Restorative justice for youth
Sled dogs as teachers
Cold-weather science
FEDERALLY INSURED BY NCUA NMLS#446767 Paying for summer camp? A Lifestyle Loan from NEFCU can help! Don’t miss out on your first choice of camps or summer fun – apply for a low-cost Lifestyle Loan at or call 866.80.LOANS. * Untitled-21 1 1/17/19 3:43 PM Register to Attend - Open House Follow us Wednesday, February 6 8:30 - 11:00 AM Register to Attend - Open House Follow us Wednesday, February 6 8:30 - 11:00 AM Untitled-20 1 1/17/19 3:41 PM Braces for Children & Adults — ST. ALBANS OFFICE 80 Mapleville Depot 527-7100 WILLISTON OFFICE 277 Blair Park Road 878-5323 Burlington Williston St. Albans 862-6721 878-5323 527-7100 Braces for Children and Adults ORTHODONTICS DRS. PETERSON, RYAN & EATON DRS. RYAN & EATON If so, it’s time for an orthodontic check up. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends a check-up with an orthodontic specialist no later than age 7. Orthodontists receive 2-3 years of additional training beyond dental school to learn how to properly straighten teeth. Call us today, no referral is needed. Do you have a child around the age of 7? k4t-ChamplainOrtho0219.indd 1 1/21/19 3:28 PM KIDSVT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 2
Cathy Resmer
Colby Roberts
Alison Novak
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ART DIRECTOR Brooke Bousquet
Corey Grenier
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John James
Don Eggert
Kirsten Cheney, Todd Scott, Rev. Diane Sullivan
Matt Weiner
Cheryl Brownell
Chelsea Edgar, Janet Essman Franz, Astrid Hedbor Lague, Heather Fitzgerald, Ken Picard, Sean Prentiss, Erinn Simon
Andy Brumbaugh, Sam Simon
Daniel Fishel, Elisa Järnefelt, Marc Nadel, Kim Scafuro
P.O. BOX 1184 • BURLINGTON, VT 05402
802-985-5482 • KIDSVT.COM
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Circulation: 25,000 at 600+ locations throughout northern and central Vermont.
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What do you love most about Vermont?
The mountains, the lakes, the rivers, the woods — I love being able to spend time OUTSIDE in all seasons surrounded by nature. It helps put things in perspective.
Among the many, many things I love about Vermont — beautiful scenery, civil politics, no billboards, DMV o ces that get you out in 15 minutes or less — is its very HUMAN SCALE. It feels as though there are only two degrees of separation between everyone in the state, which makes people treat strangers more kindly.
Sparking Joy
In recent weeks, my family — along with countless other Netflix subscribers — has binge-watched the new reality series, “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo.” A spin-o of the best-selling book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, the show chronicles the petite and adorable Kondo as she goes into people’s homes and helps them figure out how to pare down clothing, books and other belongings, keeping only those items that “spark joy.” She also teaches viewers how to fold everything — from socks to hoodies — into cute little packets that stand at attention in your drawers.
It’s the kind of show that, after watching one episode, makes you want to yank everything out of your dresser and start getting rid of things — or at least that’s the reaction it prompted in my household.
I’d argue that, for parents, the approach that Kondo advocates is particularly compelling. After all, parenting is messy. Kids get sick. They spill tall glasses of milk. They leave their Legos and Beanie Boos all over the living room floor. There’s a lot that happens outside of our control. But a drawer of crisply folded T-shirts? That’s something we can manage.
Sometimes — in the thick of a cold and snowy winter — it’s di cult to figure out what sparks joy. We’re too busy tracking down our kid’s missing mitten or digging out the long underwear from the bottom of the hamper.
So, in this month’s issue, we’ve written about some of the things that spark joy this time of year. For a Vermont musher and the first and second graders he visits at Waterbury’s Thatcher Brook Primary School, it’s sled dogs (page 24). For one Weathersfield family, it’s the backyard hockey rink they’ve made as a family project for the past eight winters (page 11). For Burlington teen Alexandra Contreras-Montesano, it’s poetry (page 13). And for you, our readers, it may be any one of the fun activities we write about this month — from animal tracking (page 10) to cold-weather science experiments (page 12) to baking éclairs for Valentine’s Day (page 18).
On a more serious note, turn to page 20 to read “Peer Reviewed,” in which Ken Picard writes about a unique youth restorative justice panel run by the Williston Community Justice Center. Teen volunteers on the panel help to decide how their peers will make reparations for o enses such as sexting, retail theft and distracted driving. “Our process is not about blame or shame,” says the director of the justice center, Cristalee McSweeney. “It’s about accepting responsibility and obligation.”
Lastly, we hope you’ll join us on Saturday, February 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Hilton Burlington for our 22nd annual Camp and School Fair. Summer? Now that sparks some serious joy!
I love Vermont because it’s SMALL. No matter where you go, you usually cross paths with someone you know — and even if you don’t, people are generally friendly.
There is a shared appreciation of GOOD FOOD. Whether it be at a farmers market, general store or local restaurant, you can fill your gullet with a wide variety of yummies.
I love Vermont because, let’s be honest, it’s the BEST STATE in the union. We’re little, we’re tough and extremely good-natured.
I love Vermont so fiercely for SO MANY REASONS, it’s impossible to choose just one.
SEAN PRENTISS (“Use Your Words,” page 55) learned to ski when he was 2, write when he was 30, and be a father when he was 44. He and his family enjoy skiing across Solstice Lake in northern Vermont.
Alison and daughter Mira find a little joy on a snowy day at Shelburne Farms
2019 Vermont Flower Show
WONDER A Garden Adventure for All
Family Fun for All Ages
The Family Room
Dig for worms, plant a mini terrarium or make a flower paper bag hat! scheduled entertainment all three days –11 am and 2 pm.
Friday: Magicians Without Borders
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Sunday: No Strings Marionette Company
MARCH 1 – 3
Purchase tickets in advance at all Price Chopper stores, all gardener’s supply stores, or For more information call 888-518-6484.
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our website for more information. Email:
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Open House: Sunday, February 10th @ 3pm Kindergarten Visiting Morning: Wednesday, February 13th @ 9am (Registration required) Visit Phone: 802-495-5150
KIDSVT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 5 On the Cover Welcome 3 Editor’s Note Staff Question Contributor’s Note Short Stuff 6 Autumn Answers Trending #InstaKidsVT 7 Parent Participation Throwback Kids Say What? Pet Corner Elisa Järnefelt created this pen-and-ink illustration of a heartfelt mother-child walk in the snow. See more of Järnefelt’s work on Instagram at @aslittlecookingaspossible. Calendar 40 Daily Listings 41 Ongoing Exhibits 42 Seasonal Events 44 Live Performances 45 Classes 46 Science & Nature 48 New Parents 49 Playgroups 50 Story Times Columns 8 Kids Beat 9 Family Portrait 10 Fit Families 11 Habitat 12 Seasonal Activities 13 One to Watch 14 Checkup 15 Bookworms 17 The Art of 18 Mealtime 55 Use Your Words FEBRUARY 2019 FEBRUARY CALENDAR Nature-loving Vermonters have including kids’ games and activities, nature walks, bonfire, free use of snowshoes and cross-country skis, Intervale Center, Burlington. Let It Snow! Camp & School Fair Parents and campers-to-be Playhouse family concert series gets kids moving open a.m., concert begins 11:30 a.m., Higher Week to Week Coloring Contest Winners Puzzle Page KIDS JUST FOR Fergie and Foggy Fitzfuzzlewump were tired of spending their whole winter sleeping in cold, dark cave. The two brave bears away from the ice, possible. Connect the dots to see how they can go anywhere under the sun! Hibernation Vacation ANSWER 55 Just for Kids 51 Dot-to-dot Word Puzzle 52 Writing Contest & Winners Coloring Contest Winners 53 Coloring Contest 54 Puzzle Page Birthday Club 55 Puzzle Answers Restorative justice for youth Cold-weather science Sled dogs as teachers FEBRUARY 2019 Peer Reviewed A Williston justice panel puts the fate of school-age offenders into the hands of fellow youth 20 DANIEL FISHEL KIM SCAFURO Born to Run Vermont sled dogs delight, compete and educate Distance Vision New virtual reality program brings camp to sick kids 24 27 COURTESY OF ROB FARLEY Summer Camp DISCOUNTED 1186 Williston Rd. So. Burlington, VT 05403 (Next to the Alpine Shop) 802.863.0143 Open 7 days 10am-7pm ALL AT BARGAIN PRICES! ORGANIC SNACKS, CHIPS, YOGURTS, COOKIES, FOODS FOR KIDS, SOUPS, RICE, BARGAIN CHEESES, CLOSE-OUT WINES & NEW SURPRISES EVERYDAY! k8v-CheeseTraders0217.indd 1 1/24/17 3:47 PM 136 Locust Street, Burlington, VT 862-6696 • Financial aid available! CKS serves learners from pre-school (3 years old) through 8th grade Valuable! Affordable! Inclusive! Innovative! Come see the benefits yourself! k8v-ChristKing0219.indd 1 1/24/19 1:33 PM
The National Day of Unplugging is happening from sundown on March 1 to sundown on March 2. Log out and look up. You too, Mom and Dad!
British ultrarunner Jasmin
Paris became the first woman to win the 268-mile Montane Spine Race, a feat she accomplished while expressing breast milk for her 14-month-old daughter along the way. Now that’s our kind of superhero.
we nurture and strengthen the relationship we have with ourselves?
Of the hundreds of relationships each of us maintains — with our kids, partners, parents, in-laws, siblings, co-workers, teachers, coaches, Facebook friends, crossing guards, postal workers, baristas, etc. — only one is so important and powerful that it directly impacts the health of every other aspect of our lives: the relationship we have with ourselves.
Honestly, I’m tired of the term “self-care.” I think it’s played out. I never need to hear that old adage, “You can’t pour from an empty cup,” ever again. And the oxygen mask metaphor? Please stop talking to me about oxygen masks. Please.
Here’s the thing, though. However oversold these concepts are, we actually can’t pour from an empty cup. We also can’t help anyone else get enough oxygen if we’re su ocating. And, if we want the relationships we have with other people to be positive and high-functioning, if we want any other aspect of our lives to be vibrant and robust, then we have to nurture our own health and well-being through … yup, you guessed it, self-care.
Self-care may sound like an indulgence. It may even feel selfish. Who has time for such
frivolity? Maybe you think you don’t. But you know what else you don’t have time for? Heart disease, depression and the flu. Which is exactly the kind of trouble we get into when we experience chronic psychological stress (like, for instance, the daily stress of juggling parenting and work).
In an article entitled, “How Stress Influences Disease: Study Reveals Inflammation as the Culprit,” ScienceDaily reports that a Carnegie Mellon University research team showed that “the e ects of psychological stress on the body’s ability to regulate inflammation can promote the development and progression of disease.” How does self-care help mitigate psychological stress? According to Psychology Today, activities that calm your mind and body — breathing exercises, getting enough sleep, yoga — engage your parasympathetic
nervous system. This is the part of your autonomic nervous system that decreases your heart rate, slows your breathing and reduces blood pressure. This relaxation response reduces stress, fear and anxiety. It also boosts your energy and strengthens your immune system.
So, starting this month, I encourage you to practice being your own Valentine. Give yourself the gift of self-compassion. Romance yourself with self-acceptance. Give time and attention to the most important relationship in your life — the one between you and you — and notice how every other part of your life begins to improve.
In this monthly column, comedian, writer and mom Autumn Spencer answers tricky parenting questions. Have a question for Autumn? Send it to
kellongley. C was sick today, so M and I had some girl time. #slimetime #slimeexpert #somuchslime
Thanks for sharing your photos using the hashtag #instakidsvt We loved this picture of Meadow of Underhill having fun on a frigid day by making slime! Share a picture of your kids having fun this month.
Tag us on Instagram!
Follow @kids_vt on Instagram.
Just Born Quality Confections, the Pennsylvania candy company that makes Peeps, will open its factory to the public for the first time ever as part of a contest supporting the United Way. But do they have lickable wallpaper? New research shows that children under age 13 experience concussion symptoms much longer than older teens and adults. Protect those noggins, kids! your photos on Instagram with the hashtag #instakidsvt. We’ll select a photo to feature in the next issue.
Last February, we celebrated the love between pals by interviewing local pairs and groups of friends, like 6-year-old Leo and his “County Road Grandma,” Kitty. “I can still remember your mama coming out for the first time with you after you were born, and I thought, Oh, wow! You were the most beautiful little baby,” Kitty told Leo.
of Swanton shared this photo of her 6-year-old son, Liam, and cat, Karma. “We foster kittens for the Franklin County Animal Rescue and Karma was one of the little nuggets we were fostering, but we ended up keeping her,” Bissell shared. “Liam is my kitty assistant and he LOVES cats!”
“Wait... what? You’re doing laundry on a Saturday? I never want to be a grown-up!”
This month, we asked our Facebook followers to share photos of their kids playing outside during January’s epic snowstorm. Find their snapshots below.
Izzy, 3
Carter, 2
Ben, 4
Cora, 9 Sienna, 4
Aviana, 7, and Sebastian, 10
Levi, 10 months
Kids in Barre
Sweat & Sup
Drop o your kids, practice yoga for an hour-and-a-half, then come back for a hearty, healthy meal they’ve prepared for you. Sounds too good to be true, right? It’s not, thanks to RICHMOND COMMUNITY KITCHEN’S FAMILY NIGHT OUT CLASS SERIES. The business, run by local moms Susan Whitman and Amy Gi ord, has been o ering prepared meals and cooking classes, with a focus on local food, from their storefront in the heart of Richmond since 2017. Their Family Night Out series, which launched in January, is a partnership with Balance Yoga — another woman-run, Richmond business — and supported in part by a grant from RiseVT, a community initiative designed to help Vermonters embrace healthy lifestyles. The first class in January — which featured a menu of winter green salad with maple vinaigrette, farmers market vegetable soup, cheesy toast and baked apples — was a huge success, said Whitman.
“There was a lot of gushing going on.”
Classes geared to families are a big part of Richmond Community Kitchen’s o erings because, she said, kids are just as much a part of the community as adults. And when kids learn to cook, she added, they’re building important skills that will enhance their health and well-being later in life. —AN
Richmond Community Kitchen’s next Family Night Out class takes place on Saturday, February 9, from 4 to 7 p.m. Kids must be between the ages of 6 and 13. Cost is $50 per child-adult pair, with scholarships available. A Valentine’s Day parent-child class takes place on Sunday, February 10, from 1 to 3 p.m., and costs $65 per pair. For more information on classes and camps, visit
Bake Sale
Find Vermont Mud Brownies in the refrigerated section of Natural Provisions and the refrigerated and freezer section of Healthy Living. To learn more about Burlington Technical Center’s culinary arts program, visit btc. or search for “BTC Culinary Arts and Champlain Café” on Facebook. The program’s student-run Champlain Café is open to the public for lunch and takeout on Fridays. Students will also be offering special Valentine’s Day treats for preorder.
The bite-size, chocolatey squares being sampled at Natural Provisions in Williston last month were decadent, even by brownie standards. The sweet treats, fittingly dubbed VERMONT MUD BROWNIES, contain raisins and walnuts sandwiched between two layers of semisweet chocolate and topped with flu y meringue buttercream. The recipe also includes co ee and Vermont maple syrup. The unconventional ingredients aren’t the only thing that makes these brownies stand out. They’re made by students in the culinary arts program at Burlington Technical Center, and stocked by both Natural Provisions and Healthy Living Market & Café in South Burlington under the wholesale goods brand name Burlington Tech Center Culinary Creations. The idea to sell brownies outside the school — and the recipe itself — comes courtesy of Cheryl Niedzwiecki, the culinary instructor at Burlington Tech. Niedzwiecki thought the experience of pitching a product to local businesses would give students real-world experience in entrepreneurship. She hopes to expand the selection of student-made wholesale food items to chutneys, pickles and vegan desserts. Burlington High School senior Theo Buker was one of the students who wrote and delivered the short elevator pitch that convinced the two stores to carry the brownies. Bringing samples of the product also helped, he said, recalling that as soon as a sta er from Natural Provisions tasted one, “it was like, Oh, yes!” —AN
MUSIC Cradle Will Rock
A family-friendly music series introduces kiddos to classic-rock staples — and o ers parents some respite from earworms such as “Baby Shark.” THE ROCK AND ROLL PLAYHOUSE CONCERT SERIES highlights superstars such as Tom Petty, Stevie Nicks and Queen through interactive performances geared toward families with kids ages 10 and under. Games and props — think streamers, hula hoops and a giant parachute — keep little listeners engaged as local musicians serve up iconic tunes. Concerts take place in 18 music venues around the country, including Higher Ground in South Burlington. A January show there featured well-known numbers by the Grateful Dead and drew an impressive 600 grown-ups and youngsters. Upcoming dates at Higher Ground showcase songs by Phish, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. “We saw a need to create a space for music-loving parents to share a concert experience with their kids … especially in this particularly frigid part of the year when it can be challenging to find indoor activities for the whole family,” explained Higher Ground assistant general manager Mark Balderston. And yes, in addition to chicken fingers and quesadillas, the bar will be open. —KR
The Rock and Roll Playhouse presents the Music of Phish for Kids on Saturday, February 9; the Music of the Beatles for Kids on Saturday, February 23 and the Music of the Rolling Stones for Kids on Saturday, March 23 at 11:30 a.m. Doors open at 11 a.m. Tickets cost $15; free for kids under 1. Higher Ground is located at 1214 Williston Rd. in South Burlington. Learn more at and
Kids prepare a meal at the January Family Night Out class
Mikey, Jackie, Josie & Langston
What are you all up to tonight?
Langston: Making slime! Let’s make some more slime. Can we make more right now?
Mikey: Let’s save the slime for later.
Jackie: (laughing) Yeah, and I don’t feel like a box of slime mix really describes us as a family!
What do you like to do together?
Langston: Play cards!
Mikey: We do play a lot of cards.
Jackie: Langston has been playing cards and checkers since he was 2 years old. He can beat all of us at checkers!
Mikey: He learned how to play dominoes at Thanksgiving, and within a few hours, he was beating the adults.
Jackie: And Josie, you and Dad always draw together. Where’s that project you’ve been working on?
Josie: (showing off a detailed drawing) It’s a map! It shows everything that’s going to happen at my birthday party! K
Mikey van Gulden, 50, and Jackie Reno van Gulden, 33, of Burlington, with daughter Josie, 8, and son Langston, 6
Making Tracks
In search of animals in the winter
In the middle of winter, it sometimes feels like everything outside is dormant. But February is actually the perfect time to look for tracks that critters leave behind in the snow. Tracking is a great way to get kids and parents tuned in to all the animal action that is going on right under our noses.
One easy way to create instant tracking opportunities — and also improve your skills — is to let your dog (or a friend’s pup) into the yard and watch what she does, then go look at the tracks. When she slows from a run to a walk, or stops and looks to the left, what do the tracks she makes at those moments look like?
Years ago, my son brought home a handout from his Shelburne Farms Adventures preschool program that has really helped us. It’s super simple, but it brought me out of the morass of measurements and movement patterns and gave me the big picture: In the winter, chances
are that if you see tracks, it’s one of just ten animals: coyote, fox, deer, porcupine, weasel, squirrel, rabbit or hare, mole, vole, or mouse. The handout (reproduced in part above) includes images that show what different animals’ tracks look like.
If you want to see prints right in Burlington, naturalist, educator and tracker Sophie Mazowita’s map — which can be found at — shows the richest spots to go looking. The Intervale and forested places like Centennial Woods and Derway Island are good bets. The best tracks will likely be found fairly soon after a wet snow — before the snow has a chance to melt and change the shape and size of the tracks. If you find large mammal tracks, you can submit photos of them to the Burlington Mammal Tracking Project, a citizen science project Mazowita launched in 2015.
If you’re heading out with kids, I recommend keeping this in mind: Other than a relatively few species that
migrate, every animal who is around in the summer is still here. How — without heated houses, hats, gloves or winter boots — do animals stay warm? Through this lens, a short walk through a field, forest, or even your yard or neighborhood can become rich with wonder.
Here’s a quick rundown on what animals are likely to be doing in the winter:
Insects: Because they are coldblooded, insects don’t have to (and can’t!) stay warm. Most will spend the winter as eggs, in cocoons, or buried in the ground in leaves or under loose bark. Many are able to survive being frozen. At the base of trees on warmer, sunny days look for snow fleas, which look like specks of black pepper jumping around.
Amphibians and reptiles: These coldblooded animals are hibernating under leaf litter, rocks and logs, or in the mud at the bottoms of ponds. Some species, particularly wood frogs (referred to fondly by some naturalists as “frogsicles”), are able to survive being frozen.
Birds: Have you ever noticed a bird looking unusually large? Chances are it was puffing out its feathers to create warmer air pockets next to its skin. Birds also shiver, huddle together, and keep out of the wind to stay warm. Most birds don’t use nests for shelter in winter. Some winter birds eat seeds, some eat berries and, believe it or not, some birds, such as chickadees and nuthatches, join multispecies flocks and eat frozen insects all winter long.
Mammals: Furry creatures often hibernate or are dormant for much of the winter, but emerge for peak mammal breeding season, sometime between February and April. Many change their eating habits and other behaviors to get through the winter. Mice and voles spend most of their time in the subnivean zone, where trapped heat melts a thin layer of snow right next to the earth and the temperature is kept close to 32°F by the insulating properties of the snow.
When I venture out to find tracks, I aim to get home before my fingers and toes have started to get cold, and bring home photos of a nest, a track, or even just an interesting weed that I can draw while I warm up by the fire. My 11-year-old son likes to imagine and draw fanciful pictures of animals in their winter homes. K
Heather Fitzgerald teaches field ecology and environmental science at the Community College of Vermont and at the University of Vermont.
Vermont naturalist Mary Holland writes animal books for both adults and children and publishes a blog called Naturally Curious (naturallycuriouswithmaryholland. that has many ideas for what to look for in nature, any day of the year.
Williston 802-863-4839 Now Enrolling for the 2019 school year! k8h-Bellwether0219.indd 1 1/14/19 2:16 PM Waterbury, VT | 845-802-2311 THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS FREE DEMO CLASSES & BIRTHDAY PARTIES FOR BABIES, TODDLERS AND PRE-SCHOOLERS guitar, singing, dancing, instruments, props, puppets friends & so much fun! k16t-MusicalMunchkins0219.indd 1 1/21/19 3:52 PM LOOK CLOSER… IT’S TIME TO DISCOVER SOMETHING NEW! ATTENTION, CLASS INSTRUCTORS! List your class in Kids VT for only $20/month! Submit the listing by the 15th at or 16t-campsclasses.indd 1 3/30/18 9:54 AM
A red fox in Burlington’s Centennial Woods
Backyard Hockey Rink
For Patty Kelly and Jason Gaudette, the coldest months of the year are all about one thing: hockey.
When Thanksgiving rolls around, they and their sons — 11-year-old Colton and 8-year-old Lucas — begin prepping their Weathersfield backyard for an ice rink. They put up boards, bolt them together in a rectangular shape, then put stakes behind the boards for support to form the perimeter of the rink. Then, when the forecast calls for a string of days with single-digit highs and no precipitation, the four of them roll out a heavy-duty white plastic tarp to line the inside of the rink and drape it over the boards. They run a hose from a nearby creek to a water pump and spend anywhere from three to 12 hours, depending on the rate of water flow, flooding the rink.
This year, an early cold snap enabled them to fill the 35-by-80-foot rink — their biggest yet — in early December. They were on track to make record time when their pump broke, and they had to rent a backup. Another winter, there was a leak in the plastic liner.
Once filled and frozen, the rink requires regular maintenance, from draining excess water by creating a siphon with a garden hose, to doing an occasional hot rinse to smooth out the
surface, to snowblowing. “Every year is an adventure,” Kelly said.
Some might say the couple, natives of Ottawa, groomed their sons for the rink. They put them on “two-blade, cheese cutter skates” at 2 years old, “right after they could walk,” said Kelly. Both boys now play hockey for the Hartford, Vt.based Upper Valley Storm, where their dad is a coach. Lucas is also a member of the Vermont Flames, an invitation-only league. The family spends many winter weekends traveling to tournaments around Vermont and Canada.
Kelly and Gaudette built their first backyard rink — 20-by-40-feet — in 2012, and have had one every year since. As their sons grew, so did their rinks. Kelly said her husband’s ultimate goal
is to build a rink that’s 50-by-100-feet, a little more than half the size of a regulation rink.
In 2016, the family purchased a prefabricated 10-by-20-foot warming hut from the Jamaica Cottage Shop. They use it to store their skating gear, which includes a skate sharpener and skates of all sizes that Kelly lends to friends and neighbors. Gaudette’s father took apart an old picnic table to make benches for inside the hut, which also has rubber mats and a propane heater. Flood lights on each end of the rink enable skaters to glide after dark.
In rural Weathersfield, population less than 3,000, Kelly says her family is known as the Canadians with the hockey
rink. Since it’s visible from the road, drivers sometimes honk as they pass by or stop to get a closer look. One man brought over two nets left over from when his kids were younger. Another dropped o old leather goalie gloves.
Homeschool families have used the rink for PE class. The family hosts an annual Storm team event and neighborhood skating parties.
Though the boys spend considerable time hitting pucks in indoor arenas, that doesn’t stop them from taking advantage of their very own rink. “Even before they go to their regular practice,” Kelly said, “they will be out there playing.”
Inside the warming hut
Cold-Weather Science
Embrace winter with your own outdoor laboratory
When temperatures plummet and winter winds howl, it’s tempting to hunker down indoors. But outdoor play in any season provides health benefits. A 2017 research report, coauthored by the University of Vermont nursing faculty for the Rutland-based nonprofit Come Alive Outside, points to many positive correlations between physical activity in nature and children’s academic performance and emotional well-being, year-round. And frosty air, sparkling icicles and piles of snow provide the perfect setting for both play and scientific discovery.
My 10-year-old son, Zac, and I took advantage of recent cold days to try a few outdoor science experiments. We conducted some at home and some at Mad River Glen, with help from an onsite naturalist.
“Snow, ice and cold weather offer unique opportunities to explore science concepts you don’t get in other seasons,” said Cory Stephenson, who guides Mad River Glen’s snowshoe treks. “It also teaches grit and perseverance. You may not be 100% comfortable outside in winter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself and have fun.”
We did! Check out four of our cool experiments.
What materials make good insulation on cold days? With Stephenson’s guidance, we filled three Mason jars with piping hot water from a teapot, making sure that each jar held the same volume. Stephenson presented several insulation options. Zac and two other boys chose bubble wrap for one jar and a down hat for another. We left the third jar unwrapped to serve as a control.
We measured the water temperature with a thermometer and also felt it with our hands. Zac made a chart listing the insulating materials and starting temperatures and left space to fill in ending temperatures and change in temperatures. We placed the jars outside in the snow and left for two hours to snowshoe.
Upon our return, the sample wrapped in down still felt too hot to touch, while the bubble-wrapped sample felt lukewarm, and the unwrapped control was icy cold. Stephenson explained that down feathers’ fluffy structure creates pockets of air. The trapped air insulates birds and people — and Mason jars — preventing heat from escaping.
Blowing bubbles in any weather demonstrates scientific concepts, including elasticity and surface tension. Bubbles blown in very cold air form icy globes with beautiful crystalline patterns. We tried making ice bubbles twice with store-bought bubble solution. On a 22degree evening, only our largest bubbles froze, and it took a few minutes for the ice to harden. We had better results on a 10-degree day. The bubbles froze faster and stayed frozen longer. When they popped, they looked like shards of glass. We discovered that the trick is to blow slowly, creating large spheres, and try to land them on a cold stone patio or walkway rather than the warmer ground.
Chemical reactions occur when two things combine to make something new. Mixing baking soda and vinegar creates carbon dioxide gas that spews like a volcano. Adding soap and food coloring creates vibrant, foamy “magma.”
We used an empty one-liter plastic seltzer bottle, two spoonfuls of baking soda, one spoonful of liquid dish soap, several drops of red food coloring and about 12 ounces of white vinegar. We mounded snow into a volcano shape around the bottle. Zac poured everything except the vinegar into the bottle.
When he added the vinegar, the volcano “erupted,” with bubbly red lava pouring over the snow.
Caution: Vinegar can sting eyes, so supervise young children.
This experiment provided a tasty lesson in thermodynamics and nucleation, the process that occurs when matter changes from one form to another, such as when liquid becomes solid.
When you cool liquid slowly, it lowers its freezing point to below 32 degrees (the temperature at which water usually freezes). When that liquid is then agitated, by shaking or pouring it, it can start a chain reaction in which ice crystals form.
It took several tries to get this experiment to work, so I recommend starting with a small bottle of seltzer or soda. We found success on a 4-degree morning with a one-liter bottle of lemon-lime seltzer.
We started by vigorously shaking the never-opened bottle of seltzer to increase the pressure inside the bottle. We set the bottle in snow for about four hours, until we could just barely see some ice forming inside the bottle, but the seltzer remained mostly liquid. We carefully unscrewed the cap, poured the seltzer into a freezer-chilled glass, and, in seconds, ice formed before our eyes! To help the reaction along, we stirred the seltzer with a spoon, then enjoyed a refreshing, citrus slushy. K
Get outdoors with the Mad River Glen Naturalist Programs, tailored to participants’ interest in ecology and wildlife. Join a staff naturalist for a 1.5-2 hour guided snowshoe trek, every Saturday and Sunday at 10:30 a.m., through the end of March. $25 for adults, $15 for kids 12 and under, $65 for a family of four. Snowshoes available to rent for $5. Register at the ski school desk in the Basebox Lodge.
Zac erupts a snow volcano
Making frozen bubbles
Powerful Poet
A Burlington teen uses words to question the world
Anyone who thinks teens and poetry aren’t a natural fit hasn’t met Burlington High School senior Alex Contreras-Montesano. A 2018 National Student Poet, she emanates a mixture of modesty and articulate poise. When asked about receiving the nation’s most prestigious youth poetry honor, she says in a soft-spoken voice, “I’m very, very grateful for it.”
The National Student Poets Program — a joint endeavor between the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers — chooses five high school poets from different regions of the country to serve as literary ambassadors each year. The appointment also includes a $5,000 academic award, which Alex — the Northeast ambassador — has earmarked for college tuition.
AGE: 18
TOWN: Burlington
Competition is fierce. Thousands of poems were submitted to the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. From that pool, 450 young poets won National Gold and Silver Medals, qualifying them for the National Student Poets Program. Of these, 35 semifinalists were asked to send additional poetry and performance videos. Judges included celebrated poet Edward Hirsch and Damian Woetzel, president of the Juilliard School.
In August, Alex and her fellow honorees accepted their year-long appointments at a ceremony held in the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Alex’s highlight of the literary fête was a three-hour meeting with current US Poet Laureate Tracy K. Smith. “She has a way of making everyone comfortable immediately,” says Alex. “She’s very knowledgeable, very educated … and a really amazing person to talk to about poetry.”
Alex has her own unique story to tell. Born in Oregon, she spent much of her early childhood in Puebla, Mexico, then moved to Burlington as a kindergartener. She lives with her 10-year-old sister, Scarlett, and her mother, Rachael Montesano, a senior lecturer of Spanish at the University of Vermont. Alex has been writing poetry everywhere since she was a young child, her mother says, from Bananagrams tiles to the fogged-up bathroom mirror.
At home, Alex speaks both English and Spanish. The experience of growing up bilingual, with exposure to two different cultures, has “definitely given me a unique perspective,” says Alex. “I love Burlington and think that a lot of people in Burlington go through similar things. We have a
really large refugee population, and I think there is a pressure … to put American culture first and foremost ...
I’m very thankful for also having the Mexican experience, because it also gives me a different lens to look through.”
That lens was focused, in part, by support from the Young Writers Project, a Vermont-based writing forum that Alex joined in fourth grade. Susan Reid, the project’s executive director, describes Alex as “a natural storyteller and a keen observer of life, unafraid to confront difficult issues and to speak out.” Alex has grown into a leader at Young Writers Project, Reid says, “always applauding her peers and encouraging them to reach higher.”
As a literary ambassador, Alex’s mandate is to promote literacy and poetry in the community. While detailed plans aren’t solidified, she intends to visit juvenile detention centers and create “poetry workshops that are based on restorative practices and the idea of healing through stories … basically, gathering youth voice that’s often not heard.” Her long-term career goals include working in education policy and juvenile justice reform.
The young poet sees herself as part of a politically aware youth movement and cites the four Burlington and South Burlington poets of Muslim Girls Making Change as personal mentors. “Their writing has made such change and highlighted so many things in the community that are broken,” she says. “I see writing and reading your work aloud ... as a really peaceful channel that can be used to change the world.” K
Alex leads a teen poetry workshop as part of the Young Writers Project’s Writing on the Roof series, Saturday, February 23, 10-11:30 a.m., Karma Bird House, Burlington. Preregistration required.
i am English
A poem by Alexandra Contreras-Montesano
it hurts when i hear Spanish, real Spanish.
not the kind they try to teach you in high school or shove down your throat in college.
i could never love anyone who speaks Spanish. love demands that you keep your eyes open when you kiss and your ears open when they talk.
i used to have friends but then I threw them all away thinking that it would make me feel better. they were never beat up by the words that came out of their own mouths. they didn’t understand why i cringed when a transfer sat down and told me that the teacher said i spoke Spanish too.
“i don’t speak Spanish” i would hiss.
i feel it. every day and in every ligament of my life. i turned away from him because i’m selfish.
he would learn to hate Spanish soon enough.
my cousins down in mexico try to get me to be like them but they don’t understand that i killed that part of myself when i moved to the states and they started asking me who I was.
“hello bella” i would say. “I am alex.”
“hello Spanish” she would say. “i am bella.”
i suffocated my rolled r’s and all of the extra letters I had learned because of bella.
i learned to hate my caramel skin so i bleached it with words like “i was born in the US” and “columbus is my hero.”
i hurt myself because on applications and standardized tests the question please check off what race you are makes me want to vomit up all of my hard work.
it took me years to act like English to talk like English. to read like English. to want like English. to hate like English.
all it cost me was my Spanish.
NAME: Alexandra Contreras-Montesano
Should All Children Get the HPV Vaccine?
Most parents don’t like to think about the fact that, one day, their kids will be sexually active. Before that occurs, parents can do something that will protect their children and teens from a common sexually transmitted infection — and in the process, potentially save their lives.
The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends that all girls and boys get vaccinated for the human papillomavirus, or HPV, between the ages of 9 and 14. Dr. Lewis First, chief of pediatrics at University of Vermont Children’s Hospital, explains why the vaccine is a real game-changer in public health.
KIDS VT: What is HPV?
LEWIS FIRST: HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. It affects more than half of all unvaccinated sexually active people at some point in their lives, usually in their teens and 20s. It’s estimated that about two-thirds of sexually active preteen and teenage girls who haven’t been vaccinated are infected. About 75 percent of new cases reported each year occur in people 15 to 25 years of age, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
KVT: What does HPV do?
LF: Most commonly, HPV in females and males causes genital warts, which, by themselves, are not very harmful. But the virus is also associated with an increased risk of several worrisome cancers, most notably, cervical cancers in women. In both women and men, it can also cause cancer of the mouth, throat and anus, as well as cancer of the penis in men. Since 2006, when the vaccine was first licensed, we have seen a 65 percent decline nationally in cervical cancers attributed to the strains included in this vaccine.
KVT: How does someone know if they have been infected?
LF: Oftentimes you don’t know. In fact, many people have it and don’t know it, and it may be a couple of years before they develop a genital wart. All that time, they may remain sexually active. Once you’re infected, you’re infected forever and can pass it to others without
knowing it. So, we want to get this vaccine out there before teenagers become sexually active, because we also know that it only works before you’ve been infected.
KVT: Is there a benefit to someone getting the vaccine who already has been infected with HPV?
LF: There are different strains of HPV, so getting some protection is better than none. The strain someone is carrying may not be one that causes cancer. The current vaccine protects against nine different strains of the virus, which are also the ones most commonly associated with cancer-causing HPV.
KVT: Why should kids who aren’t yet sexually active get vaccinated?
LF: Three reasons. First, full protection from the vaccine between ages 9 and 14 requires two shots administered over a six- to 12-month period. Between ages 15 and 26, people need three shots. In order to insure that people get the full series, it’s better to start giving them early, before teens gain their independence and forget or refuse to return to the doctor. Secondly, and more importantly, we now know that preteens make more antibodies and develop better protection against HPV when they get the vaccine earlier in life. This also explains why kids 9 to 14 need only two shots. Finally, we want kids fully vaccinated before they become sexually active.
KVT: How effective is the vaccine?
LF: We only have 10 years’ worth of data to study, but we know already that people who were immunized at age 11
continue to be protected. And, we’ve seen the decrease in cervical cancers and know from research studies that protection against the strains of HPV in the vaccine persist for at least 10 years after being vaccinated.
KVT: Will the vaccine completely prevent women from getting cervical cancer later in life?
LF: No, so when a woman turns 21 — or if her doctor thinks it should be done sooner — she should still get a pap smear to screen for evidence of cervical cancer. Also, a male getting the vaccine doesn’t mean that he doesn’t need to use a condom. There are many other sexually transmitted infections for which a condom can be protective. And condoms alone won’t protect against HPV, which can still be transmitted through close skin-to-skin contact in genital areas that the condom may not cover.
KVT: Is there evidence that teens who get the HPV vaccine become sexually active earlier than those who don’t?
LF: No. The good news is, studies have shown that preteens and teens who got the HPV vaccine did not start having sex at an earlier age than those who did not receive it. And, giving kids the vaccine is not implicitly telling kids or teens that it’s OK for them to have sex. Parents should see this vaccine as an opportunity to start talking to their kids about their values around sex and making smart choices with their bodies.
KVT: Does the vaccine have side effects?
LF: Nothing more than minor effects, such as soreness, redness and swelling at the injection site. There are reports of people, mostly females, fainting after receiving the injection. We don’t know what causes it, but if patients sit or lie down for 15 minutes after the injection, this shouldn’t occur. Fevers occur about 10 percent of the time, as do headaches. But the rate of allergic reactions to the vaccine are rare — only one in 1 million, according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Worldwide, 170 million doses have been distributed in 80 countries, and there have been no serious safety concerns reported. K
WITH DR. LEWIS FIRST • INTERVIEW COMPILED AND CONDENSED BY KEN PICARD Untitled-19 1 10/25/18 12:58 PM Saysawyou it in WWW.MONTSHIRE.ORG 802.649.2200 NOW OPEN DESTINATION: SPACE! FEATURING Sun, Earth, Universe Planetary Landscapes: Works by Ned Kahn One Giant Leap: The Moon Landing’s 50th Anniversary Untitled-18 1 1/24/19 12:59 PM
Searching for Timeless Tales
A family-owned press in Shelburne publishes children’s picture books
The idea for Ripple Grove Press dates back to 2012, when Rob Broder spent long hours alone in his car while selling sweets for Lake Champlain Chocolates. A new father in those days to a baby daughter, he and his wife, Amanda, read numerous picture books and discussed what they liked and disliked. Broder, a former preschool teacher, had always been passionate about storytelling and children’s literature. After a lot of thinking on the road, he suggested to Amanda that they start their own picture book press. “A week later, she said, ‘OK, let’s try that,’ ” he recalled.
Nearly six years after opening Ripple Grove’s doors, Broder receives paper and email submissions every day, from all over the world. With 16 titles to date, the press’ catalog includes Grandmother Thorn, which received a 2018 Anna Dewdney Read Together Award, an honor given in memory of the late Llama Llama series author; Monday Is Wash Day, printed in English and Korean; and Broder’s own picture book, Paul and His Ukulele, illustrated by Jenn Kocsmiersky of upstate New York.
Broder also works as a consultant for writers and illustrators. Last summer, he signed two of his own books with larger presses — Simon & Schuster and Sasquatch Books/Little Bigfoot — with release dates in 2020. With his wife busy as Teaching Academy coordinator at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont, Broder manages all aspects of Ripple Grove, from creative direction to marketing and distribution. “I love everything about it,” he said.
From his home o ce in Shelburne — where the couple reside with their 8-year-old daughter — Broder spoke with Kids VT
KIDS VT: What’s the story behind the name Ripple Grove Press?
ROB BRODER: Ripple Grove is an imaginary place that I made up as a preschool teacher. I would tell the kids about this place, Ripple Grove, and I made it feel like it wasn’t too far from where they lived. There were fairies and troll-like characters and underground tunnels and things like that. So Amanda thought of the name Ripple Grove Press.
KVT: How does your press differ from larger publishing houses?
RB: One of our goals from when we first started Ripple Grove was finding really talented artists who may not have been discovered by the larger presses yet. A lot of our illustrators and authors have gone on to larger presses.
KVT: How do you select books from the many submissions you receive?
RB: I’m picky, and I struggle to find something that resonates with us and represents our press. We’re looking for something really timeless, really wonderful, really sweet, and it would be helpful if it were unique or just slightly di erent … We have to talk about, Will this story sell?
KVT: What makes a story sell?
RB: The writing. I can tell 12 people in a room to write me a story about a duck on a farm, and I’m going to get 12 di erent stories — or I might get 12 all the same — but it all depends on how the author writes the story … It really comes down to the writing style of that story and if, when I’m reading it, I can visualize the story so clearly without having illustrations. It’s good when they’ve really brought me to that farm, or that duck, or whatever that story is about.
KVT: Tell our readers a little about Ripple Grove’s February 5 release, The Full House and the Empty House, written and illustrated by LK James.
RB: The way we received it was really great … (at a writers’ conference), Amanda came home with a little 4-by-4 book that this artist had made. I called LK Monday morning … We just edited it a bit — maybe a smidgen — or tweaked a few words … It’s a beautiful book, and I’m really proud of it.
KVT: Any advice for readers who want to submit a children’s book to Ripple Grove Press?
RB: We strive to make a book that someone reads over and over and that finds the cozy spot in someone’s home, or the library, or classroom — to sit and look at and explore and read again the next day … I would love to know someone read this article and submitted to us. We’re just trying to find that next little gem.
Rob Broder
Learn more about Ripple Grove Press at
One to Watch
Do you know a local kid (age 17 or under) who's recently done something amazing? Won a spelling bee? Written an opera? Raised a bunch of money for a great cause? Tell us more! He or she could be featured as One to Watch in an upcoming issue of Kids VT.
Visit to tell us about this local superhero. k2v-OneToWatch-0216.indd 1 1/29/16 12:21 PM
a plane it's....
Soap Making
Darci Benoit calls herself a queen bee — a fitting moniker for this busy beekeeper and crafter of body-care products.
The Swanton resident, along with husband B.J. and 10-year-old daughter, Amelia, first acquired bees six years ago and now owns half a dozen hives. Benoit began selling her honey-and-beeswax-based lip balm at craft shows five years ago. Two years ago, she added soap to her repertoire. And in August, she opened a shop — Bees on Broadway — in downtown Swanton, where she sells honey, body creams, masks and salves, and showcases artwork from the Swanton Arts Council.
Benoit has been experimenting with creating body-care products since her teen years. “Much to my mother’s dismay, I made very messy things,” she said.
Benoit’s primary soapmaking method, called cold process, uses a combination of oils, butters and waxes. When lye, an alkali, is added to the mixture, a chemical reaction called saponification occurs, which changes oils into soap. After a curing, or drying, process of at least six weeks, no lye remains. “The longer the cure time, the better the soap. It’s a labor of love and patience,” she explained.
For novice soap makers, Benoit recommends a simple recipe that uses a
melt-and-pour soap base — a premixed combination of blended oils and other ingredients. Variations range from goat or coconut milk to clear glycerin. Beginners can simply melt this solid substance, bypassing the complicated blending process. The soap base can be purchased
at craft stores like Michaels or online at sites including and
When her store opened, local families requested soap-making classes for kids. Enrollment for her first class in January — which taught kids to create custom-colored, fragrant soaps to take home — filled quickly. A second class is slated for Saturday, February 9.
While Benoit is keeping mum about the secret recipe behind her cold-process soaps, she shared this easy recipe, perfect for families looking to create unique, handcrafted soaps for Valentine’s Day gifts.
The recipe is such a snap that her daughter concocts batches on her own.
Sign up for Benoit’s February soap-making class at the Bees on Broadway Facebook page ( beesonbroadway/). For more info, visit
• 16 ounces melt-and-pour soap base
• 1/2 teaspoon lavender essential oil
• dried rose petals and/or lavender flowers to place on the soaps (find these in City Market/Onion River Co-op’s bulk department or in a craft store)
• silicone or plastic molds
• In a microwave, melt the soap base using 10-second intervals. Do not overheat. The mixture should be just melted. Then mix in essential oil.
• Pour into silicone or plastic molds. Candy molds or cupcake molds work well. Sprinkle dried flowers on the warm tops and lightly press petals into
warm tops and lightly press petals into the soaps. Let cool for at least an hour before removing soap from mold.
Benoit’s daughter Amelia
Homemade soaps decorated with dried flowers
Raspberry Éclairs
A fancy treat for Valentine’s Day
When I was a young teenager, I was a Girl Scout. My troop was small, comprising fewer than 10 girls from Grand Isle County. As a troop, we only lasted for a year or two. Still, some of the memories of those years as a Girl Scout have followed me into adulthood. In particular, I remember that, in order to earn a baking badge, we went to our troop leader’s house and made éclairs. I don’t know how authentic they were, but I do remember how fancy and grown-up I felt to be making French pastries.
Last summer, I traveled to France with my mother and sister. Though we didn’t get a chance to sample the local éclairs, we did see them in the pâtisserie windows. My old memories of Girl Scouts flooded back, and I knew that I wanted to try my hand at making them again. And what better time for elegant pastries than Valentine’s Day? Éclairs — like many types of French pastries including cream puffs, profiteroles and the towering masterpiece that is the croquembouche — start with pâte à choux, a simple pastry dough. To make it, heat water — or a mixture of milk and water — with butter, then mix in flour, cook a little more, and whip in eggs until the mixture is light and fluffy. The dough then can be piped into any number of shapes.
I can’t guarantee that these éclairs are the most traditional version. But they are fun, delicious and easier to make than you might imagine. Filled with a delectable raspberry pastry cream and topped with festive heart decorations, they are perfect for Valentine’s Day, or really any day you are craving a sweet treat. K
(Makes approximately 24 éclairs)
For the raspberry pastry cream:
• 3 cups whole milk
• 1/2 cup sugar
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 cup cornstarch
1 tablespoon allpurpose flour
• 4 egg yolks
• 1/4 cup butter
• 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
• 1/3 cup raspberry purée (fresh or frozen raspberries, puréed and strained to remove seeds)
For the pâte à choux:
• 1/2 cup milk
• 1/2 cup water
• 1/2 cup unsalted butter
• 1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
3/8 teaspoon salt
4 eggs
For the decoration:
• 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips
• 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
• 2 tablespoons white chocolate chips
To make the pastry cream:
1. In a medium saucepan, bring 2 ½ cups of milk, along with sugar and salt, to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the sugar.
2. In a glass measuring cup or small bowl, whisk together the remaining milk, cornstarch, flour and egg yolks. Add a little of the hot milk mixture to the eggs and whisk well to temper (this will keep the eggs from getting scrambled).
3. Pour the tempered egg mixture into the warm milk mixture through a fine mesh sieve to prevent lumps later. Return the mixture to heat and bring to a boil, whisking the whole time. Cook until thickened.
4. Strain through a mesh sieve again into a bowl. Stir in butter, one tablespoon at a time, until melted, then add the vanilla.
5. Stir in the raspberry purée and cover with plastic wrap pressed onto the surface of the pastry cream so that it doesn’t form a skin. Refrigerate for at least two hours, until ready to use.
To make the pâte à choux:
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
2. In a medium saucepan, combine the milk, water and butter. Bring to a rolling boil.
3. Remove from heat and add the flour and salt all at once, stirring vigorously with a wooden spoon until incorporated.
4. Return to heat and cook over medium heat, stirring with a wooden spoon, until the dough forms a cohesive ball, and a film forms on the bottom of the pan. (Do not scrape the film up into the dough; leave it in the pan. You might not see this film if you are using a nonstick pan.)
5. Transfer mixture into the bowl of a stand mixer. Whip with a paddle attachment until there is no more steam, and the dough no longer feels hot to the touch. (Alternatively, allow to cool in a bowl for five to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.) Add eggs, one at a time, and beat until entirely incorporated after each. After the final addition, continue whipping for about two minutes. The dough should look smooth.
6. Fit a large pastry tip (either round or star-shaped) into a piping bag and pipe dough onto parchmentlined baking sheets into even lines, about 5 inches long. (Some people draw lines onto the underside of their parchment paper to use as a guide; I was not that exact.) The pastry will keep its shape when you bake it, so use a finger dipped into water to flatten any irregularities. If you have used a round pastry tip, run the tines of a fork along the top of the éclairs before baking to help them crisp up.
2. Place the white chocolate in a piping bag and melt by heating in the microwave in 30-second intervals, squeezing to mix between each heating. (You may need to reheat during decorating to keep it melted.)
3. Dip the tops of the éclairs into the semisweet chocolate, then run a finger or a knife over the edge to clean off any excess chocolate. (This can get messy, but what a delicious mess.)
Kids Subscribe at or wherever you get your podcasts. A podcast for curious kids. 1/24/18 1:23 PM
7. Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes, then lower heat to 350 degrees and bake for an additional 25 minutes. Do not open the oven during baking. When the éclairs are done, they should be a deep golden brown.
8. Remove from the oven. Cool completely on wire racks before filling.
To fill:
Cut the éclairs in half lengthwise or poke a small hole on both ends of the bottom of the éclair, then pipe pastry cream into each one, until the éclairs are full.
To decorate:
1. Melt the semisweet chocolate in a dish long enough to fit the éclairs. (I added the vegetable oil to the chips, then heated them in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time, stirring between intervals, until melted. Do not overheat, or the chocolate may become stiff and grainy.) As an alternative to microwaving, you can melt the chocolate with the oil in a double boiler, stirring until smooth.
4. To make white-chocolate heart decorations, cut a very small hole into the tip of the whitechocolate-filled piping bag. Pipe two small circles next to each other on top of the semisweet chocolate. Use a toothpick to draw a line of white chocolate down the middle of the two dots to form heart shapes. Repeat a few times on the top of each éclair. This decoration works best if the semisweet chocolate is not yet set.
5. Let the chocolate cool and harden before serving.
sing and dance along to the music you love from the movies! This kid-friendly performance features classic songs from Cinderella and Pinocchio as well as new favorites from Tangled and Moana. Bring your whole family to this event and make their dreams come true.
March 3 • 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Vermont Comedy Club
Note: Éclairs taste best served right away. You can store unfilled shells in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two days, or freeze them in an airtight plastic freezer bag for up to six weeks. To refresh before filling, arrange the shells on a baking sheet and warm in a 350-degree oven until dry, firm and almost crisp — 10 to 15 minutes for room-temperature shells, 15 to 20 minutes for frozen shells. Cool before filling. have questions. We find answers. SPONSORED BY: k4t-neatwithatwist0219.indd 1 1/24/19 3:49 PM
Experience the magic!
Peer Reviewed
A Williston justice panel puts the fate of school-age offenders into the hands of fellow youth
Jessica and Ted considered themselves to be more cyber-savvy than many parents. They limited their son’s online activities by not giving him his own smartphone, and they supervised his time on the family’s computer by letting him use it only in the kitchen. They even took a class on internet safety. But the Chittenden County couple’s best efforts to raise a “good digital citizen” weren’t enough to prevent their then-16-year-old son, Luke, from borrowing his older brother’s iPad and using it to break the law.
So they turned him in to police. His crime — exchanging nude photos with a classmate and requesting sexually inappropriate images from others — could have given him a criminal record and landed him on Vermont’s sex-offender registry for disseminating child pornography. (Kids VT agreed to use pseudonyms to protect the family’s privacy.)
Instead, Luke was offered an opportunity to admit to his offense, learn from his mistakes and make amends to everyone who was injured by his crime,
including his parents, the victim and the police. Luke’s case was heard by a new restorative justice panel, the only one of its kind in Vermont to include high school and college students. Founded and run by the Williston Community Justice Center (WCJC), the youth panel gives criminal justice professionals a powerful new tool for dissuading school-age offenders from reoffending — through positive peer pressure.
“The way we explain it to youth is, this is your golden ticket,” said Cristalee McSweeney, director of the WCJC, who
created the youth panel about a year ago. “This is your chance to deal with [the crime] outside of the court system. But you’re still being held accountable and responsible.”
Though Luke declined a reporter’s request to tell his own story, his parents agreed to do so without his involvement. Luke’s troubles began in the summer of 2017, just before he began his junior year in high school. After friends began teasing him for still being a virgin, Ted explained, Luke felt pressured into sexting, or exchanging nude photos online
with a female classmate. According to McSweeney, the practice has become increasingly common among students, some of whom even compete to see who can accumulate the most photos.
Only after Luke was caught and questioned by police did his parents discover that he’d set up multiple email and social media accounts — on Twitter, Facebook, Gmail and Instagram. In addition to using his brother’s iPad without his permission, Luke also used the school library computer to check his messages, and borrowed friends’ smartphones to send and retrieve images.
Ironically, Jessica and Ted had attended a cyber-safety awareness class put on by the WCJC 18 months earlier. Afterward, they explained to Luke how sharing sexually explicit images of minors violates state and federal child pornography laws and could land offenders in serious legal jeopardy. But as Jessica recalled Luke saying to her after he was caught, “I know you told me this stuff, Mom, but I didn’t believe you.”
Rather than sending Luke’s case to the state’s attorney for prosecution, the police referred it to the Williston youth panel. It’s comprised of about 10 adult and youth volunteers. Appointed by the Williston selectboard, the members have all undergone at least eight hours of classes and training from the justice center staff before they’re allowed to hear actual cases.
The youth panel, which only deals with offenders up to age 21, cannot hear felony offenses, such as armed robbery, rape or kidnapping, McSweeney explained. In addition to cybercrimes such as sexting, online bullying, harassment and revenge porn, the panel hears cases involving property damage, retail theft, simple assault and distracted driving, as well as misdemeanor hate crimes that were motivated by race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
The youth panel differs from court diversion in that the offenders have not been formally charged with crimes. Cases can be referred to the panel by the Williston Police Department, the Chittenden County State’s Attorney’s Office or school administrators whose students come from Williston, Richmond, Hinesburg, Huntington, St. George, Bolton and parts of Shelburne and Charlotte.
The youth panel isn’t juvenile court; there are no prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, juries or sworn testimony. Instead, the panel adheres to the principles of restorative justice, a mediationlike process that focuses on repairing the harm caused by crimes and rebuilding community relationships. Participation is voluntary but predicated on the condition that the offender, who’s referred to as the “responsible party,” must own up to his or her offense and then agree to make restitution to all affected parties.
If the youth fails to satisfy all the requirements, as spelled out in a legally binding contract, the case can be referred to the state’s attorney’s office for prosecution.
“Our process is not about blame or shame,” McSweeney said. “It’s about accepting responsibility and obligation.”
Here’s how it works. The panel will convene at least two meetings with the responsible party, typically over a 30- to 60-day period, though more complex cases may last as long as nine months. Often the group sits in a circle, which may also include a police officer, a school counselor or principal, the offenders’ parents and, most importantly, the victim, if he or she chooses to participate. Everyone, including the victim, gets an opportunity to speak.
“In the court system, the responsible party is the center of the court and oftentimes victims are left voiceless,” McSweeney explained. “Their needs are not met or heard … and they don’t get the opportunity to ask questions like, ‘Why did you do this? What were you thinking? And why me?’”
The process is confidential and panel members are expected to recuse themselves from the case if they know the responsible party or victim personally. The first meeting is devoted to getting to know the responsible party, the details of the offense and the individual’s explanation for why he or she did it.
“People commit crimes for various reasons, and I think the criminal justice system just looks at it as, ‘You are your crime now,’” said Amanda Payne, a school counselor at Montpelier High School who serves as an adult volunteer on the youth panel. “[Youth panel volunteers] spend a lot of time just trying to get to know somebody first and hear who they are … beyond just their crime.”
“You can’t really judge a person without knowing them,” said Beckett Pintair, a 16-year-old junior at Champlain Valley Union High School who volunteers on the youth panel. “And you can’t really say, ‘This is bad, this is good,’ unless you know who they are and where they’re coming from.”
Brianna Kolibas, an 18-year-old senior at CVU and one of the panel’s first youth members, said she’s heard a variety of cases, including those involving revenge porn, drug possession and retail theft. Sometimes, she said, the offenders didn’t even realize that what they were doing was illegal. Other times, they committed the crime out of desperation.
“A lot of the retail theft is really sad,” she said, “because we see a lot of people who don’t have a lot of resources. That’s why they steal.”
As Pintair explained, getting to know the responsible parties is critical to formulating the final contract. Each one is different, he noted, and must be agreed upon by all affected parties.
“Our main goal is to help them get to that finished contract. We don’t want to give them something that they’re never actually going to do,” he said. Ultimately, the goal is to “help them learn and give back to their community.”
For example, if the offender enjoys cooking, perhaps the contract will require them to cook a meal for the victim and victim’s family. It may also include writing a formal apology letter explaining why the offense was wrong, then reading it aloud to their parents, the victim, the victim’s parents, the police and school administrators.
To some people, the youth panel concept may sound like it coddles offenders and gives them an easy get-outof-jail-free card. But McSweeney and her volunteers contend that the process is neither quick nor easy.
“The space we’re creating is a really caring and healing space,” Payne said. “It’s not woo-woo or touchy-feely. It’s humanizing.”
“And it’s not an easy pass,” Kolibas added. “You have to give 100 percent.”
Indeed, successfully completing the contract requires hard work. As McSweeney pointed out, certain offenses, such as online bullying, sexting and revenge porn, require offenders to attend a 12-week course. The curriculum — created by the WCJC in conjunction with the Chittenden County State’s Attorney’s Office, the Williston Police Department, the Chittenden Unit for Special Investigations and local defense attorneys — covers such issues as internet safety, online reputations, cyber footprints and the legal repercussions that can befall parents if they are the official owners of the devices used in such crimes.
In Luke’s case, he was also required to read several books about technology and the law, including lol… OMG!: What Every Student Needs to Know About Online Reputation Management, Digital Citizenship and Cyberbulling and iRules: What Every Tech-Healthy Family Needs to Know about Selfies, Sexting, Gaming, and Growing Up. He then had to discuss the books with the panel and his parents, and write a term paper reflecting on his choices and what he would do differently the next time.
“And it wasn’t just a paragraph or two,” his father said. “It was four or five pages long.”
“You could see that he’d given some real thought to it, which was kind of neat,” his mom, Jessica, added. She described Luke’s paper as “one of his best works.”
“What I personally look for in cases is an understanding that the responsible party takes ownership for what they have done in how they talk about it,” Pintair said. At times, that process becomes very emotional for everyone in the room.
“It’s really powerful when a victim comes,” he added. “When you’re able to … watch the responsible party hear the victim’s side, a lot of growth and learning
You can’t really judge a person without knowing them.
has come from it.” In Luke’s case, the victim did not participate.
The youth panel isn’t a good fit for every offender.
“It’s tricky… Some people come in with an attitude,” Kolibas said. “We’re just trying to help, and some people don’t care. It’s really hard to get those people to be open and truthful.”
Kolibas recalled a few cases in which responsible parties showed up to meetings under the influence of alcohol or drugs. “Cristalee sniffed them right out,” she said.
Though the youth panel has been operating for only a year, McSweeney said, she’s already received about a dozen inquiries from other community justice centers around Vermont — there are 20 community justice centers across the state, from Bennington to Orleans — asking how they can implement similar programs. Thus far, of the 42 youth referrals received last year, only two of the responsible parties failed to fulfill the terms of their contracts and just one case resulted in a criminal record for the offender.
Anecdotally, the youth panel also gets high marks from the Williston community.
“I’ve met with the panel and some of the students who serve on it, and I have really high regard for everybody who volunteers,” said Williston Police Chief Patrick Foley. “They work hard at their jobs and take it very seriously.”
CVU principal Adam Bunting said his experience participating in a panel with a student accused of a “community safety issue” was “powerful.”
“What I witnessed in the student was a transformative moment, where they were able to take some ownership” for their offense, he said. “Some of the anxiety that the student carried into the process was alchemized into something really positive.”
Katie Palmer is the director of Two Roads Academy, an alternative high school in Williston for students who’ve experienced trauma, anxiety, depression and other emotional disorders; there are currently about a dozen teens enrolled. Since her school opened last March, Palmer said, the youth panel has been “extraordinarily beneficial” in helping change the behavior of her students, all of whom have been referred to the youth panel at some point.
“We did not know how powerful this partnership was going to be,” Palmer said. “But I can tell you now that I would not run this school without that partnership. It’s that impactful.”
Key to that success, McSweeney said, is having young offenders being held accountable by people their own age.
“We have 60- and 70-year-old [volunteers] who can’t wrap their heads around why kids need nudes on their phones,” she said. “With peers, they understand the social pressures of it … and see how the victims of this really end up traumatized.”
“I feel like I can connect with them as a youth myself and maybe understand a little more why they did it,” said Kolibas, who plans to attend the University of Alabama next fall to study criminology. “I can put myself in their shoes.”
As for Luke’s parents, they’re appreciative to the youth panel volunteers for giving their son a second chance.
“They acknowledged that we all make mistakes, but you can right yourself from this mistake and help others or give back,” Jessica said. “And, it’s not going to be a mark on you for the rest of your life.” K
For more information about community justice centers in Vermont, visit
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The space we’re creating is a really caring and healing space. It’s not woo-woo or touchy-feely.
It’s humanizing.
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Vermont sled dogs delight, compete and educate
One sure way to get kids excited about learning? Make the lesson about dogs.
It works for Adrienne Magida. In midFebruary, her first and second graders at Waterbury’s Thatcher Brook Primary School will begin a three-week unit that revolves around the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, Alaska’s famous 1,000-mile dogsled race from Anchorage to Nome, which starts March 2.
Magida uses the annual race to teach reading, writing, history, geography and even technology, thanks to the race’s detailed website, which includes resources for teachers and students. Once the Iditarod begins, the site enables kids to follow its progress.
“There’s just so much interesting stuff about the race that is so kid-friendly,” Magida says. “Dogs and winter and sleds? I mean, how can you go wrong?”
Especially in Vermont, where kids have the opportunity to meet real, live sled dogs.
open cockpits. Heavy snow and bitterly cold temperatures made flying unsafe. So serum was sent by train from Anchorage to Nenana, the closest that trains could get to Nome. By the time the serum got to Nenana, on Jan. 27, three children had died of diphtheria, more cases were being diagnosed, and Nome was still more than 650 miles away. That’s when musher “Wild Bill” Shannon lashed the serum to his dogsled, and the relay began.
Dogs and winter and sleds?
As Magida’s students will learn, the Iditarod replicates the 1925 emergency dogsled relay that brought diphtheria medicine to Nome, a coastal town on the Bering Sea closer to Siberia than to Fairbanks. In the midst of winter, in those days, radio telegraph was the icebound town’s most reliable means of communication. On Jan. 20, 1925, a radio signal went out: “Nome calling … Nome calling … We have an outbreak of diphtheria … No serum … Urgently need help … Nome calling…”
Seattle heard and replied, “Fresh serum available here … Airplane standing by… ” But the airplanes at that time had
Through whiteouts, 4-foot snowdrifts, gale-force winds and temperatures that dipped to 50 degrees below zero, mushers and their dog teams passed the medicine down the Iditarod Trail, a path the government maintained for dog teams to deliver mail. After his two lead dogs froze to death, Charlie Evans harnessed himself to his sled. Gunnar Kaasen dug through snow with his bare hands to find the serum after it was lost when a blast of wind lifted his dogs and sled into the air. It normally took a musher 15 to 20 days to get to Nome. But the relay’s 20 mushers and roughly 150 dogs covered the 674 miles in five days and seven and a half hours. And on Feb. 2, a dog named Balto led Kaasen’s team into Nome. Balto has been immortalized in a 1995 animated movie and is depicted by a statue in New York’s Central Park. The actual dog is mounted and displayed at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
In Magida’s classroom, first graders will read picture books about Balto and second graders will choose chapter books. As they study the modern-day Iditarod race, they will make oaktag sleds with popsicle-stick runners. Magida will
give them flannel to put inside their sleds, felt to make booties like the dogs wear and clay to make something racers would need, such as an ax or dog food. They will write a report on the Iditarod, and they will pick a few mushers and follow them from checkpoint to checkpoint, over the Alaska Range, up the Yukon River, along Norton Sound, and into Nome.
A highlight in the unit comes when Hinesburg musher Rob Farley brings his sled and a few of his dogs to school, and all Thatcher Brook first and second graders — about 145 total — meet in the gym. Farley teaches them that the most common three breeds of purebred huskies are Alaskan malamute, Samoyed and Siberian. That other breeds — Irish setters, border collies and even standard poodles — also pull sleds. And that some dogs pull people on skis — a sport called skijoring — and on bikes, scooters and skateboards. Then, the kids get to go outside to meet Farley’s dogs and harness themselves to the sled to pull each other around.
Farley owns October Siberians, a touring company that offers rides in Waterbury’s Little River State Park and
at Stoweflake Mountain Resort & Spa.
He estimates that there are 100 sled dog kennels in Vermont, with five or six of them giving tours. Many other kennels are recreational, with five or six dogs.
Farley has 21 purebred Siberian huskies, a relatively small working kennel, he says. Whenever he runs a tour, speaks at schools or appears at other events, he uses the opportunity to teach. “I just want people to understand the relationship of working dogs and the people that own these working dogs,” he says, “and that they’re really doing what the dog was meant to do, what it likes to do, and that it’s not a forced thing. It’s an enjoyable activity for us both.”
Students from Champlain Valley Union High School and the University of Vermont’s animal science program have interned with Farley. He teaches students to care for the dogs, to understand their personalities and to run a dogsled. “You’re planting seeds, and
the Iditarod starting on Saturday, March 2 at
I mean, how can you go wrong?
you’re sparking kids’ interest,” he says. Some of the UVM students will become vets, he says. “And I really want vets to understand what we face when we have a kennel of dogs and that our decisions are made based on the pack, not the individual love and devotion of a single dog.” Having extra hands around is a bonus, too. It takes an hour to feed the dogs and to clean their 6-by-12-foot kennels. Dogs are divided into groups for supervised play
time in a fenced yard. And they run three or four times a week — three to four miles as they start getting in shape in the fall and 25 to 30 when the tour season is in full swing.
Logan Griswold, a UVM freshman from Williston, interned with Farley last year for his Grad Challenge, a project required of all CVU seniors. A lover of dogs and winter, Griswold had written an essay about four-time Iditarod winner Susan Butcher, which piqued his interest in sled dogs. One of the lasting lessons he learned working with Farley was resiliency. “One of the important rules of dogsledding is not to let go of the sled and let them get away,” Griswold says. But one time, when Griswold was driving, the team took a sharp left that he had not commanded. He fell o and let go. But his next time out, he says, “Rob gave me a team to drive on my own. And I made it through the entire day without falling o .”
Farley, who occasionally takes a wild ride himself, maintains an even disposition. When he talks, he sounds measured, patient and a little amused, a cross between Mister Rogers and Jerry
Lack of snow in Waterbury forced his tours this day to the portion of Vermont 108 — the Notch Road — that is closed to cars during the winter. The scene is postcard-perfect. Snow-dusted trees and marshmallow-cream hills sparkle under blue skies. Alan Joy of New Hyde Park, N.Y., is about to get a ride, a present for his 30th birthday from his wife, Lisa, who will ride, too.
Farley’s daughter, 19-year-old Sage Coates-Farley, a freshman at American University, is helping out during her semester break. Her first word was “doggie,” and she wrote her college application essay about growing up with sled dogs. She has photos of all 21 current dogs displayed in her dorm room. “I’ve got family pictures, too,” she adds.
The blue and brown-eyed huskies lounging around the GMC pickup with the orange “dog box” topper at the base of the closed road spark curiosity, and father and daughter are happy to answer questions. Many people are surprised by how small the dogs are — males average 50 pounds, females, 40. They start training when they’re
Three-time Iditarod champion Mitch Seavey offers dogsled tours from his home in Seward, Alaska. On his website, he offers these fun facts about sled dogs. (Find more under “News” at
• The first dogsleds date back to 1000 A.D. and were developed by the Inuit people as a means of transportation.
• Sled dogs are well-equipped for the cold, with a thick “double coat” consisting of a coarse outer fur and a dense, softer inner layer for insulation. Paws are protected by thick pads, and a fluffy tail allows for a nose cover while the dog is curled up in a ball when sleeping out in the elements.
• The breeds most often used in dogsledding teams are Siberian huskies and Alaskan malamutes. They are highly intelligent and easily trained.
• While domestic dogs of a similar size typically only require around 1,700 calories a day, sled dogs can easily consume up to 10,000. During very cold weather, a mixture of hot water, proteins and kibble are cooked together to make a warming stew.
Seinfeld. “I got dragged on my knees through most of this,” he says, after driving his sled around a bend on the Notch Road in Stowe in January. “But we stayed upright!” After 25 years working with Siberians — breeding, raising and training them — he appreciates the breed. “I found that they’re very nice, friendly dogs,” he says. They’re independent and smart, he says. “But not necessarily obedient … You can see the lights on.”
6 months old, and they all can pull double their weight. They eat a working dogs’ diet that contains 35 percent protein and 25 percent fat, and Farley buys food by the ton. His dogs eat 4,000 pounds of specialty kibble and 2,000 pounds of meat — poultry scraps from Vermont’s Misty Knoll Farms — each year. They are expected to wait while food is placed in front of them until they are given the OK, an exercise to keep
• Sled dogs can and do change roles on the team depending upon dynamics, terrain or musher strategy. “Lead dogs” may not be the fastest dogs, but they must be the most intuitive to catch subtle signals from the musher and direct the team behind them. Directly behind the lead dog are two “swing dogs” that help navigate turns, especially helpful in deep snow or on steep trails. The middle dogs are “team dogs,” acting as the crucial power to the entire team. Finally, the strongest dogs are placed in the very back, closest to the musher, and are called “wheel dogs.”
BORN TO RUN, P. 26 »
Farley enjoys time in the woods with his dogs
Hinesburg musher Rob Farley with his purebred Siberian huskies
Teen musher Kayleigh DiMaggio
the dogs well-mannered and to remind them who is in charge.
A cluster of onlookers has gathered by the time Alan Joy’s birthday tour is about to start. Ten dogs are harnessed to the gang line in front of the sled. Alan stands on the runners behind Farley, and Lisa, wrapped like a burrito, is tucked into the sled basket in front.
“OK, guys, let’s go,” Farley tells the team. And the sled glides quietly up the road.
Farley used to race around New England and in Québec. Forty years ago, there were races in New England every weekend, says retired Wolcott musher Mike Green. “Now, it’s kind of died off. It’s expensive to maintain a big dog team, so we don’t have that many races anymore.” Lack of snow also forced cancellations, Green says. “I think the biggest thing that affected us was global warming.” Vermont had races in Newport, East Burke, Shelburne, Stowe, and Lake Elmore, Green says. Now there
is just one — which Green organizes — on the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail, starting and ending in Morrisville. It’s scheduled for Feb. 9 and 10.
Sixteen-year-old Kayleigh DiMaggio, of Hooksett, N.H., plans to enter the six-dog class, where she’ll race against adults. Classes with three or fewer dogs are for kids only, Kayleigh says. She’s been training with dogs since she was 5 or 6 years old.
“I just really like dogs,” she says. “I’ve always really liked dogs. And there’s also the adrenaline; I like going fast. I like going around turns and trying to keep the sled upright. It’s just exciting.” Her dad and his brother both started racing when they were 5 years old. They quit as teenagers, and then her grandfather picked it back up. “And when I was a kid, and I found out there was a sport involving my favorite animal,” Kayleigh says, “that was like the craziest thing in the world to me.” K
Untitled-26 1 1/24/19 4:24 PM KIDSVT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 26
Born to Run CONTINUED FROM P. 25
When I was a kid, and I found out there was a sport involving my favorite animal, that was the craziest thing in the world to me.
Kayleigh DiMaggio races Eurohounds Rob Farley and Winston
Distance Vision
New virtual reality program brings camp to sick kids
In the winter, South Hero can resemble an abandoned outpost: a flat, frozen landscape dotted with burger shacks and ice cream stands, all in a state of suspended animation. But in mid-January, there were signs of life at Camp Ta-Kum-Ta, which sits tucked away on a hilltop overlooking Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks.
Inside the main lodge, a 6,000-square-foot mansion strewn with mattresses and beanbags, seven middle-schoolers — attending a winter weekend session at the camp — were trying to solve a series of clues that would allow them to open a locked storage bin. Their postures telegraphed varying degrees of enthusiasm, from somewhat engaged to supine beneath a foosball table. The boys began to drift to the edges of the room.
A casual observer probably wouldn’t have noticed anything unusual in this tableau of adolescent apathy. But in the middle of a long lull, one boy turned to another and said, as matter-of-factly as he might have reported what he ate for breakfast, “I really hope my surgery ends up being on a Monday, so I can miss school.”
Ta-Kum-Ta is for children and teens who, at some point, have been diagnosed with cancer. Some of the puzzle-solvers were in remission; others were undergoing treatment. But at camp, they’re just kids.
“When you’re here, you never hear the word ‘cancer,’” said Dina Dattilio, Ta-Kum-Ta’s program manager. “Here, they’re just allowed to be normal and have the childhood experiences that the rest of their peers get to have.”
Since 1984, Ta-Kum-Ta has offered a free, weeklong summer sleep-away camp for children with cancer who either live or receive treatment in Vermont. Campers range in age from 7 to 17, although Ta-Kum-Ta often offers spots to kids who are older or younger. In recent years, the camp’s calendar of events has expanded to include three winter weekends, multiple sessions for parents and siblings, and year-round programs.
And now, with an assist from virtual reality technology, Ta-Kum-Ta also provides a 3D glimpse of camp life to kids who haven’t attended before or can’t go in person. In early January, the pediatric oncology team at the University of Vermont Children’s
Distance Vision
Hospital began offering patients VR headsets, queued up with videos of campers swimming, ziplining and lounging in the sunshine.
The goal of the VR program, said Ta-Kum-Ta executive director Hattie Johnson, is partly to encourage new patients to sign up and partly to help them forget, even for just a moment, that they’re in a hospital.
VR has become a staple at children’s hospitals around the country, including at the Vermont Children’s Hospital, which serves approximately 30 new pediatric oncology patients each year. At any given time, about 100 cases are in active treatment, according to Michael Carrese, senior media relations strategist at the UVM Medical Center.
“Time passes slowly when you’re in a hospital,” said Dr. Heather Bradeen, a pediatric hematologist/oncologist at the Children’s Hospital. “It’s so important to keep kids as relaxed as possible and find ways to keep their spirits up on those long, difficult days.”
Jennifer Dawson, a child life specialist at the hospital, said that movies and games can provide a temporary distraction from pain and procedures, but in her experience, VR has been far more effective at reducing anxiety.
“VR immerses them in a completely new environment, which is sometimes exactly what they need,” Dawson said. “I can think of one kid who would always wake up from anesthesia in an incredibly agitated state, which was traumatic for both him and his parents. Then, we put VR goggles on him before a procedure, and he woke up totally calm. It was actually amazing.”
Ta-Kum-Ta’s VR program began with Don Bateman, a multimedia producer who lives in Williston. While riding the ferry to Plattsburgh, N.Y., one day last June, Bateman got into a conversation with a guy who told him about a summer camp in South Hero for kids with cancer. Bateman and his business partner, John Hoehl, son of the late philanthropists Cynthia and Bob Hoehl, had been interested in developing VR programs for nonprofits. To Bateman, Ta-Kum-Ta sounded like an ideal candidate for that kind of project, and the Hoehl Family Foundation agreed to provide funding.
“I thought it would be really incredible to be able to offer the experience of a camp like that to a kid who might be too sick to attend,” Bateman said.
When Johnson agreed to let Bateman film while camp was in session last August, Bateman had only heard exuberant testimonials about the transformative power of Ta-Kum-Ta. But he said that he wasn’t prepared for what he called “the vibe” — the carefree, joyful attitude that seemed to permeate even the most mundane moments.
During his visit, a group of kids managed to acquire thousands of tiny rubber ducks, which they dumped all over the place. One morning, at the crack of dawn, the youngest boys released four goats into the oldest girls’ cabin.
But Bateman said that intertwined with the shenanigans was an ineffable feeling, simultaneously sad and uplifting. At the beginning of each summer session, the staff holds a memorial service in the Ta-Kum-Ta chapel for campers who have passed away. Johnson said the ceremony isn’t about grief, but about healing.
“You just can’t understand it until you’ve been there,” said Johnson. “It’s a magical place.”
“Magical” is a word people often use to describe Ta-Kum-Ta. Dr. Lewis First, chief of pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital, believes that going to camp can be a turning point in the treatment process.
After that first summer, he returned every year until he aged out of the program, then came back as a counselor for one year while attending college at UVM. For the past seven years, he’s been going back to volunteer. Ta-Kum-Ta, Engler said, has provided him with a sense of community that he’s never felt anywhere else.
“When I was undergoing treatment, I was on steroids for periods of time, which made me eat a ton and put on weight,” Engler said. “At camp, it was never a thing people cared about; I would be heavy one year, not so heavy the next, and it didn’t matter at all.” When he took off his shirt to go swimming, no one commented on the scar on his chest where his medication port had been.
“The friendships you make there are so profound,” he said. “You’re connecting with people on a totally different level, even if you’re too young to be conscious of it, because you have this thing in common that makes you different from everyone else when you’re at home.”
Engler has been cancer-free for the last 15 years, but those relationships are still a huge part of his life: This summer, he’s officiating the wedding of his best friend, whom he met at camp, in the Ta-Kum-Ta chapel.
If the VR program makes it possible for more people to have the experience he had, said Engler, that can only be a positive thing.
“It can be a miraculous experience for these kids,” said First. “When they come back from camp, they’re dedicated to fighting, and they want to pay it forward.”
First is eager to see the impact of the TaKum-Ta VR program on new patients.
“For kids who aren’t physically able to attend, the VR program will allow them to experience the magic. And it’s going to be a great way for our younger patients to understand what a special place it is,” he said.
Patients aren’t the only ones who might need to be convinced of the merits of a week at camp, a proposition that can intimidate young children and provoke a knee-jerk refusal from adolescents (who, Bradeen acknowledged, tend to be the toughest sell). For parents, the decision to send their sick child away is often fraught with anxiety. Zack Engler, 27, a former camper who is now Ta-Kum-Ta’s youngest board member, said that watching his mother and father worry about him was the hardest part of being sick.
The first time Engler went to Ta-Kum-Ta, he was 9 years old, and he’d only been in treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia for a few months. His mother, he said, was a nervous wreck.
“I remember my dad telling me, ‘You need to write her letters like, every single day, so she knows you’re OK,’” Engler recalled. “But if the VR program had been around at that point and she could have seen all the incredible experiences I’d be having, I think that the decision to let me go would have been much less stressful for her.”
For Engler, Ta-Kum-Ta was life-changing.
Last fall, 18-year-old Alex Blair went to the doctor for what seemed like just a cold. A few weeks later, blood tests confirmed that she had leukemia. Since September, Blair has spent all but a handful of days at the UVM Medical Center. Being away from home hasn’t been easy. She misses her chocolate Lab, Taz. She misses tacos, good salads and anything that isn’t hospital food. Most of all, she misses the Cambridge Fire Department, where she’s been volunteering since she was 16. Whenever the ambulance from her local rescue squad passes beneath her window, they honk to say hello.
On January 15, the day she returned home for a two-week reprieve — her first break from the hospital in nearly a month — Blair and her father, Craig, became the first people to test out the Ta-Kum-Ta VR program. Even though Blair is technically too old to be a camper, Ta-Kum-Ta often makes exceptions; if she’s well enough, she’ll have the opportunity to attend this summer.
Blair put on the headset first. For five minutes, she sat on the bed in silence, turning her head occasionally to look at something behind her in the world of VR. She didn’t say much. Every now and then, she smiled. Her father never took his eyes off her. It was a surreal moment — a girl wearing massive goggles, taking in another time and place, while the grown-ups in the room anxiously awaited her return.
When Blair removed the headset, she grinned.
“That was cool,” she said. K
Learn more about Camp Ta-Kum-Ta at
VR immerses them in a completely new environment, which is sometimes exactly what they need.
This article also appears in the Jan. 30 issue of Seven Days.
Rock Point Camp Where Spiritual Exploration Meets Outdoor Adventure Week-long Sessions - Overnight Camp, ages 7-16 - Day Camp I & II, ages 5-10; 9am-5pm - Day Camp Plus, ages 7-16; 8am-5pm - NEW! Adventurers Day Camp, ages 7-12; 9am-5pm Archery, Fun-Yaks, Crafts, Campfires, more! 802.658.6233 Untitled-40 1 1/21/19 10:22 AM reimagine Your child's Education EARLY CHILDHOOD • GRADES 1-8 • HIGH SCHOOL Schedule your tour today! (802) 985-2827 ext. 212 | Untitled-2 1 1/23/19 10:22 AM • Week-long ballet themed camps for ages 3-9; Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Nutcracker and more! • All That Jazz Musical Theater Camp, plus STORM Dance Co. Summer Intensive with Kate Stevens • Weekly ballet classes for young dancers - adults - beginner - advanced • Ongoing yoga and tness classes for adults Classes & Camps 2019 SUMMER
Our annual showcase of talent from ages 4 through pre-professional will dance their way onto the Flynn Main Stage in Burlington for 2 exciting performances, Saturday May 25, 2019 at 1:00 & 6:30 pm. For show & ticket information visit This summer come dance with the best at VBTS! For schedule and enrollment information, visit us at WWW.VBTS.ORG, or call 878-2941, or email INFO@VBTS.ORG VBT Summer Intensive 2019 Auditions Sat. March 9th for ages 8 & up. Visit website or call for details! k4t-VBTS0219.indd 1 1/21/19 12:27 PM KIDSVT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 29
Theater School Center for Dance presents Celebration of Dance 2019
It’s your choice. Everyday • What will your adventure be? SOCAPA creative arts camps for teens filmmaking ・ acting ・ music ・ dance ・ photography New York | Los Angeles | Vermont Untitled-2 1 1/9/19 11:53 AM CAMP DATES Session 1: June 24 – July 5 - Burlington Session 2: July 8– July 19 - So. Burlington Session 3: July 22 – August 2 - Essex Session 4: August 5 – August 16 - Burlington Partnering individuals with and without special needs, ages 7 through adults for a summer day camp experience. IEP designed programming. k8h-PartnersInAdventure0219.indd 1 1/23/19 11:14 AM KIDSVT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 30 SEARS LANE BURLINGTON VT - - • GENERATORVT COM EDUCATION@GENERATORVT COM Kids project-based learning classes!! Learn how to use laser cu ers, 3D printers, the wood shop, electronics, jewelry studio, vinyl cu er, and more. LEARN CREATE PLAY Join Us! k8h-Generator0219.indd 1 1/24/19 1:49 PM Day Camp (ages 5-12) | Overnight Camp (ages 7-18) YOUTH, TEEN, ADVENTURE AND HORSE CAMPS! River of Life Camp is a co-ed, nondenominational Christian camp located in Irasburg, VT that provides incredible camping experiences for kids of all ages! Give us a call at 802-754-9600 visit to register! k8h-RiverofLifeCamp0219.indd 1 1/24/19 4:15 PM
Clown around with Smirkus this summer! For kids of all ages, including adults! June 6-9 Adult Camp Ages 21+ June 15-16 Smirkling Camp Age 5-11 June 22 Intro to Smirkus Age 5-11 June 23-28 Beginner Camp Age 8-16 June 30-July 12 All Levels Age 8-16 July 14-26 Intermediate Age 12-18 July 28-Aug 16 Advanced Camp Age 12-18 Learn to unicycle, flip, fly, juggle and clown! Join us at our overnight camp in Greensboro, VT! SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE WWW.SMIRKUS.ORG 2 2 2 9 Untitled-7 1 1/16/19 11:21 AM | (802) 864-0123 #BTVsummerfun Sign Up for Camps & Recreation Programs Sports & Active Outdoor Adventure Science & Learning Creative Arts Untitled-13 1 1/24/19 11:07 AM 688 PINE ST, BURLINGTON WNDNWVS.COM 802.540.2529 WINDSURFINGCAMP 2019 WND&WVS IS OFFERING WEEKLY HALF-DAY WINDSURFING CAMPS FROM JUN 17H – AUG 23 AT OUR BURLINGTON SURF CLUB LOCATION. THE CAMP RUNS FROM 8:45 AM TO 1:45 PM, MONDAY THRU FRIDAY FOLLOWED BY A FREE LUNCH FROM THE SPOT VISIT WNDNWVS.COM/PLAY OR CALL 802 540-2529 FOR MORE INFO. Untitled-17 1 1/24/19 12:56 PM KIDSVT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 31
Summer Camp Programs
Girls Basketball Week 1: June 17-21
Week 2: July 15-19
Boys Basketball Week 1: June 24-28
Week 2: July 22-26
Girls Soccer Week 1: July 8-12
Week 2: July 29- Aug 2
Field Hockey Week 1: July 22-26
Overnight: July 14-18
Boys Soccer June 24-28
Girls Lacrosse July 8-12
Boys Lacrosse Week 1: June 17-21
Week 2: July 29- Aug 2
Volleyball July 8-12
Knights Total Sports July 29- Aug 2
Baseball July 29- Aug 2
KNOW CAMPS Register today for a summer of fun!
Age: For kids in K - 6 grade
Location: 6 area communities
Hours: 7:30 am – 6:00 pm
Full-day, coed summer day camp with 3 and 5 day options in Burlington, Essex, Georgia, Underhill, and Waterbury.
Age: Co-ed for ages 11-14
Location: Greater Burlington
Hours: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
These camps will provide an opportunity to make a real difference!
Age: For girls ages 8-14 Location: Burlington
Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
A camp to Inspire Girls in Nature, Technology, and the Environment on the shores of Lake Champlain in Burlington.
Age: For kids in K - 6 grade Location: Burlington
Hours: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Beginning and end of summer camps celebrate A Universe of Stories in collaboration with the Fletcher Free Library.
Age: For boys in grades K - 10 Location: North Hero, VT
Hours: 1 and 2 week sessions
Day and overnight camp on Lake Champlain. Campers build skills, a sense of values, and have fun!
For more information about Y summer camps, and to register today, visit
Where Consciousness Meets Wilderness
“Your program is extraordinary. You are not simply
‘summer camp’... you are growing human beings.” | 603-835-9087 | Marlow, NH WILDERNESS ADVENTURE EXPEDITIONS NOW ENROLLING SUMMER 2019
-Kroka Parent
Untitled-7 1 1/23/19 2:48 PM
THE DATE FOR SMC SUMMER CAMPS REGISTRATION OPEN 2/01/19 For more information please contact: Meggan Dulude k4t-SaintMichaels0219.indd 1 1/21/19 3:43 PM
The Y’s Community Partner Untitled-15 1 1/24/19 12:48 PM KIDSVT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 32
Per forming Arts Camps
for ages 4-19
Magic Tree House Adventures
Musical Theater Adventure
Radio Plays: You’re on the Air
Music Video Creation
Dance Adventure
Frozen Ballet Camp
Tap Dancing Intensive
Broadway Kids
Lights… Camera… Action!
Flash Mobs & Pop-Up Performance
Under the Big Top Green Screen & Special Effects Studio
Broadway Showstoppers
Silent Filmmaking
Moana & Friends Adventures
Broadway Kids
Horses, Snails, & Fairy Tales
Broadway Bound
Latin Jazz Intensive History Comes Alive!
Lord of the Rings and LARPing
Narrative Filmmaking
Vacation +Summer
Untitled-34 1 1/18/19 1:18 PM KIDSVT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 34
Talent Development Institute NORTHERN VERMONT UNIVERSITY June 23-29 &/or June 30July 6, 2019 Serving advanced and gi ed students entering grades 4-9 for 22 years! 802-658-9941 LUCY@TDIVERMONT.ORG k16-TDI0219.indd 1 1/21/19 12:05 PM Summer Day Camp for Adopted Children & Teens 2019 TWO ONE-WEEK SESSIONS July 22-26 & July 29-August 2, Crossett Brook Middle School, Duxbury, VT With bus service from Burlington and Williston FOR AGES 7 – 17 Visit our website for registration forms and information: | k16-CampForMe0219.indd 1 1/24/19 11:13 AM Untitled-14 1 1/24/19 11:10 AM Untitled-36 1 1/25/18 3:45 PM KIDSVT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 35 2095 POMFRET RD. | SO. POMFRET, VT | (802) 457-3500 ART MUSIC THEATRE MOVEMENT Ages 6-11, 9am-3pm South Burlington, VT Untitled-9 1 1/24/19 10:20 AM Shelburne, VT CIT & Crew Ages 12+ Farm & Garden Ages 5 -11 April Vacation Camp New Village Farm Camps Untitled-11 1 1/24/18 3:22 PM
For kids who are wild about animals
For kids who are wild about animals!
MetroRock offers camps for kids from 5 to 15 all summer long and during school vacations.
5% DISCOUNT when you register by May 1
5% DISCOUNT for sibling/multiweek registration
SUMMER CAMPS: BASE and RAD Camp For more info visit or email
Animal Adventures (ages 7-9)
Animal Adventures (ages 7-9) Afternoons only still available! July
Afternoons only still available!
July 13 -17 ● July 20-24
Week 4: Monday-Friday, July 29-Aug. 2
Session Four: 8:30AM - 3PM
Kids Ages 10-12: $390
Week 5: Monday-Friday, Aug. 5-9
Session Five: 8:30AM-3PM
Week 6: Monday-Friday, Aug. 12-16
Session Six: 8:30AM-3PM
Session 1: July 8–19, 2019
Session 2: July 22–August 2, 2019
This two-week program, taught by Champlain faculty (all game industry veterans), introduces high school students to game development— game design, game art and animation, programming, testing, and production. Register by June 14, 2019
Night Eagle Wilderness Adventures A unique summer camp for boys, ages 10-14, in the heart of Vermont’s Green Mountains Call for a full brochure: (802) 773-7866 tipi living ▲ nature crafts ▲ canoeing ▲ backpacking ▲ wilderness skills ▲ tracking atlatls ▲ ’hawk throwing swimming ▲ archery ▲ hiking ▲ cooperative work & play ▲ and much more! ▲ (802) 446-6100 NIGHT EAGLE WILDERNESS ADVENTURES k6h-NightEagle0219.indd 1 1/16/19 1:08 PM KIDSVT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 36
Untitled-25 1 1/24/19 4:15 PM Sliding Scale Tuition! One-Week for New Campers Ages 8-13 - June 16-21 Wilderness Leadership Trek Ages 14-16 - July 21- August 2 Only a few openings left! Untitled-8 1 1/16/19 11:23 AM
ages 4-13 k16t-ReTribe0219.indd 1 1/23/19 10:53 AM 260 Avenue D, Suite 30 • Williston (off Industrial Ave.) • 802-652-2454 SUMMER & SCHOOL VACATION CAMPS GYMNASTICS, FREESTYLE & PARKOUR k6h-GMTC0219.indd 1 1/23/19 11:40 AM
Camps for
-12) day camp: A few slots available Aug.10-14 0135 x 12 Or visit
Before & after care hours are
1: Monday-Friday, July 8-12
One: 8:30AM-12:30PM
kids who are wild about animals!
Kids Ages 5-7:
2: Monday-Friday, July 15-19
Two: 8:30AM-12:30PM
8-9: $390
3: Monday-Friday,
Three: 8:30AM-3PM
Kids Ages
13-17 ●
Full-day camp: A few slots available July 27– July 31● Aug 3-7 ● Aug.10-14
x 12 Or visit
Summer Safari (ages 10-12)
Before & after care hours are available. Scholarships funded by Redducs Foundation
1/17/19 3:56 PM
K6h-HumaneSociety0219.indd 1
6 Susie Wilson Rd | Essex Junction, VT
1/17/19 12:40
k6h-MetroRock0219.indd 1
KIDSVT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 CAMP GUIDE 2019 37 Plan your summer! Cut out and use this handy sheet to plan your summer camp schedule. Find a downloadable version at JUNE 17-21 JUNE 24-28 JULY 1-5 JULY 8-12 JULY 15-19 JULY 22-26 JULY 29-AUG 2 AUG 5-9 AUG 12-16 AUG 19-23 2019 Summer Art Camps Start June 17 for ages 6-18 To learn about our camps, view the schedule, or to sign up please visit: or call us at 802.865.7166 BCA Studios is located at 405 Pine Street near downtown Burlington. Convenient Parking is available for drop-o and pick up. FINE METAL JEWELRY Untitled-24 1 1/24/19 4:06 PM y Empowering G irls and Women Si nce 1919 Residential Camp Day Camp with Transport South Hero, VT For girls ages 6 to 17 Adventure Leadership Teamwork Friendship 2019 Registration Open (802) 862 - 7520 Untitled-16 1 11/27/18 3:06 PM
Untitled-16 1 1/24/19 12:51 PM Green Mountain Youth Symphony • Early bird discount until March 9 Creative Arts & Music Program August 4-10 @ Northern Vermont University- Johnson k16t-GMYS0219.indd 1 1/18/19 11:44 Untitled-5AM 1 1/23/19 2:23 PM
H E R E M E M O R I E S A R E M A D E 2 01 9 SUMMER CAMPS COMM UNIT YSAILINGCE NTE R .ORG Sail, paddle, & more starting June 17th! Scholarships Available 1/24/19 1:01 PM KIDSVT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 38 100-year-old summer family camp in the heart of the Adirondack Park• 518-648-5494 Voyageur and Trekker Summer Camps For boys and girls ages 12-16 k16t-Timberlock1-0219.indd 1 1/25/19 9:58 AM
Summer Camp at Shelburne Museum
Tumble through the grounds, paint by the pond, explore the beloved Ticonderoga, and ignite your creativity and imagination. Registration opens to Members on February 4, and to the general public on February 11. Visit
June 24–29
Ages 7–12
Come one, come all as Circus Smirkus and Shelburne Museum partner to offer a camp focusing on all things circus arts. Joni White-Hanson, residency artist, will join us each day to teach us the tricks of the trade—from clowning to juggling, and much more. The week will culminate in a big top performance for family and friends!
July 29–August 2
Ages 8–12
Learn new sewing techniques or improve existing skills as we gather in this weeklong summer camp creating unique lap quilts. Campers will explore the Museum’s extensive collection of textiles and gather inspiration. Each camper will have access to a sewing machine for the week, as well as all materials needed to create beautiful, unique, and inspired quilts.
August 5–9
Ages: 7–10
Geared toward children ages 4–6 years old, these weeklong camps teach children about the Museum’s collections through close looking, art making, games, and fun! Each week’s activities will focus on a single theme. Sign up for a single week, or up to four!
Week 1: July 1–5 Trains
Week 2: July 8–12, Circus
Week 3: July 15–19, Boats
Week 4: July 22–26, Animals
Ages 13–16
Have you outgrown the traditional summer camp but are still looking for summer fun? Consider being a Counselor in Training! Our new CIT program allows young adults the opportunity to explore the grounds and gain on the job experience working with campers and staff, while still in a supervised environment. Young adults will join Museum staff to help plan and prep for camp as well as assist in all day- to-day activities. CITs must be available for a full week and will need a personal reference and cover letter when applying for their camp choice.
Photography by Mollie Davis. Untitled-37 1 1/18/19 2:56 PM KIDSVT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 39
Let It Snow!
Nature-loving Vermonters have fun in Burlington’s backyard during WINTERVALE — a community event including kids’ games and activities, nature walks, a bonfire, free use of snowshoes and cross-country skis, groomed trails, and a chili cook-off. Sunday, February 24, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Intervale Center, Burlington.
Week to Week
Kids VT Camp & School Fair: Parents and campers-to-be get personal attention and detailed information as representatives from dozens of camps and schools from Vermont and beyond present their programs. 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Hilton Burlington, Burlington.
Vermont Flurry: Woodstock Snow Sculpture Festival: The village green transforms into a winter art wonderland in this three-day professional snow sculpting competition. 10 a.m.-10 p.m., Woodstock Village Green, Woodstock.
The Music of the Beatles for Kids: The Rock and Roll Playhouse — a family concert series — gets kids moving and grooving to tunes from the classic rock canon. Doors open at 11 a.m., concert begins at 11:30 a.m., Higher Ground, Burlington.
get weekly
Dr. First!
the University
Vermont Medical Center on Facebook and
updates from
videos at
1 Friday
Family Gym: Indoor playground equipment provides tiny tumblers a chance to run free. Ages 7 and under with caregivers. Greater Burlington YMCA, 10:15-11:45 a.m., $5-8 per family; free for members; preregister. Info, 862-9622.
Family Painted Pottery: Dads, moms and kids enjoy an instructional and creative evening together. Davis Studio, South Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m., $25 per person, preregister. Info, 425-2700.
Kids Music With Linda ‘Tickle Belly’ Bassick: Toe-tapping tunes captivate kiddies. Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 a.m. Info, 660-9346.
Magic the Gathering: Players of all abilities seek knowledge and glory in this trading-card game. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6-8 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Preschool Yoga with Danielle: Small ones stretch and relax. Ages 2-5. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-10:30 a.m. Info, 878-6956.
STEAM Fridays: Eager youngsters engage with inventive science, technology, engineering, art and math projects. Check online for specific program details. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Yoga Story Time Yoga with Ms. Liza: Small ones soak up a storytime with stories, songs, stretches and bubbles. Swanton Public Library, 10 a.m. Info, 868-7656. FREE
Stowe Open Gym: Community members of all ages play pick-up sports. Equipment provided. Stowe Elementary School, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., $2 per participant. Info, 253-6138.
First Friday: Youngsters get the weekend off to jolly start with a group activity, rotating from games to crafts. Sherburne Memorial Library, Killington, 3:15-4:45 p.m. Info, 422-9765. FREE
Rutland Library Book Sale: Bibliophiles thumb through thousands of hardcovers, paperbacks, puzzles and more. Rutland Free Library, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Info, 773-1860.
Craftsbury Lego Club: Petite ones build with plastic blocks and chat companionably. Ages 4-12. Craftsbury Public Library, Craftsbury Common, 3-4:30 p.m. Info, 586-9683.
2 Saturday
Middlebury Winter Farmers Market: Locally produced crafts, cheeses, breads, veggies and more vie for spots in shoppers’ totes, with free coffee and tea and children’s books to read at the market. Middlebury VFW, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
St. Johnsbury Lapsit Storytime: Parents and wee ones partake in stories, fingerplays, bounce songs and more. Ages 2 and under; older siblings welcome. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 10:30 a.m. Info, 748-8291. FREE
‘Kids VT’ Camp & School Fair: Parents and campers-to-be get personal attention and detailed information as representatives from dozens of camps and schools from Vermont and beyond present their programs. Hilton Burlington, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 864-5684. FREE
Create Your Own Comic: From Start to Finish: Local artist Stephanie Zuppo leads an afternoon of art and storymaking. Grades 3 and up. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 1-3 p.m. Info, 878-6956.
Fancy Nancy Tea Party: Crafts and sweet treats await elegantly dressed small ones. Ages 3-7. Milton Public Library, 1-3 p.m., preregistration required. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Ongoing Exhibits
AGE OF DINOSAURS: Fans of these giant creatures journey back in time to the Mesozoic era, visit these amazing animals in their habitat and get hands-on with interactive stations including a fossil dig pit, fossil rubbing and remote-control dinosaurs. Regular museum admission, $11.50-14.50; free for children under 3. Through May 12.
DESTINATION: SPACE!: In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission’s moon landing, space fans take a tour of the technology that landed astronauts on the moon, check out what’s happening on our sun and earth, and travel to the far reaches of outer space. Regular museum admission, $13-16; free for children under age 2. Through August 4.
MAKING MUSIC: Families explore the inner workings of all things musical — from cellos to electronic synthesizers — play and make instruments and engage with multimedia exhibits which share stories of musicians, scientists and craftspeople, highlighting traditional and new practices, techniques and materials. Regular museum admission $13-16; free for children under 2. Through May 15.
SHELBURNE MUSEUM, SHELBURNE Info, 985-3346, ext. 3395
EYE VIEWS OF VERMONT: More than three dozen drawn, painted and printed views of the Green Mountain State — from Bennington and Burlington to Vergennes and Waterbury — investigate through illustration the popular phenomenon of ‘perspective’ or ‘bird’s eye’ views of Vermont’s growing towns in the second half of the 19th century. Through March 3.
Kids Building Workshop: Handy helpers learn do-it-yourself skills and tool safety as they construct seasonal projects. Ages 5-12. Home Depot, Williston, 9 a.m.-noon, preregister at Info, 872-0039. FREE
Play, Laugh, Learn: Little ones explore the library in engaging and interactive activities with Early Learning Specialist Tina Boljevac from Allow Play and Yoga. Ages 5 and under. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Info, 865-7216. FREE
Read to Cleo The Therapy Dog: Canine and reading enthusiasts visit with a personable pooch. Ages 2-12. Milton Public Library, 10 a.m., preregister. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Valentine’s Workshop: Petite handworkers create felted wool hearts, paper crafts and rosepetal soaps to celebrate the sweetheart holiday.
Ages 3-6 with caregivers. Lake Champlain Waldorf School, Shelburne, 10-11:30 a.m., preregister. Info, 985-2827. FREE
Webby’s Art Studio: Light Up the Night: Inspired by the Museum’s collection, amateur artists design their own lamp fixture. Shelburne Museum, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., regular winter museum admission, $5-10; free for children under age 5. Info, 985-3346.
Kid’s Paint and Juice: Amateur artists learn basic brush skills. Ages 4-12. Sheldon Public Library, 10-11 a.m., preregister. Info, 933-2524. FREE
Take Your Child to the Library Day: Families drop in for a scavenger hunt and special children’s crafts. Fairfax Community Library, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Info, 849-2420. FREE
Rutland Library Book Sale: See February 1, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Rutland Winter Farmers Market: More than 50 vendors peddle produce, fresh salad greens, apples and cider, artisan cheeses, homemade breads, and other local products. Vermont Farmers Food Center, Rutland, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 342-4727.
Capital City Winter Farmers Market: Root veggies, honey, maple syrup and crafts change hands at an indoor off-season celebration of locavorism. Montpelier City Center, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 793-8347.
Family Clay: Children and their parents make memories firing and glazing special pieces. ArtisTree/Purple Crayon, South Pomfret, 10 a.m.-noon, $20 per parent-child pair; $5 each additional child. Info, 457-3500.
3 Sunday
Essex Open Gym: Energy-filled kids flip, jump and tumble in a state-of-the-art facility. Ages 6 and under, 1 p.m.; ages 7-12, 2:30 p.m.; ages 13 and up, 4 p.m. Regal Gymnastics Academy, Essex, 1-5:30 p.m., $8-14 per child. Info, 655-3300. Family Gym: See February 1.
Jewish Summer Program/Camp Fair: Representatives from regional Jewish summer camps answer questions from prospective parents. Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Burlington, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Info, 864-0218. FREE
Spring 2019 Babysitter Mingler: Parents meet potential collegiate caregivers for children. Families encouraged to bring their small ones. Students arrive at 10 a.m. UVM Davis Student Center, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., preregister online. Info, 656-3131. FREE
Tot Time: Wee ones move and groove in pop-up forts, a ball pit, a small bounce house and more. Caregiver supervision required. David Gale Recreation Center, Stowe, 10-11 a.m., $5 per child, drop-ins welcome. Info, 253-6138.
4 Monday
Chinese New Year Festivities: Revelers have a blast with stories, snacks, a dragon dance and lantern making. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 4-5 p.m. Info, 878-6955. FREE
Colchester Preschool Music: Bitty ones dance and sing to a brisk beat. Ages 3-5. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 11:30 a.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Itty Bitty Public Skating: Tiny feet learn the art of sliding on ice through jolly games. Ages 2-5 with caregiver. Leddy Park, Burlington, 10-11:30 a.m., $8 per family; $1 skate rentals. Info, 865-7558.
Stories with Megan: Little listeners learn and laugh. Ages 2-5. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE
Teen Space: Adolescents enjoy games, music, snacks and special events. Ages 12-17. Milton Public Library, 3-5 p.m. Info, 893-4644. FREE Williston Preschool Music: Lively tunes with local musicians strike the right note among the wee crowd. Ages 5 and under with a caregiver. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 11 a.m., limited to one session per week per family. Info, 878-4918.
Babies & Toddlers Rock: Mini-musicians ages 2 and under sing songs and engage in early literacy activities. Rutland Free Library, 10-10:30 a.m. Info, 773-1860. FREE
5 Tuesday
Hardwick Lego Club: Fledgling architects construct collaboratively with colorful blocks. Jeudevine Memorial Library, Hardwick, 3-5 p.m. Info, 472-5948. FREE
Red Clover Book Club: Little ones listen to award-winning picture books and partake in a book-related activity. Ages 5-12. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 1-2 p.m. Info, 748-8291. FREE
After-School Snacks on Tuesdays: The library teams up with the Hinesburg Community Resource Center and offers munchies for after-school readers and library users. All ages. Carpenter-Carse Library, Hinesburg, 2-3 p.m. Info, 482-2878. FREE
Creative Tuesdays: Young artists involve their imaginations with interesting materials. Kids under 6 must be accompanied by an adult. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3:15-4:45 p.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE
TUESDAY 5, P. 42 »
5 Tuesday (cont.)
Seasonal Events
COLCHESTER WINTER CARNIVAL: A talent show kicks off three days of frosty fun, sponsored by the Colchester Parks and Recreation Department. Other activities include horse-drawn hay rides, a chili cook-off, inflatables, arts and crafts, a snow maze and a free Sunday open skate at Leddy Park. See for details. Colchester High School, FEB. 1-3 $7; free for children under 3. Info, 264-5500.
ORCHARD VALLEY WINTER FAIR: A day of activities celebrates community with storytelling, puppet shows, crafts, a bonfire and snow cave. Orchard Valley Waldorf School, East Montpelier, SATURDAY, FEB. 2, 10 A.M.-2 P.M. free admission; fees for activities; food available for purchase. Info, 456-7400.
PENGUIN PLUNGE: Stouthearted swimmers in creative costumes dunk themselves in Lake Champlain to raise funds for Special Olympics Vermont. Cool School Plunge at 11 a.m.; Burlington Plunge at noon. Waterfront Park, Burlington, SATURDAY, FEB. 2, free to watch. Info, 861-0278.
ICE ON FIRE WINTER FESTIVAL: The community pays tribute to winter with a puppet processional parade, games, storytelling, performers and a huge closing bonfire. Bring a mug; XC skis, costumes, shakers, rattles, bells and drums encouraged. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, SUNDAY, FEB. 3, 2-5 P.M., suggested donation $1-5. Info, 223-1242.
MILTON WINTER FESTIVAL: This snowy season jubilee gets the party going with sled dog and sleigh rides, a pancake breakfast, a chili cook-off and an Ice Crystal Ball. Check Facebook page for detailed schedule. Various locations, Milton, FEB. 8-10, small fee for some activities. Info, 893-4922.
‘BRRRLINGTON’ WINTER BASH: This winter shindig just for kids includes indoor and outdoor activities, including crafts, live animals, games with Big Blue Trunk, music and dancing. Robert Miller Community & Recreation Center, Burlington, SATURDAY, FEB. 9, NOON-3 P.M. Info, 540-1058. FREE
LAKE ELMORE POLAR SPLASH: Community members “freeze for a reason” in this annual fundraiser for the Morrisville Rotary Club. Elmore State Park, Lake Elmore, SATURDAY, FEB. 9, 11 A.M., free for spectators. Info, 318-7548.
SHELBURNE WINTERFEST: Hearty folks honor the season with live entertainment, ice skating, crafts, live birds, tasty treats and more merriment. Shelburne Farms, SATURDAY, FEB. 9, 10 A.M.-1 P.M., donations accepted for Shelburne Parks & Recreation; $2 for horse-drawn rides. Info, 985-8686.
SCULPTURE FESTIVAL: The village green transforms into a winter art wonderland in this three-day professional snow sculpting competition. Weather dependent. Woodstock Village Green, FRIDAY, FEB. 15, SATURDAY, FEB. 16 & SUNDAY, FEB. 17, 10 A.M.-10
P.M. Info, 457-3981. FREE
ST. ALBANS WINTER CARNIVAL: Saturday night fireworks in Taylor Park start Sunday’s festivities, including games, races, sledding, horse-drawn wagon rides, family activities, the Flag Football Snow Bowl and the Duct Tape Derby. Hard’ack Recreation Area, St. Albans, SATURDAY, FEB. 16 & SUNDAY, FEB. 17, 11 A.M.-3 P.M. most events free; small fee for some activities; food available for purchase. Info, 524-1500.
CENTER STREET NIGHT SLEDDING: Bundled-up families have a blast when Center Street is blocked off as a sledding hill. Wonderfeet Kids’ Museum opens its doors with free admission and fun children’s activities.
Downtown Rutland, TUESDAY, FEB. 19, 7-9 P.M. Info, 773-9380. FREE
SNOW SCULPTURE CONTEST: Families flock to the finale of Rutland Winter Fest to check out amateur and professional snow carving. Games, live music and chili samples keep folks toasty. Main Street Park, Rutland, SATURDAY, FEB. 23, 10 A.M.-2 P.M. Info, 775-5686. FREE
WINTER RENAISSANCE FAIRE: In this two-day shindig, medieval and Viking demonstrations of life on the battlefields, singers, musicians, acrobats, dancers — and artisan and craft vendors, too — enchant visitors of all ages. Champlain Valley Expo, Essex Junction, SATURDAY, FEB. 23, 10 A.M.-6 P.M. & SUNDAY, FEB. 24, 10 A.M.-6 P.M., $15; free for children under age 6 with purchase of adult ticket. Info, 778-9178.
WINTERVALE: Intervale Center, Burlington, SUNDAY, FEB. 24, 11 A.M.-3 P.M., local food and hot drink available for purchase. Info, 861-9753.
Dorothy’s List Book Club: Middle readers make merry conversation about a DCF pick. Call the library for the details. Ages 8-11. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 4 p.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Puzzles: Clever-minded kiddos check out jigsaw puzzles, Sudoku, crosswords and more. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 2:45-3:45 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Read to Ginger the Dog: Petite ones snuggle with a book-loving pooch. All ages. Essex Free Library, Essex Junction, 2-3 p.m. Info, 879-0313. FREE
South Burlington Nurturing Parent Program: Moms and dads deepen parent-child communication skills, discuss empathy and learn how to empower their families. A light dinner and childcare are included. Weekly through May 14. Ascension Lutheran Church, South Burlington, 10 a.m.-noon, preregister. Info, 498-0607. FREE
Spanish Musical Kids: Niños celebrate Spanish through Latin American songs and games. Ages 1-5 with a caregiver. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:45 a.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE
Teen Advisory Board: Teens take time together. Grades 9 and up. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 2-3:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Tinker Tuesdays: Inquisitive kiddos investigate what makes technology tick by taking apart objects and designing new creations. Use the library’s materials or bring in computers, keyboards or other old electronics. Winooski Memorial Library, 3:30-5 p.m. Info, 655-6424. FREE
Winter Story Time: Small ones soak up stories and get creative with crafts. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m. Info, 878-4918. FREE
Adoption Support Group: Families facing adoption issues and challenges join forces in a respectful setting. All welcome. Franklin County Seniors Center, St. Albans, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Info, 524-1700. FREE
Tot Time: See February 3.
Toddler Time: Little ones immerse in art projects and free play activities, stimulating socialization and motor, language and cognitive development. ArtisTree/Purple Crayon, South Pomfret, 9-11 a.m., $5; $20 for a 5-visit punchcard. Info, 457-3500.
6 Wednesday
Game Gathering for Developmentally Delayed Young Adults: Teens and young adults enjoy simple, noncompetitive board and card games and socializing. Ages 14-25, with a support person, if needed. Milton Public Library, 4-5 p.m. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Kids’ Chess Club: Strategy lovers of all abilities face off against opponents. Ages 6 and up. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6-7 p.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE
Minecraft Club: Homeschool gamers play and socialize. Bring a device with Minecraft pocket edition. Ages 7-12. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 1-2 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Open Studio: Kids mix their imagination with the library’s materials. Essex Free Library, Essex Junction, 3-4 p.m. Info, 879-0313. FREE
Read With Daisy the Therapy Dog: Book buffs of all ages bring a selection from home or borrow from the library to amuse an attentive canine. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:15-4:15 p.m., preregister. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Yoga for Kids: Young yogis engage their energy and explore breathing exercises and relaxation poses with professional instructor Melissa from Evolution Yoga. Ages 2-5. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE
Fairfax Read to a Dog: Book lovers choose stories to share with a furry friend. Ages 5-10. Fairfax Community Library, 3:15-4:15 p.m., preregister for 15-minute time slot. Info, 849-2420. FREE
Lego Club: Budding builders bust out amazing architecture with blocks. Sherburne Memorial Library, Killington, 3-4 p.m. Info, 422-9765. FREE
Maker Program: Crafty kiddos dig into different projects using the library’s materials and mentoring. Ages 8-11. Waterbury Public Library, 3-4 p.m., preregister. Info, 244-7036. FREE
Musical Storytelling for All Ages: Scrag Mountain Music’s artistic directors Mary Bonhag and Evan Premo, the Aeolus Quartet, and theater artist Kim Bent enchant the audience with chamber music combined with narrated beloved childhood tales, including “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” and “The Ugly Duckling.” Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 6-6:45 p.m. Info, 426-3581. FREE
Orchard Valley Walk-Through Wednesday: Parents checking out an alternative education for their children tour classrooms for grades 1-8, a mixed-age kindergarten, and Farm & Forest classes. For adults. Orchard Valley Waldorf School, East Montpelier, 8:30-10:30 a.m., preregister. Info, 456-7400. FREE
7 Thursday
Teen Video Game Nights: Adolescents kick back during a lock-in evening with plenty to play and pizza, too. Ages 14-18, preregistration required. Bixby Memorial Library, Vergennes, 7-10 p.m. Info, 877-2211. FREE
Harry Potter Book Night Party: Junior wizards and witches dressed up in their best Hogwarts robes or themed outfits vie for prizes in a costume competition, participate in Potter trivia, hunt through the bookstore for he-who-mustnot-be-named’s horcruxes, attend Divination class and more. Ages 4-14. Northshire Bookstore, Manchester Center, 4:30-6:30 p.m., bring a pair of new socks to donate. Info, 362-2200. FREE
Caledonia Winter Farmers Market: Freshly baked goods, veggies, handmade crafts, meat and maple syrup figure prominently in displays of Vermont wares. St. Johnsbury Welcome Center, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
St. Albans Winter Carnival
Colchester Lego Club: Mini-makers participate in surprise challenges with interlocking toys. Ages 6-10. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 4 p.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Essex Lego Club: Small builders strengthen STEAM skills while having a blast with plastic blocks. Ages 5 and up. Essex Free Library, Essex Junction, 3-4 p.m. Info, 879-0313. FREE
Food for Thought Teen Library Volunteers: Young adults polish o pizza as they ponder library projects. Grades 7-12. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 4-5 p.m. Info, 878-4918. FREE
Harry Potter Book Night: Three Phoenix Books locations — Burlington, Essex and Rutland — host magical bashes for young readers dressed up as wizards, witches and Muggles with merriment including magical games, readings and quizzes. Phoenix Books, Burlington, 6 p.m. Info, 448-3350. FREE
Monthly Home School Program: Home learners soak up nature-related studies in an outdoor classroom. Parent participation optional. Ages 6-8. Audubon Vermont, Huntington, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., $20-25, preregister. Info, 434-3068.
Preschool Yoga: Children’s yoga teacher Melissa Nutting charms wee ones and caregivers with a half-hour of singing, relaxing, reading and stretching. Ages 3-6. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 11:30 a.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Ukulele Kids: Musical ones join Joe to sing and play. All ages. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Info, 865-7216.
Williston Preschool Music: See February 4, 10:30 a.m.
Franklin Lego Thursdays: Kiddie constructionists combine their imagination with the library’s supplies. Haston Library, Franklin, 2-5 p.m. Info, 285-6505.
PJ Story Hour: Sleepyheads get ready for bed, then arrive at the library for themed stories, snacks and a craft. Ages 6 and under. Fairfax Community Library, 6-7 p.m. Info, 849-2420.
Pre-K Art Play: Toddlers drop in and create personal projects with diverse art supplies. Ages 1-4, caregiver required. Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, 10-11 a.m., $5. Info, 253-8358.
Tot Time: See February 3.
Toddler Time: See February 5.
8 Friday
Dungeons & Dragons: Players embark on invented adventures, equipped with their problem-solving skills. Grades 6 and up. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Family Gym: See February 1.
Kids Music With Linda ‘Tickle Belly’ Bassick: See February 1.
Music with Raph: Melody lovers of all ages play and sing. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 9:30-10:15 a.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
See Dr. First videos “First With Kids” at
Rice High School For a Day: 8th graders get a sneak peek of what it’s like to attend this private high school, experience hands-on activities and meet the faculty and new friends. Rice Memorial High School, South Burlington, 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m., preregister. Info, 862-6521. FREE
STEAM Fridays: See February 1.
Kids’ Night Out: While their parents appreciate time o , youngsters enjoy dinner, a movie and themed activities. Grades K-5. David Gale Recreation Center, Stowe, 6-10 p.m., $15-20 per child; drop-ins welcome. Info, 253-6138.
Craftsbury Lego Club: See February 1.
9 Saturday
Middlebury Winter Farmers Market: See February 2.
Surprise Pocket Valentines Workshop: Crafters put paper, ribbons and doilies together to create a card with a space for a secret message for a special someone. Ages 8 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Catamount Arts, St. Johnsbury, 10 a.m.-noon, preregister by email; donations accepted. Info, 748-2600, ext. 109.
Burlington Winter Farmers Market: Local farmers, artisans and producers o er fresh and prepared foods, crafts, and more in a bustling indoor marketplace made merry with live music. UVM Davis Student Center, Burlington, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 656-4636.
Family Contradance: Movers and groovers swing to music by the Woodbury Strings Mega Jam Band, with instruction by the Mad Robin Callers Collective. The Schoolhouse Learning Center, South Burlington, 3:30-5 p.m., suggested donation $5-8; free for children. Info, 223-8945.
Play, Laugh, Learn: See February 2. Story Time in French: Small ones soak up stories in French and English with Delphine Quenet. Non-French speakers welcome. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m. Info, 878-4918. FREE
Valentine’s Day Card Decorating: Artists of all ages create a crafty greeting. Sheldon Public Library, 10 a.m.-noon. Info, 933-2524.
Rutland Winter Farmers Market: See February 2.
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9 Saturday (cont.)
Kids Trade & Play: Families exchange clean and gently used clothing and toys, sizes newborn to 12. Capital City Grange, Berlin, 9:30-11:30 a.m., $3 per family. Info, 831-337-8632.
Norwich Winter Farmers Market: Local growers present produce, meats and maple syrup, complementing baked goods and crafts from area artists. Tracy Hall, Norwich, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Info, 384-7447.
Stencil Valentines for Kids: Youngsters drop in and create a handmade holiday card using historic stencils, specialized papers, paint and more. Ages 3-18. ArtisTree/Purple
Crayon, South Pomfret, 10 a.m.-noon, $2. Info, 457-3500.
10 Sunday
Essex Open Gym: See February 3.
Family Gym: See February 1.
Tot Time: See February 3.
Dance, Sing and Jump Around: In a new location, families delight in a lively afternoon of circle and line dances and singing with instruction and live traditional music. Ages 2-8 with caregivers. Capital City Grange, Berlin, 3-4:30 p.m., $5 donation requested for adults; no one turned away. Info, 223-1509.
11 Monday
Colchester Preschool Music: See February 4.
Crafts for Kids: Clever kiddos pursue artsy projects. Ages 5-10. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Gamers Group: Youngsters pursue pastimes including Dungeons & Dragons and board games. Grades 5-8. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 3:30-5 p.m. Info, 878-4918. FREE
Stories with Megan: See February 4.
Teen Space: See February 4.
Williston Preschool Music: See February 4.
Babies & Toddlers Rock: See February 4.
12 Tuesday
Hardwick Lego Club: See February 5.
Red Clover Book Club: See February 5.
After-School Snacks on Tuesdays: See February 5.
Creative Tuesdays: See February 5.
Lake Champlain Waldorf High School Visiting
Morning: Parents and their prospective high school students take a tour of the campus, experience a sampling of classes and close with Q&A. Lake Champlain Waldorf High School, Shelburne, 8:30-10 a.m., RSVP. Info, 985-2827, ext. 212. FREE
Live Performances
MUSICAL STORYTELLING FOR ALL AGES: Scrag Mountain Music’s artistic directors Mary Bonhag and Evan Premo, the Aeolus Quartet, and theater artist Kim Bent enchant the audience with chamber music combined with narrated beloved childhood tales, including “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” and “The Ugly Duckling.” Bread and Butter Farm, Shelburne, SATURDAY, FEB. 9, 10 A.M.; Lost Nation Theater, Montpelier City Hall Auditorium, SATURDAY, FEB. 9, 4 P.M. and Middlebury Community Music Center, SUNDAY, FEB. 10, 4 P.M; donations accepted. Info, 377-3161.
Library Elementary Event Planners: Junior helpers prepare snacks and plan projects for younger students. Grades 6-8. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 2:45-3:45 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Spanish Musical Kids: See February 5.
Strategy Board Games: Game lovers partake in complicated tabletop pastimes. Ages 13 and up. Milton Public Library, 5-8 p.m. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Tinker Tuesdays: See February 5.
Winter Story Time: See February 5.
Tot Time: See February 3.
‘THE LION & AND THE MOUSE AND OTHER TALES’: The Crabgrass Puppet Theatre enchants an audience of all ages with inspiring tales from Africa, Asia and Europe. The Grange Theatre, South Pomfret, SATURDAY, FEB. 2, 11 A.M., $5-10. Info, 457-3500.
BIG BUBBLE BONANZA: Master bubble wrangler Jeff Boyer mixes comedy, music and interactive magic to delight an audience of all ages. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, SUNDAY, FEB. 3, 1 & 4 P.M., $10-20. Info, 382-9222.
DEPICTIONS OF A DREAM: The Vermont Youth Orchestra teams up with the Vermont Humanities Council to launch the 2019 Vermont Reads selection, March: Book One, by John Lewis, to the literary-minded public. Senior soloist Sebastiaan West and Counterpoint Vocal Ensemble perform in this musical tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., too. Ages 6 and up. Flynn Center for the Performing Arts, Burlington, SUNDAY, FEB. 3, 3 P.M., $12-17. Info, 655-5030.
‘STEP AFRIKA’: This award-winning troupe integrates the audience into song and storytelling, drawing on percussive dance styles which grew out of African American communities, African traditional dance and various other influences. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6, 7 P.M., $25-55. Info, 760-4634.
CONCERT: Over 20 musicians make a marvelous musical evening for community members of all ages. Vergennes Opera House, SATURDAY, FEB. 9, 7:30 P.M., donations accepted for student scholarships. Info, 877-6737. FREE
THE MUSIC OF PHISH FOR KIDS: The Rock and Roll Playhouse — a family concert series — gets kids moving and grooving to tunes from the classic rock canon. Doors open at 11 a.m. Higher Ground, South Burlington, SATURDAY, FEB. 9, 11:30 A.M., $15; free for children ages 1 and under. Info, 652-0777.
AMERICAN GIRL LIVE: The iconic American Girl characters come to life for an admiring audience through story and song, as they follow their hearts, share their dreams and learn the power of friendship. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20, 7 P.M. & THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 7 P.M., $45-55. Info, 760-4634.
DANCE SHOWCASE: A bevy of graceful groups — including Bryce Dance Company of New York City, Liam Reddy and Di’Ahna Restry of Boston, the Champlain College Dance Team, Ballet Vermont and many more — strut their stuff in a benefit performance for Vermont Family Network and Puppets in Education. Black Box, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, SATURDAY, FEB. 23, 7 P.M., $25-28; free for children under 1. Info, 863-5966.
THE MUSIC OF THE BEATLES FOR KIDS: The Rock and Roll Playhouse — a family concert series — gets kids moving and grooving to tunes from the classic rock canon. Doors open at 11 a.m. Higher Ground, South Burlington, SATURDAY, FEB. 23, 11:30 A.M., $15; free for children ages 1 and under. Info, 652-0777.
MR. CHRIS & FRIENDS: Chris Dorman — of the Vermont PBS children’s show Mister Chris & Friends — and Miss Andrea of Musical Munchkins gets families singing, dancing and jumping to a musical beat. Zenbarn Studio, Waterbury, SUNDAY, FEB. 24, 4-5:30 P.M., $10 suggested donation to support Waterbury-area daycares. Info, 578-6440.
‘THE SOUND OF MUSIC’: The timeless tale of Maria and the von Trapp family enchants the audience with Rodgers and Hammerstein’s classic songs and story of 7 mischievous children, a couple in love and the magic of music to transcend trouble.
Flynn MainStage, Burlington, TUESDAY, FEB. 26, 7 P.M. & WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27, 7 P.M., $25-80. Info, 863-5966.
Parent-Child Dance: Moms, dads and kids of all ages enjoy a night of dancing, refreshments and fun. Capitol Plaza Hotel, Montpelier, 6:30-8:30 p.m., $20-25 per couple; $5-7 each additional guest; preregister. Info, 225-8699.
Toddler Time: See February 5.
13 Wednesday
Dorothy’s List Group for Homeschooled Students: Books nominated for this esteemed award generate group discussion. Grades 4-8. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 9-10 a.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Green Mountain Book Award Book Discussion for Homeschooled Students: High-school homeschoolers spark lively conversation around award-winning books. Grades 9-12. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 9-10 a.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Kids’ Chess Club: See February 6.
Lake Champlain Waldorf School Visiting Morning: Parents interested in an alternative education for their children in grades 1-8 visit the Turtle Lane Campus classes, followed by conversation and questions. Lake Champlain Waldorf School, Shelburne, 8:30-10 a.m., RSVP. Info, 985-2827, ext. 212. FREE
Live-Action Role Play: LARPers create characters and plots in an amazing and imaginary adventure. For ages 11 and up. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3-5 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Open Studio: See February 6.
Read With Daisy the Therapy Dog: See February 6. Red Clover Group for Homeschooled Students: Budding book lovers bury themselves in bibliophile activities. Grades K-4. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 9-10 a.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Yoga for Kids: See February 6.
Young Writers & Storytellers: Small ones spin their own yarns. Ages 5-11. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 4-5 p.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
See Dr. First videos “First With Kids” at
WEDNESDAY 13, P. 46 »
Step Afrika
List your class or camp here for only $20 per month! Submit the listing by February 15 at or to
Individualized lessons for students ages 6 through adulthood by renowned professional music director, Randal Pierce. All experience levels welcome. Info, randalpiercemusic. com, or 999-1594.
CLASSES: Join us for winter classes in Burlington and Essex Junction! Weekday and weekend classes available in both locations for all ages, new babies up to teenagers.
Evolution Family Yoga Center, 20 Kilburn St., Burlington, and 37 Lincoln Street, Essex Junction. Info, evolutionprenatalandfamily. com.
CENTER: Now with two locations, Burlington and Essex Junction! Have a more comfortable pregnancy and prepare for birth with stretching, strengthening and relaxation — and then bring body back to balance and strength in our postnatal classes. Join our community at any point in your pregnancy, and 6 weeks or later in your postpartum time (until baby is crawling). No yoga experience necessary. $17/class, $140/10 class pass ($20 off if purchased on your first class), or $90/monthly unlimited. Location:
Evolution Prenatal Yoga Center, 20 Kilburn Street, Burlington, and 37 Lincoln Street, Essex Junction. Info, evolution
SCHOOL BREAK WORKSHOPS: Choose from one to five days of art workshops for your child during winter school break. All basic supplies are included. Students must bring a bag lunch, and snacks will be provided. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info,
POTTERY WHEEL: This day is all about learning the basics of the ever-popular pottery wheel. Students will have all day to get their hands on clay, spinning it into small bowls or cups to be fired and glazed by the studio. All items will be dishwasher safe and lead-free. Ages 6-11. Mon., Feb. 25, 8 a.m.-3 p.m., $70/person; $63/BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info,
DRAWING & PAINTING: This workshop is designed for the young artist who loves to draw and paint. Join us at BCA’s painting studio to experiment with different mediums and techniques while learning how to make your drawings and paintings even better. Ages 6-11. Tues, Feb. 26, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
$70/person; $63/BCA members.
Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info, burlingtoncityarts. org.
SCREEN PRINTING: Working in BCA’s professional print studio, students will learn the basics of screen printing to print images onto paper and fabric. Ages 6-11. Wed., Feb. 27, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. $70/person; $63/BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info,
MINI WORLDS: Shrink down with us and create small beautiful worlds. Campers will be encouraged to explore a variety of craft media to develop tiny, intricate terrariums, doll houses or fairy worlds. Ages 6-11. Thu., Feb. 28, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. $70/person; $63/BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info, burlingtoncityarts. org.
POTTERY WHEEL: This day is all about learning the basics of the ever-popular pottery wheel. Students will have all day to get their hands into clay, spinning it into small bowls or cups to be fired and glazed by the studio. All items will be dishwasher safe and lead-free. Ages 6-11. Fri., Mar. 1, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. $70/person; $63/BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info,
FAMILY ART SATURDAY: Get creative and make art together! Families are invited to drop in to the BCA Center every third Saturday of the month to create their own artworks inspired by our current exhibitions. Each Family Art Saturday offers a different art-making project that will ignite the imaginations of your family members! Third Saturday of the month, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: BCA Center, 135 Church St., Burlington. Info, burlingtoncityarts. org.
SUNDAY FAMILY JEWELRY: Spend a morning with teaching artist Kate McKernan in BCA’s jewelry studio. Using our studio equipment, fine metals and beads, your family will create beautiful and wearable works of art. All supplies are provided, no experience needed. Youth must be accompanied by an adult. Adults may assist their child(ren) free of charge. Additional tickets are required for adults who’d like to join the fun and create on their own. Ages 6 and up. Sun., Feb. 10, 10 a.m.-noon. $10/ participant; $9/BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info, burlingtoncityarts. org.
SUNDAY FAMILY PRINTMAKING: Spend a morning with teaching artist Kate McKernan in BCA’s print studio. Using our printing plates, inks and press, your family will create beautiful works of art. All supplies are provided, no experience needed. Youth must be accompanied by an adult. Adults may assist their child(ren) free of charge. Additional tickets are required for adults who’d like to join the fun and print on their own. Ages 6 and up. Sun., Mar. 3, 10 a.m.-noon. $10/ participant; $9/BCA members.
Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info, burlingtoncityarts. org.
FRIDAY FAMILY CLAY: Spend a Friday night with your family at the BCA Clay Studio. A ticket provides a wheel demonstration at the beginning of class, wheel access (for ages 6+), hand building for any age, unlimited clay, and time to create. Youth must be accompanied by an adult. Adults may assist their child(ren) free of charge. Additional tickets are required for adults who’d like to join the fun and either hand build or use a wheel of their own. If you’d like your work to be fired and glazed by the studio, there is a $5 fee per piece. Finished pottery will be available for pick-up three weeks after visit. Ticket purchases for this class are nonrefundable. Fridays, Feb. 1-May 3, 5-7 p.m. $10/participant; $9/BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info,
BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: The future of our nation lies in the courage, confidence and determination of its people. Our Kids BJJ Program promotes self-esteem, self-confidence, character development and a physical outlet with discipline, cooperation with other children, respect for peers and adults, perseverance and a healthy lifestyle. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu will help your kids to learn realistic bully-proofing and self-defense skills that they can use for the rest of their lives! Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu builds endurance, patience and self-respect. Give your kids the ability to get stronger, gain confidence and build resilience! Our sole purpose is to help empower people by giving them practices they can carry with them throughout life. Remember you are raising children, not flowers. First class is free! Please stop by our school at 55 Leroy Road, Williston; call 598-2839; visit or email to register your son or daughter!
KIDS — WOOD SHOP: MAKE A CHAIR OR STOOL: Build your own chair ... Then, sit down and relax! Create your own step stool or chair for your bedroom or a space needing a seat! Students will get the chance to use a table saw, jigsaw, router and orbital sander to build their hardwood creation. Students will design their own seat and leave with the amazing piece of work! Mondays, Mar. 18-Apr. 8, 3:30-5:30 p.m. $175. Location:
Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info, 540-0761, or
KIDS — METAL: All experience levels welcome. “Wow!” is exactly what friends and family will say when you show them what you made in our metals studio. From jewelry to small sculpture, this class is all about fun and mastering the skills you need to make projects of your own design. Mondays, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Jan. 28-Feb. 18 or May 6-June 3 (no class May 28). $175. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info, 540-0761, or
KIDS — GAME BOARD AND PIECES: Make your own tabletop game and pieces that are beautiful to look at and use. This is a project-based class that relies primarily on the laser machine and the 3D printer. Students will design and construct a tabletop game using the laser machine and 3D printer. Several game ideas are available or you can adapt a game of your choice! Thursdays, 3:30-5:30 p.m., May 16-June 6. $175. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info, 540-0761, or
KIDS — MAKE YOUR OWN STICKERS & SHIRT!: Learn how go from doodle to design using Adobe Illustrator and a vinyl cutter! This hands-on workshop will teach kids how to make multicolor prints using the tools necessary to turn their drawing into reproducible digital designs. This class covers Adobe Illustrator basics, design thinking, as well as an introduction to Generator’s Roland GX-24 vinyl cutter. Thursdays, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Apr. 11-May 9 (no class Apr. 25), $175. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info: 540-0761, or classes.
KIDS — ELECTRIFY YOUR WARDROBE WITH WEARABLE ELECTRONICS: E-textiles, also known as wearable electronics, combine sewing with circuitry. Imagine a hat that twinkles whenever you tilt your head, or a backpack that blinks when it’s dark outside. Participants will sew a light-up cuff with a magnetic switch, create their own battery holders and switches using conductive materials, and learn how to integrate a microcontroller into their own designs. Thursdays, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Mar. 7-Mar. 28. $175.
Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info, 540-0761, or classes.
MUSICAL MUNCHKINS — MUSIC CLASSES & BIRTHDAY PARTIES: You and your little munchkin will be accompanied by Miss Andrea on guitar while singing, dancing, playing instruments, utilizing props and puppets, and having so much fun! Options include Baby Boogie (4-13 months), Toddler Swing (1 & 2 years), Kids Jamboree (2-3 and 2-4 years), Preschool Swing (3-5 years) and Family Swing (mixed ages).Teaching for the past 25 years in New York, Miss Andrea has trained with some of the finest music educators and performers, including Laurie Berkner. Weekday and Saturday classes offered with ongoing enrollment. Now registering for winter. $140 for 8 weeks includes CD and downloaded music. Book your birthday party, with prices starting at $150. Location: Green Mountain Performing Arts, 37 Commercial Drive, Waterbury. Info,, or 845-802-2311.
Fairfax Lego Club: Amateur architects construct creatively with colorful blocks. Ages 6 and up. Fairfax Community Library, 3-4 p.m., preregister. Info, 849-2420. FREE
Lego Club: See February 6.
Maker Program: See February 6.
14 Thursday
Teen Video Game Nights: See February 7.
Science & Nature
MONTSHIRE MAKERS: Middle school inventors use their imaginations and the museum’s materials to create cool projects with different monthly themes. Grades 6-9. Montshire Museum of Science, Norwich, FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 6:30-8 P.M., $8-15, preregistration encouraged. Info, 649-2200.
WONDERFUL WINTER: THE HOWS AND WHYS OF THE SEASON: Small ones soak up the savvy about snow, try out snowshoes, go for a slide and make snowmen and seasonal crafts.
Ages 3-6. The Nature Museum at Grafton, FRIDAY, FEB. 1, 10-11:30 A.M., $5-8 per child; no charge for caregivers. Info, 843-2111.
CELEBRATION: Natural history fans check out what’s new for 2019 after the Museum’s yearly freshening up. Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium, St. Johnsbury, SATURDAY, FEB. 2, 9 A.M.-5 P.M. regular museum admission $7-9; free for children under 5. Info, 748-2372.
FEBRUARY WEEKENDS: Families check out farm animals wintering in barns, tour the historic 1890 farmhouse and enjoy activities.
Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 10 A.M.-4 P.M., regular admission, $4-14; free for children under 3. Info, 457-2355.
THROUGH TRACKING: Families get hands-on investigating the winter world and the smart animals who thrive in the snowy season through basic tracking, pelts and exploring Chester Pinnacle on snowshoes. Whiting Library, Chester, SATURDAY, FEB. 2, 10-11:30
A.M. by donation; RSVPs appreciated. Info, 843-2111.
PLAYDATE! WINTER ON THE FARM: Little ones drop in and have a hoot with indoor educational activities and a visit from a live owl. Ages 2-5, accompanied by an adult.
Shelburne Farms, SATURDAY, FEB. 2, 9:30 A.M.-1:30 P.M. $5-7 per child, free for adults, preregister. Info, 985-8686.
WEEKEND HORSE-DRAWN WAGON RIDES: Jingling horses trot visitors through rolling acres. Rides leave on the half hour; seats are first-come, first-served, with ticket sales beginning at 10 a.m. Shelburne Farms, SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 11 A.M.-2 P.M., $8-10; free for children under 3. Info, 985-8442.
Children’s literature and hands-on activities combine for fun science learning and exploration.
Ages 3-5 with a parent or caregiver. Montshire Museum of Science, Norwich, FIRST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10:15 & 11:30 A.M., regular museum admission, $13-16; free for children under 2. Info, 649-2200.
SCIENCE & STORIES AT ECHO: Preschoolers rally ’round for nature-inspired tales and activities. ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, TUESDAYS, 10:30 A.M., regular museum admission, $11.50-14.50; free for children under 3. Info, 864-1848.
ADULTS: The museum opens its doors after hours so grown-ups can let their inner curiosity run wild. Beer, wine and food available for purchase. Ages 21 and up.
Montshire Museum of Science, Norwich, FRIDAY, FEB. 15, 6:30-9 P.M., $7-10; free for museum members. Info, 649-2200.
CRAFTSBURY FULL MOON SNOWSHOE: Lunar lovers trek along snowy trails, then relish a bonfire and hot chocolate, courtesy of WonderArts and the Craftsbury Rec Committee. All ages. Craftsbury Academy, Craftsbury Common, SATURDAY, FEB. 16, 6:30-8:30 P.M., RSVP; snowshoes available by prearrangement. Info, 533-9370. FREE
GREAT BACKYARD BIRD COUNT OPEN MUSEUM: Ornithologists-in-training visit the museum’s feeding station, explore exhibits, check out Audubon Vermont’s 8 a.m. bird walk and learn more about this big bird count, an annual four-day event. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, SATURDAY, FEB. 16, 10 A.M.-2 P.M., admission by donation. Info, 434-2167.
IGLOO BUILD: Bundled-up families learn to construct insulated, sturdy snow dwellings during this long-running Montshire tradition with igloo-building expert Dr. Bert Yankielun. Montshire Museum of Science, Norwich, SATURDAY, FEB. 16, 10 A.M.-3 P.M., regular museum admission, $13-16; free for members and children under 2. Info, 649-2200.
Valentine’s Day Creations: Inventive kiddos celebrate the heart holiday with arts and crafts. Ages 5-12. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 3-4 p.m. Info, 748-8291. FREE
Colchester Lego Club: See February 7.
Essex Lego Club: See February 7.
Monthly Home School Program: Home learners soak up nature-related studies in an outdoor classroom. Parent participation optional. Ages 9-12. Audubon Vermont, Huntington, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., $20-25 per child, preregister. Info, 434-3068.
PJ Storytime: Little ones snuggle up in their sleepy clothes for bedtime yarns. Ages 2-7. Milton Public Library, 6:30-7:15 p.m. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Preschool Yoga: See February 7.
Read to a Dog: Pet-lovers peruse books with registered therapy pooches. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 3:30 p.m., preregister. Info, 878-4918. FREE
Ukulele Kids: See February 7.
Williston Preschool Music: See February 4, 10:30 a.m.
Crafternoon: Needle-Felted Hearts: Artsy folks fashion fancy valentines. Ages 7 and up. Fairfax Community Library, 3-4 p.m., preregister. Info, 849-2420. FREE
Franklin Lego Thursdays: See February 7.
Sheldon Lego Creations: Fledgling builders tackle the library’s challenge or create their own construction. All ages. Sheldon Public Library, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Info, 933-2524. FREE
Tot Time: See February 3.
PRIDE HIKE: Audubon Vermont, Pride Center of Vermont and Outright Vermont team up to host an easy-to-moderate hike. All ages; youth under age 18 should be accompanied by an adult. Check for location. Audubon Vermont, Huntington, SATURDAY, FEB. 16, 9:30 A.M.-1:30 P.M. Info, 434-3068. FREE
FULL MOON SNOWSHOE HIKE: Hot chocolate fuels walkers for a sparkling stroll beneath lunar light. Snowshoes provided. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, TUESDAY, FEB. 19, 7-8:30 P.M., $5-10; preregister. Info, 229-6206.
CIRCUIT CIRCUS: Students on school break learn about electricity, fluorescence and more through hands-on activities and science shows. ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, FEB. 23-MARCH 5, 10 A.M.-5 P.M., regular museum admission, $11.50-14.50; free for children under 3. Info, 864-1848.
FORESTER FOR A DAY: Kids don hard hats as they observe a woodsman fell a tree, then take to the woodshop for hands-on fun. Ages 5 and up with adult. Shelburne Farms, SATURDAY, FEB. 23, 10 A.M.-NOON, $3-7, preregister. Info, 985-8686.
OWL FESTIVAL: Curious naturalists of all ages have a hoot learning about these amazing creatures, current owl research and VINS’s rehabilitation program through stories and crafts. Come in costume as your favorite owl, too. Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, SATURDAY, FEB. 23, 9 A.M.-5 P.M. AND SUNDAY, FEB. 24, 10 A.M.-4 P.M., regular museum admission, $13.50-15.50; free for children under 4. Info, 359-5000.
Toddler Time: See February 5.
15 Friday
Baby Time: Families with wee ones socialize, read board books, learn some sign language and play. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 9:30-10 a.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Family Gym: See February 1.
Family Movie: Viewers enjoy a family-friendly flick while feasting on free popcorn. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Kids Music With Linda ‘Tickle Belly’ Bassick: See February 1.
Kids’ Night Out: While parents take some deserved time off, kids delight in dinner and fun. Ages 3-12. Greater Burlington YMCA, 6-8 p.m., $10-19, preregister. Info, 862-8134.
Parents’ Night Out: Moms and dads enjoy some personal space, while small ones in PJs savor a snack, arts and crafts, and a movie. Grades K-5. Maple Street Park, Essex Junction, 6-9 p.m., $10 per child. Info, 878-1375.
Preschool Yoga with Danielle: Simple movement, stories and songs satisfy children ages 5 and under and their caregivers. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m. Info, 878-4918. FREE
STEAM Fridays: See February 1.
Yoga Story Time Yoga with Ms. Liza: See February 1.
Craftsbury Lego Club: See February 1.
Wednesday (cont.)
Montpelier Mother Up! Monthly Meet-Up: Families discuss the realities of climate change, what that means on a local, state and national level, and how to create a more just and nature-friendly world. Dinner and naturethemed kids’ programming included. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 5:30-7:30 p.m., RSVP requested. Info, 229-0041. FREE
16 Saturday
Middlebury Winter Farmers Market: See February 2.
Caledonia Winter Farmers Market: See February 7.
‘Right As Rain’ With Lindsey Stoddard: This Vermont author shares her second middle school novel — the story of a family’s move from Vermont to New York City after the oldest child’s death — and answers questions and signs books for admiring fans. Ages 8-14. The Flying Pig Bookstore, Shelburne, 11 a.m. Info, 985-3999. FREE
Champlain College Winter Open House: Prospective students check out the college’s unique Upside-Down Curriculum and Career Collaborative. Champlain College, Burlington, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., preregister. Info, 625-0201. FREE
Family Art Saturday: Families drop in and ignite their imaginations with a current exhibit, then get hands-on with an artistic endeavor. Burlington City Arts, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Info, 865-7166. FREE
Hinesburg Saturday Story Time: Stories, songs and games amuse youngsters, followed by free play and snacks. Ages 5 and under, with caregivers. Carpenter-Carse Library, Hinesburg, 10-10:30 a.m. Info, 482-2878. FREE
Play, Laugh, Learn: See February 2.
Read to Cleo The Therapy Dog: See February 2.
Webby’s Art Studio: Pretty Petite Paintings: Inspired by the Museum’s collection, little artists make a winter-themed masterpiece on canvas. Shelburne Museum, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., regular winter museum admission, $5-10; free for children under age 5. Info, 985-3346.
Center Street Story Walk: Families find maps and scavenger hunt info at Phoenix Books, then check out repeat readings of Ryan T. Higgins’ Mother Bruce in locations around town to launch Rutland Winter Fest — with added festivities at the Rutland Free Library and Wonderfeet Kids’ Museum. Dress warmly. Downtown Rutland, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 773-9380. FREE
Rutland Winter Farmers Market: See February 2.
Capital City Winter Farmers Market: See February 2.
Saturday Matinee: Students on school break snuggle in for a family-friendly flick and snacks. Children under age 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Waterbury Public Library, noon-1:45 p.m. Info, 244-7036. FREE
See Dr. First videos “First With Kids” at
17 Sunday
Middlebury Mother Up! Monthly Meet-Up: Families discuss the realities of climate change, what that means on a local level, and how to transition to a safer and healthier world. Vegetarian meal and childcare for ages 8 and under provided. Middlebury Recreation Center, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Info, 382-0829. FREE
A Better Discipline Plan: Parents get professional guidance for a five-step discipline design for toddlers to teens, to calm conflict and nurture learning and maturation. O ce of Beth Martell Life Coaching, Essex Junction, 2-3 p.m., $25, preregister. Info, 881-4161.
Calm and Connect: Caregivers learn from a professional about the science of e ective communication with teens. For adults.
O ce of Beth Martell Life Coaching, Essex Junction, noon-1 p.m., $25, preregister. Info, 881-4161.
Essex Open Gym: See February 3.
Family Gym: See February 1.
Tot Time: See February 3.
Pajama Storytime: Families in their favorite PJs partake in stories and music. Sheldon Public Library, 6-7 p.m. Info, 933-2524. FREE
Babies & Toddlers Rock: See February 4.
19 Tuesday
Hardwick Lego Club: See February 5.
Red Clover Book Club: See February 5.
After-School Snacks on Tuesdays: See February 5.
Collaborative Art Project: Artists of all abilities create an abstract large-scale painting. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Creative Tuesdays: See February 5.
Read to Ginger the Dog: See February 5.
Spanish Musical Kids: See February 5.
Tinker Tuesdays: See February 5.
Winter Story Time: See February 5.
Kids’ Chess Club: See February 6.
Minecraft Club: See February 6.
WE THINK OUTSIDE. outside of the box and outside our walls
WE THINK OUTSIDE. outside of the box and outside our walls
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K-8th grades.
Now enrolling for 2019-20
Now enrolling for 2019-20
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outside of the box and outside our walls
K-8 grades • Preschool • Elementary Middle School • Afterschool
20 Wednesday (cont.)
New Parents
EVOLUTION POSTNATAL YOGA: New mamas tote their pre-crawling kids to an all-levels flowing yoga class focused on bringing the body back to strength and alignment in a relaxed and nurturing environment.
Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga Center, Burlington, SUNDAYS, 12:15 P.M., TUESDAYS, 10 A.M. THURSDAYS, 10:45 A.M. AND FRIDAYS, NOON-1 P.M., $17; $120-140 for a 10-class pass. Info, 899-0339.
EVOLUTION PRENATAL YOGA: Mothers-to-be build strength, stamina and a stronger connection to their baby. Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga Center, Burlington, SATURDAYS, 11:30 A.M., SUNDAYS, 10-11:30 A.M., MONDAYS, 5:45 P.M., TUESDAYS, 4:15 P.M., WEDNESDAYS, 5:45 P.M., THURSDAYS, 12:30 P.M. AND FRIDAYS, 8:15 A.M., $17 per class; $120-140 for 10-class pass. Info, 899-0339.
EVOLUTION PRENATAL YOGA ESSEX: Mothersto-be build strength, stamina and a stronger connection to their baby. Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga, Essex Junction, SATURDAYS, 8:15 A.M., SUNDAYS, 5:30 P.M., MONDAYS, 10:30 A.M., TUESDAYS, 6:15 P.M., WEDNESDAYS, 12:30
P.M. AND THURSDAYS, 4:15 P.M., $17 per class; $120-140 for 10-class pass. Info, 899-0339.
BOSOM BUDDIES: New and expectant mothers, babies and supportive grandmas rally in a relaxed evening, when peers and professionals answer mothering and breastfeeding questions. Central Vermont Medical Center, Berlin, FIRST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 5:30-7 P.M. Info, 371-4415. FREE
BOSOM BUDDIES TOO: Nursing mamas of toddlers and mobile wee ones socialize and swap supportive stories and advice with peers and professionals. Babies welcome. Central Vermont Medical Center, Berlin, FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 5:30-7 P.M. Info, 371-4415. FREE
MOM AND BABY YOGA: Brand-new mamas and their littles relax, stretch and bond. Followed by a free mothers’ gathering at 11:30 a.m. Embodied, Montpelier, TUESDAYS, 10:30-11:30 A.M. $11. Info, 223-5302.
PRENATAL YOGA: Moms-to-be stretch and bend. Embodied, Montpelier, TUESDAYS, 6-7:15 P.M., $16 per drop-in class. Info, 778 -0300.
BURLINGTON EARLY MONTHS INFANT MASSAGE: This mother-infant group includes baby massage and postpartum new mama support. The Janet S. Munt Family Room, Burlington, WEDNESDAYS, 11 A.M.-NOON. Info, 862-2121. FREE
GATHER: A POSTPARTUM SUPPORT GROUP: New parents join certified Postpartum Support Doula Dayva Savio in an informal support circle centering on the joys and struggles of this time. Mount Mansfield Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Barn, Jericho, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6, 10 A.M.-NOON, $10, preregister. Info, 658-5959.
ESSEX LA LECHE LEAGUE: Moms bring their bitty ones to a discussion of parenting and breastfeeding. Siblings welcome. Essex Free Library, Essex Junction, FIRST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 6:30-8 P.M. Info, 899-5490. FREE
HYDE PARK BABY CHAT: Parents with babies mingle, learn more about developmental needs and expectations, and have the opportunity to ask questions of a maternal health specialist. Lanpher Memorial Library, Hyde Park, FIRST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10-11:30 A.M. Info, 888-5229.
CIRCLE: Mamas, papas, primary caregivers of wee ones and mamas-to-be drop in, recharge their energy, practice gentle stretching exercises and self-care, while savoring socializing, tea and snacks. Bring newborns through crawling babies. The Children’s Room, Waterbury, THURSDAYS, 11 A.M.-12:30 P.M. Info, 244-5605. FREE
MAMA’S CIRCLE BARRE: This supportive gathering brings moms of new babies and toddlers together to foster friendship through unique-but-shared experiences.
Imagine Yoga, Barre, SECOND FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 9:30-11:30 A.M. Info, 595-7953. FREE
MORRISVILLE BABY CHAT: Parents with babies socialize, learn more about developmental needs and expectations, and have the opportunity to ask questions of a maternal health specialist. Lamoille Family Center, Morrisville, SECOND SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10-11:30 A.M. Info, 888-5229.
FAMILIES: Dr. Cathryn Naden and licensed acupuncturist Allison Jacobs host a conversation about baby health and care during the chilly months and answer parents’ questions in a relaxed setting. The Children’s Room, Waterbury, SUNDAY, FEB. 10, 10 A.M.-NOON, preregister; childcare available on request. Info, 244-5605. FREE
BURLINGTON LA LECHE LEAGUE: New moms bring their babies and questions to a breastfeeding support group. Older children welcome. Lending library available. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10:15 A.M. Info, 985-8228. FREE
LA LECHE LEAGUE OF THE NORTHEAST KINGDOM: Expectant, novice and experienced moms join nursing experts for advice and support. Enter through the children’s section of the library. Siblings welcome. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10:30 A.M. Info, 720-272-8841. FREE
BABYWEARERS OF CENTRAL VERMONT: Brand-new mamas and papas check out infant carriers, get advice and spend some socializing time with other new parents.
Good Beginnings, Montpelier, SECOND THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 9:30-11:30 A.M. AND FOURTH MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 5:45-7:45 P.M. Info, 595-7953. FREE
NURSING BEYOND A YEAR: In a supportive setting, mothers discuss the joys and challenges of breastfeeding children approaching one year old and beyond. Good Beginnings, Montpelier, THIRD FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 9:30-11:30 A.M. Info, 595-7953. FREE
BREASTFEEDING CAFÉ: Mamas nurse their babies, chat and ask for answers from a certified lactation consultant. Pregnant women, supportive dads and older siblings welcome. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 11 A.M.-1 P.M. Info, 236-4136. FREE
BREASTFEEDING FAMILIES GROUP: Nursing moms (and supportive dads, too!) gather for snacks and advice. Church of the Nazarene, Johnson, THIRD WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 11 A.M.-1 P.M. Info, 888-5229. FREE
ELIMINATION COMMUNICATION: Novice parents pursue advice about this practice where a caregiver uses timing, signals, cues and intuition to address a baby’s need to eliminate waste without using a diaper. Good Beginnings, Montpelier, THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 1-2 P.M. Info, 595-7953. FREE
LA LECHE LEAGUE OF CENTRAL VERMONT: Breastfeeding mamas swap stories and support each other, with a professional available for consultation. Good Beginnings, Montpelier, THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 9:30-11:30 A.M. Info, 595-7953. FREE HOW TO BREASTFEED PRENATAL CLASS: Expectant mamas and their partners learn the basics of breastfeeding, how to get off to the best start with their baby and where to find assistance when needed. Central Vermont Medical Center, Berlin, FOURTH TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 4:30-6 P.M., preregister. Info, 371-4415. FREE
JOHNSON BABY CHAT: Parents with babies mingle, learn more about developmental needs and expectations, and have the opportunity to ask questions of a maternal health specialist. Church of the Nazarene, Johnson, FOURTH TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10-11:30 A.M. Info, 888-5229. FREE
MOMMY GROUP: Breastfeeding peer counselor Angela Scavo hosts mamas and answers questions in a relaxed setting. Junebug Mother and Child, Middlebury, FOURTH WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 9:30-10:30 A.M. Info, 349-9084. FREE
Open Studio: See February 6.
Read With Daisy the Therapy Dog: See February 6.
Teen Movie Night: Adolescents enjoy a popular movie about magical beasts, with costumes, origami creatures and snacks. Grades 7-12. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 4:30-7:30 p.m. Info, 878-4918. FREE
Yoga for Kids: See February 6. Zine Club: Imaginative youngsters experiment with different writing styles and art techniques to create personal publications. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3-4:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
STEM Club: Under the lead of local inventor Ralph Lemnah, sciencey types challenge their imaginations with themed activities. Ages 6 and up. Fairfax Community Library, 3-4 p.m., preregister. Info, 849-2420. FREE
Lego Club: See February 6.
Maker Program: See February 6.
21 Thursday
Teen Video Game Nights: See February 7.
Colchester Lego Club: See February 7.
Dorothy’s List Book Discussion: Little literati chat about DCF pick Felix Yz by Lisa Bunker. Grades 4-8. Milton Public Library, 6:30-7:30 p.m., preregister. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Essex Lego Club: See February 7.
Preschool Yoga: See February 7.
Read to a Dog: See February 14.
SoundCheck: Hosted by slam poet Rajnii Eddins, the Young Writers Project and Burlington City Arts sponsors a writing workshop for adolescent authors and an open mic at 7 p.m. Burlington City Arts, 6 p.m. Info, 324-9538. FREE
Ukulele Kids: See February 7.
Williston Preschool Music: See February 4, 10:30 a.m.
Fairfax Read to a Dog: See February 6.
Family STEAM Night: Moms, dads and kids team up for activities around science, technology, engineering, art and/or math, with a theme of volcanoes. Fairfax Community Library, 6:30-7:30 p.m., preregister. Info, 849-2420. FREE
Franklin Lego Thursdays: See February 7.
Sheldon Lego Creations: See February 14.
AB2: Books Come to Life: This Active BodyActive Brain class, led by literacy professional Rachel O’Donald, combines reading, music and movement. Babies through preschoolers. Waterbury Public Library, 10:15 a.m. Info, 244-7036. FREE
22 Friday
Dungeons & Dragons: See February 8.
Family Gym: See February 1.
Friday After-School Movie: Kids have fun viewing a PG-rated flick. Carpenter-Carse Library, Hinesburg, 3-4:30 p.m. Info, 482-2878.
Kids Music With Linda ‘Tickle Belly’ Bassick: See February 1.
Music with Raph: See February 8.
STEAM Fridays: See February 1.
Craftsbury Lego Club: See February 1.
23 Saturday
Middlebury Winter Farmers Market: See February 2.
Burlington Winter Farmers Market: See February 9.
Family Movie Night: Folks bring blankets and pillows and relax with a kid-friendly flick and refreshments. Ages 15 and under with caregivers. Greater Burlington YMCA, 6-8 p.m., $10-20 per family, preregister. Info, 652-8134.
Movie at the Library: The big screen shows an all-ages feature. Milton Public Library, 1 p.m. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Play, Laugh, Learn: See February 2. Saturday Story Time: Miss Teen Vermont, Lizzie Martell, shares a story and children’s craft.
Ages 3 and up. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10:30-11 a.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Stuffie Sleepover: Small ones tote their stu es to a pajama storytime on Saturday, then stop in Sunday to see a slideshow of the animals’ nocturnal adventures. Ages 3 and up. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 5 p.m. Info, 865-7216.
We Local Sweet Potatoes Recipe Contest Taste Test: Families swing by City Market’s table at the festive indoor Burlington Winter Farmers Market to sample the top three recipes from the store’s local food recipe contest. UVM Davis Student Center, Burlington, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 861-9753. FREE
24 Sunday
Essex Open Gym: See February 3.
Family Gym: See February 1.
Stuffie Sleepover: See February 23, noon-1 p.m.
25 Monday
Webby’s Art Studio: Structural Snowflakes: Enterprising youngsters construct an industrial winter design, using materials in the Museum’s exhibition Johnny Swing: Design Sense. Shelburne Museum, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., regular winter museum admission, $5-10; free for children under age 5. Info, 985-3346.
Baby Time: Small ones settle in for songs, movement, stories and snacks. Ages 2 and under. Sheldon Public Library, 10-11 a.m. Info, 933-2524. FREE
Rutland Winter Farmers Market: See February 2.
Norwich Winter Farmers Market: See February 9.
Colchester Preschool Music: See February 4.
Crafts for Kids: See February 11.
Lego Fun: Budding builders bring out the blocks. Children under age 8 must be accompanied by a responsible caregiver. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3-4:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Milton Legos at the Library: Builders fashion architecturally sound constructions in this STEM program. Ages 6-12. Milton Public Library, 10 a.m. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Montshire Museum Presents ‘Batteries and Motors’: The museum’s sta engages curious kids in a hands-on exploration of how to make things go. Ages 7-10. South Burlington Public Library, 2-3 p.m., preregister. Info, 846-4140. FREE
Stories with Megan: See February 4.
Teen Space: See February 4.
Williston Preschool Music: See February 4.
Babies & Toddlers Rock: See February 4.
Kids enjoy fun and games during these informal get-togethers, and caregivers connect with other local parents and peers. The groups are usually free and often include snacks, arts and crafts, or music. Most playgroups follow the school calendar. Contact the organizer for site-specific details.
Audubon Vermont, Huntington, 9:30-11 a.m. Info, 434-3068.
BURLINGTON CRAWLERS, WADDLERS AND TODDLERS: Janet S. Munt Parent-Child Center, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Info, 862-2121.
CHARLOTTE PLAYGROUP: Charlotte Central School, 9:30-11 a.m. Info, 425-2771.
JERICHO PLAYGROUP: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 10-11:30 a.m. Info, 899-3932.
OPEN GYM: Central VT
Gymnastics Academy, 10 a.m.noon, $10. Info, 882-8324.
ROBIN’S NEST NATURE PLAYGROUP: North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 10 a.m.-noon, donations welcome. Info, 229-6206.
SENSORY PLAY STUDIO: The Children’s Room, Waterbury, 10-11:30 a.m. Info, 244-5605.
TWINFIELD PLAYGROUP: Twinfield Union School, 8:15-9:45 a.m. Info, 262-3292.
BABYTIME PLAYGROUP: The Children’s Room, Waterbury, 8-8:45 a.m. Info, 244-5605.
BRADFORD PLAYGROUP: Grace United Methodist Church, 9-11 a.m. Info, 685-2264, ext. 24.
BROOKFIELD PLAYGROUP: First Congregational Church of Brookfield, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Info, 685-2264.
BURLINGTON FATHERS AND CHILDREN TOGETHER: Janet S. Munt Parent-Child Center, 4-7 p.m. Info, 862-2121.
EVOLUTION NEW FAMILY PLAYGROUP BURLINGTON: Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga Center, 11:15 a.m. Info, 899-0339.
WATERBURY PLAYGROUP: Thatcher Brook Primary School, 10-11:30 a.m. Info, 244-5605.
WINOOSKI PLAYTIME: O’Brien Community Center, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Info, 655-1422.
BARRE PLAYGROUP: Aldrich Public Library, 9:30-11 a.m. Info, 262-3292, ext. 115.
MAMA’S CIRCLE: Good Beginnings, Montpelier, 10 a.m.-noon. Info, 595-7953.
NORTHFIELD PLAYGROUP: United Church of Northfield, 9:30-11 a.m. Info, 262-3292, ext. 115.
PURPLE CRAYON PLAY GROUP: ArtisTree/Purple Crayon, South Pomfret, 9:30-11:30 a.m., donations accepted. Info, 457-3500.
RICHMOND PLAYGROUP: Richmond Free Library, 10 a.m.-noon. Info, 434-3036.
SOUTH ROYALTON PLAYGROUP: United Church on the Green, 9:30-11 a.m. Info, 685-2264.
ST. JOHNSBURY TODDLER TIME: St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 10:30 a.m. Info, 748-1391.
WATERBURY MUSIC & MOVEMENT: The Children’s Room, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Info, 244-5605.
DADS AND KIDS PLAYGROUP: Family Center of Washington County, 5:30-7 p.m. Info, 262-3292.
MONTPELIER PLAYGROUP: St. Augustine Church, 9:30-11 a.m. Info, 262-3292.
PLAYGROUP: Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Burlington, 9:3010:30 a.m. Info, 864-0218.
RANDOLPH PLAYGROUP: St. John’s Church, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Info, 685-2264.
26 Tuesday
UNDERHILL PLAYGROUP: Underhill Central School, 9:30-11 a.m. Info, 899-4676.
WAITSFIELD PLAYGROUP: Big Picture Theater, 10-11:30 a.m. Info, 262-3292, ext. 115.
WILLISTON PLAYTIME: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, 11 a.m.-noon. Info, 878-4918.
WINOOSKI PLAYTIME: See Tuesday, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
ALBURGH PLAYGROUP: Alburgh Public Library, 9:30 a.m. Info, 582-9942.
CENTRAL VERMONT PLAYGROUP: The Children’s Room, 10-11:30 a.m. Info, 244-5605.
EVOLUTION NEW FAMILY PLAYGROUP ESSEX: Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga, 11 a.m. Info, 899-0339.
OPEN GYM: See Monday. RUTLAND PLAYGROUP: Rutland Free Library, 9:30-11 a.m. Info, 773-1860.
PLAYGROUP: Family Center of Washington County, 9:30-11 a.m. Info, 262-3292, ext. 190.
Hardwick Lego Club: See February 5.
Red Clover Book Club: See February 5.
After-School Snacks on Tuesdays: See February 5.
Burlington Circle of Parents for Adoptive & Guardianship Families: Moms and dads come together to socialize about their parenting experiences and strengthen skills. Childcare and dinner included without fee. Howard Center, Burlington, 5-6:30 p.m., preregister. Info, 864-7467. FREE
Creative Tuesdays: See February 5.
Drop-In Lego Club: Amateur architects snap together buildings of their own design. Children ages 8 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Info, 878-4918. FREE
Snowflake Quilling Workshop: Eager crafters check out this rolled paper project in a winterthemed project. Ages 9-12. Milton Public Library, 2-3 p.m., preregister. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Strategy Board Games: See February 12.
Tinker Tuesdays: See February 5.
Vacation Movie: Kids relaxing on school break enjoy a PG-rated flick while feasting on popcorn. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Dr. First videos “First With Kids” at TUESDAY 26, P. 50 »
Drop-In Family Craft Time: Families make masterpieces with multiple materials during this informal crafting session. All ages; children under age 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Waterbury Public Library, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Info, 244-7036. FREE
27 Wednesday
Kids’ Chess Club: See February 6.
Live-Action Role Play: See February 13.
Story Times
Movie Night: Families having fun on school break settle in for a flick and free refreshments.
Ages 5 and up with caregivers. South Burlington Public Library, 5-7 p.m. Info, 846-4140. FREE
Open Studio: See February 6.
Young Writers & Storytellers: See February 13.
Lego Club: See February 6.
Starry Night Stories: Small ones snuggle in for imaginative stories. Sleepywear encouraged. Ages preschool to age 7. Waterbury Public Library, 5:30 p.m., preregister. Info, 244-7036. FREE
28 Thursday
Build A Story: Little library-goers listen to Ellen Levine’s book Henry’s Freedom Box : A True Story from the Underground Railroad, followed by a building block challenge. Ages 5-12. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 3-4 p.m. Info, 748-8291. FREE
Colchester Lego Club: See February 7. Essex Lego Club: See February 7.
Preschool Yoga: See February 7.
Williston Preschool Music: See February 4, 10:30 a.m.
Franklin Lego Thursdays: See February 7.
Family Lego/Strawbees Free Build: The whole family has fun with the library’s abundance of plastic blocks. Adult supervision required for children under 8. Waterbury Public Library, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Info, 244-7036. FREE K
Early literacy skills get special attention during these read-aloud sessions. Some locations provide additional activities such as music, crafts or foreign-language instruction. Most story times follow the school calendar. Contact the organizers for site-specific details.
BARRE CHILDREN’S STORY HOUR: Aldrich Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 476-7550.
COLCHESTER PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Burnham Memorial Library, Feb. 4, 10:30 a.m. Info, 264-5660.
ESSEX STORYTIME WITH EMILY: Essex Free Library, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Info, 879-0313.
HUNTINGTON STORY TIME & PLAYGROUP: Huntington Public Library, 10 a.m.-noon. Info, 434-4583.
HYDE PARK STORY TIME: Lanpher Memorial Library, 6 p.m. Info, 888-4628.
NORTHFIELD CHILDREN’S STORY TIME: Brown Public Library, 10-11 a.m. Info, 485-4621.
RICHMOND BABY LAP TIME: Richmond Free Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 434-3036.
STORY HOUR: St. Albans Free Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 524-1507.
YEAR-OLDS: Stowe Free Library, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Info, 253-6145.
TIME: Waterbury Public Library, 10:15 a.m. Info, 244-7036.
WOODSTOCK BABY STORY TIME: Norman Williams Public Library, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Info, 457-2295.
ALBURGH STORY HOUR: Alburgh Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 582-9942.
COLCHESTER TODDLER STORY TIME: Burnham Memorial Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 264-5660.
CRAFTSBURY STORY TIME: Craftsbury Public Library, 10 a.m. Info, 586-9683.
EAST BARRE STORY TIME: East Barre Branch Library, 10 a.m. Info, 476-5118.
TIME: Brownell Library, 10-10:45 a.m. Info, 878-6956.
TIME: Brownell Library, 9:10-9:30 a.m. Info, 878-6956.
FAIRFAX PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Fairfax Community Library, 9:3010:30 a.m. Info, 849-2420.
HINESBURG YOUNGSTERS STORY TIME: Carpenter-Carse Library, 9:30-10 a.m. Info, 482-2878.
LYNDONVILLE STORY TIME: Cobleigh Public Library, 10 a.m. Info, 626-5475.
MILTON INFANT STORY TIME: Milton Public Library, 9:30 a.m. Info, 893-4644.
MONTPELIER STORY TIME: KelloggHubbard Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 223-3338.
TIME: Morristown Centennial Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 888-3853.
SHELDON STORY TIME: Sheldon Public Library, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Info, 933-2524.
SOUTH BURLINGTON TODDLER TIME: South Burlington Public Library, 10:30-11 a.m. Info, 846-4140.
WATERBURY SONGS AND STORIES: The Children’s Room, 9-9:30 a.m. Info, 244-5605.
WILLISTON STORY TIME: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 878-4918.
WOODSTOCK PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Norman Williams Public Library, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Info, 457-2295.
BARNES & NOBLE STORYTIIME: Barnes & Noble, 11 a.m. Info, 864-8001.
ESSEX BABYTIME: Essex Free Library, 10-11 a.m. Info, 879-0313.
HYDE PARK STORY TIME: See Monday, 10 a.m.
JERICHO STORY HOUR: Jericho Town Library, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Info, 899-4686.
LYNDONVILLE STORY TIME: See Tuesday, 10:30 a.m.
MARSHFIELD STORY TIME & PLAYGROUP: Jaquith Public Library, 10-11:30 a.m. Info, 426-3581.
MILTON TODDLER RHYTHM & MOVEMENT STORY TIME: Milton Public Library, 10 a.m. Info, 893-4644.
NORWICH WORD PLAY STORY TIME: Norwich Public Library, 10:30-11 a.m. Info, 649-1184.
QUECHEE STORY TIME: Quechee Public Library, 10 a.m. Info, 295-1232.
RANDOLPH PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Kimball Public Library, 11 a.m. Info, 728-5073.
STORYTIME: Richmond Free Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 434-3036.
SOUTH BURLINGTON BABY TIME: South Burlington Public Library, 10:30-11 a.m. Info, 846-4140.
SWANTON STORYTIME: Swanton Public Library, 10 a.m. Info, 868-2493.
WARREN PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: Warren Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 496-3913.
BRISTOL STORY TIME: Lawrence Memorial Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 453-2366.
BURLINGTON BABYTIME: Fletcher Free Library, 10:15 a.m. Info, 865-7216.
HINESBURG MOVEMENT AND MUSIC: Carpenter-Carse Library, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Info, 482-2878.
RUTLAND STORY TIME: Rutland Free Library, 10-10:45 a.m. Info, 773-1860.
ST. ALBANS STORY HOUR: St. Albans Free Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 524-1507.
VERGENNES STORY TIME: Bixby Memorial Library, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Info, 877-2211.
WATERBURY PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Waterbury Public Library, 10:15 a.m. Info, 244-7036.
WESTFORD STORY TIME: Westford Public Library, 11 a.m. Info, 878-5639.
BRANDON STORY TIME: Brandon Free Public Library, 3 p.m. Info, 247-8230.
COLCHESTER BABY STORY TIME: Burnham Memorial Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 264-5660.
ENOSBURG MOMMY & ME STORY HOUR: Enosburgh Public Library, 9-10 a.m. Info, 933-2328.
ESSEX MUSICAL STORY TIME: Essex Free Library, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Info, 879-0313.
GEORGIA PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Georgia Public Library, 10 a.m. Info, 524-4643.
KILLINGTON STORYTIME: Sherburne Memorial Library, 10:30-11 a.m. Info, 422-9765.
LINCOLN STORY TIME: Lincoln Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 453-2665.
MILTON PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Milton Public Library, 10 a.m. Info, 893-4644.
MONTPELIER STORY TIME: See Tuesday, 10:30 a.m.
RANDOLPH TODDLER STORY TIME: Kimball Public Library, 10:30-11 a.m. Info, 728-5073.
ST. JOHNSBURY ACORN CLUB STORY TIME: St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 10:30 a.m. Info, 748-8291.
STOWE BABY & TODDLER STORY TIME: Stowe Free Library, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Info, 253-6145.
COLCHESTER SATURDAY DROP-IN STORY TIME: Burnham Memorial Library, 10 a.m. Info, 264-5660. ENOSBURG STORY HOUR: Enosburgh Public Library, 10-11 a.m. Info, 933-2328.
ESSEX WEEKEND STORYTIME: Essex Free Library, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Info, 879-0313.
MILTON DROP-IN SATURDAY STORYTIME: Milton Public Library, 10 a.m. Info, 893-4644.
NEXT CHAPTER BOOKSTORE STORY TIME: Next Chapter Bookstore, Barre, 10:30 a.m. Info, 476-3114.
26 Tuesday (cont.)
Hibernation Vacation
Fergie and Foggy Fitzfuzzlewump were tired of spending their whole winter sleeping in a cold, dark cave. The two brave bears decided to get as far away from the ice, wind and snow as possible. Connect the dots to see how they can go anywhere under the sun!
KIDSVT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 51 Writing Contest & Winners 52 Coloring Contest Winners 52 Coloring Contest 53 Puzzle Page 54 Birthday Club 54 Puzzle Answers 55 KIDS JUST
Writing Contest
In February, we celebrate Valentine’s Day, a holiday all about love. This month, we’d like you to think about why you love your home state. Write a love letter to Vermont, telling all the things you love about it. You may start your letter “Dear Vermont,” or choose to begin in a different way.
Cats of all colors, stripes and polka dots amazed our judges this month. A swirling snowstorm surrounded 8-year-old Levi’s orange tabby, who skated on a bright-blue pond. Twelve-year-old Evie’s pink feline soared among enormous stars. Annaka, 5, transported her cat to a farm, with a brilliant yellow sun and sparkling turquoise sky. Congratulations to all our creative artists. Send your most magnificent work again this month.
Danae LaMadeleine, 12, Walden
Charlie Coleman, 5, Burlington
Niko Chernyshov, 9, Burlington
Drake Moreau, 7, Williston
Mya Peters, 11, Huntington
Harlan Palmer, 7, Panton
The winners of annual family memberships to the Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium are…
We’ll pick two winners and publish their names and poems in the next issue. Winners receive a $25 gift certificate to Crow Bookshop
Deadline to enter is February 15. Send your entries to: Kids VT, attn: Writing Contest, P.O. Box 1184, Burlington, VT 05402.
Iris Chesnut, 9
If snow was made of ice cream I would stick out my tongue
Catching ice cream snowflakes
With a little more yum If snow was made of ice cream We’d have an ice cream factory
Shaping peaceful ice cream flakes Falling into a snowflake sanctuary
Eleonore Wilson, 9
If snow was made of ice cream…. you would eat and laugh and play Yes, you would do this every day
If snow was made of ice cream
You would never go to sleep
Because ice cream was so cheap, It would be ice cream galore Fudge, coco and much much more
Hailey Smith, 7, Swanton
Lyndsay Maxfield, 12, Walden
Anna Brillhart, 8, Underhill
Ophelia Ross, 4, Newbury
Harper Leonard, 3, Randolph
Florence Johnson, 5, St. Johnsbury
Coen LeCompte, 4, Monkton
Ashton Starr, 8, Montgomery
Josie Maxwell, 9, South Burlington
“Ice Skating Laser Tag”
Logan Peters-Smith, 5 SOUTH BURLINGTON
5 & under
“S-kcat-ing on the Moon”
Syria Vegna-Spofford, 8 BRISTOL
6 to 8
“Catsmonaut Kat: Mission Moon Skate”
Alden Looft, 11
9 to 12
Name Age Town Email Phone
In our December/January Issue, kids were asked to respond to the writing prompt, “If snow was made of ice cream…” Below, find the winning entries. Iris and Eleonore each receive a $25 gift certificate to Crow Bookshop in Burlington.
Coloring Contest!
Three winners will each receive an annual family membership to the Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium. Send Kids VT your work of art by February 15. Be sure to include the info at right with your submission. Winners will be chosen in the following categories: (1) ages 5 and younger, (2) ages 6-8 and (3) ages 9-12. Winners will be named in the March issue of Kids VT. Send your highresolution scans to or mail a copy to Kids VT, P.O. Box 1184, Burlington, VT 05402.
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Title Artist Age Town Email Phone
The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square.
Birthday Club
You are now ready to solve this month’s Jumble For Kids. Study the picture for a hint. Then play around with the letters in the circles. You’ll find you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer.
Print your answer here:
Riddle Search — IN A FLOWER SHOP
Look up, down and diagonally, both forward and backward, to find every word on the list. Circle each one as you find it. When all the words are circled, take the UNUSED letters and write them on the blanks below. Go from left to right and top to bottom to find the answer to this riddle: What kinds of flowers should you never give on Valentine’s Day?
ATTICUS lives in Montpelier and turns 3 on February 8. He likes to sing, dance, build forts with Dad and receive letters in the mail. He loves to help out and make people smile. Atticus wins four day passes and four 3D movie tickets to ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain in Burlington.
CECILIA lives in Essex Junction and turns 6 on February 8. Cecy loves animals, spending time with her little sister and friends, and going to school. She speaks Spanish and English fluently and enjoys learning about maps and places in the world.
To enter, submit information using the online form at Just give us your contact info, your children’s names and birth dates, and a photo, and they’re automatically enrolled.
Cecilia, Mary and Charlie each win four ECHO day passes.
Riddle Answer:
CHARLIE lives in Burlington and turns 2 on February 17. He’s a happy guy who loves trains.
MARY lives in Vergennes and turns 4 on February 16. She is an adventurer who is always doing things all by herself — like refilling soap dispensers when no one is looking. She loves playing outside, riding her bike and camping.
these February Birthday
winners! Join the
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Skiing Through Life
A winter tradition passes to the next generation
Five months before my daughter was born, I strolled through my college town of Crested Butte, Colo. The ski shops o ered summer sales, so I looked for skis for my wife, Sarah, and sunglasses for me. While shopping, I stumbled upon a pair of toddler skis. Immediately, I bought those skis. I didn’t care that my child wasn’t yet born. I didn’t care that I had no idea what type of girl she would be. We hadn’t even picked a name.
All I knew was that my entire life had been defined by skiing, and I could not imagine a child of mine not being influenced by the sport. I thought of two photos, black-and-whites from the 1930s or 1940s, that hang on our walls. They show my father’s parents on wooden skis, bamboo poles in hands. I thought of the thousands of other photos of my parents, brother, sister and me skiing.
Ours has been a life of winter, of skiing.
When I was 2 years old, my parents strapped me to my first pair of skis on the same day that my older brother and sister started skiing. On that day, my parents taught the three of us to ski on a gentle slope in Pennsylvania.
My mother, seven years ago, framed my oldest ski hat, tiny and rainbow-colored. Surrounding the hat are pictures of me skiing: arms wrapped around a T-bar, wedging through moguls, blazing a path out of the woods, and standing with my family, all of us on skis or with skis in our hands, faces blizzards of smiles. ❆
In mid-January 2017, six days after Winter — so named because she was born into a world of snow and to parents who love snow — came home from the hospital, I bundled her up, tucked her into my jacket, and stepped outside with my cross-country skis and poles.
Sarah asked, “Are you sure?”
“Winter is a Prentiss,” I replied, “which is just another name for skier.”
I strapped on my skis, and we glided across frozen Solstice Lake. Soon enough, Winter snoozed against my chest, with only her little hat poking out of my jacket. Soon enough, I began to feel like a father.
As a child, my family skied almost every area on the East Coast, up to Québec. Weekends, we’d load into an old RV and camp in a ski area parking lot. Then we’d ski first lift to last.
In college, I studied skiing as much as business.
After graduation, every winter found me chasing snow from resort to resort, then from backcountry area to backcountry area, all across the West.
Two years after I bought them, Sarah set Winter’s toddler skis on our carpet.
“Why pull them down?” I asked. It was July. We had months until the snow would fly.
Planning a kids event?
to brave the elements and the hard moments of life.
Regardless of the weather, we’d talk and laugh our way up the mountain on the chairlift, sharing stories of skiing or school or friends, which helped us learn to communicate.
And then we’d ski down the mountain. Mom making elegant turns. Dad racing through the moguls, run after run, with Kristin close behind. Jay flew through the air o every jump he could find. And I scouted paths through the woods. We learned early in life that we each had our own paths down the mountains and our own styles for skiing and for living.
When there were tears — and there were always tears about falls or being cold or hungry — Mom or Dad would take care of the problem, stand us up, and say, “Let’s be all done crying and get back to skiing, OK?” They’d wipe our noses, and we’d get back to skiing, all five of us, together, which reminded us that it was OK to be sad but also that, after a bit, it was time to get back to skiing, to life.
Sarah just smiled.
Within moments, Winter picked up the skis and used them as hockey sticks.
Sarah, a newer skier — she learned to ski on our first dates — knelt beside Winter and said, “These are skis. They go on your feet. You use them in snow.” Winter slid her bare feet into the bindings.
I grabbed her hands and helped her “ski” across the carpet. As her feet slid, she let out a wild laugh, just like I make when I surf through powder.
Skiing, it seems, has taught me every important thing in life.
My parents would say to my siblings and me, “If you want to ski, you have to put on your own boots,” so we learned self-su ciency.
On the coldest days, when Kristin, Jay, and I wanted to hide in our RV to stay warm, my dad would say, “We’ll have the mountain to ourselves. We’ll have so much fun,” which taught us
Twenty inches of snow graced our Thanksgiving. Sarah and I bundled up Winter and carried her outside. She always likes being outside best, just like her parents.
As we walked out the door, Sarah grabbed Winter’s skis and set them in the snow. Sarah didn’t say a word, didn’t tell 2-year-old Winter what to do. She just let Winter’s skis sit in the snow.
“Skis?” Winter asked.
“Yup,” Sarah said.
“Winter?” Winter said, asking if she could put on her skis.
We bent down, clicked Winter’s boots into the bindings, and pulled her across our driveway. We made goofy faces. We picked her up and spun her like a helicopter. We let her slip and slide and walk until each of us was laughing.
“Do you want to go down the hill?” I asked.
Winter, laughing and smiling and confident, cooed, “Yes,” so I tucked her between my legs, maybe just as Mom and Dad tucked me between their legs, just as Kristin and Jay tucked my niece and nephew between their legs. And Winter and I, we skied into the rest of our lives.
RIDDLE ANSWER: The triangle, circle and square worked out to —GET IN SHAPE
She let out a wild laugh, just like I make when I surf through powder.
it for free in the Kids VT monthy calendar. Submit your March event by February 15th online at or to
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