SCORECARD INSIDE Whylibrarieslovetoddlers theSurvivingformulashortage BuildingthroughconfidenceBrazilianjiu-jitsu We Go! TOBROUGHTYOUBY Away 7 fall wholeforeventsthefamily FALL 2022 Deadline to enter is September 5!

k1-McKenzie082521 1 8/11/21 3:24 PM KIDS VT FALL 20222

Braces for Children & Adults — ST. ALBANS OFFICE 80 Mapleville527-7100Depot WILLISTON OFFICE 277 Blair Park 878-5323Road Burlington Williston St. Albans 862-6721 878-5323 527-7100 Braces for Children and Adults DRS.ORTHODONTICSPETERSON,RYAN&EATON DRS. RYAN & EATON Whether you’re considering clear aligners, retainers or today’s braces, an orthodontist is the smart choice. Orthodontists are specialists in straightening teeth and aligning your bite. They have two to three years of education beyond dental school. So they’re experts at helping you get a great smile—that feels great, too. BACK TO SCHOOL IN STYLE WITH A GREAT SMILE k4t-ChamplainOrtho0822.indd 1 8/12/22 8:48 AM With a Family Membership to the Y . . . • enjoy time together in the pool during Family Swim • have fun in the gym during Open Rec or Family Rec (starts 9/16) • join a Group Fitness class with your child 13 and older • work out on-site while the kids age 6 months - 8 years are safe and happy in Member Child Care • Have your child’s next Birthday Party at the Y! Members register early and pay less for programs. Fall program registration for Members opens 8/22! Family Members receive discounts on . . . • Youth (6 mos - 16 yrs) and Adult (Small Group) swim lessons • Youth Sports + Dance (new session starts week of 9/12) • Kids’ Night Out (ages 3-12) • CPR + First Aid, Lifeguard Classes, Personal Training, more! Join us at or stop by at 298 College Street 1 Adult Family = $76 per month (plus $25 Joining Fee) 2 Adult Family = $86 per month (plus $25 Joining Fee) Fun for the whole family! toadBringthistotheYwaivethejoinfee! K2h-YMCA0822 1 8/11/22 10:03 AM PreK 8th Grade Academic excellence for the transformative learning years. Merit Scholarships for entering 2nd 4th graders! (802) 495 5150 Untitled-3 1 8/15/22 10:23 AM KIDS VT FALL 2022 3

NEED A LIFT? Vermont has increased access to MOREAssistanceFinancialtohelpfamiliescover the costs of afterschool and summer programs. Find out if your family qualifies DCF.VERMONT.GOV/BENEFITSat: K1-VTAfterschool0822 1 8/11/22 10:43 AM KIDS VT FALL 20224

KAITLINACCOUNTMONTGOMERYEXECUTIVE MORSE FARM IN MONTPELIER — the sugarhouse has goats to pet, trails to walk and a miniature replica of the capitol building. Plus, I personally think they have the best maple creemees around.
Ready for School? Editorial content in Kids VT is for general informational purposes. Parents must use their own discretion for following the advice in any editorial piece. Acceptance of advertising does not constitute service/product Daendorsement.CapoPublishing shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Da Capo Publishing may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Da Capo Publishing reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers. P.O. BOX 1184 • BURLINGTON, VT 05402 802-985-5482 • SEVENDAYSVT.COM/KIDSVT Published 4x per year. Circulation: 43,000 at 800 locations throughout northern and central Vermont. © 2022 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights COPUBLISHER/reserved.EDITOR Cathy Resmer cathy@sevendaysvt.comCOPUBLISHER Colby Roberts colby@sevendaysvt.comCONSULTINGEDITORS Mary Ann Lickteig, Alison Novak ART DIRECTOR Kirsten Thompson MULTIMEDIA JOURNALIST Cat Cutillo Corey Barrows corey@sevendaysvt.comACCOUNTEXECUTIVE Kaitlin Montgomery kaitlin@kidsvt.comPROOFREADERS Carolyn Fox, Angela Simpson PRODUCTION MANAGER John James CREATIVE DIRECTOR Don Eggert DESIGNERS Jeff Rev.JohnBaron,James,DianeSullivan CIRCULATION MANAGER Matt Weiner BUSINESS MANAGER Marcy Carton CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Julie Garwood, Emily AstridRachelHamilton,Hellman,HedborLague,KenPicard ILLUSTRATORS Julianna Brazill, Thom Glick, Sean Metcalf PHOTOGRAPHERS Luke Awtry, Daria Bishop, Andy Brumbaugh sugarhouseexperience!hasgoats NOTEEDITOR’S
Schools around the state have been trying everything they can think of to retain and entice educators and support sta , from o ering retention bonuses to negotiating with landlords about housing, Novak reported. Some Northeast Kingdom parents have even spent their own money to advertise job openings in rural districts. I’ve seen announcements for school job fairs in Burlington, Winooski and Colchester this summer promoting on-the-spot interviews and job o ers.
This fall issue of Kids VT focuses on some of the unique learning experiences available to Vermont kids and families outside of traditional classrooms. In “Gi Force,” Ken Picard visits a Williston gym run by a Brazilian jiu-jitsu master (page 23). Cat Cutillo explores the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum’s boatbuilding program in “Vermont Visionaries” (page 27). And in “Join the Club,” Fairfax parent Alice Scannell explains how she used the Good Citizen Challenge, a youth civics project organized by Kids VT and Seven Days, as a road map to guide an afterschool program for her middle school-age son and his friends (page 19). For parents of babies and toddlers too young for kindergarten, Burlington mom Julie Garwood o ers some tried and true advice: Head to your local library. She explains all they have to o er in “More Than Just Books” (page 31). We hope this issue inspires you and your family to embrace autumn in Vermont and all it o ers. People travel from around the country to see our state during this spectacular season. All we have to do is go for a drive or take a walk around the neighborhood. Lucky us! CATHY RESMER, EDITOR/COPUBLISHER
Itakinglove a day trip Salisburytoto go KAYAKING ON LAKE DUNMORE when the colors are popping and the lake is calm. CAT CUTILLO, MULTIMEDIA JOURNALIST
ASTRID HEDBORCONTRIBUTORLAGUE, GREEN RIVER RESERVOIR is the best place in the fall. Remote camping. Nature. Foliage. Cool air, warm water for the win! An iconic Vermont fall experience!
V ermont kids and parents may be ready for classes to begin this fall, but whether schools will be fully prepared to welcome them is still unclear. Superintendents and school leaders nationwide have been sounding the alarm for months that they’re having a hard time hiring and keeping teachers and support sta , in part because of pandemic-related burnout. “‘Never seen it this bad’: America faces catastrophic teacher shortage,” reported the Washington Post on August 3. Vermont schools are struggling, too, as Seven Days sta writer Alison Novak reported in July. Jay Nichols, executive director of the Vermont Principals’ Association, told Novak that “principals and teachers and superintendents take on a lot of stress and a lot of pressure, and we have more and more people who are leaving those fields all the time. It’s at the crisis point nationally, and Vermont is not immune.”
RACHELCONTRIBUTORHELLMAN, I like going for a hike on the trails at the GREEN MOUNTAIN AUDUBON CENTER in Huntington. The seasonal aromas are always intense!
What’s destination?favoriteyourfalldaytrip STAFF
I’m always a fan of a beautiful fall hike. STOWE PINNACLE is a great one for the whole family!
Novak, a former elementary school teacher — and the former managing editor of Kids VT — covers the K-12 education beat for Seven Days. She’ll be following the sta ng story and its ripple e ects in the coming months as the school year gets under way. Let’s hope that we don’t have to deputize college students or military veterans, or recruit teachers from overseas to instruct our kids, emergency measures that have passed or are being used in Arizona, Florida and Alaska, respectively.
JULIE GARWOOD is a freelance marketing consultant and writer who works with businessessmallandnonprofits.ShelivesinBurlingtonwithherhusbandandtheirtwotoddlers.

K1t-HMC1019.pdf 1 9/25/19 11:01 AM KIDS VT FALL 20226

KIDS VT FALL 2022 7 5WelcomeEditor’s Note Staff Contributor’sQuestionNote 11ColumnsMealtime 27 Vermont Visionaries More Than Books 31 Why babies and toddlers love libraries Short Stuff 8 Afterschool SchoolEntertainmentProgramsLunches FALL 2022 Just for Kids 37 Coloring Contest 38 Coloring Contest Winners FrenzyFeeding Coping with the baby formula shortage CitizensGood Fairfax teens show civic spirit 12 OutpostOffbeat A quirky new gift and toy shop in St. J Gi Force A Brazilian jiu-jitsu master teaches kids confidence 23 19 35Calendar Save the Dates 15 Illustrator Julianna Brazill sketched this back-to-school scene. Coming soon to a school bus stop near you! On the Cover

Brings Middle Schoolers Outdoors
The sanctuary, founded in 1987 by herbalist and author Rosemary Gladstar, has been running youth programs, including summer camps and school field trips, for 30 years, though this is its first afterschool offering. Executive director Emily Ruff said the program applies the educational philosophy of the Washington State-based Wilderness Awareness School, “creating a safe environment in which children can play and explore their world, identify their unique gifts and passions, [and] develop problem-solving skills and self-sufficiency to foster a deeper level of learning and connection with themselves, their peers and the natural world.”
Attention, Orange and Washington county residents: If you’ve ever wanted your middle schooler to put down their phone and take a walk in the woods, we’ve got an afterschool program for you.
All Vermont K-12 Public School Students Get Free Breakfast and Lunch This Year In case you missed the news this spring, Gov. Phil Scott signed the Universal School Meals Act, which guarantees free breakfast and lunch for all students in Vermont’s K-12 public schools during the 2022-23 school year. Vermont is the third state to pass such legisla tion, after California and Maine. Public school students had been eating for free for the past two years thanks to increased federal funding for school nutrition during the pandemic, but that ended in June. A broad coalition of supporters sought to make universal school meals permanent, including students, teachers, school nutrition staff, school board members and local food advocates. Faye Mack, advocacy and education director at Hunger Free Vermont, said every rep in the legisla ture heard from at least one constituent about the importance of passing the bill. “A lot of people across Vermont were very involved in moving this legislation forward; it was really exciting to be part of the groundswell.”Mackpointed out that parents will still need to fill out a school meals application or a household income form this year — and it’s “critical” that they do, she said. Those data help the state access federal dollars that help fund school meals. Bonus: The forms can also help kids qualify for free SAT prep.
Starting on September 1, middle schoolers in Orange and Washington counties can spend three hours every weekday afternoon at Sage Mountain Botanical Sanctuary, a 600-acre wilderness in Orange. From 2:30 to 5:30 p.m., outdoor educators will lead them on hikes to study animal tracks, help them learn shelter building and navigation, and teach them to make a fire, among other skills.
Funded in part by an Expanding Access grant from Vermont Afterschool, the program is geared toward youth who might not otherwise have access to naturebased enrichment programs. Families can qualify for scholarships and sliding-scale tuition, as well as trans portation options.
Afterschool Nature Program
Find out more and sign up at afterschool, or call 802-479-9825.

Spare Time Reopening Soon — With Expanded Arcade and Escape Rooms
HER RECENT COVERAGE INCLUDES: New Burlington High School Expected to Cost $190 Million, August 3 Vermont Schools Cite 'Dire' Struggle to Find Teachers for Fall, July 13 Report: Major Changes Needed for 'Broken' Early Childhood Ed System, June 26 Recent reats of Violence Renew Conversations About School Safety in Vermont, June 22 Supreme Court Ruling May Affect Public Funding for Vermont's Religious Schools, June 21 Seven Days staff writer Alison Novak keeps a close eye on the latest developments. Find her award-winning reporting at Sign up for the Kids VT Wee-mail enewsletter to get her stories in your inbox.
Parents of kids with fall and winter birthdays will be happy to hear that Spare Time in Colchester will be reopening soon. The bowling alley and family fun center was closed over the summer for renovations. When complete, the new facility — one of 18 in the country owned by Spare Time Entertainment — will include updated bowling lanes, a larger arcade, a reconfigured laser tag arena and two new escape rooms, according to Jana Beagley, Spare Time’s event specialist. The bowling alley is expected to open first; barring construction delays, the other features should be finished by the end of September.Thearcade will feature an ax-throwing game, though Beagley notes that the “axes” are plastic and won’t have sharp edges. “There’s a lot of different types of fun for different folks,” she said. Find information about parties and bowling league sign-ups at at Spare Greenville,TimeS.C.
Everyone’s brain works differently, and no one should be ashamed or made to feel like an outsider because of it. That’s the message of All Brains Belong VT, a Montpelier nonprofit founded by physician Melissa Houser. The group aims to connect, serve and advocate for children and adults who identify as “neuro divergent” — a description that encompasses everything from learning disabilities to ADHD to autism. “We think it’s important for kids to grow up knowing that there’s not one ‘right’ way to be in the world,” Houser said via email. The group runs a few different free programs, including Kid Connections, which matches children ages 3 to 17 based on shared interests, and Brain Club, a weekly community education series that meets on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. This summer it’s been meeting on the Statehouse lawn and by Zoom, in col laboration with Orca Media. Also on the Statehouse lawn: On Saturday, August 27, and Sunday, September 25, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., All Brains Belong VT hosts neuro inclusive COVID-19 vaccination clinics open to adults and kids ages 6 months and up. To make the experience as comforting and supportive as possible, participants will be allowed to choose how they’d like to receive the shot — in an open-air tent or drive-through style, without leaving the car. Some of the organization’s community partners will also be on hand to provide information about child development and family wellness, too. Find more information about All Brains Belong VT at
What’s happening in Vermont schools and child care programs? Neurodiversity and the Idea That ‘All Brains Belong’
k4t-7DEductation0822.indd 1 8/11/22 11:32 AM KIDS VT FALL 2022 9 New Nonprofit Promotes Arcade

K2h-ECHO0822 1 8/11/22 10:40 AM K2h-VermontViolins0822 1 8/11/22 10:05 AM KIDS VT FALL 202210

5. Mix the chicken with the cream cheese, garlic and onion, lime juice, paprika, black pepper, and salt to taste.
KIDS VT FALL 2022 11 INGREDIENTS • 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs • 1 carrot, chopped (no need to peel) • 2 cups chopped onion, divided (1 cup finely chopped) • 2 bay leaves • 4 cups chicken broth • 4 cups all-purpose flour • 2 cloves garlic • 8 ounces cream cheese, softened • Juice of 3 limes • 2 teaspoons paprika • 2 teaspoons black pepper 2 teaspoons salt (to taste) 2 cups panko • 2 cups fine bread crumbs • 3 eggs, beaten • Oil for frying (I used 1 quart of canola oil)
W hen I need inspiration to spice up my lunch-packing repertoire, I like to look at street food from around the world. Street food is portable, typically a good size for lunch boxes and a nice depar ture from a sandwich. Plus, it’s fun to make and eat! The Brazilian chicken croquettes called coxinhas fit this category quite well. Pronounced co-sheen-yuhs, the name means “little thighs.” Legend is that the recipe was developed about two centuries ago for a prince who loved chicken but would eat only the drumsticks. When the cook ran short on drumsticks, he came up with a croquette filled with chicken and shaped, more or less, like a drumstick. The prince approved.Thisrecipe is a bit time-consuming, especially when it comes to making the filling and shaping the coxinhas, but it’s not difficult, and it offers a great opportu nity for kids to help out. The dough needs to rest for at least an hour, so make sure to plan ahead. One nice thing about coxinhas is that they can be frozen — before or after frying — so you can make a big batch and do the labor-intensive work just once. To freeze cooked coxinhas, put them in a Ziploc bag once they are cool and freeze. Reheat from frozen for nine to 12 minutes at 350 degrees. To store coxinhas before breading and frying, place them on a baking sheet and freeze, then transfer them to freezer bags. They keep for up to three months. When ready to use, thaw the desired number in the refrigerator for a few hours before breading and frying to golden brown. If they are still a little frozen on the interior, add a couple of minutes to the cooking time to be sure the centers reach 160 Thoughdegrees.Iusually avoid deep frying, I found that it was the best way to get a uniform, golden crust on the coxinhas. I tried an air fryer but was not happy with the pale color it produced. With some experimentation, I am sure the method could be a decent substitute, but frying in a deep pan was easy, and the results wereThedelicious.coxinhas are, of course, best hot, but I found that they were still delight ful at room temperature, making them perfect for a packed lunch. Experiment with spices to make new varieties. If you have leftover filling, it makes an excel lent chicken salad. My creative sister even made quesadillas with it. I’d like to think the prince would approve. K
6. To form the coxinhas, break off a piece of cooled dough about the size of a golf ball. Flatten it with your palm on a floured surface. Add about a tablespoon of filling to the center, then close it up, covering the filling completely and forming a teardrop shape. (My family thought they looked like bulbs of garlic.) Place on a baking sheet and continue with remaining dough.
4. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a sauté pan and sauté the remaining onion with the garlic until translucent, about 5 minutes.
7. Mix the panko and fine bread crumbs together. Dip each coxinha into the beaten egg, then into the crumb mixture.
1. Place the chicken in a large saucepan. Add the carrot, 1 cup of coarsely chopped onion and the bay leaves; cover with the chicken broth. Simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through.
8. Heat oil in a deep pan (we used a large wok) to 360ºF. Cook the coxinhas in batches until they are golden brown and 160ºF in the center, about 3 to 4 minutes.
DIPPING SAUCE: 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/4 cup lime juice
2. Remove the chicken from the broth. Cool slightly, then finely chop or shred.
3. Strain the broth. Measure out 4 cups (the vegetables may have increased the amount of broth; alternately, you may need to add water). Add it back to the pan and bring to a boil. Gradually whisk in 4 cups of flour, stirring vigorously for 2 to 3 minutes, until a stiff dough forms. Remove from heat and transfer the dough to a floured surface. Knead until smooth. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour.
9. Stir together ingredients for dipping sauce and serve.

Feeding Frenzy
BY ALISON NOVAK Pasteurized human milk at the Vermont Donor Milk Center
The Vermont Donor Milk Center saw a huge increase in calls from pregnant and postpartum women searching for supplementary milk when the formula shortage hit this spring, Wenger said. She’s also seen an uptick in local women looking to help by donating their oversup ply of breast milk to the center. Private Facebook groups aimed at helping Vermont families find formula locally have also sprung up. This summer, sales are steady at the donor milk center. A $50,000 allocation from the state legislature has allowed the center to offer a discount to low-income Vermonters. Wenger said she’s looking for ward to the next legislative session, when a bill that would require insurance coverage for donor milk will likely be debated. K Learn more about the donor milk center — and how to receive or donate breast milk — at
B aby formula — or lack of it — made lots of headlines in the spring, when parents of infants were encountering purchasing restrictions and bare shelves at grocery stores. The nationwide shortage was spurred by the February shutdown of an Abbott Nutrition formula factory in Sturgis, Mich., due to suspected bacterial con tamination. Abbott, the maker of Similac, is one of just four companies that control around 90 percent of the national infant formula market. And it’s a big market — three-quarters of American babies rely on formula for part of their diet. In an attempt to improve the situation, President Joe Biden launched Operation Fly Formula in late May to allow the U.S. to import formula that meets Food & Drug Administration standards from other countries. Abbott’s Michigan plant finally reopened in July. However, “the formula shortage is still very much alive,” according to Amy Wenger, a maternal and child health nurse who is co-executive director of the Vermont Donor Milk Center in Essex Junction. The center supplies pasteur ized breast milk to local families. The issue is especially pronounced for those looking for specialty formula and for low-income families who purchase formula through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, commonly known as WIC. Members of the latter group are only al lowed to buy formula at authorized stores, giving them less purchasing flexibility.
The baby formula shortage has eased — but it isn’t over

KVT: In the fall and winter, you had no problem getting formula, right? CB: Yes, it was always on the shelves. I could get as many containers as I wanted. And then, one time, I went to the self-checkout line in Costco and I tried to buy three containers. I kept getting an error message, and then a person came over and said, “Oh, you can only buy two at a time right now.” My parents in Rhode Island had been texting me — “Are you having trouble getting formula?” — but it was months before things got panicky here. I think Costco might have limited purchases preemptively.
K BarrowsCorey Is Your Child W nderfeet Kids’ Museum Tues, Thurs, Fri & Sat 10:00-4:00 and Sundays 1:00-4:00, Closed Mon & Wed. ordernow ICECREAMCELEBRATECAKE! with alittlean Makesweeter! someone’s day To order call 802-337-1214 or online at Redeem upon pick-up in Waterbury&Ben©Jerry’sHomemade,Inc.202237333 $5 OFF medium-sizedorlargercake k3v-BenJerry0522 1 5/11/22 1:00 PM Expires: 12/31/22 k3v-BenJerry0822.indd 1 8/11/22 12:33 PM
Vermont parents who rely on infant formula have had to get creative in order to feed their kids. In early June, Kids VT and Seven Days marketing and events director Corey Barrows, mom of then-9-month-old Harrison, sent an email enlisting the entire office to help in her search for formula. “If you happen to be at Costco and notice they have some, can you please let me know?” she wrote. “If you’re feeling extra ambitious, grab it and I’ll Venmo you. You’re only allowed two at a time. It’s in the back corner where the paper towels and toilet paper are. Harrison and I thank you.” She agreed to share her formula-finding methods with our readers. Kids VT: When did Harrison start taking formula? Corey Barrows: He has always been formula fed — no part of me ever wanted to breastfeed. We started off with Kirkland — Costco’s formula — because we live near Costco and it seemed like the most cost-effective option for us. Plus, that’s where we get our diapers and wipes, so we could get everything all at once.
KVT: And things really got worse later in the spring, right? CB: Yes, it wasn’t a problem, and then all of a sudden, it just felt like, Boom! It hit. And every time I went to Costco, there was no formula. When I would ask customer service, “Do you know when you’re expecting another delivery?,” they would always say, “No. We recommend that you call daily to see when it’s in.” So every day I would have to call Costco to see if they had it. There was one time where we ran out of the Costco formula, so we had to start buying it at other places, and it was always slim pickings. There was always something there, but the options on the grocery store shelves were often small containers that were way more expensive — like, four times more expensive per ounce — than the Kirkland brand.
KVT: Any interesting shopping experiences? CB: Yes, there was this one time where my friend texted me and said Costco had formula that day. For some reason, the line at Costco was from the register all the way back to the produce section. I was waiting in line with three formulas, and I wasn’t sure if they were only allowing people to buy two. The woman behind me, who had older kids, offered to buy my third one. I Venmoed her for it, then we exchanged the formula in the parking lot. It felt sneaky and wrong, but it got us through a few more days.
KVT: As a new mom, how do you feel about this whole situation? CB: I never thought this would be a problem. Now that Harrison is eating more regular foods and not taking as many bottles — and you can give babies cow’s milk at 1 year old — we won’t have to worry about this for much longer. As a new parent, you already feel scattered and like a lot is out of your control, and having to add one more thing — like calling Costco every day or constantly looking for formula — it’s stressful.
KVT: Did things eventually get better? CB: One of the other parents at daycare, whose son was over 1 year old, had formula left over, so she gave that to us. And then I went to Target, and their limit was four. In terms of price, the Target brand was better than the grocery store, but not as good as Costco. So, I got four there. The next day, my friend called me and told me Costco had formula, and I ran over there and got two. So we were stocked up. At that point, my husband, Derek, said to me, “I didn’t realize how stressed out I was until now, when we don’t have to worry about it for a little while.”

ISFORREGISTRATION2022/2023NOWOPEN! Classes Septemberstart6th, 2022 Comprehensive Instruction in all levels of Classical Ballet, Pointe, Variations, Progressing Ballet Technique, & Contemporary Ages 3 through Adult 39 River Road Essex Junction, VT ••VisitusonFacebook! c k4t-ElanDance0822.indd 1 8/9/22 3:58 PM k4t-GirlScouts0822 1 8/8/22 5:41 PM In the midst of exciting expansion, including a new gym and academic building and an Outdoor Education Center, Vermont Commons seeks curious, capable learners eager to be a part of a vibrant, engaging, independent school community. Reach out today! | Kat Nelson | k4t-VTCommonsSchool0822.indd 1 8/10/22 10:37 AM f c UPCOMING CAMPS & CLINICS: COED AGES 8-12 OCTOBER 7 1PM - 3PM - Pitching & Catching Clinic OCTOBER 10 1PM - 3PM - Hitting & Fielding Clinic NOVEMBER 21 - NOVEMBER 23 1PM - 3PM each day, 3 Day Camp - Baseball & Softball Fundamentals 802-662-4233 | | 160 Griffin Lane, Essex Junction, VT 05452 PLEASE CONTACT US DIRECTLY TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT IN A CAMP/CLINIC! • High-Level Training for Baseball & Softball • Private, Semi-Private & Group Lessons • Full Cage Rentals • Batting Cages with Pitching Machines • Camps & Clinics • HitTrax & Rapsodo Advanced Analytical Tools k4t-TheStrikeZone0822.indd 1 8/5/22 11:29 AM KIDS VT FALL 202214

Book and play setLEGGESTEVEPHOTOS: Socks byWoven
background in art education has informed her curation of Art & Joy’s robust children’s section, which includes beautifully crafted Timberkits mechani cal model-building kits, Frida Kahloinspired paper dolls, birding journals and handheld electronic drums. Bergman said she wants to sell toys that foster organic play and creativity — and can withstand more than a few play sessions. She also sources items internationally, such as leaf-shaped ceramics from Japan, strawberry-inspired wicker purses from Amsterdam and Constantin Brâncuși-style candleholders made by a Ukraine-based artist. The globe-trotting sensibilities of Art & Joy reflect Bergman’s own adventures. Raised by her wanderlust-driven parents, Art and Joy — the namesakes of her store — Bergman spent most of her childhood traveling the world, refining her ability to find beautiful things in unlikely places. She made many artist friends along the way, a network rivaling that of her more cosmopolitan peers. Even so, Bergman firmly believes that St. J is just as exciting a locale as people around here that want to see art celebrated and supported,” she said. That includes the Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild, whose gallery is just down the Bergmanstreet.knows the community well. She spent most of the past two decades working as an art teacher in the area, including six years at the rural pre-K-12 Cabot School. But teaching in the early days of the pandemic proved especially challenging, and after the 2020 school year, Bergman felt burned-out and ready for a change of pace. She took a job at the Frame Dames, a framing and art supply store in St. Johnsbury, and was amazed by the number of people she met who were interested in art. An artist herself, Bergman envisioned opening a store that fos tered the efforts of local creators. Maggie Gray, owner of Haven, a vintage home goods store, told Bergman about a vacancy in her building. With that nudge and the encouragement of her husband Scott Bergman, a furniture maker, she opened Art & Joy in March. Compared to her job as an art teacher, Bergman said, the undertak ing has “been pretty hassle-free.” She soon found herself immersed in a community of people who are rooting for her success and get her sense of humor. She loves hearing customers chuckling while perusing her merchandise. Local resident Deb Foy is an avid Art & Joy
She’s looking at things from her bringingperspectiveartist’sandabreath of fresh air to the town.
The small but airy space, located on Railroad Street in the heart of downtown St. Johnsbury, is filled with items more commonly found in urban markets. Think Pergamo retro animal magnets and stickers and classic G.I. Joe figurines doingBergman’syoga.
KIDS VT FALL 2022 15
Offbeat Outpost
A fter nearly 20 years of teaching art, Alison Bergman won’t be going back to school this fall. Instead of decorating and stocking a classroom that nurtures creativity, she’s cultivating it through Art & Joy, an eclectic gift shop she opened earlier this year in St. Johnsbury. Over the past few months, the Northeast Kingdom store has become a destination for customers seeking offbeat cards and gifts, unique and durable children’s toys, and work by local artists. “She’s looking at things from her artist’s perspective and bringing a breath of fresh air to the town,” said Andrea Poe, a local artist whose paintings hang in the store. “Everything in there is either really thoughtfully made or beautiful or funny or relevant.”
A new store in St. Johnsbury offers eclectic, playful finds for children and adults RACHEL HELLMAN Pear

of like-minded people around here that want to see art celebrated andALISONsupported.BERGMAN Eat and be hoopy Karla Jones | Artist, Hoop Coach, Nutritionist, Vegan Mentor @eatandbehoopykaralaart15@comcast.net802-355-8457 Hula Hooping Activities Hoop HoopHoopLearnSkillDevotionalHoopYogini™GamesPracticeBuildingaDanceRoutine!JamsMaking&Decorating Mindful/Sensory Activities Paper flower art Calm bottles Rock Plant-basedMindfulBubblePancakeCookiePaintingartadventuredecoratingartteamakingeatingcooking classes/ demos Classes • Workshops • Celebrations • Gatherings Parties • Reunions • Homeschool • Senior Wellness Let’s talk about your next event! k4t-Eat&BeHoopy0822.indd 1 8/10/22 12:09 PM Introduce your kids to the classics or discover a new family favorite Tues.-Fri. 5pm-10pm Sat. 12pm-10pm; Sun. 12pm-8pm 3 Mill St., Burlington www.theboardroomvt.com802.540.1710 The Boardroom BOARD $6CAFEGAMETABLEFEE››$3FOR12ANDUNDER››FULLMENU k4t-TheBoardroom0822.indd 1 8/10/22 11:53 AM
• Fairbanks
Currently on display is Kate Jarboe’s colorful, abstract photography, which reflects a nostalgic consideration of childhood objects. Bergman met her in the late 1990s when she was a student worker at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Jarboe was a librarian there. They’ve been good friends ever since. A practicing artist herself, Bergman is eager to eventually hire an employee to share workloadtheso that she can spend more time paint ing and sculpting in her studio. For now, she’s excited to source allinspired.andinLawrence’sseencustomerhim.wouldsureBergmanLawrence.painterRenaissanceingsasomeoneago,customers.themfindswell-madeunique,andsharewithherAfewweeksshenoted,boughtbookofpaintbyHarlemJacobwasn’tshoppersrecognizeButthehadashowofworkNewYorkCityleftgreatly“Then,ofasudden,”
There’s a
of pricing, with many items in the $10 to $50 range. “It makes me really happy to know that the art is accessible,” Bergman said. She also wants the store to serve as a gallery for her talented artist friends.
Offbeat Outpost << CONTINUED FROM P.15
Mushroom paper lantern
There's more than enough to do in and around St. Johnsbury to justify a fall excursion. Grab a baked good and coffee at Boule Bakery before checking out the Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium, a must-see Victorian-era treasure trove filled with natural science and history exhibits. It's across the street from the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, a distinctive public library that houses a small but impressive art gallery. Just outside of town, you'll find Dog Mountain, home to a gallery of the late artist Stephen Huneck's work, as well as the re nowned Dog Chapel, which honors the bond between people and their pooches. nearby seasonal sight: the Great Vermont Corn Maze in Danville. & Joy, Bakery, Dog Mountain, Museum & Planetarium, Vermont Corn Maze, St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, community
shopper. “I think it has a fun mix of stuff and a really nice energy,” she said. Foy once bought a pair of socks with funky embroidery and received countless compli ments. One friend loved them so much that Foy returned to Art & Joy to buy her a pair. “There’s a gift there for everyone,” Foy said, Joyforaothersshebatting“withoutworthdredsandSomediverseshe’sthemonthsInshe’sBergman,isayourself.”“includingAppealingtobroadaudienceimportanttoandsucceeded:thefivesincestoreopened,noticedaclientele.comeinbuyhunofdollars’ofgoodsevenaneye,”said,whilesaveupforspecialpiecemonths.Art&offersaspectrum
Bergman said, “I’m having this great conversation with somebody about art that we both can connect on and think about. I love it. It’s really fun.” K Rachel Hellman is a corps member with Report for America, a national service program that places journalists in
• Great

It’s easier than ever to apply for and enjoy of all the benefits of WIC–from food benefits to breastfeeding support to healthy recipes and more. Many families are eligible. 3SquaresVT/SNAP and Medicaid/Dr. Dynasaur members automatically meet income requirements. Text VTWIC to 855-11 to apply now or visit k34h-HMC(WIC)0522 1 5/13/22 9:11 AM Where learning is rooted inEDUCATIONDELIVERINGrelationships.HOLISTICFOROVER25YEARS. Ages www.bellwetherschool.org3-12 Explore. Discover. Grow. k8h-Bellwether0522.indd 1 5/13/22 8:47 AMUntitled-2 1 8/15/22 10:20 AM KIDS VT FALL 2022 17

A DaySuperchargedofFamilyFun e-bike test rides energy expert advice more at MeetKidsCHAMP!GamesIceCream DJ & Live Music Food Trucks TrucksRaffles Reduce Fosil Fuel Use & Save Money! Kids Games K2v-BurlingtonElectric0822 1 8/5/22 2:27 PM k4t-SaltwaterCoDeltalDental0822 1 8/3/22 3:56 PM theHistoryforwholefamily! Buy Tickets Online at: All ages event with live demos, displays, vendors & more Sept. 17 & 18, 2022 • Champlain Valley Expo k4t-VTGatherings0822 1 8/11/22 4:46 PM KIDS VT FALL 202218

Over the years, club members also volunteered and collected donations for organizations including Franklin County Animal Rescue, the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, and NorthWest Family Foods, a food pantry serving Franklin and Grand Isle counties. The food shelf praised the club on its Facebook page: “The curious group of seventh graders from Fairfax, Vermont, came and worked on restock ing shelves, making bags, cleaning vans, asking questions! It was a beautiful day to witness, and be a part of … Thank you to our Good Citizens!” Probably the most complicated activity Scannell and the club attempted was organizing a school board candidate forum last March. The group sought questions from the public via social media and Front Porch Forum. During the virtual forum, the students asked candidates how they would address teacher morale, staffing shortages, the state of aging buildings and raising the Black Lives Matter flag — as well as how they’d respond to people who disagreed with them. Scannell said the students showed up for the event “ready to speak to any of the candidates and consider different perspectives, which was great.”They held the forum on Zoom and promoted it via social media and Front Porch Forum. At least 50 people logged in, and more likely watched the recording afterward. “We got so much posi tive feedback from the community,” Scannell recalled, notably from people on opposing sides of many of the issues. One thing they could all agree on: The teens provided a valuable public service. “I just loved that,” Scannell said.She encourages other parents and teachers to embrace the Good Citizen Challenge and start similar groups at their schools. There have been several iterations of the Challenge since the first one in 2018, and all the activities are archived at “This is very doable,” Scannell said. “It’s a lot of fun.” Keller recommends the Good Citizen Challenge to his peers.
A t 14 years old, Keller Greene can’t vote. But when he’s old enough, the Fairfax teen will be ready, thanks in part to the Good Citizen Challenge.
Anyone that’s thinking about joining a Good Citizens club or is on the fence — you should do it. GREENE
“Anyone that’s thinking about join ing a Good Citizens club or is on the fence — you should do it. You’ll learn a lot, and you feel good,” he said. “I think everyone should do it. It changed me for the better.”
The middle schoolers baked treats for essential workers in town; they dropped off cookies for employees of res taurants, convenience stores and auto repair shops. After the club made cards for local seniors, one of the recipients called the school, and Scannell got the message. “I called him, and he’s like, ‘I just want you to tell your students that this made my day,’” she recalled.
Good Citizens rounding up food donations, from left: Elliot Scannell, Leigh Brown, Keller Greene and Kai Von Sitas
KIDS VT FALL 2022 19
Join the Club Fairfax teens practice being Good Citizens BY CATHY RESMER
Good Citizens at the Statehouse, from left: Emma Foster, Keller Greene, Kai Von Sitas and Elliot Scannell Good Citizens at the Statehouse, L to R: Emma Foster, Eliot Scannell, Keller Greene, Kai Von Sitas
K Turn the page to see the scorecard for the current Good Citizen Challenge. The deadline to complete it is Monday, September 5.
In the 2019-20 school year, Keller and four of his friends at Bellows Free Academy Fairfax completed the Challenge — a youth civics project organized by Kids VT and Seven Days and supported by the Vermont Community Foundation. Calling themselves the Good Citizens Club, the group met after school twice a month at the library. The members read books, listened to an episode of Vermont Public’s “Brave Little State” podcast, played a video game about gerrymander ing, and interviewed a reporter from the Saint Albans Messenger and Rep. Barbara Murphy (I-Fairfax).Clubmembers completed that year’s Challenge in March 2020, right before the pandemic hit and school shut down. Instead of breaking up, they kept going — sometimes meeting virtually — all through their middle school years. They worked on activities they found through the Challenge and improvised their own. The club’s final activity before its members moved up to high school was a May trip to the Statehouse in Montpelier, where they saw the Vermont legisla ture in Keller,action.anathlete who plays basketball, football and Ultimate Frisbee, wasn’t initially drawn to the club because of its mission. In a Zoom interview in June, he said he got involved because his friends were doing it. But once he got started, he really enjoyed it. “I stayed in it because it was a way to get into the community and help the commu nity … It was a way to give back,” he said. Keller admits that before he joined the Good Citizens Club, “I didn’t know much about politics or civics or any of that stuff.” He said he learned a lot, especially from the hands-on tasks, such as volunteering at local nonprofits: “It just, like, opened my eyes that I can help.” He discovered that, even as a teenager, “I can do a lot.” That’s exactly the outcome club organizer Alice Scannell was hoping for. Scannell, a licensed social worker and clini cal supervisor in Howard Center’s School Services Program and a part-time faculty member at the University of Vermont, initially planned to do the 2019-20 Good Citizen Challenge with her then-sixth-grade son, Elliot. But then she decided to help his friends attempt it, too. Having a structure in place made it doable for her. “You laid it out so well,” she said of the Challenge. “Just the categories and the different activities and the options that they could choose — you just did the work.” Scannell recruited the kids, found a space where they could meet and used the Challenge as a curriculum to’s work took on a new urgency after COVID-19 arrived. In the early days of the pandemic, club members collected donations of paper products for the local food shelf. “Everybody was shut up in their house,” Scannell remembered, “so we wore masks and just drove all around town and picked up stuff.”

Challenge Organizers PartnersUnderwriters
D id you know the first commercial globe maker in the United States lived in Bradford, Vt.? The Vermont History Museum has an exhibit about him opening this summer. Farmer and blacksmith James Wilson learned cartography, geography and engraving, and in 1810 made and sold the first globes produced in the Americas. They helped people in the U.S. understand more about the world and their place in it. Learn more about your community, country and world by doing the Good Citizen Challenge! Complete the Challenge for a chance to win a new globe, a $100 gift card to Phoenix Books and a free trip for two to Washington, D.C. from MilneTravel! All who finish the Challenge will be invited to a VIP reception at the Vermont State House this fall.
INSTRUCTIONS Complete a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row of five activities. Mark each completed box and snap a photo of each activity to show evidence of your work. Upload a photo of your completed scorecard, and evidence of your work, at Or mail the scorecard and evidence, along with your name and contact info, to: Seven Days/Kids VT, PO Box 1164, Burlington, VT, 05402-1164, attn: Good Citizen. No purchase necessary. Participants must be 18 or under to be eligible for prizes. Each completed scorecard counts as one entry in the prize drawing. Participants can enter multiple scorecards, but activities must be repeated for each one. Deadline to enter is September 5, 2022.
THEOFCOURTESYHEINRICH,FREDERICROYLC-DIG-DS-04089CONGRESS,OFLIBRARY Empowering Vermont’s youth to close the opportunity gap.
7 RespectfullyDisagree 1 ConnectHistoryto 23 WriteLettera 6 HistoryFuture 14 Pitch In 15 VisitCapitolthe 20 ListenLocal 19 SearchDeed 16 LibraryLoan 3See the Spot 5 RememberThis 12 Clean Up MUES•FREEADMISSIONTOTHEVERMONTHISTORYMU FREEVISIT 8 Connect Neighborsto 24 ControlTake 22 Read Newspapera 9Act Locally 17 theExplainMotto 2Make a Map 11 OrganizeSupport 13 AppreciateArt 4What’s in a Name? 10 GloballyThink 21 WatchNewsthe 18 CandidatesConsider 2022 SCORECARD LEARN ABOUT VERMONT • HAVE FUN • HELP OTHERS ACTIVITY DETAILS: GOODCITIZENVT.COM Help Your Kids Win a Trip to D.C.!

23. Write a Letter: Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper about something or someone in your community that you appreciate.
• Upload high-quality photos of your work to goodcitizenvt. com. We’ll publish the best entries in Kids VT and/or Seven Days.
See instructions at left. Got questions? Contact us at or 802-865-1020, ext. 114.
Deadline to enter is September 5, 2022.
3. See the Spot: Visit a state historical marker. Find a list at
15. Visit the Capitol: Walk inside the Vermont State House to see the House and Senate chambers. If you can, take a free guided tour or self-guided audio tour.
4. What’s in a Name?: Pick a Vermont place name — a town, a road, a lake, a mountain — and find out where it comes from. Ask your librarian or local historical society for help.
FALL 2022 21
19. Deed Search: Go to your city or town hall and find the deed for a property that’s important to you.
• James Wilson • Daisy Turner • Abby Hemenway
COMMUNITY 7. Respectfully Disagree: Watch a short video about One Small Step, a public radio project that brings people who disagree with each other together for
14. Pitch In: Help a friend or neighbor with yard work or chores.
1. Connect to History: Pick one of these Vermonters from history and learn about their life at Then complete an activity related to or inspired by them or their accomplishments: visiting the town where they lived, for example, or writing a poem or creating artwork.
12. Clean Up: Spend at least 15 minutes picking up litter in a public place.
17. Explain the Motto: Vermont’s state motto is “Freedom and Unity.” What does that mean to you? Make a piece of art — a poem, drawing, song, etc. — to explain.
MEDIA 20. Listen Local: Listen to a locally produced podcast from Vermont Public. Choose one of these episodes of “Brave Little State”: “How Is Climate Change Affecting Vermont Right Now?” (April 5, 2019) or “Brave Little State’s 4th Annual Brief History of Vermont Road Names” (September 9, 2021). Younger participants can listen to one of these episodes of “But Why?: A Podcast for Curious Kids”: “Why Can’t Kids Vote?” (October 9, 2020) or “Why Is Russia Invading Ukraine?” (March 11, 2022). 21. Watch the News: Watch a local TV news broadcast or the latest episode of “Vermont This Week” on Vermont Public, available to stream online at
11. Organize Support: Use Front Porch Forum to organize a donation drive for a charity or shared resource such as a food shelf, library or homeless shelter.
22. Read a Newspaper: Read a whole issue of your local community newspaper — find a list of Vermont papers at Can’t find your paper? Try the library.
10. Think Globally: Do something to learn about or help a com munity far away. For example: Watch a documentary, or attend a vigil, rally or event about a global issue such as war or climate change.
18. Consider the Candidates: Watch or listen to a debate featuring candidates running for office in the August 9 primary election or the November 8 general election.
9. Act Locally: Do something to help people in your community. For example: Make a cheerful sign, weed a public garden or help seniors learn to use digital devices.
13. Appreciate Art: Find and reflect on a mural or sculpture in a public place. Tell us how it makes you feel.
24. Take Control: Improve your attention and ability to focus by changing your relationship to your digital devices. Do at least one of the suggested activities on the Take Control checklist from the Center for Humane Technology. Find it
8. Connect to Neighbors: Join your neighborhood Front Porch Forum and write a post about your experiences taking the Good Citizen Challenge. Under 14? Ask an adult to post for you.
BONUS: Complete all activities in one category to be eligible for category prizes! More info online. VT
6. Future History: Pick an object in your life that could be part of a future museum exhibit and write a label for it. Tell us what it’s called, where it came from and how it’s used.
• Post about the Challenge on your neighborhood Front Porch Forum, or if you’re under 14, ask an adult to post for you.
• Write a letter to the editor about the Challenge to your local newspaper.
Free Museum Visit (center square): Go to the Vermont History Museum. Good Citizen Challenge participants and their families get in free! The exhibit about globe maker James Wilson opens on July 3.
2. Make a Map: Draw or design a map of a place you know well.
• Stephen Bates • Wilson “Snowflake” Bentley
16. Library Loan: Borrow something from your local library — a book, a garden tool, a park pass, a telescope, etc.
5. Remember This: Public memorials commemorate people and events a community wants everyone to remember. Visit a memorial in a Vermont town and find out who it honors, and why.
Get this year’s best back-to-school supply. Forget those new jeans and superhero lunchboxes. Confidence is the best school suppy you can give your kids. Start this year strong with a personal learning plan to fit your family’s busy back-to-school schedule — and budget. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact us now. SYLVAN LEARNING 1 Market Place, Unit 10, Essex SYLVANLEARNING.COM802-316-4711$49InitialDiagnosticAssesment Offer valid at participating locations only. Expires 10/1/22 BRIGHT from the start! Get This Year's Best Back-to-School Supply Forget those new jeans and superhero lunchboxes. Confidence is the best school supply you can give your kids. Start this year strong with a personal learning plan to fit your family's busy back-to-school schedule - and budget. Sylvan Learning 802-316-4711 $49 Initial AssessmentDiagnostic Offer valid at participating locations only. Expires 10/01/22. BRIGHT from the start! This Year's Best Back-to-School Supply Forget those new jeans and superhero lunchboxes. Confidence is the best school supply you can give your kids. this year strong with a personal learning plan to fit your family's busy back-to-school schedule - and budget. SYLVANLEARNING.COM Don't wait until it's too late. Start now. Sylvan Learning 802-316-4711 $49 Initial AssessmentDiagnostic Offer valid at participating locations only. Expires 10/01/22. BRIGHT from the start! Get This Year's Best Back-to-School Supply Forget those new jeans and superhero lunchboxes. Confidence is the best school supply you can give your kids. Start this year strong with a personal learning plan to fit your family's busy back-to-school schedule - and budget. SYLVANLEARNING.COM Don't wait until it's too late. Start now. Sylvan Learning 802-316-4711 $49 Initial AssessmentDiagnostic Offer valid at participating locations only. Expires 10/01/22. k2v-SylvanLearningCenter0822.indd 1 8/5/22 10:15 AM An experiential reform religious school at Temple Sinai with the joy and camaraderie of summer camp! Highly interactive outdoor program • Creative and engaging programming 500 Swift Street, South Burlington JOIN US AT OUR OPEN HOUSE Sunday, September 11 For more details, visit Groundbreaking! k4t-TempleSinai0822.indd 1 7/8/22 9:44 AM For Your Consideration for Best Children’s Album “Though the album is clearly aimed at children, Rockin’ Ron keeps things entertaining and inventive. ‘SHE CAN BE A CAPTAIN TOO’ shuffles along with a country-rock feel as it encourages young girls to aim high.” SEVEN DAYS review of Captains and Sea Monsters, December 2021 Available on Spotify, Apple, Amazon and more. k4t-RockinRon0822.indd 1 8/11/22 1:33 PM KIDS VT FALL 202222

Which bus will take
As Violet squared off in a fighting stance opposite a girl several inches taller, she had a fierce look in her eye.
in foster care, she might not know. On average, four to six months of educational progress is lost when children change schools. When youth in foster care stay in their same school, middle and high double.graduationschoolratesChildren and youth in foster care need homes in their school district. THEY NEED YOU. FIND OUT MORE AT: DCF.VERMONT.GOV/FOSTER k4v-VTDeptFamilyServices0822 1 8/4/22 12:37 PM 2022 FALL Dance Session now enrolling! Dance for young children, Ballet Technique & Pointe, Contemporary Ballet, aComposition,ImprovisationContemporary,&Yoga,daytimehome-schoolclasses& NEW Company Class Series k8v-MovingLightDance0822.indd 1 8/5/22 11:00 AM Find, fix and feather with Nest Notes — an e-newsletter filled with home design, Vermont real estate tips and DIY Signinspirations.decoratinguptodayat obsessed? 8v-NestNotes-filler-21.indd 1 4/13/21 4:39 PM
Among the students training that day was Violet, a 4-year-old who sported a blond braid and purple boxing gloves. (Though Brazilian jiu-jitsu doesn’t traditionally involve strikes, Fernandez, who’s also a certified boxing coach, incorporates punches and kicks against padded targets into his training exercises.)
Violet’s mother, Holly Bolsta, of Williston, watched through a doorway in the lobby, where a color monitor displayed the action in the gym via closed-circuit TV. (Fernandez doesn’t allow anyone on the mats without a uniform.) When asked why she enrolled her preschool daughter in a style of martial arts whose maneuvers include the guillotine choke, the bicep slicer and the Peruvian necktie, Bolsta said it was actually Violet’s choice. “She wanted to do ballet, but I was too late for the sign-ups,” Bolsta said. “And she was like, ‘That’s OK, Mom. I’ll just do a fighting BrazilianSinceclass.’”startingjiu-jitsu last fall, Violet has begun attending class twice a week and now practices rope ladder conditioning at home with her father. “Julio has been amazing. He’s so patient, consistent and firm,” Bolsta said. “Definitely the games are her favorite part. He conditions them in such clever ways that they feel like they’re just having fun.”
Indeed, near the end of class, Fernandez unfurled a long cloth belt, then directed his students to stand in a circle around him. “Ever heard of an anaconda?” he asked the group. “The anaconda is a snake that lives in the jungles of Brazil. If it gets your feet, it’s gonna take you down!”Fernandez gently swung the belt around at ankle height, requiring the students to jump over it as it passed by; those the belt touched were eliminated from the game. The kids giggled and yelled as each one tried to leap over the approaching “anaconda.” Tom Stuessy’s 7-year-old daughter, Sawyer, was among the students play ing the game. An only child, Sawyer began training at Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu last October and now attends classes three days per week. Stuessy said he’s noticed his daughter practic ing shoulder rolls at home and talking her way through the new moves she’s learned in class. “She’s way into it,” said the South Burlington dad, who used to train with Fernandez himself. “Every day she wakes up and asks if it’s a jiu-jitsuVermontersday.” who are curious about Brazilian jiu-jitsu would be hard-pressed to find an instructor with better credentials than those of Fernandez, who’s been practicing the sport for nearly half a century. Born and raised in Copacabana, a neighborhood in southern Rio de Janeiro, he got into Brazilian jiu-jitsu through his first love — surfing — which he learned at age 5; by 16, he was surfing professionally. Fernandez earned the nickname “Foca,” which is Portuguese for “sea lion,” because of how much time he spent in the ocean. He was no sea lion in physical stat ure, though. Fernandez, who stands five foot eight and weighs 150 pounds, was often physically attacked by much bigger surfers, who were territorial about whom they al lowed to surf on their favorite beaches. So, at familygrandlatejiu-jitsutrainingFernandez16,beganinBrazilianundertheCarlsonGracie,amasterwhosedeveloped the sport in Brazil in the early 20th century before spreading it worldwide. A strategic form of self-defense that’s been likened to chess, Brazilian jiu-jitsu emphasizes brains over brawn. A smaller but better trained opponent can easily subdue a larger one simply by using choke holds and leverage applied to limbs and joints to their“Jiu-jitsuadvantage.gave me the confidence that I could walk around with my head up and my shoulders back,” Fernandez said. By age 17, he was competing nationally. Fernandez went on to become a three-time Rio de Janeiro state champion, then Brazil’s five-time national champion and, eventually, a two-time world champion. The last time he competed, at age 57, Fernandez won the international title of grand master.Fernandez moved to the U.S. in 1989. He and his American wife settled in Vermont because his in-laws, who were avid skiers, had a house in Stowe. Though Fernandez already had a college degree in economics from Brazil, he needed to learn English before getting a professional job in Vermont. In the meantime, he washed dishes at Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, where he took on his first Brazilian jiu-jitsu student in the U.S. — a sous chef who worked in the kitchen with him.
this Fall? If
For more than 30 years, Fernandez has been teaching students how to fall down safely — then get back up again. her school she’s

While attending Champlain College to earn a degree in finance and accounting, Fernandez began offering his martial arts services to local karate and tae kwon do schools; none was interested. “They didn’t want any competition, you know?” he Sosaid.Fernandez opened Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in 1993, just as the sport was taking the world by storm. In November of that year, Royce Gracie, a member of the famed Gracie family and Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt, won the first Ultimate Fighting Championship, a mixed martial arts competition, defeating his opponent in under two Thoughminutes.Fernandez initially trained only adults — many of his students are current or former military and law enforcement personnel — he began offering instruction to children about 13 years ago. Today, with 80 to 90 kids attending his classes every week, youths comprise about half of his students and are the fastest-growing segment of his student body. But while Fernandez and his 10 instructors teach self-defense and physical fitness, a mental component is omnipresent. Patience, discipline, self-control, and respect for one’s instructors and opponents are part of every class, Fernandez said. Instructor Chad Borofsky drives an hour each way from his home in Waitsfield several days a week just so he and his 7-year-old-son, Eli, can train with Fernandez. On the day we met, Eli was taking a class while Borofsky waited outside with his 3-year-old son, Alden. Though Borofsky acknowledged that for younger kids, most of the training is about developing basic body control, hand-eye coordination and agility, there’s a strong mental compo nent to the classes, too. “For Eli, I think it builds some serious self-confidence,” he said.
spar,” she added, “you don’t go 100 percent, so that you don’t injure your partner or yourself. Mr. Julio wants to make it a sport that, no matter how old you are, you can do it, and you don’t have to be afraid of injury.”That much was evident from watching a couple of his youth classes. Fernandez has posted 14 training rules at the entrance to his gym. The first reads, “Students are not to misuse the knowledge of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.” That means they’re actively discouraged from practicing jiu-jitsu techniques outside the gym and must never use them in real life unless it’s absolutely necessary. (In 48 years, Fernandez said he’s had to use jiu-jitsu just twice in self-defense.) “I teach the kids that the first thing they have to learn is self-control,” he added. “I teach discipline. I teach skills. But I also teach them to be humble.” K Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu will host an inter-gym kids tournament on Saturday, October 15. For class times and membership fees, visit Julio César Fernandez Nunes leading a class of 11-to 15-year-olds
K3v-OGE0822 1 8/1/22 9:33 AM Farm Market • Bakery • Greenhouses VERMONT & SPECIALTY FOOD PRODUCTS MAPLE SYRUP, HONEY, JAMS, MUSTARDS, DRESSINGS & MORE HEY KIDS! COME ON OUT & HAVE SOME FUN CIDERAPPLEDONUTSDAILY!GIANTPUMPKINWEIGH-IN Sat. FallforVisit12pm-3pmSept.17thFacebookinfoaboutotherActivities. MAZZA’S 8 ACRE CORN MAZE Open Daily starting Fri. Sept 3rd. Buy your tickets HAYRIDES TO THE PUMPKIN PATCH Weekends 11am-4pm starting Sat. Sept. 24th 802-655-3440 277 Lavigne Rd., Colchester • M-Sa 7am – 7pm Sun 7am – 6pm • See our monthly sale coupon! • MC/Visa/Disc K6h-sammazza0822.indd 1 8/11/22 10:21 AM
KIDS VT FALL 2022 25
Naja Masada said that’s been her experience, “100 percent.” The 17-year-old from St. Albans has been training with “Mr. Julio,” as she calls Fernandez, since she was 5. Now a blue belt, Naja comes to the gym three days a week to practice and help train youngerBrazilianstudents.jiu-jitsu, she said, “has definitely given me a strong sense of confidence. But a good thing I’ve been taught over the years, especially at Mr. Julio’s gym, is not to be overconfident.” Naja also addressed a concern some parents may have about the potential dangers of the sport. She pointed out that neither the training nor tourna ments involve any kicking or punching between opponents, so no protective gear is

TWO LOCATIONS! Essex Campus: 21 Carmichael Street, Suite 203 Shelburne Campus: 4066 Shelburne Road Official School of Vermont Ballet Theater, Winner of Readers Choice Award Best Ballet School, Alexander Nagiba Director. SUPERIOR CLASSICAL BALLET TRAINING VAGANOVA & BALANCHINE METHOD 202 2-23 CLASS REGISTR ATION NOW OPEN! Classes Septemberbegin12! “Simply the Best” Main Office: 802-878-2941 • Vermont’s Own NutcrackerLIVE2021AuditionsSept.25! Ballet & Pointe Ages 3 years to Pre-Professional Contemporary, Jazz, STORM Competion Team VERMONT’S OWN NUTCRACKER & CELEBRATION OF DANCE AT THE FLYNN CENTER k2v-VBTS082521.indd 1 7/29/21 3:28 PM NutcrackerOwnVermont’sLIVE2022AuditionsSept.24! Classes Septemberbegin12! k2v-VBTS0822indd.indd 1 8/5/22 10:03 Enroll in a variety of programs such as youth soccer, ice skaang , flag football, and more. Registraaon available online, in person, or over the phone ENJOYBURLINGTON COM | 802 864 0123 | @btvparks k4t-BurlingtonParksRec0822 1 MAY 28 – SEPTEMBER 5 Explore da Vinci’s full-size inventions brought to life! LEARN MORE AT MONTSHIRE.ORG Sponsored by Bio X Cell, Chroma Technology, Concept2 Inc., Geokon, Mascoma Bank, and Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College k4t-MontshireMuseum0522 1 5/12/22 4:32 PM KIDS VT FALL 202226

Reed Grant, 14, of Vergennes was splattering paint in a Jackson Pollock fashion onto his boat, an idea that came from Hopkinson. Grant signed his boat with a green handprint. Laela Desjadon, 13, of Vergennes had created a SpongeBob SquarePants theme on her boat, and Joshua Kafumbe, 15, of Middlebury was cutting out a Curious George image with an X-Acto knife to stencil onto his yellow kayak. “I didn’t really think that I could get this far,” Joshua said. “I didn’t think that I could build a boat.” One of the quotes hanging on the wall inside the longboat workshop building says, “A boat should live three times the life of the tree it was built from.”“We really stress that with the kids,” Patch said. “You aren’t just building this so you can experience this; you’re building this so that thousands and thousands of people over the next multiple decades can experience this activity.” K Visit to learn more about boatbuilding programs at the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum. Hopkinson (right) stenciling fireflies Jonathan Kafumbe Campers
KIDS VT FALL 2022 29 program is free through public schools. The museum offers a pay-what-youcan model for all of its summer camps, including the kayak-building camp, as well as its year-round expeditionary programs. Patch said longboats they’ve built are displayed at Addison County Fair & Field Days in August. When the kids recognize a boat they’ve helped build, their reaction is priceless. “They’ll say, ‘That’s my boat!’ And it really warms your heart,” Patch said. “They clearly are proud of it, and they get inside it, and they show it to whoever they’re with. It’s the kind of ownership of an accomplishment.”Backintheopen-air workshop on the final days of the summer kayakbuilding camp, the boats were popping with personality and color. Basil Hopkinson, 17, of Bridport had painted fireflies on their boat with the help of fellow camper Jonathan Kafumbe, 13, of Middlebury.“Atmyhouse, we have this really big, open field, and at night we have hundreds and hundreds of fireflies, so I wanted to do that on my boat. Me and my mom made these stencils last night,” Basil said.
on their kayak, with the help of fellow camper
getting ready to test their kayaks in the water 150 Dorset St. So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-865-3021 •Openplayitagainsportssoburlington.com7daysaweek HAVE YOUR KIDS OUTGROWN THEIR GEAR OR WANT TO TRY A NEW SPORT? We have everything you need for soccer, field hockey, football and hockey AT PLAY IT AGAIN SPORTS we know kids and how to outfit them for sports. We have been buying and selling new and used kids usedsellingbeensports.outfitkidsPASTequipmentsportsFORTHE30YEARS.weknowandhowtothemforWehavebuyingandnewandkidssportsFORTHEPAST30YEARS. MP k2v-PlayitAgainSports0822.indd 1 8/9/22 2:01 PM

The Room For Me Grant Vermont's kids need a place to go when they're out of school. Let's make room for them. Expanding access to afterschool and summer VERMONTAFTERSCHOOL.ORG/ROOMprograms. K1-VTAfterschool2-0822 1 8/11/22 11:41 AM KIDS VT FALL 202230

W hen I first became a mom in 2018 and was looking for things to do with my little ones, it never occurred to me that the library offered anything other than books.Itwasn’t until I overheard another parent raving about “story time” that I grew curious about whether my local library offered something similar. And so, with my 1- and 3-year-old toddlers in tow, we set out for Burlington’sFletcherFreeLibrarytoattendaneventcalledFamilyPlayshop. Playshop gives children under 5 the opportunity to explore materials, from Play-Doh to Legos, with helpful and engaging librarians nearby to assist. Our first experience there became one of many as I quickly discovered that libraries provide countless oppor tunities for learning and socialization. Whether taking home activities for a rainy day or participating in interactive experiences like Playshop, we realized libraries are the perfect place for us to get to know our community, free of charge.Ourfamily has since become an unof ficial ambassador of these neighborhood spots. Not only do we enjoy making new friends, we also know there are many parents and caregivers like us searching for the same things we are: community, inclusion and one more way to keep a precocious toddler entertained! With that in mind, it’s my pleasure to share the following treasure trove of library resources.Tolearn more about your library’s offerings, check out its website. Many list their programs, as well as other at-home opportunities, under their “Kids/Youth” tab or right on the home page. Happy exploring!
More Than Just Books
PLAYGROUPS AND PROGRAMS Our favorite library programs are ever changing. Currently, my 3-year-old is counting the days until he can go back to the Fletcher Free Library for Sing Along With Linda Bassick. This weekly half-hour program is filled with acoustic guitar playing, singing and dancing with other 1- to 7-year-olds. My son has even worked up the courage to request a song or two. His current sing-along favorite: theWe’veABCs.also learned about several other programs for infants and tod dlers at nearby libraries. At K9 Duke Storytime With Officer Cohen at Dorothy Alling Memorial Library in Williston, children can read with or to a dog and get to know one of their town’s local police officers. The Pierson Library in Shelburne offers Little Ones Yoga on Saturdays, a great opportunity to try a new form of exercise and work out those wiggles!Programs are typically open to residents and nonresidents alike. So, even if your own town’s library doesn’t have something that works for you, you can likely find an engaging program in the next town over.
Why babies and toddlers love libraries — and you should, too!
Playing on a mini obstacle course at the South Burlington Public Library
Many libraries offer dedicated spaces for kids to explore and interact with friends.
While I’m accustomed to taking home books from the library, I recently learned about STEAM kits available for checkout. STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, art and math, and according to staff at Richmond Free Library, these kits help young learners build introductory knowledge and basic skills in different subject areas. Themes include snap circuits, ocean wonder kits, Magna-Tiles and board games. STEAM kits are available for a variety of ages, from preschoolers to teenagers. You can find them in many libraries, including the Fletcher Free Library in Burlington, Richmond Free

KIDS VT FALL 202232 Library and Brownell Library in Essex Junction. PLAY SPACES Sometimes, a kid just wants to play. And what better way to mix it up than a change of scenery? Luckily, many libraries offer dedicated spaces for kids to explore and interact with friends. Most of these spaces are open whenever the library is, making it easy to stop by whenever you have a freeSomehour.of our favorite activities we’ve found for kids up to 5 years old are sensory bins, arts and crafts projects, puzzles, large manipulatives (think blocks), figurines, dollhouses, and coloring materials. We recom mend checking out the offerings at Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, South Burlington Public Library, Stowe Free Library and Fletcher Free Library. COMPUTERS ELECTRONICSAND OK, so maybe electronics aren’t your favorite thing for toddlers to get their hands on, but libraries often offer developmentally appropriate tech toys for young children. At the South Burlington Public Library, for example, children can choose from several games or stories that allow them to read or sing along with cartoon characters. Themes include shapes, numbers and classic nursery rhymes. It’s a wholesome option that allows little ones to experiment with technology without letting them hop on the internet and start exploring. More Than Just Books << CONTINUED FROM P. 32 Exploring a sensory bin at Fletcher Free Library Scientific, Technical, Engineering, Visual and Performing Arts, Service Learning, and Early Learning. Community and school-based teams for age 4 -college S T E A M SCIENCE TECHNOL0GY ENGINEERING ARTS MATHEMATICS ON A TEAM! 802 272-2766 • DESTINATIONIMAGINATION.ORGVTDICREATIVITY@GMAIL.COM•CREATIVEIMAGINATION.ORG TODAY!ASTARTTEAMSTARTATEAMTODAY! k6h-DestinationImagination0822.indd 1 8/8/22 6:11 PM 2095 POMFRET RD. | SO. POMFRET, VT | (802) 457-3500 THEATREMUSICARTMOVEMENT community arts center, theatre & gallery 5/11/22 12:58 PM Located in the of Shelburne 54 falls road Tues-Fri 10-5, Sat-Sun 11-4 802-985-3221 Back School!to k6h-JamieTwoCoats0822.indd 1 8/11/22 12:55 PM

Waterford Upstart is an online program that helps PreK-aged children build important reading, math, and science skills so they're prepared to thrive in school. Plus, it's free for families! EnrollqualitySuperchargetimewithyourchildtoday k2v-MahkAdvertisingWaterford0822 1 8/5/22 11:25 AM
ATTRACTION AND MUSEUM PASSES Want to take a trip to a local museum or state park? Before heading out, check with your town’s library to see if it has free passes to your desired destination. Many offer free or reduced-price passes to places such as Shelburne Farms, Rokeby Museum in Ferrisburgh, Billings Farm & Museum in Woodstock, and some state parks. K Sing Along With Linda Bassick at Fletcher Free Library
ONLINE RESOURCES AND CLASSES Speaking of electronics, I recently learned that many libraries also offer online programs that students can access at home. A quick perusal of the Fletcher Free Library website shows programs such as PBS Kids and ECHO At-Home Learning, as well as platforms that offer ebooks and games. These op tions are ideal for rainy or snowy days or to supplement your child’s learning. My kids have taken advantage of a game or two with Daniel Tiger, a PBS character who teaches about love and kindness. This is a great, free option that certainly beats paying for another expensive subscription.
STORYWALK It was on one of our many long walks during the height of the pandemic that we discovered our neighbor hood StoryWalk. On the side of a rail trail, we found a forested path where children could follow a series of posted signs, each containing one page of a storybook. We especially liked the fact that the signs were posted at toddler height for easy access.

Get the newsletter featuring notable news, arts and food stories handpicked by our editors. Sit back, relax and read up on what you may have missed. SUBSCRIBE SEVENDAYSVT.COM/ENEWSTODAY: And on the seventh day, we do not rest. Instead we bring you... 4h-sundaybest-dog.indd 1 3/2/21 6:43 PM Covid-19 vaccines are now approved for every Vermonter 6 months and older. Protect every generation from serious symptoms and illness. Talk to your health care provider to schedule a vaccine. Vaccines now available for 6 months and up k34h-HMC0822 1 8/12/22 5:27 PM KIDS VT FALL 202234

It’s the best stinkin’ time of the year when GARLIC TOWN, USA, formerly known as the Southern Vermont Garlic & Herb Festival, returns to downtown Bennington. With live music, kids’ activities, a beer and cocktail garden for the grown-ups (garlic margarita, anyone?), and vendors selling everything from garlic ice cream to deep-fried garlic pickles, there’s something for every taste.
Friday, October 7, through Sunday, October 9, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., at Topnotch Field, Topnotch Resort in Stowe. $10; free for kids. Info, 316-5019, fall BY EMILY HAMILTON SEPTEMBER 25 War of the Gourds Start building your trebuchets now: The VERMONT PUMPKIN CHUCKIN’ FESTIVAL is back. Competitors use homemade catapults to see who can hurl a squash the farthest across Stowe’s Mayo Farm Event Fields. Meanwhile, a more peaceful but no less ruthless chili cook-off keeps spectators fed, and musicians House Dunn and John Smyth provide a live soundtrack to the pumpkin party.
The STOWE FOLIAGE ARTS FESTIVAL does just that, gathering more than 150 artists and artisans at Topnotch Field for three days of programming for the creative kid in all of us. There’s also music, gourmet food, local beer and wine, and live craft demonstrations.
family fun each week in the Seven Days calendar, or online
Save the Dates Fun stuff for families this
SEPTEMBERAllium3 in the Family
Blast From the Past History buffs of all ages travel back in time at the VERMONT LIVING HISTORY EXPO at Essex Junction’s Champlain Valley Exposition. Using props, costumes and even historical vehicles, reenactors evoke medieval knights, American revolution aries, World War II soldiers and every thing in between. It’s a hands-on way to learn about times gone by. Saturday, September 17, and Sunday, September 18, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., at Champlain Valley Exposition in Essex Junction. $5-30; free for kids under 6. Info, 778-9178,
OCTOBER 7-9 Leaf Encounters Vermont in the fall is a work of art all on its own, but why not help it along?
KIDS VT FALL 2022 35
Saturday, September 3, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., in downtown Bennington. $5-30. Info, 447-3311,
Sunday, September 25, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., at Mayo Farm Event Fields in Stowe. $10; free for kids 4 and under. Info, 603-630-4800,
Roasty Toasty If a sweet tooth runs in your family, get your toasting sticks ready: Derby’s hilltop floral farm, Lavender Essentials of Vermont, presents evening MARSHMALLOW ROASTS so you can snack by sunset with the scent of lavender on the breeze. Kids’ first package of marshmallows is free, s’mores supplies are provided, and additional ’mallows are available for purchase.
Woodstock’s Billings Farm & Museum gets in the spooky — but not too spooky — spirit with A FAMILY HALLOWEEN. A costume parade, hayrides, candy stations, a pumpkin carving contest and seasonal stories make for a freaky festival that folks and farm animals of every age can enjoy. Sunday, October 23, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., at Billings Farm & Museum in Woodstock. Regular admission, $8-17; free for members and kids in costume. Info, 457-2355,
Thursdays, August 18 through September 8, and Fridays, September 23 through October 7, 6-8 p.m., at Lavender Essentials of Vermont in Derby. Free; preregister. Info,,23Treats
Find more
THROUGH OCTOBER 10 Escape the Maize Nothing like a 24-acre corn maze to bring a family together. Intrepid explor ers must gather their loved ones and their wits if they dare to tackle the GREAT VERMONT CORN MAZE, New England’s larg est labyrinth. If you’re not up for a threehour hike, the scenic maze is always an option, as is the Pretendin Play Village, which features friendly goats, barnyard golf and a hay castle. Through Monday, October 10, at the Great Vermont Corn Maze in Danville. $10-20. Info, 397-8574,

BACK TO SCHOOL TO DO New notebooks & pencils New backpack New lunchbox Free & Reduced Price Meal &lunchSchoolactivitiesSign-up3SquaresVTApplicationApplicationforextracurricularbreakfastandhelpkidslearngrow. When you return your school meal application, you are helping your entire school and community. When more students participate in school meals, your school receives more money for education in the cafeteria and the classroom. Did you know, there are many benefits to submi ing a meal application? Waived testing fees, low-cost internet, and discounts to some community programs More money for your school to invest in local food and farm-to-school programming Can help your community qualify for summer and afterschool meal programs Contact your school to submit your meal application. K2V-HungerFree0822 1 8/12/22 11:21 AM Happy New School Year! From the 13,000 members of Vermont-NEA — teachers, paraeducators, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, custodians, school nurses, librarians, and counselors — welcome to the 2022-23 school year. While we are still living in extraordinary times, one thing hasn’t changed, and won't: our steadfast commitment to our schools, our communities, and, most importantly, our students. Together, we ensure our public schools remain Vermont’s most important resource Untitled-1 1 8/12/22 3:20 PM KIDS VT FALL 202236

KIDS VT FALL 2022 37 KIDSJUST FOR Coloring Contest! AgeArtistTitle Town PhoneEmail Contest sponsored byThree winners will each receive an annual family membership to the Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium. Send Kids VT your work of art by November 1. Be sure to include the info at right with your submission. Winners will be chosen in the following categories: (1) ages 5 and younger, (2) ages 6-8 and (3) ages 9-12, and will be named in the winter issue Send your high-resolution scans to, with “coloring contest” in the subject line. Or mail entries to Kids VT, P.O. Box 1184, Burlington, VT 05402.

KIDS VT FALL 202238 Our judges were bowled over by the marvelous multicolored mammals we received for this month’s coloring contest. Stella, 10, decked out her emerald green koala in tie-dyed trainers to enjoy its vibrant pink cone loaded with sprinkles. Alder, 7, amazed us with a detailed neighborhood scene including a very animated creemee. McKinley, 5, submitted a multicolored koala enjoying a cone on a sunny yellow beach. Thanks to all who entered! We can’t wait to see what you have in store for this beaver, who looks eager to go back to school. “BENITAMENTIONSHONORABLE&JERRY” Ivy Adriance, 11 Monkton “EIFFEL TOWER ICE CREAM” Indy Roberts, 12 Montpelier “KOALA ICE CREAM PARTY” Lily Wells, Ferrisburgh9 “ICE CREAM AFTER LACROSSE” Seraphina Leafe, 10 Lyndonville “MS. FANCY ON STAGE” Juniper Schwartz, 8 Bolton “GALACTIC KOALA” Binah Myer, 8 South Burlington “THE MAGIC KOALA” Tessa Pavey, 6 Montpelier “HAPPY KOALA ON A BRIGHT SUMMER DAY” Oona Russel-McDade, 7 Woodbury “BEACH PARTY” Annabel Kos, 8 Burlington TOP “COTTONTITLESCANDY ICE CREAM” Troy Kent, 4 Moretown “MOUNTAIN SUNSET WITH A CHERRY ON TOP” River Monte, 7 Burlington “CREEMEES + FLOWERS = LOVE” Calla Balzano, 5 Ryegate COLORING CONTEST WINNERS “You Wanna Scoop?” Stella Walker, 10 SOUTH BURLINGTON 912to The winners of annual family memberships to the Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium are… KIDSJUST FOR “Koala Bear Eating Ice Cream at the Beach” McKinley Charest, 5 BOLTON 5 under& “Untitled” Alder Ingalls-Fairweather, 7 WATERVILLE 68to Check out our upcoming events including the M o d e l E n g i n e e r i n g S h o w ! l e a r n m o r e a t w w w . a m e r i c a n p r e c i s i o n . o r g Visit the American Precision Museum and see how STEM & design relate to machines and history. Why do Wwe h hy do we eWhy do measure? m measure? measure? What Wdoes Whaat Wdoes hat does energy enner ergy nergytransf g ter r rannsffe ter ransfer mean? m mean? mean? What's Wthe h hat's Wthe hat's "the "Precision Pre e "cision Precision Valley?" Valley y V?" alley?" K4t-AmPrecisionMuseum0822.indd 1 8/11/22 11:57 AM k4t-VTSurrogacy0822 1 8/11/22 4:49 PM

Have you ridden our new beginnertop-to-bottomflowtrailyet? [ [ KIDS VT FALL 2022 39

DAVISSTUDIOVT.COM • 802-425-2700 • 916 SHELBURNE ROAD • SOUTH BURLINGTON Your child will shine in our Youth Art Programs! Enroll now for fall classes for students in K-12th grade. Build Creative Confidence! k1-DavisStudio0822.indd 1 8/4/22 12:49 PM