Drum & Bugle Corps Alumni Association Southeastern Connecticut
Volume 4 – Number 1
November 2007
2007 might have gotten off to a slow start, but the 7th Regiment, through hard work and determination, stormed to a top 4 national ranking in Div III by the end of their competitive season. Hats off to the awesome 7th members, the super musical score and drill put together by a great instructional staff, and to all the officers, parents, donors, alumni, and fans who helped make this season one that will be remembered for a long, long time!
Your 2007. . . 7th Regiment
Drum Corps – Was, Is, and Always Will Be…
Surfer’s Alumni Association P.O. Box 64 New London, CT 06320 Phone: 860-442-DRUM
Board of Directors Chairman: Edgar Frazelle President: Lizz Adams Vice President: Phae Pearsall Secretary: Daisy Johnson Treasurer: Melvin Swann Fundraising: Colleen Torello Media/Technology: Barbara DeLillo 7th Regiment Director: Jeffrey Dozier Business Manager: Tim Rall Asst. Director/Members: Tim Rall Asst. Director/Staff: Jim O’neil Co-Quartermaster: Jimmy Smith
Newsletter Editor: Carl Burnett Letters to the Editor eMail: or mail to: P.O. Box 1987 Melbourne, FL 32902 Newsletter Staff: Lizz Adams Barb DeLillo
Visit your Web Site… This site has all the news and activities going on with the Surfer’s Alumni Association and th the 7 Regiment Drum & Bugle Corps. Also, plenty of photos and links to other favorite Drum & Bugle Corps sites. Visit the guest book register and look up old friends – and don’t forget to sign your name!
Thanks to All – the 2007 Season… When I was a teenager, marching in the Surfers, I enjoyed the growth and accomplishments realized in the late 1960’s. One thing I never sensed back then was how important all those adults were to the corps. Back then; adults were… always there, like teachers in school, or coaches in little league, etc. But today, I know different. The adults involved with a drum corps come together not because they have to, but because they want to. And although the 7th members made the magic happen on the field in 2007 and their accolades are noted throughout this newsletter, it is the adults where the “Thank You’s” need to start. Just to the left of this column you see the Board of Directors – the starting point for planning, hiring, fundraising, equipment, travel, food, etc. This group kicks off the season and covers more different items than even they want to be reminded about. They concentrate on the business side of the corps – practice camps and rehearsals, locations, dates, times. Ensuring all instruments and uniforms are in working order, this also includes the equipment trucks, buses, food preparation and storage – the list goes on and on… to this group a BIG thank you is sent for another successful year on the road!!! The instructional staff hired or appointed for the 7th is the next group that also earned a HUGE thank you for 2007. Their knowledge, patience, and belief in the kids, and the fantastic musical score and drill they put together was another element of the 2007 success. We are so happy to hear most will be back for 2008!!! The third block of adults is the volunteers, sponsors, and patrons who donate their time, energy, and monies to ensure the success of another season. They are sometimes the silent group working behind the scenes – but we know them now and another GREAT thank you goes out to them as well. The final group of adults is the proud parents of the marching members. Their support is just as important as any of the above. Sacrifices are made so that a member can march – and a SINCERE thank you goes out to all. 2
For the Record…. Official 2007 Corps Scoreboard… The 7th Regiment competed in 8 competitions in June & July of 2007. Unfortunately, the Nationals were held in California this year, and it was not possible for the 7th to make the journey west. As a 4th year corps, the 7th continued to progress, and at the end of the 7th’s season, national rankings had them 4th in Div III out of 17 corps. Next year Div II & III will be combined as an “Open” Class. June 23, 2007 Brockton, MA Division III Score Citations 58.10 7th Regiment 49.90 Targets 43.40 July 1, 2007 Rome, NY Division III Score 7th Regiment 49.70 July 2, 2007 Glens Falls, NY Division III Score Dutch Boy 58.65 7th Regiment 54.70 Les Stentors 39.50 July 3, 2007 Bristol, RI Division III Score Dutch Boy 60.55 7th Regiment 53.90
July 15, 2007 Manchester, NH
July 7, 2007 Springfield, MA Division III Citations Dutch Boy 7th Regiment Targets Spirit of NJ
Score 65.40 61.70 58.45 51.45 47.20
Division III Citations 7th Regiment Dutch Boy Spirit of NJ Les Stentors Targets
July 14, 2007 New London, CT Division III Citations Dutch Boy 7th Regiment Spirit of NJ Les Stentors Targets
Score 69.00 67.90 67.35 53.90 52.75 52.45
Score 72.90 69.60 67.90 55.20 52.85 52.50
July 21, 2007 Wildwood, NJ Division III Citations 7th Regiment Spirit of NJ Targets
Score 75.25 71.65 63.35 58.20
75.0 70.0 65.0 60.0 55.0 50.0 45.0
National Ranking
7th Regiment Drum & Bugle Corps Annual Banquet Ms. Michelle-Lynn Swain, Examining Attorney for the United States Patent and Trademark Office was the Guest Speaker. She shared her vision for success with the membership of the 7th Regiment Drum & Bugle Corps at their Annual Banquet. Her theme for the event was “You can be what you want to be if you make the commitment”. Michele who resides in Alexandria, Virginia was a former member of the Surfers Feeder Corps, Sword Excalibar (formerly Surfers) is a member of the Surfer Alumni Association and was recently awarded the United States Patent and Trademark Attorney of the year. 2007 was a very successful year for the 7th Regiment that ranked 4th in the nation in its class when their season closed. At its annual Banquet the corps members presented “Superlatives.” It was amazing how they pick the true characters for each saying. A great time was had by all. And the corps members were given a DVD of 2007 Show, plus 7th Regiment Necklaces. The “Superlatives” given out were: Next “Steve and Dane” – Barry Zhou and Jani Springer; Cutest Couple - Cameron Gonzales and Tyler Adams; Most Improved – Bubba and Fishie; Still be Marching in their 90’s – Nick Smolenski and Kim Belskis; Best Smile – Max Madore and Burgundy Penn; Best Attitude – Josh Madore and Diana Diaz; Most Corps Spirit – Mike Gentile and Erica Dozier; Most Likely to Put Their Kids Through Drum Corps – Barry Zhou and Jen Platts; Most Accident Prone – Trey Gaudette and Jen Paquette; and the most significant awards - - the 7th Regiment Male/Female Members of the Year…. Barry Zhou and Rachel Timmons… The Drum Corps will be advancing to the Open Class of competition in 2008. The Corps will be heading west in August to compete in Michigan City for a position at the International Championships to be held in Indianapolis. 2008 promises to be an exciting year for the unit, which will be expanding its competition, parades, and exhibition schedule. For the second year, the 7th Regiment will be fielding a Winter Color Guard – KINETIC, that will be competing across the Northeast. Individuals who are interested in joining the 7th Regiment or its Winter Guard may do so by attending the scheduled open house on December 8th & 9th at the Bennie Dover Middle School, 36 Waller Street, New London, CT. This 2007 7th Regiment Banquet, sponsored by the Surfers Alumni Association (SAA) of New London, held at the VFW had 115 in attendance to recognize the hard work and efforts by all involved with the 7th Regiment.
7 members, from left to right: Christina, Trey, Megan, Dave, Kim, Bobby, Jordan, Jesse, Nick, & Diana at the th 7 Regiment Banquet…
* * * S.A.A. MEMBER SPOTLIGHT * * * Michael Gentile, the current drum major for 7th Regiment has only seen one year of competitive drum corps but has been a fan for the majority of his music career. Starting as a tuba player he gained all of his marching experience at East Lyme High School where he spent all four years in the program. His career as a leader began in his junior year when he was given the position of tuba section leader and then again in his senior year when he was granted the privilege of brass captain. Michael is currently enrolled at the University of Hartford and attending the Barney School of Business where he is double majoring in economics finance and insurance finance with an Italian minor. After the successes from the 2007 season Michael is anxiously waiting the 2008 season and would like to remind all corps members to eat their green vegetables.
Drum Major - Mike Gentile
Drum Corps International (DCI) Change Competing Classes for 2008 Div II & Div III will now be known as the Open Class. Open Class corps will have a minimum of 30 members up to a maximum of 150. Most Open Class corps will follow an abbreviated tour schedule compared to World Class corps with memberships made up of a mixture of high school and some college aged students. The criteria to earn Open Class status involves a combination of factors that include organizational stability, strength of program, number of participants, travel capabilities, and financial stability. An evaluation process assists new or re-emerging corps petitioning for Open Class status after which a recommendation is presented to the Open Class Advisory Committee for approval. World Class Corps will continue in place, and the International Class will also remain the same, with any International Corps who follows the rules of the DCI, can compete in the Open Class. (Edit. - The above logo’s and information was reprinted from the DCI Website – ) 5
News about our Winter Guard…… KINETIC The 7th Regiment and Surfers Alumni Association are proud to present once again, our Independent Winter Guard, Kinetic! The 2008 show theme is “Arrival” with music by Ethel. This year's instructional and logistical staff includes: Show Design: Dana Saccomano Steve Lyons Caption Head: Dana Saccomano Kinetic Staff: Fawn Margolis Hodgdon Katie Postaeight Kinetic will compete in the Musical Arts Conference (MAC) circuit again for the 2008 season in the Independent A class and will compete in various shows throughout Connecticut, culminating with the MAC Indoor Championships, usually held in April 2008. Kinetic will close up performance spots fast but will gladly welcome new candidates and volunteers! Visit us at for details.
Donate to the 7th Regiment through your United Way Campaign If you contribute to the United Way at your job, then you have the opportunity to help out the 7 Regiment! th
When filling out the paper work for your donation, you can check off “Other” and write in the Surfers Alumni Association. Your contributions would then go directly to helping out the corps. There are several people doing this and what a thrill it is to know that your monies would be going to such a worthwhile cause.
Visit the 7th Regiment Website and click on the link “SUPPORT” on the left side and you will see other opportunities to help out with the corps… Thanking you in advance…!!! 6
New Fundraiser Idea…
Walk to Indianapolis Relay Colleen Torello and Lizz Adams have put together a preliminary concept for a new fundraiser to help generate income for the 7 th Regiment’s summer tour and trip to the 2008 DCI Championships to be held in Indianapolis, Indiana. A. Brief Description of Event: 1. With a group of volunteers using New London’s Waterfront Park in conjunction with the DNLA (Downtown New London Assn) & Neff Productions, to walk 836 miles. (the distance from New London, CT to Lucas Oil Stadium – home of the Indianapolis Colts NFL Football Team). 2. Walkers solicit sponsors. (i.e., same as walk-a-thons, bowl-a-thons, etc.). a) Walkers do not have to commit to walk the entire 836 miles. 3. Encourage local groups & businesses to form teams. 4. Invite guest walkers (i.e., local mayors, radio stations, business owners).
B. Timeframe 1. Kickoff: Sunday June 8th, 2008 at 10:00am through Saturday, June 14th, 2008.
C. Promotion & Publicity 1. Contact local newspapers, radio stations & television for big kickoff. 2. Create map showing distance walked & track that as a journey to Indianapolis with fun tidbits about the cities we are entering (i.e., Weather report, landmarks, interesting facts etc.). 3. 7th Regiment in uniform to cross the finish line with volunteers (playing parade song). Note: This is a preliminary working outline subject to all approvals and permits that may be necessary.
Comments, suggestions, welcome from all. Also looking for volunteers and participants, please contact:
Colleen Torello Ph: 860-917-0875 Email:
Lizz Adams Ph: 860-334-7711 Email:
7 Colleen Torello Ph: 860-917-0875
Lizz Adams Ph: 860-334-7711
Surfer’s Alumni Association P.O. Box 64 New London, CT 06320
7th Regiment - 2008 Instructors DRILL
Visual Designer/ Program Coordinator: Steve Lyons
Brass Arranger/ Caption Head: Steve Wolf
Visual Caption Head: Daniel Wyman
Brass Techs: Edgar Frazelle Steve Gangi Kevin Lam
Visual Techs: Derek Joly Kevin Lam
PERCUSSION Arranger/Caption Head: Bob Burt Percussion Techs: Tom Sulzicki Rich Lake Andy Mastronunzio Front Ensemble Arranger/Caption Head: Bob Rush Front Ensemble Techs: Feather Gangi Andy Mastronunzio
COLOR GUARD Designer/Caption Head: Dana Saccomano Guard Tech: Fawn Margolis Hodgdon
Winter Guard Tech: Katie Postaeight
The 7th Regiment’s 2008 Show – “??????????” The musical theme for 2008 will be called “???” – a compilation of Latin music. Specific songs have not been selected at the time of this newsletter release. The 7th will build on the success of 2007 by adding a few new songs to complement the popular and strong presentations of the past season. More on this later…
7th Regiment Corps Merchandise for Sale Order your 7th Regiment T-Shirts, cinch bags, and hats today!!! Contact Sharon Grogan at Camps, Rehearsals, and DCI competitions or email Sharon at