1 minute read


by Ethan Kelly

there once Was a boy in Italy. His name was Flats. Flats, as you can tell, was flat. And he was also very tall.


When Flats went to school, he couldn’t fit in well. When it was art time, he ran out into the hallway.

Though Flats could do something special: Flats could change colors. When he played Hide-and-Seek, he always won.

In fact, he made it to the World Championship of Hide-and-Seek and took home the big, gold trophy. Then, one day, a new man came to Italy.

He said, “I am the Hide-and-Seek Champion of Scotland. I hear there’s a boy named Flats. Bring him here!”

“What do ya want, punk?” said Flats.

The man exclaimed, “I want the title of World Champion that you possess. I challenge you to Hideand-Seek. If you win, you will be the best Hide-andSeeker.”

“And if you win?” asked Flats.

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