connections to Israel are thriving at the University of Vermont, even though
antisemitism exists here and across the country.
Hundreds of students celebrated Rosh Hashanah, proudly and publicly, in the Davis Center. Students prepared Shabbat meal kits of kale and potatoes grown on our Hillel farm. Our students studied Jewish agrarian traditions and modern innovations alongside UVM faculty and Hillel educators over the summer. We have a full Birthright Israel trip this winter.
Jewish students, friends, faculty, sta and allies recently shared important ideas about how to counter antisemitism at UVM listening sessions. Here are some of their recommendations:
• When Jewish students report bias as antisemitism, universities and colleges must promptly and publicly condemn every hateful speech and act, or else they will continue unabated.
• There should be ongoing education for the campus community to better understand the intertwined complexity of Jewish identity, antisemitism and Israel.
• Judaism is not just a faith-based religion. Students should be allowed to freely express identities based on religion, ethnicity, culture, or a connection to Zionism or Israel.
• Discrimination impacts everyone with a historically marginalized identity — and Jewish students should not be treated di erently when they experience bias and harassment.
We must listen to these voices and learn from them. We invite the partnership of our campus community in ensuring that UVM remains a place where Jewish students and all students feel welcome to live and learn safely.
Matt Vogel BURLINGTONVogel is the executive director of Hillel at the University of Vermont.
[Re “Cannabis Censors: Will Vermont’s Restrictions on Weed Advertising Stunt the New Industry?” November 16]: One way around the restrictions on advertising retail cannabis shops would be for newspapers and other media sources to periodically publish comparative, objective information on all the shops. For example, a simple chart listing price and THC ranges for a set weight of flower o ered at each shop, with similar info for cartridges, edibles, etc. That would be reporting by the media rather than advertising by the shops. It would be very helpful intel for cannabis-curious readers. It might also spur some price competition in the Vermont market, where initial prices are significantly higher than in other states.
Ed Dale SOUTH BURLINGTONCongratulations to all the students highlighted in the recent article “From the Deputy Publisher: Representing the Future,” [November 16]. It is encouraging to see such activity and civic engagement.
I was particularly encouraged to read about the student who spread the word via Front Porch Forum. Using the FPF platform to engage with one’s community is central to FPF’s mission. After all, FPF describes itself as “essential civic infrastructure.”
That being said, I wanted to add a word of caution to the parents who posted on FPF on behalf of their student because of FPF’s age restriction. In short, be careful what you admit to doing on FPF that violates its terms of use.
FPF recently terminated my household from its platform. A for-profit company that annually asks for and receives hundreds of thousands of donated dollars from Vermonters, FPF unjustly decided that I shouldn’t be a part of my community and that my wife, by association, shouldn’t be a part of hers — as if she were not her own person, separate from her husband.
If this can happen to us, it can happen to you. You can read the full story of what happened at frontporchflimflam.com.
In the meantime, congrats again to the next wave of civic activists. Go get ’em!
There was an error in last week’s food story titled “No Thanks.” The partnership behind Jessee Lawyer’s online cooking demonstrations is between the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department and Rural Vermont.
Last week’s news story “Getting Wired” misrepresented the number of central Vermonters served by ECFiber. The local internet provider has thousands of customers.
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Skiers and snowboarders who just can’t wait to get out there tide themselves over with Daymaker, Warren Miller Entertainment’s annual winter sports film screening at Town Hall Theater in Middlebury and the Flynn in Burlington. This year’s adventure features a killer snowstorm in the Monashees, adaptive backcountry snowmobile riding, grass skiing and some of the most promising athletes out on the mountains today. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 70
Hallelujah! The Vermont Philharmonic, the Green Mountain State’s oldest community orchestra, presents a showstopping rendition of George Frideric Handel’s Messiah. Audiences at Montpelier’s St. Augustine Church and the Barre Opera House enjoy the legendary choruses and arias set to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s woodwind-forward orchestration of the oratorio, conducted by Lisa Jablow.
The Ski Capital of the East becomes the Christmas Capital of the East for three days during A Traditional Christmas in Stowe. The jam-packed weekend sees countless festivities, including a kids’ lantern parade, a cappella carolers, a Santa Brunch at Butlers Pantry and, starting Sunday, the Go Stowe Holiday Stroll for enthusiastic shoppers.
The Global Trio breaks down the boundaries between jazz, classical and Middle Eastern folk music during a dynamic, invigorating show at Next Stage Arts Project in Putney. Palestinian cellist Naseem Alatrash is joined by Cypriot percussionist George Lernis and American pianist Chase Morrin in these energetic compositions steeped in folklore from around the world.
Kekla Magoon, the National Book Awardnominated author of Revolution in Our Time: The Black Panther Party’s Promise to the People, gives a First Wednesdays talk at Newport’s Goodrich Memorial Library. Her address, titled “Revolution in Our Time,” considers reading and collective action as important tools for social change.
The Northern Daughters Annex Gallery in Shelburne hosts Small Works, a group exhibition of smallerthan-life paintings by Anne Cady, Charlotte Dworshak, Maria Flores Gallindo, Edward Holland, Julia Jensen and Hannah Sessions. This is Spanish artist Gallindo’s debut Northern Daughters show, and her striking collages fit in nicely among the vibrant color and dynamism of the other new works.
Last week I did something I’d eagerly envisioned since it became possible several months ago: packed a suitcase, rolled it down Burlington’s Depot Street to Union Station and boarded a train bound for New York City. For seven and a half hours, I watched the world go by — specifically, the backsides of towns along Vermont’s old trade route, from the Queen City to the mouth of the Hudson River. Neither the smell of urine on the train nor the dirty windows could spoil my first trip on the new Ethan Allen Express.
One of the advantages of leaving from the northern terminus of a southbound route is the luxury of boarding an empty train. Inside the station, before the on-time 10:10 a.m. departure, passengers formed two lines: one for those of us headed to Manhattan, another for all other destinations. Outside on the platform, railroad workers directed the two groups to separate railcars. I was traveling with my significant other, Tim, and two friends who had decided to join us for Thanksgiving in Harlem and a Broadway show with Vermont origins: Hadestown We picked four seats facing each other — European-style, but without the legroom — then quickly regretted it. The novelty of sitting knee to knee wore off almost immediately. Cozy got cramped.
Luckily, for the first few hours, there were plenty of other spots to choose from. Familiar sights appeared different from the train, and, as we rolled out of Burlington, it was hard to choose a side. I couldn’t get enough of the close-up views: the mysterious warehouses tucked between Pine Street and Lake Champlain, Burlington’s Lakeside neighborhood, Route 7 from the west, a trailer park in Shelburne, a Charlotte dairy farm I’d never seen before. Good thing we were all so enthralled, because the train wasn’t moving very fast.
Nonetheless, I barely recognized the first stop, Vergennes, and Middlebury registered only because
I was anticipating the Amtrak-approved multimilliondollar tunnel under the downtown. Rutland also came as a pleasant surprise — not because rail service is new to it; trains have long served the area’s marble industry. We just weren’t prepared for what happened when we arrived at the downtown station: The train pulled in, then retreated on the same tracks. The back end became the front for the remainder of the trip to New York.
The route — through Castleton, Fort Edward, Saratoga Springs, Schenectady and Albany — paralleled the one we usually drive. But instead of being cramped in a car, we could walk up and down the aisle, visit the café car, pair off and chat. Tim was streaming the World Cup on his laptop, watching the match between Spain and Costa Rica, happy to be headed for a destination with more soccer fans than almost anywhere else in America.
The farther south we went, the smoother and faster the ride. The train filled with passengers, and the four of us settled into our original places. As we sped down the east side of the Hudson, with the sun setting over the river, a bald eagle appeared outside our window and flew alongside the train for a stretch.
Knee to knee to knee to knee, it was perfect.
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Antoinette Bennett-Jones hopes to own a home one day, but it can feel like a faraway dream.
The single mother of two works as an AmeriCorps member at ReSOURCE, earn ing a stipend that is less than minimum wage. She’s still recovering financially from her son’s premature birth six years ago, which maxed out her credit cards, tanked her credit score and took her out of the workforce for three years. And unlike some of her white friends, Bennett-Jones, who is a person of color and rents an apartment in Burlington, doesn’t have family members who can help with a down payment.
“The idea of trying to save for a home, with this wage, is unrealistic,” she said.
Bennett-Jones’ predicament is familiar to many Black, Indigenous and people of color in Vermont. Less than half of BIPOC Vermonters own their homes, U.S. Census data show, compared to more than 70 percent of white households. The data, which have a large margin of error, show the disparity is greatest for Black Vermont ers: Just 450 of 2,130 Black households here own their homes — a meager 20 percent.
Owning a home has many financial benefits and is crucial for building wealth to pass down to future generations. But discriminatory practices have long kept BIPOC people from buying. Today’s histor ically tight housing market — where supply is low, cash is king and interest rates are climbing — is creating even more barriers.
In recent months, nonprofits have started trying to right the imbalance.
The Vermont Housing Finance Agency, which helps low-income residents buy homes, is offering down payment assistance to first-generation home buyers.
Affordable housing developer Champlain Housing Trust is providing zerointerest loans to BIPOC borrowers in what is believed to be the first program of its kind in the country. The Vermont legislature is looking at ways to help and steering funding for these efforts.
Bennett-Jones, who serves on the hous ing trust’s board, said such programs could be her ticket to homeownership.
“I now have a new hope, like, Oh, my gosh, this is possible,” she said. “It may not
be possible today, but five years down the line, it’s doable.”
People such as her have long been locked out of homeownership. Some of the most damaging policies started in the New Deal era of the 1930s. One of these was the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation Act, which aimed to prevent home foreclosures and expand home buying — for white people, anyway. Modern scholars see the act as a progenitor of redlining, a practice that blocked families of color from accessing federal home loans. The name refers to the red lines that the corporation drew around majority-minority neighborhoods on city maps, signaling to mortgage lend ers that it was risky to do business in these “hazardous” zones.
Vermont wasn’t formally redlined, but discrimination took root in the form of restrictive covenants. Written into some property deeds, the covenants barred
Actor Randy Quaid has purchased a home in Burlington — on Randy Lane, no less.
Best known for playing Cousin Eddie in National Lampoon’s Vacation movies, Quaid and his wife, Evi, bought the single-family New North End home in late August.
Evi told Seven Days on Monday that the home — at what she calls “25 Randy Quaid Lane” — will be a case study for a new real estate development project. The Quaids hope to purchase several homes on the same street and make them more energy efficient, she said.
“It’s going to be green, and we’re going to be using the local grid to make that happen,” Evi said in a voicemail. “Hopefully we’re gonna do something even more cutting-edge than people are doing today to make the suburbs of Burlington, one after another, 100 percent converted to energy efficiency.”
The Quaids already have a storied history in Vermont, where they arrived in 2015 after fleeing California and, later, Canada. The couple settled in Lincoln, though Evi said they’re now living on a small Greek island. Paperwork filed with the City of Burlington listed a Middlebury post office box. No one answered the door on Monday when a Seven Days reporter stopped by the yellow Burlington home.
Evi, who was not available for a phone interview, described her plans in emails and text messages to Seven Days. The Quaids want to bring the 864-square-foot ranch, built in 1972, up to modern energy standards, with a goal of being carbon-neutral. She said the home will be insulated with pumice concrete, a lightweight material that’s been used in construction for over 2,000 years.
The Quaids’ building permit says they plan to install a new bathroom and kitchen, redo the basement, and remove several walls in the threebedroom, one-bath home.
Evi said she’s been inspired by two alumni of Middlebury College, where her late father was a longtime Russian professor. She said the former students were early adopters of energy-efficiency projects in the 1970s and that she wants to emulate their style, “but [with] 2022 tech to get it done.”
“Randy Quaid is a 70’s cool person with the same attitude who gets it,” she wrote. “It’s been fun seeing my 70’s husband interact with cool 70’s Vermonters.” m
When Adele Stafford, a longdistance runner, caught COVID-19 in June, the virus attacked her lungs with a ferocity greater than any marathon ever has. The antiviral medication Paxlovid eased her symp toms, but only temporarily.
Five months later, Stafford’s life has been upended. The Waitsfield resident endures “zaps and zings” of pain. Simple chores such as vacuuming or cooking can ignite a fire in her chest. A recent two-mile walk — once a warm-up, now a milestone — left her glued to the couch for days.
“Talking is one of the hardest things for me,” the 49-year-old said, her voice uncharacteristically raspy. “It wears out my lungs, my chest, my throat.”
of American adults have had long COVID, defined by symptoms that last at least three months beyond the initial infection. The wave of illness has not only strained the nation’s health care system but also its economy; a large chunk of those people are unable to work, and some have been thrust into financial ruin.
Many long-haulers say doctors have been slow to recognize their plight and are reluctant to try out new treatment methods. And while a billion-dollar research effort is under way, advancements could take years, leaving patients unsure when, or whether, their lives will return to normal.
Tyler, a 52-year-old who lives in Essex Junction, leaves herself written remind ers to take out the trash. She forgets how to use her inhaler and said she sometimes can’t remember what she discussed at her medical appointments.
“My memory is shot,” she said.
Stafford is among thousands of Vermonters suffering from long COVID, a mysterious and often debilitating disor der that continues to perplex researchers nearly three years into the pandemic. The affliction, which can involve dozens of different symptoms, can strike even those who experienced mild illnesses and can come and go well after people stop testing positive for the virus.
“I have good days and bad days,” said Kim Tyler, who has been plagued by crushing fatigue and memory lapses since coming down with COVID-19 in August 2021. “But there’s not many good days anymore.”
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 15 percent
Household surveys conducted by the CDC suggest that one out of every 10 adults in Vermont has had long COVID. While symptoms vary widely, many patients report a mix of fatigue, shortness of breath, joint or muscle pain, erratic heart rates, and brain fog: difficulty thinking, remembering or concentrating. Some people recover after a few months, while others find their symptoms lingering — or even changing — more than a year after their initial infection. Researchers can’t explain the disparities.
And those afflicted say tests don’t always identify the problems they’re expe riencing, a major source of frustration.
Stafford, for instance, went to the Central Vermont Medical Center emergency department repeatedly this summer for shortness of breath, only to be told that blood workups and imaging revealed nothing wrong. A psychiatrist stopped by her room during her eighth ER visit. Stafford took it as an implicit suggestion that the issue was all in her head.
people from buying homes based on their skin color or religion and have long been illegal and unenforceable. The highestprofile example dates back to 1986, when then-U.S. Supreme Court justice William Rehnquist learned that the deed to his summer home in Greensboro contained racist covenants. Two decades later, resi dents of South Burlington’s Mayfair Park neighborhood discovered similar language in their property records. The extent of this practice is unknown.
Such policies are largely blamed for the wealth inequality that persists today, and the competitive housing market only underscores the problem. U.S. home prices appreciated at a record rate in 2021, squeezing out potential buyers with lower incomes. A tight supply and resulting high prices leave BIPOC families without generational wealth at a disadvantage. The trends have been particularly pronounced in Vermont, a haven for out-of-staters who arrived during the pandemic with money to burn.
“Folks who are more likely to have an all-cash offer are probably going to be
white, upper-class people,” said Burlington City Councilor Zoraya Hightower (P-Ward 1), one of the few Black homeowners in the Queen City.
Historic policies mean Black buyers are less likely to have family members who can cosign a loan or help with costs, Hightower said, adding, “We’ve got all of those things going against us.”
Jess Hyman, associate director of hous ing advocacy programs at the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity in Burlington, said bias is insidious in prop erty transactions. Renters can face discrim ination when applying for a lease, but home
buying has many more steps where bias can creep in — from property appraisals that have historically undervalued Blackowned homes to real estate agents steering people of color toward specific neighbor hoods. Discriminatory lending has been scrutinized in other states, but Vermont data show that, in 2020 anyway, mortgage approval rates were nearly equal between white applicants and people of color.
In a tight housing market, would-be buyers sometimes send sellers “love letters” that describe why they’re the best fit for the home. But that practice can invite discrimination, Hyman said.
“The more a [seller] sees about the people who might be interested in their home,” she said, “the more they can make decisions that might be explicitly racist … [or feed] into implicit bias that they don’t even know they have.”
The National Association of Real tors issued a formal warning against the practice in 2020, and, in January 2022, legislation banning the letters took effect in Oregon. The Vermont Association of Realtors didn’t respond to an interview request on the topic.
State legislators have tried to break down some of the barriers to homeown ership. Passed earlier this year, Act 182 provided $1 million for VHFA’s first-gener ation program. It also created the Vermont Land Access and Opportunity Board, an 11-person group charged with advising housing organizations on how to promote racial and economic justice. The board will research possible tax benefits for margin alized groups, among other initiatives. A progress report is due in mid-January.
Meantime, nonprofits have tried to address the homeownership gap. Launched in June, the housing trust’s Homeownership Equity Program provides BIPOC people with a $25,000 loan toward
a down payment or closing costs. If the buyer stays in the home for at least three years, they don’t have to repay the loan.
Buyers can only use the loan to purchase one of the 670 homes in the trust’s shared equity program. When they later sell, the owners keep 25 percent of the home’s appreciated value; the remainder stays with the property to keep it affordable for the next buyer.
This racial equity initiative is a special purpose credit program, which directs funds to marginalized groups. The trust has approved six loans using the program and has six more in the pipeline, accord ing to Julie Curtin, the trust’s director of homeownership.
Special purpose credit programs were created in the 1970s, but Curtin said they’re rarely used in order to avoid conflict with the Fair Housing Act, which prohibits racebased lending. In December 2021, however, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development issued an opinion that the programs are allowed under another law that lets nonprofits offer credit assistance to economically disadvantaged people.
Other housing organizations have praised the trust for offering a program whose design is untested in courts. Curtin acknowledged the possibility of a lawsuit but said the HUD memo convinced the trust that the risk was low.
“If we’re going to do a program to address [housing discrimination] and increase Black homeownership and address inequities, we should have a program that’s direct about it,” she said.
VHFA executive director Maura Collins said her organization is looking into creating a special purpose credit
program as well. Meantime, VHFA has designed a first-generation homeowner ship program to provide $15,000 grants for down payments and closing costs. First-time buyers whose parents or guard ians don’t own a home are eligible, as are borrowers who previously lived in foster care.
The program is modeled after scholar ships awarded to first-generation college students, Collins said. White Vermont ers are eligible, but the org is specifically marketing it to BIPOC groups.
Members of those organizations have already told Collins that the program can only help so many people at a time when
housing stock is so limited. Collins said she hopes the program will at least prompt discussions about other ways to “push against big systems.” Until then, she said, “we’re not going to know exactly what we need to do next.”
Dionne Beaulieu of Burlington appre ciates the efforts. With help from the housing trust, she bought her first home in 2019. The sellers were the previous owner’s children, who had been willed the property when he died. Beaulieu, who is Black, takes comfort in knowing she can someday do that for her kids and said the new equity programs will give other BIPOC families the same chance. Otherwise, Beaulieu fears that people of color will leave the state — just as two of her neighbors of color did recently when they couldn’t afford a down payment on a home.
“We’re losing people that would like to contribute to our community, that would like to be a part of things, that want to be homeowners and put their roots down,” she said. “I think that just with a little help … it would have been a different outcome.”
Others assert that these programs fall short in addressing the deeper issue of economic inequality. Mark Hughes, the coordinator of the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance in Burlington, said BIPOC people need help qualifying for loans, not just programs to use once they’re approved for one.
“You can tell somebody all day long that we want to help you with your down
His nonprofit is planning a series of workshops that will include discussions about financial literacy. He hopes to work with organizations such as VHFA and the housing trust to design other programs, though he’s not sure yet what those would look like.
“To really make progress on this thing, it’s going to take some courage, where people are not just walking up to the line but putting their foot over it,” he said.
Bennett-Jones, the Burlington renter, thinks the housing trust’s program does just that. There was some backlash on social media when the program was first announced, but Bennett-Jones said the more common reaction has been from BIPOC people who are thrilled a program exists just for them.
“We’re part of this community, too,” she said. “We should have the same opportuni ties and chances like everyone else.” m
Seven Days is examining Vermont’s housing crisis — and what can be done about it — in our “Locked Out” series this year. Read all the stories and check out our Vermont Housing Resources Guide at sevendaysvt.com/ locked-out. Send tips to lockedout@sevendaysvt.com.
These stories are supported by a grant from the nonprofit Journalism Funding Partners, which leverages philanthropy and fundraising to boost local reporting. For more
“Fundamental fluency around long COVID, how it presents and what to look out for, is totally missing on the front lines,” Stafford said. She called on the federal government to adopt a “long COVID 101” training for doctors, similar to how every physician now learns about the dangers of dispensing opioids.
Another cruelty of long COVID: It can affect several organ systems, requiring patients to seek care from multiple special ists. Many patients describe the frustration of waiting months to see a neurologist or cardiologist, only to be told there’s not much the provider can do to help.
Hospitals across the U.S. have responded by setting up COVID-19 clinics aimed at bringing together doctors from various disciplines to better understand and treat the illness.
More than two years of research has yielded clues to the underlying causes of long COVID. Some experts now believe that the symptoms are the result of a
patient’s immune response going into overdrive upon infection, leading to inflammation and damage throughout the body. Others theorize that the immune system never fully shuts down after the initial infection. But exact causes remain elusive, complicating treatment efforts.
“Unfortunately, in medicine, to know how to treat things, you really have to understand why they’re happening,” said Dr. Katherine Menson, a pulmonary and critical care physician who helped launch the University of Vermont Medi cal Center’s COVID-19 Recovery Program.
The lack of a standard treatment proto col has led to tension among some doctors over whether to remain committed to treatments backed by studies or whether to try those that show anecdotal promise.
At the UVM clinic, doctors believe many patients are experiencing dysauto nomia — an inappropriate signaling of the autonomic nervous system, which regu lates the body’s fight-or-flight response. Treatments for the ailment have histori cally been lifestyle-related: Patients are
often told to wear compression socks, hydrate more and increase their salt intake. They’re also connected with physi cal and occupational therapists who can help them work on energy conservation measures.
“That’s really been the mainstay of our treatment over the last two years,” Menson said. “Working with patients to really listen to the signals from their body.”
But other doctors are more willing to adopt a kitchen-sink approach. Some are prescribing naltrexone, a drug typically used to treat addiction that has reportedly eased some long COVID symptoms. Others have tried drugs used for cholesterol and blood clots.
Connor Scagnelli’s doctors went a step further. A South Burlington native, Scag nelli was working with COVID-19-positive patients as a first-year medical resident at the University of California, Irvine when he came down with a respiratory illness in September 2021. Though he never tested
positive for the virus, he has exhibited long-COVID symptoms — chronic fatigue, splitting headaches, shortness of breath — that have worsened over the past year, leaving him unable to work.
Desperate for relief, Scagnelli, with the approval of his care team, tried a procedure known as plasmapheresis, which involves removing and replacing blood plasma in an effort to remove extra antibodies, abnormal proteins or other harmful substances from the blood.
Needles were placed in both of his arms. Blood flowed out from one arm and through the machine, which removed his plasma and replaced it with a substitution fluid, then returned it into his other arm.
with Kelly on the recommendation of a colleague and began a weekly acupunc ture appointment. Gradually, her breath ing improved, she said, and her heart issues subsided. She now goes once a month and said she feels “pretty much back to normal.”
Kelly has no capacity to take on more patients, he said, but has been looking for ways to expand access to Chinese medi cine treatments.
An ally in that effort: Dr. Karen Huyck, a Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center occupational medicine physician who also serves as medical director of the Vermont RETAIN program. Run through the Vermont Department of Labor, the RETAIN program connects people who are out of work due to illness or injury with medical services that can help them recover enough to rejoin the workforce.
Long COVID has become a major focus of the program, Huyck said, and some of its patients have had positive results with Kelly. Vermont might benefit from training other practitioners on Kelly’s method, Huyck said.
The therapy helped stabilize him, Scagnelli said, but he still doesn’t feel anything close to normal. Other long-haulers who have tried apheresis — including some who left the country for the treatment — have reported no changes.
Scagnelli said he understands why doctors are wary of repurposing medica tions and therapies to treat long COVID.
“I think most of the people living through [long COVID] would say that they would rather try anything than continue to live like this,” he said.
Some patients have started seek ing out holistic treatments, and several dozen have ended up at Brendan Kelly’s acupuncture practice in Burlington.
Kelly, who’s trained in Chinese medicine, said he’s had great success treating long COVID through a regimen of acupuncture, herbal mixtures and lifestyle changes, all aimed at reducing inflammation. “Everyone has gotten better, except one person who didn’t stick with the Chinese medicine treatment long enough,” he said.
Among those who swear by the approach is Evelyn Stoecklein, a 34-yearold South Burlington resident who caught COVID-19 in December 2020 and spent the next year battling chronic fatigue, heart palpitations and shortness of breath.
After visits to a cardiologist, pulmo nologist and neurologist brought no relief, Stoecklein booked an appointment
“We need to be looking at all possible things that help people recover,” she said.
Clinicians should eventually have more evidence on which to base their treatment protocols. The National Insti tutes of Health is spending $1.15 billion to study the syndrome and is conducting numerous clinical trials aimed at iden tifying underlying causes and vetting potential treatments.
As they wait for the results, patients are coping with their new realities in various ways.
Many have found community in long COVID support groups, where patients celebrate triumphs, commiserate on setbacks and probe the latest research. But even that can feel overwhelming at times.
Tyler, the Essex Junction resident, often leaves virtual meetings of the UVM Medical Center’s recovery group feeling frustrated that others seem to be improving while she isn’t. She tries to remind herself not to get upset, that it’s out of her control, but logic struggles to prevail when she can barely get out of bed. The $843 monthly disability payments she receives don’t make up for her lost income, she said, and now she fears that she will eventually lose her apartment unless something changes.
“It just takes you away from your friends, your family — the whole life you used to have,” she said of long COVID. “And you don’t know whether you’ll ever get that back.” m
Our mother, Adeline Francis Klima, was born in 1926, in Oil City, Pa. is was a beloved place, and she returned summer after summer to be with her grandmother and aunts. We have many tales from her time spent there — stories about her favorite aunt, Tilly; steep, slippery hills; invisible yet visible ducks; invisible yet visible relatives; and the sweetest, tiniest grandmother in the whole wide world.
Our mother was born with flaming red hair. Her parents feared she would be full of the devil with hair like that, so they shaved her head and hoped it would grow back a bit less fiery. Superstitious? Absolutely, though we are certain it didn’t help one bit, because our mother maintained her fabulous red mane and her feisty nature throughout her entire life.
Our mother was deeply religious. So religious, in fact, that she considered becoming a nun in the Catholic church. Instead, she chose to marry and raise a family, saying she picked the more difficult road. at was most likely true, because she married our dad, Leonard Klima, who was no saint! She raised five children, and we all know that is not easy to do. She did an exceptional job teaching
us the lessons of life, living and love.
Our mother was an artist. She was drawn to beautiful things. She especially loved listening to the Italian composer Mantovani in the evenings. On family drives when we were young, our mother taught us to see, calling us to Look, look out.
See the brilliant blue sky with those ice cream castle clouds, the bursting green leaves unfurling in the spring, the glowing red and orange hues of the autumn landscape. Look, see. is is beauty.
Our mother was a voracious learner. She took many
evening classes, learning how to hand-color black-and-white photographs, arrange flowers, decorate cakes and, most importantly, paint. She would put us to bed and then set up her easel in the kitchen, mastering oil painting, acrylic painting and watercolors. She
was motivated and tenacious. She exhibited her work many times and glowed when she won awards. She was proud. She painted until her eyes failed and she could no longer see.
Our mother was fashionable and elegant. Her clothes needed to match, her lipstick needed to be on, and she always wore coordinated earrings. She used lotions and perfume daily and maintained her signature copper red hair. If you knew her, you knew this.
Our mother was delightful. Her sparkly green eyes and genuine laugh filled the room with joy. Humor and delight became her approach to life. Her laugh was like the song of a bird, full of a rich emotional intelligence and there for anyone ready to listen.
Our mother was loving and kind. In fact, this entire piece could be written about her kindness. is is her gift, and it gave her purpose. She was kind to her family, she was kind to her friends, but most importantly she was kind to strangers. is is something all of us know about her. is is what endeared her to so many. But this mission of hers, to offer compassion and solace in a sometimes painful world, this was her legacy. And, ironically, this links us right back to her beginning, when she was deciding between the convent or the conventional path. Did it
really matter which direction she chose? In fact, it didn’t, because wherever she went, there she was: kind, loving, gentle. Selfishly, though, we are so glad she chose this path, because here we are and we were loved by her.
Our mother left behind her five children: Paul Klima, Sandy Klima, Mark (Sharon) Klima, Judy Klima (Anna elemarck) and Tim Klima; her seven grandchildren: Jessica (Scott) Sattler, Jamie (AJ) Aponas, Kaitlyn (Dave) Mariano, Morgan and Mitchell Klima, and Anders and Jakob elemarck; and her three great-grandchildren: Adalyn and Brianna Sattler, and Zoe Aponas. Unfortunately, she left us before she could greet her newest great-grandson arriving in December, Manuel Leo Mariano. She is survived by her youngest sister, Gerry Ciurczak, as well as many nieces and nephews.
We extend our sincere thanks to Burlington Health and Rehab, who cared for her this past year, along with those at Griswold Home Care, especially Laurie Farnsworth. A shout-out to Hazel Wasmund, Lila Lehman and Lisa Scofield for befriending her and making her so happy.
In her honor, and as a balm to this often painful world, remember to keep an eye out for beauty, be loving and kind (especially to strangers), and laugh like a songbird, often and beautifully.
Wilmot W. Irish, age 94, an emeritus profes sor of agricultural engineering at Cornell University, passed away peacefully on November 20, 2022, at his residence in Shelburne, Vt. He was known for his kind ness, positive spirit and helpfulness by all who met him.
Born on July 15, 1928, in Burlington Vt., he was the son of the late Leo Pearl Irish and Cornelia Wheeler Irish of Shelburne. He grad uated from Shelburne High School in 1945 and the University of Vermont in 1950, where he was active in ROTC. After graduation, he met and married the love of his life, Barbara Moffett, while working in Canandaigua, N.Y. He served in the U.S. Army as a first lieuten ant in Korea and was awarded the Bronze Star for actions on Sandbag Castle. After returning from Korea, he completed his MS degree at the University of Illinois in 1955, then worked in Storrs, Conn., as an assistant professor at the University of Connecticut. In 1960, he joined the Department of Agricultural Engineering at Cornell, where he special ized in farm structures, with respon sibilities for the Extension Plan Service and directing the formation of the Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service. During his time at Cornell, he worked in the Agricultural Engineering Department Extension Service improving dairy struc tures throughout New York State and designed facilities for loose cow housing at the William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute in Chazy, N.Y. He was a registered professional engineer in the state of New York.
He was an active member in Rotary International and the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and served as secretary-treasurer of the North Atlantic Region. In 1981, he was awarded a Fulbright Grant to develop an agricultural engineering program at the University of Gezira in Sudan. After returning, he and Barbara became very involved with the New York and National Federation of Music Clubs. After Barbara’s death, he continued this work with his friend and companion Sophie Albrecht in Elyria, Ohio. In 2017, he returned to Shelburne to live his final years in the town where he grew up.
Wilmot was predeceased by his son Wendell; his wife, Barbara; his sister Ruth Morrow; and his grandson Zeke Kassel. He is survived by his son Paul; daughter, Carol; their spouses; several grandchildren; nieces; nephews; and one great-grandson. A memorial service will be held on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, 11 a.m., at the Shelburne United Methodist Church in Shelburne, Vt. In lieu of flowers, please donate to a church, food shelf or music organization of your choice.
One of the more obscure perks of being president of the University of Vermont is getting to name a steed at the school’s horse farm in Weybridge, home of the world’s oldest continuous Morgan horse breeding herd. When Suresh Garimella visited the farm to exercise this privilege in fall 2019, he met a handsome black foal whom he christened Bernoulli, after the 18th-century Swiss mathematician whose namesake theorem explains aerodynamic lift. Garimella said he visits Bernoulli every chance he gets. “I’m told he recognizes me,” he said. “I don’t think so.”
Garimella, the 27th president of UVM, came to Vermont from Purdue University just eight months before the onset of the pandemic. A mechanical engineer by train ing who grew up in central India, Garimella has helped UVM achieve its own improb able state of lift at a time when many other higher ed institutions are struggling to adapt to a post-pandemic world. Under his leadership, UVM has admitted the largest first-year class in its history, raised its profile in national rankings, and brought in millions more in research funding from corporate and government sponsors.
But three years into Garimella’s tenure, Bernoulli the horse isn’t the only member of the UVM community who might not recog nize the president’s face. Garimella’s mass communication style, which tends to be heavy on prepared statements and scripted video messages, has not always endeared him to the university at large. His critics say he and his administration have sometimes failed to effectively communicate their priorities; as a result, their decisions can read as callous or haphazard, which has eroded trust between Garimella and large factions of the university community. As UVM has emerged from the worst days of COVID19, Garimella’s challenge has evolved from stewarding an institution through a crisis to making himself known to a community that doesn’t necessarily hold a favorable view of him — or any view of him, for that matter.
Ron Lumbra, chair of the UVM board of trustees, blames this disconnect on the pandemic. “As he was on a trajectory to get to know people and for people to get to
know him, it was completely interrupted by a crisis and all the negativity that comes with a crisis, where challenging decisions have to be made,” Lumbra said. Recently, he noted, Garimella has been making an effort to reintroduce himself by inviting faculty to breakfast, attending UVM soccer games and participating in campus traditions, such as the university’s Diwali festival, over which Garimella presided this October.
For his part, Garimella seems skeptical that the denizens of a state university might want a more personal connection, or at least the well-maintained illusion of one, with their president. “Fifteen thousand people aren’t going to get to know me,” he said. “I mean, I’m not unfriendly. I’ve never met anyone who has not kind of walked away, you know, fine with the interaction.”
With more than 11,000 undergraduate and graduate students, 4,000 employees, and $1.3 billion in annual economic impact, UVM is one of the state’s most complex systems. In Lumbra’s view, Garimella’s greatest strength is his ability to tune out the noise a complex system can generate.
“He is extraordinarily gifted in terms of being an objective, really brilliant, datadriven, fact-based leader and decision maker,” said Lumbra, a partner at the execu tive search and consulting firm Heidrick & Struggles in New York City. Even at the height of the pandemic, Lumbra said, Garimella was unflappable: “Someone else might have easily been whipsawed by all the inbound, by all the mixed messages, by all the contradictory feedback. And he was solid as a rock the whole time.”
Garimella’s tenure at UVM has unfolded during a particularly turbulent period for higher education, in Vermont and the nation. Since 2018, four private colleges in Vermont — Marlboro, Southern Vermont, Green Mountain and St. Joseph — have folded under financial pressure. Last year, three of Vermont’s state colleges, plagued by a shrinking pool of high school graduates and chronically low levels of state funding, agreed to merge into one unified system. Across the country, colleges and universi ties are undergoing a pandemic-hastened
reckoning over the value of the education they provide; since fall 2020, undergraduate enrollment at four-year public schools has dropped 4.3 percent.
UVM, meanwhile, welcomed 3,000 firstyear students in August, the largest first-year class in its history. While inflation has driven many colleges to increase tuition, Garimella announced in October that tuition and fees will remain flat in 2023 for a fifth straight year. Starting next fall, Vermonters from households with annual incomes of $60,000 or less will be eligible for full tuition scholar ships to UVM — aided, in part, by Garimella’s successful pitch to state lawmakers for an extra $10 million in funding, the first boost to the university’s appropriations in nearly a decade and a half.
Leahy (D-Vt.). From his perch atop the Senate Appropriations Committee, Leahy has steered more than $56 million in federal earmarks toward UVM since 2019, for initia tives ranging from a food systems research program to a partnership with semiconduc tor manufacturer GlobalFoundries.
As current and former colleagues attest, Garimella can be quite persuasive. “Every time he shows me one of these things he’s interested in, he convinces me immediately, and I’ll go fight for the money,” Leahy told Seven Days
In the public relations department, Gari mella has had a steeper learning curve. Presi dents of big state schools rarely loom large in the average student’s consciousness, and, in this respect, Garimella is no exception.
constituents. These include the permanent closure of UVM’s Campus Children’s School, which had provided daycare services for faculty and staff families since 1937, and the proposed elimination of more than two dozen academic programs, most of them in the humanities, which prompted campus protests and made national headlines.
In spring 2021, a petition of no confi dence in Garimella and his administra tion, circulated by a coalition of faculty, students and staff called UVM United Against the Cuts, received more than 3,000 signatures.
In September, Garimella landed in the soup after local and national news outlets reported that the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights had opened an investigation into allegations of antisemitism at UVM. The complaint, filed by two Jewish advocacy groups, claimed that the school administration had failed to adequately address several instances of perceived hostility toward Jewish students, including the alleged vandalism of the UVM Hillel building and social media comments by a teaching assistant who threatened to lower the grades of Jewish students who expressed support for Israel.
In a rare communiqué, Garimella, who has generally declined to weigh in on hot topics, defended his administration’s responses to the incidents. He asserted that the complaint, and its portrayal in the media, “painted our community in a patently false light.”
“When I saw that email, I wanted to leave this campus, like, immediately,” said Evan Siegel, a member of the Hillel organization and a senator in the Student Government Association.
variety of things, some of which are accurate and some of which are not.”
Garimella grew up in the city of Bhopal, in central India. Neither of his parents completed college, and they instilled in him and his two siblings an all-consuming drive to succeed in school.
“They didn’t distract us with having people over and all of that,” Garimella said. “When you don’t have means, the only thing you can possibly have is education.”
Garimella was a gifted student. He can still recall the praise of his first-grade teacher, Mrs. Nathaniel, who told him that if she had to have a kid, she’d want one like him. “It makes you feel special,” he said, “and I was. I was good at class. I was good at many things.”
Garimella seems to find it easiest to talk about himself in terms of the traits for which others have lauded him. He is deliberate and efficient in his speech; his sense of humor is just this side of parched. He clearly hates interviews. (“This is not a therapy session,” he scolded when I asked him, at the beginning of our second interview, why he doesn’t like to talk about himself.) He comes across as overwhelm ingly cerebral, a frontal cortex dressed in a dark gray suit. It is hard to imagine him abandoning himself to a plate of spaghetti. One gets the sense, in his presence, that he meets his caloric needs by eating issues of the Economist.
MADDIE HENSONGarimella, a 2018 appointee to the board that oversees the National Science Foundation, has leveraged his connections in government and industry to increase research funding at UVM by 50 percent from the years before he took office, to an all-time high of $250 million in 2022. This year, UVM climbed 16 spots in the NSF’s public research university rankings, coming in at No. 85 among 415 schools.
In his push to make UVM a top-tier research university and a training ground for Vermont’s workforce, Garimella has found a powerful ally in retiring U.S. Sen. Patrick
“I don’t think some students even know he’s the president, and they couldn’t iden tify him from a lineup of people,” said UVM senior and Student Government Association president Maddie Henson. But many faculty, too, feel that Garimella has been all but invis ible, according to faculty union president and sociology professor Eleanor Miller. “I think he is widely unpopular,” she said.
Over the past two years, Garimella’s administration has faced sharp criticism over financial decisions that have fueled the perception that he is out of touch with some of the human-level concerns of his
To many observers, the memo read as an apologia that seemed more concerned with protecting the university’s image than acknowledging any harm to Jewish students. While Garimella and his admin istration have since taken other steps to show their support for Jewish students, including meeting with student leaders and releasing a more unequivocal statement condemning antisemitism, Garimella said in an interview earlier this month that he doesn’t agree with the critical assessments of his initial response to the investigation. “It wasn’t defensive, and it wasn’t dismis sive,” he insisted. As he saw it, he was simply setting the facts straight.
But that episode seems to illustrate a larger issue surrounding his presidency. “People don’t have a very strong understand ing and awareness of, or opportunities to interact with, the president,” said Thomas Borchert, a religion professor and the presi dent of the faculty senate, which works with the administration to oversee academic affairs. “So when something happens, there’s kind of a void, and people fill that with a
In fact, Garimella is a zealous reader, a superfan of 19th-century English literature who professes to know “almost every other page” of Jane Eyre. When he was at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where he taught mechanical engineering for nine years before going to Purdue, he joined the local chapter of the Jane Austen Society of North America. “I was the only man,” he said. “The only brown guy.” Reading, and being well-read, are central to Garimella’s identity. By the time he was 12, he said, he’d polished off most of the classics on his own. He laments that when he quotes poetry in conversation, few people seem to pick up on his references. “I remember a lot more poems than most people do,” he said.
Garimella’s encyclopedic knowledge of literature impressed UVM Honors College dean David Jenemann, who co-taught an undergraduate seminar on civil discourse with him in the spring. “Coming from engi neering, one might assume that that’s his land and that’s where he would stay, but he really is a sort of broad-based interdisciplin ary thinker,” Jenemann said.
After graduating from high school, Garimella enrolled at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, one of the country’s
top public universities for engineering. In his junior year at IIT, Garimella and several other students started a peer counseling group to help first-years cope with the stress of the academic environment, which is how he first discovered his love of mentoring and teaching.
As a professor, Jenemann said, Garimella is finely attuned to the social atmosphere — which students have had a lot to say, which ones have been quiet. According to Jenemann, Garimella instantly memorized the names of all 12 students in their class. “He knows who they are. He remembers things about them,” he said. “It’s a real skill he has.”
IIT had a reputation as a pressure cooker — “much more intense than MIT,” Garimella said, referring to the notoriously rigorous Massachusetts Institute of Technology. While he was in college, a friend who lived in the same dormitory died by suicide. “It was a very traumatic thing for me,” he said. “I thought I should have prevented it.” Earlier this month, after a UVM first-year took his own life, Garimella attended a gathering in the student’s honor at the UVM Catholic Center. “I think we could all benefit from being kinder to each other,” he said.
After graduating from IIT, Garimella came to the U.S. to earn a master’s in mechanical engineering from the Ohio State University, then a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. Following a stint as an associate professor of mechanical engineering in Milwaukee, in 1999, Gari mella moved to Purdue, where he steadily climbed the ranks from associate professor to senior administrator. As the executive vice president for research and partner ships at Purdue, a role in which Garimella was charged with managing the university’s $660 million research apparatus and devel oping strategic relationships with corpora tions, he reported directly to the university president, former Indiana governor Mitch Daniels.
“An awful lot of people in higher ed who are articulate and seem full of ideas never get much accomplished,” Daniels said. “Suresh struck me early on as someone who made things happen in what, at least in higher ed, passes for a speedy fashion.”
Garimella insists that if he were only interested in his personal fulfillment, he would have stuck to being a professor. (“There’s no one who can claim to know more about being a faculty member than I can,” he stated matter-of-factly during one of our interviews.) As president of UVM, he said, he believes that his responsibility is ensuring that the university contributes to the economic and cultural health of the state and expanding the pool of students for whom UVM is financially within reach. On
Garimella’s list of priorities: strengthening the school’s relationships with state and community organizations, making UVM a regional hub for research in agricultural and life sciences, and bringing the school’s resources to bear on the state’s most pressing challenges, including the opioid epidemic and the workforce shortage.
His own path, which has led him from a working-class childhood in Bhopal to one of the most influential positions in Vermont, in which he earns $630,000 a year in salary and benefits, would not have been possible without the transformative power of educa tion. A top goal, he said, is to make sure other students can have that same opportunity. “I don’t want some rural person in Alabama, or heck, in Newport, to think UVM is way beyond their reach,” he said.
Garimella seemed to be in high spirits when he addressed the attendees of the annual faculty awards dinner from the podium of the Davis Center’s Grand Maple Ballroom on November 3. “I hope you all agree with the sense I have and the feeling I get that UVM is doing really, really well, and that’s because of you,” Garimella said to the 115 or so faculty seated before him, who were politely refraining from eating their salads.
“I mean, just look at the last three years,” Garimella continued. “These were among the most challenging years in the country and in the world, certainly for us. And what do we come out with? We come out with our research ranking jumping, what, 16 spots or so, our research funding having exceeded a quarter billion dollars, with a ‘b.’”
After he ran down the list of UVM’s other
recent accomplishments, he encouraged faculty to nominate each other for external awards. “There are universities that are machines for nominating for awards and things. I think we could do more,” Garimella said. “If, somehow, a letter from me is help ful, let me know, and I’ll be happy to write a letter. And you can tell me what to say, and I’ll say it.”
Two and a half years ago, Garimella was telegraphing a much more somber message. In May 2020, after the onset of the pandemic had turned the UVM campus into a ghost town, Garimella sent out a grim school-wide memo outlining the anticipated effects of COVID-19 on the university’s bottom line. He cited national surveys suggesting that colleges and universities might see as much as a 20 percent dip in enrollment in the next few years; at UVM, where 73 percent of the student body comes from outside Vermont, he noted that an expected drop in out-ofstate applicants would significantly decrease
BARBARA BURRINGTONthe school’s revenue. Facing $15 million in immediate pandemic-related costs, Gari mella warned, belt-tightening could become necessary.
UVM had already announced that the teaching assignments of nearly 70 nonten ure track lecturers would be reduced by 25 percent the following academic year, resulting in an outcry from students, staff and faculty. (After months of pressure, the administration would eventually reverse course on this plan in September 2020.) Then, in late May, Scott Thomas, dean of the College of Education and Social Services, announced that the UVM Campus Children’s School would be closed for good.
The school had provided childcare for about 60 staff and faculty families and served as a hands-on teaching environ ment for students in UVM’s early child hood development program, said Barbara Burrington, who was the school’s interim
director when it was shuttered. When she started her job in 2016, the UVM administration, under then-president Tom Sullivan, was already looking for ways to trim the center’s costs and increase its relevance to the university’s academic mission. But when Garimella took office, Burrington said, she sensed a change in tone from the top.
“He looked at everything through the same lenses — the financial lens, the community relationship lens, the ‘who do we serve’ lens, the equity lens, the diversity lens — not as an empath, not as a humani tarian, but as a leader of a business with thousands of employees serving thousands of students,” she said. “And so the call went from thinking about the problem to acting on the problem.”
“I don’t know what he looks like,” junior Henry Clapp said on a recent Friday after noon on the front lawn of Lambda Iota, on the corner of Pearl and North Prospect streets, where Clapp and several of his companions had set up an al fresco beer pong table. In the first-floor lounge of the Davis Center, first-year student Charlie Vibert described Garimella’s emails, his primary mode of communication with the student body, as “could be a little bit better or, like, severely out of pocket,” referring to his recent campus-wide blast regarding the antisemitism investigation.
In the three years Garimella has been president of UVM, he has granted just one on-the-record interview with the student newspaper, the Vermont Cynic, according to the paper’s past and present editors. At the
The closure met fierce opposition from parents and faculty, who decried it as a shortsighted measure that would hobble the university’s recruitment and reten tion efforts, particularly for young female employees.
A year later, UVM secured 42 daycare slots for faculty and staff at the nearby nonprofit Trinity Children’s Center, which leases one of the buildings on the university-owned Trinity College campus. (In 2023, UVM plans to increase the number of slots at Trinity to 50.) Trin ity offers a limited number of classroom placements for UVM’s early childhood development students; aside from a $250,000 up-front investment to upgrade the Trinity facilities, the university does not pay for daycare services.
In Garimella’s view, the new arrange ment is a no-brainer. To accommodate 60 families, he said, UVM had been paying $550,000 a year. Why should those families “get that kind of subsidy,” he asked, “and not everybody else?”
To many UVM students, Garimella exists primarily as a disembodied voice.
beginning of Garimella’s first semester on campus, in September 2019, Sawyer Loftus, then the Cynic’s news editor, sat down with him for approximately 45 minutes in the president’s ceremonial office, a dark, woodpaneled study in the Waterman Building reserved for formal meetings. As Loftus recalls, their conversation was pleasant.
“He’s very charismatic. He’s wellspoken,” said Loftus, who graduated from UVM in 2021 and now works as a reporter at the Bangor Daily News in Maine. “He made a joke, but I can’t remember what it was.”
The following January, the Cynic covered a trustee meeting that included a discussion of a legislative proposal that would require gender parity on the board, which, at the time, consisted of 19 men and six women. The article quoted an off-the-cuff joke Garimella had made during that session: “You could fire me and hire a woman.” In a statement to the Cynic, a university spokesperson noted that Garimella’s remark had been intended as “light-hearted.”
According to Loftus and Bridget Higdon, who was editor in chief at the time,
that story seemed to mark a decisive turn in the relationship between Garimella and the student paper. As editor, Higdon would have monthly off-the-record meetings with the president, and, during her next one-onone check-in with Garimella, she said, he confronted her about the story.
“He got emotional and was visibly angry,” recalled Higdon, who is now the managing editor of the St. Albans Messen ger . “He raised his voice. As a student alone with an administrator, it made me uncomfortable.” Higdon no longer remembers the exact words Garimella used, but his clear message, she said, was that he hadn’t liked the way he’d come across in the article.
After a few minutes, Higdon said, Garimella calmed down and apologized, but the incident upset her so much that she told a faculty member. After that, she requested that her monthly conversa tions with Garimella be conducted on the record — “not because I wanted to write stories about everything that was said,” she explained, “but because it felt
subsequent editors in chief, but he hasn’t granted another interview since. Ella Ruehsen, the current top editor, said the paper has stopped asking. “We assume that won’t be fruitful,” she said.
In December 2020, Bill Falls, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, revealed a proposal to gradually phase out 26 academic programs — all told, 12 majors, 11 minors and four graduate programs — to defray a projected $8.6 million budget shortfall. The cuts have not been implemented, and the faculty senate is still vetting the plan. But the shock of that announcement still reverberates in certain corners of the campus.
“If there’s trust that has been rebuilt between the administration and the faculty, I think it remains fairly fragile,” said Borchert, the faculty senate president and religion professor, whose department was among those slated for the chopping block.
Garimella denies the oft-repeated charge that the proposed cuts reflected a mandate from his office to siphon funds
like a way to protect myself.” Through his spokesperson, Higdon said, Garimella did not agree to those terms. (Asked about the encounter with Higdon, Garimella said that his frustration was about the Cynic’s depiction of the board, not him.)
A month later, the pandemic forced everyone off campus, and Higdon had one last meeting with Garimella, via Zoom, during which she introduced Loftus as the incoming editor in chief. Garimella’s demeanor in that meeting, she said, was courteous and professional.
“He hoped we would be respectful and responsible journalists,” Higdon recalled him telling her and Loftus, “and that we knew that the administration was working hard during the pandemic to make sure everything was as good as it could be.”
Garimella has continued his monthly off-the-record meetings with the Cynic’s
away from the humanities. He said each of the university’s colleges undertook a simi lar analysis of their programs to determine which ones weren’t attracting as many students — and to see, in the corporate euphemism that has crept into academia, where efficiencies might be gained.
The goal of the exercise, Garimella said, was to galvanize faculty across the university to think critically about their offerings and adapt them to match student demand. “It seems very fair to sunset a program that has no interest and reinvest in the programs that do have interest,” he said.
As he is quick to point out, no faculty jobs have been eliminated so far as a result of the proposal, aside from three College of Arts and Sciences senior lecturers whose contracts were not renewed around the time the cuts were announced. And he dismissed the notion that the proposal had
anything to do with the extended tuition freeze; if anything, he said, the College of Arts and Sciences seems to be doing better than ever. By next year, the admin istration will have increased the school’s budget by more than $5 million. Enroll ment at the College of Arts and Sciences
biology at Purdue who worked as an adviser to Garimella when he was the university’s executive vice president for research and partnerships. “He doesn’t angst over decisions very much,” she said. “He asks lots of different opinions, and once he has all the input he wants,
is at a 10-year high, Garimella noted, from which he concludes that the school must be doing something right in scrutinizing its programs.
“There was a lot of angst about the cuts, looking back,” he said, “but it seems to have escaped people’s consciousness, as far as I can tell.”
To put a finer point on this, Garimella cites the newly launched School of the Arts, which combined the school’s theater, music, dance, creative writing, studio art, film and television studies, and art history programs in an effort to make the arts curriculum at UVM more cohesive and, not incidentally, appealing to donors. The School of the Arts emerged, in part, because of the pressure the proposed cuts placed on faculty to reenvision their jobs and their departments, said Kelley Helmstutler Di Dio, an associate dean in the College of Arts and Sciences and the school’s executive director. “It absolutely made people come to the table and start thinking like, Oh, crap, this could really happen, and I need to really take it seriously and find a different pathway forward,” she said.
According to Helmstutler Di Dio, Garimella has been one of the school’s biggest champions. This year, she said, his administration gave it the green light to hire 24 new faculty. “He certainly could have made a decision, as other presidents across the country did, to look at the arts and see that we do not bring in multimillion-dollar grants and see that our classes have to be small because of the nature of art-making,” Helmstutler Di Dio said. “He could have made the decision that the College of Arts and Sciences could save a bunch of money just by closing the arts. That was never discussed.”
Garimella tends not to look back once he’s made up his mind, according to Marietta Harrison, a retired profes sor of biochemistry and molecular
he moves forward. He doesn’t wring his hands a lot and try to second-guess everything.”
Nor, it seems, does Garimella enjoy being second-guessed, which comes with the territory of being a university presi dent. For Garimella, the College of Arts and Sciences drama has had a particularly aggravating half-life. Sometimes, he said, “some smart-ass will say something to me in the streets, some student who thinks they know what they’re talking about and are very rude. They don’t know what they’re talking about, but because somebody told them this, they believe it.”
He then interrupted himself and tried to amend his choice of words. “The smartass thing comes off,” he commanded, pointing at my iPhone, which I was using to record our interview. He proceeded. “It’s just depressing to me that people can be taken in.”
When UVM decided to bring students back to campus in fall 2020, Garimella said, he got similarly critical letters from Burl ington residents, who were anxious that recklessly socializing coeds would turn the city into a COVID-19 petri dish. “How many body bags do you need to see before you realize the error of your ways?” Garimella said, paraphrasing one comment. “Well, there were no body bags.”
Garimella, who spent upwards of $15 million on a university-wide test ing program, vats of hand sanitizer and football fields worth of plexiglass to ensure that UVM could operate safely, believed that staying open was the right thing to do. In the end, the public health disasters his critics predicted did not come to pass.
“There was a simple driving principle, which is pretty much how I do a lot of things,” he said. “You have a clear strategy, a clear goal. And then you do whatever it takes to get you there.” m
This year, Chittenden County has no shortage of holiday markets, where shoppers can buy directly from artists, crafts people and other makers. But a new market joining the mix aims to expand shoppers’ options, build connections across state lines and inspire some phil anthropic fun.
Good Trade Makers Market, an event born last year in Rhode Island, brings nearly 100 small independent vendors to Hula in Burlington on Saturday and Sunday, December 3 and 4. While listen ing to a playlist of vendors’ favorite songs, patrons can shop for everything from handcrafted knives and cast-iron pans to candles and illustrations. Between purchases, they can play a quick game of Plinko and sip a complimentary beer, cocktail or nonalcoholic beverage.
Cofounder Robin Dionne called the market “a really fun party. It’s family friendly. It’s a positive, special room, and we [will] work hard to make sure that remains true.”
Half of the vendors will come from other northeastern states and beyond. “As a small business,” cofounder BJ Mansuetti said, “sometimes it’s hard to break out of your own city and your own demographic and grow in an organic and natural way.” One aim of Good Trade is “to help with cross-pollination and help makers meet new customers.”
The market is the brainchild of Mansuetti, 36, and Dionne, 41, of Cranston, R.I. Mansuetti is a former brand director for Narragansett Beer, and Dionne is a communications professional with experi ence in the adaptive reuse of old buildings. They met while planning the RI VegFest vegan festival, which premiered in Febru ary 2020, and were married by the end of that year.
Mansuetti and Dionne share an affinity for community event planning. “My heart has always been with small businesses,” Mansuetti told Seven Days.
During the pandemic, the couple were dismayed to see small businesspeople struggling. “There weren’t a lot of holiday markets, and many of these businesses made up to 80 percent of their [annual] sales at [those markets],” Mansuetti said.
In 2021, the couple held the inaugural Good Trade Makers Market in Providence, R.I., featuring 95 artisans from 16 states. According to Mansuetti, that event drew
more than 5,000 attendees and $300,000 in revenue for the vendors over two days.
Matt Innarelli of Wild Wood & Epoxy in Wilmington, one of the Vermont-based vendors at that event, was impressed with the crowd of shoppers. “It was really packed,” he said. “People came from all over.”
each other and want to see each other succeed.”
Innarelli will be at Good Trade Makers Market in Burlington this year, as will Narin MacDonald, 37, of Narin M. Knives, making his first foray into selling goods at a market.
During the pandemic, the Monkton resident made the transition from a career as a full-time chef to being a full-time father and part-time bladesmith. So far, he has been fulfilling individual custom knife orders, but he has built up an inventory and hopes to grow his business by partici pating in the new market. “It’s a giant experiment for me,” MacDonald said.
be good to get our business out there. I’m going in with no expectations, and I hope I’m pleasantly surprised.”
Eduardo Donoso, 35, is a Montpelierbased artist and shoe-fitting specialist at Williston’s REI who moved to Vermont from Chilean Patagonia. He and his wife, Jess Young, will be at the market with their business, Soijen, offering nature-inspired T-shirts, totes, posters, cards and other items that celebrate adventure or feature Vermont townscapes.
This year, Dionne and Mansuetti again held Good Trade Makers Market in Providence in November and will bring it to Burlington for the first time. They said they are exploring the possibility of expanding to other cities, but it would have to “be the right fit.”
“The Vermont small business commu nity is so supportive of each other,” Mansuetti said. “They really champion
Böswellness cofounder Jamie Garvey and her husband, Mahdi Ismael Ibrahim, are also testing a new market for their products. Their Colchester-based busi ness, which distills and sells fair trade and certified-organic frankincense and myrrh, doesn’t have a large local market.
“We’ve been around for 18 years, and it feels like nobody in Vermont knows who we are,” Garvey said. “So we thought it’d
Donoso has found other Vermont makers supportive. “This community is amazing,” he said. “I wish we had a community that supports artists in my other community, in Chile.”
A few of the other Vermont vendors are Zobird Pottery of Burlington, Vermont Copper of Berkshire, Meadow Lane Macrame of South Hero and Mad River Botanicals of Waitsfield.
Among the out-of-state vendors are TwoScentsByBri, a soy wax candle maker
in New Jersey; the Blank Space Collec tion, which makes embroidery and illus trations in New Hampshire; and Strange Ways, a patches and pins company in Connecticut. From just over the border in Massachusetts will come glass artist Kanch by Kolika, Catie Curtis Pottery, and children’s clothing and accessories company Hedgehog Belly Designs. Spiceblends maker Ocean State Pepper and cast-iron cookware maker Nest Home ware are from Dionne and Mansuetti’s home state of Rhode Island.
Vendor selection is difficult for Dionne and Mansuetti because they’re so entrenched in the small business community. “We were rejecting our own best friends to make room for others,” Dionne said.
They work to include businesses owned by members of the LGBTQ
community and people of color, she added: “We are looking for a mix of super-established businesses and those that could become established if someone just gave them a chance.”
Dionne and Mansuetti aim to make the market enjoyable for patrons, but “90 percent of our effort goes into making this a fun and welcoming event for the vendors,” Mansuetti said. The couple reserved blocks of rooms in local hotels for the makers and will host after-parties for them to network and socialize. They invited all vendors to select songs for the event playlist. “Every piece of the event we want to feel like an extension of the people in the room,” Mansuetti said.
Vendors have donated prizes for Plinko, the peg-and-disk game popularized by the TV show “The Price Is Right,” which shoppers can play for $5 while supporting a local nonprofit. This year’s recipient of the proceeds will be the Vermont Profes sionals of Color Network, a nonprofit that
works to advance the prosperity of Black, Indigenous and other people of color.
“They are not only making sales,” Mansuetti said of the vendors, “but they are making a difference for the commu nities they are participating in.”
Hula events director Chloe King said the new market is a good fit for the coworking and event space overlook ing Lake Champlain. “Hula is meant to support entrepreneurs, and this was a way of doing that with a more creative and artistic makerspace than we typi cally get to tap into.”
Last year, Hula started its own small market for its resident companies. This year, the Huladay Market, on December 17, will feature more than 50 vendors.
Other Chittenden County holiday markets this year include the Women’s Festival of Crafts, running virtually through December 16; the BTV Winter Market in Burlington’s City Hall Park, running through December 23; the Winooski Holiday Pop-Up Shop on December 1; the Vermont Holiday Market at the Champlain Valley Expo sition in Essex Junction on December 3 and 4; and the Hotel Vermont Holiday Market in Burlington on December 10.
Kara Alnasrawi, Burlington’s direc tor of business and workforce develop ment and director of the Church Street Marketplace, said her office was glad to have Good Trade Makers Market join the city’s slate of holiday markets.
“We’re very much of the philosophy of the more, the merrier,” Alnasrawi said. “These markets are an important piece in our community … [They give] these entrepreneurs or micro-businesses access to a customer base that they wouldn’t normally have.”
Max Jennings, 35, is a physical educa tion teacher in Montpelier who makes bow ties, bandannas, bags and other apparel as Meet Max VT. He said he normally sells at small markets in central Vermont, such as the Central Vermont Queer Craft Fair on December 17, because Burlington feels like “the big city.”
This year, though, he’ll be at Good Trade Makers Market. Jennings noted that one of the best parts of sharing his products is experiencing shoppers’ reac tions and encouragement firsthand.
“I spend a lot of time by myself, sewing,” Jennings said. “When you go to a market, people ask you, ‘You made these?’ and I say, ‘Yes, with my own hands.’” m
Good Trade Makers Market, Saturday and Sunday, December 3 and 4, noon to 6 p.m., at Hula in Burlington. $5 in advance; $8 at the door; free for kids under 4. goodtrademakersmarket.com
As my girlfriend and I walked into Vivid Coffee in Burlington last Friday, a familiar sort of anxi ety crept up on me. It’s a mix of excitement and dread that only rears its head every four years — and it thoroughly confused my girlfriend.
“Do you want to watch the game here?” she asked, gesturing toward one of many empty tables in front of a large television.
On the screen, the United States Men’s National Soccer Team went through its pregame warm-ups, preparing to face a powerhouse England team on the world’s biggest stage, the 2022 FIFA World Cup. A few fellow fans milled about the sparsely populated café — an oddly sedate scene, considering it was one of the biggest games in recent USMNT history. Then again, who the hell watches the World Cup at a coffee shop?
“There’s not enough people here yet,” I all but whispered, afraid to disturb the library-like atmosphere. “Maybe we’re too early. If I lose my shit here when we score,
someone will throw a laptop at me. Let’s go to Rí Rá?”
Five minutes later and just moments before kickoff, we walked into the down town Burlington Irish pub. Or rather, we tried to walk in. A sea of fans clad in red, white and blue filled the bar to capacity, chanting “I believe that we will win!” and the tried-and-true, caveman-like rallying cry “USA! USA! USA!”
I’ve had amazing experiences watching games at Rí Rá in the past, but the place was too packed. Or, as I overheard a defi ant gentleman clad in England’s St. George Crusader cosplay gear put it, “I can’t see the fooking screen!”
So we ducked out and speed-walked to Finnigan’s Pub, where we found a table in front of the projection screen. I tugged on my replica U.S. jersey and felt the telltale tingle I always get watching a World Cup match. But as we settled in, that old elec tric feeling soon mixed with something else: guilt.
The television showed the young U.S. team, clad in royal blue, standing in a line, hands on hearts, as they sang the American national anthem. Then the camera panned
out to show the state-of-the-art Al Bayt Stadium that host nation Qatar had built in the city of Al Khor.
One of seven venues constructed specifically to host the World Cup, the Al Bayt is a gorgeous piece of architecture — as are the other brand-new stadiums spread around and just outside of Doha, Qatar’s capital. But all the infrastructure built around the monthlong tournament — stadiums, hotels and a whole new city — is covered in blood and controversy.
According to an article in the Guard ian last year, more than 6,500 migrant workers died in the 12-year buildup to the tiny nation hosting the massive sport ing event. While Qatar and FIFA dispute those numbers, the death toll is believed to be even higher, as several of the nations supplying large numbers of migrant work ers, such as the Philippines and Kenya, didn’t factor into the report — nor did any deaths that occurred after 2020.
As the game started and latecomers streamed into the bar, several friends joined us at our table. Though nowhere near as boisterous or crowded as Rí Rá, Finnigan’s nonetheless bustled with
energy. We watched in rapt attention as the U.S. team opened the game on the defensive and England’s stars attacked in waves. Then, unprompted, I turned to a friend sitting next to me.
“Did you know they built an entire city for this thing?” I said.
“Uhh, yeah? Crazy,” he replied absently, watching the Baby Eagles, as the U.S. team has affectionately been dubbed by soccer pundit and “Men in Blazers” cohost Roger Bennett, press the English into a mistake.
“No, for real,” I continued. “Lusail City. It didn’t exist 10 years ago. Qatar constructed it just for the World Cup. That’s just insane.”
A roar erupted in the bar as the Ameri cans countered, breaking with speed toward the English defense and eventually winning a corner kick.
“USA!” came a ragged cry from the other end of the bar, returned with passion by several other fans. The chant caught in my throat as I recalled that, earlier in the week, Qatari authorities arrested Iranian fans for wearing shirts with the image of Mahsa Amini. Amini is the 22-year-old Iranian woman who died in September while in police custody after she was apprehended for wearing her hijab improperly. Many Iranian fans had arrived in Doha ready to protest their government, but Qatar has cut down any such insurrec tions with the kind of brutal precision only lots of practice can bring.
On the screen, American midfielder Tyler Adams snapped into a biting tackle, taking the ball from an English player. I felt my sports brain cry out in a primal bit of celebration: They had the ball, but we took it and now it’s ours. So simple, so pure.
Still, I couldn’t stop thinking about FIFA and Qatar and blood and money and human rights. I’ve waited my whole life for American soccer to be taken seriously, or at least since I watched a ragtag team of semipro players and recent college grads thrown together on the pitch when the U.S. hosted the cup in 1994. But it all suddenly felt childish in comparison to the forces at work in Qatar and FIFA headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland.
“You see what the Germans did?” I overheard another viewer nearby ask a friend. “Dudes covered their mouths after FIFA didn’t let them wear the One Love armband,” he said, referring to a few European teams who had planned on wearing armbands during matches to protest Qatar’s stringent anti-gay policies. “Fucking homophobes, man.”
“Yeah, but who cares about an armband, right?” the friend responded. “Like, what’s that going to change, you know? Plus, they lost the fucking game to Japan.”
“You’re missing the point,” the first guy said, his eyes glued to the TV above the bar. “Qatar has put, like, an iron curtain over the whole thing. They arrested a Dutch reporter.”
It was actually a Danish reporter, and he wasn’t arrested — though Qatari authorities did threaten to smash his camera if he didn’t stop filming.
“OK, but where’s the line?” the friend responded. “You don’t see Germany wearing ‘Free Palestine’ shirts, do you?”
“Well, Germans aren’t exactly going to throw opinions on Israel out there willynilly, are they?”
the top 10 teams in the world is nothing to sneeze at. And for large stretches of the match, the Baby Eagles took the game to their more established foes.
My girlfriend, relatively new to watch ing the sport, smiled at me and laughed almost nervously as we left the bar and headed home.
“This is a stressful game!” she exclaimed.
I thought about former FIFA president and James Bond villain look-alike Sepp Blatter being asked in 2010 about award ing the cup to Qatar, a country where homosexuality is punishable by imprison ment. A reporter wondered how gay fans would be able to travel to Qatar and feel safe at a sporting event that is supposed
The two fell into silence after that, sipping afternoon beers as the game inched along.
“Jesus, when did soccer get so compli cated?” I heard one of them say at last, and I laughed so hard that my eavesdrop ping was revealed.
As they turned to look at me, I could only shrug and smile in agreement. No explanation was needed; they could tell I was having the same problem checking out from politics and into the game.
Suddenly, American and Chelsea FC star Christian Pulisic ripped a vicious shot from his left foot. The ball struck the English goal’s crossbar, rattling the wood work and causing the entire Burlington bar to groan as the Americans almost snatched a lead over the English.
“C’mon boys!” I shouted. My hand reflexively slapped against the U.S. Soccer crest on my chest in a very rare showing of outright patriotism.
By the end of the next hour, after a thrilling, tight-as-nails encounter, the U.S. and England finished with that most soccer of score lines: 0-0 — or nil-nil, if you’re nasty. The vibe at Finnigan’s was mostly celebratory, as a tie against one of
to foster togetherness. Blatter laughed dismissively at the question and suggested that gay fans who attend the cup in Qatar engage in celibacy for the month.
Now, having been given the boot by FIFA after being indicted for fraud, Blat ter sings a different tune about Qatar.
“For me it is clear: Qatar is a mistake. The choice was bad,” Blatter told Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger. In his inter view, Blatter made no mention of human rights abuses. Instead, he threw his former FIFA compatriots under the bus, rather than take any responsibility himself.
I sighed as we moved through down town, passing a cluster of celebrating American fans, happy with the scoreless draw. Many of those same fans would celebrate again — perhaps even guiltfree — two days later, when the University of Vermont men’s soccer team improb ably advanced to the quarterfinals of the NCAA national tournament.
“Honestly, sometimes, it’s too stress ful,” I said. m
Some big names have graced the Ballroom stage at Higher Ground in South Burlington over the past few years, including Norah Jones, They Might Be Giants, Ani DiFranco, Lyle Lovett, Bon Iver, Rough Francis, the Avett Brothers and Grace Potter. After this Saturday, December 3, that list will include the stars of the 2022 Spectacular Spectacular. Since 2014, Seven Days and our parenting publication, Kids VT, have been organizing this talent show that gives Vermont’s rising stars a chance to shine. All acts must audition for a slot. The winners get to appear at the event.
In 2020 and 2021, everyone performed via video on WCAXTV, but this year we’re thrilled to see and hear them in person. This year’s performers, ages 9 to 15, will travel from across the state to sing, dance, drum and beatbox on the same stage as the pros. Come cheer them on!
The show starts at noon on Saturday; it’s sponsored by Skinny Pancake, Davis Studio and McKenzie. Tickets, available at highergroundmusic.com, are $7 in advance or $10 on the day of the show; kids 6 and under get in free.
Read on for the acts you’ll see.
in March and invited him to join a loosely organized relief mission.
“I felt morally obligated to go,” Roof said. “I thought, If you can go, you should go. You must.”
Within a week, Roof and Hilliard had leveraged their connections with local businesses and philanthropists and partnered with the Vermont Council on World Affairs to gather $15,000 in cash, as well as over 1,000 pounds of in-kind contributions from donors including Burton Snowboards, SkiRack, Darn Tough Socks, Vermont Teddy Bear, Twincraft Skincare and Revision Military. The University of Vermont Medical Center donated some medical supplies. Roof and Hilliard received large hockey bags to carry it all from the hockey teams at UVM and Saint Michael’s College.
In mid-April, they brought it all to Medyka, a Polish border town; up to 1,000 people were crossing there daily at that time. Many other displaced Ukrainians were massed on either side of the dividing line.
But large international relief organizations were slow to mobilize for the conflict because of its political nature — and the danger of delivering humanitarian aid in a war zone. Instead, a loosely organized army of volunteers, including Roof and Hilliard, stepped into the breach.
Since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, more than 6,500 Ukrainian civilians have died, according to a November 14 report from the United Nations high commissioner for human rights; another 15 million people have left the country. But there are still many citizens living in Ukraine and fighting to keep it free.
Colin Hilliard, deputy director of the Burlington Business Association, has been there recently and met some of them; for the past eight months, he’s been involved in efforts to bring them food and other supplies from Vermont donors. “Ukrainians are winning this war. Their resilience is incredible and has led to a lot of remarkable gains lately,” Hilliard said in a phone interview a few days before Thanksgiving.
But though the Ukrainians have seen some success, he points out that they still need outside support.
“These communities that are being liberated, they don’t have electricity and haven’t had internet access in six months. They don’t have running water. The humanitarian crises unfolding in newly liberated cities are terrible … There are 7 million internally displaced people in Ukraine. Staggering levels of human displacement happened almost
overnight and continued as the war churned on.”
For months, Ukrainians have been preparing to transition into a cold, dark winter similar to the ones we experience in Vermont, noted Hilliard, whose work has expanded to include helping Ukrainians stay warm. “Imagine surviving a Vermont winter but without reliable heat, power and food. Imagine surviving under these conditions under daily air raid sirens reminding you of the
never-ending threat of missile attacks,” he said. “It’s going to be brutal.”
Hilliard had never been to Ukraine before the war. He was invited to travel to the region by Adam Roof, chair of the Burlington Democratic Party and a former city councilor. Roof got the idea from a friend in Boston who called him
This decentralized effort has been remarkably effective: A study by the UK-based research group Humanitar ian Outcomes found that, in the first three months of the war, “virtually all” humanitarian aid for displaced Ukraini ans came from thousands of commu nity groups and volunteers who rushed in to help — even though those groups have received just 0.24 percent of the donations intended for relief efforts.
Roof and Hilliard became part of the effort when they arrived in Medyka. While distributing the goods they brought from Vermont to refugees crossing the border, they quickly connected with people there who had vans, as well as some ex-military volunteers willing to drive deep into Ukraine and distribute goods. They found a warehouse that they could fill with food while the vans were out making deliveries. They used Vermont dollars to buy shopping carts full of produce at Cash and Carry, the Polish version of Costco.
And they built a relationship with Brit ish volunteer Simon Massey, who ended up running the official humanitarian aid station there. Together, they worked to set up a food distribution program that kept going after they departed Poland at the end of April.
Roof and Hilliard’s April trip went so well that the pair returned to the region in August to do more work with Massey’s crew. This time, they traveled into Ukraine to provide food and supplies to shelters, including one in Bryukhovychi, a community to the northwest of Lviv.
It was located in an unfinished hospital building, Roof said. “The property was about three-quarters of the way built, but you still had walls unfinished, wires hanging. The kitchen was not fully set up and had to be outfitted to serve the more than 100 people living there,” Roof said. “The main goal for us at that shelter was to make it more of a home — more dignified, more livable.” They brought beds, bedding, cabinets and kitchen appliances — and delivered over 1,000 pounds of food there and to various other shelters — all paid for by generous Vermonters.
As soon as the kitchen was set up, the Ukrainians got to work. “The women in the shelter made this amazing meal our last day,” Roof said. They prepared traditional Ukrainian dishes as a thanks to the volunteers who’d brought the food. “They wanted us to taste the food, to know that we were
appreciated,” Roof remembered. “We saw many examples of how strong, kind and grateful the Ukrainian people are, and this gesture was particularly special.”
While at dinner, through translation, Roof and Hilliard learned that one of the women had lost a grandson that morning in the fighting and that another
of her grandsons, who was also with the Ukrainian military, had been missing for months. He was later found dead.
That she insisted on making this food and joining them for the meal “brought us to tears,” Roof said.
Something else they noticed at the shelter: Children’s art was hanging everywhere, on walls, doors and refrigerators. The paintings and drawings gave the unfinished institutional space a homier feel.
There were 25 children living in the shelter when Roof and Hilliard visited in August; more have arrived since. Ukraine’s educational system isn’t functioning, so the women in the shelter had made a classroom space for the kids. Roof and Hilliard stocked it with tables, chairs, notebooks, pencils, a laptop and a printer, as well as art supplies.
They arranged for some of that art to be delivered to Vermont for a fundraiser for further relief efforts through Massey’s newly formed nonprofit, Actions Beyond Words (see sidebar).
Hilliard emphasized that larger, more established organizations have done
“incredible work,” since the early days of the crisis, and they have the resources to sustain missions over many years. But he and Roof have personally experienced the effectiveness of working with people “outside of the red tape.”
Roof noted that, unlike some larger efforts, Actions Beyond Words doesn’t have large expenses for staff or office costs. “It’s incredibly lean and incredibly fast,” Roof said. “If you send $100 to us, $98 of that is quickly going to get turned around into fresh vegetables or a generator or a bed.”
Roof acknowledged that there are many important causes to support locally but added that the people of Ukraine who are resisting Russian occupation are “fighting a battle for all of us here on Earth.” What happens there has ripple effects that will be felt here and around the world.
“I think it’s one of the more potent examples of a potential shift in the world order that could have really dire consequences — not just for us near term, but for our future generations,“ he said.
On Wednesday, January 11, Adam Roof and Colin Hilliard will host a fundraiser at Burlington City Hall Auditorium, in conjunction with Burlington City Arts, to raise money for continued relief efforts in Ukraine.
“We’re going to tell some of the stories about resiliency of the Ukrainian people and the impact that Burlington and Vermont has been able to have in the region,” Roof said. Artwork made by Ukrainian children will also be on display.
The money raised will benefit Actions Beyond Words, a new crisis-response nonprofit launched by Simon Massey and fellow volunteer Travis Goode. Roof is slated to join the board of directors for the organization in December.
Pre-pandemic, Massey and Goode worked with an international performing arts organization. Massey started out years ago as a music teacher but had a talent for logistics. He became the group’s bookings director and operations manager, pulling together 1,200 shows a year; Goode was the IT guy — until COVID-19 shut it all down.
Massey was in Lincolnshire, England, when he saw BBC news coverage of the invasion. He hopped in his Volvo and drove to Medyka to help Ukrainian refugees. He had planned to stay for two
weeks; that turned into more than two months.
Massey used his organizational skills to help set up the relief center in Medyka and to develop a network of sources and contacts on both sides of the border. He brought in Goode to help with the infrastructure, building a website and establishing nonprofit status so they could officially accept donations.
“Simon and Trav set up a remarkable network capable of providing sustained support to thousands of people across
Ukraine — primarily funded by Vermont dollars,” Roof said. “If you want to support Ukrainian people, this is a real grassroots way to do it. Donations go directly to people in need and are deployed almost immediately.”
In October, Massey and Goode visited Vermont to deliver artwork from Ukrainian children and work with Roof and Hilliard on plans for the coming months. Both men spoke about the carnage and devastation they’d seen in Ukraine.
Massey, who frequently travels deep
Learn more about Actions Beyond Words at actionsbeyondwords.net/vfe. The art show and fundraiser
“Resilience — The War Through Ukrainian Children’s Art” will be held Wednesday, January 11, 6 to 8:30 p.m., at Burlington City Hall Auditorium.
into the country, recalled a trip to a shelter near Kharkiv to drop off supplies. He showed a photo of a group of smiling men and women on a set of stairs. Shortly afterward, he returned to the site with another load.
“The steps weren’t there,” he said. The building had been destroyed. No one could, or would, tell him what happened to those inside.
It was a low point for him. He recalled talking with one of the other volunteers about the futility of delivering vanloads of supplies to a country at war. “I said, ‘This feels like a drop in the ocean.’”
The man’s reply stuck with him: “He said, ‘Drops make the ocean.’”
COMMISSIONED AND PAID FOR BY: Adam Roof shopping in Poland Colin Hilliard, Adam Roof, Simon Massey and Travis Goode in Burlingtonbudget this holiday
BY SUZANNE PODHAIZERsugar, apple and cinnamon vodka. Do they prefer pecans? You can pour bourbon over roasted nuts to make a rich, toasty spirit that’s perfect for winter. Capanna likes to sweeten his creations so that they can be used as cocktail ingredients or stand-alone sippers.
FORMULA: Combine base liquor and flavor ing ingredients and let sit for at least two days, or as long as a week. Taste daily and adjust ingredients as desired. When the liquor is as flavorful as you wish, pour the mixture through a fine mesh strainer (or a coffee filter, if your ingredients are very fine); sweeten with plain or flavored simple syrup, maple or honey; and bottle the result. Capanna likes to use “some kind of upcycled bottle and cork combination that is aesthetically pleasing.”
FLAVOR IDEAS: Gingersnap-spiced rum; mixed citrus vodka; toasted pecan-andmaple bourbon; jalapeño-lime tequila
If you feel shaken by the idea of spend ing a lot on holiday gifts and you’re stirred by the prospect of making stuff from scratch, we have just the thing: cocktail kits. Package up a home made infused liquor, a jar of simple syrup, a garnish, and a salt or sugar mixture for the rim and give your friends a gift they’ll never forget.
For the past few years, I’ve been gifting unusual simple syrups and salt or sugar blends, all made with ingredients I’ve grown or foraged, such as yellow birch, nasturtium, lilac and basil.
For more ideas, I turned to Nicho las Capanna of Rutland, owner of the
education and consulting business Little House of Cocktails. Capanna has worked in the food industry since his teenage years and started tending bar in college. He’s currently the bar director at Au Comptoir, a cocktail and mocktail bar in Woodstock, where he crafts clas sic and new drinks from freshly pressed juices, fine liquors, housemade syrups and elegant garnishes.
Read on for homemade gift ideas that are perfect for the cocktail lover in your life. These can be given individually or combined into a kit so that the recipient has everything they need to mix up a oneof-a-kind creation.
If you’ve ever had vanilla vodka, coffee stout or sangria, you’ve consumed an infu sion. To make one at home, you steep a solid in a liquid, wait until the liquid tastes like whatever you’ve added to it and strain. Easy!
Because alcohol is a solvent, it’s the perfect base for infusions, but nonalco holic beverages such as apple cider or cranberry juice can also work.
When Capanna makes an infused liquor to give as a gift, he tailors it to the recipient’s preferences. Have a friend who likes apple pie? Make them some brown
Simple syrups are available in stores, but they’re incredibly easy to make at home, and the flavor combos are endless. A regular-strength simple syrup is equal parts sugar and water. A rich simple syrup, which has a longer shelf life and doesn’t dilute drinks as much, is two parts sugar and one part water. Because you want to limit the amount of simple syrup that you add to a drink — typically an ounce of regular simple or two-thirds of an ounce of rich simple — the trick is packing lots of fabulous flavor into every spoonful.
Capanna and I like using foraged ingre dients in our syrups, and in winter we both use needles from conifer trees. He suggests white pine — and making sure that you have an experienced forager with you when you harvest. I like to combine
Burlington’s vegetarian restaurant baton has been passed. On Thanksgiving eve, chefs and co-owners DEBRA and PETER MAISEL sold REVOLUTION KITCHEN at 9 Center Street to the mother-daughter team of KAREN and MADISON BARCHOWSKI. The family is relocating to Vermont from Flagler Beach, Fla., where they owned beachside mainstay Sally’s Ice Cream for a decade.
The Maisels opened Revolution Kitchen, the city’s only table-service eatery with an exclusively vegetarian and vegan menu, in summer 2013. They put the 49-seat restaurant on the market in April for $195,000. Debra declined to share the final sale price.
Revolution Kitchen is currently closed, but Karen said she hopes to reopen the restaurant in March, a few months after Madison delivers the baby she is expecting in December. Meanwhile, the Maisels will work closely with Karen to train her on all of their menu items, including their signa ture dishes, such as Buffalo cauliflower tacos and chocolate-crusted banana cream pie.
An experienced chef, Karen opened her first restaurant, Zen Den, in New Jersey in 2002. Madison grew up in restaurants and was general manager of Sally’s Ice Cream, her mother said.
After handing that business over to new owners on November 1, the Barchowskis had no immediate plans to buy a restaurant, but they started casually looking at listings in the Burlington area.
“The name caught me first,” Karen said. Revolution, she said, is “in our DNA.”
The purchase timing was not ideal, Karen said, because of the baby soon to join the family. But she and Madison de cided the opportunity to buy Revolution Kitchen “was too good to pass up,” she said. It was a great match in style and size, she continued. The downtown location and the connection she felt with the Maisels sealed the deal.
The Barchowskis will move to a small farm they’ve purchased in
Vermont, Karen said. During her New Jersey childhood, she spent vacations in New England. “It felt like home,” she said. “It just fit us the best.”
Debra said that, after 36 years of working together at six different restaurants, she and her husband were ready for a change. “We are so grateful for the support of the community and will miss our customers,” she said.
But, she added, “We’re 62 and 66, and you start thinking about what’s left in your life to do. Restaurants hold you back from traveling, from seeing family. We needed to do other things.”
Debra plans to open a small retail and wholesale baking business when she finds an appropriate space. “I want to pursue what I love, and that is baking,” she said. Her husband will not be involved in that operation. “We want to be a married couple, not business partners,” Debra said.
She noted that the Maisels are very pleased to have found experienced in dustry professionals to carry Revolution Kitchen forward. “Just because Peter and I are leaving, it doesn’t mean the restaurant is leaving,” she said.
Karen said she and her daughter have no major changes planned for Revolution Kitchen. “I will honor what they did,” she said.
But, she added, “We’ll gradually put our own spin on it. There will be a little bit of an evolution with the revolution.” m
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On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.
balsam fir needles and fresh cranberries for an ultra-Christmasy vibe. Spruce has a great flavor, too.
FORMULA: Combine sugar and water in a heavy saucepan, stir, and bring to a simmer. To make a rich simple, use two cups of sugar for each cup of water.
If your flavoring ingredients are delicate, such as leafy herbs or flowers, stir again to make sure the sugar has dissolved, remove the simmering syrup from the heat, add the ingredients and steep until the syrup is cool. If your ingredients have more substance, allow them to simmer in the syrup for a few minutes before turning off the heat and letting the mixture cool. (Simmering thickens the syrup, so you can compensate by starting with a little extra water.)
Remember, you want to add flavor without making the drink too sweet, so syrups should be pretty punchy. Strain, bottle and keep refrigerated.
FLAVOR IDEAS: White pine; balsam fir and cranberry; pear and sage; peppermint; vanilla and nutmeg
European company Luxardo produces liquor-soaked cherries that are the gold standard for mixologists. Its rich red fruits spawned the Day-Glo maraschino cherries that people love to hate.
If you don’t have $25 to drop on a cock tail garnish, you can make your own deli cious version by combining dried cherries and vodka and flavoring them with vanilla or almond extract. They won’t look or taste as rich as Luxardo cherries, but they won’t contain red dye, either.
FORMULA: Pack dried cherries into a mason jar and cover with a vodka that is good quality but not super pricey. Add a few drops of almond or vanilla extract to taste. Let steep for a day or two before using as a drink garnish.
FLAVOR IDEAS: You can use any liquor and dried fruit combo you like. Scotch and apricots and rum and pineapple are good places to start.
We’re used to seeing margarita glasses dipped in salt, but many drinks can benefit from a rim crusted with something savory or sweet. Plus, sugar and salt blends look pretty packed in jars and decorated with fabric or ribbons.
Capanna likes adding flower petals and herbs to salt and grinding the
mixture with a mortar and pestle. For sweet drinks, he might use sugar mixed with lemon zest or cinnamon, with a pinch of salt for balance.
To apply a sweet or salty rim to your glass, roll its outside edge in liquid — you can use water or get creative and try citrus juice, olive juice, tea or a spirit — and then roll it in your sugar or salt blend. Try to keep the mixture on the outside of the glass, not on the actual edge.
For even more flair, you can paint a design on the glass with simple syrup, Capanna said, and sprinkle the mixture onto it, like a “grade school art project.”
FLAVOR IDEAS: Rose-petal sugar; lavenderlemon sugar; cinnamon sugar; lemonthyme salt; smoked paprika salt; smoked salt and ancho chile m
Learn more at littlehouseofcocktails.com and aucomptoirvt.com.
On the Saturday before Thanksgiving, Middlebury’s Schmetterling Wine Shop fluttered with customers in search of perfect holiday pours. Shop owners Erika Dunyak and Danielle Pattavina offered tastes of natural wines from near and far, explaining the Alpine terroir, farming and winemaking practices of the vineyards that had produced each bottle.
The conversations — and the tastes — were a bit of a preview. On Sunday, December 11, Dunyak and Pattavina will host the first annual Vermont Wine Fair at Holley Hall in Bristol.
“It’s going to be a tasting exactly like this,” Dunyak said, “except you’re talking to the winemakers.”
The fair is open to the public and will offer attendees a chance to try low-intervention wines from Vermont producers such as La Garagista Farm + Winery, Iapetus, La Montañuela, Ellison Estate Vineyard, Kalche Wine Cooperative, Fable Farm Fermentory and Stella14 Wines — poured by the winemakers themselves. The fair’s definition of “wine” includes fermented grapes, apples, honey, berries and other fruits. The lineup also features local producers of ciders, meads, coferments and other creative fermentations, as well as winemakers from Maine, New Hampshire, Ontario and New York.
“It’s a place to showcase the incredible wine that people are making here — and how serious the wine is,” Dunyak said. Many consumers are still unfamiliar with Vermont-made wine,
she said, and don’t realize how the industry has grown over the past decade.
In addition to the tastings, the Vermont Wine Fair will hold panel discussions on the climate crisis and inter industry collaboration. The timing of the talks is to be determined.
“We like to have fun, but it’s way more about wine educa tion than it is a party,” Dunyak said. “I mean, it’s on a Sunday afternoon.”
Both Dunyak and Pattavina have backgrounds in event production — Pattavina in weddings and Dunyak in academia. They’ve created the nonprofit Center for Food Culture to host the fair, though Dunyak was quick to call the event “a little homespun.”
“We’re hoping people learn about what this Vermont Wine Fair could look like with us,” she continued. “Just getting people in the room together is the first step — creating space for some winemaker community.”
The Kalche Wine Cooperative team has been on the wine fair circuit this fall, attending events such as RAW WINE in Montréal, the Karakterre wine salon and the Wild World Festival in New York City, and Peripheral in the Hudson Valley. With the Vermont Wine Fair, the team is excited to promote its wines closer to home.
“I think it’s really great timing for us as a Vermont wine industry,” Kalche cofounder and director of external business Justine Belle Lambright told Seven Days. “The people who were here before us — Deirdre Heekin, Ethan Joseph — they have been laying the groundwork for us to be able to have a drawing event like this for a long time. Vermont is making a huge splash in the wine world, and it makes sense for people to be focusing on us — especially people right in our backyard.” m
Vermont Wine Fair, Sunday, December 11, at Holley Hall in Bristol. $35. schmetterlingwine.com
When Damaris and Mel Hall started selling samosas at Vermont street festivals in 1993, they made 30 at a time. Damaris, a trained chef from Kenya, was in charge of the cooking, while Mel, who grew up in Memphis, Tenn., set up the Coleman camp stove and the cash register.
Today, as the owners of Global Village Foods in Quechee, the couple have roughly the same roles they had 30 years ago, but the scale is vastly different. With a 12-person staff, the company produces 5,000 samosas and 2,000 bulk entrées and ready-to-eat meals per day — all allergyfriendly, with gluten-free and vegan options.
“Eventually, I would like to produce a million a day,” Damaris said.
They might actually get there. As the recipients of a $250,000 grant from Vermont’s Working Lands Enterprise Initiative and a $200,000 New England Food Vision Prize from the Henry P. Kendall Foundation, the Halls are poised to expand their business beyond grocery stores on the eastern seaboard by selling to the two largest college dining management services in the country: Sodexo and Compass Group.
As part of that expan sion, Global Village is work ing with partners throughout New England to create a custombuilt supply chain to source its produce, using local farms and giving preference to BIPOC and immigrant farmers.
“So much food flows through institu tions,” said Nancy LaRowe, the director of food, farm and economy at Vital Commu nities, a nonprofit organization that collaborated with Global Village to win the Food Vision Prize. “Those dollars, if we keep them local, are huge for our region.”
The Halls met in Kenya in 1991, while Mel was there as a Dartmouth College undergraduate on an environmental stud ies trip. A year later, they were married, and Damaris immigrated to New Hamp shire, where Mel was beginning his MBA at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.
Their plans changed when Damaris became pregnant. Their daughter was born prematurely, at 26 weeks, and Mel had to leave school to take care of his family and make a living.
Once their daughter was stable, the couple began selling traditional African food at street festivals: mung beans, pilau, rice, curried goat and samosas. Eventually they graduated to larger events, includ ing the Vermont Reggae Festival, Phish concerts, and Bread and Puppet Theater shows.
The Phish shows didn’t go well for them. “We got outsold by kids sell ing cheese toast for $2, while we had to
pay $10,000 for a vendor’s license,” Mel recalled.
A new opportunity arose a few years later. In 1997, while living in White River Junction, the Halls launched a restaurant down the street from their house: Taste of Africa Karibu Tulé. It opened the same year as Northern Stage, marking the begin ning of a new and vibrant period for the downtown area.
They spent the next few years honing their recipes and building a loyal follow ing of locals and tourists alike. Customers visiting from other states often remarked that they wished the restaurant were in their hometown.
Their second child was born in 2001 with food allergies, and Damaris began remaking her traditional dishes without fish or nuts and bringing those dishes into the restaurant. With two children, running a restaurant was too much, so the couple
closed theirs in 2002 and started a cater ing business.
In need of space, they ran a residen tial feeding program at a senior facility and used the commercial kitchen to make their food during off-hours. That arrange ment allowed them to sell prepared foods, starting at the Lebanon Co-op (now Co-op Food Store) in Lebanon, N.H., and then adding farmers markets in the area.
“We tested a lot of the best menus from the restaurant at the co-ops,” Damaris said, “and they were patient with us as we changed things around frequently to find the right products.”
Confident of their ability to make and sell prepackaged foods, the Halls launched Global Village in 2016. Initially based in a Windsor space formerly occupied by McDonald’s, the business was soon sell ing to co-ops across Vermont. In 2017, it added Whole Foods to its client roster, and the grocery behemoth helped finance its growth.
Just before the pandemic hit, Mel closed deals to provide bulk meals to a few colleges. Over the next few months, with the U.S. economy shut down, Global Village saw its core business drop by 77 percent.
The Halls drew a deep breath and took advantage of the federal Paycheck Protection Program and the COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan to keep the lights on. Then the state stepped in with the Vermont Everyone Eats! program, which was funded by the CARES Act and provided a steady stream of revenue to producers who could supply community food shelves.
“That became a saving grace for us as we repositioned,” Mel said. Then the couple’s daughter, an MBA student at Columbia Business School, “got us in front of the large food-service groups I had been trying to sell to for years, and in one month we got into accelerator programs with Sodexo and Compass Group.”
In 2021, the company moved to its current location: a 7,000-square-foot allergen-free facility in Quechee that used to be Singleton’s General Store. Sodexo Vermont, which serves the University of Vermont’s dining halls, currently drives much of the company’s sales, with help from distributors in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic regions. The Halls said they expect to start distributing to 15
northeastern Compass Group schools by January.
Samosas are still one of Global Village’s most popular offerings, but the options have grown over the years to include African no-nut vegan stew, Caribbean pineapple chicken, white bean chili, paprika gingered chicken with spiced eggplant sauce and many other meals.
The Halls have always sought to use local produce; they source cabbage from Moon Castle Farm in Topsham, carrots from Cedar Circle Farm and Education Center in East Thetford, spin ach from Honey Field Farm in Norwich, and assorted vegetables from the Center for an Agricul tural Economy in Hard wick. The Working Lands grant and the Food Vision prize will help finance the expan sion of their network of producers across New England.
A key partner in this effort is the Orga nization for Refugee and Immigrant Success, which has offices in Manches ter and Concord, N.H., and in Worcester, Mass. As part of its efforts to help newcom ers find success in the U.S., the organiza tion runs Fresh Start Farms, a collective brand for immigrant and refugee farmers that sells CSA shares directly to consum ers. The Halls have agreed to meet the demand from Sodexo and Compass Group by buying as much produce from Fresh Start Farms as they can.
“Fresh Start Farms is at a stage of growth where it’s interested in entering the wholesale market,” LaRowe said, “so this partnership with [Global Village] would be a perfect on-ramp for that expansion.”
In addition to providing Fresh Start farmers with an opportunity to expand
into the wholesale arena, Global Village is giving them more certainty than most farmers ever have.
CSAs offered a similar prom ise of stable revenue when they became popular 20-plus years ago.
“Farming was tenuous at best for farmers,” LaRowe said, “and that was before climate change. Now it’s super hard to count on anything. So having a sales channel preset adds a whole lot of security to farming, which is such a hard venture.”
Right now, while the farmers are making plans to plant more acreage in the spring, Global Village is adding labor and automated machinery to meet the grow ing demand for its food. Its giant freez ers are stuffed full of meals ready to be shipped to stores and institutions.
The Halls said their biggest challenge is to grow at the right pace so they don’t compromise their quality. New oppor tunities come in all the time, and some times they have to voice diplomatic reservations.
“We don’t say no, just ‘Not yet,’” Mel said. m
Learn more at globalvillagefoods.com and vitalcommunities.org.
At a recent rehearsal of the Vermont Choral Union at the College Street Congregational Church in Burlington, 39 amateur singers gave their best rendition of Charles Gounod’s “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” to Eric Milnes, their new director as of two months ago. Milnes was focused and energetic, swiveling on the piano bench to observe each section of the choir while tossing o a virtuoso accompaniment with no apparent attention to sheet music or keys.
When the chorus arrived at the refrain, the director leaped up to discuss and rehearse all the nuances of the word “rejoice”: what to call the sound of its first vowel (a “schwa”); the way the second syllable could be sung in a tiny decrescendo; where to put that last S sound. Each minute directive pulled a better sound from the singers.
“That’s a compelling shape,” Milnes finally declared. The group had spent about 10 minutes on a single word. Everyone was satisfied.
Milnes is the seventh director of the 55-year-old chorus and arguably the most accomplished musician to hold the o ce. The early music specialist’s biography is a dense list of performances at the heads of famous choirs, baroque ensembles and symphonies in the U.S., Canada, Europe and beyond. He has played with many of those, too, as a harpsichordist and organist.
Milnes, who holds an undergraduate degree from Columbia University and a master’s in music from the Juilliard School, cofounded and directs the professional vocal and period-instrument baroque ensemble L’Harmonie des saisons. The internationally touring ensemble is based in Granby, Québec, where Milnes lives with partner Mélisande Corriveau, a cellist and viola da gambist who is L’Harmonie’s cofounder and artistic director.
Also an experienced recording producer, Milnes produces L’Harmonie’s albums, two of which have won Juno Awards — the Canadian equivalent of the Grammys.
In short, Milnes isn’t the type of person one might expect to direct an amateur chorus in Burlington. Make that two: He became the director of music at the College Street Congregational Church in January 2020, after the retirement of its longtime director Yona Yellin.
Milnes will lead both groups in upcoming live local performances. The Vermont Choral Union performs two “Season of Light” holiday concerts, consisting of
classical choral works for Advent and Hanukkah, this Saturday, December 3, in the College Street church and Sunday, December 4, at the First Congregational Church of St. Albans. Isabelle Demers, an associate professor of organ at McGill University in Montréal, will be the organist for both.
For their first live concert since the pandemic, members of the College Street Congregational Church choir will join L’Harmonie des saisons for a performance of George Frideric Handel’s Messiah at their church on Sunday, December 11. It is likely to be the only Vermont performance of the work to feature a full baroque period-instrument orchestra, including Corriveau’s cello, made in 1692.
Seven Days met Milnes at Kru Co ee on Church Street in Burlington in a rare moment of stasis for the director: He would conduct 11 concerts featuring five di erent programs in the next four weeks. Originally from New York City, Milnes, 63, sports shoulder-length feathered hair. He was chatty and opinionated — a far cry from his focused conductor’s persona.
After years of dividing his time between Québec, Boston, New York and Europe, he recounted, he had been looking for “a way to center my activities nearer to Montréal.” When the o er to direct the music program at the College Street Congregational Church arrived, Milnes had recently concluded a 37-year tenure as the music director of an Episcopal church in New York. He was looking for a new church directorship, and Burlington’s location was ideal.
To learn about the local music scene, he queried a longtime friend and professional collaborator, Scott Metcalfe. A Burlington native, Metcalfe directs Blue Heron in Boston, a vocal ensemble specializing in Renaissance and medieval music.
As a violinist, Metcalfe was Milnes’ concertmaster in several of the latter’s ensembles, beginning in the late 1980s. For his part, Milnes has played harpsichord in Blue Heron performances and produced all of the group’s dozen recordings. Its 2018 album became the first North American recording to win UK magazine Gramophone’s Classical Music Award for Early Music.
Metcalfe recalled by phone that Milnes “was trying to get a read on what the scene [in Burlington] was like, what potential there might be to do something on a larger scale.”
In fact, Milnes hinted to Seven Days that he has plans to launch a baroque music
festival in town, though he didn’t reveal details.
Though most of his experience is with professional musicians, Milnes is enthusi astic about directing a local church choir and a community chorus. His long expe rience with church choirs, often seeded with professionals, has taught him how to “assimilate people of different abilities,” he said.
“I understand [the Burlington jobs] as a test of my long-held challenge: [to prove that] an amateur choir can sound as good as a professional one,” Milnes declared. He added, “The only differ ence between a profes sional and an avocational singer is the voice they’re born with.”
Milnes’ condescen sion-free approach has been a pleasant surprise to Burlington singers.
Union, delighted in the Messiah chal lenge. “I would do 40 or 50 takes of a particular section,” he said by phone. Van Wagner sang for a decade in the nowdefunct Granite State Opera, among other ensembles, and plays trumpet in Green Mountain Swing.
He said the director is serious “but has a great sense of humor, too.” One video Milnes produced features Van Wagner as both soloist and trumpet player in a jazzy rendition of the Black spiritual “Down by the Riverside.” Other choral members — and one small dog — sing around him on separate Zoom-like screens.
Bentlage, who is president of the Vermont Choral Union board, was on the search committee that chose Milnes.
DEBORAH WRIGHTDeborah Wright, a soprano from Essex who has sung in the church choir for 20 years, opined, “He knows how to make church choirs work better. He gets us to do what we didn’t really know we could do.”
Jim Bentlage, a baritone from Jericho who joined the Vermont Choral Union in 2016, during Jeff Rehbach’s tenure, said of Milnes’ rehearsals, “He’s captivating; he’s exhilarating. It’s like you’re taking a college course at Juilliard in not just singing but music history.”
In Metcalfe’s view, Milnes is “an extraordinary musician. He’s capable of working at the highest professional level and does, but he also has a gift for work ing with amateurs, asking them for the best they can give and then being happy about it.”
During the pandemic, Milnes taught his Congregational singers to create home videos of themselves singing their parts while listening to musical cues on headphones. Then he edited the results together, producing short videos of sacred music that were streamed by online reli gious services around the country.
Soon, the group graduated to singing Messiah remotely. Milnes blended the church singers’ voices digitally with the professional ones of L’Harmonie des saisons, added the instrumental ensemble and produced a high-quality split-screen video of the work.
Matthew Van Wagner, a South Burl ington tenor and member of both the church choir and the Vermont Choral
“When we looked at Eric’s résumé, we were a little leery, to be honest,” he said by phone. “He’s quite an interna tionally accomplished musician and choir director, and we were thinking, What if this guy gets tired of us?”
The group no longer has those worries. “Eric has big ideas that are going to take us into a musical adventure that we’ve not been in as a group,” Bentlage said. “We’re no longer purely a cappella; he’ll intro duce instrumentalists. He has a vision for us as more of a period group putting on authentic baroque music.”
In Metcalfe’s view, Milnes’ presence will enrich Burlington’s music scene “in a way that’s really logical: a southern Québec/northern Vermont collaboration, where there’s French [heritage] on both sides.
“Having worked with him,” Metcalfe added, “I know these are going to be superb concerts.” m
“Season of Light: Music for the Seasons of Advent & Chanukah,” performed by the Vermont Choral Union, Saturday, December 3, 2 p.m., at College Street Congregational Church in Burlington; and Sunday, December 4, 4 p.m., at First Congregational Church of St. Albans. $5-20. vtchoralunion.org
Messiah by George Frideric Handel, performed by L’Harmonie des saisons and members of the College Street Congregational Church Choir, Sunday, December 11, 4 p.m., at College Street Congregational Church, Burlington. $30; free for children and students with ID. harmoniedessaisons.org
Fordham University associate soci ology professor and Vermonter Heather Gautney successfully exposes the excesses of capitalism in her harsh, well-researched takedown The New Power Elite. Her book reveals the often incestuous relationships among the military, Wall Street, politicians and celebrities who fuel, benefit from and prop up the economic system.
Gautney’s book builds on the 1956 clas sic The Power Elite by sociologist C. Wright Mills, who warned of the dangers posed by the interwoven interests of military, politi cal and financial leaders. President Dwight D. Eisenhower sounded the alarm in the mid-1950s about the rising power of the “military-industrial complex.” With exam ple after example, Gautney demonstrates how the excesses have only mounted in the almost 70 years since, how countless lives have been lost and how despair has replaced hope among the masses, while those at the top have reaped the benefits with outsize gluttony.
Gautney, who worked for U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), including on his 2016 and 2020 presidential runs, also shat ters the illusion that there is any signifi cant difference in economic philosophy between Democrats and Republicans. She echoes Sanders’ 1986 assessment that the two parties are no more different than “Tweedledum and Tweedledee.”
The author makes clear that the capi talist system doesn’t work for the vast majority of Americans, especially those at the bottom, and won’t work without the sort of robust social safety net that presi dent Franklin D. Roosevelt established during the Great Depression. Gautney lays bare how many of those New Dealera programs have been under attack by political leaders promoting the supposed benefits of neoliberalism — the idea that all will benefit from the “trickle-down” effects of free trade, deregulation, global ization and a reduction in government spending.
To support her thesis that Democrats and Republicans share an economic worldview, Gautney provides countless head-shaking examples of Democratic presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama preaching concern for the poor and middle class while extending the policies of their Republican predecessors. Those included
tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, as well as support for questionable wars abroad and tough-on-crime campaigns at home.
Gautney makes clear the benefits that politicians accrue in campaign contribu tions by catering to large corporations, particularly after the Citizens United deci sion of 2010. She notes the revolving door between Wall Street and high-ranking cabinet positions, including Clinton’s appointment of Robert Rubin of Goldman Sachs as his secretary of the treasury. She observes how Democrats such as Obama and secretary of state Hillary Clinton extended wars.
The New Power Elite is not a book you take to the beach. It is an academic breakdown of capitalism that exposes its raw underbelly, spelling out how politi cal leaders will prop up the economy at all costs. To cope with the fallout from failing banks and auto manufacturers or a pandemic, they print trillions of dollars
and add significantly to the national debt, then claim there’s no other option as they demand cuts or support efforts to privatize social benefit programs.
By the time you finish The New Power Elite, you might be inclined to a) throw up, b) throw the bums out, or c) throw up your hands and move to an egalitarian socialist country like Sweden. You’ll wonder how long the excesses of American capitalism can continue at home and abroad before the masses wake up, decide the music has already stopped and demand radical change.
To illustrate the ever-widening gap between rich and poor, Gautney notes that, since the start of the pandemic, 573 people have joined the ranks of billion aires (some of whom shelter income from taxes through “philanthropy”), bringing the worldwide total to 2,668. Meanwhile, hundreds of millions more across the world have plunged into poverty.
And again, Gautney points out, Repub lican administrations aren’t alone in
overseeing the widening of that divide. When Clinton was elected president, the United States’ 400 highest-earning taxpayers paid nearly 27 percent of their income in federal taxes; by 2012, when Obama was reelected, that figure was less than 17 percent.
Like Mills, Gautney also highlights the role that celebrities play in this system, both as examples of extreme wealth and as distractions from the discussion of serious issues. She points to the multi million-dollar endorsement contracts for Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan and goes so far as to suggest that Nike increased its profits by running promo tions that encouraged kids to fight over a pair of Air Jordans.
Woods and Jordan never engaged in political activity, however, and other examples could have made Gautney’s point about the power of money in sports more effectively. For instance, the Saudi government has spent billions to lure professional golfers to play in an alterna tive golf tour in an apparent attempt to “sportswash” its war efforts in Yemen and the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Then there’s the sidelining of quarter back Colin Kaepernick, whom National Football League owners, some of them billionaires, blacklisted after he began kneeling during the national anthem in 2016 to protest police brutality and racism in the U.S.
Gautney is at her best when she outlines the role the corporate media have played in propping up the power elite, showing how many journalists and outlets have profited themselves. She traces the disas trous effect of the 1987 upending of the Federal Communications Commission’s fairness doctrine, which had required broadcast license owners to air differing views on controversial issues. That deci sion allowed the rise of broadcast figures such as Rush Limbaugh on the right and Rachel Maddow on the left. Again, Gaut ney doesn’t blame solely the right, instead making a strong case that the “duopoly” of Fox News and MSNBC has stoked the nation’s political divide, with each network appealing to its base to maintain market share.
Gautney condemns the echo-chamber effect this splintering of the media has created. Noting how easily Donald Trump
made the transition from the boardroom of “The Apprentice” to the Oval O ce, she argues that his rise was an inevitable conclusion of changes in the media landscape over decades, combined with America’s fascination with celebrities.
The author warns that “Among the greatest strengths of today’s (and yesterday’s) power elites is their enduring capacity for divide and conquer and ability to convince masses of people that the current system — which predominantly privileges elite interests — is the best of what is possible.” Undoing that system, she writes, will “require moving past the prevailing tendency of liberals and progressives to silo their movements
and campaigns according to particular causes, ideologies, and identities and instead develop[ing] extensive and sustained organizing programs to promote universal freedom and genuine social solidarity.”
It’s hard to feel confident that radical change is possible after reading Gautney’s book. In one chilling passage, she expresses her fear that the past will be repeated:
During and after the Great Depression, such seemingly intractable economic and social inequalities led to the rise of right-wing nationalist forces around the world. In Europe, the resultant anger and despair were harnessed by demagogues who fused corporatism and militarism in amassing authoritarian power. Those forces were also gathering in the United States — recall the mass rally in Madison Square Garden in 1939 involving tens of thousands of neo-Nazis — but were, at least in part, staved o by New Deal social supports and protections. As these protections, rights, and supports are steadily stripped away and human despair grows, right-wing regimes in the United States and around the world are once again redirecting popular anger and humiliation into violent rage and xenophobia. Now, in the United States, when white nationalists march in the streets and fundamentalists infiltrate school boards, voting booths, newsrooms, and the U.S. Capitol, Republicans and their propagandists applaud their e orts and Democrats act as if they had no part in precipitating the decline. Standing above the fray, profiting o the misery, and driving today’s authoritarian turn is a new power elite, who are not only richer and more dominant than ever before but also profoundly more repressive…
God help us.
e New Power Elite by Heather Gautney, Oxford University Press, 336 pages. $29.95.
Axel Stohlberg’s latest exhibi tion, at the Vermont Supreme Court Gallery in Montpelier, is titled “House.” The single word conveys as reductively as possible what his selection of collages and assemblages is about, and it also exemplifies Stohlberg’s characteristic frugality of form.
More to the point is that the Middlesex artist has, over a number of years, produced a stream of two- and three-dimensional works based on the complex concept of home using the most rudimentary geometry. Even young children recognize the stacked square and triangle as a house; Stohlberg’s adult itera tions differ from a kindergartner’s drawing primarily in the omission of a diagonal chimney.
The house shape is appealing graphically, and Stohlberg reorders its angular mass in seemingly endless variants. The paper collages in this exhibition, in stark black and white, are crisp and sophisticated. Not all the pieces suggest Monopoly houses, though; in some designs Stohlberg has abstracted the silhouette into shards.
His assemblages, made of wood and found elements, are more playful. They call to mind a set of children’s blocks, minus the cheerful primary colors.
If the image of a house has visual imme diacy, the construct of home is far more nuanced. To some it signifies shelter, secu rity, family, belonging. For others, it might be aspirational, a dream. Home carries the weight of memory, history, the passage of a life.
In a phone interview, Stohlberg discussed his personal associations with home, the inexhaustible allure of its emblem and the stories he likes to tell with his art.
SEVEN DAYS: I looked through the Seven Days archives at articles we’ve written about you over the years, and every single one talks about the house shape. In one of them, you hint that you might be done with it. But you weren’t, were you?
AXEL STOHLBERG: No, I keep going back to it.
SD: Though you’ve explored other themes, the house remains significant
— perhaps even an identifier for you as an artist. I have to ask, why do you think it persists for you?
AS: I guess it has a lot of meaning to me personally, and I think it’s so strong that people can have their own emotions about it.
SD: I wonder if the house imagery has grown or changed over time, either symbolically or as a geometric design element — or both?
AS: I guess it has grown, to the point where I’m finding so many variations on it. Actually, symbolically — that’s a good word. Things have come up in my mind about that house shape that I never thought about [before].
SD: I would guess that the simplicity and strong graphic quality of the house shape is appealing to you.
AS: It is. I think it’s wonderful that, even when I strip down that shape and the simplicity of it, it’s still identifiable.
SD: I wonder if deconstructing the house shape also has meaning to you?
AS: There is a little bit of that. I guess, personally, I’ve thought about my childhood home. I had to let that go—
SD: Physically or emotionally?
AS: Physically. I had also built a house and had to let that go — I sold it. Also, I guess the deconstructing of homelessness — a few of the pieces in the Supreme Court show can refer to that. So, I guess I was thinking of all those things.
SD: Overall, your work can be character ized as simplified — not only in shapes or mediums but in color. I can’t help but relate this to the clean, uncomplicated design sensibility of Sweden. Your name suggests Scandinavian ancestry, no?
AS: Yes, I’m half Swedish.
SD: Do you think aesthetics can be genetic?
AS: That’s interesting that you bring that up. My father was Swedish — named Axel, as well, so I’m junior. He had shown me Swedish design, and it is very simplistic. So
maybe that influenced me. And, actually, all my work, because I feel like when I’ve gone away from the house shape into abstract or landscape or sculpture, I always have a feeling of making things simplistic. So, you might have a point there.
SD: There’s an economy of materials, too — most evident in your use of found and repurposed objects. AS: A lot of times I’ll just use what I have on hand, instead of going out and spending a lot of money.
SD: What does your work space look like? I imagine a cache of found junk
hanging out, waiting for a new life in one of your assemblages.
AS: I’ve been cutting back on my assemblages, actually. I think I’m going to have a swan song with [them] at some point. Anyway, I don’t have a lot of things anymore. My studio is my studio apartment. When I had studios, I did collect a lot of things. It was a colossal mess. So, now, my studio space is minimal again.
that featured drawings on brown paper coffee bags. Are you still making those?
AS: I am. That’s an ongoing thing. I had started that when I lived in Maine. It was paper that I had on hand, and I really liked the brown kraft paper on the coffee bags. So, I started drawing on them.
SD: I noticed on your website that you categorically separate assemblage and sculpture. But I think observers could be forgiven for not discerning much difference between the two. What, to you, distinguishes an assem blage from a sculpture?
AS: Well, that’s an awful question.
SD: [Laughing] Why is that?
AS: It’s not awful; it’s just a hard question. I think my sculptures, the material of them, they’re not found objects, and my assemblages are. I also feel like sculptures can stand by themselves, and my assemblages, I feel that they can tell stories. I’m not a writer, but I like to create little stories.
SD: Do you mean the objects suggest something of a previous life? Is that the story?
AS: No, I think I create my own. I always have titles to my assemblages, and I don’t always have titles or stories with my sculptures. Some of the pieces I make are serious; some have dark humor.
SD: You work in a number of mediums, with different materials. Do you have a favorite?
AS: No. I’ve never wanted to be a one-trick pony.
SD: Does anyone want that?
AS: I think so. I know people who want to be identified as just a painter or a sculptor. But there’s so many ways to be creative as an artist, I can’t stay with just one medium.
SD: I see what you mean. Are you constantly making art?
AS: Yes, I am. Every once in a while, I pick up a retirement job — what do they call that, supplemental income? But my art is my life.
SD: Let me bounce back to the house again. Do you think you — or all of us — carry a sense of nostalgia for the physical places in which we have lived?
AS: Oh, absolutely, yes. I’ll bring up my adolescence. My family was my brother and I, and my parents had bought a house in the ’40s and they never moved. So, my brother and I lived in the house until [we were] 18. My mother at the time owned the house, so then she moved out.
But my brother and I had so many memories of the house that, years later, we’d just keep talking about [it]. We had so many stories in that house. Every time we would be in that neighborhood, we would talk to the new owners or to each other about the changes in the house.
SD: Where was that?
AS: That was in North Plainfield, N.J.
SD: Are both of your folks gone now?
AS: Yes, and my brother passed away a few months ago. That’s why I dedicated the show at the Supreme Court to him, because he had always encouraged me with my art.
Also, the house my ex-wife and I built in Middlesex, where we raised two kids, we had a lot of memories. I think that’s what I was getting at. Houses can bring a lot of memories.
SD: This conversation — and your work — makes me reflect on my own past homes and the attendant memories, good and bad.
AS: At the opening of the Supreme Court show, I walked around talking to people, and everybody mentioned that they had feelings or memories of their own when they saw a piece of my artwork. I found it really interesting — the house shape does have that power. It’s iconic.
SD: You wield a lot of power, Axel! AS: Oh, boy. m
This interview was edited and condensed for clarity and length.
“House” by Axel Stohlberg, on view through December 30 at the Vermont Supreme Court Gallery in Montpelier. curator.vermont.gov, axelstohlberg.com
Join dance artists Hanna Satterlee, Nicole Dagesse and Jessie Owens for an embodied installation inspired by Rockwell Kent’s portrayals of gesture. The audience is invited to view the human figures in Kent’s prints juxtaposed against moving sculpture and to experience the threedimensional relationships that arise. Please email fleming@uvm.edu if you would like to request special accommodations.
chittenden county
f MEMBERS SHOWCASE: An exhibition of artworks by Karen Schaefer, Preya Holland, Paul Markowtz, JC Wayne and others. Art Walk reception: Friday, December 2, 5-7 p.m. December 2-January 31. Info, info@cal-vt.org. Center for Arts and Learning in Montpelier.
f SCOTT LENHARDT: An exhibition of graphic designs for Burton Snowboards created since 1994 by the Vermont native. Reception: Friday, December 2, 5-8 p.m. December 2-October 31. Info, 253-9911. Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum in Stowe.
middlebury area
upper valley
f MEMBERS HOLIDAY PRINT SHOW: Prints by stu dio members, original prints on handmade greeting cards and small matted prints for sale. Reception: Friday, December 2, 5-7 p.m. December 2-January 30. Info, 295-5901. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio in White River Junction.
Renate Aller
“The Space Between Memory and Expectation” is the evocative title of Aller’s exhibition of 16 archival pigment prints at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. In an artist’s statement she suggests that her works describe both stillness and transition; she references a planet that is continually changing and eroding. The mighty mountain can, and does, move.
“The gradual disappearance of the Earth’s permafrost is a major cause of landslides,” Aller writes. “Entire glaciers, essential sources of drinking water and crop irrigation, disappear and never return. The images in this exhibit create an immersive experience for the viewer and show the interconnectedness of distant environments…”
The German-born, New York-based artist shoots on location — no drone cameras are involved. Filling the museum’s spacious front gallery, the large-format installation directs the viewer’s eye across high, lonely peaks in the Valdez Range in Alaska, the Alps in Europe and the Himalayas in Asia, as well as to a parched-looking Death Valley in California’s Mojave Desert and a dense mangrove swamp in Florida. The images are stunningly
sharp — museum text calls them “picture windows” into these landscapes.
In two photographs of the Atlantic Ocean, though, the water itself is obscured. Particularly in “Atlantic Ocean, USA, 2010,” a haze bleaches the barely visible striations of sand, sea and sky into a pastel abstraction.
Only one of Aller’s photos includes people: a child and two adults utterly dwarfed by undulating hills of sand in “Great Sand Dunes, May 2013.” It was shot at the eponymous national park and preserve in southern Colorado.
It’s a shame that the photographs are covered with glass, because it’s impossible to look at them without seeing the gallery reflected — including photos hung on the opposite wall. Then again, it’s also impossible not to see oneself looking. Confronting one’s place — and culpability — in the flux of this shared environment is not a bad thing.
“Aller asks us to immerse ourselves in our surroundings, to notice every fissure, stipple, vein, and crag, with the understanding that this moment she has frozen in time has passed,” writes curator Sarah Freeman, “and we will never experience the same landscape again.”
At the museum on Saturday, December 3, at 5 p.m., Aller discusses her work with Arezoo Moseni, senior art librarian at the New York Public Library. A progressive rock performance by Moseni’s husband, Steve Cox, precedes the talk.
f VERMONT ARTISTS GROUP SHOW: Thirteen featured artists present paintings, drawings, photography, basketry and more. Reception: Friday, December 2, 5-8 p.m. December 1-January 29. Info, artetcvt@gmail.com. ART, etc. in Randolph.
ART WALK: Pedestrian visitors experience art, meet local artists, and explore downtown shops, restau rants and galleries. Various Montpelier locations, Friday, December 2, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 223-9604.
ARTIST CONVERSATION: RENATE ALLER AND AREZOO MOSENI: The artists discuss “The Space Between Memory and Expectation,” Aller’s exhibit of large-format photographs and a site-specific installation curated by director of exhibitions Sarah Freeman. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Saturday, December 3, 5 p.m. Free. Info, 257-0124.
‘ARTSGIVING’: A 10th annual showcase of works by 10 artists for sale, live entertainment, body painting, raffles and refreshments. Presented by Arts So Wonderful. Courtyard Marriott Burlington Harbor, Friday, December 2, 5-8 p.m. $10. Info, Artssowonderful2@gmail.com.
BTV WINTER MARKET: A European-style outdoor market featuring a rotating group of 20 local artists, makers and food vendors. Burlington City Hall Park, Friday, December 2, noon-6 p.m.; and Saturday, December 3, and Sunday, December 4, noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.
CAT ART SHOW & SALE: Local and regional artists showcase work celebrating feline friends in mediums including pen and ink, printmaking, sculpture, and photography. Sales benefit Elmore SPCA and Focus on Ferals. Chapter One Coffee & Tea, Plattsburgh, N.Y., Sunday, December 4, 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Info, 518-335-2295.
FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK AND WINE TASTING: Sip wines from Artisanal Cellars while perusing ceramic bowls by Cristina Salusti, small conceptual art pieces by Luciana Frigerio, hand-carved wooden sculpture and bowls by Ria Blaas, and raven prints and new cutlery by Stacy Hopkins. Scavenger Gallery, White River Junction, Friday, December 2, 5:30-7 p.m. Info, 603-443-3017.
HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE: Visitors of all ages enjoy live music, raffles, the annual toy trains exhibit and more. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History, Middlebury, Saturday, December 3, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 388-2117.
HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE & FUNDRAISER: Former Vermont photographer Allan Nyiri donated images of Vermont landscape and architecture to help support the nonprofit community arts organization. Stone Valley Arts at Fox Hill, Poultney, Saturday, December 3, 1-4 p.m. Info, 325-2603.
HOLIDAY OPEN STUDIOS: John Marius and friends offer locally made metal art, jewelry and more. Champlain Metals, Burlington, Friday, December 2, 5-8 p.m. Info, 363-6094.
JOHN R. KILLACKY VIDEOS: In commemoration of World AIDS Day, the gallery screens the acclaimed AIDS trilogy made in the 1990s. Screenings at 5:30, 6, 6:30 and 7 p.m., cosponsored by Rainbow Umbrella of Central Vermont. The Susan Calza Gallery, Montpelier, Thursday, December 1, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 224-6827.
OPEN STUDIO: Make art alongside other artists, socialize, get feedback and try out new mediums. No experience required; art supplies provided. Hosted by the Howard Center Arts Collective, whose members have experience with mental health and/ or substance-use challenges. ONE Arts Center, Burlington, Monday, December 5, 12:30-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, artscollective@howardcenter.org.
TALK: CHRISTOPHER KAUFMAN ILSTRUP: The Henry Sheldon Museum invites members and the public to attend its annual meeting followed by a conversation with the executive director of Vermont Humanities, titled “Humanities in the Heart of Community.” Register for Zoom link at henrysheldonmuseum.org. Online, Monday, December 5, 7 p.m. Info, 388-2117.
VERMONT CLAY GUILD HOLIDAY EVENT: The annual pottery exhibition and sale features members’ works in a variety of styles. Queen City Brewery, Burlington, Friday, December 2, 4-8 p.m., and Saturday, December 3, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Info, vermontclayguild@gmail.com.
VIRTUAL VISITING ARTIST TALK: WYLIE GARCIA: The Charlotte-based artist talks about her work using textiles, painting, drawing, sound and performance. Register to receive Zoom link at vermontstudiocenter.org. Online, Wednesday, November 30, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 635-2727.
‘ANYWHERE FROM ANYWHERE’: A collection of drawings by more than 20 artists. Through December 1. Info, hello@thekarmabirdhouse.com. Karma Bird House Gallery in Burlington.
ART AT THE HOSPITAL: Photographs by Greg Nicolai and Caleb Kenna (Main Street Connector, ACC 3); relief monotypes by Erika Lawlor Schmidt (Main Street Connector); acrylic paintings by Sandra Berbeco (McClure 4 and EP2); oil and mixed-media paintings by James Vogler (EP2); and oil paintings by Julia Purinton (BCC). Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through January 23. Info, 865-7296. University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington.
ART AT THE MALTEX: Paintings by Pievy Polyte, Shannon O’Connell, Nancy Chapman and Ashley MacWalters and photography by Brian Drourr and Robert Fahey. Through April 8. Info, 865-7296. The Maltex Building in Burlington.
ART HOP JURIED SHOW: Artwork by more than 70 artists submitted for competition in the 30th annual South End Art Hop; juried by David Griffin. Through December 10. Info, 859-9222. The Vaults in Burlington.
BILL MCDOWELL: “Roxham Road to North Elba,” color photographs that challenge viewers to consider complex ideas around borders, migration, privilege and racism. MATT LARSON: Acrylic paintings by the local artist. VALERIE HIRD: “The Garden of Absolute Truths,” small interactive theaters, hand-drawn animated videos, paintings and drawings by the Burlington artist that utilize familiar childhood stories to examine current power inequities. Through January 28. Info, 865-7166. BCA Center in Burlington.
‘BLACK FREEDOM, BLACK MADONNA & THE BLACK CHILD OF HOPE’: Designed by Raphaella Brice and created by Brice and Josie Bunnell, this mural installed for Burlington’s 2022 Juneteenth celebration features a Haitian-inspired image of liberation. Through June 18. Info, 865-7166. Fletcher Free Library in Burlington.
‘CALL AND RESPONSE’: Artworks by 15 members of the Howard Arts Collective, each inspired by a piece in the museum’s collections. ‘DARK GODDESS: AN EXPLORATION OF THE SACRED FEMININE’: Largescale black-and-white photographs by Shanta Lee, based on the inquiry, “Who or what is the Goddess when she is allowed to misbehave?” ROCKWELL KENT: Prints by the iconic American artist (18821971) from the Ralf C. Nemec collection. Through
December 9. Info, 656-0750. Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont, in Burlington.
f CHRISTY MITCHELL: “Object Permanence,” an installation that is part dream and part allegory of our collective experience with COVID-19 and the new world that surrounds us. Closing reception: Friday, December 2, 5-8 p.m. Through December 2. Info, spacegalleryvt@gmail.com. The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington.
CLARK DERBES: “Skateboarding Is Performance Art,” trompe l’oeil objects, shaped paintings and sculptures featuring colorful grids and bands that pay homage to the architecture that skateboarding utilizes. Through January 12. Info, 233-2943. Safe and Sound Gallery in Burlington.
‘CONNECTIONS’: Howard Center Arts Collective presents an art installation of painted mailboxes and mosaics, inviting viewers to reflect on the benefits of old-fashioned mail delivery and to consider whether mailboxes have become relics of the past. Through July 31. Info, artscollective@howardcenter.org. Howard Center in Burlington.
DANA PIAZZA: “Processing,” acrylic abstract drawings on paper, panel and canvas that follow algorithms con ceived by the Massachusetts artist. Through December 3. Info, 324-0014. Soapbox Arts in Burlington.
‘GUARDIANS OF THE GREAT OUTDOORS’: An exhibi tion in which young explorers can roam forests, navigate streams and become backyard adventurers while learning to become thoughtful stewards of the land. Through January 15. Info, 864-1848. ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain in Burlington.
‘MORE THAN A MARKET’: An exhibit celebrating local, immigrant-owned markets in Burlington, South Burlington and Winooski, featuring an installation that re-creates the feel of a busy market, as well as wall panels with archival and contemporary photographs. Third floor. Through December 23. Info, 989-4723, cbarrett@historicnewengland.org. O.N.E. Community Center in Burlington.
SAM WYATT: “Writing on the Wall Project,” paintings that explore graffiti as a reflection of this moment in American society and culture, curated by Burlington City Arts. Through December 7. Info, 865-7296. Burlington City Hall.
ARTFUL ICE SHANTIES: The museum and Retreat Farm invite artists, ice fishing enthusiasts, tiny house aficionados, designbuilders, and creative groups and individuals of all ages and experience levels to enter this annual exhibition of creative shanties. Details and registration at brattleboromuseum.org. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Through December 16. Free. Info, 257-0124.
‘BEACON OF LIGHT’: This social commentary exhibit invites artists to challenge viewers to consider our day, our options and what our country represents or could embody moving forward. Show dates: March 15 to April 29. Deadline: January 28. Details at studioplacearts.com. Studio Place Arts, Barre. $10; free for SPA members. Info, submissions. studioplacearts@gmail.com.
CALL FOR EXHIBITORS: Enter your group show, traveling exhibit or new body of work for the 2022-23 season in our community gallery. We seek thought-provoking exhibits that examine the human experience. CAL is an interdisciplinary art center that celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion in all forms. Submit artwork at cal-vt.org. Deadline: December 31. Center for Arts and Learning, Montpelier. Info, 595-5252.
CALL FOR MEMBERS: Become part of a thriving hub for music and art education. CAL is committed to enhancing the cultural life of central Vermont through its founding member organizations, as well as embracing individual artists, musicians and other nonprofits in a
‘VOICES OF ST. JOSEPH’S ORPHANAGE’: Photographs and stories of abuse and recovery from the Catholic-run Burlington orphanage, which was home to more than 13,000 children from 1854 to 1974. Presented by the St. Joseph’s Orphanage Restorative Inquiry and the Vermont Folklife Center. Through December 16. Info, 656-2138. Billings Library, University of Vermont, in Burlington.
‘ABENAKI CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE VERMONT COMMUNITY’: A series of murals designed by Scott Silverstein in consultation with Abenaki artists Lisa Ainsworth Plourde and Vera Longtoe Sheehan and members of Richmond Racial Equity; the 10 panels celebrate the Abenaki origins of practices still important to Vermont culture. Through May 31. Info, radiate.art.space@gmail.com. Richmond Town Hall.
BRECCA LOH & KRISTINA PENTEK: Abstracted land scape paintings and color photographs, respectively. Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through February 14. Info, 865-7296. Pierson Library in Shelburne.
DEB PEATE: A solo exhibit of 20 whimsical paper animal heads featuring William Morris textile designs and vintage jewelry. Through December 31. Info, dpeate@yahoo.com. Healthy Living Market & Café in South Burlington.
‘FOR THE LOVE OF ABSTRACT ART’: A curated exhibition of paintings by Vermont artists. Through December 31. Info, 662-4808. ArtHound Gallery in Essex.
NORTHERN EXPOSURE PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP: “A Diverse View of Our Land and Our Sky,” photographs. Through December 22. Info, 899-3211. Emile A. Gruppe Gallery in Jericho.
‘OUR COLLECTION: ELECTRA HAVEMEYER WEBB, EDITH HALPERT AND FOLK ART’: A virtual exhibition that celebrates the friendship between the museum founder and her longtime art dealer, featuring archival photographs and ephemera, a voice recording from Halpert, and quotations pulled from the women’s extensive correspondences. Through February 9. ‘WINTER LIGHTS’: The buildings and gardens glow in multicolored illuminations for the holiday season. Purchase timed tickets at shelburnemuseum.org. Through January 1. $15 for adults; $10 for ages 3 to 17; free for children under 3. Info, 985-3346. Shelburne Museum.
collaborative and welcoming community. Register at cal-vt.org. Center for Arts and Learning, Montpelier, Through December 31. $36 annually. Info, 595-5252.
GINGERBREAD HOUSE COMPETITION: After two years of holding the annual contest remotely, the event is back as a hybrid: in person and online, December 6 to 16. Prizes awarded in a number of categories; the public can vote on people’s choice. Details and registration at vtfolklife.org. Vermont Folklife Center, Middlebury. Through December 1. $10. Info, 388-4964.
GLASSTASTIC 2023: The Brattleboro Museum & Art Center invites children in grades K-6 to submit drawings for imaginary creatures, which professional glass artists from around New England will turn into 3D glass sculptures for a spring exhibit. Guidelines and entry forms can be found at brattleboromuseum.org or picked up in person at the museum. Online. Through December 16. Info, 257-0124.
GREAT STREETS: MAIN STREET PROJECT: Burlington City Arts is issuing a request for qualifications from artists or artist teams for public art works to be incorporated into the Main Street project in downtown Burlington. Selected works will reflect the diversity of the city’s residents, explore its history, create meaningful landmarks in the built environment and connect the people, the land and the lake. Info at greatstreetsbtv.com. Online. Through December 16. Info, cstorrs@ burlingtoncityarts.org.
‘THE HEART SHOW’: Seeking submissions to an exhibition in which artists create unique works
ROB HITZIG & BEAR CIERI: Abstract geometric paintings on birch panels (Skyway) and photographs from the artist’s Quarry Survey (Gates 1-8). Through December 6. Info, 865-7296. Burlington International Airport in South Burlington.
SAM BARTLETT: “Low Stakes: Plywood Cutouts and Everyday Comix,” cartoonish 2D sculptures in wood by the artist, musician and stuntologist. Through December 3. Info, wmentor@smcvt.edu. McCarthy Art Gallery, Saint Michael’s College, in Colchester.
SMALL WORKS: An exhibition of petite paintings by Anne Cady, Charlotte Dworshak, Maria Flores Gallindo, Edward Holland, Julia Jensen and Hannah Sessions. Through December 31. Info, 877-2173. Northern Daughters Annex Gallery in Shelburne.
SOUTH BURLINGTON SHOWCASE: An exhibition of more than 60 paintings, photographs and mixedmedia works by local artists Gin Ferrara, Jeffrey Pascoe and Michael Strauss. Through December 13. Info, gallery@southburlingtonvt.gov. South Burlington Public Art Gallery.
ANNE DAVIS: “Fresh Paint,” new paintings by the Vermont artist. Through December 9. Info, anne@ annemadecards.com. Central Vermont Medical Center in Berlin.
f AXEL STOHLBERG: “House,” collages and sculptures that consider the concepts of dwelling and place. Art Walk reception: Friday, December 2, 4:30-7 p.m. Through December 30. Info, 279-5558. Vermont Supreme Court Gallery in Montpelier.
‘CELEBRATE!’: A holiday show featuring works by more than 70 SPA member artists, displayed on all three floors. Through December 28. Info, 479-7069. Studio Place Arts in Barre.
MARCIA HILL & CINDY GRIFFITH: Vibrant pastels that capture the spirit, energy and intensity of the natural world. Through December 28. Info, 479-0896. Espresso Bueno in Barre.
ROBIN CROFUT-BRITTINGHAM: Large-scale watercolor paintings that address themes of nature, extinction and mythology. A portion of sales support the center’s mission of connecting people with the natural world. Through December 31. Free. Info, 229-6206. North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier.
in the universal heart shape. An online auction in February will benefit local nonprofits selected by the artists. DM or email heartshowrr@gmail. com for info and to sign up. Village Wine and Coffee, Shelburne. Through December 31. $20. Info, heartshowrr@gmail.com.
‘ONE + ONE IS MORE THAN TWO’: This show is about multiple artworks by an artist that relate to each other as a group, in some cases using repeti tion of pattern, form, shape, color and comparative imagery. Show dates: May 10 to June 24. Deadline: March 25. Details at studioplacearts.com. Studio Place Arts, Barre. $10; free for SPA members. Info, submissions.studioplacearts@gmail.com.
SMALL AND LARGE WORKS: The annual holiday exhibition features pre-framed artworks 12 inches or smaller, as well as pieces 2 to 6 feet in any direction. Open to all ages and mediums; studio members get the first entry free in both shows. Details and application at spacegalleryvt.com. The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery, Burlington. Through December 5. $3 per entry.
‘UNCONDITIONAL’: AVA Gallery and Art Center in Lebanon, N.H., seeks artwork about dogs and other beloved pets for an exhibit January 13 to February 11. Deadline: December 19. Apply at avagallery.org. Online. $15. Info, 603-448-3117.
VERMONT STUDENT WILDLIFE ART CONTEST: The Vermont Wildlife Coalition’s Education Fund and Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro invite Vermont students in grades 7 to 12 to submit wildlife art in oil, acrylic, watercolor, pencil, ink or pastel. The top 40 will be exhibited in
‘THE WORLD THROUGH THEIR EYES’: Watercolors and drawings by 19th-century Norwich alumni William Brenton Boggs and Truman Seymour depict ing scenes in North and South America, Asia, Europe and Africa. Through December 16. Info, 485-2886. Sullivan Museum & History Center, Norwich University, in Northfield.
‘GEMS & GIANTS’: An annual exhibition of large and small artworks including landscapes, abstracts, florals, portraits and still lifes by gallery members.
2022 LEGACY COLLECTION: An exhibit of works by 16 distinguished New England landscape artists plus a selection of works by Alden Bryan and Mary Bryan. Through December 24. Info, 644-5100. Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville.
MARYA LOWE: “Scattered Cohesion,” contemporary wall quilts and textiles by the Vermont artist. Through January 14. Info, 646-519-1781. Minema Gallery in Johnson.
TARANEH MOSADEGH: Paintings by the IranianAmerican artist based in Halifax, Vt., and Brooklyn, N.Y. Through November 30. Info, 635-2727. Vermont Studio Center in Johnson.
‘WHEN THE WELL IS DRY: An exhibition featuring 11 artists who explore the interconnection of environ ment, climate change, culture and community. In partnership with Visura. Through December 10. Info, 253-8358. The Current in Stowe.
VERMONT WATERCOLOR SOCIETY AWARDS SHOW: An exhibition of paintings by society members, juried by nationally acclaimed watercolor artist Antonio Mass, president of the American Watercolor Society. Thirteen awards will be presented. Through December 16. Info, 496-6682. The Gallery at Mad River Valley Arts in Waitsfield.
‘ADDISON COUNTY COLLECTS’: An eclectic exhibition of objects and personal stories from 36 area collec tors, celebrating the local and global community.
February; prizes awarded. Details and application at vtwildlifeeducationfund.org. Deadline: December 9. Online. Free. Info, 434-3135.
WELCOME BLANKET PROJECT: The public is invited to submit handmade blankets and welcome notes to gift to refugees and new Americans. Both will be displayed in an upcoming exhibition before distribution. Welcome Blanket was created by Jayna Zweiman, cofounder of the Pussyhat Project. Instructions and drop-off locations at themillmuseum.org. Heritage Winooski Mill Museum. Through November 30. Info, info@ themillmuseum.org.
‘WHAT MAKES A LAKE?’: Another Earth is seeking submissions from Vermont artists and current or former residents of photography, cyanotypes, drawings, writing, video stills, field recordings and historical images that are in some way connected to Lake Champlain. Those accepted will be included in a visual guide to what makes a lake, published in spring 2023. Details and submission instructions at another-earth.com. Online. Through January 31. Info, anotherearthsubmissions@gmail.com.
‘WHIR, CLANK, BEEP’: An upcoming show is about machines: simple levers and pulleys, farm equipment, robots, computers and AI. Kinetic sculpture, working machines, 2D and 3D depictions of real and invented machines, and sculptures made from machine parts are all welcome. Deadline: December 10. Info at studioplacearts.com. Studio Place Arts, Barre. $10; free for SPA members. Info, 479-7069.
growing exhibition of photos of Addison County children with their personal collections. ‘ARTISTS IN THE ARCHIVES: COMMUNITY, HISTORY & COLLAGE’: Collage prints by 23 artists from seven countries that reflect upon the idea of community in the 21stcentury world. Curated by Kolaj Institute director Ric Kasini Kadour. ‘THE ELEPHANT IN THE ARCHIVES’: An experimental exhibit reexamining the museum’s Stewart-Swift Research Center archival collections with a critical eye toward silences, erasures and contemporary relevance. CHUCK HERRMANN: “Sculptures of Perseverance,” eight poignant works by the Shoreham wood carver created in response to the ongoing Ukrainian tragedy. Through January 7. Info, 388-2117. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History in Middlebury.
BONNIE BAIRD: “Tethered,” new landscape paintings by the Vermont artist. Through November 30. Info, 877-2173. Northern Daughters in Vergennes.
‘DEFINE SMALL’: An annual exhibition of petite paintings, featuring new work from established gallery artists Sara Katz, Kay Flierl and Duncan Johnson, as well as work from new Edgewater artist Larry Horowitz. More works at Edgewater Gallery at the Falls. Through December 31. Info, 989-7419. Edgewater Gallery on the Green in Middlebury.
A MERRY LITTLE MARKET: A maker market featur ing fine artwork, pottery, candles, jewelry and more by local artisans, plus handcrafted ornaments and holiday cards. Through January 14. Info, 989-7225. Sparrow Art Supply in Middlebury.
‘NO OCEAN BETWEEN US: ART OF ASIAN DIASPORAS IN LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN, 1945-PRESENT’: Seventy important works in a variety of mediums by Latin American and Caribbean artists of Asian heritage that demonstrate how the work emerged from cross-directional global dialogues between artists, their cultural identities and interac tion with artistic movements. Through December 11. Info, 443-5007. Middlebury College Museum of Art.
ANNUAL HOLIDAY EXHIBIT & SHOPPE: An allmember exhibition of items in a variety of mediums. Through December 10. Info, 775-0356. Chaffee Art Center in Rutland.
JUST IMAGINE: A HOLIDAY GIVING MARKET: Handcrafted wares including pottery, stained glass, jewelry, photography, ornaments, dolls, and original works by more than 30 Vermont artists. Through January 29. Info, 247-4956. Brandon Artists Guild.
‘BEYOND WORDS’: A group exhibition of bookinspired art by invited artists in the Connecticut River Valley region. Through November 30. Info, 295-4567. Long River Gallery in White River Junction.
‘I NEVER SAW IT THAT WAY: EXPLORING SCIENCE THROUGH ART: This self-curated exhibition of mixed-media works by artists, sculptors, photogra phers and crafters on the museum staff considers science from fresh perspectives. Through January 31. Info, 649-2200. Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich.
JENNIFER MAHARRY: Fine art wildlife photography by the Woodstock, N.Y., artist in celebration of VINS’ 50-year anniversary. Through November 30. Info, 359-5000. Vermont Institute of Natural Science in Quechee.
‘MENDING THE SPACES BETWEEN: REFLECTIONS AND CONTEMPLATIONS’: Prompted by a vandalized Bible, 22 artists and poets respond to questions about how we can mend our world, find ways to listen and work together. Through November 30. Info, 649-0124. Norwich Historical Society and Community Center.
‘1,111 COPPER NAILS’: A 36-year retrospective of the Bread and Puppet calendar. Through December 31. Info, breadandpuppetcuratrix@gmail.com. Hardwick Inn.
ANNUAL HOLIDAY FAIR: A variety of handmade wares by member artists and guest artisans, including jewelry, pottery, glassware, textiles, rugs and more. Through January 6. Info, 748-0158. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury.
‘COMING CLEAN’: An exhibition that considers bathing practices throughout time and across cultures, including religious immersion and ritual purification, bathing as health cure, methods of washing in extreme environments, and much more. All kinds of bathing and scrubbing implements are on display. Through April 30. Info, 626-4409. The Museum of Everyday Life in Glover.
ELLY BARKSDALE: “The Beauty of Horses,” paintings. Through December 28. Info, 525-3366. The Parker Pie Company in West Glover.
‘TIME OF CHANGE’: A group exhibition featuring works in a variety of mediums by 21 local artists. Through January 4. Info, melmelts@yahoo.com. The Satellite Gallery in Lyndonville.
‘WINTER LIGHT’: An exhibition that celebrates winter in the Northeast Kingdom, as well as other cultures and traditions. Through January 7. Info, 334-1966. MAC Center for the Arts in Newport.
‘WE FEEL OUR WAY THROUGH WHEN WE DON’T KNOW’: A group exhibition of works by Mariel Capanna, Oscar Rene Cornejo, Cheeny CelebradoRoyer, Vessna Scheff, Gerald Euhon Sheffield II and Lachell Workman, guest-curated by Michael Jevon Demps, that address themes of community, mem ory, dissonance, displacement, intimacy and loss. Through February 12. ALISON MORITSUGU: “Moons and Internment Stones,” watercolor paintings of rocks gathered by the artist’s grandfather while he was imprisoned at the Santa Fe Internment Camp during World War II paired with oil paintings of the moon. Through February 12. JUDITH KLAUSNER: “(De)composed,” sculptures of objects usually considered ruined, meticulously crafted from a child’s modeling medium, expressing a reevaluation of the under-appreciated. Through March 4. MADGE EVERS: “The New Herbarium,” works on paper using mushroom spores and plant matter as artistic mediums. Through February 12. OASA DUVERNEY: “Black Power Wave,” a window installation of draw ings by the Brooklyn artist, inspired by images of Chinese Fu dogs, the cross and the Yoruba deity Èsù. Through May 6. RENATE ALLER: “The Space Between Memory and Expectation,” an immersive installation of large-format photographs of mountains, glaciers, trees, ocean and other natural landscapes, plus an assemblage of lichen-covered rocks from the West Brattleboro home of artists Wolf Kahn and Emily Mason. Through February 12. Info, 257-0124. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center.
f ‘ART FOR ALL SEASONAL GROUP SHOW’: More than two dozen local artists present their works in a variety of mediums, sizes and prices in celebration of the gallery’s sixth year. 3rd Friday Gallery Night: Friday, December 16, 5-7 p.m. Through January 7.
‘THE AMENDMENT XXIX RIGHT TO PRIVACY SHOW’: A collection of artworks signifying artists’ personal expression on a Right to Privacy amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Artists include: Clare Adams, Nancy Fitz-Rapalje, Corinne Greenhalgh, Yevette Hendler, Marcie Maynard, Roxy Rubell and Jeanette Staley. Through December 10. Info, 289-0104. Canal Street Art Gallery in Bellows Falls.
f ‘FIGURING IT OUT’: Figure drawings and paint ings by John Loggia, Jason Alden, Matthew Beck, Peter Harris, Marki Sallick, Martha Werman and Tina K. Olsen. First Friday gallery walk: Friday, December 2, 5-9 p.m. Through December 30. Info, 380-4997. 118 Elliot in Brattleboro.
JOE NORRIS: “Elemental Abstractions: Works,” paintings that explore the space between representational and abstract art using typography, collage and graphic elements. Through February 13. Info, 387-0102. Next Stage Arts Project in Putney.
‘WHERE ARE WE?’: An exhibition of works in multiple mediums by Andrea Stix Wasserman, Elizabeth Billings and Evie Lovett, the inaugural Climate Change Artists in Residence at the Brattleboro
Museum & Art Center. Through December 19. Info, 257-0124. Michael S. Currier Center, Putney School.
‘PERSPECTIVES: THE STORY OF BENNINGTON THROUGH MAPS’: A collection that shows the changing roles of maps, from those made by European colonists showcasing American conquests to later versions that celebrate civic progress and historic events. ‘THE WALLOOMSAC EXHIBITION’: Objects from the historic former inn and the museum’s permanent collection. Through December 31. Info, 447-1571. Bennington Museum.
ARTISAN HOLIDAY MARKET: Local makers present knitwear, cards, calendars, art prints, comestibles, salves, jewelry and more for the gifting season. Through December 24. Info, 728-9878. Chandler Center for the Arts in Randolph.
‘ACTION FIGURES: OBJECTS IN MOTION’: A virtual exhibition from the Shelburne Museum that explores the theme of movement and action in art. Through April 30. Free. Info, 985-3346.
‘PRIDE 1983’: Castleton University Bank Gallery presents an online exhibition of photographs and other documents of Vermont’s first Pride March on June 25, 1983, in Burlington; organized by the Vermont Folklife Center and the Pride Center of Vermont. Through January 15. Info, 1-800-639-8521.
CAMPUS THEATER MOVIE POSTERS: The Henry Sheldon Museum Archives presents a virtual exhibit of posters and other ephemera from Middlebury’s former movie theater, which opened in 1936. It was later converted to the current Marquis Theater. Through January 7. Info, 388-2117. Online.
f AVA MEMBERS HOLIDAY EXHIBITION: A show and sale of items by Vermont and New Hampshire artists. Open house: Saturday, December 3, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., with open studios and demonstrations, followed by reception, 5-7 p.m. Through December 30. Info, 603-448-3117. AVA Gallery and Art Center in Lebanon, N.H.
‘DIANE ARBUS: PHOTOGRAPHS, 1956-1971’: Nearly 100 black-and-white prints shot by the late American photographer primarily around New York City. Through January 29. ‘SEEING LOUD: BASQUIAT AND MUSIC’: The first large-scale multimedia exhibition devoted to the role of music in the work of the innovative American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, organized in collaboration with the Philharmonie de Paris museum. Through February 19. ‘VIEWS OF WITHIN: PICTURING THE SPACES WE INHABIT’: More than 60 paintings, photographs, prints, installations and textile works from the museum’s collection that present one or more evocations of interior space. Through June 30. SHARY BOYLE: “Outside the Palace of Me,” a multisensory exhibition that explores how identity and personality are constructed in the age of social media. Through January 15. Info, 514-285-2000.
Montréal Museum of Fine Arts.
‘MADAYIN: EIGHT DECADES OF ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIAN BARK PAINTING FROM YIRRKALA’: The first major exhibition of Aboriginal Australian bark paintings to tour the U.S., a contemporary interpretation of an ancient tradition of Indigenous knowledge expression. Through December 4. PARK
DAE SUNG: “Ink Reimagined,” 23 ink paintings, some on view for the first time in the U.S., by the renowned Korean artist; curated by Sunglim Kim, Dartmouth College associate professor of art history. Through March 19. Info, 603-646-3661. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, in Hanover, N.H.
NELSON HENRICKS: Immersive video installations by the Montréal artist in which visual and sound editing create a musical dynamic, and which explore subjects from the history of art and culture. Through April 10. Info, 514-847-6226. Montréal Museum of Contemporary Art. m
On a mild day last week, as I walked the dog around the Old North End of Burlington, I had a frankly shocking thought.
Enough of this spring weather crap, I growled to myself. Just get to the white stu already.
No, not cocaine, though I can understand why you might assume that. I’m talking snow. I found myself anticipating a layering-up, putting-on-thesnow-tires, no-one-has-seen-the-sun-indays, let’s-just-get-this-over-with kind of Vermont winter. After living up north for decades, had I finally gone native?
Eh, not really. I’m not the kind of person who freaks out and runs for his snowboard as soon as Mount Mansfield turns white. Maybe I’d grown more pragmatic and just figured that the sooner we started the winter, the sooner we could end it. Because that’s science, right? For real, I’m asking. No? That’s not true? Well, shit.
Then I decided it wasn’t winter itself I was anticipating, but the holiday season. Which seemed weird, because it’s rare for me to get into the holiday spirit. Don’t get me wrong, I love the whole aesthetic, but Christmastime for me mainly means meeting deadlines, driving and avoiding Hallmark movies.
No, it’s not even the holidays themselves that get me excited — it’s their music. The first time each year that I hear “Christmas in Hollis” by RUN DMC, something inside me changes. All of my snarky comments about retail culture and postcapitalism quickly turn into an obsession with holiday music and the weirdness that surrounds the tiny subgenre.
For example, did you know that legendary record producer and future murderer PHIL SPECTOR made a holiday record in 1963 called A Christmas Gift for You From Phil Spector? In a strange bit of foreshadowing, the album was released on the very day that president John F. Kennedy was assassinated. The BEACH BOYS’ “Little Saint Nick” was released just a few weeks after that, and the song still managed to chart. Christmas 1, Lee Harvey Oswald 0! (Too soon?)
Or take the recent story about MARIAH CAREY trying — and failing — to trademark the title “Queen of Christmas.” The singer of “All I Want for Christmas Is
You” attempted to lock down “Princess Christmas” and “QOC” while she was at it, but the U.S. Patent and Trademark O ce bah-humbugged her e orts.
Something about the holidays inspires musicians to move out of their comfort zones and attempt to capture the festive spirit in song. Their e orts often go astray — and the results are all the better for it.
In Vermont, musicians have already started churning out this year’s weird, wonderful holiday music. First up is the return of JAMES KOCHALKA SUPERSTAR, the recently revived band of cartoonist and musician JAMES KOCHALKA. He’s been teasing a forthcoming album full of collaborations such as his Halloween
tune “The Mummy’s on the Loose,” which featured the DEAD KENNEDYS’ JELLO BIAFRA and ROUGH FRANCIS
“Punching the Christmas Tree” dropped on Black Friday — appropriately, since the song deals with all the angst the holiday season can bring. “Blinking lights and jingle bells got me feeling like an elf who has fallen o the shelf / Everybody save yourselves,”
Kochalka sings over a frantic, rocking song featuring his friends NEIL CLEARY and BENNY YURCO. The two producers layered various instruments and backing vocals over Kochalka’s basic track, which was fittingly created on a Game Boy. It’s already a Christmas classic, as far as I’m concerned.
DYLAN PATRICK WARD has teamed up with Bennington’s NATE GOYETTE to make a proper countrified tune of Christmas heartbreak called “I Don’t Want a Thing From You This Christmas.” Telling the tale of a jilted lover who rebu s the apologies of her ex, the song features biting lyrics such as “Jesus Christ was born in a manger / He may forgive you, but I don’t / You can spend Christmas with a stranger / Who’ll do for you all the things I won’t.”
On Ward’s Bandcamp page, he describes the song as having been “written in a trailer park on a crisp December afternoon in Bennington.” The track sounds exactly like that, with twangy guitar licks and a shu ing rhythm underpinning Ward and Goyette’s sad-sack story of holiday divorce.
“Merry Christmas everyone,” Ward writes, “and if he don’t respect you, leave his ass!”
It’s not all holiday sour grapes, though. Local hip-hop artist MISTER BURNS (LYNGUISTIC CIVILIANS) has teamed up with North Carolina-based rapper C.SHREVE THE PROFESSOR for a December tour of New England. The nine shows, starting on December 9 at the Snow Shoe Lodge & Pub in Montgomery Center and ending on December 17 at Montpelier’s Bent Nails Bistro, are part of the series “Rapping for Presents.” Presented by AEOLIAN SOUND, the shows raise money for Burlington’s Lund, a nonprofit dedicated to breaking the cycles of abuse, poverty and addiction.
The shows feature other local rappers such as CL SMOOTH and ODDISEE supporting Mister Burns and C.Shreve the Professor, as well as an interactive fundraising game with prizes from Vermont Teddy Bear, Switchback Brewing and Darn Tough.
It’s not even December yet, so you know this is just the first round of holiday music. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for tips on the good holiday shows — as well as the oft-demanded Best of the Year review.
New York City-turned-Charlotte artist and musician ZACH POLLAKOFF is back with his project NARROW SHOULDERS. The experimental trip-hop act premiered two songs on Tuesday, both collaborations
with Texas rapper ULTRAVIOLETENVY, a member of Pollakoff’s TWOSYLLABLE RECORDS label.
The first track, “I Guess,” features Burlington artist and singer LIZA PHILLIP The B side, “Every Time,” showcases rapper and producer RIVAN. A music video for “I Guess” also debuted on Tuesday and includes hand-painted stop-motion animation from Vermont painter WYLIE GARCIA
To celebrate the release of his new tracks, Pollakoff plays a show on Friday, December 2, at the BCA Center on Burlington’s Church Street. Montréal electronic artist OURI joins the bill, as well as local dancers SAGE HORSEY and STEPH WILSON.
Singer-songwriter and folk music teacher
IDA MAE SPECKER is riding the Arts Bus, a traveling art and music studio, theater, and pop-up library dedicated to engaging the creativity of Vermont’s kids. Over the summer, Specker recorded the song “Vermont, Our Home” in Manchester, Rutland, Stockbridge and Bethel, adding the voices of an assortment of her young students.
The video for the song is up now
on the Arts Bus’ YouTube channel, featuring some lovely shots of the Green Mountain State and Specker and her students frolicking and singing “Vermont’s our home” together.
Williston’s TRANSITORY SYMPHONY is celebrating a decade as a band. The alternative folk act, a brainchild of singersongwriters JAMES HELTZ and TOM HANEY, has released Underground Celebrities, an anniversary compilation/greatest hits album. In addition to songs from the band’s previous six albums, it features four brand-new tracks, including “Blue Skies and Yellow Fields (will always be free),” a song dedicated to the people of Ukraine and featuring excerpts from speeches made by Ukrainian President VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY.
“Ten years is a nice round number,” Heltz wrote in an email. “As a teenager during the summer, I would lie awake at night and hear the sounds from the car radios drifting in and out of my bedroom as they passed by on the street. It was a collage of rock & roll, folk, pop, jazz, soul, country, big bands and the blues. A Transitory Symphony.”
Many happy returns, fellas. m
Bluegrass & BBQ (bluegrass) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Irish Sessions (Celtic folk) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.
Jazz Night with Ray Vega (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.
Jazz Sessions with Randal Pierce (jazz open mic) at the 126, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.
Live Jazz (jazz) at Leunig’s Bistro & Café, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Mansfield Mountain Band (bluegrass) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Metal of the Month with Bearded Belligerents, Speak of the Witch (metal) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
Rangus, Bugbite (indie rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6 p.m. $5/$10.
Singer-Songwriter Sessions with IVA, Mary Esther Carter (singer-songwriter) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8:45 p.m. Free.
Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead covers) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $5.
Alex Stewart Quartet and Special Guests (jazz) at the 126, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.
Blues Jam with Tom Caswell (blues) at Black Flannel Brewing & Distilling, Essex, 6 p.m. Free.
Ethan Snyder Trio (jazz) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Jaded Ravins (Americana) at the Underground, Randolph, 7 p.m. $10/$20. Info, 431-6267.
John Lackard Blues JAM (blues) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Marxist Jargon, Shrek Core, Kason, Mo Harmony, Salty Rims (indie rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. $5/$10. Whiskey & Wine (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free.
Afastari-Cosechero-Sporedubz, Brainwashed by Bass (rock) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.
Colin McCaffery & Patti Casey, Bad Luck Bliss (singersongwriter) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 6 p.m. Free.
Cooie DeFrancesco (singersongwriter) at Gusto’s, Barre, 6 p.m. Free.
Corner Junction (bluegrass) at Stone Corral, Richmond, 7 p.m. Free.
D. Davis and Cookie (singersongwriter) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7 p.m. Free.
Find the most up-to-date info on live music, DJs, comedy and more at sevendaysvt.com/music. If you’re a talent booker or artist planning live entertainment at a bar, nightclub, café, restaurant, brewery or coffee shop, send event details to music@sevendaysvt.com or submit the info using our form at sevendaysvt.com/postevent.
FLORENCE DORE hasn’t released an album in what she calls “a minute.” It was, in fact, more than 20 years ago: Perfect City in 2001. Though she has hardly been idle since. She started a family with her husband, drummer Will Rigby (the dB’s), and became a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she teaches literature and songwriting. With her new album Highways & Rocketships, Dore returns to recording as well as touring. She swings through Burlington on Monday, December 5,
Duncan MacLeod Trio (blues, rock) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Dylan Fitzsimmons (singersongwriter) at Stone’s row Pizza, Richmond, 6 p.m. Free.
Good Gravy (bluegrass) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
Joe Marcinek, Allen Aucoin, Steve Molitz, Clay Parnell, Rebekah Todd (jam) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 8 p.m. $12/$15.
King Me (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.
North Carolina
About Time (funk) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6 p.m. $5/$10.
All Night Boogie Band (blues) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
Bad Horsey (rock) at the Depot, St. Albans, 9 p.m. $5.
A Beatles Tribute: Spencer & the Walrus (tribute) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 8 p.m. $20/$23.
Brevity ing (rock) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Chris Powers (folk) at Gusto’s, Barre, 6 p.m. Free.
David Karl Robert (singersongwriter) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7 p.m. Free.
Direct Hit (rock) at Gusto’s, Barre, 9 p.m. Free.
e Dog Catchers (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.
Donna the Buffalo (roots) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $25/$30.
e Hot Chocheys (jam) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.
In the Pocket (jazz) at Bleu Northeast Kitchen, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Jaded Ravins (Americana) at 14th Star Brewing, St. Albans, 6 p.m. Free.
Jeff Shelley (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.
Karina Rykman (indie pop) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9 p.m. $15.
e Knotty G’s (Americana) at the Den at Harry’s Hardware, Cabot, 6 p.m. Free.
Looms (punk) at Monkey House, Winooski, 8 p.m. $5/$10.
Mike Pedersen & Friends (rock) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.
Mike Schwaner (rock) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 6 p.m. Free.
Isaac French (singer-songwriter) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 1 p.m. Free.
Sunday Brunch Tunes (singersongwriter) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 10 a.m.
Sunday Sessions: e Rustics (folk) at 14th Star Brewing, St. Albans, 1 p.m. Free.
Bit Brigade, Standards (video game music tribute) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $15/$18.
Florence Dore, the Romans (Americana) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $10/$15.
Back Porch Revival, Tournesol (jazz) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6 p.m. $5/$10.
Bluegrass Jam (bluegrass) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 7 p.m. Free.
Dead Set (Grateful Dead tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10.
Honky Tonk Tuesday with Pony Hustle (country) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10.
Bluegrass & BBQ (bluegrass) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Gallison Hill Band (rock) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Irish Sessions (Celtic folk) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.
Jazz Night with Ray Vega (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.
Jazz Sessions with Randal Pierce (jazz open mic) at the 126, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.
Live Jazz (jazz) at Leunig’s Bistro & Café, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Quiltro (psych rock) at Monkey House, Winooski, 8 p.m. $5/$10.
Weakened Friends, Father Figuer, Lake Waves (indie rock) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $12/$15.
Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead covers) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $5.
e Knotty G’s (Americana) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9 p.m. Free.
THe LYONZ, the Most Wanted (hip-hop, electronic) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10/$15.
Mean Waltons (bluegrass) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 6 p.m. Free.
Moondogs, McAuley Kart (rock) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. $5.
Phil Abair Band (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.
e Red Newts, Danny and the Parts (Americana) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6 p.m. $5/$10.
Rubblebucket, Crooks & Nannies (indie) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 8 p.m. $25/$28.
Stephen Kellogg, the Sweet Remains (folk) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $25/$30.
Steve Ellis (jazz) at Bleu Northeast Kitchen, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.
Raavi, Shore Rites, the Burning Sun, Remi Russin (indie rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10/$15.
Ryan Sweezey (pop) at Stone Corral, Richmond, 7 p.m. Free.
Session Americana with Kris Delmhorst, Billy Wylder (Americana) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $17/$20.
Umlaut, Blue Fox Trio (blues, rock) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free.
White Wedding (tribute) at Pickle Barrel Nightclub, Killington, 9 p.m. Free.
Mersiv, A Hundred Drums, SuperAve., Kyral x Banko, Path (DJ) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 8 p.m. $20/$25.
e Dolly Disco: e Dolly Parton-Inspired Country Dance Party (DJ) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 8:30 p.m. $20/$22.
Mi Yard Reggae Night with DJ Big Dog (reggae and dancehall) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. Free.
Vinyl Night with Ken (DJ) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 6 p.m. Free.
Vinyl Thursdays (DJ) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free.
DJ CRWD CTRL (DJ) at Monkey House, Winooski, 9 p.m. Free.
DJ Kaos (DJ) at Gusto’s, Barre, 9 p.m. Free.
DJ Taka (DJ) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10/$15.
DJ Rice Pilaf (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, noon. Free.
DJ Taka (DJ) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10/$15.
DJ Tad Cautious (DJ) at Monkey House, Winooski, 3 p.m. Free.
Open Mic (open mic) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.
Open Mic Night (open mic) at the Venetian Soda Lounge, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Open Mic with Danny Lang (open mic) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 7 p.m. Free.
Standup Comedy Open Mic (comedy open mic) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.
Open Mic (open mic) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Open Mic (open mic) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.
Open Mic Night (open mic) at the Parker Pie, West Glover, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Red Brick Coffee House (open mic) at Red Brick Meeting House, Westford, 7 p.m. Free.
Spectacular Spectacular (kids’ talent show) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 11:30 a.m. $7/$10.
Open Mic Night with Justin at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m.
Open Mic Night (open mic) at 1st Republic Brewing, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free.
Open Mic with D Davis (open mic) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.
Lit Club (poetry open mic) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Open Mic (open mic) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.
Open Mic with Danny Lang (open mic) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 7 p.m. Free.
Unrehearsed: An Underprepared Sketch Show (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $5.
Comedy Wolf: Open Mic (comedy) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Kingdom Kids (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $5.
Mothra! A Storytelling/ Improv Comedy Show (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
Myq Kaplan (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 & 9 p.m. $20.
Myq Kaplan (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 & 9 p.m. $20.
Vermont Comedy Festival
Presents: Nikki MacCallum and Friends (comedy) at Grange Theatre, South Pomfret, 7:30 p.m. $25.
Eleganza & Espresso: A Drag Brunch (drag) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 10:30 a.m. $20.
Comedy Open Mic (comedy) at the 126, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Soda Jerk Comedy Hour (comedy) at the Venetian Soda Lounge, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
The Corporation: Live Podcast (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Karaoke Night (karaoke) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. Free.
Trivia & Nachos (trivia) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6 p.m. Free.
Trivia Night (trivia) at 1st Republic Brewing, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free.
Trivia Night (trivia) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Trivia Thursday (trivia) at Spanked Puppy Pub, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free.
Karaoke Night (karaoke) at Babes Bar, Bethel, 7 p.m. Free.
Venetian Karaoke (karaoke) at the Venetian Soda Lounge, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.
Trivia with Brian (trivia) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.
Karaoke with DJ Party Bear (karaoke) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.
Trivia Night (trivia) at the Depot, St. Albans, 7 p.m. Free. m
It was pouring rain the day I met Wren Kitz. As I interviewed the artist, whose work at the time focused on blending whispered folk with analog tape recordings bent and manipulated in imaginative ways, the soft shhhh of the steady, soaking storm outside his Burlington home perfectly complemented his personal energy. Ditto the work we listened to as he described it.
Nature field recordings have always been a part of the Kitz canon, and it was good luck for me that I met him on a day when nature was showing o what it could do with sound and texture. If I hadn’t been interviewing him, perhaps he would have set up his vintage Nagra III reel-to-reel tape recorder to capture the rain for his stockpile.
Kitz often infuses his songwriting
with lush atmospherics plucked from his sound library. But on his new album, Natural History vol. 1, he centers the natural music of harbors, ponds, swamps and the creatures that inhabit them entirely, eschewing his own songwriting altogether. It’s a bit like the soundtracks he’s created for the analog nature films his partner, Abbey Meaker, makes. The two artists’ creations pair beautifully.
Natural History vol 1 is split into two tracks, each taking up a whole side of the cassette version of the album (issued by Another Earth, a publishing company founded by Meaker and artists Cristian Ordóñez and Estefania Puerta). The tracks are divided into sections that Kitz introduces with prosaic narration reminiscent of the audio tracks that accompanied mid-20th-century educational filmstrips. Putting on a slight vocal a ectation and exaggerating his words, he becomes a sort of stodgy narrator character, a bookish tour guide through his work.
“Recorded in and around northern New England, unless otherwise noted, come the sounds of Natural History,” Kitz says at the beginning of side A. After a murder of crows flies in, he continues: “We begin in autumn, with the sound of crows traveling overhead toward their roost in the hemlock forest of southern Burlington, Vermont.”
The album focuses on the music of the Earth: a choir of spring peepers contrasted with the gurgle of leopard frogs; Lake Champlain ice chunks bonking together and reverberating like a marimba; the pure shrillness of crickets en masse; the impossibly deep bass sounds that emanate from a hovering hummingbird’s wings.
Kitz is a quality craftsman, whether he’s writing complex avant-folk tunes or finding the extravagant sounds of the region. Natural History vol. 1 imagines a world without the clamor of people, one that was here before the advent of civilization — and maybe one that comes after.
Natural History, vol. 1 is available at wrenkitz.bandcamp.com.
JORDAN ADAMSPicture yourself driving down the open road with the windows down on a brisk August morning in the early 2000s. The sun hasn’t had a chance to warm the earth yet, but the air is invigorating. The only thing on your mind is getting out of town and away from the love and life that is slipping through your fingers.
The soundtrack to your mental escape is Under All Skies by Old Moon, the stage name of local indie-rock artist Tom Weir. Based in Sharon, Weir brings a new flavor to the garage-rock revival in Vermont as he writes, performs and produces everything himself.
Under All Skies seems to be dedicated to an unnamed muse to which Weir refers as “you.” “I don’t like to know / Where you go when you’re alone / So I close my eyes,” Weir laments in opening track “Dark Blue Morning.” Through sanguine guitar ri s and grungy, reverberated vocals, Weir creates an anthem for the perplexing emotions of love. “Candle” has a similarly sentimental and relatable tone. “Sacrifice your heart for fire / Let it crush out your desire,” Weir sings, as upbeat instrumentals are once again juxtaposed by profoundly dark lyrics.
Subsequent track “All It Takes” comes halfway through the album as Weir continues to weave the complex fabric of how it feels to try to remain optimistic in strenuous times: “I can’t begin to understand / How it feels to lose yourself / When
you’re dancing ’round the room.”
The album mellows out in the second half. Starting at “Consecrated Life,” Weir discusses religious allusions and the possibility of having multiple lives and being born again by speaking directly to “you.” “Harbor” dives into a symphony of electric guitar and drums, swimming through seas of reverb and distortion as the vibe turns morbid. “Such a cold way to go / And why you gave your life I’ll never know,” Weir mourns.
In the finale, “Crowned in Laurel,” Weir’s resonant bass costars alongside the ethereal sound of his synth pad. The title’s reference to an ancient Greek symbol of triumph is indicative of hope — a contrast to the dour outlook on the rest of the record. Ironically, after such lyrically cloudy and enigmatic subject matter throughout the album, the final track explores the freedom of being able to breathe and enjoy that morning air again.
Under All Skies is available at oldmoon.bandcamp.com and on Spotify.
SAMANTHA RANDLETTJust in time for Thanksgiving, acclaimed director Luca Guadagnino ( Call Me by Your Name, I Am Love) has brought us a touching story about another kind of gluttony. Based on a 2015 young adult novel by avowed vegan Camille DeAngelis, Bones and All premiered at the Venice International Film Festival, where it won multiple awards and reportedly received an eight-and-a-half-minute standing ovation.
In the 1980s, quiet high schooler Maren (Taylor Russell) lives alone with her dad (André Holland), who forbids her to socialize with her peers. We learn why when Maren sneaks out to a sleepover, where she puts a friend’s finger in her mouth and chomps down.
Maren is a cannibal, born with a hunger for human flesh. She doesn’t remember eating her babysitter when she was 3, or that kid at summer camp. But her father hasn’t forgotten, and he puts his daughter’s whole sad history on a cassette tape for her before taking o and leaving her to fend for herself.
Maren hits the road in search of the mother she never knew, from whom she suspects she inherited her proclivities. Along the way, she meets creepy Sully (Mark Rylance), a fellow “eater” who educates her about their kind, and dreamy drifter Lee (Timothée Chalamet), who’s also one of them. But how close can a girl get to anyone when she harbors an insatiable hunger?
My description might make Bones and All sound like a horror comedy, but it’s actually a stranger mashup than that: an earnest indie drama spattered with blood. The screenplay, by David Kajganich, o ers no witty banter; don’t expect to be reminded of “Bu y the Vampire Slayer” or Zombieland. Guadagnino’s teen lovers are more prone to solemn exchanges like this one: “You don’t think I’m a bad person?”
“All I think is that I love you.”
The movie offers minimal plot and dialogue and maximal vibes. As Maren and Lee travel across the Midwest, Guadagnino lingers on vintage roadside color — diners, markets, a carnival, humble
dwellings full of immaculately chosen ephemera. Bones and All reminds us how rarely and selectively American directors depict poverty in the heartland, whereas European filmmakers, such as Guadagnino and Andrea Arnold in American Honey, practically revel in it.
Like its production design, the film’s casting is a tour de force; even the walk-on characters look like they stepped straight out of their place and era. Arseni Khachaturan’s cinematography gives everything a subtly gauzy, dreamlike quality, especially when Maren and Lee reach the wide open spaces of the Great Plains.
Even when the film gets gory — and it does! — the blood splashed across the gorgeous sets has a pictorial quality. We seldom feel genuine horror, except in a few scenes that showcase grotesque supporting characters. (Rylance, Chloë Sevigny, Michael Stuhlbarg and David Gordon Green do superlative work in these roles.) When it focuses on its young protagonists, by contrast, Bones and All rides on a mournful sense of innocence lost.
For many viewers, that moodiness may be enough to make the film a cult classic in the vein of Kathryn Bigelow’s 1987 vampire film Near Dark. Other viewers, however, may be frustrated by the broad strokes with which the main characters are drawn.
Russell suffuses Maren with such believable adolescent fear and ambivalence that the fine-tuned performance almost makes up for her underwritten character. In the source novel, Maren is especially compelled to eat people for whom she feels a ection, but that intriguing paradox didn’t make it into the screenplay. Here, while she expresses frequent remorse and empathy for her potential victims, we never really see her grow. We’re told that she simply forgot about her childhood cannibal episodes, which seems like a convenient way to dodge thorny questions about her degree of guilt and capacity for change.
The way Guadagnino portrays the cannibal urge, it could be a metaphor for all sorts of real alienating conditions — and none of them. Ultimately, it feels less like a meaningful motif than a pretext to inflict angst on the central couple. A core tension is never resolved: Lee and Maren are so sweet and winsome that we don’t want to judge them for eating people, yet how can we not judge them? All such questions end up subsumed by the swoony atmosphere of doom.
Like Call Me by Your Name, Bones and All stands or falls on its romanticism — on the web of sumptuous visuals, pulsing new-wave songs and attractive stars that
Guadagnino spins to enchant us. It’s an alluring spread indeed, but I can’t help feeling like he never gets to the meat of the matter.
MARGOT HARRISON margot@sevendaysvt.comSUSPIRIA (2018; Amazon Prime Video, rentable): Guadagnino first ventured into the horror realm with this reimagining of Dario Argento’s 1977 classic about a spooky ballet school. Jessica Harper, star of the original film, appears both in the remake and in Bones and All
ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE (2013; HBO Max, Kanopy, rentable): Only Jim Jarmusch could make a vampire movie as jaded and moody as this one, in which Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston play monsters in love.
GINGER SNAPS (2000; AMC+, Crackle, fubo, Peacock, the Roku Channel, Pluto TV, Redbox, Shudder, tubi, Vudu, rentable): For a film that fully leans into the metaphor of a teen coming of age by eating people, you can’t do better than this Canadian cult movie about two sisters, one of whom becomes a werewolf.
UTAMA: A Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival went to Alejandro Loayza Grisi’s drama about an elderly Quechua pair fighting to survive a drought in the Bolivian highlands. José Calcina and Luisa Quispe star. (87 min, NR. Savoy)
VIOLENT NIGHT: Santa Claus (David Harbour) steps in to save a rich family from a gang of mercenaries in this holiday action comedy from Tommy Wirkola (Dead Snow). With John Leguizamo and Beverly D’Angelo. (101 min, R. Essex, Marquis, Palace, Paramount, Roxy, Star, Welden)
THE BANSHEES OF INISHERINHHHH1/2 The end of a long friendship between two men (Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson) has unintended consequences in this drama from writer-director Martin McDonagh (Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri). (114 min, R. Playhouse, Roxy, Savoy)
BHEDIYA: A young man transforms into a werewolf in this Hindi-language horror comedy from Amar Kaushik. Varun Dhawan stars. (156 min, NR. Majestic)
BLACK ADAMHH The villain (Dwayne Johnson) of the D.C. Comics film Shazam! gets center stage in this showcase for his antiheroism. Jaume Collet-Serra directed. (124 min, PG-13. Essex, Majestic, Palace)
BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVERHHH1/2 In Marvel Comics’ fictional African kingdom, the Wakandans mourn King T’Challa and protect their nation from new threats. Letitia Wright, Lupita Nyong’o and Danai Gurira star; Ryan Coogler again directed. (161 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Welden)
BONES AND ALLHHH1/2 Taylor Russell and Timothée Chalamet play two cannibal lovers on a road trip in the latest from Luca Guadagnino (Call Me by Your Name). (130 min, R. Essex, Majestic, Palace, Roxy; reviewed 11/30)
DECISION TO LEAVEHHHH1/2 A detective (Park Hae-il) investigating a man’s death becomes dangerously involved with his widow in this suspense drama for which director Park Chan-wook (Oldboy) was honored at the Cannes Film Festival. (139 min, NR. Savoy; reviewed 11/9)
DEVOTIONHHH1/2 This fact-based drama tells the story of the friendship between two U.S. Navy fighter pilots (Glen Powell and Jonathan Majors) during the Korean War. J.D. Dillard directed. (138 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Roxy, Star, Stowe)
GOOD NIGHT OPPYHHH1/2 This documentary from Ryan White (“The Keepers”) tells the story of how NASA’s Mars Rover Opportunity roamed the planet for nearly 15 years, defying expectations. Angela Bassett narrates. (105 min, PG. Savoy)
THE MENUHHH1/2 A culinary adventure goes awry in Mark Mylod’s horror comedy about a young couple who pay for an exclusive tasting menu experience. Anya Taylor-Joy and Ralph Fiennes star. (106 min, R. Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Roxy)
SHE SAIDHHH1/2 Carey Mulligan and Zoe Kazan play the New York Times reporters who broke the story of Harvey Weinstein’s sexual misconduct in Maria Schrader’s fact-based drama. (128 min, R. Capitol, Essex, Majestic)
STRANGE WORLDHHH1/2 A family of explorers ventures into an alien landscape in this Disney fam ily animation. With the voices of Jake Gyllenhaal and Jaboukie Young-White. Don Hall and Qui Nguyen directed. (102 min, PG. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Palace, Paramount, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Welden)
TARHHHHH The Venice International Film Festival honored Cate Blanchett for her performance as Lydia Tár, a prominent classical composer with some dark secrets, in this drama from Todd Field (Little Children). (158 min, R. Catamount; reviewed 11/2)
TICKET TO PARADISEHH1/2 Julia Roberts and George Clooney play a divorced couple who join forces to sabotage their daughter’s wedding. Ol Parker directed. (104 min, PG-13. Bijou, Essex, Majestic, Palace)
TILLHHHH The mother (Danielle Deadwyler) of murdered teen Emmett Till fights entrenched racism to bring his killers to justice in this historical drama from Chinonye Chukwu (Clemency). (130 min, PG-13. Savoy)
EVANGELION:3.0+1.01 THRICE UPON A TIME (Essex, Tue only)
MINARI (Catamount, Wed 30 only)
WHERE IS THE FRIEND’S HOUSE? (Catamount, Wed 7 only)
(* = upcoming schedule for theater was not available at press time)
*BIG PICTURE THEATER: 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994, bigpicturetheater.info
*BIJOU CINEPLEX 4: 107 Portland St., Morrisville, 888-3293, bijou4.com
CAPITOL SHOWPLACE: 93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343, fgbtheaters.com
CATAMOUNT ARTS: 115 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-2600, catamountarts.org
ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543, essexcinemas.com
*MAJESTIC 10: 190 Boxwood St., Williston, 878-2010, majestic10.com
MARQUIS THEATER: 65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841, middleburymarquis.com
*MERRILL’S ROXY CINEMAS: 222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456, merrilltheatres.net
*PALACE 9 CINEMAS: 10 Fayette Dr., South Burlington, 864-5610, palace9.com
PARAMOUNT TWIN CINEMA: 241 N. Main St., Barre, 479-9621, fgbtheaters.com
PLAYHOUSE MOVIE THEATRE: 11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012, playhouseflicks.com
SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 2290598, savoytheater.com
STAR THEATRE: 17 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-9511, stjaytheatre.com
*STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678, stowecinema.com
WELDEN THEATRE: 104 N. Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888, weldentheatre.com
WOMEN’S FESTIVAL OF CRAFTS: The artisan market goes virtual, with gifts from more than 70 vendors available online. Prices vary. Info, womensfestvt@gmail. com.
QUEEN CITY BUSINESS NETWORKING INTERNATIONAL GROUP: Local professionals make crucial contacts at a weekly chapter meeting. Burlington City Arts, 11:15 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 829-5066.
VETERANS & COMMUNITY JOB FAIRS: Vets get early ac cess — but all are invited — at this local hiring event. Josh’s House, Colchester, noon-3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 863-7676.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘AMAZON ADVENTURE 3D’: Viewers experience 19thcentury explorer Henry Bates’ journey through the Amazon rainforest. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admis sion free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
‘BACKYARD WILDERNESS 3D’: Cameras positioned in nests, underwater and along the forest floor capture a year’s worth of critters coming and going. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National
Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
‘MINARI’: Cinephiles enjoy this Academy Award-winning dra ma about a Korean American family that starts a farm in 1980s Arkansas. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.
‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: An adventurous dolichorhyn chops travels through the most dangerous oceans in history, encountering plesiosaurs, giant turtles and the deadly mosasaur along the way. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: Sparkling graphics take viewers on a mind-bending journey from the beginning of time through the mysteries of the universe. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, noon, 2 & 4 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admis sion free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
WPP COMMUNITY DINNER: Local chef Mediha cooks a delicious Bosnian meal for pickup. Presented by Winooski
Partnership for Prevention. O’Brien Community Center, Winooski, 4:30-6 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 655-4565.
BINGO FUNDRAISER FOR GREEN MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY SCHOOL: Players compete for prizes including top-shelf brandy and private yoga sessions. Proceeds go toward elementary school supplies. Withey Hall, Green Mountain College, Poultney, 5:30-7:30 p.m. $2 per card. Info, 884-4080.
BOARD GAME NIGHT: Lovers of tabletop fun play classic games and new designer offerings. Waterbury Public Library, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
BONE BUILDERS/ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PROGRAM: Folks of all ages ward off osteoporosis in an exercise and prevention class. Virtual option available. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 9 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3322.
BURLINGTON VIRTUAL TEAM HOPE WALK: Power walkers choose their own course to support the Huntington’s Disease Society of America. Donations. Info, 978-905-5588.
CHAIR YOGA: Waterbury Public Library instructor Diana Whitney leads at-home participants in gentle stretches supported by seats. 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
LONG-FORM SUN 73: Beginners and experienced practitioners learn how tai chi can help with arthritis, mental
clarity and range of motion. Bixby Memorial Library, Vergennes, 10-11:30 a.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, beverlyblakeney@ gmail.com.
YANG 24: This simplified tai chi method is perfect for beginners looking to build strength and balance. Bixby Memorial Library, Vergennes, 1-2:30 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, beverlyblakeney@gmail.com.
CELEBRATION OF TREES: Stupendously decorated Christmas trees are raffled off to raise funds for ANEW Place’s services for home less Vermonters. University Mall, South Burlington, 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Free; $5 per raffle ticket. Info, eregan@anewplacevt.org.
FESTIVAL OF TREES: DOWNTOWN TREE WALK: Local businesses deck out their display windows with quirky and captivating Christmas trees. Downtown St. Albans. Free. Info, vtfestivaloftrees@gmail.com.
IRISH LANGUAGE CLASS: Celticcurious students learn to speak an Ghaeilge in a supportive group. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
‘L DU DÉLUGE’: Dance and theater collide in this mythic, cosmic collaboration between Marilyn Daoust and Gabriel Léger-Savard. Presented in French. La Chapelle, Montréal, 7:30 p.m. $15-30. Info, 514-843-7738.
STUDENT PERFORMANCE RECITAL: University of Vermont music students prove their chops in a variety of genres. University of Vermont Recital Hall, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3040.
ZACH NUGENT UNCORKED: The sought-after guitarist plays a weekly loft show featuring live music, storytelling and special guests. Shelburne Vineyard, 6-9 p.m. Free. Info, 985-8222.
INTRODUCTION TO ORAL HISTORY: Vermont Folklife teaches students how to interview their community members for a history project. Hosted by Vermont Humanities. 4-5:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 262-1355.
‘LEGALLY BLONDE: THE MUSICAL’: In the latest Broadway tour to stop by Burlington, soror ity girl Elle Woods takes Harvard Law School by storm — what, like it’s hard? The Flynn, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $67-98. Info, 863-5966.
‘STRAIGHT WHITE MEN’: The University of Vermont Theatre Department presents a provocative comedy in which a father and his three sons spend their Christmas pondering privilege and politics. Royall Tyler Theatre, University of Vermont, Burlington, 7:30-9:15 p.m. $10-22. Info, rtttickets@uvm.edu.
MATTHEW HONGOLTZ-HETLING: A local journalist reads from his book A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear: The Utopian Plot to Liberate an American Town (and Some Bears). George Peabody Library, Post Mills, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 333-9724.
NEK AUTHORS READING: Natalie Kinsey-Warnock and Chris Braithwaite read their favorite selections by Leland Kinsey, Loudon Young and Daisy Dopp. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 748-8291.
WORLD AIDS DAY 2022: Pride Center of Vermont screens “How We Live Positively,” a short film about the lives of HIV-positive Vermonters. Discussion panel fol lows. Champlain Room & Terrace at Champlain College, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 860-7812.
ADULT CRAFTERNOON: Handy locals make wintry snowman earrings from beads. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918.
DROP-IN KNIT FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR: Yarnsmiths create hats and scarves to be donated to the South Burlington Food Shelf. All supplies provided. ADA acces sible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘MISSION: JOY – FINDING HAPPINESS IN TROUBLED TIMES’: A laugh-out-loud documentary tracks the unlikely friendship between the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Film House, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7-8:30 p.m. $6-12; VTIFF members benefits apply. Info, 660-2600.
‘MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING’: Shakespeare’s classic romantic comedy gets an art deco refresh in this irresistible production streamed live from the National Theatre stage. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $615. Info, 748-2600.
FRESH CATCH THURSDAYS: Fresh Massachusetts oysters are shucked onsite alongside $5 pints of stout. Lawson’s Finest Liquids, Waitsfield, 4-7 p.m. Price of food and drink. Info, 496-4677.
FALL PREVENTION TAI CHI: Humans boost their strength and balance through gentle, flowing movements. St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Vergennes, Levels 1 and 2, 9-10 a.m.; Level 3, 10-11 a.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, lhfrancis839@gmail.com.
CAROLING: Pop-up merrymakers surprise shoppers with their fala-las. Church Street Marketplace, Burlington. Free. Info, 863-1648.
CHRISTOPHER MCWILLIAMS AND STUART WILLIAMS: The keyboardist and baritone perform works for Christmas and Advent by Handel, Bach and Grieg. Christ Episcopal Church, Montpelier, noon-1 p.m. Free; donations ac cepted. Info, 223-3631.
at noon for consideration in
following Wednesday’s newspaper.
our convenient form and guidelines at sevendaysvt.com/postevent
and spotlights are written by Emily Hamilton Seven Days edits for space and style. Depending on cost and other factors, classes and workshops may be listed in either the calendar or the classes section. Class organizers may be asked to purchase a class listing.
WELCOME TO WINTER: A five-day online course presented by instructor Jo Bregnard battles the cold-weath er blues with simple self-care techniques. 10-10:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, jo@jobregnard. com.
GREEN MOUNTAIN TABLE TENNIS CLUB: Ping-Pong players swing their paddles in singles and doubles matches. Rutland Area Christian School, 7-9 p.m. Free for first two sessions; $30 annual membership. Info, 247-5913.
KNITTING GROUP: Knitters of all experience levels get together to spin yarns. Latham Library, Thetford, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 785-4361.
NIGHT OWL CLUB: Astronomers and space exploration experts discuss the latest in extraterrestrial news with curious attendees. Presented by Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium. 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2372.
FESTIVAL OF TREES: RUNNING OF THE BELLS: Runners jingle all the way to benefit Franklin County Animal Rescue and United Way of Northwest Vermont. Taylor Park, St. Albans, 6 p.m. $10; pre register. Info, vtfestivaloftrees@ gmail.com.
WINOOSKI HOLIDAY POP UP SHOP: Onion City shoppers kick off the holiday season with drink specials, live music and tastings across 12 businesses and more than 40 vendors. Downtown Winooski, 5-9 p.m. Free. Info, info@downtownwinooski.org.
Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages.
• Plan ahead at sevendaysvt.com/family-fun Post your event at sevendaysvt.com/postevent.
PLANNING: Young people with disabilities and their parents learn about higher education opportunities available to them. Presented by Vermont Family Network. 10-11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 876-5315.
BABYTIME: Librarians bring out books, rhymes and songs specially selected for young ones. Pre-walkers and younger. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
CRAFTERNOON: Crafts take over the Teen Space, from origami to stickers to fireworks in a jar. Ages 11 through 18. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 4-5 p.m. Free. Info, 540-2546.
STEAM SPACE: Kids explore science, technology, engineering, art and math activities. Ages 5 through 11. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 5-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
AFTERSCHOOL ACTIVITY: CRAFT: Handy kiddos make homemade key chains and ornaments. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
BABYTIME: Teeny-tiny library patrons enjoy a gentle, slow story time featur ing songs, rhymes and lap play. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
JILL WALSH: A sociologist advises par ents on how best to guide kids through digital spaces and tech-related chal lenges. Vermont Day School, Shelburne, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 495-5150.
LEGO BUILDERS: Elementary-age imagi neers explore, create and participate in challenges. Ages 8 and up, or ages 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
MAKE A FORT: Little bookworms build bases to read in out of chairs, table cloths and more. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 2:30-4 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
PLAY TIME: Little ones build with blocks and read together. Ages 1 through 4. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 1010:45 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
TEEN GENRE BOOK CLUB: Young adults read any food-related book they wish, then get together to discuss and vote on next month’s genre. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 5-5:45 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
Vermont’s smallest city kicks off the Christmas season with the full return of the beloved Ho, Ho, Ho Holiday Stroll. There’s something festive to take part in everywhere you look downtown: Kids from 1 to 92 tell Mr. and Mrs. Claus their Christmas wishes at the Vergennes Opera House; hear a spirited reading of ’Twas the Night Before Christmas; make a homemade holiday card; shop a used book sale; catch a live performance by women’s barbershop chorus Maiden Vermont at Bixby Memorial Free Library; and close out the evening with singing and marshmallows around the firepit at City Park.
Kids 13 through 18 hang out, eat popcorn and watch a freaky flick. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free.
Saturday, December 3, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., at various Vergennes locations. Free. Info, 877-1163, vergennesdowntown.org.
CHESS CLUB: Kids of all skill levels get one-on-one lessons and play each other in between. Ages 6 and up. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
FESTIVAL OF TREES: FREE HOLIDAY MOVIE: Viewers have to wait and see which festive, family-friendly film is screened this year. Welden Theatre, St. Albans, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 527-7888.
‘THE RAILWAY CHILDREN’: Based on the classic children’s novel by Edith Nesbit, this holiday musical by Northern Stage celebrates kindness and community.
Barrette Center for the Arts, White River Junction, 11 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. $19-69. Info, 296-7000.
PEABODY AFTERSCHOOL FUN FOR GRADES 1-4: Students make friends over crafts and story time. George Peabody Library, Post Mills, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 333-9724.
SCIENCE YOGA: This full-body, playful program combines body awareness with an introduction to early science topics ranging from dinosaurs to planets.
Montshire Museum of Science, Norwich, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Regular admission, $15-18; free for members and kids under 2. Info, 649-2200.
STORY TIME!: Songs and stories are shared in the garden, or in the com munity room in inclement weather.
Norwich Public Library, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 649-1184.
PRESCHOOL YOGA: Colleen from Grow Prenatal and Family Yoga leads little ones in songs, movement and other fun activities. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
LEGO CLUB: Children of all ages get crafty with Legos. Adult su pervision is required for kids under 10.
Winooski Memorial Library, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 655-6424.
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT WITH MISS EMMA: The star of “Music for Sprouts” and “Mr. Chris and Friends” leads little ones 5 and younger in singing, scarf play and movement. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
PRESCHOOL MUSIC WITH LINDA BASSICK: The singer and storyteller extraordinaire leads little ones in indoor music and movement. Birth through age 5. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918.
PRESCHOOL PLAYTIME: Pre-K patrons play and socialize out on the patio. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Books, songs, rhymes, sign language lessons and math activities make for well-educated youngsters. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
READ TO A CAT: Young readers of all ages get a 10-minute time slot to tell stories to Oscar the therapy cat. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918.
PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Energetic youngsters join Miss Meliss for stories, songs and lots of silliness.
Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
PRESCHOOL PLAY & READ: Outdoor activities, stories and songs get 3- and 4-year-olds engaged. Waterbury Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
‘THE RAILWAY CHILDREN’: See WED.30, 2 & 7:30 p.m.
VISIT SANTA: Little ones tell the big man their Christmas wishes. Homeport, Burlington, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 863-1648.
LITTLE DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: Little ones learn to play D&D and build their teamwork and problem-solving skills. Ages 8 through 11. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918.
FAMILY CONTRA DANCE: No experience is necessary at this all-ages line dance featuring live tunes by Atlantic Crossing. Vergennes Opera House, 6:308:30 p.m. $10-20 suggested dona
‘THE RAILWAY CHILDREN’: See See WED.30. Preschoolers take part in stories, songs and silli ness. Latham Library, Thetford, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 785-4361.
ACORN CLUB STORY TIME: Kids 5 and under play, sing, hear stories and take home a fun activ ity. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 1011 a.m. Free; preregister; limited
FIRST FRIDAY STORY TIMES: Kids of all ages enjoy original and traditional music from Ed “the Music Man” Morgan. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 745-1391.
FAMILY PLAYSHOP: Kids from birth through age 5 learn and play at this school readiness program. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
KIDS’ TRAIN RIDE: The North Pole Express takes kids on a joyride up and down Church Street. Church Street Marketplace, Burlington, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 863-1648.
VISIT SANTA: See FRI.2, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
GINGERBREAD HOUSE DECORATING: Family members gather ‘round the decorating supplies in designated time slots. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918.
SATURDAYS: Young yogis of all ages and their caregivers drop in for some fun breathing and movement activities. Kamalika-K, Essex Junction, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Donations. Info, 871-5085.
SATURDAY STORIES: Kiddos start the weekend off right with stories and songs. Ages 3 through 7. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
STORY TIME AND COOKIES WITH SANTA: The big man up north stops in
POP-UP HAPPY HOUR: Locals connect over drinks at a speak easy-style bar. Hosted by OUT in the 802. Lincolns, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 860-7812.
RURAL PROVIDER EDUCATION SERIES: INTRO TO LGBTQ+ IDENTITIES: Small-town medical providers learn how to support their LGBTQ patients through sexual and domestic violence. Presented by Pride Center of Vermont’s SafeSpace Anti-Violence Program. 10-11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, shea@pridecentervt.org.
‘L DU DÉLUGE’: See WED.30.
FIRST THURSDAY CONCERT SERIES: DANNY LEFRANCOIS: The Danny & the Parts front person delivers live music. Ten percent of bar sales benefit the King Street Center. Shelburne Vineyard, 6-8:30 p.m. Free; cash bar. Info, 985-8222.
discusses how outdoor activities and snow sports can be made more accessible to LGBTQ folks, people of color and the disabled community. Presented by Audubon Vermont. 5-6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 434-3068.
GREAT DECISIONS: Curious locals learn about and discuss global issues with moderator Bernie Carver. Virtual option available. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
THOUGHT CLUB: Artists and activists convene to engage with Burlington‘s rich tradition of radical thought and envision its future. Democracy Creative, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, tevan@democracycreative.com.
‘THE MOORS’: Two sisters living in the bleak English hills find their lives turned upside down by the arrival of a new governess in this Brontë-influenced dark comedy. See calendar spotlight. Wright Memorial Theatre, Middlebury College, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $5-15. Info, 443-6433.
‘RENT’: The EHS Theater Department teaches audiences
to measure their lives in love with a student-performed run of the iconic musical. Essex High School, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. $5-10. Info, 879-7121.
LIZZIE POST AND DAN POST SENNING: The great-great-grand children of iconic etiquette expert Emily Post introduce Emily Post’s Etiquette: The Centennial Edition and record a live episode of their podcast, “Awesome Etiquette.” See calendar spotlight. Bridgeside Books, Waterbury, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 244-1441.
RED BENCH SPEAKER SERIES: SKYLER BAILEY: The author discuss his new history, Heroes in Good Company: L Company, 86th Regiment, 10th Mountain Division 1943-1945 Presented by the Vermont Ski & Snowboard Museum. 7-8:30 p.m. $10 suggested donation; preregister. Info, 253-9911.
REFLECTING ON 2022: A CELEBRATION OF OUR ACHIEVEMENTS: Women Business Owners Network Vermont hosts a virtual get-together for entrepreneurs to take stock of the last year. 8:30-10 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 503-0219.
ENGLISH COUNTRY DANCE: Locals get their Jane Austen on at a British ball where all the dances are run through beforehand. Wear casual, comfortable clothes. ElleyLong Music Center, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, newcomers’ lesson, 6:30 p.m.; social dance, 7-9:30 p.m. $10-15; preregister. Info, val.medve@gmail.com.
FALL DANCE SHOW: Student performers and choreographers present an evening of investiga tion and embodiment. Livestream available. Dance Theatre, Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 7:30-9 p.m. $5-15. Info, 443-6433.
MOSTLY WALTZ BURLINGTON: Ballroom dancers of every experi ence level sauteuse to the strains of Anna Patton on clarinet and Karen Axelrod on piano and accordion. Champlain Club, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. $8-15. Info, mostlywaltzbtv@ gmail.com.
REGGAETÓN DANCE PARTY: Movers and shakers enjoy Puerto Rican grooves from DJ Chele, hot empanadas from Nando’s Moon & Stars, and company around a bon fire. BYOB. Main Street Museum, White River Junction, 8 p.m. $10. Info, info@mainstreetmuseum. org.
Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:
Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at sevendaysvt.com/art.
See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at sevendaysvt.com/ music.
Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
TRAVELERS CIRCLE STORYTELLING NIGHT & POTLUCK: Locals bring a dish to share and stories of a wild encounter they had on their jour neys — whether to Greece or to the grocery store. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 5:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 229-6206.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘DAYMAKER’: Warren Miller Entertainment presents its annual film tour focused on the winter sports scene. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 7:30 p.m. $23-38. Info, 382-9222.
MAH-JONGG: Tile traders of all experience levels gather for a game session. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
Municipal Building, 7-8:30 p.m. $5-8. Info, vfttheatreworks@gmail.com.
MURDER AT THE PIZZERIA: Teens don their detective hats at a murder mystery party over pizza. Ages 12 and up. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 5-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: A librarian leads half an hour of stories, rhymes and songs. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
to tell tales at a supersweet story time. Milton Public Library, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 893-4644.
HO, HO, HO HOLIDAY STROLL: Families get festive during a full day of fun with Santa at the Vergennes Opera House, Bixby Memorial Free Library and Vergennes City Park. See calendar spotlight. Various Vergennes locations, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Free. Info, 877-1163.
FESTIVAL OF TREES: SANTA’S WORKSHOP: Mr. Claus and his elves teach kids how to make small gifts to take home. Saint Albans Museum, St. Albans, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, vtfestivaloftrees@gmail.com.
‘THE RAILWAY CHILDREN’: See WED.30, 2 & 7:30 p.m.
‘DECK THE HALLS: A MUSICAL CHRISTMAS REVUE!’: Vermont Family Theatre presents a musical show featuring classic Christmas characters, songs and dance numbers. Orleans
LIFE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: Vermont Student Assistance Corporation teach es teens about all the options available to them post graduation. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
VISIT SANTA: See FRI.2, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
JASON CHIN: The Caldecott Medalwinning author and illustrator launches his new scientific picture book, The Universe in You: A Microscopic Journey. Bear Pond Books, Montpelier, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 229-0774.
STORIES WITH SHANNON: Bookworms ages 2 through 5 enjoy fun-filled reading time. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
ACORN CLUB STORY TIME: See FRI.2, 2-2:30 p.m.
‘THE HIP HOP NUTCRACKER’: Rap founding father Kurtis Blow emcees a high-energy mashup of Tchaikovsky’s timeless music and contemporary dance. The Flynn, Burlington, 7 p.m. $35-59. Info, 863-5966.
SING-ALONG WITH LINDA BASSICK: Babies, toddlers and preschoolers sing, dance and wiggle along with Linda. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1111:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
CRAFTYTOWN!: From painting to printmaking and collage to sculpture, creative kids explore different projects and mediums. Ages 8 and up, or ages 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
PLAYGROUP & FAMILY SUPPORT: Families with children under age 5 play and connect with others in the commu nity. Winooski Memorial Library, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 655-6424.
TODDLERTIME: Kids ages 1 through 3 and their caregivers join Miss Alyssa for story time. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
ROBIN’S NEST NATURE PLAYGROUP: Outdoor pursuits through fields and forests captivate little ones up to age 5 and their parents. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 10 a.m.-noon. Free; donations accepted. Info, 229-6206.
YOUTH EMPOWERMENT & ACTION: Activists ages 14 through 18 discuss community service, climate action, LGBTQ rights and social justice. BALE Community Space, South Royalton, 3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 498-8438.
REGULATING AT HOME: Caregivers of neurodivergent children learn how to create a calming routine through compassion and careful planning. Presented by Vermont Family Network. 10-11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 876-5315.
AFTERSCHOOL ACTIVITY: LEGO & BOARD GAME TIME: Blocks and boards make for a fun, creative afternoon. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
BABY TIME: Parents and caregivers bond with their pre-walking babes dur ing this gentle playtime. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
CRAFTERNOON: MARBLE DROP GAME: Aspiring engineers build a Rube Goldberg-esque marble game. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 2:30-3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
QUEER READS: LGBTQIA+ and allied youth get together each month to read and discuss ideas around gender, sexuality and identity. Waterbury Public Library, 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.
‘THE RAILWAY CHILDREN’: See WED.30, 7:30 p.m.
A governess arrives at her new post, but there is no child — or master of the house — in sight. There are only two sisters, dreaming impossible dreams as they live out their lives in the bleak English hills, and the governess’ arrival marks the start of a journey down a dangerous path for all three. This is playwright Jen Silverman’s The Moors, a gothic comedy inspired by the novels of the Brontë sisters, such as Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre and Agnes Grey
The Middlebury College Department of Theatre presents three performances of this dark, women-centered story; a lively talkback follows the Friday show.
Thursday, December 1, through Saturday, December 3, 7:30-9:30 p.m., at Wright Memorial Theatre, Middlebury College. $5-15. Info, 443-6433, middlebury.edu.
COMMUNITY HOOP CLASSES: Hula hoopers of all ages get loopy at this weekly class.
Champlain Elementary School, Burlington, 6-7 p.m. Donations. Info, 355-8457.
Alling Memorial Library invites attendees to relax on their lunch breaks and reconnect with their bodies. Noon-12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@ damlvt.org.
DEMONSTRATION: Merry makers watch as sugar workers boil, pull, turn, roll and twist festive treats.
Laughing Moon Chocolates, Stowe, 11 a.m.-noon. Free; $6 to make a candy cane. Info, 253-9591.
CHRISTMAS MUSIC NIGHT: A spirited sing-along begins the holiday season. Refreshments served. United Reformed Church, New Haven, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 458-7615.
CHRISTMAS IN PARIS: A magical gala featuring live music, an art auction and a French buf fet raises money for veterans advocacy organization the Josh Pallotta Fund. St. Albans City Hall, 6 p.m.-midnight. $75. Info, vtfestivaloftrees@gmail.com.
PAGEANT: Williston Community Theatre presents a sparkling extravaganza featuring local dancers, musicians and magi cians. Williston Central School, 6:30-8 p.m. $20. Info,
willistoncommunitytheatre@ gmail.com.
A FOREST OF LIGHTS: The VINS forest canopy walkways and sur rounding woodlands transform into a twinkling winter wonder land open for strolling. Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, 5-7 p.m. $5-10; free for members under 17; preregister. Info, 359-5000.
HANDEL’S ‘MESSIAH’: Lisa Jablow conducts the Vermont Philharmonic in Mozart’s woodwind-forward orchestration of the jubilant Baroque oratorio. St. Augustine’s Catholic Church, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. $5-20. Info, 223-9855.
HOLIDAY FAIR: Kids’ books, jewelry, quilts and all manner of other gifts go on sale at a winter bazaar. Unitarian Church of Montpelier, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 223-7861.
December 3-4, 2022 | 11 am to 6 pm
Expo, Essex Junction,
‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE: A LIVE RADIO PLAY’: Bells ring and angels get their wings when the Valley Players bring a holiday classic to life. Valley Players Theater, Waitsfield, 7 p.m. $14-18. Info, 583-1674.
A TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS IN STOWE: Santa and Mrs. Claus join in the fun during three days of preholiday festivities includ ing ice skating, caroling and a lantern parade. See stowevi brancy.com for full schedule. Various Stowe locations, 4:30-6 p.m. Prices vary; most events are free. Info, elisemckenna119@ gmail.com.
A WESTON WINTER CABARET: Former Weston Playhouse Young Company members take to the stage with a spirited seasonal spectacular. Weston Theater at Walker Farm, 7:30 p.m. $25-60. Info, 824-5288.
ADVANCED INTERMEDIATE ITALIAN CONVERSATION: Semifluent speakers practice their skills during a slow conversazi one about the news. Fletcher Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, Noon-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
‘L DU DÉLUGE’: See WED.30.
BIG YELLOW TAXI: It’s coming on Christmas, and this Joni Mitchell tribute band sings songs of joy and peace. Double E Performance Center’s T-Rex Theater, Essex Junction, 8 p.m. $20. Info, info@doubleevermont. com.
JUPITER STRING QUARTET AND JASPER STRING QUARTET: A collaborative concert concludes Middlebury’s “year of the cello” with performances of Schubert’s cello quintet, Reena Esmail’s Ragamala and Mendelssohn’s string octet in E-flat major. Robison Hall, Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 7:30 p.m. $5-25. Info, 443-6433.
MUSIC JAM: Local instru mentalists of all ability levels gather to make sweet music.
BALE Community Space, South Royalton, 7-10 p.m. Free. Info, 498-8438.
GRAND OPENING: Visitors flock to the new outdoor gear depot by Trader Joe’s, enjoying door prizes, giveaways and other fun. Eastern Mountain Sports, South Burlington, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Free. Info, 992-2041.
WELCOME TO WINTER: See WED.30, 10-10:30 a.m.
TECH HELP: Experts answer questions about phones, laptops, e-readers and more in one-onone sessions. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10
a.m.-noon. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 846-4140.
‘THE ADDAMS FAMILY’: Everyone’s favorite bloodcurdling brood faces the ultimate fright: Wednesday’s nice, normal boy friend and his parents. Presented by the Lebanon High School Wet Paint Players. Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 7 p.m. $4; free for students and teachers. Info, 603-448-0400.
‘RENT’: See THU.1.
SALE: Friends of the Richmond Free Library put thousands of books, DVDs and CDs up for sale. Richmond Free Library, 5:308:30 p.m. Free. Info, 434-3036.
YOUR STORY: Citizens learn how to raise their voices in support of better mental health care. Presented by National Alliance on Mental Illness of Vermont. 1-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 876-7949, ext. 100.
WRITE FOR RIGHTS: Individuals make their voices heard by writing letters in support of wrongfully imprisoned activists around the world. Champlain Valley Amnesty International hosts. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, champvalleyai@gmail.com.
THE GOOD TRADE MAKERS MARKET: Tradespeople from across the country sell their wares to holiday shoppers. Fee includes one drink ticket. Hula, Burlington, noon-6 p.m. $5-8. Info, hello@ goodtrademakersmarket.com.
BID TO BUILD AUCTION FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Amid appetizers, live music and games, contributors bid on experiences and goodies to benefit Central Vermont Habitat for Humanity. Mad River Barn, Waitsfield, 6:30-9 p.m. Free; cash bar. Info, 522-8611.
FIRST RESPONDERS IMPACTING EVERYONE NEEDING DIGNITY: Firefighters and other commu nity members make blankets for their unhoused neighbors.
Groton Community Building, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 473-0445.
FIBER CRAFT AND CHAT: Knitters, stitchers and crocheters bring their crafts and shoot the breeze over coffee. Uncommon
Coffee, Essex Center, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, milukra@gmail. com.
MONTPELIER CONTRA DANCE: To live tunes by the Gaslight Tinkers and gender-neutral calling, dancers balance, shadow and do-si-do the night away. N95, KN94, KN95 or 3-ply surgi cal masks required. Capital City Grange, Berlin, beginners’ lesson, 7:40 p.m.; social dance, 8-11 p.m. $5-20. Info, 225-8921.
PETS: Local veterinarian Erika Bruner demystifies the process of deciding when it’s time to let an elderly animal go. Waterbury Public Library, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
A RIVER OF LIGHT: Homemade lanterns light up Stowe Street, and the parade concludes at Dac Rowe Athletic Field for an evening of bonfires, music and hot chocolate. Downtown Waterbury, 5 p.m. Free. Info, ariveroflightinwaterbury@ gmail.com.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘DAYMAKER’: See FRI.2. The Flynn, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $15.83-39.11. Info, 863-5966.
‘THE MAGIC FLUTE’: The Metropolitan Opera’s colorful, kaleidoscopic 2006 production of Mozart’s masterpiece returns to screens. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 12:55 p.m. $16-25. Info, 748-2600.
MARKET: Root veggies, honey, maple syrup and more change hands at an off-season celebration of locally grown food. Barr Hill by Caledonia Spirits, Montpelier, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, manager@ montpelierfarmersmarket.com.
TASTINGS: A sommelier of sweet stuff leads drop-in guests through a tasting platter. Lake Champlain Chocolates Factory Store & Café, Burlington, 11 a.m.4 p.m. Free. Info, 864-1807.
Public Library game master Evan Hoffman gathers novices and veterans alike for an afternoon of virtual adventuring. Teens and adults welcome. Noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
CHESS CLUB: Players of all ages and abilities face off and learn new strategies. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 11 a.m.2 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
FUNDRAISER: Locals don their poker faces at a fund raiser for the NEK Council on Aging. American Legion Post 7, Hardwick, noon-7 p.m. $60; cash bar. Info, 472-9100.
“FOUR-HAND HOLIDAY”: Two players sharing one piano play exhilarating arrangements of “Sleigh Ride,” Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker suite and other seasonal favorites. Fairlee Town Hall Auditorium, 2-3:30 p.m. $20; free for kids under 18. Info, contact@fairleearts.org.
ENTERTAINMENT: Live music, dance performances, face painting and a craft fair fill the day with cheer. St. Albans City Hall, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Free. Info, vtfestivaloftrees@ gmail.com.
HOLIDAY FAIR: Shoppers prepare themselves for pie baking and hall decking at a market full of wreaths, pecans, gifts and more. Unitarian Church of Montpelier, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 223-7861.
HOLIDAY MARKETS: Wine, beer and spirit tastings punctu ate holiday shopping. Viva Marketplace, South Hero, 11 a.m.5 p.m. Free. Info, 373-2321.
HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE: Admission is waived at this festive shindig featuring live music and a Christmas tree
raffle. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History, Middlebury, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 388-2117.
HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING: The tree may be the center of atten tion, but this Christmas shindig also features an ugly sweater contest, meet and greet with the Clauses, food and toy drive, and more. Milton Municipal Building, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 893-4922.
MARKETS: Folks discover lo cal artists and makers, enjoy warm drinks and other sweets, and revel in the magic of a holiday season in Vermont. Lu•lu, Vergennes, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 777-3933.
NORTH COUNTRY CHORUS HOLIDAY CONCERT: Seventy sing ers perform Bach’s “Magnificat” and Matthew Harris’ “A Child’s Christmas in Wales.” Wells River Congregational Church, 7:30 p.m. Donations. Info, webmaster@ northcountrychorus.org.
MARKET: More than 25 local and international vendors display their wares, while Mulu’s Kitchen and Sabah’s House serve Ethiopian, Eritrean and Iraqi food. O.N.E. Community Center, Burlington, 2-5 p.m. Free. Info, 518-649-6464.
‘SEASON OF LIGHT: MUSIC FOR THE SEASONS OF ADVENT & CHANUKAH’: The Vermont Choral Union sings celebratory Jewish and Christian masterpieces from across five centuries. College Street Congregational Church, Burlington, 2 p.m. $5-20. Info, 777-5529.
‘A SOULFUL CHRISTMAS CONCERT’: Voices soar as the SUNY Plattsburgh Gospel Choir takes on Motown classic Christmas songs in a Motown style. Live stream available. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, 7:30-10 p.m. $10-35. Info, 760-4634.
STRAFFORD HOLIDAY CRAFT SALE: Holiday shoppers come from far and wide to browse the high-quality crafts at this intimate village market. Barrett Memorial Hall, South Strafford, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 765-4076.
VERMONT HOLIDAY MARKET: The Blue Ribbon Pavilion hosts more than 60 jewelers, potters, woodworkers, artists and other craftspeople. Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. $5; free for kids under 12. Info, 778-9178.
WINTER FESTIVAL AND CRAFT SHOW: While snacking on roasted chestnuts, holiday shop pers find unique pottery, wood work, pottery, stained glass and more to give as gifts. Shelburne
Craft School, 2-5 p.m. Free. Info, 985-3648.
WINTERMARKET: Families enjoy a bustling Bavarian market, carols, unique eats and good cheer during the darkest days of winter. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 533-2000.
‘L DU DÉLUGE’: See WED.30.
BRUCE MOLSKY: A Grammynominated fiddler transports listeners to Appalachia and beyond with his virtuosity and wit. Burnham Hall, Lincoln, 7:3010 p.m. $15-25. Info, rcchfolks@ gmail.com.
THE GLOBAL TRIO: A pianist, a cellist and a percussionist break down the boundaries between jazz, classical and Middle Eastern folk music. Next Stage Arts Project, Putney, 7:30 p.m. $2024. Info, 387-0102.
THE HONEY DEWDROPS: The Maryland duo displays intricate harmonies and an experimental folk sound. Whallonsburg Grange Hall, N.Y., 7:30-9:30 p.m. $5-15. Info, 518-963-7777.
RUTLAND AUDUBON BIRD SEED SALE: Locals buy snacks for their feathered friends and get their questions answered by Rutland County Audubon experts. Garland’s Farm and Garden, Rutland, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, birding@ rutlandcountyaudubon.org.
2022 SKI & SKATE SALE: The Montpelier Department of Recreation sells off donated winter sports gear. Barre City Auditorium, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 223-2518.
‘THE MOORS’: See THU.1. ‘RENT’: See THU.1.
FRIENDS OF ILSLEY LIBRARY USED BOOK SALE: Books of all genres for all ages go on sale, with kids’ books free for the holidays, and all proceeds fund li brary programming. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 388-4095.
NADELL FISHMAN AND CHARLES BARASCH: Two poets read from their new collections, respectively Traveling, Traveling and Home Movie. Adamant Community Club, 3:30-5 p.m. Free. Info, 454-7103.
VITINORD: The triennial winemakers’ conference brings together grape growers from the world’s colder climates for four days of talks and tastings. See vitinord.org for full schedule.
Hilton Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. $60-360; preregister. Info, info@ vitinord.org.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
WINTER FARMERS MARKET: Shoppers sip a local beer while browsing local bites at this wintertime hub for local grow ers, bakers and crafters. Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, noon-3 p.m. Free. Info, 391-9120.
COMMUNITY MINDFULNESS PRACTICE: New and experienced meditators are always welcome to join this weekly practice in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hahn. Sangha Studio — Pine, Burlington, 6:30-8:15 p.m. Free. Info, newleafsangha@gmail.com.
KARUNA COMMUNITY MEDITATION: Participants prac tice keeping joy, generosity and gratitude at the forefront of their minds. Jenna’s House, Johnson, 10-11:15 a.m. Donations; preregis ter. Info, mollyzapp@live.com.
SUNDAY MORNING MEDITATION: Mindful folks experience sitting and walking meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Shambhala Meditation Center, Burlington, 9 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, lungta108@gmail.com.
‘A CELTIC CHRISTMAS UNPLUGGED’: Irish music legend and Bristol local Seamus Egan, alongside special guest Moira Smiley, presents an intimate, acoustic evening of carols. Barn Opera, Brandon, 3:30 & 7:30 p.m. $40; limited space. Info, 772-5601.
other live acts soundtrack a craft market and family-friendly holiday fun. St. Albans City Hall, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, vtfestivaloftrees@ gmail.com.
GO STOWE HOLIDAY STROLL: Local shops offer discounts, and shoppers collect stamps at participating businesses for the chance to win a fabulous prize package. Main St., Stowe. Free. Info, 800-467-8693.
HANDEL’S ‘MESSIAH’: The musi cians of Champlain Valley Voices usher in the holiday season with a joyful chorus of hallelujahs. E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium, Hawkins Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 3 p.m. $10-20. Info, cvvchorus@ gmail.com.
HANDEL’S ‘MESSIAH’: See FRI.2. Barre Opera House, 2 p.m. Info, 476-8188.
HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE: Locals view the snowflake collection of Wilson Bentley, the first photographer to take close-up shots of snow, amidst refresh ments and all-ages crafts. Waterbury Historical Society, Waterbury Center, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, waterburyhistoricalsociety@ gmail.com.
MARKET SERIES: BTVFlea pres ents a festive bazaar featuring local makers, live jazz and, of course, BBCO brews for sipping. Burlington Beer Company, noon4 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2337.
‘SEASON OF LIGHT: MUSIC FOR THE SEASONS OF ADVENT & CHANUKAH’: See SAT.3. First Congregational Church of St. Albans, 4 p.m. $5-20. Info, 777-5529.
FAIR: Live music, a dozen ven dors and mulled cider make for a cozy town market. Worcester Town Hall, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.. Free. Info, sparkledamour@gmail.com.
INTERVALE: All ages, orienta tions and identities are welcome to experience the start of winter along the Winooski River. Intervale Center, Burlington, 1-3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, jacob@pridecentervt.org.
COLLEGE COMMUNITY CHORUS: Student singers present the world premiere of “Salve Regina” by Ukrainian composer Dmytro Malyi, as well as Gabriel Fauré’s “Requiem.” Robison Hall, Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 443-5221.
THE HONEY DEWDROPS: See SAT.3. Richmond Congregational Church, 4-6 p.m. $15-25. Info, 434-4563.
KAREN MCFEETERS: The local lyricist performs songs from her recent record Bonfire. Virtual op tion available. Deborah Rawson Memorial Library, Jericho, 2-3:45 p.m. Free. Info, 899-4962.
‘YOU WERE STRANGERS’: Musicians Julia Ostrov and Kristen Plylar-Moore lead an af ternoon of songs and discussion based around the key Jewish tenet of “love the stranger.” Beth Jacob Synagogue, Montpelier, 4-5:15 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programming@bethjacobvt.org.
‘THE ADDAMS FAMILY’: See FRI.2, 1 p.m.
‘RENT’: See THU.1, 2 p.m.
‘STRAIGHT WHITE MEN’: See WED.30, 2-2:45 p.m.
VITINORD: See SUN.4, 8 a.m.-10 p.m.
ANNUAL MEETING: Community members are invited to the Henry Sheldon Museum’s business meeting, followed by an address from Vermont Humanities executive director Christopher Kaufman Ilstrup. 7-9 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 388-2117.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
Find even more local events in this newspaper and online: art
Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at sevendaysvt.com/art.
See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at sevendaysvt.com/ music.
Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
JOE HOWANSKY: The dedicated cheesemonger answers any and all questions about the ins and outs of curds and whey. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, 6:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 223-3338.
ADVANCED TAI CHI: Experienced movers build strength, improve balance and reduce stress. Holley Hall, Bristol, 11 a.m.-noon. Free; donations accepted. Info, jerry@skyrivertaichi.com.
LONG-FORM SUN 73: Beginners and experienced practitioners learn how tai chi can help with arthritis, mental clarity and range of motion. Holley Hall, Bristol, noon-1 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, wirlselizabeth@ gmail.com.
YANG 24: This simplified tai chi method is perfect for beginners looking to build strength and balance. Congregational Church of Middlebury, 4-6 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, wirlselizabeth@gmail.com.
In 1922, author and socialite Emily Post published her seminal Etiquette, a comprehensive guide to all the social rules of her high-class New York City life. Now, her great-great-grandchildren Lizzie Post and Dan Post Senning launch their centennial edition of the manual at a live recording of their podcast, “Awesome Etiquette.” While the world of fish forks and opera box seating arrangements may seem distant to us now, Lizzie and Dan show that kindness and consideration are always relevant and answer questions about everything from respectful titles for nonbinary folks to navigating a fraught family holiday.
Thursday, December 1, 5:30-6:30 p.m., at Bridgeside Books in Waterbury. Free. Info, 244-1441, bridgesidebooks.com.
ADDISON COUNTY WRITERS COMPANY: Poets, playwrights, novelists and memoirists of ev ery experience level meet weekly for an MFA-style workshop. Swift House Inn, Middlebury, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, jay@zigzaglitmag.org.
VITINORD: See SUN.4, 8 a.m.-10 p.m.
DISCUSSION GROUP: Brownell Library hosts a virtual roundtable for neighbors to pause and reflect on the news cycle. 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6955.
INFORMAL SHOWING: Student researchers and musicians present the results of a semester of dance study. Dance Theatre, Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 5-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-6433.
SWING DANCING: Local Lindy hoppers and jitterbuggers convene at Vermont Swings’ weekly boogie-down. Bring clean shoes. Beginner lessons, 6:30 p.m. Champlain Club, Burlington, 7:30-9 p.m. $5. Info, 864-8382.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
COOKBOOK CLUB: Home chefs make a Palestinian recipe from Falastin by Sami Tamimi and Tara Wigley and meet to compare results. ADA accessible. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 5:30-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, sbplinfo@southburlingtonvt. gov.
FALL PREVENTION TAI CHI: See THU.1. Congregational Church of Middlebury, 10-11 a.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, lindsayhart09@gmail.com.
CULTIVATING YOUR FINANCIAL VINEYARD HOLIDAY EDITION: One Day in July and Salt & Bubbles’ expert sommelier blend festive wine tasting with investing advice. Salt & Bubbles Wine Bar and Market, Essex Junction, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 518-522-8048.
DIY ONLINE HOLIDAY CARDMAKING: Waterbury Public Library patrons learn how to design the greeting cards of their dreams in online graphic program Canva. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
PAUSE-CAFÉ IN-PERSON FRENCH CONVERSATION: Francophones and Frenchlanguage learners meet pour parler la belle langue. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 5-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, pausecafe+owner@groups.io.
‘L DU DÉLUGE’: See WED.30.
HIGH SCHOOL CHOIRS: The MMU Concert Choir, Lower Voices Chorus and Madrigal Singers present a diverse program of sea shanties, South African freedom songs and Dolly Parton covers. Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Burlington, noon. Free. Info, 864-0471.
ANNIVERSARY: Poets read from the PSOV’s journal, the Mountain Troubadour, as well as their solo work, to celebrate three-quarters of a century of wordsmithing. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
VITINORD: See SUN.4, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
WRITING TO FUND YOUR INITIATIVE: Attendees learn how to find funding, write compelling proposals and connect more deeply with donors. Presented by Vermont Council on Rural Development. 10-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-6091.
FIRST WEDNESDAYS: BILL MCKIBBEN: The author, activist and 350.org leader provides an overview of the climate crisis and what changes need to be made to save the planet. Norwich Congregational Church, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 649-1184.
DANCE COMPANY OF MIDDLEBURY WORK IN PROCESS SHOWING: Undergraduate dancers perform what they’ve been working on. Talkback follows. Dance Theatre, Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 5 p.m. Free. Info, 443-6433.
COMMUNITY FORUM: Vermonters provide feedback about disparities in the justice system and how to fix them. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
DISCUSSION: The Burlington Writers Workshop Lit Group ponders the Nobel Prize winner’s novel over five weeks. 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, msevy@ burlingtonwritersworkshop.com.
PAGES IN THE PUB: Local luminaries list off thoughtful and hilarious book recommendations at this annual fundraiser for the Norwich Public Library. Hosted by the Book Jam and the Norwich Bookstore. 7 p.m. $20; preregister. Info, 649-1114.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘THE MAGIC FLUTE’: See SAT.3, 1:30 p.m.
ARTISANAL WINE PAIRING DINNER: A five-course sea sonal menu pairs perfectly with libations from small, artisan vineyards across California. Edson Hill, Stowe, 6 p.m. $195; preregister. Info, 253-7371.
WHAT IS YOGA THERAPY: Local mental health professionals learn how yoga
could help their clients in this webinar presented by Christine Badalamenti Smith, Lucy D’Aponte and Sarah Quinttus. 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 391-9731.
YANG 24: See WED.30.
HOLIDAY CRAFTING NIGHT: Crafty locals make cards, dip candles and sew dream pil lows as gifts for themselves or others. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 6:15-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.
BAZAAR: University of Vermont staff, alumni, students and community members show case homemade jam, art, soap, knitwear and other striking gifts. Grand Maple Ballroom, Davis Center, University of Vermont, Burlington, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 656-4493.
SPANISH CONVERSATION: Fluent and beginner speakers brush up on their español with a discussion led by a Spanish teacher. Presented by Dorothy Alling Memorial Library. 5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@damlvt.org.
THRIVE QTPOC MOVIE NIGHT: Each month, Pride Center of Vermont virtually screens a movie centered on queer and trans people of color. 6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, thrive@pridecentervt.org.
THE DISSIPATED EIGHT: Middlebury College’s oldest a cappella group performs songs old and new without losing sight of its barbershop roots. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 7:30 p.m. $5-10. Info, 382-9222.
LUNCHTIME PIPE ORGAN SERIES: HENRY DANAHER: The Dartmouth College music director goes hard on the historic Estey organ, playing a program of vintage works across the centuries. Epsilon Spires, Brattleboro, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 401-261-6271.
WILD WOODS SONG CIRCLE: Singers and acoustic instrumen talists gather for an evening of music making. Zoom option available. Godnick Adult Center, Rutland, 7:15-9:15 p.m. Free. Info, 775-1182.
2022 ANNUAL MEETING AND 70TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: The Vermont Council on World Affairs lets loose at a public, catered recep tion and silent auction. Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 557-0018.
FIRST WEDNESDAYS: GARRETT M. GRAFF: The author of Watergate: A New History
discusses how the infamous po litical scandal was even weirder than most remember. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 388-4095.
FIRST WEDNESDAYS: ARNOLD ISIDORE THOMAS: Vermont’s first Black denominational leader considers whether one of the whitest states in the nation is prepared for changing demographics. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-8291.
FIRST WEDNESDAYS: BARRY DEITZ: The scholar looks at the life and times of Sherlock Holmes creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as well as various interpretations of the character over the years. Rutland Free Library, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 773-1860.
FIRST WEDNESDAYS: CHARLOTTE BARRETT: The his torical preservationist discusses the legacy of immigrant familyowned markets in Burlington and Winooski. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6955.
FIRST WEDNESDAYS: JOURNALISTS CONSIDER COMMUNITY NEWS REPORTING: Center for Research on Vermont director Richard Watts heads up a panel discussion about report ing in the digital age. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
WINTER SPEAKER SERIES: DENISE GIGANTE: The Stanford University professor welcomes listeners into the wild world of 19th-century book collectors. Presented by Vermont History. noon-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 479-8500.
FIRST WEDNESDAYS: KEKLA MAGOON: The National Book Award-nominated author of Revolution in Our Time: The Black Panther Party’s Promise to the People considers reading and collective action as tools for so cial change. Goodrich Memorial Library, Newport, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 754-6660. m
GENERATOR is a combination of artist studios, classroom and business incubator at the intersection of art, science and technology. We provide tools, expertise, education, and opportunity – to enable all members of our community to create, collaborate, and make their ideas a reality.
PROJECT PLAN WORKSHOP: Explore the design process via the creation of plans for a simple product. Participants will collaboratively think through and
discuss design problems from ide ation to prototyping to building. We will discuss topics such as re quirements gathering and design for manufacturing. This workshop will help bring your ideas to frui tion! Mon., Dec. 5, & Wed., Dec. 7, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $95/person. Location: Generator Makerspace, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info: 5400761, education@generator vt.com, generatorvt.com/ calendar#!event/2022/12/5/fromproject-idea-to-project-planworkshop.
SPANISH CLASSES FOR ALL AGES: Premier native-speaking Spanish professor Maigualida Rak is giving fun, interactive online lessons to improve comprehen sion and pronunciation and to achieve fluency. Audiovisual material is used. “I feel proud
to say that my students have significantly improved their Spanish with my teaching approach.” — Maigualida Rak. Read reviews on Facebook.
Info: Spanish Courses VT, 8810931, spanishtutor.vtfla@ gmail.com, facebook.com/ spanishonlinevt.
Celebrate our 25th an niversary and discover the dynamic, flowing martial art of aikido. Learn how to relax under pressure and how aikido culti vates core power, aerobic fitness and resiliency. Aikido techniques emphasize throws, pinning tech niques and the growth of internal power. Visitors are always wel come to watch a class. Starting on Tue., Nov. 8, 6 p.m.; meets 5 days/week. Nov. classes free for new adult members. Membership rates incl. unlimited classes. Contact us for info about membership rates for adults, youths & families. Location: Aikido of Champlain Valley, 257 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Benjamin Pincus, 951-8900, bpincus@burlingtonaikido.org, burlingtonaikido.org.
We offer a legitimate Brazilian jiu-jitsu training program for men, women and children in a friendly, safe and positive environment.
Julio Cesar “Foca” Fernandez Nunes; CBJJP and IBJJF seventhdegree Carlson Gracie Sr. Coral Belt-certified instructor; teaching in Vermont, born and raised in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! A two-time world masters champion, five-time Brazilian jiu-jitsu national champion, three-time Rio de Janeiro state champion and Gracie Challenge champion. Accept no limita tions! 1st class is free. Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 5982839, julio@bjjusa.com, vermont bjj.com.
DJEMBE & TAIKO DRUMMING: JOIN US!: New classes (outdoors mask optional/masks indoors).
Taiko Tue. and Wed.; Djembe Wed.; Kids & Parents Tue. and Wed. Conga classes by request! Schedule/register online.
Location: Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 999-4255, spaton55@gmail.com, burlingtontaiko.org.
WORKSHOP Come make a 108bead mala garland for meditation, yoga practice or boho fashion. Register at nakedearthyoga. com or Eventbrite. Sun., Dec. 4, noon-3 p.m. Cost: $70/person, incl. all materials & coffee or tea. Location: Cafe Lotti, 2nd Floor, 603 Route 114, East Burke. Info: Julie Tower, 703-598-1934, info@nakedearthyoga.com, nakedearthyoga.com.
SUMMARY: Opie is a playful guy who loves walks, water hoses and playing with his previous kitty friend! Opie is a dog who needs to be around people most of the time while he works through some separation anxiety, and his previous family worked long hours. He wouldn’t be a good fit for someone who works away from the home all day.
CATS/DOGS/KIDS: Opie has lived with cats and kids and has done well with them. He has no known experience living with other dogs.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Opie will need a patient person who understands his needs while we help his new people work though them. He’ll need to learn a new routine and schedule along with working on his house-training during the transition.
Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 5 p.m. or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit hsccvt.org for more info.
Make a donation in honor or memory of a person or beloved pet, and we’ll send a holiday card to your loved one to notify them of your gift. Visit hsccvt.org/donate for more details!
Sponsored by:
We buy all cars! Junk, high-end, totaled: It doesn’t matter. Get free towing & same-day cash. Newer models, too. Call 1-866-5359689. (AAN CAN)
on Burlington’s waterfront. Beautiful, healthy, affordable spaces for your business. Visit mainstreetlanding.com & click on space avail. Melinda, 864-7999.
housing ads: $25 (25 words) legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online
Begin a new career & earn your degree at CTI! Online computer & medical training avail. for veterans & families. To learn more, call 866-243-5931, Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET. Computer w/ internet is req. (AAN CAN)
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print deadline: Mondays at 3:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: sevendaysvt.com/classifieds questions? classifieds@sevendaysvt.com 865-1020 x120
Two houses located in Crown Point, N.Y. on 2 acres. Town water and 2.5 miles from town. Cable hook-up available. Sold as-is. $40,000. j.popp@aol.com 518-569-7796
Register & Inspect from 7:30AM
298 J. Brown Drive, Williston, VT
2-BR mobile home on private 1-acre lot in Milton. Background check, 1st & last month, & sec. dep. req. $1,500/ mo. 802-893-8383.
6.8 treed & open acres. Incl. post & beam 26’x36’ barn, driveway, pond, septic design, electricity on-site. $140,500. 802-877-1529.
END Chiropractic offi ce interested in subletting a beautiful offi ce space. e space incl. windows, natural light, a common waiting room area & a small kitchenette. Please inquire by email to michelle@essential carechirorpactic.com or by phone 802-540-1143.
To fund the search for missing children. Fast, free pickup. 24-hour response. Running or not. Maximum tax deduction & no emission test req. Call 24/7: 855-504-1540. (AAN CAN)
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e weather is cooling off. Time for a massage to ease those aches & pains. Call me & make an appointment: 802324-7539, sacllunas@ gmail.com.
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PSYCHIC COUNSELING Psychic counseling, channeling w/ Bernice Kelman, Underhill. 40+ years’ experience. Also energy healing, chakra balancing, Reiki, rebirthing, other lives, classes & more. 802-899-3542, kelman.b@juno.com.
In as little as 1 day! Affordable prices. No payments for 18 mos. Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & military discounts avail. Call 1-866-370-2939. (AAN CAN)
11/7/22 12:02 PM
This is a sweet little property, ideal for ski rentals, holidays, or a first home. Needs renovation. Deck directly on the river. Need it sold quickly and willing to take any offers. $80,000.
Cobblers Tools
Online Closing Fri., Dec. 2 @ 10AM
Antiques & Signage
Online Closing Fri., Dec. 2 @ 11AM
Online Closing Mon., Dec. 5 @ 10AM
Fall Firearms, Williston, VT Simulcast Sat., Dec. 10 @ 9AM
Sporting Related & Knives
Online Closing Sun., Dec. 11 @ 10AM
Automotive Repair Shop
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our
readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact:
HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR —
Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010 hrc@vermont.gov
Don’t pay for covered home repairs again! American Residential Warranty covers all major systems & appliances. 30-day risk free/$100 off popular plans. Call 855-7314403. (AAN CAN)
BathWraps is looking for homeowners w/ older homes who want a quick safety update. ey do not remodel entire bathrooms but update bathtubs w/ new liners for safe bathing & showering. ey specialize in grab bars, nonslip surfaces & shower
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SPECTRUM INTERNET AS LOW AS $29.99 Call to see if you qualify for ACP & free internet. No credit check. Call now! 833-955-0905.
Purebred goldens, breeding since 1967. Selected AKC, CKC & hunting lines chosen for intelligence, looks & health. Ready now. Contact gweller@ctq2. org, 819-876-2528.
Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner & Speedmaster. Call 888-320-1052. (AAN CAN)
Berklee graduate w/30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology, ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages, styles, levels. Rick Belford, 864-7195, rickbelford.com.
Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe,
DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: ★★ Place aPut your knowledge of Vermont news to the test.
NEW ON FRIDAYS: See how fast you can solve this weekly 10-word puzzle.
Try these online news games from Seven Days at sevendaysvt.com/games. Guess today’s 5-letter word. Hint: It’s in the news!
10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6111
On November 17, 2022, Waterloo Real Estate Group, LLC, Attn: Robert Beaver, P.O. Box 1374, Merrimack, NH 03054 and Pizzagalli Properties, LLC, Attn: Robert Bouchard, 462 Shelburne Road, Burlington, VT 05401 filed application number 4C0572-5 for a project generally described as stormwater improvements relating to General Permit 3-9050 at an existing development. The project is located at 800 Hinesburg Road in South Burlington, Vermont. This application can be viewed online by visiting the Act 250 Database: (https://anrweb. vt.gov/ANR/Act250/Details.aspx?Num=4C0572-5).
No hearing will be held and a permit will be issued unless, on or before December 15, 2022, a party notifies the District 4 Commission in writing of an issue requiring a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at is sue, why a hearing is required, and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. To request party status and a hearing, fill out the Party Status Petition Form on the Board’s website: https://nrb. vermont.gov/documents/party-status- petitionform, and email it to the District 4 Office at: NRB. Act250Essex@vermont.gov. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.
For more information contact Stephanie H. Monaghan at the address or telephone number below.
Dated this November 22, 2022.
By: /s/Stephanie H. Monaghan District Coordinator 111 West StreetEssex Junction, VT 05452 802-261-1944 stephanie.monaghan@vermont.gov
The City of Burlington received $102,579.00 and $132,635.00 from the State of Vermont for two grants under the Vermont Community Development Program (VCDP). The VCDP funds received have been used to provide ventilation improvements to community businesses and organizations, and provide the community with a licensed nursing assistant training program. A virtual public hearing will be held at the Community Development and Neighborhood Revitalization Committee meeting on December 15th, 2022 at 5:00PM to obtain the views of citizens on community development, to furnish information concerning the range of community development activities that have been undertaken under this program, and to give affected citizens the opportunity to examine a statement of the use of these funds.
Information on these projects may be obtained from and viewed during the hours of 9:00AM and 5:00PM at 149 Church St, 3rd Floor, Burlington VT 05401 or online at https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/ CEDO. Should you require any special accom modations please contact Chanel Bastian at 802-557-1635 or CBASTIAN@burlingtonvt.gov to ensure appropriate accommodations are made. For the hearing impaired please call (TTY) #1-800-253-0191.
The Full Board of Abatement of Taxes of the City of Burlington will meet in Contois Auditorium and via ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/97298074094 on Monday, December 5, 2022* to hear and act upon the request for abatement of taxes and/or penalties from:
John & Lauren Bakewell
227 South Cove Road 059-1-030-000
*The City Council Meeting usually begins at 7:00 p.m. The Full Board of Abatement of Taxes Meeting is part of this agenda, no set start time.
BEFORE ELECTION DAY: CHECKLIST POSTED at Clerk’s Office by Sunday, November 6, 2022. If your name is not on the checklist, then you must register to vote. You may also check your voter registration status at https:// mvp.vermont.gov. SAMPLE BALLOTS will be posted by Saturday, November 26th, 2022
HOW TO REGISTER TO VOTE: There is no deadline to register to vote. You will be able to register to vote on the day of the election. You can register prior by visiting the town clerk’s office or going online to olvr.vermont.gov.
EARLY or ABSENTEE BALLOTS: All registered East District voters will be automatically mailed absentee ballots for this election. The latest you can request ballots to be mailed for the December 6th Election is by the close of the City Clerk’s office at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 2, 2022. Ballots can be requested in-person at the City Clerk’s office until 1:00pm on Monday, December 5, 2022.
• Mail or deliver the ballot mailed to you back to the City Clerk’s Office before Election Day, dropped off at one of the city’s open drop boxes, or return it to your polling place before 7:00 p.m. on Election Day.
• Please contact the City Clerk’s Office if you have not received your ballot in the mail by October 31st, 2022.
• If you are sick or disabled before Election Day, ask the City Clerk to have two justices of the peace bring a ballot to you at your home. (Ballots can be
delivered on any of the eight days preceding the day of the election or on the day of election.)
If your name was dropped from the checklist in error, or has not been added even though you submitted a timely application for addition to the checklist, you can fill out a new registration form. •
If the clerk or Board for Registration of Voters does not add your name, you can appeal the decision to a superior court judge, who will settle the matter on Election Day. Call the Secretary of State’s Office at 1-800-439-VOTE (439-8683) for more information.
If you are a first time voter who submitted your application to the checklist individually by mail and did not submit the required document, you must provide a current and valid photo identification, or a bank statement, utility bill, or government docu ment that contains your name/current address.
If you have physical disabilities, are visually impaired or can’t read, you may have assistance from any person of your choice. If any voters you know have disabilities, let them know they can have assistance from any person of their choice. You may also use the accessible voting system to mark your ballot. If you want to use the accessible voting system tell the entrance checklist official. An election official will take you to the accessible ballot marking device, enter a security code, and then leave you to mark and print your ballot privately. More details about our new accessible ballot marking device are available at https://sos. vermont.gov/elections/voters/accessible-voting/
If you know voters who cannot get from the car into the polling place let them know that ballot(s) may be brought to their car by two election officials.
If you have any questions or need assistance while voting, ask your town clerk or any election official for help.
• Vote more than once per election, either in the same town or in different towns.
• Mislead the Board for Registration of Voters about your own or another person’s true residency or other eligibility to vote.
• Hinder or impede a voter going into or from the polling place.
• Socialize in a manner that could disturb other voters in the polling place.
• Offer, bribe, threaten or exercise undue influence to dictate or control the vote of another person.
FOR HELP OR INFORMATION: Call the Secretary of State’s Office at 1-800-439-VOTE (439-8683). (Accessible by TDD)
If you believe that any of your voting rights have been violated, you may file an Administrative Complaint with the Secretary of State’s Office, 128 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05633.
If you believe you have witnessed efforts to commit any kind of fraud or corruption in the voting process, you may report this to your local United States Attorney’s Office.
If you have witnessed actual or attempted acts of discrimination or intimidation in the voting process, you may report this to the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice at (800) 253-3931.
• Go to the entrance checklist table.
• Give name and, if asked, street address to the election official in a loud voice.
• Wait until your name is repeated and checked off by the official.
• An election official will give you a ballot.
• Enter within the guardrail and go to a vacant voting booth.
MARK YOUR BALLOT: For each office listed on the ballot, you will see instructions to “Vote for not more than one, or Vote for not more than two, etc.”
• To
want to vote for.
for a candidate, fill in the oval to the right of the name of the candidate
• WRITE-IN candidate(s). To vote for someone whose name is not printed on the ballot, use the blank “write-in” lines on the ballot and either write-in the name or paste on sticker, then fill in the oval.
CAST YOUR VOTE by depositing your voted ballot into the vote tabulating machine.
LEAVE the voting area immediately by passing outside the guardrail.
Cathedral Square is seeking proposals from Civil Engineering firms for Schematic Design work associated with the new construction of an afford able, 30 unit, senior living community in St Albans, VT. Qualified applicants should contact Cathedral Square’s Project Manager, Greg Montgomery (montgomery@cathedralsquare.org), for complete RFP details. Responses are due by 3pm on December 14, 2022. Cathedral Square is an equal opportunity employer. Women Owned, Minority Owned, Locally Owned, and Section 3 Businesses are encouraged to apply.
OCCUPANTS OF: 616 Cochran Road n/k/a 594 Cochran Road, Morristown VT
1. YOU ARE BEING SUED. The Plaintiff has started a lawsuit against you. A copy of the Plaintiff’s Complaint against you is on file and may be obtained at the office of the clerk of this court, Lamoille, Civil Division, Vermont Superior Court, P.O. Box 570, Hyde Park, Vermont. Do not throw this paper away. It is an official paper that affects your rights.
2. PLAINTIFF’S CLAIM. Plaintiff’s claim is a Complaint in Foreclosure which alleges that you have breached the terms of a Promissory Note and Mortgage Deed dated September 27, 2013. Plaintiff’s action may affect your interest in the property described in the Land Records of the Town of Morristown at Volume 194, Page 312-325.. The Complaint also seeks relief on the Promissory Note executed by you. A copy of the Complaint is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Lamoille, State of Vermont.
3. YOU MUST REPLY WITHIN 41 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. You must give or mail the Plaintiff a written response called an Answer within 41 days after the date on which this Summons was first published, which is November 16th, 2022. You must send a copy of your answer to the Plaintiff or the Plaintiff’s attorney, LORAINE L. HITE, Esq. of Bendett & McHugh, PC, located at 270 Farmington Avenue, Ste. 151, Farmington, CT 06032. You must also give or mail your Answer to the Court located at Lamoille, Civil Division, Vermont Superior Court, P.O. Box 570, Hyde Park, Vermont 05655.
4. YOU MUST RESPOND TO EACH CLAIM. The Answer is your written response to the Plaintiff’s Complaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Complaint. If you believe the Plaintiff should not be given everything asked for in the Complaint, you must say so in your Answer.
5. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE IF YOU DO NOT GIVE YOUR WRITTEN ANSWER TO THE COURT. If you do not Answer within 41 days after the date on which this Summons was first published and file it with the Court, you will lose this case. You will not get to tell your side of the story, and the Court may decide against you and award the Plaintiff everything asked for in the complaint.
6. YOU MUST MAKE ANY CLAIMS AGAINST THE PLAINTIFF IN YOUR REPLY. Your Answer must state any related legal claims you have against the Plaintiff. Your claims against the Plaintiff are called Counterclaims. If you do not make your Counterclaims in writing in your answer you may
not be able to bring them up at all. Even if you have insurance and the insurance company will defend you, you must still file any Counterclaims you may have.
7. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. You may wish to get legal help from a lawyer. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you should ask the court clerk for information about places where you can get free legal help. Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still give the court a written Answer to protect your rights or you may lose the case.
The Affidavit duly filed in this action shows that service cannot be made with due diligence by any of the method provided in Rules 4(d)-(f), (k), or (l) of the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure. Accordingly, it is ORDERED that service of the Summons set forth above shall be made upon the defendant, Joshua M. Lucier, by publication as provided in Rule[s] [4(d)(l) and] 4 (g) of those Rules.
This order shall be published once a week for 3 weeks beginning on or before November 20, 2022 in the Seven Days, a newspaper of the general circulation in Lamoille County, and a copy of this summons and order as published shall be mailed to the defendant, Joshua M. Lucier, at 5926 Thomas Street, Apartment 2, Hollywood, FL 33021.
Dated at Hyde Park, Vermont this 1st day of November, 2022
Electronically Signed pursuant to V.R.E.F. 9(d) /s/ Daniel Richardson Daniel Richardson Superior Court Judge
Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for First Franklin, a division of National City Bank of Indiana, dated March 7, 2006 and recorded in Book 174 Page 302 and re-recorded in Book 188 Page 153 of the land records of the Town of Lyndon, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, by virtue of the following Assignments of Mortgage; (1) Assignment of Mortgage from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for First Franklin, a division of City Bank of IN to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for First Franklin Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-FF9, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-FF9 dated February 1, 2008 and recorded in Book 188 Page 253; (2) Assignment of Mortgage from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. to Deutsche Bank National Association Trust Company, as Trustees for the Holders of the First Franklin Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-FF9, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-FF9 dated July 19, 2011 and recorded in Book 207 Page 171, both of the land records of the Town of Lyndon, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 206 Charles Street, Lyndon, Vermont on December 19, 2022 at 11:30 AM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage,
Being certain premises consisting of a lot of land with a dwelling house and improvements thereon, located in the Village of Lyndonville, known and numbered as 206 Charles Street (formerly 17 Charles Street).
Being all the same land and premise conveyed to Gene H. Before by Warranty Deed of Judy Dufour, widow, dated April 4, 1994 and recorded in Book 114, page 347 of the Lyndon Land Records.
To the creditors of: CATHERINE BACKES , late of South Burlington, Vermont
I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.
Dated: Nov 20th, 2022
Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ William E. Drislane
Executor/Administrator: William E. Drislane, PO Box 1080, Williston, VT 05495 (802) 860-7266 michelle@drislanelaw.com
Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: November 30th, 2022
Name of Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Unit Address of Probate Court: 175 Main St, Burlington VT 05401
In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered April 29, 2022, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Shon D. Lacoss to Mortgage
Further described as, the premises herein conveyed are all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Roland E. Dufour (now deceased) and Judy Dufour, husband and wife, by warranty deed of Frank P. Hall and Madeline H. Hall, dated September 28, 1982 and recorded in Book 79, Page 109 of the Lyndon Land Records; and being further described as all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Frank P. Hall and Madeline H. Hall by warranty deed of John J. Downes and Charlotte D. Downes, dated July 30, 1971 and recorded in Book 55, Page 316 of the Lyndon Land Records.
Reference is hereby made to the aforesaid deeds and their records and to all prior deeds in the chain of title and the records thereof for a further and more particular description of the lands and premises hereby conveyed.
Reference is hereby made to the above instru ments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description.
Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described.
TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a bank wire, certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date the Confirmation Order is entered by the Court. All checks should be made payable to “Bendett & McHugh, PC, as Trustee”. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale.
DATED: November 7, 2022
By: /s/ Rachel K. Ljunggren Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032
OCCUPANTS OF: 399 US Route 2B, St. Johnsbury VT
In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered April 6, 2022, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Karen Wright to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for MetLife Home Loans, a Division of MetLife Bank, N.A., dated October 1, 2010 and recorded in Book 350 Page 208 of the land records of the Town of St. Johnsbury, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, by virtue of the following Assignments of Mortgage; (1) Assignment of Mortgage from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. to MetLife Home Loans, a Division of MetLife Bank, N.A. dated September 20, 2011 and recorded in Book 356 Page 653; (2) Assignment of Mortgage from MetLife Home Loans, a Division of MetLife Bank, N.A. to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. dated February 19, 2014 and recorded in Book 382 Page 162; (3) Assignment of Mortgage from JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. S/B/M Chase Home Financial LLC S/B/M Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation to Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC dated May 31, 2017 and recorded in Book 424 Page 96; and (4) Assignment of Mortgage from Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC to J.P. Morgan Mortgage Acquisition Corp., dated October 14, 2021 and recorded in Book 476 Page 159, all of the Town of St. Johnsbury Land Records, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 399 US Route 2B, St. Johnsbury, Vermont on December 19, 2022 at 10:30 AM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage,
To wit:
Being a parcel of land, said to contain 7.93 acres, more or less, together with a dwelling and other improvements thereon, known and numbered as 399 US Route 2B, in the Town of St. Johnsbury, Vermont; and being all and the ame lands and premises conveyed to Karen Wright by Warranty Deed of Thomas Moore and Sharon Moore, dated of even or near date and recorded prior to or simultaneously herewith in the St. Johnsbury Land Records.
And being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Thomas Moore and Sharon Moore by Limited Warranty Deed of Passumpsic Savings Bank, dated August 10, 1998, and recorded in Book 244 at Page 475 of the St. Johnsbury Land Records. And being all and the same lands and premises the subject of a foreclosure action entitled Passumpsic Savings Bank v. Carl Lewis Gamba, Jr., et al in the Caledonia Superior Court, Docket No. 203-9- 96 Cacv as follows:
1. Certificate of Non-Redemption, dated April 15, 1998, and recorded in Book 242 at Page 150 of the St. Johnsbury Land Records.
2. Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure, dated March 16, 1998, and recorded in Book 242 at Page 151 of the St. Johnsbury Land Records.
3. Amended Certificate of Non Redemption, dated June 24, 1998, and recorded in Book 244 at Page 472 of the St. Johnsbury Land Records.
4. Amended Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure, dated June 13, 1998, and recorded in Book 244 at Page 473 of the St. Johnsbury Land Records.
Reference may be had to the aforementioned deeds and the records thereof and to all prior deeds and their records for a further and more complete description of the land and premises hereby conveyed.
Reference is hereby made to the above instru ments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description.
Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described.
TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a bank wire, certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date the Confirmation Order is entered by the Court. All checks should be made payable to “Bendett &
McHugh, PC, as Trustee”.
The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale.
DATED: October 20, 2022
By: /s/ Rachel K. Ljunggren Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032
Any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur.
Any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur.
Any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur.
Any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur.
Any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82607801509?pwd=T nJlSHNScUI0NjZMTjEvbmhSN0FVdz09 Meeting ID: 826 0780 1509 Passcode: 241149 Call-in: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Application materials may be viewed at http:// www.richmondvt.gov/boards- minutes/ development-review-board/ before the meeting. Please call Tyler Machia, Zoning Administrator, at
802-434-2420 or email tmachia@richmondvt.gov with any questions.
Public Hearing
SUB2022-07 Cheryl, Brian & Kevin Dowd Parcel ID#HI2540
Applicants failed to record a plat with the town within 180 days of the Final Subdivision Approval of Application SUB2021-05. As a result, the applicants have to refile for approval before the final plat can be recorded with the town. This application is intended to correct that mistake. No changes to previously approved SUB2021-05 are being proposed.
The legal voters of the East District of the City of Burlington, Vermont are hereby warned and notified to come and vote at a Special Meeting on Tuesday, the 6th day of December, 2022 between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. in their respective wards, at the voting places hereinafter named and designated as polling places, viz:
Ward One/East District: Mater Christi School, 100 Mansfield Ave
Ward Eight/East District: Fletcher Free Library, 235 College St.
The polls open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of electing a city officer as follows:
EAST DISTRICT - one East District City Councilor Term Ending April 3, 2023
/s/Miro Weinberger, Mayor Publication Dates: Seven Days, 11/30/2022 Burlington, Vermont
The legal voters of Jericho Fire District No. 1, Vermont are hereby notified and warned to meet at Deborah Rawson Library meeting room, in the
Town of Jericho on Monday, December 19, 2022, between the hours of 10 o’clock (10:00) in the forenoon (a.m.), at which time the polls will open, and seven o’clock (7:00) in the afternoon (p.m.), at which time the polls will close, to vote by Australian ballot upon the following Article of business:
ARTICLE I Shall general obligation bonds or notes of Jericho Fire District No. 1 in amount not to exceed Sixty-Six Thousand Dollars ($66,000), subject to reduction from available state and federal construction grants-in-aid and other financial assistance, be is sued for the purpose of constructing water system transmission and distribution improvements, such improvements estimated to cost Sixty-Six Thousand Dollars ($66,000)?
The legal voters and residents of Jericho Fire District No. 1 are further warned and notified that a virtual informational hearing will be held on Monday, December 12, 2022, commencing at 7 o’clock (7 p.m.) for the purpose of explaining the subject proposed water system improvements and the financing thereof.
The legal voters of the Jericho Fire District No. 1 are further notified that voter qualification, registration and absentee voting relative to said special meeting shall be as provided in Section 2484 of Title 20, and Chapters 43, 51 and 55 of Title 17, Vermont Statutes Annotated.
Adopted and approved at a duly convened meeting of the Prudential Committee of the Jericho Fire District No. 1 held on November 15, 2022. Received for record and recorded in the records of Jericho Fire District No. 1 on November 15, 2022.
ATTEST: /s/Charles Windisch
JERICHO FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 /s/Jeffrey Earl /s/Fred Lavenberg /s/Ann Lerner-Kroll Prudential Committee
Located in an historic, 1880's freight house in South Royalton, VT, Worthy Burger is looking for a motivated, experienced and hardworking line cook to round out our exceptional kitchen crew. Focus is locally-sourced food, cooked to order on our wood-fired grill, paired with the best of Vermont's craft beers, craft cocktails and local ciders. If this sounds good to you and you’re a good fit, please reach out: info@worthyburger.com
We are Vermont’s unified public media organization (formerly VPR and Vermont PBS), serving the community with trusted journalism, quality entertainment, and diverse educational programming.
Are you recently retired or between careers? Just looking for something for a few weeks or months? We have seasonal positions to make The World’s Finest Ham, Bacon and Smoked Meats, as well as positions in our call center and warehouse fulfilling orders. Flexible shifts to meet most schedules, paid training, a fun work environment.
Apply in person: 210 East Main St, Richmond (Just 15 minutes from Burlington or Waterbury) 3h-Harringtons110922 1
County Tire Center, Inc. is a busy 10-bay shop. We offer competitive wages including health insurance, vacation/sick time, 401K, uniforms and boot allowance. 40 hours a week Monday-Friday, with overtime available during the months of fall and spring tire changes.
• Motivated full-time Automotive Technician with knowledge in brakes, exhaust, oil changes, tires, VT state inspection license as well as all other related mechanical job duties. Your own tools are required.
Email cover letter, resume and three references to lisa@countytirecenter.com or mail/drop off at: County Tire Center, Inc. 33 Seymour St Middlebury, VT 05753
Must be able to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Vermont Public is a proud equal opportunity employer.
Community Kitchen Academy (CKA) is a 9-week job training program featuring: Hands on learning, national ServSafe certification, job placement support and meaningful connections to community. Plus... the tuition is FREE and weekly stipends are provided for income eligible students!
At CKA you’ll learn from professional chefs in modern commercial kitchens and graduate with the skills and knowledge to build a career in food service, food systems and other related fields. Throughout the 9-week course, you’ll develop and apply new skills by preparing food that would otherwise be wasted. The food you cook is then distributed through food shelves and meal sites throughout the community. CKA is a program of the Vermont Foodbank, operated in partnership with Capstone Community Action in Barre and Feeding Chittenden in Burlington. Next session starts in January, 2023.
APPLY ONLINE: vtfoodbank.org/cka
True North Wilderness Program is seeking a full time Facilities Manager. Primary job duties include facilities and grounds maintenance, landscaping and hardscaping, chainsaw operation, vehicle maintenance, tractor work, grass cutting, wood stacking, general construction projects, latrine cleaning and barrel hauling, and canvas shelter construction. Additional responsibilities include supporting clients directly with enrollment, transportation, crisis response and logistical tasks. Offering competitive salary and comprehensive benefits including health, dental, vision, accident insurance, retirement savings plan, wellness fund, and education assistance program. The ideal candidate is an adaptable team player with a positive attitude who is willing to work both indoors and outdoors and is able to work weekends/occasional evenings. A clean and valid driver’s license is required.
True North is a nationally recognized wilderness therapy program located in the beautiful Green Mountains of Central Vermont. As a small, independently owned program, True North provides personalized therapeutic interventions and transition support for 14- to 17-year-old adolescents and 18- to 25-year-old young adults with an emphasis on assessment and family participation. We are committed to enriching the experience of our students, families, and team by celebrating an inclusive work environment. We seek to recruit a broadly diverse staff who will contribute a variety of viewpoints and experiences to ongoing program development and superior support of our clients. We encourage applications from individuals from underrepresented groups including professionals of color & diverse gender identities. To
Evernorth is a nonprofit organization that provides affordable housing and community investments in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. We have an exciting opportunity for a construction Project Manager to join our real estate development team in
The Director of Public Works provides leadership and performs professional, administrative, management, and technical work in all matters relating to the town’s public works, including public facilities (buildings and outdoor sites) and the highway department. The public works director develops and proposes policies and oversees activity in accordance with general policies established by the Selectboard.
The Director of Public Works is a full-time employee of the Town of Calais and subject to all applicable policies, procedures, rules, and laws that apply to all other municipal employees of the Town of Calais.
Please submit your resume and list of references to Denise Wheeler at calaissbdenise@gmail.com
For a detailed job description and qualifications please visit our website at calaisvermont.gov and see the link on our homepage.
Calais is an equal opportunity employer
Responsible for supporting the UVM Center on Rural Addiction administrative needs. Provide scheduling and logistical support for a variety of settings including groups, individual clinics, hospitals, and homes, and help with follow up. Support other newly requested projects from the funding agency focused on substance use disorder treatment in rural Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and northern New York. Assist with other related topics by supporting faculty and staff as they disseminate content, trainings, education, support, and other evidence-based resources.
Apply online: uvmjobs.com/postings/55986
Coordinate, manage, and provide in-person and remote support to providers and staff in HRSA-designated rural counties in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and northern New York in the implementation and use of scientifically-supported assessments and interventions for opioid and other substance use disorders for the Best Practices Core of the UVM Center on Rural Addiction. UVM CORA is a HRSA-funded Center in the UVM Larner College of Medicine aimed at identifying, translating, disseminating, and implementing science-based practices to address the rural OUD epidemic, as well as future drug epidemics as they emerge. Its Best Practices Core is aimed at providing technical assistance in evidence-based treatment and prevention to rural providers and staff as well as other interested parties across multiple states. Requires occasional travel to rural implementation sites in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, or northern New York.
Apply online: uvmjobs.com/postings/57466
True North Wilderness Program is seeking a fulltime, year-round Operations Support person. The ideal candidate is an adaptable team player with a positive attitude who is willing to work both indoors and outdoors performing a variety of tasks associated with the logistics of running our program. Tasks including food packing and rationing, gear outfitting, transportation and facilities maintenance. Candidates must be willing to work weekends and occasional evenings.
A clean and valid driver’s license is required.
Competitive salary and comprehensive benefits offered. Benefits include health, dental, vision and accident insurance, an employee assistance program, a Wellness Fund, student loan repayment reimbursement, and a SIMPLE IRA.
Please apply at: truenorthwilderness.com
Vermont. This position manages all aspects of design development and construction for our affordable housing projects from pre-development through construction completion. The successful candidate will be an excellent communicator, team builder and problem solver with strong experience in construction project management and commitment to our mission.
We believe in equal access to affordable housing and economic opportunities; the power of partnerships based on integrity, respect, and teamwork; and a collaborative workplace with professional, skilled, and dedicated staff.
To apply, go to bit.ly/evernorthPM
The Town of Jericho is accepting applications for a Highway Maintenance Worker Level II. This is a full-time position which requires a CDL (min Class “B”) and the ability to routinely work outside of regular working hours. The ideal candidate will have at least two years of experience in highway maintenance, snow plowing, construction procedures and methods at the municipal level. Equipment operation experience is a plus.
The starting hourly wage is dependent on qualifications.
The Town of Jericho offers excellent benefits, including health and dental insurance and a retirement plan.
Application & job description can be downloaded from jerichovt.org
They are also available at: Jericho Town Hall 67 VT Rt. 15, Jericho Mon-Fri, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Completed applications can be submitted to Paula Carrier in person, via email at pcarrier@ jerichovt.gov or via mail to PO Box 39, Jericho, VT 05465.
Position is open until filled.
CGC is seeking a Program Director who has a passion for orchestrating magical moments and believes in Camp for Everyone. The Program Director is responsible for all aspects of program planning, as well as hiring, training and supervision of staff for programs throughout the year. CGC offers full health & dental benefits, 401(k) and flexible work schedule and high season childcare to employees.
Full job description here: cgcvt.org/about-us/employment/ Email resume, letter and references by December 21st to: connor@cgcvt.org
Our Community Justice Center is seeking a Conflict Assistance Program (CAP) Coordinator. This grant-funded part-time position was established one year ago to create a brand-new program. CAP supports people who are not involved with the criminal legal system to work through conflict and harm through direct services and community workshops.
Join Country Walkers and VBT Bicycling Vacations, an awardwinning, Vermont-based active travel company, and be part of our high performing, international team.
We have amazing opportunities for Accounting and Service Professionals interested in supporting worldwide travel adventures with a leader in the industry, positively impacting established brands and working with a team of collaborative and gifted travel pros.
We’re seeking professionals for the following full-time positions:
If you’re passionate, driven by excellence, want to make a difference and are looking for balance in your quality of life – check us out!
Ready to learn more? Visit our career pages at VBT.com or countrywalkers.com & submit your resume to nvoth@vbt.com
Our ideal candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree with three years of experience in mediation, restorative justice, conflict resolution, or related field. Additional experience may be substituted for a degree requirement on a two-forone year basis. In order to be successful in this role, strong communication and organization skills, high standards of confidentiality, and program management are very important. We are searching for an individual that has a good grasp of navigating power dynamics, and a solid sense of how their own identities play into their work.
The City of Burlington is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage applicants who can contribute to our growing diversity. We offer a comprehensive benefits package and $25.76-28.71 per hour.
There is no better time to join our Team! Northfield Savings Bank, founded in 1867, is the largest banking institution headquartered in Vermont. We are committed to providing a welcoming work environment for all. Are you looking to start or continue a career in the finance industry? Consider joining our team as a Community Banker! To see all our available positions, please visit NSBVT.com/careers/open-positions.
This frontline position is crucial in creating a positive, welcoming and inclusive experience for NSB customers. The successful candidate will have exceptional customer service and communication skills.
The Community Banker will be responsible for receiving and processing customers’ financial transactions as well as opening and maintaining customer accounts and services. We are looking for someone who can develop and maintain relationships with our valued customers, protect bank and customer information, and uphold customer confidentiality. A high school diploma, general education degree (GED), or equivalent is required.
If you have customer service, previous cash handling or banking experience, we encourage you to apply!
NSB has training opportunities to engage employees and assist with professional development within our company. The average years of service for an NSB employee is 9! If you’re looking for a career in an environment that promotes growth, join our team!
Competitive compensation based on experience. Wellrounded benefits package. Profit-Sharing opportunity. Excellent 401(k) matching retirement program. Commitment to professional development. Opportunities to volunteer and support our communities. Work-Life balance! We understand the importance of having evenings and weekends with our friends, families, and the communities we serve!
Please send an NSB Application & your resume in confidence to: Careers@nsbvt.com or Northfield Savings Bank | Human Resources | PO Box 7180, Barre, VT 05641
Equal Opportunity Employer/Member FDIC
is seeking an energetic, community oriented individual for the following position
25+ hours/week $18/hour with generous paid time off Learn more about this position at: https://brandonpubliclibrary.org/careers/
Homeless Services Coordinator: Work with persons experiencing homelessness, assisting them in identifying housing barriers, accessing services, formulating individual action plans, and obtaining stability. Minimum of two years’ experience with houseless adults, persons with substance use disorders and/or mental illness.
Data Entry Specialist: Enter data points into a Homeless Management Information System, according to terms of signed releases and privacy notices. Must have demonstrated skills in accurate data entry.
Resale Store Associates: Assist in evaluating and preparing donated goods for the sales floor, working in store operating a cash register, providing professional customer service.
HOPE o ers excellent compensation including paid holidays, competitive wages, predictable schedules, platinum medical coverage, dental, life, disability, and matched retirement savings. All positions may be full or part time. What works for you?
To apply, email resume and brief letter to: receptionist@hope-vt.org. Equal Opportunity Employer.
$47,500 -$49,500 DOE w/ excellent benefits. Seeking a creative, highly-organized, tech-savvy professional. Provides admin. & marketing support with seasonal programs, activities and special events. In-person, phone and email-based customer service.
Marketing & outreach for programs and events via social/ traditional media, creates promo materials, flyers, brochures and announcements. Website maintenance, content creation, copy editing. Schedules and reserves facilities, processes program payments, inbound/outbound mail, and other admin. duties.
Excellent communication and IT skills, associate’s degree & two years of professional exp., or equivalent combo of education and exp. Bachelor’s degree preferred. Mon – Fri 7:30AM – 4:30PM. Requires evening and weekend availability.
If you’re looking for a positive, fun & rewarding work environment, with a collaborative team, we want to hear from you! To view a complete job description, and to apply online for consideration please visit: colchestervt.gov/321/ Human-Resources today!
EOE. Open until filled.
The Town of Jericho is accepting applications for a Highway Maintenance/ Mechanic Worker Level 3. This is a full-time position which requires a CDL (min. Class “B”) and the ability to respond to emergencies and snow removal outside of regular working hours.
The ideal candidate will have at least five years of experience in highway maintenance, construction procedures and methods and the operation of large trucks, graders and excavators, preferably at the municipal level. Supervisory experience is a plus. Work includes general laboring duties, heavy lifting, physical work, equipment operation, and on-call duty (nights, weekends and holidays).
The starting hourly wage is dependent on qualifications.
The Town of Jericho offers excellent benefits, including health and dental insurance, and a retirement plan.
Application & job description can be downloaded from jerichovt.org
They are also available at: Jericho Town Hall 67 VT Rt. 15, Jericho Mon-Fri, 8:00 am–3:00 pm
Completed applications can be submitted to Paula Carrier in person, via email at pcarrier@jerichovt.gov or via mail to PO Box 39, Jericho, VT 05465.
Position is open until filled.
Logical Machines in Charlotte, Vt is looking for an energetic sales and marketing person to join our team. You must be a team player, willing to think outside the box, a self starter, and have a good sense of humor.
Job responsibilities include (but are not limited to) growing our sales, helping expand our online marketing presence, and working directly with customers and distributors. This is an in person job and will require some traveling.
Learn more about our company by visiting: logicalmachines.com
Send your resume with a brief cover letter to sarah@logicalmachines.com
Rhino Foods is an open hire employer, meaning that we don’t conduct lengthy drug screens, background checks* and recognize your future, not dwell on your past!
We have immediate needs for:
Make delicious dough, work with cool people! This shift takes place from 10:40PM-7AM and you’ll learn the various steps to make delicious products, including mixing, depositing, baking, assembling, and packaging. Join us today and start your career at one of the fastest growing companies in Vermont.
This important team helps Rhino to shine! This is a 2nd shift position; shift hours are 2:30PM-10:30PM. In this role, you’ll be trained on following established sanitation standards and procedures including use of chemicals, hot water, heavy equipment and equipment assembly.
Rhino offers weekly pay, bonuses, and benefits to support you and your family. Please see more on these openings on our career page at rhinofoods.com/about-rhino-foods/jobs-and-careers
*Rhino Foods does run sex offender checks on all employees
The Vermont Historical Society seeks a full-time Director of Finance & Operations based in Barre. The DFO is responsible for management of all VHS financial functions, including financial statement preparation, personnel administration, grant accounting, and day-to-day bookkeeping. The position is also responsible for supervising and administering all operational contractors, including facilities, IT, and security. The DFO is a member of the senior management team and may be called on to supervise other staff as needed.
Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience in accounting, bookkeeping, or finance and ten or more years of bookkeeping or accounting experience required. Expertise in non-profit and fund accounting preferred. Starting salary approximately $70,000 with generous benefits package.
To apply, send a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references to steve.perkins@vermonthistory.org Candidates will be considered as submitted.
We offer competitive wages & a full benefits package for full time employees. No auction experience necessary.
• Sales
Director: Develop, grow, & sustain our forty-fouryear brand reputation of providing amazing results for our commercial, auto, and real estate clients. Have experience in email, print, & digital marketing? Adobe Creative Cloud & Microsoft Office skills are essential, web & SEO knowledge a huge plus. Bring your knowledge and passion, you’ll find something to explore - we sell it all!
Thomas Hirchak Company is an at will employer. See details at: THCAuction.com
Email Us: Info@THCAuction.com
The Office of the Defender General is seeking a Financial Director & Administrative Services Manager to lead the department’s financial operations. This management position operates with considerable independence, reporting directly to the Defender General, and is responsible for all financial functions for the department.
In this role, you will be responsible for the department’s budget development and maintenance, including preparing annual budget projections, analyzing special patterns, advising the DG about needed adjustments, and projecting future needs.
You will also serve as the primary financial liaison for the department, including responding to inquiries from legislators and members of the criminal justice system. You will also have a significant supervisory role and will further support the department by taking responsibility for contract administration, property management, and overseeing procurement of goods and services, among other tasks.
The ideal candidate has excellent communication skills and is positive, self-motivated, assertive, and able to handle a diverse community of personalities and opinions. Prior management experience is preferred.
This is an exempt, full-time position with excellent State benefits. Salary: $61,963 - $97,156. EOE.
To apply, please email a cover letter and resume to Gina Puls, HR & Special Counsel, at gina.puls@vermont.gov.
Are you ready to lead an experienced customer-focused team providing natural, organic, and local supplements, personal care, and beauty products in a member-owned cooperative natural foods store?
Our co-op offers competitive pay and benefits and the opportunity to join an outstanding management team.
Visit hungermountain.coop/careers for a detailed job description and to apply.
Hunger Mountain Co-op is an inclusive employer. Women, minorities, people with disabilities, veterans, and members of the LGBTQ community are encouraged to apply. Hourly employees are represented by UE Local 255.
623 Stone Cutters Way • Montpelier, VT 05602 (802) 223-8000 • hungermountain.coop
Join VHCB’s housing staff, evaluating, monitoring, and support ing the long-term sustainability of housing developments across the state. Work with housing developers to collect data and evalu ate performance trends. Are you knowledgeable about building construction? Can you analyze budgets and financial performance indicators? Bring your excellent communication and problem-solving skills, along with your ability to make recommendations to assist the network of non-profit organizations creating housing for Ver monters and revitalizing our communities. VHCB offers a compre hensive benefit package and is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Visit vhcb.org/about-us/jobs to read the job description and apply. Position will remain open until filled.
Yestermorrow Design/Build School is seeking a Program Coordinator to perform a variety of project support, facility maintenance and custodial services. Duties include classroom setup, material coordination, basic tool maintenance, assisting with various construction and maintenance projects and light custodial work. This position will play a critical role in ensuring that our facilities (classrooms, dormitories, etc) are prepared for the weekly turnover of programming.
The ideal candidate will have basic carpentry skills and knowledge, be enthusiastic about working on a team, flexible and self directed.
To apply, email a resume and cover letter to nick@yestermorrow.org. Please use the following format in the subject line LAST NAME Program Coordinator.
For a full job description, please visit yestermorrow.org/programcoordinator
VTPrivateye, LLC is a growing private investigation agency seek ing applicants for an Accounting Manager position. This full-time position reports to the Owner/Lead Investigator and is located in the Burlington, VT office. Interested applicants should have a minimum of 3 years’ relevant experience, a 4-year degree (or commensurate experience), clear written and oral expression, and knowledge of accounting operations and procedures.
The job involves bi-monthly invoicing & collection; monitoring/ tracking use of case funds/approvals and retainers; working with an accountant/CPA for tax prep; regular follow up on outstand ing payments and accounts receivable; manages banking and financial record-keeping; serving as point of contact on financial matters; works with bookkeeper with audit preparation activities and assists with review of draft end-of-year financials. Should be creative about implementing system improvements.
Those meeting the minimum requirements should submit a cover letter, resume & contact information for 3 references to Owner/ Investigator Susan Randall: susan@vtprivateye.com. Successful applications will convey the applicant’s fit with the position as described and motivation in pursuing work in a fast-paced work setting focused on justice issues.
The salary for this position is competitive, $52k - $55k, depending on experience, and includes two weeks paid vacation, plus six paid federal holidays. VTPrivateye, LLC will also cover all time and expenses related to professional development opportunities. It is our hope that staff members use vacation time to balance periods that require extensive and sustained work.
VTPrivateye, LLC is an equal opportunity employer, which welcomes qualified applicants of all races, ethnicities, genders, gender identities, disability status, and sexual orientations, as well as those who have been system-involved.
Vermont Legal Aid seeks candidates for a full-time legal helpline position within the Office of the Health Care Advocate (HCA) in our Burlington office. The advocate will provide legal help over the phone to Vermonters with health care or health insurance problems.
We encourage applicants from a broad range of backgrounds, and welcome information about how your experience can contribute to serving our diverse client communities. We are an equal opportunity employer committed to a discrimination- and harassment-free workplace.
Responsibilities include advising consumers on their rights, investigating and resolving problems, and maintaining a high caseload and detailed case records. The successful candidate must be able to work on a team and have excellent communication and research skills. Four years’ professional work experience or bachelor’s degree, or a comparable mix of education and experience desired.
Experience in advocacy, health care, health insurance, or human services is desirable but not required. Prior legal experience is not required. See website for additional information: vtlegalaid.org/hca-december-2022.
Base salary is $41,281 with salary credit given for relevant prior work experience. Four weeks paid vacation, retirement, and excellent health benefits.
Application deadline is Sunday, December 11th. Your application should include a cover letter, resume, writing sample, and three references combined into one pdf, sent by e-mail to hiring@vtlegalaid.org with “HCA Position” in the subject line. Please let us know how you heard about this position.
Looking for an opportunity to work for one of the Northeast’s most reputable breweries? Now is your chance! We are hiring for a full-time Southern Vermont Sales Representative! This person will be responsible for representing our brewery with passion, class, and drive by maximizing the sales of our craft beer portfolio through effective planning, selling, merchandising, and communicating that allows achievement of company and supplier objectives.
For more information and to apply: zerogravitybeer.com/careers
The Intervale Center seeks a dynamic, mission-driven Director of Finance and Operations to join our team in Burlington, Vermont and help carry forward the community food revolution sustaining farms, land, and people that we began over 30 years ago! This position is responsible for all financial matters and effective operations of the Intervale Center. The Director of Finance and Operations works closely with the Executive Director, Program Director, Development Director, and the Board of Directors to develop and implement strategies across the organization.
Intervale Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values diversity of experience, background, and perspective to enrich our work. Applications by members of all underrepresented groups are encouraged.
For a full job description and how to apply, visit: intervale.org/ get-involved# employment-banner
warm, and
The Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA-VT) seeks an Office and IT Manager to provide administrative support and manage IT services, software, and equipment to help the organization thrive.
This position is based out of our Richmond office. Full information including pay can be found at: nofavt.org/ about/join-our-team
Keens Crossing – Winooski, VT 05404
Full Time, 40 Hours, Pay Rate $24.72
Are you looking to learn new skills or to start a career? Are you looking to join a supportive team and a dynamic company? We are so sure you will love it at HallKeen Management that we are offering a $1,000 hiring bonus for the right candidate. All bonuses to be paid per company policy. Will entertain employees looking to relocate to Vermont.
Responsibilities of Maintenance Technician are quite diverse including but not limited to Apartment turnovers, grounds keeping, various janitorial duties, painting, appliance, electrical, heating, plumbing and safety equipment repair & replacement & provide assistance at other company properties when needed.
The qualified candidate must have reliable transportation and have the ability to assist in carrying appliances and climb ladders as needed.
Please e-mail resumes to dfinnigan@hallkeen.com
The Town of Richmond, VT is recruiting for a full time Director of Planning and Zoning. First review of applications will be December 19, 2022 and the position will remain open until filled.
Richmond is currently implementing the Town Plan that was approved in 2018 and would like to find someone with experience in writing zoning amendments and implementing Town Plans. The duties of the Director of Planning and Zoning include but are not limited to: Research, analyze and interpret social, economic, population and land use data and trends; prepare written reports on various planning matters; compile information, make recommendations and prepare planning reports on special studies pertaining to land use and community development problems; coordinate and manage land use and transportation planning projects; serve as Secretary to the Planning Commission; supervise the Zoning Administrative Officer; and serve as Acting Zoning Administrative Officer when the Zoning Administrative Officer is absent.
The successful candidate must enjoy working independently and assisting the public and town boards/committees with excellent follow-through and attention to detail. Ideally candidates will have experience working with attorneys, engineers and land development professionals. Proficiency in MS Word and Excel with basic GIS capability expected. The full job description is available at richmondvt.gov under “Departments/Job Listings.” Hiring salary for this position is dependent upon qualifications and experience with pay starting at $68,103 per year with a generous benefits package.
Please send cover letter, resume and three current references by December 19, 2022 to: “Town of Richmond Director of Planning and Zoning Search,” P.O. Box 285, Richmond, VT, 05477, or via email to jarneson@richmondvt.gov. Questions may be directed to Josh Arneson, Town Manager, at (802) 434-5170 or jarneson@richmondvt.gov
JOB DESCRIPTION: richmondvt.gov/fileadmin/files/General/ departments/job-listings/PZ_Director_of_Planning_and_ Zoning_Job_Description_2022.pdf
for 2 older adults (male & female) with intellectual disabilities who have lived together for the past 22 yrs. Minimal personal care for both-female is beginning dementia. No mobility concerns, no violent behavior, good with children & animals. A budget to pay others for time in the community for walks & seasonal activities. They assist with household chores & do puzzles. Clients cannot be left home alone but can be independent within the home. Must have 2 available bedrooms. Compensation: Combined annual tax-free stipend is over $81,000.00 plus monthly room and board and contracted supports. Contact Sheila Spencer at sheilas@howardcenter.org or 802-343-3974
Part Time
in Chittenden County for a woman in her 30’s. Ideal candidate will be able to provide clear boundaries, clinical support while helping the client develop independent living skills and integrate into the community. Ideal candidate does not have young children. Compensation: $50,000 tax free annual stipend for part-time schedule plus room and board. Contact mgeary@howardcenter.org or 802-488-6553
for a 33-year-old man who loves video games and Magic the Gathering. He requires all day supervision but can be alone in his room or left at home for up to an hour. This position will require daily supervision and helping the client with meal preparation, some transportation, and emotional support. The ideal placement would be a person or couple without children in the home, but pets are fine. Compensation: $40,000 tax-free annual stipend plus room and board and contracted supports. Contact ahornyak@howardcenter.org or 802-373-1144.
CCV is hiring! We’re looking for dynamic, mission-driven people who want their work to make a positive difference in Vermont and for Vermonters. The Community College of Vermont is Vermont’s second largest college, serving nearly 10,000 students each year. CCV is deeply rooted in Vermont communities, providing students of all ages opportunities for academic and professional growth through flexible, innovative programs and exemplary support services.
Benefits for full-time staff include 14 paid holidays, plus vacation, medical, and personal time, automatic retirement contribution, and tuition waiver at any Vermont State College for staff and their dependents (eligible dependents may apply waiver to UVM). Visit ccv.edu/about/employment/staff-positions to learn more.
CCV values individual differences that can be engaged in the service of learning. Diverse experiences from people of varied backgrounds inform and enrich our community. CCV strongly encourages applications from historically marginalized and underrepresented populations. CCV is an Equal Opportunity Employer, in compliance with ADA requirements, and will make reasonable accommodations for the known disability of an otherwise qualified applicant.
Positions include a sign on bonus, strong benefits package and the opportunity to work at one of the “Best Places to Work in Vermont”
When you work for the State of Vermont, you
The Department of Corrections (DOC) Business Office seeks a detail-oriented team player to fill our Financial Administrator I position. We are a large business office with a multitude of opportunity for cross training and advancement. This position will be assigned multiple Probation & Parole offices and will be responsible for monitoring and presenting the budgets for each of these assigned locations. All corresponding accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) work as well as account maintenance for Supervised Individuals. This position serves as the lead employee expense coordinator for their assigned sites and acts as the lead Mobile Device Administrator for all DOC staff. This key role involves setting up new cellular accounts, activating and terminating lines, ordering equipment, mobile account management, and troubleshooting issues. For more information, please contact Tatum LaPlant at Tatum.LaPlant@vermont.gov. Department: Corrections. Location: Waterbury. Status: Full Time. Job Id #44266. Application Deadline: December 8, 2022.
The operations manager portion of the job includes oversight and management of all the finances, classes, workshops, programs, and events at the Vermont Indigenous Heritage Center. They will work with the Alnôbaiwi Council in their mission to teach and learn Abenaki heritage.
Senior Manager: Are you a QDDP (Qualified Developmental Disabilities Professional) with strong clinical and organizational skills? Join CCS and provide leadership to our service coordinators, advocate for funding for the people we serve, and be an integral part of our dynamic, award-winning team. $58,240 annual salary.
Service Coordinator: Continue your career in human services in a supportive environment by providing case management for individuals either for our Adult Family Care program or our Developmental Services program. The ideal candidate will have strong clinical, organizational & leadership skills and enjoy working in a team-oriented position. $47,000 annual salary.
Residential Program Manager: Coordinate staffed residential and community supports for an individual in their home. The ideal candidate will enjoy working in a team-oriented position, have strong clinical skills, and demonstrated leadership. $45,900 annual salary.
Direct Support Professional: Provide 1:1 supports to help individuals reach their goals in a variety of settings. This is a great position to start or continue your career in human services. Full and part time positions available starting at $19/hr.
Shared Living Provider: Open your home to someone with an intellectual disability or autism and open a whole world to them, and to you. There are a variety of opportunities available that could be the perfect match for you and your household. Salary varies dependent on individual care requirements.
Join our dedicated team and together we’ll build a community where everyone participates and belongs: ccs-vt.org/current-openings.
The grants management portion of this position will include managing overall grant efforts, optimizing the grant administration process, overseeing fund-raising, preparing progress reports, ensuring compliance with grant regulations, reviewing grant proposals, managing grant databases, and preparing financial reports. Your skills and expertise in successful grants management will aid our organization in serving the public by securing continuous funding, improving business opportunities through effective funding programs, and executing meaningful projects.
The ideal candidate for this role should have superior organizational skills, great leadership qualities, and exceptional budgeting and monitoring skills. The outstanding grants manager should ensure that grant programs operate efficiently, streamline grant administration, and keep our organization fiscally sound. The grants manager should also exhibit interpersonal skills as they navigate between the Alnôbaiwi Council, other bands, volunteers, and the broader community.
· Degree in business administration or equivalent experience.
· Good communication/interpersonal skills.
· Project management skills.
· Excellent organizational skills.
· Budgeting and accounting experience.
· Computer literacy.
· Strong writing skills.
$35/hour, 30 hours/week
Deadline for submission of resumes is December 15, 2022.
Send resumes to: aleta@alnobaiwi.org
Vital Communities, a regional nonprofit located in White River Junction, VT, seeks a full-time program manager for our Early Care & Education (ECE) initiative, which aims to increase the availability and affordability of high-quality ECE in the Upper Valley.
Successful candidates will have experience with Collective Impact models, and outstanding facilitation and project management skills. ECE experience and expertise preferred but not required.
The full job description is at vitalcommunities.org/joinour-team.
Email resume and cover letter to hr@vitalcommunities.org.
Champlain Housing Trust is growing and we need great people to join our team. One of Vermont’s Best Places to Work in 2022, CHT is a socially responsible employer offering an inclusive, friendly work environment and competitive pay commensurate with experience. Our excellent benefit package includes a generous health insurance plan, three weeks of paid vacation, 14 paid holidays, sick leave, 403(b) retirement plan with employer contribution after one year, disability, life insurance and more.
For additional details regarding these positions or to apply, please visit our career page: getahome.org/career
Equal Opportunity Employer - CHT is committed to a diverse workplace and highly encourages women, persons with disabilities, Section 3 low income residents, and people from diverse racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds to apply.
Join Community Health Centers (CHC), where our mission-minded team works towards supporting
The Vermont Association of Area Agencies on Aging (V4A) is hiring a Training Coordinator to manage its highly successful education program serving the training needs of Vermont’s Area Agencies on Aging staff, community partners, and individuals who support improving the quality of life for older Vermonters. This part-time position comes with generous paid leave and paid holidays. The V4A Training Coordinator must live in Vermont and may work remotely, but travel is required within the state. Maximum number of hours per week is 25. Hourly rate is $24/ hr.-$26/hr. For consideration, please submit a cover letter, resume, and three references (with contact info.) by December 16, 2022, to Mary Hayden, Executive Director, maryh@vermont4a.org
For the full job description please visit vermont4a.org
Engaging minds that change the world
Seeking a position with a quality employer? Consider The University of Vermont, a stimulating and diverse workplace. We offer a comprehensive benefit package including tuition remission for ongoing, full-time positions.
Enrollment Management Professional - Registrar#S4011PO - The University of Vermont Registrar’s Office is recruiting for an Enrollment Management Professional. This position evaluates undergraduate student records and determines credit to be awarded for courses completed for transfer into the University. Creates and maintains degree audit and degree audit requirements. Creates and maintains catalog records in BANNER. Advises students, faculty and staff about accreditation and University transfer credit policy and procedures with supervision received from Assistant Registrar for Transfer Affairs. Occasional night and weekend hours may be required to support (including but not limited to) commencement, admissions events, new student orientation, etc.
Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree and two to four years related experience required. Aptitude for math, detail oriented, and effective communication skills (written and verbal) required. Effective customer service skills required. Demonstrated commitment to diversity, social justice and fostering a collaborative multicultural environment required.
Microsoft Systems Administrator - Systems Architecture & Admin. - #S4012PO - Are you a Systems Administrator with experience supporting Microsoft 365 and on-premises services? Are you a motivated, creative IT professional excited about the opportunity to move into Microsoft 365 administration? UVM is looking for someone to join our team to help us provide robust Microsoft 365 services including Teams, OneDrive, Exchange, and SharePoint to our vibrant university community. Consulting with Senior Administrator staff, you will help implement and integrate new services and capabilities. You’ll also help support critical onpremises services including Active Directory, AD FS, and Windows file services, including staying abreast of emerging security concerns. Whenever possible, you’ll use automation and scripting to manage resources effectively.
For further information on these positions and others currently available, or to apply online, please visit www.uvmjobs.com Applicants must apply for positions electronically. Paper resumes are not accepted. Open positions are updated daily. Please call 802-656-3150 or email employment@uvm.edu for technical support with the online application.
The University of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Work on our bindery production line, performing tasks to complete magazine binding and prepare finished magazines for shipping. This is a fun, fast-paced, and active role – your shi will go by quickly! Shi : 7am-3pm. Pay rate: $18/hour.
Learn to perform technical, manual, and machine tasks in our pressroom. Assist in the set-up, maintenance, and operation of web presses, as well as stacker and roll-stand units. Shi : 3pm11pm. Pay rate: $18/hour plus 6% differential.
3rd Shi
Maintain, troubleshoot, and repair controls, mechanical and electrical aspects of manufacturing equipment, and facility systems. Basic plumbing and carpentry skills desired. Shi : 11pm-7am. Pay rate: Commensurate with experience.
To learn more & apply, visit: careers.lanepress.com Lane Press is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
BURLINGTON HOUSING AUTHORITY (BHA), located in Burlington, VT, is seeking candidates to continue BHA’s success in promoting innovative solutions that address housing instability challenges facing our diverse population of extremely low-income families and individuals. Join us and make a difference in our community!
RAPID REHOUSING SPECIALIST provides assistance to community members who are without housing and have barriers to locating and securing housing in the community. This grant funded position works closely with our Rental Assistance department and Chittenden County Coordinated Entry and is a part of a skilled team that focuses on assessment, intervention, and service coordination of at-risk households.
• Responds to referrals from Coordinated Entry to assess need for housing search services and level of support needed to secure housing
• Provides direct retention services which may include home visits, supportive counseling, making referrals on behalf of household, accompanying member(s) of household to appointments, providing/coordinating transportation when needed, coordinating services which may benefit the household, and work to stabilize the housing as necessary
• Coordinates services which are beyond scope of housing search and makes appropriate referrals back to housing retention team or other agencies when necessary
• Supports households in meeting with landlords and attending showings in BHA’s service area
• Support the household’s awareness of resources, increase overall resiliency, and promote stability and proactivity over crisis management
• Collects and maintains required data and case notes in centralized database
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s degree required in human services or related field. Previous experience in direct service and advocacy preferred. Exhibits effective verbal and written communication skills. Knowledge of the social services network is preferred. Proficiency with Microsoft Office and internet navigation required. Excellent time-management skills and the ability to work independently are required.
To learn more about our organization, please visit: burlingtonhousing.org.
BHA serves a diverse population of tenants and partners with a variety of community agencies. To most effectively carry out our vision of delivering safe and affordable housing to all, we are committed to cultivating a staff that reflects varied lived experiences, viewpoints, and educational histories. Therefore, we strongly encourage candidates from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and women to apply. Multilingualism is a plus!
BHA offers a competitive salary, commensurate with qualifications and experience. We offer a premium benefit package at a low cost to employees. Benefits include medical insurance with a health reimbursement account, dental, vision, short and long term disability, 10% employer funded retirement plan, 457 retirement plan, accident insurance, life insurance, cancer and critical illness insurance and access to reduced cost continuing education. We also offer a generous time off policy including paid time off, sick, and 13 paid holidays. And sign on bonus of up to $2,000.
If interested, please submit your resume and cover letter to:
The Vermont Studio Center seeks an Accounting and HR Assistant to support the accounting and human resources team. In this role you will be responsible for all aspects of AR, AP, processing of biweekly payroll, and supporting human resources administration. Confidentiality and the ability to work with people of all cultures and backgrounds is essential. For a full job description and application instructions, please visit: vermontstudiocenter. org/jobs-at-vsc
Salary: $110,000 to $125,000
The Executive Director will serve as a dynamic and collaborative leader for the Vermont Arts Council and for the state’s creative sector to ensure everyone has access to the arts and creativity in their lives and communities. This individual will develop an inclusive strategic vision to strengthen the resiliency and sustainability of arts, cultural, and creative sector organizations and individuals across the state.
For more details visit: ArtsConsulting.com/Employment
The Janet S. Munt Family Room is a Parent Child Center located in the old north end of Burlington. Our Mission is to provide a space that builds healthy, connected communities by supporting families and young children. Our vision is that every family is connected, healthy, and strong. We are a leader in fostering community and accompanying families as they realize their potential.
The Janet S. Munt Family Room is seeking enthusiastic staff to join us to support our community-driven Family Room programs.
Family Strengthening Worker / Home Visitor supports on site programs at the Family Room and families in the community. This person works on a team to support playgroups, parents education and support groups, child care, planning and cleaning. As a home visitor this staff will visit families providing child development information, parenting strategies, and other family supports as needed.
Ideal candidates should be caring, passionate, be self-directed, have experience working with children and families in culturally diverse communities, and have home visiting experience.
This position is full time, 37.5 hours per week. Compensation is $19 per hour or more based on experience. Benefits packages are available.
Please view our full job description on The Janet S. Munt Family Room website, thefamilyroomvt.org
How to apply: Please send a detailed, personalized cover letter and resume to our Executive Director, Josh Miller, at janetsmuntfamilyroom@gmail.com. This position will remain active until the right candidate is found.
The Janet S. Munt Family Room is an Equal Opportunity employer
“Hey, SIRI, who is this woman sleeping next to me?”
emotional richness of mysteries and per plexities. Feel the joy of how unknowable and unpredictable everything is. Bask in the bless ings of the beautiful and bountiful questions that life sends your way.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21)
Sagittarian comedian Margaret Cho dealt with floods of ignorant criticism while growing up. She testifies, “Being called ugly and fat and disgusting from the time I could barely understand what the words meant has scarred me so deep inside that I have learned to hunt, stalk, claim, own, and defend my own loveliness.” You may not have ever experienced such ex treme forms of disapproval, Sagittarius, but — like all of us — you have on some occasions been berated or undervalued simply for being who you are. The good news is that the coming months will be a favorable time to do what Cho has done: hunt, stalk, claim, own and defend your own loveliness. It’s time to intensify your efforts in this noble project.
ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): Journalist Hadley Freeman interviewed Aries actor William Shatner when he was 90. She was surprised to find that the man who played Star Trek’s Captain Kirk looked 30 years younger than his actual age. “How do you account for your robustness?” she asked him. “I ride a lot of horses, and I’m into the bewilderment of the world,” Shatner said. “I open my heart and head into the curiosity of how things work. I suggest you adopt Shatner’s approach in the coming weeks, Aries. Be intoxicated with the
TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): Of all the objects on Earth, which is most likely to be carelessly cast away and turned into litter? Cigarette butts, of course. That’s why an Indi an entrepreneur named Naman Guota is such a revolutionary. Thus far, he has recycled and transformed over 300 million butts into mos quito repellant, toys, key rings and compost, which he and his company have sold for over a million dollars. I predict that in the coming weeks, you will have a comparable genius for converting debris and scraps into useful, valu able stuff. You will be skilled at recycling dross. Meditate on how you might accomplish this metaphorically and psychologically.
GEMINI (May 21-Jun. 20): Tips on how to be the best Gemini you can be in the coming weeks: 1) Think laterally or in spirals rather than straight lines. 2) Gleefully solve problems in your daydreams. 3) Try not to hurt anyone accidentally. Maybe go overboard in being sensitive and kind. 4) Cultivate even more variety than usual in the influences you sur round yourself with. 5) Speak the diplomatic truth to people who truly need to hear it. 6) Make creative use of your mostly hidden side. 7) Never let people figure you out completely.
CANCER (Jun. 21-Jul. 22): In my dream, I gathered with my five favorite astrologers to ruminate on your immediate future. After much discussion, we decided the following advice would be helpful for you in December. 1) Make the most useful and inspirational errors you’ve dared in a long time. 2) Try experiments that teach you interesting lessons even if they aren’t completely successful. 3) Identify and honor the blessings in every mess.
LEO (Jul. 23-Aug. 22): “All possible feelings do not yet exist,” writes Leo novelist Nicole Krauss in her book The History of Love. “There are still those that lie beyond our capacity and our imagination. From time to time, when a piece of music no one has ever written, or something else impossible to predict, fathom,
or yet describe takes place, a new feeling enters the world. And then, for the millionth time in the history of feeling, the heart surges and absorbs the impact.” I suspect that some of these novel moods will soon be welling up in you, Leo. I’m confident your heart will absorb the influx with intelligence and fasci nation.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sep. 22): Virgo author Jeanette Winterson writes, “I have always tried to make a home for myself, but I have not felt at home in myself. I have worked hard at being the hero of my own life, but every time I checked the register of displaced persons, I was still on it. I didn’t know how to belong. Longing? Yes. Belonging? No.” Let’s unpack Winterson’s complex testimony as it relates to you right now. I think you are closer than ever before to feeling at home in yourself — maybe not perfectly so, but more than in the past. I also suspect you have a greater-than-usual capacity for belonging. That’s why I invite you to be clear about what or whom you want to belong to and what your belonging will feel like. One more thing: You now have extraordi nary power to learn more about what it means to be the hero of your own life.
LIBRA (Sep. 23-Oct. 22): It’s tempting for you to entertain balanced views about every subject. You might prefer to never come to definitive conclusions about anything be cause it’s so much fun basking in the pretty glow of prismatic ambiguity. You LOVE there being five sides to every story. I’m not here to scold you about this predilection. As a person with three Libran planets in my chart, I understand the appeal of considering all options. But I will advise you to take a brief break from this tendency. If you avoid making decisions in the coming weeks, they will be made for you by others. I don’t recommend that. Be proactive.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Scorpio poet David Whyte makes the surprising statement that “anger is the deepest form of compas sion.” What does he mean? As long as it doesn’t result in violence, he says, “anger is the purest form of care. The internal living flame of anger always illuminates what we belong to, what we wish to protect and what
we are willing to hazard ourselves for.” Invok ing Whyte’s definition, I will urge you to savor your anger in the coming days. I will invite you to honor and celebrate your anger and use it to guide your constructive efforts to fix some problem or ease some hurt. (Read more: tinyurl.com/angercompassion.)
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The bad news: In 1998, Shon Hopwood was sentenced to 12 years in prison for committing bank rob beries. The good news: While incarcerated, he studied law and helped a number of his fellow prisoners win their legal cases—including one heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. After his release, he became a full-fledged lawyer and is now a professor of law at Georgetown University. Your current trouble isn’t anywhere as severe as Hopwood’s was, Capricorn, but I expect your current kerfuffle could motivate you to accomplish a very fine redemption.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “I stopped going to therapy because I knew my therapist was right, and I wanted to keep being wrong,” writes poet Clementine von Radics. “I wanted to keep my bad habits like charms on a brace let. I did not want to be brave.” Dear Aquarius, I hope you will do the opposite of her in the coming weeks. You are, I suspect, very near to a major healing. You’re on the verge of at least partially fixing a problem that has plagued you for a while. So please keep calling on whatever help you’ve been receiving. Maybe ask for even more support and inspiration from the influences that have been contribut ing to your slow, steady progress.
PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): As you have roused your personal power to defeat your fears in the past, what methods and approach es have worked best for you? Are there brave people who have inspired you? Are there sto ries and symbols that have taught you useful tricks? I urge you to survey all you have learned about the art of summoning extra courage. In the coming weeks, you will be glad you have this information to draw on. I don’t mean to imply that your challenges will be scarier or more daunting than usual. My point is that you will have unprecedented opportunities to cre ate vigorous new trends in your life if you are as bold and audacious as you can be.
supported by:
Jennifer Koch and Gregg Blasdel recently celebrated 17 years of matrimony. Jennifer owns and runs a frame shop; Gregg was a scholar and a professor of art for 30 years. Eva spent an afternoon watching them print proofs of their collaborative works, called “Marriages of Reason.”
Longtime married, very attractive, in open relationship. Desire playmate in Burlington area. I like confident, experienced, athletic, smart, welleducated, charming men. I am not looking to develop a relationship. Would like a regular playmate who is very discreet. My wonderful husband may be around for first meet, so need to be comfortable with that. He does not participate. MontrealWife, 53, seeking: M, l
I love my family. I prefer genuine honesty and kindness. I’m looking for someone to spend time with and who enjoys family time. My interests: camping, road trips, nights at home, cooking for family, gardening, cuddling my grandchildren. I am sweet, loving and compassionate. I like to go dancing and to social events or have fun nights at home. Bluebird, 55 seeking: M, l
I love myself. Happy with my own company and in a crowd of people. I have many good friends and hobbies. The last time I remember being bored, I was 9! I consider it a really good day when I have learned something new and had a good laugh. Full-blown Libran. Prefer cultured, educated company. Versatility is a must. Zenbabe 61, seeking: M, l
I am looking for someone who can make me laugh and just wants to hang out. Alicat30 30 seeking: M, l
I am proud of myself, honestly. I treat others the way I want to be treated, and I need a man who is going to love me and give me joy. elizabethlove, 28 seeking: M, l
I’m looking for the one to settle down with, to have a family with. I’m a sweet, caring, loving, compassionate, bighearted woman who will do anything to make anyone happy. I do have a threedate rule. Cassh9883 23 seeking: M, l
Relationships take time and develop with honesty. I hope to get to know someone who wants to be spontaneous and head out for the weekend. Explore museums, castles, trails and more. I do love being on the back of a motorcycle, too. Exploring New England to start. crystalrene 50, seeking: M, l
I am a passionate, fit, caring, downto-earth woman looking to share adventures. I love to be active — hiking, skiing, running, yoga. I love to travel, as I am fascinated by the different ways people live their lives. I hope to have honest, interesting, authentic conversations where we really get to know each other. Let’s meet for coffee or a drink! lovemountains 57, seeking: M, l
This is the worst part because there is no right answer, and it’s a pass/fail exam. I’m a Unique Woman (standard package, no upgrades). I like a comfortable silence almost as much as comfortable banter. Lead with your second-best opener, unless it’s late in the season.
Pearly_Sweetcake, 41, seeking: M, l
I am a combination of outdoorswoman, ballroom dancer and retired application developer. Hardworking, honest, funloving, romantic. Family is important to me. I have a log cabin in the NEK that I love. Hoping to find someone to laugh, learn and explore with.
Friends first. College grad, Caucasian. Cabingirl, 66, seeking: M, l
Looking for new friends for local hikes, bikes, boating, concerts. Would love a travel partner, especially to warmer climes in the winter, and if love grows, that would be fabulous. I am widely traveled. Creative lifelong learner. I prefer a chat on the phone or FaceTime rather than lots of typing!
Also love to just be at home, cooking, gardening, reading, watching movies. Artfulllife, 65 seeking: M, W, l
Easygoing and loyal woman looking for friends first, casual dating and seeing what the future holds. Love everything about nature and being outdoors. Avid reader. Road trips. Art. Music. Wildlife. Open to trying almost anything! New experiences help us learn and open our minds. Vaccinated, boosted and masked as appropriate. Happy to share photos privately. Artfully_Outdoors 57, seeking: M
Looking for someone to share time with. Traveling is one of my passions. I enjoy the outdoors, camping, hiking, walking, snowshoeing, music, dancing and playing cards. I love spending time with family and friends and my little dog. ladyinvt 66, seeking: M, l
I giggle a lot and have a tendency to talk fast. I love to read, write, explore new towns, travel, grow flowers, dance and spend time with my dogs. I am looking for a man who will appreciate me, make me feel safe, be patient and kind — someone not afraid of honesty and who can communicate his feelings well; someone who knows himself. _bluesky_kindofday, 36, seeking: M, l
Fiber artist, long-distance backpacker, writer, weaver, teleskier, farmer. Uses a chain saw, dresses up as needed. Never makeup or heels. Strong and physical. Sometimes wants holding and comfort. Friendships are the most important things in my life. Seeking a true partnership, committed to seeing the best in each other. Mutual support, working through difficult moments and sharing playtime are all important to me. Ann 65, seeking: M, l
I enjoy meeting and getting to know people. I’m a loyal and caring friend. Best days are spent outdoors — hiking, kayaking, skiing, biking. Pace doesn’t always need to be fast. Sometimes ambling slowly in the woods or by a river feels right. 400river 59 seeking: M, l
Independent, active, outdoorsy person who thrives on music, enjoys cooking, traveling, hiking, kayaking, hanging out with friends and family. Looking for a kind, honest gent who has integrity and is independent but is looking for a friend to enjoy all that Vermont has to offer.
Excessive drinkers and smokers need not apply. Friendship first, and perhaps an LTR afterward. Bella2020, 65, seeking: M, l
Hello. I am interested in great attitudes, kids, animals, hard workers, sports, fishing, etc. booboo, 53, seeking: W, l
Excellent generalist, language lover, witty conversationalist. I live deep in my head and soul, a nature lover, and wish for a man to use the physical to probe the mind and heart. I am also a practiced masseur. SageOne 69, seeking: M, l
Tell me about your passions, your inner thoughts that get you through the day. What drives you to be you? Lifeis2short 53, seeking: W
Active lifestyle. Curious about all things! Humor and laughter are important. Creating, building, hands-on. Good food with great conversation. DeNe 65 seeking: W
Currently single in central Vermont/ New Hampshire, seeking compatible peeps for fun and friendship (possible LTR and/or FWB). Clean, energetic, love to laugh, create new projects/events and volunteer. Yoga, meditation and sound/ vibrations connect me to Source (or your preferred name for It). ShivaShakti, 61, seeking: M, W, TW, NC, NBP, l
I’m into Neil Young, B. Traven, Passivhaus, wilderness, water, Alexander Berkman, John Prine, writing, saving the world, silence, the stars, German beer, etc. I have no idea who I’m looking for. I’ve probably not learned the lessons I should have. Ragged heart is still on the sleeve. Stilgar, 71, seeking: W, l
I am a decent and hardworking man. People love to see the moon and stars in the sky, but my eyes just love to see my love’s happy and smiling face! abelfirm, 65, seeking: W, l
Tall, a little fluffy, experimental, clean and mostly smooth. Looking to meet other fun people. weldon72, 75, seeking: M
I’ve relocated to Vermont as part of several very positive changes in my life. Glad and grateful for how things are shaking out up here in the Kingdom. Still, I’d like to meet someone as keen as I am for conversation, exploring the state/region and seeing what might develop. NeitherFoldedNorSpindled 56, seeking: W, l
Looking to jump back in and meet someone new. Sami, 59, seeking: W, l
First, I work weekends, Thursday evening to Sunday morning. I spend my free time traveling. I don’t have a type. There is something beautiful in all, but it would be nice if you could ride with me or beside me on a motorcycle — not a deal breaker. Skinny or voluptuous, it’s your mind that makes you attractive and sexy. Gs1250a, 64 seeking: W, l
We will see. jasorro, 30, seeking: W
I am looking for a fun-loving, beachloving activity partner. I love playing in water; you should, too. I enjoy some good humor. I can laugh at myself. I enjoy cards and board games when the weather chases me indoors. vtswimmer, 54, seeking: W
I am 52-y/o bi white male. 5’9, 185 pounds, average build, dad body, goodlooking. Want to explore another side of myself with the right person. Looking for someone who is honest, loyal and can be discreet. Must be early mornings near Burlington. I’m open-minded and versatile. AsherLindon2113 52 seeking: M
Easygoing, quick to smile, quiet observer with a handsome profile, living in the mountains of Vermont. A confirmed HSP and INFJ with an eye for the arts, a good listener, an appreciator of intelligence, soul and silence. Searching for a friend and long-term companion to create and share a celebration of this short life. divinecomedy 66, seeking: W, l
Hello, want to be email pals first? Are you cute, young 60ish? Looking for a straight, educated man, sorta wealthy, loving, easygoing. Friends to start, flirting OK. Try new foods, places, etc. In the end, I would love to love and be loved, like the old-schoolers did. Sammyd 74, seeking: M
I’m an honest, down-to-earth person who has been through a lot in life and is looking for companionship, since I’m new to the area. I’m not like most people in that I feel people are afraid to talk to me. I don’t go out of my way to make friends. I wait for them to come to me. BreBri2022, 37, seeking: M, W, Cp
I’m a feminine trans woman with a good sense of humor. I want a special someone. I like dinner and a movie or a baseball game, ride the bike path and see shows at Higher Ground. I love my record collection and taking care of my house. I’m looking for some companionship and love, building a good relationship. Luv2BaGurl 62, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l
EASYGOING COUPLE LOOKING FUN Married couple looking to spice it up with other like-minded people. Jandjsovt, 52, seeking: Cp
We are a 40s couple, M/F, looking for adventurous encounters with openminded, respectful M/F or couples. Looking to enjoy sexy encounters, FWBs, short term or long term. sunshines, 42, seeking: M, W, Q, Cp
Ideally hoping for a throuple/FWB situation. Us: established M/F couple. DD-free. (She: 44, straight BBW; he: 46, bi MWM). Drinks, 420-friendly, fires, get outside, music, Netflix and chill, always horny. You: DD-free, clean, masculine bi male (30ish to 50ish) who works and knows how to enjoy life! A little rough/hard (top, real man, etc.) with a compassionate heart and a bit of a snuggler. Connection is key. Let’s chat and get to know each other, then play! ginganddaddy 46, seeking: M
My husband and I are looking for some fun with a woman or a couple to join us for some drinks and a good time. Let us know if you are interested. Torshamayo 40, seeking: M, W, Cp
Evening. Enjoyed talking with you about horses, blueberries and kids in the checkout line. You were wearing a black hoodie. Are you single? Do you want have a tea or coffee together and chat sometime? When: Thursday, November 17, 2022. Where: Hannaford. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915673
Older gentleman wondering who had the remote for the TV at Handy’s Toyota waiting room. We started talking about downtown Burlington, and then my car was ready. When: Thursday, November 10, 2022. Where: Handy’s Toyota, St. Albans. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915672
My GPS brought me to your location twice. I didn’t catch your name, and I bet you can’t guess mine! When: Saturday, November 13, 2021. Where: in the eyes of the world. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915671
I saw your message a month after you posted it. Sorry for the late reply. I bet Ruby is out of treats; should I bring some more? When: Saturday, September 24, 2022. Where: Shelburne Bay Park. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915669
You finished your ride and loaded up your orange mountain bike onto your black Subaru. There were numerous glances between us while I stood chatting with my friends. As you drove away, you gave a very friendly smile and wave. It would be great to say hello, maybe do a bike ride or hike, or even just have a drink sometime. When: Sunday, November 6, 2022. Where: Saxon Hill Rd. parking lot. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915668
Two and a half years, and you still visit my dreams and almost every thought day-to-day! When: Saturday, June 6, 2020. Where: in my dreams. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915670
Maybe, or in another life? Like me, you’re weary of running away from, running to catch up, running in circles. Let’s be still, be patient and have faith; we will be together soon. Then let’s practice those qualities in our union every day. How will we know we have found each other? Love, it will be love that feels right. When: Saturday, November 5, 2022. Where: to be destined by summer 2023. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915667
I was in a black truck at the teller window at lunchtime, in South Burlington. You are a stunning brunette with a great smile! You helped me with a shared branch banking transaction. Wanna grab a coffee sometime? When: Thursday, October 27, 2022. Where: VFCU. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915666
Saw your profile in the personals; sent a message. Please read and hopefully get back to me. When: Sunday, October 30, 2022. Where: Personals. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915665
You were walking up Church Street with a bag from Phoenix and an iced matcha. I am envious of your afternoon with new books and a sweet drink. If you’d be interested in having company next time, I’d be thrilled to join you. When: Saturday, October 29, 2022. Where: top block of Church St. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #915664
I was with someone else when we met at the movie theater — unfortunately. We’re fellow alumni, and you were wearing ... maybe a reddish sweater? Dressed like a professor? I dashed out to the nearest pile of Seven Days specifically for the puzzles, since you didn’t have one to share. I haven’t finished the crossword yet; I thought maybe you’d like to help? When: Thursday, October 27, 2022. Where: the Marquis. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915663
We spoke at the festival at the entrance of Alcarràs (7 p.m.). While I was fussing about being late, I sensed signs of attraction. It’s mutual. I noticed your gorgeous face and long, curly dark hair. I’m a woman (seeking a woman), mixed race, with long curly hair. Let’s create our own story. When: Saturday, October 22, 2022. Where: Vermont International Film Festival. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #915662
I was going to message you, but it looks like you are now off this site. If you see this message, holler back. I, too, like to take long car rides. When: Wednesday, October 26, 2022. Where: Seven Days Personals. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915661
You know when you meet someone, still remember their name months later, run into them again and only say “hi” but not their name because you don’t want them to feel uncomfortable? That was the case when I saw you and your dog in the woods by the creek. The pool’s closed, so how about a walk? When: Friday, October 21, 2022. Where: Essex Junction. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915660
HIKER PLAYING ‘WOULD YOU RATHER’ “Would you rather fart all day or have a booger hanging out?” I mean, what guy can resist a line like that? Your smile almost stopped my heart. Also, no ring on your left hand. I hope someone in your hiking group sees this. Would you like to get together for a few friendly rounds of “Would you rather”? When: Saturday, October 22, 2022. Where: on the trail of Stowe Pinnacle. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915658
Well, I certainly hope the two of you are friends if you’re bangin’ all the time.
I’ve been seeing a guy for most of this year, and we’ve gone on a lot of what I consider dates — out to eat, movies, shows, etc. We hang out. We cuddle. We have a lot of sex. The other day, however, he introduced me as his “friend,” and I’m really confused.
Just kidding — but also not. We should all hope to be friends with our sexual partners.
It sounds like you’re wondering whether you have inadvertently landed yourself in a friends-with-benefits situation. I feel like it depends on whom he was introducing you to: If it was his postal carrier, let it ride; if it was his parents, it’s a little odd.
However, if you haven’t discussed your relationship status with him, it’s good that he didn’t assume he could
If your name is James, you wear blue Adidas sneakers, like brown boots and have half a brain, maybe we could finish that conversation face-to-face? When: Friday, October 21, 2022. Where: Comedy Club. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915659
You are very beautiful, and I would like to date you. Some of my interests include reading, working out, bicycle riding and other things. I can cook, too! I would like to find out your interests, as well. I live across from the store. Please get back to me. I want to see you! Sincerely, Jay. When: Monday, October 10, 2022. Where: Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915657
I was surfing on a rock, trying to cross a puddle at Preston Pond with my pup during peak foliage, and you were hiking solo. In our brief encounter, you pointed out the snow-capped mountains in the distance. Want to hike together sometime? When: Saturday, October 8, 2022. Where: Preston Pond trail. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915656
I see you in Essex driving in your blue van. You have gorgeous dark hair and a pretty face. Sometimes you leave Dunkin’ in your scrubs. People are fortunate to be in your care. If you have a family, they must be very lucky. You may see me waving at you from my red Jeep. I hope you wave back. When: Thursday, October 20, 2022. Where: Essex. You: Man. Me: Man. #915655
Your orange puffy coat was the perfect match for the light made pink by the trees. When: Tuesday, October 18, 2022. Where: Main Street Landing. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915654
I spied a dude with longish hair working behind the counter. I glanced at you and then again — awkwardly (sorry). I was wearing a Carhartt beanie and clear glasses. I thought you were super cute and am wondering if you’re single. If so, coffee sometime? When: Sunday, October 16, 2022. Where: South Burlington Bagel Bakery. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915650
Your car group pulled up next to me at a red light in SB and asked if the sprout I had was a Pikmin reference. Just wanted to say it made my night to hear you were debating about a little sprout decoration and to have another fun game reference for my car. When: Saturday, October 15, 2022. Where: South Burlington near Staples. You: Group. Me: Woman. #915649
I saw you being sweet with your kids and wished I could have joined in your Frisbee game. I was in a yellow puffy coat at the next table with my parents. There was excited talk of the playoffs. Something in your smile and presence struck me, and I wish I knew your name. When: Friday, October 14, 2022. Where: Archie’s Grill. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915648
You’re in my thoughts constantly. I want to reach out to tell you how much I miss you, but we made a deal. I wish our circumstances were different, but here we are, pining over what could have been. I miss our banter and texting you photos of the sunrise, wishing you a good morning. I miss you. When: Saturday, October 26, 2019. Where: Grazers. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915647
It was near 2 p.m. We were waiting to check out. You had two bags of sugar, and you were wearing a black coat and jeans. I was also in a black coat and wearing shorts in the cold weather. If by chance you’re single, I would enjoy getting to know you. Hope your Sunday (and assumed baking) went well. When: Sunday, October 9, 2022. Where: Georgia Market. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915646
Looking to reconnect with Amy, whom I met at Bolton Potholes this September. We talked about traveling and ADHD and swimming spots! You sent me a text, but before I could save your number, my phone completely died for good! I would love to reconnect somehow. When: Wednesday, September 7, 2022. Where: Bolton Potholes. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #915645
put a label on it. Or maybe he doesn’t like labels. As any old Vermonter would tell you: It’s hard sayin’ not knowin’. It’s time to find out what the skinny is.
Defining a relationship can be awkward, but nothing is more awkward than sticking your naked naughty bits together. You’ve already been doing that, so there’s no need to be shy. Let him know you’d like to clarify where your relationship is going. You can reference the “friend” incident, but you don’t have to. You can simply ask if it’s OK to introduce him as your boyfriend; he should pick up on what you’re putting down.
However it turns out, just thank your lucky stars that you don’t have the reverse problem. Imagine if a guy you thought of as a friend introduced you as his girlfriend. Yikes.
Good luck and God bless,
Send it to asktherev@sevendaysvt.com.
I’m a male, 70, seeking a female, 50-plus. I am single and looking for a good friend and possible partner. Chittenden County. Phone, please. #1621
I’m a 57-y/o woman. Not married, no children. I stay as healthy as I can. Educated, mostly by deep life experience. Need a dedicated relationship with a man who understands me and treats our unit as No. 1. Need to live in the country. Calm, gardens, sounds of nature, sunset. Please be honest, thoughtful and kind. Be able to relate well to others and be well liked. Phone number, please. #1620
I’m a 70-y/o WF seeking a 70-plus WM. (#1604, I’m interested.) Was widowed 10 years ago and am lonely and seeking a companion. I love being outdoors and seeing birds and animals. Car travel is fun for me. #1618
Young-looking baby boomer woman seeks the same in a male partner. Time is precious. I’m a humanist looking for a nonsmoking, honest, good person. Seeking an occasional drinker without drug or anger issues. Ninety-five percent Democrat and young-at-heart woman who doesn’t drink is looking for a partner, not a serial dater (aka bachelor). #1619
Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your pen pal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number.
MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402
PAYMENT: $5/response. Include cash or check (made out to “Seven Days”) in the outer envelope. To send unlimited replies for only $15/month, call us at 802-865-1020, ext. 161 for a membership (credit accepted).
Submit your FREE message at sevendaysvt.com/loveletters or use the handy form at right.
We’ll publish as many messages as we can in the Love Letters section above.
Interested readers will send you letters in the mail. No internet required!
Calling all bottom fem guys, trans into stockings, high heels, painted fingers, toenails. Any race, young or old. Gay, bi, straight. Always horny. Spend the weekend together. No drugs or smoke. Clean. Phone. #1617
Along life’s highway: 1967 Canadian traditional sedan, high mileage but good steelbelted radials and rust-free, AM/FM radio, power steering, child’s car seat, seeks lightly used sporty 2000 Christian, low-maintenance family van (no child seat), 8-track a plus, for shared travel. #1614
Discreet oral bottom. 54-y/o SWM, 5’8, slim, dark hair, blue eyes. Seeking any well-hung guys, 18 to 55 y/o, who are a good top and last a long time for more than one round. Phone only, but text. Champlain Valley. #L1615
I am a SWM, young-looking 52y/o in search of a trans woman. Not into drugs or 420 and not into a lot of drinking. Someone who wants to be treated like a lady in public and freaky in private. I am very respectful, romantic, physically passionate and enjoy some kinky situations. I enjoy a lot of outdoor activities, like swimming (sometimes skinny-dipping), camping, fishing, walks and bike rides. I also like quiet nights at home, snuggling and watching movies. If you want to know more about me, please write. #1616
I’m a GMW (59 y/o) looking for younger guys who like to have fun with older men. I’m very adventurous, like everything and am in need of a good workover. Rutland area. Call or text. #1613
Happily married older couples who’ve enjoyed some wonderful sensual encounters with other single M/F and couples. Seeking sensual encounters. Chat, sensual massage for starters. Well traveled, fun and outdoorsy. #1612
I’m a male, 78, seeking a female, 50-plus, to come live with me and do cooking and house cleaning. I have two dogs to take care of. I like outdoor work and hunting. I need someone to be with me to love. #1611
I’m a female seeking the person who waved at me (almost two months ago) by the liquor warehouse in Winooski. You were interested in me, but I told you I had someone else. Now I realize I’m interested in you. You drove a newer-model gray truck. #1610
41-y/o male, formerly moderately handsome, now world-weary, depressed and socially isolated, looking for 30- to 50-y/o female to share time with. I’m über friendly and considerate, but years of depression and self-doubt have rendered me something of a self-hating loner. Interested to hear about you and your story. #1609
I’m a SWM seeking a SBF. Kinkier the better. Love women’s clothes, high heels and stockings. Very clean. Phone. #1605
Gracious, attentive, educated, humorous soul seeks a fit, tender and natural female counterpart (52 to 65) to bask in autumn splendor. I prefer simplicity over complexity, quiescence over commotion and creativity over conformity. Hot cider and ginger cookies await! #1607
Female, 60, seeks an intelligent, curious and open man to ponder/ explore things like the perfect bite of a meal, the wonder of the stars, the meaning behind a piece of art, the answers to a crossword puzzle and more. #1606
THIS FORM IS FOR LOVE LETTERS ONLY. Messages for the Personals and I-Spy sections must be submitted online at dating.sevendaysvt.com.