拍攝理念 | 拍攝背景我選擇與海報的主色調相 同的顏色,我企圖延伸海報的視覺空間,統一 化整體畫面。此外,俯視的拍攝角度使觀眾更 容易閱讀海報資訊,並且我在海報與背景之間 創造一個高低落差,以增加視覺的層次效果。
Beautiful Daisy
Display concept | The background display was purposely chosen to mirror the color of the negative space in the poster. An overhead show was used so that it is easier for the audience to read the information provided. Using an adjusted height for the poster, this created a visual layering effect that further separated the poster to the background and created a visual effect of separation.
此海報為了於 2015 年舉辦的「美麗的 雛菊」男高音音樂會所設計的海報。 我將花叢圖片結合雛菊外觀,組成海報 主要的元素。橘紅色的底色為整體海報 的色彩定調之外,也賦予海報層次感。
另外,海報下方的乾淨底色區塊,提供 文字擺放的空間,增添資訊的易讀性。 整體的橘色系給人溫暖、春意盎然的 感覺,回應音樂會的名字「美麗的雛 菊」。
This poster was designed for the tenor concert " Beautiful Daisy " held in 2015. This image consisted of combining images of flower pictures with the appearance of daisies, to form the main elements of the poster. The orange background color not only sets the tone, but also gives the poster
a sense of hierarchy. The orange block at the bottom of the poster provides the negative space to allow for the text to increase visibility legibility. The overall color scheme provides a feeling of warmth and spring, echoing the name of the concert " Beautiful Daisy ".
聲樂音樂會海報設計 Concert Poster Design
此海報設計有三個提案, 最終選擇以花朵外觀結合 花叢圖片為主角的版本。 巨大的花朵強調音樂會主 題, 並 且 文 字 資 訊 也 清 晰、容易閱讀。
There were three proposals for this poster design. The final selection consisted of the proposal with the combination of flowers as the principal element. With the main flowers emphasizing the theme of the concert, and the text is easy to read.
美麗的雛菊 2015, 38x52 cm
Beautiful Daisy 2015, 38x52 cm
Taiwan Mutual Concert
此海報設計的重點為:妥善的組織視覺 元素,以及安排閱讀動線。 首先,由於標題文字與其他文字顏色的 差異,觀眾會先閱讀有漸層顏色的標題 然後,觀眾的視線來到海報上方,他們
會先閱讀到音樂會主題。接著,位於海 報的左側為演出人員們的照片,其後位 於海報右側標示音樂會的節目 ; 觀眾最 後將看到音樂會的資訊,位於海報的下 方部分收整於一塊乾淨的色塊處。
The main feature of this design is to incorporate a proper organization of visual elements and the arrangement of text. With the contrasting gradient color block, the title will be the first read which provides the overall theme of the poster. The left side consists of photos of the
performers, while the right half introduces the concert program.
海之星高中吹奏樂隊 音樂會海報設計 2015, 38x52 cm
" Hamamatsu Uminohoshi Highschool ( Japan) Wind Orchestra "
2015, 38x52 cm
Beneath that is a photo of performers set up to showcase the grandeur of the concert and this is achieved by placing the image on a clean block of color.
吹奏樂團音樂會 海 報 設 計 Concert Poster Design
此海報為 2015 年舉辦的國際管樂團在 台灣的巡迴音樂會——「日本海之星高 中吹奏樂隊演奏會」所設計。我企圖創 造輕快、愉悅的氛圍,像是於海報的標 題運用漸層的顏色、版面中央的彩虹色 塊,以及海報右上方的樂譜圖樣,回應 音樂樂曲給人輕鬆、豐富多采的感覺。
This poster was designed for the " Hamamatsu Uminohoshi Highschool (Japan) Wind Orchestra ", the international wind band tbat toured in Taiwan in 2015. The design idea was to create a light and pleasant atmosphere, using gradient colors in the title and a rainbow block in the center of the layout. The sheet music pattern on the upper right was utilized to create a relaxed and sophisticated feeling to convey the music.
Whispers of Winter
此圖為 2017 年舉辦的男高音獨唱音樂 會所設計的海報。 此張海報設計的靈感來自於音樂會的 名稱:在冬天呢喃的絮語。我分兩個層 次詮釋音樂會名稱:冬天、呢喃。「冬 天」給人蕭瑟的感覺,所以我使用灰冷 色調代表冬天的氛圍,作為海報的主
色調 ; 「呢喃」為人們的低聲細語的模 樣,我將此意象用於文字安排上。像是 人們的話語散佈於空氣中,音樂會資訊 的文字也分佈在海報的空間中。此外, 文字顏色選用玫紅色,此顏色為海報的 次色調,它強調海報的重要資訊,同時 也引導觀眾的閱讀動線。
This poster was designed for the tenor solo concert held in 2017. The design of the poster was inspired by the name of the concert “ Whispers in Winter ”, with the name of the concerted interpreted into two levels. “Winter,” as the first level provides a bleak feeling and utilized gray and cold color tones to represent winter. “Whisper,” as the second level is represented by
mumbling which utilizes the layout of the text arrangement to give off that impression by having the words scattered in the negative space. This is further enhanced by distributing the text across different areas and using a rose-red color as the secondary hue. This guides the eye path of information and emphasizes the importance of information with size hierarchy and color.
冬之語 音樂會海報設計 2017, 38x52 cm Whispers of Winter 2017, 38x52 cm
拍攝理念 | 我選擇玫紅為拍攝背 景顏色,與海報裡文字的顏色相 互呼應。照片中海報微幅翻起, 為整體畫面增添立體效果。 Display concept | The choice to use rose red as a background is to echo the color text in the poster and to enhance the rose red in the poster itself. The poster is slightly curved upwards to add a visual threedimensional effect.
聲樂音樂會海報設計 Concert Poster Design
Year of the Rooster Bookmark Design
這個設計為臺北市的西松國民小學 2016 學年的第二學期,所設計的新學期暨農 曆新年禮物。書籤的設計目的是作為禮 物送給小學生。 我繪製了小雞吉祥物為書籤角色,呼應 農曆的主題「雞年」。再者,雞吉祥物
的臉由兩顆愛心形狀組成,象徵恆心、 決心的寓意 ; 小雞的肚子則保留空白處, 寫上名言給予學生的祝福。
This project was designed for the 2nd semester of 2016 for the Xisong Elementary School in Taipei City to celebrate the Chinese New Year, year of the rooster. This is intended to be given to the elementary school students so the overall design had to be appealing to children of that age group. A rooster mascot was used as the main theme with the face being made up of two hearts which
symbolize perseverance and determination. The rooster’s belly was intentionally left open to allow text, popular and famous quotes are inserted in that space to give blessings to the students. There are three color variations for this design is bright yellow, red, and blue were used in consideration to what was appealing for that age group.
小雞的插圖分別配上色彩鮮明的黃、紅、 藍三款基調顏色,讓整體設計充滿童趣。
格言書夾小設計 Bookmark Design
此圖由我繪製的書籤的草 稿圖。 This image is a mockup of the bookmark.
雞年書籤 , 2017, 12x5 cm
Year of the Rooster Bookmark Design, 2017, 12x5 cm
雞年書籤有三款顏色,並分 別結合三句名言於書籤中 心,給予同學們新學期的期 望。 With three different variations, Year of the Rooster bookmark is showcased with a quote in the center, in hopes to create promising expectations for the new semester.
日春露茶包 此傳單為了一間立體茶包代工公司所 設計。 此宣傳單最有特色的設計為其 折法。這間公司的總經理企圖將立體茶 包的包裝形式的概念,應用於其公司的 傳單設計中。他希望客戶打開傳單就像 是拆禮物一般獲得驚喜。每當顧客每打 開宣傳單的一層面,就會隨著打開步驟 讀取資訊,接著在傳單的核心部分顧客 將獲得一個茶包樣本。此一傳單的設計
行銷傳單設計 2020, 29.7x21 cm
Creative Marketing Flyer design 2020, 29.7x 21 cm
Tea Bag OEM
ChunLu Company
將趣味性與實用性融合於一身。 此傳單的正面主要為公司的重要資訊: 公司名稱、標語、LOGO、聯絡人的資 訊、QR code 連結等。傳單的背面則標 示其公司的服務項目,依版面分為上中 下三大區塊:上方的部分為包裝工廠以 及機器的圖片 ; 中間的區塊為文字塊說 明公司的服務特點及項目 ; 下方則為示 意圖說明客製化文字印製。
創意營銷傳單設計 Marketing flyer design
This was designed as a promotional flyer and packaging, for a tea bag OEM company. The distinctive feature of this leaflet is the folding method and to incorporate the concept of the three-dimensional tea bag packaging. This was designed in hopes that the receiving party would be surprised when opening the flyer and seeing the tea bag sample. As the flyer is opened, there will be information provided along with the next step, which will reveal the sample at
the end. This design encompasses the idea of fun and practicality and a design solution for marketing usage. The front of the flyer consists of the company information while the back of the flyer has the service items, divided into three major sections. The first top section is the image of the packaging factory, the middle is a text block explaining the services/projects and the lower section displaying the customized text printing.
LIU, Chieh-Hsuan About After graduating from the Applied Art Department of Fu Jen Catholic University in 2016 and with two years of working experience in photojournalism in Taiwan, I managed in various situations of photography. Diligent and responsible, high team spirit and interpersonal skills represent my personality. I started to pursue my studies in the theory of visual art in France in 2019 at University of Paris 8 - Vincennes in Saint-Denis.
+33 6 34 54 88 82
https://www.instagram. com/lchactionphoto/
Chinese | Native language
Adobe software
English | Current
French | Current (B2)
Indesign, Premier, Lightroom, Illustator, Photoshop,
Awards & Exhibition « Microcosme » LIU CHIEH- HUSAN Initial Exhibition
« Capture the Moment Belongs to You » Photography Competition Judges' list award
Education University of Paris 8 (Vincennes - Saint-Denis) / Master 1 in Plastic Arts - Photography 2020-NOW History of photography, research methods, studio technology, film production
University of Paris 8 (Vincennes - Saint-Denis) / Bachelor of Fine Arts - Photography 2019-2020 Thesis on "identity and self-awareness in the image: a conversation between the photographer and himself" Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City, Taiwan/ Applied Art Department - Visual Communication Group 2019-2020 Layout and printing, graphic design, packaging design, corporate identity design
Experience CommonWealth Parenting Magazine/ Photojournalist 2016-2018 Filming for the articles of the magazine, commercial photography, self-produced reports and videos. « Face to Taiwan » Taiwanese Journal/ Story Reporter Sep.- Dec. /2015 Filming for the articles of the magazine, commercial photography, self-produced reports and videos.
Belle Fashion Magazine Photography Studio/ Photography Assistant Internship Jul.-Aou. 2014 Reception of the clients, assisting photographer or models during the process, per-operation and lighting siting, homing all the studio equipment after working