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Hiromichi McDonald

Age 7



Chapter 1

When the dragon was born, the mom and dad were thinking of a name for the dragon. While they were thinking, an oil monster killed the mom and disappeared into thin air and left a clue. That clue was a map.

Chapter 2

That map led to the oil monster’s castle.

Then, the dad thought of a name. The name was Flame. A month later, it was Flame’s birthday. The dad gave him a fire crystal. The fire crystal has fire power. Meanwhile, at the oil monster’s castle, the oil monster was planning to steal the fire crystal to make more of him.

Chapter 3

The dragon was learning to fly with his dad in a tree. When he looked down, he saw Hamburger Man. Hamburger Man was hungry. He asked Flame to cook hamburgers. Flame cooked hamburgers with his fiery breath. When Hamburger Man was about to leave, he gave Flame a piece of fire crystal.

Chapter 4

When Flame was twenty-one, he planned to go to the oil monster’s castle. First, Flame has to go to the land of one-thousand shadows. Then, he has to find the oil monster’s castle. When he was close to the land, it was raining shadows.

Chapter 5

When he was close to the land, it was raining shadows.

“Someone is coming.”

Then, Flame noticed that he was surrounded by oil monsters with weapons in their hands. The boss had one too. Flame was about to attack, he felt

something in his hands. He looked and saw that he was connected to chains to a cell as dark as a bottomless well. Flame did not know how to get out of the cell until he noticed a lever. He pulled the lever down with his tail. Then, his arms were free, but he was still in a cell. Flame was so angry that he melted the metal bars. Flame finally got to the oil monster’s door. The door was locked, but Flame could go through the door because the door is made of wood. Flame burned the door until it was a pile of ashes. Flame killed the oil monster with a fire slash.

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