Embracing Fatherhood THE Dad ISSUE


June 15 & 16 | Shelburne Museum
Classic Auto Festival
Celebrate Father’s Day Weekend—and TRUCKS!— with vintage cars, hands-on activities, BBQ, and more.
June 22 | Opening of William Wegman: Outside In
The renowned artist gives a rare look inside his work and process.
July 14 | Circuspalooza
Feats under the Big Top, games, food, and fun all over the Museum Grounds!
July 5, August 2, and September 6
Celebrating the farm families who own Cabot
Live music, lawn games, tours, picnicking, and FREE admission to the entire Museum on glorious summer evenings!
2019 Exhibition Schedule
Harold Weston: Freedom in the Wilds March 23–August 25
In Their Element: Jonathan D. Ebinger, Rodrigo Nava, Dan Snow (outdoor sculpture)
May 1–October 31
Ink & Icons: Album Quilts from the Permanent Collection May 1–October 31
William Wegman: Outside In June 22–October 20
Joel Barber & the Modern Decoy September 14–January 12, 2020
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Katherine Isaacs, Kara Torres
John James
Don Eggert
Kirsten Cheney, Todd Scott, Rev. Diane Sullivan
Matt Weiner
Cheryl Brownell
Adam Bluestein, Sevi Burget-Foster, Heather Fitzgerald, Spencer Messier, Erinn Simon
James Buck, Sam Simon
Marc Nadel
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My dad could CHUCK KIDS IN A POOL seemingly all day! There would be a line and he would keep going until everyone had a turn, not wanting anyone to feel left out.
On days my mom was working, we’d go with my dad after school to TRACK PRACTICES when he was coaching in South Burlington. My brother and I got to hang out with big kids, and I remember it being interesting to see my dad in a di erent light. On days when the weather was bad, he’d drop us o in the high school art room. I remember it being huge and covered in paint and just a magical place where we got to work with big-kid art supplies.
When I was growing up in suburban New York in the 1980s, it was rare to come across a family in which the dad played the primary role in childrearing, cooking and cleaning.
Undoubtedly, we still have a long way to go when it comes to gender equity on these fronts; women employed outside the home shoulder 65 percent of the childcare responsibilities to their male partners’ 35 percent, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics from 2011 to 2015.
But other research indicates things are improving. The Pew Research Center found that in 2016, fathers reported spending an average of eight hours a week on childcare, triple the time they spent in 1965. And anecdotally, I sure notice a lot more dads at school pickups than I did when I was a kid.
Still, depictions of dads in the media — from the bumbling, incompetent men-children of family sitcoms to the stoic, macho bros in car commercials — reinforce the notion that dads aren’t capable of meeting the logistical and emotional needs of their children.
Keegan Albaugh is a local father of two working to flip the script on what it means to be a dad. Last year, Albaugh created Dad Guild, a nonprofit organization that aims to connect and support new dads. Every month, dads meet up for playgroups at the library and playgrounds, and Dads Night Out events to socialize, commiserate and trade advice. Read about Albaugh and Dad Guild in “#Squadgoals” on page 18.
On page 22, you’ll find a Q & A with another Vermont dad, homesteader Ben Hewitt, and his wife, Penny, who recently published a fun, informational book that instructs young readers how to transform a tarp into a tent, brush your teeth with a stick and, yes, roast a cricket. We interview and photograph a family of five with a stay-athome dad in “Family Portrait” on page 14. And in “Use Your Words” on page 35, Burlington writer, yoga instructor and father Adam Bluestein tells how applying lessons “from the mat” to your parenting practice can make you a better dad — or mom.
June is one of those transition months for families, as school wraps up and summer begins. Though the days will eventually start to feel more relaxed, the adjustment to new routines and schedules can feel a bit jarring at first. Look for our third annual Daytripper family summer fun guide on newsstands and online in June. It’s a great resource for planning entertaining, educational and delicious outings all around the state in the coming months. Here’s to another beautiful Vermont summer!
I used to SHAVE WITH MY DAD when he was getting ready to go to work in the morning. I’d stand on the toilet so I could kinda see in the mirror, put shaving cream on my face and “shave” it o with a spoon.
My dad loves PLAYING CARDS, so we learned everything from crazy eights to blackjack. Our unanimous family favorite was hearts.
ADAM BLUESTEIN (“Use Your Words,” page 35)
is a freelance journalist, yoga teacher and dad who lives in Burlington’s South End. Originally from New Jersey, he and his wife arrived in Burlington 14 years ago, via San Francisco and Brooklyn. Adam has written for publications including Fast Company and Men’s Journal He teaches both all-gender and men’s yoga classes at several studios in Burlington; find updated information at adambluestein.com. His summer plans include gardening, paddleboarding and fixing the front steps.
STORM Competition Team Auditions!!!
STORM is an excellent opportunity for the dancer that loves the competition and convention atmosphere, wants exposure to the industry professionals and master classes available, and values personalized feedback to advance and grow as an artist.
Classes & Camps
& Camps
VBTS Center for Dance STORM Competition Team will be holding auditions for their 20192020 season on Saturday, June 1st!
Auditions held at our Essex campus: 21 Carmichael St., Suite 203 June 1st, 1:30-3:30pm • Ages 7 - 18
STORM details and team requirements can be found online at vbts.org
STORM is an excellent opportunity for the dancer that loves the competition and convention atmosphere, wants exposure to the industry professionals and master classes available, and values personalized feedback to advance and grow as an artist.
Auditions held at our Essex campus: 21 Carmichael St., Suite 203
June 1st, 1:30-3:30pm
Ages 7 - 18
STORM details and team requirements can be found online at www.vbts.org
• All That Jazz Musical Theater Camp, plus STORM Dance Co. Summer Intensive with Kate Stevens
• Weekly ballet classes for young dancers - adults - beginner - advanced
• Week-long ballet themed camps for ages 3–9: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Nutcracker, and more!
• Ongoing fitness classes for adults
• All That Jazz Musical Theater Camp, plus STORM Dance Co. Summer Intensive with Kate Stevens
• Weekly ballet classes for young dancers - adultsbeginner - advanced
• ongoing fitness classes for adults
This summer come dance with the best at VBTS! For schedule and enrollment information, visit us at WWW.VBTS.ORG, or call 878-2941, or e-mail INFO@VBTS.ORG
k4t-VBTS0619.indd 1 5/17/19 11:02 AM KIDSVT.COM JUNE 2019 6
Birth rates in Vermont fell 4% in 2018, twice as much as the U.S. birth rate. By 2030, one quarter of Vermont’s population will be over 65. This is a really fun place to raise kids, we swear!
On the season 22 premiere of PBS’ “Arthur,” teacher Mr. Ratburn married a man. And “Sesame Street” introduced a new Muppet, Karli, who is in foster care. The message to kid viewers? Families come in all forms.
Parents in Hamburg, Germany accidentally left their newborn in the back of a taxi after getting the baby’s 1-year-old sibling out of the car and paying the driver.
That transition from one kid to two can be brutal
Seventeenyear-old Gabe Fleisher scooped adult journalists in breaking the news of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s presidential run. He’s an old pro; the high school junior has been writing a political newsletter since he was 9!
My son loves to play basketball. His enthusiasm and passion for the sport are contagious. His father and I never played so we’re happy to leave coaching to the people who know what they’re doing, but we do spend time talking about his “head game” — how to stay mentally strong in various situations, like dealing with trash talk. The trash talk my son has experienced ranges from funny and friendly comments among players who know and understand each other, to pointed and edgy, to alarmingly inappropriate. It’s tough when your kid comes home confused about how a pickup game turned into fielding attacks on his masculinity and insults hurled at his female friends.
Of course, not all masculinity is problematic. So, when is it?
According to author Michael Carley, writing for the website The Good Men Project, masculinity becomes toxic when it “derives from a rejection of ... femininity that is so pervasive as to become unhealthy for both men and those around them.” Case in point: Sports trash talk that moves beyond the realm of the game to insulting, threatening and objectifying women.
Why is it important to challenge our culture of toxic masculinity? Because it hurts everyone — women, children and men. In his article, “What Is Toxic Masculinity,” Carley states that, “Toxic masculinity stunts [men’s] cognitive, intellectual, and emotional growth.” How? “By rejecting anything stereotypically feminine,” Carley explains, “men and boys are taught to reject an essential part of themselves, something that is to be
valued. What’s more, these allegedly female traits are often ones that help us all get along in society, things like compassion, empathy, even politeness.”
As boys approach adulthood, our culture attempts to cultivate manliness by discouraging boys from expressing their feelings. We tell boys to “man up,” compare them to girls as an insult and praise them for asserting dominance over other people. This programming impacts their ability to have and maintain healthy friendships. No friends leads to loneliness, and loneliness leads nowhere good — increased risk of suicide, addiction and disease.
What can we do to help our sons become healthy, multidimensional adults buoyed by meaningful relationships? Model emotional
Thanks for sharing your photos with us using the hashtag #instakidsvt. We loved this picture of a nature-loving kiddo holding a bright blue egg laid by a mama robin in the family’s woodshed. Share a picture of your kids enjoying the summer sunshine this month.
intelligence and teach them to be self-aware and conscientious. Identify how we’re feeling throughout the day and ask our sons to share their feelings as well. Brainstorm coping skills — like channeling anger by listening to or playing music.
Dismantling toxic masculinity is a matter of emotional and physical health for us all. We don’t have to be experts to do our part. We just have to debunk it wherever it rears its head — whether it’s in the workplace, in the media or on the court.
In this monthly column, comedian, writer and mom Autumn Spencer answers tricky parenting questions. Have a question for Autumn? Send it to ideas@kidsvt.com.
HERE’S HOW: Follow @kids_vt on Instagram. Post your photos on Instagram with the hashtag #instakidsvt. We’ll select a photo to feature in the next issue.
We’re proud to present the third annual Daytripper family summer fun guide. Inside, you’ll find a wide variety of destinations showcasing the best our state has to offer — from mountains and beaches, to casual eats and sweet treats — and everything in between. You’ll even find a section called Quirky Vermont, with off-the-beaten path attractions that will have you thinking Only in Vermont We hope this guide will help your family find new and exciting spots to explore in the coming months — and rediscover those places you love but haven’t visited in a while.
Pick up a copy of the Daytripper at a newsstand near you or read it online at kidsvt.com!
JUNE 2018
In last year’s Dad Issue, food writer Melissa Pasanen dished with top local chefs — from Eric Warnstedt of Hen of the Wood to Steve Atkins of the Kitchen Table Bistro — about dealing with picky eaters, dining out with kids, and the foods their sons and daughters love that make them cringe. Read the article at kidsvt.com/dadchefs.
Khamal Edwards shared this photograph of his 8-year-old son, Malakai, with his pet turtle, Raphael. The family got two turtles — one for Malakai and one for his sister, Kaedyn — in July 2017 from middle schoolers in Queens, NY, who were trying to raise money. “Malakai takes care of Raphael by feeding him every day and talking to him to make sure he gets human interaction,” said Edwards.
“This isn’t made of real puffins, is it?”Clockwise from top left: Steamship Pier Bar & Grill in North Hero, Smugglers’ Notch, Hildene in Manchester, Vermont Cookie Love in North Ferrisburgh, Rock of Ages in Barre, Lake Willoughby, Kingdom Trails in East Burke, Earth Clock in Burlington
Come, one and all! CIRCUS SMIRKUS, a youth circus headquartered in Greensboro, will perform throughout Vermont this summer as part of its annual Big Top Tour. The tour, which runs from June 29 to August 18, includes 69 shows in 16 towns in five states. It begins and ends in Greensboro, with stops in St. Johnsbury, Essex Junction, Manchester and Montpelier as well as Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine and Connecticut. The theme of this summer’s tour is “Carnival,” and the show features acts involving a haunted mansion, ring toss, house of fun and tunnel of love. There are 30 young troupe members in this summer’s lineup; nine of them are new to the tour, said artistic director Troy Wunderle, a graduate of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College. This year’s Troupers range from 11-year-old Colorado clowner Ruby Frank to 18-year-old New York City juggler and acrobat Aaron Schondorf. They hail from all over the U.S. and Canada; four are from Vermont. The youth performers are “insanely dedicated to what they’re doing,” Wunderle said. “There’s not only the high-end skill work, but also the enthusiasm and bursting joy that you don’t get to see at other shows.” —SM For more information and to purchase Big Top Tour tickets, visit smirkus.org.
Diagnosing anxiety and depression in children under 8 is notoriously di cult. The signs are subtle. And kids that young sometimes don’t display noticeable symptoms. University of Vermont researchers have used artifical intelligence to detect these conditions — known as internalizing disorders — in young children by analyzing their speech patterns. Their study, published in the Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, shows that machine learning analysis of audio data can be used to identify children with internalizing disorders with 80 percent accuracy. “These results point toward the future use of this approach for screening children for internalizing disorders so that interventions can be deployed when they have the highest chance for long-term success,” the abstract states. Using a test designed to induce moderate psychological stress in a laboratory setting, experimenters asked children ages 3 to 8 to tell them a three-minute story, and indicated that “they would be judged based on how interesting it was.” Buzzers sounded at the 30- and 90-second marks. The data indicated that kids with depression and anxiety had lower-pitched voices, repeated speech patterns and content, and responded to the buzzer in a higher pitch. “A couple of decades ago, no one thought kids that young could be depressed,” explained Ellen McGinnis, a clinical psychologist at UVM Medical Center and the lead author of the study. When these disorders are identified in children, she continued, they can be treated through cognitive behavioral therapy and lifestyle modifications, including reducing stressors and increasing positive family time. —SBF
Tween and teen female singers take note: Choir director and music teacher Jessie Pierpont is launching the VERMONT GIRLS CHOIR in Burlington this fall. Auditions will take place this summer. Pierpont aims to enroll 25 girls, ages 12 to 18, in the choir, which will practice two afternoons a week at the First United Methodist Church on Buell Street. The musical selections will range from sacred anthems and psalms to pop, folk and show tunes. Pierpont says an all-girls group creates a unique learning environment, one that fosters female empowerment and allows singers to focus on developing skills without “drama and distraction.” The Chelsea resident knows. Growing up in Connecticut, she sang with the New Haven-based Elm City Girls’ Choir, a formative experience that sparked her passion for choral music. After graduating from Castleton State College (now Castleton University) with a degree in piano performance in 2014, Pierpont earned her master’s degree in choral conducting from the University of Arizona, then settled in Chelsea in 2016. That’s where she started the original Vermont Girls Choir as well as the Vermont Chamber Artists, with financial backing from the Seven Stars Arts Center in Sharon. But the small population in the region made it hard to sustain singing groups, so she put those projects on the back burner to teach music at two elementary schools and, most recently, fill in as the director of choral activities at Northern Vermont University. But she “missed … developing girls’ voices,” she said, so she looked to the more populous Burlington to revive the girls choir. —AN
To learn more about the Vermont Girls Choir or schedule an audition, contact Pierpont at vermontgirlschoir@gmail.com or visit vermontgirlschoir.weebly.com.
Little River State Park in Waterbury offers many activities, including boating and swimming on the Waterbury Reservoir, camping, and mountain biking. But what I really love are the hiking trails, which bring to life the land use history of Vermont’s forests.
As a college ecology and environmental science instructor, I’m kind of a geek about this stuff. And I’m willing to bet that if you step onto these trails, you’ll become one, too. Starting to see the stories in the stone walls and cellars of houses and barns that settlers built — and the lilies, lilacs and apple trees they planted — can deepen your experience of the woods.
Indigenous people have lived in Vermont since 7000 BC. Then, from the mid-1700s to the early 1800s, European settlers moved in and chopped down almost all of the forests. They planted crops and grazed animals, including a massive number of sheep, for much of the 19th century, until societal forces, such as the Civil War and the greener pastures of the Midwest, led to widespread abandonment of the hill farms and regrowth of the forests. Little River gives visitors a glimpse of this relatively brief, but impactful, chapter in the history of Vermont forests.
The park’s website explains: “In the early 1800s, pioneers cleared fields, rocks, and stumps in Ricker Basin and Cotton Brook. A settlement of 50 or so families once lived in this area. The hard demands of the land and weather forced younger generations to abandon the farms. Today, old cemeteries, sawmill remains, old town roads, bridges and many cellar holes can still be seen as evidence of a past community.”
My advice for hiking at Little River is that less is more. There are miles and miles of trails with evidence of the old settlement. Looking at the History Hike brochure, available online and at the park’s visitor center, you might feel pressured to take on the entire 8.2 miles of trails and see every notable place described. But even a short excursion provides the opportunity to learn a lot.
One option is to head counterclockwise on the Dalley Loop Trail (which is also part of the Hedgehog Hill Loop Trail). Though the numbered sites go clockwise, heading the opposite way will bring you to my son’s favorite place in short — though steep — order. Within
a half-mile you’ll see the large cellar holes of Gideon Ricker’s old farmhouse and barn, plus some interesting artifacts, including farm machinery and an old bed frame. I recommend bringing a lunch and eating it here. If you continue a short distance, you’ll come across Ricker Cemetery, where many of the people who lived in the farmhouse are buried. If you turn around and head back down the hill here, your entire trip will be about a mile and a half.
On a warm and humid day, the Nature Trail might be an even better choice. The entire loop runs a cool and shady half-mile along Stevenson Brook, and leads hikers past a former pasture, two cellar holes and a beaver pond, all with informative signs.
Or maybe you want to head off trail. Stumbling upon an old sap bucket or a patch of long-ago planted day lilies on your own is worth 50 interpretive sign posts. If you do take this option, it’s especially important to check for ticks when you get home. My family has established a habit of putting all of our clothes in the laundry immediately upon returning home from any above-freezing nature outing and visually inspecting each other for ticks.
Once you see the signs of land use at Little River, you might start to notice evidence of this chapter in Vermont’s history elsewhere.
There are two easy clues to land use history you can look for in any patch of woods you find yourself in. When you see a stone wall, if the stones are fist-sized, that indicates that the land nearby was likely cultivated. You wouldn’t remove such small stones from the dirt for fun — only if you had to do it to keep from breaking your plow. Larger stones suggest that the surrounding land was used as pasture. You can corroborate your stone-wall observations by looking at the ground. If the land is flat, it was likely smoothed by a plow, but if there are undulations left by trees that fell over and rotted in place, then it was not plowed.
If you find yourself wanting to know more, the book Reading the Forested Landscape: A Natural History of New England by Vermont ecologist Tom Wessels is a quick read about land use history and other major disturbances that affect our forests. It’s basically a picture book for adults, with beautiful etchings by Brian D. Cohen at the start of each chapter showing all of the interesting things you might see in the woods, if only you knew where to look.
Only campers can swim at Little River. (The closest swimming beach on the reservoir for day hikers is a 20minute drive away, at Waterbury Center State Park). My son and his friend were satisfied to stop for a brief walk along the top of the Waterbury Dam as we drove out of the park. The rangers also recommended a walk with the park’s interpreter, an option for day hikers. Contact the park for the schedule; previous walks have included hikes to various cellar holes, “Art in the Park” walks to make plaster casts of animal tracks and even a “Night Ghost Hike” to Ricker Cemetery. K
Early childhood educator Tara Gravelin grew up around tools. Her father is a woodworker and, as a child, she used to watch him cut, sand and build. That secondhand knowledge has been useful in Gravelin’s latest endeavor — building mud kitchens. The 38-year-old Burlington mom of two boys, ages 4 and 6, has designed and built custom outdoor play kitchens for local childcare centers, including two in South Burlington: the Davis Studio Preschool and the Homestead: A Part 2 Preschool, where she works part-time.
Gravelin believes that young children benefit from open-ended, self-directed play, which mud kitchens provide. Giving kids “loose parts” — natural or synthetic materials like pebbles, sand, water, buttons, blocks, buckets and plastic tubes — to use however they see fit, leads to creativity, exploration and learning, Gravelin says. She recalled a scene she witnessed recently that
illustrates the philosophy. A preschooler was trying to push wet sand through a funnel in the Homestead’s mud kitchen. When he realized it wouldn’t work, he poured it out and tried dry sand. Voila! It went right through. The boy had figured it out by himself.
Gravelin scoured hardware and secondhand stores for mud kitchen building supplies. Other items she scavenged along the side of the road. She used a variety of tools to construct the kitchen.
Her sons watched as the project came to fruition, with her youngest proclaiming, “Mama, you are strong,” after watching her wield one of the power tools. When Gravelin loaded the kitchen into the back of her truck to deliver it to the Homestead, her sons were sad to see it go. Not to worry, she told them, she’ll build one for them, too. K
Learn more about Gravelin’s work at tinkeringprojectvt. blogspot.com or at “Tinkering Project VT” on Facebook
1. Driftwood from Shelburne Beach
2. Buckets on a pulley let kids explore weight and balance
3. Wood pallets picked up on the side of the road comprise the bulk of the structure
4. Window frame from Goodwill
5. Lemon balm, chamomile, mint and basil — with nasturtium still to come — look pretty and provide handy ingredients for teas and tinctures
6. Strawberries
7. Removable shelves, funnel and metal sink basin allow for flexible play
8. Glass knobs (they turn and double as hooks) from Gravelin’s mother-in-law’s house
9. Storage area — or a pretend oven!
10. Using real equipment — pots, pans, and measuring cups and spoons — is empowering for kids
Kids VT: Jeffrey, you’re a stay-athome dad to these three kiddos! How long have you been at it?
Je rey: I’ve been home a little over a year. I stopped work before Mira was born. I had a job where I was traveling 100 days out of the year. And that was tough enough with two kids! So when we decided to have a third baby, we knew I couldn’t keep doing that. I could have looked for another job, but when we started looking at the price of childcare and afterschool things for all three of them, it just didn’t make sense. We realized I’d basically be working to pay for all of those things.
KVT: What’s a typical day like for you with the kids?
Je rey: We all get up around 6, and we leave the house at 7:15. We drop o Edgar at preschool, then Mira and I will go for a walk, and she naps. We pick Edgar up at 11, then we do things around here — play outside or ride bikes. Mira still naps in the afternoon too, so we don’t go too far! We do like ECHO a lot, and now it’s T-ball season for Edgar. Aniela gets home from school on the bus around 4.
KVT: So it’s working out well for you all?
Je rey: Yeah, it takes a lot of stress o . Before, when one of the kids was sick or had an appointment, Donata and I would go back and forth in the morning about who would call out from work to stay home with them. So that’s much easier. It’s also great because I get to do a lot of projects around the house I didn’t have time for before. Last summer I painted our whole house!
Atlanta-based photographer and writer Kate T. Parker traveled around the country with her camera to capture portraits and quotes from boys ages 4 to 19 for her new book, The Heart of a Boy: Celebrating the Strength and Spirit of Boyhood. The book follows her 2017 release, Strong Is the New Pretty: A Celebration of Girls Being Themselves.
In her latest work, released in April, Parker describes her young subjects as possessing “both strength and softness.” The boys featured include 4-year-old Jax, who holds a flower he picked for his mother, and Austin, 10, who started a lemonade stand to raise funds for a no-kill animal shelter.
“There’s a national conversation going on about what defines masculinity and how to raise sons to become good people,” Parker writes. “We need to look at what we are saying and showing our boys about who they are allowed to be.”
With that sentiment in mind, we asked Maura D’Amore, director of the St. Michael’s College gender studies program, to recommend children’s books that offer a more nuanced portrayal of boys.
D’Amore’s recommendations:
• The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig features Brian, a boy who doesn’t fit in with his classmates. Patrice Barton’s illustrations subtly convey the child’s unhappiness by depicting him in black and white while his classmates are in color. D’Amore credits this picture
book with tapping into the emotional life of the main character “by picturing Brian again and again and again in the very scenes where he seems invisible to everyone around him.” The boy is rewarded for his kindness when he earns a new friend.
• Minh Lê’s Drawn Together features Caldecott winner Dan Santat’s illustrations of a boy’s nearly wordless relationship with his Thai grandfather. As the initially estranged pair begin drawing together, the boy discovers, “All the things we could never say come pouring out.” The book was a National Public Radio 2018 Great Reads pick.
• The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark, originally published in 1968, was written by Jill Tomlinson, who intended to be an opera singer, not a writer. In the story, a young barn owl named Plop reaches out to strangers to overcome his fear of the dark. An enthusiastic boy shows him the dark can be exciting with a fireworks show, and an astronomer introduces Plop to the wonders of the night sky. In 2001, Paul Howard abridged and illustrated an adaptation. A board book version is also available.
• The playful graphic novel Mr. Wolf’s Class, by elementary-school teacher Aron Nels Steinke, features a diverse group of students in a fourth-grade classroom helmed by an inexperienced but well-intentioned male teacher. The Comics Journal describes Steinke’s work as “funny, heartfelt, and completely charming.”
Authors of note:
• D’Amore loves Kevin Henkes’ picture books, particularly ones featuring mice. Henkes “nails emotional complexity” in the animals’ expressions and effectively conveys children’s desires for their own autonomy.
• Cynthia Rylant’s early-reader series, Henry and Mudge, stars an introspective and independent young boy whose English mastiff helps him work through his problems.
• Beverly Cleary’s classic Henry Huggins chapter book series offers a rich exploration of children’s interior lives through the eyes of a young boy navigating the complexity of friendships. K
The 36th annual Burlington Discover Jazz Festival brings live music to town for 10 days starting May 31. On the lineup are Patti LaBelle, Bobby McFerrin, Brian Wilson and Burlington 12-year-old Lulu Barr-Brandt.
Asked how she decided to book a kid for a two-hour, paid gig, festival managing director Chelsea Lafayette said, “It was actually kind of funny.” She had been looking for photos to market the event when she came across one of a young girl singing last year at Radio Bean. A festival photographer had captured the moment: dappled light, petite performer, chunky statement necklace, hands cupping a microphone.
A couple of days later, Lafayette got a call from a woman suggesting more festival programming for kids by kids. Her daughter would perform, the woman said; she sang at Radio Bean last year. And Lafayette made the connection to the photograph. “I was intrigued by that photo,” she said, “and then I saw who was in her band, and I felt comfortable that it was going to be a really good, quality show.”
Lulu will share the stage with four local musicians: pianist Randal Pierce, bass player Dan Bishop, cellist Cleo Flemming and drummer Colin Henkel. They’re calling themselves Lulu and the Solar Flares. The seasoned pros and the seventh grader. She’s just 5 feet tall and 87 pounds, but everyone who was asked about Lulu brought up her professionalism.
“I would say Lulu, for a 12-year-old, has a lot of composure,” Pierce said. “As much as possible, I try to think of her and treat her as a professional singer — because she is.”
Lulu played Small Alison in the 2017 Vermont Stage production of Fun Home, the Tony-winning musical inspired by Vermont cartoonist Alison Bechdel’s graphic memoir by the same name.
(Pierce was the show’s musical director.) Because Vermont Stage is a professional theater, Lulu — just 11 years old at the time — was paid. She rehearsed for six days a week for four weeks and then performed 28 sold-out shows in one month. “That’s grueling for anyone…” said Vermont Stage artistic director Cristina Alicea. “And if she was feeling worn thin
AGE: 12
TOWN: Burlington
in any way, she did not bring that into the rehearsal space.”
Lulu is growing up in a two-story brick house full of music. Her parents turn it on in the morning to wake her and her 10-year-old sister, Clio, and it plays throughout the day. Because her dad grew up in New Orleans, jazz and blues are on heavy rotation. The family makes music, too. They sing rounds on the way to school. They own ukuleles, guitars, keyboards, flutes, drums and recorders. Dad Rob Barr plays harmonica and mom Maea Brandt is learning mandolin, but neither has played professionally. Barr is a tennis coach at Middlebury College and Brandt teaches drawing at Saint Michael’s College.
Family videos show Lulu as a toddler “singing like crazy,” her mom said. “And she’s just so comfortable with it.” Lulu was in kindergarten or first grade when she started getting small parts in Very Merry Theatre and school productions. She was 7 when she started taking classical piano lessons from Claire Black. “That was my mom’s idea,” she said. “At first, I didn’t really like it.”
Her first big break came in fifth grade, when she landed the role of Fiona in Very Merry and Edmunds Elementary School’s production of Shrek: The Musical JR. Brandt remembers Lulu telling her about belting out a song for the first time during rehearsal. “And she
said that everybody in the room turned around. And I think that’s when she realized how much power she had.”
When Robin Fawcett was hired to direct Fun Home, she contacted theater and teacher friends, scouting for kids to audition for the five children’s roles. Shrek had closed, but Very Merry’s musical director mentioned Lulu and invited Fawcett to see her perform in a Very Merry cabaret. “Her performance style was so natural, unforced and yet very richly expressive,” Fawcett said. “It seemed effortless.”
Casting Small Alison was tricky, Fawcett said. In addition to acting and singing ability, the actress needed stamina because her character is onstage for a large part of the show. Plus, she had to physically fit the role. Lulu was called back five times. She didn’t seem to realize her talent, Fawcett said. She brought a “beguiling naturalness … And she just had such a vivid imagination. And that showed in the auditions.”
She arrived at the first rehearsal with all of her lines memorized.
Fun Home recounts Bechdel’s coming of age story, her coming out as a lesbian, and her relationship with her father, a closeted gay man who, she suspects, may have died from suicide. The topics are heady and difficult, Brandt acknowledged, but she saw no need to shelter her daughter. “I sheltered her
from pop music and television and junk food, but I’m an artist … and this was art. This was the highest order of music and storytelling … And it was the best way for a young person to learn about some very important and very sensitive issues.”
Once cast, Lulu began singing lessons with Bill Reed, the South Burlington instructor whose students have performed on Broadway and in opera houses in New York and around Europe. “My voice became stronger and my range became larger,” Lulu said.
A fan of Ella Fitzgerald and Nina Simone, Lulu plans to sing 17 songs at Jazz Fest, a mix of jazz standards — “O-o-h Child,” “Fly Me to the Moon” — along with some Adele, Jamiroquai and Jess Glynne.
Lulu dips into her 12 years of life experience to bring heart to her music. Kids understand strong emotions “because they have strong emotions, too,” she said. When onstage performing, she said, “I see, like, the lyrics or the notes on the pages, and all I can hear is myself. I just get lost in this world and don’t come back until it’s done.”
Whatever her future holds, Lulu wants to keep singing. “Whenever I sing,” she said, “it just lights up my world.” K
Catch Lulu and the Solar Flares at Radio Bean on Friday, June 7 from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. and on the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival’s stage outside City Hall on Saturday, June 8 from noon to 2 p.m.
On a Friday night in May, a line of pinball machines blink and glow along the wall of a narrow suite in a nondescript building on Williston Road in South Burlington. At 8 p.m., the space — known as the Pinball Co-op — is buzzing with a few dozen mostly male patrons working the flippers and shooting the breeze, some nursing cans of craft beer.
In the midst of ricocheting pinballs and small talk, some conversations turn to topics like the efficacy of Google Calendar and the challenges of navigating
childcare pickups. That’s because scattered among the crowd are nine or 10 men who belong to Dad Guild, a social group started last year to connect and support dads of young children. Founder Keegan Albaugh, wearing jeans and a T-shirt adorned with the faces of his two young daughters, mingles jovially with the men — some of whom are attending a Dad Guild event for the first time.
One of the newbies is Chris Clark, an avid motorcyclist wearing a black T-shirt that reveals colorful tattoos inked on both arms. He was invited to join the
group by Dad Guild treasurer Marlon Fisher, whose son goes to the same childcare center as Clark’s 17-month-old daughter. Clark described himself as an involved, hands-on parent and said he was psyched to get to know other likeminded dads.
This evening outing — which gives new fathers the opportunity to connect in a casual, nonjudgmental environment — is just what Albaugh envisioned for Dad Guild.
With his dark, slightly scruffy beard and rectangular black-framed glasses,
Albaugh looks the part of the typical 30-something Burlington dad. Talk to him for a few minutes and you’ll learn that he’s a warm and fuzzy dude who’s quick to laugh — the kind of spontaneous, full-belly laugh that makes you feel like he actually might find you funny.
“I’ve always been a guy who’s liked to talk about his feelings,” he said during a coffee shop chat a few weeks before the pinball outing. A 35-year-old Burlington resident, Albaugh grew up in New Hampshire, with parents who
had traditional gender roles. His dad, a geologist, “worked all the time,” he said, and his mom managed the household and worked part-time as a nurse. His parents always encouraged him to be kind and taught him to see being in touch with his emotions as a positive attribute, he said. His friends were primarily female, and he watched a lot of Full House
At Colby College in Maine, Albaugh majored in human development and family studies, which gave him the opportunity to read, think and talk about topics like adolescence, masculinity and the societal messages that boys and girls receive. The women’s rights class he took prompted him to examine his own male privilege and strive to do socially responsible work. For almost a decade, Albaugh has worked at the Centerpoint School in South Burlington and Winooski, an alternative program for adolescents with emotional, behavioral or special learning needs. He currently serves as a teacher and cocurricular coordinator there.
When Albaugh and his partner, Stephanie, had their first daughter, Coraline, three years ago, he remembers being “really excited to embrace fatherhood.” Stephanie was involved in activities for expecting and new moms like prenatal yoga and a VerMamas support group at Evolution Prenatal and Family Yoga Center in Burlington. But when Albaugh searched for similar opportunities to connect with new dads, he found virtually nothing.
“I was shocked — in a place like Burlington, which I consider to be a progressive place,” said Albaugh. He remembered thinking, Boy, if we’re not doing this work here, it’s probably not being done in a lot of places
Albaugh’s hunch was correct. Though American fathers have increased the time they spend with their children on weekdays by an average of 65 percent in the past three decades, according to a 2014 report by the Families and Work Institute, a cursory Google search shows there is still a dearth of support groups and organized activities geared toward dads. Albaugh said he found few organizations that presented fatherhood in a “fun, cool” way and with a focus on community engagement.
In the Burlington area, the one group he came across was the Fathers and Children Together (FACT) weekly drop-in program at the Janet S. Munt Family Room for dads and kids, ages 0 to 8, to play and have dinner together. While open to all dads, it provides specific support to fathers on probation or working out custody issues.
When Susan Cline Lucey, owner of Evolution, wanted to launch a dads group
in 2016, Stephanie suggested Albaugh as the facilitator.
Eight dads signed up for the group, called Modern Pop, which was designed to meet once a month for nine months. Each session had a theme, ranging from maintaining work-life balance to managing relationships. Albaugh would break the ice with a light, open-ended question like, “What’s your favorite song?” or “What game do you like to play with your kid?” then steer the conversation to weightier issues around the new emotions and challenges that come with being a dad. To make sure no
brainstorming sessions. Over the course of three Tuesday night gatherings at the Skinny Pancake in Burlington, the men hammered out a mission statement — to support and empower fathers by offering opportunities for connection, education and community engagement — and christened the group Dad Guild.
In the nine months since, membership has grown from 30 to more than 130, and Dad Guild has become a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Monthly events include nighttime meetups for dads, like the one at the Pinball Co-op; a monthly Saturday
And he believes that men should be better represented in discussions, activism, and professional work related to issues like early childhood education, and preventing child abuse and domestic violence.
“What message are we sending to the community when only women are doing this work?” he asks. To that end, he’s begun a dialogue with organizations including Turning Point Center of Chittenden County, Champlain Valley Head Start, Lund, Prevent Child Abuse Vermont, and Steps to End Domestic Violence to see how Dad Guild might help with programming and education for fathers.
He’s also spoken with Josh Miller, director of the Family Room, about collaborating to create another on-site playgroup for dads, and to participate in their fledgling Dads Mentoring Dads program. “I was super excited to hear his ideas,” Miller said of Albaugh. “He’s emotionally tuned in and not afraid to express that.”
Albaugh is also advocating for seemingly simple, but meaningful, steps, like putting diaper-changing tables in men’s bathrooms at local businesses. When he noticed recently that Michaels in South Burlington didn’t have one, he spoke to a staff member, then wrote a letter to the store manager, and the store installed one.
Ultimately, he’d like Dad Guild to be known in the community as a resource and support for anyone taking on a fatherhood role. And he’d like to expand its reach to fathers of older kids as well, with the hope that those dads could offer advice and perspective to new fathers.
one monopolized the conversation, the men passed a “talking stick” — in this case, a wooden piece of toast from the play area.
Most of the men admitted they signed up for the group because their partners suggested it. Still, Albaugh felt like it ended up being a success. “It was cool because people were pretty open,” he said. “By the end of the nine months, the dads were very connected and really sharing stuff” and eager to keep the community going.
Although a second Modern Pop didn’t generate enough interest to run, Albaugh remained committed to continuing the work. Late last summer, he emailed all of the local dads of young children he knew, and invited them to join his
afternoon playgroup at the Fletcher Free Library in Burlington; and a monthly Sunday morning Kids & Coffee playground outing. Both the library and playground events are open to the whole family. The Dad Guild website also includes a list of Chittenden County playgroups, story times and sing-alongs. T-shirts with the organization’s logo — a hand triumphantly clutching a baby bottle — have recently been distributed to members.
Albaugh — who now has a second daughter, 6-month-old Penelope — has loftier aspirations still. He’s troubled by the societal and cultural scripts that portray men, and particularly fathers, as emotionally vacant, disengaged and incompetent (Homer Simpson, anyone?).
Fisher, Dad Guild treasurer and father of two, promotes the group to moms and dads he meets. The former Army intelligence analyst was a stay-at-home dad for 18 months and said he was often the lone man at playgroups, the pool and the library. He met Albaugh at a singalong for kids at Radio Bean. Dad Guild, Fisher said, addresses new fathers’ need to have an authentic connection with and learn from other dads, and to be able to express vulnerability. Growing up with a single mom, Fisher never thought he’d be a dad. Now he’s giving tips to other dads on developing an efficient system for getting out of the house with kids. And he learned from a fellow Dad Guild member to put blackout shades in his younger son’s room to improve the child’s sleep.
Board member Nicholas Kramer joined Modern Pop when his son was 3 weeks old. His wife, a yoga teacher trainer at Evolution, suggested he might
Overall, dads I meet want to be good dads and want to be connected.
KEEGAN ALBAUGHDad Guild founder Keegan Albaugh with daughter Penelope
like the group. Kramer said he was hesitant at first, as he wasn’t sure what he’d have in common with the fellow participants. But he was pleasantly surprised.
“I thought it was important to have a group of people going through the same thing at the same time,” Kramer said. He appreciated that he had a designated time every month when he could talk about being a dad. And he found it “validating” to hear that others in the group were dealing with loss of sleep and free time like he was.
Ethan AldenDanforth of Shelburne started participating in Dad Guild events this winter. He and his wife moved to Vermont from New York City two and a half years ago and their son, Wyatt, is 8 months old. Dad Guild has given him a venue to get answers to questions about child development from people he can relate to. The group can help dads envision a role of fathers different from what they might have experienced growing up, he said. The message: “It’s not just acceptable, but welcome and beneficial, to have [an] emotional relationship with your child.”
In creating a space where dads can socialize, joke and learn from each
other, Albaugh hopes that messages like these will slowly be internalized. Perhaps, for example, a dad who’s uncomfortable wearing a BabyBjörn or being silly with his kids will see another man doing these things at a Dad Guild event and realize it’s no big deal. Or a socially isolated dad will come to a playgroup at the library and realize it’s a fun way to spend time with his child. Maybe passersby will see a group of men wearing Dad Guild T-shirts cleaning up trash from a playground or participating in a march that supports women — things Albaugh hopes to do in the future — and start to create a different picture in their minds of what it means to be a dad.
“Overall, dads I meet want to be good dads and want to be connected,” Albaugh said. That starts with acknowledging both the critical role fathers play in a child’s life and the different ways in which fatherhood is transformative. And it requires modeling what it means to be an engaged, caring father.
“We’re trying to reverse some societal trends,” said Albaugh, but “it’s going to take some time.” K
Learn more about Dad Guild at dadguild.org.
Perhaps a dad who’s uncomfortable wearing a BabyBjörn or being silly with his kids will see another man doing these things and realize it’s
When I was a girl growing up in a small New Hampshire town, my father, a college professor, bought a nonfiction book about a mother and her teenage daughter who bonded when they acquired a milking cow. While parenting three adolescents, my dad sometimes jokingly threatened that he was going to buy a cow to deepen family harmony. Instead, we connected through hiking — an activity my brother, sister and I now share with our own children.
Family relationships are often nurtured through shared activities. For an illustration of this principle, look no further than Penny and Ben Hewitt, who live on 100 rural acres in Stannard with their two teenage sons. The Hewitts have fashioned their family life around homesteading. They produce nearly all of their food, power their home with solar energy and heat with wood. Their collaborative 2015 book, The Nourishing Homestead: One Back-tothe-Land Family’s Plan for Cultivating Soil, Skills, and Spirit, provides readers nittty-gritty advice on everything from churning butter to slaughtering pigs, along with the Hewitts’ photographs.
In April, the Hewitts released The Young Adventurer’s Guide to (Almost) Everything: Build a Fort, Camp Like a Champ, Poop in the Woods — 45 Action-Packed Outdoor Activities, geared towards readers ages 8 to 12. The book contains step-by-step instructions for learning traditional skills, from cooking over a campfire (and roasting insects!) to navigating by the stars. Handcrafts range from the simple, like folding birch bark into a ring, to the more complex, like gathering and weaving willow into a basket. Developing such skills requires practice and patience, the Hewitts emphasize, and the book’s tone is upbeat and encouraging.
“No matter what, your basket will hold something. Maybe not berries, but definitely a grapefruit,” the Hewitts write of making a basket for the first time. Directions for each activity are accompanied by easy-to-follow illustrations by Luke Boushee, a mentor at the Plainfield nature education center EarthWalk Vermont.
The Young Adventurer’s Guide begins by acknowledging that the skills described in its pages originated with Native Americans, then instructs readers how to choose and handle a knife and predict weather by looking to the sky. “The Best Camping Trip Ever” section o ers precise instructions, ranging from how to transform a tarp into a tent to brushing your teeth with a stick.
The final section — “Turn the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary” — perhaps best sums up this practical and visionary book. Using materials easily found in Vermont — including birch bark, acorn caps and feathers — the Hewitts and Boushee explain how to make whistles, kites and yo-yos.
Ben, a contributor to Yankee, Outside, the New York Times Magazine and other national publications, has authored five books, including The Town That Food Saved: How One Community Found Vitality in Local Food — a portrayal of revitalized agriculture in Hardwick — and Home Grown: Adventures in Parenting O the Beaten Path, Unschooling, and Reconnecting with the Natural World Home Grown explains the family’s educational approach of unschooling — defined by educator and author John Holt as child-led learning, based on individual interests. The ideas espoused in the book have garnered both admirers of the
doesn’t make lists and works best at the very end of his deadline.
couple’s back-to-the-land dedication and Virgo.
Ben Hewitt: Penny is really temperamentally a planner and an organizer. She’s a stereotypical Virgo. I’m so much my-head-in-the-clouds. She’s like a rifle, and I’m like a shotgun. How’s that for a good rural analogy?
KVT: What’s the concept behind The Young Adventurer’s Guide?
Like a cookbook, The Young Adventurer’s Guide isn’t intended for readers to work through all of its o erings. Instead, families can choose what appeals to them.
Originally from New Jersey, Penny met her future spouse in the early 1990s on Martha’s Vineyard, where she was farming and he was working construction. Not long afterward, the couple moved to Vermont — Ben’s native state. In addition to homeschooling their sons, Penny teaches basketry through her business, Lazy Mill Treecraft, where she works with 4-H, homeschool and other private groups in art centers.
critics of this nontraditional approach to education.
In May, Penny and Ben Hewitt shared how they came to write their latest book with Kids VT
Kids VT: What is it like to work so closely and creatively with your spouse?
Penny Hewitt: For the most part, we tend to complement each other, but some fundamental di erences challenge us. We approach things totally di erently and have very di erent styles. I am more detail-oriented and like to get things done, so I can cross them o my list. Ben
Our kids loved these kinds of books when they were little. The American Boy’s Handy Book: What to Do and How to Do It (originally published in 1888) was a favorite. Although there are some timeless activities in there, it felt a little outdated. I got tired of having to come up with replacements for whale baleen, for instance.
KVT: How did you end up collaborating with local illustrator Luke Boushee?
PH: in come to
PH: Luke has been a mentor in life skills to our boys for a while… We knew we wanted drawings from someone who had an intimate relationship to the skills, so the directions were clearly illustrated but were also fun and whimsical. Luke was the natural choice… I would write up the skills and email them to Luke and Ben. Luke would email back a rough drawing. Then he and I would email or talk on the phone a bit about the nuances and ways to clarify things, and he would do a finished drawing. Meanwhile, Ben would add introductions and tidy up the writing. I should say that not only did Luke do the drawings — and put up with all the little changes I asked for without ever once getting frustrated, at least to my face — he also was instrumental in choosing what skills would be included
and helping me figure out how to say in words what we usually just did with our hands, which was surprisingly difficult.
KVT: Why are traditional skills and crafts good for kids?
PH: Kids tend to be hands-on learners. They are always picking up rocks and sticks and checking out plants and insects. The things in this book are just an extension of that curiosity… There was a time when people had to know these skills or they wouldn’t survive. We’ve become so dependent on outsourcing the essential goods and skills of our lives. Knowing how to make things that are useful in everyday life is empowering. Revitalizing this knowledge reconnects people to the land on which we all depend. The deeper that connection, the more we understand the need to protect it, and the more willing and desirous we will be to work to that effect.
BH: To me, there is a line to be drawn between engaging in these crafts and engaging in actually — to use this overused word — caring for the land. One of the things I think we struggle with in our current place in our journey on this planet as humans is it’s becoming increasingly challenging for people to live on a day-to-day basis with a deep sense of connection to the actual place where they live — or, I should say, the land itself and all the creatures and plants where they live. Without that connection, it’s hard to feel profuse affection for the land. Without that appreciation and affection, it’s easy not to care so deeply for it… This is not so
true in Vermont, honestly, which is one of the reasons why people look at Vermont as this sort of place and culture and community they want to be part of.
KVT: Why is cultivating a connection to the land so challenging?
BH: I think it’s increasingly difficult because the incentives are all in the other direction… That is endemic in our culture. I don’t think you can really blame people for this, because the economic incentives compel people to not live in that way. You know, I understand that. I’m living out part of that, too… I feel that and sympathize with that, and I get it… [What I say or write] isn’t meant to be an indictment or a criticism at all. I think it’s just a fundamental truth of how our economy works in this day and age… Lord knows, I don’t want to tell people how to live their lives. K
For hands-on traditional craft instruction, Penny Hewitt and Luke Boushee pair up with other crafters to host the Sloyd Skills Gathering at the Hewitts’ Stannard property, June 28-30. Sloyd refers to a Finnish system of education based on everyday handcrafts. With both day and camping options and a range of fees, the family-friendly event offers adult and teen workshops, including carving spoons and bowls, weaving hats and wallets, felting, spinning and sewing a buckskin pouch. Children’s activities include games, singing and woodland toy making for ages 6-12. Learn more at sloydskillsgathering.com.
In 2014, second grade teacher George Leal launched a class newspaper at the Integrated Arts Academy, an arts magnet school in the Old North End of Burlington. That year, the 7- and 8-year-old staffers decided to use their lunch break to investigate an attempted robbery at a neighborhood store. Leal initially pushed back on the idea, but after his students “started quoting back all my First Amendment speeches,” Leal said, he allowed them to interview the owner of the store. That undertaking led to a classroom discussion about the role of newspapers and what people have a right to know.
The following school year, the new batch of second graders thought that the newspaper was an institution, and asked to be part of it. It’s been published every year since. This year, Leal’s students are publishing the sixth volume of the Weekly Leal
Leal estimates that the students spend 15 hours a week on the paper — writing and editing in their free time, or when they finish their class work early. The team of around 10 students produces the paper themselves. They take “press passes”— photo ID cards hung around their necks — to the front office to find story ideas, then type stories up, edit them and lay them out. The kids print a master copy on the library printer, make copies in the office, then pass them out at lunch.
“We’ve tried doing an online version as well, and they’ve never been that interested in that,” Leal said. “They like the physical It-comes-out-on-Friday-wehand-it-to-people version.”
In class, Leal has continued to have conversations with his students about concepts like fake news, the scope of their news coverage and the importance of being informed.
Several school staff members are retiring or leaving at the end of the year, and the students wanted to write about it. “And the teachers didn’t necessarily want that information out there,” Leal said, “so that’s a conversation that’s had to be had a few times.”
While the class was at recess, Kids VT spoke with some of the writers and editors of the Weekly Leal
Kids VT: What is your job at the Weekly Leal?
Juniper: I’m editor-in-chief, so I make sure everything is ready. Like, I’m kind of
in charge of it. I correct all the mistakes, like put capitals, and make sure there’s periods, and make sure everything’s spelled right. And then I put the article in the Weekly Leal and do the header and make sure everything is ready. I wrote a really long paper — I’m forgetting what they’re called — like a paragraph, and then [Mr. Leal] said I could be editor-in-chief.
Liban: I save it, and I print it, and I pass it out to everybody in school.
Marlee: I do what is called the “Marlee’s Critter Corner.” I write about animals because I really like them, and I write fun facts about them. And I also like to tell people about them so that they like them more because a lot of animals are endangered.
KVT: What do you like about the Weekly Leal?
Adrian: Probably that I get to show articles to the whole school.
Mila: My favorite part probably is writing articles… It’s a hard job, but it’s also fun, and hard at the same time.
Josie: It’s fun to see it on the computer with all the different fonts and stuff.
KVT: What are some of the challenges of working at a newspaper?
Josie: To make the article longer.
Adrian: I don’t always find articles… Sometimes I go up to the principal and ask for some news, but not always I get some.
Juniper: It is really busy, and some people have gotten a reminder about like, “Hey, you have to be working on the Weekly Leal or you can’t be doing it anymore.” And some people have dropped out being editors because they don’t have the time to be working on it … but we don’t do too much pressure because I don’t really like firing people.
KVT: What’s your favorite article you’ve written?
Adrian: Probably that Halloween is coming. Or that break is coming, because I love break… Because Halloween is amazing, and break is amazing.
Juniper: I have a favorite that somebody else wrote… Well, I liked this one that my friend Mitzi wrote. She wrote one about springtime and it was really cool. It had really descriptive words about springtime, and it was really cool that she put all of that effort in to make it.
BY SEVI BURGET-FOSTERMarlee: Well, I kind of always have one story about an animal every week, like, one time there was this squirrel who got caught in the trash can outside. He jumped into the trash can, and the squirrel couldn’t get out, so our teacher had to grab him out. It’s a good thing he didn’t bite.
KVT: What have you learned?
Liban: I’ve learned how Mr. Bobby’s leaving the school, Miss Judy is leaving the school… A lot of people are leaving the school.
Adrian: That writing is sometimes a little bit hard.
Josie: How to write a newspaper? (laughs) K
At the GRAND ISLE FAMILY FISHING FESTIVAL, kids and adults get hooked on the joys of angling. The Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife offers free use of gear and instruction in knot tying, casting, fish identification and more. Saturday, June 8, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Ed Weed Fish Culture Station, Grand Isle.
JUNE 14-16 SAT
Quechee Hot Air Balloon Craft & Music Festival: Up, up and away! Celebrate Dad’s special weekend by watching inflatable rides rise into the sky, then hear music, play games and check out craft vendors and the Kid’s Zone. Visit quecheeballoonfestival.com for a full schedule. Quechee Village Green, Quechee.
Strawberry Festival: Say hello to summer with a berry sweet celebration featuring games, face painting, and strawberry shakes, fudge, jam and shortcake.
11 a.m.-4 p.m., Sam Mazza’s Farm Market, Colchester.
BugFest!: Naturalists of all ages witness weird and wacky caterpillars, build homes for native bees, learn about pollinator gardening from VPR’s Charlie Nardozzi, chase fireflies in the moonlight and participate in hands-on activities. 2-10 p.m., North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier.
Middlebury Farmers Market: Crafts, cheeses, breads, veggies, eggs and more vie for spots in shoppers’ totes. Middlebury VFW, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Caledonia Farmers Market: Freshly baked goods, veggies, beef and maple syrup figure prominently in displays of “shop local” options. St. Johnsbury Farmers Market, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Info, 592-3088.
Help Save the Hubble: A Code Cracking Challenge: Young sleuths investigate clues hidden in the library to regain control of a hacked telescope. Ages 12 and up. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 4-4:45 & 5:15-6 p.m., preregister individually or in groups. Info, 748-8291. FREE
St. Johnsbury Lapsit Storytime: Parents and wee ones partake in stories, fingerplay and bounce songs. Ages 2 and under. Older siblings welcome. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 10:30-11 a.m. Info, 748-8291. FREE
Burlington Farmers Market: In a new location this year, growers and artisans offer fresh and ready-to-eat foods, crafts and more in a bustling marketplace. Pine Street, Burlington, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 310-5172.
Kids Building Workshop: Handy helpers learn doit-yourself skills and tool safety as they construct seasonal projects. Ages 5-12. Home Depot, Williston, 9 a.m.-noon., preregister at workshops.homedepot. com. Info, 872-0039. FREE
Northern Girls on the Run VT 5K Celebration: In a celebratory completion of the Girls on the Run Program, enthusiastic girls and community members lace up for a noncompetitive 5K. Registration, face painting and hairstyling begins at 8:30 a.m. Champlain Valley Expo, Essex Junction, $10-30. Info, 246-1476.
Read to Cleo the Therapy Dog: Canine and reading enthusiasts visit with a personable pooch. Milton Public Library, 10-11 a.m., preregister. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Rutland Farmers Market: Local vendors peddle farm-fresh produce and fruits, handcrafted breads, artisan cheese, and more at this large outdoor emporium. Depot Park, Rutland, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 342-4727.
Craftsbury Common Farmers Market: Locals load up on garden-fresh produce, Vermont-made crafts, baked goods and more. Craftsbury Common, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Capital City Farmers Market: Veggies, honey, maple syrup and more change hands at a celebration of farm-grown food and handmade crafts. Downtown Montpelier, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Info, 279-7293.
Waitsfield Farmers Market: Saturday shoppers search out handmade crafts and local produce, meat and maple products, while enjoying lunch fare and live music in this grassy outdoor venue. Mad River Green, Waitsfield, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
CENTER: After 25 years of memories on the lake, the Community Waterfront Campus and Sailing Education Center throws a bash for everyone with free tours, 45-minute guided sails and lunch fare from local food trucks. Ages 6 and up. Lake Champlain Community Sailing Center, Burlington, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 10 A.M.-3 P.M., preregistration required for sailing. Info, 864-2499. FREE
ADAMANT BLACKFLY FESTIVAL: Kids and adults bug out at this cheeky town fête “honoring” pesky local insects, with family fun all day, including a pie contest at 12:30 p.m., a 2 p.m. parade and fashion show and a writers’ slam featuring Geof Hewitt at 2:30 p.m. Adamant Co-op, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 9 A.M.-4 P.M. Info, 223-5760. FREE
CENTRAL VERMONT FAMILY FUN DAY: Families have a blast with a bounce house, entertainment by Rockin’ Ron the Friendly Pirate, touch-a-truck, live performances, a raffle and much more. Ages 2-12 with adults. Montessori School of Central Vermont, Barre, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 11 A.M.-1 P.M. lunch fare available for purchase; ice cream by donation. Info, 479-0912.
TREK TO TASTE: This celebration of local food, trails and healthy living includes guided walks at 10:30 a.m and noon, free samples of delicious fare from local producers, arts and crafts for kids, exhibits, music ,and an ice cream social. Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park, Woodstock, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 10 A.M.-3 P.M. Info, 457-3368. FREE
VERMONT DAIRY FESTIVAL: The state’s agricultural heritage is honored during a four-day festival with agricultural events, fair rides, live music, food contests, fireworks on Saturday night and the annual Milk Run on Sunday. Events on Main Street, the green and other locations; check the website for details. Enosburg Falls, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 9 A.M.-10 P.M. AND SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 6:30 A.M.-5 P.M., various prices. Info, 933-4134.
ARTSRIOT TRUCK STOP BURLINGTON: Foodies enjoy an eclectic array of local grub and live music during this hip block party. ArtsRiot, Burlington, FRIDAYS, 5-10 P.M. THROUGH AUG. 30, cost for food. Info, 540-0406.
FAMILY FUN DAY: Stowe Parks and Recreation, Helen Day Art Center and Stowe Land Trust celebrate Family Health and Fitness Day with nature exploration, group games, a BBQ and more. Lintilhac Park, Stowe, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 11 A.M.-2 P.M. food available for purchase. Info, 253-8358.
FESTIVAL: Up, up and away! Watch inflatable rides rise into the sky, then hear music, play games and check out craft vendors and the Kid’s Zone. Ascension scheduled for Friday at 6 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Check website for updated schedule. Quechee Village Green, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 6 P.M., SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 6 A.M.-6 P.M. AND SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 6 A.M.-6 P.M., $5-15 general admission tickets are good for the entire weekend; children under 6 are free; $10 for dads accompanied by a child on Father’s Day. Info, 295-7900.
CAMP HOCHELAGA’S CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION & OPEN HOUSE: 100 years of empowering girls and women through summer camp experiences is celebrated with games, children’s activities, tours, a free barbecue lunch and — of course — cake.
Camp Hochelaga, South Hero, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 10 A.M.-2 P.M. Info, 862-7520. FREE
CLASSIC AUTO FESTIVAL: TRUCKS: Families ramble down memory lane this Father’s Day and check out vehicles from every era in this full day of games, hands-on art activities and BBQ. Shelburne Museum, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 10 A.M.-5 P.M. AND SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 10 A.M.-5 P.M. regular museum admission $8-25; free for children under 5. Info, 985-3346.
POCOCK ROCKS: Now in its 10th year, this music festival and street fair fêtes the community with six local bands, over thirty vendors — from food to crafts — a bounce house and other children’s activities. Bristol Town Green, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 3-8 P.M. Info, 760-6076. FREE
Family Clay: Children and their parents make memories firing and glazing special pieces. ArtisTree/ Purple Crayon, South Pomfret, 10 a.m.-noon, $20 per parent-child pair; $5 each additional child. Info, 457-3500.
Family Play: Moms, dads and children have fun with free court time and use of equipment. Open to all experience levels. Middlebury Indoor Tennis, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Info, 388-3733. FREE
Art Play Day: Little ones and caregivers drop in and get messy with multiple materials to spark imagination. Ages 18 months to 5 years with caregiver. Radiate Art Space, Richmond, 10-11:30 a.m., $5 per child; $8 max per family; $40 for a 10-visit punch card. Info, 324-9938.
Essex Open Gym: Energy-filled kids flip, jump and tumble in a state-of-the-art facility. Ages 6 and under, 1 p.m.; ages 7-12, 2:30 p.m.; ages 13 and up, 4 p.m. Regal Gymnastics Academy, Essex, 1-5:30 p.m., $8-14 per child. Info, 655-3300.
Family Gym: Indoor playground equipment provides tiny tumblers a chance to run free. Ages 7 and under with caregivers. Greater Burlington YMCA, 10:15-11:45 a.m., $5-8 per family; free for members; preregister. Info, 862-9622.
Old North End Neighborhood Band Teen Music Jam: Hosted by the One Band, musician Brian Perkins leads a music jam/rehearsal open to teenagers of all experience levels, combining strings, woodwinds, brass and vocals in a mix from past and present immigrant groups. Ages 12-20. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 12:15-1:30 p.m., preregister. Info, 881-8500. FREE
Summer Blast-Off Party: Summer reading registration blasts off with music, stellar activities, space snacks and more. All ages. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 2-4 p.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE
Winooski Farmers Market: Local produce, farm goods, artisan crafts, kids’ activities and tunes come together on the banks of the Winooski River. Champlain Mill, Winooski, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Stowe Farmers Market: Live music and agricultural and craft vendors make for a bustling atmosphere. Stowe Farmers Market, 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Info, 472-8027.
SUMMER REVELS IN POMFRET: Merrymakers entertain the crowd with a celebration of a day in the life of a small New England town, told through singing, stories, giant puppets and games. ArtisTree/Purple Crayon, South Pomfret, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 5:30 P.M., food available for purchase. Info, 866-556-3083.
STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL: Say hello to summer with a berry sweet celebration featuring kids games, face painting, and strawberry shakes, fudge, jam and shortcake. Sam Mazza’s Farm Market, Colchester, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 11 A.M.-4 P.M. fee for food and some activities. Info, 655-3440.
SUMMER REVELS IN NORWICH: Merrymakers entertain the crowd with a celebration of a day in the life of a small New England town, told through singing, stories, giant puppets and games. Norwich Town Green, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 5:30-8:30 P.M., food available for purchase. Info, 866-556-3083.
VERMONT RENAISSANCE FAIRE: Medieval encampments, live music, dancing, food galore and more make the Middle Ages come alive. Costumes encouraged. Mayo Events Field, Stowe, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 10 A.M.-6 P.M. AND SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 10 A.M.-6 P.M., $15. Info, 778-9178.
FOODAROO: Foodie trucks and craft purveyors give attendees a taste of the best Vermont has to offer with entertainment from street performers and leading local bands. Marble Works District, Middlebury, SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 4-9 P.M., $5 cover; free for children under 13.
ST. ALBANS TOUCH-A-TRUCK: Honk! Kids climb in heavy machinery, from big rigs and farm tractors to dump trucks and excavators. Horn-free from 11:30am-noon. St. Albans Public Works Garage, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 10 A.M.-1 P.M., donations accepted. Info, 524-1500.
VERMONT TEDDY BEAR’S 38TH BIRTHDAY PARTY: This famous Bear Factory throws a big bash for Vermont cubs with festivities including the Big Blue Trunk games and a train, children’s activities and food trucks. Vermont Teddy Bear Company, Shelburne, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 11 A.M.-2 P.M. Info, 985-3001. FREE
Colchester Preschool Music: Bitty ones dance and sing to a brisk beat. Ages 3-5. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 11:30 a.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Read with Pugsley: Petite ones practice literacy skills with the library’s pooch. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:15-4:15 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Teen Space: Adolescents enjoy games, music, snacks and a different activity each week. Milton Public Library, 3:30-5 p.m. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Williston Preschool Music: Lively tunes with local musicians strike the right note among the wee crowd. Ages 5 and under with a caregiver. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 11 a.m., limited to one session per week per family. Info, 878-4918.
Fairfax Maker Mondays: Afterschool kids drop in and ignite their imaginations with the library’s materials and tools. Ages 10 and up. Fairfax Community Library, 3-4:30 p.m. Info, 849-2420. FREE
Hardwick Lego Club: Fledgling architects assemble creations collaboratively with colorful blocks. Jeudevine Memorial Library, Hardwick, 3-5 p.m. Info, 472-5948. FREE
Afterschool Snacks and Stories: While kids relax and refuel after school, volunteer Greg Leroy reads picture books. Children under age 10 must be accompanied by a caregiver. Carpenter-Carse Library, Hinesburg, 2:15 p.m. Info, 482-2878. FREE
Dorothy’s List Book Club: Middle readers make merry conversation around The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl by Stacy McAnulty. Ages 8-11. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 4 p.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Spanish Musical Kids: Niños celebrate Spanish through Latin American songs and games. Ages 5 and under with a caregiver. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:45 a.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE
Tinker Tuesdays: Inquisitive kiddos investigate what makes technology tick by taking apart objects and designing new creations. Use the library’s materials or bring in computers, keyboards or other old electronics. Winooski Memorial Library, 3:30-5 p.m. Info, 655-6424. FREE
List your class or camp here for only $20 per month! Submit the listing by July 15 at kidsvt.com or to classes@kidsvt.com.
BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: The future of our nation lies in the courage, confidence and determination of its people. Our Kids BJJ Program promotes self-esteem, self-confidence, character development and a physical outlet with discipline, cooperation with other children, respect for peers and adults, perseverance and a healthy lifestyle. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu will help your kids to learn realistic bullyproofing and self-defense skills that they can use for the rest of their lives! Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu builds endurance, patience and self-respect. Give your kids the ability to get stronger, gain confidence and build resilience! Our sole purpose is to help empower people by giving them practices they can carry with them throughout life. Remember you are raising children, not flowers. First class is free! Please stop by our school at 55 Leroy Road, Williston; call 598-2839; visit vermontbjj.com or email julio@bjjusa.com to register your son or daughter!
Tuesday Movie: Viewers relax with a familyfriendly flick. Popcorn and drinks provided. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 2:45-4:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Tuesday Night Trail Running Series: Athletes of all ages and abilities choose between 2.5K and 5K courses or a short “cubs” race — with a 10K option on the second Tuesday of each month — during this fun evening race. Catamount Outdoor Family Center, Williston, 5:30-8 p.m., $10; free for children under 18. Info, 879-6001.
Adoption Support Group: Families facing adoption issues and challenges join forces in a respectful setting. All welcome. Franklin County Seniors Center, St. Albans, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Info, 524-1700. FREE
Hardwick Chess Club: Strategy lovers ages 11 and up join local game enthusiast Paul Fixx to sharpen their skills. Jeudevine Memorial Library, Hardwick, 2:30-4 p.m. Info, 472-5948. FREE
Maple Street Park 5K Running Series: Fleet feet have fun with friendly competition over courses varying each week from 2.5 to 5 miles. New runners welcome. Registration opens at 5 p.m. Maple Street Park, Essex Junction, 6 p.m., $10 per race; $50 for all 6 races. Info, 878-1375.
Read to Willy Wonka the Therapy Dog: A certified reading pooch listens patiently to emerging readers. Ages 3-8. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 4:15 p.m., preregister. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Read With Daisy the Therapy Dog: Book bu s of all ages bring a selection from home or borrow from the library to amuse an attentive canine. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:15-4:15 p.m., preregister. Info, 878-6956. FREE
See Dr. First videos “First With Kids” at uvmhealth.org.
Wednesday Night Mountain Biking: Pedalers of all ages and abilities wend their way along the trails in a nonintimidating atmosphere. This fun event includes 2.5K or 5K options and a short loop for ages 8 and under, beginning at 6 p.m. Catamount Outdoor Family Center, Williston, 5:30-8 p.m., $10; free for kids under 18. Info, 879-6001.
Yoga for Kids: Young yogis stretch to the sky with professional instructor Melissa from Evolution Yoga. Ages 2-5. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE
Rutland Farmers Market: See June 1, 3-6 p.m.
Acting Inside Out and All About: Little ones let their imaginations lead in play, using drama, movement, rhythm and visual art. Ages 3-5. Grange Hall Cultural Center, Waterbury Center, 10-11:30 a.m., $20 drop-in fee, preregister; free for parents. Info, 244-4168.
Woodstock Market on the Green: Fresh vegetables, farm eggs, local meats and cheeses, cut flowers, and seasonal fruits and berries represent the best of the growing season, with the accompaniment of live music. Woodstock Village Green, 3-6 p.m. Info, 457-3555.
6 Thursday
Free Family Art Workshops: Imaginative youngsters drop in for all or part of the morning and make masterpieces with many materials. Co ee, drinks and snacks provided. Ages 1-12 with adult caregiver. Old Firehouse at GRACE, Hardwick, 9-11 a.m. Info, 472-6857. FREE
Knitting for Kids: Small crafters learn simple skills with Hazen Union High School student Audrey Grant. Jeudevine Memorial Library, Hardwick, 3-4 p.m., RSVP if yarn and needles needed. Info, 472-5948. FREE
Burlington Tennis Club Swim Team Info
Session: Parents and caregivers seeking healthy summer activities check out this info session for the Burlington Tennis Club swim team. For adults with children ages 6-18; all skill levels. Burlington Tennis Club, South Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Info, 863-3439. FREE
Colchester Lego Club: Mini-makers participate in surprise challenges with interlocking toys. Ages 6-10. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 4 p.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Food for Thought Teen Library Volunteers: Young adults polish o pizza as they ponder library projects. Grades 7-12. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 4-5 p.m. Info, 878-4918. FREE
Hinesburg Movement and Music: Wee ones get going with movement games and songs, followed by a snack. Ages 3 and under; older siblings welcome. Carpenter-Carse Library, Hinesburg, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Info, 482-2878. FREE
Researchers at the University of Vermont (Burlington, VT) are studying how language and cognition may differ between individuals with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Results may be used to help design and develop education and training programs for individuals with ASD.
Who qualifies?
• Children and adults (ages 5-75) without a history of traumatic brain injury, neurological disorder, psychiatric disorder, substance abuse, or learning disability
• Children and adults (ages 5-75) with a professional diagnosis of ASD—including autism, autism spectrum disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, or Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)
What is involved?
Testing will take place at the research lab in Burlington, VT (although some testing may take place elsewhere upon request). The study will take approximately 3 hours in total.
• Participants will complete an initial screening session (approximately 2 hours) to assess eligibility. This will include questionnaires, behavioral tasks, and interview questions.
• Participants will also complete a testing session which may involve reading words or sentences, listening to stories, or viewing pictures.
• During these tasks, electroencephalography (EEG) may also be recorded. EEG is a non-invasive method of recording brain activity and involves wearing an elastic cap on the head which is soaked in a salt-water solution.
• Eye movement monitoring may also be performed while participants perform computer tasks. Eye-tracking is a non-invasive method of tracking the location of the pupil and involves placing the chin in a chin rest to minimize head movement.
Compensation: Participants will be compensated $15 per hour for study participation (prorated for partial completion of the study). Parking costs will be reimbursed. Participants under age 18 will receive compensation in the form of a gift card or an age-appropriate toy. If interested, participants will also receive the results of the study.
If you are interested in participating or would like to learn more, please contact Emily Coderre, the principal investigator, at Emily.Coderre@med.uvm.edu or (802) 656-0202.
Jericho Farmers Market: Local growers offer heirloom tomatoes, fresh greens, fragrant herbs, wildflowers and more at this family-friendly market made merry with live music. Mills Riverside Park, Jericho, 3-6:30 p.m.
Milton Farmers Market: Farmers, foodies and crafters come together to celebrate the bounty of the growing season. Hannaford Supermarket, Milton, 3:30-7 p.m. Info, 893-1009.
Monthly Home School Program: Home learners soak up nature-related studies in an outdoor classroom. Parent participation optional. Ages 6-8. Audubon Vermont, Huntington, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., $20-25, preregister. Info, 434-3068.
Preschool Yoga: Children’s yoga teacher Melissa Nutting charms wee ones and caregivers with a half-hour of singing, relaxing, reading and stretching.
Ages 3-6. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 11:30 a.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Ukulele Joe: Musical ones join Joe to sing and play.
Ages 5 and under. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE
Williston Preschool Music: See June 3, 10:30 a.m.
Franklin Lego Thursdays: Kiddie constructionists combine their imagination with the library’s supplies. Haston Library, Franklin, 2-5 p.m. Info, 285-6505. Hard’ack Trail Running Series: Running and walking feet get going in 1K, 3K and 5K races for all ages and abilities. Hard’ack Recreation Area, St. Albans, 6 p.m., $4-6; free for kids in the 1k. Info, 524-1500, ext. 266.
PJ Story Hour: Sleepyheads get ready for bed, then arrive at the library for themed stories, snacks and a craft. Ages 6 and under. Fairfax Community Library, 6-7 p.m. Info, 849-2420. FREE
Hardwick Farmers Market: Local produce, plants, artisan cheese, syrup and more fill shoppers’ market baskets. Diverse dinner fare available. Atkins Field, Hardwick, 3-6 p.m. Info, 832-498-4734.
EVOLUTION PRENATAL YOGA: Mothers-to-be build strength, stamina and a stronger connection to their baby. Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga Center, Burlington, SUNDAYS, 10-11:30
A.M., MONDAYS, 5:45 P.M., TUESDAYS, 4:15 P.M., WEDNESDAYS, 5:45 P.M., THURSDAYS, 12:30 P.M., FRIDAYS, 8:15 A.M. AND SATURDAYS, 11:30 A.M., $17 per class; $120-140 for 10-class pass. Info, 899-0339.
EVOLUTION PRENATAL YOGA ESSEX: Mothersto-be build strength, stamina and a stronger connection to their baby. Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga, Essex Junction, SUNDAYS, 5:30 P.M., MONDAYS, 10:30 A.M., TUESDAYS, 6:15 P.M., WEDNESDAYS, 12:30 P.M., THURSDAYS, 4:15 P.M. AND SATURDAYS, 8:15 A.M., $17 per class; $120-140 for 10-class pass. Info, 899-0339.
EVOLUTION POSTNATAL YOGA: New mamas tote their pre-crawling kids to an all-levels flowing yoga class focused on bringing the body back to strength and alignment in a relaxed and nurturing environment. Evolution Prenatal & Family Yoga Center, Burlington, SUNDAYS, 12:15 P.M., TUESDAYS, 10 A.M., THURSDAYS, 10:45 A.M. AND FRIDAYS, NOON-1 P.M., $17; $120-140 for a 10-class pass. Info, 899-0339.
BOSOM BUDDIES: New and expectant mothers, babies and supportive grandmas rally in a relaxed evening, when peers and professionals answer mothering and breastfeeding questions. Central Vermont Medical Center, Berlin, FIRST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 5:30-7 P.M. Info, 371-4415. FREE
BOSOM BUDDIES TOO: Nursing mamas of toddlers and mobile wee ones socialize and swap supportive stories and advice with peers and professionals. Babies welcome. Central Vermont Medical Center, Berlin, FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 5:30-7 P.M. Info, 371-4415. FREE
MOM AND BABY YOGA: Brand-new mamas and their littles relax, stretch and bond. Followed by a free mothers’ gathering at 11:30 a.m. Embodied, Montpelier, TUESDAYS, 10:30-11:30 A.M. $11. Info, 223-5302.
PRENATAL YOGA: Moms-to-be stretch and bend. Embodied, Montpelier, TUESDAYS, 6-7:15 P.M., $16 per drop-in class. Info, 778 -0300.
BURLINGTON EARLY MONTHS INFANT MASSAGE: This mother-infant group includes baby massage and postpartum new mama support. The Janet S. Munt Family Room, Burlington, WEDNESDAYS, 11 A.M.-NOON. Info, 862-2121. FREE
ESSEX LA LECHE LEAGUE: Moms bring their bitty ones to a discussion of parenting and breastfeeding. Siblings welcome. Essex Free Library, Essex Junction, FIRST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 6:30-8 P.M. Info, 899-5490. FREE
HYDE PARK BABY CHAT: Parents with babies mingle, learn more about developmental needs and expectations, and have the opportunity to ask questions of a maternal health specialist. Lanpher Memorial Library, Hyde Park, FIRST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10-11:30 A.M. Info, 888-5229.
MORRISVILLE BABY CHAT: Parents with babies socialize, learn more about developmental needs and expectations, and have the opportunity to ask questions of a maternal health specialist. Lamoille Family Center, Morrisville, SECOND SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10-11:30 A.M. Info, 888-5229.
BURLINGTON LA LECHE LEAGUE: New moms bring their babies and questions to a breastfeeding support group. Older children welcome. Lending library available. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10:15 A.M. Info, 985-8228. FREE LA LECHE LEAGUE OF THE NORTHEAST KINGDOM: Expectant, novice and experienced moms join nursing experts for advice and support. Enter through the children’s section of the library.
Siblings welcome. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10:30 A.M. Info, 720-272-8841. FREE
MAMA’S CIRCLE BARRE: This supportive gathering brings moms of new babies and toddlers together to foster friendship through unique-but-shared experiences. Imagine Yoga, Barre, SECOND FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 9:30-11:30 A.M. Info, 595-7953.
BREASTFEEDING CAFÉ: Mamas nurse their babies, chat and ask for answers from a certified lactation consultant. Pregnant women, supportive dads and older siblings welcome. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 11 A.M.-1 P.M. Info, 236-4136. FREE
Burger Night: Picnickers bring a blanket or chair to this local feast of grilled from-the-land fare and festive music by Mister Chris and Friends. Bread and Butter Farm, Shelburne, $10-25; season passes $25-90; free for children under 2; preregister. Info, 985-9200.
Family Gym: See June 2.
Kids Music With Linda ‘Tickle Belly’ Bassick: Toe-tapping tunes captivate kiddies. Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 a.m. Info, 660-9346. Magic the Gathering: Players of all abilities seek knowledge and glory in this trading-card game. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6-8 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Music with Raph: Melody lovers of all ages play and sing. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 9:30-10:15 a.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
BREASTFEEDING FAMILIES GROUP: Nursing moms (and supportive dads, too!) gather for snacks and advice. Church of the Nazarene, Johnson, THIRD WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 11 A.M.-1 P.M. Info, 888-5229. FREE
LA LECHE LEAGUE OF CENTRAL VERMONT: Breastfeeding mamas swap stories and support each other, with a professional available for consultation. Good Beginnings, Montpelier, THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 9:30-11:30 A.M. Info, 595-7953. FREE
NURSING BEYOND A YEAR: In a supportive setting, mothers discuss the joys and challenges of breastfeeding children approaching one year old and beyond. Good Beginnings, Montpelier, THIRD FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 9:30-11:30 A.M. Info, 595-7953. FREE
TINY TWILIGHT CAFE: Caregivers and children ages 3 and under connect with each other in a safe and welcoming environment. Light dinner provided; older siblings welcome. Downstreet Community Room, Barre, FOURTH SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 4:30-6:30 P.M. THROUGH JULY 28 RSVPs appreciated. Info, 595-7953. FREE
BABYWEARERS OF CENTRAL VERMONT: Brand-new mamas and papas check out infant carriers, get advice and spend some socializing time with other new parents. Good Beginnings, Montpelier, FOURTH MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 5:45-7:45 P.M. Info, 595-7953. FREE
HOW TO BREASTFEED PRENATAL CLASS: Expectant mamas and their partners learn the basics of breastfeeding, how to get off to the best start with their baby and where to find assistance when needed. Central Vermont Medical Center, Berlin, FOURTH TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 4:30-6 P.M., preregister. Info, 371-4415. FREE
JOHNSON BABY CHAT: Parents with babies mingle, learn more about developmental needs and expectations, and have the opportunity to ask questions of a maternal health specialist. Church of the Nazarene, Johnson, FOURTH TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10-11:30 A.M. Info, 888-5229. FREE
MOMMY GROUP: Breastfeeding peer counselor Angela Scavo hosts mamas and answers questions in a relaxed setting. Junebug Mother and Child, Middlebury, FOURTH WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 9:30-10:30 A.M. Info, 349-9084. FREE
First Friday: Youngsters get the weekend off to a jolly start with group activities, rotating from games to crafts. Sherburne Memorial Library, Killington, 3:15-5 p.m. Info, 422-9765. FREE
Craftsbury Lego Club: Petite ones play with plastic cubes and chat companionably. Ages 4-12. Craftsbury Public Library, Craftsbury Common, 3-4:30 p.m. Info, 586-9683.
Foodways Fridays: Guests tour the heirloom garden, then watch as veggies make their way into historic recipes prepared in the 1890 farmhouse kitchen, with different take-home recipes every week. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., regular museum admission, $4-16; free for children under 3. Info, 457-2355.
Middlebury Farmers Market: See June 1.
Caledonia Farmers Market: See June 1.
Help Save the Hubble: A Code Cracking Challenge: See June 1.
Burlington Farmers Market: See June 1.
Learn to Ride: Local Motion instructors teach beginning bikers how to lose their training wheels. Ages 3 and up, preregister for an age-appropriate time slot. Leddy Park, Burlington, preregister; free for Local Motion members; $20-40 per family. Info, 861-2700.
Rutland Farmers Market: See June 1.
Craftsbury Common Farmers Market: See June 1.
Capital City Farmers Market: See June 1.
Green Mountain Youth Symphony Auditions: Talented youngsters of all experience levels try out for placement in GMYS’s three orchestras for the fall season and August camp. Ages 6-18. Center for Arts and Learning, Montpelier, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., $25, preregister for a specific time; financial assistance available. Info, 888-4470.
Kids Trade & Play: Families exchange clean and gently used clothing and toys, sizes newborn to 12. Capital City Grange, Berlin, 9:30-11:30 a.m., $3 per family. Info, 831-337-8632.
Waitsfield Farmers Market: See June 1.
Family Play: See June 2.
Summer Day-Camp Open House: Families interested in this 10-week summer program — which emphasizes manual skills, imagination, love of beauty and holistic thinking — meet with the founding educator and ask questions while children make an art object to take home. Ages 5-9 with caregivers. Rusalka Farm and Atelier, Bridport, 1-3 p.m. Info, 857-756-7109. FREE
Essex Open Gym: See June 2.
Family Gym: See June 2.
Old North End Neighborhood Band Teen Music Jam: See June 2. Walk for the Animals & 5K Doggie Fun Run: Animal lovers lace up for Chittenden County’s only dogfriendly 5K or a one-mile stroll with entertainment, contests and more. Veterans Memorial Park, South Burlington, 8-10:30 a.m., $20-35; free for children under 13; participants encouraged to fundraise money for the Humane Society of Chittenden County, preregister. Info, 862-0135.
Winooski Farmers Market: See June 2.
Remembrance Run: Athletes under 12 take a mile loop, then older walkers and runners navigate a 5K course to raise money for scholarship funds. Registration opens at 7:30 a.m. Peoples Academy, Morrisville, 9:15 a.m., $7-30; free for children under 7. Info, 888-7707.
Stowe Farmers Market: See June 2.
‘ALICE IN WONDERLAND’: Moving Light Dance dazzles the audience with a trip down the rabbit hole in this magical tale of the white bunny and an adventurous girl, the mysterious Cheshire Cat, a cranky Queen of Hearts, the hilarious Mad Hatter and more. Barre Opera House, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 7 P.M. AND SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2 P.M. $15-25. Info, 476-8188.
‘HAIRSPRAY JR.’: The troupe’s Younger Teens get the audience cheering in this family-friendly musical of one girl’s dreams to dance and change the world. Very Merry Theatre, Burlington, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 7 P.M. AND SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 2 & 7 P.M., admission by donation. Info, 355-1461.
JAZZ QUARTET: BIRDCODE: Families join with the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival to welcome this local jazz quartet and get swinging with the joy of live tunes. All ages. Flynn Center Lobby, Burlington, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 10-11 A.M., preregister. Info, 652-4537. FREE
‘THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS LIVE!’: Hop on the Magic School Bus for a musical ride through the galaxy to save Miss Frizzle, based on the Scholastic books. Woodstock Town Hall Theater, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 10-11 A.M. $6. Info, 457-3981.
‘ONCE UPON A SHOE’: Fusion 802 dancers enchant the audience with the tale of a young woman in search of happiness with the aid of special friends. Colchester High School, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 11 A.M., $10. Info, 444-0100.
BURLINGTON SUMMER CONCERTS: The lunch crowd soaks up open-air performances held twice a week, this year on lower Church Street near City Hall. Check burlingtoncityarts.org for specific lineup. Church Street Marketplace, Burlington, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, 12:30 P.M. Info, 865-7166. FREE
Live-Action Role Play: LARPers create characters and plots in an amazing and imaginary adventure. For ages 11 and up. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3-5 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Read With Daisy the Therapy Dog: See June 5.
Colchester Preschool Music: See June 3.
Read with Pugsley: See June 3.
Teen Space: See June 3.
Williston Preschool Music: See June 3.
Tiny Ones: This caregiver-child morning takes wee ones and their grownups on a woods adventure, with creative play and sensory challenges. Ages 18 months to 4 years. Ascension Lutheran Church, South Burlington, 9:3011:30 a.m., $18 per child, preregister. Info, 489-0410.
Wednesday Night Mountain Biking: See June 5. Yoga for Kids: See June 5.
Young Writers & Storytellers: Small ones spin their own yarns. Ages 5-11. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 4-5 p.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
THE MUSIC OF THE GRATEFUL DEAD FOR KIDS: FATHER’S DAY CELEBRATION: The Rock and Roll Playhouse — a family concert series — gets kids moving and grooving to tunes from the classic rock canon. Doors open at 11 a.m. Higher Ground, South Burlington, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, NOON $15; free for children under age 1. Info, 652-0777.
BURLINGTON CONCERT BAND SUMMER SERIES: Music lovers unpack a picnic dinner and enjoy a Sunday evening performance. Battery Park, Burlington, SUNDAYS, 7 P.M. Info, 864-0123. FREE
‘TURN TO STONE, A JOURNEY TO NARNIA’: Vermont Youth Dancers — a troupe of local students ages 8 to 18 — enchant an audience of all ages with an original spin on the classic story of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe about 4 children who are sent away from London during WWII and embark on a magical adventure. South Burlington High School, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 6:30 P.M. AND SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2 P.M., $15. Info, 899-1174.
‘THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES’: Two con men, Stitch and Sew, star in this family-friendly adaptation of Hans Christian Anderson’s classic satirical tale, which gets the audience laughing as Chester the Jester teaches His Highness some common sense about clothing.
FlynnSpace, Burlington, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 4 & 7 P.M. AND SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1 & 4 P.M. $15-17. Info, 863-5966.
WEEKEND: High-flying feats into the wild blue yonder abound as Smirkus Troupers ages 10 to 18 dazzle crowds with jugglers, high-larious clowns and airborne aerialists. The Circus Barn, Greensboro, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1 & 6 P.M. $18-22; free for children under 2. Info, 877-764-7587.
Fairfax Maker Mondays: See June 3.
Hardwick Lego Club: See June 4.
Paint by Pages: Little listeners soak up the story Gravity by Jason Chin, then make their own artistic masterpiece. Ages 5 and up. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 2-3 p.m. Info, 748-8291. FREE
3D Paper Sculptures: Creative kids get crafty with construction paper, scissors and glue. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 2:45-3:45 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Afterschool Snacks and Stories: See June 4.
Spanish Musical Kids: See June 4.
Strategy Board Games: Game lovers partake in complicated tabletop pastimes. Ages 13 and up. Milton Public Library, 5-7:45 p.m. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Tinker Tuesdays: See June 4.
Tuesday Night Trail Running Series: See June 4.
Free Family Art Workshops: Imaginative youngsters drop in for all or part of the morning and make masterpieces with many materials. Co ee, drinks and snacks provided. River Arts, Morrisville, 9-11 a.m. Info, 472-6857. FREE
Fairfax Lego Club: Amateur architects construct creatively with colorful blocks. Ages 6 and up. Fairfax Community Library, 3-4 p.m., preregister. Info, 849-2420. FREE
Rutland Farmers Market: See June 1, 3-6 p.m.
Acting Inside Out and All About: See June 5.
Woodstock Market on the Green: See June 5.
Knitting for Kids: See June 6.
Colchester Lego Club: See June 6.
Hinesburg Movement and Music: See June 6.
Jericho Farmers Market: See June 6.
Milton Farmers Market: See June 6.
Monthly Home School Program: Home learners soak up nature-related studies in an outdoor classroom. Parent participation optional. Ages 9-12. Audubon Vermont, Huntington, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., $20-25 per child, preregister. Info, 434-3068.
PJ Storytime: Little ones snuggle up in their sleepy clothes for bedtime yarns. Ages 7 and under. Milton Public Library, 6:30-7:15 p.m. Info, 893-4644. FREE Preschool Yoga: See June 6. Ukulele Joe: See June 6.
Williston Preschool Music: See June 3, 10:30 a.m.
Franklin Lego Thursdays: See June 6.
Hard’ack Trail Running Series: See June 6.
Hardwick Farmers Market: See June 7.
Burger Night: See June 7.
Dungeons & Dragons: Players embark on invented adventures, equipped with their problem-solving skills. Game starts at 6:30 p.m.; come early for assistance with character design. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Family Gym: See June 2.
Kids Music With Linda ‘Tickle Belly’ Bassick: See June 7. Marshmallow Roast & Lawn Games: The library’s summer reading program blasts off with games, bubbles and sweet treats. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6:30-8 p.m. Info, 878-6955. FREE
Craftsbury Lego Club: See June 7.
Foodways Fridays: See June 7.
FAMILY SCIENCE PLAY DAY: ECHO teams up with Let’s Grow Kids for a hands-on discovery day for all, including giant blocks, an enormous wind tunnel, bubble play and Kibo programmable robots. ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 10 A.M.-3 P.M. regular museum admission, $11.50-14.50; free for members and children under 3. Info, 864-1848.
NATIONAL TRAILS DAY: Get off the beaten path! On this national day of advocacy and trail service, hikers of all ages take guided treks with a naturalist at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., meet animal ambassadors, and enjoy the nature center’s exhibits. Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 10 A.M.-5 P.M. regular museum admission, $14.50-16.50; free for children under 4. Info, 359-5000.
RAPTORS IN RESIDENCE: The mysteries surrounding birds of prey are revealed as visitors come face-to-face with live feathered creatures. Shelburne Farms, SATURDAYS, TUESDAYS, AND THURSDAYS, 1-1:30 P.M. regular museum admission, $5-8; free for children under 3. Info, 985-8686.
GRAND ISLE FAMILY FISHING FESTIVAL: Kids and adults alike get “hooked” on the joys of angling and have a chance to reel in a trout. The Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife offers instruction on knot tying, casting, cleaning and fish ID and lure-making — and satisfies hungry anglers with a fish cookout. Ed Weed Fish Culture Station, Grand Isle, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 9 A.M.-3 P.M. Info, 372-3171. FREE
VERMONT DAYS: Green Mountain State parks and historic sites kick off summer with two days of free admission and on-site activities. No license required for fishing on Saturday. Various locations statewide, SATURDAY, JUNE 8 AND SUNDAY, JUNE 9. Info, 800-837-6668. FREE
WATERBURY BIRD WALK: Audubon Vermont teams up with the Waterbury Conservation Commission to offer its annual spring jaunt for both experienced and novice avian admirers for all ages. Waterworks Property, Waterbury, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 7:30-9 A.M., preregister. Info, 233-0332. FREE
NESTLINGS FIND NATURE: What is pollination?
Junior naturalists explore the world of these tiny working creatures through observation, crafts and hands-on activities. Ages 4-8. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 10:30-11:30 A.M. regular museum admission, $3.50-7; free for children under 3. Info, 434-2167.
Middlebury Farmers Market: See June 1.
Father’s Day Crafting Event: Kids enjoy creating nutsand-bolts key chains and T-shirt cards for Dad’s special day. Ages 5-18. Northshire Bookstore, Manchester Center, 10:30 a.m. Info, 800-437-3700. FREE
Caledonia Farmers Market: See June 1.
Special Family Reading: A guest reads A Day with Parkinson’s to young listeners, followed by crafts and treats in celebration of fathers and grandfathers. All ages. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 11 a.m.-noon. Info, 748-8291. FREE
Burlington Farmers Market: See June 1.
Dad Guild: This group gets fathers of young children reading together, having fun with creative play and forming new friendships. All are welcome. Ages 5 and under. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 4-5:30 p.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE
Stowe Farmers Market: See June 2.
Colchester Preschool Music: See June 3.
Lego Blast: Amateur architects listen to an adventure story, then construct creatively. South Burlington Public Library, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Info, 846-4140. FREE
Summer Story Time: Books and crafts stimulate small ones. Ages 3-5. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 10:30 a.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Teen Space: See June 3.
Webby’s Art Studio: Patterned Paper: Inspired by the museum’s rooms decorated with early 19th-century stencil motifs, crafty families create a painting of their own. Shelburne Museum, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., regular museum admission, $8-25; free for children under 5. Info, 985-3346.
Williston Preschool Music: See June 3.
FATHER’S DAY FISHING DERBY: Anglers and their pops aim for trophies after a morning by the water. Lunch available for a minimal fee. Arrive by 8 a.m. to register. Ages 5-14. Chittenden County Fish and Game Club, Jonesville, SUNDAY, JUNE 16. Info, ccfgclub.org. FREE SUMMER CAMPFIRE WITH OUTREACH FOR EARTH STEWARDSHIP: Families have fun around flickering flames and meet a special winged guest. Ages 5 and up. Shelburne Farms, MONDAY, JUNE 17, 6:30-8 P.M., $5-6, preregister. Info, 985-8686.
DAIRY CELEBRATION DAYS: In celebration of dairy month, farm visitors learn about all things milk, through demonstrations and programs around cows, sheep and goats. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 10 A.M.-5 P.M. AND SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 10 A.M.-5 P.M., regular museum admission, $4-16; free for children under 3. Info, 457-2355.
VERMONT BREAKFAST ON THE FARM: Families fill their bellies with a free breakfast, then meet the cows and farmers who produce safe, delicious, wholesome food. Maxwell’s Neighborhood Farm, Newport, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 8 A.M.-1 P.M. preregistration required. Info, 828-2430. FREE SUMMER CAMPFIRE WITH ABENAKI CHIEF DON STEVENS: Families gather around flickering flames with Chief Don Stevens of the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk-Abenaki Nation, who shares stories, artifacts, drumming, songs and the culture of the Abenaki people. Shelburne Farms, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 6:30-8 P.M. $5-6, preregister. Info, 985-8686.
BIRD-MONITORING WALK: Eagle-eyed participants bring binoculars to search the museum’s property for fluttering feathers, followed by coffee. Best for adults and older children.
Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, LAST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 7:30 A.M., donations welcome, preregistration encouraged. Info, 434-2167.
BUGFEST!: This summer shindig celebrates the tiny world in all its amazing forms — witness weird and wacky caterpillars, build homes for native bees, learn about pollinator gardening from the Vermont Garden Journal’s Charlie Nardozzi, chase fireflies in the moonlight and enjoy a wide range of kid-centered activities. All ages. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2-10 P.M. donations accepted; Jamaican food available for purchase. Info, 229-6206.
Hinesburg Saturday Storytime: Small ones and caregivers start the weekend off with stories, songs and games, followed by free play and snacks. Ages 5 and under. Carpenter-Carse Library, Hinesburg, 10-10:30 a.m. Info, 482-2878. FREE
Read to Cleo The Therapy Dog: See June 1.
All Ages Story Time: Big kids missing story time? Kids of all ages soak up stories, songs and crafts. All ages. St. Albans Free Library, 10:30 a.m. Info, 524-1507. FREE
Rutland Farmers Market: See June 1.
Craftsbury Common Farmers Market: See June 1.
Capital City Farmers Market: See June 1.
Climb Out of the Darkness: Good Beginnings of Central Vermont participates in this worldwide event devoted to perinatal mental health, illuminating the most common and undiagnosed complication of childbirth — postpartum mood and anxiety disorders. To raise funds to support local families, community members walk on the bike path to the Peace Park and back. Vermont Statehouse, Montpelier, 10 a.m.noon, fundraising encouraged but not required. Info, 595-7953. FREE
Waitsfield Farmers Market: See June 1.
Family Play: See June 2.
Middlebury Mother Up! Monthly Meet-Up: Families discuss the realities of climate change, what that means on a local level, and how to transition to a safer and healthier world. Vegetarian meal and childcare for ages 8 and under provided. Middlebury Recreation Center, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Info, 382-0829. FREE
Art Play Day: See June 2.
Dads Bowl Free: In honor of their special day, fathers get two free games when they mention Kids VT. Shoe rental not included. Spare Time Entertainment, Colchester, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Info, 655-2720.
Essex Open Gym: See June 2.
Family Gym: See June 2.
Old North End Neighborhood Band Teen Music Jam: See June 2.
Winooski Farmers Market: See June 2.
Hardwick Lego Club: See June 4.
Magician Ed Popielarczyk: This family-friendly entertainer asks the audience to participate in an eye-popping, balloon-sculpting and side-splitting show. Ages 3 and up. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 1:30 p.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Maker Tuesdays: Imaginative crafters explore the universe with stellar solar system necklaces, space slime and more projects. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Spanish Musical Kids: See June 4.
The Comical Magic of Ed Popielarczyk: This familyfriendly entertainer cracks up the crowd of all ages. South Burlington Public Library, 5:30-7 p.m. Info, 846-4140. FREE
Tinker Tuesdays: See June 4.
Tuesday Night Trail Running Series: See June 4.
Middlebury Farmers Market: See June 1.
Hardwick Chess Club: See June 5. Simply Solar: Students on summer break soak up a sunny story, play a sizzling game and create some solar art. Ages 5-12. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 10-11 a.m. Info, 748-8291. FREE
Bookmark Stitch-In: The Embroiderers’ Guild of America threads their needles for arts and crafts. All ages. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10 a.m.-noon. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Booktivity: Based on the summer reading theme of space, imaginative kiddos get crafty each Wednesday with a hands-on project. Ages 5-10. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 3-4 p.m., preregister. Info, 264-5660. FREE
BSD’s Parent University Graduation Celebration: The Burlington School District Parent University Program honors 22 graduates from its communitypartnered classes, designed to enrich, engage and empower parents as equal partners in the education and well-being of their children. Flynn Center for the Performing Arts, Burlington, 3:30-6 p.m. Info, 917868-4606. FREE
Read to Willy Wonka the Therapy Dog: See June 5.
Info, 893-4644
MILTON STORY WALK Page by page, wanderers work their way through Tony Mitton’s illustrated children’s book Roaring Rockets on the Bombardier West Trail. Through June 30. FREE
Info, 257-0124
GLASSTASTIC 2019: Twenty wild and whimsical glass creations wow visitors, conceived and drawn by students in grades K-6 and transformed into art by New England glass blowers. Over 1,200 children’s drawings submitted in this contest are displayed, too. $4-8; free for children ages 18 and under; free admission for all, Thursdays, 2-5 p.m. Through June 16.
Info, 864-1848
EXHIBIT: More than 50 interactive and hands-on activities immerse families in the geography, science, history and uniqueness of the United States. Regular museum admission, $11.50-14.50; free for children under 3. Through September 15.
Info, 388-2117
NATURE: Magical dwellings constructed from natural materials by environmental artist and author Sally J. Smith enchant admirers with this fanciful art. Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; select Sundays, 1-5 p.m. Through September 1.
Info, 888-5229
MORRISVILLE STORY WALK: Nature-loving families soak up an outdoor stroll and a summery story — John Denver’s Sunshine on My Shoulders adapted and illustrated by Christopher Canyon. Through June 30.
Info, 649-2200
DESTINATION: SPACE!: In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission’s moon landing, space fans take a tour of the technology that landed astronauts on the moon, check out what’s happening on our sun and earth, and travel to the far reaches of outer space. Regular museum admission, $13-16; free for children under age 2. Through August 4.
MINDBENDER MANSION: Puzzle fans try to master brainteasers and interactive challenges in this temporary exhibit devoted to testing the problem-solving skills of all ages. Regular museum admission, $13-18; free for children under 2. Through September 2.
See Dr. First videos “First With Kids” at uvmhealth.org.
Teddy Bear Picnic With the Swing Peepers: Matthew Witten and John Hadden sing Earthfriendly songs and tell rollicking stories to young listeners and their animal buddies. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 4-5 p.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Teddy Bear Sleepover: Small ones drop o stu ed animals during the day, and teens take notes about the stu es’ sleepover shenanigans from 6:30-8 p.m., followed by a special 10 a.m. storytime the next morning. Brownell Library, Essex Junction. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Wednesday Night Mountain Biking: See June 5.
Yoga for Kids: See June 5.
Rutland Farmers Market: See June 1, 3-6 p.m.
Woodstock Market on the Green: See June 5.
Knitting for Kids: See June 6.
Colchester Lego Club: See June 6.
Dorothy Canfield Fisher Book Discussion: Little literati chat about DCF pick Deep Water by Watt Key while savoring a cool, sweet treat. Grades 4-8. Milton Public Library, 6-7:30 p.m., preregister. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Jericho Farmers Market: See June 6. Lung Force Walk Burlington: Walkers stroll a 1.75 mile course overlooking Lake Champlain, with festivities including educational ‘Mission Tents,’ refreshments and music. Battery Park, Burlington, 5 p.m., participants encouraged to fundraise for lung cancer research and awareness. Info, 876-6860. FREE
Milton Farmers Market: See June 6.
Preschool Yoga: See June 6.
Teddy Bear Sleepover: See June 19, 10-10:30 a.m.
Ukulele Joe: See June 6.
Williston Preschool Music: See June 3, 10:30 a.m.
Family STEAM Night: Moms, dads and kids team up for activities around science, technology, engineering, art and/or math, with varying themes. Fairfax Community Library, 6:30-7:30 p.m., preregister. Info, 849-2420. FREE
Franklin Lego Thursdays: See June 6.
Hard’ack Trail Running Series: See June 6.
AB2: Books Come to Life: This Active BodyActive Brain class, led by literacy professional Rachel O’Donald, combines reading, music and movement. Babies through preschoolers. Waterbury Public Library, 10:15 a.m. Info, 244-7036. FREE
Hardwick Farmers Market: See June 7.
Spruce Peak Arts Camps offer a fun, in-depth learning experience packed with creativity and opportunity to develop new skills.
Instructors: Madeline Nickerson and Christine Penney
Campers will create and perform a story based on famous fairy tales. Song and dance might show up as well!
Monday, July 15 to Friday, July 19 9am to 3:30pm* (performance at 3:30pm Friday)
Ages: 6 to 14
Fee: $295 Spruce Peak Arts Members, $335 Non-Members
Space is limited, Sign up today!
122 Hourglass Drive Stowe, VT | 802-760-4634
Located at the top of the Mountain Road at Spruce Peak
We’ve been providing pediatric care in the Burlington area for over 40 years. Our physicians and staff continue to dedicate themselves to the health and care of infants, children and adolescents from birth through age 22. Our goal is to provide you with the best medical care for your family.
We are accepting new patients at our 3 locations.
Burger Night: See June 7.
Family Gym: See June 2.
Kids Music With Linda ‘Tickle Belly’ Bassick: See June 7. Play Time for Little Ones: Little ones rollick. Ages 5 and under. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 9:3010:30 a.m. Info, 878-6956. FREE
Southern Vermont History Museum
Presentation: Families take part in interactive tales from around the world about animals, culture and science. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 2 p.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Craftsbury Lego Club: See June 7.
Kids’ Fridays: History buffs dig into heritage crafts and hands-on learning, followed by a free lunch. Old Stone House Museum, Brownington, 11 a.m.-noon. Info, 754-2022. FREE
Montpelier Mother Up! Monthly Meet-Up: Families discuss the realities of climate change, what that means on a local, state and national level, and how to create a more just and nature-friendly world. Dinner and nature-themed kids’ programming included. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 5:30-7:30 p.m., RSVP requested. Info, 229-0041. FREE
Foodways Fridays: See June 7.
Middlebury Farmers Market: See June 1.
Caledonia Farmers Market: See June 1.
Burlington Farmers Market: See June 1.
Ethan Allen Day Living History Weekend: As part of a two-day celebration of this Vermont Revolutionary War hero, volunteers re-enact the past with frontier crafts, trades, and military demonstrations. Ethan Allen Homestead, Burlington, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., $6-10; free for children under 5. Info, 865-4556.
Family Art Saturday: Families drop in and ignite their imaginations with a current exhibit, then get hands-on with an artistic endeavor. Burlington City Arts, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Info, 865-7166. FREE
Star Wars Bike & Pet Parade: Participants in the summer reading program decorate their bikes, scooters and pets for a parade — with Star Wars costumes encouraged — then take in a view of the night sky with the Vermont Institute of Natural Science Planetarium program at 11 a.m. and noon, preregister; ages 8 and up. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m. Info, 878-4918. FREE
Rutland Farmers Market: See June 1.
Craftsbury Common Farmers Market: See June 1.
Capital City Farmers Market: See June 1. Waitsfield Farmers Market: See June 1.
Family Play: See June 2.
Essex Open Gym: See June 2.
Ethan Allen Day Living History Weekend: See June 22.
Family Gym: See June 2.
Kids’ Summer Challenge Kick-Off Extravaganza: The Flynn Center performers take summer readers on a soaring adventure into space and the dreams of Mae Jamison — the first black female astronaut — with music, acting, crafts and dance. Recommended for ages 3-10, but all are welcome. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1-3 p.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE
Old North End Neighborhood Band Teen Music
Jam: See June 2.
Winooski Farmers Market: See June 2.
Stowe Farmers Market: See June 2.
Colchester Preschool Music: See June 3. Gardening at the Library: Junior green thumbs dig in the dirt and sample their harvest. Ages 8-11. Milton Public Library, 10-11:30 a.m., preregister. Info, 893-4644. FREE
LCATV Young Producers Workshop: Up-andcoming directors learn to use video equipment, put together a program and produce a take-home DVD.
Ages 7-11. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 2-3:30 p.m., preregister. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Stories to Launch You Into Space: Megan amuses an audience of little listeners. Ages 2-5. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Info, 865-7216. FREE
Summer Story Time: See June 17.
Teen Space: See June 3.
Webby’s Art Studio: Imaginative Images: Museum-goers explore the new exhibit, “William Wegman: Outside In,” explore how this artist uses postcards in his paintings and then create a collage inspired by his work. Shelburne Museum, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., regular museum admission, $8-25; free for children under 5. Info, 985-3346.
Williston Preschool Music: See June 3.
Summer Reading Program Kickoff with Ed Pop: This professional magician and entertainer gets the kiddie crowd clapping. St. Albans Free Library, 2 p.m. Info, 524-1507. FREE
Hardwick Lego Club: See June 4.
Backpack Theater (Milton): Teen actors enchant the audience with two classic tales, with a cast including elves, a shoemaker, a little girl in a red cloak and a big bad wolf. All ages. Milton Public Library, 1-2 p.m., preregister. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Backpack Theater (Colchester): Teen actors enchant the audience with a performance of two classic tales, with a cast including elves, a shoemaker, a little girl in a red cloak and a big bad wolf. Ages 3-10. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 4 p.m. Info, 264-5660. FREE
Maker Tuesdays: See June 18.
Spanish Musical Kids: See June 4. Strategy Board Games: See June 11.
Tinker Tuesdays: See June 4.
Tuesday Night Trail Running Series: See June 4.
Nature Walk with Mark Ferguson: The state biologist heads up a hunt for winged creatures and helps junior naturalists with identification. Rain date Thursday, June 27. Grades 1 and up. Waterbury Public Library, 1-2 p.m., preregister. Info, 244-7036. FREE
Middlebury Farmers Market: See June 1.
Alien Invasions: Summer readers soak up an extraterrestrial story, play an invasion game and create galactic alien slime. Ages 5-12. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 10-11 a.m. Info, 748-8291. FREE
Booktivity: See June 19.
Build It!: Creative constructionists of all ages get busy with materials like Keva Planks and Legos to build coordinated projects. Milton Public Library, 10-11 a.m. Info, 893-4644. FREE
Live-Action Role Play: See June 12.
Wednesday Night Mountain Biking: See June 5.
Yoga for Kids: See June 5.
Rutland Farmers Market: See June 1, 3-6 p.m.
Woodstock Market on the Green: See June 5.
Ed Pop Magic Show: This balloon sculptor, flea circus ringmaster and storyteller extraordinaire entrances the audience with an interactive magic show. Ages 3 and up. Jeudevine Memorial Library, Hardwick, 10 a.m. Info, 472-5948. FREE
Knitting for Kids: See June 6.
Colchester Lego Club: See June 6.
Jericho Farmers Market: See June 6.
LCATV Video Day Camp: Aspiring Spielbergs experiment using film equipment, then create a program with Lake Champlain Access Television. Ages 8-9. Milton Public Library, 1-3 p.m., preregister. Info, 893-4644.
Milton Farmers Market: See June 6.
Preschool Yoga: See June 6.
Ukulele Joe: See June 6.
Williston Preschool Music: See June 3, 10:30 a.m.
‘Backpack Theater (Fairfax)’: Teen thespians get the library’s summer readers off to a fanciful start with performances of “The Elves and the Shoemaker” and “Little Red Riding Hood.” BFA Fairfax, 6-7:30 p.m. Info, 849-2420. FREE
Franklin Lego Thursdays: See June 6.
Hard’ack Trail Running Series: See June 6.
Hardwick Farmers Market: See June 7.
See Dr. First videos “First With Kids” at uvmhealth.org.
Animals in Myth and Legend: Why do owls
fly at night? The Vermont Institute of Natural Science shares stories of wildlife adaptations and live animal ambassadors with an eager audience. Carpenter-Carse Library, Hinesburg, 10:30 a.m.-noon, preregister. Info, 482-2878. FREE
Dungeons & Dragons: See June 14.
Family Gym: See June 2.
Kids Music With Linda ‘Tickle Belly’ Bassick: See June 7.
Music with Raph: See June 7.
Craftsbury Lego Club: See June 7.
Kids’ Fridays: See June 21.
Foodways Fridays: See June 7.
Middlebury Farmers Market: See June 1.
Caledonia Farmers Market: See June 1.
Burlington Farmers Market: See June 1.
Race 4 Sundaes: A 1-mile fun run is followed by a 5K and 10K, with a cool and sweet treat for each finisher. Registration opens at 7:45 a.m. Community Church of Huntington, 8:30 a.m., $10-30; proceeds raised benefit Neighbor Helping Neighbor. Info, 434-6715.
Rutland Farmers Market: See June 1.
Craftsbury Common Farmers Market: See June 1.
Capital City Farmers Market: See June 1.
Waitsfield Farmers Market: See June 1.
Family Play: See June 2.
Essex Open Gym: See June 2.
Family Gym: See June 2.
Old North End Neighborhood Band Teen Music Jam: See June 2.
Winooski Farmers Market: See June 2.
Stowe Farmers Market: See June 2.
How yoga can make you a better dad
Most of the guys who attend my men’s yoga class for the first time come because someone — usually a spouse or partner — “forced” them to. Unnerved by images of yoga classes crammed with stretchy women in stretchy pants, they understandably feel that “it’s not for me.” That’s too bad, because it’s men — with their sti muscles and general disdain for “self care” — who need yoga most. And I would argue that it is men with children at home — the very men for whom getting to yoga class is often most challenging — who can most benefit from embracing their inner down dog.
I took my first yoga class nearly 30 years ago, for a PE credit I needed to graduate from college. The teacher, Louis, was a compact version of the late TV painter Bob Ross — human Valium with a Jewfro, gliding from mat to mat with loose-limbed precision in airy white pants, making gentle adjustments to our minds and postures. Once, when I asked him about his weekend, his face lit up and he described the “Deepening Your Love” retreat he’d attended with his wife. I remember thinking, You could do worse than to end up like Louis
And yet it would be another 10 years or so before I practiced yoga again, and then only in fits and starts. Eventually, I found myself married, with two young kids, and my wife and I both working full-time. Taking an hour for a yoga class felt like an impossible luxury until, when my kids were 5 and 3 years old, I just did it. I stuck with it, and in 2015, I became a certified yoga instructor.
My men’s class has run consistently for more than four years. It’s not everyone’s “thing,” and I’m OK with that. (No one could make me love running or golf.) But it might be your thing. And whether you’re negotiating the physically grueling work of raising littles, or the psychological jiujitsu of the teen years, applying even a few lessons “from the mat” can help make you a better parent, partner and person.
“Su ering that has yet to manifest is to be avoided” warns the Yoga Sūtras of Patanjali, a guide to yoga practice written in India about 2,000 years ago. What does this mean for you, Dad? On a purely physical level, young kids are hell on your body. They require chasing, crawling and endless bending and lifting. Every time you push a tiny bike, pick a thrashing toddler o the ground, or retrieve a stray Lego from
beneath the couch, you are taunting the gods of lower-back pain.
By making you mindful of your movements, yoga encourages habits — such as bending with your knees or alternating your kid-holding arm — that can prevent a lot of short-term agony. And with even a small arsenal of yoga
postures, you can reverse the typical male descent into sti ness and slouching (hair loss, not so much). Stand tall in mountain pose — feet rooted in the earth, chest broad, shoulders relaxed, head reaching skyward. Loosen your back with cat-cow, and strengthen it with locust. Bust that gut pouch with boat pose. Unravel upper-back knots with garudasana, eagle pose. Whatever life with kids does to your body, yoga helps undo.
You’re never balanced, only balancing. In life, as in yoga, balance isn’t static, but a series of microcorrections. Perching on one foot in vrksasana, tree pose, you wobble and sway. You may even fall over. But you keep coming back. At home, there are days when you’ve got it all figured out — soundly sleeping children, reliable childcare, and perfect division of domestic duties. Notice how you feel in that moment, so that when it passes, you know what you want to get back to.
Don’t compare. The human body comes in an array of shapes and sizes. That’s why there’s no perfect version of any yoga pose, but a best fit for a given body. By the same token, there is no single right way to be a parent or a family. If comparing Instagram vacations and “happy family” Face-brags is triggering FOMO, guilt and resentment, you can always shut it out, the same way you might close your eyes in trikonasana to focus on how it feels for you, instead of, “Why don’t I look more like that?” Likewise, there’s no point comparing your body to yesterday’s, or last year’s — any more than there is in wishing that your 10-year-old was still
5. With time, some things get better, other things get worse, and almost everything changes. Yoga philosophy tells us that su ering arises from clinging to an idea of how things should be. Relief comes from being grateful for what is Don’t try so hard. The Yoga Sutras say surprisingly little about asana, the physical practice of yoga, o ering just one suggestion: “Posture should be steady and comfortable … attained by the relaxation of e ort and by absorption in the infinite.” While it may take considerable e ort to get into a particular pose, it’s the ability to ease o that makes it yoga. As parents, we may not always notice how, in trying to create pristine memories, we may also create a fair amount of tension for ourselves and our kids. Learning to recognize when you’re overexerting allows you to dial back. (Try three deep breaths.) When you’re relaxed, your kids will be, too. Focus on the actions, not the fruits of the actions. Yoga class is not a performance that you will be judged on, and neither is parenting. Instead of focusing on a particular goal — like achieving a di cult posture, or getting your kid into a top-ranked college — yoga emphasizes cultivating the habits that underlie it, like focus, determination and resilience. If you are parenting in expectation of a medal, or even a heartfelt thank-you every time you deserve one, you will be bitter. Approaching parenting instead as a practice, a kind of spiritual weight-lifting that boosts your capacity for unconditional love, can be transformative.
Rest. Savasana, lying on your back for five minutes or so at the end of a yoga class, o ers something that parents rarely get: permission to rest. Did I mention that raising kids is exhausting? By the power invested in me by my teachers and my teachers’ teachers, I hereby grant you permission to practice savasana anytime, anywhere. Just find a floor, someplace warm, and lie on your back. Stretch out your legs, leaving some distance between them. Roll up a blanket beneath your knees. Prop up your head if your neck hurts. Let your arms rest a few inches from your sides, palms turned up. Close your eyes, and let your mind and body settle. Be kind to yourself. Namaste.
Are you sleeping?
After learning how to inflate the tires on her own, she was —
There’s no point comparing your body to yesterday’s, or last year’s — any more than there is in wishing that your 10-year-old was still 5.
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It’s June, and all the Vermont birds are brightly dressed for summer. To figure out the secret message at the bottom of the page, fill in the answers to all the clues. Then take the letters in the green, yellow and pink boxes, write them down, and unscramble them. We’ve already put one letter in its proper place to get you started.
1. What trees are made of
4. Yell
5. Night bird
7. Bird with black cap and bib
11. Soft, like baby birds
12. Another name for violet
2. Get down!
3. Yellow bird with black cap
6. Tree-drilling bird
8. Loner
9. Red-crested bird
10. With 8 Down, Vermont state bird
In June, kids finish school, and summer officially begins. What do you want to do this summer? Make a summer “bucket list” with five to 10 things you hope to see, visit or accomplish before school starts back up again.
Our judges were wowed by our readers’ imaginative artwork this month. Four-year-old Oona celebrated the carefree spirit of summer with two rollerskating princesses, dressed up in purple tutus and bright green tiaras. Brennan, 7, placed his bears on a woodsy path, aptly titling his masterpiece “Walking.” Juliana, 9, sent her koalas — looking smart in shades of pink — on a shopping spree. Soak up the beginning of summer, young artists, and send us your spectacular submissions in June.
Sophie Felix, 4, Burlington
Mirabel Goldstein, 6, Burlington
Jenny Blanshine, 10, Charlotte
The winners of annual family memberships to the Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium are…
We’ll pick two winners and publish their names and writing in the next issue. Winners receive a $25 gift certificate to Crow Bookshop
Deadline to enter is June 15.
Send your entries to: Kids VT, attn: Writing Contest, P.O. Box 1184, Burlington, VT 05402.
In our May issue, we asked kids to imagine they were a bird, and write about what it would feel like using the prompt, “If I were a bird…” Below, find the winning entries. Charlotte and Maya each receive a $25 gift certificate to Crow Bookshop in Burlington.
BENSON If I were a bird I would see The green grass below me as I fly above the rest of the flock in the beautiful blue sky I’m looking for a tree to build my nest a tree with fruit a tree with leaves to protect me on a stormy day.
If I were a bird, I would be named Sky. I would fly high up in the sky. When I see food, I would drop down. I build a nest with leaves and mud. If I were a bird, I would be an American Goldfinch. I would say Potato Chip, Potato Chip, If I were a bird.
Charlie Coleman, 5, Burlington
Eliza Fischer, 10, Colchester
Kayla Friend, 12, Bristol
Amelia Stacey, 7, Berlin
Audrey Reynolds, 6, Swanton
Alice Burley, 5, Georgia
Susannah Harman, 8, East Montpelier
Lucy Wilkins, 5, Fairfield
Arnie Millette, 9, Williston
Lena Schlatter, 5, Burlington
Henry Kelsey, 7, Underhill
Oliver Miller, 10, Northfield Falls
Three winners will each receive an annual family membership to the Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium. Send Kids VT your work of art by June 15. Be sure to include the info at right with your submission. Winners will be chosen in the following categories: (1) ages 5 and younger, (2) ages 6-8 and (3) ages 9-12. Winners will be named in the July issue of Kids VT. Send your high-resolution scans to art@kidsvt.com or mail a copy to Kids VT, P.O. Box 1184, Burlington, VT 05402.
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The letters of these crazy words are all mixed up. To play the game, put them back into the right order so that they make real words you can find in your dictionary. Write the letters of each real word under each crazy word, but only one letter to a square.
You are now ready to solve this month’s Jumble For Kids. Study the picture for a hint. Then play around with the letters in the circles. You’ll find you can put them in order so that they make your funny answer.
Print your answer here:
Riddle Search — YES!
Look up, down and diagonally, both forward and backward, to find every word on the list. Circle each one as you find it. When all the words are circled, take the UNUSED letters and write them on the blanks below. Go from left to right and top to bottom to find the answer to this riddle: What is the question you can’t answer yes to?
BY HELENA HOVANECNOAH lives in Montpelier and turns 6 on June 15. He likes to play T-ball, soccer and basketball, as well as creative games, like air hockey on the coffee table and balloon volleyball. He is a great helper to his mom and dad and the best brother to his little sister. He is excited to go camping and swimming this summer. Noah wins four day passes and four 3D movie tickets to ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain in Burlington.
JENNY lives in Charlotte and turns 11 on June 4. She is a kind, caring and active young lady who loves arts and crafts, Taekwondo, hiking and Girl Scouts. She wants to work at NASA someday.
AZA lives in Plainfield and turns 5 on June 5. He enjoys hanging out with his Mommy, Mama and big sister, and his favorite things are camping, marshmallows, cooking and his pet chicken, Lovely. When he grows up, he wants to invent rocket ships that kids can drive and find a way to save the coral reefs.
To enter, submit information using the online form at kidsvt.com/birthday-club Just give us your contact info, your children’s names and birth dates, and a photo, and they’re automatically enrolled.
Jenny, Aza and Liv each win four ECHO day passes.
Riddle Answer:
LIV lives in Essex Junction and turns 5 on June 23. She is a fun-loving, kind and independent girl who loves horses, riding her bike, dancing and painting. She and her big sister, Ella, love to climb trees and are looking forward to swimming now that the weather is warmer.