7 Nights
The Seven Days Guide to Vermont Restaurants & Bars 2013-14
Dry Aged Local Steak Casual Comfort Fare Craft Cocktails 1633 WILLISTON ROAD, SO. BTV
Award-Winning Local Burgers Craft Beer & Select Spirits 160 Bank Street BTV FARMHOUSETG.COM
THREE RESTAURANTS, ONE VISION Supporting the growth of local food systems with inspired farm-to-table dining & cuisine. www.farmhousegroup.com
wn Best beer to nd a in New Enlogble
Best New Restaurant 2012
- Boston G
Featuring New England’s largest & best curated selection of craft beer, proper cocktails, eclectic wines with a full menu featuring barbecue, veggie and creative Americana fare.
Including beers from Hill Farmstead, Lawson’s Finest Liquids and The Alchemist “Heady Topper”
Lunch Fri, Sat & Sun
Chalkboard brunch specials
23 South Main Street, Waterbury, Vermont
2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012 Winner “Best Pizza Outside Chittenden County” Seven Days
EdiTORs Margot Harrison, Paula Routly sPOTLiGHTs Corin Hirsch, Alice Levitt LisTiNGs Corin Hirsch, Alice Levitt PROOfREadER Kate O’Neill aRT diRECTOR Diane Sullivan PROdUCTiON MaNaGER John James dEsiGNERs Brooke Bousquet, Andrew Sawtell PHOTOGRaPHERs Tom McNeill, Sarah Priestap, Vyto Starinskas, Matthew Thorsen, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur CiRCULaTiON Steve Hadeka aCCOUNT ExECUTiVEs Robyn Birgisson, Michael Bradshaw, Michelle Brown, Colby Roberts, Emily Rose 7 Nights is published annually by Seven Days newspaper and is distributed free of charge in Greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, the Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, the Upper Valley and Plattsburgh.
© 2013 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.
P.O. Box 1164 Burlington, VT 05402 T 802.864.5684 F 802.865.1015 E info@sevendaysvt.com W sevendaysvt.com DISCLAIMER: Though it aims to be accurate and comprehensive, 7 Nights may be missing some restaurants, bars or nightclubs because they declined to participate or did not meet the requirements for inclusion. Don’t look for McDonald’s or Burger King in these pages; 7 Nights is a celebration of indigenous eating and entertainment — not venti-sized chains. If we left out your favorite local place or made a mistake in a listing, email us at sevennights@sevendaysvt.com.
en years ago, we rolled out the very first 7 Nights with a festive cover and a nod to the “organic farmers, vintners, artisan bakers, cheese makers and specialty-food producers” who have made Vermont a food-lover’s mecca. 7 Nights was our way of recognizing and celebrating Vermont’s farm-to-fork ethos, an annotated guide to navigating the burgeoning scene. My, how it’s grown. A decade on, our burgs are attracting more talented chefs than ever, and a healthy crop of farmers supply them with fresh veggies, cheeses and meats. An expanding immigrant population is giving Vermonters a taste of the world, from Middle Eastern shish taouk and shirin polo to Korean bibimbap and bulgogi. Each year, we check in with hundreds of restaurant and bar owners across the state as we compile the most up-to-date, comprehensive guide to restaurants and bars in Vermont. A few trends always emerge. This year, one seems to be a proliferation of pizza — high-end pies, that is. In Burlington, we didn’t think it could get any better than American Flatbread. Then Pizzeria Verità came along with delicious Neapolitan pies. New wood-fired pizzerias — some featuring farm-fresh toppings — have also popped up in Waterbury, Woodstock and Bellows Falls. Another trend? Vermont is saucier than ever. There are so many new craft breweries, cider makers, wineries and microdistilleries, we’ve doubled the size of that section — it begins on page 132 with a spotlight on Citizen Cider, the entrepreneurial Essex company that is helping revive New England’s long-dormant hard-cider tradition. Hot spots come and go — and we’re not just talking restaurants. After bouncing back from Tropical Storm Irene, Waterbury is getting national ink as a watering hole for hard-core craft-beer drinkers; hard-to-find Heady Topper and beers from Hill Farmstead Brewery can be found around town. Tucked up in the Northeast Kingdom, Newport is becoming a culinary destination thanks to Jay Peak Resort’s expansion. Seven Days readers get a steady diet of such food news, but they may not realize that a lot of the intel comes from users of 7 Nights online, a virtual space where diners post reviews of their eating experiences at any time of day or night. Check it out online at www.7nvt.com. A decade ago, 500 establishments had annotated listings in 7 Nights; this edition offers more than 900 places to choose from. Now more than ever, Vermont is an unparalleled place to nibble, sip and explore. Dig in.
ON THE COVER: xxxx photo: XX
Don’t forget: More than 100 eateries are participating in the fourth annual VERMONT REsTaURaNT WEEk from April 26 to May 5, 2013. It’s the perfect opportunity to check out that place you’ve been meaning to try — from Burlington to Rutland, Newport to the Upper Valley. With multicourse, prix-fixe menus priced at $15, $25 and $35, there’s something for every taste and budget — so hit the road and raise a glass to spring, Vermont’s bounty and a new edition of 7 Nights.
ON THE COVER: 3 Squares Café, Vergennes
champlain islands/ norThwesT
sTowe/ smuggs area
norTheasT kingdom
upper valley
ruTland area
middlebury area
waTerbury/ mad river valley
barre/ monTpelier area
chiTTenden counTy
beer, cider, wine & spiriTs
photo: matthew thorsen
7 NiGHTs: THE sEVEN days GUidE TO VERMONT REsTaURaNTs & BaRs | 2013-14 | sEVENdaysVT.COM
celebraTing 6 years in business
Thai House Restaurant Thank you To all our faiThful cusTomers!
giFT CerTiFiCATeS AvAilABle ******** deliveRy CATering
BRing youR own BeeR & wine ******** MuST be 21 oR oldeR
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Lunch: Mon-Sat, 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Dinner: Mon-Sat, 4-9 p.m. • Call for seasonal hours.
St. Johnsbury
Road Trip!
Take a ride around Vermont with 7 Nights and try restaurants and bars from Brattleboro to St. Albans. Driving directions and Google maps are available online for 950+ locations. »Visit sevendaysvt.com (click “7 Nights”).
Swanton, North Hero, South Hero, St. Albans, Grand Isle Johnson, Cambridge, Morrisville, Jeffersonville
Hardwick, Lyndonville, Greensboro, Newport, Jay Woodstock, White River Junction, Randolph, Quechee Killington, Brandon, Castleton, Mendon Bristol, Vergennes, Ferrisburgh, New Haven Waitsfield, Warren, Fayston, Rochester
Northfield, Plainfield, Marshfield, Berlin, Brookfield
Shelburne, Williston, South Burlington, Hinesburg, Colchester, Essex Junction, Jericho, Winooski
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Call for details on this fantastic package.
The Lyme Inn
Accommodations K Libations K Victuals Our Tavern is open Wednesday through Sunday 5 to 10 pm and for Sunday brunch 11:30 to 2:30 pm.
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Outstanding Cuisine 26 Romantic Rooms Business Retreats Destination Weddings
MIMMO’S mimmo’sPIZZERIA pizzeria RESTAURANT restaurant
22 22S. S.Main MainSt., St.,St. St.Albans, Albans,524-2244 524-2244 Pizza Pizzapurists puristsmay mayclaim claimthere thereare areno nodecent decentpies piesnorth northofof the theBig BigApple, Apple,but butaavisit visitto toDomenico DomenicoSpano’ Spano’ssplace placewill will open opentheir theireyes eyes——and andtheir theirmouths. mouths. Th e Puglia The Puglianative nativewas wasstill stillininhis histwenties twentieswhen whenhe he moved ve tables, movedto toSt. St.Albans Albansand andopened openedaapizzeria pizzeriawith withfifive tables, aakiller killermarinara marinararecipe, recipe,and andaamenu menuof ofclassic classicpizzas pizzasand and red-sauce red-saucefavorites. favorites. Eighteen Eighteenyears yearsand andthousands thousandsofofpies pieslater, later,not notonly onlyisis Mimmo’ Mimmo’ssPizzeria PizzeriaRestaurant Restaurantstill stillopen, open,it’it’ssthriving thriving——most most likely likelybecause becauseofofthe thepizza, pizza,with withits itsthin, thin,chewy chewycrust; crust;fresh, fresh, melted meltedmozzarella; mozzarella;and andsweet, sweet,red-wine-seasoned red-wine-seasonedmarinara marinara sauce. ere are sauce.Th There areno nosigns signsofofbeets, beets,goat goatcheese cheeseor orany anyother other hipster hipstertoppings toppingsat atthis thistraditional traditionaleatery eaterythat thatinterprets interprets Old OldCountry Countrycuisine cuisinethrough throughItalian ItalianAmerican Americaneyes. eyes. Photos:MATTHEW matthewTHORSEN thorsen PHOTOS:
Route 2, North Hero, VT 802 372 4732 www.northherohouse.com
Hero House12.indd 1
St. Albans neighborhood cafe Breakfast, Lunch & Dessert cosmicbakery.com (802) 524 0800
3/28/12 3:31 PM
Pizza Pizzaseems seemsto toend endup upon onalmost almostevery everytable tableat atthe the always-busy always-busyMimmo’ Mimmo’ss, ,the thekind kindof ofsmall-town small-townrestaurant restaurant where wheretoddlers toddlersininhighchairs highchairsplay playwith withspaghetti spaghettiwhile while their theirgrandparents grandparentstuck tuckinto intocrispy, crispy,buttery butterygarlic garlicbread. bread. Young nds something ll up Youngor orold, old,everyone everyonefifinds somethingto tofifill upon onhere here—— from froman anoozing oozingplate plateof ofbaked bakedziti zitito tothe theto-die-for to-die-forlasagna lasagna pizza pizzatopped toppedwith withcreamy creamydollops dollopsof ofricotta ricottacheese cheeseand and curls curlsof offennel-laced fennel-lacedsausage. sausage. Pizza Pizzanaysayers naysayersare arespoiled spoiledfor forchoice, choice,too, too,with withoptions options ranging from vinegary Italian subs bursting with ranging from vinegary Italian subs bursting withsalami salami and andprovolone provoloneto tooversize oversizeportions portionsof ofchicken chickenMarsala Marsala smothered smotheredwith withmushrooms mushroomsininaadelightfully delightfullyboozy boozysauce. sauce. No Noone oneleaves leavesthat thatmuch muchpoorer poorer——Mimmo’ Mimmo’ssprices pricesare are easy easyon onthe thewallet wallet——and andalmost almosteveryone everyonesaves savesroom roomfor for dessert. e fritter-like dessert.Th The fritter-likezeppole, zeppole,dusted dustedwith withpowdered powdered sugar sugarand andserved servedby bythe thedozen, dozen,are aresinfully sinfullydelicious. delicious. CORIN corinHIRSCH hirsch
Breakfast Served All Day, Every Day! • Maple Bacon Belgium Waffles • Traditional Eggs Benedict • Reuben Sandwiches • Hot Roast Turkey and gravy • Giant Maple Sticky Buns • And many more Maple culinary delights!
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4/3/13 3:03 PM
One Federal Street St. AlbAnS • 802.524.0330
champLaiN iSLaNDS/ NorthWESt
AmericAn Contemporary Blue Paddle Bistro 316 route 2, South hero, 372-4814 n meals: Bru, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, veggie-friendly, all-ages music shows n There’s a wooden canoe suspended over the bar at this artsy eatery, known for innovative yet unpretentious cuisine. $$$
The Inn 241 main St., montgomery center, 326-4391 n closed: mon., tues., Wed.; meal: D; full bar n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Three fireplaces warm this hip reimagining of a hunting lodge. The international pub menu includes classic dishes as interpreted by chef Connie Warden. $$
North Hero House Inn & Restaurant 3643 route 2, North hero, 372-4732 n meals: B, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music n Friendly staff and a romantic setting overlooking Lake Champlain set this inn-restaurant apart. The kitchen is committed to local, seasonal ingredients. $$$
Shore Acres Inn and Restaurant 237 Shore acres Dr., North hero, 372-8722 n meal: D; full bar n reserv. rec., seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Every table at this waterfront restaurant has a view of Lake Champlain. The cuisine is prepared using farmfresh products. $$$
Diner Maple City Diner 17 Swanton rd., St. albans, 528-8400 n meals: B, L, D n veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This diner earns its name with specialties including maple-cinnamon buns and a bacon waffle topped with maple butter. $
St. Albans Diner 8 Swanton rd., St. albans, 528-8505 n meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n Head to this diner for hearty seafood dinners or healthy wraps. The breakfast menu includes three kinds of French toast. $
SnaCk barS/CartS
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
vermont restaurant Week 2013 Location
Jeff’s Restaurant
Chester’s Bakery
1692 E. Berkshire rd., richford, 933-6630 n meals: L, D n cash/check only, outdoor seating, seasonal, games n On the Canadian border, this snack bar makes great burgers and poutine. Stay for a free round of minigolf. Open from Easter to Labor Day. $
65 N. main St., St. albans, 524-6135 n closed: Sun.; meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n This seafood spot serves Maine lobster, pecan-crusted salmon and, on Friday, prime rib. The adjacent Jeff’s Market sells fresh fish and prepared foods. $$$
15 North rd., Fairfield, 827-3974 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, L n cash/ check only, veggie-friendly n Everything is homemade here, from the famous breakfast sandwiches to comfort foods such as ham-andcheese pockets, baked beans and lasagna. Friday is pizza and calzone night. $
Shaggy’s Snack Bar
One Federal
Country Pantry Diner
1 Federal St., St. albans, 524-0330 n meals: Bru, L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n At this steakhouse and culinary emporium, start with beer-battered frickles, then go for seared bison strip steak. Save room for dessert from the bakery. $$
951 main St., Fairfax, 849-0599 n closed: mon.; meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggiefriendly n From pancakes and eggs Benedict for breakfast to baconwrapped meat loaf and chicken carbonara, everything is made fresh, including the bread. Seafood specials every Friday. $$
Cosmic Bakery & Café
Ruthcliffe Lodge and Restaurant
The Crossing
30 S. main St., St. albans, 524-0800 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, L; beer & wine n delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This café offers homemade bagels, sandwiches, soups, chefmade lunch specials and pastries complemented by fair-trade coffee, craft beers and wine. $
1002 Quarry rd., isle La motte, 928-3200 n meals: B, Bru, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, veggiefriendly, wi-fi n Boaters from both sides of the border come here for the catch of the day — not to mention Belgian waffles, “Shrimp Marco” and local-berry pie. $$$$
Pine Cone Snack Bar
109 First St., Swanton, 868-2021 n meals: L, D n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Longtime owner Joe Desrochers makes the pizza dough fresh daily. In the summer, sit at a picnic table with your burger and fries. $
Soup ’n’ SanDwiCh
Hero’s Welcome 3537 route 2, North hero, 372-4161 n meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Specializing in Vermont-y sandwiches such as the “Ethan Allen,” this upscale general store and deli is popular with boaters and bikers. Breakfast in winter only. $
Tatro’s Gourmet Soup and Sandwich 14 Kingman St., St. albans, 524-7444 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, L, D n delivery, gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Need a quick bite in St. Albans? Johnson & Wales grad Gary Tatro offers innumerable fast-fare options, prepared fresh daily. Try the pulled-pork sub, the meat loaf panino or a classic deli sandwich. $
SteakhouSeS/ SeafooD Bayside Pavilion 15 georgia Shore rd., St. albans, 524-0909 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, dance floor, live music, pool, tv n Customers patronize this steakhouse for its bay-side location, bacon-wrapped tenderloin and seafood cioppino. Live music and DJs every weekend. $$
traDitional Abbey Restaurant and Pub 6212 route 105, Enosburg Falls, 9334747 n meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, reserv. rec., salad bar, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, darts, games, live music, pool, tv n A banquet hall, restaurant and pub under one roof. Get a taco salad in the pub or prime rib and poutine in the restaurant. $$
Bernie’s Restaurant 72 main St., montgomery center, 326-4682 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n At this casual eatery, sample classic American dishes from hand-cut steaks to burgers. $$
The Black Lantern Inn 2057 N. main St., montgomery, 326-3269 n closed: tues.; meals: Bru, D; full bar n wi-fi, tv n Handmade pasta and fresh seafood are attractions at this country inn’s upscale dining room. The Irish-style pub offers comfort food, as well as 30 whiskeys. $$
14 province St., richford, 848-3393 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n The service is warm and the encyclopedic menu runs the gamut, from burgers and peanut-butter sandwiches to lobster tail and prime rib. $$
Dairy Center Restaurant and Champion Sports Tavern 2445 Sampsonville rd., Enosburg Falls, 933-2030 n meals: B, L, LN; full bar n all you can eat, gluten-free opts., salad bar, veggie-friendly, wifi, dance floor, karaoke, games, live music, pool, pub quiz/trivia, tv n Eat, go bowling and stay the night? You can do it all here. Order the buffet or go à la carte. Nighttime eats such as wings and burgers are served in the tavern Monday to Saturday. $
Enosburg Falls Country Club Restaurant 53 Elm St., Enosburg Falls, 933-2296 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Views of the picturesque green dominate indoors and out. Lunchtime panini feature house-roasted meats and fresh bread. The dinner menu changes nightly. $
Halvy’s Cafe 355 main St., Enosburg Falls, 9334471 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: L, D; full bar n Regulars and Jay-bound skiers come for sandwiches, wraps and Mexican fare. The burger meat is ground at the butcher shop next door, and fries are hand cut. $
AMERICAN » 7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
champlain islands/ northwest « american
Harley D’s 366 lake rd., st. albans, 527-3997 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: l, d; beer & wine n Lawyers and bikers alike go for angus burgers and country-fried steak at this motorcycle-themed family restaurant. $$
Joey’s Junction Bakery and Café 2865 route 78, highgate center, 279-8303 n closed: mon.; meals: B, l, d n outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly n There’s a maple shop, art gallery and eatery that serves burgers, fries and breakfast all day. in summer, try the frozen maple custard. $
My-T-Fine 159 route 7, swanton, 868-9104 n closed: mon.; meals: B, l, d; full bar n salad bar n Try the extensive salad bar, house-roasted turkey or seasonal specials such as chicken quesadillas. no dinner Sunday. $$
Steamship Pier Bar & Grill 3643 route 2, north hero, 372-4732 n closed: sun., mon., tues.; meals: l, d; full bar n outdoor seating, seasonal, vegan-friendly n at this pier on Lake champlain, nosh on salads, burgers, pulled-pork sandwiches and lobster rolls. Wash it all down with a microbrew or piña colada. Open July to Labor Day. $$
Warner’s Family Dining 499 route 7, st. albans, 527-2377 n meals: l, d n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, salad bar, seasonal, veggie-friendly n This spot offers fresh, homemade american classics including mac-and-cheese, meat loaf, burgers and fries. The fixin’s on the salad bar are made fresh daily. $
Zach’s Café at the Gallery 259 route 2, Grand isle, 378-4591 n closed: mon., tues., wed.; meals: Bru, l, d; beer & wine n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n inside this gallery — featuring work from Vermont artists — art lovers can enjoy meals made with local ingredients. $$$
asian chiNese Big Wok 143 First st., swanton, 868-5888 n meals: l, d n Feast on General Tso’s or sweet-and-sour chicken. $
China Wok Buffet 139 n. main st., st. albans, 527-2278 n meals: l, d; full bar n all you can eat n This spot is known for its lunch and dinner buffets. Kids eat for half price. $
Panda China 235 swanton rd., st. albans, 5247788 n meal: d; full bar n all you can eat, delivery n This restaurant offers a buffet or full service. On the weekend, dinner goes for $8.95 per person — a dollar cheaper during the week. $
JapaNese Yama Japanese Restaurant 133 n. main st., st. albans, 524-6660 n meals: l, d; beer & wine n veggiefriendly, wi-fi n This Japanese steakhouse also offers teriyaki, tempura and creative sushi. $$
paN-asiaN Eastern Dragon 16 s. main st., st. albans, 527-9800 n meals: l, d; beer & wine n You can get sushi and sashimi here, along with all of the chinese classics. $
thai Thai House 333 swanton rd., highgate common shopping center, st. albans, 524-0999 n closed: sun.; meals: l, d; BYoB n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n all the Thai favorites are available here: tom kha soup, pad Thai, pad kee mao and choo chee curry. Open Sunday in summer. $
Warm and genuine, with a creative yet unpretentious flair.
Serving Dinner and Sunday Brunch
(802) 372-4814 | bluepaddlebistro.com Owned and operated by Chef Phoebe R. Bright and Mandy Hotchkiss
AVERAGE ENTRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
Bakeries Foothills Bakery 1123 Main St., Fairfax, 849-6601 n Closed: Sun.; Meals: B, L n cash/ check only, veggie-friendly n Try the soups, salads and sandwiches made with fresh bread and house-baked meats. Fresh muffins, scones, croissants, pies and cakes rub shoulders with hummus, granola and mustard sold by the pound. $
South End Café 4445 Main St., Isle La Motte, 928-3091 n Meals: B, L n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This café in the middle of Hall’s Orchard serves homemade, farm-fresh baked goods and sandwiches. Open daily in summer. $
Wally’s Place — Bagel & Deli 1 Ferry Rd., South Hero, 372-4666 n Meals: B, L n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Sip a cup of Uncommon Grounds coffee, nosh on a bagel, or order a breakfast sandwich made with local eggs. $
Bars, PuBs & CluBs Nightclub Shooters Saloon 30 Kingman St., St. Albans, 527-3777 n full bar n cash/check only, wi-fi, dance floor, darts, karaoke, live music, games, pool, tv, sometimes cover n Between the jukebox and alternating Friday-night bands, this is the place to dance — or check out the four big-screen TVs.
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
McKee’s Island Pub & Pizza
The Belfry 14 Amidon Rd., Montgomery Center, 326-4400 n Meal: D; full bar n all you can eat, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n Located in an old schoolhouse, this pub makes everything from scratch, including dressings, soups and desserts. $$
513 Route 2, South Hero, 372-5454 n Meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, games, tv n Bring the kids for pub food and Italian American specialties. Menu items — such as the top-selling “Keeler Bay grinder” — are named for local landmarks and families. $
H Mimmo’s Pizzeria
euro british/gastroPub Paddington’s Restaurant 195 Route 242, Jay, 326-3232 n Closed: Mon., Tues., Wed.; Meal: D; beer & wine n outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The English Rose Inn welcomes nonguests for weekend dinners. In keeping with the British theme, “Henry VIII Filet Mignon” and “Lady Chatterley’s Chicken” share the menu with the low-cal “Fergie’s Lime-Crusted Haddock.” $$$
italian/Pizzerias Chow! Bella 24 N. Main St., St. Albans, 524-1405 n Closed: Sun.; Meal: D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., wi-fi, live music, tv n This bistro’s bill of fare changes every night. Everything on the bar menu costs less than $12. $$$
Restaurant (see p.10) 22 S. Main St., St. Albans, 524-2244 n Meals: L, D; full bar n delivery, gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Families love the pizza and pasta dishes. Try the lasagna pizza or balsamic chicken salad with feta and Parmesan. Delivery at lunch only. $ Pan’s South Hero Pizza 326 Route 2, South Hero, 372-4729 n Meal: D n Locals grab thin-crust pies as well as subs at this tiny pizzeria. $
Pie in the Sky 267 Swanton Rd., St. Albans, 524-5442 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, gluten-free opts., veggiefriendly, tv n This pizzeria and deli is famous for homemade sub rolls, as well as stone-baked pizza, calzones and sandwiches. Limited delivery. $
Swanton House of Pizza 32 Merchants Row, Swanton, 868-3085 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Sit down with a homemade pizza, lasagna or sub, then finish off with a cannoli or baklava. $
15 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
Markets/Co-oPs Mother Hubbard’s Bakery, Deli and Country Store 19 Bushey Rd., St. Albans, 527-0777 n Meals: B, L, D n veggie-friendly, wi-fi n The drive-through window is a draw at this deli and country store offering fresh breads, sandwiches and desserts. $
Steeple Market 1098 Main St., Fairfax, 849-6872 n Meals: B, L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Everything is homemade at this gourmet deli, including ribs, fried and rotisserie chicken, panini, pizzas and salads. $
south of the Border MexicaN/latiN Mi Casita 84 N. Main St., St. Albans, 5285215 n Closed: Sun., Mon.; Meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, tv n Exotic margaritas and Spanish guitar music set the scene for an authentic Mexican feast. Try mole, birria or ceviche. $
“...the noodles
were just right.”
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sevendaysvt.com (click on restaurants)
crop bistro & brewery 1859 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4765
AAA Four Diamond Distinction “Best of New England” – Boston Magazine “Solstice offers a true feast for all the senses” – Where to Eat Magazine
Brewing has long been a tradition at 1859 Mountain Road; an après-ski pub called the Shed began making ale here in the 1960s. Rather than leave that legacy behind, the crew at Crop Bistro & Brewery built on it: Using an innovative copper-clad brewing system from Bavaria, head brewer Will Gilson turns out flavorful and crisp German-style beers that perfectly accompany this eatery’s upscale, locally sourced pub food. A flagstone fireplace and dramatic circular bar lend elegance to the dining room, where it’s more about the wildly original cocktails. The “Mr. Figgy,” for example, is bourbon, house fig reduction and rosemary needles garnished with a glistening piece of maple-cured bacon — served in a martini glass. Photos: jeb wallace-brodeur
Dining in the midst of nature... and the height of luxury. Imagine a place where the food is both refined and casual; where it becomes not just a meal, but an experience. Where the ingredients come from the surrounding area, exceptionally fresh, natural, and in many cases, organic. Where each course is crafted for your benefit. There is such a place at Solstice, Chef Josh Berry’s intriguing artisaninspired restaurant at Stowe Mountain Lodge, located in the heart of the Stowe Mountain Resort community. Make your reservations today!
For reservations, please call 802-760-4735 or visit us on Opentable.com. Complimentary valet parking available. Stowe Mountain Lodge - 7412 Mountain Road - Stowe, Vermont 05672 A distinctive experience provided by Destination Hotels & Resorts.
The libations don’t outshine the food at Crop, though. A backyard garden yields tomatoes and other veggies for buoyant salads. When he’s not using the restaurant’s own produce, chef Tom Bivins — former longtime executive chef at the New England Culinary Institute — taps nearby farms to create dishes such as sumptuous egg-and-pork-belly cracklins over mustardy frisée. Local lamb and duck find a home in his New England bean pot, and wildcrafter friends bring the kitchen woodsgathered Jerusalem artichokes for a bisque. The local, grass-fed burger is a juicy masterpiece. Not all of the food is Vermont-grown, and that’s a good thing: Broiled Massachusetts oysters topped with lemon butter are delicate, silky pieces of heaven. corin hirsch
Innovative Food. First-Class Brewing.
Crop Brewery
Featuring traditional and non- traditional lagers and ales brewed by our brewmaster Will Gillson
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StowE/SmuggS arEa
AmericAn BarBecue/ Soul Food Midway BBQ 5781 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-3669 n closed: tues., wed.; meal: L; full bar n gluten-free opts., seasonal, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n The Vermont-cheddar quesadillas are popular, as are nachos, burgers and margaritas. Open in winter only for lunch and après-ski. $
Sunset Grille & Tap Room 140 cottage club rd., Stowe, 2539281 n meals: L, D, LN; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, games, pool, tv n Nosh on awardwinning barbecue or catch the game on one of the TVs above the bar. The kitchen is open ’til midnight. $$
contemporary The Bee’s Knees 82 Lower main St., morrisville, 888-7889 n closed: mon.; meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows n Homecooked meals, Fair-trade organic coffee, and wine and beer make this hip café the perfect place to play a game, write a poem or just hang out. Music — from jazz to folk — happens every night. $$
Bistro at Ten Acres Lodge 14 Barrows rd., Stowe, 253-6838 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n veggie-friendly n Fresh oysters, braised pork shank and pan-seared lobster in a bourbon-tarragon sauce are all on the menu at this colorful bistro inside a historic Stowe lodge. $$$
Blue Moon Café 35 School St., Stowe, 253-7006 n closed: mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., seasonal, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Fine dining with a bistro feel. The menu changes monthly and showcases local, seasonal ingredients. Closed in April. $$$
Charlie B’s Pub & Restaurant at Stoweflake 1746 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-7355 n meals: B, L, D, LN; full bar n reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music n This fun meeting place offers 50 wines by the glass, upscale pub fare and farm-fresh spa cuisine. It’s a destination for deck dining, après-ski and seasonal live music. $$
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
Cliff House at Stowe Mountain Resort
Harrison’s Restaurant and Bar
5781 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-3665 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, vegan-friendly n Ride a gondola up to this mountaintop bistro for seasonal New England fare made with local ingredients. Lunch daily in winter. $$$$$
25 main St., Stowe, 253-7773 n meal: D; full bar n outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n Located in the village, this cozy subterranean dining room turns out elegant plates of seafood, steak, pasta and dessert. When it’s warm, people-watch from the porch. $$
The Cottage
Hearth & Candle
5781 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-3000 n meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, vegan-friendly n There’s virtual golf downstairs, but the real thing is available in season. After the game, indulge in wildmushroom-truffle risotto or lobster with fettuccine Alfredo. $$$$$
4323 route 108, Smuggler’s Notch resort, Jeffersonville, 644-8090 n meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n One dining room serves families, another is a bar, and a third is no kids allowed. The menu changes several times a year and features creative uses of local produce. $$$$
H Crop Bistro
& Brewery (see p.16) 1859 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-4765 n meals: L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, reserv. rec., wi-fi n Braised pork belly, broiled oysters, burgers and gumbo are all served up at this farm-to-plate pub and bistro. Try a house-brewed ale or creative cocktail. $$$ Edson Hill Manor 1500 Edson hill rd., Stowe, 253-7371 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n The prix-fixe, table d’hôte menu at this country inn features dishes such as grilled New York strip steak with goat-cheese potatoes and braised onions, and seared yellowfin tuna with braised bok choy and tamari dipping sauce. $$$$
Emily’s at Stowehof 434 Edson hill rd., Stowe, 253-9722 n closed: mon.; meals: B, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, veggiefriendly, wi-fi, darts, games, pool, tv n Alpine-influenced fine dining is on the menu — warm up with fondue. Check out the exceptional wine list. Closed April and November. $$$$
The Family Table 4807 route 15, Jeffersonville, 6448920 n closed: tues., wed.; meals: B, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This cheerful eatery features comfort food prepared by the Johnson & Wales-trained chef-owner. Try the buttermilk fried chicken or maple-brined pork chop. Breakfast weekends only. $$$
The Mix Café and Bakery 55 church St., Jeffersonville, 6446371 n meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n It’s tough to choose between huevos rancheros and crème brûlée French toast with “drunken blueberries.” $
Norma’s Restaurant at Topnotch Resort 4000 mountain rd., Stowe, 2536445 n closed: mon., tues., wed., Thurs.; meals: B, L, D; full bar n reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n For breakfast, try the challah French toast double-dipped in orange-brandy batter with Stowe maple syrup. For dinner, indulge in prime steak tartare or tempura-coated whole red snapper. Kosher-friendly. $$$$
The River House at the Stowe Inn
vermont restaurant week 2013 Location
diner Depot Street Malt Shop 57 Depot St., Stowe, 253-4269 n meals: L, D n delivery, outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Families love this 1950s-themed diner known for chili, burgers, shakes and malts. $
Snack BarS/cartS Burger Barn 4968 route 15, Jeffersonville, 730-3441 n meals: L, D n cash/check only, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly n Want your burger with smoked gouda or Roquefort cheese? Beef comes from Boyden Farm, but any burger can be made veggie. There’s also fresh falafel. $
Mountain View Snack Bar (two locations) 107 route 15, morrisville, 888-7393 1801 Pucker St., Stowe, 253-7345 n meals: B, L, D n outdoor seating, seasonal n This roadside snack bar has everything from popcorn shrimp and frickles to gyros, burgers and pastrami sandwiches. Finish with a classic maple creemee. n
Soup ’n’ Sandwich The Bagel 394 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-9943 n meals: B, L n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Get your bagel or coffee fix here before hitting the trails. Also serving homemade soups and salads. $
Cupboard Deli
123 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-4030 n closed: mon., tues., wed.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n The simple farm-to-table menu changes quarterly at this inn that overlooks the Little River. $$$
4807 route 15, Jeffersonville, 644-2069 n meals: B, L, D n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Hungry after skiing? This bakery and deli is a local source for sweet stuff, as well as sandwiches, wraps, salads and pizzas to go. Creemees May to September. $
Solstice at Stowe Mountain Lodge
345 Brooklyn St., morrisville, 8886886 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, L n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Everything — bagels, muffins and soups — is made from scratch at this casual bakery and lunch spot. Daily specials augment the sandwiches and desserts. $
7412 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-3560 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n A highly trained staff serves locally inspired cuisine in the elegant, 110-seat dining room. $$$$
Deb’s Place
Whip Bar & Grill 18 main St., Stowe, 253-7301 n meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n A wide array of French-inspired creations distinguish this upscale eatery. Closed for lunch in the offseason. $$$$
7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
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Named for one of Stowe's most venerated backcountry ski trails, Hourglass at Stowe Mountain Lodge serves regional microbrews, signature cocktails and rare wines by the glass. The Hourglass menu offers a mix of contemporary and classic world-inspired dishes, and our unique Hourglass Ale brewed locally and exclusively for Stowe Mountain Lodge. Hourglass is truly Stowe's most highly-coveted après-ski and après-golf experience nestled in the heart of the Stowe Mountain Resort community. For information, please call 802-760-4735 or visit stowemountainlodge.com. Complimentary valet parking available. Stowe Mountain Lodge - 7412 Mountain Road - Stowe, Vermont 05672 A distinctive experience provided by Destination Hotels & Resorts.
StowE/SmuggS arEa
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
vermont restaurant week 2013 Location
The Great Room at Spruce Camp 5781 mountain rd., Stowe, 2533000 n meal: L; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, seasonal, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The food is served cafeteria-style but is far from pedestrian. Try a panino or the braised short ribs over polenta in a Merlot reduction. $
Green Goddess 618 S. main St., Stowe, 253-5255 n meals: B, L; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Chow down on a breakfast burrito or build your own salad at this casual café. The Cubano sandwich sells out daily. There are fresh juices, too, as well as soups, wraps and coffee drinks. $
The Lovin’ Cup 38 Lower main St., Johnson, 635-7423 n meals: B, Bru, L n outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Regulars rule at this café, which feels like a big cozy living room. Don’t miss the maple scones and maple lattes. Homemade soups and smoothies, too. $
Trapp Family Lodge DeliBakery 700 trapp hill rd., Stowe, 253-5705 n meals: B, L; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Hikers, bikers and skiers swing into the lodge’s most casual eatery to snack on sandwiches and Austrian pastries, relax with coffee or Trapp Family lager, and take in the amazing view. $
SteakhouSeS/ Seafood Hob Knob Inn & Restaurant 2364 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-8549 n closed: Sun., mon., tues., wed.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Housed in a historic ski lodge — the first built in Stowe — this steakhouse has an intimate feel. Try the Angus steaks, seafood or duck. $$$
Three Mountain Lodge 2979 route 108, Jeffersonville, 644-5736 n closed: tues.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veganfriendly, wi-fi, live music n Housed in a log cabin, this restaurant serves burgers, rack of lamb and vegetarian specials. Brunch buffet on summer Sundays. $$
traditional 158 Main 158 main St., Jeffersonville, 644-8100 n closed: mon.; meals: B, Bru, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n This restaurant serves meat loaf and shepherd’s pie alongside fancier dishes such as sesame seared tuna. Brunch only on Sunday. $$
The Blue Donkey 1669 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-3100 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n This snowboarding-themed joint features burgers and sliders on premium buns. $
Burt’s Irish Pub 135 Luce hill rd., Stowe, 253-6071 n meal: L; full bar n veggie-friendly, darts, games, pool, tv n This may be the only Irish pub in Vermont owned by a Colombian. But don’t expect cheeseburgers or fries. “It’s more like your mother’s cooking,” says the owner. $
Carriage Room Restaurant at the Town and Country Resort 876 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-7595 n closed: Sun., mon., tues., wed.; meals: B, D; full bar n reserv. rec., seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Dinner is served in the casual pub from Thursday to Saturday in winter. There’s also a Vermont country breakfast daily from summer until the end of ski season. $$
The Colonial Café at the Golden Eagle 511 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-4811 n meal: B n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Try the “Eggs Mansfield” at this familyowned breakfast spot located on a 40-acre resort. $
Dutch Pancake Café 990 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-5330 n meals: B, Bru; full bar n veggiefriendly, wi-fi n At this casual, Dutchthemed eatery, enjoy 80 varieties of Dutch pancakes — similar to crêpes — in sweet and savory flavors. $$
Gables Inn 1457 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-7730 n meal: B; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This 1856 farmhouse has been an inn since the 1930s. Try unusual dishes such as matzo brei and sautéed chicken liver, or stick with eggs and pancakes. $
Gracie’s Restaurant 18 Edson hill rd., Stowe, 253-8741 n meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggiefriendly n There are more than 85 items on the menu at this cozy restaurant, which offers a mix of salads, burgers, steaks and seafood. $$
Main Street Dining Room 18 main St., Stowe, 253-7301 n meal: B n all you can eat, gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n The bountiful country-breakfast buffet features eggs, pancakes, and an assortment of breads, muffins and fruit, all served in a gracious colonial setting. $
McCarthy’s Restaurant 454 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-8626 n meals: B, L n cash/check only, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n This country store and old-fashioned diner has been in business for 38 years. Try the eggs Benedict or homemade cornedbeef hash. $
Morse Mountain Grill 4323 route 108, Smugglers’ Notch resort, Jeffersonville, 644-1247 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n This Smugglers’ Notch hot spot with mountain views specializes in steak and seafood dishes. Catch the tableside entertainment in season. $$
O’Grady’s Grill & Bar 504 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-8233 n meals: L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, live music, tv n Irish classics such as corned beef and cabbage and shepherd’s pie share the menu with burgers, salads and seafood specials. Twelve local microbrews on tap. $$
The Pub at the Grey Fox Inn 990 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-5330 n closed: Sun., mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., veggiefriendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n Don’t miss this pub’s weekend prime-rib nights. Veggie lasagna and a Dutch burger with Gouda cheese are also specialties. $$
Rimrock’s Mountain Tavern 394 mountain rd., Suite 5, Stowe, 253-9593 n meals: L, D, LN; full bar n outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wifi, dance floor, games, karaoke, live music, pool, tv n Locals belly up for pizza, pasta, wings and salads, and the Adirondack-style bar has a lively late-night scene and occasional live music. Lunch weekends only. $
The Stonegrill Restaurant & Pub 116 route 15, morrisville, 888-8865 n meals: B, Bru, L, D; full bar n all you can eat, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This neighborhood spot serves roastedturkey dinners as well as seafood, meat loaf and steaks, some of which you can cook yourself on a hot stone. Sunday brunch buffet. $$
Yacht Club Restaurant at the Commodores Inn 823 S. main St., Stowe, 253-7131 n meals: B, D; full bar n all you can eat, outdoor seating, reserv. rec., salad bar, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, darts, games, tv n Choose the dinner buffet or hit the soup-and-salad bar. The Commodores Sports Lounge next door has its own menu. $$
AsiAn ChineSe Green Dragon 8 Portland St., morrisville, 888-2188 n meals: L, D n veggie-friendly n Locals come here for all of the Chinese American standards. $
New Fu Lin Chinese Restaurant 30 Fairground Plaza, morrisville, 888-1818 n meals: L, D n veggiefriendly n This Chinese restaurant serves up seafood dishes you won’t find elsewhere, as well as lots of vegetarian dishes. $$
Sanfo Chinese Restaurant 394 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-8888 n meals: L, D; full bar n all you can eat, veggie-friendly n Pick up a lunch special — entrée plus pork fried rice — for $6.50. There’s pad Thai, too. $
Wok ’n’ House 17 Lower main St., Johnson, 6352288 n meals: L, D n veggie-friendly n Sample the sweet-and-sour chicken at Johnson’s sole Chinese spot. Limited seating. $
Wok ’n’ Roll 100 route 15, morrisville, 888-8833 n meals: L, D n veggie-friendly n This classic Chinese spot is famous for quick service.$
ASIAN » 7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
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StowE/SmuggS arEa
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
vermont restaurant week 2013 Location
Wok ’n’ Roll 100 route 15, morrisville, 888-8833 n meals: L, D n veggie-friendly n This classic Chinese spot is famous for quick service.$
Japanese Kobe Japanese Steakhouse 1128 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-4904 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly n The owner promises “more than sushi” at this huge Japanese restaurant. Enjoy entertainment and juicy pork loin at the hibachi table. $$$
Bakeries Edelweiss Bakery & Café 325 Lower main St., Johnson, 635-7946 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: L n This bakery serves European-style take-out lunches. They also specialize in all-natural dog biscuits. $
Sweet Crunch Bakeshop & Catering Co. 246 main St., hyde Park, 888-4887 n meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, live music n The only restaurant in Hyde Park serves meals and homemade pastries. Try a panino on rosemary focaccia before finishing off with the chocolate pâté. $
Thompson’s Sandwiches 7 main St., morrisville, 888-2106 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, L n cash/ check only, veggie-friendly n Every sandwich is made to order — and each one comes with a cookie. $
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Bars, PuBs & CluBs Bars Hourglass at Stowe Mountain Lodge 7412 mountain rd., Stowe, 252-3560 n meals: L, D; full bar n veggiefriendly n This upscale bar at Stowe Mountain Resort serves microbrews, creative cocktails and wines alongside burgers, wraps, salads and steak frites. $$
Robbie’s Wildlife Refuge 196 Pond rd., Jeffersonville, 6448837 n meals: D, LN; full bar n cash/ check only, outdoor seating, dance floor, darts, games, karaoke, pool, tv n Burgers are the only thing on the menu at this rustic, wildlife-themed bar. In summer, have yours on the deck with a beer, then play horseshoes or volleyball. $
puBs The Backyard Tavern 395 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-9204 n meals: L, D, LN; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, games, live music, pool, tv n This friendly tavern draws ’em in with wings, cheeseburgers, TVs and a fireplace. $
Brewster River Pub & Grill 4087 route 108, Jeffersonville, 644-6366 n meals: D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, dance floor, darts, games, live music, pool, tv n Local produce and handcrafted specialties define the fare at this pub. $$
Coslin’s Pub at Stowehof 434 Edson hill rd., Stowe, 253-9722 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, darts, games, pool, tv n Pub specialties and Vermont microbrews are the draw at this lounge downstairs from Emily’s restaurant. Open summer and winter. $$
Fireside Tavern at Stowe Mountain Resort 5781 mountain rd., Stowe, 2533000 n closed: Sun., mon., tues., wed., Thurs.; meals: B, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., seasonal, veganfriendly, wi-fi, live music n You can ski to this seasonal restaurant, located at the foot of a lift. Hearty breakfasts are served to skiers revving up for the slopes, while lunch and dinner sate the après crowd. $$
Kirkwood’s Pub at Stowe Mountain Resort
Laughing Moon Chocolates
744 cape cod rd., Stowe, 253-4895 n meal: L; full bar n outdoor seating, wi-fi n It’s located by the golf course with a view of the Worcester Range. Most folks drop by for lunch, but a bar menu is offered until early evening. $
78 S. main St., Stowe, 253-9591 n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Best known for its confections, this shop has specialty coffees, teas and hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows. $
Matterhorn Restaurant 4969 mountain rd., Stowe, 253-8198 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, dance floor, games, live music, pool, tv n This busy après-ski restaurant has been serving eclectic pub food to tourists and locals for more than 50 years. Try the sushi rolls. $
Moog’s Place 97 Portland St., morrisville, 8518225 n closed: Sun.; meals: D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, allages music shows, dance floor, tv n There’s live music every night at this family-friendly pub. The kitchen is always open late, cooking up burgers, buffalo wings and fish-and-chips. $$
The Village Tavern 55 church St., Jeffersonville, 644-6607 n meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music, pub quiz/trivia n Catch live music every Thursday at this local watering hole with high-quality pub food. $$
Wicked Wings 12 Lower main St., Johnson, 730-8134 n meals: L, D, LN; full bar n Chicken — wickedly hot and otherwise — is the main attraction here. You’ll find burgers, falafel and a booming bar scene, too. $
Coffee/Tea Black Cap Coffee Roasters 144 main St., Stowe, 253-2123 n meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music n Everything is baked in-house here, from creative quiches to muffins and scones. Sandwiches and panini are available, too. $
Brown & Jenkins Trading Co.
euro alpine The Dining Room at the Trapp Family Lodge 700 trapp hill rd., Stowe, 253-8511 n meals: B, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n The views and candlelight set the mood at this Austrian restaurant with elegant, hearty European fare. Call ahead with dietary requests. $$$$
Trapp Family Lodge Lounge 700 trapp hill rd., Stowe, 253-5723 n meals: L, D, LN; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music n A laid-back, affordable alternative to Trapp’s main dining room, with live jazz piano to boot. In summer, take in the mountain vista from the patio. $$$
British/GastropuB Mr. Pickwick’s Gastropub and Steakhouse at Ye Olde England Inne 433 mountain rd., Stowe, 2537558 n meals: B, Bru, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Stonework and beams make the inside of this gastropub look like a castle. The extensive selection of potables includes wines, 150 ales and 100 single malts. $$$$
iTalian/Pizzerias Angelina’s Restaurant 49 route 15, cambridge, 644-2011 n meals: L, D n delivery, veggiefriendly n At this pizzeria — seven miles from Smugglers’ Notch — panzorottis, aka deep-fried calzones, are a specialty. $
287 old route 15, cambridge, 862-2395 n closed: mon. n outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This roastery has 72 different coffees in more than 20 flavors and lots of baked goods. $
ITALIAN/PIzzERIAS » 7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
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Introducing: Vermonters
stowe/smuggs area « ITALIAN/PIzzErIAs
aVerage eNtrée $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
meaLs B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
Foxfire Inn & Italian Restaurant
Jeffersonville Pizza Department
Piecasso Pizzeria & Lounge
1606 Pucker st., stowe, 253-4887 n Closed: mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Experience casual Italian dining at a Vermont country inn. The menu offers chicken, steak, seafood, veal and pasta options. $$
158 main st., Jeffersonville, 6445550 n Closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n delivery, veggie-friendly, tv n Upstairs from the 158 Main restaurant, nosh on pasta, salads, calzones, stromboli, wings and sandwiches. $
1899 mountain rd., stowe, 253-4411 n meals: L, D; full bar n delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n Choose from hand-tossed New York-style pizzas as well as pasta, salads and a variety of entrées. A spinach, basil, tomato, garlic and onion pie is called the “Treehugger.” $$
The Hub Pizzeria and Pub 21 Lower main st., Johnson, 635-7626 n Closed: mon.; meals: L, D; full bar n veggie-friendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows, dance floor, karaoke, pool, tv n A 22-foot-long oval bar gets guests in the mood at this eclectic pizzeria. $$
Morrisville House of Pizza 30 munson ave., morrisville, 888-5200 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n veggie-friendly n Owner-cook Petros Georgiadis uses his own recipes at this friendly pizza place — but there’s pasta, too. $
Pie in the Sky 492 mountain rd., stowe, 253-5100 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n all you can eat, delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, tv n This restaurant offers hand-tossed, wood-fired pizzas as well as pasta, salads and additional entrées. Try the weekday lunch pizza buffet. $
The Pizza Joint at the Moscow Schoolhouse Store 383 moscow rd., stowe, 253-4172 n meals: B, L, D n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This pizzeria has all the staples, plus daily gourmet specials for lunch. Look for breakfast pastries and espresso drinks, too. $
Stella Notte 44 Desjardins rd., Jeffersonville, 644-8884 n Closed: mon.; meals: D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggiefriendly, wi-fi, dance floor, games, live music, pool, tv n The countrystyle fare here includes maple-seared tenderloin, and the lounge below has pizzas, calzones and Boyden Farm burgers. $$
25 Vermont restaurant week 2013 Location
Trattoria La Festa 4080 mountain rd., stowe, 2538480 n Closed: sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This trattoria is a local hangout owned and operated by Italianborn chefs. Pastas and chops anchor the menu, and the wine list has more than 250 Italian bottles. $$$
Markets/Co-ops Edelweiss Mountain Deli 2251 mountain rd., stowe, 253-4034 n meals: B, L; beer & wine n veggie-friendly n Look for decadent pastries, sandwiches and snacks at this mountainside retreat. $
Harvest Market 1031 mountain rd., stowe, 253-3800 n meals: B, L, D n delivery, glutenfree opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This gourmet grocery offers salads, sandwiches, entrées and baked goods prepared on the premises — as well as cheeses, meats, wines, fresh produce and coffee drinks. $$
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StowE/SMuggS aREa
aVERagE ENtRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
27 Vermont Restaurant week 2013 Location
South of the Border Mexican/Latin Cactus Café of Stowe 2160 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-7770 n Meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n Enjoy a pulled-pork taco stuffed with housesmoked meat, or choose from 35 types of tequila while relaxing on the patio. Lunch Friday to Sunday. $$
Café Latina 407 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-6777 n Meals: B, L; beer & wine n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, veggiefriendly, wi-fi n Try breakfast burritos in the morning or jalapeño-sesame tenderloin tacos for lunch. The owner sources coffee from Costa Rican farmers and makes a mean Aztec hot chocolate. $
El Zorro Mexican Restaurant & Cantina 87 Edwards Rd., Jeffersonville, 644-1499 n Meals: Bru, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Mexican flavors and Vermont ingredients prepared in unconventional dishes define this “authentic Ver-Mexican” restaurant. $$
Frida’s Taquería and Grill 128 Main St., Stowe, 253-0333 n Meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Frida Kahlo’s fresh and simple recipes serve as inspiration at this authentic Mexican spot. Weekday lunch; weekend brunch. $$
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brown’s market bistro 1261 Scott Hwy., Groton, 584-4124
At first glance, not much appears to be going on in sleepy Groton, population 1022. There’s a church, a green, a few houses and a creemee window. Slow down, though, and you’ll notice that the creemee window is connected to a “meadery,” and across the street, there’s an eatery called Brown’s Market Bistro. People may associate Groton with its pristine forests, but this village quietly harbors a rich coterie of food professionals — among them, Brown’s chef, Zachary Reid, a native Hawaiian who migrated here to learn about Vermont’s famed farmto-table fare. With so few potential customers in the area, Reid needs to be versatile. While he presides over a blazing oven that turns out cheesy, thin-crust pizzas to go, the chef also creates eclectic, big-flavor dishes for the bistro, a cozy dining room adorned with lace curtains and flower-topped tables.
Tomatoes#1.indd 1
Photos: jeb wallace-brodeur
3/13/13 4:02 PM
Crisp risotto “beignets” are slathered in a sweet, roasted-red-pepper marinara sauce, then drizzled with a balsamic reduction that brings them to life. French fries are amped up with truffle oil. Confit duck tacos, almost too large and intense to eat in one sitting, are three crispy shells stuffed with sriracha-spiked meat, gingerand-balsamic-laced slaw and Grafton Village Cheese Company smoked cheddar. No rural Vermont restaurant can survive without a burger on the menu. At Brown’s, it’s not “Zachary’s” burger but “Vinny’s”: PT Farm beef piled high with crispy bacon, a roasted portobello mushroom cap, fig-balsamic caramelized onions and the cheese of your choice. Don’t be shy about asking for a doggie bag. The request just might precipitate a tableside visit from the gregarious Reid, bearing complimentary crème brûlée. corin hirsch
NorthEaSt kiNgDomkiNgDom NorthEaSt AmericAn Contemporary Alice’s Table 4850 route 242, Jay, 327-2323 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n Skiers sup on farm-to-table cuisine before and after hitting the slopes. The grass-fed beef tenderloin comes with Jasper Hill blue cheese, bacon smashed potatoes and truffle butter. $$$$
Bailiwicks on Mill 98 mill St., St. Johnsbury, 424-1215 n meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music n The menu here features creative, filling takes on salads, pasta and steaks, plus a full martini menu and riverside seating. Lunch Thursday to Saturday; brunch Sunday. $$$
H Browns Market
Bistro (see p. 28) 1261 Scott hwy., groton, 584-4124 n closed: Sun., mon., tues.; meal: D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggiefriendly, wi-fi, live music n Awardwinning chef Zachary Reid focuses on unique preparations of seafood and steak. The herbs and veggies come from local farms and the restaurant’s own greenhouse. $$$ Café Sweet Basil 32 Depot St., Lyndonville, 626-9713 n closed: Sun., mon., tues.; meals: L, D; full bar n cash/check only, veggiefriendly n The menu here is mostly Southwestern, but specials span the globe. No lunch on Saturday. $
Claire’s Restaurant & Bar 41 main St., hardwick, 472-7053 n closed: Wed.; meals: Bru, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows, tv n “Local ingredients, open to the world,” defines Claire’s, where the community bought in — literally — with startup donations. Brunch served Sunday. Open daily in summer. $$
avEragE ENtréE mEaLS average Entrée Prices: $ $12 and under B Breakfast $$ $$13 $18under $$$$ L Lunch $26-$32 $ 12 to and $$$ $19 to $25 D Dinner $$$$$ price is $$ $13 to $18 $$$$ $26 to $32 Bru Brunch no object $$$ $$33 19 to 25 $$$$$ and$up LN Late Night
The Foundry Pub & Grille
Tastings Food and Spirits
830 Jay Peak rd., Jay, 327-2500 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n Locally sourced ingredients are prepared in the ceramic tile centerpiece oven. There’s a view of Jay Peak, but the Pump House water park is even closer. $$$
66 main St., North troy, 988-4063 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veganfriendly, wi-fi, dance floor, tv n Chefowner Jeff Weiss’ modern American comfort food changes nightly to focus on regional in-season ingredients. Certified Angus beef, lamb and duck are menu staples. $$$
Gil’s Bar & Grill at the WilloughVale Inn
793 route 5a, Westmore, 525-4123 n closed: tues.; meal: D; full bar n reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n The dining room is small, but the dramatic views of Lake Willoughby are big: Robert Frost wrote his poem “A Servant to Servants” after staying here. $$$
Le Belvédère 100 main St., Newport, 487-9147 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This upscale eatery has stunning views of Lake Memphremagog. NECI-trained chef Jason Marcoux puts a creative spin on tapas as well as seafood, local meats and even sushi. $$$
Rabbit Hill Inn 48 Lower Waterford rd., Lower Waterford, 748-5168 n closed: Wed.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, darts n This is candlelit dining in an elegant, upscale inn. The menu changes with the seasons. After dinner, visit the Snooty Fox pub for a drink. $$$$$
River Garden Café 427 route 114, East Burke, 626-3514 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n After deepfried ravioli in tomatillo cream sauce and homemade dessert, how about a stroll through the gardens? On Sunday, brunch replaces lunch. $$
Tamarack Grill 223 Sherburne Lodge rd., East Burke, 626-7390 n closed: mon., tues., Wed.; meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Stunning views wow patrons at this casual restaurant at the base of Burke Mountain. The Vermont beer selection is huge. Weekend lunch during ski season. $$
Anthony’s Diner 321 railroad St., St. Johnsbury, 748-3613 n meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., veganfriendly n Freshness is the name of the game at this diner, where the produce is local and organic. The potato chips are made in-house, and so are the pies. Call ahead for hours. $
Miss Lyndonville Diner 686 Broad St., Lyndonville, 626-9890 n meals: B, L, D n veggiefriendly n Located in a Sterling car that has been a restaurant since 1951, this neighborly diner is famous for its extensive menu and speedy service. $
P&H Truck Stop route 302 & interstate 91 (exit 17), Wells river, 429-2141 n meals: B, L, D n Visitors to this roadside eatery have included the Food Network and a German TV crew. Every day, the bakery makes maple-cream pies and six varieties of bread. $
snaCk bars/Carts Cajun’s Snack Bar 1594 route 100, Lowell, 744-2002 n meals: L, D n outdoor seating, seasonal n The specialties at this snack bar range from fresh seafood, sirloin and house-ground burgers to alligator and crawfish. Open April to September. $
Mountain View Snack Bar 144 vermont ave., hardwick, 472-3053 n meals: L, D n outdoor seating, seasonal n This decades-old snack bar has a dizzying menu, from popcorn shrimp and frickles to gyros, burgers and pastrami sandwiches. Finish it off with a maple creemee.
Paddie’s Snack Bar 193 E. main St., North troy, 988-2599 n meals: L, D n outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly n This snack bar is known for its fresh, made-toorder seafood. Nearly everything is made from scratch, including soups and the signature veggie sandwich. $
vermont Fresh Network member vermontrestaurant restaurant vermont Week2013 2011Location Location Week
soup ’n’ sanDwiCh Connie’s Kitchen 4 S. main St., hardwick, 472-6607 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, L n veggiefriendly, wi-fi n This small café serves pies, cakes, cookies and doughnuts, along with homemade soups and sandwiches on house-baked bread. $
steakhouses/ seafooD The Creamery Restaurant 44 hill St., Danville, 684-3616 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n The chalkboard menu changes nightly, and there’s always a selection of fresh fish. Regulars are wild for the handmade pasta and the king-crab cakes. $$$
The Derby Cow Palace 3111 route 5, Derby, 766-4724 n meals: L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Huntinglodge styling — including taxidermy and an archway made of antlers — is part of the draw. So is the aged beef. Elk is raised on an adjoining farm. No lunch Monday. $$
traDitional The Brown Cow 350 E. main St., Newport, 334-7887 n meals: B, L n You can get pancakes, omelettes and burgers at this casual spot in the heart of downtown. $
Butters Restaurant 3075 main St., cabot, 563-2422 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music n At this friendly, family-run eatery, grab a burger or hearty plate of lasagna. $
Danville Restaurant & Inn 86 route 2, Danville, 684-3484 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: B, L, D; full bar n all you can eat, reserv. rec. n More than 400 teapots decorate the dining room at this Victorian inn. The owner bakes his own bread and desserts. Buffet dinners served Friday and Saturday by reservation only. $$
Dining at Quimby Country 1127 Forest Lake rd., averill, 822-5533 n meals: B, D; ByoB n outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This historic fishing lodge offers upscale dining in July and August, or by request for large groups. $$$
AMERICAN » 7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
NorthEaSt kiNgDom « AMerICAN
Dylan’s Café 139 Eastern ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-6748 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n Musician Neko Case owns this cozy café. You might run into her while munching on the signature guacamole chicken melt. The space doubles as an art gallery. Call ahead for hours. $$
Goodfella’s Restaurant and Tavern
Juniper’s at the Wildflower Inn
59 Parker rd., Danville, 748-4249 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., salad bar, seasonal, veggie-friendly, tv n This lively, country-style tavern has a thing for maple syrup: They use it in their scallop entrée and atop chicken. $$
The East Side Restaurant & Pub
The Hardwick Village Restaurant
2059 Darling hill rd., Lyndonville, 626-8310 n closed: Sun.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Hearty and healthy comfort food served in a country-inn setting. Try the polenta au gratin or shepherd’s pie. Closed Monday in winter. $$
47 Landing St., Newport, 334-2340 n meals: B, Bru, L, D; full bar n all you can eat, delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n This waterfront spot is famous for seafood bisque, as well as prime rib and fresh fish. Breakfast on weekends only. Buffet on Sunday. $$$
74 S. main St., hardwick, 472-5701 n meals: B, L n veggie-friendly n Seat yourself at Hardwick’s homestyle diner, where everything is fresh and homemade. Locals love the $12.99 steak dinner — your choice of a Delmonico or T-bone from a local farm. $
The Jay Village Inn & Restaurant 1078 route 242, Jay, 988-2306 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, pool, tv n This relaxed, family-style pub has been feeding hungry souls for 30 years. Faves include fresh seafood, homemade pizza, pasta and slowsmoked ribs. $$$
Lyndon Freighthouse 1000 Broad St., Lyndonville, 6261400 n meals: B, Bru, L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, wi-fi n This 1868 freight house is owned by organic farmers who grow, prepare and serve the food themselves. Under the same roof, Carmen’s Ice Cream Shop has 50 flavors. $
Mooselook Restaurant 1058 main St., concord, 695-2950 n meals: B, L, D n all you can eat, veggie-friendly n You can fill up for a fair price at this homey restaurant, but don’t forget to leave room for dessert: The pies, cakes and éclairs are homemade. $
Roaster’s Cafe and Deli 4267 route 5, Derby, 334-6556 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, L n glutenfree opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Diners help themselves to coffee at this family-owned-and-operated café. Don’t miss the French-toast sandwich. $
Runaway Café 316 Dry Pond rd., glover, 525-8891 n closed: tues., Wed.; meals: B, Bru, L; beer & wine n cash/check only, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, seasonal, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music n This cozy café prides itself on its custom local roasts. Have a cup alongside a panino or gluten-free muffin. $
Upper Valley Grill & General Store 2967 Scott hwy., groton, 584-3101 n meals: B, L, D n outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Snowmobilers are big customers at this convenience store and eatery near Groton State Forest. Get propane, playing cards or an egg sandwich. $
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NorthEaSt kiNgDom AsiAn Thai Baan Thai Cuisine 158 main St., Newport, 334-8833 n closed: mon.; meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n Asian-food enthusiasts tuck into huge plates of Thai classics, from green papaya salad and pad Thai to mussels in a red-coconut-curry sauce. $$
Kham’s Thai Cuisine
1112 memorial Dr., St. Johnsbury, 751-8424 n closed: Sun.; meals: L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The only Thai eatery in St. Johnsbury serves lots of duck dishes and red curry with shrimp. The seafood is fresh, and so are the vegetables. $
BAkery Wooden Spoon Deli and Bakery 2984 glover St., glover, 525-4464 n closed: tues.; meals: B, L n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This deli inside Currier’s Market sells sandwiches on homemade bread. Its bakery case boasts pastries, pies and 10 types of freshly baked cookies. $
eclectic The Wine Gate Restaurant 25 Depot Sq., St. Johnsbury, 7483288 n closed: Sun.; meal: L; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n At lunchtime, diners can grab one of 20 different panini or a bowl of homemade soup with a glass of vino. $
euro MediTerranean/ Greek Lago Trattoria & Catering 95 main St., Newport, 334-8222 n closed: Sun.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Looking for fine Mediterranean dining on the shores of Lake Memphremagog? Options here include grilled flatbread pizzas and rib-eye steak stuffed with Gorgonzola, as well as an extensive wine list. $$$
avEragE ENtréE mEaLS average Entrée Prices: $ $12 and under B Breakfast $$ $$13 $18under $$$$ L Lunch $26-$32 $ 12 to and $$$ $19 to $25 D Dinner $$$$$ price is $$ $13 to $18 $$$$ $26 to $32 Bru Brunch no object $$$ $$33 19 to 25 $$$$$ and$up LN Late Night
vermont Fresh Network member vermontrestaurant restaurant vermont Week2013 2011Location Location Week
Sarkis’s Mediterranean Restaurant
Lyndonville House of Pizza
St. Johnsbury House of Pizza
2284 route 302, Wells river, 429-2120 n closed: Sun., mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This Lebanese spot serves up classics such as hummus, tabbouleh and shish taouk, but also lamb chops and oysters on the halfshell. $$
93 main St., Lyndonville, 626-4500 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, veggie-friendly, tv n Kids are important customers at this restaurant serving pizzas, pasta and Greek specialties. Although the TVs are often tuned to sports, cartoons get airtime, too. $
287 Portland St., St. Johnsbury, 748-5144 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n veggie-friendly n This biz has been family owned since 1979. The owner’s family recipes are used for Greek specialties such as spanakopita and baklava. $
itAliAn/PizzeriAs Cantina di Gerardo 378 railroad St., St. Johnsbury, 748-0598 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The calzones are big enough for two at this classic ristorante, where you can also order mussels in one of four different sauces. No lunch on Sunday. $$$
The Parker Pie Co. 161 county rd., West glover, 525-3366 n closed: mon.; meals: L, D, LN; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows, dance floor, pub quiz/trivia, tv n Specializing in beer, pizza and “good company,” this eatery uses local produce and meats on its creative pies. $
Positive Pie
387 Wolcott St., hardwick, 472-3380 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n veggiefriendly n You’ll get fast, friendly service — and all the basic pies — at this pizzeria. Get yours to go or sit in a dining room adorned with an Italian-inspired mural. $
87 S. main St., hardwick, 472-7126 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, live music, tv n The Hardwick outpost of this growing chain taps local farms for the toppings on its wood-fired pizza. Behind the bar are 20 taps and creative cocktails using local spirits. $$
Hoagie’s Pizza & Pasta
Ramunto’s Brick Oven
Hardwick House of Pizza
58 Waterfront Plaza #7, Newport 334-0200 n meals: L, D n glutenfree opts., veggie-friendly n The homemade, Italian-inspired food at this family-friendly resto runs the gamut from calzones, subs and pasta to pizzas with 22 toppings.$
MArkets/cooPs Buffalo Mountain Food Co-op Café 39 main St., hardwick, 472-6020 n meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Alongside vegetarian and vegan fare are dishes made with organic meats. Wash them down with coffee and made-toorder smoothies. $
Newport Natural Market & Café 194 main St., Newport, 334-2626 n meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, salad bar, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This natural-foods store has been serving the Kingdom for more than 30 years. The café features a creative buffet and baked goods made in-house. $
1216 railroad St., St. Johnsbury, 751-8500 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, outdoor seating, veggiefriendly, wi-fi, pub quiz/trivia n The chicken-ranch and spicy Buffalo pies are faves; ditto the chicken Parm and spaghetti-and-meatballs. $
noodles were just
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7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
Exquisite Rooms FineDining
cloudland farm
1101 Cloudland Rd., North Pomfret, 457-2599 The experience of eating at Cloudland Farm starts 10 minutes before you get there; that’s about how long it takes to negotiate the dirt road from nearby Woodstock as it wends past pine woods and cow-dotted fields to a pastoral farm that serves amazing dinners twice a week. What you see is what you eat: Black Angus cattle, Berkshire pigs, and chickens and turkeys roam freely on the 1000-acre farm, “where they can scratch and peck about in the green grass to their heart’s content,” according to owners Bill and Cathy Emmons. Almost everything that emerges from chef Nick Mahood’s kitchen was raised there — squashes, pork, lettuces — or made from scratch. Dinner is served inside a modern post-and-beam barn harvested from the farm’s own pine forests. Soaring ceilings and a fieldstone fireplace create the perfect ambience, whether it’s for Thursday’s family-style evening meal or the three-course, prix-fixe menu on Saturday night. PHOTOS: TOm mCNeIll
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Summer, winter, it doesn’t matter; Cloudland’s chef manages to “cook local” regardless of the season. In late fall, razor-thin beets are topped with crumbles of tangy local chèvre and a drizzle of sticky balsamic reduction for an exquisite beet carpaccio. Over seared strip steak, the chef spoons garlicky melted butter, a moody red-wine sauce and foamy celeriac purée. Compelling as the savory courses are, you must leave room for dessert. If you think warm chocolate cake is simple, think again: In chef Mahood’s hands, it’s an oozing symphony of ganache, dark-chocolate crumbles, bourbon-tinged caramel and a featherlight cocoa-nib tuile so delicately rendered you won’t want to destroy it with your fork. There’s one thing the farm doesn’t make (or serve) on the premises: alcoholic beverages. That means BYOB — you can buy it in Woodstock on the way. Nothing worse than getting all the way to Cloudland — it sounds as far as it feels — only to discover you’ve forgotten the wine. CORIN HIRSCH
uppEr vallEy
AfricAn Mariam’s Restaurant 70 main St., Windsor, 674-2662 n closed: Sun., Wed.; meals: l, D; full bar n delivery, gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n A Tanzanian chef prepares his native dishes, as well as American classics. Try the peanut-curry chicken paired with a South African wine. $
AmericAn BarBecue/ Soul Food Big Fatty’s BBQ 1547 maple St., hartford village, 295-5513 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: l, D n delivery n The joint’s slogan is “Put some South in your mouth.” Think slow-smoked brisket, pulled pork and collard greens. All the sauces and rubs are homemade. $
The Vittles Stop BBQ 19 1/2 union St., Windsor, 674-6776 n meals: l, D; ByoB n seasonal, veganfriendly n Pit-master Cathy Lohoski smokes her meats low and slow at this roadside stand. Daily specials include lobster and Maryland-style crab cakes. $
contemporary Barnard Inn Restaurant and Max’s Tavern 5518 route 12, Barnard, 234-9961 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n Owned and operated by a classically trained chef, this resto offers elegant, rustic cuisine. There are more than 350 bottles on the wine list. $$$
Black Krim Tavern 21 merchants row, randolph, 7286776 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: D, lN; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n At this hip, locally focused restaurant, some of the produce comes a farm that belongs to one of the owners. Try the local pork sausage with winter-squash purée and roasted beets. $
Blue Bar at Juniper Hill Inn
Inn at Glimmerstone Mansion
Mangowood Restaurant at the Lincoln Inn
153 pembroke rd., Windsor, 674-5273 n closed: Wed.; meals: l, D; full bar n veggie-friendly n Nosh on haddock-crab cakes, country pâté or porchetta sandwiches at this tavern inside the Juniper Hill Inn. For a more formal meal, take a seat in Madelyn’s Dining Room. $
1589 main St., cavendish, 554-0045 n closed: mon.; meal: D; full bar n veggie-friendly, live music n At this historic mansion, the bread is baked each morning, the bacon is cured inhouse, and the burger is ground from local beef. Not hungry? Kick back with a local microbrew in the cozy pub.
H Cloudland Farm
The Inn at Weathersfield
2709 Woodstock rd., Woodstock, 457-3312 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The chef-owner’s recipes are influenced by her Singapore upbringing. Think venison-tenderloin spring rolls and tuna tartare with lychee essence. Closed for mud season. $$$
Restaurant (see p. 34)
1101 cloudland rd., North pomfret, 457-2599 n closed: Sun., mon., tues., Wed.; meal: D; ByoB n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n The creative cuisine is truly farm to table at this restaurant, located on a working farm. Dinner Thursday and Saturday only — don’t miss the extraordinary desserts. $$$$
The Downtown Grocery 41 Depot St., ludlow, 228-7566 n closed: tues., Wed.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n Chef Rogan Lechthaler brings his panache and of-the-moment ingredients to his hip restaurant. The vibe is casual, but housemade salumi and fresh pastas help rank it as fine dining. $$$
Elixir Restaurant 188 S. main St., White river Junction, 281-7009 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n You’ll find creative bar bites aplenty in this converted 1930s freight house. Try artichoke-olive gratin or cocoa-dusted petit filet mignon. $$
The Grille Room at the Quechee Club 3268 Quechee main St., Quechee, 299-2101 n closed: Sun., mon., tues., Wed.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Feast in the white-tablecloth dining room or eat outside overlooking the golf course. Prime rib and seafood dishes are highlights. $$$$
Harrington House Inn and Restaurant 88 North rd., Bethel, 392-8034 n closed: tues.; meals: Bru, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n The chefs at this restored inn serve traditional dishes with a contemporary twist. The tavern has an extensive wine list and eight beers on tap. $$
1342 route 106, perkinsville, 2639217 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n reserv. rec., veggiefriendly, live music n The à la carte and tasting menus change weekly to incorporate seasonal ingredients from local farm-partners. Gluten- or dairy-free? Check out the "Vitality" menu. $$$$
Jasper Murdock’s Alehouse at the Norwich Inn 325 main St., Norwich, 649-1143 n meals: B, l, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, wi-fi n The wine list is 200 bottles strong, and ale is brewed on the premises at this firelit country inn. Hearty seasonal fare is locally sourced. $$$
Keeper’s: A Country Café 3685 route 106, reading, 484-9090 n closed: mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n There’s a schoolhouse theme at this restaurant that serves well-crafted, local dishes such as shoyu-glazed salmon and roasted chicken in a sherry-caper reduction. $$$
The Lyme Inn
1 market Sq., lyme, Nh 795-4824 n closed: mon., tues.,; meals: Br., D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n The seasonal menu inside this elegant, historic inn might include miso-glazed wild salmon and cod Provençal — or a choose from a mélange of chunky salads and steaks. $$$$
Madelyn’s Dining Room at Juniper Hill Inn 153 pembroke rd., Windsor, 674-5273 n closed: Wed.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, dance floor, live music, tv n Dense gardens surround the veranda at this upscale restaurant, where seasonal dishes might include pan-seared trout and whole roasted porchetta. $$$$
The Prince & The Pauper 24 Elm St., Woodstock, 457-1818 n meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n This intimate, chef-owned restaurant offers a different prix-fixe deal every night — but the boneless rack of lamb wrapped in puff pastry is always on the menu. $$$$
The Quechee Club 3268 Quechee main St., Quechee, 299-2101 n meals: B, l, D; full bar n all you can eat, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, seasonal, veganfriendly, wi-fi n Look for sandwiches and grilled meats among the handcrafted fare at this resort. The base lodge is open daily all year round; the Club House is seasonal, so call ahead. $$
Quechee Inn at Marshland Farm 1119 Quechee main St., Quechee, 295-3133 n meal: D; full bar n outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggiefriendly, wi-fi n At this romantic country inn, try the slow-roasted, crispy duck breast with orange-apricot demi-glace. A supper menu offers more casual fare. $$$$
Red Rooster 14 the green, Woodstock, 457-1100 n meals: l, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n There’s a local cheese list at this inn-restaurant dedicated to using regional products. Try maple-braised short ribs, black-truffle risotto, or go light with fresh oysters. $$$$
River Tavern at the Hawk Inn & Mountain Resort 75 Billings rd., plymouth, 672-3362 n meals: B, l, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music n This inn offers elegant dining with beautiful views. Try the lobster ravioli. In summer, enjoy barbecue and margaritas by the pool. $$$
7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
AVERAGE ENTRéE MEALS AVERAGE ENTRéE MEALS $ $12 andand under B Breakfast $ $12 under B Breakfast $$ $$ $13 $13 to $18 L Lunch to $18 L Lunch $$$$$$ $19 $19 to $25 D Dinner to $25 D Dinner $$$$ $26$26 to $32 Bru Bru Brunch $$$$ to $32 Brunch $$$$$ $33$33 andand up up LN LN LateLate Night $$$$$ Night
Simon Pearce Simon Pearce Restaurant Restaurant 1760 Quechee main St.,St., 1760 Quechee Main n meals: n Meals: Quechee, 295-1470 Quechee, 295-1470 n gluten-free n gluten-free Bru, l, D; barbar opts., Bru, L, full D; full opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, n n elegant wi-fi cuisine meets local wi-fiElegant cuisine meets local produce in this oldold millmill along thethe produce in this along Ottauquechee River. Sample thethe Ottauquechee river. Sample famous cheddar soup or baked famous cheddar soup or baked rainbow trout with walnut pesto rainbow trout with walnut pesto andand maitake mushrooms. $$$$ maitake mushrooms. $$$$
Tip Top Café Tip Top Café 85 85 N. main St.,St., Suite 100, White N. Main Suite 100, White n n river Junction, 295-3312 River Junction, 295-3312 closed: Sun., mon.; meals: l, D; closed: Sun., Mon.; Meals: L, full D; full n gluten-free n gluten-free barbar opts., outdoor opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, n This n This wi-fi funky café is inisan artsarts wi-fi funky café in an complex. TheThe eclectic menu features complex. eclectic menu features dishes such as ginger-pork meat loafloaf dishes such as ginger-pork meat andand grilled Caesar salad. $$ $$ grilled caesar salad.
Diners The Creek House Diner 1837 River St., Bethel, 234-9191 n Meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n outdoor seating, salad bar, vegan-friendly n The hand-pressed meat and veggie burgers, bottomless cups of coffee and “Hungry man” breakfast specials attract eaters from all over. $
Dixies II 302 Route 110, chelsea, 685-7802 n Meals: B, L, D n veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Women run this family resto in an old brick building heated with a woodstove. The omelettes and openfaced sandwiches are big sellers. Dinner Friday only. $
Northwoods Café at Jiffy Mart 530 Waits River Rd., Bradford, 222-9294 n Meals: B, L, D n veganfriendly, wi-fi n Fill your gas tank, pick up some groceries and chow down on pancakes at this diner and convenience store. Get fresh fish baked, broiled or fried on Friday night. $
37 Vermont Restaurant Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location Week 2013 Location
Polka Dot Diner
Sandy’s Drive-in
7 Main St., White River Junction, 295-9722 n Meals: B, L n cash/check only, wi-fi n You’ll be treated like family at this diner, which serves breakfast all day. chili is a specialty, as are offbeat classics such as tripe and shepherd’s pie. $
5772 Route 14, Sharon, 763-7625 n Meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, seasonal, veganfriendly n Get a burger for under a dollar, topped any way you like, or fill up with battered fresh seafood, cremees or a fried-dough sundae topped with maple syrup. $
Right at Home Café 17 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-6678 n Meals: B, L, D n gluten-free opts., salad bar, veggie-friendly n Hearty soups and grilled sandwiches keep the locals coming back for more. Finish off your meal with the maple bread pudding or homemade cheesecake. $
snack bars/carts Country Creemee 4261 Route 106, Perkinsville, 263-5677 n Meals: L, D n outdoor seating, seasonal n all of the snack-bar classics are here, from a half-pound "mooseburger" (beef, not moose), to crispy fish-and-chips and 50 flavors of creemee. $
Whippi Dip 158 Route 5, Fairlee, 331-1313 n Meals: L, D n cash/check only, outdoor seating, seasonal n This snack bar plays with greasy-spoon preconceptions: You can get salads as well as brisket and fresh pulledpork sandwiches from the barbecue team that runs the joint. $
White Cottage Snack Bar 462 Woodstock Rd., Woodstock, 457-3455 n Meals: L, D n cash/check only, outdoor seating, seasonal n Order a plate of full-bellied clams at this respite on the Ottauquechee river. if fried food isn’t your thing, the burgers are ground fresh and the frappés are sinfully rich.
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avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
uPPEr vaLLEy
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
vermont restaurant Week 2013 Location
Soup ’n’ Sandwich Boho Café & Market 39 S. main St., White river Junction, 296-2227 n closed: Sat., Sun.; meals: B, L n delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music n Stop at this café in the Hotel Coolidge for a “Flying Monkey” — grilled cheese with bacon, pears and currant jelly. Live music most Fridays. $
Mon Vert Café 67 central St., Woodstock, 457-7143 n closed: tues.; meals: B, L; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This European-style café offers hearty breakfast sandwiches, salads and panini made with local ingredients. $
Sandy’s Books & Bakery 30 N. main St., rochester, 767-4258 meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows, games n Everything from bagels and croissants to spanakopita and gazpacho is made in-house at this bookstore and café. Wash it down with an organic tea or espresso. $
South Royalton Market 222 chelsea St., South royalton, 763-2400 n meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Creative, chef-made sandwiches, salads, soups and specials fill the case daily at this market and café facing the town green. Home brewers find ample supplies here, too. $
SteakhouSeS/ Seafood Chadwick’s Steakhouse & Pub 10 Prince St., randolph, 565-8223 n meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, dance floor, karaoke, live music, games, pool, tv n Steak and salmon are top sellers, but diners also flock to this historic steakhouse and pub for the rustic dumplings. $$
Holy Mackerel Seafood Market 261 route 5, Fairlee, 333-9286 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n The chowders shine at this homey café and seafood market, where they also age their own beef, bake their own bread, and serve wild-caught fish in daily specials. $$$
Tozier’s Restaurant
Isabell’s Café
2678 river St., Bethel, 234-9400 n meals: L, D; full bar n seasonal n Inside the spacious, rustic dining room, Friday night seafood chowder is all the rage, and whole clams, salads and fish-and-chips are also popular. Open April to October. $$
3052 route 5, East Thetford, 7854300 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: B, L n cash/check only, veggie-friendly n Locals frequent this petite café for homemade pies, hearty breakfasts and warming soups. The bread is baked on the premises, and the service is super-friendly. $
Kedron Valley Inn Restaurant & Tavern
Barnard General Store 6134 route 12, Barnard, 234-9688 n meals: B, L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n A 1950s ice cream counter and a woodstove give this general store/ café a rustic feel, but the edibles are modern. Breakfast features local chorizo and homemade hash. $
CJ’s @ Than Wheeler’s Tavern
10671 South rd., South Woodstock, 457-1473 n closed: tues., Wed.; meal: D; full bar n outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n The menu here changes with the seasons and features locally sourced products. Dine by the fireplace in winter or on the porch when it's warm. $$$
Mountain Creamery
AsiAn chineSe Chan’s House 184 main St., Bradford, 222-5474 n meals: L, D; full bar n This fast-andfriendly, family-run restaurant serves it up Sichuan-style. Try the General Tso’s chicken or the crab Rangoon. $
China Moon 42 Sykes ave., White river Junction, 291-9088 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n all you can eat, salad bar, n Hot-andsour soup, General Tso’s, housemade dumplings and crab legs draw diners to this buffet adjacent to the bus terminal. $
East Garden 3 Salisbury St., randolph, 728-3288 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n veggiefriendly n You can get all of the basics at this Chinese place — from crab Rangoon to lo mein. $
6 S. main St., White river Junction, 280-1810 n meals: L, D, LN; full bar n veggie-friendly, wi-fi, darts, karaoke, live music, tv n At this subterranean pub, the “King Ding” wings are famous, as is the “Cousin Bill” bacon cheeseburger. $
33 central St., Woodstock, 457-1715 n meals: B, L n cash/check only, outdoor seating, seasonal n The owners grow their own vegetables and raise pigs and cattle for their pulled ham and barbecue beef brisket. The apple pie and ice cream are also made from scratch. $
Combes Family Inn
Shepard’s Pie Restaurant
953 E. Lake rd., Ludlow, 228-8799 n meal: D; ByoB n reserv. rec., veganfriendly, wi-fi n Comfort food and a seven-table dining room make this place feel cozy. Homemade desserts include a dish called “Blueberry Boy Bait.” Dinner by reservation only. $$$
5817 Woodstock rd., Quechee, 2814585 n meals: L, D; full bar n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, salad bar, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n This popular family-run eatery dishes up comfort food such as burgers, fish-and-chips and shepherd’s pie. Live music every weekend. $$
379 route 5, Bradford, 222-4467 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: B, L, D n veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Try Indian dishes such as scallop curry and tandoori stir-fry, or come for the “Beefy Bacon Burster” burger. Sporadic hours, so call ahead. $
Spooner’s Bar and Grille
Taj-E-India Catering & Take Out
Dana’s by the Gorge 5945 Woodstock rd., White river Junction, 295-6066 n meals: B, L; beer & wine n outdoor seating, seasonal, vegan-friendly n The food sells fast at this folksy spot just 200 yards from Quechee Gorge. Start the day with Vermont rarebit or fried dough with strawberries and cream. Closed in winter. $
Eaton’s Sugarhouse Restaurant and Gift Shop 5894 route 14, South royalton, 7638809 n meals: B, L n veggie-friendly n The pancakes are huge, the maplepecan pie is “killer,” and the turkey for sandwiches is roasted in-house. Watch syrup and maple candy being produced on-site. Closed Wednesday in winter. $
21710 maxham meadow Way, Woodstock, 457-4066 n meal: D; full bar n veggie-friendly, pool, tv n Bread and a house salad come with every entrée. Get yours with the renowned “Black & Blue Sirloin,” a Cajun steak garnished with blue cheese, bacon and scallions. $$
Whistlestop Café 176 route 5, Fairlee, 331-1000 n closed: Wed.; meals: B, L n cash/ check only, outdoor seating, veganfriendly n Hearty breakfasts rule here, such as "The Dagwood," a breakfast panino stuffed with prosciutto, sausage, bacon, and provolone and cheddar cheeses. At lunch, tuck into a pastrami sandwich or pozole. $
indian Saffron Paradise at the Bradford Motel
13 Lower hyde Park, White river Junction, 698-8849 n meals: L, D n vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Can’t decide between Indian and Chinese? This kitchen is Vermont’s only source for Indo-Chinese cuisine. $
pan-aSian Angkor Wat 61 Pleasant St., Woodstock, 457-9029 n meals: D; ByoB n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The chef-owner calls his fare "Asian fusion," and draws on Vietnamese, Thai and Indian influences for dishes such as “Drunken Noodles” and pad thai. $
Five Olde Tavern and Grille 192 chelsea St., South royalton, 763-8600 n meals: L, D; full bar n veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Vermont Law students and tourists alike stop here for everything from burgers, wings and steak tips to local brews on tap. $$
BAKERIES » 7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
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avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
uPPEr vaLLEy
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
vermont restaurant Week 2013 Location
Bakeries Allechante 289 main St., Norwich, 649-2846 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n This upscale deli sells a range of prepared foods and gourmet goods. Artisan treats include lemon tarts, as well as sandwiches, salads and soups. $
King Arthur Flour Café (at the Baker’s Store) 135 route 5, Norwich, 649-3361 n meals: B, L; n outdoor seating, veggiefriendly, wi-fi n The café at King Arthur serves oodles of baked goods and coffee drinks. Soups and sandwiches are made daily, too. $
The Local Buzz 142 main St., Bradford, 222-5282 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, wi-fi, live music n You can order breakfast all day long in this cozy café. Espresso drinks, baked goods, and homemade soups and sandwiches round out the fare. $
Trap Door Bakehouse & Café 176 Waterman hill rd., Quechee, 698-8075 n closed: tues.; meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Croissants, bread and pastries are baked fresh each morning at this elegant café. Try organic Kahwa coffee, homemade soup or a panino on fresh ciabatta. $
Bars, PuBs & CluBs Brewery Long Trail Brewing Company Visitors Center & Pub 5520 route 4, Bridgewater corners, 672-5011 n meal: L; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Sit at picnic tables and nosh on burgers, fries, wings and fresh onion rings. There are always at least six beers on tap, including a seasonal offering. $
PuBs The Hungry Bear Pub & Grill 776 Lower Plain, Bradford, 222-5288 n meals: L, D; full bar n veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n The local crowd digs the relaxed vibe, six beers on tap and range of burgers, including bison and turkey. Fresh seafood and steaks round out the affordable menu. $$
Norwich Inn/Jasper Murdock’s Alehouse 325 main St., Norwich, 649-1143 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Located inside the Norwich Inn, this alehouse offers its own awardwinning beer as well as upscale pub food. The crab cakes are a big hit. No lunch Monday. $$
Skunk Hollow Tavern 12 Brownsville rd., hartland Four corners, 436-2139 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n live music n This atmospheric pub dates back to the 1790s. Eat in the elegant upstairs dining room or listen to live music downstairs — either way, get the grass-fed burger. $$
The Worthy Burger 56 rainbow St., South royalton, 763-2575 n meals: L, D n cash/check only, outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Settle in with a local, grass-fed burger — or try fish, veggie or turkey versions. The kitchen slings housemade kimchi and pickles, too; wash them down with kombucha or a local craft brew. $
Coffee/Tea Three Bean Café 22 Pleasant St., randolph, 728-3533 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, L n cash/ check only, gluten-free opts., veggiefriendly, wi-fi n Soups and sandwiches made with seasonal, local ingredients change daily. The croissants, muffins and other pastries are homemade. $
The Tuckerbox 1 S. main St., White river Junction, 359-4041 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, L n veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Cuddle up in a comfy chair with locally roasted coffee and espresso. Early risers can fill up on a “PB&B” — a grilled sandwich of melted peanut butter and crisp bacon. $
Woodbridge Coffeehouse and Web Café 531 Woodstock rd., Woodstock, 332-6075 n closed: tues.; meals: B, Bru, L, D; ByoB n outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n Munch on turkey-and-Brie panini while lounging on a cozy couch. Breakfast is served all day, and dinners include seafood, pasta and burgers. $$
euro French Carpenter & Main
Pizzaroni 2781 route 5, Windsor, 674-9778 n meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., veganfriendly, wi-fi, tv n You can order your pie with one of three sauces, or try a fried seafood plate or specialty pasta. $
326 main St., Norwich, 649-2922 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n The menu changes regularly at this chef-owned restaurant, where local ingredients are cooked in the French tradition. Try the grass-fed burger or roasted oysters with spinach and leeks. $$$
Randolph Village Pizza
The Parker House Inn & Restaurant
5789 route 14, royalton, 763-2800 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n veggiefriendly n At this pizzeria, try a steakand-cheese sub or a vegetarian, Greek or Hawaiian pie. $
1792 Quechee main St., Quechee, 295-6077 n meal: D; full bar n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music n At this bistro, diners enjoy creative, seasonal French fare, such as bouillabaisse and steak frites. Yankee Magazine called it the “best chefowned venue in Vermont.” Seasonal hours, so call ahead. $$$$
iTalian/Pizzerias Cockadoodle Pizza Café 235 main St., Bethel, 234-9666 n closed: Sun.; meals: L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The “Bethel Ranch” pizza is a best seller, as is the tuna melt. Or, hit the old-fashioned soda fountain. Toys keep kids engaged while grown-ups relax in comfy chairs. $
Colatina Exit 164 main St., Bradford, 222-9008 n meals: L, D; full bar n delivery, glutenfree opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n This old-school Italian spot is both family-friendly and candlelit. There are hand-cut steaks, wood-fired pizzas, seafood entrées and fresh salads. $$
Osteria Pane e Salute 61 central St., Woodstock, 457-4882 n closed: mon., tues., Wed.; meal: D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n There are only eight tables at this intimate, regional-Italian eatery, where the changing menu features homegrown ingredients and Italian vino. Closed April and November. $$$
Pi Brick Oven Trattoria 49 central St., Woodstock, 457-9277 n closed: mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly n The space is huge but the menu is all about the basics: eight pies, four salads and an antipasto plate. Try the creamy escarole salad or pizza topped with fennel and sausage. $$
7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
1 S. main St., randolph, 728-9677 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n veggiefriendly n Everything is homemade at this longstanding pizza and pasta joint. Try a “Village Special” with peppers, pepperoni, onions, 'shrooms, ground beef and sausage. $
Royalton Village Pizza
MarkeTs/Co-oPs Route 4 Country Store, Deli & Bar-B-Que 3699 Woodstock rd., White river Junction, 295-7563 n meals: B, L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n At this country store, you can pick up sandwiches, salads, local cheeses, housemade chocolate and creemees — as well as 'cue faves such as ribs, brisket and pulled pork. $
Upper Valley Food Co-op 193 N. main St., White river Junction, 295-5804 n meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n Inside this coop is the cozy Sweet Lilac Deli, which serves up muffins, cookies, soups, sandwiches and salads. $
Woodstock Farmers’ Market 468 Woodstock rd., Woodstock, 457-3658 n closed: mon.; meals: L, D n vegan-friendly n Entrées, soups and salads change daily, but 25 signature sandwiches are menu standards. You can also pick up chocolate, flowers, dips, wine and fresh produce. $
souTh of The Border Island/TroPIcal Melaza Caribbean Bistro 71 central St., Woodstock, 457-7110 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, dance floor n The Puerto Rican-born chef cooks up Caribbean tapas and specialties such as seared scallops with spinach risotto and a coconutcurry-lime sauce. Sip a mojito on the terrace in summer. $$$
AL FRESCO TIME ThreeTomatoesTrattoria.com
Tomatoes#2.indd 1
62 Country Club Rd., Brandon, 465-4071
Americans welcomed the British Invasion with full-throated enthusiasm, but they’ve been a little more standoffish about English food. The two come together harmoniously in an unlikely venue — a Brandon barn once owned by artist Warren Kimble and now operating as a performance space, tearoom and restaurant. Classical and jazz concerts are held regularly at the world headquarters of the Divine Art Recordings Group, under the direction of co-owner Stephen Sutton. Even when no one is playing live, music from the label’s artists fills the room. At lunchtime, you might hear composer Paul Mealor’s Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal, of royal wedding fame: It played at the nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Or the The Finck Album, named for Herman Finck, a composer of English music-hall hits in the 1910s and ’20s. PHOtOS: vytO StarinSkaS
brandon music café
3/13/13 4:05 PM
Whatever the accompaniment, chef Donna Towle’s food takes center stage. Edna Sutton, who owns the café with husband Stephen, carefully trained the American chef to prepare her native English fare. While some customers order Towle’s award-winning chili, those in the know sip potato-leek soup. Or they may prefer to start their meal with a walnut-and-blue-cheese tartlet. A light custard packs a fermented wallop of Stilton amid creamy, eggy delights housed in a flaky piecrust. Savory pies are a specialty here, too. A steak-and-ale version is richly flavored with Guinness and topped with buttery puff pastry. A banger pie is stuffed with lightly spiced sausage meat and served with creamy mashed potatoes and red-wine gravy. Contrary to American expectations for British fare, each of the pies comes with a fresh salad, served with a trio of homemade dressings. The raspberry vinaigrette pops with unbroken chunks of pulp, while the balsamic vinaigrette is flecked with fresh herbs. Add a pot of bracing Assam tea and the sound of bow strokes, and it’s the next-best thing to supper at “Downton Abbey.” alice levitt
rutlaND arEa
AmericAn BarBecue/Soul food The Back Behind Restaurant & Barbecue Smokehouse Junctions of route 4 and 100, Killington, 422-9907 n closed: tues., Wed.; meals: l, D; full bar n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, wi-fi, games, tv n This rustic restaurant seats guests at the bar, in the dining room or in a vintage Rutland Railway caboose. Lunch on weekends and holiday weeks. $$$
contemporary Birch Ridge Inn 37 Butler rd., Killington, 422-4293 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Visitors to this country inn pass through a covered bridge. On the other side: fine dining in an intimate setting. Try the lamb dishes. $$$
Choices Restaurant and Rotisserie 2820 Killington rd., Killington, 4224030 n meals: Bru, D, lN; full bar n veggie-friendly n Seafood, steak and homemade pasta are served up at this casual but elegant eatery with great views. Sunday brunch in winter, and seasonal hours in summer. $$$
Kelvans Restaurant 128 merchants row, rutland, 7751550 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: l, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This spot offers casual dishes such as “South Beach-style” fried calamari, local-beef burgers, and fresh fish cakes. Twenty wines by the glass. $$
The Mountain Top Inn & Resort 195 mountain top rd., chittenden, 483-2311 n meals: B, l, D; full bar n outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggiefriendly, wi-fi, pool, tv n Equestrians and snowmobilers stop at this casual restaurant with sweeping lake views. It won a 2011 Wine Spectator award, but diners are just as likely to stop in for burgers and brews. $$
Ovations Restaurant at the Killington Grand 228 E. mountain rd., Killington, 422-6111 n meals: B, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n The spacious dining room is elegant, but the fare ranges from macand-cheese to filet mignon. $$$
The Red Clover Inn & Restaurant 7 Woodward Dr., mendon, 775-2290 n closed: tues., Wed.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music n The dining room at this romantic country inn serves dishes such as steak with roasted-garlic-andoxtail ravioli. The relaxed tavern offers roasted-corn-and-mushroom risotto. $$$
Roots the Restaurant 51 Wales St., rutland, 747-7414 n closed: mon.; meals: l, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veganfriendly n This chef-owned locavore restaurant connects diners with fresh, healthy food. Try the Neshobe Farm emu steak. $$
Sissy’s Kitchen 10 West St., middletown Springs, 235-2000 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: B, l, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Once chef-owner of the Dorset Inn, Sissy Hicks crafts comfort food from local ingredients. Stop in for trout and eggs or homemade pastries. $
Table 24 Restaurant 24 Wales St., rutland, 775-2424 n closed: Sun.; meals: l, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n The wood-fired grill and rotisserie are the centerpieces of this upscale comfort-food eatery. Save room for fresh banana-cream pie. $$$
458 main St., West rutland, 438-2422 n meals: B, l n cash/check only n This country diner serves daily specials: chicken and biscuits on Monday and meat loaf on Wednesday. Order the berry-and-cream pie every day. $
Midway Diner 120 S. main St., rutland, 775-9901 n meals: B, l; beer & wine n veggiefriendly n Open since 1948, this oldtime eatery serves omelettes, burgers and daily specials. $
Sheri’s Diner 25 center St., Brandon, 465-8284 n closed: tues.; meals: B, l n glutenfree opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Finedining chef Sheri Sullivan prepares “comfort food at its best” at this locavore diner. Breakfast served all day. $
Snack BarS/cartS Castleton Snack Bar 1589 main St., castleton, 468-3074 n meals: l, D n outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly n Open from April to September, this snack bar fries up corn dogs, clams and even zucchini. Creemees come in 24 flavors. $
Roxie’s Snack Bar 151 route 4a, castleton, 468-2800 n meals: l, D n outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly n This seasonal creemee stand has been in the family for 50 years. The hand-cut French fries are a steady seller, and the homemade relish is popular, too. $
Village Snackbar 389 West St., rutland, 855-8781 n meals: l, D; ByoB n outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly n Choose from seafood, burgers, foot-long hotdogs, creemees or weekend barbeque at this seasonal snack bar. Open March through October. $
Soup ‘n’ Sandwich
Birdseye Diner
Castleton Pizza Place & Deli
590 main St., castleton, 468-5817 n meals: B, l, D; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This fully restored 1940s Silk City diner mixes classic diner fare with more upscale dishes. $
JR’s Eatery 4601 route 7, Pittsford, 483-2348 n meals: B, l, D n cash/check only n This traditional family diner serves breakfast all day, and the pies and muffins are homemade. $
Mary’s Café
575 main St., castleton, 468-2911 n meals: l, D; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n The pizza dough is made from scratch, and the sandwiches are classic. Enjoy your meal in the stylish dining room. $
Constantino’s Italian Imports 10 terrill St., rutland, 747-0777 n closed: Sun.; meal: l n veggie-friendly n This Italian grocery sells pasta, wine, cheese and deli meats, plus lunch specials such as sandwiches and pasta salad. Try the killer chicken Parm. $
Gill’s Delicatessen 68 Strongs ave., rutland, 773-7414 n closed: Sun.; meals: l, D n cash/check only, delivery, vegan-friendly n This popular deli offers crabmeat grinders and other hefty sandwiches on homemade rolls. $
Killington Avenue Market & Deli 22 Killington ave., rutland, 773-2412 n closed: Sat., Sun.; meals: l, D n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The bread is housebaked at this cozy deli, where diners can nosh on everything from soups and sandwiches to lasagna, eggplant frittatas and creative salads. $
Sandwich Shoppe 62 merchants row, rutland, 773-2580 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, l n veggiefriendly n There are more than 230 different items on the menu. Try the turkey, Swiss cheese and dill sandwich. $
Vermont Bagel Café in Olivia’s Market 199 Stratton rd., rutland, 775-1144 n meals: B, l, D; beer & wine n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, salad bar, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n This café, where it’s “more than just a bagel,” serves up homemade soups, salads and sandwiches. Pies and pastries are also made on-site. $
Vermont Soup and Sandwich of Brandon 22 center St., Brandon, 247-9622 n meals: l, D n delivery, outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n This local sandwich company comes up with some interesting combos. Try the popular “Patriot,” with turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce. $
The Yellow Deli 23 center St., rutland, 775-9800 n closed: Sat.; meals: B, l, D, lN n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This rustic, health-conscious deli is open continuously from noon on Sunday ’til Friday afternoon. Get wholesome sandwiches on homemade breads; there’s also a full maté and coffee bar. $
7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
SteakhouSeS/ Seafood The Chowder House Restaurant 1246 Franklin St., Brandon, 247-6644 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: L, D n outdoor seating, seasonal n Otter Valley Winery pairs its vintages with classic fried-fish dishes, as well as oysters, clams and other shellfish. Call ahead for seasonal hours. $
Paynter’s Restaurant and the Centre Stage Lounge at Holiday Inn 476 route 7, rutland, 775-1911 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n You can get prime rib, broiled salmon, burgers and sandwiches at this steakhouse. Lunch served Tuesday to Thursday. $$
The Saltwater Cowboy 209 N. main St., rutland, 773-6060 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n The décor is reminiscent of Maine, and fresh seafood is trucked up from Boston every day. Affordable faves include fish-andchips and clam chowder. $
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
vermont Fresh Network member
vermont restaurant Week 2013 2012 Location
The Wobbly Barn Steakhouse
Blanche and Bill’s Pancake House
Patricia’s Restaurant, a.k.a. Sully’s Place
2229 Killington rd., Killington, 422-6171 n meals: D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., salad bar, seasonal, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, dance floor, live music, tv n Open from Halloween to Easter, this steakhouse is a Killington mainstay. The soup, salad and bread bar comes with every entrée, including the hand-cut, aged steak. $$$$
586 route 4, Bridgewater corners, 422-3816 n closed: tues., Wed.; meals: Bru, L n veggie-friendly n Choose from 30 specials that combine homemade pancakes, waffles and French toast with eggs, potatoes and breakfast meats. Open in spring only. $
18-20 center St., Brandon, 247-3223 n meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, karaoke n This restaurant has a varied menu from spaghetti to baked haddock, and an outdoor theme. Duck decoys and taxidermy abound. $$
traditional Back to Vermont Pub 158 main St., Poultney, 287-4064 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n cash/check only, outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, dance floor, darts, live music, pool, tv n Patrons choose from 20 beers on tap, including local microbrews and imported ales. Dinner ranges from hamburgers to char-grilled steaks and seafood. $
Cattails Restaurant
Perry’s Main Street Eatery
2146 route 7, Brandon, 247-9300 n closed: mon.; meals: B, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Snowmobilers love this cozy eatery. Try the barbecue ribs or fish-and-chips. Breakfast on weekends only. $$
253 main St., Poultney, 287-5188 n meals: B, L, D n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Owners Walt and Donna Perry maintain a comfortable vibe here. Home-cooked food includes chicken and biscuits and mac-and-cheese. $$
The Inside Scoop
Rutland Restaurant & Burnham Hollow Pies
22 Park St., Brandon, 247-6600 n outdoor seating, seasonal, veganfriendly, wi-fi n This old-fashioned ice cream parlor and soda fountain shares space with an antiques shop. You’ll find sundaes, shakes, malts, smoothies and floats. Closed on Tuesday in winter. $
55-57 merchants row, rutland, 775-7447 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, L, D; full bar n veggie-friendly, tv n The restaurant dates back to 1917, and the current owner serves American food with a Mediterranean flair. Try the Greek pastries, pot pies and quiches. $$
AMEriCAn »
bustle of Located in the middle of the hustle and rs gourmet cuisine Brandon, Vermont, Café Provence offe locally grown, with a casual touch. Chef Robert uses cheeses and is a seasonally available produce, meat and Café Provence offers member of the Vermont Fresh Network. a full service bar with daily specials, a children’s menu, and an eclectic wine list to suit any palate. new On-premise catering is available in our ise catering Private Dining Room as well as off-prem cooking and for all your special occasions. Weekly ter. baking classes in our new culinary thea
Check out our website for upcoming events, menus and schedules.
cafeprovencevt.com .9997 11 Center Street • Brandon • 802.247 tions. Summer outdoor seating is available
at both loca
right down the road from Visit Gourmet Provence bakery located sive wine room! exten our and ies pastr e, Café for fresh coffe
3002 37 Center Street Brandon • 802.247. irs! nsta dow open Center Street bar is now
rutlaND arEa « AMERICAn
The Saint’s Pub
New Kong Chow Fusion
Sushi Yoshi
Two Shea’s
200 Summit rd., Killington, 800635-6343 n meal: D; full bar n all you can eat, seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, games, live music, pool, tv n This cozy, Saint Bernard-themed pub serves dinner from Thanksgiving to March. Sunday is all-you-can-eatpasta-and-salad night. $$
48 center St., rutland, 773-1388 n meals: l, D; full bar n vegan-friendly n Vietnamese and Thai dishes join chow mein, fried rice and other Chinese American dishes at one of Vermont’s first ethnic restaurants. $
1807 Killington rd., Killington, 4224241 n meals: l, D; full bar n delivery, gluten-free opts., seasonal, veganfriendly n Chinese and Japanese delights, including hibachi, abound here. There’s lots of maki, such as the “Phishfood Roll” with yellowtail, spicy mayo, avocado and roe. Closed in summer. $$
34 Wales St., rutland, 773-6668 n full bar n outdoor seating, darts, games, pool, tv n This downtown neighborhood bar also has a deck.
Seward Family Restaurant 224 N. main St., rutland, 773-2738 n meals: B, l, D n There’s classic American fare, but this landmark is famous for its 50 flavors of ice cream, as well as the “Pig’s Dinner” — a giant banana split served in a trough. $
Sugar & Spice 43 route 4, mendon, 773-7832 n meals: B, l n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Maple syrup is made on the premises at this rustic restaurant and gift shop. Pumpkin pancakes keep ’em coming, and waffles with ice cream are served as an entrée! $
Sweet Caroline’s 100 main St., West rutland, 438-5696 n meals: B, l, D; full bar n all you can eat, gluten-free opts., reserv. rec. n In a Rutland poll, this family dining spot was twice voted Best Casual Restaurant. Prime rib and turkey dinners are popular. Breakfast served on weekends. $
AsiAn Chinese Ginger China 124 Woodstock ave., rutland, 7790084 n meals: l, D n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n The chefs at this Asian eatery have a combined 100 years of experience. They prepare Chinese American fare, as well as pad Thai and creative sushi. $
Li’s Chinese Restaurant 16 Park St., Brandon, 247-8818 n meals: l, D n Get your lo mein to go, or eat it here. The roast pork and “Happy Family” dishes are also popular. $
Number One Chinese Restaurant 159 S. main St., rutland, 775-9955 n meals: l, D n The General Tso’s is a big hit here. Lunch on weekdays. $
Orient Taste Express 46 Diamond run Place, Diamond run mall, rutland, 773-0622 n meals: l, D n veggie-friendly n The boneless spare ribs are a big seller at this mall restaurant. Lunch only on Sunday. $
Rutland Buffet 26 rutland Shopping Plaza, rutland, 775-4717 n meals: l, D n all you can eat n At this buffet-style Chinese restaurant, chicken and seafood dishes are popular. $
indian Jia Indian Restaurant 377 West St., rutland, 773-0066 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, l, D n veganfriendly n Chicken tikka masala and shahi paneer korma are among popular dishes at this restaurant inside a gas station. $
Japanese Tokyo House
BAkeries Gourmet Provence 37 center St., Brandon, 247-3002 n meals: B, l n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n There are a few tables in this bakery and wine store, an outgrowth of nearby Café Provence. The breads and pastries are made daily, as are sandwiches, soups and salads. Closed Sunday in winter. $
The Wild Fern 1731 route 100, Stockbridge, 746-9119 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: B, Bru, l, D; ByoB n cash/ check only, veggie-friendly, live music n The chef-owner bakes bread daily and uses her neighbors’ produce for dishes at this eclectic, intimate café. Check out the live music during Sunday brunch. $
BArs, PuBs & CluBs Bars Center Street Bar
106 West St., rutland, 786-8080 n meals: l, D; beer & wine n veggiefriendly n A variety of Japanese dishes — including sushi and teriyaki — is available here. $$
15 center St., Brandon, 465-8347 n meals: D, lN; full bar n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, live music n This bar shares a kitchen with Café Provence upstairs, so snacks such as wings and nachos are a notch above. Open ‘til midnight on weekends.
New Shanghai and Tokyo Restaurant 271 N. main St., rutland, 786-8088 n meals: l, D n all you can eat, veggiefriendly n The owners are from Shanghai, but they also serve sushi. The pork-fried-rice/egg-roll combo is popular. $
52 Strongs ave., rutland, 773-9839 n full bar n cash/check only, outdoor seating, darts, games, pool, tv n Locals unwind at this workingman’s bar. It’s noted for sports, but there’s a jukebox, too.
On The Rocs Lounge
2384 Killington rd., Killington, 422-7627 n meals: D, lN; full bar n outdoor seating, veggiefriendly, wi-fi n Settle in to this speakeasy with a “Moscow Mule” or a “Paloma” — or nibble on hearty dishes such as steak frites and pistachiocrusted sea scallops. $$
nightCluB Pickle Barrel Nightclub 1741 Killington rd., Killington, 4223035 n closed: Sun., mon., tues., Wed.; meal: lN; full bar n all-ages music shows, dance floor, tv, sometimes cover n With four bars and weekend live shows, this club has kept Killington rocking for more than 30 years. Skiers and ’boarders are the main clientele, so summer shows are sporadic.
puBs CJ Suds South 174 S. main St., rutland, 775-3775 n meals: l, D, lN; full bar n outdoor seating, dance floor, darts, games, pool, tv n Bikers are welcome at this local roadhouse serving rib-eye steaks and, of course, lots of beer. $
The Inn at the Long Trail 709 route 4, Killington, 775-7181 n meals: l, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., seasonal, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, darts, live music, tv n Hearty Irish and American fare warms up skiers and hikers in a dining room built around a massive boulder. Closed April to Memorial Day. $
Jax Food & Games 1667 Killington rd., Killington, 422-5334 n meals: D, lN; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wifi, all-ages music shows, dance floor, games, pool, tv, sometimes cover n This eatery bills itself as “localfriendly,” with some of the lowest food prices in the area. Kids’ meals are only $5. $
Coffee/TeA Café Terra 67 center St., rutland, 774-5121 n meals: B, l; ByoB n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, wi-fi, live music n Local, organic and fair-trade products fill plates and cups at this mellow meeting place. Local microroasters provide the java; baked goods and panini are made with Vermont ingredients. $
7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
eCleCTiC Harry’s Café 3621 route 103, mount holly, 2592996 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n “Eclectic” truly describes the fare at this café, which has been a Ludlow mainstay for 24 years. Dive into jerk scallops, steak flautas or Thai red curry. $$$
Little Harry’s 121 West St., rutland, 747-4848 n meal: D; full bar n reserv. rec., veganfriendly n “An oasis for the passionate appetite” is the slogan at this openminded restaurant in the heart of downtown. The global cuisine is served in a casual, cozy atmosphere. $$
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
The Snow Angel Tavern
AlPiNe The Countryman’s Pleasure 3 town Line rd., mendon, 773-7141 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n veggie-friendly n Dine by candlelight in an 1824 colonial farmhouse. Fine food from Austria and Germany is augmented by American offerings. $$$
british/gAstroPubs H Brandon Music Café (see p.42)
62 country club rd., Brandon, 465-4071 n closed: tues.; meal: L; ByoB n outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music n Diners can tuck into a steak-and-Guinness-pie while listening to live jazz and classical artists at this British-flavored restaurant and recording company. $
6105 route 4, mendon, 772-7163 n closed: mon.; meals: D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n The chef-owner’s specialty is pork schnitzel over fettuccine with lemon-caper-butter sauce, but this gastropub does a brisk business in housemade desserts and specialty cocktails, too. $$
FreNch Café Provence 11 center St., Brandon, 247-9997 n meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n Inside this spacious restaurant, chef Robert Barral — one of the founders of the New England Culinary Institute — crafts French-inspired comfort food. Try a seafood stew with scallops, shrimp and mussels served over saffron risotto, doused in lobster broth. $$$
47 vermont restaurant Week 2013 Location
MediterrANeAN/ greek Fair Haven Inn Restaurant 5 adams St., Fair haven, 265-4907 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The website refers to this inn’s cooks as “poets of fish.” The owner says that their calamari “makes the Olympus gods blush.” $$$
iTalian/Pizzerias A Crust Above 215 Woodstock ave., rutland, 7474700 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, veggie-friendly n Let the kids play while you enjoy one of 23 gourmet pies. “Wild Willy’s Red Potato Pie” combines sour cream, sliced red potatoes, bacon, broccoli and cheddar. $
Red Clover Inn Restaurant & Tavern
“A feast for the senses in an idyllic setting” - Boston Globe
Our Restaurant is open for Dinner Thursday through Monday from 5:30 to 9:00 PM
A Vermont Mountain Farm Inn for Food & Wine Lovers Erb Photo
Fresh, local, farm-to-table food meets inspired international cuisine. Wines from around the world meet local brews from around the corner. Fine dining meets the friendly, unpretentious atmosphere of our cozy restaurant and tavern. And better yet, spend the night with a signature cocktail by the fire or a dip in the hot tub before retiring to one of our welcoming accommodations.
Erb Photo
Polis Photography
7 Woodward Road, Mendon, VT — 1/4 mile off Route 4 between Killington and Rutland www.redcloverinn.com | 800-752-0571 | innkeepers@redcloverinn.com
Discover why people all over the Northeast make Table 24 in downtown Rutland a dining destination. Featuring a seasonal artisan menu with inspired versions of your favorite American comfort foods. Chef/Owner Stephen Sawyer prepares selected specialties on a wood-fired grill and rotisserie to create flavors unique to this region.
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3/14/13 11:34 AM
On the Rocs is a modern speakeasy lounge
modeled in quintessential style. The walls remind us of a time when wherespirits a spiritwere was forbidden and a password was needed at the door. In the kitchen, the chef is preparing divine mouthwatering delights certain to satisfy even the most mature palate. palette. The mood is too tempting to resist.
2384 Killington Road | Killington, VT 05751 | 802.422.ROCS
www.Ontherocslounge.com ontherocslounge@aol.com
Average Entrée Prices:
$ $12 and under $$$$ $26-$32 $$$$$ price is $$ $13 to $18 no object $$$ $19 to $25
49 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
Blue Cat Bistro
Poultney House of Pizza
Ted’s Pizza Shop
575 Main St., Castleton, 468-2791 n Closed: Sun., Mon.; Meals: L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n There are upscale Mediterranean dishes on the menu, but casual diners fare can nosh on mozzarella sticks or pork chops. $$
245 Main St., Poultney, 287-9439 n Closed: Mon.; Meals: L, D n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n The hot-wing and barbecue-chicken pies are popular at this fast, friendly pizzeria. $
91 State St., Rutland, 773-6368 n Meal: D n This Rutland landmark is known for its unbeatable prices. Try the spaghetti-and-meatballs. $
Cara Mia’s 50 Strongs Ave., Rutland, 747-9001 n Meals: L, D n delivery, veggie-friendly n Pies might be the specialty here, but grinders, pasta and baked dishes dot the menu, too. $
The Garlic 1724 Killington Rd., Killington, 4225055 n Meal: D; full bar n veganfriendly, wi-fi, tv n Linguine with puttanesca sauce — chunks of tomato, capers and olives — is a signature dish. The bar draws an over-30 crowd for fancy ’tinis and tapas. $$$
The Palms Restaurant
Ramunto’s Sicilian Pizza 102 Strongs Ave., Rutland, 747-9980 n Meals: L, D n delivery, gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly n This Sicilian pizzeria fires up a lot of “Garlic-Knot Pizza,” named for its garlic-and-Parmesan dough. Pies are hand-tossed in front of you. $
Sal’s Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria 148 West St., Rutland, 775-3360 n Closed: Mon., Tues.; Meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, veggiefriendly n The specialties at this old-time Italian restaurant include shrimp and scallops in a spicy red clam sauce served over linguine. Lunch Wednesday to Friday. $$
36 Strongs Ave., Rutland, 773-2367 n Closed: Sun.; Meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n This eatery has been a Rutland-area tradition since 1933. Try the Neapolitan pizza or the nightly gourmet specials. $$
APRIL 26-MAY 5, 2013
Three Tomatoes Trattoria 88 Merchants Row, Rutland, 7477747 n Meal: D; full bar n veggiefriendly n Locals gather at this rustic Italian eatery to watch thin-crust pizza, baked pasta and roasted meats emerge from the wood-fired oven. $$
Market & co-op Liquid Motivation 120 Merchants Row, Rutland, 7793977 n Meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This juice bar oozes health, from smoothies and fresh juices to veggie, vegan and gluten-free goodies such as coconut-peanut noodles and tomatomozzarella-barley salad. $
South of the Border Mexican/Latin Ana’s Empanadas 54 Strongs Ave., Rutland, 342-2083 n Closed: Sun., Mon.; Meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n This bakeshop uses no hydrogenated fats or oils in its empanadas. All the savory turnovers, including the popular “Buenos Aires Beef,” are made with locally raised meats. $
Ana’s in the Evening 2841 Kilington Rd., Killington, 342-2083 n Closed: Tues.; Meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., veganfriendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n Part of Wally’s American Grill, this bakeshop uses locally raised meats for its empanadas, sliders, tapas and Latin American soul food specials. $$
a field-to-fork
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Innovative American Cuisine Seasonal Outdoor Dining On the Banks of The Otter Creek
Mom makes a mean French toast and some tasty sandwiches. But what if a top-flight chef were cooking the same homey classics? Matt Birong turns that rhetorical question into a delicious reality at 3 Squares Café. The New England Culinary Institute-trained Essex native honed his skills at New York’s Rainbow Room and Boston’s Aquitaine before he found himself in the kitchen at Burlington’s greatly missed Waiting Room. In 2007, Birong left “fine dining” to open his own cozy café in the “smallest city in the USA” Since then, Vergennes has been lucky enough to have a chef cooking its breakfast, lunch and dinner. PHOtOS: MattHeW tHORSeN
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The spoils for the small town include ideally executed, whimsical takes on standard American fare. Imagine a crusty French dip sandwich, complete with sweet caramelized onions and Gruyère. Then add shaved elk and elk jus. Birong says that his wife, Danelle, who carries the title of “cheerleader and taster,” is a big fan of his occasional special, Italian-inflected eggs Benedict. It starts with a chewy homemade English muffin that serves as a perfect pedestal for salty prosciutto di Parma, a poached egg and pesto-speckled hollandaise, all drizzled with a balsamic reduction. Oven-roasted tomatoes, topped with a shower of roughly chopped garlic, lend an acidic sweetness that illuminates the creamy, yolky proceedings like a klieg light. Each spring during Vermont Restaurant Week, Birong pulls out all the stops with special dishes that hark back to the celebrated kitchens whence he came. Last year, a Parisian bistro dinner featured luscious cassoulet and a braised short rib that would have made French chef Auguste Escoffier proud. Another year, a lightly spiced Mexican-chocolate torte was a satisfying end to a meal that included ancho-rubbed pork tenderloin with plantain cakes and jicama-pepper slaw. Bring Mom. She’ll love it. alice levitt
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miDDlEBury arEa
AmericAn Contemporary Almost Home 28 North St., Bristol, 453-5775 n meals: B, Bru, l, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, wi-fi n This country store and market offers take-home meals, salads, soups and pastries. There’s also an espresso bar and a selection of fine wine and beer. $
Antidote 35 c green St., vergennes, 877-2555 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, dance floor, darts, games, live music, tv n The eclectic fare at this speakeasy can be super-local — as in, from pigs raised by the chef himself. Pair it with a local brew or specialty cocktail. $$
Black Sheep Bistro 253 main St., vergennes, 877-9991 n meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n Seven Days readers voted it “the best place to have dinner outside Chittenden County if you’re paying.” All entrées are $19. Enjoy al fresco dining on the patio in summer. $$
Blueberry Hill Inn 1307 goshen ripton rd., goshen, 247-6735 n meal: D; ByoB n glutenfree opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The stone fireplace and candlelit dinners are draws at this elegant country inn. The seasonal three-course menu changes nightly. Closed in April and November. $$$$
The Bobcat Café & Brewery 5 main St., Bristol, 453-3311 n meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n This café dishes out contemporary, farm-fresh comfort food. Sample the housebrewed beer. $$
Grapevine Grill 610 route 7, middlebury, 382-8646 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: l, D n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wifi n Pick up lasagna or a rib-eye steak, prepared to order, at this upscale take-out place. Unusual wines are a specialty, too. $$
Jessica’s at Swift House Inn 25 Stewart lane, middlebury, 388-9925 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The seasonal menu at this 199-yearold mansion ranges from Mediterranean to traditional Vermont fare — but always includes creative desserts. $$$
Lu Lu 11 main St., Bristol n closed: mon., tues. n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n This smallbatch artisan ice cream shop focuses on local ingredients. Try a scoop of strawberry-rhubarb sorbet or curried peanut-butter ice cream. $
The Main Dining Room at the Basin Harbor Club 4800 Basin harbor rd., vergennes, 475-2311 n meal: D; full bar n glutenfree opts., reserv. rec., seasonal, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, dance floor, live music n Seasonal dinners with a lake view from June to October. Coats and ties are required during July and August. Dancing every Friday night. $$$$
Mary’s Restaurant at the Inn at Baldwin Creek 1868 route 116, Bristol, 453-2432 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: B, D; full bar n outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, games n Chef-owner Doug Mack cooks out of a 200-year-old farmhouse with a huge kitchen garden. His garlic soup is renowned. Breakfast on Sunday. $$$
Morgan’s Tavern at the Middlebury Inn 14 court Sq., middlebury, 388-4961 n meals: B, l, D; full bar n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Dine on classic New England cuisine prepared with fresh ingredients. Afternoon tea served daily. $$$
Starry Night Café 5371 route 7, Ferrisburgh, 877-6316 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, live music n The décor is as distinctive as the dining at this intimate café overlooking a pond. The chef uses local ingredients to craft creative international dishes. $$$
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mEalS B Breakfast l lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch lN late Night
Storm Café 3 mill St., middlebury, 388-1063 n meals: l, D; beer & wine n outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n Enjoy Otter Creek-side eating at this unique café, set in a 19th-century mill building. In summer, dine on the deck. $$$
Sweet Marie’s 1 Washington St., middlebury, 388-2166 n closed: Sun., mon., tues., Wed., Thur.; meal: D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n At this petite restaurant, Johnson & Wales-trained chef Sama Hayyat uses homegrown ingredients on his Middle Easternand Italian-inflected menu. $$
Waybury Inn 457 E. main St., East middlebury, 388-4015 n meals: B, Bru, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Once the setting for “The Bob Newhart Show,” this charming New England inn has a popular pub and a traditional dining room. $$
Diners Rosie’s Restaurant 886 route 7, middlebury, 388-7052 n meals: B, l, D; full bar n glutenfree opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Families flock to this diner for big breakfasts, as well as for pork platters, chicken Parmesan and stir-fry. $
Steve’s Park Diner 66 merchants row, middlebury, 3883297 n meals: B, l n good for groups, n You can get breakfast all day at this downtown diner where everybody knows each other. $
snaCk bar/Cart Village Creemee Stand 41 West St., Bristol, 453-6034 n meals: l, D n cash/check only, outdoor seating, seasonal, veggiefriendly n You get a mountain view from the picnic tables at this summer fast-food joint known for its generous portions of ice cream. $
soup ’n’ sanDwiCh H 3 Squares Café (see p.50) 221 main St., vergennes, 877-2772 n meals: B, Bru, l, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n This eatery offers a small selection of local products, coffee drinks, a deli and “creative-casual” food. Sunday eggs Benedict specials. $
vermont restaurant Week 2013 location
Middlebury Bagel & Delicatessen 11 Washington St., middlebury, 388-0859 n meals: B, l n cash/ check only, outdoor seating, veganfriendly n Everything here is made from scratch, including doughnuts and whole-wheat pancakes. Try a bagel-egg-sausage concoction called the “J.J. Bagelegger.” $
Noonie Deli 137 maple St., marbleworks, middlebury, 388-0014 n meals: B, l, D n delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n The Addison Eagle singled this place out for “the best and biggest sandwich in town.” The homemade bread is legendary. $
steakhouse/ seafooD Fire & Ice Restaurant 26 Seymour St., middlebury, 388-7166 n meals: l, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., salad bar, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, darts, tv n This popular steakhouse has historic décor and a massive salad bar. Kids can relax in a separate room that offers movies and books. Lunch served Friday to Sunday. $$$
traDitional A&W Drive-In
1557 route 7, middlebury, 3882876 n meals: l, D n cash/check only, outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly n At the last car-hopassisted A&W stand in New England, try root-beer floats, cheeseburgers, hand-cut French fries and cheese curds. Open May to October. $
Horse N Rebel Market, Gallery & Grille 4118 route 116, Starksboro, 377-1066 n meals: B, l n cash/check only, glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, veggiefriendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n At this country store and deli, locals chat or listen to live music around a fireplace. The grass-fed beef comes from an on-site farm — try it in a burger or meatball sub. $
Mister Up’s Restaurant 25 Bakery lane, middlebury, 3886724 n meals: Bru, l, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, salad bar, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Dig into “Thumbs and Toes” — aka boneless chicken wings — or “Dirty Steak” in the dining room, at the bar or on the porch overlooking Otter Creek. $$
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middlebury area
aVeraGe eNTrée $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mealS b breakfast l lunch d dinner bru brunch lN late Night
55 Vermont restaurant Week 2013 location
« american
Snaps Café 24 main St., bristol, 453-2525 n meals: b, bru, l, d; full bar n veggie-friendly n Breakfast specials served until 2 p.m. Try the eggs Benedict or homemade corned-beef hash; later in the day, order a burger. $
Two Brothers Lounge & Stage 86 main St., middlebury, 388-0002 n Closed: Sun., mon.; meals: d, lN; full bar n gluten-free opts., veganfriendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows, dance floor, darts, pub quiz/trivia, sometimes cover, tv n The tavern upstairs provides the food for this casual eatery and rental venue. There’s live entertainment most nights, including dinner-hour shows. $
Two Brothers Tavern 86 main St., middlebury, 388-0002 n meals: l, d, lN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n The ingredients for this upscale comfort food come from more than 15 Vermont farms. The draft-beer selection features 17 rotating local and imported brews. $$
AsiAn Chinese Magic Wok 1499 route 7, middlebury, 388-0339 n meals: l, d n veggie-friendly n all the chinese and Thai favorites are here. Try the roti canai, a malaysian crépe. There are Hong Kong- and Singaporestyle classics, too. $
Wokky’s Chinese 17 main St., bristol, 453-4888 n meals: l, d n veggie-friendly n The owners recommend the mongolian beef. $
indian Taste of India 1 bakery lane, middlebury, 388-4856 n meals: l, d; beer & wine n veganfriendly n The only indian restaurant in town overlooks Otter creek. Try the vegetarian or nonvegetarian thali. Buffet on Sunday. $$
Thai Sabai Sabai Thai Cuisine 22 merchants row, middlebury, 989-7376 n meals: l, d; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly n This upscale Thai spot also serves sushi. Try the khao soi — egg noodles and mustard greens in chile-spiced coconut broth. $$
BAkeries Bristol Bakery & Café 16 main St., bristol, 453-3280 n meals: b, l; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This bustling eatery serves baked goods, as well as homemade soups, sandwiches and salads. $
Otter Creek Bakery 14 College St., middlebury, 388-3371 n meals: b, l n outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n You can eat in or take out everything here, from hors d’oeuvres, soups and salads to full meals and baked goods. $
Vergennes Laundry 247 main St., Vergennes, 870-7157 n Closed: mon., Tues.; meals: b, l n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n at this pâtisserie, indulge in hot croissants, gougères and pastries, as well as sandwiches on fresh-baked bread. Daily breakfast and lunch specials. $
Vermont Cookie Love 6915 route 7, North Ferrisburgh, 4258181 n Closed: Sun., mon. n veggiefriendly, wi-fi n Swing by for a freshly baked cookie, such as the the decadent mocha-chocolate-chip “addicted to Love.” creemee stand in summer. $
BArs, PuBs & CluBs Bar Sparkling Champagne & Wine Bar 56 College St., middlebury, 989-7020 n Closed: mon., Tues.; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggiefriendly n choose from a rotating list of 25 bottles of bubbly, or five by the glass — including cava, Prosecco and champagne. Try them alongside small plates of chocolates or local cheeses. $
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middlebury middlebury area « BaRs, PuBs & CLuBs
Nightclub City Limits Nite Club 14 Green St., Vergennes, 877-6919 n closed: Sun., mon.; full bar n cash/ check only, wi-fi, dance floor, darts, games, karaoke, live music, pool, pub quiz/trivia n Rock ’n’ roll bands swing by this establishment, but there’s never a cover. The clientele ranges from barely legal up to age 75.
Pub The Big Moose Pub 26 Seymour St., middlebury, 3887166 n meal: d; full bar n gluten-free opts., salad bar, veggie-friendly, wifi, darts, tv n Lots of places tout their burgers and brews, but how many boast a copper bar, balcony seating and an 800-pound stuffed moose? $
aVeraGe eNTrée $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mealS b breakfast l lunch d dinner bru brunch lN late Night
Carol’s Hungry Mind Café
51 Main at the Bridge
24 merchants row, middlebury, 3880101 n meals: b, l n veggie-friendly, wi-fi n There’s more to this coffee shop than java: Try the muffins, pastries and desserts. The owner recommends the panini, soups and ham-and-egg bagels. $
51 main St., middlebury, 388-8209 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: d, lN; full bar n gluten-free opts., veganfriendly, wi-fi, dance floor, games, live music, tv n This comfy lounge is not your typical college bar. Patrons mix it up with rousing chess and Jenga matches while snacking on tapas and house-cured charcuterie. $
Stone Leaf Teahouse 111 maple St., middlebury, 458-0460 n closed: Sun., mon. n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, wi-fi, live music n Relax with a pot of oolong or a glass of chilled, cultured tea. For a sweet finale, sample local chocolates. $
Daily Chocolate 7 Green St., Vergennes, 877-0087 n closed: Sun., mon. n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, wi-fi n Chocolate lovers pick up a daily dose of all-natural, GMOfree bars and truffles at this artisan chocolaterie. Try the black-rum caramels with sea salt. $
Vermont Fresh Network member
Vermont restaurant Week 2013 2012 location
euro british/gastroPubs The Red Mill at Basin Harbor Club 4800 basin harbor rd., Vergennes, 475-2317 n meals: l, d; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, dance floor, darts, games, live music, tv n This 19th-century former sawmill now hosts a seasonal restaurant with gastropub fare. Kids get to choose from their own extensive menu. $$
Shoreham Inn 51 inn rd., Shoreham, 897-5081 n closed: Tues., Wed.; meal: d; full bar n veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music n This restaurant — in a 200-year-old inn — has the feel of a British pub. Try the beef-and-Guinness stew. $$
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middlebury area
aVeraGe eNTrée $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mealS b breakfast l lunch d dinner bru brunch lN late Night
59 Vermont restaurant Week 2013 location
French Tourterelle 3629 route 7, New Haven, 453-6309 n Closed: mon., Tues.; meals: bru, d; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The owners prepare country French cuisine with local ingredients and modern twists. Try the signature red-curry bouillabaisse with saffron aioli. Sunday is brunch only. $$$
ItalIan/PIzzerIas American Flatbread at the Marble Works 137 maple St., middlebury, 388-3300 n Closed: Sun., mon.; meal: d; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, live music n Feast on wood-fired flatbreads made with local, organic ingredients. $$
Costello’s Market
2 maple St., middlebury, 388-3385 n Closed: Sun., mon.; meals: l, d n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n Choose from more than 60 varieties of wine, fresh fish, and Italian imports such as cured meats and desserts. At lunch, pick up a sandwich; dinner brings choices such as pork and pappardelle. $
141 main St., Vergennes, 877-6873 n meals: l, d n delivery, outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Specialty pizzas and calzones sell well at this family-oriented eatery that has been a local hangout for more than 30 years. $
Cubber’s 8 main St., bristol, 453-2400 n meals: l, d; beer & wine n delivery, outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Come in for subs or pizza at this community-oriented restaurant. $
Green Peppers Restaurant 10 Washington St., middlebury, 388-3164 n meals: l, d; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., veggiefriendly, wi-fi n This decades-old restaurant creates custom salads, grinders, soups and pastas from scratch, in addition to fresh-baked specialty pizzas. $
Ramunto’s Sicilian Pizza 21 macintyre lane, middlebury, 388-7755 n meals: l, d n delivery, vegan-friendly n A range of Sicilian and New York-style slices lets diners mix ’n’ match. Choose from 40 speciality pies — such as the “Eight Veg Primavera.” $
Rockydale Pizza 372 rocky dale rd., bristol, 453-4545 n Closed: Tues.; meal: d; byOb n delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, games, live music n “At most pizzerias, people leave the crust,” say the owners. “But not here.” Try “The Works.” $
Markets/CooPs Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op Café 1 Washington St., middlebury, 3887276 n meals: b, l, d n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, salad bar, vegan-friendly n This market specializes in local and organic sandwiches, wraps, hearty entrées and salad-bar items. Fair-trade coffee bar and baked goods, too. $
Mountain Greens Market 25 mountain View St., bristol, 4538538 n meals: l, d n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly n Look for a selection of antibiotic-free, local meat dishes as well as vegan and vegetarian options in this health-food deli. $
Sama’s Café and Middlebury Market 54 College St., middlebury, 3886408 n meals: b, l, d; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Locals dig this market’s hot meals, fresh salads, sandwiches, wood-fired pizzas and ice cream. Enjoy the the fireplace in winter and the patio in summer. $
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The Common man ResTauRanT
3209 German Flats Rd., Warren, 583-2800 There’s a rustic elegance about the 1850s barn that houses the Common Man Restaurant in Warren, less than a mile from the slopes of Sugarbush Resort. Crystal chandeliers adorn the dining room, casting flecks of light on the dark wood ceiling beams like stars in the winter sky. Chef Adam Longworth’s upscale après-ski cuisine likewise plays on visually arresting contrasts. Salad, served in a wooden bowl, is a thick strip of cracked wheat and local goat feta atop a festive mix of green beans, thin red radish slices and herbs. phoTos: jEb wALLACE-brodEur
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3/13/13 12:55 PM
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A fairy-tale forest of pink-and-green vegetation is actually fluke crudo. In a citrus bath, the fresh catch from Vermont’s Wood Mountain Fish comes with orange segments, dollops of puréed avocado and tart grapefruit pearls. Everything tastes as good as it looks. Credit for the stellar fare goes to the pair behind Common Man — and their pedigrees. When Longworth and his life and business partner, Lorien Wroten, purchased the Common Man at the end of 2011, both worked at renowned New York City restaurants. Celebrity chef Alfred Portale made Longworth his chef de cuisine at Gotham Bar and Grill when the Vermonter was just 24. Wroten developed her scrupulous attention to detail as general manager at Barbuto, under the direction of famed chef and owner Jonathan Waxman. Longworth’s cerebral cuisine is a far cry from the cassoulet-and-boeuf bourguignon fare that once weighed down the Common Man’s menu. But the current chef is not afraid of hearty dishes, either. Take the rack of lamb, served over a central-Asian-style pilaf with yogurt sauce and golden-raisin chutney in a curried jus. It’s as comforting as Longworth’s housemade orecchiette with duck sausage and meatballs. A long day on the mountain justifies dessert: Straight from the oven, chocolate cake is warm, moist and rich in the energy every skier needs to hit the slopes the next day. ALICE LEVITT
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watErBury/ maD rivEr vallEy
AmericAn BarBecue/ Soul Food Cider House Barbecue and Pub 1675 route 2, waterbury, 244-8400 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n Sit in old church pews or comfy booths while you sample Caribbean dishes and Southern-style barbecue. Locals flock to the weekend piano bar. $$
Localfolk Smokehouse 9 route 17, waitsfield, 496-5623 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music, games, pool, tv n This casual spot specializes in hickory-smoked barbecue, but you can also get Tex-Mex, burgers and other pub fare — as well as 24 beers on tap. Live Latin music most weekends. $$
contemporary Arvad’s Grill and Pub 3 S. main St., waterbury, 244-8973 n meals: l, D, lN; full bar n outdoor seating, veggiefriendly, wi-fi, live music, pub quiz/ trivia, tv n This restaurant with a pub atmosphere specializes in local, homemade fare. $$
H The Common
Man (see p. 61) 3209 german Flats rd., warren, 583-2800 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n Located in a 19th-century barn, this restaurant serves fresh, local, madefrom-scratch New England cuisine in a romantic setting. $$$
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mEalS B Breakfast l lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch lN late Night
Easy Street Café
The Pitcher Inn
6163 main St., waitsfield, 496-7234 n closed: mon.; meals: B, l, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n Next to the Purple Moon Pub, this restaurant serves vegetarian spring rolls, coconutshrimp salad, rack of lamb and fresh seafood specials. $$$
275 main St., warren, 496-6350 n closed: tues.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, games, pool n This elegant inn offers a few dinner options: upscale, seasonal fare in 275 Main; small plates in the firelit Tracks pub; and a private tasting menu in the wine cellar. Oenophiles swoon over the wine list. $$$$
Hen of the Wood at the Grist Mill 92 Stowe St., waterbury, 244-7300 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, live music n Candles and a changing seasonal menu give this restaurant a fine-dining feel, but its old-mill setting is rustic. Serving ultralocal meats, greens and cheeses has earned the chef-owner several James Beard Award nominations. $$$$
The Huntington House 19 huntington Place, rochester, 7679140 n closed: tues.; meal: D; full bar n outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This historic inn is equidistant from Killington and Sugarbush. Seasonal dishes highlight Vermont-grown food, but often include wild-caught fish and local filet mignon. $$
Michael’s on the Hill 4182 route 100, waterbury center, 244-7476 n closed: tues.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This romantic, farm-to-table fine-dining restaurant has European roots. The Swiss-trained chef-owner presents ever-changing Vermont ingredients in elegant dishes. $$$$$
Prohibition Pig
63 vermont restaurant week 2013 location
Snack Bar/cart Maynard’s Snack Bar 150 route 100B, moretown, 4963614 n closed: wed.; meals: l, D n cash/check only, outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly n This tiny snack bar serves juicy burgers and Coney dogs. The maple creemees are made with syrup from just down the road. Open May to Labor Day. $
Soup ’n’ Sandwich
23 S. main St., waterbury, 244-4120 n meals: Bru, l, D, lN; full bar n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Come for the local food and creative cocktails, but stay for one of the largest craft-beer selections in New England — including brews from Hill Farmstead and the Alchemist. $
1091 golf course rd., warren, 5836723 n meal: l; full bar n outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly n Serving classic American sandwiches, grass-fed burgers and après-golf fare, in season. The outdoor deck and bar have spectacular views. $
School Street Bistro
Paradise Deli and Market
13 School St., rochester, 767-3126 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music n This bistro specializes in eclectic and gluten-free dishes such as panelles with fried chickpea polenta and bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin stuffed with apples. $
Tanglewood’s Restaurant 179 guptil rd., waterbury center, 244-7855 n closed: mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n The menu changes seasonally in this converted 1940s-style Vermont barn, but the sesame-crusted tuna steak is a constant. $$$
Timbers 102 Forest Dr., lincoln Peak village, warren, 583-6800 n meals: B, l, D; full bar n outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Located in a round barn at the foot of the Green Mountains, this Sugarbush eatery showcases local ingredients. Outdoor attire welcome. $$$$
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Hogan’s Pub
2367 Sugarbush access rd., warren, 583-2757 n meals: B, l, D; n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n This small grocery and deli specializes in Philly cheesesteaks. $
Park Row Café 7 Park row, waterbury, 244-5111 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, l n delivery, veggie-friendly n This place is famous for its homemade bread, soups, overstuffed sandwiches and huge cookies. $
The Warren Store 284 main St., warren, 496-3864 n meals: B, Bru, l; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This is a bakery, wine shop and deli under one roof. Try a creative sandwich or soup — or pick up hard-to-find local brews such as Lawson’s Finest Liquids. $
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watErBury/ watErBury/ maD rivEr vallEy maD rivEr vallEy
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mEalS B Breakfast l lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch lN late Night
65 vermont restaurant week 2013location 2012 location
guests here for weekend breakfasts. Specials range from tostadas to banana-bread French toast. Brunch weekends only. $$
TradiTional Big Picture Theater and Café 48 carroll rd., waitsfield, 496-8994 n meals: B, Bru, l, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows, dance floor, sometimes cover n Relax in the café with some tapas and a drink — or bring them into the movie theater with you. Specialties include maple doughnuts, homemade bread and fish tacos. Live music and events weekly. $$
Grill at the Sugarbush Inn
1840 Sugarbush access rd., warren, 583-6311 n closed: Sun., mon., tues., wed.; meal: D; full bar n seasonal, veggie-friendly n Look for satisfying American fare and three local brews on tap plus nightly pizzetta, pasta and seafood specials. Open winter only. $$
Hostel Tevere 203 Powderhound rd., warren, 496-9222 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: Bru, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n Locals join
Hyde Away Inn and Restaurant 1428 millbrook rd., Fayston, 496-2322 n meal: D; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, pool, tv n This family-friendly Mad River Valley inn serves American comfort food. Come in for meat loaf and taco specials. $$
Juniper’s Fare Café 23 commercial Dr., waterbury, 244-5504 n closed: mon., tues., wed.; meals: B, Bru, D; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wifi n A local church runs this café using produce from the church greenhouse. On Sunday, a brunch buffet replaces breakfast. Dinner on Friday. $
Maxi’s Restaurant 47 N. main St., waterbury, 244-0910 n meals: B, l, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., veganfriendly n This eatery serves homestyle fare such as pastas, meat loaf and smoked-Gouda mac-andcheese. Breakfast all day, including five different kinds of eggs Benedict. Dinner Wednesday to Sunday. $$
Village Country Creemee 509 village Sq., waitsfield, 4966003 n meals: l, D n cash/check only, outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly n Chimichangas and grilled tacos at a snack bar? Yup, as well as year-round creemees, classic burgers and fries. Open on weekends in winter. $
The Wandering Moose Café at the Best Western Waterbury-Stowe 45 Blush hill rd., waterbury, 2447822 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Chef Ashley Comeau serves up classic American fare, from rib eye to burgers. $$
AsiAn Chinese China Fun 5081 main St., waitsfield, 496-7889 n meals: l, D n veggie-friendly n Egg rolls to go? This small, casual restaurant serves traditional Chinese American food, Mad River Valley-style. $
China Star Chinese Restaurant 76 S. main St., waterbury, 244-1968 n meals: l, D n veggie-friendly n The spring rolls sell well, and so does the General Tso’s chicken. Trying to slim down? Sample the “diet” steamed vegetables. $
BAkeries KC’s Bagel Café 17-19 Stowe St., waterbury, 244-1740 n meals: B, l n cash/check only, veggie-friendly n At the only bagel place in town, most customers opt for classic New York-style bagel sandwiches with cream cheese. $
Red Hen Bakery & Café 961B route 2, middlesex, 223-5200 n meals: B, l n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music n Watch the bakers work while snacking on croissants or browsing local cheese and wine. Sandwiches are made in-house, but soups come from Screamin’ Ridge Farm. $
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avEragE ENtréE mEaLS average Prices: B Breakfast $ $12Entrée and under $$ $13 to $18 L Lunch $26-$32 $ $$19 12 and under $$$$ $$$ to $25 D Dinner $$$$$ price is $$ $$26 13 to 18 $$$$ to $ $32 Bru Brunch $$$$$ $$33 and up LN Late noNight object $$$ 19 to $25
WatErBury/ maD rivEr vaLLEy
vermont Fresh Network member vermont vermontrestaurant restaurant Week 2012 Week2013 2011 Location Location
« bAkEriES
The Sweet Spot 40 Bridge St., Waitsfield, 4969199 n closed: mon., tues., Wed. n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Two dessert purveyors are under one roof here. Sweet Simone’s is a full-scale bakery serving espresso, cakes and macaroons, while Scout’s Honor creates ice cream made from farm-fresh ingredients. $
Bars, PuBs & CluBs Bars Blackback Pub & the Mad Taco 1 Stowe St., Waterbury, 244-4998 (Blackback Pub) or 244-0123 (mad taco) n meals: L, D; full bar n veggie-friendly, tv n Serving “the best beer in the world,” Hill Farmstead beers and Delirium Tremens among them. Pair them with daily Mexican specials. $
Nutty Steph’s Granola & Chocolate Factory 961c route 2, middlesex, 2292090 n meals: D, LN; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows, dance floor n This “cozy den of temptation” stays open late on Thursday night for hot bacon and chocolate fondue. $
The Reservoir Restaurant & Tap Room
Akes’ Den 5351 main St., Waitsfield, 496-9000 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, tv n After skiing, biking or hiking, stop by for a Den burger or an entrée made with local meat. The large-screen TVs have all the sports packages. $
Castlerock Pub at Sugarbush top of Sugarbush access rd., Lincoln Peak village, Warren, 583-6311 n meal: L; full bar n outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n At Sugarbush’s baselodge pub, warm up with a burger, hot sandwich, soup or even goulash alongside a range of local craft beers. Outdoor heated patio. $
Doc’s Tavern at Huntington House Inn 19 huntington Place, rochester, 767-9140 n meal: D; full bar n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, wi-fi, games, pool, tv n This rustic pub in a barn serves up potato skins and fried pickles alongside pizzas and burgers. Local craft beers and five televisions enhance the hangout vibe. $
Purple Moon Pub 6163 route 100, Waitsfield, 4963422 n closed: mon.; meals: D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, allages music shows, tv, sometimes cover n Enjoy appetizers, burgers and steaks at this casual pub. A Thursday evening raw bar features oysters, clams and shrimp. Comfy couches and a fireplace are draws, too. $$
1 S. main St., Waterbury, 244-7827 n meals: L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music, pool, tv n Locally sourced noshes range from fried local chicken to the “Truck Driver,” a blue-cheese-stuffed burger topped with a fried egg. Choose from 38 beers on tap. Lunch weekends only. $
Slide Brook Lodge & Tavern 3180 german Flats rd., Warren, 583-2202 n closed: tues., Wed.; meals: D, LN; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, dance floor, live music, tv n Choose from a selection of wine, spirits and six beers on tap while sitting at the mahogany, art-deco bar from the 1930s. $
Coffee/Tea Green Mountain Coffee Visitor Center & Café 1 rotarian Place, Waterbury, 882-2700 n meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music n There’s an extensive coffee and tea menu at this café in a refurbished train station. You can find pies and cookies plus daily soups, salads and sandwiches. $
Three Mountain Café 107 mad river green, Waitsfield, 496-5470 n meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggiefriendly, wi-fi, games n The original café-outlet for Green Mountain Coffee serves homemade soups, panini and pastries such as éclairs and maple scones. $
eCleCTiC MINT Restaurant and Tea Lounge 4403 main St., Waitsfield, 496-5514 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., veganfriendly n Everything is homemade at this vegetarian oasis. The menu rotates regularly, but tea lovers count on 50 loose-leaf varieties. $$
euro French Chez Henri Restaurant and Bistrot 80 Sugarbush village, Warren, 583-2600 n meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., seasonal, vegan-friendly n This candlelit bistro has been a Sugarbush landmark since 1964. Ski in for some fondue, foie gras or caviar — plus a roaring fire. $$$$
iTalian/Pizzerias American Flatbread 46 Lareau rd., Waitsfield, 496-8856 n closed: mon., tues., Wed.; meals: D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, live music, games n All-natural, wood-fired pizzas with a conscience. Emphasis is on organic and locally farmed ingredients. There’s always a line, but it’s worth the wait. $$
The Blue Stone 15 Stowe St., Waterbury, 882-8185 n meals: L, D; full bar n veggie-friendly, tv n This hand-tossed pizza bar and grill specializes in house-braised meats and other local ingredients. $
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WatErBury/ maD rivEr vaLLEy
average Entrée Prices:
$ $12 and under $$$$ $26-$32 $$$$$ price is $$ $13 to $18 no object $$$ $19 to $25
vermont restaurant Week 2013 Location
Zachary’s Pizza
675 millbrook rd., Fayston, 496-6265 n closed: tues.; meal: D; beer & wine n delivery, veggiefriendly n Try the pesto pizza or the barbecue pie at this familyfriendly Italian restaurant. Ask for the super-thin “Bayonne” pie, which isn’t on the menu. $
40 Bridge St., Waitsfield, 496-6856 n closed: tues., Wed.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n This rustic restaurant serves Italian and French comfort food, including braised meats and pasta dishes. Grab a seat at the bar for snacks and carefully chosen wines. $$$
2 Butler St., Waterbury, 244-5650 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This family pizzeria dishes a range of pies as well as generously sized Italian dinners, toasted grinders and fresh salads. $
Jay’s Restaurant and Pizzeria
The Pizza Shoppe
114 route 100, Waitsfield, 496-8282 n meals: B, Bru, L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This family-style Italian restaurant attracts locals and tourists hungry for Italian entrées, steaks and spare ribs. Dinner weekends only. $
1024 route 100, Waterbury center, 560-4088 n meals: L, D n delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n The Tsimis family has been in the pizza biz for more than 30 years. It shows in their handcrafted pies. $
Jimmz Pizza
Terra Rossa Ristorante
70 mcNeil rd, Waterbury center, 244-7911 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Owner James Roy serves stromboli as well as hand-tossed New York-style pizzas with pesto, tomato, Alfredo and oliveoil bases. $
527 Sugarbush access rd., Warren, 583-7676 n closed: tues., Wed.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., seasonal, vegan-friendly n The brick oven churns out wood-fired gourmet pizzas and pastas al forno that warm bellies. The rest of the menu ranges from inventive appetizers to glutenfree pastas. $$$
APRIL 26-MAY 5, 2013
Markets/co-ops Cork Wine Bar & Market 1 Stowe St., Waterbury, 882-8221 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n glutenfree opts., veggie-friendly, live music n Pick up some wine or local cheese in the market, or order a glass from the ever-changing list. Cheese plates, panini and light fare round out the menu. Oysters every Wednesday. $
Sweet Pea Natural Market & Cafe
south of the Border Mexican/Latin Aztlan Foods 40 Foundry St., #5, Waterbury, 244-5570 n closed: Sun., mon., Sat.; meal: L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Head through the red doors for authentic Mexican food prepared by a Chihuahua native and NECI grad. Soft tacos in corn tortillas are popular, as are chicken chiles rellenos. $
The Mad Taco 2 village Sq., Waitsfield, 496-3832 n meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Start the day with huevos rancheros, and come back later for Mexican dishes made with local ingredients. $
5031 main St., Waitsfield, 496-7763 n closed: Sun.; meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, salad bar, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Seasonal, local and organic options grace the salad and hot-food bars at this market-café. There are also pressed sandwiches, a juice bar and desserts. $
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207 Barre St., Montpelier, 229-6678 You don’t have to be a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien to love the hamachi tartare at Salt. But restaurant owner Suzanne Podhaizer hoped savvy diners would be hip to to the reference on her Middle Earth menu to his Gollum character, who lives for raw fish. In this case, it was flavored with mustard and capers on a crispy nest of fried potato and topped with a single quail egg. All that might have made the tartare too gourmet for Gollum, but it was perfect for human diners settling in for a cozy, literary meal. Dominated by a shelf full of cookbooks, the 16-seat dining room at Salt may feel like a hobbit hole, but the Tolkien-themed menu was a rare affair, offered for just three weeks. Podhaizer changes up the food offerings for maximum seasonality and to keep regular diners — who might tire of the same menu — coming back. phoTos: jEb wALLACE-brodEur
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Since she opened the intimate restaurant in 2010, the former Seven Days food editor has cooked up dozens of themed dinner dishes, such as an all-red menu to coincide with Valentine’s Day — chilled lettuce soup and Madeira-braised pork shoulder graced a meal that might have been served at Monticello. Another, inspired by Alice in Wonderland, included a white-rabbit confit with apricot chutney. But the restaurateur behind the whimsical dishes is grounded by her firm commitment to local agriculture. Last year, Podhaizer began cultivating her own small farm in Marshfield to supply the restaurant, growing herbs, veggies and some rarely seen ingredients. Epazote was featured on a South-of-the-Border menu, shiso on a Japanese one. For the latter meal, Podhaizer tried a touch of culinary alchemy, flavoring kale to stand in for seaweed in a miso soup. International techniques inform even the most homegrown of Salt’s dishes. The American Comfort Food menu, for instance, included Shanghai-style soup dumplings filled not with the classic pork and scallions, but with chicken noodle soup.
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BarrE/moNtpEliEr arEa
AmericAn Contemporary Ariel’s Restaurant 29 Stone rd., Brookfield, 276-3939 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Sophisticated, healthy food reigns at this 15-year-old destination restaurant. Many ingredients come from the Brookfield area. $$$
NECI on Main 118 main St., montpelier, 223-3188 n closed: mon.; meals: Bru, l, D; full bar n glutenfree opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n The New England Culinary Institute’s flagship restaurant showcases contemporary farm-to-plate dining. Try the tapas menu featuring small bites from Spain and Morocco. $$$
H Salt (see p.70) 207 Barre St., montpelier, 229-6678 n closed: mon.; meal: D; ByoB n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n It often feels like a dinner party inside this cozy restaurant. The imaginative menu changes often but always taps local meats, cheeses, grains and veggies. Hand-rolled pasta and quirky ice cream are specialties. $$$
Vermont Thrush Restaurant 107 State St., montpelier, 225-6166 n meals: Bru, l, D; full bar n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Lovers of the historic Thrush Tavern may come for the old-school cocktails. Foodies flock here for a diverse mix of simple, hearty fare and eclectic specials. $$
Diner Common Café 12 Depot Sq., Northfield, 485-4011 n meals: B, l n veggie-friendly n Look for the classics — eggs, hamburgers, biscuits and gravy — as well as weekend specials such as crabmeat omelettes. Breakfast ’til 3 p.m. on weekdays. $
SnaCk bar/Cart Dairy Creme 320 State St., montpelier, 223-5802 n meals: l, D n outdoor seating, seasonal n The creemee specials change weekly at this landmark. The brownie sundae is big enough to feed a family, and shakes come in a dozen flavors. Open April to October. $
Soup ’n’ SanDwiCh Bag Ladies Express Café at Simply Delicious 56 Depot St., Barre, 479-2233 n closed: Sat., Sun.; meals: B, l n cash/check only, delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n Flavorful soups here are “figure-friendly.” Any wrap can be made into a salad instead. Ironically, the lunch counter is located inside a candy store. $
Mama’s Melting Pot 4723 route 2, East montpelier, 454-1000 n meals: B, l n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, wi-fi n Run by a trio of young mothers, this comfy eatery serves up eclectic, mostly organic food — from gluten-free baked goods to sopa de pollo. $
O’Maddi’s Deli & Cafe 7 S. main St., Northfield, 485-4700 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, Bru, l n delivery, outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n This classic deli serves up sandwiches, salads, melts, panini, soups, and hot dishes such as shepherd’s pie and goulash. They have homemade sweets, too. $
Pinky’s 14 State St., montpelier, 223-1300 n closed: Sun.; meal: l n delivery, gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n Seventeen special sandwiches and panini are on the menu at this sassy deli and gift shop — or you can build your own. Cards, candy, beers and wine are for sale, too. $
Simply Subs Pizza 70 N. main St., Barre, 479-2423 n meals: l, D n delivery, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This sub shop serves generous pizzas, sandwiches and desserts. Try the house special — a ham, turkey and bacon combo. $
Smokehouse Deli 509 S. Barre rd., Barre, 476-3563 n meals: B, l, D n outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, tv n What do you get when you visit a deli adjacent to the Vermont Smoke and Cure smokehouse? Bacon! Sample ham and bacon sandwiches on house-baked bread. $
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mEalS B Breakfast l lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch lN late Night
That’s Life Soup 41 Elm St., montpelier, 223-5333 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: l, D; beer & wine n cash/check only, glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly n The chef-owner uses local ingredients to create traditional, global flavors in an arts-and-craftsstyle dining room. Pho every Friday. $
Uncle Mike’s Deli
vermont restaurant Week 2013 location
Maple Valley Café & Gift Shop 8195 route 2, plainfield, 454-8626 n closed: Wed.; meals: B, l; n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, seasonal, vegan-friendly n This café and gift shop has smoothies, homemade breads and baked goods, breakfast sandwiches, and fruit-topped waffles. Open May to December. $
8 State St., montpelier, 229-6788 n closed: Sat., Sun.; meal: l n veganfriendly n This lunch spot near the corner of State and Main streets keeps legislators in wraps, French-roll sandwiches, soups and cookies. $
Soup N Greens
SteakhouSeS/ SeafooD
Suzanna’s Restaurant
J. Morgan’s Steakhouse 100 State St., montpelier, 223-5222 n meals: B, Bru, l, D; full bar n all you can eat, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n This lively steakhouse, in the Capital Plaza Hotel, caters to meat and seafood lovers. Kids and adults will love the model trains that chug their way around the dining room. $$$
Steakhouse Restaurant 1239 route 302, Berlin, 479-9181 n meals: Bru, D; full bar n salad bar, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n The same family has served steak and seafood here since 1972. Catch Marko the Magician on Friday night. $$
traDitional Behind the Scenes Café 2374 route 14, Williamstown, 4336718 n closed: Sun.; meals: l, D; beer & wine n veggie-friendly n This down-home pub is famous for its sizzling Philly cheesesteaks. $$
Coffee Corner 83 main St., montpelier, 229-9060 n meals: B, Bru, l n vegan-friendly, wifi, games n At breakfast, try the “Eggs O’Bryan” with homemade corned-beef hash. Lunch specials might include sausage and gravy. Separate grill used for vegetarian dishes. $
Ladder 1 Grill
325 N. main St., Barre, 479-9862 n meals: B, l, D; full bar n salad bar, vegan-friendly n A family-style restaurant with a full menu and salad bar. The chicken cacciatore is super popular. $
3470 airport rd., Berlin, 229-6164 n meals: B, l, D; full bar n glutenfree opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This restaurant offers comfort-food favorites such as baked haddock and chicken Parmesan. $$
Three Penny Taproom 108 main St., montpelier, 223-8277 n meals: l, D, lN; full bar n gluten-free opts., veggiefriendly, wi-fi n This downtown bar and eatery tracks down hard-to-find craft brews for its 24 taps. Sip them alongside imaginative fare made with local ingredients. $
Wayside Restaurant & Bakery 1873 route 302, Berlin, 223-6611 n meals: B, l, D; full bar n veggiefriendly n Opened in 1918, this restaurant and bakery has a menu of old-fashioned comfort food. Try some fried perch or a wedge of maplecream pie. $
AsiAn ChineSe Bamboo Gardens 115 S. main St., Barre, 476-9400 n closed: mon.; meals: l, D n veggiefriendly n No surprises here — just sweet-and-sour soup and other popular Chinese dishes, such as General Tso’s chicken, pupu platter, and sizzling beef or shrimp. $
8 S. main St., Barre, 883-2000 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: l, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, live music n The motto at this historic firehouse is “Where heroes are made.” Everything from pizza to steaks is named after Vermont firefighters. $
ASIAN » 7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
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BarrE/moNtPELiEr arEa « asian
China Star Chinese Restaurant (two locations) 15 N. main St., Northfield, 485-9433 n meals: L, D n veggie-friendly n 15 main St., montpelier, 223-0808 n meal: D n The northfield location of this take-out place has all of the standard Chinese american dishes. Get your sesame chicken to eat in or take out. $
China Town Restaurant 306 N. main St., Barre, 479-1999 n meals: L, D n Dishing out boneless spare ribs and Hunan chicken to central Vermont for more than 20 years. $
House of Tang 114 river St., montpelier, 223-6020 n meals: L, D; full bar n all you can eat, veggie-friendly n sample the “Diamond Head Fantasia” and “seven stars around the Moon,” or stick with the famous pepper steak. $
Ming Moon Buffet Chinese Restaurant 1400 route 302, Barre, 476-8880 n meals: L, D; full bar n all you can eat, veggie-friendly n according to the owners, “Everyone who comes here always comes back.” $
IndIan Curry & Spice 122 Forest Dr., montpelier, 229-0587 n closed: Sat., Sun.; meals: L, D n cash/check only, reserv. rec., veganfriendly n at this take-out spot, choose from 68 dishes, including chicken tikka masala and mushroom matar — but call a few hours before pick up. $$
Japanese Asiana House 43 State St., montpelier, 225-6180 n closed: Sun.; meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n The vegetarian and specialty maki rolls are plentiful at this sushi restaurant in a former bank — or warm up with fried oysters, satay udon or bibimbap. $$
pan-asIan Asian Gourmet 276 N. main St., Barre, 477-7828 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n Barre’s only sushi spot also serves a large menu of Chinese and Thai dishes, including whole Peking duck and Thai mango prawns. $$
ThaI Royal Orchid Restaurant 38 Elm St., montpelier, 223-0436 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n The menu includes Thai classics such as tom kha and massaman curry. no lunch menu on weekends. $
Wilaiwan’s Kitchen 34 State St., montpelier, no phone n closed: Sat., Sun.; meal: L n cash/ check only n This popular Thai food cart is now a sit-down café with rotating lunchtime specials that might include Chiang Mai noodles in yellow coconut curry, or yam moo krob — Thai-style crispy pork salad. $
Bakeries Birchgrove Baking 279 Elm St., montpelier, 223-0200 n meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., veggiefriendly n Everything at this eclectic bakery is made from scratch daily, including croissants, cookies and fluffy coconut cake. $
Bohemian Bakery 1614 East hill rd., marshfield, 2726428 n closed: mon., tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. n cash/check only, veggie-friendly n On sunday, this fine European-style bakery opens to the public. stroll the gardens while toting an espresso and pastry made from seasonal ingredients. $
Delicate Decadence Cake Boutique 15 cottage St., Suite 5, Barre, 4797948 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: B n gluten-free opts. n This bakery-café offers an espresso bar and fresh breakfast pastries, cakes and confections. Getting married? Order a customdesigned wedding cake. $
La Brioche 89 main St., montpelier, 229-0443 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, L n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n a window into the kitchen at new England Culinary institute’s European-style café lets you watch pastries, breads and cakes being prepared. $
Rainbow Sweets 1689 route 2, marshfield, 426-3531 n closed: tues.; meals: Bru, L, D; beer & wine n seasonal, veggie-friendly n a popular local hangout, this rural café makes handmade, European-style pastries. There’s pizza on Friday and saturday night. Closed March to May. $
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
Bars, PuBs & CluBs Bars Charlie O’s 70 main St., montpelier, 223-6820 n full bar n cash/check only, dance floor, darts, karaoke, live music, pool, tv n This local hangout has live music every weekend — from jazz, blues and funk to alternative, rockabilly and bluegrass.
Gusto’s 28 Prospect St., Barre, 476-7919 n closed: Sun.; meals: D, LN; full bar n games, karaoke, live music, pool, sometimes cover, tv n There’s karaoke on Thursday, and bands and DJs shake it up on the weekend. The Ping-Pong, pool and horseshoes draw locals, as does the casual fare and an outdoor bar in summer. $
South Side Tavern 107 S. main St., Barre, 476-3637 n full bar n outdoor seating, wi-fi, dance floor, darts, games, karaoke, pool, tv n six TVs with sports packages and DJs keep ’em entertained; light snacks and 10 beers on tap keep ‘em sated. $
puBs Green Mountain Tavern
vermont restaurant Week 2013 Location
The Quarry Grill & Tavern 210 N. main St., Barre, 479-7002 n closed: mon.; meals: L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wifi, tv n The diverse menu is designed to pair well with Vermont beer. Enjoy poutine and “the biggest wings in town” while watching the game on a flat-screen TV. $
Rustic Restaurant and Sports Bar 451 route 12, Northfield Falls, 4856363 n closed: Sun.; meals: D, LN; full bar n wi-fi, games, pool, tv n The pub menu at this sports bar is meat and potatoes. Try homemade fries, deep-fried scallops or the rustic steak sandwich — on the menu since 1956. $
Coffee/Tea Capitol Grounds Café 27 State St., montpelier, 223-7800 n meals: B, L; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n in addition to java, espresso and tea, this coffee-roasting café serves soups, sandwiches, pastries and light fare, often using local ingredients. $
Espresso Bueno
10 Keith ave., Barre, 522-3482 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: LN; full bar n cash/check only,outdoor seating, wifi, dance floor, darts, games, karaoke, live music, pool, tv n There are DJs every weekend and live bands once a month at this owner-run bar. $
136 N. main St., Barre, 479-0896 n meals: B, L; beer & wine n outdoor seating, wi-fi n single-origin coffees rule at this comfy café, where pastries are baked daily and the mocha includes chocolate ganache. Evening events feature small plates and local beers. $
The Knotty Shamrock
Tulsi Tea Room
21 East St., Northfield, 485-4857 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., veggiefriendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows, pub quiz/trivia, tv n The fish-and-chips are popular at this irish pub. Watch for whiskey tastings. $
McGillicuddy’s Irish Pub 14 Langdon St., montpelier, 223-2721 n meals: L, D; full bar n veggie-friendly, pool, pub quiz/trivia, tv n Pool tables, nine TVs, 21 burgers and a popular beer-marinated patty recommend this irish pub in the heart of the Capital City. $
Mulligan’s Irish Pub 9 maple ave., Barre, 479-5545 n meals: L, D, LN; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, allages music shows, games, karaoke, live music, pub quiz/trivia, tv n This rustic pub serves hearty burgers and draws a crowd with 14 TVs and several video games. $
34 Elm St., montpelier, 223-0043 n closed: mon.; meal: L n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music, games n Expect a full range of teas and herbal blends along with sandwiches, scones and cookies with whipped cream and jam. $
eCleCTiC Bagitos Bagel & Burrito Café
28 main St., montpelier, 229-9212 n meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music n This lively café serves coffee and breakfast burritos and sandwiches in the morning, then assembles made-to-order burritos later in the day. $
EClECTiC » 7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
7NHH13-Kismet.indd 1
4/4/13 12:03 PM
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Fiddle Heads Café 18 Worcester Village Rd., Worcester, 223-2111 n Closed: Sun., Mon.; Meal: L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This raw, vegan café uses local ingredients in its “wheat-free, dairy-free and guilt-free” fare, including smoothies, sandwiches and decadent desserts. Seasonal hours, so call ahead. $
Kismet 52 State St., Montpelier, 223-8646 n Closed: Mon., Tues.; Meals: B, Bru, L, D; full bar n cash/ check only, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Find cuisine with a conscience here, where carefully sourced local and sustainable food is on the menu. Anything can be made vegetarian or gluten-free. $$
The Skinny Pancake 89 Main St., Montpelier, 262-2253 n Meals: B, Bru, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music n At this locavore crêperie, try the “The Lumberjack,” with Winding Brook Farm ham and shredded Cabot cheddar. Salads, soups and espresso round out the fare. $
Euro British/GastropuB Cornerstone Pub & Kitchen 47 N. Main St., Barre, 476-2121 n Closed: Sun., Mon.; Meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., veggiefriendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n Twenty-eight taps attract guests to this gastropub, as do hearty dishes such as short-rib poutine and barbecue braised pork shank with bacon-jalapeño mac-and-cheese.
ItalIan/PIzzErIas Al Portico
23 Berlin St., Montpelier, 225-6137 n Closed: Sun.; Meals: L, D; beer & wine n veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Choose from an array of creative pies, calzones and panini at this spacious eatery. Full espresso bar and homemade gelato, too. $
AVERAGE ENTRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
77 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 2012 Location
Angeleno’s Pizza
Hilltop Restaurant
15 Barre St., Montpelier, 229-5721 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n Located across from the Savoy cinema, this small, laid-back pizzeria is popular among the dinner-and-a-movie crowd. $
241 Quarry Hill Rd., Barre, 479-2129 n Closed: Sun.; Meals: L, D; full bar n salad bar, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This 50-year-old Italian pasta house is a local landmark. Try the homemade ravioli. A banquet room fits up to 140 people. $$
Basil’s Pizzeria & Restaurant 20 S. Main St., Barre, 477-5032 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, veggie-friendly n Local Times Argus readers voted the pizza here the best in central Vermont. You’ll also find Greek dishes such as gyros and baklava. $
Mister Z’s Italian Restaurant 379 N. Main St., Barre, 479-3259 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n This popular spot features family recipes and locally made pasta. The pizzas come in varieties such as “Z’s Deluxe” and “Italian Stallion.” $
Depot Square Pizza
Montpelier Village Pizza
40 Depot Sq., Northfield, 485-5500 n Closed: Sun., Mon.; Meals: L, D; beer & wine n veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Why head to this traditional pizzeria? According to the owner, they toss the world’s best. Settle in front of the big-screen TV for a game and enjoy chicken-bacon-ranch pizza, pastas, subs or salads. $
89 Main St., Montpelier, 229-4333 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, gluten-free opts., salad bar, veggiefriendly, wi-fi, games, pool, tv n The white pizza wows ’em at this family restaurant. Try one on a white, wheat or gluten-free crust. $
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4/3/13 1:48 PM
AVERAGE ENTRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
Vermont Fresh Network Member
Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 2012 Location 2011 Location
Northfield Village Pizza 165 Route 12, Northfield, 485-4336 n Meals: L, D; n veggie-friendly, wi-fi n At this drive-in diner, snowmobiles, motorcycles and classic cars pull up for pizza, subs and homemade lasagna. $
Positive Pie 2 22 State St., Montpelier, 229-0453 n Meals: L, D; full bar n delivery, gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, dance floor, live music, sometimes cover, tv n This trattoria has an urban lounge feel as well as New York-style, hand-tossed pizzas, Italian entrées, local beers and creative martinis. $$
Positive Pie Tap & Grill 65-69 Main St., plainfield, 454-0133 n Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows, sometimes cover n The handcrafted, locally sourced fare includes hand-tossed New-York-style pizzas, complemented by a large craft beer list. Settle in for a meal or grab a slice from the express window. $
Sarducci’s Restaurant and Bar 3 Main St., Montpelier, 223-0229 n Meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n A custom-built, wood-burning oven cranks out authentic Italian fare such as pizzas and pollo al forno — or check out the gluten-free menu. No lunch on Sunday. $$
Markets/Co-ops Hunger Mountain Coop 623 Stone Cutters Way, Montpelier, 223-8000 n Meals: B, Bru, L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, salad bar, vegan-friendly n Choose from a wide selection of organic and locally sourced prepared foods, from soups and salads to grilled sandwiches and overstuffed burritos. Eat outside, or enjoy the river view from the café. $
The Uncommon Market
The Mad Taco
1 School St., Montpelier, 223-7051 n Meals: B, L, D n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n This grocery store offers fresh seafood, steaks and allnatural products. Deli sandwiches are made with Boar’s Head meats, and turkey enchiladas are popular. $
72 Main St., Montpelier, 225-6038 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., veganfriendly, wi-fi n Authentic Mexican delights, including tacos and tortas, are made fresh every day with farm-fresh ingredients. Wash them down with a craft brew. $
south of the Border Mexican/Latin Julio’s Cantina Mexican Cuisine & Margarita Bar 54 State St., Montpelier, 229-9348 n Meals: Bru, L, D, LN; full bar n veggie-friendly, wi-fi, games, tv n Locals flock to this festive Mexican spot for the outdoor patio. Don’t miss the margaritas with freshsqueezed juices. $
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firebird café
163 Pearl St., Essex Junction, 316-4265 Vermont feels a long way from California — except at Essex Junction’s Firebird Café. There, owner Jake Tran ensures that even on the gloomiest days, customers can get a taste of his sunny home state. Firebird is a casual spot where diners order at the counter from one of a multiethnic crew of young staffers. Finding a table may require some patience, but it’s worth waiting for a seat in the bright, airy dining room adorned with avian sculptures and antique bird cages. Tran says he “learned his flavor profiles” at mom-and-pop Mexican joints back in Santa Cruz, and there is nothing Green Mountain about his salsa verde. The seed-filled concoction PHOTOS: MATTHEW THORSEN
explodes with a punch of tangy, salty, umami splendor. It’s best over the tender, citrus-spiked carnitas burrito. Or try the beef or chicken in a tomato-based sauce with smoky chipotle peppers. The slow burn builds throughout the meal, intensifying with each bite. For those looking for a taste more Vermont than Santa Cruz, there are panini and wraps with fresh, homemade chutneys. Breakfast is available all day at this laid-back eatery — Tran doesn’t put away the eggs at noon. French toast made with multigrain or sourdough bread comes with grilled bananas. For those unafraid of a caloric splurge, the croissant version is a must. Two croissants are split into four halves, dipped in cinnamony custard and cooked on a griddle. The outside of the flaky pastry retains its crispness, while the custard filling each nook and cranny tastes like a cross between breakfast and dessert. The only thing that can make the dish more indulgent is a cup of Firebird’s hot chocolate, made with foamy steamed milk and semisweet chocolate chips. It’s hot stuff, this “fusion” food bridging East and West coasts. ALICE LEVITT
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3/25/11 9:39 AM
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chittENDEN couNty
AmericAn BarBecue/ Soul Food Rick’s Grill 25 centre Dr., milton, 893-7425 n meals: Bru, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n The local brews on tap change weekly at this family restaurant. Pair them with house-smoked meats, Mexican specialties or seafood. Sunday brunch. $
G’s Restaurant
878 Williston rd., Sheraton hotel, South Burlington, 865-6602 n meals: B, Bru; full bar n all you can eat, gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n In-the-know locals drop by the Sheraton Hotel’s atrium for the Sunday brunch buffet, featuring omelette and waffle stations, carved meats and desserts. $$
Hinesburgh Public House
10516 route 116, hinesburg, 482-5500 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n The menu here is dense with Vermont-grown morsels. Local craft brews and hard cider are on tap, too. $$
Amuse at the Essex Culinary Resort & Spa
The Inn at Shelburne Farms
70 Essex Way, Essex, 764-1413 n meals: B, Bru, D; full bar n glutenfree opts., reserv. rec., veggiefriendly, wi-fi n At the chef’s table, enjoy a different tasting menu every night — or grab a private table and choose from an à la carte menu that uses local ingredients, some grown on-site. $$$$
Barkeaters Restaurant 97 Falls rd., Shelburne, 985-2830 n closed: mon.; meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggiefriendly n At this Adirondack-themed Shelburne eatery, meat lovers can nosh on lamb lollipops or espressocrusted pork. Vegetarians choose from hearty salads and pastas. $$$
The Bearded Frog 5247 Shelburne rd., Shelburne, 985-9877 n meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, tv n Chef Andrea Cousineau offers eclectic American fare at this upscale bistro. In winter, warm up by the two-sided fireplace in the elegant dining room. Patio seating in summer. $$$
The Belted Cow Bistro 4 Park St., Essex Junction, 316-3883 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n Passionate attention to detail defines the food at this locally focused eatery. Chef-owner John Delpha is a barbecue world champion, so look for smoked specialties. $$$
Fields Restaurant
30 route 15, Jericho, 899-2223 n meals: B, Bru, L, D; full bar n gluten-free, outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n With the tagline “honest Vermont cuisine,” this wide-ranging restaurant serves farm-to-table comfort food and indulgent pastries from morning ’til closing time. $$
1611 harbor rd., Shelburne, 985-8498 n meals: B, Bru, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Most of the meats and veggies come from the farm at this top-rated restaurant-inn. Even the creative cocktails use local products. Open May to October. $$$$
The Kitchen Table Bistro 1840 W. main St., richmond, 434-8686 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Chef-owner Steve Atkins has collected a few James Beard nominations for the haute cuisine he serves inside this historic brick home. The seasonal menu changes often, but don’t miss the decadent desserts. $$$
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
Next Door Bakery & Café
Wooden Spoon Bistro
5247 Shelburne rd., Shelburne, 985-0085 n meals: B, L; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This elegant and quirky bakery features creative takes on standard sandwiches for breakfast and lunch. Try the “Breakfast in Bread” with coffee mayo or “Tofulafel” with honeypine-nut hummus. $
1210 Williston rd., South Burlington, 399-2074 n meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts.,veganfriendly, wi-fi, tv n This family-owned restaurant serves comfort food at “comfortable” prices. $$
Oscars Casual Dining & Best Picture Bar 190 Boxwood St., Williston, 878-7082 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n seasonal, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n You don’t have to see a movie to sup on a burger at this night spot inside the Majestic 10 movie theater. $
Our House Bistro 36 main St., Winooski, 497-1884 n meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n The “twisted comfort food” here includes frickles, fish tacos and mac-and-cheese with add-ons such as lobster and pulled pork. End the meal with a deep-fried PB&J. $$
Pauline’s Café 1834 Shelburne rd., South Burlington, 862-1081 n meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n For two decades, this café-restaurant has served up Maine crab cakes, rack of lamb, Vermont meats and seasonal specialties. $$$
Sonoma Station
3762 Shelburne rd., Shelburne, 985-2596 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This bistro boasts everything from made-to-order pasta dishes to free-range poultry and organic local burgers. No lunch Sunday. $$
99 Bridge St., richmond, 434-5949 n closed: Sun., mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n Chef-owner Monica Lamay cooks New American cuisine at this unique eatery in a historic feed store. Try the crab-and-avocado napoleon with cilantro vinaigrette. $$$
Misery Loves Co.
The Tavern at the Essex
La Villa Bistro & Pizzeria
46 main St., Winooski, 497-3989 n closed: Sun.; meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating n Don’t let this café’s spare look fool you: The open kitchen dishes out seriously imaginative food, from matzo brei and veal tartare to sea urchin panna cotta. In 2013, the chefowners both earned James Beard nominations. $
vermont restaurant Week 2013 Location
70 Essex Way, Essex, 764-1413 n meals: L, D; full bar n veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n The menu combines reimagined tavern fare with local ingredients, some grown in the on-site garden. Pair the food with a local microbrew, glass of wine or specialty cocktail. $$
Vermont National Country Club 1227 Dorset St., South Burlington, 264-9415 n closed: mon.; meals: Bru, L; full bar n delivery, outdoor seating, reserv. rec., seasonal, veggiefriendly, wi-fi n You don’t need to play golf to enjoy lunch in the elegant dining room or on the deck. $$$
7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
dinerS AJ’s Kitchen 10 railroad ave., Essex Junction, 288-8182 n meals: B, L, D n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, tv n Burgers are big at this friendly, local diner. Breakfast is served all day, and soups are homemade. $
Apollo Diner 3 Southerberry Dr., milton, 893-3313 n meals: B, L, D n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This family diner has classic hot-turkey and roast-beef sandwiches, but also made-from-scratch Greek and Italian specialties. $
Arcadia Diner 1696 Williston rd., South Burlington, 651-9080 n meals: B, Bru, L n This vintage diner has a stainless-steel retro interior and a menu that fuses American and Greek cuisine: Think spanakopita, gyros, avgolemono and burgers. Breakfast served all day. $
Athens Diner 46 highpoint center, colchester, 655-3455 n meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n The Maglaris family has been serving food to Vermonters for nearly 100 years. Look for Greek specialties made from scratch at this historic Blue Line diner. $
The Milton Diner 514 route 7, milton, 893-1743 n meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n This workingman’s diner serves breakfast all day. Try the fried haddock, baked scallops and weekend specials. There’s also a creemee stand. $
Sneakers Bistro 28 main St., Winooski, 655-9081 n meals: B, Bru, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Locals have frequented this retro café for more than 30 years. The weekend brunch — with multiple “Jump Start” options — is legendary, and the daily specials are always eclectic. $
refined comfort food at comfortable prices
Wooden Spoon Bistro 1210 Williston Rd., So. Burlington (in front of Higher Ground) See our website for seasonal hours
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3/22/12 3:52 PM
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AVERAGE ENTRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
87 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
« AMerICAn
Snack bar/cart
Belle’s Café
Joe’s Snack Bar 45 Route 15, Jericho, 899-3934 n Meals: L, D n cash/check only, seasonal n Open since 1950, this snack bar is popular with hikers as well as locals. Hand-cut fries and creemees available April to October. $
Soup ’n’ Sandwich Bagel Market 30 Susie Wilson Rd., Essex Junction, 872-2616 n Meals: B, L n glutenfree opts., veggie-friendly n The home-roasted coffee goes with any of 25 bagel varieties. For lunch, try a grilled sandwich or wrap. Muffins, brownies, cookies and Danish also fill the case. $
Bagels Plus 16 Taft Corners Shopping Center, Williston, 878-3131 n Meals: B, L n veggie-friendly n The bagels, bread, cookies and muffins are baked daily. Specialty bagels include maple wheat and “Four Cheese.” $
121 Connor Way, Maple Tree Place, Williston, 872-2802 n Meals: B, Bru, L n delivery, veggie-friendly n This locally owned artisan café has creative flatbread and sandwich specials, as well as a build-your-own sandwich option. Bread baked fresh daily. $
The Bolton Deli 4302 Bolton Access Rd., Bolton Valley, 434-6817 n Meals: B, L n seasonal, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Featuring hot and cold sandwiches — including a mean egg salad — as well as fresh soups and other made-from-scratch items. Closed for mud season. $
Bruegger’s Bagel Bakery 2989 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne, 9853183 n Meals: B, L n veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This eatery offers hot and cold sandwiches on bagels and freshly baked breads. Also serving soup and tossed salads. $
Burlington Bagel Bakery 992 Shelburne Rd., South Burlington, 864-0236 n Meals: B, L n veganfriendly n Burlington’s original bagel shop cooks up more than 15 types of bagels, including Asiago and roasted red pepper. $
The Chubby Muffin — Burlington Airport 1200 Airport Dr., South Burlington, 540-0050 n Meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n veggie-friendly n At this counter inside the Burlington International Airport, grab a coffee and savory or sweet muffin for breakfast. Later in the day, select from locally sourced sandwiches and salads. $
H Firebird Café (see p.82) 163 Pearl St., Essex Junction, 316-4265 n Meals: B, L n delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Owner Jake Tran’s California upbringing influences the food at this breakfast-all-day eatery. Try the salmon eggs Benedict with poblano-cream sauce. $
The Garden of Eatin’ Café 472 Marshall Ave., Williston, 8781042 n Meal: L n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n A lush conservatory doubles as a dining room in winter. When it’s warm out, enjoy a meal on the outdoor patio. The menu changes daily. $
Harrington’s of Vermont 5597 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne, 985-2000 n Meals: B, L n veggiefriendly n Across the street from the Shelburne Museum, this eatery and specialty-foods store makes killer sandwiches using its own meats and condiments. $
Klinger’s Bread Company 10 Farrell St., South Burlington, 8606322 n Meals: B, L n delivery n At this small, in-bakery café, you can grab a coffee and croissant, or order soups, salads and sandwiches for lunch. $
Paisley Hippo Sandwich Shop 22 Commerce St., #7, Hinesburg, 482-2345 n Closed: Sun., Mon.; Meals: L, D n veggie-friendly n At this funky eatery, order up a “Beast” made with roast beef, pepperoni and sharp cheddar, or sample a cheese-steak with sweet-potato fries. $
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7NHH13-healthyliving.indd 1
3/14/13 11:29 AM
solarium bar
15 Center Street, Burlington
AVERAGE ENTRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
89 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
« AMEriCAn
Sugarsnap at Technology Park 30 Community Dr., Suite 9, South Burlington, 861-2718 n Closed: Sat., Sun.; Meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n Choose from freshly prepared, seasonal salads, sandwiches, homemade soups and take-home dinners. Specials daily. $
Underhill Country Store 1 Pleasant Valley Rd., underhill, 8994056 n Meals: B, L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggiefriendly n Outdoor enthusiasts love this gear shop and restaurant for pizza, soup, sandwiches and highenergy snacks. $
Vermont Sandwich Company 5689 Williston Rd., Williston, 878-6963 n Meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n This local sandwich company comes up with interesting combos. Try the popular “Patriot,” with turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce. $
Waf’s West Side Deli 165 E. Allen St., Winooski, 655-0290 n Closed: Sat., Sun.; Meals: L, D; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, games, tv n This deli has a rock-and-roll theme and Vermont brews on tap. Pick up Mediterranean and Middle Eastern sandwiches or try a hot steak-andcheese. $
SteakhouSeS/ Seafood Guild & Company
SouthweStern/ tex-Mex
1633 Williston Rd., South Burlington, 497-1207 n Meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n At this steakhouse from the folks behind Farmhouse Tap & Grill, the specialty is dry-aged, locally sourced beef with simple preparations. Pub fare, including burgers, sandwiches and salads, is also on offer. $$$$
Moe’s Southwest Grill (two locations)
The Lighthouse Restaurant & Lounge
1150 Williston Rd., South Burlington, 660-4900 n 85 Rita Rd., Williston, 879-2005 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n You can eat your “Home Wrecker” burrito at this “fast-casual” Tex-Mex spot. Or take it home. $
38 Lower Mountain View Dr., Colchester, 448-3361 n Meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., salad bar, veggie-friendly, tv n A trip to the 60-item salad bar comes with every meal at this creative steak and seafood restaurant. $$$
Ray’s Seafood Market 7 Pinecrest Dr., Essex Junction, 8793611 n Meals: L, D n This lighthousethemed seafood spot offers fried and baked haddock, whole-belly clams, and varied fried fruits de mer. $
Rotisserie Restaurant 1355 Williston Rd., South Burlington, 658-1838 n Meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, tv n Try the prime rib at this friendly, 40-year-old neighborhood bar and steakhouse. $$
Texas Roadhouse 225 Interstate Corporate Center, Williston, 288-1110 n Meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, tv n This casual dining spot has a fun, country vibe to go with its “fall-off-the-bone” ribs. The owner sources his produce and dairy from Vermont. $
Windjammer Restaurant 1076 Williston Rd., South Burlington, 862-6585 n Meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., salad bar, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Aged beef, hand-cut steaks, prime rib, fresh seafood and a 150bottle wine list keep ’em coming back. A trip to the salad bar comes with every entrée order. $$$
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3/14/13 10:39 AM
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chittENDEN couNty
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
vermont restaurant Week 2013 Location
TradiTional Ake’s Old Brick Tavern 7921 Williston rd., Williston, 3164262 n closed: mon.; meals: Bru, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Chef Dan Goetz turns out plates of fresh seafood and pub favorites inside this historic stone tavern far from Williston’s box stores. $$
Al’s French Frys
1251 Williston rd., South Burlington, 862-9203 n meals: L, D n cash/ check only, outdoor seating n Even the hand-cut fries here are a throwback to the ’50s. They also sell corn dogs, cheeseburgers and, in season, creemees. $
Archie’s Grill 4109 Shelburne rd., Shelburne, 985-4912 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The burgers at this environmentally responsible spot are made from Laplatte River Angus Farm beef. Eat ’em outside in summer. $
Bayview Eats 97 Blakely rd., Suite 5, colchester, 652-2444 n meals: Bru, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n The food at this waterfront café includes chicken pot pie and meat loaf. Kids can take advantage of the seasonal creemee window. Sunday brunch. $$
Black Bear Inn 4010 Bolton access rd., Bolton, 434-2126 n closed: Sun., Wed.; meals: B, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Chef Brian O’Neil’s menu changes nightly, but guests always enjoy three courses for $28 at this mountaintop inn. The extensive wine list has won Wine Spectator awards. $$$
Bridge Street Café 30 Bridge St., richmond, 434-2233 n meals: B, Bru, L, D; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n This family-owned café welcomes all with warm service. Check out the Philly cheesesteaks, pizzas, wraps and hoppin’ Sunday brunch. $
Camel’s Hump Café at Broadacres Bingo 133 Broad acres Dr., colchester, 860-6032 n closed: mon.; meals: Bru, L, D n seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, games n Broadacres Bingo Center offers comfort food prepared by Lake Champlain Catering. A snack bar serves creemees all summer. $
Charlie’s Rotisserie and Grill 1160 Williston rd., South Burlington, 862-1211 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, glutenfree opts., vegan-friendly, tv n This casual eatery specializes in rotisserie chicken, homemade tenders, baby-back ribs, wings, sandwiches and made-to-order salads. $
Clover House Pub 42 church rd., colchester, 860-3631 n meals: Bru, D; full bar n veggiefriendly, wi-fi, tv n This neighborhood restaurant gets fresh seafood five days a week, and also serves hand-cut steaks. Brunch only on Sunday. $$
Duke’s Creemees 160 river St., milton, 309-3179 n outdoor seating, seasonal n Sick of vanilla and chocolate? The window next to Scales & Tails pet shop will tantalize you with 130 flavors. Try banana rocky road or mint chocolate chip — or get them as shakes. $
Dutch Mill Family Restaurant 4309 Shelburne rd., Shelburne, 985-3568 n meals: B, L n delivery, outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This homey restaurant is famous for its historic windmill and comfort food. You can get breakfast all day. Closed Monday and Tuesday in winter. $
Essex Grill 35 main St., Essex Junction, 662-1501 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Pictures of dogs adorn the walls at this canine-themed eatery. Try a specialty burger made with beans, turkey or grass-fed beef. $
Good Times Café 10805 main St., hinesburg, 482-4444 n closed: mon.; meals: L, D; beer & wine n cash/check only, live music n This diverse café features Italian, Cajun and American cuisine. Look for nightly dinner specials such as homemade seafood ravioli. $
Harper’s Restaurant at the Holiday Inn 1068 Williston rd., South Burlington, 863-6363 n meals: B, Bru, L, D; full bar n all you can eat, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n This quiet hideaway is a relaxed, discreet bar and eatery during the week. Brunch on Sunday. $$
Hoagie Hut
Regal Bistro
164 Porters Point rd., Bellwood Shopping center, colchester, 8636655 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n cash/check only, veggie-friendly n This old-time fast-food restaurant cooks up a mean — and huge — Philly cheesesteak. No dinner on Sunday. $
2 corporate Dr., Essex Junction, 655-3300 n meal: L n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Dine under a chandelier at this casual eatery inside Regal Gymnastics Academy. The homemade fare ranges from pizzas and paninis to healthy salads. $
The Hungry Dutchman 34 Park St., Essex Junction, 8767431 n meals: L, D, LN n delivery, outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Specialties at this neighborhood spot include burgers, wings, hot sandwiches and melts. $
The Hungry Lion 4 Jericho East Dr., Jericho, 899-5466 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: B, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, live music, tv n The classic comfort food is homemade here. Start with fresh-baked bread before feasting on duck breast with raspberry glaze or coconut-and-yellow-curry tofu. $$
JP’s Restaurant and Deli 39 river rd., Essex Junction, 288-8099 n meals: B, L; full bar n veggie-friendly n Choose between two dining rooms, one of which is jungle themed. Try the open-faced, hot sandwiches. $
The Lake-View House 1710 Shelburne rd., South Burlington, 865-3900 n closed: Sun.; meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wifi, tv n This restaurant takes a casual approach to elevated comfort food. Try maple-balsamic grilled beef tips or the fish taco platter. $$$
The Old Brick Store 290 Ferry rd., charlotte, 425-2421 n meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This community-supported market offers both conventional and organic products. Grab freshly baked pastries, breakfast sandwiches, pizzas, deli items or espresso. $
One Flight Up at the Airport 1200 airport Dr., South Burlington, 862-6410 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Burlington International Airport’s only fullservice restaurant serves sandwiches and light dinners until 7 p.m. And you can keep your shoes on. $
Rozzi’s Lakeshore Tavern & Restaurant 1022 W. Lakeshore Dr., colchester, 863-2342 n meals: B, Bru, L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, veggiefriendly, wi-fi, darts, games, pool, pub quiz/trivia, tv n Catch the game while tucking into the renowned prime rib or one of the 30 burgers, including the two-pound “Dozer.” Free happy-hour food daily and weekend brunch. $
Trader Duke’s 1117 Williston rd., South Burlington, 660-7523 n meals: B, Bru, L, D; full bar n all you can eat, gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n This country-style restaurant is famous for New England cuisine and a double-sided fieldstone fireplace. Try the lobster roll. Brunch buffet on Sunday. $$
Vermont Sports Grill 1705 Williston rd., South Burlington, 860-2009 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Fifty-one high-def TVs show sports packages as fans settle in with $3.49 pint specials and a massive dish known as “Meatloaf Mountain.” $
Wings Over Burlington 150 Dorset St., South Burlington, 863-9464 n meals: L, D, LN; ByoB n delivery, tv n There are pictures of airplanes on the wall and sports on the TVs. The wings — made with fresh chicken — come in 24 flavors. Lunch Friday only. $
AsiAn Chinese Chef Leu’s House 3761 Shelburne rd., Shelburne, 985-5258 n meals: L, D; full bar n delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Specializing in Chinese and Thai cuisines, this crowd-pleasing restaurant also offers a sushi bar and a cocktail lounge. $$
ASIAN » 7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
802.985.8411 • 800.639.8033 Route 7 Shelburne, Vermont • theautomaster.com 7HNN12-automaster.indd 1
2/14/12 5:30 PM
he Bearded Frog Bar and Grill serves inspired and eclectic American fare. Located in the Shelburne Village, inside the recently renovated, historic Shelburne Inn. We offer seating on an outdoor patio, an intimate bar and a cozy dining room.
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The Bearded Frog
chittENDEN couNty
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
vermont restaurant Week 2013 Location
China Garden
Joyce’s Noodle House
8-10 main St., Essex Junction, 879-8888 n meals: L, D n Sweet-andsour chicken keeps ’em coming to this eatery, as do the combo platters. $
5 carmichael St., Essex, 288-9828 n meals: L, D; full bar n This Chinese eatery prepares cuisine that can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty. Try the mustard greens with smoked tofu. $
88 heineberg Dr., colchester, 860-2828 n meals: L, D n Look for Thai specialties and Chinese favorites, plus lobster dishes and family dinner deals. $
Lee’s Chinese Restaurant
Zen Gardens
Chopstick House II 127 Porters Point rd., colchester, 862-3600 n meals: L, D n veggiefriendly n Serving Sichuan, Hunan, Mandarin and Cantonese fare with no MSG. Order a family dinner combo. $
Dragon House 22 commerce St., hinesburg, 482-6888 n meals: L, D n You can have lunch early at this Chinese restaurant on the fringes of Chittenden County; it opens at 11 a.m. Eat in or take it out. $
Full House 90 center rd., Essex Junction, 879-8989 n meals: L, D n Curries share menu space with the usual Chinese choices. $
Grand Buffet 66 Pearl St., Essex Junction, 879-9669 n 1303 Williston rd., South Burlington, 497-3979 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n all you can eat, reserv. rec., salad bar, veggie-friendly n This buffet restaurant serves a world of dishes, ranging from sushi to pizza to barbecue squid. Kids pay 70 cents per year of age. $
Hong Kong Jade Restaurant 5 market St., South Burlington, 658-3626 n meals: L, D; full bar n all you can eat, delivery, glutenfree opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n This is a Chinese buffet with a difference. There are also Thai dishes, Japanese hibachi-style fare and a cotton-candy machine. $
Hong Kong Kitchen 1930 Williston rd., South Burlington, 862-4622 n meals: L, D n Employees claim to have “the best General Tso in town.” Sunday is dinner only. $
Jin Chinese Restaurant 135 E. allen St., Winooski, 861-3338 n meals: L, D n delivery, veggiefriendly, wi-fi n The spicy Sichuan mala dishes are popular at this spot, but so are classic General Tso and crab Rangoon. $
360 Dorset St., South Burlington, 657-3218 n meals: L, D n delivery, veggie-friendly n College meal cards are accepted at this small Asian eatery. Try the Mongolian beef or the shrimp with ginger and scallions. Sunday is dinner only. $
Lucky Wok Chinese Restaurant 170 route 7, midtown Plaza, milton, 893-0078 n meals: L, D n This small restaurant is known for its speedy service, and all the Chinese classics. $
Men at Wok 3 taft corners Shopping center, Williston, 878-2850 n meals: L, D n An open kitchen lets you watch chefs assemble your crab Rangoon or chicken teriyaki. $
North Garden Chinese Restaurant
Yummy Chinese Restaurant
7 Fayette Dr., South Burlington, 862-8885 n meals: L, D; full bar n delivery, gluten-free opts., veganfriendly n Well-crafted, authentic Sichuan, Cantonese and Taiwanese cuisine is served in the cavernous dining rooms. Try jellyfish in garlic sauce. $$
2033 Essex rd., Williston, 879-0251 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n glutenfree opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This spacious Thai spot has noodle dishes and curries, but also surf-and-turf specialties with an Asian accent. $$
21 Essex Way, #210, Essex, 878-2788 n closed: mon.; meals: L, D; ByoB n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Ingredients are never frozen at this homestyle Thai restaurant. Look for curries and other basics, as well as dishes rarely seen stateside. $
150 Dorset St., South Burlington, 448-3525 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n Hibachi-style meals are the main attraction here, but sushi, sashimi and cooked dishes are also on offer. $$
Koto Japanese Steak House
21 Essex Way, Essex, 878-6688 n meals: L, D n Come in for the fragrant lemon chicken before a night at the Essex Cinemas. Specials are served with a side of pork fried rice. $
19 taft corners Shopping center, Williston, 288-8052 n closed: Sun.; meals: L, D; beer & wine n veganfriendly n Sit down for lunch or dinner, or shop for packaged bean cakes, sushi and assorted Asian groceries. $
1216 Williston rd., South Burlington, 864-0125 n meals: L, D; full bar n delivery, gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n Chinese food with an American twist. Try the orange beef or crispy pork. No lunch on Sunday. $$
Honey Thai Restaurant
Hana Japanese Restaurant
Oriental Wok
Silver Palace
2403 Shelburne rd., Shelburne, 497-3288 n meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n Diners can get their pad Thai and curry fix here, plus sip a range of creative martinis. $
Sukho Thai Restaurant
792 Shelburne rd., South Burlington, 660-8976 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n The chefs put on a tableside show if you opt for the hibachi, but they also prepare fresh sushi and sashimi. $$$
79 W. canal St., Winooski, 655-7475 n meals: L, D; full bar n veggie-friendly n This two-story restaurant offers takeout as well as formal dining and a cocktail lounge. The chef recommends the “Tsair Tsair Beef,” served sizzling with scallops. $$
Bangkok Minute Thai Café
65 Patchen rd., South Burlington, 862-0475 n closed: mon.; meals: L, D n delivery, veggie-friendly n Serving all of the Chinese classics, from vegetarian Hunan bean curd to Kung Pao pork. $
Peking Duck House
pan-asian Asian Bistro (two locations) 25 Winooski Falls Way, Winooski, 655-9800 n 121 corner Way, Williston, 878-8878 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., veganfriendly n Chefs prepare dishes from China, Thailand, Malaysia and Japan. Sample sushi and sashimi, or try one of the house specialties. No lunch on Sunday in Winooski; no lunch on weekends in Williston. $$
Tiny Thai Restaurant 24 main St., Winooski, 655-4888 n meals: L, D; ByoB n veggie-friendly n The dishes here — including papaya salad, tom kha, ginger chicken and krapow stir-fry — take their cues from both Thai food carts and family tables. Ask for the authentic Thai menu. $
VieTnamese Pho Dang Vietnamese Café (two locations) 215 main St., Winooski, 655-0707 n Park St., Essex Junction, 878-6699 n meals: L, D; ByoB n delivery, gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n Slurp up Vietnamese soup and other noodle and rice dishes. The classic pho tai comes with a plate of flavorful mix-ins. $
Vietnam Restaurant 137 Pearl St., Essex Junction, 872-9998 n closed: Sun.; meals: L, D n vegan-friendly n This cozy café is a welcome break from the Route 15 strip. Specialty milkshakes feature avocado, durian, jackfruit, coconut or pineapple. $
Naru Asian Cuisine 202 cornerstone Dr., Williston, 878-8868 n meals: L, D n glutenfree opts., vegan-friendly n Try the “Hot Stone Bibimbob” — a medley of vegetables, egg and seasoned beef over rice with spicy paste on the side. No lunch on Sunday. $
BAKERIES » 7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
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169 Church St. • Burlington • www.ElGatoCantina.com • info@elgatocantina.com 7NHH12-032013-ElGato.indd 1
3/18/13 11:07 AM
AVERAGE ENTRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
95 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
bakeries Bayside Bakery & Coffee Bar 824 W. Lakeshore Dr., Colchester, 862-3318 n Closed: Sun.; Meals: B, L n veggie-friendly n For 29 years, locals have come to this waterfront bakery for eggs Benedict and meatfilled omelettes. The bakery case is packed with cookies and cream pies. Pork pies are a seasonal specialty. $
Chef’s Corner Café & Bakery 2121 Essex Rd., Williston, 878-5524 n Meals: B, Bru, L; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n This café has European roots and an array of pastries, hot dishes and salads priced by the pound. $
Koval’s Coffee 22 Commerce St., Hinesburg, 482-5192 n Meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n “We try to do the simple stuff right,” co-owner Gary Koval says of his custom-made sandwiches on fresh bread. Soups are homemade, too. $
My Little Cupcake
Simply Divine Café
4 Carmichael St., Suite 101, Essex, 872-7676 n Meals: L, D n veganfriendly n A mural of smiling desserts greets sweets lovers in search of baked goods and coffee. There are always 12 types of mini-cupcakes, from 80 possible flavors. $
426 Industrial Ave., #155, White Cap Business Park, Williston, 497-0336 n Closed: Sat., Sun.; Meals: B, Bru, L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n This café offers gourmet sandwiches, soups and daily specials. Baked goods and savory quiches are also popular. $
On the Rise Bakery 39 Esplanade, Richmond, 434-7787 n Meals: B, Bru, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows, dance floor, live music n Enjoy coffee drinks, smoothies and traditional, vegan or gluten-free sweets at this popular bakery. Sunday brunch. $
Quality Bake Shop 91 Pearl St., Essex Junction, 878-3798 n Meals: B, L n cash/check only n This petite diner and fullservice bakery is famous for burgers, sandwiches and inexpensive baked goods. Cookies start at 64 cents. $
Superb Cupcakes 5 Taft Corners Shopping Center, Williston, 871-5941 n veggie-friendly n Stop into this bakery for filled cupcakes, made from local ingredients. Flavors include a cream-filled maple cupcake topped with maple buttercream. $
West Meadow Farm Bakery
bars, Pubs & Clubs Bars B. U. Emporium 164 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 658-4292 n Meal: LN; full bar n darts, pool, tv n Sliders are a specialty at this family-owned bar. $
Hornet’s Nest 12 Railroad Ave., Essex Junction, 363-6938 n Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n outdoor seating, wi-fi, tv n This neighborhood meeting place caters to Essex sports fans. Lunch Tuesday to Sunday. $
Murray’s Tavern
34 Park St., Essex Junction, 878-1646 n Closed: Sun.; Meal: B n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly n Celiac sufferers swing by for gluten-free goodies: almond-coconut biscotti, maple-walnut scones and doughnut muffins. Call for decorated cakes. $
4 Lincoln Place, Essex Junction, 878-4901 n full bar n wi-fi, darts, pool, tv n This classic Irish pub features occasional entertainment. $
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AVERAGE ENTRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
97 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
« BArS, PuBS & CLuBS
Nightclubs Backstage Pub 60 Pearl St., Essex Junction, 878-5494 n Meal: D; full bar n outdoor seating, wi-fi, dance floor, darts, karaoke, live music, pool, tv n Local bands liven up this homey bar. The dinner menu features wings, burgers, prime rib and steaks. $
Higher Ground 1214 Williston Rd., South Burlington, 652-0777 n Meal: D; full bar n veggie-friendly, all-ages music shows, cover, dance floor, live music n The region’s premier live-music venue showcases national and local music acts. Pub fare available until 11 p.m. whenever there’s a show. $
The Monkey House 30 Main St., Winooski, 655-4563 n full bar n wi-fi, dance floor, games, live music, pool, sometimes cover, tv n This bar and local-live-music venue features an eclectic blend of acts most nights of the week. Plug in your own MP3 player or iPod on quiet nights. $
Pubs Banana Winds Café and Pub 1 Towne Marketplace, Essex Junction, 879-0752 n Closed: Sun.; Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n darts, karaoke, live music, tv n This café-pub with live music features open mic once a month. Try the homemade chili. $
City Sports Grille 215 Lower Mountain View Dr., Colchester, 655-2720 n Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n wi-fi, dance floor, games, live music, pub quiz/trivia, tv n There’s more to the Spare Time bowling alley than knocking down pins. Watch TV or listen to a live band while munching raspberry chicken salad, wings or nachos. $
Cody’s Irish Pub & Grille 4 Carmichael St., Essex, 878-1543 n Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, darts, pool, tv n This place has pool tables, seven TVs and cheeseburgers marinated in Guinness — plus it’s close to the movie theater. $
The Jack & Grill
McKee’s Pub & Grill
18 Severance Green, Colchester, 876-7770 n Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, darts, games, pool, tv n Fish tacos draw fans to this fun, casual pub. Pair them with “The Skinny Bitch,” a cocktail of Grey Goose vodka and pomegranate and cranberry juices that clocks in at 140 calories. $
19 E. Allen St., Winooski, 655-0048 n Meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, darts, games, pool, tv n This 25-year-old local hangout serves salads, wraps, burgers, steak and chicken dishes. A mélange of eggs Benedict is on offer during weekend brunch. $
James Moore Tavern 4302 Bolton Access Rd., Bolton Valley, 434-6826 n Meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n This spot near the ski slopes serves soups, burgers and sandwiches. Catch live entertainment on Thursday and Saturday night in winter. $$
McGillicuddy’s Irish Ale House 28 Walnut St., Williston, 857-5909 n Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n veggiefriendly, wi-fi, tv n Sports packages draw in diners from lunch to late night for corned beef and cabbage or Highland beef burgers. The 28-tap list and dozen high-quality whiskeys don’t hurt, either. $$
Old Shed Bar & Grill 80 Shelburne Shopping Plaza, Shelburne, 985-9800 n Meals: L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, wi-fi, darts, karaoke, live music, pool, tv n Customers keep coming back for the Texas dogs and chicken wings. Karaoke every Saturday night. $
On Tap Bar & Grill 4 Park St., Essex Junction, 878-3309 n Meals: Bru, L, D, LN; full bar n outdoor seating, live music, tv n There’s never a cover charge at this pub in the Lincoln Inn. Guests can grab an appetizer and one of 28 beers on tap while enjoying live music or Trivia Tuesday. $
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chittENDEN couNty
avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
vermont restaurant Week 2013 Location
Pearl Street Pub 137 Pearl St., Essex Junction, 878-3577 n meals: L, D, LN; full bar n darts, tv n This small, quiet neighborhood bar is known for its food. Bar classics such as hot dogs and cheesesteaks share the menu with sweet-potato fries and “Fried Broccoli Bites.” $
The Pour House 1930 Williston rd., South Burlington, 862-3653 n meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n veggie-friendly, tv n This sports bar is also a neighborhood pub that draws customers with $1.50 pints on Sunday and Monday. Also chicken wings, Philly cheesesteaks and burgers. $
Spanked Puppy Pub 116 main St., colchester, 878-6440 n meals: Bru, L; full bar n outdoor seating, darts, pool, tv n Fruits de mer are a constant at this local pub; try the seafood bisque at lunch or seafood omelette during weekend brunch. No lunch Sunday. $
Tuckaway’s Pub 878 Williston rd., Sheraton hotel, South Burlington, 865-6620 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggiefriendly, wi-fi, tv n This cozy English pub offers local microbrews on tap, build-your-own burgers and UVM sports memorabilia on the walls. $$
Upper Deck Pub 1076 Williston rd., South Burlington, 862-6585 n meals: L, D; n gluten-free opts., seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Watch a game on the flatscreen TVs at this family-friendly bar. The steaks, seafood and burgers are all good, but specialty cocktails and microbrews bring ’em in, too. $
Coffee/Tea Block Gallery & Coffeehouse 1 E. allen St., Winooski, 373-5150 meal: B; n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n An array of organic coffee drinks — plus gluten-free and vegan pastries — are on offer at this coffeehouseslash-art gallery. $ n
Village Wine and Coffee 5288 Shelburne rd., Shelburne, 985-8922 n gluten-free opts., veganfriendly, wi-fi n This European-style café and wine shop features shadegrown, fair-trade, organic espresso. Fresh pastries and local gourmet chocolates, too. $
eCleCTiC The Skinny Pancake — Burlington Airport 1200 airport Dr., South Burlington n meals: B, L, D; full bar n glutenfree, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This café defies airport food stereotypes: The stuffings for sweet and savory crêpes are almost all sourced locally. Heady Topper is on tap, and local spirits are behind the bar.
euro French Café Shelburne 5573 Shelburne rd., Shelburne, 985-3939 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n This special-occasion restaurant, located across from the Shelburne Museum, serves gourmet French fare. Look for lobster bisque and steak tartare. $$$$
Rustic Roots 195 Falls rd., Shelburne, 985-9511 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: B, Br, D; n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Most of the crépes at this cozy café — such as gorgonzola and walnut — have no more than three ingredients. Sweet crêpes, warm salads, stews and soups round out the menu. $
Mediterranean/ Greek Café Mediterano 17 Park St., Essex Junction, 878-9333 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: L, D; beer & wine n veggiefriendly, wi-fi, tv n The Bosnian-born owner serves up Greek gyros, panini, kebabs and cevapi sausages — plus burgers, fries and wraps. Try the baklava. $
Euro Restaurant 1 towne marketplace, Susie Wilson rd., Essex Junction, 878-9299 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; ByoB n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n Two master chefs from Bosnia prepare dishes such as “Vitelo Vienna” and zuppa di pesce. Occasional live music on the weekend. $$
Istanbul Kebab House 10 Kellogg rd., Essex Junction, 857-5091 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Diners order freshly baked lavash bread to go with a large selection of Turkish fare. Specialties include kebabs, casseroles and applemaple baklava. $$
Papa Nick’s Family Restaurant 10997 route 116, hinesburg, 482-6050 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n veggie-friendly n This family-style restaurant serves up delicacies from America, Italy and Greece. Try the chicken souvlaki or the gyros. $$
Toscano Café Bistro 27 Bridge St., richmond, 434-3148 n closed: mon.; meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n This chef-owned bistro serves up romantic dining in a casual atmosphere. Try the crispy artichoke hearts with lemon aioli or house-made ricotta gnocchi with Vermont goat cheese. $$$
iTalian/Pizzerias Buono Appetito Italian Restaurant 3182 Shelburne rd., Shelburne, 985-2232 n meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly n This farm-to-table, family-friendly restaurant pairs fresh pastas with a craft wine list. $$
Cucina Antica 43 Shelburne Shopping Park, Shelburne, 985-1117 n closed: mon.; meal: D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, tv n Families and couples come to this Mediterranean bistro for coffee, pizzas, pastas and sandwiches. Try the homemade soups and lobster ravioli. $$
Dino’s Pizza 99 Pearl St., Essex Junction, 8786060 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n This eatery offers pizzas, calzones, and hot and cold subs, as well as Italian American classics such as stromboli and chicken Parmesan. $
Fireside Flatbread at Bolton Valley Resort above the Base Lodge at Bolton valley resort, Bolton, 434-6820 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: L, D; beer & wine n seasonal, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The flatbreads “come out quick” at Bolton Valley’s pizza joint. Tourists and locals alike swing by for the pesto pie and the Switchback on tap. Closed April to December. $
Flatbread Factory & Taproom 2989 Shelburne rd.,Shelburne Bay Plaza, Shelburne, 985-3303 n meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., veganfriendly, wi-fi, live music, games, pub quiz/trivia, tv n Comfort food and a big screen rule at this family restaurant and bar. Try a bacon-andbleu-cheese burger, mango nachos or pizza, and sip one of 16 beers on tap. $
Folino’s Pizzeria 6305 Shelburne rd., Shelburne, 881-8822 n meal: D; ByoB n veggiefriendly n The crusts are thin and the toppings eclectic at this pizzeria, which shares digs with Fiddlehead Brewing. Try a wood-fired margherita or scallop-and-bacon-topped pie. $$
Hoagie’s Pizza & Pasta 112 center rd., Essex, 879-4934 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n glutenfree opts., veggie-friendly n The homemade, Italian-inspired food here runs from calzones, subs and pasta to pizza with 22 toppings. $
Junior’s Italian 85 S. Park Dr., colchester, 655-0000 n meals: L, D; full bar n delivery, gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Italophiles flock to this all-purpose eatery with a pizza parlor, fine-dining restaurant and in-house bakery. Don’t-miss pastries include sfogliatelli and pasticciotti. $$
Leonardo’s Pizza 1160 Williston rd., South Burlington, 951-9000 n meals: L, D, LN n delivery, gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n Burlington’s award-winning pizza delivery service has taken the pie sky high. Try the “Roasted Maine Potato” or “Four-Cheese Fusion” on white, organic whole-wheat or glutenfree crust. $$
Donny’s NY Pizza & Sports Bar 22 main St., Winooski, 655-7888 n meals: L, D; full bar n delivery, veggie-friendly, tv n Memorabilia from the Big Apple accents the walls, while customers indulge in a variety of Sicilian pies. $
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Loretta’s Fine Italian Cuisine 44 Park St., Essex Junction, 8797777 n Closed: Sun., Mon.; Meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n Try the “Chicken Lenora,” veal scallopine, pasta and fresh seafood. Everything is fresh and made to order. $$
Marco’s Pizza 1301 Williston Rd., South Burlington, 658-5858 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, veggie-friendly, tv n Hand-tossed pizza and homemade ciabatta bread are specialties at this quaint pizza parlor. $
Marco’s Pizza and Grill 4066 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne, 985-9895 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Comfy booths and sandwiches on homemade bread bring in the customers. There are 14 different kinds of slices, plus calzone and pasta specials. $
Mimmo’s Pizzeria
Papa Frank’s
Pizza on Earth
4 Carmichael St., Essex, 288-9494 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Here you’ll find Italian classics such as pizza, pasta or the popular balsamic chicken salad. No lunch on Sunday. $
13 W. Center St., Winooski, 6552423 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n veggie-friendly n This low-key, homey restaurant features photos of the owner’s Italian grandparents. The prices and portion sizes seem historic, too. $
1510 Hinesburg Rd., Charlotte, 425-2152 n Closed: Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat.; Meal: D n cash/check only, outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly n This farm-based pizzeria and bakery cooks up thincrust pies in an outdoor wood oven. Takeout only, but summer offers picnicking on the farm. $$
Mountain High Pizza Pie 249 Route 15, Jericho, 899-3718 n Meals: L, D n outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n What do “Mount Olympus,” “Mauna Loa” and the “Swiss Alps” have in common? They’re all specialty pies at this small pizzeria. $
New York Pizza Oven 795 W. Lakeshore Dr., Colchester, 658-0925 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n This pizzeria boasts high-end pies at affordable prices. Specialty pizzas are ever changing, but you can always count on homemade chocolate-chip cookies. $
Papa McKee’s 38 E. Main St., Richmond, 434-4002 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n veganfriendly, wi-fi, tv n Customers hungry for specialty pizzas, pastas and salads enjoy the cozy atmosphere at this family-run resto. $
Pastabilities 4735 Williston Rd., Williston, 598-5513 n Closed: Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat.; Meals: L, D n veggie-friendly, wi-fi n All-natural pizzas and pastas from this factoryrestaurant can be made at home or eaten at the store. $
Pizza Putt 1205 Airport Pkwy., South Burlington, 862-7888 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n veggie-friendly, games n Everything’s cooked fresh daily in this huge, family-friendly restaurant. Come in for homemade pizza, with or without laser tag. $
Pulcinella’s 100 Dorset St., South Burlington, 863-1000 n Meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n Authentic Italian dishes, such as gnocchi, braciole and wedding soup, reign at this airy ristorante. The chef’s family recipes pepper the menu. No lunch on Monday. $$$
CHITTENDEN CouNTy Ramunto’s Brick Oven Pizza
Three Tomatoes Trattoria
18 Taft Corners Shopping Center, Williston, 879-1000 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, veganfriendly, tv n “People love the garlic knots and the cinnamon knots,” says owner Jeff Paul., and the “Chicken Ranch” pizza has won awards. $
192 Boxwood St., Maple Tree Place, Williston, 857-2200 n Meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Locals gather at this rustic Italian restaurant to dine on thin-crust pizza, baked pasta and roasted meats. $$
Rocky’s NY Pizza & Ice Cream 39 Park St., Essex Junction, 878-4441 n Meals: L, D n delivery, outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music n Owner and New York native Rocky Leary has gained a reputation for stuffed pizza. Check out his ice cream bar in the summer. $
Three Brothers Pizza & Grill 973 Roosevelt Hwy., Colchester, 655-5550 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n all you can eat, delivery, veggie-friendly, tv n The emphasis is on local products at this family-owned pizza and sandwich spot. Wash it down with an ice-cold pitcher of Switchback. $
Uncle Tony’s Pizza 360 Dorset St., South Burlington, 864-5222 n Meals: D, LN n delivery, veggie-friendly n The piped-to-order cannoli are renowned at this locally owned pizzeria. The thin-crust, New-York-style pies are made to order, too. $
Vermont Pizza Company 201 Cornerstone Dr., Taft Farm Shopping Center, Williston, 878-5556 n Meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Everything is made fresh at this pizzeria, including pasta dishes and garlic puffs. Even the ice cream is crafted at a small regional dairy. $
AVERAGE ENTRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
101 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
Zachary’s Pizza
Little Garden Market
(Three locations) 197 Route 7, Hannaford Plaza, Milton, 893-6111 n 133 Heineberg Dr., Colchester, 862-7900 n 1250 Williston Rd., South Burlington, 864-9817 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n veggie-friendly n This family pizzeria makes a kid-sanctioned “Red Dog” pizza topped with hot dogs. Adults love the Mexican, chicken Alfredo and the Zachary’s special, aka “The Works”. The Colchester location features a bar — closed Monday — and South Burlington has a “family center.” $
86 Ferry Rd., Charlotte, 425-5336 n Meals: B, L, D n Choose from an array of grocery items, or get a sandwich or entrée to go. In the summer, you’ll find fresh produce. $
Markets/Co-ops Healthy Living Café 222 Dorset St., South Burlington, 863-2569 n Meals: B, Bru, L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, salad bar, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music n This café, buffet and salad bar inside a market uses organic ingredients to fuse world cuisines. Panini, eclectic prepared meals and pastries are available, too. $
Martone’s Market & Café 16 Main St., Essex Junction, 8788163 n Meals: B, L n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n This deli-market is popular for its “Vermonter” sandwich — maple turkey, ham, cheddar and honey mustard on homemade bread. Coffee and house-baked goods rule at breakfast. $
The Mill Market and Deli 1580 Dorset St., South Burlington, 862-4602 n Meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n This cider mill serves fresh doughnuts as well as deli sandwiches. Also beer, wine and, in summer, creemees. $
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On the Rise Bakery is an eclectic café/ dessert spot/ music venue, adjacent to the park in Richmond Village. Serving the sweet and savory with an emphasis on locally sourced and organic ingredients, OTR features on site gardens, hand-rolled bagels, wood-fired pizza and tortillas and a wide array of sweets and pastries. Beer and Wine Open 7 days a week - Live music on W, Th, & F Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner - Sunday Brunch Vegan and Gluten-free friendly Sat-Tue 7AM- 3PM Wed-Fri 7AM-10 PM
AVERAGE ENTRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
103 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
Natural Provisions Deli & Café
Winooski Falls Market & Deli
329 Harvest Lane, Suite 100, Williston, 876-1400 n Meals: B, L, D n delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, salad bar, vegan-friendly n The salad bar here is organic and the deli meats — used in sandwiches or sliced to order — are all-natural. Entrée and soup specials change daily. $
65 Winooski Falls Way, Winooski, 489-5753 n Closed: Sun.; Meals: B, L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Panini, wraps, burgers and even poutine are on offer at this market-deli. Soups are homemade each day. $
Shelburne Supermarket 20 Shelburne Shopping Park, Shelburne, 985-8520 n Meal: L n outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n Look for buttermilk fried chicken or shrimp risotto in the lunchtime hot case. The deli uses local, seasonal ingredients when available. $
Sweet Clover Market 21 Essex Way, Essex, 872-8288 n Meals: Bru, L, D; n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This natural-foods market has a butcher and full-service deli counter. Hungry locals stop in for soups and carryout items. $
South of the Border Mexican/Latin Mexicali Grill & Cantina 28 Walnut St., Suite 180, Maple Tree Place, Williston, 879-9492 n Meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, tv n The fajitas and burritos come with homemade salsas, which range from mild to extra hot. The margaritas and daily specials are popular, too. $
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147 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 540-3093 You don’t have to be able to pronounce “kashk bademjan” to appreciate the bold flavors and exotic aromas of the garlic-laden eggplant appetizer from Iran. Farah Oberlender prepares it and many other Persian specialties at her namesake restaurant in the heart of Burlington’s Old North End. Fans of other Middle Eastern cuisines — and even Indian food — will find more familiar choices at Farah’s Place: hummus, falafel and long-marinated kebabs. Still, the preparations are not only distinctly Persian, they’re uniquely Oberlender’s. PHOtOS: MattHeW tHORSeN
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farah’s place
That hummus crackles with spicy garlic and is showered with tart, purple sumac. The falafel, molded into flat pucks rather than balls, is sweet and herbaceous. The range of kabobs includes a ground-meat variety called koobideh, as well as spicy chicken thighs and yogurt-marinated breasts. They’re all served over basmati rice; for $1.50 extra, you can get the shirin polo with barberries and candied orange peels for a sweet and tangy flavor explosion. Then there are the dishes that defy translation. A stew called fesenjan features lamb or chicken slowly braised in a sauce of pomegranate and ground walnuts. From the first bite of tahchin, the ultimate Iranian comfort food, diners will feel as if they were weaned on the rice casserole. With the exception of butter-poached barberries, there’s nothing in the recipe that might shock the American palate: Oberlender needs little more than chicken, yogurt, eggs and rice to create the magical dish. Despite the far-flung origins of both the chef and her recipes, Farah’s food is anything but foreign. Many of the ingredients come from local farms, including tender lamb from Morrisville’s Winding Brook Farm; the beef in her comforting kofta meatballs comes from Bill Hill Farm in East Hardwick. The fare is fit for a shah, but the casual surroundings are more like home. Nearly every table has plates with a different pattern, and, more likely than not, Oberlender or her husband, Jeffrey, is filling your water glass. After all, it is Farah’s place. alice levitt
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avERaGE ENtRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
AmericAn BarBecue/ Soul Food Big Fatty’s BBQ 55 main St., Burlington, 864-5513 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating n Check out this barbecue joint’s slow-smoked Texas brisket and pulled pork. All sauces and rubs are homemade. Closed Monday in winter. $
Bluebird Barbecue 317 Riverside ave., Burlington, 448-3070 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, wi-fi, games n The down-home regional barbecue here includes smoked brisket, pulled pork, ribs and traditional sides, plus 10 beers on tap. $$
contemporary 60 Battery 60 Battery St., Burlington, 658-6500 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., seasonal, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Eclectic items on the menu at this Hilton Hotel restaurant feature fresh, local ingredients. The bar serves up local craft brews, too. $$$
Bluebird Tavern 86 St. Paul St., Burlington, 540-1786 n closed: mon.; meals: Bru., L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, table service , wi-fi, tv n Expect classic dishes with a contemporary twist featuring local, seasonal ingredients. Twelve regional beers on tap. No dinner Sunday. $$$
Church & Main 154B church St., Burlington, 540-3040 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n The chef puts an eclectic spin on local ingredients with dishes such as duck breast with baby turnips, apple jam preserve, swiss chard and seared brussels sprouts. No dinner Sunday. $$$
The Daily Planet 15 center St., Burlington, 862-9647 n meals: D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n The fare at this high-energy bar and restaurant ranges from cheeseburgers to pan-seared skate but is always seasonal. Twelve beers on tap. $$
41 cherry St., Burlington, 651-0080 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, wi-fi n At this cocktail lounge and restaurant inside the Hotel Vermont, both the food and drinks are inspired by fresh local products. Opens summer 2013. $$$
Logan’s of Vermont 30 main St., Burlington, 489-5935 n closed: Sun.; meals: B, L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n Upscale dinner options range from Black Angus sirloin to pan-seared chicken with fennel cream. European-style panini, soup and pastries are available for breakfast and lunch. $
Bruegger’s Bagels
85 Pearl St., Burlington, 862-3220 n closed: mon.; meals: B, L n glutenfree opts., veggie-friendly n At breakfast, choose from six kinds of eggs Benedict or an omelette with apples and cheddar. Hearty sandwiches reign at lunch — such as the Philly with shaved rib-eye steak. $
93 church St., Burlington, 860-1995 n meals: B, L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This downtown eatery offers New York-style bagels, hearty soups, sandwiches and panini. There are desserts and breakfast items, too. College cards accepted. $
Snack BarS/cartS
Burlington Bay Market & Café
Beansies Battery Park, Burlington, No phone n meals: L, D n cash/check only, outdoor seating, seasonal n This yellow school bus has been serving up Michigans since 1944, as well as cheeseburgers, creemees and handcut fries. Open April to September. $
The Juice Bar
dinerS Handy’s Lunch 74 maple St., Burlington, 864-5963 n meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly n Family-owned since 1945, this neighborhood diner serves hearty breakfasts, as well as “McHandy” sandwiches and Texas hot dogs. $
Henry’s Diner 155 Bank St., Burlington, 862-9010 n meals: B, L, D n This historic Queen City diner still serves breakfast all day and offers home-cooked dishes in a cozy, retro atmosphere. Try the Greek specialties. $
vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
Pearl Street Diner
61 main St., Burlington, 540-1783 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Inside this corner bistro, James Beard-nominated chef Max Mackinnon creates imaginative dishes to go with an eclectic, ever-changing wine list. $$$
120 church St., Burlington, 864-9800 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n This eclectic bistro has been a Church Street Marketplace cornerstone, literally, for more than three decades. Try the savory Kobe-beef burger, bistro steak or bacon-wrapped scallops. $$
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
corner of Bank and church Sts., Burlington, 355-5130 n closed: Sat., Sun.; meals: B, L n cash/check only, seasonal, veggie-friendly n From April 1 to New Year’s Eve, burgers and dogs slathered in Boo-Kies’ homemade meat sauce hit the spot. Grilled cheese and veggie burgers satisfy the meat-free crowd. $
49 church St., Burlington town center, Burlington, 777-7199 n meals: B, L, D n gluten-free opts., veganfriendly n Inside the Burlington Town Center, this juice bar offers an array of fresh veggie and fruit juices, as well as hot drinks laced with ground raw coffee. $
SoYo Frozen Yogurt 696 Pine St., Burlington, 540-0851 n n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly, wi-fi n The small-batch frozen yogurt here is made from farm-fresh, local ingredients. $
Soup ’n’ Sandwich Bagel Café & Deli 1127 North ave., #29, Burlington, 660-9693 n meals: B, L n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n The New North End’s local bagel bakery is also a great place to hang out. $
Ben & Bill’s: A New York Deli 595 Shelburne Rd., Burlington, 657-3673 n meals: L, D n At this deli inside a supermarket, look for all of the Jewish deli classics, from noodle kugel to pastrami-stuffed knishes and Dr. Brown’s soda. The seeded rye bread and potato chips are made in-house. $
125 Battery St., Burlington, 864-0110 n meals: B, L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This waterfront deli and market offers gourmet salads, fresh seafood, homemade soups and sandwiches. There’s a seasonal creemee stand, too. Views of Lake Champlain are year-round. $
Chef’s Corner 208 Flynn ave., Burlington, 660-7111 n closed: Sat., Sun.; meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, salad bar, vegan-friendly n Every morning, this rustic-chic café serves coffee, pastries and breakfast fare; for lunch, it offers panini, quiches and salads from the back of the South End’s Flynn Dog gallery space. $
Cobblestone Deli and Café 152 Battery St., Burlington, 865-3354 n meals: B, L; beer & wine n delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, salad bar, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This specialty sandwich shop has the only salad bar on the waterfront. Drop in for a sandwich and soup, pierogi, or sample the baked goods. $
Four Corners of the Earth 310 Pine St., Burlington, 657-3869 n closed: Sun.; meals: L, D; beer & wine n cash/check only, gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly n The unique sandwiches here include Jamaican avocado, Cuban pork, Lebanese lamb and Iraqi turkey. Daily specials and four beers on tap. $
Kampus Kitchen 273 colchester ave., Burlington, 863-9105 n meals: B, Bru, L n delivery n This deli, located between Winooski and UVM, serves inexpensive subs, hoagies and hot specials such as chicken Cordon Bleu and shepherd’s pie. $
Kountry Kart Deli 155 main St., Burlington, 864-4408 n meals: B, L, D, LN n veggie-friendly n In the mood for Philly cheesesteak at breakfast or bedtime? This Queen City deli serves its full menu — including soups, salads and breakfast sandwiches — from 7 a.m. to 3 a.m. $
AMErICAN » 7 NIGhtS: thE SEvEN DayS GUIDE to vERmoNt REStaURaNtS & BaRS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
Having trouble reading the menu?
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DQ06-PennyCluse 1
3/29/10 4:00:49 PM
bluebirdbbq.com 317 Riverside Drive, Burlington, VT |
AVERAGE ENtRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
111 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
New Moon Café
Red Onion
Stone Soup
150 Cherry St., Burlington, 383-1505 n Closed: Sat.; Meals: B, L, D n delivery, salad bar, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This breakfast-and-lunch spot has a warm, funky elegance. Munch on sandwiches, salads and baked goods, or build your own, drawing from more than 60 ingredients. $
140 1/2 Church St., Burlington, 865-2563 n Meals: B, L, D n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly n Home of the “Red Onion Sandwich,” a combo of turkey, bacon, Granny Smith apples, red onion, sun-dried-tomato mayo and maple-smoked cheddar. Try it on homemade honey-oat bread. $
211 College St., Burlington, 862-7616 n Closed: Sun.; Meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, salad bar, vegan-friendly n This café-eatery has soup, sandwiches and daily hot dishes featuring healthy local produce and meats. $
The Spot
316 Flynn Ave., Burlington, 862-9614 n Meals: B, L, D n veggie-friendly n At this corner store and deli, Greek specialties such as gyros, baklava and spanakopita are popular, as are sausage-and-egg burritos and the “Big Papi Burger.” $
210 Shelburne Rd., Burlington, 540-1778 n Meals: B, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The colorful menu features breakfast faves such as huevos rancheros, while fish tacos brighten up lunch. Dinner served Tuesday to Saturday. $$
505 Riverside Ave., Burlington, 652-5922 n Closed: Sat., Sun.; Meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n This specialty food shop takes advantage of being close to Burlington’s Intervale. Choose from freshly prepared, seasonal salads, sandwiches, soups and take-home dinners. $
Radio Deli
Stacks Sandwiches
Sugarsnap at ECHO
77 Pearl St., Burlington, 865-2288 n Meals: B, L, D n veggie-friendly n This neighborhood grocery and deli serves a diverse clientele. The meatball sandwich and homemade soups rank as specialties. $
2 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 540-0070 n Meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n Call it a sub, grinder, hoagie or hero — they’re all served on fresh-baked August First rolls. Roasted meats, such as porchetta, are specialties, but vegans love the Indian-spiced chickpeas. $
1 College St., Burlington, 864-1848 n Meal: L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, pub quiz/trivia n At this lunch spot inside ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center, soups and sandwiches are crafted from local, seasonal ingredients. Admission not required to eat. $
The Pine Street Deli
Top of the Block Sandwich Shoppe 2 Church St., Burlington, 660-0667 n Closed: Sun.; Meals: B, L n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly n The pastries, muffins, cookies, soups and wintertime hot dishes are all homemade at this to-go spot. Ditto the daily specials. $
Union Jack’s 370 Shelburne Rd., Burlington, 652-9828 n Meals: L, D; BYoB n veggie-friendly n This sandwich shop also serves British staples such as fish-and-chips. Try the “Cor Blimey:” roast beef, corned beef and pastrami with cheddar, malt-pickled onion rings and mustard sauce. $
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avERaGE ENtRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
SouthweStern/ tex-Mex Boloco 92 church St., Burlington, 658-9771 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This busy eatery dishes up oversize wraps made with humanely raised meats or seasoned tofu; versions include Cajun, Mediterranean and “classic.” Smoothies, too. $
Bueno y Sano 213 college St., Burlington, 864-9900 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n Get fresh ingredients — including spicy chipotle chicken, barbecued seitan and garlicky spinach — in a burrito or a crispy quesadilla. The homemade tomatillo and corn salsas are an added bonus. $
New World Tortilla 696 Pine St., Burlington, 865-1058 n closed: Sun.; meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Serving salads, soups and huge wraps on freshly baked flour tortillas. Try the classic beef burrito or the Thai chicken. The soft tacos are homemade. $
SteakhouSeS/ Seafood Blue Cat Steak & Wine Bar 1 Lawson Lane, Burlington, 363-3639 n meals: D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n This wine bar features hearty steaks with locally sourced side dishes — and more than 300 wines by the bottle. Open late Friday and Saturday. $$$
E.B. Strong’s Prime Steakhouse 10 church St., Burlington, 497-1214 n meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec. n This upscale steakhouse boasts aged prime cuts, creative cocktails and a 200-bottle wine list. Sides include a smoked baked potato and triple-fried, truffled steak fries. $$$$$
Ice House Restaurant & Bar 171 Battery St., Burlington, 8641800 n meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n This casual yet classy waterfront steak and seafood restaurant is in a 200-year-old icehouse with two decks overlooking Lake Champlain. Brunch served May to October. $$$$
Scuffer Steak & Ale House 148 church St., Burlington, 864-9451 n meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, wi-fi, tv n With 16 beers on tap and an extensive menu featuring pastas, seafood and meats, this casual spot has something for everyone. Sunday brunch. $$
Shanty on the Shore 181 Battery St., Burlington, 8640238 n meals: L, D; full bar n Burlington’s only raw bar is considered a historic landmark — it was built in 1833. Enjoy fresh seafood along with great views of Lake Champlain. $$
traditional Breakwater Café 1 King St. (on the dock), Burlington, 658-6276 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, seasonal, veggiefriendly, live music n Nightly live entertainment and a close-up view of Lake Champlain recommend this seasonal eatery. Dock your boat free of charge while you dig into al fresco pub food from May to September. $
Halvorson’s Upstreet Café 16 church St., Burlington, 658-0278 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, live music, tv n Have a burger inside, on Church Street or on the pub-style café’s back patio. Closed Sunday night in winter. $
Harbor Lounge and Park Café 25 cherry St., Burlington, 864-4700 n meals: B, D; full bar n all you can eat, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n Breakfast at the Courtyard Marriott features local sausage, bacon, yogurt and eggs. Later in the day, dine on chicken piccata or fishand-chips. $$
Magnolia Bistro 1 Lawson Lane, Suite 10, Burlington, 846-7446 n meals: B, Bru, L; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This subterranean café offers nontraditional spins on traditional food such as garbanzo burgers and steak sandwiches. The owners focus on fair-trade, local and sustainable products. $
ONE Pepper Grill
Hung Tao
260 North St., Burlington, 658-8800 n meals: D, LN; beer & wine n delivery, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Choose from a range of burgers, beer-battered onion rings and kielbasa sandwiches, as well as 160-plus craft beers. $
1127 North ave., Unit 23, Burlington, 540-2598 n meals: L, D n This Chinese joint serves up all the classics, Hong Kong-style. Dumplings and soups are mainland-inspired. $
QTee’s 237 N. Winooski ave., Burlington, 658-3668 n meals: L, D n cash/ check only, seasonal n This place has been open since 1945 and in the same family since 1959, but “Arctic Swirls” have replaced the “Blizzards” of yore. $
Splash at the Boathouse Bottom of college St., Burlington, 658-2244 n meals: L, D; full bar n cash/check only, outdoor seating, seasonal, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This floating eatery offers a stunning view of Lake Champlain. ATM available. Open from May to September. $$
indian India House Restaurant 207 colchester ave., Burlington, 862-7800 n meals: L, D; beer & wine n delivery, gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly n This north Indian restaurant cooks everything in a traditional clay oven. Try the thali platters or tandoori chicken. $$
Shalimar of India 16 N. Winooski ave., Burlington, 864-5693 n meals: Bru, L, D; beer & wine n delivery, gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n Serving north Indian cuisine for 17 years. Try the lamb shahi korma or the chicken tikka masala. $
Asiana House
A Single Pebble 133 Bank St., Burlington, 865-5200 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n This authentic Chinese restaurant cooks up a mean mock eel. Lunch every day except Sunday, when dim sum is served. $$
191 Pearl St., Burlington, 651-0818 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n At this fusion-style Japanese spot, fish is plentiful and super-fresh. The vegetarian maki and sushi bar are especially popular, as are the Korean and Thai dishes. $$
China Express
HJ House
295 Shelburne Rd., Burlington, 865-2155 n meals: L, D, LN n delivery n This restaurant sells a lot of fried dumplings and General Tso’s chicken. $
China Express — Old North End 30 North St., Burlington, 862-8008 n meals: D, LN n delivery, veganfriendly n Choose from more than 200 popular Chinese dishes, or create your own vegetarian concoction. Entrées come with a choice of white or brown rice. $
Fu Da Chinese Restaurant
95 St. Paul St., Burlington, 881-0336 n meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n This is the place for ramen soup — 17 flavors include eel and fried-chicken curry. Choose from a long list of sushi rolls or a lunch bento box. $
San Sai Japanese Restaurant 112 Lake St., Burlington, 862-2777 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The menu changes daily at this traditional Japanese restaurant. Many of the unusual, authentic foods are grown locally. $$
187 Pearl St., Burlington, 864-3883 n meals: L, D n delivery, veggie-friendly n You can’t beat Fu Da’s hours — it’s open every night until late. Vegetarians can create their own meat-free combos. No lunch on Sunday. $
ASIAN » 7 NIGhtS: thE SEvEN DayS GUIDE to vERmoNt REStaURaNtS & BaRS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
3/7/13 11:56 AM
• breads • sandwiches • soups • seasonal offerings • holiday desserts, breads & treats | pizza • appetizers • salads • beer •
handcrafted artisan pastries baked fresh daily.
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7N2H13-klsport.indd 1
AVERAGE ENTRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
115 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
Bamboo Hut
Pan-asian Asiana Noodle Shop 88 Church St., Burlington, 862-8828 n Meals: L, D; beer & wine n glutenfree opts., vegan-friendly n Here you’ll find comfort food from across Asia: Pick your own broth, noodles and meat to create a huge bowl of soup. Dumplings and curries round out the menu. $
Sherpa Kitchen 119 College St., Burlington, 881-0550 n Meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, tv n Choose from Himalayan classics such as momos, mild curries, thukpa, and stews, as well as housemade mango chutney and mixed pickles. $$
Vietnamese 99 Asian Market Eatery 242 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 865-0226 n Meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Try a banh mi, or dig into a stir-fry or soup and wash it down with bubble tea. Afterward, pick up Asian vegetables, fruits, meats, seafood and snacks for home. $
1130 North Ave., Burlington, 6584148 n Meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n A selection of southeast Asian bites, from pho to pad Thai, are available here. The Vietnamese egg-roll sampler scores big with customers. $
M-Saigon Vietnamese Noodle House 370 Shelburne Rd., S. Burlington, 865-8383 n Meals: L, D; BYoB n delivery, gluten-free opts., veganfriendly n Slurp up pho, try a rice platter with grilled lemongrass chicken, or sip bubble tea alongside a banh mi sandwich on a housemade baguette. $
Pho Hong 325 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 865-8031 n Closed: Mon.; Meals: L, D; BYoB n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n Here you’ll find Vietnamese curries and soups, plus a few Thai offerings. Try the beef pho or the “Happy Pancakes” — crêpes stuffed with shrimp, pork and onions. Vegetarians get ’em with tofu. $
And think of us tomorrow morning for breakfast burritos, organic oatmeal & house-made granola!
burlington vt
August First Bakery & Café 149 S. Champlain St., Burlington, 540-0060 n Closed: Sun.; Meals: B, L; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n Pick up freshly baked bread and pastries, or stay for breakfast or lunch made with fresh, local ingredients. $
Barrio Bakery & Pizza Barrio 203 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 863-8278 n Closed: Mon.; Meals: B, Bru, L n veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This bakery turns out breads, pastries, tarts and scones — and, for lunch, savory, stuffed croissants, soups and sandwiches. Pizza dinners Thursday to Saturday. $
The Chubby Muffin 88 oak St., Burlington, 540-0050 n Meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n At this Old North End café, begin the day with savory and sweet muffins and coffee. At lunch, there’s locally sourced snack-shack grub; in summer, a scoop shop. $
Great Harvest Bread Co. 382 Pine St., Burlington, 660-2733 n Closed: Sun.; Meals: B, L n outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n Choose from breakfast pastries and breads made with fresh-milled, whole-grain flour. Lunch options include a daily soup and panini. $
Mirabelles 198 Main St., Burlington, 658-3074 n Meals: B, Bru, L n delivery, gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly n Homemade pastries and daily lunch specials with local products distinguish this bakery-café. Try the French toast or egg-and-cheese biscuit for breakfast. $
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7NQ13-Nika.indd 1
AVERAGE ENtRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
117 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
« BAkeRIeS
My Little Cupcake 217 College St., Burlington, 6609330 n beer & wine n delivery, gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n Look for all the popular My Little Cupcake flavors here, plus vegan, gluten-free and full-size choices. Drop in for cupcakes paired with wine and beer. $
Myer’s Bagel Bakery 377 Pine St., Burlington, 863-5013 n Meals: B, L n cash/check only, veggie-friendly n A wood-fired oven bakes New York- and Montréal-style bagels at this café. Try the sunflowersesame variety. $
Nunyuns 139 N. Champlain St., Burlington, 861-2067 n Closed: Mon.; Meals: B, L n cash/check only, veggie-friendly n Inside this bright café, breads and pastries go straight from oven to plate. The “Skeggs” — potato skins stuffed with eggs and other fixings — are a hit at breakfast. Hot pastrami and seitan satisfy the lunch crowd. $
Bars, PuBs & CluBs Bars Akes’ Place 134 Church St., Burlington, 864-8111 n full bar n outdoor seating, darts, games, pool, tv n This bar’s got all the staples, plus dart leagues and sports on the high-definition plasma TVs.
Drink 135 St. Paul St., Burlington, 8609463 n full bar n games, tv n This lounge specializes in creative drinks. Try the house-infused vodkas: one’s flavored with tea, another with Jolly Rancher candy. $
Esox 194 Main St., Burlington, 862-7314 n full bar n darts, pool, tv n Catch Red Sox and Yankees action at this sports bar — it’s got the “baseball packages.” There are 11 beers on tap and plenty of video games.
Finnigan’s Pub 205 College St., Burlington, 8648209 n full bar n cash/check only, darts, pool, tv n This friendly, no-frills sports bar has an Irish accent. Check out the sports packages on six TVs.
Olde Northender Pub
Three Needs
23 North St., Burlington, 864-9888 n Meal: LN; full bar, dance floor, darts, karaoke, pool, tv n Owner Bob Beauvais describes this true neighborhood watering hole as “the best damn make-you-feel-at-home bar.”
185 Pearl St., Burlington, 497-0119 n Meal: LN; full bar n wi-fi, pool, tv n Stop in for some pool at this bar and brewery, open from 4 p.m. until 2:30 in the morning. Chill out with a craft brew or play arcade games to an eclectic playlist.
The Other Place
What Ale’s You
4 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 863-5803 n Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n pool, tv n The front wall of this friendly neighborhood bar opens up in the summer — it’s a garage door. Tacos served until late. $
152 St. Paul St., Burlington, 8621364 n full bar n cash/check only, tv n This popular college hangout features drink specials all week.
Ruben James
159 Main St., Burlington, 864-0744 n Meals: L, D; full bar n delivery, veggie-friendly, dance floor, games, pool, pub quiz/trivia, tv n Catch dance, hip-hop and R&B DJs throughout the week, or sports on the TVs. Snag the award-winning wings or try the burger. Lunch Friday to Sunday. $
T. Rugg’s Tavern
1/2 Lounge 136 1/2 Church St., Burlington, no phone n Meal: LN; full bar n glutenfree opts., outdoor seating, veggiefriendly, live music n This modern speakeasy offers cocktails, wines and live music. Downstairs is a lounge. Try the panini, local artisan cheeses or the Guinness chocolate cake. $
149 Elmwood Ave., Burlington, 658-0456 n full bar n darts, games, live music, pool, tv n Imagine a downscale “Cheers” with darts, pool and a jukebox. You can smoke, too, on the deck out back.
BARS, puBS & CLuBS »
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AVERAGE ENTRéE MEALS Average Entrée Price: B Breakfast $ $12 and under $$ $12 $13and to $18 L Lunch $$$$ $26 to $32 $ under $$$ $19 to $25 D Dinner $$$$$ price is $$ 18 $$$$ $13 $26to to$ $32 Bru Brunch noNight object $$$ $25 $$$$$ $19 $33to and up LN Late
Vermont VermontFresh Fresh Network NetworkMember Member
Vermont VermontRestaurant Restaurant Week 2011 Location Week2013 2011Location Location
« BARS, PuBS & cLuBS
242 Main 250 Main St., Burlington, 862-2244 n cash/check only, all-ages music shows, sometimes cover, tv n Local teens come to this youth-oriented community spot for movie nights, music education and live, alcoholfree entertainment.
Club Metronome at Nectar’s 188 Main St., Burlington, 865-4563 n full bar n wi-fi, all-ages music shows, dance floor, sometimes cover, tv n Located above Nectar’s, this club hosts touring artists and DJs as well as local indie, hip-hop, jam and reggae acts. Saturday night is “Retronome.”
Franny O’s 733 Queen city Park Rd., South Burlington, 863-2909 n Meals: L; full bar n delivery, outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, dance floor, darts, karaoke, live music, games, pool, tv n Both blue- and white-collar workers flock to this sports bar for the live music and pub food. Karaoke three times a week and rock bands on Friday. $
165 church St., Burlington, 6602088 n closed: Sun., Mon., Tues.; full bar n This club showcases the best local and international spinning talent. The motto is “No judgment, no drama and no attitude.”
Rasputin’s Bar 163 church St., Burlington, 864-9324 n closed: Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed.; full bar n cash/check only, dance floor, live music, pool, sometimes cover, tv n This popular college haunt shakes things up with two DJs and two dance floors.
Red Square 136 church St., Burlington, 859-8909 n full bar n outdoor seating, wi-fi, dance floor, live music, sometimes cover, tv n This artsy downtown bar hosts DJs and live music on weeknights — in two different spaces. Weekends showcase touring bands.
Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar 555 Shelburne Rd., Burlington, 489-5083 n Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, games, tv n The wing’s the thing at this locally owned national chain. They’ve got all the game packages and 24 beers on tap. $
Church Street Tavern 103 church St., Burlington, 658-1309 n Meals: L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, pub quiz/trivia, tv n This sports tavern has a huge following of both college students and professionals. Have a burger with your baseball game. $
JP’s Pub 139 Main St., Burlington, 658-6389 n full bar n dance floor, darts, games, karaoke, pool, tv n There’s a dart board, video games, a pool table and karaoke four nights a week at this friendly pub. $
188 Main St., Burlington, 658-4771 n Meals: D, LN; full bar n veggiefriendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows, dance floor, pool, pub quiz/trivia, tv, sometimes cover n The birthplace of Phish, this Burlington landmark hosts local, regional and national music acts of all genres. The dining room serves up sliders and world-famous gravy fries. $
Rì Rà Irish Pub & Whiskey Room 123 church St., Burlington, 860-9401 n Meals: Bru, L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, dance floor, live music, pub quiz/trivia, tv n This authentic Irish pub has a full menu and live music every weekend. An adjacent whiskey room serves up single-malt scotches and local craft brews. $$
BARS, PuBS & cLuBS »
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AVERAGE ENtRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
121 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
« BARS, puBS & CLuBS
Smitty’s Pub
Dobrà Tea
Maglianero Café
1127 North Ave., Burlington, 8624300 n Closed: Mon.; Meals: L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, veggiefriendly, wi-fi n The fish-and-chips are renowned at this New North End eatery. Look for pastas, burgers and vegetarian dishes until late. Dinneronly Sunday. $
80 Church St., entrance on Bank St., Burlington, 951-2424 n Meals: L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Enjoy more than 90 varieties of direct-sourced, loose-leaf tea in this bohemian tearoom. Try the locally made pastries or eclectic light fare. $
47 Maple St., Burlington, 861-3155 n Meals: B, L n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This industrial-chic café caters to cyclists. The direct-sourced coffees and teas are the star, but food trucks park out back in summer. $
Vermont Pub & Brewery
Lake Champlain Chocolates — Church Street
144 College St., Burlington, 8650500 n Meals: L, D; full bar n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, live music, tv n Wash down the country meat loaf or juicy Black Angus burger with eclectic ales and lagers brewed on-site. $
Coffee/Tea Bluebird Coffee Stop Corner of College and Church Sts., Burlington, 660-3429 n Meals: B, L, D n veggie-friendly n The baristas at this Church Street kiosk ensure a quality cup every time, but you can also order waffles, sandwiches, tea, Rookie’s Root Beer floats and creemees. $
65 Church St., Burlington, 864-1807 n Order up an espresso or mug of luscious hot chocolate at the Church Street outpost of the Vermont chocolatier. Browse the gourmet-chocolate selection while you sip, or grab a cup of ice cream to go. $
Lake Champlain Chocolates Café 750 Pine St., Burlington, 864-1807 n Sip hot chocolate, espresso or tea — or taste homemade ice cream — at this café located inside the Lake Champlain Chocolates Factory Store. $
Muddy Waters 184 Main St., Burlington, 658-0466 n Meals: B, L, D; full bar n veganfriendly n This funky coffeehouse serves a range of organic and fair-trade coffee roasts, creative seasonal cocktails, smoothies and baked goods. $
Radio Bean Coffeehouse 8 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 6609346 n Meals: B, L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows, dance floor, live music n Nightly live music and a light menu of bagels, panini and baked goods keep this hip local hangout hopping. You’ll find a variety of performers, from open mic to jazz and soul. $
Speeder & Earl’s: Church Street 104 Church St., Burlington, 860-6630 n cash/check only, outdoor seating n The “Clockwork Orange” — a specialty mocha with orange zest and almonds — is a big seller at this downtown java joint. Outdoor seating in summer. $
Speeder & Earl’s: Pine Street 412 Pine St., Burlington, 658-6016 n Meals: B, L n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n As many as 700 caffeine-dependent patrons pass through this coffee shop every day. The beans are roasted in-house. $
Uncommon Grounds 42 Church St., Burlington, 865-6227 n Meals: B, L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The in-house roaster, speedy service and outdoor café set this coffeehouse apart. Wash down your pastry with an exotic tea or chai latte. $
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AVERAGE ENtRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
123 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
EclEctic ¡Duino! (Duende) 10 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 660-9346 n Meals: Bru, L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music n A theatrical theme pervades this international-street-food spot, open ’til 1 a.m. on weekends. Expect dishes from majadra to chalupas, chicken-and-waffles to tostones. $
Esperanto 131 Main St., Burlington, 863-2244 n Meals: L, D, LN; beer & wine n delivery, gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This colorful space serves up hearty fast food, from burritos to curries. $
Mr. Crèpe 144 Church St., Burlington, 448-3155 n Meals: B, L, D; beer & wine n outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n This Church Street eatery has a voluminous menu of sweet and savory crêpes as well as wine and Belgian beers. $
Penny Cluse Café 169 Cherry St., Burlington, 651-8834 n Meals: B, Bru, L; beer & wine n veggie-friendly n The long lines are a testament to the eternal popularity of this breakfast-and-lunch spot. Try the “zydeco” breakfast — two eggs any style, black beans, corn muffins and andouille sausage. $
The Skinny Pancake 60 Lake St., Burlington, 540-0188 n Meals: B, Bru, L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows n At this crêperie, try the “Lovemaker,” which combines strawberries and Nutella. Locavore salads, soups, fondue and espresso drinks are also on the menu. $
Euro Alpine Das Bierhaus 175 Church St., Burlington, 881-0600 n Closed: Mon.; Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, games, live music, tv n At this German eatery, there’s currywurst, authentic sausages, a selection of schnitzels, and homemade spaetzle, all served by waitresses in dirndls. Check out the rooftop beer garden. $$
British/GAstropuB The Farmhouse Tap & Grill 160 Bank St., Burlington, 859-0888 n Meals: L, D, LN; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, darts, games n Look for local burgers, homemade charcuterie, comfort food and innovative specials at this gastropub. Sip rare and prized beers from Vermont and beyond in the seasonal beer garden. $$
French Leunig’s Bistro & Café 115 Church St., Burlington, 863-3759 n Meals: Bru, L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, live music n The fare is French inflected at this resto with great views of Church Street. The upstairs lounge has its own vibe and menu. Weekend brunch. $$$
MediterrAneAn/ Greek Ahli Baba’s Kabob Shop 163 Main St., Burlington, 862-5752 n Meals: L, D, LN n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n You can get gyros, pitas and falafel at this Middle Eastern spot next to the Flynn Center. The window tables are perfect for people watching. $
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AVERAGE ENtRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
125 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
« euRO
H Farah’s Place (see p.106) 147 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 540-3093 n Closed: Sun.; Meal: L, D; BYOB n all you can eat, gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music n The exotic soups and juicy kebabs are hits at this homestyle Persian eatery. Buffet Wednesday and Thursday. $$
nika 83 Church St., Burlington, 660-9533 n Meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserve. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This “wood-fired gathering place” and wine bar serves Mediterraneaninspired dishes such as roasted meats, creative salads, wood-oven pizzas and fresh pastas. $$$
ItalIan/PIzzerIas American Flatbread
115 St. Paul St., Burlington, 861-2999 n Meals: Bru, L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly n Flatbread topped with local and organic ingredients cooks before your eyes in an open, wood-fired oven. Pair it with Zero Gravity beers from the in-house brewery. $$
Big Daddy’s Delivery 177 Church St., Burlington, 863-0000 n Meals: L, D, LN n delivery, veggiefriendly n College students flock here for late-night wings, slices and subs. Open for delivery ’til 2 a.m. They deliver Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, too. Try the barbecued-chicken pizza. $
Bite Me Organic Pizza 457 St. Paul St., Burlington, 5400707 n Meals: L, D, LN n delivery, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, games n They boast an “organic state of mind” at this eatery. Look for 30 specialty pizzas on the ever-changing menu. $
Bove’s Restaurant
L’Amante Ristorante
68 Pearl St., Burlington, 864-6651 n Closed: Sun., Mon.; Meals: L, D; full bar n veggie-friendly n This 71-year-old eatery is an art-deco wonder. The bottled spaghetti sauce is sold nationwide, and the lasagna and garlic sauce were featured on the Food Network. Lunch served Friday and Saturday. $
126 College St., Burlington, 863-5200 n Closed: Sun., Mon.; Meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n The menu changes regularly at this acclaimed Italian restaurant. But favorites such as grilled calamari with radicchio and potato-crusted sea bass are always available. $$$$
Junior’s Downtown
Leonardo’s Pizza
176 Main St., Burlington, 862-1234 n Meals: L, D, LN; beer & wine n delivery, gluten-free opts., veggiefriendly, tv n Grab New York-style pizzas, baked pasta dishes, Italian pastries and fresh bread here. Open late Thursday to Saturday. $
83 Pearl St., Burlington, 862-7700 n Meals: L, D, LN n delivery, glutenfree opts., vegan-friendly n This pizza delivery service isn’t just about Margherita pizzas — the “Roasted Maine Potato” and “Goat CheeseHoney” pies are also available on white, whole-wheat or glutenfree crusts. $$
Ken’s Pizza and Pub 71 Church St., Burlington, 862-3335 n Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n outdoor seating, tv n The cozy atmosphere and easygoing prices keep ’em coming — since 1973. Look for pizza, sandwiches, tacos and freshly made soups, plus a tiki bar in summer. $
Manhattan Pizza & Pub 167 Main St., Burlington, 658-6776 n Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n all you can eat, delivery, outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, all-ages music shows, games, pool, tv n With 20 beers on tap, all-you-can-eat specials, pool and live music, this is a consummate college hangout. $
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AVERAGE ENtRéE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
MEALS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
127 Vermont Restaurant Week 2013 Location
Mr. Mike’s
Trattoria Delia
206 Main St., Burlington, 864-0072 n Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n delivery, veggie-friendly, wi-fi, games, pool, tv n College students flock to this late-night pizza place for gourmet pizzas to go — and stay. Arcade games in the back room. $
152 St. Paul St., Burlington, 864-5253 n Meal: D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n A firelit setting and award-winning wine list distinguish this Italian restaurant. Try gnocchi with wild boar and truffles, or osso buco. Italian spirits, cordials and grappas are behind the bar. $$$
Pizzeria Verità 156 St. Paul St., Burlington, 489-5644 n Meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., veggie-friendly n The oven here quickly blisters thin-crust pies topped with San Marzano tomatoes, housemade mozzarella, and local veggies and meats. DIners can also build their own antipasti plate from such morsels as rapini, prosciutto, white anchovies, baked goat cheese and salami. $$
Sofia’s Pizzeria 205 St. Paul St., Burlington, 8652888 n Meals: L, D n delivery, glutenfree opts., veggie-friendly n The mainstay of this corner pizzeria is thin-crust slices, but the eclectic offerings also include calzone, chunky salads and pizza topped with smoked sausage and beef. $
Market/Co-op City Market 82 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 863-3659 n Meals: B, Bru, L, D n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, salad bar, vegan-friendly n Choose from grab-and-go meals, side dishes, sushi, baked goods, signature sandwiches and salads — or put together your own meal from the hot or cold bars. $
South of the Border Island/TropIcal Caribbean Buffet 12 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 865-4514 n Meal: D; BYOB n all you can eat, cash/check only, glutenfree opts., vegan-friendly n Choose from island-inspired dishes such as sweet candied yams, rice and beans, jerk chicken and Jamaican patties. The weekend buffet comes with a drink and appetizer. $
MexIcan/laTIn El Cortijo Taquería y Cantina 189 Bank St., Burlington, 497-1668 n Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., vegan-friendly n This farm-to-table taquería inside a dining car serves traditional tacos, appetizers and “wicked fly” margaritas. Order your takeout online. $
El Gato Cantina 169 Church St., Burlington, 540-3095 n Meals: L, D, LN; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggie-friendly, wi-fi n Tacos and quesadillas share the menu with dishes such as pozole, tamales, barbacoa and elote (Mexican grilled corn). Try a guava margarita made with one of 80 tequilas. $$
Madera’s Restaurante Mexicano Cantina 180 Battery St., Burlington, 657-3377 n Meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veganfriendly, live music n Pair a specialty margarita with a range of burritos, tacos, tostadas and chimichangas. Authentic specialties include arroz con pollo and pescado boracho. Sunday is dinner only. $$
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solo farm & table
95 Middletown Rd., South Londonderry, 824-6327 SoLo is a place for both bow ties and beer drinkin’. That’s the eclectic mix Chloe and Wesley Genovart had in mind when they came to Vermont from New York City to renovate a rambling colonial house into the restaurant of their dreams. By then, both had formidable kitchen credentials — he as a chef; she as a maître d’ — that also happened to be perfectly complementary. So the couple painted bright colors inside and out, planted raised beds full of herbs and veggies, and put together an imaginative, seasonal menu that pairs local food with chef Wesley Genovart’s exacting technique. Just about a year after SoLo Farm & Table opened in the summer of 2011, Bon Appètit magazine selected it as one of the 50 best new restaurants in America — the only Vermont eatery to make the list. PHoTos: saraH PriesTaP
When the dishes arrive, it’s clear why: Genovart’s global approach to gastronomy. Though the chef is a native of Spain, his food exudes a crisp, almost Asian sensibility. A soy-lime mignonette accompanies the fresh Maine oysters. A bowl of gazpacho is delicately presented with paper-thin radishes, dill fronds, tiny pink flowers and crumbled, crispy jamón — the result is sort of like a liquified August farm. For a summer salad, Genovart scatters spicy greens around tempura zucchini and half of a poached quail egg, drizzles it all with grape reduction and smears housemade ricotta cheese across the plate. The same original approach enlivens his bigger dishes: The ricotta appears with shards of pink rabbit confit, henof-the-woods mushrooms and edamame atop floppy, fresh pappardelle. A server pours warm, briny fish fumet over seared sturgeon filet. And a duo of seared, herb-crusted quail oozes its juices onto a bed of bright-green, herbladen quinoa. It’s a feast for the eyes as well as the tongue, served in a setting so cheerful you won’t want to leave. And you don’t have to. Have one last drink at the bar, where a dizzying variety of wines, craft beers and American hard ciders awaits. Corin HirsCH
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avEragE ENtréE $ $12 and under $$ $13 to $18 $$$ $19 to $25 $$$$ $26 to $32 $$$$$ $33 and up
vermont 1846 Tavern and Restaurant 108 route 100, West Dover, 464-5207 n meals: B, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, live music, tv n The menu at this historic country inn boasts both pub fare and upscale specialties such as a half duck roasted with plum-tea sauce $$$
Arlington Inn 3904 route 7a, arlington, 375-6532 n closed: mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This chefowned inn was built in 1847. Feast on duck with pomegranate-thyme sauce and Gore-Dawn-Zola cheesecake in the elegantly appointed dining room or solarium. $$$$
Baba-à-Louis Bakery & Phoenix Café
92 route 11, chester, 875-4666 n closed: mon.; meals: B, Bru, D n outdoor seating, seasonal, veganfriendly n All of the goodies here are baked daily and trans-fat-free. Try croissants, éclairs and puffy quiches, or go savory with soups or sandwiches on crusty bread. Closed April and November. $
Bistro Henry
1942 route 11/30, manchester center, 362-4982 n closed: mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n The ingredients are fresh and local on chef Henry Bronson’s menu, from cannelloni stuffed with braised veal and chanterelles to rabbit in white wine. Bring home some of Dina Bronson’s famous hot fudge or enjoy it on the house-baked profiteroles. $$$$
Brattleboro Food Co-op 2 main St., Brattleboro, 257-0236 n meals: B, L, D n gluten-free opts., salad bar, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n The deli at this co-op has a salad bar, soups, hot and cold entrées, pizzas, a juice bar and desserts. In a hurry? Check out the grab-and-go meals and locally roasted Vermont coffee. $
Curtis’ BBQ 7 Putney Landing rd., Putney, 387-5474 n closed: mon., tues.; meals: L, D n cash/check only, gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, seasonal n Curtis Tuff has been cooking ribs and chicken over an open pit since 1968. Every Day with Rachael Ray magazine named his hot sauce the best in the country. Dig into a pork-stuffed ‘tater at a picnic table in the company of pet pig Curtis Jr. $$
Emma’s Restaurant at the Silas Griffith Inn 178 S. main St., Danby, 293-5567 n closed: mon., tues., Wed.; meals: B, D; ByoB n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, games, pub quiz/trivia n Every dish on this traditional New England menu is prepared to order. Choose from Scottish meat loaf, lemon-pepper chicken breast, wild Alaskan salmon or tomato Florentine soup. $$$
The Gleanery 133 main St., Putney, 387-3052 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; ByoB n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., veggie-friendly, live music n The chefs use surplus from local farms for dishes such as scallop ceviche, sweet-potato empanadas and rosemary-lamb-feta stromboli. Dine fireside in winter and on the porch in summer. $$$
The Hatchery 164 main St., Ludlow, 228-2311 n meals: B, L n cash/check only, vegan-friendly, wi-fi n This bustling spot has been serving hefty breakfasts for 35 years. Try the popular cilantro omelette with pico de gallo, Grafton Village Cheese Company cheddar, avocado and cilantro pesto. $
Lil’ Britain
116 North St., Bennington, 442-2447 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: L, D n veggie-friendly n Co-owner Nathan Johnson cooks up all of the fried staples as well meat pies, bangers and mash and even chip butties, aka French-fry sandwiches. $
MacLaomainn’s Scottish Pub 52 S. main St., chester, 875-6227 n meals: L, D, LN; full bar n outdoor seating, vegan-friendly, wi-fi, tv n Enjoy haggis, neeps and tatties, and other Scottish fare at this traditional pub. Local craft beers join Scottish beers on the extensive bottle list. Enjoy it while watching games from Europe, Scotland and the U.S. $$
The Perfect Wife Restaurant 2594 Depot St., manchester, 3622817 n closed: Sun., mon.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi, dance floor, darts, games, live music, tv n Chef Amy Chamberlain has appeared on the Food Network five times since opening her resto in 1996. Favorites include sesamecrusted yellowfin tuna and filet mignon in a mushroom, roasted garlic and Guinness demi-glace. $$$
mEaLS B Breakfast L Lunch D Dinner Bru Brunch LN Late Night
vermont restaurant Week 2013 Location
The Pizza Stone
291 Pleasant St., chester, 875- 2121 n closed: mon.; meals: L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., veggiefriendly, games, live music, tv n Inside this eclectic warehouse, you’ll find super-thin-crust pizzas (including a gluten-free version) made with local cheeses and veggies. Sixteen Vermont craft brews on tap and live music every weekend. $
Stratton mountain village, Stratton mountain, 297-9200 n closed: Sun., mon., tues.; meal: D; full bar n outdoor seating, seasonal, veganfriendly, wi-fi n At this elegant resort eatery, you might find housemade charcuterie, guinea fowl soup or gnocchi with braised oxtail in sage cream — but the menu changes with the seasons. $$$$$
Whetstone Station Restaurant & Brewery
36 the Square, Bellows Falls, 4607676 n closed: mon.; meals: Bru, L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly, wi-fi n Try creative antipasti such as polpette and burrata with wildflower honey, or tuck into pizza, pappardelle with beef ragu, or cod with citrus gremolata and lentils. $$$
Shin-La Restaurant & Sushi Bar
57 main St., Brattleboro, 257-5226 n closed: Sun.; meals: L, D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., veganfriendly, wi-fi n Even the kimchi is made in-house at this home-style Korean restaurant. Diners can sit at the sushi bar for fresh fish. Vegetarians can pick from lots of tofu dishes. $
H SoLo Farm
& Table (see p. 128)
95 middletown rd., South Londonderry, 824-6327 n closed: tues., Wed.; meal: D; full bar n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., veggie-friendly n Swoon over hearty, beautifully composed dishes such as local rabbit confit over housemade pappardelle or seared local quail with pine-scented quinoa. $$$$
T.J. Buckley’s
36 Bridge St., Brattleboro, 490-2354 n meals: L, D; full bar n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, veggiefriendly n This pub and brewery combines a killer view of the Connecticut River with craft beers and inexpensive plates of ahi-tuna ceviche and beer-braised short ribs. $$
World’s Most Delicious
50 Elliot St., Brattleboro, 375-3702 n closed: Sun., mon.; meals: L, D n cash/check only n A father-son team prepare true British-style fish-andchips. The light olive oil is changed daily for optimal health and flavor for the beer-battered treats. $
new york Artisans at Lake Placid Lodge 144 Lodge Way, Lake Placid, 877-523-2700 n meals: B, L, D; full bar n Let the three fireplaces warm you as you peruse the 46-page wine list, or nosh on roasted filet barramundi. $$$$
Eat ’n Meet Grill and Larder
132 Elliot St., Brattleboro, 257-4922 n closed: mon., tues.; meal: D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n A cozy, 1920s Worcester diner is the setting for a nightly-changing menu of upscale local fare. Try the smoked-trout tartlet with trout roe and local chèvre. $$$$$
139 Broadway, Saranac Lake, 518-891-3149 n meals: L, D; ByoB n The daily-changing menu at this take-out eatery might include local pork schnitzel or raw oysters with mignonette sauce. $
Three Stones Restaurant
6115 Sentinel rd., Lake Placid, 518837-5012 n closed: mon.; meals: B, L, D; full bar n Wash down your smokedpork-belly-in-a-blanket or saffron cavatelli with a cilantro daiquiri. $$$
105 canal St., Brattleboro, 2461035 n closed: Sun., mon., tues.; meal: D; beer & wine n gluten-free opts., outdoor seating, reserv. rec., vegan-friendly n The chef’s Mayan grandmother taught her to cook everything the Indian way — on three hot stones and a fire. The indigenous dishes are served in a 1917 dining car. $$
7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
Liquids and Solids at the Handlebar
serving bowls
You’ve taken the Eat Local challenge.
Citizen Cider
6D Laurette Dr., Essex, 448-3278
Next steps?
For years, hard cider was the awkward little sister of craft beer — especially in Vermont, a state with more breweries per capita than any other. No longer: A handful of farms and companies are reviving Vermont’s centuries-old cidermaking tradition, turning out sparkling, hard and ice ciders that run the gamut from slightly sweet to bone dry. Citizen Cider has the goods — and an underground party every Friday night that feels like something out of the Prohibition era. It’s not easy to locate the place in the maze of Fort Ethan Allen. But those in the know push open a heavy wooden door at the back of the building to find an aromatic room that hosts plastic tanks full of fermenting apple juice and shoulder-to-shoulder people holding tulip-shaped glasses of cider.
Eat off local plates, drink from local mugs, bake with local pans! W E
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“Try our different varieties of ice cider, like apples in a glass”
Visit us at www.hallhomeplace.com
For Purchase & Tasting 4445 Main Street, Isle La Motte, VT
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The shindig goes down in the very same converted grain warehouse where three friends 3:48 PM — a wine retailer, a farmer and a chemist — began making cider two years ago, using a salvaged 1950s apple press and fruit from Middlebury’s Happy Valley Orchard. Their original aim was to create a drink that fused the best qualities of Champagne and slightly effervescent Vinho Verde. The result was the inaugural 5000-gallon batch of fizzy, golden Unified Press, Citizen’s signature cider. Kris Nelson, Bryan Holmes and Justin Heilenbach have all quit their day jobs to tend to the business of shipping Unified Press to meet the growing demand all over Vermont. They’ve added a cider fermented with blueberries, another with cranberries and still another, dry-hopped. All of the varieties are at the Friday night parties, where cider flows freely behind a long wooden bar, and broadcasters from nearby Vermont Public Radio mingle with St. Michael’s College students. Those 21 and over, that is. This stuff isn’t apple juice. Corin HirsCH
BEEr, ciDEr, wiNE & SpiritS
BreWeries 14th Star Brewing Co.
41 Lower Newton St., St. albans, 393-1459 n Drop in for tastings and growler fills, or take a tour with the owner, Army veteran Steve Gagner. p
The Alchemist Brewery
35 crossroad, waterbury, 244-7744 n Fans arrive from near and far to score Heady Topper, this brewery’s popular IPA. p
Backacre Beermakers
Long Trail Brewing Company
Junction of routes 4 and 100a, Bridgewater corners, 672-5011 n Skiers, leaf-peepers and locals flock to this brewery for pints and hearty pub food. p
58 Broad St., Lyndonville, 626-9396 n Try Trout River’s unfiltered beers on Friday and Saturday nights, when they toss fresh pizzas to go with them. p
Madison Brewing Co.
144 college St., Burlington, 865-0500 n Vermont’s first brewpub was founded by the late Greg Noonan, a microbrewing legend. The patio is packed on sunny days, and the taps always pour interesting flavors. p
428 main St., Bennington, 442-7397 n Southwest Vermont’s first brewpub keeps ’em coming back with seasonal brews and unfussy fare. p
Magic Hat Brewing Co.
weston, backacrebeermakers.com n This brewery makes one beer only: a sour ale fermented with wild yeasts. It’s sold at a handful of nearby retailers.
5 Bartlett Bay rd., South Burlington, 658-2739 n The inside of this brewery feels like a funhouse, and there’s always whimsical brews on tap for sampling. p
Drop-In Brewing Co.
McNeill’s Brewery
610 route 7, middlebury, 9897414 n Since opening last year, this brewery’s Sunshine and Hoppiness has become a Vermont favorite. p
Fiddlehead Brewing Co.
6305 Shelburne rd., Shelburne, 399-2994 n Beer lovers line up seven days a week for growlers of this brewery’s brews. p
Foley Brothers Brewing 79 Stone mill Dam rd., Brandon, 353-1228 n This microbrewery’s Ginger Wheat beer is brewed with Vermont hops.
Harpoon Brewery
336 ruth carney Dr., windsor, 674-5491 n One of Vermont’s biggest breweries offers tours and a full menu along with its pints. p
Hill Farmstead Brewery
403 hill rd., greensboro Bend, 5337450 n Voted “Best Brewery in the World” in 2013 by the website RateBeer, Shaun Hill’s operation has developed a cult following. You can buy a few of his brews in the retail shop. p
Grateful Hands Brewing
2211 route 2, cabot, 249-4092 n Small-batch dark beers are the name of the game at this microbrewery.
Lawson’s Finest Liquids
warren, lawsonsfinest.com n Sean Lawson brews his sought-after beers deep in the mountains outside of Warren; you can find them at the Warren Store once a week, but they sell out quickly.
Lost Nation Brewing
245 wilkins St., morrisville, 851-0041 n Pilsner, red ale and gose are all part of the oeuvre at Vermont’s newest microbrewery; fill your growler or stay for a pint. p
Trout River Brewing Company
90 Eliot St., Brattleboro, 254-2553 n This brewpub has been fermenting ales since 1992; you can find them here or in bottles throughout Vermont. p
Northshire Brewery
108 county St., Bennington, 681-0201 n From its robust ales to balanced weisse, this microbrewery has something for all tastes. Tours by appointment only.
Norwich Inn
325 main St., Norwich, 649-1143 n This microbrewery located inside an inn specializes in English-style ales. Try one in the on-site pub. p
Otter Creek Brewing/ Wolaver’s Certified Organic Ales
793 Exchange St., middlebury, 388-0727 n They’re passionate about suds at this microbrewery, and Wolaver’s Oatmeal Stout is an able local alternative to Guinness.
Rock Art Brewery
254 wilkins St., morrisville, 888-9400 n Ridge Runner Barley Wine and the infamous Vermontster are brewed at this Morrisville microbrewery, where you can drop in for tastings. p
Switchback Brewery
160 Flynn ave., Burlington, 651-4114 n In 2012, this brewery made its fans very happy when it began offering its yeasty signature brew in bottles.
Trapp Family Lodge
700 trapp hill rd., Stowe, 253-8512 n Austrian-style lagers take time and care to make, but the brewers here are patient. You can sample their efforts in any of Trapp’s eateries — and at area restaurants, too. p
Vermont Pub & Brewery
Whetstone Station Restaurant & Brewery
36 Bridge St., Brattleboro, 490-2354 n The brewery is supposed to come on line in 2013, but an eclectic selection of craft beers is already on tap. p
Zero Gravity Craft Brewery at American Flatbread
115 St. paul St., Burlington, 861-2999 n One of the perks of eating wood-fired pizza here is sampling the house brews, which are beloved among local hopheads. p
Cideries Champlain Orchards
3597 route 74, Shoreham, 897-2777 n This sustainable orchard makes delicious hard and ice ciders, including the popular Pruner’s Pride.
H Citizen Cider (see p.132) 6D Laurette Dr., Essex Junction, 448-3278 n On Friday nights, this cidery invites the neighbors for music, ciders and camaraderie. p Eden Ice Cider Company
1023 Sanderson hill rd., west charleston, 895-2838 n Eleanor and Albert Leger are Vermont’s first ice-cider makers, and their elegant libations are sold far beyond the state.
Newhall Farm
384 weld cemetery rd., reading, 342-1513 n Though closed to visitors, this hilly farm yields heirloom apples for rich, luscious ice ciders.
Whetstone Ciderworks
marlboro, 254-5306 n The cider maker here sources heirloom apples for polished, dry ciders.
Woodchuck Cider
153 pond Lane, middlebury, 388-0700 n The original Vermont-grown cider now has global reach; this is where it all started.
distilleries Appalachian Gap Distillery
88 mainelli rd., middlebury, 989-7362 n This distillery plans to produce whiskey by late 2013.
Caledonia Spirits
46 Buffalo mountain commons Dr., hardwick, 472-8000 n Honey lends a subtle sweetness to this distillery’s gin and vodka; both have detailed followings among mixologists. p
Dunc’s Mill Artisan Rums
Barnet, 745-9486 n Owner Duncan Holaday designs stills for others, but uses his own on maple- and elderflower-flavored rum.
Flag Hill Farm
135 Ewing rd., vershire. 685-7724 n This farm turns out balanced fruit wines, hard ciders and pomme de vie.
Green Mountain Distillers
192 Thomas Lane, Stowe, 253-0064 n Fancy some local vodka — or perhaps some maple liqueur? This distillery makes ’em both, plus gin; whiskey will follow soon.
Saxton’s River Distillery
940 Saxton’s river rd., Saxton’s river, 659-4903 n The rich Sapling Liqueur was one of the first in the state. For some, it’s still the best.
Shelburne Orchards
216 orchard rd., Shelburne, 985-2753 n Vermonters are eagerly awaiting this orchard’s first batch of apple brandy, due out in 2013.
Smugglers’ Notch Distillery
276 main St., Jeffersonville, 309-3077 n This father-and-son team started with vodka, added a gin and now sells barrel-aged rum, too. Try ’em all in the tasting room. p
Vermont Spirits
route 4, Quechee, 866-998-6352 n They produce crisp, elegant vodkas here: One is made from milk sugars, the other from maple sap. p
WhistlePig Straight Rye Whiskey
Shoreham, 385-1093 n Rye fans splurge on this smoky whiskey from the Addison County distiller.
7 NightS: thE SEvEN DayS guiDE to vErmoNt rEStauraNtS & BarS | 2013-14 | SEvENDaySvt.com
p Artesano Mead
1334 Scott hwy., groton, 584-9000 n You can buy this meadery’s delicate, honey-based creations in the tasting room and retail shop. p
Bow Vineyard & Winery
21 Ferry rd., Weathersfield Bow, 546-4330 n Winegrower Bob Stevens is a quiet pioneer of Vermont winemaking. He sells much of his crop to local winemakers.
Boyden Valley Winery
70 route 104 at route 15, cambridge, 644-8151 n You can try this farm’s traditional and fruit wines inside the tasting barn; the Rose La Ju Ju is a favorite. p
Charlotte Village Winery 3968 greenbush rd., charlotte, 425-4599 n Ever sipped blueberry wine? It’s delicious, and you can try it at this bucolic winery. p
East Shore Vineyard
28 church St., Burlington, 8599463 n Winemaker Holly Rochefort finesses wines from cold-climate wine grapes, and you can sample them at this island winery or in its Church Street tasting room. p
Fresh Tracks Farm Vineyard & Winery
4373 route 12, Berlin, 279-6471 n You might catch local contractors sneaking into this winery for a tipple at the end of the day; just don’t tell their beer-swilling buddies. p
Grand View Winery
Huntington River Vineyard at Galloping Hill Farm & Vineyard
344 moody rd., huntington, 434-3332 n This vineyard is closed to visitors, but you’ll find its wines at local farmers markets and festivals.
La Garagista
1834 mount hunger rd., Barnard, 291-1295 n Winemaker Deirdre Heekin produces elegant wines from cold-hardy grapes on this bucolic farm. She pours some of them at her Woodstock restaurant, Osteria Pane e Salute.
Lincoln Peak Vineyard & Winery
142 river rd., New haven, 388-7368 n Each vintage here has grace and elegance. Stop by to fill a bottle with the signature Marquette, or linger on the deck with a glass. p
79 Stone mill Dam rd., Brandon, 247-8002 n If you sip too much Purple Haze or riesling during the weekend tastings, crash at the onsite bed-and-breakfast. p
North Branch Vineyards
82 trillim hill, montpelier, 229-6169 n Winemaker John McCann trucks in grapes from his neighbors to make a range of wines.
Otter Valley Winery
1246 Franklin St., Brandon, 2476644 n This artisanal winery is swimming in cold-climate grapes, from LaCrescent and Frontenac Blanc to Marquette and St. Croix.
Putney Mountain Winery
71 holland hill rd., Putney, 3874610 n These fruit wines are sweet, juicy, and beloved by all.
Hall Home Place
Shelburne Vineyard
Hillis’ Sugarbush Farm and Vineyards
Snow Farm Vineyard
6308 Shelburne rd., Shelburne, 985-8222 n Winemaker Ken Albert is constantly pioneering new techniques in the vineyard and the cellar. Sample his efforts in the elegant tasting room or out on the patio.
206 Sugarbush Farm rd., colchester, 893-2928 n Maple syrup and wine issue forth from this family farm, where the grapes — such as Vidal Blanc and Traminette — are cold hardy.
30 Whipple rd., South hero, 3729463 n Traveling to this island winery is an adventure in and of itself — and the wines are tasty, too.
Honora Winery & Vineyard
202 old Lake rd., Poultney, 2872256 n This idyllic vineyard offers tastings of its estate-grown wines from Wednesday to Sunday.
201 route 112, Jacksonville, 368-2226 n Look for cold-climate wines in the tasting room alongside a mélange of Vermont cheeses. p
BOB CONLON Co-owner & Manager, Leunig’s Bistro, Burlington
Neshobe River Winery
2113 max gray rd., East calais, 456-7012 n A favorite with tourists, this winery also maintains a tasting room in Waterbury Center.
4445 main St., isle La motte, 928-3091 n The orchard has been in the family since the 1700s, but the ice cider is more recent. Try some in the seasonal café. p
“I can’t afford not to be in 7 Nights magazine. It gives us a chance to publish an ad with full color that really expresses the restaurant’s personality. It’s also true that more and more tourists look online for restaurants before they come to town. I check my restaurant’s comments on the Seven Days website all the time.
Wineries & Meaderies
open for tastings. call ahead.
Whaleback Vineyard
Contact us today to advertise your business in Vermont’s most comprehensive dining guide.
INDEX # 1/2 Lounge.................................................... 117 14th Star Brewing Co................................. 134 158 Main .........................................................21 1846 Tavern and Restaurant .................... 131 242 Main ....................................................... 119 H 3 Squares Café ..................................50, 53 51 Main at the Bridge .................................. 57 60 Battery ...................................................109 99 Asian Market Eatery ............................. 115
A A Crust Above ............................................... 47 A Single Pebble ........................................... 113 A&W Drive-In ................................................53 Abbey Restaurant and Pub.........................13 Ahli Baba’s Kabob Shop ............................ 123 AJ’s Kitchen ..................................................85 Ake’s Old Brick Tavern ..................................91 Akes’ Den ....................................................... 67 Akes’ Place ................................................... 117 Al Portico ........................................................77 Al’s French Frys..............................................91 Alchemist Brewery, The ............................ 134 Alice’s Table....................................................31 Allechante ......................................................41 Almost Home................................................53 American Flatbread — Burlington .......... 125 American Flatbread — Waitsfield ............. 67 American Flatbread at the Marble Works ....................................59 Amuse at the Essex Culinary Resort & Spa .................................85 Ana’s Empanadas.........................................49 Ana’s in the Evening ....................................49 Angeleno’s Pizza ...........................................77 Angelina’s Restaurant.................................23 Angkor Wat ...................................................39 Anthony’s Diner .............................................31 Antidote ........................................................53 Apollo Diner ..................................................85 Appalachian Gap Distillery ...................... 134 Arcadia Diner ................................................85 Archie’s Grill ...................................................91 Ariel’s Restaurant ........................................ 73 Arlington Inn ............................................... 131 Artesano Mead ........................................... 135 Artisans at Lake Placid Lodge .................. 131 Arvad’s Grill and Pub ...................................63 Asian Bistro ..................................................93 Asian Gourmet ............................................. 75 Asiana House — Burlington ...................... 113 Asiana House — Montpelier....................... 75 Asiana Noodle Shop ................................... 115 Athens Diner.................................................85 August First Bakery & Café ....................... 115 Aztlan Foods .................................................69
B B. U. Emporium ............................................95 Baan Thai Cuisine .......................................33 Baba-à-Louis Bakery & Phoenix Café ..... 131 Back Behind Restaurant & Barbecue Smokehouse, The ................. 44 Back to Vermont Pub ..................................45 Backacre Beermakers ............................... 134 Backstage Pub ............................................. 97 Backyard Tavern, The ..................................23 Bag Ladies Express Café at Simply Delicious ......................................73 Bagel, The .......................................................19 Bagel Café & Deli........................................109 Bagel Market ................................................ 87 Bagels Plus ................................................... 87 Bagitos Bagel & Burrito Café ..................... 75 Bailiwicks on Mill ..........................................31 Bamboo Gardens ......................................... 73 Bamboo Hut................................................. 115 Banana Winds Café and Pub ..................... 97 Bangkok Minute Thai Café .........................93 Barkeaters Restaurant ...............................85 Barnard General Store ................................39 Barnard Inn Restaurant and Max’s Tavern ........................................ 36 Barrio Bakery & Pizza Barrio..................... 115 Basil’s Pizzeria & Restaurant ......................77 Bayside Bakery & Coffee Bar .....................95 Bayside Pavilion............................................13 Bayview Eats .................................................91 Beansies ......................................................109 Bearded Frog, The ........................................85 Bee’s Knees ....................................................19 Behind Scenes Café ..................................... 73 Belfry, The .......................................................15 Belle’s Café .................................................... 87 Belted Cow Bistro ........................................85 Ben & Bill’s: A New York Deli ....................109 Bernie’s Restaurant ......................................13 Big Daddy’s Delivery .................................. 125 Big Fatty’s BBQ — Burlington ...................109 Big Fatty’s BBQ — Hartford Village ...........36 Big Moose Pub, The ..................................... 57 Big Picture Theater and Café .....................65
Big Wok ...........................................................14 Birch Ridge Inn .............................................44 Birchgrove Baking ....................................... 75 Birdseye Diner ..............................................44 Bistro at Ten Acres Lodge ...........................19 Bistro Henry................................................. 131 Bite Me Organic Pizza ............................... 125 Black Bear Inn................................................91 Black Cap Coffee Roasters .........................23 Black Krim Tavern ........................................36 Black Lantern Inn .........................................13 Black Sheep Bistro.......................................53 Blackback Pub & Mad Taco ........................ 67 Blanche and Bill’s Pancake House ............45 Block Gallery & Coffeehouse .....................99 Blue Bar at Juniper Hill Inn........................36 Blue Cat Bistro .............................................49 Blue Cat Steak & Wine Bar ........................ 113 Blue Donkey, The...........................................21 Blue Moon Café .............................................19 Blue Paddle Bistro ........................................13 Blue Stone, The ............................................ 67 Blueberry Hill Inn .........................................53 Bluebird Barbecue .....................................109 Bluebird Coffee Stop .................................. 121 Bluebird Tavern ..........................................109 Bobcat Café & Brewery, The .......................53 Bohemian Bakery ........................................ 75 Boho Café & Market.....................................39 Boloco ........................................................... 113 Bolton Deli, The ............................................ 87 Bongiorno’s ...................................................69 Boo-Kies ......................................................109 Bove’s Restaurant ...................................... 125 Bow Vineyard & Winery ............................ 135 Boyden Valley Winery ............................... 135 H Brandon Music Café ..........................42, 47 Brattleboro Food Co-op ............................. 131 Breakwater Café .......................................... 113 Brewster River Pub & Grill..........................23 Bridge Street Café ........................................91 Bristol Bakery & Café ..................................55 Brown & Jenkins Trading Co. ....................23 Brown Cow, The .............................................31 H Browns Market Bistro ....................... 28, 31 Bruegger’s Bagel Bakery ............................. 87 Bruegger’s Bagels ......................................109 Bueno y Sano............................................... 113 Buffalo Mountain Food Co-op Café ..........33 Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar ................. 119 Buono Appetito Italian Restaurant ..........99 Burger Barn....................................................19 Burlington Bagel Bakery ............................ 87 Burlington Bay Market & Café .................109 Burt’s Irish Pub ..............................................21 Butters Restaurant ......................................31
C Cactus Café of Stowe .................................. 27 Café Latina .................................................... 27 Café Mediterano...........................................99 Café Provence............................................... 47 Café Shelburne .............................................99 Café Sweet Basil............................................31 Café Terra ......................................................46 Cajun’s Snack Bar ..........................................31 Caledonia Spirits........................................ 134 Camel’s Hump Café at Broadacres Bingo .....................................91 Cantina di Gerardo ......................................33 Capitol Grounds Café .................................. 75 Cara Mia’s ......................................................49 Caribbean Buffet.........................................127 Carol’s Hungry Mind Café ........................... 57 Carpenter & Main..........................................41 Carriage Room Restaurant at Town and Country Resort ...................... 21 Castlerock Pub at Sugarbush ................... 67 Castleton Pizza Place & Deli ......................44 Castleton Snack Bar ....................................44 Cattails Restaurant .....................................45 Center Street Bar .........................................46 Chadwick’s Steakhouse & Pub ..................39 Champlain Orchards ................................. 134 Chan’s House ................................................39 Charlie B’s Pub & Restaurant at Stoweflake................................................ 19 Charlie O’s ...................................................... 75 Charlie’s Rotisserie and Grill .......................91 Charlotte Village Winery .......................... 135 Chef Leu’s House ...........................................91 Chef’s Corner ..............................................109 Chef’s Corner Café & Bakery .......................95 Chester’s Bakery............................................13 Chez Henri Restaurant and Bistrot .......... 67 China Express .............................................. 113 China Fun ......................................................65 China Garden ................................................93 China Moon ..................................................39 China Star Chinese Restaurant...........65, 75 China Town Restaurant .............................. 75 China Wok Buffet ..........................................14 Choices Restaurant and Rotisserie .........44 Chopstick House II .......................................93 Chow! Bella ....................................................15 Chowder House Restaurant, The ..............45
Chubby Muffin, The — Burlington ............ 115 Chubby Muffin, The — S. Burlington............. 87 Church & Main ............................................109 Church Street Tavern ................................. 119 Cider House Barbecue and Pub ................63 H Citizen Cider .................................. 132, 134 City Limits Nite Club ................................... 57 City Market ...................................................127 City Sports Grille .......................................... 97 CJ Suds South ..............................................46 CJ’s @ Than Wheeler’s Tavern ....................39 Claire’s Restaurant & Bar.............................31 Cliff House at Stowe Mountain Resort .....19 H Cloudland Farm Restaurant ........... 34, 36 Clover House Pub .........................................91 Club Metronome at Nectar’s ..................... 119 Cobblestone Deli and Café .......................109 Cockadoodle Pizza Café ...............................41 Cody’s Irish Pub & Grille .............................. 97 Coffee Corner ................................................ 73 Colatina Exit ..................................................41 Colonial Café at Golden Eagle, The ............21 Combes Family Inn ......................................39 Common Café ............................................... 73 H Common Man, The ........................... 60, 63 Connie’s Kitchen ...........................................31 Constantino’s Italian Imports....................44 Cork Wine Bar & Market..............................69 Cornerstone Pub & Kitchen ........................77 Coslin’s Pub at Stowehof ............................23 Cosmic Bakery & Café ..................................13 Costello’s Market..........................................59 Cottage, The...................................................19 Country Creemee ......................................... 37 Country Pantry Diner ...................................13 Countryman’s Pleasure, The ...................... 47 Creamery Restaurant, The ..........................31 Creek House Diner, The ............................... 37 H Crop Bistro & Brewery ........................16,19 Crossing, The .................................................13 Cubber’s .........................................................59 Cucina Antica ...............................................99 Cupboard Deli ................................................19 Curry & Spice ................................................ 75 Curtis’ BBQ ................................................... 131
D Daily Chocolate ............................................ 57 Daily Planet, The ........................................109 Dairy Center Restaurant and Champion Sports Tavern.................... 13 Dairy Creme .................................................. 73 Dana’s by the Gorge .....................................39 Danville Restaurant & Inn ..........................31 Das Bierhaus............................................... 123 Deb’s Place .....................................................19 Delicate Decadence Cake Boutique ......... 75 Depot Square Pizza ......................................77 Depot Street Malt Shop ...............................19 Derby Cow Palace, The .................................31 Dining at Quimby Country ..........................31 Dining Room at Trapp Family Lodge, The ........................................23 Dino’s Pizza ...................................................99 Dixies II .......................................................... 37 Dobrà Tea ..................................................... 121 Doc’s Tavern at Huntington House Inn.... 67 Donny’s NY Pizza & Sports Bar..................99 Downtown Grocery, The..............................36 Dragon House...............................................93 Drink .............................................................. 117 Drop-In Brewing Co. .................................. 134 ¡Duino! (Duende) ........................................ 123 Duke’s Creemees ...........................................91 Dunc’s Mill Artisan Rums.......................... 134 Dutch Mill Family Restaurant ....................91 Dutch Pancake Café .....................................21 Dylan’s Café ...................................................32
E E.B. Strong’s Prime Steakhouse ............... 113 East Garden ..................................................39 East Shore Vineyard .................................. 135 East Side Restaurant & Pub, The ..............32 Eastern Dragon ............................................14 Easy Street Café ...........................................63 Eat ‘n Meet Grill and Larder ...................... 131 Eaton’s Sugarhouse Restaurant and Gift Shop ............................................... 39 Edelweiss Bakery & Café ............................23 Edelweiss Mountain Deli ............................25 Eden Ice Cider Company........................... 134 Edson Hill Manor...........................................19 El Cortijo Taquería y Cantina ....................127 El Gato Cantina ...........................................127 El Zorro Mexican Restaurant & Cantina ... 27 Elixir Restaurant .........................................36 Emily’s at Stowehof ......................................19 Emma’s Restaurant at Silas Griffith Inn .....................................131 Enosburg Falls Country Club Restaurant ........................................... 13 Esox ............................................................... 117 Esperanto .................................................... 123
Espresso Bueno ........................................... 75 Essex Grill .......................................................91 Euro Restaurant ...........................................99
F Fair Haven Inn Restaurant......................... 47 Family Table, The ..........................................19 H Farah’s Place ................................... 106, 125 Farmhouse Tap & Grill, The ...................... 123 Fiddle Heads Café .........................................77 Fiddlehead Brewing Co. ............................ 134 Field’s Restaurant ........................................85 Finnigan’s Pub ............................................. 117 Fire & Ice Restaurant ..................................53 H Firebird Café .......................................82, 87 Fireside Flatbread at Bolton Valley Resort ...............................99 Fireside Tavern at Stowe Mountain Resort............................. 23 Five Olde Tavern and Grille ........................39 Flag Hill Farm.............................................. 134 Flatbread Factory & Taproom ...................99 Foley Brothers Brewing ............................ 134 Folino’s Pizzeria ............................................99 Foothills Bakery ............................................15 Foundry Pub & Grille, The............................31 Four Corners of Earth ................................109 Foxfire Inn & Italian Restaurant ...............25 Franny O’s ..................................................... 119 Fresh Tracks Farm Vineyard & Winery ... 135 Frida’s Taquería and Grill ............................ 27 Fu Da Chinese Restaurant ........................ 113 Full House .....................................................93
G G’s Restaurant ..............................................85 Gables Inn ......................................................21 Garden of Eatin’ Café, The........................... 87 Garlic, The ......................................................49 Gil’s Bar & Grill at WilloughVale Inn...........31 Gill’s Delicatessen ........................................44 Ginger China .................................................46 Gleanery, The ............................................... 131 Good Times Café ...........................................91 Goodfella’s Restaurant and Tavern ..........32 Gourmet Provence ......................................46 Gracie’s Restaurant ......................................21 Grand Buffet .................................................93 Grand View Winery .................................... 135 Grapevine Grill..............................................53 Grateful Hands Brewing ........................... 134 Great Harvest Bread Co. ........................... 115 Great Room at Spruce Camp, The ..............21 Green Dragon ................................................21 Green Goddess ..............................................21 Green Mountain Distillers ........................ 134 Green Mountain Coffee Visitor Center & Café ................................... 67 Green Mountain Tavern.............................. 75 Green Peppers Restaurant ........................59 Grill at the Sugarbush Inn..........................65 Grille Room at Quechee Club, The ............36 Guild & Company .........................................89 Gusto’s ........................................................... 75
H Hall Home Place......................................... 135 Halvorson’s Upstreet Café ......................... 113 Halvy’s Cafe ....................................................13 Hana Japanese Restaurant .......................93 Handy’s Lunch ............................................109 Harbor Lounge and Park Café .................. 113 Hardwick House of Pizza ............................33 Hardwick Village Restaurant, The.............32 Harley D’s ........................................................14 Harper’s Restaurant at the Holiday Inn ....91 Harpoon Brewery ....................................... 134 Harrington House Inn and Restaurant....36 Harrington’s of Vermont ............................. 87 Harrison’s Restaurant and Bar ...................19 Harry’s Café ................................................... 47 Harvest Market ............................................25 Hatchery, The............................................... 131 Healthy Living Café ....................................101 Hearth & Candle ...........................................19 Hen of the Wood at the Grist Mill .............63 Henry’s Diner ..............................................109 Hero’s Welcome .............................................13 Higher Ground .............................................. 97 Hill Farmstead Brewery ............................ 134 Hillis’ Sugarbush Farm and Vineyards ... 135 Hilltop Restaurant ........................................77 Hinesburgh Public House ..........................85 HJ House ...................................................... 113 Hoagie Hut .....................................................91 Hoagie’s Pizza & Pasta — Essex ................99 Hoagie’s Pizza & Pasta — Newport ...........33 Hob Knob Inn & Restaurant .......................21 Hogan’s Pub ..................................................63 Holy Mackerel Seafood Market .................39 Honey Thai Restaurant...............................93 Hong Kong Jade Restaurant .....................93 Hong Kong Kitchen .....................................93
Honora Winery & Vineyard ...................... 135 Hornet’s Nest ................................................95 Horse N Rebel Market, Gallery & Grille ....53 Hostel Tevere ...............................................65 Hourglass at Stowe Mountain Lodge ......23 House of Tang............................................... 75 Hub Pizzeria and Pub..................................25 Hung Tao ...................................................... 113 Hunger Mountain Coop .............................. 79 Hungry Bear Pub & Grill, The ......................41 Hungry Dutchman, The ...............................91 Hungry Lion, The ...........................................91 Huntington House.......................................63 Huntington River Vineyard at Galloping Hill Farm & Vineyard .......... 135 Hyde Away Inn and Restaurant ................65
I Ice House Restaurant & Bar ..................... 113 India House Restaurant ............................ 113 Inn, The ...........................................................13 Inn at Shelburne Farms, The .....................85 Inn at Glimmerstone Mansion ..................36 Inn at Long Trail, The...................................46 Inn at Weathersfield, The ...........................36 Inside Scoop, The .........................................45 Isabell’s Café .................................................39 Istanbul Kebab House ................................99
j J. Morgan’s Steakhouse.............................. 73 Jack & Grill, The............................................ 97 James Moore Tavern .................................. 97 Jasper Murdock’s Alehouse at Norwich Inn ..............................................36 Jax Food & Games ......................................46 Jay Village Inn & Restaurant, The ............32 Jay’s Restaurant and Pizzeria ...................69 Jeff’s Restaurant ...........................................13 Jeffersonville Pizza Department..............25 Jessica’s at Swift House Inn ......................53 Jia Indian Restaurant .................................46 Jimmz Pizza ................................................69 Jin Chinese Restaurant ..............................93 Joe’s Snack Bar............................................. 87 Joey’s Junction Bakery and Café ...............14 Joyce’s Noodle House .................................93 JP’s Pub ........................................................ 119 JP’s Restaurant and Deli .............................91 JR’s Eatery .....................................................44 Juice Bar, The..............................................109 Julio’s Cantina Mexican Cuisine & Margarita Bar............................................79 Junior’s Downtown .................................... 125 Junior’s Italian ..............................................99 Juniper ........................................................109 Juniper’s at Wildflower Inn ........................32 Juniper’s Fare Café ......................................65
K Kampus Kitchen ........................................109 KC’s Bagel Café .............................................65 Kedron Valley Inn Restaurant & Tavern ..39 Keeper’s: A Country Café ............................36 Kelvans Restaurant.....................................44 Ken’s Pizza and Pub................................... 125 Killington Avenue Market & Deli ..............44 King Arthur Flour Café (at Baker’s Store).......................................... 41 Kham’s Thai Cuisine ................................... 33 Kirkwood’s Pub at Stowe Mountain Resort .........................23 Kismet.............................................................77 Kitchen Table Bistro, The ...........................85 Klinger’s Bread Company ........................... 87 Knotty Shamrock, The ................................ 75 Kobe Japanese Steakhouse ......................23 Koto Japanese Steak House .....................93 Kountry Kart Deli .......................................109 Koval’s Coffee................................................95
l L’Amante Ristorante ................................. 125 La Brioche ..................................................... 75 La Garagista................................................ 135 La Villa Bistro & Pizzeria ............................85 Ladder 1 Grill ................................................. 73 Lago Trattoria & Catering ..........................33 Lake Champlain Chocolates .....................121 Lake-View House, The ..................................91 Laughing Moon Chocolates .......................23 Lawson’s Finest Liquids ............................ 134 Le Belvédère ..................................................31 Lee’s Chinese Restaurant ...........................93 Leonardo’s Pizza — Burlington................ 125 Leonardo’s Pizza — S. Burlington .............99 Leunig’s Bistro & Café ............................... 123 Li’s Chinese Restaurant ..............................46 Lift ................................................................. 119
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Lighthouse Restaurant & Lounge, The...............................................89 Lil’ Britain ..................................................... 131 Lincoln Peak Vineyard & Winery ............. 135 Liquid Motivation ........................................49 Liquids and Solids at the Handlebar....... 131 Little Garden Market .................................. 101 Little Harry’s.................................................. 47 Local Buzz, The ..............................................41 Localfolk Smokehouse................................63 Logan’s of Vermont .................................... 109 Long Trail Brewing Company .................. 134 Long Trail Brewing Company Visitors Center & Pub ...................................41 Loretta’s Fine Italian Cuisine ...................100 Lost Nation Brewing ................................. 134 Lovin’ Cup .......................................................21 Lu Lu...............................................................53 Lucky Wok Chinese Restaurant ................93 Luigi’s .............................................................59 Lyme Inn, The ...............................................36 Lyndon Freighthouse .................................. 32 Lyndonville House of Pizza........................33
m M-Saigon Vietnamese Noodle House..... 115 MacLaomainn’s Scottish Pub ................... 131 Mad Taco, The — Waitsfield .......................69 Mad Taco, The — Montpelier...................... 79 Madelyn’s Dining Room at Juniper Hill Inn........................................36 Madera’s Restaurante Mexicano Cantina.......................................127 Madison Brewing Co. ................................ 134 Magic Hat Brewing Co............................... 134 Magic Wok.....................................................55 Maglianero Café .......................................... 121 Magnolia Bistro........................................... 113 Magoo’s ..........................................................46 Main Dining Room at Basin Harbor Club, The...........................53 Main Street Dining Room............................21 Mama’s Melting Pot..................................... 73 Mangowood Restaurant at Lincoln Inn...36 Manhattan Pizza & Pub.............................125 Maple City Diner............................................13 Maple Valley Café & Gift Shop................... 73 Marco’s Pizza —S. Burlington ..................100 Marco’s Pizza and Grill — Shelburne ......100 Mariam’s Restaurant...................................36 Martone’s Market & Café ........................... 101 Mary’s Café ....................................................44 Mary’s Restaurant at Inn at Baldwin Creek ..........................................53 Matterhorn Restaurant .............................. 23 Maxi’s Restaurant ........................................65 Maynard’s Snack Bar ...................................63 McCarthy’s Restaurant ................................21 McGillicuddy’s Irish Ale House .................. 97 McGillicuddy’s Irish Pub.............................. 75 McKee’s Island Pub & Pizza ........................15 McKee’s Pub & Grill...................................... 97 McNeill’s Brewery....................................... 134 Melaza Caribbean Bistro .............................41 Men at Wok ...................................................93 Mexicali Grill & Cantina ............................ 103 Mi Casita.........................................................15 Michael’s on the Hill ....................................63 Middlebury Bagel & Delicatessen ............53 Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op Café.....59 Midway BBQ...................................................19 Midway Diner................................................44 Mill Market and Deli, The........................... 101 Milton Diner, The..........................................85 H Mimmo’s Pizzeria ...............................10, 15 Mimmo’s Pizzeria Restaurant .................100 Ming Moon Buffet Chinese Restaurant... 75 MINT Restaurant and Tea Lounge ........... 67 Mirabelles..................................................... 115 Misery Loves Co. ..........................................85 Miss Lyndonville Diner ................................31 Mister Up’s Restaurant ...............................53 Mister Z’s Italian Restaurant ......................77 Mix Café and Bakery, The ............................19 Moe’s Southwest Grill .................................89 Mon Vert Café ...............................................39 Monkey House.............................................. 97 Montpelier Village Pizza..............................77 Moog’s Place ................................................. 23 Mooselook Restaurant ............................... 32 Morgan’s Tavern at Middlebury Inn..........53 Morrisville House of Pizza.......................... 25 Morse Mountain Grill ...................................21 Mother Hubbard’s Bakery, Deli and Country Store ................................15 Mountain Creamery ....................................39 Mountain Greens Market ...........................59 Mountain High Pizza Pie..........................100 Mountain Top Inn & Resort, The ...............44 Mountain View Snack Bar — Hardwick .....31 Mountain View Snack Bar — Morrisville, Stowe .....................................19 Mr. Crèpe...................................................... 123 Mr. Mike’s ......................................................127 Mr. Pickwick’s Gastropub and
Steakhouse at Ye Olde England Inne ....... 23 Muddy Waters ............................................. 121 Mulligan’s Irish Pub ..................................... 75 Murray’s Tavern ............................................95 My Little Cupcake — Burlington................117 My Little Cupcake — Essex .........................95 My-T-Fine .......................................................14 Myer’s Bagel Bakery.....................................117
n Naru Asian Cuisine ......................................93 Natural Provisions Deli & Café ................ 103 NECI on Main ................................................ 73 Nectar’s ......................................................... 119 Neshobe River Winery .............................. 135 New Fu Lin Chinese Restaurant.................21 New Kong Chow Fusion ..............................46 New Moon Café ............................................ 111 New Shanghai and Tokyo Restaurant .....46 New World Tortilla...................................... 113 New York Pizza Oven.................................100 Newhall Farm ............................................. 134 Newport Natural Market & Café ...............33 Next Door Bakery & Café ............................85 nika................................................................125 Noonie Deli....................................................53 Norma’s Restaurant at Topnotch Resort..19 North Branch Vineyards........................... 135 North Garden Chinese Restaurant...........93 North Hero House Inn & Restaurant ........13 Northfield Village Pizza.............................. 79 Northshire Brewery................................... 134 Northwoods Café at Jiffy Mart.................. 37 Norwich Inn................................................. 134 Norwich Inn/Jasper Murdock’s Alehouse 41 Number One Chinese Restaurant.............46 Nunyuns ........................................................117 Nutty Steph’s Granola & Chocolate Factory.................................... 67
o O’Grady’s Grill & Bar ......................................21 O’Maddi’s Deli & Cafe ................................... 73 Old Brick Store, The ......................................91 Old Shed Bar & Grill ..................................... 97 Olde Northender Pub ..................................117 On the Rise Bakery ......................................95 On Tap Bar & Grill......................................... 97 On the Rocs Lounge ....................................46 One Federal ...................................................13 One Flight Up at the Airport .......................91 ONE Pepper Grill.......................................... 113 Orient Taste Express ...................................46 Oriental Wok .................................................93 Oscars Casual Dining & Best Picture Bar .......................................85 Osteria Pane e Salute ..................................41 Other Place, The ...........................................117 Otter Creek Bakery ......................................55 Otter Creek Brewing/Wolaver’s Certified Organic Ales ............................... 134 Otter Valley Winery ................................... 135 Our House Bistro..........................................85 Ovations Restaurant at Killington Grand ......................................44
p P&H Truck Stop .............................................31 Paddie’s Snack Bar........................................31 Paddington’s Restaurant ............................15 Paisley Hippo Sandwich Shop ................... 87 Palms Restaurant, The ...............................49 Pan’s South Hero Pizza ...............................15 Panda China...................................................14 Papa Frank’s ................................................100 Papa McKee’s ..............................................100 Papa Nick’s Family Restaurant ..................99 Paradise Deli and Market ...........................63 Park Row Café ...............................................63 Parker House Inn & Restaurant, The.........41 Parker Pie Co., The .......................................33 Pastabilities ................................................100 Patricia’s Restaurant, a.k.a. Sully’s Place ........................................45 Pauline’s Café................................................85 Paynter’s Restaurant and Centre Stage Lounge at Holiday Inn .....................45 Pearl Street Diner ........................................99 Pearl Street Pub ...........................................99 Peasant..........................................................69 Peking Duck House......................................93 Penny Cluse Café ....................................... 123 Perfect Wife Restaurant, The.................... 131 Perry’s Main Street Eatery .........................45 Pho Dang Vietnamese Café ......................93 Pho Hong...................................................... 115 Pi Brick Oven Trattoria .................................41 Pickle Barrel Nightclub ...............................46 Pie in Sky — St. Albans.................................15 Pie in Sky — Stowe....................................... 25 Piecasso Pizzeria & Lounge....................... 25 Pine Cone Snack Bar ....................................13
Pine Street Deli, The .................................... 111 Pinky’s ............................................................ 73 Pistou ........................................................... 109 Pitcher Inn, The ............................................63 Pizza Joint at Moscow Schoolhouse Store, The .............................. 25 Pizza on Earth ............................................100 Pizza Putt ....................................................100 Pizza Shoppe, The........................................69 Pizza Stone, The .......................................... 131 Pizzaroni.........................................................41 Pizzeria Verità .............................................127 Polka Dot Diner ............................................ 37 Popolo ........................................................... 131 Positive Pie —Hardwick ..............................33 Positive Pie 2 — Montpelier ....................... 79 Positive Pie Tap & Grill — Plainfield ......... 79 Poultney House of Pizza ............................49 Pour House, The ...........................................99 Prince & the Pauper, The ............................36 Prohibition Pig .............................................63 Pub at Grey Fox Inn, The ..............................21 Pulcinella’s ..................................................100 Purple Moon Pub ......................................... 67 Putney Mountain Winery ......................... 135
q QTee’s ............................................................ 113 Quality Bake Shop .......................................95 Quarry Grill & Tavern, The .......................... 75 Quechee Club, The .......................................36 Quechee Inn at Marshland Farm ..............36
r Rabbit Hill Inn................................................31 Radio Bean Coffeehouse ........................... 121 Radio Deli ...................................................... 111 Rainbow Sweets........................................... 75 Ramunto’s Brick Oven — St. Johnsbury ....33 Ramunto’s Brick Oven Pizza — Williston ... 101 Ramunto’s Sicilian Pizza — Rutland .........49 Ramunto’s Sicilian Pizza — Middlebury ....59 Randolph Village Pizza ................................41 Rasputin’s Bar .............................................. 119 Ray’s Seafood Market ..................................89 Red Clover Inn & Restaurant, The.............44 Red Hen Bakery & Café ...............................65 Red Mill at Basin Harbor Club, The ........... 57 Red Onion ...................................................... 111 Red Rooster ..................................................36 Red Square ................................................... 119 Regal Bistro....................................................91 Reservoir Restaurant & Tap Room, The... 67 Rì Rà Irish Pub & Whiskey Room.............. 119 Rick’s Grill ......................................................85 Right at Home Café ..................................... 37 Rimrock’s Mountain Tavern ........................21 River Garden Café .........................................31 River House at Stowe Inn, The ...................19 River Tavern at Hawk Inn & Mountain Resort ......................................36 Roaster’s Cafe and Deli ............................... 32 Robbie’s Wildlife Refuge ............................. 23 Rock Art Brewery ....................................... 134 Rocky’s NY Pizza & Ice Cream ................... 101 Rockydale Pizza ...........................................59 Roots the Restaurant .................................44 Rosie’s Restaurant .......................................53 Rotisserie Restaurant .................................89 Route 4 Country Store, Deli & Bar-B-Que ...........................................41 Roxie’s Snack Bar .........................................44 Royal Orchid Restaurant ............................ 75 Royalton Village Pizza .................................41 Rozzi’s Lakeshore Tavern & Restaurant ...91 Ruben James................................................117 Runaway Café ............................................... 32 Rustic Restaurant and Sports Bar ............ 75 Rustic Roots..................................................99 Ruthcliffe Lodge and Restaurant ..............13 Rutland Buffet ..............................................46 Rutland Restaurant & Burnham Hollow Pies .................................45
s Sabai Sabai Thai Cuisine ............................55 Saffron Paradise at Bradford Motel .........39 Saint’s Pub, The ............................................46 Sal’s Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria ...........49 H Salt ....................................................... 70, 73 Saltwater Cowboy ........................................45 Sama’s Café and Middlebury Market........59 San Sai Japanese Restaurant .................. 113 Sandwich Shoppe ........................................44 Sandy’s Books & Bakery..............................39 Sandy’s Drive-in............................................ 37 Sanfo Chinese Restaurant ..........................21 Sarducci’s Restaurant and Bar .................. 79 Sarkis’s Mediterranean Restaurant..........33 Saxton’s River Distillery ............................ 134 School Street Bistro ....................................63 Scuffer Steak & Ale House ........................ 113 Seward Family Restaurant.........................46
Shaggy’s Snack Bar.......................................13 Shalimar of India ........................................ 113 Shanty on the Shore .................................. 113 Shelburne Orchards .................................. 134 Shelburne Supermarket ........................... 103 Shelburne Vineyard................................... 135 Shepard’s Pie Restaurant ...........................39 Sheri’s Diner ..................................................44 Sherpa Kitchen ........................................... 115 Shin-la Restaurant & Sushi Bar ............... 131 Shooters Saloon ...........................................15 Shore Acres Inn and Restaurant................13 Shoreham Inn............................................... 57 Silver Palace .................................................93 Simon Pearce Restaurant .......................... 37 Simply Divine Café.......................................95 Simply Subs Pizza ....................................... 73 Sissy’s Kitchen ..............................................44 Skinny Pancake, The — Burlington ......... 123 Skinny Pancake, The — Montpelier ...........77 Skinny Pancake, The — S. Burlington.......99 Skunk Hollow Tavern ...................................41 Slide Brook Lodge & Tavern....................... 67 Smitty’s Pub ................................................. 121 Smokehouse Deli ......................................... 73 Smugglers’ Notch Distillery ..................... 134 Snaps Café ....................................................55 Sneakers Bistro ............................................85 Snow Angel Tavern, The ............................. 47 Snow Farm Vineyard ................................. 135 Sofia’s Pizzeria.............................................127 H SoLo Farm & Table ......................... 128, 131 Solstice at Stowe Mountain Lodge ...........19 Sonoma Station ...........................................85 Soup N Greens.............................................. 73 South End Café..............................................15 South Royalton Market...............................39 South Side Tavern ....................................... 75 SoYo Frozen Yogurt ................................... 109 Spanked Puppy Pub ....................................99 Sparkling Champagne & Wine Bar ...........55 Speeder & Earl’s .......................................... 121 Splash at the Boathouse........................... 113 Spooner’s Bar and Grille .............................39 Spot, The........................................................ 111 St. Albans Diner ............................................13 St. Johnsbury House of Pizza ...................33 Stacks Sandwiches...................................... 111 Starry Night Café .........................................53 Steakhouse Restaurant.............................. 73 Steamship Pier Bar & Grill ..........................14 Steeple Market ..............................................15 Stella Notte................................................... 25 Steve’s Park Diner ........................................53 Stone Leaf Teahouse .................................. 57 Stone Soup ................................................... 111 Stonegrill Restaurant & Pub, The ..............21 Storm Café ....................................................53 Sugar & Spice ...............................................46 Sugarsnap ..................................................... 111 Sugarsnap at Technology Park ................. 87 Sukho Thai Restaurant ...............................93 Sunset Grille & Tap Room ...........................19 Superb Cupcakes .........................................95 Sushi Yoshi....................................................46 Sushido ..........................................................93 Suzanna’s Restaurant ................................. 73 Swanton House of Pizza..............................15 Sweet Caroline’s ...........................................46 Sweet Clover Market ................................. 103 Sweet Crunch Bakeshop & Catering Co... 23 Sweet Marie’s ................................................53 Sweet Pea Natural Market & Cafe ............69 Sweet Spot, The ........................................... 67 Sweetwaters ............................................... 109 Switchback Brewery.................................. 134
t T. Rugg’s Tavern............................................117 T.J. Buckley’s ................................................ 131 Table 24 Restaurant....................................44 Taj-E-India Catering & Take Out ...............39 Tamarack Grill ...............................................31 Tanglewood’s Restaurant...........................63 Taste of India................................................55 Tastings Food and Spirits ...........................31 Tatro’s Gourmet Soup and Sandwich........13 Tavern at the Essex, The.............................85 Ted’s Pizza Shop...........................................49 Terra Rossa Ristorante ...............................69 Texas Roadhouse.........................................89 Thai House .....................................................14 That’s Life Soup ............................................ 73 Thompson’s Sandwiches ............................ 23 Three Bean Café ............................................41 Three Brothers Pizza & Grill...................... 101 Three Mountain Café................................... 67 Three Mountain Lodge ................................21 Three Needs..................................................117 Three Penny Taproom................................. 73 Three Stones Restaurant .......................... 131 Three Tomatoes Trattoria — Rutland.......49 Three Tomatoes Trattoria — Williston.... 101 Timbers .........................................................63 Tiny Thai Restaurant...................................93 Tip Top Café .................................................. 37
Tokyo House .................................................46 Top of the Block Sandwich Shoppe .......... 111 Toscano Café Bistro.....................................99 Tourterelle ....................................................59 Tozier’s Restaurant ......................................39 Trader Duke’s .................................................91 Trap Door Bakehouse & Café ......................41 Trapp Family Lodge ................................... 134 Trapp Family Lodge DeliBakery .................21 Trapp Family Lodge Lounge ...................... 23 Trattoria Delia .............................................127 Trattoria La Festa ........................................ 25 Trout River Brewing Company ................ 134 Tuckaway’s Pub ............................................99 Tuckerbox, The ..............................................41 Tulsi Tea Room ............................................. 75 Two Brothers Lounge & Stage ..................55 Two Brothers Tavern ...................................55 Two Shea’s .....................................................46
u,v Uncle Mike’s Deli .......................................... 73 Uncle Tony’s Pizza ...................................... 101 Uncommon Grounds.................................. 121 Uncommon Market, The............................. 79 Underhill Country Store .............................89 Union Jack’s .................................................. 111 Upper Deck Pub............................................99 Upper Valley Food Co-op .............................41 Upper Valley Grill & General Store............................................ 32 Verdé ............................................................. 131 Vergennes Laundry .....................................55 Vermont Bagel Café in Olivia’s Market.....44 Vermont Cookie Love ..................................55 Vermont National Country Club ...............85 Vermont Pizza Company........................... 101 Vermont Pub & Brewery.................... 121, 134 Vermont Sandwich Company ...................89 Vermont Soup and Sandwich of Brandon ................................................... 44 Vermont Spirits.......................................... 134 Vermont Sports Grill ....................................91 Vermont Thrush Restaurant...................... 73 Vietnam Restaurant....................................93 Village Country Creemee............................65 Village Creemee Stand ...............................53 Village Snackbar ..........................................44 Village Tavern, The ...................................... 23 Village Wine and Coffee..............................99 Vittles Stop BBQ, The ..................................36
w, X, y, Z Waf’s West Side Deli ....................................89 Wally’s Place — Bagel & Deli .......................15 Wandering Moose Café at Best Western Waterbury-Stowe, The ............................... 65 Warner’s Family Dining ................................14 Warren Store, The ........................................63 Waybury Inn .................................................53 Wayside Restaurant & Bakery .................. 73 West Meadow Farm Bakery .......................95 Whaleback Vineyard.................................. 135 What Ale’s You ..............................................117 Whetstone Ciderworks ............................. 134 Whetstone Station Restaurant & Brewery ....................... 131, 134 Whip Bar & Grill .............................................19 Whippi Dip ..................................................... 37 WhistlePig Straight Rye Whiskey ...........134 Whistlestop Café..........................................39 White Cottage Snack Bar ........................... 37 Wicked Wings ............................................... 23 Wilaiwan’s Kitchen....................................... 75 Wild Fern, The ...............................................46 Windjammer Restaurant ...........................89 Wine Gate Restaurant, The ........................33 Wings Over Burlington ................................91 Winooski Falls Market & Deli ................... 103 Wobbly Barn Steakhouse, The ..................45 Wok ‘n’ House .................................................21 Wok ‘n’ Roll..................................................... 23 Wokky’s Chinese ...........................................55 Woodbridge Coffeehouse and Web Café .................................................41 Woodchuck Cider ....................................... 134 Wooden Spoon Bistro .................................85 Wooden Spoon Deli and Bakery ................33 Woodstock Farmers’ Market .......................41 World’s Most Delicious ............................... 131 Worthy Burger, The.......................................41 Yacht Club Restaurant at Commodores Inn......................................21 Yama Japanese Restaurant .......................14 Yellow Deli, The.............................................44 Yummy Chinese Restaurant......................93 Zach’s Café at the Gallery ............................14 Zachary’s Pizza — Waterbury.....................69 Zachary’s Pizza — Milton, Colchester, S. Burlington ........................... 101 Zen Gardens .................................................93 Zero Gravity Craft Brewery at American Flatbread ............................. 134
Burton Snowboards Fla gship Store 80 Industrial Parkway, Bu rlington, VT 05401 facebook.com /BurtonB urling ton (802) 862-4500
Craig's Prototype Facility 152 Industrial Parkway, Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 862-4500