Doctor backs healer’s distant healing sent 6,000 miles By Kano Baker HEALER Carol Everett’s abilities have been successfully measured by medical technicians, and the effects verified, by using thermal imaging cameras checking results in real time with a patient-tohealer distance of 6,000 miles. Some years ago, Professor Yoshio Machi, of Tokyo’s Denki University, tested Carol’s healing abilities, which were confirmed by a doctor before and after healing. Now Dr Enrique García Jiménez, who practises in Murcia, Spain, has likewise backed her gift concerning the latest tests involving the USA and Spain. In a testimonial, Dr Enrique explained that he was asked “to check sets of thermal images taken during healing to observe and comment as a doctor on changes in the images over the healing period and to decide if that change was as a result of healing. “There were no external influences other than the healing to make the changes that were observed… “When asked about the results I witnessed at a distance, it was sufficient to confirm clearly that changes happened by means of Carol Everett’s healing abilities.
“I have seen Carol’s healing ability over a number of years now. Though I do not understand how it happens, there is evidence from results obtained to support that her healing somehow has a beneficial effect. “Normally it is not possible to see this happening, but the thermal images from the tests allow it to be seen, as it has a direct influence on the patient.” During the 6,000-mile tests, three people received distant treatment from Carol, who was in her consulting room in Spain and used a video conferencing link. A patient named Dante in America was suffering from low energy levels, problems with moods and a hernia in his stomach. A police officer, he resides near Phoenix, Arizona. A sample of blood was taken from Dante’s finger and squeezed into a tube, which Carol healed for twenty minutes. Later, the blood was rubbed onto Dante’s
back followed by more distant healing. After the blood was rubbed onto his back, a thermal imaging camera detected changes, which continued. A thermal imaging technician said this could have resulted only from Carol’s healing. A second session, again using bloodtype healing, was carried out with the same techniques, but with no blood sample. Carol used her mind, which had an even more intense result. During treatment, Dante said that he “saw an orange light, which moved with a fluid motion in a horizontal figure of eight pattern. This was accompanied by a very pleasant peaceful feeling. “I felt my abdominal region, which was the area of focus, become very warm. Since healing, I experienced a significant increase in energy, which lasted about two weeks. “My abdomen feels tighter and warmer. I am calmer, more motivated and my outlook on life is certainly more positive.” The main candidate in the 6,000-mile tests was a patient called Roxanne, a legal secretary, who lives near Tucson, Arizona. She was also scanned thermally before and after healing. Carol was told that Roxanne
CAROL EVERETT gave healing to Roxanne, a patient in America, who was suffering from a lump in her breast with activity also affecting the lymph system under her arm. Explaining the images, which should be read left to right in each line, Carol commented: “Thermal cameras were set up to give a best balance and show normal as greenish. Agitated unhealthy areas will show up as hotter (more red) and poor circulation areas as cooler. The above shows healing over 21 minutes. “The affected areas change; the rest remains constant. The thermal images show a reduction in an area of agitation and activity during healing. There are no other influences present.Improvements were documented, but the tests were to measure the effect of energy healing at a distance. This was successful.”