3 minute read

The Crazy Train

The Abyss Herald teleported Lumine away, into a dark room, where there was someone sitting at the front of the room. “Hello, sister.” Lumine stared at the person in front of her “Lucid . . . is that you?” “You are right, Lumine. I have finally found you.” “Lucid . . . let’s go home!” “Home . . . wherever we are together . . . I’m sorry Lumine, I can’t yet, not until you have explored the whole world and experienced the evilness of the Archons, not until I have taken over Zhong with the Abyss. But take your time, explore this world. Until you get to the very end, I cannot go with you. But don’t worry, we have always had enough time.” Lumine smiled, understanding what Lucid said. “Alright Lucid, but promise me, you’ll wait for me.” “I promise.” Lucid held Lumine’s hand. “Are you ready?” “Yes.” Lumine looked back at Zhong one more time, smiling sadly at Ning. “I guess this is goodbye.” “Bye bye, Lumine. Ning will miss you. I hope you come to visit us again someday.” “I promise I will, and when I do, I’ll bring you gifts from another world.”

Camille White, Age 10


Camille White, age 10, lives in Dearborn Hills, Michigan. She likes to write because she is able to express her creativity. In addition to writing, she enjoys ice skating as well as watching movies and TV shows. Reading books inspires Camille’s writing. She loves creating stories for others to read and enjoy. She would like to live in a world where there are no bad people and everyone is kind.

The Crazy Train

There was a girl named Nicole Marie Brown. She was a pretty black girl with gorgeous thick curly hair. Nicole is extremely smart but very underestimated. When she was a little girl in school she was moved up two grade levels because she was so smart. She has a very warm and calm personality and she can go with the flow. Two years ago, Nicole moved from Jamaica to New York City! There she is a lawyer. In fact, she is one of the top lawyers in all of New York City! Nicole gets some time off of work and decides that she wants to go visit her family back in Jamaica. So, she schedules her flight, and from there, everything takes an unexpected turn. Nicole ends up getting on the wrong flight and ends up in Japan! When she arrives in Japan she has no idea where she is. When she figures out that she is in Japan, she’s very confused, nervous and stressed. Nicole has to scramble to find a hotel at the last minute. Finding a hotel is extra hard because most of the people are not very fluent in English. When she is finally able to find and check into a hotel, she calls her family to tell them what happened. At this point Nicole is very tired, hungry, and filled up with anxiety. When she calls her family, her mom picks up and says, “Hey honey, are you OK?” Then Nicole proceeds to tell her what happened. Her mom says, “Well, puttus, is there anything that I can do?” (Puttus is a term that means sweetheart or honey bunch in Jamaican according to Google.) Nicole’s mom Tianna is very caring and protective over all of her children, especially Nicole, being her only girl and her youngest. Nicole then says, “Muma, I’m fine, although I could use some more funds. I would just use my own, but it would be a lot harder to get funds from my bank account because almost none of the people here speak English and I don't understand what they are saying,” explains Nicole. Nicole’s mom then says, “Oh no, you save your money sweetheart. I will send you some money.” Nicole comes from a pretty well off family. Her father was a neuropathologist who discovered CTE, also known as Chronic Traumatic En-

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