02A | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
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SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | 03A
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4/7/08 2:13:21 PM
04A | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
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3/31/08 9:03:52 AM
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | contents 05A
<contents> columns
APRIL 09-16, 2008 VOL.13 NO.34
Compost Happens . . . or Not Vermont’s political landscape WORK BY SARAH TUFF
Roads Scholars
Vermonters on the job: DPW’s Valerie Beaudry and Charlene Orton
features 16A
Rocking the Vote? POLITICS
Lawmakers Move Bill to Help Vermont’s Children of Incarcerated Parents BY KEN PICARD NEWS SHORTS 15A
Facing Facts BY STAFF
arts news
What’s So Funny? COMEDY Can people really learn to make ’em laugh? Yes. Yes, they can. BY DAN BOLLES
Vermont’s youngest House rep is ruffling Prog feathers
Why Natalie Garza won’t give up the search for her son
Spring Fling ART
Reel Relaxation for Female Prisoners BY KIRK KARDASHIAN BOOKS 19A
Vermont Author Goes Face to Face with China BY AMY LILLY
Art review: “Adding Dimension” at The Lazy Pear Gallery BY MARC AWODEY
Cruel And Inedible? FOOD
Parenthood Takes the Stage at the FlynnSpace
Sizing up Vermont’s meanest “loaf”
Making Choices FOOD
Chef Claude Blais has built a mainstay eatery in Killington BY KIRK KARDASHIAN
5x3-danform040908.indd 1
4/8/08 10:14:29 AM
06A | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
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5x8-FAHC040908.indd 1
4/7/08 2:16:15 PM
My dream vacation would be... in a summer cottage on the coast of Maine. If I werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a Realtor, I would be aâ&#x20AC;Ś photographer. My favorite lunch place is... Leunigâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s.
Before I was a Realtor one of my interesting jobs was... designing an old farmhouse on a historic Revolutionary War site in Orwell, Vermont. On a Sunday morning you will most likely find me... reading The New York Times.
One thing people are surprised to find out about me is... that Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m Canadian. My favorite toy as a kid was... a doll! If I had $10.99 to spend, I would buyâ&#x20AC;Ś two cappuccinos to enjoy with a friend.
If I could have dinner with any famous person, dead or alive, I would choose... Miguel de Cervantes.
The first piece of real estate I bought was... a little bungalow in Walnut Creek, California....wish I still owned that! If there was an extra hour in the day, I would you spend it... cross-country skiing.
If I could eat one food for the rest of my life it would beâ&#x20AC;Ś lobster.
The talent I wish I possessed is... singing.
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | contents 07A
APRIL 09-16, 2008 VOL.13 NO.34
32A 33A
32A art review: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Adding Dimensionâ&#x20AC;? at The Lazy Pear Gallery exhibitions
43A 44A 44A 47A
film reviews: Taxi to the Dark Side; The Ruins film clips film quiz showtimes
food 43A
03B 05B 06B
Prison food food news Choices Restaurant
music 10B 11B 13B 14B
soundbites club dates venues review this: In Memory of Pluto, In Memory of Pluto; Chow Nasty, Super (Electrical) Recordings Richard Julian and DeAnna Moore at Nectarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
calendar 19B 21B
calendar listings scene@ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Africa Comes to Vermontâ&#x20AC;?
!"" " #$ % &# ' ( ) * % +
7Dspot classifieds 19B
, - & . / ( 0 1 , 0 1 / & , + 2% # ' # / ' +
2x7.5-Grannis040908.indd 1
4/8/08 9:30:40 AM
funstuff newcomb........................ 08A webpage ......................... 09A quirks ............................ 20A straight dope .................. 21A bliss .............................. 21A troubletown.................... 38A lulu eightball.................. 38A mild abandon.................. 38A
no exit ........................... 38A oggâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s world ..................... 38A idiot box ........................ 38A 7D crossword .................. 39A campus question ............. 39A sudoku........................... 39A red meat ........................ 40A ted rall .......................... 40A
american elf .................. 40A the borowitz report ......... 40A free will astrology ........... 41A bassist wanted ................ 17B mistress maeve ............... 30B puzzle answers................ 39B
P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164 * 802.864.5684 802.865.1015 - www.sevendaysvt.com CROCUS POCUS.
Pamela Polston, Paula Routly Paula Routly Pamela Polston Rick Woods Margot Harrison Peter Freyne Brian Wallstin Ken Picard, Mike Ives Dan Bolles Meghan Dewald Suzanne Podhaizer Bridget Burns Steve Hadeka Joanna May, Amy Lilly
Donald Eggert Rev. Diane Sullivan Jonathan Bruce Ryan Hayes Joe Hudak Andrew Sawtell Krystal Woodward
Bob Kilpatrick Cathy Resmer Donald Eggert Krystal Woodward Eva Sollberger Patrick Smith
Ashley Brunelle Judy Beaulac Colby Roberts Robyn Birgisson Michael Bradshaw Michelle Brown Allison Davis, Brooke Dooley David White
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Marc Awodey, Elisabeth Crean, Erik Esckilsen, Peter Freyne, Kirk Kardashian, Kevin J. Kelley, Rick Kisonak, Judith Levine, Amy Lilly, Jon Margolis, Keith Morrill, Patrick Timothy Mullikin, Jernigan Pontiac, Casey Rae-Hunter, Robert Resnik, Matt Scanlon, Jon Taylor, Sarah Tuff. PHOTOGRAPHERS Andy Duback, Jay Ericson, Jordan Silverman, Matthew Thorsen, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur ILLUSTRATORS Harry Bliss, Stefan Bumbeck, Thom Glick, Abby Manock, Rose Montgomery, Tim Newcomb, Jo Scott, Michael Tonn CIRCULATION Harry Appelgate, Christopher Billups, Rob Blevins, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Heather Driscoll, John Elwort, Nat Michael, Steph Pappas, Melody Percoco, John Shappy, Bill Stone, Matt Weiner. SEVEN DAYS is published by Da Capo Publishing, Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans and Plattsburgh. Circulation: 32,000. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6-month First Class: $175. 1-year First Class: $275. 6-month Third Class subscriptions: $85. 1-year Third Class: $135. Please call 802.864.5684 with your VISA or MasterCard, or mail your check or money order to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Subscriptionsâ&#x20AC;? at the address at left. SEVEN DAYS shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, SEVEN DAYS may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. SEVEN DAYS reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.
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4/7/08 4:52:50 PM
08A | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
< letters>
Seven Days wants your rants and raves, in 250 words or fewer. Letters must respond to content in Seven Days. Include your full name, town and a daytime phone number, and post to: sevendaysvt.com/letters or letters@sevendaysvt.com or mail to: Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164.
of common interest (and got things accomplished).â&#x20AC;? This political bent colors Hofferâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s analysis, but unlike the more than 1200 words (and another 778 in spurious â&#x20AC;&#x153;footnotesâ&#x20AC;?) he got, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve only got 250 to respond. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll leave it at this: Hofferâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s analysis is as flawed as the decision to package it as news. Kevin Dorn MONTPELIER
Dorn is Vermontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Secretary of Commerce and Community Development.
analysis degraded an otherwise excellent paper. The whole publication is brighter without that snot trail down the center. Karl Riemer UNDERHILL
NO SOOTHSAYING ALOUD Is Seven Days honestly replacing Peter Freyne with a Democratic Party newsletter [â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Pollina Problem,â&#x20AC;? March 26]? Jon Margolis says that Progressive voters â&#x20AC;&#x153;disdainâ&#x20AC;?
Democrats for their â&#x20AC;&#x153;pragmatism and compromise.â&#x20AC;? As a Progressive voter, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m contemplating whether I really should have disdain for Democrats. After all, the party of â&#x20AC;&#x153;pragmatism and compromisesâ&#x20AC;? gave us the Iraq war, the Patriot Act, No Child Left Behind, the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cleanâ&#x20AC;? Forest Act, a half a trillion dollar military budget, and a host of other mind-altering experiences. Also, wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t it Progressives who let the Dems have uncontested shots at the U.S. House and a host
of statewide office seats for the past several years? Alas, it seems futile to hold contempt. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll continue to vote for qualified Democrats. Margolis can spend time fumbling with his political spectrum meter to read people as if with a Geiger counter. Meanwhile, I will consider any candidate who will fix our health-care system, implement a sustainable-energy vision, ensure a MORE LETTERS >> 23A
Editorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Note: While Hofferâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s piece was listed under columns in our table of contents and tagged â&#x20AC;&#x153;op-edâ&#x20AC;? in the online edition, it should have been more clearly labeled as opinion in the news pages. Hoffer is not a Seven Days staffer, but a guest columnist for the space formerly occupied by Peter Freyne. SNOT TRAIL? Thank goodness Peter Freyne doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t enjoy dribbling any more. Otherwise we might never have been rid of his puerile sniping [â&#x20AC;&#x153;Inside Track,â&#x20AC;? R.I.P.]. Seven Days apparently canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t grasp that mockery isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t commentary, nor is bar-stool gossip political insight. Making fun of public officials may actually be fun â&#x20AC;&#x201D; giggling sophomoric wanker fun, but fun. Pretending that it was political
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yeah, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bad!â&#x20AC;?
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POINT TAKEN Readers of Seven Days are no doubt used to reading left-leaning opinion pieces in its pages. But couching opinion as news and failing to inform readers of the writerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biases is a different story. And thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exactly what Seven Days did in its last issue, when it allowed Progressive activist Doug Hoffer to pen a â&#x20AC;&#x153;storyâ&#x20AC;? headlined â&#x20AC;&#x153;Is Vermont Really on the Jobâ&#x20AC;? with a tag that read â&#x20AC;&#x153;Economyâ&#x20AC;? [Columns, April 2]. Anyone reading the piece â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a so-called â&#x20AC;&#x153;analysisâ&#x20AC;? criticizing the Douglas administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economic record â&#x20AC;&#x201D; might have mistakenly believed Hoffer to be a staff writer, or â&#x20AC;&#x153;an independent policy analyst,â&#x20AC;? as he was described at the end of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;story.â&#x20AC;? Hoffer is a political operative and a Progressive activist whose work consists largely of selectively â&#x20AC;&#x153;analyzingâ&#x20AC;? statistics to reach the conclusions desired by those paying his bills. Here are some excerpts of a post Hoffer made to Green Mountain Daily, the Democratic-oriented blog, on February 12, defending his Progressive credentials and his work with Democrats: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Well, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a Prog and I work with Dems all the time . . . Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve attended meetings with the State Treaurer (sic) and the State Auditor arranged by [Progressive gubernatorial candidate] Anthony [Pollina] where we discussed issues
12/3/07 9:41:29 AM 2x3-John'sShoeShop040908.indd 1
4/7/08 9:49:16 AM
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3/19/08 12:01:30 PM
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SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | webpage 09A
»webpage » ARGUING ABOUT THE WAR — ON YOUTUBE In February, a group of Vermont veterans who oppose the Iraq war staged a “Winter Soldier” gathering at the University of Vermont. The event was modeled after a similar speak-out against the Vietnam War. Four vets who served in Iraq spoke to a crowd of 200 Vermonters. Seven Days videographer Eva Sollberger attended the event and captured the vets’ stories on film for an episode of her weekly web feature, “Stuck in Vermont.”
2. 3. 4. 5.
Not surprisingly, the vets’ graphic accounts of their wartime experience — including claims that American soldiers have committed war crimes — have provoked a lively debate on YouTube.
But “doodoobird” disagrees. “How dare you generalize all of us vets like you did. How dare you try to further erode public opinion when your comrads [sic] are still out in the field.” At the request of the vets she
interviewed, Eva dedicated the video to two soldiers who were killed in Iraq. But “stgio327” argues that that was a mistake. “Don’t say this is dedicated to Rick James, he would be so disapointed [sic] if he saw you crying your guts out like a little girl. We joined the Marines during a time of war to fight and kill, and we did just that. You bring disgrace to grunts who served in Ramadi, especially the heros [sic] who didn’t return alive.” If you’d like to see the video, or leave a comment, search our multimedia archives at www. sevendaysvt.com.
If you have an idea for a video, or would like to have your music featured in our videos, contact eva@sevendaysvt.com
THE CAMPUS QUESTION: What do college students do for fun in rural Johnson, Vermont? Jon Taylor asks Johnson State College students.
STUCK IN VERMONT: Watch the Frisbees fly during the first game of the Burlington Ultimate Frisbee playoffs.
Yep, I’m Coming
“Thin and Bear It: The governor wants to cut 400 state jobs — but which ones, and at what cost?” by Ken Picard (4/02/08) “Taste Test: Pho Hong” by Suzanne Podhaizer (4/02/08) “From Spokane to Burlington, Texas Ad Company Leaves a Trail of Deceit” by Brian Wallstin (4/02/08) “List of Burlington-Area CSAs” by Suzanne Podhaizer (4/02/08) “In Vermont, War-Tax Resistance Dies Hard” by Mike Ives (4/02/08)
“Eva, this is the best work you’ve ever done,” writes “rebelwaltz7.” “Thanks for putting it together. I hope a lot of people see this.”
Eva’s video premiered on March 5. Since then, the video has been viewed more than 2700 times on both the Brightcove and YouTube video players.
I’m getting ready to go to the Sex 2.0 conference in Atlanta, Georgia, this weekend. My inner sex geek is salivating! Sex 2.0 will focus on the “intersection of social media, feminism and sexuality,” examining how social media (blogs, social networking sites, etc.) are shaping how we connect sexually. The impressive list of session leaders and speakers includes some of my personal heroes — namely Rachel Kramer Bussel and Audacia Ray. With session titles like “Poly Pervs Like Me,” “Creating the Sex Commons: Sex Blogging as a Feminist Project,” and “Becoming a Sex Worker Without Leaving Your House,” this promises to be an informative (and arousing) conference. Of course, the conference is just the beginning. There’s also an after party . . . I’ll keep you posted. Read more online . . . Posted April 7 by Mistress Maeve
End Women’s Suffrage? Here’s a disturbing viral video from UVM TV — last year, reporter Matt Lewis asked female students what they think about the dramatic increase in women’s suffrage since 1920. Can you guess what they said? And, yes, we’re talking about the right to vote, but of course Lewis didn’t explain that to them. I find this video somewhat mean-spirited and sexist — but also funny. A few of the women knew it was a trick question, but the ones who didn’t sound soooooo clueless. One actually looked at the camera and said, “I believe women’s suffrage is unfortunate and should stop.” Groan. Read more online . . . Posted April 3 by Cathy Resmer
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4/8/08 1:20:49 PM
10A | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
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SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | opinion 11A
Check Out Our NEW IFH?D= C;DK April 16th
Compost Happens . . . or Not
y now, everyone in Burlington has probably heard about the swift response from the Agency of Natural Resources â&#x20AC;&#x201D; largely the Natural Resources Board and Act 250 officials â&#x20AC;&#x201D; to put the kibosh on the â&#x20AC;&#x153;hazardousâ&#x20AC;? composting operation at the Intervale. You know, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re the same folks who swept in with bureaucratic ferocity when a multi-story section of scaffolding at Vermont Yankee collapsed and thousands of gallons of water spewed onto the ground. OK, maybe they werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t so swift on that one. But on the subject of organic waste, Vermontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s natural-resources squad has made it abundantly clear the state will not tolerate nutrient-laden water washing off piles of rotting food. The question is: Did politics play a role in the compost centerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s demise? Exactly what happened remains murky, but the result is clear. On April 2, the Intervale Center board voted to stop
burden of proving otherwise â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a cost that could easily exceed $250,000, according to Moreau. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s this historic-site designation that has exasperated city, CSWD and Intervale officials. As the state prepared its case late last summer, it offered little time for rebuttal or dissent from the City of Burlington. In fact, city officials were given less than a weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s notice that a DHP advisory board would be holding a midSeptember hearing on the designation. 2x5-bobcat040908.indd When Burlington Mayor Bob Kiss protested the short notice, the meeting was postponed to October 23. Still, the advisory board waited until a week before that meeting to reveal to the city the evidence it would be presenting. When Kiss asked for another extension in order to prepare, the DHP board said no, and proceeded with its ruling in October. Kiss is still trying to get clarification on what the ruling actually means for
The question is: Did politics play a role in the compost centerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s demise? taking any new raw-food waste or other compostable material at the end of this month, and to cease all operations by August 2009. The board is in the process of creating a transition plan with the attorney generalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office and the Chittenden Solid Waste District. CSWD stepped in to run the operation â&#x20AC;&#x201D; temporarily â&#x20AC;&#x201D; when the Intervale fired its compost manager. The eventual goal is to turn the site back into a green field suitable for farming (which is a more likely scenario than anyone could expect from Vermont Yankee, if and when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ever shut down). Don McCormick, the acting director of the Intervale Foundation, told Seven Days this timeframe will allow the material currently onsite to properly compost, without adding more. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just enough onsite now to meet local gardenersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; demands this year and next. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But,â&#x20AC;? said McCormick, â&#x20AC;&#x153;itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s now in the hands of the attorney generalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office, and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll see what they say.â&#x20AC;? The CSWD, which helped get the compost project off the ground more than 20 years ago, is weighing whether to continue composting in the Intervale or find another location, according to CSWD Director Tom Moreau. The former option looks less and less likely. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s because last fall the state Division for Historic Preservation (DHP) quietly designated Burlingtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s side of the Intervale in the state register of historic places as an area of archeological significance â&#x20AC;&#x201D; known Abenaki heritage sites are scattered throughout it. The designation means any new Act 250 permit for activity in the Intervale would automatically start with the presumption that archeologically significant items are onsite and might be disturbed by said activity. The applicant would bear the
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hef David says: â&#x20AC;&#x153;You helped decide the
activities in the Intervale, including its new lunch and dinner menus during our community gardens and the McNeil spring menu preview, now come in and see Generating Plant that supplies ecofriendly power to the Burlington Electric which entrees made the menus.â&#x20AC;? Department. According to a Dec. 18 memo to WE ALSO HAVE A BRAND NEW WINE LIST! DHP Director Jane Lendway, Kiss notes, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The decision to move forward on October 23 without granting the www.paulinescafe.com additional time we requested seemed unwarranted. We continue to have questions about this process and the identification and delineation of the archeological district.â&#x20AC;? Lendway said that, while it may seem 2x5-paulines040208.indd 1 4/1/08 10:52:34 AM as if the city was given short notice, DHP had been looking at the Intervale designation since 2006, when it first met with Intervale â&#x20AC;&#x201D; not city â&#x20AC;&#x201D; officials, to talk about ways to protect archeological resources.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our intent has always been to pro
tect acknowledged archeological sites, and these sites were being disturbed,â&#x20AC;? ! " said Lendway. # $ !
In fact, Abenaki Chief April St. Francis had given her blessing to the composting project and the Intervaleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s efforts to keep the ancestral area undisturbed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We did reach out to the ! "#$ Abenakis, and they felt we were not dis%"# & turbing the area in a significant way,â&#x20AC;? said the Intervale Foundationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s McCormick. Lendway said the designation was not politically motivated, as some have alleged. Why the intense focus on Burlington? She said portions of the Intervale that lay in Colchester and Winooski were not examined because the division can only study so many areas in a given year. (Only one other site in the state â&#x20AC;&#x201D; in Berlin â&#x20AC;&#x201D; carries a comparable designation.)
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4/1/08 3:46:32 PM
april 09-16, 2008
» sevendaysvt.com
opinion << 11A
But there’s more fueling this conflict: Intervale officials had reason to believe they had already jumped through the archaeological hoop. When the City of Burlington sold land in 2007 to the Intervale Foundation via a conservation easement — which included money from the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board — a DHPapproved contractor conducted an archeological assessment. That contractor identified several sites in the Intervale that needed to be protected, but also determined that current composting opera-
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4/1/08 8:27:24 AM
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2/25/08 2:38:29 PM
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on Native American Affairs. Commission member Judy Dow, appointed by Douglas, played a crucial role in instigating environmental reviews by the Natural Resources Board and Act 250 officials — even though its statutory authority relates solely to matters of culture and history, not to environmental regulation and enforcement. And — another coincidence? — the chair of the Natural Resources Board is Peter Young, Suzanne Young’s husband. Conspiracies aside, the zeal
Senate President Pro Tem Peter Shumlin will soon announce his autumnal ambitions: another bid for lieutenant governor. tions were acceptable as long as they did not dig below plow depths. The assessment indicated that only future expansions should be reviewed in the context of underground archeological artifacts. As a result, the conservation easement specifically carved out an exclusion for the compost operations to continue as is. Several people contacted for this story say that DHP official Giovanna Peebles “signed off ” on this easement. DHP staff normally review VHCB-funded easements when historical sites are involved, said Dave Mace, spokesman for the Agency of Commerce and Community Development. For some unexplained reason, a review of this easement was “skipped.” In fact, Housing Commissioner John Hall issued a memo April 7 to inform all parties that DHP did not sign off on the easement variance, period. But how could the Intervale easement simply be overlooked? The sale of land to the Intervale Foundation was no secret — it became front-page news when some Burlington City Council members voiced concern that the nonprofit foundation was getting a “sweetheart deal.” Was it a coincidence that Intervale staff included House Speaker Gaye Symington (she left the organization earlier this year), or that David Zuckerman, a House Progressive and ag committee chairman, had a farm in the Intervale? In a closed-door meeting with DHP officials earlier this year, Intervale and CSWD reps walked away with a “clear sense” the DHP’s move was arbitrary, political and inflexible. There’s more in this saga for conspiracy theorists. For example, Gov. Jim Douglas’ top legal advisor, Suzanne Young, was a liaison between her boss and the Vermont Commission
with which several state agencies ganged up against the Intervale compost project should send a clear message to any similar operation in the state: Get ready. That is, unless you’re Douglas’ own brother-inlaw, who produces the popular Moo Doo compost. Think state lawyers will be flocking to his operation like hungry gulls? I wouldn’t bet the farm on it. The Dems’ Spring Dance — Just when you thought the Democratic Party had thrown in the towel and was going to give Douglas and Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie a free pass in November — voila! — House Speaker Symington says she’s thinking about a run for guv this fall. And, Seven Days has learned, Senate President Pro Tem Peter Shumlin will soon announce his autumnal ambitions: another bid for lieutenant governor. If you recall, that’s a post he ran for and lost in 2002 in a hotly contested three-way race with Dubie and Progressive Anthony Pollina. Symington’s announcement hasn’t deterred Pollina, who has received invitations to speak to Democratic committees in Lamoille and Windham counties. And many observers speculate that a three-way race could benefit a Democrat this time around, rather than Douglas. Symington and Pollina could combine to keep the incumbent below 50 percent, which would then kick the race to the legislature to decide. And that might not turn out the same for Douglas as it did when he faced Democrat Doug Racine and Independent Con Hogan in 2002. Symington has had plenty of urging from party leaders, current and past, to make the run. Vermont hasn’t had a female governor since Madeleine Kunin in the 1980s, and the speaker has been building a lot
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | opinion 13A
of ground support over the years. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no accident that the House is now much more liberal and Democratic than it has been in nearly a decade; Symington personally recruited, or helped to recruit, Democrats to run in areas not normally friendly to her party in Vermont. Gains in Franklin and Rutland counties are clear examples. Think of it as a Vermont version of Howard Deanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 50-state strategy. Some may wonder, though, why Symington would run for higher office when she has a good gig now. Well, think about it. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been running the House for two terms and is increasingly frustrated with Douglas. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just sit back and watch things happen and then step in and criticize and call that leadership,â&#x20AC;? she told Seven Days. But for now, Symington said sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s focused on the final month of the current legislative session. Stay tuned.
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Salmonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Run â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Democratic Auditor Tom Salmon, who won election in 2006 by ousting one-term incumbent Republican Randy Brock, is set to announce his re-election bid on April 11. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t usually see holders of lesser statewide offices announce until summer, but that might be hard for Salmon: If he doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do it now, he might have to announce from the Middle East. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s because Salmon â&#x20AC;&#x201D; not to be confused with his father and former Gov. Thomas P. Salmon â&#x20AC;&#x201D; is in the U.S. Navy Reserves in its Seabees division. He could be deployed as early as this summer, and could spend the next six to eight months â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the rest of his current term, the campaign season, and potentially part of his next term, if reelected â&#x20AC;&#x201D; serving overseas. In 2005, Salmon was up for deployment, but the number of troops needed from his unit dropped, and he was spared. He may not be so lucky this time. GOP leaders, who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t yet have a candidate to run against Salmon, are quietly voicing concern about the impact his absence could have on the office. But Salmon said heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s confident his staff could handle the work, and that he would be in regular contact with them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have a great team here, and we tried this when I was gone for two weeks, where I had no contact,â&#x20AC;? said Auditor Salmon, referencing a recent training mission in Mississippi. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But the thing is, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be able to have direct contact with them if Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m deployed. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve made a lot of progress here in the office, and we have a good work plan going forward to accomplish even more.â&#x20AC;? ďż˝
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14A | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
Lawmakers Move Bill to Help Vermontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Children of Incarcerated Parents BY KEN PICARD PHOTO COURTESY OF GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL OF VERMONT
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n one case, police arrested a local drug dealer and led him away in handcuffs as his two young daughters watched. In another, a single mother was busted on a parole violation and taken into custody while her toddler was left sleeping in another room. In a third case, police officers raided a house and ordered all occupants, including the children, to lay face down on the floor while the place was searched for suspected weapons.
Such incidents are far from common in Vermont, but childwelfare advocates say theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not unheard of, either. In re-
Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eating Your Garden?
Prisoners who have consistent contact with their children are more likely to be released and not re-offend. So, these family ties are extremely important, to the prisoner as well as the children.
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the control of Vermontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s criminal justice system. Tara Graham, director of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kids-A-Part Programâ&#x20AC;? of the Vermont Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Aid Society, a program that helps the children of jailed parents, says an estimated 4500 Vermont kids are separated from a parent or guardian each year due to incarceration. Those numbers have risen dramatically, Graham says, as the population of women behind bars has more than doubled over the last decade. Last year, about 80 percent of the women in Vermontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s prisons were mothers; three out of four of them were the
4/7/08 8:55:52 AM
cent years, law enforcement agencies have become increasingly sensitive to the impact an arrest can have on an offenderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family, especially the children. A new bill, H.736, sponsored by Rep. Jason Lorber (D-Burlington) and due to be voted on by the House of Representatives later this week, would require lawmakers to begin a comprehensive study of this young, vulnerable and largely invisible population. Vermont currently has no mandatory training or statewide protocols that address how police deal with children at the time of a parentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arrest. But Lorberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bill, one of four such pieces of pending legislation, would mandate a study of prevailing practices around the state. In the broader sense, little is known about the thousands of minors whose parents come under
primary caregiver at the time of their arrest. No one has comparable figures for Vermontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2100 or so male inmates, because the Department of Corrections doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t compile those statistics. But if Vermontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s prison population reflects the national average, about 55 percent of male inmates have children. How many fathers are housed at out-of-state facilities is yet another unknown, although child-welfare experts suspect that few of them see their kids on a regular basis, if ever, due to the travel and expense involved. Only slightly better understood are the effects that a parentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s incarceration can have on the children themselves. As Graham explains, kids whose parents are locked up are at greater risk than their peers for juvenile delinquency, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, poverty, and even their own incarceration later in life. Anecdot-
ally, these children also shoulder the tremendous burden of shame, guilt, isolation and fear about their parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; confinement. Child-welfare experts say that building strong familial bonds while a parent is locked up and/or providing adult mentors to those youngsters, can benefit children, parents and society alike. Andrea Torello is executive director of Mobius, The Mentoring Movement, an umbrella organization that supports adult-to-child mentoring programs in Chittenden County. Last fall, Mobius was awarded a $99,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to encourage more mentoring programs for the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s at-risk youths â&#x20AC;&#x201D; among them, children whose parents are locked up. Even a modest investment of time and money in these kids can have huge pay-offs, Torello contends. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Prisoners who have consistent contact with their children are more likely to be released and not re-offend,â&#x20AC;? she says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So, these family ties are extremely important, to the prisoner as well as the children.â&#x20AC;? Sharon Baade, CEO of the Girl Scout Council of Vermont, oversees â&#x20AC;&#x153;Girl Scouts Beyond Bars,â&#x20AC;? another program that tries to maintain the family ties between girls and their jailed moms. The program, which began four years ago, brings girls into the Southeast State Correctional Facility in Windsor about once a month. There, the mothers learn valuable parenting and leadership skills, while their daughters get to spend time with their moms and learn how to better cope with their separation. Baade says that one of the initial benefits of the program is to dispel many of the common fears and misconceptions girls have about the conditions of their mothersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; confinement. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When they arrive at the facility in Windsor for the first time and take one look at the fence and the barbed wire, they burst into tears,â&#x20AC;? Baade recalls. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They just canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stand the idea that thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where their
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | local matters 15A
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MURDER SUSPECT BRIAN ROONEY The accused demands a hearing to discuss his attorneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance, then claims he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have time to prepare for it. So much to do in the slammer . . .
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INTERVALE COMPOST Burlingtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s breadbasket will stop accepting food scraps at the end of the month. Whither to bring our stinking compost? How about ANR?
4/5/08 3:55:00 PM
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PARKING BAN FUND It was a tough winter for road crews, but Burlington shoveled in almost $70,000 from parking-ban violations. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll buy a couple more meter â&#x20AC;&#x153;maids.â&#x20AC;?
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GROUNDWATER LEGISLATION In defiance of the bottled-water industry, the Vermont Senate recognizes the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s groundwater as a â&#x20AC;&#x153;public trust.â&#x20AC;? Good planning. House?
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only a smaller fraction (13 percent) of offendersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; children in Vermont are in foster care, which child-welfare experts say is a good thing. That said, while most of those kids live with a family member â&#x20AC;&#x201D; typically a grandparent, aunt or uncle â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Vermont offers these surrogate parents little in the way of financial support or other services. Moreover, until Vermont closes the gender gap between what it knows about its male inmates versus its female ones, advocates say itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nearly impossible to address those prisonersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; needs â&#x20AC;&#x201D; or those of their children. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you keep people incarcerated, make them bitter, keep them far away from their families and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t give them anything to do when they get out, it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t serve any purpose,â&#x20AC;? notes Kersey at Southeast State. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The name is â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;correctional.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; If thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;correction,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; what have you got? Nothing.â&#x20AC;? >
life on the outside and a desire to â&#x20AC;&#x153;break the cycleâ&#x20AC;? of children following in their parentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s troubled footsteps. Graham, of the Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Aid Society, says that in one respect, Vermont is at the forefront of a movement to address the needs of children with incarcerated parents. Thus far, very few states have followed Vermontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lead by taking a comprehensive look at the needs of these children, or done much to ensure their rights. (One bill, which is unlikely to move this session, would establish a â&#x20AC;&#x153;bill of rightsâ&#x20AC;? for children of incarcerated parents.) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve criminalized so many things in our society, like mental illness and substance abuse,â&#x20AC;? Graham notes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But no one has considered what the implications are for children and families.â&#x20AC;? Vermont still has some catching up to do, however. For example,
mothers are.â&#x20AC;? One girl thought her mother was kept in a cage. After the initial shock of prison wears off, Baade says the girls often forge a much better parental relationship than they had prior to their motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s confinement, in large part because the women are free from the distractions that plagued them on the outside, such as drugs, alcohol or money troubles. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I really see the girls come out of their shell,â&#x20AC;? Baade says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They appear to have more confidence and seem much more sure of themselves.â&#x20AC;? The same is true for the inmates themselves, observes Joan Kersey, a volunteer services coordinator at the womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s facility in Windsor. Kersey says sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been strongly encouraged by the success of Girl Scouts Beyond Bars and ticks off a list of other benefits sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s observed, including fewer behavioral problems among the women inmates, greater motivation to prepare for
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april 09-16, 2008
» sevendaysvt.com
Rocking the Vote? Vermont’s youngest House rep is ruffling Prog feathers
n a recent weekday evening at Vermont College in Montpelier, former Governor Madeleine Kunin discussed her new book, Pearls, Politics, & Power: How Women Can Win and Lead, before a mostly female audience STORY of about 70 people. After her speech, MIKE a microphone was passed to a woman IVES in one of the front rows. Did Kunin have any advice for IMAGES female political hopefuls disillusioned JEB WALLACE- by a gender-biased media? Cultivate chutzpah, replied the exBRODEUR guv. It’s easy to go door knocking, Kunin explained. But to really make it in politics, “You have to have something inside you that can withstand any criticism.” “Don’t give up,” Kunin added after a pause. “Come see me.” One young woman sitting a few rows back, wearing pearl earrings, pink pants and a blue velvet blazer, had already taken that advice. In the fall of 2005, University of Vermont graduate student Rachel Weston enrolled in Kunin’s course about women, leadership and politics. A year later, at the age of 25, she became one of 11 House representatives serving Burlington — and later ended up in Kunin’s book herself. The Old North End resident is still the youngest member of the Vermont chamber, by nine years. Despite her inexperience, Weston is now beginning to make waves in insider circles. While the freshman rep has gone largely unnoticed by the Vermont press since first landing in Montpelier over a year ago, she recently inspired a heated correspondence between Vermont Democrats and Progressives, as well as a string of commentaries on Green Mountain
Daily, a leading Vermont blog. Moreover, at least two prominent Progs suggest Weston is unwisely stirring up political waters in left-leaning Burlington, a city long recognized as a battleground for the two rival parties. It all started at a house party in Montpelier. During an informal Q&A session with Progressive gubernatorial candidate Anthony Pollina some weeks ago, Weston asked: Would Pollina, who had been requesting to speak before the Democratic State Committee, support hypothetical Progressive challengers over Democratic incumbents in local races? “It wasn’t really an original question,” recalls Weston, who asked it partly because she says she wants Vermont’s “left” to establish a vetoproof majority in the House this fall. Democratic House Majority Leader Carolyn Partridge (D-Windham) says Weston was simply giving voice to a general concern shared by Democratic Party faithful. Whatever the motivations behind it, Weston’s casual query informed major political developments. After she summarized her exchange with the Progressive guv-hopeful for the Democratic State Committee, party chair Ian Carleton sent a letter to Pollina putting off a formal committee decision on the latter’s speaking request until June. Pollina wrote back to say his “short answer” on the Dem/Prog question was “no” — he would not support Progressive challengers over “progressive-minded” Democrats. But he also noted that the Democrats had already fielded a challenger in a Burlington district with two Progressive incum-
bents — Progs he will support. The Democratic challenger is Kesha Ram, a UVM senior who happens to be a close friend of Rachel Weston. Ram is running in the Chittenden 3-4 district against Progressive incumbents Chris Pearson and David Zuckerman. Zuckerman, a vegetable farmer who chairs the House Committee on Agriculture, says Weston is “playing hardball in a naïve way.” He wasn’t at the house party in question, but says that Weston’s “mischaracterization” of Pollina’s words has “delayed momentum” to beat Republican Governor Jim Douglas (who was elected to the Vermont House straight out of college: Middlebury, in 1972). By supporting Ram in Burlington, Zuckerman adds, Weston may be undoing some of the political goodwill he claims exists between Burlington Dems and Progs. One Green Mountain Daily blogger put Zuckerman’s concerns more succinctly: “If in fact Rep. Weston is undercutting Progressive incumbents, she may not be as pure in heart and motive as it first appeared.” Weston isn’t a hardballer by nature. It wasn’t until she’d taken Kunin’s leadership class that she considered getting involved in politics. The daughter of a nurse and a former telephone lineman, the Massachusetts native gained some experience in community organizing as an undergrad at UMass Amherst. Weston decided to attend UVM’s graduate program in public administration partly because it was housed under “Community Development & Applied Economics,” not political science.
At the suggestion of Kunin and her friends, Weston began thinking about running for the House during her last semester at UVM, in the spring of 2006. So when she got a call from House Democratic incumbent Jason Lorber while writing a paper on campus, it only reinforced her political ambitions. “Jason called me up one day and was like, ‘Would you ever think about doing this?’” she recalls on a recent evening in her second-floor Pitkin Street apartment. “I was like, ‘OK, I’ll think about it, but I have to finish school!’” That fall, Weston and Lorber, a California transplant, ran against Progressives Heather Reimer and Kathy Valloch. The latter candidates, both experienced community organizers, were “better qualified” for the post than was Weston, according to former Progressive House Rep. Steve Hingtgen, who once held Lorber’s seat. But after knocking on roughly 3000 doors and recruiting young voters through Facebook, Weston won almost 2000 votes in the election. She and Lorber claimed two-thirds of the total vote. “Rachel is a breath of fresh air,” says Dem leader Partridge. In addition to teaching her older colleagues new campaign strategies, Partridge says, Weston has been a vocal addition to the House Committee on Natural Resources & Energy. Back in July, the young rep slammed Gov. Douglas’ energy policy in a Burlington Free Press op-ed. Weston is also an inspiration to UVM students, says current student body president and Vermont House hopeful Kesha Ram. The two women
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | feature 17A
met in 2005 while performing together with the university’s Latin jazz ensemble. More recently, Weston sponsored an environmental-justice bill that draws from Ram’s undergraduate thesis. (Lorber and Pearson co-sponsored the bill; Zuckerman did not.) Ram’s praise speaks to Weston’s political philosophy. “The millennial generation has gotten a bad rap in the past for being apathetic, and I really think that is so not the case,” she asserts. “A lot of people, for good reason, see politics as being controlled by older white men in suits . . . But we can also take it back, and I would love to see more young people running for office.” Not everyone is so optimistic. Pollina, for one, indirectly expressed frustration
ship between Burlington Dems and Progs has been “less than cordial over the years” — a far cry from the “mutual back scratching” metaphor proposed by Zuckerman. Weston, for her part, insists she didn’t recruit Ram to run for office, but is simply supporting the college student as she would any other Democratic hopeful. On the issues, the self-described “social progressive” cites no policy gripes with her Prog counterparts. And for the most part, her record supports that claim: Out of more than 80 roll-call votes she has shared with Zuckerman this session, they differed only six times. But House veteran Zuckerman says Weston’s voting record isn’t the only measure of her political character. While 2x5-SkiRack040908.indd 1
A lot of people, for good reason, see politics as being controlled by older white men in suits . . . But we can also take it back.
4/7/08 2:19:22 PM
the burlington choral society Messrs Mark Howe and William Metcalfe Guest Conductors
over Ram’s candidacy in his recent letter to the chair of the Vermont Democratic Party. Zuckerman, whose seat is being challenged, politely suggests Ram’s campaign won’t be a productive use of civic energy. And Hingtgen wishes Weston would “chill out” and stop making what he considers to be partisan political moves. “Why does [Weston] think it’s necessary for a very inexperienced person to run against two experienced people?” Hingtgen asks, referring to Zuckerman and Pearson. (The latter worked on Pollina’s 2000 gubernatorial campaign and took his current House seat in April 2006. Pearson declined to comment for this story.) “What have they done wrong? Which votes does she not like?” In Weston’s defense, Partridge suggests the Progs’ critique is based on false assumptions. She contends the relation-
he applauds her for breaking with Democratic Party leadership last session on wind-energy legislation, Zuckerman claims she is now allowing party loyalties to “trump” her positions on “some issues.” Asked for examples, he offers just one: Weston rescinded her co-sponsorship of a draft bill earlier this session on “Vote Twice Education Funding,” possibly out of concern it would make Democrat Jason Lorber “look bad.” Lorber had voted “wrong” on a related bill last spring, Zuckerman charges, whereas Weston and the Burlington Progs voted “right.” Weston admits that she crossed out her initials on the draft, but argues that cosponsorship “isn’t a sign of who supports a policy and who doesn’t.” A clerk at the Statehouse reports that it is rare, but not unheard of, for legislators to rescind cosponsorship. In the end, Weston says, Zuckerman’s statements reflect an unfortunate reality of gender, not legislative, politics. She’s heard stories about male legislators who had tried to “run up a little muck” against female rivals. “You know, if you’re too quiet, it means you’re ‘weak,’” Weston observes. “If you speak out, it means you’re a ‘bitch.’” Indeed, this week’s mudslinging episode could be her first foray into the dirtier side of the legislative game. Zuckerman “is having a challenge from another young woman [Ram], and I’m a very easy target for his animosity,” Weston notes. “Politics” can get ugly sometimes, she admits, but it doesn’t have to. “It’s unfortunate that he’s making an attempt to use it as a weapon, when the word is meant to be of, by and for the people. Isn’t that what we all aspire to?” �
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18A | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com
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4/8/08 4:09:54 PM
FLYNN CENTER 2008 FlynnSpace
N.A.S.A. New Arts Space Assistance Grant A Work-in-Progress
Vermont Dancemakers Explore Motherhood
Rachel Siegel “Before and After” Joy Madden “The Arrival” Sunday, April 13 at 4 pm $5 suggested donation at the door. A discussion with the artists to follow presentations.
Media Support from Photo of Joy Madden & Lida Winfield (right) by Autumn Barnett
153 Main St., Burlington, VT 802-863-5966 v/relay
information, application, and related FlynnBlog activities: www.flynncenter.org/nasa.html
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4/7/08 9:31:10 AM
stateofthearts FILM
Reel Relaxation for Female Prisoners BY KIRK KARDASHIAN
nita Carbonell, superintendent of the Southeast State Correctional Facility in Windsor, has a down-to-earth description of life behind bars: “It’s like hot lunch three times a day for two years,” she says. “All of those elements of choice that we take for granted are taken away.” It’s true that inmates don’t get menus at meals. But at Southeast State, they do get movies on weekends — and even some say in what they watch. Which raises the question: How do you program films for a “captive audience”? Southeast State, one of two women’s prisons in Vermont, is the oldest operational facility in the state. It began life nearly 100 years
the women share with one to four roommates has cable TV and a closed-circuit channel beaming three or four weekend movies beginning Friday nights at 8. Showing films to prisoners is deemed a public performance by copyright laws, so Joan Kersey, coordinator of Volunteer Services and gatekeeper to cinematic entertainment, has to check www. swank.com for a list of movies with the correct license. Practically every movie on VHS and DVD is available, so Kersey’s real task is choosing which films are appropriate for female inmates. “One of the things I like is ordinary women who succeed,” says Kersey, a septuagenarian
The lion’s share of the films on the jail’s marquee — so to speak — don’t depict traumatic experiences, and for good reason. ago as a men’s prison farm and doesn’t look much different today, except for the brick dormitory that sleeps 104. An old sugarhouse sits at the foot of the driveway leading to the facility; twin silos rise from rolling fields; and long, low barns abut the former herdsman’s house, which is now the buildings-andgrounds office. The down-home feel is nice for visitors, but inside, the old-fashioned layout translates to limited recreational opportunities. Though modern prisons, such as Springfield’s Southern State Correctional Facility, tend to be antiseptic, concrete-block structures, they usually have well-appointed gyms and a couple of options for exercise outdoors. The women in Windsor have a short walking path and a volleyball court. Carbonell is all too aware of these limitations, and she compensates as well as her budget allows: with TV. Each of the rooms
from Wilder. She looks for positive themes that will help the women recognize their ability to overcome the predicaments in which they find themselves, embodied in films like Erin Brockovich. “These women are all damaged,” she says softly, “and we want them to learn and grow, but we don’t want to damage them any further.” As a general rule, the women aren’t allowed to watch R-rated movies, but there are exceptions. Carbonell permitted R-rated Saving Private Ryan because the violence in the film wasn’t gratuitous. Still, the lion’s share of the films on the jail’s marquee — so to speak — don’t depict traumatic experiences, and for good reason. “Saturday evening watching a movie is not the time you want to be triggering this stuff,” Carbonell explains. Swank Motion Pictures, Inc., the non-theatrical distributor of films, has another way to deal with touchy subjects: the “Edited
Rated-R” category. Swank defines these as “special videocassette movies that have been edited to eliminate and/or reduce offensive language, nudity, violence and sexual situations.” The selection of edited films is surprisingly large, though it’s difficult to imagine, say, Bad Boys stripped of violence, or The Big Lebowski shorn of offensive language. Carbonell admits that picking movies is “a bit of a balancing act,” because, after all, the inmates are adults. That’s probably one consideration behind the upcoming change in the film-selection process. Soon, a recreation committee composed of inmates and one staff person will pick the weekend’s features. That’s good news to Jessie Germain, 26, of Burlington. She’s been in Southeast State for 21 months for “escape,” or breaking her furlough from her original charge of three counts of selling cocaine. Germain says she likes drama, action and dance films, and is happy she recently got to watch Step Up, which she’d begged Kersey to program for weeks. Carolyn Wheel, 43, of Fairfax, has been inside for 18 months on an embezzlement charge. She says her favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption. “It was my favorite before I came here,” she adds with a laugh, “but now, being here makes it a little funnier.” One sign of a good flick is its power to transport the viewer to another time and place. That’s a tall order for films shown in prisons. Wheel explains why: “You can’t escape the noises around here.” The distractions include crackling security radios, slamming doors and people yelling, talking and laughing, she says. What movies gave the inmates a respite from those earthly realities last weekend? The Way We Were, King of California, Steel Magnolias and Elizabeth: The Golden Age. >
Vermont Author Goes Face to Face with China BY AMY LILLY
h, China. Regrettable financier of U.S. debt. Mass producer of toxic cat food and lead-paint toys. Reviled by human-rights activists for its latest crackdown in Tibet. Criticized by athletes for failing to improve air quality prior to the Olympics. With all the bad press, it’s easy to forget that China is also filled with likeable, hard-working citizens who go about their daily lives rather as Americans do — competing for jobs, pursuing degrees. In her fourth book, Students and Teachers of the New China: Thirteen Interviews, Burlington author Madelyn Holmes introduces readers to a range of these folks. The 63-year-old independent scholar met and befriended the book’s featured teachers and students while employed as
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4/1/08 4:03:55 PM
a visiting professor of English at Zheziang University in Hangzhou in 2005-06. Far from encountering a closed society during her year in China, Holmes says she discovered people were “extremely open.” Her interviewees come mostly from the country’s new middle class: Zheziang is a “key” university — China’s equivalent of Princeton or Yale — and Hangzhou is a wealthy, scenic coastal city two hours south of Shanghai. All her subjects were born after the 1949 founding of the People’s Republic of China, but many interviewed their parents and grandparents at Holmes’ request. The result is a document of 90 years’ worth of experiences, demonstrating vast social and economic change. One college student’s grand-
mother remembers being harassed by the Kuomintang Army and losing a child to the 1959 famine. Today, her granddaughter’s graduating classmates have started an Internet-based translation company and organized conferences on the environment. Until 1999, jobs
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | state of the arts 19A
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Parenthood Takes the Stage at the FlynnSpace BY MATT SCANLON PHOTO: MATTHEW THORSEN
Sol Le Witt, Lines to Points on a 6” Grid, White crayon lines and black pencil lines on a black wall.
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collection of 13 moms, three dads and 16 kids ran in unpredictable circles across the floor of the FlynnSpace in Burlington last Friday afternoon, waving their arms, smiling broadly and barely avoiding collisions, while a 6-year-old girl plinked idly at a piano and a toy ball arced overhead. “Try sideways . . . now try backwards . . . now change direction suddenly,” came a series of commands from just off the floor, issued in a voice that managed to cut through the din. What seemed at first like an active, well-attended play date
Siegel and fellow dancer Joy Madden, who lives in Essex, were co-recipients of the Flynn Center’s fall 2007 New Arts Space Assistance (N.A.S.A.) Grant. Both wanted to express the dynamics of parenthood through dance, and each will present a different take on the emotions involved in her work-in-progress show. Madden’s piece, entitled “The Arrival,” focuses on the impact the birth of her second child had on her life, and includes material from interviews with her 3-year-old daughter, as well as from her journal entries and the reported experiences of new parents.
One of the most important things I’ve learned after a period of extreme new-mother isolation is that parents need all the community they can get. RACHEL SIEGEL
was actually preparation for one of a pair of dance pieces to be performed at the FlynnSpace this Sunday. The voice guiding the movement was Burlington dancer/artist Rachel Siegel, who smiled as she explained how she keeps order — or doesn’t — at a rehearsal with kids running in all directions. “Well, that’s part of the point, really,” Siegel said. “The performance I’m putting together is, in part, about the inspiration and chaos that kids bring to your life.”
Like Madden, Siegel wanted to include other moms and dads in her show, called “Before and After: Kids.” She went a step further, however, by inviting some of them — and their children — to be part of the dance itself. “There will definitely be trained dancers and set movement material that the group will do in unison,” Siegel explained. “But part of the performance will also be to have parents come out with their kids at a certain point and take part. It might be
in China used to be guaranteed — simply assigned upon graduation. By contrast, the country’s current crop of middle-school children already know they’ll have to compete for employment. A historian by training, Holmes begins her book by offering concise background on the last 60 years of China’s history, including the momentous move from a planned to a market economy following the 1976 death of Mao. But she consciously avoids political critique. Holmes’ main concern is to give readers outside China a glimpse “behind the headlines,”
as she puts it, using intimate portraits. “I really wanted to give a face to 1.3 billion people,” says the author. Students and Teachers ends with a detailed look at how China’s government is grappling with the new realities and side effects of a market economy: unequal health-care distribution, a growing gap between urban rich and rural poor, decentralized primary education that many families can no longer afford, and widespread pollution. But, as Holmes will point out in upcoming talks, change is occurring so fast that
that kids will disrupt the movement . . . or we’d have to adjust it to allow for them being there. In some cases that means you can’t do the movement any longer,” she adds, “and in others, it makes it infinitely more beautiful as a result.” Siegel credited her 4-yearold daughter and 18-month-old son with inspiring her show, but also cited her sense of alienation from modern dance, and a need to break free of its constraints. “It really bums me out that so much [of modern dance] is inaccessible, both practically — in that non-professionals can’t participate — but also spiritually,” Siegel said. “Dance is supposed to be community forming, and one of the most important things I’ve learned after a period of extreme new-mother isolation is that parents need all the community they can get.” After she excused herself and lay down on the floor, eight kids tried to lift and move Siegel in a technique she called the “tug and schlep.” Though the improvised moment might have raised the hackles of Martha Graham devotees, suffering for one’s art never looked like so much fun. > Rachel Siegel, “Before and After: Kids”; and Joy Madden, “The Arrival.” Performances on April 13 at FlynnSpace, Burlington, 4 p.m. Info, 86-FLYNN. Free, but the show’s suggested $5 donation will benefit the N.A.S.A. grant program.
even those assessments are now outdated. On a recent return visit to China, bearing copies of her book for her interviewees, the author found that only one thing hadn’t changed: her friendships. Students and Teachers of the New China: Thirteen Interviews by Madelyn Holmes is available for $35 at Phoenix Books in Essex, at the UVM bookstore and online at Amazon. Holmes will speak at Fletcher Free Library on Saturday, May 3, at 3 p.m., and at Burlington High School on Wednesday, May 7, at 7 p.m.
4/7/08 9:24:00 AM
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4/7/08 9:18:53 AM
20A | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
Curses, Foiled Again As Tiffany
to lose their â&#x20AC;&#x153;manliness.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;We decided to match it with a bigger symbol of manliness: a gun license,â&#x20AC;? Srivastava told the Washington Times. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It has worked wonders.â&#x20AC;?
Vance and Christopher Egnatz were finishing their meal at an Applebeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restaurant in Schererville, Ind., Vance complained loudly about finding worms in her salad. Servers let the couple walk out on their $57 tab, but Vance left her purse behind. The Post-Tribune of Northwest Indiana reported that while searching for identification to return the purse, a server found a plastic container of bee moth worms. A police officer was taking a report of the incident when Egnatz returned looking for Vanceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s purse. Confronted by the officer, he blamed Vance for dumping out some of the worms to get a free meal and led officers to where the two were staying. â&#x20AC;˘ Authorities looking for Eric Livers, 20,
Rules Are Rules While driving
a charter bus carrying 40 just-released prisoners from Huntsville, Texas, to Dallas, the driver pulled over in front of a convenience store 60 miles short of her destination. She announced her allotted driving time was up and that another driver was on the way. A clerk in the convenience store called police, who found the former inmates milling around the bus. Three hours later, a second bus arrived with three drivers, including the one who abandoned her passengers in the first place.
news quirks
who fled from a halfway house in Cheyenne, Wyo., tracked him to Portsmouth, N.H., after he called the Cheyenne auto shop where he had been working to have his final paycheck sent to his new address.
Conspicuous Behavior Police
arrested convicted sex offender Gregory Ray Brooks, 25, after he tried to take a 14-year-old girl to a dance at a middle school in Athens, Ala. â&#x20AC;˘ Japanese police arrested Tetsunori Nanpei, 39, who appeared at a high school in Saitama wearing a girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s school uniform and a wig. The newspaper Asahi Shimbun reported that students outside the school gate started screaming at the sight of the man, who ran inside, hoping to blend in with the teenage students. Instead, they also screamed, forcing him to flee.
Happiness Is a Worn Gun Hoping to stem population growth, government officials in Indiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Madhya Pradesh state began offering gun licenses to men who undergo vasectomies. The region has repeatedly failed to attract villagers to government family-planning programs, according to Maneesh Srivastava, chief administrator of the Shivpuri district, who said the new program followed a survey indicating that most men refused vasectomies because they did not want
Mensa Rejects of the Week (Juvenile Division) Two boys,
ages 12 and 14, were arrested for trying
to rob two civilian employees inside a police station in Port St. Lucie, Fla. Officer Robert Vega said the 12-yearold demanded cash from a records clerk working behind a protective window. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Not only did he pick up the phone and say, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Put your hands up and give me your money,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he had his hand in his jacket, insinuating that he had a gun,â&#x20AC;? Vega explained, calling the boys â&#x20AC;&#x153;very dumb.â&#x20AC;?
Just What the Doctor Ordered
Serbiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health Ministry issued new rules for hospital staffers banning grumpiness, gossiping, miniskirts, rudeness and accepting gifts from patients or their families for better treatment.
Hands-Off Policy Italyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s supreme court ruled that men may not touch their genitals in public, striking down a tradition among some Italian men of warding off bad luck by grabbing their crotch. The judges said the practice â&#x20AC;&#x153;has to be regarded as an act contrary to public decency, a concept including the nexus of socio-ethical behavioral rules requiring everyone to abstain from conduct potentially offensive to collectively held feelings of decorum.â&#x20AC;? They added that men who feel the need to grope themselves could wait and do it at home. Darker Shade of Green Poly-
silicon manufacturing plants springing up in China to meet global demand and capitalize on premium prices for solar-energy panels are avoiding the high cost and time required to recycle silicon tetrachloride, the highly toxic byproduct of polysilicon production, by dumping it directly onto the soil, sometimes near rural villages. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The land where you dump
or bury it will be infertile. No grass or trees will grow in its place,â&#x20AC;? Hebei Industrial University professor Ren Bingyan told the Washington Post. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Human beings can never touch it.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;˘ The rush to replace fossil fuels with plant-based ones has brought unanticipated consequences. The first, the New York Times reported, is pollution, which is poisoning birds and fish. The culprit is biofuel plants dumping vegetable oil, the byproduct of the refining process, into streams. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You can eat the stuff,â&#x20AC;? researcher Bruce P. Hollebone of Environment Canada, said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But as with most organic materials, oil and glycerin deplete the oxygen content of water very quickly, and that will suffocate fish and other organisms. And for birds, a vegetable oil spill is just as deadly as a crude oil spill.â&#x20AC;? Second, two studies reported in the journal Science, is that biofuels cause more greenhouse gas emissions than conventional fuels, when the total cost is tallied. The toll includes the destruction of natural ecosystems to clear more land for crops that releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere when forests and grasslands are burned and plowed. The resulting cropland absorbs far less carbon than the rain forests or even scrubland that it replaces. Third, many of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s poorest people are being priced out of the market for food because of soaring prices caused by the use of food crops to produce fuel. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If as predicted, we look to use biofuels to satisfy 20 percent of the growing demand for oil products,â&#x20AC;? Peter BrabedckLetmathe, chief executive of Nestle, said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;there will be nothing left to eat.â&#x20AC;?
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3/31/08 1:25:59 PM
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | funstuff 21A
Take a load off your mind, Take a load off your body.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Remember that time you tried to kill me?â&#x20AC;?
the straight dope
GermainHypnosis.com 802-999-6444 Shelburne, VT
Dear Cecil, What was the actual cause of death from crucifixion (Jesus-style, sans spear)? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve heard everything from blood loss, dehydration and shock to suffocation. Natalie
2x6-GermainHypnosis040908.indd 1
4/3/08 3:50:31 PM
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ww w.affe ct i o n ate lycat s.co m as itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s said to have done in Jesusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; case. The best-known 2x2-AffecCats040208.indd explanation is the asphyxia theory, popularized by the French physician Pierre Barbet in the 1950s. It goes like this: Tension in the breathing muscles prevents the victim from exhaling efficiently while hanging. He must continually push himself up to breathe. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impossible if someoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s broken your legs, which is what the soldiers supposedly did to the thieves crucified with Jesus to hasten their demise. For the theory to work, the â&#x20AC;&#x153;seatâ&#x20AC;? (commonly a wooden peg at crotch level) would have to be removed and the victim left to hang with his arms nearly straight up and down. Support for this scenario comes from accounts of Dachau prisoners murdered this way, plus some nonfatal experiments. The asphyxia theory has its critics. In the 1980s American pathologist Frederick Zugibe tested volunteers with their arms at more realistic angles of 60 to 70 degrees from the vertical. With less tension in the trunk, they breathed well even without pushing up. Zugibe thought the breaking of the victimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s legs was the coup de grace, intended to cause death by â&#x20AC;&#x153;cardiac and respiratory arrest due to hypovolemic and traumatic shock.â&#x20AC;? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not persuaded â&#x20AC;&#x201D; for one thing, Zugibe puts a lot of credence in the discredited Shroud of Turin (though the shroud doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t directly bear on this point). More important, his volunteers had their feet strapped to the cross, and if we may judge from a photo of the setup, their legs surely bore some weight; he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t break anybodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bones; and his longest experiment lasted only 45 minutes. His explanation of leg breaking seems contrived â&#x20AC;&#x201D; if you want to finish someone off, there are many more effective ways to do it. Hastening asphyxiation seems a more likely motive, although itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not something anyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to want to confirm experimentally. In any case, letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not forget that Jesusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s legs werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t broken â&#x20AC;&#x201D; he was already dead, most likely due to blood loss or other sequelae of severe scourging. No doubt crucifixion buffs will continue to debate, but I doubt weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll ever get a more definitive answer than that.
3/31/08 10:04:04 AM
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Probably all of the above and then some. The suggested causes of death are all over the place, but so were the real causes, likely as not. Those hoping for a just-the-facts account of crucifixion may be disappointed to learn that most of what we know comes from the gospels (including the extracanonical Gospel of Peter, rediscovered in 1886) or early Christian commentators. Though hundreds of thousands were crucified back then, pagan writers provide few details, considering crucifixion a shameful method of execution reserved for slaves and nonRomans. Christian descriptions of Jesusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; execution arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t entirely reliable even if we neglect the supernatural angle â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the gospels donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t always agree, and some details in Matthew and to a lesser extent John may have been tailored to make Jesusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; death appear to fulfill biblical prophecy. Still, these folks were writing when crucifixion was common, and while they may have taken liberties, nobody would have bought their story if theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d just made the technical details up. In a standard Roman crucifixion, the naked victim was scourged with a whip, its multiple lashes often weighted with bone or metal. Scourging alone could be fatal but usually wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t. The crucificado was then nailed or tied to the crossbeam (not the whole cross) and forced to carry it to the permanently fixed upright. Blood loss from scourging and nailing helped determine survival time; the tied and lightly scourged could survive for days. In any case, victims suffered a long time before falling into prolonged unconsciousness and death. Soldiers typically didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hasten things along because long and painful was the point. Usually the victim remained on the cross until birds and beasts consumed the body, but to avoid complaints the Romans allowed some crucified Jews to be buried, as evidenced by a crucifiedbut-buried skeleton discovered near Jerusalem. Lots of ways have been suggested for how this grisly process might kill you: exhaustion, exposure, heart failure, blood clot, pulmonary embolism, acidosis (the bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pH going badly out of whack), hypovolemic shock (organ failure resulting from drop in blood volume, due either to dehydration or bleeding), arrhythmia, hemothorax or hemopneumothorax (accumulation of blood and air around the lungs) leading to lung collapse. Chances are the cause of death varied depending on circumstances. The thing is, once you realize crucifixion is supposed to be slow, the exact mechanism of death doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seem so important. Obviously if you leave a guy exposed to the elements long enough heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll die of something â&#x20AC;&#x201D; starvation, if nothing else. Some believe animal scavengers killed the victims, plausible if you recall that the crosses were usually quite short. The more interesting question is how crucifixion could kill somebody quickly â&#x20AC;&#x201D; say, in three or six hours,
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Is there something you need to get straight? Cecil Adams can deliver the Straight Dope on any topic. Write Cecil Adams at the Chicago Reader, 11 E. Illinois, Chicago, IL 60611, or email him at cecil@chireader.com.
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4/7/08 9:01:35 AM
april 09-16, 2008
» sevendaysvt.com
Roads Scholars
is the season to pick routes carefully, thanks to gaping, post-winter potholes that pock greater Burlington’s highways and byways. At the city’s Department of Public Works, three customer-service
Valerie Beaudry and Charlene Orton Customer-service agents, Burlington Department of Public Works Burlington
LOCATION IMAGE Jordan Silverman
agents handle the flood of complaints from drivers who are fed up with being shook up. Hinesburg’s Valerie Beaudry, 39, has answered calls since 1999, while Charlene Orton of South Burlington, 40, has been part of the team since 2000. Recently, Seven Days steered the pair into a discussion of pavement problems. SEVEN DAYS: Do you get a ton of calls at this time of year? Is this the busiest time for you? CHARLENE ORTON: Yes. Sidewalk plow damage, lawn damage and potholes. But winter is the busiest time of year for phone calls in general. VALERIE BEAUDRY: Winter, we get all the complaints because we didn’t plow the street, or we damaged something or took out a mailbox. As soon as it starts thawing, then we get a lot of complaints on potholes. SD: So, about how many calls do you get per day? VB: There’s three of us here. . . CO: And we have 10 lines . . . [Laughs.] But we don’t use all of those. VB: I would say about 20, 25 a day in the winter and spring. About half are related to potholes. SD: How do people usually express their complaints when they call in about a pothole? VB: If they’ve hit a pothole, they’re usually very irate and they want it fixed immediately, and then they want restitution for any damage it caused.
SD: What are some of the inappropriate ways people express their complaints? VB: They have no problem swearing, calling us names. No problem — whether it’s potholes or we didn’t plow or it’s icy, they have no problem. CO: And the positive ones are very far and few between. We get maybe two or three a season, somebody that calls and says, “You guys are doing an awesome job; we really appreciate it.” VB: Most of the men will say that I should get off my lazy “rear” — but they don’t use that word — and go out and fill the potholes.
SD: And what’s your response to that? VB: We end up giving people who want to make a claim to our claims adjuster at City Hall.
SD: What would be your ideal way of hearing a complaint? CO: A lot of people call and say that a certain area is really bad, that we should take a look at it.
CO: And we call the pothole in to the foreman so they can put it into their list to fill. And we also put it into the database, so when the hotmix plant opens up, they can put hot-mix in and fix the areas that are really bad.
VB: If we don’t fill it that day, they get irate.
VB: That’s the middle of April, usually, weather permitting. SD: This year, are there particular areas of Burlington that people are calling a lot about? CO: For me, it’s North Avenue. But Main Street, that’s in pretty good shape. VB: I hear a lot about North Avenue, Shelburne Road and Pine Street.
SD: So how long does it take to fill a pothole? CO: I would say 24 hours, two working days, unless somebody got hurt on it or a car got damaged. SD: Is this year worse or better than past years? CO: It’s a little bit worse, because it’s been so wet and the coal patch doesn’t stay in the hole. The foreman will say, “We filled that yesterday,” and I’ll say, “They’re calling on it again.” VB: They had to go back three times to a pothole on Shelburne Road because they filled it, it popped out,
and they had to fill it again. The streets that are the worst are the ones that are in need of being repaved, or if there’s been a water break or a sewer break during the wintertime, it wreaks havoc. SD: What about when you’re driving to work? Do you feel like you’re pretty savvy about the best routes because you know where all the bad potholes are? VB: [Laughs.] Yes, we know how to avoid them. That’s one of our worst complaints, the people who call in saying they’ve hit the same pothole numerous times. We want to say, “Well, why don’t you pick a different route?” SD: Are you more or less likely to make a complaint about something outside of your job? CO: I’m less likely. VB: I’m more likely to. I laugh and tell them I work for the City of Burlington and that we have potholes that are just as bad, and I let them know where they are so they don’t get people screaming at them like we do. SD: What hours do you work and what kind of breaks do you get? VB: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We get a halfhour lunch and two 15-minute breaks. CO: And the street guys work 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. SD: What happens later in the spring and summer with the calls? VB: We get sweeping complaints. The roads didn’t get swept, or their car got towed.
CO: In the fall, it’s the last-minute before-winter stuff. VB: And Christmas-tree time in January — that’s often the worst time, because we’re picking trees up for weeks. CO: Or leaves, in the fall. You can’t make everybody happy. SD: So, when you’re getting those angry calls, is there a way you decompress and take a moment? VB: If they’re that bad, we take a walk. During the February storm last year, I had one guy threaten to come down and deal with me and my family. Just because he wasn’t getting plowed — but hardly anybody was. We understand their frustration, but there’s nothing we can do other than pass on the information. CO: A lot of people, I find, just want somebody to listen to them. To vent. You listen, and if they start swearing, you say, “Sir, please don’t swear at me,” and usually they end up hanging up on you. But sometimes their complaint is very valid. VB: They leave some really nasty messages, too, on the voicemail that we check every day. This year was worse for complaints, because we kept running out of salt. CO: People react because they can, right then and there on their cellphones. A lot of times when they get home, they forget about it. VB: Unless they hit it the next day. m
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | letters 23A
Top Quality In-Home Care for Older Adults
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PROGS ROCK, JON I was disappointed with last week’s sweeping statement from Jon Margolis: “Progressives disdain Democrats.” [“The Pollina Problem,” March 26]. It is patently untrue. There are six Progressives elected to serve in Montpelier representing seven counties. For third parties, that is a lot of seats. But it’s not enough to get legislation passed. Margolis’ comment would lead you to believe that we cannot work with others and never accomplish anything. This year alone, working with Democrats, we played leadership roles repealing votes twice for education budgets, passing hemp legalization, sending IRV to the governor’s desk, pushing campaign-finance reform, protecting infants from lead paint, protecting workers from workers’ comp rollbacks, putting more money in farmers’ pockets with increased sales of farm-fresh milk, and more. And we’re only halfway through the session. As a Progressive who works well with Democrats, and I might add Independents and Republicans, it’s frustrating to have Mr. Margolis perpetuating the myth otherwise. It reminds me of the days when columnists labeled Bernie “ineffective.” One of the roles Progressives also play is to challenge the Democrats when needed. As an independent party and legislative caucus, we can be vocal about our disagreements. Last week we offered an amendment to end the unfair tax on working people by closing the loophole on unearned income. At this point, this is a step Democrats are unwilling to take. This does not mean that we “disdain” them. Anthony Pollina also has many friends who are Democrats. He has worked with them on issue after issue over the years. There has been far more agreement than disagreement there. We all need to work together to change the direction our current Governor has taken us. I’m encouraged Pollina is finding Democrats around the state receptive to working together. People agree we need to look beyond partisan labels and work to replace Douglas. This is the only way to “make this fall exciting” and change the direction our state is headed in. David Zuckerman BURLINGTON
Zuckerman is a Progressive representative from Burlington.
PRODUCT WHINE While I greatly appreciate Dan Bolles reviewing local shows, I do “Staying Home is What Made Sense!!!” have three issues with his recent •Hourly and Live-In Services •Light housekeeping review of Nick Jaina, Marie •One to one at all times •Transportation and errands Claire, Jenny Montana and Paddy •Discreet personal care and •Bonded, Insured, Rigorous companionship Screening Reagan [“Monkeying Around,” •Help with meals, bathing and •FREE In-Home Assessment March 26]. dressing The first is with his review of Lifestyle assistance and ongoing management Call today for a FREE Marie Claire. In reading it, I got to allow loved ones to remain at home in-home assessment! the impression that she usually On Call 24 Hours a Day plays at Honky-Tonk Tuesday 802-735-1290 1-866-4-LiveIn and is now trying out her own Vermont Area’s Only Live-In Specialists material solo. The fact is, Marie 41 Main Street in Burlington www.HomeCareAssistance.com has been playing her solo set out for years. She has slowly added 2x3-Homecare082907.indd 1 8/27/07 9:46:50 AM songs to the set and refined her performance to be almost devastating, if you listen close enough. Her crowd chatter that night Women’s Health Care Service at Fletcher Allen Health Care is currently conducting a at the Monkey House may have research study to evaluate 2 low dose investigational IUS (Intrauterine System) similar 4/7/08 2:31:47 PM seemed nervous, but her singing 1x4-CheshireCat040908.indd 1 to an IUD. and playing were dead-on. We are seeking females who are: Personally, I’ve seen her dozens • 18 -35 years of age and generally healthy of times and always wonder why • Desire contraception • Willing to come to 11 clinic visits over 3 years there are not more people in the Qualified participants will receive the investigational IUS, medical exams, and lab Burlington area that don’t come tests at no charge. Financial compensation for time and travel may also be available. out to see such a thoughtful woman play her piano. Maybe For more information please contact: Dr. Julia Johnson, Fletcher Allen Health Care soon? Women’s Health Care Service, Research Division The second issue is that he 1 South Prospect Street, Burlington, VT 05401 said Jenny Montana came on (802) 847-0985 second and Nick Jaina came on third. In fact, Nick Jania came on second and was followed by that 2x3-FAHCWomens032608.indd 1 3/24/08 1:34:33 PM eerie crowd silence of Jenny’s first three songs. The third issue is when Dan said Nick shared the stage with three up-and-coming local products. In fact, these are people and online at he is speaking of. He is not www.retn.org SEE WEBSITE FOR COMPLETE SCHEDULE. talking about items you find on a convenience-store shelf. These 11AM/8PM — BUSINESS are human beings. Call them “The Rowing Revolution: musicians or artists or performers, Growing a Global Business SIX COURSE from Vermont” or even people standing up there AT T H E WINE MEREDITH HAFF, Concept2 and doing it, but please, don’t call I N N ATDINNER ESSEX Bichot’s Burgundies 12NOON/9PM — ACADEMIC them “products.” “Learning Your Way into the April 17 Tim Lewis Future of Vermont”
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clean environment, and level the playing field for non-politicians like me who work for a living. Anthony Pollina seems like the best gubernatorial candidate to date. Maybe instead of Margolis’ party-based soothsaying, Seven Days will find an editorialist who will ask hard questions of politicians regardless of party affiliation. Tiki Archambeau
CRAIG DAMON, VT Tech. College
CORRECTION In “Groundwater Rising” [March 12], we misspelled the name of the state’s hydrogeologist, Scott Stewart. Then, in last week’s corrections, we referred to him as Mark. Wrong again, and, again, 1x6-RETN040908.indd we’re sorry. There were multiple errors in the March 26 story on Middlebury physics professor Frank Winkler. Winkler was misquoted as saying, “stars that blow up in the atmosphere.” Actually, the stars, or “supernovae,” he was referring to blow up in the solar system. Other references to the “world” and “atmosphere” should have read “universe.” “RX J08224300” is the name of Puppis A’s neutron star, not the star itself. The phrase, “Everything that we know came from visible light” should have referred to the mid20th century, not the beginning of time. And the professor is in Chile for a few weeks, not a full semester. Guess we failed that course.
seven days 1
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4/7/08 9:13:48 AM
april 09-16, 2008
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | feature 25A
» sevendaysvt.com
K C I N G N I S S MI n o s r e h r o f h c r a e s e h t p u e iv g t ’ n o w a z r n Wallstin a a i r B G y b e li a t Why Na
T Seven Days videographer, Eva Sollberger has produced two videos related to this story — “Nick Garza is Missing” and “Who is Nick.” Find them on sevendaysvt.com
ucked away in the southwest corner of the Middlebury College campus, at the end of a poorly paved road 20 yards from the 10th tee at Ralph Myhre Golf Course, Hadley House has the air of a lonely outpost. The two-story cottage, fronted by a circular drive and a small stand of tall trees, usually does stand empty, though a few times a year it’s called into service as temporary lodging for college guests. For the past two months, Hadley House has been home to Natalie Garza, whose 19-year-old son Nicholas has not been heard from since he left a Middlebury College residence hall late one night in early February. For various reasons, an investigation into Nick’s disappearance wasn’t launched until almost six days later, when his mother arrived and filed a missing person’s report with the Middlebury Police Department. The Vermont State Police are also involved in the search for Nick, having conducted several “recovery” missions that turned up nothing. The VSP concluded its latest search late last month, and it could be another week before another one can be organized. Much of the terrain that lies between Hadley House and the spot, outside Stewart Hall, where Nick was last seen is rugged and undeveloped. And most of it has been gone through with scentdogs and volunteers. Still, since she came to Middlebury, Natalie and whatever family she has around her fill several hours of each waiting day probing ditches and creek banks. Armed with shovels
morning, his friends assumed he’d joined a group of students who left campus to spend a few days at a cabin in New Hampshire. When those students returned Saturday night, though, they said they hadn’t seen Nick. Natalie, a 40-year-old financial analyst at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and her 9-year-old son, Damon, usually got a phone call or a text message from Nick at least once a day. Natalie wasn’t too concerned when she didn’t hear from her oldest son on Wednesday. But by Thursday night, she felt the first surge of panic. “Nick will ignore my emails or texts for a couple of days,” Natalie says. “But Damon had a question, and he must have called Nick six times that night. “I didn’t say anything to Damon, but I figured, ‘He’s probably out, and I’ll bet there’s a text waiting for you in the morning.’ When there wasn’t, I went to work that day feeling ill.” By Sunday, she was surrounded by other family members, frantically trying book a flight from Albuquerque to Vermont. The following day, she and Nick’s grandparents settled for a plane to Albany. They rented a car and drove to Middlebury, arriving at the police station around 11 p.m., where they filled out the missingperson’s complaint. It wasn’t clear at that stage what kind of missing person’s case this was. For starters, who was Nick Garza? To his parents, Natalie and Demetrius, Nick was beyond exceptional. He was smart, hand-
The crocuses are blooming on the Middlebury campus, and the chances that Nick Garza’s body will be found among them grow smaller by the day. and rakes, they pull apart the last of the snow piles and sift through the mud and dirt, searching for signs of Nick. When she’s not doing that, Natalie is usually communicating with police officers, investigators and college officials, asking questions and giving them information she thinks they will need to find her son. The nights are the roughest. It’s a struggle to relax, to overcome her fears and sleep a few hours so she has the strength to do it all again the next day. “At the [town] inn the first few days, there were other people staying there, and I just didn’t have any emotional release,” Natalie says. “It’s actually nice that we’re up here, secluded, so that no one can hear me scream and cry.”
Nick Garza was last seen shortly after 11 p.m. on Tuesday, February 5, as he left Stewart Hall. That’s about a third of a mile south of Allen Hall, where he lived on the first floor with a group of underclassmen known as the “dungeon boys.” When Nick wasn’t in his room Wednesday
some, talented and caring, and he seemed to possess a degree of self-control unusual in someone his age. But to someone who didn’t know him, Nick Garza could have been just another Middlebury freshman, probably away from home for the first time, who got himself into trouble he couldn’t handle. The latter view seemed to govern the first stage of the investigation, which was running on the backs of two important presumptions. First, the authorities believed copious amounts of alcohol had been consumed on the night Nick disappeared. Second, they hypothesized that Nick was somewhere on campus, perhaps buried beneath the 10 inches of new snow that began accumulating just a few hours after he was last seen. Eight weeks later, the crocuses are blooming on the Middlebury campus, and the chances that Nick Garza’s body will be found among them grow smaller by the day. Meanwhile, the known facts about his disappearance remain agonizingly few. Just as the physical search has turned up nothing that would suggest Nick’s whereabouts, the missing person’s investigation, led by the Middlebury Police Department, has failed to yield a single useful lead. “In every one of these cases that I have investigated in the past, there is some kind of cue about how to proceed,” says Middlebury Police Chief Thomas Hanley, who has led the department since 1991, after more than a dozen years as a detective with the major-case squad in Wallingford, Connecticut. “We don’t have that here. Nothing,” Hanley laments “Nothing has come up in any of his emails or his computer records or his cellphone records or his bank records.” Natalie Garza has made it known that she will remain in Hadley House until the mystery of her son’s disappearance is revealed. Late last week, Damon, a smaller, sturdier, mop-topped replica of Nick, joined his mother in Middlebury. On Monday, the fourth grader picked up his studies at a private school in town. Meanwhile, rising tension between the family of a missing boy and those charged with finding him is inevitable. What parent wouldn’t wonder, when leads fail to materialize, whether investigators are doing everything they can? And what kind of peace officer, aware that he can offer no reassurance, wouldn’t recognize the implication that his work is somehow flawed? Natalie Garza and Tom Hanley met for the first time on the
morning of February 13. It was a Wednesday, her second day in town, and the second day on the case for the Vermont State Police’s Search and Rescue Team. The previous evening, during a routine debriefing on campus, Natalie had asked the VSP and Middlebury College officials in the room why the search was focused on a wooded area behind Stewart Hall, adjacent to St. Mary’s Cemetery. The path from Stewart Hall to Nick’s room at Allen Hall, she pointed out, went in the opposite direction. According to Natalie, a state police lieutenant told her a student interview had raised the possibility that Nick had made a romantic advance to another student, which was rejected. Perhaps, the officer reasoned, Nick’s feelings were hurt and, rather than go home, he wandered off in search of different company. Natalie told Hanley she found the scenario implausible, not least because Nick had left his coat at Allen Hall and was wearing tennis shoes. Why would he go anywhere when he left Stewart Hall but back to his own room? She also questioned the recollections of another student, a fellow “dungeon boy,” who told police he and Nick had kept score as they downed shot after shot of liquor over the course of a couple of hours. Hanley replied that the student had told police he and Nick bought alcohol earlier in the day, and that a bottle of rum, about twothirds empty, was found in Nick’s room. That evening, after weather conditions forced the state police to suspend the ground search, Hanley told news reporters that, before he went missing, Nick was among a group of students drinking in one of the residence halls. Natalie’s brother, Todd Sierra, a patrolman with the Albuquerque Police Department, was quoted the next morning in The Burlington Free Press disputing that alcohol had any role in his nephew’s disappearance. It would be “extremely out of character for Nicholas to be intoxicated to the point of being unable to take care of himself,” Sierra said. Nonetheless, he told the Free Press that the family was “completely, completely happy” with the efforts of the Middlebury and state police departments, which were “exhausting every possible avenue that they can.”
The contretemps may have continued in that awkward vein if not for something that happened at about the same time three-quarters of the way across the country. Two days after Nick was last seen, Alphonse “Michael” Barbiere, a vacationing 23-year-old Wall Street trader from New Jersey, went missing after leaving a Breckinridge, Colorado, bar. Police there said Barbiere was “highly intoxicated,” having consumed about 20 martinis, when he left his friends and walked out into 65-miles-per-hour winds and a driving snowstorm. On Valentine’s Day, the Garza and Barbiere cases were linked in an ABC News story beneath the headline, “Two Missing Men Are Likely Buried in Snow: Intoxication Plus Exposure to Elements Makes for Deadly Combination.” Fashioned as a cautionary tale, the piece said police in Middlebury and Breckinridge “are betting the boys are right under their noses hidden in the avalanche of snow that has blanketed their little towns.” Middlebury Chief Tom Hanley was quoted making several observations about his little town, including that it wasn’t unusual for his officers to find college students “sitting and lying at the side of the road drinking.” About Nick Garza, according to ABC News, he said, “I just hope he doesn’t turn up in the spring.” Hanley’s comments, which he reiterated on a subsequent Fox News broadcast, stung Nick’s family. Since arriving from Albuquerque, Natalie, when not with the search team or talking with police, was working the phone and her laptop, gathering knowledge and support from missing-person’s advocates. She hunted for scent-dog handlers and, she admits, so-called “intuitive counselors.” She made contact with an organization that helps maintain awareness of missing-person cases by raising reward money. And, like Tom Hanley, she too was talking to the media. Natalie knew the cable and network news outlets, in particular, love mysterious disappearances. But she soon discovered that the stories with the greatest traction don’t involve missing persons who are victims of their own irresponsibility. “Nobody cares about a drunk college student,” Natalie says. “I wanted people’s eyes to be out for Nick, to get some atten-
tion. That ABC article hurt very much. I felt like it undermined everything I was trying to do.” Hanley says the ABC reporter misquoted him and, when she got it right, took his words out of context. Moreover, the chief says, he has battled perceptions, spread via local opinion pieces and Internet chat groups, that he’s already decided how the Garza case will end. “Somehow, opinions have been developed out there that we just assume he got drunk, walked out in the snow and disappeared,” Hanley says. “And, I have told the family 100 times to the contrary, that is not the case. It has never been the case.” The chief argues that the Garza investigation has consumed about 3000 staff hours to date, representing the work of 30 law enforcement and private organizations. He says investigators have accounted for just about everything that happened in Middlebury in the hours before and after Nick’s disappearance, as well as the whereabouts and business of everybody who was in town at the time. “What do you want to know?” Hanley asks, before answering with an extended riff on the police procedural: “I can tell you who got their cars worked on in Addison County. We checked all the transportation companies, private and public, to see if anybody got picked up here. We interviewed all the shelters to find out who was here and verified that everybody who was being sheltered was in the shelter. We checked national air and hotel registries — any of those firms that do business online. Did Nick hop a plane or get a hotel? The border crossings were checked early on.” As a veteran investigator, Hanley knows the delayed start of the Garza investigation didn’t improve the odds of finding Nick alive. That’s why the department hired a contractor to do noth-
ing for three months but tear through ice packs at the snow dump, while more than a dozen dogs and 200 people have been deployed in ground searches since February 11. “When does the college pick up the dumpsters and when do they get dumped?” Hanley said of another investigative thread. “What’s the process? I know more about that than I care to.” “Name something that might have been going on in Middlebury around that time,” the chief continues, “and we probably have that information. We know who was playing around on their wife that night, not that we have any interest in it.” All that investigation, however, has yet to turn up a single tip worth pursuing. “We don’t know what happened to him,” Hanley admits. “But people who are claiming that we had the assumption that he was just a drunk kid who fell down in the snow are really missing the point.”
If the police investigation has so far failed to locate Nick Garza, the bits of it that have trickled out have contributed, albeit only slightly, to an understanding of the young man’s life at Middlebury College. Natalie Sierra was 19 when she married Demetrius Garza, who is 10 years her senior. Nick was born in Chino, California, not far from Los Angeles, on December 9, 1988. When Natalie’s parents moved to Albuquerque, Demetrius says he saw an opportunity. “I was actually afraid to send [Nick] to public school in California,” he recalls. “At the time, there was all this noise about drugs and weapons in the schools. Coming to Albuquerque gave us a better chance, and it was the best decision we ever made.” >> 26A
april 09-16, 2008
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missing nick << 25A
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The couple, who divorced when Nick was a junior in high school, nurtured their oldest sonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s precocious eagerness to learn. Although it was a financial burden on his middle-class family, Nick attended Albuquerque Academy, a prestigious prep school. The academy represented something of a â&#x20AC;&#x153;bargainâ&#x20AC;? between Nick and his mother, Natalie says, as well as what she called a family investment in her sonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s future. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We figured, prep him, get him ready,â&#x20AC;? Natalie recalls. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Get him to love school so much that heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll want it. But we told him he would have to pay for his own college, and he was â&#x20AC;&#x201D; he was financing his own student loans, in his name.â&#x20AC;? Once Nick arrived at Middlebury, Natalie and Damon adjusted to his absence by carrying on a real-time virtual conversation with him, via regular emails, text messages and voicemails. Earlier in the evening of February 5, Natalie swapped texts back and forth with her son while he and some classmates watched The Karate Kid. His last message arrived at 8:43 p.m., about three hours before he left Stewart Hall. As the story of Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disappearance threatened to become the sorry
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tale of a drunken college student, Natalie pressed Hanley for what she considered an important piece of evidence: the surveillance tape of Nick and his fellow â&#x20AC;&#x153;dungeon boyâ&#x20AC;? buying booze on the day he disappeared. When that surveillance tape arrived, Natalie learned that, contrary to what Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s friend recalled to police, the two young men had not purchased the liquor on February 5, but two days earlier, on Super Bowl Sunday. Natalie says police found a receipt for beer in Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s room. Frustrated, Natalie pleaded with campus officials to intervene on her behalf. She convinced the school to contact the office of Governor Jim Douglas, a Middlebury grad, in a bid for more resources. Middlebury officials reported back that Douglas was willing to help, but that the Middlebury Police Department had not indicated a need for additional assistance. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One of the hardest psychological effects of all this is, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re out there, asking for help, and every time you get a call back, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so hopeful,â&#x20AC;? Natalie says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You get this
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psychological high that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re riding. Then you hear, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Sorry, we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t help you,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and it takes you down.â&#x20AC;? At Natalieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s urging, Hanley and college officials agreed to bring in a private investigator to interview Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s friends. The final report, by a former FBI agent named Thomas Bara, confirmed what the Middlebury police investigation already suggested about Nick: He was a good kid with a small circle of friends, all of whom genuinely respected him. One friend, who lived on the first floor of Allen Hall, said Nick seemed sad that most of his closest friends would be leaving Middlebury for break. Still, he politely declined to accompany the friend to his familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home in New Jersey. Another friend reported that Nick had recently textmessaged a quote about suicide by Albert Camus. But, as he told Bara, that was â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nick being Nickâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; â&#x20AC;&#x153;a deep thinker.â&#x20AC;? Although Natalie Garza will never believe her son was bingedrinking the night he disappeared, two people interviewed by Bara reported that Nick was in the company of a fellow â&#x20AC;&#x153;dungeon boyâ&#x20AC;? who was, as they both put it, â&#x20AC;&#x153;totally wasted.â&#x20AC;? That assessment was shared
one of Stewart Hallâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s common areas. A handful of students, citing an early departure for New Hampshire the following morning, begged off. But, at 10:43, Nick received a text message from a woman at Stewart Hall, inviting him to stop by. About 10 minutes later, Nick, accompanied by his drunken companion, arrived at Stewart and went inside. Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s companion left after just a few minutes and, he told Bara later, returned to the â&#x20AC;&#x153;dungeonâ&#x20AC;? to pass out. Nick left the building at about 11:06 p.m. His last known act before vanishing was to place another call to his friend in Stewart Hall. The young woman told Bara that she must have been away from her phone; she missed the call, and Nick didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t leave a message. Based on his interviews, Bara concluded that the â&#x20AC;&#x153;logical stopâ&#x20AC;? for Nick after he left Stewart Hall was either Allen Hall or one of Middlebury Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;social houses,â&#x20AC;? where juniors and seniors live and the drinking sometimes stretches into the wee hours. To get there, Nick would have turned west from Stewart, away from Allen Hall, and gone past St. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
One of the hardest psychological effects of all this is, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re out there, asking for help, and every time you get a call back, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so hopeful . . . Then you hear, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sorry, we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t help you,â&#x20AC;? and it takes you down. NATALIE GARZA by the student in question, who told Bara he was so drunk that night, he couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t remember much that happened. He did, however, recall falling down on the concrete path between Stewart and Allen halls, chipping a tooth in the process. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They seemed to base so much of the investigation on what this kid said,â&#x20AC;? says Natalieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sister, Tanya Sierra, â&#x20AC;&#x153;when it turned out he was so drunk, he thought they went to the liquor store on Tuesday, when they actually went on Sunday.â&#x20AC;? Indeed, while Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s companion was keeping a â&#x20AC;&#x153;tally sheetâ&#x20AC;? of shots consumed, Nick, by all accounts, hardly seemed impaired at all. One female student, noting it was the first time she had seen Nick drinking, told Bara he appeared â&#x20AC;&#x153;composed.â&#x20AC;? A young man who described himself as Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best friend said he thought â&#x20AC;&#x153;all the guys in the dungeon drank too much,â&#x20AC;? but that Nick invariably kept his wits about him. Echoing what the police knew, Bara reported that sometime after 10 p.m. that night, Nick tried to organize a small social gathering in
Cemetery. While an â&#x20AC;&#x153;accidental fallâ&#x20AC;? of the kind feared by Hanleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s officers is a possibility in that scenario, Bara said he had no reason to assume Nick was incapable of negotiating the path that night.
This past weekend Demetrius Garza returned to Middlebury, along with Natalieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brother Todd Sierra, the Albuquerque patrol officer. On Sunday morning around 11, Demetrius, Todd and Natalie parked their rented hybrid next to a pair of tennis courts and climbed a short, steep hill past Atwater Commons to Allen Hall. From Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s old residence hall, they turned south, along Chateau Road â&#x20AC;&#x201D; really more of a pathway â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and followed it for a few hundred yards before crossing College Avenue to the quad. It was a beautiful day, and after a brutal winter the campus was alive with students. As they walked to Stewart Hall at the other end of the quad, the trio encountered scores of men and women Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s age. They were walking and biking, playing catch and chipping golf balls, sitting
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | feature 27A
under trees and lying in the grass. When they reached Stewart Hall, Natalie, Demetrius and Todd lingered out front for a moment before walking around the west side of the building. Then, in a re-enactment of the initial ground search for Nick, they fanned out and began slowly to climb the wooded hillside. After about 90 minutes, Natalie left campus to look after Damon. It was another two-plus hours before Demetrius and Todd returned to Hadley House, where sandwiches were waiting for them in the kitchen. A couple of rooms over, Damon was watching television. As her ex-husband ate, Natalie said her relationship with the Middlebury Police Department had improved significantly in the past several weeks. She talks to Chief Tom Hanley almost every day now, and she says he calls her after issuing press releases to give her additional information. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a whole lot better,â&#x20AC;? she says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Quite frankly, whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s done is done at this point. Just help me find my son so I can go home.â&#x20AC;? Hanley is a staunch and increasingly outspoken advocate for his departmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work on the Garza case. Police â&#x20AC;&#x153;canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t take offenseâ&#x20AC;? when a victimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family registers its frustrations, says Hanley, who has a son in Afghanistan and another who fought in Iraq. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know from one day to another whether heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s alive or dead or what, so I get that kind of unknowing,â&#x20AC;? he says. Still, Hanley notes that his investigation has been â&#x20AC;&#x153;peerreviewedâ&#x20AC;? by the VSP and the FBI, neither of which has criticized his department. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They got a missing kid, and heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not been found. I understand,â&#x20AC;? Hanley says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t bring this up to them â&#x20AC;&#x201D; but we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make him go missing. And weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not magicians. And we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know Nick Garza from a hole in the wall until we got the complaint.â&#x20AC;? Demetrius Garza has closecropped hair, a salt-and-pepper goatee and, even at age 50, the build of a recently retired running back. Seated at the end of the oval table, dressed in cold-weather boots, camouflage pants and an army-green T-shirt stained with sweat from searching for Nick, he talked about how his sonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disappearance has changed his life. Back in Albuquerque, Demetrius said, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d been â&#x20AC;&#x153;hidingâ&#x20AC;? from the facts. He had no place to hide last week, however â&#x20AC;&#x201D; his employer, the Cottonwood Printing Company, was working on the yearbook for Nickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s old school, Albuquerque Academy. While his ex-wife has speculated about what might have happened to her son â&#x20AC;&#x201D; she thinks he was injured or killed on his way back to Allen Hall, perhaps while crossing College Street, and his body was removed from campus â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Demetri-us says he isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t entirely ready to give up hope. Meanwhile, he has already committed to heart and memory his final recollection of Nick. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Every time we parted, I held his face in my hands, gave him a kiss on the lips and told him that I love him,â&#x20AC;? Demetrius said, his face twisting in grief. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all the resolve I have right now â&#x20AC;&#x201D; that I looked him in the eye and whispered that I loved him.â&#x20AC;? ďż˝
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4/7/08 2:19:22 PM
on the Flynn’s third floor. In its center, 13 chairs cluster in a semi-circle, facing a lone microphone stand. As people begin to trickle into the room and take their seats, Leavitt approaches the mike stand holding a notepad in one hand and a hat in the other. “Everyone, come up here and take a number,” she says, brandishing the hat, which is filled with slips of paper numbered one through 13. One by one, the students oblige and return to their seats amid friendly chatter and goodhearted laughter. Once everyone is seated, Leavitt asks each person to read his or her number aloud. “Josie, what are we doing?” asks a woman seated on the far end of the row. “Figuring out the order for the show, of course,” replies Leavitt, with a look of feigned exasperation. The room fills with a giddy nervousness that’s palpable. “The show” is the comedy course’s eighth and final session of the semester — tonight’s is the sixth. Students are ironing out the final kinks in routines they will perform in front of an actual audience at the FlynnSpace in two weeks. Following the hat-decreed order, each apprentice comic performs their act for their classmates. Leavitt cues them when they have one minute remaining and cuts them off at five, the standard time limit for novices. Most of the pupils elicit legitimate laughs from their fellows, even though they’ve all heard versions of the same material for the past six weeks. Chances are, the next Chris Rock is not in the room tonight. But the performances are, by and large, polished and efficient. And some of them are really funny.
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | feature 29A The routines largely fall into the “observational” category of standup and often deal with the peculiarities of life in the Green Mountains. Jokes range from general — and frankly, somewhat obvious — ruminations on the unpredictability and borderline cruelty of winter in Vermont, to more specific and intimate tales of small town living. Like, for example, a bit delivered by a veteran area schoolteacher lamenting how frequently she encounters her former students in “real life” situations. The joke culminates in a wince-inducing — and genuinely hysterical — visit to her gynecologist’s office. Straight-faced, Leavitt follows each set with critique and insight into how the comics can strengthen their performances. Her recommendations cover everything from simple technical adjustments, such as altering microphone placement or slowing the delivery, to more subtle nuances of performance, such as pausing for emphasis and giving the audience time to appreciate a joke before moving on. But most importantly, Leavitt acts as an editor, helping her students pare each joke down to its bare essentials. In comedy, less is almost always more. “I just help them tell a good joke,” she says. “Everybody has a funny story in them. Sometimes what makes them not funny is that they’re giving way too much detail. One of the things I tell my students is to pay attention to the feedback I’m giving everybody else. I don’t need to know that you couldn’t get a parking spot at the airport parking garage. I need to know what happened on the plane. “You just really teach people the economy of a joke,” Leavitt continues. “The setup and punch line. Through performing over and over again, they really get the sense that ‘Wow, this is a much better joke if I cut out a lot of the crap.’” But before they can trim the fat, Leavitt’s students need a solid understanding of what makes something funny. To help them discover fertile ground for mining tension, she assigns them a series of guided exercises. “What have you struggled with this week?” she asks. “What do you struggle with on an ongoing basis? What are the holidays like at your house? What do you need to complain about today? What’s your husband been like? What’s your wife like? Are your kids driving you crazy? “What’s funny isn’t you having a great day,” Leavitt explains. “What’s funny is you having a bad day. Struggle is where the humor is.” She goes on: “Struggle creates the tension, and the tension gets released by a laugh. So, without the tension, you’re just telling a story. But any story can be filled with tension if you set it up the right way.”
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4/7/08 10:21:55 AM
Leavitt knows what she’s talking about. She began doing standup in 1993 after taking a comedy class in her native New York City, then performed regularly at venues such as Caroline’s, >> 30A
april 09-16, 2008
» sevendaysvt.com
what’s so funny? << 29A
The Comedy Cellar and The Comic Strip. In 1996, she moved to Vermont and opened The Flying Pig Bookstore in Charlotte, since relocated to Shelburne Village. But Leavitt didn’t return to performing standup until 2005, when a friend approached her about teaching a comedy class at a Women’s Economic Conference. “I loved it,” she says, recalling the conference. “It was really, really fun.” Shortly thereafter, a bookstore customer who worked for the Flynn Center’s education department urged her to pitch the idea of a standup program. Later that spring, class was in session. Martha Tormey is an alum of that first class — which was exclusively for women — and several classes since. She has gone on to perform in New York City and Chicago and is featured monthly on Vermont Public Radio, offering quirky insights on topics ranging from confidentiality to the 2x5-petwarehouse021308.indd 1
peculiar driving habits of her fellow Vermonters. “I had always wanted to do standup, but I didn’t really know where to start,” Tormey says. She heard about the class through a friend and signed up, lured by the fact that the “final exam” — the FlynnSpace performance — is voluntary. She ended up on stage and has been doing standup ever since. Tormey credits Leavitt with getting her started. “She’s a really good teacher,” she says. “I get fixated on the minutiae of what I’m saying, and Josie sort of helps you frame it. That is really helpful.” Tormey was also impressed by Leavitt’s approach to students who — for lack of a better phrase — just weren’t very funny. “When I first took the class, especially, I was like, ‘Oh, God. What’s she going to say to that person?’” she recalls. “If it really didn’t seem funny, or just really seemed
wrong, or just seemed like it had been done. And she almost always came up with something that was helpful.” Sally Stevens, another pupil in that first session, agrees with Tormey wholeheartedly. “She’s an excellent teacher,” says the 47year-old schoolteacher, who now performs regularly with Leavitt and Tormey as part of the Vermont Comedy Divas series at Higher Ground. “You never feel like you’ve flopped,” she continues. “She [Leavitt] can find a nugget inside of a pile of garbage.” “My presumption is that I treat everyone like they want to be a working comic, and we work towards getting a really good fiveminute set,” says Leavitt. “Pretty much, I just give them good edits and tell them to keep a notebook.” Leavitt also instructs students: “‘From this moment on, you’re a comic. So you need to
2/11/08 1:48:46 PM
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On Monday night, the latest group of students graduated from Josie Leavitt’s “Laugh Attack: Standup Comedy” class, in front of an overflowing house at Burlington’s FlynnSpace. You’d never know from the crowd’s enthusiastic reception that the vast majority of these aspiring comedians were performing for the first time. In fairness, the audience was not the rowdy rabble that usually frequents comedy clubs. Or, as comedian Carole Vasta-Folley put it, “We really do have friends and family!” She then promptly launched into a guffaw-inducing bit about pubic hair. There’s nothing like a good segue, right? My perspective on the show was unique, as I witnessed most of the evening’s material when it was developing. By the time I visited the class, in its sixth week, most of the comics had refined their acts to varying degrees. But with almost no exception, there was still considerable work to be done. Rambling set-ups needed to be pared down. Punch lines that didn’t work needed to be tweaked or dropped altogether. Leavitt is either a miracle worker or a simply remarkable teacher. Perhaps she’s both. While there were occasional — and, no doubt, inevitable — stumbles, by and large the comics performed with ease and professionalism that, quite frankly, caught this reporter by surprise. Jokes that fell flat in practice soared on stage. I found my own gut twisting in anxiety as I recognized failing bits from two weeks prior, fully expecting train wrecks. But the carnage never came, and I often found my empathetic nerves soothed by outright laughter. Tension and release, indeed. Dustin Bruley, whose act relies largely on impressions, was especially notable in this regard. In an “academic” setting his impersonations of the late Steve Irwin, George W. Bush and Sean Connery seemed amateurish. But in a performance setting, the crudeness of his impressions were endearing, particularly as he closed his set by transforming the cast of “Sesame Street” into a gangsta-rap posse. Trust me, it worked.
Bruley provided but one example of the remarkable comedic growth these 13 individuals displayed in the span of a mere two weeks. What follows are highlights of some of the evening’s finer performances. “I’m originally from Kansas . . . there is no punch line to this joke. The coolest thing about growing up in Kansas is that I could always feel as if I were the craziest, wackiest liberal in the room. And then I moved here.” Chris Evans “I’ve got a problem with pubic hair . . . not my own. It’s my husband’s. It’s seriously out of control. Don’t you think they could make a product to make it more manageable? . . . They could make it for both sexes. Like for women, they could have ‘Puff Your Muff.’ And for men, something more masculine, like, ‘Dick-Fro.’ I just think it’s time the hair companies started thinking outside the box.” Carole Vasta-Folley “Back in San Diego, we used to buy salt in a shaker. Here [in Vermont], we have it delivered by truck.” Marc Bohl “I’m at that age when all my friends are getting married and having babies . . . I really thought it was my turn to join the club. And, sure enough, under the tree this Christmas there was a small box. I was really excited and had to open it last. Everyone’s getting nervous watching me. I ripped into it and there’s my brand-new . . . iPod Shuffle, sparkling just like I’d always imagined it would. Nothing says commitment like Mac.” Lindsay Going “Unless a dog is trained to do something, they do nothing. Let’s face it. They live to sleep, eat, pee and poop. Unless they are performing one of these specific functions, they are usually sniffing or licking something nasty.” Thom Hartswick
— D.B.
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | feature 31A
Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s having Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s having
funny isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you a great day. funny is you a bad day. JOSIE LEAVITT
think like a comic.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; And thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s true,â&#x20AC;? she says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a comic, your worldview changes, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really neat to see, because you can see them thinking how every situation has the potential for a joke.â&#x20AC;? Stevens originally used the class as a means of testing her mettle. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was really just about getting up the nerve to stand up there and try your stuff,â&#x20AC;? she says. Like Tormey, Stevens returned to the class several times to hone her act. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The second and third time it was more about the discipline to keep writing,â&#x20AC;? she says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Plus, it was just a really great place to be on Monday nights.â&#x20AC;? Tormey and Stevens have taken comedy further than most of Leavittâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s students â&#x20AC;&#x201D; though a considerable number continue performing, post-graduation. But students who signed up for the class not looking for a second career in comedy cite similar reasons to theirs â&#x20AC;&#x201D; enhancing verbal adroitness, overcoming fears. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some people take this class because they challenge themselves to do one really terrifying thing per year, and this is it,â&#x20AC;? summarizes Leavitt. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some people come because theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve always been told theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re funny. Some people come because theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve always wanted to do standup. Other people come because theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re hoping itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to make them better at business, in terms of presentation and ease of public speaking. It definitely has a bleed-over effect; if you can do standup, you can give a presentation.â&#x20AC;? In its first semesters, the program was limited to women, who still make up the majority of most co-ed classes. The current crop includes nine women, mostly middleaged, and only four men â&#x20AC;&#x201D; though a class last year flipped that ratio with 10 men, all under the age of 35, and three women. Nationally, the standup comedy scene has been male-dominated, so Leavittâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s class could be seen as an anomaly. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We do tend to have more women, because the first two classes I taught were women only,â&#x20AC;? she says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think, for middle-aged women â&#x20AC;&#x201D; theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re the ones who are trying to do things outside of their comfort zone. They might have a little more time on their hands; their kids are a little bit older. And they want to do something thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just for them. And you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get more â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;just for youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; than doing standup.â&#x20AC;? Regardless of demographics, the appeal of the class probably has a lot to do with Leavittâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s faith in her students, and her interest in their progress. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If someone has a lot of potential, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll put them in a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Standup, Sit Down and Laughâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; show,â&#x20AC;? she says, referring to a bimonthly showcase featuring more experienced local comics that she coordinates at the FlynnSpace. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You can tell whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really into it by who wants to do it again, because the second time is usually the hardest. The first time invariably goes phenomenally well. But the second time you do standup, you realize how hard it is and how very many things can go wrong. If you can rise above that and still feel pumped when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re done, then I know youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got a performer in you.â&#x20AC;? ďż˝
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april 09-16, 2008
» sevendaysvt.com
www.sevendaysvt.com/ar t
art review
<art >
Spring Fling
T EXHIBIT “Adding Dimension,” mixed-media and collage works by Alexandra Bottinelli, Timothy Fisher and Maggie Neale. The Lazy Pear Gallery, Montpelier. Through May 18.
ARTWORK “Uppers and Soles” by Maggie Neale
PHOTO Marc Awodey
he 1878 Victorian residence on Montpelier’s Main Street roundabout houses the Lazy Pear Gallery, a haven for playful artworks. The Lazy Pear’s current show, “Adding Dimension,” lives up to its whimsical rep with mixed-media pieces by Vermont artists Alexandra Bottinelli, Timothy Fisher and Maggie Neale. Fisher’s frisky cloth collage images are always ebullient. While painters Bottinelli and Neale have been known to present moody works, their offerings here are upbeat. It’s a show of pleasant springtime fare, of accessible statements couched in sophisticated, multilayered imagery. Bottinelli is a mixed-media artist who melds collage with oil and encaustic layers to ethereal effect. But these works aren’t spectral; they’re more often like fond memories conjured in a series of associative pictorial snippets. “Dancing” is a 16-by-16-inch collage on panel depicting an outdoor frolic of small birds, flowers, leaves and cut-outs of girls from the early 20th century. A milky wash over the surface integrates Bottinelli’s incongruous details with the shallow picture plane. “Red” is a vertical diptych of two 10-by-10-inch canvasses. The lower half is a translucent, blood-red field, while the upper portion offers children’s figures, trompe l’oeil bubbles of color, and bits of newsprint
and magazines. Bottinelli’s vagueness holds viewers’ interest, as visual puzzles appear within her subtle hues and textures. Neale’s “Hand-me-down” is a 23-by-24-inch work on panel, with an old polka-dotted blouse pasted across it. Her convoluted fabric textures are stain-painted with pale blues and earth tones. The cloth dangling along the piece’s left side creates an irregular edge, contrasting with the three straight sides of the panel. Neale’s redand-pale-blue “Uppers and Soles” is a 16-by-16-inch canvas, also slightly irregular in shape, to which is affixed a pair of dismembered tennis shoes. Oil and a wax medium saturate her painterly surfaces. Neale’s 24-by-24-inch “Seed” exemplifies the process and materials she describes in her online artist’s statement: “My paintings bring in textures of fabrics and scored paint, which has been thickened and increased in supply by the addition of a beeswax/copal substance. I have a tendency to dive into a painting and not come up for air until it has reached a state of potential finish.” “Seed” is a mixedmedia work dominated by a large ovoid form of collaged fabric and paper, nestled under a high and uneven horizon. Its main hue is raw sienna, but a subtle turquoise layer seems to bury the “seed.”
Fisher, who crafts folksy, colorful narratives from paint and cut-out scraps of cloth, contributed six pieces to the show. He pastes his flat characters onto bright color fields that complement the plants and animals he’s clearly so fond of. “Endangered People in the Garden” is a 24-by-24inch Adam-and-Eve story that depicts a little pair of pink nudes residing in a suddenly dangerous Eden. There’s a huge, green-spotted frog in the lower right corner, and a hissing snake pokes out from an abstract tree bedecked with orange leaves. A giraffe 10 times the size of the human couple also appears in Fisher’s whimsical biblical scene, which unfolds on a pleasing magenta background. Another long-necked critter appears in “Floating Over Hen and Giraffe,” an 18-by-24-inch idyll on pale green cloth. Fisher portrays two girls hovering above a stylized giraffe at left, and a speckled blackand-white hen at right. A leafy plant, visited by butterflies, rises among the animals in this decorative, fresh and cheerful narrative. The timing of the Lazy Pear’s lively three-person show is no accident. “Adding Dimension” adds much-needed color to the soggy monotony of mud season. m
CALL TO ARTISTS THE CHANDLER CENTER FOR THE ARTS is commissioning a Centennial Art piece to commemorate 100 years of celebrating the arts. Artists are invited to submit proposals for a work of art that will be permanently displayed inside the historic music hall and gallery. Deadline for proposals: May 1. Info, contact Betsy Cantlin at outreach@chandler-arts.org or 728-9878. ART IN THE ROUND BARN: The 18th annual juried show in Waitsfield invites artists to apply for entry. Deadline: May 9. Info, www.innattheroundbarn.com or 496-7722.
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april 09-16, 2008
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OPENINGS â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;A DOG NAMED SPECTRUMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: Current work by members of L/L's Art of Photography program. L/L Gallery, Living/Learning Center, UVM, Burlington, 656-4200. Reception April 9, 6:30 p.m. Through April 18. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ART OF MANKINDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: An exhibit of ancient and modern human effigy art forms from North and South America, Asia and Africa in multiple media, from the collection of Douglas Schneible. Shelburne Art Center, 985-3648. Reception April 10, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Through May 16. LANCE JONES: Sepia-toned blackand-white photographs by the Vermont artist reflect his journeys to South America and elsewhere. The Brick Box Gallery, Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 775-0570. Reception April 11, 5-8 p.m. Through May 4. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;PLEASED TO MEET YOUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: Stacy Carnell, Allison Ross, Nori Lupfer and Elissa Weishaar, who are from different cities, use different mediums in their work and have never met before, were invited by the curators to present a group show in honor of the gallery's third year. The goal: to meet new people, start new friendships and fuse new perspectives. Pursuit Gallery, Burlington, 862-3883. Reception April 11, 6-10 p.m. Through May 1. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;...ITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ELEMENTARY ARTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: Student work from East Monptelier and Calais elementary schools, presented by their teachers. City Center, Montpelier, 223-7936, ext. 320. Reception April 11, 5-6 p.m. Through May 2. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;BLACK WOMANHOOD: IMAGES, ICONS, AND IDEOLOGIES OF THE AFRICAN BODYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: This traveling exhibition examines the his-
Classes Begin May 12th For more information or to register: t 7JTJU VT JO EPXOUPXO #VSMJOHUPO BU #BUUFSZ 4U t $BMM PS TFF VT POMJOF
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OPENINGS >> 35A PLEASE NOTE: Exhibitions are written by Pamela Polston; spotlights written by Marc Awodey. Listings are restricted to exhibits in truly public places; exceptions may be made at the discretion of the editor. Submit art exhibitions at www.sevendaysvt.com/art or send via email by Thursday at 5 p.m., including info phone number, to galleries@sevendaysvt.com.
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april 09-16, 2008
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<exhibitions> PHOTO: MARC AWODEY
JUDGE AND JURY â&#x20AC;&#x153;Marilyn Presents . . . Ten Years of Art in the Supreme Courtâ&#x20AC;? is a lively, all-media group show presenting works by 12 artists whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve exhibited in the lobby of Vermontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s highest court over the last decade. Justice Marilyn Skoglund instituted the exhibition series, which may well be unique among Supreme Court buildings around the U.S. Skoglundâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s flawless curation welcomes both edgy, topical works and the purely decorative, and that broad vision is apparent in this anniversary exhibition. Pictured: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Space Station IIâ&#x20AC;? by Fritz Gross.
CELEBRATE ! es, TH ON M H RT EA Glov k Wor Just arrived... WomenĂ&#x2022;s
2x1-Grannis040908.indd 1
ReneeĂ&#x2022;s Garden seeds, Planet Earth posters & Sierra Club note cards!
4/8/08 9:28:26 AM
Art of Mankind
2x2-pjc040908.indd 1
4/7/08 4:05:15 PM
A unique exhibition of Ethnographic antiques from around the world Courtesy of Schneible Fine Art
All artwork is for sale.
COME HEAR Rep. Debbie Evans Read her Favorite
American Girl Doll Book!
APRIL 19 â&#x20AC;˘ 4PM
Monday, April 7 ~ Saturday, May 17
2nd Annual
Antiques Evaluation Days
'SJEBZ 4BUVSEBZ "QSJM t Q N In the Gallery, 54 Falls Road â&#x20AC;˘ 985-3648 â&#x20AC;˘ shelburneartcenter.org
Community residents may bring up to 3 objects to the gallery to be professionally evaluated by Douglas Schneible.
Suggested Donation:
$10 for 2 objects and
$3 each additional object
All donations will support the Art Center educational programs Exhibit generously sponsored by The Automaster, Shelburne Meat Market and our Sustaining Community Partner - Hubbardton Forge
2x5-KisstheCook040908.indd 1
1x6-RedClover040908.indd 1 4/7/08 11:39:32 AM
4/7/08 4:11:35 PM 2x4-ShelArtCenter040908.indd 1
4/8/08 1:20:05 PM
OPENINGS << 33A torical roots of black womanhood through more than 100 sculptures, prints, photographs, video and other media. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 603-6462808. Opening lecture, "Describing Black Womanhood: Visual Narratives and the African Body," by curator Barbara Thomp-son, April 11, 4:30 p.m., followed by reception. Through August 10. LARRY BOWLING: "Meditations and Daydreams," multimedia paintings. Studio Place Arts, Barre, 479-7069. Closing reception April 12, 2-4 p.m. SALVATORE SCALORA: "The Veneration of the Dead Elvis," penand-brush artworks informed by a fascination with the iconic star as well as mystical images from the Church. McCarthy Art Center Gallery, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 654-2536. Reception and artist talk April 14, 6 p.m. Through April 25. SARAH PURCELL & REBECCA LOVELL: The senior students present their BFA thesis exhibition in sculpture, printmaking, ceramics and photography. Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Johnson State College, 6351469. Reception April 15, 3 p.m. Through April 19.
TALKS/ EVENTS SLIDE/LECTURE: Martha A. Sandweiss, professor of American studies and history at Amherst College, presents "Print the Legend: Photography, the West, and the American Imagination," in conjunction with a current exhibit. Room 221, Mahaney Center for the Arts, Middlebury College, 443-5007. April 10, 4:30 p.m.
april 09-16, 2008
art 35A
HELEN DAY ART CENTER CARNIVALE: The gallery throws itself a spring benefit, with silent and live auction, gourmet dinner and live music by Trio Camomilla, at the Topnotch Resort and Spa, Stowe. $150 and up; purchase tickets at www.helenday.com. Carnivale April 11, 6 p.m. ‘BLACK WOMANHOOD’ SYMPOSIUM: Nearly 10 artists and art lecturers in this daylong event examine the images, icons and ideologies of the African female body,in conjunction with a current traveling exhibition featuring more than 100 sculptures, prints, photographs, video and other media. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 603-646-2808. Symposium April 12, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Exhibit through August 10. OUTSIDER/FOLK ART LECTURE: Visiting artist and UConn Museum Director Emeritus Salvatore Scalora discusses a pair of untrained artists and their work, before the reception for his own exhibit (see openings). Room 221, McCarthy Arts Center, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 6542536. April 14, 5 p.m. ‘PERFORMING WOMEN: WOMEN AS ARTISTS AND SUBJECTS IN AFRICAN MASKED DANCE’: Visiting assistant professor Alexander Bortolot gives this gallery talk in conjunction with a current exhibit. Second-Floor Galleries, Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 603-646-2808. April 15, 12:30 p.m. ANNEMIE CURLIN: "Don't Love This World Too Much," oil paintings in three thematic groups. Charlotte Senior Center, 425-6345. Artist talk April 16, 1 p.m. Through April.
word homunculus means “little man” in Latin. In the 215 College Artists’ Cooperative Gallery exhibition, “Humble & Homunculus,” it refers to the “altered dolls” by Catherine Hall. The Burlington artist has been mining this vein for about seven years, and her most recent creations are provocative. “Humble” in the show’s title refers to a prodigious installation — itself entitled “Humility: Respectfully Bowing” — by an artist who chooses to remain “humbly” anonymous. Pictured: “Stylite Hermit” by Hall.
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2/4/08 12:26:19 PM
april 09-16, 2008
» sevendaysvt.com
<exhibitions> TALKS/EVENTS << 35A
ONGOING :: burlington area
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4/8/08 9:39:55 AM
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4/5/08 3:42:05 PM
a blog by dan bolles
» sevendaysvt.com] [7D BLOGS
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7/24/07 11:01:05 AM
We are testing a new medication to help you reduce and control your smoking and be less addicted to cigarettes. Compensation of up to $175 provided. This is a research study conducted by the University of Vermont. For more information call 802-656-9621
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4/7/08 3:47:56 PM
CHEPE CUADRA: "Fragmented Figure," monoprints. SEABA Gallery, Burlington, 859-9222. Through May. THE SECOND ANNUAL VERMONT STUDENT FINE METALWORKS SHOW: Curated works by college and high school metalsmithing students; and SUSAN OSMOND: "People and Places," new paintings. Grannis Gallery, Burlington, 660-2032. Through April. GREG MAMCZAK: New paintings by the local artist. Speaking Volumes, Burlington, 540-0107. Through May. ‘THE POP ART SHOW’: Youth from Burlington City Arts' Mentor Arts program display their works created in pairs. Firehouse Center for the Visual Arts, Second Floor Gallery, Burlington, 865-7166. Through April 29. JOHN GONTER: "Neurotica," large acrylic paintings that display both galactic and emotional atmospheres; and TERESA DAVIS: Brilliantly hued paints spilled and splashed "Off the Edge" onto eight tabletops at the artist's studio; and BETHANY FARRELL: "Light Waves and Color," 14 new canvases of highly saturated color and simple forms. VCAM/RETN Space, Burlington, 651-9692. Through May 25. ‘ARTWORKSHERE’: Fifteen Vermont working artists in Burlington City Arts' Sales & Leasing Program show landscapes, contemporary abstraction, photography and sculpture. Firehouse Gallery, Burlington, 8657165. Through April 24. FRANKLIN COUNTY ARTISTS: Nearly 20 artists show works in a range of two-dimensional media, representing several of the county's arts organizations. Art's Alive Gallery, Union Station, Burlington, 5245700. Through April. JOHANNE DUROCHER YORDAN: "Abstract Tales of Old and New," acrylic paintings. The Daily Planet, Burlington, 373-7544. Through April. SHAWNA CROSS: "And It Was Glorious," large abstract oil paintings. Drink Lounge, Burlington, 782-1675. Through June 3. SHIANNA KUHN: "Passion and Power of Creation," works in fabric and other media. Dianne Shullenberger Gallery, Jericho, 8994993. Through April, weekends or by appointment. JANICE SOLEK-TEFFT & KENNETH TEFFT: Pastels and watercolors. Emile A. Gruppe Gallery, Jericho, 899-3211. Through May 11. ‘THE CLOTHESLINE PROJECT’: Tshirts designed by women who have been victimized by sexual assault, to demonstrate their healing and strength. Metropolitan Gallery, Burlington City Hall, 8640555. Through April. ‘HUMBLE & HOMUNCULUS’: Burlington artist Catherine Hall and an anonymous guest artist contribute small sculptures and an installation, respectively. 215 College Artists' Cooperative Gallery, Burlington, 863-3662. Through April 20. ROBYN PEIRCE: "Monsters, Mostly," mixed-media paintings and more. Red Square, Burlington, artwhirled 23@yahoo.com. Through April. RICHARD W. BROWN: Photographs of rural life, gardens and New England landscape. Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery, Shelburne, 985-3848. Through May 6.
TOM ZENATY: "Looking In: Discoveries for the Eye and Mind," photographs. Village Wine and Coffee, Shelburne, 985-3887. Through April 12. KARI MEYER: "The Magic of the Land," acrylic landscape paintings by the Vermont artist. Courtyard by Marriott Hotel, Burlington, 2724763. Through July 15. ROBERT WALDO BRUNELLE JR.: New acrylic figurative paintings. Allscripts Building, 25 Green Mountain Drive, Burlington, 8991106. Through April. MALTEX SHOW: The hallways of all four floors are filled with paintings by Valerie Ugro, Gregory Albright, Lee Arrington and Peter Williams; monoprints by Nori Lupfer and Carolyn Shattuck; photography by Jim Rathmell; and sculpture and shadowboxes by Aaron Stein. Maltex Building, Burlington, 8657166. Through August. REBECCA BABBIT: "Toujours, France," photographs from a trip to that scenic country and its capital, Paris. Firehouse Center Community Darkroom, Burlington, 865-7166. Through April 27. LORRAINE MANLEY: "In Celebration of Landscape," impressionistic paintings of Vermont trees and vistas. Chittenden Bank, Davis Center, UVM, Burlington, 893-7860. Through April. GABRIELLE TSOUNIS: "Accepting Nudity," large canvases in monoprint style feature the human body and body-image issues. Club Metronome, Burlington, 860-4972 or 863-4259. Through April. ROBERT RINALDI: Fine art photography exploring the human impact on the landscape and mixed media with vintage text and photographs, Pickering Room. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 865-7200. Through April. GILLIAN KLEIN: Moody cityscape oil paintings. Opportunities Credit Union, Burlington, 264-4839. Through May 21. THREE COLLECTIONS OF PHOTOBASED WORK: ORIN LANGELLE: "Photographs of Global Resistance," photojournalism; and GERARD W. RINALDI: "Un Autre Ballet," photodrawings; and MICHAEL STRAUSS: "Worlds in Motion," molecular landscapes. Artpath Gallery, Burlington, 5632273. Through April. MARINA EPSTEIN: Oil paintings and prints, Gates 1 & 2; and PETER WILLIAMS: Oil paintings, Escalator; and CAMERON SCHMITZ: "Listen," pencil drawings and oil paintings, Skyway. Burlington Airport, 865-7166. Through May. ‘BETWEEN SOFT MACHINES AND HARD SCIENCE’: "The Interstitial Art of David Powell," an installation of digital prints and historic scientific instruments; and 'ACTORS AND EXORCISTS': "Masks of Sri Lanka," from the permanent collection; and MICHAEL LIGHT: "100 Suns," a collection of photographs of atomic explosions carried out by the U.S. in the 1950s and '60s over Nevada and the Pacific Ocean. Fleming Museum, UVM, Burlington, 656-0750. Through June 8.
:: champlain valley HELEN TURNER: Photographs taken in the Jerusalem/Downingsville Road area of Lincoln and South Starksboro by the local artist. Lincoln Library, 453-2665. Through April. HEIMO WALLNER: Prints and drawings that manipulate body parts, actions and expressions by the artist-in-resi-
dence. Johnson Memorial Building, Middlebury College, 443-3168. Through April 20. RONDA STOLL & LINDA CANNONHUFFMAN: Chinese brush paintings of birds, flowers and landscapes. Ilsley Library, Middlebury, 388-8229. Through April. FIVE TOWN AREA COMMUNITY ART SHOW: Fine art and craft from neighbors of all ages. Art on Main, Bristol, 453-4032. Through May 14. DANIEL DOYLE: "Recent Fotographic Work." Park Squeeze, Vergennes, 877-9996. Through April. LOWELL SNOWDEN KLOCK: "Small Things Considered," intimate photographs focusing on details of texture, light and shadow, patterns and color relationships. Brandon Artists' Guild, 247-4956. Through April 27. ‘IN THEIR OWN WORDS’: An exhibition of images and stories created by Charlotte-based photographer Ned Castle in collaboration with members of Vermont's refugee community. Vermont Folklife Center, Middlebury, 388-4964. Through June 14. ‘ELOQUENT VISTAS’: Nineteenthcentury landscape photography from the George Eastman House collection, through April 20; and 'ART NOW': Recent acquisitions in photography and film/video, through August 10; and 'TOMBS, TEMPLES, PLACES, AND TEA: CERAMICS IN ASIA AND BEYOND': An exhibit that explores the practical and social uses of ceramics, through December 7. Mahaney Center for the Arts, Middlebury College, 443-5007.
:: central FRANK WOODS: "On the Road to Abstraction," paintings. Governor's Office, Fifth Floor, Pavilion Building, Montpelier, 828-0749. Through May. JAMIE COPE: Photographs of last year's Capital City Farmers’ Market fill storefront windows around Montpelier in anticipation of the next one, which opens May 3. Info, 685-4360. Through April. ‘ART WORKS FOR EVERYONE’: Artworks by individuals with developmental disabilities. Statehouse Cafeteria, Montpelier, 828-0749. Through April. JANE PINCUS: "Stories in Paintings." The Shoe Horn, Montpelier, 2235454. Through April. ‘POLITICKING MAGIC: THE ICONOGRAPHIC CROSS-CURRENTS OF CARTOONING AND CONJURING’: Selections of graphic art and artifacts from the Chadbourne Thaumaturgium, a traveling exhibit culled from the editorial pages of American newspapers and journals. Main Street Museum, White River Junction, 356-2776. Through May 27. LOCAL ARTISTS SHOW: One hundred artists from around the region participate in the centennial celebration. Chandler Gallery, Randolph, 728-9878. Through May 11. FACULTY SHOW: Seventeen printmaking teachers show how it's done in a group display of their own works. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio, White River Junction, 295-5901. Through April. COLLECTED WORKS BY MALRAY: Evocative multimedia works by the local artist. Back Wall Gallery, The ReStore, Montpelier, 229-1930. Through April. ROBIN LAHUE: Colorful oil paintings. Vermont Chocolatiers, Northfield, 485-7770. Through April 26. SUSAN OSMOND: Paintings. Blinking
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008
Light Gallery, Plainfield, 238-2001. Through April 27. ELIZABETH NELSON: Landscape paintings in oil, acrylic and mixed media. Sean and Nora's, Barre, 4767326. Through November. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ADDING DIMENSIONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: Mixed-media and collage works by Vermont artists Alexandra Bottinelli, Timothy Fisher and Maggie Neale. The Lazy Pear Gallery, Montpelier, 223-7690. Through May 18. SUZANNE REXFORD WINSTON: Monoprints. The Green Bean Gallery at Capitol Grounds, Montpelier, artwhirled23@yahoo.com. Through April. ROSE Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;NEILL-SUSPITSYA & NECOLE ZAYATZ: "Wanderlust: Neoplasia to Matroshka," giclĂŠe prints of paintings in the artist's "Chemical Battles Series"; and photographs from working-class life in the Stavropol region of Russia, respectively. Northlight Digital Gallery, White River Junction, 280-1888. Through May 9. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;MARILYN PRESENTS . . . 10 YEARS OF ART IN THE SUPREME COURTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: Vermont Supreme Court Justice Marilyn Skoglund has been curating the lobby for a decade. This show is a microcosm of all those previous exhibits, with works in multiple media by 12 artists. Vermont Supreme Court Lobby, Montpelier, 828-5657. Through April 25. DENYS WORTMAN: Original drawings by the celebrated cartoonist (18871958). Center for Cartoon Studies, White River Junction, 295-3319. Through May 3. GAAL SHEPHERD: "La Mureille: an exhibition on the theme of a wall," 47 pieces in pastels, oils, photographs, mixed media and sculpture depicting an ancient stone barn in France. Cooler Gallery, White River Junction, 2958008. Through May 2. ART RESOURCE ASSOCIATION GROUP SHOW: Works in various media by more than 20 members of the ARA. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 279-6349. Through April 26. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;THE BOAT SHOWâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: A flotilla of artistic boats and ships, Main Floor Gallery; and silent-auction items to benefit SPA programs, Second Floor Gallery; and LARRY BOWLING: "Meditations and Daydreams." Studio Place Arts, Barre, 479-7069. Through April 12. AZARIAN FAMILY ART SHOW: Paintings, drawings and woodcuts by nine members of this artistic Vermont family in a shared exhibit. T.W. Wood Gallery, Montpelier, 8288743. Through April 22.
:: northern APRIL FEATURED ARTISTS: Paintings by Tess Beemer, turned wood by Bob Fletcher, textiles by Nan Adriance and photographs by Gustav Verderber. Artist in Residence Cooperative Gallery, Enosburgh Falls, 933-6403. Through April. DANILO GONZALEZ & CHRISTOPHER GRIFFIN: "The Temperature of Color," new paintings combining the colorful cultures of North and Latin America by the international artists, from Dominican Republic and Canada, respectively. West Branch Gallery & Sculpture Park, Stowe, 253-8943. Through April. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;OBJECTS OF DESIRE: STILL LIFE PAINTINGSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: A group exhibit featuring some of Vermont's finest artists in the genre, including Susan Abbott, Julie Y. Baker Albright, Tom Nicholas, Jody dePew McLean, Lucy Petrie and others, through May 11; and 'MY COUSIN HAS EIGHT LEGS': Original artworks by nationally known children's book illustrators Tomie dePaola, Tracey Campbell
Pearson, Phoebe Stone, Jasper Tomkins and Vladimir Vagin, through May 14. Bryan Memorial Gallery, Jeffersonville, 644-5100.
:: southern â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;PAINTING THE BEAUTIFULâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: A major retrospective of American Impressionist paintings from the Michener Art Museum Collection, through August 11; and HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE PERMANENT COLLECTION: Artworks by favorites such as Luigi Lucioni and
Ogden Pleissner, Grandma Moses and Alfred Maurer show the strength and quality of the collection; through May 4. Elizabeth de C. Wilson Museum, Southern Vermont Arts Center, Manchester, 362-1405.
:: regional â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;BLACK WOMANHOOD: IMAGES, ICONS, AND IDEOLOGIES OF THE AFRICAN BODYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: This traveling exhibition examines the historical roots of black womanhood through
more than 100 sculptures, prints, photographs, video and other media, through August 10; and 'RUSCHA AND POP: ICONS OF THE 1960S': Highlights from the museum's pop-art collection, through June 15. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 603-646-2808. CHRIS TULLER: "Machines for a Perfect World," sculptures made of metals and gemstones. Designer Gold Jewelry, Hanover, N.H., 603-6433864. Through April 26.
art 37A
REID CROSBY: Abstract acrylic paintings. Irises CafĂŠ & Wine Bar, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-566-7000. Through July 10. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;CUBA! ART AND HISTORY FROM 1868 TO TODAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: The major retrospective includes some 400 works from the Caribbean island in multiple media. The MontrĂŠal Museum of Fine Arts, 514-285-1600. Through June 8. ďż˝
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3/31/08 9:08:25 AM
38A | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com
Mild Abandon
E.J. Pettinger’s
“Sir, the roast-chicken comes with your choice of: steamed vegetables, garlic-mashed potatoes, or an herbal penis-enhancement chutney.”
lulu eightball
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | funstuff 39A
the campus question BY JON TAYLOR
et’s face it, Johnson State College is in the boonies — an hour from Burlington and 20 minutes from the nearest supermarket. So it would seem there’s not much for students to do when they’re bored. I passed by a field of grazing cows on my way to JSC last week, and even they looked bored. I just had to ask: What do these students do with their downtime?
What do you do to have fun at JSC? P.J. Elmendorf, 21, junior creative writing major “A lot of times around here, we will come up with ideas that we never follow through with. Currently, I’m working on writing a play, founding a fraternity — which aren’t recognized in Vermont for some reason [Ed. note: not true] — and trying to find a way to play live-action Donkey Kong.”
Ned Telling, 20, sophomore environmental science major “When it starts to get boring, people tend to congregate and come up with creative ideas. Since we’re in the middle of nowhere, we use that to our advantage. We’ll throw in a fat lip of tobacco and go outside and start flopping trees just for the hell of it. Taking that vertical position of the tree, the natural position, and laying it flat on the ground — that would be flopping trees.”
Noel Porter, 20, sophomore English major and resident assistant “Well, we have a Frisbee golf course that a lot of people play. It’s snowing in April, so no one’s playing today. I’m a gamer, so I do a lot of that. I play a lot of cards with my friends. We’re negligible minutes away from Smuggs . . . there’s a lot of good skiing when there’s snow.”
Franklin Cattelona, 19, sophomore creative writing major “Generally we pack a tin and throw in a fat lip first, before we do anything. Then we shoot some guns and shoot at things and see what we can hit. Maybe a little bit of alcohol’s involved. That’s about it — [and] try not to get caught.”
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine.
Hayden Coon, 24, education graduate student and hall advisor “Johnson is in the middle of nowhere, so if you want to go grocery shopping or out to eat, you pretty much have to drive 8 miles, 10 miles to Morrisville. But it is a fun campus, there’s a lot of people here. On weekends, it can be pretty dismal — people try to get off-campus [and] go home, go to Burlington, go to the mountain. Sports are kind of popular here for the people that are here on weekends. That’s about it.”
★ = Moderate ★★ = Challenging ★★★ = Hoo, boy!
SEVEN DAYS crossword
PUZZLE ANSWERS for Sudoku and Crossword on page 38B
40A | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com
theborowitzreport Hillary Says 8-Year-Old Bosnian Girl Was Actually Sniper
ccused in recent days of embellishing her story of a brush with sniper fire in Bosnia, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton said today “don’t be fooled” by photos showing her being greeted at the airport by a ponytailed 8-year-old Bosnian girl with a bouquet of flowers. “That was no little girl,” Clinton told reporters in Gary, Ind. “That was a covert-ops midget sniper.” The New York senator said that moments after the “so-called little girl” presented her with the flowers, she revealed what the bouquet had been hiding: “a tiny semi-automatic weapon.” “Fortunately, I had the presence of mind to use some of the tae kwon do techniques I had learned in preparation for the Northern Ireland peace talks,” she said. Defending his wife against charges that she had yet again fabricated her exploits while first lady, former president Bill Clinton told CNN’s John King that “Democratic voters have a
clear choice this election: Do they want a liar or a plagiarist?”
Hillary tells some real whoppers, but at least they’re original. FMR. President Bill clinton
“Hillary tells some real whoppers, but at least they’re original,” he said. In response to a question about whether he believes his wife’s account of the events in Bosnia, Mr. Clinton said, “All I have to say about that is Reverend Wright Reverend Wright Reverend Wright Reverend Wright Reverend Wright.” Elsewhere, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said he enjoyed the film “10,000 B.C.,” calling it “a sentimental journey for me.”
Award-winning humorist, television personality and film actor Andy Borowitz is author of the new book The Republican Playbook. To find out more about Andy Borowitz and read his past columns, visit www.borowitzreport.com.
Ted Rall
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | astrology 41A
free will astrology
april 10-16
ARIES (March 21-April 19): High-definition
TV makes everything look more vivid than standard broadcast technology. Images are so high-quality they almost appear 3-D. While this is enjoyable to viewers, some performers are uncomfortable with the way it reveals their skin’s imperfections. Did you know that Brad Pitt has acne scars? I predict a metaphorically similar development for you in the coming weeks, Aries. Every little thing you do will be more highly visible and have greater impact than before. Wherever you’ve been 2-D, you’ll become 3-D. That could turn out really well for you if you take it as a challenge to fine-tune your commitment to excellence and integrity.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “When nothing
is working very well,” says astrologer Caroline Casey, “it might be a cosmic conspiracy to get you to experiment.” Let’s proceed as if that hypothesis were true, Taurus. Identify a place in your life where you’re stuck, where everything you attempt meets with resistance, or where you don’t have the motivation you’d like to feel. Then brainstorm about an experiment you could do that would break you out of the holding pattern. Proceed on the assumption that the universe will become friendlier and more helpful if you try an approach you’ve never used before.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Normally you’re
inclined to massage problems until they relax, not bash problems until they break. Your preference is to paint fuzzy, impressionistic pictures rather than creating crisp snapshots. Nevertheless, the astrological omens indicate that in the next two weeks, you should take an approach recommended by Winston Churchill: “If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time — a tremendous whack.”
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I hesitate to be so blunt,
but the fact of the matter is that right now God is on your side. This is true even if you’re an atheist. Simply put, the Divine Wow is listening to you more closely than She is to everyone else; She is more prone to slipping you little gifts than all of Her other children; She is plotting to reveal more useful inside information to you than She has in a long time. Here’s a tip to ensure you’ll get the maximum benefit out of your goodies: Use at least some of your fantastic luck to help people in need.
(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “On an average weekday,” wrote Saul Bellow, “the New York Times contains more information than any contemporary of Shakespeare’s would have acquired in a lifetime.” (May 21-June 20): What I hope you’ll But religious writer F. Forrester Church adds a achieve in the coming days is a state of mind like caveat to that imposing thought. In his book Lifecraft: The Art of Meaning in the Everyday, that described by Dan Linton, one of my readers. he writes, “The Times is a fine paper. But for This is his report. “Last night I went to Wal-Mart all its information, it only hints, and then only with a friend who was returning some tools. I occasionally, at what Shakespeare knew so well: walked around the store while he was at the that the beauty of the bird, the symbol of the service desk. In the shampoo aisle an unusual man snake, the courage of the pilot, and the wonder of who looked like an Aborigine made extended eye human love will always be touched with mystery.” contact with me. As he walked past he announced In accordance with your current omens, Virgo, in a happy tone, DC ‘Your offers mind is empty.’ I wasand super Effective Dr. Jae Ehrich, Gentle Chiropractic I urge you to abstain from the New York Times’ excited and found my friend to tell him. ‘Isn’t that care using Network Spinal Analysis specialty and seek out Shakespeare-style soul food an insult?’ he asked. ‘No,’ I said. ‘The guy meant for thought. Love enigmas more than certainties. that my mind is clear, which is true. This is the Montpelier 262-6097 www.RiverSideChiropracticVT.com first time in two years I’ve felt that my mind is free of shrunken expectations, limiting concepts, and mention this ad for a 50% discount on your first appointment (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “Where would the emotional distortions.’” gardener be if there were no weeds?” asked ancient 5 Chinese sage Chuang Tzu. To that I add: Where would lawyers be without crimes? How would
psychotherapists fare without neurotics? What would critics do without the stuff they love to diss? Now let’s apply this line of thinking to you, Libra. What thing that you dislike also happens to be something you need? What condition that you’re opposed to is essential in constructing your identity? This is a good time to acknowledge the value of everything you oppose, disagree with, and fight against.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Marie Poland
Fish was an oceanographer who invented a new form of underwater sound detection for the navy. To perfect the technology, she spent years studying the sounds made by 300 different species that live in the sea. Her innovations allowed attack vessels to tell the difference between enemy submarines and schools of fish, thereby avoiding assaults on the fish. She’s your role model for the coming week, Scorpio. May she inspire you to develop more foolproof methods for distinguishing between actual threats and the harmless influences that may superficially resemble them.
(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Here’s the first thing you need to know about the current state of your destiny: “Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night.” That message comes to you from poet Rainer Maria Rilke. Here’s the second piece of wisdom you should take with you everywhere you go. It’s from Vladimir Nabokov: “For aren’t you and I gods? Let all of life be an unfettered howl. Release life’s rapture. Everything is blooming. Everything is flying. Everything is screaming. Laughter. Running.”
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sidetracked by the pursuit of minor dreams that would give you trivial satisfaction. And please talk yourself out of going after ephemeral rewards that would at best provide you with a false sense of accomplishment. Here’s why this advice is even more important than usual: You have an intense but limited amount of driving ambition available to you at the moment, so you’ve got to make sure you use it on a project or projects that will still be meaningful to you a year from now.
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PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Please don’t get
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for travel in 1926, Route 666 ran from Arizona through three other states. It became a problem for fundamentalist Christians, who got obsessed with the idea that 666 is an evil number associated with the devil. As their toxic delusions increasingly poisoned America’s collective imagination, there was a growing outcry to rename the road. Finally, highway authorities gave in to the pressure and officially banished 666, turning it into Route 191 in Arizona and Route 491 elsewhere. This is an idiotically superstitious example of an otherwise sound principle that actually has merit: Altering the name of a person or thing can change the way it’s perceived, and possibly even transform its essential nature. I bring this up, Aquarius, because now is an excellent time for you to use this principle to your advantage. What or whom would benefit from a renaming?
(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Want to know a secret? I “predict” the present, not the future. In other words, I discern unconscious patterns and invisible influences that are affecting you now. I also try to inspire you to read your own mind so as to uncover feelings that you’ve been hiding from yourself. So I can’t necessarily tell you what specific events will transpire in the coming days. But I do suspect the following things are true, although you may not be aware of them yet: You
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42A | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
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SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | film reviews 43A
< film> ratings
Taxi to the Dark Side HHHHH
bush whacked Gibney frames his oscar-winning film with the story of an innocent man beaten to death by U.S. interrogators.
f you think you hold current and former high-ranking Bush administration weasels such as Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Yoo and Alberto Gonzales in low esteem right now, just wait until you’ve learned the role they played in institutionalizing torture since 9/11. When you buy your ticket for Taxi to the Dark Side, you may think them liars and bumblers, but you’re likely to leave the Cineplex with little doubt that they’re also war criminals. This is the second essential documentary on the subject of our nation’s recent misadventures in the Middle East with which filmmaker Alex Gibney has been associated. In addition to directing the 2005 jaw-dropper Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, he executive-produced last year’s Oscar-nominated No End in Sight. Taxi, which won the Academy Award for Best Documentary, can be readily viewed as a companion piece to that milestone work. No End chronicled the arrogance and foolhardiness behind the scenes at the White House, which resulted in many of the most devastating missteps in the administra-
H = refund, please HH = could’ve been worse, but not a lot HHH = has its moments; so-so HHHH = smarter than the average bear HHHHH = as good as it gets
tion’s conduct of the Iraq war. For its part, Taxi lays out in meticulous detail the conspiracy of leaders at the highest level of government to circumvent detainee treatment protocols in both U.S. constitutional and military law, as well as in international agreements such as the Geneva Convention. Gibney frames his film with an account of the fate that befell a 22-year-old Afghan cab driver by the name of Dilawar. In December 2002, he was taken into custody by U.S. forces after being fingered by a paid informant as the Taliban terrorist behind a rocket attack. Dilawar was transported to the American interrogation center at Bagram Air Base and beaten so mercilessly that five days later he was dead. He had not been charged with any crime. The man who accused him, it turned out, was himself responsible for the rocket attack. While the story of this one man’s unspeakable treatment is an informative study in itself, the director uses the case as a window into a far broader horror. Gibney interviews the New York Times reporters who uncovered the murder, a fellow Bagram prisoner, FBI personnel, various Pentagon officials, former General Counsel of the Navy Alberto Mora, members of Dilawar’s family and the very servicemen who interrogated him. In so doing, he charts the “global migration” of illegal torture techniques from Bagram in 2002 to Abu Ghraib and ultimately to Guantanamo Bay. That progression began with the vice president, who, on September 16, 2001, famously informed Tim Russert of “Meet the Press” that, “We have to work the dark side, spend time in the shadows, use any means at our disposal.” Then there was Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, who publicly dismissed the atrocities at Abu Ghraib as the work of “a few bad apples” while privately signing off on even harsher techniques for breaking down detainees, both physically and psychologically. Next came the lackeys in high places, such as former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and John Yoo, formerly of the Office of Legal Counsel, who earned their keep by finding loopholes and playing word games.
Ratings assigned to movies not reviewed by Rick Kisonak or Margot Harrison are courtesy of Metacritic.com, which averages scores given by the country’s most widely read reviewers.
At the bottom of the chain of command, on the ground, were the young military men and women who found themselves pressured to extract valuable intelligence from prisoners with little or no training and even less in the way of clear, written guidelines. The lack of printed protocols, the film argues, was no accident. The higher-ups didn’t want orders authorizing degrading and inhumane treatment someday to be traced back to them. Taxi is required viewing for anyone interested in the truth behind the controversies about detainee treatment and the use of techniques such as waterboarding. As you’d expect from a film on this subject, it’s difficult to watch at times. Many images and most of the revelations are profoundly disturbing. I was shocked, for example, to learn that prisoners who’ve never been charged with a crime are routinely treated so savagely that many have committed suicide. I was shocked that so many detainee deaths — like Dilawar’s — have been classified as homicides by military coroners. I was shocked that women have played a role in these atrocities at every level. Sgt. Selena Salcedo was one of the interrogators responsible for Dilawar’s death. Captain Carolyn Wood was in charge at Bagram and later at Abu Ghraib. Then, of course, there’s the sad, sick case of Lynndie England. Perhaps most shocking is the film’s revelation that fewer than 10 percent of the detainees at Guantanamo were actually captured by coalition forces. How’d the other 90 percent-plus wind up there? They were turned in by locals — some of whom had personal axes to grind, and many of whom were paid thousands of dollars per prisoner by the U.S. Gibney raises questions about why, to date, none of the detainees at Gitmo have been allowed an opportunity to answer the implied charges against them. (They have been systematically denied all habeas corpus rights and the sort of hearings guaranteed by the Geneva Convention.) The administration claims the authority to hold them indefinitely. By the time the closing credits roll, the answer seems clear: If the prisoners ever do get out, so will the full truth about what they endured there.
The Ruins HHH
A VINE MESS Ramsey plays a tourist trapped in — and by — the scenery in this horror flick from Carter Smith.
aybe it says something about our national fears that there’s now an entire subset of horror movies devoted to young Americans who go to the Third World, use it as their playground, and die. In the infamous Hostel films, college students running amok in an obscure corner of Eastern Europe find themselves the targets of a recreational-torture-and-murder ring. In Turistas, it’s a Brazilian organ-harvesting racket. Call it the flip side of MTV’s “Spring Break”: The kids who form the core audience of these movies seem to like seeing one hell of a comeuppance visited on their toned, hedonistic peers. In The Ruins, the trouble starts when four college kids vacationing in Cancun meet the mother of all language barriers. Couples Eric and Stacy (Shawn Ashmore and Laura Ramsey) and Jeff and Amy (Jonathan Tucker and Jena Malone) have teamed up with a young German (Brit Joe Anderson, with an egregiously fake accent) to find his brother, who hasn’t been heard from since he left for a Mayan archaeological dig deep in the jungle. They find the site easily — a massive pyramid draped with jaunty, pointy-leaved vines. But a group of indigenous folks blocks the way, brandishing weapons and yelling in a language that’s not Spanish. Naturally, the kids don’t recognize this reception for what it is: a warning. Like a good little tourist, Amy snaps photos of the angry natives, and when she steps back into the foliage for a better shot, it’s too late. Soon our heroes are imprisoned on the pyramid, surrounded by a circle of villagers ready to shoot to kill. But what’s up there with them is a lot worse.
And sillier. Scott Smith, who adapted The Ruins from his best-selling novel, is a smart pulp writer who knows how to give zing to familiar genres. With A Simple Plan, he breathed new life into the noir thriller. In The Ruins, he took an absurd supernatural-horror conceit — hint: the monster is vegetable, not animal — and turned it into a gripping, unpredictable story about five people who are doomed more by their own weaknesses than the outside threat. Hung over from last night’s party and equipped for a light hike, the characters find themselves in a life-or-death situation, and Smith relates their attempts to survive in grueling
detail. When one of them contracts an infection after a serious fall, it’s time for a makeshift amputation. And when another starts insisting the surrounding foliage is getting under his skin — well, don’t ask. All this gross-out stuff is in the movie, along with a few good scares. (The scene where the women venture into a mineshaft in search of an eerily ringing cellphone is especially effective.) But Scott has purged his own story of its ironic twists. In the novel, he defies expectation by killing off seemingly smart, resourceful characters first, leaving the happy-go-lucky ditzes to muddle through. In the movie, not so much — to the extent the kids have personalities at all, their fates are exactly what you’d expect in a run-of-the-mill slasher. Indie queen Malone (Saved!) makes the most of her role as bossy, neurotic Amy, whose drunken misbehavior the previous night weakens the cohesion of the group. But otherwise, the petty jealousies and personal clashes that took center stage in the book barely register. Despite a good setup and some tense moments, this disappointing adaptation limps to an ending that seems to have been cobbled together in an effort to please the audiences at two wildly different test screenings. Like last year’s U.S. version of British shocker The Descent, The Ruins may well use an alternate, grimmer finale as a selling point for its DVD. There’s something authentic at the roots of this gruesome movie genre, but the execution is all about marketing. MARGOT HARRISON
april 09-16, 2008
» sevendaysvt.com
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STREET KINGS: Keanu Reeves plays an LAPD vice detective on a mission to track down the men who killed his partner in this police thriller co-written by James Ellroy. Forest Whitaker and Hugh Laurie costar. Directed by David (Harsh Times) Ayer. (107 min, R. Essex, Majestic, Palace) PROM NIGHT: Brittany Snow and Idris Elba star in Nelson McCormick’s unnecessary remake of the 1980 slasher dud about a group of high school friends terrorized by a party-pooping psychopath. (88 min, PG-13. Bijou, Essex, Majestic, Paramount, Welden) SMART PEOPLE: Noam Murro makes his directorial debut with this ensemble comedy in which a self-absorbed literature professor and his ne’er-do-well brother work out long-neglected family issues. Starring Dennis Quaid, Thomas Haden Church, Sarah Jessica Parker and Ellen Page. (95 min, R. Majestic, Roxy) TAXI TO THE DARK SIDE�� ��1/2 From Alex Gibney, who gave us Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, comes this equally scathing look at the Bush administration’s efforts to sidestep U.S. and international laws banning the use of torture. Winner of the 2007 Oscar for Best Documentary. (106 min, R. Roxy) THE COUNTERFEITERS: August Diehl and Karl Markovics head the cast of writer-director Stefan Ruzowitzky’s drama about prisoners in a Nazi concentration camp forced to take part in history’s most elaborate counterfeiting operation. With Dolores Chaplin and Devid Striesow. (99 min, R. Roxy)
10,000 B.C.�� Roland (The Day After Tomorrow) Emmerich brings us this tale of prehistoric passion in which a young hunter leads an army against the evil warlord who raided his village and abducted the woman he loves. Starring Steven Strait, Camilla Belle and Omar Sharif. (109 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Essex, Majestic) 21��1/2 Kevin Spacey stars in this fact-based account of an MIT professor who teaches his students the finer points of counting cards at the blackjack table. Jim Sturgess and Kate Bosworth costar. Robert Luketic directs. (122 min, PG-13. Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace) COLLEGE ROAD TRIP�� Martin Lawrence plays an over-protective father who accompanies his daughter on a tour of prospective colleges in this comedy from director Roger (Just Friends) Kumble. Raven Symone and Donny Osmond costar. (83 min, G. Essex) DR. SEUSS' HORTON HEARS A WHO!��� The children’s classic gets the big-screen treatment on the 50th anniversary of its publication. Jim Carrey provides the voice of the beloved elephant who dedicates himself to protecting a speck of dust — which, he’s stunned to discover, contains an entire microscopic city. The cast also includes Steve Carell, Seth Rogen, Amy Poehler and Carol Burnett. (88 min, G. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Paramount, Stowe, Welden) DRILLBIT TAYLOR�� Seth (Superbad) Rogen cowrote this comedy about three high school friends who hire a bodyguard to protect them from bullies. Starring Owen Wilson, Leslie
Mann and Josh Peck. (102 min, PG-13. Essex, Majestic, Welden) GEORGE A. ROMERO'S DIARY OF THE DEAD��1/2 The maker of Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead updates zombies for the YouTube generation with this film supposedly shot by college students in the midst of an undead attack. With Shawn Roberts and Joshua Close. (95 min, R. Roxy) I'M NOT THERE���1/2 Christian Bale, Richard Gere, Heath Ledger, Ben Wishaw and Cate Blanchett play different facets of Bob Dylan in Todd (Far From Heaven) Haynes’ exploration of the folk singer’s legend and legacy. (135 min, R. Savoy) IN BRUGES���� Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson play a pair of London hitmen holing up in a storybook Flemish tourist trap in this comedy from writer-director Martin McDonagh. With Jordan Prentice and Ralph Fiennes. (107 min, R. Palace, Savoy) JUNO���� Papa don’t preach . . . A sassy pregnant teen (Ellen Page) decides to put her baby up for a-doption in this comedy written by newcomer Diablo Cody. Michael (Superbad) Cera plays the dad. With Jennifer Garner, Jason Bateman and Rainn “Schrute” Wilson. (91 min, PG-13. Palace) LEATHERHEADS��� George Clooney directs and stars in this romantic comedy set against the backdrop of pro football’s early days. With Renee Zellweger and John Krasinski. (114 min, PG-13. Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Palace, Roxy, Welden) MISS PETTIGREW LIVES FOR A DAY��1/2 Frances McDormand and Amy Adams star in this period comedy about a middle-aged governess whose life is turned upside down when she takes a
W W W. M E R R I L LT H E AT R E S . N E T
THE TEST OF TIME They can’t all be classics. In fact, what we’ve got for you this week are scenes from four pictures that barely even registered in the public consciousness and did so-so business at best. They came and went faster than you can say “straight to video.” Your job is to convince us they are gone but not forgotten . . .
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© 2008, Rick Kisonak
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DEADLINE: Noon on Monday. PRIZES: $25 gift certificate to the sponsoring restaurant and a movie for two. In the event of a tie, winner chosen by lottery. SEND ENTRIES TO: Movie Quiz, PO Box 68, Williston, VT 05495. OR EMAIL TO: filmquiz@sevendaysvt.com. Be sure to include your address. Please allow four to six weeks for delivery of prizes. For more film fun don’t forget to watch “Art Patrol” every Thursday, Friday and Saturday on News Channel 5!
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | film 45A
ďż˝ = refund, please �� = couldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been worse, but not a lot ��� = has its moments; so-so ���� = smarter than the average bear ����� = as good as it gets
Ratings assigned to movies not reviewed by Rick Kisonak are courtesy of Metacritic.com, which averages scores given by the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most widely read reviewers (Rick included).
100 90 80
job as the social secretary for a young American actress. Directed by Bharat (Killing Time) Nalluri. (92 min, PG-13. Capitol, Roxy) NIM'S ISLAND��1/2 Jodie Foster, Gerard Butler and Abigail Breslin star in this family fantasy about a young girl who lives on an isolated island with her scientist father and winds up in an unlikely adventure with her favorite author. Based on the childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book by Wendy Orr. Directed by Jennifer Flackett and Mark Levin. (96 min, PG. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Palace, Stowe, Welden) PERSEPOLIS���� This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Best Animated Feature Oscar nominee tells the story of a young woman coming of age in Iran and clashing with increasingly repressive cultural forces. Adapted from her best-selling graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi, with help from comic book artist Vincent Paronnaud. The Englishlanguage version features the voices of Sean Penn, Gena Rowlands, Iggy Pop and several members of the original French cast. (95 min, PG-13. Palace, Savoy) PETE SEEGER: THE POWER OF SONG���� Jim Brownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s documentary explores the life and legacy of the progressive-minded folk singer via archival footage and Seegerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home movies. (91 min, PG. Big Picture) RUN, FAT BOY, RUN��1/2 Simon Pegg stars in this comedy about a paunchy security guard who leaves his pregnant fiancĂŠe at the altar, only to regret the move years later. With Thandie Newton and Hank Azaria. Directed by David Schwimmer. (100 min, PG13. Roxy) SEMI-PRO��1/2 Will Ferrellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s latest sports spoof is set in the 1970s and offers the saga of a struggling American Basketball Association team owner/coach/ player. With Woody Harrelson, Will Arnett and Rob Corddry. Directed by Kent Alterman. (100 min, R. Stowe) SHUTTER�� Joshua Jackson and Rachael Taylor are paired in this remake of a Thai thriller in which newlyweds whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve survived a terrible accident start seeing dead people in their photos. With John Hensley. Directed by Masayuki Ochiai. (85 min, PG-13. Essex) SLEEPWALKING�� Charlize Theron, Nick Stahl and AnnaSophia Robb star in this somber indie drama about a young man who takes his niece on a trip back to family roots after her mom is busted for drug dealing. William Maher directs. (101 min, R. Roxy) STOP-LOSS���1/2 From Kimberly (Boys Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Cry) Peirce comes this drama that puts a human face on the militaryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s controversial policy of forcing men and women in uniform to serve beyond their contracted terms. With Ryan Phillippe, Abbie Cornish and Channing Tatum. (112 min, R. Big Picture, Majestic, Palace) SUPERHERO MOVIE�� Legendary spoofmaster David (Airplane!) Zucker lends his talents to this parody of â&#x20AC;&#x201D; you guessed it â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the superhero movie. Drake Bell, Leslie Nielsen and Marion Ross star. (85 min, PG-13. Bijou,
Essex, Majestic, Palace, Paramount) THE BAND'S VISIT���� The award-winning feature debut from writer-director Eran Kolirin offers the gently comic saga of an Egyptian police orchestra stranded in a small Israeli desert town. Starring Sasson Gabai and Ronit Elkabetz. (86 min, PG-13. Roxy) THE BANK JOB���1/2 Jason Statham stars in this thriller from Roger (The Worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fastest Indian) Donaldson, inspired by real-life events surrounding the 1971 robbery of the Lloyds Bank in London. Saffron Burrows and Richard Lintern costar. (110 min, R. Majestic, Palace, Roxy, Stowe) THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL��1/2 Based on the best-selling novel by Philippa Gregory, director Justin Chadwickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s period drama chronicles the rivalry between two sisters torn apart by their desire to win the King of Englandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s heart. Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson and Eric Bana star. (115 min, PG-13. Marquis, Roxy) THE RUINS��1/2 Jonathan Tucker and Jena Malone star in this gore-athon about a group of young tourists who hike into the Mexican jungle in search of a missing man and find big-time trouble instead. Adapted for the screen by Scott B. Smith from his novel. Directed by Carter Smith. (91 min, R. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace) VANTAGE POINTďż˝1/2 Pete (The Jury) Travis directs this action thriller that examines an attempt on the life of a U.S. president from the points of view of eight strangers. With Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox, William Hurt and Sigourney Weaver. (90 min, PG13. Majestic) WAR/DANCE���1/2 Sean and Andrea Nix Fine directed this documentary, which explores Ugandaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 20-year civil war from the standpoint of three children who have never known any other way of life. (105 min, NR. Palace)
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4/7/08 8:49:37 AM
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3x2-nowsignup.indd 1
2/25/08 3:53:48 PM
NEW ON DVD/VHS LIONS FOR LAMBS��1/2 Robert Redford directs and stars in this antiwar drama about an idealistic college professor who encourages his students to make a difference in the world. With Meryl Streep and Tom Cruise. (92 min, R) THE WATER HORSE: LEGEND OF THE DEEP���1/2 A young Scottish boy discovers a mythical creature in Jay Wilsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family film. With Emily Watson, Ben Chaplin and Alex Etel. (111 min, PG) THERE WILL BE BLOOD��� Paul Thomas Andersonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s epic about the rise of a ruthless American oil tycoon features a GoldenGlobe-winning performance from Daniel Day-Lewis. Based on an Upton Sinclair novel. With Paul Dano. (158 min, R) WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY��� John C. Reilly stars in this spoof of big-screen bios such as Ray and Walk the Line, from co-writer-director Jake Kasdan. With Jenna Fischer and Tim Meadows. (95 min, R) ďż˝
Now is the time. , $" ($ "%)' $# * # "$#( $& (*$ * ' + & , $ ( & '( $ +$)& '() + # &$" $" , &# +$)& & * ! $#( #) # ($ " ( +$)& *$& # " !+ $"" (" #('
UI&Uâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bachelor of Arts Program. You can do it. Find out how.
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3x8-VTCollege040908.indd 1
4/8/08 2:10:09 PM
46A | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
FP-HallComm040908.indd 1
4/7/08 11:34:55 AM
Dr. Noelle C. Thabault
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | showtimes 47A
SUFFERING FROM ACNE, WRINKLES OR SUN SPOTS? Skin Rejuvenation â&#x20AC;˘ Wrinkle Reduction Permanent Hair Reduction â&#x20AC;&#x201C; bikini/legs/face/arms/underarms/back/chest Leg Vein Removal â&#x20AC;˘ Acne Treatment
All shows daily unless otherwise indicated. Film times may change. Please call theaters to confirm. * = New film.
Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-8994. wednesday 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 10 Pete Seeger: The Power of Song 6 & 8 (Thu), 9 (Wed). 10,000 B.C. 5:30, 7:30. friday 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; sunday 13 Stop-Loss 2 (Sun), 6:30, 8:30. Pete Seeger: The Power of Song 2 (Sun), 6, 8. Closed Mondays and Tuesdays
Maple Tree Place, Taft Corners, Williston, 878-2010. wednesday 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 10 Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 12:45, 2:55, 5:05, 7:15, 9:25. Leatherheads 1, 4, 7, 9:35. The Ruins 1:25, 4:20, 7:20, 9:45. 21 12:50, 3:40, 6:40, 9:30. Superhero Movie 12:55, 3, 5, 7:10, 9:20. Stop-Loss 1:10, 3:45, 6:50, 9:40. Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton Hears a Who! 12:40, 1:30, 2:50, 3:50, 4:55, 6:20, 7:05, 8:40, 9:15. Drillbit Taylor 1:20, 6:45. 10,000 B.C. 1:15, 6:30. The Bank Job 4:10, 9:05. Vantage Point 4:15, 9:10.
Rt. 100, Morrisville, 888-3293.
wednesday 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 10 Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 6:40. The Ruins 7. Superhero Movie 6:50. Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton Hears a Who! 6:30. friday 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 17 *Prom Night 1:40 & 4 (Sat & Sun), 6:50, 9 (Fri & Sat). Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 1:30 & 3:40 (Sat & Sun), 6:40, 8:30 (Fri & Sat). The Ruins 1:10 & 3:50 (Sat & Sun), 7, 9 (Fri & Sat). Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton Hears a Who! 1:20 & 3:30 (Sat & Sun), 6:30, 8 (Fri & Sat).
friday 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 17 *Prom Night 12:55, 3, 5, 7:20, 9:45. *Smart People 1:15, 3:55, 7:05, 9:20. *Street Kings 1:05, 4, 7:10, 9:40. Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 12:45, 2:55, 5:05, 7:15, 9:25. Leatherheads 1, 3:50, 6:30, 9:05. The Ruins 1:20, 4:20, 6:45, 9:15. 21 12:50, 3:40, 6:40, 9:30. Superhero Movie 1:25, 4:10, 6:35, 9. Stop-Loss 1:10, 3:45, 6:50, 9:35. Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton Hears a Who! 12:40, 2:50, 4:55, 7, 9:10. Times subject to change. See http://www.majestic10.com.
Times subject to change.
CAPITOL SHOWPLACE 93 State Street, Montpelier, 229-0343.
wednesday 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 10 Leatherheads 6:30, 9. Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 6:30, 9. The Ruins 6:30, 9. Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton Hears a Who! 6:30, 9. 21 6:30, 9. friday 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 17 Leatherheads 1:30 (Sat & Sun), 6:30, 9. Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 1:30 (Sat & Sun), 6:30, 9. The Ruins 9. Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton Hears a Who! 1:30 (Sat & Sun), 6:30. 21 1:30 (Sat & Sun), 6:30, 9. Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day 1:30 (Sat & Sun), 6:30, 9.
Essex Shoppes & Cinema, Rt. 15 & 289, Essex, 879-6543. wednesday 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 10 10,000 B.C. 12:30, 5:10. 21 1, 4, 7:10, 9:40. College Road Trip 12:40, 7:30. Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton Hears a Who! 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7:15, 9:10. Drillbit Taylor 2:45, 7:30, 9:40. Leatherheads 12:20, 2:40, 5, 7:20, 9:45. Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7:10, 9:20. The Ruins 12:40, 2:45, 4:50, 7:15, 9:30. Shutter 2:50, 5:10, 9:35. Superhero Movie 12:45, 2:50, 5, 7:20, 9:30. friday 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 17 *Prom Night 12:40, 2:40, 4:40, 7, 9:20. *Street Kings 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:30, 9:45. 21 1, 4, 7, 9:35. Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton Hears a Who! 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7:15, 9:10. Drillbit Taylor 12:30, 2:45. Leatherheads 12:20, 2:40, 5, 7:20, 9:40. Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7:10, 9:20. The Ruins 5:10, 7:15, 9:30. Superhero Movie 12:45, 2:50, 5, 7:20, 9:30. Times subject to change.
Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841. wednesday 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 10 Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 7. Leatherheads 7.
3:35, 6:30, 8:40. The Ruins 1:35, 4:05, 7:05, 9:30. Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton Hears a Who! 12:55, 1:55, 2:55, 4:55, 7, 9. 21 1, 3:45, 6:35, 9:15. In Bruges 4, 6:50, 9:25. The Bank Job 1:10, 3:40, 6:45, 9:10. Juno 1:30, 8:45. Superhero Movie 1:45, 4:10, 6:55, 9:05.
Fayette Road, South Burlington, 864-5610. wednesday 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 10 War/Dance 3:50, 6:30. Leatherheads 10:30 a.m. (Thu), 1:15, 3:55, 6:40, 9:20. Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 10:30 a.m. (Thu), 1:20,
2/5/08 12:23:29 PM
Times subject to change. 2x2-chong-hwa031208.indd 1
3/10/08 4:52:33 PM
PARAMOUNT TWIN CINEMA 241 North Main Street, Barre, 479-4921.
wednesday 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 10 Superhero Movie 7. Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton Hears a Who! 7. friday 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 17 *Prom Night 1:30 (Sat & Sun), 6:30 & 8:30 (Fri & Sat), 7 (SunThu). Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton Hears a Who! 1:30 (Sat & Sun), 6:30 & 8:30 (Fri & Sat), 7 (Sun-Thu).
friday 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 17 Persepolis 1:30 (Sat-Mon), 6:30. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m Not There 4 (Sat & Sun), 8:30.
Times subject to change. See http://www.merrilltheatres.net.
368 Dorset Street Suite 2B, South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Call today for a free consultation: 802.862.7555
$10 OFF
friday 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 17 *The Counterfeiters 1:20, 3:50, 7:10, 9:20. *Taxi to the Dark Side 3:40, 7:05, 9:30. *Smart People 1, 3, 5, 7:15, 9:15, 11:20 (Fri & Sat). Leatherheads 1:10, 4:10, 7, 9:25, 11:50 (Fri & Sat). The Bandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Visit 1:05, 2:55, 7:20, 9:35, 11:45 (Fri & Sat). The Bank Job 1:25, 6:50, 11:30 (Fri & Sat). Run, Fat Boy, Run 4, 9:10, 11:35 (Fri & Sat). The Other Boleyn Girl 1:15, 4:45. George A. Romeroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Diary of the Dead 11:40 (Fri & Sat).
Conveniently located on Dorset St. across from Hawthorn Suites
Therapeutic Massage & Body Works Chong-Hwa Therapy
wednesday 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 10 Leatherheads 1:15, 4:10, 7, 9:25. The Bandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Visit 1, 2:50, 4:45, 7:15, 9:30. Run, Fat Boy, Run 1:30, 4, 7:10, 9:20. Sleepwalking 3:30, 8:30. Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day 1:10, 6:30. The Other Boleyn Girl 1:20, 3:50, 6:50, 9:10. The Bank Job 1:05, 3:35, 7:05, 9:15.
(on 1st laser treatment or package w/ this ad)
Noelle C. Thabault, MD, LLC
friday 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 17 2x3-LaserCenterVt020608-2.indd 1 *Street Kings 1:05, 3:40, 6:55, 9:25. Persepolis 10:30 a.m. (Thu), 1:30, 4, 6:50, 9:10. Stop-Loss 10:30 a.m. (Thu), 1:10, 3:50, 6:45, 9:15. In Bruges 1:40, 9:05. 21 1, 3:45, 6:35, 9:15. Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton NEW CUSTOMER SPECIAL OFFER: Hears a Who! 12:55, 1:55, 2:55, 1 HOUR 4:55, 7, 9. Leatherheads 1:15, WITH AD 3:55, 6:40, 9:20. Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 1:20, 3:35, 6:30, 8:40. The Bank Open 7 Days â&#x20AC;˘ 10 AM - 9 PM Job 4:10, 6:35. The Ruins 4:05, 7:05, 9:30. 19 Church St â&#x20AC;˘ Suite 8 â&#x20AC;˘ Burlington 802-863-2641
friday 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 17 Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 1 (Sat & Sun), 6. Leatherheads 1 (Sat & Sun), 6, 8:15. The Other Boleyn Girl 8.
College Street, Burlington, 864-3456.
20% OFF
Free â&#x20AC;&#x153;1 on 1â&#x20AC;? consultation with Dr. Noelle Thabault
Main Street, Montpelier, 229-0509. wednesday 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 10 In Bruges 6:30, 8:40.
Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678. wednesday 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 10 Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 7. The Bank Job 7. Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton Hears a Who! 7.
2x5-EssexShoppes040908.indd 1
friday 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 17 Semi-Pro 2:30 & 4:30 (Sat & Sun), 7, 8:45 (Fri & Sat). Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 2:30 & 4:30 (Sat & Sun), 7, 9 (Fri & Sat). The Bank Job 2:30 & 4:30 (Sat & Sun), 7, 9:10 (Fri & Sat).
4/8/08 9:36:54 AM
Fri 4/11â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Thurs 4/17 6:30 only
(Sat-Sun-Mon also at 1:30)
10,000 B.C
(PG-13) 5:30 & 7:30 PM WELDEN THEATER
104 No. Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888.
(PG) 9 PM ONLY ON WED, 6 & 8 PM
wednesday 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 10 Leatherheads 7, 9. Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 7, 8:45. Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton Hears a Who! 7. Drillbit Taylor 8:45. friday 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; thursday 17 *Prom Night 4 (Sat & Sun), 7, 9. Leatherheads 2 (Sat & Sun), 7, 9. Nimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Island 2 & 4 (Sat & Sun), 7, 8:45. Dr. Seussâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Horton Hears a Who! 2 & 4 (Sat & Sun). ďż˝
STARTS FRI, 4/11 - SUN, 4/13
(R) 6:30 & 8:30 SUN 2 PM MATINEES
8:30 only
(Sat-Sun also at 4:00)
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m Not There Savoy Theater
26 Main St Montpelier 229-0509 www.savoytheater.com
1x4-Savoy040908.indd 1
4/7/08 2:28:21 PM
1x5-BigPictureWEEKLY.indd 1
4/8/08 4:11:54 PM
IT FEELS SPRING-Y! A BOOK SIGNING AND A TASTING ALL IN ONE! Saturday, April 19, noon — 4 p.m. We are excited to have Melissa Pasanen and Rick Gencarelli, authors of COOKING WITH SHELBURNE FARMS. Rick will be cooking a recipe from the book, books will be available to purchase and the authors will be signing copies. The cookbook delivers rustic yet elegant recipes with a relaxed, country-style approach. It’s organized into chapters featuring nine core Vermont ingredients, from milk to maple.
Back to Nature — terrific crackers and cookies Honey graham stick cookies, cinnamon stick grahams, peanut bu�er sandwich crackers, reg 4.19 sale 2.29 Harvest whole wheats, classic round crackers, stoneground wheat crackers, crispy cheddars, reg 3.49 sale 1.89 Maranatha Organic creamy peanut bu�er 16 oz, reg 6.29 sale $3.99 Mountain Valley Spring Water and Sparkling Water 1 L, reg $2.69 sale .99��each / 29.05, 11.88, case
Pick up some of our fresh and fabulous organic asparagus and try this:
ROASTED ASPARAGUS WITH LEMON, GOAT CHEESE VINAIGRETTE Preheat your oven to 400�. While the oven is heating, make the vinaigre�e: Combine the shallots, lemon juice and zest, olive oil, salt and pepper in a jar. Shake or whisk well until combined. Toss the asparagus spears in a li�le olive oil, season with salt and pepper, place in one layer in a roasting pan and pop into the hot oven. Roast for about 10 minutes, turning once or twice, until tender. But don’t overdo it! Asparagus wants to be done, but not overdone and mushy. Remove from oven, put on a warmed serving dish, crumble the goat cheese over it, and drizzle with some of the vinaigre�e. The cheese will melt beautifully and you will have a li�le taste of early spring!
1 bunch organic asparagus, washed, tough ends trimmed off 1 large shallot, minced (2-3 tablespoons) 1/2 lemon, zest and juice 1/2 C mild-flavored extra-virgin olive oil salt and pepper to taste ( a couple pinches of each) 1/4 C good-quality crumbly goat cheese
food....................... 03b music..................... 09b
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mistress maeve..... 30B classifieds............ 32b classes.................. 32B employment.......... 42b
0 9 - 1 6 ,
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< food>
Township at Nectar’s, Saturday 12. p.09B
Cruel and Inedible?
Sizing up Vermont’s meanest “loaf.” p.03B
<calendar >
at Borders, Burlington, Thursday 10, and at Higher Ground, South Burlington, Friday 11. p.23B
02B | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com
WWW.CHAMPLAINCOUPON.COM Visit Today and Register To Win an Weekend Getaway To Montreal No Purchase Necessary…Must Be 18 To Enter
SAVE MONEY!!! Special Offers From: Green Peppers The Cone Artist Guys Farm and Yard Cowles Quilting TC Rv’s Kevin Smith Sports EZ Own Rental Hillside Florist Eaton’s Fine Jewelry Dominos O.C. McCuin Green Mtn Powersports Advantage Wireless Jazzercise Show Me The Biscuit Hayes Sunoco Bazzano’s Pizza After Midnight Jewelers Pie in The Sky Nichols & Dymes Champlain Auto Repair Sara’s Tattoo Mom & Me Garcia’s Tobacco Shop Electric Beach His Hair & Hers Maple City Candy Silver & Gold Jewelry Store champlaincoupon.com is a product of the Champlain Radio Group FP-CGRcoup091207.indd 1
9/11/07 9:46:17 AM
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | food 03B
Cruel and Inedible? Sizing up Vermont’s meanest “loaf” BY MIKE IVES
he wrong grub can provoke some visceral reactions — just ask anyone who was forced to clean a plate of liver and onions as a child. But can food — wholesome, nutritious food — taste so nasty that it constitutes a punishment in and of itself? Some prisoners doing time in Vermont think so. Most of them try to maintain a healthy distance from “Nutraloaf,” a “loaf-style form of nourishment” that is typically served to prisoners who “misuse” food or “bodily waste.” The dreaded loaf may be a fiber-rich
a Nutraloaf taste test at a culinary school. “The bread may not look like haute cuisine,” noted Fox, “but it is healthy and high in protein, and made with no additives.” So which is it — is the concoction really that bad, or are prisoners just being picky? More generally, what are Vermont’s inmates eating, and should we unincarcerated taxpayers care how it tastes and where it comes from? To answer these questions, I decided to go to the Northwest State Correctional Facility for a cafeteria visit and Nutraloaf sampling. Turns out the Swanton facility has only served the stuff once since the 1970s
My taste test of local prison food extends well beyond the controversial Nutraloaf. composite of all five food groups, but that doesn’t make it any more appetizing to the prisoners. Even for the most unruly ones, there’s a seven-consecutive-day limit on the stuff. Last month, a lawyer from the Vermont Prisoners’ Rights Office helped a few incarcerated critics bring their culinary complaint to the Vermont Supreme Court. Nutraloaf, they contend, is a form of “punishment,” and the Vermont Department of Corrections should grant inmates due process before forcing them to eat it. The national press dug into this one. A California Fox News affiliate organized
5x3-NSB040908.indd 1
— the plaintiffs in the Nutraloaf case are from Springfield. “But the recipe is the recipe,” said Superintendent Brian Bilodeau, promising that staffers could whip up a “tasty” batch for my visit. Earlier in the week, Bilodeau, who has never tried the loaf, caught a staged Nutraloaf tasting on a local television station. Of the several Nutraloaf guinea pigs, he admitted, “Some didn’t seem too excited.” The Northwest facility is a one-story building on a rural road about 4 miles from St. Albans. Gleaming, barbed-wire
fences surround the perimeter, and a sign near the entrance warns, “Secure all vehicles.” Inside, visitors deposit keys with a guard before passing through a metal detector. “You might as well be going to the airport,” one guard jokes as I remove my shoes for inspection. I meet Dawn Reed, Northwest’s food service supervisor, in a pale green hallway beyond the lobby. After a guard buzzes us through an interior door, she leads me into an empty, tiled cafeteria. This building was originally built for juvenile delinquents and still exudes a high-school vibe. In a corner, sunlight reflects off frothing fountains of purply, Kool Aid-like juice. A clamor in the kitchen diverts my attention from the colorful liquid. In there, Reed and I greet several inmates, all of whom are wearing blue T-shirts and hair
nets. One skinny fellow, 48-year-old Satnem Singh, dices tomatoes on a metal prep counter. Robert LaBonté, 51, a heavyset St. Albans native, salutes us from a prep station covered with mozzarella cheese. LaBonté’s left forearm sports a tattoo of a blood-dripping dagger. Knife skills? The men are prepping lasagna for dinner, Reed says. “Dinner?” I ask, fiddling with my new hair net. “It’s quarter after 12.” The meal begins at 3:30, explains Reed, an even-tempered woman with a walkietalkie affixed to her shoulder. Breakfast began at 6 a.m., lunch at 10:30. But they’ve saved some hot stuff for me. My taste test of local prison food extends well beyond the controversial Nutraloaf, it turns out. LaBonté hands us matching beige lunch trays, and we all sit >> 04B
4/7/08 8:27:41 AM
04B | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com
thepetfairyvt.com4/8/08 • thepetfairy@gmail.com • 802.922.5828 10:56:59 AM
Member and Insured by Pet Sitters Assoc. LLC.
2x1-petfairy032107-2.indd 1
3/15/07 3:49:55 PM
< food> cruel and inedible? down at a long brown table. Each tray holds a small bowl of tomato soup and two sizeable grilled cheese sandwiches. The soup tastes a little metallic. But those hot, oozy sandwiches could have come from a roadside snack bar — a little soggy, maybe, but perfectly crisped. Reed dunks hers in her soup, so I politely follow suit. Had I come an hour earlier, she says, I could have helped myself to pasta salad, pickled beets or sliced meats from the salad bar — a rarity in Vermont prisons. In fact, at roughly one
“Oh, man, Nectar’s!” someone exclaims. “Beansies is great,” suggests Maskell, who has short hair and an angular face. “What’s that place on Bank Street?” LaBonté wonders aloud. “Henry’s Diner!” “OH, HENRY’S!” the crowd groans in collective nostalgia. These incarcerated prep cooks can’t dine in area restos, but Northwest Correctional does support a handful of Vermont businesses. The St. Albans Cooperative Creamery supplies dairy products. Napkins, cups and plastic utensils are trucked in from White River Paper Company in Hartford. SYSCO
dollar per tray, the food-production cost at this facility is only slightly less than that of the St. Albans public schools. LaBonté, who served time in Virginia and Kentucky before landing at this facility, says the high quality of Northwest’s cafeteria keeps inmates on their best behavior. That’s no accident, according to Assistant Superintendent Scott Dubois, who has joined us at the table. “I think what we do here,” the administrator says between slurps of soup, “is a humanistic approach.” Dubois, a friendly guy with curly hair, is wary of creating a perception that inmates eat better than low-income people on the outside do. But he also wants the cafeteria to leave a positive impression. “If we released someone to the community, and this experience had been nothing but punishment, they’d be at a greater risk,” he suggests. To ease that transition into working life, administrators recruit trained professionals to teach food-service classes. Last year, more than 20 Northwest inmates received “ServSafe” certification through the National Restaurant Association. Earlier this year, 12 enrolled in the prison’s inaugural restaurant-management program. Winooski native Matt Maskell, 27, one of the 12 students, says he plans to work in food service when he gets out of Northwest — in exactly four years and seven months. “You guys ever had Nectar’s fries and gravy?” asks Dubois. At this point, several other prisoners have gathered around the table.
food shipments are supplemented by North Springfield-based Black River Produce. The prison cranks out its own product, too. Between the walls and the barbed wire lies a 4-and-a-half acre garden. In peak years, inmates grow up to 40,000 pounds of produce, half of which is shuttled to a local food shelf. “Prison” doesn’t immediately come to mind when you spot a “Buy Local” bumper sticker. But the Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets sees Vermont’s nine correctional facilities as potential epicenters of the state’s expanding localvore movement. Unlike its schools, prisons are in session all year. That makes them ideal candidates for state-sponsored farm-to-table initiatives. “Correctional facilities are the primary place where Vermont government directly purchases food,” says Helen Jordan, agricultural development coordinator at the agency. “It’s a whole new frontier for the types of markets farmers can sell to.” In November, Jordan helped produce a report on potential connections between agricultural producers and state government. One proposal would allow correctional food service supervisors like Dawn Reed to purchase “cosmetically damaged crops” from local farmers. That’s a feasible option, considering inmates have more time to triage unsightly veggies than do time-pressed chefs at restaurants or soup kitchens. Tomato-chopping Satnem Singh wouldn’t mind spending longer hours at his prep station.
<< 03B
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4/8/08 10:59:06 AM
FRENCH JAZZ BAND Friday Nights french & continental cuisine in a casual atmosphere
30 main street | burlington | 865-9700 Breakfast / Lunch M-F, Dinner T-Sat FREE PARKING (entrance on Main St.)
2x4-quatre040908.indd 1
4/7/08 2:07:12 PM
Watch it on Channel 16!
8 sevendaysvt.com
1x6(bw)-7dspot-generic.indd 1
and online at www.retn.org SEE WEBSITE FOR COMPLETE SCHEDULE.
thursday, 04.10.08
jobs. cars. gear. music. pets. stuff.
11AM/8PM — BUSINESS “The Rowing Revolution: Growing a Global Business from Vermont” MEREDITH HAFF, Concept2
12NOON/9PM — ACADEMIC “Learning Your Way into the Future of Vermont” CRAIG DAMON, VT Tech. College
1x6-RETN040908.indd 1 10/31/06 3:29:41 PM
4/7/08 4:09:11 PM
The bearded Singapore native, a self-described “white collar” criminal, transferred here from Florida because Vermont has a more lenient “grooming policy”: Singh is a turban-wearing Sikh. He says that administrators give him enough latitude to whip up dishes such as ginger stir fry or aloo gobi — potato and cauliflower curry. “Every facility has the ingredients,” asserts the exiled foodie. “The question is whether they have the means to cook them.” So far, prison food doesn’t seem so bad. When Reed finally returns with two Nutraloaves, it’s as if a waitress were bringing a dish we had ordered, then forgotten. Laid out on a baking tray, the leathery loaves — which are largely unleavened — look awful, like a failed bread experiment. At 996 calories, the bruise-colored, 14-by-5-inch slab is considered a meal. In accordance with state regulations, a Vermont Nutraloaf contains 12 ounces of spinach; 8 ounces of powdered milk; six slices of whole wheat bread; 6 ounces each of tomato paste and potato flakes; 4 ounces each of non-dairy cheese, raw carrots and seedless raisins; 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil; and two cups of beans. “What the hell is that?” someone asks. “No, thanks.” “It looks like a flat portion of meatloaf,” another inmate observes. Dubois and I break off brownie-sized squares and start chewing. Reed declines, as do most of the inmates. But for a few dramatic moments, they watch us keenly for signs of gagging. None appears. Aside from leaving a pasty aftertaste on the back of my tongue, Nutraloaf is simply . . . untasty. It doesn’t taste good, but at the same time, it doesn’t taste much worse than, say, a PowerBar that’s been languishing under your driver’s seat for a few days. Dubois, who has been chewing silently for a few minutes, is similarly befuddled. “I don’t know,” he says. “I’d eat it. I think it’d be better with milk.” “It has milk in it,” Reed points out. “Oh.” LaBonté takes a cautious bite and shrugs. “Down in Virginia, it don’t look like that, and it don’t taste like that,” he reports. Adds Haskell: “I’ve been in the hole, and I don’t see it as inhumane to serve it for safety reasons.” “I’m a vegetarian, so to me, it’s not bad,” notes Singh, after a taste; a hair net still covers his beard. “This has to be good for fiber.” “It would be better if it were thicker,” says Reed, who has been quietly examining the Nutraloaf with some concentration. “We need to get a smaller bread pan,” she concludes. Presentation, as they say, is everything. Followed by ambiance. >
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | food 05B
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email food@sevendaysvt.com
SIDE DISHES Âť food news
A month and a half ago, Eric Warnstedt â&#x20AC;&#x201D; executive chef at Hen of the Wood at the Grist Mill in Waterbury â&#x20AC;&#x201D; picked up the phone, and the person on the line professed to be Dana Cowin, editorin-chief of Food & Wine magazine. Warnstedtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s response? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Get the fuck out of here!â&#x20AC;? But the caller really was Cowin, and once the â&#x20AC;&#x153;awestruckâ&#x20AC;? young chef had regained his composure, she delivered the news that every up-and-coming American cuisinier hopes to hear: Warnstedt had been chosen by the magazine as one of 10 â&#x20AC;&#x153;best new chefs in Americaâ&#x20AC;? for 2008. This puts him in excellent company: Former winners of the 20-year-old prize include Thomas Keller and Daniel Boulud. As exciting as the news was, Cowin asked that Warnstedt keep it as quiet as possible until the official announcement was made in early April. It happened last week in New York City, with 1000 people looking on. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They paraded us around. It was a full-on Manhattan scene,â&#x20AC;? he exclaims. But despite the acclaim, Warnstedt and Chef Craig Tresser plan to â&#x20AC;&#x153;stay focused on our mission and our ethics,â&#x20AC;? he suggests. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a little local restaurant in Waterbury, Vermont. We want to give preference to our community.â&#x20AC;? In his mind, that community extends at least as far as Burlington. HOTWâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s current space is only zoned for 40 guests, and even prior to this newest honor, the maitre dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; has been â&#x20AC;&#x153;turning people away on weekends.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a little small here for us, and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no room to grow,â&#x20AC;? he comments. Warnstedtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s current dream is to find financing to move to the city, perhaps into the Queen Cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Armory building on Main Street. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d be a worthwhile stop in Burlington,â&#x20AC;? he muses. Ya think? Dan Barber is another Food & Wine â&#x20AC;&#x153;best new chefâ&#x20AC;? alum and a well-known advocate of farm-to-table cuisine. Barber, the executive chef at New Yorkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Blue Hill and Blue Hill at Stone Barns, will be the keynote speaker at this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Vermont Fresh Network Forum, which will be held at Shelburne Farms. According to VFN board member Molly Stevens, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve asked him for a couple years and he finally said he would come.â&#x20AC;? Stevens says that the theme of this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s event is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Connecting the Dotsâ&#x20AC;? in the local food scene. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re talking about taking things to the next level of connectedness and how to do that. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more than just one connection; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s building systems,â&#x20AC;? she explains.
The demilitarized zone that used to be Burlingtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Army Navy store is in the midst of a dramatic transformation. The location used to be B-townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s primary source for butterfly knives and mace, but its new incarnation â&#x20AC;&#x201D; as Sapaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Coffee & Tea â&#x20AC;&#x201D; offers customers â&#x20AC;&#x153;bubble tea,â&#x20AC;? Birnn truffles and demitasse cups filled with strong coffee. Owner Khanh Tran, who says that the cafĂŠ will be open daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. beginning later this month, has never owned a food-related business before; her last two jobs were at a bank and a hospital. But she decided to try brewing when she realized there was nowhere in the area to get Vietnamese-style coffee. In addition, she plans to carry around 50 varieties of loose-leaf tea. Asked about her businessâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proximity to the well-established DobrĂĄ Tea, Tran says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think that the style is different, definitely,â&#x20AC;? noting that Vietnam is â&#x20AC;&#x153;a country of tea.â&#x20AC;? How do the folks at DobrĂĄ feel about the competition? Manager Andrew Snavely says that both the staffers and customers are curious about Sapaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a little close by,â&#x20AC;? he admits, â&#x20AC;&#x153;but mixing coffee and tea under the same roof is not the same experience; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not a tea room. The smell of coffee really overpowers the aroma of the tea.â&#x20AC;? In any case, Snavelyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not worried: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re pretty full all day, every day. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re outgrowing our space.â&#x20AC;? Plus, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pretty sure that DobrĂĄâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;extrasâ&#x20AC;? will keep â&#x20AC;&#x2122;em coming back, including the eclectic light fare, an ever-growing selection of chocolates and pastries, and events such as musical performances and â&#x20AC;&#x153;tea classes.â&#x20AC;?
Head Chef Mark Timms has tendered his resignation to the Vermont National Country Club. Timms says heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be moving back to Atlanta, Georgia, to helm the kitchen at a brand-new Four Diamond hotel. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an opportunity thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s once in a lifetime,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d be an idiot to turn it down.â&#x20AC;? Working at a big-name hotel should bring some big opportunities. Timms mentions that a PR team for the resort is putting together a â&#x20AC;&#x153;cuttingedgeâ&#x20AC;? culinary team to compete on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iron Chef America,â&#x20AC;? and Food & Wine magazine is already planning an October article. Although Timms says he is sad to leave the Green Mountains, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s looking forward to the challenge of preparing ultra-high-end food and indulging in his love for â&#x20AC;&#x153;molecular gastronomy.â&#x20AC;? Although Timms will be flying back and forth to Atlanta regularly through October, he intends to honor his pledges to Vermont charities and show up at their events. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Once a commitment is made with me, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s made,â&#x20AC;? he promises. In early March, an ice jam in East Burkeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dish Mill Brook caused water to pour into basements around town, including the one at the River Garden CafĂŠ. A month later, the restoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s answering machine is still reporting that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Due to the severity of the flood . . . weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be closed until further notice.â&#x20AC;? According to an article in the CaledonianRecord, the cafĂŠâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s basement was filled with five feet of water, soaking refrigerators, freezers and food storage containers. No word on whether the eateryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s side business as a salad-dressing manufacturer was impacted; River Garden bottles it in flavors such as smoked-tomato vinaigrette and sesame ginger.
4/7/08 2:19:22 PM
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169 (lower) Church St, Burlington 651-9660 To reserve table or take out 863-TOGO for delivery service
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3/7/08 12:13:16 PM
a blog by dan bolles
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7/24/07 11:01:05 AM
t stauran
For more food news, read Suzanne Podhaizerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Omnivore blog, sponsored by New England Culinary Institute. Âť sevendaysvt.com
2x5-SkiRack040908.indd 1
Making a perfect espresso isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t easy, but making a perfect espresso with two â&#x20AC;&#x153;technical judgesâ&#x20AC;? and four â&#x20AC;&#x153;sensory judgesâ&#x20AC;? looking over your shoulders might seem nigh on impossible. Yet Barre barista Elizabeth Manriquez is ready to give it a shot. Manriquez, who co-owns Espresso Bueno with partner Patrick Clark, will be traveling to Ithaca, New York, this Friday to compete in the Northeast Regional Barista Competition. She learned about the Specialty Coffee Association of Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brew-offs when she lived in Seattle, well before she ever â&#x20AC;&#x153;pulledâ&#x20AC;? drinks at her own joint. Last year she placed second in the first round, then bombed in the finals. How does the fast-paced contest work? Each competitor has 15 minutes to serve three rounds of drinks â&#x20AC;&#x201D; espressos, cappuccinos and creative â&#x20AC;&#x153;specialty drinksâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; to the four sensory judges. Participants are marked down if they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tamp the grounds properly, if their brews arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t consistent and if they spill a drop. Manriquez will be competing with a bean blend from Vermont Artisan Coffee, and will bring her own milk from Monument Farms. Why? â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to steam somebody elseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s milk, every milk is so different,â&#x20AC;? she exclaims. Sounds like a lot of pressure. Manriquez explains, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very few people in this area who are as diehard about espresso as I feel that I am.
Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nobody that I can think of that I can really sit down and talk [with] about the kinds of crazy things that baristas talk about.â&#x20AC;? Basically, she suggests, the event provides social networking for the coffee-obsessed: â&#x20AC;&#x153;For me, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like a big giant geek fest, and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m trying to meet people who are way geekier than I am.â&#x20AC;?
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06B | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com OF VERMONT
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Chef Claude Blais has built a mainstay eatery in Killington
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Dinner For
he way he tells it, Claude Blais has never had trouble finding a job in a kitchen. Since opening Choices Restaurant in 1986, he hasn’t had trouble finding customers, either. For all the seasonal fluctuations of a resort town, and the shifting demographics of downhill skiing, Choices has been a culinary rock in Killington’s turbid economic waters. Yes, the throngs of
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after two years to the New York campus of the Culinary Institute of America (CIA), from which he graduated in 1975. The CIA served him well. “It was a quick stepping stone into the industry,” he says. With the ink still drying on his Associate’s degree in occupational sciences, Blais and a few friends set out for California, where, he recalls, “I found out right away that I was the first one that was employable.” He cooked at Hyatt Regency
whenever he had time off. One fall in the early 1980s, he found himself in his home state and decided to stay the year. So, starting at Jay Peak and working his way down Route 100, he submitted applications at every ski resort until he got to Killington. Though he got plenty of job offers, Blais liked Killington for its mix of development and opportunity: Well-known, the resort still had potential for growth. He took a chef
For all the seasonal fluctuations of a resort town, and the shifting demographics of downhill skiing, Choices has been a culinary rock in Killington’s turbid economic waters. weekenders keep Blais’ place humming during the winter, but it’s the locals that keep him in business all year long, and that’s the way he likes it. Blais, 55, has a head of gray hair, slightly droopy eyes and a gentle, almost phlegmatic demeanor as he chops vegetables on a sunny Thursday afternoon. He’s from Derby Line — one of the few people, he jokes, who had to move south to get to Killington. Blais studied at the University of Vermont but transferred
hotels, spending a few years in San Diego and six more in San Francisco, where he decided he preferred working at independent restaurants. Being on the coast, Blais racked up plenty of experience at seafood joints. To this day, he most enjoys preparing fish, “only because it requires a little more of a delicate touch to do it right,” he says. Though he was thriving in San Francisco, Blais must have left his heart in Vermont, because he hightailed it back
position at the now-defunct Alpine Inn and fell in love with the place. “After my first year here,” he says, “I thought, ‘Why would you want to go back to California?’” After a couple of years at the Alpine Inn, Blais heard about the Glazebrook condominium development being built by longtime Killington resident Horace “Red” Glaze. The first phase had already been constructed when Blais met the developer at an open house. “I saw his plans for all
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | food 07B
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these units, and when I saw that there were 40 units, I said, ‘Gosh, you should have a restaurant to serve all these people,’” Blais recalls. Glaze, 77, remembers agreeing that an eatery would go nicely with the ski shop and rental office in the commercial portion of the development. “Claude said he wanted a restaurant,” he relates, “and I said, ‘Tell me what you want, and I’ll see if I can do it.’” Glaze hired the architect, while Blais designed his restaurant and kitchen, even putting some sweat equity into the venture. “At that time, I didn’t have a big crew,” Glaze says, “so he came right along with us to build the place.” The time was right for a restaurant, because the second
for Blais, however, because it fueled his 1986 opening of two separate restaurants: Chef Claude’s, a fine-dining operation, and Choices, with a more casual atmosphere and menu. That growth spurt ended in the mid-1990s, when skier visits dropped by 5 to 25 percent, and the customers who still came tended to have more modest tastes. “People weren’t so much into the fine dining anymore,” Blais says; “they wanted the more casual stuff.” So in 1998, Blais merged Chef Claude’s with Choices, turned the fine-dining room into a big U-shaped bar with tall tables, and installed a rôtisserie oven where it was most likely to induce the Pavlov effect — right in front of the waiting area. Now, the rôtisserie anchors an
half of the go-go ’80s was the busiest stretch in Killington’s 50-year history. In 1987, 1.6 million skiers visited “the Beast of the East,” which helped solidify the access road’s infamous reputation. “People used to say, ‘Go to Killington and wait on the road,’” Glaze recalls with a chuckle. That traffic was good
American cuisine menu that features more than 60 items. “We serve everything from rack of lamb to burgers; escargots to nachos,” Blais states proudly. He’s quick to add that he can offer this allover-the-map menu because “I surround myself with excellent help.” With the assistance of a full-time baker and sous-chefs
who could be full-fledged chefs at other restaurants, Choices makes its own desserts, breads and salad dressings, and prepares popular soups such as paella with chicken, mussels and chorizo. The regular menu boasts more than 13 seafood options, which Blais sources from three different suppliers: an outfit that specializes in flown-in fare, and two companies that bring fresh catch from the Maine and Boston markets. Blais traveled to Paris to learn how to use the rôtisserie oven, in which he bakes chicken, lamb and stuffed pork, with prime rib on the weekends. On any given winter weekend evening, diners can expect a 45to 60-minute wait at Choices, because the restaurant doesn’t take reservations. But it’s the same story up and down the access road, and Blais says he gives his customers at least an hour and a half to finish their meals. The Sunday brunch, featuring big, fluffy omelettes and delicately prepared, poached Eggs Florentine, is often packed with people filling up in preparation for an afternoon on the slopes. But it’s another story during the week and in the off-season. A loyal band of locals comes to Choices for the personalized service: A few of these regulars even design their own dinners. “If I have a customer who eats here all the time, I’ll ask them, ‘What ingredients would you really like in this?’” Blais says. New servers have to be initiated: Sometimes, Blais recounts, a newbie goes through the rigmarole of writing down all the particulars of a diner’s customized order, only to have the chef recognize the specs and the customer instantly. Then Blais will tell the befuddled staffer, “You could have just written ‘Shrimp Nancy.’” Developer Glaze, who served as Killington town moderator for 29 years, still frequents the restaurant he helped launch. Though he’s stopped receiving lease payments from Blais — who purchased the building a number of years ago — he still enjoys the chef ’s food. “I like his Strata Italiana, myself,” Glaze says. “It’s a white fish with Italian sauce. It’s got some kind of vegetable and a baked potato; it works good.” That kind of homespun, understated praise from locals keeps Blais in business. But context, he says, is everything: “If I had an ocean view, people would think it’s the best seafood they’ve ever had.” >
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08B | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com
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SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | music 09B
<music> ROCK: AMERICAN STYLE :: In what may be one of the greatest blurbs in the history of rock journalism, The Boston Phoenix recently referred to Beantown-based classic-rock revivalists
Township as “a transcendent bout of ’70s stadium rock that sounds like The Who on steroids with an AfroLatin twist.” That pretty much sums it up. The band has been blowing doors off unsuspecting rock clubs up and down the East Coast, and they out-rumbled the competition at last year’s prestigious WBCN Rock ‘n’ Roll Rumble. This Saturday the quartet assaults Nectar’s — sonically speaking, of course — with help from local rockers The New
Siberians. Bring earplugs. And denim.
<music> Club listings & spotlights are written by Dan Bolles. Spotlights are at the discretion of the editor. Send listings by Friday at noon, including info phone number, to clubs@sevendaysvt.com. Find past album reviews, full venue descriptions and a local artists’ directory online at www.sevendaysvt.com/music.
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | music 09B
<music> ROCK: AMERICAN STYLE :: In what may be one of the greatest blurbs in the history of rock journalism, The Boston Phoenix recently referred to Beantown-based classic-rock revivalists
Township as “a transcendent bout of ’70s stadium rock that sounds like The Who on steroids with an AfroLatin twist.” That pretty much sums it up. The band has been blowing doors off unsuspecting rock clubs up and down the East Coast, and they out-rumbled the competition at last year’s prestigious WBCN Rock ‘n’ Roll Rumble. This Saturday the quartet assaults Nectar’s — sonically speaking, of course — with help from local rockers The New
Siberians. Bring earplugs. And denim.
<music> Club listings & spotlights are written by Dan Bolles. Spotlights are at the discretion of the editor. Send listings by Friday at noon, including info phone number, to clubs@sevendaysvt.com. Find past album reviews, full venue descriptions and a local artists’ directory online at www.sevendaysvt.com/music.
april 09-16, 2008
Âť sevendaysvt.com
sound bites
Got music news? Email Dan Bolles at dan@sevendaysvt.com. 7D.blogs.com/solidstate for more music news & views.
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s almost hard to believe, but Higher Ground is turning 10 this week. Seems like just yesterday the club was but a babe in a swaddling strip mall in Winooski. But now, the venue is all growned up, and has staked a legitimate claim as one of New Englandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most prominent venues with palatial digs in South Burlington. They grow up so fast, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t they? In celebration, the club is throwing an outright hootenanny this Tuesday, utilizing both the Ballroom and Showcase Lounge to feature live bands (The Dave Grippo Funk Band, The HG Family Allstars, et al.), DJs (A-Dog and Big Dog, woof!), multimedia presentations and, of course, booze. Magic Hat is reportedly brewinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; up something real special for the occasion. Additionally, the club is sponsoring two contests with prizes that include concert tickets, CDs, DVDs and, according to their website, â&#x20AC;&#x153;anything else weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got lying around the office.â&#x20AC;? Intriguing. The first contest is a search for the person who can prove he or she has been to more Higher Ground shows than anyone else. Do you have 142 ticket stubs stashed away from various Badfish: A Tribute to Sublime shows over the years? If so, get a life. Then, get â&#x20AC;&#x2122;em all together and bring them with you to the club, along with any other tix you might have. Who knows? You could be a winner. Or a total loser, depending on which bands grace the front of those stubs. And yes, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m just kidding about the â&#x20AC;&#x153;loserâ&#x20AC;? thing. We all miss Sublime in our own peculiar ways, I guess. Moving on . . . The second giveaway is my favorite. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Best Higher Ground Story Contestâ&#x20AC;? is, well, exactly what it sounds like. Like most of you, I have dozens of great memories from both incarnations of the club, so itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to choose among them. But if forced to sum them up in a single word, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d choose this one: GWAR. Now that was sublime. For more info on the party, and instructions for entering both contests, visit www.highergroundmusic.com.
GOINâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; GREEN Speaking of Higher Ground, the club just released the lineup for this summerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Concerts on the Greenâ&#x20AC;? series at pastoral Shelburne Museum, sponsored by Unilever, er, Ben & Jerryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. The music kicks off Friday, June 27, with socially conscious hiphop fusionists Michael Franti & Spearhead. Next up, HG co-owner Alex Crothers and Co. throw the hipster/MacBook set a bone with saucy indie siren Feist on Sunday, July 6. On a personal note, the lovely Ms. Feistâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance at the Flynn MainStage last September was one of the best shows Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve seen in years. Listening to her with the Adirondacks and the sunset as a backdrop promises to be quite a treat.
Next up is two-time Grammy Award-winning rock songwriter Melissa Etheridge, on Saturday, July 26. Etheridge is an outspoken gay-rights advocate, and won an Oscar for her song on Al Goreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s infamous global warming doc, An Inconvenient Truth. Gay rights and environmentalism? Perhaps we should make her an honorary Vermonter. Closing out the summer are blues legends Robert Cray and Kebâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Moâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; on Tuesday, August 26. Tickets for all shows go on sale this Friday.
PICTURE PAGES Speaking of contests, the folks at 90.1 FM WRUV are looking to spruce up their new home in UVMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Davis Center. Apparently, the bare 20-by9-foot wall outside the studio just doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t inspire the appropriate degree of free-form broadcast eclecticism, so the station is offering a $500 bounty for the local artist who can come up with a suitable design. The mural must include the stationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s broadcast FEIST frequency and call letters, but beyond that there are no design restrictions. Send submissions by April 30, on a sheet of paper no larger than 17-by-11.5 inches, to WRUV c/o Mural Talk, Davis Center, UVM, Burlington, VT 05401.
The rock â&#x20AC;&#x2122;nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; roll hit parade keeps on a-chugginâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; at Club Metronome this Thursday, as a trio of hard-rawkinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; local outfits bask in the glow of the venueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spiffy new wood floor. First up is acoustic grunge outfit L. Dora, who describe themselves as â&#x20AC;&#x153;L. Dorable.â&#x20AC;? Works for me. Check â&#x20AC;&#x2122;em out and create your own clever pun to describe them. Since it seems to be a running theme this week, perhaps weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll have a contest. Next up is a group called Player 2. To be perfectly honest, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know a goddamned thing about this group except theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re from Burlington and have a MySpace profile that tells you absolutely nothing about who they are or what they sound like. However, I do love a good mystery . . . Finally, we have Party Star, who quite simply rawk wicked hahd. The Black Sabbath acolytes have been working on a brand-spankinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;new EP with local super-producer Rob Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Dea and, according to front man Matt Perry, plan to unleash the recording in the near future. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve perhaps been a bit quick, in recent weeks, to criticize Metronomeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s calendar for a seeming lack of local rock shows. But lately theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been delivering the goods. I, for one, would like to say thanks.
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Coming full circle, this Saturday Higher Groundâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Showcase Lounge plays host to a stellar lineup of local and regional acts, rockinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; for a genuinely good cause. Dubbed â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rock for Docs,â&#x20AC;? the evening is a benefit concert organized by Common Ground in St. Albans to benefit Doctors Without Borders. That humanitarian nonprofit strives to bring essential medical care to the most impoverished and war-ravaged corners of the globe. The lineup includes Pittsburgh funk outfit Jazzam, ex-Burlington folk darlings Avi & Celia, Boston-based hip-hop fusion PARTY STAR troupe Lights Out and local luminaries such as Farm, The Dirtminers, The Breaking In and a curious new outfit called Pete & The Meat Whistle. Really? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Meat Whistleâ&#x20AC;?? Maybe we should have a contest to re-name that last band?
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Staying upstairs, this weekend Club Metronome also features a show guaranteed to sate the most rabid improvisational-jam fanatics, as String Cheese Incident offshoot EOTO set up shop this Friday. Regular readers know by now that Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m no champion of the jam scene. But this show might lie under even my considerably low threshold for noodly shenanigans. Maybe. You see, EOTO arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really a jam band, though they certainly jam. Essentially composed of String Cheeseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s percussion section, this heady duo fuses considerable improvisational skills with a love for electronic dance music. By recording everything they play on the spot and then continually mixing and remixing the results, EOTO create a completely free-form dance party that never sounds the same from night to night. Regardless of what you think of jam music, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an interesting concept, and likely makes for one badass show.
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10/16/07 11:31:51 AM
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | music 11B
WED.09 :: burlington area
ENSEMBLE V (jazz), Radio Bean, 7 p.m. NC, followed by IRISH SESSIONS, 9 p.m. NC. MIKE MARTIN & GEOFF KIM (jazz), Leunigâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 7 p.m. NC. DJ CRE8 (hip-hop), Red Square, 10 p.m. NC. SIRENIC WEDNESDAY: AYA INOUE (singer-songwriter), 1/2 Lounge, 7:30 p.m. NC, followed by DJ A-DOG (hip-hop), 10 p.m. NC. THE KINETIX, FUNKWAGON (funk, rock), Nectarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 9 p.m. NC/$5. 18+. CHAMPLAIN MOTION PICTURES FUNDRAISER WITH NOWHERE FOUND (rock), Club Metronome, 9 p.m. Donations. OPEN MIKE, Manhattan Pizza, 10 p.m. NC. AA. SUPERSTAR KARAOKE WITH ROBBIE J, Second Floor, 10 p.m. NC/$5. 18+. DAVE HARRISONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S STARSTRUCK KARAOKE, JPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pub, 10 p.m. NC. THE ROOTS (hip-hop), Higher Ground Ballroom, 9 p.m. $35/37. AA. TICK TICK PRESENTS: NASTY FEELING AND DANCE PARTY WITH CHOW NASTY, BLACK FEELINGS, MIKE DEVICE, DREW STOCK (electro-rock), The Monkey House, 9 p.m. $6. PINE STREET JAZZ WITH TARYN NOELLE, Club TBA, 7 p.m. NC. CELTIC PARTY: OPEN SESSION, Lincoln Inn Tavern, 7 p.m. NC.
:: champlain valley OPEN BLUEGRASS SESSION, On the Rise Bakery, 7:30 p.m. NC. KARAOKE, City Limits, 9 p.m. NC. TRIVIA NIGHT, Two Brothers Tavern Upstairs, 7:30 p.m. NC.
:: central HONKY-TONK HUMP DAY WITH MARK LEGRAND & FRIENDS, Langdon St. CafĂŠ, 6 p.m. Donations, followed by GEEK WEEK: PARANORMAL CONSPIRACY (open forum), 7 p.m. Donations. OPEN MIKE, Middle Earth Music Hall, 8 p.m. NC.
:: northern OPEN MIKE, Monopole, 9 p.m. NC. BEYOND GUITAR HERO, Olive Ridleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 8 p.m. NC. ALAN CHURCH (blues), Beeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Knees, 7:30 p.m. NC.
THU.10 :: burlington area
JAZZ JAM, Radio Bean, 6 p.m. NC; SHANE HARDIMAN GROUP (jazz), 8 p.m. NC; ANTHONY SANTOR TRIO (jazz), 11 p.m. $3. ACOUSTIC LOUNGE SONGWRITER SERIES: DANIEL HARMON, Parima Acoustic Lounge, 9 p.m. NC. ELLEN POWELL & LARS DUGGAN (jazz), Leunigâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 7 p.m. NC. THE KAILA BAND (rock), RĂ RĂĄ Irish Pub, 10 p.m. NC. A-DOG PRESENTS (hip-hop), Red Square, 9 p.m. NC.
SINTAXX (hip-hop), 1/2 Lounge, 10 p.m. NC. THE COMA LILIES, ANOTHER DAY LATE, THE DIGGERS, AFICIONADO, THE DEAD JETSONS (hardcore, punk), 242 Main, 7 p.m. $7. AA. TOP HAT TRIVIA, Nectarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 7:30 p.m. NC, followed by THE RAGBIRDS, JUSTIN LEVINSON (world, rock), 9 p.m. NC. NINJADROME 5 WITH DJ HAITIAN (electronica), Second Floor, 10 p.m. $2/5. 18+. PARTY STAR, L. DORA, PLAYER 2 (rock), Club Metronome, 9 p.m. $3. TOP HAT ENTERTAINMENT DANCE PARTY (hip-hop, R&B DJs), Rasputinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 10 p.m. NC. REGGAE NIGHT WITH DOUBLE J & DOOBIE, JPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pub, 10 p.m. NC. DJ FATTIE B (downtempo, soul), The Green Room, 9 p.m. NC. MICHAEL BEAUCHAMP, EMILY HILLIARD (singer-songwriters), The Skinny Pancake, 9 p.m. Donations. BADFISH, SCOTTY DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T, BAYLOCK, UNCLE BILLYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S SMOKEHOUSE (Sublime tribute, rock), Higher Ground Ballroom, 7:30 p.m. $15/20. AA. RUSTIC OVERTONES, W.E.S.T. (rock, funk), Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, 8 p.m. $13/15. AA. THE BEAUTIFUL RIDE, SPAZBEREAL, BE4NOW (rock), The Monkey House, 9 p.m. $3. KARAOKE WITH STEVE LECLAIR, Club TBA, 7 p.m. NC.
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K?L# +&(' (* 8;M (, ;FJ s ;FFIJ .1*'# J?FN /GD
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2xfp-HG040908.indd 1
4/7/08 9:05:37 AM
april 09-16, 2008
» sevendaysvt.com
:: champlain valley GABE JARRETT & FRIENDS (jazz), On the Rise Bakery, 7:30 p.m. NC. LENO & YOUNG (rock), The Bobcat Café & Brewery, 8 p.m. NC. HONEYWELL (rock), Two Brothers Tavern, 10 p.m. NC.
:: central GEEK WEEK: ‘80s JUNIOR PROM WITH SPUTNIK!, Langdon St. Café, 7 p.m. Donations. BOB STANNARD & FRIENDS (blues), Black Door Bar & Bistro, 8 p.m. $3-5.
:: northern
WHERE’S RAVI? :: sational outfit
MIKE SUAVE & MADDY WALSH (Americana), Monopole, 10 p.m. NC. OPEN MIKE WITH MIKE PEDERSON, Olive Ridley’s, 9 p.m. NC. KARAOKE NIGHT WITH SASSY ENTERTAINMENT, Tabu Café & Nightclub, 5 p.m. NC. OPEN MIKE WITH JEFF, The Hub Pizzeria & Pub, 7:30 p.m. NC. KRISTINA MICHELSON & PATTI GARBECK (folk), Bee’s Knees, 7:30 p.m. NC.
Brattleboro’s mind-bending improvi-
Jatoba are quietly making a name for themselves in pro-
gressive acoustic music circles. Birthed from the heady fires of the acoustic jam scene, the duo employs a variety of musical devices, including baritone guitar,
banjo, mandolin and sitar, infusing their work with myriad stylistic and cultural
:: burlington area
influences. The result is equal parts bluegrass and rock, Middle Eastern and
ANDY ALLEN GROUP (jazz), Radio Bean, 7 p.m. NC; LIKE TRAINS & TAXIS (indie), 9 p.m. NC; RUSTY ROMANCE (roots-rock), 10 p.m. NC; TAVO CARBONE (folk), 11 p.m. NC; FLATLANDER (rock), midnight. NC. KEITH MONACCHIO (singer-songwriter), Parima Acoustic Lounge, 9 p.m. Donations. SUPERSOUNDS DJ (top 40), Rí Rá Irish Pub, 10 p.m. NC. STARLINE RHYTHM BOYS (rockabilly), Red Square, 9 p.m. $3, followed by DJ NASTEE (hip-hop), midnight. $3.
Appalachian, yin and — well, you know. This Friday the pair brings its traveling sonic sideshow to Burlington’s FlynnSpace.
JAMES HARVEY (jazz), 1/2 Lounge, 7:30 p.m. NC, followed by BLACK: DIMENSIONS IN HOUSE WITH DJ CRAIG MITCHELL, 10 p.m. NC. WILL KIRK (singer-songwriter), Nectar’s, 5:30 p.m. NC; SETH YACOVONE (solo acoustic blues), 7 p.m. NC; OLD SILVER BAND, RON NOYES BAND (Americana, roots), 9 p.m. $5. MIXED BAG PRESENTS: EOTO (improv, rock), Club Metronome, 9 p.m. $10/15. 18+. TOP HAT DANCETERIA (DJs), Rasputin’s, 10 p.m. $3. VOODOO WITH DJ ROBBIE J. (hiphop, top 40), Second Floor, 9 p.m. $3/10. 18+. JATOBA (acoustic trio), FlynnSpace, 8 p.m. $10/14. AA. DAVE HARRISON’S STARSTRUCK KARAOKE, JP’s Pub, 10 p.m. NC. DJ INFINITE (funk, soul, groove), The Green Room, 10 p.m. NC. THE SMITTENS (indie-pop), The Skinny Pancake, 9 p.m. Donations. RED BULL CLAIM IT CLOSING PARTY WITH TEAM FACELIFT, DJ ZJ, DJ KILLA-JEWEL, NEIGHBORHOOD (hip-hop), Higher Ground Ballroom, 8 p.m. NC. AA. FINDING THE DOORBELL (comedy), Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, 7 p.m. $13/15. 18+. IN MEMORY OF PLUTO (indie-rock, CD release), The Monkey House, 9 p.m. $5. BILLY CALDWELL & THE AIMLESS DRIFTERS (rock), Club TBA, 9 p.m. NC. KARAOKE WITH STEVE, Backstage Pub, 9 p.m. NC. STURCRAZIE (rock), Lincoln Inn Tavern, 9 p.m. NC. MELONHEADZ (rock), Franny O’s, 9:30 p.m. NC. U BE THE STAR ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS KARAOKE WITH MICHAELLEA LONGE, Champlain Lanes Family Fun Center, 9 p.m. NC.
:: champlain valley THE MANDOLINQUENTS (bluegrass), On the Rise Bakery, 7:30 p.m. NC. CITY LIMITS DANCE PARTY WITH TOP HAT ENTERTAINMENT, City Limits, 9 p.m. NC.
Be prepared for an evening of hilarity!
HAPPY HOUR WITH SNAKE MOUNTAIN BLUEGRASS, Two Brothers Tavern, 7 p.m. NC, followed by THE PROCTOR CONNECTION (rock), 10 p.m. NC.
:: central RED HOT JUBA (cosmic Americana), Charlie O’s, 9:30 p.m. NC. AMERICANA HAPPY HOUR, Langdon St. Café, 6 p.m. Donations; GEEK WEEK: SCI-FI FANTASY CON WITH ELECTRIC HALO, 8 p.m. Donations. D’MOJA (world), Black Door Bar & Bistro, 9:30 p.m. $3-5. FRACTURED (rock), Gusto’s, 9 p.m. NC. BLUE FOX (blues), Cider House BBQ & Pub, 7 p.m. NC. TEMPEST (folk), Middle Earth Music Hall, 8 p.m. $10.
:: northern LIVE MUSIC, JD’s Pub, 9:30 p.m. $3. LIVE MUSIC, Bayside Pavilion, 9 p.m. NC. SHAMELESS STRANGERS (rock), Monopole, 10 p.m. NC. THE VELMAS (rock), Olive Ridley’s, 10 p.m. NC. RUMBLE DOLL (rock, country), Krazy Horse Saloon, 10 p.m. NC. DJ MIC-E-LUV (Top 40), Rusty Nail, 10 p.m. $5. HOLLYWOOD FARM (rock), The Matterhorn, 9 p.m. $5. THE ATTIC (rock), The Hub Pizzeria & Pub, 10 p.m. NC. TAMMY FLETCHER MOUNTAIN GIRL (roots), Bee’s Knees, 7:30 p.m. NC.
:: burlington area GAVIN O’LEARY (singer-songwriter), Radio Bean, 6 p.m. NC; ACOUSTIC CHATTER (folk), 7 p.m. NC. BEN HAMMOND (singer-songwriter), 8 p.m. NC; HIS MIGHTY ROBOT (rock), 9 p.m. NC; THE VILLANELLES (rock), 10 p.m. NC; FINN RIGGINS (rock), 11 p.m. NC; LENDWAY (rock), midnight. NC. MIEKA PAULEY (singer-songwriter), Parima Acoustic Lounge, 9 p.m. Donations.
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3/25/08 7:09:49 AM
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | music 13B
venues 411 JOSH CRAMOY (rock), RĂ RĂĄ Irish Pub, 10 p.m. NC. GRIPPO FUNK BAND, Red Square, 9 p.m. $3, followed by DJ A-DOG (hiphop), midnight. $3. STEREOPHONIC WITH TRICKY PAT (jazzy downtempo), 1/2 Lounge, 10 p.m. NC. JAGUAR LOVE, JACOBI WICHITA, ALESSA VITALS (experimental, hardcore), 242 Main, 7 p.m. $7. AA. DAVE TANKLE (singer-songwriter), Nectarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 7 p.m. NC. AA, followed by TOWNSHIP, THE NEW SIBERIANS (rock), 9 p.m. $5. LINTON KWESI JOHNSON (spoken word), Club Metronome, 7 p.m. $16.50/20/22. AA, followed by RETRONOME (80â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dance party), 10 p.m. $5. MASSIVE (DJs), Rasputinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 10 p.m. $3. DĂ&#x2030;JĂ&#x20AC; VU LADIES NIGHT (top 40), Second Floor, 9 p.m. $3/10. 18+. DJ C-LOW (hip-hop), Ruben James, 10 p.m. NC. DAVE HARRISONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S STARSTRUCK KARAOKE, JPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pub, 10 p.m. NC. â&#x20AC;&#x153;PULSEâ&#x20AC;? WITH LIVE DJ (electronica), Green Room, 10 p.m. NC. THE WILLOUGHBYS (folk), The Skinny Pancake, 9 p.m. Donations. TRACI & PAUL CASSARINO WITH JEFF WHEEL (acoustic), Harbor Lounge, 7:30 p.m. NC. JENNI JOHNSON & FRIENDS (jazz, blues), Avenue Bistro, 8 p.m. NC. ROCK FOR DOCS WITH JAZZAM, AVI & CELIA, THE DIRTMINERS, FARM, LIGHTS OUT, THE BREAKING IN, PETE & THE MEATWHISTLE (rock), Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, 6:30 p.m. $17/20. AA THE LEAVES (rock), The Monkey House, 9 p.m. $5. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;80S NIGHT, Club TBA, 9 p.m. NC. KARAOKE, Banana Winds CafĂŠ & Pub, 7:30 p.m. NC. NIGHT TRAIN (rock), Backstage Pub, 9:30 p.m. NC. THE HITMEN (rock), Lincoln Inn Tavern, 9 p.m. NC. BALANCE DJ & KARAOKE, Franny Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 9 p.m. NC.
Akesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Place, 134 Church St., Burlington, 864-8111. All Fired Up, 9 Depot Sq., Barre, 479-9303. The Alley Coffee House, 15 Haydenberry Dr., Milton, 893-1571. American Flatbread, 115 St. Paul St., Burlington, 861-2999. Arielâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Riverside CafĂŠ & Pub, 188 River St., Montpelier, 229-2295. Avenue Bistro, 1127 North Ave., Burlington, 652-9999. Backstage Pub, 60 Pearl St., Essex Jct., 878-5494. Backstreet, 17 Hudson St., St. Albans, 527-2400. Banana Winds CafĂŠ & Pub 1 Towne Marketplace, Essex Jct., 879-0752. Barre Opera House, 6 North Main St., Barre, 476-8188. Basin Harbor Club, 4800 Basin Harbor Dr., Vergennes, 1-800-622-4000. Battery Park, Burlington, 865-7166. Bayside Pavilion, 13 Georgia Shore Rd., St. Albans, 524-0909. The Bearded Frog, 5247 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne, 985-9877. Beeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Knees, 82 Lower Main St., Morrisville, 888-7889. Big Fattyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s BBQ, 55 Main St., Burlington, 864-5513. Big Moose Pub at the Fire & Ice Restaurant, 28 Seymour St., Middlebury, 388-0361. Big Picture Theater & CafĂŠ, 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994. Black Bear Tavern & Grill, 205 Hastings Hill, St. Johnsbury, 748-1428. Black Door Bar & Bistro, 44 Main St., Montpelier, 223-7070. The Bobcat CafĂŠ, 5 Main St., Bristol, 453-3311. Bolton Valley Resort, 4302 Bolton Access Rd., Bolton Valley, 434-3444. Bonz Smokehouse & Grill, 97 Portland St., Morrisville, 888-6283. Borders Books & Music, 29 Church St., Burlington, 865-2711. Breakwater CafĂŠ, 1 King St., Burlington, 658-6276. The Brewski, Rt. 108, Jeffersonville, 644-6366. B.U. Emporium, 163 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 658-4292. Bundy Center for the Arts, Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-4781. Buonoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lounge, 3182 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne, 985-2232. Burlington City Hall Auditorium, 149 Church St., Burlington, 865-7166. Capitol Grounds, 45 State St., Montpelier, 223-7800. Carolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hungry Mind CafĂŠ, 24 Merchantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Row, Middlebury, 388-0101. Champlain Lanes Family Fun Center, 2630 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne, 985-2576. Charlemont Restaurant, 116 Rt. 100, Morrisville, 888-4242. Charlie Bâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 1746 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-7355. Charlie Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 70 Main St., Montpelier, 223-6820. Chow! Bella, 28 N. Main St., St. Albans, 524-1405. Cider House BBQ & Pub, 1675 Rt. 2, Waterbury, 244-8400. City Limits, 14 Greene St., Vergennes, 877-6919. Coffee Hound, 97 Blakey Rd., Colchester, 651-8963. Club Metronome, 188 Main St., Burlington, 865-4563. Club TBA, 127 Porterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Point Rd., Colchester, 310-4067. Cuzzinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Nightclub, 230 North Main St., Barre, 479-4344. Davis Center, UVM, Burlington, 656-4636. DobrĂĄ Tea, 80 Church Street St., Burlington, 951-2424. Drink, 133 St. Paul St., Burlington, 951-9463. Finniganâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pub, 205 College St., Burlington, 864-8209. Flynn Center/FlynnSpace, 153 Main St., Burlington, 863-5966. Franny Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 733 Queen City Pk. Rd., Burlington, 863-2909. Giovanniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Trattoria, 15 Bridge St., Plattsburgh, 518-561-5856. Good Times CafĂŠ, Rt. 116, Hinesburg, 482-4444. Great Falls Club, Frog Hollow Alley, Middlebury, 388-0239. Green Door Studio, 18 Howard St., Burlington, 316-1124. Green Room, 86 St. Paul St., Burlington, 651-9669. Ground Round Restaurant, 1633 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 862-1122. Gustoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 28 Prospect St., Barre, 476-7919. Halvorsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Upstreet CafĂŠ, 16 Church St., Burlington, 658-0278. Harbor Lounge at Courtyard Marriott, 25 Cherry St., Burlington, 864-4700. Hardwick Town House, 127 Church St., Hardwick, 456-8966. Harperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Restaurant at Holiday Inn, 1068 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 863-6363. Higher Ground, 1214 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 652-0777. The Hub, Airport Dr., Bristol, 453-3678. The Hub Pizzeria & Pub, 21 Lower Main St., Johnson, 635-7626. Iron Lantern, Route 4A, Castleton, 468-5474. JDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pub, 2879 Rt. 105, East Berkshire, 933-8924. JPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pub, 139 Main St., Burlington, 658-6389. Jeffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Maine Seafood, 65 N. Main St., St. Albans, 524-6135. Koffee Kat, 104 Margaret St., Plattsburgh, NY, 518-566-8433. Krazy Horse Saloon, 14 Margaret St., Plattsburgh, NY, 518-570-8888. La Brioche Bakery, 89 East Main St. Montpelier, 229-0443. Langdon St. CafĂŠ, 4 Langdon St., Montpelier, 223-8667. Leunigâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 115 Church St., Burlington, 863-3759.
DANCE PARTY WITH DJ EARL, City Limits, 9 p.m. NC. CHRIS KLEEMAN (blues), Carolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hungry Mind, 7:30 p.m. $10. AA. SNUGGLEUPTOGUS (funk, jazz, hiphop), Two Brothers Tavern, 9 p.m. NC.
:: central ELECTRIC SORCERY (rock), Charlie Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 9:30 p.m. NC. GEEK WEEK: HACK THE PLANET WITH THE MATHEMATICIANS (indie-rock), Langdon St. CafĂŠ, 8 p.m. NC. Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;MOJA (world), Black Door Bar & Bistro, 9:30 p.m. $3-5. SMOKING GUN (rock), Gustoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 9 p.m. NC. BILLY YANTZ (rock), Cider House BBQ & Pub, 7 p.m. NC. VANCE GILBERT (folk), Middle Earth Music Hall, 8:30 p.m. $15. MINI SKIRT PARTY WITH DARIK & THE FUNBAGS (rock), Pickle Barrel Nightclub, 9 p.m. NA.
:: northern SCHOOL BUS YELLOW (rock), Monopole, 10 p.m. NC. GARY PEACOCK (acoustic), Monopole Downstairs, 10 p.m. NC. PLAN 9 (rock), Olive Ridleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 10 p.m. NC. ALL NIGHT DANCE PARTY WITH DJ TOXIC (hip-hop, top 40, house, reggae), Tabu CafĂŠ & Nightclub, 5 p.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4 a.m. NC. 18+. JUST US (rock), Krazy Horse Saloon, 10 p.m. NC. LAST KID PICKED (rock), Rusty Nail, 10 p.m. $5. THE MATT ZEINER BAND (rock), The Matterhorn, 9 p.m. $5. KARAOKE CHAMPIONSHIP WITH JOHN WILSON & DANGER DAVE, Piecasso, 9:30 p.m. NC. THE ATTIC (rock), The Hub Pizzeria & Pub, 10 p.m. NC. DAMN YANKEE STRING BAND (Americana), Beeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Knees, 7:30 p.m. NC.
:: champlain valley RISE UP SOUND (reggae), On the Rise Bakery, 7:30 p.m. NC.
SUN.13 >> 16B
4:56 PM
WED 4/9
THU 4/10
FRI 4/11
SAT 4/12
DJ A-DOG 12-2
SUN 4/13
MON 4/14
TUE 4/15
9PM 10PM
859-8909 â&#x20AC;˘ REDSQUAREVT.COM
4/7/08 9:43:05 AM
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Lincoln Inn 1VC (SJMM WED. 4/9 7-10pm
SUN. 4/13 6-9pm
THUR. 4/10 7-10pm
FRI. 4/11 9pm-close
TUE. 4/15 7-10pm
BLUEGRASS JAZZ Five Corners Essex Junction 878-3309 â&#x20AC;˘ www.lincolninn.net
SAT. 4/12 9pm-close
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Lincoln Inn Tavern, 4 Park St., Essex Jct., 878-3309. Localfolk Smokehouse, Jct. Rt. 100 & 17, Waitsfield, 496-5623. Mad River Unplugged at Valley Players Theater, Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-8910. Maggieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 124 Margaret St., Plattsburgh, 518-562-9317. Main St. Grill, 118 Main St., Montpelier, 223-3188. Main St. Museum, 58 Bridge St., White River Jct., 356-2776. Manhattan Pizza & Pub, 167 Main St., Burlington, 658-6776. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s at the Inn at Baldwin Creek, 1868 N. Rt. 116, Bristol, 424-2432. Matterhorn, 4969 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-8198. McKeeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pub, 19 East Allen St., Winooski, 655-0048. Memorial Auditorium, 250 Main St., Burlington, 864-6044. Middle Earth Music Hall, Barton St., Bradford, 222-4748. The Monkey House, 30 Main St., Winooski, 655-4563. Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-563-2222. Muddy Waters, 184 Main St., Burlington, 658-0466. Murrayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tavern, 4 Lincoln Pl., Essex Jct., 878-4901. Music Box, 147 Creek Rd., Craftsbury, 586-7533. Naked Turtle, 1 Dock St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-566-6200. Nectarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 188 Main St., Burlington, 658-4771. 1/2 Lounge, 136 1/2 Church St., Burlington, 865-0012. Odd Fellows Hall, 1416 North Ave., Burlington, 862-3209. Old Lantern, 3620 Greenbush Rd., Charlotte, 425-2120. Olde Yankee Restaurant, Rt. 15, Jericho, 899-1116. Olive Ridleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 37 Court St., Plattsburgh, 518-324-2200. On the Rise Bakery, 44 Bridge St., Richmond, 434-7787. Orion Pub & Grill, Rt. 108, Jeffersonville, 644-8884. Overtime Saloon, 38 S. Main St., St. Albans, 524-0357. Paramount Theater, 30 Center St., Rutland, 775-0570. Parima, 185 Pearl St., Burlington, 864-7917. Park Place Tavern, 38 Park St., Essex Jct., 878-3015. Peabodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pub, 11 Clinton St., Plattsburgh, 518-561-0158. Pickle Barrel Nightclub, Killington Rd., Killington, 422-3035. Piecasso, 899 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4411. Positive Pie 2, 20 State St., Montpelier, 229-0453. The Pour House, 1930 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 862-3653. Purple Moon Pub, Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-3422. Radio Bean, 8 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 660-9346. Rasputinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 163 Church St., Burlington, 864-9324. Red Mill Restaurant at Basin Harbor, Vergennes, 475-2311. Red Square, 136 Church St., Burlington, 859-8909. Rhythm & Brews Coffeehouse at Living and Learning, UVM, Burlington, 656-4211. Ripton Community Coffee House, Rt. 125, 388-9782. RĂ RĂĄ Irish Pub, 123 Church St., Burlington, 860-9401. River Run Restaurant, 65 Main St., Plainfield, 454-1246. Roqueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Restaurante Mexicano & Cantina, 3 Main St., Burlington, 657-3377. Ruben James, 159 Main St., Burlington, 864-0744. Rusty Nail, Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-6245. Second Floor, 165 Church St., Burlington, 660-2088. Shooters Saloon, 30 Kingman St., St. Albans, 527-3777. Skinny Pancake, 60 Lake St., Burlington, 540-0188. Smugglersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Notch Inn, 55 Church St., Rt. 108, Jeffersonville, 644-6607. St. Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club, 9 Central Ave., Burlington, 864-9778. Starry Night CafĂŠ, 5371 Rt. 7, Ferrisburgh, 877-6316. Stonecutters Brewhouse, 14 N. Main St., Barre, 476-6000. Stowe Coffee House, 57B Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-2189. Stowehof Inn, 434 Edson Hill Rd., Stowe, 253-9722. Sweetwaters, 118 Church St., Burlington, 864-9800. Tabu CafĂŠ & Nightclub, 14 Margaret St., Plattsburgh, 518-566-0666. T Bones Restaurant & Bar, 38 Lower Mountain View Dr., Colchester, 654-8008. 38 Main Street Pub, 38 Main St., Winooski, 655-0072. Trackside Tavern, 18 Malletts Bay Ave., Winooski, 655-9542. Three Mountain Lodge Restaurant, Smugglersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Notch Rd., Rt. 108, Jeffersonville, 644-5736. Two Brothers Tavern, 86 Main St., Middlebury, 388-0002. 242 Main, Burlington, 862-2244. Upper Deck Pub at the Windjammer, 1076 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 862-6585. Valley Players Theater, Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-8910. Vermont Pub & Brewery, 144 College St., Burlington, 865-0500. Village Tavern at Smugglersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Notch Inn, 55 Church St., Jeffersonville, 644-6607. Wasted City Studios, 1610 Troy Ave., Colchester, 324-8935. Waterbury Wings, 1 South Main St., Waterbury, 244-7827. Watershed Tavern, 31 Center St., Brandon, 247-0100. Waterfront Theatre, 60 Lake St., Burlington, 862-7469.
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2/12/08 8:24:52 AM
april 09-16, 2008
» sevendaysvt.com
reviewthis IN MEMORY OF PLUTO, IN MEMORY OF PLUTO EP (Self-released, CD)
In the summer of 2006, the International Astronomical Union unceremoniously stripped Pluto of its planetary status, demoting it to the sniggle-inducing subcategory of “dwarf planet.” Those were dark days in the Milky Way, indeed. Roughly one year later, a quintet of presumably disillusioned St. Mike’s students came together to honor the passing of one of our solar system’s greats the only way they knew how: with hard rockin’. So it was that In Memory of Pluto was born. With their self-titled debut EP, IMOP have attempted to capture the infectious energy of the high-voltage live performances that earned the band a soft spot in the collective heart of local pop-punk and indie-rock fans. But translating that frenetic immediacy to a little plastic disc is no small feat. Though it’s not for lack of ability, the band’s freshman studio offering falls flat, failing to impart the same vivacity fans have come to expect from their raucous live show. The exception to the rule is the opening track, “Cutting Open the Fiction.” It’s a fitting starting point and showcases the band’s undeniable ability to unleash poppy-as-fuck melodic angst over turn-on-a-dime changes and rhythmic patterns. It’s a signature cut. It’s also the most cleanly produced of the four songs offered. “Set the House on Fire,” which follows, is emblematic of the EP’s larger issues. While there is no shortage of the aforementioned sonic high jinks, the band’s delivery as a whole seems rigid and forced, lacking the fluidity of their live show. In particular, front man Seth Gallant’s vocal performance borders on the histrionic and suffers from frequently sliding pitch. Further compounding the issues, the track — and, sadly, the disc in general — is poorly mixed, almost to the point of distraction. Bassist Zack Jandl and drummer Ryan McGrath, who arguably serve jointly as the band’s lynchpin, exist largely in the shadows behind Bill Jandl and John Flanagan’s wall of unbalanced dueling guitars. Similarly, Gallant’s vocals are often frustratingly set too far back in the mix. It’s a shame, since the material is largely first-rate. But the listener has to work to appreciate it. Depending on your musical world view, you may feel In Memory of Pluto’s EP misrepresents the band as either a muscular Jimmy Eat World or a malnourished Modest Mouse. Given the band’s obvious talent and deservedly growing reputation for blistering live performances, it’s an unfortunate result. In Memory of Pluto is one of the area’s most exciting live acts — and, quite simply, they deserve a better recorded representation. This Friday, catch them in their element as the band releases its new disc at The Monkey House. DAN BOLLES
CHOW NASTY, SUPER (ELECTRICAL) RECORDINGS (Omega Records, CD) Imagine, if you will, The Go! Team, Beck, Chromeo, The Rolling Stones and Tone-Loc playing an orgy at Prince’s mansion, sponsored by the National Cheerleading Association, Red Bull and your local crystal meth dealer . . . got it? Good. Welcome to the bizarre world of Chow Nasty, the self-proclaimed “musical lube that keeps San Francisco slippery.” With an unbridled libidinous streak to rival any psychosexual miscreant I can think of, the Bay Area threesome — er, trio — has garnered a reputation for outrageously hedonistic live performances that would make Amy Winehouse blush. On listening to their debut fulllength, Super (Electrical) Recordings, it’s easy to see why. Track by track, from the undulating blues-funk strains of opener “Thick Shake” to the ironically brief album closer “(All Night Long),” the disc is an exercise in sweaty sonic shenanigans. Or, perhaps, “aural pleasure”? Take, for example, the disc’s second track, which features a real live high school cheerleading team, ahem, fleshing out the irresistibly catchy chorus chants. I hope their parents signed permission slips, because that must have been one hell of a field trip. Laced with innuendo, the song, like most of the album, isn’t necessarily explicit. But it sure is fun. Oh, and it’s all about sex. Lots of sex. Next up is “A Tale of Two Titties,” which is all about . . . um, do you really need me to tell you? Hint: re-read the title. Moving on, we have “Lazy Eyes,” which features the following call-and-response refrain: “I like the girls with the extra toes. / He likes the girls with the extra toes. / This little piggy went to market, who knows where the other one goes?” I’m not sure I want to find out, frankly. The disc continues in a similar vein with tongue in, um, cheek tracks such as “Hot Sticky Nikki,” “(Sweat, Sweat),” “Hey Hot Tomato” and “Boom Cha Cha.” On the surface, it might be easy to dismiss Chow Nasty’s in-your-face sexuality as merely a subversive gimmick — which, in fairness, it probably is. However, the band is rarely any more offensive than, say, Sticky Fingers-era Stones or The Who’s “Momma’s Got a Squeezebox.” (It wasn’t about an accordion. Sorry, kids.) Furthermore, the band’s impossibly eclectic electro-rock funk is undeniably exciting. Whether you’re a hipster, a hippie or a hustler, this shit will make you move. Find out for yourself Wednesday, April 9, as Chow Nasty lubes up Winooski at The Monkey House. DAN BOLLES
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SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | music 15B
Shut Up and Listen Richard Julian and DeAnna Moore at Nectar’s, Burlington, April 5.
he most recent facelift at Nectar’s has been a hot topic of conversation in Burlington of late. While most folks seem to dig the stage improvements in the legendary nightclub, opinions on the dining room renovations seem somewhat mixed. I’m not a restaurant critic, so I’ll not weigh in on the matter, except to say that I’m really going to miss the pool table. A lot. But last Saturday night, I ventured into the joint not to shoot pool or scarf gravy fries but to catch a performance by one of the most highly respected songwriters working today, Brooklyn’s Richard Julian. I arrived in time to catch the tail end of local indie-folk songstress DeAnna Moore’s opening set. I’ve been peripherally familiar with Moore’s work for a while, largely via her most recent album, Escape, released in the spring of 2007. The disc ably showcases the songwriter’s considerable musical chops, in particular her dynamic vocal expressiveness and nimble, fingerpicked guitar style. But like many a singer-songwriter record before it — and no doubt countless more to come — the album exposes Moore as a writer with a significant amount of room to grow. Judging by the admittedly brief selection of tunes I witnessed that evening, it appears she’s well on her way to realizing her potential. Moore’s record displays no small degree of professionalism in its presentation, musically and visually. That distinguished polish is evident in her live act as well. She has a
captivating stage presence, proving the immaculate performances found on Escape are not mere studio trickery. At times Moore’s vocal flourishes bordered on melodramatic. But she was never out of control, and delivered her lines with sincerity and technical precision. The crowd, though frustratingly sparse, seemed engaged and appreciative, even when she threw us an interactive curveball to close her set: asking the crowd to snap along while she belted out a jazzy a cappella version of Def Leppard’s bowling-alleyjukebox classic, “Pour Some Sugar on Me.” In my professional capacity, I have to admit I recoiled in horror and morbid fascination. But deep down inside, my inner hair-band geek was gleefully giddy. I’ve always been a closet Lep fan. On the weekends, Nectar’s has begun scheduling mellower acts early in the evening in an attempt to draw folks in to sample their revamped, and largely localvore, menu. Again, I’m no food writer, so I’ll leave to others the debate over who really has the best pulled (insert meat here) sandwich in town. But I thoroughly enjoyed the combination of dinner and music, as well the table service, which cut down on trips to the bar. It’s a great way to start your evening. Richard Julian took the stage just as I was finishing off a delectable pulled-chicken “sammich” — a Nectar’s term, not mine. Expectations run justifiably high when an artist is routinely pimped in the press by
the aforementioned Jones and are slated to perform at the Newport Folk Festival, perhaps that’s to be expected. But the noticeable disconnect didn’t detract from his performance, or mask the fact the dude is an immensely gifted wordsmith. Vocally, Julian won’t drop your jaw or knock your socks off. His delivery is subtle but effective, much like that of Lyle Lovett, an obvious influence. His guitar playing is equally unassuming, but still quietly impressive. Julian’s stock in trade is a razor-sharp intellect buoyed by artfully nuanced turns of phrase. His romantic tunes are familiar but never cliché. Political numbers are pointed and incisive, not inflammatory. He’s the type of songwriter who doesn’t need to club his listeners over the head with ham-fisted metaphors to get his meaning across. In that respect, he is refreshingly unique, especially given the glut of hackish, cookie-cutter songwriters currently dotting the folkpop landscape. But guile of this caliber is a two-way proposition. To fully appreciate it, the listener has to make the effort to engage. In many ways, this sort of appreciation becomes an intellectual pursuit. Sadly, judging by the buzz of conversation throughout RICHARD JULIAN his set, a significant portion of the crowd couldn’t be bothered to follow along. And folks such as Norah Jones, Bonnie Raitt and that’s a shame. They missed a good one. � Randy Newman. But by and large, Julian lived up to the hype. Perhaps because of the low turnout, Julian at times seemed somewhat detached — when you’re accustomed to touring with PHOTO: JEREMY GANTZ
UVM ID $10 Public $25
CBW Green Rainsite: Pat Gym
Talib Kweli Bernie Worrell
& Leo Nocentelli A p r i l
mhh-UVMSA040908.indd 1
1 9 t h , 2008
Dr. Dog
4/7/08 9:09:23 AM
april 09-16, 2008
Âť sevendaysvt.com
SAT.12 << 13B
:: burlington area
Idaho and plays â&#x20AC;&#x153;indieâ&#x20AC;? music, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inevitable that some lazy music scribe will
OLD TIME SESSIONS, Radio Bean, from 1 p.m. NC; TRIO GUSTO (Latin-jazz), 5 p.m. NC. TRINITY (Irish), RĂ RĂĄ Irish Pub, 5 p.m. NC. SUGAR HIGH WITH TRICKY PAT & ELLIOT (open turntables), Red Square, 10 p.m. NC. ME & YOU WITH BRETT HUGHES & MARIE CLAIRE (swampy-tonk), 1/2 Lounge, 7:30 p.m. NC. MI YARD REGGAE NIGHT WITH DJS BIG DOG & DEMUS, Nectarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 10 p.m. NC. LUMINESCENT ORCHESTRII, LOS NUEVOS COMEDIENTES (gypsypunk), Club Metronome, 9 p.m. $9/11. AA. JEFFERSON STARSHIP (psychedelicrock), Higher Ground Ballroom, 7:30 p.m. $25/27/35. AA. MGMT, CHAIRLIFT (pop, indie rock), Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, 8 p.m. $8/10. AA. KARAOKE WITH STEVE LECLAIR (rock), Club TBA, 7 p.m. NC. PINE STREET JAZZ WITH SECOND SUNDAY INSTRUMENTAL, Lincoln Inn Tavern, 6 p.m. NC. KARAOKE WITH PETE, Backstage Pub, 9 p.m. NC. BALANCE DJ & KARAOKE, Franny Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 9 p.m. NC.
compare you to Boiseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s indie-rock godfathers Built to Spill. It must be like being
:: central
When your band is based in
Riggins into that particular musical corner would be a grave disservice,
GEEK WEEK: SHIFT HAPPENS! WITH LANGDON ST. JAZZ, Langdon St. CafĂŠ, 8 p.m. Donations. JAIRO SEQUIRA (Spanish guitar), Main Street Bar & Grill, 7 p.m. NC.
both to the band and to fans of high-octane melodic, experimental rock. Draw
:: northern
your own comparisons this Saturday as the band brings its uniquely peppy indie-
ROCK AGAINST RAPE WITH LUCID (rock, silent auction), Olive Ridleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 4 p.m. Donations.
a jam band from Vermont and trying to escape the Phish parallels. As influential as Doug Martschâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seminal outfit is, to paint fellow Idahoans
pop confections to Burlingtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Radio Bean.
JAZZ ON TAP, The Hub Pizzeria & Pub, 7:30 p.m. NC. SECOND SUNDAY GOSPEL JAM WITH TERRY DIERS, Beeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Knees, 3 p.m. NC, followed by DAVID MURPHEY (American roots), 7:30 p.m. NC.
MON.14 :: burlington area
OPEN MIKE, Radio Bean, 8 p.m. NC. POETRY JAM, Parima Acoustic Lounge, 9:30 p.m. NC. SANTIAGO TREAT, LENDWAY (indierock, rock), Red Square, 9 p.m. NC, followed by DJ RUSSELL (mash-up), 11 p.m. NC. HEAL IN SESSIONS WITH DJ BRIANDEYE & REVERENCE (roots, dub), 1/2 Lounge, 10 p.m. NC. ELEPHANTBEAR (rock), Nectarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 9 p.m. NC/$5. 18+. MIXED BAG PRESENTS: BASSNECTAR, PNUMA TRIO, ELIOT LIPP (drum-nbass, electronica), Higher Ground Ballroom, 8:30 p.m. $14/17. AA. ED DEVARNEY & FRIENDS (acoustic), Club TBA, 7 p.m. NC. JODY ALBRIGHT & SHANE HARDIMAN (jazz), Lincoln Inn Tavern, 7 p.m. NC.
:: central OPEN MIKE, Langdon St. CafĂŠ, 7 p.m. Donations.
TUE.15 :: burlington area
GUAGUA (psychotropical), Radio Bean, 6 p.m. NC; HONKY-TONK SESSIONS, 10 p.m. $3. PARIMA ISLAND NIGHT WITH DJ SKINNY T (reggae), Parima Main Stage, 9 p.m. NC. DAN SILVERMAN (jazz), Leunigâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 7 p.m. NC.
WORLD BASHMENT WITH JON DEMUS & SUPER K (reggae, dancehall, hip-hop), Red Square, 9 p.m. NC. DAKOTA & NASTEE (hip-hop), 1/2 Lounge, 10 p.m. NC. SKINNY JIM & THE NUMBER 9 BLACKTOPS, RED HOT JUBA (rockabilly, cosmic Americana), Nectarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 9 p.m. NC/$5. 18+. MIXED BAG PRESENTS: TELEPATH (live electronica), Club Metronome, 9 p.m. $5/10. 18+. OPEN TURNTABLES NIGHT, The Green Room, 9:30 p.m. NC. HIGHER GROUND 10TH ANNIVERSARY BASH WITH DAVE GRIPPO, DJ A-DOG, DJ BIG DOG (funk, hiphop, reggae), Higher Ground Ballroom, 9 p.m. $10. AA. ACOUSTIC TUESDAY: SAMARA LARK, ASHLEIGH PAGE, Monkey House, 8 p.m. NC. 18+. BLUEGRASS NIGHT, Lincoln Inn Tavern, 7 p.m. NC.
:: champlain valley ERIC TAYLOR (Americana), Good Times CafĂŠ, 8 p.m. $15. AA. SHOOTER NIGHT, City Limits, 5 p.m. NC.
:: central
KARAOKE, Charlie Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 10 p.m. NC. GEEK WEEK: COMIC CON WITH KUFUI (rock), Langdon St. CafĂŠ, 9 p.m. Donations,. DAVE KELLER (blues), Main Street Bar & Grill, 7 p.m. NC.
:: northern OPEN MIKE, Olive Ridleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 8 p.m. NC. KARAOKE, Piecasso, 9 p.m. NC. TWO-FER TUESDAY: JEREMY HARPLE (rebel folk), The Hub Pizzeria & Pub, 7:30 p.m. NC. ABBY JENNE & SHRIMP (folk), Beeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Knees, 7:30 p.m. NC.
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SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | music 17B
WED.16 :: burlington area
ENSEMBLE V (jazz), Radio Bean, 7 p.m. NC, followed by IRISH SESSIONS, 9 p.m. NC. PAUL ASBELL & CLYDE STATS (jazz), Leunig’s, 7 p.m. NC. DJ CRE8 (hip-hop), Red Square, 10 p.m. NC. SIRENIC WEDNESDAY: AYA INOUE (singer-songwriter), 1/2 Lounge, 7:30 p.m. NC, followed by WHIPLASH (hip-hop), 10 p.m. NC. THE KINETIX, FUNKWAGON (funk, rock), Nectar’s, 9 p.m. NC/$5. 18+.
bassistwanted BY PORTER MASON
OPEN MIKE, Manhattan Pizza, 10 p.m. NC. AA. SUPERSTAR KARAOKE WITH ROBBIE J, Second Floor, 10 p.m. NC/$5. 18+. DAVE HARRISON’S STARSTRUCK KARAOKE, JP’s Pub, 10 p.m. NC. UMPHREE’S MCGEE, RUE MELO (jam), Higher Ground Ballroom, 9 p.m. $25/27. AA. TAPES N TAPES, WHITE DENIM (indierock), Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, 8:30 p.m. $12/14. AA. PINE STREET JAZZ: JODY ALBRIGHT, Club TBA, 7 p.m. NC. CELTIC PARTY: CELTIC THYME, Lincoln Inn Tavern, 7 p.m. NC.
:: champlain valley OPEN POETRY SESSION, On the Rise Bakery, 7:30 p.m. NC. ERIC TAYLOR (Americana), Good Times Café, 8 p.m. $15. AA. KARAOKE, City Limits, 9 p.m. NC. TRIVIA NIGHT, Two Brothers Tavern Upstairs, 7:30 p.m. NC, followed by THE GRIFT (Phish tribute), 10 p.m. NC.
HONKY-TONK HUMP DAY WITH MARK LEGRAND & FRIENDS, Langdon St. Café, 6 p.m. Donations, followed by HELLO SHARK, FINN RIGGINS (experimental, indie), 8 p.m. Donations. COMEDY NIGHT, Black Door Bar & Bistro, 8:30 p.m. $5. OPEN MIKE, Middle Earth Music Hall, 8 p.m. NC.
:: central
:: northern
ABBY JENNE (rock), Charlie O’s, 10 p.m. NC.
OPEN MIKE, Monopole, 9 p.m. NC. BEYOND GUITAR HERO, Olive Ridley’s, 8 p.m. NC. BLUE FOX (blues), Bee’s Knees, 7:30 p.m. NC. �
18B | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com
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4/7/08 5:58:34 PM
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | calendar 19B
<calendar > wed.09
some enchanted evening Fairy tales benefit from distance — a setting of “long ago and far away” makes their fantastic conceits seem more plausible. That principle’s at work in the stage version of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, whose cast members come close to embodying cartoons in the service of story. A bookish babe escapes her burly, boorish suitor after agreeing to imprisonment by a furry biped (a prince in disguise who needs to work on his manners). While gradually befriending the castle’s owner, she makes allies of his servants, who are disguised as living, talking objects from teapots to candlesticks. Based on the 1991 animated feature, the musical, which includes songs not in the movie, ran on Broadway for 13 years straight. Lyric Theatre delivers the romance with a nod to happily ever afters. ‘Beauty and the Beast’
Thursday through Sunday, April 10-13, Flynn MainStage, see calendar for various times. $19-30. Info, 863-5966. www.lyrictheatrevt.org
photo: Steve Mease
<calendar > Listings and spotlights: Meghan Dewald
submission guidelines All submissions are due in writing at noon on the Thursday before publication. Be sure to include the following in your email or fax: name of event, brief description, specific location, time, cost and contact phone number. SEVEN DAYS edits for space and style. Use our convenient online form at: www.sevendaysvt.com calendar@sevendaysvt.com 802-865-1015 (fax) SEVEN DAYS, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164
20B | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com
WED.09 music
Also, see clubdates in Section B. ST. ANDREWS PIPES & DRUMS: Got kilt? This Scottish-style marching band welcomes new members to play bagpipes or percussion. St. James Episcopal Church, Essex Junction, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 879-7335. JAZZ COMBOS: Members of a vocal group and an instrumental combo hone their improvisational chops at the UVM Recital Hall, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3040.
dance ‘SALSALINA’ PRACTICE: Work on your sensuous nightclub routines at this weekly Latin dance session. Salsalina Studio, Burlington, nonmembers 6 p.m., members 7 p.m. $12. Info, 598-1077. BALLROOM DANCE: Wear comfy clothes and leather-soled shoes to protect the floorboards at this how-to session run by a professional teacher. Capitol Grange, Montpelier, 6:30-8 p.m. $8 per person, $12 per couple; onsite childcare $5 per family. Info, 456-7400.
drama ‘THE ELEPHANT MAN’: Northern Stage offers this Tony-winning play based on the life of John Merrick, a man coping with physical deformity in Victorian England. Briggs Opera House, White River Junction, 7:30 p.m. $17-48. Info, 296-7000. THOMAS JEFFERSON PORTRAYAL: Actor and historian Clay Jenkinson discusses U.S. democracy in character as the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-8291. ‘LYSISTRATA’: Aristophanes’ greatest antiwar comedy mixes fantasy and gender politics with bawdy jokes as Greek women hold a sex strike to enforce peace. Seeler Studio Theatre, Mahaney Center for the Arts, Middlebury College, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 443-6433.
film ‘TAXI TO THE DARK SIDE’: This 2007 documentary examines the facts about U.S. torture of detainees in the “war on terrorism.” Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $6.50. Info, 748-2600.
<calendar >
‘THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW’: This documentary profiles Cathy Crowley, a Maine-based gun control advocate who became politically active after her 18-year-old son bought a firearm and committed suicide. Crowley leads a post-screening Q&A session. Livak Ballroom, Davis Center, UVM, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 656-2076. ‘HIDDEN FORTRESS’: Akira Kurosawa’s 1958 film portrays feudal Japanese fighters in a rebel-warfare setting that inspired George Lucas’ Star Wars. Loew Auditorium, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7 p.m. $7. Info, 603-646-2422. ‘THE MOTHERHOOD MANIFESTO’: This documentary profiles U.S. attitudes toward childcare, children’s health care, workplace flexibility, education, family leave and livable wages. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7182.
art See exhibitions in Section A.
words SLAM POETRY CONTEST: Vermont versifier Geof Hewitt emcees eclectic voices at an event hosted by Planned Parenthood of Burlington. Waterfront Theatre, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, workshop 6-6:45 p.m., poetry slam 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 800-287-8188. BOOK CLUB: Readers of “gonzo journalist” Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas consider its relationship to an upcoming Flynn Center performance of music it inspired. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211. GARY KOWALSKI: The Burlington Unitarian Church pastor presents his new book Revolutionary Spirits: The Enlightened Faith of America’s Founding Fathers. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6955. ‘BEYOND RESISTANCE’ BOOK TOUR: Members of a North Carolina social center profile a publication summarizing the U.S. effects of Mexico’s Zapatista political movement. Room 301, Williams Hall, UVM, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, www.elkilombo.org or 274-2688.
talks ‘WORK & ART’ SERIES: Visionary business owner Bill Schubart chimes in with other speakers on public funding for creative projects. Community Room, Burlington College, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 862-9616, ext. 305.
Top 10 naughty things
2x4-goodstuff031908.indd 1
kids ANIMAL FEEDING: Watch critters do dinner with help from the animal-care staff at ECHO, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30 & 3 p.m. $7-9.50. Info, 864-1848. BARNES & NOBLE STORYTIME: Readings of family faves provide morning fun for toddlers at Barnes & Noble, South Burlington, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 864-8001. WESTFORD PLAYGROUP: Children gather for games, songs and stories at the Westford Library, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-5639. HINESBURG PLAYGROUP: Youngsters let loose in a fun, friendly, toy-filled atmosphere. Hinesburg Town Hall, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 453-3038. WATERBURY STORYTIME: Little ones ages 2 and under get hooked on books at the Waterbury Library, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. CHESS CLUB: King defenders ages 6 to 16 practice castling and various opening gambits. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 229-1207. PETER THE MUSIC MAN: Educator Peter Alsen lets kids ages 3 to 5 try out various instruments and offers a fun intro to music theory. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-0313. MUSIC TOGETHER: Parents bring babies, toddlers or preschoolers to a play session with sounds. Sprout, 110 Church Street, Burlington, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 760-9207.
sport SENIOR EXERCISE: The 60-plus set benefits from stretches and strength training. Senior Community Center, The Pines, South Burlington, 1:30 p.m. $3. Info, 658-7477.
activism BURLINGTON PEACE VIGIL: Activists stand together in opposition to the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Top of Church Street, Burlington, 5-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2345. THE CLOTHESLINE PROJECT: A display of individually produced T-shirts decries sexual and domestic violence, and celebrates survivors’ strength. Alliot Student Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Free. Info, 864-0555. SCHOOL FUNDING: Members of the Champlain Valley League of Women Voters host a discussion of how Act 82 affects public education, with guest speakers from school boards and the legislature. Speeder & Earl’s, 412 Pine Street, Burlington, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 657-0242. VERMONT FEED INFO MEETING: Farmers, food service directors, school administrators, teachers, parents and community members consider how to bring locally grown foods into Northeast Kingdom school cafeterias. Business Center Conference Room, Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital, St. Johnsbury, 3-7 p.m. Donations. Info, www.vtfeed.org or 985-0322.
etc CHOCOLATE-DIPPING DEMO: Fans of cocoa-covered confectionery see how it’s made at Laughing Moon Chocolates, Stowe, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 253-9591. ESL GROUPS: Non-native speakers learn English at the South Burlington Community Library, 1 p.m. Free. Info, 652-7080. Also at the Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211. CHESS GROUP: Beginning and intermediate-level players cut corners to put each other’s kings in check. South Burlington Community Library, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 652-7080. NOONTIME KNITTERS: Crafty types pause for patterns amid midday stitches. Waterbury Public Library, noon - 1 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. KNITTING POSSE: Needle-wielding crafters convene over good yarns. South Burlington Community Library, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 652-7080. CONTINENTAL KNITTING: Garter stitchers learn how to work their needles European style. The Bobbin Sew Bar & Craft Lounge, Burlington, 2-4 p.m. $20 plus materials. Info, www.thebobbin. com or 999-6202.
VETERANS JOB NETWORKING: Ex-soldiers share labor-market tips, training info and employment leads. VFW Post, Essex Junction, 9:30-11 a.m., & American Legion Post, St. Albans, 1-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 652-0339. BINGO: A winning card could net cash at the Heineberg Community & Senior Center, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $11. Info, 863-3982. CHARITY BINGO: Players seek matches on numbered cards, then say the word. Broadacres Bingo Hall, Colchester, 7 p.m. $10 for 12 cards. Info, 860-1510. VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION: In 45-minute info sessions, neighborhood helpers hear about a program that coordinates friendly home visits and assistance for aging seniors. Champlain Valley Agency on Aging, Chace Mill, Burlington, 2-6 p.m. Free. Info, www. cvaa.org or 865-0360. SPANISH CONVERSATION GROUP: Habla español? Brown baggers eat lunch and devour new vocab. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, noon - 1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. GERMAN-ENGLISH EXCHANGE: Anglophones practice foreign-language conversation with native speakers of Deutsch, and vice versa. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211. GEEK WEEK: Seven days of nerdy exploits pair vintage video games with hobby how-tos and music lineups. Langdon Street Café, Montpelier, conspiracy theorists’ forum, 7 p.m.; Providence, Rhode Island-based mind-reader Rory Raven, 8 p.m. Donations. Info, 223-8667. ‘SPRING BLOOMS’ FASHION SHOW: Models show off cuts from Brooks Brothers and SportStyle over luncheon at this fundraiser for the Visiting Nurse Association’s Parent-Child Center. Grand Maple Ballroom, Davis Center, UVM, Burlington, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. $50. Info, 860-4435. RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY: Staff of the Women’s Rape Crisis Center open their new community building to public tours after a quick snip. Women’s Rape Crisis Center, 336 North Avenue, Burlington, 11 a.m. Free. Info, www. stoprapevermont.org or 864-0555. FOUR-COLLEGE ECOLOGY SEMINAR: Undergrads from area state and community college campuses interact with townies at a sustainability-focused swap session. Clementwood Spiritual Life Center, 15 Clement Road, Rutland, 2:30-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 776-2960.
to buy with your tax return… 1. Adult Novelties 2. Gag Gifts 3. Lingerie 4. Tobacco Products 5. Body Jewelry 6. Board Games 7. Incense 8. Drinking Games 9. T-Shirts 10. Naughty Cards
SPORTING CHANCES: UVM history professor emeritus James Overfield reviews how big-time athletics programs became the mainstay of many American universities. Hoehl Welcome Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536. ‘BEYOND THE BUSH YEARS’: New York Times op-ed columnist Bob Herbert explores the challenges facing the U.S. after the first decade of the 21st century. Dana Auditorium, Sunderland Language Center, Middlebury College, 4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-5743. CHRIS GRAFF: The veteran Vermont reporter and former bureau chief for the Associated Press speaks about the Green Mountain State’s independent streak. Bradford Public Library, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 222-4423.
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SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | calendar 21B
Last Friday, the St. James Episcopal Church auditorium was the place to be if you wanted to hear, see and taste the traditions of Sudan. The New Sudan Education Initiative (NESEI) was the focus of the night, and Africa inspired the colors: bright tablecloths, orange roses on each table, and a quilted map of the continent on one wall. Church youth served up Sudanese dishes: salty beef and cabbage, thick and pasty red beans, brown rice. Some church members donned African clothing, such as bright purple dresses and neon green shirts, in solidarity. Atem Deng, a University of Vermont junior majoring in social work and a co-founder of NESEI, stressed how important education was for the people of his native land. “When we went back to Sudan we asked them, ‘If they had $1, what would they use it for?’ And they said education, even though they [also] need clean water, new roads and medicine,” he related. After dinner, presenters showed a heart-wrenching video about the wartime atrocities the Sudanese people endured, and the long journey some of them made from refugee camps to the U.S. Some of the so-called “Lost Boys” have returned to visit their families since moving to America. For Deng, it was the first reunion with his relatives in 17 years. After this somber discussion, the young Sudanese men filled the room with joyful singing. The smiles on their faces were contagious and, though none of the rest of us knew the words to the traditional songs, we happily clapped along. Then Jeh Kulu Dance and Drum Theatre took the floor, immediately bringing everyone to their feet. The locally based group features Caucasian female dancers, clad in vivid costumes, and West African drummers. Their leader incited the crowd to clap and whistle, while the children in the front joined the high-energy dancers waving their arms and kicking their legs. The rhythm of the drums was hypnotic. “Africa Comes to Vermont” wasn’t just about entertainment; the night was full of learning and bonding. The enthusiasm ensured a fondly remembered experience for natives of both continents. DANIELLE FRAWLEY
BURLINGTON BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL WOMEN: Female managers, execs and entrepreneurs consider how to redress gender-based pay differences. Sirloin Saloon, South Burlington, 5:30-8:30 p.m. $19 includes dinner. Reservations and info, 899-3936. ‘A TASTE OF HOME’: Appetizers from area restaurants set off a silent auction at this food-centric fundraiser for HomeShare Vermont, a service pairing seniors with live-in assistance. Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 5-8 p.m. $35. Info, 865-4151. GARDEN PLANNING WORKSHOP: Spring planters select and order organic seeds at this foodbank benefit. Stowe Free Library, 5:30-8 p.m. Donations. Info, 253-6145, ext. 16. EMBROIDERERS’ GUILD: Savvy stitchers learn new needle techniques with colorful thread. The Pines Senior Living Community, 7 Aspen Drive, South Burlington, 9:30 a.m. Free. Info, 879-0198.
CHAMPLAIN MOTION PICTURES FUNDRAISER: Supporters of local indie film hear music by singer-songwriter Mia Adams, Mike Thomas and others. Club Metronome, Burlington, 8 p.m. $5-10. Info, 865-4563.
THU.10 music
Also, see clubdates in Section B. STUDENT PERFORMANCE RECITAL: Music students showcase classical and jazz skills on various instruments. UVM Recital Hall, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3040. MARTHA GALLAGHER: The Adirondack harpist strums, sings and tells stories at The Waterhole Upstairs, Saranac Lake, N.Y., 8 p.m. Donations. Info, www.adkharper.com.
dance SPRING SUNSET FIESTA: Latin dancers study up on salsa and merengue moves, then practice them to DJ’d music. ECHO, Burlington, 7 p.m. $7-9. Info, 864-1848, ext. 124.
‘THE ELEPHANT MAN’: See April 9. ‘LYSISTRATA’: See April 9. ‘BEAUTY AND THE BEAST’: Dancing teacups and talking clocks? Lyric Theatre asks audiences to “be their guest” for this splashy musical adapted from the Disney animated feature. See calendar spotlight. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $19-30. Info, 863-5966. ‘GODSPELL’: The Essex Community Players stage this Bible-based rock opera at Memorial Hall, Essex, 8 p.m. $11-13. Info, 878-9109. ‘THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE’: Swashbuckling seafarers, slapstick British bobbies and a bumbling Major General fill out Gilbert & Sullivan’s engaging, Victorian-era musical. Harwood Union High School Auditorium, Duxbury, 7:30 p.m. $4-8. Info, 496-4422. ‘LEND ME A TENOR’: High school thespians present Ken Ludwig’s comedy about a mismanaged opera. Winooski High School, 7:30 p.m. $3-5. Info, 383-6095.
‘TAXI TO THE DARK SIDE’: See April 9. ‘BARTON FINK’: In this Coen brothers film about the dangers of idealizing the intellect, a screenwriter’s life goes haywire after he befriends a borderline personality. Loew Auditorium, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7 p.m. $7. Info, 603-646-2422.
1:02 PM
art Also, see exhibitions in Section A. COMMUNITY DARKROOM: Shutterbugs develop film and print pictures at the Center for Photographic Studies, Barre, 6-9 p.m. $8 per hour. Reservations and info, 479-4127.
words CINDY PIERCE: The New Hampshire-based comedian raises the curtain on her book Finding the Doorbell: Sexual Satisfaction for the Long Haul. See calendar spotlight. Borders, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 865-2711.
COMPREHENDING THE MIDDLE EAST: Readers of Geraldine Brooks’ memoir The Nine Parts of Desire contemplate the hidden world of Islamic women. Waterbury Public Library, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. DANIEL LUSK: The Iowan native and UVM writing instructor reads a selection of poetry and prose from his published works. Phoenix Books, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 872-7111. MAJOR JACKSON: The UVM English prof and poet voices verse from his new collection Hoops. Flying Pig Bookstore, Shelburne, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 985-3999. RICHARD HAWLEY: The teacher and founder of the International Boys’ Schools Coalition reads from his book Beyond the Icarus Factor, which examines male creativity. Briggs Carriage Bookstore, Brandon, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 247-0050. LINDA FURIYA: The Vermont author talks tofu at a reading of her food memoir Bento Box in the Heartland: My Japanese Girlhood in Whitebread America. Post-reading, listeners pack their own Japanese meals. Lawrence Memorial Library, Bristol, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 453-4147.
Page 1
THU.10 >> 22B
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Andre Laplante Saturday, April 12, 8 PM
This highly-acclaimed Canadian classical pianist offers a program of Bach, Schubert, Haydn and Chopin.
NIH-supported research study conducted at UVM.
“It is a technique fully at the beck and call of an artistic sensibility in the grandest sense...Music-making of which memories are made.” - The Columbus Review
PLEASE CALL 656-5566 for eligibility information.
Tickets: $10-$26 With discounts for seniors, students, people with disabilities and members.
barreoperahouse.org or call 802-476-8188. SPONSORED BY: The Friends of Classical music WITH MEDIA SUPPORT FROM:
2x4-uvmanxietystudyB-040208.indd1 1
3/28/08 1:02:37 PM
2x4-barreoperahouse040208.indd 1
4/1/08 10:06:54 AM
22B | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
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4/7/08 2:34:53 PM
ROMEO DALLAIRE: In an address sponsored by UVM Students Taking Action Now: Darfur, a former lieutenant general in the Canadian Armed Forces talks about his role in protecting Rwandans during that countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1994 genocide. Ira Allen Chapel, UVM, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free, but tickets from the Davis Center Information Desk are required. Info, 413-441-5597. STRESS-RELATED DISORDERS: Stanford University biology and neurology prof Robert Sapolsky sums up his gene-therapy research by explaining why zebras donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get ulcers. Mead Chapel, Middlebury College, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-5626. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;THE TASTE OF MAPLE SYRUPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: Amy Trubek of UVMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Nutrition and Food Sciences Department considers the past, present and future characteristics of Vermontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s signature export. Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building, UVM, Burlington, 4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-4389. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;PRINT THE LEGENDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: Amherst College American Studies professor Martha Sandweiss shows how 19th-century photographs both reflected and shaped ideas of the American West. Room 221, Mahaney Center for the Arts, Middlebury College, 4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-6433. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: Law and ethics professor Martha Nussbaum of the University of Chicago defends Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tradition of religious equality. McCarthy Arts Center, St. Michaelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;OIL VS. WILDERNESSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: National Geographic investigative reporter Jon Waterman discusses his 2006 trip to Alaskaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and evidence he found there of global warming. Simpson Hall, Sterling College, Craftsbury Common, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 586-7711.
Are you in the now? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ok, I admit I was a little skeptical. Another email newsletter trying to get me to do stuff. But I LOVE Seven Days NOW. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easy to read, it links me to some of the coolest stuff, and it tempts me to address my cabin fever and actually DO something this weekend. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s well designed, and tempting. Thanks for putting it together. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to forward it to my sweetie and find some fun.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Susanna Weller, Starksboro
2x10-nowsignup.indd 1
Sign up for NOTES ON THE WEEKEND, our email newsletter, for an update that directs you to great shows, restaurants, staff picks and discounts for the weekend. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll also keep you posted on SEVEN DAYS events and contests.
Sign up on our homepage: sevendaysvt.com
2/25/08 3:54:27 PM
ANIMAL FEEDING: See April 9. RICHMOND PLAYGROUP: Parents meet their neighbors, while their kids enjoy structured fun and snacks. Community Room, Richmond Free Library, 9:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 434-7775. WESTFORD STORYTIME: Kids ponder picture books and create crafts at the Westford Library, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-5639. KIDSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; GARDEN TOUR: Young ones explore the world of plants on a walk around the Four Seasons Garden Center, Williston, 10 a.m. & 1 p.m. Free. Info, 658-2433. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;LITTLE ROOTSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; STORYTIME: Kids gather to hear tales about plants, flowers and bugs. Four Seasons Garden Center, Williston, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 658-2433. PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: Tots aged 3 to 5 enjoy stories, rhymes, songs and crafts at the Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 878-0313. MUSIC TIME: Growing listeners under age 5 contemplate chords and bounce to rhythms. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. WINOOSKI PLAYGROUP: Babies up to age 2 socialize with each other and their caregivers at a session offering music, books and toys. Winooski Memorial Library, 11 a.m. - noon. Free. Info, 655-6424. MORNING STORIES: Local tale tellers engage kids of all ages with a mix of nursery rhymes, fairytales, songs and games. Pierson Library, Shelburne, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 985-5124. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ITTY BITTY SKATINGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: Pint-sized bladers take to the ice at Leddy Park Arena, Burlington, 10-11 a.m. $6. Info, 865-7558.
BILINGUAL PLAYGROUP: ÂĄHola, baby! A native Spanish-speaking mama leads gentle play and circle time at the Bebop Baby Shop, Essex Junction, 10:30-11:30 a.m. $8. Info, 860-6842.
sport ZUMBA FITNESS: Step-by-steppers try out Latin-dance-inspired exercises mixed with high-energy, international rhythms. Fitness Options, South Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $10, first time free. Info, 734-3479. Olympiad Health & Racquet Club, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $10, first time free. Info, 310-6686. FALL PREVENTION PROGRAM: Elders concerned about coordination learn exercises to help maintain their balance. Champlain Senior Center, Burlington, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 847-2278. GREEN MOUNTAIN DERBY DAMES: Buff ladies practice rough roller skating for future matches with other regional roller-derby teams. Gosse Court Armory, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free. Info, greenmountainderbydames@ gmail.com or 862-5621.
activism BURLINGTON PEACE VIGIL: See April 9. DRINKING LIBERALLY: Bottoms-up democracy fuels discussion at a meeting of political progressives. American Flatbread, Burlington, 8-10 p.m. Free. Info, 267-237-7488. GROUNDWATER STUDY GROUP: Concerned community members consider a spring water companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pending proposal to sell area H2O. Room 131, U-32 Middle and High School, East Montpelier, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 229-5676. TOWN HALL MEETING: Area high school students and Queen City residents assess the results of a youth risk behavior survey. Burlington High School Cafeteria, 6 p.m. Free. Reservations and info, 864-2148.
etc CHOCOLATE-DIPPING DEMO: See April 9. CHARITY BINGO: See April 9. GEEK WEEK: See April 9, Ms. Pac-Man tournament, 7 p.m.; â&#x20AC;&#x153;information overload,â&#x20AC;? 8 p.m.; satellite rock band Sputnik, 9 p.m. VERMONT CHESS CLUB: Pawn pushers strategize to better their games. Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 879-0198. BRIDGE CLUB: Partners shuffle cards and chat at the Godnick Senior Center, Rutland, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 287-5756. QUEEN CITY BNI: Local members of Business Network International schmooze at a weekly breakfast meeting to help promote one anotherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s companies. Room 202, Vermont Tech, Blair Industrial Park, Williston, 8 a.m. First visit is free. Info, 985-9965. FRENCH CONVERSATION GROUP: Would-be Francophones exchange info during dĂŠjeuner. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, noon - 1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. SENIOR BREAKFAST: Area elders enjoy eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, homefries, juice and bottomless cups of coffee at the Heineberg Senior Center, Burlington, 9-10 a.m. $3. Info, 863-3982. AMPHIBIAN RESCUE PROJECT TRAINING: Volunteers learn how to help wood frogs and spotted salamanders cross roads during the spring mating season. Maple Corner Community Center, Calais, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 229-6206. SCORE SEMINAR: Entrepreneurs learn the ropes in a mentoring workshop run by retired businesspeople. Chittenden Bank, 2 Burlington Square, Williston, 5:30-8:30 p.m. $25. Registration and info, www.score 284.org.
CAREER FAIR: Recent or soon-to-be grads with Associateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degrees get the scoop on area employment by meeting with more than 20 companies. Department of Labor Career Resource Center, 63 Pearl Street, Burlington, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Free. Info, 800-6603561, ext. 240. CLOTH DIAPERING 101: Moms and dads get down and dirty with the finer points of posterior fashion and ecology. Bebop Baby Shop, Essex Junction, 6:30 p.m. Free. Reservations and info, 288-1002. STRESS REDUCTION WORKSHOP: Tense, tired folks learn how to notice and take care of situations that leach energy. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-8004, ext. 202. STITCH-â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;-BITCH: Yarn handlers dish it out while fingers fly, and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dr. Knitâ&#x20AC;? provides optional problem solving for snarled projects. The Bobbin Sew Bar & Craft Lounge, Burlington, 2-4 p.m. Free. Info, www.thebobbin.com or 999-6202.
FRI.11 music
Also, see clubdates in Section B. HARMONIE UNIVERSELLE: The Lane Series hosts this eight-member German Baroque ensemble for a concert of music by J.S. Bach and three of his pupils. UVM Recital Hall, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $20-25. Info, 863-5966. EUROPA GALANTE: The Italian early-music ensemble renowned for interpretations of Baroque music on period instruments plays Antonio Vivaldiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Four Seasons as well as works by Purcell, Biondi and Leclair. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 8 p.m. $35. Info, 603-646-2422. IMPROV CONCERT: Classically trained pianist William Michael Maisel plays spontaneous compositions along with versions of jazz standards by Coltrane, Ellington and others. Richmond Library, 7 p.m. Donations. Info, 434-3036. JATOBA: Brattleboro-based acousticgroove duo Jason Scaggs and John Jamison blend mandolin, sitar and vocals with guitar-driven tunes. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 8 p.m. $14. Info, www.jatobamusic.com or 863-5966. VYO CHORUS & CONCERT CHORALE: Soprano Shyla Nelson joins young voices for choral works by Vivaldi, Haydn and other composers. Elley-Long Music Center, St. Michaelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College, Colchester, 8 p.m. $5-10. Info, 863-5966. MARK LEGRAND & SARAH MUNRO: Expect acoustic folk and â&#x20AC;&#x153;thinking manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s honky-tonkâ&#x20AC;? from this songwriting duo. Bristol Bakery, 7 p.m. $5. Info, 453-4032. MIDDLEBURY COMMUNITY WIND ENSEMBLE: Inspiring anthems accompany the world premiere of a five-minute work by Portuguese composer Antero Ă vila. Concert Hall, Mahaney Center for the Arts, Middlebury College, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 443-6433. OPERA INSIGHTS: Area singers perform selections from Verdiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Emani and La Traviata, and Mozartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Abduction from the Seraglio, interspersed with commentary by aria expert Tim Tavcar. Unitarian Church, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. $5-10. Info, 223-8610. LAST BAND STANDING: Shredders and rockers face off at UVMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s battle of the bands for the chance to play a campus spring festival. North Lounge, Billings Hall, UVM, Burlington, 8-11 p.m. Free. Info, 656-4399. THE DIRTMINERS: Old-time aficionados dig functional-yet-junky picks. Briggs Carriage Bookstore, Brandon, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 247-0050.
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | calendar 23B WED.09
Become a mentor
THU.10 & FRI.11
Mentoring Program for Women Offenders Invites Volunteers Are you a good listener? Do you have an open mind? Do you want to be a friend?
You can be a mentor.
Call (802) 846-7164 In partnership with Vermont Works for Women
2x4-MercyVTWorks040208.indd 1
INTERCOURSE OF ACTION To paraphrase Phyllis Diller, sex is like comedy — both require good timing. Cindy Pierce understood this long ago; it’s part of what got her started in standup. Pierce, an innkeeper, wife and mother from Etna, New Hampshire, developed her clit-wit stage show Finding the Doorbell after realizing that humor was a great way to get committed couples talking about happiness in the sack. Since playing the Flynn in 2005, Pierce has been busy co-authoring a book named after her act. (Subtitled Sexual Satisfaction for the Long Haul, the tongue-in-cheek tome recently received a glowing review from The L.A. Times.) Pierce reads excerpts at a Thursday signing, then hits Higher Ground for her trademark Lily-Tomlin-meets-Dr.-Ruth routine about drawing, as she says, “humor, rather than humiliation, from my anatomy.” Thursday, April 10, Borders, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 865-2711.
Author of Care of the Soul
At the Barre Opera House Saturday, April 19, 7 PM (music begins at 6 PM) Be in the audience for this live taping of the local cable program, Connect with Amy Miller. • Thomas and Amy (in three 30 minute segments) discussing how we deal with betrayal, depression and loss of meaning in our life. They will be ending with a discussion on how to create a soulful life in modern America.
Friday, April 11, Higher Ground, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $13-15. Info, 652-0777. www.findingthedoorbell.com
dance BALLROOM DANCE SOCIAL: Singles and couples of all ages learn ballroom, swing and Latin dancing. Jazzercize Studio, Williston, 7-10 p.m. $10. Info, 862-2207. ARGENTINEAN TANGO: Shoulders back, chin up! With or without partners, dancers of all abilities strut to bandoneón riffs in a self-guided practice session. Salsalina Studio, Burlington, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $5. Info, 598-1077. QUEEN CITY CONTRA DANCE: Caller Dave Eisenstadtler broadcasts dancer directions to maritime folk medleys by Atlantic Crossing. St. Anthony’s Parish Hall, Burlington, 8 p.m. $8. Info, 434-2446. ‘THE 2-STEP PROGRAM’: Caller Lausanne Allen guides dancers through country western and waltz numbers by Girl Howdy and the Stone Cold Roosters. Capitol Grange, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. $15. Info, 454-1007.
drama ‘THE ELEPHANT MAN’: See April 9. ‘LYSISTRATA’: See April 9. ‘BEAUTY AND THE BEAST’: See April 10. ‘GODSPELL’: See April 10. $13-15. ‘THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE’: See April 10. ‘LEND ME A TENOR’: See April 10. ‘FINDING THE DOORBELL’: Comedian Cindy Pierce delivers ringers on the foibles of female anatomy in a one-woman, standup show. See calendar spotlight. Higher Ground, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $13-15. Info, 652-0777. ‘OVER THE RIVER AND THROUGH THE WOODS’: Undergrads present student playwright Joe DiPietro’s comedy about an Italian-American family in New Jersey. McCarthy Arts Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536.
MUD SEASON VARIETY SHOW: Talented community members brighten spring for friends and neighbors. Chandler Music Hall, Randolph, 7:30 p.m. $8-15. Info, 728-6464. ‘THE HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES’: The St. Johnsbury Players present this dark comedy about a songwriting zookeeper and his familial menagerie. St. Johnsbury School Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. $7. Info, 748-6510. ‘ROMEO & JULIET: PIRATES VS. NINJAS’: Students at the Vermont Commons School re-imagine Shakespeare’s star-crossed lovers as pawns in an Internet-meme-inspired culture clash. Burlington City Hall Auditorium, 7 p.m. $5-10. Info, 865-8084. VOICES OF COMMUNITY SERIES: Civil rights activist and playwright John O’Neal stars as a mythic Mississippi character in his one-man show Don’t Start Me Talking or I’ll Tell You Everything I Know. Sandglass Theater, Putney, 8 p.m. $10-15. Info, www. sandglasstheater.org or 387-4051. ‘BE THE DOG’: Actors contrast human complexities with canine passions in a play written by recent Boston University grad Emily Kaye Liberis. Pendragon Theatre, Saranac Lake, N.Y., 7:30 p.m. $10. Info, 518-891-1854.
film ‘PERSEPOLIS’: In this black-and-white, animated adaptation of Marjane Satrapi’s graphic-novel memoirs, a precocious Iranian girl comes of age in the midst of political turmoil. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $6.50. Info, 748-2600. FEMICIDES IN JUAREZ: Writer and activist Diana Washington Valdéz heads a post-screening discussion of this documentary about misogynistic murders in Mexico. Room 427, Waterman Building, UVM, Burlington, 4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3570. ‘BIRDSONG & COFFEE: A WAKE-UP CALL’: Java drinkers absorb this documentary about the effects of coffee cultivation on North American songbirds. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, 81 Demeritt Place, Waterbury, 6 p.m. Donations. Info, 882-2700.
3/31/08 1:35:09 PM
PETE MORTON: This folk singer-songwriter from Nottingham, England, shares tunes in concert. North End Studio, 294 North Winooski Avenue, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10. Info, 863-6713.
Mentor Orientation April 16, 2008, 5:30—7:30 p.m. Burlington
• Wendy Halley and Amy (in one 30 minute segment) discussing Wendy’s knowledge and experience of spirit medicine. Wendy is author of Slaying the Mouse which describes a significant journey she was on in the world of this ancient tradition.
art See exhibitions in Section A.
words CELEBRATE POETRY: Westford-based versifier Paul Paparella encourages audience participation at a reading of works from his book On Waking Up All Over the World. Westford Public Library, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 878-5639. J.R.R. TOLKIEN CONFERENCE: Fantasy fiction fans gather for readings and talks celebrating the world created by the author of The Lord of the Rings. Davis Center, UVM, Burlington, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-0839.
• Abby Jenne begins the night at 6PM singing songs from her album, Connect. Price: $15 advance / $20 day of show All Proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society Barre Books will be selling copies of Thomas’ books & book signing will be taking place at the event.
Tickets available: 802.476.8188 or BarreOperaHouse.org Info: www.ConnectWithAmyMiller.com 2x5-barreopera040908.indd 1
talks ‘VERMONT & THE CIVIL WAR’: Author and historian Howard Coffin describes how the U.S.’ greatest internal conflict affected the Green Mountain State. Pittsfield Town Hall, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 746-8157. PHI BETA KAPPA CEREMONY: Inductees to this college honor society hear biology professor Donna Bozzone push persistence. McCarthy Arts Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536. ‘SETTING THE STAGE’: Europa Galante conductor Fabio Biondi sketches Europe’s social and political climate at the time Baroque music was in vogue. Faulkner Recital Hall, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2010. VARIETY SERIES: Kerry Bernstein, a senior tech staff member at IBM, ponders the possible rise of a manmade electronic species. Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington, 2 p.m. $5. Info, www.eeevermont.org or 862-2531. GOVERNMENT INFO ONLINE: Library director Marty Reid explains where to find reliable info on state statutes, consumer protection laws and the National Park Service. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, noon. Free. Info, 879-7576.
4/8/08 11:19:36 AM
Brocades of Silk Class Friday April 11th, 7-9 pm and Saturday April 12th, 1-4 pm
The Brocades Silk are a series of 12 interconnected movements which harmonize breath & body.
Foundation Class - 8 Wed. Classes To begin April 16th, 6:45 - 8 pm The foundation class will focus on: • Essence, Breath and Mind • Physical and Energetic Alignment • Opening Qi • Gathering Qi
Qigong is the science of stimulating your qi energy, blood and mind to promote greater health and healing. Qigong is derived from Chinese naturalist philosophy called Taoism. Taught by Arthur Makaris who has been practicing Qigong for over 30 years. Arthur is a licensed Acupuncturist and master of Chinese martial art.
To Register Call 879-7999
Acupuncture & Qigong Health Center 167 Pearl St., Essex Junction
FRI.11 >> 24B 2x6-acupuncture040208.indd 1
3/28/08 11:22:29 AM
24B | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com
<calendar > FRI.11 << 23B
kids ANIMAL FEEDING: See April 9. WATERBURY STORYTIME: See April 9, 9:30 a.m., for children ages 3-5. SOUTH BURLINGTON LIBRARY STORYTIME: Youngsters age 3 and older gather for easy listening at the South Burlington Library, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 652-7080. LINCOLN LIBRARY STORYTIME: Youngsters up to age 5 form good reading habits in a tale-centered song-and-craft session. Lincoln Library, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 453-2665. ‘KIDS’ KNIGHT OUT’: Ages 5-10 enjoy an evening of movies, swimming, food and more at Ross Gymnasium, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 5:30-9 p.m. $1015. Registration & info, 654-2721. ‘PINT-SIZED SCIENCE’: Laboratory learners aged 2 to 7 experiment with stories and hands-on activities. ECHO, Burlington, 11 a.m. $7-9.50. Info, 864-1848. SONGS & STORIES: Kids of all ages join guitarist, accordionist and banjo player Matthew Witten for folk songs and funny tales. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. RED CARPET NIGHT: Celebrities-in-waiting in grades K to 4 dress up as their favorite movie stars or characters to make a grand entrance. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 6:30 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 878-4918.
sport SENIOR EXERCISE: See April 9, 10 a.m.
activism BURLINGTON PEACE VIGIL: See April 9. SUDAN SYMBOLIC WALK: Vermont students and residents put one foot in front of the other to build schools in southern Sudan. Meet at the Davis Center Atrium, UVM, Burlington, 7 p.m. Donations. Info, 413-441-5597.
etc CHOCOLATE-DIPPING DEMO: See April 9. CHARITY BINGO: See April 9. GEEK WEEK: See April 9, “alien-jazz” group Electric Halo, 8 p.m.; hero-metal band Cccome?, 10 p.m. SENIOR BREAKFAST: See April 10. TERTULIA LATINA: Latinoamericanos and other fluent Spanish speakers converse en español at Radio Bean, Burlington, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3440. COMMUNITY DINNER: Local ingredients form the focus of a hearty winter meal at L.A.C.E., Barre, 5:30 p.m. $6-12.50. Info, www.lacevt.org or 476-4276. GERMAN CONVERSATION GROUP: Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Language learners buff up their vocab through casual chatting. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, noon - 1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. MOVE INTERNATIONAL SPRING MARKET: Students sell crafts and artwork to benefit international service trips to India, Uganda and Mexico. Alliot Student Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536. THE CHILDREN’S SCHOOL SPRING FLING: Parents with sitters socialize at this silent-auction gala to benefit a local co-operative preschool. Union Station, Main Street Landing, Burlington, 6:30-9:30 p.m. $15. Info, 862-2772. CARNIVALE!: The Helen Day Art Center hosts a spring dinner gala with a Brazilian menu, live music by Trio Camomilla and a live auction. Topnotch Resort & Spa, Stowe, 6-11 p.m. $125. Info, www.helenday.com or 253-8358. FELLOWSHIP OF THE WHEEL FUNDRAISER: Mountain bikers boogie down at a dance party featuring sweet gear giveaways and music by A House on Fire. Monitor Barn, Richmond, 7 p.m. $25 includes one raffle ticket. Info, www.fotwheel.org.
SPRING SWING: The Willowell Foundation taps toe-tappers at a dance and silent auction benefit with motivational music by Swing Noire. Vergennes Opera House, 7-11 p.m. $15. Info, 734-5001. ‘THE COST IS CORRECT’: Participants in this tongue-in-cheek game show tribute guess the price of items for a chance to win up to $500 in prizes. Center Court, University Mall, South Burlington, registration 5:30 p.m., show 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-1066, ext. 11. TABLE TALK: Organic farming expert Will Allen, author of The War on Bugs, asks who invited chemicals to the U.S. dinner table. The Inn at Baldwin Creek, Bristol, dinner 6 p.m. $35. Talk 7:30 p.m. Free. Reservations and info, 453-2432. REALITY-CHANGING WORKSHOP: Author Evelyn Rysdyk and social work expert Allie Knowlton explain how to tap creative strengths. Moonlight Gift Shoppe, Milton, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 893-9966. VERMONT LATIN DAY: One thousand toga-clad high school students cogitate through declensions in a classical language contest. Patrick Gymnasium, UVM, Burlington, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Free. Info, 656-1107.
SAT.12 music
Also, see clubdates in Section B. PHIL KLINE & ENSEMBLE: The experimental composer performs music inspired by Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, plus a song cycle based on Zippo lighter inscriptions penned by U.S. soldiers during the Vietnam War. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 8 p.m. $23. Info, 863-5966. ANDRÉ LAPLANTE: The Canadian piano virtuoso performs works by Bach, Schubert, Haydn and Chopin. See calendar spotlight. Barre Opera House, 8 p.m. $10-26. Info, 476-8188. SPRING MUSIC FESTIVAL: Five sets of student ensembles showcase chamber, percussion, a cappella, woodwind and choral music, including the world premiere of minimalist composer Terry Riley’s Fairytale: A Big Hand for Dr. Seuss. McCarthy Arts Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, noon - 9 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536. VYOA PRESTO: Young string beginners take a stab at short compositions. Elley-Long Music Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 655-5030. VERMONT YOUTH STRINGS: Intermediate musicians focus on ensemble playing and performance skills for a program of pieces by Handel, Vivaldi and other composers. Elley-Long Music Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 3 p.m. $2-5. Info, 655-5030. VERMONT YOUTH SINFONIA: Budding orchestra members warm up to spring with a double-bassoon concerto and works by J.S. Bach and Strauss. Elley-Long Music Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 7 p.m. $2-5. Info, 655-5030. STUDENT RECITALS: Saxophonist Andrew Allen plays licks, then horn player Anya Brodrick surveys her instrument’s repertoire. UVM Recital Hall, Burlington, 1 & 4 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3040. TIN PENNY: Two multi-instrumentalists perform folk and Celtic music on guitar, mandolin and glockenspiel. Briggs Carriage Bookstore, Brandon, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 247-0050. MARK SHELTON: The award-winning vocalist croons like the King in a medley of music by Elvis Presley, Bobby Darin, Roy Orbison and others. Tuttle Hall, College of St. Joseph, Rutland, 7 p.m. $10-15. Info, 754-2216.
BURLINGTON CHORAL SOCIETY: Vocalists sing musical settings of Thomas Jefferson’s Revolutionary War writings, as well as choruses from various Gilbert and Sullivan musicals. Ira Allen Chapel, UVM, Burlington, 8 p.m. $17-20. Info, 863-5966. SNAKE MOUNTAIN BLUEGRASS: This old-time quartet offers slithery solos on guitar, bass, banjo and mandolin at a benefit to restore an 1810 schoolhouse. Shoreham Elementary School Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. $5-10. Info, 897-2001.
dance BALLROOM DANCE SOCIAL: See April 11. SECOND SATURDAY DANCE: Caller David Millstone serves up contra dance directions to sweet-tart tunes by Northern Spy. Tracy Hall, Norwich, 8 p.m. $8. Info, 785-4607. HINESBURG CONTRA DANCE: Caller Dan O’Connell guides dancers inspired by fiddle-folk tunes from Pete and Karen Sutherland. Hinesburg Town Hall, 7:30 p.m. $7. Info, 318-0918. JAZZ & RHYTHM TAP WORKSHOP: Dance teacher Lisa Hopkins, a former faculty member of Steps On Broadway, showcases chorus-line moves. New England Ballet Conservatory, South Burlington, 10 a.m. $18. Info, 865-6800.
drama ‘THE ELEPHANT MAN’: See April 9. ‘LYSISTRATA’: See April 9, 2 & 8 p.m. ‘BEAUTY AND THE BEAST’: See April 10, 1 & 7:30 p.m. ‘GODSPELL’: See April 10. $13-15. ‘THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE’: See April 10, 1:30 & 7:30 p.m. ‘OVER THE RIVER AND THROUGH THE WOODS’: See April 11. MUD SEASON VARIETY SHOW: See April 11. ‘THE HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES’: See April 11. ‘ROMEO & JULIET: PIRATES VS. NINJAS’: See April 11. VOICES OF COMMUNITY SERIES: See April 11. ‘BE THE DOG’: See April 11, 2 & 7:30 p.m. ‘MRS. MOSES: THE WOMAN BEHIND THE MAN’: In this musical comedy, the All Saints Players explore the better half of one of the Bible’s big guys. All Saints Church, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $4-7. Info, 862-9750.
film ‘PERSEPOLIS’: See April 11, 7 & 9 p.m. ‘SWEENEY TODD: THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET’: In Tim Burton’s 2007 take on this Stephen Sondheim musical, Johnny Depp portrays a grisly murderer who takes revenge with razors. Loew Auditorium, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7 & 9:30 p.m. $7. Info, 603-646-2422. ‘I’M NOT THERE’: In this dream-world meditation on celebrity, six actors portray the many faces and moods of pop-folk legend Bob Dylan. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $8. Info, 603-646-2422. ‘IRAQ IN FRAGMENTS’: Director James Longley surveys war-torn Iraq in three acts, cinéma vérité style. Dana Auditorium, Sunderland Language Center, Middlebury College, 3 & 8 p.m. Free. Info, 443-6433. CHAMPLAIN MOTION PICTURES AUDITIONS: Folks from all walks of life try out for on-screen roles in a locally produced movie to be filmed in June. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, sign-up 10:30 a.m., auditions 10:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Free. Info, www. champlainmotionpictures.com.
art Also, see exhibitions in Section A.
MATTING & MOUNTING DEMO: A framing expert shows how to make art stand out. Artist’s Mediums, Williston, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 879-1236.
words J.R.R. TOLKIEN CONFERENCE: See April 11, Waterman Building, UVM, Burlington, 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. PAM LEWIS: The touring author signs copies of her novel Perfect Family, a murder mystery set at a summer house on a fictional Vermont lake. Borders, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 865-2711. DOUG WILHELM: The Vermont author reads from Falling, his new novel for young adults. Phoenix Books, Essex Junction, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 872-7111.
talks FEMICIDES SYMPOSIUM: Three speakers discuss the serial murders of women that have been ongoing in Juárez, Mexico, since 1992. Marsh Lounge Apse, Billings Hall, UVM, Burlington, 10 a.m. - noon & 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3570. ELDER ISSUES: Beth Stern, the executive director of the Central Vermont Council on Aging, offers an update on legislative budget priorities and accomplishments for seniors. Board Room, Central Vermont Medical Center, Berlin, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Free. Info, 496-9458.
kids ANIMAL FEEDING: See April 9. WINOOSKI PLAYGROUP: See April 10, 10-11 a.m. ‘SATURDAY STORIES’: Librarians read from popular picture books at the Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 878-0313. BORDERS STORYTIME: Little bookworms listen to stories at Borders, Burlington, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 865-2711. BARNES & NOBLE STORYTIME: Kids ages 4 and up settle down for stories at Barnes & Noble, South Burlington, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 864-8001. ‘CELEBRATE THE FLEECE’: Four- and 5-year-olds greet new lambs, watch a sheep-shearing, and learn how wool becomes felt, yarn and cloth. Shelburne Farms, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Kids 6 and older, 12:30-2:30 p.m. $12 per adult-child pair, $6 for each additional child. Registration and info, 985-8686, ext. 341. KIDS’ CRAFT LAB: Small hands work with recycled materials to make new stuff. The Bobbin Sew Bar & Craft Lounge, Burlington, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. $5 per child. Info, www.thebobbin.com or 999-6202. 4-H PRESENTATION DAY: Area youth display ag-centric projects and model homemade garments in a kid-centric fashion show. Hunt Middle School, Burlington, 9:15 a.m. - noon. Free. Info, 656-5429. JUNIOR IRON CHEF COMPETITION: Middle and high school students stir, chop and sauté in three-to-five-person teams at this cooking contest centered on local edibles. Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, 9:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. Free. Info, www.jrironchefvt. org or 985-0322. EGG DROP: Budding physicists compete with crash-proof containers at this science-project showdown. Montshire Museum, Norwich, display and construction noon - 2 p.m., contest 2 p.m. $2 includes one egg. Info, 649-2200. VERMONT SCHOLASTIC CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS: Future Kasparovs in grades K through 12 beat the clock to say “checkmate.” Camel’s Hump Middle School, Richmond, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. $15-20. Registration and info, www. vtchess.info or 434-4872.
sport ZUMBA FITNESS: See April 10, Fitness Options location only, 9:30 & 11 a.m.
activism ‘TRACKING OUR FUTURE’: Montpelier residents envision what their city will look like a century from now. Montpelier City Hall, 9 a.m. Free. Info, 355-2150. EARTH DAY SUSTAINABILITY FAIR: Green-themed activities, music and snacks augment an idea-swap of ways to live lightly on the planet. Richmond Library, noon - 2 p.m. Free. Info, 434-4394.
etc BINGO: See April 9. CHARITY BINGO: See April 9. GEEK WEEK: See April 9, cartoons, “hack the planet” info workshops, bikes, ’bots, “cardborgs” and “mathletics,” 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; geek-hop band The Mathematicians, 9 p.m. MOVE INTERNATIONAL SPRING MARKET: See April 11, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. WINTER FARMERS’ MARKET: Shoppers seeking locally raised edibles pick up root vegetables, cheeses, pickles and other lavish provender at the Old Strand Theater, Rutland, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Free. Info, 287-9311. FLINT KNAPPING WORKSHOP: Survivalists ages 14 and up fashion sharp hand tools by fracturing stone. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 1-4 p.m. $25. Info, 229-6206. NORTHERN GREYHOUND ADOPTIONS: Supporters of the sleek-bodied breed offer info about volunteer work and caring for rescued racers. Community Space, University Mall, South Burlington, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Free. Info, 863-1066, ext. 11. SCALE MODELING EXHIBITION: Hobbyists from both sides of the border break out the superglue and sweat the small stuff for this miniatureconstruction showcase. Holiday Inn, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. $2. Info, 518-561-4265. COLLEGE PATHWAYS CONFERENCE: High school sophomores, juniors and their parents choose four workshops from among 16 higher-ed-related topics, and backwoods comedian Rusty DeWees keynotes. Various on-campus locations, Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Free. Registration and info, www.vsac.org or 800-798-8722. GARDENING WORKSHOP: Bugs and other plant pests form the focus of an organic-based problem-solving seminar. Gardener’s Supply, Burlington, 9:30-11 a.m. $10. Registration and info, 660-3500. ‘SUGAR ON SNOW’ PARTY: Hardenedmaple-syrup edibles usher in spring, whether or not cold white stuff is still on the ground. Palmer’s Sugarhouse, Shelburne, noon - 4 p.m. $4, free to watch. Info, 985-5054. VERMONT SCHOOL & YOUTH GARDEN CONFERENCE: Cultivators of green thumbs under age 18 convene to talk plots. Chase Community Center, Vermont Law School, South Royalton, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. $10-35. Info, www. burlingtongardens.org or 861-4769. FRENCH ROUNDTABLE: Speakers at various skill levels order café during an open practice session. Briggs Carriage Bookstore, Brandon, 9:30 a.m. Free. Info, 247-0050. GARDENING CYCLES: Two herbalists teach a practical workshop about how to make the most of windowboxes, backyards and fields. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 12:30-2 p.m. $7. Info, 223-8004, ext. 202. BODY STRESS: Anxiety-prone peeps learn techniques for adapting to sudden change. Riverside Chiropractic, Montpelier, 2:30-4 p.m. $5. Info, 223-8004, ext. 202. APPLIANCE ROUND-UP: Recyclers take advantage of waived fees to drop off washers, water heaters and other household machinery. All Chittenden County CSWD centers except Colchester, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Free. Info, www.cswd. net or 872-8111.
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | calendar 25B WED.09
KEY PLAYER Who says romance is dead? Over the past decade, Canadian pianist André Laplante has established himself as a great romantic virtuoso. Laplante, a Montréal native, won several prizes early in his career, at international competitions in Geneva, Sydney and Moscow. More recently, one of his performances won a 2004 Juno Award (Canada’s equivalent of the Grammy) for Best Orchestral Recording. Laplante specializes in emotional, evocative compositions; Liszt and Chopin are key parts of his repertoire. He closes the Barre Opera House’s 20072008 Celebration Series with a concert featuring Chopin’s “Fantasy in F Minor,” as well as works by Bach, Schubert and Haydn. ANDRÉ LAPLANTE
Saturday, April 12, Barre Opera House, 8 p.m. $10-26. Info, 476-8188. www.barreoperahouse.org www.andrelaplante.com
ORGANIC GARDENING: Soil preppers hear how to site and sustain a healthy compost pile, among other things. Unitarian Universalist Church, Barre, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. $15. Info, 522-0045. SPRING SKIRTS: Machine wranglers fashion reversible, wrap-around wearables from reclaimed fabric. The Bobbin Sew Bar & Craft Lounge, Burlington, 2-4 p.m. $30 includes materials and an extra hour of sewing time. Info, www.thebobbin.com or 999-6202. VERMONT WOMEN’S EXPO: Females absorb info about health care, financial investing, self-defense and home decor. Sheraton Hotel, South Burlington, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Free. Info, www.vermontwomensexpo.com or 229-2163. AARP TAX FILING WORKSHOP: Volunteer experts help seniors and folks from low-income households get their financial affairs set for the IRS. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 9 a.m. Free. Info, 879-7576. CHILI COOK-OFF DINNER: Chefs follow favorite recipes to make mild, medium or hot batches of meat or veggie stew to serve 10 people each. Richmond Congregational Church, entry deadline 4:30 p.m., judging 5 p.m., dinner 5:30-7 p.m. $8 includes cornbread, salad and ice cream. Info, 434-2053. CHOCOLATE BY THE POUND: The Franklin County Humane Society hosts an all-you-can-eat extravaganza of cocoa-licious edibles to support pet-friendly programs. St. Albans Historical Museum, 2-4 p.m. $15-20. Info, 524-9650. AARP MEETING: Seniors socialize over coffee, then hear about how to encourage caring communities. South Burlington City Hall, refreshments 9:30 a.m., program 10 a.m. Free. Info, 877-3484. TIP-TOP COUTURE: More than forty local models of all shapes, sizes and ages show off sustainable, radical fashions on a runway enhanced by visual projections and live DJs. Tip Top Café, White River Junction, 9:30 p.m. $12. Info, 295-6487. CHOCOLATE LOVERS’ FLING: Sweet tooths sample and judge cocoa desserts at a silent auction hosted by Plainfield-based community radio station WGDR. Haybarn Theater, Goddard College, Plainfield, 7-9 p.m. $5-10. Info, 454-7367, ext. 4 or www.wgdr.org. ‘BECAUSE’ CRAFT SHOW: Handcrafted, locally made items support various charities selected by the vendors. Albert D. Lawton Intermediate School, 104 Maple Street, Essex Junction, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. $2. Info, 879-2489.
CASINO NIGHT FUNDRAISER: High rollers support autism research and education at this dinnerincluded gala with live music and local celebrities. Barre Auditorium, 5 p.m. $125 includes two meal tickets and $150 in poker chips. Info, www. vtautismpuzzle.org or 244-6963. DOWSERS’ MEETING: Pendulum swingers hear from a speaker and practice energy healing. Shelburne Town Office, 10 a.m. $5 or bring a potluck dish to share. Info, burlingtonverm ontdowsers.org. SILENT AUCTION & DANCE FUNDRAISER: The Starline Rhythm Boys raise the roof with honky-tonk bar ballads at a benefit for the Bristol Family Center. Middlebury American Legion, 7-11 p.m. $15-20 per person or $20-30 per couple. Info, 453-5659. ‘PARTING WITH PURPOSE’: Women dealing with divorce or separation gain tools for self-healing at this two-day empowerment workshop. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 989-7013.
SUN.13 music
Also, see clubdates in Section B. MIDDLEBURY COMMUNITY WIND ENSEMBLE: See April 11, Holley Hall, Bristol, 4 p.m. OPERA INSIGHTS: See April 11. VERMONT YOUTH PHILHARMONIA: Clarinetist Elisabeth LeBlanc joins the youth ensemble at an evening concert of works by Mozart, Holst and John Williams. Elley-Long Music Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 7 p.m. $2-5. Info, 655-5030. THE SWINGLE SINGERS: Eight pro a cappella vocalists entertain at a concert sponsored by the Hinesburg Artist Series. See calendar spotlight. Ira Allen Chapel, UVM, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $22. Info, 863-5966. TREI ARCUSI: Three musicians teach and play Translyvanian-style folk tunes from Greece, Romania and Hungary. North End Studio, 294 North Winooski Avenue, Burlington, workshop 3-5 p.m., concert 7:30 p.m. $10 per event. Reservations and info, 863-6713. CAPITAL CITY ORCHESTRA: This community ensemble plays part of Copland’s “Appalachian Spring,” along with works by Brahms, Mozart, Liszt and other composers. Montpelier High School Auditorium, 4 p.m. Donations. Info, 223-8610.
dance N.A.S.A. GRANT SHOWCASE: Choreographers Joy Madden of Essex and Rachel Frida Siegel of Burlington present works-in-progress about parent-child relationships. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 4 p.m. $5. Info, 863-5966. EASTERN EUROPEAN FOLK DANCING: The seven-member, Boston-based band Shining Moon plays lively Balkan tunes to inspire novice line and circle dancers. Tracy Hall, Norwich, 3-6 p.m. $12-15. Info, 633-3226.
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drama ‘THE ELEPHANT MAN’: See April 9, 5 p.m. ‘BEAUTY AND THE BEAST’: See April 10, 1 & 6 p.m. ‘GODSPELL’: See April 10, 2 p.m. $13-15. ‘THE HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES’: See April 11, 2 p.m. ‘ROMEO & JULIET: PIRATES VS. NINJAS’: See April 11, 2 p.m. ‘BE THE DOG’: See April 11, 2 p.m. ‘MRS. MOSES: THE WOMAN BEHIND THE MAN’: See April 12, 4 p.m. HENRY DAVID THOREAU PORTRAYAL: Actor Richard Smith reads some of the sage of Concord’s works while carrying on an in- and out-of-character conversation with audience members. Unitarian Church, Burlington, 1-2:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 862-5630, ext. 24.
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film ‘PERSEPOLIS’: See April 11, 1:30 & 7 p.m. DARTMOUTH DOUBLE FEATURE: Fantasy fans swoon for true love with The Princess Bride, then absorb a coming-of-age fairy tale in Stardust. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7 & 8:50 p.m. $7. Info, 603-646-2422. ‘FREE ZONE’: Three women — an American, an Israeli and a Palestinian — convey their backgrounds and convictions by the way they interact with each oher. 212 Battery Street, Burlington, café 6 p.m., film 7 p.m. $10. Info, www.icvt.org or 923-1877.
art See exhibitions in Section A.
words J.R.R. TOLKIEN CONFERENCE: See April 11, Waterman Building, UVM, Burlington, 9:30-11 a.m. SUN.13 >> 26B 2xfp(bw)-7Dstore.indd 1
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<calendar > SUN.13 << 25B
talks HISTORY TALK: Ethno-historian James Axtell, a humanities prof at the College of William and Mary, discusses fact and fiction in Native American records. Dana Auditorium, Sunderland Language Center, Middlebury College, 8:15 p.m. Free. Info, 758-2351. INTERFAITH LECTURE SERIES: Rev. Nancy Wright considers Christianity’s take on global climate change as part of a multi-faith series pairing science and religion. Ascension Lutheran Church, South Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 769-7395. NATURAL FOREST BURIAL GROUND: Community members consider the potential for a “green” cemetery at the Waterworks property in Bristol. Walkover Gallery, 15 Main Street, Bristol, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 453-7728. ARAB-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS: Politics prof William Quandt of the University of Virginia offers guidelines for a new U.S. presidency in promoting Middle Eastern peace. Room 216, McCardell Bicentennial Hall, Middlebury College, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-5289.
kids ANIMAL FEEDING: See April 9.
sport GREEN MOUNTAIN DERBY DAMES: See April 10, 6 p.m. WOMEN’S NATURE WALK: Females of all ages step into mud boots for a guided natural history outing along a local stream. Meet at the North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 1-3 p.m. $8. Info, 229-6206. GREEN MOUNTAIN BICYCLE CLUB: Weather permitting, cyclists meet for an informal area ride — route and distance to be decided by attendees. Meet at Dorset Park, South Burlington, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 899-2908. ORIENTEERING CLINIC: Beginner and intermediate-level map readers learn to track terrain points with a compass to follow a designated route. Catamount Family Center, Williston, 10 a.m. $5. Info, 879-4968.
activism GREEN DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE: Members of a new local political action committee consider how to promote environmentally sound policies. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free. Info, www.gdaburlington.org or 355-5247.
etc CHARITY BINGO: See April 9, 2 & 7 p.m. GEEK WEEK: See April 9, Scrabble tournament, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.; sustainability summit, 6 p.m.; jazz night, 9 p.m. ‘SUGAR ON SNOW’ PARTY: See April 12. ‘PARTING WITH PURPOSE’: See April 12. COMMUNITY BRUNCH: A live band serenades weekend breakfasters at a spread featuring fluffy pancakes. L.A.C.E., Barre, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. $6-12.50. Info, www.lacevt.org or 476-4276. PRUNING WORKSHOP: Backyard orchard keepers learn when and how to trim trees and shrubs to preserve their health, yield and appearance. Elmore Roots Nursery, 1-3:30 p.m. $5. Info, 888-3305. VERMONT ANTIQUARIAN BOOK FAIR: Bibliophiles seeking first editions, maps or rare volumes browse the stalls at this semi-annual sale. Sheraton Hotel, South Burlington, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. $4. Info, www.vermontisbookcountry.com or 527-7243. HUNGER BANQUET: Members of three UVM a cappella groups — Cat’s Meow, Top Cats and Hit Paws — entertain eaters of all-you-can-eat pizza, french fries and ice cream. King Street Youth Center, Burlington, 5 p.m. $5. Info, 330-998-2452.
QUEER PARENTING: Same-sex couples with kids connect at an informal networking session. Baby Shop, Essex Junction, 2-4 p.m. Free. Reservations and info, 288-1002. QUEER CRAFT CIRCLE: Lesbian, gay, bi and transgender creators get their craft on in a supportive sphere. The Bobbin Sew Bar & Craft Lounge, Burlington, 2-4 p.m. Free. Info, www.thebobbin. com or 999-6202. SCRABBLE CLUB: Triple-letter-square seekers wage word wars at the McClure MultiGenerational Center, Burlington, 2-6 p.m. Free. Info, 862-7558.
MON.14 music
Also, see clubdates in Section B. SMALL CHAMBER ENSEMBLES CONCERT: Instrumentalists showcase new compositions penned by student songsmiths. UVM Recital Hall, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3040. SAMBATUCADA! REHEARSAL: Percussive people pound out carnival rhythms at an open meeting of this Brazilianstyle community drumming troupe. New members are welcome at the Switchback Brewery, Burlington, 6 p.m. $5. Info, 343-7107.
dance SWING DANCING: Put on your saddle shoes and head for an old-fashioned sock hop at The Black Door, Montpelier, 7:30-9 p.m. $5. Info, 223-1806. BREAKDANCING: Kids ages 9 to 16 bust moves at this cardboard-centric drop-in class taught by local spinner Nate Elie. North End Studio, 294 North Winooski Avenue, Burlington, 5-6 p.m. $10. Info, 863-6713.
film ‘PERSEPOLIS’: See April 11.
art Also, see exhibitions in Section A. COMMUNITY DARKROOM: See April 10.
words BOOK DISCUSSION: Readers sound the hidden depths of Mark Twain’s Life on the Mississippi. Heineberg Senior Center, Burlington, 1 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211. APPLIED STORYTELLING: Adults consider ways that personal narratives sustain communities, families and other social networks. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 12:30-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
talks LECTURE & DEMO: Adam Nayyar of Pakistan’s National Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage explores the cultural and spiritual history of Qawwali music. Brace Commons, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2010. HUMANITIES SERIES: UVM religion prof Anne Clark considers female medieval mystics. Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington, 2 p.m. $5. Info, www.eeevermont.org or 862-2531. ‘NURTURING SEXUALLY HEALTHY KIDS’: Parents pose questions about normal child behavior and consider how to support their offspring’s development. Unitarian Church, Burlington, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Free. Info, 862-5630.
kids ANIMAL FEEDING: See April 9. WATERBURY STORYTIME: See April 9, for children ages 2-3. PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: See April 10. MUSIC TIME: See April 10. ‘ITTY BITTY SKATING’: See April 10. FAMILY SING-ALONG: Parents and kids belt out fun, familiar favorites at the Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216.
DADS’ GROUP: Fathers and fathersto-be bring offspring up to age 6 to a playgroup, meal and social hour. Winooski Family Center, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 655-1422. MUDFEST: Pete and Karen Sutherland play kid-friendly fiddle tunes at a down-and-dirty celebration featuring gritty games and chocolate ice cream. ECHO, Burlington, 1 p.m. $7-9.50. Info, 864-1848. BUBBIES, BABIES & BAGELS: A Jewishthemed playgroup for families of all backgrounds features intergenerational schmoozing and noshing. Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Burlington, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 864-0218, ext. 23. MONDAY MUSIC: Local musician Mia Adams tells stories and sings kid-friendly faves. J.C. Penney seating area, University Mall, South Burlington, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-1066, ext. 11.
sport SENIOR EXERCISE: See April 9, 10 a.m. ZUMBA FITNESS: See April 10, Olympiad location only, 8:15 a.m.
activism BURLINGTON PEACE VIGIL: See April 9. TOWN FORUM: Area residents and legislators listen to one another at a community breakfast. Golden Eagle Resort, Stowe, 7:30-9:30 a.m. Free. Reservations and info, 635-1240.
etc CHOCOLATE-DIPPING DEMO: See April 9. GEEK WEEK: See April 9, quantum mechanics seminar, 7 p.m.; show-andtell, 8 p.m. WORD THROW DOWN: Local teens take on library trustees and staff in a spelling bee fundraiser supporting intergenerational programs. Buy raffle tickets or bake sale items at the Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6:308:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 878-6956. FINANCIAL WORKSHOPS: Participants create budgets, then decipher documents that contain their personal credit scores. Opportunities Credit Union, Burlington, budgeting workshop 2 p.m., credit report workshop 6 p.m. Free. Info, 800-865-8328. ‘THE HIDDEN HOUSING OPTION’: Potential members of housing cooperatives gather info about a lifestyle that’s midway between renting and owning. Champlain Housing Trust, Burlington, noon - 1 p.m. and 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 660-0637. SENIOR LUNCHEON: Elders socialize over a music-enhanced meal featuring rigatoni with sausage — not to mention pound cake. Trinity Episcopal Church, Shelburne, noon. $5-10. Reservations and info, 862-7754.
TUE.15 music
Also, see clubdates in Section B. GREEN MOUNTAIN CHORUS: Male music-makers rehearse barbershop singing and quartetting at St. Francis Xavier School, Winooski, 7-9:30 p.m. Free. Info, 655-2949.
dance ARGENTINEAN TANGO: See April 11, North End Studio, 294 North Winooski Avenue, Burlington, lessons 6:30-8:30 p.m. $12. Practica, 8:30-9:30 p.m. $5. Info, 862-2833. SWING DANCING: Open practice makes perfect for music-motivated swing dancers of all levels. Champlain Club, Burlington, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $3. Info, 860-7501. LINE DANCING: Boot scooters show off fancy footwork at the Harvest Moon Banquet Room, Essex Junction, beginners’ lesson 6-7 p.m., open dancing 7-9 p.m. $9.50. Info, 434-2891.
film ‘PERSEPOLIS’: See April 11.
‘SOMETIMES IN APRIL’: This madefor-TV historical drama chronicles the Rwandan genocide of 1994. Room 105, Marsh Life Science Building, UVM, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 413-441-5597. SECRET MOVIE NIGHT: Indie film buffs wait with bated breath for a cinematic surprise. 12 North Street, Burlington, 8 p.m. $3. Info, 999-3254.
art See exhibitions in Section A.
words REEVE LINDBERGH: The Northeast Kingdom-based author contemplates leaving middle age in readings from her new essay collection, Forward From Here. Bear Pond Books, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 229-0774. BURLINGTON WRITERS’ GROUP: Bring pencil, paper and the will to be inspired to the Acoustic Lounge, Parima, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 999-1664. STEPHEN HUNECK: The Northeast Kingdom-based author and artist reads from his children’s book Sally Gets a Job at the launch party for a new library card featuring his doggie designs. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 748-8291.
talks ‘LOOMING RECESSION?’: Economics professors John Carvellas and Reza Ramazani consider whether the U.S. faces a tougher financial future. Farrell Room, St. Edmund’s Hall, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536. POST-SOVIET CULTURAL IDENTITY: Members of the Uzbekistani drama company Ilkhom Theatre join Dartmouth faculty to discuss contemporary music, theater and literature in former U.S.S.R. states. Room 041, Haldeman Center, Kreindler Conference Hall, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2010. COMMUNITY MEDICAL SCHOOL: Dr. Robert Pierattini, the psychiatric department chair at UVM’s medical school, reviews the symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders. Carpenter Auditorium, Given Medical Building, UVM, Burlington, 6-7 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 847-2886. THE GREEN MOUNTAIN BOYS: Members of Colonel Seth Warner’s recreated Revolutionary War regiment reenact segments of early Vermont history. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:30-5 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. ‘BRINGING THE IRAQ WAR BACK HOME’: New Yorker staff writer George Packer discusses his trips to and coverage of the conflict in Iraq. Dana Auditorium, Sunderland Language Center, Middlebury College, 4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-5483.
kids ANIMAL FEEDING: See April 9. SOUTH BURLINGTON LIBRARY STORYTIME: See April 11, for walkers up to age 3. MUDFEST: See April 14. Folk songwriter Colin McCaffrey entertains slightly smudged tots. ECHO STORYTIME: Young explorers discover the wonders of the natural world through books and imaginative play. ECHO, Burlington, 11 a.m. $7-9.50. Info, 864-1848. TODDLER STORYTIME: Tykes under age 3 enjoy stories, songs and a snack at the Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 878-0313. WINOOSKI STORYTIME: Preschoolers aged 2-and-a-half to 5 expend energy in finger play and song, then listen to tales. Winooski Memorial Library, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Registration and info, 655-6424.
DARK KNIGHT COMICS CLUB: Pencil- and pen-holders draw on their inner resources to produce paneled narratives. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. PRESCHOOL DISCOVERY PROGRAM: Nature investigators ages 3 to 5 explore how birds feather their nests. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 10-11:30 a.m. $10. Info, 229-6206. ARTBOPS!: Messy art explorations are à la mode at this toddler-centric playtime to explore materials, textures and colors. Bebop Baby Shop, Essex Junction, 1-1:45 p.m. $4. Info, 288-1002.
sport ZUMBA FITNESS: See April 10, Fitness Options location, 5:30 p.m. Olympiad location, 7 p.m. GREEN MOUNTAIN DERBY DAMES: See April 10. COMMUNITY YOGA CLASS: Beginner to intermediate stretchers strike poses for spine alignment. Healing in Common Lobby, Network Chiropractic of Vermont, Shelburne, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 985-9850.
activism BURLINGTON PEACE VIGIL: See April 9.
etc CHOCOLATE-DIPPING DEMO: See April 9. CHARITY BINGO: See April 9. GEEK WEEK: See April 9, after-school “comix convention”, 4 p.m.; superhero costume fest and Kafui! CD release party, 9 p.m. SENIOR BREAKFAST: See April 10. PAUSE CAFE: Novice and fluent French speakers brush up on their linguistics — en français. Borders Café, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 655-1346. ITALIAN CONVERSATION GROUP: Midday learners try lunch in a foreign language to sharpen communication skills. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, noon - 1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. WALDORF OPEN HOUSE: Parents of prospective high school students tour classes with their kids, then meet faculty members. Lake Champlain Waldorf High School, Charlotte, 8-10 a.m. Free. Info, 985-2827, ext. 12. LOCALVORE POTLUCK: People committed to consuming locally raised edibles share info, recipes and tasty inventions at Efficiency Vermont, 255 South Champlain Street, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free, bring a dish to share. Info, www. eatlocalvt.org. KNIT & NURSE: Mamas bring their babies to chat and work on projects. The Bobbin Sew Bar & Craft Lounge, Burlington, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Free. Info, www.thebobbin.com or 999-6202. SELF-CARE FOR CAREGIVERS: People looking after family members long-term learn to focus on their own emotional and spiritual needs, too. Central Vermont Home Health Hospice, Berlin, 5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 476-2671.
WED.16 music
Also, see clubdates in Section B. ST. ANDREWS PIPES & DRUMS: See April 9. STUDENT PERFORMANCE RECITAL: See April 10. QAWWALI MASTERS: Pakistani brothers Mehr and Sher Ali combine powerful Sufi devotional lyrics with their ensemble’s explosive hand-clapping rhythms and traditional percussion. Rollins Chapel, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 8 p.m. $24. Info, 603-646-2422.
dance ‘SALSALINA’ PRACTICE: See April 9.
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | calendar 27B WED.09
Hit the spot.
VOX POPULI It might surprise young people who associate a cappella with their college experience to know that one British group’s been going strong — and virtually nonstop — since the 1960s. The Swingle Singers fuse jazz and classical vocal styles in a signature sound that can make the human voice mimic, well, almost anything, from trumpets to traffic signals. Split evenly between men and women, the group has had a rotating ensemble for nearly half a century; previous cohorts worked with Quincy Jones and sang at the White House. The current lineup scats and beatboxes with the best, offering vocal takes on everything from Jones’ “Soul Bossa Nova,” a.k.a. the Austin Powers theme song, to madrigals and symphonic works by Bach, Beethoven and Mozart. The Hinesburg Artist Series hosts the fab eight in a concert also featuring vocal groups from area schools.
Show and tell. View and post up to 6 photos per ad online.
Sunday, April 13, Ira Allen Chapel, UVM, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $22. Info, 863-5966. www.swinglesingers.com, www.myspace.com/swinglesingers, www.hinesburgartistseries.org
ULTIMA VEZ: The Belgian troupe guided by choreographer Wim Vandekeybus plays with 20 years’ worth of movement material in Spiegel. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $30-41. Info, 863-5966.
drama COMEDY NIGHT: Regional yuksters Joy Kipp, Tracie Spencer, Martha Tormey, Nathan Brady Crain and Kathleen Kanz do a quadruple header at The Black Door, Montpelier, 8:30 p.m. $5. Info, 828-5060.
film ‘PERSEPOLIS’: See April 11. ‘THE LOST WORLD’: This 1925 film uses stop-motion special effects to depict dinosaurs running amok in the Amazon jungle. Live musical accompaniment sets the scene at Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7 p.m. $7. Info, 603-646-2422. ‘MECHINA: A PREPARATION’: A question-and-answer session with director Maital Guttman follows a screening of this film exploring teenage life and military service in Israel. Room 101, Fleming Museum, UVM, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free. Info, 299-9548.
talks FARM ISSUES: Shelby Hammond of Rural Vermont encourages that Green Mountain State growers be allowed to produce and sell industrial hemp, fresh meat and raw milk. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
kids ANIMAL FEEDING: See April 9. BARNES & NOBLE STORYTIME: See April 9. WESTFORD PLAYGROUP: See April 9. HINESBURG PLAYGROUP: See April 9. WATERBURY STORYTIME: See April 9. CHESS CLUB: See April 9. PETER THE MUSIC MAN: See April 9. MUDFEST: See April 14. Performers with Red Wing Puppet Theater offer an ode to springtime in Vermont. PRESCHOOL DISCOVERY PROGRAM: See April 15. PAJAMA STORYTIME: Kids cuddle up in their nightclothes for an hour of bedtime stories, cookies and milk. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-0313.
sport SENIOR EXERCISE: See April 9.
Also, see exhibitions in Section A. ARTS ACHIEVEMENT DAY: Arts advocates launch a community project based on puzzle pieces during a discussion about Vermont’s creative future. Statehouse, Montpelier, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Free. Info, www.vermont artscouncil.org or 828-5422.
BURLINGTON PEACE VIGIL: See April 9. NIGHT OF NOISE: Following statewide “Day of Silence” activities, gay and straight alliance networks host a speak-out for queer and allied youth. Burlington City Hall Park, 5 p.m. Free. Info, ella@outrightvt.org or 865-9677.
words ‘TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES’ SERIES: Readers of The Education of Little Tree consider the fact that its author was once a Ku Klux Klansman. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 748-8291. BOOK DISCUSSION: Readers of Bill McKibben’s Deep Economy consider new ways to think about food, energy, time and money. Waterbury Public Library, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
HOMEBUYER ORIENTATION: Before shopping, potential house hunters determine whether homeownership fits their needs. Central Vermont Community Land Trust, Barre, 5:306:30 p.m. Free. Info, www.cvclt.org or 476-4493, ext. 211. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETING: St. Albans City Police officer Jason Wetherby offers citizens pointers on how to address domestic violence. City Council Room, St. Albans City Hall, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 524-2166. ‘GIFTED KIDS’ DISCUSSION: Parents and educators of above-average learners consider how to support differentiation in public school systems. Green Mountain Center for Gifted Education, 73 Prim Road, Fort Ethan Allen, Colchester, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, lucybogue@yahoo.com or 658-9941. BURNHAM KNITTERS: Yarn unfurls into purls at a chat-and-craft session. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 879-7576. KNITTING & RUG HOOKING: Pointpushers create scarves, hats and mats at the Briggs Carriage Bookstore, Brandon, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 247-0050. PEACE CORPS INFO MEETING: A recruiter explains the mission of the U.S.’ international volunteer network, then returned Peace Corps vets share their experiences. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 656-8269. WEB ANALYTICS GROUP: Members of the Williston website-metrics company EpikOne host a networking event for professionals interested in learning how online marketing works. Halvorson’s Upstreet Café, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 264-9794. BREAKFAST BRAINSTORMING: Employees of nonprofits meet with marketing, advertising, communications and design professionals to learn to better convey their organizations’ messages. Room 217, Ireland Building, Champlain College, Burlington, 7:45-9 a.m. Free. Info, 865-6495. ECO-SEW WORKSHOP: Stitchers whip up otedama — Japanese juggling balls — using locally recycled materials. The Bobbin Sew Bar & Craft Lounge, Burlington, 2-4 p.m. $20 includes materials. Registration and info, www.thebobbin.com or 999-6202. >
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If you’re looking for relationships, dates, flirts, or to hook-up, this is your scene. WOMEN seeking MEN UBU-LOVING, RUGBY-PLAYING CHICA I’m not the smallest of girls, but I’ve yet to hear complaints. Brown eyes, brown hair and olive skin is your first impression. Funny, creative and quirky is your second. If you’re lucky, submissive, wild and unforgettable will be your third impression. I’m open to any clean fun. I love trying new things - but enough about me. What’s your story? Alisandra, 21, l, #109245 CAPTIVATINGLY UNIQUE INDIVIDUAL I’m particular about certain things but in general like to have fun and laugh. Tulipanes, 35, l, #109244 OUTDOOR ADVENTURE, LOVE AND FRIENDS Let’s start very small. A cup of tea, glass of wine or beer. A bicycle ride. Looking for lifetime mate to play with, love and support. Lightheartedness a must. Letsgoplay, 50, #109193 NJ GIRL MOVING TO VT May be crazy, but here goes: Live in NJ, plan to move to Vermont within two years. Friendship and casual dating for now when in town. Eventually LTR. Typically get to Burlington and Stowe areas about every three months, more in winter for snowboarding. Hike, bike, art museums, botanical gardens, alternative energy, environment, gardening, architecture, photography. snobug, 45, l, #109186 MY SEXUALITY DEFIES LABELS Viewed beautiful by some, this wildchild queer femme seeks a late-20s or early-30s handsome metro man or a sassy chic femme to keep up with me! Career grrl by day, Weekend Warrior by night. Want someone to go a few levels deeper in sexual and emotional intensity. My sexual desires aren’t vanilla, but I believe sexual tastes are a consensual experience mutually arrived at. Jaguar, 40, u, l, #109159 FUN AND OUTGOING I know who I’m looking for but can’t seem to find him. I’ll try to give you a more descriptive idea in a few days. Check out my profile. Acelmer329, 26, l, #109065 LIFE IS AN ADVENTURE Bright, fun, witty, romantic, grateful, creative, outdoorsy, fit, healthy, eco-savvy, friendly, poet, adventurous, professional, tree-hugger walking the tightrope between ideals and pragmatism. Love people and alone time. I live through my senses, logic and imagination, learning all that I can without and within. Looking for a healthy, good man to get to know and hike, camp, laugh and learn with. Samara, 38, l, #109156 GENUINE, FUN, PASSIONATE ABOUT LIFE These are a few of my favorite things: feeling the warmth of the sun and a beautiful summer breeze, motorcycle rides with friends to places I’ve never been, the smell of the ocean and finding a seashell, walking through Burlington and stopping for Kettle Korn or a creemee. SunLover77, 31, l, #109041
Now $ only
NO BOXES TO FIT IN... SWF...complex, writer, organic farmer, weaver, therapist. Not perfect. Has great qualities... kindness; intelligence; creativity; humor; physically fit; emotionally aware; income poor; time, land, friends rich. Love friends, relaxing, birding, weaving, knitting, caving, hiking, swimming, kayaking, tele-skiing, writing, reading, learning, eating and canning homegrown food, crossword puzzles, feeling cared for, caring for others, stars, weather. Want to grow old with non-smoking, nonrepublican. Ann, 50, u, l, #101322 LOOKING FOR ADVENTURES Outgoing, confident, curious, adventureloving lady looking for someone to experience life’s adventures. I like great food and wine, beaches, travel, travel, travel, oh, and let’s not forget art, music, gardening, photography, books, anything around water. That’s just a few. You are confident, happy, active and have passions of your own you would perhaps share with me. 22092006, 45, l, #108805 ARE YOU REAL? I am totally delightful and beautiful and a complete goddess. Only goddess- respecting men need apply. No wackos, please. I love to read, play, create, meditate, and sip tea. I am open, honest, and graceful. bluepearlgirl, 28, u, l, #109091 MONTPELIER: SINGLE, SMART AND SEXY I am looking for someone who is healthy, confident, sweet, respectful, kind and interesting. Woo me with poetry and don’t be scared off by mine! I am a poet, a Goddess, a professional woman. I have little patience for games but I love to play. Divine, 31, l, #109060 ATHLETIC, OUTGOING AND ALWAYS LAUGHING Life is much less complicated when you can laugh at yourself. I am fortunate to love what I do and to be active outdoors in all four seasons with my yellow lab, who shares my love of running outdoors and relaxing comfortably indoors. I am confident in myself and looking for someone who feels the same. Let’s see where it goes. runskiwithlab, 31, l, #109056 YOU KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW I woke up this morning and went skiing. It was beautiful, the sunniest day in a long time. Who knew we’d be skiing in 8” of fresh powder on March 22! I love spending time with my family and friends. I like to make people smile. I hope you got a chance to smile today. :). pita42, 28, u, l, #109045 FABULOUS, FUN, FANTASTIC I currently work as a counselor with at-risk teenagers (12-21 years old). I enjoy the simple things in life: a beautiful sunset, the stars and the moon, laughing, a smile. I enjoy running, biking, hiking, snowshoeing, lounging in the sun. I also like reading, knitting, watching a movie, hangin’ with my cat and dog, cooking. Flaminglips, 34, l, #109043
COUNTRY GIRL WITH NO TV I am as diverse as the Green Mountains and as simple as a babbling brook. Independent, secure and can go from barn to boardroom with ease. I am not looking to do your laundry. You are happy with who you are, not trying to change who you are with. Smokers, condo residents and unemployed need not apply. Purecountry, 50, #109038 LIL’ CRAZY I am looking for my someone to get dirty with either in the garden or the garage! I am kinda new to Burlington and would love to meet people. blondie343, 22, l, #109037 JOCKY NERD CHICK Smart, athletic, love movies. Hate wasting too much time in front of the TV yet I spend hours on the Internet. Outdoorsy and adore men with shaggy hair and beards. I’d like to meet a guy who makes me want to stay home and chill a couple nights a week. KandiVT, 28, l, #109031
WOMEN seeking WoMEN I PLAY THE SAXOMAPHONE I’ve been playing the saxophone for almost 12 years and it’s my life. I am a jazz studies major at UVM. I’m not exactly sure what I’m looking for at this point, but I know I want to have some fun with whomever I meet. I do want to meet someone for the long haul eventually. We’ll see. Peace and love. trane900, 21, l, #109191 LOTS OF LAUGHS I’ve gotten to the point where I would love to meet new people and just build a web of great people around me. I’m also looking forward to going on some harmless dates and really want to experience a good time. I love to laugh and have a good time. My nights are free, so I’m waiting! jeceme21, 21, u, l, #109185 LESBIAN LOOKING FOR SAME Looking for a girl I can have fun with and be comfortable getting to know. Our relationship should bloom into friendship first. Then whatever else may be will be. tess069, 18, l, #109172 THIS IS ME :) Every day is a new adventure and with that comes new learning opportunities. I try not to take anything in life for granted because you never know when it will be gone. I’m looking for that perfect someone and by that I mean that perfect person who fits just right. Let me know if that someone might be you. Eblonde24, 24, l, #109162 FUNNY PECULIAR OR FUNNY HA-HA? Some of my friends think that I am hysterical, but I am not exactly sure why. I love to talk and have fun. I enjoy finding genuine connections with people. I want to date and maintain my individuality. I am woman: Hear me roar. Interested in conversation and wine? Wanna play Boggle? heatherjean, 27, #109157 PART-TIME LOVER, FULL-TIME FRIEND I’m looking for an active lady, 25-35, who would love to chill out once in a while. I’m not monogamous for long, so I don’t expect that from you. Writing a personal ad is weird, but I’m willing to communicate on any level. I’m not into heavy drugs; no couples. I love to dance. Let’s tango! ladylove, 30, #109042 LOVE THAT PENCIL-THIN MOON In love with community and the natural world. Can be serious, but prefer glee. Communication is a wonder drug that I truly enjoy finetuning! Touch and tenderness are trips along life’s zenith for me. I’m open to a variety of possibilities, from play to long-term passion! Perhaps we can bring each other joy! Bliss, 52, u, l, #108964
MEN seeking WoMEN BORED I’m bored and need someone to do stuff with. I’m not looking for anything specific. I’m taking the semester off from college to work and train for an MMA fight. I like almost anything and will do just about anything. VTMMA205, 20, l, #109241 TENDER IS THE NIGHT I am one year out of a 30-year relationship and realize that I do not have any women friends. I want to travel, meet the people of the world, and share the laughter and soul of a good woman. Things happen for a reason and I want to find the reasons. alwayseeking, 54, l, #109235 STARTING OVER What do I like to do? I like spending summer days on my boat on Lake Champlain, having a Corona, enjoying the sun with friends and listening to music. I like sunsets, campfires, travel, working, working out, fishing, music, biking, beaches, ocean, bbqs, hanging with friends or just spending time at home watching a movie. I’m up for anything. hockguy, 44, l, #109234 STRANGER IN THE COMMONWEALTH I’m currently living in Massachusetts but am originally from the great state of Vermont and would like to one day return home to live. I’m just curious as to what’s going on back there, what I’m missing. I guess I’ve grown a little homesick in the last few years. vthikerinma, 26, l, #109227 HEY I am a delightfully intelligent and active person. I would like to find someone who is professionally driven but knows how to take it easy once in a while. A2, 33, #109195
ROBOT JEDI PIRATE SPACEGHOST Delightful, perhaps, does not describe me. Verbose I am not. Keep it short and to the point. I can’t wait until I’m old enough to look back fondly on these memories. I have a dry, quirky sense of humor. Meh. Neonavenger, 23, l, #109146 WITTY, GENEROUS, LAID-BACK, GENTLEMAN I could be discussing million-dollar accounts with the president of the bank in the morning and playing a game of softball and enjoying a beer in the parking lot in the evening. College grad, professional, good-looking guy seeking fun, attractive female. wortheffort, 40, #109144 LOVE AND ROMANCE Loving romantic but also a bit of a bad boy, looking to share in the great feelings that love can bring, the butterflies, sweaty palms, rapid heartbeat from just seeing you from across the room or being in your arms. And to walk hand in hand with through this life. lesvt, 53, l, #109140 DREAMS ARE MADE OF BACON No one is really who they appear to be when they are drunk. I am trying to break my social routines by placing this ad. I am a very relaxed person most of the time, but I can be very undude if pushed. Sometimes it is very hard for me to open up, but inside is a gentleman. BobFunk, 25, u, l, #109115 LOOKING FOR THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE I am doing this so I can find some nice girls who share the same passion for music as I do...and someone who is honest...if this sounds like you, then I think we will get along great, look forward to hearing from you... FallOfTroy1987, 20, u, l, #109085
MEN seeking MEN
SLOW IT DOWN A BIT I have been lucky to achieve most that I have sought, maybe at the cost of a successful relationship. The next step? I enjoy working around the house and dropping everything to go run or hike or kayak. Spontaneous or unstructured? You decide. I get structure at work. Fit and active, seeking partner to compliment and grow with. movinthru, 41, l, #109135
NEW TO THESE PARTS I am political but also enjoy being silly. I love to camp, ski, bike and the outdoors in general. I do keep myself in good shape and am looking for the same. Looking for new opportunities to explore life but also like curling up with a good book (or a good man). rfkclu, 39, l, #109147
HONEST, HARDWORKING SINGLE DAD I’m a 41-year-old divorced dad. I’ve been single for a year and am ready to start dating. I’m looking for friendship, companionship, maybe more. Who knows? SJOM, 41, u, #109160
FUN-LOVING GUY I’m 5’11”, 288 lbs., good-looking, great body. Nice guy all around, love to walk, fun to be with. I’m looking for a fun guy to have fun with, do things with - walks, movies and more. sexeyguy08, 19, l, #109058
FUN, ROUGHHEWN, INTELLECTUAL I’m full of energy and ideas. I’m a doer and a philosopher. I like to get up early in the morning, and I like to dance late into the night. I look roughhewn but clean up well and make a fairly intellectual impression verbally. Let’s face our demons and pursue our fantasies together. frmgnt, 53, l, #109153
LOOKING FOR FRIENDS AND MORE GWM 150 lbs., 5’6”, looking for friends and more - someone to have fun with in and out of bed, someone honest and fun to be with. Rob07, 47, #108966
COURAGEOUS, COMPASSIONATE, LOVING, WISER MAN Seeking mature woman, 70-78, who values honesty, integrity, intimacy and a passion for life. My values are to live life to the fullest, trust my own judgment and live by it. I am silver-haired, balding some and seeking friendship or possibly a relationship with the right woman. lifeslover, 78, l, #109074 HONEST, PASSIONATE, HANDSOME AND FREE I am a caring man who will hold you close and let you go. I want to make you laugh, make you curl your toes with pleasure. Are you ready? looking4passion, 50, l, #109145
SWEET UNTIL HURT I am looking for a good, decent guy who knows how to treat me right. I am caring and honest, and I love being loved. I’m looking for a long-term relationship. I have a few extra pounds but am losing them! I have been told that I am definitely not ugly but not as cute as Brad Pitt. m7789, 18, u, l, #108792 ADVENTURES IN THE MOUNTAINS I am a first-year student at Johnson State in Vermont. Moved from Florida - talk about extreme! I am honest and loving although a bit quiet at times. I taught myself five languages, have my BB in Taekwondo, love Latin/ballroom dances, and my signature dance, the oh so sexy Tango! I love to cook, especially for other people. VTItalian, 19, l, #108626
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If you’re looking for full-on kink or BDSM play, you’ll get what you need here. WOMEN seeking… LOOKING TO EXPAND MY HORIZONS Let’s see. Who is Lily? I am a... well, I’ll say sub, but with developing dom feelings, so I guess switch would be better. Love kink play, see my list. Looking to have some fun, sexual and platonic. Please feel free to drop me a line. shywhitelily, 23, l, #109252 NEED A PARTNER IN CRIME? Looking for some chill girls to hang with and potentially bring home for some fun with my man. New to the scene but have been curious for a long time. girlinvttostay, 22, l, #109213 COFFEE & CIGARETTES Me: I think with my head, love coffee. I drink, I smoke, I enjoy life. I think I’m attractive, and I’ve got confidence. I’m not sure what I’m looking for, but I’m not looking for being serious off the bat. I would like to get to know people...and see where life goes. concretecitylove, 19, l, #109131 SEXY, NAKED, SUN, SPORTS, HOT TUBS Looking for some summertime playmates!! Love going to Bolton Falls. mashelle29, 26, #109076 YOU’RE IN CHARGE Slip your hands up my skirt and make us both feel good. I’ll let you be in charge if you’ll let me come loudly and frequently. yesyesyes, 28, #109053 CAN’T GET ENOUGH... Looking for a Boy Toy & readily available Booty call. NSA. Open, playful and energetic! Not interested in conversation, just pleasure. Size does matter & must have picture for exchange before meeting. D&D free. lia, 34, l, #108925 DON’T WANNA BE GIRL-GIRL VIRGIN Never done anything with another girl before but definitely want to get into it. I am tiny so I need a girl who will fit me. I am also into guys, definitely! But I have never had a threesome. I’m willing to try it only with the kinky ones - but group sex is always a plus, so couples welcome! sexuallyexplicit, 18, u, l, #108804 GENTLE, ADVENTUROUS SPIRIT I’m interested in finding folks for sexual encounters that are meaningful yet free of strings. Please be spiritual by nature (i.e. have a basic respect for living creatures and self), silly, gentle and kind, openminded and attractive. I love yoga and breathing :), healthy living and eating, reading, exercising, watching thought-provoking movies, laughing, and exploring the world. sweets, 34, l, #108789 WARM, CURVY LADY I am a warm, loving woman. I want a lady with at least a little meat on her bones. I want to earn any bruises I may get lol. I am a touchy-feely kind of lady. I love to make the right lady squirm with desire. Are you the lady I am looking for? singleat42, 42, u, l, #108720
Now $ only
SEXY, SLIM, OPEN-MINDED Looking for couple (man and woman?). Looking for something fun and new. Been with women before, would love to do again. Would like to make a friendship/play. I am clean and lots of fun. If you’re seeking someone young and fun to fulfill your desire, write me a message and we can get to know each other. Will provide pics when asked for. Hail16, 20, l, #108623 EXOTIC, PLAYFUL WOMAN Exotic, playful woman looking for NSA fun. Can’t host but will travel. Married, not looking to leave, but need more flavors for high sex drive. redtryst, 31, #108414 SEEKING TO FULFILL A FANTASY Bi 22-year-old female with fiance seeks to realize a fantasy with a woman. You must be clean, d/d-free, open, honest. Fiance gives me the go-ahead. I would try anything once, maybe twice, but take it slow. I’m new to this and shy. Maybe friends first and see what develops. Fiance not included; just me and another woman. angel427, 22, l, #108399 VIXEN WANTS TO PLAY! I am 29 years old and am very bisexual. Looking for a femme who is able to have fun in and out of bed. Must have a sense of humor, be height and weight proportionate. BoredinVt, 29, l, #108386 COME PLAY WITH ME Attached but needing more than I get at home. NSA playing without head games or rules. Amelia8338, 34, l, #108287 STRONG, SASSY SUB NEEDS DOMME I am a very busy mom in need of a strong woman to worship. She (you?) will enjoy taming me to make me her own for a longterm relationship. We may see each other only sporadically, but regularly for beautiful sessions, dinner dates, etc. I like pain, although not into extreme play. I am ready to explore the boundaries. bigredbottom, 37, #108213 WIGGLE! RIGGLE! WIGGLE! Do you love hemp rope or have you ever fantasized about it? Let’s explore and play. Please bring an open mind, clear communication and a sense of adventure! p.s. I’m-a-girl. :). knotmyself, 33, l, #107896 SEXY BLOND SEEKS... I’m looking for a man who knows how to have a good time with no commitment. If you want to know more, email me. eb83, 25, u, l, #107296 GIRL-GIRL VIRGIN...HELP! WAY overdue for the girl-girl experience; I want to lose my “virginity”! I have the only cock I want, but need a playmate! Want someone different from me in all the right places, for sexy fun with NO drama. Need a dirty mind, dirty mouth and clean medical record. I’m too young to be inhibited, too old to be reckless. Let’s see whatcha got! sassafrass, 35, l, #107156 NAUGHTY GIRL NEXT DOOR Never done this before but I got sick of guys. I love giving oral sex rather than receiving. Toys are always fun. I’m down for anything at least once. shygal02, 22, #107039
HIGHLY PASSIONATE SWF, 39, looking for pleasure, love or lust. Would like to explore some kinky fantasies. A man willing to give me a try to please him. Clean and discreet, please. Possible relationship, too. CA2001, 40, u, #106992
MEN seeking… GOOD-LOOKING, ATHLETIC, SKILLED I’m somewhat new to Burlington and am just as respectful as I am skilled. I enjoy giving pleasure as much as receiving it - anything from a massage to... If you’re interested, send me an email. yogalover, 30, #109251 NATIVE WARRIOR Hi. My name’s Dustin. I’m new to the area and looking for a girl who could show me around and share some fun. A little about me: I’m Abenaki, and a big fan of heavy metal and underground hip hop. I snowboard in the winter and ride motorcycles in the summer. I’m laid-back. I love microbrews and smoking ganja. nasty_native, 22, l, #109243 LOOKING FOR ANYTHING I’m game for almost anything. I’m a strong, physical type of guy, so domination is always good. Piercings are a plus; my nipples are pierced. MMAVT205, 20, l, #109242 GIRTH BROOKS I’m a clean 47-year-old with thickness where it counts. I am looking for a clean, single woman for mutual pleasure. Ya never know. woodchuck, 47, #109226 COOL, SWEET, CLEAR Ice, sparkling water, lime and maple syrup: Mix that up and drink it while lying on a soft couch after a long day with some nice jazz playing. I’m offering it all to you sweetly! BkDoorMan, 38, l, #109151 UNDERSEXED Oooh, I like it, I like it a lot. But being discreet is a must. Attached but she cannot satisfy me completely. Love to touch, feel you, go the distance. This could be fun, must be adventurous. Contact me and let’s see where we can take this. adventRus, 42, #109216 HARDER, FASTER, LONGER, STRONGER Funny, but the song describes me well. I’m very well domesticated, so on a date I could cook in the kitchen, too! Perhaps the fact that I am very grounded and looking for the zest in life will attract like-minded thinkers. I am straight, I have been with couples and threesomes! Would lavish two women if given the chance! stud4U, 35, l, #109209 LOOKING FOR FUN I am looking for a woman who wants to have some no-holds-barred sexual adventures, in and out of the bedroom. fun4us6876, 32, #109200 LOOKING TO EXPERIMENT Bored househubby with lots of free time. Able to travel. Disease-free. Looking for discreet encounters. Well-educated, beard, graying, looking for F, 35-50. jimbobjones, 41, #109179 LOOKING FOR FUN AND EXCITMENT Looking for fun and excitement, up for almost anything fun. Have a high sex drive, always ready and willing. Love motorcycles and sports. Looking for someone that likes to ride with their own bike or on mine. GPZrider, 41, #109139 PASSIONATE, HOT, EXTREMELY ARROUSED, PLEASURE, SERVING. I’m looking to meet a woman interested in dominating, as well as being dominated. Kinky and nice clothes, I’m open-minded, single, and available to a woman, couple, or group that may already be attached, but looking for that extra playmate for discreet encounters. I can give great attention to the right person or persons. Clean and discreet,you must be same. passionplay, 44, #109128
HANDSOME HORNY GENTLEMAN Nice buy, nice body, handsome face, in great health, and a very strong libido! Recently dubbed “an expert on female sexual response”! I want to please my lover most of all. You believe that an honest, no-strings, passionate, 1x1-naughty081507 8/13/07 tender, erotic relationship is possible, and can handle a man who takes a while. Be healthy, happy and horny. Anyone free weekdays? jinvermont, 39, l, #106895
69¢ per minute
1-888-420-BABE 1-473-405-8999 LOOKING FOR ADVENTURE I’m an overworked and undersexed 22 y/o college student looking for someone similar to blow off steam with. What I lack in experience I make up for with passion. I’m creative, openminded, and have a nearly limitless sexual appetite. I love giving and receiving oral, and also would be interested in exploring some light kink. adventurous1, 22, #109071 SMART, & SEXY, I’m looking for good times with a little fantasy on the side. Would love to try new things. I would love to meet a mistress type, or someone who would like to be worshipped like one. Would love to learn more about bdsm, but only for pleasure and play, lots of pleasure and play. pleasurebound, 35, #109066 LOOKING FOR A FUN TIME Young and looking to have a fun time because you only live once. pimpjuice21, 21, #109062 I NEED WOMEN I’m looking for a hot, adventurous woman for discreet times. Missing something in a marriage? Then I’m your man. 33-year-old nympho looking for aggressive, hot temptress with no-holds-barred attitude. Could have extra pounds and be anywhere from 18-45. Very discreet and very safe. I’m just addicted to erotic times. Leave your name and number, please. ineedwomen, 33, u, l, #109059 GOT ROPE? Looking for naughty girls who like to play. Experienced, looking for the same (or fast learners). FairMasterVT, 43, #106688 RESPECTFULLY NAUGHTY FRIEND Attached man who feels very lucky in life. Hoping to find an ongoing friendship with the right woman that could develop into a longterm romantic friendship. Not looking to leave my situation or disturb yours, but I wouldn’t mind making a real connection with the right woman and making some sparks together. GentlemanJim, 42, #109019 OPEN TO ANYTHING I am new to the online scene but am very openminded and love to try all sorts of new things. Let me know what you want we can have some fun. Teach me and I will learn. I have a lithe, toned build. I work out often and have a lot of stamina. Hit me up if interested. hard4u, 18, l, #109012 EXPLORATORY, ADVENTUROUS, KINKY MUSICIAN MAN Where is the woman who can fulfill my wildest fantasies? I’ve been searching with no luck. I am down-to-earth and funny and looking for an NSA encounter with a woman who is willing to explore her and my deepest fantasies - from blindfolds to strap-ons, massages to biting. I hope to hear from you and see what happens. darkstarr, 26, l, #108983
GOOD, CLEAN FUN! I have never done this in my life. Looking for something more than my boring life. Email and we can chat more. bankerboy, 43, #108713 ANYONE INTERESTED? Page 1 to meet Hi,12:46 I’m a singlePM 29-year-old M looking new people and have some fun. Anyone care to play? singleguyvt, 29, #108912 NEED TO CONNECT I’m looking for someone who is grateful and appreciative. I’m wild, a showoff of sorts. I love life and enjoy sharing interests with others and learning from them in return. I enjoy good conversation. I’m attentive, affectionate, honest and reasonably sharp. I’m a 5’10” athletic redneck at heart. Native Vermonter and a motorcycle enthusiast, love long showers. alpinestars7, 26, l, #108869 GOREAN MASTER SEEKS KAJIIRA Gorean role play Dom looking for s - everything considered. yesjarl, 38, #108858 I’M READY FOR SOME FUN I’m 5’8, brown/brown, good-looking guy. Looking for some no-strings fun with the same sex. Let’s get nasty. burlingtonvermont30, 33, #108803
OTHERS seeking… TWO LOOKING FOR ONE My girlfriend and I are looking for a welcomehome present for ourselves when she gets back from college. We are going to have a lot of extra energy (from not seeing each other for a little while) and need someone who can help tire us out. 2lookingfor1, 22, l, #109247 SHY BURLINGTON COUPLE SEEKS THIRD! We are looking for a second to join us for a pressure- and expectation-free time. We’re not into anything much more taboo than posting for a third online. If you are an honest, nice, bright girl looking to meet a couple for drinks, maybe more, send us an email. Both of us are clean and safe. revcka82, 25, #109240 STEAMY CENTRAL VERMONT COUPLE Sexy young couple looking for a sexy female to join in the boudoir for an occasional encounter. Being discreet is a must, but we all have to click. We need to have a good laugh and let go with a good bottle of wine while getting comfortable. We’re two educated, interesting overthinkers who enjoy letting loose sometimes - and deserve it, dammit! Bnt, 27, #109215 HONEY POT Hi. We are a young, kinky couple looking for a woman or couple to share an intimate experience. We are a 25-year-old, voluptuous, free-spirited woman and a 27-year-old, athletic man who is fully charged at any moment. We are always up for photo exchange and chat! jbomb, 27, #109150 HELP US ADD SOME SPICE Unmarried couple looking to add to our sex life. Would like to meet like minded couples for some play. Not sure if we want to swing but definitely watch and see what happens. She is VERY bi- curious,he would LOVE to watch. Email first. I dont have a membership yet. You will have to get in touch with me initially. Anxious2Try, 37, #109086 FUN FOR BOTH OF US First time doing this but we want to spice up our sex life! Looking for someone to help spice it up, willing to try new things! We are a funlovin’ couple. We love to travel and to have fun all the time! ohana, 48, l, #109032
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30B | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com
i Spy... Dear Mistress Maeve, My boyfriend has no control over his orgasms. Or, more to the point, he can’t seem to let me know when he’s about to come. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been hit in the face or had an unexpected mouthful, I’d be a very rich girl. The last straw occurred last night when we were messing around, and he got me in the eye. Talk about painful! Then, this morning, I had to explain to my coworkers that I didn’t have pink-eye. I have asked him numerous times to simply let me know when he’s about to come — say something, tap my hand, pull my hair, ANYTHING! He says he goes into a trance-like state before he comes and has a hard time remembering to alert me. Is he kidding?! Mistress, what can I do to make him understand how rude he is? Signed, Lack of Come-unication
Dear L.o.C., There’s nothing worse than someone’s little swimmers doing laps on your eyeball. I too have arrived for work with one bloodshot peeper — not attractive, and truly painful. Girl, you need to flush that eye out completely before going to sleep! As for your boyfriend and his inability to communicate, it’s time to have a chat. From the sound of your letter, you’re not emotionally scarred by his failure to forewarn; however, it’s important for him to listen to your needs and try his best to accommodate you. Lose the sarcasm, sit him down and sincerely explain that you’d enjoy sex with him much more if he could be a better communicator. You might also try your best to learn his body language. Before orgasm, a guy’s testicles will be drawn up close to the body, his muscles will tense, and his breathing will often change. Get to know your man’s unique signals. If you sense the moment is coming, get out of the way. Although, I must say, I prefer being in the line of fire . . .
The Master Come-unicator,
City Market Beauty You: gorgeous wavy chocolate curls, sophisticated and sexy glasses with the most amazing drop-dead smile I’ve ever seen. You were with a friend who called you “Alana” (?). I tried but never made eye contact. You were busy showing your friend the new Concannan red you love. Would love to have a drink with you. Did I see a ring? When: Wednesday, April 2, 2008. Where: City Market. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903570 Leprechaun To the Leprechaun I met at City Market and then two nights later at Red Square. I’m sorry. I probably didn’t handle that well. He’s a friend and sometime lover who is very kind when I am sad. I didn’t know what to say. When: Saturday, April 5, 2008. Where: City Market & Red Square. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903569 There’s a war going on At the Wyclef show. You stole my manual phone from the bleachers. What am I ever going to do without it? Sike. I had a lot of fun with you. I can’t wait for the summer to begin. Maybe we can lie under a kitchen table sometime? When: Friday, April 4, 2008. Where: St Mike’s. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #903568 K-mart, Sunday, April 6 We shared a few looks at each other as I was standing by the customer service desk waiting for help. You were checking out with a bottle of spray paint or something similar. I was wearing a pink shirt with a pair of apple bottoms. Single? Interested in a drink or convo? When: Sunday, April 6, 2008. Where: K-mart. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903567 Dancing Beauty The dance floor came alive because I was dancing next to you all night. The sparks were flying on my side; what about on yours? Let’s meet for another dance... or two. When: Saturday, April 5, 2008. Where: Charlie O’s. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903566 Is there still any magic? I know you like the I Spy section, so I wanted to post this. We met in person on the bus. After talking to you I felt really connected with you. We shared some magical moments and some not so magical moments. I have been thinking about you and the time we spent together. Is there any magic left? Let’s talk. When: Monday, December 3, 2007. Where: Subway in Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903565 snakebites for my birthday? Thanks for always being there, answering the phone, and letting me into your (dirty) bed at 3 a.m. You always say I’m beautiful but I never tell you how beautiful I think you are - with or without your lip piercings. -Elevatorshoe. When: Monday, January 16, 2006. Where: the bus stop. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903564 Rachel at Nectar’s We bumped into each other briefly at Nectar’s on Friday, March 28, while grooving to Grippo Funk. You told me you liked my shirt. We talked about free clothes and going commando. You said your name was Rachel and you gave me a hug. Can we bump into each other again? When: Friday, March 28, 2008. Where: Nectar’s. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903563 please price check me It was in March at Price Choppers on Shelburne Road. You: around 20, skinny, hot, blond boy price-checking and changing signs. We caught each other’s eye and exchanged smiles. It seemed like we were following one another but not true just destiny. Your uniform fit like a glove to my hand. I’m Rick. What’s your name? Join me for lunch or dinner! When: Friday, March 14, 2008. Where: Price Choppers, Shelburne Rd. You: Man. Me: Man. #903562
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Montpelier Liquor Store I came this close to writing my number on my credit card slip, but I only assumed I’d look like a fool after the conversation. Even if you have a lucky significant other, thanks for the big smile and the familiarity of your contact. Might be your job; sure felt nice in an otherwise sad week. When: Friday, April 4, 2008. Where: Montpelier. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903561
hot off the grill 2 Maybe you didn’t see my first post. You took my breath away again. This time I was in the bar watching basketball. You walked in and chatted with some people at the bar. You looked over your shoulder and we made eye contact again. You hesitated this time. I am sure you saw me. Get back at me. When: Thursday, April 3, 2008. Where: Ground Round. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903559 Were you really following me? After crossing paths several times in the store, we chatted briefly outside in the snow. We talked about who was following whom, looked at the sky and you said “Happy Spring.” You: shoulderlength blond hair, blue eyes, a wonderful, enigmatic smile. Me: dark green parka and bright green knitted hat. If you’re single, would you like to meet for coffee? When: Friday, April 4, 2008. Where: Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903558 Second night disco biscuits right upfront You: pretty Asian girl dancing front and center during second set. Me: beard, glasses and a smile. I saw you from the balcony up top. Came down, didn’t see you again till Encore. We should see more live music. When: Thursday, April 3, 2008. Where: Higher Ground Ballroom. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903557 FRIENDS OF TAJ To all who knew my Mister, all who scratched his butt and rubbed his belly, gave him treats and toys, played fetch, tug-o-war, or wrestled with him; who babysat, worried about, and loved him; to ALL his friends two- and four-legged: From the bottom of my grieving heart, thank you. When: Wednesday, March 26, 2008. Where: from coast to coast. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903555 PFW Driver for Stowe We have met twice at Dogs Etc. I think you have a great smile and nice eyes. I would really like to know you better. Interested? When: Thursday, April 3, 2008. Where: Dogs Etc., Stowe. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903554 Top of church street, April 2 You were walking past the church and I was crossing Pearl St. on my bike around 1 p.m. You have incredible black hair and a great smile. We made eye contact and I rode off because I was too struck to say anything! I would love to take you out to grab a bite sometime! When: Wednesday, April 2, 2008. Where: top of Church Street. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903553 I miss my cute waiter We came back to Zen Gardens looking for you, but you were nowhere to be found! I and my roommate would have loved to show you things no other woman ever has. We’ll be back looking for you, Josh, so we can drag you into the bathroom and show you what real women are. When: Monday, March 24, 2008. Where: Zen Gardens, waiting on us. You: Man. Me: Man. #903551 Applebee’s, university mall New guy spies the most beautiful smile he’s ever seen. And I’m single now. Here’s to even more awkward moments, cheap customers and staring into your eyes. When: Wednesday, April 2, 2008. Where: work. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903550 Smuggs, Madonna Chair, April 3 Greg, we rode the chair twice. You asked me to meet you for a beer. I said yes but then had to go. How about I buy you a beer? When: Thursday, April 3, 2008. Where: Smuggs. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903549 Rad Student So I’m a complete idiot when it comes to men, especially when it comes to you! I’m trying to let things just go with the flow. All I know is what I feel, and that is: I really, truly and honestly care about you so much that my heart feels as though it could jump out of my chest! The boys are gone for spring break and summer. Can we try “us” out? When: Saturday, March 29, 2008. Where: his house. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903548 Breathless Boy at Waterman Am I the redhead you spied? You’ll either have to be more descriptive, or gather up what breath you have to offer me - in person- that cup of joe. When: Wednesday, April 2, 2008. Where: Waterman. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903547
invisible in city market I guess I shouldn’t call you Rite-Aid Guy anymore - when I asked about you, a manager said you quit in January. But Vincent sounds too formal when I don’t really know you. You were with a tall woman in City Market on Wednesday. I hope she treats you well because I’m very jealous of her. When: Wednesday, April 2, 2008. Where: City Market. You: Man. Me: Man. #903545 Jonny, sorry for it all Giving up on someone is like giving up on a part of yourself. I believed in you. All things happen for a reason, even you. Please take care. Spring is on its way. Love to Moox. When: Thursday, November 9, 2006. Where: for too long. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903544 Bolton Valley Skier You got in a skiing accident and we were the first ones there to help you! We helped get you to safety and contacted help. I wanted to know if you are OK. Hopefully nothing more than a few scratches! Your name is Erin and you attend UVM. When: Sunday, March 30, 2008. Where: Bolton Valley Ski Resort. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #903542 At the Mountain (sugarbush) To the guy who readjusted the bindings on my old, old skis so I could ski just for the day. Probably wasn’t worth it in the end but anyways, THANKS! When: Saturday, March 29, 2008. Where: Sugarbush. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903541 office girl on the right I always see you on my way up to the third floor, but I’m usually too out of breath or dumbfounded to actually say hi. I think we had a class together once. I’m always left a little breathless by your beautiful red hair and your warm smile. You might have noticed I have a coffee fix. How about a cup? When: Wednesday, April 2, 2008. Where: across the street from Waterman. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903540 Somebunny loves you Such a short year, so many memories. Can’t wait for the next year of love to begin. Here’s to summer nights, softball games, movies and cuddling. Love, your bunny. When: Wednesday, April 2, 2008. Where: everywhere. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903537 bikram hottie in black audi The most fun-looking smile leaving the 4:30 class - even though I almost nailed you with my blue Subie. I think I’ll show up earlier next week and maybe after final Shavasana, we could refuel. Or drag race. Your call. When: Tuesday, April 1, 2008. Where: leaving the Bikram studio. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903536 Sad-Eyed Femme Hottie You strut your hot self from here to there. You’re so independent, bright and beautiful. I’ve seen you around for a while. I just want you to know that I admire and adore you. Your new haircut makes everyone turn their head, male or female. You’ve got it going on, girlie, but you know it. When: Friday, March 28, 2008. Where: Waterfront. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #903535 Goodbye Again, My Mimosa Queen I wish I could have been the one for you. Cheers to so many things stirred up! When: Monday, March 31, 2008. Where: East Shore. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903534 Lost without you It’s been two years you’ve been in my life two awesome, sensual, exciting years that turned into something awful. Now you’re gone and I’m absolutely lost. Should I call? Am I really out? I love you more than I ever thought possible. You were right. I’m not happy now. Please come back to me. -J. When: Friday, May 26, 2006. Where: in my life. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903533 Backstage Pub, March 29 You were with a friend and gentlemen. Your friend ask me to dance with you. I danced two songs with you. You were wearing a blue shirt with black pants. I was wearing an ‘88 Dale Jr cap, a black hoodie with big dogs on the front, blue jeans with cowboy boots. I would like to meet up with you again at Backstage on Saturday night. When: Saturday, March 29, 2008. Where: Backstage Pub. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903530 RE: Williston Workplace electrician Here are a few more hints about my workplace, Joe. I work in a cubicle on Hurricane Lane. I am a brunette. The reason you were called was to help with a computer problem. If you’re not THE Joe, and if you are single and 27-38, maybe we should do coffee anyway!? When: Thursday, March 6, 2008. Where: Williston workplace. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903529
SEVENSEVEN DAYSDAYS | september | april 09-16, 06-13, 2008 2006 | personals | personals 31B B
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WOOLEN MILL HEALTH CLUB BEAUTY You work at the front desk and recently cut your hair short. I noticed the day it happened but was too shy to say how amazing it looks. Your eyes make me smile inside and out. I love when you walk around and vacuum or jump on the treadmill with your Nalgene bottle. Me: hesitant mountain man. When: Monday, March 24, 2008. Where: Woolen MIll Health Club. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903527 I KNOW YOU READ THESE From time to time I still think about you. I drove by you at work today. At our last couple encounters, we were both with significant others. In the past I have made desperate attempts to seek you out and I am somewhat ashamed. I only want the best for you, even if it’s not me. God only knows the plan. When: Monday, March 31, 2008. Where: around. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903524 YOUR THOUGHTS ON WINTER You wore a red coat, glasses and a yarny Technicolor hat. I was floored by your smile. Let me buy you a coffee and I promise not to talk about the weather. When: Monday, March 31, 2008. Where: sidewalk along City Hall Park and College St. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903523 NO. WINOOSKI AVE. COFFEE HOUSE I think you have eyes for me. But with my brother in tow, you have eyes no more? Not a match or perhaps you’re attached? I remember the day: too shy, you looked away. Another employee gave me my bagel and tea. If you think you are you, respond here in kind or in any way that comes to mind. When: Friday, March 28, 2008. Where: Bean. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903521 DEAR IRIS (M) I spied you on a white sandy beach lying back with beads of sweat slowly rolling away from your tanned body. Warm days and cool nights, the sun setting over the beautiful cyan sea, me snuggled in your strong arms... Breathtaking. Let’s get away and play! You and me ATOYS, WAMH. SissyCowgirl. When: Friday, March 28, 2008. Where: Colchester Shaw’s. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #903520 STUDLY FARMER IN CRAFTSBURY I spy the sexiest farmer in all the land who has my heart and forever will. You inspire me. I admire your determination, dedication and intelligent risk-taking in all aspects life. I respect you, I trust you, and I love you from the center of my being. I wouldn’t want you any other way than exactly as you are! When: Sunday, March 30, 2008. Where: Craftsbury. You: Man. Me: Woman. � #903517 14 BRADLEY Caught your eye? I miss my creamy beans. Texas sucks. Sundays just aren’t the same. I can’t wait to come home! When: Sunday, March 30, 2008. Where: on the porch. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #903516
BROWN-HAIRED HOTTIE, METRONOME, MARCH 29 You: treated black corset, inked blackhaired MILF and her friend to free drinks (mine: Cosmo on Rocks). Strap-on sex and non-vanilla sex doesn’t scare you. You lingered outside at closing, waiting for me but were forced to leave with the others. Feel that your chemistry with mine SIZZLES and, yeah - I want SO MUCH MORE with you. Please continue what you started - smile! When: Saturday, March 29, 2008. Where: Metronome, ‘80s Night. You: Man. Me: Woman. � #903514 ST. PATTY’S AT BLACK DOOR We’ve seen each other before, but where? I told you that your glasses made you look sophisticated and later you asked my mom if she had my sense of humor. Word on the street is you’re a single one living out in Walden. Let’s keep laughing. When: Monday, March 17, 2008. Where: The Black Door. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903513 WHITE AND BLACK DRESS AT METRONOME Saturday, March 29. We passed each other in the Nome’s bathroom hallway. You were wearing a white and black dress. I was wearing a white button-down and a dress coat. We smiled and said hi to each other. I wanted to strike up a conversation over a drink, but you were talking to someone else. Maybe some other time? When: Saturday, March 29, 2008. Where: Retronome. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903512 A HAIKU FROM A JEW The weather is warm But need you here for laughter Half team teap not fun When: Sunday, March 30, 2008. Where: wearing a bright red t-shirt. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903511 BANANA WINDS I saw you at Banana Winds a week ago. I was hoping to see you there again Friday but only saw the people you were with before. I go every Friday. I’d love to buy you a drink. You wore a grey QuickSilver shirt. When: Friday, March 21, 2008. Where: Banana Winds. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903510 LEAVING THE OLDE NORTH ENDER Easter evening, girl speaking frou and doing icecore parcour up North St. I am so happy you are staying here through the summer and am looking forward to all the fun times we will have! Love you! When: Sunday, March 23, 2008. Where: North St.. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #903509 NAKED COMPANY OK, you saw me getting out of the tanning bed - damn door! Join me at Bolton Falls this summer? It’s Sheri, right? Let’s throw our thongs away! When: Friday, March 21, 2008. Where: Body le Bronze. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #903508 SNAKEBITES FOR MY BIRTHDAY? Thanks for always being there, answering the phone and letting me in to your (dirty) bed at 3 a.m. You always say I’m beautiful but I never tell you how beautiful I think you are - with or without your lip piercings. -Elevatorshoe. When: Monday, January 16, 2006. Where: bus stop. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903507
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEK! I marvel at my good fortune every time I wake beside you or when you get that twinkle in your eyes. I’m so glad we met and can’t wait to start exploring the world with YOU. You can have my sushi. You already have my heart. Thanks for being born (albeit several years after I was)! Pack your passport for Saturday! When: Friday, December 7, 2007. Where: Select Design. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903506
BEST ROOMMATE EVER! You like boil-in-a-bag rice and do old-lady workout videos in the living room. I may not be the cleanest person, but I make a damn good pot of coffee. It has been really great living with you and I’m going to miss you so much come June. When: Thursday, March 27, 2008. Where: our house. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #903496
SPIED YOUR SEVEN DAYS AD AND MYSPACE PROFILE But I was too shy to send you a direct message. The “join grp” request was just a feeble attempt to make contact with you. However, we used to live in the same building, so it wasn’t completely unjustified. When: Monday, March 24, 2008. Where: online. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903487
I DO LOVE YOU Since the first moment I met you, but you are a taken man, thus my distance. It is a daily struggle. I love you so much, but I do not want to tear up lives because of it. When: Friday, March 28, 2008. Where: work. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903505
STUFFED ANIMALS You: large and in-charge cashier at Healthy Living. Me: Binkey the Bunny. When: always. I heard you had a thing for plush. That makes me blush. Let’s get together and give our teddies some heady. That will be a rush! When: Thursday, March 27, 2008. Where: Healthy Living. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903495
CHASIDY FROM YANKEE LANES You caught my eye, pretty girl, with your blond ponytail, black V-neck shirt and tight jeans. I don’t know the fools you were with, but I think you should come find me, girlie! If anyone knows this girl, please tell her that her lady is looking for her. :) When: Saturday, March 29, 2008. Where: Yankee Lanes. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #903504
HUGLESS, SAD CHICKEN Wearing your attractive hose and skirt, we hugged you. But only because we love you. Not going anywhere, just want to show affection for you. Don’t be scared and peck at us, we want you to feel welcome in the co-op and show our appreciation for your efforts in the pecking order. When: Wednesday, March 26, 2008. Where: at work. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #903494
FRESHAIR4U, AKA J. SWAN Didn’t ya know I am single now? Remember when I asked you out, a little last-minute, to go see music? Give me a call if you want to hang out. I didn’t hear back from you when I called about the birthday swimming party, so I thought you were mad or seeing someone. You’ve got my number, Jolly Roger! When: Sunday, March 23, 2008. Where: Two2Tango (you’re in Montpelier, though). You: Man. Me: Woman. � #903486
THE HILLS ARE ALIVE You are sweeter than that sap you’re boiling in the hills, baby. Let me hear the sexy growl of your deep voice soon! You’ve got it goin’ on up there in the woods, and I am grateful for the chance to get to know you. Thanks for the dancing, the romancing and the exquisite meals you’ve served me! When: Sunday, March 23, 2008. Where: Church St., Maple St., Northfield, Higher Ground. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903503
CUTE GUY WITH PENSKE TRUCK You were pushing a trolley in and out of Dick’s around 2 p.m. You had a b-e-a-utiful smile, dark hair and glasses. I was wearing a blue sweater, jeans, glasses with short, brown hair. All I could say to you as I passed was “Hi.” Coffee or lunch sometime? (I swear I never do this sort of thing but had to try.) When: Tuesday, March 25, 2008. Where: Dick’s Sporting Goods. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903493
WABA? Talented writer and tennis player spied eating pepperoncinis and Girl Scout cookies. Avid Red Sox fan and of top-ten lists. Perhaps the weather is warm, but I hear the company is cold. When: Friday, March 28, 2008. Where: in spandex on the treadmill. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903501
SUPER-SEXY SOUP LADY You made my day warmer and brighter every time you happened to be working. Sadly, I have not seen you there in a long time - since December. I thought I saw you the other day at Hannaford’s in Williston. Where have you gone? I miss your soup and sexy smile. The soup has not been the same since you left. When: Sunday, March 23, 2008. Where: Belle’s Cafe / Hannafords. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903491
RED JACKET CROSSING MAIN I’ve seen you in a few places over the past few months: Ri Ra’s for Trivia Night in January (you were sitting eating with a friend), walking a beautiful yellow lab in the South End, today waiting to cross the street at Church and Main. I think maybe you’ve seen me, too. A drink sometime? When: Friday, March 28, 2008. Where: Crossing Main at Church St. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903500 I THINK I JUST DID... The plaid I saw you wearing for much of last week was full of ignatious energy. I can’t resist a Patagonia plaid combo. Maybe I can borrow it sometime? They have rejected me before, but I’m hoping not this time. I think I might end up liking you, even more than I imagined. When: Friday, March 28, 2008. Where: the pride land. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #903499 VICKIE, VICKIE, VICKIE I was pleased when you returned my call! I was in total AWE when we met, your way, your beauty, and after the kiss - WOW! I haven’t heard from you. I know you’re very busy and the miles between Middlebury and you are a bit, but I wanted you to know you are a very special lady. When: Thursday, March 20, 2008. Where: Burlington, Vermont. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903498
ME SPY MONGO Mongo make me lose IQ points till nothing left. Mongo sing me song, make me pretty, make me cry. Pull mongo’s ear and grunt silly things, make laugh till snort, but really it just gas. Boundaries, shmoundaries. Love, Mongo. (Why’d ya haff ta be so cute?) When: Monday, March 24, 2008. Where: When Harry Met Sally. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #903485 PIT STOP AT MAPLEFIELD’S IN STOWE Super-sunny Saturday in Stowe. You: white van, roof rack, all smiles. Me: XC ski gear and “heidi” hairdo spilling out of my ski cap. Your contagious energy was just the fuel I needed to play local tour guide to visiting New Yorker friends on vacation. Care to have a proper meeting? When: Saturday, March 22, 2008. Where: Maplefield’s in Stowe. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903484 TOWN & COUNTRY DELIVERY GUY About a month ago, you sat in your truck at my place for over an hour waiting for me (sorry again). You said that you had never been “spied” and neither have I, so I thought I’d give it a shot. Hope this makes your day! If you can figure out who I am, come find me again in Stowe. When: Thursday, February 28, 2008. Where: Stowe. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903482
THOMAS CHITTENDEN HEALTH CENTER I couldn’t help but notice your every move and acknowledge it with a smile. I jokingly said I’d be “going in next” to break the ice. I should have been braver and asked you out. Me: reading Popular Science, you: beautiful blond. Be brave. When: Monday, March 24, 2008. Where: doctor’s office. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903490
JEN, PRICE CHOPPER, SHELBURNE RD. Hello Jen. Thank you so much for your help with the vitamin water and getting my brother’s credit card figured out. Are you single? I would love to get to know you better. Interested in going to dinner? When: Sunday, March 23, 2008. Where: Price Chopper, Shelburne Rd. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903481
BROWN-EYED BEAUTY We talked for a short time at your son’s meet Saturday. I wished it could have been longer. Maybe we can get together and get to know each other? When: Saturday, March 22, 2008. Where: Barre. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903489
BRETT THE JET HAPPPPPPPPY BIRTHDAAYYYY! I already told you I’m I Spying you because I don’t have a filter - oops. Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful day because you deserve it. Things are looking up, I swear, and school is almost done - ahhh!!! (exclamation, exclamation, exclamation.) So live it up and try not to be a negative nancy. Happy, happy birthday, my friend. When: Friday, March 28, 2008. Where: the North Pole? Hyde Street?. You: Man. Me: Woman. #903480
LOVELY SINGER AT EAC I sat next to you at church on March 16. I told you that you had a lovely singing voice. Then, as fate would have it, you were at the Lincoln Inn on Thursday. Would love to see you again. When: Sunday, March 16, 2008. Where: Essex Alliance Church. You: Woman. Me: Man. #903488
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32B | april 09-16, 2008 | SEVEN DAYS
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598-6757, www.FirstStepDance. com. Level I classes for beginners, Level II and above for experienced dancers. We host dances (with lessons) on the second and fourth Friday of each month. No experience is necessary, just an interest in learning to dance. Come alone, or come with friends, but come out and learn to dance! Dance Studio Salsalina: Cost: $12/class. Location: 266 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Victoria, 802598-1077, info@salsalina.com. Salsa classes: Nightclub-style oneon-one, group and private, four levels. Beginner walk-in classes, Wednesdays, 6 p.m. Argentinean Tango class and social, Fridays, 7:30 p.m., walk-ins welcome. No dance experience, partner or preregistration required, just the desire to have fun! Drop in any time and prepare for an enjoyable workout!
Aromatherapy: Cleanse & Purify: Apr. 18, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Cost: $50/3-hour class. Location: Spirit Dancer/Star Root, 125 So. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: Spirit Dancer/Star Root, Carol von Rohr, 802-660-8060. Learn how aromatherapy can help to cleanse and purify the physical body and the energy field that surrounds it. We’ll address the use of essential oils, hydrosols and bath salts. Join us as we create essential oil blends that facilitate the cleansing and purifying process.
Introduction to Throwing: Apr. 16 - Jun. 18, 6:30-9:30 p.m., weekly on Wednesdays. Cost: $245/members, $270/nonmembers. Materials & firing $50. Location: Shelburne Art Center, 64 Harbor Rd., Shelburne. Info: Shelburne Art Center, 802-9853648, www.shelburneartcenter. org. Master the essentials of working with clay on the potter’s wheel. Create interesting and pleasing forms as you improve your skills. Students will create many pieces of functional pottery for daily use. See complete listing of clay classes and workshops online.
art Art for Women in Transition: Apr. 24 - May 8. Cost: $100/2.5hour class. Meets 4 times. Location: North End Studios, 294 North Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: Soul Expressions, Jennie Kristel, 802-860-6203. For women experiencing transitions from/related to relationships or jobs. Participants work with art materials to explore issues related to transitions. The artistic process (painting, drawing, clay, collage) with journaling is used as a way to listen to the deeper intuitive self and support personal understanding. No art experience necessary.
business INTUITIVE INVESTING: May 3-4, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cost: $150/incl. course materials, lunches & snacks. Location: TBD, call for location. Info: Sue, 802-244-7909. Most people live life, and invest their money, using half their brainpower. Bring at least 6 specific questions about which you want guidance to this weekend workshop that teaches you reliable techniques to harness the timeless wisdom of your intuitive mind. Led by Dr. Sue Mehrtens, teacher, author and intuitive investor.
craft Make it Take it Classes: Location: 57 Pumpkin Harbor Rd., Cambridge. Info: Martha Kinney, 802-644-2422. Classes in wall stenciling, polymer clay, beading, theorems, glass etching and cut/ pierce lampshades. Two-day classes on painted floorcloths or primitive landscapes. Six-week classes in beginner/intermediate tole painting.
dance Afro-Caribbean Dance: Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. - noon, Montpelier. Fridays, 5:30-7 p.m., Burlington. Cost: $11/class. Location: Capitol City Grange, Montpelier; Memorial Auditorium Loft, Burlington. Info: Carla Kevorkian, 802-985-3665. Dance to the rhythms of Cuban and Haitian music. Live drumming led by Stuart Paton. Monthly master classes with visiting instructors. Beginners welcome! Ballroom Dancing: Mondays and Thursdays in Burlington, Tuesday and Sunday in Shelburne. Cost: $50/4 weeks (per person). Location: The Champlain Club, 20 Crowley Street; Shelburne Town Hall, 5420 Shelburne Road, Burlington and Shelburne. Info: First Step Dance, Kevin Laddison, 802-
design/build Yestermorrow Design/Build Sch.: Cost: $300/2-day classes; $750 and up for 1-2-week classes. Scholarships and gift certificates avail. Location: Yestermorrow Design/Build School, Rt. 100 (just 45 min. from Burlington), Warren. Info: Yestermorrow Design/ Build School, celebrating our 28th year!, 802-496-5545, design build@yestermorrow.org, www. yestermorrow.org. SKIN ON FRAME BOATS: April 18-20, Course focusing on the building process of an ultra light, double paddle canoe, $300. BIOFUELS, May 2-4, Intensive course focusing on the adaptation of diesel engines to operate on straight vegetable oil, $300. All courses are small, intensive and hands-on. Scholarships available.
drumming Burlington Taiko Classes: Cost: $53/Adult Beginner Class. Location: Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Burlington. Info: Burlington Taiko, 802-658-0658, classes@ burlingtontaiko.org, www.burlingtontaiko.com. Beginning classes Tuesdays - Kids, 4:30-5:20 p.m. $40/5-weeks. Adults, 5:30-6:20 p.m. $53/6-weeks. Sessions begin 5/13, 6/24, 9/9. Gift certificates are available! For a full schedule of classes or more info, go online or email. Richmond Taiko Classes: Classes meet Thursday evenings. Cost: $5. Location: Richmond Free Library Community Room, downtown Richmond. Info: 802-4342624, classes@burlingtontaiko. org. Paid pre-registration is due 1week before the session start dates and there is a 10-person minimum for each class. Pre-registrants will receive $5 off their session fee (the first price shown below). Gift certificates are available! For a full schedule of classes or more info go to website. Kids Class (Beginners) 6:00-6:50 p.m. $45/$50/5-weeks. Adult Class (Beginners) 7:00-7:50 p.m. $41/$46/6-weeks. Sessions begin 4/3, 5/15, 6/26, 9/11.
fine arts
Progoff Intensive Journal: Apr. 26-27, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cost: $215/workshop tuition including lunches & snacks. Location: Bishop Booth Conference Center, 20 Rock Point Circle, Burlington. Info: Dialogue House, Avis Smalley, 518-335-9425, www.intensivejournal.org. Discover inner strength for dealing with difficult decisions, fractured relationships, psychological wounds and illnesses. A writing workshop that requires no writing skills. A comprehensive program for psychological and spiritual growth. Individual privacy is respected, no need to share what is written. Especially helpful for those in transition or suffering loss. A silent, meditative atmosphere is provided for accessing one’s creative powers of healing and growth.
Landscape Essentials in Oils: Apr. 16 - Jun. 4, 1-4 p.m., weekly on Wednesdays. 8-week class. Location: Shelburne Art Center, 54 Falls Rd., Shelburne. Info: Shelburne Art Center, 802-985-3648, www.shelburneartcenter.org. Get ready for painting outdoors by creating your own unique visions from photographs. Students will learn the principle of layered colors to suggest atmospheric perspective, as well as study the textural aspects of water, grass and foliage. Members $250, nonmembers $280. See all fine art classes and workshops online.
Sacred Stories, Sacred theatre: Apr. 21 - May 12. Cost: $100/2-hour class. Meets four times. Location: North End Studios, 294 North Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: Soul Expressions, Jen Kristel, 802-860-6203. It is spring, a time of renewal. Come find renewal within our own stories. Participants will be able to share personal stories, dreams and memories and find connection and strength through healing theatre methods, journaling and drawing. We will explore our own stories in a safe, fun and meaningful manner.
Boot Camp for Women: Cost: $269/4 weeks of classes, 4 sessions per week. Location: Shelburne Health & Fitness, Route 7, Shelburne. Info: Beyond Expectations Coaching, Patricia Kent, 802-310-2378, amadadelsol@aol. com, www.beyondexpectations coaching.com. Are you ready to change your body? Boot camp is a fun, fast-moving way to get fit, lose weight and improve endurance and strength while you make new friends. All levels welcome. Nutrition seminar included along with a success journal. Come have fun with us and get ready for summer!
Self-Esteem / Empowerment: 6:30-8 p.m., weekly on Thursday. Cost: $95/5 sessions. Location: River Stories Life and Career Coach Office, Colchester, specific directions available to participants. Please pre-register. Info: River Stories Life and Career Coach, Melissa Lang, 802-373-1049, meltesl@yahoo.com. Do you wish you had that old feeling back of being on top of the world? Are you feeling low energy? This workshop, led by a Life and Career Coach, is designed to help participants celebrate their individual strengths and reframe their self-defeating thoughts! Through group discussion, reflection, journaling, and using new tools, participants can expect to feel more empowered and confident about themselves. Learn how to clarify and set goals, and move toward a better life within a supportive, encouraging, teaching environment. “If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we are not really living.” (Gail Sheehy)
family Adoption Workshop: Apr. 9, 6-8 p.m. 2-hour workshop. Location: Casey Family Services, 46 Main St., Winooski. Info: Vermont Children’s Aid Society, Connie, 802-655-0006, VTCAS.org. VTCAS invites you to a program from China, Korea, Taiwan, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Ethiopia, India, Mexico, Columbia and Peru presented by the staff of Children’s Home Society and Family Services of St. Paul, MN.
healing Becoming a Splendid Bridge: Apr. 24 - May 15, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $120/2-hour class. Location: Office of Michael Watson, 130 Church Street, Burlington. Info: Michael Watson, 802-860-6203. The elders say that being “different” often allows one to become a bridge over challenging times, guiding others into a better future. In this 4-week class participants will use creative journaling, ritual and guided imagination to explore the hidden potential of difference. HEALING THE HUMAN ENERGY FIELD: 8 weeks, Tuesdays, AprilJune, 6:30 p.m. Cost: $30/class. Location: Lightheart Sanctuary, New Haven. Info: Maureen Short, 802-453-4433, maureen@ lightheart.net, www.lightheart. net. Taught by experienced healer for beginning and intermediate students. Explore learning how to bring healing and balance to the body, mind, spirit. Help for the Journey: Apr. 21 - May 12, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $120/4 2hour classes. Location: downtown office, 130 Church St., Burlington. Info: Michael Watson, 802-8606203. Storytelling, ritual and creative expression are fundamental tools of traditional healing. In this four-week class, participants will work with teachers to awaken the healer within themselves and one another. Leader: Michael Watson, MA, PhD, whose work arises from the healing traditions of his NativeAmerican and European heritage.
Priestess of Gaia Training: Jun. 18 - Mar. 18, weekly on Wednesday. Cost: $30/3-hour class. Location: Dreamland, 233 Downs Rd., Worcester. Info: Essential Nature, Fearn Lickfield, 802-505-8011. Join us to remember the Divine Feminine in ourselves. Align deeply to nature’s rhythms and cycles. Strengthen the power of yin. Learn tools to become divine agents of healing and transformation for the earth. Empower each other to become goddesses incarnate, creating beauty, power and connection with life!
healing arts Intro Brennan Healing Science: May 2-4. Cost: $375/CAD, $425 CAD after deadline. Incl. lecture and 2 lunches. Location: Instant Present, 9823 St-Laurent, Montréal. Info: Horizons RB, Roland Berard, 514-710-3870, info@rolandberard.com, www. rolandberard.com. Barbara Brennan Healing Science Introduction. A transformational weekend presented by Roland Berard, graduate of Advanced Studies.
health Stress Busters: Sat., April 12, 2:30-4 p.m. & Sat., April 26, 1-2:30 p.m. Stay tuned for a new workshop on Sat., May 10, 1-2:30 p.m. Cost: $5/1.5-hour workshop. Location: RiverSide Chiropractic, 136 Main St. (red brick carriage house behind 138 Main St.), Montpelier. Info: RiverSide Chiropractic, Jae Ehrich, 802-262-6097, JaeEhrich@gmail.com, www.RiverSideChiropracticVT.com. Did you ever wonder why stress makes us sick? Ever wish that you had more tools to cope with your stress? These questions and more will be answered. Join us for a fun-filled afternoon of stress busting. Please bring a yoga mat if you have one. Light refreshments served.
herbs HONORING HERBAL TRADITION 2008: 1 Saturday/month for 8 months, Apr. - Nov., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cost: $850/8 sessions. Location: Horsetail Herbs, 134 Manley Rd., Milton. Info: Horsetail Herbs, Kelley Robie, 802-893-0521, HT Herbs@together.net, Horsetail herbs.org. Eight-month Herbal Apprenticeship program, April to November, held on a horse farm! We will cover: herbal therapies, nutritional support, diet, detox, body systems, medicine-making, plant identification, tea-tasting, wild-food cooking, field trip, iridology, women’s, children’s, men’s and animal health. Textbook & United Plant Saver membership included! WISDOM OF THE HERBS SCHOOL: Currently accepting applications for Wisdom of the Herbs 2008, Eight-Month Certification Program beginning mid-April and running through November. Cost: $1750. Location: Wisdom of the
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | classifieds 33B
8sevendaysvt.com [click on classifieds] Show and tell. View and post up to 6 photos per ad online. Herbs School, South Woodbury. Info: Annie McCleary, Director, 802-456-8122, annie@wisdom oftheherbsschool.com, www.WisdomOfTheHerbsSchool.com. Learn local plants as edibles and medicinals, plant spirit communion, home remedies, and fire making with bow drill. Spring Wildflower Herb Walk, Tuesday, April 29, 5:30-7 p.m. $15. Wild Edible Feast Workshop, Saturday, May 10, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. $80. Pre-registration requested. $10 non-refundable deposit holds your place.
kids Mask-Making with Clay (810): Apr. 14 - May 12, 3-5 p.m., weekly on Mondays. Cost: $55/4week class (no class Apr. 21). Location: Shelburne Art Center, 64 Harbor Rd., Shelburne. Info: Shelburne Art Center, 802-985-3648, w w w.shel bur near tcent er.org. Kids, ages 8-10, will learn about the significance of masks in different cultures and will develop their own mask designs and create them in clay. Acquire basic skills and a variety of techniques in working with clay slabs, carving and attaching decorations. Find more kids’ and teen classes online. Music Together: Free demos: Brandon, Apr. 9, 1 p.m. Lincoln, Apr. 11, 10:20 a.m. Semester of 10 classes starting Apr. 12. Middlebury, Hungry Mind Café. Class meets at 10 a.m. on Sat., Mon. & Fri. Vergennes, Copper Crane. Class meets at 9 a.m. on Wed. Bristol, First Baptist Church. Class meets at 10 a.m. on Thurs. Location: Multiple locations throughout Vermont, visit website for exact locations and to register for free demos. Info: Michael and Anne Bright, 802-758-6880, c vmusic together@ gmail.com, www.music together.com. Music Together is an internationally recognized program for children ages newborn to 4 years and their caregivers. It pioneered the concept of a research-based, developmentally appropriate early childhood music curriculum emphasizing adult involvement. Developed at Princeton University as a collaboration between the Music Education and Childhood Development Departments, it also promotes language acquisition.
language Spanish classes: Cost: $130/1.15-hour class. Location: Spanish classes, 1609 Lincoln Gap Rd., Williston. Info: Constancia Gomez, 802-917-1776, www.123spanishnow.com. Spanish for Beginners 9 full weeks, Thursdays, 6:05-7:15 p.m. Starts April 3. The class is taught in English and Spanish by Constancia, a native of Argentina. Materials and a book will be supplied, and working at home will move participants towards their goals faster.
martial arts AIKIDO OF CHAMPLAIN VALLEY: Open house and demonstration Saturday, May 31 at 11 a.m. Location: Aikido of Champlain Valley, 257 Pine Street, Burlington. Info: 802-951-8900, aikidovt. org. This traditional Japanese martial art emphasizes circular, flowing movements, and pinning and throwing techniques. Visitors are always welcome. Gift certificates are available. Classes are taught by Benjamin Pincus Sensei, 5thdegree black belt and Vermont’s only fully certified (shidoin) Aikido instructor.
MARTIAL WAY SELF-DEFENSE CTR: Introductory Class. Location: One minute off I-89 at Exit 17, Colchester. Info: 802-893-8893. Day and evening classes for adults. Afternoon and Saturday classes for children. Group and private lessons. Kempo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Arnis and Wing Chun Kung Fu. VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: Monday-Friday, 6-9 p.m. and Saturdays, 10 a.m. Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Road, Williston. Info: 802-6604072, www.bjjusa.com. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a complete martial-arts system; it enhances balance, flexibility, strength, cardio-respiratory fitness and builds personal courage and self-confidence. Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu offers Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Self-Defense classes, Boxing, Muay-Thai Kickboxing and MMA for all levels. Head Instructor is 5-Time Brazilian Champion - Rio de Janeiro, certified 6th Degree Black Belt under Carlson Gracie. Classes for men, women and children. First class is free.
massage Asian Bodywork Therapy Program: Cost: $5000/500-hour program. Location: Elements of Healing, 62 Pearl Street, Essex Junction. Info: Elements of Healing, Scott Moylan, 802-288-8160, www.elementsofhealing.net. This program teaches two forms of Oriental massage, Amma and Shiatsu. We will explore Oriental medicine theory, the body’s meridian system, acupressure points, Yin Yang Theory and 5-Element Theory. Additionally, diagnostic methods of pulse, abdominal and tongue diagnosis are taught giving students the tools to treat a wide range of imbalances. Thai Yoga Bodywork Intro Class: Sat., Apr. 12 in Waterbury. Register at www.bodhiwell nessstudio.com or 802-244-8722. Also Sat., May 3rd in Burlington. Register at touchstonehealing arts.com or 802-658-7715. Cost: $75. Location: Bodhi Wellness Studio, Waterbury, Touchstone Healing Arts, So. Burlington. Info: Learn a series of simple and effective massage and stretching techniques to increase flexibility and ease. Whether you are considering professional training or would like to bring bodywork home to family and friends, come enjoy a relaxing and rejuvenating day. Individuals and pairs welcome. Wear comfortable clothing.
meditation LEARN TO MEDITATE: Meditation instruction available Sunday mornings, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. or by appointment. The Shambhala Cafe meets the first Saturday of each month for meditation and discussions, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. An Open House occurs every third Wednesday evening of each month, 7-9 p.m. which includes an intro to the center, a short dharma talk and socializing. Location: Burlington Shambhala Center, 187 So. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: 802-658-6795, www.burlingtonshambhalactr.org. Through the practice of sitting still and following your breath as it goes out and dissolves, you are connecting with your heart. By simply letting yourself be, as you are, you develop genuine sympathy toward yourself. The Burlington Shambhala Center offers meditation as a path to discovering gentleness and wisdom.
metal/stained glass Metal Arts: Apr. 10 - Jun. 12, 6:30-9:30 p.m., weekly on Thursdays. 10-week class. Location: Shelburne Art Center, 64 Harbor Rd., Shelburne. Info: Shelburne Art Center, 802-985-3648, www. shelburneartcenter.org. Students will focus on the acquisition of jewelry skills and techniques while learning the art of fine craftsmanship. Complete a series of practice pieces before designing and creating a wearable piece of jewelry. All skill abilities are welcome. Members $300, nonmembers $330, materials $35. Find more metal classes online.
movement Improvisation & Creativity: Apr. 26, 1-5 p.m. Cost: $45/4-hr. class. Location: Shelburne Town Hall, 5420 Shelburne Road, Shelburne. Info: Burlington Shambhala Center, Andrea Lawrence, 802-878-5841, www.burlington shambhalactr.org. Whether beginner or longtime movement practitioner - this workshop is designed to develop & encourage your ability to listen to, recognize & deepen your potential & skill in the art of movement & sound improvisation. Guided exercises, open dialogue & an atmosphere of joy & fearlessness will bring you “home” into your body, breath & voice - a state of presence from which anything can happen. Taught by Vicki Tansey.
nature Wilderness Survival Skills: Location: ROOTS School (Reclaiming Our Origins through Traditional Skills), East Calais. Info: ROOTS School, Brad Salon, 802456-1253, Info@RootsVT.com, RootsVT.com. Women’s Fire Class, Apr. 13, $150; Fire by Friction, Apr. 26-27, $150; Flint Knapping I, May 10-11, $150; Bow Building, May 2326, $450; Primitive Weapons, June 14-15, $150; Tracking and Awareness, July 10-11, $150; Advanced Tracking and Awareness Overnight, July 12-13, $175.
pilates 123 Pilates Studio: Location: 123 Pilates Studio, 49 Heineberg Dr., Colchester. Info: 123 Pilates, Lucille Dyer, 802-863-3369, lucille@123pilates.com, 123Pi lates.com. Exercise your brain, heart and whole body. Join Ballet Conditioning, Integrative Movement and Pilates classes, or combine all three in the 123:Studio class to enliven core strength, coordination, memory function and creativity. Experience the difference of more than 20 years’ teaching experience. Small classes, private sessions, professional instruction and fun! ABSOLUTE PILATES: New! Zumpilates - A Pilates and areobic Latin dance mix. Plus ongoing Pilates mat classes. Location: Espire, 12 Gregory Drive, Suite One, South Burlington. Info: 802-310-2614, www.absolutepilatesvt.com. Tone, stretch, strengthen and shape up for summer with certified classical Pilates instructor Lynne Martens. Sculpt a great new body in group mat classes or private lessons on reformer, Wunda chair and tower unit in an attractive welcoming locale. Visit our website for pricing, class times and specials. Pilates Space: Call for current pricing. Location: Pilates Space,
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208 Flynn Ave. (across from the antique shops, near Oakledge Park), Burlington. Info: 802863-9900, www.pilatesspace.net. Come experience our expert teachers, beautiful, light-filled studio, and welcoming atmosphere. We offer Pilates, Anusara-inspired Yoga, Physical Therapy and Gyrotonic to people of all ages and levels of fitness. Free intro to Pilates: Saturdays, 10:30 a.m., or call to arrange a time to fit your schedule. Pilates Method Alliance Member.
reflexology 200-hour Certification Course: Intro class Saturday & Sunday, Apr. 26 & 27, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cost: $1375/full class; $250/ intro class. Location: Touchstone Healing Arts, 205 Dorset St., South Burlington. Info: Touchstone Healing Arts Massage & Bodywork Education, 802-658-7715, info@ t o u c h s t o n e h e a l i n g a r t s .c o m, www.touchstonehealingarts.com. Come to this lively and informative introduction to the art of Reflexology. You may well want to commit to the entire training but it’s not necessary. You will leave with some great reflexology treatment skills and a wealth of knowledge about this effective modality.
reiki Reiki Class - Level I: May 18, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cost: $150/6hr. class. Location: Shelburne Village, Shelburne. Info: Cindy Fulton, M.A., NCTMB, 802-9859580, cindy@energymedicinevt. com, www.energymedicinevt. com. Learn this ancient healing art that facilitates health on all levels (body, mind & spirit). Many find Reiki to be a powerful tool for personal healing and transformation, as well. You will be attuned to Reiki and trained to use Reiki on yourself and others. Reiki II - 6/1.
spirituality Develop Your Psychic Ability: May 31 - Jun. 1, Cost: $300/16hour class. Location: Hampton Inn, 42 Lower Mountain View Drive, Colchester. Info: Empowering Transitions, Theresa Schilizzi, 646-218-1285, emptransitions@ aol.com, www.empoweringtran sitions.com. Empower and transition your life in 2008 with the Silva UltraMind ESP System! Learn to develop your natural psychic ability in a relaxing, supportive environment. ESP is developed through dynamic meditation, mental projection, mind training techniques and psychic exercises! Learn how to use your natural psychic ability to help change and improve your life! Connect and communicate with the Divine, spirit guides and angels. Learn how to access unlimited information to help resolve your problems and challenges and recognize and act on opportunities. Learn to help others. Flexible and affordable tuition. Emptiness & the Heart Sutra: Cost: $55/5 eves. & 1 Sat. (Apr. 21, 28; May 5, 10, 12, 19). Location: Burlington Shambhala Center, 187 South Winooski Ave, Burlington. Info: Burlington Shambhala Center, Tracy Whitcomb, 802-9222602, www.burlingtonshambha lactr.org. When the teaching of the Heart Sutra first occurred, its proclamation of emptiness was so powerful that several highly realized disciples died of heart attacks. Yet today we can read it without missing a beat. In this course, we will study and contemplate the Sutra line by line and bring these
teachings alive so that we too can take them to heart. INTRODUCTION TO ESOTERICA: Apr. 23 - May 14, 7-9 p.m., weekly on Wednesday. Cost: $60. Location: 55 Clover Lane, Waterbury. Info: Sue, 802-244-7909. Learn about the hidden wisdom in the world’s religious and spiritual traditions that provides a basis for the emerging global unity. Mahayana & the Bodhisattva Vow: Apr. 18-20. Cost: $55/ weekend. Location: Burlington Shambhala Center, 187 South Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: Burlington Shambhala Center, Tracy Whitcomb, 802-922-2602, http://www.burlingtonshambhalactr.org. The bodhichitta practices for waking up our hearts are the core disciplines of the Mahayana journey. This weekend will focus on these practices we cultivate in our training as bodhisattva warriors. This weekend is open to all students and is a prerequisite to taking the bodhisattva vow.
weight loss Lose Weight with Hypnosis!: Cost: $160/4-week class. Location: Wellspring Hypnotherapy Center, 57 River Rd., Essex Junction. Info: Wellspring Hypnotherapy and Rising Sun Healing, Betty Moore-Hafter, 802-872-0089, betty@risingsunhealing.com, www. holistichypnotherapyeft.com OR www.wellspringhypno.com. The subconscious mind is at the root of habits that make weight loss easy or difficult. Learn hypnosis techniques to help you make permanent changes. Four-week classes (level 1 and 2) with ongoing support groups. Audio CDs of hypnosis sessions are included to make home practice effective and easy.
well-being Have trouble making decisions?: Sat., May 3. Led by Marian Feldman, MS Psychotherapist and Outdoors Woman. Cost: $250. Location: Lake Champlain Waldorf School, Shelburne. Info: 802-9855883. The “Nature of Decisions” women’s group is a five-week series blending Therapy, Spirit and Nature that will benefit anyone desiring to learn or enhance decision-making skills. Participants increase confidence and self-trust, let go of “second guessing” and recognize personal sources of wisdom through experiential learning and practice in a supportive and beautiful environment.
women FREE - Parting with Purpose: Apr. 12-13, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. FREE 2-day workshop. Location: Ilsley Library Public Meeting Room, 75 Main St., Middlebury. Info: 802989-7013, info@partingwithpur pose.com, www.partingwithpur pose.com. Choose an empowered journey through separation and divorce, find healing and hope for a brighter future. Are you contemplating separating from or divorcing your mate? Are you already divorced and having trouble moving on? Join us for two days of self-discovery, healing and creating new visions for the future. You will experience a three-part process that will help you emerge feeling whole and empowered through one of life’s most painful transitions. Workshop also offered Apr. 26-27 in Burlington. Call for more info. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED, SPACE IS LIMITED.
Mothers Writing with Daughters: May 3, 1-4 p.m. Cost: $40/for one, $65/motherdaughter pair. Location: Howard Space Center, 12 Howard Street, Burlington. Info: Women Writing for (a) Change ~ Vermont, 802-899-3772, sarah@womenwritingvt.com, www.womenwritingvt.com. Write to, about and with the mothers and daughters in your life - both outside and within. More than one mother-figure or daughter-friend? Bring her too! Opportunity for possible Mother’s Day writing, as well as chance to write together in community. Prompted writing and exploration. No prior writing experience required.
wood Intro to Cabinet Making: Apr. 14 - Jun. 2, 6-9 p.m., weekly on Monday evenings. Cost: $395/8week class. Location: Vermont Woodworking School, 382 Hercules Dr., Colchester. Info: Vermont Woodworking School, Blake Ewoldsen, 802-655-4201, vermontwoodworking@mac.com, www. vermontwoodworkingschool.com. Learn different cabinet construction styles, plans, wood selection, basic joinery, frame and panel construction. Grants available. Kitchen and Dining Tables: Apr. 21-25, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 5-day workshop. Location: Shelburne Art Center, 64 Harbor Rd., Shelburne. Info: Shelburne Art Center, 802-985-3648, www.shelburneart center.org. Add another layer of depth to your home as the family gathers around the table you built. Students will design and create a table based on their eating-area dimensions, seating requirements and pictures of their dining area. Members $380, nonmembers $420, materials $35. See complete woodworking class list online. Tool Safety and Use Workshop: Apr. 13, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Cost: $165. Location: Vermont Woodworking School, 382 Hercules Dr. (behind Costco), Colchester. Info: Vermont Woodworking School, 802-655-4201, www. vermontwoodworkingschool.com. This class is for those who have limited or no experience with power tools or are looking for a greater understanding of the application and safety with household and shop power tools. We aim to instill greater knowledge so that participants may use tools in the future with greater confidence.
writing LVW Agent and Publishing Event: Apr. 19, 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Cost: $45/full day with lunch ($40 for members). Location: Holiday Inn, Route 7, Rutland. Info: League of Vermont Writers, Pat Goudey O’Brien, 802-4967226, www.leaguevtwriters.org. League of Vermont Writers Spring Meeting, featuring: Writer’s Digest Books Guide to Literary Agents editor Chuck Sambuchino, “All About the Writer-Agent Relationship” plus “How to Pitch Your Book Project”; and Chelsea Green Publishing editorial director Shay Totten, “Publishing in the Internet Age.” Promote your own writing. Luncheon included.
yoga BRISTOL YOGA AND AYURVEDA: Daily Ashtanga yoga classes for all levels. Special monthly workshops on yoga, Ayurveda, diet and nutrition, breathing and meditation. Private sessions for yoga or
yoga »
34B | april 09-16, 2008 | SEVEN DAYS
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well located classic in johnson cape
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This two bedroom (plus den) Condo has a convenient location and is ideally situated within the project. End unit, southwesterly exposure, and easy commute to downtown Burlington are just a few of the reasons to make this your home. $225,900.
This Classic Cape style home has three bedrooms and 1.5 baths plus an enclosed porch and attached garage. Convenient New North End location. $234,900.
This classic Contemporary has the largest fully fenced lot in the neighborhood & end of the cul-de-sac privacy. Great location for commuting to Burlington & St. Albans. This home was re-roofed & a brand new deck installed in ‘05. First floor laundry. $299,000.
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Sun., 4-13 1-3 pm
Rare find this close to town! 3 bedroom, 2 bath home set back on a well-manicured home site with 15 acres of nice wooded land. A 20’ ROW allows access to the back portion for potential subdivision. Privacy, land and superb rural location. Come see! $399,000.
With new lovely kitchen cabinets, counters & backsplash, this 2 bedroom Colchester Condo has lots to offer in a great price range. Nice recent updated kitchen floor, vinyl windows & bath remodel. Two stories plus full basement. Low utilities and fees. $164,900.
The outside of this 3 bedroom, 2 bath Milton Ranch is as nice as inside! Relax on the stone patio within the privacy of the hemlock fence. Store your toys in the post & beam garage with attic storage. Entertain on rainy days in the basement rec room. $298,000.
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Normandy Tudor lovingly restored on quiet Hill Section St. Light-drenched house combines modern luxuries with historic charm: open floor plan, fully renovated bathrooms and kitchen, hardwood floors. Fireplace, sunset views and master bedroom suite make this a brilliant home to reside in. $879,000 Call Mandi Bateman www.mandisproperties.com Century 21 Jack associates 802-318-6017 • mandibateman@c21jack.com
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THE HINDS LOFTS located at 161 St. Paul Street in the heart of downtown Burlington. Studio, one- and twobedroom lofts with prices starting at $259,500. Lofts will be ready for occupancy April 15th! Come to our Open House Sunday, 1-3 pm. call Heidi Tappan redstone • www.thehindslofts.com 802-658-7400 x 20
New Home, First Floor master
Super country home with large open lot and easterly and westerly views. Never been lived in new construction with laminate flooring, new appliances, fully finished basement with 3/4 bath, laundry and walkout entrance. Lot perfect for large animals. $369,000. Call Kate von trapp Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman realty 802-846-9512 www.Chrisvontrapp.com
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Don’t wait to see this seldom available End Unit in popular City Bluffs. Features include good-sized master with views to the lake, large, bright living room, kitchen with newer appliances, ceramic tile floors and breakfast nook. Great location. $254,900. call jessica hubbard coldwell Banker hickok & Boardman Realty 802-846-9585 www.hickokandBoardman.com
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Housing lot near downtown with city approval for a 1,600 SF two-story, single family home. A great city yard and off-street parking for 2 cars add to the property. An existing historic single family home situated on adjacent lot (15 Myrtle St.) also available for sale. Owner/broker. $94,500
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3/5/07 4:54:14 PM
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | classifieds 35B
8sevendaysvt.com [click on classifieds] Show and tell. View and post up to 6 photos per ad online. Ayurvedic consultations available by appointment. Cost: $14/dropin, $110/10 classes or $100/ monthly pass. Location: Old High School, Bristol. Info: 802-4825547, www.bristolyoga.com. This classical form of yoga incorporates balance, strength and flexibility to steady the mind, strengthen the body and free the soul. Bristol Yoga is directed by Christine Hoar, who was blessed and authorized to teach by Sri K Pattabhi Jois of Mysore India, holder of the Ashtanga lineage. BURLINGTON YOGA: Daily, ongoing classes in all syles with experienced, certified instructors. Cost: $12/hour, $14/90 min., $160/unlimited monthly membership, $75/private lesson. Location: 156 Saint Paul St. 1/2 block south of Main St., Burlington. Info: 802-658-9642, www.burling tonyoga.com. “The yogi whose mind is ever under his control, always striving to unite with the Self, attains the peace of Nirvana - the Supreme Peace that rests in me.” Bhagavad Gita VI ‘15 Krishna to Arjuna. Copper Crane Yoga: Daily ongoing yoga and meditation classes for all levels. 3-week Beginner Series. Special workshops and monthly talks on yoga, bodywork, relaxation, meditation, breathing, energy work and more. Cost: $14/drop-in, $60/5-class card, $110/10-class card, $200/20class card. Location: Copper Crane Yoga, 179 Main St., Vergennes. Info: 802-877-3663, coppercrane yoga.com. Offering individual, group and custom classes. Thai Yoga Bodywork and Zero Balancing sessions by appointment. Copper Crane Yoga is directed by Carolyn Conner, RYT, Advanced Certified Thai Yoga Bodywork practitioner. Copper Crane provides wise and compassionate teaching to nourish the spirit and unite the mind and body. Be yourself here.
Restorative, Adaptive Yoga, Instructor Training and more listed on website. Gift certificates available. For the latest, check out our blog: http://yogavermont.typepad.com.
Thai Yoga Bodywork Intro Class: Sat., Apr. 12 in Waterbury. Register at www.bodhiwellnessstudio.com or 802-244-8722. Also Sat., May 3rd in Burlington. Register at touchstonehealingarts.com or 802-658-7715. Cost: $75. Location: Bodhi Wellness Studio, Waterbury, Touchstone Healing Arts, So. Burlington. Info: Learn a series of simple and effective massage and stretching techniques to increase flexibility and ease. Whether you are considering professional training or would like to bring bodywork home to family and friends, come enjoy a relaxing and rejuvenating day. Individuals and pairs welcome. Wear comfortable clothing. YOGA VERMONT: Daily drop-in classes, plenty of choices, open to all levels. Cost: $14/drop-in, $110/10 classes, $120/month pass. Location: Chace Mill on Winooski River, and downtown studio and boutique at 113 Church St. (top floor of the Leunig’s building), Burlington. Info: 802-6609718, www.yogavermont.com. Explore a variety of yoga styles with experienced and passionate instructors in our beautiful, spacious studios: Yoga for Skiers/Riders, Six-Week Intro to Kripalu, SixWeek Intro to Ashtanga, Monthly
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Land TEXAS LAND LIQUIDATIONS!! 20-acres, Near Booming El Paso. Good Road Access. ONLY $14,900, $200/down. $145 per/mo. Money Back Guarantee. No Credit Checks. (AAN CAN) Info: 800-843-7537, http://www.SunsetRanches.com.
For Rent 1-BR Apt. Burlington Avail. now! A fantastic location! Gas heat, 1st floor, some HDWD, full BA. No pets. $750.00/mo. + plus util. Info: 802-658-3600.
For Sale $157,900 Two Bedroom House Open House on April 19th from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Cozy 2-BR, 1284 sq.ft. home has many qualities to offer. It’s less than a mile to Lake Champlain. Just minutes to I-89 & close to all amenities. A lg. fenced-in backyard & a screened in back porch w/ hot tub. The home sits in a quiet neighborhood w/ nice neighbors & minimal traffic. Info: Matt Garrett, 802-578-1758, msgarret@yahoo. com, fsbo-vt.net/ListingDetails. asp?id=203. 3-BD HOMES FROM $19,200! Foreclosures for sale! For listings call 1-800-706-1785 ext. 6817. (AAN CAN)
3-BR Burl. South End 2 very lg. apts. Eat-in kitchens, lots of storage, parking for 3 cars + 1 garage for each, onsite W/D, gas heat. $1500/mo. + utils. (I pay plowing, H20.) 1-yr. lease, refs. Avail. Jun. 1. Info: 802-864-9972, garry @burlingtontelecom.net. 3-BR Updated Jericho Home April, very nice home, lg. yard, deck, gardens. Walk to playground & trails. W/D, microwave, DW. $1175/mo. incl. electric & water. Info: 802-899-2952. 3BR Apt. Great apt. w/ easy access to Burlington and Williston. Spacious kitchen & LR! Brand new carpeting throughout the entire apt.! Info: Nick Parent, 802-999-7864, nick@sprucemortgage.com.
The Lynn Jackson Group Vergennes | 802-877-2134
Look. Buy. SmiLe. www.LakeChamplainRealtor.com HOME FROM $30,000 Buy foreclosures! Must sell now! 1-4 bedrooms. Call for listings. (AAN CAN). Info: 800-903-7136.
2x1-lynnJackson100307-classy.ind1 1
Mondays, EVOLUTION YOGA: 5:45 p.m. Class is sliding scale, $4-10. $5 Friday classes at 4:30 p.m. Cost: $13/drop-in, $120/10class card for 1.5 hr. classes. $11/ drop-in, $100/10-class card for 1 hr. classes. Location: Evolution Yoga, 20 Kilburn Street, Burlington. Info: 802-864-9642, www. evolutionvt.com. Vinyasa, Anusara-Inspired, Kripalu and Iyengar classes for all levels, plus babies’ and kids’ yoga. Prepare for birth and strengthen postpartum with pre/postnatal yoga. Now accepting enrollment for Babies/Kids Yoga 8week Spring series beginning April 7.
Open 24/7/365.
Jericho House For Sale Family Jericho neighborhood. 3-BR, 2.5-BA, 2100+ sq.ft. colonial incl. eat-in kitchen, family room, formal LR w/ fireplace, dining room and master BA w/ Jacuzzi. Info: Juliette Longchamp, 802-7347053, users.gmavt.net/rmccraw. MIDDLESEX QUALITY HOME Wellmaintained, efficient, and quality-built 2-BR home for sale by owner. 10 min. to Montpelier or to 89. House sits on 2.7 acres. Wood floors, new appliances (stainless steel GE stove, D/W, and new Kenmore W/D), front porch, back deck, big open yard, flower beds, bonfire area, corner lot, basement and garage. $250,000. Owners will consider all offers. Info: 802-2238682, kermick@comcast.net. Nice Townhouse For Sale Stunning townhouse w/ great features & upgrades. 2200 sq.ft. above ground + finished basement of 650 sq.ft. below ground. 3-BR, 2.5-BA. Info: Sven Eklof, 802860-2213, sven_irma@yahoo. com, www.173ferncourt.com.
BURLINGTON Avail. 6/1. 527 3x3c-CHTrentals012308.indd 1 So. Union. Quiet, sunny, mediumsize 2-BR, laundry, storage, full BA, porch, parking. Heat & HW incl. No dogs. $950/mo. Info: 802-862-7467.
1/22/08 10:12:03 AM
Burlington Avail. now. Church St. Lg. newly renovated efficiency, 3/4-BA. No pets. $750/mo. Call Coburn & Feeley, 864-5200 ext. 229. Burlington 51 N. Willard St., 1-BR, 2nd floor, 2 porches. $900/ mo. Heat & HW incl. Avail. now. Info: 363-2442. Burlington 1-BR Apt. Sunny, unfurnished apt. near Church St. Eat-in kitchen, bright LR, porch, corner of Maple & St. Paul St. Avail. immed. NS/pets. $850/mo. Heat incl. Info: 802-658-0900. Burlington 3- & 4-BR apts Avail. June 1. North Winooski Ave. 3-BR unit incl. heat: $1710/ mo + utils. 4-BR unit incl. trash/ snow removal: $2195/mo + utils. Call 802-578-8525 for appt.
BURLINGTON LG. 3-BR Avail. 4-BR House Burlington Ga10/1/07 2:12:21 PMimmed./May 1st. Newly paintrage, porch, deck, gas heat/water, ed, Berber carpeting, fireplace, W/D, DW. NS/pets. <1 mile from great neighborhood, 2.5 miles UVM. $1850 + utils., lease & dep. from downtown Burlington. NS, June-May Info: 802-658-9451, pets negotiable, sec. dep., lease. vtwillie@gmail.com. $1100/mo. + utils. Info: Becci Da448-450 Colchester Ave. 2BR, $1225/mo. 3-BR, $1425/mo. Utils. incl. Some off-street parking. Walking distance to campus. Avail. first week of June. Info: A Must-See Rental Split-level townhouse, private setting, safe neighborhood, 2-BR, 1.5-BA, carport w/ storage. Snow & garbage removal incl. Playground, tennis court, pool. Pets allowed. Avail. 4/15. Info: Victoria Norton, 802-598-5368. B-town, 2-BR & 4-BR apts. Sunny & clean Old North End apts. 2nd story, porches, storage, pets negotiable. NS. $950-$1450/mo. Info: Jeff , 802-864-4838, jeff@ redhousebuilding.com. Buell St. Avail. 6/1. 1-BR, $875/mo. 2-BR, $1150/mo. 4BR, $2200/mo. Lg., sunny, HDWD floors, coin-op W/D. Heat/HW incl. No pets. Info: 802-310-0212.
vison, 802-863-1190.
Burlington St. Paul St. Several 1-BR units. Avail. June 1. Gas heat. Range from $775-795/mo. + utils. Incl. trash/snow removal. Call 802-578-8525 to view unit. Burlington, 1-BR units Several 1-BR units avail. Range from $795-$1050/mo. +. Gas heat, coin-op laundry next door. Victorian-style building. Info: 802-578-8525. Burlington, 3-BR Delightful Victorian with gourmet kitchen and wood floors. Nice size yard and pets are negotiable depending on size and number. Off-road, 2-car parking. Easy walk to UVM, Fletcher Allen, etc. Redecorated in the English style, W/D, DW available, 3 upstairs BR, 1.5-BA, basement, eat-in kitchen, LR, DR/ office. Call for appt. $1700/mo. Info: 802-372-8491.
Burlington, Colchester Ave Renovated Shelburne Home SERVICE YOU DESERVE! 4-BR, parking, coin-op W/D. No 107 Woodbine - Beautifully re2x8c-CHT040908.innd 1 dogs. $1175/mo. Avail. 6/1. NevPhyllis Martin, Realtor modeled 5-BR 3300 sq.ft. execuille Companies, Inc., 802-660tive home situated on double lot 3481 x1021, www.nevilleco.com. in a wonderful family neighborBurlington, East Ave. 4-BR 802.482.5232 | Phyllis@vermontgreentree.com hood. Brand new chef’s kitchen Avail. now. $1600/mo. Parking. w/ stainless steel appliances, No pets. Neville Companies, Inc., granite tile counters, HDWD floors Burlington, 6 Chase Lane Very Burlington Quiet, safe, Lake802-660-3481 x1021. www.nevil& renovated bathrooms. Three nice 5-BR updated brick Victorian side Neighborhood, park 2x1c-greentree022008-phyllis.ind1 1 setting. 2/25/08 10:25:18 AMleco.com. fireplaces, huge family room w/ apt. for rent. Close to FAHC, UVM 3-BR, 1.5-BA, walk to beach/bike fireplace & antique bar, enormous & Champlain College. W/D in base- Burlington, North Ave. Avail. path/bus-stop/Oakledge Park. 7 master suite. $549,000. Info: 802min. drive to Church St. or I-89. ment. Clean & spacious. Plenty of 6/1 or sooner. Studio. 3rd floor. 318-8701, Dan_S_M@msn.com. Sunny, glassed-in porch, cedar off-street parking. Conveniently Parking. Updated kitchen. Cats OK. $560/mo. 802-660-3481 So. Burlington - Grandlocated. Utils. not incl. NS/pets. deck. Landscaped, HDWD. NS/ x1021, www.nevilleco.com. view 2-BR, 1-BA townhouse pets. 1200 sq.ft. + basement + $2125/mo. Avail. 6/1. 802-233near shopping, I-89. Brand new 6313 or 802-578-7371. garage. $1500/mo. + utils. Info: Burlington, So. End 1-BR, stove & fridge. Pristine condi802-372-8707. clean & quiet. Avail. 5/1. No pets. Burlington, Buell St. Avail. tion. Low fees & heating cost. Info: 802-922-8518. 6/1. 1-BR. $775/mo. incl. heat & $156,900/OBO. Info: Lindy Walsh, HW. NS/pets. Neville Companies, 802-864-7126. Inc. 802-660-3481 x 1021. www. nevilleco.com.
Burlington: Valade Park. 2-BR, 1-BA townhouse, freshly painted, 4/7/08 10:15:26 AM 2-yr. old appliances & flooring, W/D, deck, patio, garage w/ storage room. Avail. 5/1. No pets. Info: Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman, Kaitlyn Dorey, 802846-9568, rentals@hickokand boardman.com, www.Hickokand Boardman.com. Colchester 4-BR, 1.5-BA, raised ranch, fireplace downstairs, deck, 2-car garage, brand new DW. Avail. now. $1600/mo. + utils., first, dep. Refs. req. No pets. 570-8288378 or 802-655-4413.
for rent »
36B | april 09-16, 2008 | SEVEN DAYS
8FOR SALE BY OWNER List your property here! 30 words + photo. Contact Ashley 864-5684, fsbo@sevendaysvt.com
burlington, old north end
bright Creek Farm townhouse
Newer home in desirable Old North End location, walking distance to lake and downtown, 2 lg. BRs, 1.5-BA, full basement, lg. backyard with organically maintained veggie patch, flower beds, efficient gas heat, move-in condition. $228,000. Priced below appraisal. Call Arun, 845-652-0775.
Colchester, 3-BR, 1.5-BA, attached garage, beautiful grounds/ neighborhood, deck, dining/living combination, large closets/storage. Close to bike path, parks & lake. 7-10 mins. to Burlington. Motivated sellers. $199,900. 876-7146, katefarney@yahoo.com.
Charming 2-BR house in Burlington (next to Five Sisters). Hardwood floors, fenced backyard, detached garage, 10 min. walk downtown. Contact: howard.street56@gmail.com.
OPEN HOUSE Saturday, April 19; 10am-1pm
malletts bay condo FSBO-Howard040908.indd 1
porters point colchester
Country Store for Sale
4/8/08 FSBO-Kumar032608.indd Bright, 2-BR, 1-1/2 BA, condo w/ 7:23:44 AM Work and have fun! Thriving-turn key business in prime country location. 1200 sq.ft., maple HDWD floors, Tremendous opportunity with additional growth potential. If you have open wood staircase, DW, W/D, experience in the food business, restaurant, baking, chef, butcher etc., this basement, patio, 1-car attached layout allows for a great revenue mix while working on your creations in the garage. Excellent location! Adjacent kitchen. Put your business plan together and make it happen! Willing to train. to bike path, beach close, flower $479,000 + Inventory gardens, in quiet development. Pets allowed. For more Info 802-343-5694 or send email to 802-373-0586. bikehikeskiinvt@yahoo.com
FSBO-CountryStore040908.indd 1
ÂŤ for rent ESSEX CONDO 2-BR, lg. LR, fresh paint, pool, tennis, carport, storage. No dogs. Avail. 3/1 or 4/1. $995/mo. Call 425-2678 or 802338-2335. Info: Arlette Ball. ESSEX JCT. 2-BR DUPLEX Private location, sunny, 3-season porch, storage, W/D. NS/pets. $1025/mo. incl. utils. Info: 802-734-0708.
New digs? Stay connected. Cable TV | Internet | Telephone
call 540-0007 for service
HYDE PARK, LG. 2-BR W/ DEN Short walk to elementary school & playground. LR, DR, den, kitchen, 1 3/4-BA, deck, W/D hook-ups. Snow plowing & cold water are incl. Utils. & lawn upkeep are not incl. Sec. req. Info: 802-399-4543, http://www.photomax.com/web/ mem_album_photo_slide_show. php?TrackId=1812977&RandomId =1499995716.
JERICHO 1-BR efficiency apt. Neat & clean, nice yard. Avail. now. $730/mo. incl. utils. First, last, dep. NS. Info: 802-849-6807. LOCAL AREA APARTMENTS 1-, 2-, 3- & 4-BR. Lakeside Cottages & camp avail. Info: Handy Properties, 802-862-8553, ext. 201.
ESSEX JUNCTION, MAIN ST. 2-BR, 1-BA condo in quiet building. Located on bus line, near schools, off street parking. NS/pets. Info: 802-879-6904.
SO. BURL. QUARRY HILL 4-BR Very close to UVM. 3 floors, 2-BA, kitchen, LR, DR. Rent incl. trash/ snow removal. Plenty parking, lg. yard. Call to view unit. Info: 802-578-8525. SOUTH BURLINGTON CONDO Dorset St. Town House. 2-BR, 1-BA, quiet, carport, W/D, storage. On busline, close to park, UVM, FAHC, shopping, bike path. New flooring. NS/pets. Avail. Lease 6/1. $1175/mo. + utils & dep. Info: 802-316-1261. SPACIOUS 3-BR, 2-BA Newly refurbished, private setting, spacious, W/D, duplex style, parking. Avail. now. $1575/mo. Well-mannered pets only. New carpet. Info: 802-578-7113, barbzmail@wbhsi. net.
1x1-burltelecom052307_classy.ind15/21/07 1 4:08:07 PM
MY ENERGY DELIVERS! Katrina Roberts, Realtor
4/8/08 7:30:19 AM
WINOOSKI, HICKOK ST., 2-BR Avail. 5/1. HDWD, parking. No dogs. $815/mo. 802-660-3481, x1021. www.nevilleco.com. WINOOSKI, WEST ST. Avail. 6/1. 2-BR, W/D hook-ups, offstreet parking, 2 porches. NS/ pets. $925/mo. + utils. Info: 802-655-6869.
WINOOSKI: LG. 3-BR DUPLEX Spacious, 1-BA, many closets, 4season porch/office, HDWD, 1-car garage, W/D in basement. Avail. NOW; 1-year. NS/pets. $1100/mo. Info: Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman, Kaitlyn Dorey, 802846-9568, www.HickokandBoard man.com. WINOOSKI: ON THE RIVER! West Canal. Cute 2-BR, 1-BA, 1000 sq.ft., sliding doors overlook river, fresh paint, new birch laminate, W/D. Avail. now; 1-yr. lease. Small pet negotiable. Info: Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman, Kaitlyn Dorey, 802-846-9568, rent al s @ hickokandboardman. com, www.HickokandBoardman. com.
ESSEX JCT LOVELY TOWNHOME Professional to share townhouse in residential neighborhood near IBM. Furnished room w/ private BA. $600/mo. Utils., Internet access, W/D. NS/pets. 5/1. Info: Rivers Edge Bed and Breakfast, 802-578-3157, janetgrady@ comcast.net, www.virtualcities. com/vt/riversedge/htm.
3/25/08 6:36:48 AM 2-BR + study, 2.5-BA, full basement, attached garage, Internet/sound wired, custom wood blinds, central vac., W/D (2nd floor). Like new. Tastefully finished. Buyer brokers welcome! Priced below appraisal. $220,000. 802-862-5190.
ESSEX JCT. NEAR IBM Share charming country farmhouse w/2 men. 1 room avail. now. W/D, parking, Wi-Fi/cable. Tidy individual, please. NS/dogs. $400/ mo. + 1/4 heat. Elec. incl. Info: 802-343-8073. HINESBURG HOUSEMATE NS wanted to share modern house in wooded setting with cat and owner. No TV. Movie videos OK. $465/mo. incl. utils. + DSL. Call Richard, 802-482-4004.
Great Opportunity! HINESBURG: Provide light cooking and help around the house for a senior woman. In exchange, pay no rent and share a comfortable home. No pets/smoking. Interview, references, background check required. EHO.
ESSEX: AUTUMN KNOLL CONDO Call 863-0274 to find out more! Marion Ave. 2-BR (+ office), 1.5 802.482.5232 | Katrina@vermontgreentree.com www.homesharevermont.org BA townhouse w/ 1675 sq.ft. 1car garage, storage. Updated appliances, breakfast nook. Master BR w/ tons of closet space. Info: TOWNHOUSE FOR 2/25/08 RENT, 10:26:29 BURL. AM QUIET WINOOSKI 2x1c-greentree022008.indd 1 STREET ComColdwell Banker Hickok & Board3-BR, new cherry floors, new car2x2-homeshare040908.indd 1 pletely renovated 1-BR. Separate man, Kaitlyn Dorey, 802-846peting upstairs, yard, 2 cars offentrance. W/D, energy efficient 9568, www.HickokandBoardman. street parking, low-traffic street, gas heater, parking. Water, gar2-BR CENTENNIAL COURT APT. com. W/D hookups. $1295/mo. + utils. bage, plowing incl. $825/mo. + Roommate wanted for 6/15 or Landlord pays lawn, rubbish. No HOUSE FOR RENT BURL SO END 3gas & electric. NS/pets. Info: 7/1. Prof./grad student preferred. dogs. Call Holly. Info: 802-343BR, 2-BA, 1-car garage + parking, 802-338-2589. $510/mo. + 1/2 utils. Free park4576, boardmanholly@gmail. ample storage, great yard. Walk to SHELBURNE HOME FOR RENT ing, laundry room, private, quiet. com. Oakledge, Red Rocks. $1675/mo. 3100 sq.ft. 4-BR, 2.5-BA single Info: Todd, 802-862-5321. + utils. Avail. mid-April. Info: VERGENNES 2-BR apt., quiet, house, garage, great decks, quiet, BURLINGTON 68A S. Willard St. 2 802-865-9252. friendly neighborhood. Great for W/D hookups, off-street parkrooms for rent. Basement room, ing, includes heat/HW, cats OK. kids or in-home business. $2100/ $460/mo. Lg. room for $545/mo. Avail. 4/1. $795/mo. + dep. Info: mo. Info: 802-598-9691. 1.5-BA, W/D, kitchen, parking. 802-655-1474. NS. Artistic & intellectual enviVERGENNES 2-BR Small 800-sq.- ronment. Avail. 6/1. Info: 802ft. home, small deck, off-street 660-7172 or 802-598-7423. parking, well-maintained (owners live on property). Private, cute, BURLINGTON - NEW NORTH END Housemate wanted for wicked quiet. Walk downtown, to CCTA LINK bus. $775/mo. incl. heat. cute 4-BR home. Prefer professional. Incl. W/D, Comcast cable Avail. May 1. Info: 802-877-2468. & Verizon DSL. $685/mo. + 1/2 of Rates are the lowest in years! WILLISTON 3-BR 1.5-BA, W/D, gagas & electric. Info: Stan Selig, rage, everything is new, great lo802-233-5564, plumbson54@vecation w/ Williston golf course in rizon.net. Vermontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Leading Mortgage Broker â&#x20AC;˘ Award Winning Service! back yard. NS/pets. 1st, last & dep. COUNTRY HOME IN THE CITY Room $1600/mo. + utils. Info: Atwood for rent in wonderful, 2-story, 4Holdings, LLC, 802-893-2700. BR house. Three community-oriWINOOSKI 2-BR APT. Sunny, ented, artistic people looking for clean, charming, convenient lo- mature roommate. Front porch, cation, 2nd floor, storage/office yard and HDWD floors. $375/mo. space, covered deck, parking. Info: 802-238-5603, tljonesy74@ Call NS/pets. $800/mo. + dep. & refs. yahoo.com. 1st Time Home buyers Construction Loans Commercial Loans Info: 802-881-9955. Investment Property Loans Experienced Staff Timely Status Updates DOWNTOWN BVT Mature profesWINOOSKI, AVAIL. NOW Nice 1sional to share spacious & bright or visit BR w/ brand new full BA. Great 380 Hurricane Lane, Suite 101 Williston, VT 05495 2-BR apt 1 block from Church St. residential neighborhood. Gas $550/mo. incl. all utils., cable & 879-3950 toll free: 888-879-3950 *Certain restrictions may apply. heat. No pets please. $650/mo. Internet. Sec. dep. req. Sorry, no info@hansonloan.com â&#x20AC;˘ www.mortgagevermont.com Info: 802-655-3325. pets. Info: Scott, 802-343-4130.
4/7/08 11:59:42 AM
Attn: Students
Planning a Move? 879-3950
off-campus apartments for students, is now leasing for Fall 2008!
Apply individually, or with a group, for a 2-4 bedroom apartment-style suite. All apartments are fully furnished. Rent includes all utilities, phone, cable and wireless internet.
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3/31/08 11:31:22 AM
2x5c-spinnerplace031908.indd 1
3/17/08 11:31:11 AM
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | classifieds 37B
8sevendaysvt.com [click on classifieds] Show and tell. View and post up to 6 photos per ad online. Housemate wanted For peaceful, quiet, sweet old house in Burlington, 1 block from lake & bikepath. Respectful, simple, non-traditional household. $550/ mo. + 1/2 utils. Avail. now. Info: 802-864-2890. Milton Farmhouse & Gardens Congenial “green” housemate desired to share farmhouse with naturalist/writer & dog. $475/mo. incl. utils. Some work exchange possible. NS. Exit 17: 8 min. Info: Laurie, 802-893-1845. Monkton Farm House Large rooms, W/D, dishwasher, inground pool, master bath, cathedral ceilings. 20 acres. 19 miles to Kennedy Drive. Barn, garden space, etc. More land in mtns. to hike, camp, etc. Amenities/utils. included. $450/mo. Info: 802-453-3457. Peaceful Jericho home Two new-age women to share lovely 3-bedroom home in country. Incl. fireplace, pool, organic gardens, H/S internet, W/D. $500. Info: 802-999-1265, ft1103@aol.com. ROOM FOR RENT Lg. room, next to University, onsite parking. Sunny. 2 cats already, no more pets. $400/mo. + utils. Non-smoker. Info: 802-658-3138. Room for Rent in Essex Roommate to share 2-BR house, Internet, W/D, quiet neighborhood, driveway parking, must love dogs, cats & guinea pigs. Professional NS female preferred. $575/mo., incl. utils. Info: 802-238-6487. Share a great country home In Essex Jct. w/ 3 prof. adults. Great country setting, wonderful housemates, spectacular Mt. Mansfield views, lots of space. $547/mo. Info: Roderic Knights Jr., 802-356-5001, rknights@ pshift.com.
Burlington Office Space MAKE MONEY ONLINE Make MonBeautiful, downtown space with ey Daily! PT/FT. No Experience acupuncturist and Thai bodywork Required. Work from Home. Need practitioner. Full or half days. Computer. Free info. (AAN CAN) Shared waiting room and kitchenInfo: 800-610-1732. ette. $50-$250/mo includes utilMEDIA MAKE-UP ARTISTS Earn ities and wireless. Available im1x1-mortgage-022305 2/19/07 1:45 PMfor television, Page 1 CD/ up to $500/day mediately. 802-324-8165. Info: videos, film, fashion. One week 802-324-8165. course in Los Angeles while building portfolio. Call for Brochure. (AAN CAN) Info: 310-364-0665, www.MediaMakeupArtists.com. Free
Pre-Approval! Mark R. Chaffee (802) 658-5599 x11
Waterfront office space available. Adirondack views. Incls. parking. Info: Ken, 802-865-3450. Waterfront Suite Ideal for small group practice, 1st floor, 3 lg. spaces, fireplaces, 2 smaller waiting rooms, free parking, lots of amenities, 862-3373 x 2. $2000/mo.
Services ALL AREAS - ROOMMATES.COM. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! (AAN CAN) Info: www. Roommates.com.
Sugarbush Access Road Minutes from Sugarbush, own BR & office space, DW, W/D, FP, best neighbors in the Mad River Valley. Avail. 4/15. $425/mo. + 1/2 utils. Info: 802-583-1075. Winooski - roommate wanted NS, clean, non-drinking, roommate to share house in quiet neighborhood. Incl. cable and Internet access in own bedroom, laundry, heat, kitchen & utilities. Available now. $125/wk. or $500/ mo. Info: PJ, 802-578-8393. Winooski Roommate wanted Lg. room in Winooski for rent. Sunny room w/ 2 windows, 3 season porch, W/D in basement. $350/mo. + 1/2 utils. Lv. msg. Info: 802-655-8054. Woolen Mill Apts. Newly furnished room for rent. Pool, exercise facility, parking, W/D on premises. $800/mo. + 1/2 sec. Utils. incl. Info: Diane, 802-655-3173.
Office/ Commercial Burlington Main Street Landing. Join our neighborhood of creative and friendly businesses in a healthy and beautiful environment, www.waterfronttheatre. org. Info: Melinda Moulton, 802864-7999, www.mainstreetlanding.com.
MYSTERY SHOPPERS Get paid to shop! Retail/Dining establishments need undercover clients to judge the quality/customer service. Earn up to $150 a day. (AAN CAN) Info: 800-901-9370. OUTDOOR YOUTH COUNSELOR Come make a difference working in the great outdoors. Immediate openings at Eckerd outdoor therapeutic programs in NC, TN, GA, FL, VT, NH and RI. Year-round residential position, free room & board, competitive salary/benefits. Info and apply online: www. eckerdyouth.org. Or fax resume to Career Advisor/AN, 727-442-5911. EOE/DFWP (AAN CAN) Pet Treat Bus. For Sale Parttime pet treat business, customer list & equipment. Flexible hours, great expansion opportunity. Asking 18K. Serious inquiries only. Info: 802-446-3207. POST OFFICE NOW HIRING Avg. Pay $20/Hour or $57K/yr. includes federal benefits and OT. Offered by Exam Services, not affiliated w/USPS who hires. (AAN CAN) Info: 866-616-7019.
South Burlington Clean, mature, dependable person needed to share 3-bedroom apt. in farmhouse. W/D. $400/mo. incl. utils. Avail. 4/1 or 5/1. Info: Sean, 802-864-9614. South Starksboro To share big, beautiful country home. 30 acres. NS/pets. $500/mo. includes utils. Dep. required. Avail. now. Info: 802-453-5409, lescoe@madriver. com.
Movie Extras! Movie extras, actors, models! Make $100-$300/ day. No experience required, Meet celebrities, full-time/parttime, all looks needed! Call now! 1-800-556-6103 extension 528. (AAN CAN)
Biz Opps $700-$800,000 FREE CASH/ GRANTS/PROGRAMS-2008! Personal bills, school, business/ housing. Approx. $49 billion unclaimed 2007! Almost everyone qualifies! Live operators listings 1-800-592-0362 Ext. 235. (AAN CAN) Info: Immediate Cash for $CASH$ Structured Settlements, Annuities, Law Suits, Inheritance, Mortgage Notes & Cash Flows. J.G. WENTWORTH #1 (AAN CAN) Info: 800-794-7310. Business For Sale The perfect small business for a pair of talented graphic and 3-D designers. Established, long-term clients, exclusive distribution rights for several national products, builtin margins, wide variety of 3-D and 2-D design projects, equipment ready with signed contracts in hand. Owner simply needs a break but will train. Info: 802-865-2659. DATA ENTRY Processors needed!! Earn $3500 - $5000 weekly working from home! Guaranteed Paychecks! No experience necessary! Positions available today! Register online now! (AAN CAN) Info: www.BigPayWork.com. HELP WANTED Earn Extra income assembling CD cases from Home. Start Immediately. No Experience Necessary. 1-800-405-7619 ext. 150 http://www.easyworkgreatpay.com (AAN CAN) HOME REFUND JOBS! Earn $3,500 - $5,000 weekly processing company refunds online! Guaranteed Paychecks! No experience needed! Positions available today! Register online now! (AAN CAN) Info: www.RebateWork.com.
PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions (AAN CAN) Info: 866-413-6293.
Counseling Motivation Hypnosis Maureen Finnerty Turner, RN, M.Ed, LCMHC, Hypnotherapist/Psychotherapist. Downtown Burlington w/free parking. Hypnosis helps: attention, anxiety, test taking, depression, focusing, phobias, PTSD, panic, pain, healing, performance, procrastination, sports, relationships, smoking, diet & exercise, child/ adolescent/adult. Insurance/credit cards accepted. Info: Maureen Turner, 802-658-2140, mturner@motivationhypnosis. com, http://www.motivationhyp nosis.com. Julie Reville, MS NCC Counseling for anxiety, depression, parenting, communication disorders, stuttering (all ages), disabilities, LGBTQ, relationships, grief/loss. Weekday or Sat. appts. Optima, 2 Church St., Suite 4G, Burlington. Info: 802-734-0777, jreville@ burlingtontelecom.net. Good Listener, Counselor Re-opening practice. Genevieve’s approach to healing, dialogue and education is informed by many traditions, including dreamwork and astrology. Trustworthy, confidential assistance for individuals and groups. Info: Pathways to Well Being, Genevieve Jacobs, M.A., 802-658-3995.
Open 24/7/365.
Extra! Extra!
Post & browse ads at your convenience.
There’s no limit to ad length online.
Elder Care Exceptional Private Hire Primary caregiver avail. for full-time day position. Elder care preferred. Solid experience. Practical and academic education plus outstanding local references. Info: Erin, 802-734-6497.
Financial/Legal BEHIND ON YOUR MORTGAGE PAYMENTS? National Foreclosure Counseling Services can stop foreclosure and save your home. No Credit or Equity needed. Free Consultation. Call 1-800-8244459 Ext. 231 (AAN CAN). Info: CREDIT REPAIR! Erase bad credit legally Money back Warranty, FREE Consultation & Information. (AAN CAN) Info: 866-410-7676, www. nationalcreditbuilders.com.
Health/Wellness Deep Tissue Massage Swedish massage, massage for athletes and onsite chair massage. Certified Massage Therapist w/ reasonable rates. Info: 802-318-8432. DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE Healing Currents Massage for Women provides manual therapy for treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain. Deep-tissue techniques, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release. Shannon Dunlap, CMT. Chace Mill. Info: Healing Currents Massage for Women, Shannon Dunlap, 802-363-9787, www.2x6c-NSB040908.indd Natural Health Space Avail 1 healingcurrentsmassage.com. Natural Health Practitioners: Space available in Waitsfield, VT. Feng Shui Vermont Improve Located between a very popular your space, improve your life! Consultations for homes, busi- health food store and a well-esnesses, schools. Integrated de- tablished Chiropractor, this space is approx. 300 sq. ft. Rent the sign services, clutter clearing, space clearing, real estate stag- whole space or share 1-7 days/ ing, color, renovations; presenta- week. Call 802-453-5654 or email tions, workshops. Info: Feng Shui for details. Info: sweetpea@ Vermont, Certified Feng Shui Con- gmavt.net. sultant Carol C. Wheelock, M.Ed., PENIS ENLARGEMENT Gain 1-3’’ 802-496-2306, cwheelock@ permanently. FDA approved medifengshuivermont.com, http:// cal vacuum pumps, Viagra, Ciawww.fengshuivermont.com. lis, Levitra & Testosterone. Free brochure. Se habla Espanol. Call 24/7. CODE: ALTERNATIVE. (AAN CAN) Info: 619-294-7777, www. getbiggertoday.com.
Piana Brothers 4/7/08 Painting 10:17:51 AM Residential/commercial, interior/exterior. Fully insured, free estimates. Info: Piana Brothers Painting, 802-881-1480. Seeking House/Pet Care In Shelburne, 4/19-4/27. Must have good references. Info: 802-985-2236.
Russian Massage
Therapeutic body work for athletes Invigorating deep tissue Fitness facial relaxation
Meela Myirck, CMT aBWMP 130 Church st • 802-734-3348
Full Body Massage for Men Spring is here for you now with a soothing and sensual massage. Special attention on feet & lower back. Info: Jay, 802-233-5037. Look & Feel Better Now! Lose weight the Healthy Lifestyles way! Call today & ask about our 3, 6 & 12-month program specials. Info: Healthy Lifestyles, Kathryn Evans, 802-658-6597, healthylifestylesvt@msn.com, www.healthylifestylesvt.com. Massage for Men By Jim Miracles of Touch. Experienced RN offering Swedish, sports & sensual massage, body hair trim/shave & hydrotherapy to men in northern/central VT. Morning, afternoon, evening & weekend appts. Info: Jim, 802-3108291, jhart1159@comcast.net, www.miraclesoftouch.com. MASSAGE FOR MEN BY SERGIO Spring is here, come and rejuvenate. Call for an appointment and ask for Spring Specials. Info: 802-355-1664. Might be Pregnant? Need help? We offer friendship, help w/ exploring options, free pregnancy test and ongoing support and encouragement. Info: BIRTHRIGHT, Burlington, 802-865-0056.
Psychic Counseling And Channeling w/ Bernice Kelman, Underhill, VT. 30+ yrs. experience. Also: energy healing, chakra balancing, Reiki, rebirthing, other lives, classes & more. Info: Bernice Kelman, 802-899-3542. Psychic Readings With GrandMother Singing Wolf Kashta Tua Tai Ma, Shaman & Mystic & Ariel Vivaine Merrow, Celtic Shaman & Mystic. Visit website to schedule a reading. Info: www.wolvessing ingheyokah.com.
You can relax! I’ll clean! Eliminate one hassle from your life! I can make your home sparkle! $25/hr. Service offered in Burlington & surrounding areas. Info: Kim Lynch, 802-793-8585, dressagerider812@yahoo.com.
Samadhi Cushions & Store Meditation cushions and benches handmade in Barnet, Vermont since 1976. Our store is open Mon.-Sat. Info: 800-331-7751, www.samadhicushions.com.
Home/Garden ODD JOBS YOU BETCHA Git-RDone interior/exterior painting, doors, windows, baseboard casing, general carpentry. Info: 802-373-2444. Ornamental Plaster Repair Molding repair, matching of existing ornamentation; mold making & casting; flatwork & ceiling restoration work. Info: Ornamental Plaster of Vermont, 802-655-0458.
Black labs-bonded pair Black labs. 2-yrs.-old, spayed/neutered, shots, healthy, happy. You must have a vet reference & they MUST STAY TOGETHER. Adoption fee $200 cash. Save Our Strays Info: SOS Save Our Strays, Lisa Haynes, 802-434-5076, Saveourstrays. petfinder.com. PAWS & CLAWS Professional animal-sitting service providing care in the comfort of home. Services tailored to meet your needs. Experience w/ both lg. & small animals. Info: 802-324-4816.
pets »
38B | april 09-16, 2008 | SEVEN DAYS
« pets Pet-Sitting & Dog-Walking I provide experienced, reliable petsitting & dog-walking services in & around Burlington. See my website for more info! Info: Nate’s Pet Sitting, LLC, Nate Church, 802999-2267, nate@natespetsitting. com, www.natespetsitting.com.
1998 Honda Civic EX Standard, 2-dr., silver, 178K (mostly highway), new belts & tires. Runs & looks good inside & out. $4600. Info: Matt Joska, 802-373-9777. 1999 Audi A8 4.2-L Quattro Power everything, heated seats. Mint condition. $9500. Info: 802-343-2102. 1999 BMW 323i V6 127K, auto., power W/L/M/S, moonroof, cruise, A/C, in-dash CD, heated front seats. Recent maintenance includes new suspension & thermostat. Beautiful car. Info: 802-917-1085. 2000 Acura Integra HB 5spd Red w/ black int., 30+ mpg, power W/L/ABS/sunroof, 2 sets tires, 219K (68K engine). Body fair, int./mechanical very good. Many newer parts. Reliable, fun! $3500/OBO. Info: 802-324-3913, tkdnmsh@gmavt.net.
Bicycles Specialized Roubaix Elite 2007, carbon frame, Shimano 105’s, Shimano M520 clipless pedals, avatar gel saddle. Less than 30 miles. Cost $1900 from SkiRack; asking $1200. Info: 802-238-3705
Cars/Trucks $500 POLICE IMPOUNDS Hondas, Chevys, Jeeps, Fords and more! Cars/Trucks from $500! For listings call 1-800-706-1759 X6443 (AAN CAN). 06 Hybrid Chevy Silverado 4x4, 5.3L V8, auto, 4-dr. ext. cab, silver, 14.5K, leather, satellite radio, Bose speakers. Powerful truck, dealer maintained. Must sell. Full of bells & whistles. Info: 802-897-5051. 1993 FORD PROBE 6-cyl., GT, clean, needs fuel pump & exhaust. $400. Info: Nancy Japhet, 802-999-4004, skyhorse205@ yahoo.com. 1995 Audi A6 Wagon AWD Goes anywhere! Great HS/college car. Silver, good condition, wellmaintained, 168K, A/C, 8 tires, 3rd seat, Bose stereo, leather. Book $5000; asking $3000. Info: 802-734-1584. 1995 Red Eagle Talon TSI Turbo. Southern car. Parts only unless you are looking for a project car. Make an offer. Email if interested. Thanks! Info: clgallo3@ yahoo.com.
2000 Dodge Neon ES 154K, 4-dr. Power S/L/W, CD player. Ski/snowboard rack. Two sets of mounted tires. $2000. Info: 802-324-7790. 2000 Honda Civic Black, auto., 2-dr. coupe, AC, CD player, 108K. $5950. Info: 802-272-0157.
Dodge Ram Van w/ Chairlift Very high top, excellent mechanical condition, strong engine, well cared, inspected Dec., good mileage, hydraulic 800 lb. chairlift, tow package, good tires. Info: 802-522-5606, techtranslation2000@yahoo.com.
2006 Ford Focus Wagon Low miles, 5 spd., ABS, front/side airbags, extra set of rims/tires, CD, A/C, 28 mpg, good condition, asking $10,500. Info: Taylor, 802-734-3586. Auction 3 SaturAuto days ea. month open to the public. Info: THCAuc tion.com, 802-878-9200. Hondas, CARS FROM $500! Trucks, SUVs and more! For listings 1-800-706-1785 ext. 6809 (AAN CAN).
CHINESE SHAR-PEI PUPS Beautiful, wrinkled pups. AKC, all shots. Very friendly & affectionate. Ready to meet their new best friend, shots, $500. Email for pictures. Info: 802-457-4039, wrinklepups80@aol.com.
Motorcycles Harley (Must Sell) Bike runs great. Drag pipes, drag bars. Sounds great. 2nd owner. Well maintained. Selling to get new bike, need the cash. Make an offer. Info: Dylan Burns, 315-489-1727.
KITTENS Blue HIMALAYAN eyes, long coat, very friendly. CFA registered, shots. $300. Ready to go. Give us a call. Info: 802-457-4039.
2x3c-GoTrading020608.indd 1
1978 C&C 34’ Sloop Fast, comfortable, clean & well maintained. Incl. 250lb. mushroom, ground tackle, mooring ball & lines, stanchions, winter cover & many extras. Asking $21,500. (w) 802-786-1055, (h) 802-483-2160. Info: Jim Anderson, jba@rsclaw. com.
Appliances/ Tools/Parts 26 Kitchen Cabinet Knobs Round, beautiful gold. Retail for $2.50 per knob. $40 for the set. Info: 802-355-3671, JupiterVT@ hotmail.com. LAWN MOWER 22” gas-powered Briggs & Stratton. Good condition. $35. Info: 802-862-7940. Spinster left me! Sewing machine. Don’t know a thing about it. Take a look, if you like it, it’s yours! $25. Info: Jay Martinez, 802-310-2385. TVs TOSHIBA 14” LCD TV/DVD excellent (orig. $600) $250. TOSHIBA 14” TV model 14AF41C (orig. $300) $75. Info: 802-373-3379.
This week’s puzzle answers. Puzzles on page 39a.
Rottweiler Puppies Rottie puppies. 4 males, 2 females. To good homes only. Asking $400 8:40:56 AM firm. Info: Christy Carswell, 802497-0250, ccarswel@uvm.edu.
Free Stuff
1.6 GHz PowerPC G5 1.6GHz PowerPC G5. 3GB DDR SDRAM. Airport Extreme Card. Have Final Cut Pro and Photoshop, or will deliver fresh and clean. $1200/OBO. Info: Charles Sizemore, 802-355-0526.
Cute Kittens Ready for You 7 weeks old, playful & friendly. Another litter ready in 2 weeks. Call 802-658-0157 until 9 p.m.
Epson Stylus Photo Printer Model R320. Brand new. Box opened, but never used. Retails at $350; asking $200. Info: 802-865-4669. NEW HP PAVILION A6050Y PC Windows Vista Home Premium, Intel Core 2 Duo, LightScribe DVD, memory card reader, front audio ports, keyboard, mouse, MS Office Home & Student 2007. $1400. Info: 802-522-5606, techtranslation2000@yahoo.com.
2002 Honda Civic EX Black, auto., 4-dr., cruise, AC, CD player, new tires, 105K. Excellent condition. $7500. Info: 802-272-0157.
2005 Buick Century Custom Estate Sale! Loaded! 30K, CarFax title. If you want a “creampuff”, this is it. Previous, non-smoker owner. 34 mpg! Out of storage, call/see it! Info: 802-863-4366.
7 mo. Black Lab Puppy Free to a good home. Loves to play fetch. Great w/ kids. Female, first shots. Weighs 40 lbs. Located in Port Henry, NY. Info: Jim, 518-572-7081.
VW JETTA 95 Manual, great tires, clean interior, 132,347 mi. Runs & looks great. Info: 802-324-3944.
2001 KIA SPECTRA 4-cyl., clean, no rust, great on gas, low miles, new CD/radio, just inspected. $2850. Info: 802-863-0237, skyhorse205@yahoo.com.
2004 Honda Element 54K, power D/W/M, trip odometer, A/ C, tilt steering wheel, cruise control, tinted glass, CD, AM/FM, MP3 Jack, anti-lock brakes, 25mpg, versatile, easy-to-clean interior, perfect for pets/sports! Info: 802-865-8384.
Panasonic 13 Panasonic 13” TV - VCR - RADIO combo. Great condition, comes w/ manual. Remote doesn’t work, I’m sure it’s an easy fix. $75. Info: 802-372-9333.
Entertainment/ Tickets Drivers w/ late models vehicles possessing entertainment and MC qualities wanted to host shows with exotic dancers. Info: 802-658-1464. Solid gold, Dancers Exotic dancers. Adult entertainment for birthday, bachelor, bachelorette, deer camp or anytime good friends get together. #1 for fun. New talent welcome. Info: 802-658-1464.
Free Piano! Located in the New North End. It needs some tuning & TLC, but would be a good fixerupper. You come pick it up. Info: whittneyd@hotmail.com.
mlgifts@yahoo.com www.mlgiftsplus.com
King Waterbed mattress Full baffles & cover. No frame, sorry. Info: Linnie Miller, 802-658-0442, linniem@gmail.com, picasaweb. google.com/linniem/Freecycle.
Sports Equipment Cheaper than gas. 21” Giant MTB. Clean, well-maintained, dark green. Good starter bike. Yours for $100 firm. Trim your ***, save on gas! Info: 802-310-2385. Salsa Casseroll Road Bike 2007 Classic steel road bike geometry. Use for road, touring, fixie. Excellent. Paid $1800. Selling for $1150. Super fast & fun. 51cm (like traditional 54cm). Info: 802999-3254, www.jetpackgeometry. com/casseroll.
Want to Buy Antiques Furniture, postcards, pottery, cameras, toys, medical tools, lab glass, photographs, slide rules, license plates and silver. Anything unusual or unique. Cash paid. Info: Dave, 802-859-8966.
Furniture IKEA Bedroom & Study Lightcolored wood: Double bed $180, side table $45, bureau $75, desk $120, chair $110, filing cabinet $120. Call for info/viewing. Info: 802-373-3379. KLIK-KLAK SLEEPER Spotless, chocolate brown ultrasuede, opens flat with one click, head tilts up, sleeps two. From Super Store paid >$300, asking $100. Info: 802-522-5606, techtranslation2000@yahoo.com. PATIO SET Table & 4 chairs. Good condition. $25. Info: 802-862-7940. SLEEPER SOFA Blue w/ 60” X 70” mattress. Good condition. $35. Info: 802-862-7940. Therapy Complete! Couch no longer needed! Very comfortable, taupe w/ khaki piping. Very well kept. Moving to smaller home. $100 firm (like the couch!). Info: 802-310-2385.
Garage/Estate Sales Massive moving sale 464 Irish Settlement Rd., Underhill. Apr. 12, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Furniture, clothes, changing table, porta crib, toys. All must go. Early birds may call ahead. Info: 802-899-4832.
Bands/ Musicians Band seeks guitar/vocals Burlington-based working rock band seeking guitarist/vocalist. Looking for energetic attitude w/ a rock ‘n roll heart to share guitar & vocal duties. Info: 802-863-1570. Bluegrass Gospel Project We seek 2 new members: female vocalist & upright bassist. The BGP performs throughout the Northeast. Email music samples & bio to Gene White, Jr., gwhitejr@verizon.net. Info: bluegrassgospelproject.com. Cash/Sabbath:all originals Established recording hard rock band seeks bassist, keys player & female background vocal. Must have own gear, attention to stage image. Listen at myspace.com/ andredoubleyoo. Info: Andre .W, 802-598-5617.
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | classifieds 39B
8sevendaysvt.com [click on classifieds] Show and tell. View and post up to 6 photos per ad online. Female Vocalist to Rock! Seeking musicians to jam, join, start - whatever it takes to ROCK! Experienced in local scene, can line up gigs. Info: 802-933-2162.
Planning Commission located at 30 Kimball Avenue, South Burlington, and the office listed below. The application and proposed permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (www.nrb.state. vt.us/lup) by clicking on “Act 250 Database,” selecting “Entire Database,” and entering the case number above.
Guitar player wanted Lead guitar player (vocals a plus). YPR is an established band w/ drums, bass, keyboard/rhythm guitar. We play rock & reggae, prefer originals. Colchester. Info: Howard Gieselman, 802-893-6992, howi erd69@comcast.net, www.yankee potroast.net. Wanted: Teenage Singer High School drumming prodigy, lead guitarist and bass boy seek singer with presence who loves to rock and sing the blues. Info: Tony, 802-578-1528, zoomassive91@ hotmail.com. WHO WANTS TO ROCK!? Skilled/ experienced guitarist looking to start electronic, effects/sampleladen, bass and drum, break beat world music! Create original flava, but also cover-song friendly! All musicians/DJs/wild peeps wanted! Info: 617-365-0767.
For Sale 2000 Gibson SG Special! Fixer upper. Needs strings & tuners. Electronics fine. Army green finish. $600/OBO. Located in Burlington. Info: 203-856-6614. Boss Loop Station RC-20 Loop pedal. Great for practice, creating musical parts, working out songs. Asking $200. Email w/ questions. Info: mulzicus@gmail.com. Lost Yamaha guitar, Help!! Lost Yamaha acoustic/electric guitar; model FGX-413 SC single cutaway, natural finish, hard case. Lost on 3/18 around 71 N. Winooski Ave. Reward!! Info: Eric, 802-863-5007. Steinway grand piano 6’ grand piano, built in 1919 & now fully rebuilt like new. $28,500. Central Vermont. View by appt. Info: 802-563-2356.
Instruction Guitar instruction All styles/ levels. Emphasis on developing strong technique, thorough musicianship, personal style. Paul Asbell (Unknown Blues Band, Kilimanjaro, UVM and Middlebury College Faculty). Info: 802-8627696, www.paulasbell.com.
Auditions/ Casting Get Discovered Today! We’re looking for you. “Open Calls” every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Could you be our next new face? Info: Fusion Management Group, Ltd., 802-865-2234, info@fusionmgmtgrp.com, www.fusionmgmtgrp. com.
Call to Artists CALL FOR VT AND NY ARTISTS Quebec’s largest outdoor art festival seeks VT & NY painters for juried exhibition, Labor Day weekend. Apply by May 1, 2008 at www.festivart.org Info: Eden Muir, 450-298-1212, edenmuir@ yahoo.ca, FESTIVART.ORG. Gallery Space available Waitsfield Gallery is expanding and has space avail. for furniture crafterperson, artwork and objet d’art. Info: Apropo Designs, Leanne, 802-343-1482, goapropo@ yahoo.com. Summer Artist Market Saturdays, May 17 - Oct. 18 in City Hall park. A juried market: application deadline Apr. 23rd. Member fee: $40 + $18 per Saturday. Info: Burlington City Arts, burlingtoncityarts.com.
For Sale Monster Paintings! Acrylic paints on canvas. $100-250 depending on size. Email me for images. Prints available for $20. Info: moonshine333@hotmail. com, www.myspace.com/aburro
Should a hearing be held on this project and you have a disability for which you are going to need accommodation, please notify us by April 22, 2008. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, adjoining property owners, other interested persons granted party status pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c). Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(5). Dated in Essex Junction, Vermont, this 26th day of March 2008. /s/ Peter E. Keibel Peter E. Keibel Natural Resources Board District #4 Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 T/ 802-879-5658 E/ peter.keibel@state.vt.us ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092
Guitar Instruction Berklee grad. w/25 years teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory and ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages/styles/levels. Info: Belford Guitar Studio, Rick Belford, 802-864-7195, rickbelf@ verizon.net, www.rickbelford. com. MUSIC LESSONS Piano, guitar, voice, theory, composition, songwriting. All ages, levels, styles. 20 years’ experience. Friendly, individualized lessons in So. Burlington. Info: 802-864-7740, eromail13@gmail.com.
No hearing will be held unless, on or before April 22, 2008, a party notifies the District Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing or the commission sets the matter for hearing on its own motion. Any hearing request shall be in writing to the address below, shall state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other interested person must include a petition for party status. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the District Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.
On March 21, 2008, Town Meadow, LLC, filed application # 4C1180-2 for a project generally described as:
ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092 On March 21, 2008, Camp Dudley at Kiniya YMCA II, LLC, filed application #4C1198-1 for a project generally described as: the demolition of an existing camper cabin and construction of a new 48’ x 48’ camper cabin with bathroom and accessory room. The Project is located on Camp Kiniya Road in the Town of Colchester, Vermont. The District 4 Environmental Commission will review this application under Act 250 Rule 51 - Minor Applications. Copies of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the Colchester Municipal Office, Chittenden County Regional
The construction of a 170 l.f. extension to Carmichael Street, along with a sidewalk, sewer, storm and water extensions. The extension will run from Sta. 23+94 to the Town Center property line (Sta. 22+22). The Project is located off of Essex Way in the Town of Essex, Vermont. The District 4 Environmental Commission will review this application under Act 250 Rule 51 - Minor Applications. Copies of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the Essex Municipal Office, Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission located at 30 Kimball Avenue, South Burlington, and the office listed below. The application and proposed permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (www.nrb.state. vt.us/lup) by clicking on “Act 250 Database,” selecting “Entire Database,” and entering the case number above.
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No hearing will be held unless, on or before Tuesday, April 22, 2008, a party notifies the District Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing or the commission sets the matter for hearing on its own motion. Any hearing request shall be in writing to the address below, shall state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other interested person must include a petition for party status. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the District Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. Should a hearing be held on this project and you have a disability for which you are going to need accommodation, please notify us by Tuesday, April 22, 2008. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, adjoining property owners, other interested persons granted party status pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c). Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(5). Dated in Essex Junction, Vermont, this 28th day of March, 2008. By /s/Stephanie H. Monaghan Natural Resources Board District #4 Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 T/ 802-879-5662 E/ stephanie.monaghan@state. vt.us OPENINGS BURLINGTON CITY COMMISSIONS/BOARDS On Monday, June 2, 2008, the Burlington City Council will fill vacancies on the following City Commissions/Boards: Airport Commission Term Expires 6/30/12 One Opening Board of Assessors Term Expires 3/31/11 One Opening Cemetery Commission Term Expires 6/30/11 Two Openings Chittenden County Metropolitan Planning Org. Term Expires 6/30/10 One Opening CCMPO (Alternate) Term Expires 6/30/10 One Opening Chittenden County Regional Planning Com. Term Expires 7/31/10 One Opening CCRPC (Alternate) Term Expires 7/31/10 One Opening Chittenden County Transportation Authority Term Expires 6/30/11 One Opening Church Street Marketplace Commission Term Expires 6/30/11 Three Openings Conservation Board Term Expires 6/30/12
Two Openings Design Advisory Board Term Expires 6/30/11 Two Openings Design Advisory Board (Alternate) Term Expires 6/30/11 Two Openings Electric Light Commission Term Expires 6/30/11 Two Openings Fence Viewer Term Expires 6/30/09 Three Openings Fire Commission Term Expires 6/30/11 Two Openings Board of Health Term Expires 6/30/11 Two Openings Housing Board of Review Term Expires 6/30/13 One Opening Library Commission Term Expires 6/30/11 One Opening Library Commission Term Expires 6/30/10 One Opening Parks & Recreation Commission Term Expires 6/30/11 Two Openings Planning Commission Term Expires 6/30/12 One Opening Police Commission Term Expires 6/30/11 Two Openings Public Works Commission Term Expires 6/30/11 Two Openings Retirement Board Term Expires 6/30/11 One Opening Board of Tax Appeals Term Expires 6/30/11 Three Openings Telecommunications Advisory Committee Term Expires 6/30/11 Three Openings Board for Registration of Voters Term Expires 6/30/00 One Opening Board for Registration of Voters Term Expires 6/30/12 One Opening Board for Registration of Voters Term Expires 6/30/12 One Opening Applications are available at the Clerk/Treasurer’s Office, Second Floor, City Hall, and must be received in the Clerk/Treasurer’s Office by 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 14, 2008. Applicants must be nominated by a member of the City Council to be considered for a position; a list of Council members is also available at the Clerk/Treasurer’s Office. Please call the Clerk/Treasurer’s Office at 865-7136 for further information. Request for Proposals The Vermont Judiciary seeks proposals from qualified individuals or entities to develop curricula relating to court interpreter services in the Vermont Trial Courts. If you are interested in submitting a bid, please go to the following webpage: http://www. vermontbusinessregistry.com/ BidPreview.aspx?BidID=5425 Proposal due date is May 9, 2008. For more information, contact the Judicial Branch Education Office at (802) 828-3348 or via e-mail: jud-education@ state.vt.us.
STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR COURT DOCKET NO. S0056-08 CnC GMAC Mortgage, LLC, Of Horsham, Pennsylvania Plaintiff v. Urim Kasami, Jennifer Kasami, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for CTX Mortgage Company, LLC And Occupants residing at 21 Shannon Way, Milton, Vermont, Address Unknown, formerly of Milton, Vermont, Chittenden, County Defendants SUMMONS & ORDER FOR PUBLICATION TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: Urim Kasami and Jennifer Kasami You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon Joshua B. Lobe, Esq., plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is 30 Kimball Avenue, Suite 306, South Burlington, VT 05403, an Answer to plaintiff’s Complaint in the above entitled action within forty-one (41) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, which is 4/9/08. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Your Answer must also be filed with the Court. Unless otherwise provided in Rule 13(a). Your Answer must state as a Counterclaim any related claim which you may have against the plaintiff, or you will thereafter be barred from making such claim in any other action. YOUR ANSWER MUST STATE SUCH A COUNTERCLAIM WHETHER OR NOT THE RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE COMPLAINT IS FOR DAMAGE COVERED BY A LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY UNDER WHICH THE INSURER HAS THE RIGHT OR OBLIGATION TO CONDUCT THE DEFENSE. If you believe that the plaintiff is not entitled to all or part of the claim set forth in the Complaint, or if you believe that you have a Counterclaim against the plaintiff, you may wish to consult an attorney. If you feel that you cannot afford to pay an attorney’s fee, you may ask the clerk of the Court for information about places where you may seek legal assistance. Plaintiff’s action is a Complaint in Foreclosure which alleges that you have breached the terms of a Promissory Note and Mortgage Deed dated September 19, 2006. Plaintiff’s action may effect your interest in the property described in the Land Records of the Town of Milton at Volume 336, Page 481. The Complaint also seeks relief on the Promissory Note executed by you. A copy of the Complaint is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Chittenden, State of Vermont. It appearing from Affidavit duly filed in the above entitled action that service cannot be made with due diligence by any of the methods prescribed in V.R.C.P. 4(d) through (f) inclusive, it is hereby ORDERED that service of the above process shall be made upon defendants, Urim Kasami and Jennifer Kasami, by publication pursuant to V.R.C.P. 4(g). This Order shall be published once a week for 2 consecutive weeks on 4/9/08 and 4/16/08 in the Seven Days. A copy of this Order shall be mailed to defendants at their address if their address is known. Dated at Burlington, Vermont this 27th day of March, 2008. Hon. Matthew I. Katz
legals »
40B | april 09-16, 2008 | SEVEN DAYS
« legals Presiding Judge Washington Superior Court STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR COURT DOCKET NO. S0453-06 CnC Aurora Loan Services, LLC, Plaintiff v. Robert L. Inselberg, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Lehman Brothers Bank, FSB, Denis O’Brien, Isela O’Brien And Occupants residing at 77 Westall Drive Extension, Richmond, Vermont, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Lehman Brothers Bank, FSB to Robert L. Inselberg dated January 10, 2005 and recorded in Volume 161, Page 371 of the Land Records of the Town of Richmond, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purposes of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 A.M. on April 16, 2008, at 77 Westall Drive Extension, Richmond, Vermont all and singular the premises described in said mortgage:
By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by EquiFirst Corporation to Lise M. Morrison dated July 22, 2005 and recorded in Volume 318, Page 256 of the Land Records of the Town of Milton, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purposes of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 8:00 A.M. on April 23, 2008, at 53 Kim Lane, Milton, Vermont all and singular the premises described in said mortgage:
Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash by purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. Proof of financing for the balance of the purchase to be provided at the time of sale. The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of Milton. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Lobe & Fortin, 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306, South Burlington, VT 05403, 802 660-9000. U.S. Bank National Association as Trustee By: Joshua B. Lobe, Esq. Lobe & Fortin, PLC 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306 South Burlington, VT 05403
Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash by purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. Proof of financing for the balance of the purchase to be provided at the time of sale. The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of Richmond.
Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Lobe & Fortin, 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306, South Burlington, VT 05403, 802 660-9000.
I have been appointed a personal representative of the above named estate. All creditors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within four months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy filed with the register of the Probate Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as described within the four month deadline.
By: Joshua B. Lobe, Esq. Lobe & Fortin, PLC 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306 South Burlington, VT 05403 STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. CHITTENDEN SUPERIOR COURT DOCKET NO. S0808-07 CnC U.S. Bank National Association as Trustee, Plaintiff v. Lise M. Morrison, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for EquiFirst Corporation And Occupants residing at 53 Kim Lane, Milton, Vermont, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE
These vehicles are being sold in “as in condition” with no warranty expressed or implied. Sealed bids will be accepted until 2:00pm EST Thursday, April 24, 2008 in the Public Works Office located at 7878 Williston Road, Williston, VT 05495. Inspection of the vehicles can be made by calling (802)878-1239.
To Wit: Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Lise M. Morrison by Warranty Deed of Erica M. Brown dated July ___, 2005, and recorded in Volume ___, Page ___ of the Town of Milton Land Records.
To Wit: Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to the Mortgagor herein by Warranty Deed of Denis P. O’Brien and Isela M. O’Brien dated January 10, 2005, and recorded in Volume 161, Page 369 of the Town of Richmond Land Records.
Aurora Loan Services, LLC
(1) 2005 Ford Crown Victoria 4 dr. sedan: Auto, air, V-8, Mileage – 131,925 Minimum bid accepted - $2,500 (2) 2001 Ford F-250 super duty, super-cab: Auto, air, 5.4 V-8 4 wheel drive, 8 foot Fisher snowplow Mileage – 33,000 Minimum bid accepted - $10,000
NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of Lucille B. Racine late of South Burlington.
Dated: March 29, 2008 Signed: Andre Brosseau Address: 109 Fairfield Street St. Albans, VT 05478 802-527-7133 Name of Publication: Seven Days First Publication Date: 4/9/08 Second Publication Date: 4/16/08 Address of Probate Court: Probate Court, District of Chittenden PO Box 511 Burlington, VT 05402 Town of Williston Public Works Department Offers the following vehicles for sale to the highest bidder:
DON’T SEE A SUPPORT group here that meets your needs? Call Vermont 2-1-1, a program of United Way of Vermont. Within Vermont, dial 2-1-1 or 866-652-4636 (tollfree) or from outside of Vermont, 802-652-4636. Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ARE YOU OR SOMEONE YOU LOVE BATTLING MULTIPLE MYELOMA? Support meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month from 5-6:30 p.m. at Hope Lodge on East Avenue, Burlington. For more information call Kay Cromie at 655-9136 or email kgcromey@ aol.com. THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS Anyone who has had a child die in their family is invited to the first meeting (April 7) of the Addison County Chapter of The Compassionate Friends (TCF), a nonprofit self-help bereavement support group for families that have experienced the death of a child. The meeting will be from 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the Hospice Office located at the Marble Works (first building on the left as you enter across from the Addison Independent) in Middlebury. Chapter co-leaders are both bereaved parents who have been Compassionate Friends chapter leaders for many years. For more information, contact Nancy at 388-6837 or Claire at 388-9603. To learn more about The Compassionate Friends, visit their national website at www. compassionatefriends.org. THE WOMEN’S RAPE CRISES CENTER will be starting a free, confidential 10-week support group for adult female survivors of sexual assault in late April. Please contact 864-0555 for more information. SUPPORT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE LOVED ONES WITH TERMINAL ILLNESS Group forming for family members and loved ones of people with terminal illness. The group will have a spiritual base. We will offer each other support by listening as well as share creative ways to explore feelings of grief and loss through writing, prayer, etc. Please contact Holly, hollyh@pshift.com. (OA) OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Tues., Thurs. & Sun., 6-7 p.m. in Barre. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, 39 Washington St., Barre, VT (Parking in back of church/please use back entrance). Meetings are FREE and anonymous. For more info please call 802-863-2655.
LIVING WELL WITH LYMPHEDEMA All individuals living with any form of lymphedema are welcome. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month, March – June 2008 from 6-7:30 p.m. Join us in the FAHC Community Resource Center on the MCHV Campus. For additional info call the FAHC Resource Center at 847-8821. RIGHTS FOR CAREGIVERS support group – If you are a parttime caregiver for elders for an agency in Chittenden County, we need you to help everyone obtain better wages and more respect for the work we do. Contact Zoe at 802-861-6000 or zoe1944@ yahoo.com. AL-ANON Family group 12-step. Thursdays, 12:20-1:20 p.m. Call AWARE at 802-472-6463 for information and to register. Free of charge. 88 High Street, Hardwick, VT. “WOMEN CHANGING” An educational support group on changing unhealthy patterns for survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence. Tuesdays, 6-7:15 p.m. Ongoing. Join us anytime! Child care reimbursable. Ask about Survivors of Incest Anonymous and Overeaters Anonymous. Call AWARE at 802-472-6463 for information and to register. Free of charge. 88 High Street, Hardwick, VT. CIRCLE OF PARENTS support group meeting in Rutland Monday evenings. Snacks and childcare provided. Meeting is free and confidential. For more info. call Heather at 802-498-0608 or 1-800-children. Meetings weekly in Winooski. For more info. call Tana at 802-893-4878 or 1-800children. Meetings Tuesday evenings in Barre. For more info. call Cindy at 802-229-5724 or 1-800children. BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF VERMONT: Montpelier daytime support group meets first and third Thursday of the month at the Unitarian Church “ramp entrance” from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Montpelier evening support group meets the first Tuesday of each month at Vermont Protection and Advocacy, 141 Main St. suite 7 in conference room #2 from 6-8 p.m. Burlington evening support group meets the first Wednesday of each month at the Comfort Inn and Suites, corner of Williston Rd. and Dorset St. from 6-8 p.m. Middlebury support group on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Patricia Hannaford Career Center - beginning April 8. Call our helpline at 1-877-856-1772. FORMING A NEW GROUP focused on recovery/management of addictions, compulsions, and their resulting imbalances on our lives. Alternative or supplement to traditional 12-step programs. Are you having trouble moderating alcohol? Work? Sex? Television? Food? Drugs? Computer games? Requires a commitment to improving your health and the ability to maintain a non-judgmental atmosphere. Let’s discover how our struggles relate and help each other work on strategies to find balance. Contact Michelle at 802-399-6575 or recoveryourbalance@gmail.com. LAKE CHAMPLAIN MEN’S RESOURCE CENTER MEN’S DROP-IN SUPPORT GROUP All men welcome weekly group w/cofacilitators. Open discussion format. Varied topics including: relationships, work, parenting, personal growth, healing. Confidential, nonjudgmental. Open to all ethnicities, religions and sexual orientations. Joseph’s House, 113 Elmwood Ave. Every Thursday, 7-9 p.m. More info: call Chris 434-4830. CHITTENDEN COUNTY PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP will meet every second Tues, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. at Fanny Allen Hospital, lower level in the Board Room.
ARE YOU HAVING PROBLEMS with debt? Do you spend more than you earn? Get help at Debtor’s Anonymous plus Business Debtor’s Annonymous. Mondays, 7-8 p.m. First United Methodist Church, North Winooski Ave., Burlington. Contact Valerie at 760-9203. HIV SUPPORT GROUP This is a facilitated HIV/AIDS support group that aims to foster a greater sense of community, self acceptance and personal growth. We are a group of survivors and with all of our experience, will help you understand and enjoy what living positive has to offer. Friday @ 7 p.m. in the white building behind the Universal Unitarian Church. For more info call Alton @ 310-6094. PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT GROUP that focuses on building motivation, becoming more successful, and living with more passion. This group will also address issues such as the feelings of being stuck, unbalanced, stressed out, and lazy and then will discuss and work on learning and using new ideas and tools to create more supportive and positive habits. Call for more information 802-279-0231. MEN’S DROP-IN SUPPORT GROUP All men welcome. 18 years of age and older. Open discussion format. Varied topics including: relationships, work, parenting, transitions, health, personal growth, grieving, healing, etc. Emotionally safe and confidential. Nonjudgmental, nonviolent. Groups led by trained co-facilitators. Open to all ethnicities, religions and sexual orientations. Joseph’s House, 113 Elmwood Ave. Corner of Elmwood Ave. and Allen St. Entrance on Allen St. Burlington, Vt. Every Thursday, 79 PM. Please be prompt. Suggested donation $5 - but none will be turned away for lack of donation. For info call: 434-8180. Visit us at lcmrc.org. LYME DISEASE Are you interested in forming a group? Please call Susan at 899-2713. CENTRAL VERMONT SUPPORT GROUP FOR ADOPTIVE PARENTS COPING WITH BEHAVIORAL CHALLENGES Will meet at the Easter Seals office in Berlin the first Wednesday of each month from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. New Members Welcome. Facilitated by Kristi Lenart, BA. For more information, call Kristi at 802-223-4744. DISCUSS “WHAT THE BLEEP… ”and “Down the Rabbit Hole” – the layman’s way toward understanding latest quantum physics discoveries linking science and spirituality. We’ll watch segments, talk about them, share experiences. Meeting place, Burlington area TBA. Call 802861-6000 SHOPLIFTERS SUPPORT GROUP Self-help support group now forming in the Capital area for persons who would like to meet regularly for mutual support. This new group would meet biweekly at a time and place to be decided to discuss our issues, struggles, and ways of staying out of trouble. We’ll likely use some of Terry Shulman’s work as a focus for some of our discussions. Please call Tina at 802-763-8800 or email at Tmarie267201968@ cs.com PARENTING GROUP Parenting support and skill-building for people parenting kids of any age. New members welcome as space allows. Please call for more information. RiverValley Associates (802) 651-7520. STARTING A WOMEN’S GROUP: Ages 45+, to meet weekly for lunch and other activities such as walking, book discussions, museum visits, matinees, and etc. Email Katherine at MKR27609@ aol.com.
SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN IN CRISIS: Divorce, custody, relationship type support for men. Weekly meetings. Mondays, 6:307:30 p.m., at the Universalist Unitarian, top of Church St., Burlington. CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME SUPPORT GROUP: 1-3 p.m., every third Thursday. Burlington Police Station Community Room. One North Ave., South Entrance, next to Battery Park. VT CFIDS Assoc., Inc. 1-800-296-1445 voicemail, www.monkeyswithswings.com/vtcfidds.html. MAN-TO-MAN CHAMPLAIN VALLEY PROSTATE CANCER: Support group meets 5 p.m., 2nd Tuesday of each month in the board room of Fanny Allen Hospital, Colchester. 1-800-ACS-2345. SQUEAKY WHEELS, RUSTY HINGES: Focus groups meets at the Branon’s Pool in St. Albans for socialization, maintaining, wellbeing, improving performance of daily activities by managing aches through sharing experiences and workout in the warm water. Meeting is free, one hour pool pass, swimsuit, required. 802-527-7957. MEN’S GROUP FORMING: To read and discuss Warrin Farrills groundbreaking best selling book “The Myth of Male Power”. 802343-0910. MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE/DYSAUTONOMIA: Group forming for information sharing purposes. Please call 863-3153. MEN’S GROUP FORMING: Based on the work of David Deida, Core Energetics, and other awareness practices. The intention of the group is to serve members into being the most extraordinary men that they can be. It is for men who are who are dying to penetrate every bit of the world with their courage, their presence, their unbridled passion and relentless love, and their deepest burning, bubbling, brilliant desire. The group will function as a means for men to support each other and serve the greater good. We will be working with spiritual practices, the mind and body, and taking on our lives with the utmost integrity, impeccability and openness. The group is not a new age group, nor is it a group dedicated to therapy. Info, email zach@handelgroup.com or call 917-887-1276.
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings, advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels her or she has encountered discrimination should contact the:
HUD Office of Fair Housing, 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309. OR Vermont Human Rights Commission, 135 State St., Drawer 33, Montpelier, VT 05633-6301. 800416-2010 Fax: 802-828-2480
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | classifieds 41B
8sevendaysvt.com [click on classifieds] Show and tell. View and post up to 6 photos per ad online. SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE (SOS): Have you experienced the impact of a loved one’s suicide? Please consider joining us. The Burlington support group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, 6-7:30 p.m. at the The Holiday Inn, Oak Room, 1068 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT. This is not a therapy group; this is a support group. There is no fee. Please contact Linda Livendale, 802-479-9450, ljlivendale@yahoo.com. DEBTORS ANON: 12-step recovery group. Do you have a problem with money and debt? We can help. Tuesday, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Redstone Campus First Presbyterian Church, South Prospect St. Sat. 10-11:30 a.m. Contact Brenda, 802-497-0522 or Cameron, 802-363-3747. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: A group of recovering addicts who live without the use of drugs. It costs nothing to be a member. The only requirement is a desire to stop using. For meeting info, call 802-862-4516 or visit www. cvana.org. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter Meeting. Bethany Church, 115 Main Street, Montpelier. Wednesdays, 5:15-6:15 p.m. For info call Linda at 476-8345. BEREAVED PARENT SUPPORT GROUP: Every first Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in Enosburg Falls, 10 Market Place, Main St. Parents, grandparents and adult siblings are welcomed. The hope is to begin a Compassionate Friends Chapter in the area. Info, please call Priscilla at 933-7749. CONCERNED UNITED BIRTHPARENTS: A group offering support if you have lost a child to adoption or are in reunion or have yet to begin your search. 802-8492244. EATING DISORDERS PARENTAL SUPPORT GROUP for parents of children with or at risk of anorexia or bulimia. Meetings 7-9 p.m., third Wednesday of each month at the Covenant Community Church, Rt. 15, Essex Center. We focus on being a resource and providing reference points for old and new ED parents. More information, call Peter at 802-899-2554. HEPATITIS C SUPPORT GROUP: Second Wednesday of the month from 6-7:30. Community Health Center, second floor, 617 Riverside Ave., Burlington 802-3558936.
AUTISM SUPPORT DAILY: Free support group for parents of children with autism. 600 Blair Park Road, Suite 240, Williston. 1st Monday of each month, 7-9 p.m. Call Lynn, 802-660-7240, or visit us at http://www.AutismSupportDaily.com for more info. OCD SUPPORT GROUP/THERAPY GROUP: Come share your experience, get support from those who have been there, learn about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and how to reduce its symptoms. Therapist facilitated. Weekly meetings, 802-343-8114. AUTISM: Free support group for parents and caregivers of children with ASD. Montpelier, 2nd Sunday of the month, 3-5 p.m. at the Family Center. Call Jessica, 249-7961 for child care inquires. More info, www.aaware.org. ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE and Dementia support group. Held the last Tuesday of every month at Birchwood Terrace, Burlington. Info, contact Stefanie Catella, 863-6384. FAMILY AND FRIENDS SUPPORT GROUP: If someone in your family or one of your friends is in an abusive relationship, this new support group is designed especially for you. Info, call Women Helping Battered Women 6581996. HAIR PULLERS SUPPORT GROUP: The Vermont TTM Support Group is a new support group for adult pullers (18+) affected by trichotillomania (chronic hair pulling) as well as parents of pullers. This will be a supportive, safe, comfortable and confidential environment. Meets on the 4th Monday of every month, 6-7:30 p.m. First Unitarian Universalist Society, 152 Pearl St., Burlington. Info, 453-3688 or vermont_ttmoutreach@yahoo.com. DEPERSONALIZATION AND DEREALIZATION: If you suffer from either of these trance states, please call Todd, 864-4285. THE CHAMPLAIN VALLEY EAST CHAPTER of the Compassionate Friends meets on the third Tuesday of each month, 7-9 p.m. at the Christ Church Presbyterian, 400 Redstone Campus, UVM. Info, 482-5319. The meetings are for parents, grandparents and adult siblings who have experienced the death of a child at any age from any cause.
DIABETES EDUCATION and Support Group of Chittenden County meets the third Thursday of every month at the Williston Federated Church, 6:30-8 p.m. We often have guest speakers. Info, 8472278. WOMEN HELPING BATTERED WOMEN offers free, confidential educational support groups for women who have fled, are fleeing or are still living in a world where intimate partner violence is present. WHBW offers a variety of groups to meet the diverse needs of women and children in this community. Info, 658-1996. VT PARENTS OF FOOD ALLERGY CHILDREN EMAIL SUPPORT TEAM: Info, contact MaryKay Hill, www.VTPFAC.com or call 802-373-0351. MIXED GENDER COMING OUT SUPPORT GROUP: Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Co-facilitated by supportive peers and mental-health professionals and open to all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning adults age 23 and up. Check out this group meeting at R.U.1.2?. TRANS SOCIAL AND SUPPORT GROUP: First Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Looking for peer support among other transgendered folks? Need a safe space to relax and be yourself? Check out this group meeting at R.U.1.2? TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter meeting, St. Francis Xavier School, Winooski. Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. weigh-in, 7-8 p.m. meeting. Info, call Fred or Bennye, 655-3317 or Patricia, 658-6904. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS is a group of recovering addicts who live without the use of drugs. It costs nothing to join. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. Info, 8624516, or visit www.together. net/~cvana. Held in Burlington, South Burlington and Colchester. For more information, call 8608388 or toll-free, 1-866-9725266. SEX AND LOVE ADDICTS ANONYMOUS: 12-step recovery group. Do you have a problem with sex or relationships? We can help. Sunday meetings, 7-8:30 p.m. Men call Sandy, 863-5708. Women call Valerie, 802-760-9203.
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SMOKING CESSATION GROUP: Willing to kick the habit? This free, five-week program helps quitters to follow through. Community Health Center of Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 864-6309. DOES YOUR PARTNER/SPOUSE HAVE AD/HD (Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder)? Support group meets in Burlington to share experiences, challenges, laughs, resources. Want more information? Write addpartner@ yahoo.com. WEDNESDAYS CIRCLE: A Transpersonal support group, every Wed., 6 p.m., Innerharmony Community Wellness Center, Rt. 100N, Rochester, VT. 767-6092. A sharing circle focusing on personal growth, transformation, spirituality and healing, led by Jim Dodds. DECLUTTER’S SUPPORT GROUP: Are you ready to make improvements but find it overwhelming? Maybe 2 or 3 of us can get together to help each simplify. 453-3612. PARENTS TOGETHER: Support group will be meeting in Rutland on Monday evenings. Snacks and child care provided. All groups are free and confidential. Please call 1-800-CHILDREN for more information. SUPPORT GROUP FOR WOMEN who have experienced intimate partner abuse, facilitated by Battered Women’s Services and Shelter of Washington County. Please call 1-877-543-9498 for more info. AHOY BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS: Join our support group where the focus is on living, not on the disease. We are a team of dragon boaters. Learn all about this paddle sport and its healthgiving, life-affirming qualities. Any age. No athletic experience needed. Call Linda at 802-4344423 or email: dragonheartvermont@gmavt.net or go to: www. dragonheartvermont.org. NAKED IN VERMONT: The premier Nudist/Skinnydipper organization in Vermont offering information library, message board, chat room, yahoo group, and more. (ALL FREE) Visit www.nakedinvermont.com. SCLERODERMA FOUNDATION New England: Info, Blythe Leonard, 878-0732.
ALS (LOU GEHRIG’S DISEASE) monthly support group: For patients, caregivers and loved ones who are living or have lived with ALS. Third Thursday of the month, 1-3 p.m. Jim’s House, 1266 Creamery Rd., Williston. Info and directions, 802-862-8882 or vt@ alsanne.org. METHADONE ANONYMOUS: A medication-assisted recovery support group. Tuesdays, 7-8 p.m. The Alano Club. Directions: Rt. 15 Fort Ethan Allen entrance, Barnes Ave., third right on to Hegeman Ave., #74 on left. All are welcome. HARD-OF-HEARING support group: I’m starting a support group for adults who have a hearing loss that affects the quality of their work/family/social life. Let’s share personal experiences and knowledge of hearing-aid technology. Marlene, 999-8005. SKINNYDIPPERS UNITE! Visit Vermont Au Naturel. Join other naturists and like-minded people for support, discussions and more! www.vermontaunaturel. com. MENTAL ILLNESSES: The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill holds support meetings for the families and friends of the mentally ill at Howard Center, corner of Flynn and Pine. Second and fourth Tuesdays of every month at 7 p.m. Park in Pine St. lot and walk down ramp. 862-6683 for info. LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, Transgender, Queer and Questioning: Support groups for survivors of partner violence, sexual violence and bias/hate crimes. Free and confidential. SafeSpace, 8630003 or 866-869-7341 (tollfree). FAMILY/FRIENDS OF THOSE suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia: second Monday of the month, 4-5 p.m. The Arbors. 985-8600. “HELLENBACH” CANCER support: Every other Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Middlebury. Call to verify meeting place. Info, 388-6107. People living with cancer and their caretakers convene for support.
DEBTORS SUPPORT GROUP: Mondays, 7-8 p.m. First United Methodist Church, 21 Buell St., Burlington. Tuesday, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Christ Church Presbyterian, 400 Redstone Campus, Burlington and Saturdays, 10-11:30 a.m., King Street Youth Center, 87 King St., Burlington. Info, call Brenda 893-7752 or Cameron, 363-3747. BURLINGTON MEN’S GROUP: Ongoing Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 877-3742. Area men are invited to join this weekly group for varied discussions and drumming. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: Daily meetings in various locations. Free. Info, 860-8382. Want to overcome a drinking problem? Take the first step of 12 and join a group in your area. AL-ANON: Ongoing Wednesdays, 8 p.m. First Congregational Church, N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Free. Info, 655-6512. Seven other locations also. Info, 860-8388. Do you have a friend or relative with an alcohol problem? Al-Anon can help. DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL violence: WomenSafe offers free, confidential support groups in Addison County for women who have experienced domestic or sexual violence. Info, 388-4205. SEX AND LOVE ADDICTS Anonymous: Sundays, 7 p.m. Free. Info, write to P.O. Box 5843, Burlington, VT 05402. Get help through this weekly 12-step program. ALZHEIMER’S CAREGIVERS: Burlington, meets at Birchwood Terrace, 2nd & 4th Wed., at 1:30 p.m. Colchester, meets at FAHC, Fanny Allen Campus, 1st Thurs. of month at 3 and 7 p.m. Shelburne, meets at The Arbors, 2nd Tues. of month at 10 a.m. DEMENTIA & ALZHEIMER’S disease support group for the caregivers: Barre, meets at Rowan Ct., 4th Wed. of month at 3 p.m. Montpelier, 338 River St., 2nd Wed. of month at 7 p.m. PARKINSON’S DISEASE: meets 1st Tues. of each month at the Heineburg Sr. Ctr., Heineburg Ave., Burlington. Lunch is avail. by calling 863-3982 in advance. WOMEN’S CANCER SUPPORT group: FAHC. Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 5-6:30 p.m. Call Rose, 847-5714.
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Carpenter Saint Michaelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College is accepting applications for a full-time carpenter. Must be proficient in all aspects of carpentry. Roofing, masonry and hardware experience is a plus. A minimum of five years experience required. Must be able to lift and/or move 50 pounds on a regular basis. Some use of personal vehicle may be required. An offer of employment will be contingent upon the successful completion of a pre-employment physical screening. Applicants should demonstrate a commitment to undergraduate education and be supportive of the mission of this Catholic, residential, liberal arts college. Saint Michaelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College is an equal opportunity employer, committed to fostering diversity in its faculty, staff, and student body, and encourages applications from the entire spectrum of a diverse community. Apply to: Office of Human Resources, Saint Michaelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College, One Winooski Park, Colchester, VT 05439 or by email to smchr@smcvt.edu. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until position is filled.
Orange nOrth SuperviSOry uniOn Job Openings 2007-2008
Substitute Teachers and Nurses needed for all our schools. Call Robin at 433-5818 for an application packet.
Need one?
Long-term Sub â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Guidance Counselor .50 FTE
Williamstown Middle School
Successful candidate will have knowledge of the developmental needs of middle school students. Duties include small and individual group counseling, collaborating with parents, students and teachers to ensure success for all students. 4/15/08 to the end of the 07/08 school year.
Positions Available
Special Education Paraprofessionals
Williamstown High School
Position #1 - Seeking enthusiastic articulate person to work with a graduating senior. Position involves academic, communication, employment and personal care support. Employment can easily transition into post-graduation personal support position. Qualified candidate will have solid academic abilities and the equivalent of an Associateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree. Must be physically fit and have an excellent driving record. CPR and First Aid training highly desirable. Position #2 - Seeking paraprofessional to work with high school senior for academic support. Qualified candidate may also work with small groups of high school students. Solid academic skills required. Must have minimum ofNeed 2 yrs of credit or previous ad? Highly Qualified documentation. tocollege place an employment Call Michelle Brown 865-1020 x 21 e
,JVY ,X^W\NUX[\ Â? ,QRUM ,J[N 9XXU 1X\]\ Â? ,^\]XVN[ <N[_RLN ;N]JRU ,UN[T\ Â? ,X\]^VN ,QJ[JL]N[\ *L]R_R]RN\ <]JOO Â? ;N\]J^[JW] <]JOO 1RTRWP 0^RMN\ Â? 1X^\NTNNYRWP <]JOO =NWWR\ 2W\][^L]X[\ Â? 5RONP^J[M\ JWM VJWb VX[N
Please forward cover letter specifying position(s) applied for, resume, 3 references, transcripts, and related documentation/certifications to:
Need to place an ad? Call Michelle Brown 865-1020 x 21
Orange north Supervisory union To place an employment ad call Michelle Brown 865-1020 x 21 111B Brush hill road ,JUU ]XMJb 1J_N O^W 6JTN O[RNWM\ 0N] YJRM Williamstown, vt 05679 WWW SMUGGS COM JOBS s employment@sevendaysvt.com Online @ sevendaysvt.com Positions remain open until filled. EOE 7FSNPOU 3PVUF 4PVUI r +FĂFSTPOWJMMF 75
Online @ sevendaysvt.com 44B | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com
To p l a c e a n e m p l o y m e n t a d ca l l M i c h e l l e B r o w n 8 6 5 -1 020 x 2 1 e
At HowardCenter, we believe that everyone deserves support. We are the largest private, nonprofit community mental health agency in the state of Vermont, serving 14,000 people a year in child, youth and family services; developmental services; and mental health and substance abuse services
Adult Mental Health & Substance Abuse AdministrAtive AssistAnt ii
We are looking to fill this position as soon as possible. Seeking self-starter who is highly motivated and enjoys being busy with multiple tasks. Provide administrative support for the Director of Mental Health Residential Programs, Medical Director, five Residential Supervisors, and the residential staff. Some back-up support for CSP Administrative Assistant. Excellent organizational skills, experience with MS Word and Excel, as well as ability to manage assigned projects independently. This is not an entry-level position, experience providing administrative support in a clinical setting desirable.
Community support outreACh CliniCiAn
Seeking a full-time case manager to work in a unique program providing intensive services to break the cycle of homelessness for persons with mental illnesses. This position works as part of an interagency team with the Community Health Center. Direct experience serving persons with a major mental illness is highly desirable. This position works on the streets, in clients’ homes, as well as in the Safe Harbor Office. Bachelor’s degree required; driver’s license and reliable vehicle are musts.
Community support CliniCiAn
Work as part of a multidisciplinary team providing creative problem solving, advocacy, resource development, case management, counseling and crisis support to adults with psychiatric disabilities. Direct services to clients, families and the community. BA or Master’s degree in human services field and experience with persons with serious and persistent mental disorders preferred.
employment Counselor / Job developer
Full-time position working in an evidence-based, supported employment program assisting individuals recovering from mental illness with their employment and educational goals. Responsibilities include community-based assessment, skill and comfort level developing a wide range of jobs in the community and a desire to work on a multidisciplinary team. Bachelor’s degree in human services, 2 years human service work experience, valid Vermont driver’s license, registered vehicle and knowledge of community resources required. Knowledge of the Burlington business community preferred.
residentiAl progrAms CoordinAtor
Are you a dynamic, detail-oriented individual with strong leadership qualities and excellent communication and organizational skills? If so, the state’s largest nonprofit social service agency is seeking you to clinically coordinate psychiatric residential/community housing programs for adults who are considered to have major mental illness and substance abuse disorders. Responsibilities include supervision of staff, intake assessment, budgeting, serving as a clinical resource for families and the community, and participation in larger Agency management and clinical issues. A Master’s degree and solid clinical assessment skills are required. Three to five years supervisory experience and clinical expertise with mental-health and substance-abuse issues preferred. A sense of humor and being a team player are musts! Full-time position with excellent benefits.
RN or LPN needed approximately 10 hours weekly, M-F to provide medical oversight for ASSIST, Chittenden County’s community-based psychiatric hospital diversion program. Experience working with individuals with mental illness necessary, crisis experience a plus.
substAnCe-Abuse CliniCiAn
The Chittenden Clinic, the methadone program in Chittenden County, is seeking a full-time substance-abuse clinician who will provide individual and group counseling to patients who are opioid-dependent. Position will require the candidate to establish and maintain clinic records, address treatment plans, progress in treatment, and coordinate care. Candidate must have a Master’s in counseling or social work and have (or be working towards) licensure in substance-abuse treatment.
substitute residentiAl Counselors
Get on-the-job training! If you are responsible and compassionate, we need you to work in our residential programs with adults who are considered to have mental illness and substance-use disorders. Flexible shifts – day, evening, sleep and awake overnights.
Child, Youth and Family Services Children’s Crisis CliniCiAns
Immediate opening for Children’s Crisis Clinicians with First Call, the 24/7 crisis team providing outreach and phone support to children and families in Chittenden County (fulltime and 30-hour positions, each with one night of on-call per week). Join our supportive team to gain diverse clinical experience, and learn the Vermont system of care. We are looking for clinicians who are able to work in a fast-paced setting, as part of a team, with at least one year of experience with Mental Health work. A Master’s degree in a human service field and a valid driver’s license are required. *Spring Graduates welcome to apply*.
Jobs progrAm FAmily CliniCiAn
Seeking a full-time Master’s preferred clinician for Family and Community Based Services Program serving both children with emotional/behavioral challenges and their families and transitional-aged youth seeking employment and independent living skills. Must be a strong advocate, comfortable with care coordination, working in the community, therapeutic interventions, family work, parenting education, vocational support and working with adolescents. Requires strong communication and organizational skills. Knowledge of resources a plus. Driver’s license and transportation required.
Send reSume and cover letter to: Human resources/Jobs Howardcenter, 160 Flynn avenue, Burlington, vt 05401 or email to HrHelpdesk@howardcenter.org 802-488-6950 To learn more about HowardCenter, view a full listing of open positions, learn more about benefits, and apply online, visit www.howardcenter.org. HowardCenter is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY. We offer competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits package to qualified employees.
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | classifieds 45B
www.sevendaysvt.com [click on classifieds]
Help Vermonters pursue their education goals!
Summer Internship Opportunity Looking for a paid summer professional development opportunity? VSAC is looking for teachers and school counselors of all grade levels (elementary, middle,and high school) with at least one year experience to join us for 20 hours per week for six weeks this summer (July 7 - August 15).
Financial Aid Counselor/ Assistant Director Office of Financial Aid Review files, award students, reconcile rosters, counsel, and meet with students who are enrolled primarily in the part-time, summer, and/or Master’s programs. Process student loans and administer student financial aid. Assist with implementations, upgrades and maintenance of batch awarding processes within the database, and be able to troubleshoot issues within the programming of the software. The successful candidate will assist with the strategic planning of the office, being able to plan and execute projects, while working effectively with the staff. Must have strong computer and organizational skills, work well independently, and be detail-oriented. Bachelor’s degree and excellent customer service and communication skills required. Financial aid and Datatel Colleague experience preferred. Title will depend upon experience and education.
The VSAC Resource Center is filled with up-to-date resources to help students, parents and adult learners seeking information about planning, applying and paying for postsecondary education options. Our center also has a wide variety of tools to support educators. This will be a paid internship designed for participants to: Complete a selfdesigned project that will contribute both to their school-based work and to VSAC’s collection of resources; increase their knowledge of career, college and financial aid options; learn to use the wide variety of resources available in the Resource Center, including our lending library, online resources and free educational publications; provide direct assistance to students and families in the Resource Center,and share their knowledge and experiences to helpVSAC staff identify ways to better serve students and educators. Dates and hours for this position can be flexible. The Resource Center is open 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Monday throughThursday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday, and 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Submit cover letter and resume by May 1 2008 to Human Resources via email (Jobs@vsac.org), fax (654-3765) or mail.
Submit your cover letter and resume online by April 11, 2008 at www.champlain.edu/hr. Champlain College values, supports and encourages diversity of backgrounds, cultures and perspectives of students, faculty and staff. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
VERMONT STUDENT ASSISTANCE CORPORATION PO Box 2000, Winooski, VT 05404 Equal Opportunity Employer www.vsac.org • VSAC Job Info Line: 654-3760
At HowardCenter, we believe that everyone deserves support. We are the largest private, nonprofit community mental health agency in the state of Vermont, serving 14,000 people a year in child, youth and family services; developmental services; and mental health and substance abuse services
Developmental Services Direct Service Staff
Seeking qualified individual to provide home, community, and work support to a 22-year-old self-advocate who enjoys video games, “the Simpsons” and “Family Guy”. Ideal candidates will be patient, creative individuals with a good sense of humor. Work as part of a team to promote self-advocacy, while providing hands-on, attentive personal care. Will learn augmentative communication techniques and operate an accessible van for trips to the YMCA, the movies, and around town. Up to 40 hours are available for two candidates – afternoon hours during the week and daytime hours on the weekend.
Senior Manager, aDult ServiceS
Sought to provide leadership, supervision, budget oversight, and risk assessment to a staff of Program Managers in all areas of service delivery for adults with developmental disabilities. This Management Team position advises the Executive Council on issues relating to programmatic direction, policy changes, and crisis response. Bachelor’s degree that meets the criteria to be a Qualified Developmental Disability Professional required, plus five years of experience in human services, three years specifically in developmental disability service provision or combination of education and experience. Full-time with a comprehensive benefits package.
PrograM Manager, aDult ServiceS
Looking for dynamic individuals to be integral part of case management team that coordinates services for adults with developmental disabilities. Responsible for working with individuals and their support network to identify and develop supports necessary to maximize integration in the community. Candidates should be self-starting team players. Experience in community support, collaboration, advocacy, and dual diagnosis (MI/MR) desirable. Behavior support background and DBT experience a plus. Bachelor’s degree in related field, plus two to three years experience preferred.
Send reSume and cover letter to: Human resources/Jobs Howardcenter, 160 Flynn avenue, Burlington, vt 05401 or email to HrHelpdesk@howardcenter.org 802-488-6950 To learn more about HowardCenter, view a full listing of open positions, learn more about benefits, and apply online, visit www.howardcenter.org. HowardCenter is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY. We offer competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits package to qualified employees.
46B | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
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Seasonal Positions
Hardworking personable people for greenhouse work, selling plants, roses, vegetables and perennials at Oakwood Farms, Essex Junction. Gardening enthusiast welcome. Please call
=`e[ k_\ nXp kf X ZXi\\i fggfikle`kp k_Xk Ă&#x201D;kj pfli c`]\ DZ:cli\ >pdeXj`ld `j cfZXk\[ Xk ((*/ G`e\ Jki\\k# 9lic`e^kfe% GXib`e^ XmX`cXYc\% Kf c\Xie dfi\ XYflk k_`j \m\ek# ZfekXZk 8`d\\ LgZ_liZ_ Xk /')$+//$--+, fi X`d\\l7_fnXi[Z\ek\i%fi^ nnn%_fnXi[Z\ek\i%fi^
764-5822, Glenn Gunelic.
Gallagher, Flynn & Company, LLP, an independently owned, widely respected CPA and consulting firm headquartered in Burlington, Vermont, is looking for dynamic individuals to join our team. The firm, one of the largest in Northern New England, provides tax, audit and business consulting services to a diverse group of businesses. We continue to expand our client base throughout Northern New England and upstate New York.
Experienced and clean-cut residential painter. No drama. Must have a mind for the highest- quality, detailed work and a willingness to work within a system. Year-round. Non-smokers preferred. Send resume to gmackpainting@gmavt.net or call 802-482-2841.
<EKIP$C<M<C =@I<=@>?K<I&<DK# :@KP F= 9LIC@E>KFE K_\ 9lic`e^kfe =`i\ ;\gXikd\ek n`cc Y\ XZZ\gk`e^ Xggc`ZXk`fej ]fi <ekip$C\m\c =`i\Ă&#x201D; ^_k\i k_ifl^_ DXp *'# )''/ ]fi )''/ K\jk`e^ :pZc\% 8ggc`ZXk`fej Xe[ X[[`k`feXc `e]fidXk`fe ZXe Y\ fYkX`e\[ Xk1 ?ldXe I\jfliZ\j (*( :_liZ_ 9lic`e^kfe fi Yp ZXcc`e^ /')$/-,$.(+,% nnn%_iafYj%Z`%Ylic`e^kfe%mk%lj NFD<E# D@EFI@K@<J# 8E; G<IJFEJ N@K? ;@J89@C@K@<J 8I< ?@>?CP <E:FLI8><; KF 8GGCP% <F<
Senior Account MAnAger the Senior Account Manager is a full-time position responsible for generating new commercial customer revenue through defined sales activities. In addition, this position is required to achieve monthly net revenue sales quotas. Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in relevant field with two year professional sales experience required. Additional experience may be substituted for the educational requirements. Experience in the telecommunications industry is preferred. For a complete description, or to apply, visit our website at www.hrjobs. ci.burlington.vt.us or contact Human resources at 802-865-7145. If interested, send resume, cover letter and City of Burlington Application by April 18, 2008 to:
HR Dept, 131 Church St., Burlington, VT 05401.
Women, minorities and persons with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply. EOE
Audit Staff Accountants Responsibilities include audit, review and compilation work. The ideal candidates will possess a Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in Accounting; one to three years of previous public accounting experience; excellent written and oral skills; computer proficiency and a desire to grow and excel. Experience and CPA preferred.
Tax Accountant Major responsibilities will include preparation of federal, state, corporate and individual tax returns. Candidates must possess a Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in Accounting; excellent written and oral communication skills; computer proficiency and experience preparing business and individual tax returns. Experience and CPA preferred.
Audit Senior/Manager Responsibilities include audit, review and compilation work. The ideal candidates will possess a Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in Accounting; previous public accounting experience including in-charge responsibilities; ability to manage client relationships and a desire to grow and excel. CPA preferred.
Tax Senior/Manager Responsibilities of a tax senior include preparation of individual and corporate tax returns, including consolidated and multi-state. Requirements include a BS in accounting and at least 3 years of applicable public accounting experience including in-charge responsibilities, ability to manage client relationships, excellent written and oral communication skills and a desire to grow and excel. The ideal candidate will also have very strong spreadsheet, research and analytical skills. A CPA, or an individual actively pursuing this designation, is preferred. We offer a competitive benefits and salary package. Interested candidates should fax, email, or mail their resume in confidence (no phone calls, please) to:
Jennifer Jeffrey Gallagher, Flynn & Company, LLP PO Box 447, Burlington, VT 05402 Fax (802) 651-7289 Email: jjeffrey@gfc.com
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | classifieds 47B
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Colby Hill Landscape Company Be a part of our Landscape Installation or Gardening Crews. Â Call Pete McGuire 802-363-9959
Landscapers wanted  $12-15/hour.  Excellent benefits. Call Maurie: 802-863-8007 EOE/AA/M/F/V/D
Brad raBinowitz architect 1EMR 7XVIIX &YVPMRKXSR :8
5&"$)*/( "440$*"5&
Developmental Services
NIGHT OWLS WANTED HowardCenter is seeking compassionate, creative, and dedicated people to provide AWAKE overnight coverage for a sweet 8year-old boy with developmental disabilities in his South Burlington home.
This is a benefits-eligible, 25hr/wk position earning $13.08 per hour. The Committee on Temporary Shelter (COTS) provides emergency shelter, services, and housing for people who are without homes or who are marginally housed. COTS advocates for long-term solutions to end homelessness. We believe: â&#x20AC;Ś in the value and dignity of every human life. â&#x20AC;Ś that housing is a fundamental human right. â&#x20AC;Ś that emergency shelter is not the solution to homelessness.
Currently we are seeking two talented leaders with supervisory experience in the field of social services to join COTS.
Adult ServiceS coordinAtor Lead the adult services team who provide shelter and case management services to adults experiencing homelessness.
FAmily ServiceS coordinAtor Lead the family services team who provide shelter and case management services to families experiencing homelessness.
Great job for students!
To learn more about HowardCenter, to view a full listing of open positions, to learn more about benefits, and to apply online, visit www.howardcenter.org. HowardCenter is an equal opportunity employer. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY. We offer competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits package to qualified employees.
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Both positions require a MSW or related discipline plus five to seven years of social services work experience. Knowledge of homelessness, mental illness, and substance abuse is required along with experience in providing clinical supervision, program planning and evaluation.
400 Cornerstone Drive ~ Suite 220 Williston, VT
Growing Salon Leaders ~ One student at a time
Please check out our website - www.cotsonline.org - for more information. Send cover letter and resume to: mary Anne Kohn, Program director cotS, Po Box 1616 Burlington, vt 05402-1616 email: maryannek@cotsonline.org no phone calls accepted. eoe, tty relay 1-800-545-3323
GU Csfblgbtu-! Mvodi!boe! Qsfq!Dppl
EOE/TTY Individuals with disabilities encouraged to apply.
EDUCATORS Share your knowledge & shape the future of our industry. Work in an enjoyable environment, with competitive wages, benefits & full/part time flexible schedules. We offer preparation for the state board educatorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; exam & Redken continuing education. FINANCIAL AID ASSISTANT
Part time, year round position. Work directly with new & current students and their parents. Must be organized & detail oriented with strong communication & computer skills. Candidates with financial aid experience preferred. Please send resume to rita@tspawilliston.com or call 802-879-4811 for an appointment.
Call 802.879.4811 or send us your resume.
Sponsored by
48B | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
Instructional Technologist/Language Learning
*8 46) / 8)%',)6
Financial Assistant â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Payroll WOMEN, MINORITIES & ENCOURAGED TO APPLY
Qualifications include a Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree and excellent management and organizational skills; supervisory experience in a higher education setting; hands-on experience with both analog and digital multimedia equipment; excellent communication and research skills, including experience in presenting technical material to laypersons; the ability to write comprehensible end user documentation and an excellent command of the Microsoft Office Suite.
This is a full-time position in the Clerk/Treasurerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s OfďŹ ce that is responsible for performing technical and administrative accounting work, including payroll and human resources administration, departmental and audit reporting. High school diploma with 3 years direct payroll-related experience required. Associateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s or Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in accounting preferred. For a complete description or City of Burlington Application, visit our website at www.hrjobs.ci.burlington.vt.us or contact Human Resources at 802-865-7145. If interested, send resume, cover letter and City of Burlington Application by April 17, 2008, to: HR Dept, 131 Church St., Burlington, VT 05401. EOE.
Saint Michaelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College is seeking an instructional technologist for its Language Learning Resource Center. Responsibilities include hiring, training and daily supervision of student workers; faculty assistance and training in various technologies; and responsibility for researching, recommending, organizing and maintaining computer equipment and instructional materials. The position includes providing support for the Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s course-management system and other administrative systems.
Applicants should demonstrate a commitment to undergraduate education and be supportive of the mission of this Catholic, residential, liberal arts college. Saint Michaelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College is an equal opportunity employer, committed to fostering diversity in its faculty, staff and student body, and encourages applications from the entire spectrum of a diverse community.
Apply to: Office of Human Resources, Saint Michaelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College, One Winooski Park, Colchester, VT 05439 or by email to smchr@smcvt.edu. For more information, visit our website at www.smcvt.edu. Application deadline is May 1, 2008.
Lamoille County Mental Health Services Lamoille County Mental Health Services is a designated provider of developmental and mental health services serving Lamoille County for more than 40 years.
Are you caring, considerate, dedicated? We are looking for you!
Looking for a new career? Cosmetology Barbering
Nail Technician Massage Therapist
Call 658-9591 for Information
Cosmetology Classes
Barbering Classes
May 5th
May 5th
Enroll for our May session and receive your Cosmetology Tool Kit for FREE
$1,050 Value w w w. o t c 4 m e . o r g
Developmental Services Service Coordinator
Our growing developmental services program is seeking an experienced professional to provide service coordination to individuals with developmental disabilities who have high-risk behaviors. Primary responsibilities include coordination of supports and services for a population of individuals who are intensely challenging, including those who have been adjudicated for sexual offenses. The service coordinator will be responsible for ensuring the respectful delivery of services based on high-quality standards to ensure public safety. Qualified candidate must have demonstrated experience working with high-risk behaviors, preferably in developmental-disability services. Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree or equivalent experience preferred.
Intake Therapist
Our Community Rehabilitation and Treatment Program is looking for an individual to provide traditional outpatient services, evidence-based practices, promising practices and value-based practices to the severely and persistently mentally ill. These services are based on cognitive behavioral therapy, client-centered, psychosocial, recovery and medical models as well as DBT, Integrated dual disorders treatment, WRAP family-involvement approaches. Services include individual, group, couples and family therapies, case manager, community support, outreach, relapse prevention, service coordination, treatment planning and intake.
Substitutes needed in all of our programs:
Administration Residential Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s & Families Community Rehabilitation & Treatment Developmental Services We offer a comprehensive benefits package including three weeks vacation, sick and personal leave, health and dental insurance benefits as well as a 401(K) savings plan plus more for all eligible employees. Email resume and cover letter to:
wendyb@lamoille.org or mail to
LCMH Human Resources 275 Brooklyn Street, Morrisville, VT 05661 Equal Opportunity Employer
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | classifieds 49B
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Swimming in circles? Reach a whole new pool of homebuyers ! Advertise your home in SEVEN DAYS and sevendaysvt.com.
55% ers
of our read do not read n The Burlingto a Free Press on . regular basis
Contact Ashley: 864-5684 fsbo@sevendaysvt.com
Get it sold!
50B | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com
Vermont Adult leArning a member of
Seeking an energetic and enthusiastic individual to respond to viewer inquires through phone, mail and email. Responsibilities include participating in the customer service effort while also converting viewers into members. Provide administrative support to the Membership and Major Donor Departments to include donation processing, maintaining accurate membership records, and preparing ongoing donor emails and mailings. Strong customer service, writing, computer (Office and Internet) and organizational skills are essential. Please submit cover letter and resume by April 15, 2008 to:
Regional Manager – Search Extended A nonprofit provider of adult education and literacy services currently has an opening at the Rutland Learning Center for a Regional Manager. This is a fulltime position with excellent benefits. Please go to www.vtadultlearning.org for more information.
Resume deadline: April 28, 2008. Equal Opportunity Employer.
Development and Communications Assistant to the President
Vermont Public Television Attn: HR Dept. 2 204 Ethan Allen Avenue Colchester, VT 05446
Vermont etV, Inc. Is an equal opportunIty employer and proVIder.
Population Media Center, an international nonprofit with headquarters in Shelburne,VT, seeks a motivated individual for the position of Development and Communications Assistant to the President. The position will coordinate donor-acquisition campaigns for PMC and assist the President with international project development activities and scheduling, in coordination with the Director of Development and the Public Affairs Director. Significant international travel is involved. Qualifications: a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in population studies, public health, communications or related field; excellent writing/editing skills; strong organizational skills and the ability to meet deadlines, proficiency in MS Office required, and experience traveling internationally desirable. For a complete job description, please visit http://www.populationmedia.org/who/job-openings/ Please send cover letter and resume to: info@populationmedia.org or Population Media Center/ Attn: Chantelle P.O. Box 547 Shelburne,VT 05482
AccountAnt Pine Ridge School has an immediate opening for a full-time Accountant. The Accountant is responsible for supervising the Business Office day-to-day activities and overseeing the billing, accounts receivable, cash, payroll, maintenance of the personnel files, flex plan paperwork, student bank, and month-end reconciliation. Excellent computer skills required with working knowledge of accounting software, double-entry accounting, tricky bank reconciliation, accounts payable, payroll processing, and financial statement preparation. Prefer knowledge with fund accounting, but willing to train bright and enthusiastic individual in nonprofit accounting principles. Full benefits package, vacation and sick time. Email or send cover letter, resume, salary requirements, and 3 references to:
Pam Blum, Business Manager Pine Ridge School 9505 Williston Road, Williston, VT 05495 Fax: 802-434-6938 Email: pblum@pineridgeschool.com
PrinciPal Search Williamstown high School, Williamstown, Vermont The successful candidate must be student-centered and demonstrate the following abilities and traits: Strong instructional leadership and management skills Excellent interpersonal communication and collaborative skills Commitment to a continuous improvement belief system Knowledge of the Vermont Framework of Standards and Learning Opportunities and standards-based instruction • Committed to formative supervision and evaluation • • • •
The Williamstown High School serves 200 students, grades 9-12, with 30 faculty and staff members. The successful candidate must be certified or eligible for Vermont Principal certification. Send cover letter, resume, transcripts, certification documents and three letters of reference to:
Douglas r. Shiok Superintendent of Schools Orange north Supervisory Union 111b Brush hill road Williamstown, VT 05679 attn: WhS Principal Search Applications accepted until position filled. EOE
(no phone calls, please):
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | classifieds 51B
www.sevendaysvt.com [click on classifieds] Marine Technician: Experience with inboard, I/O, gas, diesel. Alzheimer’s Association, Vermont Chapter, seeks creative, energetic, ethical Executive Director. Responsibilities include: fund development, board, staff & volunteer leadership, strategic planning & operations, communication and outreach. Development & management experience required.
GMCS is seeking qualified people for part- and fulltime flaggers. Experience preferred, but not required. Certification required, free training provided.
Job profile and application information at: http://www.alz.org/vermont/
MUST BE U.S. citizen 18+ years of age. Up to $13.00/hr to start. 802-482-2452 / www.gmcsvt.com
Marine Laborer: Service dock duties, landscaping, a little bit of everything.
North Hero Marina, 802-372-5953, resumes to jim@northhero.com.
Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom,
a Vermont-based telecommunications solutions provider, is seeking a qualified individual to join our team.
Customer Service Associate Responsibilities include providing high-quality telephone, Internet and cable service to customers via telephone, mail and office contacts; marketing new services; collecting accounts; inbound and outbound calling; and processing service requests. Applicant must have strong sales and interpersonal communications skills necessary to maintain productive relationships with customers resolving service- and billing-related questions and marketing new services. Proficiency in Microsoft Office software applications preferred. Qualified applicants must possess a minimum of one year customer service and demonstrated sales experience. EOE
If you want to have fun this summer and engage youth this is the position for you. Responsibilities include supervising youth in grades 1-6 and helping to design and implement programs. Prior experience with youth is preferred and a passionate commitment to quality youth development services is a must. Incumbents must be First Aid, CPR and Lifeguard certified. E.O.E. Send a cover letter and resume to:
Please submit resumes to: Waitsfield & Champlain Valley Telecom Attn: Human Resources PO Box 9, 3898 Main Street, Waitsfield, VT 05673 Fax 802-496-8342, email wcvtjobs@wcvt.com
Behavioral interventionists Wanted harness your passion and learning to help children achieve success! Self-starting, positive thinkers needed to join The Backpack Program of Laraway Youth and Family Services as a Behavioral Interventionist. The interventionist will provide individualized support services to enrolled child or youth struggling to find success in public school due to significant social-emotional and behavioral challenges. Interventionist will implement behavioral programming and provide counseling in social, recreational and daily living skills in school and community settings. Full benefits. B.A. preferred. Submit letter of interest, resume and three references to:
human resources – Backpack Behavioral interventionist laraway Youth & Family services Po Box 621, Johnson, vt 05656 Fax: 802-635-7273 email: admin@laraway.org LYFS is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
RECEPTIONIST, full time If you are someone who understands the importance of customer service and would thrive in a fast paced, multi-tasking environment that includes pets and people coming all day long, come see us! The duties of the position are many and varied and include scheduling appointments, answering phones, interacting with clients and their pets, collecting fees, and (some) evening closings. The successful candidate will be one who thinks fast on their feet, follows proper procedures, and exudes compassion in sensitive situations. We need someone with basic computer skills and the capability and willingness to quickly learn our user-friendly veterinary software system. As the position is currently open, team-player applicants are encouraged to apply soon. If you are interested in the position, please stop by for an employment application or contact Lynne Perry, Office Manager. Competitive wage and benefits. EOE Vergennes Animal Hospital · 20 Main Street · Vergennes, VT · 877 3371 Providing clients with education; treating pets with compassion.
Boys & Girls Club of Burlington c/o Shannon Dixon 62 Oak St., Burlington, VT 05401
Chief Webmaster - Site Administrator GetEducated.com seeks Web Developer - Site Administrator with 3+ years tech expertise plus managerial skills. You will be responsible for development of next generation site plus oversight of new design and daily maintenance. You’ll select and manage outside contractors and integrate systems as site evolves. Flexible telecommuting position. Work from home office with weekly meetings in Underhill, VT. Responsibilities: Oversee website redesign and contracts with outside tech specialists; database maintenance; ongoing redesign to accommodate user feedback and integration of new technologies; development of co-branded pages; SEO; analytics; advertising and affiliate tracking. Skills required: exceptional web tool set; sound leadership/people skills; project management, including managing resources, schedules, and budgets to ensure cost-effective development; user interface and workflow design. Requires: Can-do attitude; leadership; AS/BS or related; 3+ years; HTML, XML, Internet architectures, Networking, Windows; CMS; SEO; analytics; web 2.0; experience preferred with advertising-driven consumer sites. Hands-on position with amazing growth potential. Right candidate will have flair for cost-effective deployment of resources. Challenging position requires candidate who is at ease assuming full charge for site development in small business/ entrepreneurial environment. Offers: Competitive salary, health, IRA, performance bonuses; telecommuting virtual coworkers; flex time; opportunity to be a key contributor to socially responsible Vermont enterprise. Visit GetEducated.com. Tell us why you’d like to work with us. Detail three ways you would make us a better destination. Cover letter, resume, salary history to:
Finance & Operations Officer Vermont Center for Independent Living, a statewide disability rights organization, currently seeks an experienced, nonprofit financial management professional. Responsibilities include financial fund management and reporting, budgeting, contract negotiation, participation in strategic planning, and oversight of all business office functions, including HR and benefits administration. Nonprofit accounting experience essential and experience with MIP Fund Accounting software helpful. Please send cover letter and resume to:
VCIL, 11 E. State St. Montpelier, VT 05602 by fax to 802-229-0503 or by email to nancyd@vcil.org. VCIL is an EOE/affirmative action employer. We provide reasonable accommodations in the recruitment and employment of persons with disabilities.
52B | april 09-16, 2008 | ยป sevendaysvt.com
โ You become successful the moment you start moving towards a worthwhile goal.โ
Community Inclusion Facilitators CCS is seeking individuals to provide one-on-one support to people with developmental disabilities. The following positions are available:
29 hours per week, Monday through Friday 34.5 hours per week, Monday through Friday Dynamic and energetic people needed to provide supports to a variety of individuals so they can expand their horizons and attain their goals both socially and vocationally.
25.25 hours per week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday A supportive, goal oriented individual needed to support a variety of individuals in the workplace and in their local community in a one-on-one setting
20 hours per week, Tuesday through Friday Creative and collaborative person needed to assist an individual in increasing her independence at work and accessing her community. All positions include the possibility of additional substitute hours. Benefits start at 17.5 hours and include health insurance, paid holidays and vacation time.
Uif!Dpnnvojuz!Ifbmui!Dfoufs! pg!Cvsmjohupo
Champlain Community Services 512 Troy Ave, Suite 1 Colchester, VT 05446 802-655-0511 โ 802-655-5207 (Fax) Equal Opportunity Employer
Kpjo!pvs!ufbn!up!ifmq!vt!qspwjef!pvs!xpoefsgvm sbohf!pg!tfswjdft!up!uif!dpnnvojuz/! Dmjojdbm!Tpdjbm!Xpslfs-!MJDTX Dibohf!mjwft!bu!DIDCร t!Qfbsm!Tusffu!Dmjojd!gps!zpvui!bhft!25.35!xip!bsf!bu!sjtl! ps!fyqfsjfodjoh!ipnfmfttoftt/!Sftqpotjcjmjujft!jodmvef!nfejdbm!tpdjbm!xpsl-! cfibwjpsbm!ifbmui!joufswfoujpot-!uifsbqz!boe!cfofgjut!bttjtubodf/!Pvusfbdi!up! zpvui!tfswjdf!bhfodjft!jt!bo!jnqpsubou!btqfdu!pg!uif!qptjujpo/! Sfrvjsfnfout!jodmvef!MJDTX-!dpnnjunfou!up!esvh!boe!bmdpipm!mjdfotvsf-! qspwfo!bcjmjuz!up!xpsl!xjui!zpvui!boe!voefstuboejoh!pg!cbssjfst!up!ifbmui! dbsf/!Mpbo!sfqbznfou!pqqpsuvojuz!qptjujpo/ Cjmmjoh!Tubgg Jnnfejbuf!pqfojoh!gps!gvmm.ujnf!Nfejdbje!Cjmmjoh!Qspgfttjpobm!up!xpsl!jo!b! cvtz!nfejdbm0efoubm0cfibwjpsbm!ifbmui.cjmmjoh!fowjsponfou/!!Qptjujpo!sfrvjsft! bddpvout!sfdfjwbcmf0cjmmjoh!fyqfsjfodf!xjui!JDE.:!'!DQU!lopxmfehf/!Dboej. ebuf!nvtu!cf!efubjm.psjfoufe!'!ibwf!fydfmmfou!dvtupnfs!tfswjdf!tljmmt/ Nfejdbm!Bttjtubout Kpjo!DIDCร t!njttjpo.esjwfo-!ijhi.fofshz!nfejdbm!ufbn!jo!dbsjoh!gps!qbujfout! gspn!bmm!xbmlt!pg!mjgf/!Sftqpotjcjmjujft!jodmvef!ejsfdu!qbujfou!dbsf-!qimfcpupnz! boe!njops!tvshjdbm.qspdfevsf!tvqqpsu/!Dmjojd!pggjdf!fyqfsjfodf!qsfgfssfe/ Xf!pggfs!dpnqfujujwf!tbmbsjft!boe!fydfmmfou!cfofgjut!tvdi!bt!nfejdbm-!efoubm-! mjgf0ejtbcjmjuz-!sfujsfnfou-!hfofspvt!mfbwf!boe-!nptu!jnqpsuboumz-!b!njttjpo! uibu!dboร u!cf!cfbu/!Tfoe!zpvs!sftvnf!up;! IS-!DIDC 728!Sjwfstjef!Bwf/ Cvsmjohupo-!WU!16512 ps!benjoAdidc/psh
FPF Tnplf.gsff!xpslqmbdf/
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | classifieds 53B
www.sevendaysvt.com [click on classifieds]
Receptionist/Legal Assistant
Adjunct Faculty – Summer & Fall 2008 Do you have knowledge and experience that you want to share with the next generation of practitioners? Champlain College seeks dynamic individuals to teach their areas of expertise. Adjunct faculty are needed to teach in the following divisions: Business, Communication & Creative Media and Information Technology & Sciences, both online and in the traditional classroom setting. A Master’s degree is required and prior teaching experience is preferred. For a complete list of open positions and to learn how to apply, visit www.champlain.edu/hr.
Caring Hearts & Healing Hands
Have you cared for a friend or family member during their illness or injury? Have you helped a parent or grandparent through a difficult time or brought groceries to an elderly neighbor? The Visiting Nurse Association is seeking Care Providers with this type of experience or with an interest in helping others to care for our clients. Work one-on-one in clients’ homes in the Chittenden County area. Help with house cleaning, cooking, running errands, personal hygiene care and, of course, companionship. Work flexible hours that fit your schedule in the morning, afternoon, evening, awake overnight or weekends. A high school diploma (or GED), a valid driver’s license and vehicle, as well as the ability to lift 50 lbs. are all required.
Champlain College values, supports and encourages diversity of backgrounds, cultures and perspectives of students, faculty and staff. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Division of CommuniCations & Creative meDia film History intercultural Communication Public speaking small Group Communication interpersonal Communication video Compositing & special effects Writing for electronic media Division of information teCHnoloGy & sCienCes Computer & Digital forensics Program: Cybercrime analysis of Digital media
Feel right at home. Please call Cathy at 860-4450 for more information, or visit www.vnacares.org.
A great job for an experienced legal secretary. Mediumsized Burlington law firm with a friendly and fun work environment is seeking a full-time Receptionist/Legal Assistant. The ideal candidate will have secretarial experience. Excellent computer and organizational skills. Competitive salary, full benefits package and 401(K). Please send your resume to:
Vicki M. Gilwee, Office Manager, McNeil, Leddy & Sheahan 271 South Union Street Burlington, VT 05401 or via email tovgilwee@mcneilvt.com No phone calls, please.
JG<:@8C@JK Resolution Inc., an e-commerce, customer care and fulfillment services company, is currently seeking an individual to join our WorkFlow Team. Individual must have exceptional organizational skills, be detail-oriented, and learn quickly. You will have direct interaction and coordination with internal departments. Candidate should have 2-4 years administrative and customer service experience, knowledge of word and spreadsheet applications and be able to work in a fast-paced environment managing multiple priorities on a daily basis. Flexibility, accuracy, time management skills, positive attitude and ability to work both individually and as a team player are essential. Resolution offers competitive wages and a full benefit package. Please send resumé and cover letter to:
RESOLUTION, INC./687 Marshall Avenue/Suite 101/Williston, VT 05495
matH & sCienCes: summer, 2008 algebra & trigonometry anatomy & Physiology ii College algebra fall, 2008 algebra & trigonometry College algebra foundations of math statistics ContinuinG Professional stuDies (all Divisions) the following programs and courses are in need of online instructor, Course Development w/teaching: advanced accounting Corporate taxation sustainability in Business Globalization entrepreneurship operations management forensics accounting leadership Decision making securing the enterprise network: network-based attacks, prevention, detection, defense, network policies tCP/iP – net 215 (teaching only)
Paid Residential Advisor Exciting opportunity to earn a TAX-FREE $20,000/year stipend (meals included), acting as a Residential Advisor for 5 students attending UVM as part of HowardCenter, Developmental Services’ SUCCEED program. These high-functioning students, 18 to 25 years old with mild developmental disabilities, live in a newly furnished, substance-free house within walking distance campus. Ideal match is a peer-aged graduate student wanting to become an integral part of an innovative program that provides problem solving advice and minimal house oversight. Enjoy two weeks vacation each year (UVM’s Winter & Spring breaks) & 60 additional nights. Off & on site parking available, RA must be in house 9 PM – 8:30 AM, pay minimal rent and be willing to sign a yr-long contract beginning late summer 2008.
Please contact Jen Mitchell at 802-488-6542 to learn more. To learn more about HowardCenter, to view a full listing of open positions, to learn more about benefits, and to apply online, visit www.howardcenter.org. HowardCenter is an equal opportunity employer. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY. We offer competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits package to qualified employees.
54B | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com
Gjobodjbm!Dppsejobups Job Description: The Champlain Valley Area Health Education Center (CVAHEC), a nonprofit agency located in St. Albans, Vermont, seeks an individual with 3 -5 years accounting and financial management experience to manage all business office functions. CVAHEC is a nonprofit corporation working closely with the University of Vermont’s AHEC. Qualifications Sought: The qualified candidate will be proficient in Microsoft Office Professional (including Excel) and Quickbooks software. Strong attention to detail and excellent interpersonal and communication skills are a must. Bachelor’s degree required. Nonprofit and federal/state grant reporting experience preferred. We provide a collegial workplace and excellent benefits.
Challenging, yet rewarding opportunity. Seeking an energetic male who thrives in a supportive team culture to support men with behavioral issues in Franklin County. Involves varied work shifts. Bachelor’s degree desired, experience in law enforcement or corrections would be a plus. Starting pay: $15.00 per hour. For details, call Dave Laggis 802-524-6555, x621
Therapeutic residential program is seeking energetic and team-oriented individuals to staff residential homes. Responsibilities include providing a supportive and healing environment to adults diagnosed with severe and persistent mental illness, assisting in problem-solving issues and providing strength-based education with the goal of recovery. Full-time, part-time and substitute positions are available. Schedule may include weekend days and holiday rotations. Requires BA, BS or minimum of two years of relevant experience, valid driver’s license, computer and documentation skills. Competitive wages & excellent benefits are included in the full-time position.
HR Dept., 107 Fisher Pond Road, St. Albans, VT 05478. EOE Visit our website for a complete listing of our job opportunites: www.ncssinc.org.
Send cover letter and resumé by April 22 to:
Executive Director Champlain Valley AHEC 152 Fairfield Street St. Albans, Vermont 05478 Or email to: cvahec@cvahec.org
Re-adveRtisement – pReviously posted position
An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. This is not a UVM position.
AssociAte Director for MArketing AnD new MeDiA The Office of Institutional Advancement at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh announces the position of Associate Director for Marketing and New Media. The ideal candidate will be a motivated and forward-thinking individual and will join the marketing and communications department reporting directly to the Executive Director for Marketing and Communications.
Woodridge Nursing Home Are you looking for an exciting career, that gives you the opportunity to work in a state-of-the-art long term care facility with an award winning team? We may have just what you are looking for! We provide flexibility with your schedule, a generous compensation package, and a work environment that offers a “no-lift” program, individualized resident care programs, and top-notch nursing and rehabilitation care. We are currently seeking qualified candidates for the following positions on our nursing team:
Nurse Manager Charge Nurse MDS Coordinator Registered Nurse Licensed Practical Nurse Licensed Nursing Assistant
responsibilities: The responsibilities for this position include supporting the Executive Director in developing strategic marketing plans and implementing a broad range of traditional and online marketing programs. The Associate Director will play a key role in the development and implementation of marketing efforts for the institution’s student recruitment goals as well as other key programs and initiatives. Marketing activities will include direct mail, collateral development, print advertising, broadcast media, website development, online advertising and promotions, and more. This position will oversee management of marketing projects and supervise three staff members in pursuit of the department’s goals. This position will be responsible for new initiatives including a strategic approach in utilizing new media tools for the realization of marketing objectives; specifically, the development and implementation of targeted email campaigns and electronic newsletters. In addition, this position will assist with the development and implementation of marketing plans for development initiatives including campaigns and annual fund materials. Finally, the position will be responsible for developing content for the Web and other writing projects as assigned. Some evening and weekend work will be required. required Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree plus five years of marketing or communications experience and excellent writing skills are required. Demonstrated proficiency in graphic design is a must and previous experience in successfully implementing online marketing initiatives and supervisory experience are required. In addition, candidates should be comfortable working in a collaborative, fast-paced environment and have the ability to work a flexible schedule as necessary.
Preferred Qualifications: The ideal candidate must demonstrate excellent organizational and interpersonal skills; ability to work collaboratively with colleagues; and strong evidence of strategic thinking skills, creativity, and a willingness to rethink and experiment with innovative communications strategies. The successful candidate will Cometosee whatanwe have to offer!ad? Call Michelle Need place employment Brown 865-1020 x 21 marketing and communications or similar experience in another field. The e m a i l m i c h e l l e @ s e v e have n d a abackground y s v t in. higher c o education m Apply online at CentralToYourWellBeing.org ideal candidate will have a commitment to an integrated approach to marketing and public relations. A background or contact HR at (802) 371-4206 or Woodridge at (802) 371-4710 that includes experience working in development or development communication is preferred. SUNY College at Plattsburgh is an equal Need to place an ad? Call Michelle Brown 865-1020 x 21opportunity employer committed to excellence in diversity. salary: Will be competitive, with excellent benefits. Review of applicants will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Electronic submission of materials is strongly encouraged. Original transcripts will be required prior to the start To place an employment ad call Michelle Brown 865-1020 x of 21employment. Please submit cover letter, resume, and contact information for three current references to: Equal Opportunity Employer
chair, search committee (PJ# 4888-sD), c/o Human resource services, sUnY Plattsburgh, 101 Broad street, Plattsburgh, nY 12901-2681. Email: hr.apply@plattsburgh.edu.
www.plattsburgh.edu employment@sevendaysvt.com Online @ sevendaysvt.com
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | classifieds 55B
DOUBLETREE HOTEL BURLINGTON Housekeeping Personnel We are now accepting applications for positions in our Housekeeping department. Responsibilities include cleaning guest rooms and/or public spaces. Experience preferred but not required. Restaurant Personnel Our award-winning Trader Duke’s Restaurant is looking for personnel. Experience preferred but not required. Apply in person at the hotel’s front desk.
DOUBLETREE HOTEL, BURLINGTON 1117 Williston Rd., So. Burlington, VT 05403 EOE. A member of the Hilton family of hotels.
Psychiatric Hospital Diversion Program Coordinator We are seeking a licensed or license-eligible mental health professional with exceptional clinical and supervisory skills to direct a community-based psychiatric hospital diversion and crisis stabilization program in Chittenden County. We have been providing an alternative to inpatient treatment for seriously mentally ill adults for twenty years in the ASSIST Program, and are opening a second location. Previous management experience and organizational skills needed, as well as a solid clinical background in psychiatric crisis and behavioral treatment. Primary responsibilities include program development, fiscal management and clinical supervision of staff.
To learn more about HowardCenter, to view a full listing of open positions, to learn more about benefits, and to apply online, visit www.howardcenter.org. HowardCenter is an equal opportunity employer. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY. We offer competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits package to qualified employees.
PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR The Sara Holbrook Community Center seeks a Preschool Director with early childhood or special ed. certification & minimum 1 year experience. Position requires planning and implementing developmentally appropriate curriculum. 30 hours/wk following public school calendar. Excellent benefits. Resume, sample lesson plan & 3 letters of reference by 4/15/08. Leisa Pollander, Executive Director Sara Holbrook Community Center 66 North Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 Applications accepted until position is filled. EOE. No phone calls, please.
Computer teChniCian/ user support speCialist
:FCC<>< JKI<<K :?@C;I<EËJ :<EK<I
<8ICP :?@C;?FF; <;L:8KFI# JL9JK@KLK<J% The College Street Children’s Center is looking for a nurturing, creative, enthusiastic infant/toddler teacher to join our team of childcare professionals.
Part-time, 12-month position available in our Westford School District (grades PreK through 8) to perform a variety of specialized computer installation and support functions. Qualified candidates must have strong computer repair maintenance skills, knowledge and experience with computer networks, strong communication and interpersonal skills, and excellent analytical/problem-solving skills. Position is for 20 hours/week and pays $14.51/hour.
The position is 40 hours a week and begins the end of June 2008. Classroom experience and a BA, CDA or Associate’s degree in Early Childhood Education or related field is preferred. A willingness to further one’s education is required. Pay commensurate with education and experience. Benefit package included. Also looking for substitute teachers beginning immediately. Send resume and 3 letters of reference to:
For additional information and application requirements, please visit our website at www.ccsuvt.org (click on Job Opportunities). Applications only accepted electronically on www.schoolspring.com. Job ID 19890. EOE
))/ :fcc\^\ Jki\\k# D`[[c\Ylip# MK ',.,* \dX`c1 :J::(7m\i`qfe%e\k <og\i`\eZ\ gi\]\ii\[%
Secretary/ adminiStrative aSSiStant DARIA BISHOP
Preci-Manufacturing is growing and looking for a qualified candidate for the front office. All candidates should have experience with the Microsoft Office environment excellent written and verbal communication, customer service and typing skills. Should have a strong work ethic and be a self-starter. Competitive wages, health, dental, disability, life insurance and employer match 401(K) plan.
Home Care LNAs
Learn more about what Home Health Care can provide you! The Visiting Nurse Association offers personalized, one-on-one care to clients in the comfort of their own homes. We currently have a full-time opening available for an LNA in the Chittenden County area. We can provide you with a competitive salary, shift differentials, mileage reimbursement, excellent benefits, flexible scheduling and more! Requirements include a valid LNA license, a vehicle and the ability to lift 50 lbs.
Please come in, fill out an application, and have an on-the-spot interview.
400 Weaver Street Winooski, vt 05404 or call for more information at 802-655-0796 or email preci@preci.com
Feel right at home. Please call Cathy at 860-4450 for more information, or visit www.vnacares.org.
56B | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
Third Shift Grocery Stocker
Seeking a Shared Home Provider (Washington County Area)
TOWN HALL THEATER in Middlebury, Vermont, seeks
technical director/ facilities manager
Looking for a kind and caring person to share your home with a 46-year-old woman with mild developmental disabilities. She is a very engaging, caring and humorous lady. Share your home while providing support to increase independent skills and attend to ongoing medical health needs. This is a great opportunity for someone already in the health care field.
City Market is looking for a part-time Grocery Stocker to fully stock grocery/bulk displays, shelves, coolers and freezers and keep the Grocery department clean and organized on the third shift. Applicants must be available to work nights and weekends, be a team player, have the ability to lift 50 to 80 lbs. frequently, have a general knowledge of stocking, possess effective communication skills and be able to operate hand trucks and other stocking equipment. If you have these skills and a great sense of humor, apply today!
Full-time, year-round position. Maintain and operate all theatrical systems (lighting, sound, projection), have experience with set construction. Other responsibilities include: Facilitate load-ins, runs, strikes and turnarounds; provide tech for meetings and receptions; create internship program in technical theater; maintain building by making repairs or hiring contractors. A janitorial service will clean, but this individual will make sure that the theater and gallery are ready each day for public use. This historic theater will re-open in July, 2008, so the position will be filled immediately. Limited benefits.
Female or couples without children preferred. No experience necessary, but experience preferred. Home must be free of pets. Montpelier area preferred.
Fill out an application at Customer Service, print one out online at www.citymarket.coop, or send your resume via email or snail-mail to:
Training, support, and tax-free stipend included. Please contact: Becky Chadwick, Office Manager 802-229-6369 ext 221.
Send cover letter and resume to Douglas Anderson, Executive Director Town Hall Theater, PO Box 128 Middlebury, VT 05753, or email materials to danderson@townhalltheater.org. 802 388-1436.
Francis Foundation 16 Church St., Middlesex, VT 05602
Live-in Dorm Parent (to June 2008): A residential school for adolescents has an anticipated opening for a live-in dorm parent responsible for overseeing a dorm for male adolescents. The ideal candidate should enjoy working with teenagers, have a warm and caring personality, be knowledgeable in adolescent development, behavioral management techniques, and be flexible to help when needed in other departments. This temporary position includes an on-campus apartment, at least through June 2008, with possibility for 2008-09 contract.
FUJIFILM Dimatix, Inc., located in Lebanon, NH, is the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premier provider of piezoelectric ink-jet printheads and fluiddispensing micropumps. We are currently accepting applications for the following positions:
Human Resources Generalist Applications Engineer Customer Support Engineer II Electro Mechanical Engineer Industrial Engineer Mechanical Engineer III
Please send cover letter, resume and references to: Seven Days Employment, Attn: PB, PO Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402.
Flexible schedule to earn extra $$ with your computer & people skills!
For a complete job description visit our website at:
am ! pm
Technology coordinaTor
Washington West Supervisory Union is seeking a Medicaid Clerk for 20 hours per week, beginning July 1, 2008. This is a school-year schedule with minimal summer work. Responsibilities Need to place an employment ad? Call Michelle Brown 865-1020 x 21 include maintaining e m a i l m i c h e l l e @ s e v e n files d and a y data s vfor tthe. VT c Department o m of Education and Law Line of Vermont seeks an energetic, organized indibilling Medicaid claims. Knowledge of EDS billing vidual to join our legal services office. Support for your system helpful. Strong organization, persistence, and professional growth provided by a dynamic group, with an communication necessary. Atxleast Need to Duties place an administraad? Call Michelle Brownskills 865-1020 21 one year of unbeatable benefits package. include relevant experience preferred; high school diploma tive support to the Executive Director, office management, required. telephone, and general support for work of legal staff.
Pine Ridge School has an immediate opening for a fulltime Technology Coordinator. Duties include: maintaining network hardware and system/application software, including email and Internet access; training; troubleshooting; programming; planning and implementation.
Computer proficiency and ability to work efficiently as part place an employment adskills call Michelle ofTo a team are necessary. Some accounting a plus. Minorities, persons with disabilities, and persons with experience working with low-income people are encouraged to apply. Salary: $24,682+, DOE, excellent benefits including 401(K), annual raises. Send resume by April 18, 2008 to:
Full benefits package, vacation and sick time.
Requirements: Technology-related Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s; 5 years related experience; A+ and Microsoft Network Administration Certification required; ability to work with, relate to and train all levels of users.
Brown 865-1020 21 submit a letter of interest, Interested candidates xshould resume and 3 letters of reference to:
Email or send cover letter, resume, salary requirements, and 3 references to:
Donarae Cook, Director of Special Education Washington West Supervisory Union @ sevendaysvt.com 1673 Main St., Suite A Tom Garrett Waitsfield, VT 05673 Law Line of Vermont 274 North Winooski Avenue Position open until filled. Burlington, VT 05401 EOE or tgarrett@lawlinevt.org.
employment@sevendaysvt.com Pam Blum, Business Manager
Pine ridge School
9505 Williston Road, Williston, VT 05495 Fax: 802-434-6938 Email: pblum@pineridgeschool.com
(no phone calls, please):
To p l a c e a n e m p l o y m e n t a d ca l l M i c h e l l e B r o w n 8 6 5 -1 020 x 2 1 e
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58B | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
<em`ifed\ekXc J\im`Z\j :fekiXZkfi `e Jflk_ 9lic`e^kfe _Xj `dd\[`Xk\ fg\e`e^j ]fi1 8jY\jkfj Jlg\im`jfij Xe[ Nfib\ij =`\c[ J\im`Z\ K\Z_e`Z`Xej :cXjj 8 fi 9 [i`m\ij n`k_ _Xq dXk \e[fij\d\ek% N`cc kiX`e k_\ i`^_k ZXe[`[Xk\% ?8QNFG<I Z\ik`Ă&#x201D;ZXk`fe&kiX`e`e^ X gclj% >i\Xk gXp Xe[ \oZ\cc\ek Y\e\Ă&#x201D;kj% =Xo i\jld\ kf
Looking for mature, responsible, outgoing individual(s) to fill the following positions:
English Teacher, Long-term Substitute (to June 2008): A residential school for adolescents has an anticipated opening for an English Teacher with a Vermont Educatorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s License. The ideal candidate should be professional, have excellent communication and organization skills, a warm and caring personality, and enjoys working with teenagers. Temporary position to June 2008, with possibility for 2008-09 contract. Please send cover letter, resume and references to: Seven Days Employment, Attn: PB, PO Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402.
Want to work outside...
â&#x20AC;˘ Counter Person: M-F, 30-40 hrs/week Fun Environment, Great Customers! Call us at 802-899-4056 or email backcountry@verizon.net.
Steel Fabricatorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Assistant wanted for busy steel fabricating shop.
Seeking highly motivated and dependable individual with some knowledge of welding and fabricating. Candidate must have excellent measuring skills and attention to detail. We offer competitive wages and benefits and a positive work environment.
GB: `j X 9lic`e^kfe$YXj\[ ZfdgXep% N\ Yl`c[ d\[`ZXc jf]knXi\ k_Xk X`dj kf \dgfn\i gXk`\ekj Xe[ `dgifm\ Zc`e`ZXc giXZk`Z\% GB: `j X ^i\Xk gcXZ\ kf nfibĂ&#x2021;]Xd`cp Xe[ [f^ ]i`\e[cp# i\cXo\[ Zlckli\# Xe[ d\Xe`e^]lc nfib% Pfl n`cc jlggfik fli jkX]] f] d\[`ZXc ni`k\ij Yp b\\g`e^ fli `e$_flj\ Zfcc\Zk`fe fi^Xe`q\[ Xe[ Yp iflk`e\cp m`j`k`e^ cfZXc c`YiXi`\j kf ]lc]`cc [fZld\ek$[\c`m\ip i\hl\jkj% Pfl n`cc Xcjf _\cg lj lg[Xk\ fli d\[`ZXc befnc\[^\ kffcj# Xe[ g\i]fid X[d`e`jkiXk`m\ [lk`\j `eZcl[`e^ [X`cp dX`c [`jki`Ylk`fe Xe[ `ek\id`kk\ek ]ifek$[\jb Zfm\iX^\ % K_`j \ekip$c\m\c gfj`k`fe i\hl`i\j X _`^_$jZ_ffc [`gcfdX fi \hl`mXc\ek# Xkk\ek`fe kf [\kX`c# jkife^ fi^Xe`qXk`feXc jb`ccj# jfc`[ Zfdglk\i jb`ccj# Xe[ X Zflik\flj# gfj`k`m\ Xkk`kl[\%
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Lead Carpenter/Foreman/ Working Supervisor Are you interested in joining a progressive construction company? Min. 5 years experience required. Experienced, long-term, full-time applicants. Benefits are available (pending successful trial period.) A positive, hardworking, can-do attitude is a must! Serious applicants please provide resume and references.
Email sindydgm@accessvt.com or call Sindy at 802-434-3992.
Sales Associate The Outdoor Gear Exchange is hiring a Sales Associate with extensive experience in telemark skiing, climbing or paddling. Strong customer service skills, attention to detail, knowledge of outdoor gear and a sense of humor are required. Weekend and evening hours may be required. This is a full-time position with benefits. Send a resume and cover letter letting us know why you would be perfect for the best damn gear shop.
Full-time and part-time. Experience preferred but not necessary.
WAITSTAFF LINE COOKS â&#x20AC;˘ Lunch Cooks â&#x20AC;˘ Prep Cooks to work in a fast-paced restaurant. Competitive wages and excellent work environment. Apply in person at:
Seeking a dynamic, self-motivated GENERAL MANAGER to help run our small, family-owned restaurant in Shelburne Village. The ideal candidate will possess: ¡ Minimum 2 years experience in dining room management ¡ Excellent customer-making skills ¡ Fun, professional, collaborative management style ¡ Passion for food, wine and people ¡ Positive problem-solving skills ¡ Creativity and efficiency
Please send resume to Emily at: bistrosauce@yahoo.com Maple Tree Place, Williston, VT â&#x20AC;˘ 879-9492
Dining Room AM Dining Room Manager â&#x20AC;˘ Kitchen â&#x20AC;˘ Front Desk/Reservations â&#x20AC;˘ Housekeeping
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
Welcome Center
Retail Sales Associate Gatehouse Greeter â&#x20AC;˘ Tour Wagon Driver â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
Special Events â&#x20AC;˘
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM at the Welcome Center
Special Functions Assistant Bartender
1611 Harbor Road Shelburne, VT â&#x20AC;˘ 985-8442 www.shelburnefarms.org
The Boys & Girls Club of Burlington is looking for positions including Swimming Instructors and Guards. Positions are seasonal and include day, night, and weekend hours. Incumbents must be First Aid, CPR and Lifeguard certified. E.O.E. Send a cover letter and resume including reference contact information to: Boys & Girls Club of Burlington, c/o Shannon Dixon, 62 Oak St., Burlington, VT 05401
We offer a friendly working community with good benefits and an opportunity for long-term employment. Must have a love of the outdoors, a sharp wit and the ability to work well amidst chaos. Please indicate desired position.
Help Wanted
Inn - All positions in:
PG Adams 1215 Airport Parkway South Burlington, VT 05403 ashley@pgadams.com
â&#x20AC;˘ Garden Center Sales â&#x20AC;˘ Greenhouse â&#x20AC;˘ Perennials
C`YiXip J\im`Z\j 8jj`jkXek
Seasonal Positions
We need a few good people with a hardworking attitude and good sense of humor for the following full-time and part-time positions:
If interested in one of these positions, please call (802) 425.2811 or email us at dreamjob@horsfordnursery.com
/')$/-*$''', fi \dX`c _i7_XqdXkk%Zfd nnn%_XqdXkk%Zfd
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OFFICE MANAGER The Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA-VT) is a non-profit association of consumers, gardeners, and farmers working to promote an economically viable and ecologically sound Vermont food system for the benefit of current and future generations. NOFAVT is seeking a full-time Office Manager responsible for office administration and program staff support. We are interested in candidates who are familiar with agriculture, are detail oriented, have excellent organizational and interpersonal skills, are positive, have a sense of humor, are able to juggle many tasks, and have experience with the Microsoft Office Suite and database management. This position will start in May. Please send a letter of interest, writing sample, and resume to Enid Wonnacott at:
enid@nofavt.org -or-
PO Box 697 Richmond, VT 05477
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | classifieds 59B
www.sevendaysvt.com [click on classifieds]
ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS FRANKLIN CENTRAL SU SVD19580 Athletic Dir FRANKLIN WEST SU SVD19599 Dir of Curr, Instr & Assess CHITTENDEN EAST SU SVD19380 Student Activities Coord FRANKLIN NORTHEAST SU SVD19243 Dir of Guid & Couns Svcs SVD18752 Elementary Principal
SVD19978 Social Studies Tchr SVD19354 SPED Instr Assts SVD19873 SPED Tchr SVD19622 V. Boys Ice Hockey Coach ADDISON CENTRAL SU SVD18780 Design and Tech Tchr SVD19450 Elem Classroom Tchr SVD19265 Foreign Lang Latin Tchr SVD19643 Instructional Asst(s) SVD19872 Speech/Lang Path SVD19616 Temp Vocal Music Tchr FRANKLIN CENTRAL SU SVD19224 Gr 7-8 Lang Arts Tchr SVD18792 Classroom Paraprofessional SVD18832 ESL - Bilingual Tutor (Spanish) - Migrant Ed Progr
SVD19973 K-4 Guid Couns, LT Sub Aug 08 - April 09
SVD19875 PT Guid Counselor SVD19884 Pre-K Tchr SVD19967 World Lang Educator CHITTENDEN CENTRAL SU SVD19741 Business Academy Tchr SVD19796 Coaching Positions SVD19890 Computer Tech/User Support Spec SVD19790 Crossing Guard SVD19980 Custodian SVD19802 Gr 5 Tchr SVD19041 Instrumental Music Tchr SVD19838 Interventionist (Children w/ Autism) SVD19857 K-5 World Lang Tchr SVD19635 Parking Lot Attendant SVD19862 Phys Ed/Health & Wellness Tchr SVD19804 Reading Specialist SVD16533 Sub Tchrs, Sub Paras, & Sub Support Staff
SVD19226 K-4 Tchr SVD18706 Open Doors Prog Coord (St. Albans
FRANKLIN NORTHEAST SU BURLINGTON SD SVD18523 Math Tchr City School) SVD19051 Gr 6 Tchr, LT Sub SVD18532 School Psychologist (Antic) SVD18400 Paraeducator SVD19499 Admin Asst SVD19464 Design Visual Commun Prog Instr SVD19659 Paraeducators SVD19418 Design and Illustration SVD19217 Library Media Specialist SVD16962 Paraprofessional Early Child Progs SVD19715 Gr 3 Tchr SVD19600 School Nurse SVD19223 Phys Ed Tchr SVD19885 Elem, Upper Primary SVD19275 Social Studies Tchr SVD19276 Phys Ed Tchr, 0.8 FTE SVD19112 ESL Tchrs SVD19420 Special Educator SVD19972 School Nurse (Antic) SVD19052 Gr 7/8 Math, LT Sub SVD19218 Special Educator SVD19974 Social Studies Tchr SVD19615 Math Tchr, LT Sub SVD19219 Special Educator SVD19971 SPED Tchr (Antic) SVD19373 Paraeducator SVD19281 Special Educator SVD19277 Speech/Lang Path SVD19424 Paraeducator SVD19282 Speech/Lang Path SVD19225 Speech/Lang Path SVD18762 Paraeducator SVD19107 Preschool/SPED Tchr CHITTENDEN SOUTH SU FRANKLIN WEST SU SVD19113 Science Tchr, Physics SVD19003 Intens Needs Spec Educator SVD19403 Foreign Lang Tchr SVD19785 Science/Biology LT Sub SVD19004 K-5 Spec Educator SVD19331 MS Music Tchr SVD19376 Social Studies, 1 Yr SVD19475 Gr 6-8 Social Studies Tchr SVD19630 Preschool Instr Asst International teaching jobs see link on SchoolSpring websiteSpeech/Lang Path (Antic) SVD19490 Social Studies/History SVD19005 SVD19628 Preschool EEE Tchr SVD19714 SPED - Intens Spec Needs SVD18684 Food Service Dir SVD19809 Spec Educator SVD19054 SPED Tchr, LT Sub SVD18984 Food Svc Workers SVD19629 Speech/Lang Tchr SVD19422 Tech Ed SVD18939 High Needs Para SVD19665 Library Asst SPRINGFIELD SD COLCHESTER SD SVD19899 Math Tchr, 0.50 FTE (Antic) SVD18935 Guid Counselor SVD19625 Asst Boys V. Ice Hockey Coach SVD18905 Science Tchr SVD19979 English Tchr INTERNATIONAL JOBS SVD19470 JV Asst Football Coach CHITTENDEN EAST SU See Link on Home Page SVD19471 JV Field Hockey Coach SVD19612 CESU Tech Support Spec SVD19469 JV Girls Soccer Coach SVD19718 Intens Needs SPED SVD19977 Mathematics Tchr SVD19854 Learning Resource Tchr
Keep checking our site for summer job opportunities found under Job Type â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Summer
60B | april 09-16, 2008 | Âť sevendaysvt.com
OVSTJOH0BTTJTUBOU Gsjfoemz-!tnbmm-!gbnjmz! nfejdbm!qsbdujdf! tfflt!qbsu.ujnf! Ă&#x2018;! !ujnf-!ovstf-!MOB! ps!fyqfsjfodfe!nfejdbm! bttjtubou/!Dpnqfujujwf! dpnqfotbujpo/! Bqqmjdbujpot!ifme!jo!tusjdu! dpogjefodf/!! Fnbjm; CSpcfsut/nepggjdfA nbjmovmm/dpn 913.454.55:8
333SALES444 Enjoy selling our lawncare services. Base salary up to
$25K to $30K
commissions, benefits, 401(K). Call Maurie: 802-863-8007 EOE/AA/M/F/V/D
1160 Williston Rd. So. Burlington Quality food Quality people
HIRING DRIVERS & COOKS Days or nights Flexible schedules Earn $10 to $15 per hr. Apply in person.
Established Burlington general practice firm seeks experienced Attorney for affiliation. Family law, complex contract and real estate development experience a plus. Please contact us at 802-660-0501 and ask for Mollie.
Holiday Inn
Positions Available
PM Restaurant and Banquet Servers Experience preferred Please apply in person:
Holiday inn Burlington 1068 Williston Rd. So. Burlington, VT 05403
Exciting employment opportunities available at established agency with history of supporting strong, healthy families in an environment of teamwork, creativity and innovation. Lund Family Center is seeking motivated, flexible and dynamic individuals with a passion for working with children and families for the following positions with competitive salary and benefits. EOE/EE/AA Awake Overnight Residential Counselor: Full-time. Two positions available. Counselor needed for awake overnight shifts, including weekends, providing parenting and life skill support to pregnant and/or parenting women and their children. Minimum of Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in relevant field needed; experience working with adolescents and flexibility a must. Residential Counselor: Full-time. Two positions available. Counselor needed for evening shifts, including weekends, providing parenting and life skill support to pregnant and/or parenting women and their children. Minimum of Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in relevant field needed; experience working with adolescents and flexibility a must. Nurse: Full-time hours approx. 2-10pm. Evening Nurse needed to serve pregnant and parenting young women and their children within residential treatment setting. Applicants should have a desire to work on a multidisciplinary team that is fast paced and challenging. Lund Family Center provides holistic approaches to healthy living and embraces strengths-based perspective. Nursing credentials required. Substance Abuse Counselor: Full-time and part-time positions available: Part-time Counselor: Needed for outpatient treatment program for pregnant and parenting women. Minimum of Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in a social work, counseling, or human services related field and substance abuse counselor certification or apprentice substance abuse counselor certificate. Experience working with women and children preferred. Full-time Counselors: Needed to conduct comprehensive substance abuse assessment, treatment referral and coordination, and counseling within an outpatient program for pregnant and parenting women or co-located at the child welfare office to bridge agencies in an effort to provide immediate, holistic, family-centered services and increase the collaborative capability of the community to respond to substance abuse within family systems. Minimum of Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in a social work, counseling, or human services-related field and substance abuse counselor certification or apprentice substance abuse counselor certificate. Experience working with families required. Substance Abuse Case Manager: Full-time position available. Case Manager needed to screen families in need for potential substance abuse, referral to appropriate treatment, service coordination, monitoring, and wrap-around services in a new position to be co-located at the child welfare office. Minimum of Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in social work, counseling, or human services related field and Apprentice Substance Abuse Counselor Certificate or the ability to test for certification within three months of hire date. Experience working with families and knowledge of community resources preferred. Administrative Assistant: Full-time. Major responsibilities include scheduling, typing, file management, database management, research and project development, and general administration duties. Relevant office experience, strong organization, interpersonal skills, and computer proficiency required.
Database Coordinator: Part-time 20 hours per week. Coordinator will conduct and oversee data Need to place an ad? collection and maintain database for residential and outpatient treatment programs for pregnant
and parenting women. Minimum of Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in social work or human service-related field with experience in conducting surveys/collecting from clients/evaluating data/treatment outcomes as well as computer skills.
Michelle Brown
8 6 5 - 1 0 2 0
2 1
Please send cover letter and resume to:
Jamie Tourangeau, Human Resources PO Box 4009, Burlington, VT 05406-4009. Fax 802-861-6460 No phone calls, please.
Need to place an ad? Call
Michelle Brown
8 6 5 - 1 0 2 0
2 1
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | classifieds 61B
www.sevendaysvt.com [click on classifieds] Prevention Advocate The Hardwick Area Community Coalition seeks a dynamic and skilled individual for a part- or full-time, (25-40 hour per week, negotiable) grant-funded position coordinating activities aimed at reducing binge drinking and underage use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
The Charlotte Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Center is seeking part-time, on-call substitute teachers. We serve children ages six weeks through six years. Subs should be flexible, strong communicators, creative and energetic. Become a fun, energetic great addition to our team, mornings or afternoons. Please call Kristy Sargent at 802-425-3328.
Need $$$? Champlain College Bookstore is seeking help for the week of April 17 - 25. Fast paced-fun environment. Ability to lift 50 lbs, and attention to detail required!
Candidates must possess a clear commitment to the prevention of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use by youth and be able to work a flexible schedule, including some evenings. Responsibilities include strengthening and creating community and youth partnerships, helping to develop a strategic plan, identifying and implementing programming, and meeting grant requirements. Training and supervision is provided. Report to Coalition Coordinator and Board of Directors. This is a dynamic position and duties may change with the organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs.
Apply at Champlain College Bookstore 371 Maple Street Burlington, VT 05401 or email bookstore@champlain.edu
Submit cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references by April 28 to: Hardwick Area Community Coalition Search Committee, PO Box 447, Hardwick, VT 05843 Or email: hardwickcoalition@yahoo.com
Baker We are looking for morning bakers in our busy Shelburne store. Experience preferred, but willing to train the right candidate. Stop by our store on Route 7 for an application or call 802-985-2000 for more information.
Lamoille Union High School is seeking a
1.0 Long-Term Science Substitute Teacher Maintenance Worker new opening
for the 2008-2009 school year with certification in Biology. Please submit letter of interest, resume, transcripts, copy of teaching license and three current letters of reference to:
This is a full-time benefits eligible position. Requirements of this position include general maintenance experience, a clean driving record and the ability to work a flexible schedule. Our benefits package includes medical/dental, 401(K) and paid time off. If interested, please apply to:
C6IJG6A ;DD9 H6A:H 6HHD8>6I: LV^ihĂ&#x2021;ZaYÂżh dlc cVijgVa [ddY hidgZ hZZ`h V egd[Zhh^dcVa HVaZh 6hhdX^ViZ l^i] cVijgVa [ddY VcY hjeeaZbZci ZmeZg^ZcXZ# Bjhi edhhZh djihiVcY^c\ XjhidbZg hZgk^XZ h`^aah! WZ ]VgY ldg`^c\ VcY YZiV^a dg^ZciZY#
Linda St. Cyr, Administrative Assistant Lamoille Union High School 736 rt. 15 West Hyde Park, VT 05655. EOE.
The Windjammer Hospitality Group 1076 Williston road So. Burlington, Vt 05403 or email selena@windjammmergroup.com
LZ VgZ V hdX^Vaan gZhedch^WaZ Wjh^cZhh VcY egdk^YZ V a^kVWaZ lV\Z#
EaZVhZ ZbV^a gZhjbZ id hlZZieZV5\bVki#cZi
Whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cooking?
How about you at Libbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Diner!
Join New Englandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premiere health care consulting company, MBA HealthGroup.
Days, breakfast/lunch culinary background.
MBA HealthGroup offers full-service billing, practice management, and integrated IT solutions. We are currently seeking a part-time Billing Assistant for our Montpelier office. Ideal candidate will have 6 months - 1 year clerical experience. Health-care experience and Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree a plus.
Libbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Diner
46 Highpoint Center (Exit 16 off I-89) Colchester, VT 05446 802-655-0343
Please email your resume to Tamika Fleury at fleury@mbahealthgroup.com.
4IVWSRRIP ¤ ,34) 4 3 &S\ 1MHHPIFYV] :8
Immediate opening for year-round, full-time positions.
Need to2S TLSRI GEPPW TPIEWI place an employment ad? Call Michelle Brown 865-1020 x 21 e
i c )3)
a y s v t . c o m Nurse Practitioner
Must have commercial mowing experience, and valid driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license. Competitive pay.
Physicianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Assistant Need to place an forad? The Charlotte Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Center is looking a fun,Call energetic and creative Assistant Director to join our team. CCC is as nonprofit center servicing children ages 6 weeks to 6 years. We are also NAEYC-accredited and have 4 STARS.
Michelle Brown 865-1020 x 21
Seeking: Nurse Practitioner or Physicianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Assistant to staff and manage the Johnson State College Health Clinic. Great opportunity to work with a young, diverse student population.
802-338-9058, Colchester VT
To place an employment ad call Michelle Brown 865-1020 x 21
Candidate must have excellent interpersonal, communication and leadership skills. Support professional development as well as continue to grow professionally as an administrator.
Qualifications: Minimum five years NP or PA experience, the ability to respond to urgent health concerns and behavioral health-care issues. Willingness to serve as an integral member of a campus community.
Knowledge of office skills helpful but willing to train. Support Director with office duties as well as supporting staff and stepping into programs when needed. The candidate must have degree in ECE or related field as well as 2 years experience working with children ages 6 weeks to 6 years.
%?H?L;F +;CHN?H;H=?
Online @ sevendaysvt.com
Send resume and letter of interest to: Community Health Services of Lamoille Valley Attn: Human Resources 530 Washington Highway, Suite 12 Morrisville, VT 05661 or email: vemerson@lamoillehealth.org.
sevendaysvt.com Please send a cover letter and resume to Kristy Sargent at The Charlotte Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Center P.O. Box 143 Charlotte, VT 05445 or ccc@gmavt.net. I can be also contacted by phone: 802-425-3328
s e v e n dReply a yto resumes@nevilleco.com svt.com
or 802-862-0208 x1015.
To p l a c e a n e m p l o y m e n t a d ca l l M i c h e l l e B r o w n 8 6 5 -1 020 x 2 1 e
62B | april 09-16, 2008 | » sevendaysvt.com
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Live customer service Immediate results Qualified candidates Competitive pricing
To advertise, contact Michelle: michelle@sevendaysvt.com or 865-1020 x21, or “post an ad” at sevendaysvt.com (classifieds).
SEVEN DAYS | april 09-16, 2008 | classifieds 63B
www.sevendaysvt.com [click on classifieds]
Cooks and Servers Wake Robin provides independent residents with a fine dining experience and full table service in a dynamic retirement community. With a manageable schedule and superb kitchen facilities, we offer a work environment that is hard to find in the hospitality industry. Wake Robin provides highly competitive wages and a full range of benefits for you and your family, 25 days of vacation, and a retirement package. If you have high standards of service and a strong desire to learn, please email hr@wakerobin.com or fax your resume with cover letter to: HR, 802-264-5146.
History Teacher, Long-term Substitute (to June 2008): A residential school for adolescents has an anticipated opening for a History Teacher with a Vermont Educatorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s License. The ideal candidate should be professional, have excellent communication and organization skills, a warm and caring personality, and enjoy working with teenagers. Temporary position to June 2008, with possibility for 2008-09 contract. Please send cover letter, resume and references to: Seven Days Employment, Attn: PB, PO Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402.
Lakeside Preschool seeks
Part-time Head teacHer The Lakeside Head Teacher is responsible for 10 children in a play-based, mixed-age, nursery/kindergarten program. The ideal candidate works out of Waldorf Education, is a strong leader, and is capable of open communication with a warm, tightly-knit community.
Development & CommuniCations DireCtor Smart Growth Vermont is dedicated to forging growth and conservation solutions for Vermont communities and rural countryside. We are seeking a dedicated and experienced team player to lead our fundraising and outreach programs. The Director will be responsible for managing development efforts, including securing support from individual donors, foundations and events. In addition, the Director will develop and implement an integrated communications strategy using traditional and electronic media. The position is approximately 75% development and 25% communications. Ideal candidates have proven fundraising experience, excellent oral and written communication skills, and knowledge of nonprofit organizations.
This is a unique opportunity for an individual with a soaring, inspired and adventurous spirit to be part of a growing school in a supportive, Adirondack community. Essex, NY, is a short ferry ride from Charlotte,VT.
Be Your Own Boss! Financial Solutions company seeks motivated networkers. Will train. Call 877-521-7799 for recorded information.
Looking for full-time
Maintenance & construction personneL. Previous experience preferred, but not required, clean driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license, and an eye for detail, punctual & dependable. Starting pay based on experience. Drug free work place.
Phone 802-865-3300 for an appointment.
Salary: $18,000 / year Please send letter and resume to Lakeside Preschool. PO Box 96, Essex, NY 12936 or call 518-962-2681 for more info.
Maintenance Person
Hours-6 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. $10.00 per hour Crossett Brook Middle School, Duxbury or email kpagevt@comcast.net
Wake Robin seeks a Maintenance person to join our Staff. Our maintenance team utilizes a variety of technical skills to repair, maintain, and renovate Wake Robinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s internal facilities, resident homes and grounds. Qualified candidates will have High School diploma or equivalent and at least three years hands-on experience in the area of building maintenance in a residential setting. Wake Robin provides an extensive benefit package and a team-centered atmosphere where customer service and resident interaction combine to create a unique and rewarding work environment. Please email hr@wakerobin.com or fax your resume with cover letter to: HR, 802-264-5146.
Administrative Assistant The Hardwick Area Community Coalition seeks a dynamic and skilled individual to provide administrative assistance to the coalition staff for 10 hours per week. Candidates must possess a clear commitment to the prevention of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use by youth and be able to work a flexible schedule, including some evenings. The ideal candidate will be self-motivated, detail-oriented, flexible, possess general office skills including excellent organizational and communication skills, a cooperative and inclusive attitude, be proficient with basic computer applications, and be able to work independently. Duties may change with the organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs. Submit cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references by April 28 to: Hardwick Area Community Coalition Search Committee, PO Box 447, Hardwick, VT 05843 Or email: hardwickcoalition@yahoo.com
Director of trial court operations
The Vermont Judiciary is seeking an experienced leader with strong management and administrative skills to oversee the operations, services and programs of the Vermont Trial Courts. The Director will ensure that users of the criminal, family and civil trial courts are treated well, that court services are accessible and delivered in a timely manner, and that court records are accurate. The successful candidate will have a Juris Doctor with significant management experience or a Bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree with upper level management experience in a judicial setting. Annual salary - $86,700 negotiable with exceptional experience. A recruitment notice with additional information and application requirements may be obtained from the Office of the Court Administrator or at www.vermontjudiciary.org. Application due Friday, April 25, 2008 at:
office of the court administrator 109 State Street Montpelier VTÂ 05609-0701 802-828-4906
For approx. 8 weeks, possibly longer.
Call Ken Page at 802-244-6100
ďż˝ ������ ďż˝ For a complete job description, go to www.smartgrowthvermont.org. To apply, send or email cover letter, resume, writing sample and three references by May 2. 110 Main Street â&#x20AC;˘ Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 864-6310 â&#x20AC;˘ info@smartgrowthvermont.org
(AKA Grocery Nerd) First of all, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve goďż˝a love food! And then, if you know the world of grocery buying, love to provide customer service, and want to work with an energetic team of grocery-loving folks, we just might be able to work something out! You need to have a working knowledge of the natural foods industry, experience with order procedures, shelf tag maintenance and invoicing, excellent communication and supervisory skills. We oďŹ&#x20AC;er excellent beneďŹ ts and a terriďŹ c place to work.
Contact Rebecca Kotula extension 315 or Rebecca@healthylivingmarket.com... or stop by and ďŹ ll out an application.
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Get Sprung! THU. APRIL 17, 7-10PM $5 AT THE DOOR AT :
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For a chance to win great prizes register online at sevendaysvt.com or call 865-1020 x37
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