Kids VT, May 2018

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MAY 2018 FREE VOL.25 NO.04

Whether you’re considering clear aligners, retainers or today’s braces, an orthodontist is the smart choice. Orthodontists are specialists in straightening teeth and aligning your bite. They have two to three years of education beyond dental school. So they’re experts at helping you get a great smile—that feels great, too.

Wednesday, May 16

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Invites You
School, Tim Loescher
for Coffee & Conversation
11:00 am Tours Available Register to Attend - Follow us
Wednesday, May 16 8:00 – 8:30 am
and Introductions
School, Tim Loescher Invites
for Coffee & Conversation
8:00 – 8:30 am Coffee and Introductions 8:30 – 11:00 am Tours Available Register to Attend - Follow us
of School, Tim Loescher Invites You
Wednesday, May 16
for Coffee &
am Coffee
Introductions 8:30 – 11:00 am Tours Available Untitled-8 1 4/25/18 3:23 PM Braces for Children & Adults — ST. ALBANS OFFICE 80 Mapleville Depot 527-7100 WILLISTON OFFICE 277 Blair Park Road 878-5323 Burlington Williston St. Albans 862-6721 878-5323 527-7100 Braces for Children and Adults ORTHODONTICS DRS. PETERSON, RYAN & EATON DRS. PETERSON, RYAN & EATON
– 8:30
Your child. Your orthodontist. k4t-ChamplainOrtho0215.indd 1 1/16/15 10:54 AM 2 KIDS VT MAY 2018 KIDSVT .COM Untitled-16 1 4/26/18 4:40 PM



Cathy Resmer


Colby Roberts


Alison Novak


Mary Ann Lickteig


Brooke Bousquet


Corey Grenier


Kaitlin Montgomery


Brett Stanciu


Carolyn Fox, Elizabeth Seyler, Kara Torres


John James


Don Eggert


Todd Scott, Rev. Diane Sullivan


Matt Weiner


Cheryl Brownell


Astrid Hedbor Lague, Jillian Kirby, Ken Picard, Kristen Ravin, Erinn Simon, Autumn Spencer, Jessica Lara Ticktin


Sam Simon, Matthew Thorsen


Hatiye Garip, Marc Nadel

P.O. BOX 1184 • BURLINGTON, VT 05402

802-985-5482 • KIDSVT.COM

Published 11x per year. Circulation: 25,000 at 600+ locations throughout northern and central Vermont.

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Me a Story

Do you know the story of your birth? I’d always had just a hazy idea of what happened during mine. Recently, though, I asked my mom to recount my birth story — and recorded it on my iPhone for posterity.

My mom confirmed that my dad was indeed reading aloud People magazine’s “The 25 most intriguing people of 1977” issue during her labor (which might explain my long-standing penchant for that publication). Upon my arrival in the early hours of January 3, he fainted and had to be revived with smelling salts. Infamous insider trader Ivan Boesky was also a patient at that New Jersey hospital on the day I was born. The next day, I was diagnosed with hip dysplasia, an instability of the hip joints, which meant I had to wear a special brace for the first few months of my life. My mom cried when the doctors told her, and a mean nurse, who expressed frustration at the di culty of taking on and o the brace, upset her further.

It always amazes me that, even though hundreds of babies are born around the world every minute, each one has a unique birth story full of interesting details like the ones my mom shared with me. In “Pathways Through Pain” (page 20), Jessica Lara Ticktin shares three women’s diverse birth stories to illustrate the di erent pain-management options available to laboring women. From a home birth using nonmedical interventions to a hospital birth with an epidural, it’s clear that there’s no “right” way to have a baby.

On page 24 of our annual Mom & Baby Issue, find an interview with Kimberly Harrington, an art director and mother of two from South Burlington, whose dark, satirical McSweeney’s piece “Please Don’t Get Murdered at School Today” went viral in 2016. Harrington’s new collection of essays, Amateur Hour: Motherhood in Essays and Swear Words, is being published this month by Harper Perennial.

Want to learn how to create a calm, minimalist bedroom for your baby or toddler? Turn to page 10 for Jillian Kirby’s advice. Looking for a fun, active family outing? Read about Essex Junction’s MetroRock climbing gym on page 12. Always wondered whether strollers or baby backpacks are better for your little one? Ken Picard interviews Dr. Gina Mireault about her recent research on the topic on page 14.

Parents looking to round out their kids’ vacation plans will find lots of options in the final installment of our summer camp guide, starting on page 27. There are still some day and overnight programs with openings! And there are lots of spring events for the whole family in our monthly calendar — including a few that celebrate moms.



Tell us about a favorite baby picture.

Not sure why they put babies under rugs and took photos of them in the late 1970s!


My mom holding me whilst I’m kissin’ a can of Schlitz.

My grandma called me a little May basket because I was born on May 1.


A lover of gardening and an avid clothesline user, BRETT STANCIU

(“Use Your Words,” page 55) lives in the Northeast Kingdom, where she tries to keep up with her two teenage daughters. In addition to being the Kids VT calendar writer, she’s published a novel about maple sugaring, Hidden View. Find her online at, where she blogs about parenting and rural Vermont living.

Baby Alison with her mom, grandma and great-grandma



JULY 2 & 3


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JULY 27, 28 & 29


JULY 31 & AUG 1


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TICKETS: SMIRKUS.ORG • 877-SMIRKUS• (877-764-7587) BUY IN ADVANCE DON’T TAKE A CHANCE! EST. 1987 Untitled-9 1 4/26/18 11:19 AM 4 KIDS VT MAY 2018 KIDSVT.COM
WHATWILLYOU DISCOVER? WWW.MONTSHIRE.ORG 802.649.2200 NOW OPEN: Air Works, the new hands-on exhibition  150+ Hands-On Exhibits  David Goudy Science Park  Daily Activities  Nature Trails  Live Animals Untitled-24 1 4/19/18 2:09 PM 2018 JUNE 8-17 OUR BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR! UP TO 70% OFF ALL WEEK LONG. GARAGE SALE 1186 Williston Rd. So. Burlington, VT 05403 (Next to the Alpine Shop) 802.863.0143 Open 7 days 10am-7pm ALL AT BARGAIN PRICES! SAVE THE DATE! k8v-CheeseTraders0518.indd 1 4/17/18 2:05 PM 5 KIDSVT.COM MAY 2018 KIDS VT On the Cover Welcome 3 Editor’s Note Staff Question Contributor’s Note Short Stuff 6 Autumn Answers Trending Kids Say What? 7 Pet Corner Parent Participation Throwback #InstaKidsVT Sam Simon captured this cute pair — mom Gabrielle and 16-month-old son Cirilo Augustín — for the cover of our Mom & Baby Issue. Calendar 39 Daily Listings 40 Mother’s Day Events 41 Classes 42 Science & Nature 44 Live Performances 46 New Parents 48 Ongoing Exhibits Columns 9 Kids Beat 10 Habitat 11 Parent Portrait 12 Destination Recreation 13 Balancing Act 14 Checkup 16 Bookworms 17 Mealtime 19 By the Numbers 55 Use Your Words Pathways Through Pain Three mamas share the different ways they managed the challenges of labor Humor & Heart An interview with essayist Kimberly Harrington MAY 2018 20 COURTESY OF JULIA ALTER COURTESY OF ISAAC WASUCK Just for Kids 51 Baby Animal Puzzle 52 Writing Contest & Winners Coloring Contest Winners 53 Coloring Contest 54 Puzzle Page Birthday Club 55 Puzzle Answers MAY 2018 LABOR PAINS VS. STROLLERS CREATING A MOM& BABYISSU Tell us about a favorite camp meal or food tradition. PAGE 32 MOM& BABYISSU E Writing Contest & Winners...52 Coloring Contest Winners......52 Coloring Contest...........................53 Puzzle Page .....................................54 Birthday Club..................................54 Puzzle Answers.............................55 It’s the May Mom & Baby Issue, and that means it’s time to think baby given names animal proud parents with their animal infants. names, using the pictures to help you. Name That Baby! KIDS JUST FOR ACROSS DOWN 5. BEAR and ______________ MAY CALENDAR BMX show featuring munity comes out for race, with music, chair massages games, pageantry and good eats. Celebrate Mother’s Day at around the lush grounds, visit to the and radio host Charlie Nardozzi, and outdoor music by cellist Patrick McGuire an appearance, too, greeting visitors Week to Week 24


How can moms model self-compassion?

New York Times best-selling poet Rupi Kaur captured the attention of readers across the globe when she wrote, “How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.”

Considering those words may make us uncomfortable, but there’s little denying their truth. Think honestly about your behaviors, the choices you make, the language you use when you speak to yourself and the boundaries you do — or don’t— set. Are you cheering yourself on? Do you speak kindly to yourself? Or are you judging, doubting and criticizing every move you make?

Now take a look at the people with whom you spend the most time — friends, family, coworkers. On average, how do these people treat you? Are they cheering you on? Speaking kindly? O ering support free of conditions?

I’d wager that how you treat yourself and how others treat you align almost exactly. As author and researcher Dr. David Hawkins wrote, “Everyone you come in

contact with simply mirrors back your internal belief system.”

To be clear: This ain’t no guilt trip. The point is not to alert you of your failure to love yourself or to choose better friends. The point is to encourage honest self-reflection as the groundwork for cultivating self-compassion. Why? Well, in addition to reducing anxiety and freeing ourselves of a victimized or narcissistic perspective, selfcompassion contributes to happiness, optimism, self-initiative and curiosity.

But for parents, perhaps the most important benefit of developing self-compassion is modeling it for our children.

In her New York Times article “The Promise of Self-Compassion for Stressed-Out Teens,” author Rachel Simmons notes that researchers who synthesized studies on more than 7,000 adolescents from six countries found that “teens with high levels of [selfcompassion] were most likely to report lower levels of distress caused by anxiety and depression.”

Like anything worth doing, self-compassion is a practice.

Dr. Kristin Ne is the founder of, where she outlines eight self-compassion exercises. One focuses on identifying what it is about ourselves that we believe we can change through harsh judgment. Another exercise takes a look at the language we use when we speak to ourselves and suggests ways to change our critical self-talk.

It’s never too late to show others how we want to be treated by showing ourselves compassion. It’s never too late to become our own good friend. It’s never too late to teach our kids — who are always watching and listening — that the best way to find love and acceptance is to look within.

In this monthly column, Burlington-based comedian, writer and mom Autumn Spencer answers tricky parenting questions. Have a question for Autumn? Send it to


First Night Burlington announces it’s shutting down its familyfriendly New Year’s Eve festival after 35 years. Even Vermonters, it seems, don’t want to be bopping around outside in subzero temps.

Charlotte Central School students will get a chance to talk live with two NASA astronauts on the International Space Station this month. An out-ofthis-world opportunity!

Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton gave birth to a third child then, hours later, posed for photos in makeup and heels. Bet she couldn’t wait to get back to the castle and throw on some yoga pants.

After getting in a fight with his parents, a 12-year-old Australian boy stole his parents’ credit card, flew to Bali and checked into a resort. Not cool — but gotta give him a little credit for his tenacity.


“Mom, am I speaking French to you right now?”



May is National Bike Month. Bristol resident and mom of two Melanie Kessler sent us information about upcoming bike-related happenings.

I am one of the many trainers for Local Motion’s Bike Smart program, which provides trailers of bikes to schools for free and is the creator of the Human-Powered Parade, which is in its second year in Bristol. In addition, throughout the year, I bike my two toddlers 12 miles round-trip from Bristol to Lincoln on our electric-assist cargo bike (pictured here).

LOCAL MOTION offers free workshops to teach kids how to ride a bike using the “balance bike” method. Upcoming workshops are on Saturday, May 19, and Saturday, June 9, at Burlington’s Leddy Park. Find more information at

The HUMAN-POWERED PARADE takes place on Sunday, May 6. Find more information on our monthly calendar on page 39.

May 9 is NATIONAL BIKE TO SCHOOL DAY. Find more information at

NEED A BIKE UPGRADE? Check out the following bike swaps in early May:

Middlebury Bike and Outdoor

Gear Swap: Friday, May 4, 3-6 p.m., and Saturday, May 5, 9 a.m.-noon.

Montpelier Bike Swap: Saturday, May 5, 9 a.m.-noon., Langdon St.

Alpine Shop Bike Swap: Saturday, May 5, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., and Sunday, May 6, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., in South Burlington.

Earl’s Bike Swap: Saturday, May 5, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and Sunday, May 6, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., in South Burilngton.

Skirack Bike Swap: Saturday, May 5, 9 a.m.-7 p.m., and Sunday, May 6, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., in Burlington.

Cari Papp shared this photo of her 8-year-old son, Jackson, reading with his calico cat, Tulip. Tulie (for short) came from the Pope Memorial Frontier Animal Shelter in Orleans. Jackson’s younger brother, Patrick, got his orange tabby cat, Curry, there as well. Tulip “is a great companion,” wrote Papp. “She’s a lap cat and often likes to be with Jackson when he does his 20 minutes of reading homework each night.”


MAY 2017

Heart Opener:

Susan Cline Lucey Helps New Moms Care for Themselves, Not Just Their Babies

In our May 2017 issue, we wrote about SUSAN CLINE LUCEY of Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga Center in Burlington’s South End. The pre- and postnatal yoga teacher, childbirth educator and doula has created a studio that supports “the reality of pregnancy and parenting — that, in the early years, fatigue and stress coexist with joy and tenderness.”

Learn more about Cline Lucey and her work at


Thanks for sharing your photos with us using the hashtag #instakidsvt. We loved this picture of two kiddos playing in the mud. Share a picture of your kids enjoying the warmer weather this month.


Follow @kids_vt on Instagram. Post your photos on Instagram with the hashtag #instakidsvt. We’ll select a photo to feature in the next issue.

lauren_randi A lot of parenting is hard — this part is not.

Untitled-39 1 3/28/18 9:57 PM TAKE $5 OFF $25 Present at checkout as coupon. Excludes alcohol for sale items. Expires 6/15/18 512 MOUNTAIN ROAD STOWE • (802) 253 4464 65 WINOOSKI FALLS WAY WINOOSKI • (802) 497 0433 k4t-Commodities0518.indd 1 4/25/18 12:16 PM Checkout our website – Timber Lane Pediatrics We’ve been providing pediatric care in the Burlington area for over 40 years. Our physicians and staff continue to dedicate themselves to the health and care of infants, children and adolescents from birth through age 22. Our goal is to provide you with the best medical care for your family. We are accepting new patients at our 3 locations 51 Timber Lane, South Burlington, VT 05403 To make an appointment, please call 802-864-0521 1127 North Ave., Burlington, VT 05408 To make an appointment, please call 802-846-8100 11 Haydenberry Drive, Suite 103, Milton, VT 05468 To make an appointment, please call 802-893-1200 k4t-TimberLanePed0516.indd 1 4/26/16 1:22 PM 8 KIDS VT MAY 2018 KIDSVT .COM The Vermont Higher Education Investment Plan is sponsored by the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation, a public nonprofit established by the Vermont Legislature in 1965 to help Vermont students and families plan, save and pay for college. Before investing, please read the Disclosure Booklet carefully (available at or call 800-637-5860). Join the celebration! Sign up during May for a chance to win $529 into a Vermont college savings account. By saving for college, you’re creating opportunities for your child that will last a lifetime. And Vermont’s state-sponsored 529 college savings program is the only college savings plan that qualifies families for a 10% Vermont income tax credit on annual contributions for higher education. Learn more and open or add to your account today! May 29 is College Savings Day 1-800-637-5860 SAVING FOR COLLEGE Untitled-2 1 4/11/18 3:53 PM


Mama Monologues

In 2010, Sheramy Tsai was living in Boston with two kids under age 2 and blogging about her experience as a mom. Her interest was piqued by an online call for submissions for EXPRESSING MOTHERHOOD, a live stage show that began in Los Angeles in 2008 in which women (and the occasional man) share their stories, both heartbreaking and humorous, about parenting. Her monologue about the unforeseen challenges of raising young kids, entitled “Motherhood Is a Bitch,” was chosen, and she performed in three sold-out shows. The experience connected her to other moms and proved to be “transformative,” she says. Eight years later, Tsai is bringing Expressing Motherhood — which has been performed across the country — to Vermont. With sponsorship from Seventh Generation, Maitri Health Care for Women, Healthy Living Market & Café and Mamava, the show will run for two nights in November at the Black Box Theater, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, in Burlington. LA-based duo Mommy Tonk will provide musical entertainment, cocktails will be available before the show, and 10 percent of the proceeds will go to a local charity. Interested in performing? Submit your monologue by May 7 to Tsai says she’s hoping for a diverse group of performers who “reflect the voice of motherhood from all realms.” —AN


Grateful Hearts

The theme for this year’s COTS WALK — gratitude — was inspired, in part, by a 6-year-old Bellows Falls girl who sent a box of pet rocks to the Committee on Temporary Shelter last fall. Gracia Lenois and her dad, Darren, made them, they said in the note they included with their package, “for people who may want a pet but for various reasons can’t have one.” Gracia, the note continued, “is a passionate animal lover and advocate and believes these will bring many smiles to sta , volunteers and mostly the clients.” For 35 years, Burlington-based COTS has provided emergency shelter, services and housing to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. In addition to the inspiration from Gracia, the organization chose to focus on gratitude because it is grateful to the community for its kindness and support. About 50 percent of its annual operating budget comes from local donors. The COTS Walk is its biggest single-day fundraiser. Presented by National Life Group this year, its target is to raise $200,000. The three-mile loop starts at Battery Park and winds through downtown Burlington. Participants can stop along the way to visit COTS shelters, housing units, the drop-in center and the main o ce to see how their donations help — and to get a glimpse of the challenges faced by people who are homeless. About 2,000 walkers are expected to participate, including Gracia and her dad. —MAL

The COTS Walk takes place Sunday, May 6, at 2 p.m. Learn more at

Expressing Motherhood takes place in early November at Black Box Theater, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, in Burlington. Doors open at 7 p.m., and tickets cost $25. Find more information, including submission guidelines, at


Haute Kiddie Cuisine

Thanks to TV shows such as “MasterChef Junior” and “Kids Baking Championship,” young people today are more culinary-savvy than ever. They — and their parents — are the target audience for South Burlington resident Maja Novovic’s upscale kids’ catering business, THE HUNGRY PEA, which she started in 2017. The seed for the company was planted four years ago, when Novovic decided to leave her job as a product developer at Burton to pursue her passion for food. She attended the New England Culinary Institute in Montpelier, cooked at the now-closed South End Kitchen in Burlington, and worked as kitchen manager at Healthy Living Market & Café in South Burlington. Novovic — who isn’t a mom herself but has plenty of friends and family members who are — said she always noticed parents standing around awkwardly, and leaving hungry, at young kids’ birthday parties. “I always felt like, if there was a little table set up for parents, it could start conversation,” she explains. To that end, she creates kids’ birthday party menus that also cater to adults — o ering similar dishes for both groups but a more sophisticated presentation and taste, plus an additional salad or side dish, for the older set. Her approach is taking classic kids’ foods and making them more interesting, she explains, and she prepares everything — from bread to ketchup — from scratch. Popular dishes include tempura strawberry pops, Japanese-style French toast and an interactive caramel-apple stand. She also o ers cooking classes for kids of all ages. During a recent one, homemade pasta and deconstructed s’mores were on the menu. —AN Learn more at


Minimalist Nursery

One of the first things you’ll probably hear upon entering my house is my 2-year-old son, Mo, addressing you with an outstretched hand.

“Hands, walk, room,” he’ll say, as he leads you into his tiny bedroom, just off the central living space. The walls are warm white, a low wooden bed sits in the corner and a sheer rainbow curtain is draped over the window. A driftwood and wool mobile made by local artist Kate Taylor slowly turns above his bed. The opposite wall is covered in light wood paneling, at the center of which is a plywood box with all manner of latches, knobs, switches and fasteners attached. The box, a first birthday gift from my father, gives Mo the opportunity to practice

his fine motor skills and even includes a light he can turn on and off.

Mo is proud to share his space with visitors, and he happily plays or rests alone in his personal domain. But it hasn’t always been this way. Mo never slept well in his first nursery — an explosion of color, pattern and too much stuff. When he was 6 months old, we moved, which gave us the opportunity to create a space that felt both fun and restful.

I checked in with Holly Hickey Moore, an interior designer with offices in Texas and Vermont — and the parent of a toddler — to get her professional advice about creating a kid’s nursery.

“It can be easy to get caught up focusing on the way it looks rather

than the way it functions, especially for new parents,” she told me. “However, you have to be mindful of how you will move around in the space with a newborn baby.”

If I could go back and do it all again, there are three items I would invest in for our nursery: a comfortable armchair, an attractive foam play mat and an excellent video monitor. In my experience, babies either want to be held and fed, or they want to explore independently. The rest is all extra. K

“Habitat” celebrates places where Vermont families live and play. Got a sweet space you’d like us to see? Email us at


Here are my tips for creating a minimalist space for little ones, with some additional advice from interior designer Holly Hickey Moore.

• Having a new baby is exhausting physical work, so think about your comfort when planning the room. Consider including a comfy chair, a place to keep a water bottle and snacks, and dimmable lighting. As for the changing table, “think about who will be changing the baby the most,” Moore says. It “should be a comfortable height — not t0o high or too low.”

• Use electrical outlet and cord covers, and anchor furniture like dressers and bookshelves with wall straps to ensure the area is safe to explore. Look at the space from a baby’s point of view. You don’t want to set up shelves only to realize a few months later that your child can yank everything off them.

• Minimalism isn’t just about having a sleek space; it’s also about minimizing the need for more stuff over time. By choosing a simple, clean design, your child’s room can grow and change with them. We chose a Montessori-style floor bed, which Mo should be happy in until grade school, and skipped the crib entirely. Take a pass on the fancy crib sets; a fitted sheet is the only bedding recommended for safe baby sleep. “Dressers, cabinets and consoles make great changing tables,” adds Moore, and can be put to another use once your child is out of diapers.

JILLIAN KIRBY Mo’s bedroom Driftwood and wool mobile Mo’s plywood sensory box MATTHEW THORSEN

Gabrielle & Cirilo Augustín

You were raised in a French-Canadian family in Vermont; your husband, Edwin, grew up in Chile; and you both speak Spanish to Augustín at home. Did you speak more than one language growing up?

Gabrielle: No, my mom’s generation was the first one to grow up not speaking French in the home, so I grew up hearing somewhat limited French from grandparents and older relatives. I learned Spanish in school and from listening to salsa music. I became fluent in Spanish in high school. I studied sociology abroad in Chile, and it was all in Spanish. I always planned on trying to raise a child speaking Spanish at home, but I thought I’d be the only one doing it. I definitely didn’t expect to marry a native Spanish speaker.

So, what’s your strategy for raising a bilingual baby?

Gabrielle: Well, we know Augustín is not at risk for losing English as a language; he’s immersed in it everywhere he goes. So basically, we only speak Spanish to him at home. We also use sign language all the time because, while navigating two languages, he can use the same signs for words at school and at home. He actually used three signs together the other day to ask me to get a toy for him. He signed help, please and down. I was impressed!

Want to be
in an
us at
Gabrielle Bills, 29, and son Cirilo Augustín, 16 months
upcoming Parent Portrait? Email


6 Susie Wilson Rd., Essex Junction

My 2-year-old daughter leaps without thinking, while my 6-year-old son strategically plans and calculates risks before taking the plunge. So when Luke and I arrived at Essex Junction climbing gym MetroRock for our private rockclimbing lesson, I could tell he was nervous. “You only go as high as you want,” I told him.

I worried that we might have arrived at our one-hour session with general manager Matt Butler-Bugher (better known as Boof) only to spend the entire time on the ground.

That would have been a shame, since MetroRock is a playground just waiting to be explored. It offers more than 18,000 square feet of brightly colored 50-foot climbing walls, ropes courses suspended in the air with various obstacles and bridges, and a bouldering area for those who want to scramble up and across a wall without a harness. A large, extremely friendly and lazy dog, aptly named Bear, waits at the entrance, putting anxious patrons at ease.

Boof greeted us with a warm smile and quickly fitted us with shoes and harnesses. After explaining each section of the gym, he led us to the auto-belay area, which allows climbers to scale a rock wall without the assistance of a belayer — a person on the ground who works the ropes

attached to a climber’s harness to prevent a fall. MetroRock has eight auto belays on walls of varying difficulty.

Boof showed us how to hook our harnesses to the auto belay. Luke shook his head at the prospect of going first, so I stepped up to give it a try. Although I had never climbed before, I found it easy to make my way up the wall, as long as I took time to find the best hand- and footholds. When Boof told me to lean back from the top of the wall and fall, I had to put on my brave face for Luke. The initial letting go was a bit scary, but I relaxed when I saw that the auto belay controlled my descent as intended.

Next, we went to the traverse wall, a very short climbing wall with a large mat at its base that doesn’t require the belay hookup. The goal was for climbers to move from one side to the other using hand-and footholds, making it a good option for more cautious kids. Boof gave Luke a side-to-side challenge, telling him to step on the lowest climbing holds at first, to help him overcome his fear of heights. Shouting encouragement along the way, Boof made Luke feel like a rock star, then

encouraged him to reach for a handhold just a little higher up the wall.

MetroRock (878-4500, is open seven days a week and offers after-school and homeschool programs, camps, open climbing time and birthday parties. The gym sells day passes, punch cards, and monthly and yearly memberships. A $60 Intro to Climbing class teaches participants 14 and up how to belay and use safety equipment. Private one-hour sessions, like the one we had with Boof, cost $25 for one child and $20 per child for two or more kids.

Luke finally agreed to hook up his harness to a belay once Boof pointed out the tire wall, where small go-cart tires provide hand- and footholds. Boof encouraged him to try putting his foot in different places, and he let Luke belay down often, so he could get comfortable with how it felt.

As Boof and I discussed the different walls and programs, Luke made his way back to the short wall and, without any prompting or hesitation,

climbed twice as high as he had in the beginning, then started the side-toside challenge. We left MetroRock with smiles and confidence. As a mom, that’s the best ending I could hope for. K

In “Destination Recreation,” local parents review family-friendly attractions. Got a spot you think we should feature? Email us at ideas@

LIZ CADY DESTINATION RECREATION BY LIZ CADY Rock wall climbers Luke tackles the tire wall
✱ HABITAT Habitat celebrates places where Vermont families live and play. Do you have a creative space? Email us at Proud of your project? Invite us over! 8h-habitat0418.indd 1 3/30/18 10:03 AM Williston 802-863-4839 k8h-Bellwether0418.indd 1 3/21/18 11:18 AM
Luke scales the traverse wall

Duo Lingo

A bilingual family on raising twins, packing lunches and taking breathers

Smiles and laughter are abundant in the Fitzgerald family’s small but cozy house, tucked away in a neighborhood off of Shelburne Road in South Burlington. Nadeth and Ryan — her second husband and the father of twins Nyal and Naya – have complementary personalities. His steady, calm disposition balances her high-intensity one. His patience is a balm for her temperamental moments.

Their schedules also work well together. Ryan drops off the twins at Trinity Children’s Center in Burlington before work. The older kids take the bus to school; Dawson is a senior at South Burlington High School, and Shante is in eighth grade at Frederick H. Tuttle Middle School.

Nadeth, who works from 6:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Williston, does school pickup. Most evenings, Ryan goes to his second job as a cleaner from around 6 to 9 p.m., after Nadeth makes dinner.

Raised by her grandmother in Panama, in a big extended family, Nadeth learned to cook and clean at a young age. She still spends a lot of time in the kitchen, using it as a stress reliever. Four-year-old twins Nyal and Naya love to help.

Fourteen-year-old Shante spends every other weekend with her father in Westford, while Dawson stays in South Burlington with Nadeth and Ryan, close to his part-time job as a manager at Market 32 by Price Chopper.

Nadeth speaks to the twins in her native Spanish, and Nyal and Naya are fluent in the language. While the teenagers understand Spanish (especially, jokes Nadeth, when she’s angry with them), they don’t often



DAUGHTERS: Shante, 14; Naya, 4

speak it. Ryan, an Essex native, speaks to the twins in English but is fluent in Spanish after a stint in the Peace Corps in Ecuador from 2007 to 2009. The couple dreams of relocating to Panama one day, but for now they are happy to call Vermont home.

On missing grandmothers: Ryan: We don’t have grandparents to help. My dad is around, but he raised us, and he thought he did enough — and he did! There aren’t grandmothers around, and I think that would really change the game for us if we did [have them].

Nadeth: But I am very grateful for my sister (who lives in Williston). Even last minute, she has taken time off of her job to help us out. If Ryan is out of town, or he can’t get out of work and I can’t, she’ll leave her job and come take the kids to school or pick them up or stay with them. She is somebody that I can count on, for sure.

On life with multiples: Ryan: I compare our life with twins to those without multiples, and I don’t think it’s necessarily that much harder, but it’s just uniquely challenging.

Nadeth: I remember breastfeeding them both, and I would be feeding Nyal, and you would have the other one ready to hand me— Ryan: That’s easy! I’m doing the easy work there.

Nadeth: (laughing) I imagine him, like, “OK, I don’t have to breastfeed; I can go back to sleep!” But he’s there the whole time; the whole night he was so involved. I am like, “Oh, my God, I can’t do this anymore!” I couldn’t have gotten through it without him.

Ryan: I wanted to be involved. I wanted to steal those moments. I always had dreams of being a parent.

On taking breaks:

Nadeth: I don’t think I would have been able to do this without Ryan, to be honest. And that’s because he is so calm. I lose it sometimes, and he’s the one holding it together. There were times when I wanted to run away! And Ryan wouldn’t say anything. And then I would walk out the door, go to

my car, then turn around and come back in, and everything’s normal. His personality is so different than mine! (They both laugh.)

Ryan: I saw my mom storm out when she needed a breather. You know, sometimes Mom needs some fresh air! It’s OK.

On creating systems:

Nadeth: Ryan packs the twins homemade, super good, healthy lunches every day that the teachers are jealous of. I couldn’t do it. It’s too much work!

Ryan: We are both making huge sacrifices when it comes to lunches. You always cook something the night before so I can pack it in the morning. But I think we can attribute our success to consistency and systems. Like planning a weekly menu. So now we are, like, militaristic: “We are going to get this done on Sunday. We’re going to get this done the night before.”

Nadeth: And keeping bedtimes and the routines the same — we are a team with that. “You brush their teeth, I’ll do this, you do that...”

Ryan: I mean, it kind of sucks the fun out of life sometimes when you have to be so strict, but it alleviates the stress, and that actually makes life more enjoyable. K

BALANCING DAD: Ryan Fitzgerald, 35, paraeducator at Albert D. Lawson Intermediate School in Essex and part-time cleaner for Community Health Partners : Nadeth Fitzgerald, 39, program and operations auditor at Department of Vermont Health Access : Dawson, 19 (not pictured); Nyal, 4

Backpacks or Strollers: Which is Better for Babies’ Development?

When Gina Mireault’s son and daughter were small, she often chose a backpack baby carrier rather than a stroller out of necessity. She owned two golden retrievers, which she walked twice a day, and the backpack provided a better handsfree option. Whenever she carried her babies on her back, Mireault noticed a difference in their behavior: They seemed more active, alert and verbal than when they were in a stroller.

Two decades later, Mireault, who’s now a researcher and professor of psychology at Northern Vermont UniversityJohnson, put those observations to the test with a study to see whether other babies behave differently in strollers than in backpacks. While market research has shown that 99 percent of all new mothers own a stroller, only 17 percent own a backpack carrier.

Mireault’s 2016 study involved 36 infant-mother and infantfather teams. All of the babies were between the ages of 7 months and 11 months, and all of the parents regularly used both strollers and backpacks. As Mireault explained, this design ensured that any differences observed were due to the mode of transport itself and not to another factor, such as differences in socioeconomics, education level or physical activity.

Moreover, about half of the parents said they preferred using strollers, while the other half preferred backpacks. The research compared strollers to forwardfacing backpacks only, not to front carriers or slings, in order to limit the number of variables. All infant-parent teams used their own equipment.

The results of Mireault’s study, “Push or Carry? Pragmatic Opportunities for Language Development in Strollers versus

Backpacks,” are published in the MayJune issue of the journal Infancy. They confirm what she’d long suspected: When compared to strollers, she writes, backpacks are more likely to “increase the opportunity for shared perceptual, linguistic, kinesthetic and social-emotional experiences between caregivers and infants.”

with head-mounted GoPro video cameras, which weigh only 2.4 ounces, or the equivalent of two slices of bread. As all the infants were winter babies, they were accustomed to wearing hats.

KVT: How did you ensure that the timing of the experiment didn’t affect the results?

GM: We did something called counterbalancing for order: Half of the sample used the stroller first, and the other half used the backpack first. If we started all the babies in the backpack first, they may be less chatty in the stroller because they’re tired. And, we did both walks in one visit.

KVT: Then what?

what constituted a conversation. Finally, we coded for the infants’ head-turning to measure how often they scanned their environment.

KVT: And the backpacks “won”?

GM: Yes, but I don’t want to give the impression that strollers have no place or that infants should always be carried in a backpack. The takeaway is that infants are getting quite different developmental opportunities in one mode versus the other. We expected this.

KVT: Why?

KIDS VT: Why did you do this study?

GINA MIREAULT: I don’t think it’s something that a lot of parents think about. They just use whatever is convenient and don’t necessarily think about the developmental differences. One reason that comparing transport modalities is important is because parents employ them early, frequently and throughout the first year. So it’s helpful for parents to think about the benefits their babies get in one versus the other.

KVT: How did you gather your data?

GM : My research assistants, Scott Rainville and Breanna Laughlin, set up times to meet with participating parents in the locations where the parents typically take their walks. We didn’t want this to be weird or unusual for the babies. They then outfitted the infants and parents

GM : We had the infantparent teams take two walks, following the same route. The walks were eight minutes apiece. Each parent was given a timer that would go off after four minutes, and they’d turn around and return the same way. Then they’d switch conditions — say, from backpack to stroller — then start the timer, take the same walk and repeat.

KVT: How did you process the recordings?

GM: We coded the video for frequency of infants’ vocalization, meaning how often they chattered. These were infants who were not speaking yet, but babblers. We wanted to know if they were babbling more often, and for longer periods, in one condition or the other. We also measured whether the parent was chattier using the backpack or stroller and measured how often and for how long they chatted. We then looked at reciprocal vocalizations, meaning

GM: It just makes intuitive sense. Infants are in closer proximity when they’re in a backpack. And when they’re upright, they’re more alert. Other studies have shown that, as well. We found that both parents and infants vocalized longer and more often with backpacks than with strollers. We also found that infants were much more likely to initiate conversations when they were in backpacks. They also turned their heads more often, meaning they were more alert and engaged with their surroundings.

KVT: Ultimately, what do you take from this study?

GM: This and other studies show that when infants are upright and facing forward, they have what’s called an “alertness advantage.” They’re taking in more about the environment, they’re more responsive to that environment, and they give more feedback to their caregiver — and the caregiver is more likely to respond, as well. This makes sense because, if you have a baby on your back, it’s not just their vocalization you respond to. There’s kinesthetic feedback that’s fairly nuanced, and caregivers pick up on that. So even if the baby doesn’t vocalize but is wiggly, you’re going to look around to see what they’re wiggling about. K

Study participant Megan Mitchell with son Jameson


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It's a bird, it's a plane, it's....

One to Watch

Do you know a local kid (age 17 or under) who's recently done something amazing?

Won a spelling bee?

Written an opera?

Raised a bunch of money for a great cause?

Tell us more! He or she could be featured as One to Watch in an upcoming issue of Kids VT. Visit to tell us about this local superhero.

A Chihuahua Bonds With Children

On a breezy April morning, Gail Peck sits down on a comfortable couch at Little One’s University in Essex with a 5-year-old girl, a picture book and Superhero — a tiny black-and-white Chihuahua with enormous ears. Tucked beneath the girl’s arm is a stu ed horse. “When I was little, I loved horses so much, I thought I could grow up and become a beautiful black horse,” Peck tells the girl.

Fortunately for the 80 kids at this childcare center and preschool, Peck became an early education teacher instead. After 40 years of teaching, the mother of three grown children now works a shorter early-morning shift at Little One’s University to help ease the transition from home to school for the earliest arrivals.

animals, be responsible

arrived in Vermont, the Little One’s University.

Two years ago, Peck decided to adopt a service dog to help with her medical needs. She enlisted the kids at the childcare center to help her choose a pup and asked the center’s owner if she could bring the dog with her to school. “It’s really good for children to have animals, be responsible and take care of them,” she explains. When the Texas-born rescue dog arrived in Vermont, the puppy’s first stop was Little One’s University.

As the kids and teach-

the dog is called for short, of the entry area and spend one-on-one time with kids. A

This Is Not My

As the kids and teachers settle into the day’s routine, Peck and Hero, as the dog is called for short, settle into a quiet corner of the entry area and spend one-on-one time with kids. A boy gives Hero a sausage treat, and they sit close together as Peck reads Jon Klassen’s Hat. The next visitor, a young girl, is so familiar with her book choice — Something Extraordinary by Ben Clanton — that she recites the story confidently from memory while turning the pages.

Peck rewards the children with both encouragement and a journal and pen. “Next time around,” she says, “maybe you can read a story you wrote to Hero.”

Peck says she would love to see other schools o er the simple and centering activity of reading with

dogs. Acknowledging how much Hero has given to her personally, she notes how children’s struggles touch her heart. A dog, she says, “can help make the bad times better.”

Hero has given to her personally, she

Gail Peck and Superhero listen as a preschooler reads aloud
k4v-OneToWatch1016.indd 1 9/29/16 3:59 PM

Grandma’s Maple-Glazed Apples & Hot Dogs

A recipe passed down through the generations

Kids’ Museum

home in South Hero with ample

or less, suddenly faced with her dren, disrupting her peaceful life in caught me trying to bake dollops of kids cook it now. It’s quick, comfort-

When my parents were first married, they lived in Oklahoma and Texas. But nothing felt like home except Vermont, where my father had lived for several years as a child, and where my mother had lived since her early teens. They made the decision to move back north for good when I was about a year old. My mother’s father had passed away, and my grandmother was living in my mother’s childhood home in South Hero with ample room, so that’s where we went. I often think of my grandmother, accustomed to living alone, more or less, suddenly faced with her daughter’s gaggle of four young children, disrupting her peaceful life in the woods. Then I remember that my grandmother had five younger brothers and realize it probably wasn’t that disruptive after all.

Growing up in a multigenerational home had its benefits. One of those was learning some of Grandma’s recipes. She wasn’t as adventurous in the kitchen as my father and mother, but she taught us all a lot. My sister remembers learning how to make scrambled eggs by Grandma’s side. After she

caught me trying to bake dollops of peanut butter with a carrot stick in the middle of each when I was 5 years old, Grandma taught me how to make real cookies, using a recipe as a guide. But perhaps the most memorable dish she taught all of us to make was her maple-glazed apples and hot dogs.

Grandma came up with this recipe when my mother was young, after they had moved to Vermont from Pennsylvania. I think all of us


• 2 tablespoons butter

• 2 sweet onions, peeled and sliced into thin rings

• 3/4 cup maple syrup

• 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

• 3 medium or large apples, cored and sliced into thin rings with the skin on (I used Granny Smith, but you could use a local baking apple, like McIntosh, when apple season comes around.)

• 1 pound hot dogs, sliced into coins

kids cook it now. It’s quick, comforting and oh-so-Vermont.

I recommend using quality hot dogs or even a good kielbasa. And perhaps it goes without saying, but if you aren’t going to use real maple syrup, don’t bother with this recipe.

The dish is wonderful served with baked beans and fresh corn bread drizzled with butter and honey. I hope that it becomes a family favorite in your house, too.


1. Melt 1 tablespoon butter in a skillet over medium heat, and sauté the onions until soft and translucent, about five minutes.

2. Add the other tablespoon of butter. Stir together the maple syrup and mustard, then add to the pan.

3. Put the apples and hot dogs into the pan and stir to coat.

4. Cover the pan and simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the apples are soft — about 10 to 15 minutes.

5. Serve and enjoy, preferably with corn bread and baked beans.

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Data show that Vermont parents looking for affordable, high-quality childcare have limited options.


In Vermont, more than 70 percent of children 5 and under have all available parents in the labor force.

According to the 2015 Vermont Child Care Market Rate Survey, the average annual cost of childcare in Vermont is:

LICENSED CENTER $11,513 Infant $11,130 Toddler $10,440 Preschool


Infant $7,847 Toddler $7,748 Preschool


In a study of Vermont employers, only 16 percent provided paid maternity leave and 6 percent offered paid paternity leave.3

65% of infants (age 6 weeks to 23 months) likely to need care do not have access to any regulated childcare programs.1

8,526 infants in Vermont are likely to need care...

4,337 toddlers in Vermont are likely to need care...


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suggests families should spend no more than 7 percent of their income on childcare.

23% of toddlers (24 months to 35 months) likely to need care lack access to any regulated childcare programs.1

...but there are only 2,998 infant slots in regulated childcare programs.2


...but there are only 3,335 toddler slots in regulated childcare programs.2



In Vermont, families with two children earning the median household income of $86,607 spend more than 20 percent of their income on childcare.4

the Numbers” is a new column in which we present data about topics of interest to parents. Got a subject you’d like us to dig into? Email us at

Pathways Through Pain

In other cultures and languages, there are specific words for the feelings women experience during childbirth. In Swedish, the word is värkar. In Swahili, the phrase is maumivu ya uzazi.

But in the English language, we customarily describe the intense sensations of labor with the same word we use to describe the sensation of having a broken bone or a broken heart: pain. That one word encompasses all of the negative and unpleasant sensations we feel.

Why does this matter? As a childbirth educator, I’ve heard from many women who are terrified to have a baby because they are anticipating how much pain they will be in. Hollywood movies validate this fear, portraying women in childbirth as screaming and hysterical, or miserable and defeated. The portrayal suggests that women have few options when it comes to

childbirth and that no matter what they choose, it will be awful.

But childbirth has come a long way since the days of our mothers and grandmothers. In 2018, there are many tools to help women through labor. While 32 percent of U.S. births in 2016 were via cesarean section, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, women giving birth vaginally — and those who labor before a C-section — can now choose from a variety of painmanagement techniques. These include nonmedical interventions, such as birth balls, hydrotherapy, breathing and movement techniques, massage, aromatherapy, acupressure and hypnotherapy; and medical ones, such as epidurals, nitrous oxide and narcotics.

I tell the women I work with that going through labor is as much a mental feat as a physical one. I

Three mamas share the different ways they managed the challenges of labor

explain that our mind-sets and our belief systems have powerful influences on our bodies. For example, in midwifery circles, contractions are described positively as “rushes” or “surges.” I believe that disassociating the negative connotation of pain from childbirth will make having a baby feel more natural and less scary.

To illustrate some of the pain management options available, I talked with three Vermont women willing to share their birth stories. One had a home birth using hypnobirthing techniques; another used nitrous oxide — which has made a recent resurgence — to take the edge off; and the third had an epidural to help with a long and exhausting labor. Each managed the pain of labor in the way that felt right to her, embracing the process of birth in all its hard-won glory.

Julia: A Home Birth

On an intuitive level, Julia Alter of Burlington knew she would prefer to give birth at home: She has always been terrified of hospitals. Alter says she wasn’t naïve or casual about it, though. “I wasn’t like, ‘Oh yeah, birth is just this beautiful, flowy thing,’” she explains. “I had seen two births and knew it was pretty rugged, so I did a lot physically, mentally and spiritually to prepare myself to have a home birth.”

Giving birth outside of a hospital is rare, but on the rise. A 2016 study from the Maryland Population Research Center found that between 2004 and 2014, out-of-hospital births — either at home or in birthing centers — rose from less than 1 percent to 1.5 percent nationally. According to the Vermont Department of Health’s Vital Statistics Report, out of 5,903 babies born in Vermont in 2015, 145 babies — or around 2.5 percent — were born at home. That year, Vermont tied Oregon for the highest percentage of home births in the country.

Alter read books including Birthing From Within by Pam England and Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin, and she watched The Business of Being Born, a documentary about the maternity care system that shows a home birth. She practiced breath work and created “a really powerful birthing space.” For her, that meant making a birth altar that included crystals, birth art she created during her pregnancy, and a bead bracelet friends made for her Blessingway — a traditional Navajo ceremony that celebrates the rite of passage to motherhood — which has been adapted as an alternative to a baby shower.

Alter admits that all of this may sound “granola,” but she insists that these preparations allowed her to have an amazing home-birth

and mental focus.” Practicing ahead of time makes it easier to slide into a relaxed, calm, focused state during labor, she says. In her class, women learn to take suggestions like “The stronger my contractions, the deeper relaxed I become,” or “My breath is like a mist of anesthesia that goes where it is needed and lets sensations become far, far, away” and turn them into reality.

Though Alter says she didn’t use the technique during labor, it helped relax her prior to and after the birth.

Peggy Cohen of Full Spectrum

Midwifery in Burlington. Cohen was out of town, so another midwife and midwife apprentice from the practice arrived at 10:30 a.m. to assist with the birth.

At this point, Alter was laboring in the tub. Though submerging herself in water didn’t relieve all of her discomfort, Alter says the warmth of the water was a helpful, calming distraction.

Cohen explains that laboring in a tub can be helpful because studies show that “if you have alternative sensations on your nerve endings, you will help quiet the sensations of your uterus.” Being in the shower, using a cold washcloth on your forehead or a hot compress on your back while applying light pressure to the hips, or submerging yourself in hot water can create “the environment where a woman can go inward and tap into her internal balance and use her breath,” Cohen explains.

When her labor started — around 8 p.m. on May 17 — she and her partner, Chris Conway, employed techniques they had been practicing, such as the double hip squeeze. This involves the support person squeezing either side of a laboring woman’s hips to relieve pressure that comes from the baby’s head

Such techniques are part of the gate control theory of pain, which asserts that non-painful input “closes the gates” to painful input. While the pain in labor doesn’t go away by using comfort measures such as massage, music, cold packs or heating pads, the theory, developed in 1965, suggests that your brain is so busy processing the nonpainful stimuli that it can’t pay as much attention to the painful sensations.

experience. “I was trying to be as prepared as I possibly could, which for me meant on a spiritual level,” Alter says.

Part of that work involved a hypnobirthing class with Carolyn Lewis at Wellspring Hypnotherapy Center in Essex Junction. Hypnobirthing, Lewis explains, is “a process of deep physical relaxation

bearing down on the pelvis. Alter and Conway also used massage, breathing exercises and affirmations, and they listened to a relaxing birth playlist Alter had created.

They spent the early morning hours slow dancing, and with Alter rolling her hips on the birth ball. At 8 a.m., when Alter was in active labor, they called their midwife,

Alter found that her breath work and her partner’s hands-on support got her through the end of the first stage of labor. The pain management techniques she used made for a birthing experience that made her feel “powerful and capable,” she says. “The intensity keeps getting ratcheted up, and you just keep meeting your body where it’s at.”

By the evening of May 18, after 19 hours of labor, baby Theo came out in one intense burst, in the midst of a massive hailstorm, followed by a rainbow.

Alter found that her breath work and her partner’s hands-on support got her through the end of the first stage of labor.
Julia Alter, partner Chris Conway and baby Theo Julia and Theo

Pathways Through Pain

Kelly: A Turning Point, Then Nitrous Oxide

When she was 36 weeks pregnant, Kelly Locke lost her mother in a tragic car accident just blocks from her Johnson home. Her midwives told her that trauma of this sort often leads to an extended pregnancy and that her baby would likely come late.

But early on December 14, 2017 – one week after her due date and two days before she was scheduled to have labor induced – her water broke.

About two and a half hours later, around 7:30 a.m., she and her husband, Dean, went to Copley Hospital in Morrisville, even though she wasn’t yet feeling contractions. The midwives were eager to get her labor started because, when a woman’s water breaks, the risk of infection increases as time passes.

Midwives administered Cervidil to soften her cervix. Contractions started, but, every hour or so, they would slow down and stop. Midwives administered a second round of Cervidil, but the pattern continued. So later that evening they started Pitocin, a synthetic form of oxytocin administered through an IV, to start contractions.

That night, Locke’s contractions sped up, then slow down. At some points, they were a minute apart, and at others, 15. “It was really inconsistent,” she says. “And so the next morning, after about 24 hours of going through contractions, I was done.

“In the moment, you don’t think about what your birth plan says, and so I said, ‘I want an epidural,’” she explains. An epidural is pain medication administered through a catheter inserted in a woman’s back to partially or totally numb her lower body. Once it is placed, a laboring woman is confined to bed.

“The midwives came right in and said, ‘Let’s talk about this. Let’s talk about what’s in your birth plan; you don’t want an epidural. You don’t want these things. One thing you did say we could talk to you about

was nitrous,’ because I knew that they did nitrous here,” Kelly says. Unlike an epidural, nitrous doesn’t involve an IV, and women can stay mobile while it’s administered, as well as afterward.

“They said, ‘Why don’t we start there. Why don’t we try that. And then if you still want an epidural, then we’ll go that route.’”

That was the turning point for Locke. She would labor for 12 more hours before her son, Russell, was born. But, she says, “it was amazing.”

has been a resurgence in its use. Today, more than 400 hospitals and birthing centers offer nitrous oxide, including four in Vermont: Copley, Northeastern Vermont Regional, Brattleboro Memorial and North Country hospitals.

Julie: Reluctant, but Grateful, to Have an Epidural A half hour after she went to bed the night of May 24, 2017, Julie Sloan’s water broke.

She and her wife, Amy Welch, headed to the birthing center at the UVM Medical Center near midnight, but Julie wasn’t in active labor yet. They were given the choice to go back home to Jericho or spend the night in the hospital. They opted to stay.

At 8 a.m., a cervical exam showed that more of Sloan’s amniotic sac had broken, indicating labor was progressing. Sloan hoped to have a water birth with no pain medication.

The nitrous oxide took the edge off so that Locke could get through each contraction. And because the mixture of gases — half oxygen, half nitrous oxide – is administered through a face mask and mouthpiece, Locke was able to control when she used it. Instead of feeling

“the sharp arc of the contraction,” Locke says, “it was more of a level contraction, where you could feel it slightly going up and slightly going down, but it wasn’t as much of a mountain as it was just a hill … It also helped me to regulate my own breathing because you need to think about inhaling and exhaling and being proactive for the contraction.”

Once a common labor pain management medication in the United States, nitrous oxide use waned in the 1970s due to the popularization of the epidural. Since 2011, there

Kipp Bovey, a midwife at Copley, says the gas “can decrease anxiety during transition” — the time between the first and second stages of labor when the cervix is almost fully dilated, and the baby is descending into the birth canal. It can also help women stay calm and lessen pain during postpartum repair procedures like stitching up a tear in the perineum.

Copley has only been offering nitrous oxide to laboring women for about a year, and the number of women who use it varies widely, says Bovey, ranging from 16 percent to 57 percent per month. The University of Vermont Medical Center’s Birthing Center does not offer nitrous oxide to laboring women due to the obstetric anesthesia department’s concern over staff exposure and environmental pollution from the gas.

Locke says she’s glad that nitrous oxide was an option for her. Considering that her contractions had stopped while she was lying down, she wonders if getting an epidural would have led to a cesarean section in her case.

“I really feel thankful that I didn’t have to explore that,” Locke says.

However, once her labor kicked into high gear, she started having back pain that never let up. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., “it was just intense, intense pain,” she says. Most likely, the baby was in the occiput posterior, or OP, position, with the back of his head rubbing against her sacrum. About half of all babies begin in this position, but most rotate to the anterior position during labor.

Amy had given birth to the couple’s first son, Lucas, less than two years earlier. “I remember my wife going through labor and watching her have these peaks and valleys of contractions and watching her get to the peak and come down and breathe and kind of being in a meditative state of calmness,” Sloan says. “And I was just in the peak zone for five hours and was never able to come down and relax.”

She initially tried to manage the pain without medication. She spent time in the bath and “the water was just transformative,” she says. She sat backward on the toilet, which helped; she stood in the shower and sat in the tub while her wife sprayed water on her back; and she changed positions often. She gazed out the windows at the mountains, which she says, “was pretty meditative.”

Despite all of her efforts, the pain didn’t ease up.

Hours of painful back labor can cause women to become fatigued. The neuromatrix theory of pain states that physical and emotional factors can increase labor pain. Those factors include hunger or thirst, muscle tension and exhaustion, and feeling anxious or powerless.

The nitrous oxide took the edge off so that Locke could get through each contraction.
Kelly Locke while pregnant with Russell Kelly and Russell COURTESY OF KELLY LOCKE COURTESY OF KELLY LOCKE

Sloan’s mom stopped by the hospital in the afternoon and, when she saw her daughter suffering, she told her, “This is not bearable. You can’t go on like this.” She told Sloan to give herself permission to use pain medication.

Sloan agreed that the situation wasn’t sustainable. “I wasn’t against the epidural,” she says. “I was so driven to have a water birth that I thought I could do it without an intervention, but once I was in it, the whole idea of a water birth wasn’t even in the forefront anymore.”

and the American Academy of Pediatrics have stated that, among all options for medicated pain relief, the epidural is the most effective for reducing pain while allowing the woman to stay alert and actively participate in her labor.

Sloan got her epidural around 5 p.m. “I had five hours of stillintense contractions, but they were much more manageable,” she says. “And it might sound odd to say it was enjoyable, but I was understanding the process of what my body was doing.”

Sloan believes that her baby

Once she decided to get the epidural, her mind-set changed. “I’m going to have a different experience now,” she told herself.

Epidurals are the most popular form of pain relief for childbirth at UVM Medical Center and nationwide. Between 65 percent and 70 percent of women who give birth at the center have an epidural, says Dr. Lydia Grondin, the hospital’s director of obstetric anesthesia. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the range is similar nationally.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

couldn’t move, and without the epidural or some other type of intervention, he was never going to rotate and drop into the birth canal. Once her body relaxed, she thinks he was able to naturally turn and descend.

Sloan continued to use her breathing and relaxation techniques, and the baby moved down faster than anyone, including her doctor, expected. “He was hanging there waiting for everyone else to be ready,” says Sloan. The doctor didn’t even have time to put on her gown or her gloves. Out came baby Owen, ready to greet them. K

Yes You Can! Mrs. Vermont America

Yes You Can! Mrs. Vermont America

Yes You Can!




Application & Information on Website

Application & Information on Website

Application & Information on Website

June 29-30, 2018

June 29-30, 2018

June 29-30, 2018

Burlington, Vermont

Burlington, Vermont

Burlington, Vermont




Interview - Swimsuit - Evening Gown Mrs. Vermont competes at Mrs. America in Las Vegas - August 2018

Interview - Swimsuit - Evening Gown

Mrs. Vermont competes at Mrs. America in Las Vegas - August 2018

Interview - Swimsuit - Evening Gown Mrs. Vermont competes at Mrs. America in Las Vegas - August 2018

Ages 18-99, married and valid Vermont drivers license required

Ages 18-99, married and valid Vermont drivers license required

Izabela O’Brien

Ages 18-99, married and valid Vermont drivers license required Izabela O’Brien

Izabela O’Brien

Executive Director (802) 777-9441

Executive Director (802) 777-9441

Executive Director (802) 777-9441

Springtime at Shelburne Museum


Celebrate Mother’s Day with live music, art activities, tea and delicious nibbles, Museum Store plant sale, and…Say hello to our special guest, Walkaround Elmo! The beloved Sesame Street character can’t wait to meet you!

Once Sloan decided to get the epidural, her mind-set changed. “I’m going to have a different experience now,” she told herself.
Julie Sloan (right), holding baby Owen, with her wife, Amy Welch, and son Lucas COURTESY OF JULIE SLOAN
20 18
20 18
Mrs. Vermont America 20 18
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™/© 2018 Sesame Workshop. All Rights Reserved. JOIN US! Untitled-17 1 4/27/18 9:45 AM

Humor &HEART

When Kimberly Harrington walks into Burlington’s Citizen Cider for a chat with Kids VT — sporting red lipstick, a stylish shag haircut and a gray motorcycle jacket draped over her shoulders — she looks more like the front woman of an indie band than the writer of essays about motherhood.

Harrington is a rock star in her own right. The South Burlington mother of two is a copywriter and creative director who’s worked for high-profile clients such as Nike, Planned Parenthood and Seventh Generation. She recently added author to her résumé with the May 1 release of her first book, Amateur Hour: Motherhood in Essays and Swear Words, published by Harper Perennial.

About three years ago, after more than two

decades of working in advertising and design, including six years at Burlington’s JDK Design (now Solidarity of Unbridled Labour), Harrington rediscovered her childhood love of writing. She began posting personal pieces about the nitty-gritty realities of motherhood on the online platform Medium and getting her work published by humor site McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. “Once I started writing, then I felt like I had a whole lifetime of ideas,” she said.

Harrington’s frank, o eat style struck a chord with readers:

Her 2016 piece “Please Don’t Get Murdered at School Today” — a dark, satirical response to school shootings written from the point of view of a parent talking to her child — has been shared more than 327,000 times on Facebook. In 2015, she cofounded the parenting humor site RAZED with longtime friend Eric Olsen.

Now, Harrington, who is raising an 11-yearold daughter and a 13-year-old son with her husband, Jon Hughes, is putting both reworked and brand-new personal essays and conceptual humor pieces into print in her first book. Some are heart-wrenching meditations on topics such as family-leave policy and the passage of time, and others are just plain funny — like a selection entitled “Job Description for the Dumbest Job Ever.” (The job title? Mother.)

Harrington recently spoke with Kids VT about her work.

KIDS VT: You’re the cofounder and editor of the parenting humor site RAZED, and now you’ve written a book about your experiences as a mom, but I wouldn’t call you a mommy blogger. How do you describe what you do?

KIMBERLY HARRINGTON : When this book was first announced, [the fact] that it was under “parenting” was

An interview with essayist Kimberly Harrington BY KRISTEN RAVIN


For more information about Kimberly Harrington and her writing, visit

Harrington will read from and sign her book at these Vermont venues in May:

• The Vermont Book Shop, Middlebury, Tuesday, May 8, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

• Northshire Bookstore, Manchester Center, Thursday, May 10, 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

An end-of-tour book bash is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, 8 p.m., at ArtsRiot in Burlington, with an author conversation, standup comedy and a concert by local band Swale. Tickets for this 18-and-up event are $5. See for details.

really involved. So even when I was full time — he works for a great company, Catamount North Construction — they gave him Fridays off until both of my kids were in kindergarten. They’ve always been really flexible, and they’ve let him be really flexible, which is huge. But once I was freelance, that was like “game changer” because, first of all, I have more time, I’m physically at home, but I can also be there for the school stuff, be the one who’s taking them to appointments.

KVT: When writing the book, how did you decide how much to share about your kids? Did you run things by them?

KH: I didn’t run anything by them. So I’m sure that won’t backfire … The whole reason the book was bought is that it’s through this thread of motherhood, so I have to write about them, but I’m very protective of them … The feedback that I got [from early readers] was that there were a couple pieces that ... were just so specific to my kids. And those actually contained much more intimate, personal reflections — both from me and toward my kids. When I made the decision to pull those, I realized I felt really relieved by it.

KVT: This isn’t a typical parenting book, but it’s about your experiences as a parent. Was there anything you tried to steer away from in writing it?


From tear-jerking odes to her children to quirky conceptual humor pieces, Harrington’s writing showcases a voice that is all her own. Here are some excerpts from the pages of Amateur Hour: Motherhood in Essays and Swear Words.


“Turn the car around. Leave the party. Blow up the movie plans. Kill the beach trip. Carry them out over your shoulder kicking and screaming, yes, in public. You’re the one in charge. It feels good to remember that part.”


“So let me see if I’ve got this straight — you’re saying that me, a mother, will have the same hours of national recognition also afforded bobbleheads, lumpy rugs, personal-trainer awareness, spaghetti, one-hit wonders, Baked Alaska, ‘hole in my bucket,’ cellophane tape, home warranties, ‘something on a stick,’ spiral glazed ham, beer-can appreciation, cabbage, cheese doodles and earmuffs?

Someone pinch me.”


“What I am suggesting is we take steps to free our teachers, schools, camp leaders, coaches, instructors, other parents, and culture (pretty easy, right?) from enforcing this fairy tale that every kid is exceptional and perfect. Because it is not true. You know it; I know it. Everyone knows it. Kids definitely know it.”

laugh-out-loud funny, and not because it’s theoretically a humor book. Anyone who knows me, anyone who has been around me and my children, would not be like, “She should probably write a parenting book.” It might be like, “She should definitely be a person who doesn’t write a parenting book. Please don’t write a parenting book.” I think it ends up being that it’s just this intersection of when I decided to write personal pieces, write humor pieces, and I happen to be in it with parenting … They happen to intersect, so all of my jerky behaviors that I would be inflicting on other things, instead I’m inflicting on parenting.

KVT: In your essay “I Am the One Woman Who Has It All,” you write that in your family, you have breadwinner status and lead parent status. Asking as the working mother of a toddler, I wonder how you sustain those roles over time without burning out?

KH: When my kids were little and I was working full time, I was not even keeping my head above water, honestly. Being freelance was a complete game changer for everything. My husband is really,

KH: One thing that I think is very telling is that some of the pieces that read like advice are my least favorite pieces … I stand by the points of view in them, but I think I personally don’t feel comfortable — as anyone who’s been around me and my children knows — giving advice.

KVT: What do you see as the benefits of raising kids in Vermont?

KH: I think the fact that they have so much access to so much natural beauty. We’re not big outdoors people — I’m not even going to pretend we are — but the fact that [we have] Shelburne Farms, the lake, things that are right there. Every time we go for a walk at Shelburne Farms or grab some snacks and go down to the lake and hang out there all day, it’s like, “This is just ridiculous that we can do this.” And it’s not that hard; it’s not the slog you have in the city … It’s certainly a bit of a bubble, for sure. I think it’s delightful when we travel with them where it’s really obvious how much of a bubble they are being raised in. We went to Florida, like, three years ago. We went out to dinner at the worst pizza place I’ve ever been to in my life. They used a hot-dog warmer or something to warm up frozen pizza. It was grim. My daughter was like, “So is this wood-fired pizza, or…?” I was like, “Whatever the opposite is of wood-fired pizza, that’s what we’re getting for dinner.” It was adorable. K


“I will tell [my children] that documenting them in all these ways made me proud, made me laugh, allowed me to connect with other parents and family and friends who were far away. It also drove me to make terrible and selfish decisions, because I lost sight of who they were and the rights they had.”


“I look back at photos of me when my son was a year old. I remember that at the time I thought I looked awful, old. I look at those pictures now and think of how young I look. My skin looks smooth. I know I’m tired, but I look happy. I was happy.”


“My son had left as a 12-year-old, would return as a 13-year-old, and I hadn’t even called him to wish him a happy birthday … I pressed my girlfriends into service: ‘I will cry all day if we don’t do something.’ We had cocktails in the afternoon, went to see Wonder Woman, stayed up too late drinking whiskey and telling secrets from our own teenage years. It felt like the beginning of my life fully becoming mine again. Even if for one night, even just for the weekend. I could see it.”

Kimberly Harrington with her family

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95 No. Brownell Rd., Williston 802-652-0100 SWING INTO SPRING SALE $100 OFF any Play System (Bring in this coupon to receive this offer) Expires 5/31/18 k6h-RainbowPlaySystems0417.indd 1 3/23/18 4:34 PM
Strong beginnings we do that here (802) 524-1040 133 Fairfield Street, St. Albans, VT 05478 Untitled-17 1 4/12/18 2:04 PM 26 KIDS VT MAY 2018 KIDSVT .COM Located in the of Shelburne 54 falls road Mon-Sat 10-6 Sunday 10-5 802-985-3221 Jamie Two Coats Toyshop New Collection Has Arrived Located in the of Shelburne 54 falls road Mon-Sat 10-6 Sunday 11-5 802-985-3221 Jamie Two Coats Toyshop New Collection Has Arrived k6h-JamieTwoCoats0516.indd 1 4/27/16 3:37 PM k6h-Jamie2Coats0518.indd 1 4/26/18 4:00 PM
Campers and staff at Camp Hochelaga in South Hero
Untitled-21 1 2/22/18 3:25 PM Untitled-46 1 1/17/18 10:29 AM k4t-SangamonBetsyCox1212.indd 1 11/28/12 4:15 PM
life promotes community and team work All-elective program encourages self-confidence and decision making.
have real independence. They make ALL their own choices every activity period, every day. k4t-Sangamon1215.indd 1 12/4/15 9:56 28 KIDS VT MAY 2018 KIDSVT.COM CAMP GUIDE 2018
Lego Engineering, Robotic Programming, Stop Motion Animation, Minecraft
Campers at Betsy Cox

For kids who are wild about animals


For kids who are wild about animals!

Summer learning = Adventure

Offerings below are ideal for children 7-18

June 25-Aug 6, 2018

Academic Instruction

Lessons available to focus on the following:


June 25-August 6

Lessons available to focus on the following:

• Reading: Fluency and Comprehension

• Summer Reading List Support

Camp Compass Team Building Summer Institute

• Math

Activities to teach the following:

• SSAT/SAT/ACT Test Prep

 Initiating communication

• Writing and Spelling

 Reciprocal interactions

 Understanding the thoughts and feelings of others

 Communication skills

June 25-Aug 6, 2018

 Self-regulation skills

Camp Compass Team Building Summer Institute

Lessons available to focus on the following:

Stern Center for Language and Learning 802-878-2332

Activities to teach the following:

 Reading: Decoding, Fluency & Comprehension

• Initiating communication

 Summer Reading List Support

 Math

• Reciprocal interactions

 SSAT/SAT/ACT Test Prep

 Writing and Spelling

Call today! Register now for a successful summer.

• Understanding the thoughts and feelings of others

• Communication skills

Camp Compass Team Building Summer Institute

• Self-regulation skills

Activities to teach the following:

 Initiating communication

 Reciprocal interactions

 Understanding the thoughts and feelings of others

Stern Center for Language and Learning

 Communication skills

 Self-regulation skills


Stern Center for Language and Learning


Call today! Register now for a successful summer.

Call today! Register now for a successful summer.

BARN DAY CAMP Mixed Gender Ages 4-10 Scholarships Available Session 1 June 25-29 Session 2: July 2-13 Session 3 July 16-27 Session 4 July 30-Aug. 10 Plymouth, Vermont Outdoor Play Trips Adventure Waterfront Arts & Crafts Carpentry Registertoday! Untitled-36 1 3/28/18 9:50 PM FREESTYLE, PARKOUR AND NINJA WARRIOR TRAINING! Visit us at the Kids VT Camp Fair in February! 260 Avenue D, Suite 30 • Williston (off Industrial Ave.) • 802-652-2454 GYMNASTICS, FREESTYLE, PARKOUR, AND NINJA WARRIOR Visit for more information 260 Avenue D, Suite 30 • Williston (off Industrial Ave.) • 802-652-2454 k6h-GMTC0218.indd 1 1/24/18 10:38 AM Animal Adventures (ages 7-9) Afternoons only still available! July 13 -17 ● July 20-24 -12) day camp: A few slots available Aug.10-14 0135 x 12 Or visit
animals! Before & after care hours are Kids
5-7: $195 Week 1: Monday - Friday, July 9 - 13 Session One: 8:30AM - 12:30PM Week 2: Monday - Friday, July 16
20 Session Two: 8:30AM - 12:30PM
kids who are wild about
Week 3: Monday
Friday, July 23 - 27 Session Three: 9AM - 3PM Week 4: Monday - Friday, July 30 - August 3 Session Four: 9AM - 3PM
Kids Ages 8-9: $390
Adventures (ages
Afternoons only still available! July 13-17 ● July 20-24 Summer Safari (ages 10-12) Full-day camp: A few slots available July 27– July 31● Aug 3-7 ● Aug.10-14 Register: (802) 862-0135 x 12 Or visit
Before & after care hours are available. Scholarships funded by Redducs Foundation
10-12: $390 Week 5: Monday - Friday, August 6 - 10 Session Five: 9 AM - 3 PM Week 6: Monday - Friday, August 13 - 17 Session Six: 9 AM - 3 PM k6h-HumaneSociety0218.indd 1 1/22/18 9:37 AM Untitled-6 1 4/25/18 3:19 PM Contact us at 802.359.5000 or Nature Camp Programs Pre-K to 8th Grade Membership Discounts Available! Locations in Quechee, South Pomfret, Washington, VT and Hanover, NH Untitled-4 1 4/25/18 3:14 PM  Reading: Decoding, Fluency & Comprehension
Reading List Support
Kids Ages
 Summer
Prep  Writing and Spelling
k4v-sterncenter0518.indd 1 4/26/18 12:22 PM 29 CAMP GUIDE 2018 KIDSVT.COM MAY 2018 KIDS VT
1.800.523.2754 Available Monday - Friday, June 18 - August 18, 2018 Eight weekly sessions. Free shuttle service included from Burlington, Essex, Underhill, Jericho, Stowe, Fairfax, Morrisville, Johnson and more! Join us at America’s Family Resort for the ultimate in Summer fun! Choose from our traditional camp program... ...or one of our special interest camps— including High Adventure or Survival Camp. 11/30/17 10:32 AM Green Mountain Conservation Camp Canoeing, fishing, archery, campfires and s’mores. What a great way to spend a week this summer. Discover Vermont’s wildlife and master outdoor skills. Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department offers one-week sessions for girls and boys, ages 12 to 14. Sessions run from June through August at two beautiful lake-side locations. This Summer Let Nature Nurture... Learn more at Untitled-2 1 1/24/18 11:34 AM Performing Arts Camps SUMMER 2018 AGES REGISTER NOW FLYNNARTS.ORG 802.652-4537 Financial aid is available. Request accessibility services when registering. Untitled-8 1 2/15/18 11:10 AM 30 KIDS VT MAY 2018 KIDSVT.COM CAMP GUIDE 2018
Talent Development Institute JOHNSON STATE COLLEGE June 24-30 &/or July 1-7, 2018 Serving advanced and gi ed students entering grades 4-9 for 21 years! 802-658-9941 LUCY@TDIVERMONT.ORG 16t-tdi0217.indd 1 1/26/18 10:03 AM Shelburne, VT CIT & Crew Ages 12+ Farm & Garden Ages 5 -11 April Vacation Camp New Village Farm Camps 2095 POMFRET RD. SO. POMFRET, VT (802) 457-3500 + SUMMER CAMPS Vermont’s only certified Irish Dance School! All Ages…All Levels Did you enjoy watching Riverdance? Why not learn some of the steps! Call or email to hold a spot in our summer camps! Camp dates July 16-20 & July 23-27. 9am -1pm Ages 4 and up Severance Corners in Colchester Beth Anne McFadden T.C.R.G. (802) 999-5041 Visit our website for our 2018 Class Schedule k8v-McFadden0318.indd 1 2/19/18 5:15 PM Untitled-36 1 1/25/18 3:45 PM 136 Locust Street, Burlington, VT 862-6696 • Financial aid available! CKS serves learners from pre-school (3 years old) through 8th grade Valuable! Affordable! Inclusive! Innovative! Come see the benefits yourself! k8v-ChristKing0218.indd 1 1/18/18 4:35 PM LNT Summer Camps cTheater FOR Kids BY Kids: Two-week Advanced Intensive BY AUDITION! May 1 Fractured Fables Seussical –the musical SEUSSICAL Rigorous Performance and Technical/ Design tracks in Musical Theater (5 shows in 3 Days! age 10–21) July 30-Aug 12 One-week (no audition) Camps opportunities for ages 6–16, novice →excelling Fractured Fables June 25-29 Theater Play for Every Day July 16-20 Actor! Author!! July 23-27 Untitled-2 1 3/29/18 12:03 PM LOOK CLOSER… IT’S TIME TO DISCOVER SOMETHING NEW! ATTENTION, CLASS INSTRUCTORS! List your class in Kids VT for only $20/month! Submit the listing by the 15th at or 16t-campsclasses.indd 1 3/30/18 9:54 AM 31 CAMP GUIDE 2018 KIDSVT.COM MAY 2018 KIDS VT

Tell us about a favorite camp meal or food tradition.

The camp kitchen is steaming with yummy smells and the sounds of laughter and chatter on Saturday nights. Our wonderful camp cook has Saturdays off, and the on-duty counselors and “stay-over” campers (who are attending for more than one week) have the opportunity to come together, five or six at a time, to prepare the evening meal. Campers and counselors wash, chop and stir-fry veggies for our Saturday Night Chicken or Veggie Stir-Fry. The only thing better than being part of the cooking crew is eating the incredible, sweet and tangy carrots, celery, onions, broccoli, mushrooms and chicken on a steaming bed of rice. It is definitely my favorite meal, although the campers might argue and say, “What about Taco Tuesday or our Pasta Bar on Monday?”

It’s not easy cooking for 200-plus people, with a majority of those being kids! But our camp chef, Will Hosken, is very popular, not only because his meals are always delicious, but because he’s also an exceptionally cool guy. Our campers’ favorite meal is Will’s tacos. The variety, color and tasty options that Taco Night involves have our campers lining up for seconds

every time.

We love our favorite meal song, “Cheffy Da-Da!” In short, it goes: “Cheffy dah-dah / Cheffy dah-dah / This is what we sing to you / Dah-da-da-da-da-dadah! / Anyone can make a bed. / Anyone can sweep, hey! / But it takes a Cheffy to make the food we eat.” The song is followed by thunderous pounding on the tables and stomping of feet!

Each summer, our most special meals are our camp banquets. Banquet is a unique Hochelaga tradition that brings all of the camp together to share the individual growth, team accomplishments and fun that took place throughout each two-week session. A group of campers and counselors work tirelessly to choose a banquet theme (last summer it was Alice in Wonderland) and transform the lodge with full wall murals and handmade decorations. Campers team up with our camp chef to design a special multicourse menu for the evening, complete with appetizers and dessert. We are particularly excited for banquets this summer because Camp Hochelaga is launching our Farm and Garden Program. We are partnering with local farms to bring milk, meat, apples and veggies into our camp meals and banquets from farms in our backyard. Camp Hochelaga will also have an expanded garden and chickens on-site this summer. Our new camp chef can’t wait to work with campers and staff to create banquet menus inspired by all of this delicious local food.


A food tradition that is a lot of fun and that the campers really enjoy is an activity we call “Iron Chef.” Don’t let the name deceive you. A better name for it would be “Iron Stomach.” In this activity, one or two of our cabins will come together and compete with each other to see who can make the most interesting or best dish out of the ingredients made available to them by the kitchen. The kitchen always puts out ingredients that can go well together but also some that don’t belong. The campers then create a few dishes that they call their masterpieces and send them to the judges for tasting. The judges are always special guests invited in from other parts of camp. Sometimes the campers produce some pretty amazing things, while other times, the outcome can be less than desirable for the judge to eat. There never really is a winner in the competition, as the joy of making the creations and the results are what the campers really care about.



At Night Eagle, each counselor and his tipi group do all the cooking! Boys prep, cook, serve and clean up after the meals. Their favorite meal — which is cooked in a 55-gallon drum oven over a fire — has got to be Night Eagle Pizza. One time, the cook crew got creative and cooked a macaroni pizza. That may be the most famous pizza ever cooked at camp, and the campers and staff loved it!


We have a true farm-to-table program. Our campers and staff are harvesting produce from our own gardens and delivering to our kitchen every day. Cecil, our head cook, and his staff take pride in the fact we locally source almost 80 percent of our meats, produce and dairy. Everything is homemade. Our food service is consistently one of the top reasons why our families return year after year.


At Camp Little Notch, our dining hall proudly hangs a sign that says, “ Please save ______ for dessert.” We then hang a rainbowcolored sign telling them if they need “fingers, spoons, forks or face.” We love to eat with just faces. It’s a tradition. In fact, camper surveys at the end of the week always request more foods to eat with just faces, like pudding!


CATAMOUNT OUTDOOR FAMILY CENTER WILLISTON 802.879.6001 WWW.CATAMOUNTOUTDOOR.COM k4t-Catamount0418.indd 1 3/22/18 1:22 PM 2018 LeAP! Learn and Play Summer Camp at Shelburne Museum June 25 –29 The Vermonter’s Way Ages 9 –11 July 2– 6 and 9 –13 Art Adventurers Ages 4 – 6 July 16 –20 Wild Wild West Ages 7–10 July 23 –27 Learn to Sew–In the Kitchen Ages 8 –11 July 30 –August 3 Learn to Sew–Totes Ages 10 –12 August 14 –18 Quilt Camp Ages 8 –12 Online registration at • Week-long ballet themed camps for ages 3-9; Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Nutcracker and more! • Week-long ballet Mini-Intensive for ages 12-18, for the serious dancer looking to stay in shape for various summer-long intensives • Weekly ballet classes for young dancers - adults - beginner - advanced • Ongoing yoga and fitness classes for adults Classes & Camps 2018 SUMMER Vermont Ballet Theater School Center for Dance presents Celebration of Dance 2018 Our annual showcase of talent from ages 4 through pre-professional will dance their way onto the Flynn Main Stage in Burlington for 2 exciting performances, Saturday May 26, 2018 at 1:00 & 6:30 pm. For show & ticket information visit www. This summer come dance with the best at VBTS! For schedule and enrollment information, visit us at WWW.VBTS.ORG, or call 878-2941, or email INFO@VBTS.ORG Just added! Summer Jazz camps with Kate Stevens in Shelburne for ages 5-14. Call for details or visit our website to register today! k4t-VBTS-0518.indd 1 4/16/18 5:44 PM 34 KIDS VT MAY 2018 KIDSVT.COM CAMP GUIDE 2018 150 Dorset St (The Blue Mall) South Burlington • 497-0136 • Enrolling Now! Summer Camps begin in June! Breakdance / essential oils art / fairytale / ballet jazz / hip-hop / yoga hula hoop dance Ages 3 and up Call or visit for more information k4t-HonestYoga0518.indd 1 4/27/18 11:27 AM

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Ages 3-7 • After care available from 3:30-5:30PM



JUNE 25-AUG 24 8AM-3:30PM

JUNE 25-AUG 24 8AM-3:30PM

Ages 6-14 • After care available from 3:30-5:30PM

Ages 6-14 • After care available from 3:30-5:30PM



JUNE 25-AUG 24 8AM-3:30PM

JUNE 25-AUG 24 8AM-3:30PM




35 CAMP GUIDE 2018 KIDSVT.COM MAY 2018 KIDS VT Summer Play Days at Orchard Valley Two locations, two great camp programs! Weekly Camp Programs begin June 18. •Montpelier Child’s Garden Campus—for ages 3-6 •East Montpelier Main Campus—for ages 4-6 See our CAMP pages at for details or call 802-456-7400. Untitled-5 1 3/27/18 7:07 PM Summer Day Camp for Adopted Children & Teens 2018 TWO ONE-WEEK SESSIONS July 9-13 & July 16-20 Stowe High School in Stowe, Vermont With bus service from Burlington, Williston & Waterbury FOR AGES 7 – 17 Visit our website for registration forms and information: | k16-CampForMe0218.indd 1 1/22/18 3:34 PM Camps for ages 3-18 Classes for ages 6-whatever! 35 West Main Street • Richmond 802-383-8468 • Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Musical Theater, Contemporary & Combination Camps k16t-Arabesque0318.indd 1 2/13/18 3:09 PM Green Mountain Youth Symphony • Early bird discount until March 10 Creative Arts & Music Program August 5-11 @ Northern Vermont University- Johnson k16t-GMYS0217.indd 1 1/24/18 10:40 AM
East Burke, VT | 802.535.9539 3/29/18 11:30 AM
Ages 5-8, 9-12 & 13-16 Elite Camp August 13-16, 2017 k12h-KevinSneddonHockey0318.indd 1 2/7/18 3:21 PM |
JUNE 25-AUG 24 8AM-3:30PM
Ages 7+ or 10+, see weekly detail 2
k2v-RegalGym0518.indd 1 4/18/18 12:07 PM
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Set Sail

Use this handy sheet to plan your summer camp schedule. Find a downloadable version at

JUNE 18-22 JUNE 25-29 JULY 2-6 JULY 9-13 JULY 16-20 JULY 23-27 JUL 30AUG 3 AUG 6-10 AUG 13-17 AUG 20-24 Tuesday, July 4th

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Location: 6 area communities

Hours: 7:30 am – 6:00 pm

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Ages: For kids in K - 6 grade

Location: Ferrisburgh

Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

An outdoor adventure, full-day coed day camp at Kingsland Bay State Park. Free transportation from Chittenden County.

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Ages: For boys in grades 1 - 10

Location: North Hero, VT

Hours: One & two-week sessions

Boys overnight camp on the shores of Lake Champlain where campers build skills, a sense of values, and a positive attitude.

The Y’s Community Partner

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Week to Week

Human-Powered Parade: Beginning with a BMX show featuring the Krusher Stunt Team and a community bike decorating bash, families ride their bikes, skateboards, tricycles and unicycles along a 2.5-mile parade route, with pit stops for dancing, interactive art and general zaniness, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Bristol Skatepark.

Williston Runs! For Education: The community comes out for a flat and family-friendly 5K run/ walk, a kids’ fun run and a relay race, with music, chair massages and a raffle at the finish line. 8 a.m. registration; 9:30 a.m. start, Williston Central School, Williston.

Celebrate Mother’s Day at SPRINGTIME AT SHELBURNE MUSEUM with a stroll around the lush grounds, a visit to the “In the Garden” exhibit, a meditation and mindfulness session with writer and radio host Charlie Nardozzi, and outdoor music by cellist Patrick McGuire and Young Tradition Vermont. Beloved “Sesame Street” character Elmo makes an appearance, too, greeting visitors and posing for photos on the Circus Lawn. Sunday, May 13, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., at Shelburne Museum.

Open Fields Medieval Festival: The town green is transformed into a medieval village, as royalty, peasants, craftsmen, shepherds and farmers celebrate with a No Strings Marionette Company performance, music, dance, games, pageantry and good eats. Costumes encouraged. 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Thetford Green.

Like the University of Vermont Medical Center on Facebook and get weekly updates from Dr. First! See “First With Kids” videos at




Art Play Day: Little ones and caregivers drop in and get messy with provided materials and multiple stations to spark imagination. Ages 18 months to 5 years. Radiate Art Space, Richmond, 8:45-10:15 a.m., $4 per child, $6 max per family.

Creative Tuesdays: Young artists involve their imaginations with interesting materials. Kids under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3:15-4:45 p.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE

Dorothy’s List Book Club: Middle readers make merry conversation around a DCF pick. Call the library for the title. Ages 8-11. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 4 p.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE

Library Elementary Event Planners: Junior helpers make merry on May Day, review the year and relish refreshments. Grades 6-8. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE

Spanish Musical Kids: Niños celebrate Latin American culture through tunes and games en español. Ages 1-5 with a caregiver. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:45 a.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE

Winooski Lego Club: Budding builders bust out plastic-block creations with the weekly Lego challenge. Free meals available for ages 18 and under. Winooski Memorial Library, 3-6 p.m. Info, 655-6424. FREE


Adoption Support Group: Families facing adoption issues and challenges join forces in a respectful setting. All welcome. Franklin County Seniors Center, St. Albans, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Info, 524-1700. FREE

Sewing Club: Stuffed Animals: Aspiring crafters fashion stuffed creatures in a two-part class. Ages 8 and up. Fairfax Community Library, 3-4:30 p.m., preregister. Info, 849-2420. FREE


Chess Club: Strategists of all skill levels partner up for playing. Ages 6 and up. Sherburne Memorial Library, Killington, 3-4 p.m. Info, 422-9765. FREE


Auditions for Lost Nation Theater Intense Youth Production Camp: Aspiring actors, singers, dancers, technicians and designers showcase their skills in hopes of participating in a summer camp devoted to “serious fun.” See for prep info. Ages 10 and up. Montpelier City Hall, 5-7:30 p.m., free to audition; fee for camp participation. Info, 229-0492.

Maker Program: Crafty kiddos dig into different projects using the library’s materials and mentoring. Ages 8-11. Waterbury Public Library, 3-4 p.m., preregister. Info, 244-7036. FREE


Norwich Lego Tuesdays: Imaginative architects bust out blocks and get busy. Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Norwich Public Library, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Info, 649-1184. FREE

Mother’s Day

MOTHER’S DAY DROP-IN CRAFT: Children create a customized card for mom, complete with their photo. St. Albans Free Library, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 10 A.M.-8 P.M. Info, 524-1507. FREE

‘MUM’S THE WORD’: VERMONT VAUDEVILLE: In this Mother’s Day Weekend Spectacular, old-school entertainment combines with cutting-edge music, acrobatic stunts and comedy for a oneof-a-kind theater experience. Hardwick’s own Back Road BBQ food truck serves up savory fare, beginning two hours before performances. Hardwick Town House, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 7:30 P.M., FRIDAY, MAY 11, 7:30 P.M. AND SATURDAY, MAY 12, 2 & 7:30 P.M., $8-15; food available for purchase. Info, 472-8987.

EASY-AS-PIE 5K AND FAMILY FUN RUN: Families of all fitness abilities lace up to raise funds for the Child Care Center in a 5K or a fun run around the green, then enjoy a post-race pie party, craft making for Mother’s Day presents and more. Races begin at 11 a.m. Norwich Town Green, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 10 A.M., $13.28–$22.76. Info, 649-1403.

2 Wednesday


Bookworms: Third and fourth graders get together for lively reading and discussion around chapter books celebrating diversity. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3:30 p.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE


WALK: The library pairs up with the Stranahan Forest Stewardship Committee for an afternoon’s amble in search of spring ephemerals. Meet at the Stranahan Forest parking lot at the beginning of Thompson Road. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1-4 P.M. Info, 426-3581. FREE

MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH & BOWL: On this day just for mamas, families celebrate with sweet and savory treats, live music and a rose and glass of bubbly for each mother. Stowe Bowl, SUNDAY, MAY 13, 11 A.M.-1 P.M. $25 per hour includes shoes. Info, 253-2494.

MOTHER’S DAY TEA: Mum basks in her special day with an elegant menu and complimentary flowers. Perennial Pleasures Nursery, East Hardwick, SUNDAY, MAY 13, 11 A.M.-4 P.M., reservations required. Info, 472-5104.

SPRINGTIME AT SHELBURNE MUSEUM: Families celebrate Mother’s Day with a stroll around the Museum’s grounds, a visit to the special exhibit “In the Garden,” spring art activities and a plant sale. Sesame Street character Elmo welcomes visitors and steps into photo shoots. Shelburne Museum, SUNDAY, MAY 13, 10 A.M.-3 P.M., regular museum admission, $8-25; free for members and children under 5. Info, 985-3346.

Family Game Day: Grownups and youngsters rally for a weekly round of tabletop fun. Free meals available for ages 18 and under. Winooski Memorial Library, 3-6 p.m. Info, 655-6424. FREE

Read to Daisy the Therapy Dog: Book buffs bring a selection from home or borrow from the library to amuse an attentive canine. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:30-4:30 p.m., preregister online. Info, 878-6956. FREE

Reading Buddies: Little literati pair up with volunteers for literacy and laughs. Kindergarten and up. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 3:30-4:30 p.m., preregistration appreciated but not required. Info, 264-5660. FREE

Yoga for Kids: Young yogis engage their energy and explore breathing exercises and relaxation poses with professional instructor Melissa from Evolution Yoga. Ages 2-5. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE


Fit Moms: Expectant mamas work out together, preparing for labor with cardio, strength, stretching and breathing. Northwestern Medical Center, St. Albans, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Info, 288-1141. FREE


Tots on the Turf: Little ones move and groove with forts, games and free play. Caregiver supervision required. Stowe Arena, 10-11 a.m., $5 per child. Info, 253-6138.


Killington Lego Club: Busy kiddos build with plastic blocks, inspired by a weekly theme. Ages 6 and up; children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Sherburne Memorial Library, Killington, 3-4 p.m. Info, 422-9765. FREE

Rutland Library Book Sale: Bibliophiles thumb through thousands of hardcovers, paperbacks, puzzles and more. Rutland Free Library, 3-7 p.m. Info, 773-1860.


Randolph Lego Wednesdays: Aspiring architects construct creatively while chatting. Kimball Public Library, Randolph, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Info, 728-5073. FREE


Walk-Through Wednesday at Orchard Valley: Parents checking out an alternative eduction for their children tour classrooms for grades 1-8, a mixed-age kindergarten and Farm & Forest classes. For adults. Orchard Valley Waldorf School, East Montpelier, 8:30-10:30 a.m., preregister. Info, 456-7400. FREE


‘Islandborn’ Story Time: In celebration of Children’s Book Week, little listeners soak up Junot Diaz’s picture book about creativity and diversity. Phoenix Books Misty Valley, Chester, 4-5 p.m. Info, 875-3400. FREE

Sensory Lab for Tots: Wee ones explore selfguided art stations, including finger painting, modeling dough, moon sand and more. Ages 5 and under; adult supervision required. ArtisTree/Purple Crayon, South Pomfret, 9:30-11:30 a.m., $5 per family. Info, 457-3500.

Story and Yoga Time with Angel: Angel Rubino of the North Chapel Spiritual Exploration for Children and Families Committee leads little ones and caregivers in storytelling, movement, meditation and more. Ages 2-6 with adult. Norman Williams Public Library, Woodstock, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Info, 457-2295. FREE

Shelburne Museum

3 Thursday


Hardwick Lego Club: Fledgling architects construct collaboratively with colorful blocks. Jeudevine Memorial Library, Hardwick, 2:45-5 p.m. Info, 472-5948. FREE


‘Screenagers’ Viewing: Hosted by Lake Champlain Waldorf School, this documentary explores the influence of technology on teens and how adults might empower children to navigate the digital world. Followed by a brief discussion. Lake Champlain Waldorf High School, Shelburne, 7-9 p.m., RSVP. Info, 985-2827, ext.212. FREE

Afterschool Arts: Library Mural Project: Local painter Laurel Waters leads aspiring artists in a large creative project. Youngsters learn some art history, too. Ages 5-10. Carpenter-Carse Library, Hinesburg, 3-4:30 p.m. Info, 482-2878. FREE

Audubon Homeschool Program: Homebased learners use the outdoor classroom to explore a variety of seasonal topics, from insect investigations to wilderness skills. Ages 6-8. Parent attendance optional. Audubon Vermont, Huntington, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., $20-25, preregister. Info, 434-3068.


List your class or camp here for only $20 per month! Submit the listing by May 15 at or to

BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: The future of our nation lays on the courage, confidence and determination of its people. Our Kids BJJ Program promotes self-esteem, self-confidence, character development and a physical outlet with discipline, cooperation with other children, respect for peers and adults, perseverance and a healthy lifestyle. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu will help your kids to learn realistic bully-proofing and self-defense skills that they can use for the rest of their lives! Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu builds endurance, patience and self-respect. Give your kids the ability to get stronger, gain confidence and build resilience! Our sole purpose is to help empower people by giving them practices they can carry with them thorough out life. Remember you are raising children, not flowers. First class is free! Please stop by our school at 55 Leroy Road, Williston; call 598-2839; visit or email to register your son or daughter!


Babytime: Infants through pre-walkers have a ball with books, rhymes, songs and socializing. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:15-11 a.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE

Colchester Lego Club: Mini-makers participate in surprise challenges with interlocking toys. Ages 6-10. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 4 p.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE

Food for Thought Teen Group: Young adults polish o pizza as they ponder library projects. Grades 7-12. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 4-5 p.m. Info, 878-4918. FREE

Read to Archie the Therapy Dog: An attentive canine listens to little people read. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:15-4:15 p.m., preregistration appreciated. Info, 878-6956. FREE

Williston Preschool Music: Lively tunes with local musicians strike the right note among the wee crowd. Second Thursdays feature Spanish music with Constancia Gomez. Ages 5 and under with a caregiver. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m., limited to one session per week per family. Info, 878-4918. FREE

See Dr. First videos “First With Kids” at


Franklin Lego Thursdays: Kiddie constructionists combine their creativity with the library’s supplies. Haston Library, Franklin, 2-5 p.m. Info, 285-6505. FREE

PJ Story Time: Children chill in their jammies while crafting and listening to stories. Ages 6 and under. Fairfax Community Library, 6-7 p.m. Info, 849-2420. FREE

St. Albans Circle of Parents for Foster & Adoptive Families: Parents share childrearing stories to strengthen skills and build strong families. Franklin County Seniors Center, St. Albans, 5:30-7:30 p.m., preregister. Info, 524-1700. FREE


Art Play Kite Making and Flying: Little ones create colorful kites, then launch their masterpieces, weather permitting. Ages 5 and under with adult. Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, 10-11:30 a.m. Info, 253-8358. FREE

EVOKIDS AND EVOBABIES YOGA CLASSES: Now in Burlington and Essex Junction! Register now for our spring sessions of baby and kids yoga, ages 6 months to teens. Weekday and weekend classes available in both locations: Evolution Family Yoga Center, 20 Kilburn St., Burlington and The Barns at Lang Farm, Essex Junction. Info,


AT EVOLUTION PRENATAL YOGA CENTER: Have a more comfortable pregnancy and prepare for birth with stretching, strengthening and relaxation in prenatal yoga, then bring body back to balance and strength in postnatal yoga. Join our community of mothers at any point in your pregnancy, and 6 weeks or later in your postpartum time (until baby is crawling). No yoga experience necessary. Prenatal Yoga: Saturdays, 11:30 am; Sundays 10:15 am; Mondays, 5:45 pm; Tuesdays, 4:15 pm; Wednesdays, 5:45 pm; Thursdays, 12:30 pm; Fridays, 8:15 pm. Postnatal Yoga: Sundays, 12:15 pm; Tuesdays 10 am; Thursdays, 10:45 am; Fridays, 8:15 am and noon. Drop-ins welcome, $15/class, $130/10-class pass or $75/monthly unlimited. Location: Evolution Prenatal Yoga Center, 20 Kilburn Street, Burlington. Info,

Pre-K Art Play: Toddlers drop-in and create self-directed projects with diverse art supplies. Ages 1-4; caregiver required. Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, 10-11:30 a.m., $5. Info, 253-8358.


Lag b’Omer Campfire Singalong: To celebrate this spring holiday of gratitude, local guitar players strum songs around a crackling fire while small ones sing. Ages 12 and under with caregivers. Beth Jacob Synagogue, Montpelier, 5-7 p.m., light vegetarian dinner provided. Info, 505-3657. FREE

4 Friday


Middlebury Bike and Outdoor Gear Swap: Folks in search of spruced-up wheels and gear check out deals from Frog Hollow Bikes, Middlebury Mountaineer and Forth ’N Goal. Drop o bikes and gear at Frog Hollow Bikes Monday, April 30- Friday, May 4th at noon. Cannon Park, Middlebury, 3-6 p.m., proceeds benefit Middlebury Safe Routes. Info, 861-2700.


Art Play Day: See May 1.

Classical Music Encounters: Essex High School sophomores, Henry and Nathan Wu, share their love of classical compositions through a violin and cello performance and conversation. All ages. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 7-8 p.m. Info, 878-6956.

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Providing a mixed-aged, developmental program for children 18 months through 12 years of age.

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A child-centered alternative education.

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All inquiries: 802-479-0912

... dedicated to the philosophy and teachings of Maria Montessori

4 FRIDAY, P.42
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Science & Nature

MAY STORY TIME PROGRAMS FOR PRESCHOOLERS: Junior farmhands have fun with a story and farm visit, a hands-on activity and a snack.

Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, WEDNESDAYS, 9-10:30 A.M., $3-5 includes farm admission, preregister. Info, 457-2355.

SCIENCE & STORIES AT ECHO: Preschoolers rally ’round for nature-inspired tales and activities. ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, WEDNESDAYS, 10:30 A.M., THROUGH MAY 16, regular museum admission, $11.50-14.50; free for children under 3. Info, 864-1848.

FRIDAY MORNING BIRD WALK: Led by expert birders and naturalists, eagle-eyed avian aficionados search for spring migrants like warblers, vireos, thrushes and waterfowl in rotating birding hotspots around Montpelier. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, FRIDAYS, 7-8:30 A.M., $10; free for members; RSVP requested. Info, 229-6206.


OUT BURLINGTON: Rain or shine, families plant trees while enjoying live music and dance by local celebrities

Robert Resnik and On

The Border Morris, refreshments, and door prizes. No dogs.

UVM Horticultural Nursery, South Burlington, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 9-11 A.M. Info, 656-5440. FREE

TOUR THE COSMOS: This 50-minute live presentation takes the audience on a journey deep into the universe.

Ages 6 and up. Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium, St. Johnsbury, SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, 1:30 P.M., $6 plus regular museum admission, $7-9; free for children under 5. Info, 748-2372.

DAIRY DAY AT THE FARM: Farm enthusiasts meet spring calves and their mamas, ride on a wagon through the pastures and check out the afternoon milking. Shelburne Farms, SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1-4 P.M., $5 per carload; free for walkers. Info, 985-8686.

DRAFT ANIMAL DAY: Teams of oxen, working steers and draft horses wow visitors with large animal power in the Billings Farm fields. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, SUNDAY, MAY 6, 10

A.M.-5 P.M., regular museum admission, $4-16; free for children under 3. Info, 457-2355.

BOOKS AND BEYOND! SCIENCE FOR PRESCHOOLERS: Children’s literature and hands-on science activities engage eager youngsters. Ages 3-5 with caregiver. Montshire Museum of Science, Norwich, MONDAY, MAY 7, 10:15 & 11:30 A.M., regular museum admission, $12-15; free for children under 2. Info, 649-2200.

CELEBRATE SPRING: THE SCIENCE OF THE SEASON: Curious naturalists of all ages investigate spring’s new life by holding a baby chick, dissecting a wildflower, exploring the outdoors with a guided walk, observing insects and amphibians up close, and much more. Montshire Museum of Science, Norwich, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 11 A.M.-4 P.M., regular museum admission, $12-15; free for children under 2. Info, 649-2200.

4 Friday (cont.)

Family Gym: Indoor playground equipment provides tiny tumblers a chance to run free. Ages 7 and under. Greater Burlington YMCA, 10:15-11:45 a.m., $5-8 per family; free for members. Info, 862-9622.

MONTHLY WILDLIFE WALK: Otter Creek Audubon Society and the Middlebury Area Land Trust invite community members to survey birds and other wildlife. Birders of all ages and abilities welcome. Meet at the Otter View Park parking area. Otter View Park, Middlebury, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 7-10 A.M. Info, 388-1007. FREE

OAKLEDGE PARK TREE PLANTING DAY: The Burlington Parks, Recreation & Waterfront Department and Audubon Vermont celebrate International Migratory Bird Day by planting 1,000 bird-friendly native plants as part of a wetland restoration project. Tools and gloves provided. Oakledge Park, Burlington, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 10 A.M.-2:30 P.M., preregister. Info, 434-3068. FREE

WORLD MIGRATORY BIRD DAY: A 7 a.m. bird walk for ages 10 and up starts off this internationally celebrated day and its theme of Unifying Our Voices for Bird Conservation. Live bird ambassadors meet and greet avian aficionados of all ages from 10 a.m. to noon. Shelburne Farms, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 7 A.M.-NOON, regular museum admission, $5-8; free for members and children under 3. Info, 985-8686.

FLOWERS AND FAIRY HOUSES: Miniexplorers bring their wings (real or imagined) and venture into spring wildflowers to build their own magical houses. Ages 3-5, with adult companion. Audubon Vermont, Huntington, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 9-10:30 A.M., $8-10 adult-child pair, $4 additional child, preregister. Info, 434-3068.

WATER CRITTER WONDERS: Nature lovers pull on their mud boots to explore a pond and examine the amazing adaptations of its inhabitants. Recommended for ages 5 and up with an adult. Shelburne Farms, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 9:30-11:30 A.M. & 12:30-2:30

P.M. $6/3-7/4 adult/child pair, preregister. Info, 985-8686.

SPRING BIRD WALK: Local father and son duo, Taber and Alexander Allison, lead spring songbird admirers on an insightful stroll. Meet at the Stranahan Forest parking lot at the beginning of Thompson Road. Raindate Saturday, May 26. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, SUNDAY, MAY 20, Info, 426-3581. FREE

BIRD-MONITORING WALK: Eagle-eyed participants bring binoculars to search the museum’s property for fluttering feathers. Best for adults and older children. Please bring your own binoculars. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 7:30-9 A.M., donations welcome, preregistration encouraged. Info, 434-2167.

SHEEP SHEARING & HERDING: Young farmhands watch as Southdown ewes get haircuts and border collies herd sheep in the fields. Fiber and hands-on carding demos and tours of the operating dairy farm round out the day. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, SATURDAY, MAY 26 AND SUNDAY, MAY 27, 10 A.M.-5 P.M., regular museum admission, $4-16; free for children under 3. Info, 457-2355.

Family Wheel Drop-In: Parents and kids form clay sculptures with assistance from staff and try out the pottery wheel. BCA Studios, Burlington, 5-7 p.m., $9-10 per participant; $5 additional for each piece fired and glazed. Info, 865-7157.

Jedi Training Academy: Stars Wars lovers build lightsabers, practice using the Force, create Jedi names and savor snacks. Costumes welcome. Ages 5-9. CarpenterCarse Library, Hinesburg, 3-4 p.m., preregister. Info, 482-2878. FREE

Kids Music With Linda ‘Tickle Belly’ Bassick: Toe-tapping tunes captivate kiddies. Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 a.m. Info, 660-9346. FREE Magic: The Gathering: Planeswalkers seek knowledge and glory in this trading-card game. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6-8 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE

Preschool Fun: Small ones sing songs, hear stories and play with a parachute. Ages 2 and up. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-10:30 a.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE

Sesame Street in Communities: Building Literacy Skills and Beyond: Tara Wright, Professional Development Manager in the U.S. Social Impact Department at Sesame Workshop, explores with educators and community members how to use this program to promote literacy in the home and the classroom. Shelburne Museum, 2-5 p.m., preregister. Info, 985-3346. FREE

Star Wars Day: Force fans have fun with Jedi training, a lightsaber challenge and photo-ops with special costumed characters. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE

Star Wars Day: May the Force be with you in this evening of Star Wars-themed crafts and books. Costumes encouraged. All ages. Phoenix Books, Essex Junction, 6-8 p.m. Info, 871-7111. FREE

Tot Shabbat: Preschoolers and their families rally together for singing, movement, stories, kiddush and more, followed by a vegetarian potluck. Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Burlington, 5:45-6:45 p.m. Info, 864-0218. FREE

Tot Yoga: Mamas, papas and small ones stretch themselves with stories, songs, and silliness. Ages 2-5. Jericho Town Library, 3-4 p.m., preregistration required. Info, 899-4686. FREE


Tots on the Turf: See May 2.


Craftsbury Lego Club: Petite ones build with plastic blocks and chat companionably. Ages 4-12. Craftsbury Public Library, Craftsbury Common, 3-4:30 p.m. Info, 586-9683. FREE

A sheep at Billings Farm


Montpelier Mayfest: The capital city swings into the spring season with weekend festivities including an Art Walk, an all-you-can-eat breakfast, an ultimate frisbee tournament, a bike swap and the farmers’ market opening day. See for specific dates and times. Downtown Montpelier, fees for some venues. Info, 223-9604. FREE


Bethel First Friday Flicks: Families flock together for free films on the first Friday of each month. Seating available or bring blankets and beanbags. Bethel Town Hall, 6:30-8:30 p.m., donations accepted; popcorn and drinks available for purchase. Info, 234-6305.

Branch Out Teen Night: Teens enjoy time together with monthly themed activities. Grades 7-12. ArtisTree/Purple Crayon, South Pomfret, 6-9:45 p.m. Info, 457-3500.


Foodways Fridays: Guests tour the heirloom garden, then watch as veggies make their way into historic recipes prepared in the 1890 farmhouse kitchen, with di erent menus every Friday. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., regular museum admission, $4-16; free for children under 3. Info, 457-2355.

5 Saturday


Middlebury Bike and Outdoor Gear Swap: See May 4, 9 a.m.-noon.

Middlebury Farmers Market: Crafts, cheeses, breads, veggies, eggs and more vie for spots in shoppers’ totes. Middlebury VFW, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.


Caledonia Farmers Market: Freshly baked goods, veggies, beef and maple syrup figure prominently in displays of “shop local” options. St. Johnsbury Farmers Market, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Info, 592-3088.


Alpine Shop Bike Swap: Cyclists in search of a new-to-them ride shop a selection of pre-owned wheels amid music and food. Drop o used bikes from April 28 to May 4. The Alpine Shop, Burlington, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Info, 862-2714.

‘Chasing Coral’ Film Presentation: Film aficionados take in a documentary about a team of divers, photographers and scientists who set out to discover why world coral reefs are rapidly disappearing. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 2-3:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE

Earl’s Bike Swap: Cyclists of all ages looking to upgrade their wheels choose from a variety of pedal-powered vehicles. Check in your used bike on Thursday, May 3, or Friday, May 4, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Earl’s Cyclery and Fitness, South Burlington, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Info, 864-9197.

EvoKids Saturday Drop-In Yoga: Youngsters master basic yoga poses through games, songs and dance. Mindfulness activities improve focus and concentration. Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga Center, Burlington, 11:45 a.m.12:30 p.m., $15. Info, 899-0339.

Family Mini-Craft Workshop: Families start the weekend by pursuing projects in workshops with skills varying by week, including hand-building with clay, printmaking and visual arts. Ages 6 and up.

Shelburne Craft School, 10 a.m.-noon, preregister, $25 per person. Info, 985-3648.

Flourish Farm Open House: This cricket farm, devoted to raising and harvesting organic crickets for human and pet consumption, welcomes in the public for tours, samples, a ra e and kids’ activities.

Flourish Farm, Williston, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Info, 497-1573. FREE

Kids Building Workshop: Handy helpers learn do-it-yourself skills and tool safety as they construct seasonal projects. Ages 5-12. Home Depot, Williston, 9 a.m.-noon, preregister at

Info, 872-0039. FREE

Kids Day & Parade: A 9:30 a.m. parade beginning at College and Church Streets — new location this year — kicks o the festivities, then families enjoy a STEAMthemed day at the waterfront with bucket truck rides, helmet decorating, e-bike demos, live entertainment, a large activity tent, life-size games, a softball derby and even more. Waterfront Park, Burlington, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m.; food available for purchase; free lunch from the Burlington School Food Project for children under 18.

Info, 881-7767. FREE

Mayfest: Folks celebrate spring with maypole dancing, flower-crown making, face painting, pony rides, live music and refreshments. Lake Champlain Waldorf School, Shelburne, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; food for sale and small fee for pony rides. Info, 985-2827.

Paint and Sippy Cup: In conjunction with Milton Recreation and the Milton Artists Guild, local artist Julie Gri s guides parents and children to make masterpieces. Snacks served. Ages 3-5 with caregivers. Milton Public Library, 10 a.m. Info, 893-4644. FREE

Read to Cleo The Therapy Dog: Canine and reading enthusiasts visit with a personable pooch. Milton Public Library, 10 a.m., preregister. Info, 893-4644. FREE

Skirack Bike Swap: Active families peruse wheeled o erings, plus car racks, bike shoes, child carriers, tricycles and inline skates. Items for the swap accepted from Monday, April 30-Friday, May 4. Ski Rack, Burlington, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Info, 658-3313.

Story Time With City Market: Youngsters enjoy Eliza Wheeler’s Miss Maple’s Seeds, a story about nature-loving Miss Maple, who celebrates the miracle in each seed — perfect for fans of Miss Rumphius; followed by a seed starting activity. Phoenix Books, Burlington, 11 a.m.-noon. Info, 448-3350. FREE

Storytime for Kids – En Français: French native and experienced teacher, Caroline Juneau, leads little ones in an immersion storytime, from beginners to bilinguals. Ages 2-10. Alliance Francais of the Lake Champlain Region, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m., $5, $2 for each additional sibling; free for members. Info, 881-8826.

Webby’s Art Studio: Wind Power: Curious kiddos sculpt a foil weathervane inspired by the Museum’s collections. Shelburne Museum, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., regular museum admission, $8-25; free for members and children under 5. Info, 985-3346.

Weekend Fun at Vermont Teddy Bear Company: Families enjoy indoor fun with a factory tour, sit down to tea with the bears and check out the coloring area. Vermont four-year-olds who preregister for the Vermont Cub Project receive a free teddy bear for a best friend. Vermont Teddy Bear Company, Shelburne, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 985-3001. FREE


Kids’ Craft: DIY Bike Streamers: In honor of National Bike Month, junior cyclists create cool streamers for their twowheeled rigs. St. Albans Free Library, 1 p.m., preregister. Info, 524-1507. FREE

Little Explorer Nature Adventure Program: Eager naturalists-in-training search out the secrets of the world with Kurt Valenta and his hands-on nature approach, in various community sites during the school year. Ages 3-10 with parent participation. Highgate Public Library, Highgate Center, 9:15 a.m., preregister. Info, 868-3970. FREE


Spanish Musical Kids: Buenos Aires native Constancia Gomez shares stories, singing, dancing and Latin culture with small ones and caregivers. Ages 5 and under. Varnum Memorial Library, Je ersonville, 10-11

Info, 644-2117. FREE

5 SATURDAY, P.44 SUBMIT YOUR JUNE EVENTS FOR PRINT BY MAY 15 AT KIDSVT.COM OR CALENDAR@KIDSVT.COM See Dr. First videos “First With Kids” at Looking for a story time? Check out our voluminous list at Healthy Home Assessments Are you raising your kids in the he althiest ho me po ss ible? Mention the promo code SUMMER18 to get 18% off all services when you book by August 1, 2018 Learn how to remove neurotoxins, carcinogens, hormone disruptors, allergens, & more from your home BOOK ONLINE W -Mail! Wee-Mail sponsored by: Find information about local events and parenting resources every Thursday in the Kids VT Wee-Mail. Visit to subscribe today. 8v-Wee-Mail-0217.indd 1 1/26/17 5:21 PM

Live Performances

‘SILENT SKY’: Lauren Gunderson’s play portrays the true story of astronomer Henrietta Leavitt, who was denied access to the Grand Refractor Telescope, but made discoveries as she fought for her rights, her work and herself at the turn of the 20th century. Ages 9 and up. Lost Nation Theater, Montpelier City Hall Auditorium, THURSDAYS-SATURDAYS, 7:30 P.M. AND SUNDAYS, 2 P.M., THROUGH MAY 6, $10-30. Info, 229-0492.

CASHORE MARIONETTES: ‘LIFE IN MOTION’: Joseph Cashore and his puppets perform a series of scenes taken from everyday life and set to classical music by composers including Beethoven, Vivaldi, Strauss and Copland. Best for young adults and adults. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 7 P.M., $10-18. Info, 388-1436.

‘HARRY THE DIRTY DOG’: Based on the classic picture book by Gene Zion, ArtsPower performs a musical about the little white dog who didn’t want a bath — and his loving family. Grades K-2. Barre Opera House, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 10 A.M., $8; call for reservations. Info, 476-8188.

MIDDLEBURY COMMUNITY MUSIC CENTER CONCERT: Students and faculty entertain the audience with musical selections including bluegrass, classical, jazz and more. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1 P.M., $10-20; proceeds benefit access to MCMC music instruction. Info, 388-1436.

‘SHH!...WE HAVE A PLAN’ MUSICAL READING WITH RANDAL PIERCE: Families fill the Flynn’s lobby as this locally beloved musician and friends perform an interactive children’s book reading with musical soundscapes. Ages 3 and up. Flynn Center for the Performing Arts, Burlington, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 10-11 A.M. Info, 652-4500. FREE


CONCERT: Conductor Lou Kosma starts the spring season with selections from composers including Haydn and Brahms, and also features the Randolph Singers with Marjorie and M. Dickey Drysdale as directors. Chandler Music Hall, Randolph, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 7:30 P.M., $5-20. Info, 229-4191.

EAT, DRINK & SKATE: Skaters from the Leddy Park Arena group lesson program and members of the Champlain Valley Skating Club enchant the audience with solos and group numbers in a Flavorful Celebration of Skating. Leddy Park Arena, Burlington, SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1 P.M., by donation; non-perishable food items accepted for the Burlington Food Shelf. Info, 864-0123.


CONCERT: Conductor Lou Kosma starts the spring season with selections from composers including Haydn and Brahms, and also features the Randolph Singers with Marjorie and M. Dickey Drysdale as directors. Barre Opera House, SUNDAY, MAY 6, 2 P.M. $5-20. Info, 229-4191.

NONVERBAL ‘SHH ... WE HAVE A PLAN’: This wordless performance features actors, music and puppets in this tale about an adventurous family who find a bird in the forest and discover the importance of engaging respectfully and kindly toward nature. The performance is ASL interpreted and presented in a sensory-friendly format. Flynn Center for the Performing Arts, Burlington, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 6-7 P.M., $15-25. Info, 863-5966.

CELEBRATION OF DANCE: Vermont Ballet Theater Co. returns to the Flynn’s stage to dazzle an audience of all ages with a performance of classical and contemporary pieces, with a new work from guest choreographer Carla Wuthrich. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1 & 6:30 P.M., $17-25. Info, 863-5966.

‘CHILDREN OF THE THIEVES’: Vermont Youth Theater, with a cast of 43 actors and singers ages 6-16, amuse the audience with gnomes, a witch, enchanted trees, song, dance, adventure and more. Ages 4 and up. Plainfield Town Hall Opera House, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 7 P.M. AND SUNDAY, MAY 27, 2 & 7 P.M., $15. Info, 454-1286.

RADIO BEAN WITH LIZ BUCHANAN: With singing partner Gordon MacFarland, this seasoned performer gets the crowd dancing and singing with cool tunes. Radio Bean, Burlington, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 11 A.M. Info, 660-9346. FREE Liz Buchanan at Radio Bean

5 Saturday (cont.)


Capital City Farmers Market: Veggies, honey, maple syrup and more change hands at a celebration of farm-grown food and handmade crafts. Downtown Montpelier, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Info, 223-2958.

Green Mountain Youth Symphony

Auditions: Talented youngsters of all experience levels try out for placement in the GMYS’s three orchestras for the fall season and August camp. Center for Arts and Learning, Montpelier, $25; preregister for a specific time. Info, 888-4470.

Montpelier Bike Swap: Cyclists prepare for the upcoming season by trading in their old bikes, trailers and strollers for di erent models. Sellers drop o their wheels Sunday, April 29-Friday, May 4. Langdon St., Montpelier, 9 a.m.-noon. Info, 225-6736. Montpelier Mayfest: See May 4.

Spring Fling Flyers: Crafty kids learn step-by-step instructions for folding paper airplanes. Ages 9-14. Morse Farm Maple Sugarworks, Montpelier, 1-2 p.m., preregister. Info, 223-2740. FREE

Vermont Granite Museum Season Opening

Extravaganza: Granite sculptors Chris Miller, Ryan Mays and Heather Milne Ritchie show families how to make their own creations from clay, PVC pipes, rigid and soft foam blocks, and cardboard. Live music and the unveiling of a new granite sculpture add to this festive summer opening. Vermont Granite Museum, Barre, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; food and beverages available for purchase. Info, 476-4605. FREE


‘The Rabbit Listened’ Story Time: In celebration of National Children’s Book Week, small ones soak up Cori Doerrfeld’s wise and funny tale. Phoenix Books Misty Valley, Chester, 2 p.m. Info, 875-3400. FREE

Family Clay: Children and their parents make memories firing and glazing special pieces. All ages. ArtisTree/Purple Crayon, South Pomfret, 10 a.m.-noon, $20 per parentchild pair, $5 per additional family member. Info, 457-3500.


Green Up Day: Community members spi up the state for summer. Various locations statewide. Info, 229-4586. FREE



Human Powered Parade: Beginning with a 10 a.m. community BMX show featuring the Krusher Stunt Team and a bike decorating bash, families roll their footpedaled vehicles — bikes, skateboards, tricycles and unicycles — along a 2.5 mile course with pauses for dancing, interactive art and general zaniness. Following festivities include food vendors, bike-powered smoothies, youth games and music by local funk trio Band of the Land. Bristol Skatepark, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., donations accepted; funds raised support Addison County Safe Routes to School. Info, 503-9774.

See Dr. First videos “First With Kids” at


Alpine Shop Bike Swap: See May 5, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

COTS Walk: On a 3.5 mile trek, participants follow the path a homeless person in our community might take, visiting various programs and shelters run by the Committee on Temporary Shelter and raising funds to support this program. Check-in, 1 p.m.; walk begins at 2 p.m. Battery Park, Burlington, donations accepted. Info, 864-7402.

Earl’s Bike Swap: See May 5, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Essex Open Gym: Energy-filled kids flip, jump and tumble in a state-of-the-art facility. Ages 6 and under, 1 p.m.; ages 7-12, 2:30 p.m.; ages 13 and up, 4 p.m. Regal Gymnastics Academy, Essex, 1-5:30 p.m., $8-14. Info, 655-3300.

Family Gym: See May 4. Milton Community Fun Run: In Color: Athletes of all ages and abilities run or walk a 1- or 2-mile loop, or a full 5K, through a rainbow shower. Festivities include music, a bouncy house and dancing. Registration opens at 10 a.m. Bombardier Park, Milton, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., preregister to raise funds for field trips for Milton Elementary and Middle School; food available for purchase.

Skirack Bike Swap: See May 5, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.


All Species Day: Neighbors dress up as their favorite species and parade to the State House lawn for a Birth of Spring Pageant, maypole dancing and warm-weather celebrations. Hubbard Park, Montpelier, noon. Info, 223-1242. FREE

Montpelier Mayfest: See May 4.

7 Monday


Colchester Crafts for Kids: Clever kiddos pursue artsy projects. Ages 5-10. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE

Colchester Preschool Music: Bitty ones dance and sing to a brisk beat. Ages 3-5. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 11:30 a.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE

Milton Circle of Parents: Moms and dads meet to strengthen parenting skills and socialize, with a focus on guardianship. New Life Fellowship Church, Milton, 6:30-8 p.m., preregister. Info, 498-0607. FREE

Pajama Story Time: Flannel-clad wee ones tote their stu ed toys for tales. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 6:30 p.m. Info, 878-4918. FREE

Stories with Megan: Little listeners learn and laugh. Ages 2-5. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE Williston Preschool Music: See May 3, 11 a.m.



Babies & Toddlers Rock: Mini-musicians ages 2 and under sing songs and engage in early literacy activities. Rutland Free Library, 10-10:30 a.m. Info, 773-1860. FREE


Young Adult Book Club: Teens make merry conversation about You’re Welcome, Universe, by Whitney Gardner. Grades 7-12. Phoenix Books Misty Valley, Chester, 4 p.m. Info, 875-3400. FREE

8 Tuesday


Art Play Day: See May 1.

Creative Tuesdays: See May 1.

Spanish Musical Kids: See May 1.

Winooski Lego Club: See May 1.


Sewing Club: Stuffed Animals: See May 1.


Maker Program: See May 1.


Norwich Lego Tuesdays: See May 1.

9 Wednesday


Bookworms: See May 2.

Family Game Day: See May 2. High School Observation Morning: Students and parents interested in finding out more about the Waldorf philosophy tour classes, meet faculty and ask questions. Lake Champlain Waldorf High School, Shelburne, 8:30-10 a.m., RSVP. Info, 985-2827, ext. 212.

Read to Daisy the Therapy Dog: See May 2.

Yoga for Kids: See May 2.

Young Writers & Storytellers: Small ones spin their own yarns. Ages 5-11. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 4-5 p.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE


Fairfax Lego Club: Amateur architects construct creatively with colorful blocks. Ages 6 and up. Fairfax Community Library, 3-4 p.m., preregister. Info, 849-2420. FREE

Fit Moms: See May 2.


Killington Lego Club: See May 2.


Randolph Lego Wednesdays: See May 2.


History for Homeschoolers: Eager learners launch into history-related activities organized around monthly themes. Ages 7-12. Check for specific details. Vermont History Museum, Montpelier, 1-3 p.m., $6.50-8, preregister. Space is limited. Info, 828-1413.


Sensory Lab for Tots: See May 2. Story and Yoga Time with Angel: See May 2.

10 Thursday


Hardwick Lego Club: See May 3.


Afterschool Arts: Library Mural Project: See May 3.

Audubon Homeschool Program: Homebased learners use the outdoor classroom to explore a variety of seasonal topics, from forests and trees to wildlife tracking.

Ages 9-12. Parent attendance is optional. Audubon Vermont, Huntington, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., $20-25, preregister. Info, 434-3068.

Babytime: See May 3.

Colchester Lego Club: See May 3.

Preschool Through 8th Grade Waldorf

Observation Morning: Prospective families take a classroom tour, partake in tea and Q&A and learn about this independent school’s programs. Lake Champlain Waldorf School, Shelburne, 8:30-10 a.m., RSVP. Info, 985-2827, ext. 212. FREE

Read to Archie the Therapy Dog: See May 3.

SoundCheck: Hosted by slam poet Rajnii Eddins, the Young Writers Project and Burlington City Arts sponsor a writing workshop for adolescent authors and an open mic at 7 p.m. Pizza provided. Burlington City Arts, 6-8:15 p.m. Info, 865-7166. FREE

Spanish Storytime: Wee ones and caregivers cozy in for stories, songs and games en español. Ages 5 and under. CarpenterCarse Library, Hinesburg, 9:30-10 a.m. Info, 482-2878. FREE

Ukulele Kids: Musical ones join Joe to sing and play to traditional children’s songs. All ages. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE

Williston Preschool Music: See May 3.


Franklin Lego Thursdays: See May 3.

St. Albans Library Legos: Eager architects engage in construction projects with their peers. St. Albans Free Library, 3-5 p.m. Info, 524-1507. FREE


Pre-K Art Play: See May 3.


History for Homeschoolers: See May 9.

11 Friday


Art Play Day: See May 1.

Kids have questions. We find answers.

11 FRIDAY, P.46

Scholarships available* for

Early Childhood and Special Education

VT-HEC pathway programs provide quality preparation and training to Vermont educators who are committed to working towards the success of every child and student.

Open to licensed Vermont educators wishing to add the endorsement and qualified individuals seeking initial licensure through peer review.

EARLY CHILDHOOD/EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATOR (EC/ECSE) PATHWAY TO LICENSURE PROGRAM: The EC coursework (18 credits) and the EC/Special Ed coursework (21 credits) intentionally overlap in some course areas before separating for the specific endorsement sought. Credits through Lyndon State College. First course: Advanced Child Development Dates: 6/16–7/28, 2018.

SPECIAL EDUCATOR PATHWAY TO LICENSURE PROGRAM: (21 credits) Credits through Castleton University. First course: History, Legal Issues, and Support Systems in Special Education Dates: 6/30 – 8/24, 2018.

* Partial scholarships may be available for eligible applicants.

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1/24/18 1:23 PM
A podcast for curious kids.
For more information, visit, or contact Julie Medose at k4t-VTHEC0518.indd 1 4/17/18 12:57 PM

New Parents

EVOLUTION PRENATAL YOGA: Mothersto-be build strength, stamina, comfort and a stronger connection to their baby. Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga Center, Burlington, MONDAYS, 5:45-7 P.M., TUESDAYS, 4:15-5:30 P.M., WEDNESDAYS, 5:45-7 P.M., THURSDAYS, 12:30-1:30 P.M., FRIDAYS, 8:15-9:15 A.M., SATURDAYS, 11:30 A.M.-12:30 P.M. AND SUNDAYS, 10-11:30 A.M., THROUGH MAY 21, $15, $130 for 10-class pass. Info, 899-0339.

PRENATAL METHOD PRENATAL YOGA: Women prepare for birth through yoga, with a focus on strengthening the body and mind. See for class descriptions. Prenatal Method Studio, Burlington, MONDAYS, 12:15-1:15 P.M., TUESDAYS, 4:30-5:30 P.M., WEDNESDAYS, 12:15-1:15 P.M., THURSDAYS, 4:30-5:30 P.M., AND SATURDAYS, 10:30-11:30 A.M., THROUGH MAY 21, $15. Info, 829-0211.

BOSOM BUDDIES: New and expectant mothers, babies and supportive grandmas rally in a relaxed evening, when peers and professionals answer mothering and breastfeeding questions. Central Vermont Medical Center, Berlin, FIRST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 5:30-7 P.M. Info, 371-4415. FREE

TODDLER LA LECHE LEAGUE MEETING: Moms who are nursing beyond a year share stories and solutions to nighttime parenting, mealtime tips, biting, weaning and other topics. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Middlebury, THIRD MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 1:30-2:30 P.M. Info, 388-0363. FREE

EVOLUTION POSTNATAL YOGA: New mamas tote their pre-crawling kids to an all-levels flowing yoga class focused on bringing the body back to strength and alignment in a relaxed and nurturing environment. Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga Center, Burlington, TUESDAYS, 11 A.M.-12:15 P.M., THURSDAYS, 10:45-11:55 A.M., FRIDAYS, 8:15-9:15 A.M. & NOON-1 P.M., AND SUNDAYS, 12:15-1:30 P.M., $15, $130 for a 10-class pass. Info, 899-0339.

MOM AND BABY YOGA: Brand-new mamas and their littles relax, stretch and bond. Followed by a free mothers’ gathering at 11:30 a.m. Embodied, Montpelier, TUESDAYS, 10:30-11:30 A.M. $11. Info, 223-5302.

PRENATAL YOGA: Moms-to-be stretch and bend. Embodied, Montpelier, TUESDAYS, 6-7:15 P.M., $16 per drop-in class. Info, 778-0300.

BOSOM BUDDIES TOO: Nursing mamas of toddlers and mobile wee ones socialize and swap supportive stories and advice with peers and professionals. Babies welcome. Central Vermont Medical Center, Berlin, FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 5:30-7 P.M. Info, 371-4415. FREE



LEAGUE: New moms bring their babies and questions to a breastfeeding support group. Older children welcome. Lending library available. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10:15 A.M. Info, 985-8228. FREE

LA LECHE LEAGUE OF THE NORTHEAST KINGDOM: Expectant, novice and experienced moms join nursing experts for advice and support. Enter through the children’s section of the library. Siblings welcome. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10:30 A.M.-NOON. Info, 720-272-8841. FREE

BREASTFEEDING CAFÉ: Mamas nurse their babies, chat and ask for answers from a certified lactation consultant. Pregnant women, supportive dads and older siblings welcome. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 11:30 A.M.-1 P.M. Info, 349-3825. FREE

JOHNSON BABY CHAT: Parents with babies mingle, learn more about developmental needs and expectations, and have the opportunity to ask questions of a maternal health specialist. Church of the Nazarene, Johnson, FOURTH TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10-11:30 A.M. Info, 888-5229. FREE

BURLINGTON EARLY MONTHS INFANT MASSAGE: This mother-infant group includes baby massage and postpartum new mama support. The Janet S. Munt Family Room, Burlington, WEDNESDAYS, 11 A.M.-NOON. Info, 862-2121. FREE

MIDDLEBURY LA LECHE LEAGUE MEETING AND PLAYGROUP: Families with infants and toddlers socialize and swap nursing stories. Junebug Mother and Child, Middlebury, FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10 A.M. Info, 388-1055. FREE

BREASTFEEDING FAMILIES GROUP: Nursing moms (and supportive dads, too!) gather for snacks and advice. Church of the Nazarene, Johnson, THIRD WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 11 A.M.-1 P.M. Info, 888-3470. FREE

MOMMY GROUP: Breastfeeding peer counselor Angela Scavo hosts mamas and answers questions in a relaxed setting. Middlebury Recreation Center, FOURTH WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 9:30-10:30 A.M. Info, 349-9084. FREE

ESSEX LA LECHE LEAGUE: Moms bring their bitty ones to a discussion of parenting and breastfeeding. Siblings welcome. Essex Free Library, Essex Junction, FIRST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 6:30-8 P.M. Info, 879-0313. FREE



PRENATAL CLASS: Expectant mamas and their partners learn the basics of breastfeeding, how to get off to the best start with their baby and where to find assistance when needed. Central Vermont Medical Center, Berlin, FIRST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 8-9:30 A.M. AND FOURTH TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 4:30-6 P.M. preregister. Info, 371-4415. FREE

HYDE PARK BABY CHAT: Parents with babies mingle, learn more about developmental needs and expectations, and have the opportunity to ask questions of a maternal health specialist. Lanpher Memorial Library, Hyde Park, FIRST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10-11:30 A.M. Info, 888-5229.

LA LECHE LEAGUE OF CENTRAL VERMONT: Breastfeeding mamas swap stories and support each other, with a professional available for consultation. Good Beginnings, Montpelier, THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 9:30-11:30 A.M. Info, 595-7953. FREE

BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT GROUP: Nursing mamas (and soon-to-be mothers!) make the most of La Leche League support while socializing with other moms and wee ones. Norman Williams Public Library, Woodstock, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 10:30 A.M.-NOON. Info, 281-731-7313. FREE

NEW PARENTS PLAYGROUP: Families with very small ones support each other, with assistance from staff. Birth Journeys, Burlington, FIRST AND THIRD FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10-11:30 A.M., suggested donation $3. Info, 233-7909.

MAMA’S CIRCLE BARRE: This supportive gathering brings moms of new babies and toddlers together to foster friendship through unique-but-shared experiences. Yoga Barre, SECOND FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 9:30-11:30 A.M. Info, 595-7953. FREE

NURSING BEYOND A YEAR: In a supportive setting, mothers discuss the joys and challenges of breastfeeding children approaching one year old and beyond. Good Beginnings, Montpelier, THIRD FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 9:30-11:30 A.M. Info, 595-7953. FREE

MORRISVILLE BABY CHAT: Parents with babies socialize, learn more about developmental needs and expectations, and have the opportunity to ask questions of a maternal health specialist. Lamoille Family Center, Morrisville, SECOND SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10-11:30 A.M. Info, 888-5229.

11 Friday (cont.)

Dungeons & Dragons: With a new dungeon master, players embark on invented adventures, equipped with their problem-solving skills. Grades 6 and up. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE

Family Gym: See May 4.

Family Wheel Drop-In: See May 4.

Kids Music With Linda ‘Tickle Belly’ Bassick: See May 4.

Live-Action Role Play: LARPers create characters and plots in an amazing and imaginary adventure. Middle and high school students. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3-5 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE

Milton Homeschool Project Day: Outof-classroom learners share projects with other homeschooling families. Milton Public Library, 1 p.m. Info, 893-4644. FREE Music with Raph: Melody lovers of all ages play and sing. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-10:30 a.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE


Kids’ Night Out: While their parents appreciate time off, youngsters enjoy dinner, a movie and themed activities. Ages 5-10. David Gale Recreation Center, Stowe, 6-10 p.m., $15 per child; drop-ins welcome. Info, 253-6138.


Craftsbury Lego Club: See May 4.


Auditions for Christmas Revels: Singers, actors and dancers aspiring to participate in “The Christmas Revels: A Venetian Celebration of the Winter Solstice” production showcase their skills. Ages 7 and up. Tracy Hall, Norwich, 4:30-8 p.m., preregister for a time slot. Info, 866-556-3083. FREE

Foodways Fridays: See May 4.

12 Saturday


Middlebury Farmers Market: See May 5.


Caledonia Farmers Market: See May 5.


Book Launch: ‘Llama Llama Loves to Read’: Co-author Reed Duncan, partner of the late author Anna Dewdney, reads this brand-new story about early literacy to eager listeners, followed by activities and a visit from Llama Llama. Phoenix Books, Burlington, 11 a.m. Info, 448-3350. FREE

Burlington Farmers Market: Growers and artisans offer fresh and ready-to-eat foods, crafts and more in a bustling marketplace. Burlington City Hall Park, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 310-5172.

EvoKids Saturday Drop-In Yoga: See May 5.


Flynn Avenue Block Party: To fête the grand opening of their new South End store, City Market throws a party with food, children’s activities, music, local food vendors and more. City Market, Onion River Co-op (Burlington South End), noon-4 p.m. Info, 540-6400. FREE

Spanish Musical Playgroup: Rhymes, books and songs en español entertain niños Ages 5 and under. Non-Spanish speakers welcome. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m. Info, 878-4918. FREE

Webby’s Art Studio: Insect Symmetry: Imaginative visitors investigate insects’ bilateral symmetry in the Museum’s exhibit “In the Garden,” then craft a paper collage, incorporating elements of anatomy, color and composition. Shelburne Museum, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., regular museum admission, $8-25; free for members and children under 5. Info, 985-3346. Weekend Fun at Vermont Teddy Bear Company: See May 5.


Rutland Farmers Market: Local vendors peddle farm-fresh produce and fruits, handcrafted breads, artisan cheese, and more at this outdoor emporium. Downtown Rutland, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 342-4727.


Capital City Farmers Market: See May 5.

Kids Trade & Play: Families exchange clean and gently-used clothing and toys, size newborn to 12. Capital City Grange, Berlin, 9:30-11:30 a.m., $3 per family. Info, 831-337-8632.

Orchard Valley Mayfest Celebration: Maypole dancing and live music make for a springy jubilee. Bring a picnic lunch. Preregister for a 9:15 a.m. school tour. Orchard Valley Waldorf School, East Montpelier, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Info, 456-7400. FREE


Auditions for Christmas Revels: See May 11, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

13 Sunday Happy Mother’s



Essex Open Gym: See May 6.

Family Gym: See May 4.

14 Monday


Colchester Crafts for Kids: See May 7.

Colchester Preschool Music: See May 7.

Queer Care Support: Adult family members and caregivers of queer and/ or questioning youth swap stories and resources in a supportive space. Adults only. Outright Vermont, Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Info, 865-9677. FREE

Stories with Megan: See May 7.

Williston Preschool Music: See May 3, 11 a.m.


Crafternoon: Fairy Gardens: Artsy kids make miniature worlds from natural materials. Ages 6 and up. Fairfax Community Library, 3-4 p.m., preregister. Info, 849-2420. FREE


Babies & Toddlers Rock: See May 7.

15 Tuesday


Art Play Day: See May 1.

Creative Tuesdays: See May 1.

Spanish Musical Kids: See May 1.

Winooski Lego Club: See May 1.


Maker Program: See May 1.


Norwich Lego Tuesdays: See May 1.

16 Wednesday


Bookworms: See May 2.

Chess Club: Smart players check out this strategy game and improve their skills with rooks, pawns and knights. All ages and experience levels. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 5:30-7 p.m. Info, 878-4918. FREE

Circle Time: Storyteller and musician, Katie Coons, gets little ones moving through song, play, rhyming games, craft and snack. Ages 5 and under. Jericho Town Library, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Info, 899-4686.


Family Game Day: See May 2.

Mater Christi School Open House: Parents and prospective students interested in this private Catholic school visit preschool through grade 8 classrooms and chat with sta . Mater Christi School, Burlington, 8:30-11 a.m., preregister. Info, 658-3992.


Read to Daisy the Therapy Dog: See May 2.

Yoga for Kids: See May 2.


Fit Moms: See May 2.


Killington Lego Club: See May 2.

Rutland Farmers Market: See May 12, 3-6 p.m.


Randolph Lego Wednesdays: See May 2.


Sensory Lab for Tots: See May 2. Story and Yoga Time with Angel: See May 2.

See Dr. First

17 Thursday


Hardwick Lego Club: See May 3. ShoeFly Trail Run Series: Fleet-footed families enjoy fitness together in a 5K, 10K or 1-mile walk/run. Entry includes admission to select Thursday races on the Kingdom Trails and on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the PRKR Trails in Littleton, NH. Kingdom Trails Yurt, E. Burke, 5:30 p.m., $65 for the season; free for children ages 10 and under; preregister. Info, 626-0737.


Afterschool Arts: Library Mural Project: See May 3.

Burlington Mother Up! Monthly Meet-Up: Families discuss the realities of climate change, what that means on a local level and how to transition to a safer and healthier world. Vegetarian meal and childcare for ages 3 and under provided. Unitarian Universalist Society, Burlington, 5:30-7:30 p.m., RSVP requested. Info, 490-6393. FREE

Colchester Lego Club: See May 3.

Milton PJ Story Time: Small tots in jammies snuggle in for stories, songs and crafts, Ages 3-7. Milton Public Library, 6:30 p.m. Info, 893-4644. FREE Read to Archie the Therapy Dog: See May 3.

Williston Preschool Music: See May 3.


Family STEAM Night: Moms, dads and kids team up for activities around science, technology, engineering, art and/or math, with varying monthly themes. Fairfax Community Library, 6:30-7:30 p.m., preregister. Info, 849-2420. FREE

Franklin Lego Thursdays: See May 3.


Pre-K Art Play: See May 3.


AB2: Books Come to Life: This Active Body-Active Brain class, led by a literacy professional, combines reading and movement. Babies through preschoolers. Waterbury Public Library, 10:15 a.m. Info, 244-7036. FREE

videos “First With Kids” at
YOUR JUNE EVENTS FOR PRINT BY MAY 15 AT KIDSVT.COM OR CALENDAR@KIDSVT.COM Looking for a playgroup? Check out our bountiful list at k12v-802Baby0518.indd 1 4/17/18 1:49 PM HELP RESPITE COMPANIONSHIP FREE postpartum support from our trained volunteers. If your transition to parenthood wasn't easy, you are NOT alone. SHINE A LIGHT WITH US Sat. 6/23 State House Lawn We all struggle. 10am Montpelier Contact us: (802) 595-7953 Untitled-12 1 4/26/18 12:25 PM calendar Planning a kids' event? List your event for free in the Kids VT monthy calendar. Submit your info by the 15th of the month online at or to 12v-calendar.indd 1 7/29/11 12:35 PM

18 Friday


Hardwick Farmers Market: Local produce, plants, artisan cheese, syrup and more fill shoppers’ market baskets. Diverse dinner fare available. Atkins Field, Hardwick, 3-6 p.m. Info, 832-603-9334.


Art Play Day: See May 1.

Family Gym: See May 4. Family Wheel Drop-In: See May 4.

Kids Music With Linda ‘Tickle Belly’ Bassick: See May 4.

Kids’ Night Out: While parents take wellearned time off, kids delight in dinner and fun. Ages 3-12. Greater Burlington YMCA, 6-8:30 p.m., $10-19, preregister. Info, 862-9622.


Craftsbury Lego Club: See May 4.


Montpelier Mother Up! Monthly Meet-Up: Families discuss the realities of climate change, what that means on a local, state and national level and how to create a more just and nature-friendly world. Dinner and nature-themed kids’ programming included. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 5:30-7:30 p.m., RSVP requested. Info, 229-0041. FREE


Foodways Fridays: See May 4.

19 Saturday


Middlebury Farmers Market: See May 5.


Caledonia Farmers Market: See May 5.


Big Truck Day: Honk, honk! Kids of all ages experience what it’s like to sit in the driver’s seat of fire trucks, dump trucks, motorcycles, tractors, a cement truck and more. Family fun stretches further with music — including a live performance by Linda Bassick — food for sale, a raffle, games, face painting and a photo booth. Old North End Community Center, Burlington, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., $10 per family; proceeds benefit the Robin’s Nest Children’s Center. Info, 864-8191.

Big Truck Day & Children’s Festival: Vroom, vroom! Auto aficionados climb aboard fire trucks, construction vehicles, school buses, tractors and more. Kids’ entertainment, face painting, Home Depot Kids Workshop and a barbecue round out the affair. Horn-free until 1 p.m. Hinesburg Community School, 9:45 a.m.-2 p.m., $5, free for children under 1, $20 per household; food available for sale. Info, 238-4559.

Burlington Farmers Market: See May 12.

EvoKids Saturday Drop-In Yoga: See May 5.

Family Art Saturday: Families drop in and ignite their imaginations with a current exhibit, then get hands-on with an artistic endeavor. Burlington City Arts, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Info, 865-7166. FREE

Ongoing Exhibits


MY SKY: Astronomy lovers explore the sun, moon and stars in this immersive exhibit, which encourages scientific skills such as observing, noticing patterns, predicting, imagining and more. Regular museum admission, $11.50-14.50; free for children under 3. Through May 6.

HOW PEOPLE MAKE THINGS: In this temporary exhibit, which explores the story of how familiar childhood objects are manufactured from raw materials into finished products, visitors step onto a factory floor for hands-on activities in cutting, molding, deforming and assembling, and create objects to take home. Regular museum admission, $11.5014.50; free for children under 3. Through September 3.


STOWE STUDENT ART SHOW: Stowe students exhibit original artwork, showcasing their skills in multiple media, with pieces from guest schools Crossett Brook Middle School, Harwood Union High School and Mountain River School. On display through May 26. FREE


THE LIGHT AROUND US: Inquisitive visitors learn about light through experimenting with lenses and mirrors, changing the color of everyday objects, separating white light into colors, discovering what lies beyond the visible spectrum and more. Regular museum admission, $12-15; free for children under 2.

Through May 2.

SHELBURNE MUSEUM, SHELBURNE Info, 985-3346, ext. 3395

PUPPETS: WORLD ON A STRING: Storytelling and the visual arts collide in this immersive, multimedia exhibit from 19th-century marionettes to contemporary digital installations. Animals speak, shadows come alive, and politicians face critics, by artists including Jim Henson, Peter Schumann and Andy Warhol. Regular museum admission, $7-24; free for members and children under 5.

Through June 3.

Family Mini-Craft Workshop: See May 5.

Family Yoga: Parents and children partake in the pleasure of movement together through songs, games and stories. Focused on children, but adults are welcome to participate. Ages 1 to 5. Iyengar Yoga Center of Vermont, Burlington, 3:30-4:30 p.m., $12 per adult-child pair, $5 each additional child. Info, 379-3789.

Food Allergy Awareness Story Time: In honor of this special week, little library-goers read stories, sing songs and do a food allergy related activity. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-10:30 a.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE

FriendCHIPS 5K: Fun Run for Mentoring: Runners lace up for the annual 5K Race for Mentoring to support local youth in grades 3-8. Founders Memorial School, Essex, 9:3010:30 a.m., $10-25. Info, 878-6982.

Learn to Ride: Local Motion instructors teach beginning bikers how to lose their training wheels. Ages 3 and up; preregister for an age-appropriate time slot. Leddy Park, Burlington, free for Local Motion members, $20-40 per family. Info, 861-2700.

Practice ACT For High School Students: The library partners with the Princeton Review to offer teens practice American College Tests. Bring snacks for this 4-hour exam. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 9 a.m., preregister at least one week prior. Info, 264-5660. FREE

Read to Cleo The Therapy Dog: See May 5.

Webby’s Art Studio: Electra’s Elixir: Curious kids concoct their own brews, inspired by a visit to the Museum’s Apothecary Shop. Shelburne Museum, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., regular museum admission, $8-25; free for members and children under 5. Info, 985-3346.

Weekend Fun at Vermont Teddy Bear Company: See May 5.

Welcome Baby Celebration: Book donations, giveaways and refreshments honor Milton’s newest — and smallest — residents. For ages 1 and under with their families. Milton Public Library, 10 a.m., preregister. Info, 893-4644. FREE

Williston Runs for Education: The community comes out for a flat and familyfriendly 5K run or walk, a kids’ fun run and a 2-3 person relay, with music, massages and a raffle at the finish. 8 a.m. registration; 9:30 a.m. start. Williston Central School, 9-11:30 a.m., $8-40; preregister for relay; proceeds benefit school programs for students, teachers and families in need. Info, 878-2762.


Story Walk Kick-Off Party: Community readers cheer the opening of the summer story walk season with a bounce house, games and healthy treats. Meet at the top of the bike path. Fairfax Community Library, 10 a.m.-noon. Info, 849-2420. FREE

Welcome Baby!: New babies are welcomed to the library with nursery rhymes, songs and simple stories. Ages 2 and under with caregivers. St. Albans Free Library, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Info, 524-1507. FREE


Champlain Islands Farmers Market: Growers, specialty food businesses and artisans sell their high-quality wares. St. Joseph Church, Grand Isle, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.


Kids’ Bike Safety: Kids get ready for summer rolling with a cycle maintenance check, obstacle course, raffles, ice cream and more. Memorial Park, Stowe, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Info, 253-6138. FREE


Rutland Farmers Market: See May 12.


Pancake Breakfast and Balloon Launch: A homemade breakfast enchants eaters under dozens of hot air balloons and experimental aircraft. Post Mills Airport, 5-10 a.m., free to watch; breakfast available for purchase; proceeds benefit Revels North. Info, 866-556-3083.


Capital City Farmers Market: See May 5. Central Vermont Homeschool Conference: Homeschooling parents explore common questions and gather new ideas, with workshops, panels and discussion topics including self-care for parents, homeschooling high schoolers and multiple ages, self-directed learning/unschooling, and more. Curriculum and materials swap, too. Pacem School, Montpelier, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., $10, preregister. Info, 223-1010.

Green Mountain Youth Symphony

Auditions: See May 5.

20 Sunday


Essex Open Gym: See May 6.

Family Gym: See May 4.

Shavuot Party: Ohavi Zedek Synagogue hosts a family-friendly gathering with Shavuot songs and learning, games, nature/ farm bingo, a nature walk guided by Intervale staff and a dairy dessert potluck. Burlington Intervale Center, 2-4 p.m. Info, 864-0218. FREE


Stowe Farmers Market: Live music and agricultural and craft vendors make for a bustling atmosphere. Stowe Farmers Market, 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Info, 279-3444.


Pancake Breakfast and Balloon Launch: See May 19.


Greenspace Community Work Day: WonderArts teams up with the Craftsbury Energy Committee for a short nature walk with wildflower identification, a potluck and lawn games. Then roll up your sleeves to prepare garden beds for a community edible forest. All ages. Craftsbury Town Garage, noon-4 p.m., RSVP requested. Info, 533-9370. FREE


21 Monday


Chess Club: Players of all ages pursue a game of strategy. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956.


Colchester Preschool Music: See May 7. Stories with Megan: See May 7. Williston Preschool Music: See May 3, 11 a.m.


Lab Girls: Hands-on scientific experiments and explorations empower young women. Grades 4-8. Fairfax Community Library, 3-4 p.m., preregister. Info, 849-2420. FREE


Babies & Toddlers Rock: See May 7.

22 Tuesday


Art Play Day: See May 1.

Creative Tuesdays: See May 1.

Fill a Public Works Truck: In honor of National Public Works Week, the local public works department reads to little listeners. Bring a donation for the food pantry to fill their truck. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-11 a.m. Info, 878-6956.


Make A Kazoo: Crafty kiddos fashion fun musical instruments to use while marching with the Libraries Rock! kazoo band in the Memorial Day parade. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:15-4:15 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE

Spanish Musical Kids: See May 1.

Winooski Lego Club: See May 1.


Maker Program: See May 1.


Norwich Lego Tuesdays: See May 1.

23 Wednesday


Bookworms: See May 2.

Family Game Day: See May 2.

Read to Daisy the Therapy Dog: See May 2.

Yoga for Kids: See May 2.

Young Writers & Storytellers: See May 9.


Fit Moms: See May 2.


Champlain Islands Farmers Market: Growers, specialty food businesses and artisans sell their homemade wares. St. Rose of Lima Parish, South Hero, 3-6 p.m.


Killington Lego Club: See May 2.

Rutland Farmers Market: See May 12, 3-6 p.m.


Randolph Lego Wednesdays: See May 2.


Sensory Lab for Tots: See May 2.

Story and Yoga Time with Angel: See May 2.

24 Thursday


Hardwick Lego Club: See May 3.


Afterschool Arts: Library Mural Project: See May 3.

Babytime: See May 3.

Colchester Lego Club: See May 3.

Read to Archie the Therapy Dog: See May 3.

Ukulele Kids: See May 10.

Williston Preschool Music: See May 3.


Franklin Lego Thursdays: See May 3. St. Albans Library Legos: See May 10.


Pre-K Art Play: See May 3.

25 Friday


Hardwick Farmers Market: See May 18.


Art Play Day: See May 1.

Dungeons & Dragons: See May 11.

Family Gym: See May 4.

Kids Music With Linda ‘Tickle Belly’ Bassick: See May 4.

Live-Action Role Play: See May 11.

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Music with Raph: See May 11.

Preschool Yoga with Danielle: Simple movement, stories and songs satisfy children ages 5 and under and their caregivers. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m. Info, 878-4918. FREE

Yoga Storytime: Little yogis blend body movement with books. Ages 2-5. Richmond Free Library, 11 a.m. Info, 434-3036. FREE

Library, 1-2 p.m. Info,
524-1507. FREE
Champlain Islands Farmers Market: See May
May 12. Looking for a playgroup? Check out our bountiful list at playgroups
RUTLAND Rutland Farmers Market: See
Untitled-13 1 4/19/18 10:15 AM Follow us on Instagram @kids_vt 12V-Kvt-Instagram-1216.indd 1 12/1/16 2:50 PM


Many organic clothing lines, handmade gifts, eco-toys and infant essentials. Favorite brands include Kate Quinn Organics, Hazel Village animals, DockATot sleepers, GroVia cloth diapers and Tula carriers.

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41 Idx Drive South Burlington

MAY CALENDAR 26 Saturday (cont.)


Open Fields Medieval Festival: The town green is transformed into a medieval village, as royalty, peasants, craftsmen, shepherds and farmers celebrate with a No Strings Marionette Company performance, music, dance, games, pageantry, eats and more. Costumes encouraged. Thetford Green, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., $7 per person; free for children under 5; food for sale; some activities require a small additional fee. Info, 785-2077.


Capital City Farmers Market: See May 5.


Memorial Day at Fort Ticonderoga: On the grounds where so many American soldiers fought and sacrificed, servicemen and -women are honored with a Fife and Drum Corps presentation and a glimpse into the life of soldiers in the year 1776. Fort Ticonderoga, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., $10-24; free for children under 5. Info, 518-585-2821.

27 Sunday


Essex Open Gym: See May 6. Family Gym: See May 4.


Stowe Farmers Market: See May 20.

REGISTERED BEHAVIOR TECHNICIAN TRAINING: Designed for paraprofessionals and others desiring these competencies working in education, mental health and related fields.

July 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, and Aug 1 in Montpelier, VT.

CREATING GENDER AFFIRMING SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTS — WHAT LEADERS NEED TO KNOW AND DO: Designed for school administrators, directors and coordinators of guidance, health, mental health, athletics, special education, etc.

July 25 in So. Burlington, VT.

A FRAMEWORK FOR APPLYING STRUCTURED TEACHING ACROSS THE SCHOOL DAY: Designed for 2-4 person teams working with one target student. Teams must include a special education case manager or professional designee. Aug 13-15 in Bradford, VT.

For more information, please contact Julie Medose at


Memorial Day at Fort Ticonderoga: See May 26.

28 Monday Memorial Day


Memorial Day at Fort Ticonderoga: See May 26.


Tips for Optimal Brain Development

in Babies and Children: Dr. Erin Sepic, owner and lead physician at Synergic Health, shares her professional experience as an infant chiropractor and applied kinesiologist in this online presentation about brain development in children. For adults. Various locations, 8 p.m., $20, preregister. Info, 373 -8060.

29 Tuesday


Author Visit: Dean Whitlock: The creator of Finn’s Clock shares his imaginative process with avid fans of his children’s chapter book set in 1853 during the Potato Famine, and presents props of period maps, lithographs and paintings. Jeudevine Memorial Library, Hardwick, 7 p.m. Info, 472-5948. FREE


Art Play Day: See May 1.

Burlington Circle of Parents for Adoptive & Guardianship Families: Moms and dads come together to socialize about their parenting experiences and strengthen skills. Childcare and dinner included without fee. Howard Center, Burlington, 5-6:30 p.m., preregister. Info, 864-7467. FREE

Creative Tuesdays: See May 1.

Winooski Lego Club: See May 1.


Norwich Lego Tuesdays: See May 1.

30 Wednesday


Bookworms: See May 2.

Family Game Day: See May 2. Leddy Park Beach Bites: Families relax during a lakeside afternoon lavish with kids’ activities, food trucks and entertainment. Leddy Park, Burlington, 5:30-8 p.m. Info, 864-0123. FREE

LGBT+ Drop-In Group: LGBT+ teens and allies socialize with peers and propose projects to increase awareness. Grades 8 and up. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE

Read to Daisy the Therapy Dog: See May 2. Yoga for Kids: See May 2.


Fit Moms: See May 2.


Champlain Islands Farmers Market: See May 23.


Killington Lego Club: See May 2. Rutland Farmers Market: See May 12, 3-6 p.m.


Randolph Lego Wednesdays: See May 2.


Sensory Lab for Tots: See May 2. Story and Yoga Time with Angel: See May 2.

31 Thursday


Hardwick Lego Club: See May 3.


Babytime: See May 3.

Colchester Lego Club: See May 3.

Read to Archie the Therapy Dog: See May 3.

Williston Preschool Music: See May 3.


Franklin Lego Thursdays: See May 3.

PJ Story Time: See May 3.


Pre-K Art Play: See May 3. K

VT-HEC Summer Workshop Highlights
4/17/18 12:00 PM
6 years
boutique for the natural tot ages newborn to
k6h-Bear&Moosh0518.indd 1 4/16/18 5:41 PM W -Mail! Wee-Mail sponsored by: Find information about local events and parenting resources every Thursday in the Kids VT Wee-Mail. Visit to subscribe today. 12h-Wee-Mail1117.indd 1 10/26/17 2:49 PM

Name That Baby! KIDS JUST FOR

It’s the May Mom & Baby Issue, and that means it’s time to think of baby names. But only we humans have to come up with new ones, because we’ve already given names to animal babies. Here are some proud parents with their animal infants. Some animal babies are easy to name, while others are more difficult. Fill in the crossword puzzle at right with the correct baby animal names, using the pictures to help you.

51 KIDSVT.COM MAY 2018 KIDS VT Writing Contest & Winners...52 Coloring Contest Winners......52 Coloring Contest...........................53 Puzzle Page .....................................54 Birthday Club..................................54 Puzzle Answers.............................55
ACROSS 1. DOG and 2.
FROG and 3. HORSE and
4. CAT and DOWN 5. BEAR and
SWAN and
COW and
OWL and


Writing Contest

May is our Mom & Baby Issue. What were you like as a baby? Interview one of your parents to find out! Ask your mom or dad three questions about yourself as a baby. They can be about what you looked like, acted like or something else — but please avoid yes-or-no questions. Record both your questions and their answers below.


Our amazing artists welcomed spring’s arrival with their colorful entries this month. Five-year-old Jack’s brilliant masterpiece included a lemon-yellow sun, a rainbow and a tiny mouse in one corner. Hazel, 10, sprinkled raindrops over green mountains and a red barn. Her kitty sported pink rain boots and held a red umbrella and matching tulip. Amelia, 6, made our judges laugh out loud; her cat clutched a fish skeleton in one paw. Kudos to everyone who entered! Send us your best work again this month.



Audrey Golek, 5, Charlotte


Braydon Stratton, 8, Woodbury


Sawyer Willard, 7, Barnet


Mallory Mitchell, 5, Moretown


Kyla Abair, 9, St. Albans


Hazel Ritzer, 6, Northfield


The winners of annual family memberships to the Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium are…

We’ll pick two winners and publish their names and entries in the next issue. Winners receive a $25 gift certificate to Crow Bookshop Deadline to enter is May 15. Send your entries to: Kids VT, attn: Writing Contest, P.O. Box 1184, Burlington, VT 05402.


In our April Issue, we asked kids to tell us about what they like to do on a rainy day. Below, find the winning entries. Aya and Harper each receive a $25 gift certificate to Crow Bookshop in Burlington.

Aya Chakaki, 7


When it is raining outside, I read Ivy and Bean books or play with my baby sister. Sometimes I play school. I’m going to be a teacher when I grow up. I always am the teacher. I teach math and reading to my stuffed toy seal, Bluey.

Harper Hayes, 9


When it’s raining, I like to splash puddles at my friends and we have a rain fight together. Sometimes I play cards under the roof of my porch. We watch the rain splat down and make a puddle. I love when it rains!

Mark Manchester, 12, Hardwick


Alice Ide, 7, Richmond


Kyla Krans, 5, Leicester


Antonia Mazzilli, 9, Moretown


Cameron Fortier, 5, Barre


Fayina Martin, 10, Montpelier



Gemma, 9, Bristol


Liliveve Cueto, 4, St. Albans



Adele Freeberne, 7, Richmond

Orion Ward, 12 ST. ALBANS

9 to 12

Name Age Town Email Phone
“The Hippy Cat” “Jumping in Puddles” Paige Black, 7 WATERBURY CENTER 6 to 8 “Spring Kitty” Aubrie Byers, 5 IRASBURG 5 & under

Coloring Contest!

Three winners will each receive an annual family membership to the Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium. Send Kids VT your work of art by May 15. Be sure to include the info at right with your submission. Winners will be chosen in the following categories: (1) ages 5 and younger, (2) ages 6-8 and (3) ages 9-12. Winners will be named in the June issue of Kids VT. Send your high-resolution scans to or mail a copy to Kids VT, P.O. Box 1184, Burlington, VT 05402.

Sponsored by

Title Artist Age Town Email Phone





You are now ready to solve this month’s Jumble For Kids. Study the picture for a hint. Then play around with the letters in the circles. You’ll find you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer.

Print your answer here:



Look up, down and diagonally, both forward and backward, to find every word on the list. Circle each one as you find it. When all the words are circled, take the UNUSED letters and write them on the blanks below. Go from left to right and top to bottom to find the answer to this riddle: What do you call a great dog detective?






TREVOR lives in

Riddle Answer:

54 KIDS VT MAY 2018 KIDSVT.COM Congratulations to these May Birthday Club winners! Join the Club!
enter, submit information using the online form at Just give us your contact info, your children’s names and birth dates,
a photo, and they’re
enrolled. REX lives in Burlington and turns 6 on May 3. He’s an enthusiastic, joyful kid who
and skiing. FIONA lives in Warren and turns
lives in
May 18. He’s a
cat from
wins four day passes and four 3D movie tickets to ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain in
To Birthday Club
loves building with Legos
the Mad River.
When not curled up with a book, she’s skiing, learning her lines at Valley Players Theater or playing dress-up with her little sister, Zoe.
South Burlington and turns 6 on May 28. He’s a sporty, kind kid who enjoys being outside, climbing, boating and spending vacations in Florida. He loves to build Lego ships and ride his bike.
silly and caring boy who loves playing, cooking, dancing and “protecting” his
his dog. Keaton
Rex, Fiona and Trevor each win four ECHO day passes.

Being There

My nephew came into this world on the day before Thanksgiving in 2003, via an emergency cesarean. My sister, Tanya, had unexpectedly developed a placental abruption.

A health-conscious long-distance runner, Tanya had enjoyed an uncomplicated pregnancy. Despite this fact, as well as excellent prenatal care, her placenta began dislocating from her uterine wall when she was full term. At first, she mistook the cramps for the beginning of labor. In the morning, when she began bleeding profusely, she knew something was seriously wrong.

On Thanksgiving Day, my brother and I flew to Charlottesville, Va. The airlines were jammed with holiday revelers, and I spent hours on the phone, finally securing a flight.

In Charlottesville, the baby’s condition was a murky “wait and see.”

A nurse explained that the infant — deprived of oxygen in the womb when the placenta tore — hadn’t been breathing at birth; his Apgar score, which measures a newborn’s physical health on a scale of zero to 10, was zero.

During the holiday weekend, the hospital seemed oddly empty. My brother and I took the nurses’ advice and camped in the hall on our third morning, long before dawn, binging on weak hospital coffee, so we could catch and quiz the exhausted pediatrician before she disappeared. In the cafeteria, I ran into the obstetrician who had performed the emergency C-section and thanked her profusely. “It was touch-and-go for a little while there,” she responded, hurrying somewhere else.

We struggled in this unfamiliar terrain. The baby’s prognosis wasn’t clear. The hospital spoke one language, my family another; the baby was at the center, enmeshed in his own unspoken world. With nothing else to do, we waited.

My memory of our four-day stay is a mosaic of that jumbled-up hospital time, fraught with worry. The first

How birth and cancer tightened family bonds

morning, when I entered my sister’s room, the lights were off, and she was staring through the window at the brick wall outside.

With markers and a notepad, my brother and I wrote encouraging notes to press against the glass of the NICU nursery, while my sister and her husband, Yuji, held their baby. Neither my brother nor I were allowed into that restricted room.

Later, my brother and I stood in a huge drugstore before an endless shelf of toothpaste — a veritable cornucopia of toothpaste of all things — both of us weeping. How could either of us care about something so trivial when our nephew lay in a sterile world behind glass? And yet, I longed to return to that everyday world — to braid my 4-year-old daughter’s hair before preschool and, at the day’s end, to sit down to dinner with my own family. I wanted an ordinary family life to begin for my sister, Yuji and their son. When Yuji’s parents arrived, we left. We had done little more than be there, stretch the circle of family, lift a bit of the load.

The baby survived. In fact, he thrived and became an imaginative little boy named Yasuhiro Shinozaki, who plays the piano and oboe and loves the Beatles. This story could end here.

Except it doesn’t. When Yasu was 10 — four years ago — my sister found a cancerous lump about the size of a grain of rice in her breast. My mother called with the terrible news. “Your father’s crying in the kitchen,” she said.

That summer, my two daughters and I spent two muggy weeks in Charlottesville. Again, waiting. Again, uncertainty. My 15-year-old, miserably missing her friends, kept asking why we were there. “We’re family,” I told her, insisting that was answer enough.

One afternoon, while Tanya and Yuji were at yet another doctor’s appointment, I took the children hiking.

Out of sorts, sick of each other’s company and the near-constant undercurrent of stress, they bickered over who would drink the dregs of watermelon juice. Finally, we ended up at the city pool. During an adult-swim break, Yasu and I sat together glumly, staring at the tantalizing, nearly empty pool. I said I knew his mother’s illness was hard for him and asked if he wanted to talk. He shook his head, near tears but determined not to give in.

I didn’t know what to do. If I assured him all would turn out well, I would dismiss his fear. But I was afraid, too. Who was I to tell my nephew, Do not love fiercely? Do not fear to lose that love?

In the end, I said nothing. Instead, I reached out and held his bare ankle. My hand circled his flesh and bone, where the skeleton of his boy’s body was already pressing toward the man he would one day become. I remembered him as a scrawny infant behind that wall of glass, when the outcome of his birth lay not in any human hands. Ten years later, here I was again, waiting.

As a writer, I know silences are as important as words — sometimes more so. When Yasu was a newborn, I fumbled with comforting words to offer my sister, who was stunned by a birth story she had never envisioned. Only much later, I realized the presence of my brother and me — our willingness to drop our own lives for our sister’s needs — was what really mattered.

Now I was in Charlottesville again: washing dishes, doing laundry, keeping house.

Beside the pool, Yasu and I sat together, my hand holding his bony ankle. I remembered him as a redfaced newborn I never got to hold, in that windowless, glass-walled nursery. After his difficult birth, what luck my family had.

We didn’t know then that our luck would continue — that my sister would still be in remission today.

As we sat there, we just hoped for it, for the return to the blessed evenness of everyday life, my nephew and I, staring at the blue water and the chips of sunlight flashing over its surface. K



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