1 minute read
by Jada Joseph, age 12
Earth is completely destroyed. NASA has relocated to Mars. My mission is to find a new planet that is a better Earth. First planet is a planet that is self-explanatory. The planet of fake butts, face lifts, and Botox. The creatures there are brutal. Glossy, human-like figures who live in front of cameras. If you lose your fame you become a thin, sleep-deprived freak. The giant mansions light up the night sky, you will never find a star. The famous Kardashians and Jenners relocated to this planet. Believe it or not, they look the realest out of them all. I try to zoom past but something catches my eye. The planet of life. This planet has the greenest grass I have ever seen. The only creatures here are bees and anything that melts your heart. I will never let anyone near this planet, it’s too perfect. On to the next. The Planet of Death, pitbulls trained to be horrible. Trees without leaves. Unbearable climates and too many mentions of death. On to the next planet. The Planet of Mystery. This Planet is meant to be discovered. It’s made for development and finding answers and it’s a complete clone of Earth. This planet is perfect. Now just one button . . . No, I can’t. They destroyed Earth. I can’t forgive them for that. “Hi this is Astronaut 2 reporting to Mars. Send all children to Planet 5522. If any adults that are mean and don’t care about the planet or their family, send them to 1100, Planet of Death. And the leftovers, send them to 5050, the Planet of Mystery.” I say. “We don’t know those planets but we will send them,” control says.
“We trust you.”
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