ur story begins in the land of Food Town, where a fairy egg named Mya lives in a castle in the mountains. In the forest, there is a magical tree with a golden trunk and rainbow leaves where
all the fairy eggs are born. Their shells are rainbow-colored and crack to make little rainbow fairy eggs. Food Town smells like scrambled eggs, chocolate, and pizza. The mountains are covered in cracked
gooey, slimy cracked eggs. Nearby, there is a spooky cave. The fairy egg castle is at the top of the mountain. It has a secret door with an elevator that takes you to the top of the castle. All around, you can hear the sound of eggs cracking. Sometimes it’s good because a
new egg is being born and sometimes it’s bad, because it means an egg has been cracked!
One day, Mya was exploring the mountains, looking for pizza gum. She went into the spooky cave, where a mean dragon lived. The spooky dragon shrieked
and scared her. All of a sudden, she fell. CRACK! Her eggshell cracked!
The rainbow tree sent out a warning sound. It was was the sound of a siren mixed with the sound of eggs cracking. The dragon kept roaring.
A group of knights
heard the siren and the roaring. They rode their giant chocolate squirrels toward the sound of the dragon’s roar all the way to the spooky cave. There, they saw Mya and her the cracked shell. The knights decided to help her.