Undergrad Work Sample

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Hous i ngPr oj ect

Fal l2009:Aut oCAD,Revi t ,Rhi no3d,Phot os hop,I l l us t r at or

Fl oor s34

Aut oCADandRevi tPl ans

Eas tFacade:RevitRenderer

:Fl ami ngt oRender er Rhi nocer ous

Typi calDCRow Hous e Det ai l i ngonGoogl eSket chup

URBANDESI GNSTUDI O:Shaw/HowardUniversityurbaninfill.Spring2010

St .Pet er ’ sSquar eandBas i l i caAnal ys i s


:Spr i ng2010 Sket ches

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