Seven Days, March 23, 2005

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march 23-30, 2005



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march 23-30, 2005




march 23-30, 2005




“I like supporting another locally owned business. Seven Days is the best way to reach our customers in print. The combination of local interest and investigative reporting attracts readers who shop in our store. We could advertise in a variety of publications locally, but we use Seven Days because it delivers our customers.� MARC SHERMAN Outdoor Gear Exchange Burlington

seven days. it works.

SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005


contents 05A

SEVEN DAYS MARCH 23-30, 2005

sections 37A



film 51A 51A 52A 53A 55A


Can original, Vermont-focused adaptations lure audiences back to local theater? Story: Margot Harrison p.28a COVER: DIANE SULLIVAN [DESIGN] JORDAN SILVERMAN [IMAGE]

04B 05B




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VOL.10 NO.31

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personals employment

features 22A

Social Capitalist The trend-watching author of Bowling Alone makes a case for community BY CATHY RESMER



Hurray for Hollywood Theater review: The Cripple of Inishmaan BY JONATHAN WHITTON



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That ’70s Show Music review: Mr. Crowes Garden, Lez Zeppelin and Ozric Tentacles

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06A | march 23-30, 2005







Pamela Polston Paula Routly Rick Woods Ruth Horowitz Peter Freyne Ken Picard Casey Rea Meghan Dewald Joanna May



Donald R. Eggert Rev. Diane Sullivan Jo Scott, Krystal Woodward


Katherine Reilly-FitzPatrick Sarah Potter

Jonathan Bruce

Judy Beaulac Robyn Birgisson Michael Bradshaw Michelle Brown Allison Davis Colby Roberts

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Marc Awodey, Kenneth Cleaver, Kristen Eaton, Peter Freyne, Rebecca Gollin, Susan Green, Margot Harrison, Ruth Horowitz, Kevin J. Kelley, Rick Kisonak, Peter Kurth, Cherise LaPine, Lola, Bill McKibben, Jernigan Pontiac, Cathy Resmer, Robert Resnik, Sarah Tuff

PHOTOGRAPHERS Andy Duback, Jay Ericson, Jordan Silverman, Matthew Thorsen, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur

ILLUSTRATORS Harry Bliss, Gary Causer, Steve Hogan, Abby Manock, Tim Newcomb, Dan Salamida, Michael Tonn

CIRCULATION Harry Appelgate, Barbra Babcock, David Bouffard, Jr., David Bouffard, Sr., Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Celeste Crowley, Heather Driscoll, Steve Hadeka, Abram Harrison, Justin Hart, Nick Kirshnit, Jack Lutz, Nat Michael, Heather Robinson, Bill Stone SEVEN DAYS is published by Da Capo Publishing, Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans and Plattsburgh. Circulation: 30,000.

SUBSCRIPTIONS 6-month First Class subscriptions are available for $100. 1-year First Class subscriptions are available for $185. 6-month Third Class subscriptions are available for $50. 1-year Third Class subscriptions are available for $85. Please call 802.864.5684 with your VISA or Mastercard, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions� at the address below. For Classifieds/Personals or display advertising please call the number below. SEVEN DAYS shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, SEVEN DAYS may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. SEVEN DAYS reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.

Š 2005 Da Capo Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. 2x3-rolfing020905-rosenthal


2:01 PM

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“My hip hurt for five months, until I got Rolfed.�

city’s number-one drug problem. Do I see a pattern? Challenge During my term on [the Burlington’s bar industry and Burlington] City Council, it was Seven Days sounds the alarm. I the police pressing for policy got a flashback reading Ken reform. You may question the Picard’s “Razing the Bars� process, but it’s wrong to suggest [March 9]. Like Bill Keogh, I that regulation isn’t necessary. was targeted for attack in Seven And it’s wrong to suggest that Days two years ago [“Sounding Keogh has called for shutting Off,� July 16, 2003]. My offense? down the bars. He, like many Attempting to hold bars to the others, simply expects them to be same noise standard as everyone good neighbors. else in the city. I was luckier than Doug Dunbebin Keogh. My name appeared only BURLINGTON 21 times, and Picard showed less Dunbebin is a founder of the hostility. Still, the cover and Downtown Neighborhood quotes from businesspeople Association. wrongly portrayed residents as attempting to roll up the sideVISION QUEST walks at 10 p.m. We, at least, City Hall shouldn’t be perplexed were spared the label “neo-prohi- by citizen response to its ideas for bitionist.� Placing any restriction waterfront development. We’ve on bars — no matter how reabeen told by Progressive adminissonable — makes you a prohibitrations for 20 years that this is tionist? our city, our government, our No doubt the city (and Seven waterfront. So if we’ve come to Days) receives a lot of revenue believe it, score one for them! from a booming bar industry. But I think the YMCA/Moran at what cost? Do revenues adeidea was good; Michael Monte quately cover police babysitting deserves credit for having been our “vibrant� bar district? quick to see it. But CEDO, the Compensate residents awakened Mayor’s office and the City by screaming and fighting patrons Council all deserve suspicion for staggering home? Pay for litter having presumed to alter our and graffiti removal? Replace bro- waterfront so drastically without ken trees, property and lives? a referendum. A 15-year-old According to Burlington development guideline isn’t police, 4000 people — many wholesale authority for adminisdrunk — pour onto city streets trative initiative. The role of City at 2 a.m., posing serious risks to Hall in something like this is to public safety. The mayor has 11:05propose, and1only of voters to 1x2-petpal102203 1/5/04 AM Page 2x1.5-martins100604 10/7/04 identified alcohol abuse as the dispose. Not to mention, current


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“Then the pain went away and hasn’t come back for three years.�

voters aren’t all the same ones who approved the guideline. So whither now? I like the idea of a music shell on the waterfront. (Without the abomination of amplified music, or I withdraw support! Not on the waterfront!) Imagine in place of Moran a dome, serene and white, a distinctive icon for every guidebook and travel brochure. A peaked dome, like the small end of an eggshell. And in two halves: One, a music shell and open-air theater, facing southwest and favoring the lake. The other, a “lid� that revolves up and over the first, lowering to roof the audience from summer rain. Transparent, by the way. In winter, the entire structure is an exposition hall with a scenic vista, an auditorium, a playground, a jogging track. Or a skating rink, with the half-dome raised enough to provide some natural cooling. I’m in visionary mode; let the engineers fret over how to do it. Fred G. Hill BURLINGTON


Regarding last week’s cover story entitled “Razing the Bars� by Ken Picard [March 9], I fear Bill Keogh’s wrath, as I occasionally remain awake past midnight, and sometimes have been known to take a cool, refreshing stroll to a 5:00 PM Page 1 friendly business establishment,

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SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005


letters 07A

SEVEN DAYS wants your rants and raves, in 250 words or fewer. Letters must respond to content in SEVEN DAYS. Include your full name and a daytime phone number and send to: SEVEN DAYS, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164. fax: 865-1015 email:

unencumbered by auto, and enjoy a cold mug of stout. This practice also provides the additional dividend of fuel savings, which we hear local politicians tout as they pat themselves on the back in the name of “sustainable” communities. This would seem to me to be the ultimate win-win situation. Yet it seems that Bill Keogh thinks this practice of being awake past midnight and enjoying a stroll on Church Street automatically puts me into a category

known as a “drunk” — at least according to what he was reported to have stated, namely, “See what downtown is like at two o’clock in the morning on a warm June, July or August night. All those people have been out there drinking for two or three hours.” Since when does the councilor know for a fact the drinking patterns of every last individual who is strolling on Church Street at any given hour, whether it be in the a.m. or p.m.? Keogh is clearly biased, and

indeed has made an absurd, as well as dangerous, assumption, and I sincerely hope that the electorate sees his shenanigans on the liquor board as a misguided attempt to legislate morality in order to increase his political standing and currency. I, for one, will be watching this misguided miscreant and showing up at [Burlington] City Council meetings to address this issue. Jerry Trudell HARDWICK



Bill Keogh and a small group of others resent and openly object to night life in Burlington. To support this statement, we need look no further than last week’s Seven Days [“Razing the Bars,” March 9]. In that article, my name was mentioned twice . . . Over our five and a half years at Red Square, Bill tried everything in his power to make life hard for us. From violations for our lights being too low (Article 51), to being guilty of success and having too much fun (Article 42). Why did Mr. Bill try to make our life a living hell? We dared to ask questions, we challenged rules, and at times we even argued . . . God forbid. In Burlington, if you have a liquor license, you do not question Bill Keogh . . . After our liquor license was granted in 2003, Mr. Bill was very angry. He told us he was not through with us yet, and we were to be closed, shut down, finit . . . In the last issue of Seven Days, Bill was quoted as saying he hopes this will be his last year. I assure you there is no one keeping Bill in this position but Bill. Hopefully he will step down and we will still have a nightlife he can be angry about — but from home, not City Hall . . . Jack O’Brien

I wanted to say thank you to everyone at Seven Days for offering some local insight into this national “crisis” with Peter Freyne’s scoop on the situation in his February 9 column [“Inside Track”]. It saddens me to read about our own government lining up in support of Bush’s agenda to privatize what should be a guaranteed thing: Social Security benefits. It angers me even further that Barnett has a petition out instructing Vermonters to stand against their hometown favorites, Bernie and Pat. With reports of Republicans chanting “Hey, hey, ho ho, Social Security has got to go” circling through the media and appearing on CNN, I fervently hope that Seven Days will continue to keep Vermonters informed about this situation. I’ve read that Bush’s plan to privatize Social Security includes putting this money into the stock market. It is a “national crisis” indeed when our nation’s president thinks that a possibility of trouble 30 years down the road justifies gambling with the American people’s money today. Please continue to keep us posted. Brie Anne Hoblin WINOOSKI


O’Brien is the former owner of Red Square.



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march 23-30, 2005




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SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005 | inside track 09A

L E U N I G ’ S

inside track


( A

S E R I E S )

“If we’re not Leunig’s people, who are?”



—Kathy O’Brien and Kate Kronk

Murder Relief gles dating scene was a factor” had been proven incorrect. Thanks, Chief. Wonder if that sound bite will make the 6 o’clock news? P.S. The apparent solving of the Winterbottom case leaves 25 unsolved murders in Vermont. Check http://www.dps. vtsp/homicide/ for details on the victims whose killers run free.

Moonie Returns — Fresh from his twoweek visit to Uruguay to visit daughter Jae Clavelle, Burlington Mayor Peter Clavelle had a few choice words for yours truly Tuesday morning regarding last week’s “Inside Track.” Perfectly understandable that Mayor Moonie had a little steam to let off. After all, one might suggest we had written his political obituary. As you may recall, we broke the news that Democratic State Rep. John Tracy is a candidate for mayor. The election isn’t until next March, which made Tracy’s “leak” all the more interesting. John Boy says he’ll be a candidate regardless of incumbent Democratic Mayor Peter Clavelle’s plans. Mayor Moonie let us know he did not appreciate our characterization of his recent unsuccessful gubernatorial bid, in which he was trounced by Republican incumbent Jim Douglas. Clavelle insisted he’d “fought the good fight against long odds,” and “articulated an effective message.” Unfortunately, it got him just under 38 percent of the vote. Clavelle said he came home last weekend to two unexpected surprises. One was UVM beating Syracuse (Clavelle is a Syracuse alumnus); the other is that “Lo and behold, while I’m out of town, the mayor’s race begins!” “I was surprised with Tracy’s pronouncement,” said Mayor Moonie. “I have made no decisions, but I’ll also tell you I love this job and I love the city of Burlington.” Well said, Mayor, but we don’t think the campaign will be about love. Mayor Moonie, the longtime Progressive who switched to Democrat for a shot at governor, also discounted our analysis of his recent Town Meeting Day defeats. Both the YMCA move to the waterfront and the local sales tax went down in flames. As for the YMCA defeat, Clavelle told Seven Days he did not consider the outcome “a political setback.” “Political leadership is about bringing forth new ideas,” said Moonie the Mayor. “Some will be embraced, others will not.” My God, Peter sounds like a Zen priest, doesn’t he? As for voters rejecting a local sales tax to ease the tax burden on homeowners, Clavelle said he was disappointed by that result, but not shocked. “It’s a tough sell,” said the Mayor. “It was perceived as being another tax on top of an already steep pile of taxes.” As for the chances he’ll pull a Coach Tom Brennan and retire, Clavelle insisted what we’re hearing from our sources is bad information. “You don’t hear it from me and you don’t hear it from anybody who’s in the know,” he told yours truly.




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uesday’s arrest of Gerald T. Montgomery for the murder and sexual assault of Laura Winterbottom, a bright, artistic 31-year-old Burlington woman, has brought a big sense of relief to the inhabitants of Vermont’s largest city. The horrific crime was discovered around 7 a.m. on March 9. The victim’s body was found in her Ford Focus parked behind a vacant Hyde Street residence. Back home in Westchester County, New York, where Laura grew up, her mom, Joanne Winterbottom, told their local paper that her daughter was an avid quilter who also enjoyed painting and photography. Besides working as a caregiver to an elderly woman, Laura also taught art to elementary school children and hoped one day to become a full-time teacher. “She was a quiet, shy person,” her mother said. “But she was a good person, and she did touch a lot of lives.” Laura Winterbottom had lived in beautiful, “safe” Burlington, Vermont, for six years. In New York City you expect this, right? Happens all the time, right? The shock of realizing that any woman in Burlington could have befallen such a murderous fate should give folks in this community pause. The sad reality is that every day is a Red Alert Day for crimes against women like this one. We all have to look out for one another, because we truly are our neighbors’ keepers. Burlington cops, as you know, have been exceptionally tight-lipped on this case. Unfortunately, the vacuum created by that official silence was quickly filled by ghastly rumors on the street and bogus journalism on local TV. Last week, Brian Joyce, reported on WCAX-TV that police were investigating the possibility the victim met her killer through the personals section of this weekly newspaper. It quickly became a hot topic on the streets. With police not talking to him, veteran cop reporter Joyce may have felt pressure to report something, anything, regardless of merit. Unfortunately that may have led Mr. Joyce to tell viewers of Ch. 3’s 6 o’clock news an outrageous falsehood. He did, however, issue a correction and apology on the 11 p.m. broadcast. But he limited his “mistake” to telling viewers the personal ad shown on their TV screen was not, in fact, Laura Winterbottom’s personal ad, as first reported. We’ll forever wonder how Joyce’s story got aired in the first place, since the facts gathered indicated the real story was: “Police Find Seven Days Personals Not Linked to Murder.” That’s because Winterbottom never activated the voice greeting for her personal ad, placed in December. Therefore, it was never possible for anyone to have contacted her through that ad. Seven Days had no more of a connection to this crime than did WCAX-TV. Burlington police were quick to discount the WCAX news report. After all, detectives had stopped by the paper one week earlier. They already knew there was no connection between the murderer and Laura’s personal ad. When Chief Tom Tremblay announced Montgomery’s arrest Tuesday morning, he made a point of saying that “speculation in the media” regarding “the possibility the sin-


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A huge housing development slated for South Burlington has received preliminary approval from the city’s Development Review Board. Should the project receive final approval from the city and state regulators, it will be the largest development ever built in South Burlington. By most standards, the 220-acre South Village, east of Spear Street at Allen Road, would also be one of the most innovative developments in the state. Reflecting a design philosophy known as “New Urbanism,” South Village would incorporate architectural and land-use concepts that recall the way towns and cities were built for centuries, before suburban sprawl became the norm. Developer David Scheuer, president of the Retrovest Companies, explains that South

The 220-acre South Village would also be one of the most innovative developments in the state.


Village would look like a historic Vermont village, with dense residential neighborhoods clustered around a town center and surrounded by working farmlands and undeveloped open space. The design blends many of the more desirable aspects of village life, such as narrow streets, diverse housing styles and community gathering areas, with a modern emphasis on environmental protection. “The whole focus of this project is to create an ambiance that puts pedestrians and street life first,” says Sheuer. “This is really about the evolution from the privatization of open space to a common, shared space. From that point of view, we think it’s really a step in the right direction.” Unlike the typical cookie-cutter approach to suburban housing, in which 75 to 100 percent of available land is developed, South Village would have a much smaller “footprint” and develop only about 25 percent of the available land. The rest would be devoted to parks, pedestrian walkways, green spaces and a native-plant nursery and organic farm co-

managed by the Intervale Foundation. Retrovest has also received a nonbinding commitment from the Gailer School, which has expressed an interest in building a campus on the site. South Village would feature about 330 new homes of various styles, including single-family houses, cottages, multi-story townhouses and semi-attached condominiums. One of the project’s primary goals, Scheuer explains, is to provide Chittenden County with more “workforce housing” — that is, homes that are affordable to people who earn between 75 percent and 125 percent of the state’s median income. Retrovest is also working with South Burlington on a program to give housing priority to city employees such as schoolteachers, firefighters and emergency responders. Despite its many attractive features, however, the project is not without opponents. Some neighbors who don’t necessarily oppose the entire project have specific concerns about increased traffic and impacts on nearby brooks and wetlands. Dan Wetzel lives in Dorset Farms, a development due east of the South Village site. A biologist by training, he objects to an eastwest connector road that would cut directly across the wetlands. “There are a lot of frogs in that swamp,” says Wetzel. “The larger animals can usually take care of themselves pretty well, but amphibians and reptiles don’t do so well when you put a road across their swamp.” South Burlington resident Skip Vallee, owner of the Maplefields chain of gas stations and mini-marts, expresses concern about the project’s impact on nearby Bartlett and Monroe brooks. “They’ve got all these roads carving up the most sensitive wildlife area,” says Vallee. “In fact, the state of Vermont has said it’s so sensitive there should be 300-foot buffer zones in it.” But Scheuer says he believes those impacts can be mitigated and that the wetlands concern won’t be an issue “from the regulators’ point of view . . . We’ve worked really hard to be responsive to the neighbors,” he says. Barring any unforeseen delays or court challenges, Scheuer says he expects to break ground on the first phase of the project by early 2006. KEN PICARD

That’s Militainment

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Two years to the day after the U.S. military launched Operation Iraqi Freedom, more than 100 protesters showed up at Burlington City Hall Sunday afternoon to mark the anniversary with speeches, signs, a march up Church Street and calls for an immediate end to the U.S. occupation. The rally coincided with more than 800 other protests in cities across the country, which drew tens of thousands of demonstrators. In the last two years, the Iraq War has claimed the lives of more than 1500 Americans and, according to estimates by international human-rights groups, more than 100,000 Iraqi civilians. Among the handful of speakers at the protest was Peggy Luhrs of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. Luhrs, who also belongs to the Queer Liberation Army, offered a creative theory on how the U.S. government convinces working-class Americans to support a war that is fundamentally against their best interests: by convincing young males that the only way to become a man is by learning to kill. How is this accomplished? According to Luhrs, the U.S. military blends sexuality, warfare and entertainment into a form of propaganda the European press has recently dubbed “militainment.” From USO shows featuring scantily clad women and A&E’s newly launched “Military Channel” to a U.S. Army recruitment ad that doubles as a video game, the military is blurring the lines between recreation and reality. “We are creating an insane, psychosexual mindset among our soldiers,” Luhrs told the receptive crowd, “and these men will be dangerous to women and their families when they come home.” Sunday’s rally in Burlington was modest in size compared to the massive street demonstration against the war two years ago. From the protesters’ point of view, there wasn’t much uplifting news to report, either. Except one report from a representative of “UVM Students Against the War” — apparently, military recruiters had such a tough time at a recent student career fair they asked that their exhibitor fee be reimbursed. KEN PICARD

SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005




local matters 11A


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Good FOIA When Vermont’s Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy shares the headlines with a Republican, it’s usually because they’re having some kind of conflict — just ask Vice President Dick “Go *&%$! yourself ” Cheney. But last week, media outlets nationwide reported on an unlikely alliance between Leahy and Texas Republican John Cornyn. The two senators are leading a bipartisan effort to update the Freedom of Information Act. Known universally by its acronym, FOIA — pronounced “foy-ya” — the 38-year-old federal law gives journalists, researchers and average citizens the right to request information from federal agencies. It allows you to petition, say, the Environmental Protection Agency to find out which companies are producing toxic chemicals in your neighborhood. Provided, of course, that information hasn’t been classified. Leahy has long been a FOIA champion. In 1996, he sponsored an amendment to expand FOIA requirements to websites. That prompted a coalition of media organizations to induct him into the FOIA Hall of Fame. “The enactment of FOIA was a watershed moment for democracy,” reads a Leahy quote in a press release on Cornyn’s website, “but this bulwark of open government is under assault. Liberals and conservatives both recognize a dangerous trend toward over-classification of information, at enormous cost to the taxpayers and risk to our citizens.” To remedy the situation, Leahy and Cornyn are cosponsoring two bills. One, with the racy title “Faster FOIA,” would create a 16-member commission to study how to speed up the processing of FOIA requests; last week the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the bill, which is co-sponsored by Republican Charles Grassley of Iowa, and unanimously approved it. The other is the OPEN Government Act — short for “Openness Promotes Effectiveness in our National Government Act of 2005.” It creates a new FOIA ombudsman who will review FOIA compliance within federal agencies. It will also grant blog-

gers and other Internet publishers the same status as journalists, who receive FOIA fee waivers based on their intent to publicize the information they obtain. The OPEN Government Act also aims to close loopholes in the current law, which give government agencies the ability to classify a broad range of nonsecurity-related information. Proponents of the bill point to statistics showing that classification has risen dramatically in the past 10 years. The number of documents classified by the government grew from 6.5 million in 1995 to a whopping 14 million in 2003. During that time, the number of documents declassified shrank to 43 million per year, down from 204 million. Debra Hernandez, of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, says the idea is not to eliminate classified documents. “The government needs to have secrets,” she says. “But don’t put stuff away that should be out in the open.” Last week, Hernandez’s group sponsored the first “Sunshine Week,” a campaign to spotlight FOIA and bipartisan efforts to strengthen it. The designation generated thousands of stories about the obscure legislation. It may not be a coincidence that both the Faster FOIA bill and the OPEN Government Act seemed poised to pass the Senate. David Carle, a spokesman from Senator Leahy’s office, notes “There’s good momentum this year.” But he adds that the forecast is not so sunny for Leahy’s third FOIA bill, the Restore FOIA Act. Leahy’s website claims the bill aims to close more loopholes, provide protections for whistleblowers, and eliminate immunity in civil lawsuits for companies that voluntarily disclose information. It also allows state and local authorities to apply their own sunshine laws to federal agencies, provided the information they seek is not classified. Carle reports that despite having once received an endorsement from the White House, which has since been retracted, the legislation has no Republican cosponsors. He predicts, “That one will have a tougher time.” CATHY RESMER >> 35A

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12A | march 23-30, 2005 | SEVEN DAYS

Curses, Foiled Again After police arrested Darrell Jenkins in Springfield, Massachusetts, for destruction of property, assault and resisting arrest, his bail was set at $500. Police arrested Jenkins again when he tried to pay his bail with counterfeit money. Bail was set at $5000.

Take My Wife...Please! Beijing police arrested a husband and wife for running a bogus matchmaking agency. According to newspaper accounts, the agency ran ads claiming to have lots of rich and beautiful women, then charged men who responded a consulting fee, a directory fee, a membership fee and a separate fee for each date with “Miss


news quirks

people were unable to sit still and burned 350 more calories than obese idle people, who tended to sit still more. “Sitting is a lost opportunity to get up,” lead researcher James A. Levine declared. He indicated that fidgeting might be genetic and cited previously discovered brain chemicals that “drive rats into their armchairs and other chemicals that make them rush around the cage.”

Mensa Reject of the Week David F. Bradford, a Princeton University economics professor and recognized scholar, who served on President George H.W. Bush’s Council of Economic Advisors in the early 1990s,


Right.” All the dates turned out to be with the wife.

Après Low Carb Two further fat fighters are brushing your teeth and fidgeting. Dr. Takashi Wada of Tokyo’s Jikei University reviewed everyday habits of 14,000 adults. Those who stayed slim, he said, usually brush after every meal. Overweight men, on the other hand, sometimes go more than a day without brushing their teeth. Wada explained that people who brush regularly tend to be more health-conscious, stressing that the findings don’t suggest that the activity of brushing burns fat. • Researchers at the Mayo Clinic, however, concluded that any activity, no matter how slight, contributes toward weight loss. Studying volunteer subjects who identified themselves as couch potatoes, the scientists found that lean idle

was hospitalized in critical condition after suffering third-degree burns to half his body when he tried to carry a burning Christmas tree out of his home shortly before 1 o’clock in the morning. Police in Princeton Borough, New Jersey, said that the blaze was caused by one of 10 lit candles that had been placed on the tree, which was still on display six weeks after Christmas.

Banks in Other Lands The Sparebanken Moere bank in Aaroeddalen, Norway, hired Arild Tofte and Kaare Heggdal, who run a recycling company, to remove an outdated automatic teller machine from a gas station. The bank assured the men that the ATM was empty. It wasn’t, as a security guard alerted them after they had driven off with it. “The guy was apparently a bit agitated,” Tofte said. “He was very

A period of time devoted to rest and relaxation

eager to empty the cash from the machine.” • West Virginia scrap-yard owner Wade Peer sued Canada’s fourth-largest bank for clogging his fax machine for three years with confidential information about hundreds of clients. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce said that the fund transfer requests Peer received were intended for internal distribution only. • A month later, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce admitted that one of its cash machines was issuing fake money. Instead of distributing $20 bills, the ATM, located in New Brunswick, dispensed bill-sized incentive coupons for Canadian Tire. Bank official Rob McLeod said that the coupons, ranging in denominations from 10 cents to $2, “must have come in from maybe some of our business customers who package up their own cash.”

Cows & Effect Cows become excited by intellectual challenges, according to researchers at Britain’s Cambridge University, who measured the animals’ brainwaves after challenging them to figure out how to open a door to get food. “The brainwaves showed their excitement,” Cambridge animal welfare professor Donald Bloom said. “Their heartbeat went up, and some even jumped into the air. We called it their Eureka moment.” Separate research at Bristol University found that cows also develop friendships and hold grudges. “Remarkable cognitive abilities and cultural innovations have been revealed,” Bristol animal welfare professor Christine Nicol said. “Our challenge is to teach others that every animal we intend to eat or use is a complex individual.”


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labor tribunal awarded Phillippe Pitiot, 42, five years’ back pay after he complained that he had cooked for his former employers for no pay and no vacation for 17 years. “At first, I was willing to make some concessions because she and her husband had big money problems,” Pitiot said, explaining that the couple did pay him for the first five months after hiring him to cook in their hotel restaurant in Lalouvesc. He filed a lawsuit against his boss, Genevieve Arnaud, after she and her husband sold the hotel and the new owner put Pitiot in touch with a lawyer. Dominique Chambron declared that his client “had been basted like a turkey.”

Mounting Woes Canadian Citizenship and Immigration Minister Judy Sgro, 60, resigned in response to allegations that she promised to help a pizza shop owner avoid deportation in exchange for free pizza and garlic bread. Harjit Singh, who owns a pizza shop in Brampton, Ontario, said that Sgro also pressed him to supply “15 or 16” volunteers for her campaign office. Sgro said she resigned so she would “be free to defend myself vigorously” against the allegations. “It’s so stupid,” she said, dismissing Singh’s claim that she asked for free pizza. “We had loads of food.” At the time she stepped down, Sgro was also under attack for giving a special residency permit to a Romanian stripper who had worked on her re-election campaign. Subsequently, the minister’s chief of staff was found to have visited several strip clubs while researching a program aimed at importing strippers to fill Canada’s stripper shortage. 쩾

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3:52 PM Page2005 1 | hackie 13A march 23-30,

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Vietnam Flashback

O Check to find out more about Jernigan Pontiac and his book, Hackie: Cab Driving and Life.

ne Monday afternoon found me driving a young woman from the bus terminal to her dorm at a local college. Actually, as she pointedly corrected me, she was living in a townhouse — the newer, plusher quarters reserved for the upperclassmen. For some reason, possibly dementia, I persist in using “dorm� to describe any type of on-campus student housing. I can’t tell you how often I hear, “I don’t live in a dorm; I live in a townhouse.� “I guess you missed your classes today,� I said over my shoulder as we ascended the Main Street hill. “I only miss one, but it was worth it,� she replied with a laugh like a wind chime. I glanced up at the rearview mirror to see the cutest face you could imagine, which I somehow hadn’t noticed when she got into the cab. The girl was wearing a powder-blue down jacket with a fluffy white hood. She was Asian — that was clear from her looks and her speech pattern; but, as a typical American ignoramus, I couldn’t discern if she was Korean, Japanese or Chinese. Whatever her heritage, she was absolutely adorable, and I had to consciously look away lest I cross into “dirty old man� territory.

It occurred to me that shaking off insensitive remarks is probably a daily occurrence in her life in America. “Well,� I said, “do you want me to write you a note?� She tilted her head and said, “What do you mean — ‘write me a note’?� I immediately realized that my joke came out of an American cultural context. “Well, when you’re a kid and miss school, you’re supposed to bring a note, like, from your parents, to show the teacher.� “Oh, I see,� she said, and laughed again — more out of politeness, it seemed, than an actual hit on her funny bone. “So, what’d you miss class for that was so worth it?� “I watch the Academy Awards last night with my two sister. It’s a family tradition.� “No kidding? That sounds like a load of fun.� “Oh, we have a ball. We dress up like our favorite actors, and we root for them to win. I think we’re really a little crazy.� “No, I think that’s way cool. Are there special foods that you eat?� I was starting to wish I’d been there. “You bet,� she said. “Only hors d’oeuvre and desserts!� It was an hour or so before the evening rush, and traffic was light as we spun around the cloverleaf onto Highway 89. I wonder where she does comes from, I thought. Matters of nationality could be a little touchy, particularly post-9/11, but

I knew I was going to ask — I’m a curious fellow. If I were a cat, I’d have been dead long ago. “So, are you an exchange student?� I asked as an opening gambit. “Not exactly,� she replied. “I live here for three year with my host family. We’re very close; that’s why I call the girls my sisters. I’m from Vietnam.� “Wow, I didn’t realize that your school had any students from Vietnam. I know there’s a bunch of Korean and Japanese students; I’ve driven them now and then.� “I think I’m the only one.� “Well, that’s just great,� I said. “I know there’s some Vietnamese folks living in Burlington now. I think some refugees from Laos and Cambodia, too. They’ve even opened a couple of good restaurants.� The girl just sat there smiling — again, being polite, I imagined. I have this bad tendency to steer conversations into uncomfortable areas. It’s a trait I’m trying to change, but with little success to date. We pulled onto the campus and eased to a stop in front of her dorm — excuse me, townhouse. “You know,� I said, “I have tremendous admiration for your country. What a tough bunch of people — first you booted out the French, and then the United States. That’s facing down two major Western industrialized nations. When you think about it, it’s truly amazing.� The girl didn’t stop smiling — I think she was constitutionally incapable of that — but I could feel her mood changed. She handed me the taxi fare, and paused for a moment. “What you say about Vietnam is true,� she said. “But I wish it did not happen.� In a flash, I thought about the 50,000 American dead, and the Vietnamese deaths numbering in the millions. For this young woman, the Vietnam War will never be an abstraction. My comments to her, I realized, were entirely thoughtless. When it comes to conversation, a Buddhist friend recommends a simple test. Before speaking, ask yourself three questions: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? If you can’t answer yes to all three, it’s best not to speak. My words to this young woman about her country were arguably true, but they were not truly kind, and certainly not necessary. “Thanks for the ride,� she said as she opened her door to get out. She seemed perfectly fine. It occurred to me that shaking off insensitive remarks is probably a daily occurrence in her life in America. “Hey, thank you,� I replied. She smiled once more and said, “Maybe next time I take a note from you. You know — for my teacher.� m “Hackie� is a biweekly column that can also be read on To reach Jernigan Pontiac, email




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14A | march 23-30, 2005 | SEVEN DAYS




SEVEN DAYS: Is it tough to switch gears at an age when many people have settled into their sole occupation? DEBORAH KRATZ: Yeah. When I joined the Army, I was living in a barracks with women who were mostly just out of high school. At OT school, I was once again older than almost all the other students. And the schedule was so demanding that had I to give up music altogether. SD: What are the most common problems you treat as an occupational therapist? DK: If basic motor skills are not in place, everything else in life becomes difficult. We need to catch them early. And every child I work with has poor ocular skills, so they struggle with visual work. Kids are less active these days. Their hands and eyes are not getting a good workout. SD: Lifestyle is an issue? DK: Yes. I’m also trying to train parents to be detectives. The things that calm some people down might make a child hyperactive. One girl I saw was incredibly fidgety and liked to run on all fours. Her parents, who were very sedentary, thought it was behavioral. They began to realize their daughter needed activities throughout the day to stay on a more even keel. The dad told me: “You saved my family. We just thought she was a bad kid.” He cried.

“Occupational” Retuning

A IMAGE Jordan Silverman


s Jordanna Dulaney swivels on a platform swing, she tosses small beanbag frogs or tennis balls at numbered plastic cups randomly placed on the floor. This game is intended to improve the second grader’s motor coordination and muscle tone. But pediatric occupational therapist Deborah Kratz also turns it into a math quiz by periodically calling out an addition or subtraction problem that the 8-year-old can solve by hitting the correct target. When the girl knocks over a cup marked 18, she is providing the answer to “20 minus two” and mastering balance at the same time. Easier said than done. “Jordanna has to plan what she’s doing because there is a sequence of movements needed,” explains Kratz, 45, who launched Wee Works of Williston at her home in 2003. “It’s actually a very complicated activity.” The room is filled with toys, art materials and an enormous, cloth-covered mound of pillows and foam rubber she calls a “crash pad.” Kratz’s four “therapy cats” — Billy, Patty, Carrie and Cindy — often drop in on the sessions. DownDeborah Kratz stairs, her husband David frequently Pediatric Occupational Therapist romps with their six other kitties, keeps Wee Works the books and repairs instruments for a Williston living. The couple married in 1991, while soldiers in a U.S. Army marching band. They both play French horn. She once envisioned that instrument as her passport to a career in classical music. It took more than two decades for Kratz, now legislative chair of the Vermont Occupational Therapy Association, to make the transitions from orchestral performance to military marching to promoting recovery and rehabilitation in youngsters. While she now deems occupational therapy with children “more fun than I ever had in my life,” the changes have proved easier said than done.

SD: Why is that making you cry now? DK: When I was growing up, my parents thought, “Debbie just has her quirks.” Some kids are hypersensitive to things like the tags on the back of their shirts or, like me, the seams in their socks. Sensory issues can hold a family hostage. They might not be able to take a child shopping because of the sights, sounds and smells in a supermarket. SD: What kind of upbringing did you have? DK: From fourth grade through high school, we lived in Tampa. My mom was a homemaker and my dad was a hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. He coined the term ‘aquifer.’ I have three biological sisters. After my brother Rob served in Vietnam, he battled demons and eventually committed suicide in 2001. SD: How terrible. DK: As I was studying OT, I suspected Rob had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. My mother said, ‘He’ll get over it.’ Occupational therapy has strong roots in the mental health field. It was started after World War I to rehabilitate shellshocked soldiers. April is National OT Month, by the way.

SD: Did your undergraduate education prepare you for what was to come? DK: Not really. In 1982, I got my bachelor’s degree at the Indiana University School of Music. By then, I was already performing with regional orchestras. But my first job after graduation was at the drive-through window of McDonald’s. That was all I could find. In 1986, I signed up for the Army. That was the first time my mom ever said she was proud of me, but I felt it was a huge step down. SD: Then why enlist? DK: So I could join a military band. I felt like a rolling stone and needed stability. The first step was eight weeks of basic training at Fort Jackson in South Carolina. I left with the rank of staff sergeant at the end of January 1987, when I went to Fort Myer in Virginia. I was the first woman in an all-male horn section. SD: Was that a good experience? DK: Mixed. I discovered that I had a foot deformity. So I came to the band damaged, with bad feet, but my job was marching. I also had carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and melanoma. I took a medical retirement in early 1993. While I was still there, though, I volunteered to do community service in the occupational therapy clinic at Walter Reed Army Hospital. I thought, “This is pretty cool.” It had everything I liked, all wrapped up in one profession: the body, psychology, creativity and really listening to people. SD: And that persuaded you to go into this field? DK: Yes. I got a master’s degree from Shenandoah University, which has a great OT program. After graduation, I worked in the public schools of Fairfax (Virginia) and played with a brass quintet in my spare time. But 9/11 and seeing the Pentagon engulfed in smoke just two miles from our house was the catalyst to move out of the state. SD: Why Vermont? DK: David’s a native, from Pittsford. And I have two sisters in Massachusetts, so this seemed like the right place to be. I started Wee Works in January 2003 and, that March, Northwestern Medical Center in St. Albans hired me halftime to help set up a pediatric rehab department. I did that until about a month ago. Now I’ve got enough of a clientele, between 10 and 15 kids, to go it alone. SD: Alone except for David and the therapy cats? DK: Exactly. m



march 23-30, 2005




march 23-30, 2005




the straight dope





Dear Cecil, What’s up with PCP turning people into cannibals? Jim, New York Now, Jim. It’s not like cannibalism is a frequent consequence of PCP use. Only one case has turned up that I know of, involving Antron Singleton, a would-be rapper using the stage name Big Lurch. In 2002, after he was found walking around Los Angeles naked and covered with blood, his roommate Tynisha Ysais, 21, was discovered dead on the floor of their apartment with her chest slashed open and her internal organs exposed. Pieces of her right lung, which had been removed from her body, appeared chewed and torn, and there were teeth marks on her face. Singleton’s lawyer claimed his client had tucked into Ysais after a five-day PCP binge had made him psychotic. An insanity plea was rejected, and Singleton was sentenced to life in prison without parole; a similar incident soon found its way into an episode of “CSI.” Huh, you say. Sounds like PCP isn’t the drug of choice when you’re looking to get mellow. Maybe not, but PCP, known technically as phencyclidine and on the street as angel dust, horse tranquilizer, etc., has its defenders, or at least apologists, who say tales of homicidal rage are exaggerated and recall the hysteria surrounding cocaine, LSD, and marijuana in earlier eras. A riffle through the clippings offers evidence for both sides of the argument: • Houston, a 21-year-old rising R&B star said to have been battling PCP use and mental problems, went to his hotel room while on tour in London in late January, ostensibly to read the Bible, and gouged out one of his eyes. His publicist denied reports that he had earlier attempted to jump from a 13th-floor window. PCP isn’t mentioned in later accounts of the incident and the guy definitely had other issues, so this one can’t be confident-

ly pinned on the drug. • According to the New York Daily News, in 2002 a 30year-old Brooklyn mother murdered her 7-year-old daughter while high on PCP, stabbing her more than 35 times and also repeatedly stabbing a neighbor who tried to intervene. • In a 1980 special issue on PCP, the Journal of Psychedelic Drugs reported that, on the one hand, (1) some stories about PCP-induced dementia were demonstrably embroidered or otherwise unreliable — for example, Baltimore college dropout Charles Innes blinded himself while in jail after swallowing a canister of drugs, but there was no proof the stuff was PCP; (2) the vast majority of PCP experiences were nonviolent; (3) you could find eye gougings, superhuman strength and whatnot attributed to drugs ranging from LSD to ergot; (4) PCP users took gobs of other drugs, too; and (5) the one recreational drug indisputably linked to crime was alcohol. On the other hand, the Journal’s contributors went on to say, PCP had played a role in plenty of stunningly senseless violence: (1) a 17-year-old boy made a sexual advance on a 14-year-old girl after both had smoked “superweed” (here meaning marijuana dosed with PCP); when she resisted, he concluded he was being attacked by a wild animal and strangled her; (2) a man cut off one of his partner’s testicles at the latter’s request while both were high on PCP; (3) one chronic PCP user “branded himself by burning a cross on his chest”; (4) a 38-year-old man smoked superweed, cut off the head of his dog, and attacked a stranger on the street with a razor; (5) high on PCP, a man waved down a car, shot and killed a passenger, then frolicked on the freeway firing in the air before being subdued; and (6) a 29-yearold man smoked a PCP “crystal joint,” entered a pregnant woman’s home, stabbed her, killing the fetus, killed her 2-year-old child, and when found was running down the street with a knife, naked and bloody, yelling, “Hallelujah, I’m Jesus!” PCP was studied in the 1950s as a human anesthetic but after reports of delusions, psychosis and other side effects, was restricted to veterinary use and eventually discontinued. It surfaced briefly as a recreational drug in San Francisco in 1967, reappeared in the ’70s, and during the ’80s became popular in urban black neighborhoods. The drug lost favor during the ’90s, but some reports indicate it surged with the new century, finding a market among a segment of clubgoers and ravers. It’s described as dissociative, meaning users are more or less aware but feel oddly detached. Is PCP inherently dangerous? Given the continuing litany of horror stories after 40 years of street use, it seems clear this stuff is in a different league from LSD and other drugs with which it’s often compared. The argument can be made that it unleashes violent outbursts mainly in people who were unstable to start with. But let’s face it, much the same can be said of a gun. CECIL ADAMS

Is there something you need to get straight? Cecil Adams can deliver the Straight Dope on any topic. Write Cecil Adams at the Chicago Reader, 11 E. Illinois, Chicago, IL 60611, or email him at

SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005 | consumer correspondent 17A

consumer correspondent BY KENNETH CLEAVER


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March 3, 2005 Final Frontier ent Attn: Managem ashington Hwy 3207 George W 23704 VA , uth Portsmo May Concern: To Whom This

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| march

23-30, 2005





ken and serene. She seems at once grounded and ethereal, self-assured yet humble. It takes her a while to reveal her sense of humor, or her passions, to a stranger. Her previous works in oil and acrylic were “all about color,” Van Vliet explains. And though her painting and sculpture studies at Bennington and Goddard colleges had been focused on classic Western styles, she also had a penchant for making “Mary boxes.” The constructions featuring the Virgin are somewhat kitschy, though Van Vliet says she was attracted to Mary “because of her unconditional love.” Examples of her earlier artworks are scattered about the Bristol house Van Vliet shares with husband Nate Newman and 6-year-old daughter Sadie. But the New England homestead is beginning to look as if a Buddhist roommate has moved in.

unhurried. For Van Vliet, the calm landscapes that emerge from her brush are also like two-dimensional echoes of her layered, imagistic poetry — she writes with the same economy of line, as it were. Though not haiku, her poems tend to be short, and they honor the space between thoughts. Van Vliet, who earned an MFA in Poetry from Vermont College in 1995, says she used to write a poem a day. And hers is still a world of words: She coordinates the New England Young Writers’ Conference at Breadloaf, and for three years has been on the admissions board for the annual adult convocation there as well. But when she began the brush paintings, Van Vliet nearly gave up writing altogether. Now, the paintings are shaping new poems, and the poems are entering the pictures. In her home “studio” — really just

A closer look at Van Vliet’s paintings reveals that these are not Chinese landscapes at all: The meandering rivers, open fields, trees and mountain backdrops are strictly Vermont.

A Brush With the East

K IMAGES Pamela Polston An exhibit of Karla Van Vliet’s paintings is currently at the Bobcat Café in Bristol, through April.

arla Van Vliet’s family goes back seven generations in the Green Mountain State, and to those of us who can’t claim “real Vermonter” status, that seems like a pretty long time. But Van Vliet has adopted a much more ancient tradition: Chinese brush painting. With roots some 6000 years old, the now familiar brush-and-ink landscape genre was firmly established by the 4th century. Executed with delicate washes and the fewest possible strokes, the paintings defined “minimalism” long before a 20th-century art movement took that name on the other side of the world. Van Vliet, now 37, was already a published poet and a figurative painter when she

AFTER YOU Enter the space between breath and the lung’s empty orb: the mouth. Your finger on my tongue like a whistle bone. The sound my body makes of yours: torn dusk, the sky’s hollowed bowl. Night falls from my lip, shadowed spell. And stars escape into the wild notion of love, your mouth: an open moon. In this light, my skin, an echo which will consume what lay beneath. And what is left: a song in the hills, crickets, then falling rain. And what is left: the warmed air of the passing storm. — KARLA VAN VLIET

first put an ink-dipped brush to rice paper in 2001. That was in a class at the Lincoln Library taught by Chinese émigrée Yinglei Zhang of Middlebury. Van Vliet recalls of her lesson, “I thought, ‘This is it — I’m going to go home and throw away all my art supplies.’” The simplicity and meditative quality of the ink paintings immediately spoke to her. “For me, it’s more about depth and perspective, and how things move within the painting,” she says. The style seems to suit Van Vliet temperamentally as well: Slender, darkhaired and brown-eyed, she’s soft-spo-

Since that first class, Van Vliet says she paints sporadically but in depth: “I’ll paint two weeks and do 20 paintings,” she suggests. Her work has appeared in half a dozen exhibitions — primarily in area restaurants — and is now represented at Bristol’s Art On Main as well as Human Hand in Ferrisburgh and Middlebury’s Great Falls Club. Of Van Vliet’s current show at Bristol’s Bobcat Café, the casual viewer may think, “Oh, Chinese paintings.” That impression comes from both their flawless quality and the characteristic red seal — the stone-carved stamp that Asian, and Asian-inspired, artists use as a distinctive signature. For her seal, Van Vliet chose Chinese characters that symbolize her name: woman/earth, oath and water. She’s not certain of the color’s significance, but, Van Vliet points out with a shy smile, “Red is good luck.” It also pops out of the austere black-and-white works, yet somehow complements, rather than distracts from, the elegant compositions. A closer look at Van Vliet’s paintings reveals, of course, that these are not Chinese landscapes at all: The meandering rivers, open fields, trees and mountain backdrops are strictly Vermont. “I know this land,” says the Bristol native; “it’s in my blood.” Though she takes snapshots on location as reminders, Van Vliet says the paintings are not meant to portray particular places. “It’s really more about the technique, the impression, the way the ink acts on the paper,” she says. Regardless of origin, these paintings provide a retreat from the brash, noisy information overload of modern life. Bordered with simple black frames and white mat, the creamy rice paper conveys a timeless, organic sensibility; the spare, figure-free scenes look pristine, untroubled and

a corner off the dining room, illuminated by a northern window — Van Vliet is working on a new series of paintings to fulfill a grant she recently received from the Vermont Community Found-ation. “This particular grant is for artists who want to move their art in a different direction,” she explains. “I want to move my poetry into the paintings.” One such work is in progress: Along its upper edge runs a faint line of hand-lettered words, barely legible in pale, good-luck red ink. To the left, a rectangle of rice paper, painted a delicate turquoise and holding a Chinese character, is collaged beside an inkbrushed landscape. The mélange of traditional and modern, scenic and literary, is striking. Moreover, it is completely her own. “Somebody else could do the painting, but someone else could not paint that,” Van Vliet says, pointing to the new work. “These paintings to me are exciting. Bringing the two things together, I feel like they are wholly me.” Yinglei Zhang seems proud of her student, suggesting the departure from Chinese tradition is just fine. “I teach the way to use the brush and ink, and how to work on rice paper,” she says. “Karla is pretty creative; she combines all the things together . . . We don’t do this, but it’s OK, she is not Chinese,” Zhang adds. “It’s multicultural, and emphasizes the individuality.” In the U.S. for 20 years and in Middlebury for nine, Zhang teaches at colleges and other locations around the state. She is also a poet, and has helped bring the annual exhibit of contemporary Chinese artists to Burlington’s Phoenix Gallery. Zhang says the landscape of Vermont reminds her of home. With the brushstrokes Zhang taught her, Van Vliet makes home look like China. m










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20A | march 23-30, 2005 | SEVEN DAYS

inside track << 09A

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Meanwhile, Republican Party Chairman Jim Barnett finds a Tracy vs. Clavelle contest very interesting. “I’m eager to see,” said Mad Dog, “whether or not Clavelle is willing to battle it out in a Democratic primary and prove his fidelity to the party, or whether he’ll just seek the Prog nomination. Then again,” added Barnett, Clavelle “may reflect on his defeats at the polls in March, on top of the results of the November election, and decide he has worn out his welcome.” As for the up-and-coming John Patrick Tracy, native Vermonter, Vietnam vet and “Man of the People,” the GOP chairman said he hopes John Boy’s campaign for mayor “doesn’t play out in the health-care committee. We need reform that works for all of Vermont, not just an ideological statement designed to appeal only to the leftist Burlington Progressives he’ll need to win.” Mr. Barnett doesn’t mince words, does he? Closer to home, Tracy’s out-inthe-open mayoral campaign has quickly drawn critics from all parties. The hometown crowd is suddenly wondering aloud what John Tracy ever did for Burlington? After all, they note, Tracy’s golden-boy career has been spent under the golden dome in Montpelier. Many asked where John Boy was on the YMCA vote. We have no idea.

Jeezum Crow — OK, folks, we’re convinced. No more speculation about Independent U.S. Sen. Jim Jeffords retiring anytime soon. The Jeffords for Senate Campaign’s hiring of Carolyn Dwyer — Democratic U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy’s former campaign manager — is the nail in the coffin for those eyeing a shot at an open Vermont U.S. Senate seat in 2006. Hear that, Rep. Bernie Sanders? Dwyer is considered a real pro by those who know her best. Of course, her two Leahy victories were over “joke” candidates: Fred Tuttle in 1998 and Jack McMullen in 2004. Neither IDX business whiz Ritchie Tarrant nor Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie would be a “joke” candidate if either decided to step up to the plate. Meanwhile, Vermont Democrats will sit this one out. Jeezum Jim is their hero nowadays. And Jeffords proved it anew last Friday as he delivered a blistering speech on the U.S. Senate floor highlighting the sheer madness of President George W. Bush’s fiscal management of the United States of America. On Monday Jeezum Jim told Seven Days he was surprised and somewhat dismayed there hasn’t been “an outpouring of anger” from the American people. The U.S. is in the worst financial shape in its history, said Jeffords, and “no one is screaming.” “The situation this president has put us in is severe, and it’s going to be a long time before we can get this country back into good shape,” said the Vermont Independent. “We have just thrown money away, especially with tax cuts, tax cuts and more tax cuts.” Bush wants even more tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, noted Jeffords, meaning years of red ink as

far as the eye can see. And he’s right — nobody is screaming. It’s as if we lived in a one-party nation. He who controls the focus of the news media controls the country! Jeezum Jim was at the opening of Spectrum’s new Pearl Street facility for runaway youth on Monday. It can’t be said the 70-year-old Vermonter glides across the floor with the fluid motion of a dazzling runningback, but then, Jim Jeffords never really did. But our eyeball-to-eyeball encounter left yours truly convinced the fire still burns brightly within Jeezum Jim’s heart, and his inner vision remains crystal-clear. His spirit is in fighting-trim; our junior senator looks and sounds like a man who knows he’s got promises to keep and miles to go before he sleeps.

Ambassador Dubie? — Why more people don’t make a habit of watching Ch. 3’s “You Can Quote Me” on Sunday mornings amazes me. Sure, generally it’s pretty boring, but then there are Sundays like the recent one when Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie did things to the English language rarely heard in public. As everyone knows, the Doobster interviewed for a Bush administration appointment about two weeks after winning the LiteGov’s race in November. He didn’t return our phone calls for a month. And when we finally confirmed the facts, he declined comment. What we learned was that our GOP Lite-Gov is a candidate to be U.S. Ambassador to the International Civil Aviation Authority in Montréal. It’s a big deal in the world of aviation and a plum assignment for an American Airlines pilot like the Doobster. When asked about it by Ch. 3 reporter Anson Tebbetts, Dubie lit up like a Christmas tree and touted his credentials, sounding like a serious candidate for the post. “The job is still open,” said Dubie. “I’m still under consideration for the job.” He noted the organization is a subchapter of the United Nations, and that President Bush only recently appointed a new U.N. ambassador. Brian sounded like a puntreturner who can see the end zone. But when asked about the issue of being straight with the voters, Brian quickly blamed it all on his wife! “When I got a phone call to interview for this job,” said Dubie, “I talked to my wife, and my wife says ‘they want to talk to you, go talk to them.’” Dubie went into a rambling recital of his work as Gov-Lite and expressed his commitment to serve out his term. Unless, of course, asked Tebbetts, he gets a certain phone call? “Well, you know,” replied Doobie-Doo, “if the President of the United States calls Brian Dubie and says I need you to serve, well, you know.” Then, in his very next breath, Dubie quickly tried to cover those tracks. “I am focused on being lieutenant governor and that is my intention. Beyond that, you know, it’s kind of academic. There’s a lot of different scenarios. I am very motivated to be the best lieutenant

SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005

governor that I can be.” Sure you are, Brian. Whatever you say. P.S. Good luck getting the ambassadorship. Bush could do a whole lot worse than a guy who sells Vermont maple syrup on the side.

Media Notes — The new face with the deep voice on the local TV news scene belongs to WPTZ’s Ben Stein. Ben’s a Cornell grad who picked up his journalism master’s at Columbia University. Stein grew up outside Philly and previously covered politics for WMGM, the NBC affiliate in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Meanwhile, Burlington Free Press business reporter Shawn Turner is heading for Crain’s Cleveland Business in Ohio. Turner’s been here since December 2003. His new job means a trip home — he grew up 45 minutes from Cleveland. Best wishes!

Comeback Trail — Unusual sighting this week online. Former Times Argus Managing Editor Scott Fletcher has popped up as vice-president of communications at a Plainfield-based mail-order outfit that sells a “blueprint for a happy, successful sober life.” The blueprint costs $109. Cheap if it works, eh? More at Mr. Fletcher’s bio leaves out mention of his dismissal from the Times Argus in 2002 for writing dramatic feature articles that read like fiction. Turned out, they were fiction. A juicy one was about a 15-year-old female Montpelier heroin junkie who did not exist. Mr. Fletcher’s wife Kristin Fletcher, a former sportswriter at the TA, is listed as the company’s president. Interesting, eh?

New Boys in Town — WVNYTV General Manager Erik Storck tells Seven Days he expects the FCC will approve the sale of the station by the end of the month. Smith Media LLC is buying the “non-licensed assets,” he said. And Michael Lambert Broadcasting of Burlington LLC is buying the rest. Lambert, said Storck, is “a gentleman out of California who’s been in the business for a long time.” Smith Media LLC also owns WFFF-TV, Fox 44. And the money behind Smith Media leads one to a Boston investment firm called Boston Ventures. More info available at As for the possibility of WVNY getting back into the local news business, Storck said, “You never can tell. I’d sure like to do it.” Wonder if the BurlingtonPlattsburgh market is ready for “Nude News?” m

“Inside Track” is a weekly column that can also be read on To reach Peter Freyne, email


inside track 21A



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22A | march 23-30, 2005 | SEVEN DAYS 2x2-PineComputers022305




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The trend-watching author of Bowling Alone makes a case for community



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Robert Putnam speaks March 28, at Dana Auditorium, Middlebury College, 4:15 p.m.

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Social Capitalist ant to lower crime in your neighborhood? Raise voter turnout? Increase your life expectancy? Robert Putnam suggests that you raise some capital — social capital, that is. The idea is that social networks, even informal ones, have value. You increase it every time you go to Town Meeting, or volunteer at the food bank, or have a few friends over for dinner. Putnam explored the concept in a 1995 article which later grew into the influential 2000 book, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. In it, he points to Roper polls and lifestyle surveys that show well connected communities are healthier, better educated, less dangerous places to live. The book also trots out dozens of charts and graphs to show that by most measures — church attendance, PTA membership, the number of people who actually stop at stop signs — Americans’ social capital is falling, and fast. It has been on the decline since the middle of the century. One of Putnam’s indicators — membership in bowling leagues, which has dropped precipitously since it peaked in the 1960s and ’70s — provided the intriguing title.

Putnam speaks about this trend at Middlebury College on Monday. Since the publication of Bowling Alone, he’s been employed as a professor of public policy at the Saguaro Seminar, an initiative of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Last year, he and his colleagues published Better Together, a book that focuses on how to reverse the trend. Putnam lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and has a home in Jaffrey, New Hampshire. SEVEN DAYS: In Bowling Alone, you noted that Vermont has one of the highest social-capital scores in the country. Why is that? ROBERT PUTNAM: Frankly, I don’t know for sure. It’s true in New Hampshire, too. It’s probably partly its small size. It’s probably partly the fact that the places in it are small — in general, for social capital, small is beautiful. That is, smaller towns, smaller schools, smaller firms, smaller classes. Probably there’s also something in the tradition of Town Meetings and of local civic activism that goes back a long, long ways.

SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005 | feature 23A


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SD: In your book, you also cited a study by Frank Bryan saying that attendance at Town Meetings dropped by almost half from the 1970s to the 1990s, from 27 percent to 15 percent. I checked the Secretary of State’s website, and it looks like it’s dropped another five percentage points since 1998. RP: They’re about to abolish the Town Meeting in my hometown up in New Hampshire. It’s happening much more rapidly now even than it was earlier. SD: Does this mean that our social capital is declining in Vermont? RP: Well, you know, social capital is not the kind of thing that you can literally measure year by year and second by second. You really have to measure it, as I did in Bowling Alone, over a period of decades. But with one exception, I don’t see any reason to believe that there’s been any reversal of the trends I described.

their nearest and dearest, but also to people all across the country. And our data shows that that was true. That’s the good news. The bad news is that there’s always a spurt like that in community mindedness, even after a snowstorm in New Hampshire, or in Vermont. People, for a while, feel a little more comfortable, a little friendlier with their neighbors. And after a hurricane, or a flood, or an earthquake, there’s always a little bump up in all these measures of community mindedness. There was a bump like that in Oklahoma City after the Murrah bombing. And the bad news is, we know the half-life of those spurts — after a snowstorm it’s a couple of weeks, and after a hurricane, it’s about six months. After the bombing in Oklahoma City, it was about 18 months. I only know of one exception to the general rule that these spikes go away quickly, and that’s Pearl Harbor. The Pearl Harbor spike never went away. People who lived through Pearl


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After a hurricane, or a flood, or an earthquake, there’s always a little bump up in all these measures of community mindedness. The one exception is 9/11. I’ve actually written a little bit about it. The short effect of 9/11 was strongly, powerfully positive on almost all forms of social capital and social connection. But you didn’t need me to find that statistic — all of us knew. I’m sure if we had a “hugs index,” it would have skyrocketed after 9/11. People felt closer to one another, and not just to

Harbor and World War II were more civically engaged all the rest of their lives. They’re now in their seventies and eighties, and they’re like the Energizer Bunny. They’re still voting more than other people, and joining more, and giving more. It’s really an incredible generation, statistically speaking.

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social capitalist << 23A

SD: So what’s happened to that 9/11 rise in community mindedness? RP: You don’t need an academic to tell you this — for the most part, it’s almost all gone. There’s a little bit left. You can see signs of it in a few places, especially among younger people who lived through 9/11, the ones who were in high school or college at the time of the attacks. They still remain more interested in politics than they would have been otherwise, and that’s a hopeful sign. But if you talk about America as a whole, and frankly, even if you talk about Vermont as a whole, 9/11 didn’t have a significant impact on the longrun downward trend. SD: Since publishing Bowling Alone, you and your colleagues at the Saguaro Institute have been studying ways to build social capital in the absence of a traumatic event. What are some of the ways to do that? RP: We published a book last year, Better Together, which looks at 12 case studies around the U.S. of people who have successfully, in their little part of the world, reversed the trend. I’m going to talk some about that in Middlebury, about an evangelical church in Orange County, California, and a dance group in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and a youth group in Waupun, Wisconsin. SD: It seems like the challenge is to make people want to be civically engaged, to make them see involvement as something other than a duty or a chore. RP: Absolutely. You don’t want civic broccoli. You’ve got to have something that is fun to do, and not just something that’s ‘eat your broccoli . . .’ I think there are lessons from some of the inventions of the previous period of social capital building 100 years ago. Take the Scouts, for example. Here’s the story: you’re living in a growing town, and lots of kids — urchins — are running around. They don’t have friends, they don’t know anybody. It’s certainly not the life Huck Finn was talking about living in rural America in the middle of the 19th century. And a guy comes to town and says, “Have I got a deal for you. Shorts. And beanies. And little badges. And it’s going to be just like Huck Finn’s friends on the banks of the Mississippi.” And the amazing thing was, it worked. I’m not trying to enter any of the current public debates about the Scouts. I’m thinking of it as a social insti-

SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005 | feature 25A

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SD: I see some of that happening with the development of fun, userfriendly tools that connect people online. Do you? RP: We have four major social capital projects right now, and one of them is on the Internet. In particular, we’re looking at forms of Internet activity, which have the potential for creating new, real face-to-face connections which didn’t previously exist. The general category is called “convening technologies,” but the one that we’re doing the most research on is Meetup. com. It uses technology to enable you to meet people you didn’t otherwise know, and would not have otherwise ever met, but you actually do meet them, and it’s not just a cyberfriend; it’s someone who actually could bring you some chicken soup. We did a lot of research around the country last summer. We went to a large number of meetups, and actually sat down with the dachshund owners of Seattle, or the stayat-home moms of Dallas, or the wiccans of New York City. We know that people are actually making new contacts in these groups. They begin by talking about dachshunds or Harry Potter, or whatever the topic is, but they do make new friends, who they then go off to have coffee with, or share a commuting ride with. So it’s actually a real generator of new social capital . . . But it has the possibility to become one more screen in front of which people sit without actually connecting with real people. I’m definitely not a cyberphobe, but I’m also, maybe because of my age, a little skeptical about whether the Internet is just going to automatically fix all our problems. Too often over the last 10 years, people have said, “Ah, this new Internet invention is going to turn out to render friendship irrelevant.” And then it doesn’t. So I’m a little on the cautious side. 쩾

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tution. It does two things at once. It has a very clear civic motivation, which is summed up in the motto — “A scout is trustworthy, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.” And then you pair that very clear, civic, moral message with pure fun — camping. Just reflecting on my own life, I was hanging out in the Scouts because I really liked camping, and going out in the forest and earning all these merit badges. And it certainly was not broccoli, but along the way, I was learning “trustworthy, helpful, friendly, etc.”

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march 23-30, 2005



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SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005 | feature 27A


Hurray for Hollywood Theater review: The Cripple of Inishmaan


reat Irish whiskey goes down with a sting, then spreads its comforting warmth. That same bittersweet balance marks the Champlain Players’ able, acerbic production of The STORY Cripple of Inishmaan, now playing at JONATHAN Champlain College’s Alumni WHITTON Auditorium. Martin McDonagh, a contempoThe Cripple of rary, award-winning Irish playwright, Inishmaan is a born storyteller. He constructs by Martin about-turns, plants one-liners, and McDonagh, develops characters with a palpable produced by Champlain Players. anger that never overwhelms his Alumni Auditorium, onstage action. The resulting producChamplain tions are textured, dangerous and College, Burlington, darkly funny. March 23-26, He’s perhaps best known for his 7:30 p.m. Tony Award-winning The Beauty Queen of Leenane, a biting motherdaughter melodrama that formed part of his Leenane trilogy. The Cripple of

Inishmaan is the first in his Aran Island trilogy. A blasphemously funny tragicomedy in the tradition of Beauty Queen, it has “a biteen” more heart. The setting of Cripple is the Island of Inishmaan, a rocky, three-mile stretch of land off the coast of western Ireland. The time is circa 1934. The event that shakes up the otherwise uneventful island existence is the historically accurate arrival of Hollywood film-director Stephen Flaherty, who selects a remote coastal region nearby for the production of his film, The Man of Aran. We never catch sight of the director or film set. But the movie gives the island’s official gossipmonger, Johnnypateenmike (John David Alexander), his first real scoop after years of having to make do with trivial squabbles and misbehavior; here

cow-tipping is big news. Intent on being part of the action, the island’s young people — Slippy Helen (Alexandra Sevakian) and her brother Bartley (Colin Cramer) — begin bribing the mysterious Babby Bobby (Seth Jarvis) to ferry them by boat to the filming location. And our teenage hero Cripple Billy (Jason Briody) is determined not to be left behind. For him, a job in the film represents a rare chance to escape the place where even his well-intentioned foster “Aunties,” Kate and Eileen Osbourne (Kelly J. Thomas & Elisabeth Lehr), see nothing wrong in appending the word “cripple” to his name. To reveal much more would spoil the fun of the evening. Suffice it to say that Cripple Billy does indeed make it off the island, and the ripple effect is “fecking” wonderful. McDonagh’s quintessential twists in the second act keep the play enticing and suspenseful.

equal parts sleazy, obnoxious and delightful. His scene with his drunken Mammy — in a pitch-perfect, wellcrafted performance by Ruth Wallman — is one of the evening’s many highlights. As Bartley, Colin Cramer gives a charming, if stilted, performance. His winning smile and youthful innocence compensate for his uneven comedic timing, however. Kenneth Wade is also quite likable as the Doctor who, unfortunately, never seems to be taken seriously. Seth Jarvis is wonderfully subdued as Babby Bobby. There is another story being told behind his eyes; his moments onstage are frequently riveting, especially in his moody interactions with Cripple Billy. Every actor in this finely tuned ensemble has scene-stealing moments, but none surpasses Alexandra Sevakian. Her Helen is a spitfire ever on the go, frightening in her commitment to violence, while her smile

Suffice it to say that Cripple Billy does indeed make it off the island, and the ripple effect is “fecking” wonderful.


As we follow Billy’s odyssey and its effect on the other islanders, the use of Man of Aran emerges as far more than a nifty little plot device. It cleverly juxtaposes reality and makebelieve. Flaherty’s film controversially portrayed Irish coastal life as idyllic. McDonagh’s play explodes the romantic myths propagated by Flaherty’s actual film. But a well-made play is only as good as the actors in it, and this production boasts a superlative ensemble. Jason Briody has the arduous task of transforming into pretzel-bent Billy and carries it off well. He manages to make Billy’s hopes urgently real while still maintaining a quiet, touching dignity. Kelly J. Thomas and Elisabeth Lehr play a pair of widowed generalstore owners. Thomas’ other-worldliness comfortably balances Lehr’s more controlling character. Together, they capture the essence of worrisome Irish foster parents. But Lehr pushes too forcefully in her attempt to deliver one of the playwright’s emotional wallops late in the performance. The always-solid John Alexander embodies a Johnnypateenmike who is

simultaneously chills and charms. Bob Wolff ’s multi-tiered set maximizes the performance space nicely. But aside from a shimmering water effect in Act One, Bill Kneen’s rudimentary light design fails to add much, if any, atmosphere. Director Joanne Farrell and her ensemble clearly love this play, and she handles it with an agile hand. The pace provides a nice equilibrium between the play’s brash and quiet moments. A simply staged but highly effective scene in Act Two shows the majority of the cast watching a movie. As in any group viewing experience, some are paying attention to the film, others are paying attention to each other. It’s a beautifully timed and hysterically acted study in human relationships. Minor quibbles aside — it’s a shame, for example, that Farrell’s scene transitions aren’t covered by music — Champlain Players’ Cripple of Inishmaan portrays an admirable array of diverse, deeply developed characters from one of the most wickedly funny and heartbreaking playwrights working today. m

28A | march 23-30, 2005 | SEVEN DAYS

SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005 | feature 29A

A SENSE OF PLAYS Can original, Vermont-focused adaptations lure audiences back to local theater? STORY: MARGOT HARRISON IMAGES: JORDAN SILVERMAN

Shakespeare said the theater’s goal is “to hold . . . the mirror up to nature” — to show the audience its virtues and vices, its hopes and fears, its past and future. Drama reflects its community, and two Vermont theater companies are taking that dictum to heart this spring, as they produce plays that “hold the mirror up” to life and mores in the Green Mountain State. One production looks to Vermont’s past, the other to its present. Lost Nation Theater’s Stone, which is currently in rehearsal, tells the stories of workers in Barre’s once-thriving granite industry. Vermont Stage Company’s Vanya/Vermont, starting its run this Wednesday, sets Anton Chekhov’s 1899 classic Uncle Vanya on a modern-day organic farm, where references to St. Petersburg and samovars are replaced by lines about Manhattan and Vicodin. Two Vermont-themed plays in one season: Is it a coincidence?

Perhaps not. In the past year, both Montpelier’s Lost Nation and Burlington’s Vermont Stage have seen unexpected declines in ticket sales — part of a regional slump that has also affected highly touted shows presented by the Flynn and Dartmouth College’s Hopkins Center. Some commentators, including Lost Nation Artistic Director Kim Bent, have suggested that recent events — the war, the election — have driven Vermont’s theater-goers into their cocoons. Bent and Mark Nash, artistic director of Vermont Stage, are counting on plays with local relevance and grassroots appeal to coax them out again, or even appeal to a larger audience that doesn’t usually look to the stage for its entertainment. “I think that theater should reflect the community in which it’s produced. To have something specifically created with the community in mind is a producer’s

VANYA/VERMONT: March 23 to April 10, FlynnSpace, Burlington, Wednesday to Saturday, 7:30 p.m., weekend matinees 2 p.m. Info, 863-5966.

STONE: April 14 to May 1, City Hall Auditorium, Montpelier, Wednesday & Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Friday & Saturday, 8 p.m., Sunday, 6:30 p.m.

Preview Reception, March 30, Rock of Ages Visitors’ Center, Barre, 5:30-7 p.m.

Retired Granite Workers’ Discussion March 31, Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 6:30 p.m. SETTING THE STAGE FOR VERMONT STAGE COMPANY’S PRODUCTION OF VANYA/VERMONT

Statehouse Preview Reception April 7, 8-10:30 p.m. Info, 229-0492.

dream,” says Nash, who’s playing the title character in Vanya/ Vermont. Likewise, Bent says that Stone, which he’s writing and directing for Lost Nation, “is an audience-broadening activity for us.” Both directors hasten to add that the Vermont-themed plays were conceived well before the onset of their recent budget woes. Both also mobilized emergency fundraising efforts that

windows.” Now, “there are hardly any weekends when something’s not happening.” There will be multiple things happening during the April run of Stone. When audiences arrive for the show, they’ll find actual sculptors working in the lobby and in front of the building — some creating clay models, others perhaps carving letters into stone slabs. In the lobby, attendees can view historical exhibits created by

to bring alive a world that currently exists only between the pages of books — and, perhaps, in some elder Vermonters’ memories. Stone was inspired by Tomasi’s 1949 novel Like Lesser Gods, which chronicles the lives of granite workers in Barre. “I had always had it at the back of my head to team up with a great American writer, like Arthur Miller, who could take that

Whatever their commercial potential, Stone and Vanya/Vermont might best be qualified as labors of love. generated much-needed cash. Whatever their commercial potential, Stone and Vanya/ Vermont might best be qualified as labors of love. Each emerges from a director’s long-time affection for a text: New York-based director Jason Jacobs’ for Uncle Vanya; Bent’s for the Barre-set novels of Vermont author Mari Tomasi. And both plays raise provocative questions about Vermont’s legacy and its future. From April to mid-October, Lost Nation Theater resides in Montpelier’s City Hall, with a stage in the lofty central room. Its offices are nested in the balcony. When the company first moved in, in 1989, the space was “empty, unused,” says Bent. “We painted it, put curtains on the

one of Lost Nation’s partners in the show, Barre’s Vermont Granite Museum. When the curtain rises, they’ll be serenaded by “a couple of string players, a couple of piano players, a concertina and guitar,” says Bent. The musicians will play a rich repertoire of ethnic music, from Scottish laments to Italian arias. During the play, slide projections will flicker over the audience’s heads, and actors in period dress will brush past as they head up the aisles toward the stage. It’s all part of an effort to “make the audience feel like part of the show,” says Bent, who has shoulder-length gray hair, glasses, and a fondness for pointing out metaphors and parallels. By recreating the atmosphere of Barre in the 1930s, Bent hopes

material and make it into a great American play,” says Bent. Though Miller — who died in February — wasn’t available, Bent took notice when Shelburne’s New England Press put Tomasi’s novel back in print, then followed it up with last year’s publication of Men Against Granite. The latter work consists of hitherto unpublished material from a WPA oral-history project conducted by Tomasi and Roaldus Richmond in the late 1930s. As its introduction states, “Benjamin Botkin, the national folklore editor for the Writers’ Project, was horrified by the rise of fascism in Europe, so he charged his writers to find occupationally and ethnically diverse life histories.” In Vermont, >> 30A

30A | march 23-30, 2005 | SEVEN DAYS

a sense of plays << 29A


People might be interested in coming to this show who aren’t regular theatergoers necessarily . . . for very specific personal reasons having to do with the history of the area, the granite industry. KIM BENT, LOST NATION THEATER

“Barre was the obvious choice.” Bent explains that around 1900, the granite industry and railroads attracted a huge influx of people to Barre, including “Italian sculptors, Scottish quarrymen, Swedish workers, Spanish stoneworkers and, to some degree, French-Canadians.” Assigned to take snapshots of this rich cultural pageant, Tomasi and Richmond interviewed Barre residents and produced a series of narratives in what Bent calls “pretty authentic speech,” representing not just granite workers but “store owners, the gypsy peddler on the street, bartenders . . . It’s a portrait of a community that was really complex.” As Bent and Lost Nation Co-Artistic Director Kathleen Keenan read the book, it occurred to them that they could take a “more documentary approach to the material and let these people speak for themselves on stage.” In combination, those individual voices create a community portrait, “kind of a Spoon River/Under Milkwood-esque type of event that would give people a real sense of the local origins of folks here,” Bent suggests. Taking on Men Against Granite threatened to be a monumental task. Bent had to com-

press 300 pages and “lots of colorful characters” into two hours of stage time. His guiding principle was to “bring out the parallel between the quarrying and sculpting of the stone into something beautiful, and the gradual formation of a coherent community from these disparate elements,” he says. “The real focus becomes the relationship between the artist-sculptor and his work.” Accordingly, Bent “took the liberty” of using the figure of sculptor Elia Corti as his narrator. Men Against Granite tells the story of his 1903 murder in a political brawl in the words of an Italian grocer. Corti’s famous monument can still be seen in Barre’s Hope Cemetery. “The interesting thing about Corti is that he was apparently a pretty nonverbal person,” says Bent. “So he’ll speak minimally in the show and be a thread, tying things together.” Another challenge was bringing out the drama in a source text that is essentially a series of monologues. Although first-person accounts remain at the center of the play, Bent looked for opportunities to expand and enliven them. In one of the play’s monologues, for instance, an Italian widow who runs a rooming house describes the

people who gather on a Sunday afternoon for music and conversation. “She points out characters around the piano, and the tableau in the background comes to life, almost like a production number,” Bent says. He also created “collaged monologues” of different quarry workers whose words “segue” into one another. Thus, “The process of quarrying the stone emerges as a kind of dance.” The process of bringing Stone to the stage began last fall, with a series of “invited audience” sessions in which actors read the material in early draft form. In mid-March, Bent finalized his cast of 12, which includes John David Alexander of Burlington and Lost Nation veterans Bill Pelton, Mary Wheeler, Judy Milstein and Elizabeth Wilcox, among others. They’ll be dressed in costumes by Cora Fauser and assuming appropriate accents to represent the ethnic rainbow of mid-century Barre. “The challenge of sustaining your accent when you’re hearing several different others is particularly difficult,” says Bent. “It’s like singing harmony. In our assimilated state, we don’t really get to hear that anymore.” There’s an inherent drama — perhaps even tragedy — in the history of Barre’s stonecutters.

SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005 | feature 31A

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Even as they wrestled recalcitrant granite into beautiful forms, many fell prey to the ugly fate of “stonecutter’s TB,� as accumulated silica particles lacerated their lungs. Explaining what drew him to the material, Bent says, “There’s this central scene in Like Lesser Gods where this stonecutter’s doctor is asking him, ‘Why do you do it, knowing that this is killing you?’ The carver responds by saying, ‘You have to cut it to know it is hard stone — beautiful, lasting. Always when I carve a name on a memorial, I feel, well, important. God creates new life, and when He sees fit to take it away, we stonecutters take up where He left off. We take up the chisel and carve the name, to make a memory of that life.’� Working on the project has made Bent realize that “a name isn’t just a name . . . especially when you’re talking about how you’re going to be remembered,� he says. He’s found himself becoming “more conscious of names� and the implicit connections they make. For instance, he cites a moment in the play when actress Mary Wheeler, a “seventh- or eighth-generation Vermonter� from Barre, tells a

story that involves an “Ezekiel Wheeler.� Is the actress evoking her real ancestor through the medium of art, or is this just a coincidence? Bent doesn’t know, but he can say with confidence that “the names of people that are talked about in [Men Against Granite] are going to be reflected in the audience.� And that built-in connection to the local audience is part of the play’s appeal. Bent thinks “People might be interested in coming to this show who aren’t regular theater-goers necessarily . . . for very specific personal reasons having to do with the history of the area, the granite industry.� Others, he suggests, might be drawn by the possibility of learning something new about Barre, a place they thought they knew. Lost Nation has produced Vermont-themed material before. In 1997, the TimesArgus commissioned the company to do a play in honor of the paper’s centennial. Bent acknowledges, “What happened for us last year with the drop-off in audience made us look all that much harder at our programming choices for this year. There probably was some influence there toward doing work that we thought

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Register before the March 31st deadline and you’ll be entered to win an iPod mini. PHOTO FROM MEN AGAINST GRANITE

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2x7-JSC031605 3/14/05 | SEVENAM 32A | march 23-30, 2005 8:52 DAYSPage 1

a sense of plays


<< 31A



LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS AUTISM IS A WORLD march 23 - 10 a.m. March 24, 25 & 26 - 7 p.m.

wednesday, april 13 7 p.m. Free and open to the public.

General admission $5.

Written by Sue Rubin, diagnosed with autism when she was four, this film is a rare and compelling journey into Sue's mind, her daily world, and her struggle with autism viewed from the inside out. Narrated by Julianna Margulies, produced and directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Gerardine Wurzburg.

The wildly popular Broadway musical takes to the stage with musical direction by JSC Professor Lisa Jablow. Directed by JSC Alum Emily Baker and featuring a special guest artist in residence in set design: Donna Stafford.

COMMUNITY JOURNALISM DAY friday, march 25 9 A.m. & 1 p.m.

Free and open to the public.

The Johnson State College journalism program, department of Writing and Literature and the American Democracy Project will host a day devoted to exploring the important function of the local press in our communities.

THE JSC CHOIR CONCERT MONDAy, march 28 7 p.m. Free and open to the public.

This is a preview of the music that the JSC choir will be performing on its trip to Italy. There will be pieces from the standard choral repertoire, featuring a selection of American music. The Choir is singing in Days of International Choir Music in Verona, Italy,

VERMONT YOUTH ORCHESTRA friday, april 15 8 p.m. General admission $5.

Conducted by Troy Peters, the Orchestra consists of 90 of Vermont's most advanced young musicians. They will be performing, Stanford Irish Rhapsody No. 1, Falla El Amor Brujo (Love, The Magician).


saturday, april 16 7 p.m. Sunday,april 17 4 p.m. General admission $5.

The Tony Award winning one-man play, by William Luce captures the famous actor's humor, pathos, and personal life. Performed by Professor Russell Longtin as his sabbatical project. The Burlington Free Press calls Dibden Center for the Arts a

LECTURES& EXHIBITIONS DIALOGUES IN DIVERSITY SERIES: 4.12.05 In Celebration of Earth Day: a discussion with Bill McKibben


JULIAN SCOTT GALLERY EXHIBITS: 3.20.05 - 4.10.05 Max Levine 4.11.05 - 4.23.05 Diana Gonsalves and Mary Johnson2/1/05 4:33 PM PageWWW 2x1-music 1 .JOHNSONSTATECOLLEGE.EDU

musicmusic m a ke s t h e p e o p l e c o m e t o g e t h e r.

would be totally connected with the community. At the same time,” he adds, “this is something we’ve wanted to do for a long time.” If Stone reconstructs a lost world, Vanya/Vermont seems almost painfully contemporary. Kathryn Blume, who wrote the update and is playing the role of Sonya, describes one of the play’s central dilemmas as that of a Generation X-er facing middle age. “You’re starting to contend with ‘I had huge dreams, I was gonna conquer the world. What am I really doing with my life? How many choices do I have now?’” Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, set on a country estate, explores the plight of characters who discover too late that they’re going nowhere — that they’ve given their best years to thankless, perhaps useless, labor. The title

character and his niece, Sonya, have devoted themselves to working the estate in order to support Sonya’s father, a celebrated old academic blowhard. But when the professor and his beautiful young second wife come to visit, Vanya sinks into depression, finally realizing how unworthy the old man is of his sacrifice. It doesn’t help that Vanya’s besotted with the young wife — and so is his friend Dr. Astrov, who swigs vodka to forget about the scenes of peasant suffering he witnesses. In his spare time, Astrov plants trees, lamenting that in these modern times, “Forests are ever fewer and fewer, rivers dry up, wildlife is wiped out, [and] the climate is spoiled” by the hand of man. That sort of proto-environmentalist rhetoric convinced director Jason Jacobs that Vanya belonged in Vermont. When Chekhov used Dr. Astrov to discuss deforestation in Russia,

Jacobs says, he was “asking this thematic question of ‘What are we doing to our landscape — and if we’re treating our environment this way, what are we doing to each other?’ That seems to make a lot of sense in looking at the type of development that’s happening all over America and that Vermont has been staving off.” Jacobs, who’s the co-artistic director of New York’s Theatre Askew, has been friends with Blume since college. Visiting her here over the course of a decade, he says, “I got a perspective on how Vermont is so different from anywhere else I go in America. I wanted to work on something that would speak specifically to this community. Being a “big Chekhov fan,” he had the idea of “taking the play and plunking it in this community in a really visceral, valid way.” Jacobs discussed his idea with

SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005 | feature 33A

It’s a BOY! EWvaantcWh faolkreoruHr aGursamnadnO•pMenairncgh i6, 2005

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Blume, who “immediately said, ‘Well, yes, Vanya would be an organic farmer,’” he recalls. “She knew how to look at these characters.” “Based on those conversations, I started writing,” Blume chimes in. The writing process began last summer; new drafts emerged from a reading in August and a workshop in January. Jacobs, who’d “studied the play intensively in grad school,” gave Blume feedback about where particular moments fit in Chekhov’s dramatic arc. Blume hammered out modern dialogue, following the original more or less scene by scene. “It really started to have its own voice,” Jacobs says. “[Blume] found a humor that’s true to Chekhov and runs throughout the whole play and undercuts the angst — pulls the rug out from under it.” At an afternoon rehearsal at FlynnSpace, less than a week before opening night, the melding of Chekhov and the 21st

are very few pop-culture professors” these days, they decided to transform the character of the pompous academic into an “airport novelist,” someone who could still sweep into a small town and be treated like visiting royalty. Waffles, Vanya’s down-atthe-heels-neighbor with folksy speech patterns, is now “an oldtime Vermonter,” says Blume. Mike Astor, who runs a land trust, now “talks about sprawl and traffic and Wal-Mart and the decline of community values.” And earthy mother-figure Marina is given to expressions such as “Oh, poop on a rope!” Will the topical and local references pull in local viewers? Nash declines to offer a prediction, saying, “If I knew how to read an audience, I’d probably be in the stock market instead of in the theater.” He does note, though, that two of the most successful productions in Vermont Stage history were Vermont-themed: an adapta-

took heed was Michael Katz, a professor of Russian at Middlebury and sometime teacher of Chekhov. Katz and his colleague Ludmila Bilkic plan to attend the play with 15 or 20 students. Asked to explain the contemporary appeal of a Chekhov play, Katz says, “I think Chekhov is the most tolerant and the least judgmental of Russian writers. There are no villains in a Chekhov play. There are people who try their hardest to live their lives and be happy, but they’re all fallible, and we sympathize with them. It’s a very modern approach.” Katz sees Vanya/Vermont’s environmentalist overtones as true to Chekhov, who went beyond his contemporaries’ lyrical nature descriptions. “Chekhov is actually issuing cautions,” Katz explains, “saying, ‘We should be careful of nature, because there’s not as much of it as there used to be.’” Such warnings are likely to resonate

Normally when you translate the play, you translate the language. What we’re doing is a cultural translation.

104 2x5-sportstyle032305


with a Vermont audience. Kim Bent sees an interesting parallel between Stone and Vanya/Vermont. “In both cases there’s a template that’s worked with to create something else,” he says. “They’re very different stories, but we’re both trying to make theater connect to modern audiences.” Is the immediacy of a local setting enough to tempt Vermonters, particularly young ones, away from the television and Internet and into the theater? Or are they content to see themselves reflected in the homesteading Montgomery Center couple on “Wife Swap”? We go to the theater, of course, not just for the mirroring — we can get that at home — but to gain new insights into the same old problems; to see ourselves from strange and revelatory angles. Perhaps the alchemy of 19th-century Russia and present-day Vermont, like that of Mari Tomasi’s Barre and

2:25 PM

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tion of Chris Bohjalian’s Midwives and 1998’s Mad River Rising. He adds that “the advance sales have been pretty good, though more and more people are waiting till the last minute.” Nash is also “encouraged” by a 25 percent increase in subscription sales over last year, which he says inclines him to believe that “the first two shows of the season, which didn’t sell as well as we expected, were an anomaly, partly brought on by the election.” He acknowledges that Vanya/Vermont may be “tricky to sell,” because people won’t understand what it is, but he hopes that “in the first week there will be a real buzz around the play.” As an advance marketing tactic, Nash mailed publicity packets for Vanya to humanities faculty at the University of Vermont, St. Michael’s College, Middlebury College and Champlain College. One who


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century is apparent. The scene is easily recognizable from the original as a climactic confrontation between Vanya — now named John Peterson — and Astrov, now “Mike Astor.” But the language has a different ring. “Do you remember that ‘Star Trek’ episode where Kirk falls in love with the perfect woman?” asks Nash, playing John. Skinny, balding and spectacled, he exudes morose nerdiness as he begs Mike to be his loyal Spock and help him “forget” recent events — or, failing that, to give him “a scrip for Prozac.” “This is your life,” intones the stalwart Mike, played by New York actor Larry Gleason. How did Vanya morph from poetry-quoting Dostoyevsky wannabe to “Star Trek” geek? “Normally when you translate the play, you translate the language,” says Blume. “What we’re doing is a cultural translation.” For instance, after she and Jacobs observed that “there


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march 23-30, 2005




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Pagematters 1 local 35A

thru Sun 3/27



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their own monikers. Megan Moir, who owns a house on West Lane, calls her street “Crack Lane� because of the drug trade she suspects is happening nearby. Moir was one of a handful of residents who came to the Winooski Family Center last Wednesday to learn how to start a neighborhood-watch program. Her house was burglarized last year. Nearly everyone else at the meeting had a similar story. At the October meeting, Winooski Police Chief Steve McQueen reported that in 2003, his department made 765 calls to the small neighborhood, resulting in 180 arrests. The 2004 Crime Report has not yet been released, but anecdotal evidence suggests that the high-crime trend continued in the West End, at least during the first half of the year, before the neighbors started to organize. Ladd notes that the watch training is part of a larger effort to form a neighborhood association; the city also sponsored several study circles over the last few months. Even Moir admits that there seems to be some momentum. “It is getting better,� she says.

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(802) 862-4930 Located at 30 Main St. 2:38 PM

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While all eyes are on Winooski’s massive downtown redevelopment, a smaller, quieter effort is underway to rehabilitate the Onion City’s “West End� — an area stretching from West to North Streets, and from Elm Street to the railroad tracks that cross Malletts Bay Avenue. It’s the neighborhood formerly known as “the Flats.� A group of 75 citizens discussed the informal name-change at an October meeting convened to address quality-of-life issues in the neighborhood. A few of the people who attended said they didn’t like the old name, according to J. Ladd, Winooski’s Community Development Director. When it was coined decades ago, the term contrasted the area with wealthier parts of town, like “the Heights.� “There was some question about whether ‘the Flats’ was a pejorative term,� Ladd explains. The new name, he says, “seems more descriptive,� since the neighborhood is in fact on the west side of the square-mile-large city; the steep streets close to Malletts Bay Avenue are anything but flat. But “the West End� isn’t the neighborhood’s only nickname — some residents have made up



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FROM THE HILL Ann Lewis had stiff competition Friday night in Burlington. The director of communications for Friends of Hillary, who also served in the Clinton White House from 1997 to 2000, was up against UVM basketball’s big game against Syracuse. Lewis was here to pay tribute to Vermont Senate President Pro Tem Peter Welch and longtime Democratic Party activists Vi and Ned Coffin, the 2005 recipients of the David W. Curtis Leadership Award. Lewis’ Bush-bashing speech was punctuated by cheers, but not all of them were for her. While she was speaking, about 40 Dems stayed in the lobby to watch the Catamounts beat the Orangemen in an overtime nail-biter.


36A | march 23-30, 2005 | SEVEN DAYS


Those ‘70s Shows


Music Review: Mr. Crowes Garden, Lez Zeppelin and Ozric Tentacles nterminable guitar solos. Pretentious, pseudo-spiritual lyrics. Questionable personal hygiene. And let’s not forget disco. Yes, I’m talking about the ’70s. Who in their right mind would want to revisit a time when rock stations spun STORY the same Styx track three dozen times a CASEY day? A damn lot of folks, apparently. I REA know, I know. We’re already knee-deep in’80s retro-activity. But the ’70s, with IMAGES MATTHEW their coked-out caricatures and jaunTHORSEN diced jams, are still a major attraction for nostalgia seekers. & Don’t get me wrong. I love the 1970s. RICK Hell, I even spent a little time there. LEVINSON Growing up, I worshipped Led Zeppelin’s powerhouse timekeeper John Bonham. When my parents backed out of buying me a drum kit for fear of the racket I’d create, I set my sights on the guitar. And I had a pretty good go of it for a few years, playing gigs, booking studio time, and practicing scales in my bedroom. But at a certain point I realized I just didn’t have the temperament. Lugging amps around is just not my style. Or maybe I lost my taste for depravity. Nevertheless, last week I decided to do some firsthand investigation into people’s seemingly irrepressible desire to revisit — or in some cases, reinvent — the past. Three concerts at Higher Ground allowed me to do just that. Sets by the reconstituted Black Crowes, the girl-power tribute band Lez Zeppelin and the progressive electro-hippies Ozric Tentacles helped me realize a few things about the Me Decade’s relationship to the rock of today.


Round One: March 15, Higher Ground Ballroom Performing under the “top secret” moniker Mr. Crowes Garden, The Black Crowes treated Vermonters to a rare club appearance. Warming up for a full-fledged reunion tour, the band proved their retro strut hasn’t lost its charm. Little has changed since they “took a hiatus” in ’01 — singer Chris Robinson still looks like an emaciated Jesus, although his version is certainly more stoned. Robinson’s bushy beard was bedecked with a single, blood-red braid, which I suspect was his wife Kate


Hudson’s handiwork. Brother Rich was paunchy, pale and possibly hung over, while keyboardist “Steady” Eddie Hawrysch’s corpselike visage would probably scare small children. Guitarist Marc Ford has been brought back into the fold after an eight-year absence, despite well-documented drug problems. With his shag hairdo and neatly trimmed moustache, Ford was a dead ringer for Derek & the Dominoes-era Clapton. Still, his licks were searing, and Chris Robinson remains one of the best white-boy blues screechers around. Blasting through tunes from their six studio efforts, the Crowes veered back and forth between terse, Stonesy rockers and druggy jams. Even though this was an allages show, the crowd was a little long in the tooth. It’s been a while since the band debuted with 1990’s Shake Your Money Maker — an album that might as well have been handed out at the door of my old high school. Jam titan Trey Anastasio joined the Crowes for the encore, tearing through hairy versions of The Beatles’ “Yer Blues” and the Black Crowes’ signature hit “Hard to Handle.” Overall, the experience was a lot like watching the movie Almost Famous, only louder. To their credit, the band is extremely well versed in ’70s rock, capable of aping the Allman Brothers, Led Zeppelin, the Stones or The Band with ease. All of those groups are fantastic, and it’s tough to find fault with an act that emulates them so convincingly.

Round Two: March 18, Higher Ground Showcase Lounge What to say about the all-female Lez Zeppelin? Positives: No Jimmy Page absconding with doe-eyed schoolgirls to give them a crash course in occultism. It’s also fun to watch a guitarist play with a violin bow. Negatives: Their underwhelming musicality and reliance on gimmicks. Slugging their way through the most pedestrian Zep tunes, the band failed to capture the sturm und drang of their mighty namesake.

The crowd was a bizarre mix of snowmobile-jacketed classic rock fans, lesbians and high-schoolers, bonded together in hard-rock rapture. But Lez Zep struggled with tunes any reasonable tribute act would have had down pat. The proto-metal (and pro-Viking) “Immigrant Song” was stripped of its majesty, and the meter-shifting thump of “The Ocean” was marred by the vocalist’s off-key mewling and awkward double entendres. “Dude, that singer is hot,” I later heard one “fan” say to another in the men’s room. “She’s totally got a Shania Twain thing going on.” Sadly, it was true. If you ask me, the world’s best female-fronted Zeppelin tribute band is still Heart.

Round Three: Same night, Higher Ground Ballroom English space-rockers Ozric Tentacles have been around since 1984, but their prog-inflected style never really caught on stateside. It’s a shame, too — of the three ’70s influenced bands I heard last weekend, they were by far the most satisfying. Their pulsing electronics and metallic crunch were closer to Can or King Crimson than the Dead. Regard-less of their techno-metal leanings, band members sported tie-dyed shirts and dreadlocks. Far-out, psychedelic projections featuring cosmic geography and space aliens loomed behind them, as spiraling lights cut through the dark ballroom. Frontman John Egan flitted about the stage, playing a variety of odd wind instruments and making incomprehensible asides in a thick British accent. The turnout was smaller than the one at the Lez Zep show, but those in attendance seemed to be having a fine time.

I’m not going to make any assumptions here, but I suspect some of ’em were even high. Aftermath The latest issue of Rolling Stone — the one with fallen ’70s literary icon Hunter S. Thompson on the cover — features a few paragraphs on the death of modern-rock radio. Apparently, quite a few major-market rock stations are getting edged out by r&b and hip-hop broadcasters. Is this the final deathknell for guitar-driven music? Perhaps rock is on its way to becoming a museum piece, like bebop, a genre painstakingly re-created for the enjoyment of stuffy academics. Only time will tell. My question is why, in the rearview mirror of pop culture, some bands remain visible while others disappear? Who conferred the king’s crown on Led Zeppelin? Why not Black Oak Arkansas or Atlanta Rhythm Section? Kids in today’s ’80s-themed groups think the only bands from that decade were The Cure and Gang of Four. What about Glass Tiger? Spandau Ballet? The fact of the matter is that we tend to remember the bands that were actually good. And, despite hip-hop’s ubiquitous presence on the airwaves and television, high school kids will probably continue to carve Zeppelin’s Four Symbols into study-hall desks. Hell, I did that, and I bet more than a few of the whippersnappers I saw this weekend have, too. Maybe we simply want to celebrate an era that gave fans something besides cross-marketing and contempt. The first thing I did when I got home from the Friday shows was put on Zeppelin’s Physical Graffiti. And you know what? It still rocks. m



march 23-30, 2005| music 37A

<music> SHARING THE SPIRIT :: The commercial success of

Rickie Lee

Jones’ self-titled 1979 debut heralded the arrival of a major new talent. Expertly fusing jazz, pop and r&b, she scored big with the ubiquitous single “Chuck E’s in Love.” But Jones refused to be musically pigeonholed, and subsequent releases fell further from the mainstream. Her 2003 release, The Evening of My Best Day, found the songwriter waxing political, taking aim at the Bush administration with typical insight and sophistication. Hear the empress of eclectic this Thursday at the Higher Ground Ballroom.


24 <music> Club listings & spotlights are written by Casey Rea. Spotlights are at the discretion of the editor. Send listings by Friday at noon, including info phone number, to Find past album reviews, full venue descriptions and a local artists’ directory online at



march 23-30, 2005




Got music news? Email Casey Rea at



GEARING UP FOR GREGORY Gregory Douglass’ much anticipated Stark may sound like a strippeddown affair — more sonically similar to his 1998 debut If I Were a Man than to the pop sheen of Teeter and Pseudo-Rotary. But despite its bare-sounding title, Douglass says there’s plenty of aural embellishment on the new album. “It’s an incredible collaboration with all sorts of great musicians and friends. Lots of new instruments, too, like violin, cello, upright bass and even a madrigal choir.” Raising the capital for an independent release can be a struggle, but Douglass has come up with a unique strategy. By offering fans a chance to pre-order the new record, he hopes to alleviate potential cash-flow problems. In addition to a discounted price, pre-purchasers will be able to enjoy Stark well before it’s available in stores — as early as June, according to Douglass. To further sweeten the deal, the CD ships with four to five bonus tracks not included on the regular release. Still not enough? “You’re making it possible for me to release a new record, so you’ll also receive a ton of thanks,” Douglass says. The always-busy performer is heading out on tour this spring, and will once again be making house calls. “I spend a big part of the tours traveling around to people’s living rooms and giving concerts,” he says. “It has become one of my favorite things to do, and it really helps to keep me on the road.” For more information, including tour dates, visit


FOR THE RECORD Burlington’s Manifest Nexto Me have undergone a major musical makeover since their 2003 release Victim Oblivion. Eschewing their original acid-jazz leanings for a darker sound, the group now incorporates fuzzed-out psychedelic rock and chant-style vocals into their heady sonic stew. Lineup changes may have had something to do with the group’s sonic shift; their original guitarist and drummer departed amicably last year. Ex-viperHouse skinsman P.J. Davidian temporarily occupied the drum stool, but Tobias Rower of live electro act Concentric is now handling percussion duties. Manifest are currently finishing up their as-yet-untitled sophomore album, slated for release this spring. Local record label Grand Design Music Company is lending a hand with production and promotion chores, and it’s a good bet that when the disc does come out, it’ll bear the GD imprint. It’s looking to be a busy recording season for a lot of other Burlington bands as well; alt-country act The Middle Eight are nearing the finish line on their new album, and the similarly styled Will are currently holed up with engineer Daryl Rabidoux. Spazzy darlings The Jazz Guys also recently laid down tracks with the increasingly busy engineer. Vermont’s garage-pop wonders Raquel’s Boys are slated to hit the studio soon, and word on the street is that ballsy rockers The Horse are looking to do the same. With all this activity, local music fans will have plenty of tunes to blast from their porches this summer.


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BACK IN PRINT The fellas in 5 Seconds Expired (see this week’s “Review This”) and Minimus — who share nearly the same lineup — are making their long-lost back catalogue available for the first time in years. Titles include 5SE’s 1996 classic Null, as well as the Memory/O.M.E. EP and three-song live disc Void. Minimus’ 1998 effort Hell America will also be offered, and the group hopes to have a brand-new EP available by May. All past and present 5SE and Minimus recordings are available at shows and online at:

Thu. March 24


Sun. March 27 18+



Thurs. March 31 16+


Fri. April 8 16+




Fri. April 15 18+

156 St. Paul Street • Burlington

You might know Justin Hoy as the host of the music-performance show “VTLive” on Burlington’s UPN affiliate. But you’re probably not aware that he’s the president and CEO of the Vermont-based Halogen Records. Founded in 1997, the imprint not only releases CDs, but also provides promotional support and distribution for its growing roster. Halogen recently inked a distro deal with Universal — not bad for a label started in a college dorm room. “This is great news for Halogen and our artists,” Hoy says. Speaking of its artists, Halogen is set to release the upcoming solo effort from exTurtles vocalist Howard Kaylan. As one half of famed singing duo Flo & Eddie, Kaylan spent time in Frank Zappa’s whacked-out Mothers of Invention. He also provided background vocals for countless albums including T. Rex’s glam masterpiece Electric Warrior. Remember the falsetto bit on “Get It On, Bang a Gong?” Well, Kaylan’s in there somewhere. Curiously, his new record features an appearance from actor/raconteur/sometime troubadour Billy Bob Thorton. Halogen has recently teamed up with New York-based indie label American Blood Recordings in a deal that will give the Vermont company global distribution through Island and Universal Records UK. “All of these major things are happening for Halogen right now, and there’s more still on the way,” Hoy says. “We hope to represent some of our local talent on a national scale before too long.” You can visit the label online at http://www.halogen

A fun and lively atmosphere with creative tastes, great drinks and live local music.


Fri. April 29 18+

PARANOID SOCIAL CLUB Tickets available online or by phone

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march 23-30, 2005| music 39A




WED.23 :: burlington area

IRISH SESSIONS, Radio Bean, 8 p.m. NC. PINE STREET JAZZ W/JULIET MCVICKER, Parima, 7 p.m. NC. TOP HAT KARAOKE, 135 Pearl, 9 p.m. NC. DAN SILVERMAN TRIO (jazz), Leunig’s, 7 p.m. NC. CIRCADIA (Irish/Celtic), Rí Rá Irish Pub, 7 p.m. NC. DAVE GRIPPO QUINTET W/BRUCE SKLAR (funk/jazz), Red Square, 8 p.m. NC, followed by MEMBERS ONLY W/FATTIE B. (’80s DJ), 11 p.m. NC. THE MIDDLE EIGHT (alt-country/ Americana), 1/2 Lounge, 9 p.m. NC. THE GRIFT, JAPHY RYDER (’00s covers/funk/jam), Nectar’s, 9 p.m. NC. OPEN MIKE W/ANDY LUGO & DJ TRANSPLANTE, Manhattan Pizza & Pub, 10 p.m. NC. METAL MAYHEM W/5 SECONDS EXPIRED, GOD BELOW ME, STEEL REIGN, ARKAIN, Second Floor, 9 p.m. $5/10. 18+ before 11 p.m. DAVE HARRISON W/STARSTRUCK KARAOKE, JP’s Pub, 10 p.m. NC. DJ DEMUS & JAH RED (reggae/dancehall), Monkey House, 10 p.m. NC. OPEN MIKE, Geno’s Karaoke Club, from 8 p.m. NC. KARAOKE, Edgewater Pub, 9:30 p.m. NC.

:: champlain valley LADIES’ NIGHT, City Limits, 9 p.m. NC. RICK CEBALLOS (old-time banjo & accordion), Good Times Café, 8 p.m. $15.

:: central OPEN MIKE W/CAPTAIN DAN, Langdon St. Café, 7 p.m. NC. OPEN MIKE W/THE SOPHA KINGS, Middle Earth, 8 p.m. $3.

:: northern OPEN MIKE W/BILLY CALDWELL, Overtime Saloon, 9 p.m. NC. OPEN MIKE W/MIKE PEDERSON, Monopole, 9 p.m. NC. REV. NATHAN BRADY CRAIN (dirty solo acoustic), Bee’s Knees, 7:30 p.m. NC.

THU.24 :: burlington area

SHANE HARDIMAN TRIO (jazz), Radio Bean, 6 p.m. NC, followed by JONATHAN LORENTZ (jazz), 9 p.m. NC. REBECCA PADULA (singer-songwriter), 135 Pearl, 8 p.m. $5, followed by QUEEN CITY ROCK (DJs), 9 p.m. NC. FRIENDS OF JOE FEATURING DAVE GRIPPO & JENNIFER HARTSWICK (jazz/blues), Halvorson’s, 8 p.m. NC. ELLEN POWELL & DAN SKEA (jazz), Leunig’s, 7 p.m. NC. COLD SHOWER (rock), Rí Rá Irish Pub, 10 p.m. NC. FATTIE B. & DJ A-DOG (live hip-hop), Red Square, 10 p.m. NC. BLACK SEA QUARTET, GUA GUA, TOUBAB KREWE (world), Nectar’s, 9:30 p.m. NC. LES GEORGES LENINGRAD, JAMES KOCHALKA SUPERSTAR, KISS ME DEADLY, JEFF HOWELL (alt-rock), Club Metronome, 9:30 p.m. $5/7. TOP HAT ENTERTAINMENT DANCE PARTY (hip-hop/r&b DJs), Rasputin’s, 10 p.m. NC. LADIES’ NIGHT W/SWEET PETE OF 95 XXX FM (top 40), Second Floor, 9 p.m. $3/5. 18+ before 11 p.m. C-LOW (hip-hop DJ), Ruben James, 10 p.m. NC. JAY INGPEN (piano improv), Wine Bar at Wine Works, 7 p.m. NC. LARRY BRETT’S JUKEBOX LADIES’ REQUEST NIGHT (rock/urban/ dance/DVD), Henry’s Pub, 8 p.m. NC.

RICKIE LEE JONES (jazz/pop/r&b/ singer-songwriter), Higher Ground Ballroom, 8 p.m. $30/33. 18+. DJ TRICKY PAT (house/techno), Monkey House, 10 p.m. NC. BUDDHA FOOD GROUP (rock), Trackside Tavern, 9 p.m. NC. KARAOKE, Geno’s Karaoke Club, from 6 p.m. NC. KARAOKE, Edgewater Pub, 9:30 p.m. NC. KARAOKE W/REX, Franny O’s, 9 p.m. NC.

:: champlain valley SCOTT MCALLISTER (Celtic guitar), Toscano Café & Bistro, 7 p.m. NC.

:: central



MARK LEGRAND & FRIENDS (singersongwriter), Langdon St. Café, 12:30 p.m. NC, followed by KEVIN GREENBLOTT (singer-songwriter), 7:30 p.m. NC, followed by ROBERT MORGAN (pirate songs & sea shanties), 8 p.m. NC.

:: northern HOUSE BAND (classic rock), Sami’s Harmony Pub, 9 p.m. NC. MITCH & MIKE (piano jazz), Chow! Bella, 6 p.m. NC. LADIES’ NIGHT W/DJS ROBBY ROB & SKIPPY (hip-hop/r&b), Tabu Café & Nightclub, 9 p.m. NC. SHANNON WURST (renegade country), Bee’s Knees, 7:30 p.m. NC. LADIES’ NIGHT (Sound Obsession DJ), Naked Turtle, 9:30 p.m. NC.

:: southern SPOOKIE DALY PRIDE (jam-rock/ eclectic), Pickle Barrel, 9 p.m. $8. 18+.






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march 23-30, 2005


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:: burlington area












THU 31 FRI 1




SUPER FREAKS :: Montréal electro-rockers Les Georges Leningrad’s frisky tunes combine lean instrumentation with spastic improvisation. Brash, original and just a tad dangerous, their dance-ready mix of dirty disco and gritty post-punk is absolutely infectious. But there’s more to the band than just music — Les Georges are notorious for their strange costumes and over-the-top stage antics. Check ’em out this Thursday at Club Metronome with James Kochalka Superstar, Kiss Me Deadly & Jeff Howell.








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THU.24 << 39A

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ROB DUGUAY’S MEOW MIX (jazz), Radio Bean, 6 p.m. NC, followed by ACTIVISTS/DICTATORS (indie-rock), 9 p.m. NC. DJS PRECIOUS, LLU (dance/house), 135 Pearl, 9 p.m. $5. DJ COREY (hip-hop), Rí Rá Irish Pub, 10 p.m. NC. DJ A-DOG (hip-hop/lounge), Red Square, 5:30 p.m. NC, followed by BOOTYJUICE (funk/jam), 8 p.m. $2, followed by DJ NASTEE (hip-hop), midnight. $2. JULIET MCVICKER (jazz vocals), 1/2 Lounge, 7 p.m. NC. AN EVENING W/BLUES FOR BREAKFAST (Grateful Dead/Dylan covers/ jam), Nectar’s, 9 p.m. $3. LED LOCO (mock-rock), Club Metronome, 9:30 p.m. $6. TOP HAT DANCETERIA (DJs), Rasputin’s, 10 p.m. $3. FLAVA W/DJS ROBBIE J., TOXIC (hiphop/reggae/dancehall), Second Floor, 9 p.m. $3/10. 18+ before 11 p.m. HIP-HOP/REGGAE/DANCEHALL DJS, Ruben James, 10 p.m. NC. DAVE HARRISON W/STARSTRUCK KARAOKE, JP’s Pub, 10 p.m. NC. PIANO LOUNGE W/MITCH, Wine Bar at Wine Works, 5:30 p.m. NC, followed by ANDRIC SEVERANCE TRIO (piano jazz), 9 p.m. NC. BIKINI BASHMENT W/DEMUS (reggae DJ), Kahiki Moon, 10 p.m. NC. COMBO 37 (jazz), Upper Deck Pub, Windjammer, 7 p.m. NC. KARAOKE KAPERS (host Bob Bolyard), St. John’s Club, 7 p.m. NC. MR. FRENCH (rock), Henry’s Pub, Holiday Inn, 9 p.m. NC. JOHN VALBY, A.K.A. DR. DIRTY (comedy), Higher Ground Ballroom, 9 p.m. $13/15. 18+. ’80s FLASHBACK DANCE PARTY, Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, 8 p.m. $6. 18+. 2ND AGENDA (hip-hop/alt-rock), Monkey House, 10 p.m. $3.


KARAOKE W/MR. DJ, Champlain Lanes Family Fun Center, 8:30 p.m. NC. AA. KARAOKE W/PETER BOARDMAN, Backstage Pub, 9 p.m. NC. WIZN BAR & GRILL (live radio show), Lincoln Inn Lounge, 4 p.m. NC, followed by SUPERSOUNDS DJ (dance party/game show), 9 p.m. NC. ALBEE DAMNED (rock), Edgewater Pub, 9 p.m. NC. KARAOKE, Geno’s Karaoke Club, from 6 p.m. NC. YO-YO NIPPLES (rock), Franny O’s, 9 p.m. NC.

:: champlain valley TOP HAT ENTERTAINMENT DANCE PARTY, City Limits, 9 p.m. NC. DJ CHARLIE (rock), Red Mill Restaurant, 10:15 p.m. NC.

:: central REBEL ALLIANCE (rock), Charlie O’s, 10 p.m. NC. DJ ELLIS (lounge), Langdon St. Café, 5 p.m. NC, followed by JAPHY RYDER (funk/jam), 9 p.m. NC, followed by BO THAYER OF THE BENDERS (solo acoustic), 9 p.m. NC. YANKEE CHANK (Cajun boogaloo), Black Door Bar & Bistro, 9:30 p.m. $5. SWEET POTATO KINGS (electric blues), Purple Moon Pub, 7 p.m. $3. BLUE FOX (blues), Finkerman’s Riverside Barbeque, 7 p.m. NC.

:: northern KARAOKE W/DON’T FRET ENTERTAINMENT, Sami’s Harmony Pub, 9 p.m. NC. THE PULSE (jazz/dance/top 40), Monopole, 9 p.m. NC. DAWNA HAMMERS (piano/vocals/ singer-songwriter), Overtime Saloon, 7 p.m. NC. VIP LADIES’ NIGHT W/DJ SKIPPY (top 40/r&b/reggae), Tabu Café & Nightclub, 9 p.m. NC. 18+. LIVE MUSIC, Riverview Café at Tabu Nightclub, 10 p.m. $3. 18+.

venues 411

After Dark Music Series at United Methodist Church, Rt. 7/ Seminary St., Middlebury, 388-0216. American Flatbread, 115 St. Paul St., Burlington, 861-2999. Ashley’s, Merchant’s Row, Randolph, 728-9182. Backstage Pub, 60 Pearl St., Essex Jct., 878-5494. Backstreet, 17 Hudson St., St. Albans, 527-2400. Bad Girls Café, Main St., Johnson, 635-7025. Ball & Chain Café, 16 Park St., Brandon, 247-0050. Banana Winds Café & Pub, 1 Towne Marketplace, Essex Jct., 879-0752. Barre Opera House, 6 North Main St., Barre, 476-8188. Bayside Pavilion, 13 Georgia Shore Rd., St. Albans, 524-0909. Bee’s Knees, 82 Lower Main St., Morrisville, 888-7889. Beyond Infinity Upstairs, 43 Center St., Brandon, 247-5100. Black Bear Tavern & Grill, 205 Hastings Hill, St. Johnsbury, 748-1428. Black Door Bar & Bistro, 44 Main St., Montpelier, 223-7070. The Bobcat Café, 5 Main St., Bristol, 453-3311. Borders Books & Music, 29 Church St., Burlington, 865-2711. Breakwater Café, 1 King St., Burlington, 658-6276. The Brewski, Rt. 108, Jeffersonville, 644-6366. B.U. Emporium, 163 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 658-4292. Capitol Grounds, 45 State St., Montpelier, 223-7800. Champlain Lanes Family Fun Center, 2630 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne, 985-2576. Charlemont Restaurant, #116, Rt. 100, Morrisville, 888-4242. Charlie B’s, 1746 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-7355. Charlie O’s, 70 Main St., Montpelier, 223-6820. Chow! Bella, 28 N. Main St., St. Albans, 524-1405. City Limits, 14 Greene St., Vergennes, 877-6919. Club Metronome, 188 Main St., Burlington, 865-4563. Contois Auditorium, Burlington City Hall, 865-7166. Cuzzin’s Nightclub, 230 North Main St., Barre, 479-4344. Eclipse Theater, 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8913. Edgewater Pub, 340 Malletts Bay Ave., Colchester, 865-4214. Finkerman’s Riverside Barbecue, 188 River St., Montpelier, 229-2295. Flynn Center/FlynnSpace, 153 Main St., Burlington, 863-5966. Franny O’s, 733 Queen City Pk. Rd., Burlington, 863-2909. Geno’s Karaoke Club, 127 Porters Point Road, Colchester, 658-2160. Good Times Café, Rt. 116, Hinesburg, 482-4444. Halvorson’s Upstreet Café, 16 Church St., Burlington, 658-0278. Hardwick Town House, 127 Church St., Hardwick, 456-8966. Henry’s Pub, Holiday Inn, 1068 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 863-6361. Higher Ground, 1214 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 654-8888. JP’s Pub, 139 Main St., Burlington, 658-6389. Jeff’s Maine Seafood, 65 N. Main St., St. Albans, 524-6135. Kacey’s, 31 Federal St., St. Albans, 524-9864. Kahiki Moon, 1 Lawson Lane, Burlington, 660-4852. Lakeview Inn & Restaurant, 295 Breezy Ave., Greensboro, 533-2291. Langdon St. Café, 4 Langdon St., Montpelier, 223-8667. Leunig’s, 115 Church St., Burlington, 863-3759. Lincoln Inn Lounge, 4 Park St., Essex Jct., 878-3309. Lion’s Den Pub, Mountain Road, Jeffersonville, 644-5567. Mad River Unplugged at Valley Players Theater, Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-8910. Manhattan Pizza & Pub, 167 Main St., Burlington, 658-6776. Matterhorn, 4969 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-8198.

FRI.25 >> 42A


march 23-30, 2005| music 41A

McKee’s Pub, 19 East Allen St., Winooski, 655-0048. Middle Earth Music Hall, Bradford, 222-4748. The Monkey House, 30 Main St., Winooski, 655-4563. Monopole, 7 Protection Ave., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-563-2222. Muddy Waters, 184 Main St., Burlington, 658-0466. Music Box, 147 Creek Rd., Craftsbury, 586-7533. Music Club, 110 Business Center Rd., Williamstown, 443-6106. Naked Turtle, 1 Dock St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-566-6200 Nectar’s, 188 Main St., Burlington, 658-4771. 1/2, 136 1/2 Church St., Burlington, 865-0012. 135 Pearl St., Burlington, 863-2343. Old Lantern, Greenbush Rd., Charlotte, 425-2120. Orion Pub & Grill, Route 108, Jeffersonville, 644-8884. Overtime Saloon, 38 S. Main St., St. Albans, 524-0357. Paramount Theater, 30 Center St., Rutland, 775-0570. Parima, 185 Pearl St., Burlington, 864-7917. Park Place Tavern, 38 Park St., Essex Jct., 878-3015. Peabody’s Pub, Plattsburgh, 518-561-0158. Pickle Barrel Nightclub, Killington Rd., Killington, 422-3035. Phoenix Bar, Sugarbush Village, Warren, 583-2003. The Pitcher Inn, 275 Main Street, Warren, 496-6350. The Positive Pie, 69 Main St., Plainfield, 454-0133. Purple Moon Pub, Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-3422. Radio Bean, 8 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 660-9346. Rasputin’s, 163 Church St., Burlington, 864-9324. Red Mill Restaurant, Basin Harbor, Vergennes, 475-2311. Red Square, 136 Church St., Burlington, 859-8909. Rhapsody Café, 28 Main St., Montpelier, 229-6112. Rhythm & Brews Coffeehouse, UVM, Burlington, 656-4211. Riley Rink, Rt. 7A North, Manchester, 362-0150. Ripton Community Coffee House, Rt. 125, 388-9782. Rí Rá Irish Pub, 123 Church St., Burlington, 860-9401. Riverwalk Records & The Howard Bean Café, 30 State St., Montpelier, 223-3334. Rozzi’s Lakeshore Tavern, 1072 West Lakeshore Dr., Colchester, 863-2342. Ruben James, 159 Main St., Burlington, 864-0744. Rusty Nail, Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-6245. Sami’s Harmony Pub, 216 Rt. 7, Milton, 893-7267. Second Floor, 165 Church St., Burlington, 660-2088. Smuggler’s Notch Inn, 55 Church St., Rt. 108, Jeffersonville, 644-6607. St. John’s Club, 9 Central Ave., Burlington, 864-9778. Starlight Lounge, 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8913. Starry Night Café, 5371 Rt. 7, Ferrisburgh, 877-6316. Stowehof Inn, Edson Hill Rd., Stowe, 253-9722. Sweetwaters, 118 Church St., Burlington, 864-9800. Tabu Café & Nightclub, 14 Margaret St., Plattsburgh, 518-566-0666. Three Mountain Lodge, Jeffersonville, 644-5736. Toscano Café & Bistro, 27 Bridge St., Richmond, 434-3148. Trackside Tavern, 18 Malletts Bay Ave., Winooski, 655-9542. Two Brothers Tavern, 86 Main St., Middlebury, 388-0002. 242 Main, Burlington, 862-2244. Upper Deck Pub at the Windjammer, 1076 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 862-6585. Valley Players Theater, Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-8910. Vermont Pub & Brewery, 144 College St., Burlington, 865-0500. Waterbury Wings, 1 South Main St., Waterbury, 244-7827. Wine Bar at Wine Works, 133 St. Paul St., Burlington, 951-9463. Zoe’s Tack Room & Café, 3825 Rt. 7, Colchester, 425-5867.






SUNDAY March 27









FRIDAY April 1


2 FLOORS • 20+ DJS TUESDAY April 5





FRIDAY April 8





SUNDAY April 10 • 7PM

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TUESDAY April 12 • 7:30PM






Thursday 4/1

...And we’re having a contest. We want a new logo & we want you to make it. Stop by the store for details.




SUNDAY April 17

Friday 4/8

WRUV Presents





< Reggae >


Friday 4/22


FRIDAY April 22






< Blues >



Friday 4/29



< Reggae >


FULL TANK Burlington’s original glass shop. Est. 1998.

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seven days



march 23-30, 2005



<clubdates> AA = ALL AGES NC = NO COVER

FRI.25 << 41A NAMED BY STRANGERS (jam-rock), Rusty Nail, 10 p.m. $5. ABBY JENNE & STACY STARKWEATHER (rock/singer-songwriter), Bee’s Knees, 5 p.m. NC. DUANE CARLETON (singer-songwriter), Charlie B’s, 8:30 p.m. NC. THE ZEN TRICKSTERS (jam-rock), The Matterhorn, 9 p.m. NC.

:: southern FIGHTING GRAVITY (rock), Pickle Barrel, 9 p.m. $12-20.


:: burlington area



EDGY ENERGY :: Burlington-based modern rock quartet Caralina keep the spirit of ’90s alternative music alive. Driving and melodic, their sound fuses the pop hooks of Weezer with the moody introspection of the Smashing Pumpkins. Although the band just recently released its debut disc The Skeletons, a follow-up is already in the works. Catch Caralina at 135 Pearl this Monday with fellow rockers Elementary Thought Process, Endless Mike & Beagle Club.

CODE PINK: High-tops are here!

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EAMES BROS. (mountain blues), Radio Bean, 9 p.m. NC. JAZZ & SONG W/MITCH (lounge), Parima, 7 p.m. NC. DJS VALERIE & PRECIOUS (techno/ dance), 135 Pearl, 10 p.m. $5. NOUVEAU JAZZ, Sweetwaters, 9 p.m. NC. LOS BLANCOS (rock/blues/soul), Rí Rá Irish Pub, 10 p.m. NC. DJ A-DOG (hip-hop), Red Square, 9 p.m. NC. GRIPPO FUNK BAND, Nectar’s, 9:30 p.m. $3. RETRONOME (’70s-’80s DJs), Club Metronome, 10 p.m. $3. MASSIVE (DJs), Rasputin’s, 10 p.m. $3. QUADRA (classic rock), Second Floor, 8:30 p.m. $5/12, followed by DJ ROBBIE J. (hip-hop/dance/reggae), 11:30 p.m, $3/10. 18+ before 11 p.m. BUDDY GUY (blues), Flynn MainStage, 8 p.m. $40/48, RUGGER (hip-hop/r&b DJ), Ruben James, 10 p.m. NC. DAVE HARRISON W/STARSTRUCK KARAOKE, JP’s Pub, 10 p.m. NC. ANTHONY GERACI (jazz/blues piano), Wine Bar at Wine Works, 5:30 p.m. NC, followed by DAWNA HAMMERS (vocals/piano/singer-songwriter), 9 p.m. NC.

75 Main Street Burlington, 2 blocks from Church St. toward waterfront Monday-Friday 11-8 / Saturday 11-8 / Sunday 12-7 / 864-6555 MUST BE 18 TO PURCHASE TOBACCO PRODUCTS, ID REQUIRED

Feeling lucky? check out our personals 28b.


:: champlain valley OPEN MIKE, Zoe’s Tack Room & Café, 7 p.m. NC. SUPERSOUNDS DJ, Red Mill Restaurant, 10:15 p.m. NC. THE JESTERS (rock ’n’ roll), Two Brothers Tavern, 9 p.m. NC. DANCE PARTY (DJ), City Limits, 9 p.m. NC.

:: central SMALL AXE (reggae), Charlie O’s, 10 p.m. NC. SUGAR BLUE (old-time), Langdon St. Café, 12: 30 p.m. NC, followed by DAVID SIMMONDS W/BREAKFAST IN JAIL ORCHESTRA (Eastern European/chamber), 9 p.m. NC, followed by THE DOGS (eclectic), 11 p.m. NC. CHRIS GRUEN & VISTA (alt-pop), Black Door Bar & Bistro, 9 p.m. $5. NOBBY REED PROJECT (blues), Middle Earth, 8 p.m. $12.

:: northern ELLEN POWELL DUO (jazz), Jeff’s Maine Seafood, 6:30 p.m. NC.

BILLY CALDWELL (singer-songwriter), Overtime Saloon, 9 p.m. NC. ROOTS OF CREATION (reggae), Monopole, 9 p.m. NC. STOLEN MOMENTS (bossa nova/swing), Bee’s Knees, 7:30 p.m. NC. ALL NIGHT DANCE PARTY W/DJ TOXIC (hip-hop/top 40/house/reggae), Tabu Café & Nightclub, 5 p.m. – 4 a.m. NC. 18+. BOSTON HORNS (funk/jazz/jam), Rusty Nail, 10 p.m. $5. WILL PATTON & DON SCHNABER (jazz standards), Bee’s Knees, 5 p.m. NC. SETH EAMES TRIO (acoustic blues), Charlie B’s, 8:30 p.m. NC. BIG AL & THE HEAVYWEIGHTS (New Orleans funk/zydeco), The Matterhorn, 9 p.m. NC.

:: champlain valley

:: southern


FIGHTING GRAVITY (rock), Pickle Barrel, 9 p.m. $12-20.

SUN.27 :: burlington area

OLD-TIME SESSIONS (traditional), Radio Bean, from 1 p.m. NC, followed by MISSY BRODRICK (singer-songwriter), 8 p.m. NC, followed by JOHN DALY (singer-songwriter), 10 p.m. NC. OPEN MIKE NIGHT W/DREW OF NAMED BY STRANGERS, Nectar’s, 9 p.m. NC. SUNDAY NIGHT MASS W/AQUASKY, MASTERBLASTER, BLESSED BREAKS COLLECTIVE (house/breakbeat DJs), Club Metronome, 10 p.m. NC. DJS RUSSELL, L-BURNA & GUESTS (underground & classic hip-hop), Ruben James, 10 p.m. NC. OPEN MIKE, JP’s Pub, 9 p.m. NC. JIMMY CLIFF, MATISYAHU THE HASSIDIC REGGAE SUPERSTAR (reggae), Higher Ground Ballroom, 9 p.m. $20/23. 18+. KARAOKE, Geno’s Karaoke Club, from 6 p.m. NC. KARAOKE, Edgewater Pub, 9:30 p.m. NC.


HAS MOVED! Come check us out!

CLOTHING • ANTIQUES • COLLECTIBLES • GIFT CERTIFICATES Now on the corner of Pine St. & Marble Ave. (Across from the bus station - next to Great Harvest Bread)


JAZZ BRUNCH W/FRED BARNES (piano), Two Brothers Tavern, 10:30 a.m. NC.


:: southern RUSTED ROOT (jam-rock), Pickle Barrel, 9 p.m. $21/24. 18+.

:: burlington area

NO GUITAR OPEN MIKE, Radio Bean, 7 p.m. NC. CARALINA, ELEMENTARY THOUGHT PROCESS, ENDLESS MIKE & THE BEAGLE CLUB (alt-rock), 135 Pearl, 8 p.m. $5. DAVE GRIPPO (funk/jazz), Red Square, 10 p.m. NC. ’93 TILL W/DJ A-DOG & NASTEE (hiphop), Nectar’s, 9 p.m. NC. AESOP ROCK & DJ BIG WHIZ, SA SMASH (hip-hop), Higher Ground Ballroom, 9 p.m. $15/17. AA. MUSIC MACHINE W/DJ TRANSPLANTE (eclectic), The Monkey House, 10 p.m. NC. KARAOKE, Trackside Tavern, 9 p.m. NC.

:: northern OPEN MIKE, Sami’s Harmony Pub, 7 p.m. NC. JERRY LAVENE (jazz guitar), Chow! Bella, 6:30 p.m. NC.


NASTEE DOG W/DJ A-DOG & NASTEE (hip-hop), Kahiki Moon, 10 p.m. NC. MR. FRENCH (rock), Henry’s Pub, Holiday Inn, 9 p.m. NC. LATIN QUARTER DANCE PARTY W/DJ HECTOR (Latin/salsa), Higher Ground Ballroom, 8 p.m. $6. AA. GANDALF MURPHY & THE SLAMBOVIAN CIRCUS OF DREAMS (eclectic rock), Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, 8 p.m. $10/12. AA. MISSY BLY (alt-rock), Monkey House, 10 p.m. $3. LITTLE BUS (rock), Backstage Pub, 9 p.m. NC. SMOKIN’ GUN (rock), B.U. Emporium, 8:30 p.m. NC. ALBEE DAMNED (rock), Edgewater Pub, 9 p.m. NC. KARAOKE, Geno’s Karaoke Club, from 3 p.m. NC. KARAOKE W/REX, Franny O’s, 9:30 p.m. NC.


march 23-30, 2005| music 43A

<clubdates> TUE.29

MYSTERY FUN NIGHT, Langdon St. Café, 8:30 p.m. NC.

followed by MEMBERS ONLY W/FATTIE B. (’80s DJ), 11 p.m. NC. ANTARA (singer-songwriter), 1/2 Lounge, 8 p.m. NC. KRS-ONE, THE LOYALISTS, DJ CRE8, DJ BLT (hip-hop), Nectar’s, 9 p.m. $22/25. MAGIC HAT PRESENTS THE JAZZ GUYS, THE BREAKING IN, THE HORSE (alt-rock), Club Metronome, 9:30 p.m. NC. OPEN MIKE W/ANDY LUGO & DJ TRANSPLANTE, Manhattan Pizza & Pub, 10 p.m. NC. TIRED OF TRYING, J.C. & THE DEMOLITION BOYS, BRIXTON GUNS (punk/rock), Second Floor, 9 p.m. $5/8. 18+ before 11 p.m. DAVE HARRISON W/STARSTRUCK KARAOKE, JP’s Pub, 10 p.m. NC. SILO, DELOREAN, LOWELL THOMPSON (alt-rock/Americana/singersongwriter), Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, 8 p.m. $7. AA. DJ DEMUS & JAH RED (reggae/dancehall), Monkey House, 10 p.m. NC. OPEN MIKE, Geno’s Karaoke Club, from 8 p.m. NC. KARAOKE, Edgewater Pub, 9:30 p.m. NC.

:: northern

:: champlain valley

KARAOKE W/SASSY, Monopole, 9 p.m. NC. CHRIS LYON (solo guitar), Bee’s Knees, 7:30 p.m. NC.

LADIES’ NIGHT, City Limits, 9 p.m. NC. ERICA WHEELER (singer-songwriter), Good Times Café, 8 p.m. $15.

:: burlington area

GUA GUA (psychotropical), Radio Bean, 6 p.m. NC, followed by KEROSENE KONDORS (indie-rock), 9 p.m. NC, followed by SALTASH (old-time/bluegrass), 10 p.m. NC. JULIET MCVICKER (jazz vocals), Leunig’s, 7 p.m. NC. BASHMENT W/DEMUS & SUPER K (reggae/dancehall), Red Square, 9 p.m. NC. 2ND AGENDA, THEN SILENCE (hiphop/alt-rock), Nectar’s, 9 p.m. NC. LIVE DJS, Kahiki Moon, 10 p.m. NC. KARAOKE, Edgewater Pub, 9:30 p.m. NC. OK GO, AQUEDUCT (alt-rock), Higher Ground Ballroom, 8 p.m. $20/23. 18+. MONKEY FUNK (jazz/funk/jam), The Monkey House, 10 p.m. NC.

:: champlain valley LADIES’ NIGHT, City Limits, 9 p.m. NC.

:: central

WED.30 :: burlington area

IRISH SESSIONS, Radio Bean, 8 p.m. NC. PINE STREET JAZZ W/MATT WRIGHT, Parima, 7 p.m. NC. TOP HAT KARAOKE, 135 Pearl, 9 p.m. NC. PAUL ASBELL TRIO (jazz/Americana), Leunig’s, 7 p.m. NC. CIRCADIA (Irish/Celtic), Rí Rá Irish Pub, 7 p.m. NC. JENNIFER HARTSWICK BAND (funk/ soul/jam), Red Square, 8 p.m. NC,

:: central BILLY CALDWELL (singer-songwriter), Charlie O’s, 10 p.m. NC. OPEN MIKE W/GEOFREE STYLE, Langdon St. Café, 7 p.m. NC. OPEN MIKE W/BO THAYER, Middle Earth, 8 p.m. $3.

:: northern OPEN MIKE W/MIKE PEDERSEN, Monopole, 9 p.m. NC. JOE CRIBARI (solo guitar), Bee’s Knees, 7:30 p.m. NC. TOOTS & THE MAYTALS, FEAR NUTTIN’ BAND (reggae), Rusty Nail, 10 p.m. $25. 쩾

Some things never change... MONDAY • 9PM




SKLAR GRIPPO QUINTET F 3/25 BOOTY JUICE (for real) with Demus & Super K S 3/26 A-DOG ALL NIGHT WEDNESDAY • 11PM MEMBERS ONLY W 3/30 JENNIFER HARTSWICK QUARTET Eighties Explosion F 4/1 CHROME COWBOYS with Fattie B. Wednesday, Friday & Saturday shows S 4/2 FUNGUS AMUNGUS THURSDAY • 9PM start around 8-ish THREE THE HARD WAY W 4/6 SWALE Three ruble cover Live Hip Hop at the door F 4/8 BARBACOA Fri & Sat nights FRIDAY S 4/9 CHRONIC FUNK DJ A-Dog 5-8 DJ Nastee 12-2 W 4/13 JENNIFER HARTSWICK QUARTET SATURDAY F 4/15 STARLINE RHYTHM DJ A-Dog 12-2 S 4/16 SANDRA WRIGHT BAND SUNDAY • 9PM NASTEE SOUL

W 3/23

136 Church Street • Burlington • 859-8909 •



march 23-30, 2005



1popten 0 T O P S E L L E R S AT L O C A L I N D E P E N D E N T R E C O R D S T O R E S . D AT E : S U N D AY 0 3 / 0 6 - S AT U R D AY 0 3 / 1 2






1. Mars Volta — Frances the Mute 2. Jack Johnson — In Between Dreams 3. Iron & Wine — Woman King EP 4. Ani DiFranco — Knuckle Down 5. Death Cab for Cutie — John Byrd 6. Thievery Corporation — Cosmic Game 7. Camper Van Beethoven — New Roman Times 8. Kathleen Edwards — Back to Me 9. Aesop Rock — Fast Cars, Danger & Knives 10. moe. — Warts & All 4

1. Jack Johnson — In Between Dreams 2. Ani DiFranco — Knuckle Down 3. Alison Krauss & Union Station — Lonely Runs Both Ways 4. Green Day — American Idiot 5. Ray Charles — Genius Loves Company 6. Madeleine Peyroux — Careless Love 7. Bright Eyes — I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning 8. Pat Metheny — The Way Up 9. Madeleine Peyroux — Dreamland 10. Don Fields & His Pony Boys — Historic WDEV Broadcasts

1. Jack Johnson — In Between Dreams 2. 50 Cent — The Massacre 3. Jennifer Lopez — Rebirth 4. Tori Amos — The Beekeeper 5. Ani DiFranco — Knuckle Down 6. Gwen Stefani — Love, Angel, Music, Baby 7. U2 — How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb 8. Norah Jones — Feels Like Home 9. Rascal Flatts — Feels Like Today 10. Judas Priest — Angel of Retribution

1. Blue Merle — Burning in the Sun 2. Rachel Bissex — In White Light 3. Original Soundtrack — Finding Neverland 4. Jack Johnson — In Between Dreams 5. Nanci Griffith — Hearts in Mind 6. Ray Charles — Genius Loves Company 7. Anäis Mitchell — Hymns for the Exiled 8. Original Soundtrack — Ray 9. Great Big Sea — Great Big Sea w/DVD 10. Steve Earle — 20th Century Masters

1. Gibson Brothers — Long Way Back Home 2. 50 Cent — Massacre 3. Jack Johnson — In Between Dreams 4. Green Day — American Idiot 5. Ani DiFranco — Knuckle Down 6. Eminem — Encore 7. Ray LaMontagne — Trouble 8. Gibson Brothers — Bona Fide 9. Pink Floyd — The Wall 10. Ray Charles — Genius Loves Company



$1.06 Quiznos Sub! Flash your Wizard Card at Quiznos Sub (*participating locations only) and get $1.06 small sub from the Quiznos Real Deal Menu. Choose from six oven-toasted subs: oven-roasted turkey, deli tuna, roast beef, honey-cured ham, steakhouse beef dip, and meatball. No other discounts apply. (Participating locations include: Maple Tree Place, Williston- across from Majestic 10, Shelburne Road, South Burlington- across from IDX, Williston Road, South Burlington- in front of Higher Ground.)



Join us this week (March 24) at Jolley 977 Shelburne Road, near Kmart. Any small sub — hot or cold with a FREE Dasani raspberry $1.06! Every Thursday in March from 12-1pm, we will be roaming Vermont at all the Jolly locations. Check in next week for the next location. Specials are good at all Jolley locations for the Power Lunch!




march 23-30, 2005| music 45A




Back in the mid-’90s, a group called Slush helped define the Burlington heavy music scene. A couple of years into their reign, they changed their name to 5 Seconds Expired and released Null, a smartly arranged blast of polyrhythmic post-hardcore. But subsequent lineup changes sapped the band of some of its dynamic, and by the time celebrated local venue Club Toast closed its doors, remaining members had moved on to other projects. This year sees the unlikely return of 5SE. The good news is that much of their stun-gun muscularity remains intact. Unfortunately, singer Jeff Howlett bites off more than he can chew, and the band often sounds like it’s emerged from a hard-rock time capsule. Still, 5SE’s new self-titled CD will please fans of start-stop riffing and turn-on-a-dime meter shifts. The band — reunited with renowned Canadian producer Glen Robinson — began work on the new disc back in 2001, but scheduling conflicts and other projects kept things on hold until ’04. Suffice it to say, metal, hardcore and even progressive rock have changed quite a bit since 5SE’s heyday. Opening track “Memory” is a great example of the band’s brainy might. Buzzing, chunky guitars are bashed back and forth in a tempest of powerful percussion. Howlett sticks within his vocal range on the cut and, for the most part, holds his own. An enigmatic performer, Howlett has the ability to command the stage. That’s tough to convey on a recording. “Blanket” opens with a bang, as Mack-truck-sized guitars drive the tune through dark sonic corridors. It’s hard not to be struck with 5SE’s similarities to other acts, however. Tool is an obvious reference point, but there are even hints of other local bands from the ’90s in the group’s arrangements. They still pack a wallop from time to time, though. The shape-shifting chord progression on “Void” has real blood and guts. Unfortunately, Howlett’s less-than perfect pitch and amateur lyrics tend to distract. It probably isn’t advisable to try to run toe-to-toe with the hyper-intelligent musicians in Tool — especially singer Maynard James Keenan. And, in an era filled with truly scary black metal and grindcore acts, 5SE sound pretty tame. I was hoping for a little more oomph from the boys, and maybe it’ll happen on their next release. As it stands, 5 Seconds Expired hovers frustratingly between the compelling and the banal. Hear for yourself this Wednesday, March 23, when they play the Second Floor in Burlington with God Below Me, Steel Reign and Arkain.

Burlington singer-songwriter Lowell Thompson is a familiar face around Vermont, playing low-key sets in small venues and cafés on a fairly regular basis. Last year, he took the grand prize in Advance Music’s 2004 Acoustic Guitar Search — an accomplishment that’s bound to lead to even more gigs. Turn is his four-song debut EP, which he made at home in ’03. Thompson played all the instruments on Turn, recording into an eight-track recorder. For those not hip to the lingo, that’s a device that allows you to record eight voices or instruments on separate tracks, not the tapes your Uncle Jimmy used to play. For the most part, the one-man-band concept works, but even if he could clone a whole band of Lowells, I’d recommend he find another drummer. Still, the alt-country/roots/Americana vibe is well realized on the disc. Turn is more than just a guy and his guitar; it’s one guy, a guitar, bass, drums, a world-weary voice and four pretty good songs. “Words,” the first, opens with deep, throbbing bass that nicely fits Thompson’s description of “waking up in another place with a beating head.” “Turn Me Home” features a distant, wailing slide guitar that evokes a cold, lonesome wind as well as the sound of a bus whining down the highway. The desperate lyrics suggest that through the protagonist is sitting on her front porch, he’s probably not getting inside her house. “Broken Hearts (in a Bag)” opens with chiming, reverb-drenched guitar tones. The calm doesn’t last long, though, and the tune soon builds to a mighty clatter. The disc’s loudest song, it unfortunately has the weakest lyrics and is a bit derivative. “Empty Tears” is a revved-up country weeper. “I gave you a nickel for your patience,” Thompson sings, upping the ante from the proverbial penny. The line “just because you hit the bottle doesn’t mean you hit the wall” contains classic country wordplay, but there’s more to it than just a hokey joke — Thompson’s delivery rings true. The songs on Turn are somewhat slow, but they’re hardly laid-back. Thompson may not be anxious, but he’s definitely angsty. Hear him with Silo and Delorean, Wednesday, March 30, at the Higher Ground Showcase Lounge.



(Self-released, CD)


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46A | march 23-30, 2005 | SEVEN DAYS

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art review


march 23-30, 2005


art 47A

<art >

BY MARC AWODEY <exhibitions>

CALL TO ARTISTS WATERBURY’S ANNUAL STOWE STREET ARTS FESTIVAL is seeking painters, photographers and craftspeople to exhibit and sell their work at the July 16 event. For registration form, call 244-6648 or email SHELBURNE FARMS is seeking entries for its annual "Envisioned in a Pastoral Setting" juried exhibit in the fall. Work in all media accepted, must be created in past year and not previously exhibited. Deadline: May 23. Info, 985-8686 or hbrough@shel STUDIO PLACE ARTS invites artists to participate in an abstract show, "Escaping the Literal," that begins May 17. Application deadline: April 8. Info, 4797069 or THE FOOLS’ GOLD ARTISTS’ FUND seeks art of all kinds for its fifth annual April Fools fundraising auction, to be held at The Box. Drop off at Jamba's Junktiques or contact 658-7458 or 863-4649 for info. BURLINGTON CITY ARTS is seeking artists who would like to participate in the summertime artists' market on Saturdays in City Hall Park. Deadline for submissions: May 2. Info, email


Photo Synthesis

C EXHIBIT “Art/Document: Defining American Photography.” A group exhibit of photographic works. Fleming Museum, UVM, Burlington. Through April 24.

TALK “The Other Vermont: Lewis Hine and the Child Labor Movement,” March 30, Fleming Museum, UVM, Burlington, 12:15 p.m.

ARTWORK “Jo Bodeon, a ‘Back-Roper’ in Mule Room, Chace Cotton Mill, Burlington, VT,“ May 1909 by Lewis W. Hine

oined in 1839 by Englishman Sir John Herschel, the noun “photography” comes from the Greek words for “light” and “writing.” Two visions of that medium are presently on display at the University of Vermont’s Fleming Museum exhibition “Art/Document: Defining American Photography.” The show frames a debate that began with the genre’s inception and became acute when George Eastman brought portraiture to the masses with his invention of flexible film in 1884: Was photography’s primary use to be documentary, or was it adequate for producing art as well? By the first decade of the 20th century, Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946) and other like-minded photographers calling themselves the Photo-Secessionists were championing the “art for art’s sake” side of the debate. “Art/Document” juxtaposes major Photo-Secessionist works with 40 photographs by Lewis Hine (1874-1940) depicting child-labor practices, which he produced for the National Labor Committee. Hine’s images at the Fleming specifically capture conditions in Vermont. Considering that connection, his works may be of the most interest to average museum visitors. The pictures echo a phase of the state’s history that’s not often recalled. “Jo Bodeon, a ‘Back-Roper’ in Mule Room” is one of several shots Hine took at Burlington’s Chace Mill. The boy Jo Bodeon stands in the middle of a long aisle of monotonously impersonal machines. Hine titled many of his photos as if he were gathering evidence to indict the practice of child labor, which he probably felt he was. A group of girls outside the mill, showing Barrett Street in the background, was captioned: “Some of the youngest girls in the Chace Mill, Burlington, VT. Girl’s names are Mabel Blanchette (left hand end), Lodell Blanchette, (right hand end), and Agnes Fountain, young girl in the middle. 6 pm May 6, 1909.” Other Hine photos include newsboys in the snow and kids working on farms and at lumber mills. The photographer traveled around the country on a mission against child labor, and this exhibition suggests that Vermont was one of his most fertile fields for finding social injustice. Hine’s captions include phrases such as “most are illiterate” and “he said he would rather go to school.” The Fleming’s Photo-Secessionist works seem rarified by comparison. Among them are pieces by Gertrude Käsebier (1852-1934), Eduard Steichen (1879-1973), Paul Strand (1890-1976) and Stieglitz himself. A 1902 article in Amateur Photographer magazine described

the Photo-Secessionists as trying “to produce pictures by means of photography. Pictures, that is to say, which shall stand the test of criticism that one would apply to a picture in any other medium . . . and shall involve some expression of the personal feeling of the photographer.” Some photo enthusiasts may suggest that the PhotoSecessionists were a little ahead of their time. Several of those artists were still experimenting in the first years of the 1900s, and much of their fuzzy-edged photography seems to be attempts at duplicating lithography. After World War I they would go on to produce very different, and arguably stronger, works. In his “self-portrait,” Steichen presents himself in the guise of a foppish, 18th-century painter. Käsebier’s 1899 “The Manger” is a sort of Art Nouveau biblical idyll. Strand’s “City Hall Park” is a vertical piece taken from a few floors above the street and overlooking a Manhattan scene in winter. It’s a strong composition, and is clearly influenced by French Impressionist painters rather than the great American photographers of the Civil War era. Dorothea Lange (1895-1965) represents both traditions. As a photographer of a later generation, she seems to have ended the art-versus-documentary debate. She recognized that the medium’s messages are most powerfully crafted with solid aesthetic decisions. Four shots from Lange’s 1935 series in Nipoma, California, seem to conclude the exhibition. Her penultimate portrait of the series has become an icon of the Great Depression: a mother with a weathered face looking anxious and caring for three children. In the tradition of Lewis Hine, Lange captioned the photos in detail: “Nipoma, Calif. Mar. 1936. Migrant agricultural worker’s family. Seven hungry children. Mother aged 32, the father is a native Californian. Destitute in a pea pickers camp, because of the failure of the early pea crop. These people had just sold their tent in order to buy food. Most of the 2,500 people in this camp were destitute.” In the tradition of the Photo-Secessionists, Lange retouched the values in her original negative to give it greater impact. While the works of the Photo-Secessionists each involved “some expression of the personal feeling of the photographer,” Hine’s works conveyed personal feelings strong enough to arouse calls for political reform. Stieglitz, great artist though he was, never tried that. m

18TH ANNUAL CHILDREN’S EXHIBITION: Works by children in Burlington public schools. Metropolitan Gallery, Burlington City Hall, 865-7166. Reception March 24, 5 p.m.; award ceremony with Mayor Peter Clavelle 5:45 p.m. Through March. MAX LEVINE: MFA thesis exhibition of paintings. Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Johnson State College, 635-1469. Reception and artist's talk March 24, 3 p.m. Through April 9. CHARLES WOODARD: Paintings by the local artist. T.W. Wood Gallery, Montpelier, 8288743. Reception March 24, 5-7 p.m. Through April 17. HEATHER GRAY: "Dysfunctional Antics of a Happy Housewife," photographs based on pop culture images. Heidi Goodrich Gallery @ AMACI Salon, Montpelier, 272-4364. Reception March 25, 6-8 p.m., with three short films by Gray. Through May 1. LYDIA JANE BRIGHT: "Bomb," thematic oil paintings and site-specific installation. Green Door Studio, Burlington, 658-0307. Reception March 26, 8-10 p.m. Through May 1. ‘ART ON THE TOWN’: Acrylic paintings by Anna Vaserstein and quilts by Carol Philbin at the Emile A. Gruppe Gallery and Dianne Shullenberger Gallery, respectively, in Jericho, 899-3211 and 899-4993. A shared reception is March 26, 3-5 p.m. Vaserstein's exhibit through April 24; Philbin's weekends through April 12, or by appointment. ‘DON’T YOU HATE PANTS?’: Photography submissions by students at Living/Learning. L/L Gallery, UVM, Burlington, 656-4200. Reception March 30, 8 p.m. Through April 15.

TALKS/ EVENTS PRINTMAKING DEMONSTRATION: Susan Smereka shows how to make a monoprint. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio, White River Junction, 295-5901. March 26, 10 a.m. noon.

TALKS/EVENTS >> 48A PLEASE NOTE: Exhibitions are written by Pamela Polston; spotlights written by Marc Awodey. Listings are restricted to exhibits in truly public places; exceptions may be made at the discretion of the editor. Submit art exhibitions at or send via email by Thursday at 5 p.m., including info phone number, to



march 23-30, 2005



<exhibitions> PHOTO: MARC AWODEY

TALKS/EVENTS << 47A LUNCHTIME GALLERY TALK: Visiting history prof Paul Searls presents a talk entitled "The Other Vermont: Lewis Hine and the Child Labor Movement." Fleming Museum, UVM, Burlington, 656-0750. March 30, 12:15 p.m.


FEMININE MYSTIQUE Prompted by Women’s History Month, presumably, Burlington’s E1 Studio Collective is presenting an all-media show of artworks focusing on — surprise! — women. The exhibition includes eight artists of both genders who have broadly interpreted the theme. The highly creative small gallery-and-studios space is located behind Speeder & Earl’s on Pine Street and is worth seeking out. Pictured: “Plate du Jour” by Derek Bremner.

JOHN YOUNGBLOOD: "Pig Series," prints by the California photographer. Enigma Gallery, Essex, 879-9220. Through April. LORRAINE JEAN: Paintings by the Essex Junction artist. Chittenden Bank, Burlington, 849-6185. Through April. GAYLEEN AIKEN & MICHAEL POWERS: "Old Nickelodeon & a Game of Catch," Barre's renowned artist pairs up with an emerging artist from Brooklyn with a show of drawings, installations and mixed media. Firehouse Gallery, Burlington, 865-7165. Through April 24. ELISABETH HOWLAND: "Welcome to the Blue World," silver gelatin prints. 1/2 Lounge, Burlington, 555-1212. Through March 30. ROBERT WALDO BRUNELLE, JR.: "Gold House," recent paintings. Sneakers Bistro, Winooski, 655-9081. Through March. LYNA LOU NORDSTROM: "Mixed Media," an exhibit of one-of-a-kind and multiple-image prints. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 878-4918. Through March. TOVE OHLANDER: The 2005 winter artist-inresidence shows her glass works. Firehouse Center for the Visual Arts, Burlington, 8657166. Through March 26. OLIVER VERNON: "Modern Mantra," acrylics, giclée prints and "live" paintings inspired by Eastern yogic and meditative traditions. Lineage Gallery, Burlington, 862-7766. Through April 10. ‘WOMEN’: A mixed-media show by local artists celebrating females. E1 Studio Collective, Burlington, Through March. SCOTT KING: "Recent Works," figurative and abstract paintings in acrylic and mixed media. The Men's Room, Burlington, 978921-2948. Through April 29. JOHN PAUL MARMONTI: A nationally touring collection of post-9/11 paintings commemorating firefighters, Fletcher Room; and JEFF SCHNEIDERMAN: "The Beauty Around Us," photographs of nature, Pickering Room; and ERIC KIDHART, MICHAEL SMITH & RICK HAYES: "The Realm of the Gun," works about arms and the man, Mezzanine Balcony. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 865-7211. Through March.

NVAA GROUP SHOW: Members of the Northern Vermont Artist Association show their works. Union Station Gallery, Burlington, 893-6877. Through March 26. BARBARA K. WATERS: "A Few Life Lessons," monotypes. Cafe Piccolo, Burlington, 9510234. Through April 1. ‘REACHING OUT, REACHING IN’: Works from participants in Burlington City Arts' outreach programs: Art From the Heart, Senior Art Guild and Foster Arts Mentoring Program. Airport Gallery, S. Burlington, 865-7166. Through March. ‘HONORING THE BARN’: Nine local artists interpret the enduring rural structure in a variety of media. Shelburne Craft School's Gallery on the Green, Shelburne, 985-3648. Through April. MATTHEW MAZZOTTA: "Regrouping," paintings, prints and mixed-media work; and MICHAEL STRAUSS: "Insectarium," bugs and other creatures in ink and watercolor, Greenhouse. Daily Planet, Burlington, 862-9647. Through March. EARL C.C. SCHOFIELD III: "The Emotional Landscape," encaustic paintings. DollAnstadt Gallery, Burlington, 864-3661. Through March. SANDRA M. WALSH: Watercolors of Vermont scenes and florals. Proceeds from sales will benefit the Walsh Fund for Arts in Healthcare. Uncommon Grounds, Burlington, 865-6227. Through March 28. ABBY MANOCK: "Derailed," new paintings. 47 Sanctuary Upstairs, 47 Maple St., Burlington, 864-5884, ext. 278. Through March 25. HILLARY MILENS: "New Work," paintings. Smokejacks, Burlington, 658-1119. Through March. ‘RETURN OF THE SPRING III’: Paintings and calligraphic works by five internationally celebrated Chinese artists: Chen Lushen, Zhang Wei-Xing, Jia Ru, Ming Zou and Li Xubai. Phoenix Gallery, Burlington, 8639400. Through April 3. HEIDI ALBRIGHT: "Ophidian Skins," painted serpent sculpture made from local hardwood. Artists' Mediums, Williston, 879-1236. Through March. SHAMMS MORTIER: "She Dances Timeless Void, Curious Wind," 18 electric, surrealist, large-format digital prints on canvas. CCV Hallway Galleries, LL Atrium, Burlington, 865-4422. Through May 5. KEVIN KIP MATOTT: "In Circulation," abstract, design-based oil paintings. CCV Hallway Galleries, Burlington, 865-4422. Through May 5.

‘THIRTEEN VERMONT ARTISTS’: Works by Josh Neilson, Kristen L'Esperance, Abby Manock, Jeremy Ayers, Ira Cummings and others. Opaline Gallery, One Lawson Lane, Burlington, 660-8875. Through March. JENNE GREAVES: Self-portraits in oil; MICHAEL T. JERMYN: Ethereal photographs; and MAGGIE NEALE: Abstract paintings in oil and acrylic. Artpath Gallery, Wing Building, Burlington, 563-2273. Through April. ‘NEW WORKS’: Featuring represented artists Christian Brown, Sarah Haskell, Russ Keil, Sean Callahan and Steve Goodman. Enigma Gallery, Essex, 879-9220. Ongoing. KIMBERLEE FORNEY: Original acrylic paintings and giclée prints. Center for Community and Neighborhoods, Burlington (above City Market), 872-9605. Through March. ‘COLLECTING THE BODY, TRANSFERRING DESIRE’: Curated by UVM students, the exhibition uses objects from the permanent collection to present a cross-cultural look at how spirituality, sexuality and societal obsessions shape our experiences and perceptions of the human body. Wolcott Gallery, Fleming Museum, UVM, Burlington, 6560750. Through June 5. ‘ART/DOCUMENT: DEFINING AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHY’: From the museum's permanent collection, the exhibition juxtaposes Lewis Hine's documentation of child laborers in Vermont with other important early-20thcentury photographs. Fleming Museum, UVM, Burlington, 656-0750. Through April 24. JEFF CLARKE: "Natural Sights," new blackand-white landscape photography. Flynndog, Burlington, 863-2227. Through March 24.

:: champlain valley QUILT SHOW: A quilt made by 40 friends for Betty Moffet on her 80th birthday, and art quilts made by Judy Reilly. Kimble Gallery, Brandon, 247-3026. Through April 24. ‘EMERGING ARTISTS’: Works in mixed media by students of Mt. Abraham High School. Art On Main, Bristol, 453-4032. Through March. ‘WEAVINGS OF WAR: FABRICS OF MEMORY: A traveling exhibit of textiles depicting the horrors of war by women from Central and Southeast Asia, Latin America and South Africa. Vermont Folklife Center, Middlebury, 388-4964. Through May 28. KARLA VAN VLIET: Asian-inspired brush paintings. Bobcat Café, Bristol, 453-3311. Through April.





L e o n a rd D u f f y / O i l o n m a s o n i t e / 1 6 ” x 2 4 ”

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honoring the

BARN March 2 – April 30

depictions of a cherished structure by artists working in several mediums

Gallery on the Green / 985-3648 generously underwritten by

Opening reception Friday, March 18, 5:30-7:30 With live music music by Lewis Franco (of Gross Domestic Products) on guitar and harmonica



march 23-30, 2005


art 49A

‘MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE PRESIDENTS’: An exhibition of official portraits of recent Middlebury College presidents includes a hologram of 15th President Emeritus John McCardell Jr., made by John Perry. Middlebury College Museum of Art, 4435235. Through August 14. CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY AND THE GARDEN: "Deceits and Fantasies," more than 60 images of gardens from around the world by European and American photographers. Middlebury College Museum of Art, 443-5007. Through April 17.

MARCH MADNESS? Burlington’s Fletcher Free Library

:: central

ings by John Paul Marmonti appears in the Fletcher Room. Like the

CAROLYN & ELLEN SHATTUCK: Prints and books. Christine Price Gallery, Castleton State College, 468-1266. March 28 - April 1. MARJORIE RYERSON: Water photography from the artist's book, Water Music. Chandler Gallery, Randolph, 728-9878. Through April 10. JOHN PATERSON: "Serious Craft of Whimsy," collages, assemblages and photos by the Art Resource Association member. City Center, Montpelier, 476-4057. Through March. JANET FREDERICKS: "Water, Water," collaborations and drawings exploring the nature and language of water. William Feick Arts Center, Green Mountain College, Poultney, 287-8000. Through April 2. TSUNEO NARUMI & STEVE HALFORD: Sculpture and raku vessels, respectively. Carving Studio and Sculpture Center, W. Rutland, 438-2097. Through April 24. PRIA CAMBIO: "Expressions in Dryer Lint: November Landscapes," works expressing the dreariest time of the year. Katie's Jewels, Montpelier, 229-9649. Through March. NANCY WIGHTMAN: Prints. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio, White River Junction, 295-5901. Through March. CRISTINA PELLECHIO: "Ceramic Wall Works," handbuilt works with mixed-media. Governor's Office, Statehouse, Montpelier, 828-5657. Through March. JIM WALLACE & KATE MUELLER: "Body of Work," nude photographs and pastels, respectively. Plainfield Community Center, 223-4865. Through March. JOYCE KAHN: "Florals," pastel paintings. Shoe Horn, Montpelier, 229-9409. Through March. AXEL STOHLBERG: Charcoal drawings and assemblages. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, Through March. RALPH STODDARD: Large-scale photographic portraits. Bundy Center for the Arts, Waitsfield, 496-4781. Through May 30.



is chock-full of diverse art this month. “The Beauty Around Us,” an exhibition of photographs by Jeff Schniderman, appears in the Pickering Room. “The Realm of the Gun,” a Mezzanine show featuring works by Eric Kidhart, Michael Smith and Rick Hayes, is armed to the teeth. And a kitschy, “nationally touring” 9/11 tribute of 22 paint-

events of 9/11, his show borders on the surreal. Pictured: one of Marmonti’s untitled paintings.

:: northern

ELINOR RANDALL: "The Eye on the Journey," works in paint and ink. Institute for Social Ecology, Plainfield, 454-8493. Through April 15. ‘ART OF ACHIEVEMENT’: An exhibition of work by 25 award-winning Vermont artists, past and present, in multiple media. T.W. Wood Gallery, Montpelier, 828-3291. Through April 17. ‘WHITE OUT’: A show celebrating winter features photography by A. Blake Gardner; oil paintings by Kevin McMullen and Virginia Webb; collage and assemblage by Thom Rock; and multimedia by Michael Stewart. Cooler Gallery, White River Junction, 2801864. Through March. ‘LETTERS, WORDS & BOOKS’: An exhibit of artists' books, altered books and art inspired by letters and words by more than 40 area artists. Also, MAKING AN IMPRESSION: Block prints by Williamstown High School students, second floor. Studio Place Arts,

4:00 PM

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Barre, 479-7069. Through March 26. ‘FEATURED ARTIST EXHIBITION’: Bob Burchess, Sloanne Dawson, Susan McDormand, Thomas Torak and Nelson Parker show their works, along with those of the Rutland High School Advanced Placement Students. Chaffee Art Center, 775-0356. Through March 27. PETER BERGENDAHL: Photographs from Vermont and around the world. Northern Power Systems, Waitsfield, 496-2955, ext. 287. Through April 22. ‘WINTER DREAMS’: Twelve artists celebrate the season, in multiple media. The Book Garden, Montpelier, 223-2824. Through March. MICKI COLBECK: "Rural Labors," large oil paintings reflecting rural life. Supreme Court Building, Montpelier, 828-4784. Through March 25.

CHIP TROIANO: "The Long Road Back: Return to Vietnam 30 Years Later," photographs from a 1999 journey by the Vietnam vet. Hardwick Town House Gallery, 472-8800. Through May 22. DON HANSON: "Works on Paper," new mixedmedia pieces in three series that explore the artist's interest in nature, form and process. West Branch Gallery, Stowe, 253-8943. Through May 1. MELISSA BOUNTY & STEVEN LICHTI: A collaboration of words and art. Bad Girls Café, Johnson, 635-7423. Through March. THOM ROCK & NITA PENFOLD: Spiritually inspired assemblages in mixed media. Catamount Gallery, St. Johnsbury, 748-2600. Through March. ‘ART SCHOLARSHIP SHOW’: Gil Perry, Elisabeth Wooden-Prior and Lisa Angell along with 19 other gallery artists show and sell works to benefit the art scholarship fund at Johnson State College. Vermont Fine Art Gallery, Stowe, 253-9653. Through March. ELROY TOWLE: Landscape paintings and other works in multiple media. Back Room Gallery, Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild, 467-3701. Through March. SHEA HEMBREY: "Bound," acrylic-on-board still lifes by the Arkansas artist. Also, LUCIEN DAY: A retrospective of oils and

2:48 PM

watercolors featuring northeast rural and urban geography. Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, 253-8358. Through April 2. ‘NEW WORKS’: An exhibit of works by 25 artist-members of the newly formed Stowe Studio Arts. Stowe Town Hall, 253-8571. Through March. J.C. WELCH: Woodcuts and oils; also paintings, photography, Cibachrome, reproductions and Ukrainian eggs by other artists. The Blue Eyed Dog Gallery & Frame Shop, St. Albans, 524-4447. Through March.

:: regional ‘ETERNAL EGYPT’: Masterworks of ancient art, spanning more than 3000 years, from the British Museum. Jean-Noel Desmarais Pavilion, Montréal Museum of Fine Arts, 514285-1600. Through May 22. ‘PICTURING CHANGE: THE IMPACT OF LEDGER DRAWINGS ON NATIVE AMERICAN ART’: An exhibit illustrating how the first Americans adopted and adapted western materials, methods and conventions and transformed their own artistic traditions, from the 19th century to the present. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 603-646-2808. Through May 15. m

Show Dates: March 11th – April 10th

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Love waits for no one… why should you? Get a jump on your love life with the SEVEN DAYS ONLINE personals!

< funnies >

50A funnies| march 23-30, 2005




film review


march 23-30, 2005


film 51A

< film> <filmclips>


PREVIEWS DIARY OF A MAD BLACK WOMAN: Kimberly Elise, Steve Harris and Donnie McClurkin star in the big screen adaptation of Tyler Perry’s popular play concerning a woman driven to the brink of violent revenge by her ungrateful husband’s mistreatment. (116 min, PG-13) GREEN MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL: Thirty films from around the world screen at the Savoy Theater and City Hall Arts Center in Montpelier, March 17-27. See http://www.focusonfilm. net for the full schedule. GUESS WHO: Kevin Rodney Sullivan (Barbershop 2) directs this retooling of 1967’s Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. In this update, an AfricanAmerican husband and wife are shocked to discover their daughter is dating a white man. Ashton Kutcher, Zoe Saldana, Judith Scott and Bernie Mac star. (97 min, PG-13) MISS CONGENIALITY 2: ARMED AND FABULOUS: Sandra Bullock is back in action as FBI agent Gracie Hart. This time around, she heads up an effort to rescue close friends who’ve been kidnapped. Regina King and William Shatner costar. John Pasquin directs. (115 min, PG-13) OFF THE MAP: Joan Allen and Sam Elliott are paired in this story about a summer in the life of an offbeat early 1970s family living off the land in rural New Mexico. With Valentina de Angelis. Directed by Campbell Scott. (105 min, PG-13)


The Sea Inside ★★★★

I ATTORNEYCLIENT PRIVILEGE Bardem bums a smoke off his lawyer, played by Belen Rueda.

’ve been saying it for years: Javier Bardem is one of the world’s most underrated actors. Sure, he’s the first Spaniard ever to receive a Best Actor Oscar nomination (for his performance in 2000’s Before Night Falls), and, yes, he snagged a relatively small role in last year’s Collateral, which exposed him for the first time to a mainstream American audience. But this is a guy Al Pacino called at 3 o’ clock in the morning to heap praises on after watching one of his films. Where are the leading roles a performer of his caliber deserves? Where are the top-drawer directors who should be clamoring to work with him? Perhaps the closest he has come so far to a project worthy of his talent — and a director capable of tapping deeply into it — is Alejandro (Open Your Eyes) Amenabar’s The Sea Inside, winner of this year’s Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. It is based on the true story of a man named Ramon Sampedro who grew up in Galicia, Spain, broke his neck in a diving accident when he was young, was left a quadriplegic, and spent the next 28 years of his life fighting for the right to end it. In trademark fashion, Bardem is barely recognizable, disappearing into the character 20 years his senior. The makeup team, which labored over him for five hours every morning, was also Oscar-nominated for their work here. The movie offers a partially fictionalized portrait of Sampedro’s final months. It’s a measure of the actor’s gifts that he creates a character who challenges, rivets, moves and charms the viewer while, for the most part, lying in bed motionless from the neck down. From a small room on the second floor of his brother’s farmhouse, which he jokingly calls his “kingdom,” Sampedro conducts a right-to-die campaign, writes and oversees publication of a book of poems, and gradually becomes a national celebrity. He submits to the ministrations of a devoted group that includes his sister-in-law and nephew as well as a female assistant and a young factory worker (Lola Duenas), who bicycles out to meet Sampedro

after seeing him interviewed on TV. Belen Rueda costars as the lawyer who takes on his case. She has special insight into Sampedro’s situation because she suffers from a degenerative condition and finds herself confronted with many of the quality-of-life concerns he faces. To one extent or another, all of the women in his circle fall in love with him. His eyes, his smile and his voice reveal unusual tenderness, intelligence and strength. But Sampedro defines love differently than other men: The one who does truly love him, he explains, will help him die. The film makes a strong case in favor of euthanasia, always underscoring the fact that it is an argument made on behalf of one man and not all quadriplegics. In one darkly comic scene, a wheelchair-bound priest pays a visit to the farmhouse in hopes of convincing Sampedro that his life is still worth living. Since his chair won’t fit up the home’s stairway, messages are carried back and forth by the young nephew. Sampedro and the priest engage in a philosophical duel, a battle of wits the man upstairs wins handily. “A life in this condition has no dignity,” we are told. Some will find the argument convincing. Others will agree with the publicity-seeking priest, who asserts that life belongs to God and isn’t ours to take. Viewers on each side, however, are certain to be affected both by Bardem’s mesmerizing performance (the makeup people got a nomination, but not the film’s star?), and by Amenabar’s surehanded treatment of the material. The picture shifts seamlessly between personal drama, romance, courtroom suspense, moments of comedy and sequences of substantial poetic power, such as those in which Sampedro dreams of soaring over the countryside beyond his window back to his beloved sea. It’s a rare motion picture that grapples with issues this provocative and profound. Rarer still is one that does so this well. m

ARE WE THERE YET?★1/2 Brian (Beethoven, Snow Dogs) Levant brings us this comedy about a ladies’ man who attempts to score points with the woman of his dreams by driving her two kids, who live in Portland, Oregon, to visit her in Vancouver, where she’s been forced to find work. Ice Cube and Nia Long star. (91 min, PG) BE COOL★ In this sequel to the 1995 hit Get Shorty, John Travolta reprises the role of wise-guy Chili Palmer. This time around, he moves from the motion-picture business to the music industry. Based on the bestseller by Elmore Leonard. With Uma Thurman and Danny DeVito. F. Gary Gray directs. (114 min, PG-13) BECAUSE OF WINN-DIXIE★★1/2 Wayne (Smoke) Wang directs this family film about a young Florida girl who adopts an orphaned dog. Based on the bestseller by the same name. Starring Jeff Daniels, Cicely Tyson and Dave Matthews. (106 min, PG) BORN INTO BROTHELS★★★1/2 British-born photojournalist Zana Briski immersed herself in the culture of Calcutta’s red-light district and emerged with a powerful portrait of children growing up there. Codirected by Ross Kaufman. (85 min, R) BRIDE AND PREJUDICE★★★ The folks who gave us Bend It Like Beckham lav-

RATINGS ★ = refund, please ★★ = could’ve been worse, but not a lot ★★★ = has its moments; so-so ★★★★ = smarter than the average bear ★★★★★ = as good as it gets Ratings assigned to movies not reviewed by Rick Kisonak are courtesy of, which averages scores given by the country’s most widely read reviewers (Rick included).



march 23-30, 2005




flick chick



Power Plays

Richmond resident Roz Payne is among the country’s foremost archivists of material about the Black Panthers went on to document an era of social and political turmoil. A California native, Payne is now a Richmond resident who has lived in Vermont for more than three decades. Her first Newsreel assignment was to help chronicle the 1968 student takeover of Columbia University. She later became the collective’s representative to the Black Panther Party in New York City. “I would travel with a projector on the subway and show our films at Panther meetings,” Payne explains. That early connection gives her a unique perspective on the history of the militant African-American group. Payne is among the country’s foremost archivists of material about the Panthers

and the FBI program, Cointelpro, that was dedicated to destroying them. She created a computerized index of 350,000 documents related to that effort and, for 15 years, has been filming some of the key players. Payne’s current project, a two-disk DVD that will present her exhaustive research in an educational format, includes long-sought information that Payne coaxed from reluctant sources. “I courted one guy for two years before he would speak with me,” she says, referring to a former FBI special agent who had investigated the BPP in San Francisco. “While indexing the files, I kept coming across his initials: WAC,” Payne says. “He was a dream-cometrue for me. When WAC relayed his phone taps and surveillance to J. Edgar Hoover, he would use terms like ‘primitive people.’ But it’s too simplistic to call him a racist. He was a nice man from another culture.” WAC, who has since died, agreed to talk with Payne only after learning she had received police academy training for her job as a Richmond constable from 1990 to 1994. He had never before been interviewed about his role in decimating the Panthers. Across the Atlantic, Payne caught up with Donald Cox, a BPP field marshal who is exiled in Paris and wanted for murder in the U.S. In addition, she chatted with several attorneys who have represented other Panthers in their legal battles. One of

them, Beverly Axelrod, is credited as the lawyer who got Soul on Ice author Eldridge Cleaver out of jail. She also may have inadvertently contributed to the mythos of the black power movement. “That famous poster of Huey P. Newton sitting in a big wicker chair was shot in Beverly’s living room,” Payne says. “And when the Panthers were putting together the first BPP newspaper, they needed something visual to fill a space. She happened to have a postcard with the picture of a pig.” Did that single twist of fate give birth to the notorious anti-cop slogan? Payne is not sure. The DVD will include at least three Newsreel docs about the Panthers, Mayday, Repression and — yes — Off the Pig. The trio of films originated on the West Coast. Back in the day, Newsreel chapters were launched in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Kansas, Detroit, Atlanta, Boston and Vermont. Payne, who teaches courses on

civil rights and women’s history at Burlington College, is the acknowledged keeper of the flame. She distributes the 50 documentaries made by the collective in America, Cuba, Vietnam, Africa and the Middle East. And she also has a treasure trove of still images that are suddenly in demand, thanks to a resurgence of interest in the forces that shaped the 1960s. “The Panthers are my biggest sellers,” Payne notes with a wry laugh. Her own visual work on the subject has appeared in an exhibit at New York’s International Center for Photography and on the covers of two recent books about the liberation struggles of yesteryear. Payne’s photos will also find their way onto the DVD, which is due for a summer release. Meanwhile, she is fundraising. A $50 tax-deductible donation to Green Valley Media will get you a copy of the DVD. For more details, call 434-3172 or email or visit her website at m

“Flick Chick” is a weekly column that can also be read on To reach Susan Green, email



This week, as always, the things Fannie likes (shown in CAPITAL letters) all follow a secret rule. Can you figure out what it is? NOTE: Fickle Fannie likes words. But each week she likes something different about them — how they’re spelled, how they sound, how they look, what they mean, or what’s inside them.

SEVENTEEN – EIGHT = NINE ONE + ONE = ELEVEN TWO + ELEVEN = TWENTY-ONE THIRTEEN – FOUR = NINE ONE + EIGHT = NINETEEN THREE + SIX = FIFTY-SIX TWELVE + THIRTEEN = ONE THOUSAND ONE SIXTY-FIVE – TWENTY = SIX THIRTY + SEVEN = SEVENTY-FIVE ONE MILLION + TWO BILLION = THREE BILLION FOURTEEN E me with your Qs or comments ( Difficulty rating for this puzzle: HARD AS ADDING AND SUBTRACTING. If you’re stuck, see the HINT on this page. If you cave, see the ANSWER on page 55A. So much for Fickle Fannie’s tastes this week. Next week she’ll have a whole new set of likes and dislikes.

FICKLE FANNIE HINT: Everything adds up (“I’m the operator of my pocket calculator”— Kraftwerk).


t’s been 38 years since Roz Payne had a chance encounter that altered the direction of her life. In 1967, she was a schoolteacher walking in Manhattan’s Lower East Side, when a hippie stranger noticed she was carrying a camera. He invited her to a meeting with about 30 filmmakers and photographers that led to the formation of a leftist collective called Newsreel. Pledging “to show people another side of the news,” the nascent organization


ishly update Jane Austen’s classic love story and set it in modern-day India, London and America. Aishwarya Rai and Martin Henderson star. Gurinder Chadha directs. (120 min, PG-13) CONSTANTINE##1/2 Keanu Reeves stars in music video director Francis Lawrence’s metaphysical thriller about a loner cursed with the ability to recognize devils in human disguise and condemned to spend his days sending them back where they came from. Based on the Vertigo Comics series. With Rachel Weisz and Max Baker. (121 min, R) FINDING NEVERLAND###1/2 Johnny Depp stars in the new film from Monster’s Ball director Marc Forster, a fantasy-tinged look at the life of Peter Pan author J.M. Barrie. Costarring Kate Winslet and Radha Mitchell. (106 min, PG) HITCH##1/2 Will Smith stars in this romantic comedy about the adventures of a date-doctor legendary for his matchmaking skills. Kevin James and Eva Mendes costar. Andy Tennant directs. (115 min, PG-13) HOSTAGE## Bruce Willis gets back in the action with the story of an LAPD negotiator who tries to start a new life after a hostage situation leaves a mother and child dead. With Kevin Pollack. Directed by Florent Emilio Siri. (113 min, R) HOTEL RWANDA#### Don Cheadle takes his career to a new level with his performance in this fact-based account of a hotel manager who risked his life to save large numbers of Tutsi people from massacre by the Hutus in 1994. Nick Nolte costars. Terry George directs. (111 min, PG-13) ICE PRINCESS### Michelle Trachtenberg stars in the latest from Disney, a family-friendly comedy about a young woman forced to choose between her mother’s dreams of her going to Harvard and her own, of going for a figure-skating championship. Joan Cusack costars. Tim Fywell directs. (98 min, G) IN GOOD COMPANY###1/2 Writerdirector Paul Weitz has come a long way since American Pie. First he surprised everybody with About a Boy. Now he’s back with a quirky, thoughtful comedy about a 50-year-old ad salesman who finds himself working for a new 26-year-old boss who falls for his daughter, who’s just 18. Dennis Quaid, Topher Grace and Scarlett Johansson star. (110 min, PG-13) INSIDE DEEP THROAT### Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato direct this documentary look back at the 1972 movie now generally acknowledged as a pop-culture milestone. Featuring the likes of Harry Reems, Linda Lovelace,


John Waters, Erica Jong and Norman Mailer. (92 min, NC-17) MEET THE FOCKERS### As Ben Stiller’s daffy mom and dad, Dustin Hoffman and Barbra Streisand complicate premarital matters when in-laws are introduced to one another in this sequel to the 2000 hit. With Blythe Danner and Robert DeNiro. Directed by Jay Roach. (PG-13) MILLION DOLLAR BABY##### Clint Eastwood follows the highly acclaimed Mystic River with this highly acclaimed character study in which a down-onhis-luck trainer takes on a spunky young fighter and helps her rise through the ranks of women’s boxing. Starring Eastwood, Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman. (137 min, PG-13) ROBOTS### Academy Award-winning director Chris (Ice Age) Wedge brings us a CGI saga set in a world inhabited entirely by mechanical beings. The voice cast includes Ewan McGregor, Greg Kinnear and Robin Williams. (93 min, PG) SIDEWAYS####1/2 Alexander (About Schmidt) Payne directed and co-wrote this buzz-happy story about two old friends who take a wine-tasting road trip and assess their lives along the way. Starring Paul Giamatti and Thomas Haden Church. (98 min, R) THE AVIATOR### Howard Hughes was an innovator and a risk taker. So it’s ironic that Martin Scorsese’s screen portrait of him is the least audacious and adventurous movie he’s ever made. Leonardo DiCaprio does a captivating impression, but the script never quite brings its subject meaningfully to life. With Cate Blanchette, Alec Baldwin and, it goes without saying, Jude Law. (117 min, PG-13) THE INCREDIBLES### A shoe-in for this year’s Best Animated Picture Oscar, Pixar’s latest tells the story of a superhero who’s retired from crimefighting and relocated to the suburbs, where he battles boredom and a bulging waistline as an insurance claims adjuster. Featuring the voices of Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter and Samuel L. Jackson. Directed by Brad Bird. (118 min, PG) THE PACIFIER### With his dramatic and action options dwindling by the minute, Vin Diesel resorts to comedy in director Adam Shankman’s laugher about a military-commando type whose latest mission calls for him to pull babysitting duty. With Faith Ford and Brad Garrett. (91 min, PG) THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA## Joel Schumacher directs Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum in this adaptation of the popular musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber. With Minnie Driver. (143 min, PG-13)




THE RING TWO##1/2 Videotapes of evil continue to be a source of concern for Naomi Watts and David Dorfman in this sequel to the 2002 horror hit. With Simon Baker and Sissy Spacek. Directed by Hideo Nakata. (107 min, PG-13) THE SEA INSIDE#### Javier Bardem stars in Alejandro Amenabar’s critically praised portrait of Ramon Sampedro, a Galician who broke his neck in a diving accident as a young man and gained fame for his eloquent lifelong legal battle to be euthanized. With Belen Rueda and Tamar Novas. (125 min, PG-13)




film 53A



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BEING JULIA### Annette Bening and Shaun Evans star in Istvan Szabo’s character study about an aging London theater actress who suffers something of a breakdown until love comes into her life in the form of a young man half her age. With Jeremy Irons and Michael Gambon. (104 min, R) BRIDGET JONES: THE EDGE OF REASON### Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth and Hugh Grant reprise the roles they originated in the 2001 hit Bridget Jones’s Diary. Despite that film’s happy ending, the sequel features an hour and 48 minutes of romantic misunderstandings and embarrassing situations. Gemma Jones costars. Beeban Kidron directs. (108 min, R) DISTANT#### This award-winning Turkish film tells the story of two Istanbul brothers who have very dissimilar lives and problems but share the same inability to find happiness. Directed by Nuri Bilge Ceylan. (95 min, NR) FAT ALBERT## Kenan Thompson plays the heavy in this live-action update of the ‘70s animated series based on characters created by Bill Cosby. Dania Ramirez and Keith Robinson costar. Joel Zwick directs. (100 min, PG) FINDING NEVERLAND###1/2 Johnny Depp stars in the new film from Monster’s Ball director Marc Forster, a fantasy-tinged look at the life of Peter Pan author J.M. Barrie. Costarring Kate Winslet and Radha Mitchell. (106 min, PG) THE FINAL CUT## Robin Williams stars in the feature debut of writer-director Omar Naim, a futuristic thriller about a man who works with a new technology which allows him to edit the memories of the dead into footage to be shown at their funerals. With Mira Sorvino and Mimi Kuzyk. (94 min, PG-13) 쩾

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© 2005, Rick Kisonak

Once again we’ve selected scenes from four well-known movies and, through the magic of Film Quiz Technology, zapped the famous faces of their stars right out of the picture. Your job, as always, is to identify the four films anyway, minus their stars and with only a single clue-ridden scene apiece to go on.

march 23-30, 2005


W W W. M E R R I L LT H E AT R E S . N E T



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1. 2. 3. 4.


DEADLINE: Noon on Monday. PRIZES: Dinner and a movie for two. In the event of a tie, winner chosen by lottery. SEND ENTRIES TO: Movie Quiz, PO Box 68, Williston, VT 05495. OR EMAIL TO: Be sure to include your address. Please allow four to six weeks for delivery of prizes. For more film fun don’t forget to watch “Art Patrol” every Thursday, Friday and Saturday on News Channel 5!

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march 23-30, 2005


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All shows daily unless otherwise indicated. Film times may change. Please call theaters to confirm. * = New film.



Rt. 100, Morrisville, 888-3293.

College Street, Burlington, 864-3456

wednesday 23 — thursday 24 Robots 6:30. Ice Princess 6:50. The Pacifier 6:40. The Ring Two 7.

wednesday 23 — thursday 24 Bride and Prejudice 1:10, 3:20, 6:50, 9:30. Born Into Brothels 1, 3, 5, 7:10, 9:10. Hotel Rwanda 1:15, 3:55, 6:45, 9:25. The Sea Inside 1:05, 3:35, 6:30, 9:15. Inside Deep Throat 1:30, 4, 7:20, 9:35. Sideways 1:20, 4, 6:40, 9:15.

friday 25 — thursday 31 *Miss Congeniality 2 1:15 & 3:40 (Sat & Sun), 6:50, 9 (Fri & Sat). The Ring Two 1:25 & 3:50 (Sat & Sun), 7, 9 (Fri & Sat). Ice Princess 1:20 & 3:40 (Sat & Sun), 6:40, 8:15 (Fri & Sat). Robots 1:10 & 3:35 (Sat & Sun), 6:30, 8:15 (Fri & Sat). .

ESSEX CINEMA Essex Outlet Fair, Rt. 15 & 289, Essex Junction, 879-6543 wednesday 23 — thursday 24 *Miss Congeniality 2: 1, 4, 7, 9:30 (starts Thu). Hitch 10 (Wed), 1:15 (Thu), 1:45 (Wed), 4:15, 6:50, 9:20. Hostage 10 (Wed), 1:30, 4:10, 6:45, 9:25. Ice Princess 10 (Wed), 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:15, 9:30. Million Dollar Baby 10, 12:40, 3:30, 6:20, 9:10 (ends Wed). The Pacifier 10 (Wed), 12:45 (Thu), 12:50 (Wed), 3, 5:10, 7:20, 9:30. The Ring Two 10 (Wed), 1:15 (Thu), 1:30 (Wed), 4, 6:45, 9:20. Robots 10 (Wed), 12:30, 1, 2:40, 3:10, 4:50, 5:20, 7, 7:30, 9:10, 9:40. friday 25 — tuesday 29 *Guess Who 10 (Sat), 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:20, 9:40. *Miss Congeniality 2 10 (Sat), 1, 4, 7, 9:30. Hitch 10 (Sat), 1:15, 4:15, 6:50, 9:20. Ice Princess 10 (Sat), 12:40, 2:45, 5, 7:15, 9:30. The Pacifier 10 (Sat), 12:45, 3, 5:10, 7:20, 9:30. The Ring Two 10 (Sat), 1:15, 4, 6:45, 9:20. Robots 10 (Sat), 12:30, 1, 2:40, 3:10, 4:50, 5:20, 7, 7:30, 9:10, 9:40.

friday 25 — thursday 31 *Miss Congeniality 2 1, 3:25, 7, 9:35. Bride and Prejudice 1:10, 3:20, 6:50, 9:30. Born Into Brothels 1:30, 4, 7:20, 9:40. Hotel Rwanda 1:15, 3:55, 6:45, 9:25. The Sea Inside 1:05, 3:35, 6:30, 9:15. Sideways 1:20, 3:50, 6:40, 9:20. Times subject to change. See

THE SAVOY THEATER Main Street, Montpelier, 229-0509. wednesday 23 — thursday 24 Green Mountain Film Festival various times. friday 25 — thursday 31

*Off The Map 1:30 (Mon), 6:30 & 8:40 (Mon-Thu). Green Mountain Film Festival (Fri-Sun) various times. For Film Festival schedule see http://www.focusonfilmnet.

SOUTH BURLINGTON 9 Shelburne Rd, S. Burlington, 864-5610.

ETHAN ALLEN CINEMAS Ethan Allen Shopping Center, North Ave., Burlington, 863-6040. wednesday 23 — thursday 24 Meet the Fockers 7, 9:20. Finding Neverland 6:50, 9:10. Are We There Yet? 9:15. Phantom of the Opera 6:40. In Good Company 6:30, 8:45. friday 25 — thursday 31 *Diary of a Mad Black Woman 1:20 & 4:10 (Sat & Sun), 6:40, 9:15. Meet the Fockers 1:10 & 3:35 (Sat & Sun), 7, 9:20. Finding Neverland 1:20 & 4 (Sat & Sun), 6:50, 9:10. Be Cool 6:30, 9:20. Because of Winn-Dixie 1 & 3:20 (Sat & Sun). Matinees Saturday & Sunday only. See

wednesday 23 — thursday 24 The Ring Two 12:30, 3:35, 7:15, 9:50. Ice Princess 1, 3:55, 7, 9:20. Robots 12:05, 2:25, 4:40, 7:10, 9:35. Hostage 12:45, 3:45, 6:55, 9:45. Be Cool 12:20, 3:25, 6:45, 9:40. The Pacifier 12:15, 2:35, 4:50, 7:05, 9:15. Because of WinnDixie 12:55, 4. Constantine 6:35, 9:25. Hitch 12:35, 3:40, 6:50, 9:30. The Aviator 12, 3:30, 7:30.

friday 25 — tuesday 29 *Miss Congeniality 2 12:55, 4, 6:45, 9:40. *Guess Who 12:45, 3:45, 7:10, 9:35. The Ring Two 12:30, 3:35, 7:15, 9:50. Ice Princess 1, 3:55, 7, 9:20. Robots 12:05, 2:25, 4:40, 6:55, 9:10. The Pacifier 12:15, 2:35, 4:50, 7:05, 9:15. Constantine 12:20, 3:25, 6:35, 9:25. Hitch 12:35, 3:40, 6:50, 9:30. The Aviator 12, 3:30, 7:30.

MAJESTIC 10 Maple Tree Place, Taft Corners, Williston, 878-2010.

STOWE CINEMA 3 PLEX wednesday 23 — thursday 24 *Miss Congeniality 2 1:15, 3:45, 6:30, 9:10 (starts Thu). Hitch 1, 3:50, 7, 9:40. Hostage 1:10, 7:15, 9:50. Ice Princess 12:25, 2:40, 4:50, 7:05, 9:35. Million Dollar Baby 12:30, 3:20, 6:25, 9:15. The Pacifier 12:40, 2:50, 5, 7:20, 9:30. The Ring Two 12:50, 1:20, 3:40, 4:10, 6:40, 7:25, 9:20, 9:55. Be Cool 12:45, 3:30, 6:50, 9:45 (ends Wed). Robots 12:20, 2, 2:30, 4, 4:20, 4:40, 6:30, 7:10, 8:40, 9:25. friday 25 — thursday 31 *Guess Who 1, 4:05, 7, 9:40. *Miss Congeniality 2 12:15, 1:15, 3:45, 6:30, 7:35, 9:10. Hitch 12:30, 3:35, 6:40, 9:35. Hostage 12:45, 4 (except Sat & Sun), 7:30, 9:50. Ice Princess 1:10, 3:50, 6:25, 9:15. Million Dollar Baby 3:25, 6:20, 9:20. The Pacifier 1:25, 4:10, 7:10, 9:25. The Ring Two 12:50, 2:40, 3:45, 5:10, 7, 9:30, 9:55. Robots 12:20, 1:15, 2:30, 3:15 (Fri-Sun), 4:40, 5:20 (Fri-Sun), 6:55, 9. Times subject to change. See

MARQUIS THEATER Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841.



Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678. wednesday 23 — thursday 24 Be Cool 7:30. The Pacifier 7:30. Robots 7:30. friday 25 — thursday 31

Miss Congeniality 2 2:30 & 4:45 (Sat & Sun), 7 (Fri & Sat), 7:30 (Sun-Thu), 9:10 (Fri & Sat). *Guess Who 2:30 & 4:45 (Sat & Sun), 7 (Fri & Sat), 7:30 (Sun-Thu), 9:10 (Fri & Sat). Robots 2:30 & 4:45 (Sat & Sun), 6:45 (Fri & Sat), 7:30 (SunThu), 8:45 (Fri & Sat).

Schedules for the following theaters are not available at press time. CAPITOL SHOWPLACE 93 State Street, Montpelier, 229-0343. THE ECLIPSE THEATER Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-7787. PARAMOUNT THEATRE 211 North Main Street, Barre, 479-4921. WELDEN THEATER 104 No. Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888.

wednesday 23 — thursday 31 Robots 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 (Sat & Sun), 6:15, 8:15. Million Dollar Baby 1:15 & 3:45 (Sat & Sun), 6:30, 8:30. Matinees Saturday & Sunday only.


march 23-30, 2005


film 55A


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JOHNSON S TAT E COLLEGE COMMUNITY JOURNALISM DAY Friday, March 25, 2005 Come to this free daylong event. Featuring two interactive forums with the following prominent Vermont journalists and political figures focusing on Vermont's vibrant local media. Biddle Duke, publisher of the Stowe Reporter, Ethan Dezotelle, editor of the Franklin County Courier, Pamela Polston, publisher and editor of Seven Days, Angelo Lynn, publisher/editor of the Addison County Independent, Ross Connelly, editor of the Hardwick Gazette, Geoff Gevalt, managing editor of The Burlington Free Press, Maria Archangelo of the Barre Montpelier Times-Argus, former Vermont governor Madeleine Kunin, Progressive Party activist Anthony Pollina, Bob Kinzel of Vermont Public Radio, and Emerson Lynn, publisher of the St. Albans Messenger. To reserve your spot at the Community Journalism Day at JSC, please call the Admissions Office at

1-800-635-2356 or e-mail

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Fickle Fannie Answer: If you count only the number of letters in each word, and disregard the Arabic number each stands for, the equations are correct.


THE CORNER! GLUTEN-FREE AND FANTASTIC! New additions to our Gluten-Free Department:

WEST MEADOW FARM – made right nearby in Colchester, Vermont, and delivered to us on Tuesdays and Thursdays…a dazzling selection of pies, muffins, cakes, bagels and breads. Our gluten-free customers are in LOVE with these wonderful products! KINNIKINNICK FOODS: Gluten-Free Pancake/Waffle Mix, Muffin Mix. GERTRUDE & BRONNER’S MAGIC ALPSNACK – Organic Hemp


Nuts, Almonds and Fruits, Apricot & Cranberry, Fair-Trade Espresso Chocolate, Plum & Currants, Coconut-Mango-Pineapple.

HERON FOODS ORGANIC GLUTEN-FREE MUESLI LYDIA’S ORGANICS – grainless raw bars, Crystal Manna, Apple Ginger, Raspberry. MARY’S GONE CRACKERS – organic wheat-free, gluten-free crispy crackers in two sensational varieties: original and caraway.

All natural, Vermont-raised, processed the old-fashioned way in Barre Boneless halves and quarters reg $7.89 Bone-in reg $7.59

Twice-Baked Potatoes with Ham, Peas and Gruyère

After your big dinner, use leftover ham in this terrific recipe. Serves 4 as a main dish. 4 Russet potatoes • vegetable oil • 3 tablespoons butter • 3/4 pound baked ham, sliced 1/4-inch thick and cut into 1/4-inch cubes • 1 cup frozen peas • 2 cups shredded Gruyère cheese • 1/2 cup sour cream • 1/4 cup half-and-half • 2 tablespoons whole-grain mustard • ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Scrub, dry and lightly rub 4 good-sized russet potatoes with vegetable oil. Bake potatoes until skewer can be inserted into and removed from potatoes with little resistance, 60 to 70 minutes. Leave the oven on while you cool potatoes about 10 minutes. While potatoes are baking, heat 1 tablespoon butter in 12-inch skillet over medium-high heat until foaming; add ham in even layer and cook, without stirring, until lightly browned, about 2 minutes. Stir and cook 30 seconds longer, stir in peas, transfer mixture to large plate. Halve each potato lengthwise. Using soup spoon, scoop flesh from each half into bowl, leaving about 3/8-inch thickness of flesh. Place shells cut-sides up on baking sheet and return to oven until dry and slightly crisp, about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, melt the remaining 2 T butter, mash potato flesh with fork until smooth; stir in melted butter, ham mixture, 1 cup cheese, sour cream, half-andhalf, mustard, and salt and pepper to taste. Remove shells from oven; heat broiler. Mound filling Our current art exhibits into shells; sprinkle with remaining cheese and broil until spotty brown, 6 to 10 minutes. Cool 5 minutes; feature Cami Davis, serve.

Chec k



ethereal abstract oils & Alice Trageser, botanical sculpture.


If you’re an artist interested in becoming part of our rotating exhibits, please give Rhoby a call at Healthy Living, 863-2569 ext. 318







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S E V E N D A Y S V T . C O M





03B calendar scene@ 04B calendar listings 05B

14B classes 18B classifieds wellness auto spacefinder

18B 23B 24B

28B personals 32B employment >>> funstuff astrology 7D crossword lola dykes

19B 27B 28B 30B

FRONT PAGE GALLERY “Amber Nesting,” photograph by Jennifer Kennedy of Burlington. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Seven Days accepts hi-resolution digital files and full-color reproductions of 2-dimensional artwork from Vermont artists for a one-time, non-paying exhibition in the FRONT PAGE GALLERY of Section B. Submissions must be vertically-oriented, non-originals no larger than 8 1/2" x 11". Please do not send work in a current public exhibit. We will only return artwork that includes a SASE with the appropriate postage. Please include your name, address, phone number, title of the works, and medium. Send submissions to: SEVEN DAYS, c/o FPAG, PO Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402 or email to: No phone calls, please.



march 23-30, 2005



Buy a house. Sell a house.

make it your own.

Find a realtor. Get a mortgage. Find a home for your office.



SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005


calendar 03B

<calendar > MARCH 23-30



Pomp and circumstance never hurt a circus, but the element of surprise is essential. The Montréal-based, animal-free Cirque Eloize takes this principle to heart. Following in the tradition of Cirque du Soleil, the internationally acclaimed troupe’s high-wire and trapeze artists, acrobats and jugglers awaken wonderment by performing seemingly impossible feats on a beautifully choreographed theme — all with playful nonchalance. The group’s name is Québecois for heat lightning. That connection with sudden summer thunderstorms precipitated the current production, Rain, a sweetly nostalgic ode to childhood. Prepare to be a little kid once again, giggling and dancing in a warm summer downpour.

CIRQUE ELOIZE Thursday, March 24, Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 7 p.m. $24-44. Info, 863-5966.

:: submission guidelines


All submissions are due in writing at noon on the Thursday before publication. Be sure to include the following in your email or fax: name of event, brief description, specific location, time, cost and contact phone number. SEVEN DAYS edits for space and style.

Listings and spotlights by Meghan Dewald.

WEB: EMAIL: MAIL: SEVEN DAYS, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164 FAX: 802-865-1015



march 23-30, 2005



<calendar > scene@ARIEL GORE PEACE & JUSTICE CENTER, BURLINGTON, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 4 P.M. The only entry fee for the “Yo Mama’s Illumination Road Show” seemed to be a pregnant belly, a toddler clutching your thigh, or an infant slung on one hip. Of the 30-odd folks in attendance, I was about the only one not toting offspring. An army of squirts laid siege to a buffet table of carrots, cheese and crackers, while a battery of mamas bounced their bundles of fleece. The “Yo Mama’s Illumination Road Show” featured writers Annie Downey, China Doll Martens and Annaliese Jakimides, but I suspected most folks had come to hear Ariel Gore, founder of the zine Hip Mama and author of unconventional parenting books such as The Mother Trip and The Hip Mama Survival Guide. The 4 p.m. reading didn’t start until 4:15. It was running on mama time, when things begin whenever they’re ready to begin. “The children who want to scream can scream and their mothers shouldn’t feel bad,” Gore told the group. “It’s my job to scream louder… The level of chaos is almost equal to the conditions under which this was written.” Dressed in a grey sweatshirt and a blue T-shirt turned inside out, Gore looks the part of the harried single mother. “So you get your baby dressed and you make your way to the store and there, in the midst of checkout, you’re roused from the seemingly endless daze to find the store clerk holding your whining baby with spit-up on his dark blue uniform and you’re writing a bad check with sticky fingers and the lady behind you in line is dying to find out why your skin is whiter than white like Tide with bleach and your baby looks like a Cuban who’s just been rescued from the seas, and you snarl and say, ‘You wanna see my stretch marks?’ Because he could only be your baby.” As the mothers all smiled and nodded in agreement, I thought, if only there were some teenagers in the room. Clearly, parenthood isn’t to be entered into lightly. KEN PICARD



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How We Get Hooked (and How We Get Unhooked) PEMA CHÖDRÖN TEACHES ON SHENPA April 1-3, 2005 (RESCHEDULED)

In five video talks, Pema Chödrön discusses how to work with our emotions. Shenpa practice begins with meditation and expands to daily life. Join us for part or all of the program: Open house talk starts Friday at 7:00pm Saturday & Sunday: 9am to 4pm Information: 802-223-5137 Shamhala Meditation Center 64 Main St., 3rd Floor, Montpelier

SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005


calendar 05B

WED 23 THU 24 FRI 25 SAT 26 SU N 27 MON 28 TU E 29 WED 30

WED.23 music Also, see clubdates in Section A. DAVID MURPHEY: The local singer entertains eaters with a concert of American roots music. Positive Pie, Plainfield, 5:30-8 p.m. Free with dinner. Info, 454-0133. ST. ANDREWS PIPES & DRUMS: Got kilt? This Scottish-style marching band welcomes new members to play bagpipes or percussion. St. James Episcopal Church, Essex Junction, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 879-7335. PETE SUTHERLAND: The local songwriter sings original and traditional Vermont history ballads on banjo, guitar and fiddle. Statehouse, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 828-0346.

film GREEN MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL: A full week of cinema brings 30 films from around the world to the state capital. Savoy Theater & City Hall, Montpelier, various times. $6-100. Info, 262-3456. ‘MOOLAADE’: In this film, an African village takes sides against a woman who shields girls from ritual female circumcision. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $6.50. Info, 748-2600. ‘IN THE LIGHT OF REVERENCE’: This documentary chronicles Native American struggles to protect sacred places. A discussion follows at the Ellsworth Room, Johnson State College Library, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 479-6981.

art See exhibitions in Section A.


dance ‘SALSALINA’ PRACTICE: Work on your sensuous nightclub routines at this weekly Latin dance session. Salsalina Studio, Burlington, nonmembers 6 p.m., members 7 p.m. $5-10. Info, 598-1077.

drama ‘THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN’: In this tragicomic play by Martin McDonagh, a young man tries to escape his Irish village through a “local color” Hollywood film. Alumni Auditorium, Champlain College, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $12. Info, 651-5962. ‘VANYA/VERMONT’: Vermont Stage Company gives Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya a local spin in an adaptation by Kathryn Blume. See story, this issue. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $25. Info, 863-5966. ‘LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS’: This student production of the classic musical about a carnivorous plant features sets designed by guest artist Donna Stafford. Dibden Center for the Arts, Johnson State College, 10 a.m. $5. Info, 635-1476.

‘CONTEMPORARY IRISH WRITERS’: Readers of Seamus Heaney’s Opened Ground dig into the Nobel Prize-winning poet’s exploration of Irish identity. South Burlington Community Library, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 652-7080. ‘FOOD FOR THOUGHT’: Philip Roth’s The Human Stain provokes discussion about how society airs its dirty laundry. Waterbury Public Library, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. DISCUSSION GROUP: A chat about Thomas Moore’s Care of the Soul centers on cultivating depth in everyday life. Unitarian Church, Burlington, 12:15 p.m. Free. Info, 862-5630, ext. 25. BOOK DISCUSSION: Vermont author Sarah Stewart Taylor talks with readers about her literary mystery novel O’ Artful Death. Essex Free Library, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 879-0313.

talks CRYPTOGRAPHY TALK: WWII veteran Hervie Haufler, author of Codebreakers’ Victory, details how American and British deciphering skills helped win the war. See calendar spotlight. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.

‘THE CRUSADES’: UVM Professor Emeritus Alfred Andrea talks about historic and modern perspectives on these religious wars. McCarthy Arts Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536. GNOSTIC CHRISTIANITY: Listeners get an introduction to this life philosophy at the Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 524-9706. NONVERBAL LEARNING DISABILITIES: Two experts from the Stern Center for Language and Learning offer insights on Asperger’s and autism. Montshire Museum, Norwich, 7 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 800-544-4864. ‘BATTERED STATES’: Civil War historian Howard Coffin describes the state of the Vermont homefront in 1864. Aldrich Public Library, Barre, 1 p.m. Free. Info, 476-7550. ‘THE GLOBAL POVERTY GAP’: A panel of experts discusses the growing distance between haves and have-nots worldwide. Hauke Family Center, Champlain College, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 899-3266.

kids WESTFORD PLAYGROUP: Children gather for games, songs and stories at the Westford Library, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-5639. PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: Tots take in their favorite tales at the Pierson Library, Shelburne, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 985-5124. ANIMAL FEEDING: Watch critters do lunch with help from the animal-care staff at the ECHO Center, Burlington, noon & 3 p.m. $69. Info, 864-1848. BARNES & NOBLE STORYTIME: Readings of family faves provide morning fun for toddlers at Barnes & Noble, South Burlington, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 864-8001. WATERBURY STORYTIME: Little ones ages 2 and under get hooked on books at the Waterbury Library, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. BROWNELL LIBRARY STORYTIME: Growing readers aged 3-5 participate with picture books and puppets at the Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-10:45 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.

HINESBURG PLAY GROUP: Little ones let loose in a fun, friendly, toy-filled atmosphere. Hinesburg Town Hall, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 453-3038. CHARLOTTE COMMUNITY PLAYGROUP: Children and their caregivers gather for crafts, reading and music-making. Charlotte Community School Cafeteria, 9-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 425-7120. ‘MOVING & GROOVING’: Two- to 5-year-olds boogie down with rock ’n’ roll and worldbeat music. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216. WORD GAMES: Savvy spellers in grades 4-8 gather for Scrabble and other pastimes. See calendar spotlight. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 878-6956. FATHER & CHILD STORYTIME: Dads have their day at the South Burlington Community Library, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 652-7080.

sport SENIOR EXERCISE: Those over 60 sample stretches and strength training. Senior Community Center, The Pines, South Burlington, 2:30 p.m. $2. Info, 658-7477. ‘MOSEY BY MOONLIGHT’: A lunar glow guides snowshoers through North Branch Park. Meet at Elm St. Recreation Field parking lot, Montpelier, 5:30 p.m. Free, bring flashlight. Info, 223-7035.

activism BURLINGTON PEACE VIGIL: Activists stand together in opposition to the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Top of Church Street, Burlington, 5-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2345. INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISTS: Marx-minded activists strategize about the labor and antiwar movements. Room 100, Lafayette Hall, UVM, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free. Child care and info, 864-9678.

WED.23 >> 06B

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march 23-30, 2005



<calendar >

WED.23 << 05B

etc ‘RAPTORS UP CLOSE’: Nature lovers get a look at live birds on tours of the VINS Nature Center, Quechee, 2 p.m. $8. Info, 359-5000. CHOCOLATE-DIPPING DEMO: Fans of cocoacovered confectionery see how it’s made at Laughing Moon Chocolates, Stowe, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 253-9591. ‘STITCH & BITCH’: Experienced knitters help out newbies at this communal wool gathering. Bad Girls Café, Johnson, 6-9 p.m. Free. Info, 635-7423. GIANT BOOK SALE: Thousands of tomes organized by subject give browsers pause to buy. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. ‘LUNCH & LEARN’ SERIES: Gardeners sprout ideas for edible gardens over a midday meal. Four Seasons Garden Center, Williston, noon - 1 p.m. $6-10 includes lunch. Info, 658-2433. COMPUTER OPEN LAB: Tech-savvy staff answer questions about computers, software and the Internet. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7217. LEARN ENGLISH: Non-native speakers practice pronunciation and grammar at the Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211. FINANCIAL AID SESSION: College-bound students learn to read the bottom line on aid packages. VSAC Resource Center, Champlain Mill, Winooski, 6 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 800-642-3177. ‘THE FRANCO-FETE’: Students and professors celebrate all things francophone with a day of dancing, music, poetry and talks. McCarthy Arts Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 9 a.m. - noon, 4:30-9 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536.



5:08 PM

THU.24 music Also, see clubdates in Section A. CHRIS GRACE: The New York-based singersongwriter shows his stuff at the Wobbly Barn Steakhouse, Killington, 9:30 p.m. $25. Info, 422-6171.

dance BALLROOM LINE DANCING: You don’t need a partner to learn samba, merengue and mambo steps in row formations. Jazzercize Studio, Williston, 8 p.m. $12. Info, 862-2207.

art Also, see exhibitions in Section A. ‘WATER MUSIC’: Photographer Marjorie Ryerson talks about pairing her 100-image collection with works by 66 musicians honoring water. Debevoise Hall, Vermont Law School, South Royalton, 7:30 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 831-1201. RUG HOOKING DEMO: Carpet creator Stephanie Ashworth Krauss describes pattern design and custom dyeing, then models different wool-looping methods. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. COMMUNITY DARKROOM: Shutterbugs develop film and print pictures at the Center for Photographic Studies, Barre, 6-9 p.m. $8 per hour. Info, 479-4127.

Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 1 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. ‘SYMBOL & MEANING’: Art professor Dorian McGowan of Lyndon State College explores the mind’s relationship to recurring images. St. Johnsbury House, 1-2:30 p.m. $5. Info, 626-5135. FAMILY BUSINESS FORUM: Members of clanbased companies hear about the legal aspects of buying, selling or inheriting a business. The Middlebury Inn, 8:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. $100 includes breakfast and lunch. Registration and info, 656-5897.


ANIMAL FEEDING: See March 23. WORD GAMES: See March 23. SOUTH BURLINGTON LIBRARY STORYTIME: Youngsters ages 3-5 get together for easy listening at the South Burlington Library, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 652-7080. ‘THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN’: See March 23. WILLIAM HEFFERNAN: The Vermont-based BARRE LIBRARY STORY HOUR: Three- to 5‘VANYA/VERMONT’: See March 23. mystery novelist shares A Time Gone By, a year-olds break into books at the Aldrich ‘LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS’: See March 23, tribute to hardboiled detective stories of Public Library, Barre, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 7 p.m. years past. Briggs Carriage Bookstore, 476-7550, ext. 308. CIRQUE ÉLOIZE: Montréal’s high-flying theBrandon, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 247-0050. WESTFORD STORYTIME: Kids ponder picture atrical circus shines in Rain, a playful exploGRAPHIC NOVEL SERIES: Readers of sophisbooks and create crafts at the Westford ration of childhood. See calendar spotlight. ticated stories in comic-book form dig into Library, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-5639. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 7 p.m. $24-44. Jeff Smith’s Bone: Out from Boneville. DADS’ PLAYGROUP: Fathers and their offspring Info, 863-5966. Fairfax Community Library, 6:30 p.m. Free. bond through fun and games. Family Center, ‘DANGEROUS LIASONS’: Equinox Theatre Info, 849-2420. Montpelier, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 828-8765. stages this seductive comedy about manipuBOOKER PRIZE WINNERS: Readers judge KIDS’ GARDEN TOUR: Young ones explore the lation in 18th-century France. See calendar J.M. Coetzee’s novel The Life and Times of world of plants on a walk around the Four spotlight. Shelburne Town Hall, 8 p.m. $10. Michael K. Stowe Free Library, 7 p.m. Free. Seasons Garden Center, Williston, 10 a.m. & Info, 863-5966. Info, 253-6145. 1 p.m. Free. Info, 658-2433. PLAYWRIGHT WORKING GROUP: Scene ‘LITTLE ROOTS’ STORYTIME: Kids gather in scribes present works-in-progress, then hear the garden to hear tales about plants, flowaudience members’ opinions. Institute of ers and bugs. Four Seasons Garden Center, Professional Practice, Berlin, 7 p.m. Free. ‘A NEW ENVIRONMENTALISM’: Peter Forbes Williston, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 658-2433. Registration and info, 229-0112. and Helen Whybrow of the Center for Whole BABY TIME: Little ones up to age 2 meet Communities talk up sowing seeds for each other at the Pierson Library, Shelburne, change. Institute for Social Ecology, 10:15 a.m. Free. Info, 985-5124. Plainfield, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 454-8493. GREEN MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL: See ‘ITTY BITTY SKATING’: Pint-size bladers take ‘TREE FROGS & TRUE FROGS’: Biologist March 23. to the ice at Leddy Park Arena, Burlington, Catherine Bevier sounds out the different ‘MOOLAADE’: See March 23. 10-11 a.m. $5. Info, 865-7558. dating practices of spring peepers and sum‘THE JESUS FACTOR’: Citizens view this PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: Future readers aged mer pond dwellers. Center for Northern “Frontline” documentary about the influence 2-4 take in tales at the Fletcher Free Library, Studies, Wolcott, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 586of religion in U.S. politics, then discuss the Burlington, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216. 7711, ext. 101. separation of church and state. Middle Earth EGG HUNT: Treasure-seekers search for openTRAVEL DISCUSSION: Eighth grader Mara Music Hall, Bradford, 7 p.m. Free. Info, able ovoids at the South Burlington CommDistler reports on her recent three-week 222-4748. 1x4-dogzone030205 2/28/05 3:38 PM Page 1 unity Library, 10 a.m. and 2x4-UVM-quitsmoke022305 2/22/05 4:00 PM Free. PageRegistration 1 Page 1 tour of national parks in the western U.S. info, 652-7080.





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SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005


calendar 07B

WED 23 THU 24 FRI 25 SAT 26 SU N 27 MON 28 TU E 29 WED 30

activism BURLINGTON PEACE VIGIL: See March 23. TOWN PLANNING MEETING: Shelburne residents consider public improvements for their village’s center. Shelburne Municipal Complex, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 985-5118.



music See clubdates in Section A.


etc ‘RAPTORS UP CLOSE’: See March 23. CHOCOLATE-DIPPING DEMO: See March 23. GIANT BOOK SALE: See March 23. BUSINESSES FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Local leaders and interested folks tour a cooperatively owned, independent ski area on snowshoes. Mad River Glen, Waitsfield, networking 5:30 p.m., tour 7:30 p.m. $10. Info, 862-8347. WINE & CHEESE RECEPTION: Citizens chat about the local economy and toast the Environmental Law Center’s 25th anniversary with Vermont vintages. Debevoise Hall, Vermont Law School, South Royalton, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 831-1201. CAREER CHOICE WORKSHOP: Adult learners find out how to pick a job that works for them. Community College of Vermont, Montpelier, 3-6 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 1-800-642-3177. POKER GROUP: Straight-faced card players gather for no-hold-’em stud games. Call for Burlington-area location and time. Free. Info, 578-7654. TOASTMASTERS CLUB: Speechmakers gather to practice public oratory and leadershipbuilding skills. McClure MultiGenerational Center, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 879-2808. PARENT GROUP: Caregivers with infants from newborn to 9 months share their joys and concerns. Expectant families are also welcome. Child’s Garden campus, Orchard Valley School, Montpelier, 1 p.m. Donations. Info, 456-7400.

PARTNER DANCE SOCIAL: New and experienced fox-trotters practice fancy footwork at the Champlain Club, Burlington, 7-10 p.m. $10. Info, 598-6757. BALLROOM DANCE SOCIAL: Singles and couples of all ages learn ballroom, swing and Latin dancing. Jazzercize Studio, Williston, 7 p.m. $10. Info, 862-2207. DANCES OF UNIVERSAL PEACE: Meditative movers promote peace through joyful circle dances. Call for Hinesburg area location, 79:30 p.m. $5-7. Info, 658-2447.

drama ‘THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN’: See March 23. ‘VANYA/VERMONT’: See March 23, $27.50. ‘LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS’: See March 23, 7 p.m. ‘DANGEROUS LIASONS’: See March 24. ‘THE LOGGER’: Comedian Rusty DeWees cuts it up with rustic schtick to benefit the Dorset Nursing Association. Dorset Playhouse, 8 p.m. $18. Info, 362-1200. ‘THE APPLE (AND OTHER SLIP-UPS)’: In this two-person musical, 10 female figures — including Eve, Pandora, Eva Braun and Marilyn Monroe —sing about difficult choices. Pendragon Theatre, Saranac Lake, N.Y., 7:30 p.m. $8. Info, 518-891-1854.

film GREEN MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL: See March 23. ‘MILLION DOLLAR BABY’: Clint Eastwood directs and stars in this Academy Awardwinning flick about a woman fighting to be a pro boxer. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $6.50. Info, 748-2600.


The Backcountry Challenge isn’t a race. Now in its sixth year, the event invites folks on skis or snowshoes to take their own time tackling a grueling, five-mile course to Stark Mountain’s 2400-foot summit. While catching your breath, suggests naturalist Sean Lawson, you might spot the tracks of snowshoe hares, fishers or red fox, identify claw marks left on beech trees by black bears, or maybe encounter a moose. Along the ridge line, the trail squeezes through narrow slots between rocks and skirts the cliff edge. The outing benefits the cooperatively-owned ski area’s naturalist program and offers prizes. But whether you spend an hour or half the day, the real reward is the experience itself.

BACKCOUNTRY CHALLENGE Mad River Glen, Waitsfield, Saturday, March 26, registration 8:30-9:45 a.m., course opens 10 a.m. $15 includes lunch. Info, 496-3551 ext. 117.

art See exhibitions in Section A. 2x6-alice020205


12:35 PM

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11:33 AM

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6:09 PM

FRI.25 >> 08B

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march 23-30, 2005



<calendar >

FRI.25 << 07B



COMMUNITY JOURNALISM DAY: Academics and members of the press focus on the civic function of local news. Johnson State College Library, 9-11 a.m. & 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 635-1476.

‘RAPTORS UP CLOSE’: See March 23. CHOCOLATE-DIPPING DEMO: See March 23. GIANT BOOK SALE: See March 23, 10 a.m. 5 p.m. TERTULIA LATINA: Fluent Spanish speakers converse at Radio Bean, Burlington, 5:307:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-1926. TASTE OF VERMONT LUNCHEON: Local farmers, chefs and bakers talk shop and serve up samples at the Chase Community Center, Vermont Law School, South Royalton, noon 1:30 p.m. $5. Registration and info, 831-1201. KITTY NEUTER CLINIC: Male felines get catnipped, then receive shots for rabies and distemper. Barre Auditorium, carrier drop-off 8:30-9:30 a.m., pick-up 3-4 p.m. $25. Registration and info, 476-3811, ext. 24. ‘COMING OUTRIGHT BALL’: Local queeryouth advocacy group Outright Vermont turns sweet 16 with tasty treats, a silent auction and a surprise musical guest. Burlington City Hall, 7-10 p.m. $25. Info, 865-9677.

talks ‘LIVING LA VIDA LOCAL’: Panelists discuss how Vermont institutions can support community-based economies. Chase Community Center, Vermont Law School, South Royalton, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 831-1201. WILLEM LANGE: The North Country writer, humorist and radio commentator describes a Geriatric Adventure Society trip to the Canadian Arctic. Unitarian Church, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. $5. Info, 229-6206.

kids ANIMAL FEEDING: See March 23. WATERBURY STORYTIME: See March 23, Waterbury Branch Library, for children ages 3-5. SOUTH BURLINGTON LIBRARY STORYTIME: See March 24. EGG HUNT: See March 24.

sport SENIOR EXERCISE: See March 23, 10 a.m. FULL MOON HIKE: Winter adventurers don snowshoes for the Vermont Sierra Club’s evening trip through Hazen’s Notch. Call for meeting location, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 933-9690. FULL MOON SNOWSHOE TREK: Hot chocolate welcomes hikers back from a lunarlighted snowshoe. Mad River Glen, Waitsfield, 7 p.m. $20. Info, 496-3551, ext. 117.

activism BURLINGTON PEACE VIGIL: See March 23. RECOVERY ADVOCATES’ DAY: Legislators meet with families of those rebounding from drug and alcohol addiction. Room 11, Statehouse, Montpelier, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Free. Info, 800-769-2798. 2x4-SomethingNew011204


SAT.26 music Also, see clubdates in Section A. BUDDY GUY: The Chicago blues guitar legend sounds off with high-energy strumming at the Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 8 p.m. $40-48. Info, 863-5966. VERMONT YOUTH ORCHESTRA: The ensemble plays works by Barre composer David Gunn, including four premieres. See calendar spotlight. Elley-Long Music Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 7 p.m. $10. Info, 655-5030. THE MOOD OF THE HORN: A pianist, a French horn player and a tenor perform Benjamin Britten’s Still Falls the Rain, along with works by François Poulenc. Unitarian Church, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. $15. Info, 223-7861.

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CHRISTINA JENNINGS: This Vermont native and virtuoso flutist plays compositions by Chopin, Gabriel Fauré and George Rochberg. Congregational Church, Pittsford, 8 p.m. $15. Info, 459-2131. STARLINE RHYTHM BOYS: The local triumvirate of swinging rockabilly raises the roof at Twinfield Union School, Plainfield, 7 p.m. $15. Info, 454-7790. SNAKE MOUNTAIN BLUEGRASS: This band’s four members bring foot-tapping, old-timey sounds to the Briggs Carriage Bookstore, Brandon, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 247-0050.



Also, see exhibitions in Section A. ACRYLIC DEMO: Artist Declan Halpin offers tips and techniques for pliable, plasticbased paint. Artists’ Mediums, Williston, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Free. Info, 879-1236.

OTTER CREEK CONTRAS: Caller Patrick McCullough keeps dancers in clean, softsoled shoes moving to rich musical fare from The Zillionaires. Holley Hall, Bristol, 8 p.m. $6. Info, 524-1466. SWING DANCE: Swaying couples rock-step freestyle at the Champlain Club, Burlington, 8-11 p.m. $5. Info, 864-8382. BALLROOM DANCE SOCIAL: Singles and couples of all ages learn ballroom, swing and Latin dancing. Jazzercize Studio, Williston, 7 p.m. $10. Info, 862-2207. WORLD GROOVE DANCE JAM: Drums and didgeridoos put some dance in your pants at this family-friendly musical fiesta. Bridge School, Middlebury, 7-9:30 p.m. $5. Info, 545-2223. CONTRA DANCE: The Latter Day Lizards keep the music sunny for caller David Millstone at Tracy Hall, Norwich, family dance 7 p.m., contra dance 8 p.m. $10. Info, 785-4607.


‘THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN’: See March 23. ‘VANYA/VERMONT’: See March 23, 2 p.m., $23, 7:30 p.m., $27.50. ‘LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS’: See March 23, 7 p.m. ‘DANGEROUS LIASONS’: See March 24. ‘THE LOGGER’: See March 25. ‘THE APPLE (AND OTHER SLIP-UPS)’: See March 25. ‘A CHORUS LINE’ AUDITIONS: Musically inclined high-steppers try out for the Stowe Theatre Guild’s production of this Broadway classic. Stowe High School, a.m. 1Free. 1x6-cheap and easy 2/8/05 11:46 AM 9 Page 2x4-preclampsia012605 Info, 253-3961.

Faster. Got stuff to sell now? Place your FREE ad online at

GREEN MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL: See March 23. ‘MILLION DOLLAR BABY’: See March 25. SCI-FI THRILLER CHOICE: Audience members beam up one of three funnily creepy flicks — The Incredible Shrinking Man, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, or The War of the Worlds. Brick Meeting House, Westford, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 878-5804.


words ‘THE WRITE STUFF’: Middlebury screenwriting professor Don Mitchell and Burlington writer-director Allan Nicholls talk about having their scripts made into feature films. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 828-3618.

talks KITCHEN GARDEN DESIGN: Horticulturalist, chef and author Jack Staub stirs up ideas for practical and pretty veggie patches. Gardener’s Supply Company, Burlington, 10-11:30 a.m. $10. Registration and info, 660-3505. INTRO TO SEED VARIETIES: Green-thumbed types preview previously unavailable breeds of seeds for heirloom perennials and other unique plants. Gardener’s Supply Company, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 660-3505. RENEWABLE ENERGY DISCUSSION: Greg Pahl, author of Biodiesel: Growing a New Energy Economy, plumbs the potential of alternative fuels. Barnes & Noble, South Burlington, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 864-8001.

kids ANIMAL FEEDING: See March 23. ‘SATURDAY STORIES’: Librarians read from popular picture books at the Burnham Memorial 4:34 Library, 3/17/05 PMColchester, Page 1 10 a.m. Free. Info, 879-7576.


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Page 1


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SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005


calendar 09B

WED 23 THU 24 FRI 25 SAT 26 SU N 27 MON 28 TU E 29 WED 30

BORDERS STORYTIME: Little bookworms listen to stories at Borders, Burlington, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 865-2711. CHILDREN’S STORYTIME: Youngsters take in their favorite tales at the Book Rack & Children’s Pages, Essex, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 872-2627. BARNES & NOBLE STORYTIME: Kids ages 4 and up settle down for stories at Barnes & Noble, South Burlington, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 864-8001. EASTER BUNNY VISIT: The elusive rabbit of spring hops in to hand out chocolate treats and pose for photos. Laughing Moon Chocolates, Stowe, 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Free, photo $2. Info, 253-9591. EGG SCRAMBLE: Children 8 and under rush to find 10,000 prize- and candy-filled capsules. Depot Park, Rutland, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 773-9380. THEATER GAMES: Actors aged 3-8 and their families play at bringing scenes to the stage with help from Dartmouth drama professor James Rice. Alumni Hall, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 11 a.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2010. ‘AMERICAN GIRL’ NIGHT: Young ladies ages 7 to 11 and their dolls don pajamas for slumber-party games. Barnes & Noble, South Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 864-8001.

THU.24 - SAT.26 & THU.31 - SAT.02

sport FULL MOON SNOWSHOE TREK: See March 25. BACKCOUNTRY CHALLENGE: Climbers use alpine or telemark skis or snowshoes for this five-mile woodland course. See calendar spotlight. Mad River Glen, Waitsfield, registration 8:30 a.m., course opens 10 a.m. $15 includes lunch. Info, 496-3551, ext. 117. WINTER TRAVEL SKILLS: Snowshoers learn survival skills and how to move efficiently without a trail. Mt. Abraham, Green Mountain National Forest, Warren, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Call for meeting location. $55. Info, 244-7037. SPRING SURPRISE SNOWSHOE: Outdoor enthuisasts celebrate the first post-equinox weekend with a difficult, 8-plus-mile trip to a mystery mountain. Call for meeting time and location. Free. Info, 244-1924.


When Pierre Choderlos de Laclos penned Dangerous Liasons in the late 18th-century, it epitomized a new genre — the novel told entirely through letters. Choderlos’ titillating tale has since been adapted for the stage. Chittenden County’s newly formed Equinox Theatre Company debuts with a production of the wickedly funny play set in decadent pre-Revolution France. In it, two bored aristocrats make a game of trying to seduce and corrupt virtuous victims. Plenty of poison-pen missives and thrusting rapiers ensue, but before the curtain falls, the manipulative social schemers must choose between vanity and happiness. Ooh la la!

‘DANGEROUS LIASONS’ Thursday through Saturday, March 24-26 and March 31-April 2, Shelburne Town Hall, 8 p.m. $10. Info, 863-5966.


SAT.26 >> 10B

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march 23-30, 2005



SAT.26 << 09B

etc ‘RAPTORS UP CLOSE’: See March 23, 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. GIANT BOOK SALE: See March 23, 10 a.m. 5 p.m. SUGAR-ON-SNOW: Homemade doughnuts and sour pickles offset sweet maple treats at the First Baptist Church, Starksboro, 1-3 p.m. $5. Info, 453-5227. SUGAR MAKERS’ TOUR: Weather permitting, sap-to-syrup enthusiasts peek into working evaporators on this self-guided spring outing. Various Huntington-area locations, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Free. Info, 434-3269. SUGAR-ON-SNOW PARTY: Hardened maple syrup and other edibles usher in spring at two locations. Dakin Farm, Ferrisburgh and South Burlington, noon - 4 p.m. $7. Info, 800-993-2546. PANCAKE BREAKFAST: Diners sample this year’s maple syrup on buttery, fluffy flapjacks. Dakin Farm, Ferrisburgh, 7:30-11:30 a.m. $7. Info, 800-993-2546. PANCAKE FEAST: Boy Scouts serve made-toorder griddle cakes with maple syrup, sausage and fruit. Baptist Church Annex, Huntington Center, 7:30-11 a.m. $4.50. Info, 434-4598. NEW ENGLAND PIE BREAKFAST: The Damn Yankee String Band entertains morning quiche-nibblers and dessert-diners at this silent-auction benefit. Woodbury Community Library, 8:30-10:30 a.m. $5. Info, 456-7404. MIRACLE MILES BAKE SALE: Cakes and pastry sales gear up a cross-country bicycle fundraiser for the Vermont Children’s Hospital. Church Street entrance, Burlington Town Square Mall, noon - 3 p.m. Free. Info, 655-4153. GREEK PASTRY SALE & DINNER: Sun seekers anticipate balmier days with yummy Mediterranean cuisine. Greek Orthodox Church, Burlington, sale 10 a.m., dinner 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Free. Info, 862-2155. BLUEGRASS & CLASSIC COUNTRY SUPPER: Vermont-based roots band Gopher Broke switches off with Dave Nichols and Spare Change after a baked ham dinner. Neshobe Sportsman Club, Brandon, dinner 5 p.m., music 6:30 p.m. $15. Info, 247-3275.

<calendar > EMAIL WORKSHOP: Library patrons learn the basics of Web-based email, then set up a personal online account. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10-11:45 a.m. $3. Registration and info, 865-7217. EGG DROP: Budding physicists compete with crash-proof containers at this science-project showdown. Montshire Museum, Norwich, noon - 4 p.m. $8. Info, 649-2200.

SUN.27 music Also, see clubdates in Section A. KIRTAN SINGING: Students of yoga stretch vocal cords with chants in Sanskrit. Yoga Vermont, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 324-1737. ACOUSTIC CONCERT: Local musician Lafe plays bluesy harmonica and original guitarbased tunes. River Run, Plainfield, 6:308:30 p.m. Free. Info, 454-1246.

dance ENGLISH COUNTRY DANCING: The band Trip to Norwich offers genteel music for movers in clean, soft-soled shoes. Caller Chris Levey keeps them on their toes at Tracy Hall, Norwich, 3-6 p.m. $7. Info, 785-4121.

drama ‘VANYA/VERMONT’: See March 23, 2 p.m., $23. ‘A CHORUS LINE’ AUDITIONS: See March 26, 2 p.m.

film GREEN MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL: See March 23. ‘MILLION DOLLAR BABY’: See March 25, 1:30 & 7 p.m. ‘UNDER ONE SKY’: This film documents prejudice experienced by North American Muslim women who choose to wear head scarves. Fireplace Lounge, Living & Learning Center, UVM, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 656-4637.


JOHNSON STATE COLLEGE CHOIR: Students sing a selection of American music they’ll perform a few days later at a choral festival in Italy. Dibden Center for the Arts, Johnson State College, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 635-1476.

See exhibitions in Section A.

kids ANIMAL FEEDING: See March 23.


sport NORTHERN FOREST SNOWSHOE: Hikers on this easy-to-moderate trip explore boreal ecosystems while learning to identify deciduous trees. Mad River Glen, Waitsfield, 10:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. $20. Info, 496-3551, ext. 117. SNOWSHOE WALK: Stretch your legs with this moderate trip up Stowe Mountain Road to Smugglers’ Notch. Call for meeting location, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 229-4737. VERMONT PADDLERS’ CLUB: Kayakers practice rolls in an indoor pool session. First in Fitness, Barre, 6 p.m. $10-20. Info, 224-9103.

activism QUEER LIBERATION ARMY: Queer-identified activists of all ages plan flamboyant responses to intolerance. 135 Pearl, Burlington, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 864-6665.

etc ‘RAPTORS UP CLOSE’: See March 23, 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. LEARN ENGLISH: See March 23, 4-6 p.m. BURLINGTON AREA SCRABBLE CLUB: Letter wranglers make every word count in a tournament-style competition. Bring your board to Allenwood at Pillsbury Manor, South Burlington, 2-6 p.m. Free. Info, 655-6192.

MON.28 music Also, see clubdates in Section A. HARLEM GOSPEL CHOIR: Spiritual singers from this dynamic ensemble share their joy through music. Fine Arts Center, Castleton State College, 8 p.m. $8. Info, 468-1119.

‘NARRATIVE OF SOJOURNER TRUTH’: Actress Kathryn Woods presents the life story of this 19th-century abolitionist, women’s rights activist and one-time slave. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, St. Albans, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 863-1876.

film ‘MILLION DOLLAR BABY’: See March 25.

art Also, see exhibitions in Section A. COMMUNITY DARKROOM: See March 24. LIFE DRAWING SESSION: Creative types try a hand at sketching. Wolfe Kahn Building, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, 6-8 p.m. $7. Info, 635-1769.

words ‘WEAVINGS OF WAR’ JOINT READING: Dominican-raised novelist Julia Alvarez and Chilean poet Marjorie Agosin voice writings about violence and memory. Gifford Annex Lounge, Middlebury College, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 388-4964.

talks ROBERT PUTNAM: The author of Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community speaks about civic renewal, followed by a Q&A session. See story, this issue. Dana Auditorium, Middlebury College, 4:15 p.m. Free. Info, 443-5388. ‘COMING TO AMERICA’: Listeners learn about the history and culture of the Somali Bantu and their experience as refugees in America. Temple Sinai, South Burlington, 1:30-4 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 800-854-9648. ‘GLOBALIZATION & ITS CRITICS’: The Vermont Earth Institute offers perspectives on worldwide economic change. Three Bean Café, Randolph, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 728-9859.



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SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005| calendar 11B

WED 23 THU 24 FRI 25 SAT 26 SU N 27 MON 28 TU E 29 WED 30

‘INSECT NEIGHBORS’: Enthusiastic entomologist Trish Hanson acquaints audience members with what bugs them. Lincoln Library, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 453-2665. ‘FIRESIDE CHAT’: History professor Frank Nicosia discusses the long-term legacy of professor Norbert Kuntz. Hoehl Welcome Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536. ‘AUSCHWITZ REMEMBERED’: UVM history professor Jonathan Huener reflects on the prison camp that has come to symbolize Nazi brutality and the Holocaust. Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building, UVM, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3166. ‘ITALIAN RENAISSANCE CITIES’: Art historian Christie Fengler-Stephany, UVM professor emerita, describes the arrangement and ornamentation of cathedrals. Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington, 2 p.m. $5. Info, 863-5980.


kids ANIMAL FEEDING: See March 23. WATERBURY STORYTIME: See March 23, for children ages 3-5. BROWNELL LIBRARY STORYTIME: See March 23. Toddlers take their turn with tales first, 9:10-9:30 a.m. ‘ITTY BITTY SKATING’: See March 24. BARRE LIBRARY STORY HOUR: Babies up to age 2 take in tales at the Aldrich Public Library, Barre, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 4767550, ext. 308. FAMILY SING-ALONG: Parents and kids belt out fun, familiar favorites at the Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216. STORYTELLER TOM STAMP: Ages 5 and up favor folk tales and music from a professional story-spinner. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.


It’s not easy to keep a straight face while listening to David Gunn’s music. The Barre composer and humorist gives his works tongue-incheek titles such as Forbidden Flute, and Katmandon’t, and the pieces themselves can be whimsically genre-bending and full of musical pranks or inventive in-jokes. Not surprisingly, kids find them fun to play. In a 10-composition concert, the Vermont Youth Orchestra premieres four of Gunn’s works, including Frangipanika, a duet written for violinist Anika James and cellist Becky Hulme. The full ensemble also offers Gunn’s lopsided fanfare Urban Renewaltz. Go ahead. Grin.

sport SENIOR EXERCISE: See March 23, 10 a.m.



Elley-Long Music Center, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 7 p.m. $10. Info, 655-5030.

BURLINGTON PEACE VIGIL: See March 23. 1x6-musicreveiw2005


2 3:14 PM

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MON.28 >> 12B




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musicmusic m a ke s t h e p e o p l e c o m e t o g e t h e r.

testing. testing. 1-2-3. Want your music reviewed in SEVEN DAYS? Send albums to Casey Rea or P.O. Box 1164 Burlington, VT 05402-1164





march 23-30, 2005



<calendar >

MON.28 << 11B VETERANS FOR PEACE: Retired soldiers organize to ensure that the lives of today’s troops aren’t being risked in vain. Foodee’s Pizza, Essex Outlet Center, 5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2345, ext. 3.

etc ‘RAPTORS UP CLOSE’: See March 23. CHOCOLATE-DIPPING DEMO: See March 23. GIANT BOOK SALE: See March 23. DIVERSITY CONFERENCE: Service providers, legal experts and citizens build new partnerships among area communities of color. Sheraton Hotel, Burlington, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. $60 includes lunch. Info, 657-4219.

TUE.29 music Also, see clubdates in Section A. ‘THE BARBER OF SEVILLE’: Teatro Lirico D’Europa takes it from the top with Rossini’s beloved comic opera about a couple united by a witty hairdresser. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $30-56. Info, 863-5966. GREEN MOUNTAIN CHORUS: Male music-makers rehearse barbershop singing and quartetting at St. Francis Xavier School, Winooski, 79:30 p.m. Free. Info, 860-6465. AMATEUR MUSICIANS ORCHESTRA: Community players of all abilities and levels of experience practice pieces and welcome new members. South Burlington High School, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $6. Info, 985-9750. STUDENT RECITAL: Jazz bassist Robert Duguay lays down deep lines at the UVM Recital Hall, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3040. OPEN MIKE: Musicians and poets offer bardcomposed ballads at the Briggs Carriage Bookstore, Brandon, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 247-0050.

dance ‘THE SWEET FLESH ROOM’: Innovative Dutch choreographer André Gingras explores reality 5x6-cmyk-relax.qxd 2/15/05 10:19 AM in this multimeTV and criminal psychology dia dance piece. Bentley Theater, Hopkins

Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7 p.m. $28. Info, 603-646-2422. LINE DANCING: Show off your fancy footwork at the Harvest Moon Banquet Room, Essex Junction, 6:30-9:30 p.m. $8.50. Info, 288-8044. SWING DANCING: Movers of all ages and abilities dance at the Greek Orthodox Church, Burlington, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $3. Info, 860-7501.

drama PAUSE CAFÉ PLAY MEETING: French speakers with dramatic flair prepare to produce André Roussin’s Nina — en français. Actors and crew members gather at Borders Café, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 660-8517.

film ‘MILLION DOLLAR BABY’: See March 25. ‘HAROLD & KUMAR GO TO WHITE CASTLE’: In this film, two likeable underdogs set out on a nocturnal burger quest and end up on a wild road trip. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7 & 9 p.m. $7. Info, 603-646-2422.

art Also, see exhibitions in Section A. INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING: Amateur artists get some perspective through pencil practice. Deborah Rawson Memorial Library, Jericho, 6:30 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 899-4942.

words PAM LEWIS: The former Vermont resident reads from her debut novel, Speak Softly, She Can Hear You. Bear Pond Books, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 229-0774. BURLINGTON WRITERS’ GROUP: Bring pencil, paper and the will to be inspired to the Daily Planet, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 758-2287. JOINT READING: Writer, teacher and author Burnham Holmes teams up with his son, slam poet and actor Ken Holmes, to share recent work. Book King, Rutland, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 773-9232. Page 1

talks DESMOND TUTU: The South African humanrights activist, archbishop and Nobel laureate speaks about race relations and world peace. Patrick Gymnasium, UVM, Burlington, 3 p.m. Free, but ticket required. Info, 863-3403. WOMEN’S ORAL HISTORY PANEL: UVM students describe the process of interviewing their mothers in order to record their life stories. Coolidge Room, Waterman Building, UVM, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 656-4637. ‘THE SWEET FLESH ROOM’ REVEALED: Dutch choreographer André Gingras discusses his research into the effects of mental illness. Faculty Lounge, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2010. GENETICS & ENVIRONMENT: Medical professor James Hudziak describes the emerging field of psychiatric genetics in children. Carpenter Auditorium, Given Medical Building, UVM, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 847-2886.

kids ANIMAL FEEDING: See March 23. TODDLER-AND-UNDER STORYTIME: Wee ones up to age 3 open their ears to songs and stories. South Burlington Community Library, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 652-7080. EAST BARRE STORY HOUR: Babies aged 2 and under take in tales at the Aldrich Public Library, East Barre branch, 10:15 a.m. Free. Info, 476-5118. ECHO STORYTIME: Young explorers discover the wonders of the natural world through books and imaginative play. ECHO Center, Burlington, 11 a.m. $6-9. Info, 864-1848.

activism BURLINGTON PEACE VIGIL: See March 23. ANTIWAR COALITION: Citizens opposed to U.S. military activities in Iraq strategize at the Peace & Justice Center, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 656-1926.

etc ‘RAPTORS UP CLOSE’: See March 23. CHOCOLATE-DIPPING DEMO: See March 23. GIANT BOOK SALE: See March 23.

LAUGHING CLUB: Local yoga instructor and author Carol Winfield touts the untapped healing power of yukking it up. Union Station, Burlington, 8-8:30 a.m. Donations. Info, 864-7999. CATAMOUNT BUSINESS NETWORK: Local leaders meet and greet at the Hampton Inn, Colchester, 7:30-9 a.m. Free. Info, 654-7646, ext. 161. CHAMPLAIN VALLEY BUSINESS NETWORK: Entrepreneurs make corporate connections at the Courtyard by Marriott, Williston, 7:30-9 a.m. Free. Info, 434-6434. GENEALOGY QUEST: Researchers into ancestral roots chat over family histories at the Water-bury Public Library, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. THE LIFE NECKLACE PROJECT: Bead-makers create polymer-clay art to wear and share. North Lounge & Great Hall, Billings Student Center, UVM, Burlington, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-4637. HIGH SCHOOL INFO SESSION: Parents of kids in middle school or older hear about a private institution for grades 7-12. The Gailer School, Shelburne, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 985-1276. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION WORKSHOP: Participants consider contemplative prayer from ancient to modern traditions. St. Paul’s Cathedral, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 864-0471. KNITTING CIRCLE: Creators of hats, scarves and more complex projects work in wool at the Stowe Free Library, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 253-8776.

WED.30 music Also, see clubdates in Section A. DAVID MURPHEY: See March 23. ST. ANDREWS PIPES & DRUMS: See March 23. VERMONT PHILHARMONIC: Central Vermont’s community symphony offers a classical potpourri of pieces by Dvorak, Jean Sibelius and others. Statehouse, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 828-0346.


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SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005


calendar 13B

WED 16 THU 17 FRI 18 SAT 19 SU N 20 MON 21 TU E 22 WED 23

FACULTY RECITAL: Drummer Jeff Salisbury, of Jazzismo and the Kip Meaker Trio, snares original compositions and other works. UVM Recital Hall, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3040.

WED.23, THU.24 & WED.30


‘VANYA/VERMONT’: See March 23.




dance ‘SALSALINA’ PRACTICE: See March 23. ‘THE SWEET FLESH ROOM’: See March 29.

drama ‘MILLION DOLLAR BABY’: See March 25. ‘SIDEWAYS’: In this film, two mid-life guy friends release bottled-up frustrations while on a wine tour in California. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7 & 9:30 p.m. $7. Info, 603-646-2422.




art See exhibitions in Section A.

words DISCUSSION GROUP: See March 23. POETRY SLAM: UVM professor and poet Tony Magistrale moderates an evening of informal and interactive verse slinging. South Bur-lington Community Library, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 652-7076.

talks SIGN LANGUAGE TALK: Essex Junction author John Tabak discusses the history of hand-based communication. See calendar spotlight. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6955. DOC HOLLYWOOD: Dr. Neil Shulman, author of the movie screenplay for Doc Hollywood, talks about heart disease, diabetes and the healing power of laughter. Rutland Free Library, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 772-2406. VERMONT’S ENERGY FUTURE: A public panel discusses the fate of Green Mountain State power after current energy contracts expire. Norwich Public Library, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 223-8419, ext. 4787.

‘RAPTORS UP CLOSE’: See March 23. CHOCOLATE-DIPPING DEMO: See March 23. ‘STITCH & BITCH’: See March 23. GIANT BOOK SALE: See March 23. LEARN ENGLISH: See March 23. ‘LUNCH & LEARN’ SERIES: Gardeners get conservation tips for landscaping with minimal water. Four Seasons Garden Center, Williston, noon - 1 p.m. $6-10 includes lunch. Info, 658-2433. CHESS FOR BEGINNERS: Players over 13 master the moves of rooks, knights and pawns. South Burlington Community Library, 7 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 652-7080. KNITTING GROUP: Wool-gatherers learn the finer points of patterns and purling. South Burlington Community Library, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 652-7080. RESEARCH WORKSHOP: Library patrons find out how to access magazine, newspaper and journal articles online. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 7-8 p.m. Free. Registration and info, 879-7576. WOMEN BUSINESS OWNERS: Leading ladies network at an inter-company think tank. Dobra Tea, Burlington, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 363-9266.



Talk about audacious. When Melvil Dewey devised the Dewey Decimal Classification System in 1876, he presumed to arrange the entire universe of human knowledge into 10 discrete categories. His orderly approach has been helping patrons browse library stacks ever since. It also inspires “Doing the Dewey,” the Brownell Library’s series celebrating a different Dewey category each month. March focuses on the 400s — language — with word games for kids, and lectures for adults on World War II code-breaking and the history of American Sign Language. “We don’t want the library to be just a place for ladies,” says Library Director Penny Pillsbury. Neither did Melvil.

‘DOING THE DEWEY’ Word Games, Wednesday and Thursday, March 23 & 24 3:30-4:30 p.m., Cryptography Talk, Wednesday, March 23, 7 p.m. Sign Language Talk Wednesday, March 30, 7 p.m. Brownell Library, Essex Junction. Free. Info, 878-6955.

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| march

23-30, 2005



<classes> Written by Katherine Reilly-FitzPatrick. Class listings are $15 per week or $50 for four weeks. All class listings must be pre-paid and are subject to editing for space and style. Send info with check or complete credit-card information, including exact name on card, to: Classes, SEVEN DAYS, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164.

acting PROFESSIONAL FILM ACTING CLASSES: Presented by Jock MacDonald in conjunction with Cameron Thor Studios. Classes Mondays in Waterbury, Tuesdays in Burlington, Wednesdays in Montréal and Thursdays in Toronto. Boston class now forming. Info, 318-8555, or Vermont native actor and acting coach, Jock MacDonald, has acted professionally for over 25 years and has taught professionally for over 10 years. Cameron Thor Studios is regarded as one of the best film acting studios in the world. It has helped start the careers of some of the industry’s biggest stars. Cameron Thor Studios clients include: Faye Dunaway, Sharon Stone, Hank Azaria, Courtney Cox, David Arquette, Drew Carey, Cameron Diaz and many more.

art FIREHOUSE CENTER FOR THE VISUAL ARTS, DYNAMIC STILL LIFE PAINTING WITH GAI SALZMAN: Intermediate/Advanced Oil Painting, Wednesdays, April 6 through May 11, 1:30-4:30 p.m. Info, 865-7166 or visit This class takes a fresh and dynamic approach to the subject of still life. Using large-scale still life as a starting point, we’ll combine direct representation with abstract techniques, explore new techniques and develop a personal painting language. Small class size allows for plenty of individual feedback, demonstration time and informal critiques in a supportive environment. Water-soluble oils. IMPROVISATIONAL ENSEMBLE FOR DANCERS AND MUSICIANS WITH SUSAN SGORBATI: Friday through Sunday, March 25 through 27; Friday, 7-10 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Flynn Center Studios. $90. Info, 652-4537 or Working with dancers, musicians and visual artists, Sgorbati explores the construction of compositional elements, the recognition and support of overriding structures, and the expansion of artistic vocabularies. All musicians and visual artists encouraged to enroll. Intermediate/advanced dance training and music improv skills required. PRIVATE ART LESSONS: DRAWING, PAINTING, COLLAGE AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION: Spring/summer lessons at the Sarah Neith Studio. $20 per hour. Info, 802-3181107 or visit Receive instruction in the many facets of twodimensional art including drawing, painting, collage and mixing mediums. Individually specific lessons allow the student to explore a variety of mediums, styles and subjects.

clay FIREHOUSE CENTER FOR THE VISUAL ARTS CLAY AND CRAFT STUDIO, GIVE IT A WHIRL: Wednesdays, April 6 through 27, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Info, 865-7166 or visit Discover the joys of clay with this foundational class that offers participants a variety of standard ceramic techniques, beginning with handbuilding and finishing on the potter’s wheel. This 4-week Introduction to Clay is ideal for those of you who may be unable to commit to a full-length course. Each week the instructor will introduce a new technique followed by hands-on assistance and guidance. FIREHOUSE CENTER FOR THE VISUAL ARTS CLAY AND CRAFT STUDIO, SLIPS AND SURFACE DESIGN WITH LORETTA LANGUET: Mondays, April 4 through 25, 9 a.m. - noon. Info, 865-7166 or visit Would you like to further your understanding of glazes and ceramic surface treatment, or just learn some new application tips? This short but intensive one-day workshop will explore various slip and

under-glaze techniques, glaze patterning and layering tips. Come sharpen your glazing skills and explore the use of decoration to further develop your own personal narrative. FIREHOUSE CENTER FOR THE VISUAL ARTS CLAY AND CRAFT STUDIO, BEGINNING WHEEL WITH JEREMY AYERS AND LORETTA LANGUET: Thursdays, May 5 through June 16, 6:30-9 p.m. Saturdays, May 7 through June 18, 9:30 a.m. - noon. Info, 865-7166 or visit This class will introduce students to working with clay using the potter’s wheel. Through instruction and demonstration, students will practice basic wheel-working techniques, with an emphasis on functional pottery. The entire ceramic process will be covered, including throwing various forms, trimming, handle making and glazing.

communication COURSE IN INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION: Thursdays, April 7, 13, and 21, 7-8:30 p.m. Offered by Demeter Resolutions, llc and instructed by Anthe Athas. Burlington. $125 per person. Info, 864-0624 or email or visit www. These three sessions give both the basics of effective interpersonal communication and the opportunity to practice skills, both in and out of class, that will help you say what you want to foster, rather than impair relationships. Space is limited to eight participants, so please reserve your place. Call for information about year-round individual coaching sessions and customized workshops and classes.

craft BASIC BEADING: Saturdays, 3-5 p.m. and Thursdays, 6-8 p.m. The Blue Plate Ceramic Café, 119 College St., Burlington. $15, plus materials. Preregister, 652-0102. Learn the basics of stringing beads: which wire or thread to use, measuring for the right length, bead size and type, and using the right tools. You will learn about color, design and mixing types of beads for an interesting design. You’ll learn how to attach the clasp and how to make your knots stay in place. CANDLE MAKING CLASSES: Weekdays, evenings or weekends by appointment. Studio in Jericho. Info, call Sarah, 802-6441900. Introduction to the art of candle making. Learn how to make tapers, pillars, floating candles and much more. Fun for the whole family, ages preschool through adult. Birthday parties offered at the studio or in your home. Our on-site school programs have been very popular. SCRAPBOOK YOUR PICTURES TO MEMORIES: Saturdays, March 26, April 9, April 16 and April 23, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Winooski High School. Preregister and prepay $75 for one session, this includes all materials and instruction. Info, 863-2678. Learn terrific techniques for scrapbooking. Go home with a finished ten-page 10 x 10 scrapbook. Maximum of 15 students per class. Light lunch and snacks provided.

dance A CHANCE TO DANCE, COME JOIN THE FUN WITH BURLINGTON’S BEST BALLROOM: Thursday nights, beginning April 7. Cuban Salsa, 6:30 p.m. Bluesy Swing, 7:30 p.m. Vermont Salsa performance, 8:30 p.m. Champlain Club, Burlington. $10 per class. Info, 864-7953. Beginners welcome, no partner necessary. All classes taught by professional dance instructor, David Larson. AFRO-CARIBBEAN DANCE: TRADITIONAL DANCES FROM CUBA AND HAITI: Weekly classes: Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. - noon, Capitol City Grange, Montpelier. Fridays, 5:30-7 p.m., Memorial Auditorium Loft,

Burlington. Info, 985-3665. Dance to the rhythms of Cuban and Haitian music. Dance class led by Carla Kevorkian. Live drumming led by Stuart Paton. Monthly master classes with visiting instructors. Beginners welcome! CELTIC DANCING FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN: Eight-week session, Mondays, April 4 through June 6. Children’s classes, 2:30-3:30 p.m. and 3:30-4:30 p.m. Adult class, 6:307:30 p.m. Monteverdi Music School, Barre St., Montpelier. $100. Info, 558-9093. Come learn the basics of Irish dance in this social and voluntary performance-based class experience. For Beginner/Intermediate levels. (More advanced classes/private lessons can be arranged with instructor.) Instructor, Deirdre Moore, is a Championship-level Irish Step Dancer with over 15-years teaching experience. For a free demonstration of Irish step dancing and social audience participation Ceili dancing, celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on Thursday, March 17, 6:30 p.m. at the KelloggHubbard Library, Main St., Montpelier. DANCE AND THE BODY WITH ERIKA SENFT MILLER: Saturday, April 9, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Flynn Center Studios. Info, 652-4537 or Explore the body from an anatomical perspective and focus on enhancing critical aspects of the dancer’s body. Learn to move with greater ease and openness. DANCE STUDIO SALSALINA: Salsa classes: Nightclub-style, group and private, four levels. Mondays, Wednesdays (walk-in on Wednesdays only at 6 p.m.) and Saturdays (children’s lessons). Argentine Tango on every other Friday, 7 p.m., walk-ins welcome. Social dancing with DJ Raul, once-a-month, call for date. Monthly membership, $35 or $55, $10 for individual classes, $5 for socials. 266 Pine St., Burlington. Info, contact Victoria, 5981077 or No dance experience or partner necessary, just the desire to have fun! You can drop in at any time and prepare for an enjoyable workout!

PAUL TAYLOR DANCE COMPANY MASTER CLASS: Grade 10 through adult. Tuesday, May 17, 7-8:30 p.m. Chase Dance Studio. $15. Info, 652-4537 or registrar@flynncen A company member from the renowned 50-year-old American dance company leads this intermediate/advanced master class. The class explores the company’s technique and repertoire,recognized as the “gold standard” of American modern dance, bridging ballet and contemporary forms.

design/build DESIGN, CARPENTRY, WOODWORKING AND ARCHITECTURAL CRAFT WORKSHOPS AT YESTERMORROW DESIGN/BUILD SCHOOL, WARREN: Wood Finishes Workshop, April 23, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Each day, $275. Survey the range of appropriate finishes on your unfinished piece or sample boards. Intermediate Woodworking, April 3-9, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. $725. Work with power and hand tools to cut tapers and bevels, make spline joints, and hand-cut dovetails on your own small project. Carving, April 9-10, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. $275. Using carving gouges, knives and other shaping tools, carve your own spoon out of cherry, walnut, or apple wood. Stained Glass Intensive, April 10-15, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. $725. Design, create and install professional-quality stained glass windows under the tutelage of master craftsman Larry Ribbecke. Electricity: Safe and Secure, April 16-17, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. $275. Learn hands-on how to wire lights, receptacles, switches, telephone and cable connections. Historic Houses, April 23-24, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. $275. Before buying and renovating a historic house, learn where to look and what to look for when assessing the overall condition of the structure. Info, 802-496-5545, or visit All Yestermorrow courses are small, intensive and hands-on. Celebrating our 25th year! Just 45 minutes from Burlington.

SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005

drumming CONGAS AND DJEMBES: Beginning Conga classes on Wednesdays, 5:30-6:50 p.m. Djembe classes on Wednesdays, 7-8:20 p.m. Three-week sessions, beginning March 16. $30. No Conga or Djembe class in April. Seven-week sessions beginning May 4. $70 for seven weeks. Classes are held in the Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Burlington. Intermediate/Advanced Conga class meets on Wednesdays or Fridays at a different location. Info, Stuart Paton 658-0658, paton@ or 872-0494. Walk-ins are welcome. TAIKO: Kid’s Beginning Taiko classes, Tuesdays, 4:30-5:20 p.m. Six-week sessions, beginning April 5 and May 17. $42. Kids’ Intermediate classes, Mondays, 3:15-4 p.m. Six-week sessions begin April 4 and May 16. $42. Adult Beginning classes, Mondays, 5:30-6:50 p.m. Six-week sessions begin April 4 and May 16. $48. All Taiko classes are held in the Taiko Studio, 208 Flynn Ave., Burlington. Info, Stuart Paton at 658-0658, paton@ or 872-0494. Walk-ins are welcome.

healing EXPLORING INTEGRATIVE COUNSELING: Wednesday, March 23, 7:30-9 p.m. 130 Church St., Burlington. Free, preregistration required. Info, 860-6203. Cognitive psycotherapy is useful for changing the ways we think about and act in our lives. Traditional healing practices include ceremony, energy work, and visionary experience, supporting individuals and families to reconnect with life, following loss, trauma, addiction or violence. Participants will be introduced to a model that unites contemporary counseling and traditional healing practices as mutually supportive pathways for psychological healing.

health TREATING KID’S ALLERGIES WITH SAM RUSSO, ND, LAC: Monday, April 4, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Purple Shutter Herbs, 100 Main St., Burlington. $7. Info, 865-HERB or This third workshop, in a series of four, will spotlight children’s allergies. Moving into spring, we enjoy the blooming of nature’s vitality all around us. Although we enjoy the bounties of the warmer months for the fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as the glory of a myriad of blossoms, there is a less hospitable side to our plant neighbors, which includes hay fever and allergies. Dr. Russo will focus on what systems in the body are involved with allergies, what the difference between seasonal and perennial allergies are, how diet effects allergies, as well as safe, easy botanical therapies for treating allergies. Dr. Russo practices in Winooski, where he provides integrative family medicine.

herbs ADVANCED EXTRACT MAKING, TECHNIQUES FOR CAPTURING THE VITAL FORCE WITH GUIDO MASE: Thursday, April 7, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Purple Shutter Herbs, 100 Main St., Burlington. $10. Info, 865-HERB or From the time of the wise woman, through the age of Paracelsus and into modern homeopathy, powerful medicine has always been that which can reawaken the vital force inside us. Learn to add vibrancy and potency to your tinctures by incorporating elements of western alchemy and vitalism into the process. Separate, purify and recombine the archetypal constituents of mercury, sulfur and salt. This workshop will build on knowledge of basic extract making and herbal medicine. Guido is the co-founder of Grian Herbs, which makes locally produced traditional medicinal remedies. HONORING HERBAL TRADITIONS: Eight-month herbal apprenticeship program, one Saturday a month, held on a working horse farm in Milton. $800 includes all materials, textbook and membership to United Plant Savers. VSAC grants accepted and work study positions are available. Info, 893-0521 or 563-3185. Join certified herbalists Kelley Robie and Sarah Zettelmeyer for an interdisciplinary experience studying the traditional wisdom of our ancestors. The human organ systems will be our guide to knowing the body and learning of specific herbs for each system. We will come to understand imbalances and disease and discover wise remedies. The gifts of the animals will be shared as we work hands-on with horses. We will eat wild food and learn about the importance of plant sustainability. Herb walks will take place in field, forest and wetland.

ORIENTAL HERBAL THERAPY PROGRAM: Begins September, 2005. 150-hour program. Elements of Healing, 62 Pearl St., Essex Junction. Info, 288-8160 or visit This class will meet one weekend a month and will give students a strong foundation in the use of Chinese and Japanese herbs to treat numerous disharmonies. Students will learn the fundamentals of Oriental theory and diagnosis incorporating yin yang, five elements, eight principles, and Oriental internal medicine theory. An in-depth study of abdominal, tongue and pulse diagnosis will make this course an extremely practical introduction to the art and science of Oriental herbal therapy. There will also be a hands-on approach to working with loose herbs and combining them into classical formulas. This class will be appropriate for all body workers and health-care providers, as well as those seeking to begin studies in alternative therapies. VSAC Grants are available to those who qualify. WISDOM OF THE HERBS 2005: AN EXPERIENTIAL JOURNEY THROUGH THE SEASONS: Eight-month Herbal Certification Program, one weekend a month, April to November 2005. $1200, non-refundable deposit of $150. Foundations of Herbalism: A Three Month Herbal Program, one weekend a month, June, August and October 2005. $525, non-refundable deposit of $100. Taught by herbalist Annie McCleary with naturalist George Lisi. Lincoln, Vermont. VSAC grants available to qualifying participants, please apply early. Info, 453-6764 or or visit Identify and develop relationship with local wild plants as wise spirits who offer counsel and companionship. Learn though nature adventures– hike in wild places, lie on the earth. Make herbal medicine in sacred tradition. Harvest, prepare and eat wild edibles. Allow the transformation that comes with conscious association with the plant people.

kids FIREHOUSE EDUCATION SUMMER CAMPS: Summer camps for kids and teens, ages 6-18. Info, 865-7166 or visit Enjoy photography, clay, painting, drawing, graphic design, writing and crafts. Full and halfday camps. Here’s just a few of the over 60 summer camps available: Free Wheelin’, Claymation and Cartooning, ArtSmarts, Photo Shoot, Young Silver-Smiths, Junior Reporters and much more. ITSY BITSY YOGA: New sessions begin March 26. Classes offered: Baby (newborn to almost crawling) and Tots (precrawling to 24 months). Seeds of Yoga. $64 for eight-week session. Info, 434-4599 or visit or Itsy Bitsy YogaŽ introduces your child to the benefits of yoga in the first years of life. Learn more than 75 yoga poses and techniques developmentally nutritious and deepen the parent/child bond. You and your baby/toddler will delight in practicing yoga, discovering movement, and singing IBY rhymes together. Children participate according to their ability, learning style and personality, and learn yoga poses through repetition, play and bonding. YOGA VERMONT CHILDREN’S PROGRAM: Yoga Vermont Baby (newborn to almost crawling), Session 1: Sundays, March 13 through April 24, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Session 2: Tuesdays, March 15 through April 19, 11:15 a.m. - noon. Yoga Vermont Toddlers (precrawling to 24 months), Session 1: Sundays, March 13 through April 26, 9:3010:15 a.m. Session 2: Thursdays, March 17 through April 21, 11:15 a.m. - noon. Yoga Vermont Kids (2-4 years) Session 1: Sundays, March 13 through April 24, 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Chace Mill, Burlington. Pre-registration required for six-week sessions. Space limited. $48 per session. Info, 660-9718 or www.yogavermont. com. New children’s yoga program at Yoga Vermont.

martial arts AIKIDO OF CHAMPLAIN VALLEY: Adult introductory classes begin Tuesday, April 5, 5:30 p.m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30 p.m. Please watch a class before enrolling. Day and evening classes for adults, seven days a week. Children’s classes, ages 7-12, Saturdays, 9:3010:30 a.m. and Wednesdays, 4-5 p.m. Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido (the traditional art of sword drawing), Tuesdays, 3:45-5 p.m. and Saturdays, noon-1:30 p.m. Zazen (zen meditation, free and open to the general public), Tuesdays, 8-8:45 p.m. Aikido of Champlain Valley, 257



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march 23-30, 2005



<classes> MARTIAL ARTS << 15B Pine St., Burlington. Info, 951-8900 or This traditional Japanese martial art emphasizes circular, flowing movements, joint locks and throwing techniques. Visitors are always welcome to watch Aikido classes. Please call if you would like to observe an iaido class. BLUE WAVE TAEKWONDO: The benefits of a traditional martial art, with the excitement of a modern sport. Adult, family and children’s classes available, Monday through Thursday evenings and Saturdays for beginners, advanced and competitive students. 182 Main St., Burlington, next to Muddy Waters. Student and family discounts available, all new students receive a free uniform. Info, 658-3359 or email or visit Sixth Degree Black Belt and former national team member Gordon White puts over 20 years of experience to use teaching the exciting martial art and Olympic sport of Taekwondo. Proper body mechanics and Taekwondo technique are emphasized during plyometric, technical and cardio training sessions to improve flexibility, strength and overall fitness. KARATE-DO SHOTOKAN CLASSES: The Japan Karate Association of Vermont now offers Karate-do Classes at our new Budokan KarateDo Center. Classes begin March 1. Children, ages: 6-14, Wednesdays and Fridays, 6-7 p.m. Teen and Adult Programs, Monday through Wednesday and Friday, 7-9 p.m. and Saturday, noon-1 p.m. Adult Beginners, Tuesday and Thursday, 6-7 p.m. Intersection of Main St. and St. Paul, Burlington. Sliding scale fees and scholarships available. Info, contact Jairo Blanco, 578-9552 or visit www.jkavermont. com. Karate-do Shotokan classes offer balanced training that include physical and mental exercises (meditation, coordination skills, focus etc.), and emphasize perfection of character and spiritual development. We follow the strict guidelines established under the Japan Karate Association (a worldwide organization) for Shotokan Karate-do training, ranking and competition. KUNG FU: For info on classes in Burlington, call 324-7702. The Ving Tsun style was founded by a Buddhist nun and made famous by Bruce Lee. Ving Tsun, pronounced wing chun, is based in relaxation but is best known for being a highly effective system of self-defense. MARTIAL WAY SELF-DEFENSE CENTER: Day and evening classes for adults. Afternoon and Saturday classes for children. Group and private lessons. Colchester. Free introductory class. Info, 893-8893. Kempo, Brazilian Jiu-

Jitsu, Arnis and Wing Chun Kung Fu. One minute off I-89 at Exit 17. MOO GONG DO: Free Introductory classes, Monday - Friday, 5:30 p.m. or 6:30 p.m., or Saturday, 8:30 a.m. or 10 a.m. Classes open to all ages. Four convenient locations: 13 Susie Wilson Rd., Essex, 879-6763; 142 W. Twin Oaks Terrace, South Burlington, 8649985; 4068 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne, 4255764; 9 Wilson Rd., Middlebury, 453-8155. Info, or visit Moo Gong Do is a traditional Korean martial art emphasizing personal development and strength of character in a safe and controlled environment. Come learn about yourself and the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Spirit. Learn to find and lead a balanced life. A great family activity! (Weapons, Instructor, and Self-Defense programs also available.) With over 20 certified instructors, you will be sure to get a great deal of personal attention. VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Monday through Friday, 7-8:30 p.m. and Saturdays, 10 a.m. The “Punch Line” Boxing Class, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6-7 p.m. Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 4 Howard St., A-8, Burlington. First class free. Info, 660-4072 or visit Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a complete martial arts system based on leverage (provides a greater advantage and effect on a much larger opponent) and technique (fundamentals of dominant body position to use the technique to overcome size and strength). Brazilian JiuJitsu enhances balance, flexibility, strength, cardio-respiratory fitness and builds personal courage and self-confidence. Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu offers Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Self-Defense classes (all levels), Boxing and NHB programs available. Brazilian Head Instructor with over 30 years of experience (5-Time Brazilian Champion - Rio de Janeiro), certified under Carlson Gracie. Positive and safe environment. Effective and easy-to-learn techniques that could save your life. Accept no imitations.

massage ASIAN BODYWORK THERAPY: Now enrolling for a new 400-hour training program. September 10, 2005 - June 13, 2006. Classes meet Mondays, 9 a.m. - noon and Tuesdays, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and four other required weekends, September 10, 11, November 12, 13, January 21, 22, April 15, 16. Tuition: $3750 plus textbooks. Touchstone Healing Arts, 205 Dorset St., South Burlington, VT 05403. Info, 658-7715 or visit http://www. This course provides students with a solid foundation in Oriental medicine theory and two forms of Oriental massage; Amma massage and Shiatsu massage. Amma and Shiatsu are two complimentary forms of bodywork that give students the necessary tools to treat a wide range of disorders and imbalances.

music PARENT/CHILD EARLY CHILDHOOD MUSIC AND MOVEMENT: For children, infants, preschoolers and the adults who love them. 8-week session. April 5 through June 2. Tuesdays in Montpelier at 10, 11 a.m. Wednesdays in Moretown, 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Thursdays in Northfield, 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. $125, additional siblings only $75 with siblings under 6-months free. Info, 558-9093. Come make playful music with your very young children using songs, chants, finger play, movement, and instrument play. This innovative class uses the best of the First Steps in Music and Music Together programs. The classes are designed to build upon your child’s natural love of music and movement and help your child develop sense of pitch, inner rhythm, creativity and self-confidence – all while having a great time with you! The instructor is a registered Music Together teacher who has over 12 years dance, classroom and early childhood education experience. Class size is limited to 12 children with a minimum of 5 families per class.

photography FIREHOUSE CENTER FOR THE VISUAL ARTS COMMUNITY DARKROOM, INTERMEDIATE DARKROOM WITH MARY JOHNSON: Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 31 through April 19, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Info, 865-7166 or visit Learn advanced printing techniques to make your prints have full tonal scale comprising deep, rich blacks and bright highlights with plenty of detail. Both RC and fiber paper will be used. Good quality negatives a must. Portfolio review required. FIREHOUSE CENTER FOR THE VISUAL ARTS COMMUNITY DARKROOM LO-TECH, NOTECH PHOTOGRAPHY WITH JOE PEILA: Tuesdays, March 29 through April 19, 6-8 p.m. Info, 865-7166 or visit www.Burlington Create amazing images using “toy” plastic cameras. You will learn about and shoot with the famous Holga medium format camera. Afterwards you get to keep your camera! This class is for both adults and

teens over 15 years old. You will shoot provided color film but will be responsible for processing costs at your favorite lab. FIREHOUSE CENTER FOR THE VISUAL ARTS COMMUNITY DARKROOM, POLAROID IMAGE AND EMULSION TRANSFERS WITH SANDRA SHENK AND LISA DIMONDSTEIN: Saturday, April 9, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Info, 8657166 or visit www.Burlington Polaroid transfer offers exciting, artistic possibilities. It is the process of exposing a 35 mm slide onto Polaroid peel-apart film and then transferring the resulting image onto watercolor paper or another medium. This cross-over art form offers an opportunity for unique, creative expression and experimentation. Bring a bag lunch and 20 slides. Those with strong, graphic qualities work best.

pilates CORE STUDIO: Burlington’s premier Pilates Studio. Ongoing small group classes utilizing Im=X mat and Xercizer beds and Stott mat programs. Options include private sessions, monthly Passports, drop-in rates. Free consultation and introductory mat class offered. Conveniently located on the waterfront in downtown Burlington. Info, 862-8686 or visit Small group sessions offer you a complete body workout using small equipment, including body bars and Pilates rings. Familiarize yourself with our open, welcoming studio, our professional certified instructors and our energizing “green” atmosphere. PILATES SPACE: A PLACE FOR INTELLIGENT MOVEMENT: We offer Pilates, Gyrotonic®, Yoga and Physical Therapy in a warm, welcoming and affirming atmosphere. Our full schedule of Pilates Reformer, Mat and Anusara Yoga classes and privates begins Monday, February 28. Not sure what Pilates is? Please call to sign up for a one-time free introduction to the Pilates Reformer, Saturdays, 11:45 a.m. We can also arrange a time that may fit in your schedule more easily. Come and visit our beautiful new studio, conveniently located near Oakledge Park, Burlington. 208 Flynn Ave. Studio 3A. Info, 863-9900 or visit

qi gong CLOUD HANDS QI GONG AND EARTH MEDITATION: March 26-27, Saturday 10 a.m. 3:30 p.m. and Sunday, 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Elements of Healing, 62 Pearl St., Essex Junction. $90. Info, 288-8160 or visit The Cloud Hands


SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005


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classes 17B

<LIST YOUR CLASS> DEADLINE: Thursday at 5 p.m. Call: 864-5684 email: / fax: 865-1015

and Earth Meditation are from the Tao Ahn Pai (Taoist Elixir Method) system of internal cultivation. The main purpose is to promote self-healing and circulation of Qi and blood. When practiced regularly, students may experience healing from many chronic ailments as well as a deep sense of relaxation. Please bring a cushion for the meditation. Scott Moylan has been given permission from Master Share K. Lew to teach this set from his internal cultivation system.

reiki REIKI LEVEL 1: Saturday, April 2, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Rising Sun Healing Center, Burlington. Info, 8659813, or www.risingsunhealing .com. Receive an attunement which allows you to use Reiki energy for healing and personal growth. Learn the hand positions for giving a complete Reiki treatment to yourself and others and have time to practice these skills. Taught by Chris Hanna, MSW, Reiki Master. REIKI LEVEL II: Saturday, April 16, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Rising Sun Healing Center, Burlington. $195. Info, Chris Hanna, MSW, Reiki Master, 865-9813, channa@, or visit www.risingsunhealing. com. Receive a Level II attunement and three Reiki symbols, power, mental/emotional, and distant healing. Learn to beam energy, distant heal, empower goals, send energy to future events, clear a room of negative energy. The symbols increase the power of Reiki.

self-defense STREET-WISE SELF-DEFENSE: Info, Are you afraid of being attacked, mugged or raped? You don’t have to be. Not kung-fu, not karate, but a unique, reality-based personal protection system called Street-Wise Self-Defense. You don’t need to spend countless dollars and years going to martial arts classes. StreetWise can be mastered by anyone within months. You don’t have to live with fear anymore.

snowkiting SNOWKITING: Intro to Snowkite, up to 3 people, 3 hours. $85. Learn safety, set up, how to fly the kite and get your first rides. On the Boards Lesson, up to 3 people, 2 hours. Learn how to stay and ride upwind, refine your technique, start jumping. $75. Info, 496-9691 or visit Get ready to get going this winter snowkiting. Ski, tele or snowboard with a kite, cruise or go as extreme as you can handle. This exciting and fast-growing sport has a place for everyone - cruising, jumping, going fast, riding terrain/rails, accessing backcountry and adding a new dimension to winter sports. We also sell kites and gear, gift certificates available.

spirituality SPIRITUALITY AND WELL-BEING CLASSES WITH LINDY SAYWARD, M.DIV., D.MIN, NATURAL HEALER, SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR: Beginning March 9, second and fourth Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. 28 E. State St., Montpelier. First class, $30, $25 each additional class. Info, 223-3250 or Gathering those interested in changing their live and practitioners who desire to move into greater multidimensional understanding and experience spirituality and well-being. Especially for those who are committed to their passion, potential and purpose. Information and transformational healing comes through Lindy, so bring your intention and curiosity.

weight loss HEALTHY LIFESTYLES OFFERS 12-WEEK LEARN PROGRAM FOR WEIGHT MANAGEMENT: Ongoing 12week sessions facilitated by certified Lifestyle Counselor, meeting various days and times in convenient South Burlington location. $20 per class. Info, call Kathryn, 658-6597 or email Lose weight permanently and improve the quality of your life by using a proven-effective program. Small classes provide structure, support and accountability. No pills, special foods or diets, just good sense.

women TAKING CHARGE!: Friday, April 8, 6-9 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, April 9 and 10, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Also offered as a six-week class, starting May 24. Burlington. Info and registration, 324-1872. An experiential workshop for women interested in moving boldly forward in their lives. Learn practical ways to reach your personal and professional goals. Facilitated by Joan Palmer and Holly Wilkinson-Ray.

writing FIREHOUSE CENTER FOR THE VISUAL ARTS WRITE PLACE, LEXICON DEVILS WITH SUSAN WEISS: Ages 12-18. Tuesdays, April 5 through May 10, 7-8:30 p.m. Info, 865-7166 or visit www.BurlingtonCityArts. com. Words are very powerful. Words are weapons. Words are bliss. Do you dare to put the force of your own words into action? Lexicon Devils is about creating controversial written work: posters, poems, letters, bumper stickers, scrawls and short masterpieces that protest provoke demand.

yoga BIKRAM YOGA: Ongoing daily classes for all levels. 257 Pine St., Burlington. Info, 651-8979. A heated studio facilitates deep stretching and detoxifying. BRISTOL YOGA: Daily Astanga Yoga classes for all levels. Special workshops and classes for beginners, intermediate series and meditation. Private individual and group classes available by appointment. Old High School, Bristol. $12 drop-in, $100 for ten classes, or $100 monthly pass. Info, 482-5547 or This classical form of yoga incorporates balance, strength and flexibility to steady the mind, strengthen the body, and free the soul. BURLINGTON YOGA: Jivamukti, Iyengar, Beginner, Kripalu, Flow, Restorative and Mahashakti. Burlington Yoga, 156 St. Paul St., Burlington. Info, 658-9642 or info@burling Burlington Yoga’s mission is to provide a supportive, focused atmosphere accessible to students of all levels to develop and nourish their individual practice. Beginners welcome to all classes. Drop in any time. ITSY BITSY YOGA: New sessions begin March 26. Classes offered: Baby (newborn to almost crawling) and Tots (precrawling to 24 months). Seeds of Yoga. $64 for eight-week session. Info, 434-4599 or visit www.seeds or Itsy Bitsy Yoga® introduces your child to the benefits of yoga in the first years of life. Learn more than 75 yoga poses and techniques developmentally nutritious and deepen the parent/child bond. You and your baby/toddler will delight in practicing yoga, discovering movement, and singing IBY rhymes together. Children participate according to their ability, learning style and personality, and learn yoga poses through repetition, play and bonding. YOGA AT THE REHAB GYM: Offering individual and a variety of group classes. Very Gentle Yoga, Wednesdays, March 9, 16, 23, 30, 7:15-8:30 p.m. at the Evergreen site. Power Yoga, Saturdays, 10:30-11:45 a.m. Lunchtime Yoga begins Thursdays, March 3, noon 12:45 p.m. at Evergreen site. Kids Yoga-Fitness, Saturdays, 9:30-10:15 a.m. Maple Tree Place, Williston. Info, 876-6000 or visit Levels of instruction range from very gentle to more advanced and the instructors are physical therapists. Yoga offers a mind-body approach to rehabilitation and general wellness. All levels of fitness and ability are welcome. YOGA VERMONT: Daily classes, open to all levels. Astanga, Vinyasa, Jivamukti, Kripalu, Sivananda, Eclectic Hatha, Prenatal, Baby, Toddler, Kids (2-4), Teens and Senior classes. Register for our six-week Introduction to Astanga Yoga Session, Wednesdays, March 9 through April 13 with Scott York or Mondays, March 28 through May 2 with Jessica Petraska, 7:308:30 p.m. Six-week Yoga for Teens session with Sara Goldstein, Wednesdays, March 16 through April 20, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Chace Mill, Burlington. $12 drop-in, 10 classes/$100. Month pass $120. Info, 660-9718 or Explore a variety of yoga styles with experienced and passionate instructors. Classes seven days a week, open to all levels. m

Make a local connection. >> PLACE YOUR PERSONAL AD FOR FREE


18B | march 23-30, 2005 | SEVEN DAYS

7D WELLNESS 4 colonic hydrotherapy

VIAGRA: $2.40/dose. Cialis available. Lowest price refills guaranteed! Call PBG, we can help! Non profit organization. Toll-free, 866-579-8545. (AAN CAN)

COLONIC HYDROTHERAPY: Digestive wellness. 20 years experience in holistic therapies. “Wellness begins from within.” Call for appt. 660-0779.

4 hand/arm health

4 feng shui

MUSICIANS/COMPUTER USERS: Eliminate pain. Learn to coordinate the positioning and movement of your fingers, hands and arms. Gain accuracy, speed, ease. Alison Cheroff, concert pianist, Taubman Approach. 802-454-1907.

FENG SHUI VERMONT: Consultations for homes, businesses, schools. Change your surroundings, change your life! Certified Feng Shui Practitioner Carol C. Wheelock, M.Ed. 802-496-2306, cwheelock@fengshuiver, www.fengshui

4 healing touch CRANIO-SACRAL THERAPY for whole body healing and relaxation. Clean out energy blockages and rewrite cellular memory. Have table, will travel. For appointments call Scot Foxx, 802-862-8806 ext. 5. LIGHTHEART HEALING ARTS: Maureen Short. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues. Healing sessions in peaceful sanctuary in the forest. 802-4534433. New Haven, VT.

4 general health MALE ENHANCEMENT PILL! She’ll be bragging to her friends. 100% guaranteed. Safe, natural, permanent. Order “extra” today! GPI-DIRECT, 800-731-1414. (AAN CAN) PRESCRIPTION DIET PILLS: No prior prescription needed. Prescription pain pills, no doctors’ fees. Prescription sleep aids, US-based and FDA approved. Prescription muscle relaxer. Next-day delivery. 1-800-715-0445. www.val (AAN CAN)

4 hypnotherapy

MASSAGE BY DAVE: Deep tissue or pampering & relaxing. Male/female clientele. Outcalls available. 363-7147. MASSAGE STUDENT would like to help you put a spring in your step. Only $40 for 1hour therapeutic Swedish massage. Gift certificates avail. Call Kymberly now to make your appointment. 310-6562. METTA TOUCH: Are you stressed-out or sore from working out? Treat yourself to a wonderful Thai massage, customized just for you! Call today for an appointment, 862-2212. Blythe Kent, CMT. Located at 182 Main St., Burlington, 2nd-floor. THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE and Bodywork: Kastle Combs, Certified Massage Therapist. Your session is uniquely structured to fit your specific concerns. Gift certificates available. Convenient downtown location. Visit www. healthymassage.INFO for more information. For appointment scheduling, please call 862-8806 ext. 7. THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE WORKS! Swedish Esalen modality: comfort the muscles, relax the mind, uplift the spirit. Diane Horstmyer, certified therapeutic massage practitioner. Call for appointment. 658-7458.

HYPNOSIS. YES. IT WORKS. Effective for smoking cessation, weight loss, motivation, stress management and more! Call Kristin Watson, Certified Hypnotherapist, at Pathways to WellBeing, 862-8806 x 2.

4 massage A GIFT TO YOURSELF or to a loved one during this winter season is to get a relaxing massage and watch your blues disappear. Massage for men with Sergio Corrales CMT, 324-8235. ATHLETIC ROY ENERGIZES and releases your stressed mind and tired body totally w/a full-body accupressure massage. Anytime. Student discount. Happy spring! 660-0903. ENJOY THE RELAXATION of a therapeutic massage. Quality bodywork with a compassionate touch. Please call Emily Kniffin, Nationally Certified Massage Therapist, 651-7579. INNER BALANCE MASSAGE: Offering body wellness and relaxation through massage without the hassle of travel. Individuals, couples and group packages. Gift certificates. 802223-7767.

4 spirituality

THRIVE IN ‘05 with an Ab Fab Swedish Circulatory massage. Call now! Jaqi, 355-8200.

NATURAL HEALER, SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR, Lindy Sayward, M.Div, D.Min. Private sessions, classes, workshops, spiritual alignment. Open to powerful energies of spirituality and well-being. Awaken to your multidimensional essence of freedom and purpose. Healerto-healers. 802-223-3250,

4 psychotherapy MICHAEL WATSON, licensed counselor, integrating western and nonwestern approaches to psychological health. Announcing a brief group for teens with chronic illness. 860-6203. SALLIE WEST, M.A., M.F.T. Licensed psychotherapist. Individuals, couples and corporate coaching. Emphasis on relationships and spiritual/personal growth, treatment of depression and anxiety, 12-step recovery and life transitions. Burlington and Waitsfield. 496-7135.

4 women’s health IN-HOME BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT: Lactation Resources of Vermont, Sally MacFadyen IBCLC,Kathleen Bruce IBCLC and Mary Bibb IBCLC will provide professional lactation consultations in your home.Your insurance may even cover it. Call for details. 878-6181.

4 space for rent BURLINGTON: Looking for practitioner to rent space in established holistic health care center. Convenient downtown location. Beautiful, light space. Pathways to WellBeing, 8628806 x 2, ask for Kristin.

m m m

Wellness AAHHHHH... 110503-1 x 2-HEATHER



4:34 PM

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40 Timber Lane South Burlington, VT | SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005 | 19B

free will astrology


MARCH 24-30

ARIES (March 21-Apr. 19): Niccolo Paganini (1782-1840) was a virtuoso violinist as well as a master showman. Not content to dazzle audiences with his technical wizardry, he sometimes resorted to tricks to evoke even greater levels of astonished appreciation. Before one concert, he partially sawed through three of his violin’s strings. When they broke in the midst of his first piece, he finished using just the remaining string. I’m telling you this story, Aries, because you may soon enter a Paganini-like state. You’ll be at the top of your game, yet also tempted to add extra glitz to your shtick. It’s not really necessary; your work will speak just fine for itself. But if you can’t restrain yourself from going over the top, make sure you don’t sacrifice any of your substance as you pump up your style.


(Apr. 20-May 20): From an astrological perspective, it won’t be a good week to make big decisions based on what you read in newspaper horoscope columns. Similarly, the cosmic rhythms won’t be aligned in your favor if you sit down in the middle of an intersection and beg an angel for a sign about which way you should go. On the other hand, you shouldn’t rely on the advice of practical experts or logical analysts to direct you, either. Their influence would be equally wrong. In my opinion, there’s only one thing you can trust right now: your body. You should formulate specific questions and invite your body to reveal the answers through its feelings and sensations.


(May 21-June 20): My Gemini friend Thomas will be throwing a big party for himself soon. He’ll be celebrating his graduation from a local college where he has been taking classes since 1993. His many years of matriculation can be explained in part by the sheer enjoyment he gets from being a student. The other reason for the delay is that he has had trouble passing a certain course that’s necessary for his degree. But he’s doing well in the course this time around; his teacher has told him he’ll probably pass. I believe his imminent completion is something like what’s unfolding in

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your life. Whether or not you’re formally enrolled in school, you’re about to complete lessons you’ve studied for a long time.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): The government of Uzbekistan has jailed more than 6000 people for their political or religious beliefs. With the help of a large secret police force, its dictatorial ruler ruthlessly suppresses all opposition movements and independent media. Meanwhile, the United States has steadily expanded its military assistance to the Central Asian nation, increasing its contributions 1800 percent since 2001. According to my reading of the astrological omens, this is a perfect example of behavior you should avoid in the coming weeks. Do not, under any circumstances, support anyone or anything that squelches freedom or inhibits vitality, even if they purport to be doing it in a good cause. Give yourself generously, on the other hand, to influences that help people thrive in all their fertile diversity.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Isaac Asimov once said something that should be especially meaningful for you: “The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka! I have found it!’ but rather ‘That’s funny . . .’” According to my analysis of the astrological omens, your imminent destiny should lead you to some fascinating adventures that begin with “That’s funny.” Be hungry for what piques your imagination and tickles your love of mystery. Attune yourself to anything that seems out-of-place or oddly juxtaposed.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): When’s the last time you really gave yourself permission to watch a sunrise or sunset for more than a few seconds? I bet this activity has fallen so far off your list of things to do that if left to your own devices you may not treat yourself to it for months. That’s just one reason I feel called to do an intervention. The other reason has to do with your current astrological omens. They say that you desperately need to be lifted up out of the everyday trance


You can call Rob Brezsny, day or night, for your expanded weekly horoscope 1x9-personal 3/8/05 11:09 1-900-950-7700. $1.99 per minute. 18 and over. Touchtone phone.

and exposed to sublime beauty; that you need to commune with our home star, the source of all the energy that fuels your life.

help and insight from people who aren’t perfect.


Jan. 19): In all of North America, from Oaxaca, Mexico, to Canada’s Prince Edward island, there is only one state, province or territory that does not yet have a McDonald’s fast-food restaurant. It is Nunavut, in northern Canada, which the Inuit people inhabit at a density of about one person per 3300 square miles. You should be like Nunavut in the coming week, Capricorn: unspoiled by mediocre food, vulgar entertainment, crass commercialism and cheap plastic anything. Be like a vast, pristine empire that’s immune to soul-deadening crap.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “If there’s a book you really want to read but it hasn’t been written yet,” said author Toni Morrison, “then you must write it.” In the event that you’re a writer, Libra, I direct her counsel to you. It’s timely advice. But if you’re not a writer, take heed instead of the following: If there’s a world you want to live in or a gift you want to receive or a deed you want to benefit from or an adventure you want thrust upon you, make it yourself.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do,” said English journalist Walter Bagehot. I don’t agree with that in general, but it could temporarily be true for you, Scorpio. There may be no other activity that will generate as much satisfaction as refuting the low expectations others have had of you. Even classic thrills like sex, drugs and rock and roll may not generate feelings equal to the bliss you’ll enjoy when you accomplish what some supposedly knowledgeable person said was impossible.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): As a performer in Canada’s Daredevil Opera Company, Tom Comet set a world record for juggling chainsaws. He threw and caught three of them 44 times while they were turned on and full of gasoline. Though there’s no need for you to take that big a risk, Aquarius, you’re likely to have a similar ability in your own chosen field. Whether you’re managing to be all things to all people or trying to be in several places at once, I bet you’ll demonstrate an extraordinary skill at juggling.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Some readers complain when I draw inspiration from a public figure they consider a bad person. Once I cited philosopher Bertrand Russell, and Patti G. went ballistic: “Russell was a terrible father! How dare you give him any credence?” Another time I invoked a bit of wisdom from ex-U.S. president Teddy Roosevelt. “Why would you give that militaristic bully any space in your column?” wrote Arthur H. Here’s how I usually respond to these grumbles: If I refused to learn from people unless I agreed with everything they had ever said and done, I would never learn from anyone. What about you, Sagittarius? Have you set up your life so that everyone is either on or off your good list? The astrological omens suggest it’s an excellent time to dole out more slack, and to cultivate a capacity to derive

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): A group of 12 workers in Derby, England, bought a lottery ticket last December. They stuffed it in a plastic beaker at their workshop and forgot about it. Two months later, one of them read in the newspaper that the jackpot prize was still unclaimed. He tracked down the old ticket they’d bought and realized it had the winning numbers. Soon he and his cohorts were collecting the British equivalent of $9.6 million. I regard this as a metaphor for a situation in your life, Pisces. You have not yet claimed a goodie that has been available to you for some time. Remedy that oversight, please.

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Gwen Evans 802-879-2706 Transforming from adversity.

m m m



A Natural Program For Maintaining and Regenerating Your Bones with Mischul Brownstone 10 Mondays, 4:30-6pm, Apr 11 - Jun 27 (Except 5/2 & 5/30) Touchstone Healing Arts, S Burlington or 10 Wednesdays, 10-11:30am, Apr 13 - Jun 22 (Except 5/4), Shelburne Athletic Club Brochure, Info & Registration: 425-3355 or $190 • Visa & MC Accepted • ANCC Approved Contact Hours for Nurses •



20B | march 23-30, 2005 | SEVEN DAYS



monday at 5pm




4EMPLOYMENT & BUSINESS OPP. LINE ADS: 75¢ a word. 4WELLNESS LINE LISTINGS: 25 words for $15. 4HOMEWORKS: 40 words + photo, $40.4LEGALS: Starting at 35¢ a word. 4HOUSING LINE LISTINGS: 25 words for $15. Over 25: 50¢/word. 4FOR SALE BY OWNER: 25 words + photo, $35, 2 weeks $60. 4LINE ADS: 25 words for $10. Over 25: 50¢/word. 4STUFF FOR SALE: FREE! (excluding housing and services). 4DISPLAY ADS: $19.75/col. inch. 4ADULT ADS: $20/col. inch.





All line ads must be prepaid. We take VISA, MASTERCARD & cash, of course.

CLASSIFIEDSLISTING ANNOUNCEMENTS, BUY THIS STUFF AND MORE 4 announcements ADOPT: Loving couple with 4-1/2 year-old adopted “big sister” wishes to open their hearts/homes to new baby. Please call Ilicia/Doug. 800537-2967 pin #00. (AAN CAN) GRAHAM S. HAYES AND CHRISTIE M. A. BOOTS would like to take this time to congratulate ourselves on our engagement. ORGANIC VEGETABLES delivered to you! Join our 2005 CSA program. Applications at City Market, www. or Arethusa Collective Farm, 578-6429. PREGNANT? Considering adoption? Full service nationwide adoption agency specializing in matching families with birth mothers. Tollfree, 24/7, 866-921-0565. One True Gift Adoptions. (AAN CAN) UNITED FIGHTING ARTS INSTITUTE: “The Fighing Edge”, Wednesday Night SelfDefense classes start 3/16. Call 655-2420 for more information.

4 art FIRST FOUR VERMONT DUCK STAMP prints with stamp. Matted and framed handsomely. 244-7801.

4 business opps $1050 WEEKLY INCOME mailing sales brochures from home. Genuine opportunity working with wholesale company. Supplies provided. No selling or advertising. Call 646-722-8424 (24 hours). (AAN CAN) 2005 POSTAL POSITIONS! $17.50-$59+/hour. Full benefits. Paid training and vacations. No experience necessary! Green Card OK! For more info, call 866-329-0801 ext. 1050. (AAN CAN) $500/WEEK OR MORE returning phone calls. Leave name and number, 802388-4942.

A $250K - $500K+ first year income opportunity. Home based, not MLM! No personal selling. Training and support provided. Proven system. Call 877-347-3745, 24 hrs. (AAN CAN) A REAL BUSINESS for real people. Space-certified electronic technology, worldclass nutrition, personal development. Work from your home office. Earn more parttime than you can full-time at a job or launch a career. Free training. 802-244-8344. ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE! Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 30 machines and candy. All for $9995. 800807-6525. (AAN CAN) ARE YOU WANTING to go to school and stay at home? Earn your Associate degree at PCI, online in business and computers. 800-6555554, (AAN CAN) BARTENDERS: Up to $1200 per week. Tips + wages. No experience required. Multiple FT/PT positions avail. Call 800-806-0083 ext. 202. (AAN CAN) BURLINGTON: Long-established clothing store. Owner retiring. $29,900. 324-3291. CASTING: Documentary TV series seeks people struggling with addiction: steroids, alcohol, pornography, plastic surgery, anorexia, shoplifting, etc. www. (AAN CAN) CUSTOM WINDOW TREATMENTS: Join this fast-growing industry. Home-based operations, no inventory, minimum $45 K cash investment required. 877-811-2107. FREE CASH GRANTS: Never repay! Government grants for personal bills, school, business, etc. $47 billion left unclaimed. Fee for information. Call 866-329-0804 ext. 9050. (AAN CAN) GET PAID TO SHOP! Mystery shoppers needed to pose as customers! Training provided. FT/PT. Call now! 1-800-6901273. (AAN CAN)

professional services AFFORDABLE AUTO REPAIR: Rust, accidents, painting, exhaust, brakes, cooling systems, tune-ups. Free estimates. $30/hour. Call Paul, 658-0302. DAS CONSTRUCTION: Remodeling, additions, siding, roofing, windows, insurance related repairs and more. Compare and save. Please call 878-0454 or 363-7147.

LAWN CARE: Larrows’ Lawn Care. Call Chris, 802-3725201, leave a message. ROOMMATES.COM: Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit http:// (AAN CAN)

HELP WANTED: Earn extra income assembling CD cases at home. No experience necessary! Start immediately! 800-688-0295 ext. 870. (AAN CAN) LEASING AGENTS: Use your skills building a national business from your home office. Complete training and lenders are provided. $19,900 one-time cash investment. 877-811-2107. NEED 15 PEOPLE to work at home. Part-time, $500$1500/mo. Full-time, $2000$6000/mo. No door-to-door selling, no telemarketing. Paid vacations. Use your home for your office. 888316-6893 or (AAN CAN) RESTAURANT FOR SALE OR LEASE: 95-seat restaurant located in Central Vermont. Equipment and building in excellent condition. Owner financing available. 802793-6828. THE PERFECT BUSINESS: No employees, no inventory, home-based. Minimum $30 K cash investment required. Non-medical home health care. 877-811-2107. $ WEEKLY: Use eBay to get paid. Get $250 in free products to start. No inventory required. Training provided. Call online supplier, 800-9404948 ext. 2977. (AAN CAN)

4 buy this stuff 4-CUBIC FOOT COMPACT refrigerator, works well, $30. Futon mattress, clean and good condition, $40. Sewing machine, works well and good condition, $30. Compaq Presario 2000 computer w/printer, both in good condition, $100. 318-6197. 4-STUDDED HAKKA SNOWS: 1/2 season, 185/70/13, $175. Snow blower attachment/chains for older wheel horse tractor, $100. 802-877-3699. 4-SUMMER TIRES: 185-170R-14 Bridgestone. Only one season, sold my Subaru Legacy. $100/firm. 899-3376. 48” HEARTLAND COOK STOVE: Model 5130. 6-burner gas/lp, electric convection oven. Brand new, chrome, black and almond/$5500/ firm. 802-877-3699. APRIL CORNELL LINENS: Duvet covers, table cloths, place mats, napkins, curtains. All brand new. Beautiful colors, bargain priced. Call 865-5130. BLUE SPRUCE CHRISTMAS TREES for spring planting. 4’ to 10’ tall. Dig up for free w/tree spade. $75 and up. Call 802-758-2312.

CANON ZR80 DIGITAL CAMCORDER - $325 or b/o. 20 inch Sanyo, $120. Organ, needs work, $150. Roland VClub Set, $950. Pearl Export 5 piece kit - $575. 922-1092. CAR AUDIO Phoenix Gold XS 2200 Amp & Jenson Dual 10” Subs in Bandpass. Both in great condition. Asking $200 for both. 802-578-5573. CD BURNER: Yamaha 3-in-1 model, CRW3200UXZ. Asking $40/OBO. 802-999-5484, daytime. COMPUTER FOR SALE: More info, call 802-477-5950. CRAFTSMAN TABLE SAW: Needs new fence. Please call 233-5621. DJEMBE HAND DRUM: Remo, 16” head, slightly used. Asking $100/OBO .802578-5573. DRUM KIT (toms only). Tama Rockstar. Floor tom, two rack toms, and kick drum. Silver color in great shape, used. $400/OBO in Richmond. (315) 521-1399. EDGE 311 STEPPER/STAIR CLIMBER: Great for home gym. Solid, sturdy, excellent condition. $60. Check it out on EXERCISE TREADMILL: Trimline 7150 Soft Drop. $500. 434-6434. EXQUISITE GEOMETRIC numbered silkscreen print by Japanese artist. Precise and dimensional Bold yellow and blue. Bought for $300. Need money. Selling it for $150. 324-5713. FAX MACHINE: Sears model UX-104. Roll paper type. Excellent working condition. Asking $25/OBO. Call 802999-5484, daytime. FISHER OUTTA BOUNDS back-country skis. Mens 10 Garmont boots. All mint and a steal. First come, first served, 899-1178. FITNESS MACHINE: Nordic Flex Gold by Nordic Track. Used. Isometric machine (resistance-no weights), bench, butterfly, legs, and more. In Richmond, VT. $350 OBO. 315-521-1399. FOR SALE: Over 60 royalty free stock photo discs. Categories incl. people, kids, vintage, food, monuments, seniors, business people, sports, technology, transportation, etc. Each disc includes dozens of royaltyfree images in high and low resolution. Perfect for students, schools, graphic designers, in-house marketing depts. Average retail $299 each! Will sacrifice for $40 each, or 3 for $100. Email me, for a complete listing, or call 802-349-7044.

FOR YOUR NEW BABY: Simple, but stylish, blonde wooden crib. Very good condition $50. White adjustable high chair with removable plastic padding, perfect for that messy toddler. $10. 244-5602 FOUR STORE MANNEQUINS: Cardboard forms with cloth covering. 2 gray male busts, 2 ivory female. Used but in great condition. 244-5602. FREE 4-ROOM DIRECTV SYSTEM including standard installation. 3 months free 50 + premium channels. Access to over 225 channels! Limited time offer. S&H, restrictions apply. 800-8771251. (AAN CAN) GREAT ESPRESSO MAKER: Capresso C1000 Automatic, gently used for 1 year. New on Church St., $800. Your price, $400. Extras incl. 6569513, ask for Mike. HANDSOME AND STURDY WOOD GUN cabinet. Holds 12. Nice glass face w/drawers for ammo. Locking mechanisms w/all keys. Charlotte. 425-2931. $300/OBO. IMAC WITH IRDA port/max memory/software/reprinted manuals/keyboard and mouse. Was medical office computer, clean and smokefree environment. $200/OBO. 863-6313. IPOD: 10 gig 3G iPod. Factory refurbished, still sealed. New ear buds, but other cables used. Complete doc. history. $150. 316-6261. LARGE VARIETY OF SNAPON mechanics tools, valued at $25,000 +. Asking $15,000/OBO. Contact Steve, 658-9934. LINKSYS ROUTER: Wireless 2.4 GHZ, Broadband, less than 1-year-old. Asking $45/OBO. Call 802-999-5484, daytime. LIVING ROOM SET: Good condition,vertical stripes, earth tones. $400/OBO. 862-9535. MAKITA DUAL-COMPOUND SLIDING 10’ MITER SAW: 2-years old, excellent condition. $250. Call Rob after 6 p.m., 456-1340. NORDICTRACK BXP 1000 TREADMILL: $350/OBO. 274-9317. PERCEPTION GYRAMAX C1 canoe play boat w/skirt, float-bags. $350. 865-8090. SCANNER: Visioneer 1-touch 8100 scanner, $25/OBO. Call 802-999-5484, daytime. SCANNER: Visioneer 5800. Missing a cord and booklets. $15/OBO. 802-999-5484, daytime. SNORKEL STOVE: Woodfired hot tub heater. Retails for $800. For sale for $400. Call 865-8090.

SPINNING BIKE! Great condition. $75. 863-9872. SPYDER PAINTBALL MARKER w/after market parts, barrels, mask, misc. parts, etc. Great condition. Asking $125 for all. 578-5573. STUNNING 3/4 CARAT DIAMOND solitaire engagement ring. 6-prong, 18 carat gold. Appraised, $3800. Sell for $2000. Must see, 864-0691. SUBWOOFER: Klipsch ksw,15 ht, downfiring, 15”, 800 watts. Excellent condition. Originally $749. Selling for $300. 233-4529. SUZUKI SAMURAI, 1989Comes w/9,000 pound winch, spring over lift, super swampers & lots of other goodies! Runs well. $800 OBO. Dave 316-0459. TAP SENSATION Savion Glover: Improvography tickets. Side by side seating in Row C on May 3, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the Flynn Mainstage. 863-0478. TASCAM 4-TRACK PORTASTUDIO: 424 MK ll (records to cassette tape). In great shape, used only a few times. Original box and manual. $200/OBO obo. Richmond. (315) 521-1399. TELEPHONE: Panasonic KXT2634 Easa-Phone. $15/OBO. 802-999-5484, daytime. TELEPHONE: Uniden 2.4GHz. 2 handsets/1 base. Excellent condition. $10/ OBO. 802-999-5484, daytime. TOOLS:Detail sander by Dremel, old drills by Shopcraft & Bosch, square finishing sanders by Dewalt & Makita, cement laying tools, assorted hand tools (some antiques). Please call 233-5621. TREK 21-SPEED HYBRID BIKE: Riden once. Asking $400. Call 373-4164. U2 TICKETS NATIONWIDE: Best selection, best prices. Plus, start your own business for free. CD that uncovers a million dollar secret. Call 800660-1532. (AAN CAN) VAN SEATS: New bench and two passenger seats w/beigevelour upholstery. Excellent condition, $250 each OBO. Call 482-6632 or email

>NOT FOR KIDS> 18+ ONLY >NOT FOR KIDS> | SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005 | 7D Classifieds 21B

7D CLASSIFIEDSLISTING VERMONT CASTINGS VIGILANT, 1982: Excellent condition. $300. Call Rob after 6 p.m., 456-1340. WESLO DAYBREAK MASSAGE SPA: Indoor/outdoor use, 110 outlet, 2 person. Retail, $1300. Selling for $500. 863-3614. WHITEWATER KAYAK: Dagger-Redline, great boat, beginner and up. $400/OBO. Mt. Bike, Diamond Back VLink full sus gripshift manitou shock. $300/OBO used. 825-2200. WOMEN’S CLOTHING: Sizes 4-6. Designer, career wear. Great condition, brand new. 864-2613 ext. 449.

4 childcare CHILDCARE WANTED for 2 children in my home from midday 5:30 p.m. and occasional early evenings, Shelburne. 985-0106. FULL-TIME NANNY NEEDED in Burlington area for 2 kids, ages 2-years and 6months. Must have childcare experience, be able to make at least 1-year commitment and have driver’s license. This is not a summer-only position. Start date 7/1. Email for more details about job and our family,

4 cleaning svcs. HOUSEKEEPER for private home for cleaning, laundry, assorted home projects. 1012 hours/week. 860-3333.

4 community BURLINGTON PLAYWRIGHT’S GROUP: A supportive place to hear and discuss your work. Readers and observers are also welcome. Meets every other Tuesday, 6 p.m. at 135 Pearl St. Next meeting is 3/22. Contact for more info.

4 computer svcs. In-House

COMPUTERS Repairs, Upgrades & More! Now offering online support 864-7470 We make house calls! COMPUTER REPAIRS AND UPGRADES: PCs, Macs, networking, Web design, tutoring, digital graphics and audio editing. Competitive rates. Many references. House calls and in-shop. Free quote, 864-7470 or

4 computers APPLE EMAC: 1 GHz, 80 gig hard drive, Super drive DVD burner, 256 K, airport extreme card, tilt and swivel stand. This is a great machine with more than 1.5years left under warranty. $650. 578-7149.

FREE COMPUTER PARTS, printers, monitors, cases, cards, drives. Moving by the end of the month, must get rid of. Person must take all. Pick up in Richmond. Will not deliver. 249-2286.

4 entertainment EXOTICA DANCERS featuring girls going wild for your next birthday, bachelor party or fun-on-one show. 802-6581464. New talent welcome. PLATTSBURGH-AREA: New adult night club. Dancers wanted. Not Diamond Dolls. 518-569-0127.

4 financial CASH: Immediate cash for structured settlements, annuities, law suits, inheritances, mortgage notes and cash flows. J.G. Wentworth, 800794-7310. (AAN CAN)

4 furniture BEAUTIFUL DINING SET: Glass hutch, solid base, solid wood maple table w/six ladder back chairs. Comes with leaf. Seats 8-10. Must sell. Will sacrifice $600 for both or can sell separately. 482-2628. BROYHILL PREMIERE DINING SET: Table, 8 chairs, large china cabinet, side table. $1200/OBO. 274-9317. DRAWING/DRAFTING TABLE: Wood top on black metal base. Good condition. $150/OBO. Call 482-6632 or email LOVE SEAT: Good for lovin’, I’m guessing. Very good condition. Stained wood frame w/solid blue cushions and armrests. Handsome all the way. $120. 734-6227. MID-CENTURY MODERN: Great pair of Viko armless vinyl chairs, charcoal gray and white pattern, $100. Aqua vinyl Thonet chair, bentwood frame, $40. Call 879-0419. PAPASON CHAIR w/bluestriped cushion. $50/OBO. Call 482-6632 or email

4 lost & found CAT FOUND: Small, shorthair, brown. No collar. North Prospect St. (650) 387-0982. FAT, GREY TIGER CAT LOST in the Essex, River Rd. area, near Pinewood Plaza. Small boy is very upset. Please call 879-9435. FOUND CAT: Small, gray long-hair. Female? Blue collar w/bell, no tags. 863-9513. LOST: MEN’S GOLD CHAIN w/St. Christopher’s medal. Lost on 3/17 at either Fanny Allen Medical offices, The Alpine Shop or near Quizno’s Subs, Taft Corners. Reward. 496-6114.

4 music for sale BANJO: 1979 Gibson Mastertone 5-string, model rb-250, good condition, newer hard-shell case, $1000/OBO. Andy, 658-2462, CELLOS, STRING BASSES, VIOLINS, VIOLAS: New and old instruments, sales, restoration and repair. Experienced luthiers. Paul Perley Cellos, in business since 1988. 802-229-1501,

DEAN 12-STRING ACOUSTIC guitar: In good condition. Best offer. 848525-0960. FENDER TELECASTER THINLINE: Sunburst with maple neck. Harmonic design, bridge pickup. $475. Paul, 877-3893. GIBSON EPIPHONE PR-200 acoustic guitar, signed by Rickie Lee Jones. Never played. $400/firm. incl. 1st vinyl self-titled album. Bruce, 276-3344 or bruce2000_ SWR SM-400S BASS AMP with SKB rack, $599. SWR Goliath JR III, $325. Both excellent condition. 877-3893. VIOLIN: Eastman 100. 3/4 size. Excellent condition w/case. $450. 985-3701.

4 music instruct. CLAW HAMMER BANJO: Learn Appalachian style pickin’ and strummin’. Emphasis on rhythm, musicality and technique. $25/hour. Call Mara, 862-3581. DRUM LESSONS: Energetic instructor with touring/ recording experience seeks students of all ages for private lessons. Discover how much fun learning the drums can be! steve@stevehade or 802-658-6205. GUITAR: Berklee graduate with classical background offers lessons in guitar, theory and ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. I enjoy teaching all ages/styles/levels. Call Rick Belford at 864-7195. JOY AND CREATIVITY! Classical Jazz and Free Improvisation piano lessons. All ages, all levels. William Michael, 802-899-6700 or 355-6234. PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION: Essex Junction. 8728861 or franky.andreas@

4 music services COSMIC HILL RECORDING: MIDI and production services. Years of experience in writing, playing, recording and production. Dedicated to making your music sound great. $25 per hour. 4963166. Moretown, VT. NORTHERN VERMONT MUSIC Protools Recording Studio, mastering services, remote recording. Special block rates. CD/DVD duplication. Songwriter demos. Backing tracks avail. Call 802-744-6446 or http:// www.northernvermontmusic. com.

musicians 4 wanted GUITARIST, BASS AND DRUMMER looking for rhythm/lead guitarist w/vocals, preferably for rock band. Call Bob, 863-1570. SOULFUL AND MOTIVATED keys or lead guitar wanted to complete blues/funk outfit. Ability to gig and play 3x or more/week essential. Justin 363-6902.

WANTED: Skilled funk/soulbased musicians. Piano, upright bass, drums, vocals helpful. Looking to start slow, build awesome repertoire and gig in the area. If interested please call 802238-9191. WANTED: WESTERN SWING KEYBOARD WIZARD. Rick & The Ramblers Western Swing Band seeks an experienced keyboard player who can handle parts for section work and boogie down, too. Summer gigs, mostly daytime weekend concerts, special events & festivals. No smoky bars. Check out our website, and call Rick, 802)864-6674.

4 pets ATTENTION BIRD LOVERS: 3-year-old Sun Conure needs a home. If you’re interested in meeting this potential new best friend, call Andrew, 655-4378 or email FREE 2-YEAR-OLD GREY TIGER FEMALE CAT: For a good home, because of my medical reasons. 782-3468. FREE, beautiful male cockatiel needs a good, loving home; cage included. If interested call Sarah at 373-6199. MOLOCCAN COCKATOO: Friendly, healthy, trainable, great sense of humor. Selling due to family problems. Not for breeders, only inquiries with previous large parrot experience please. Call 6604897 or blondemss@hot

4 photography FEMALE MODELS: 15-35, needed for fashion shoots and other projects. No experience needed but models must be attractive and in good shape. Compensation in pictures, experience and possible start in modeling industry. Call David Russell Photo graphy, 862-1172 for interview or email rusldp@juno. com.

4 stuff wanted LOOKING FOR TICKETS TO TREY Anastasio at Higher Ground, 4/1. Email kpfa, very serious. WIDE WAIL: In search of CD, made in 1995 by this band and with this title. Call 802-527-6244.

4 tutoring SCIENCE TUTOR: 20 years’ teaching experience. Master’s degree. Grades 7-12 and college students. Reasonable rates. 802-863-8823.

4 volunteers HELP A SENIOR LIVE INDEPENDENTLY: The Champlain Valley Agency on Aging (CVAA) is seeking kind souls who can donate one hour per week to visit with a senior and/or assist with essential tasks such as grocery shopping or light housekeeping. Info, contact Brett or Tom, 800-642-5119.

4 want to buy

ANTIQUES: Furniture, postcards, pottery, cameras, toys, medical tools, lab glass, photographs, slide rules, license plates and silver. Anything unusual or unique. Cash paid. Call Dave at 802-859-8966. MODERN 50S AND 60S FURNITURE by Eames, Knoll, Herman Miller, Bertoia, Saarinen, Aalto, Bertoia, Fritz Hansen, etc. Sometime called “space-age” or “retro”. Also interested in pottery, ceramics and lighting from this era. 864-9386.

4 legals CITY OF BURLINGTON TRAFFIC REGULATIONs The following traffic regulations are hereby enacted by the Public Works Commission as amendments to appendix C, Motor Vehicles, and the City of Burlington’s Code of Ordinances: Sec. 7. No-Parking Areas. No person shall park any vehicle at any time in the following locations: (1) through (443) As Written (444) [Reserved.] On the south side of Colonial Square, in the space between #15 and #21 Colonial Square. (445) through (506) As Written Adopted this 2nd day of February 2005 by the Board of Public Works Commissioners: Attest Norm Baldwin, P.E. Assistant Director- Technical Services Adopted 2/2/2005; Published 3/23/05; Effective 4/13/05 Material in [Brackets] delete. Material underlined add. CITY OF BURLINGTON TRAFFIC REGULATIONs The following traffic regulations are hereby enacted by the Public Works Commission as amendments to Appendix C, Motor Vehicles, and the City of Burlington’s Code of Ordinances: Sec. 7. No-Parking Areas. No person shall park any vehicle at any time in the following locations: (1) through (76) As Written (77) On the north side of Maple Street [between Battery Street and South Champlain Street] starting at a point 100 feet west of South Champlain Street and continuing west until Lavalley Lane. (78) through (280) As Written (281) [On the north side of Maple Street, between Battery Street and South Champlain Street.] On the west side of St. Paul Street foe a distance of 70 feet south of Catherine Street. (282) through (506) As Written Adopted this 9th day of March 2005 by the Board of Public Works Commissioners: Attest Norm Baldwin, P.E. Assistant Director- Technical Services Adopted 3/9/2005; Published 3/23/05; Effective 4/13/05 Material in [Brackets] delete. Material underlined add.

CITY OF BURLINGTON TRAFFIC REGULATION The following traffic regulations are hereby enacted by the Public Works Commission as amendments to Appendix C, Motor Vehicles, and the City of Burlington’s Code of Ordinances: Sec. 7A. Handicap spaces designated. No person shall park any vehicle at any time in the following locations, except automobiles displaying special handicapped license plates issued pursuant to 18 V.S.A. 1325, or any amendment or renumbering thereof: (1) through (85) As Written (86) [In the space in front of 217 Church Street.] In the space in front of 83 North Avenue, approximately 100 feet south of the entrance to the Burlington College parking lot. (87) through (148) As Written Adopted this 2nd day of February 2005 by the Board of Public Works Commissioners: Attest Norm Baldwin, P.E. Assistant Director- Technical Services Adopted 2/02/2005; Published 3/23/05; Effective 4/13/05 Material in [Brackets] delete. Material underlined add. CITY OF BURLINGTON TRAFFIC REGULATIONS The following traffic regulations are hereby enacted by the Public Works Commission as amendments to Appendix C, Motor Vehicles, and the City of Burlington’s Code of Ordinances: Sec. 7. No-Parking Areas. No person shall park any vehicle at any time in the following locations: (1) through (77) As Written (78) [On the north side of Maple Street for 40 feet west of Pine Street.] Reserved. (79) through (80) As Written (81) On the south side of Maple Street, from Summit Street to South Prospect Street. (82) through (84) As Written (85) [On the south side of Maple Street between Church Street and South Winooski Avenue.] Reserved. (86) On the south side of Maple Street between [Pine Street] South Union Street and [South Champlain Street] Lavalley Lane. (87) through (278) As Written (279) [On the south side of Maple Street, from Battery Street to South Champlain Street.] Reserved. (280) through (367) As Written (368) [On the north side of Maple Street 50 feet on either side of the entrance to Edmunds Elementary School.] Reserved. (369) through (374) As Written (375) On the north side of Maple Street, from South [Willard] Union Street to Summit Street. (376) through (395) As Written (396)[On the north side of Maple Street between Union Street and South Wilard Street.] Reserved (396) through (506) As Written •

22B | march 23-30, 2005 | SEVEN DAYS

7D SUPPORTGROUPS Administrative correction made on this 11th day of March 2005: Attest Norm Baldwin, P.E. Assistant Director- Technical Services Adopted 3/11/05; Published 3/23/05; Effective 4/13/05 Material in [Brackets] delete. Material underlined add. CITY OF BURLINGTON TRAFFIC REGULATIONS The following traffic regulations are hereby enacted by the Public Works Commission as amendments to Appendix C, Motor Vehicles, and the City of Burlington’s Code of Ordinances: Sec. 11. One-hour parking. (a) No person shall park a vehicle for a period longer than one hour between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Sundays and holidays excepted, in the following locations: (1) through (10) As Written (b) No person shall park a vehicle for a period longer than one (1) hour between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, holidays excepted, in the following locations: (1) As Written (2) On the north side of Maple Street, beginning 80 feet west of South Champlain Street and extending west for a distance of 20 feet. (c) No person shall park a vehicle for a period longer than one (1) hour between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, in the following locations: (1) As Written Adopted this 9th day of March 2005 by the Board of Public work Commissioners: Attest Norm Baldwin, P.E, Assistant Director- Technical Services Adopted 3/9/2005; Published 3/23/05; Effective 4/13/05 Material in [Brackets] delete. Material underlined add. CITY OF BURLINGTON TRAFFIC REGULATIONS The following traffic regulations are hereby enacted by the Public Works Commission as amendments to Appendix C, Motor Vehicles, and the City of Burlington’s Code of Ordinances: Sec. 11-1. Thirty-Minute Parking. No person shall park any vehicle, at any time, longer than thirty (30) minutes at the following locations: (1) through (6) As Written (7) On the north side of Maple Street, in the first two spaces west of South Champlain Street. The restriction is in effect Monday thourgh Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (8) On Gosse Court in the first two spaces east of the driveway to 1304 North Avenue. The restriction is in effect from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays and Holidays excepted. Adopted this 9th day of March 2005 by the Board of Public Works Commissioners: Attest Norm Baldwin, P.E. Assistant Director- Technical Services

Adopted 3/9/2005; Published 3/23/05; Effective 4/13/05 Material in [Brackets] delete. Material underlined add. CITY OF BURLINGTON TRAFFIC REGULATIONS The following traffic regulations are hereby enacted by the Public Works Commission as amendments to Appendix C, Motor Vehicles, and the City of Burlington’s Code of Ordinances: Sec. 3. Stop sign locations. Stop signs are authorized at the following locations: (1) through (30) As Written (31) [Repealed.] At the intersection of Depot Street and Lake Street causing southbound traffic on Depot Street to stop. (32) through (33) As Written (34) [Repealed] At the intersection of Depot Street and the driveway to Depot Street housing causing traffic exiting Depot Street Housing to stop. (35) through (280) As Written Adopted this 9th day of March 2005 by the Board of Public Works Commissioners: Attest Norm Baldwin, P.E. Assistant Director- Technical Services Adopted 3/9/2005; Published 3/23/05; Effective 4/13/05 Material in [Brackets] delete. Material underlined add. STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY IN RE: J.R. ) Vermont Family Court ) Chittenden County ) Docket No. 483-9-04 CnJv ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION Based upon the motion filed by the Commissioner of the Department for Children and Families dates February 2005, and the accompanying affidavit, the court finds that service of process cannot, with due diligence, be made upon Zachary Senna other than by publication. It is therefore, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that notice of a hearing to terminate all residual parental rights of Zachary Senna, father of J.R., to be held on April 26, 2005, at 9:00 a.m. at the Family Court of Vermont, Costello Courthouse, 32 Cherry St., Burlington, Vermont, shall be published for two (2) consecutive weeks in Seven Days, a newspaper of general circulation reasonably calculated to give notice to Zachary Senna. A copy of this order shall be mailed to Zachary Senna if his address can ever be determined. Date 3/2/05 Honorable Dean Pineles Family Court Judge STATE OF VERMONT DISTRICT OF CHITTENDEN, SS. PROBATE COURT DOCKET NO. 31062 IN RE THE ESTATE OF DORIS P. MURRAY LATE OF Williston, Vermont NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of Doris P. Murray late of Williston, Vermont.

I have been appointed a personal representative of the above named estate. All creditors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within 4 months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy filed with the register of the Probate Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as described above within the four month deadline. Dated 15 March 2005 Signed name Robert J. Perry Address 3000 Williston Road S. Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 863-4558 Name of Publication: Seven Days First Publication Date: March 23, 2005 Second Publication Date: March 30, 2005 Address of Probate Court: Chittenden District Probate Court P.O. Box 511 Burlington, VT 05402 STATE OF VERMONT WASHINGTON COUNTY In re: S.F. & W.F., Jr. ) Family Court of Vermont ) Washington County ) Docket No. 86/87-8-03 Wnjv NOTICE OF HEARING TO: William Fisher, putative father of S.F. and W.F., monirs, DOB 6/1/92 and 10/12/93, repectively. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a hearing to consider the termination of all residual parental rights to S.F and W.F. will be held on 3/24/05 at 9:00 a.m. at the Vermont Family Court, 255 N. Main Street, 2nd Floor, Barre, Vermont 05641, (802) 479-4205. Failure to appear may result in the court granting the petition. The children’s attorney is Kerry DeWolfe, Esq., 237 N. Main Street, Barre, Vermont 05641, (802) 479-2514; the office of the Attorney General is 103 S. Main Street, Waterbury, Vemont 05671-0701, (802) 2412821; the office of the Department for Children and Families is 255 N. Main Street, Barre, Vermont 05641, (802) 479-4260, and the minor’s social worker is Ronnie Cohen. /s/ Honorable K. Manley Family Court Judge STATE OF VERMONT PROBATE COURT DISTRICT OF CHITTENDEN IN RE THE ESTATE OF JILL A. ROBERTSON LATE OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of Jill A. Robertson late of South Burlington. I have been appointed as personal representative of the above named estate. All creditors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within four months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy filed with the register of the Probate Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as described within the four month deadline.

Dated: March 4, 2005 Cherrill S. Rowell 248 Highlands Drive Williston, VT 05495 (802) 878-3454

4 support groups DON’T SEE A SUPPORT group here that meets your needs? Call United Way GETINFO (a confidential help line) 652-4636, MondayFriday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. THE WOMEN’S RAPE CRISIS CENTER is oferring a free, confidential 10-week support group for mothers of children who have survived sexual abuse. Thursdays, 5:30-7 p.m. Info, 864-0555. DREAM GROUP: A supportive dream group for those serious about exploring dreams. Janis Comb, MA facillitator, will share a technique called Embodied Dreamwork, an experiential method of working with dreams. Info, 253-7959. THE CHAMPLAIN VALLEY EAST CHAPTER of the Compassionate Friends meets on the third Tuesday of each month, 7-9 p.m. at the Christ Church Presbyterian, 400 Redstone Campus, UVM. Info, 482-5319. The meetings are for parents, grandparents and adult siblings who have experienced the death of a child at any age from any cause. HEPATITIS C SUPPORT GROUP: Thursday, March 10, 6-7:30 p.m. McClure Multigenerational Center. North Winooski Ave., Burlington. Support group for those who have Hepatitis C, their family members and friends. CANDIDA SUPPORT GROUP: Now forming. Share stories. 860-9506. DIABETES EDUCATION and Support Group of Chittenden County meets the third Thursday of every month at the Williston Federated Church, 6:30-8 p.m. We often have guest speakers. Info, 847-2278. CHADD SUPPORT GROUP MEETING: CHADD is a support organization for children and adults with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. Every second Tuesday of the month at Champlain College, 7-8:30 p.m. in room 217 in the Global and Technology Building. MOOD DISORDER SUPPORT GROUP: Every Monday, 4:306 p.m. Pastor United Church. Info, contact Lorraine, 485-4934. WOMEN HELPING BATTERED WOMEN offers free, confidential educational support groups for women who have fled, are fleeing or are still living in a world where intimate partner violence is present. WHBW offers a variety of groups to meet the diverse needs of women and children in this community. Info, 658-1996. AUTISM: Free support group for parents of children with autism. First Monday of each month, 7-9 p.m., 600 Blair Park Rd., Suite 240, Williston. Info, 660-7240 or visit http://health.groups. portDaily/.

VT PARENTS OF FOOD ALLERGY CHILDREN EMAIL SUPPORT GROUP: Info, contact MaryKay Hill, or call 802-373-0351. MIXED GENDER COMING OUT SUPPORT GROUP: Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Co-facilitated by supportive peers and mentalhealth professionals and open to all lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender and questioning adults age 23 and up. Check out this group meeting at R.U.1.2?. ARE YOU A PARTNER OR close ally of a transgender or transsexual person? We have a support group designed for your unique needs. The second Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m. R.U.1.2 Community Center, 34 Elmwood Ave., Burlington. Info, 860-7812. TRANS SOCIAL AND SUPPORT GROUP: First Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Looking for peer support among other transgendered folks? Need a safe space to relax and be yourself? Check out this group meeting at R.U.1.2? 60+ SUPPORT GROUP: Ongoing weekly support group for men and women over the age of 60. Share your strengths and struggles with this particular stage of life. We have fun! Facilitated by Barbara L. Kester, Ph.D. 657-3668. MOOD DISORDER SUPPORT GROUP: First group meeting, Monday, November 8, 4:15-6 p.m., Northfield United Church, Main St. Info, 4854934 or email suppgrp@ TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter meeting, St. Francis Xavier School, Winooski. Sundays, 6 p.m. weigh-in, 6:30-7:30 p.m. meeting. Info, call Fred or Bennye, 655-3317 or Patricia, 658-6904. INTERESTED IN WRITING for children? Support and critique group meets monthly. Call Anne, 861-6000 or NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS is a group of recovering addicts who live without the use of drugs. It costs nothing to join. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. Info, 8624516, or visit held in Burlington, South Burlington and Colchester. For more information, call 860-8388 or toll-free, 1-866-972-5266. SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE: Support group for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. Meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the Holiday Inn in South Burlington, (1068 Williston Rd.), from 6-7:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Cory Gould, 2234111 or cgould1136@earth Sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention-VT. SEX AND LOVE ADDICTS ANONYMOUS: 12-step recovery group. Do you have a problem with sex or relationships? We can help. Sunday meetings, 7-8:30 p.m. Men call Sandy, 8635708. Women call Valerie, 655-9478.

SUICIDE SURVIVORS GROUP: Survivors and their families meet monthly for mutual support in the Burlington area, 6-7 p.m. Call for location, 223-4111. SMOKING CESSATION GROUP: Willing to kick the habit? This free, five-week program helps quitters to follow through. Community Health Center of Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 864-6309. DOES YOUR PARTNER/SPOUSE HAVE AD/HD (Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder)? Support group meets every other week in Burlington to share experiences, challenges, laughs, resources. Want more information? Write addpartner WEDNESDAYS CIRCLE: A Transpersonal support group, every Wed., 6 p.m., Innerharmony Community Wellness Center, Rt. 100N, Rochester, VT. 767-6092. A sharing circle focusing on personal growth, transformation, spirituality and healing, led by Jim Dodds. DECLUTTERS SUPPORT GROUP: Are you ready to make improvements but find it overwhelming? Maybe 2 or 3 of us can get together to help each simplify. 453-3612. PARENTS TOGETHER: Support group will be meeting in Rutland on Monday evenings. Snacks and childcare provided. All groups are free and confidential. Please call Amy at 247-5460 for more information. WOMEN CHANGING: A continuous educational support group for women who are interested in changing patterns in their lives. Wednesdays-ongoing. 12:302 p.m. Call Angie at AWARE in Hardwick, 472-6463. SUPPORT GROUP FOR WOMEN who have experienced intimate partner abuse, facilitated by Battered Women’s Services and Shelter of Washington County. Please call 1-877543-9498 for more info. AHOY BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS: Join our support group where the focus is on living, not on the disease. We are a team of dragon boaters. Learn all about this paddle sport and its health-giving, life-affirming qualities. Any age. No athletic experience needed. Call Linda at 802-434-4423 or email: dragonheartver or go to: SELF-REALIZATION: Social/support group for like-minded people interested in spirituality, yoga, psychic experiences, transcendence and transformation. Burlington. If interested, call Jill at 877-3375 or email NAKED IN VERMONT: The premier Nudist/Skinnydipper organization in Vermont offering information library, message board, chat room, yahoo group, and more. (ALL FREE) Visit www.nakedinver SCLERODERMA FOUNDATION New England: Info, Blythe Leonard, 878-0732 or • | SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005 | 7D Classifieds 23B


802-658-1212 ACURA INTEGRA LS, 1996: Excellent condition. Blue book value, $6800. Asking $5500. Kirk, 899-4074 in the evenings. AUDI 200 SEDAN 1989: Runs great. Mint black exterior and interior. Sunroof. Asking $1000. Call Dave Justice at 316-0459. AUDI ALL-ROAD, 2001: Certified pre-owned to 100 K, transferable. Like new condition. Loaded. 71 K, dark green, alloy winter wheels and snows. Asking $24,900. Call 233-5498. BUICK REGAL LS, 1998: Auto, cruise, power everything, only 106 K, dark green, newer tires, needs nothing, no rust, excellent condition in and out, below book at $3700. Andy, 6582462, guitboy75@hotmail. com. CADILLAC DEVILLE, 1999: Sedan, 4-door, white, V8, auto, FWD, A/C, power steering/windows/locks, cruise, alloy wheels. 50,844 K. Best price, $10,500. Call Shearer Pontiac, 658-1212. CHEVROLET CAVALIER, 2004: Sedan, 4-door, white, auto, FWD, A/C, power steering, cruise, CD. 11,925 K. Best price, $8972. Call Shearer Pontiac, 658-1212. DODGE STRATUS COUPE R/T, 2001: Sporty, black 2door, 5-spd, leather, sunroof, spoiler, power everything. 4 new studded snow tires. Transferable factory warranty to 3/2006! Like new! 46K. $10,400. 849-9797.

DREADING SELLING YOUR FOREIGN CAR? It takes so much of your time to advertise, take phone calls, set up test drives, haggle over the money, etc. We’ll do the work for you! Get top dollar for the sale of your car!, 223-3563, we’ll gladly explain the details! FORD TAURUS, 1996: $1000/OBO. V6, auto, power locks/windows, tape player/ radio, 141 K. Call 802233-7404. HONDA ACCORD, 1999: DX, 4-door sedan, silver, 49 K, excellent condition w/low mileage. $8400. 802-9996817, call anytime and leave a message. HONDA CIVIC, 2000: Hatchback, white, low miles, great shape! $7000/OBO. 802-223-6043. HONDA CIVIC DX, 1995: Coupe, black, 5-speed, 153 K, 40+ MPG. Good shape, new inspection sticker through April 2006. $2100. Sue, 660-3500 ext. 5926 or 859-0453. HONDA CIVIC DX, 1997: Silver, all new parts, runs great! This is a must-see. $3500. Call 655-2420. HONDA CIVIC DX, 1998: 79 K, auto, non-smoker, super clean. Only $5550. Runs/ drives 100%. You’ll love this car and it will last for years! St. J., 802-748-0168 JEEP CHEROKEE LAREDO, 1993. $2500. 238-9208. OLDSMOBILE ALERO GL, 2004: Sedan, 4-door, silver, auto, FWD, A/C, power steering/windows/locks, cruise, CD. 10,822 K. Best price, $10,830. Call Shearer Pontiac, 658-1212. PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM, 1993: 4-door, AM/FM, cruise, clean interior, very low mileage. Some surface rust on driver’s side only. No reasonable offer refused. 899-5304.

PONTIAC FIREBIRD TRANS AM CONVERTIBLE, 2002: 2door sedan, pewter, auto, RWD, A/C, power windows/ door/steering. 8172 K. Best price, $25,840. Call Shearer Pontiac, 658-1212. PONTIAC GRAND AM SE, 2005: Sedan, 4-door, gray, FWD, A/C, power steering/ windows/locks, cruise, CD. 18,179 K. Best price, $14,485. Call Shearer Pontiac, 658-1212. PONTIAC SUNFIRE COUPE, 2004: 2-door, beige/tan, auto, FWD, A/C, power steering/windows/locks, cruise, CD. 10,806 K. Best price, $10,622. Call Shearer Pontiac, 658-1212. SAAB 900 CS, 1995: Black, 5-speed, leather, CD, power windows/locks, heated seats, power moon roof, winter and summer tires. 148 K. $2250/ OBO. Call 355-0830 or 453-6720. SAAB 900 SE, 1996: Special edition, auto, CD changer, fully loaded, alloys, excellent condition, new tires, 115 K, must see, well under Blue Book, $4700/OBO. Call 3108371. SATURN SL1, 2002: Sedan, 4-door, black, 4-cyl., 5-speed, FWD, A/C, power steering/ windows/locks, cruise. 26,980 K. Best price, $7899. Call Shearer Pontiac, 658-1212. SUBARU OUTBACK, 2002: Religiously maintained, brand- new catalytic converters, CD and tape, heated front seats, 81 K highway. $12,225/OBO. 863-8447. TOYOTA COROLLA DX WAGON: 1995, blue-green. Body great, but needs new engine. Have all service records. $1495/OBO. Alice, 878-8525. TOYOTA TERCEL DX: 1995, 4-door sedan, 156,000 K miles. 5-speed. Great car, priced under book value. $2000. 425-2665.

TOYOTAS, 1997 & NEWER! Excellent condition & warranty. 326 State St., Montpelier (next to Dairy Creme on Rt. 2). Worth the drive! 223-3563. VOLKSWAGEN JETTA, 1992: 4-door, black, standard, 180 K, good shape. Give away price, $600. 859-8900. VOLKSWAGEN JETTA, 1995: 4-door, $2500. 93 K, brand new snow and used summer tires, 6-disk CD, sun roof, standard transmission, no rust. 985-8211. VOLKSWAGEN JETTA GL,1996: 5-speed. Air conditioning, roof rack, extra rims. Many new parts. Good, clean condition. Green. 658-4473. VOLVO 240, 1981: Brown, clean interior, runs great, good tires, new Sony stereo, used daily, safe/dependable and comes w/Nader sticker! $850. Call 425-7275 before 8 p.m., please. VOLVO 240, 1982: 112 K, complete drive-train engine, auto trans only, runs perfect, car was wrecked. Only $500. 425-7275 before 8 p.m. VOLVO 240 WAGON, 1990. Silver. Body and interior in excellent condition. Runs. Needs transmission. New tires. Great parts car. Best offer. Email freyalisa@shore VOLVO V70 AWD WAGON, 1998: Automatic, leather interior, moon roof, loaded. 100K, very clean, no rust. Two sets of tires. Great in adverse conditions. Asking $8500/OBO. 229-4906. VW GOLF, 2003: 2.0, 2door, standard, black, 23 K. $10,500/OBO. See this weekend! Call 802-310-4718. WARNING: DON’T EVEN think about looking at a used car until you listen to this. Free recorded consumer help line. Call toll free, 1866-838-3345.

South Burlington to Rutland: Looking for a ride. Time is flexible. If you can help, please ref # 41048. Colchester to Burlington: Looking to share a ride. I work Fridays from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 40961. St. Mike’s to Ethan Allen Dr.: Looking for a ride. My hours are Mon-Fri from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. with some flexibility. If you can help, please ref # 41070. Essex to Burlington: Looking for a ride. I work Mon-Fri, from 8 a.m. 4:30 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41069. Plainfield to Essex Junction: Looking to share a ride to IBM. I work 7 p.m. - 7 a.m. If you can help, please ref # 41062. Rutland to Williston: Looking to share a ride. Hours are Mon-Fri from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. If you can help, please reference # 41047. Essex Junction to Waterbury: Looking to share a commute MonFri at 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., but flexible. If you can help, please reference # 41046. Winooski to Montpelier: Looking to share a commute Mon-Fri from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41045.

Starksboro to Colchester: Looking for a ride. Hours are Mon-Fri from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41035. Essex Junction to Waterbury: Looking to share a ride to State Offices. My hours are Mon-Fri from 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. with a little flexibility. If you can help, please ref # 41046. South Burlington to Burlington: Looking for a ride Mon-Fri from 6:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41036. Burlington to Shelburne: Looking for a ride Mon-Fri from 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41042. Essex Junction to Barre Town: Looking for a ride. I work 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Mon-Fri. If you can help, please ref # 41045. Shelburne to Montpelier: Looking to share a ride Mon–Fri, 7:45 a.m. 4:30 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41027. Bolton to South Burlington: Looking for a ride Mon-Fri from 410 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41064. Charlotte to Burlington: Looking to share a ride Mon-Fri from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 40947.

4 classic OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 CONVERTIBLE, 1974: Runs strong, mechanically sound, great restoration project. $1200. 658-0302.

4 rv’s R.V: 19-FOOT COACHMAN w/85 Toyota engine. All the comforts of home. Ready to travel. $3299/OBO. 660-2417.

4 trucks 20 FT TRUCK CAMPER, 1978: Generator, fridge, stove, sink, full bathroom, cherry wood floors, sleeps 24. Needs repair to transmission/brakes/water-damaged ceiling/wiring. Once fixed, will run like a dream. If you have a few thousand bucks, this is a steal. $1500/firm. You must arrange tow-away. 454-1082. CHEVROLET SILVERADO, 2000: $17,000. 4-door extended cab, 4WD/Z71, V-8 towing package, cap incl. 74,000 K. Call 802-233-7404. DODGE DAKOTA, 2003: Club cab. 9800 K. 4WD. Tool box and truck rack. Excellent condition. Under warranty until 2008 or 70 K. $16,000/OBO. Call Kathy, 658-2752, leave message. TOYOTA PICKUP, 1991: 4WD, 4-cyl. 199,000 adventurous miles. Engine runs well. Needs rear springs/ clutch/brakes/muffler. Inspection good through 7/05. Topper on bed. Less rust than expected for age of car. $800/OBO. Dan, 434-4030.

4 boats ANTIQUE MERCURY OUTBOARD,1957: Mark 30 4cylinder 30 hp w/tiller, totally restored by marine mechanic, beautiful classic. $1200 w/tank. 425-7275 before 8 p.m.

4 suvs 1994 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE: V8, AWD. Automatic transmission. Green. Leather interior, AM/FM radio, CD player, PW, PL, PS. High miles. Priced at $3500. 578-5634 CHEVROLET BLAZER SPORT UTILITY, 2004: 4-door, beige/tan, V6, auto, 4WD, LS, power steering/windows/ locks, cruise, CD. 14,121. Best price, $16,935. Call Shearer Pontiac, 658-1212. CHEVY BLAZER LS, 1995: 2-door, 4WD, 126 K, lots of options, fair condition. Call for details, 879-7625. HONDA ELEMENT EX SPORT UTILITY, 2003: 4door, pewter, auto, 2WD, A/C, power steering/windows/locks, CD, cruise, ABS. 25,795 K. Best price, $19,350. Call Shearer Pontiac, 658-1212. JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE, 2000: Limited, auto, V8, 4WD, silver w/black leather interior, CD, only 65 K. Great winter car. Best price, $14,950. Call Andy, 646-334-7370. JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO, 2004: 4-door, silver, auto, 4WD, A/C, cruise, CD, roof rack. 33,237 K. Best price, $17,928. Call Shearer Pontiac, 658-1212. JEEP WRANGLER SE, 1997: $4500. 4-cyl, Quadra-Coil suspension, soft-top, 134 K. Runs well, body good. 6523701, days. JEEP WRANGLER X, 2004: Sport utility, 2-door, green, 5-speed manual, 4WD, power steering, CD. 8334 K. Best price, $18,463. Call Shearer Pontiac, 658-1212. NISSAN XTERRA SE, 2000: Great SUV w/no problems. All scheduled maintenance done on time. Brand new snows. Must sell! $8500. Call 8590304 or 518-569-4925. SPORT UTILITY, 4-door, silver, V6, auto, FWD, A/C, power steering/windows/ locks, cruise, CD. 10,954 K. Best price, $14,460. Call Shearer Pontiac, 658-1212.


CARPOOL CONNECTION Call 864-CCTA to respond to a listing or to be listed.

Save money this winter and join a carpool today! If you don’t see your route listed here, call 864-CCTA today and we’ll send you a FREE matchlist of commuters in your area.

Don’t see your commute listed here? Call 864-CCTA for additional listings or to get your commute posted here! Barre/Montpelier to IBM: Looking for vanpoolers to share a commute. We work the N2 shift. If you’re interested, we have space beginning Feb. 2. Please ref: IBMVAN. Burlington to South Burlington: Looking for a ride. My hours are Mon-Fri from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., but a little flexible. If you can help, please ref # 41070. Jericho to Burlington: Looking to share a commute Mon-Fri from 8

a.m. - 4:30 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41055. Burlington to Montpelier: Looking for a ride Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. 4:45 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41053. Jericho to Waterbury: Looking to share a ride. My hours are Mon-Fri from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 40962. Hinesburg to Plainfield: Looking to share a commute to Goddard College. I work Mon-Fri from 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41063. St. Albans to Georgia: Looking for a ride Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. If you can help, please ref. # 41060. Enosburg Falls to Essex Junction: Looking to share a commute to IBM. I work 7 a.m. -7 p.m. If you can help, please ref. # 41050. Charlotte to Berlin: Looking to share a commute. I work Mon-Fri from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. with some flexibility. If you can help, please ref # 40946.

South Burlington to Essex Junction: Looking for a ride to IBM. I work Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 40955. Burlington to Shelburne: Looking to share a ride Mon-Fri, 6:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 40967. Williston to Burlington: Looking to share a ride Mon-Fri, 7:30 a.m. 4:45 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 40967. Hinesburg to Burlington: Looking for a ride to UVM. I work Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41066. Richmond to Essex Junction: Looking to share a ride to IBM Mon-Fri, 7 p.m. - 7 a.m. If you can help, please ref # 40969. Colchester to Burlington: Looking to share a ride Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 40971. Winooski to Burlington: Looking for a ride to Starr Farm Nursing Center Mon-Fri, 6:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 40973. Burlington to Poultney: Looking to share a commute to Green Mountain College. I work Mon-Fri,

4:15 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41059. Burlington to Williston: Looking for a ride Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41056. Burlington to Springfield: Looking to give or share a ride Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 40980. Waitsfield to Hinesburg: Looking for a ride Mon-Fri, 3:30-7:30 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 40987. Essex Junction to Williston: Looking for a ride Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. 3 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41054. Waterbury to Essex Junction: Looking for a ride Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. 3:30 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 40989. Underhill to Waitsfield: Looking for a ride Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41002. Barre to Essex Junction: Looking to share a ride to IBM Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41013. Richmond to Waterbury: Looking for a ride Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. If you can help, please ref # 41022. •

24B | march 23-30, 2005



SPACEFINDER 4 housing for rent APTS. AND CONDOS: $600/mo. - $1200/mo. NS/pets. or 802-658-3975. AVAIL 6/1: MANY LISTINGS. Please call Investment Property Manager, 658-3600. BOLTON VALLEY: 1-bedroom, completely renovated, 1st-floor, gas heat, lease. $900/mo. + utils. + dep. + refs. Call Kevin, 401-8459220 or Marcia, 434-4051, leave message. BOLTON VALLEY: Slope-side 2-bedroom condo at Bolton Valley Ski Resort. Newly renovated, fireplace, new appliances. NS/pets. $950/mo. 734-0960. BRISTOL: Country location. 2-bedroom home. NS. Avail. 5/1. $875/mo. + sec. + ref. + credit check. Pets negotiable. 453-3687. BURLINGTON: 1-6 bedrooms. Walk to UVM/Church St., some or all utilities included. Available 6/1. No pets. 951-2457. (24 hours). BURLINGTON: 1-bedroom, $695/mo. 5-bedroom, $1875/mo. Apts. avail. 4/1. Located in brick Victorian. Convenient to all colleges/ downtown/medical center. Call 899-3795 or 233-6313. BURLINGTON: 1-bedroom. Corner of Fletcher Place and Colchester Ave. Avail. 5/1. $700/mo. +. 863-9656, before 7 p.m. BURLINGTON: 1-bedroom, one-of-a-kind condo on waterfront park. Parking, laundry, no pets. $1200/mo. + low utils. Avail. 4/1. 846-5010.

BURLINGTON: 1-bedrooms. Nice, clean, quiet, wood floors, porch, gas heat, well insulated/energy efficient, parking, coin-op, NS. Quiet building. Avail. 4/1 and 5/1. 879-2436. BURLINGTON: 1-room efficiency for rent. Incl. heat, electric, water, trash and 1x1-firsthorizon031605 bath. $400/mo. + shared dep. No off-street parking. Call Jason, 660-9841.

Super simple financing. JOHN E. GREGORY 802-388-3400

BURLINGTON: 185 North Willard Street. Just remodeled. Sunny. Two-bedroom apt. Possible use as quiet, low-traffic, professional, live-in office. NS/pets. Parking yes. $1200/mo. + utils. 658-0621. BURLINGTON: 2 and 3-bedroom apts. Heat/hot water incl., parking, garbage/snow removal. Full bath, pets possible. $1200/mo. and $1350/mo. + dep. Avail. 6/1. 802-863-9612. BURLINGTON: 2-bedroom apts. South Union & Buell St. $1000/mo. + utils. Offstreet parking. Avail. 6/1. 229-1892. BURLINGTON: 2-bedroom, bright, central, large living room, newer carpet, gas heat, low utils. $875/mo. Avail. now. 862-9182, call anytime, until 11 p.m.


BURLINGTON: 2-bedroom, clean, modern unit. Gas heat, off-street parking, 2nd floor, Old North End. Avail. 4/1. NS $850/mo. + utils. Dianne, 864-9344. BURLINGTON: 2-bedroom Riverwatch condos. $650/mo. incl. utils. Parking. Avail. 5/1. (802) 3/10/05 999-1289.4:35 PM Page 1 BURLINGTON: 2-bedroom townhouse, 1.5-bath, W/D hook-ups, attached garage, quiet neighborhood, gas heat, no pets. Avail. 4/1. Call 864-9966. BURLINGTON: 24 North Street. 4-bedroom apt. Avail. 4/1. Large kitchen and living room. Gas heat, close to waterfront. $1100/mo. + utils. More info. at http:// 865-8090. BURLINGTON: 3-bedroom, 2-bath in a private house. Porch, short walk to downtown/Battery Park. Completely renovated, new appliances. Off-street parking, efficient gas heat. $950/mo. + utils. Avail. 4/1. 862-3496. BURLINGTON: 3-bedroom apt in great South End neighborhood. Eat-in kitchen, pantry, hdwd, porch, D/W, onsite W/D, parking. Avail. immediately. $1300/mo. + utils. + lease. 864-9972. BURLINGTON: 382 North Ave. Nice 3-bedroom, 1.5miles to UVM/Champlain. Plenty of parking, gas heat, new wood floors, garden area, coin laundry, walk to bike path and North Beach. Avail. 6/1. $1000 - $1190/ mo. + utils. 324-6593.

BURLINGTON: 4-bedroom apt. Great location. Clean, renovated. Avail. 6/1. $1600/ mo. + utils. 865-4282. BURLINGTON: 448 Colchester Ave. 3-bedroom, walking distance to campus. $1150/mo. + utils. 978-8870765, leave clear message. BURLINGTON: Adorable 2bedroom house. Avail 4/1. W/D, off-street parking, small back yard. Garbage/water/ recycling incl. $1100/mo. + utils. 862-4094. BURLINGTON: Apts., 3-4 bedrooms, great locations, parking, W/D. Avail. 6/1. Call Rick, 864-3430. BURLINGTON: Avail. 5/5. 260 College Street. 1-bedroom, 1-bath, fully furnished, utilities included, off-street parking. $1000/ mo. Please call 658-9697. BURLINGTON: Avail 5/5. 260 College Street. 2-bedroom, 1-bath, fully furnished, utilities included, off-street parking. $1400/ mo. Please call 658-9697. BURLINGTON: Avail. 6/1. 135 Main Street. 2-bedroom, 1-bath, hardwood floors, large private deck, lots of windows, W/D, D/W in unit. $1650/mo. Please call 658-9697. BURLINGTON: Avail. 6/1. 260 College Street. 2-bedroom, 1-bath, fully furnished, utilities included, off-street parking. $1400/ mo. Please call 658-9697. BURLINGTON: Avail 6/1. 260 College Street. 1-bedroom, 1-bath, fully furnished, utilities included, off-street parking. $1000/ mo. Please call 658-9697.


10:04 AM

Page 1

AFFORDABLE NEW CONSTRUCTION HOMES FOR SALE Expected completion May 2005! Shelburne Fourteen 3-bedroom, 1 and 2 bath homes. A mix of single family homes, flats and townhomes. One unit fully accessible. A prime location on Harbor Road off of Rt. 7, near Shelburne Elementary and surrounded by protected open space. All homes come with a garage and a small private yard. 1,126 or 1,332 sq. feet. $188,900 - $196,900 with a $30,000 down payment grant for eligible buyers (mortgage amount: $158,900 - $166,900).

ALSO AVAILABLE: St. Albans 3BR Homes Priced at: $ 192,000 - 25,000 * BCLT down payment grant $ 167,000 = your mortage

Jericho 3BR Farmhouse Priced at: $ 190,000 - 25,000 * BCLT down payment grant $ 165,000 = your mortage

Reserve yours today! • Call Brandy at 864-2620

BURLINGTON: Avail. 6/1. 75 Loomis St. 2-bedrooms. $900-$980/mo. Very airy. No pets. Coin-op, off-street parking, gas heat. 985-5232. BURLINGTON: Avail. 6/1. Downtown, off-street parking. 4-bedroom, $2000/mo. heat incl. 3-bedroom, $1300/mo. + utils. 2.5-bedroom, $1100/mo. + utils. 203-494-0682.

Let me help with selling or buying your next home. 846•9580

Tony Shaw

Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman


FORSALE>> by owner ESSEX JUNCTION: 3-Bedroom, 1.5 Bath, 2-story gambrel in a quiet neighborhood, convenient to everything. Renovations incl. new roof, siding, windows, bath, kitchen, fixtures and more. Dining room, living room w/hdwd, tled foyer/mud room, wall-to-wall Berber bedrooms, W/D. Deep back yard. $239,500. 425-3551 or 318-2708

OWN YOUR OWN HOME on Sugarbush Access Rd. Very large, 2+bedrooms, W/D hookup, sauna, pool, tennis. All new appliances. Asking $147,000. 496-2646.

COLCHESTER: 1995 Redmond 14'80", 3-bedroom, 1-bath mobile home. Large yard, storage shed, swimming pool, tennis/basketball courts, private P.O. Box. Located in Westbury Trailer Park. $39,000. $2000 back at closing. 434-3287.


SHELBURNE: $279,000. Completely remodeled, 2000+ sq.ft., 4-bedroom, 2-bath. Open, bright, large lot w/deck. Hdwd/tile throughout, finished basement, new appliances, fixtures, paint, garage doors. 802-985-2397

MALLETTS BAY: Spectacular 5000 sq. ft. home on two private acres with 350 ft. of westerly view lakefront. For details: www.mallettsbaylake

NEW HAVEN: Great business location. Large retail space with attached 2-story home, heated 3-bay garage and private 2-acre backyard oasis. Priced to sell $169,000. 802-877-2724.

ADDISON: Amazing 3300 sq. ft., three-floor cathedral ceiling "lighthouse" home with 1100 sq. ft. wrap-around deck overlooking Lake Champlain/ Adirondack Mountains. Beach/lake access. $425,000. Bill and Shari, 759-2985.

HINESBURG: 1 large bedroom, 1-bath. Open floor plan. Windows! Adirondack views. Stone patio. 1.5-car garage. 1/3-acre +.25 mins. to Burlington. $198,000. 802-482-5202

SHELBURNE: 3-4 bedroom home. 2150 sq. ft. 2- bath, new appliances, garage w/storage area, mud room, deck, perennial gardens. $249,000. 802-985-3617.

YOUR HOUSE HERE: Advertise your FOR SALE BY OWNER, $35/week for 25 words and photo or $60/ 2 weeks. Contact Katherine 802-864-5684

UNDERHILL: Rt. 15. Large w/barns. Renovations! Also, new appliances and heating system. 25 mins. to Burlington. $315,000. 802899-2727. Additional info at

YOUR HOUSE HERE: Advertise your FOR SALE BY OWNER, $35/week for 25 words and photo or $60/ 2 weeks. Contact Katherine 802-864-5684 | SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005


7D Classifieds 25B





10:12 AM

WORKSPACE MONTPELIER: At the intersection of Main and State Street, this four-story brick building includes a delightful first floor retail space and three floors of offices. The fourth floor has a great skylight and is serviced with central air conditioning. $845,000 Coldwell Banker Heney Realtors • 1-800-696-1456

4 commercial props. BURLINGTON: 139 Elmwood Ave. Approx. 500 sq. ft., close to downtown. $400/mo. Call Coburn & Feeley, 8645200 ext. 229. SOUTH BURLINGTON: Avail. now. 1233 Shelburne Road (Lakewood Executive Offices). Great location, beautiful brick building, utilities included, answering service available, secretarial services and many other services available. 10 FREE hours of conference room monthly and unlimited parking. Please call 658-9697. SOUTH BURLINGTON: Avail. now. E1, large 3+ rooms, private bathroom. Great location on Shelburne Road, offstreet parking, secretarial/answering services available, private entrance. $1300/mo. Please call 658-9697.

4 office space BURLINGTON: Conference room, lobby and 3-separate offices within space. Approx. 1260 sq. ft. Parking/heat incl. Just reduced! 862-1148 ext. 102. BURLINGTON: Main St. 2-room office suite on 2nd-floor. Incl. heat/electric/parking. Ideal for therapist, bodyworker, healer, etc. $425/mo. Call 223-9954. BURLINGTON: Professional office space located at 64 North St. Avail. immediately. This 1073 sq. ft. space incl. a reception area, 5-offices and a small kitchen. Handicap accessible. $700/mo. + utils. Call Charlie for details, 802864-0538 ext. 236. ESSEX JUNCTION: 650 sq.ft 1st floor bright office space, great exposure on route 15 and plenty of parking. 373-6086. SOUTH BURLINGTON: 500 sq. ft. prime office location on busy Williston Rd. New construction, clean upgraded interior. Many possibilities: office, retail, massage studio, etc. $525/mo. utils. incl. Immediate availability. 264-9612.

4 space for rent BURLINGTON: Artist space. Bright, friendly. Join other artists. Heated, A/C, parking, convenient location, 180 Flynn Ave. $350/mo. Avail. now. Call Andy, 864-6838. FERRISBURGH: Artist studio, incl. kilns, wheels and other equipment. $300/mo. + utils. Call Debbie, 877-9291.

BURLINGTON: Avail immediately. Large bedroom avail. for rent in 2-bedroom apt, corner of Maple and Pine. Must enjoy living with 2cats and one laid-back human. NS only. $450/mo. w/all utils. Call 355-4204. BURLINGTON: Avail. now. Spacious, modern, renovated 3-bedroom w/parking. $1250/mo. +. Downtown 2bedroom condo, $1100/mo. Red E Rentals, 860-4641. BURLINGTON: Beautiful 3bedroom Riverwatch condo for rent. Incl. all utils. Unlimited parking, pool, easy access to UVM/downtown. 1-year lease. Avail. 6/1. $1550/mo. Students OK. 802-598-1533 or 802598-5322. BURLINGTON: Beautiful, huge 3-bedroom apt. Walking distance to Church St./med. school/hospital/ UVM. 100-year-old Victorian house w/turret. 2000 sq. ft. Incl. parking, W/D, 800 sq. ft. family room w/gas stove, large eat-in-kitchen, hdwd, original woodwork, high ceilings, large front porch and back yard. Must see! $2000/mo. Avail. 5/1. 865-4901.

BURLINGTON: Bissonette Properties. 1, 2, 3 and 4bedroom apts for rent. Burlington/Winooski-area. Avail. immediately. $575$1300/mo. 864-4449. BURLINGTON: Buell St. Avail 4/1. Large 1-bedroom, 1st-floor. $895/mo. incl. heat/hot water, coin-op W/D. NS/pets. Neville Companies, Inc. 802-6603481 ext. 1021. www.nevil BURLINGTON: Buell St. Avail 6/1. 1-bedroom, 3rd-floor, $660/mo. and $695/ mo. incl. heat/hot water. No parking, no pets. Neville Companies, Inc. 660-3481 ext. 1021. BURLINGTON: Clean 2-bedroom apt. avail. 8/1. Furnished, 2-floors, balcony, on-site parking, laundry, on/off UVM shuttle stop. Call Jess, 315-567-9843. BURLINGTON: Close to downtown/park. Top floor w/lake views. Spacious 1bedroom. $950/mo. heat incl. Call Allan, 777-3040. BURLINGTON: Colchester Ave. Avail 6/1, 4-bedroom, $1095/mo. Coin-op, W/D, storage, parking, no dogs. Neville Companies, Inc. (802) 660-3481 x1021.

Page 1 BURLINGTON: Downtown,

sunny, traditional, spacious 1-bedroom w/separate breakfast nook/kitchen, hdwd, fireplace, parking, heat incl. $1000/mo. starting 4/1. Lease req. No pets. Red E Rentals, 860-4641. BURLINGTON: Efficiency, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-bedroom apts. Avail. 6/1. Excellent location. No pets. 863-9656, before 7 p.m. BURLINGTON: Executive 4room (1-bedroom plus loft.) Near UVM green. Beautiful, restored, sunny, historic. W/D. $1700/mo. + utils. 802-425-2239. BURLINGTON: Hickok Pl. 5bedroom, 2-bath house, fully-renovated. Efficient gas heat/hot water. 2 porches, yard, W/D. Near UVM. Pets OK. Off-street parking. Avail 6/1. $2300 + util. 496-3712. BURLINGTON: Hill section, 2-bedroom. Sunny, bright, hdwd, laundry, 2-floors of living space, off-street parking, shared yard. $1275/mo. + utils. 863-1728. BURLINGTON: Immaculate 2-bedroom. Avail. 4/1. Very nice slate floor, wood trim, gas, parking, no dogs. $850/mo. + good refs. 482-4066. BURLINGTON: Large 1-bedroom apt. at the top of Loomis St. Wood floors, offstreet parking, nice, quiet place. Avail. 4/1. $775/mo. + utils. 238-2476. BURLINGTON: Large 1-bedroom in lower Hill section. New hdwd/appliances. Ceramic tile in bath/tub. 3blocks from downtown, gas heat, coin-op laundry. Absolutely NS. Avail. immediately or 4/1. $800/mo. + utils. 324-6593, Pete. BURLINGTON: Large 3-bedroom, downtown apt., offstreet parking, private porch, private basement. Avail. 6/1. $1075/mo. 878-2860. BURLINGTON: Large 4-bedroom, 2-bath, dining room, living room, large front porch & great kitchen. Wood floors, backyard. Walk to downtown & UVM. 4 parking spaces. $1975/mo. + utils. Avail. 6/1. 863-4536. BURLINGTON: Large 4-bedroom. Old North End. Second floor, large porch. Avail. 4/1. $1350/mo. +. Off-street parking, gas heat. 893-0000. BURLINGTON: Live on Church Street! Sublet midApril to mid-May. Beautiful 1-bedroom, hardwood, lake view. $660/mo. What a deal! 302-547-0288 BURLINGTON: Mill St. Avail 6/1. 3-bedroom, 1st-floor. $1050/mo. incl. hot water. Pets OK w/ref, W/D hookups. Neville Companies, Inc. 660-3481 ext. 1021. BURLINGTON: Near UVM green. Beautiful, sunny, large 1-bedroom and living area. Coin-op. Part of charming, historic home, executive building. $975/mo. + utils. Avail. immediately. 802425-2239. BURLINGTON: New North End. 3-bedroom, 1.5-bath, 1/2 duplex, fenced yard, offstreet parking, close to bike path, basement, gas heat, some on-site storage avail. Sorry, no dogs. $1200/mo. + utils., trash removal incl. Call Shawn, 658-2014. Avail. 4/17.

BURLINGTON: Nice, sunny 2-bedroom near UVM, hdwd, parking, storage, quiet neighborhood. $1150/mo. + utils. Avail. 4/1. 859-9253. BURLINGTON: North Willard St. Avail 6/1. 3-bedroom, 2nd-floor. $1350/mo. incl. heat/hot water, parking, No pets. Neville Companies, Inc. 802-660-3481 ext. 1021. BURLINGTON: Northshore condo. 2-bedroom townhouse, 1.5-bath, fireplace, gas heat, W/D, garage, pool/tennis on-site, no pets. $1500/mo. Call Coburn & Feeley, 864-5200 ext. 229. BURLINGTON: Real nice 1 or 2-bedroom, great location, hdwd, parking. Avail. now. Call Rick, 864-3430. BURLINGTON: Renovated 3bedroom. 3-season porch, W/D hook-ups, fenced back yard, walk to lake, near bike path/park. Avail. 4/1. $1250/mo. 660-3026, ask for Brian or Anne. BURLINGTON: Renovated Hill Section. Large 1-bedroom, walk to downtown/ UVM/Champlain/hospital. Off-street parking. Avail. 4/1. $775/mo. 660-3026, ask for Brian or Anne. BURLINGTON: Rose St. 3bedroom apt. in quiet building. Sorry, no off-street parking. No pets. Avail. 4/1. $800/mo. + utils. 863-2070. BURLINGTON: Shelburne Street. Avail. 7/1, 2-bedroom, 1st floor, $795/mo. Parking, no dogs. Neville Companies, Inc. (802) 6603481 x 1021. BURLINGTON: Small 1-room studio near Church St. Hdwd. $400/mo. + utils. Avail. now. 862-1148 ext. 102. BURLINGTON: Small studio w/porch. Shared yard. Walking distance to downtown & UVM. Includes parking. $485/mo. + utils. Avail 6/1 or earlier. 863-4536. BURLINGTON: South End 1bedroom. Gas heat, offstreet parking, W/D. $750/mo incl. water, trash, snow plowing. Walking distance to downtown and UVM campus. Available 4/1. Roger 316-1899. BURLINGTON: South End 2bedroom apt. 1st-floor, hdwd, laundry on-site, parking. Avail. 4/1. $850/mo. +. 578-8525. BURLINGTON: South End large 1-bedroom apt. Hdwd/tile floors, walk-in closet, off-street parking. $650/mo. +. 578-8525. BURLINGTON: South End. Large 2-bedroom unit w/garage. Gas heat. Avail. now. NS/no pets. $1000/mo. + utils. Call 846-7849. BURLINGTON: South Willard. Avail. 5/1. Large, bright efficiency. 1-bath, fireplace, heat/elec. incl. No pets. $675/mo. Call Coburn & Feeley, 864-5200 ext. 229. BURLINGTON: Spacious, light 1 and 2-bedroom apts. in great downtown location, avail. this spring. $677/mo. 1-bedroom, $864/mo. 2-bedroom, heat/hot water incl. Some income restrictions apply. 1-small pet OK w/dep. Call Tom, 343-6507. EHO BURLINGTON: Staniford Rd. 3-bedroom house. Now or 4/1. Finished basement, yard, eat-in kitchen. 1-bath incl. W/D, quiet residential neighborhood. 1-year lease. No dogs. Red E Rentals, 860-4641.


3:55 PM

Page 1

BIRCH COURT HOME Come see this cozy and charming 2BR, 1-bath Cape in the New North End of Burlington. This home has approx. 720 sq. ft. of living space, plus a full basement! It’s located in a familyoriented neighborhood with a large fenced-in back yard. Features include a 1-car garage, storage shed and back deck. Purchase Price: $ 160,000 - 57,950 * grant for income-eligible buyers Amount needed to finance3/21/05 $ 102,050 ** 1x2-Godirect032305

Call Brandy at 864-2620 BURLINGTON: Sunny 4-bedroom apt., W/D, D/W, offstreet parking, two large living rooms, large kitchen, side yard and deck, basement storage, $1700/mo. + utils. 324-3500. BURLINGTON: Two 2-bedroom apt. 288 Main St. $900/mo. and $950/mo. + utils. Avail. 5/1 and 6/1. Parking. NS/pets. 862-0733. BURLINGTON: Two 3-bedroom apts. avail 6/1. No. Willard Street. $1650 incl. ht. Colchester Ave. $1500 plus utils. 863-9656 before 7 p.m. BURLINGTON: Two 3-bedroom apts. Walk to UVM/ downtown. W/D. Avail. 6/1 & 7/1. $1100/mo. and $1300/mo. + utils. 434-4449. BURLINGTON: Unfurnished apt. 1-bedroom, Riverwatch. W/D, D/W, microwave, garage, heat/hot water incl. NS/dogs. $975/mo. Avail. now. 859-1589. BURLINGTON: Vermont house. Avail. 4/1. Downtown condo. 2-bedroom, 1.5-bath, lake views, heat/air conditioning incl. Parking avail. No pets. $1300/mo. Call Coburn & Feeley, 864-5200, ext. 229. BURLINGTON: Waterfront. Spacious 1-bedroom. Parking, laundry. $1050/mo. Avail. immediately. 578-6924. CHARLOTTE: 5-bedroom farmhouse on Spear St. Hdwd, spacious and nice. No pets. Oil heat. $1600/mo. + utils. 8621148 ext. 102. CHARLOTTE: On Mt. Philo. 1-bedroom, W/D, private entrance, parking, trash removal incl. New paint/ flooring. Avail. in April. $1000/mo. + utils. 802425-5310. CHARLOTTE/FERRISBURGH BORDER: Sunny 2-bedroom apt., on 2-floors w/deck, spacious lawn and garden. $875/mo. + sec. + ref. 767-9455. CHITTENDEN COUNTY: 1, 2, 3 and 4-bedroom condos, apts. and single family houses. Avail now. 846-9568. COLCHESTER: Lake front, 2bedroom, large living room, views. Decks, sandy beach, mooring. W/D. Avail. 4/1. $1250/mo. incl. heat/hot water. 802-879-7920. COLCHESTER: Very spacious 2-bedroom +. Open kitchen, living room, parking. $800/mo. + utils. Avail. immediately. 655-2882. ESSEX: 3-bedroom, 1-bath, 2-car attached garage, large yard, pets considered. N/S. $1500+ deposit & utilities. 373-6086. ESSEX JUNCTION: 2-bedroom, 1-bath second-floor Saybrook condo, unfurnished, 2-car parking, recently updated, W/D, pool/tennis. $950/mo. Sarah, 655-3333, ext. 30.


Homes For Sale at:

WWW.GODIRECTVT.COM 802-264-4866 ESSEX JUNCTION: Highland Village. 2-bedroom townhouse, 2.5-bath, W/D, garage, gas heat, dog OK w/dep. Fitness/conference room on-site. $1700/mo. Call Coburn & Feeley, 8645200 ext. 229. ESSEX JUNCTION: Prospect St. 2-bedroom, 1-bath, carport, laundry on-site, gas heat incl. Pets OK. $850/mo. Call Coburn & Feeley, 8645200 ext. 229. ESSEX JUNCTION: Prospect St. Large 1-bedroom, 1-bath, parking, laundry on-site, gas heat, elec. incl. Pets OK. $825/mo. Call Coburn & Feeley, 864-5200 ext. 229. ESSEX JUNCTION: Spacious 2-bedroom w/tile and wood floors, sky lights. Hook-ups, parking. $1050/mo. + 1 mo. dep. Incl. all except heat. 878-5605. HINESBURG: Cute 2-bedroom duplex in convenient location. W/D hookup, great yard. $875/mo. incl. most utils. Short term OK. 482-6673. HUNTINGTON: 2-bedroom house, 1-bath, basement, W/D, large wood shed, secluded lot. NS, pets considered. Avail. 4/1. $1175/ mo. + utils. 434-4652, evenings. HUNTINGTON: Beautiful Huntington River, Camel’s Hump views. New 2-bedroom, 1.5-bath duplex. No pets. Ceramic tile and wood floors. $1150/mo. Call Moise or Nicole, 434-5792. JOHNSON: Nice 2-bedroom duplex in a quiet neighborhood. Yard, W/D, 1-car garage. $1100/mo. all utils. incl. Sec. + dep. req. 893-2700. MILTON: Large 4+ bedroom, 2-car garage, huge yard. Avail. now. $1400/mo. +. 893-0000, Marcou Real Estate. RICHMOND: 2-bedroom w/porch in village. $800/mo. Heat/water/sewer incl. Dep. req. Avail. 5/1. 434-3796 or 434-3398. RICHMOND: Excellent duplex, country setting, nice yard, 5 minutes to Interstate. 2+ bedroom, 2-bath, 2-levels, large renovated kitchen, D/W, full freezer, hook-ups, privacy, trails, river, views. NS/pets. $1150/mo. + utils. 865-4399. SHELBURNE: 4-bedroom, 2.5-bath, 2300 sq. ft., hdwd through out, W/D, D/W, 2car garage, finished basement. $1850/mo. 846-9568.


26B | march 23-30, 2005






it all starts HERE...

HINESBURG (Mechanicsville): Really great 3+BR. Steam-boat Gothic Victorian home. Circa 1860s. Restored in mid-70s. Many updates since. Double living room w/fireplace. Double floor-toceiling French doors leading to large wraparound porches. Large 2-level barn. Many possibilities. 1.9 acres.

Foulsham Farms Real Estate (802)861-7537

t o


a d v e r t i s e



i n

1:24 PM

BARRE: Central downtown commercial building for lease or sale, ideal for coffee shop, retail, office or restaurant space. Seats approximately 140. Two floors, fully sprinklered, parking, new front deck, slate roof, 2880 +/- square feet. Asking $269,900

CHARLOTTE: Impeccably restored 4,000 sq. ft. brick 1812 georgian-style former tavern. 4 fireplaces, 4 + bedrooms 3.5 stories. All historic detailing perfectly reproduced & updated utilities. A separate, newer 2-story garage plus a 1 BR & loft cottage. 32 manicured rolling acres, pond & gardens.

Gregoire Real Estate • 802-476-8708

Foulsham Farms Real Estate 861-7537 •


allison at 865-1020 x22

Page 1



1:35 PM

Page 1

for line listings: n

housing for rent cont. Free Pre-Approval! Mark R. Chaffee (802) 658-5599 x11

SOUTH BURLINGTON: 3bedroom, 2-bath house. Garden, tub, study, sun room, fenced yard, beautiful gardens, off-street parking for two cars. Quiet neighborhood. Close to schools. NS. Avail. 4/1. $1700/mo. + utils. landscaping incl. Sarah, 802-951-9933. SOUTH HERO: Vintage ranch house on lake. 3-bedroom. $1250/mo. + 1-year lease. 372-5257. UNDERHILL CENTER: Big 2-bedroom. Trails, brook, barn. Walk to school/stores/ tennis. New kitchen, W/D, D/W. Avail. 6/1. $1200/mo. incl. utils, Internet and more. Peter, 899-1132. UNDERHILL CENTER: Spacious 1-bedroom apt. in beautiful setting. Kitchen/ living/dining, screened porch w/beautiful views. Trails, brook and peace on 12-acres. NS/no pets. Avail. 4/15. 899-4607.

UNDERHILL: Park St. Avail 4/1. 2-bedroom, 2nd-floor. $725/mo. Incl. heat/hot water. Parking, no dogs. Neville Companies, Inc. 660-3481 ext. 1021. UNDERHILL: Unfurnished home for rent. 4-bedroom, 2car garage, small barn, screened porch, greenhouse, gardens and berries. Pets neg. $1200/mo. + year lease. 899-3972. VERGENNES: 1-bedroom upstairs apt. Close to downtown. NS/pets. $575/mo. + utils. 985-5478, evenings. WATERBURY: Large 1-bedroom, 1st-floor, gas heat, bright, parking, quiet, convenient to downtown. NS/dogs. $575/mo. + utils. + lease + refs. John, 863-2959. WINOOSKI: 4 spacious bedrooms w/good closet space. Sunny, large kitchen w/6burner stove. Located at end of quiet street. Most pets OK. $1475/mo. 316-1912 or 864-9595. WINOOSKI: Downtown. 3bedroom house, gas heat, off-street parking. $1000/mo. + $1000 sec. dep. Cat OK. 655-2544 or 655-1960. WINOOSKI: First mo. 1/2 off. Totally renovated w/charm, large 2+ bedroom w/office in upstairs/downstairs apt. Private porch entrance, brand-new

COLCHESTER: 1995 flooring, brand-new appliRedmond 14’80”, 3-bedroom, ances, brand-new natural gas 1-bath mobile home. Large heaters. Pets neg., off-street yard, storage shed, swimparking and garage space. ming pool, tennis/basketball Avail 3/1. northernproperty courts, private P.O. Box. or 233-1556. Located in Westbury Trailer WINOOSKI: Main St. Avail Park. $39,000. $2000 back now. 2-bedroom. Sun room. at closing. 434-3287. $750/mo. 1st floor, parking, no dogs. Neville Companies, ESSEX JUNCTION: 3-bedInc. 660-3481 ext. 1021. room, 1.5-bath, 2-story brel in a quiet neighborhood, convenient to everyWINOOSKI: Maple St. Avail thing. Renovations incl. new 5/1 and 6/1. 1-bedroom. roof, siding, windows, baths, $695/mo. 1st-floor, parking, kitchen, fixtures and more. no dogs. Neville Companies, Dining room, living room Inc. 660-3481 ext. 1021. w/hdwd, 4:35 tiled foyer/mud 1x1-firsthorizon031605 3/10/05 PM Page 1 room, wall-to-wall Berber bedrooms, W/D. Deep back 4 for sale yard. $239,500. 425-3551 or 318-2708. HINESBURG (Mechanicsville): Really great 3+bedroom. Steamboat Gothic Victorian home. Circa 1860s. Restored in mid-70s. Many JOHN E. GREGORY updates since. Double living 802-388-3400 room w/fireplace. Double ADDISON: Amazing 3300 sq. floor-to-ceiling French doors ft., three-floor cathedral leading to large wrap-around ceiling “lighthouse” home porches. Large 2-level barn. with 1100 sq. ft. wrapMany possibilities. 1.9 acres. around deck overlooking $330,000. Foulsham Farms Lake Champlain/Adirondack Real Estate, 861-7537. Mountains. Beach/lake LAKE BOMOSEEN-AREA: access. $425,000. Bill and 32-acres, 2-story Chalet, Shari, 759-2985. needs lots of work, great getaway, paved road, off the grid, but in the sunshine. $89,900. Ivan, 802-3243291 or

Super simple financing.


Homes For Sale at:

WWW.GODIRECTVT.COM 802-264-4866 MALLETTS BAY: Spectacular 5000 sq. ft. home on two private acres with 350 ft. of westerly view lakefront. For details: www.mallettsbay NEW 2-BEDROOM LOG HOME on 73 acres. Ultimate privacy, yet 5 min. to town, 10 min. to Jay Peak Ski Area. Features include: laundry room, walk-out basement, mud room, office, cathedral ceilings, wood and gas heat, hemlock floors and wrap-around porch w/amazing views and more! $249,000. (802)326-3093. NEW HAVEN: Great business location. Large retail space with attached 2-story home, heated 3-bay garage and private 2-acre backyard oasis. Priced to sell $169,000. 802-877-2724. NORTH HERO: 3-bedroom, waterfront, lake views. Many recent improvements incl. hdwd, roof, kitchen, waterheater, Jotul gas stove, energy-efficient windows. Large deck. $187,900. 598-7919. OWN YOUR OWN HOME on Sugarbush Access Rd. Very large, 2+bedrooms, W/D hookup, sauna, pool, tennis. All new appliances. Asking $147,000. 496-2646. SHELBURNE: $279,000. Completely remodeled, 2000 + sq.ft., 4-bedroom, 2-bath. Open, bright, large lot w/deck. Hdwd/tile throughout, finished basement, new appliances, fixtures, paint, garage doors. 802-985-2397. SHELBURNE: 3-4 bedroom home. 2150 sq. ft. 2-bath, new appliances, garage w/storage area, mud room, deck, perennial gardens. $249,000. 802-985-3617.

UNDERHILL: Rt. 15. Large w/barns. Renovations! Also, new appliances and heating system. 25 mins. to Burlington. $315,000. 802-8992727. Additional info at WINOOSKI: 5-unit building and a single family house. 82-86 Malletts Bay Ave. 99% renovated and updated. Great cash flow, shows well and rents easy. All units are hard wired plus some sprinkler heads. $550,000. Call 373-4123. WINOOSKI/COLCHESTER: 18-bedroom Colonial Inn, near Exit 15, St. Mike’s college, high traffic, garage. Great opportunity. Creative owner, financing possible. $35,000 down. $690,000. 802-324-3291. ivanland@

4 land for sale HUNTINGTON: 2 5-acre lots, pending permits. Starting at $89,900. Call 434-4652.

4 housing wanted THREE-STUDENTS, NS, w/refs seeking nice 3-bedroom, W/D, parking. Needed by 6/1. 603-475-3582 or 802865-8917 or 802-865-5505. WORKING PROF. NEEDS ROOM or house-sit. 2 or 3 nights per week in Burlington and rest of week in Montréal. NS/no pets, please. $300/mo. maximum. 802-324-0278 or 514-751-2597.

4 room for rent BURLINGTON: 1-bedroom, neat, clean, close to hospital/UVM/downtown. $500/mo. Call 233-5549 or 658-7914. BURLINGTON: 1-large bedroom for rent on Isham St. Newly renovated, lots of light, off-street parking, W/D. Close to UVM/downtown. $495/mo. incl. utils. Avail. ASAP. 310-5068. | SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005 2x4-woolenmill031605


3:38 PM

Page 1

ONE MONTH FREE! Sign a 13-month lease in March or April, and we’ll give you a month FREE in Chittenden County’s hippest housing.


Community within a Community Pool • Racquetball • Health Club Personal on-site management In-house maintenance Studios, 1BR, 2BR... Call Tricia or Tammy at 655-1186 1x1-mortgage-022305 2/21/05 1:24 PM Page 1

Free Pre-Approval! Mark R. Chaffee (802) 658-5599 x11

BURLINGTON: Furnished bedroom. High-speed Internet, walk to everything, parking, bike storage, coin laundry. Clean, quiet, NS/pets. Share kitchen/bath w/other grad./med. students. $500/mo. incl. all. Also avail. furnished 1-bedroom suite w/private bath/ kitchen. $650/mo. incl. all. 802-862-3341. WEEKLY LODGING: European-style and equipped. Kitchen use, cable TV, great ambiance, on bus route. $150-$200/weekly. Maggie’s Inn, 324-7388 or 324-3291.

4 vacation rental ADIRONDACKS: 2 comfortable cabins in beautiful valley, peace & privacy, fully equipped, telephone, creative workspace included. 1 1/2 hours from Burlington. $440/wk. Paradox, NY, 518-

581-2514. joenaomi@blue MEXICAN ISLAND PARADISE! 2-bedroom condo, Avalon Reef Club, Isla Mujeres, small coral reef island 6-miles from Cancun. Sleeps 6, private Jacuzzi, ocean views. Avail. any week May through mid-December. $1500/week. Call 233-1798. MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA: Time share. Great condo w/kitchen, 1bedroom + 2-sleeper sofas. Sleeps 6. Avail. 4/16-4/23. Golf, pools, health club, hot tub on-site. $799/week. 865-5130.

4 housemates BURLINGTON: 1 basement room. Avail. 3/18. $300/mo. Large room w/3 large windows. $400/mo. Avail. 5/1. 68A S. Willard St., located between Church St. & University. 1.5-bath, fireplace, W/D, parking. First + last. No pets. Call 6607172 or 598-7423. BURLINGTON: 1-bedroom avail. in 2-bedroom apt. Quiet location, close to UVM/downtown. Seeking responsible, respectful,


Classifieds 27B

SPACEFINDER prof./grad student, socially conscious, cat-friendly, queer-friendly person to share a peaceful home. $375/mo. + utils. Avail. 5/1. 324-6319. BURLINGTON: 1-bedroom avail. in a funky 4-bedroom, 2-bath apt. $400/mo. Chill roommates, off-street parking, porch. 1-block from Pearl St. Beverage. Please call Amanda, 786-368-4317 or Ian, 802-578-9615. BURLINGTON: 1-room avail. in amazing apt. w/great views, close to town. $640/mo. incl. utils/parking. Prof. preferred. NS/no pets. or 864-9862. BURLINGTON: Cool, calm, clean house near UVM. Music, art and gay friendly. Avail. now. $450/mo. + share utils. 660-8200. BURLINGTON: Downtown. Mature, feminist woman for cooperative, clean, beautiful house and garden. No messes/smoking/pets. $400/mo. +. Call 860-6828. BURLINGTON: Friendly, organic, clean, N/S, seeking roommate for 4/1. Flynn Ave., laundry, parking, porch, water filter, compost, quiet neighborhood, near the lake. $350/mo. + dep. and low utils. 324-5713. BURLINGTON: Housemates wanted for 2-rooms, ranging from $285/mo. - $335/mo. Smokers/pets welcome. Artists welcome, artist’s space avail. 864-5092. BURLINGTON: Laid-back creative types wanted for funky downtown apt. Musicians, painters, writers, philosophers, freaks, etc. Room avail. 4/1. $395/mo. + dep. 861-2273. BURLINGTON: Looking for F roommate, 18-25 YO, to sublet 2-bedroom apt. on S. Willard St., March 1 through May 31. Call Cindy, 203913-0081. BURLINGTON: N/S, professional/grad to share sunny, wonderful S. End home. Fireplace, yard, gardens. Convenient to everything. $475/mo. single, $600 couple. Meg, 865-9698 BURLINGTON: Need roommate for condo in North End.

$550/mo. + utils. Lots of room, great condition. Near bike path. Would consider pets. Avail. 5/1. Call John, 734-6370. BURLINGTON: Prof. roommate. St. Paul St. Large 3floor, 2-bedroom. $475/mo. +1/2 utils. Coin-op W/D, offstreet parking, close to downtown. Avail 4/1. Matt, 802-238-0398. BURLINGTON: Seeking friendly, responsible, communicative, fun, feminist, socially-conscious LGBTQIAfriendly person/couple to share 2-bedroom household. Large, sunny bedroom, yard and garden, porch, storage, off-street parking. Walking distance to lake/busses/ Church St. NS. $400/mo. + utils. + dep. Amy, 860-4999. BURLINGTON: Seeking prof./grad. for large room in sunny 2-bedroom apt. Offstreet parking, hdwd, organic garden, near UVM. $475/mo. +1/2 utils.,heat incl. Avail. 4/1. Call 318-3800. BURLINGTON: Seeking temporary roommate, avail. immediately. South End, amazing place. 2 cats. You: super clean, responsible, like cats. Contains D/W, W/D, amazing kitchen. $400/mo. 862-1930. BURLINGTON: Subletter/ renter wanted for a beautiful, sunny, hardwood floor apartment. Great roommates. NS/pets. Available 4/1. Sublet available until October 1st. $550/mo+ utils. 802-342-0764 or email caudette BURLINGTON: Witty elderly woman seeks female to share her home on the lake shore in exchange for some cooking and cleaning. Call HomeShare Vermont, 802863-0274 or visit www. EHO COLCHESTER, Malletts Bay: Single, clean, quiet, responsible person. No pets. Great neighborhood. Includes large room, appliances (refrigerator), private bathroom, parking, and closets. Access to kitchen, laundry, art room and toolshop. Extra storage. $600 including utilities. Available April 01. 865-9257. COLCHESTER: Seeking responsible NS individual to

share 2-bedroom townhouse. Quiet neighborhood. Lots of space/privacy. W/D. $600/ mo. + 1/2 utils. 802578-3939. ESSEX JUNCTION: 1st floor apt. 1-bedroom, 4 rooms, bright, private parking, basement access washer, dryer & heat included. $750/mo. Close to St. Mike’s. 373-6086. FAIRFAX: Room in wonderful house available. On Lamoille, walking trails, great cycling, peaceful location. DSL, laundry, and a great dog. $400/mo. 734 0773. JERICHO: 2-miles to I-89 at Richmond. Share 2-bedroom home in quiet wooded neighborhood w/mature active prof. Gardens, deck, finished basement, laundry, cable Avail. now. $500/mo. + share utils. 899-3376. JERICHO: Great pvt. place. 25 min. drive to Burlington. Looking for kind, clean & responsible individual. $350/ mo. + 1/2 utils. Call to inquire, 862-2212 or 899-3244. SOUTH BURLINGTON: 1bedroom avail. in 2-story condo. Seeking friendly, responsible, respectful, prof. to share peaceful home. Incl. a dog and two cats. Quiet location, off-street parking, W/D, pool. $600/mo. + 1/2 utils. Avail. 5/1. Please call Andrea, 777-4300. SOUTH BURLINGTON: 26 YO F prof., just from Chicago, looking for roommate to share great apt. Have 2 cats. Big bedroom/ closets, balcony, coin laundry, parking. $437.50/mo. + utils. 598-8813. SOUTH BURLINGTON: Easygoing and charming middleaged man w/interests in computers, shopping and the arts is looking for a housemate/ support provider to live w/him in his comfortable condo. Excellent tax-free stipend and only $300/mo. rent. This is an excellent opportunity for someone who is looking for a roommate and is interested in assisting an individual w/improving his independent living skills. If interested, contact Kathy of Howard Community Services, 865-6173 for more info. EOE/TTY. Individuals with dis-


abilities encouraged to apply. SOUTH BURLINGTON: Two active, fit, organized, women, 35-65, sought to live longterm in elegant 4-bedroom Spear St. home w/multigenerational target mix of two men + two women. 3-acres + majestic Adirondack/lake views. Amenities, gardening, shop. 864-3330 or rick@rick WILLISTON: NS M to share house in quiet, country-setting. All amenities incl. heat/water. $650/mo. + 1/2 utils. 872-8390. WILLISTON: Three diverse, professional, 20-somethings on 100 acres who enjoy dancing, reading and outdoors. Seek similar female. $375/mo. + utils. 878-7701. WINOOSKI: 4 openings to share large, fully-furnished house. All utils. incl. 2.5bath, laundry, parking, garbage/snow removal, large yard, safe neighborhood, basic cable TV. Close to SMC/UVM/IBM/FAHC/Champl ain College. On the bus line. $600/mo. + dep. Avail. 3rooms 6/1 and 1-room 4/1. 802-863-9612. WINOOSKI: Roommate wanted to share small 2-bedroom apt. Nice location, 2 cats, furnished bedroom or not. $425/mo. + utils. Call Alicia, 207-460-2093.

4 homeshare

HINESBURG: Prof F. Sober, NS, sunny home. Large, sunny room, garage, laundry, organic garden, view, storage. $575/mo. + 1/2 utils. 482-6363.

4 real estate services FIRST HORIZON is one of the nation’s largest lenders with over 300 loan products. Free pre-approvals, local reps. Call our Middlebury office, 802-388-3400. GODIRECT REAL ESTATE offers MLS listings for $399/mo. or “until sold” for $1999. For Sale by Owner listings, $99/mo. or $399 “until sold.” www.godi 802-264-4866.

last week’s answers on page 50A

28B | march 23-30, 2005




love: ♥♥♥♥

ATTRACTIVE, SPIRITUAL, SWF, 40 YO, 5’7”, auburn hair, hazel eyes, loves healing arts, Yoga, the outdoors, cooking, music, art, serving my community, laughter, creative, optimistic approach to life, looking for same in SM, 32-45 YO. No drugs/addictions. 6667

looking for




women > men SWF, 18 YO, LOOKING FOR A POSSIBLE LTR, friends first. I like to bike, swim, cuddle, listen to music, watch movies and have fun. I have a lot to offer. Serious replies only, please. 6763

24 YO BUDDING WORKAHOLIC LOOKING for a twelve-step fun program. New to the area. I like to ski, snowshoe, swim and watch movies. Looking for someone to pull me away from my desk and explore VT. Please be a SM, 23-30 YO. 6663

SWF, 40 YO, PETITE, RED/HAZEL, LOOKING for someone to play with. You must be attractive (yes, I’m shallow), sexually confident and sexually aggressive. NS, ND, wellendowed a +! 6759

I AM MORE DOG THAN CAT, MORE MICRObrew than martini, more Higher Ground than Flynn, more Jorma than Mozart, more Astanga than Kripalu, more Bolton than Stowe, more in the moment than LTR. And you? No expectations, just explorations. 6660

SF, 30 YO, SEEKS EXISTENTIAL ACROBAT for intellectual circus. 6757 MUSIC, MOVIES, CHAI, SOUND GOOD TO you? Me: SF, 20 YO. You: SM, 20-25 YO, up for a good time, laid-back. No drama please. I love camping, hiking and just kicking back. Interested? 6754

HEY THERE: 34 YO SWF, MOTHER OF TWO, seeks SWM between the ages of 25 and 45. Must be honest, caring, sincere and like children. Also, not not into head games. Also enjoys movies, dancing, dinner and likes to cuddle. 6654

TIME FOR SPRING CLEANING! COULD you sweep me off my feet? Petite, attractive, young-looking 40s, green-eyed redhead seeks fit, NS, old-fashioned romantic for travel, movies, concerts, the arts, dinners out and snuggles in, possible LTR, 43-53 YO. 6748

PETITE, PRETTY, SMART, FIT, SOPHISTICATed woman, ISO intelligent, attractive, fit, fun, responsible M, 35-45 YO, not afraid of kids, for LTR, laughs, great conversation, terrific meals, warmth and passion. Please check your baggage at the door. 6648

HAPPY, EDUCATED, 62 YO, DW LADY Gemini seeks sweet gentleman. Open to exploring LTR. Blues, classical, rock. Books, walking, Scrabble, antiquing, Vermont. Enjoy being around people. Conversation in the dark by campfire. Energetic, fun to be around. Meet over coffee? 6737

1 Confidential Information

MAKE ME LAUGH! 31 YO ACTIVE SPF ISO mature and honest M who knows himself - no, really. Even better if you happen to like: biking, hiking, camping, laughing, dancing, foreign languages, travel and life’s little adventures. 6545

THE ONLY REPUBLICAN IN BURLINGTON is looking for a date. SWF, 32 YO, attractive, intelligent, fit and funny seeks similar, right-leaning M, 28-45 YO. I like skiing, hiking, writing, movies. Call me or I’m moving to a red state. 6511

SMART, SEXY, SENSUOUS, DEEP, SOULFUL, poetic girl, 49 YO, petite, seeks light-hearted and meaningful connections w/fit, experienced hiker/paddler, sensitive, humerous, grounded mortal, 48 YO+. 6539

LOOKING FOR A HAPPY GUY W/A SENSE of humor who looks at life as an adventure, not a drama. I love music, being outside as much as possible, laughing, fun! Be honest and not into head games, please. 6498

DWF, 25 YO, LOOKING FOR A M TO EXPErience life with. I am very open to everything. I am an attractive prof. and a mother of two. Looking for someone ambitious, spiritual, active, open, friendly and sweet. 6537 OFTEN ADORABLE SWF, 30 YO, LONG, curly dark hair, introspective, fashionable, humorous. ISO SWM, 25-38 YO, tall, attractive, funny, healthy, clever, nonviolent, college-educated, non-criminal for movies, eating out, walks, long drives, coffee, chilling. Sucker for glasses, blue eyes, muscular arms, guitar players. 6536 THE ONLY REPUBLICAN IN BURLINGTON is looking for a date. SWF, 32 YO, attractive, intelligent, fit and funny seeks similar, right-leaning M, 28-45 YO. I like skiing, hiking, writing, movies. Call me or I’m moving to a red state. 6511

WELL-ROUNDED SEEKS SAME. 35 YO DPF seeks PM, 30-40 YO for friendship, hopefully LTR. Outgoing, funny, smart, sensitive. Enjoy outdoor activities, movies, photography, cooking, kids, animals, travel, psychology, football, classic rock and Mozart. 6490 SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. SWPF, 50+, seeks a witty, pleasant, educated nice guy to enjoy what’s just around the corner. 6477 JEANS-AND TEE-KIND OF GIRL, BUT LIKE to dress up, too! 25 YO DWF, brown/ brown ISO 25-35 YO SW redneck-kind of guy w/some culture. I’m fun-loving and outgoing. Love kids. Friendship first. 6473

SWF, 39 YO, LOVES TO LAUGH, ANIMALlover, good listener. ISO lighthearted, intelligent, sensitive SWM, 30-45 YO. 6646 LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY? A LITTLE QUIRKY? Sense of humor? Attractive, separated, WPF, 33 YO, 115 lbs. ISO tall, fit, NS/ND WM, 28-40 YO, interested in theater, movies, music, dining, people watching, cooking. Prefer hotels to tents. Friendship first, let’s talk. 6552

SWPF, LATE 40S, 5’9”, PLUS-SIZE, green eyes, looking for a tall SWM who knows how to treat a lady. Like to read, swim, garden and go for walks, etc. Want a true gentleman. NS, ND. Age/size unimportant. 6724


SF, 32 YO, MOTHER, HAPPY, GOOD SENSE of humor, wants to save the world, humanist and environmentalist. I love the outdoors, independent films, buying locally, eating organically, music and wine. No cigarettes, please. 6551

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the love counselor Dear Lola, The other day my friends and I were sitting around talking about sexual fetishes, and someone mentioned anaclitism. What is that? Wondering in Williston Dear Wondering, A person with a sexual fetish depends upon a specific prop, body part or scenario — real or imagined — to get off. In anaclitism, arousal is achieved through objects or activities to which a person was exposed as an infant. Soiled clothing, wearing baby clothes, toilet training, playing with stuffed toys, throwing temper tantrums and being, well, babied, all might fall under the category of anaclitism. Breast sucking, enemas and spanking might also qualify, but can certainly be enjoyed in a totally non-fetishistic fashion. Anaclitism isn’t infantilism, in which adults long to remain children, and are repelled by their mature bodies. And neither anaclitism nor infantilism is pedophilia, which involves actual children, and is a crime. Like any fetish, anaclitism can be part of a safe, satisfying sex life. It may be practiced solo or ensemble. No one should be pressured into anaclitistic, or any other sexual activity, without their consent. And playing with dirty diapers does not fall within the bounds of safe sex. Love, Lola

REACH OUT TO LOLA... c/o SEVEN DAYS, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402

SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005| 7D Personals 29B

24 YO, SEPARATED, FF WOMAN LOOKING for friendship first. Likes: photography, music, movies, tattoos, piercings, coffee. Looking for someone who can make me laugh and enjoys having a good time. Call me if you’re interested. 6468 WPW, TALL, WARM AND SWEET: LOVELY looks, a bit sophisticated, fun-loving and intelligent, creative, open-minded, positive attitude. Curvy and zoftig, sensual, green eyes, dark hair. Early 50s. Great upbringing, lots of living, well-traveled, adventurous. 6492 WPW, TALL, WARM AND SWEET: LOVELY looks, a bit sophisticated, fun-loving and intelligent, creative, open-minded, positive attitude. Curvy and zoftig, sensual, green eyes, dark hair. Early 50s. Great upbringing, lots of living, well-traveled, adventurous. 6492 40 YO LADY INTERESTED IN COMPANIONship w/a self-controlled, honorable M. 3548 YO sounds good. LTR-minded but must have the foundation of friendship. 420 friendly. Kindness and respect required/assured. No exceptions. 6455 ADVENTUROUS, SENSUAL, YOUTHFUL 51 YO SWF, 5’6”, 150 lbs. Very affectionate, loves to cuddle. Seeking SWM to share good times, laughs and falling in love. Don’t be shy. Let’s give this a try! All calls will be answered. 6404 LET GO, LIGHTEN UP, LOVE, LEARN, laugh! SF 34 YO, looking to enjoy sunshine and nightlife w/an open and straight forward M, 30-40 YO. Hiking, cooking, Indie movies, dancing to live music are on my fun list. What’s on yours? 6375 TWO BEAUTIFUL 20 YO F ISO MEN w/substance for double date. Are all the boyfriend types taken? If not, we enjoy dinners out, flowers, candy, massages and more. What are you waiting for? 6363 SWPF, 46 YO, YOUNG, LOVELY, SMART, passionate, seeks hearty soul, strong back, open mind for real deal. Love and friendship. Be employed. Education and wit definite +. Love to hike, travel, read, theater, etc. No drugs, no games. 6326 ATTRACTIVE, TRIM WOMAN, 50 YO, SEEKS kind, stable M. Book-lover, artist. Loves drawing and looking at art. Sensuous, loves dancing, working out and cooking while listening to jazz and opera. Burlington-area. 6312 ANY TALL, HANDSOME 30-SOMETHING fellows interested in a double date? Are you kind, tolerant and intelligent w/a sense of humor? Two good friends interested in expanding our social circle. Dinner, movies, music, ski, hike, snowshoe, up for anything. 6289 WANTED: ONE VERY SPECIAL M. I STILL believe. Me: 43 YO PWF. 6276 FOREVER WANTED: 45 YO SINCERE woman seeks honest M, 44-50 YO for LTR. Honest, respect, romance required and given. 6274 LATIN DANCE PARTNER FOR TALL LADY, 60s. Coach, will train. 6216

men > women HOWDY! 45 YO SWM, just an ordinary, average guy. Tired of winter and want to spend summer w/a nice woman. I am a social drinker/smoker, way 420-friendly. Love the Grateful Dead/Samples. Into outdoor fun, hiking, biking, water-skiing. 6760 BIG DADDY LOOKING FOR A YOUNG woman w/a wild side, wanting more 420 adventures, great sex and fun. 30s. 6751 LET’S GO TO FLORIDA! COMPANY TRANSferring me to Florida. Just enough time to get to know each other before I move, 3months. Me: late 50s, PWM, looking for someone to have fun in the sun with. All calls answered. 6730 REAL MAN SEEKING REAL WOMAN. ANY around? I am attractive, adventurous, athletic, well-built, open, available, enjoy new adventures, working out, local travel, a good bottle of wine, romance, intimacy. Seeking similar, open, adventuresome F, between Montpelier and St. J. 6728 I AGREE W/HENRY JAMES’ THREE IMPORtant things. I am a valiant vendor of clouds, 6’, 190 lbs. ISO an exquisite collector of stones to be best friends. Baggage cool. B.S not, unless it’s good. 6726 THERE WAS A 47 YO LAD FROM THE hills, who was looking for soulmate and thrills. If you’re blonde, well that’s great and about average weight, then the void in my heart your love fills. (More love limericks await you.) 6725 ATTRACTIVE, SWM, 45 YO, 6’3”, SEEKS an attractive, top-heavy lady for dating and a possible relationship. Race unimportant. Call today! Life is too short to procrastinate. 6722 I AM SO HOLLOW INSIDE, JUST AN AGING puddle of fuel that does not increase in value like wine. Where is the match that will set me ablaze? 22 YO, SWM, athletic, romantic and looking for a LTR. Montpelier. 6666 SWM, 27 YO, SEEKS TRUE LOVE W/A SW/AF 23-32 YO, D/D free, NS. I am going to treat you like a queen. If you’re looking for forever, look no further, because here I am! 6657 DO NICE GUYS REALLY FINISH LAST? Say it isn’t so! 43 YO DWPM, in-shape hiker, biker, canoeist. ISO caring, sharing, sincere S or DWPF, 35-50 YO, for committed LTR. I will never stop believing in the magic of love! 6649 ANY HOPELESS ROMANTICS OUT THERE? 28 YO DWM, brown hair, gorgeous blue eyes ISO SDWF, 21-33 YO to treat like a princess. 6635 SWM, MIDDLE-AGED, PISCES/HORSE ISO LTR w/a woman who can turn me on in several ways. True musician, 5’11”, 150 lbs., have all faculties and hair, some gray, acclimated, wise, can make conversation, independent thinker. 6557

I’D LIKE AN ATHLETIC FRIEND, COMPANion, 40-55 YO for long runs, strenuous hikes, bikes, cross-country ski trips. Extra pluses are slender, well-educated, unpretentious, good collaborator, politically liberal and open to a possibly deeper relationship. Interested? Call for details. 6554

MYSTIC SCORPIO M SEEKING MAGIC CONnection w/a woman filled w/life, love and mystery. Chemistry appreciated, communication and laughter required. 6462

ECCENTRIC, INTENSE SWM W/BIG, ATH letic, beautiful dreams. I’m looking for a small, pretty-faced woman to share conversation. someone w/a big heart w/lots of love to give, who likes being naughty. 6548

39YO ATTRACTIVE YOUNG-LOOKING SM into playing music. Financially good. I like dinner out, music, dancing, movies, concerts and much more. In search of SF 33-43, trim, good looking, nice personality and likes to have fun. 6397

SWM, 33 YO, 5’7”, MAYBE 5’8” W/MY boots on. Brown hair, blue eyes, 175 lbs, in-shape, self employed, outgoing, energetic, never married, no kids, honest, sense of humor, part gentleman, part redneck, part teenager! 6538

SWDM, 46 YO, LOOKING FOR A DECENT looking F, age/race not important. Clean and well-kept, no drugs. Friends, companions or LTR. A couple of kids OK. Like the outdoors. No couch potatoes. 6387

SM, TAN, FAIRLY MUSCULAR, NICELY hung, seeks in-shape, mature woman, 40 +, that can keep up sexually, be creative and keep me wanting more. LTR possible, if you can. 6535 LIFE IS SUCH A GREAT MYSTERY, FILLED w/such incredible beauty and such terrible sadness. Do you ever feel overwhelmed w/a sense awe and gratitude and love? Maybe we should talk about sharing some of this strange journey together. 6513 QUIET GUY, 50 YO, NS, ISO NOT-SO-QUIET woman, 45-50 YO. Take a chance, it could be your lucky year. 6508 40 YO PWM, 5’8”, 170 LBS. SINGLE PARent, attractive, honest, caring, supportive person, enjoys cooking, gardening, yard work, fine dining, dancing, reading, movies. ISO 30-45 YO F for friendship/partnership/LTR. Are you my match? 6499 SWM, 56, 5’9”, 155 LBS. OWN HOME, Rutland, physically attractive, simple Christian lifestyle. ISO SWF, 43-55, romantic relationship, dating or possible LTR, cuddling, affection, similar interests. 6491 SM, HONEST, TRUSTWORTHY, FAITHFUL w/concrete values. Looking for same for fun and dating. Love to dance and go out, but just as comfortable snuggling down and watching a movie. 6484 30-SOMETHING, LOVER OF LIFE, ANIMALS and good food. Builder, baker, gardener, ISO 25-35 YO F who has visions of grandeur. Want help to make it all happen. 6470 ACTIVE, FIT, 50S, NS, DM, WHO’S CARING and secure. Looking for attractive, slender, healthy, self-confident woman, 40-55 YO to share love of walking, hiking, xc-skiing, traveling, arts, music and conversation for romance and LTR. 6464 SWM ISO HOT, SEXY, IN-SHAPE 50-60 YO passionate, sexy momma. I’m muscular, into exercise, country outings, hot all nighters and want a serious relationship. I’m in my mid-30s, don’t like head games and am sensitive. 6463

BURLINGTON-AREA: I WANT FUN, YOU want fun. Lets meet over drinks. SWM, 23 YO, slim, blonde. Seeking a cute F for a good time. 6456

LIFE IS TOO SHORT, LET’S HAVE SOME fun! SWM, 43 YO ISO life w/active NS/ND F. I’m into long walks, camping, boating, anything outdoors, bowling, movies, candlelight dinners, cuddling, very affectionate. No head games. Kids OK. 6385 25 YO SWM, NS, FUNNY, CARING, charming, outgoing, honest. Looking for a flirty type of lady, 19-33 YO who is honest, does not smoke. For dancing, dinner and fun. 6542 25 YO SWM, NS, FUNNY, CARING, charming, outgoing, honest. Looking for a flirty type of lady, 19-33 YO who is honest, does not smoke. For dancing, dinner and fun. 6542 SINGLE, HANDSOME M, 26, SEEKING temporary marriage w/SF for business purpose. Housing and compensation will be provided. Serious respondents, please. 6382 ISO WS/D/MA WOMEN IN THEIR 40S, 50s or 60s, who are in need of sensual and emotional intimacy. I am in my late 20s. I am fit, intelligent, and attractive. I go crazy for classy older women! 6374 AGNOSTIC SWPM, 28 YO, ENJOYS MANdolin, snowshoeing, x-c skiing, running, dancing, politics, Collective Soul, Allison Kraus, Charlie Daniels, Crash Test Dummies, Weird Al, Batman, Lex Luthor, Hulk, Star Wars, Lemony Snickett, sushi, BBQ, spontaneity, What the Bleep. Seeks independent SPF. 6367 AFRICAN AMERICAN M SEEKS OPEN, athletic, charming women, 34-39 YO for warm memories, dancing, movies and cultural events. 6360 YOU ARE CREATIVE, INTELLIGENT, ACTIVE, dog-lover. Slightly eccentric writer, new to area ISO 36-41 YO for possible LTR. NS. No Republicans. Like beer and good talk. Will you be my muse or just amusing? 6351 SM, 26 YO, PHYSICALLY FIT, 5’9”, 165 lbs. Looking for positive-minded and beautiful woman to get to know and have a fun, intimate relationship. 6324

"I am once, twice, three times a lady..." My name is Lady and I do hope to be treated like one. I am a mature 8year-old medium-haired female tortie. I am quite beautiful, don't you think? Believe it or not I was also a stray before I found my way to HSCC and I am looking to stay warm and safe with an indoor-only life. My life on the streets didn't harden me though. I am kind natured, gentle, and very attentive to my human friends. I am very loving and really enjoy curling up on laps or rubbing my head against yours. I would love to find a home with gentle and respectful people of any age. My only request is that there aren't any canine members of the family. If you have room in your heart and life for a sweet, older lady, I am sure to be a lifelong friend. HSCC is open Tues to Fri from 1 to 6 pm and Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm at 142 Kindness Court in South Burlington. 862-0135.

HANDSOME, FIT, ACTIVE, RESPECTFUL, yacht captain, recently relocated from FL. 55 YO, 6’2”, 185 lbs, safe. ISO slim SF. Companionship and mutual erotic fun. Commitment unnecessary. Open to LTR. Country home, own business. Show me VT. My motto, “Ladies first.” 6321 SM ISO A JOY-FILLED, SENSUOUS WOman w/an artistic bent, a lover of dogs who connects to the earth and cosmos from a dark-eyed, mid-life wanderer who dabbles in the world of words, thoughts and carrots. 6400 SKI, SNOWSHOE, HIKE W/HONEST, FIT, humorous, intelligent, financially secure SPM. Seeking adventurous, active, funloving SF, 35-45 YO to share meaningful conversation, fine wine, traveling, dining out and home-cooked meals w/romantic, confident, animal-lover. Friendship first, possible LTR. 6401 DWP, ATTRACTIVE, SPONTANEOUS, ARTIStic, energetic Frenchman in his 40s looking for LTR w/an attractive, funny, sexy, artistic, free-spirited woman. Great communication and trust are a must. No head games, life is too short for that! 6314 ARE YOU LONELY. TOO? SWM, 22 YO, NS. I’m honest, caring, athletic, love children, have big heart. ISO 19-27 YO F for possible LTR. I love everything outdoors, movies, romantic moments and cuddling. Much more to offer. 6313 39 YO SBM ISO F, 20-45, FOR INTELLIgent conversations, friendship and fun. Looking for Ms. Right who enjoys sports, movies, books and is well-cultured. If you’re out there, please holla. 6311 DO YOU LOVE ANIMALS AND LIVE FOR sunsets, walks in the woods, paddling by moonlight and gardening? SWM, 40 YO ISO partner to share life’s simple pleasures. Let’s put our kayaks in the stream and follow the currents. 6301 HANDSOME, POISED, EDUCATED, PROFESsional, trim and fit, NS, very young 51 YO WM, central VT. Seeks someone sharing strong interests in travel, music, art, dance, romance, entertaining, liberal politics and strong passion for love and life. Dog lovers a +. 6294 NEED FUN AND ATTENTION? SWM, YOUNG 41 YO, smoker. Good looks/build. ISO slender to average woman, 30-50 YO who enjoys Jacuzzi, Nascar, classic rock, dancing, good food and drink, movies and the touch of a very affectionate M. 6293 I’M AN 18 YO LOOKING FOR A GOODlooking older woman. 6273 34 YO GOOD-LOOKING GUY. SEXY, CLEAN, healthy, fun, happy, S, wellendowed, nice, sexy body, very talented. I have a great job, cozy home. ISO girls, females to please. I’m good at licking, massaging, whatever. I will be discreet. 6261

60+ 30b >>

Humane Society of Chittenden County

sponsored by SEVEN DAYS

w w w . c h i t t e n d e n h u m a n e . o r g

30B | march 23-30, 2005



>> PLACE ONE FOR FREE 60 + LONESOME: THERE WAS A LADY FROM THE Midwest who laid her husband to rest, so then she moved east and so she is seeking a gentleman to meet. 6352

women > women PQF, 38 YO. ANIMALS, ART, AUTHENTICIty, balance, children, color, commitment, communication, community, creativity, dance, depth, family, food, friends, fun, generosity, growth, health, holidays, home, music, passion, play, respect, risk, savoir-faire, simplicity, verve, work. Interested? Call! 6541 30 YO SEXY BIBW SEEKS 30 TO 40 YO clean, SF for private sexual fun w/endless possibilities. I want someone who is honest and a lover of women. 6472 40-55 YO NS. FINDING A SACRED, deep/spiritual connection w/another human being is the greatest worldly “gift” that can be obtained in our brief existence. Love is “alive”! First from within then extending outward to “you”, vehicle for enrichment and growth. 6320

DGWPM, RECENTLY OUT, YOUTHFUL 60S, ex-Montréaler, urbane interests, seeks friendship, possible LTR. 6262

bi seeking ? BIM LOOKING FOR TG/CD FOR HOT, DIScreet encounters at your place. Making movies? I would love to help. All calls answered. Let me be your slave. 6747 BICD, 140 LBS., 5’10”, AWESOME LEGS. Adores giving oral, some kink, too. Shapely, hung/hot, w/sexy, extensive wardrobe. Seeking steady, healthy playmates, photographer. 6632 VERY PLEASANT, SEXUALLY SUBMISSIVE, older M, still strong and thin, wants to be sexual servant of friendly, safe, dominant BI or sexually unpredjuduced M. BrandonMiddlebury. 6449 BIWM IN NEED OF A SLIM, SEXY TV/TU/ CD for anything-goes sex/love. LTR possible. Race unimportant. Very oral. 6405 SWBIM, 26 YO, 5’8”, 140 LBS. CLEAN, discreet and well-endowed. ISO CU and select S to service in the erotic way. Open-minded, fun, clean and discreet a must. 6386

19 YO F W/MODERATE HIKING EXPERIence seeks persons to accompany me on a thru-hike of Appalachian Trail. Start in Georgia in April. 6373


FTM AND WIFE SEEK SIMILAR CU AND FTMs for friendship and socializing in Burlington area. 30-something parents of young children especially sought. 6364

i spy

SUGAR SNAPS, YOU: CO-OWNER W/A nice smile and awesome attitude, who served me the best mashed potatoes, ever. I know you work through the week, what do you do for fun on the weekend? Maybe I could cook for you. 6766

I SPY DM, FROM B-town to Philly and back. I made it as far as NH, now you have to find me. LD. 6765 HANDED YOU AN OITM at Capitol Grounds, 3/11. Haven’t I seen you before? Would you like to meet for coffee? 6764 THE LINCOLN INN: You are the Greek goddess and you know who I am. What are you waiting for? 6762 I SPY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS how to use chopsticks. Canadian? 6761

PQ ISO ANOTHER PQ, LIPSTICK NOT NECessary, suit is. My hobbies include all forms of snow sliding, cooking, art class modeling, blowing on bagpipes, hiking and bush whacking. If you can take the heat, you can enter my kitchen. 6292


men > men

BIM SEEKING FUN W/OTHER M AND OR F, in-shape, smooth, tan and well-hung. Wanna have some fun? Get in touch w/me. Plattsburgh area, will travel to VT. 6265

TO THE MMSP W/THE BIG, bushy stash. Thanks for the “time”, while standing in the lift line. You say you’re 51 YO, we need to get closer to 69. Call me if you need help defrosting. 6756

just friends

MARDI GRAS: I wanted your heart beads. You gave me the beads and your number. Me: shy and unsure. Coffee sometime? 6755

BIMA GUY HAVING MID-LIFE CRISIS SEEKS men, all shapes/ages for discreet fun. Me: 48 YO, hairy, horny, masculine. Love to give and receive oral. Will try new things. Spring is here! 6729 FELLOW ODDBALLS WANTED: GWM, 39 YO, 185 lbs. Athletic, in-shape, educated, dark sense of humor, w/a kinky side. Seeks in-shape, dominant guys, couples, groups into bondage, foot/body worship. 6723 SWGM, 20 YO, 6’3”, 235 LBS. SEEKING NS/ND, 18-25 YO who likes music, cuddling, movies, horror, comedy, walking and talking, tarot, or nothing, together. Will sparks fly? We won’t know unless you reply. 6670 CUTE GM, 22 YO, EDUCATED, HARDWORKing, traveled. Searching for someone who’s interesting, active and stable (well... partially at least). Age is irrelevant. Just know how to make me laugh! 6480 42 YO, LOOKING FOR THE ONE GUY THAT can’t get enough oral. Got a couple of hours? Wanna meet on a regular basis? Usually prefer older. 6448 SWM EARLY 30S N/S ISO 23-35 YO SF to have fun with and possibly start LTR. I enjoy almost everything, cooking, gardening, animals. Looking for someone to turn my house into a home. 6399

BIF LOOKING FOR BIF TO GO ON A JOURney of self and of life. Looking for someone to share it with. Love to meet and see if we have a spark. 6279

DNA DONOR, MAMW, ARTISTIC, EDUCATed. Seeks to donate DNA to straight/lesbian F. Terms to be negotiated. 6752 LIBERAL, ATHEIST, NUDIST CU, 420friendly. New to area, looking for likeminded CU, 30-45 YO for LT friendship. Hiking, camping or just sitting around thinking of ways to torture Bush. Does this sound like you? Hope so. 6642 I CAN’T PROMISE YOU THE MOON OR the stars, just a few laughs, home cooking and a movie, for openers. Here in Central Vermont. I’m 40 YO, divorced, NS/ND and energetic. Looks, size, age, unimportant, will answer all. 6631 BOOT CAMP! OVERWEIGHT F, 25 YO, SEEKS exercise partners. The more the merrier. Men and women welcome to meet mornings/ evenings. Exercise, support, conversation, laughs. Who knows, maybe enlightenment? You are kind, serious-minded about losing weight and getting fit. 6518 IT TAKES A VILLAGE. GWM WILLING TO donate for lesbian/CU. Involvement level negotiable. I am educated, drug-free and HIV -. Let’s chat! 6469

I SPY M, WHO KNOWS IT’S HIM. Wish I could leave everyone behind, but you and her are never far from my thoughts. Say my name, say my name and I will admit. 6758

SHOOTING STAR, WHERE ARE YOU? I love you. I’m cold and I need you to hold me. Kerke. 6753 SEVEN DAYS SP, LAURA: You were easily the most fun woman in the joint, not to mention the cutest. Just so you know, thanks for the cough drop. 6750 I SPY A LEWISTON MAINER who is quickly becoming one of the coolest kids in Burlington and for good reasons. Your place is where you are right now. Don’t leave yet, the fun has just begun. 6749 I SPY “ANSONIO THE ADVENTURER” reading the I Spys, when he should be out saving lives. C’mon, the people are desperate for a hero. Just accept it, you’re the one...Ansonio! 6746 ALTHOUGH THINGS SEEM TO BE for the best, I can’t help wishing my dreams might still come true, w/you, my love. I swear to it on my very soul, if I lie may I fall down cold. SHMILY. 6745

AKM, WE HAD SOMETHING SPECIAL. I know you don’t think I appreciated you and I know I didn’t show it too well. I’m sorry. If I ever have another chance I’ll show you that I do. Missing you. 6744

TWO YEARS AGO I SPIED YOU FOR the first time and I’m still glad I did. Now that I see you every day, I know this ad isn’t necessary but just a fun way to tell you- “Yes, I will!” 6668

EMS GUY W/THE DARK, CURLY HAIR and great eyes. I go to that store too much, mostly because I’m a gear-nerd, but also because you are so cute! You are too adorable not to have a girlfriend, but here’s hoping. 6743


CUDDLE MASTER: We cuddled and talked until the 7 a.m. bells chimed, after a night of dancing at Red Square. Can we try again? 6742 SEXY CONSTRUCTION M in a big, black Ford truck near Shaws on Shelburne Rd. I thought you had a Chevy. I hope you aren’t compensating for something. Will you take me for a ride? 6740 135 PEARL, 3/4: Burlington lawyer, exNavy. You: charming and a perfect shade of lipstick. Wish we exchanged numbers. In lieu of leaving it to serendipity, I thought I’d spy you. Coffee some time, without entourage, LOL? 6739 BE MY CLERK ANYTIME! I spy Josh at Chittenden Bank in Essex. What a smile and a hottie. If single, would like to hook up. 6738 MAILMAN ON HUNGERFORD: You’re no longer on my route. Don’t I owe you a beer, even if it is a Budweiser? 6736 TO MY IRISH LASSIE KATHERINE, 3/17, Truggs. Your shamrock eyes locked w/mine when Marvin serenaded us. I’ll show you my little leprechaun if you show me yours. Let’s chat over a Guinness. 6735 EVERY TIME I GO OUT ON THE back patio at Red Square, I see a pair of pants hanging in an upstairs Church St. apt. window, next to a fan. I need to know... Drapes? Artwork? Are they hanging up to dry? Please respond before curiosity kills me. 6734 TO THE HOT CONSTRUCTION WORKER who helped me wash my car at the Riverside Ave. car wash on St. Patrick’s Day. I would like to return the favor and take you out to dinner some time. 6733

I SPY A REPORTING HOTTIE joining tables in the Company Room. Care to rejoin me upstairs? 6664 MR. “HOT” CHOCOLATE AT NECTARS: I don’t think it was the hot chocolate that has me hot and heavy. I can’t keep my eyes off you! I think you may have noticed? I want more than a hot chocolate. 6662 3/5, PENNY CLUSE, 1 P.M. You: tall, dark hair, perfect teeth and a black gor-tex jacket. Me: long brown hair w/a blue sweatshirt at the table next to you. Couldn’t help but stare, you are gorgeous and made my day. 6661 MEG’S MORETOWN MEX MADNESS: You: long, straight black hair. Your eyes grabbed my attention but you left before I could say “hi”. How about dinner? 6659 MY 3/24 BIRTHDAY GIRL at our special spot. You’re the most amazing, beautiful, wonderful person I’ve ever met. I’m lucky to know you and have been ever since the first day we met. Don’t ever change, you’re already perfect. 6658 I SPY THE MOST AMAZING SMILE I’ve ever seen. You’re a student AT UVM. Dark hair, light eyes. Great sense of humor. Mentioned Klimt as your favorite. Maybe we could talk again soon? 6655 TO ALL THE BURRITO-MAKIN’ BABES: To Shorty, Jen, Tina, Tova, Hello-Matha Talls, Rach and to the You-Put-Rice-Down-MyPants-And-I-Didn’t-Notice-Until-I-TookThem-Off girl. You too D, C and M. 6653 TO THE HOT MAILMAN w/gray hat. I see you on Church, College and Union St. Why don’t you put some mail in my slot, you wont regret it. 6652 OAKLEDGE: Hey white Jeep, black lab. Me: red Jeep, brown lab. You only smiled/laughed at your dog. Can’t stop thinking about you! Your laughter echoes, warms me. Come back to Oakledge Park, green down parka. 6650

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY, 135 Pearls. You: Vaginas Unite shirt. Just wanted to say that your smile made my night. 6732

I SPY MY CARNIVAL QUEEN ON THE pool deck. Same time next year? Shall we push the beds together again? 6647

MINOR’S STORE, FAIRFAX, 3/6, 5 p.m. You: beautiful girl, blonde hair, blue eyes, white sweater, nice jeans. We looked at each other a few times. Me: dark hair, blue eyes w/young girl, ice cream. You left w/guy in red/blue pickup. 6727

GREAT HARVEST BREAD: Your baking is as delicious as your blue eyes. Glass hangs from your neck, light outside glowed magically blue. Me: curly dark hair, a willing closing time diversion. Interested in mixing ingredients? 6644

SPIDERMAN: The one-legged Long John. The Hickie will always be remembered, there’s always a first! The web you weave is fake, you kill everything you touch. You’re not a hero, you’re a zero. Hickiechick. 6721

ST. MICHAEL’S COLLEGE: Lovely woman who helped the character w/the flat tire early Friday morning in the parking lot. You even asked if I had gloves. Thank you again for being so sweet! 6643

SEVEN DAYS | march 23-30, 2005

TO THE “SLIGHTLY” STRIKING waitress desperately seeking an I Spy of her own. Your elegant style and squinty smiles are much appreciated. How does some fun w/a tandem sled and a bottle of red suit you? 6637 3/05, YOU: ATTRACTIVE GUY in a black jacket and button down shirt at Ri-Ra’s. Me: dark blonde wearing a vest and pink scarf. You got out of line w/your friends at Red Square, wish you had stayed! 6636 2/28, SHELBURNE SUPERMARKET: Tall, sexy brunette w/killer smile and a busted-up knee. I carried your bags to your green SUV. Promise I’m better than the pain killers they gave you. Single? 6634 THANK YOU J. B OF BORDER PATROL for helping w/my truck when I went off the road on my way to St. Albans. 6630 I SPY MY MARDI GRAS BUDDY w/a brand new mohawk. Hope we can stay in touch after all the current drama. 6556 I SPY A CUTE CIRCUS PERFORMER. Your fabric act is always so captivating, as is your amazing personality. I enjoy our time together and can’t wait for California! Woooo! 6555 SCOTT: MET YOU AT SMUGGS, 2/13. You: great smile and long black hair. You said you go to St. Mike’s. We got along so well, I said I’d remember your number but didn’t. Wanna meet up for another run? 6553 VAST TRAIL IN WORCHESTER WOODS, 3/1, 4:30 p.m. Snowy, cross-country ski day. We exchanged few, but friendly words. You: very sweet and down-toearth. Looking for a ski buddy? Coffee sometime? 6547 2/26, CHURCH STREET MARKET PLACE. You: attractive M, dark hair, maybe glasses, standing outside Urban Outfitters w/pole taking down beads from trees after Mardi Gras. Looked like you were having fun. Me: 40s, thin, light brown hair, blue eyes. 6546 I SPY AT SUGAR SNAPS THE BEST smile I’ve seen since moving to Burlington. 2/25, we almost crashed. You: NH plates. Me: big truck. I apologized and you smiled, made my heart do a flip. 6544 YOU: ONE REALLY HOT DADDY, whom I am fortunate enough to live below. I just wanted you to know that you have had my heart since hello. Tea sometime? Of course, in public. I would not control myself otherwise. 6543 LOVEY PANTS: Honey, you are my shining star, don’t you go away. 6540 NECTARS, MARDI GRAS: Very cute girl w/a trucker hat. Me: guy you danced w/and took my pearl beads! I believe you owe me a number. 6517 5x3-wine032305 3/22/05 11:54


I SPY AN UPPER-MIDDLE CLASS jerk who stole my coat, fleece, hat and mittens at the Led Lo/Co show. May karma catch up to you ASAP. 6515 BACON IN A BOTTLE, NECI, 6 p.m. We tipped our parted lips, the dark lacquer of liquor matched your cute black glasses. I’ll be your smokey dish if you’ll be my writer’s helper. 6514 MY SPECIAL SOMEONE that brightens my day. I know you are reading this. Keep pushing me to be my best. I apologize for not removing the ad. I love you and your elbows and chewing on your kneecaps! 6512 HEY, FAT FISH: I’m your favorite because I bring the hot chicks. We get along so well, it makes me glad to know you aren’t the psycho type. Thanks for letting me sit on your shoulder. I love you! 6510 HEY, FAT FISH: I’m your favorite because I bring the hot chicks. We get along so well, it makes me glad to know you aren’t the psycho type. Thanks for letting me sit on your shoulder. I love you! 6510 I SPIED A KEANU REEVES BEHIND the sushi bar at Matterhorn, 2/26. I enjoyed your eyes and your smile. Do you ever get on the dance floor? From 2nd place Tshirt winner and 2nd place Best Dancer. 6509 SMUGGS, 2/23. YOU WERE THE BEAUTIFUL brunette in the cafeteria w/young daughter and M “friend”, having an early lunch. I was seated across from you w/a friend and his daughter. I’m dying to meet you. 6503

WE TALKED FOR 6-MONTHS and you gave me hope. High school sweethearts we always will be. It’s hard to forget first loves. I still love you and always will. I know in my heart we will be together again. 6493

couples seeking...

VALENTINE’S DAY: Uncommon Grounds, 5:30 p.m. We were sitting at the end of the shop. You: M, studying w/a friend. Me: M, sitting w/SM friend. You described the paintings as “whimsical.” I might say the same of you. Coffee? 6489

MACU, SEXY, MID-30S, LOOKING FOR A M of color, black/light brown and very well endowed/thick, 35-55 YO for fun times w/wife. Will reply to only colored men, so do not waste our time if you are white. 6741

BOOKSTORE GIRL: I bought a book just to have the excuse to say “hi” and exchange eyes. I’m glad we both survived the daring dairy feast the previous night. Be well and drink your egg nog. 6488

CANDY SHOP HAS OPENINGS FOR F w/sweet tooth. M, 30 YO, well hung, F, 26 YO, very attractive. Looking for F to join us for fun in the candy shop. All F welcome to call. 6504

PRETTY, BIRTHDAY GIRL at Three Tomatoes on 2/01, wearing a blue shirt and black skirt and glasses, getting gift at table from two friends. I would really like to get to know you better 6487

CU SEEKING BIF FOR ADULT FUN. WE have lots of toys and a place to play. D/D free a must. 6500

YOU: CUTE BLONDE WORKING AT Ben and Jerry’s in Williston. You made me a Phish Food shake and put such a big smile on my face, call me sometime. 6486 RYAN AT THE COMMUNITY HEALTH Center. You told me about the freshies at Jay and I was too shy to ask if you wanted to go w/me. I was the hypochondriac w/a headache. Let’s ride some time soon. 6485 MIKA FROM CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE: We met on the lift twice, but missed you on Friday nights at Bolton Valley. If we can’t share a chair, how about a coffee? 6483

JENNEY: MAYBE YOU GOT a new phone number? It was nice to see you at Ri Ra again after a few months. Too bad we didn’t get to chat. You still spark my curiosity. Want to try it again? 6502

2/17, NECTAR’S TRIVIA NIGHT. You: hottie on team “Platinum” w/dark hair. Me: playing solo every Thursday, can I join you next week? I’m really good at the human body questions! 6482

ERIN FROM MIDDLEBURY: 12/12, Higher Ground. Dark Star. You came alone but I found you. I bought you a beer, you gave me a cigarette. Four of us hung out, you left early. Me: Plattsburgh. Your turn to find me. 6501

YOUR SECOND YOGA CLASS EVER, short, silvery hair, 2/17 Burlington Yoga. We talked in the hall. May I set you up with my friend? I have a feeling you’d like her. I’m taken but have a good guy-eye. 6481

2/21, MEXICALLI, WILLISTON: I noticed you checking yourself out in the mirror, but I wish I was the one you were checking out. You: North Face hat, eyebrow ring, metro sexual. Me: SWF, 20s, ready to make XXX salsa w/you. 6497 I SPY A WIFE-TO-BE, not sure who yet, but she’s 30ish, attractive, self-supporting and loves to be ild, crazy, reckless and be interested in good times. I’m attractive, sexy and addicted to thrills. Can you keep up? 6496 SEAN FROM IBM: We dated at VTC, Brian’s old roommate. I miss you, think of you all the time. Call me, S. 6494 AM

2/19, AKES. YOU: tall w/brown corduroy jacket. Me: short, greenish blue sweater, jeans. I like your style, except for the ring on a very important finger. Was it just for show? I’m interested and curious. 6479 135 PEARL: I SPY THE MOST super fun DJ in town! You make weekends fun again! You truly are precious! 6478 NORTHWEST: Detroit to Burlington, 2/17. Water tower software girl, wondering if you were able to shake that cold? Didn’t want to wait till spring to see you again. 6476

Page 1

Singles’ Nights at the Wine Bar!

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7Dpersonals 31B

GENTLEMAN, VERY RESPECTFUL, GOOD looking, very active and fit, financially secure. ISO two BI, slim ladies under 35 YO. Generous, benefits. 6656

looking for


MACU LOOKING FOR OTHER CU’S IN THE Burlington/Colchester-area for friendship and more, if possible. Me: BI. Him: S. If interested, leave us a message. 6402 BICU ISO BIF OR BIM FOR INTIMATE encounters. 18-45 YO, looks not important, sexual desire a must. NS, light drinkers OK. 27 YO F, + size. 33 YO M, nice package. 6371 CU SEEKING BIF FOR THREESOMES. M, 30 YO, is hung very well and F, 26 YO, very attractive. Would like wild F who has a few extra pounds or less, no heavies. We want to please and be pleased! 6357 ADVENTUROUS INTERRACIAL CU SEEKS shaved BIF to join our adventures. Her: sexy, outgoing, green-eyed BBIW. Him: charming, slim, handsome, dark-eyed. 6278 24 YO SWF WHO ENJOYS DANCING, outdoor activities, massages, the arts, animals, singing and finding the joy in life. ISO NS/ND 22-35 YO S, affectionate, thoughtful, independent, creative M/F who is open to exploring our possibilities. 6671 CHARMING, FEMININE, BRAINY 30something NS, BIF ISO other feminine NS BIF to share honest friendship and meet occasionally for good wine, full-body massages and.... Sorry, boys! 6306 DESIRE A GOOD BM, 42-54 YO. I WANT it all. Life is strange and hectic. I want crazy love. Make it all worth while. 6296

MAM, ATTRACTIVE, NICE BODY, ENDOWED, thick. ISO MAF seeking to receive great oral.Talented, long-lasting, reciprocation optional. Must be D/D-free, discreet. 6669 LET’S TALK, MAN-TO-MAN: Tool belts, rugged chest. 43 YO, 5’9”, 175 lbs., hung. Get the respect you don’t get at home. Private, discreet. Only for real men. 6550 GWM, 33 YO, 5’9”. 160 LBS. SEEKING very attractive, masculine guys in need of hot man-to-man fun and complete oral service. I’ll provide a place to meet. BIcurious, S and MA guys a big +. Absolute discretion assured. 6549 SWM, 50S, ISO CU FOR ADULT FUN. Can video and watch on TV after. 6506 SWPM, 30 YO, SEEKING FREAKY CHICKS for fetish fun. I’m promising discreet BDSM play. We’ll take turns on top. No intercourse and no strings attached. D/D free. Safe, same and consensual. I have the gear if you have the interest. 6379 ATTRACTIVE, LAID-BACK PROF. SEEKING women for pampered, sensual massage. Goes beyond the clinical focus on major muscle groups to include more sensitive and sensual areas. No fee, tip or reciprocity expected or requested. Safe, discreet, respectful. Day/night. 6365 SUITABLE FOR FRAMING? TOUGH LOVE provided. Mid 30s, SWM in Burlington looking for consenting victim(s) for LTR or kinky play. Very experienced, toys galore, fantasies fulfilled. Safe, sane, consensual. Limits respected. Boundaries pushed. Up for a chat? 6361 NICE, SEMI GOOD-LOOKING PWMAM looking forward to great times w/attractive, fun-to-be w/mistress who rarely says “no”. For expenses paid midweek trips: sailing in VI, skiing out west and jaunts to Montréal. 6359 BOTTOM BOY, 44 YO, SLIM, HEALTHY, into oral, rimming, bare backing, groups, Polaroids, videos, lingerie, B & D, exhibitionism, voyeurism, golden showers, ATM. ISO hard guys into any or all of the above. Prefer top M. No strings. Lamoille or Chittenden county. 6325 WICCA M, 55 YO, ISO YOUNG, AVAILABLE, happy Wicca woman for love, friendship and family. Let’s try to master love together, no better goal exists. Blessed be. 6305

men seeking... DOMINANT M, LATE 30S, IN GREAT SHAPE, handsome, clean, well-endowed, seeks submissive F. You are in good shape and very oral. Open to swinging, possibly. 6767 TALL, BLUE-EYES, OK-LOOKING, GENERous, sugar daddy, MAWM, seeks attractive WF for sailing, skiing, trips to Montréal and. . . Come on, you know. Let’s share some fun and romance. 6731

GWM, 33 YO, LOOKS 24 YO, SEEKING masculine, attractive M in uniforms, especially cops, military and all of you hot UPS and FedEx guys to offer great, full oral service. Absolute discretion. MA guys a +. No one over 40 YO. 6270







This event is not associated with Seven Days Personals. •



march 23-30, 2005




DISPLAY ADS: $19.75/col. inch.

LI N E ADS: 75¢ a word.


Where the Good Jobs are… DAILY!

R e s e r ve yo u r a d o n l i n e a t 7 D c l a s s i f i e d s . c o m o r c a l l M i c h e l l e B ro w n a t 8 0 2 . 8 6 5 . 1 0 2 0 X 2 1 .

Office Manager

Childcare Assistant

for Alice Radio. Computer skills and attention to detail essential.

Call 802-863-1010.


CREW LEADER needed for seasonal outdoor work.

Bristol Bakery is taking applications for the following positions:

Personable, responsible worker for irrigation installation and repair. Light mechanical, electrical and/or plumbing skills preferred. Valid VT driver’s license required and must be capable of maintaining fieldwork records. Occasional overnight travel and overtime required. Salary negotiable depending on interview and work experience.


FIELD LABORER needed for seasonal outdoor work. Experience not needed, will train. Salary negotiable depending on interview and work experience. Occasional overnight travel and overtime required. 3619 Roosevelt Highway, Colchester, VT 872-0065

Are you intelligent, interesting, creative, funny, hardworking, self-motivated, happy, kind, attentive and cheerful? Neither are we! But, if you have any of these qualities and would like to work in a fun, flexible, creative environment, come and join the counter staff at the Bristol Bakery.

MORNING BAKER Come bake bagels and pastries with our creative, fun and exciting baking staff. Work from 3 AM to 10 AM two to five days a week. You must have transportation, be responsible and have a passion to learn.

Call Tom @ 453-4890 or

needed for fall semester in Burlington for Macroeconomics and Microeconomics. Resumés accepted for Business Management, Marketing and Accounting subject areas. Master’s degree required. Send resumé by April 15th to:

Rick Leete, Coordinator Community College of Vermont 119 Pearl Street Burlington, VT 05401


Please reply with a cover letter explaining why you want to work in a small, general practice firm, a resumé and a recent writing sample.

L. Randolph Amis, Esq. P.O. Box 238 Burlington, VT 05402 or email: No calls, please.

Summer Staff The Boys and Girls Club of Burlington seeks Summer Program Staff. Positions include group leaders, lifeguards, swim instructors, Aquatics Director and Team Building Games specialist. Responsibilities include supervising youth, helping to design programming and implementation of programs. Prior experience with youth is preferred and a passionate commitment to quality youth development services is a must. Incumbents must be first aid, CPR and Lifeguard certified. Send cover letter and resumé to Boys & Girls Club of Burlington, c/o Shannon Dixon 62 Oak Street, Burlington, VT 05401 EOE

Send cover letter and resumé to by March 30th.

CCV is EOE/ADA compliant.

I am looking for someone willing to consider a long-term business relationship with a goal of ownership in the nearer future.

Cover letter and resumé by March 31st to CCR, 181 Commerce St., Williston, VT 05495.

The Central Vermont Youth Orchestra seeks a part-time manager. The Youth Orchestra manager is responsible for the day-to-day running of the orchestra including administration, financial management, logistics, providing support for conductors, and all communications including public relations. The successful candidate will be well organized, able to multitask and be motivated to “grow the organization.” Preference will be given to applicants who also teach violin at an intermediate-advanced level. Free studio space available.

Part-time Instructors

I am looking for an attorney with experience to join me in my small, general practice firm. I want someone who can complement my strengths with his or her strengths to achieve a balanced set of skills with which to run our client-service-oriented practice.

to help care for children ages 0-5 in accredited Williston program. 3 days/wk. until 5:30, 8 hours/day. Experience preferred. Must be nurturing, playful and reliable. Free training, paid sick/vacation time. Hours may grow over time.

Community and Residential Support Staff:


Howard Center for Human Services Community Support Clinician: Full-time position available to support persons with psychiatric disabilities in Chittenden County. Work as part of a multidisciplinary team providing creative problem solving, advocacy, resource development, case management, counseling and crisis support. Direct services to clients, families and the community. BA or Master’s degree in human services field and experience with persons with serious and persistent mental disorders preferred. Please submit resumé to:

Terrence Hayden LICSW 300 Flynn Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 Individuals with disabilities encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY.

Excellent opportunity to provide support to an engaging, fun and active developmentally disabled young woman in her community and home in the Burlington area. This young woman enjoys a variety of activities and is truly enjoyable to hang out with. We are looking for individuals who are enthusiastic, flexible and willing to work as part of a team. Experience working with challenging behaviors helpful. Flexible scheduling, mornings, afternoons, evenings and weekends.

Individuals interested in substitute work needed also. Become part of an energetic, cooperative and dedicated team. Excellent reimbursement, great learning opportunity and meaningful work.

If interested, please call (802) 864-9181 or send email to:




march 23-30, 2005



EMPLOYMENT The Employment Source for Educators



Beeman Elementary School SVD5683 Principal (K-6)

SVD5606 Admin. Asst. to the Sch. Board SVD5602 Sub. Bus Drivers SVD5603 Sub. Food Svc. Workers South Burlington High School SVD5766 Paraeducator F. H. Tuttle Middle School SVD5840 Building Custodian Central School SVD5601 Paraeducator



Mt. Mansfield Union High School SVD5844 Biology/Chemistry Teacher SVD5847 English Teacher SVD5845 Envir. Science Teacher SVD5835 LT Sub. Math Teacher SVD5687 Elem. Reading/Math Res. – Antic. SVD5688 Kinder. Teacher – Antic. SVD5618 Behavior Specialist SVD5619 Educational Evaluator SVD5746 Elem. Instr. Asst. SVD5690 Evening Custodian SVD5620 Instructional Asst. SVD5621 Instructional Asst. SVD5747 LT Sub. Elem. Guid. Couns. SVD5717 MS Guidance Counselor SVD5718 MS Math/Science Teacher SVD5848 SPED Teacher



B.F.A. St. Albans SVD5336 Principal (9-12)

TEACHING & STAFF POSITIONS BURLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS SVD5776 Bilingual Home School Liaison SVD5696 English as a Second Lang. SVD5725 English as a Second Lang. SVD5701 Strings Music Teacher Burlington High School SVD5823 0.5 – 0.8 FTE Guid. Couns. SVD5700 Reading Teacher SVD5702 Science Teachers (2) H.O. Wheeler SVD5699 0.4 FTE Special Educator SVD5726 Gr. 3 Teacher SVD5724 LT Sub. – Gr. 3 Champlain Elementary SVD5698 Speech Lang. Path. Edmunds Middle School SVD5703 B & G Lacrosse Coaches (2) SVD5727 Math Teacher – Gr. 7/8 SVD5427 Music/Chorus Teacher SVD5508 Soccer Coach – Boys SVD5774 Student Asst. Prog. Couns. Essential Early Education SVD5550 Indiv. St. Asst. – 10 hrs/wk J.J. Flynn Elementary SVD5731 Elem. Teacher – Antic. Lawrence Barnes SVD5697 Gr. 1 & 2 Tchrs. (2)

SVD5624 EEE Paras. (2) Middlebury Union Middle School SVD5863 English Teacher 1.0 SVD5864 Mathematics Teacher SVD5862 Science Teacher SVD5545 Science Teacher Ripton Elementary School SVD5805 School Admin. Asst. Salisbury Community School SVD5652 One-on-one Para.

ADDISON NORTHEAST SU Beeman Elementary School SVD5757 .50 Gr. 5/6 Job Share Mt. Abraham Union High School SVD5719 Social Studies LT Sub. Lincoln Community School SVD5754 .40 Reading Recov. – Antic. SVD5752 .50 Gr. 3/4 Job Share SVD5753 Grade 2 – Antic. SVD5751 Grade 3/4 Monkton Central School SVD5846 Grade 1 SVD5849 Grade 1 or 2 LT Sub. – Antic.


SVD5728 Special Ed. – Math Ira Allen Building SVD5777 Network Admin.

SVD5494 SLP Paraprofessionals SVD5705 Sp./Lang. Ther. – Antic. FY06 Fairfield Center School SVD5706 .4 Preschool Tchr. – Antic. FY06 SVD5418 Sp./Lang. Path. 05/06 SY St. Albans Town School SVD5794 5th Grade Teacher SVD5793 Art Teacher (1 yr) SVD5795 P.M. Preschool Tchr. – Antic. SVD5796 Remed. Tchr. (LT Sub. Aug.-Oct.) SVD5808 School Nurse (.6 FTE) SVD5792 SPED Teacher (3)



SVD5613 SPED Instr. Asst./Tutor Colchester Middle School SVD5674 Track & Field MS Coach Colchester High School SVD5658 Spanish Teacher SVD5663 Tchr. of Engl. Lang. Learners Porters Point School SVD5665 Librarian SVD5667 School Nurse (RN) Malletts Bay School SVD5841 Grade 5 LT Sub. Tchr. Union Memorial School SVD5614 Building Nurse

Bellows Free Academy Fairfax SVD5809 .67 HS Fam. Cons. Science 05/06 – Antic. SVD5811 Guid. Admin. Asst. 05/06 – Antic. SVD5842 SPED LT Sub. Georgia Elem./Middle School SVD5806 .5 Kinder. Teacher – Antic. SVD5803 .58 FTE LT Comp. Ed. Sub. SVD5800 Speech/Lang. Pathologist


BARRE SU Spaulding HS & Barre Tech. Ctr. Campus SVD5671 Math – LT Sub. SVD5605 Phys. Science Teacher

CHITTENDEN CENTRAL SU Essex High School SVD5851 Microcomputer Specialist Center for Technology, Essex SVD5694 Ophthalmic Med. Asst. Tchr. – Antic.

CHITTENDEN SOUTH SU Williston School District SVD5675 Middle Level Science Tchr. SVD5855 Parar./Behavior Spec. SVD5765 Speech Lang. Path. Charlotte Central School SVD5769 Enrichment Coord. SVD5771 Library Media Spec. SVD5770 School Nurse Shelburne Community School SVD5768 MS Special Educator (1 yr) SVD5670 Paraeducator SVD5275 PT High Needs SPED Para.

RUTLAND CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Northeast Primary SVD5568 Gr. 1 Teacher SVD5570 Gr. 2 Teacher SVD5571 Reading and Enrich. Tchr. SVD5567 SPED Teacher Northwest Primary SVD5531 Special Educator, LT Sub. SVD5566 Speech/Lang. Path. Rutland Intermediate School SVD5575 Gr. 4 Teacher SVD5574 Gr. 6 Teacher SVD5572 School Counselor SVD5573 SPED Teacher (2) Rutland Middle School SVD5577 French Tchr. (Dual Cert. Prfd.) SVD5578 Ind. Arts/Tech. Educator SVD5579 Soc. Studies Tchr. – Antic. SVD5576 Spanish Tchr. (Dual Cert. Prfd.) Rutland High School SVD5582 English Tchr. – Antic. SVD5581 Math Teacher SVD5580 Science Teacher Stafford Technical Center SVD5583 Coop Education Instr. SVD5679 Pub. Safety Svc.: Law Enforc. Instr. Longfellow Administration SVD5564 Music Teacher (1 yr. – 2 locations)

Here's how it works: Go to • Enter job number • View job description • Apply on-line



march 23-30, 2005





Democracy for America is accepting applications for two positions:


MySQL/PHP Developer and Training Program Coordinator

P/T or F/T positions available for friendly, motivated & responsible individuals to work at our front desk. Experience not required but prior customer service knowledge preferred. We offer: travel discounts, competitive wages, insurance and 401k.

Apply in person at 1285 Williston Rd., So. Burlington.

For more information, please visit and click on ‘Jobs @ DFA.’ Paid for by Democracy for America.

Technology/ Education Program Director

Boys & Girls Club of Burlington, c/o Shannon Dixon 62 Oak Street, Burlington, VT 05401


Seasonal Work WATERFRONT AND TOURIST INFORMATION BOOTH ATTENDANT Well-spoken, mature, people-person with knowledge of the Champlain Valley. Approximately 15-20 hours per week; Saturdays a must. May 1 through October 15, with some training sooner. The right person will love this job!

INVENTORY MANAGER/DRIVER Pleasant work for tourist information company. Monitor brochure inventory at information centers and in our Williston warehouse. Deliver, stock and maintain information centers in greater Chittenden County region. A firm schedule during regular business hours required, have computer and email access, and clean driving record to use company van. Neat handwriting and organized record-keeping skills. Some heavy lifting and light cleaning; general handyman skills a plus. Approximately 20 hours per week, May 1 through October 20, with some training now. Additional work possible.

Call 434-4569

for motivated individuals looking for work in

Design/Sales Be part of a dynamic team in a growing kitchen and bath remodeling business. Seeking a motivated individual with good communication skills for a design/sales position. Kitchen and bath design and sales experience required. Proficiency with design software desirable. Please email resumé to or fax to 802-865-0002.

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Administrative Assistant wanted for downtown marketing agency. Position supports the Office Manager and includes fast-paced switchboard, data entry, travel booking and event planning. Hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. This team player needs to be well organized, personable and flexible. Associate's or bachelor's degree a plus. No calls please. Send resume to Office Manager, Kelliher Samets Volk, 212 Battery St., Burlington, VT 05401 or e-mail it to We regret that we can respond only to qualified candidates.

212 Battery St., Burlington, VT 05401

| info

to the President WOODBURY COLLEGE, a progressive adult education institution, is seeking a highly organized, self-starting, creative, computer literate individual with excellent written and verbal communication skills to assist President in correspondence, meeting planning, trustee support and management of Office of the President. This full-time position includes data management, annual fund management, helping President and Director of Development to maintain and build upon strong donor, trustee and alumni relationships through identification and cultivation. Individual must be able to treat confidential information with sensitivity and have professional interpersonal skills. Bachelor’s degree required. Full benefit package and friendly work environment.

a fast-paced environment. Full and part-time openings available in our sales and material handling departments. No experience necessary, willing to train the right person.

Please contact Bill (802) 863-3428 (phone) (802) 864-6209 (fax) or

TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT Country Home Products, manufacturer and marketer of DR® Power Equipment, is looking for customer-oriented TECHNICAL SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES to assist in our busy inbound call center in Vergennes. These are seasonal positions that provide technical assistance to our customers worldwide. We provide paid training, holidays and sick time, profit sharing, a friendly work environment and starting pay of $11 per hour. If you have experience with small engines or outdoor power equipment, or are just mechanically inclined, this could be the ideal position for you! You should have a professional telephone manner and solid computer skills. Please apply in person at our Factory Store on Meigs Road in Vergennes, or send, email or fax your resume and letter of interest to: COUNTRY HOME PRODUCTS®, Inc.

PO Box 240, HR Dept. SD296, Vergennes, VT 05491 Fax 802-877-1229 • Job Hotline 802-877-1235 Country Home Products is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Are you a successful Stylist who is seeking an opportunity in a very busy, upbeat, modern salon? Our Aveda concept salon has a full-time Stylist position that might be just what you’re looking for. Call Stacy at 802-863-2273.

Growing company has several positions open

The Boys and Girls Club of Burlington seeks a Technology Education Director to run various technology programs and focus on some science and geography programming. This year round position with benefits includes after school, teen night, vacation camp and summer programs. Responsibilities include program planning, development and implementation and direct work with children, staff and parents. Requirements include degree in education or related field, 2+ years teaching in an after school or educational environment, CPR and First Aid certification and a passionate commitment to quality youth development services.

Send cover letter and resumé by March 31st to:

AVEDA Salon Stylist

Full-time Associate Teacher needed for YMCA Infant and Toddler Center working with young toddlers. Early childhood background, college course work, and experience necessary. Relaxed program environment, competitive salary and benefits. Call Paula at 862-9622 x154.

Part-time After-School Assistant for YMCA after-school program in Ferrisburgh, Essex and Jericho, 15-20 hours/week. Must have experience with school-age children. Y membership and training opportunities. Call Julie at 862-9622.

School-age Site Director Energetic, organized person to direct YMCA after-school program at Founders School in Essex. 22-27 hours/week. Bachelor’s in education or related field, experience with schoolage children. Competitive salary, training opportunities. Resumé to Julie Peterson, 266 College St., Burlington, VT 05401, or call 862-9622. EOE

THE SHERATON BURLINGTON HOTEL o 7 Server 7 Busser 7 Runner 7 Banquet House Attendant 7 Banquet Bartender 7 Banquet Server 7 Line Cook 7 Room Attendants 7 Laundry Attendants 7 Concierge 7 Engineer Apply today! Full-time includes awesome benefits!! Bring your experience and knowledge to our award-winning team! ANN BOUDREAU, DIRECTOR 870 WILLISTON ROAD, SO. BURLINGTON, VT 05403 OR EMAIL: BURLINGTONVT.HR@SHERATON.COM

Job Hotline: 865-6611 EOE




march 23-30, 2005




Goddard College Faculty: Multiple Positions B.A. & M.A. IN EDUCATION AND LICENSURE The program serves students focusing on many different aspects of education. Some students seek teaching or school guidance licensure; others create their own individualized study (see website for program concentrations). The education faculty invites candidates with a strong commitment to progressive education, social responsibility and a practical and theoretical background in one or more of the following areas: Educational Technology; Multicultural Education; Literacy and Reading; Mathematics, Science and/or History for Secondary School Licensure Endorsement; Independent and/or Alternative School Leadership. Ph.D./Ed.D. and experience in K-12 school or/and higher education is also preferable. Successful candidates must travel to the Goddard College campus for the July 8-18, 2005 & January 12-20, 2006 residencies. Applications must be received by May 15, 2005 to guarantee consideration. Please mark the envelope EDUCATION search.

B.A. & M.A. IN HEALTH ARTS AND SCIENCE PROGRAM Seeking candidates with a background in holistic healing and community health. Broad background preferred in as many of the following areas as possible: Somatic and Movement Therapies; Expressive Arts; Medical Anthropology/Cross-Cultural Systems of Healing; Health Psychology; Community/Public/Ecological Health; Botanical Medicine. Successful candidates must travel to the Goddard College campus for the July 9-18, 2005 and January 11-20, 2006 residencies. Applications must be received by May 15, 2005 to guarantee consideration. Please mark the envelope HAS search.

B.A. IN INDIVIDUALIZED STUDIES PROGRAM Seeking candidates with broad, interdisciplinary background in humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences, as well as specialization in the following areas: Mathematics/Quantitative Literacy; Transdisciplinary Creative Arts, including creative writing and music; Community Activism/Democratic Social Change; Global/Multicultural/Postcolonial Studies. Possible openings in additional areas of specialization including: Anthropology/Archeology; Environmental Studies/Ecology; Ethnic Studies; Education/Radical Pedagogy; Religion/Spirituality/ Mythology; Philosophy; Psychology; Visual and Performing Arts. Successful candidates must travel to the Goddard College campus for the August 24 - September 2, 2005 and February 15-24, 2006 residencies. Applications must be received by May 15, 2005 to guarantee consideration. Please mark the envelope IBA search.

M.A. IN INDIVIDUALIZED STUDIES PROGRAM Seeking candidates with broad background in interdisciplinary studies across the liberal arts as well as specializations in the following areas: Transformative Language Arts; Consciousness Studies; Environmental Studies/Ecology; Democratic Social Change/Community Activism; Sustainable Development/ Socially Responsible Management. Successful candidates must travel to the Goddard College campus for the August 10-19, 2005 and January 21-30, 2006 residencies. Applications must be received by June 1, 2005 to guarantee consideration. Please mark the envelope IMA search.

M.F.A. IN INTERDISCIPLINARY ARTS PROGRAM Seeking candidates with wide knowledge of contemporary art practices and theory. Strong interest in the philosophy and practice of progressive education; interdisciplinary art practice focused on art as a tool for healing/social change. Ability to work with students of diverse art backgrounds. Successful candidates must travel to the Goddard College campus for the July 27 - August 5, 2005 and February 1-10, 2006 residencies. Applications must be received by May 15, 2005 to guarantee consideration. Please mark the envelope MFA-IA search.

M.A. IN PSYCHOLOGY & COUNSELING PROGRAM Seeking generalists who have expertise in some combination of two or more of the following: Community Mental Health Settings, Art Therapy, Substance Abuse, Clinical Supervision, ER/Crisis Assessment, Research and Treatment of Trauma Issues, Psychodynamic Theory & Practice, Ethnic Minority Issues, and LGBT Issues. Internal candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Experience in progressive education with adult learners is essential. Successful candidates must travel to the Goddard College campus for the September 7-16, 2005 and March 1-10, 2006 residencies. Applications must be received by April 15, 2005 to guarantee consideration. Please mark the envelope MA-PSYCH search.

************ Terminal degrees are required for most faculty positions; teaching experience at the undergraduate and/or graduate level; and participation in an on-site residency and subsequent supervision and written exchange with independent study students of diverse learning styles. Crossdisciplinary approach with experience and commitment to student-centered, progressive pedagogy is important. Part-time workload and compensation vary depending on student enrollment and assigned program. Salary will be approximately $4,980 to $6,600 per semester. Mail cover letter summarizing your qualifications, CV, statement of educational philosophy, and contact information for three references. Envelopes must clearly identify the program you are applying for. No phone calls, please.

Human Resources, Goddard College 123 Pitkin Road, Plainfield, VT 05667 Goddard College is committed to creating a college representative of a diverse global community and capable of creating change. We are actively seeking applications from qualified candidates from groups currently underrepresented in our institution for these positions.



march 23-30, 2005




7D CLASSIFIEDEMPLOYMENT Howard Community Services A Division of the Howard Center for Human Services 102 S. Winooski Ave. Burlington, VT 05401

Shared Living Providers Needed Howard Community Services has an ongoing need for caring and responsible team players to provide homes and support to persons with developmental disabilities. All positions offer excellent tax-free compensation, generous respite funds, rent, training, and the opportunity to work with a supportive team. You must live in Chittenden County if you are interested in having a person live in your home. Contact Kathy at 802-865-6173 for more information about these wonderful opportunities or for general information about this program. We currently have an opening for the following situation: In your home: Looking for a full-time home provider for a sweet and slightly shy woman in her early 40’s who enjoys shopping, crafts and exercise. She needs assistance with lifeskills such as cooking, using the phone and other household responsibilities. Her family lives in the area and spends time with her as well. This is an excellent opportunity for someone who would like to be a mentor/companion!

Residential Coordinator Excellent benefits, competitive salary and exciting opportunity available for a dynamic, organized leader to supervise staff and also provide direct support to developmentally disabled individuals in a group home. Experience working with families, dealing with various behaviors and medical needs, and knowledge of local generic services required. Responsibilities also include personal care and household duties. Supervisory experience preferred. Valid driver’s license and dependable transportation required. Send resumé by March 23rd to: Brandi Corrigan or email

Specialized Community Support Worker Seeking candidates for a 25-hour community-based position through Howard Community Services. Job entails supporting a 20-year-old man in building effective coping skills, developing independent living skills, and accessing recreational opportunities. Hours are Monday through Friday, from 9 am - 2 pm. Join a supportive team with competitive salary, medical/dental benefits, mileage reimbursement, and paid time-off. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience in the mental health field preferred. Please send resumé to Alysia Rishforth or email AlysiaR@

The Old Brick Cafe, now open in Williston, is seeking


EARLY CHILDHOOD: We are looking for a mature, warm, flexible professional to join our team of toddler program facilitators. Full-time position, Monday through Friday. Please send your resumé to: The PlayCare Center P.O. Box 166, Richmond, VT 05477 or call Crystal at 434-3891 for more information. EOE

Northeastern Family Institute NFI, an expanding statewide mental health treatment system for children, adolescents and families, is seeking to fill the following positions:

RESIDENTIAL COUNSELORS Seeking counselors to work at our Shelburne House program, located in Williston. Work with a talented team in a fast-paced environment. Experience working with children with emotional and behavioral challenges desired. Responsibilities include counseling youth, ADL (activity, daily learning), hygiene & living skills, and assist in treatment and discharge planning. This is a full-time position with a competitive salary.

Come join the creative, dynamic team at NFI. Call Nathan Camfiord today at 288-9710, or email your resumé to: EOE

Specialized Community Support Worker Individual needed to provide community-based life skills training and recreational opportunities for a young adult woman. Position is part-time, 20 hours per week, during the day, M-W. Join a supportive team with excellent compensation, full benefits, and training provided. Experience with developmental disabilities and behavioral challenges preferred. Send resumé to Stephanie Favero or email

Specialized Community Support Worker Looking for a motivated, self-directed person to provide community support to a social and active developmentally disabled male with sporadic challenging behaviors. Position is M-F, 20 hours per week. Enjoyment of sports and outdoors a plus! Supportive team. Experience working with this population as well as a valid driver’s license and reliable transportation required. Resumé to Jessica Fox-Keller or email

Training Specialist Looking for an individual to provide community supports to an energetic and social female who enjoys swimming, biking and walking. She needs someone to assist her with her part-time job and physical therapy. Hours are M-F, from 9:30-1:30, with some flexibility. Applicant should have a sense of humor and ability to set clear boundaries. Valid driver’s license and dependable transportation required. Please send resumé and cover letter to Sheila Spencer or email

Respite Provider Needed Our dynamic and supportive team is seeking a compassionate and energetic person to provide respite support to a 58-year-old man with developmental and physical disabilities. This support will be in the Barre area and includes personal care. Support can be provided in his home or your wheelchair-accessible home, on weekends or weeknights. Experience with DD population and behavioral issues desirable. Client-specific training provided. Valid driver’s license and reliable transportation a must. Excellent compensation provided. Please contact Jessica at 652-2135 for more information.

*** EOE/TTY Individuals with disabilities encouraged to apply ***

Community Inclusion Facilitator We are seeking creative, motivated individuals to join our person-centered team, develop positive relationships and support individuals with developmental disabilities in the community and in the job setting. CVS provides trainings, benefits and ongoing supports. Both part-time and per-diem shifts ranging from 18-29 hours per week are available. This is a great opportunity for individuals first entering the field of human services or for those looking to further their experience. Please send your resumé and cover letter to:

512 Troy Avenue, Suite 1 Colchester, VT 05446

Shared Living Providers We are seeking a dedicated individual or couple interested in sharing their home with a woman, supporting her at home and in the community. If you are interested in joining our person-centered team, developing positive relationships, and supporting this individual in achieving her goals and dreams, we encourage you to apply. CVS will provide a generous tax-free stipend, a comprehensive training package, and ongoing supports. Experience working in the field of developmental disabilities preferred. Please contact Laura Walker for more information.

CVS 655-0511



march 23-30, 2005



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march 23-30, 2005




7D CLASSIFIEDEMPLOYMENT S TAT E O F V E R M O N T For the people…the place… the possibilities.



Department of Tourism and Marketing PSYCHIATRIC NURSE II Vermont State Hospital in Waterbury, VT is still Experienced a great place to work! Play an active Tell Vermont’s story to the world. professional part in our dynamic treatment team providing professional nursing care and treatment sought to lead the Department of Tourism & Marketing’s to mentally ill patients in a psychiatric setting. Requires RN with at least two years public and trade efforts. all media of experience. Start atrelations $24.47 to $29.13 per Responsible hour depending for on shift. Excellent relations in-state and and out-of-state; press release development; benefit package. Permanent per diem positions available. pitching targeted story ideas to regional and national media; PSYCHIATRIC TECHNICIAN development of press trips and itineraries; management of Provide care to patients in a psychiatric setting. Openings for temporary Psychiatric media contact lists; and per support for Vermont’s international Technicians on all shifts. $12.59 hour plus applicable shift differential. To apply, Montpelier – Exempt, Full-Time. Apply publiccallrelation initiatives. please Ms. Worcester at (802) 241-3127. by resume, writing samples and a minimum of three references To apply, interested should 6 use the online job to Sybil Chicoine, Deputy candidates Commissioner, Baldwin Street, application or contact the Department Montpelier, VT at05633. Application Deadline: 10/10/03. of Personnel, Employment Services at (800) 640-1657 Log onto for job description. (voice) or 800-253-0191 (TTY/Relay Service). The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Applications from women, individuals with disabilities, veterans, and people from diverse cultural backgrounds are encouraged.

CHITTENDEN SOUTH SUPERVISORY UNION 2004-2005 Non-Licensed Openings Chittenden South Supervisory Union Bus Drivers – IMMEDIATE OPENINGS. Regular routes. Please call Ken Martin, 482-7120.

Williston Central School Food Service – IMMEDIATE OPENING. School-year position, 6 hours per day. Food prep experience helpful. If interested, please contact Lydia King, 879-5816.

Champlain Valley Union High School Tutor – IMMEDIATE OPENING for a tutor with training and experience in working with serious emotional disabilities. Two hours daily, academic subjects, time of day and hourly rate negotiable. Will pay mileage. Please send letter of interest, resumé and letters of recommendation to Special Services c/o CVU, 369 CVU Road, Hinesburg, VT 05461.

Day Custodian – CVU is seeking a day shift custodian, MondayFriday, 6:30 AM – 3:00 PM. This is a full-time position, experience a plus. Great benefits. Call 482-7112 for info, or stop by and fill out an application at CVU, 369 CVU Road, Hinesburg, VT 05461.

Youth Advocate and Career Coach – Help high school students develop goals, learn about their community and try out and get great jobs in local businesses. We need a part-time (21 hours/week + 11 months/year) employee to join our great Community Skills Program staff based at Champlain Valley Union High School. Please apply immediately if you’ve got a great attitude and energy, experience with teens, a reliable vehicle, and are up for an adventure! Rate is $10-$12 per hour, mileage reimbursed, some benefits. Apply with a letter of interest, resumé, and 3 references to: Chittenden South Supervisory Union, Attn: H.R. Dept., 5420 Shelburne Road, Suite 300, Shelburne, VT 05482.

Hinesburg Community School Baseball Coach – Middle School Boys. Position runs from April 2005 - June 2005. Afternoons 2:45-6:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. If interested, please call John Badger or Angela Stebbins at 482-2106.

Special Education Paraeducator – for grades 7&8. Work with students with a variety of disabilities supporting classroom instruction and supervising study hall. Contact Barb Provost for more information at Hinesburg Community School, 482-2106 ext. 283.


Case Manager #705 Seeking a recovery-oriented mental health clinician to provide case management services to persons with serious mental illness. This is an outreach-based position that includes counseling, service coordination, skills training and advocacy. We are interested in hiring a client-centered, enthusiastic clinician with a good sense of humor and an interest in working with women with trauma issues. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in related field with a minimum of one-year experience working with persons with mental illness. Supervision toward mental health licensure provided. Only qualified applicants will receive a response. Valid driver’s license, good driving record and safe insured vehicle required. Send letter of interest and resumé to:

WCMHS, Personnel PO Box 647 Montpelier, VT 05601 Contact: (802) 229-0591 • Fax: (802) 223-8623 Email: • EOE

Shelburne Community School Paraeducator – Seeking an individual to work as a one-on-one instructor and mentor for a student with emotional and behavioral challenges. Qualified candidates will possess a calm and consistent manner of interaction with children, enjoy working closely with a highly skilled support team and demonstrate effective communication skills. Competitive hourly wage and benefits. If interested please submit a letter of interest and resumé to Scott Orselet, 345 Harbor Road, Shelburne, VT 05482. Further inquiries can be made to Patty Spagnolo at 383-1132.

Part-time High Needs Special Ed. Paraeducator – IMMEDIATE OPENING. The Shelburne School District is seeking an energetic and creative individual interested in working with students with multiple disabilities in a private setting for after-school & weekend hours (flexible hours). Prior experience helpful but not necessary. Significant training and support are offered. If interested, please apply online to Scott Orselet with a resumé and three letters of reference. For more information, you may contact Patty Spagnolo or Jodi Blanchard at 985-3331.




march 23-30, 2005



EMPLOYMENT Outdoor Jobs: The Vermont Youth Conservation Corps is hiring Crew Members ages 16-24 to work on backcountry trail crews and in Vermont state parks. We will be at the Firehouse Gallery on Church St. at 6pm in Burlington on Thursday, March 24th.

To find out more about these jobs and to apply, attend this event or visit (800) 639-8922

Television Production

Camera/videotape operator needed for high quality Live News broadcasts. Must be dedicated and reliable. Experience preferred. Part-time early morning shift. Send resumé to:



Apply in person at 1127 North Ave. Ethan Allen Shopping Center

Museum Tour Guide needed for nationally significant historic site. Three-day, 18-hour week, mid-May to Mid-October. Resumé and letter to:

Rokeby Museum 4334 Route 7 Ferrisburgh, VT 05456

Online @ or: Production, WCAX-TV, PO Box 608 Burlington, VT 05402

Online @

Vermont Municipal Assessor provides both reappraisal and grand list maintenance services to Vermont cities and towns.



for Women,

with experience. Position is flexible part-time.

a trades training program teaching women skills in electrical, plumbing, welding and carpentry, is now accepting applications for its Burlington class starting April 4, 2005. Get 9 weeks of hands-on training and ongoing job search support.

Send resumé and salary requirements to: Cancer Patient Support Program P.O. Box 64700 Burlington, VT 05406

Call 1-800-639-1472 or 878-0004 ext. 108 at Northern New England Tradeswomen for more info and to register for an interview.


Charlotte Children’s Center is seeking an

Experience preferred. Own transportation required.




Individual Candidate should be a strong communicator, energetic, supportive and excited to be part of a strong educational team in an early childhood setting.

Please contact Kristin at 802-425-3328

healthcare Opportunities Sign-On Bonus! Basin Harbor Club is gearing up for our 2005 summer season. We are currently recruiting for the following positions and are looking for staff that are available for our entire season (May 12thOctober 24th) as well as staff who are available June through Labor Day.

• Housekeepers • Lobby Shop and Harbor Store Retail Associates • Servers - Red Mill and Main Dining Room • Host/Hostess • Bartenders • Runners and Bussers - Red Mill • Manicurist/Pedicurist • Concierge • Reservations • Switchboard - full- and part-time • Waterfront Staff - full season and social season • Recreation Aides Enjoy working and playing at a fantastic resort. Our staff enjoys free golf, tennis and use of all the Basin Harbor amenities.

For more information and to apply online check out Or contact HR at, 802-475-7848. EOE

DATABASE PUBLISHING EDITOR Kestrel Health Information is seeking a Database Publishing Editor to oversee the data collection, editorial review and production of its medical product directories. The Database Publishing Editor will be accountable for content integrity in our databases and all derivative products and must have superior copy-editing, project management and process management skills and knowledge of print production and electronic publishing. We offer flexible hours, a relaxed work environment, and competitive pay. Qualified candidates should submit a cover letter, resumé and salary requirements to: Jeanne Cunningham, Kestrel Health Information, Inc., P.O. Box 195, Bristol, VT 05443, or to:

Assessor/Lister Position Vermont Municipal Assessor has an Assessor position in the towns of Shelburne, St. George and Panton. Experience with NEMRC, Microsolve, Apex, and independent site inspection is desired. Experience as a Lister or Assessor is desired but not required. This is a full-time position with benefits. Contact Mary Jane Potter at

Nonprofit cancer organization looking for a self-motivated

Driving Product Decision Support in Clinical Care

$4,000 for RNs $3,000 for LPNs $2,000 for LNAs You can earn competitive wages with excellent benefits, including tuition reimbursement, flexible scheduling, 401(k) company matching retirement program, and much more. Come join our new team!

PTs: Per Diem, 3-11 RNs: Full-time, 3-11/11-7 LPNs: Full-time, 3-11/11-7 LNAs: Full-time, all shifts Evening Cook: Full-time

On-site ChildCare! We offer a highly subsidized on-site childcare, with extended evening hours.

CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS INSIDE SALES OPPORTUNITY Construction people, are you tired of HOT summers and COLD winters? New England’s leading construction material supplier is seeking a qualified individual for our Williston,VT location. Come inside and start a new career in Material Sales. Send/fax resumé and salary requirements to: AH Harris & Sons, Inc. 994 South Brownell Road Williston, VT 05495 Fax: (802)860-1040

We’re seeking Topnotch Talent! We are accepting applications at Stowe’s only four-star, preferred Hotel & Resort: •














Topnotch offers competitive wages, duty meals, health and life insurance options, health club access and opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Call kara for an interview: 802-658-4200 or fax your resumé to: 802-863-8016, 300 Pearl Street, Burlington, VT 05401.

Call 802-253-6420 or email your resumé to

Burlington Health & Rehabilitation Center EOE


Foreman Operators Laborers Flaggers Apply at: 349 Commerce St. Williston, VT 860-1566

Franklin Region Career/Job Expo Thursday, March 31, 2004 Collins-Perley Sports & Fitness Center Exit 19, St. Albans, VT Hours will be from noon to 6:00 pm Over 70 businesses, agencies, organizations and colleges will be exhibiting. Some local companies include: A.N. Deringer, Ben & Jerry’s, Energizer, Franklin Foods, IBM, Mylan Technologies, Northwestern Medical Center, People’s Trust Co., Pike Industries, Vermont Precision Tools, PBM, and many, many more.

There is NO ADMISSION FEE. For more information, please call Marilyn Savoy at 527-6513 or Melanie Langevin at 524-4653.



march 23-30, 2005




7D CLASSIFIEDEMPLOYMENT Join our growing team of software professionals, located in Montpelier, who are developing and installing a dynamic new software product for life science laboratories.

Software Engineer Minimum two years strong experience in software design and development using SQL and either Visual Studio or Java programming environments. Must be a problem solver and able to work well in a team.

Customer Support Specialist Strong experience in supplying customer support for an enterprise software product. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Solid PC skills with a can-do attitude.

Implementation Specialist Strong experience with implementing enterprise software products at customer sites. Experience in laboratory processes and software development preferred. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Travel required. Please email resumé and cover letter to our HR department at: The Converse Home, a historic, residential care home for seniors is expanding. We are now hiring for the following positions:

MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR: Responsible for the overall operation and maintenance of the Home. This includes a successful transition of our expansion and renovation project, security, transportation, grounds, housekeeping and laundry. 3-5 years experience and a valid driver’s license required. Background check mandatory.

GARDENVIEW PROGRAM MANAGER: Responsible for the development and implementation of a therapeutic lifestyle for memory-impaired residents. This individual is responsible for oversight of staff, coordination of resident services, and the development and oversight of the activity program. RN, LPN, Social Worker or Therapeutic Recreation or OTR professional preferred. 2-3 years of memory loss program experience and a valid driver’s license required. Background check mandatory.

Send resumé to Anita Chaisty, Exec. Director, Converse Home, 272 Church Street, Burlington, VT 05401

D airy F armer O wned S ince 1 9 1 9

Cabot Creamery has been making history since 1919 and it continues to lead the way today as the premier cheesemaker in the Northeast. Our 1800 farmer-owners count on us to make their milk into the best cheese and dairy products possible. We’re counting on you!

OPERATIONS ANALYST The successful candidate must have a minimum of 3-5 years of Manufacturing/ Distribution business analysis experience. Consumer product business experience is preferred. High levels of analytical skills, computer literacy – including mainframe and spreadsheets – and organizational skills are essential. Database Management skills will be a plus. Bachelor’s degree required.

The position will be based in Cabot, Vermont, with occasional travel. Job requires the ability to collect and organize data into useful management reports. This individual will work closely between Manufacturing/Distribution and Accounting. The job will focus on the analysis of material utilization; equipment and process efficiencies; and bar code utilization. Cabot is an exciting place to work with growth potential and offers an excellent benefit program including tuition reimbursement. Please send cover letter and resumé to:

Human Resources Department, Cabot Creamery 1 Home Farm Way Montpelier, VT 05602 (802) 229-9361 x2101 Northeastern Family Institute

NFI, an expanding statewide mental health treatment system for children, adolescents and families, is seeking to fill the following positions:

CASE MANAGER Community Based Services has an opening for a Therapeutic Case Manager. Responsibilities include treatment planning and service coordination, in-home work with children and biological, adoptive and foster families, and supervision of community skills workers and foster parents. Strong communication skills and ability to set limits required. Must be a team player. Previous work with children with emotional/behavioral challenges desired. Bachelors’ degree in a related field required. Need a team player that is eager to help bring fun to the workplace. If you are interested in this position submit cover letter and resumé to:

CBS Program Director, NFI Vermont 30 Airport Road So. Burlington, VT 05403 EOE

RNS AND LPNS NEEDED Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice, one of the largest home health agencies in Vermont, has immediate openings for caring and energetic nurses. Join our team of home-care professionals in the country’s fastest growing health-care field – and share our commitment to excellence in preserving the independence, dignity, and well-being of Central Vermonters and their families. Applicants must be licensed in the State of Vermont, be able to work independently and have reliable transportation. CVHHH offers professional challenge and growth for the following positions: • Full- and part-time RNs and a full-time LPN to work in our Home Care program to provide skilled nursing care in a home setting. 2 years med-surg experience preferred. • Part-time RN to work in our Maternal Child Health program. Experience with Pediatric or OBS experience preferred. • Temporary part-time RN or LPN to work with our Hi-Tech team. 2 years med-surg experience with knowledge of hi-tech skills preferred. • Full-time Psychiatric RN to work in our Home Care program. Must have 3-5 years experience in mental health nursing and solid med/surgical skills. ANA Psych. Certification preferred.

If interested, please contact our Human Resources Department by calling 802-224-2233, fax 802-223-2861, or apply online at EOE




march 23-30, 2005

We’ll help you fill all that free time.


Northeastern Family Institute NFI, an expanding statewide mental health treatment system for children, adolescents and families, is seeking to fill the following position:

RECEPTIONIST NFI Vermont, Inc., is looking for an enthusiastic parttime receptionist to answer phone and greet visitors and perform miscellaneous clerical and office functions. Great phone and computer skills required.

Please send resumé to Bobbie Perreault, HR Manager, NFI Vermont, 30 Airport Road, South Burlington, VT 05403 or email EOE

Interested in confronting violence in your community? Join the Domestic Abuse Education Project to become a part-time group facilitator in Burlington, Rutland and St. Albans. Lead educational groups that promote offender accountability, challenge violence and work to increase the safety of women and children. We are looking for people of all ages, ethnicities, abilities and sexual orientations who are committed to working for social change. An understanding of domestic violence and willingness to learn more is required. Please send a cover letter and resumé to:

Spectrum, Attn: Brooke 31 Elmwood Ave. Burlington, VT 05401


AIRCRAFT DETAILER Burlington Airport part-time, 20 hrs./wk. 10pm-2am $10.05/hour, weekends involved.

Call (518) 656-3052

Immediate Opening: A 20-hour a week position working with a very personable young lady with developmental disabilities in the Barre area. Successful candidate will accompany and support the young woman doing activities in the community. This is a non-benefited position. A valid driver’s license and reliable transportation a must. Contact:

Judy Sturtevant Sterling Area Services Morrisville, VT 802-888-7602

The Baird Center for Children and Families

EOE Reference job position #016.


A Division of the Howard Center for Human Services

REGISTERED NURSE/LPN Seeking nurse to coordinate medical care for children in Baird Residential and School programs. Experience in pediatrics, mental health or school nursing desirable. Ability to work cooperatively with a multidisciplinary team. Weekday flexible hours, 32 hours/week. Competitive salary, generous benefits. Inquiries and resumé to Coleen Lillie. 1138 Pine Street Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 863-1326

Full- and part-time opportunities available. Applications available on our website at Send resumé or application to: South Burlington Recreation Dept. 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403

PPNNE’s mission is to provide, promote and protect voluntary choices about reproductive health for all.

CALL CENTER REPRESENTATIVE Seeking a full-time, 37.50 hours/weekly, (possible part-time, 20 hours) Representative for our Call Center in Barre. Job responsibilities include scheduling medical appointments for patients in three states, obtaining insurance pre-certification, and making reminder calls. Successful candidate will be flexible, willing to think creatively, and able to work well with other people. Additional qualifications include excellent telephone communication skills, a commitment to customer service, and the ability to multitask in a fastpaced environment. Experience at a call center or in a medical setting is preferred, but will train the right candidate. No license required. We offer a supportive, team-based, continuous learning work environment and a generous benefits package. Make a living while making a difference! Please respond with resumé, cover letter and salary requirements by April 13th to:

PPNNE Site Manger – Call Center 90 Washington St. Barre, Vermont 05641 or email


EOE/TTY * Individuals with disabilities encouraged to apply.

The Vermont Humanities Council a nonprofit organization that supports humanities and literacy programs statewide, seeks to fill several part-time support positions (could be combined as full-time). The Vermont Humanities Council is an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities and is an EOE. The ideal candidate for any of these positions should be detail-oriented, well organized, energetic, creative, and able to take initiative and work independently with discretion and judgment. Excellent writing, people skills and knowledge of MS Office are essential.

Executive Assistant: provide administrative support for the Executive Director.

Communications Assistant: support Director of Communications; desktop publishing skills preferred.

Senior Accountant: support Director of Finance and Administration; responsibility for GL, AR, AP, budgeting, modest human resources, and other duties. Bachelor’s degree and 3 years in intermediate accounting required.

Program Assistant: support Director of Literacy Programs in our ‘Never Too Early’ professional development program for childcare providers. Send letter, resumé and three work references for these positions by Friday, March 25th, to or to:

of Northern New England

Proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer

Vermont Humanities Council “Sharing Our Past… Shaping Our Future” Attention: Bill Miller 200 Park Street, Morrisville, VT 05661



march 23-30, 2005







“There’s No Place Like Home”

Dorothy knew it! So did the Tin Woodsman, the Scarecrow and the Lion! There is no place like home. Our clients think so. They rely on us to keep them there.

Come and be part of their story. Nursing done with brains, courage and heart! And…a sense of direction!

Goddard College

Community Health Nurses Wanted

FOOD SERVICE MANAGER Food Service Manager to direct all aspects of Goddard College’s food service operations, including: staff hiring and management; menu planning; recipe creation; purchasing; budgeting; front of house operations; and cost control. Performs detailed clerical and financial duties, manages cash on hand, and takes inventory. Ensures all health, safety and sanitation standards are met. Handles problems, copes with the unexpected, performs daily tasks and other duties as required. Has primary responsibility for providing the best possible food service experience for students, faculty, and staff. The Food Service Manager will be a member of our Community Life Team, which plays a vital role in supporting residency and non-residency events. The ideal candidate will foster a creative approach to food preparation, and be well versed in preparation of all varieties of food including vegetarian, vegan, and natural meals with quality ingredients. Experience in the restaurant industry, with high quality culinary and management skills highly desirable. Ability to perform duties of all food service positions with skill. Submit resumé with cover letter to be received by April 1st to:

Ann Marie McNamee, Goddard College 123 Pitkin Road Plainfield, VT 05667 Email: website:

Addison County Home Health and Hospice, Inc., Human Resources PO Box 754, Middlebury, VT 05753 • Fax: 388-6126 • Phone: 388-6126 See our job postings and apply directly online at

To place an employment ad call Michelle Brown 865-1020 x 21

Goddard is committed to creating a college representative of a diverse global community and capable of creating change. We encourage qualified candidates from groups underrepresented in our institution to apply.

To place an employment ad call Michelle Brown 865-1020 x 21

Deli Manager Lively, dynamic, growing community-based natural foods Co-op in Montpelier has an opening for an experienced Deli Manager. We are seeking candidates who will put their leadership skills to use: motivating staff, making customer service the department’s highest priority, and achieving budget goals while maintaining standards for food quality and cleanliness. Candidates must have professional leadership experience, with some food service experience. Knowledge of natural foods, cooperatives and computers desired. Most importantly, candidates should model and expect the highest level of customer service. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. We offer an excellent benefits package which includes health, dental, vision, paid vacation, sick, personal time and an IRA. Send resumé and names/telephone/email addresses of three work-related references to HR Manager, Hunger Mountain Co-op, 623 Stone Cutters Way, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 or email

DEVELOPMENT & ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR Stowe Land Trust is seeking a highly motivated professional for the flexible part-time (30hr.) position of Development and Administrative Coordinator. Candidate will join an interesting, dynamic, and growing conservation organization with a 2-person staff. Responsible for managing the annual appeal campaign, maintaining the donor database, upkeep of files, timely output of donor acknowledgement letters, membership reporting, and assisting with the identification and solicitation of businesses and corporations. The successful candidate will take the lead on at least two major fundraising events per year, including design and coordination of materials, solicitation of donor support, event registration, and volunteer coordination. Position requires a demonstrated ability to manage all administrative functions to ensure smooth and efficient operations, including receptionist duties, bookkeeping, accounting, and taking of meeting minutes. Other responsibilities: product research, securing quotes from vendors, ordering merchandise, coordination of bulk mailings, updating the website, assistance with the preparation of the annual report, and other duties as assigned. REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor’s degree preferred. A minimum of three years experience in development and/or nonprofit sector is required. Must have excellent organizational and interpersonal skills and telephone demeanor (ability to communicate professionally and effectively with project partners and donors), be detail-oriented with the ability to prioritize, problem solve, and multitask. Excellent business writing skills and the ability to communicate ideas succinctly. Candidate must be comfortable with word processing, design and fundraising/database software. Professional experience in conservation, law and/or real estate a plus. SALARY/BENEFITS: Flexible 30 hr/week with occasional evening or weekend hours. Hourly rate commensurate with experience. An opportunity exists for increased hours aligned with successful fundraising efforts. Health options available; sick, vacation and holiday benefits provided. Qualified candidates should submit a letter of interest, resumé and references by April 1, 2005 to: Heather Furman, Executive Director, P.O. Box 284, Stowe, Vermont 05672; or via email to, or fax to (802) 253-2642. For more information, please visit

To place an employment ad call Michelle Brown 865-1020 x 21




march 23-30, 2005



EMPLOYMENT OUTREACH AND COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR Solid Waste District seeks communications professional to manage and develop the District's contact with the public. Responsibilities include design and copywriting for newsletters, flyers and other advertisements. Management and maintenance of the District's website. Oversight of contracted educational activities. 32 hours per week position, with competitive salary plus benefits. For complete job description, call 802524-5986. Send cover letter, resumé and writing sample by April 15th to:

Country Home Products, manufacturer and marketer of DR® Power Equipment, is looking for customer-oriented SALES PROFESSIONALS to staff our busy inbound call center in Vergennes. The ideal candidates enjoy selling, are results-oriented professionals, and have solid computer skills. These jobs offer $12 base starting pay plus commissions; performance-based bonuses; paid training, holidays, and sick time; profit sharing; and a friendly work environment. These positions are seasonal and our training classes start soon. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! Please apply in person at our Factory Store on Meigs Road in Vergennes, or send, email or fax your resume and letter of interest to:

M. Ewell, NWSWD P.O. Box 1547 St. Albans, VT 05478

PO Box 240, HR Dept. SD295, Vergennes, VT 05491 Fax 802-877-1229 • Job Hotline 802-877-1235


Northeastern Family Institute



Country Home Products is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

NFI, an expanding statewide mental health treatment system for children, adolescents and families, is seeking to fill the following position:

RESPITE NFI needs Respite Counselors to work closely with the staff and directly with clients on an “as needed basis” (often up to 35 hours a week are available). They will be taught exceptional skills in working with teenagers.

Online @

Come join the creative, dynamic team at NFI. Call Jaime Canton today at 658-0040, ext. 624 or email your resumé to: EOE

Customer Support/ Billing Representative:

Looking for the right person to fill a fulltime position Monday-Friday. The ideal candidate will have a strong customer service background, pleasant phone manner, and be able to work well with our medical clients. Knowledge of Microsoft Office is desired as well as a knowledge of nutrition. The job includes overseeing and management of our large customer base as well as the daily invoicing for goods purchased. Proficiency on a keyboard and attention to detail are a must for this position.

Please forward resumé and salary requirements to or fax to 802-862-9306 attn: Martha Bennett.

SEASONAL HOSPITALIT Y HOSTS Wa te rbury Plant – Te mp ora ry, Seas onal Looking for a Great Summer Job? The Ben & Jerry’s Factory Tour is seeking fun-loving, outgoing individuals to fill the following positions at our Waterbury Plant. All folks must be friendly, energetic, enthusiastic and able to work in a fast-paced environment. Individuals should be strong team players and possess excellent communication and customer service skills.

TOUR HO STS (25 ) We’re looking for folks to deliver 30-minute tours of our ice cream factory to groups of up to 40 people. Tour Hosts will also scoop samples for guests, direct vehicles in parking lots, lead outdoor guest activities and clean public areas. If you enjoy spending time with thousands of people from all over the world, working with a great staff and have a passion for public speaking, this could be the perfect job for you.

GI FT H OSTS ( 20) Our Gift store is looking for energetic, experienced retail folks to work in our high-volume fastpaced Gift Store. Additional duties include leading outdoor guest activities and light cleaning. Superior customer service and selling skills with attention to detail and a passion for accuracy are musts.


Online @

If you’re someone who can serve our guests ice cream with a smile, while working quickly and accurately, then our Scoop Shop is for you. Scoop Hosts will also have the opportunity to work in our outside facilities including our retro scoop truck and drink kiosk. Food service experience is a definite plus.

GRO UNDS G URUS (3) We’re looking for a few good folks who love to clean and will help keep our Tour route, grounds and guest areas spotless. Must be able to work in a fast-paced environment at a high-volume tourist attraction. Custodial experience is a definite plus. These temp or ary positions a re av ailable Mid May th rough Mid October 200 5 a nd a re a pproximate ly 20-4 0 hour s p e r wee k. All pos itions re quire e ve ning, h olida y a nd we e kend wor k on a r eg ul ar ba sis. St ar t ing p ay r ang es fro m $8.0 0 to $8.50 pe r h our. B ene fit s includ e discounts in our scoo p sh op and gift st or e and 3 fr ee p int s of ice cre am e ve r y day you wor k!

Ben & J erry ’s Homemade Inc., P.O. B ox 2 40 W aterbur y, Ve rmont 0 5676 Attn: Hos pitality Searc h Be sure to check our Ben & Jerry’s website and our Job Information Line at (802) 846-1543, extension 7584#.



march 23-30, 2005




7D CLASSIFIEDEMPLOYMENT Northeastern Family Institute

NFI, an expanding statewide mental health treatment system for children, adolescents and families, is seeking to fill the following positions:

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR The Community Based Services Program (CBS) is seeking applicants for an Assistant Director Position. CBS provides intensive mental health services to youth and families in Chittenden County. The person hired will be responsible for assisting in the fiscal, clinical and administrative areas of program management and will demonstrate strong leadership skills.This is an excellent opportunity to join a growing team dedicated to providing excellent care in the community to children, youth and families. Master’s degree in social work or a related field and license-eligible preferred. Please submit cover letter and resumé by March 25th to:

NFI Vermont Attn: CBS Program Director 30 Airport Road South Burlington, VT 05403

METAL FABRICATOR Rennline Inc., a small custom job shop seeks experienced fabricator. Must have welding (tig/mig), bending, finishing and forming experience. This is a jack-of-all-trades type position requiring a motivated individual with an eye for detail. CNC experience preferred but not necessary. Pay based on experience. Mail or email resumé to:

Rennline Inc. 1 Tigan St., Winooski, VT 05404

OMNI GROUP is seeking a person who is experienced with programming, web design, marketing and jack-of-alltrades. Vergennes area. 802-877-6950 or email to

EOE To place an employment ad call Michelle Brown 865-1020 x 21

DEVELOPMENT HOME PROVIDERS Are you looking for a rewarding job that allows you to work at home?

Since 1977, Burton Snowboards has been driven to create the best snowboarding equipment in the world. We believe in a strong work ethic and are committed to working as a team to achieve our goals and can truly say this is appreciated by everyone in the company.

FINANCIAL ANALYST The Financial Analyst will participate in the budgeting and forecasting process on a global basis with a focus on all aspects of the P&L for the Burton Corporation and subsidiaries. This role will also include maintaining P&L modeling and the Profitability Analysis (PA) system, preparing and analyzing financial tracking reports and value-added analysis. Additionally, this individual will participate in the P&L preparation, summary overviews, and other analysis and duties as assigned. This position requires a Bachelor’s degree in business, accounting or finance and at least five years related experience. Strong PC skills including, but not limited to Access, Excel, Word, Microsoft Outlook are necessary as well. Extensive experience with Microsoft Excel is required. Experience with SAP and/or Hyperion is desired.

DIGITAL PRINT PROJECT MANAGER (GRAVIS) The Digital Print Project Manager will manage Gravis print projects from conception through delivery, including project scheduling, resource management, asset management, and client relationships. Qualified candidates will have at least four years of experience managing and producing a wide array of print media including collateral, advertising, signage, promotional materials, packaging and tradeshows. Preferred candidates will have knowledge of the printing process, pre-production, photography, color correction, image retouching, on-press approvals and global distribution. Solid knowledge of QuarkXPress, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, MS Office, Outlook and file transfer methods is required.

INTERNET PROJECT MANAGER (TEMPORARY) Our in-house Media Services group designs, develops and maintains business and consumer websites. We need an experienced PM to manage Web projects from conception to completion. The qualified person will collaborate with creative and development teams, manage client relationships, review briefs and build project plans. Specific experience with current Web/Internet technologies is preferred. We require strong attention to detail, team collaboration and excellent communication skills. Must have a Bachelor’s degree, 2+ years of Project Management or related experience, and working knowledge of MS Office and MS Project. This position is temporary and will run from April until November.

WEB DEVELOPER (TEMPORARY) Our Web development group is looking for a Microsoft Web developer with 2-3 years of experience working with ASP.NET, ASP, JavaScript, (X) HTML, CSS, and SQL. Experience working with the entire Microsoft development platform including; Windows 98/NT/2K/XP, Visual Studio, Visual Studio .NET, SQL Server, and Visual SourceSafe is required. Strong communication skills and a solid foundation in Object Oriented Programming and procedural programming experience preferred. This is a temporary assignment and will run from April until July.

Community Associates is looking for thoughtful and dependable Addison County residents to provide homes and support to persons with developmental disabilities. Both positions offer excellent tax-free compensation, generous respite funds, room-and-board payments, ongoing training, and a supportive team. We currently have openings for the following individuals: – Vergennes-area home provider sought for happy and loving woman in her early 40's who enjoys shopping, crafts, and attending church and other social events. Your home needs to be wheelchair accessible or able to be made so. The ability to lift and provide in-home personal care support necessary. – Addison County home sought for an artistic 27-year-old man who has a job, involved family, lots of friends and participates in Special Olympics. Ideal match would be a couple or single adult who enjoys an active lifestyle or an active family with older children. Experience required. Please send letter of inquiry and resumé to:

Community Associates, attn: DH Search 61 Court Street, Middlebury, VT 05753 EOE

PPNNE’s mission is to provide, promote and protect voluntary choices about reproductive health for all.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/GRANTS SPECIALIST Immediate opening for an Accounts Receivable/Grants Specialist, full-time (37.50 hours weekly), in our Williston office. Perform accounts receivable/cash receipts duties, balance sheet account reconciliation, grant tracking & billing, and provide support to accounts payable. Minimal travel required. Qualifications include an Associate’s degree in accounting and 1-2 years relevant experience (or the equivalent), plus thorough knowledge of Microsoft Office products (Excel, Word, Outlook, etc.) and computer data entry, familiarity with basic accounting principles and methods, and commitment to excellent customer service and satisfaction. Requires a team orientation with willingness to participate in constant and ongoing feedback with colleagues, along with excellent communication and organizational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to deal effectively with a wide range of individuals. Competitive benefit package available including health, dental, life, retirement, and PPNNE health care services. To work in our customer-focused, continuous learning environment, please respond with cover letter, resumé and salary requirements by March 25th to:

To apply, email cover letter & resumé to Burton offers competitive salaries and benefits including: health and welfare, 401(k) retirement plan, flexible spending plans, paid vacation, great product discounts, and health-club reimbursement, all in a fun and casual atmosphere.

PPNNE Director of Finance 183 Talcott Road, Suite 101 Williston, Vermont 05495 or email

of Northern New England

Proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer




march 23-30, 2005




BOOKKEEPER Experienced part-time bookkeeper needed for busy, casual office. Knowledge of accounts payable, accounts receivable and general ledger necessary. Duties include accounts payable, monthly journal entries and oversight of general ledger. Work closely with accounts receivable department. Some other administrative duties may be assigned as necessary. Please send cover letter and resumé to:

255 South Champlain Street Burlington, VT 05401 or email to: No phone calls, please.

Come and see why so many people enjoy working with us!

7:30am-1:30pm & 4:30-7:30pm Flexible schedule, no experience necessary. Will train the right person.

DISHWASHERS/PREP COOKS, part-time 4:30-7:30pm To apply, stop in at 185 Pine Haven Shore Rd., Shelburne or call 985-9847, ask for Margaret.

MORTGAGE LOAN ORIGINATOR Do you think outside the box? Are you especially good at establishing and maintaining relationships? Are you detail-oriented, creative, hardworking and motivated? Spruce Mortgage, a progressive leader in residential mortgages since 1995 has openings for mortgage originators. Experience preferred. Commission-based position with great earning potential. Resumé to:

Spruce Mortgage Search Committee 346 Shelburne Road, Suite G Burlington, VT 05401

SALES PROFESSIONAL: If you like to have fun and want a job that you will look forward to going to every day, then consider working with the Sales Team at the Best Western Windjammer Inn. We are in search of the perfect addition to our team. Our 158-room hotel, conference center, restaurant and pub need an experienced (5 years or more) sales professional to join our sales team. If you have strong communication skills, are self directed, well organized and can work flexible hours, then send your resumé to:

Online @

Jeanette Fournier, HR Mgr. Windjammer Hospitality Group 1076 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403 email:

Prevent Child Abuse Vermont seeks a Sexual Abuse Prevention Program Trainer/Coordinator for childcare providers and parents of young children. Knowledge of child sexual abuse prevention strategies excellent training skills, early childhood development, and creativity required. We’re looking for a wellorganized professional, willing to travel the state. Must have reliable transportation. Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education, Human Services Education or related field required. Send cover letter, resumé and 3 references to:

SEARCH • PO Box 829 Montpelier, VT 05601-0829 • EOE Online @

(Formerly known as Vermont Development Credit Union) Looking for a high energy position with a growing organization? Opportunities Credit Union has key openings for highly motivated team players. Opportunities prides itself in its award-winning service and mission of building wealth, community and opportunity through a fair and affordable financial system.

Mortgage Specialist The Mortgage Specialist interviews loan applicants, analyzes their financial status and determines mortgage eligibility. Responsible for walking borrower through mortgage application process, answering questions, and facilitating processing and closing of loan. He/she assists borrowers in making final decisions as they relate to mortgage financing, and is comfortable describing programs and restrictions. Position requires promotion of credit union products, generating new and maintaining current referral sources. Excellent customer service, solid interpersonal skills, comfort with office automation and financial software, an understanding of financial products and services, innovative problem-solving skills, and the ability to handle change in a positive manner all required.

Outreach and Education Counselor This person works with motivated applicants to achieve their personal financial goals. The ideal candidate will be comfortable working one-on-one with individuals to identify methods of repairing credit and building assets, while providing mortgage and homeownership education. Excellent customer service skills, responsiveness, ability to identify and resolve problems, and maintaining confidentiality required. Ideal candidate will have experience in banking, counseling or collections. Bachelor’s or Associate’s degree in Community Development or related field helpful.

Outreach and Education VISTA

We make a difference in health care. So can you! Make a difference as a Licensed Nursing Assistant. Train with Professional Nurses Service. Professional Nurses Service is offering a Licensed Nursing Assistant training class starting on May 2, 2005. *Being a student in this class is not contingent upon becoming an employee. To learn more or register, call Priscilla today!

802-655-7111 or 1-800-446-8773 EOE

This is a new position with a 1-year commitment. The Outreach and Education VISTA will customize and promote financial literacy programs for low-to-moderate income individuals. They will coordinate customizing our financial education seminars, as well as recruitment and tracking for this program. Candidate will modify and promote our financial literacy program for individuals with disabilities and strengthen existing partnerships with related organizations. Excellent customer service and organizational skills required. Experience using Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint necessary. Stipend provided.

Loan Servicing Administrator This person is responsible for supporting the Lending Department. Some of the responsibilities include servicing member loans, maintaining member files, post-loan closing quality control and departmental reporting. Ideal applicant will be a multitasker who possesses great attention to detail and accuracy, is responsive and efficient, and will learn quickly in a fast-paced environment.

Part-Time Tellers We are looking for part-time and seasonal tellers who can work flexible hours (10-15 hours per week and/or full-time during the summer). Ability to work with customers in a friendly and professional manner. Competitive salary and excellent benefits package, including generous combined time-off policy. Please reply for specific positions with cover letter and resumé to or mail to Human Resources, Opportunities Credit Union, 18 Pearl Street, Burlington, VT 05401.



march 23-30, 2005




7D CLASSIFIEDEMPLOYMENT CHAMPLAIN VALLEY UNION HIGH SCHOOL Youth Advocate and Career Coach Help high school students develop goals, learn about their community and try-out and get great jobs in local businesses. We need a part-time (21 hours/wk + 11 months year) employee to join our great Community Skills Program staff based at Champlain Valley Union High School. Please apply immediately if you’ve got a great attitude and energy, experience with teens, a reliable vehicle, and are up for an adventure! Rate is $10-$12 hour, mileage reimbursed, some benefits.

Viewer Service Represe ntat ive

Seeking an energetic and enthusiastic individual to respond to viewer calls and letters, research and resolve viewer problems, cultivate members, write correspondence and reports, and prepare mailings. Computer and organizational skills are essential; Web experience desirable. High school diploma required. College degree and two years related experience preferred. Please submit cover letter and resumé to:

Apply with a letter of interest, resumé and 3 references to:

Ve rmo nt Pub l ic Te lev i sio n, A ttn: HR De partment 2 204 Ethan A ll en Av enue, Co l cheste r, V T 05446

Chittenden South Supervisory Union, Attn: H.R. Dept. 5420 Shelburne Road, Suite 300, Shelburne, VT 05482

Vermont ETV, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer

Need to place an employment ad? Call Michelle Brown 865-1020 x 21 e





























Celebrating 20 Years of Family Support and Parent Leadership.


Part-time Seeking energetic, organized, self-starter who will provide day-to-day office support to the Family, Infant and Toddler Program. Responsibilities include data entry, scheduling, producing reports and general correspondences. Ideal candidate will possess strong data entry, communication, and organizational skills. Must be proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Access. Experience required. 24 hours/week. Letter of interest, resumé, and 3 references by March 30, 2005 to:

Human Resources, Parent to Parent of Vermont 600 Blair Park Rd., Suite #240 Williston, VT 05495 Fax: 802-764-5297 Email: EOE

Telecommunications Inter-Carrier Wholesale Billing Specialist We are seeking a client-focused professional to join our Financial Assurance team. This individual will be responsible for delivering project results on time and within client expectations. The position involves significant client interfacing and detailed analytical ability. Experience in the telecommunication industry a must. Knowledge of payable invoice processing, dispute reconciliation, settlement management and an understanding of interconnect/wholesale agreements required. Qualified candidates must possess a minimum of 3 - 5 years experience in telecommunication payables processing, strong interpersonal and communication skills, BA/BS degree and robust PC skills.

Telecommunications Carrier Billing Specialist We are seeking a client-focused professional to join our Financial Assurance team. This individual will be responsible for delivering project results on time and within client expectations. The position involves significant client interfacing and detailed analytical skills in carrier invoicing, auditing and dispute reconciliation. Experience in the telecommunications industry a must. Knowledge of SS7, AMA, CDR formats, mediation, rating and billing of measured usage traffic is required. Qualified candidates must possess a minimum of 3-5 years experience in switch usage work, strong interpersonal and communication skills, BA/BS degree and robust PC skills. Please send resumé to or 463 Mountain View Dr. Colchester, VT 05446 E.O.E.

Express Wellness


Busy Shelburne



Vertek Corporation, a leading provider of telecommunications services to domestic and international CLEC, Resellers and Tier 1 Carriers since 1988, is seeking professionals to join our growing team.


Part-time, 25 hours Family, Infant and Toddler Program of Chittenden County Assist in the coordination of early intervention services in Chittenden County. Coordinator will: conduct home visits, assist in the development of early intervention service plans, coordinate services and communicate with multiple agencies and school districts. Ideal candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience; knowledge of family-centered care, early childhood development and community resources for families with young children; strong communication skills; and family experience with a child with special needs. Must be proficient in Microsoft Word.

Chiropractic office with strong ideals seeking a full-time

EXAM ASSISTANT to juggle three things at once,

keep a smile and

treat our patients like royalty on their journey to wellness.

Call 802-985-8901




march 23-30, 2005



EMPLOYMENT BARTENDING SCHOOL MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN: Full-time, immediate opening. Looking for someone with a strong background in all aspects of carpentry. Must be able to work flexible hours, have a valid driver’s license and good driving record. Experience in other general maintenance skills helpful. Must enjoy working around the public and have a friendly, professional manner. We offer year-round employment, benefits and a competitive wage.

Apply in person to:


The Growing Place is searching for an experienced Toddler Teacher. Degree/CDA preferred. The right person will have a great sense of humor, love to laugh and play and be willing to further their education and knowledge. Please call 802-879-2525 or send resumé to:


Best Western Hotel 1076 Williston Road South Burlington, VT 05403


Program Staff

n Hands-on Training n National Certification n Job Assistance

Toddler Teacher

The Boys & Girls Club of Burlington seeks part-time staff for our after-school program for youth in grades 4-9. Responsibilities include supervising youth and helping to implement programs. Prior experience with youth is preferred and a passionate commitment to quality youth development services is a must. Incumbents must be first-aid and CPR certified.

Flexible, independent contractor position in your area. Recruit and interview potential host families for yearlong cultural/child care experience. Advise and coordinate activities for international au pairs. Flexible hours. Work from home. Excellent opportunity for computer literate person with excellent people skills or experience with international cultural work. Submit letter and resumé describing qualifications to:

Maria, Au Pair In America fax (203) 399-5592 or

DEVELOPMENTAL HOME Looking for single woman with no children in Franklin County to share home/apartment with young, energetic woman with developmental disability. Young woman desires independence balanced with some supervision. Will become part of person’s team and receive generous stipend. Contact Anne Ives at 802868-3523 ext. 238.

NCSS, HR Dept., 107 Fisher Pond Rd., St. Albans, VT 05478 E.O.E.

Send cover letter and resumé to: Boys & Girls Club of Burlington, c/o Shannon Dixon 62 Oak Street, Burlington, VT 05401

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Seeking organized team player to support fundraising efforts. Responsibilities include database maintenance, mailing production, reception backup, and marketing administrative support. Ability to multitask and work independently in enthusiastic and supportive environment. Expertise with Word, Excel and database programs essential; PageMaker skills helpful. Please submit cover letter and resumé by April 8 to: Christie Hammach United Way of Chittenden County 95 St. Paul St., Ste. 210 Burlington, VT 05401 EOE

4 employment BURLINGTON-BASED GENERAL CONTRACTOR looking for insured, experienced builders. Bombard Construction Services, 863-6134. BURLINGTON-BASED TOURING BAND seeks merchandise seller for Southeast/ Midwest tour. Dates: 4/84/24, expenses paid. Call Neil, 802-373-6362. CAFE COUNTER HELP: Looking for prof., ambitious and personable team players. Unique café in a beautiful environment. Apply at Four Seasons Garden Center or email resumé togarden CAMP MEADE DINER opening soon. Servers and dishwashers. Full- and/or part-time breakfast shift. 802-223-2292. CARPENTER: Experienced, year-round benefits. Local company. Call 802-862-8497.

CARPENTERS WANTED: Contractor seeks experienced, hardworking carpenters frame to finish. Tools not necessary. “Finish only” carpenters need not apply. Full-time, year-round. 309-1117. CENTRAL VERMONT EXPANDING CONSTRUCTION company in search of a working lead concrete superintendent, for residential concrete foundation installations. This is a state-of-theart, new division, groundfloor opportunity with unlimited potential. Must be well organized with attention to schedule, budget and details. Estimating abilities a plus. Knowledge of contract requirements, construction sequencing, methods and materials required. Generous compensation and benefits. Fax resumé in confidence to 802-496-2212.

CONSTRUCTION/SKI TECH: Are you looking for a career change or career advancement? Are you hardworking, good w/people and enjoy working w/a small group? Do you enjoy working outside in the summer and in a ski service shop in the winter? If this interests you, call David, 864-6370. NS. DISTRIBUTOR/SALES REP: Local, established delivery route. We pay the most! Part-time. Every other Friday. If you’re motivated by exc. $, are 21+ and have a vehicle, call 1-800-950-4227 for full info. DOGGIE DAYCARE now hiring! Athletic, hardworking individuals. AM shift avail. and outside positions avail. Apply in person. Rte. 59, Industrial Ave., Williston.

ESTABLISHED BOAT YARD looking for experienced worker to join our team in the repair and maintenance of wood and fiberglass boats. Required skills incl. painting, woodworking and fiberglassing. Full-time, yearround employment avail. Must have strong work ethic and willingness to perform a variety of tasks. Call 425-2004. EXPERIENCED PAINTER: Great painting position, year-round, benefits. Northeast Construction, 862-8497. FLOWER SALES, PLANT MAINTENANCE AND NURSERY WORK: Sales training provided. Honest, hardworking, motivated individuals only. Organic, refreshing environment. Oakwood Farms, Essex Junction. Please call Rosemary, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., 878-7587.

LANDSCAPE LEAD WORKER: Skilled and experienced with people, plants, carpentry and masonry. Competitive wage, full-season work. Please send resumé and references to 5A Hilltop Dr., Jericho, VT 05465. PRESCHOOL TEACHER at small center. Full-time and part-time. Call Christine, 862-4430 or 863-1446. SEASONAL SALES: Full-time position, flexible hours, no previous experience necessary, will train. Call Ann Roche Casual Furniture for appointment, 985-5300. SPEEDER AND EARL’S is looking for morning and afternoon baristas for its Burlington and Essex Junction locations. Please apply in person at 412 Pine St., Burlington.

SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL careers: Good Point Recycling provides electronics recycling services across the Northeast. Join our local team of motivated individuals addressing worldwide concerns. Two positions open: Class B CDL truck driver, and/or computer testing and sorting (degree preferred). Part-time or fulltime. Applicants must be able to consistently lift 50 lbs. Call 802-382-8500 or send resumé to PO Box 1010, Middlebury, VT 05753. Visit our website, www.good Women and minorities are highly encouraged to apply. EOE. WORK AT HOME: Earn $450-$1500 monthly parttime, $2000-$4500 full-time. 256-268-0010.

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