This book was written by the students of 74th Street Elementary School in Fall 2023.
The views expressed in this book are the authors and do not nessesarily reflect those of 826LA. We support student publishing and are thrilled you picked up this book.
Las Opiniones expresadas en este libro son las de los autores y no reflejan necesariamente las de 826LA. Apoyamos la publicación. de jóvenes autores y estamos delices que haya recogido este libro.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reporduced in any form without written permission from the publisher.
Editor(s): Maddie Silva
Typesetter: Kotomi Knox
Cover Art : Rodolfo Montalvo
Illustrator: Patrick Diaz
Echo Park 1714 W. Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90026
Mar Vista 12515 Venice Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90066
This book is a sneak peek into the imaginative and hopeful future that awaits us.
When the third grade students at 74th Street Elementary School were asked to envision and describe a special portal that took them to their unique future, they went above and beyond. They responded with uninhibited descriptions, sensory details aplenty, and narratives that take us right alongside the journey with them. From flying cars to friendly crocodiles to candy-coated planets, the future is looking bright.
To bring this book to life, 826LA partnered with the students and educators of 74th Street Elementary School over the course of two and a half weeks to facilitate a handful of in-classroom sessions with each third grade class. In these sessions (upon the official request of our quirky time-traveling publishing boss, Professor Barnacle) students carefully brainstormed, drafted, and revised their pieces, adding titles, author’s bios, and their ideas for the book’s design.
As you read, you will see that each chapter begins with a story each class wrote altogether. Following that are the students’ individual continuations of the story, describing their unique doors to their unique futures.
Now read on, and enjoy your trip to the future!
Chapter One
Once upon a time, there was a bright group of third graders from Ms. Hudson’s and Ms. Smith’s class at 74th Street Elementary School.
They were all on a journey to somewhere very special.
It started near a library in New York City. The library was magical because it was filled with flying books that when opened, could send you to the future.
The students picked up one of these books and unlocked it with a key. It turned them small as ants and they fell into the pages. It was a zigzag journey through the pages.
They saw birds, trees, and even themselves in one of the drawings. It all smelled like strawberry apple pie. Then they heard a voice say, “Your future awaits” and the sound of pages flipping. They felt so happy to be on the journey. After two years, they finally reached their destination.
They stepped out of their magical book and saw doors all around them. There was one door for every student. If they stepped through the door with their name on it, the students would find themselves in their very special future!
Each student set off to find their unique door …
My Door is Magic
Kyree M.
Kyree is a third grader. His favorite food is pizza and he plays Roblox too.
When you get inside my door you will have magic. You can choose your magic!
To get to my door I have to do a certain knock to get in. I have to jump across the cliff with a trampoline to land on the fluffy part, and to the door I go. The key is for my door and it is cool. My door from the inside is my wonder.
In my door I have to do a maze, then an adventure full of magic. It allows me to use spells. I can fly. I can shoot fireballs. I can do anything I want. I can do water magic, air magic, and earth magic. It is like a game.
My future is…magic.
Golden Door
Aleela A.
Aleela likes playing tag and she is from Los Angeles. She can run fast. She hopes you will be shocked because her story is insane.
When I get to my door, I swim with fish and octopus to go to my door. Behind my door are birds and flowers and candy growing out of plants. How I get to open the door is by riding on a big fox. I am blindfolded and what I smell are candy and flowers and pumpkin pie. I taste donuts and I feel bumpy stuff around my skin. I see crystals and diamonds and treasure and my door is made of lemons. On my door there are flowers. When I put my ear on my door, I can hear sparkles and waves.
When I step through my door I will be 50 years old and I will see birds. I will hear birds and I will feel something soft. I will taste cookies, I will smell blueberry pie, and I will be with my family. I will be able to be kind and helpful. These will be the rules on the other side of the door: Be kind, we can eat donuts, and I will play tag whenever I want.
The Another Side
Amanda G-P
Amanda is a 3rd grader. She likes to color. When she is not writing, she spends time with three cats and two dogs. She is from Los Angeles. She hopes you like her story.
I feel nervous and excited so I walk to my door.
To get to my door I have to walk to the bridge made of colorful wood under the grass. Around my door I see sparkling water. It smells like lavender and it feels like a soft cozy blanket. To open my door I push it. It feels like wood. I hear birds chirping and see the waterfall splashing. I taste mango fruit. The door looks like water and grass. My family can go through the door. When I put my ear to the door I can hear the ocean.
On the other side of my door, I will be 18 years old! I will see birds. I will hear munching. It will smell like fresh air. I will feel cold like the pool. I will be with my family, my friends, my pet dogs and pet cats. Something I will be able to do is have a boat to float on the ocean. I will feel happy. The rule will be that everybody will clean everything in the world.
After that I go to sleep and I wake up.
Aaron E.
To get to my door I have to beat a cheetah in a race. So I beat the cheetah in the race. Then, I have to grab a rope and if I let go, I fall in the water and I have to restart. My door is made out of lollipops and candy canes and I have to find a key to unlock the door. I have to walk through a pool of water. If I slip I have to restart. Around my door I smell sour apples and my candy colors are red, blue, and yellow. I taste apple pie when I go through the door.
When I open my door, I will be 29 years old and I will see my friends and family waiting for me through my door. I will hear cats meowing. The cats will be meowing because they want donuts. I will feel candy cows. They will feel soft and fluffy. I will taste apple pie. I will be 29 years old. I will see my friends and family. I will hear cats. I will feel cows.
My friend Johnathan, he has been with me in 3rd grade. We were playing Blox Fruits. Johnathan just rolled a sound fruit and I just rolled the new sound fruit too. John and I just got rage v4.
The End.
Alexa S.
To get to my door, I have to go on a block. Around my door are bits of pie. I smell popcorn. There are snakes. To open the magic door there is a special lock.
On the other side of my door I will be 19 years old! I will see gummy bears. I will taste blueberries. I will feel like butterflies. I will be with my friends and family.
The Flower of Vines
April D.
April is a third grader. April likes to do art and likes to draw people. She is from Los Angeles. She hopes you feel happy reading her story.
To get to my door I have to walk to the dirt. Then I have to swing to the vines to get to the portal. I have to get through the dangerous mad flowers. I see a door with flowers. I see roses and sunflowers. Around my door I see lights, vines, and flowers. There is also a flower on it. Around my door I hear it call my name and when it does, it brings me in. Around my door I smell tall sunflowers inside.
When I step through my door, I will smell sweetness. I will be with my funny friends. When I open my door, I will see my cousin and sister and I will go to them and hug them so tight. And I will run to hug them and smile. And then I will love them forever and ever and ever and ever. And then every day I will read them their favorite bedtime story. On the other side of my door, I will have to water my plants.
And my cousins and my sister will be able to get their favorite things.
In my future I see me always being with my cousin.
The Weird Twisted Land
Jaiden C.
Jaiden C. likes playing soccer and likes all sports.
To get to my door there is a next stop to get to my void and there is gonna be ice and a ghost voice saying, “oooooooooh” and the ghost is floating over them. They smell strawberry cupcakes and they smell sweet and like chocolate around my door. They arrive at my door and the students see fire and needles on my door and a voice comes and says: “If you can solve my riddle, you can go through my door. How does a cupcake become rotten?” One of the students says, “Because it was too old.”
I then see two portals that have two pictures and that have a snake in the middle of the void. The students see a soccer ball and a football.
Spider Punk and Me!
Jayden T.
Jayden lives in California and Los Angeles. He likes to draw and be Spider Punk! He hopes you dream on and be creative and watch the Spider Man movie.
I swing to my door and I ride on my crocodile in the ocean wearing a cool suit.
Around my door I see a magical crocodile. To get to my door I have to do a magic spell called Spider Man swings. Around my door I hear a spooky sound. It says, “We’re waiting for you.” I smell cinnamon apple berry pie around my door. I taste cake and pie around my door. I feel my crocodile with magical bumps. To open my door you need a magical key in the sewer. My door is made of wood. On my door there are snakes. They are friendly and poisonous but sometimes they’re not. When I put my ear to the door, I hear webs. The snakes sound like hisssssss. It feels like web and wood.
On the other side of my door, I will be 16 years old. I will see Spider Punk. I will hear spiderwebs and jingle bells. I will smell pie and taste pizza, spaghetti, hamburgers, and french fries. I will feel snakes. I will be with Mike and Jasmine and mommy and daddy and Chelle and Canidey and Damien and Kahlil and Steve and Aron and Antwone and Autumn and Desdemona and Scarlett. Something I won’t be able to do is make people alive. I will be able to be protective.
In My Door is Christmas
Mariah C.
Mariah likes to make bracelets and she is from Los Angeles.
I am feeling happy because I see candy and Christmas leading up to my door.
To get to my door I have to catch cotton candy and to catch candy I have to get a bag. Around my door I see sour candy and Christmas. Around my door I smell a chocolate factory and I taste chocolate. Around my door I feel like Alice in Wonderland because she is also nine like me. To open my door I have to find six keys to open six books. My door is made of sparkles. On my door there are hearts. When I put my ear on the door, I can hear birds and sounds. I love you, you love me.
On the other side of my door, I will be ten years old. I will see Christmas, I will hear birds, I will taste chocolate, I will feel snow. I will be with my friends and my mom and my dad. I will feel as happy as when I am eating ice cream. My door will be magical. I will throw snowballs and every girl will be able to get their nails done. The girl will get pretty nails done. I will be nice and feed the homeless.
A Christmas Door
Milagros C.
Milagros is a third grader. She likes to write long stories about doors. Her favorite things to do are dance, write, eat spiciness, and swim.
I feel excited so I run to my door.
Around my door I see Christmas lights and Christmas light-up stickers and it’s in New York City. There are plants around my door. There’s pink snow in New York City. My door is made of pink snow that smells like flowers. When I put my ear to the door, I can hear waves from the blue ocean. To get to my door I have to go through a big forest and through the desert. To open my door I have to ring a doorbell. Ghosts can go through my snow door with Christmas lights and Christmas light-up stickers with glitter.
When I go to the other side of my door, I will hear waves from the ocean. I will smell apple pie, I will taste popcorn, and I will feel like I’m in the ocean. I will be with my two sisters, my two brothers, and my mom and dad. I will be able to learn how to read a three hundred ten page book and I will also learn how to be a math magician. I will feel happy. These are my rules: Everybody gets a cookie once a day. My second rule is no screaming. My last rule is no making messes if you are not going to clean them up. I will be 20 years old. After that I will go to sleep and then I will wake up.
Naomi’s Adventure at the Library
Naomi T.
Naomi is a third grader that loves to draw and she’s from LA. Also, she likes to sing with her sister. She hopes the readers like the story. Naomi loves to spend time with her family.
The first thing I notice is that there are roses.
To get to my door, I have to read a book about witches. The book is brown and soft and it smells like chocolate cupcakes. The book is in the special field of grass that is always green and hard. Around my door I hear a sky blue crow. It goes “kaw kaw.” Around my door I smell daisies. They smell super sweet. To open my door, I have to press a button that is red and shiny and big.
On the other side of my door, I will be 21 years old. On the other side of my door, I will see blue butterflies. I will hear dripping water. I will smell roses. I will taste spike trees. I will feel excited. I will be with my sister Trinity and my mom Alexis and my cousin. I will feel excited. Some things I will be able to do are drive a car. I will be a police officer. I will also be a soccer player.
I am excited to be 21 years old.
The Blue Ocean
Scarlett H-P
Scarlett is in 3rd grade and she likes to dance, swim, and run. She also likes to spend time with her family. She is a nice person.
My ocean will carry me to my door.
To get to my door you have to swim in a blue warm ocean. You have to see a bird. And I see a shark and a whale. Around my door I hear birds singing and I smell fresh sand and trees. I feel hot as the sun. To open my door I have to get a bird key. My door is made of sand. On my door there are leaves. When I put my ear to the door, I can hear waves and sand. My door is made of brown sand and it feels soft and it has little rocks.
When I walk to my door, I will be 21 years old. And I will feel happy and brave. And I will taste candy. I will be able to breathe underwater and you will be able to do whatever you want in my door. You will be able to eat candy all day long. I will be able to fly in the sky. Also I will be able to see the world and I will be invisible. And I will see other people behind my door.
Sebastian G.
I am so nervous, but happy, so I run to my door.
To get to my door I have to walk on books. Around my door there is water. I see diamonds. I hear whales. I smell flowers. To open my door, I open it with a key. I find diamonds. I can swim, make bouquets of roses and green plants, read books, and I feel myself. In my future rules, you can’t wear black. My house will be made of flowers. My dog will also be made of chocolate.
That’s my life until today?
The Sunlit City
Steven G.
Steven’s hobbies are games including running. He likes seafood like crab legs and clam soup with shrimps. He hopes you have a bright future.
“That’s my future,” I think.
To get to my door I say the opposite password. Then I fall into the void. When the void gets dark, I fall in a pool of money. I fall into the void for four weeks. Around my door I will see pizza. I will hear the song “We Are the Champions.” I will smell pepperoni pizza. I will taste cheese and pepperoni. I will feel joyful. To open my door I have to put my cat on the secret floating paper. My door will be made of the strongest rock on Earth.
When I step through my door I will be nine years old. I will see a shiny city. I will smell fresh air and I will hear the song “We Are the Champions.” I will feel calm. And everyone will deserve a fat cookie from the mayor.
Chapter Two
Once upon a time, there was a bright group of 3rd graders from Ms. Carrington’s class at 74th Street Elementary School.
They were all on a journey to somewhere very special.
It started on the shore of the ocean. The students saw fish, sharks, starfish, and seahorses in the waves. They were confused because they weren’t sure how they got there, but also happy to start their journey. They took off flying over the ocean past the rainbow sky. In the ocean below, they saw whales and sharks jumping out of the water. They also heard birds whistling, the sound of whales, relaxing music coming from a lake, and water rushing. They smelled a weird smell of fish, but also some strawberry flowers and the scent of Oreo vanilla chocolate ice cream.
It took a whole year to get to this door. Luckily, they packed snacks and ate Lays, cookies, chocolate, and a Ring Pop along the way.
Finally, they reached their destination after their long ocean journey.
They landed from their flight and saw doors all around them. There was one door for every student. If they stepped through the door with their name on it, the students would find themselves in their very special future.
Each student set off to find their unique door…
Going Inside My Door
Rommel O-H
Rommel likes to make up games and obstacle courses. He hopes you like his story.
When I see my door, the first thing I smell is fresh air.
My door has fish and water. My door has a big octopus. First, I have to say a name to open my door. Venom is the name that opens my lock. I tap the wood. I hear waves pushing. My door is made of wood.
I step through my door and I feel curious.
My Door About Nature
Elena S.M.
Elena is from Los Angeles and loves to watch movies. Her favorite movie is Princess and the Frog. She also loves reading long books. She hopes you enjoy her book.
When I see my door, butterflies carry me to my door.
To get to my door I have to finish a puzzle. After I finish the puzzle it will give me the key to open the door and only my family and my friends can get to my door. Around my door there are bushes, vines, and a rainbow. My door smells like baked pancakes. And around my door I can hear birds singing. I can also taste cookies. On my door I can feel leaves. I can also see butterflies. My door is made of trees and leaves. When I put my ear to the door, I can hear a beautiful waterfall and rabbits hopping.
When I’m at my door I will be ten years old. When I step through my door, I will see deer, butterflies, and rabbits. When I step through my door, I will feel grass and flowers. In my door, I will be with my family and my friends. These are the rules on the other side of my door: no scaring the animals and no destroying anything.
In my door, I will be ten years old. I will be able to see trees, a waterfall, and animals. I will be able to hear beautiful music. I will be able to feel grass and flowers. I will be able to taste cookies. I will be able to smell flowers and fresh air. Through my door I will be with my family and friends. Through my door,
I will be able to fly, teleport, talk to animals, and shapeshift.
The rules inside my door will be that every animal has a loving family, second is that everyone gets powers and can fly, and lastly, everyone gets to have fun. When I go through my door I will be really happy. My door will be as green as grass.
My future is about caring for nature.
My Future Door
Titus A.
Titus is from Maryland and likes to play sports like basketball and football.
I get catapulted to my door.
To get to my door, I have to look in the security camera. Then I have to tell the magic word: math. Around my door there are 11 cars. My door is like everything I ever imagined. And it is awesome. The door feels like future-ish. It is hot like the beach and cold like the water when you first get in. Inside my door is what I imagined.
In my door I am 18. The people that can go in my door are my homies and my fam. I see basketball games. I hear and1 shoes. I smell the ice cream. I taste the ice cream. I accomplish being in the NBA and I win 3,100,000 NVP. I feel like a champion. The rules are no snitching, you have to work out to start your day, have fun.
My future is the NFL.
Chris M.T.
When I see my door, I feel like a superhero.
To get to my door I have to touch the bell. My door has trees, flowers and ivory. On my side of the door, I can see the people pass by my door and the street.
When I step through, I will be ten years old. The people in my door will stay quiet. When I step through my door, I will smell flowers and trees.
On the other side of my door, I will have a cat and he will play with me. I will hear my cat’s voice and I will see my cat play with other white and black cats. I will smell flowers on the other side of the door. I will feel good because I will play with my cat. I will be able to speak more English when I am ten years old. This will be the rule on the side of my door: Everyone is able to learn.
This is my adventure.
The Future Book
Carolina B.
Carolina loves eating pears. They are so yummy and she likes running so fast. She likes rainbows.
When I see my door, I am running to my door.
To get to my door I have to get keys and a code. Around my door I see radiant sun and twinkling stars. Around my door I feel fresh air. Around my door I smell cherry blossoms. Around my door I taste mint. Around my door I see shiny grass. To open my door I have to get keys. My door is made of metal. When I put my ear to the door, I can hear rain.
When I step through my door, I am 19 years old. I see books. I hear singing birds. I feel good and there is snow on the ground. I taste pie. I smell flowers. I am with Ms. Carrington, Kennedy, and I. I am able to ride my bicycle and read books and eat. These are the rules on the other side of my door: Do not be bad, be good, do not make a messy.
It is about happiness.
Baby Shark
Jasmine T.
Jasmine likes blueberries, strawberries, and chocolate Oreo cookie dough.
I will feel like a hero!
My door is like magic and potions and candy. Baby shark is inside. To open my door I say, “baby shark.” It is fluffy and fresh and sweet. You can hear the ocean and you can smell some flowers. I feel happy. I might say “Bluey” to open it. It opens. There is a big baby shark and Bluey, and I play with them.
Next year I am going to be nine and I am going to do whatever I want. Every day I will get ice cream and my family will come. I will feel so good.
Teona Frog
Jay’Lynn D.
Jay’Lynn loves art, fashion, and food. She is from LA and loves butterflies and can make bracelets.
I love and feel roses.
To get to my door I have to cross the lava and go to the forest. I'm there and it is raining too. I’m at my door and it is a wet park and I taste raindrops in my mouth. What I hear is birds and owls and I see two chips and hot lava. It is dark outside with stars and when I get to my door, me and my friends and mom and dad and BFF can go in. When I go in my door, I can get snacks and eggs and there are going to be a lot of fashion clothes! And the door is made out of stars.
To get to my door, I have to be 20 and you have to love stars and you have to be happy. If you are none of these things, you will fall in the lava and you will get wet because you are walking in the forest. The stars will get you and you will fall in the lava. My rules are you have to take off your shoes so I can see if you love lava.
My future is bright and pretty.
My Magical Door
Maiann R.
Maiann likes reading chapter books, running, and teaching. One more thing she likes is swimming.
I describe something funny. I run to my door because I am so excited to see my brother.
To get to my door you have to walk on peppermints. What's around my door is hearts, flowers, colors, and sharp teeth. Around my door I see sweet donuts. In the air I hear chirping and to open my door you have to eat five donuts and my door is made out of rainbow bricks.
What’s on the other side is a fairy and dancing skeletons. I hear whistling and I smell smoke. I taste hot dogs and I am going to be with my mom and dad and my sister. Some things I will be able to do is be a doctor and make pancakes. One more thing I will be able to do is drive a car. I love my family and I am loved by so many people who love me and each person gets cupcakes.
My future is about kindness and it is also about my BFF. I feel grateful for the world.
Once upon a time, there was a bright group of third graders from Ms. Stafford’s class at 74th Street Elementary School.
They were all on a journey to somewhere very special.
It started in 2000 B.C. in a magical forest filled with friendly animals that had the ability to talk. There were plenty of tall trees shaped like triangles and squares and a curved path of rocks that took them where they needed to go. All around they could hear monkeys and lions talking and the sound of a rabbit’s teeth chattering. The forest had the smell of magical air—mint, chocolate chips, and the scent of a new toy.
The students were excited to start their journey, so they jumped into their time machine that looked like a door and were off. It took two long years to get to their destination. Luckily, the journey was smooth and calm. Along the way they snacked on sandwiches, burgers, Hot Cheetos, chocolate chips, cakes, and cupcakes. They downed it all with a glass of lemonade.
Finally, they reached their destination. They stepped out of their time machine and saw doors all around them. There was one door for every student. If they stepped through the door with their name on it, the students would find themselves in their very special future.
Each student set off to find their unique door…
My Mysterious Future Door
Eden S.
Eden is a beautiful kid who is eight years old and loves to dance, play, and has two published books. She loves to read and sleep. Her favorite color is blue. She has two baby turtles and one bunny. She hopes you love and care for her book.
Something magical happens. I meet a huge and friendly lion that appears out of thin air.
“Don’t eat me!” I say, but he is very nice to me.
“I will not eat you,” he says.
To find my door, I have to ride my friend lion. But first, I have to get past his very high-leveled guards. Now I have to look in his den. I find him and now I have to ride him and now I am here. Around my door there are a bunch of exotic plants and berries. To open my door I have to slam a button on the floor and only people that I am family with can come in, but the button is camouflage and only I know where it is. My door is made of fresh lavender and on the other side of the door you can smell a lot of mint in the breeze. The only shapes on the door are stars and they are in a pattern and that same pattern is on the button, and the pattern means you can go in.
On the other side of my door I will be 20 years old!! Some things I will be able to do is chomp all of the candy I want to eat. Another thing I will be able to do is get as many animals as I desire.
At my door I will feel very empowered and brave.
Some laws that I have on the other side of my door is you can not smoke or abuse anybody.
I will only allow Kali-Rose, Jolie, Nia, Ryleigh, Noah, Malik, Jeremiah, Genesis, and Ms. Stafford in my room. And if you break the laws you get locked out.
My Bright Future
Adriana G.B.
Adriana is a writer from Los Angeles who loves to swim, write, and cook. If you love reading then you have to come to her house because you can read chapter books all day long. She hopes you love reading about her bright future!
“Oh no, it’s back,” something scary says. “Here we go again. Ahhhh.”
To get to my door you have to swim with funny fish and then you have to go through a portal. Then you have to say, “Door, please open.”
You will smell mint. You will see my guards and say, “I’m here to see someone. Can I come inside?”
You will see a dog. The dog will lead you to me. You will hear the song “Diamonds.” My door will be made of fluffy clouds and flowers. My rules will be you have to take off your shoes and you have to be eight through 30 years old. You will have to put your ear on the door. It will take four years so I will be 12 years old when someone comes. I will invite you inside so we can watch a long movie.
After, the rules will be that you have to take a bath every two days and you will be able to color, swim, and walk on clouds. I will feel happy. I will be with my mom, sister, Ms. Stafford, and my dog. I will call a friend to come over because I am happy–a little too happy. My friend will come over, then we will go rock climbing, and then we will go to get ice cream.
Andre M.
First, I see my dragon get three heads and ten feet bigger.
I have to hop an extreme hot pool of like extreme lava to get to my door. I see scales from a dragon. I hear chewing and roars. It smells like meat. It tastes like beef. I feel scales. To open my door, there is a hand scan and I see a tail on the back. There are spikes. I will be 30 years old. When I put my ear on the door, I hear crunching. When I step in, I see a ten foot red dragon that breathes lava and licks me with his tongue and I jump on him and he flys. I see meteors fall.
When I step through my door, I will be 30 years old. I will see a ten foot dragon, I will hear chewing Iowa beef from the dragon, I will feel the sun from the dragon’s breath like burning lava.
The Secret Future
Charles H.
Charles is a writer from South Los Angeles who likes creating stuff, soccer, and writing. His best friends are Kingston, Jayce, Sebastian, and Logan. He hopes you enjoy The Secret Future.
Once upon a time I went to explore the mountains until I found a portal with crystals around it. I decided to drive my Tesla on a huge mountain in the U.S. and went driving around at 5:30. Then I found a door. It was filled with crystals. When I put my ear on it and I heard an ocean and shiny sounds, I opened it and went flying to the clouds. Then everything was black. I woke up and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I checked the date on my phone. There were eight days in a week! It was a Titan Day and there were thirty-two days in a month.
I was welcome in the city and stayed. And there was a new animal–you needed to boil it before cooking. It tasted better than turkey and the year was 3023. The year had an extra month! And before I went through the door somehow I found out the shape. The thirteenth month was called Leptember. I would be 15 years older when I walked through the door to the future.
After a few months of being in the future, I wanted to go back to the past. But I forgot where the door was. I was stuck in the future. I decided to watch videos from one thousand years ago. I watched so much trying to remember where the door was. I watched digital circus, Tom and Jerry, and other old videos. Soon I was so happy I finally remembered where the door was.
I drove there, then went through, and flew straight to the clouds.
I woke up again and used the old Tesla and went to my family. They were so worried.
They were so happy to find me.
They asked, “Where were you?”
I said, “In the future.”
They were so shocked. They went with me to the door. They asked, “Why are you driving an expensive Tesla?”
I said, “I’ve tried any car. This will work.”
Soon there was the door and the family was speechless. They walked through and went to the clouds and woke up. I said, “This is the third time I came and woke up.” They went to the city where neon and shiny lights were. It was very loud until they were stopped by a L.E.D police car!
They said, “You need a wild pass.” I paid for it later to explore it and they returned and exposed the very big secret. Since then people kept coming through the years.
The End.
Dominic’s Dragon Ball Super Door
Dominic D.
Dominic is an author who lives in Los Angeles. His favorite things to do are write and math.
“I see flan!! Wow, that flan looks good! I’m ready to go!!” I scream.
This is how I get to my door: First, I have to open many doors to get to the door I need to get to. Then, I have to make a password. The password is “091682.” Then I have to say “hello tello.”
Once I go into my door, I will be 20 years old and some things I will be able to do are play football and track. And on the other side of the door there is raining candy.
Calming World
Genesis C-P
Genesis is a 3rd grader and her favorite colors are purple, violet, and white. Her family was born in Guatemala. She has a girl dog named Ellie. Genesis is nine years old. Her favorite thing when she is bored is to play with Ellie (dog), draw, read, sleep, and make bracelets. She hopes you love her future story.
Something magical happens. Glitter is sparkling everywhere! I see my door falling and my door drops from the sky.
To get to my door I have to see a heart-shaped key in the ground. Around the door there is lavender and daisies, but not only a little bit–a lot! Around my door I can hear waves of a lake, and I can smell lavender and daisy! Around my door I taste cotton candy and the flavors are strawberry and blueberry. And if I feel the door it will feel soft like cotton candy. To open my door I have to pick up the heart-shaped key. My door will be made of flowers, lavender, roses, daisies, and sunflowers. On my door there are sprinkles. They are rainbow-colored and shaped as a heart. When I put my ear on the door, I can hear water splashing.
One day, I will be ten years old. I will be with my classmate and teacher and my helpers from 826LA and my dog and family. Some things I will be able to do is get better at drawing and make better food. I will feel proud of myself. These rules will exist on the other side of my door: My rules will be people won’t have allergies and everybody will have two squish mellows.
The Many Many Doors
Isaac C.
Isaac is a 3rd grader and he likes math and numbers and + - x ➗ and sometimes reading. He likes eating fries, pancakes with syrup, and sliced apples. He lives in Los Angeles.
And then I hear something falling. I take many steps back and then a lock falls out of nowhere. I say, “What?”
To get to my door, I have to find the password to my door and it is numbers around the room. Around my door are rocks and bricks and trees. When I put my ear to the door, I can hear robot animals. My door is made of hard metal made from the year 5618 from smart 30,000,000 robots. To open my door I find a key and check 100 doors. Around my door I taste pizza. It tastes good and yummy. A topping on it is pepperoni. Around my door I feel hard stuff, soft and fluffy. On my door there is metal and nice robot guards, four of them.
When I eat the pizza on the door, the bite I take on it comes back. When I step through my door, I will see a big maze. I will have 400 minutes. I will be ten years old. Someone that has never played bingo will have to do the maze again but 10% harder.
The One Piece
Jayce T.K.
Something special happens. My door appears. “I want to go time traveling!” I think.
I have to cross a line to get to my door, a zoo, and a pool. To open my door I put a code in: 5599266. The people who can go through the door are me and my friends.
On the other side of my door, I will be 45 years old. I will be with my GF. Some things I will be able to do are eat pizza all day and play tag. I will be joyful. These rules will exist on the other side of my door: eat, play, sleep, yes drinking water, and math. Everyone has to do math all day.
The Special Door
Jayden G-O
Jayden is from Los Angeles and is a third grader. He loves to make stories and when he’s not making books, he helps his little brother and helps his mom. He hopes you enjoy his story!
When I say, “Ouch,” my door appears in front of me and it yells, “Try to get inside!”
To get to my door I have to climb a ladder but under the ladder there are sharks and alligators. Around my door I see sharks looking for people so they can munch on them. The alligators will try to climb up
the hills around the water so they can get to the ladder to eat up fish! Around my door I hear the ladder shaking a bit and I hear sharks, alligators, and lions. The lions are roaring because they are hungry.
To open my door I have to answer three math questions. Who can go through my door are people 9-60 years old. Around my door I smell fries, cookies, and carrots. My door is made from chicken nuggets and little cookies.
Around my door I feel chicken nuggets and small cookies. On my door there are two buttons and three math questions. When I put my ear to the door, I hear robots and humans.
On the other side of my door, I will be 11 years old. Some things I will be able to do are fly with jet pack shoes and walk on lava and water.
The rules that will exist on the other side of my door are that you have to eat noodles. If you’re allergic, you can eat your favorite food and you can have free toys and games. On the other side of my door, I will be proud so much. On the other side of my door, I will be with my classmates, my family, my pet, and animals. I will hear lions and robots roaring and singing.
Jolie’s World
Jolie O-A
Jolie is a beautiful girl from Los Angeles who loves to watch television. Her favorite things to play are with her dog, skating, and hoverboarding. When she is not watching TV, she draws and copies things. She hopes her readers are amazed.
The portal appears. You know what that means. Here we go again. Ugggh.
To get to my door, I have to go through a portal and then the portal says, “You have finally reached your destination.”
Also it smells delicious like mint. In the portal it plays lots of hip hop music and you can watch a long movie in it because it is only one hour and it goes fast like a rollercoaster. The portal is a tunnel but is also a disco party and when you have to go somewhere you can say where you want to go. My door looks clear and around it is thick pencil lead.
Nobody can see through the door, but I can see through the door. When I put my ear to the door I can hear my dogs barking. To open my door I have to put my finger onto the doorknob so if I scan it, it knows it is me. On my door there are cute stickers that look like a unicorn and pups.
In addition, some things I will be able to do are gymnastics, hip hop dancing, and singing karaoke. These rules will exist on the other side of my door: When people come inside of my house, first they have to do their best dance. Also no one can jump on my couch and bed. When I step through my door, I will be ten years old. I will be with my best friend Kali-Rose, my mom, Micah, Jo’Elle, and Ms. Stafford.
I am able to cook in my room and drive a Tesla. Also my best friend will say, “Is that my bestie in a tessie!”
Kali-Rose’s Unusual Door
Kali-Rose M.
Kali-Rose is from Los Angeles. She loves to drive, rock climb, and style hair. She styles her siblings’ hair and she can ride a hoverboard. She plays with her pet. She hopes her readers are interested.
Someone says, “wow” to someone’s path to their door but they say “wow” because suddenly the cloud path disappears and reappears. Someone tries to cross the cloud path but it is an elf and it falls off of the cloud path while walking on it.
To get to my door I have to walk on along fluffy clouds. Around my door I observe dark storm clouds. Around my door I smell cotton candy. Around my door I hear rain drops that are relaxing. Around my comfy place when I walk to my secret place I can feel sparkles shooting at me from the ceiling. Around my door I taste cotton candyflavored snow. To open my comfy place I have to put my finger print on my door.
In addition, something I will be able to do is do hair. These rules will exist on the other side of my door: no bullying, take your shoes off outside of my door, you can only have cotton candy mint ice cream for dessert. I will be able to rock climb in the hair salon for free time.
When I step through my door, I will be ten years old. I will be with my best friend Jolie, Jolie’s mom, Jolie’s sister Jo’Elle, my mom, and my dog Coco. I will be able to cook in my room and I will be able to drive a car. It will be a Tesla.
Kaylani Stories
Kaylani M.
Kaylani is a writer from Los Angeles who loves to write animal stories about time travel. Her favorite things to do are dance, cheer, and write. You can find her curled up with a good book. She hopes you enjoy her piece about her bright love!
To get to my door I have to swim with fishes. Around my door I see fluffy clouds and flowers. Around my door I hear all of my favorite songs. Around my door I smell candy. Around my door I taste mango melted candy. Around my door I feel bumpy music. To open my door I have to put my hand on the door. My door is made of wood. On my door there are flowers and clouds. When I put my ear to the door, I can hear hip pop music.
When I step through my door, I am 18 years old. I see fluffy clouds, I hear hip pop music, I feel fluffy clouds, I taste mango melted candy, and I smell mango melted candy. I am with my mom, my nanana, and my brother. I am able to do fun games and watch TV. These are the rules on the other side of my door: Everyone is able to get mango candy, cherry gummies, chocolate chip cookies
The Mysterious Creature
Kelvin B.
Kelvin is a kind kid from Long Beach. He likes to read, write, and play a lot of games. He hopes you enjoy his piece about his amazing future.
Something weird happens.
To get to my door I have to cross a bridge before a giant megalodon gets me. Around my door there are two branches, bubbles, and two tree trunks. Around my door I hear a mysterious creature eating a rabbit and animals running from the mysterious creature that is chasing them and trying to kill them. There are bones on the other side of the door. I feel mushrooms growing on the branches that are on my door. “I taste honey,” I say.
I open my door and start running for my life. The creature chases me and the animals. The mysterious creature is a saber tooth tiger. It hunts at day and sleeps at night. On the trees there are strawberries that heal you whenever you’re hurt and they regrow automatically.
My door saves me from the saber tooth tiger trying to bite me.
Malik C.
Something happens. A door drops from the sky and then you walk in.
Hi, my name is Malik. You have to slide down a 1,000 foot slide! And when you’re done going down the slide you will see moons and stars around my door. After that you will have to type your favorite song and then you can start to hear your song. Then you will smell a strong mint smell. After that you will taste mint chocolate chip milkshakes. Then you will feel squishy marshmallows and you will have a marshmallow pillow and blanket. You will have five minutes to sleep and then my guards will wake you up. To open my door you will have to jump two times and spin two times. My door will be made of metal.
On the other side of my door, I am going to be 40 years old. I will be with my mom, dad, brother, sister, uncle, auntie, friends, and puppies. I will be able to drive a car and fly an airplane and flying car. My rules are you have to adopt 5,000 puppies, help the homeless, and get free ice cream of every ice cream in the world. I will feel marshmallows and a fluffy pillow.
Candy Planet
Micah F.
Micah is a writer from Los Angeles who loves to roller skate and draw cool pictures. She likes to do make up and paint and when she is not, you will find her at the mall.
As I turn the corner, I think, “The marshmallows are back!”
To get to my door I have to run on soft marshmallows. And to get in I have to use finger ID. On my door there are marshmallows. And you can smell chocolate and you can hear a waterfall off in the distance. You can feel Pop It toys and if the ID is not working you have to play Just Dance and you can taste vanilla ice cream. There is a button that says, “Press if you dare.”
When I step in the door I will be 11 and my dog, Tank, and my sister will be there. When I step through my door, I will hear popcorn popping. I will taste Jolly Ranchers and I will see a big door and a dog park with my dog and my uncle’s dog and my aunt’s dog and Ms. Stafford, her dog will be there. And I will be able to fly. And these will be the rules on the other side of my door: No one can enter with shoes and you have to wear socks or slippers. To get in my house you have to say the secret code: lalaow.
Noah J.
The most amazing thing happens. A door of everything I have ever wanted becomes possible.
To get to my door, I have to follow the arrows. Around my door I see monster statues. Around my door I smell sherbert and I hear monkeys. Around my door, I taste apple pie sweat. I feel my falling shoes because they hit my head. To open my door I have to say a secret code. My door is made out of lava. On my door there is a sign that says, “Beware. If you come, have Noah’s trust. If you don’t have Noah's trust, the monsters will eat you.” When I put my ear to the door, I can hear dinosaurs.
When I step through my door, I will be 12 years old. I will be with Micah, Sebastian, Nia, Eden, Ronny, Kaylay, Jeremiah, Andre, KaliRose, TT, Logan, Mom, Jolie, and family Jayden. I will be able to play soccer and see dinosaurs having candy. Rules will be that everybody has candy. You can’t come with no trust. You must fight a T-Rex to play soccer. You must have a phone. Give me toys. All the toys in the world.
My Future is a Flower
Ryleigh S.
Ryleigh is very smart and she can draw. She is Ms. Stafford’s fav! She is a helper to her old teachers. Now she hopes that you love her book to her future.
Then, something happens! My door opens and I see a tiny rope in my way.
To get to my door I have to go backwards from a tiny rope with slippery soup. Around my door I see cloud fluff, plants, and flowers. Around my door I hear flowers talking and candy trees and I smell flowers and mint. I taste mint and candy. I feel awesome. To open my door I use a flower handle. My door is made of cloud fluff and wood. On my door there are cloud fluff, plants, and flowers. When I put my ear to the door, I can hear dolphins.
When I step through my door, I will be 18 years old. I will see pink dolphins. I will hear rabbits talking. I will feel awesome. I will taste mint chocolate chip ice cream. I will smell mint. I will be with Jolie, Malik, Leagcy, Kadin Kali, Micah, Noah. I will be able to play with my best friends. These will be the rules on the other side of my door: no hitting, you have to be nice, if anyone yells at someone then they get locked out my door.
In conclusion, my door is a great way to be chill.
The Candy Door
Sebastian S.
Sebastian is very into games like Minecraft and Roblox. He hopes everyone will be a good reader and writer.
To get to my door, I have to ride a 10,000,000 long cart ride that takes 10,000,000,000 minutes. And it’s satisfying. Around my door I see huge ice cream and chocolate trees, rivers filled with chocolate that is white and brown. Around my door I hear gingerbread animals. Around my door I smell chocolate and ice cream. Around my door I taste chocolate and ice cream. Around my door I feel good. To open my door I have to eat my door and I will not get sick or fat. I have one minute to get inside. My door is made of gingerbread, chocolate, and ice cream.
When I step to my door, I will be 42 years old. When I step to my door, I will see ice cream that is the floor and chocolate that is the water.
Jeremiah’s Cool Future
Jeremiah M.
Jeremiah is a sports player. He lives in Los Angeles. He loves to learn. If he is not working, you can see him curled up playing Roblox. He plays Madden 2K and Fortnite. He hopes his story excites you.
Something magical happens. My door can talk and he says, “Come in.”
To get to my door I have to sing a Christmas song. Around my door I see a picture of me, gold bars, money, footballs, baseballs, and also basketballs. Around my door I hear my favorite song, “Jingle Bells.” Around my door I smell air freshener mixed with peppermint also. Around my door I taste a sprinkle donut chocolate milk. Also I feel so much fluffy stuff like cotton candy. The flavor is strawberry. To open my door I have to sing a Christmas song. My door is made of shiny metal because if somebody tries to get in my door it won’t break even if they try to blow it up. On my door there is so much amazing stuff that I like and are cool. The cool stuff is Jordans, math, and a picture of me helping someone. When I put my ear to my door, I hear joyful music. I love it so much and it is so much music. It almost made me scream.
I will run into my door. I will see so many animals like horses and monkeys. I will hear dogs barking. And I will smell peppermint mixed with donuts with chocolate glazed sprinkles. And I will taste cotton candy. The flavor is strawberry. Also I will feel so much fluffy stuff like a pillow and a lab puppy. And I forgot, I will be ten years old.
I will be with my uncle, my aunties, mom, cousins, sisters, and friends. Some things I will be able to do are be in the NFL, clean up the world, help the homeless, change the earth. I will feel amazed because the rules will be that everybody be smart, be free. Don’t let anybody break you down.
826LA envisions a Los Angeles where every child has access to quality writing education and is empowered to express themselves creatively through writing. We envision a Los Angeles where every teacher is supported in their writing-based educational objectives.
826LA is dedicated to unlocking and cultivating the creative power of writing for students ages 6 to 18, and to helping teachers inspire their students to write.
How we advance our mission: A nonprofit organization, our services are structured around our understanding that great leaps in learning can happen with one-on-one attention, and that strong writing skills are fundamental to future success.
With this in mind, we provide after-school tutoring in all subjects, evening and weekend workshops, in-school programs, field trips, college access, help for English language learners, and assistance with student publications.
All of our programs are challenging and enjoyable, and ultimately strengthen each student’s ability to express ideas effectively, creatively, confidently, and in their own voice.
Core Values
826LA values joy in the service of achieving educational goals. Our community norms value diversity, equity, inclusion, and access. We therefore prioritize partnerships with Title 1 Schools, engagement with historically marginalized populations, and training and deploying community-
826LA offers a variety of in-person and virtual programming.
After-School Writing Programs
Mondays through Thursdays, students attend 826LA for after-school writing programs. Students participate in community building activities, work on homework or reading with trained tutors, and of course, write! Students submit their writing for inclusion in chapbooks, which 826LA publishes twice a year. To celebrate students’ hard work, 826LA unveils these chapbooks at book release parties, where students read their work to thunderous applause from their volunteers, families, and peers.
Field Trips
During the week, 826LA invites teachers and their students to our writing labs to participate in a morning of collaboration, creativity, and writing. Whether Storytelling & Bookmaking, Well-Wishing & Poetry, Choose Your Own Adventure, or Memoir, field trips at 826LA support teacher curriculum and student learning by offering a safe space for students to be their most imaginative and to work on their writing skills. In a few short hours, students brainstorm, write, edit their work, and leave with something tangible—a bound book—as well as a renewed confidence in their ability to tell their stories.
Field Trips
During the week, 826LA invites teachers and their students to our writing labs to participate in a morning of collaboration, creativity, and writing. Whether Storytelling & Bookmaking, Well-Wishing & Poetry, Choose Your Own Adventure, or Memoir, field trips at 826LA support teacher curriculum and student learning by offering a safe space for students to be their most imaginative and to work on their writing skills. In a few short hours, students brainstorm, write, edit their work, and leave with something tangible—a bound book—as well as a renewed confidence in their ability to tell their stories.
In-Schools Programs & Writers Rooms
Because not all students can come to us, 826LA brings specially trained volunteer tutors into classrooms throughout Los Angeles. There, volunteers provide one-on-one or small group assistance with writing projects. 826LA works with teachers to craft all projects, which are designed to engage students while targeting curricular needs. In addition to visiting twenty schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District each year, 826LA has additional sites within Manual Arts High School, Roosevelt High School, and Venice High School called The 826LA Writers’ Rooms.
826LA’s workshops bring students together with artists, writers, and professionals for creative collaboration. Whether the subject is journalism or preparing for the zombie apocalypse, our workshops foster student creativity while strengthening writing skills. This program includes two long running partnerships with Paramount Pictures and the Hammer Museum.
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For as little as ten dollars each month, we’ll deliver writing from our brilliant, emerging authors right to you! Go to 826LA.ORG/DONATE and click on FUTURE BESTSELLERS CLUB to join
Jaime Balboa
Executive Director
Diego Quevedo Chief of Staff
Shani Foster Director of Education
Pedro Estrada Programs & Operations Manager, Echo Park
Mike Dunbar Programs & Operations Manager, Mar Vista
Mateo Acosta
Associate Director of Community Engagement
Carinne Mangold Store and General Operations Manager
Time Travel Marts in Echo Park & Mar Vista
Alma Carrillo Development and Communications Manager