1 minute read
Super Cat
from Glimpses of Magic: 2021–22 Writing from 826michigan's After-school Writing Lab Students
by 826michigan
T.W. Cheng
Age 9
Super Cat
Once upon a time, there was a cat named Splat. He was very naughty; he loved fish and would do anything for some. His friend would always try to stop him, but he would not listen. One day, he was licking his fur like usual, and he saw someone selling fish. His friend already knew what he was up to, but nothing would stop him from getting to the fish. When the seller saw that he stole one of his fish, he ran after him with his stick and said, “HEY! Get back here.” Splat ran for his life, but he was not paying much attention to where he was going and ran face first into a tree. But not just any tree, the magic tree, and BOOM—he became Super Cat.